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5/19/2022 9:40 am  #31

Re: Death Blade

At a nearby hospital where the newest body was taken, the coroner was already at work. Chief Roma ran his hands through his thinning hair. Detective's Blade and Angel entered the room. Blade still had his cigarette in his mouth, but once he realized he put it out on his shoe.

Coroner: Gentlemen, this one is, worse than the others. He's escalating his violence.

Chief Roma: Christ almighty, how is that possible?

Coroner: The latin etched into her skin is, well it's deeper, and less legible.

John Angel: Implying anger in his carvings. Normally he takes his time, because he believes he's done his job, and he's at peace. That's the thought process anyways.

Trevor Blade: He's a fucking psychopath. Oh, that's my professional opinion by the way.

John Angel: The Latin definitely implies that our perp is strongly religious, in a very twisted sort of way. It's a dead language, and I can't imagine he'd be a linguistics major.

Chief Roma: That's damn fine work Angel. It's a shame you're in Internal Affairs.

John Angel: I get that a lot.

Chief Roma: No, I just mean that we could use you on the streets, working cases like this. In fact, I think it's time I really get an answer about why you have such an interest in-

John Angel: We thought the purity killer might be someone inside the force.

Chief Roma: What? That's ridiculous.

John Angel: At this time, I'm willing to agree with that assessment. It is not someone in the force performing these killings.

John shot a quick glance at Blade, who didn't make eye contact, but a subtle nod implied gratitude.

John Angel: I'm willing to share my new theory. Blade, what do you remember about Father Santiago?

Blade's mind immediately shot back to the moment Father Santiago stabbed him inside of his Church.

Trevor Blade: I have a sharp recollection of the man.

John Angel: Right. As you would. You're the one who put him down. He was simply called the cop killer in the press, based on the occupation of his victims, but he believed he was doing the world a service, acting as counter balance of sorts. When his Church was investigated, they found hiding places where he kept mementos of his work. A lot of writing, and most of it in Latin, saying the very same things.

Chief Roma: That son of a bitch is in the ground.

John Angel: Indeed, but when you're that psychotic, you tend to pass those traits onto others. My new working theory is that our suspect went to that Church, knew Father Santiago well, and perhaps relied on him to keep his sanity. When the Father was taken out of the picture, our suspect lost that grounding to reality. He's continuing his work in a matter of speaking.

Trevor Blade: That makes it sound like it's my fault.

John Angel: No, not what I'm implying. It's simply a bad coincidence, and again, it's just a theory.

Chief Roma: It's the best fucking lead we've got.

Trevor Blade: Now that you mention it, that Church, it's not far from Ashley and Samantha Blair's place. Not far at all. I always thought a Church near 42nd Street was ironic. I say we go check it out.

John Angel: Yes, I'll go with you.

Chief Roma: So do we have you on loan or something Detective?

John Angel: My job was identify the purity killer. I won't stop until I do.

Chief Roma: Great. No complaints from me. Just don't get yourself fucking killed or it's my ass!

Back in the car, the wild blew threw Trevor's hair as he looked out at the passing cars.

Trevor Blade: I haven't ridden passenger since Rude Boy went down.

John Angel: You're blaming yourself for this aren't you?

Trevor Blade: Somewhat. I did the killing that inspired Santiago, but on the other hand, if he was capable of that before, then anything could have set him off eventually. I think you'll find that I can more than live with all the blood on my hands.

John Angel: You seem to almost relish in it.

Trevor Blade: You'd be surprised what happens after the shock wears off. I found some clarity. It took some time, but I found it. I'm the only one really doing anything to stop the madness.

John Angel: You really think so?

Trevor Blade: Everyday, their are over forty homicides in New York City, and enough illegal weaponry to invade a country. The most horrible atrocities carried out by man, happen right around us every fucking day, and we just pretend like we can't do something about it. They don't play by rules, and we'll never catch up if we do.

John Angel: You make it all sound quite black and white. Personally, I'm more of a shades of grey kind of person.

Trevor Blade: Which is why you're "bending" the rules right? Not "breaking" them?

John Angel: No, this is breaking the rules. Plain and simple. You've purposefully killed dozens. The Ghouls, the X'ers, Father Santiago, Half of River's Bend apparently, and probably others I've missed.

Trevor Blade: You really have been doing your homework. Yeah though, you missed some. Heh.

John Angel: Dammit, it's not funny.

Trevor Blade: "Tack", how many people do you think I killed in 'Nam? Huh? Why was it OK then? Why was I given a medal for it there? There is no difference between then and now. War is war, and I hate it, but someone has to fight it. You've ridden the subways right? How much fucking longer are we going to keep living like this? How much longer are you going to look the other way? Put more locks on your doors? Pray they never come for you? Newsflash, they did come for y-

John Angel: You can stop right there.

Trevor Blade: Shit. I'm sorry.

John Angel: No, I'm sorry I got judgemental again. I don't have the right to do that. It doesn't matter if what you do is right or wrong if I'm willing to do the same thing.

The two pulled up to the Church, but not before doing a quick pass by Ashley's place.

John Angel: You want to go check on her.

Trevor Blade: No. I want to give them some time where they don't have to think about that splayed open girl. Ashley's been through enough.

It was the middle of the night, and thus the streets were filled with the sorts that kept hidden in the light of day. A group of three were laughing and mocking the two officers as they left the car to walk up towards the Church.

John Angel: It's locked of course. Who do you think we have to call to get in there?

Trevor Blade: Smith and Wesson.

Trevor pulled out his gun, and prepared to shoot the lock off the door.

John Angel: Whoa. That's excessive don't you think?

Trevor Blade: Any better ideas?

John Angel: We could try knocking?

John gave the door a knock. The two were surprised to hear movement inside, and finally the door opened, as a young Nun stood before them.

Nun: Yes? C-can I help you?

John Angel: I'm Detective John Angel, and this is Detective Trevor Blade. Do you mind if we come in and-

Nun: Trevor Blade?

Trevor Blade: Yeah, I'm that guy.

Nun: Goodness gracious. What's going on here?

John Angel: We just need to ask some questions and take a look around. Do you mind if we come i-

Nun: You shouldn't be here. Do you have a warrant? I don't think I'm supposed to be talking to you.

Trevor Blade: I didn't mean to cause so much trouble to the Church lady. He tried killing me. It wasn't supposed to turn out like that.

Nun: S-still, I don't think-

John Angel: Sister, it's crucial to our investigation that we ask some questions and take a look around. We would really appreciate it if-

A bottle of whisky suddenly shattered over Blade's head, knocking him to the ground, as boot kicked his face into the steps. Angel turned around to get a board smashed into his face, also knocking him to the ground, as the group of three men from across the street ran into the Church cackling and trashing the holy place. A bearded black man in a cap laughed as he chased the Nun to the altar. He tore at her habit, and pushed her to the ground. She pleaded for him to stay away, as the other to men started uplifting pews and throwing anything of value into bags.

Bearded man: Bitch, we've had this place staked out for a long time. You made me wait, and that's gonna cost you something special. I ain't never had a Nun before.

He looked up at the altar, and back down to her.

Bearded man: You think your old man'll mind? How about we keep a secret between you and me huh?

He knelt down and tore her clothes away. She kicked and scratched at him, but that only seemed to make it worse. As he began to unzip his pants, he stopped when he heard a gun cock behind him at the entrance way. Blade and Angel were bloody, but back on their feet.

John Angel: Freeze! Put your hands up and-

Trevor held up his gun and walked sternly towards the bearded man. As he looked on in fear, his would be victim scurried out of the way. Trevor smashed the gun directly to his forehead and pulled the trigger.

John Angel: Whoa! Blade no! Don't-

Trevor Blade: To your right!

One of the other looters rushed Angel to take a stab at him. Angel caught the knife and deflected it, before hitting the attacker with the butt of his gun. The other attacked rushed from the left, but John had time to aim, and took him down with a shot to the shoulder. The two men quickly picked themselves off the floor and limped out of the building. Blade joined Angel in the door way, both men bleeding and breathing heavily.

John Angel: You didn't have to do that.

Trevor Blade: Oh no? Those two guys, you think they learned anything from this? If they try to pull this shit or worse on anyone else, that might just be on you man.

John Angel: That dead body, that's definitely on you.

Trevor Blade: Arrest me, or help me dump him.

John Angel: What?

Trevor Blade: I'm not doing anymore damage to this place. Last thing they need is more death and bad press.

Trevor rushed back to the body, putting gloves on on the way, and began to drag it out of the Church. John reluctantly helped, making sure to avoid prints on the body.

John Angel: You're getting blood all over the floor.

The two men dragged the body several blocks down, where they dumped it in an alleyway. Blade pulled out a flask, and poured alcohol all over the body, including the places that might have had fingerprints from the move. Then he pulled a small bag of white powder out of his pocket, and tore it over the dead body.

John Angel: What is that? What are you doing?

Trevor Blade: Drug trade gone bad. They killed him and stole his coke. That's the story if they ever even find his body.

John Angel: This is insane. This is what you do? This is violating everything we stand for.

Trevor Blade: What do you stand for Angel? Letting that Church get shut down cause we decided to come knocking at 3 in the fucking morning? That poor Nun almost got raped.

John Angel: This was justifiable homicide! I could have vouched for you on this one.

Trevor Blade: Would you have?

John Angel: I would have.

Trevor Blade: How do I know? How do I know I can trust you.

John Angel: You're still a free man. You're not in cuffs. Where did you even get that coke?

Trevor Blade: Bad habits.

John Angel: What the hell did that war do to you?

Trevor Blade: It wasn't the war out there. It was the one right here. Now, I think you and I have a witness to talk to.

John Angel: This just got a lot more complicated.

The two men returned to the Church to find the Nun wiping away tears, with a sweater on in place of her torn habit, as she tried to pick the place up.

John Angel: Sister, let me help you with-

Nun: I'm sorry.

John Angel: What?

Nun: Detective Blade. I'm so sorry.

Trevor Blade: What are you talking about Sister-

Nun: Sister Mary Helena. I should have let you in sooner. I'm the cause of this.

Trevor Blade: No way lady. You didn't do a damn thing. Dry your eyes. You're safe now.

Sister Mary Helena: This neighborhood is so dangerous. You can't even open the door at night anymore.

Trevor Blade: It shouldn't be that way. We're trying to make it a little safer, but we're going to need you to talk and be silent at the same time, if you catch my drift.

Sister Mary Helena: The Father, the one who took over for Santiago, says that confessions are private matter, between a man and God. I think this is where that falls into place. Whatever you need, you can have it.

Trevor Blade: Thank you.

John Angel: We need anything the police didn't find on their sweep, if you catch what I'm saying. Some black sheep in the flock-

Trevor Blade: That might need culling.

Sister Mary Helena: Oh my! That's, also a matter of secrecy. However, if I walked out of the room, and you happened to go into the office of Father Ruiz, then what you find would remain unknown to me. I need to- I need to get some cleaning supplies for this mess. Excuse me.

John Angel: How did we pull that off so easily?

Trevor Blade: How do you think I've been able to hide in plain sight for so long? People want help. They're seeking justice. If they know someone is out here for them, you'll be surprised at how much they don't see.

John Angel: I just can't wrap my head around it. We all claim to be good, law abiding citizens, but we're just as bad as they are in the end.

Trevor Blade: Laws don't protect the good people. Laws exist these days to keep the shit bags on the streets, alive, pushing dope, and selling ass. Raping, torturing, and killing. It's all on the menu, and they have carte blanche. They walked right into my house, and killed my wife. They left my best friend paralyzed, and I had to kill him. That's right, you can add that one to your statistics. I did that too. I know that it's not normal to want to kill, but I'm no longer normal man. I'm not. I haven't been for a long time. I could've put a bullet in my head a long time ago, but I do this instead.

John brushed the hair out of his face, sighed, and wiped the blood from his nose.

John Angel: I believe we we should be heading to Father Ruiz's office while we have the window.

Trevor Blade: Good idea "partner", unless you want to keep going around with-

John Angel: No. We're going to do what we have to do when we have to do it. I'll adjust. Let's go.

Trevor Blade: Good attitude. You're already sneaking into a priest's office.

John Angel: After what you just did, don't judge me.

Trevor Blade: Who is judging. It was a joke.

John Angel: You still have blood on you.

Trevor Blade: To be fair, some of it is mine.

John Angel: This may have been a mistake.

The next day, Ashley Blair made her usual walk to St. Helen's to pick up Samantha, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. A car drove by a little too closely, and startled her for a moment, but she quickly took a deep breath and kept walking. Unknown to her, she was being watched, as the figure slowly drew closer. Ashley looked through the gates, but couldn't find Samantha. She checked her watch and decided to go inside, as the figure had just enough time to touch her hair with out her knowing. Samantha meanwhile was sitting in the gymnasium. She had been drawing pictures of the players shooting hoops, and lost track of time. An unseemly kid in a leather jacket and wild hair sat down beside her, and looked at her sketch book.

Wild haired guy: Hey there, what 'cha drawin'? Can I see? Wow, it looks good!

