Introducing Fourside Wrestling!
EBW's continued growth has lead to the creation of a new minor developmental expansion brand called Fourside Wrestling or FSW. FSW's purpose is to serve as a breeding ground for future EBW wrestlers, and further entertain the residents of Fourside which has quickly become a mecca for wrestling. The promotion is surprisingly being run by former EBW Champion Franky, and the first champion of FSW, the Regional Champion is Poo. These two veterans seem to be running the show, but they have already introduced a number of promising rookies. You can follow FSW and catch up on news and notes as
<---- The Actual Link to FSW!
Two things of note from the FSW experiment so far...
1. Thanks to the success of an FSW Schmo's Poll that determines the Top 10 Contenders for the #1 Contendership based on win/loss record, character, and fan voting, EBW will also be employing a similar ranking system.
2. Trouble already seems to be brewing between FSW wrestlers and EBW wrestlers. During a visit to a dance club, caught up with Black Cena flirting with Lady M's.....that did not end well for him.
Trevor Mach's random ninja skills lead to Black Cena being carried out of the bar that night. This mini feud grew at FSW's second show, when EBW's top wrestlers were standing in attendance, one of those being Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach. At one point in the night he and Black Cena got into it again. Black Cena's attention being on Trevor Mach caused him to lose a match with FSW rookie Olly Oliver. After the match Black Cena and his "bro" Katsuflex tried to pick a fight with Trevor Mach....this also....did not end well for him.
<---- The Actual Link to FSW! Again!
Mr. Jennings finds protection? has followed Mr. Jennings to his office and it looks like Mr. Jennings has a guest.
Mr. Jennings: I'm glad you're here.
??: Thanks for actually giving me time to discuss matters. So how is Fourside doing?
Mr. Jennings: Horrible. There's this leech that has been on my back and its only been two shows.
??: I see, what brings me here I assume?
Mr. Jennings: You are my top employee. I trust you with every business decision whenever I'm not available for the decision making myself. I have a proposal for you.
??: I'm listening.
Mr. Jennings: I "insurance policy" and, in addition to you, I need you to help me find the BEST protection available to help me rid of this pest.
??: Getting MB Callahan you say. I'll be gladly to get things afloat sir.
Mr. Jennings: Wonderful. This sounds more delightful than a Beef Willington dinner with a side of Black Pudding at a dinner party. I knew I can count on you for the job.
??: Its been my honor to work for you sir.
Mr. Jennings: One more thing.
??: Yes sir.
Mr. Jennings: When and after you found the right protection, I will give you a call prompting you to come over.
??: I will be ready by that time sir.
Black Cena plans retaliation also caught up with Black Cena and Katsuflex at the sandy warm beach of Summers.
Black Cena: Can you believe this, dude?
Katsuflex: Man, this sucks major ass man.
Black Cena: I still can't believe he got me twice.
Katsuflex: He got me too bro.
Black Cena: Worst of all, that toolbag broke my $550 ravin party sunglasses. He's gonna pay.
Katsuflex: Yea, bro. Those glasses ain't cheap and can cost alot to fix man.
Black Cena: I just can't figure this guy out. Its like he's dumb yet he's always sneaky.
Katsuflex: Dude, its like this. We have to get him back. Problem is, he shows up before we can act.
Black Cena: Yea, it does seem like he shows up when we're on the move. We have to get him when he least expected.
Katsuflex: Thats whats up bro.
Black Cena: Yea bro. We have to plan ahead and make sure he is not around. And when he's not around, we pounce on him.
Katsuflex: Dude, and after that you can ask that girl out back at the club.
Black Cena: Now that's what I'm talkin about.
Katsuflex: Alright, let me get down to the man-panties and the ladies will storm on to me!
Black Cena: I thought those are your man-panties.
Katsuflex: Au contraire, there's more to the man-panties than what you see here. Here, I'll show....
Nerma: I'm here with the tag teams that will main event tonight's big X-perience, the last show before the big Breakthrough PPV. Friends and hated rivals alike will all converge in one match with the Tag Team titles on the line! I'm not exaggerating when I say that this combustible situation is about to explode!
Kinniku Mike: You're damn right it's about to explode! I'm going to take this fist and explode it on Trevor Mach's freaking face!
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: Well somebody sounds cranky!
Kinniku Mike: Cranky?! You blindside me with a Macha Ye! You're damn right I'm cranky!
Trevor Mach: Well maybe it was a preventative measure....or maybe your an a**hole who is trying to steal my career and my lady! In any case I wasn't going to take a chance. You know what I always say "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me three times and you're going to get curb stomped by Trevor f***ing Mach!" BOOSH!
Kinniku Mike: Yeah big man! Nothing but talk! You'll find out at Breakthrough when I take everything that matters to you. After tonight, I'll be walking into the match with a belt of my own. I'll become a double champion just like I'm supposed to be.
Tack Angel: Hey, I don't think so Mike!
Ness: Yeah, Trevor and I are taking the belts so Tack can stop putting my sister in danger!
Tack Angel: Beg your pardon?
Tracy: It wasn't his idea Ness!
Ness: Look Tack, we've been "playing on the same team" throughout this whole experience, but tonight I'm finally going to get a chance to take out WEEKS OF FRUSTRATION!
Tack Angel: Ness, you have no idea what I've had to go through this past month....not at all. If I have to beat you to keep the title then I'm going to. If I have to beat you so Tracy and I can continue to be champions then I'm going to.
Ness: So THAT is what it's all about eh?! You want my sister eh?!
Tack Angel: How did you get that from what I said?
Tracy: don't?
Ness: AHA!
Tack Angel: WHAT?!
Ness: Look, I saw what you did for my sister last weekend in Edo, that was noble enough, but if you want to continue this.....whatever you are doing with have to survive tonight and you have to survive at Breakthrough. I'm warning you though, I want that title more then anything.
Tack Angel: ......
The road to X-perience ends tonight on an action packed X-perience. After the ratings success of WarGames on Monday Nite X-cite, Mr. Poochyfud decided to go for the big draw again while also continuing his war against Tack Angel. That is why he and his tag partner Tracy will have to put the belts on the line against the teams of Trevor Mach & Ness and Kinniku Mike & Rude. After the opening, the tag teams all stood on the stage as Mr. Poochyfud and his Administration stood in the ring.
Mr. Poochyfud: Hello everybody! The Administration is in the house to give the citizens of the EBW state another thrilling episode of X-perience! Breakthrough is just around the corner, but tonight.....tonight we're going to go ahead and have some fun at the expense of some of our bigger enemies. Ness....Mach....and worst of all....Tack Angel. Tack, I hate you....I want you out of my promotion, but before I give you the boot I'm going to take everything away from you....I'm going to take your titles, force your tag partner back to WEB, and then I'm going to take you out of my promotion on a stretcher! But tonight.....give these fans a show. One thing you all need to remember is to keep it clean. This is a PG show after all.
Tack Angel: Hey Poochyfud.....F*** YOU!
Trevor Mach: HA!
The opening match was a quick contest between Lucas and Grudge. Shadow stood nearby and coached his apprentice to get him back on his winning ways. Lucas was in top form though and continues to impress as he's finally hit his stride. He also managed to hit his Spinning Impaler....on Grudge that is. At 4:21 he got the pin and the win to get some momentum heading into his match with the mysterious El Gran Luchadore at Breakthrough. Speaking of El Gran Luchadore, the mysterious enemy of Lucas once again tried to get the drop on him, but Lucas had him scouted and turned the tables, chasing him off into the crowd. Suddenly, CXJ Champion Dave Larmore made his way out to the ring.
Dave Larmore: Hey Shadow, I think your boy needs some f***ing work! Get that trash out of here, the lethal libertarian has something to f***ing say. These jabbronis at Breakthrough think they're going to take my f***ing title? I don't think so. Shadow, your too pathetic and sad...don't waste my time. Bakayaro, your flashy costume and your flashy moves....don't impress me. Instead of trying to take my belt why don't you get me a beer and shut the f*** up. Picky Minch, you think you're some sort of tough guy now eh? I'll break your back and make you humble you little bitch! Now where did I put my beer....I'm out of here.
The next match was a CXJ tag match featuring the unified CXJ tag champs Lovekick Connection taking on Bolshoi and one of the #1 Contenders to the CXJ belt Bakayaro. This was a fast paced, high flying affair for the most part, but the champs managed to put away their opponents with good old fashioned strong style, when Jamie OD took out Bolshoi after a Penalty Kick one second shy of the ten minute mark. Lovekick celebrated their win until the Sons of Bushido suddenly stormed the ring and cleared it of both tag teams. Bakayaro came to the aid of his tag partner Bolshoi outside of the ring when he was then blindsided by Shadow. Picky Minch also made his way out to stand with the Sons of Bushido. It was total CXJ anarchy as we went to commercial.
The third match was another one fans were looking forward to, as two of EBW's big men would clash for the first time in singles action. Alpha Beta Troy is the last jock standing after a WarGames injury has put Lukie out for a while. Troy's new mission involves taking the Hardcore Hero Championship from Poochyfud enemy Dynamic Dougie at Breakthrough. To get the match he would first have to deal with the reawakened monster Akinan. Dougie's muscle has finally been freed from the Tanooki suit and he's got a big axe to grind. The match started with the big men both trying a big boot. They traded blows before trying to knock each other down with back and forth clothesline attempts. The fans were roaring as these big men tried to knock each other of their feet. Akinan finally got Troy down with a tackle, but Troy punched and elbowed his way back to his feet. He beat Akinan to his feet and attempted the punt kick, but Akinan avoided it. Upon turning around Troy found himself set up by Akinan for his Bonebreaker Chokeslam. He took the slam, but kicked out of a quick pin attempt at 2. The two big men continued on like this until Lukie hobbled out leg cast and all. When the ref wasn't looking Lukie pulled himself up onto the side of the ring just as Troy pimpslapped Akinan and tossed him head first towards Lukie. The injured Alpha Beta put his cast up and Akinan's head rammed right into it. Akinan fell to his knees and Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick. The impact forced Akinan out of the ring. Dougie came down to fight off Lukie and drag him away from the ring, but Troy intercepted him and hit Atomic Wedgie as Lukie was bashing Akinan with his cast again. The ref of course was not looking to see this going down and by the time he finally turned around Akinan was out cold. the ref counted him out and Troy won the match. It was more of a tainted win for Troy then normal, but he did have control even before Lukie's involvement. His blindsiding of Dougie also shows that the champ will have his hands full at Breakthrough.
The next match...never happened. We suddenly cut backstage to see Akatsuki and SinDOS brawling backstage. Security was standing by, but was afraid to get close and stop the fighting. KYO tried to get to Metrion who was bashing Danny, but Avion got in the way so KYO ripped off his mouth guard and tore into the sXe star's forehead before tossing him into the wall. It was total anarchy which was to be expected from these teams, and serves as a precursor to what we will see at Breakthrough.
It was now main event time again, as the first intergender EBW Tag Champions would have their first challenge against not one, but two teams. The match started with Tack, Ness, and Rude in the ring. Ness charged towards Tack, but Tracy blind tagged herself in immediately. Ness couldn't possibly hit his sister so he turned towards Rude. Tracy counted on this, and worked with Ness in beating down Rude. Ness quickly hit Rude with a PSI ROCKIN, which lead to Tracy quickly trying to roll him up. Ness wouldn't hit his sister, but he did drag her off of Rude and demanded that she stand back so he could pin Rude. The Top Dollah Brawlah took this time to tag in Kinniku Mike and the Samoan Slaughterhouse floored them both. Trevor Mach reached out and tagged his way in and he brawled with Mike. Tracy tagged in the champ and the crowd went wild as Tack stood in wait to deliver the superkick to one of his opponents. Trevor finally back away from trading blows with Mike and delivered a hard elbow that sent Mike falling back into a corner. Tack prepared to superkick Trevor, but the Royal Crown Champion turned around just in time to grab his foot. Tack and Trevor stood eye to eye. Trevor grinned maniacally while Tack made an obvious *gulp*, but they both turned to Kinniku Mike and double drop kicked him out of the ring. This brought everyone into the ring and Ness hammered Tack in the back and floored the Double Champion. Ness stomped him repeatedly until Tracy pushed Ness away. They argued as Trevor traded holds with Rude in quite the chaotic scene. Finally, Mike crawled back into the ring and the match was brought back under control. Late in the match it was back to Ness, Tack, and Rude in the ring. Tack had obviously had enough of Ness's attitude and finally started letting him have it, but constantly looked back to Tracy to see if it was ok. Rude let them trade blows and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, but suddenly his Breakthrough opponent Tanooki w00t made his way out and grabbed the knuckles. Tack let Ness have it with a superkick and tried to pin him, but only got a 2 count. Meanwhile, Rude was still talking trash with w00t, who was trying to offer him a muffin to replace the brass knuckles. The distraction gave Tack enough time to sneak up behind Rude and hit the Standing Shirinai Kai. He rolled up Rude and got the 3 count just before Ness was able to crawl over and break up the pin. After the match chaos ensued again. Trevor and Mike brawled outside of the ring. Mach showed off more of his "random ninja skills" that he's been brandishing in his FSW cameos to hit Mike with a new move called the Scorpion Macha Ye. Mike took the move though and got right back up. He slapped Trevor hard in the chest several times and sent him over the guard rail and into the fans. Trevor and Mike continued to brawl into the fans. Rude attempted to get to his tag partner, but Tanooki w00t showed some uncharacteristic fighting spirit and bounced off Rude's head SMB style. Back in the ring Tack and Ness talked trash. The champion was not backing down nor was Ness, who would attempt to regain the Global World Championship and "defend the honor" of his sister. Poochyfud's plan to turn the "rebels" against each other may come to full fruition at Breakthrough.
EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ Singles Match
Lucas beat Grudge (4:21) with a Spinning Impaler.
2. CXJ Tag Team Match Non Title
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD beat Bolshoi/Bakayaro (9:59) when Jamie OD hit the Penalty Kick on Bolshoi.
3. Special Singles Match
Troy beat Akinan (13:09) via Countout.
4. Special Singles Match
KYO vs. Avion (0:00) No Contest.
5. EBW Tag Team Championship 3-Team Match
Tack Angel(c)/Tracy(c) beat Trevor Mach/Ness and Kinniku Mike/Rude (28:45) when Tack Angel hit the Standing Shirinai Kai on Rude.
- has followed MB Callahan with Monoxide and Randy no Kachi in a hallway preparing for the results of the Schmo's Poll.
Monoxide: Man, that's still messed up with what they did to you.
Randy: Ay dios mios. Can't believe that referee did that to you, man.
Callahan: Eh, no worries about it for now. All we should be worrying about now is the results of the fan poll. Remember, whoever's on top gets the shot.
Randy no Kachi: We should. That Mr. Jennings and that referee will get what's comin. Que tendras tu venganza algun dia.
Monoxide: Yea, who knows what the fans like since its only been two shows.
Randy: They do like calling you emo though.
Monoxide: Hey! I am not emo alright. Its just the hair. Other than that, no emo.
Callahan: Mono, guess who's here.
Monoxide: What?...
Callahan: It's Bubu.
Monoxide: Why that...BUBU! I got a bone to pick with you!
Bubu: Huh?
Monoxide: What's up with that spear you gave me after our match?
Bubu: Sorry! I just got frustrated and didn't know what I was doing.
Monoxide: You didn't know huh? Look, I know me, you, and Callahan have been tight lately but that is no excuse for you to have a tantrum just because you lost.
Bubu: Hey, I told you, I got caught up in the moment and got frustrated!
Monoxide: Well, you better take care of your so-called Rated M tantrum and control that s***.
Callahan: Hey hey. Calm down. Don't let this one minor mistake get to you. Hell, get to us. We got work to do.
Randy: Si, he's right. We need to concentrate on a possible title match if either one of us are ranked no.1 in the poll.
Monoxide: Alright, but I'm watching you Bubu. You do something funny, I swear to...
Bubu: It won't happen again! I'm the Rated M Superstar dammit!
Randy, Monoxide, and Callahan left Bubu in the hallway.
Bubu: So tired of losing. I have to do something about this.
Poll Results will be Revealed?
It seems that Don Panini has implanted a camera in every location where FSW talent...well, mostly Poo and Franky, to monitor their progress. Even in the bathrooms.
Poo: Ah man, I shouldn't have ate that deep dried avocado....or was it an artichoke? Whatever it was, that thing is killing me.
*ring ring*
Poo: Hello.
Franky: It's me.
Poo: Yea? So how are the polls coming along?
Franky: From what I'm seeing right now. Tight one.
Poo: What you mean?
Franky: Let's just say I found a way to give you a rest for the next show.
Poo: What a relief.
Franky: Are you in the bathroom?
Poo: Ah, yes.
Franky: Why in the world are you talking to me in the bathroom?
Poo: Hey, you called! You act as if I'm the one that's calling! GAH!
Franky: Deep fried avocado?
Poo: Yup. I don't know what kind of restaurant you took me to but dammit.
Franky: Hey! I go to that place all the time and never once have I ever go to the poopers because of the avocado. Or was it the artichoke?
Poo: I don't know what it is! But...hold on. This is gonna be a big one!
Franky: Wait, don't you wanna know who is ranked in the fan voting?
Poo: Meh, tell me later. In fact, just let me know during the next show.
Franky: Oook.
Poo: Gah! AAAHHH!!...Oh..yea. That's right.
*Poo looks around*
Poo: Great, no toilet paper. What kind of bathroom doesn't reload on toilet paper? My goodness this is ridiculous...OH! Oh no! This is could be the home stretch!! Wait...What the hell? Why won't it flush? What the? AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Amigo makes one more stop...
Just hours before the big Breakthrough PPV, has received footage featuring a certain teen idol finally leaving the hospital, but getting an unexpected visitor first, with an interesting offer...
Sal Paradise: Well buddy, the wait is over and the ladies are waiting!
Jamie OD: Oi, looks like you can't get back into the CXJ Division though.....looks like you put on some weight.
Moz: food sucks, but the nurses wouldn't let me touch them so all I could do while I was here was eat. I don't mind the extra bulk, but I'll have to drop it to return to the division like you said.
Sal Paradise: You must be excited to get back in there and go after that belt.
Moz: Well I thought I was. I mean I was pretty popular in the division. I had the gold, the girls, and the green. Is that all there is to life though?
Jamie OD: ......I think so.
Sal Paradise: Yeah if not it's pretty damn close.
Moz: I don't know. I think I need a new challenge. I think I should take this as a sign and move up to the heavies!
Jamie OD: Wha?
Sal Paradise: You don't want to hang with Lovekick anymore?
Moz: No, that's not what I mean. You know the three of us will always hit the clubs together, but I need a new challenge....I just need to think of a way to get this started.
Amigo: I think I might be able to help with that.
Sal Paradise: AH! Where do you come from! You've got the charisma of a brick, but the stealthiness of some kind of ninja.
Moz: Hey Amigo, what do you mean? How can you help with that?
Amigo: I'm putting a team together and I just need one man to bring it all together.....
FSW opened their third show with Franky and FSW Champion, Poo in the ring.
Franky: Hello everyone. This results are in. Who does the fans vote for to be Poo's first challenger.
Crowd: *WOOOOO*
Franky: Alright. The rankings, by all of you, are...In 10th place, Black Cena! In 9th place, Toad! In 8th place, Monoxide! In 7th place, Perfect Man! Disappointed by that. Anyway, in 6th place, Sheik Ahmad!
Crowd: *WOOO*
Franky: Now the top five. In 5th place, The Subculture, Matt Wilson! In 4th place, Olly Oliver! In third, MB Callahan!
Crowd: *WOOOOO*
Franky: And now the top two. It has been a close one. So in second place is Mr. Jennings!!! So that means Randy no Kachi is the number one contender for the FSW Regional Championship!
Crowd: *HUH??*
Franky: Let's bring Randy out here shall we.
Randy: Voy hacer honesto, I really didn't dig I'll be ranked up that high. I am truly honored to have that connection to all the fans.
Mr. Jennings: Wait just a minute!
Crowd: *BOOOO*
Mr. Jennings: Last time I checked, Randy is not the only top vote getter! As I recall, when voting ended, Randy and I are tied for first. Which means, if he is the contender, then I should be contender as well. But honestly, I should be the man to challenge the FSW champion instead. See, we need a proper, noble, and physical match for the championship. It would be delightful, more delightful than a perfectly prepared Bubble and Squeak after a family Roast the night before. We do not need a match with a rogue that feeds off of "machismo."
Franky: Hmm, he does have a point. I'll tell you two "blokes" what. Since Mr. Jennings actually make a valid point about the fan voting process. How about tonight, we have ourselves, say, a contender's match. Winner will be the official contender for Poo's FSW Championship. And now we give you this.
Remy: Hello! My name is Remy Radcliffe. I am a child prodigy. Well, I'm a teenager. I've been a fan of EBW for many years and this is my big break! I like Sal from the Lovekick, Hotlanta, and Swift especially. One person, that I am having trouble watching, its Akinan. He's too fake to me. First, he looks tough but actually a wimp. Then he put on that racoon...tanooki...whatever it is, he put that costume on and wants to hug everybody. Even worse, once he took off the suit, he's gotten serious again and teaming with Dougie now? It makes no sense.
Camera guy: Alright now, we don't have enough time for you meaningless rant. Just go to the ring.
We see Remy out in the ring waiting for his opponent and his opponent? Rozie!
Rozie: Citizen, Remy! This is not a place for you. I don't care if you're a child prodigy. FSW and EBW is too dangerous for kid.
Remy: Teenager.
Rozie: Whatever. Look, I am here for your safety. I came to protect the innocent and the young from any harm. I'm also here to protect the young from falling into the hands of evil. In you case, however, I feel its too late. With your mouth and attitude, I feel that you are an exception...
Rozie sudddenly smacks Remy witha savate kick. Rozie dragged Remy to the corner and climbed the ropes. Rozie jumps off and pulverizes Remy a Flying Sausage for the pin.
We go to Truthslayer with Master Bubu.
Truthslayer: Hello all and welcome to this. I am here *cough*cough* With Master Bubu, who requested this time to say something I guess.
Master Bubu: Yea, I have something to say. Tonight, I am laying down the challenge. I challenge anyone in the FSW roster o EBW even. I am ready for anybody and I will win! I am the Rated M Superstar. You know what? I think I'll one-up the challenge. I'll fight TWO people and I will win. That's right I'll fight two people in a handicap match.
Truthslayer: And Bubu made the challenge and on his way to the ring.
Bubu awaits in the ring for his opponents. After a long pause, Goomba and Toad comes out. Bubu went for the sudden attack. Bubu went for the spear but Goomba rolled himself over the back of Bubu. Toad rammed his head onto Bubu in the corner. Toad grabbed Goomba and used him as a battering ram. Bubu looked dazed and Toad kicks Bubu down. Goomba climbs up and hits a Mushroom Kamikaze headbutt right onto Bubu's belly. Goomba laid for the pin and gets the victory.
We then take a closer look at Katsuflex.
Katsuflex: I am the Katsuflex. Welcome to the revolution. Let's take this train and steam roll it forward! Move it forward, baby! FORWARD! What is the Katsuflex? The Katsuflex is the movement of the century. It's creating that vibe and energy needed to feel better about yourself. Because if you can't feel the Katsuflex, well, something's up with you. See, what I have here is the man panties and I have them everywhere! If you can't even feel that energy, then something must be done. IT WILL GO DOWN! DOWN! I TELL YOU!
Black Cena: He ain't no joke. He is for real!
Katsuflex: That's right bro. Ladies. 4Ever Bros and the Katsuflex is coming for ya!
Black Cena and Katsuflex takes the ring against Olly Oliver and Sheik Ahmad. Black Cena and Katsuflex were like in a house of fire and putting both Olly and Ahmad out. Olly, however, didn't forget on the first show and retaliates. Black Cena pushes Olly away. Just as 4Ever Bros looks to attack, this happened...
The match ended in a no contest.
The Subculture Matt Wilson and Perfect Man took on MB Callahan and Monoxide. Callahan dominated both The Subculture and Perfect Man until both Perfect Man and Subculture uses their intellect to outdo Callahan. Callahan went for the Whirley Bird Slam but Subculture chop block Callahan mid-move which resulted into a neckbreaker from Perfect Man. Monoxide gets the tag and fought off but The Subculture dropkicks Monoxide's leg as well. Monoxide gets isolated and MB Callahan can do nothing about it. Mr. Jennings came out to observe which distracted Callahan. The Subculture took advantage and clubbed Callahan to the outside. The Subculture and Callahan brawled on the outside and Mr. Jennings took a shot at Callahan. In the ring, Monoxide took control and went for the Carbon Monoxide Press. Perfect Man avoided it and hits the DDT to Monoxide. Perfect Man went up for the Impeccable Moonsault for the pinfall victory.
Main event time. Randy no Kachi faced off against a man that tied his poll rankings, Mr. Jennings. A physical contest as Mr. Jennings handled Randy like he was nothing. Randy tried to fight back but Jennings proved otherwise. Jennings worked on the leg to slow Randy down. Jennings then locks on his ankle hold called the Snapper. Randy fought valiantly to break the hold. After a long duration of time, Randy finally made it to the ropes to break the submission. Jennings rolled up his sleeve, picked up Randy, and hits a leg-hold lariat to Randy's injured leg. As Senior Referee, Gilbert Blaze, checked on Randy, MB Callahan interfered and hits the Bounce on Jennings all of a sudden. This gave Randy enough time to regain composure. As Jennings got back up, Randy hits the no Kachi Cutter and pins Jennings to become the number one contender for Poo's FSW Regional Title.
Afterwards, Mr. Jennings looked furious at MB Callahan and took the mic.
Mr. Jennings: Alright you annoying bugger! This will be the last time you get in my way! Mark my words, You will rue the day! RUE IT!
FSW 3: Anticipation
Fourside Arena
1. Rozie def. Remy Radcliffe (0:30) with the Flying Sausage.
2. Toad & Goomba def. Master Bubu (5:32) when Goomba used the Mushroom Kamikaze.
3. Black Cena & Katsuflex vs. Olly Oliver & Sheik Ahmad (3:00) ended in a no contest.
4. "The Subculture" Matt Wilson & Perfect Man def. Monoxide & MB Callahan (8:20) when Perfect Man used the Impeccable Moonsault on Monoxide.
5. Schmo's Poll Decision: Randy no Kachi def. Mr. Jennings (13:35) with the no Kachi Cutter.
<----- EBW: Breakthrough Theme
The wait is over and the time is now. A packed crowd filled the Twoson Fairgrounds to see the warriors of EBW collide at EBW: Breakthrough! It's a testament to the popularity of EBW that they were able to sell out the building not long after running a LIVE! show in the same building for the Super CXJ Tag Team Cup. We would see first time matches and old rivalries rekindled. With every championship on the line in one night you could expect big changes and big ramifications. That is exactly what the fans got. A change...a BREAKTHROUGH! The show saw a special return of the 6-sided ring. Footage from earlier would show that Master Lu was behind the returning ring, but a livid Mr. Poochyfud made sure to let him know that it would be for one night only. In many ways the wrestlers that Lu supports have an advantage in this type of would that advantage play out against the corrupt and powerful Administration?
The pay per view kicked off with a singles grudge match between rising rookie Lucas and his attacker of recent weeks El Gran Luchadore. No one was exactly sure why this guy was attacking Lucas, but his attacks were stalling the momentum of a promising career and it was time to put this to a rest. El Gran Luchadore tried to get the upper hand early on by coming out of the crowd to blindside Lucas, but suddenly he found Amigo standing in his way. El Gran Luchadore then tried to grab a chair, but Green Destiny blocked him off. Moz and a ratty looking Maurice also appeared, and the 4 forced El Gran Luchadore into the ring. He backed right into Lucas, who quickly took him to the mat with a belly to back suplex. He quickly went for an ankle lock, and almost forced Luchadore to tap out immediately. El Gran Luchadore grabbed the ropes and Lucas backed off for a second before moving back in and delivering knee shots to his downed nemesis. You could feel the anger that had built up inside of Lucas and for the first time in his career he was in full control. He capped off an impressive match with a Spinning Impaler followed by the pin and the win. After the match Amigo, Moz, Green Destiny, and Maurice entered the ring....actually Maurice grabbed a sandwich from a fan in the crowd first. Lucas, backed by his allies grabbed El Gran Luchadore and ripped his mask off to reveal.....RENO! That's right....Mr. Poochyfud's assistant Reno, who had a beef with Lucas from a few months back, had once again attempted to throw a monkey wrench in Lucas' career. Unfortunately for Reno, Lucas made some powerful friends. At this point Amigo grabbed a mic while his former mentor turned enemy Captain Strong appeared at the entrance way...
Amigo: Strong, it's great to see you again. I know I've been gone for a little bit, but as you can see I've been "busy". First and foremost I want to congratulate Lucas on a job well done here. I also want to *sigh* "congratulate" Maurice on stealing a sandwich from a fan....what the hell man?
Maurice: Don't judge me I'm used to eating out of the garbage!
Amigo: Anyways.....I left EBW for a go on a quest and put together a team of people who have been lingering in wrestling limbo for one reason or another. Whether they tried a new career path that didn't quite work out or they lost their job and turned into an unemployed and crazy bum.
Maurice: Hey Moz....I think he's talking about you.
Moz: *sigh*
Maurice: By the way you got any change?
Amigo: Some felt the need to find new challenges in their career while SOME...I'm not gonna name SCREWED OVER! Well we all have a lot to offer, and we're going to take EBW by storm. Strong, you put together a group of three rookie wrestlers and dubbed us SURGE. You called us the future of the sport. Well that future is now, although I have come to develop a different vision of this future. A time where I lead a team of wrestlers in dominating this sport, backing each other up, and making sure that no one screws us over again.
Maurice: Geez....first this guy never talks and now he won't stop!
Amigo: Come on Maurice!
Maurice: Sorry! Sorry!
Amigo: The 5 of us....represent a new generation in EBW.....The BREAKTHROUGH GENERATION! How fitting that this team makes itself known here and now.
Maurice: Actually, we were voting on the name and when we found out that EBW was having this PPV we sort of swiped the name.
Moz: What man....that's exactly what we did.
Amigo: Oh any case....Captain Strong....Kinniku Mike.....don't forget I promised retribution....because I haven't.
We then cut to the back where Poochyfud puppet Hater was standing by with our Global World Champion and one half of the EBW Tag Team Champions Tack Angel.
Hater: NYAH! So like I was saying Tack I hate you!
Tack Angel: have made that....QUITE.....clear...
Hater: You're the #1 enemy in EBW! Mr. Poochyfud hates you! I hate you! You're going to get your ass kicked tonight! NYAH!
Tack Angel: Was...there....a question in that?
Tack Angel: Give me that mic you little....
Hater: NYAH!
Tack Angel: Ness, this has never been about making you mad. This has never been about screwing you over or messing with your family. This has always been about the title and about Mr. Poochyfud trying to turn the world against me. The people that matter to me....they won't turn on me so I don't care if I have the whole Poochyfud Administration is trying to take me down. I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore. I'll go down swinging if I have to! I never wanted YOU to turn against me though. I always thought of you as a good friend. I want us both to go out there, put our feelings aside, and put on a classic out there. After the match....we shake hands...we put this all behind us...and we work together like we used to. For as long as I can remember I stood by you when you needed me. Ever since I joined EBW....I hope that you can do the same....despite everything....despite how your sister feels about me...and....and how I may feel....about your sister. Tonight....let's wrestle...not for the reasons Poochyfud wants us to...but for the reasons we want to....for the Global World Championship!
Hater: NYAH! I got a question about Ness's sister! Have you tapped that yet?!
Tack Angel: THAT'S IT!
Hater: AH!
The next match featured the first title match of the show. Poochyfud target and Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie had the unlucky task of taking on the Alpha Beta Troy for the title. Troy was able to go toe to toe with the big man Akinan at X-perience and had no issue taking charge and winning the match, so Dougie would definitely have his hands full. Despite the match having No Rules, Troy had no intention of using any weapons. He simply charged the other side of the ring and smashed Dougie's face into a turnbuckle with an elbow. He repeatedly smashed him into the corner and stomped him down to the mat. He back away just long enough to charge and drive his foot right into Dougie's face. Troy was dominant throughout the match, with Dougie playing D and trying to avoid the pissed off jock. Dougie finally got a couple of chops in, but Troy just took it and pushed Dougie back into a corner. He charged and Dougie ducked just in time. Dougie quickly shot behind Troy when he bounced off the turnbuckle and actually took the Alpha Beta down with a reverse Dynamic DDT, but when he tried to pin Troy the jock kicked out before one and he grabbed Dougie by the throat and pushed him out of the ring. Dougie grabbed a chair as Troy came at him and tried to take a swing, but Troy punched the chair back into Dougie's face. He grabbed the downed champ and tossed him back into the ring. With Dougie out of it Troy just stood back and waited, finally hitting the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick before pinning him for the win and the Hardcore Hero Championship! After the match the ref tried to hand Troy the belt only for the jock to scream "NEEEEERD" and punched him in the face. Lukie and Mr. Poochyfud came out to the ring to congratulate Troy while Dougie yelled for Akinan to carry him to the back. The big man let out a big sigh and carried his partner away. Back in the ring Troy was more then happy to hand the title over to Mr. Poochyfud, and the boss declared Troy the final Hardcore Hero Champion before smashing what was left of the belt on the floor. A big win for the Poochyfud Administration and another impressive showing from the big jock Troy.
The third match was scheduled to be another Swift open challenge, and the brawler was standing in the ring waiting, but he suddenly found himself face to face with Mr. Poochyfud's accountant Mr. Ryan IQ.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Hold it right there Swift! I am afraid to say that we couldn't find you an opponent for the open challenge. I do have something even better though.
Swift: .....
Mr. Ryan IQ: I have an offer that you can't refuse! I've been watching you like all these EBW fans! They love you, I mean listen to them! A few months back Reno and Rude paid you a visit offering you a position in the Poochyfud Administration. I've come with a similar offer, but I'm here to sweeten the deal. I'm going to offer you a SEVEN figure deal to become THE representative for the Poochyfud Administration. I'm a money man, and I've had to make some moves to get this deal going because I KNOW that you would make the perfect investment. So Swift....what do you say?
Swift: ....Thank you....
Mr. Ryan IQ: For what? For offering such a great deal?
Swift: No....for stepping in the ring to volunteer as my opponent.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Pardon? Oof!
The crowd went wild as Swift floored the Administration Accountant with a Rider Kick before demanding the ref give the 3 count. Swift "wins" another open challenge. If you count this match Swift is now 11-0.
We then cut to the back again where Nerma was standing by with #1 Contender Ness.
Nerma: Nerma here with....
Ness: Hey, what happened to Hater over there?
Nerma: Who knows....who cares. Ness, tonight you have a match for the Global World Championship. What are your thoughts?
Ness: Well....this match has been overshadowed by a lot of scandal, but one thing is for certain....I want that championship. It's the pinnacle of wrestling achievement. Despite how I feel about what has happened with Tack....despite how I feel about the Poochyfud Administration.....I'm going into this match 100% focused. Tack...I hope you're ready.
Nerma: I'm gonna go kick Hater.
We cut back to the next match already in progress and the fans going wild, as Akatsuki and SinDOS brawled on the way to the ring. This was a hardcore tag match, meaning that these rival teams were going to go all over the destroy one another. After weeks of growing hatred, violence, and animosity. After weeks of sabotaging the careers of the "Greatest Tag Team" and weeks of Danny and KYO struggling to get revenge it was time for the former champions to step in the ring together to take on the team that Poochyfud sent to replace them. Akatsuki versus SinDOS it's on! Avion and Metrion may be as brutal as Akatsuki, but they are also devious planners it seems and they brought a tough strategy. Avion was methodical and strategic, while Metrion was happy to be brutal and hard hitting, using his manic speed and strength to catch Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting off guard. Danny isn't a former Hardcore Hero Champion for nothing though, and managed to absorb Metrion's offense and came back with hard slaps and kicks of his own. He used his Akatsuki jacket and draped over the Goth's head before landing some hockey style punches. When Metrion finally got the jacket off Danny had him set up for the Emo Cutter, but Avion stopped a pin attempt. KYO rushed in and headbutted Avion before trying to bite into his forehead. Avion turned it around on KYO and hit a snap suplex. He dropped and elbow to keep him down while Metrion threw his partner a chair. Avion repeatedly battered KYO, but the demon slowly climbed back to his feet regardless. Avion dropped the chair and bounced off the ropes to come at KYO, but instead KYO grabbed him and brought him down with a Black Hole Slam. KYO laughed maniacally as he jumped onto the second rope and came crashing back down with an elbow to face. KYO went up again, but this time Danny set the chair onto Avion's head, increasing the damage of the elbow drop. After setting down the chair Danny found himself trapped by Metrion, who hit a reverse DDT and then, in mocking fashion, bit into Danny's forehead just like KYO would do to an opponent. This got KYO's attention and he let up on Avion to get to his brother. Avion quickly got to his feet and drop kicked KYO out of the ring and into the guard rail. Avion then climbed to the top rope while Metrion assisted in carrying Danny there as well. The ring shook as Avion dropped Danny with a Top Rope sXe DDT before pinning him for the 1-2-3 and winning the match. SinDOS had broken Akatsuki, but the damage was done yet. To further show their sadistic nature, Metrion and Avion held Danny Leung down and proceeded to remove all of his piercings one by one....but the PG product Mr. Poochyfud tries to put on TV. As Danny lay in a pool of his own blood the lights suddenly went out. When they came back on a mysterious man in black armor stood near the ring. He merely stood there as SinDOS tried to get a read on him. KYO took the opportunity to pick his brother up and Akatsuki, defeated and mutilated, headed out of the building through the crowd. The mysterious man in black slowly followed them. Who is this man? Why did he come to the rescue of Akatsuki?
The next two matches would be showcases of everything the CXJ Division has to offer to EBW. In both the singles and tag divisions of CXJ, these wrestlers always go above and beyond to entertain. This past month or so has seen many changes and challengers to the belts. Contenders have been going to war over a shot at the belts like never before and a Bushido Crusade has risen from the ashes of Maelstrom's Bushido Mission.
The first match was an EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship match, with Lovekick putting the belts on the line against the 2010 Super CXJ Tag Team Cup winners the Sons of Bushido. The technical/high flying hybrids Sal Paradise and Jamie OD battled the tough, brash, Bushido team in an exciting match. Despite Given and Taken being the "bad guys" in this encounter, some fans were cheering them, showing that fan support for the Bushido movement was still alive and well. The capacity crowd brought out the best in both teams. Taken and Jamie were in for the opening minutes, and started by swapping hard kicks. Jamie got the better of Taken and landed his PK Kick early, but Taken was able to quickly shake it off and get back to his feet. When it was time for Sal and Given to step up the fans were on fire. Given brought the pressure to Sal and forced him around the ring. Sal fought to escape a beating, and finally managed to get Given to the ground where he went for a Paradise Lock, but Given would never be forced to tap as he loved the pain and made it to the ropes before quickly returning to his feet. The brutal C-X-J action continued for several minutes until Sal managed to catch Given in his Paradise Lock after a second attempt. Given can take the pain, but didn't have to hold out long, as Taken jumped in and stomped Sal in the head. The impact hit him straight in the ear, and it messed with his equilibrium for several minutes. Sal suffered a beating at the hands of Given and Taken, as they took turns trying to pick Sal apart. Sal absorbed a lot of punishment, but survived when a double suplex from Given and Taken backfired, and Sal managed to hit a suplex on both of them. Given and Taken returned to their knees only to get hit with two PK Kicks from the tagged in Jamie OD. He couldn't remember which man was the legal man so he tried to pin them both at the same time. Given and Taken used their strength to push Jamie up and into the air. Given tagged in Taken, but elbowed Sal straight in the eye before going to his corner. Jamie tried to hit another PK Kick, but Taken caught his foot and floored him to the ground. He then stomped away at Jamie's face, and forced him to tag in the injured Sal, who could barely see or stand at this point. Given ran to the other side of the ring and clotheslined Jamie to the floor as Taken introduced the hurt Sal to his new finisher the Take It! Ace Crusher. With that he rolled up Sal for the pin and the win. The Sons of Bushido are the new unified champions! A hard fought battle saw two rival teams once again top their previous encounters and Sons of Bushido are champions once again. The Bushido Crusade's power is growing...
<----- EBW: Breakthrough Theme
The wait is over and the time is now. A packed crowd filled the Twoson Fairgrounds to see the warriors of EBW collide at EBW: Breakthrough! It's a testament to the popularity of EBW that they were able to sell out the building not long after running a LIVE! show in the same building for the Super CXJ Tag Team Cup. We would see first time matches and old rivalries rekindled. With every championship on the line in one night you could expect big changes and big ramifications. That is exactly what the fans got. A change...a BREAKTHROUGH! The show saw a special return of the 6-sided ring. Footage from earlier would show that Master Lu was behind the returning ring, but a livid Mr. Poochyfud made sure to let him know that it would be for one night only. In many ways the wrestlers that Lu supports have an advantage in this type of would that advantage play out against the corrupt and powerful Administration?
