EBW World
Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, for EBW World! The wife is at home right now, feeling some sympathy pains for Lady M's I think, or maybe she didn't want to get out of her sweats. Trust me people, casual Nerma is HOT, but don't tell I said that. Don't worry, she's probably not watching. She was watching some weird lifetime movie, where Vape was staring as Colonel Sanders or something. Weird right? We're just DAYS away from Last Clash 2020, and it will be the end of a very very tumultuous year. A year of conflict, and a year of change. It'll all culminate in front of the Saturn Dome, where like usual, we'll have the last match of 2020, and the first match of 2021. It's going to be awesome! We're going to have a big show, but we're not there yet. We have Christmas coming, and EBW is providing a Christmas present, with a special Xperience, that will suffer from a ratings drop no matter what we do. Do you guys A Christmas Story all day? Cause it's cool if you do, but I'm just saying you should check this out too. Alison Chains will get here Television Championship title shot and-
Alison Chains: I've been waiting for you to get to me. Move aside, before I chain you up, and no, you won't enjoy it.
Tommy Dukes: Eep!
Alison Chains: Haha, did you like my little assist on Xcite? Do I feel bad going after a kid? Nah, not one bit. The little bitch had it coming. Sunny and Millie Malibu both came at Lady M's pretty hard, and when Hope was out injured, I figured it was my time to make a move. Even though she's back, I've still got work to do, because I owe M's a little bit. I owe her. When I was hitting the drugs, and down on my luck, and hallucinating on shrooms, she was the only one who had the guts to smack me in the face and tell me to get clean. She pushed a new drug called violence, and I'm addicted. So, to repay that favor, I'll bust Sunny Malibu's face in, but I'll leave a little bit left you Hope. I'm cool like that. You can come back now. Stop hiding, you look pathetic.
Tommy Dukes: *sigh* Don't judge me people. She had a chain, and that would hurt like hell. We're going to see all kinds of great matches, when Xperience is held in Snowman's Icee Arena! Don't miss it. We also have the card for the third Maelstrom show. Don't miss that either. Just stay home and watch ENN....until A Christmas Story comes on.....then flip back and forth on commercials. It's cool. I do it too. I hope Ralphie gets the Red Ryder BB Gun this year....he gets it every 12 times.
EBW: Xperience "Merry Christmas"
Snowman Icee Arena, Snowman
0. Dark Match Intergender: BeShemoth vs. Dirk Laramie
0. Singles: Firebrand X vs. Jammer
1. 8-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Jessica James/Jenny James vs. Erica/Duvalie/Kaie/Eve
2. Singles: Radzi Schrieffer vs. Aron Vayne
3. Women's Singles: Lainey Strong vs. Calamity Jane
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: Sunny Malibu(c) vs. Alison Chains
5. 10-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Tack Angel/Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT vs. w00t/Maurice/Cadmus/Cade/Masked Man
EBW Gaiden: Maelstrom Fight Club: MFC 3
Mad Gear Bar, Saturn City
1. First Takedown No Strikes: Vape vs. Golvoth
2. Bushido Rules Non-Title Singles: Benjamin vs. Dirk Laramie
3. First Takedown Strikes Only: Ilya Fedorovich vs. Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge
4. Bushido Rules Women's Singles: Lt. Lacy Wagner vs. Kimber Blaze
5. Bushido Rules Singles: Hazen vs. Aron Vayne
Crystal Heaven
Makoto Angel was looking through a telescope all over Crystal Heaven. She saw Pirates, hard at work converting the old food court into farm land, as the once glistening castle, was being turned into a more reasonable Kingdom for the large family. She then turned her gaze towards the sky.
Makoto Angel: Wow, is that what I think it is?
Makoto Angel: AH!
Makoto Angel: I've heard about you a little bit. I feel like we've met before.
Makoto Angel: Are you looking for Tack?
Makoto Angel: Uh *blush* Thanks, but I'm married.
Makoto Angel: I feel awkward being so tall.
Makoto Angel: You know I can hear you right?
Makoto Angel: Uh....thanks again? So what was that you were saying about the conjunction?
Makoto Angel: Jupiter....home. You know, I am the reincarnation of the Princess of Jupiter, here on Earth to love Star Prince and one day reclaim my home.
Makoto Angel: I don't know if I'll ever get that chance. It's not that I'm asking Tack to suddenly go back on his new attitude, but how are we ever going to make that dream a reality?
Makoto Angel: I uh...I guess so? You're really weird sir.
Makoto Angel: It's really beautiful though.
Makoto Angel: Yeah, I wonder if it's good omen or not?
As Makoto stared into the night sky at the convergence, she was blissfully unaware that something was staring back.
Earth-5 - Crystal Hell
A leggy brunette in what could best be described as dominatrix leather, with a too short skirt, and a twisted, gnarled crown looked through the telescope. She was joined by another figure. A seedy looking ginger scientist.
Raspberry Kid: See? I told you. When the planets moved, it finally revealed to us the location of the other Earth. It just took some time, because we were placed on the opposite side of the sun, but this convergence allowed us the reflection we needed.
Queen Jupiter: Outstanding. I knew letting you live would serve a purpose.
Raspberry Kid: Quite right. Because of my genius mind, and the understanding of time travel I learned by torturing the Andonuts family to death, I've been able to place the entire planet in its proper time. Good thing too, because 1992, didn't have the frequency waves being projected to reveal this location. I'll keep up my research. Don't you worry. Now that we know where they are, we can establish a connection.
Queen Jupiter: The sooner the better. I did not rally my husband's forces to take this husk of a planet back from General Swift and that bitch Christina, to continue this charade of an existence. Dukes! Get in here!
Tommy Dukes-5: Yes mam! Of course mam!
Queen Jupiter sat on his throne, as Tommy Dukes-5 got on his knees in front of the throne. Jupiter put her feet on his back.
Queen Jupiter: Do you find this uncomfortable Dukes?
Tommy Dukes-5: I love it Queen! It's so good! I don't care at all that you killed my wife!
Queen Jupiter: How about letting those dirty dirty pirates ravage her before I killed her? How about letting you watch?
Tommy Dukes-5: We were always kinky voyeurs my Queen!
Queen Jupiter: You're pathetic.
Tommy Dukes-5: Yes my Queen.
Queen Jupiter: I want you to move on this quickly Raspberry, or I'll kill you, and add you to the collection of skeletons that adorn the front of this castle.
Jupiter pushed a button, and a a jail cell arose from the ground. A beaten and dirty man with a long scraggly beard sat in the corner.
Queen Jupiter: I'm going to do what you were unable to do. I'm going to show you what a true leader can do.
Darkness Angel: .....
Queen Jupiter: Yeah sure, just look at me. Look down on me even, like you always have. You thought we were a bunch of whores that served you. Maybe some of them were, but I took care of them didn't I? I killed them all in front of you. All except for your "little Princess". I don't know HOW she managed to find her way back to our Earth, but between her and Raspberry, I'm going to figure it out, and I'm going to use it to conquer another empire. An empire that will be in service to me, the "Black Queen". It will be better than this. You allowed your hedonistic ways to leave this planet dead, and that will be your legacy, like the remains of Malice Rider, and your dead wives that I have in front of this damned castle. You just wait. I want you to witness the whole thing.
Darkness Angel: ....You all should have killed me when you had the chance.
Queen Jupiter: It's not too late...."dear husband". It's never too late for that.
Last edited by Machismo (12/24/2020 1:58 am)
Earlier Today...
At the Snowman Mall, EBW's Vape was dressed as Santa Claus, with Dan, Jammer, and Benjamin dressed as elves. They were giving out gifts to the the children.
Vape: Oh ho ho! Hello little girl! Is that your Mommy, and is there a Daddy in the picture?
Little Girl: What?
Vape: Do you have a Daddy?
Little Girl: No, but you don't have to make fun of me about it!
Vape: I wasn't-
Little Girl: Mommy, Santa Claus is a jerk! My entire childhood and world view and have been tainted and ruined!
Vape: ....Very....eloquent young girl. Well spoken.
Bashin Dan: You're doing great Vape.
Jammer: Don't encourage this Dan. He's awkward as hell! Why didn't either one of us do this?
Bashin Dan: We lack the....
Jammer: Beef?
Bashin Dan: Yes. Beef.
Jammer: So we're not fat enough?
Bashin Dan: You had it right the first time!
Benjamin: I'm still confused about Christmas myself. See, I could have sworn it was about this Jesus fellow Fray Tiburon was telling me about. Who is Santa Claus?
Bashin Dan: ...He's...uh...
Jammer: The dude that shills coke products every year around this time.
Benjamin: OH! I was wondering who that was! This clears up so much! Many thanks.
Jammer: Dude, he's never going to assimilate, is he?
Bashin Dan: Doesn't look like it. He's still wearing armor under his elf costume.
w00t: Well well well....
Jammer: And here we go.
w00t: The representative of EBW, dressed as an elf, looking like a joke.
Jammer: He might be doing it one day a year, but none of us can top you doing it all year round.
Vape: Snap!
w00t: Pipe down Santa Cholesterol, cause I'm not here alone.
Cade: Dan.
Bashin Dan: You're right, here we go again.
Cade: You can't possibly think this is over.
Bashin Dan: I-
Cade: Don't even bother. I can't hear you anymore. All I hear is a voice, telling me to rip your heart out. I won't though. I'll abstain, for now, because I want that Triple Crown.
Benjamin: You were beaten Cade.
Cade: I was cheated. I wasn't done fighting, but Mav decided-
Jammer: To save your damn ankle you idiot! You were passed out from pain, and Dan was going to keep twisting until he stopped it. You would have woken up without a foot!