Samantha quickly backed away.

Wild haired guy: Whoa! Whoa! Didn't mean to scare ya. The name's Vinnie. What's your name? Cat got your tongue?

Samantha tried to sign that she was deaf to a puzzled Vinnie.

Vinnie: Oh shit, you can't hear can ya? Shit. My bad. I feel like a dick now. I just wanted to say hey. You know how pretty you are? You really are. You're a good artist too. That's great stuff.

Samantha blushed, not used to be showered with compliments from anyone but her sister. Hey sat down next to her, and she allowed it this time.

Vinnie: You uh, know that sign language stuff? I never seen that before.

Samantha nodded, and signed to him that it was very nice to meet him. She wanted him to sign back.
Vinnie: Huh? Oh no, I have no idea what I'm doing with my hands half the time, but I definitely can't do that. I can do this though.

Vinnie used one finger to stick through a hole made by the fingers on his other hand, which made Samantha roll her eyes and smile.

Vinnie: Eh? You like that huh? That's the only sign that matters to me.

Two other young guys were watching from the doorway and laughing.

Vinnie: Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself though. How about kissing? You ever kissed a guy before?

Samantha wrote on her sketch pad and showed it to Vinnie.

Vinnie: Your father huh? Where's he at?

She wrote again.

Vinnie: Dead? Shit, that's too bad. Your old man doesn't count though. You got to have a real kiss. He's dead, and I'm alive and twitching, so how about you and I have a crack at it huh?

Samantha cringed up and pulled away, but Vinnie put his hand behind her head, and slowed pushed her back into him. She fought him off and tried to run away, but she ran into the two guys blocking the door way.

Vinnie: Fargo! Stevie! Bring that bitch back over here! I'm going to show her a few things she can sketch about later!

Stevie: Dude, we got to get the fuck out of here. We're not even supposed to be here.

Vinnie: When has that ever stopped us? Good little Catholic boys and girls need a little something to get through the day, and I'll be damned if we don't make a mint pushing this dope on these dopes, but right now I want something other than money.

A figure watched from behind the bleachers, as Fargo and Stevie held Samantha to the ground. She struggled to no avail. The weight of the boys, and her inability to scream left her helpless as Vinnie tried to get on top of her.

Vinnie: You'll love it, or at least I will. Do you have sign language for the phrase "fuck me" or "don't stop", because you'll be needing them before I'm-

Vinnie was suddenly kicked hard in the head. The watching figure backed away as Ashley kicked Vinnie in the face again. Fargo tried to produce a switchblade to stab Ashley, but Samantha grabbed him by the leg, and held him long enough for Ashley to turn around and hit him a with a nose shattering punch to the face. She grabbed Stevie by the collar of his jacket and pushed him against the wall. She laid into him repeatedly, until he managed to push her off and run for it, along with the other guys. Ashley turned to help her sister up, and clutched the crying girl close, as the figure followed the three men.

Vinnie: Who the fuck was that? I think she broke my jaw man.

Fargo: Your jaw? I know she broke my fucking nose! It's killing me!

Stevie: What do we do? What do we do man?

Vinnie: She stopped me in the middle of something, and I hate that. I say we go back in there, and show her a good time too if you get what I'm saying.

Fargo: She kicked our asses Vinnie!

Vinnie: Don't you fucking worry about it. We'll bust her open more way than one, cause that's what happens when you fuck with-

The figure suddenly rushed behind Vinnie and slit his throat with a scalpel. Fargo fell backwards against the brick alley wall, while a panicking Stevie ran off. The figure screamed at them for sullying her purity. Fargo begged for mercy, only to be repeatedly stabbed in the chest, until he fell silent, his blood splattered all over the walls, the ground, and his killer.

Last edited by Machismo (5/19/2022 12:57 pm)


5/20/2022 9:27 am  #32

Re: Death Blade

Blade and Angel were at a local hot dog stand, pouring over the paperwork they had found in the office of one Father Ruiz.

John Angel: You're actually going to eat that?

Trevor Blade: If you knew half the shit I put into my system, you wouldn't be asking that.

John Angel: I see. Well, the Catholic Church sure knows how to cover its tracks. They knew Santiago was unhinged. They put him where the did almost as if they wanted him to snap, or they wanted the neighborhood to eat him alive. These pages here, were written by Santiago himself, and they reflect a dangerous attitude among the people who went to his services. One in particular. He might be who we're looking for.

Trevor Blade: So you're saying Santiago might have given this psychopath the push he needed? Told him God was on his side? He needed to bring "purity" to these girls? This sick fuck thinks he's working on God's orders.

John Angel: Don't you?

Trevor Blade: I didn't ask for permission.

John Angel: Right. Well, I think we're on the right track here. The problem is, we don't have a name, but he talks about him in detail. Timid and shy to start. He's older. He's concerned about his "deformities", and it's abundantly clear that he wants to the world to be clean.

Trevor Blade: Glad I blew Santiago away, but it wouldn't hurt to be able to ask him some questions. I got to pay for this dog? You got any money on you?

John Angel: Me? Yeah, in my glove box.

Trevor Blade: I'll get it.

John Angel: You'll take the money from my car? Gee thanks. It's a wonder it's still there, but I guess he just wanted those files. Why though? Did he want to know more about us? More about her?

Trevor Blade turned up the police radio in John's car.

Trevor Blade: Angel, come over here quick!

John Angel: What is it?

Trevor Blade: On the radio. There were two murders near St. Helen's, and a possible attempted rape. We have to get over there now!

John Angel: Right.

Trevor Blade: I'm driving.

John Angel: Absolutely not.

Trevor Blade: Shut up and get in.

John Angel: Don't rough up my car any more than it is.

Ashley Blair sat in the bleachers of the gym, where she had run off the three punks. Samantha was crying to the side in the arms of her mother, as they spoke to the police. They'd probably want to question her too. She roughed them up, but she didn't kill them. Would they believe her? As she sat there, a figure approached slowly. She quickly turned to see a meek janitor flashing a feint supportive smile. He seemed awkward in the way he stood, and kept his head down for the most part. He name tag said "Frank".

Ashley Blair: Can I help you? Am I in the way?

Frank: Oh no, not at all. I just wanted to check on your girls. I wanted to make sure you were both all right.

Ashley Blair: We're fine for the most part. Thanks for asking.

Frank: I hate seeing things like this happen to such sweet girls like you.

Ashley Blair: I'm far from sweet, but thanks all the same.

Frank: I've seen the way you look after your sister. Not intentionally, but I'm the janitor, I just see a lot of things. I don't mean to pry or nothing. I just smile thinking that she's got someone to take care of her. You need to keep her out of trouble. This a dangerous city.

Ashley Blair: Don't have to tell me.

Frank: It's weird that this happened today of all days. I actually had something for Samantha. Maybe you could give it to her?

Ashley Blair: Oh yeah? What is it?

Frank: I remember she wrote something about her father serving in Vietnam, and he died a war hero. She drew this amazing picture that they framed up in the hall. I did some digging around, and I actually found a picture of him.

Ashley Blair: You found a picture of my father? How? Where?

Frank: Library records. A war photographer was installed with his platoon. He was there when your father saved POWs just before a napalm strike was going to incinerate them. It's rather amazing. I love pictures. I love taking them myself, because you can capture so much in them, like war, or prettier things too you know?

Ashley Blair: May I see the picture please?

Frank: Oh more than that, you can have it. This is a copy I had made just for Samantha. Just make sure she gets it please.

Ashley Blair: I will. Thanks again. I appreciate it.

Frank: The pleasure is all mine.

Frank turned to walked away. He timid smile turned into a grin, exposing his cleft lip. Ashley smiled as she saw her father standing with the POWs he had rescued. Tears well up a little, and she wiped them away as quickly as possible. She didn't like anyone seeing her cry. She looked closely at the faces of the POWs. One young man caught her eye. He looked very familiar. Then she saw the name on his tattered uniform. She could barely make it out, but it was just enough. That was Trevor Blade. She gasped in shock, made all the worse as he and John Angel arrived at that very moment. He burst into the room, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw both sisters were alive if not a little shaken up. The look on Ashley's face puzzled him though, but John seemed to get the gist.

John Angel: You two are about to have a talk.

Trevor Blade: What do you mean?

John Angel: Women don't look that way at a man unless they want answers. You should know that. You were married.

Trevor Blade: Oh.

     Thread Starter

9/21/2022 3:24 am  #33

Re: Death Blade

Trevor Blade and Ashley Blair were in the middle of a walk in the park. Ashley normally felt unsafe in this park, especially at night. She could handle herself in a fight, but she felt much safer with Detective Blade along side her. Still, she was in shock trying to process what she had just learned about her would be protector.

Ashley Blair: So, you knew my Father, no not just knew, you served with him? You fought in Vietnam with my Dad?

Trevor Blade: I did.

Ashley Blair: That seems like something you should mention when you're fucking his daughter, and planning to kill a killer don't you think?

Trevor Blair: I didn't want to keep it a secret, but I didn't really know how to approach it.

Ashley Blair: It's incredibly simple. You're a Detective, you should know how to talk to people. "Oh, I'm so sorry for what happened to your friend Ms. Blair, and by the way, I served with your Dad in Vietnam!" See? See how easy that is? This gets more fucked up by the second. Those bastards tried to rape my sister! That killer is watching us! This of all things I'm having the most trouble wrapping my head around, because you're someone I thought I could trust! I don't even know why I thought that! I barely even know you! Good God, I barely know you, and I went to bed with you! What's wrong with m-

Trevor Blade: I wasn't just serving under Father. He didn't just lead me. He saved my life.

Ashley Blair: What?

Trevor Blade: I was a POW, and it wasn't looking good. My superiors had no idea I was even there. Not me or Rude Boy. They didn't know. Your Father went in anyways. He knew the place was about to get blown apart by napalm, but he didn't give a shit. He received intel that we were being held in that location, and he wanted to make damn sure he wasn't leaving a single man behind. He was a war hero. A real one. The rest of us, we got spit on and called murderers. Maybe they were right about me. Not him though. He was a hero. When I found out who you were, it took me back to that time and place that I keep trying to bury. It's hard, it's so hard. It haunts me nightly.

Ashley stopped Trevor and sat him down on the park bench, as his hands started shaking.

Trevor Blade: Something Rude Boy didn't even know about, was what they were planning to do to us. He was passed out from exhaustion, and I picked up a little Vietnamese. Not much, but enough to get the jist of it. They were going to throw us a gun with one bullet, and let the last man alive go free. I was planning on eating that bullet. He would've thought the same thing. Your Dad came just in time. I dropped the gun in the water, and never told anyone about it.

Ashley Blair: That sounds horrible.

Trevor Blade: A part of my decision to join the Police after the war was a sense of duty and loyalty to your Father. I felt like I had to make his actions worth it. This is something we could have discussed after we caught this guy. That's what I was thinking. I didn't think I'd start feeling this way about you.

Ashley Blair: What way?

Trevor Blade: I think you can guess.

Ashley Blair: I'm not special Blade. I'm just a girl with a lot of problems.

Trevor Blade: No, you're very much your Father's daughter. All you think about is how you can help your sister. It's inspiring. I don't want to see anything happen to either of you.

The two sat in silence for several moments. Ashley looked to see Blade's hands were still shaking, and he had a faraway gaze in his eyes. A thousand yard stare, and she was beginning to understand what that meant. She had seen him as a unrelenting force of nature, but now, he was vulnerable.

Ashley Blair: Blade, this whole thing has been a complete mess, but I'm glad that it gave me the chance to meet you. You've let me in on your secrets, and I appreciate that, but am I really worth you putting yourself in this posi-

Trevor leaned in and kissed her tenderly, she immediately stopped her train of thought.

Trevor Blade: Yes. You're very much worth it Ashley.

The two kissed again. They sat and talked before Ashley finally walked left for home, feeling confident enough to walk home on her own, especially after Trevor had passed her a knife, with instructions on exactly where to stab. Blade smiled to himself as he sat on the bench. He felt a sense of happiness, which was odd given the circumstances, he was willing to take anything he could get now. He was about to light a cigarette, when he suddenly heard screaming from a woman. It wasn't Ashley, it was coming from deeper inside the park. He pulled out his gun and ran in the direction of the screams. He found two punks trying to rape a young woman. The happy feeling inside of him suddenly disappeared, and the sound seemed to leave the world again, leaving the soldier with his rage. He rushed out of the woods and fired the gun into air, making both men back off from the young woman who quickly ran away. The two punks held up their hands.

Punk: What the fuck bro? What are your doing?

Trevor Blade: You just had to pull this shit here and now huh? You just had to be scumbags. The worst fucking scum on this Earth. What the fuck!

Punk: Whoa dude, just calm dow-

Trevor shot the man in the leg. The other punk tried to run away, but Trevor shot him in the back of the head as he turned to run. The surviving punk backed up against a tree in panic.

Punk: Hey! No! No man! Don't do it!

Trevor Blade: Fuckers are never going to learn are you? Heh. Fuck it.

