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9/27/2020 9:30 am  #11

Re: Death Blade

In a neighborhood not to far from where Officer Jackson was killed, a young cop named Ortiz was trying to settle a dispute.

Grumpy man: Look lady, you hit my car, and you're going to pay for it!

Angry woman: I didn't hit you! You rolled up into me! You're behind me! How could I hit you?

Grumpy man: You hit the brakes out of nowhere! This is all your fault.

Officer Ortiz: Can we all calm down here? Why don't you let your insurance handle the dispute here?

Grumpy man: I-I don't have any!

Angry woman: Me either.

Officer Ortiz: Of course not. *sigh* I need to go radio this in. Give me you licenses please.

The two disputing drivers handed Ortiz what he wanted, and he went back to his car. Before he could radio in, he noticed another cop car in a nearby alley. He recognized it as belonging to veteran officer Roberts, and approached with gun drawn to see if he needed backup. He found a horrible sight, as the balding, mustached officer was in the middle of raping a prostitute.

Officer Ortiz: Roberts? What the fuck are you doing?

Officer Roberts: What? Ortiz? You want a turn after me. Hehe.

Prostitute: Please help me! He's raping me!

Officer Roberts: Shut up you dumb whore. You can't rape a bitch like you. You're always asking for it. This badge and this gun say I don't have to pay for a damn thing, and you'll give me what I want!

Officer Ortiz: Roberts! You have to stop now! Get off of her or-

Officer Roberts: Or what? You'll arrest me? You little spic bastard. You don't have the gu-

Suddenly a figure out of the darkness grabbed Roberts by what little hair he had left, and cut his throat.

Officer Ortiz: Whoa! What the fuck? Freeze! You're under arr-

The figure rushed Ortiz, and stabbed him in the stomach, before slicing his throat. The prostitute ran, as the killer marveled at their work. Two dead cops for the price of one. What a bargain.

The next day, Detective Blade spent some time with Kelly Newton. The two walked in Central Park, and enjoyed their time together talking. Blade was smiling and laughing, putting aside the other feelings in his mind, and the thing he wanted to tell her most, because right now, they both just needed to feel happiness. They went over to a bridge, and Kelly performed some of her dance moves, while Trevor sat and marveled at them. He knew when she was growing up that ballet was on her mind, but she had the skill and the moves to turn it into a career from what he was seeing right now. She twirled and lifted his leg high up into the air, ending with a bow. Blade stood up and rapidly applauded. 

Trevor Blade: Best dancing I've ever seen! That was wonderful! Look! You're getting a standing ovation. The crowds! The crowds are on their feet! Everyone get back. I know this girl!

Kelly Newton: Hehe, you're too much Trevor. You were always a joker, or at least you were. It's nice seeing you smile again.

Trevor Blade: Let's say, you're giving me a reason to.

Kelly Newton: Yeah, that goes both ways. Was I really that good though?

Blade picked her up, twisted her around, and kissed her.

Trevor Blade: It was wonderful.

The two spent the rest of the day having fun, before heading back to Kelly's place. She set up a blanket on the roof off the building and some candles, so the two of them could have dinner there.

Kelly Newton: I don't cook as well as I dance, but this should be great. You know, it's still kind of weird have a romantic dinner like this with my brother's best friend. You spent so much time at our house after the war, it was like you were a part of the family almost. I have to admit, I always had a crush on you though. Trevor? Trevor are you alright?

Blade was leading against a clothes line, looking out at the night sky, and holding back a tear.

Trevor Blade: Uh, now that you mention John, I-

Kelly Newton: I'm sorry Trevor, I didn't mean to-

Trevor Blade: No, it's fine. It's something we need to talk about. Maybe in a better time and place than this though, I mean, you did such a good job with all of this, but I have to get it out.

Kelly Newton: Alright. It's fine. You can talk to me.

Trevor Blade: After I tell you this, you may never forgive, and-and I'll understand that.

Kelly Newton: Trevor, you're-

Trevor Blade: I killed him.

Kelly Newton: What?

Trevor Blade: I killed John Kelly. I killed him. I didn't put him in that hospital bed. I didn't leave him unable to move, but I did kill him. I could take it, seeing him like that. He was my best friend, and my brother. We killed to keep each other alive, but I never thought I'd have to kill him. I couldn't leave him like that. Could we expect to just leave him like that? You and I would watch him rot away in a bed painfully, unable to do anything but blink. Killing is-is easy for me. Too easy. That was easy to do too. I just cut the cord and walked away, but it stuck with me. It's the only one that does. The only one that hurts and never stops hurting, and I did it to save hi-

Kelly Newton: Trevor, do you think I didn't know?

Trevor Blade: What? You knew?

Kelly Newton: I assumed. Who would cut his cord like that and why? I knew he didn't want to be left like that, and you spent the most time with him. Also, all of his debts were paid at the same time. For a Detective, you didn't really cover your tracks on that one very well.

Trevor Blade: I guess I wasn't thinking like a Detective.

Kelly Newton: I spent some time away, to really think about things, and I mulled over the possibility that you had done that. I can't imagine how hard that was. Trevor, you freed my brother, one last time.

They embraced, before pulling away enough for Trevor to kiss Kelly. She felt a rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth that left her limp. And the saddening thoughts of John were blurred and drowned to nothingness. He bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing on a dizzy rooftop. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tightly. He wanted to make the pain go away, and she was the best medicine. He carried her to the blanket, and cleared it off. They ripped off each other's clothes in a fit of lust, and made love under the starry night sky.


9/29/2020 4:05 pm  #12

Re: Death Blade

Detective Blade pulled up the scene of a crime, the one that saw the deaths of two more police officers. He took off his shades, and rubbed his eyes. The long night with Kelly, mixed with his current lifestyle, was getting to be a little draining. He thought about the white powder in his pocket for a pick me up, but he was interrupted in that thought by Chief Roma.

Chief Roma: Blade, what took you so long.

Trevor Blade: Chief? I wasn't staying at home last night. What are you doing here?

Chief Roma: Had to witness the shit show for myself. These cops, deserve our best, and the Mayor is wanting results. We can't have any more of this shit! I'm going to have another ulcer.

Trevor Blade: Two cops at once this time?

Chief Roma: It looks like it. We have a witness though. She couldn't describe the killer very well, except that he looked unkempt. Other than that, she couldn't even give a description worthy of a sketch. It's bullshit, but it gets worse. She says that one of our boys was raping her.

Trevor Blade: I'm sorry, but what?

Chief Roma: She said he was raping her. We think it was Roberts.

Trevor Blade: That motherfucker.

Chief Roma: Now hold on. Roberts was one of us, and she might be lying. For all we know she's fucked up out of her mind, and using that to try and frame a good cop.

Trevor Blade: Or, we have assholes as cops who think they can get away with shit like this.

Chief Roma: We're keeping it out of the reports for now.

Trevor Blade: Of course you are. That's bullshit Chief. If you're guilty then you're guilty. We shouldn't cover it up.

Chief Roma: I said for now. We're going to investigate this, but right now the top priority is the "Cop Killer".

Trevor Blade: Heh. It's really fucking funny. To that prostitute, the "Cop Killer" must look like a savior right now, but I'm still going to find him, because of the good lives he's taken. Ortiz didn't deserve this.

Chief Roma: Neither did Roberts! He was one us dammit!

Trevor Blade: Let's just make sure this "investigation" doesn't slip through the cracks. Alright Chief?

Chief Roma: Don't try and tell me how to do my job, and don't assume you know me Blade. I stand by my fellow cops, but if we find out that he really did rape that woman, then I'll make sure it's well known! However, because of that, his wife and two children won't receive his benefits. How about that for justice Blade? Does that make you feel better?

Trevor Blade: None of this makes me feel anything but rage, and sick to my stomach.

Later that night, Blade was driving down the street, trying to reconcile his feelings about the case, and thinking about the pattern of the "Cop Killer". Suddenly, someone ran in front of his car. He slammed the brakes, but it looked like he hit them.

Trevor Blade: Sir? Are you alright out there? Hang on I'm coming!

Blade left his gun in the car, as he left it to check on the person he hit. He saw a body, but was taken aback by the hair, the curly ginger hair, that was very familiar. The figure turned over laughing.

Oscar: Haha! We found you killer man! We found you!

Trevor Blade: You? You little shithead! What is this? Wait. What did you just say? We?

Suddenly, a glass bottle flew from the nearby alley, and shattered on Blade's head. He stumbled back as blood spilled down the front of his face. He backed away to his car, but another X'er slammed the door shut.

Roscoe: You fucked with the wrong people asshole. Now, you, and your whole world are about to get fucked up!

Oscar: Oh you know it man! We're just getting started!

Blade got to his feet and punched Oscar, but Roscoe held his arms, and Oscar fired back, hitting Blade in the stomach in the face. He put on a pair of brass knuckles.

Oscar: You should've killed me killer man, you really really should've killed me!

Oscar punched Blade in the face. He spit out a tooth at the X'er.

Trevor Blade: I'll remember that for next time you son of a bitch!

