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1/15/2025 6:48 am  #571

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Boss M's Office

Boss M's and Lucca stared at the speaker phone, as it seemed to shake from the screaming coming through. 


Boss M's: I forgot the part where that's my problem Kaiba. You're a Renegade, and he's an Xciter, and the rules say-


Boss M's: I walked into that one. 

Lucca: It felt intentional. 

Boss M's: It was. Listen dude, I know you're a rich CEO, with lots of money and playing cards. To that I say, OH GOOD FOR YOOOOOU! However, when it comes to this match you want, I don't really care! K THANKS BYE! 

Seto Kaiba: NOOO-

Boss M's not only hung up the phone, but tossed it out the window. 

Lucca: …I think that phone belonged to Zombie U, sir. 

Boss M's: …Tell them to bill Seto Kaiba. He can afford it. Hehehe. *rubs hands together* 

Lucca: You seem to be in a good mood sir. 

Boss M's: Oh, I'm just loving life right now. This new job suits me. You know what doesn't suit me? This motorized wheelchair! It makes me look like an old woman! 

Lucca: …It's got a basket? It can hold things? 

Boss M's: I don't see any flame decals or racing stripes. Trevor should know I'd want flame decals and racing stripes. It needs to look cool! Whatever, I'll deal with it later. I just can't wait for tonight. I'm making Tracy and Erica put up or shut up, and THEN, I have a special announcement to make for New Year Rising, that's going to put an even BIGGER smile on my face. *looks up laughing while rubbing hands* Hahaha. 

Lucca: ….

Boss M's: *still looking up* …

Lucca: ….

Boss M's: *looks directly at the Lakitu* THAT'S WHERE YOU CUT!!!

Larry Grim: Welcome to Zombie U! It's Xcite time! 

Apple Kid: We're LIVE, we're LIVING, and we're surrounded by zombies, but that's not going to stop us from getting the blood pumping tonight! Yeahaha! 

Larry Grim: We're joined by special guests tonight! It's the EBW Women's Tag Team Champions Usagi Tsukino and Minako Aino! 

Usagi Tsukino: Thanks for having us! Make some room though please, I hit up catering before getting here, and I'm starving! 

Minako Aino: And I'm just glad I get to sit next to the APPLE of my eye! Eh?! Eh?! Ahahaha! 

Apple Kid: She's great, isn't she? 

Larry Grim: I'm also noticing you have your cats with you? I hope I don't start sneezing. I believe I'm allergic to cats. 

Usagi Tsukino: How is that even possible?! 

Apple Kid: You ladies are here at a good time too, cause tonight we're going to see Magnum PT take on Mamoru Chi-

Usagi and Minako: GRRRR MAMORUUUUU!!!!

Apple Kid: Eep! 

Larry Grim: You pushed the Mamoru button. You shouldn't have done that.

Apple Kid: Apparently!

Larry Grim: Well, we have a big show to get to, so let's go ahead and get right along with it then, shall we? We're opening the show with Erica taking on her teammate in the Dark Kingdom. Gianna Rambaldi. Tag team partners EXPLODE thanks to Boss M's. 

Minako Aino: I hope they destroy each other. 

Apple Kid: Mina-chan?

EBW: 3-Hour Xcite
Zombie U, Threed

1. Women's Singles: Erica vs. Gianna Rambaldi 
-The opening match set the tone with a heated clash between two heels, Erica and Gianna Rambaldi. Erica tried to overwhelm Gianna with aggressive strikes and underhanded tactics, but Gianna showcased her technical prowess and resilience. As the match progressed, Erica resorted to desperate measures, grabbing a chair from ringside and delivering a vicious shot to Gianna, earning an immediate disqualification.
Winner: Gianna Rambaldi via DQ 

Apple Kid: Whoa! Erica was having none of that! Gianna was willing to give it an honest go, but Erica certainly wasn't. 

Larry Grim: We're seeing some fracturing here with the Dark Kingdom. 

Usagi Tsukino: I'm obviously all for that! Boss M's knows what I want to see! 

Minako Aino: I mean we're dealing with the literal negaverse here! You know how bad that is? 

Apple Kid: Not really, you don't talk about your "other job" very much. 

Minako Aino: Sorry about that. I've just been so busy filming season 25 of Minako in Euroland for Flixnet. 


Artemis: They record in bulk because they're desperate for content. 

Apple Kid: The doctor told me that when I see the cat talking, I'm hallucinating and I need to take my medicine. I'll be right back. 

Minako Aino: Hey wait! Oh great job Artemis! 

Artemis: Sorry! I forgot that he didn't know! 

Larry Grim: …

Luna: He doesn't seem phased by it. 

Larry Grim: …I'm a skeleton man. ACHOO! 


2. Women's Singles: Tracy vs. Hilda Iceheart
-Tracy attempted to win over the crowd with exaggerated sportsmanship, but her facade fell apart under the relentless offense of Hilda Iceheart. Hilda's blend of strength and technique proved too much for Tracy to handle. The match concluded when Hilda executed a flawless Northern Lights Suplex, bridging into a pin to secure the victory.
Winner: Hilda Iceheart via Northern Lights Suplex -> Pin 

After the match, Tracy tried to attack Hilda, before Boss M's appeared on the big screen. 

Boss M's: Tracy! Tracy Tracy Tracy. You've been so many things to me over the years, but right now, you're an opportunity. An opportunity to provide me with an incredible match, and a lot of laughs on a personal level. See, I wanted to keep you and Erica to put you to work, and at New Year Rising, I will do just that. You and Erica will face off one-on-one! You think you two have some semblance of solidarity? You're both going to be victims under my boot? Well first off, you can't be under my boot, because my legs don't work! Haha! You can laugh! It's fine! Secondly, I'm going to make it a #1 Contender's match! Let's see your solidarity hold out now! You've already been exposed, Tracy. You tried to play a redeemed and righteous woman, but I'm not buying it, and neither are the Xciters. You'll stab Erica in the back for that title shot, and she'll do the same to you. I'm counting on it. 
3. "Road to Eagleland" Xcite Championship: Magnum PT(c) vs. Mamoru Chiba 
-Magnum PT, the fan-favorite champion, put up a valiant fight against the cunning and ruthless Mamoru Chiba. Chiba targeted Magnum’s knee throughout the match, setting the stage for his vicious finishing sequence. In the end, Mamoru capitalized on a referee distraction and delivered a devastating low blow followed by a roll up, to steal the Xcite Championship from Magnum PT. 
Winner: Mamoru Chiba via Roll Up -> Pin -> NEW EBW Xcite Champion! 

After the match, Mamoru Chiba was joined in the ring by Colby Roads, LG Rod, and Randy no Kachi. 

Colby Roads: So, what do you guys want to talk about? I know what I want to talk about. My friend Mamoru won the Xcite Championship! That is step one for him. He'll be making that the Eagleland Championship soon enough. He's the second best dressed man in the sport, next to me of course. I wear a suit all the time, and no it's not a replacement for a personality, stop saying that! It's a fashion statement! I am the sophisticated man that is PERFECT to be your face of this brand, and I WILL become the EBW Champion. Bashin Dan, the people look up to you, but your father wasn't a wrestling legend, so I deserve it more!

The familiar rockin' theme music for Tack Angel began to play, as he came out to a huge reaction, fist bumping Magnum PT as he limped to the back. 

Tack Angel: A big round of applause for my good friend PT everybody! That dude represents Eagleland values just like me! Well, well, well. Here we are, standing on the cusp of a brand-new year, a brand-new era for EBW, and maybe… just maybe… a brand-new Eagleland Champion! Now, before I get into the nitty-gritty of why I'm here, let me take a moment to reflect. 2024 was one wild ride. Ups, downs, twists, turns—some would call it a rollercoaster. I’d call it a Tack-o-rama, but hey, we all know I'm biased. But let's cut to the chase. This isn’t about the past; it’s about the future. It’s about making history. You see, the Xcite Championship is sitting pretty right now on the waist of Mamoru Chiba, but he didn't do it the right way. When it came down to hook or crook, a guy I used to look up to, chose to be a crook once again. Mamoru, you’re fast, you’re smart, and you’ve got a mean streak that’s brought you gold. But there’s one thing you don’t have, and that’s the courage to step up to me when it really matters. You see, I’m not just chasing one championship—I’m chasing the chance to become the very first Eagleland Champion! Yeah, that’s right. I’ve already got my eyes on Picky Minch and the EBS Championship, but I don’t just want to walk into that match at New Year Rising as Tack Angel, the challenger. No, I want to walk in as Tack Angel, the champion! Because when I step into that ring with you, I want to make history. I want to ensure that when this company crowns its first Eagleland Champion, the fans don’t get a guy who took shortcuts, a guy who cheated, or a guy who doesn’t respect what this sport is all about. Mamoru, I’m challenging you. New Year Rising. No running, no excuses, no interference. Just you, me, and the opportunity to prove who’s really worthy of making history. And when the dust settles, when the bell rings and my hand is raised, you'll need to dry clean the red, white, and blue out of that tuxedo, and you can clean up that yellow streak while you're at it!

Boss M's Office

Boss M's watched the show, rubbing her hands together. 

Lucca: Enjoying the show, sir? 

Boss M's: Just thinking about the cash cow that "Star Spangled Prince" is going to be. He's embraced that John Tack marketability. It just took NEARLY A DECADE, but he's finally the "complete Tack Angel". 

Lucca: Oh! So you're friends now?

Boss M's: LET'S NOT GET CRAZY! Still, he apparently made two suggestions for the roster, and I want to keep my speedo bedecked money maker happy, so I signed off on it. 

Lucca: Still no woman hires sir? 

Boss M's: I want to gauge what my roster can do before I put them against newcomers or just remove them altogether. I've had to sit back and watch people botch career after career cause they didn't know what to do with their roster. I'm being biased. I'm sure Tack's suggestions will be. 

Lucca: This isn't Tack's handwriting sir. 

Boss M's: Hmm?

Lucca: …This is Trevor's handwriting. 

Boss M's: …He did it to me again?

Lucca: He did it to you again. 

Boss M's: …*cough cough* WELL….Yugi seems like he'll work out. I'm sure whomst'vever he suggested this time will work out juuuust fi-

?: Is this the place? Hurry it up Tai! 

Tai: Right behind you Matt…like always apparently! 

Matt: Huh?

Boss M's: …You the uh….the new hires?

Tai: That's right! The name is Tai, and this is Matt!

Matt: Hmph. 

Boss M's: You uh…you don't play card games do you?

Tai: What? No way! Not my style! 

Boss M's: Oh good! I just saw the goggles and got nervo-

Tai: I play DIGIMON! 


Matt: We're the Digi-Destined.

Boss M's: That your team name? Lucca, I need to vet these people from now on. 

Lucca: Very good sir. 

Boss M's: What the story? 

Tai: We were pulled into a digital world, where we became heroes, fighting digital monsters! 

Boss M's: …And that translates to wrestling how? 

Matt: Well we're growing up, and we needed to find a real career path, and we loved the thrill of fighting in the digital world, so we took that principle and applied it to wrestling. Plus….truth be told, I want to impress my girlfrie-

Tai: Just rub it in MATT! Go ahead and them about your girlfriend, MATT! 

Matt: What is happening right now? 

Tai: Don't worry about! It's fine! IT'S FINE….MAAAATTT! 

Boss M's: They have some underlying chaos…and that amuses me. Fine. I'm sure this'll work out. 

Lucca: Let's just hope for no more surpris-

Lucca: AAAHHH!!!

Lucca: *clears throat* Oh right…I forgot. Xciters, tonight's episode of Xcite is brought to you by Cafe Noir brand coffee. It's the dark and rich, black roast that will perk up your spirits, even if you're the undead of Threed, you'll awaken to the flavor, and experience and new sensation in taste. You just can't beat it. Isn't that right, Java Coffington?

Java Coffington: *nods* 

Boss M's: *quietly to herself* What are you?

4. Singles: Yami Yugi[Debut] vs. Jaden Yuki 
-The crowd was electrified as Yami Yugi made his debut in spectacular fashion. Both competitors displayed dazzling aerial maneuvers and fast-paced counters, with Jaden pushing Yami to his limits. Yami secured the win by hitting the Five Star Twilight Splash, a breathtaking move that left the audience in awe.
Winner: Yami Yugi via Five Star Twilight Splash -> Pin 

Larry Grim: That was a great first showing for another self proclaimed "King of Games" in Yami Yugi. He really showed Jaden Yuki that he can't sleep on his rivals just because he's had EBW Tag Team Championship success with Point Man. 

Apple Kid: Jaden actually looked giddy to be in the ring with Yugi just now. He even looked to be smiling after he lost!


Jaden Yuki was pacing back and forth, hyping himself up AFTER his match. A rare occurrence. 

Jaden Yuki: Alright, Jaden! You’ve got this, bro. You’re the next big thing, baby! You’re the King of Games… in training. I mean, you just faced a legend out there and almost won! Well, okay, I lost, but it was close! Right? Yeah, super close. Who wouldn’t want to meet me after that?

Suddenly, the camera panned to reveal Yami Yugi approaching. He looked calm and composed, dressed in his classic black attire with the Millennium Puzzle around his neck. His demeanor was regal as the "Pharaoh" took center stage.

Yami Yugi: Jaden Yuki. Your determination in the ring was admirable, but your tactics… they lacked discipline. The heart of the cards—

Abruptly, Yami’s posture changes. His voice lightened, and he smiled brightly as the Pharaoh’s presence subsided momentarily.

Yugi Moto: Hey, dude! That was an awesome match! You’ve got so much energy out there. I was on the edge of my seat!

Jaden Yuki: Wait… WHAT?! You’re—oh man, you’re actually here! Yami freakin’ Yugi! The King of Games! I’ve studied all your matches, your duels, your promos—I even wrote a rap about you!