Cade: I was NOOOOT passed out! I got right back up, and I put pressure down on that ankle. Look, I'm walking on it right now. He saw a moment. He saw an opportunity to try and hide his handiwork, but it's not going to work!
w00t: President Swift will try to sweep it under the rug, but Cade here, even told Mav he wasn't giving up. Mav got it really close. You can see the footage, and asked him if he gave up, and Cade said NO.
Bashin Dan: Is that true?
w00t: Would we lie?
Jammer: Yeah. You would absolutely lie.
w00t: What are you still doing here? Don't you need to beg Santa to make the evil football players get off your back?
Jammer: Joke's on you, that already happened, when....well...when...wait...why did we stop feuding?
w00t: From one former World Champion to another, I suggest you learn to be what you have to be to get competitive again, or else you're going to be stuck in stupid feuds with stupid people. As for you Dan, do you intend to give my friend Cade a rematch?
Bashin Dan: I don't back down from challenges, but he's going to have to wait. Mav Valentine gets his rematch, as the final match of 2020. It's only fair. He was ahead of you in line, until you took his spot. We're done here Cade. We're trying to spread good cheer to the children.
Cade: Don't turn your back on me. You giving up Dan? Have you finally realized that we're enemies.
Bashin Dan: I just know, that if I see w00t or Dae Montell with you, then I might as well save my breath, but no, I don't give up on my friends.
Cade: Foolish. Actions have consequences. You and Mav Valentine are both going to figure that out.
Benjamin: He doesn't know when to quit.
Vape: He's getting a lump of coal this year.
Jammer: So...I was feuding with Blitzworth, and then Sbarrge showed up and battered me. Golvoth....isn't with them then....wait....I'm going to need to write this down.
Larry Grim: Welcome to Snowman folks, and Merry Christmas! For those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, I can't help you, because this is the designated time for this holiday. It's important to respect those dates, like Taco Tuesday for example.
Makoto Angel: The Angel Family definitely celebrates Christmas, and from all of us to you, have a very Merry Christmas! Your present from us, is another exciting episode of Xperience! It's not an experienced episode of Xperience, even though that would make more sense. See, it should be exciting episode of Xcite, but you get the idea right?
Larry Grim: We're in the Icee Arena for tonight's episode, that will see Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan, lead Tack Angel, and the Weekend Wrecking Crew, against w00t, Cadmus, Cade, Maurice, and their new mystery friend. No, it's not Picky Minch, but we WILL be hearing from the Challenge Champion tonight.
Makoto Angel: The story that's been floating around concerns the well being of Lady M's, one of the bosses of the Women's Division. While I don't want to point fingers...I'm gonna. I still think Eisenritter did this. They reek of negavibes. My friend's cat helped me clue in on that sort of thing.
Larry Grim: Sure! I don't know who is responsible, but Tess had something to say earlier. Let's roll the footage!
Tess's Office
Tess: I'm not going to talk about being grateful tonight. I'm not going to talk about Christmas either. I'm not here to tout Eisenritter. I'm not here to admonish Alison Chains. This is about what happened to Tali on Xcite. I want it to be made crystal clear, that while I don't hide my feelings for my step daughter, I would never authorize or condone an attack on a pregnant woman. I want to know who that was. I'm going to be running investigations on this matter, and the culprit WILL step forward. This isn't about our philosophical war on what women's wrestling should be. This is far too personal of an attack, and it goes beyond anything I would do. I'm a mother too you know? I'm demanding that whoever pushed her down those steps, come forward. It'll be easier on you...but not much.
EBW Announce Table
Larry Grim: This reminds me of what happened to someone else, but it's even hazy for me? Could I be losing my power? No's the eggnog. Mmmmm, Vape's Brand Nog is Noggalicious!
Makoto Angel: We also have a Television Championship bout tonight, as Sunny Malibu puts the title on the line against Alison Chains. Chains made sure that Eisenritter lost the Women's World Tag Team Championships in a bit of turnabout being fair play. She made it clear, she wanted to repay a debt. Will she tonight?
Larry Grim: So much more to go through tonight too, as President Swift seems to have another announcement set for tonight. Yes, he already said he plans on appointing a "Sheriff" to EBW at the start of the year, but he's got something else in mind for tonight. I wonder what it could be? I would normally know already, but I think eggnog is the only substance that can block my sight. It's funny really, cause how am I even getting tipsy? I don't have a stomach? I put a cup in my rib cage, so when I drink it, it goes into the cup, and I can just drink it again. It's recycling!
Makoto Angel: That's gross AND cool! We had two matches on ENN+ already like usual, with Dirk Laramie losing to BeShemoth in an Intergender Match, and Jammer narrowly losing to Firebrand X, ahead of his Television Championship challenge to Benjamin at Last Clash 2020. Well, it looks like we- comes Picky Minch! He looks upset! He's got Dae Montell following close behind, but it doesn't look like Picky wants him there.
Picky Minch: Look, I am going to handle this by myself. I don't want to write my name in your book! I just want to clear the air here! I'm addressing Trevor Mach. On Xcite, we were supposed to end things, but obviously, things got in the way. A lot of people I know are happy about the situation, but I'm not. I don't want Lady M's to be in that hospital room right now. I don't want Justice in any danger, and I don't want your car blowing up. I don't want that. What I want, is to prove to you, that I'm the better man. The "I Kneel" Match was supposed to lead to that end, but I feel cheated. I understand, but I feel cheated. I just think that-
Suddenly, Trevor Mach rushed in from the crowd and tackled Picky to the mat. He clutched at something in his hand as he grabbed a mic.
Trevor Mach: I KNEW, you'd be out here running your mouth off tonight kid. You won the title. I knelt before you, because I had something else I had to do! I knew you wouldn't leave it alone. I knew you'd just keeping poking and prodding. Well you know what? I'm tired of being poked and prodded right now. I'm damn tired. My kid could have been killed! My WIFE could have been killed! My car blows up and I find your shirt. They search the area around the staircase on Xcite, and look, another damn shirt! Do I think you're doing it? Probably not. It's probably mind games. Well, I don't feel like playing games. I've had about ENOUGH of this shit!
Picky Minch: I didn't-
Trevor Mach: You keep your mouth shut Picky! This has got to stop, because I'm getting screwed with, and my family is getting screwed with, and I made it very clear that I'm NOT Tack Angel. You screw with my family, and you put your life on the line! If you have anything to do with this, you're dead, but again you probably don't. You want to prove you're a big man. You want to be bigger than the "Bushido Renegade". Alright Picky. You mean it? You want that huh? Then, you need to put that title on the line one more time.
Picky Minch: Done.
Trevor Mach: In a match of my choosing this time.
Picky Minch: Just say when.
Trevor Mach: Last Clash 2020.
Picky Minch: Fine by m-
Trevor Mach: 3 Stages of Hell.
Picky Minch: *cough* Excuse me?
Trevor Mach: You heard me. We're beaten. We're battered. We're tired. Want to see which one of us is better? Then let's see who crumbles first? It's not enough to beat me up Picky. You're going to have to crush my will! I'M TOO MAD, AND LIVID, AND PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW FOR HALF MEASURES! We're doing this? We're doing the whole damn thing! Now, are you still in, or are you going to piss yourself and cry for mommy?
Picky Minch: ......I'm in.
Trevor Mach: Good. I'm going to beat you Picky. You're flying too close to the sun, and it's going to burn you. I just hope, that in the end, you can live with yourself. One last time kid. One last goodbye. Merry Christmas dickhead. *spits*
EBW: Xperience "Merry Christmas"
Snowman Icee Arena, Snowman
0. Dark Match Intergender: BeShemoth beat Dirk Laramie via Spinning Side Slam -> Pin
0. Singles: Firebrand X beat Jammer via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
1. 8-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Christina Angel[o]/Jessica James/Jenny James beat Erica/Duvalie/Kaie/Eve[x] via WRIST CLUTCH Angel Driver -> Pin
-The opening match saw the NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions and the James Sisters join forces to take on Eisenritter. With Sunny and Millie Malibu watching on, as the new champs, seemed to have the number of Erica and her group tonight. No dirty tricks for once, as Erica attempted to extend a hand to Hope, only for Christina to walk up and slap her in the mouth. With the James Sisters making quick tags in and out, to take apart Eve, the Onlyfans muscle queen fell to the WRIST CLUTCH Angel Driver for the pin. Christina tried to cut more hair as Erica pulled her sister out of the ring.
Erica: Whoa! Hold it! I tried to play nice tonight. I tried to cut you a break!
Christina Angel: A break? A BREAK?! You've got to be kidding me. You want me to run a gauntlet to get to you at Last Clash, then I will, but don't act like you've giving any breaks here. You're playing more games. Doesn't matter if you pushed M's off those stairs or not, I think you know something. You're only upset because you're still obsessed with her and her family like you've been all these years. She might not say anything right now, but I'll say it for you.
Jessica James: She's not the only one. Between you bitches, the Muscle Girl Security, and now the traitors, all you've ever been interested in, is pain, violence, and stabbing people in the back. That's fine, we can roll with that, but be honest about it at least. I also happen to think you know something. M's and Hope mean something to us, and we're going to rip and tear until we find out who is responsible for what happened!
Erica: You want to drop pretense? Fine. I AM sorry about what happened, but I don't intend to let you take from us in this situation. You coming after us, in a moment like this, when I actually felt sorry for you for a brief moment, just shows you're capable of the stuff you accuse us of. Millie getting attacked proved that too. Using the opportunity to take the titles also proved that. If you're not careful, you'll become the very thing you hate, and we'll have brand new members to our association. Christina, I MIGHT see you at Last Clash, IF you can run the gauntlet.