Trevor shot the man directly in the genitals. He screamed out in agony.

Trevor Blade: Enjoy being dickless in hell your rapist motherfu-

The last part of Trevor's rage was cut off by the sound of the gun as he shot the punk in the head. His blood splattered across his face. The heat, the anger, and blood took over, as Trevor walked off, wiping the prints off his gun before tossing it into a nearby sewer grate. It'd be hours before they were found.

     Thread Starter

11/10/2022 2:00 am  #34

Re: Death Blade

A couple weeks passed with no new leads. Blade kept an eye on the Blair sisters, and Angel kept an eye on Blade. Little did they know that they were being watched too. Angel was flipping through the materials they had gathered from Father Ruiz.

John Angel: So we're of the opinion that our killer went to this church, and that he was inspired by Santiago right?

Trevor Blade: That's what we've been going off of yes.

John Angel: You have no idea how many people came to Ruiz with homicidal thoughts. I don't see anything that really stands out though.

Trevor Blade: Lots of people with homicidal thoughts? Makes me wonder.

John Angel: About?

Trevor Blade: Myself. Maybe I'm not as crazy as I thought. Maybe we're all pushed to feel this way, because this city, and the scum inside of it, drive us to some deep, primordial urge.

John Angel: We're supposed to be more civilized than that.

Trevor Blade: What is "civilization" getting us "Tack". Do you feel safe right now? Does anyone in this city feel safe?

John Angel: It'll never be enough Blade.
Trevor Blade: Hmm?

John Angel: You're justifying your actions to yourself. It's never going to be enough for you. You're just as bad when you commit these acts.

Trevor Blade: See, I don't buy that. When you choose to come out here and rape, rob, and murder, you're setting yourself up for-

John Angel: You're not death Blade. You're supposed to be an officer of the law. You're supposed to uphold justice. Law and order are what keep us sane man.

Trevor Blade: You've let me loose to kill this guy.

John Angel: I work in Internal Affairs. I see corrupt cops all of the time. That's my area of expertise. I knew right away there was something not right about you. That being said, what you're doing, you're trying to do for what you perceive is the right reason. I don't ever see that. I've seen these flayed open girls. I've seen what this one has done. I've seen what he did to my- he deserves to die. I might by a hypocrite for this one, but I don't care. I can't feel that way about each and every one of them like you try to, because if I did that, I'd be just as lost as you are.

Trevor Blade: Lost?

John Angel: You're losing yourself to this. What are you going to turn into, if you don't try to turn back now?

Trevor Blade: I don't know, but I know one thing.

John Angel: What's that?

Trevor Blade: I'm hungry. Let's go get a burger on you.

John Angel: On me? It's always on me.

Trevor Blade: I don't make Internal Affairs money.

John Angel: Fine. Fine. Let's go. Samantha is in school now anyways. Safest place other than home.

Trevor Blade: You'd think that, but remember what happened?

John Angel: Oh could I forget?

The two drove off, as the figure watching them, turned his gaze up at the window. He was breathing heavily, as he looked at her from the window. Samantha, trying her best to follow along in class. This was a school that was supposed to help people like her, but they often forget that to read lips, they had to actually be facing her. She could tell the bell had rung, as the other students stood up to leave. She was excited about what was next. Practice for the upcoming school play. She was a dancer in the background. She used the beat from the floor boards, and the other dancers to help her keep in time, and it was impressive how good she actually was, receiving high praise from everyone involved. It was a good distraction. It kept her mind off of what had happened, and who else might be out there. Her lithe form graced around the old wooden stage, in the pink leotard. He watched her dancing and smiling. The grace and beauty. She was angelic. She was pure. She was ready. Later, she was in the showers. She always waited until everyone else was done, so she could have them to herself. She was too shy to shower with the others. As she enjoyed what was left of the hot water, the man grabbed up the used leotard from the dirty clothes bin and smelled it deeply. He took in the smell as his eyes rolled back into his head. He could see her, splayed open, an effigy worthy of God. He backed away behind the lockers of the dingy locker room, as Samantha sat on the old wooden bench and dried her hair. He slowly stood behind her, and touched her hair gently as she finished with the towel. She put hair pins into her hair, dropping one, causing him to back away. She could seem to find it, but continued on getting dressed. He had found the pin, and he put it in the pocket of his jump suit. She quickly got dressed and left the room, walking back towards the stage, with him right behind her. She walked through the darkened backstage behind the set, and could barely see in front of her. However, something wasn't quite right. She couldn't hear the creaking floorboards, but she felt them. She suddenly felt like someone was behind her. She turned around, but no one was there. She looked left and right, and peered into the darkness behind her, but she was alone. She laughed off her paranoia, and walked away. She turned a corner and bumped into a large figure, falling to the floor. She was helped up, and she breathed a sigh of relief when it was just Frank the janitor, who was always helpful about making sure she could read his lips.

Frank: Oh I'm sorry little darling, let me help you up there. That was a nasty spill. Are you OK?

Samantha meekly nodded and smiled.

Frank: I didn't know anyone was still back here. Got to be careful, especially after that nasty incident a couple of weeks ago. You're a brave girl for coming back so quickly. We're all proud of you.

Samantha signed thank you and walked by Frank to go meet Ashley up front. Frank watched Samantha meet up with her older sister, and the two walked off. Frank looked down at his hand to see he was clutching some of Samantha's hair. He grabbed at it so tightly, his nails were piercing his hand. As the blood dripped, he raised the hair to his nose, and smelled it deeply, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

At that exact moment, Blade and Angel were seated at a burger place outside. Angel was still pouring over the journal of Father Ruiz.

John Angel: Too bad none of this is admissible in court. We'd be able to put a lot of people behind bars.

Trevor Blade: Waste of space. You let me see that, and I'd take care of it my way.

John Angel: You're getting too comfortable about it.

Trevor Blade: It was easier to keep it to myself, when I didn't have an Internal Affairs agent or a perceptive ass kicker looking into me. The last guy that did that, Dalton, it didn't turn out too well for him you know.

John Angel: So you really didn't kill him?

Trevor Blade: It's like I said, I was going to turn myself in. After that, it became a habit. I tried to get away from it, but it followed me, so I embraced it when I came back to town. It's as simple as that. If it gets me caught or killed, so be it. Like you said, it's all I am now.

John Angel: You could have more. I think you really like that Ashley girl.

Trevor Blade: She shouldn't be involved with me.

John Angel: A little late for that isn't it? Just think about it Blade. We don't have a lot of time on this spinning globe. You want to spend the rest of your time killing people?

Trevor Blade: I don't know if it really matters what I do in the end. In a perfect world, everything we do comes with a price. This ain't a perfect world. People do bad things. If you're lucky you get a chance to, set it right. But most of the time it goes unpunished. With this guy "Tack", it ain't one of those times. He made two mistakes, the lives he has taken, and getting into my cross hairs. I'm going to kill him, and the only disappointment is that I only get to do it once.

     Thread Starter

11/15/2022 2:16 am  #35

Re: Death Blade

Ashley was doing push ups in her room. When she wasn't doing push ups, she was sharpening the knife she got from her Father's personal effects from 'Nam. When she wasn't doing that, she was pacing back and forth. A bundle of nerves, the image of her dead friend still running though her mind. As the radio played, the right kind of music was getting her blood pumping. She thought about going outside and walking around until he showed himself. She wanted him to come after her. She wanted to face him, but was worried that he was far more interested in Samantha. The next day, would be her school play. Mom couldn't be there like usual, and they both understood that, but Samantha needed her there, so she sat down, indignant of the whole situation and cracked open a beer. She thought about calling up Blade. She hadn't seen him in days, but she knew he was around. She wanted to be bait, and apparently he had been counting on that. It would sound cold as hell if she didn't know he hadn't slept in days keeping an eye on her. In fact, as she got back up, she looked out the window and down the block. His car was there. The lights were off, but he was in there. She could see the end of his cigarette light up every few minutes.

Trevor turned down his CB radio. He didn't want to hear about any of the crimes he could be out trying to prevent. This was the one he needed to prevent. Ashley was younger, but she reminded him of her, his wife Laura. They were both head strong and blunt, and that is what drew him to them both. He was having trouble staying awake, and rifled through his glove box, looking for change to get some coffee, when he saw the little bag of white powder. He paused as he looked at it, and his pulse quickly raced. He'd been mostly clean since coming back from up state. Mostly, he said to himself.

Trevor Blade: Fuck. What would it hurt? I need to be awake and-

A bang outside of the car made him jump and reach for his gun, but he quickly put it down when he saw it was Ashley, banging on the hood. She laughed, even knowing what he was reaching for.

Trevor Blade: You're either fearless or crazy.

Ashley Blair: I'm a little bit of both. You're either a damn good protector or crazy yourself.

Trevor Blade: I'd say it's more of the latter, but I'm trying on the former.

Ashley Blair: Maybe he's not going to come after us anymore.

Trevor Blade: I doubt that. No fresh murders since this started, except the ones revolving your attackers. He's close. He's damn close.

Ashley Blair: Well maybe you should be closer?

Trevor Blade: What?

Ashley Blair: My Mom isn't home tonight.

Trevor Blade: Heh. You make it sound like we're a couple of kids fooling around.

Ashley Blair: You're still allowed to crack a smile and drop your guard every now and then you know?

Trevor Blade: The moment I do, I get the knife in the back.

Ashley Blair: Not if I'm watching it.

Trevor Blade: That's my job.

Ashley Blair: You look out for me. Who says I can't look out for you too?

Trevor Blade: You're full of surprises Miss Blair.

Ashley Blair: Ick, don't call me that.

Trevor Blade: You got anything to drink up there?

Ashley Blair: Um yeah, I got beer?

Trevor Blade: How about coffee? I've been drinking this New Coke shit. It's ain't thrilling me.

Ashley Blair: I know how to keep you awake officer. Then, maybe you can get some sleep, if I'm satisfied.

Trevor Blade: Full of surprises. Where do you see this going?

Ashley Blair: My bed?

Trevor Blade: I meant after all of this. Do you see a future here?

Ashley Blair: Here? No. No, I don't see a future here. I see one wherever you're going though. Anywhere you want to go, I'll go there too.

Trevor Blade: Want to know where I want to go?

Ashley Blair: Where is that?

Trevor Blade: Your bed. I'll even try to stay awake a while.

Ashley Blair: You damn well better.

Hours later, Blade woke up in Ashley's bed. How long had he actually slept? It was still dark outside. It was the most he'd slept in days. He looked over to see her peacefully sleeping. A life full of nothing but shit and problems, and she could still sleep like a baby. He wanted to find out her secret. He traced up her arm to her shoulder with his finger, when calm and peaceful quiet was suddenly interrupted by the loud phone ringing beside the bed.

Trevor Blade: Fuck!

Ashley Blair: Ugh. Will you pick that up. It's probably Mom checking in.

Trevor Blade: That makes it less of a good idea for me to pick it up.

Ashley Blair: She's got us figured out already. Besides, she'll feel better knowing you're here.

Trevor Blade: Fine. Why not?

Trevor grabbed up the old rotary phone and answered awkwardly.

Trevor Blade: Um. Yeah? Hello?

A man was breathing deeply on the other end of the phone.

Trevor Blade: Hello?

Man: You were with her. Did you enjoy her?

Trevor Blade: Who the fuck is this?

Ashley Blair: Blade?

Man: Heh. You can't have the other one. She's mine. You can have that one, do with her what you will, but her sister belongs to me.

Trevor Blade: Like hell she does you piece of shit. Where the fuck are you?

Man: Not far. I've never been far from you. I knew who you were before you even took my case. Santiago, he enlightened me. Detective Angel's files confirmed it to me. We're the same. I wanted you to take this case Officer Blade. I wanted you to see it. I wanted you to see it all in its glory. You can understand the purity like I do. I capture them at their most pure, and I make sure they stay that way. She's so pure. So gentle. So angelic. She's mine.

Trevor Blade: I'm going to fucking kill you. You hear me? I'm gong to fucking kill you!

The man laughed and hung the phone up on the other end.

Ashley Blair: Was it him?

Trevor Blade: Yeah. Damn right it was.

John Tack was at home himself. He checked the fridge to find it empty, except for an old box of Chinese food. He grabbed the box, opened it up, and took a whiff before quickly discarding it. He checked his coffee maker, and used an old filter to make a terrible cup of coffee. He looked at the picture on his table. John with a younger girl, posing in central park.

John Angel: Sarah, I'm so sorry kid. I'm gonna find this guy, I promise. I'm going to catch him, and I'm going to kill him. I know that's not going to bring you back, but it'll make sure no one else ends up like you.

He looked at his watch, and saw that Samantha Blair's play was starting soon. He fixed his tie and went to get himself cleaned up, but as he walked by his kitchen table, he knocked over the files regarding Father Santiago. As he bent down to pick them up, he looked at a specific page, one that he had glanced over before, after one of his "flock" getting a job. It seemed like nothing at the time, but something had been bothering him since the first time he read it. The journal entries were very personal, because the journal was all the scrawling of a mad man making a manifesto, but something about this entry was too clean, and too proper, as if he was trying to hide something. If he got caught, and his possessions came into police custody, he wouldn't want this one in particular to be caught. That was the mindset Angel had. That was what his intuition was telling him. He flipped back to another page and read it out loud to himself.