He started beatboxing poorly before launching into a rap

Jaden Yuki: Yo, Yugi’s the man with the master plan! From the Shadow Realm to the ringside stand! With the heart of the cards, he’s tough as nails, Pharaoh’s vibes got opponents wailin’ tales!

Yami shifted back into Pharaoh mode mid-rap, his intense gaze stopping Jaden mid-verse.

Yami Yugi: The heart of the cards is not something to be taken lightly, Jaden. It is a responsibility, a sacred trust. Your passion is commendable, but—

His voice suddenly softened, and he scratched the back of his head sheepishly as Yugi Moto resurfaced again.

Yugi Moto: Man, you’re good at that! That rap was fire! And don’t worry about the Pharaoh—he’s always a little intense. We're still working out who is going to do what in EBW. I tried to tell the boss lady that she basically got two wrestlers for the price of one, but she didn't want to hear it. It was apparently her Twinkies and Dr. Pepper time. 

Jaden Yuki: This is crazy dawg! You’re my idol, man! I mean, watching you inspired me to mix dueling and wrestling! And seeing you pull off that Five Star Twilight Splash earlier? Dude, my jaw hit the floor! I mean literally! You really landed on me hard! I couldn't get a shoulder up! How do you keep that much balance? Millennium Puzzle magic or what?

Yami Yugi: Balance comes from within, Jaden. A duelist, like a wrestler, must have harmony in their spirit. The mind, the body, and the soul must align—

Jaden interrupted, pulling out a card from his pocket.

Jaden Yuki: Yeah, yeah, harmony, got it. But check this out! I brought Winged Kuriboh to the arena tonight. Wanna sign it?

Yami Yugi looked down at the card, his serious expression giving way to a rare, amused smile.

Yami Yugi: Ah, Winged Kuriboh. A loyal companion. It would be my honor.

5. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Rama Raju/Komaram Bheem vs. Colby Roads/LG Rod/Randy no Kachi 
-The energy in the arena reached a fever pitch as the six-man tag team match got underway. The team of EBW Champion Bashin Dan, Rama Raju, and Komaram Bheem stood united, their faces showing determination as they faced the cunning trio of #1 Contender Colby Roads, LG Rod, and Randy no Kachi. The crowd was firmly behind the heroic trio, chanting Dan’s name and cheering wildly for the charismatic and powerful newcomer Komaram Bheem.

The match began with Colby Roads and Rama Raju squaring off. Colby, ever the tactician, immediately went for Raju’s left arm, trying to neutralize his power. However, Raju countered with a lightning-fast arm drag, followed by a spinning dropkick that sent Colby sprawling into his corner. Tagging in LG Rod, Colby took a moment to regroup on the outside as Rod charged into the ring.

Rod immediately tried to use his size advantage, but Raju’s agility proved too much. After evading a big boot, Raju caught Rod with a springboard forearm smash, sending him reeling. The crowd roared as Raju tagged in Komaram Bheem, and the powerhouse wasted no time asserting his dominance. Bheem hurled Rod into the corner like a ragdoll, delivering vicious chops that echoed throughout the arena.

The Story soon found their footing when Randy no Kachi used a blind tag and chop-blocked Bheem’s knee, bringing the big man to the mat. With Bheem temporarily grounded, the trio of Roads, Rod, and Randy isolated him in their corner. They used quick tags to wear him down, employing a mix of dirty tactics, including chokeholds behind the referee’s back and well-timed distractions.

Just as it seemed like Bheem might succumb to the assault, he powered out of a double suplex attempt by Rod and Randy, suplexing both men simultaneously to a thunderous ovation! Crawling to his corner, Bheem made the hot tag to Bashin Dan, and the crowd erupted.

Dan stormed the ring, taking out all three heels with clotheslines and dropkicks. Colby Roads tried to cut him off, but Dan countered with a picture-perfect Hagen suplex. Rod charged at Dan but was met with a spinning heel kick, sending him rolling out of the ring. Dan then pointed to Raju, tagging him back in as the crowd buzzed with anticipation.

Raju took to the skies, launching himself over the top rope with a corkscrew plancha, wiping out Roads and Randy on the outside. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Dan and Bheem set their sights on LG Rod. Komaram Bheem hoisted Rod onto his shoulders as Dan climbed to the top rope. With perfect timing, Dan leaped off, for a lariat. He then delivered the Brave Clash and covered him for the 1-2-3! 
Winners: Bashin Dan[o]/Rama Raju/Komaram Bheem via Brave Clash on LG Rod -> Pin 

Larry Grim: A major win for the EBW Champion, and the new team of Raju and Bheem. Bheem is on a roll in EBW, much like Raju before him, and they have a lot of momentum behind them heading into they EBW Tag Team Championship title shot. Apparently, we might just be seeing that on Ravage, and some of the new and improved CXJ action, with new CXJ Champion, Masao Kurenai! But now it's time for the main event, so-

Usagi and Minako: LET'S TAKE IT TO THE RI-


6. EBW Women's Championship: Makoto Kino(c) vs.Queen Beryl 
-Main event time! The stakes couldn’t have been higher as Makoto Kino made her way to the ring, proudly wearing the EBW Women’s Championship around her waist. Across the ring stood the former champion Queen Beryl, looking to reclaim the centerpiece of the division, and also reclaim victory from the hands of the Sailor Sensations. 

As the bell rang, Kino extended a hand in sportsmanship, but Beryl simply sneered, slapping the champion across the face instead. The crowd booed as Kino staggered back, clutching her cheek. The slap only fueled her fire, and she responded with a stiff forearm to Beryl’s jaw, sending the former champion stumbling into the ropes.

Kino pressed the advantage, whipping Beryl into the corner and following up with a running elbow strike. She then hoisted Beryl onto the top turnbuckle, setting up for a superplex. However, Beryl raked Kino’s eyes, causing the champion to fall back to the mat. With Kino momentarily blinded, Beryl capitalized with a devastating diving knee drop to her back.

From there, Beryl methodically targeted Kino’s lower back, slamming her into the turnbuckles and applying a torturous bow-and-arrow hold. The referee asked Kino if she wanted to give up, but the champion shook her head vehemently, refusing to quit.

The crowd rallied behind Kino as she began to mount a comeback. Fighting through the pain, she broke free of Beryl’s grip and landed a series of stiff kicks to the challenger’s midsection. Kino then hit a spinning backfist, followed by a bridging Hagen suplex that earned a close two-count.

The momentum swung back and forth as both women traded big moves. Beryl nearly claimed victory with a sit-out powerbomb, but Kino managed to kick out at the last second. The fans were on their feet as Kino countered Beryl’s attempt at a chokeslam, reversing it into a thunderous spinebuster.

Just as Kino seemed poised to retain her title, Beryl resorted to underhanded tactics. While the referee was checking on Beryl, she discreetly pulled a foreign object from her boot—a small, jewel-encrusted scepter. As Kino approached, Beryl struck her in the ribs with the scepter, causing her to double over in pain. The referee, noticing something was amiss, confronted Beryl, but the heel feigned innocence.

Beryl then attempted to hit a spinning side slam, but Kino countered with a headbutt, knocking both women to the mat. The fans erupted as Kino slowly crawled to her feet, signaling for her finisher. 

Just as Kino lifted Beryl for the move, Mamoru appeared at ringside, causing chaos. The referee tried to eject him, but the distraction allowed Beryl to grab the scepter again. She swung it at Kino, but the champion ducked, sending Beryl crashing into Mamoru on the apron. Kino capitalized with a powerful Supreme Thunder Dragon Suplex, planting Beryl in the center of the ring.

Kino went for the pin, but the referee was still distracted by the chaos outside. By the time the ref returned, Beryl had rolled to the ropes. Seizing the opportunity, Beryl struck Kino with a blatant scepter shot, forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.
Winner: Makoto Kino via DQ 

Usagi Tsukino: BOOO! Beryl is such a villain! Let's get her Mina-chan! 

Minako Aino: ABSOLUTELY! Give me that chair Apple! 

Apple Kid: Ah! Sure! Ah! 

Larry Grim: Well this is going off the deep end. An incredible bout ending in chaos. Xciters, that does it for us tonight, but we'll see you on Ravage. BUH-BYE!!!

Last edited by Machismo (1/17/2025 2:15 am)


1/18/2025 3:41 am  #572

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

EBW Cares!

Alison Chains: Hello EBW fans, and the screaming ghosts sitting among you, I'm Alison Chains, and on behalf of EBW, I have something to say. If you drink and drive every night. Statistically, you're going to be better at it. Am I telling you to do it? No. I'm telling you what it is. If you drink and drive once a month, you're gonna be all nervous about it. Same as getting high or *bleep*ing! You gotta do it a lo-


Alison Chains: And remember, EBW cares! 




Amigo was warming up, when Heather Mach entered the locker room. 

Amigo: Heather? 

Heather Mach: Amigo. It's been a while since we've talked. 

Amigo: I don't think we've ever talked. 

Heather Mach: Pardon?

Amigo: I think this is our first interaction. Our literal first interaction. 

Heather Mach: That can't be right, can it? 

Amigo: I think it is. 

Heather Mach: Huh. That's weird. 

Val Dorado: Well I know I'VE talked to him, so let me get the point across. You were the assassin for Serge, and you didn't do the job! 

Amigo: What?! You think I don't know that?! You're being useless right now Val. Ya know, I think you'd be more use to me if I skinned you, and turned your skin into a lampshade. 

Heather Mach: Whoa! 

Amigo: Or maybe I'd fashion you into a piece of high end luggage! I could even add you to my collection!

Val Dorado: Are you saying that you have a collection of skin luggage? 

Amigo: Of course I'm not Val, don't be ridiculous. Think of the smell! YOU HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF THE SMELL, YOU BITCH! You say another word, and I swear I'll dice you into a million little pieces. I will take those pieces and put them in a box, a glass box, that I will display on my mantle. 

Val Dorado: …

Heather Mach: …

Amigo: *clears throat* Alright, now that THAT'S settled we can get down to why you guys are in here. Haha! 

Heather Mach: Um….the word from on high was….don't mess up against Flying Man?

Amigo: Oh don't worry. *puts in mouth guard* I don't intend to. YEAH! 

Val Dorado: …You think this is why he was gone for all that time? 

Heather Mach: I'm thinking so.

Tommy Dukes: The Dukester here with his lovely wife, and we're in Metal Rush country, but which Metal Rush is it? Well considering this is Ness' hometown, I'd say we're in-

Seto Kaiba: We're in the house that the REAL Metal Rush built, and I mean literally, cause I paid to have a lot of the renovations done so that the roof will open up for like….card battles. 

Nerma: You think that matters? You think the people of this city will care that much? 

Seto Kaiba: If I tell them how much I love this city, they'll love me right back. 

Tommy Dukes: He's right, you know. 

Nerma: Yeah, but I wish he wasn't. Wait, what are you doing here?

Seto Kaiba: Rufus Poochyfud picked me to be his herald this evening, to warn you both to watch what you say, and call it fairly, because you're going to see a REAL Metal Rush clean sweep tonight, and after that, it's going to be a victory in War Games, and a bright future for Havok! 

Tommy Dukes: Weren't you trying to get traded? 

Seto Kaiba: I HAVE BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO OVER THERE….and I'll get to it, make no mistake. First thing's first though, our victory over the Metalbound Brotherhood. 

Nerma: You're not even in the match. 

Seto Kaiba: Why are you hating? Is it because I'm rich, or because I'm obscenely rich. I'm literally the richest person you've ever spoken to. People seem to hate me because of my wealth. I worked hard to get where I am today. I had to be born, AND keep living, AND not die! 

Tommy Duke: Uh-huh. Well Renegades, things are certainly heating up, so why don't we-

Suddenly, Ness' theme hit, as the hometown hero received a huge reaction from the sold out crowd. 

Ness: *clears throat* Wow. Thanks guys. Forgive me, I'm still getting used to….well talking really. Home. There’s something about coming back here to Onett. It doesn’t matter how far I’ve traveled, how many places I’ve seen, or how many fights I’ve fought. Every time I stand here, I’m reminded of who I used to be. A kid with a bat and a dream, just trying to do the right thing. I didn’t care about fame, fortune, or belts. I didn’t care about the gray areas or the politics of this business. I just wanted to help people, protect the ones I loved, and do what was right.

But life… it has a way of twisting you. It doesn’t just throw challenges in your path—it throws shades of gray. Lines get blurry. You start to question what’s right, what’s wrong. You justify things you wouldn’t have before. You convince yourself that you’re still the same person you always were, but deep down, you know you’re not. You’re… lurking in the shadows, lost in the gray.

I’ve been in that gray for too long. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, made decisions I can’t take back. And every time I look in the mirror, I ask myself: When did I stop fighting for what’s right? When did I start letting the gray win?

That ends now. This town taught me who I am, and it’s time to remember that kid who stood on this very street, who said no to evil, who fought for what was right even when the odds were impossible. I’ve seen what Rufus Poochyfud’s Metal Rush has done—not just to this company, not just to the people caught in its wake, but to the very soul of what we stand for. It’s a curse. A curse that’s poisoned everything it touches, including me. But not anymore.

Poochyfud, you think you’ve built something unstoppable. You think your Metal Rush is untouchable. But you didn’t count on one thing—you didn’t count on me. I’ve fought monsters, I’ve stared down the abyss, and I’ve come back every time. And now, I’m coming for you. I’m coming to end this curse once and for all. No more running, no more hiding. It’s time to cut the head off the snake and show the world that even in the grayest of days, there’s still light.

I’m doing this for Onett. For the people who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. For everyone who’s been hurt by this madness. And most of all… I’m doing this for her. For my wife. Because she deserves to come home, and I won’t stop until she does.

Poochyfud, your Metal Rush isn’t just a machine—it’s a lie. And I’m going to prove it. So get ready. Because when I step into that ring, it’s not just Ness you’ll be facing—it’s the spirit of everything you’ve tried to destroy. The fight starts now, and I promise you this: I’m not stopping until I bring her home… and until I bring hope back to this company.