2. Singles: Radzi Schrieffer beat Aron Vayne via Elbow and Forearm Ground and Pound -> Referee Stoppage
-The "War Kings" sent Radzi Schrieffer of Hagen into battled against Aron Vayne. A very Bushido-eque match, even without the Bushido Rules in place, Radzi was able to counter Judo with good old fashioned Catch AS Catch Can. Aron Vayne proved his worth, by squaring up with Firebrand X, but found himself on the ropes, when a Euroland Uppercut smashed Vayne in the chin, sending him to the mat. Radzi got into mount position, and laid in several forearms and elbows, until Vayne stopped responding, and the ref had to stop the match. Radzi Schrieffer with the win.
Larry Grim: Wow. An impressive display from Radzi. The rest of the team, in their Euroland adorned track jackets, seemed to be please with the quick victory, and this was over Aron Vayne, who was more than a match for Firebrand X. I think it was that uppercut. It hit just right. He seemed glazed over after that. Keep in mind, that the remaining "War Kings" will be in action at Maelstrom Fight Club 3, which will be airing Boxing Day, so you know, that's kinda fitting. Right?
Ted Pettentool: Ted Pettentool here, and no you're not seeing things, I am BACK on my feet....well foot. I got used to that prosthetic really quickly, and I can stand next to this wet floor sign, without the need for a crutch even! I'm joined by Mav Valentine, who also looks like he's more comfortable on his feet.
Mav Valentine: I'm getting there. I'll be ready for Last Clash at least, and even if I'm not, I intend to show up and get my title back anyways.
Ted Pettentool: Cade says that you cheated him out of the title, and called for the bell, when he said he was awake, and not giving up. What do you have to say to that?
Mav Valentine: I think it's bullshit personally. You believe that guy? He's lucky he didn't break his ankle. That was a great match, but he's making excuses now. The fact is, I can give Dan a better challenge, and I can beat him. I didn't underestimate Dan before, I knew he was great, but to battle Dan is a different experience, and it changes your perception on a few things. You get some of that fighting spirit rubbed off on you, and you realize as confident as you are in your abilities, you can always do better. I KNOW I am capable of doing so much more, and the best is yet to come. Dan, bring your A game, but I'll be bringing an A+ this time.
Ted Pettentool: DIDN'T hear Cade say he wasn't giving up then?
Mav Valentine: What did I just say Ted? You implying something? Look, I'm going to go, because I want to watch the main event. I'm a wrestling fan, just like everyone else here. Later.
Ted Pettentool: Hmmm, I guess tha-WHOA! *thud*
3. Women's Singles: Calamity Jane beat Lainey Strong via Lariat -> Pin
-The first showdown between one of the broken tag teams in the Women's Division, saw Lainey Strong take on Calamity Jane. Strong was in near tears, as she questioned why her partner would turn on her the way did, but the former Sunset Riders were not going to settle this with words. Jane threw stiff shots, and brawled with her partner, who had been developing under Jane, so she knew everything to expect from the daughter of Mayor Strong. In a battle of Lariat attempts, Calamity Jane won out, flooring her former friend, and pinning her for the win.
Makoto Angel: I feel so bad for Lainey. She's a real sweet girl, just really shy. Calamity Jane was helping her to break out too. *sigh* That was a solid win for Jane, but I miss the Sunset Riders already.
Larry Grim: You're being very adult right now. Calamity Jane hates your family, and yet you're still trying to keep composed. Proud of you.
Makoto Angel: Thanks!
Larry Grim: You look sad.
Makoto Angel: I just don't like seeing them fight on Christmas. People should all be together for Christmas.
Larry Grim: Let's turn that frown upside down. Hey, you want to know why my friend Dracula never had a lot of other friends? He was a real...pain in the neck.
Makoto Angel: ....Heh...he....
Larry Grim: Want to know why he used to chew gum so much? He had "bat breath".
Makoto Angel: Ha...haha....
Larry Grim: Hey, did you-
Makoto Angel: I'm good Larry, but thank you.
Larry Grim: Right. Right. That's what I'm here for.
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: Alison Chains beat Sunny Malibu(c) via DQ -> No Title Change
-In the Semi Main Event, Alison Chains challenged Sunny Malibu for the Television Championship. A heated contest, with a lot behind it, especially with M's in the hospital, and Sunny Malibu being responsible for a lot her her woes, along with the dismantling of Hope Mach in the past couple month. Chains quickly took it to Malibu as soon as the bell rang. Malibu turned things around and beat on Alison in the corner. Malibu came in to attack, but Alison took her down with a chain wrapped Dragon Screw. Back forth they fought, with the chain coming into play every now and then, scraping the line of a disqualification. Finally, Sunny had enough, and wrapped the chain around Alison's neck, leading to a DQ. She tried choking out Chains, as Hope Mach ran down to chase off Sunny.
Makoto Angel: Wow. Chains is smiling. She's bleeding, red in the face, and smiling. Maybe she's happy that she pushed so many buttons and made Malibu snap? Still, she doesn't end up with the title. Will she get a rematch, or will Hope Mach try again to beat Sunny Malibu?
5. 10-Man Tag: w00t/Maurice/Cadmus/Cade/Masked Man[o] beat Bashin Dan/Tack Angel[x]/Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT via Cradle Piledriver -> Pin
-Main event time for Christmas, as Triple Crown Champion Bashin Dan, Tack Angel, and the Weekend Wrecking Crew took on w00t and his team, including another Masked Man. A free for all brawl, with everyone getting in their spots to the delight of the crowd, but not intentionally, because that would denote it was a predetermined. It was just an amazing coincidence. The Masked Man was deceptively good, as he threw kicks with Tack Angel. The Masked Man kicked Tack in the groin, but Tack was wearing his cup, and caught the fought between his legs laughing. The Masked Man threw a head kick with his other foot, and flattened Tack. He got his foot on the ropes for the break, but w00t took it off before the ref could see it. w00t's team with the win.
Larry Grim: w00t's team with the win. What a horrible lump of coal. Is Christmas ruined?
Makoto Angel: No. Look! Tack is holding hands with his team mates in a circle in the ring? Is he singing?
Tack Angel: Fah who foraze! Dah who doraze! Welcome Christmas, come this way! Fah who foraze! Dah who doraze! Welcome Christmas, Christmas Day!
Kinniku Mike: Dude, this is lame as hell.
Amigo: I'm going to have to agree.
Magnum PT: This ain't it Chief.
Bashin Dan: I appreciate the effort.
Tack Angel: Yeah, you're right this sucks. Let's just go home.
Makoto Angel: Well...I guess never mind then.
Larry Grim: Perhaps the spirit of Christmas is trying to enjoy it DESPITE the cringe of the season? Merry Christmas everyone!
As a grumpy Tack walked back to his locker room....
Tack Angel: Bah Humbug. Those jerks keep trying to kick me in the dick! Enough already! Next time I see one of them, I'm gonna-
Amy Angel: Hey Tack? Come on in here.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Tack opened his dressing room door to find Amy Angel, dressed as a naughty elf.
Amy Angel: We were wondering if you want to unwrap your present a little early?
Tack Angel: .....
Last edited by Machismo (12/25/2020 2:16 am)
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the Mad Gear Bar, and Merry Christmas EBW fam! We're here for another round of the great experiment! The fusion of Wrestling and MMA! Bushido Rules! This is a place where we fight, plain and simple. New match types, that force fighters to adapt and think, as well as fight.
Apple Kid: I'm excited for this one, because we've seen the "War Kings" in action a few times, but it was just a taste, and always as a team. Tonight, three members are breaking off into singles matches, to show what they can do. We start off with a familiar match up. Vape takes on Golvoth. The big Nord, and the self made marketer will go at it in a No Strikes bout. Those still consist of three 5 Minute Rounds. Ilya Fedorovich takes on Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge, in a Strikes Only bout. The goal of both will be the first to score a Takedown. So, you can see they'll have to employ different tools altogether to secure the win. The main event will see Aron Vayne, the Judoka, step up against Hazen, the man that brought the "War Kings" together. This team could dominate the Maelstrom Fight Club.
Tommy Dukes: Does that mean you don't want that topless chick over there to dominate YOU?
Apple Kid: Dude, what are you doing?!
Tommy Dukes: Nothing. I was just....testing you. I'm glad you're back to normal.
Apple Kid: I mean sure later maybe, but-
Tommy Dukes: We also have the Television Champion in Non-Title action against Dirk Laramie, straight up Bushido Rules. Plus, we also have Kimber Blaze and Lt. Lacy Wagner locking up in Bushido Rules action. That's sure to be a heated bout, after Blaze's betrayal. I bet the Angels would like a piece too, but they'll have to wait in line. Apparently Kimber didn't make many friends with her recent speech about Eagleland. We've got some potential barn burners here, but that's not all we have. We'll be hearing from EBW Challenge Champion Picky Minch, and Trevor Mach, regarding the upcoming 3 Stages of Hell Match at Last Clash 2020! In fact, let's cut to that right now.
EBW Gaiden: Maelstrom Fight Club: MFC 3
Mad Gear Bar, Saturn City
1. First Takedown No Strikes: Golvoth beat Vape (R1 3:50) via Chokeslam -> Takedown
-A fast paced affair, more akin to a Sumo contest without the slaps. The two husky mountains of beef collided, but made sure not to throw a single strike. Vape has been struggling to overcome Golvoth, and tonight would be no exception. The giant Nord got his hand around Vape's throat, and showed off his amazing power, slamming him to the mat before the end of the first round.
Tommy Dukes: Golvoth did it again. It's great that he came back, and he's no longer with Might Gallery, cause that was just a bad idea. Anyone know where Arliss even is?