John Angel: "This one is special. This one sees the work I am doing, and finds it as beautiful as I do. I try to protect the pure, and balance the scales. What he plans to do, will be a work of art. He needs help. His facial disfigurement makes it hard for him to find work, but with my connections, I intend to get him employment, and a vantage point from which to pursue the Lord's work." Facial disfigurement. Then he says later that one of the members of his Parrish got a job, and that he was happy about it naturally. He has connections. Where would a Priest have connections? Local community centers? Soup kitchens? Wait a minute. What about a school? St. Helen's? I've been there, I didn't see anybody that fit with the evidence, then again, the evidence fit Blade, but not the description. So let's work it in reverse. Who fits the description? Two weeks ago, Blade told me that Ashley had found out about his connection to her Father. She found out because of a janitor. A janitor with a cleft lip and- Oh no.

John tried to call Blade's apartment, to no avail. He thought to quickly call the police station. Blade was there, but he was on his way out, after having an argument with the Chief.

Chief Roma: Fuck Blade, you know we're short staffed as it is!

Trevor Blade: I'm telling you Chief, this fucker is going after her specifically! He knew I was there! He's got them staked out! All I'm asking is for one fucking car to stake out the house while I'm at the school! Is that too fucking much to ask?

Chief Roma: Alright! Alright! Fine! I'll do it.

Trevor Blade: I have to go. I have to get to the school.

Chief Roma: Blade, you're getting way too close to this one.

Trevor Blade: If you try to pull me off this case I'll-

Chief Roma: Relax! Who the hell would I replace you with? Short staffed remember?

Trevor Blade: Heh. Put a broom in my place, you'd get the same fucking results Chief. I got to go.

Chief Roma: Hey wait, I think I heard your phone ringing! Blade? Aw, the hell with it. Someone get out there to the Blair girl's apartment, and I mean right now!

Blade lit up a smoke on his ride to the school. He told Ashley and Samantha he'd be there. He wanted to be there to keep an eye out, but he'd also admittedly grown too fond of them to the point he would've shown up regardless. He laughed to him as he drove.

Trevor Blade: Aw dammit Blade, you've gone and done it again.

As he made his way into the building, the play was just beginning. He stood by the door, but quickly saw Samantha on stage, dancing gracefully. He turned his gaze to the side of the stage, and saw the other dancers taking in her talent. Further back he saw teachers and the janitor he had seen before watching on as well. He glanced over to see Ashley in the seats. He looked at her and felt a long lost feeling, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Sitting next to her was Darlene Blair. She had actually made the time to come for the play, which had to be difficult. She was probably running on less sleep than he was. The crowd stood and applauded as Samantha's portion came to a close. Blade joined in the clapping, but Samantha had to be turned around to see everyone cheering for her. The young girl blushed and brushed by her fellow dancers and the janitor as she walked to the back. Blade's gaze turned back to the janitor. He knew what a concealed firearm looked like, and the spotlight shining over head gave him a good look at it. He wanted to ask him about it, but was suddenly stopped by Ashley.

Ashley Blair: There you are! Did you see? Wasn't she great?

Trevor Blade: Absolutely fantastic. Yes she was.

Ashley Blair: I was just about to go tell her as much. You want to come with me?

Trevor Blade: Yeah. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

John Angel was driving as quickly as he could through the streets, trying to get to St. Helen's before it was too late.

John Angel: The janitor! The janitor! The damn janitor! Right in front of us! Dammit Blade, hang on I'm coming!

Trevor and Ashley made their way through the other dancers waiting for their scenes as, as they found the room marked off for the dancers. Blade looked around, but was unable to see the janitor anywhere.

Trevor Blade: Hey Ashley, I've been meaning to ask you something, now that I'm thinking about it. That picture, of me and your Dad that you found here. Who gave it to you?

Ashley Blair: Hm? That was Frank. He's the janitor here.

Trevor Blade: He was showing you that picture before those guys got killed?

Ashley Blair: No. Right before I think.

Trevor Blade: Did you see him after?

Ashley Blair: No? Why are you asking for?

Trevor Blade: I just have a hunch I'm going on right now.

Blade drew his gun, but kept it low and out of sight, as he they opened the door to see a giddy Samantha waiting on Ashley. The two sisters hugged, as Trevor breathed a sigh of relief. Ashley signed to her sister as she spoke.

Ashley Blair: I am so proud of you! You did great kid. Mom loved it too. Yeah, she's here. I'll go get her. Trevor, will you wait here?

Trevor Blade: Absolutely.

Ashley Blair: Thank you.

Ashley walked off as Trevor stepped into the room. Samantha smiled as he came in, but her smile turned to horror as she looked behind him. Out of a rack of costumes, Frank the janitor emerged, with a knife in his hand, and a demented look on his face. Blade saw the look on her face, draw his gun, and quickly turned around, but Frank stabbed him in the side, and held his gun up in the air.

Frank: Shh. You're in shock now, and I don't want you to feel any pain. In a moment, you'll begin to feel light headed, and then drowsy. See? I know all about these things, but because of the cleft lip, no one wanted to hire me. I've got the experience though. I learned, just like you, killing in Vietnam.

Blade fell to the floor, trying to catch his breath, as Frank kicked the gun away, before pulling out his own. He pointed it at Samantha, and stepped towards her, making sure she saw him. She tried to close her eyes, but Frank grabbed her by the neck and her eyes bolted open.

Frank: You're coming with me right now, and we're going to go quietly, or I will kill you and I will kill him, and I will kill everyone you love, because they are standing in the way of you becoming my greatest masterpiece. Come with me now.

Samantha looked over and saw Blade trying to climb back to his feet. Franky saw this and kicked him in the ribs, towards the wall and further away from his gun.

Frank: Just bleed out peacefully Blade. I watch the life leave the eyes of those I kill. It's like slipping into a warm bath is it not? Just let go. She's mine.

Frank turned back to Samantha and grabbed her again.

Frank: Look at me. We're going out that door. To the parking lot, and we're doing it right now. Let's go.

Frank took Samantha by the arm, and the two began to walk, when suddenly, the sprinkler system kicked in, and the fire alarm began to ring. Frank looked behind him to see Blade had pulled the alarm on the wall. Blood coated the wall as he fell against it laughing.

Frank: I wanted to make it easy on you, but you've just fucked u-

The door to the dressing room was kicked open suddenly, as John Angel burst in with is gun drawn. He fired and hit Frank in the shoulder. Frank fell against the wall, but as John tried to help up Blade, Frank got him back with a shot in the leg, and quickly scrambled to his feet to run off with Samantha.

Trevor Blade: He's-he's getting away!

John Angel: Tell me about it!

Trevor Blade: Help me up! Go after him, I'll try to cut him off!

John Angel: You sure you're not going to die?

Trevor Blade: Not yet.

Blade and Angel scattered as Frank dragged Samantha through the back, laughing and waving around his gun as people tried to leave the building after the fire alarm and especially after the gun shots. John was slow to follow, grimacing as he tried to put weight on his leg. Blade grabbed up his gun and went straight through the seating that was now cleared. He looked for Ashley in the process, but could only see a crying and screaming Darlene pointing him out of the door. Frank had made it to his car, which was not the Camero he'd been looking for. He saw Angel get into his car to leave, but couldn't make it in time as he collapsed down the steps. Hearing the screaming around him, he drifted off to the sounds of screams in Vietnam, and the sounds of his wife screaming before she was killed. The sound disappeared around him, the pain left him, and the killer instinct returned. He forced himself back to his feet and got into his car to pursue. Frank had a head start, and laughed as Samantha tried to fight him off in the passenger seat.

Frank: Haha! I've got you now! You're not going anywhere! Haha! Oh look out! I'm gonna swerve! Hold on tight! Haha!

Little did Frank, that as he looked back in his rear view to see the two cars in the distance, that he'd look down into the back passenger seat and see Ashley Blair, laying in wait.

Frank: What the fu-

Ashley Blair: Let go of my sister!

Ashley reached over the seats and clawed Frank in the face, tearing at his flesh as he swerved in the car. Ashley tried to punch him repeatedly, but he pushed her back and corrected himself on the road, nearly missing an oncoming car. As Ashley reached for him again, Frank hit her with the butt of his gun. She fell back against the seats, and dodged as Frank shot at her. Ashley covered her ears from the loud sound of the gun, but Samantha didn't have that problem and grabbed his hand, biting it until the gun fell to the floor. He slapped her, and panicked.

Frank: No! No! You need to be perfect! Fuck!

Frank managed to get to his apartment complex, and got out of the car. He went over to Samantha's side and grabbed her before she could run off. Ashley crawled out of the back seat and forced herself to her feet. She jumped onto Frank's back, but he flipped her over him and smashed her through his windshield. A passerby approached to check on the situation, only to be shot in the process. Frank looked down the road to see the cars off in the distance and quickly rushed into his building with Samantha being dragged behind. John made it to he building, and analyzed the situation. A Camero was parked across the street, no doubt the vehicle he had been using while on the prowl. This was the place. As he got out of his car, he saw Ashley in the windshield of the other car. He went to check her pulse, but the bloody Ashley told him to go upstairs and save Samantha. He checked that the barrel of his gun was loaded and made his way into the building. He motioned for the tenants to go inside, as they cautiously looked out their doors, and pointed for him to go upwards. On the other side of the building, Trevor had pulled up, and grit his teeth as he exited the vehicle and limped his ways towards the fire escape. Back inside, John Angel was outside of Frank's door. It had to be his. The scuff marks from Samantha lead him here.

John Angel: I'm coming in you son of a bitch! Put your hands up and-

Gunfire ripped through the door. John felt something hot pass through his side, as he fell backwards against he old wooden railing of the staircase. It gave way, but he pushed himself off of it just in time and kicked open the door. Inside the walls were lined with photos and trophies of his victims. John peered into the bed room to find Samantha cuffed to the bed. She motioned for him to turn around, but instead he flung his head back, smashed Frank in the nose, and forcing him to drop his gun. John tried to turn now, but as he brought up his gun, Frank knocked it out of his hand and pushed him to the ground. Frank leaped high to land on John’s chest with both feet and pulled a knife out now. He never looked up at the thin screaming from the bed. He pinned Angel down with his knees, raised the knife high and grunted as he brought it down. The blade missed John’s eye and crunched deep into his cheek. Frank rocked forward and put his weight on the handle of the knife to shove it through John’s head. John screamed as Frank worked the blade in deeper and deeper. Suddenly, a crash of glass. Trevor Blade jumped through the window and tackled Frank off of John, saving his life with seconds to spare. Frank quickly ran into the other room, as Blade checked on John and then Samantha. He told her to look away as he fired into his handcuffs, freeing her from the old brass bed frame. He motioned for her to look at him.

Trevor Blade: You need to go downstairs now. Get someone to call the police. Anyone.

She nodded and quickly ran away. Blade pulled out his gun and followed Frank's trail to what looked like an opening in the ceiling. It was a pull down staircase to the attic of the building. He grit his teeth again as he forced himself up the steps, into the cold, dusty, and cobweb filled attic. Rats crawled along the framing, and their sounds and the lack of light made it impossible for Trevor see in front of him. He could tell by the wind draft that the room was big, but other than that, he only knew that he wasn't alone up there.

Trevor Blade: Frank is it? You like killing little girls huh? Come on out, and try someone more your size. I said come on!

Frank: No way Blade. I didn't want to kill you. I wanted you to see my art.

Trevor Blade: It ain't art Frank, and I sure as fuck want to kill yo-

Blade ducked at just the right second, as a bullet whizzed by him.

Trevor Blade: You grabbed up John's revolver? He shot you once, and you tried shooting him then. You've got four bullets left. Just you, me, and four fucking bullets Frank. Want to hear how you're going to die?

Frank: Yeah!

Blade stayed hidden behind the crate he'd found in the darkness. A bullet whizzed by, nearly grazing him once again. He had to get Frank to use up his ammo. He had to get that gun out of play.

Trevor Blade: What's a matter Frank? Afraid of the dark? You should be. Not because of the dark, but because I'm in it. Death is in the dark with you Frank. You've had this coming for a long time.

Frank: Shut up! I have so much work left to do, and you're not going to stop me!

Blade threw an object across the room, and it made Frank shoot in its direction.

Trevor Blade: That wasn't me Frank, and that's two bullets left. Two bullets, and then I'm coming for you. You feel that? It's fear. The same fear you put into those poor girls. Purity Killer? You're just another sick fuck that gets off on cutting people open. Your work is shit Frank.

Frank finally homed in on Blade's location from the talking, but as he got there, he felt around to find he had moved.

Trevor Blade: Close Frank. Oh so close. Want to know how long it's going to take for me to kill you? I'll give you a hint. Think in days.