Seto Kaiba: Bah! That's just a bunch of hot air! Tonight, he's going down! They ALL are going down!

Tommy Dukes: Well, only one way to find out. Let's get the show started and TAKE IT TO THE RING!

EBW: Havok
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett

1. Singles: Hotlanta vs. Zyro Kurogane 
-The clash between Hotlanta and Zyro Kurogane was a display of power meeting precision. Zyro entered to a raucous cheer, his high-energy persona electrifying the crowd. Hotlanta, meanwhile, strolled down with a cocky swagger, drawing jeers and mocking the fans. Zyro’s strategy was clear early on: use his agility to evade the powerhouse’s heavy strikes. He darted around Hotlanta, delivering crisp dropkicks and blistering forearm shots. Hotlanta struggled to catch his elusive opponent but eventually turned the tide with a massive spinebuster that shook the ring. From there, he methodically wore Zyro down with suplexes and brutal corner offense. Zyro-K ralled with the crowd on his side, but Generator blasted him with a shot to the back of the head, before Shiryu could stop him. Hotlanta capitalized, and powered him into the corner with a devastating Buckle Bomb before immediately following up with a vicious Lariat that turned Zyro inside out. The three-count was academic as Hotlanta stood tall, smirking at the booing audience.
Winner: Hotlanta via Buckle Bomb x Lariat - > Pin

Seto Kaiba: Haha! Excellent! That's a win for the good guys! 

Tommy Dukes: Good guys!?

Seto Kaiba: Well we're rich.

Nerma: So you mean the rich guys?

Seto Kaiba: Same thing!

VIP Room

Boomtown: You know, I’ve been hearing a lot of talk lately. A lot of chatter from the so-called experts, the fans, and even the boys in the back. It’s the same tired question, repeated over and over again, like a broken record: ‘Is Boomtown for real? Was it just a fluke?’ It’s almost cute how desperate you people are to tear me down, to discredit the greatest rise this company has ever seen. But let me tell you something—you don’t accidentally become World Champion. You don’t fluke your way to the top of the mountain. You see this? This title? This symbol of greatness? It wasn’t handed to me. I didn’t luck into it, and I didn’t sneak through the back door like some of you seem to think. I took it. I earned it, every step of the way. Every match, every moment, I’ve proven that I’m the best in this business today. And yet, some of you still doubt me. Some of you have the audacity to question whether Boomtown belongs here. Well, let me make it crystal clear for you: I don’t just belong—I run this place. 

Oh, and let’s talk about Benjamin, shall we? The guy who ‘beat’ me for the Television Championship. You people won’t stop buzzing about it like it’s some career-defining moment. Let me remind you of something: The Television Championship was never my goal. It was a stepping stone, a trophy I held onto while I set my sights on something far bigger. So Benjamin, congratulations on your little victory. I’m sure you’re feeling real proud of yourself. But while you’re polishing that belt and basking in your moment, I’m here, holding the only championship that matters to me.

And now, we’re heading into New Year Rising. The biggest stage to start the year off right. The place where the doubters and the haters think history will repeat itself. Where they think Boomtown is going to ‘slip,’ where they think someone—anyone—will finally shut me up. But here’s the thing, people: I don’t stumble, I don’t fall, and I never repeat mistakes. What happened with Benjamin? That was a fluke. What’s going to happen at New Year Rising? That’s destiny. My destiny. BOO-

Suddenly, Boomtown was interrupted by a sound behind him. The door opened in the VIP Room revealing a middle aged man, his son, and a weird looking, rotund child-baby-thing? making strange gestures at the camera. 

Boomtown: Who the hell are you? 

Big Boom AJ: My name is Big Boom AJ, and this is my son Big Justice, and that's The Rizzl-

Boomtown: Oh, I know who you are, we're NOT doing this! 

Big Boom AJ: We're big on the internet, ya know? We bring the BOO-

Boomtown: Let me stop you right there! You don't bring the boom, not around here. You go do your stupidly successful schtick somewhere else. It's cute, it's kitschy, and people like seeing a father and son doing something together with the small alien thing they must've found in their backyard. I don't care about that. That's not what I'm doing here. This is a wrestling show! Here? I BRING THE BOOM! TAKE A HIKE! 

Big Boom AJ: Ya know, I was a wrestler myself! Maybe you and I should settle this in the ri-

Boomtown kicked Big Boom AJ in the midsection and delivered a Here Comes the BOOM! directly on the concrete floor. He spooked Big Justice and The Rizzler away by making a quick gesture towards them, before picking AJ up and tossing him through the glass window on the VIP room. 

Boomtown: How's that for a BOOM you OBNOXIOUS PRICK!? BOOM! HAHA! BOOM!

2. Bushido Rules Singles: Flying Man vs. Amigo 
-The Bushido Rules bout between Flying Man and Amigo was a brutal, high-stakes battle showcasing the honor of the ring and the ferocity of its competitors. Flying Man entered with determination, honoring the martial spirit of the Bushido code. Amigo, however, carried a menacing air, showing no hesitation in bending the rules to push the boundaries of the format.

The two circled each other before Flying Man landed the first strike, a stiff roundhouse kick that echoed through the arena. The match escalated into a hard-hitting contest, with both men trading suplexes, submissions, and brutal strikes. Amigo’s power began to wear Flying Man down as he focused on the ribs with heavy body shots and targeted throws.

Despite Flying Man’s resilience and a spectacular top-rope knee strike that brought the crowd to their feet, Amigo’s relentlessness proved too much. The match reached its conclusion when Amigo delivered a devastating barrage of Hagen Suplexes, one after another, leaving Flying Man unable to defend himself. The referee was forced to call for the stoppage as Flying Man lay motionless on the mat.
Winner: Amigo via Hagen Suplex Barrage -> Referee Stoppage 

Tommy Dukes: Yikes! What's gotten into Amigo?! 

Seto Kaiba: He's lost his mind, leaving us to reap the benefits. 


Seto Kaiba: Allegedly! I think that was just a silly threat! 

Nerma: SILLY THREAT?! We might have a real psycho on our hands! I know that seems like it's commonplace, but come on! 

Seto Kaiba: Well it's a good thing I'm Seto Kaiba, or that might actually be a problem.


Dougie Mach was smugly sipping water from a water cooler, when Trevor Mach walked up and swiftly smacked the cup out of his hand. 

Dougie Mach: HEY! 

Trevor Mach: You ginger dink! Just occurred to me I haven't had it out with you yet for betraying me…AGAIN! 

Dougie Mach: Because you were too scared? 

Trevor Mach: Because I forgot! I've been a little busy!

Dougie Mach: With what? What could be more important to you than dealing with the red headed menace with a knife to your back?! 

Trevor Mach: …Shenanigans, skylarking, buffoonery, ne'er-do-welling, rapscallionism, tomfoolery, and other general silly antics. 

Dougie Mach: Wow. 

Trevor Mach: You've gotten yourself into another mess cousin, but I'm going to pull you out of it. 

Dougie Mach: Oh yeah? What about Heather? She's-

Trevor Mach: Completely insane. Runs in the family. She's due a psychotic break, but you've been there and back again. Going to drag you kicking and screaming to the next family reunion if I have to. 

Dougie Mach: But YOU don't even go to those! 

Trevor Mach: Doesn't mean I won't make sure YOU go! My folks miss you!

As they spoke Dougie got another cup. Trevor waited for him to fill it, before smacking it out of his hands again and walking off.  

3. Lady Renegades Singles: Faris Kain vs. Cherry Akintola 
-In a match that showcased the athleticism and spirit of the Lady Renegades division, Faris Kain and Cherry Akintola delivered an inspiring contest. Faris, the swashbuckling adventurer, received a warm ovation, while Cherry, a crowd favorite as well, enjoyed her fair share of cheers.

The two competitors exchanged holds early, demonstrating technical prowess before shifting into a faster pace. Cherry utilized her speed and innovative offense, including a dazzling tornado DDT that left Faris stunned. However, Faris’s resilience shone through as she weathered Cherry’s flurry and retaliated with a spinning backfist and a suplex combo that nearly sealed the win.

The ending came when Faris countered Cherry’s attempt at a diving crossbody, catching her mid-air and driving her into the mat with her signature Drop the Anchor finisher. Faris hooked the leg for the victory.
Winner: Faris Kain via Drop the Anchor -> Pin 

Nerma: It's so good to see Faris back in action, and she's with her movie superstar husband, who is also apparently a Pirate King now? Why isn't THAT one of his movies? I could see that doing gangbusters! 

Seto Kaiba: He'll need to make good flick when we're done, because Havok won't be a place for any of the malcontents! 

Tommy Dukes: …So you're gonna be here for the whole show or what?

4. Lady Renegades Bushido Singles: Hope Mach vs. Paula
-Hope Mach and Paula engaged in a grueling Bushido-style clash that left the audience on edge. Hope was laser-focused, while Paula, fueled by her mysterious nature and motives, stared blankly without any hint of concern. 

Hope started strong, overwhelming Paula with quick strikes and takedowns. The momentum shifted when Paula baited Hope into a misstep and delivered a thunderous running knee. Paula then targeted Hope’s back, locking in punishing holds and taunting her while inflicting damage.

Despite the pain, Hope rallied with an explosive flurry of offense and an Olympic Slam. Paula, however, managed to regain control by dragging Hope into the ropes and capitalizing with a cheap shot behind the referee’s back, earning her a penalty and a warning, but the it was a dirty gamble that paid off. The end came when Paula locked in the Sharpshooter in the center of the ring. Hope clawed at the mat but eventually succumbed to the pain, forcing the referee to stop the match.
Winner: Paula via Sharpshooter -> Referee Stoppage 

Seto Kaiba: We just CAN'T! BE! STOPPED! AHAHAHA! This is the culmination of hard work, determination, but most importantly, MONEY! 

Nerma: You know you're saying all of this, but if your team loses War Games, it's over for-

Seto Kaiba: Let me stop you right there. It's not going to happen. It's NEVER going to happen. You want to know why? Because nobody *bleep*s Seto Kaiba! Do you hear me?! I have never been *bleep*ed! Not a single time in my life that I've been *bleep*ed by ANYBODY! I am easily the least *bleep*ed person on this planet! Just to clarify, Seto Kaiba, never been *bleep*ed! EVER! 

Tommy Dukes: …

Nerma: …*snicker* 

Seto Kaiba: Wait…cut that…we're going to need to do it over! 

Tommy Dukes: We're live, pal. 

Seto Kaiba: …Alright, I think it's time I goooo.

Tommy Dukes: And it's also main event time, so let's TAKE IT TO THE RING!
5. 6-Man Tag(War Games Advantage): Trevor Mach/Ness/Magus vs. Dougie Mach/Poo/Crono
-This high-stakes 6-man tag match determined the War Games advantage and brought the crowd to its feet. Trevor Mach, Ness, and Magus entered to a thunderous ovation, their unity on full display. Dougie Mach, Poo, and Crono emerged as a unified front of arrogance and calculated malice.

The action started fast, with Trevor and Dougie reigniting their familial rivalry in an explosive opening exchange. Magus and Crono collided next, their contrasting styles—Magus’s cunning versus Crono’s speed—making for a fascinating clash. Ness brought the fight to Poo, dazzling the crowd with his signature PK Flash sequence.

The turning point came when the heels isolated Trevor, targeting his leg with precision strikes and double-team maneuvers. Trevor endured a brutal beatdown before finally tagging in Ness, who lit up the arena with a series of suplexes and a diving PK Fire onto Dougie and Poo.

The climax saw chaos erupt as all six men brawled. Magus and Ness hit stereo dives to the outside, leaving Trevor and Crono in the ring. As Trevor prepared for the finish, Dougie blindsided him with a steel chair while the referee was distracted. Crono capitalized, nailing the Chrono Trigger to secure the pinfall and the War Games advantage for the heels.
Winners: Dougie Mach/Poo/Crono[o] via Chrono Trigger on Trevor Mach -> Pin 

Tommy Dukes: Dougie Mach, the ginger snake, set Trevor up for that Chrono Trigger. Here comes Serge to force a retreat from Crono, but the damage has been done. Rufus Poochyfud is cackling. Look at him. He's positively cackling over this result. His team will have the advantage at War Games. Remember this all goes down in a week. It's do or die time. One Metal Rush left standing, and the future of Havok in the balance….so no pressure!


Last edited by Machismo (1/18/2025 3:54 am)

     Thread Starter

1/19/2025 1:55 am  #573

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Tony Bologna: Welcome fans, to Lamey's Place in Jacksonville for the debut episode of FTW: Gelicite?! 

Actual Lee: Actually, it's Gelinite, which is a stabilized preparation of nitroglycerin invented by Alfred Nobel. 

Tony Bologna: Is that right? Well in any case, it means we're going to have an explosive show full of work rate! What is work rate? I'm not sure, which is why I'm joined by my broadcast partner Actual Lee. How ya doing Actual Lee? 

Actual Lee: Actually, I'm doing great, and I'm ready to see some matches. You see that we have two entrances on the stage right? Well the bad guys will come out of the left tunnel, and the good guys will come out of the right tunnel! 

Tony Bologna: How do they know if they're good or bad? What if one of them feels justified in their actions? I'm sure they have a story to tell. 

Actual Lee: But they won't be telling it unless it's through crisp, high flying excitement! Right now though, we have a women's match we have to get through to get to the high flying stuff that people want to see. People want to see flips and topes. They want the Entertainementmania X7 Ladder Match for every match forever and ever, and that's why we exist. We are the product of a rich guy who saw that match and decided to make that his personality IRL. We're also going to be joined on this maiden voyage, by commentary legend, good ol' GR! 

GR: Hurrr! Sassafras! Ol' GR is worn out from all the old busted rats trying to "take care of me" for a place to stay, so let's get to a little 'rasslin. I want to see a little 'rasslin. Some old school, knock down, drag out-

Actual Lee: We're going to have flips and thigh slaps. 