Andres: There won't be a next time cop.

Blade looked around. He suddenly saw X'ers creeping out of the shadows of the alley, and one among them seemed to be most revered.

Andres: They call me Andres, but you can call me a messenger of God, because he's calling for you. He's begging for you to go home, and answer why you killed one of his favorite sons. My brother. You killed my brother.

Trevor Blade: I'm a Detective asshole. You know what you're doing right now?

Andres: I'm not talking to the cop. We know who you really are. The killer. The one that calls himself Death right? You killed gangsters and pedophiles, and I won't fault you for that. It helped my business thrive. You cleared out the Ghouls, and I thank you for that too. But then, you went and did the stupidest fucking thing you could ever do. You killed my brother, and you made an enemy of the X'ers.

Trevor Blade: You're just street trash, that doesn't give a fuck if anyone lives or dies. You prey on the innocent, and you keep getting away with it. Look. The red headed step child over there, is already back out on the streets. You're right, I should've killed you. You won't learn, and you won't change.

Andres: You're losing focus here man. We're got you surrounded 20 to 1. You're at our mercy. God is wondering what makes you think you can excuse your behavior. I see him, I see God. He's not happy with you. You killed my brother, the biggest sin.

Trevor Blade: How many people did he kill? How many people have you killed? Fuck it. I don't care. You want me to beg for mercy? Go fuck yourself.

Andres: We're going to have fun with this one. Grab him, and smash him against that car door. Hold him there!

Oscar and Roscoe held Blade against his car door. The window was down, and he tried to reach his hand in, when Andres suddenly pulled out a switchblade and slashed Blade's face.

Trevor Blade: Ah! Dammit!

Andres: They crucified Jesus for the sins of man. I'll crucify you for your sins. They'll find you skinned and bolted to the car here. We'll leave you out here to rot, to show everyone, cops and future victims alike, that the X'ers run the show, and no vigilante psycho cop is going to stop us!

Andres stabbed Blade in the shoulder, and then in the side. He screamed, and visions flashed of his torture in Vietnam. The sudden flashes of pain, violence, and rage suddenly subsided, as the cold blood killer inside, had leaned far enough into the car to grab the gun.

Andres: Time to die Blade.

Trevor Blade: So we agree.

Blade freed his hand and pointed it directly as Andres. The X'er leader panicked and moved Roscoe in the way. The bullet blew the top of his head off, sending the fragments into Andres's face. The other X'ers began to back off, as Andres and Oscar both backed into the darkness.

Andres: You'll wish you died here when you find out what we did.

Blade fired at him, but missed. He thought about giving chase, but thought back to what Andres had just said. In a sudden rush of fear and realization, Blade ran back to his car, and rushed to Kelly's house as quickly as he could. He made it from one end of town to the other faster than he'd ever had before, running every red light on the way. He pulled up to see her apartment window lit up, but the light was red. Blade rushed up the stairs, his heart pounding, and his fears rising. He hit her floor and saw her door was wide open. He ran in and shock set in, as he struggled to process what he was seeing. A horrific display lay before him, as John's younger sister was cut to pieces on the floor, the red light coming from the blood on the light bulb. He screamed as he fell to the floor. He crawled over to her and clutched her in his arms. The pain of losing his wife, John, and now Kelly, were all flooding through him. He smashed the lamp giving off the red glow and flipped over the table, pulling out his gun and putting it in his mouth. He closed his eyes and screamed, but the anguish turned to anger. The familiar beating of his heart, getting louder and louder. The unrelenting rage. 

With the blood still fresh on his body, and covered in bruises and wounds from his meeting with the X'ers, Trevor Blade returned to his car, made sure his gun was loaded, and stoically drove away. A voice inside of him spoke as he drove.

Trevor Blade: *to himself* You know what you are, What you're made of. Killing is in your blood. Don't fight it now. Not now of all times. You might not have killed for your country, or for justice. Maybe, you killed for yourself. God is never gonna make that go away. What's a little more blood then? What's a lot more blood? I'm coming for you motherfuckers.

     Thread Starter

10/01/2020 12:43 am  #13

Re: Death Blade

The X'ers celebrated their successful night of terror, murder, and destruction. Inside of their hide out, they lit a big fire, and crowded it around it, tossing alcohol into the air, and flailing around like lunatics, while Andres stood over them on a steel girder.

Andres: My people, my subjects, my sheep. Your Shepard has taken care of the wolf hounding us, with his blood soaked fangs. This city, belongs to us. The cops, they should've figured that shit out by now, but this menace needed our extra touch. He took my brother, and I took his love, his only chance at happiness, and now this broken man has learned a teachable lesson, that he can pass on. That pain will permeate, and anyone that sees him will know not to fuck with the X'ers. Live it up boys. You earned this one.

The crazed group carried on in a frenzy, as Andres went to a nearby sink, to wash what was left of Roscoe's head off his face.

As the partying carried on into the late hours, Oscar made his way out onto the street. Downing his bottle, he smashed it on the ground and laugh hysterically. He saw a young woman across the street hide her face and try to walk away faster.

Oscar: Hey bitch, where the fuck do you think you're going! We're celebrating tonight! Me and all my friends! We'd love if you come on over.

Young woman: Please, just leave me alone.

Oscar: You think I'm asking or something? No way!

Oscar pushed the young woman against a brick wall, and brandished his switchblade.

Oscar: You see the X? I'm an X'er bitch. That means, if I want to fuck you in the ass while the rest of my boys fill your other holes, then that's exactly what I'm going to fucking do.

Young Woman: God! Please no!

Oscar: God ain't here bitch!

Trevor Blade: No, but I am!

Blade grabbed Oscar and threw him to the ground. The young woman ran off as Blade cocked his gun and slowly stalked Oscar, who was backing away in a panic.

Oscar: No man. No man. No man. How did you find us?

Trevor Blade: You don't hide well. Especially when you're trying to rape someone out in the open. You sick mother fucker. You're a waste of life. You don't deserve to live. You hurt, and you hurt, and you're just going to keep on hurting aren't you?

Oscar: Leave me alone man! I-

Blade shoved the gun into Oscar's mouth, tearing out several teeth in the process.

Trevor Blade: You're going to tell me where the others are, if you want this to end. You point. Point to which building they're in. They can't be far.

Oscar pointed over by the pier, to the abandoned factory by the waste disposal.

Trevor Blade: There? That's the building? You nod if it is!

Oscar: *nods*

Trevor Blade: I bet you want mercy right? Would that be justice? Laws are meant to protect the innocent but they don't always work do they? If they did, you'd never be allowed back on the streets after I already took you in. No, they let you out, and you did unspeakable things to Kelly. You were there right? Of course you were, don't try to deny it. So mercy huh? I'll tell you what. I'll give you the mercy you gave her, and make this quick!

Trevor pulled the trigger, and blew the back of Oscar's skull off. The brains and blood splattered all over the side walk. Blade stood up and leaned against the wall, he was still delirious with pain and shock, and it felt like his jaw and a few ribs may have been broken. The adrenaline though. It was rushing. It was rushing like a drug through his veins. He lit a cigarette to breathe in the fire, and tried to figure out his next move. That's when the garbage truck drove by.

Back in the hideout, Andres looked over the partying horde below him.

Andres: Don't worry brother, no punk ass cop is going to stop us from doing whatever the hell we plea-

Suddenly, the garbage truck barrelled into the hideout. The truck smashed through the door and crushed anyone in its path. Others were knocked into the fire pit. The others backed away as the truck slowed to a stop in the center of the grimy hideout.

Andres: Kill the motherfucker! Shoot him now!

The surviving X'ers opened fire on the truck, blasting the driver's seat with a hail of gun fire, but when they opened the truck door, all they found was a cinderblock on the gas.

Andres: What the fu- Look out!

Blade limped out of the back of the truck. He used Oscar's switchblade to stab one of the X'ers in the back, and used him as a human shield, while his friends blasted him with the last of their ammo. Blade threw him down, and pulled out his gun, taking out two of them, while the remaining three took off running. Before he could give chase, he was suddenly taken to the ground by an X'er who was on top on the truck. He was nearly choked out by the crazed meth head, but Blade turned the tables, and flipped him over. Blade started punching his head into the ground. He started breaking fingers from how hard he repeatedly punched the X'er. Over and over until their wasn't much left. As he stared at the blood and guts on his hands, a bullet ripped through his right shoulder. Andres stood atop the girder laughing, as Blade struggled to escape behind the truck.

Andres: Where you going killer? You wanted to fight, and now you're running? They say the streets are afraid of you. I'm not. I don't fear anything. I am fear, stalking you, hunting you. I'm great at it. It's what I live for. You understand that feeling don't you?

Andres jumped off the steel girder and slowly approached the garbage truck.

Andres: We're all animals. We all have our instincts. I love you kill. I'm an artist about it. Did you know, that the human head and see without the body for 30 seconds? When I can, I like to take a head, and hold it up, and turn it around, so it can see its body before it dies. A special service at no extra charge. Do you have any specialties? How do you like to kill? I'm talking to you Blade? Blade? You bleed out on me?