Apple Kid: Apparently he got the mushroom head sickness, and wandered off in a random direction. He hasn't been seen since.
Tommy Dukes: Well that's potentially horrible. "War Kings" get the first win in the Fight Club tonight.
2. Bushido Rules Non-Title Singles: Benjamin beat Dirk Laramie (R1 0:10) via Spear x Ground and Pound -> Stoppage
-Dirk Laramie came in focused and angry, seeking to break the losing streak he found himself in. Anything to break the curse that came with losing to "Mr. No Push" himself Danny Leung. That redemption....would not come tonight. Not even close. In fact, the Television Champion Benjamin speared Dirk right out of the gate, and ground pounded until the ref called for the 10 seconds.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! What?! Whoa!
Apple Kid: Holy shit! Benji the killer there, got a win in 10 seconds! Is that a new record!? He's really just firing on all cylinders right now.
Tommy Dukes: I can see Firebrand X in the crowd. He was going to scout Benji, but he never got the chance here. Our Television Champion is on fire, and Dirk Laramie....well...he won the Neon Rookie Cup once, and he's got a Panel Van, so I guess it's not ALL bad?
Saturn Memorial Hospital
Trevor Mach sat in the hallway, by the room housing his sleeping wife, as the Lakitu tried to sneak in.
Trevor Mach: I see you eye is still a bit hazy, but you're lucky I'm stopping you, because if you were to go in there, either she's throw you out the window or I would. You want to know how she's doing? That's our business. You want to hear about this match coming up? Fine, let's talk about that. I'm sitting here, away from my kids, with their mother in this hospital, on Christmas. I don't care if you had anything to do with it or not at this point Picky. I'm going to break you down. That's what you want right? All or nothing? That's why I decided on 3 Stages of Hell. That's the ultimate proving ground. You walk out of that, and you'll know some things about yourself. If you fail, then you learn some hard truths. I'm willing to bet, you think you can get it done in two, but you better be prepared. Hope for two, but train for three. Mentally prepare for three. Be ready and willing to go the distance. I know I am. Are you?
3. First Takedown Strikes Only: Ilya Fedorovich beat Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge (R2 4:22) via Tiger Feint to a Discus Lariat -> Takedown
-The intense and wild eyed Ilya Fedorovich, took on the larger Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge in a Strikes Only variation of the First Takedown Match. Sbarrge had the power on his side, but as a man who was more used to tackling than punching, he found himself having some trouble again the young man from the frozen north east of Euroland. A flying Corkscrew Uppercut staggered the football star enough for Ilya to Tiger Feint off the ropes, and plaster "The Rumble" with a Discus Lariat. Takedown achieved.
Tommy Dukes: That's another one for the "War Kings". Anyone else shocked at how good they are? Not just as a unit, but in singles action. This is a new level of competition, and a game changer of the "SURGE Generation" variety I would think.
Apple Kid: Dan Club, the Bad Dudes, the Weekend Wrecking Crew, and even w00t's associates need to keep a close eye on these guys.
Onett - Minch House
Picky continued lifting weights, as the Lakitu approached.
Picky Minch: Is is that time already? You're going to have to just keep filming, because I'm not stopping my workout. I'm not stopping for anything, not until I get what I've wanted all these years. We've said a lot, and we've been through a lot, but the core of all this hasn't changed. I know I can be better than Trevor Mach. I know I can beat him. I've done it before, and you all know it. I can do it again. I can do more than break his body, or his spirit. I can end his legacy. The "Bushido Renegade" ends when 2020 ends. Whatever is left of him can take his wife home from the hospital, and retire, knowing the better man won. 3 Stages of Hell huh? You went for it didn't you? Did you think I'd back down? This is the biggest match of my entire life. 15 years coming. Not for anything would I miss this. Not for anything. This is Trevor. This is "Zero Hour", for you, for me, and for our futures in this sport.
4. Bushido Rules Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze beat Lt. Lacy Wagner (R3 4:53) via Eagleland Rack -> Stoppage
-Kimber Blaze came out to a chorus of boos, as the "traitor" took on Lt. Lacy Wagner in their first singles encounter since the break up. Blaze and Wagner were training partners, who came up together, giving them insight into the other, and making for a close, nip and tuck match. With Bushido Rules in place, Wagner seemed to have the advantage, as her striking and ground game were on point, but Blaze would bend the rules by getting caught up in the ropes, any time Wagner got the advantage. Blaze had the strength and stamina advantage, and the match tilted her way the more rounds they poured through. Closing in on the time limit, Wagner threw a hard right, but Blaze blocked it, and hoisted her up for the Eagleland Rack. Unable to escape, Wagner refused to tap. She nearly went the distance, but the referee made a judgement call and called for the bell.
Apple Kid: Not sure how I feel about that one. Controversial maybe, but we all know a few extra seconds could end a career, so maybe it's better to play it safe?
Tommy Dukes: Wagner could've gone the distance. She's got the military training to resist pain. These people are not happy Kimber Blaze won at all.
Kimber Blaze: Don't boo me! Don't do it, because then you're booing Eagleland! You're booing our country, and our way of life! We're not the good guys anymore, so it's time to stop acting like it. Someone tell this military bitch that she's just meat for the grinder, sent to fight in other countries' wars. Zealstrailia? Why did we get involved there for example? Because that's what we do? It's all bullshit. I'm going to look out for my best interests, and screw over anyone that disagrees, because that's what we are now.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Here comes Chrissy Angel! She's trying to get into the ring!
Kimber Blaze: Look, someone isn't ready to hear it, but then again, you don't really come from this country do you? Go back to your little micro-nation, and stay out of my way. I didn't sign on the dotted line to have to keep dealing with you Angel pests.
Chrissy Angel: If you have any guts at all, you'll fight me next! You'll fight me!
Kimber Blaze: You think I'm the kind of person who would batter a kid? Maybe I am. I'll get back to you on that.
5. Bushido Rules Singles: Hazen beat Aron Vayne (R3 3:03) via Rear Naked Choke -> Stoppage
-Main event time, as Hazen battled Aron Vayne, in a confrontation of the new hotshots on the scene. A blistering display of raw power from Hazen, and the collected and strategic Aron Vayne. The Judoka managed to put Hazen on the mat a few times, but that only seemed to fire him up even more, as he used his size advantage to control the ring. Late in Round 3, Vayne tried to flip Hazen over his shoulder, only for Hazen to snap in a Rear Naked Choke, and drop him to the mat. Within a matter of moments, Vayne appeared blacked out, leading to the Stoppage by the referee.
Tommy Dukes: Vayne had the best chance against Hazen yet, but the "War Kings" go undefeated on this night, and counting Radzi's win on Xperience, the whole fighting team have big singles wins to gloat about this week. Euroland have sent some of their best and brightest, and this can mean good things for us, but bad things for the rest of the roster. Goodnight everybody, and something something Boxing Day!
Last edited by Machismo (12/25/2020 3:58 pm)
EBW World
Nerma: Nerma here, and I'm back for EBW World, because we are counting down to Last Clash 2020. It's going to be a big one folks. Can you feel it? Feels like the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one. I don't think any of us are going to be the same going into 2021. We'll soon be celebrating 15 years of EBW. Can you believe it? 15 years of....well all of this?! It's crazy to think about. It promises to be a banner year for the company, and the sport as a whole, but we're not there yet. We still have so much unfinished business. President Swift teased an announcement on Xperience, but he didn't drop the bombshell just yet. I'm thinking we'll see it on Xcite, because he keeps reading those books on anticipation and marketing. Hey, he's getting better right? We have one more week before Last Clash, and that means, more Xcite, one last Xcite for the year 2020. We'll be going to Winters, because it's so damn cold, we might as well lean into the madness and get frostbite. We'll see Mav Valentine back in action, as he settles the score with w00t, and shows that he's ready for his title challenge at Last Clash against our Triple Crown Champion Bashin Dan. We'll also see the women of EBW pair off into two teams for a HUGE Women's Team Battle Royale. Jammer will take on Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge, to bring SOME closure to this feud between basketball and football, but who will prevail? TackForce will join forces against Cadmus/Cade/Maurice, and their new hired gun. Subculture will especially be looking for revenge on Cadmus, just like Tack, so he better be ready, because he's got a target on him. The show will open with Firebrand X taking on Magnum PT, a man who has gone from rough loss after rough loss, to a trip to Edo, and suddenly an undefeated singles streak upon return. That's a hot way to open the show. I'm not done though. Apparently, we're also going to get the contract signing for 3 Stages of Hell, and of course, the liability waver one would thing. The contract signing SHOULD reveal to us the 3 matches that will be used for 3 Stages of Hell. It's not one to miss, but what Xcite ever is? Don't miss it!
EBW: Xcite "Countdown to Last Clash"
Winters Heated Auditorium, Winters
0. Dark Match Tag: Golvoth/Radzi Schrieffer
0. Dark Match Singles: Ilya Fedorovich vs. Dirk Laramie
1. Singles: Magnum PT vs. Firebrand X
2. 8-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Subculture/LG Rod/Randy no Kachi vs. Cadmus/Maurice/Cade/Masked Man
3. Singles: Jammer vs. Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge
4. Women's Team Battle Royale: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Alison Chains/BeShemoth/Gold/Lainey Strong/Lt. Lacy Wagner/Jessica James/Jenny James vs. Erica/Kaie/Duvalie/Eve/Bev/Raza/Kimber Blaze/Calamity Jane/Sunny Malibu
5. Singles: Mav Valentine vs. w00t
EBW: Last Clash 2020
Outside of Saturn Dome, Saturn City
1. EBW Television Championship: Benjamin(c) vs. Firebrand X
2. EBW Women's World Championship Gauntlet: Kaie vs. Christina Angel + Eve vs. Christina Angel + Duvalie vs. Christina Angel + Erica(c) vs. Christina Angel
3. All or Nothing: Tack Angel vs. Cadmus
4. 6-Woman No Rules Tag: Hope Mach/Jessica James/Jenny James vs. Sunny Malibu/Bev/Raza
5. Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze vs. Chrissy Angel
6. 6-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT vs. Hazen/Radzi Schrieffer/Ilya Fedorovich
7. EBW Challenge Championship "Zero Hour" 3 Stages of Hell: Picky Minch(c) vs. Trevor Mach
8. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Mav Valentine
Last edited by Machismo (12/26/2020 2:32 am)
Saturn Cafe
Bashin Dan sat happily, as Hope Mach leaned against him, napping after a hard day at the gym.