GR: …As long as the check clears!

FTW: Gelinite! 
Lamey's Place, Jacksonville

1. Women's Singles: Pillow Sweatnsmell vs. Dentist Brit the Dentist
-The crowd was either confused or captivated by Pillow Sweatnsmell’s strategy, which seemed to involve doing absolutely nothing for extended periods. Dentist Brit, meanwhile, kept yelling, “Open wide!” before trying to lock in a tooth-based submission move. In the end, Brit got distracted when she got a whiff of Pillow's grundle and Pillow rolled her up, and pinned her for the three-count. The audience was left wondering if they’d witnessed wrestling or an awkward hygiene seminar.
Winner: Pillow Sweatnsmell via Roll Up -> Pin 

Tony Bologna: *sniff* That stinks. 

Actual Lee: Actually, the match wasn't that bad. 

Tony Bologna: No, I mean the smell. She needs to lower her arms. 

GR: She smells like if you got pee in your pubes and decided not to wash. 

Tony Bologna: *gags* 

Actual Lee: Actually, some people like that aroma. 

Tony Bologna: *barfs*

GR: Well I'm sure that's got a good story behind it, the match we just saw that was announced on social media, with no idea who those people are. 

Tony Bologna: Did we give any sort of idea who they are? Introductions? Promo packages? 

Actual Lee: Actually, you're just supposed to know who they are. 

Tony Bologna: That doesn't seem like a good idea. 

Actual Lee: Actually, our boss TK is a wrestling genius, and he'll prove it when in five years time, our ratings and attendance will definitely NOT crater. 

Tony Bologna: Well alright then. Folks, up next we have Atom Smol, a man who looks like he needs a new liver, taking on the "LEGEND" Pokey Minch. This was the big get that TK was so happy about during the opening press conference for FTW, followed by the scrum, and the post scrum scrum. He hugged him…a lot.

2. Singles: Atom Smol vs. Pokey Minch 
-Atom Smol attempted to emulate a small wrestler from the 90's, but he was somehow even smaller and it didn't quite work out. He also looked to be about 100lbs and suffering from jaundice. Pokey, was impervious to his offense and clubbed him to the ground. Pokey followed up with his finishing move, the dreaded Roll Up, which is seemingly a killing blow in FTW.
Winner: Pokey Minch via Roll Up -> Pin 

Tony Bologna: Pokey Minch is smirking as he keeps kicking the downed Atom Smol. Do they have a past? What's Pokey's motivations for targeting Atom specifically? Are we going to find out? 

Actual Lee: Actually no. That would take time away from the Super Dream Match coming up next where-

Suddenly, the lights went out, and sand began to rain from the sky. Everyone was confused until they saw him, standing on the stage, iconic claws clacking. 

Tony Bologna: Could it be?! It is! IT'S LOBSTER MAAAAAAAAAN!

Lobster Man ran down to the ring, to chase off Pokey, but tripped several time in the process, and Pokey managed to batter Atom a lot more until he actually got to the ring. 

GR: Hurr, it's my ol' drinking buddy Lobster Man! 

Actual Lee: Actually, he's "The Vigilobster" Lobster Man now! 

Tony Bologna: How do you know that? 

Actual Lee: It's written here, and it's on the t-shirts we're already selling on the website. 

Tony Bologna: Oh.

3. Super Dream Match: Kenny Alpha vs. Kota Hayashi 
-This was advertised as the match of the year but felt more like an interpretive dance routine gone wrong. The two traded stiff slaps, endless reversals, and synchronized moonsault attempts that missed by miles. After accidentally superkicking the referee at the 30-minute mark, both men decided to fight outside, with Kota flying out of the ring, missing Kenny by a mile, and smashing into the barrier. Kenny thought he was winning, but suddenly clutched at his stomach in agony and doubled over on the ground. The ref recovered from the superkick quickly, as it barely connected, and what people heard was just a thigh slap. He made the ten count, and counted both men out. 
Winner: Double Count Out 

Actual Lee: Actually, that work rate was incredible! 

Tony Bologna: I didn't say anything! 

Actual Lee: Kenny has had a series of stomach issues, and Kota Hayashi is clinically retarded, but the two had incredible matches in Edo! 

Tony Bologna: Why didn't they have it here? 

GR: Hurrr!

4. Women's Singles: Miho vs. Butch Manlady
-For some reason, TK decided that a pretty and demure little girl from Edo needed to be absolutely roughed up by a man claiming to be a woman. The mentally ill FTW fans cheered on as this large and imposing man, who has a wife and kids by the way, slammed the cute girl that deserved better. Butch finished her off with the Manhandle Slam for the win. 
Winner: Butch Manlady via Manhandle Slam -> Pin 

Tony Bologna: Why did we just watch that? We just sat here while a buff man beat up a tiny lady. I don't feel good about this one bit! 

Actual Lee: Actually, that's a woman. Her pronouns are she/her. It's current year. Get with the times. 

GR: Well HER penis is hanging out of her tights!

Actual Lee: Actually, that's a feminine penis, but enough about that. We're not talking about matches, and tonight's main event will see a Socialist Cowboy team up with the Superkick Rockers to take on The Floodline! How awesome is that!? 

Tony Bologna: I don't know who the Socialist Cowboy is. 

Actual Lee: Actually, he's very popular on the indies. 

Tony Bologna: …But I didn't know that. 

Actual Lee: Actually, everyone should know who everyone is already. They are very popular on the west coast. 

Tony Bologna: I live near the east coast.

5. 6-Man Tag: Socialist Cowboy/Max Superkick/Jeremy Superkick vs. Rains/Blue Rains/Yellow Rains
-This match was chaos from the opening bell, with spot after spot after spot, with limited fluid cohesion between them. The angsty Socialist Cowboy began to have doubts about himself mid-match, and this will somehow be considered a very well done story, but the finish came when Rains hit THE BIG DRIZ three times, gave Uwwwwwaaaa, and hit the Spear on Max Superkick for the win.
Winners: Rains[o]/Blue Rains/Yellow Rains via BIG DRIZ x BIG DRIZ x BIG DRIZ x Uwwwaaaa! x Spear on Max Superkick -> Pin 

Tony Bologna: And that's episode one in the can! My hopes are shattered….but the pay is great. 

Actual Lee: Actually, this was the best episode of wrestling ever, and we'll see you on youtube for our three shows called Black, Black: Evolution, Black: Super Duper Special, and then on Channel 2, for our second show FTW: Slampage, and then don't forget our PPVs that are on Saturdays except for when they're not. GOODNIGHT!

Last edited by Machismo (1/19/2025 2:43 am)

     Thread Starter

1/22/2025 1:44 am  #574

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to the Mad Gear Bar, Renegades! It's time to jaunt into The Storm once again! We are a week out from New Year Rising 2025, and the War Games match is shaping up, with Rufus Poochyfud's Metal Rush gaining the advantage in the bout. What team is he going to send into battle? We don't know the whole team just yet. Rufus is keeping us guessing. However, we know who is going into battle for the Metalbound Brotherhood. Cade Yaggis, Trevor Mach, Magus, and Serge. Magus and Serge are here specifically to deal with Crono, so that stands to ready. We've also found out that the Lady Renegades are going to open the show with a war themselves. Hope Mach is going to lead a team against Paula in an elimination tag! We also know that Heather Mach is giving the returning Faris Kain and shot at the title, and of course Television Champion Benjamin is going to try and repeat history against Boomtown for the World Championship. It's going to be a big show on our side, and we're hyped for it, but tonight is big as well, and by big I'm being literal here, because we're opening the show with a 10-Woman Tag! The Women's World Tag Team Champions, Gamer Girlz, and Cheerleader Jenny taking on Metal Rush. Let's take it to the ring! 

EBW: The Storm
Mad Gear Bar, South Town

1. Lady Renegades 10-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Ripper Jane/Christy Angel/Alison Chains/Cheerleader Jenny vs. Heather Mach/Paula/Darkness Aoi/Mitra Lennox/Val Dorado
-The match kicked off with Hope Mach and Heather Mach exchanging hard-hitting strikes, continuing their family rivalry. Heather gained an early advantage with a snap suplex, tagging in Paula, who worked on Hope's back with a series of backbreakers and a surfboard stretch to work her over for the Sharpshooter. Ripper Jane tagged in and turned the tide with a lariat that nearly took Paula's head off, followed by a brutal spinebuster.

Darkness Aoi entered the fray, delivering a flurry of stiff kicks and a beautiful roundhouse to Jane's jaw, but Jane smiled with blood in her mouth, and wild eyed countered with a powerful Islander drop. The teams cycled through fast-paced tags, with Christy Angel and Mitra Lennox lighting up the ring with high-flying offense. Christy hit a springboard crossbody, but Mitra answered with a double-arm DDT.

The climax saw Alison Chains cleaning house with a discus clothesline to Val Dorado and a Hagen suplex to Paula, but began to space out, which Heather noticed. She blindsided Alison with a running knee strike before tagging herself in. Christy blind tagged in, and Heather countered with a thunderous Machbuster, slamming her hard into the mat. The pinfall was academic, as Heather held Christy down for the decisive three-count.
Winners: Heather Mach[o]/Paula/Darkness Aoi/Mitra Lennox/Val Dorado via Machbuster on Christy Angel -> Pin 

Tommy Dukes: Whoa, that was intense, but the Metal Rush team came out with the victory, which might not bode well for Hope Mach, and her team come New Year Rising. The beatdown is continuing, but look! Here comes Christina Angel! "Big Sis" is here, and she's clearing house! This is the best shot for the Renegades, seeing the Bad Dudettes reunited for a common goal! 

Rufus Poochyfud's Office

Rufus was cackling as he replayed the results of Havok, where Dougie Mach pinned Trevor gain the advantage in War Games. In a moment of perfect timing, Dougie Mach entered the room. 

Rufus Poochyfud: You sir, are currently my favorite person in the world. I'd kiss your feet if I weren't so important and respected, but you have my thanks. 

Dougie Mach: That was for me just as much as it was for Metal Rush. The REAL Metal Rush. YOUR Metal Rush. You know how long I've waited to regain my edge? I've had my ups and my downs, but now that I've put my cousin in his place, I feel like I'm reaching a new high. 

Rufus Poochyfud: As well you should. When all is said and done, you sir, will a major pillar of the NEW Havok. The Mach name has value, it's the Trevor part I want removed. You and Heather are the perfect soldiers for a guy like me. You're unhinged, and you're ready to twist the knife. That "Mach Curse" is a blessing as far as I'm concerned. I just need one more thing from you. This next week, I want you to hurt Cade Yaggis. "Trigger" is menace to me, a young hot shot that wants to be that next unpredictable variable, and I want him to know what that attitude is going to cost him. 

Dougie Mach: Consider it done. By hook or by crook. Just promise me one thing. I NEED to be in the War Games match. That was my biggest desire with that win over Trevor. That's why I'm here right now. I need to be in that match. Please, put me in the War Games match.

Rufus Poochyfud: It's done. I can't imagine a bigger slap to the face than having you cost him everything. That's very fun for me! I like the way you think! 

Dougie Mach: Outstanding.

2. Tag: Benjamin/Jammer vs. Hotlanta/Generator 
-Hotlanta and Generator showed their experience early, isolating Benjamin with quick tags and punishing strikes. Generator grounded Benjamin with a drop toe hold, transitioning into a single-leg crab. Benjamin powered out and hit a jumping enzuigiri, creating an opening to tag in Jammer.

Jammer came in hot, laying out both opponents with clotheslines before hitting Hotlanta with a delayed vertical suplex. Hotlanta fought back with a buckle bomb, tagging in Generator, who capitalized with a diving elbow drop. However, Jammer evaded a second-rope moonsault, tagging Benjamin back in for a double-team.

The duo executed a flapjack followed by Jammer’s signature Slam Jam that sent him down on Generator with devastating force. The three-count followed, giving the fan-favorite team the win.
Winners: Benjamin/Jammer[o] via Slam Jam on Generator -> Pin 

Tommy Dukes: Benji and the Jam Man with the win! Jammer and Benji are gaining momentum, and Boomtown had better watch out, because the Mystic Bout Machine might capture the World Championship as well.


Lindy Moseby was standing by with Ness, who was cradling his son Will. 

Lindy Moseby: Babies huh? I wanted a baby once, but they wouldn't let me rent one. I just wanted to borrow the little brat and see what it was like. 

Ness: Yeah, they don't do that. 

Lindy Moseby: Obviously! What a way to figure it out though. 

Ness: Uh-huh. Did you have a question for me? I'm trying to get my son to sleep. Had to bring him this weekend. Dad is on a business trip, and my mom and sister are sort of insane. If only I had someone that could help me take care of little Will. 

Lindy Moseby: Well I could-

Flying Man: Don't worry Ness! I'm here! 

Ness: Flying Man? How did you know I needed help?

Flying Man: We're connected, always. Whenever you need help, I've never been too far away. 

Ness: Then how come I haven't seen-

Flying Man: I was worried that you wanted to leave me in the past, in your youth. I was worried that you might NEED me to go away for you to grow up. 

Ness: Not the case, my friend. You were there for me when I needed someone the most, but all I ever wanted for you was for you to choose your own life. 

Flying Man: Well, this would have been easier to figure out if you had spoken in the last decade. 

Ness: It would've been easier if you were still in my head. 

Flying Man and Ness: AHAHAHAHA!!!

Lindy Moseby: …You're a large Chicken Man. 

Flying Man: Hmm? I USED to go by that name, because I'm aware I do indeed resemble a chicken. Maybe that's what I am? The fact that I'm the embodiment of courage, but I resemble a chicken and I'm yellow, is irony that is not lost on me. 

Lindy Moseby: Whatever Alison gave me…it's working. This is my happening, and it freaks me out. 

Flying Man: Huh?

Lindy Moseby: New ideal male identified. 

Flying Man: WHAT?!