The pay per view kicked off with a singles grudge match between rising rookie Lucas and his attacker of recent weeks El Gran Luchadore. No one was exactly sure why this guy was attacking Lucas, but his attacks were stalling the momentum of a promising career and it was time to put this to a rest. El Gran Luchadore tried to get the upper hand early on by coming out of the crowd to blindside Lucas, but suddenly he found Amigo standing in his way. El Gran Luchadore then tried to grab a chair, but Green Destiny blocked him off. Moz and a ratty looking Maurice also appeared, and the 4 forced El Gran Luchadore into the ring. He backed right into Lucas, who quickly took him to the mat with a belly to back suplex. He quickly went for an ankle lock, and almost forced Luchadore to tap out immediately. El Gran Luchadore grabbed the ropes and Lucas backed off for a second before moving back in and delivering knee shots to his downed nemesis. You could feel the anger that had built up inside of Lucas and for the first time in his career he was in full control. He capped off an impressive match with a Spinning Impaler followed by the pin and the win. After the match Amigo, Moz, Green Destiny, and Maurice entered the ring....actually Maurice grabbed a sandwich from a fan in the crowd first. Lucas, backed by his allies grabbed El Gran Luchadore and ripped his mask off to reveal.....RENO! That's right....Mr. Poochyfud's assistant Reno, who had a beef with Lucas from a few months back, had once again attempted to throw a monkey wrench in Lucas' career. Unfortunately for Reno, Lucas made some powerful friends. At this point Amigo grabbed a mic while his former mentor turned enemy Captain Strong appeared at the entrance way...
Amigo: Strong, it's great to see you again. I know I've been gone for a little bit, but as you can see I've been "busy". First and foremost I want to congratulate Lucas on a job well done here. I also want to *sigh* "congratulate" Maurice on stealing a sandwich from a fan....what the hell man?
Maurice: Don't judge me I'm used to eating out of the garbage!
Amigo: Anyways.....I left EBW for a go on a quest and put together a team of people who have been lingering in wrestling limbo for one reason or another. Whether they tried a new career path that didn't quite work out or they lost their job and turned into an unemployed and crazy bum.
Maurice: Hey Moz....I think he's talking about you.
Moz: *sigh*
Maurice: By the way you got any change?
Amigo: Some felt the need to find new challenges in their career while SOME...I'm not gonna name SCREWED OVER! Well we all have a lot to offer, and we're going to take EBW by storm. Strong, you put together a group of three rookie wrestlers and dubbed us SURGE. You called us the future of the sport. Well that future is now, although I have come to develop a different vision of this future. A time where I lead a team of wrestlers in dominating this sport, backing each other up, and making sure that no one screws us over again.
Maurice: Geez....first this guy never talks and now he won't stop!
Amigo: Come on Maurice!
Maurice: Sorry! Sorry!
Amigo: The 5 of us....represent a new generation in EBW.....The BREAKTHROUGH GENERATION! How fitting that this team makes itself known here and now.
Maurice: Actually, we were voting on the name and when we found out that EBW was having this PPV we sort of swiped the name.
Moz: What man....that's exactly what we did.
Amigo: Oh any case....Captain Strong....Kinniku Mike.....don't forget I promised retribution....because I haven't.
We then cut to the back where Poochyfud puppet Hater was standing by with our Global World Champion and one half of the EBW Tag Team Champions Tack Angel.
Hater: NYAH! So like I was saying Tack I hate you!
Tack Angel: have made that....QUITE.....clear...
Hater: You're the #1 enemy in EBW! Mr. Poochyfud hates you! I hate you! You're going to get your ass kicked tonight! NYAH!
Tack Angel: Was...there....a question in that?
Tack Angel: Give me that mic you little....
Hater: NYAH!
Tack Angel: Ness, this has never been about making you mad. This has never been about screwing you over or messing with your family. This has always been about the title and about Mr. Poochyfud trying to turn the world against me. The people that matter to me....they won't turn on me so I don't care if I have the whole Poochyfud Administration is trying to take me down. I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore. I'll go down swinging if I have to! I never wanted YOU to turn against me though. I always thought of you as a good friend. I want us both to go out there, put our feelings aside, and put on a classic out there. After the match....we shake hands...we put this all behind us...and we work together like we used to. For as long as I can remember I stood by you when you needed me. Ever since I joined EBW....I hope that you can do the same....despite everything....despite how your sister feels about me...and....and how I may feel....about your sister. Tonight....let's wrestle...not for the reasons Poochyfud wants us to...but for the reasons we want to....for the Global World Championship!
Hater: NYAH! I got a question about Ness's sister! Have you tapped that yet?!
Tack Angel: THAT'S IT!
Hater: AH!
The next match featured the first title match of the show. Poochyfud target and Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie had the unlucky task of taking on the Alpha Beta Troy for the title. Troy was able to go toe to toe with the big man Akinan at X-perience and had no issue taking charge and winning the match, so Dougie would definitely have his hands full. Despite the match having No Rules, Troy had no intention of using any weapons. He simply charged the other side of the ring and smashed Dougie's face into a turnbuckle with an elbow. He repeatedly smashed him into the corner and stomped him down to the mat. He back away just long enough to charge and drive his foot right into Dougie's face. Troy was dominant throughout the match, with Dougie playing D and trying to avoid the pissed off jock. Dougie finally got a couple of chops in, but Troy just took it and pushed Dougie back into a corner. He charged and Dougie ducked just in time. Dougie quickly shot behind Troy when he bounced off the turnbuckle and actually took the Alpha Beta down with a reverse Dynamic DDT, but when he tried to pin Troy the jock kicked out before one and he grabbed Dougie by the throat and pushed him out of the ring. Dougie grabbed a chair as Troy came at him and tried to take a swing, but Troy punched the chair back into Dougie's face. He grabbed the downed champ and tossed him back into the ring. With Dougie out of it Troy just stood back and waited, finally hitting the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick before pinning him for the win and the Hardcore Hero Championship! After the match the ref tried to hand Troy the belt only for the jock to scream "NEEEEERD" and punched him in the face. Lukie and Mr. Poochyfud came out to the ring to congratulate Troy while Dougie yelled for Akinan to carry him to the back. The big man let out a big sigh and carried his partner away. Back in the ring Troy was more then happy to hand the title over to Mr. Poochyfud, and the boss declared Troy the final Hardcore Hero Champion before smashing what was left of the belt on the floor. A big win for the Poochyfud Administration and another impressive showing from the big jock Troy.
The third match was scheduled to be another Swift open challenge, and the brawler was standing in the ring waiting, but he suddenly found himself face to face with Mr. Poochyfud's accountant Mr. Ryan IQ.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Hold it right there Swift! I am afraid to say that we couldn't find you an opponent for the open challenge. I do have something even better though.
Swift: .....
Mr. Ryan IQ: I have an offer that you can't refuse! I've been watching you like all these EBW fans! They love you, I mean listen to them! A few months back Reno and Rude paid you a visit offering you a position in the Poochyfud Administration. I've come with a similar offer, but I'm here to sweeten the deal. I'm going to offer you a SEVEN figure deal to become THE representative for the Poochyfud Administration. I'm a money man, and I've had to make some moves to get this deal going because I KNOW that you would make the perfect investment. So Swift....what do you say?
Swift: ....Thank you....
Mr. Ryan IQ: For what? For offering such a great deal?
Swift: No....for stepping in the ring to volunteer as my opponent.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Pardon? Oof!
The crowd went wild as Swift floored the Administration Accountant with a Rider Kick before demanding the ref give the 3 count. Swift "wins" another open challenge. If you count this match Swift is now 11-0.
We then cut to the back again where Nerma was standing by with #1 Contender Ness.
Nerma: Nerma here with....
Ness: Hey, what happened to Hater over there?
Nerma: Who knows....who cares. Ness, tonight you have a match for the Global World Championship. What are your thoughts?
Ness: Well....this match has been overshadowed by a lot of scandal, but one thing is for certain....I want that championship. It's the pinnacle of wrestling achievement. Despite how I feel about what has happened with Tack....despite how I feel about the Poochyfud Administration.....I'm going into this match 100% focused. Tack...I hope you're ready.
Nerma: I'm gonna go kick Hater.
We cut back to the next match already in progress and the fans going wild, as Akatsuki and SinDOS brawled on the way to the ring. This was a hardcore tag match, meaning that these rival teams were going to go all over the destroy one another. After weeks of growing hatred, violence, and animosity. After weeks of sabotaging the careers of the "Greatest Tag Team" and weeks of Danny and KYO struggling to get revenge it was time for the former champions to step in the ring together to take on the team that Poochyfud sent to replace them. Akatsuki versus SinDOS it's on! Avion and Metrion may be as brutal as Akatsuki, but they are also devious planners it seems and they brought a tough strategy. Avion was methodical and strategic, while Metrion was happy to be brutal and hard hitting, using his manic speed and strength to catch Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting off guard. Danny isn't a former Hardcore Hero Champion for nothing though, and managed to absorb Metrion's offense and came back with hard slaps and kicks of his own. He used his Akatsuki jacket and draped over the Goth's head before landing some hockey style punches. When Metrion finally got the jacket off Danny had him set up for the Emo Cutter, but Avion stopped a pin attempt. KYO rushed in and headbutted Avion before trying to bite into his forehead. Avion turned it around on KYO and hit a snap suplex. He dropped and elbow to keep him down while Metrion threw his partner a chair. Avion repeatedly battered KYO, but the demon slowly climbed back to his feet regardless. Avion dropped the chair and bounced off the ropes to come at KYO, but instead KYO grabbed him and brought him down with a Black Hole Slam. KYO laughed maniacally as he jumped onto the second rope and came crashing back down with an elbow to face. KYO went up again, but this time Danny set the chair onto Avion's head, increasing the damage of the elbow drop. After setting down the chair Danny found himself trapped by Metrion, who hit a reverse DDT and then, in mocking fashion, bit into Danny's forehead just like KYO would do to an opponent. This got KYO's attention and he let up on Avion to get to his brother. Avion quickly got to his feet and drop kicked KYO out of the ring and into the guard rail. Avion then climbed to the top rope while Metrion assisted in carrying Danny there as well. The ring shook as Avion dropped Danny with a Top Rope sXe DDT before pinning him for the 1-2-3 and winning the match. SinDOS had broken Akatsuki, but the damage was done yet. To further show their sadistic nature, Metrion and Avion held Danny Leung down and proceeded to remove all of his piercings one by one....but the PG product Mr. Poochyfud tries to put on TV. As Danny lay in a pool of his own blood the lights suddenly went out. When they came back on a mysterious man in black armor stood near the ring. He merely stood there as SinDOS tried to get a read on him. KYO took the opportunity to pick his brother up and Akatsuki, defeated and mutilated, headed out of the building through the crowd. The mysterious man in black slowly followed them. Who is this man? Why did he come to the rescue of Akatsuki?
The next two matches would be showcases of everything the CXJ Division has to offer to EBW. In both the singles and tag divisions of CXJ, these wrestlers always go above and beyond to entertain. This past month or so has seen many changes and challengers to the belts. Contenders have been going to war over a shot at the belts like never before and a Bushido Crusade has risen from the ashes of Maelstrom's Bushido Mission.
The first match was an EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship match, with Lovekick putting the belts on the line against the 2010 Super CXJ Tag Team Cup winners the Sons of Bushido. The technical/high flying hybrids Sal Paradise and Jamie OD battled the tough, brash, Bushido team in an exciting match. Despite Given and Taken being the "bad guys" in this encounter, some fans were cheering them, showing that fan support for the Bushido movement was still alive and well. The capacity crowd brought out the best in both teams. Taken and Jamie were in for the opening minutes, and started by swapping hard kicks. Jamie got the better of Taken and landed his PK Kick early, but Taken was able to quickly shake it off and get back to his feet. When it was time for Sal and Given to step up the fans were on fire. Given brought the pressure to Sal and forced him around the ring. Sal fought to escape a beating, and finally managed to get Given to the ground where he went for a Paradise Lock, but Given would never be forced to tap as he loved the pain and made it to the ropes before quickly returning to his feet. The brutal C-X-J action continued for several minutes until Sal managed to catch Given in his Paradise Lock after a second attempt. Given can take the pain, but didn't have to hold out long, as Taken jumped in and stomped Sal in the head. The impact hit him straight in the ear, and it messed with his equilibrium for several minutes. Sal suffered a beating at the hands of Given and Taken, as they took turns trying to pick Sal apart. Sal absorbed a lot of punishment, but survived when a double suplex from Given and Taken backfired, and Sal managed to hit a suplex on both of them. Given and Taken returned to their knees only to get hit with two PK Kicks from the tagged in Jamie OD. He couldn't remember which man was the legal man so he tried to pin them both at the same time. Given and Taken used their strength to push Jamie up and into the air. Given tagged in Taken, but elbowed Sal straight in the eye before going to his corner. Jamie tried to hit another PK Kick, but Taken caught his foot and floored him to the ground. He then stomped away at Jamie's face, and forced him to tag in the injured Sal, who could barely see or stand at this point. Given ran to the other side of the ring and clotheslined Jamie to the floor as Taken introduced the hurt Sal to his new finisher the Take It! Ace Crusher. With that he rolled up Sal for the pin and the win. The Sons of Bushido are the new unified champions! A hard fought battle saw two rival teams once again top their previous encounters and Sons of Bushido are champions once again. The Bushido Crusade's power is growing...
it was now time for the CXJ Championship Battle. The Lethal Libertarian Dave Larmore had come out of nowhere to make a run at the title and unify it with the Vs. equivalent. His first defense was supposed to be again Bakayaro, but Picky Minch and Shadow found their way into the match as well, leading to an anticipated 4-Way encounter. Shadow's plotting has lead him to reunite with his disciples Grudge and Anguish and make yet another run at the title he has held more then any other wrestler in EBW history. Picky Minch has had a long and crazy history in EBW. Despite being one of its youngest members, Picky Minch is actually a veteran in terms of EBW experience. He was now leading the Sons of Bushido who had just won the unified tag belts. Could he accomplish a similar feat and bring all the gold to the crusade? This match was action packed from the get go. Once that bell rang all four wrestlers met in the center of the ring and brawled. Picky shot behind Bakayaro and immediately tried a German Suplex, but Bakayaro ducked just as Larmore was winding up with a lariat, and the Bushido Crusade leader was taken off of his feet. Shadow tried to capitalize by quickly trying to cover Picky for the pin, but Larmore let him have it with an elbow drop while Bakayaro went high risk and landed on both Shadow and Picky with a 450 Splash. For a minute it was between Larmore and Bakayaro, just like it was originally intended. Bakayaro stepped up his game and evaded the brunt of the smash mouth brawler Dave Larmore's punches and kicks. Bakayaro back up right into Picky, who was waiting on the mat and tried to roll up the masked rookie, but both Shadow and Larmore attempted to break it up. The action continued like this for several minutes. Each wrestler was trying to get the quick flash pin, but with all four men in the ring that wasn't going to be easy. Eventually a brawl between Larmore and Shadow spilled out of the ring. Picky was down on the mat and Bakayaro was about to once again attempt a 450 Splash, but the young Minch suddenly sprang to life and climbed the turnbuckle to catch Bakayaro in a top rope Capture Suplex. The impact hurt Picky too, and he was too slow getting to Bakayaro to get the 3 count pin. Shadow grabbed Larmore's beer from ring side and took a swig. When the champ came running Shadow spit the beer in his face and then suplexed him on the hard ground outside the ring. As he climbed in the ring he soon found himself face to face with his oldest rival Picky Minch. Picky and Shadow traded blows just like they used to 5 long years ago, only now Picky was no longer an underdog. He stood toe to toe with the CXJ bully and even took him to the mat with a Belly to Belly Suplex. He then played up to the crowd as his face turned red. WAR Picky was back! He took turns taking shots and downing Shadow and Bakayaro. The momentum was stopped dead by the recovered Larmore who had climbed the ropes and came down on Picky with a Double Axe Handle. Bakayaro jumped back up, ran the ropes, and once again tossed the champ out of the ring with a Hurracanrana. The plan was definitely to keep the dominant champion away from the action. Shadow shot in behind Bakayaro and downed him with a reverse Shadow Driver. He then found himself face to face with Picky once again. They shared a staredown that seemed to last forever. Suddenly, instead of attacking or trying to pin Bakayaro, Shadow leaped out of the ring and forced Larmore into the guard rail. Picky found himself alone in the ring with a downed Bakayaro. With the crowd's cheers at a fever pitch Picky picked up Bakayaro and hit the Capture Suplex Pin. 1-2-3!!!! Picky Minch had finally come back to win the CXJ Championship! Larmore was livid that Shadow seemed to cost him the belt on purpose and the two continued to brawl outside of the ring. Picky soon found himself joined by Given and Taken. The Bushido Crusade now ruled the world of CXJ.
The story between w00t and Rude is a long and complicated one. They found themselves the best of friends in Perfection, but when the stable wars ended and the "New Era" began they were suddenly at odds. w00t was labeled an enemy of the state, while Rude found himself working alongside the new Administration. w00t had been beaten and humiliated by this new regime through various means, but w00t kept coming back to get his eventual match with his nemesis Rude. w00t now found himself back in the Tanooki Suit that has been such a disadvantage to him in the past, but his desire to win seems to still shine through as he actually brought the fight to Rude on the last episode of XP before the PPV. The match itself was a bit of a spectacle. w00t was trying to shake hands with all the fans and give them balloons, while Rude found himself alone since Reno had been taken out by Lucas earlier in the night. w00t jumped into the ring all smiles and extended his hand to Rude. The Top Dollah Brawlah laughed at this and was visibly confident that he could destroy a polite "Tanooki w00t". Suddenly w00t dropped the smile and the hand and instead tackled Rude to the floor and hammered away at him with hard shots. The crowd erupted as w00t mustered the strength to once again rid himself of the Tanooki Suit....of course this meant that he had to compete in his pink polka dot boxers. Rude was totally caught off guard, and with only a few exceptions w00t dominated. Rude's losing streak would continue, as w00t finally got his revenge after a WKO and a pin. After the match the crowd chanted "w00t". The former 2-Time Global World Champion got a devilish look in his eyes and actually put the Tanooki Suit on Rude! Mr. Poochyfud actually came down to the ring with security to try and stop w00t, but the boxer short clad wrestler simply jumped out of the ring and tackled the boss! Mr. Poochyfud quickly ran away, but not before demanding security escort w00t out of the building. For once w00t was given the heroes treatment by the fans and they cheered him as he was carried away. Rude now found himself the new recipient of the dreaded Tanooki Suit. He promptly began break dancing in the ring and moon walked his way to the back. That suit gets passed around like a joint.
The first of two very personal title matches was up next. Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting has found himself at odds with Kinniku Mike over the title...and over Lady M's. Kinniku Mike has found himself smitten (obsessed) with the one and only Sexy Strong Style Lady M's. He found himself at odds with the former SURGE stable, only for Captain Strong to come around as his manager. This fueled his obsessions further, and after a tainted win over Amigo he moved on to his prime target...Trevor Mach. Mike wants Trevor's career, his title, and his Lady. Trevor Mach one is sure what he wants other then to bash in Mike's skull with a Macha Ye. These two would put on one of the more brutally hard hitting matches of the night. Trevor had to be quite elusive in the early on, as Mike came out full of energy and looked to end it early. Mike forced Trevor into a corner and bashed away at his chest with front and back hands and chops. Trevor pushed him away and let loose some chops and kicks of his own, but Mike tackled him back into the corner. He caught the Royal Crown Champion in a bear hug and smashed him down on the mat. Mike quickly went for a sleeper, but Trevor got his hand on the rope. Mike let up, but quickly stomped the hell out of the champ. Eventually Trevor worked his way back up and let a stray elbow fly that happened to connect and forced Mike to stumble backwards. He ran back into Trevor just as Trevor was charging him and the two collided in a huge headbutt that knocked them both down. The impact forced Mike to his knees, but Trevor was still standing albeit now missing a tooth! As blood dripped out of his mouth Trevor hit Mike with a running Macha Ye and quickly rolled him up for the pin. 1-2- KICKOUT! Trevor was stunned yet impressed that Mike was able to take yet another Macha Ye and get back up so he winded up for another one only for Mike to get up at the last second, grab Trev by the throat, and chokeslammed him to the ground. This knock down drag out brawl continued for several more minutes with more blood loss and nearfalls. Trevor's Macha Ye wasn't doing the trick and Mike assumed control late in the match. With everything Mike wanted on the line he sought to tear Mach apart. He whipped Trevor into the corner and when the champ came stumbling back Mike dropped him with a Release Dragon Suplex. 1-2-KICKOUT! Trevor just managed to escape the pin attempt. Mike stomped around the ring in anger and picked Mach up by the hair. He got in his face to talk trash, and was about to hit another Release Dragon Suplex, but Trevor suddenly spit blood in Mike's face and shot in behind to hit the Shin Trevorplex Pin! 1-2-3! Trevor Mach won the match in a flash and defended his title and the honor of Lady M's. A livid Kinniku Mike ha to be held back by Captain Strong as Lady M's climbed into the ring to celebrate. With Trevor. Mach tried to plant a kiss on her, but with the missing tooth and blood flow M's planted one on his cheek instead and handed him the Royal Crown Championship. Mike tried to plead with M's and express his love, but Lady M's simply smirked and flipped him the bird.
The Macho Sexy pair then headed to the back where Nerma was standing by...
Nerma: Nerma here with...
Trevor Mach: BOOTH! Oh thit....I haf a listhp now. Where isth my tooth?
Lady M's: Right here....I was gonna keep it....but that lisp....*shudder*. Here you go.
Nerma: Yeah....Trevor...and Lady M's. So Trevor what are your thoughts on that big win you just pulled off out there.
Trevor Mach: It wasth thuper aweshome! I alwaysth love a good fight, and desthpite Mike deserving the knee to the facthe I haf to give him credit for bruisthing my knee from all the timesth I had to hit the move.
Nerma: Ok...I literally couldn't understand ANY of that....but congratulations. Lady M's, how do you feel about the win.
Lady M's: Well...I can easily handle myself in this type of situation, but since Poochyfud wouldn't give me a match with the nutjob I appreciate the "assist" from Trevtastic over here. Great work out there Trevor. Color me impressed!
Trevor Mach: I'd rather color you in edible body paint!
Lady M's" Oh brother...
Lady M's: Dude....take a hint.
Kinniku Mike: NEVER! I will impress you yet my lovely lady!
Lady M's: ....Good luck with that....won't be holding my breath though....but maybe you should....for a loooooong time.
Kinniku Mike: This isn't over Trevor....THIS ISN'T OVER!
Trevor Mach: Bring it on bitch! BOOTH!....dang it.....can't shay my catchphrasthe. TO THE DENTISHT!
It was now that time again...time for the main event. This was arguably one of the biggest title matches in EBW history, and a first time encounter between two friends who have experienced a controversial month. Would Tack Angel be able to continue his feel good story and epic rise to the top, or would Ness once again achieve the dream and become the Global World Champion once again. Tack Angel vs. Ness....IT'S ON! When the match began Ness shot out of the corner and started landing hard blows that caught the champ off guard. From there Tack had to fight for his life. Ness was bringing high energy, based on either his desire to win or the animosity that had grown based on Tack's history with his mother and his sister. Tack wasn't going to apologize and he wasn't going to back down either. This was the Tack Angel that put on a classic at VE4, and showed the world a fire they hadn't seen before. The fans were on fire, and the excitement was just getting started. This match could easily be called a classic. They rushed each other fast and attacked with hard hitting moves. It was a back and forth encounter for a very long time. Ness came at Tack with a double chop, but Tack grabbed his hands and hit a high kick. Ness was dazed enough for Tack to drop him to the mat with an STO and tried to get a quick pin. Ness escaped the early pin attempt. At this point the Ness exploded with anger as he got to his feet and threw every punch and kick he could at the champion Pushpin Seraphim. He tried to hit a Thunder Brainbuster, but Tack pushed him away to the ropes and as he bounced back Tack hit a dropkick. He rolled up Ness for another early pin, but w00t kicked out once again. Tack then tried to go for the high risk move as he climbed to the top turnbuckle to hit the Rider Kick. Ness evaded the attack and as he was coming down Ness floored him with a hard shot. He picked up the champ and hit a perfect PSI Rockin. 1-2-Kickout! Tack survived the ROCKIN, and you could tell that he decided to put away the high risk moveset and keep it simple. Ness brought his A-game, and part of that might have something to do with his sister standing in Tack's corner cheering her tag partner on. Tack fought through it all and you could tell Ness was getting frustrated, but also impressed that Tack had come this far. Late in the match Tack hit the STO, but instead of trying to pin Ness he applied the STF. The move was locked in tight, and Ness had to fight to finally reach the rope. Ness quickly got up and dropped an elbow on Tack's head. He quickly got up and dropped the elbow again and again and again. He pulled Tack away from the ropes and trapped him in a single leg crap. Now Tack was fighting to survive. He almost grabbed the ropes, but Ness pulled him away again. The crowd began to roar and chant for Tack. The Global World Champion mustered the strength to finally make it to the ropes. He got back to his feet, but only had one leg to work with now. Ness and Tack were tired and hurting. They both hobbled to the center of the ring and traded blows. Ness put everything he had into one final chop and then attempted a Thunder Brainbuster, but Tack kicked and elbowed his way out of it. He tried to land a superkick, but his sore leg gave out of him. Ness pulled him up and tried to his a suplex, but Tack flipped over him and escaped. With only one leg to work with Tack uppercutted Ness in the chin instead of trying to kick him in the abdomen and hit the Standing Shirinai Kai. The sore Tack hobbled over and pinned Ness for the 1-2-3! Tack Angel successfully made his first defense of the Global World Championship, and finally proved to Ness that he was for real. After the match Tracy ran into the ring to help up her brother. Trevor Mach even hobbled out to join his friends in the ring. Ness struggled to his feet and grabbed the Global World Championship from the ref. He stared down Tack for a moment before handing him the title and offering a handshake. Poochyfud's plan failed and the respect between Ness and Tack was fully restored. Ness raised Tack's hand in victory and stepped aside as Tracy congratulated her tag partner as well. Tack awkwardly tried to shake her hand, but Tracy knocked the hand out of the way and embraced Tack, giving him a big kiss. The innuendo is over and Tracy's true feelings are finally shown to the champ. Tack Angel walks out of Breakthrough with the belt AND the girl....not the ending Mr. Poochyfud was hoping for....not at all.
EBW: Breakthrough
Twoson Fairgrounds
1. Singles Grudge Match
Lucas beat El Gran Luchadore (4:36) with a Spinning Impaler.
2. Hardcore Hero Championship Match
Troy beat Dynamic Dougie(c) (6:59) with a Fight Me IRL Punt Kick to become the FINAL Hardcore Hero Champion!
3. Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Mr. Ryan IQ (0:05) with a Rider Kick.
4. Hardcore Tag Team Match
Avion/Metrion beat Danny Leung/KYO (10:41) when Avion hit a Top Rope sXe DDT on Danny Leung.
5. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Given/Taken beat Sal Paradise(c)/Jamie OD(c) (15:18) when Taken hit the Take IT! Ace Crusher on Sal Paradise to become the new EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions!
6. EBW CXJ Championship Match
Picky Minch beat Dave Larmore(c), Shadow, and Bakayaro (13:09) with a Capture Suplex Pin on Bakayaro to become the NEW EBW CXJ Champion!
8. Special Singles Match
w00t beat Rude (8:43) with a WKO.
9. Royal Crown Championship "Take it All"
Trevor Mach(c) beat Kinniku Mike (18:01) with a Shin Trevorplex Pin.
10. Global World Championship "Fury and Betrayal"
Tack Angel(c) beat Ness (15:58) with a Standing Shirinai Kai.
EBW Introduces: Television Championship! Rankings System! Executive Committee!
Now that the Poochyfud Administration has succeeded in abolishing the Hardcore Hero Championship, has learned that a new championship is going to be created. The title, known as the EBW Television Title, will serve as another prestigious stepping stone to the Global World Championship. The concept was created by Master Lu and Tess in their bid to counter the sports entertainment of the Administration with legitimate competition and sports like conduct. This act is the first of a committee that Mr. Poochyfud was forced to put together due to Fourside labor laws that he is hoping his wife will abolish if she becomes mayor. Mr. Poochyfud has begrudgingly agreed, but at the press conference you could tell that he and Mr. Panini were already in talks for who THEY wanted to have the belt. A tournament will be held, but the wrestlers will have to impress and qualify before they can even be considered contenders. Speaking of contenders, it was also announced that EBW would be employing a Rankings System similar to the farm league FSW. Of course Mr. Poochyfud out right rejected the idea of a fan vote due to his hatred of democracy, but the whole committee worked together to form a fair ranking. The Top 10 contenders will battle over spots to see who can challenge the Global World Champion. This will bring even more importance to matches, as each match will have consequences to the rankings. The Top 10 Heavyweight Rankings have so far been determined, but expect more rankings to be announced after X-cite.
EBW Top 10 Heavyweight Rankings
1. Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting -Royal Crown Champion-
2. Ness
3. w00t
4. Kinniku Mike
5. Rude
6. Troy
7. Swift
8. Dynamic Dougie
9. Amigo
10. Akinan
Other rankings to be determined in the next week or so are: Top 5 CXJ Rankings - Top 5 Tag Team Rankings - Top 5 CXJ Tag Team Champions
Breakthrough Fallout on X-cite!
After such a huge PPV, EBW promises to deliver more with a huge X-cite. The fallout will definitely be felt, as 6 matches have been booked to further escalate what started at Breakthrough. The Poochyfud Administration suffered some setbacks in its quest, but also dealt a blow to the "rebels". Bushido Crusade also took over the CXJ Division with its clean sweep of the belts. Dave Larmore and the tag team of Generator and Hotlanta will go toe to toe with Shadow and his disciples in a 2/3 Falls match, with the winners getting the top spots in the upcoming CXJ Contenders rankings and the next title shots. The Breakthrough Generation made themselves known at the PPV, and now will have their first match as a team when they take on Rude (Tanooki Rude?), and Poochyfud's conquering heroes Avion and Metrion. Will they stomp out another growing rebellion for the boss? Then we have the first match in a series of "auditions" to see which wrestlers will be entered into the TV Title Tournament. That's right, EBW is pulling out all the stop to see that this belt is debuted with pomp and circumstance. Mr. Ryan IQ tried to give Swift an offer he thought he couldn't refuse....but he did.....oh did he refuse. The humiliated money man is now forcing Swift into a challenge of his own. Will Ryan IQ's pick finally break "The Streak" of Swift? Tack Angel made history by defeating Ness at Breakthrough to retain the title. He also got the girl in the form of his champion partner Tracy. The Poochyfud Administration didn't like that one bit, and now has the team booked against a mystery team. To add to the mystery is that Ness has been selected as Special Referee. Does the Administration still think that Ness can be turned on Tack or do they have another purpose in mind? The main event is what has most people talking as Trevor Mach and Kinniku Mike will do battle again in a Royal Crown rematch, but the stipulations are ripe with controversy. Lady M's will be forced onto a pole, and the first person to "get" her will win the match and get the belt. Lady M's is obviously not too happy about the idea and you can tell that this is yet another example of The Administration stacking the decks and forcing the "enemies" into situations they don't like. The Administration has also promised a few surprises to escalate their grudge with the "enemies of the state". Expect to see all of this and more on a new Monday Nite X-cite.
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ 6-Man Tag Match 2/3 Falls (Winning Team gets the CXJ #1 Contender Shots)
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish
2. 6-Man Tag Match
Lucas/Moz/Green Destiny vs. Rude/Metrion/Avion
3. TV Championship Tournament Audition Match
Amigo vs. Dynamic Dougie vs. Maurice vs. Troy
4. IQ's Mandatory Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
5. Non-Title Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/Tracy vs. ?/? Special Referee: Ness
6. Royal Crown Championship Match/Lady M's on a Pole
Trevor Mach(c) vs. Kinniku Mike
A bizarre kidnapping attempt!
It appears that the story between Kinniku Mike, Lady M's, and Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting is far from over! was on the scene as Kinniku Mike tried to win over the object of his desire by nefarious means.
Using M's two favorite things (Twinkies and Dr. Pepper), Mike was able to lure M's into a trap! With Admiral Akbar not around to warn her, M's was drawn right in by sight of the "spongy yellow bastards". M's angry obscenities caught the ear of Trevor Mach, and he was off for a rescue attempt.
What followed was an awkward situation involving barrels, ladders, and flaming oil drums. Eventually, Trevor made it to the top to free Sexy Strong Style as Kinniku Mike ran away, once again swearing revenge.
After the incident, Mach tried to cheer M's up with the "usual shenanigans", but even Trevor in a Dr. Pepper costume was not enough. Lady M's anger over the Pole Match at X-cite is evident, and Trevor promised to try and end it as quickly as possible, it appears M's may take matters into her own hands...
The Ultimate EBW 4 Cast REVEALED!
The fourth season of The Ultimate EBW is right around the corner. This season's show might be the biggest since the first, as Ness and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach are serving as coaches (partially a ploy to keep Ness and Mach away from Poochyfud affairs). With the coaches comes the most promising cast in some time. We'll find out more about them during the show, but for right now here are the names of the TUE 4 cast!
Cast (From Left to Right): Nate Nemesis, Mr. Gene Eric Plain, Manu Kalani, Sergei Rushkin, Sgt. Hardcastle, Jun Toyota, Punk Master Teck, Prince Hashim Al-Singh.
We continue to follow the daily lives of our FSW roster and we manage to come across one of the more, say, interesting personalities. So interesting he even mentions himself in third person now. is following Perfect Man on his little self-gloating moment.
Perfect Man: Oh yea, Perfect Man is SOOO Perfect. Look at Perfect Man. Perfect Man has the face of an A-list movie star. Perfect Man has the Greek God body. The perfect blond hair. Perfect Man also have the money. And Perfect Man didn't need no silly introductory video to get Perfect Man noticed. Perfect Man perfect all the way in all the right places. Isn't that right ladies?
Skank 1: Oh, Perfy. You are the definition of Perfect.
Skank 2: Yea, Perfy. When are you gonna show us your BIG yacht.
Perfect Man: Until it has room for all of us chickies.
Skank 1: Mmm, Perfy! I thought it just the two of us.
Perfect: Sorry ladies. Perfect Man has needs too. Really, come on. Its Perfect Man here. Perfect Man can do anything Perfect Man want. Perfect Man can get anything Perfect Man want. Hell, even Perfect Man can do everything better than everyone else.
Skank 2: Perfy! We wanna tour of your perfect mansion.
Perfect Man: Ladies, getting needy don't you think? Perfect Man will give you everything you want when Perfect Man sets his heart to it. You just gotta give Perfect Man more energy next time if you know what Perfect Man is sayin.
Skank 1: Um...Perfy, who's that?
Perfect Man: Well well well, look what came out of the hole. Hey! Doofus! How does it feel to finally lose?
Monoxide: Ugh, what do you want?
Perfect Man: Oh nothing, just how does it feel to get beat by someone who is better lookin, a better wrestler, a better ladies man, and more importantly, more perfect than you are?
Monoxide: I don't have time for this. Look Pinky. For one, its just a tag match. Also, if you're so perfect than how come you dropped to number 7 in the rankings?
Perfect Man: Perfect Man doesn't depend on a popularity contest to get to where Perfect Man wants. Perfect Man could care less what the idiot fans think about Perfect Man and Perfect Man has everything coming for Perfect Man unlike you and your emo self.
Monoxide: Look. I'm not emo! Its just the way I like to have my hair. And what's up with talking in third person?
Perfect Man: Its just how perfect Perfect Man is. How about a wager, lad?
Monoxide: What is it?
Perfect Man: Since you so held up on your imperfections because its JUST a tag match, how about you face Perfect Man one-on-one in the next show? If you win, Perfect Man will admit his imperfection and will stop speaking in third person. If I win, however, you will have to admit that Perfect Man is more perfect than you, Perfect Man is more better looking than you, Perfect Man is more gifted than you. And worse of all, you will admit that you are a shame to your family, to society, and you will never get a girlfriend in your life!
Monoxide: Just to shut you up. Deal!
Perfect Man: Perfect Man will see you soon then. HAHAHAHA!
Remy Radcliffe Causes Trouble
There seems to be a ruckus at the Fourside game room. FSW captured footage of the scuffle.
Remy: Hey, can I join to play?
Olly: No! This is a game not for kids!
Remy: Please?
Olly: No!
Remy: Look, I have five dollars worth of coins and..
Olly: Deal! Let's play!
Five seconds later...
Remy: WHAT THE HELL!? I lost?
Olly: Watch your mouth, little boy. Now where's my $5 coins. Pay up!
Remy: I didn't not agree to give you my coins.
Olly: Look little boy. This is my playing grounds. You talk money, you placed the bets.
Remy: No fatso! Man, you are worse than Akinan and I thought you were a cool dude.
Olly: Please. Outside of this place, I'm the best person to hang out with. In here, its all business.
Remy: Look just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean you have any right to talk over me!
Olly: HAHAHA! Everyone is the same buddy. Age, sex, color, the whole bitty gritty. I treat them all as equals.
Randy: What's up here?
Olly: Randy, my boy. How's your training for that big title match of yours?
Randy: Good, actually, its break time. So why not waste a few coins here. So what is that behind you?
Olly: I...don't...know. Just some kid that's mad because he lost and won't give me his bets.
Remy: Hey, my name is Remy Radcliffe! I am a child prodigy mind you! I made my big debut at FSW not long ago!
Randy: I still don't know who you are buddy. However, I DID saw a little green troll running around the hallways. And...oh that was you.
Remy: I don't care if the fans like you nor because you have a big title match. You are the worse f***ing wrestler than Akinan. Akinan sucks. I didn't think I'll hate anyone more than Akinan but you two are pushing it!
Olly: Dude, calm down and watch your language. There's no need to be hateful and angry over nothing. Just gimme your five dollars and we'll call it a day.
Remy: F*** YOU!!
Randy: Damn, Olly. He got you bad. Olly?
Olly: dolt...dolt...DOLT!
Randy: Uh oh.
Remy: What you mean "uh oh" and what's up with fatty?
Randy: I advise to you that you run. Once, Olly fully enters Dolt Mode, there's no coming back.
Remy: Fine, I f***ing don't care what you do. Here's your f***ing five dollars! And you know what. Get ready! Because I'll go to Franky and I will fight you!
Remy leaves.
Olly: Haha! Dolt Mode?
Randy: I just looked at your shirt and the way you keep saying dolt. So I just pulled that one out of my ass.
Olly: Haha, alright then. Let's go. I'll make you an Olly Burger!
Randy: Will that get me Dolt Mode powers too?
As Randy and Olly leaves, a different looking Matt Wilson glares at Randy as he leaves.
Matt: Hmmph.
Mike kidnaps M's.......AGAIN!!!
After Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting foiled an attempt to kidnap Lady M's, Mike got a little more creative in his next attempt. With a little help from NSW's Bowser, Mike had exactly what he needed to abduct the object of his affection.
Kinniku Mike: HAHAHA! I have you now my love! Let us travel away towards magical adventures!
Lady M's: Son of a bitch! Not again Mike!
Trevor Mach: Damn it! What happened?!
Dynamic Dougie: Same old same old.
Trevor Mach: Mike?
Dynamic Dougie: Mike.
Trevor Mach: Damn it! Why didn't you do anything Dougie?!
Dynamic Dougie: I don't know....I figured with M's busy for the day we could go catch a flick or something. I just got Avatar of Bluray. Wanna go check it out?
Trevor Mach: NO! Akinan, yeah I'm talking to you giant stump!
Akinan: .....
Trevor Mach: Why didn't YOU do something? Too busy standing around trying to look like a badass?! Like you're so big and bad!
Akinan: ....Grrrr.....
Trevor Mach: ....I was totally kidding of course.....maybe I should go save Tali now.
Akinan: Yeah....maybe you should.
So once again Trevor Mach had to fight through awkward and challenging situations to make it to Tali....
Another rescue lead to Mike once again running off and swearing revenge. After this abduction Lady M's was quite livid about the situation, as well as the Pole match on X-cite.
The Royal Crown Champion once again tried to cheer up Sexy Strong Style, this time dressing up as a twinky. Not even the spongy yellow bastard could cheer up Lady M's, and she stormed into EBW arena promising to "take care of the situation on Monday Nite X-cite".
Franky invites Poo over and discuss how they would have Poo keep his title without doing anything.
Franky: So I have this plan to have YOU keep that title without you having to do anything.
Poo: And what will that be?
Franky: Well, we continue to stall your title defense and make up excuses why you are not there. Well, that's AFTER you defend your title IF you make it that is.
Poo: Gee, that's a good motivational line.
Franky: Well, one of my plans was to have a tournament on shows sometime after your defense.
Poo: And what tournament is that?
Franky: A tag tournament of course.
Poo: Do we have enough people for that?
Franky: Uh yea? I have signed a bunch of guys that I like. A few from Edo.
Poo: Oh gee. Hey, look your phone is blinking.
Franky: A message from...the Sandwich?
Poo: What it say?
Franky: "If you get this message, call me now. Don Panini."
Poo: Call him and see what he wants.