Trevor Blade: No, I'm here.

Andres turned around at the back of the garbage truck. He saw Blade standing there with his gun pointed at him, but he was staggering, and holding the bullet wound with the other hands. Andres chuckled and held up his gun.

Andres: You want to shoot it out? I don't like your chances Blade.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, me either. You said you like to kill creatively? Let's try that!

Blade rushed Andres, taking another bullet in the side, but getting close enough to push him into the garbage truck. Before Andres could climb out he shut the lid.

Andres: You let me out of here Blade! You hear me? Let me the fuck out!

Trevor Blade: When you get to Hell, tell your brother I said hi you mother fucker. This is for Kelly.

Blade pulled the lever that compacted the trash. He listened, as Andres scratched, clawed, and struggled to escape. He screamed and cursed, but Blade stopped listening. All he could hear was the beating of his own heart, while the compacter began to crush Andres. The X'er leader gurgled blood and cursed Blade with his last breath, as the compactor completely crushed him.

Blade limped out of the remnants of the hideout, which he had set on fire behind him. He made it to his car, and stared at the burning building for awhile, before driving away. With two bullet wounds, and the beating from earlier, Blade struggled to remain conscious as he drove. Feeling the blood drain out onto his car seat, he finally had to pull over in a familiar neighborhood. It was the place where Officer Jackson was murdered. He made his way into the Church, and stumbled towards the pews. He lurched forward and fell near the confessionals. He looked up to see Christ on the cross, and once again averted his gaze.

Father Santiago: Oh dear, what's happened to you Detective?

Father Santiago appeared out of a confessional booth, and helped Blade up. Sitting him in the front pew. He ran off, and returned with rags to apply to Blade's wounds.

Father Santiago: We've got to stop that bleeding.

Trevor Blade: It might be too late.

Father Santiago: I don't feel like giving you your last rites Detective.

Trevor Blade: Save them. I don't want them.

Father Santiago: Bitter to the end?

Trevor Blade: Maybe I don't deserve them, or maybe I do. Maybe I should get a thank you for cleaning up the mess. I *cough cough* I see so much death and violence. Unspeakable horror, and I'm the one taking care of it.

Father Santiago: Are you making a confession of some sort?

Trevor Blade :You know the guy that kills all the dirt bags out there? The one the cops have been looking for for two years? That's me.

Father Santiago: I-I already knew that.

Trevor Blade: What gave it away?

Father Santiago: I could tell right away. Someone like me can tell from someone like you. Call it an instinct, or a sign from God.

Trevor Blade: Right.

Father Santiago: You want to punish the wicked, though you are wicked yourself.

Trevor Blade: Maybe it-it takes a monster to kill monsters.

Father Santiago: No. A holy soul is needed to balance the scales. The people are under siege by you. You're a killer, and you take lives that don't belong to you.

Trevor Blade: You think so?

Father Santiago: That's why the other killer is out there. He's killing on the other side, to balance the scales. He killed all those cops, simply because it was needed to keep the balance. One of them, was even raping a prostitute, and he took care of him too.

Trevor Blade: We-we never reported that information to the public.

Father Santiago: Heh. Oops.

Blade tried to draw his gun, but Santiago, dug his thumb into Blade's shoulder wound, and pushed him to the floor.

Trevor Blade: Fuck! You're the "Cop Killer"?

Father Santiago: You wouldn't stop. I had to do it! We're both killers, but I'm doing the work of God! You're in league with the devil! You are the devil!

Trevor Blade: You got me all wrong you sick freak!

Father Santiago: No. I am right. I am righteous. I am justified in killing them, and I'll be justified in killing you. An innocent Priest, putting a stop to the killings once and for all.

Santiago pulled out a knife, and stalked Blade as he backed up into a wall. Santiago bolted on top of Blade, and attempted to stab him in the throat. Blade struggled to fight him off, but the blood loss was making it difficult. Santiago repeatedly bashed the back of Blade's head against the wall. This caused a crucifix to fall from the wall. Blade saw it land, and struggled to reach for it. The knife was getting close to his throat, as Blade grabbed the crucifix and and stabbed it into Santiago's throat. The Priest stumbled back, and tried to pull it out, but it was too deep in, and the blood poured like a fountain. With a look of shock, he fell back, dying at the feet of Christ. 

Blade pulled himself up. He pulled out his gun, and wiped off the prints, before putting it in Santiago's hand. He fell to his knees, succumbing to the blood loss. Before passing out, he looked up at the statue of Christ.

Trevor Blade: Tha-thanks for the hand.

Blade passed out.

2 Week Later, Trevor Blade was standing at the foot of the Mayor's office. People were gathered, and press were taking pictures, as the Mayor put a medal on Blade.

Mayor Ryan Haggar: Detective Trevor Blade, because of your action, the "Cop Killer" has been dealt with, and we can finally rest easy, knowing that our police can continue to work hard to clean up this city, and preserve law, order, and justice.

Trevor Blade: Thank you sir.

Mayor Ryan Haggar: Proud of you son, you're one of the good ones.

Trevor Blade: If you say so sir.

The crowd applauded as Blade feigned a smile. He had not only killed Santiago, but framed his for the deaths of the X'ers as well. He shook hands and took pictures, while hiding his disgust at the scene. It was too much, and before long, he had managed to duck out of the party.

Blade got into his car and began to drive. He grieved for Kelly, John, and his wife, as he thought about all he had done. As the sun set over the horizon, Blade took his cop badge and tossed it out of the window, along with the medal he had received, and drove on a long bridge out of the city.

The End

     Thread Starter

10/02/2020 9:37 am  #14

Re: Death Blade

In a darkly lit room, a man lay asleep. In a cold sweat, he thrashed around his bed, while the sounds of screams penetrated his ears. The hail of bullets, and explosions. People begging for help, only to be abandoned. Images of a lost war, and the war fought on the streets back home. He bolted awake, and sat in the darkness, with his hands covering his face, until he heard voices coming from the darkness.

?: Trevor why? Why did you do it?

Trevor Blade: Laura?

A young brunette stepped out of the darkness, looking pale, and unearthly. The lifeless body seemed to move as it stared at Blade from the foot of his bed.

Laura Blade: Why did you let me die?

Trevor Blade: Laura, I-

Laura Blade: You let me die, and you killed all those people.

Trevor Blade: I-I just wanted to get revenge, and to stop them!

?: What about us Blade? Why did you let us die?

Trevor Blade: What?

Detective Dalton stepped forward. John and Kelly Newton also stepped out of the shadows.

Detective Dalton: I was going to try and protect you. You couldn't even protect me.

John Newton: I was your best friend. You let them do this to me.

Kelly Newton: I opened my heart to you. I healed yours. You let me die.

Trevor Blade: I didn't want any of this to happen! I tried to make them all pay! I killed them all!

?: Did you?

Andres, the leader of the X'ers appeared out of the darkness and held Blade down, as Father Santiago fell from the rafters and plunged a knife into Blade's heart.

Laura Blade: Join us.

Blade screamed as he sat up from the actual end of his nightmare. The hellish visions of those he felt he failed. He tried to quickly chase away those demons with another, and took a big swig from the bottle beside his bed. He got up and went to the bathroom to splash water on his face. He looked in the mirror, and barely recognized what he saw. Long hair and a bushy beard replaced his old clean cut look. Not even when he was held in a POW camp in Nam did he ever let it get this out of control. He remembered an ignorant guard allowed him to use a knife to try and shave by the river. In one second of lapsed attention, Blade jumped out of the river, and shoved the knife into the guard's neck, severing his spinal cord. He could still remember the sound. He hadn't felt a tinge of sympathy about it, not after seeing what the guard had done to innocent women, and his fellow guards. Blade reached for a knife, and brought it to his throat, but decided he didn't want to see the man under the beard anymore. If he'd have left the blade at his neck any longer, he might have just slashed it. Tossing it aside, he stretched his neck as he walked to a window in his place. The creak of the wood under his feet reminded him he wasn't in the concrete jungle anymore. He looked out and saw trees as far as the eye could see. This was were he belonged. Hidden. Hidden and contained. The sun began to rise on the horizon. He was quick to shut the curtains and return to bed.

     Thread Starter

10/21/2020 12:34 am  #15

Re: Death Blade

River's Bend in Upstate New York - 1983

Trevor Blade stepped out of his cabin in the middle of the woods, and stretched, breathing in the cold morning air. He could see it exhale from his body, as he grabbed an axe to cut some fire wood. The sounds of nature surrounded him, interrupted only by the swing of the axe, as it chopped the lumber in half. He chopped and chopped at the wood, more than he needed to, and left half of it sitting outside. He threw pieces into his fireplace and paced around the room. The cabin was nicely designed, with very little inside, Blade set up a punching bag, and he had a radio in the corner. A place to sit, a bed, and table were the only other pieces of furniture in a two story cabin built for a family, his family. He enjoyed the place when his folks used to bring him up. He thought back to the last time he was here, in 1971 before setting off to Vietnam, the decision that was still haunting him to that very second. His paranoia kicked in, when something in the distance tripped a trip wire, setting off rattling cans. He grabbed a scoped hunting rifle from the old pickup truck his family had left there, and set off to determine the source of the sound.