Ness: Oh good. That means you're getting a push I think!

Flying Man: I'm so confused!

Metal Rush Locker Room

Amigo was flexing and shouting into a mirror as Dougie walked in, and looked concerned with the display.

Dougie Mach: Amigo?

Amigo: HAHA! YEAH! 

Dougie Mach: Yo! Amigo! 

Amigo: Huh? What? 

Dougie Mach: You alright? 

Amigo: Yeah man, I'm just feeling it. I'm really feeling the rush. I'm having feelings again! Like some kind of fourteen year old kid or something! You remember feelings right? 

Dougie Mach: Yeah. I have feelings every single day of my life. 

Amigo: Do you?

Dougie Mach: Are you saying you don't have feelings? 

Amigo: …No…of course not. I'm just hyped to go out there and BATTER Subculture! I mean it Dougie, I need this. I need the storm. 

Dougie Mach: The storm? 

Amigo: Not the show or a thunderstorm, but a storm of fists raining down on his head, blasting him in the face. Pummeling him in the stomach. Hitting him in the chest SO HARD…he'll think his heart is going to stop. Ever been in a storm like that Dougie!?

Dougie Mach: Uh-


Dougie Mach: AMIGO! SNAP OUT OF IT! 

Amigo: Huh? Oh…right…I'd better get out there huh? Hehe.

Dougie Mach: You might want to put clothes on first. 

Amigo: Oh right, I AM naked! Haha! 

Dougie Mach: Yikes.

3. Submission: Amigo vs. Subculture
-The match began with a grappling exchange, both men jockeying for position. Amigo used his strength to overpower Subculture, transitioning into a waistlock takedown and a front facelock. Subculture countered with a wristlock, dragging Amigo into a grounded hammerlock. The tide turned when Subculture hit a dragon screw leg whip, targeting Amigo's left leg. He followed up with a kneebar, wrenching the joint, but Amigo crawled to the ropes to force a break. Subculture kept the pressure on with a series of stiff kicks and a kneeling DDT. Amigo rallied with a snap powerslam, immediately transitioning into mounted punches. He lifted Subculture for a deadlift German suplex, holding the bridge for a near fall. Subculture tried to fight back with a desperation guillotine choke, but Amigo countered by slamming him into the mat.

Sensing the end, Amigo locked in a rear naked choke, cinching it tight as Subculture flailed in desperation. Unable to escape, the referee had no choice but to call for the bell as Subculture went limp, giving Amigo the victory via referee stoppage.
Winner: Amigo via Rear Naked Choke -> Referee Stoppage  

Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Amigo is really going wild out there lately! Something has snapped in that guy! Subculture hasn't taken a beating like that in a long time. He's asking Little Mac if he caught the number of that bus. Glad to see he's alright I guess? Renegades, we're only one more stop away before the date with destiny, the War Games at New Year Rising. Nothing will ever be the same! 

Last edited by Machismo (1/22/2025 5:11 am)

     Thread Starter

1/22/2025 4:52 am  #575

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Larry Grim: Welcome to Twoson Park! It's cold here, and it's snowing, and bones are frozen solid, but we're here anyways, I think Boss M's assumed I didn't need one of those big heaters. I mean technically true, but I'd still rather have one. I mean this mall is cold….but welcome to Twoson for EBW Ravage! The show Boss M's didn't really want, on a network she didn't really want to be on, but ya know….money money money. We're a week away from New Year Rising, where Colby Roads will challenge "Dangerous Player" Bashin Dan for the EBW Championship, Erica and Tracy will face off in a very rate encounter that the Boss is really excited to see, and Tack Angel is going to face off with Xcite Champion Mamoru Chiba. It MIGHT become the Eagleland Championship match if Tack wins tonight, as he faces Picky Minch. Mamoru Chiba has had THIS to say about the possibility.


The camera faded in on Mamoru Chiba standing in front of a celestial-themed backdrop, his signature rose in hand. His expression was calm but tinged with a simmering intensity. He adjusted his cape slightly, then smirked into the camera as he began to speak.

Mamoru Chiba: You know, Tack Angel, for years, people have whispered behind your back. 'Look at him,' they’d say. 'Tack Angel, the paragon. Tack Angel, the starry-eyed hero. Tack Angel, the man who gets it all.' But let me let you in on a little secret, Tack—I’ve heard those whispers, and I’ve heard what they really mean.

What they’re saying, what I’ve always known deep down, is this: all you've ever wanted… was to be me.

Mamoru paused, his smirk widening as he flourished the rose, twirling it between his fingers before tossing it aside.

Mamoru Chiba: You want to replace me. To outshine me. But I want to take the spotlight use it to illuminate the truth—that I’m the original. You? You’re just a dim constellation in my galaxy. And while you stand there, trying to play the hero in your little star-spangled dreamscape, let me remind you of something, Tack.

I’m not just Mamoru Chiba, and I'm more than just the Star Spangled Prince. I am Sailor Earth. The one, true defender of this planet. That birthright? It’s mine, Tack. It always has been, and I’ll claim it when I feel like it. Not when you’re ready to give it up. Not when Makoto bats those lovely eyes of hers and whispers that it’s your time. No, no, no.

Mamoru steps closer to the camera, his tone darkening, his voice dropping to a growl.

Mamoru Chiba: But here’s the thing, Tack. I don’t need to take that from you. Not yet. What I’m going to do instead? I’m going to batter you. I’m going to break you in front of her. In front of Makoto. In front of Usagi. So they can see, once and for all, that the replacement—the cheap, hollow imitation—can’t stand against the original.

You’ve played in my shadow long enough, Tack Angel. At New Year Rising, I’m going to show the entire galaxy why Sailor Earth doesn’t share his spotlight. Prepare to kneel, because when the dust settles, you’ll realize one thing: stars might be eternal, but I’m the one who burns brightest.

EBW: Ravage
Twoson Mall, Twoson

1. Tag: Tai[Debut]/Matt[Debut] vs. Randy no Kachi/LG Rod 
-The debuting duo of Tai and Matt quickly won over the crowd with their enthusiasm and natural chemistry, while Randy no Kachi and LG Rod wasted no time leaning into their underhanded tactics. Tai started things off with a quick pace, landing a series of arm drags and a dropkick that sent Randy scrambling to his corner. LG Rod tagged in and tried to slow the tempo with a stiff clothesline and a backbreaker, isolating Tai in the Story corner.
The heels worked Tai over with quick tags and stomps in the corner, but Tai rallied with a jawbreaker to LG Rod and a hurricanrana to Randy. With the crowd firmly behind him, Tai seemed to reluctantly make the hot tag to Matt, who stormed the ring with a flurry of strikes and a picture-perfect spinning heel kick to Randy.

Matt and Tai worked together to set up their finisher. Matt hit a sling blade on Randy, allowing Tai to execute the Digi-Destined DDT—a springboard-assisted spike DDT—on LG Rod. Tai made the cover for the three-count, securing an impressive debut victory.
Winners: Tai[o]/Matt via Digi-Destined DDT on LG Rod -> Pin 

Larry Grim: Tai and Matt with the win! The Digi-Destined made a HUGE impression in their debut match! Tai is happy to win, but he doesn't seem to be too happy to be celebrating with a confused and frustrated Matt. What's the story there? I don't follow uh…whatever it is….they do.

Boss M's Office

The scene opened in Boss M’s office, which in the mall looked more like a garage with a desk shoved in the corner. Tools were scattered everywhere, and her motorized wheelchair sat prominently in the center of the room. Boss M, dressed in her usual garb, but clearly annoyed, stared at her wheelchair while Lucca stood nearby with a wrench and goggles perched on her head.

Boss M: Look at this thing, Lucca! It’s embarrassing. I’m the boss, the queen of this operation, and I’m rolling around in... this glorified golf cart!

Lucca: Uh, sir, it’s not exactly a golf cart. It’s state-of-the-art mobility tech! I even added that cupholder you asked for!

Boss M: You think the Board of Directors is going to take me seriously if I roll out looking like I belong at a senior center shuffleboard game? No! This needs spoilers! It needs flames! I want it to look like I just stole it from Mad Max!

Lucca: Flames, huh? Maybe some nitrous, too? A horn that plays the F-Zero theme?

Boss M: Now you’re talking! And make it quick—I’ve got matched to intensely judge. If I roll in with this plain-Jane setup one more time, I’ll scream!

Lucca grabbed her tools and started muttering as she got to work. Suddenly, the door bursted open, and Johnny Starbound stormed in, shirtless and shimmering with baby oil.

Johnny Starbound: Boss M! I want Masao Kurenai! That man embarrassed me in front of everyone! I need my rematch!

Boss M: Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. You think you can just waltz in here, smelling like a tanning salon, and demand a rematch? 

Johnny Starbound: But I’ve earned it! I’m the future of this company!

Boss M: OH GOOD FOR YOU! Johnny, the only thing you’ve earned is a stern warning from the janitor for all the grease stains you’re leaving everywhere. You want a rematch with Masao Kurenai? You’ve got to earn it the old-fashioned way.

Johnny Starbound: Fine. I’ll fight anyone! Throw me in a gauntlet, a cage, a street fight—whatever it takes! I’ll prove I’m the best there is!

Boss M: Alright, hotshot. You want to earn it? I’ll book you against... Captain Clean!

Johnny Starbound: Who’s Captain Clean?

Lucca snorted from the corner, trying to hold back laughter as she adjusted a makeshift flamethrower on Boss M’s chair.

Boss M: Oh, you’ll find out. Let’s just say he’s a real scrub in the ring.

Johnny Starbound: Fine! I’ll take on your Captain Clean, and I’ll make him eat my 450 Splash! You might appreciate that I'm going to....SPARKLE? 

Boss M: Yeah, yeah, sparkle your way out of here. I’ve got flames to supervise.

Johnny stormed out, muttering while Lucca held up a spray paint can, grinning mischievously.

Lucca: So, Boss... flames or lightning bolts?

Boss M: Both. I’m the boss—I get the deluxe package.

Johnny Starbound burst back in with a mop and bucket. 


Boss M's: GET TO WORK!

2. Mixed Tag: Bashin Dan/Makoto Kino vs. Colby Roads/Queen Beryl 
-The mixed tag match began with EBW Champion Bashin Dan and Colby Roads feeling each other out with chain wrestling, but it wasn’t long before Colby exploited an opening with a cheap knee to the midsection. He followed up with a delayed vertical suplex and tagged in Queen Beryl, forcing EBW Women's Champion Makoto Kino to enter the match.

Makoto dazzled with her agility, hitting a handspring elbow on Beryl before grounding her with a tornado DDT. Beryl countered a running bulldog with a spinning sidewalk slam, taking control of the match. She worked over Makoto with a series of power moves, including a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Makoto fought back with a spinning back kick and tagged in Bashin Dan, who lit up Colby with a roaring elbow and a Hagen suplex. The match broke down into chaos as all four competitors brawled in the ring. In the melee, Queen Beryl blindsided Makoto with a cheap shot and delivered the Dark Kingdom Drop—a vicious sitout powerbomb—for the pinfall victory.
Winners: Colby Roads/Queen Beryl[o] via Dark Kingdom Drop on Makoto -> Pin 

Larry Grim: A hard loss for the EBW and EBW Women's Champions. The Dark Kingdom is surging with momentum, but our main event tonight will see Picky Minch put the EBS Championship on the line. Tack Angel wants the title so that he can win the Eagleland Championship. Let's hear from the Star Spangled Prince!

Tack Angel: Stargazers of Eagleland! There’s been a lot of talk about stars, stripes, and Sailor Earth, and it’s high time I set the record straight. Mamoru Chiba—you strut around, calling yourself the protector of Earth, saying you’re gonna take what’s mine, but let me break it down for you: YOU might be Sailor Earth, but the Earth ain't Eagleland! The Earth is lucky that Eagleland exists upon it! And let me tell you, if you need a protector of the red, white, and blue, and you’re lookin’ at him, jack! You see, Mamoru, you don’t get it. You don’t understand the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to carry the weight of an entire nation on your back! You call yourself a defender, but you ain’t never felt the wind of freedom at your back, or the roar of the crowd screaming for liberty as you drop an enemy with a CLUTCH of the WRIST! THIS IS EAGLELAND'S WRIST! You can keep your tiaras and roses, pal, because I’m not here to play dress-up—I’m here to defend Eagleland’s honor! And let me tell ya somethin' else: Picky Minch. I like ya. I respect ya. You’re a fighter, a scrapper, and you’ve got the heart of a champion. But you’re holding that EBS Championship, and that makes you the biggest target in the land of stars and stripes. I don’t want to take that title from you because I don’t like you—I want to take it because it’s the next step in my destiny. When I take that EBS Championship, I’m not just punching my ticket to greatness—I’m raising it high as the symbol of everything Eagleland stands for! Because when the dust settles, when the smoke clears, and the bell rings, I’ll be standing tall with the Eagle flying high behind me. Not as Sailor Earth, not as some wannabe prince—but as Sailor Eagleland! And Mamoru, Picky, or anyone else who wants to step in my way? You’d better be ready to feel the full force of freedom, baby! Because there’s one thing I never forget: the land of the free and the home of the brave deserves a champion they can believe in, and that champion... is me!

3. EBS Championship: Picky Minch(c) vs. Tack Angel 
- Main event time! The highly anticipated EBS Championship match saw two beloved faces battle it out for supremacy. Tack Angel entered with thunderous applause, waving an Eagleland flag, while Picky Minch had crowd support as well as the reigning champion.

The opening minutes were a technical showcase, with Tack using his size and power advantage to dominate the early exchanges. He landed kicks, a big boot, and a delayed vertical suplex, but Picky responded with his trademark speed and agility, catching Tack off guard with a springboard crossbody and a spinning wheel kick.
Picky attempted a takedown, but Tack countered with a thunderous spinebuster. The crowd gasped as Tack hoisted Picky up for a military press slam, but Picky slipped out and hit a desperation tornado DDT for a close two-count.