Franky: Yea, I'm goin, I'm goin...Hello. Yo! Don Panini. What's up?...Mhmm...Things are good...You don't say...Things are coming according to plan?...It's almost time then...WAIT! What?...Already?...Our shows haven't made it past the third!...But we haven't build these guys up yet...A few of these guys hate each other but...Alright...we need time...Over the next two...Mr. got yourself a deal...oh, sorry, Mr. Don Panini...Yes, I know. Our jobs depend on it...Bye...I'll get you that veal scaloppine soon...ok..bye.
Poo: What was that all about?
Franky: Poo, my friend. Let's just say things are picking up and picking up fast.
Mr. Jennings: Wow, you found them already!! Excellent.
??: Yes, I've contacted everyone available. These two were the best of the lot.
Mr. Jennings: This is more delightful than an Eggs Benedict served on a five-star prepared muffin. I must say you've outdone yourself this time. These two behemoths are just what I need. Look at them. Vicious in every sense. I like...No! I love what you've done. I say, I think its time for you to come with me to the upcoming show. Only you for now. When I give the signal, you know what to do.
??: I will do my best for you sir. This has become serious business for you sir.
Mr. Jennings: Sure thing. Sure thing. We are going to sweep all before us in no time. Especially Michael Button Callahan.
Tack Angel: Hey Ness.
Ness: Hey threads I see.
Tack Angel: Yeah...figure it was time to drop that gimmick nonsense.
Ness: The "Tacknation" will be heartbroken.
Tack Angel: Well I still love the fans, I just couldn't wear that ridiculous stuff anymore.
Ness: I know...."champ"....I'm just busting your chops. Given all we've been through I think I'm allowed that much.
Tack Angel: Heh....yeah. So....why did you ask me here?
Ness: Well, I think it's time we bury the hatchet once and for all. I've had to deal with a lot this past month, but I want to put it all aside. Poochyfud tried to force us to hate each other.
Tack Angel: Yeah....then again...I'm not really helping things am I?
Ness: Well...I didn't think so, but it's obvious that you really do care about my sister.
Tack Angel: Yeah....I really do Ness. I'll do my best to protect her, but I believe she can take care of herself as well.
Ness: Yeah...well we'll be putting that to the test tonight won't we? I have to be the referee for this match between you guys and a mystery team. I have to tell you....I'm going to call it right down the line.
Tack Angel: Looking forward to it.
Tess: TACK!
Tack Angel: AH!
Tess: Ha! That never gets old.
Ness: Well if it isn't my sentai obsessed mother. What brings you here?
Tess: Oh nothing! Just gleaming proudly at my son and future son in law! Hehehehe!
Tack Angel: *Gulp*
Ness: *Groan*
Slightly Later in the Day....
Kinniku Mike: Oooo! Hey there M's! You're looking....different tonight? it! Then again you're always looking good. So...wanna go have a drink or shall I kidnap you again HEHEHEHEHE just kidding....not really. M's? Tali? Hello?
Lady M's: Right here asshole!
Kinniku Mike: AAAAAHHHH!!!
- Monday Nite X-cite Intro Video
EBW has been nothing but crazy lately, but tonight would see an attempt at setting up order, as rankings would be determined and potential EBW TV Champions would be decided. Amongst all of this the Poochyfud Administration still had shady plans for some of the "rebels". The night would not be without controversy....
Mr. Poochyfud: MAAAAAACH!
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: BOOSH! Yeah boss?
Mr. Poochyfud: Don't "Yeah boss" me, like you're some sort of employee of the month! You're a menace! Just like that Lady of yours!
Trevor Mach: Awww Tali....Don't you just love her?
Mr. Poochyfud: NO! She's beat your opponent for tonight over the head with a sledgehammer! Kinniku Mike has a concussion thanks to her! My main event has to be scrapped! Do you have anything to say for yourself?!
Trevor Mach: ....Night off?
Mr. Poochyfud: WHAT?! NO! NOT NIGHT OFF! You think you're so cool with your cocky attitude, out of control behavior, and ....Rude's sunglasses?!
Trevor Mach: Yeah, he let me have em! He's not gonna need em anymore! BOOSH!
Rude: HAHA! Just don't go wearing those sunglasses at night L-O-L!
Mr. Poochyfud: *Groan* You're not getting a night off. You're the Royal Crown Champion whether I like it or not and I'm going to put you to work!
Trevor Mach: That's what I'm here for boss! So line some asses up and I'll kick em! BOOSH!
Mr. Poochyfud: "boosh"....son of a .....We need to find you an opponent that really hates you. Someone....that LOATHES YOU!
Black Cena: Yo yo! I was just partying with my bro Katsuflex, when I heard the words "Mach" and "Loathe"! I have no idea what that last word means, but if you're looking for someone to whoop on Mach man then I'm your player! I've got beef with this clown!
Trevor Mach: HA! I like you Black Cena, you're a funny guy. Which is while I'll Macha Ye you last.
Black Cena: What?
Trevor Mach: BOOSH! You want to move up to where the big boys play? Ooooh yeah! Bring it on bitch!
Mr. Poochyfud: Whatever! I have seen this "beef" you have with Mach. Frankly his "smoke bomb...teleporting thing" it scares the hell out of me. SO TAKE HIM DOWN!
The action finally got underway with a hot CXJ 6-Man Tag Match 2/3 Falls. Former CXJ Champion Dave Larmore was teaming with veterans Hotlanta and Generator once again to collide with Shadow and his minions Grudge and Anguish. The overall winners of the match would receive the #1 contender spots in the first ranking for CXJ and CXJ Tag Team. The majority of the match saw Dave and Shadow duke it out in the ring. Both are solid brawlers, and Larmore was well aware of the other tricks Shadow had up his sleeves. Finally the Lethal Libertarian tagged in Hotlanta while the equally weary Shadow tagged in Anguish. Hotlanta had the situation in firm control, and after a series of quick snap suplexes, finished Anguish with a Bellerophon Bomb and a pin. Shadow was livid and headed back into the match. He pushed Hotlanta into a corner and let loose with a series of hard chops before tossing him into the other corner. Hotlanta bounced out of the corner and charged Shadow, only for the CXJ bully to hit a Rolling Koppu Kick and floored Hot. A few minutes later Hotlanta found himself overwhelmed and tagged in Generator. Mr. High Voltage had speed on his side and let loose on Shadow with quick kicks and back hands. Generator tried to leap up to get a headscissors, but Shadow pushed him away and tagged in Grudge. The silent and pale member of Shadow's triad took Generator to the mat and grappled with him in an attempt to lock in the Ju-On. In Shadow's corner the boss was busy shouting out Anguish over the earlier pinfall. He attempted to get Grudge to tag him back in, but Shadow slapped him hand down and told him to stand back. Generator escaped Grudge's clutches tried to tag in Larmore, but Shadow tagged himself in and grabbed Generator by the back of the head and threw him to the mat. He scooped up Mr. High Voltage while Grudge attacked Larmore and Hotlanta at ringside. Shadow introduced the world to the Neo Shadow Driver that brought Generator right down on his head. Shadow got the pin and evened the score. Larmore jumped back in the ring and speared Shadow to the ground. His smash mouth style overwhelmed the former 4-Time CXJ Champion, and he had no choice but to tag Anguish back in. Anguish tried to pepper Larmore with strikes and then back away, but the Lethal Libertarian got in his face and elbowed him to the ground before hitting the Hardcore Hangover, getting the pin, and the win. Dave Larmore is now #1 Contender to the CXJ Championship, while Generator and Hotlanta are the #1 Contenders to the CXJ Tag Titles. After the match Bushido Crusade made their way out to the ring. The dominant all gold faction just stood by and clapped. Picky held all the gold and told Given and Taken to plant their banners in the ring to show the winners who they would be facing in the near future. Shadow meanwhile was berating Anguish outside of the ring. Anguish tried to say something and Shadow merely pushed him down and slammed his head into the ground. Tough love from the leader of the Shadow Triad.
The next match was important, as it featured the debut of the Breakthrough Generation as a stable against Poochyfud's selected team of Tanooki Rude and SinDOS. Lucas, Moz, and Green Destiny looked strong in this encounter. Moz was especially impressive, and showed a new harder hitting style with unorthodox moves. He took to the heavyweight style easily. While SinDOS were more then able to hold their own they showed that they were injured after their bloody war with Akatsuki at Breakthrough. Of course Tanooki Rude was also a weak point for the team. He continuously tagged himself in and tried to breakdance with his opponents. Lucas and Moz played along for a second and danced with Rude before flooring him with a double clothesline and then a double elbow drop. Breakthrough Generation proved to be a surprisingly well oiled tag team machine. Another problem for SinDOS was the reappearance of the shadowy figure that came to the assist of Akatsuki at Breakthrough. He merely stood near the ring, but that was all it took to get Avion and Metrion's full attention. Something about this figure has them worried. The distraction lead to Moz hitting Rude with a suplex. He then did a Rolling Thunder type move he later described as the "Rolling Mozzer", and capped it off with a Moz Splash from the top rope. 1-2-3! Moz got the pin and the win. An impressive showing for the Breakthrough Generation. All eyes were on this team. Even Captain Strong took notice. He knows that Breakthrough Generation leader Amigo has eyes on him. Revenge is the name of the game.
We then cut to the back as w00t was called to the office of Mr. Poochyfud.
w00t: What the hell do you want Poochyfud?!
Mr. Poochyfud:'s good to see you have your mouth back....and your clothes. I'm thankful for the latter.
w00t: I'm tired of that Tanooki nonsense! I just want to get back on track and win some damn matches! Are you going to stand in my way some more?! You brought on the Alpha Betas and that didn't work. You brought on Rude and I floored him! Who do you think you can send against me!? I am THE w00t! I have the brains and I have the talent! You've got nothing that can beat me Poochyfud!
Mr. Poochyfud: I know!
w00t: Eh?
Mr. Poochyfud: You're absolutely right w00t. It seems I have misjudged you! I have learned something about my plans to replace the roster with a new generation. I need to keep the best of the previous generation to guide them, lead them, and help them along. It's now my "project" to see that the right veterans lead the rookies! I have put other "projects" into action that you will see later on tonight. But, you are going to be my pet project w00t. I want to bury the hatchet with you. I want to get you on my side. I want to rehabilitate your career. I mean....who do you think made sure you were #3 contender in the EBW Top 10 Rankings?!
Tess: *cough cough* The entire executive committee other then you *cough cough*
Master Lu: H eh....
Mr. Poochyfud: Grrr.....never mind the peanut gallery w00t. The point is....I want to make you a champion again!
w00t: What?! Why the sudden change of heart! I mean I know that I deserve it, but what brought you around?
Mr. Poochyfud: I have an eye for this sort of thing w00t. You turned my company upside down ready to do it again?
w00t: Why the hell should I side with you?
Mr. Poochyfud: I'm not asking you just to side with me. I'm asking you to side with EBW. On X-perience I am booking a 4-way match between the Top 4 Contenders in the rankings. The winner will move up to #1 Contender status and get the next crack at Tack Angel at our next Pay Per View, "Crisis. EBW, is in the middle of a crisis right now w00t, but with Crisis....comes opportunity. I want to know that you are on board for the match.
w00t: Of course I am! I would love a rematch with Tack Angel. I would love to become a 3-Time Global World Champion!
Mr. Poochyfud: Of course you would! Who wouldn't? I would like to get into this further with you, but unfortunately some members of the "Executive Committee" aren't in on my vision. Let's just say I'm going to show you a sign of good faith tonight. I'm going to show you some old friends who support and return to power for w00t....thanks to our new friend Don Panini.
Don Panini: Fo'get about it!
w00t: .....
The third match on the card was an important one, as it was the first in a series of matches that will determine who will battle for the new EBW Television Championship! The EBW TV Title will be a prestigious new belt, and the Administration is making sure that only the elite will get a shot to be the first champion. This first audition match was a 4-way featuring Breakthrough Generation's Amigo and Maurice, former 2-Time Hardcore Hero Champion and 1-Time Tag Team Champion Dynamic Dougie, and last Hardcore Hero Champion Troy. The big alpha beta earned his spot after killing the hardcore hero belt for Poochyfud once and for all. This match was one big brawl, nothing too technical. Troy and the homeless Maurice traded hard blows while Amigo grappled with Dougie. Amigo was shaking off some ring rust, but it wasn't too long before he was taking control and flooring Dougie with his signature suplexes. Troy meanwhile had gained control against Maurice and pushed the BG member into the corner. He jammed his elbow into his face and slapped him hard on the bare chest over and over. Maurice responded by clocking Troy hard with a right and attempting a suplex, but Troy stopped it and reversed it. Eventually Amigo and Maurice started working together and floored Troy with a double shoulder block. Maurice then grabbed Amigo by the arms and swung him into Dougie, much to the shock of Amigo himself. This rocky partnership still has some kinks to work out. Later in the match Troy had gotten a hold of a reeling Dynamic Dougie. He floored him with a chokeslam and then stood back for the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick, but Amigo and Maurice went into action. Amigo climbed onto Maurice's shoulders and jumped off to deliver a dropkick to the back of Troy's head. This sent the Alpha Beta flying out. Amigo and Maurice then both looked down at the down Dougie. Instead of fighting over the pin they play Rock, Paper, Scissors. Amigo won and rolled up Dynamic Dougie for the pin and the win. After the match security unveiled the TV Title to Amigo so he can see what he may be fighting for. Captain Strong then appeared and stood behind the belt. He made his intentions known to Amigo that he plans on competing for the belt as well.
We then cut to the back again as cameras followed Captain Strong to a bandaged Kinniku Mike.
Captain Strong: Mike....Mike! Come on Mike we have to go.
Kinniku Mike: No! I want to compete tonight! I'm not going to let a little concussion stop me! M's is just playing hard to get!
Captain Strong: You might not let it stop you, but Mr. Poochyfud is going to. You can't keep dwelling on this matter with Trevor and M's. Just let it go Mike! We have a big problem on our hands with Amigo and his new "Breakthrough Generation". Sooner or later....they are going to come after us! You have a spot in the Contenders 4-Way Match on X-perience as you are the #4 Contender. You can't be getting jumped by Mach or Amigo tonight, I don't care how good of shape you THINK you are in. Please Mike....LET IT GO!
Kinniku Mike: Oh....alright....I guess maybe Tali really isn't interested in me....but....but why can't Mike ever get the girl?! WHEN WILL MIKE FIND LOVE?! When is Mike going to get some closure? WHEN?!
Hot Asian Female Fan #1: Oh my! Is that? IT IS! It's Kinniku Mike!
Hot Asian Female Fan #2: OH! I love Kinniku Mike!
Kinniku Mike: Oooo!
Hot Asian Female Fan #1: Oh Mike! We both think you are super sexy! I'm your biggest fan though!
Hot Asian Female Fan #2: NO! I'm your biggest fan Mike! ME!
Hot Asian Female Fan #1: NO ME! I love you most!
Hot Asian Female Fan #2: NOOOO! ME!
Kinniku Mike: Ladies relax! There is more then enough Mike to go around. Hehehe.....
Next up was the Swift Open Challenge. Swift was now 11-0 heading into this match, but the stakes would be raised, as now Mr. Ryan IQ was in charge of who Swift would be fighting. After the humiliation Ryan IQ suffered at Breakthrough, the Administration money man is out for blood. As Swift stood in the ring with Grand Pappy Swift making an appearance at ringside Ryan IQ grabbed a mic.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Hey Swift! You know something....until Breakthrough I was more then happy to just work as the bean counter for the Administration. I had no problem working out the deals and handling the money. BUT YOU! You humiliated me! I had to go to the hospital to deal with the injuries I sustained because of you! Luckily the injuries happened at work so I was able to use company insurance to cover the costs, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! I offered you a huge deal! I want to personally see your "streak" go up in flames. Tonight, you go "11-1"! Mr. Poochyfud has enlisted some old EBW favorites to assist in his transition process. As part of our new operation I have been given permission to unleash of a few of these favorites on you! That's right....not 1....not 2....BUT 3! 3-on-1 Handicap match! Do you even know how to count Swift? I'm a numbers kind of guy, I can tell you what these numbers mean....they mean you're screwed!
Swift: IQ, just shut the *bleep^ up and bring out my victims!
Mr. Ryan IQ: Fair enough! I present to you.....POKEY MINCH AND THE FIRST EBW TAG TEAM FRUIT INC!
Suddenly from out of the crowd three old EBW favorites stormed the ring. Pokey Minch, Apple Kid, and Orange Kid. Pokey and Orange haven't been seen in EBW for some time, while Apple Kid was recently released during the roster cuts earlier this year. It seems they are all three back on the payroll and Fruit Inc. seem to be on the same page for the first time in years. The fans almost wanted to cheer for Fruit Inc., until they realized that they were working with Pokey on this one...reluctantly it seemed. All three men surrounded Swift and took him to the ground. They kicked and stomped him and Pokey splashed down on him for an early pin attempt, but no such luck. The tornado rules of the handicap match meant that all three men were in the ring against Swift at the same time, so it was quite the uphill battle. Swift was able to over power Orange and Apple, but their tag combos were as fluid as ever and they managed to drop Swift with a high/low dropkick combination. Pokey then went high risk and the big man jumped off the top rope, but Swift rolled away just in time as Pokey's crash shook the ring. Fruit Inc took Swift down again and the nerdy duo were actually in control long enough for Pokey to get up. The older Minch brother demanded that Fruit Inc. toss Swift his way. They hesitated, but ultimately did so. He picked up Swift for an Double Knee Backbreaker before going to the pin. 1-2-KICKOUT! Swift somehow managed to get back up. Pokey ordered Fruit Inc. to floor Swift again. It was obvious that they didn't intend on making a comeback in this fashion, but still went along and attempted a double suplex. Somehow Swift snapped back into action and reversed the suplex on Fruit Inc. This left Pokey by himself. The bigger Minch pleaded for Swift to stay away, but the brawler tackled Pokey to the ground before picking him up and somehow hitting a stalled Blackhammer. 1-2-3! Swift won the match against all odds and is now 12-0 in his streak. Not the outcome Ryan IQ wanted at all. After the match Fruit Inc. reentered the ring and shook hands with Swift. They apologized for taking part in the match, but Swift rose their hands in respect instead and urged the fans to welcome back Fruit Inc......of course after that he superkicked Apple Kid and floored Orange Kid with a Blackhammer, but that's just how Swift rolls.
The next match was booked after Trevor Mach's opponent was taken out by Lady M's. Instead of an M's on a Pole Match for the Royal Crown Championship, Trevor Mach would instead step in the ring with a potential rival from the farm league Fourside Wrestling (FSW) Black Cena. Mach extended his hand before the match, but Black Cena tried to slap him. Trevor blocked the slap though and headbutted Black Cena, immediately taking him to the ground. He grappled and overwhelmed the FSW rookie, and quickly locked in a kimura, but Black Cena managed to grab the ropes. Mach quickly got up and while Black Cena was still on his knees he let loose with a hard kick. Black Cena didn't go down, so Trevor actually took a play out of Lady M's book and ran the ropes to come back with a Sliding M's elbow! This forced Black Cena over the bottom rope and out of the ring. The ref began the 10 count as Black Cena tried to regain composure. At the 9 mark he shot back in and tried to roll up Trevor for a quick pin, but Trevor rolled out of it, grabbed Black Cena by the head and plowed a knee right into his face. The rookie was hurting and Mach was in top form. He showed a little power by flooring Black Cena with a Pumphandle Double Knee Backbreaker, but then finished off the rookie in short order with the move that Black Cena hates the most....The Macha Ye. 1-2-3! An impressive one sided victory for Trevor Mach. After the match Trevor played up to the crowd before turning to Black Cena with a mic in hand.
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: Hey Black Cena, remember when I promised to Macha Ye you last?
Black Cena: Yeah...that's right Mach you did!
Trevor Mach: .....I lied. BOOSH!
Black Cena: AHHH!!!
Another Macha Ye capped off a big win for the Royal Crown Champion. Katsuflex had to drag his livid party partner away as Trevor once again played up to the crowd.
It was now time for the impromptu main event. Impromptu because it was originally scheduled to be the semi main event, but was pushed to the top spot, which is OK because the fans love seeing the Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion in the main event. Tack Angel and Tracy, the first intergender tag team champions of EBW would be going up against a mystery team, and Ness was put into the special referee spot. The team and the ref stood in wait together for who the mystery team would be. They stood staring at the entrance, but their opponents would pop out of the crowd instead. It was none other then old EBW veterans Franky and Poo! Franky and Poo blindsided Tack Angel while they pushed Tracy into the corner. Tracy's ex boyfriend Poo tried to keep her back, but Tracy belted him with a big elbow so Poo pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed her to the ropes. Franky was meanwhile picking apart Tack Angel, and a shocked Ness tried to keep order. Franky and Poo have been making a name for themselves once again in EBW's farm league FSW, but it seems they too are part of the project of bringing old friends back to EBW. Both Tack and Ness have a lot of beef with these two, so all the pieces to the puzzle were finally put together. It wasn't long before Franky and Poo pulled out the chairs. They wanted to crush Tack with the belts, but Ness stood in the way to try and defend both Tack and his sister. This of course lead to a 2-on-1 beating on Ness. The FSW duo turned their attention to Tack, but luckily Trevor Mach ran in to make the save. The main event match ended in a no contest, but then again it was always played to do so. Mr. Poochyfud stood by at the entrance ramp with a stunned w00t. His old Perfection buddies were back. Were they the ones Poochyfud promised would help w00t return to power? Will he take the Administration up on its offer? Hopefully find out all of this and more on X-perience when the top 4 contenders in the Top 10 rankings will do battle with the #1 contender spot on the line
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ 6-Man Tag Match 2/3 Falls (Winning Team gets the CXJ #1 Contender Shots)
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta beat Shadow/Grudge/Anguish (2-1) (14:59).
-Hotlanta hit the Bellerophon Bomb on Anguish (8:41).
-Shadow hit the Neo Shadow Driver on Generator (10:17).
-Dave Larmore hit Anguish with the Hardcore Hangover (14:59).
2. 6-Man Tag Match
Lucas/Moz/Green Destiny beat Rude/Metrion/Avion (7:59) when Moz hit the Moz Splash on Rude.
3. TV Championship Tournament Audition Match
Amigo beat Dynamic Dougie, Maurice, and Troy (12:56) with a Roll up Pin on Dynamic Dougie.
4. IQ's Mandatory Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Pokey Minch, Orange Kid, and Apple Kid (6:08) when he hit the Blackhammer on Pokey Minch.
5. Special Singles Grudge Match
Trevor Mach beat Black Cena[FSW] (3:19) with a Macha Ye.
6. Non-Title Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/Tracy vs. Franky/Poo (0:53) ended in a No Contest. Special Referee: Ness
EBW Rankings Complete!
Shortly after another explosive Monday Nite X-cite, received the complete lineup for the new EBW Rankings System! This system will let the wrestlers know where they stand and who they have to go through to get a title shot. This could shift the paradigm in EBW in a big way and the stakes are raised in almost every match up. The rankings can be seen below and will be updated often at (Once a week?)
EBW Top 10 Heavyweight Rankings
Global World Champion: Tack Angel
1. Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting -Royal Crown Champion-
2. Ness
3. w00t
4. Kinniku Mike
5. Rude
6. Troy
7. Swift
8. Dynamic Dougie
9. Amigo
10. Akinan
EBW Top 5 CXJ Rankings
EBW CXJ Champion: Picky Minch
1. Dave Larmore
2. Shadow
3. Bakayaro
4. Lucas
5. Bolshoi
EBW Top 5 Tag Team Rankings
EBW Tag Team Champions: Tack Angel/Tracy
1. Avion/Metrion
2. KYO/Danny Leung
3. Dynamic Dougie/Akinan
4. Apple Kid/Orange Kid
5. Troy/Lukie(Injured Reserve)
EBW Top 5 CXJ Tag Team Rankings
EBW CXJ Tag Team Champions: Given/Taken
1. Generator/Hotlanta
2. Sal Paradise/Jamie OD
3. Grudge/Anguish
4. Bolshoi/Bakayaro
5. Rocky Guapo[P+P]/Billy Guapo[P+P]
X-perience Card Booked! Introduction to the Rankings System!
The X-perience card has already been booked, and it will not only serve as a primer for the new Rankings System, but will also feature some solid matches and a pay per view quality main event! All but one for the matches will be a rankings match, and the fans will get a feel for the new experience. The action starts when Lucas and Bolshoi go one-on-one in a CXJ Match. Lucas will be defending his Heavyweight #4 Contender Spot. Rude will have to defend his #5 Contender Spot from the explosive Alpha Beta Troy. This will be a first time match up and hopefully the Tanooki suit doesn't hamper the match too badly. Lovekick Connection took a hard loss at Breakthrough, but the former champions have no time to rest as they now have to defend their CXJ Tag Team #2 Contender spot against Grudge and Anguish. Breakthrough Generation will take on the combined forced of Captain Strong, SinDOS, and the returning menace Pokey Minch. This will be another TV Tournament Audition match, as the 8 men will have to impress to possibly earn a spot in the tourney. Amigo already sealed his spot in the tournament though, and will probably be more focused on getting his hands on his former mentor Captain Strong. In the huge main event the Heavyweight #1 Contender Spot will be on the line when Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach, Ness, w00t, and Kinniku Mike all mix it up to see who will take on Global World Champion Tack Angel at Crisis. All of this and more on X-perience!
EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ Ranking Match: #4 Contender Spot
Lucas vs. Bolshoi
2. Heavyweight Ranking Match: #5 Contender Spot
Rude vs. Troy
3. CXJ Tag Team Rankings: #2 Contender Spot
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Grudge/Anguish
4. 8-Man Tag Team Match -TV Tournament Audition-
Amigo/Maurice/Moz/Green Destiny vs. Captain Strong/Avion/Metrion/Pokey Minch
5. Heavyweight Ranking 4-Way Match: #1 Contender Spot
Trevor Mach vs. Ness vs. w00t vs. Kinniku Mike
FSW started the show with Randy no Kachi coming out to the ring.
Randy: Woo! Yea! Aye dios mio! You people are crazy! Alrighty, where do I begin? This is probably the biggest night of my parade here in FSW. All I've got to say is. I am ready! I am ready for this! Estoy listo para esta pelea!
All of a sudden, Poo and Franky are on the dual screens.
Poo: Randy, Randy, Randy, oh Randy my boy. You are so naive.
Franky: Tsk tsk tsk.
Poo: You see, what you may not know. There was a big TV show earlier tonight. Since you were probably getting ready for this night, you probably missed it. So let Franky freshen you up.
Franky: You see, there is this show earlier called: EBW - Monday Night X-cite on THE ENN. And what you may not know. WE, me and him, just had a match and WE, him and I, are beefed. Which means that tonight, unfortunately, we have to come to the decision to postpone our big title match at another, indefinite time. Oh and being off topic here, we will be having an upcoming tag team tournament to crown the first ever FSW Double Trouble Champions. And you will see a sneak peek preview tonight with two new teams making their debut.
Randy: No! No! That's just an excuse! I am ready! You come down here now!
Poo: Too bad! That beating we gave Ness and Tack really tired us out. So..
Randy: It didn't even last a minute! Hell, it wasn't even a match. So, come here now!
Poo: Oh look, Franky. How cute. He actually DID watched it.
Franky: That's too bad because we're not even close to the arena at this moment. So for now, we assigned you a different match. Tonight, it will be you against hmm...gee, this is hard...mmm...alright. It will be you against the math wiz, Sheik Ahmad! Have a good day, Randy. As always we're expecting you to be ready for the title match soon.
Randy is left stunned and disappointed. As he proceeds to walk to the back, Randy snapped and threw a tantrum on his way to the back.
Backstage, Remy Radcliffe makes his way to the ring and he gets a phone call.
Crew Member: Phone Call for Remy Radcliffe.
Remy: For me? Hello...Yes, I'm Remy...REALLY?...NO WAY!!...AWESOME!!...I call you back, I have a match now. Ok, bye!
Remy makes his way to the ring and addressed the crowd.
Remy: You people won't believe this! At this time, I will be the FIRST guy from FSW to get called up to EBW! Don't count Black Cena because, from what I know, it was an one time thing! And you people will hear it first. As my first act, I will challenge anybody in the EBW locker room. And I hope, its the person I want! The guy I hate the most and I will gladly beat him up badly, Akinan! As for Olly, get your fatass out here so I can beat you and make my way to the REAL brand.
Olly came out with a lot of fanfare. Match starts and Remy went for a right hand. Olly countered into an armdrag. Olly cradles Remy up and swings him down with the Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gredunza.
After the match, Olly has a lot to say to Remy.
Olly: Shut up!!
As expected there will be a small preview of one of the new teams. This first team signed to FSW has competed in the corrupted Battle Tower Cup, meet Shannon Helms and Evan Shane. They are 2-Count.
Evan: I'm Evan Shane.
Shannon: And I'm Shannon Helms. And we are 2-Count. The resurgence of a dying breed called boy bands. We are THE premier boy band and we go all over the world breaking every girls' hearts with our smooth moves and music.
Evan: Why are we called 2-Count?
Shannon: One, copyright protection.
Evan: And two, everyone goes down for the two count just so we can put them down again and again and again.
2-Count makes their way to the ring and ends up facing Toad & Goomba. The boy band had chemistry early on but Toad and Goomba's experience turned the tables. Shannon and Evan put Toad in a double team move called the NearFall, which is a backbreaker hold and a diving leg drop combo. The move lived up to its name and got a nearfall. Goomba head tackled Shannon out of the ring and Toad does a Tope Mushroom-cida to Shannon. Goomba hits Evan with a jumping battering ram. Goomba goes to the top rope and hits his deadly Mushroom Kamikaze to win.
Perfect Man come out to gloat about how he is perfect in third person, of course.
Perfect Man: This is what you call perfection! Tonight, Perfect Man will not admit imperfection nor stop speaking in third person! Tonight, you will watch. You will laugh. You will witness a poor little creaton admitting that he will never get a girlfriend! He will admit he is a shame to everyone around him. HAHAHA! Perfect Man is too perfect.
Monoxide came out and immediately pounds on Perfy...I mean, Perfect Man. Perfect Man tries to run but Monoxide grabbed him and gave him a Lung Blower for good measure. Monoxide climbed to the top rope and played to the crowd. Monoxide went for the Carbon Monoxide Press but Perfect Man has his knees up. Perfect Man went for the move and hits a good o' fashioned Perfect Plex to pin Monoxide.
Perfect Man: AHAHA!! Aww, someone lost! SAY IT! SAY PERFECT MAN IS BETTER THAN YOU!!
Monoxide: *pants*....*pants*...Perfect Man
Perfect Man: Say Perfect Man is the greatest wrestler in the world!
Monoxide: Perfect greatest...wrestler in the world.
Perfect Man: You will then say that you are the biggest shame to your family.
Monoxide: biggest...shame to my family.
Perfect Man: You will never get a girlfriend in your entire lifetime and will be a lonely man for the rest of your life.
Monoxide: I...will...never get...a girlfriend in my entire lifetime...and I will be a lonely man for the rest of my life.
Perfect Man: Now say all that in one complete speech.
Monoxide: Perfect Man is better than me. Perfect Man is the greatest wrestler in the world. I am the biggest...
Callahan: THAT IS ENOUGH!!
MB Callahan and Master Bubu ran down to the ring and chased off Perfect Man.
Perfect Man: Ah, you! See you shouldn't be worrying about your friend there. The damage has been done. What you need to worry about is what's in store for you.
Callahan and Bubu remained in the ring and we cut to a video package introducing another team. This team is signed all the way from Edo and they are Evil! Due to the language barrier, we here have given them a voiceover to translate what they are saying.
Baka: "I am Baka! This is Unagi! WE are from Edo! We came here to win! We are unstoppable. And We are EVIIILLLL!!!
With Callahan and Bubu having puzzled looks on their faces, Baka and Unagi jumped into the ring for the attack. Baka dropkicked Callahan out of the ring and hits a Spaceman Moonsault to Callahan. Unagi hits a facebuster to Bubu. Baka took care of Callahan outside of the ring but Callahan is too powerful and tossed Baka into the post. Unagi goes for the attack and gets caught in a Whirley Bird from Callahan. Then, Mr. Jennings is out at the entry way and Callahan took noticed. Bubu tried to get Callahan back into the match but gets rolled over into a pin from Unagi. After the match, Bubu is shocked to have another loss in his record and confronts Callahan. All of a sudden, a strange super pale behemoth came in and laid out both Callahan and Bubu.
Mr. Jennings: Why isn't this more delightful than serving of Yorkshire pudding with beef and gravy? Ladies and gentlemen, I like to introduce to you. My top employee f Noah Enterprises, Fergus O'Flannery!! You see ol chap. I told you. I told you, you will rue the day. You have been rued.
Disco: OH YEA! I am the Party King of Summers. I am the Stallionaire. I am the entertainer of all entertainers. I am the Showman, Disco Kid. Ahahaha! I am here to unfortunately announce to you that my bros, Black Cena and Katsuflex, won't make it to the show tonight. Ahahaha!! That's right. Due to unfortunate events that happened earlier in the day at the EBW show, they can't make the show due to injury. They will be back soon tho. Once they come back, they'll back and better than ever baby. Ahahaha. Disco Kid signing out!
The main event has Randy no Kachi, not in a title match, facing Sheik Ahmad. Randy released alot of his frustration on Ahmad. Ahamd fought back, however, and applied the sleeper hold. Ahmad switched gears into a reverse DDT. Ahmad climbed on top of the rope and missed his Calculated Guillotine. Randy hits a hurracanrana followed by a tornado DDT.
Randy sets Ahmad up for the No Kachi Cutter but Ahmad shoves him off and puts on the sleeper hold again. Randy broke the hold by making it to the ropes. Ahmad goes for a bodyslam and Randy countered and hits the No Kachi Cutter out of nowhere. As Randy builds energy, The Subculture hits Randy in the back with the chair. As The Subculture goes for a second shot, Randy attempts the No Kachi Cutter and a chairshot to the head out of nowhere. And we now see Poo in the ring with General Manager Franky. Poo and The Subculture continues the beatdown and Poo gets the mic.
Poo: Surprise to see me, Randy my boy? Here's a clue, I lied about not being in the area. I did it just to get you off guard for awhile so we can do this! By the way, you're not the only whose ready for our title match. So am I. And its settled, me and you at the fifth show for my FSW Title. Hope you're ready as you as you say you are.
As Poo, Franky, and The Subculture leaves the ring, Randy is left lying in a pool of his own blood.
FSW 4: Preparation
Fourside Arena
1. Olly Oliver def. Remy Radcliffe (0:39) with the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Gredunza
2. Toad & Goomba def. Shannon Helms & Evan Shane (11:46) when Goomba used the Mushroom Kamikaze on Evan.
3. Perfect Man def. Monoxide (5:57) with the Perfect Plex.
4. Baka & Unagi def. MB Callahan & Master Bubu (10:15) when Unagi pinned Bubu.
5. Randy no Kachi vs. Sheik Ahmad (12:31) went to a no contest.
Tack Angel: So EBW fans...I've been busy again...obviously. Despite being named Public Enemy #1 by the Administration I have managed to retain both of my titles, makes amends with Ness, and began a formal relationship with Tracy. I also won the Challenge Master achievement in Game Room for 129 trueachievement points...but I won't get into that right now. My schedule as champion has been full! EBW was planning to cross the pond for some international shows very soon, so Master Lu thought it would be a good idea to give me X-perience off so I could head over to promote EBW. Tess even pulled some strings so my tag partner/girlfriend Tracy could tag along. This sounded like a nice vacation. Unfortunately.....Mr. Poochyfud booked the flight.
Tack Angel: Gee....he made us fly coach. You would figure he'd give the champion of his company first class at least.
Tracy: Well he does hate your guts.
Tack Angel: Oh yeah....almost forgot.
Tracy: Heh...yeah right! Thanks for letting me tag along by the way.
Tack Angel: Of course you had to come! I need my tag partner with me! Aren't you going to be missing some action in WEB or something though?
Tracy: No, my mother got me time off away from WEB while I was...*cough* Travis. I'm sure I'll pay for this eventually, but for now I've got nothing but time.
Tack Angel: Excellent! Well it shouldn't be too much longer notice something?
Tracy: What?
Tack Angel: This's starting to dive a bit.
Tracy: Oh....oh wow...I think you're right!
Tack Angel: Hey! We're heading straight towards the ocean! Captain! We're crashing! I need to speak to the Captain!
Tack Angel: What? A Penguin? And he's been drinking! Wait.....Penguins can't fly......PENGUINS CAN'T FLY!!!!!
Tack Angel: Well this is just great! Poochyfud set us up! Well at least we're OK....and I'm just SOOOO glad the PENGUIN survived!
Penguin: Qua?
Tracy: Oh great I'm soaking wet. I got to get this shirt off!
Tack Angel: Uh wha....wha...wha....hubba hubba! That never gets old.
Tracy: Oh jeez!
Jeff Andonuts: Tracy?.....Tack?!
Tracy: Jeff?! Oh my gosh! It's Jeff Andonuts!
Tack Angel: Of course it is! We're stranded on a desert island. That makes nothing but sense!
Jeff Andonuts: Wow, I can't believe it's you guys! I thought I was along on this island!
Tack Angel: Well...up until 5 minutes ago you might have been.
Jeff Andonuts: I've been trapped here for months....I was starting to go a little CRAAAAZY!
Tack Angel: Oooook! Come on Tracy...we better be looking for a way out of here.
Tracy: I think we should take Jeff with us!
Tack Angel: ....Really?
Tracy: Yeah!
Tack Angel: Great! Well since we're taking Robinson Crusoe with us we might as well let the PENGUIN tag along!
Jeff Andonuts: You guys want me to with you? Oh what luck! I've been so lonely! After I got fired by EBW I headed out to see to get back to my roots in SCIENECE that is. Of while I was busy working on an unpopable raft my boat capsized and I wound up here....I'm not even going to be begin to think about the irony.
Tracy: Well it's great to see you Jeff. We've missed you.
Jeff Andonuts: Well...I guess I over reacted from losing my job. After all....I'm not the only one who got cut and I'm sure those other guys aren't doing well either.
Tack Angel: Um...yeah....most of them got rehired recently.
Jeff Andonuts: Oh....well I guess that's good for them....SON OF A BITCH! IT'S SO UNFAIR! AHHH!!! I'LL KILL THEM! I'LL KILL THEM ALL WITH SCIENCE!
Tack Angel: Oh yeah....I feel safe having him tag along. This is a really good idea.
Tack Angel: I think the first coarse of action is to see if we can construct some sort of raft and....
Jeff Andonuts: SHHHH!'ll wake the Yoshi eggs!
Tack Angel: I don't think you know what....OK....I'll just shut up....psycho.
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: CAMEO!!!
Tracy: Trevor?! What are you doing here?!
Trevor Mach: I....don't....KNOW! I knew I shouldn't have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. Well I'm out of here BOOSH!
Tracy: Wait! Maybe you can help us get....
Tracy: *sigh* Nevermind.
Tack Angel: Well...we found another coast and...wait...what is that out there?
Tracy: It looks like a van.
Jeff Andonuts: Vans can't swim....or can they? Note to self: Create swimming van.....with science.....sweet saucy science.
Tack Angel: I know what that is....I've seen it before....and it just might be our ticket out of here.
Trevor and Mike "Bury the Hatchet"! was on the scene at EBW Tower today, as Kinniku Mike was finishing a meeting with the Executive Committee to show that he was cleared for the huge X-perience main event. It was at this point on his way out that he ran into an old friend.
Kinniku Mike: Oh...hehe....hey there....uh...Trevor.
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: .....Mike.....
Kinniku Mike: What's up man?
Trevor Mach: ....The usual...
Kinniku Mike: just got cleared to compete on X-perience. We're going to have a hell of a war in that ring.
Trevor Mach: ....indeed...
Kinniku Mike: Look, I know that you're probably upset about my actions, and normally Mike apologizes to no one. That being said....perhaps kidnapping Lady M's twice....was a bit uncalled for. It's still my goal to take you down, but I'll do that in the ring. I figure now that I'm dating around with a couple hotties that you and I and bury the hatchet on a personal level. So what do you say....forgive me?
Trevor Mach: HA!....HAHA!! HA!
Kinniku Mike: ...HA....ha?
Trevor Mach: Hey Mike....
Kinniku Mike: Yeah?
Trevor Mach: I will NEVER forgive you.
Kinniku Mike: Uh....
Trevor Mach: BOOSH!
Trevor Mach: Ha! I got you! Yeah man....we're cool.
Kinniku Mike: Ugh...
Lady M's: Payback's a bitch Mike.
Kinniku Mike: At least....I hot Asian womens.
Breakthrough Generation Meeting!
After a successful debut that saw their team win in their first two engagements, Breakthrough Generation came together for another meeting at Amigo's place.
Amigo: First off, I have to apologize for the mess.....turns out Maurice is a bit of a slob!
Maurice: I was hungry! The least you could do is get some better food!
Amigo: You're lucky I'm letting to sleep on the couch!
Moz: Can we get on with this meeting guys I've got dames to smooch.
Lucas: I meant to ask you you understand anything that we're saying?
Green Destiny: .....
Lucas: Right...just smile and nod then.