Vape: So I got these brand new genuine faux diamond cuff links, and -
Jammer: I'm sorry, did you say faux?
Vape: Yeah. It's a Euroland word, and it's got an x in it, that you don't even have to pronounce. How prestigious is that?
Benjamin: Vape, I do believe that equates to fake.
Vape: But...but these are diamond. They cost a lot of money.
Jammer: You got ripped off bro.
Vape: ....*sigh* That's fine. I don't even own a tux.
Jammer: A Tu? No, you DO have to pronounce THAT x.
Vape: Why did I buy these? Dan? Want to get in on this?
Bashin Dan: Huh? I'm sorry, I was just-
Vape: Watching a woman sleep? It's fun, I can agree to that, though normally, when they wake up, they get startled and ask me how long I've been there.
Jammer: Look at you, hitting the jackpot. Wasn't very long ago that you got a nose bleed when she wanted to hold your hand.
Bashin Dan: I'm not as freaked about it with Hope. After everything we've been through, it's just nice to have this moment together.
Benjamin: Shall we sally forth, and leave you alone then?
Bashin Dan: No....this is nice. I'm enjoying being surrounded by friends.
Jammer: Like usual. Dude, we sit here almost everyday.
Vape: Remember that time we got here and people were in our booth? The nerve. The absolute gall of them.
Benjamin: They were unaware that we had invoked the "dibs rule".
Vape: For life! We tripled stamped it. Touch blue make it true. If were playing tag, this would be base. I'm going to raise my children in this booth....if I...ever have any.
Bashin Dan: It'd be perfect if-
Jammer: I know Dan, if Cade were here. Look man, we've been through this. This is different from the beef you and I had. I was being a jealous prick, and while I am still burying deep seeded jealousy that is devouring me inside out, I learned that friendship was more important than hatred.
Bashin Dan: ...I'm sorry, I'm going to need you to repeat the middle part of that.
Jammer: Huh? What? Huh? Don't worry about it. The difference is that Cade is nothing but hate now. He wants to the win the title to spite you, not for his own success. He does everything to spite the Dan Club as a whole. Not sure why though, cause we're pretty great.
Vape: Pretty sure we're the longest lasting group in EBW history, unless you count "Bad Dudes" or whatever combination Mike and Amigo find themselves in. I don't think they count. I'm not counting them. We're the best.
Bashin Dan: I think this all stems back to Cade lashing out against his father. I think maybe if his father could reach him, he could see the error of his ways.
Benjamin: Being the son of Giygas can be no easy task.
Jammer: Son of Giygas, trained by Ness, and finding himself on the losing end against you. That's got to be rough. I know when I lose to you I want to jump into traffic.
Bashin Dan: What?
Jammer: I said, it makes me want to take several jump shots on the court, to deal with the stress.
Bashin Dan: I've been paying attention to things happening around us, namely with Fray Tiburon and Gordon Cole. I'm going to bide my time, but I think....maybe....we can bring back Dr. Yaggis.
Vape: ....I don't think I saved the receipt. You think they'll let me return these? I really hope so.
Crystal Heaven
Tack Angel and the Pirates continued working on Crystal Heaven, reforming it into a warmer, more hospitable place. Subculture walked up to Tack as he was working on something with bricks.
Subculture: Tack, I need to talk to you man.
Tack Angel: Wow, would you look at that grill? Ain't it something? Yep, that's the cover of the box, so WHY DOES MY GRILL LOOK NOTHING LIKE THIS?! Arg! Dammit! Why must I always fail at masonry work specifically!
Subculture: Tack! Calm down man.
Tack Angel: Huh? Sorry, I just...can't quite get this right. It's bad enough that I had to go to the hardware store to buy bolt cutters, so I could take the lock off my toolbox to begin with. Do you know how far away the nearest hardware store is? Then, you have to find one that sells more than just yo-yos and guns. Like seriously, it's so easy buy guns, yo-yos, bats, and teddy bears, but bolt cutters? It's like pulling teeth....with yo-yo string.
Subculture: Why did you do it?
Tack Angel: Do what?
Subculture: Accept the match with Cadmus. I told you not to. I said I could take it. I know you didn't want to see your daughter cry but-
Tack Angel: I didn't do that for you. I did it for her sure, but mostly, this is for me. I need to put a stop to this once and for all. If I'm ever going to reclaim my life and my identity, I need to be done with this one way or the other. Either I win, and Cadmus gets the hint, or I lose, and then....well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it....which will be never, cause I'm not going to lose. In fact, let's just burn that bridge.
Subculture: Oh good. I'm glad it was for selfish reasons. If it was a selfless action for the husband of your daughter, I'd have to punch you in the face.
Tack Angel: Well, I mean I don't want Christina to be sad, like I said so-
Subculture: No. Don't do that. It was a selfish act right?
Tack Angel: Huh? Oh totally. Hate you and stuff.
Subculture: Thanks.
Tack Angel: Want to help with the grill? I dropped the instructions in the concrete, so I have to use the non-Eaglish instructions. What the hell is "Le Grille"?
Subculture: Uh.....
Nani Angel: If you require assistance than I shall give it master.
Tack Angel: Sweet. This is going to be a grill! What do you think about that?
Nani Angel: ....May I burn evidence in it?
Tack Angel: We can ALL burn evidence in it.
Subculture: ...I'm gonna go.
Last edited by Machismo (12/27/2020 2:17 am)
Earlier Today...
Split screen Lakitus showed Trevor Mach and Challenge Champion Picky Minch entering the arena. Picky looked in good shape, in a track suit, with w00t, Dae Montell, and all their associates behind him. Mach meanwhile looked tired, covering his eyes with his aviator shades as he popped the collar of his denim jacket to try and stay out of view.
Tess's Office
Christina Angel and Hope Mach walked into the room, looking around for Muscle Girl Security.
Tess: They're not here. It's just me.
Christina Angel: Like I can believe that.
Tess: *sigh* You need to pause the hostility. This goes beyond our petty feuds.
Hope Mach: You hate my Mom. You hate me, and you even hate Christina. It doesn't matter if I believe you or not, you still hate us.
Tess: I hate....the divide we find ourselves in. I'm a villain to you, but you've been villains to me. All I want, is to make women's wrestling what I believe it can be.
Christina Angel: Not all of us what to get our tits out for ratings. You make me want to work harder in the ring to bring ratings. You make feel that any time I'm feeling sexy, I'm reminded that I'm better off covering up.
Tess: Which can't be easy for you I'm sure. Covering up I mean....yeah you're an Angel alright. If only you'd embrace that, you could attract far more attention.
Hope Mach: We'd rather entertain in our way. We're not going to be able to compromise on this. You know that. So, why are we here?
Tess: I'm trying to extend an olive branch. Christina, I'm willing to talk to Erica, and get her to rescind the gauntlet. Hope, I'm willing to book you in a match with Sunny Malibu.
Hope Mach: ...What's the catch?
Tess: No catch. This is a legit offer, but I'm only going to make it once.
Christina Angel: I don't want anything from you. Not anymore. Never again. I'll take on the gauntlet, I'll win, and I'll face off with Erica. She'll look into my eyes, and she'll know, that she's in the ring with a different kind of Christina. This won't be like any match we've had before. I refuse to lose.
Tess: ....Hope?
Hope Mach: She pretty much covered it. I think we're good. You've tried to take everything from me. I'm lucky I can hear again outside of the ring. I'm lucky that I wasn't blinded by your bitch brigade either, so I can see and hear you when I tell you to your olive branch, and shove it!
Tess: *sigh* Well, at least I can say I tried. That's fine girls. You'll get everything you have coming to you. I don't even care if you're grateful. You can leave now.
As they shut the door, Duvalie lowered herself from the ceiling.
Duvalie: At least you tried Mistress. Very wise of you to not truly face them alone.
Tess: I'm not stupid Duvalie. I know what I'm doing. At all times, I know what I'm doing.
Duvalie: Yes, of course.
Tess: By the way, I want you to be honest with me on something. Did you attack Tali?
Duvalie: Mistress, I will admit that I could have many times. That being said, I give you my word that I did not, and neither did Sunny Malibu. She learned her tricks from me, and this was not...."elegant".
Tess: ....It's familiar though right? A very similar thing happened to-
Duvalie: Aly Smash? Yes Mistress.
Tess: Someone is doing their homework huh?
Duvalie: It would appear so Mistress.
Tess: ...Interesting.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to Winters! It's cold as hell out there, but we're here, inside the Winters Heated Auditorium for Xcite, the "Countdown to Last Clash"! That's right this it folks! The final stop before the big show. Level Up Wrestling is pre-empted until the following week, and Xperience will be a special look back episode, but wait, don't decide you're not going to watch it just yet! I can feel those ratings draining away already. You need to watch, because we will be holding a very special award ceremony. It's the end of the year...TACKY AWARDS!
Nerma: ....What?