The turning point came when Tack countered a running hurricanrana into a devastating sit-out powerbomb. Smelling victory, Tack locked Picky in the Torture Rack, bending him mercilessly. Picky valiantly tried to escape but eventually passed out from the pain, forcing the referee to call for the bell. With this dominant performance, Tack Angel was crowned the new EBS Champion to a deafening ovation. He celebrated with the title as fireworks lit up the arena.
Winner: Tack Angel via Torture Rack -> Referee Stoppage -> NEW EBS Champion! 

Larry Grim: NEW CHAMPION! NEW CHAMPION! TACK ANGEL IS THE EBS CHAMPION! He'll be taking that title against Mamoru Chiba, and the winner will be THE Undisputed Champion of Eagleland! That match is a week away. We'll see you Xcite! GOODNIGHT! 

Last edited by Machismo (1/22/2025 5:14 am)

     Thread Starter

1/22/2025 6:12 am  #576

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

The Mach Farm

A black car pulled up to the farm, as Grimoire and Gordon Cole sat with a nearly catatonic Agent Face. 


Grimoire: It all seems to point that way. Face found himself in another story, a containment world for Giygas. He became a character in that story. Giygas wasn't the one pulling the strings, but the Dream Devourer was. 


Grimoire: Giygas has changed forms many times, but he's also been known to possess, and I think Face is harboring him currently, only it's not the same as it used to be because he's not the same. He can't take full control. He lost something when he attempted to become one with Yaggis again.  


Grimoire: I had a dream that Trevor Mach wanted me to bring Face here. He said they needed to speak within the Sanctum.


Grimoire: And at least here….you always will be.

Tali Mach tossed and turned in her sleep, as much as her body would allow. She felt the feeling of falling, and she felt her legs once again. She was able to stretch and twinkle her toes as she softly landed in a field, under a shimmering, prismatic sky. She found Trevor standing at the end of the field, looking out. 

Tali Mach: It's been a while. I figured your subconscious was getting bored of me. 

Trevor Mach: That will NEVER happen. I've just been searching for someone, and I found him. He's here right now. 

Tali Mach: Someone else is here? Where?

?: Right here Tali.

Tali turned to see a man she could barely recognize, as his visage shifted from one face to another, almost melding together. He hurt to look at. One moment he looked like Dr. Yaggis. The next moment he looked like President Orange Man. Next, he looked like Dougie Mach. The faces made it clear just who this was, but so did the foreboding aura. 

Tali Mach: Giygas. 

Giygas: In the fle- well no, that's not true. I don't have that anymore. I tried. I tried to reform with Yaggis….for the sake of George and Maria…but the new universe wouldn't have me. It forced me out. I found my way back, but I find myself in a world where I've been replaced, by an old friend of yours. 

Tali Mach: ….Lavos. 

Trevor Mach: You knew. We don't talk about it. 

Tali Mach: I DO watch the product. Like I could ever forget what that being did to me. It's not the same anymore though, is it? It's changed. 

Trevor Mach: It found Schala in the void at the end of time. They became one. They became the Dream Devourer, and overtime, Schala was working through Paula to psychically break down a bunch of heroes to be villains. Ness fought it off. Others have not been so lucky. 

Giygas: My old "associate" in our Dark Pact, wants me gone, to achieve its intended immortality all on its own. It wants to devour the dreams of all. It wants to become all. When Lavos is the universe itself, it can not die. 

Tali Mach: And of course it begins with a wrestling promotion. 

Trevor Mach: Always. 

Giygas: It's more fun that way. Trust me on that. *wink* 

Tali Mach: So what is this all about? You said I was the key before, but I can barely remember these things when I wake up.

Trevor Mach: They wanted me out of the way, to force a reaction out of you. It was a strong, emotional response that first led to you becoming inhabited by Lavos. They want to increase that reaction. They want you completely at their mercy, so Schala can complete a compulsion of Lavos. 

Tali Mach: Which is? 

Giygas: Lavos wants to be you again. Schala is fighting it, you for the most part did not for the longest time. You were the perfect host. 

Trevor Mach: And it's that intention where I think we can stop this plan once and for all. 

Tali Mach: What do I have to do? 

Trevor Mach: Remember the other? The one that was supposed to keep you locked away? That was a twisted way of keeping you "safe" until it was found that-

Giygas: I was looking for you. I may have gotten my hands dirty a little, but it's not easy bouncing around as a malevolent force with no physical body. You escaped on your own before I could help you. 

Tali Mach: You were going to help me? 

Giygas: But luckily, Face found his way in Timber Pines, and it was through him I found my way back. 

Tali Mach: To do what? 

Trevor Mach: …We have an idea.

Tali Mach: But I won't remember it.

Giygas: If this works, you won't have to.

Tali Mach: *sigh* I hate the meta plot

     Thread Starter

1/23/2025 12:30 pm  #577

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Ted Pettentool: Hey hey EBW fans, it's the Tedster here, and you caught me on a date with Alison Chains. I'm heading over to her house…under threat of horrible things if I don't! We're a week away from a seismic shift in EBW, that's New Year Rising, where things are going to change one way or the other, but before that, we have a stellar week of shows to get you hyped, and entice you to order the show or get one of the two plus streaming services…cause one isn't enough apparently! When's the bubble gonna burst on that? Haha, am I right? Well, I'm at the door. She said she wants to "Watch ENT+ and chill" whatever that means. So let's check out the cards while-

Alison Chains suddenly opened the door, disheveled and holding a gun. 

Ted Pettentool: AAAHHHH!!!

Alison Chains: I lied, I don't have ENT+, now take off your shoes. We're going to taste test root beer. 

Ted Pettentool: …Oh dear.

EBW: 3-Hour Xcite
Meridian Cube Garden, North Point

1. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Rama Raju/Komaram Bheem vs. Colby Roads/Randy no Kachi/LG Rod 
2. Singles: Yami Yugi vs. Pirate Bill 
3. Women's Tag: Rei Hino/Ami Mizuno vs. Yaten Kou/Taiki Kou 
4. Singles: Void vs. Karasu 
5. CXJ Division Tag: Maseo Kurenai/? vs. Johnny Starbound/Hooligan
6. 6-Mixed Tag: Tack Angel/Makoto Kino/Usagi Tsukino vs. Mamoru Chiba/Queen Beryl/Erica

Havok: Havok
Howler's Gymnasium, South Town

1. VBW Championship - Extreme Bushido: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Razorblade 
2. Lady Renegades Singles: Faris Kain vs. Darkness Aoi
3. Women's World Tag Team Championships: Hope Mach/Rippe Jane vs. Paula/Ayla
4. 12-Man Tag: Zyro Kurogane/Dragon Shiryu/Takumi Inui/Mav Valentine/Serge/Magus vs. Poo/Hotlanta/Generator/Amigo/Seto Kaiba/Dougie Mach 
5. Singles: Cade Yaggis vs. Crono 

Ted was now in a locked and dingy room, taste testing root beer with a wide eyed and hallucinating Alison Chains. 

Ted Pettentool: Look at all of that! It's a high stakes week that's going to lead directly into-

Alison Chains: TRY THIS ONE! 

Ted Pettentool: Dad's Root Beer? 

Alison Chains: It's not A&W, but it's gooooood! 

Ted Pettentool: …It all leads to New Year Rising 2025. Let's check that out.

EBW: New Year Rising 2025
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson

1. Havok - 8-Woman Elimination Tag: Paula/Ayla/Darkness Aoi/Mitra Lennox vs. Hope Mach/Ripper Jane/Christina Angel/Wendy Mustang 
2. Xcite - Women's Tag: Makoto Kino/Rei Hino vs. Yaten Kou/Taiki Kou
3. Havok - Women's World Championship: Heather Mach(c) vs. Faris Kain 
4. Xcite - Eagleland Championship Decision: Tack Angel(c) vs. Mamoru Chiba(c) 
5. Havok - World Championship: Boomtown(c) vs. Benjamin 
6. Xcite - Women's Singles: Erica vs. Tracy 
7. Xcite - EBW Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Colby Roads 
8. Havok - War Games: Cade Yaggis/Trevor Mach/Ness/Serge/Magus vs. Crono/Poo/Razorblade/Amigo/Dougie Mach

Ted Pettentool: So as you can see, this is going to truly be a game changer. Havok will definitely never be the same! Don't miss i-

Alison Chains: WHICH ONE IS BEST?! 

Ted Pettentool: UH…Barqs?! 

Alison Chains: LIES! 

Ted Pettentool: AHH!

     Thread Starter

1/24/2025 3:42 am  #578

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Outside of Meridian Cube Garden

The Angel Express pulled up to the arena, surrounded by fans, waving little Eagleland flags. Tack would look out of the window with Usagi Tsukino. 

Usagi Tsukino: Wow, they really love you!

Tack Angel: I love them! I love Eagleland! I love where I'm at right now! 

Usagi Tsukino: It seems like it. I'm glad. You seem to be at peace with yourself. 

Tack Angel: I spent a long time doubting what I can do, but it's amazing how much better it feels to believe in yourself and push forward. 

Usagi Tsukino: That's what I've had to do as well, but luckily for me, Makoto has taken charge, leaving me a chance to team with Minako. Meanwhile, you're putting the hopes of all of Eagleland on your shoulders. 

Tack Angel: If I'm Eagleland's hero, that makes you Edo's hero, and we're like allied powers in the war against the negaverse! 

Usagi Tsukino: Absolutely! You, me, Seiya, and Mako- HEY we should double date after the show! 

Tack Angel: Now you're talking!

As they two friends left the bus, they were surprised to see Mamoru Chiba, decked out completely as Tuxedo Mask, standing before them. 

Mamoru Chiba: Your taste in men is something else, meatball head. 

Usagi Tsukino: Hey! Tack is a close friend, and he was yours too once upon a time! Besides, if you're talking about taste in men, we were together once! 

Mamoru Chiba: And clearly, you peaked early. I was the best thing that ever happened to a little schoolgirl with parents that didn't pay enough attention. 

Tack Angel: You WERE a hero, and a guiding light for Usagi, but now you're nothing but a loser, who disparages what made him great. 

Mamoru Chiba: Oh I'll do more than that. I disparage what you think makes YOU great. This whole thing you're doing? Rallying for this country? It's a joke, because this country is a joke. 

Tack Angel: Careful. 

Mamoru Chiba: I said this country is a joke! 

Tack Angel: That wasn't very careful!

Tack Angel: I'M GONNA-

Usagi Tsukino: Tack! Wait! Shhh! Down to Earth, big guy. Don't let him get to you! 

Tack Angel: You're right. We'll have our chance in the ring, won't we?
Usagi Tsukino: That's right. We'll get that chance in the main event tonight.

Larry Grim: Welcome to Meridian Cube Garden! We're in the Entertainment Capital of the World according to North Point, and no one else! It's the final stop for Xcite before New Year Rising, and we've got a great show for you tonight! 

Apple Kid: That's right! It's go time baby! The Boss M's era is rocking and rolling, and tonight's gonna be an excellent showcase! We're kicking it off in style, as the EBW Champion Bashin Dan teams with Rama Raju and Komaram Bheem to take on The Story in 6-Man Tag Team action! Let's get to it!

EBW: 3-Hour Xcite
Meridian Cube Garden, North Point

1. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Rama Raju/Komaram Bheem vs. Colby Roads/Randy no Kachi/LG Rod 
-The opening bout set the tone for the night, with the face trio of EBW Champion Bashin Dan, Rama Raju, and Komaram Bheem electrifying the crowd. Raju and Bheem delivered punishing double-team maneuvers, with Raju’s high-speed lariats and Bheem’s power slams overwhelming their opponents. Colby Roads and Randy no Kachi tried to isolate Bheem, but his raw strength thwarted their efforts.

In the closing moments, Bashin Dan exploded into the ring with a sequence of devastating counters. He ducked a lariat from Randy no Kachi, hit a snap Hagen suplex, and transitioned into the Brave Clash with perfect execution for the pinfall victory.
Winners: Bashin Dan[o]/Rama Raju/Komaram Bheem via Brave Clash on Randy no Kachi -> Pin 

After the match, a disheveled Colby Roads grabbed a microphone. 

Colby Roads: So here we are, Meridian Cube Garden. The hallowed halls of Eagleland wrestling! The people’s arena! My stage! And tonight, I stand before you not as just another wrestler, but as the living embodiment of destiny. You can ignore that match that just happened. Ignore that fluke. It's not a part of The Story! You see, the EBW Championship—that prestigious belt that Dan Bashin is currently dragging through mediocrity—was always meant for me! Oh, I get it! Boo me all you want, but deep down, you know the truth. My journey, my struggle, my legacy—it’s unparalleled! People love to throw around words like ‘nepo baby,’ like it’s an insult. You think I don’t know who I am? I’m Colby freakin’ Roads, the son of a legend, the scion of wrestling royalty! Do you know what that means? It means I have expectations, I have pressure, and I have a burden that none of you will ever understand! Daddy... I know you’re looking down on me right now, and I promise you, I will not fail! I will step into the ring with Bashin Dan, the so-called ‘Dangerous Player,’ and I’ll expose him for what he really is—a placeholder. A transitional champion! A man who, bless his heart, tries so hard but just doesn’t have it. The star power. The charisma. The blood in his veins! I'm the Eagleland Cheese, and the Cheese stands alone! 

Larry Grim: Well, that's Colby not letting a loss get to him. 

Apple Kid: He's got that busty Queen Beryl to brighten his spirits backstage. 

Larry Grim: Apple!

Apple Kid: I'm sorry! I don't know where that came from! Do me a favor, and don't tell Minako! 

Larry Grim: She's uh…sitting right next to you. 

Apple Kid: What is wrong with my peripherals? Hi honey!

Apple Kid: Uhoh.


In the back, Arliss Michaels was giving a seminar to some of the talent. 