Amigo: We did a good job on X-cite guys. We sent shock waves at Breakthrough, and we kept that momentum going. Now we have to step it up. I'm already on the road to the TV Title Tournament.
Maurice: Thanks to me.
Amigo: ....With a "SLIGHT" assist from Maurice.
Maurice: Hehe...I helped.
Amigo: Now we need to get more of you in the running. We have to make sure that the new belt comes to Breakthrough Generation. With the gold comes more clout for our growing stable. Lucas, you are the #4 Contender for the CXJ Belt. I want you to train with former 2-Time Champion Moz and we'll see if we can't get you up the rankings.
Lucas: Got it.
Moz: I'll teach the kid. He can be my wing man at the clubs tonight too.
Lucas: ....Cool?
Amigo: In any case I just wanted to say good work. We're just getting started. Damn it Maurice! That pizza was for everyone!
Maurice: Oops! Here...want this piece?
Amigo: You have yet to bathe since you've been here and you touched that piece.....meaning I'll pass.
Maurice: Meh....your loss.
w00t makes an unusual appearance! was also on the scene at the former SURGE Dojo, where some of Poochyfud's more "favored employees" were hard at work training. Pokey was dishing out orders to Fruit Inc. and getting the first EBW tag team ready for a full on comeback, while Troy was impressing with his powerlifting skills. A cold dead stare locked on his face, Troy the Alpha Beta continues to impress friends and foes alike. A dangerous force to be sure, the big jock will attempt to move up the Heavyweight Rankings on X-perience. The most interesting occurrence happened when w00t suddenly entered the room. Apparently he was invited by Mr. Poochyfud. He was brought in to try and iron out his differences with Franky and FSW Regional Champion Poo, who are on loan care of Don Panini. What could they be planning to do? Perhaps we'll find out at X-perience.
Ness: w00t....hey w00t.
w00t: Is there something I can do for you? I'm a busy man.
Ness: So I've seen. Looking to get the gang back together are ya?
w00t: What are you talking about?
Ness: You know what I mean. Poochyfud trying to get on your good side. You trying to bury the hatchet with your old Perfection buddies. Here I thought you were learning the error of your ways.
w00t: I'm sorry...when did I ever have to explain myself to you Ness! I'm The w00t! I do whatever I want. I go wherever I want. I do it all whenever I want! Did you think we were all going to be pals?! A zebra doesn't change its stripes. I'm a self serving prick and I'm always going to be a self serving prick!
Ness: Well that's all well and good, but I figured you were too full of yourself to accept help from Poochyfud and your former stablemates.
w00t: You think I need their help? The fact of the matter is I deserve this shot! I'm going to be #1 in the rankings and I'm finally going to get my rematch with Tack Angel because I deserve it. I don't need Pooch and I don't need Franky or Poo. Fact of the matter is I'm the thinking man's wrestler, and I know that it's better to be on the good side of the Administration when a title shot is on the line. Nothing more nothing less! Now I'm going to go get ready. Don't you have anything better to do?! You do remember who took the Global World Championship from you a day after you won it don't you?
Ness: Wha....I beat you too....hey! w00t!
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: Ha! I like that guy.
It's a new day in EBW. A day where a new ranking system is put into effect, and the paradigm in EBW is shifted once again. Wrestlers more then ever will be fighting for their spots, and the stakes are definitely raised. Add the fact that a lot of old favorites were making EBW returns for better or worse, and you have a lot going on in the #1 wresting promotion in Eagleland. With the champion on vacation, the "rebels" and the chosen ones of the Administration would do battle to see who would challenge Public Enemy #1 Tack Angel at the Crisis PPV.
The ranking system was now official, and the first match with the new rules in effect was a CXJ match featuring Breakthrough Generation's Lucas taking on former tag partner Bolshoi. This match would be for the #4 Contender spot in the CXJ rankings. Bolshoi was attempting to move up and Lucas was defending. These two made waves in the Super CXJ Tag Team Cup, where they picked up some upset wins. In that short time they got to know each others moves. They put on a fast paced high flying performance. Lucas' new found confidence was more then a match for the theatrical Bolshoi's "rose shower". In the end Lucas took Bolshoi to the mat with his Spinning Impaler, but wasn't done yet. He then went to the top rope to go high risk and hit the 450 Splash followed by the pin. Another solid win for the rookie.
We then moved to the Heavyweight Rankings, where the powerhouse Alpha Beta Troy would attempt to take the #5 spot from the now lighthearted Rude in the Tanooki Suit. Rude was joined by Reno, but the Administration rep had no doubt that his friend was going to take the fall and simply shrugged it off. He was right too as Troy once again impressed with his strength and brutal style. Less then a minute in Troy hit his Fight Me IRL Punt Kick and pinned Rude for the win and #5 Contender Spot for the Global World Championship. Troy was not done yet though, as he then gave the "Neeeerrrrd!" ref an Atomic Wedgie. After beating down the ref he then grabbed Tanooki Rude by the tail and ripped it off the costume. Lukie limped into the ring and grabbed a mic.
Lukie: I think it's quite obvious what you are all thinking right now, so I'm just going to say it. a BADASS!
After that match we cut to the back with Nerma...
Nerma: Nerma here, with two of the four wrestlers that will be going to war in our main event tonight. The winner will earn that coveted #1 Contender Ranking currently held by Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach. Will he be able to hold onto the spot, or will one of the other three move up to take on Tack at EBW: Crisis? Now, I was expecting to talk with all four wrestlers, but for some reason I only got w00t and Kinniku Mike.
w00t: What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Am I not good enough for you?! I'm the former 2-Time and soon to be 3-Time Global World Champion!
Kinniku Mike: Yeah! Mike has got it going on a lot more then those chumps!
Nerma: I didn't mean it like that!
w00t: I'm sorry Mike....I don't believe I was talking to you! Now if I want kidnapping tips or ways to seduce Asian hotties then you're the ma....wait....I can do both of those things better already.
Kinniku Mike: Alright! Enough of Mike being the comic freaking relief! You got a problem w00t?! Come over here right now!
w00t: Save it for the match....Slaughterhouse. Now let the nerd chick do some yapping.
Nerma: Thanks....I think. Anyways, the wrestling world is looking at you closely right now w00t. They are wondering if you are going to "sell out" and become the symbol of the Poochyfud Administra....
w00t: I am a symbol for no one! I only represent one man....w00t! I don't need the Poochyfud Administration. I just need them to stay out of my way! I don't need Franky or Poo either! They can go back to FSW! All w00t needs is w00t!
Kinniku Mike: Talking in third person is Mike's shtick now *bleep*!
Nerma: Guys! I'm just now getting word that Trevor Mach and Ness are currently brawling with Franky and Poo in another part of the building! We'll take you there now!
Poo: You're going down Mach!
Trevor Mach: Bring it on bitch!
Franky: Hammer time Ness!
Ness: Oof!
Hater: NYAH! Hater here, with two people that I HATE...and two people that I don't HATE! Beat em down Franky! Get em' Poo! YEAH! NYAH!
Remy Radcliffe: Hey Hater: I'm really happy for ya, and Imma let ya finish, but Trevor Mach, Ness, and Tack Angel are the worst wrestlers of all time!
Hater: NYAH? Who the heck are you kid?!
Remy Radcliffe: Remy is the name! I'm the first call up to EBW from FSW! I'm like you buddy, I hate a lot of these guys....especially that Akinan guy, but I'm a huge fan of Swift, so I'm here tonight to issue an open challenge and hopefully impress my idol Swift!
Hater: NYAH! Get the *bleep* out of here!
Remy Radcliffe: AH!
Hater: Looks like this brawl isn't ending anytime you want to see more of it don't you? WELL TOO BAD! NYAH!
We then cut back to the ring as the weird kid Remy Radcliffe from FSW delusionaly thought that he was called up to EBW on a full time basis. He made his way into the ring with a mic in hand, but before he could get a word out, the theme music of Remy Radcliffe's hero played. Swift was coming down, not to encourage Remy like the FSW rookie thought, but to answer the challenge and stomp some ass. Remy tried to hug Swift, only for Swift to tackle him and punch him repeatedly in the corner. He stood up and stomped down Remy over and over. This match brought out Mr. Ryan IQ, who looked on as his target Swift was once again getting the better of his opponent. In less then 30 seconds Swift dropped Remy with the Blackhammer and pinned him for the 1-2-3. After the match the 13-0 Brawler picked up Remy and raised his hand in a show of respect. Remy jumped for joy only for Swift to kick him in the gut and dropped him with another Blackhammer. Once Swift left the ring, Ryan IQ climbed into it.
Mr. Ryan IQ: case you were wondering...I was the one that called you up, but it was a one time only deal. You were to supposed to serve as a distraction for another plan that I had, but of course you just had to take matters into your hands didn't little punk! Not only are you not going to be paid for your services, but I wish you well in your future endeavors. Get back to FSW!
After an impromptu third match it was now time for another rankings match. This time the #2 Contender Spot for the CXJ Tag Team Division was on the line, and Grudge and Anguish were more then willing to take it from the vulnerable former champions Lovekick Connection. Despite still hurting from the title loss to the Sons of Bushido, Jamie and Sal still controlled the pace of the match. Shadow tried to coach Grudge and Anguish from ringside, but the CXJ Bully just seemed to make Anguish more nervous. This may have been from the beating he gave Anguish on X-cite. In the end nerves actually got the better of the once cold and somber Anguish, and he tapped out to Sal's Paradise Lock II. Lovekick Connection keep their #2 spot. Shadow quickly entered the ring and once again attacked Anguish. Sal and Jamie seemed to want to stop Anguish from getting hurt any further, but suddenly the Bushido Crusade entered the ring. Picky had Given and Taken beat Lovekick and toss them out of the ring. Shadow looked on, but did not attack his rival Picky. He simply left him to his business, and walked away from a bloody Anguish. Grudge thought about helping his partner up, but quickly followed Shadow.
The next match was an audition match for the upcoming Television Title Tournament. Impressing the Executive Committee was the name of the game, as Amigo lead the Breakthrough Generation team of Maurice, Moz, and Green Destiny against an oddball team of Captain Strong, Picky Minch, and SinDOS. Strong was stepping out of his manager role and back into the ring to put the hurt on Amigo and earn a spot in the TV Tournament. This heated match up was the longest of the night, and featured all the players giving it their best. Amigo wasn't the only one who wanted to step into the ring with Strong, as Maurice had a bone to pick with his former mentor as well. Strong was on his game though, and he was able to chop away at his the men he used to call students. Even though their was no sign of Akatsuki still, and no sign of the man in the black armor, SinDOS were still on guard and that played a roll in the match as well. Moz once again showed his versatility and his new unorthodox style, when he hit the Rolling Mozzer on Strong and almost got the pin for his team, but Pokey Minch dropped a heavy elbow and broke it up. Maurice hit Pokey with a lariat and they both went over the top rope, while Moz tagged in Amigo. Amigo moved in fast and grappled with Strong, but neither man could put the other away. They both went to tag out and rest, but when Amigo tagged in Green Destiny, Strong decided to stay in and floored GD with several hard chops. SinDOS then went around the ring and attacked Amigo, making him unable to stop Strong from setting up GD in a Piledriver, a move he used to send a message to this upstart team. Strong rolled him up for the pin and got the win for his team. Strong is now more then likely on his way to the same tournament as Amigo. Will they meat in the TV Title Tournament?
It was once that wonderful main event time, as four of EBW's very best would step into the ring to give the fans a classic. Unfortunately the Poochyfud Administration weaseled their way into the match, when an announcer introduced Reno as the special guest referee, since Referee Nerdler was busy getting his underpants removed from the Atomic Wedgie. Reno obviously had his favorites. Add to the fact that Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach and Ness were hurting from their brawl in the hallways, and the odds were definitely shifted. The match was still a classic though. All four men fought without discrimination against each other, but it was mostly Trevor taking on Mike and Ness taking on w00t. Trevor and Mike picked up their Breakthrough feud and duked it out in the early stages while Ness and w00t tangled, their earlier argument giving them more fuel to work with. Mike forced Trevor into a corner and bashed away at his chest with front and back hands and chops. Trevor pushed him away and let loose some chops and kicks of his own, but Mike tackled him back into the corner. He caught the Royal Crown Champion in a bear hug and smashed him down on the mat. Mike quickly went for a sleeper. Trevor fought his way back to his feet and let loose enough elbows to the gut to get free. He then ran the ropes and came back with a spinning elbow attack. He then picked up Mike and forced the big man up with a Trevorplex! The impact took a lot out of both men. So now w00t and Ness had more room to fight while Trevor and Mike rolled out of the ring to catch a breather. They traded hard rights and lefts before w00t attempted his WKO out of nowhere. Ness pushed him away and w00t hit the ropes. Ness snuck up behind him and rolled him up, but w00t rolled out of it and hit a dropkick on Ness. Trevor and Mike were back at it trading blows outside of the ring. Trevor jumped back in first and had the advantage, stomping on Mike's head as he tried to climb back in. Kinniku Mike managed to get back into the ring and tackled Trevor to floor. They grappled until w00t broke it up with an elbow on both of them. As they both tried to get up w00t traded hard kicks to both of them until Ness once again crept up behind w00t and hit him with the Thunder Brainbuster. Ness covered him, but Reno decided to stop watching the match at this point. Ness turned him around and got in his face, but Reno threatened to remove him from the ring. Franky and Poo suddenly appeared at ringside. Ness turned around and ate a brass knuckle punch from Poo. w00t got back to his feet not noticing what Poo had done. He looked around wondering why they were there, but when Ness struggled to his feet w00t took the opportunity and hit Ness with the WKO and got the pinfall! w00t did not know about the involvement, but it was still a somewhat tainted win. Reno told him after doing a semi-fast count and this enraged the former 2-Time Champion. The show ended with w00t shouting down Franky and Poo as Trevor and Mike continued to brawl. A crazy way to end the show and a tainted end to a superb match, but it looks like the Poochyfud Administration got their way and w00t is the new #1 Contender. It looks like the main event of EBW: Crisis will see a highly anticipated rematch. Tack Angel vs. w00t II.
EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ Ranking Match: #4 Contender Spot
Lucas beat Bolshoi (4:43) with a 450 Splash.
2. Heavyweight Ranking Match: #5 Contender Spot
Troy beat Rude (1:13) with a Fight Me IRL Punt Kick.
3. Remy Open Challenge
Swift beat Remy Radcliffe (0:25) with a Blackhammer.
4. CXJ Tag Team Rankings: #2 Contender Spot
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD beat Grudge/Anguish (12:19) when Sal Paradise submitted Anguish with a Paradise Lock II.
5. 8-Man Tag Team Match -TV Tournament Audition-
Captain Strong/Avion/Metrion/Pokey Minch beat Amigo/Maurice/Moz/Green Destiny (15:26) when Captain Strong hit the Piledriver on Green Destiny.
6. Heavyweight Ranking 4-Way Match: #1 Contender Spot
w00t beat Trevor Mach, Ness, and Kinniku Mike (14:11) with a WKO on Ness.
Part 2
Tack Angel: Well....not quite the weekend I was looking forward to. I do enjoy getting to spend some time with Tracy, but we happen to be floating on top of a van in the middle of an ocean with a crazed Jeff Andonuts and a PENGUIN! Oh sure.....this is just a "normal weekend".
Tack Angel *Groan* I have been rowing for hours. I need to take a break for a minute. Why don't YOU row Penguin? Penguin? What is that you've're eating my croissant aren't you! ARG!
Penguin: Qua?
Tracy: Calm down Tack....I have another one right here.
Tack Angel: Oh good....I love croissants.
Tracy: Yeah I's the last one so I hope we hit the shore soon.
Tack Angel: Last one? eat it.
Tracy: Are you sure?
Tack Angel: Absolutely.
Tracy: Thank you Tack.
Tack Angel: Well....uh....I.....gosh you know I get flustered and befuddled when you look at me that way.
Tracy: Heh.
Tack Angel: What is Jeff swimming after?
Tracy: That's his volleyball....Wilson. He thinks he brought it to life.
Tack Angel: With Science?
Tracy: With Science.
Jeff Andonuts: WILSON! You have to come back with me! We have so much SCIENCE to do together!
Tack Angel: I wonder how science is going to help Jeff with that shark.....wait...shark?
Jeff Andonuts: Wha? You're on your own Wilson! Row damn it row!
Tack Angel: Wow, I can't believe we actually made it!
Tracy: You did it Tack! You rowed us all the way back to the main land.
Tack Angel: the hell is that possible?
Jeff Andonuts: It certainly defies SCIENCE!
Tracy: Maybe there was somebody with you that you wanted to protect?
Tack Angel: ....Heh....that's got to be it.
Tracy: Heh.
?: Hey...look over there....she is perfect!
??: A woman in blue....the perfect sacrifice!
Tracy: Huh? What was that?
Blue Blue Cultist: BLUE BLUE!
Tracy: Taaaaack!
Jeff Andonuts: Those are the Blue Blue Cultists....apparently they think Tracy is the perfect sacrifice.
Jeff Andonuts: Cause she's wearing blue.
Tack Angel: Damn it! We have to go save her NOW! How could this weekend get any weirder?!
Trevor Mach's unfinished business! was on the scene as Lady M's met up with a gloating Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting backstage at EBW arena.
Lady M's: Well well well....someone seems pretty happy with themselves.
Trevor Mach: Ha! Well can you blame me? I mean things are going really good right now! I may have lost that #1 ranking spot, but I've got the Royal Crown Championship to focus on. More then anything, I'm just glad to finally have some closure on a lot of my "previous shenanigans".
Lady M's: You and your damn shenanigans.
Trevor Mach. BOOSH! I mean think about it! I got the Royal Crown back from Rude, Ness and I are kicking massive amounts of ass again, and I shut down Mike from taking you and taking the title. I dealt with that Black Cena guy from FSW too! I've dealt with ALL of the unfinished business!
Lady M's: Have you now? Trevtastic....I think you're forgetting about one HUGE chapter you've left open in your career.
Trevor Mach: Pardon?
Lady M's: Maelstrom.
Trevor Mach: Mael what?
Lady M's: The Bushido Mission?
Trevor Mach: ......Doesn't ring a bell.
Lady M's: Your mission to to fuse Wrestling and MMA into a pure Hybrid know...the style you are using....RIGHT NOW.
Trevor Mach: ......huh.
Lady M's: Look on the screen Trev! Remember that? Public Enemy #1? Forming Maelstrom? Going on a war against sports entertainment? A blood feud with Ness?
Trevor Mach: ....OH YEAH! That whole silly thing! That was fun! did you have that cued up on the screen?
Lady M's: That's not important right now. What is important, is that your "shenanigans" caused a ripple effect. You brought my brothers into your Bushido Mission as well as your friend Picky Minch.
Trevor Mach: And?
Lady M's: And....they have been continuing your mission as the Bushido Crusade, and a lot of bad s***'s been going down in the CXJ Division.
Trevor Mach: Oh....oh yeah!
Lady M's: *sigh* Now I love chaos as much as you, and far be it for me to get in the way of my brothers. I MIGHT have even egged them on in the first place, but if you want to finish all of your old business and have some real closure.....then you've got to take back the "Mission" from your friend and end it once and for all. You need to go after the Crusade. You need to go after Picky Minch.
Trevor Mach: .....Ha! Yeah I can totally do that! BOOSH!
Lady M's: How the hell does he do that?!
EBW LIVE Cards Revealed!
EBW is going LIVE again this weekend with two shows outside the ruins of Onett. Two shows that promise to deliver on high octane action! On the first day Fruit Inc. will get their official return match against a mystery tag team. Bolshoi failed to take the CXJ #4 Contender Spot from Lucas, but now he will have to try and defend his #5 Spot from Chicken Man in the next match. The next two matches feature Lovekick Connection heading into rare singles matches against Grudge and Anguish of the Shadow Triad. Submission specialists Sal and Grudge will collide while strikers Jamie and Anguish go toe-to-toe. Bushido Crusade Leader and CXJ Champion Picky Minch will take on #3 Contender Bakayaro in a Non-Title Submission Match in the semi-main event. The top match will feature Trevor Mach, Ness, and Global World Championship #1 Contender w00t taking on Kinniku Mike, Troy, and Pokey Minch. Can the "renegade" team function while w00t's motives are in question?
On Day 2 the show will open with a 3-Team CXJ Tag Match. Picky will lead the Sons of Bushido against the #1 Contenders Dave Larmore, Generator, and Hotlanta, as well as the Shadow Triad. Swift will issue another open challenge, while Troy will have a Special Singles match with Breakthrough Generation's Green Destiny. Another Breakthrough Generation wrestler Moz, will then have his first heavyweight singles match against recently returned Pokey Minch. The Breakthrough Generation vs. Administration Chosen matches will continue, when Amigo will lead Maurice and Lucas against rivals Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, and Rude. In the main event Trevor Mach and Ness will be forced into a No Rules Tag Team Match with SinDOS. All in all a crazy couple of shows and definitely ones to see. EBW LIVE!
EBW LIVE in the Onett Ruins Day 1
Onett Ruins
1. Fruit Inc. Return Match
Apple Kid/Orange Kid vs. ?/?
2. CXJ Ranking Match: #5 Contender Spot
Bolshoi vs. Chicken Man
3. CXJ Singles Match
Sal Paradise vs. Grudge
4. CXJ Singles Match
Jamie OD vs. Anguish
5. CXJ Submission Match
Picky Minch vs. Bakayaro
6. 6-Man Tag Match
w00t/Trevor Mach/Ness vs. Kinniku Mike/Troy/Pokey Minch
EBW LIVE in the Onett Ruins Day 2
Onett Ruins
1. 3-Team CXJ Tag Match
Picky Minch/Given/Taken vs. Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish
2. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
3. Special Singles Match
Troy vs. Green Destiny
4. Special Singles Match
Moz vs. Pokey Minch
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Amigo/Maurice/Lucas vs. Captain Strong/Rude/Kinniku Mike
6. No Rules Tag Team Match
Trevor Mach/Ness vs. Avion/Metrion
We catch continue to follow our FSW roster and in the aftermath of the ugly beatdown at the last FSW event, Randy no Kachi takes a moment to himself.
Randy thinks hard on what happened with Poo and The Subculture with intense levels of anger building up inside.
Randy: Hello.
Olly: Randy my boy. How are you feeling?
Randy: Not good. Not good at all.
Olly: Yea, I knew you'd say that. Look here, Randy my boy. What they did was cowardly. Its obvious Poo is scared of you.
Randy: So I saw.
Olly: Yea, from the way to he's been trying to avoid showing to compete. It's obvious, he doesn't want to compete and wants to keep that title without doing anything. All that while causing a commotion at EBW.
Randy: You got to be kidding me.
Olly: Hey, I like to joke around and poke fun at people but its serious despite having moves named after stuff from Dr. Moose's kiddie books. He doesn't want to face you. Its just his chance to gain back his former glory. Come back from obscurity if you will.
Randy: So what now?
Olly: With Wilson on your tail, I got your back, Randy my boy. When the next show comes, I'll call them out and give them a piece of my mind.
Randy: Don't do anything reckless man. It doesn't have to involve you.
Olly: Hey, what can I say? I'm a good friend. Plus, this is my chance to step it up. I actually have votes in the rankings. I have to step it up.
Randy: So that was your agenda all along huh? Now I've seen everything. A chance to move up the ladder.
Olly: Hey, don't get mixed up! Most importantly, I'm here for you. Just don't randomly speak Spanish on me now.
Randy: Alright, alright. I get it. Just don't do anything crazy.
Perfect Man Gets News
Perfect Man is at a local hotel for who knows what reason and he gets news via phone call.
Perfect Man: Yea, Perfect Man wants the whole room pink. Everything pink. The walls, the floor, the bed, the TV, even the toilet.
Nerd: But sir, that alot of pink.
Perfect Man: Perfect Man is paying you right? Perfect Man is helping this hotel and you better give what Perfect Man wants.
Nerd: Yessir.
Perfect Man: Don't forget about the toilet. Pink poo must be in a pink toilet. And..
*ring ring*
Perfect Man: Yellow!
Skank: Oh Perfy, did you saw?
Perfect Man: Saw what?
Skank: Like, I watch like EBW...that Xperience or what its called...
Perfect Man: Babe, you know damn well, that Perfect Man only watches things on TV that have Perfect Man in it.
Skank: But, some fat guy was making fun of you Perfy!
Perfect Man: What? How so?
Skank: Well, this guy keeps saying his own name like you do.
Perfect Man: He's probably a fan.
Skank: No! He talked like a total toolbag!
Perfect Man: Alright, enough of this ok. Just come to the hotel.
Skank: OK PERFY!!
Perfect Man: This is very interesting. Perfect Man didn't expect this.
*ring ring*
Perfect Man: Yellow!
Different Skank: Perfy Perfy!
Perfect Man: What?
Different Skank: I watched someone making fun of you!
Perfect Man: Again with this? For Perfect Man's sake, is it really that bad?
Different Skank: Yes! He's totally taking your, as he calls it, "shtick" or whatever.
Perfect Man: Alright, Perfect Man will keep an eye on this.
Different Skank: Ok Perfy!
Perfect Man: This is getting ridiculous.
Bellhop: You know, you might wanna listen to them.
Perfect Man: What do you know? You just a bag carrier!
*ring ring*
Perfect Man: Yellow!
Third Skank: Perfy Perfy!
Perfect Man: Alright, lemme Perfect Man guess. Some lard face is making fun of Perfect Man by talking differently and Perfect Man has to do something about it, right?
Third Skank: Uh huh!!
Perfect Man: Alright then bye.
Nerd: You know, I recorded the show.
Perfect Man: Hmmm, ok. Let Perfect Man see.
w00t: What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Am I not good enough for you?! I'm the former 2-Time and soon to be 3-Time Global World Champion!
Kinniku Mike: Yeah! Mike has got it going on a lot more then those chumps!
Nerma: I didn't mean it like that!
w00t: I'm sorry Mike....I don't believe I was talking to you! Now if I want kidnapping tips or ways to seduce Asian hotties then you're the ma....wait....I can do both of those things better already.
Kinniku Mike: Alright! Enough of Mike being the comic freaking relief! You got a problem w00t?! Come over here right now!
w00t: Save it for the match....Slaughterhouse. Now let the nerd chick do some yapping.
Nerma: Thanks....I think. Anyways, the wrestling world is looking at you closely right now w00t. They are wondering if you are going to "sell out" and become the symbol of the Poochyfud Administra....
w00t: I am a symbol for no one! I only represent one man....w00t! I don't need the Poochyfud Administration. I just need them to stay out of my way! I don't need Franky or Poo either! They can go back to FSW! All w00t needs is w00t!
Kinniku Mike: Talking in third person is Mike's shtick now *bleep*!
Bellhop: Yea, totally making fun of your style man. And I watched all four FSW episodes too.
Perfect Man: Perfect Man is not pleased. Perfect Man does not approve.
EBW LIVE hits the Onett Ruins!
The EBW LIVE experience continues! This time the EBW crew rolled into its former stomping ground, the outskirts of what was once Onett, for a 2-Day event full of wrestling action! Despite being a smoldering crater, Onett is still considered a mecca for wrestling fans, so EBW had no problem getting a great turn out. Day 1 featured Fruit Inc. making their official return match, but they had the unlucky task of deal with mystery opponents....SinDOS. The hardcore hit squad of the Administration gave Fruit Inc. a quick and violent welcome, when Avion pinned Orange Kid with the sXe DDT. EBW's first tag team has some ring rust and a long climb back to the top to look forward to. The next match was a CXJ Ranking match for the #5 Spot. Bolshoi owns the spot and Chicken Man is on the hunt for it. Chicken Man was much more brutal then usual, obviously growing tired of the Administration's misuse of him. Five minutes in Bolshoi was in control, but his theatrics only further ticked off Chicken. Five minutes in Chicken Man tackled Bolshoi and used an illegal choke until the ref had no choice but to end the match in a DQ. Bolshoi's #5 spot is safe for now and a mad choking chicken is on the loose....wait...that didn't sound right at all. The next two match were singles bouts between Lovekick and their rivals from the Shadow Triad. The CXJ bully Shadow coached his disciples during their matches, and was much harsher towards Anguish, who has been in a slump lately. Grudge narrowly defeated Sal Paradise with a little help from Shadow, when he choked him out with the Ju-On. Anguish on the other hand got no help at all and lost after a hard fight to Jamie OD care of his Penalty Kick. Next up, CXJ Champion and leader of the Bushido Crusade Picky Minch battled CXJ #3 Contender Bakayaro in a special submission match. The Sons of Bushido accompanied their leader, but that wasn't the only company Picky had. As Picky and Bakayaro grappled Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting made his way out to ringside. He picked up Picky's CXJ belt and watched on as Picky fought out of several close calls and carried on Trevor's Bushido Mission with a submission victory via Armbar. After the match Trevor climbed into the ring and handed Picky his belt. He also had a mic in hand...
Trevor Mach: Heya Picky! Haha! How ya doing old buddy? I know it's been awhile since us old friends had a bit of a chat...I long has it been? I was so long was in Onett! That's how long ago it was. Anyways, I have to say you have come a long way.
Picky Minch: Trevor! It was thanks to you old buddy! You got me turned around from my slump! You opened my mind to the Bushido Mission! The true hybrid fighting form. You taught me the way of the warrior! I knew our paths would meet again and you would rejoin the Crusade!
Trevor Mach: Yeah.....about that. I was kind of thinking....that we might...."call off the crusade"?
Picky Minch: What? I don't.....I don't understand.
Trevor Mach:'re going to make me be all serious and stuff aren't you? "sigh" The Bushido something that we fight...not in the ring.....but in our hearts.
Picky Minch: You're talking out of your ass aren't you?
Trevor Mach: Definitely. Look Picky, All this stuff with the "Crusade"'s over. We proved our point already and exposed the Administration's "sports-entertainment" initiative. EBW doesn't need "this" anymore. We just need two things: Wrestling & Shenanigans! So what do you say buddy? Let's go party! BOOSH!
Picky Minch: .....
Trevor Mach: Well....glad we had this talk brosef! I got a match to get ready for now. Later!
Picky Minch: ....So that's how it has to be? OK then...
In the main event Trevor Mach and Ness teamed with the new #1 Ranked Heavyweight Contender w00t as they faced Kinniku Mike, Troy, and Pokey Minch. This exciting struggle capped off day 1 in grand fashion. Despite w00t's claim about being unaffiliated with the Administration that didn't stop Franky and Poo from coming out to cheer for him. This threw off the team mechanics for Trevor and Ness. Mike and Troy were a powerhouse combo while Pokey would occasionally come in to throw his weight around....literally. At the end of the match Troy punted Ness right out of the ring. Trevor was bouncing against the ropes to go at him with a Macha Ye, but Franky grabbed his foot from outside. This distracted Trevor long enough for Mike to sneak in behind and hit the Release Dragon Suplex, before rolling him up for the pin. Franky and Poo continue to cause trouble and the seeds of deception are once again sewn within the renegades.
EBW LIVE in the Onett Ruins Day 1
Onett Ruins
1. Fruit Inc. Return Match
Avion/Metrion beat Apple Kid/Orange Kid (3:59) when Avion hit the sXe DDT on Orange Kid.
2. CXJ Ranking Match: #5 Contender Spot
Bolshoi beat Chicken Man (5:12) via DQ.
3. CXJ Singles Match
Grudge beat Sal Paradise (7:39) with the Ju-On Submission.
4. CXJ Singles Match
Jamie OD beat Anguish (4:46) with the Penalty Kick.
5. CXJ Submission Match
Picky Minch beat Bakayaro (10:28) with an Armbar Submission.
6. 6-Man Tag Match
Kinniku Mike/Troy/Pokey Minch beat w00t/Trevor Mach/Ness (15:27) when Kinniku Mike hit the Release Dragon Suplex on Trevor Mach.
Day 2 kicked off with a hot 3-Team CXJ Tag Match between The Bushido Crusade, the current CXJ #1 ranked contenders, and the Shadow Triad. With Shadow and Dave Larmore seemingly more focused on trying to tear each other apart this left the championship Crusade team to score the well earned win after Picky hit the Capture Suplex Pin on Anguish. Shadow once again was livid about the result and shouted down Anguish before Larmore blindsided him and a brawl ensued. Swift then came out for his open challenge. Shadow and Anguish were still near the ring and the CXJ bully suddenly pushed his student back into the ring and informed Swift that his opponent had arrived. Ryan IQ made his way out as Anguish fought for his life against Swift. He put up a decent effort, especially after just being in a match, but ultimately Swift scored the win after the Blackhammer and is now 14-0. Another explosive singles match saw Troy take apart the amaresu star Green Destiny. The Alpha Beta jock continues to dominate and this match was no exception. 6 minutes in Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick and placed his foot on the down Breakthrough Generation member for the pin and the win. After the match he and Lukie proceeded to give the ref another Atomic Wedgie before heading back. The singles matches continued when Moz had his first singles match in the heavyweight division against Pokey Minch. Moz's unorthodox style took Pokey out of his element. Late in the match he hit a leg sweep on Pokey, followed by the Rolling Mozzer, and finally the Moz Splash for the pin. Breakthrough Generation evens the score. In a 6-Man Tag Team Match Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, and Rude scored a big, yet tainted victory over Breakthrough Generation, when Captain Strong belted Amigo with a nightstick when the ref was not looking. He then tagged in Mike while tossing Tanooki Rude into the enemy corner to distract Maurice and Lucas. Mike picked up the lifeless Amigo and taunted him before hitting the Release Dragon Suplex and the pin. Mike wins the match for his team, and while this was not a TV Title audition match, eyes will definitely be on Mike as he had an impressive weekend. In the main event Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach and Ness were faced with another no win situation when they were placed in a Hardcore Tag Team Match with SinDOS. Now they were more then able to go toe-to-toe with the Hardcore Hit Squad, but Franky and Poo once again made their presence known. The distraction was held off by w00t though, as he came out to stop his former stable mates. Now as if that wasn't enough, Picky Minch also made his way out. He tossed two chains into the ring and distracted Trevor and Ness long enough for Avion and Metrion to get the chains over their necks and tossed them over the ropes. Ness fought to get himself free while Trevor was stunned to see Picky Minch giving him a cold, dead stare. He repeatedly hit his former friend until both Trevor and Ness were finally able to free themselves and get back in the ring. The damage was done though, and Metrion went on to win the match with a Death Brand on Ness. It's obvious that Picky Minch has rejected Trevor Mach's plans. This weekend saw wrestling action mixed with violence and chaos, how fitting considering the location, where the EBW madness began...
EBW LIVE in the Onett Ruins Day 2
Onett Ruins
1. 3-Team CXJ Tag Match
Picky Minch/Given/Taken beat Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish (13:02) when Picky hit the Capture Suplex Pin on Anguish.
2. Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Anguish (5:11) with the Blackhammer.
3. Special Singles Match
Troy beat Green Destiny (6:18) with the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick.
4. Special Singles Match
Moz beat Pokey Minch (8:42) with the Moz Splash.
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Captain Strong/Rude/Kinniku Mike beat Amigo/Maurice/Lucas (10:52) when Kinniku Mike hit the Release Dragon Suplex on Amigo.
6. No Rules Tag Team Match
Avion/Metrion beat Trevor Mach/Ness (9:41) when Metrion hit the Death Brand on Ness.
Chicken Man Released....AGAIN!
TUE 3 Winner Chicken once again finds himself on the outs with EBW. The wrestler with the worst luck ever, was given notice that he was once again being released from EBW. The Poochyfud Administration made this statement.
"EBW has come to terms on the release of TUE third season winner Chicken Man as of today June 14, 2010. We wish Chicken Man the best in all future endeavors."
The reasoning for this release has been in question, but it appears that Chicken Man violated "PG Protocol" when he tried to choke out Bakayaro during an EBW LIVE show. Considering that many wrestlers have violated that protocol lately this comes off as hypocrisy. Add to the fact that the DO's and DON'T's were never clearly defined, and you have tasty controversy on your hands.
Chicken Man: What the hell is this all about!? Why am I being fired again!? This is bulls***!
Reno: Sorry Chicken, but you broke the rules and choked someone out. We put on a PG product here!
Chicken Man: BUT....SinDOS tried to hang Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Ness the very next day! In fact they have mutilated their opponents recently! Why don't you fire them too?!
Reno: Well that was different. We told them to do all that stuff.
Chicken Man: Admit it! I'm just a scapegoat for your F*** UP!
Reno: I would never admit're a chicken....not a goat.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Hey, if it makes you feel better this release is very cost effective for the company.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Oh....well it makes ME feel better! See Ya!
Reno: What? I didn't break wind?
Mr. Ryan IQ: Me either!
Chicken Man: AHHHH!!!!
Reno: Heh....I like that guy.
Tack Angel: So yeah....Tracy got abducted by blue people....I'm just as confused as you are. Luckily these weren't the stupid blue aliens that you can only see with 3-D glasses. They were the Blue Blue Cult.....a bunch of idiots so not much to worry about until you add fire into the equation....idiots with fire....great.
Tack Angel: Snap! There she is over there! They really are going to use her as a sacrifice! We have to do something!
Jeff Andonuts: Well....using SCIENCE....I created exploding fruit while I was on the island. I say I go down there and start chucking fruit at the cultists.
Tack Angel: Huh....I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I think we need more stealth and cunning for this operation. My plan is to attack these apparently deaf cultists in front of us, steal the costumes, and get down there. Once we are down there we can set her free and take off running towards that clearing over there.
Jeff Andonuts: Too late chucking fruit! SCIENCE!
Tack Angel: Damn it! Alright Plan B! RIDER KICK!
Blue Blue Cultist: Wha? OOF!
Tracy: MMPH! *rip* OW!
Tack Angel: Sorry!
Tracy: Not a problem....JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!
Tack Angel: I'm on it! Jeff....PENGUIN! Hold them off!
Penguin: Qua?
Jeff Andonuts: Feel the wrath of my fruit!
Tack Angel: Run!
Tracy: Tack, I knew you would come. Thank you for saving me!
Tack Angel: Of course I had to save you. There will never be a time where I won't come to save you.
Tracy: ....Heh..
Tack Angel: Well much for your exploding fruit! They never even......
Tack Angel: Glad to hear it, but why don't we....oh I don't know....GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!
Jeff Andonuts: Oh...right.
Tack Angel: Sometime later we hit another coast and met a rather unusual pirate. He agreed to take us home, in fact all he wanted in return was bananas for some reason. Luckily Jeff had plenty to spare, but I think he forgot to tell him that they were explosive. In any case we finally made it back, having never made it to our destination. So much for my vacation. Back to work!
Monday Nite X-cite Card Revealed!
A lot went down this weekend during the EBW LIVE shows, and the repercussions will be felt this Monday on X-cite. The show will open with two CXJ 5-Ways Matches between the CXJ Division's best and brightest to get the crowd pumped up for a huge championship match. Former CXJ Champion Dave Larmore isn't waiting anymore. The #1 ranked contender has called Picky Minch out, and the title match is set. Picky Minch's name and reputation continue to grow, especially after his actions during an EBW Live show where he assisted in the hanging of old friend Trevor Mach. This was the result of Trevor trying to convince Picky to dismantle the Bushido Crusade. A war of ideals may be looming. The next match will be Heavyweight Ranking Match between Dynamic Dougie and Amigo, which Dougie's #8 spot on the line. The Breakthrough Generation leader plans to work his way up the ranks while also trying to get revenge on Captain Strong and Kinniku Mike AND attempt to take part in the TV Title Tournament. Quite a work load for Amigo. Speaking of the TV Title, another audition match will take place featuring Troy, Rude, Maurice, Akinan, and Moz. Expect a war between the three big men in the match. The main event will be a huge 10-Man Elimination Tag Team Match. Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel will return from a weekend excursion to team with Ness, Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach, a mystery partner, and the new #1 Contender for Tack's belt....w00t. They will be taking on the team of Kinniku Mike, SinDOS, and Franky and Poo from FSW. Trevor and Ness have plenty of reason to want to take this team down and get revenge for the Onett Ruins tour, while we will also find out if w00t is being honest about his non-affiliation with the Administration. Can he co-exist with Tack Angel just weeks before their long awaited rematch? All of this and more on a big Monday Nite X-cite!
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ 5-Way Match
Generator vs. Grudge vs. Bolshoi vs. Sal Paradise vs. Given
2. CXJ 5-Singles Match
Hotlanta vs. Anguish vs. Shadow vs. Taken vs. Jamie OD
3. CXJ Championship Match
Picky Minch(c) vs. Dave Larmore
4. Heavyweight Ranking Match: #8 Spot
Dynamic Dougie vs. Amigo
5. TV Championship Audition Match
Troy vs. Rude vs. Maurice vs. Akinan vs. Moz
6. 10-Man Elimination Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/w00t/Trevor Mach/Ness/? vs. Kinniku Mike/Metrion/Avion/Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW]
Earlier Today...
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: Picky...pst....Picky!
Picky Minch: Oh! Trevor.....wha....what are you doing here?! Revenge for that LIVE attack?! I don't regret attacking enemies of the Crusade! If you're going to try and stop us then you're better off just....fading away old friend.
Trevor Mach: HA! No no no....don't worry Picky! You actually had a bit of point. We need more then just shenanigans. We need CHAOS! You reminded me of my blood lust! BOOSH! So I just wanted to say...thanks buddy! HA!