Tommy Dukes: That's right! Decided upon by the Academy of Tacks and Sciences, the Tacky Awards will be given out in several categories, and this is something worth winning folks. Prestige, money, and fame, all come from winning a Tacky!
Nerma: .....Really?
Tommy Dukes: Work with me here Nerma.
Nerma: Whatever. I'm too cold to argue.
Tommy Dukes: You should wear these extra gloves. My hands are getting sweaty anyways.
Nerma: ....You have an extra pair of gloves this entire time?
Tommy Dukes: Yeah. We're in Winters.
Nerma: I'm going to kill you.
Tommy Dukes: Eh?
Nerma: ....So if you have ENN+, you witnessed more domination from the "War Kings". Golvoth and Schrieffer dominated Saxon and Novus, while Ilya Fedorovich fed Dirk Laramie yet another loss and-
Dirk Laramie: I am sick of this! I'm so sick of it! I can't go out on a bad note! 2020 was supposed to be my year! I was going to move out of the Panel Van! Dick Wagner is off drinking with PT and the Weekend Wrecking Crew, and my Neon Rookie Cup is worthless these days! The only thing I have left is my mighty mustache, and people are trying to say PT has a better one of those too?! That's my limit! I'm challenging Magnum PT! I want to go Mustache vs. Mustache at Last Clash!
Nerma: He already has a match. He's in the Weekend Wrecking Crew remember? They're going to face the "War Kings".
Dirk Laramie: But, that was going to be my conclusive victory to end the year on a high note!
Tommy Dukes:'s not gonna be.
Dirk Laramie: BAH! Fine! I'll get him next year! At least this year can end with me winning the "Dirk Laramie of the Year" Tacky Award.
Nerma: ....Is that a real thing Tommy?
Tommy Dukes: Uh...I want to say no, but-
EBW: Xcite "Countdown to Last Clash"
Winters Heated Auditorium, Winters
0. Dark Match Tag: Golvoth[o]/Radzi Schrieffer beat Saxon/Nouvs[x] via Chokeslam -> Pin
0. Dark Match Singles: Ilya Fedorovich beat Dirk Laramie via Corkscrew Flying Uppercut -> Pin
1. Singles: Magnum PT vs. Firebrand X ended in a No Contest
-The opening contest saw Magnum PT and Firebrand X putting on a clinic. The resurrection of PT was completed, with him holding his own against the former World Champion and E1 winner. However, Dirk Laramie decided to spoil the fun and attacked them both, claiming to have the best mustache. He then realized the error of his ways and tried to apologize, but was taken out with a double chokeslam.
Tommy Dukes: Well, that was certainly amusing. Way to end the year Dirk.
Nerma: That poor guy.
Tommy Dukes: Yeah...what a "Dirkhead". Am I right? "Dirkhead"?
Nerma: ...*snicker*
Tommy Dukes: I got you!
Nerma: Shut up. *blush*
2. 8-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Subculture[o]/LG Rod/Randy no Kachi beat Cadmus[x]/Maurice/Cade/Masked Man via KO Punch -> Pin
-In the final showdown before Last Clash, Tack lead Subculture and TackForce against Cadmus, and his associates. Subculture took his arm out of a sling for this bout, and did everything he could to get his hands on Cadmus. The Dark Star Emperor was up to his old tricks, but Tack and Subculture worked in tandem to wear him down. The Masked Man seemed to wander off during the match, leaving the team short one person, and that allowed Subbie to blast Cadmus with the KO Punch for the pin and the win.
Tommy Dukes: And that's a win for Tack's team! Subculture with a measure of revenge. How sweet it is.
Tack Angel: Hey Cadmus, where are you going? Oh that's right, you don't like to stick around when you lose. You prefer to cower and hide. Well let me tell you this. When I beat you once and for all, I want you to cower and hide for a loooooong time. And if you don't-
Subculture: I've got another KO with your name on it.
Cadmus: Cute. Real cute. We had to rely on an uncertain entity in that match, and they left us weakened. When it's just you and me, that's not going to happen. I'm going to win. I'm going to take your Kingdom, and I will be the TRUE Constellation King.
Tack Angel: I don't care! All I care about is kicking your head in. You'll start off the new year picking up your teeth, and I'll usher in the next "Tackade"!
Cadmus: "Tackade"?
Subculture: You were so close to not being embarrassing there.
Tack Angel: Hey, I'm getting better then!
3. Singles: Jammer beat Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge via Rear Naked Choke -> Submission
-Jammer brought an end to his year, with the end of a rivalry that was nearly forgotten about. Colton "The Rumble" Sbarrge has shown his ability to adapt to the ring, but Jammer had the experience, and the desire to beat his football rivals once and for all. A miss Slam Jam opened up Sbarrge to go for a tackle, but Jammer wrapped around him, and locked in the Rear Naked Choke. Not used to submission wrestling as much, Jammer held on for dear life as Sbarrge tried to escape, but he eventually fell to the mat and submitted.
Tommy Dukes: He did it! That's the cap off to an "interesting" year for Jammer. Last year, he was a man on a mission, and this year was back to basics for the Slam Master, but he has definitely shown that he can rise up the challenge and claim that Triple Crown again someday soon.
4. Women's Team Battle Royale: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Alison Chains/BeShemoth/Gold/Lainey Strong/Lt. Lacy Wagner/Jessica James/Jenny James vs. Erica/Kaie/Duvalie/Eve/Bev/Raza/Kimber Blaze/Calamity Jane/Sunny Malibu Winners:
-An all out free for all, that perfectly encompassed the Women's Division in 2020 saw two teams battle it out in a Battle Royale. Kimber Blaze and Calamity Jane found themselves on the Eisenritter team, but had no issues eliminating Bev, to show they weren't aligned with the team. Lainey Strong and Lt. Wagner evened the score with their former partners by eliminating them. A very personal bout, a large cluster of the women were eliminated all at once, when the James Sisters rushed them and sacrificed themselves, to leave Alison Chains and Hope Mach with Sunny Malibu. The defiant Malibu tried to fight them off, but the two women managed to toss her out, winning the match for their team.
EBW Xperience Special: THE TACKY AWARDS!
Announcer: And now, to host the Tacky Awards, it's......VVVVVVVVVVAAAAAPE!
Vape: Me? Seriously? I mean, I knew in advance, and I'm still surprised. I didn't have a tux, which IS pronounced with the x as it turns out, but I did have this tux shirt, so it'll do right? Well, what a year it's been for EBW. Despite the mushroom head pandemic turning people into maniacs, and the riots from the Saturn Lives Matter protests, EBW has managed to rise above, and not be bogged down by the negativity of the world. Instead, we consistently showcased the best talent in the best matches. Who can forget the Victory Explosion 3-Way main event? What about that time I lost to Golvoth? How about Bashin Dan vs. Mav Valentine? That other time I lost to Golvoth? Hehe...he. It's been a banner year for Christina Angel too, as we've seen her emerge from her shell, and show her stuff. I mean really showing her stuff. I'd go on about it more, but Subculture is in the building, so that can wait for me, google, and a box of tissues. Moving on? Moving on. Before we use this time to shill our last event of the year, we have to start handing out the Tacky Awards. Awarded by the Academy of Tacks and Sciences apparently. Is that a real thing? Let me see one of these trophies. It looks like Tack holding a pair of ti- never mind. I'm sure it's something else. We're going to start off with a big one. Female Wrestler of the Year! To present the award now is Not Tess? Uh....I-
Tracy Angel: Out of my way Vaper, I'll handle this! Even though "Mom", and the bitches like her tried to keep the Angel Family down, you couldn't stop us! That's why the Female Wrestler of the Year is....CHRISTINA ANGEL! HAHA!
2020 Tacky Female Wrestler of the Year: Christina Angel
Christina Angel: Thanks Tracy-Mom, I appreciate it. Wow....this is..."quite" the award. Something to place on the shelf....of the closet...for sure! I appreciate it. It means a lot to me, that I've been able to have such a big career already, and yet this year felt like a breakout one. It's like being Women's World Champion before felt like I had big shoes to fill. We were trying to catch up to those that laid the ground work. Now, I feel like those shoes are just the right size. Erica, take as many pictures with the belt as you can, cause when I run that gauntlet, you'll never get to touch it again.
Vape: Oh's Christina...I hope she didn't hear me talking about-
Christina Angel: You googling me? I'm still right here.
Vape: ...Hey.
Christina Angel: ...I'm going to go.
Vape: ...I was frozen with fear. 2020 has been full of that huh? Gripping situations. High stakes situations, especially with the Angel Family and Cadmus! At Last Clash 2020, that rivalry comes to an end with an "All or Nothing" battle between Cadmus and the "Return of the Pushpin Seraphim" Tack Angel. No Star Prince here folks. Now, we move onto Male Wrestling of the Year. Joining us for that award is....President Swift!
President Swift: Why did I agree to this? *sigh* Let's get this over with. We've had a ton of great young talents rising up for this one. The usual names like Tack Angel, Trevor Mach, Subculture, and Firebrand X are on the list. So are names like Kinniku Mike and Amigo, but they had a bigger year as a Tag Team. Then, I see the name Tack Angel written a bunch more times.....huh. Academy of Tacks and Sciences you say? Well, to me you had guys like Mav Valentine, who lead me to where I am right now. You had Benjamin, who became the one of our best out of nowhere. The winner though, is the Ace of the new generation. "The Dangerous Player" Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan!
2020 Tacky Male Wrestler of the Year: Bashin Dan
Bashin Dan: Wow. I just...I didn't expect this really. I thought it would've been Mav for sure. He deserves the spot. We had an amazing match not long ago, and we're going to have another one really son. Benjamin, you deserve this too. So many of you do, but I appreciate it truly. I dedicate this win to all of you, and next year, we'll make it even more competitive. I'm excited just thinking about it. Thanks again.