The woods were dense with snow above the cabin, but below there was running water and wildlife all around. Blade took in the scenery, still feeling off put by it. The silence helped him to clear his mind, and yet the woods reminded him of the war, stuck in his own personal Vietnam. He stopped at a clearing, and set up his rifle at the top of a hill. He looked with his scope and saw a female deer drinking water from the creek. He stopped and smiled. He put his gun down, but at that very second a gunshot from the east came ripping through the air, piercing the doe, knocking her to the ground. The stunned Blade ran down to check on the doe, but three hunters came up laughing about it. Drinking beers and celebrating the shot. Blade knew the type, decked out in flannel, and hunting gear, with beer and guns, the type that shouldn't be out in the woods with such firepower. He clenched his gun and gritted his teeth.

Hunter #1: What the fuck do you want? We're a little busy here man!

Hunter #2: Yeah. My pal here just helped us reach our quota for the day.

Trevor Blade: Not quite. She's still alive.

Hunter #3: Huh? Well yeah, that's the point. We want her alive. For a while longer anyways. Our wolves like to eat live am I right boys? Haha!

Blade quickly pulled out his rifle and shot the doe again, killing her mercifully, and ending the suffering. Immediately torn up inside, he pushed down his pain.

Hunter #1: The fuck did you do that for?

Hunter #2: Hey dick head! Don't walk away! We're talking to you!

Hunter #3: That's a gun and half you got there. You want to sell it?

Trevor Blade: That gun you've got is already too big for you.

Trevor Blade ignored whatever the men were saying next. It turned into a blur. All he could hear was the beating of his own heart, and the surging rage. Images of war, and the war he fought on the streets of New York poured through his mind. Suddenly, he felt something on his hand. He pulled his gun towards whatever it was. He looks down to see a baby deer, licking his hand, seemingly lost. Then it hit him.

Trevor Blade: That was your mother wasn't it?

He knelt down and pet the baby deer, surprised at how friendly it was.

Trevor Blade: You should be afraid of me. Well, maybe not me. How do you know I'm not like them huh? What am I going to do with you? *sigh*

Later that day, Blade drove the old family pickup truck into the town of River's Bend. A small town of mostly friendly people. It hadn't changed much since his days visting with his family. He knew exactly where the General Store was, remembering all the times he'd travel through the woods on foot with a couple local friends to grab a soda. He smiled at the memory, and pet his new friend, the baby deer, who calmly sat in the passenger seat. He pulled up to the General Store, and noticed across the street, the three hunters were laughing and drinking, with a truck full of dead deer.

Trevor Blade: Don't look at it. I don't want to look at it either. I've seen a lot of shit, and even I don't want to look at that.

Blade stepped out of the car, and lit up a cigarette, breathing in the fire, and trying to calm his nerves, before walking into the store. There were two people behind the counter. One, was a young brunette, with long hair and suspenders, with enough soot and grease on her face and clothes to give away that she also worked at the mechanic shop next door. The other woman looked to be Blade's age, with pulled back blonde hair and glasses, and a familiar look about her.

General Store Clerk: Well, as I live and breathe. I never thought you'd come down from that mountain. They said you were back though. Guess it was only a matter of time.

Trevor Blade: Do I know you?

General Store Clerk: Well shoot yeah you do. It's me Julie Redden. You remember me don't you?

Trevor Blade: Julie Redden? Wow. Well, I mean yeah I remember you. How could I forget you? I just, I didn't expect to see you in town still.

Julie Redden: Or ever?

Trevor Blade: Well, I-

Julie Redden: Nope. Don't say it. I know how it goes. Young boy seeking adventure, joins the army at the first chance he can, so he can go off and fight some stupid war. I know all about how that can change a man. Just come give me a hug would you? It's been ages.

Trevor complied, giving his old friend a big hug. The warmth felt nice and comfortable, and it put Blade at ease.

Trevor Blade: If I knew you were still in town, I would have come down sooner.

Julie Redden: They said you bought up a bunch of supplies one day when I wasn't here, and you just lived up there in that old cabin all winter. That had to be lonely.

Trevor Blade: It was quiet, and a change of pace. Something I needed.

Julie Redden: Well, what are you doing back here? Planning to stay?

Trevor Blade: I don't know. I'm guess I'm still figuring that out. I was living in New York City, as a Lieutenant Detective.

Julie Redden: A cop huh? Wow, you did change. You used to be the biggest trouble maker in town.

Trevor Blade: Heh, well after the war it seemed like the right thing to do. You're working here I see? Ever get settle down and get married?

Julie Redden: Me? Not a chance. Not with all these beer bellies roaming around town. I think I deserve better. Hehe.

Trevor Blade: You would be right.

Julie Redden: I do own this place though. Yep. It's mine. My own little piece of the American Dream.

Trevor Blade: Well, that's great. I'm glad to see you doing so well.

Julie Redden: Oh business is in the shitter, so I wouldn't go that far. I'll get by though. I always do.

Trevor Blade: I'm sure you will.

Julie Redden: So what can I get you?

Trevor Blade: Hmm?

Julie Redden: You did come in here for something right?

Trevor Blade: Oh! Oh yeah. You're right. I need a baby bottle.

Julie Redden: Huh?

A few minutes later, Blade went out to his truck with a bag full of supplies, and a baby bottle to feed the small deer with. That's when he noticed some rattling under his truck. He looked down to see a pair of legs under the truck, laying on a wheel board like mechanics use. He grabbed the small foot of the person, and pulled them out from under his truck. It was the young girl from the store.

Trevor Blade: What are you doing?

Young Girl: I was checking out your truck. It was rattling on the way in, and I wanted to see if I can fix it.

Trevor Blade: What are you, the town mechanic or something?

Young Girl: No, obviously not. My name is Jane, Jane Barlow. My Dad runs the mechanic's shop next to the General Store.

Trevor Blade: That wouldn't be Paul Barlow would it?

Jane Barlow: How did you know?

Trevor Blade: I know Paul a little, from back in the day. He's a good guy. Good mechanic too. You must take after him.

Jane Barlow: Well, I'm trying, but I don't know if I'm cut out for it. I work at the General Store more often these days, for some extra money.

Trevor Blade: Well, thanks for taking a look at it anyways.

Jane Barlow: I'm just not use to something like this. This truck is older than I am.

Trevor Blade: I've got socks older than you are. What are you 12? 13?

Jane Barlow: Hey! I'm 15!

Trevor Blade: Sorry! Sorry! I won't make that mistake again you little spitfire. Really though, thanks for the help.

Jane Barlow: Is that a deer in your truck?

Trevor Blade: Yes it is. As a matter of fact, it's feeding time I'd think.

Jane Barlow: Can I help?

Trevor Blade: Sure. Why not?

Blade smiled as the excited young girl helped him feed his new friend. For a few bried minutes, he felt distracted enough from his own troubles to crack a smile. Across the street the three hunters were joined by a third man, taller than the others, he was sporting a full brown beard, and shaggy hair, but looked to be more well off and coherent than the three drunken hunters.

Hunter #1: That's the guy Tom. He's the one who shot the deer and gave us grief.

Tom: Him? You're lucky he didn't kick your ass. That's a war veteran.

Hunter #1: Huh? How do you know that?

Tom: He and I go way back. A long way back.

     Thread Starter

10/29/2020 12:58 am  #16

Re: Death Blade

Another night at home, and another night of tossing and turning for Trevor Blade. The sounds of death filled his ears, the sights and smells of war overflowed his senses. He bolted away screaming in anger, pulling out a gun at the sound he had heard, but tried to immdiately calm down when he realized it was the young deer he had taken in. He got up to fill a bottle with milk, slowly walking into the kitchen as he cleared his eyes. As he shut the door on the fridge, he was suddenly startled by the visage of his dead wife.

Laura Blade: You let me die.

Trevor Blade: Ah!

Laura Blade: You let me die, and killed so many people you've lost count. You don't deserve to live. Kill yourself.

Trevor Blade: No! You're not real!

Blade opened his eyes to see he was alone, feeling a nuzzle to his hand, he looked down to see the young deer followed him into the kitchen.

Trevor Blade: You probably think I'm crazy. You're probably right. Probably right.

The next morning, Blade was reawoken to the sounds of knocking on his door. He grabbed his gun and held it behind him, as he slowly opened the door.

Tom: Trevor, I know it's been a while, but you're not going to shoot an old pal are you?

Trevor Blade: Tom? Tom Huddle?

Tom Huddle: Heh. That's right. Long time no see.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, it's been a long time. Heh.

Trevor relaxed a little and shook the hand of his old friend, a face he hadn't thought of in many years. Suddenly, the memories all flooded back.

Trevor Blade: I didn't know you were still in town.

Tom Huddle: Are you kidding? I'm sort of running the place these days. You'd know that if you got out of this cabin every now and then.

Trevor Blade: Another one of you knew I was here? I was just talking to Julie yesterday.