Picky Minch:'re welcome?
Trevor Mach: more thing.....I have a bone to pick with Kinniku Mike again. Then I'm going to get some payback on those SinDOS bitches. After that.....I'm coming for you....
Picky Minch: Wha? I thought you just said....
Trevor Mach: and remember Picky.....IT'S BETTER TO BURN OUT THEN TO FADE AWAY! BOOSH!
- Monday Nite X-cite Intro Video
EBW is heading towards a Crisis....EBW Crisis that is. The next PPV on the schedule that will feature Tack Angel attempting to make his 2nd defense of the Global World Championship against #1 Ranked Contender w00t. EBW is promising a stacked card, and that card is starting to take shape after some of the chaos on the LIVE tour at the Onett Ruins. The Bushido Crusade are stepping up their plans in the CXJ Division while Breakthrough Generation are standing up to the Administration and attempting to make a run for the TV Title Tournament. A lot of crazy action brewing! After the opening video we were quickly taken outside where Tack Angel and Ness were in a brawl with Franky and Poo of FSW. #1 Ranked Contender w00t stood in between them.
w00t: Hey?! What the hell is this?! Last time I checked we have a match later!
Ness: Blame your buddies for jumping us on the way to the building w00t!
Poo: What's wrong Ness! Afraid of a few old ghosts?
Ness: I just finally thought I had gotten rid of you Poo!
Poo: As long as I live and breath you'll never be rid of me Ness.
w00t: My buddies?
Franky: Just trying to help you out w00t!
Poo: Yeah w00t, just like old times!
w00t: I don't care about old times! I don't need your help! I don't want your help! I don't know how many times I have to say this! I feel like I'm taking freaking crazy pills! I'm enough of an asshole on my own!
Tack Angel: w00t, I know we have a rematch at the PPV, but if you want to prove something tonight then stand with us!
w00t: Don't talk down to me Tack! I have no interest in being your buddy! My only interest is winning....winning the match tonight....winning that title from you at Crisis. I don't have to prove a damn thing to anybody! You'll see for yourself tonight when I kick the ass of these two rejects!
Franky: he talking about us?
Poo: I don't know! Hey! That Orange Pinto just tried to run us down!
The first half of the show was run by the CXJ Division, as two 5-Way matches would set the stage for a title bout, pitting Champion Picky Minch of the Bushido Crusade against #1 Ranked CXJ Contender and former champion Dave Larmore. The first 5-Way Match saw Generator, Grudge, Bolshoi, Sal Paradise, and Given go to war. A top notch CXJ match followed, but it was quite chaotic, with every man trying to hit a finisher and pull off a quick win. The veteran Generator used his experience and patience to pick his spots, and grabbed the win after hitting a down Bolshoi with a GNR8R Moonsault Legdrop and a pin.
The second 5-way featured CXJ bully Shadow, his least favorite apprentice Anguish, Hotlanta, Taken, and Jamie OD in action. Another chaotic brawl followed, full of high spots and near falls. Shadow and Anguish worked together throughout most of the match, hitting several double team combos like a double lariat and double dropkick to clear the ring, but the Shadow turned on his student and dropped him with the Neo Shadow Driver followed by the pin and the win. More of Shadow's tough love one could guess.
The big title match was up next. Dave Larmore lost his title without ever being pinned and now he wanted it back. To do so he'd have to run through the current champ, Bushido Crusade leader Picky Minch. Picky told the Sons of Bushido to back away as he intended on making this a fair fight. Two warriors fighting like men! When the bell rang, these two put on an explosive display, and stole the show so far. Larmore won a test of strength early on, but Picky took control by drop kicking Picky to ground and followed up with a swift kick to the temple and and then an attempted Ankle Lock, but Dave escaped and grabbed Picky by the throat. The Lethal Libertarian kicked him in the gut and hit a snap suplex. As Minch tried to get back to his feet Larmore hit him again with a stiff kick. They took it to the mat and brawled for several minutes, until suddenly Shadow came running down the ramp and attacked them both! The fans booed as the ref had no choice but to render the match a No Contest. Shadow then focused on Larmore, and the two hated rivals brawled out of the ring and into the crowd. Meanwhile Picky Minch shrugged off the incident and celebrated in the ring with the Sons of Bushido until Trevor Mach made his way out and stared down his old friend. The intimidation and mind games begin...
After the title match we headed to the back where Ness was speaking with his sister Tracy about the mystery partner in the main event.
Ness: So wait...let me get this straight....YOU know who this mystery partner is...and I don't?!
Tracy: Exactly.
Ness: Ooooooook....well who is it?
Tracy: Can't tell ya!
Ness: WHY?!
Tracy: Cause he wants to talk to you personally! Tack and I found him this weekend, and Master Lu got him his job back.
Ness: His job back?
Tracy: Yep! He should be coming in right....about....NOW!
Ness: JEFF?!?!
Jeff Andonuts: OF COURSE! Doctor SCIENCE has returned! Enough of that "commando" BS! It's time to return to my roots! It's time to really make an impact in wrestling...not like before...NESS!
Ness: ME!? What did I do?!
Jeff Andonuts: What did you do? NOTHING! I had to start out as the first EBW ref, and then in my first matches I got annihilated, and then I was turned into a zombie, and then there was that one incident with the giant ape and the gundam, and then finally I floundered in Young Gunz! You were never there to help! We were supposed to be friends!
Ness: We ARE friends! I WANTED to help! You told me to let you take your own path in EBW! You told me this five years ago!
Jeff Andonuts: Oh....I did? Well I could easily use SCIENCE to confirm this....with some sort of truth telling device....but you're not much of a liar...sooooo.....OK! By the logic of SCIENCE I decree that tonight will be a new beginning! I, the mad scientist Jeff Andonuts will make my...."re-debut", and I will be victorious! SCIENCE!
Ness: Excellent! Glad to have you back man! By the way....what the hell is up with the Penguin?
Penguin: QUA!?
Back to the action now, as Breakthrough Generation leader Amigo battles Dynamic Dougie for his #8 Spot in the Heavyweight Rankings. It was a back and forth match for the most part until Captain Strong made his way out. The presence of Amigo's former mentor turned enemy seemed to light a fire under him and he stepped it up. In the end Amigo picked up the win with a German Suplex Pin. He moves up the rankings. After the match he tried to get in the face of Strong, but the Captain just smirked and headed to the back. Akinan once again had to help Dougie out of the ring. A bit of a slump for the Dynamic one who now falls to 9th in the rankings.
Next up, we had another TV Title Audition Match. The new belt was once again brought out for the possible entrants in the tournament to see. Alpha Beta Troy controlled most of the match, over powering the other big men in the match Akinan and Maurice until they worked together, but that only lasted so long before they turned on each other again to try and win the match. Meanwhile Moz was using his unorthodox style to confuse and take down Rude until the Tanooki suited wrestler was caught in the clutches of Troy, who easily chokeslammed him before flooring Akinan and Maurice with a Double Clothesline. Moz took the opportunity to crash down on Rude with the Moz Splash and covered him for the win. Moz is yet another Breakthrough Generation member on his way to the TV Title Tournament. A livid Troy started punting everyone in the ring and once again gave the ref an Atomic Wedgie.
It was now time for the big main event, where the renegades would collide with the Poochyfud Chosen in a 10-Man Elimination Tag Team Match. Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel would have to lead a team comprised of Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach, Ness, the returning Jeff Andonuts....who is now a mad scientist go figure, and that man who Tack will have to face at Crisis w00t. Their opponents were a mishmash of Poochyfud favorites and they all had an axe or two to grind with the renegades. Kinniku Mike, SinDOS, and the FSW duo of Franky and Poo. The nearly 30 minute classic was full of heated exchanges, dirty tactics, and near falls. Jeff Andonuts actually impressed with his re-debut. With his new persona comes a new found confidence and he had no issue trying to kick and chop away at the monster Metrion. Jeff looked like he had truly gone mad, going so far as to even confuse Metrion. When Avion tagged himself in the game changed a bit. Avion's speed was too much and drop kicked the mad scientist back to his corner where Trevor Mach tagged himself in. Mr. Machismo showed an intensity reminiscent of his time as the leader of Maelstrom, with Hybrid style in full effect. After some grappling holds to slow the Straight Edge wrestler down, Trevor then gave him a head butt followed by a hard knee and finally the Macha Ye! He rolled Avion up for the pin before anyone could break it up. The renegades score the first elimination. The Mad Jeff Andonuts tagged himself back in after a big brawl following the first pin. He once again tried to intimidate Metrion, but got eliminated after a Death Brand for his troubles. Ness and w00t then took turns switching off against Franky and Poo. Tack tried to tag in as well, but w00t seemed focused on dealing damage to his former stable mates as well as showing Tack he had the situation in hand. Ness first eliminated Franky after a Thunder Brainbuster, and the w00t quickly dropped Poo soon after with a WKO. Tack finally blind tagged himself in and traded blows with the Samoan Slaughterhouse until w00t tagged himself back in. The miscommunications lead to w00t backing into a Release Dragon Suplex and getting quickly pinned. Mike kicked w00t out of the ring and Franky and Poo started attacking him, no longer trying to hide their true intentions. Tack tagged Ness in and then jumped out of the ring to assist w00t. w00t was none to happy though and pushed Tack away before WKO'ing Franky. Back in the ring Metrion busted out some blinding powder that the ref did not see and he blew it into Ness's face. With Mike running over to the other side of the ring to brawl with his rival Trevor this opened Metrion to hitting the Death Brand on Ness and getting the pin. Tack jumped back into the ring and immediately belted Metrion with a high kick to the side of the head that brought him to his knees followed by a Shining Wizard. The Global World Champion was holding his own with the SinDOS monster, but he still got assistance when Trevor jumped in to bash Metrion in the back of the head with a Macha Ye, revenge for the "attempted hanging" during the LIVE show at the Onett Ruins. Tack picked up Metrion and hit the STO finisher followed by the pin. It was now 2-on-1 as Trevor and Tack took on Mike. The Samoan Slaughterhouse looked strong at first, holding his own in the situation, but his team mates trying to cheat from outside the ring also helped his odds. Eventually Trevor tagged in, and the rivalry with Mike continued. Trevor remembered that Mike could take the Macha Ye, so after hitting it, instead of going for the pin he picked Mike back up and used all of his strength to bring the big man down with a Shin Trevorplex! pin. 1-2-3! Trevor eliminated Mike and the renegades picked up the win! Mr. Poochyfud appeared on the stage with his Administration and ordered his team to try and eliminate Tack Angel and now w00t for his rebellious actions. The show ended with a big brawl between the renegades and the chosen...
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ 5-Way Match
Generator beat Grudge, Bolshoi, Sal Paradise, and Given (10:10) with a GNR8R Moonsault Legdrop on Bolshoi.
2. CXJ 5-Singles Match
Shadow beat Hotlanta, Anguish, Taken, and Jamie OD (8:49) with a Neo Shadow Driver on Anguish.
3. CXJ Championship Match
Picky Minch(c) vs. Dave Larmore (9:32) went to a No Contest.
4. Heavyweight Ranking Match: #8 Spot
Amigo beat Dynamic Dougie (13:51) with a German Suplex Pin.
5. TV Championship Audition Match
Moz beat Troy, Rude, Maurice, and Akinan (8:16) with a Moz Splash on Rude.
6. 10-Man Elimination Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/w00t/Trevor Mach/Ness/Jeff Andonuts beat Kinniku Mike/Metrion/Avion/Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW] (28:58).
-Trevor Mach eliminated Avion (6:57) with a Macha Ye.
-Metrion eliminated Jeff Andonuts (8:14) with a Death Brand.
-Ness eliminated Franky (13:59) with a Thunder Brainbuster.
-w00t eliminated Poo (18:08) with a WKO.
-Kinniku Mike eliminated w00t (19:19) with a Release Dragon Suplex.
-Metrion eliminated Ness (22:16) with a Death Brand.
-Tack Angel eliminated Metrion (24:37) with an STO.
-Trevor Mach eliminated Kinniku Mike (28:58) with a Shin Trevorplex!
EBW Rankings Updated!
A new week brings updated EBW Rankings! All of the changes this week happened in the Heavyweight Rankings. w00t has jumped from #3 to #1 while others are climbing the ranks from the bottom.
EBW Top 10 Heavyweight Rankings
Global World Champion: Tack Angel
1. w00t +2
2. Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting -Royal Crown Champion- -1
3. Ness -1
4. Kinniku Mike
5. Troy +1
6. Rude -1
7. Swift
8. Amigo +1
9. Dynamic Dougie -1
10. Akinan
EBW Top 5 CXJ Rankings
EBW CXJ Champion: Picky Minch
1. Dave Larmore
2. Shadow
3. Bakayaro
4. Lucas
5. Bolshoi
EBW Top 5 Tag Team Rankings
EBW Tag Team Champions: Tack Angel/Tracy
1. Avion/Metrion
2. KYO/Danny Leung
3. Dynamic Dougie/Akinan
4. Apple Kid/Orange Kid
5. Troy/Lukie(Injured Reserve)
EBW Top 5 CXJ Tag Team Rankings
EBW CXJ Tag Team Champions: Given/Taken
1. Generator/Hotlanta
2. Sal Paradise/Jamie OD
3. Grudge/Anguish
4. Bolshoi/Bakayaro
5. Rocky Guapo[P+P]/Billy Guapo[P+P]
EBW: CRISIS! Poster and two matches officially revealed!
The Main Event is set, and in a couple weeks EBW will hit the Saturn City Gymnasium #2 for EBW: Crisis! The main event will of course see the long awaited rematch between Tack Angel and w00t. The last time they fought it was to determine who would face Little Mac for the belt at Victory Explosion 4. Now, Tack is the champion and w00t has reached the end of his comeback trail. For one we have crisis and the other....opportunity. The other match announced so far is a special grudge match featuring Ness taking on his old friend/hated enemy Poo. These two have a long history, but it has been a long time since they have fought one-on-one, so this match is highly anticipated. Expect more matches to be announced very soon...
EBW: Crisis!
Saturn City Gymnasium #2
1. Singles Grudge Match
Ness vs. Poo[FSW]
2. Global World Championship Match
Tack Angel(c) vs. w00t
EBW @ E3!!! can now the huge news that EBW is heading to E3! The Electronic Entertainment Expo will play host to a special episode of X-perience, while EBW wrestlers promote the brand new EBW Video Game! We're hoping to get some news and footage of the new game sometime this week! As always you can check back here at for news and updates! Expect a card announcement very soon!
EBW: X-perience Special at E3 2010 Card Revealed! EBW E3 Announcement!
EBW's week at E3 kicked off with two big announcements. The Electronic Entertainment Expo will play host to a live X-perience special! 7 matches that are sure to entertain the spectators and bring more fans to EBW! The rookies of FSW will kick things off with an 8-Man Tag Offer Match. Then, Fruit Inc. will try to recover from a bad return against SinDOS when they take on Dynamic Dougie and Akinan in a Tag Team Ranking Match with the #3 Spot on the line. The third match will see Grudge and Anguish of the Shadow Triad try to keep their #3 Ranking in the CXJ Tag Division when they go against fan favorites Bolshoi and Bakayaro. Swift will get a shot at the #6 Heavyweight Ranking when the Brawler takes on Tanooki Rude. Amigo and his Breakthrough Generation will then take on Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, Troy, and the returning Lukie in an 8-Man Tag Match. The two main events are grudge tag matches. First, Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Ness will get a rematch with SinDOS in a No Rules Tag Team Match. Then Champion and Challenger will team up to face a common foe, when Tack Angel and w00t take of FSW's Poo and Franky. All of this and more on a special E3 edition of X-perience!
EBW: X-perience Special at E3 2010 on
E3 Expo Center
1. FSW Offer Match
Randy No Kachi[FSW]/MB Callahan[FSW]/Monoxide[FSW]/Olly Olliver[FSW] vs. Fergus[FSW]/Mr. Jennings[FSW]/Matt Wilson[FSW]/Perfect Man[FSW]
2. Tag Team Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan vs. Apple Kid/Orange Kid
3. CXJ Tag Team Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Grudge/Anguish vs. Bolshoi/Bakayaro
4. Heavyweight Ranking Match: #6 Spot
Rude vs. Swift
5. 8-Man Tag Team Match (Lukie Return Match)
Amigo/Maurice/Moz/Green Destiny vs. Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike/Troy/Lukie
6. No Rules Tag Team Match
Trevor Mach/Ness vs. Avion/Metrion
7. Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/w00t vs. Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW]
That wasn't the only announcement though, as EBW was at E3 for another reason. EBW will soon be hitting the video game scene with EBW: X-cite The Video Game! Details are scarce at the moment, but the box cover to the game has already been revealed. The game will be exclusive to the Wii, and it rated M for Mature because "Not-PG" isn't a real rating. You can see the box cover below.
FSW began with Olly Oliver in the ring with something to say.
Olly: Poo! Frankie! Subculture! I have a bone to pick with you filthy trash! You hurted my friend! Poo, it's obvious that you are scared to put your title on the line against Randy. You know that Randy will beat you. That's why you and The Subculture attacked him the way he did.
Poo and Franky showed up on the screens.
Poo: Whoa whoa whoa! What?
Franky: Hey, we didn't get Mr. Wilson to help us. He just happens to join in.
Poo: Besides, if I was scared, I would've do whatever it takes to take a day off just to keep this thing...Oh wait..
Olly: See, you slipped up! So it IS true!!
Franky: Hey! Look here, we just got done doing X-cite at the Expo Center! And since you're so concerned for your friend, where were YOU when Poo and Wilson brutally assaulted Randy?
Olly: ...
Franky: That's what I thought. But don't feel low. You got a chance to redeem yourself. We are gonna postpone the title match and we are gonna have a good ol' tag team match. It will be you and Randy against Poo and The Subculture.
Olly: Putting this all on me? You took away his shot yet again just to beat him up again?
Franky: Hey! I'm doing YOU and him a favour! If you are a good friend, you better make sure he doesn't get into the match. Otherwise, mmm...Now run along! We got a show to do and we can't continue if you're in the ring bickering! Now shoo!!
Olly, with a furious look on his face, slowly walks to the back with alot on his mind.
Remy: Hey! You are good at math, right?
Ahmad: Yes!
Remy: Well, can you tell me? What are the odds of me winning my match tonight? And what are the chances of me going back to the main EBW roster?
Ahmad: Hmm let's see...Both 0%!!
Remy: WAIT? HOW??
Ahmad: For one, they don't want you in EBW and you assumed that you were called up without finishing the phone conversation. And two, your opponent is me!
Remy: You suck! Suck worse than Akinan! I swear, I will beat you! Or my name isn't DJona...I mean Remy Radcliffe!
We go back to the ring with Baka taking on Shannon Helms with Unagi and Evan Shane at ringside. Shannon and Baka tests their speed against each other until Baka kicks Shannon down. Baka hits the middle rope moonsault and went for the pin. Evan Shane came up to interrupt the count. Baka fends off Evan and Unagi gave Evan an elbow. Shannon gave Baka a neckbreaker and went to the top. Shannon missed the Halo and Baka finished off with the Evil Driver.
We go backstage with Truthslayer interviewing Mr. Jennings and his top employee, Fergus O'Flannery.
Truthslayer: Hello all and welcome to this and I'm here with Mr. Jennings and Fergus O'Flannery. Mr. Jennings *cough* give us all an explanation on how you got Mr. O'Flannery to do what he did to MB Callahan?
Mr. Jennings: How? How you say? Because he works for me that's how! See, Fergus has worked for me at Noah Enterprises for many years. What everyone don't know is that Fergus here has a long bloodline of Ginger Warriors. Which means you deal with me, you deal with him. Now that's more delightful than a fancy dinner of beef wellington with lemon cake. Let's have Fergus do the talking.
Fergus: Let's get down to the point. You fellas have a problem with Mr. Jennings, you will have to go through me, the Ginger Warrior, Fergus O'Flannery. I am here to protect my higher position and my boss. This is no joke, fellas. This is serious business! You will feel the Ginger Curse of the O'Flannerys, especially when that O'Flannery is Fergus! Fergus O'Flannery.
Truthsalyer: And we take you to back to the ring.
Sheik Ahmad looks to shut Remy Radcliffe's mouth. Remy went for a takedown but Ahmad locked on a sleeper hold on Remy. Ahmad turned over and drops Remy with a backbreaker. Ahmad goes to the top rope and hits the Calculated Guillotine. It's over just like that.
We now give you a closer look on one of the newer teams to enter the tag tournament, the Mexidudes.
Stancio: Hola!
Oscar: I am Oscar. To my right is my brother, Stancio. To my right is my other brother, Pedro. We are the MexiDudes!
Pedro: You can call me Piggy!!!
Stancio: Silencio, Pedro!!
Pedro: Por que?
Oscar: SHUT UP! Anyway, we are here to win and to win the tag team tournament and hope to become the first ever Double Trouble Champions. So beware because the MexiDudes are here!
We go to the ring and the MexiDudes (Oscar and Stancio) make their in-ring debut against Toad and Goomba. Toad dominates Stancio with Stancio's slaps connected to no avail. Goomba continues the isolation with his mean headbutts. Pedro came up to the apron and took his shirt off. Pedro bounced his belly around and Goomba launched himself onto Pedro's belly. Stancio tagged in Oscar and Oscar knocks Toad off. Stancio tries to prevent Toad from coming in as Oscar hits the Border Toss on Goomba for the finish.
We then have Perfect Man coming out to the ring.
Perfect Man: Before we get to this next match, Perfect Man has something to say. Perfect Man will not tolerate imitators and will not tolerate mockery of Perfect Man. You people what happened on the EBW Xperience! This Kinniku Mike character has mocked Perfect Man's style? No, not happening. Perfect Man watched X-Cite for the first time. It brings a smile to Perfect Man's face when this person was beaten like a chump he is. So, Kinniku Mike, if Perfect Man ever crosses paths with you. Rest assured, there will be tension and...
Monoxide: Hey! Kinniku Mike shouldn't be the person you hafta worry about. It's me that you should be worried about. Thanks to my friend, MB, I didn't have to sink so low just to satisfy your entertainment.
Perfect Man: Perfect Man doesn't need to listen. Perfect Man beaten you once. Perfect Man beaten you twice. Perfect Man will have no problem beating you again.
Monoxide: How about this? Next time in FSW, me and you one-on-one! One more time! And we'll see if you would beat me again, Perfy!
Perfect Man: Hmmm, let Perfect Man think about it. Let's get this match over with first.
The next match is underway and all hell has already broken loose. Callahan going after Mr. Jennings only to be stop by Fergus. Perfect Man and Monoxide are all over the place. Master Bubu tries to outfight Fergus but Fergus is too strong. Fergus nails a boot to Bubu while Perfect Man grabbed something and stabbed Monoxide repeatedly. It looks like Perfect Man was holding a switch blade and Monoxide is cut open. Callahan tossed Jennings to the barrier and looks to give a huge Bounce to Jennings until Fergus intervened. Fergus then gave a boot to Callahan which sends Callahan over the barrier. Mr. Jennings grabs his tie and began choking Callahan with it over the barrier. Fergus came back to the ring and dodged a spear attempt from Bubu. Fergus went on the move and laid Bubu out with the Giner Curse BackBreaker.
After the match, Perfect Man grabbed the mic and kneels towards Monoxide.
Perfect Man: About your challenge, Perfect Man accepts!
Mr. Jennings: And as for you Mr. Callahan. I have told you time and time again that you will rue the day. So to face your ultimate punishment, you and me will fight at the next FSW. I promise you, you will never see what's coming.
Mr. Jennings, Fergus, and Perfect Man left the arena we go to another video.
Jay: My name is Jay Chung. I am orginally from Dalaam but relocated to Edo. I worked for my parents at a well-known restaurant. My parents expected highly of me but unfortunately, I wouldn't listen. Things took a huge turn and I became the shame of the family. So I went to Edo to redeem myself and here I met my friend, Junior. Junior taught me everything and suggested I should become a wrestler and I did. With Junior by my side, I came to Eagleland and will prove that I can be something by winning the Double Trouble Championships and hopefully come up the big time in EBW.
We see Black Cena and Katsuflex return and they are looking over their shoulders in case Trevor Mach appears. Jay and Junior came out and the match begins. Good teamwork from Jay and Junior against the paranoid 4Evur Bros. Jay and Junior dominated both Black Cena and Katsuflex with ease. Jay tossed Black Cena out of the ring and did a moonsault off the top rope to the floor. Junior kicks Katsuflex's head in. As Katsuflex sits up, Junior smacks Katsuflex down with the PK for the victory.
Black Cena and Katsuflex fled backstage after the match.
Black Cena: Man, this sucks bro!
Katsuflex: Dude, how did this happen?
Black Cena: I don't know, but I bet you Trevor Mach has something to do with this. Everytime we are around, he shows up. We gotta watch our backs!
Katsuflex: We have to go back to Disco Kid and see what he can do.
Black Cena: Good idea, let's go!
Trevor Mach: HA!!
The main event of the evening is Olly Oliver with a battered, Randy no Kachi taking on The Subculture Matt Wilson and the FSW Champion, Poo. Olly made sure he doesn't tag in Randy. Poo and The Subculture took advantage and dominated Olly throughout the match. Randy wants in but Olly refuses to tag for his safety. Poo and The Subculture taunts Olly by dragging Olly to his corner so he can tag Randy. Olly continues to refuse. The Subculture kicks and back drops Olly down. Poo comes in and knees Olly. Both Poo and The Subculture pulls Olly's arm to try to tag Randy in. Olly powers out and dropkicks Poo out of the ring and hits the Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gredunza on The Subculture. Olly gets a nearfall as Poo intervened. Poo hits the Go To Poo on Olly then stretched Olly's arm and Randy gets tagged in. Poo pushes Olly out and kick Randy down. Poo picks Randy up and nails the Go To Poo, reopening Randy's wound in the proces. Poo left the scraps to The Subculture and finished with the Counterculture.
After the match, Franky came out.
Franky: Awww...looks like Olly wasn't a good friend after all. So sad. If you can still hear me Randy, I have something to say. You will compete for your title opportunity. It will happen in two days. Not one week but two days. Which means, hurt or not, this is your chance. Don't waste it as this may be the last chance you do.
FSW 5: Motivation
Fourside Arena
1. Baka def. Shannon Helms (4:20) with the Evil Driver.
2. Sheik Ahmad def. Remy Radcliffe (0:40) with the Calculated Guillotine.
3. Oscar & Stancio def. Toad & Goomba (7:30) when Oscar used the Border Toss on Goomba.
4. Mr. Jennings, Fergus O'Flannery, & Perfect Man def. MB Callahan, Monoxide, & Master Bubu (11:05) when Fergus used the Ginger Curse on Bubu.
5. Jay Chung & Junior def. Black Cena & Katsuflex (6:39) when Junior used the PK on Katsuflex.
6. Poo & "The Subculture" Matt Wilson def. Randy no Kachi & Olly Oliver (10:23) when The Subculture used the Counterculture on Randy.
EBW on the scene at E3! has been following the EBW crew as they visit with the fans at E3, test out new and exciting games, and promote EBW and X-perience. During the week the "gamers" of EBW have been waiting in lines to try out the new stuff. In one particular line they met with an unexpected guest....
Jeff Andonuts: 3DS! I should have created something like this.....WITH SCIENCE!
Nervert: How long is this going to take!? I've got scantily clad cos players to stalk!
Nerdler: Um....guys? I think we have other things to worse about.
Nerf: Oh damn.....
Lukie: Heh....get em' Troy.
Tack Angel: Oh....oh the humanity!
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: HA!
Tracy: Nerds....everywhere.....
Nerdler: I can taste my underwear in my mouth....and I don't like it!
Lady M's: Awesome.....simply awesome!
Tack Angel: M's? How can you condone such nerd hate!?
Lady M's: Because I used to work at a game store and I used to get hit on by nerds all the time! So, I came to EBW.....and got hit on by nerds all the time. So maybe I alerted the Alpha Betas to this gathering....or maybe not....but yeah it was me.
Trevor Mach: That's my M's!
Audience: Hahahahahaha! *Clapping*
Tack Angel: Where the hell is that clapping coming from?
Trevor Mach: I think you're forgetting the most important thing Tack.
Tack Angel: What's that?
Trevor Mach: There is no line for the 3DS.
Tack Angel: .....I'M FIRST! I GO FIRST!
EBW promised to deliver something a little different this week, and they followed through with a special X-perience live from E3. Video game fans and wrestling fans alike were treated to a double threat from EBW. Not only were they there to present a brand new Wii exclusive game to the world, but also to treat the fans to a night of EBW wrestling action! EBW was pulling out all the stops. Between matches we were treated to clips of the EBW X-cite Video Game! They even had Lady M's out and about pimping the product. She was none to happy about it of course. Seven big matches were booked and they more then delivered.
The special night of fights at a packed E3 Expo Center kicked off differently from normal shows. EBW's farm league promotion Fourside Wrestling was also in the house, and they gave the fans an offer match to further expose themselves to the fans. Franky and FSW Regional Champion Poo followed the wrestlers, but also brought out other FSW names, including Black Cena, who felt the presence of a familiar face on the balcony above. Even an FSW referee was brought in to call the match. This was all FSW. FSW went full blast with its biggest stars coming to play. It was Randy no Kachi, MB Callahan, Monoxide, and Olly Oliver taking on Mr. Jennings, Fergus O'Flannery, Perfect Man, and "The Subculture" Matt Wilson. Callahan went after Mr. Jennings until he met with Fergus's boot. From there things went chaotic. Randy hits the No Kachi Cutter on Perfect Man while Monoxide is on the top rope. Monoxide went for the Carbon monoxide Press but Perfect Man got his knees up. Perfect Man capitalizes with the Impeccable Moonsault on Monoxide only to be met by a Moss-Covered Three Handled Family Credenza from Olly. Fergus grabbed Olly and hits the Ginger Curse backbreaker. Callahan put Fergus out of the ring with the Pounce. Mr. Jennings chopblocks Callahan and hits the Sliding Noah. Mr. Jennings went for another but Callahan countered it into the Whirley Bird slam. The Subculture then kicked Callahan's knee and hits the Counterculture on Callahan. Randy went for another No Kachi Cutter but The Subculture pushes Randy away. The Subculture went for the Counterculture again but Randy rolled over and pinned The Subculture with a cradle. The obviously hurt Randy showed signs that he is ready for Poo and his FSW Regional Championship match.
After the match the fans were treated to a hype video for the biggest show in FSW's short history. FSW 6: Judgment.
FSW 6 Hype Video:
EBW was back in control for the next match, as the team of Fruit Inc. tried to shake off their hard return loss to SinDOS by taking the Tag Team Ranking #3 spot held by Dynamic Dougie and Akinan. This was a solid effort from both teams. Apple and Orange are fighting off ring rust, but their combo moves are very sound. On the other hand Dougie's speed and technical prowess mixed with a pissed off Akinan's size and brute strength made this a tough test for the first EBW Tag Team. In the end Akinan took out Apple Kid with a big boot followed by a Bonebreaker Chokeslam while legal man Dougie planted Orange with a Dynamic DDT and pinned him for the win. Fruit Inc. continue to have a tough time making a comeback while Dougie and Akinan are finally back to winning form.
We switched to the CXJ Division for a CXJ Tag Team Ranking match for the #3 spot. Grudge and Anguish of the Shadow Triad have had some tough times lately, especially Anguish. His losing streak has put him on thin ice with his mentor Shadow. They would have to step up their game to defend their spot against Team Baka-Bolshoi! High flies collided with a striker and a submission specialist which made for an entertaining match. Grudge tried to grapple with the elusive Bakayaro and the theatrical Bolshoi was more the willing to trade with Anguish. After hitting a standing hurracanrana, Bolshoi then picked Anguish up and brought him back down with the Bolshoi Bomb for the pin and the win. Team Baka-Bolshoi move up to #3 in the rankings while Anguish suffers another loss. Shadow did not come out for the match and Grudge simply walked away, so security had to help Anguish to the back.
Another ranking match followed in the fourth match. This time Rude in his Tanooki Suit would have the unenviable task of defending his #6 spot from the menacing Brawler Swift. It seemed that Mr. Ryan IQ was throwing a bone to his nemesis by giving him this match. He stood by grinning and you had to know he knew how this match was going to end. Rude would attempt to hug Swift or break dance only for Swift to beat the hell out of him and take the spot. That is exactly what happened. Less then a minute into the match Swift had Rude hurting after repeated kicks before hitting the Rider Kick. He then picked Rude up off the mat and hit the Blackhammer before pinning him and taking the #6 spot. It then became clear what Ryan IQ's true intention was. All of a sudden the returning Alpha Beta Lukie came running out with a pipe in hand. He bashed Swift in the back of the head and down the big brawler. He continued to hit him as Ryan IQ got into the ring. He even got in a couple of kicks on Swift before paying off Lukie and heading to the back. When a livid Swift finally got to his feet he found that Rude was the only one left in the right. So he beat the hell out of him before going after Lukie and Ryan IQ.
Match 5 featured another 8-Man Tag Match between Breakthrough Generation and Captain Strong's team of Kinniku Mike and the Alpha Betas. This would also serve to be Lukie's official return match even though he had stepped into the ring to blindside Swift earlier. This big match featured a lot of heated rivalries playing out. Amigo and Maurice wanted to get their hands on Strong and Mike. This left the Alpha Betas free to go around the ring and bring Moz and Green Destiny down to the floor to brawl. Lukie tackled Moz and they traded blows on the ground while Troy floored GD with a lariat before placing his head on the ring steps and punting him hard. The action finally returned to the ring and order was restored, but Strong's team got their message across. Amigo found himself having to deal with Mike and Strong on his own later in the match as they trapped him in a corner. Then they tagged in Troy and the big Alpha Beta steamrolled over the BG Leader and attacked the other members of the team on the other side of the ring. He punted Amigo out of the ring and another big brawl ensued. Unbeknownst to the ref, Captain Strong pulled out a night stick and clocked Amigo outside of the ring. He handed him off to Mike and rolled him back into the ring. Mike tagged back in and climbed the top rope. He was going to end it with a big splash, but the Samoan Slaughterhouse ate mat when Amigo rolled out of the way. He quickly took advantage and locked in an Ankle Lock, but Troy jumped in and kicked Amigo in the face again. Mike tagged in Strong and the veteran chopped away at his former student. Amigo took his hits and kept coming back for more. He finally managed to shoot behind him to land a series of German Suplexes. Strong panicked and tagged in Troy again while Amigo had no choice but to tag in Green Destiny, as Mike and Lukie had ran across the ring to attack Maurice and the unorthodox Moz. Troy made short work of GD and hit the Punt Kick, but introduced another finisher into his repertoire by picking GD up and hitting the Overdrive. He placed a single foot on him to get the win. After the match Strong pulled out the nightstick again and clocked Amigo while Mike kept the other Breakthrough Generation members out of the ring. Lukie was about to bring the pipe into the ring, but Swift made his way out as he was in pursuit of Ryan IQ. Lukie turned his attention to Swift and they brawled. Maurice tried to get into the ring, but Mike was waiting and cracked him over the head with Strong's nightstick.The total anarchy was capped off by Strong taunting a bloody Amigo while Troy held him up by his hair. Breakthrough Generation learned the hard way that Captain Strong is still one step ahead of them...
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Ness had a tough weekend last week at the Onett Ruins. Thanks to an unexpected assist by CXJ Champion Picky Minch, SinDOS was able to dominate the duo and attempted to publicly hang them. This came from Trevor's attempt to end the Bushido Crusade. Now Trevor is checking off a revenge list before turning his attention back to Picky Minch. The CXJ Champion and Bushido Crusade leader was standing by for the next match as Mach and Ness got a rematch against SinDOS in a No Rules Tag Match. Trevor and Ness came to brawl. They were the ones to bring out the weapons and Trevor even came out in his street clothes. Mr. Machismo's combination of hardcore tactics and Maximum Soul Style made him a match for the normally brutal and dominant Metrion. Ness meanwhile, traded holds, strikes, and hardcore shots with the Straight Edge Avion. Late in the match the lights blinked out. When they came back on the fans and SinDOS were shocked to see Akatsuki along with the ominous man in black. They just stood there, but the distraction was more then enough. Ness shattered a crutch over Avion's head to bring him down, while Trevor forced a trashcan over Metrion's head and clobbered it with a chair until he fell to his knees. He then hit a Macha Ye and pinned Metrion (still in the trash can) for the pin and the win. After the match, Akatsuki and the man in black simply walked away as Trevor Mach pointed at Picky Minch. With crazy eyes he let Minch know that his revenge list had one last name on it, and he would have to collide with the Bushido Crusade to get him...
It was now main event time, as Global World Champion Tack Angel would have to team up with the #1 Ranked Contender for his title w00t. They shared a common enemy if FSW's Franky and FSW Regional Champion Poo. w00t wanted to prove to himself more then anything that he was done with his former stable mates and would claim his destiny on his own, while Tack wished to defend the honor of his girlfriend Tracy while also showing w00t that he could no longer underestimate him. They spent more of the match trying to one up each other, and that put Franky and Poo at an advantage as their opponents were far from focused. Late in the match Tack and w00t argued in the corner at one point, which w00t pushing Tack, but he then back into Franky who turned him around to his the Shouten. Franky quickly went for the pin, but Tack quickly hopped over the ropes and dropped the elbow on Franky's head. Poo came in and kicked Tack in the head which forced him out of the ring. w00t had to fight off both of his former friends to get back to his feet. He then punched Poo in the face which forced him to back away, giving w00t space to floor Franky with a bulldog. Tack climbed onto the top rope and attacked Poo with a Rider Kick, giving w00t the opening to hit a WKO on the stumbling Franky before rolling him up for the pin. The champion-challenger team picked up an impressive win despite their inability to work together throughout the whole match. Luckily they brought it at the end to bring a feel good ending to the E3 special, with Franky and Poo livid over defeat and Tack and w00t sharing a stare down over the Global World Championship. Crisis would bring opportunity for one of these men. All bets were now off...
EBW: X-perience Special at E3 2010 on
E3 Expo Center
1. FSW Offer Match
Randy No Kachi[FSW]/MB Callahan[FSW]/Monoxide[FSW]/Olly Oliver[FSW] beat Fergus[FSW]/Mr. Jennings[FSW]/Matt Wilson[FSW]/Perfect Man[FSW] (12:36) when Randy hit the Horizontal Cradle on Matt Wilson.
2. Tag Team Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan beat Apple Kid/Orange Kid (6:51) when Dynamic Dougie hit the Dynamic DDT on Orange Kid.
3. CXJ Tag Team Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Bolshoi/Bakayaro beat Grudge/Anguish (5:58) when Bolshoi hit the Bolshoi Bomb on Anguish.
4. Heavyweight Ranking Match: #6 Spot
Swift beat Rude (0:58) with the Blackhammer.
5. 8-Man Tag Team Match (Lukie Return Match)
Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike/Troy/Lukie beat Amigo/Maurice/Moz/Green Destiny (18:52) when Troy hit the Overdrive on Green Destiny.
6. No Rules Tag Team Match
Trevor Mach/Ness beat Avion/Metrion (13:19) when Trevor Mach hit the (Trashcan Assisted) Macha Ye on Metrion.
7. Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/w00t beat Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW] (8:47) when w00t hit the WKO on Franky.
FSW on EBW X-Perience
EBW has an X-Perience Special at E3 in the Expo Center. The EBW special featured two matches featuring the FSW roster. The first match was an FSW Offer match pitting the best of FSW in multi-man action. It was the injured Randy no Kachi that won the match for his team by cradling The Subculture Matt Wilson for the pinfall. Despite being injured, this gives Randy some momentum heading towards his FSW title match against Poo.
Poo was not so fortunate. Poo and his buddy, Franky the FSW General Manager, fought the Global World Champion Tack Angel and his title contender, w00t. Tack and w00t looked to be disfunctional at first with the one-upping while Poo and Franky took advantage. Then, Tack and w00t manage to defeat Poo and Franky despite the miscommunication. Both Franky and Poo were unhappy with the result though Franky showed alot of ring-rust with his General Manager position. Things aren't looking good for Poo as the momentum has shifted against Poo's favor for the title match at FSW 6.
EBW: X-perience Special at E3 2010 on
E3 Expo Center
1. FSW Offer Match: Randy No Kachi, MB Callahan, Monoxide, & Olly Oliver beat Fergus, Mr. Jennings, Matt Wilson, & Perfect Man (12:36) when Randy hit the Horizontal Cradle on Matt Wilson.
2. Tag Team Match: Tack Angel & w00t
beat Franky & Poo (8:47) when w00t hit the WKO on Franky.
Fans also were treated to a special video for FSW 6: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=" !-- m -->
As it stands, FSW 6 has big matches coming up and it looks to be a huge one.
FSW 6: Judgment
Fourside Arena
1. Perfect Man vs. Monoxide
2. MB Callahan vs. Mr. Jennings
3. FSW Regional Title: Poo vs. Randy no Kachi
- Also, Fergus will be in action and tag tournament preview matches.
Cryptic Message has encountered a weird announcement streamed all over the net. It featured four mysterious figures and looks to be in the upcoming tag tournament but not so sure. Details are sketchy now but there's a hint that the four figures will split into two separate teams and hinted an appearance for FSW 6.