Frank: Come on Blade, let me hear ya talk some more!

Trevor Blade: That's right, you're getting closer. Come on over Frank. I'm right here!

Trevor suddenly raising his voice got to Frank, and he fired into the darkness. He hit himself with the gun, mad at his stupid mistake.

Trevor Blade: One bullet left. Even if you hit me, I'm still going to get you Frank. I'm still going to get you.

Frank: You think I'm scared of death Blade. I welcome it! I want it! I need it! I just need to finish my work before I go.

Trevor Blade: It's not going to happen.

Frank: It is! I'm in control!

Trevor Blade: Do you feel in control right now? It's over Frank. You're done. You're done!

Frank turned to the yelling, but didn't fire this time. He laughed as he had thought he had Blade figured out, but Blade jumped out of the shadows behind him, and forced the gun to fire. He punched Frank repeatedly, and shoved a thumb in his right eye, angrily gouging at it. Frank screamed threw the eye to the side, and pulled out his own gun. Frank crawled to his knees and put his forehead to the gun, smiling through the blood, several teeth knocked out, oozing down his face with the blood and saliva. John Angel appeared behind him.

John Angel: Do it.

Trevor Blade: Is that what you want Angel? What you really want?

John Angel: He killed my sister! Sarah! Do you even know who she is?

Frank: One of many. I lost count. Haha!

John Angel: Kill him! That's what this was all about!

Trevor Blade: Yeah, and that's why you worked with me. My hands are dirty. They're so dirty. The blood is never coming off. But you, your hands are still clean, clean enough anyways. This sick fuck wants to die John. He wants to. It would be a shame if he had to spend his life locked up instead wouldn't it?

John Angel: Yeah. Yeah that's a good point.

Frank: No. No! You're a killer! I'm a killer! I deserve to die. Pull the trigger! Do it!

Trevor Blade: Yeah, that's right, I'm a killer. You do deserve to die, but now that I think about it, it's too easy. For once, you live, and I kill something else. Your hope for release.

Frank: I'll tell them! I'll tell them who you are! I'll tell everyone who you are!

Trevor Blade: Then so be it. Maybe it's time to-

John Angel: No. It won't matter. I'll vouch for you. Trevor Blade is a fine, upstanding Detective. In fact, I found a few more kills that I believe I can pin to the Purity Killer.

Frank: No. No! No!

The days following the capture of the Purity Killer were a circus for all involved. Another medal for Blade, and one for Angel, the two of them gracing the cover of newspapers, they were dubbed the "Bad Dudes" by the press, though Angel had a presumption that the moniker came from Trevor Blade. Blade had learned to trust someone in Angel, and it paid off, as Angel did what he said he would, and allowed Blade to walk free and clear of his crimes. Blade assumed that after the adrenaline and rage died down, that Angel was thanful to Blade for stopping him from being complicit in a murder. The Blair sisters both survived, with Ashley having to get stitches from her ordeal, but it was price she gladly paid. The days started to warm up, and the city didn't feel as cold anymore, on the day Trevor Blade pulled up to the apartment of the Blair Family. Ashley was already waiting outside, kissing and hugging her mother and sister goodbye.

Ashley Blair: Mom, are you sure you're going to be all right without me?

Darlene Blair: Yes dear, we're both going to be fine. I relied on you to raise your sister for too long, and I nearly lost both of you. It's time I figure things out for myself, and be a better mother. Samantha needs me, and I need her, but we both need you to finally go live your life, and you have a fine man there that wants to help you live it.

Trevor Blade: That's the plan Mrs. Blair.

Darlene Blair: I think you can call me Darlene by now, or Mom if you'd like.

Ashley Blair: Mom!

Darlene Blair: Just thinking ahead.

Samantha ran up to Trevor as he got out of the car to grab Ashley's bags. She gave him a big hug, and spoke to him for the first time.

Samantha Blair: Th-thank you. F-for everything.

Trevor Blade: I'm just glad you're all right. It was my honor.

They said their goodbyes quickly, to try and rip off the bandage as quickly as possible. Blade kissed her on the forehead as she got into the car. They put the top down and drove off as the sun rose over the buildings. As they drove, Blade saw flashing lights in his rear view. Both confused, they pulled over, only to see that it was John Angel pulling them over.

Trevor Blade: Oh, I knew it. He's come to arrest me.

John Angel: Hardly. Didn't think you could leave town without saying goodbye did you?

Trevor Blade: I'm sure I'll see you again. You know first hand what kind of Cop I am.

John Angel: Better than I expected, as it turns out. Still doesn't mean you're not trouble.

Trevor Blade: Well don't worry, we're taking a long vacation. Still not even sure where we're going.

Ashley Blair: Florida.

Trevor Blade: Florida. We're apparently going to Florida. Don't know when I'm coming back.

John Angel: Could be an opportunity for a fresh start?

Trevor Blade: Oh no. Make no mistake about it Angel. I will be back.

John Angel: Well in that case, don't be a stranger for too long alright? I hear the President's coming into town soon.

Trevor Blade: Heh. "Exciting".

The two shook hands, not as enemies or rivals, but as friends. Blade jumped back into his car and shared a long kiss with Ashley and shrugged, mouthing "Florida?" She laughed as they drove off over the bridge and towards the sunrise.

Last edited by Machismo (11/15/2022 2:20 am)

     Thread Starter

10/10/2024 3:26 am  #36

Re: Death Blade

Chapter 1: Dead Calm

The Florida sun sank low on the horizon, its fading rays casting an orange glow across the calm waters of the marina. Trevor Blade sat on the deck of his boat, the Steel Justice, his fingers wrapped around a sweating bottle of beer. The gentle slap of the waves against the hull was the only sound, a far cry from the constant chaos of New York City’s streets. He'd traded in the screech of sirens and gunfire for the hum of seagulls and the occasional laughter of tourists. This was supposed to be his peace, his retirement, his fresh start with Ashley.

Ashley, his second chance. After everything he’d lost—the murder of his first wife, the brutal execution of his best friend—Ashley was his lifeline. She was the one who had helped him believe that maybe, just maybe, he could outrun his demons.

Trevor leaned back in his chair, taking in the tranquil scene, but no matter how much he tried to lose himself in it, the tension never quite left his body. His hand absently traced the scar across his left bicep, a permanent reminder of the wars he fought on the streets.

Ashley emerged from the cabin, her sundress flowing in the light breeze. Her dark hair caught the sunlight as she smiled at him, that warm, comforting smile that melted away the edges of his old pain, if only for a moment.

"You know," she said, sitting down beside him, "this place might actually be growing on you. You haven’t thrown a punch in weeks."

Trevor chuckled, a low, gravelly sound. "Give me time. Some punk’s bound to screw it up."

She rolled her eyes, but there was love behind it. “Always so optimistic, Blade.”

"I prefer realistic," Trevor replied, his eyes scanning the marina with the wariness of a man who’d seen too much. He knew it wouldn’t last. That this peace was fragile. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach, the weight that never went away.

They sat in silence for a moment, the boat rocking gently beneath them. Trevor tried to relax, but every shadow felt like a threat, every distant shout an echo of his past life. He wasn't built for this. Not really. He could pretend, he could play the role of the retired ex-cop, but deep down, he knew that something was coming. It always did.

“I was talking to one of my students today,” Ashley said, breaking the quiet. “Danny. You remember him, right? He’s been coming to the art classes for a while now.”

Trevor nodded. "The kid with the sketchbook? Quiet, but talented."

“Yeah, that’s him. But...I’m worried. He’s been hanging around the wrong crowd. I can see it in his eyes. There’s something dark in him now, something I’ve seen before.” Her voice faltered slightly, and Trevor looked at her, his jaw tightening.

“Drugs?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

Ashley nodded. “I tried talking to him, but I don’t think he’s listening. It’s like...I’m losing him.”

Trevor exhaled slowly, his fingers tightening around the neck of the bottle. He’d seen that look before—too many times. Kids who had promise, sucked into the life, lost to the streets. It always ended the same way. "I'll talk to him."

Ashley put a hand on his arm. "Trevor, you don’t have to—"

"I know," he interrupted, his voice softer than usual. "But I want to. If there's still a chance to pull him back, I’ll try."

For a moment, Ashley smiled again, and Trevor allowed himself to believe it might work. That maybe, this time, he could fix something without breaking it.

Chapter 2: The Art of War

The low hum of the city surrounded Trevor as he parked his beat-up truck outside an old, crumbling warehouse. It wasn't the kind of place you'd expect to find an art class, but South Beach was a world of contradictions. On one side, you had the gleaming high-rises and million-dollar yachts. On the other, forgotten corners like this, where dreams went to die and crime thrived in the shadows.

He got out, the door creaking as he slammed it shut. The warm Florida air clung to his skin, heavy with the smell of salt and exhaust. Trevor stood for a moment, his eyes scanning the area, the instincts he couldn't shake always alert, always on edge.

Inside, the makeshift studio was filled with easels and paint-splattered tables. A few kids hovered over their canvases, lost in their work, but Trevor wasn’t here for the art. His eyes zeroed in on the figure in the back—a tall, lanky kid with dark hair and eyes that carried too much weight for his age.


The kid glanced up as Trevor approached, his hand frozen over a half-finished sketch. There was fear in his eyes, but also something else. Defiance.

“Danny,” Trevor said, his voice low but steady. “Mind if we talk?”

Danny glanced around, the tension in the room suddenly thick. The other kids avoided Trevor’s gaze, but he didn’t care. His focus was on the one in front of him.

“I don’t got much to say,” Danny muttered, picking up his pencil again, but his hand shook as he tried to go back to drawing.

Trevor squatted down beside him, lowering his voice. “Look, I know you’re in deep with some bad people. I know what it’s like to feel trapped. But there’s a way out, kid. You just have to take it before it’s too late.”

Danny snorted, tossing the pencil onto the table. “You don’t know shit about me, Blade. You think you can just show up, give some speech, and fix everything? It doesn’t work like that. Not here.”

Trevor stared at him for a moment, his jaw clenched. He’d seen this before—the anger, the bitterness, the feeling that the world had already given up on you. He knew it because he had been that kid once, so long ago.

"I don’t need to know everything about you," Trevor said. "But I know this. The guys you're running with? They don’t care about you. The minute you’re not useful to them, they’ll leave you bleeding out in a gutter, if you're lucky."

Danny’s eyes flickered for a second, but his walls stayed up. "You think I have a choice? This is my life now. There’s no going back."

"There’s always a way back," Trevor growled. "But you gotta want it. You have to make the choice before they make it for you."

Danny stood up, knocking over the chair. “You don’t get it, man. They don’t let you just walk away. You think I wanted this?” He gestured at his torn clothes, the dark circles under his eyes. “I didn’t have a choice. And now they own me.”

Trevor took a step forward, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Who’s pulling your strings? Who’s got you so scared you can’t even think straight?"

For a moment, Danny hesitated, his eyes darting toward the door as if expecting someone to walk in. Then, in a low voice, he muttered, "Marco."

Trevor’s stomach twisted. Marco Ruiz. A mid-level drug dealer with a penchant for recruiting kids into his little empire. The guy was slime, but he was smart, too smart to get his hands dirty directly.

"Marco’s bad news, Danny. You get in deeper with him, you won’t be able to crawl back out."

Danny’s eyes flared. "I already told you. I don’t have a choice."

Trevor stepped in closer, gripping the kid’s shoulder. "I’ll talk to him. Get you out of this. But you have to promise me something—stay out of sight, keep your head down. Can you do that?"

The fear in Danny’s eyes warred with the bravado, but eventually, he nodded. "Yeah... I can do that."

Trevor let go and watched as Danny grabbed his bag and made for the door, leaving behind the sketch of a dragon breathing fire, half-finished, like his future.

Trevor’s chest tightened as he watched the kid walk away. He knew the look on Danny’s face—the same one he had years ago, right before everything in his life had come crashing down. He couldn't save everyone, but he was damn sure going to try.

As he stepped back outside into the night, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. The shadows around him seemed darker than before, more alive. It was instinct now—something was wrong.

And then he saw them. The blacked-out SUV creeping down the street, the windows tinted but the intent clear.

Trevor’s fists clenched. He had tried to play it clean, tried to reason with the kid, but the streets didn’t care about reason. The rules were different here.

The SUV slowed to a stop, and Trevor could see the glint of metal through the windshield.

It was about to get dirty again.

Just the way it always did.

Chapter 3: Line in the Sand

Trevor Blade’s gut had always been his best guide, a constant in a world that never stopped shifting. As he tailed Danny through the grimy streets of Miami, his instincts told him one thing—this wasn’t just about saving a kid anymore. This was about sending a message.

The streets led him to a dilapidated apartment complex, deep off the beach front. The kind of place where hopes were snuffed out before they even had a chance to grow. Trevor felt it immediately—the heavy, suffocating air of desperation and decay. It reminded him too much of New York. Public housing projects, dark hallways, barely functioning lights, and the overwhelming sense that nobody cared. They called it "progress" back then. He called it what it really was: a rigged game.