Arliss Michaels: If you can dream it, you can do it. When I was nine, I had a wet dream about my housekeeper Collette. Man, when I woke up the next morning I was in love. When I confessed my feelings to her, she laughed in my face, then walked back into my father's bedroom. That was forty years ago, and I ran into that witch's daughter on the street. Of course, I bedded her immediately. Missionary, reverse cowgirl, all the hits. She looked just like her mother. She looked just like her mother. Blonde hair, green eyes, and all the curves. Her nose was bigger though. Reminded me of that beak my father had. He had green eyes too actually. I uh…have to make some calls I think. 

2. Singles: Yami Yugi vs. Pirate Bill 
-This bout was as much about strategy as physicality. Pirate Bill, a swashbuckling brawler, brought his wild, unorthodox offense to the match, including a springboard cannonball to the outside that had the crowd roaring. However, Yami Yugi’s calculated precision and athleticism proved superior.

After narrowly avoiding Pirate Bill’s Walk the Plank DDT, Yugi countered with the Destiny Drop, a corkscrew elbow that left Bill stunned. Seizing the opportunity, Yugi locked in the Millennium Lock, his high-angle Dusty Dunes Cloverleaf, forcing Pirate Bill to submit in the center of the ring.
Winner: Yami Yugi via Destiny Drop x Millenium Lock -> Submission 

Larry Grim: Another big win for Yami Yugi! 

Apple Kid: His demeanor just changed. The confidence faded, and he just looks like a young kid to me now. 

Larry Grim: When that bell rings, he's always ready to D-D-D-D-D-D-Duel. 

Apple Kid: See that require a tongue to be able to do that. I know we've beaten this to death, but YOU'RE death. 

Larry Grim: It's weird to me too. I don't know how it works.

Boss M's Office

Boss M's was watching the match that just took place on the Tali-Tron Lucca installed in the office. 

Boss M's: Hey, that kid's not too bad. I guess I'm not upset about hiring him. We have a roster falling into place here Lucca! Some real stars in the making! 

Lucca: I think you have a new hire coming into today, Sir? 

Boss M's: That I do Lucca! That I do! I didn't get Trevor's advice on this one, because I wanted to branch out and get some real talent. I went to another source for this one. None other than Kenny.

Lucca: Kenny Alpha? 

Boss M's: I think? I just saw Kenny on the caller ID. I don't recall even putting him in there. He suggested a talent from Edo named Minky Momo! 

Lucca: Uh….Sir?

Boss M's: Hmm?

Lucca: Do you know this woman? Have you seen her work? 

Boss M's: I know, I said I would vet these names more, but Kenny knows his Joshi talent! I had to scoop her up before that loser TK did, and then proceeded to use her every couple of months with no plans for her future! That's a waste! I needed some more talent, especially talent that's NOOOOT just another magical schoolgirl, as much as I love the Sailors Sensation, and trust me, I do. I still have the Sailor Mars costume for when Trevor's a good boy. That being said, I needed some variety. Oh, she's here? Bring her in!

Boss M's: …

Minky Momo: Hi! I'm Magical Princess Minky Momo! 

Boss M: …It's another-

Lucca: Magical schoolgirl, yes. 

Boss M's: And she's-

Lucca: A tiny little girl, yes. 

Boss M's: …The name on the phone-

Lucca: Wasn't Kenny Alpha, no. 

Boss M's: Then it-

Lucca: Was probably Kenny Lauderdale, an anime aficionado that Mr. Trevor is aware of and probably put on your phone, suggesting he call you. 

Boss M's: …I might just burn that Sailor Mars costume. 

Lucca: That would be ironic, Sir.

3. Women's Tag: Rei Hino/Ami Mizuno vs. Yaten Kou/Taiki Kou
-Rei and Ami started strong, with Rei hitting crisp dropkicks and Ami showcasing her technical prowess with deep arm drags and submission holds. The Dark Kingdom Starlights, Yaten and Taiki, employed underhanded tactics, isolating Ami and working her back with double-team moves.

Rei rallied after a hot tag, delivering fiery strikes to both Yaten and Taiki. However, a miscommunication between Rei and Ami allowed Yaten to capitalize, hitting a reverse STO on Ami. Taiki climbed to the top and delivered a breathtaking Shooting Star Press to secure the win.
Winners: Yaten Kou/Taiki Kou[o] via Shooting Star Press on Ami Mizuno -> Pin 

Larry Grim: The Dark Kingdom Starlights nab the win over the Sensations, as they look to do some serious damage to the EBW Women's Champion Makoto Kino at New Year Rising. This was a sneak peak of things to come possibly. 

Apple Kid: Ami is better suited as a strategist! What they needed was Sailor V in the ring! 

Larry Grim: Minako still hasn't come back, Apple. 

Apple Kid: Yeah, but I really hope she heard that. I love you MINA-CHAN!

Larry Grim: Now it's time for another monster mash, as Void and Karasu lock up in the singles action. The enigmatic Void has been biding his time and picking his spot to take on the dark Edo assassin. Will be put down this beast like he did KYO? Let's check a look!
4. Singles: Void vs. Karasu 
-This dark, brooding encounter saw Void and Karasu trading brutal strikes and psychological mind games. Void’s eerie presence and unorthodox style kept Karasu off balance, but Karasu used underhanded tactics, including choking Void on the ropes, to gain the upper hand.
The match reached a chaotic conclusion when Karasu grabbed a steel chair and struck Void, prompting an immediate disqualification. Void, unfazed by the attack, stared blankly at Karasu before delivering a post-match Chaos Theory that left the heel writhing in pain.
Winner: Void via DQ 

Larry Grim: The answer was no. No, he did not put down the beast, BUT he sent him away with a bruised ego, you'd imagine. 

Apple Kid: This was always going to lead to something bigger and more dangerous. It wouldn't be Void's battle against the injustice of SUFFER if it just ended like this. I see it getting out of control. To what extent? Maybe a-

Minako Aino: Inferno match! Buried alive match! Coal miner's glove match! 

Apple Kid: Mina-chan! You're back! I thought you were mad at me! 

Minako Aino: No, I went to get a big ol' soft pretzel. Why would I be mad at you?

Apple Kid: OH! You forgot? Well I-

Larry Grim: Apple stop!


Arliss Michaels was distraught, his seminar a complete disaster. That's when he ran into a couple familiar faces. 

Arliss Michaels: That was a waste. I didn't get one person to buy one of my motivational tapes. Maybe it's because this is OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY!? *sigh* I need to invest in something that's going to make me some serious green. 

?: I'm sorry, but did you say green? Because I'm GREEN and I'm RETIRED!

Arliss Michaels: Huh? 

Mr. Herb: It's funny that you mention green, because I am green, and I made green by being only semi-retired, and investing in Cafe Noir Coffee. This Java Coffington guy isn't green or retired, but he's making me a lot of green, which I enjoy because I'm green….and mostly retired. 

Arliss Michaels: So what you're saying is, I need to get on board with this Java Coffington guy? That gives me an idea. I have a connection with man who bleeds red, white, and blue. 

Mr. Herb: But how about green? Because I bleed green. I'm green and I'm retired.

5. CXJ Division Tag: Maseo Kurenai/Grind vs. Johnny Starbound/Hooligan
-CXJ Champion Maseo Kurenai brought a surprise partner to the match against Johnny Starbound and Hooligan, in none other than the Lucha Blader Grind. The Xciters were confused, as he had recently returned from Anahauc and Edo to be a part of the villainous Metal Rush faction on the other brand, but was now standing side by side with the division's young new hero. This high-octane match showcased the CXJ division’s trademark fast-paced action. Maseo Kurenai and Grind wowed the crowd with fluid tag maneuvers, including a springboard moonsault/Revese DDT combo. Johnny Starbound and Hooligan relied on their experience and dirty tactics to turn the tide, with Hooligan targeting Grind’s leg to neutralize his speed.

The match reached its climax when Kurenai, the legal man, ducked Starbound’s Cutter attempt and sent him out of the ring. Grind then hit a Rolling Shooting Star Press on Hooligan, also to the outside in a wildly dangerous scene. Maseo fought off Starbound's attempts to break up the outside the ring pin, the first time the new rule in the division has been used. 1-2-3, and Maseo and Grind took the victory.
Winners: Maseo Kurenai/Grind[o] via Rolling SSP on Hooligan -> Pin 

Larry Grim: Grind and Maseo?! What a winning combination!

Apple Kid: Has Grind decided to stop being a dick!? That would be awesome! 

Larry Grim: What a thing to say! 

Apple Kid: Sorry! I was just a big fan! He let a chick get in his head, and it mind broke him.

Larry Grim: Apple, I think a "chick" literally did get into his head. Paula is psychic. 

Apple Kid: Oh…oops!

Larry Grim: Well apologize to him later, because it's time for our MAIN EVENT!

6. 6-Mixed Tag: Tack Angel/Makoto Kino/Usagi Tsukino vs. Mamoru Chiba/Queen Beryl/Erica
-The main event brought the crowd to their feet as the "Star Spangled Prince" Tack Angel, EBW Women's Champion Makoto Kino, and EBW Women's Tag Champion Usagi Tsukino made their way to the ring, proudly waving the Eagleland flag. On the opposing side, Xcite Champion Mamoru Chiba, Queen Beryl, and Erica exuded Dark Kingdom arrogance, with Mamoru sporting a shimmering cape and crown, mocking Tack by declaring himself the true "protector of the people." Queen Beryl and Erica shared icy glares with the crowd, while Mamoru boasted, and drew knocked over Tack's Eagleland flag, which set him off.  

The match began with Makoto squaring off against Queen Beryl. The two rivals exchanged stiff strikes, with Makoto getting the upper hand with a thunderous spinning backfist. She tagged in Usagi, who used her speed to outmaneuver Beryl and hit a series of quick dropkicks. Beryl countered with a powerful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and tagged in Erica.

Erica used her agility to gain control, grounding Usagi with a headscissors takedown. Usagi fought back with a surprise hurricanrana and scrambled to her corner, tagging in Tack to a massive ovation. Tack stepped into the ring, staring down Mamoru Chiba, who refused the tag. Instead, Erica hesitated, but Mamoru barked orders, forcing her to face Tack.

Tack showed restraint, gently grappling Erica and taking her down with a clean waistlock slam. He looked back at Makoto and apologized for manhandling another woman, which made her blush and the crowd hooted and hollered. When she tagged in Mamoru, the tension boiled over. The crowd roared as Tack and Mamoru finally locked up. Tack overpowered him with a massive shoulder tackle, followed by a flurry of kicks and a spinning powerslam. Mamoru retreated to the outside, regrouping with Beryl and Erica as Tack raised his arms to lead a loud “Eagleland! Eagleland!” chant.

Mamoru returned to the ring and feigned a handshake, only to rake Tack’s eyes and hit a cheap knee strike. He worked over Tack with precise strikes, mocking him at every turn. Mamoru hit a suplex, then locked in a chinlock, yelling, "This is what a real champion looks like!" Tack fought back, drawing on the crowd’s energy, and powered out with a back suplex.

Tack tagged in Makoto, who delivered stiff kicks to Mamoru’s ribs, followed by a springboard clothesline. The action broke down as all six competitors brawled in the ring. Usagi and Makoto hit stereo superkicks to Queen Beryl and Erica, sending them out of the ring. Makoto then climbed to the top rope and delivered a flying crossbody to the outside, wiping out the heels.

Mamoru blindsided Tack with a low blow, attempting to steal the win with the dreaded Roll Up. Tack countered with a spinning side slam. Tack CLUTCHED at his WRIST signaling the Angel Driver, but Mamoru quickly ducked out of the ring and tagged in Erica. 

With the crowd firmly behind him, Tack tagged in Makoto, who hit a thunderous Supreme Thunder Dragon Suplex on Erica as Usagi intercepted Beryl. Tack dove to the outside, tackling Mamoru into the barricade. Makoto bridged her suplex perfectly for the pin, securing a victory for the face team.
Winners: Tack Angel/Makoto Kino[o]/Usagi Tsukino via Supreme Thunder Dragon Suplex on Erica -> Pin 

Larry Grim: The Sailor Sensations and the Star Spangled Prince with the W! What a way to end the show! The momentum lies with our heroes, but we'll see what happens at New Year Rising. You're not going to want to miss it! It's on ENN+....or that other one! Buh-bye!

Last edited by Machismo (1/24/2025 6:08 am)

     Thread Starter

1/25/2025 2:12 am  #579

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Ted Pettentool's House

A groggy and bath robe bedecked Ted Pettentool awoke with Lakitus already swirling around his house. 

Ted Pettentool: Huh? Oh yeah. Hey guys, it's *yawns* the Tedster here, and we're filming from in my house, because I'm going to be joined by the "Star Spangled Prince", the "All Eagleland Hero" Tack Angel later on. Right now though, I could go for a nice cup of Cafe Noir Coffee.

Suddenly, Tack Angel burst into the house, awake and intense. 

Tack Angel: What are you doing, Ted? It's five in the morning? You were supposed to meet me out front? 

Ted Pettentool: Huh? It's five? That's why the sun isn't out yet. I was going to have some coffee, some bacon, and some pancakes! 

Tack Angel: You wanted to know what a Tack Angel workout was like. You asked me what it took to become a Defender of Everything! I'm going to show you Tedster. I'm going to show you where the power lies. Look, you want breakfast, I'm going to make you breakfast. Get me a glass and a couple of eggs. 

Ted Pettentool: Oh nooooo.

Tack cracked couple eggs into the glass. 

Ted Pettentool: We're not gonna….*gulp*

Tack Angel: Not gonna what?

Tack poured the eggs into a skillet. 

Tack Angel: Drink them? No way, I'm not a maniac! Cooking your food is very important!

In a gym bathed in soft golden light, Tack Angel stood in the center of the room, hands on his hips. Ted Pettentool, armed with a notepad and a hopeful gleam in his eye, approached nervously.