??: Judgment will be passed!
??: We're baaaaaack!!!
The fun at E3 isn't over yet! With the week over, EBW plans on ending E3 with a bang! EBW LIVE will take place in the Expo Center again and feature 5 important matches leading to a first ever event! Dave Larmore, Generator and Hotlanta will take on the Shadow Triad in a grudge match opener. Lucas will attempt to take the #3 Spot in the CXJ Rankings when he takes on Bakayaro. In a non-title match, Lovekick Connection will get a chance to gain some momentum by taking on the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Given and Taken. In the fourth match the Alpha Betas will get back to busting skulls in the tag division, when they target the "nerd" team of Fruit Inc. as well as their #4 Tag Ranking Spot. Maurice, Akinan, Pokey Minch, and Dynamic Dougie will all compete in a 4-Way TV Title Audition in the fifth match. The lineup for the tournament will be announced soon after this match. The main event will be the first ever E3 Rumble! EBW's top wrestlers will all compete in an over the top battle royale, with the winner making history and becoming "King of E3!". One last hurrah at E3. This is EBW LIVE!
E3 Expo Center
1. CXJ 6-Man Tag Team Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish
2. CXJ Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Bakayaro vs. Lucas
3. Non-Title Match
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Given/Taken
4. Tag Team Champion Ranking: #4 Spot
Apple Kid/Orange Kid vs. Troy/Lukie
5. 4-Way TV Title Audition Match
Maurice vs. Pokey Minch vs. Akinan vs. Dynamic Dougie
6. E3 Rumble!
Participants Include: Tack Angel, w00t, Rude, Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, Amigo, Moz, Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Ness, Picky Minch, Green Destiny, and Tracy
EBW's invasion of E3 ended today, with an exciting EBW LIVE! Another packed crowd at the E3 Expo Center was treated to some big match ups and more promotion of the EBW: X-cite Video Game for the Wii. The action kicked off with Dave Larmore, Generator, and Hotlanta taking on the Shadow Triad in a grudge match. Dave had obvious reason to be ticked with Shadow, as the CXJ bully cost the Lethal Libertarian his rematch for the CXJ belt. Dave came into this match drunk and pissed off. A close brawl ended with Dave taking his frustrations out on Anguish and pinning him after a Hardcore Hangover. Shadow was livid, but had no time to discipline his student, as Dave chased him off with a broken whiskey bottle. In a close and exciting CXJ Ranking Bout, Lucas made another great stride towards advancing his career, when the Breakthrough Generation rookie picked up a narrow win over Bakayaro after a Spinning Impaler, to earn the #3 Spot in the rankings. Lovekick Connection collided with the Sons of Bushido in a straight up brawl. The titles were not on the line and neither team had anything to lose so they went all out. In the end the brawling spilled outside of the ring and the ref had to end the match in a No Contest. Lovekick showed a bit of a mean streak in the match, and did not play up to the crowd like normal. It seemed to do the trick though, as they stood toe to toe with their rivals. The Alpha Betas broke back into the Tag Division by making short work of the "nerd" tag team Fruit Inc. in a Tag Team Ranking match. Troy dominated and Lukie picked up the pieces. After an Atomic Wedgie, Lukie hit the 3 Point Tackle on Orange Kid and pinned him for the win. Alpha Betas move to #4 in the rankings. Dougie won a fast paced 4-Way bout that acted as a TV Tournament Audition match. He and his partner Akinan worked together against BG's Maurice and the villain Pokey Minch, but when push came to shove Dougie quickly super kicked Pokey Minch and pinned him just before Akinan could roll over him with a big boot. Akinan looked a little irked by the move, but none the less congratulated the Dynamic one. The main event was a special E3 Over the Top Rope Rumble! EBW's top stars filled the ring with the purpose of eliminating every last person and coming out the winner. Rude was of course the first elimination, as everyone else in the ring quickly scared him out of the ring. He ran into the crowd to dance with a Curry Man cosplayer. Kinniku Mike used his strength and size to control the pace of the rumble in the early stages. He was easily able to hit a Release Dragon Suplex on Green Destiny, that forced him out of the ring and onto the hard floor. Amigo and Moz worked together to eventually eliminate him, but Captain Strong then crept up behind them and tossed them both over. Several minutes later in the bout and Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Ness teased attacking each other until Picky Minch actually shot in and hit the German Suplex on Trevor. Ness jumped into the fray with w00t and Global World Champion Tack Angel as they duked it out in preparation for the Crisis Pay Per View. Trevor and Picky grappled it out hybrid style, before Trevor finally managed to get back to his feet, catch Picky in a clinch, and delivered hard knees before shooting around and hitting the Shin Trevorplex! Someone Picky took the beating and came back for more. He ended up tackling Trevor and they both fell out of the ring. Mr. Machismo was caught off guard and applauded Picky before going berserk and bashing him with a flying Macha Ye to the face! Back in the ring Captain Strong played the waiting game before finally trying to whip Ness out of the ring. Thanks to an assist from Tracy, Ness managed to reverse it and whipped Strong out of the ring. He held on to the edge on the other side of the ropes, but in a surprise move the only female in the match drop kicked him straight to the floor. Amigo laughed before laying into the fallen Captain outside. Ness thanked his sister before stunning he by tossing her out as gently as possible. Tack saw this and turned his focus away from w00t to superkick Ness straight out of the ring. Tracy gave him a serves you right look before helping him up and altering Tack that they were both OK. By the time he turned around w00t was ready and hit the WKO. Tack was down, and w00t was able to scoop him up and drop him over the ropes to win the E3 Rumble! A very exciting main event that showed that w00t is ready for Crisis and the WKO could end up signaling the end of Tack's Global World Championship reign.
E3 Expo Center
1. CXJ 6-Man Tag Team Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta beat Shadow/Grudge/Anguish (8:28) when Dave Larmore hit the Hardcore Hangover on Anguish.
2. CXJ Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Lucas beat Bakayaro (6:54) with a Spinning Impaler.
3. Non-Title Match
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Given/Taken (12:37) went to a No Contest.
4. Tag Team Champion Ranking: #4 Spot
Troy/Lukie beat Apple Kid/Orange Kid (4:43) when Lukie hit the 3 Point Tackle on Orange Kid.
5. 4-Way TV Title Audition Match
Dynamic Dougie beat Maurice, Pokey Minch, and Akinan (5:19) with a Superkick on Pokey Minch.
6. E3 Rumble!
Participants Include: Tack Angel, w00t, Rude, Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, Amigo, Moz, Trevor Mach, Ness, Picky Minch, Green Destiny, and Tracy
w00t wins the E3 Rumble (18:04) by last eliminating Tack Angel.
EBW Rankings Update!
This week the rankings saw changes in every category! Wrestlers are making names for themselves, stepping up, and attempting to claim that coveted #1 spot in each division. The man to watch is Troy, who is climbing in both the Heavyweight and Tag Team Rankings. Bakayaro also remain in good standing. He fell one spot in the CXJ Rankings, but climbed on spot with Bolshoi in the CXJ Tag Rankings. A dark horse climber in future rankings is Lucas, who continues to surprise and impress.
EBW Top 10 Heavyweight Rankings
Global World Champion: Tack Angel
1. w00t
2. Trevor Mach -Royal Crown Champion-
3. Ness
4. Kinniku Mike
5. Troy
6. Swift +1
7. Rude -1
8. Amigo
9. Dynamic Dougie
10. Akinan
EBW Top 5 CXJ Rankings
EBW CXJ Champion: Picky Minch
1. Dave Larmore
2. Shadow
3. Lucas +1
4. Bakayaro -1
5. Bolshoi
EBW Top 5 Tag Team Rankings
EBW Tag Team Champions: Tack Angel/Tracy
1. Avion/Metrion
2. KYO/Danny Leung
3. Dynamic Dougie/Akinan
4. Troy/Lukie +1
5. Apple Kid/Orange Kid -1
EBW Top 5 CXJ Tag Team Rankings
EBW CXJ Tag Team Champions: Given/Taken
1. Generator/Hotlanta
2. Sal Paradise/Jamie OD
3. Bolshoi/Bakayaro +1
4. Grudge/Anguish -1
5. Rocky Guapo[P+P]/Billy Guapo[P+P]
In quite possibly the biggest show FSW has put together, FSW comes early. The FSW Regional Title will be on the line and we open the night with General Manager Franky and a few of the FSW roster, including the champion, Poo.
Franky: Ladies and Gentlemen, what I have here are the greatest collection of stars you will ever see in one ring. We have Fergus O'Flannery, Mr. Jennings, Perfect Man, The Subculture Matt Wilson, and our champion, Poo. Let's get down to business. Perfect Man, you have a task at hand facing Monoxide in a rematch. Make sure you win, your "assistance" will be needed. Mr. Jennings, I can count on you to take out MB Callahan since he has a huge grudge with you and I can tell he wants a rematch with Poo. With your financial status and intellect, I know you have a way.
Mr. Jennings: I assure, this will be more delightful than a kipper breakfast after a morning run.
Franky: Mr. Wilson. You have this grudge against Randy no Kachi and you have assisted us well. Oh, you will be in the tag tournament and you will be teaming with Perfect Man just to let you know. Alright Poo. We have to keep this title in our hands. We have our "resources" and you being you. Even though we're friends, don't mess things up.
Poo: Right. Randy is too beat up to do anything.
Franky: That leaves me to you. Fergus. As Mr. Jennings assigned you to do, you have to take out any interference that can get in our way.
Fergus: Its as good as done, fella.
Franky: Good. As a matter of fact, you will begin exterminating right now. You have a match with Master Bubu.
Franky and the group cleared the ring and gone to the back and Master Bubu comes out for his match. Bubu actually hit the spear from the get go but only the got the two. Bubu went for another and get a boot instead. Fergus picked Bubu's heavy frame up and rammed Bubu into the post. Fergus got Bubu in position and hits the Ginger Curse to get the easy victory.
We then get that cryptic message next. Voices saying "we're back" and "judgment" are heard. The four figures popped up on the screen. Two were revealed and revealed to be...Casshern and Hurricane Polymar!! It looks like Tatsunoko Fight has come to FSW and isn't done with EBW. The other two figures remain unrevealed.
Evil has come to the ring and they awaited for their opponents. Casshern and Polymar came and assaulted Baka and Unagi. Baka attempted to fight back at Polymar while Casshern overpowers Unagi on the outside. Casshern put Unagi down with the Neo Human Drive and an Energy Chop to add insult to injury. Casshern gets up but gets a kick from Baka. Baka hits the Evil Driver on Polymar but Casshern breaks the pin. Casshern hits a Ryusei Kick on Baka and then a Rekka Kick from Polymar. Polymar makes the cover and Tatsunoko won the match.
We go backstage at Sheik Ahmad's math stand and Randy no Kachi, of all people, came in.
Randy: Hey, I know I don't do this much but I need your calculated help.
Ahmad: Well, make it quick. I have a match tonight and I like to get ready.
Randy: Yea, so what are the chances of me winning tonight?
Ahmad: You really want to know? Ok, let's start with the usual 50/50. You won the fan vote, so that gives you an extra 10% edge. Poo tried to stall the match for weeks, which gives your chances up by 5% more. Unfortunately, Poo got the better and got you hurt which dramatically puts you down by 25%. Then you had that tag match and they assaulted you again which puts you down another 25%. At the EBW, you won your match and he lost his, so that gives you a 15% jump. So overall you have a 30% chance of beating Poo.
Randy: Oh man. I hope this 30% can help me get through with this.
Ahmad: Don't worry. These are just calculated guesses. Meaning that its not completely accurate. So you have a chance and you have to run with it.
Randy: Alright. Thanks Sheik, gotta get ready.
Randy leaves.
Ahmad: At this rate, I'm might hafta charge people for my calculations.
Perfect Man is in the ring and has a mic in his hand before his match with Monoxide.
Perfect Man: Monoxide. Monoxide. You are about to step into a world of hurt, humiliation, and satisfaction for Perfect Man. Perfect Man has beaten you time after time. No way you can beat Perfect Man. Perfect Man is flawless and you...are just an emo. Once Perfect Man is done with you...again, Perfect Man will settle a gimmick infringement suit against that disgusting woman chaser that has no business chasing another man's lady. Perfect Man is...
Music hits and Monoxide ran down the ring and began to pound Perfect Man thus the match is underway. Monoxide continues to pound Perfect Man with vicious mounted punches. Perfect Man got C-Dude the referee to break Monoxide away. Perfect pokes Monoxide in the eye with out C-Dude knowing. Perfect Man went for a Perfect Drvier but Monoxide reverses only to get a neckbreaker from Perfect Man. Perfect Man taunts Monoxide and went for a lariat. Monoxide ducks the lariat attempt and hits the Lung Blower. Monoxide went for the Carbon Monoxide Press and Perfect Man got his knees up. Perfect Man hits a Perfect Plex but Monoxide kicked out. Perfect Man went for the moonsault but lands on his feet as Monoxide slowly moved away. Perfect Man went towards Monoxide but gets a huge superkick. Monoxide went for the cover and actually defeated Perfect Man in dramatic fashion.
We have the Tatsunoko Fight graphic up again as Sheik Ahmad and Rozie made their way to the ring. The video plays with voices saying "Judgment" and "We're back" again repeatedly. The graphic reveals Ken the Eagle and Yattaman to be the other Tatsunoko members.
The match is underway. Ken and Gan (Yattaman) surprisingly dominated Ahmad and Rozie. Rozie showed his ability as a super hero and Ken will have nothing of it. Ken and Gan went double team for double team on Rozie and Ahmad. Gan hits the Kenda Magic on Ahmad while Ken went for an Eagle Dive on Rozie. Gan nails the Yatter-wan Kamikaze on Ahmad while Ken hits the Kenton Bomb on Rozie. Ken makes the cover a gets the easy win.
Before his match with Mr. Jennings, MB Callahan gets ready for his match until...
Remy: Hey loser!
Callahan: Hmm?
Remy: That's right, I called you a loser, fatass!
Callahan: ...
Remy: For the record, you will lose tonight against Mr. Jennings because you suck!
Callahan: Go....Away!
Remy: Oh yea? What you gonna do about it?
Callahan grabs a string and wraps it around Remy's neck.
Remy: Hey, what are you doing, loser? Hey! *guck*
Remy: Let...*gack*...go!!
Callahan threw Remy down and made his way to the ring.
Callahan and Mr. Jennings is up. Mr. Jennings actually played a smart match by going after the leg of the big man. Callahan used his power to get Jennings away from his leg but Jennings slithers back for more. Jennings went for a single leg takedown but Callahan put on the brakes. Callahan deadlifts Jennings into a powerbomb. The damage has been done to Callahan as he fell back because of his leg. Jennings took the opportunity to hit Callahan with the Sliding Noah. Jennings rolled forward with locks on the Snapper submission. Callahan used whats left of his leg power to throw Jennings into the corner. Callahan slams Jennings down with a spinebuster and waits for Jennings to get back up. Callahan hits the Pounce on Jennings but just as Callahan made his way for the cover. The lights went out. The lights came back on and Fergus with two mysterious entities are in the ring. Fergus smashes Callahan's head with a massive chair shot. Fergus tossed the chair and hits a boot to Callahan. The two mystery men picked Callahan back up for Fergus to hit the Ginger Curse on Callahan. The hooded mystery man has a sickle tucked in his pants and open Callahan's head up. The hooded man tucked the weapon back in and hits a fireman's carry facebuster. The masked man picked Callahan back up and hits a huge chokeslam.
Mr. Jennings has a mic and taunts Callahan.
Jennings: Ey! Are you still there? Because if you are, I like to introduce you to Noah Enterprises' insurance policy. This is Hangman and Skeleton! They were hired by Fergus himself. Just when you think you got things done, I came up with a backup plan. Oh and by the way. Where are your friends? Shouldn't they be here to help? Well, too bad because we took care of that beforehand. Just so you know, you will rue the day you ever try to get in my way. Did you feel the rue yet sunshine? Do you feel it? HAHAHA!!
This footage was played showing Fergus with Hangman and Skeleton dismantling Monoxide and Master Bubu. The three employees of Jennings left both Bubu and Monoxide a bloody mess.
It's main event time, Poo defends his title against the injured Randy no Kachi. Randy came out with Olly Oliver while Poo came out with The Subculture Matt Wilson. Poo played around Randy's wound for some period of time. Everytime Randy makes a move, Poo dodges away to the outside. Olly and and Randy had enough so Olly went around Subculture and toss Poo in the ring. Randy is on the offensive and takes Poo down. Randy went for the No Kachi Cutter but Poo pushes Randy away. Poo went for the Go To Poo but Randy reverses. Randy went for the No Kachi Cutter and hits it. As Randy makes the pin, Wilson came up on the apron to distract Gilbert. Olly pulled Wilson down and brawled until Perfect Man came out and bust Olly open with a lead pipe. As Gilbert makes the count, Poo kicks out and Wilson distracts Gilbert again. This lead to Perfect Man hitting a swinging neckbreaker followed by an Impeccable Moonsault on Randy. As the Subculture is done distracting, Poo picked Randy and hits the Go To Poo to retain his title. Afterwards, The Subculture and Perfect Man came in and assaulted Randy to the point where his wound opens up again.
General Manager Franky shows up to watch the beating up close.
Franky: Well?
Perfect Man: Perfect Man is here to make a statement and Perfect Man has to get used to teaming with that guy.
Franky: So sad, Randy. You see, I know what you're thinking. You want a rematch someday and hope to beat Poo and beat Poo badly. See, I'm not so sure when that's gonna happen because Poo and I run busy schedules. And with that gash opened up again, you might be rendered inactive until you heal up. So I tell you what. I'll do you a favor. See, you and your hefty friend over there looks so busted up and yet we have a tag tournament coming up quickly. I'm sorry to say, you have to compete in the tournament hurt or not. If you lose the tournament, however, I have no choice but to suspend you indefinitely so you can heal that wound up 100%. Until I see that you are ready to get back, I will reinstate you. If i remember that is. HAHAHA!!
FSW 6: Judgment
Fourside Arena
1. Fergus O'Flannery def. Master Bubu (2:20) with the Ginger Curse.
2. Hurricane Polymar & Casshern def. Baka & Unagi (7:10) when Polymar used the Rekka Kick on Unagi
3. Monoxide def. Perfect Man (11:45) with a superkick.
4. Ken the Eagle & Yattaman def. Sheik Ahmad & Rozie (8:20) when Ken used the Kenton Bomb on Rozie
5. MB Callahan def. Mr. Jennings (12:25) by DQ.
6. FSW Regional Championship: Poo def. Randy no Kachi (14:00) with the Go To Poo.
Last team revealed for Tag Tournament.
The last team to be announced for the 16-team Double Trouble Tag Tournament are no new faces. Coming from 80s Retro Wrestling, Stan and Steve will come to FSW for the tournament to show the up and comers on "how to wrestle" whatever that means. Team Fabulous are looking to become the first tag champions to continue the trend of veterans becoming first champions.
The belts have been unveiled and all 16 teams have been confirmed. Some familiar pairings and some odd-ball pairings. Everyone on the FSW roster except for Poo will compete in the tag tournament. The Mexi-Dudes are only limited to using two competitors which are Oscar and Stancio. The teams are:
MB Callahan & Monoxide
4Evur Bros: Black Cena & Katsuflex
Master Bubu & Remy Radcliffe
Perfect Man & "The Subculture" Matt Wilson
Randy no Kachi & Olly Oliver
Mushroom Kingdom: Goomba & Toad
Sheik Ahmad & Rozie
Team Fabulous: Steve & Stan
Mexi-Dudes: Oscar & Stancio
Noah Enterprises: Mr. Jennings & Fergus O'Flannery
Noah Enterprises 2: Skeleton & Hangman
Evil: Baka & Unagi
2-Count: Shannon Helms & Evan Shane
Junior & Jay Chung
Tatsunoko Fight: Hurricane Polymar & Casshern
Tatsunoko Fight 2: Yattaman & Ken the Eagle
The lineup for the Two-Night Tag Tournament for the Double Trouble Tag Titles are set up as so.
FSW 7: Cooperation 1
Fourside Arena
1. Round 1: Stan & Steve vs. Master Bubu & Remy Radcliffe
2. Round 1: Skeleton & Hangman vs. Baka & Unagi
3. Round 1: Hurricane Polymar & Casshern vs. Shannon Helms & Evan Shane
4. Round 1: MB Callahan & Monoxide vs. Black Cena & Katsuflex
5. Round 1: Yattaman & Ken the Eagle vs. Junior & Jay Chung
6. Round 1: Perfect Man & Matt Wilson vs. Sheik Ahmad & Rozie
7. Round 1: Toad & Goomba vs. Oscar & Stancio
8. Round 1: Mr. Jennings & Fergus O'Flannery vs. Randy no Kachi & Olly Oliver
FSW 8: Cooperation 2
Fourside Arena
1. Round 2: Winner of 1 vs. Winner of 4
2. Round 2: Winner of 2 vs. Winner of 3
3. Round 2: Winner of 6 vs. Winner of 7
4. Round 2: Winner of 5 vs. Winner of 8
5. Semi Final:
6. Semi Final:
7. Finals:
Remy Radcliffe has sued MB Callahan for child abuse and assault. Court date is scheduled immediately. We will keep you update on this story and hopefully provide footage of the case.
The Ultimate EBW returns for a fourth season this week! With TUE Veteran Ness and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting leading a new crop of some of the most talented wrestlers since season 1, we can expect the bad taste of Season 3 to be completely washed away. TUE Season 4 will be going back to basics and it's going to be a great season!
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite Card Revealed!
EBW returns home for another thrilling installment of X-cite. With Crisis just one week away, this card is being set up to give the fans a glimpse of what may be in store for the big show. The master of SCIENCE Jeff Andonuts will try to shake off ring rust when he takes on Rude in the opener. Then Swift will issue another open challenge. Will Ryan IQ and Lukie try to once again pick a fight with the 14-0 Brawler? Dave Larmore may be on the road to a showdown with Shadow, but before that he will get a shot at Shadow disciple Anguish and Breakthrough Generation's Lucas in a 3-Way Match. The rivalry continues between the former members of SURGE when Amigo and Maurice bring Moz to the party to take on Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, and Pokey Minch in a 6-Man Tag Team Match. The Alpha Betas will continue making up for lost time when they take on the team of Dynamic Dougie and Akinan in a match for the #3 Tag Team Ranking. Troy continues to climb the charts, can he and Lukie move up yet another notch? In the main event we'll see two volatile and unique teams collide when Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel will lead his Crisis Opponent w00t, Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach, and Ness against SinDOS, FSW's Poo, and CXJ Champion/Bushido Crusade Leader Picky Minch in an 8-Man 2/3 Falls Tag Team Match. Picky is making his intentions known in this match that he wants to pick a fight with the former torchbearer of Bushido Trevor Mach, and Mach is more then happy to oblige him. All of this and more Crisis buildup on another big X-cite.
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. Singles Match
Jeff Andonuts vs. Rude
2. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
3. CXJ 3-Way Match
Dave Larmore vs. Anguish vs. Lucas
4. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Amigo/Maurice/Moz vs. Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike/Pokey Minch
5. Tag Team Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan vs. Troy/Lukie
6. 8-Man Tag Team Match 2/3 Falls
Tack Angel/w00t/Trevor Mach/Ness vs. Metrion/Avion/Picky Minch/Poo[FSW]
Radcliffe V. Callahan
This is the courtroom of Judge T. Mach. If you have a case, don't settle it in EB court, just go to a real court. The plaintiff, Remy Radcliffe. Radcliffe is suing Michael Button Callahan, the defendant, for child abuse and assault. The plaintiff's claim is that the defendant had went to uncontrollable means to assault the plaintiff. The defendant claims that the plaintiff provoked him while the defendant was concentrating for his match.
Troy: All rise.
Everyone stands.
Troy: Sit your asses back down.
T. Mach: State your case.
T. Mach: I was talking to the plaintiff.
Remy: Well, that man over there assaulted me for no reason. He took out a piece of string and choked me with it. He also made death threats to me.
T. Mach: The defendant?
Callahan: I was concentrating on getting ready for my match. He came up and provoked me with insults. I told him to stay away before he pushed me over my limit.
Remy: See, he confessed!
T. Mach: SHUT UP!...Now you brought attorneys? You two go ahead.
Jeff: My client has been brutally assaulted by Callahan like so.
Jeff: What would motivate this madman to do such thing to a poor child? The answer is SCIENCE!!
Remy: Yea! He's supposed to be a role model! I am young and he must set an example!
Jeff: Look here kid, I'm the ones that is talking so for the love of SCIENCE!! please keep your mouth shut.
T. Mach: HA!
Swift: Objection. My client is clearly an experienced professional wrestler and pro wrestlers tend to be loose cannons, like myself. See, Mr. Radcliffe over there clearly knows the environment he's in but he continues to taunt my client with insults and offensive jabs up to the point where he reached my client's boiling point.
T. Mach: (Hmmm...the things I can do with this hammer.)
T. Mach: (Yea, that's the good stuff.)
Jeff: SCIENCE!! It's clearly evident that my client is a minor and it was broadcast all over the world. It sets a bad example and give not only FSW a bad name and reputation, but the entire EBW landscape. SCIENCE!!
T. Mach: (I wonder if I throw the hammer and hit the bailiff's head.)
Troy: (It's called a gavel.)
T. Mach: (Oh crap, the bailiff is Troy! I better not. Wait, how can he know what I was thinking?)
Troy: (Because I'm Troy.)
T. Mach: (OH...what a creepy bastard. Must be a sorcerer with all this mind reading.)
Jeff: By broadcasting a deranged man, possibly more deranged than I am, choking out a minor on worldwide television, it damages the image FSW and EBW is trying to make. With the help of SCIENCE!!, I rest my...
T. Mach: (I wonder if anyone would notice if I used my ninja skills to poof to the bushes outside and take a dump.)
Swift: OBJECTION!! You clearly forgot to state that the plaintiff is actually a contracted wrestler therefore he is subject to any form of violent act caused by a fellow wrestler, in this case my client. With that, the plaintiff is clearly aware of his surroundings and with his signed contract, he had agree to be aware of any violent act towards him, minor or no minor.
T. Mach: SHUT UP!!
Swift: Huh?
T. Mach: Alrighty, I have heard enough. Little boy complains that he got beat up. Other guy is a wrestler. Blah blah blah. Ok. This case will rule in favor of the defendant.
Remy: WHAT??
T. Mach: Yup, and you are sentenced with an endless cycle of beatdowns from Swift and Troy over the course of your existence.
Remy: How did I lose? It's not fair!
T. Mach: Meh, I just don't like you and I clearly remember you saying that I'm the worst wrestler of all time.
Remy: What?
T. Mach: HA!..........Oh, and by the way, you are teaming with Master Bubu for the tag tournament. Now will you excuse me, I gotta go find Black Cena and see what he's up to. Case closed!!
Olly has plan for tournament.
Olly and Randy discussed their game plans for the tag tournament.
Randy: Dolt Mode?
Olly: Yea, Dolt Mode.
Randy: But I thought I just made it up.
Olly: Dolt Mode is real alright. And it will help us go through this tournament so you won't get suspended.
Randy: But how will it work?
Olly: Its a secret. Dolt Mode is a complicated piece of work. It takes everything I got and will guarantee us alot of wins.
Randy: I hope so.
Olly: Yea, with Dolt Mode we can also...
Pedro: Hi, guys! Can I play?
Olly: And you are?
Pedro: I'm Piggy!!
Olly: So what makes you think you can play this game with me?
Pedro: I don't know.
Olly: Hmmm, do that belly thing you did at that FSW show.
Pedro: Oh, the boobie dance? OK.
Randy: Wait, don't do it. You can play.
Olly: What? He was about to do it!
Randy: You had your fair share with kids already.
Stancio: Pedro! It's time to go! We're have to bring dinner home!
Pedro: Hold on. After I lose.
Stancio: NOW!
Oscar: Pedro!! He have to bring the food home before mom kicks our asses. If she does, I'll kick YOUR ass even harder.
Pedro: Ok fine!
Olly: Sorry Piggy. Maybe next time.
Pedro: Ok.
Randy: What was that about?
Olly: I don't know.
Trevor Mach: BOOSH!
Picky Minch: AH!
Trevor Mach: HA! HEY PICKY! RELAX MAN! I just came to talk.
Picky Minch: Oh...
Trevor Mach: Listen, I've been thinking about the Bushido Crusade some more....and you know what...I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT!
Picky Minch: About?
Trevor Mach: The mission isn't over just yet! I want back in!
Picky Minch: You do?! That's great! I was thinking you and I were gonna have to....
Trevor Mach: What? Fight? OF COURSE WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT!
Picky Minch: What? But I thought you just said.....
Trevor Mach: I'm coming back to take over the Crusade Picky my boy! I knew you wouldn't accept the challenge from an outsider, so I'm going to do this the right way!
Picky Minch: And what makes you think I'm going to accept the challenge even if you DO want to carry on the mission?
Trevor Mach: Cause I'm going to put the Royal Crown Championship on the line as well.
Picky Minch:'re on! One thing though....if I'm going to beat you Trevor then I want to beat you in the style of the mission. I want to face you in a Hybrid Fight!
Trevor Mach: HAHAHA! I love it Picky! Let's do this damn thing at Crisis! BOOSH!
Ness: DAMN IT! Who thought it would be a good idea to sic Trevor on the Bushido Crusade?! Now he's just going to freaking lose it....AGAIN!!!
Lady M': Heh...That's my Trev!
Audience: HAHAHAHAHA! *Clapping*
Tack Angel: There is that clapping again!
Mr. Poochyfud: Well well well w00t....what brings you here? Are you ready to be the face of my Administration?
w00t: told me to come here.
Mr. Poochyfud: Oh yeah...that's right....but I forgot what it was for.
w00t: *Groan* You just love wasting my time. Look, I have a match to get ready for so what is it that you want?
Mr. Poochyfud: I just figured I would give you one last chance to accept the help of the Administration. You're in a match with the champ tonight.....I could make sure he does not leave that ring on his feet.
w00t: Don't even think about it Pooch. I happen to be on the same team as Tack tonight, and while I'm not worried about what happens to him I am worried that you'll cost me a damn match! If you want to see Tack Angel hurt then you might want to book me in a match AGAINST him before the Pay Per View! My advice to you to stay away and let me win my rematch. I'm outta here.
Mr. Poochyfud: Huh....
Don Panini: ....*cough cough*..
Mr. Poochyfud" Oh that's right....Ryan goes your plans for the night?
Mr. Ryan IQ: The plans are falling into place sir. All I need is the word and I'm going to snap into action.
Mr. Poochyfud: Alright well.....
Don Panini: *Nod*
Mr. Poochyfud: The word is given.
Tess: Oh brother...
Mr. Poochyfud: Tess! One of the two vocal members of a tiny and pointless opposition minority to my Administration!
Tess: Your opposition happens to be every fan EBW has...not very tiny...not very pointless.
Mr. Poochyfud: What was that? I was busy thinking to myself how the fan's opinions really don't matter.
Tess: *Groan* Cut to the chase Pooch. You called me here what do you want?
Mr. Poochyfud: I keep forgetting about my appointments....oh wait I remember. Two things! First, where is Master Lu? I want to know what that old goat has up his sleeves!
Tess: I have no idea.
Mr. Poochyfud: Oh....well on to part 2....which is secret. So get those cameras out of here! Go on! GO! It's time for X-cite! What? You expect me to leave the audience hanging with great dialogue every week? Let's get to work!
- Monday Nite X-cite Intro Video
We are now less then a week away from EBW: Crisis heading into another thrilling Monday Nite X-cite! Tack and w00t continue on their path to the anticipated rematch while Trevor Mach plays mind games with Picky Minch to attempt a coup of the Bushido Crusade via Hybrid Battle. Ness is on a collision course with his oldest rival Poo, and Amigo's Breakthrough Generation are attempting to make an impact. The countdown to Crisis begins.
The opening contest was an odd singles encounter between Doctor SCIENCE Jeff Andonuts and Tanooki Rude. The match was meant to help Jeff shake off some ring rust, but the picked opponent was rather odd. Still, Jeff's new manic personality and style were shown while Rude continued to goof off. In the end Jeff hit his new Sweet Science Suplex before going high risk with a Sky Bomber, getting the pin and the win. After the match Jeff grabbed a mic.
Jeff Andonuts: SCIENCE! As you can see, the power of logic and calculation will always overcome nonsense! This time Jeff Andonuts is for real, and I have the SCIENCE to prove it! Rude, I know you are hindered by that suit, which is why I will use my SCIENCE to help rid you of it once and for all! SCIENCE!
Rude: Yeah! Science! HEHEHEHE!
The second match was yet another Swift Open Challenge. The 14-0 Brawler found himself once again on the other side of the ring from Breakthrough Generation's Green Destiny. This would be the third attempt by GD to take on Swift. The Brawler applauded the effort, but plowed down GD and stomped him none the less. Now Green Destiny actually had Swift scouted and was able to counter a couple of moves with his Amaresu skills, but Swift's brute force strength was still overwhelming. LAte in the match Swift ran GD into the ropes to try and hit him with a lariat, but Green Destiny ducked it, kicked Swift in the gut when turned around, and actually picked the Brawler up for a NOWA Head Drop Exploder. Green Destiny quickly tried to cover Swift, but still couldn't even get a 2 count. Swift looked impressed, but still assaulted GD with elbow shots and a big stalling suplex. At this point Mr. Ryan IQ made his way out near the ring. Swift turned to him to tell him to leave, but little did he know that Ryan IQ was merely serving as a distraction. Lukie rolled into the ring from the other side with a lead pipe in hand. He clocked both the ref and Green Destiny over the head before finally getting the chance to bash Swift repeatedly. Ryan IQ climbed into the ring in a showing similar to the E3 show. After delivering a sufficient beating Ryan IQ and Lukie ran off to the back, Ryan IQ once again slipping Lukie some cash on the way out. After the beat down Swift and Green Destiny slowly rose to their feet. The match was ended in a No Contest and despite everything Green Destiny finally brought the fight to Swift. He raised GD's hand in a show of support before promptly kicking him in the gut and dropping him with a Blackhammer. He then ran off after Ryan IQ and Lukie.
We suddenly cut to the back where Nerma and Hater were trying to cover a 2-on-1 beating of Dave Larmore at the hands of Shadow and Grudge.
Nerma: Nerma here with...WHOA! Screw this! Hater you cover it!
Shadow: YOU THINK YOU'RE TOUGH STUFF EH LARMORE!? YOU THINK YOU CAN BULLY YOUR WAY THROUGH THE CXJ DIVISION?! THAT'S MY JOB! I'M THE CXJ'S BRICK WALL! NOTHING GETS PAST ME LARMORE! I'VE GOT A MATCH WITH YOU AT CRISIS! YOU WON'T GET PAST ME! YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT! Come on Grudge....let's leave the "Lethal Libertarian" out cold on the floor....the drunk is used to that. Anguish better not lose the match now!
As we came back from commercial it was quickly announced that Larmore would not be able to compete in the scheduled match for the night, so the 3-Way CXJ showcase was turned into a singles bout between Anguish and Breakthrough Generation's Lucas. Lucas continues to impress while Anguish continues to deal with several losses and mounting injuries. Shadow and Grudge made their way out to watch the match which seemed to put even more pressure on Anguish. Late in the match the Shadow Triad member seemed to be in control and looked to plant Lucas with a double underhook piledriver, but Lucas somehow countered it into a Spinning Impaler and followed it up with the win. Lucas had no time to celebrate as Shadow and Grudge quickly entered the ring with chairs in hand. Anguish reached out to Shadow only to get a down whammy chair beatdown. Shadow made it clear that Anguish's chances were gone and he was serving an eviction notice. Shadow walked away, but Anguish's tag partner Grudge dropped down and choked out Anguish with the Ju-On before heading off. A good win for Lucas, but the hardest loss yet for Anguish.
The next match featured Amigo, Maurice, and Moz of the Breakthrough Generation taking on rivals Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, and Pokey Minch. This match was quite similar to the 8-Man war during the E3 show. Captain Strong continued to be one step ahead of his former students while Mike continued to dominate with brute force. The weak link was Pokey Minch, and that is where the tide turned. Amigo and Maurice shifted focus and their best to keep Pokey in their corner. Strong and Mike tried to get involved, but Moz with his unorthodox style kept them at bay. In the end Amigo summoned the strength to take the big man down with a German Suplex Pin to get the victory. Breakthrough Generation got a much needed win and outsmarted the Captain for once. Now that BG has some momentum it will be interesting to see what happens next in the war with Strong and Mike.
The fifth match up was a Tag Team Ranking Match, with the #3 Spot on the line. The unorthodox team of Dynamic Dougie and Akinan would have a hard time dealing with the on fire Alpha Betas. Swift tried to jump Lukie at the onset of the match, but Ryan IQ had security take him away. The majority of the match saw Akinan and Troy attempt to take each other down. They threw hard shots, kicks, and lariats, but neither man was going to go down. Ryan IQ was still nearby taking great interest in the match it seemed. Lukie and Dougie also put on an impressive exchange, but Dougie seemed to insist that Akinan do most of the grunt work. He looked quite angered about it and in the end he blind tagged Dougie and tossed him back into the ring. Just as he was getting up Troy floored him with the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick and pinned him. The Alpha Betas move up to #3 in the rankings. After the match Akinan picked Dougie back up only to deck him with a hard right. Ryan IQ applauded as the angered giant went off on his former partner.
Mr. Ryan IQ: Haha! I bet he wished that he left the Tanooki Suit on you now Akinan. Come with and I have a lot to talk about.
It was now main event time, as Tack Angel would lead #1 Ranked w00t, Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach, and Ness against SinDOS, CXJ Champion Picky Minch, and FSW's Regional Champion Poo. Trevor came out in new "Bushido Gear" and played up to Picky like they were a team while Tack and w00t were seen arguing on the way to the ring. They weren't alone as they made their entrances, as Akatsuki and the ominous man in black stood on the stage and simply stared down at SinDOS. This played a distraction factor throughout the match. Tack tried to lead his team, but w00t threw a wrench into matter by playing by his own rules and trading off with Ness as they attacked Poo. Trevor meanwhile, was focused on Picky and they put on a Hybrid like exchange with hard shots and solid ground grappling. Trevor escaped a submission attempt and caught the rising CXJ Champ in a clinch. After delivering some hard knees Trevor back away and ran the ropes as Picky fell to his knees. Trevor came back with a Macha Ye attempt, but Picky rolled out of the way and tagged in Avion. As that match progressed Akatsuki walked closer and closer to the ring, adding to the frustration of SinDOS. Metrion was locked up with Tack when Danny Leung got right up to the ring. This sent Metrion and Avion out of the ring after them and a brawl ensued. w00t blind tagged himself in when Poo came in, but Tack tagged himself back in. They argued and continued to tag each other until Ness stole the tag and charged in out of frustration towards his rival. Tack and w00t finally calmed down as Ness finished off Poo with a Thunder Brainbuster and a pin. The renegade team picked up the win, but with the champion and challenger now ready to tear each other apart, and Trevor's one track mind back on the mission and Picky was quite a chaotic ending. One show left to go...til Crisis.
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. Singles Match
Jeff Andonuts beat Rude (2:13) with the Sky Runner.
2. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. Green Destiny (7:44) ended in a No Contest.
3. CXJ 3-Way Match
Lucas beat Anguish (5:58) with a Spinning Impaler.
4. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Amigo/Maurice/Moz beat Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike/Pokey Minch (14:26) when Amigo hit the German Suplex Pin on Pokey Minch.
5. Tag Team Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Troy/Lukie beat Dynamic Dougie/Akinan (6:18) when Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on Dynamic Dougie.
6. 8-Man Tag Team Match 2/3 Falls
Tack Angel/w00t/Trevor Mach/Ness beat Metrion/Avion/Picky Minch/Poo[FSW] (15:56) when Ness hit the Thunder Brainbuster on Poo.
EBW TUE 4 Update! Assistant Coaches Added! was on the scene as Mr. Poochyfud begrudgingly let Ness and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting into his office to announce the special additions of assistant coaches to this season's Ultimate EBW. After Trevor trashed the place a bit to the joy of M's and the disdain of Mr. Poochyfud, he announced that Lovekick Connection would be joining Team Machismo.
Trevor Mach: When I think Ultimate know who I think about?
Lady M's: The season 1 winner Danny Leung?
Trevor Mach: What?! No! I think about Lovekick Connection! These guys are multi-time champs, they were a part of the first season, and they coached the third season!
Mr. Poochyfud: HEY! We don't talk about that season!
Trevor Mach: But most of all....these guys know how to party! Imagine the shenanigans we'll get into! We're going to fire up Team Machismo! BOOSH!
Sal Paradise: Trevor, making us your assistants....was easily the greatest decision you've ever made in your life.
Jamie OD: Oi! Damn right! As long as we train while the World Cup isn't on then I can guarantee that Sal will bring the chicks and I'll supply the kicks!
A disgruntled Ness then introduced his team...