Trevor stepped inside the building, watching Danny make a handshake with a young man dressed in black and gold. The colors were unmistakable—Latin Kings. The kid wasn’t deep in yet, but he was on the edge. And Trevor could see the cliff from where he was standing. The elevator doors closed behind Danny, and as Trevor followed, he noticed a gun tucked inside the gang member's waistband.

Blade punched the young Latin King in the throat, disarming him in a second. With two more swift hits, the kid was out cold. Blade grabbed the gun, slipping into the elevator before it reached the top. The number climbed as Trevor’s blood pressure rose. His hand twitched as the memories began flashing through his head, memories from ’Nam, from New York, and all the bodies left in his wake. He couldn’t let it happen again. Not like this. But when the door opened and he saw the thug waiting for him, his instincts took over.

A second later, Blade had the man’s head smashed against the grimy porcelain wall, knocking him out cold. Another one entered the hallway, but Trevor was faster, driving the butt of the gun into the man's nose before throwing him into the closing elevator. His ears buzzed, drowning out everything except the sound of his own heartbeat.

That killer instinct he fought so hard to bury—it was clawing its way back up. He took deep breaths, suppressing the urge to end everyone in his path. He had to fight it. It wasn’t just his life he was gambling with anymore.

The world slowly returned as his senses sharpened. Music echoed from somewhere below, voices came from the floor above, but this one—the one with Danny—was quiet. Too quiet. Trevor adjusted his grip on the gun, listening through the door.

Through the pounding bass, he caught snippets of the conversation inside.

“Pass that over here, ese. Let me get a hit,” one of them said, his voice dripping with bravado.

“Danny, get a hit of that shit, man. Take the bump,” the other urged, his tone insistent.

“I’m good, guys. Really, I am,” Danny replied, his voice uncertain.

Trevor’s heart sank. He had to intervene before it was too late. Taking a deep breath, he slipped into the shadows, listening closely as tension filled the air.

The young gang member flashed a gun, and Trevor’s instincts kicked in. This was it.

Without a second thought, he kicked open the door, startling the two gangsters inside.

“Yo, what the fuck, man?” one of them exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise.

“Who the fuck is that?” the other yelled, a mixture of confusion and fear etched on his face.

Trevor pointed the gun directly at them, his voice low and commanding. “Let’s go, Danny.”

“Mr. B?” Danny’s eyes widened as he recognized the familiar figure.

Trevor glared at the two gangsters, his voice cold. “Sit down. Both of you, assholes, sit the fuck down!”

Hugo and Pablo exchanged glances, disbelief morphing into fear.

“Holy shit,” Hugo muttered, backing up slightly.

“Who the fuck is this, Danny?” Pablo asked, incredulity seeping into his tone.

“I’m your father. Your mother just didn’t tell you. Grab your shit, and leave the gun, Danny,” Trevor said, maintaining his glare.

Danny hesitated, fear flashing across his face. “Get the fuck off me, man!”

Trevor stepped closer, his voice steady but filled with urgency. “What? You think you’re safe here? Do you even know who you’re dealing with?”

Danny's anger flared. “You don’t get it! These guys aren’t like the ones you dealt with in New York. You’re playing with fire!”

Danny's voice was filled with defiance. “What am I supposed to do, Mr. B? What the hell am I supposed to do?”

Trevor gripped Danny’s shoulder, his voice steady and fierce. “You’ve got a choice. You’ve got talent. You can draw, you can paint—those are real things. But you’ve got to make a choice before it’s too late.”

Danny’s anger flared again. “You think I have a choice? This is my life now. There’s no going back.”

“Then pull the trigger,” Trevor said coldly, shoving the gun into Danny’s hands. “Put it to my head and pull the trigger.”

“Are you crazy?” Danny stammered, panic rising in his voice.

Trevor stepped back, allowing the weight of the moment to settle between them. “If this is who you think you are, then prove it. Pull the trigger, killer.”

Danny’s hands shook as he gripped the gun, his fear palpable. “No, man, I can’t do that!”

“Then you’re not a killer,” Trevor replied, his voice low. “You’ve got a choice, Danny. You’ve got talent, something real. You can still walk away from this. Don’t let this life kill you.”

Danny’s shoulders sagged, the fight leaving him as he dropped the gun, staring at Trevor with wide eyes. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I can’t watch another kid throw his life away. You still have a chance. Don’t let it slip through your fingers.”

Danny grabbed his bag and bolted out the door, disappearing into the night. Trevor watched him go, knowing the battle wasn’t over. But for tonight, at least, Danny had survived.

Turning back toward the building, the adrenaline coursing through him, Trevor felt the familiar tension rise in his chest. He wasn't finished yet. Not by a long shot. He stepped back inside to confront the Latin Kings one last time. Trevor rushed back into the scene of the action, his presence overwhelming. 

“I want to make it clear. I promised someone I love that this shit needed to end. She told me that the weight of the world wasn't on my shoulders and that I needed to let things play out without always getting involved. She's smart—one of the smartest people I know—and she's right. It's not always my place to step in. A killer isn't needed in every situation.”

He leaned closer, locking eyes with Danny. “I don’t have to kill and torture everyone that makes a mistake. Danny made a mistake, but he’s a good kid, and he’ll be just fine, so long as you all stay away from him. I will leave here right now if I have your word, and that’s more than you deserve. You’re getting a bargain, because she believes in mercy a lot more than I do.”

Trevor’s gaze turned icy as he addressed the gangsters again. “She’s tough, hard, and jagged, but she’s got a huge heart. As for me? If I see you anywhere near Danny again, I will kill every single one of you, or I will die trying, and you will not die easily or painlessly. I will tear you the fuck apart! He’s got his choice, and now you have yours. You leave him the fuck alone. Is that clear? Don’t say a word. Just nod.”

The two men slowly nodded, fear etched on their faces as they recognized the truth in his words. Trevor accepted their silent agreement and stepped back into the elevator.

On the way down, he took the clips out of the guns, tossing them into the trash, while he hurled the guns into the sewer, a final act of defiance against the violence he had just confronted. He stepped out of the building, feeling the weight of the confrontation still hanging in the air.

As he walked toward home, he could feel the tension in his shoulders begin to ease, but not entirely. An angry and bloodied Hugo watched him leave from the window, too afraid to pursue.

But someone else was watching from a distance, and they chose to follow him.

     Thread Starter

10/10/2024 4:33 am  #37

Re: Death Blade

Chapter 4: Calm Before the Storm

The night had settled into a heavy silence as Trevor Blade returned to the Steel Justice. The tension from the earlier confrontation still buzzed in his veins, but the moment he stepped aboard, the familiar scent of saltwater and the soft creak of the boat welcomed him back. It was a stark contrast to the chaos he’d just left behind.

As he entered the cabin, the low light illuminated the space, casting warm shadows across the small living area. Trevor took a deep breath, allowing the comfort of home to wash over him. He could hear Ashley humming softly to herself in the galley, her presence filling the air with warmth.

“Hey, you,” she called out, glancing over her shoulder with a smile that instantly eased the tension in his chest. “How was your evening?”

Trevor paused, his heart swelling at the sight of her. “It was... eventful.” He tried to keep his tone light, not wanting to burden her with the weight of the night’s events.

Ashley set down the knife she had been using to chop vegetables and wiped her hands on a dish towel. “Eventful? Is that a good or bad thing?”

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “It was just another night in paradise.” The words hung between them, heavy with meaning, but Trevor knew he wanted to shield her from the harsh realities outside.

As he stepped closer, Ashley reached out, her fingers brushing against his arm. “You look like you could use a drink. Want some wine?”

“I could use something stronger,” he replied, but his tone was playful. “Maybe a little bourbon?”

She raised an eyebrow, mischief dancing in her eyes. “You know I’ll just get you wine.”

“Fine, I’ll take what I can get.” He stepped further into the cabin, watching as she poured two glasses of wine. The way she moved, the way she always seemed to light up a room, reminded him of everything he fought to protect.

When she turned back to him, the glasses in hand, he could see the warmth in her gaze, the way she regarded him with a mixture of love and concern. It was a look that pierced through the darkness he carried within.

“Here,” she said, handing him a glass. Their fingers brushed against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through him. Trevor took a sip, savoring the taste of the wine, but it was nothing compared to what he truly wanted.

“Come here,” he murmured, drawing her closer as he set the glass down on the counter.

Ashley moved into his arms, fitting perfectly against him, and for a moment, he let the world fade away. Her warmth enveloped him, and he breathed in the scent of her hair—sweet and floral. It was grounding, a reminder that there was still beauty in life amidst the chaos.

“Trevor...” she began, but he silenced her with a gentle finger on her lips.

“Just let me hold you for a minute,” he whispered, his voice low and tender.

Ashley nodded, her eyes softening as she melted into him. Trevor buried his face in her neck, inhaling the calming scent of her shampoo. He could feel the tension of the day slipping away, replaced by a warmth that spread through his entire being.

“Sometimes I feel like I’m losing you,” she murmured against his shoulder, her voice tinged with worry.

Trevor pulled back slightly to look into her eyes, cupping her face in his hands. “You’re not losing me. I’m right here. I promise, I’ll always come back to you.”

Her gaze searched his, and he could see the flicker of fear behind her confidence. “I worry about what’s out there, Trevor. The life you’ve left behind.”

“Let me show you what’s right here,” he replied, leaning in closer, his breath mingling with hers.

He captured her lips in a soft kiss, one that deepened with each passing second. Trevor poured all the love, all the promise of a better tomorrow into that kiss. He could feel her melting against him, her body responding to his, and the world outside faded further into the background.

As they pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other, he felt a surge of longing course through him. “I need you, Ash. I need you to remind me of who I am when everything else tries to pull me under.”

With a teasing smile, she whispered, “Then let’s forget the world for a while.”

Trevor nodded, knowing that what they were about to share would be a sanctuary from the chaos. They moved to the small bedroom area, the space cozy and inviting, bathed in warm light.

As they settled into the familiar intimacy of their space, Trevor took his time, letting his hands explore her body gently, tracing the contours of her curves, savoring the feel of her skin against his. Each touch ignited a fire within him, stoking the embers of a passion that always lay just beneath the surface.

He kissed a trail from her lips down to her collarbone, feeling her breath hitch, and he looked up to find her eyes dark with desire. The moment hung between them, thick with unspoken words, and he knew he could lose himself in her completely.

“Trevor...” she breathed, her voice barely a whisper, filled with need.

“Shh,” he murmured against her skin, drawing her closer, kissing her softly, feeling her heart racing beneath his fingertips. He wanted to drown out every fear, every doubt, to build a fortress around their love that nothing could penetrate.

They moved together in perfect harmony, the outside world forgotten as they lost themselves in each other. Trevor’s heart raced, but it was a different kind of tension now—a promise of connection, a pledge to protect what mattered most.

For that moment, they were more than just survivors of their pasts; they were two souls intertwined, finding solace in one another amidst the chaos.

     Thread Starter

10/10/2024 5:34 am  #38

Re: Death Blade

Chapter 5: Ripples in the Water

The morning sun crept through the small porthole of the Steel Justice, casting soft beams of light across the cabin. Trevor Blade stirred awake, the warmth of the sun mingling with the warmth of Ashley beside him. Last night’s passion felt like a distant dream, a momentary escape from the chaos that had begun to seep into their lives once again.

Trevor shifted slightly, careful not to wake Ashley, and sat up to gather his thoughts. He glanced at the clock on the wall; it was already past ten. The day stretched out before him, and he felt a pull of responsibility nagging at the back of his mind. He couldn’t ignore the looming threat of Marco Ruiz and his crew, not when the stakes were so high.

Once outside, the heat of the Florida sun greeted him like a wave crashing over his skin. He stepped onto the deck, letting the salty breeze wash over him, clearing the remnants of sleep from his mind.

Trevor took a moment to survey the marina. It was busy with tourists and locals alike, the vibrant energy of South Beach pulsing around him. Yet, beneath the surface, he felt the undercurrents of danger lurking just out of sight.

Suddenly, the distant sound of shouting and gunfire pierced through the usual marina sounds, and Trevor's heart dropped. He rushed back inside the cabin, his voice steady but urgent. “Ashley! We have to move!”

Ashley sat up, startled, her eyes wide with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Gunfire! We’re in danger—now, get your things!”

Within minutes, they gathered their essentials and hurried to Trevor's truck. The engine roared to life, a familiar sound that filled him with both comfort and apprehension. As they pulled out of the marina, Trevor glanced at Ashley, who was watching the world outside with worried eyes.

“Where do we go?” she asked, her voice shaky.

“Just keep your head down and stay close. We’ll find somewhere safe. I promise.” He gripped the steering wheel tightly, determination flooding through him.

They drove through the sunlit streets, but the peaceful scenery quickly faded as the gunfire grew closer. Trevor’s instincts kicked in. “Hang on!” He slammed on the accelerator, his truck surging forward as they tore away from the marina.

Ashley clutched the dashboard, her knuckles white. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know yet, but we can’t stick around to find out,” Trevor replied, focusing on the road ahead.