Tom Huddle: Yeah, I saw you there. I didn't want to interrupt. You two were always sweet on each other, no matter how much I tried to butt in and take her myself.

Trevor Blade: Haha! It wasn't like that Tom. I was just getting supplies. You really should have come by. I could use some friendly faces, more than I realized.

Tom Huddle: I didn't want to stir up trouble. Trevor, you sort of got into it with one of my men yesterday.

Trevor Blade: Huh?

Later on, Trevor had gotten dressed, and the two friends walked the streets of the small town together, just like old times.

Trevor Blade: So, you never got drafted huh?

Tom Huddle: No, I stuck around here, when a lot of guys left and didn't come back. Didn't feel too good about it, but I was too much of a chicken shit to volunteer like you did.

Trevor Blade: No, you did the right thing.

Tom Huddle: You've been a cop in New York since coming back? Couldn't get enough of the action huh?

Trevor Blade: I guess not. It took its toll.

Tom Huddle: I'm guessing so. Hey, you were the Blade that took down New York's Cop Killer weren't you? I read about that in the papers. Had no idea that was you.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, that was me. So, those are your friends huh?

Blade stopped as the two saw the three hunters with another truck full of animals, some still barely breathing. A large semi pulled up beside them.

Tom Huddle: Those are my men. That China man there, brings a truck once a month, he pays big money for the animals, prefers them living. He takes their parts and sells them for things like aphrodisiacs. It's a good deal.

Trevor Blade: Not for the animals.

Tom Huddle: You never did like hunting did you? It's funny because of what you ended up doing.

Trevor Blade: What do you mean?

Tom Huddle: In 'Nam. You became a hunter there didnt you?

Trevor Blade: I guess I did. So this is what you do?

Tom Huddle: No, not all that I do. When you left, I was stuck here chopping trees for a living.

Tom raised up a pant leg to reveal his right leg had a limp, because of the metal frame wrapped around it.

Tom Huddle: When I got into an accident, I said the hell with it, and took my savings to start a lumber mill of my own. I've got my little piece of the American dream now, and I'm not too keen on ever giving it up.

Trevor Blade: I'm happy for you Tom.

Tom Huddle: You don't sound too happy.

Trevor Blade: For the mill. I'm happy for the mill. I'm not happy about this.

Tom Huddle: Those boys were trouble around here before I employed them. This keeps them out of trouble, and lets them make some extra cash. Those antlers are worth 2 grand alone. Actually, if you're sticking around long enough, we could use another man. You want in on the action?

Trevor Blade: I've learned to become a hunter, but I'm no butcher.

Tom Huddle: Meaning?

Trevor Blade: I've killed to survive, and when they've had it coming. This isn't that. It's not for me. I'd rather it not be for you either.

Tom Huddle: Well, it is what it is my friend. I'll tell them to stay away from your land if that helps.

Trevor Blade: It does. I appreciate that. I'm going to head home now. I just need some peace and quiet Tom.

Tom Huddle: You wrote me a letter once from 'Nam. You remember that?

Trevor Blade: I do.

Tom Huddle: You were quite poetic about your thoughts. You said "peace exist because of the will to defend it and protect it from outside forces". I'm sorry that I'm the outside force Trev.

Trevor Blade: Yeah. Me too.

Blade walked home through the woods, shaking off the sounds of screams that seemed to echo out of nowhere.

Trevor Blade: Get it together. It's not real. It's not real. It's not-

A real sound shook him out of his trance, as he heard rattling from his cabin. He rushed into the cabin only to see young Jane petting the baby deer.

Trevor Blade: What? What are you doing here?

Jane Barlow: Ah! Don't shoot!

Trevor Blade: Huh? Oh shit! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to draw my gun, but you don't exactly break into a man's house!

Jane Barlow: The door was unlocked! I just wanted to see the deer!

Trevor Blade: *sigh* That's fine, but you really shouldn't go into a man's house when he's not here.

Jane Barlow: You're not mad are you?

Trevor Blade: Heh, no I'm not. It's fine. It's his feeding time anyways.

A couple hours later, Blade was outside grilling, while Jane had the hood of his truck popped open.

Trevor Blade: Isn't your Dad going to be wondering where you are?

Jane Barlow: He trusts me to keep myself out of trouble, especially to stay away from Tom's guys.

Trevor Blade: Are they an issue?

Jane Barlow: Shoot yeah they are. Could you hand a me a wrench?

Trevor Blade: Sure.

Jane Barlow: Yeah, they think they're above the law, because they are. The Sheriff won't do anything about it, because of Tom. He helps him look the other way.

Trevor Blade: Is that right? Explains the animal sale right out in broad daylight.

Jane Barlow: You don't like it either do you?

Trevor Blade: No, I hate it.

Jane Barlow: Aren't you a Cop? Can't you make them stop?

Trevor Blade: No, not as a Cop I couldn't. I was a New York City Detective. This is out of my jurisdiction.

Jane Barlow: Was? So you quit?

Trevor Blade: I don't know kid. As far as they know, I'm on a leave of absense. They were happy to give it to me. "Heroes get to take time off", they told me. I'm no hero, but whatever, I took the time off.

Jane Barlow: So this is your idea of a vacation?

Trevor Blade: Heh. No, it's my idea of containment.

Jane Barlow: What do you mean?

Trevor Blade: I got a mean streak kid, and I had trouble believing in the law anymore. It's better off if I just stay out of the way for now.

Jane Barlow: If you say so. You seem like a nice guy to me. A mean guy wouldn't take in a baby deer. What are you naming him anyways?

Trevor Blade: I don't know. I hadn't thought of it actually. What about Bambi?

Jane Barlow: I think that's already taken.

Trevor Blade: Well, I guess I'll just have to keep thinking then.

As Blade flipped his steak on the grill he turned to see a truck pulling up behind him. A man about his age in suspenders, and an old trucker hat left the truck.

?: You're not bothering poor old Trevor now are you?

Jane Barlow: No. He said I could hang out!

Trevor Blade: I don't remember actually saying that, but it's fine. Paul Barlow is that you?

Paul Barlow: It has been a long time.

Trevor Blade: Today is just full of reunions.

Paul Barlow: Good to see you.

Jane Barlow: How did you know where to find me?

Paul Barlow: It wasn't hard. You've been going on about the "man with the pet deer", like a giddy child.

Jane Barlow: I wasn't that excited about it.

Paul Barlow: Yes you were. You've been in these woods chasing deer since you were old enough to walk, and now you got one you can pet.

Trevor Blade: You hungry Paul? I can throw another steak on.

Paul Barlow: Another time maybe. I got to get back into town. More work to do.

Jane Barlow: Can I stay?

Paul Barlow: No, I need your small hands on for this engine work. Come on.

Jane Barlow: Alright. Bye Trevor.

Trevor Blade: Bye kid.

Paul Barlow: Sorry if she was troubling you.

Trevor Blade: No, she's not hurting anything. Good kid you've got there.

Paul Barlow: Thanks.

Trevor Blade: She was actually working on my truck a little.
Paul Barlow: That old heap still runs?

Trevor Blade: Barely.

Paul Barlow: Why don't you bring that thing down sometime this week. I'll fix it up for you free of charge.

Trevor Blade: Oh yeah? Why would you do that?

Paul Barlow: Call it the old friend discount, or you could call it a favor from one veteran to another.

Trevor Blade: You too huh?

Paul Barlow: I did one tour, and that was more than enough for me. I hear you did a lot more than that. After what I saw over there, I can understand why you want some peace and quiet up here. You've got a friend in town though. You come on down, and I'll fix up your truck. We'll even have a couple beers.

Trevor Blade: Only if I'm buying the beers.

Paul Barlow: Sounds good.

The old friends shook hands before Paul took his daughter home. As they drove away, Blade smiled and flipped his steak again. It had been some time since he thought about these people, but the memories flooded in, and it began to feel like old times. Suddenly a gun shot snapped him out of his happy memories. He looked off in the direction of the shot, before running into the cabin to grab his gun. He carefully made his way to the sound of the shot, only to hear laughing. He looked down and saw the three hunters from before. Despite what Tom had said, the three were still hunting on his grounds, and leaving the animals writhing in agony from their cruelty. He gritted his teeth as he watched them load the boar in the truck. He ran back home to get into his truck and follow them. He parked on a dirt road, a distance from another cabin, where the three men dragged the boar. He sat motionless, staring, hearing only the sound of his own beating heart. A familiar rage and numbness set in, as he took the safety off his gun. He waited for the three men to drive off, before entering the cabin. The place horrified Blade, as dead carcasses and parts in jars, filled the place. He saw the bleeding boar, chained up, and dying on in the corner of the room. He turned his head away as he mercifully ended the boar's pain. In a fit on rage he started trashing the place, smashing every jar, tearing down every horrible reminder of their torture. He went back out to his truck and grabbed a gas can, dousing the place in gas, before lighting it up. The smoke and fire, brought the three hunters back to the location, the trio panicking as they tried to figure out what to do about it. Blade jumped out from the trees behind them, knocking out the youngest hunter with a punch, and throwing another onto the hood of their truck. The oldest hunter, the one that Blade disliked the most, managed to land several blows, but the flash of pain and sight of blood just reignited Blade's rage, as he tackled the hunter to the ground. He loomed over him, as pulled his gun, smashing it against his cheek so hard he began to bleed. As Blade thought about pulling the trigger, he was suddenly knocked out by the other hunter, who bashed him with the barrel of his hunting rifle.