Ness: *sigh* I'm already getting that apprehensive feeling about The Ultimate EBW. I'm not sure why....but I have a bad feeling about this....again. I picked the champ Tack Angel for two reasons. First off, he's a great wrestler that will show my team that if you strive for something you can achieve it......also I want to keep an eye on him to make sure my sister's new *sigh* boyfriend is keeping his damn hands to himself!
Tack Angel: HEY! I'm not a bad guy Ness!
Ness: Yeah....well you are an improvement over Poo I guess.
Trevor Mach: Yeah...but that's not really hard is it?
Tack Angel: Trevor quit helping!
Trevor Mach: HA!
Ness: And I picked Jeff because.....well I kind of owe him.
Jeff Andonuts: SCIENCE!
The coaches will pick their teams and begin the training this week, so get ready for a brand new season of The Ultimate EBW!!!
The full card for the Crisis PPV has been revealed, and it's turning out to be a big show, full of important match ups. We start the night off right with an EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match, with the Sons of Bushido defending against #1 Ranked Hotlanta and Generator. Shadow and Dave Larmore will take their rivalry to the extreme when they face off in a No Rules CXJ Match. Swift will get his chance at retribution against Lukie while the Alpha Beta will attempt to break the streak in a Special Singles Match. The next four matches will be the Round 1 matches in the tournament for the EBW Television Championship. Moz will take on Kinniku Mike, Amigo will clash with Dynamic Dougie, Captain Strong will take on Maurice, and Troy will face Green Destiny.
After those Round 1 matches, EBW mixes things up by bringing back the Hybrid Battle for one night, as Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach puts the title on the line against CXJ Champion Picky Minch and his Bushido Crusade leadership. Will Trevor Mach take back his Bushido Mission or will Picky Minch become the first ever man to hold the CXJ belt and the Royal Crown belt simultaneously?
Then of course we have the two main events with Ness taking on the man he beat at the first ever EBW show Poo, and the big main event Tack vs. w00t II with the Global World Championship at stake. A stacked show that will make a great EBW debut for the Saturn City Gymnasium #2. EBW: Crisis, ONLY ON PAY PER VIEW!
EBW: Crisis!
Saturn City Gymnasium #2
1. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Given(c)/Taken(c) vs. Hotlanta/Generator
2. No Rules CXJ Match
Shadow vs. Dave Larmore
3. Special Singles Match
Swift vs. Lukie
4. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Moz vs. Kinniku Mike
5. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Amigo vs. Dynamic Dougie
6. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Troy vs. Green Destiny
7. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Maurice vs. Captain Strong
8. Royal Crown Championship/Bushido Leadership Hybrid Battle
Trevor Mach(c) vs. Picky Minch
9. Singles Grudge Match
Ness vs. Poo[FSW]
10. Global World Championship Match
Tack Angel(c) vs. w00t
Round One of the Double Trouble Tag Tournament for the Double Trouble Championships opened up with General Manager Franky and FSW Champion, Poo, with the Double Trouble Titles in Display.
Franky: This is Round One of the FSW Double Trouble Tournament to crown the first ever Double Trouble Champions. And we unveiled to you people today are the Double Trouble Titles up close and in person.
Franky: Now then, 16 teams will enter tonight and only one will win the next night to become the champions. *sigh* Alright, this is getting boring. Here, Poo say something.
Poo: NESS! You have beaten and made me look like a fool on X-Cite! See don't get too cocky because I believe we have a one-on-one match at Crisis and I WILL beat you! Yea, that's right. I'm so sure that I'm gonna win that I'll even put my title on the line! You heard it here first! So wuddya say Ness? Me and you one-on-one for my FSW Championship at Crisis. Be prepared because you will regret it when you pinned me.
Poo walks away from the arena.
Franky: Um...ok? Oh, the titles will be on display on night at ringside so...I gotta go!
The first match of the tournament shows Team Fabulous taking on the team of Remy Radcliffe and Master Bubu. Remy takes a shot at Bubu for assumption that Bubu will make them lose. Bubu and Stan gets matched up with Stan getting the advantage. Steve and Remy gets tagged in and Remy throws some jabs at Bubu before Bubu gets on the apron. Bubu then turns around and stares a hole at Remy. Steve points over, Remy turns around and eats a spear from Bubu as Bubu left the ring. Steve shrugs and gave Remy a piledriver to win.
We go backstage with Truthslayer interviewing Randy no Kachi and Olly Oliver.
Truthslayer: Well, usually I do my introduction but its a more important matter. Randy, you are busted up. You are hurt. You have to win, otherwise, this may very well be your last night in FSW before you get suspended indefinitely.
Randy: Well, the pressure is all on me. If I keep winning, I'm good but my injuries will get worse. If I end up losing, I'm suspended. I tell you what I will do. I will keep on fighting. I will have that "machismo" that those guys think I rely on. I will keep fighting no matter how hurt I am. I will keep my place in FSW. Voy a seguir luchando y yo ganaré. Me quedaré en FSW.
Truthslayer: Olly?
Olly: Man, this is not looking good mate. I tell you this. I will give it my all too because of one thing. DOLT MODE!! I will try to "unleash" Dolt Mode and that will help us get through with this so Randy won't get suspended. If I can't, then it's all on me.
Skeleton and Hangman made quick work of Evil. The Noah Enterprises "insurance policy" showed a huge size advantage against Baka and Unagi. Evil had no choice as both Hangman and Skeleton dismantled them. Skeleton threw Baka outside followed by a chokeslam on the floor. Hangman hits Unagi with the Hangman's Neckbreaker followed by a Verdict to advance.
Hurricane Polymar and Casshern faces 2-Count. The Tatsunoko team showed the experience edge over the pop band duo. Casshern hits the Neo Human Drive on Shannon followed by a Ryusei Kick on Evan. Evan turns only to be met by a Rekka Kick by Polymar. Polymar picks Evan up and hits the Polymar Driver to advance on to Round Two of the Tournament.
MB Callahan and Monoxide takes on 4Evur Bros. With no surprise at all, there was a special guest in the crowd. It seems wherever Black Cena goes, he goes and he is none other than Trevor Mach. Black Cena took notice and Trevor, well, began to taunt and mock Black Cena. While that was going on, Callahan slams Katsuflex with the Whirley Bird. Monoxide ascends the top rope and hits the Carbon Monoxide Press on Katsuflex. Black Cena noticed what has happened and try to get in the ring but Callahan prevents him. Monoxide gets the pin and advances on.
Trevor: HA!
Trevor then disappears in smoke.
We then go backstage and we see Poo and Franky.
Franky: Are you crazy??
Poo: It has to be done.
Franky: Look I...WE need you as champion. You can't risk that spot to Ness, of all people! What if he suddenly bust out some PK Fires and PK Thunders? And then what?
Poo: I will win. I know it. I know what Ness is all about.
Franky: Look what if he accepts and actually wins the title, what does that do for us now?
Poo: Like I said, I will win.
Franky: Look whatever you do in that match, you better retain. As for tonight, I'm gonna hafta need you for this one.
Poo: Alrighty.
The second Tatsunoko team, Ken the Eagle and Yattaman, faces Jay Chung and Junior. Jay and Junior's chemistry has surprisingly overmatched the Tatsunoko team. Ken actually hit the Kenton Bomb on Jay while Yattaman is the legal man. Junior kicks Ken out of the ring and delivers a PK on the floor. Yattaman went for the cover and Jay kicks out. Yattaman went for the Kenda Magic but Jay stays on his feet and Junior kicks Yattaman from the apron. Jay hits the fisherman's buster called the Victoria Peak. Jay ascends the top rope and hits the Super Jay Moonsault Press to win as Junior blocks Ken from entering the ring.
Team Perfect Culture takes on Ahmad and Rozie and well, Perfect Culture easily handled this one. Ahmad went up to the top rope for a possible Calculated Guillotine after Rozie hits a Wild Superhero Drop on The Subculture. Perfect Man knocks Ahmad's balance off and kicked Ahmad to the outside. Perfect Man slaps Rozie and kicks him in the gut. Perfect Man went for either a Perfect Plex or a Perfect Driver but Rozie turns around a savate kicks Perfect Man down. The Subculture took advantage and kicks Rozie down below follow by the Counterculture for the win.
Team Mushroom Kingdom face off two of the Mexidudes in the tournament. Toad and Goomba were on the brink of dominating towards the victory until Pedro lifts his shirt up and does his booby dance. Toad kicks Pedro down but Stancio clubs Toad to outside. Stancio gives Pedro the spotlight while Crazy Mike focuses on Goomba and Oscar. Pedro went on the apron and flattened Toad with the Piggy Splash. Oscar gets headbutt in the abdomen by Goomba but ends up giving a huge knee to Goomba. Oscar hits the Border Toss on Goomba but wasn't finished. Oscar hits a Sitdown Powerbomb called the Flat Taco to pin Goomba with a surprising victory.
Randy no Kachi puts it all on the line. His health, his FSW run, and his pride is all he is defending for as he and Olly faces Noah Enterprises. Randy and Olly went all for nothing only for Fergus to kick Randy in the head to slightly reopen his wound. Olly has to fend for his friend's stay and fought by himself but was overmatched. Mr. Jennings hits the Sliding Noah and locks on the Snapper. Olly fights for the break and almost looked to give up. Olly suddenly mustered up some energy and hits an enzuigiri to braek the hold. All of a sudden, Olly slams his fist on the canvas and has a sudden burst of energy. Fergus hits a boot to Olly but to no effect. Fergus hits the Ginger Curse and Olly got right back up. Olly stun Fergus with a rolling sobat and put Fergus down with a Flipping Axe Kick. Mr. Jennings attempts a Rolling Elbow and still no effect. Olly let out a big scream and slams Jennings down with the Moss-Covered Three Handles Family Gredunza. As Gilbert counts to three, Fergus breaks the pin and continuing to stomp on Olly until Fergus gets hit with a No Kachi Cutter from out of nowhere. Randy awaits Mr. Jennings for one. Randy went for it but Jennings pushes Randy away and slammed down headfirst. Jennings kicks Randy to the outside and low blows Olly. As Randy comes, out of nowhere, Poo came out of nowhere and busted Randy's head with a bat. Fergus then rammed Randy head first onto the barrier. Fergus went back to the ring and gives a big boot to Olly followed by the Ginger Curse. Fergus went back outside to assault Randy as Jennings hits the Sliding Noah on Olly. Mr. Jennings got the Snapper locked on Olly. Olly tried to break the hold with his friend's status at stake but ultimately taps out in defeat. Fergus and Mr. Jennings advances on as Olly lays there disappointed and looks on at a beaten up Randy.
Then, Franky came out and have some obvious words to say to Randy.
Franky: Randy my boy. You feeling good? No? I'm so sorry. I am also sorry to say that you lost. Which means that I have to make a "heartbreaking" decision. I'm sorry Randy, but I have to suspend you indefinitely until you either heal up and we call you back. You will be reinstated but you'll have to start from the ground up this time and not rely on fan votings to get you at this level. Someday Randy. Someday. You'll be back. HAHAHAHA!!
FSW 7: Cooperation 1
Fourside Arena
1. Round 1: Stan & Steve def. Master Bubu & Remy Radcliffe (3:29) when Steve used a piledriver on Radcliffe.
2. Round 1: Skeleton & Hangman def. Baka & Unagi (4:56) when Hangman used the Verdict on Unagi.
3. Round 1: Hurricane Polymar & Casshern def. Shannon Helms & Evan Shane (7:10) when Polymar used the Polymar Driver on Evan Shane.
4. Round 1: MB Callahan & Monoxide def. Black Cena & Katsuflex (6:45) when Monoxide used the Carbon Monoxide Press on Katsuflex.
5. Round 1: Junior & Jay Chung def. Ken the Eagle & Yattaman (9:20) when Jay used the Super Jay Press on Yattaman.
6. Round 1: Perfect Man & Matt Wilson def. Sheik Ahmad & Rozie (5:38) when Wilson used the Counterculture on Rozie.
7. Round 1: Oscar & Stancio def. Toad & Goomba (6:38) when Oscar used the Flat Taco on Goomba.
8. Round 1: Mr. Jennings & Fergus O'Flannery def. Randy no Kachi & Olly Oliver (16:55) when Mr. Jennings used the Snapper on Olly.
During the most recent Fourside Wrestling show, which was the opening ceremony for the Double Trouble Tag Tournament, FSW Regional Champion Poo issued an open challenge to his Crisis nemesis Ness. His plan to put the FSW Regional Championship on the line at Crisis to humiliate Ness, when he finally defeats his very first opponent in wrestling for a title belt. Ness has since answered the open challenge and accepted. The anticipated match up just got a lot bigger.
In more FSW related news, can now confirm that EBW has called up the FSW fan favorite sensation Randy no Kachi! Tess and Lu of the Executive Committee were happy to present Randy to us and talk up all of his achievements in his still young career. The FSW rookie found himself on top of the fan polls for weeks, and put on an impressive display in his failed attempt to lift the FSW Regional Title from sneaky veteran Poo. Certain individuals made sure that Randy was on the outs in FSW, so Tess and Lu were quick to scoop him up.
Randy no Kachi: It's an honor to be here guys! I wasn't expecting to be called up so quickly, but I intend on proving that I belong here!
Mr. Poochyfud: HARRUMPH! What is all of this nonsense about?!
Tess: We just brought up a young new prospect you fat bastard! We are well within our rights to do that being in the Executive Committee!
Mr. Poochyfud: Being a personal friend of Barry Amabo, I disagree with your sound logic. Don't you know that the Poochyfud Administration doesn't like to use wrestlers with past careers, gimmicks, and drawing power!? How the hell am I supposed to gain copyright control over him if I didn't create the character? Do you expect me to call people up from the farm league under a new name with my personal slapped on and forced gimmick and disregard their entire previous career? Wait....that gives me an idea!
EBW Releases Randy no Kachi
EBW has come to terms on the release of Randy no Kachi. We wish him well in his future endeavors.
EBW rookie to make his debut at Crisis! Introducing Kachi Rodriguez!
In a stunning move, Mr. Poochyfud announced today that a "newcomer never seen before until now" would be making his debut in a newly scheduled match at Crisis. This man...apparently named Kachi Rodriguez made his 'introduction' with Mr. Poochyfud today.
Mr. Poochyfud: Citizens of the EBW State! Kachi Rodriguez! He's an outlaw from Dusty Dunes Desert, that robs unsuspecting folks when he's not training to be a wrestler. You see, it's my belief that all wrestlers need to have day jobs as well. Silly gimmick? No! Multitasker? Yes!This guy is going to make waves in EBW thanks to me! He has never been in a wrestling match before, but I assure you that this crazy character.....likeness and name trademarked by going to defeat his opponent at Crisis with some of those crazy moves and maneuvers that the kids seem to occasionally want to see on my sports entertainment shows. Go ahead Kachi Rodriguez.....tell them your new catchphrase....
Kachi Rodriguez: .....This is a joke ri......
Mr. Ryan IQ: *cough cough* Listen to the boss....KACHI!
Kachi Rodriguez: *sigh*.........No contaron con mi astucia!
Mr. Poochyfud: Terrific....I don't even know what it means....
Mr. Ryan IQ: It certainly doesn't make sense in this context....but the kids won't know that and they'll make their parents pay to have it on a t-shirt.
Mr. Poochyfud: I love this job.
Kachi Rodriguez: ....*sigh*
Tess: I'm not even going to begin to go into how offended I am by this travesty. Are we really going to let this happen?
Master Lu: It all depends....let's look to Randy and see what he does next...
Narrator: Somehow this show survived the horrible third season, and now The Ultimate EBW is back for a fourth season....meaning I get to cash more checks! This year promises to change everything by returning to the TUE is that changing when we are backtracking....oh well...could be worse....season three *shudder*. But go back to beginning The Ultimate EBW is heading back where we started...Onett....or...the ruins of Onett.
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: HA!
Tess: What's wrong Ness? You look upset.
Ness: Damn right I'm upset! The's back! HOW?! WHY?!
Tess: Oh, well Mr. Poochyfud made me a deal to get the rights to land so he could rebuild the house.
Tracy: Wow mom....what did you get for the land rights?
Trevor Mach: Sentai? BOOSH!
Tess: ....Yes...and something else.
Tracy: What is it Mom?
Tess: We'll talk about it later *wink*.
Tracy: *wink*
Tack Angel: Oh man...that's never good.
Trevor Mach: Sweet sassy molassy it''s GRRRRREAT to be back in the old house! And it's NOT just because of Ness's visible pain....but it helps...hehehe. Everything is just like it used to be...look...they even left that huge Trevor crater in the wall! I remember it just like it was yesterday...that was the day I met my Talicious Lady M's! She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever met.....and the school girl outfit didn't hurt either! She had this personality that intrigued and a body that said "hey look at this! " I knew I had to have her.
Lady M's: *cough cough*
Trevor Mach: Oh heya Tali!
Lady M's: Doing some reminiscing eh?
Trevor Mach: Yep!
Lady M's: Yeah, I remember your "interesting" pick up lines. It was cute that I had to toss you through the wall.
Trevor Mach: Haha! BOOSH!
Lady M's: Yeah....about that....since this is where our relationship began and since this is a new season I figured we could get it started right.
Trevor Mach: Oooo, what do you have in MIIIIIND OH MY G...OOFF!
Lady M's: Heh.....this is gonna be a good season.
Ness: Hey! What the hell is this?! Already making yourself at home eh?
Trevor Mach: You know it! Hey Ness watch this....I'm going to do that trick where I yawn and move my arm around Tali!
Lady M's : *Sigh*
Sal Paradise: Hey look guys! It's a Golden Girls marathon on TV! This is going to be a good day.
Jamie OD: Oh yeah! Those ladies are HOT! I can't help but think we're forgetting something though.
Ness: We are! We're missing the introduction to our TUE Rookies back at HQ! You're all too busy goofing off!
Tack Angel: Hey! What did I do?
Ness: I don't know yet Tack....but I'm gonna find out!
Trevor Mach: You need to chillax brosef!
Ness: How can I when you bring your Bushido/Chaos nonsense to the house and deface it ALREADY!
Trevor Mach: HEY! I'm just playing my part in this thing with Picky....once I win I'll promptly end the Bushido Mission.
Ness: Why don't I believe you?
Trevor Mach: Because I'm possibly lying to you?
Ness: *Sigh* Come on guys....we need to go to HQ and pick our teams. I'm going to turn this season into a positive and actually help some rookies if it kills me.
Lady M's: Knowing your luck with just might.
Ness: Ok guys....the Administration I guess didn't decide to supply a host for this I'll handle the duties I guess. What we have in front of us are 8 rookies that have the chops to rise above and head straight to the top in EBW. We have wrestlers from all corners of the world with different styles, creeds, and attitudes. Nate Nemesis, Gene Eric Plain, Manu Kalani, Sergei Rushkin, Sgt. Hardcastle, Jun Toyota, Punk Master Teck, and Prince Hashim Al-Singh. You guys have all been scouted and plucked from all over the world. We start with 8 of you...but only 4 will make it into EBW, and of those 4 only one will win this season, claim the cash prize, and earn an instant title shot! Now, comes the time were we select the teams. 4 for Team Ness and 4 for Team Machismo. Since I went though this long winded speech I get to go first.
Trevor Mach: Hey!
Ness: I GO FIRST!!!
Trevor Mach: ....fair enough buddy.
Ness: My first choice....Prince Hashim Al-Singh. Born from Scaraba royalty, Hashim Al-Singh is an accomplished grappler that has overcome hardships and prejudice to become rich and successful. Now he has a chance to become wrestling royalty as well on the path to EBW.
Trevor Mach: Hmm....this is a tough cho...NATE NEMESIS! This jacked up dude from Winter is going to cleave some skulls strong style BOOSH!
Ness: Jun Toyota. An accomplished Edo striker and high flier, Jun just might raise the bar for Edo wrestlers in EBW.
Trevor Mach: Manu Kalani! A Summer surfer oozing with charisma and skillz that killz!
Ness: Sgt. Hardcastle. Behind his grizzled exterior is a man full of experience and submission techniques and fighting skills forged from war.
Trevor Mach: Punk Master Teck! This guy likes to party and he likes to take to the air in his matches. Something about this guy tells me we're gonna have some fun shenanigans.
Ness: *sigh( Shenanigans....Sergei Ruskin. A cold and mysterious striker from parts unknown. I don't know much about this guy, but by looking in his eyes I can tell he's got that killer instinct I'm looking for.
Trevor Mach: Hmm....who should I pick next.
Sal Paradise: Um....
Trevor Mach: This is a tough one......
Jamie OD: Trev, there is only one guy left...
Trevor Mach: Hey, I'm the head coach I'll make the pic! I pick....Mr. Gene Eric Plain. This guy....has a very generic look and generic moveset....everything about him is "nominal"? He is so middle of the road that it boggles the mind.
Ness: Alright, so the teams have been formed. Team Ness versus Team Machismo. We start training tomorrow but tonight we go home and.....
Trevor Mach: PARTY!!!
Ness: NO! We go home, get settled, and rest.
Trevor Mach: Oh.
Ness: Well you can party. I don't really care. I'm trying to beat your team after all.
Trevor Mach: Oh......PARTY!!!
Nate Nemesis: I'M NATE NEMESIS AND I'M ANGRY! I come from the cold north and I'm ready to put a hurting on somebody! ANYBODY! WHO WANTS TO STEP UP AND FACE THE BAD GUY!?
Manu Kalani: Hey man! Aloha! I'm Manu Kalani! When I'm not riding the waves I'm in the ring doing my thing! Surf & Turf, Hang Ten, Wave Crasher, the Big Kahuna has all the tools to get in done.
Punk Master Teck: Yo! Yo! Yo! Punk Master Teck in the hizzy fo shizzy! We're gonna get crazy up in this bitch! It's time to partaaaay! Word!
Mr. Plain: Hi! I'm Gene Eric Plain, but you can call me Mr. Plain. I am looking forward to competing in the ring and wrestling......yes.
Team Ness
Sgt. Hardcastle: hell....the will eat us alive.....
Sergei Rushkin: ........
Jun Toyota: .........
Cameraman: Why aren't these guys talking?
Producer: Jun Toyota is from Edo...he doesn't speak English.
Cameraman: And Sergei?
Producer: I don't know...but he freaks me right the *bleep* out.
Prince Hashim Al-Singh: Where I come from I am rich and powerful, but I am man enough to start back at the bottom and start all over again. I will prove myself and I'll deal with the prejudice that some in Eagleland might have people.
Cameraman: Man....Team Ness aren't much for talking.
Producer: Shut up! They can here you! Oh crap here they come!
Manu Kalani: Hey man! We call dibs on Ness's old room!
Ness: What? Whoa!
Ness: No....go right guys can use Tracy's room...*sigh* the girl's room.
Ness: Trevor! What the hell!?
Trevor Mach: Ha! Sorry guys, this room is taken too!
Ness: This room is for my team!
Trevor Mach: But I already brought in my Wii!
Ness: Oh come on this is bullsh....
Lady M's: Quit your bitching and scram Ness.
Ness: Yes Mam!
Sal Paradise: Ha! Yeah this our room right! I wanna play some Wii too. You've got room for one more right? Haha....
Trevor Mach: .....
Lady M's: .....
Sal Paradise: Oh....guess not.
Jamie OD: *Facepalm*
Trevor Mach: We'll be out....eventually. *SLAM*
Ness: *Groan* This is going to be a horrible season.
The Second Round and the Finals of the Double Trouble Tag Tournament opened tonight just like the other night with Franky and Poo.
Franky: Alright, people! Tonight is the finals of the Double Trouble Tournament. Only one pair will become the first ever Double Trouble Champions. Who will it be? Only tonight...
Poo: Sorry Franky but I have something to say. I see you agreed to make things a title match. Well get this, how about on Xperience we get one more shot at each other before we face off? Me and Franky here will face you and a partner of your choice. I don't care who it is. I know all your tricks. I know you more than anybody. Bring it!!
Franky: Um...Poo. I'm playing General Manager right now. Only on EBW I'm a competitor. And well, I can't expose myself to those rookies.
Poo: I got this. I've been ready for this for a while and I need a tune up match.
Franky: problem.
Poo: Yea?
Franky: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?? What if Ness choose someone like Swift, Troy, Starman, Trevor Mach, or especially Troy! Troy is a monster and he'll destroy us despite being on opposing ends with Ness. You know why? Because he's Troy!
Poo: I told you. I got this.
Franky: Whatever you say. Whatever you say.
We're off to the first match with Team Fabulous taking on MB Callahan and Monoxide. Stan and Steve were just standing there all smiles and pointing towards at the camera posing. Callahan and Monoxide then attacked the fabulous ones with them fighting back. Steven was about to hit the piledriver on Monoxide but Monoxide reverses and gave Steve a suprkick called the Carbon Detector. Monoxide hits a plancha on the ouitside to Steve. Callahan ducks a lariat and runs to the other side of the ring. Callahan bounces off the ropes and hits the Pounce on Stan to advance to the next round.
Skeleton and Hangman easily dismantled Hurricane Polymar and Casshern in surprising fashion. Skeleton kicks Casshern out of the ring then Casshern got back up on the apron and presses Skeleton as well. Hangman got out of the Polymar Driver and drops Polymar with the Hangman's Neckbreaker. Hangman finished it off with the Verdict to win the match.
Perfect Culture and the Mexi-Dudes square off. Perfect Man and The Subculture easily toys with Stancio. Oscar put up a little more effort during his time in the ring. Stancio later would be in the ring and gets decimated once again. It wasn't until Pedro distracting Perfect Man that turned the tide. Pedro went for his booby dance but Perfect Man elbowed Pedro off. Perfect Man proceeds to stalk and beats up Oscar in the process. The Subculture has Stancio in the Counterculture but all of a sudden, Stancio rolled over and cradles The Subculture. Stancio with the cradle and gets the huge shock of the night as the Mexi-Dudes eliminated Perfect Culture from the tournament. Perfect Man took noticed and looked on in complete shock.
Noah Enterprises faced Jay Chung and Junior. Junior went for the kicks on Mr. Jennings while Jay focuses on Fergus. Junior kicks Jennings down and applies a kimura lock. Fergus breaks it up but gets a kick to the face for his troubles. Junior hits the PK on Jennings which sends Jennings rolling to the outside. Junior followed suit and continued on the kicking flurry. As Fergus was still stunned from the kick, Jay managed to hit the Victoria Peak but gets a nearfall. Fergus quickly got up and boots Jay followed by a powerbomb. Junior tries to get back in but gets a boot for his troubles. Fergus drops Jay with the Ginger Curse to win the match.
We go backstage with the Mexi-Dudes.
Pedro: Hey guys. You were awesome.
Stancio: Pedro, get dressed.
Pedro: What?
Oscar: You got a match later.
Pedro: Why?
Oscar: Because you do, so hurry, take a shower, and get dressed.
Pedro: But I didn't shower for four days tho.
Oscar: NOW! AHORA!!
Stancio: Yea, Pedro. You gotta do something besides dancing around with your fat!
Pedro: Ok fine!
MB Callahan and Monoxide kick off the semi-finals against Noah Enterprises' insurance policy. Callahan and Skeleton matched their power but Skeleton wins the strength battle. Hangman and Skeleton both took Callahan out of the ring and Hangman took care of Monoxide. Callahan and Skeleton battled in the outside with many of Callahan's offense has done little to no effect to Skeleton. Hangman hits the Verdict on Monoxide and went for the pin. Monoxide kicks out. Hangman went for another Verdict but Monoxide reverses it into a Lung Blower. Monoxide waits for Hangman to get up. Hangman gets up and met with the Carbon Detector. Callahan pounces Skeleton onto the barrier as Monoxide gets the win. to the finals.
The Mexi-Dudes came out without Pedro as Pedro is getting ready for his match. This is the Mexi-Dudes biggest test to date as they face Mr. Jennings and Fergus O'Flannery. The Mexi-Dudes weren't so lucky this time as Fergus dominated Stancio and never allowed Oscar to get in the match. Fergus hits the Ginger Curse on Stancio after the boot. Mr. Jennings picked up the pieces and went for the Rear Naked Choke he calls the Big Boss Choker. The Mexi-Dudes proved that they needed Pedro to help them in their victories as Stancio passes out in the submission.
Pedro is up next taking on Master Bubu and Remy Radcliffe. Remy looks to get revenge on Bubu but eats a spear again. Pedro goes on the ropes and does his booby dance. Pedro hops off and hits the Piggy Flop on Remy to win his debut match.
The finals of the Double Trouble Tournament has rivals going against each other. Callahan looks to eliminate Mr. Jennings off another tournament as Jennings wants revenge. Callahan went after Jennings trying to end it early but Fergus overpowers Callahan away from Jennings. Monoxide fights Fergus off but Mr. Jennings manages to scurry off. Fergus took Monoxide out with a boot and began dominating Monoxide. Fergus eventually tags Jennings back in and hits the Sliding Noah on Monoxide. Jennings locks on the Snapper. Monoxide manages to counter and pushes Jennings off. Callahan gets tagged in and gets fired up. Callahan hits both Jennings and Fergus. Fergus tries to get back in the ring but Monoxide puts on a front necklock to hold Fergus back. Callahan hits the Whirley Bird on Jennings as Monoxide continues to hold Fergus back. Fergus got up, presses Monoxide and threw him over the top rope to the floor. Callahan hits the Pounce on Jennings only to eat a big boot from Fergus afterwards. Fergus hits the Ginger Curse and drags Mr. Jennings on Callahan. The pin is made and Fergus and Mr. Jennings are the first ever Double Trouble Champions.
Franky came to the ring with the title ceremony. Franky grabs the mic to congratulate the champs.
Franky: Alright! Your NEW FSW Double Trouble Champions. Mr. Jennings and Fergus O'Flannery! Mr. Jennings, let's start with you.
Mr. Jennings: What can I say? How delightful is this? This is very delightful. This is more delightful than any of the food comparisons I have made COMBINED thus far. Let truth be told, I have made an impact since day one! And this. This is only the beginning. With me and my trusty and loyal top employee, Fergus. We will run FSW and we will eventually own FSW. HAHA! Mr. Callahan, how does it feel? Did you feel the rue yet? I have told you to never cross my path and look what happened. I am champion and you are not. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. You have a good day now!
Franky: Fergus?
Fergus: Look fella, like Mr. Jennings said. This is only the beginning. We will dominate FSW and we will do it the smart way as well. Everyone will feel not only feel the rue. Everyone will not only feel Noah Enterprises domination of FSW. Everyone in FSW will feel and be inflicted with the Ginger Curse.
FSW 8: Cooperation 2
Fourside Arena
1. Round 2: MB Callahan & Monoxide def. Stan & Steve (7:23) when Callahan used the Pounce on Stan.
2. Round 2: Skeleton & Hangman def. Hurricane Polymar & Casshern (2:20) when Hangman used the Verdict on Polymar.
3. Round 2: Oscar & Stancio def. Perfect Man & Matt Wilson (8:30) when Stancio pinned Wilson via horizontal cradle.
4. Round 2: Mr. Jennings & Fergus O'Flannery def. Junior & Jay Chung (11:20) when Fergus used the Ginger Curse on Jay.
5. Semi Final: MB Callahan & Monoxide def. Skeleton & Hangman (9:20) when Monoxide used the Carbon Detector on Hangman.
6. Semi Final: Mr. Jennings & Fergus O'Flannery def. Oscar & Stancio (5:30) when Mr. Jennings used the Big Boss Choker on Stancio.
7. Pedro def. Master Bubu & Remy Radcliffe (1:30) with the Piggy Flop on Remy.
8. Finals: Mr. Jennings & Fergus O'Flannery def. MB Callahan & Monoxide (13:40) when Mr. Jennings pinned Callahan after the Ginger Curse.
Last X-perience before Crisis Card Revealed! Crisis Card UPDATE! has just received the final X-perience card before Crisis. Several of the matches hold significance to the Pay Per View, and will give the fans a taste of what to expect from one of the better looking shows of the year thus far. We start off with the in ring return of Akatsuki as they take on Fruit Inc. You just know their rivals SinDOS will be watching from somewhere in the building. Lucas, Bolshoi, Bakayaro, and Hotlanta will all compete in a CXJ 4-Way Match before Dave Larmore takes on his rivals sole protege Grudge. That will be followed by three Prelude to Crisis matches. Captain Strong and Kinniku Mike will take on Amigo and Maurice of Breakthrough Generation and The Alpha Betas Troy and Lukie. Then Ness will team up with Doctor SCIENCE! Jeff Andonuts to take on Franky and Poo in a challenge issued by the FSW Regional Champion at the last FSW show. In the main event the super team of Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting will join forces against the team of #1 Ranked W00t and CXJ Champion Picky Minch. It's a star studded show to get the crowd in that perfect mood before Crisis. This is an X-perience that you do not want to miss!
EBW: X-perience
Fourside Expo Center
1. Tag Team Return Match
Danny Leung/KYO vs. Apple Kid/Orange Kid
2. CXJ 4-Way Match
Lucas vs. Bolshoi vs. Bakayaro vs. Hotlanta
3. CXJ Singles Match
Dave Larmore vs. Grudge
4. Crisis Prelude 3-Way Tag Team Match
Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike vs. Amigo/Maurice vs. Troy/Lukie
5. Crisis Prelude Tag Team Match
Ness/Jeff Andonuts vs. Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW]
6. Crisis Prelude Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/Trevor Mach vs. w00t/Picky Minch
Also the card for Crisis has been updated to reflect the new opening match with the "debuting" Randy n......Kachi Rodriguez taking on Rude, while the Ness vs. Poo match has been changed into an FSW Championship Match.
EBW: Crisis!
Saturn City Gymnasium #2
1. Special Singles Match
Kachi Rodriguez(DEBUT) vs. Rude
2. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Given(c)/Taken(c) vs. Hotlanta/Generator
3. No Rules CXJ Match
Shadow vs. Dave Larmore
4. Special Singles Match
Swift vs. Lukie
5. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Moz vs. Kinniku Mike
6. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Amigo vs. Dynamic Dougie
7. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Troy vs. Green Destiny
8. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Maurice vs. Captain Strong
9. Royal Crown Championship/Bushido Leadership Hybrid Battle
Trevor Mach(c) vs. Picky Minch
10. FSW Regional Championship Match
Ness vs. Poo[FSW]
11. Global World Championship Match
Tack Angel(c) vs. w00t
- continues to follow (or stalk) our FSW stars. This time we followed Black Cena all the way to the Onett wasteland.
Black Cena: I found you!
Trevor: BOOSH!
Black Cena: So you are here in this desolate wasteland huh? Well, there's no running away now. I got you cornered!
Trevor: Say, where your boyfriend?
Black Cena: He's at the club! And he's my bro, get it right!
Trevor: Ok.
Black Cena: Look! You have been at my ass ever since that one incident.
That one incident:
Trevor: HA!
Black Cena: But now that I have you trapped its my turn!
Trevor: Wait buddy. Hold on.
Black Cena: What?
Trevor: Let me just slip these on.
Black Cena: A TV?
Trevor: Yup. You and me are going to watch a 0-D Movie. The latest in entertainment technology. Better than that crap that they call 3-D.
Black Cena: Hmmm...I guess that's cool. I mean at least we're on good terms at the moment.
Trevor: Yup, I guess it's time to move on and such. Here sit right over there buddy.
*turn on TV*
Black Cena: What the?
Trevor: This is the Hypno-Toad.
Black Cena: ...
Black Cena: *drools from side of mouth*
Randy no Kachi in EBW??, FSW Title set.
It has been reported that Tess and Master Lu brought in Randy no Kachi to EBW but with extreme circumstances, Mr. Poochyfud quickly fired Randy no Kachi and hired new comer, Kachi Rodriguez. Rand...Kachi Rodriguez is promised to be a new hit with his sombrero and new catchphrase as said by Mr. Poochyfud. We are happy to the "success" of Randy no...Kachi Rodriguez, whom will be making his debut at the Crisis PPV.
In the last two FSW shows, FSW Champion Poo has made two challenges to Ness. The first challenge was to for Poo to put his FSW Title on the line at Crisis in which Ness gladly accepts. Ness also answered the second challenge for the X-perience show before the PPV. Ness has chosen the science guy, Jeff Andonuts, to take on Poo and General Manager Franky in tag team action.
EBW: Crisis!
Saturn City Gymnasium #2
1. Special Singles Match
Kachi Rodriguez(DEBUT) vs. Rude
2. FSW Regional Championship Match
Ness vs. Poo
We then found Perfect Man, The Subculture Matt Wilson, Poo, and Franky in Perfect Man's house watching the newsbit.
Perfect Man: Now that's funny. To think of all things.
Franky: Shut up.
Perfect Man: This guy was hurt for weeks and you would suspend him to heal up the next time he loses. You end up suspending him and the next thing you know, he shows up the next day to EBW. Even worse, he's as healthy as a fresh tomato. What's even more worse is that he was the No.1 guy around here and now he's a clown over there.
Wilson: Sad indeed. I still have unfinished business with that guy.
Franky: Alright, alright. He made me look stupid but look whose stupid now. Look at that sombrero.
Poo: What matters is, is that I will humiliate Ness. I will brutalize Ness and make him regret he ever got in my business.
Perfect Man: Perfect Man thinks that you better get ready and win on X-perience. That will definitely give you the edge, boss.
Poo: I will win regardless. Its a lock. It is my destiny to beat Ness and win. Not only that, I'll retain my title.
Franky: Something tells me that this won't be pretty.
Poo: Won't be pretty for Ness. That's why I gathered everyone here at Perfect Man's house.
Perfect Man: Hmmph, and Perfect Man thought it was for a dinner party at Perfect Man's house.
Poo: You see here's the plan, I need...
The countdown is just about over, as EBW heads to Pay Per View once again for EBW Crisis. The EBW gang will be heading to the big city of Saturn City, but they won't be selling out the Saturn Dome as usual. This time they would be taking part in the grand opening of Saturn City Gymnasium #2. A huge card would mean opportunity for some, but Crisis for many. Before that show EBW put together a big X-perience card, which matches that would get the fans in the right frame of mind and get them pumped for what is looking to be a stellar pay per view.
We opened the show with a quick backstage interview with the two teams that would main event tonight's show...
Nerma: Nerma here with....
Nerma: Shut up! I'm trying talk here!
Hater: I HATE being interrupted!
Nerma: *Groan* I'm getting a little tired of you!
Hater: That's funny cause I'm SUPER DUPER tired of you! NYAH!
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting: HA!
Nerma: *Sigh* Let's just try to get through this interview ok?
Hater: .....nyah.
Nerma: Tonight is a special night for X-perience, as we'll be seeing some of the Crisis opponents going head to head in tag matches to give the fans a peak of what is in store. Now I'm here with the two teams that will compete in the main event. To my left is Global World Champion and EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel and EBW Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach......and a Penguin?
Tack Angel: Yeah.....he's with me.
Trevor Mach: Oh awesome! A Penguin! Ha! Can you say "BOOSH" little guy?
Penguin: Qua?
Nerma: Quiet you! Now you two have known each other for a long time, and this team up is said by fans to be a "super pairing". Do you think you two have what it takes to defeat your Crisis opponents just days before the big show?
Tack Angel: Well I....
Trevor Mach: Well Nerma, let's put it this way, if this were a comic book or something you could consider us an All-Star Team Up! We're the world's finest baby! Picky Minch wants to take what I started? Well I'm going to take it back by going back to the beginning! It's time for Maximum Soul Style! It's time for a Hybrid Battle! It's time for some CHAOS! BOOSH! Now, what shall we call our team up? "Macho SpecTACKular"? "Tacky Machismo"? "Bad Dudes"?
Tack Angel: Uh...I don't know about any of that Trev, but it's an honor to be teaming with you. w00t is the next big test as champion. I know that more then anything the Poochyfud Administration wants to see me fail. I AM still Public Enemy #1 after all.
Trevor Mach: Yeah...thanks for taking the heat off my back by the way!
Tack Angel: I'm going to stop the Administration's plans and this test.....well this is a test I intend to pass.
Hater: NYAH! I hate those guys over there! How are you going to beat them?!
Picky Minch: I was always in the shadow of Trevor Mach from DAY ONE! He came in and later changed the coarse of EBW and wrestling in general with his Bushido Mission! It is something I truly believe in. He used to be my best friend and my mentor. If he thinks he can get that all back, then he needs to play by the rules HE set and defeat me in a Hybrid Battle. If he can't do that....if I have finally surpassed him....then he needs to get out of my way.
w00t: Tack, I don't like the Administration either. They obviously notice how awesome I am, but I am a puppet to NO ONE! That being said, I don't need them to beat you. I don't need anyone to beat you! I am the best in the business and I'm going to prove it. Last time it was a fluke. Little Mac was the ref, you were riding a wave of momentum, and my empire was crashing around me. This's all different. No excuses. I'm going to beat you tonight......I'm going to beat you at Crisis......I'm going to make history and become the first ever 3-Time Global World Champion.