As they maneuvered through the streets, Trevor caught a glimpse of dark figures emerging from the shadows. The Latin Kings, with their black and gold colors, were closing in fast. Trevor’s heart raced as he pushed the truck to its limits, weaving between cars, desperately trying to lose them.

“Trevor, they’re gaining on us!” Ashley shouted, her eyes wide with fear.

“Just hold on!” he shouted back, weaving the truck into a narrow alleyway. The sound of screeching tires echoed around them as they barreled down the street, the world outside a blur.

But the gang members were relentless, and as they tore out of the alley, Trevor spotted two vehicles flanking them. The roar of engines filled the air, and Trevor could see the gang members leaning out of their windows, guns drawn.

“Drive faster!” Ashley yelled, her voice laced with panic.

“I’m trying!” Trevor growled, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he pushed the truck harder. He could feel the weight of their pursuers closing in, and the realization hit him hard—there was nowhere to hide.

Suddenly, a gunshot shattered the tension, the bullet striking the side of the truck with a deafening bang. Trevor swerved, his heart racing as he struggled to maintain control. “Keep your head down!” he shouted.

Ashley ducked, her heart pounding as she felt the truck lurch beneath them. The Latin Kings were playing for keeps, and Trevor knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up.

“Take the next turn!” Ashley yelled, pointing to a side road ahead.

Trevor didn’t hesitate, making a sharp turn as they barreled down the narrow road. The truck bounced over the uneven pavement, but the gang members were right behind them, determined to bring them down.

“They’re not letting up!” Ashley shouted, fear evident in her voice.

“Just keep holding on!” Trevor gritted his teeth, focusing on the road ahead. He spotted an old warehouse on the outskirts of town, a potential refuge, but he knew he wouldn’t reach it before they were caught.

The Latin Kings’ cars closed in, and Trevor could feel the tension in the air crackling like static. The sound of gunfire erupted again, bullets striking the truck, the sound of metal crunching beneath the barrage.

“Trevor!” Ashley cried, her voice rising in panic.

“Stay down!” He maneuvered the truck, trying to lose them, but the gang members were relentless. They were faster, meaner, and they knew the territory better than he did.

Suddenly, one of the gang members pulled alongside them, leaning out of the window with a smug grin. “Time to end this, Blade!”

Before Trevor could react, the gang member fired again, bullets ricocheting off the truck’s metal frame. Trevor swerved violently, trying to shake them off, but it only seemed to make things worse.

“Hang on!” Trevor shouted, his heart racing as he veered off the main road, heading toward a less traveled path.

The gang members followed, their engines roaring as they closed in. Trevor felt his blood run cold as he pushed the gas pedal to the floor. He had to lose them. He had to protect Ashley at all costs.

But as he took a sharp corner, a second vehicle from the gang emerged from behind a cluster of trees, blocking their escape route. Trevor slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop just in time, but the momentum sent them careening sideways.

“Trevor!” Ashley screamed, bracing for impact.

The Latin Kings saw their chance, and with a coordinated attack, both cars rammed into the sides of Trevor’s truck, sending it spinning out of control. The world around him blurred into a chaotic whirl of metal and noise.

The truck hit the ditch with a sickening crunch, and the world went dark.

Trevor gasped for air as the ringing in his ears subsided. His head pounded, and the taste of blood filled his mouth. Every inch of him ached, but when he turned his head, the sight of Ashley lying motionless beside him sent a bolt of panic through his chest.

“Ashley?” he rasped, reaching out to touch her. Her face was pale, her body limp, and blood trickled from a gash on her forehead. His stomach twisted in fear.

“Ashley, come on!” Trevor's voice broke, but there was no response. She was unconscious, hurt badly.

Before he could process what to do next, Trevor heard the sound of tires screeching. The Latin Kings had stopped a short distance away, watching. They must’ve thought it was over, that they had won. He saw one of the gang members glance back toward him, smirking.

“They’re done,” one of them shouted. “Let’s go.”

Trevor struggled to sit up, his knee screaming in agony. He glanced down and saw it—the joint was dislocated, his leg bent at an unnatural angle. Pain shot through him, but he couldn’t focus on that. He needed to get Ashley out. Now.

The sound of car engines roaring away faded, and Trevor took a breath. They were leaving, assuming he and Ashley were as good as dead.

But they weren’t. Not yet.

With gritted teeth, he reached for Ashley, feeling the sharp sting of shrapnel embedded in his face. Blood dripped down his cheek, blurring his vision, but he forced himself to move. Pain ripped through his body as he crawled out of the mangled truck, dragging Ashley’s limp body with him.

Every inch was a battle. His arms trembled as he pulled her out, her blood staining his hands, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t.

The moment he dragged her to safety, a deafening BOOM rocked the air behind them. The truck erupted into flames, the force of the explosion sending a wave of heat across his body. Shrapnel flew past him, barely missing his head as he shielded Ashley with his body.

Gasping for air, Trevor collapsed next to her, his breath ragged. They had survived—barely—but the damage was done.

As the flames consumed what was left of the truck, Trevor lay on the ground, clutching Ashley’s hand. The voices and screaming surged forth from the back of his mind. The pain and anguish that had followed him since 'Nam. It all came rushing back, as did the instinct. The unrelenting thirst for vengeance. He struggled to stand with the rising fire as his backdrop. He screamed out in anger and pain towards the sky. 

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10/10/2024 4:32 pm  #39

Re: Death Blade

Chapter 6: The Shadow Connection

The low hum of voices and the clatter of typewriters filled the bustling office of Internal Affairs in New York City. Johnathan Angel sat at his cluttered desk, sifting through paperwork and case files. It had been another long day, but that was nothing new.

Johnathan had been working on a case that had been gnawing at him for months—a string of suspicious reports linking high-level officials to not just the city's most dangerous criminal organizations, but the country's. It was the kind of case that could break wide open or be buried six feet under if he wasn’t careful. His instincts told him that something much bigger was at play, something that reached far beyond New York’s crime-ridden streets.

He leaned back in his chair, scanning the open file in front of him. His brow furrowed as he read the name that had been haunting him for weeks: The Latin Kings. Their influence had spread far beyond the streets, and now, whispers of political corruption were surfacing, unsubstantiated but too frequent to ignore.

“Angel, you got a minute?” a voice called out, breaking him from his thoughts.

Johnathan looked up to see his colleague, Pete Morrison, walking over with a grim expression on his face. Something was off.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Johnathan asked.

Pete hesitated for a moment, clearly unsure of how to proceed. “I just got a call. It’s about Trevor Blade.”

The name hit Johnathan like a punch to the gut. Trevor Blade, the elusive ex-cop that turned in his badge and retired to live a quiet life after all that had happened. Johnathan worked with the "Death Blade" to see to the end of a mutual enemy and in the process became the closest thing to a friend he'd allowed himself to have in years. He was supposed to be done with the violence, living a quiet life in Florida with his new wife, Ashley.

“What about him?” Johnathan asked, his voice tight.

Pete sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “There was an accident. Word is, he and Ashley were run off the road down in South Florida. Some are saying the Latin Kings might’ve been involved.”

“The Latin Kings?” Johnathan muttered, his mind racing. It couldn’t be a coincidence.

“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what I’m hearing. The details are still sketchy, but they barely made it out alive,” Pete added, his tone serious.

Johnathan stood up abruptly, pacing behind his desk as his mind worked overtime to connect the dots. “Trevor... I thought he was done with all this.”

“He probably thought the same,” Pete replied, shrugging. “But you know how it is for hero cops. Trouble has a way of finding them.”

Johnathan’s mind went to the case file sitting on his desk. He had been digging into the Latin Kings for months, but there had been whispers, rumors that reached higher than anyone dared to believe. There were unconfirmed reports—shaky at best—that the Vice President himself had been involved in loosening regulations to allow the Latin Kings free rein in Florida.

At first, it had sounded like a wild conspiracy, the kind of thing you’d hear in a dive bar from a drunk ex-cop, but now? With Trevor and Ashley caught in the crosshairs, the connection felt too real to ignore.

“Do you think it’s related?” Pete asked, watching Johnathan closely.

Johnathan stopped pacing, turning back to his desk as he picked up the file. “It has to be. I’ve been tracking the Latin Kings for months. The thing is, they’re not just operating down in Florida. They’re being allowed to operate.”

Pete raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I mean someone at the top is protecting them. There’s a reason they’ve been able to expand their operations without anyone stepping in. I’ve got whispers—unsubstantiated reports—that the Vice President is involved. Loosening regulations, making sure the Feds look the other way. It’s all tied together.”

Pete’s eyes widened. “You think the Vice President is letting the Latin Kings run wild in Florida?”

Johnathan nodded slowly, the gravity of the situation sinking in. “I don’t think. I know. And now Trevor’s tangled up in it.”

The weight of his words hung in the air, and Pete leaned in closer. “So what’s the plan? You think Blade knows?”

“No, he doesn’t know anything,” Johnathan replied, his voice grim. “He’s a target now, just like everyone else who gets too close. But if the Latin Kings are involved, they’re not going to stop. If we don’t figure this out, Trevor and Ashley won’t be safe. No one will.”

Johnathan sat back down at his desk, his mind working overtime. He knew Trevor well enough to know that if he got even a whiff of the conspiracy, he’d blow it wide open, with or without backup. But this was bigger than either of them. It reached into the highest echelons of power, and if they weren’t careful, they could both end up buried.

“We need proof, something concrete,” Pete said, breaking the silence.

Johnathan glanced at the file in his hand, his mind racing. “Yeah, we do. And if what I’ve been hearing is true, the proof is down in Florida. That’s where we’ll find the connection.”

Pete crossed his arms, his expression serious. “You’re thinking of going down there, aren’t you?”

Johnathan nodded, his decision already made. “I have to. Trevor’s in danger, and if what I’m hearing is true, he’s not the only one. The corruption runs deep, and I’m not going to sit here while they destroy everything we’ve fought for.”

“Do you have anything solid on the VP?” Pete asked, lowering his voice.

“Not yet,” Johnathan admitted, frustration creeping into his voice. “It’s all whispers, unsubstantiated reports. But it’s enough to start pulling on threads. And now, with Trevor involved, it’s too close to ignore.”

Pete gave him a slow nod. “You’d better be careful, Angel. If you start poking around in the Vice President’s business, things are going to get ugly fast.”

Johnathan’s jaw tightened. “I know. But I’m not letting them get away with this. Not this time.”

The two men exchanged a long, silent look. The stakes had just gotten a lot higher, and Johnathan knew they were stepping into dangerous territory. 

Chapter 7: The Cold Stare

The fluorescent lights above Trevor flickered as he limped down the hospital corridor, his breath ragged and labored. His face was a mess of dried blood, cuts, and bruises, but none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered now was behind the door at the end of the hall—Ashley.

He pushed through the door, wincing as his dislocated knee protested with each step. The sterile smell of the hospital burned his nostrils, but the sight of Ashley lying motionless in the bed turned his stomach inside out. Machines beeped quietly beside her, tubes connected to her arms, and her face—usually full of life—was now pale and still.

“Mr. Blade,” a voice called out softly from behind him. It was the doctor, his expression grim.

Trevor didn’t turn around. He couldn’t. His eyes were locked on Ashley, on her fragile form. He moved closer to her bedside, his hand trembling as he reached out to touch her, but he stopped just short. She looked so small, so helpless. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

“Ashley...” he whispered, his voice breaking.

The doctor stepped closer, clearing his throat gently. “Mr. Blade, I know this is difficult, but we need to talk about your wife’s condition.”

Trevor’s jaw clenched as he tore his eyes away from Ashley, finally turning to face the doctor. “What’s the damage?” he asked, his voice low, hollow.

“She’s in a coma,” the doctor said, his tone careful. “Her injuries are severe. The crash caused significant trauma to her spine. We’ve stabilized her for now, but... the damage is likely permanent. She may never regain the use of her legs.”

The words hit Trevor like a sledgehammer to the chest. He felt the room spin for a moment, the pain in his knee and face disappearing under the weight of this new reality. Ashley, paralyzed. The future he had envisioned for them, shattered.

“You’re telling me... she might never walk again?” Trevor asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The doctor nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Blade. We’ll do everything we can, but spinal damage like this... it’s hard to recover from. Right now, our priority is her stability. She’s in critical condition, and we need to monitor her closely.”

Trevor’s fists clenched, the knuckles white from the pressure. His heart raced, a mixture of rage and helplessness surging through him. This wasn’t fair. She didn’t deserve this. None of it. The Latin Kings had done this, and he had let them.

“You need to stay here too,” the doctor added, taking a step closer. “You’re in bad shape. That knee needs immediate attention, and the shrapnel wounds—”

“I’m fine,” Trevor growled, cutting him off. “I don’t have time for this. Ashley needs me.”

“I understand, but you’re in no condition to—”

Trevor pushed past the doctor, his mind racing. He didn’t care about his own injuries. The pain meant nothing compared to what Ashley was going through. He had failed her once. He wasn’t going to fail her again.