Vape: Congrats buddy! Hope I'm in the running next year...if I can ever beat Golvoth. *sigh* I think I did once right? Anybody remember that? I think it was from this year? Anybody? Just me? Maybe I didn't even remember! Bashin Dan and Mav Valentine are going to tear it up, and make the first match of 2021 an instant MOTY contender. Don't miss Last Clash 2020! Moving onto Tag Team of the Year, we have Apple Kid, one half of the first tag team of EBW, Fruit Inc.
Apple Kid: Way to make me feel old. I have NO idea where Orange Kid is these days, but we were a force to be reckoned with. Those Sharks couldn't handle the Fruit! Yeah! *clears throat* I'm just now aware that EBW Alumni Franky is in the crowd, so I'm going to pull back on that, and just reveal the winners. It's probably the Bad Du-IT'S KINNIKU MIKE AND AMIGO!
2020 Tacky Tag Team of the Year: Kinniku Mike/Amigo
Kinniku Mike: Uuuuu! That's what I'm talking about!
Amigo: Well deserved. Not going to be humble here. We deserve this. We went from rivals, to friends, to mortal enemies, to partners, to friends again. It's been a journey for us, and I think that alone is quite the story, but the work we still put in inside of that ring can't be topped. Olympic level talent. Strong tits. What a combination.
Kinniku Mike: Absolutely! We got our heads together. We got our shit together. We wiped the slate clean, and we've got a couple people to thank for that. Sal Paradise, as our Agent, has kept us well paid, and well presented. He's got our backs. Thanks Sal. I'd also like to thank my son Isiah. He's helped to....keep check. I'm coloring in the lines more, and making less mistakes...outside of the ring. I've made a lot of mistakes out there...but Isiah, you're the one thing I don't consider a mistake. I keep expecting your Mom to show up and take you back, but until then, and until I go to jail for harboring you, I promise to keep trying to be a great Dad.
Vape: That...was touching. *sniff sniff* I'd want to me a Dad someday, but first....I got to find a date. Step 1. I got to beat Golvoth at some point too. Bye the way, this segment is brought to you by Vape Brand Condoms. Just because I don't have a reason to use them doesn't mean you can't. *sniff sniff* The next award goes to Finisher of the Year. To present the award we have w00t, the man with one of the deadliest finishers in EBW, the wKo.
w00t: And I SHOULD win the award, but who bets that I don't? This is all rigged against me. See these bandages, from wood splinters. Trevor Mach, you can throw a fit all you want, but your chickens are coming home to roost sir. You are in over your head. Trust me. I know things you don't. Whatever, the winner of the award is...*sigh* Bashin Dan's Ankle Lock? Really? Amigo and Hope do that too, and I bet I could do one better, but sure, give it to golden boy.
2020 Finisher of the Year: Bashin Dan's Ankle Lock
Bashin Dan:, I don't know what to say again. I mean, w00t IS right about that. I know Hope can do it better, because she helped show me how it's done, but I guess it would have to come from success rate? It did give me back the Triple Crown. I really appreciate this. Thank you. I promise to continue innovating in the new year.
w00t: ...I had a speech prepared, but give it to the simpleton. Why not?
Vape: Now now, no sour grapes allowed w00t. Hey, I got a joke for you all? What did my Grandfather say to me before he kicked the bucket? He said "Hey Grandson, watch me kick this bucket"! HAHA! No? Nothing? Gee tough crowd. Moving on then, we have a rapid fire segment hosted by Tack Angel, where he spits off some of the awards handed out earlier today
Tack Angel: Thanks Vape. Glad I....I mean they got you to host this thing. So here we go on the rapid fire round.
2020 Tacky Best Dressed: Amy-Bellamira Angel
Tack Angel: The goth one specifically, cause she's HOT, I love goth chicks, and she was showing off the...goods. I mean, I whoever came up with the awards chose very well.
2020 Tacky Best Pirate: Portly The Pirate Dog
Tack Angel: A close one there, but Portly beat out Bill and Tacquito, because he's a good boy. Yes he is. Such a good boy.
Portly the Pirate Dog: Baaaaarrrrrrk!
2020 Tacky Smartest Wrestler: Duvalie
Tack Angel: Because she's dangerous, deadly, and very very scary....or so I was whoever made the awards.
2020 Tacky Most Dimensional: "Mr. 2020" Steve
Tack Angel: Gordon Cole, Jeff Andonuts, and Mr. Face suggested this bait....I mean I was told...again...outside sources. The ways of the Academy of Tacks and Sciences are very vague and mysterious.
2020 Tacky Best in Bed: Tack Angel
Tack Angel: I mean come on. My track records speaks for itself. I can power nap like a POGCHAMP! Wait...that was supposed to be for something else?
2020 Tacky Biggest Nerd: Tack Angel
Tack Angel: Yeah, I guess I earned that one after the previous one. Still, I'm a two time two time Tacky Award winner baby!
2020 Tacky Loser of the Year: Cadmus
Tack Angel: That stinky loser Cadmus obviously. That eternal douche bag. It would have gone to Danny, but he said "No Push" and-
Cadmus: You know what? I'm actually here, and I'll take your stupid trophy. It's practice. You're having to give me something right now. After Last Clash, you'll owe me everything you've got.
Tack Angel: Unless I win, and then you'll just get out of my life. I really should have wagered more. You've caused me more problems then I can count. You ran from me for months. You went after my family. You keep trying to take and take. After Last can take....A HIKE! GOT HIM! YEAH!
Cadmus: ....*sigh* I feel like you're not taking this seriously enough.
Tack Angel: I am Cadmus. Trust me I am. I don't get angry. I get even, and it's time for pay back.
Vape: Yeah! But wait, why not "pay tack" or "tack back"? No? Oh they're both gone. *sigh* I have no awareness of my surroundings. We're moving onto feud of the year, and for this one, we've got my buddy Jammer coming up to the stage! Let's hear it for the Slam Master! JAMMER!
Jammer ran out, slapping hands with the fans, and grabbing up a basketball, to take several trick shots, while Vape held out his arms like a hoop. Despite several attempts, and Vape even moving towards the ball, he missed most of them. One ball smashed a fan in the face.
Jammer: OOF! Sorry kid! That's a FREE AUTOGRAPH! WOOOO! Yeah, how about this 2020 huh?! I've had some ups and downs! JUST LAST YEAR I won the E1 Climax, AND I was the World Champion! JUST! LAST! YEAR! Haha! Crazy right? No, I'm not shaking with sadness, it's excitement! Yeah! I'm fine! Really. Besides, I beat TWO football players this year, and proved the justice of my culture, and THAT has got to count for something. Look, I guess we can't all have Ace years every year, and I'll get back on track....but this isn't about me. It's about the Rivalry of the Year. I have here Tack vs. Cadmus, but it looks like it was JUST scribbled out, and something else was written in its place. Tack, did yo- whatever, I don't care that much, but I'm happy for ONE of the winners. It's Bashin Dan vs. Cade!
2020 Tacky Rivalry of the Year: Bashin Dan vs. Cade
Bashin Dan: Another one? Guys, I don't know what to sa-
Cade: Give me that. You have two already, and I'll be damned if you're getting the one that's mine.
Bashin Dan: Uh...fine? We won it together.
Cade: This is about who hates the most, and I hate you the most, more than you hate me, so I earned this. The burning rage I used to feel, that gave way to numbness....and the sounds....they drown you out, and they tell me to covet this trophy, and take it from you, and that's what I'm going to do.
Bashin Dan: You can have it Cade. I just want you to-
Cade: We're not finished in 2021 Dan. I'll be coming for my title. You and Mav may have conspired against me, but I'll get another shot. You wait and see.
Bashin Dan: I didn't conspire! Cade! Come back!
Vape: Three wins for my boooooy Bashin Dan....and that former boy. He's not in the stable anymore. He's out trotting freely now. Now let's top this off with Match of the Year. This is a big one folks. We wrestle, and this all about wrestling. Which two wrestlers out wrestled everyone else at wrestling each other or others? I lost the thread. For this, we're bringing out my other best buddy. The Television Champion AND "Mystic Bout Machine" THE "Warrior of LIGHT" Benjamin! Come on Benji!
Benjamin: Thank you my friend. It's been a great year for me, and I can promise bigger and better next year. I'm going to give it my all. The nominees for this award did the same, and they earned this award with blood, sweat, and tears. The winners went through the most gruesome match I have ever seen, and the fact that both women are still standing and are here tonight speaks volumes. It goes to...Hope Mach vs Sunny Malibu (Hardcore Halloween for Undisputed Woman's TV Title)
2020 Tacky Match of the Year: Hope Mach vs Sunny Malibu (Hardcore Halloween for Undisputed Woman's TV Title)
Sunny Malibu: I deserve this. It was the match that I said I was done being considered less than. The surfer chick showed that she could be a killer. I had no qualms getting blood on my hands and-
Hope Mach: It takes two to tango Sunny, and I'll remind you that you only managed to get this far because you tried to take my hearing away from me forever. In the silence, you have a lot of time to think, and I've thought about all the ways I'm going to hurt you Sunny. It's all on the wheel.
Sunny Malibu: The wheel?
Hope Mach: It all comes around. You keep that award. Stare at it every day, and remember what it took to get it. Then, realize how much more you're going to have to give if you EVER want to be done with me.
Vape: ....Not now boner! I'm ruining this heated moment! I'm so sorry everyone! That was the 2020 Tacky Awards, and I-
Dirk Laramie: HEY WAIT! You didn't give out the Dirk Laramie of the Year Award!