     Thread Starter

11/12/2020 1:13 am  #17

Re: Death Blade

Blade awoke, and bolted to his feet. Yelling and looking around. He stopped to see himself in a new room, concrete behind him, and bars in front of him. As he became aware of his surroundings, he felt a sharp pain in his forehead. He put his hand to it and dabbed blood, feeling a very poor bandaging job.

?: You kept fighting us, even in your sleep. Couldn't really get the blood to stop. You never liked to make things easy.

A man stepped into sight. From the uniform and badge, Blade could tell he was the Sheriff, but he looked at the name badge that read "Scott".

Sheriff Scott: You remember me Blade?

Trevor Blade: Jake Scott?

Sheriff Scott: Impressive. Figured you'd be too concussed to get a word out.

Trevor Blade: What am I doing in here?

Sheriff Scott: Oh, so you don't remember that part huh? You trashed a cabin, my brother's cabin.

Trevor Blade: You mean you-

Sheriff Scott: I'm Richard's brother yes.

Trevor Blade: Richard. So he really is a dick.

Sheriff Scott: Heh. You got me there, but so were you. We never did get along back then did we?

Trevor Blade: No, we certainly did not.

Sheriff Scott: But when you went to 'Nam, you inspired me and ol' Paul Barlow. We went too. When we came back, my brother Richard had found himself a profitable job working with Tom. The little bastard had been nothing but trouble growing up. He liked to kill animals for fun. Real sick shit. Now, he's doing it for money. Seems a little less sick at that point.

Trevor Blade: Not to me.

Sheriff Scott: Yeah, you were squeamish about that weren't you? The nostalgia trip is nice and all, but we need to talk Blade. Now, I looked you up some more, and found out you're Detective in New York. You're way outside of your jurisdiction. What are you doing getting involved in my brother's business.

Trevor Blade: I didn't intend to be involved. I told Tom to keep them off my family's property. They didn't listen.

Sheriff Scott: So, you decided to take matters into your own hands like that? You set fire to his cabin. You cost them a lot of money. My brother could've killed you.

Trevor Blade: Maybe he should have.

Sheriff Scott: Why is that? Are you going to tell people about what they're doing? It's harmless Blade.

Trevor Blade: With a man like your brother, it doesn't take a lot to go from what he's doing, killing animals, to doing other things, like killing people.

Sheriff Scott: Are you any better? You think what you did was right?

Trevor Blade: It was right, even if it wasn't legal .

Sheriff Scott: You're damn right it wasn't legal. You're going to have to pay for the damages, or you're not leaving this ce-

Tom Huddle: I'll pay for the damages. My employees started this.

Sheriff Scott: You're talking about my brother Tom. Better watch what you're saying.

Tom Huddle: It is what it is Jake. You want your brother to keep a job right?

Sheriff Scott: I do.

Tom Huddle: So do I? We don't want this getting anymore out of hand. Let me cover the damages.

Sheriff Scott: It's your business!

Tom Huddle: It was his cabin. If it was mine, I wouldn't press charges, but this is the situation we're in. What is it going to cost?

Sheriff Scott: Oh hell, I'm not taking your money Tom. We're square.

Tom Huddle: Square enough to let my friend go?

Sheriff Scott: I reckon so. Get out of here Blade.

Trevor Blade: I intend to. Thanks Tom.

Tom Huddle: Yeah. What are friends for?

Blade walked by him, right out the door. Tom was quick to follow. As they left, the Sheriff grabbed the phone and dialed it up.

Sheriff Scott: Yeah. Yeah, we might have a problem. That was a cop you nearly killed. He's out now. I can't charge a man that stopped an illegal operation. You want to go to jail? We'd all go to jail! No, we have to do this differently.

Outside, Tom tried to stop Blade.
Tom Huddle: Trevor, let me talk to you for a minute! I want to know what you think you're doing?

Trevor Blade: You know what I was doing. We talked about this.

Tom Huddle: I get it, but burning down the cabin? That's a lot of money thrown away.

Trevor Blade: I tried to compromise Tom. I said stay off my property.

Tom Huddle: Shit Blade, you don't just give one warning and resort to arson.

Trevor Blade: They didn't care, and they weren't going to care. They're killers Tom. I can see it in their eyes. I know that look, because I see it when I look in the fucking mirror!

Tom Huddle: Hey! Calm down. That look in your eyes huh? That one right now? 'Nam really fucked you over huh?

Trevor Blade: Not only 'Nam. Everything since.

Tom Huddle: You and I are friends, or at least we were. These guys, we're close too. Been through a lot together. Helped keep this town afloat with our business.

Trevor Blade: Your slaughter.

Tom Huddle: Our business. Look Trevor, what are you doing out here? Are you looking for a war or something?

Trevor Blade: No. Just stop what you're doing. If you don't, you won't have a single animal left in these woods before long.

Tom Huddle: Hey, if something else happens between you and the Sheriff's brother, or if you try and do anything else to stop my business, you know what side I'm going to be on.

Trevor Blade: Those are the odds Tom. One day you've got a friend, and the next day he might be your enemy.

Tom watched as Trevor limped home. Along the way, he walked by the three hunters, with Richard Scott tipping his hat to him, before spitting his chewing tobacco and laughing.

Later that night, Blade stared in the mirror, as he carefully stitched up the cut on his forehead. As he pierced his flesh, he thought back to his time in Vietnam. All the times he had to stitch up his own wounds, had left him with plenty of scars. What was one more? He looked down, to his baby fawn, sleeping beside him, enjoying the warmth of the fire place. For a moment Blade was able to relax and smile, but he suddenly heard a thud outside of his house. He grabbed his gun and quietly made his way to the door. He surveyed the situation before opening the door and looking outside. He saw the tail lights of a truck speeding off down the path, but below him, was a fresh deer carcass. Blade grit his teeth, trying to suppress the rage, but the numbness, and the pounding of his heart returned. He went inside and tried to drown it out with pills and alcohol. As they took hold, he felt woozy and fell to his bed. He looked up at the ceiling, hearing whispers of his dead loved ones, asking why he let them die, as he drifted to sleep.

     Thread Starter

1/11/2021 7:08 am  #18

Re: Death Blade

Vietnam - 1971

A young Trevor Blade had fallen behind his unit, as a Vietcong ambushed him, from a small hole in the ground. The panic and fear of always feeling surrounded. He had let his guard drop for an instant, and that's when they got him. He fought for control of a knife, after they both disarmed each other. Blade rolled on top of the soldier, and slowly, and steadily pushed the knife down into the attacker's chest. He stared into his eyes as he the man gasped from air, as blood began to pour out of his mouth. Blade noticed he was younger, even younger than he was, but the numbing, throbbing sound in his head, helped to drown out the part of him inside screaming to stop. This was war. With the attacked finally dead, he grabbed his gun to the join the 87th in a nearby village. It was thought to be a secret base for the Vietcong, and judging from the gunfire, that turned out to be accurate. He made it in time to shoot two armed soldiers in the back before they could get the drop on his best friend John Newton. A couple of their friends had taken some gun fire, but it appeared that the platoon had survived the attack. As Blade breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a sound from a nearby hut. He went inside, and searched the place as thoroughly as time would allow. The thought was to be quick, and move from place to place within a few moments, but as he turned to leave, he heard the noise again. A part of the thatched roof had fallen, and covered an older woman. He was quick to turn around and uncover her, drawing his gun. She looked weak and pale, covered in blood. She lifted a side of her dress to reveal puncture wounds, and burns from the unit's flamethrower. He widened his eyes, at the sight of her, and began to lower his gun. However, the woman grabbed the muzzle of his rifle, and weakly pointed it at her own head. They didn't speak the same language, but they didn't have to. He knew what she wanted. He tried to dig down deep into himself, and hide behind the throbbing numbness, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't harm her. Instead he leaned down and sat beside her. He carefully pulled her head onto his shoulder, and held her. He tried to keep from crying as the woman slowly passed away.

River's Bend, New York - 1983

Several days after leaving the Sheriff's Department, and it seemed like the heat had died down a little, between Blade and Huddle's men. They continued their work right in front of him, flagrantly disrespecting him, but he brushed it off and looked the other way as he entered the general store.

Julie Redden: Well there you are. I was wondering if you'd decided to stay cooped up in your cabin again.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, I was trying to actually, but I needed more milk for the baby.

Julie Redden: That baby deer? Jane seems to love it.

Trevor Blade: That kid needs new hobbies.

Julie Redden: She loves animals. She's not a big fan of what they're doing over there either.

Trevor Blade: I don't even want to look at it.

Julie Redden: I heard about what you did. You were always hot headed, but I didn't expect that.