The first match of the evening saw Akatsuki made their in ring return after recovering from the brutal attacks of SinDOS. They were accompanied by the ominous man in black, that has seemed to take on the role as a mentor or guardian to the Akatsuki....maybe their voice of reason. Standing in the way of their return was another team that had recently made a return, Fruit Inc. Fruit Inc. continues to struggle to keep up with the fresh and talented teams that were not here during Fruit Inc.'s heyday 4 years ago. Akatsuki seemed more focused in the ring, even KYO was showing restraint, mostly chopping down Apple Kid with leg kicks and hard knees. Danny was all over Orange Kid with slaps and back hands before hitting a series of suplexes and finishing up with a Wrist Cutter. A strong combination that took Orange out of his game for the remainder of the match. Late in the match SinDOS tried to interfere, but they stopped dead in there tracks when the man in black stood in the way. In the end KYO captured Orange Kid in the Cradle Piledriver while Danny drop kicked Apple Kid out of the ring. 1-2-3! KYO rolled up Orange for the pin and won the return match for Akatsuki. Afterward, Akatsuki and SinDOS shared a stare down while Nerma entered the ring to try and get a word with the winners.
Nerma: Danny! K....uh....KYO....Can I ask a....
KYO: Want to see something......traumatizing?
Danny Leung: KYO.....hold it. Yes may ask.
Nerma: Who....who is that man with you over there?
Danny Leung: That's the question isn't it? The answer....KARAS.
Nerma: KARAS? That really doesn't give us anything other then a name?
Danny Leung: Exactly....we have to go. Excuse us.
KYO: .....
Danny Leung: What? ......She reminds me of Nani.
The next match featured a hot 4-Way CXJ match between Breakthrough Generation's CXJ prospect Lucas, Dangerous Drama Bolshoi, Bakayaro, and veteran Hotlanta. All four wrestlers put on a high flying encounter with many nearfalls. Bolshoi and Bakayaro of course worked as a team, while Lucas continued to impress, by almost scoring another pin on Bakayaro following a Spinning Impaler. However, the craft veteran Hotlanta caught Bolshoi off guard with a Bellerophon Bomb and rolled him up just before Lucas could get the pin. A solid win for a solid veteran.
Back to the backstage area now, as Nerma and Hater were once again standing by....
Nerma: Nerma here again with....
Hater: NYAH! I go first this time! We discussed this!
Nerma: *sigh* Fine....go ahead.
Hater: I HATE EBW, but I love FSW. You guys are leading the true generation of wrestling! At Crisis you're finally going to kick the ass of your biggest rival! Are you going to try and do the same thing tonight?!
Franky: Hells yeah! That little pansy is going to get a world of hurt! Shark style! I'm getting used to the GM role, but I can still scissor kick a bitch if I have to.
Poo: Ness.....I have to make this're never going to get rid of me. I will never be just a memory. I'm back here in EBW for one reason and one reason surpass you. At will finally be MY time.
Nerma: Now that we've got that out of the way I'll talk to....
Jeff Andonuts: SCIENCE!!!
Ness: Let me handle this. Poo, for years you have put yourself in your own shadow. I have NEVER held you down! We we're supposed to be friends....rivals....brothers. You, me, .....and Jeff over here. We were part of the original four! We were supposed to lead EBW together all those years ago. Obviously....that's not how things turned Jeff and I are going to send you packing. By the way....I haven't had a belt around my waist in awhile. It's going to be nice wearing the FSW belt.
Poo: ......
The next match saw former CXJ Champion Dave Larmore take on Shadow's apprentice Grudge in a prelude to the No Rules Crisis Match. Dave came in focused and ticked off and completely floored Grudge. The grappler found himself at the mercy of the drunken Lethal Libertarian. Shadow ran down to the ring as Larmore ground and pounded his pupil only to be stopped by his former student Anguish. The crowd cheered as Anguish stood tall against his former master. This gave Larmore enough time to beat Grudge badly enough that the referee ended up stopping the match, giving Larmore a decisive stoppage win. Shadow pushed Anguish outside of the ring, but Anguish pushed back harder and he fell to the floor. Anguish then joined Larmore in the ring as the two gave Grudge a further beating. Anguish capped it off by actually removing his match for the first time in five years and bashing his former partner over the head with it. Anguish has finally become his own man, and with Shadow having to deal with a Lethal Libertarian and a disgruntled former employee.....things are looking bleak for the CXJ Bully.
In the next match we had a 3-Team Tag Match, and all the wrestlers in the match would be playing a vital role at Crisis, and this was a way to give the fans a taste of some potential match ups in the TV Tournament. Amigo and Maurice of the Breakthrough Generation against their rivals Captain Strong and Kinniku Mike, with the Alpha Betas serving as the wild cards. Amigo and Strong didn't wait for the Alpha Betas to arrive as they immediately took to the middle of the ring to trade hard slaps. Maurice was begging for change from the fans and that left him wide open to a splash from Mike, who then whipped him out of the ring. Lukie was more then willing to take his time getting down to the ring, but Troy charged in guns blazing. Lukie soon followed when he found his Crisis opponent Swift waiting in the shadows. The Alpha Betas took advantage of the other teams focusing on each other to win the match after Troy swooped in to hit a Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on Maurice. After the match Swift ran in and immediately chased Lukie off while Amigo and Captain Strong continued to brawl. Troy attacked another ref and blind sided Strong and Amigo. Maurice tried to stop him, but ate an Overdrive for his efforts. Green Destiny and Moz also tried to get in and stop Troy, but it was all out chaos and the big Alpha Beta Jock stood dominant.
Before the dual main events we were taken backstage once more for a final push for Crisis...
Nerma: Before we get the main events started let's wrap up our backstage coverage with a little build for Crisis.
Hater: NYAH! If you don't order Crisis on PPV I will HATE YOU!
Nerma: ......Anyways, we've got ELEVEN huge matches coming your way this weekend! Titles on the lines, interesting match ups, and a highly anticipated rematch! The first match on the card will feature a man who is moving up to EBW from F.....
Hater: NYAH! He's making his DEBUT! He's a brand new wrestler. No one has ever seen him before, and he's a product of the Poochyfud Administration! NOW KACHI RODRIGUEZ!!! Make the kids cheer with your silly ass catchphrase!
Kachi Rodriguez: .....
Nerma: ....Actually, we are out of time! Kachi will make his....."debut" in a match against Tanooki Rude....this kiddie PG match has Poochyfud written all over it. Back to the front for two huge main events!
It was now time for the two main events. Each match featured two teams of rivals that would be colliding in one way or another at Crisis. Franky and FSW Regional Champion Poo of FSW took on the team of Ness and Jeff Andonuts. The fans always go wild when members of the original roster are in the ring together, and this was no exception. The four men in the ring were at the very first show, and a special vibe could be felt in the crowd. This nostalgia trip was full of dirty handed tactics from the FSW team though. Jeff Andonuts found himself the target of a double team early on, but Ness cleared house with a double dropkick and helped his friend back to his feet. Ness and Jeff looked outside of the ring as Poo and Franky refused to get back in. Ness nodded and Jeff cackled as they both got the same idea to run the ropes and jump out to splash their opponents. They brawled outside before the action returned to the ring with Ness and Jeff now in firm control. It wasn't until Franky tossed Poo a pair of brass knuckles when the tide turned. While the ref was distracted Poo clocked Ness with the knuckles before tossing them out of the ring and hitting Ness with an old school Starstorm OMEGA followed by the pin and the win. After the match Poo grabbed his belt while Franky grabbed a chair. The duo proceeded to take Ness and Jeff apart. Poo picked up a bloody Ness and shoved the FSW Regional Belt in his face before pushing him back down and walking off. This match at Crisis will be beyond personal.
In the second main event Global World Champion and EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel joined forces with the Royal Crown Champion "Bushido Outlaw??" Trevor Mach. Mach's allegiances are in question right now as he continues to come out in Bushido Crusade gear. The questions were put to rest when the match got underway and Trevor immediately shot in on Picky Minch. Tack and w00t stood across the ring staring each other down while the hybrid artists put on a grappling display. Picky was prepared and held his own against Mach. When Trevor got up and tried to unleash the knee, Picky caught it and deflected the hard shot. He pushed Trevor back and tried to work in an ankle lock, but Trevor kicked him off and tagged in Tack just as Picky tagged in w00t. The fans went wild as the Crisis opponents shared a staredown before going wild in the center of the ring. Tack was all kicks early on, chopping down w00t with stiff lefts and rights. w00t backed away before landing a headbutt on Tack and a couple hard European uppercuts. w00t changed it up and started unleashing Edo Chops, but Tack grabbed his hands and hit a high kick. w00t was dazed enough for Tack to drop him to the mat with an STO and tried to get a quick pin. w00t escaped the early pin attempt. At this point the w00t exploded with anger as he got to his feet and threw every punch and kick he could at the Pushpin Seraphim. He tried to hit a WKO, but Tack pushed him away to the ropes and as he bounced back Tack hit a dropkick. He rolled up w00t for another early pin, but w00t kicked out once again. Both rivals tagged out and Mach and Picky were back in showing Maximum Soul Style. Picky actually shot behind Trevor and hit his German Suplex Pin, but Trevor kicked out, got to his feet, and landed that knee he saved from earlier. Trevor tagged in Tack and the champ super kicked Picky right back into his corner. w00t tagged himself in and the rivals duked it out once again for several minutes. Late in the match Tack seemed to suffer an injured knee and he stumbled just short of a superkick. w00t seemed to halt his attack for a second as Tack fell in pain, before resuming his assault and stomping him into the corner. Picky Minch rounded the ring around this time and knocked Trevor off the ring apron and the two brawled outside. w00t meanwhile dragged Tack to the middle of the ring and trapped him in a Figure-4, which aggravated Tack's knee further. As Tack found himself in all sorts of pain, Trevor tried to jump into the ring to help him. Picky once again got in the way and the two grapple again. This time Trevor managed to take control and lock in an armbar, but since they weren't the legal men, Picky's tap our meant nothing. Tack struggled to get to the ropes, and managed to escape the overwhelming situation. Of course w00t immediately got to his feet and stood in wait as Tack stumbled directly into his WKO. 1-2-3! w00t got the pin and even the score with the champ just days before the Crisis title bout. After the match w00t actually helped Tack to his feet. He of course teased another WKO, but ultimately handed Tack the title and told him to enjoy it a few more days before he walked off to the back. Trevor and Picky had to be pulled apart by security as Trevor refused to let the armbar go. Another chaotic end to another exciting EBW show. Tonight's results proved one thing about's anyone's game. All bets are off...
EBW: X-perience
Fourside Expo Center
1. Tag Team Return Match
Danny Leung/KYO beat Apple Kid/Orange Kid (7:10) when KYO hit the Cradle Piledriver on Orange Kid.
2. CXJ 4-Way Match
Hotlanta beat Lucas, Bolshoi, and Bakayaro (10:31) with a Bellerophon Bomb on Bolshoi.
3. CXJ Singles Match
Dave Larmore beat Grudge (4:19) via Referee Stoppage.
4. Crisis Prelude 3-Way Tag Team Match
Troy/Lukie beat Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike and Amigo/Maurice (13:25) when Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on Maurice.
5. Crisis Prelude Tag Team Match
Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW] beat Ness/Jeff Andonuts (8:52) when Poo hit the Starstorm OMEGA on Ness.
6. Crisis Prelude Tag Team Match
w00t/Picky Minch beat Tack Angel/Trevor Mach (11:09) when w00t hit the WKO on Tack Angel.
FSW opened up with a different flavor. Usually Franky opens a show up with Poo notfar behind, but things toko a different approach. Perfect Man and The Subculture Matt Wilson are in the ring.
Perfect Man: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, thank you. All you people are so kind. Let's get down to business. Perfect Man assumes you people were expecting our General Manager? Too bad. He and our champion, Poo, are busy down in EBW even though he's only a few minutes away from here. In case most of you idiots were living in a hole in the past few hours, there's actually some video footage obtained. ROLL IT!!
Perfect Man: And after that triumphant victory, Franky has leave the place to Perfect Man. Perfect Man runs this show now.
Wilson: Eh hem!!
Perfect Man: Ugh, fine. Perfect Culture are now running this show. Perfect Man and Matt Wilson are left in charge. HAHAHA!! And boy, right now the winds of change are blowing already here in FSW's short short history. Some familiar faces will be absent from the show. The first-ever Double Trouble Champions, Mr. Jennings and Fergus, will not be here due to a business party to celebrate their accomplishment. MB Callahan will also not be here for circumstances unknown. Black Cena fell off a cliff. With the main core of the original cast are M.I.A., new faces will come in and make for themselves. Oh, Mexi-Dudes, you three think...
Monoxide: Oh shut up. You are so corny right now. Its even worse than your third person shtick. You got bigger fish to fry here.
Perfect Man: You hear that?
Monoxide: It's the hair. And besides, I have already embraced the chants. Its like my motivational calling. My adrenaline rush. See, me and you have some scores to settle.
Olly: And you Subculture or whatever your name is. I know from day one that you want my friend, Randy, out of here. And now he's in EBW trying to work through being a clown to earn his spot. Subsy, it wasn't about you making everybody different, it was about driving Randy out of FSW wasn't it? Since you say you have unfinished business, why don't you finish it with me?
Wilson: Gimme that mic. You have stepped into enemy's territory and you will never get out. Consider your little challenge accepted because you will regret stepping into my grounds.
Perfect Man: Gimme that. And as for you, it's getting pretty annoying already that you actually embraced those chants. So let Perfect Man do you this much. Since you are annoyed by Perfect Man's way of speaking and Perfect Man is annoyed, lets have a wager. There's gonna be a match. If you win, Perfect Man will stop talking this way permanently. If Perfect Man wins, your recently acceptance to those chants will be shortlived. Meaning, Perfect Man wants your hair. Your hair will be gone. How about it?
Monoxide: Tough bargain here. Lemme, your on! If there's any chance I can get rid of your cocky way of speech, then by all means of course.
Perfect Man: Perfect. Perfect. Perfect Man approves. This is gonna be a wonderful night.
The first match of the evening saw the Noah Enterprises team of Skeleton and Hangman taking on two newcomers in Gumbie and Coconut Head. Gumbie and Coconut Head didn't stand a chance as the two behemoths went on the attack. Hangman decapitated Gumbie with a Hangman's Neckbreaker while Skeleton threw down Coconut Head with a Powerbomb to Hell to win.
Perfect Man and The Subculture Matt Wilson are backstage discussing their matches apparently.
Perfect Man: Yup, and that's the plan.
Wilson: That's it?
Perfect Man: Yup.
Wilson: That's all I hafta do?
Perfect Man: Perfect man said, yes!!
Wilson: Figured there's more to it. And who is that?
Chase: Hey dudes.
Perfect Man: Oh the referee. Wuddya want? And who is that with you?
Chase: This is my Cousin Billy. Billy Hill. And he wants to become a part of the action.
Perfect Man: Perfect Man is intrigued, yet not impressed at the same time. Nice to meet you sir.
Billy: Howdy!
Perfect Man: Howdy.
Billy: My name ith Billy Hillth. I want to becometh a ratthler.
Wilson: What's wrong with the way he talks?
Chase: He got a speech impediment.
Billy: I want to becometh a ratther becauth it ith my dream and I want to make all theeth whipperth thnapperth thqueal like a piggie.
Pedro: Somebody call my name?
Wilson: What? Get out of here.
Perfect Man: Hmmm, Perfect Man likes him and the lisp. Ok, Billy. You're in. Your first match will be tonight.
Billy: YEE HAWW!! You for realth? Thank youth tho much!
Perfect Man: EE Yea.
The next match was Jay Chung and Junior facing Evil. Baka and Unagi were dominated with only so few offensive moves. Junior kicked Baka out of the ring. Junior ran across the apron and kicks Baka down. As Junior tries to prevent Baka from entering back into the ring, Jay hits a backflip corner kick off of Unagi followed by a Northern Lights Suplex. Jay rolled over and cradled Unagi into the Victoria Peak to win the match.
We now take a closer look at a "spiritual" newcomer to FSW.
Reverend: I am the Reverend Lloyd Boner. I'm here to spread the word of the good Lord above and convert everyone to praise his sacrifices he has given us. I'm here to spread love among everyone. Embrace the love. Feel the power within you. Let it push it in and pull it out. Let the process repeat until it overwhelms you and you fall into the Lord's hands.
Camera guy 1: Mm ok?
Camera guy 2: Weird guy, and his name too.
Billy Hill makes his debut against Master Bubu. Billy Hill fueled with energy came charging at Bubu. Bubu knocked him down with a shoulder. Billy went back and gets knocked down again. The process keeps repeating until Billy hits a headbutt to Bubu's knee. Billy went up to the top rope and drives an elbow on Bubu but gets a two count. Billy waits for Bubu to get up. Billy went for the attack but eats a spear form Bubu. Bubu makes the pin and earned his first win in FSW.
Remy Radcliffe awaits in the ring for his opponent and his opponent is the Reverend Lloyd Boner.
Reverend: Hello everyone! Let's spread the love. Let's embrace what our Lord has given us. Let's the Lord heal our sins and live on with our lives! You there. My child. For you have sinned the most. Let me ask you, will you let our Lord save you and rid you of your sins.
Remy: I'm only a teenager and what do I know about this stuff? If anything, you need to shut up.
Reverend: Ah, an unforsaken one by the man downstairs himself. Alright people, let the Reverend teach you all something. People must embrace the Lord's love and committment. If not, people who defy the name of the Lord will face dire consequences.
The Reverend Boner hits Remy in the ear with the mic and began stomping flurry. Reverend then shift to punches and a choke hold. Reverend picks Remy up and slams Remy headfirst with a inverted suplex move called the Offering for the easy win.
Perfect Man goes to Sheik Ahmad's math stand and wants a prediction.
Perfect Man: So, Perfect Man hears you do calculated predictions. So help Perfect Man out here.
Ahmad: Five dollars.
Perfect Man: What?
Ahmad: Five dollars, I don't do things for free you know.
Perfect Man: Fine, here. So what is it? Work that calculator.
Ahmad: 50/50
Perfect Man: Huh?
Ahmad: I said 50/50.
Perfect Man: How in the world?
Ahmad: You won one and he won one. So its 50/50. Now go. I'm not even on the card tonight. Hell, I'm not even supposed to be here tonight.
Perfect Man: Great, five dollars gone just like that.
The next match is The Subculture facing Olly Oliver. Olly's ever-so surprising speed took Subculture to the limit. Olly actually hit the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Gredunza on Subculture but didn't went for the pin. Olly went to the top rope and looks down on Subculture. Olly went for a huge Diving Senton that he calls the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon but ate canvas instead of Subculture. Subcultre puts on a sleeper hold on Olly near the ropes. Subculture shoves Crazy Mike away as he was making the five-count. Subsulture took the opportunity by hitting the low blow followed by the Counterculture to win.
The main event is on between Perfect Man and Monoxide. Everything was at stake as Perfect Man's talk style is on the line as well as Monoxide's hair. Monoxide actually brought the fight to Perfect Man while Perfect Man will do anything to get an easy win. Perfect Man did set Monoxide up for the Perfect Plex but Monoxide reverses and hit the Carbon Detector. Monoxide went up top and hits the Carbon Monoxide Press. Gilbert makes the count but gets pulled away by The Subculture. Olly Oliver also intervened by gets hit by Subculture's new weapon, the sledgehammer. The Subculture came into the ring and hits Monoxide with the sledgehammer busting Monoxide open as well. Subculture went back out and threw Gilbert back into the ring whiel he continues to assault Olly. Perfect Man with all smiles picks Monoxide up and hits the Perfect Driver to win the match.
After the match, Subculture hands Perfect Man the clippers. Subculture held an unconscious Monoxide up. Perfect Man began to clip piece by piece. Subculture went back out to assault Olly even more. Perfect Man continues to clip until the short is short enough for a buzzcut. With hair and blood everywhere, Perfect Man, with all smiles, left with Subculture leaving both a shaven Monoxide and Olly laid out.
FSW 9: Obey
Fourside Arena
1. Skeleton & Hangman def. Gumbie & Coconut Head (0:30) when Skeleton used the Powerbomb to Hell on Coconut Head
2. Jay Chung & Junior def. Baka & Unagi (5:30) when Jay used the Victoria Peak on Unagi
3. Master Bubu def. Billy Hill (4:05) with the Spear.
4. Reverend Lloyd Boner def. Remy Radcliffe (1:03) with the Offering.
5. The Subculture Matt Wilson def. Olly Oliver (12:40) with the Counterculture.
6. Hair vs. Speech: Perfect Man def. Monoxide (14:20) with the Perfect Driver.
Earlier Today...
Tack Angel: Wow, so this the new place eh?
Tracy: Not nearly as big as the Saturn Dome, but suitable for a night of ass kicking. Now where is Nerma? Where is Hater? Weren't they supposed to interview you before the show?
Tack Angel: I bet they killed each other. We'll find the bloody bodies around here somewhere. They hate each other badly! I have a sense about these things. No doubt about it.
Tess: Hey....I think I hear something behind this....OH MY GOD!
Nerma: OH Hater! AHHHH!!!
Hater: NYAH!
Tack Angel: AH!
Tess: You were saying Tack?
Nerma: We weren't uh....doing anything.....
Tracy: Riiight.....ok....if you say so.
Hater: NYAH! I hate getting cut off at second base!
Tack Angel: Well....that image is burned into my brain forever....perfect....good way to start the day....I'm going to go hand the belt over to w00t and throw up now excuse me.
Tracy: TACK!
EBW returned to Pay Per View tonight at the brand new Saturn City Gymnasium #2 for EBW: CRISIS! For some this night would really lead to Crisis, while some would find opportunity. Rivals would collide and titles would be on the line. A tournament would begin to crown a future champion. A packed night for a packed crowd.
The night of fights started with a "debut" by Kachi Rodriguez, as he took on the Tanooki suit clad Rude. The fans knew that the Poochyfud Administration was trying to pull one over on them as began to chant "Randy no Kachi". The FSW rookie seemed to get fired up when he found the fans on his side. Reno came out and shouted at him to "Stay in character!", but Kachi suddenly tossed off the gear given to him by the Administration and was revealed to be clad in his FSW gear. Randy no Kachi was in the house, and this act of insurrection won him even more fans. He looked impressive in the ring with the goofy and smiling Rude, ultimately scoring the easy win following the No Kachi Cutter. The fans found a new hero, but the Administration was less then pleased.
The next two matches saw the CXJ Division shine once again. First off, the Sons of Bushido took on the veteran team of Generator and Hotlanta for the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship. The #1 ranked team was in top form, but Given and Taken were able to narrowly beat them with a mix of hybrid style and straight up tag team tactics. Hotlanta got knocked out of the ring late in the match and climbed back in too late to stop a Doomsday Device followed by a pin from Taken. A solid match and a big defense from The Sons of Bushido.
The Dave Larmore and Shadow attempted to settle their rivalry with a No Rules war. This was not a wrestling classic by any stretch. The drunken Lethal Libertarian and the CXJ Bully simply brawled and brought out the weapons. Grudge tried to come out and assist his mentor, but the unmasked Anguish once again appeared, this time in new attire and a barbed wire bat. He clocked his former tag partner hard before also bashing Shadow with the bat. Larmore then floored Shadow with a chair before setting the chair down and dropping Shadow again with a Double Arm DDT before the 1-2-3. Dave Larmore is back on track to make a CXJ Title challenge now, and the silent Anguish is making his voice heard through retribution.
Before the next match we were taken backstage as Hater and Nerma stood by with #1 Ranked Contender w00t.
Nerma: Uh...uh....uh...I can't believe this is happening.
Hater: NYAH!
Nerma: You're right Hater....have to act normal....I suck you stupid loud mouth!
Hater: Huh?
Nerma: That's right! We totally aren't into each other we "HATE" each other....right?
Hater: Oh....right....I HATE YOU *wink wink*
Nerma: "Groan*
w00t: I'm sorry am I interrupting?! We're supposed to be talking about me right now. Not your freaky weird love hate BS. Whatever you do behind closed doors is your business and by GOD keep it there!
Nerma: No w00t, really you don't understand we were just....
w00t: I don't care! On the list of things I don't care about it's right on there along with low carb diets and hybrid cars. Now talk to me about my damn match tonight!
Mr. Poochyfud: That won't be necessary w00t. You should be heading to the back to get ready. All the fans have to know is that Poochyfud's selected champion has "our support".
w00t: Don't pull this stuff again! For the last time, I don't need you and I never will! I'll win myself. I'm not like these other scrubs who don't mind getting screwed by you as long as they get a reach around! Now, I've got a match to win!
Mr. Poochyfud: ....Yes....see that you do....or God help you.
The fourth match featured Swift taking on the hired gun of Ryan IQ, none other then the crafty Alpha Beta Lukie. The jock relied on his speed and cheap tricks in this match, not to mention that the brawler was showing signs of injury following a couple of hit jobs by Lukie leading up to the show. Swift was almost knocked down by Lukie's 3-Point Tackle mid match, but he pushed Lukie away and rammed him with a spear of his own. Swift was going to pick up Lukie for the Blackhammer, but Lukie hit him with an unseen low blow and took control of the match for awhile. Ryan IQ was all smiles as he came out to watch his rival get picked apart. From one side of the ring Lukie was ready to hit his 3-Point Tackle again, but Swift met him halfway in the center of the ring with another spear and overpowered him in the ensuing collision. After that Swift picked Lukie up, dropped him with the Blackhammer, and pinned him for another win. Swift's streak advances to 15-0. After the match Swift had little time to celebrate as a large man suddenly rushed into the ring and bashed Swift over the head with his giant mitts. After stomping Swift unconscious Ryan IQ climbed into the ring to present his newest employee.....Akinan! The reformed killing machine was making it obvious that he would be the next one to attempt to bring down the Brawler.
The next four matches were the opening bouts in a tournament to crown the first ever EBW Television Champion! The title was touted as another huge stepping stone in the wrestling world and has been pushed heavily in recent weeks with "audition" matches and presenting the title to the fans every show. Now the contenders were set and they all stood in the ring as the title was once again presented. The race for the belt would now begin.
The first of the four matches featured Kinniku Mike taking on the unorthodox Moz. The Breakthrough Generation star was in control early on with his kicks and agile fighting style, but once Mike gouged him in the eyes and got a hold of him it was another story. The Slaughterhouse used his size and strength to throw Moz around the ring before hitting his Release Dragon Suplex. Moz surprisingly kicked out. Something that ticked off Kinniku Mike. He picked Moz back up only to eat a couple elbow shots and a spinning back kick. Moz then hit the Rolling Mozzer and played to the crowd before going to the top rope for the Moz Splash. Mike lifted his knees up and Moz connected on impact. Kinniku Mike then picked the hurting Moz back up to hit another Release Dragon Suplex before scoring the pin and the win. Mike moves on to round 2.
Amigo took on Dynamic Dougie in the next match, as Captain Strong looked on. The Breakthrough Generation leader looked impressive against the on form Dougie, though he could not capture him in one of his signature suplexes, so he ended up submitting him with the Rolling Olympic Hell Submission. Amigo moves on to the next round as well.
The on fire Troy made quick work of Green Destiny in tournament match 3. After slapping him around and digging an elbow into his face he simply waited for GD to try and get back up before hitting the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick followed by the foot on the chest pin.
The final match of the round 1 matches saw Captain Strong have to deal with another one of his former pupils Maurice. Maurice looked focused for the first time since his return and really took it to Strong with his kicks and punches. Unfortunately for Maurice, Strong had him well scouted since he taught him everything that he knew and dodged the KO Punch and brought the tall Maurice down with a Spinning Backbreaker. He then went to the top rope with a King Kong Strong Knee Drop and went for the pin. Maurice attempted to kick out, but Strong put his feet on the ropes and stole the win, which lead to a chorus of boos from the fans. The original 8 were now 4 and soon the round 2 matches would begin...
It was now time for things to get different, as the first of three main events would see the first Hybrid Battle in months. EBW Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting has picked a fight with the Bushido Crusade, and in the process has reawakened the Bushido Outlaw within. Now he would put his title up on the line against old friend, Bushido Crusade Leader, and CXJ Champion Picky Minch. Both men live the Maximum Soul Style, and knew the rules of a Hybrid Battle well, so this would make for an evenly matched fight. For 5 rounds Trevor and Picky grappled and battered each other with hard punches, kicks, and knees. The fans were treated to a real bloodbath as both men bled heavily. Trevor was unable to deliver the match finishing knee at any time nor was Picky able to hit his signature suplexes. They threw it all out there with the only real submission attempt taking place late in the 5th as Trevor reversed a German Suplex into a Shin Trevorplex! followed by a Kimura attempt. Picky held on until the end of the round and the fans applauded the effort of both men. Though they were feuding Picky and Trevor helped each other to their feet and it was obvious that through bloodshed the fences were mended. It was a close match, but in the end the judges scored a unanimous decision win for Trevor Mach. The champion defended the Royal Crown and became the new leader of Bushido Crusade. Picky tried to shake his hand, but Trevor raised Picky's hand instead, having visibly gained more respect then ever for his little friend. Picky gained the respect of a lot of fans and critics alike for managing to go 5 rounds with Trevor Mach. Lady M's and his brothers the Sons of Bushido entered the ring as Picky handed the Bushido Crusade banner to Trevor. He raised it high and made it clear that he really did once again believe in his Bushido Mission. Now that all the old business was finally put to rest for Trevor Mach the real question was: What was next?
The time had now come for eternal rivals Ness and Poo to square off in yet another epic bout. A lot has changed since these two main evented the first EBW show, but they always find themselves at odds one way or the other. This time Poo finds himself in a place of power, as FSW Ace and title holder. Along with his FSW Regional Belt that he was putting on the line he also brought the FSW GM Franky, an FSW ref to officiate the match, and several members of the FSW roster. Ness was not bothered by any of these tricks or attempts at intimidation. When it comes to Poo he is always ready to fight like the ace that put EBW on the map. As the match started the EBW OG was caught off guard by Poo who ran into the ring and faked a handshake before elbowing Ness hard in the face. he stumbled backwards where he was stomped by Poo until he was able to grab Poo's leg and take him to the mat. The next few minutes of the fight seemed more like an amateur wrestling contest with both fighters exchanging holds and trying to pin each other to the mat. When they finally returned to their feet it turned into a striking match. Ness was especially on his game this night and with the fans supporting him he managed to get an upper hand on Poo on several occasions, but Poo refused to stay down and continued to stagger to his feet no matter what Ness did. Other times in the match Poo was almost DQ'd for his brutal tactics and chokes. It was like he was more interested in hurting Ness then beating him in a wrestling match. Ness obviously had the clearer head of the two and finally managed to hit Poo with a PK Thunder Brainbuster. It wasn't enough to keep the FSW Champ down though as he kicked out at 2.9. Ness had the advantage though. The FSW rookies found themselves fighting against the odds with Poo abusing power and cheating his way to victory, but Ness was a hardened veteran that knew his old rival all too well. Poo tried a low blow to buy some recovery time, but Ness grabbed his arm and wrenched it hard. He brought Poo face to face where he grinned at the FSW Regional Champion before dropping him with his own Starstorm Suplex before hooking his leg for the pin and the huge win. Ness had once again defeated Poo, but also finally recaptured gold as the 2nd FSW Regional Champion. After the match FSW GM had to drag a livid Poo away from the ring. The FSW members entered the ring and applauded for Ness. The EBW OG shrugged and grinned as he realized that he was not only a title holder once again, but the new Ace of FSW.
It was now main event time. The rematch we have all waited for. The buildup has been intense, and this feud is ready to explode. Tonight, one man would once again stand tall while the other would face a hard loss, maybe even harder then the Destiny loss. The time is now W00t vs. Tack Angel 2! As Tack and w00t stared each other down, the fans cheered in anticipation on the upcoming bout. The match that followed could easily be called a classic. They rushed each other fast and attacked with hard hitting moves. It was a back and forth encounter for a very long time. w00t took control by throwing some hard elbows and dropping him with a dropkick to the knee. He picked Tack up to whip him, but Tack grabbed his arm and hit a high kick. w00t was dazed enough for Tack to drop him to the mat with an STO and tried to get a quick pin. w00t escaped the early pin attempt. At this point the w00t exploded with anger as he got to his feet and threw every punch and kick he could at the Pushpin Seraphim. He tried to hit a WKO, but Tack pushed him away to the ropes and as he bounced back Tack hit a dropkick. He rolled up w00t for another early pin, but w00t kicked out once again. Tack then tried to go for the high risk move as he climbed to the top turnbuckle to hit the Rider Kick. w00t evaded the attack and as he was coming down w00t him with a perfect WKO. 1-2-Kickout! Tack survived the WKO, but barely. w00t hit the WKO, but instead of trying to pin Tack he locked him in a knee bar. He wrenched the leg as much as possible as Tack struggled in agony. The fans chanted so loudly for Tack that you couldn't hear anything else. He finally managed to get to the ropes. w00t stood over Tack as he fought to get back to his feet. He tried to go for a final WKO, but Tack once again pushed w00t away. w00t turned around to get kicked in the gut and downed with another STO. Tack played up to the crowd as he limped around the ring pumping himself up. Finally, he dropped an elbow on w00t and changed things up by trapping him in an STF. The fans went nuts as w00t tried to fight out of the submission. w00t was getting ever closer to the ropes, but Tack was clenching in the move tighter. Finally, w00t managed to get the ropes and Tack had to let go. You could hear cheers for w00t as well, since he was fighting fair and on his own terms. Every time Poochyfud tried to get someone close to the ring w00t would demand that they leave. He was his own man and he was going to fight like it. Unfortunately at this point he was hurting as badly as Tack. They both limped to their feet and traded blows. w00t took control and attempted one final WKO, but Tack pushed him away against the ropes, and the champ caught w00t on the rebound with the Standing Shirinai Kai. 1-2-3! Tack Angel won the rematch and survived another huge test with his second title defense. After the match w00t struggled to his feet and ripped the title out of the hands of the ref. He looked at it and shared a staredown with Tack before handing him his title and walking away, passing an unhappy Poochyfud along the way. He started screaming at him only for w00t to threaten a punch which brought out security to keep him back. w00t lost the match, but he gained the respect and admiration of the fans. Tack Angel celebrated in the ring with his close friends and his girlfriend. Another big show ends with the Ace of the Universe standing triumphant...
EBW: Crisis!
Saturn City Gymnasium #2
1. Special Singles Match
Kachi Rodriguez (Randy No Kachi) beat Rude (2:05) with a No Kachi Cutter.
2. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Given(c)/Taken(c) beat Hotlanta/Generator (10:09) when Taken rolled up Generator after a Doomsday Device.
3. No Rules CXJ Match
Dave Larmore beat Shadow (5:35) with a Chair Assisted Double Arm DDT.
4. Special Singles Match
Swift beat Lukie (6:03) with a Blackhammer.
5. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Kinniku Mike beat Moz (9:12) with a Release Dragon Suplex.
6. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Amigo beat Dynamic Dougie (8:56) with a Rolling Olympic Hell Submission.
7. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Troy beat Green Destiny (1:21) with a Fight Me IRL Punt Kick.
8. TV Title Tournament Round 1
Captain Strong beat Maurice (8:33) with a King Kong Strong Knee Drop.
9. Royal Crown Championship/Bushido Leadership Hybrid Battle
Trevor Mach(c) beat Picky Minch (R5 5:00 Unanimous Decision).
10. FSW Regional Championship Match
Ness beat Poo[FSW] (15:18) with the Starstorm Suplex to become the 2nd FSW Regional Champion!
11. Global World Championship Match
Tack Angel(c) beat w00t (16:59) with the Standing Shirinai Kai.
FSW in EBW: Crisis
FSW made its presence known in EBW with FSW's future in the hands of the FSW Title match between Ness and Poo. Randy no Kachi has made his EBW in-ring debut against Rude in the opener. Entering as Kachi Rodriguez, Randy heard the fans loud and clear. Randy tossed the sombrero at Reno and defeated Rude with his popular No Kachi Cutter.
The biggest in FSW history that didn't took place in the Fourside Arena was contested for the FSW Title. Eternal rivals Ness and Poo pulled out another epic match. Perfect Man, MB Callahan, Black Cena, Sheik Ahmad, and Olly Oliver were around to take a closer look at the match. From ducking out of activity and stalling a recent title defense, Poo's bags of tricks were of no use as Ness knew him all too well. This has brought down Poo as Ness hits the Starstorm Suplex to become the 2nd FSW Champion. The FSW roster present came into the ring and seemingly applauds Ness. Perfect Man, however, applauded with a suspicious look on his face. Black Cena seems to be relieved as earlier, Trevor Mach took a new direction in his life. This gave Black Cena a sigh of relief as he won't be looking over his shoulder for a random ambush. Or will he??
FSW 10 News
FSW will celebrate its 10th show with a seemingly stacked lineup. It has been announced that the Double Trouble Titles will be on the line. Olly Oliver and Monoxide wants revenge against Perfect Culture for their attacks at the last FSW show. However, Perfect Man, with the look on his face at EBW Crisis, seems to have his sights set on Ness. Poo is talking over with Franky and Don Panini to exercise a rematch clause for the FSW Title against Ness. Things are picking up in FSW and promise to be a memorable night.
Welcome to the brand new! New Logos for the EBW Signature Shows! is happy to present it's newest logo! The new look is part of an overall face lift for EBW. EBW's signature shows X-cite, LIVE!, and X-perience will also be receiving new logos as well and you can get a sneak peak of those below.
EBW Rankings List Updated!
Following the Crisis Pay Per View, has received the updated rankings list. We have teams that have broken up in both tag divisions, so for now you will find two vacant spots in list. #5 Rankings will be determined in future match ups. Recent matches in the tag divisions have seen Alpha Betas rise up from injured reserve to third place while Bakayaro and Bolshoi find themselves ranked #1 in the CXJ Tag Team Division. The biggest news to come out of all of this is that w00t has been bumped down to the #2 Ranking following his loss to Global World Champion Tack Angel. This of course means that EBW Royal Crown Champion has now become the #1 Ranked Contender. While all is quiet backstage, it's obvious that this is huge news and might just lead to the biggest and most anticipated match up in EBW history. We'll keep you posted on all rankings updates.
EBW Top 10 Heavyweight Rankings
Global World Champion: Tack Angel
1. Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting -Royal Crown Champion- +1
2. w00t -1
3. Ness -FSW Regional Champion-
4. Kinniku Mike
5. Troy
6. Swift
7. Rude
8. Amigo
9. Dynamic Dougie
10. Akinan
EBW Top 5 CXJ Rankings
EBW CXJ Champion: Picky Minch
1. Dave Larmore
2. Shadow
3. Bakayaro
4. Lucas
5. Bolshoi
EBW Top 5 Tag Team Rankings
EBW Tag Team Champions: Tack Angel/Tracy
1. Avion/Metrion
2. KYO/Danny Leung
3. Troy/Lukie +2
4. Apple Kid/Orange Kid
5. -Vacant-
EBW Top 5 CXJ Tag Team Rankings
EBW CXJ Tag Team Champions: Given/Taken
1. Bolshoi/Bakayaro +3
2. Generator/Hotlanta -1
3. Sal Paradise/Jamie OD -1
4. Rocky Guapo[P+P]/Billy Guapo[P+P]
5. -Vacant-
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite Card Revealed! Post Crisis Fallout!
Reviews for Crisis have been nothing but positive, and the fans are already drooling over a stacked X-cite card. The fallout will definitely be felt and future plans may be revealed. The show right after a PPV tends to be more of a "holding pattern" show before the push to the next big show, but this show will be full of matches will long term implications. Bakayaro will try to defend his #3 CXJ spot against the rising Breakthrough Generation star Lucas in the opener, while Dave Larmore will team up with Anguish, as he hopes to once again put down the CXJ Bully Shadow and his pupil Grudge. An odd pairing of Dynamic Dougie and Swift will take on another odd pairing of Ryan IQ enlisted wrestlers Lukie and Akinan. The odd pairings continue as the Breakthrough Generation leader Amigo will have to team with Troy against Captain Strong and Kinniku Mike in a TV Title Contender Tag Team Match. Maurice, Moz, and Green Destiny of Breakthrough Generation will then take on SinDOS and their odd partner Rude in 6-Man action. You can bet they will be on the look out for Akatsuki and KARAS. The main event is a huge 10-Man Tag Team Match, as Double Champion Tack Angel leads EBW Royal Crown Champion and #1 Ranked Contender Trevor Mach, NEW FSW Regional Champion Ness, CXJ Champion Picky Minch, and Jeff Andonuts as they take on Pokey Minch, Fruit Inc., and FSW's Franky and Poo. We'll also hope to hear from w00t following his Crisis loss and Randy no Kachi following his revolt and victory. Will we get some information on the next big show? The wrestling world is buzzing about a potential match up......I think we all know what it is. Will those two gladiators be able to work together? Find out on Monday Nite X-cite!
EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center
1. CXJ Ranking Match: #3 Spot
Bakayaro vs. Lucas
2. CXJ Tag Team Match
Shadow/Grudge vs. Dave Larmore/Anguish
3. Tag Team Match
Dynamic Dougie/Swift vs. Akinan/Lukie
4. TV Title Contender Tag Team Match
Amigo/Troy vs. Captain Strong/Kinniku Mike
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Maurice/Moz/Green Destiny vs. Avion/Metrion/Rude
6. 10-Man Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/Trevor Mach/Picky Minch/Ness/Jeff Andonuts vs. Pokey Minch/Orange Kid/Apple Kid/Franky[FSW]/Poo[FSW]