“Mr. Blade!” the doctor called after him, but Trevor didn’t stop. He moved through the hospital like a man possessed, pain radiating from his knee with every step. He had one destination in mind.

The old garage stood at the edge of town, hidden behind a line of oak trees and half-forgotten by time. It had been years since Trevor had set foot there, but as he pushed the creaky door open, it felt like stepping into a memory—a darker, bloodier time when he had been a different man.

The black Ford Mustang, covered in dust and neglect, sat waiting for him like an old friend. It was a relic from his days on the force, a symbol of who he had been before everything went to hell.

Trevor moved with grim determination, ignoring the searing pain in his leg. His knee was swollen, twisted out of place, but he didn’t care. He had work to do.

He limped to the workbench, his movements deliberate, as he began pulling out tools and scrap metal. His mind was sharp despite the pain, every action methodical. He had no intention of letting himself bleed out or wallow in his injuries. He wasn’t done. Not by a long shot.

Grabbing a wrench and biting down on a strip of leather, Trevor took a deep breath and steeled himself for what came next. He braced his knee with his hands and, with one agonizing twist, relocated the joint. The pain was white-hot, radiating through his body like fire, but he held back a scream, focusing on the sound of his own labored breathing. Sweat poured down his face, but he didn’t stop.

Gritting his teeth, he fashioned a crude knee brace from the scrap metal lying around the garage, using pieces of an old motorcycle frame to secure it. The brace was bulky, uncomfortable, and heavy, but it would have to do. He needed mobility—needed to be able to move, to fight. To finish this.

As the hours dragged on, Trevor worked with a singular focus, souping up the Mustang for high performance and durability. He reinforced the body, tinkered with the engine, and armed it for the war he knew was coming. Every bolt tightened, every modification made was a step closer to his reckoning.

By the time he finished, the once-forgotten car looked like a beast reborn, ready to tear through the streets and exact revenge.

Trevor stood back, breathing heavily as he wiped the sweat from his brow. His face was still bloodied, his leg throbbing with pain, but he felt alive in a way he hadn’t in years. The rage in his chest burned hotter than ever.

He walked around the car, his cold, bitter gaze reflecting off the polished black surface. This was no longer about survival. This was war. And he was going to make every last one of those bastards pay for what they had done to Ashley.

Trevor opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat, his hand gripping the wheel like a lifeline. The engine roared to life with a deep growl, and for a moment, the world outside disappeared, replaced by the steady thrum of power beneath him.

His jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing as he stared out through the windshield, the weight of his mission settling heavily on his shoulders. There was no turning back now. He was going to hunt them down—one by one if he had to.

With a cold, bitter stare, Trevor Blade drove off into the night, leaving behind the man he had tried so hard to become.

Last edited by Machismo (10/10/2024 5:13 pm)

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10/10/2024 11:45 pm  #40

Re: Death Blade

Chapter 8: No More Mercy

The night had settled over South Beach, the humid air thick with the smell of ocean salt and gasoline. The streets, usually alive with the pulsing energy of tourists and locals alike, had taken on a different tone—one laced with the reckless abandon of the Latin Kings.

Trevor Blade, his blood still simmering from the events of the last few days, cruised slowly through the streets in his freshly tuned-up Mustang. The engine purred beneath him, the car a weapon, much like himself. His face was hardened, his knee braced and aching, but the pain barely registered. All that mattered was the mission, and tonight, he’d finally begin his retaliation.

Ahead, a pair of cars screeched around a corner, tires smoking, the unmistakable gold and black colors of the Latin Kings marking them as they sped through the night. Trevor’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. The laughter of the gang members carried through the air, a mocking sound that ignited a burning fury in his chest.

He followed at a distance, his mind calculating, watching them. The two cars swerved dangerously through traffic, causing pedestrians to jump back and curse as the gang members sped through red lights. They were toying with the city, laughing at the chaos they created. Trevor’s eyes narrowed. It was time to end their fun.

At a stoplight, both cars skidded to a halt. The gang members, oblivious to Trevor behind them, revved their engines, preparing for a drag race down the open road. The laughter continued, the drivers calling out taunts to one another, but Trevor didn’t hear the words. He was locked in, his focus razor-sharp.

He pulled up next to the second car, his dark Mustang barely making a sound as it idled at the stoplight. In the passenger seat of the closest car, a young gang member turned his head, noticing Trevor. A smirk crossed his face as he raised his hand, flashing the gang sign of the Latin Kings.

Trevor didn’t flinch.

In one swift motion, he pulled his gun from his jacket and fired. The passenger’s head snapped back, blood spraying across the interior of the car as the bullet shattered his skull. The smirk never left his face—it didn’t have time. The gang member was dead before his body slumped forward, limp and lifeless.

For a moment, there was silence. The drivers of both cars stared in shock, frozen by the sudden violence. But the light turned green, and Trevor floored it, the Mustang surging forward with a roar.

The Latin Kings snapped back to life, fury replacing shock as they sped after him, their engines roaring as they gave chase.

Trevor didn’t look back. He didn’t need to. He knew they were coming.

The city blurred around him as the high-speed chase began. The tires of his Mustang screeched as he took sharp turns, the Latin Kings hot on his tail, their cars closing in fast. The adrenaline surged through Trevor’s veins, but his mind remained clear, calculating. He had the advantage. He knew these streets, and he had no intention of letting them slip away.

He swerved onto a narrower road, the roar of the Latin Kings’ engines growing louder as they followed. One of the cars pulled up alongside him, the driver leaning out with a gun in hand. Trevor ducked as shots rang out, the bullets ricocheting off the hood of his car. His heart raced, but his hands were steady on the wheel.

With a sudden jerk of the steering wheel, Trevor slammed into the side of the car, sending it careening into a row of parked cars. Metal crunched and twisted as the Latin King lost control, the car flipping onto its roof with a screech of twisted metal. Trevor didn’t even glance in the rearview mirror.

One down.

The second car was still on him, gaining ground as the driver slammed on the gas. Trevor could hear the shouts of the remaining gang members, their anger palpable. But he was ready for them.

He took a hard turn onto a deserted stretch of road, the darkened streets empty save for the roaring engines and the tension building in the air. The second car pulled up alongside him, the driver determined to ram him off the road. Trevor could see the faces of the gang members twisted in rage, their eyes wild.

They wanted him dead.

But Trevor wasn’t going down that easily.

As the car swerved closer, Trevor jammed his foot on the brake, letting the car shoot ahead. He slammed the Mustang into gear and rammed into the back of the gang’s car with full force. The impact sent the car spinning out of control, skidding across the pavement before slamming into a concrete barrier.

The crash was violent, the sound of metal twisting and breaking filling the air as the second car crumpled on impact. Trevor skidded to a halt a few feet away, breathing hard, his hands still gripping the wheel tightly.

It was over. Almost.

With cold precision, Trevor stepped out of the Mustang, his eyes scanning the wreckage. Bodies lay strewn across the ground, their once cocky laughter silenced forever. But one of the gang members was still alive, crawling from the wreckage, bloodied and broken.

Trevor didn’t hesitate. He walked over to the man, his footsteps slow and deliberate. The gang member’s eyes widened in fear as Trevor loomed over him.

“No... please, man... I didn’t—” he began, but Trevor didn’t let him finish.

With a swift motion, he grabbed the man by the collar and hauled him to his feet, dragging him over to the Mustang. The man struggled, but Trevor’s grip was iron.

“You wanted a fight,” Trevor growled, his voice cold. “You got one.”

Without another word, Trevor tossed the man into the trunk of the Mustang, slamming it shut with finality. The air was thick with the smell of blood and gasoline, and Trevor stood there for a moment, staring at the wreckage of the cars, the bodies of the men who had tried to kill him.

He wiped a streak of blood from his face, the icy calm settling over him once more. There was no turning back now.

Chapter 9: Blood and Fire

The smell of damp concrete and gasoline hung thick in the air of the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of South Beach. It was a forgotten place, lost between the city’s neon lights and the shadows where people like Trevor Blade now lived. Tonight, it would serve a darker purpose.

In the center of the room, a single bulb swayed gently from the ceiling, casting flickering light over the bloodied man tied to a chair. His wrists were bound with thick rope, his face a mess of bruises and cuts, and his breathing labored. Sweat and blood mingled on his skin, his once defiant eyes now wide with fear. He knew what was coming.

Trevor stood in front of him, silent, his face a mask of cold fury. His knuckles were bloodied from the punches he’d already delivered, but he was far from finished. He had one mission now—find Marco Ruiz, and this man, this Latin King, was his only lead.

“You ready to talk?” Trevor asked, his voice low, dangerous. He rolled up his sleeves slowly, methodically, his eyes never leaving the man’s face.

The hostage, gasping for air, spat a glob of blood at Trevor’s feet. “Fuck you,” he rasped, his voice thick with pain.

Trevor’s expression didn’t change. Without a word, he walked over to the workbench in the corner of the room. Rusted tools and cans of gasoline littered the surface. He picked up a pair of pliers, turning them over in his hands, the sound of metal scraping against metal filling the otherwise silent space.

He walked back over to the man, crouching down in front of him. “You’re going to tell me where Marco is,” Trevor said, his tone as calm as it was lethal. “We can do this the easy way, or we can do it my way.”

The man’s eyes flickered with fear, but his mouth curled into a bloody sneer. “You’re wasting your time, man. I don’t know where he is.”

Trevor didn’t hesitate. He grabbed the man’s left hand, gripping it tightly as he brought the pliers to his fingers. “That’s not the answer I need.”

The man’s bravado crumbled instantly. “Wait! Wait! I don’t know where he is, man! I swear to God!”

Trevor squeezed the pliers around the man’s pinky finger, the sound of bone snapping filling the air as the man let out a scream that echoed through the empty warehouse. His body jerked against the restraints, but there was nowhere to go, no escape from the pain Trevor was inflicting.

“Where is Marco?” Trevor asked again, his voice as steady as ever.

The man whimpered, tears mixing with the blood on his face. “I don’t know! I swear, man, I don’t know where he is! Please! Please, don’t do this!”

Trevor stood up, looking down at the trembling figure before him. “You expect me to believe that?”

“I’m telling the truth!” the man cried, his voice shaking with desperation. “I don’t know where he is, but—” he gasped, wincing in pain, “but I know someone who might.”

Trevor’s eyes narrowed. He grabbed the man by the collar, pulling him forward. “Who?”

The man’s breath came in ragged gulps as he tried to focus through the agony. “Jorge Jimenez,” he muttered, his words slurred. “He’s a coke dealer. He works for Marco. Runs a club downtown—Neon Kitty. He’ll know. He’ll know where Marco is.”

Trevor let go, allowing the man to slump back into the chair. His eyes bored into him, searching for any sign of deceit. But the man was broken, beaten into submission. Trevor could tell he wasn’t lying.

“Neon Kitty,” Trevor repeated, the name rolling off his tongue like a promise of violence.

The man nodded frantically. “Yeah, yeah, Neon Kitty. That’s where you’ll find him.”

Trevor stood up, turning away as he walked toward the door. He had what he needed. Jorge Jimenez was next. But as he moved to leave, the man let out a weak laugh.

“You know,” the man wheezed, blood trickling from his mouth. “Your bitch wife got what she deserved. That’s what happens when you fuck with us.”

Trevor froze.

The words hung in the air, heavy and poisonous, twisting through him like a knife. His hand tightened around the door handle, his heart pounding in his chest. The blood roared in his ears as he slowly turned back to face the man, his eyes darkening with a fury that could no longer be contained.

“What did you say?” Trevor’s voice was barely above a whisper, but it was laced with a menace that sent chills through the air.

The man, emboldened by the fact that Trevor was walking away, smiled through broken teeth. “I said, she got what she deserved. Maybe if you would have been faster, you could've saved her.”

Before he could finish, Trevor lunged. In one swift motion, he grabbed the gas can from the workbench, unscrewing the lid with a ferocity that sent fuel splashing across the man’s chest. The smell of gasoline filled the room, acrid and pungent, as Trevor soaked the man from head to toe.

The hostage’s smirk vanished instantly, replaced by panic. “Wait! No! No, man, don’t do this! I didn’t mean it! Please!”

Trevor stepped back, reaching into his jacket pocket. His hand emerged with a cigarette and a lighter, the flame flickering in the dim light of the warehouse.

The man’s eyes widened in terror. “No, no, no, please! Please, I’ll tell you anything! Don’t do this!”

Trevor lit the cigarette, taking a long, slow drag as the man’s pleas filled the room. His heart was a cold, hardened thing now, and nothing the man could say would change what was coming next.

Without a word, Trevor flicked the match, watching as it spun through the air, landing on the gasoline-soaked man.

The flames erupted instantly, engulfing him in a blaze of fire. His screams echoed through the warehouse, filling the night with the sound of agony as the fire consumed him. Trevor stood there for a moment, watching the flames rise, his expression unreadable.

Then, with the cigarette still dangling from his lips, Trevor turned and walked out of the warehouse, the screams fading behind him as the flames roared higher.

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