Trevor Blade: I don't like being pushed.

Julie Redden: If you were anyone else, I'd be really creeped out by you. Luckily, I know you're good guy.

Trevor Blade: Thanks I guess. You think you know who I am though?

Julie Redden: You've got this hardened and grizzled look on your face, and yet you're trying to keep a baby deer alive. You can fool a lot of people, but you can't fool your old friend.

Trevor Blade: Is that right? So the milk then?

Julie brushed her brunette hair back and leaned over the counter, flashing her big hazel eyes at Blade.

Julie Redden: You know Trevor Blade, you should invite me up to your place for dinner. I bet you haven't had anything good in a long time.

Trevor Blade: I cook.

Julie Redden: Oh yeah?

Trevor Blade: *sigh* Barely. I cook barely. Would you like to come to my place for dinner?

Julie Redden: Tonight right?

Trevor Blade: Uh...yeah.

Julie Redden: 7:00?

Trevor Blade: 7:00.

Julie Redden: Trevor Blade, you read my mind. I'm free tonight, and I'd be happy to cook for you. What a great idea.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, I thought so too.

Julie Redden: Yeah, you're still you aren't you?

Trevor Blade: What about Tom? Is he still the old Tom?

Julie Redden: That is a little harder to figure out I'd say.

Trevor Blade: I'd say so too.

That night, Blade had Julie over for dinner. He was apprehensive at first, but before long, they were telling stories like old times. They sat out on his porch after dinner, with Julie petting the baby deer.

Julie Redden: So what is with the attitude change huh? You used to go hunting all the time with your Dad and Tom.

Trevor Blade: A lot has changed since then.

Julie Redden: I know, and you don't like to talk about it. You're hiding though, and hiding can't be good for you. IT can't be healthy. What are you hiding from?

Trevor Blade: In a lot of ways myself.

Julie Redden: I don't understand.

Trevor Blade: In Vietnam, I had to kill. I was told it was for my country. I was told it was the right thing to do for my country to kill, to take lives. I'm not sure how much I believed that. I wanted to. I wanted to believe weren't just fighting for freedom for us, but for these poor, disillusioned farmers. These victims of oppression. On paper, that's exactly what it was. Help the innocent. Kill the bad guys. But it got twisted over there. One day in particular I can remember having to fight off this kid. He couldn't have been much older than 18 if he wasn't younger. He was probably told the same thing I was. Kill the bad guys. Help the innocent. I had to kill him. I really shouldn't-

Julie Redden: Please. Go on.

Trevor Blade: I had to kill him, because he tried to kill me. I wish he would've stayed in his fox hole. He made me do it, and it was easy. I didn't regret it after. I went about my mission. Then, I find an older woman, dying in her hut. She w-wants me to kill her, to end the pain. I couldn't do it. See, I think she was innocent, and caught in the crossfire. On my way out of the hut, I find a picture. One of the few things not charred by a flamethrower. It was that kid I killed and her. I had killed her son. That stuck with me. It stayed in the back of my mind, and it wasn't until later, that it all kind of clicked, and I realized how horrible it was truly was. It's easy to forget, when you're made into a killer. You start to think, that it's all that you are. Then they make you come home and try to be someone else. *sniff* This isn't the best after dinner conversation is it?

Julie Redden: I appreciate you telling me your story.

Trevor Blade: You're the only person I've ever told.

Julie Redden: That makes it mean a lot more.

Trevor Blade: I always was able to confide in you.

Julie Redden: Yeah, I wanted to turn that into a career. I wanted to help people in my own way, but things get in the way, and the store wasn't going to run itself you know?

Trevor Blade: It's never too late.

Julie Redden: Exactly Trevor, it's never too late. You want a fresh start? Make a fresh start. Maybe you could just stay up here, and make a new life. You'd have to actually leave the cabin more often to do that though.

Trevor Blade: Between Tom and me, I'm not sure this place is big enough for both of us.

Julie Redden: Well, what do you want to do?

Trevor Blade: I don't know. Being a Cop seemed like the answer for a long time. Then, things changed, and well, let's just say I went overboard a few times. I broke the law in service of the law. I took it into my own hands. Because of that people died. People close to me. It felt like war all over again. I had to stop before all I could do was kill again. I had to run here, to the only place I could think of running.

Julie Redden: Well, that worked out for me then.

Trevor Blade: How can you say that, after I spilled my guts like that?

Julie Redden: Maybe I have a soft sport for a tortured soul looking for someone to tell them they're forgiven? No, like I said earlier, if I didn't know you, I'd be a little scared of you right now. It's because I know you, that I get what this all has done to you. You want to know why it's done this to you? Because you care. You care so much it hurts. You have a big heart Trevor Blade, and you always did. That's why I always had such a big crush on you.

Trevor Blade: Julie, I-

Julie leaned in and kissed Trevor, resting her hand on his lap, but quickly pulled it away.

Julie Redden: Not just a big heart it seems.

Trevor Blade: I uh- am not sure what to-

Julie Redden: You want to invite me in your house again.

Trevor Blade: Alright. Julie, would you like to-

Julie Redden: I'd love to.

She kissed him again, and forcefully this time, as Trevor tried to get up. The force of the kiss threw them backward through his front door. They both laughed as they hit the ground, but continued making their way to the bed room. As Trevor turned off the lights, a figure in the trees walked away.


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3/28/2021 9:13 am  #19

Re: Death Blade

Richard Scott took another swig from his bottle. The sight in front of him made him sick to his stomach. A laughing, smiling man, who he tried to run out of town. They called him Blade, but he called him trouble from the moment he stepped foot into town. Scott spit his tobacco on the ground, but some of it landed on his shoes, incensing him further. He stood up to shake it off, as Blade loaded groceries into his truck with Julie, the woman he wanted. She was supposed to want him. He was the Sheriff's brother after all. He worked for Tom Huddle. He had power and influence in the small town, and yet this asshole showed up out of nowhere to upset the balance. He set fire to their business, and was able to walk free. The sight and the thought of it sickened him. As the alcohol seeped into his system, it gave him the idea and the courage to carry it out.

Blade made it back to his house by sun down, as Blade and Julie brought the food into the house. Blade found himself at ease for the first time in a long time. Not even the quiet of nature could quell the screaming inside, but reconnecting with Julie had helped tremendously, that and the little deer, that he began feeding out of his hand.

Julie Redden: What are you feeding that thing?

Trevor Blade: Cereal.

Julie Redden: Cereal?

Trevor Blade: Bambi seems to like it.

Julie Redden: That name. It's a little on the nose don't you think?

Trevor Blade: Doesn't mean it doesn't fit.

Julie Redden: You have actual food for it though.

Trevor Blade: Consider this a treat. Heh.

Julie Redden: Well, don't you fill up now you hear? I'm going to cook us up something good tonight.

Trevor Blade: I'd be happy to help.

Julie Redden: You know how long it's been since I've gotten to cook for someone new? Last time I tried, it was for Richard.

Trevor Blade: Richard Scott? The Sheriff's brother?

Julie Redden: Yeah. I thought I'd give him a chance. He came over drunk, and immediately tried to put his hands on me. I kicked him out, and he acted like he couldn't remember the next day. Hell, maybe he didn't. He drinks too much.

Trevor Blade: Another on a list of bad decisions. Sorry you have to put up with that.

Julie Redden: It is what it is. The Sheriff wasn't gonna do nothing about it, now was he?

Trevor Mach: Being his brother? Yeah, you're not kidding.

Julie Redden: Tom keeps him on a shorter leash these days, so at least it's not a prob-

Suddenly, the two heard a noise outside. A vehicle pulled up. Trevor tensed, but his tension eased when he noticed it was a tow truck.

Paul Barlow: Hello? Blade? It's Paul.

Trevor Blade: Paul! Hang on, I'll be right out.

Julie Redden: You alright? You weren't looking so good?

Trevor Blade: Having to get used to company is all.

The two went out to greet him.

Paul Barlow: Sorry, I know it's getting late, but I was nearby, towing this here car on the side of the road, and I thought I'd let you know that you came pick up your vehicle tomorrow. All I have to do is put the tires back on, and you're good to go.

Trevor Blade: When we were working on it, you made it sound like it was a disaster.

Paul Barlow: Oh it still is, but it'll run well enough.

Trevor Blade: Thanks. I owe you.

Paul Barlow: Don't worry about it. What are friends fo-

A loud boom shook through the forest, as the glass shattered on the tow truck. A spray of bullets zoomed out of the trees and bushes. Paul took three in the back and fell forward into a muddy puddle. Julie was hit in the arm and shoulder and screamed as she hit the ground. Blade took one in the right leg and shoulder, as he fell back against the staircase leading up to his house. He staggered up the stairs as quickly as he could, while more bullets whizzed by, turning his wooden walls and steps into pulp. Blade recognized from the sound and velocity, that it was coming from a hunting rifle with a fast reload, so time was short. He crawled to the center of his house, where he lifted up several floor boards, to try and get to his weapons, but the shooter was quickly approaching, so Blade covered them up, and rolled away. Richard Scott barged in, taking another shot from his bottle, as he laughed and reloaded his gun.