Ted Pettentool: Alright, Tack, I’m ready. Lay it on me. What’s the secret to your success? How do you stay at the top of your game, year after year?

Tack stroked his chin thoughtfully. 

Tack Angel: You sure you’re ready, Tedster? Once you see this, you can’t unsee it.

Ted Pettentool: I’m ready. I want to know what makes you the Star-Spangled Prince.

Tack grinned, pointing dramatically to the mat in the middle of the room. 

Tack Angel: Alright then. Brace yourself. This is the key to glory, to greatness, to freedom itself.

He stepped onto the mat, rolled his shoulders, and assumed a squat position. Ted leaned in, anticipation etched on his face.

Ted Pettentool: Is it going to be some kind of ancient martial arts technique? A Navy SEAL endurance drill? Tactical combat maneuvers? Ancient Edo Mu training? 

Tack Angel: Nope. This is where the power lies, Tedster!

And with that, Tack began doing squat thrusts. Perfect, pristine squat thrusts. His form was impeccable, his rhythm flawless. He executed each one with a dramatic flourish, pausing at the top to flex his biceps.

Ted scribbled furiously in his notebook, muttering to himself. 

Ted Pettentool: Okay, okay. Must be warming up. That makes sense. Warm up the muscles before… whatever it is.

But Tack didn’t stop. He kept going. One squat thrust. Two. Twenty. Fifty.

Ted Pettentool: …Are you… are you just doing squat thrusts?

Tack Angel: Just squat thrusts? Pettentool, there’s no just about it. This is the foundation of everything.

Minutes turn into what feels like hours. Tack showed no signs of stopping. He was now doing squat thrusts in various directions—toward the dumbbells, toward the water cooler, and even around Ted in a circle.

Ted Pettentool: You’re joking, right? This isn’t really the secret.

Tack Angel: Why would I joke about greatness? You think PT's ancestor led his troops into battle against Foggyland without mastering the art of the squat thrust?

Ted Pettentool: I’m pretty sure that’s not how it went down.

Tack Angel: You weren’t there, Tedster! I had a time machine!

Ted Pettentool: ...Right.

By now, Ted’s notebook was forgotten, as he just stood there, dumbfounded.

Ted Pettentool: I've never seen someone pull off one thousand squats that effortlessly. 

Tack Angel: It takes a lot of effort! Freedom isn't free! You want the strength to hold up the Star Gazers, and carry them on your back? You want the power to join the Weekend Wrecking Crew, the true Defenders of Everything?! You gotta master the squats! 

Ted Pettentool: Well alright then. I believe you! I can do this! I'm gonna try it! Here it goes! ONE! OW MY BACK! 


Ted Pettentool: Help!

On the road to South Town

A moody Vape was squished into the driver's seat of Jammer's modestly priced 2005 Honda Civic, muttering to himself the whole way. 

Vape: Stupid Jammer, thinking I couldn't drive this car to him. I told him I had it taken care of. He doesn't trust me to do anything. Nobody ever trusts me to do anything. Bad things just keep happening to me, like I'm stuck in some sort of vortex of pain! Well I'll show them. I'll show everybody that I have what it takes! I'll show them that I'm good enough! I can do this! Despite the snow and black ice, and ZERO VISIBILITY! AAAAHHHH!!!

It was only at that moment that Vape realized he'd already driven off the road some time ago, and smashed the modestly priced 2005 Honda Civic into a tree. 

Vape groaned as his eyes fluttered open, his head pounding like a bass drop gone wrong. He blinked at the low ceiling above him and tried to move, but his arms and legs wouldn’t budge.

Vape: Goodness, my lids are heavy. Huh? What? Where am I? What the heck and a half is this?

The door creaked open, and a stout woman in a flannel nightgown shuffled in, holding a tray of steaming soup. Her gray hair was tied in a bun, and her beaming smile was unnervingly wide.

?: Oh, you’re awake! Praise the Lord! I was worried sick about you, sugarplum!

Vape: Sugarplum? Lady, what the hell is going on?

?: You were in an accident!

She fussed with the blanket tucked tightly around him. 

?: I found you in your modestly priced 2005 Honda Civic, stuck in the snow during this awful blizzard. You could have died if I hadn’t pulled you out, brought you here, and tied you up!

Vape: Yeah, it's the tying up part of this story I'm concerned about! So… you kidnapped me?

?: Kidnapped?!

Her eyes bulged with psychotic intensity, before the warm smile returned.
?: Oh, no, no, no. I saved you! Brought you back here, nursed you right up. You’re in my guest room, safe and sound.

Vape: Yeah, but the rope thing. Lady, untie me! I’m used to be the one to tie people up against their will! I'm not into it!

Her eyes twinkled mischievously. 

?: Not into it yet, maybe. But don’t worry, hon, it’s all for your own good. You can’t risk moving around too much right now. You’re still recovering!

Vape sniffed the air, catching the faint aroma of soup. 

Vape: Is that tomato bisque? Smells like—oh man, that’s good. Wait, did you put bacon in it?

?: Only the best for my favorite star!

His face twisted in confusion. 

Vape: Favorite star? What are you talking about?

?: Oh, I’m your biggest fan, sugarplum! I'm the biggest Vape fan ever! I even have your old Mudslide merch!

Vape: I didn't like that name. I am kinda awesome though. But seriously, untie me. I gotta—

Her face darkened, and she slammed the soup tray down. 

?: No! You don’t gotta do anything! You’re not going anywhere. I’ve waited too long to have you all to myself.

Vape: What? Wait. You’re serious? Lady, I gotta get out of here!

?: You’re staying right here!

She hissed, then her smile returned with eerie calm. 

?: You’re mine now. Forever.

Hours later, Vape lay helpless as the woman—who finally introduced herself as Kathy—stood at the foot of the bed holding a sledgehammer.

Vape: What are you doing with that?

Kathy: It’s for your own good, sugarplum. You can’t run if your legs are broken. This way, you’ll never leave me.

Vape: Wait, you’re gonna hobble me? Lady, don’t do this! I bruise easy!

Kathy raised the hammer high, a gleam in her eyes.

Vape: Wait! This… this is amazing.

Kathy froze, the hammer still in the air. 

Kathy: What? What is?

Vape: This is perfect. Break my legs. Do it. You're my biggest fan? You WANT me to stay, and you WANT to cook me food. If you break my legs, you'd have to wait on me hand and foot. I’ll stay with you forever. I’ll play video games and goon, and you can make me soup and chicken nuggies. This is the life I’ve always wanted. You get me, Kathy. You really get me.

Her expression shifted from confusion to pure joy. 

Kathy: Oh, sugarplum! You really mean it?

Vape: I do! Break my legs, break my spirit, break my… I don’t know, whatever else. Let’s do this!

Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks. She tossed the sledgehammer aside and clapped her hands. 

Kathy: Oh, this is wonderful! No need to break anything! I’ll cut you loose, and we’ll start our life together!

She hurried out of the room, mumbling to herself about finding a knife. Vape lay back, grinning smugly. 

Vape: This is great. Unlimited food, and she doesn’t even care if I shower. The vortex of pain is ove-

A loud thud interrupted his thoughts, followed by the unmistakable sound of something tumbling down a staircase.

Vape: Uh… Kathy? Kaaaaathy?


Vape: Kathy? You okay?

Hours later, the door burst open, and Jammer stepped in with two police officers.

Jammer: Vape! You crashed my modestly priced 2005 Honda Civic! I mean, we found you! Finally! You actually got tied up by a crazy woman?!

Vape: She's not crazy! She's perfect!

Jammer: Yeah, well, she’s dead. Fell down the stairs. She had a knife in her hand and everything. You’re lucky you didn’t end up like her.

Vape: NO! NOOOOOO!!!! I’m trapped in a vortex of pain, Jammer! Every time I find love, it slips through my fingers!

Jammer: Would you say it's a vortex of….misery? 

Vape: …

Jammer: Speaking of pain, you still owe me for smashing my modestly priced 2005 Honda Civic. You’re paying me back!

Vape groaned as the cops helped him up. 

Vape: Fine. But first, can we grab some soup? It had bacon in it, man. It was so good.

Last edited by Machismo (1/25/2025 2:20 am)

     Thread Starter

1/29/2025 1:54 am  #580

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling Part 2

Ted Pettentool: Guess who's back? Back again? Tedster's back, tell a friend! Haha, it's the Toolbox here, and I've got some big news for you! Some major happenings….uh…happened today, with Tack Angel's Birthday Blowout! That's right, Eagleland's hero, the Star Spangled Prince, celebrated his [redacted] birthday today, and I know someone who is …."over the moon" about it? Wait no, that's a misleading analogy. Over…Jupiter? About? It? Look, something cool happened, alright? A couple things really, but one more than the other. We went to Tack's hometown of Mid-South for this one, and the people were excited to hear that Tack was getting a special tag team partner to join him for the main event match against the Heel Besties! It was none other than….

Ted Pettentool: Trevor Mach! The Bad Dude reunited to celebrate the big guy's birthday! When the Star Spangled Prince asked the Wild Wolf to team with him, he answered in the way only Trevor Mach can! He shrugged, sighed, and said "yeah sure". Uh….he's always trying to help his friend! He's a nice guy! Today was about Tack Angel though, and his friends, his allies, his "Defenders of Everything" known as the Weekend Wrecking Crew opening the show against a multi-brand quartet of high fliers, in a friendly exhibition. CXJ Division rules were not in effect, which hampered efforts from Masao Kurenai from getting a pin on Jaden Yuki after a Kiva Dive to the outside. Ol' Double G hit The Stroke on Rey Dorado for the pin.

Tack Angel's Birthday Blowout
Mid-South Sportasseum, Mid-South

1. 8-Man Tag: Geoff Garrett/Magnum PT/Point Man/Jaden Yuki vs. Masao Kurenai/Rey Dorado/Flying Man<Havok>/Fray Tiburon<Havok> 
Winners: Geoff Garrett[o]/Magnum PT/Point Man/Jaden Yuki via The Stroke on Rey Dorado -> Pin

Ted Pettentool: After that, the Sailor Sensations, sans EBW Women's Champion Makoto Kino, took on a team consisting of Women's World Champion Heather Mach and Val Dorado from Havok, and Erica and Gianna Rambaldi from Xcite. Tracy was supposed to be involved, but she straight up refused for some reason. Weird right? Anyways, the Sensation were on fire, and their momentum was carried by Usagi, who hit a Moonsault on Gianna, and you have to guess that her Moonsaults are especially potent, right? She covered the Euroland Princess for the pin. 

2. 8-Woman Tag: Usagi Tsukino/Rei Hino/Minako Aino/Ami Mizuno vs. Heather Mach<Havok>/Val Dorado<Havok>/Erica/Gianna Rambaldi
Winners: ] Usagi Tsukino[o]/Rei Hino/Minako Aino/Ami Mizuno via Moonsault to Gianna Rambaldi -> Pin

Ted Pettentool: After the match, they brought out the cake for Tack Angel, and everyone in the crowd began to sing happy birthday, when suddenly, Mike Thunder of all people burst out of the cake, and flexed the Strong Tits to the crowd, as he wished Tack a happy birthday as well. In the next match, the EBW Women's Champion Makoto Kino busted out the Dragon Cloth to a massive ovation, as she took on the Ice Queen herself, Hilda Iceheart. Hilda has been making her own way through the division, and had Makoto against the ropes, but no way she was going to lose on her man's birthday right? She put away Hilda with that impressive Supreme Thunder Dragon Suplex for the pin.

3. Women's Non-Title Singles: Makoto Kino vs. Hilda Iceheart
Winner: Makoto Kino via Supreme Thunder Dragon Suplex -> Pin 

Ted Pettentool: In the main event, the Bad Dudes were like a steamroller over the Heel Besties. They gave the crowd a great show, but the result was never in doubt, especially with Colby Road's refusal to be at the event. Tack Angel officially renamed the Angel Driver to the WRIST CLUTCH Eagleland Driver on his birthday, and introduced the patriotic finisher to RnK for the pin.

4. Tag: Tack Angel/Trevor Mach<Havok> vs. Randy no Kachi/LG Rod
Winners: Tack Angel[o]/Trevor Mach via Wrist Clutch Eagleland Driver on Randy no Kachi -> Pin 

Ted Pettentool: After the main event, Tack was surprised by a special message from a very important man.


Orange Man: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your favorite president, Orange Man, with a very special message for a very special person. Today, we celebrate the birthday of the one and only "Star Spangled Prince," Tack Angel. Tack, nobody does patriotism better than you. Believe me, I know. You're a tremendous protector of the red, white, and blue, and everyone says so. They say, 'Mr. President, this Tack Angel, he's something else.' And I agree. So, on this fantastic day, I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays. May it be as incredible as the great country of Eagleland. Keep making Eagleland proud, Tack. You're doing a tremendous job. Happy birthday!


Ted Pettentool: Following that message, Tack had his own surprise for all of us!


Tack Angel: Wow, that was something right?! I'm feeling it! I feel the power of Eagleland flowing through my veins! I feel the friendship in this building! I'm honored and humbled that you could all be here, and that you all fought for me, and fought with me. However, today is going to be a special day for more than it just being my birthday. MAKOTO KINO, PLEASE COME TO THE RI-

Makoto Kino: I'm right here, Tack!

Tack Angel: AH! I totally knew that! Ahahaha! Makoto, I'm a little nervous, and I don't get nervous these days, but this is big, because I'm going to ask you a question, and it's a question I don't ever intend to ask again. I love you. I've always loved you. I can't imagine living my life without you, and with the Crew, Trevor, these fans, and all of Eagleland watching my back, I have to ask you this here and now. Makoto…

Tack Angel: Will you marry me? 


Ted Pettentool: So yeah, that was a great show right? Wanted to see it? Ya had to be there live! I think that just about covers everything, so goodbye from all of us as -OF COURSE SHE SAID YES! Happy Birthday Tack! 

Last edited by Machismo (1/29/2025 1:55 am)

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