Richard Scott: You're not so tough now Blade! You come back into town, and cause nothing, but trouble. I'm going to take care of that. I'm going to kill you. You never should have come back here you asshole!

Trevor was planning to jump out and attack, when suddenly, he saw Bambi run in the room. Richard aimed to fire on the helpless little deer, and got his shot off just as Blade tackled him to the ground. Blade looked to see if the shot hit, but before he could see, Richard pulled out a hunting knife and slashed his arm, before going for the throat. Blade's instincts kicked in, as he disarmed Scott and punched him repeatedly. Richard had a side arm though, and fired at Blade, chasing him into his cellar. Blade shut the door behind him to think for a moment.

Richard Scott: You're trapped in there ain't ya. You done fucked up now son, cause I'm fixin' to light this place up with you in it.

Richard knocked over every oil lamp he could find, and the kerosene Blade kept in the house, before lighting a match to set it ablaze.

Richard Scott: You and your little deer are cooked Blade. Remember when you burned down my cabin? Payback's a bitch ain't it! Hahaha!

Blade panicked as the flames quickly spread in the old cabin. Was Julie all right? What about Paul? Bambi? Would he be all alright? He shut out the noise and concentrated on his situation. He looked around the dark, dank room, looking for anything to help him. He saw an old tarp, that would have to do.

Outside, Richard laughed as he leaned against the tow truck. He took a swig of his drink, and that's when he noticed Julie and Paul.

Richard Scott: Oh shit. I didn't even- what have I done? I-

Richard's moment of clarity was interrupted, by the sound of the cellar door being kicked open. He heard yelling, as Blade smashed through a window covered in the flaming tarp. He quickly tossed it off of himself and limped into the woods.

Richard Scott: You fucker! No!

Richard fired from him side arm, as Trevor disappeared into the brush. Suddenly, Tom Huddle, Sheriff Scott, and the other hunters all pulled up, as the sounds of the gun fire and the smoke from the flames drew their attention.

Tom Huddle: Richard? What the hell is happening here?

Sheriff Scott: Are you all right brother?

Richard Scott: I-I-I tried to s-stop him.

Tom Huddle: Stop who? Blade? Richard talk! There are bodies here! What is happening? Tell us!

Sheriff Scott went to check the pulse of Julie Redden.

Sheriff Scott: We've got a live one here! I'm calling for back up!

Tom Huddle: Scott, concentrate now! What happened?

Richard Scott: He killed Paul. He tried to kill Julie. Fucker is out of his mind Tom. Paul was coming up here to try and tell him to leave town, because he threatened his daughter. He-he went crazy, like he was back in 'Nam or something. This fucker tried to kill me too. He set fire to his house! I tried to save them Tom. I really did!

Tom Huddle: Calm down buddy. It's-it's all right now. We're going to put a stop to this together.

Sheriff Scott: Damn right we are. If I have a killer in my woods, I want him found, and I don't mean alive gentlemen. Do we understand each other?

Richard Scott: *nods*

Tom Huddle: Yeah. Yeah, I hear you Jake.

As the group discussed a plan, Jane Barlow crept out of the car that was being towed by her father. The crying little girl dried her eyes, and ran into the woods as quickly as she could.


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4/03/2021 12:28 am  #20

Re: Death Blade

In the darkness, Blade could only hear screaming, and the whispers of the dead. A cold chill ran up him, as if through his soul, as he heard the voices lament him on his actions. "You killed me". "You let me die". The voice repeated over and over, until he couldn't take it any longer and pulled himself out of his stupor, finding himself passed out in the tall grass of the woods.

Blade crawled over to a nearby stream, and cupped the water in his hands to drink. He poured some over his face as he looked at the wounds on his arms and legs. He tore strips from his shirt to stop the bleeding from his leg, and held a clump of cloth to his shoulder. He couldn't black out again. He needed to get to his feet. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, and figure out which direction to go. He tried to push out the images from his mind, but they were vivid and fresh. Two new people he had let down. Julie and Paul. He had brought the violence with him it seemed, He gritted his teeth as he forced himself back up. "On your feet solider" he screamed in his head, as he remembered the times in Vietnam where getting back to his feet made the difference between life and death. Shaking off the lingering voices in his head, he suddenly realized he was hearing actual voices. Tracker dogs, and men on the hunt it sounded like. He knew they weren't hunting animals. They were hunting him. He hid behind a tree as he heard Tom Huddle and the Sheriff calling out.

Tom Huddle: Trevor! Hey old buddy, are you out here? We're not going to hurt you!

Sheriff Scott: If you come out peacefully, we won't hurt you that is! You give me any more trouble, and I'll blast you with buckshot Blade, and I am not fucking around here!

Tom Huddle: You want to try and calm down. You think that's going to bring him out here?

Sheriff Scott: I've got one dead citizen of River's Bend on a slab right now, so I don't think I'm going to calm down Tom.

One? Did he hear that right? Just one? He thought back to the attack. He replayed it in his mind. A hazy muddled mess, but it looked like Paul had received the most of it. That meant that Jane could still be alive. He had to know. He called out from the trees.

Trevor Blade: Is it Jane or Paul?

The posse readied their guns, but Tom motioned for them to hold off.

Tom Huddle: Trevor?

Trevor Blade: Jane or Paul Tom?

Tom Huddle: It's Jane, she was taken to the hospital. Paul didn't make it Trevor. What happened?

Trevor Blade: It wasn't me Tom. It was Richard. Richard Scott shot them.

Sheriff Scott: You lying son of a-

Tom Huddle: Richard tells us differently Trevor. He tells us you shot them. Richard is no killer.

Trevor Blade: Says you. I told you what he was capable of.

Tom Huddle: Capable maybe, but which one of you killed in 'Nam? Which one of you killed on the job? If you come quietly, and calmly, I'm sure the Sheriff will make sure you're not hurt.

Trevor Blade: I'm already hurt.

Trevor thought about it. He knew who the Sheriff was, a product of the same upbringing as his brother. No way was he going to believe him. Actually he might believe him, but that was more of a reason he wouldn't let him get back to town alive.

Trevor Blade: I'm not as hurt as you're going to be if you keep coming after me.

Tom Huddle: Trevor, we-

Sheriff Scott: Alright, my turn! I let Tom try to talk you down because you're old friends, but if you're not going to listen to reason, you're going to listen to my 12 gauge. Blade, we're coming in there after you, and you can either come quietly, or in a body bag. I don't care which.

Trevor Blade: Last warning Sheriff. Don't come in here. Your brother is the one who-

Sheriff Scott: Shut your fucking mouth about my brother! Boys, let's go hunting.

Blade put his back to the tree, he had to think, and think quickly. He could hear at least five of them, and the hunting dogs. He didn't want to hurt Tom if he could help it, and he didn't want to hurt the dogs. For that matter, he couldn't go for the kill, while they'd be more than happy to. The throbbing rage needed to be pushed down, as Blade went back to his basic training. He crept further into the woods, picking up a suitable thick stick for his needs. As the first hunter and the tracker with his dogs approached, he lobbed the stick into his face, knocking the tracker back, as Blade tied off the dogs as quickly as possible. The hunter rounded the thick tree Blade used for cover. Blade quickly grabbed the tracker's hunting knife, and rolled into position as the hunter came around, gun at the ready. Blade forced the barrel into the air as he fired, and sunk the knife into his shoulder. As the hunter fell to the ground, Blade grabbed his gun. He turned it on the man, but shook off the impulse, and broke it over the tree instead.  He ducked back into the bushes.

Tom Huddle: Damn it! Don't do this Blade!

Trevor Blade: It's already done Tom!

Sheriff Scott: Over there! Fire!

The Sheriff and the other hunter opened fire,as Tom hesitated. Blade quickly slid down a rock face, and disappeared deeper into the brush.

Sheriff Scott: Tom, are you fucking with us or what?

Tom Huddle: I-

Sheriff Scott: No excuses. You see this fucker. You shoot him! *grabs his walkie* We're going to need back up deeper in the woods. We found the bastard, and we've got wounded. Fuck the perimeter. I need all hands on deck here!

Back at the charred remains of Blade's cabin, Richard Scott stood around with the deputies that had just received the call.

Deputy Briggs: Yes sir, we're on our way.

Richard Scott: Alright, someone get me a gun. I'll hunt the fucker myself.

Deputy Briggs: That's not a great idea Richie. That guy tried to kill yo-

Richard Scott: He said all hands on deck! That means everyone. We need to catch this son of a bitch!

Deputy Briggs: ...

Richard Scott: Remember who your boss is boy.

Deputy Briggs: Someone get Richie a gun.
Richard Scott: That's bet-

Richard suddenly noticed something he hadn't before. The door to the car being towed by Paul Barlow was open.

Richard Scott: Oh shit. Jane.

Deputy Briggs: What?

Richard Scott: Get me that gun. I have something that I need to take care off fast.

Last edited by Machismo (4/03/2021 12:58 am)

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