Vape: That's a thing? That IS a thing? How did I miss that? Well alright then, I guess I'll just go ahead and announce the winner.
Dirk Laramie: Yes! Here it comes! I-
Vape: Retro Hippie!
Dirk Laramie: WHAT?!
Last edited by Machismo (12/28/2020 1:11 pm)
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to Saturn City! We are outside of the Saturn Dome, where thousands have gathered to kick off the end of the year, and celebrate the beginning of 2021! This is it folks! The end of an era, and the beginning of a new one! Can you feel it? CAN YOU FEEL IT?!
Nerma: I don't feel much! It's cold, and my feet are swollen!
Tommy Dukes: Put your feet up baby.
Larry Grim: Don't worry Nerma, you're not due for a couple months still. However, someone is- wait....spoilers. I'll keep that to myself. This is a big night folks. The culmination of this year's bloody rivalries. We have broken bodies limping over the finish line, and we have triumphant champions trying to solidify their legacies.
Makoto Angel: And don't forget true heroes, fighting in the names of their family! Christina's running the gauntlet tonight! Hope Mach is stepping up against Sunny Malibu again! Chrissy is standing up to Kimber Blaze. In the Women's Division right now, it's all about honor and family.
Tommy Dukes: Well then you can't forget about your husband Tack, cause he's facing Cadmus one last time, with everything at stake. No more escalation folks. No more waiting. We're here. Finally.
Nerma: 3 Stages of Hell people. Picky Minch and Trevor Mach are throwing everything they've got at each other, in one of the most personal blood feuds we've seen in some time.
Tommy Dukes: That's the "Last Match of 2020", but the "First Match of 2021" will see Bashin Dan put the Triple Crown on the line against former Champ Mav Valentine. Their last match got 5 Stars by Tuna Meltzer, so they have a lot to live up to. I know they will. How could they not? It's Last Clash baby! Let's not waste anymore time! We're kicking things off with Benjamin defending the Television Championship against Firebrand X. The last time they fought, Benji took X to the distance in a Bushido Rules match. What's going to happen this time? Only one way to find out.
Tommy Dukes, Nerma, Larry Grim, and Makoto Angel: LET'S TAKE IT TO THE RING!
EBW: Last Clash 2020
Outside of Saturn Dome, Saturn City
1. EBW Television Championship:
-Workrate was the key word, and while we try to figure out if that's really one word, and what does it really mean in a world where wrestling is real, we're missing out on a hot opener to start the show. Firebrand X battered Benjamin in the early going, working over his spearing shoulder, and keeping him suppressed on the mat. Benji showed that he had picked up on his ground game, and tried to match the experience of X, but to no avail, as the hybrid fighter continued to work him over. Unable to get a pin, Firebrand lifted Benjamin for a Crash Thunder Buster, but Benji escaped, and hit a weak spear. It wasn't enough to keep X down long, but enough to allow the "Mystic Bout Machine" to catch his breath and get back into the game. Benji avoided X’s additional offense, before the two wrestlers went back and forth with pin attempts. Benjamin charged at Firebrand and hit a flying forearm. He tired to charge again, but was backdropped by X to ringside. Firebrand came off the ropes with an Asai Moonasult. He dragged Benji to the middle of the ring, but only got 2 on a pin attempt. After another pin attempt by X, Benji turned the tables and landed a surprising Capoiera Kick. He launched at X and hit the Spear, but made no pin attempt. He hit a Frankensteiner on X from the corner, but before we could wonder how that move got its name in the EBW univervse, he followed up with an elbow drop. Benji worked over X, who mounted a comeback with stiff punches and a clothesline. From the apron, X hit Benji with a pump kick and came over the ropes with a rolling thunder for a nearfall. Firebrand got Benji into the corner and hit a spike DDT for another two count. He set up for the Fire Thunder Driver. but Benji escaped and ran the ropes to hit another Spear. He made a symbolic gesture with his hands, pulling out a mystical sword, and went to the middle rope, where he smashed a staggered Firebrand X with the Excalibur! He rolled the veteran up and pinned him for the title defense!
-Match 1: Christina Angel had an uphill battle ahead, but looked to be focused on the opponent in the ring, and now Erica, who was still up in the VIP Box with Tess. Christina hit Kaie with a hip toss and sent her back to the matc with a dropkick. Once she recovered, "The Celtic Warrior" shook it off , and rushed Christina, but she was met with a kick to the dome, and an armbar takedown. Kaie took a powder at ringside once she escaped. Christina dove to the outside but Kaie countered the move with a hard elbow. Back in the ring, Kaie turned the tide with a backstabber, but could only manage a two-count. Kaie tried for another pin after hitting a clothesline and neckbreaker, but kicked out again. Kaie hit a blockbuster and covered Christina for another two-count. Kaie continued to dominate from here, but Christina battled back, with some hard kicks, a jumping hip attack, and a scoop slam. She fired up and nailed a Superkick onto Kaie for the 1-2-3. The first match won, Christina yelled for Erica to get ready. The Champ took her last sip of champagne, as Bev and Raza began to put on her "Golden Gear".
-Cadmus played up to the crowd before the start of the bell, but he and no one else watching expected Tack Angel to rush him with a kick to the backside. Once the match officially began, Tack continued to control Cadmus, working over him on the mat. Cadmus made his way to the apron for a breather but was sent to the floor courtesy of a handstand double boot from Angel. Back in the ring, Cadmus begged for mercy to no avail, as Tack hit an inverted atomic drop. Tack locked in an armbreaker. Cadmus managed to escape and hit a big boot before taking to the top rope and hitting a diving clothesline on Tack at ringside. Cadmus sent Tack into the ringside barrier and brought him back into the ring. Cadmus tried to pin Tack, but could only manage a one-count. Tack started to mount a comeback but was cut off by a Cadmus sleeper hold. Cadmus wanted to hit the Dark Star Cutter from here, but Tack drove him backwards into the corner and hit a back elbow to escape the hold. Tack grounded Cadmus and unloaded on him, with vicious kicks to the head. Cadmus made it back to his feet and attempted a hip toss, which Tack reversed into a cartwheel dropkick, a unique move for the very mobile big man. Tack hit a palm strike which led to a short-arm curb stomp. Tack upped the aggression and continued to stomp away at Cadmus, before repeatedly pulling him into the ring post. Cadmus managed to get away from Tack but ended up in another corner, where he ate more kicks. Cadmus finally fired back with some hard slaps, and a kick to the midsection. He hit a powerbomb but Tack quickly kicked out of the pin conversion. Cadmus went for the Dark Star Cutter, but Tack countered out, and went big. Not a WRIST CLUTCH Angel Driver, but a WRIST CLUTCH HEAVEN DRIVER! 1-2-3!
-The energy from the last bout, gave Hope Mach and the James Sisters a lot of momentum, as they went to work against Television Champion Sunny Malibu, Bev, and Raza. The later part of the year saw Sunny Malibu try to take everything from Hope Mach, but she just kept coming back, and now had the James Sisters watching her back in this No Rule environment. Mostly a brawl on the outside, with weapons a plenty, this was not like the technical spectacles we had already seen in the night. Hope battered Sunny with a chair, and hit a Spinebuster through a table set up by the James Sisters. They worked on getting Muscle Girl Security into the crowd to fight, while Hope dragged Sunny back into the ring. With the crowd on her side, she tore into Sunny with punches and kicks. Alison Chains came out and tossed Hope a chain, which she wrapped around her fist, to clobber the staggered Malibu. In the middle of the ring Hope hit the Olympic Slam on Sunny Malibu and pinned her for the win.
-Another solid Women's Division bout, saw Kimber Blaze, come out on a motorcycle with a twisted version of the Eagleland flag, to take on the young rookie Chrissy Angel, standing up for her family, against one of the women who signed the petition, banning the Angel Wives from competition. Chrissy charged immediately with a dropkick and stomps in the corner. Cannonball for a two count. Blaze shoved Chrissy off and slapped her. Chrissy responded by throwing chops and shots. Blaze took down Angel and hit her on the back of the head with an axe kick. Huracanrana by Chrissy. Chop. Blaze blocked a Celtic Whip and hit a hard forearm. She started using her power to throw Chrissy around the ring. Chrissy backed into a corner and ate a series of boots, before Blaze lifted her up, and flexed that Eagleland Muscle with a Chokeslam Sitout Powerbomb. 1-2-KICKOUT! Chrissy survived, but Kimber lifted her up into the Eagleland Rack. Unable to escape, she also refused to submit, and the referee had to end the match in a Stoppage.
-The "War Kings" matched up with the "Weekend Wrecking Crew" in a ballistic 6-Man Tag. A hard hitting display of quick tags, and hard hits. Fedorovich and Amigo opened. Quick reversals led to a takedown by Amigo. Fedorovich rolled him into an armbar, but Amigo reached to ropes. After a strike exchange, Amigo hit a powerslam on Fedorovich. Radzi Sherieffer tagged in and hit an uppercut on Amigo for a one count. He blocked a couple of kicks and hit a palm strike. Mike tagged in and hit a backbreaker for one. Radzi hit a chop and a Snap Mare. He hit Mike with a some uppercuts and wrenched the arm, but Mike chopped his way out and tagged Magnum PT. Tandem kick by Mike and PT, and PT covered Radzi for a nearfall. Hazen tagged in and stomped PT in a neutral corner. PT tried to come back with some forearms, but Hazen ate them and knocked PT down with a Double Axe Handle. More tag sequences saw the various members match up, but Hazen kept himself restrained, eyes fixated on Kinniku Mike specifically. Late in the bout Amigo and PT found themselves on the outside with the "War Kings" as Hazen and Mike finally went all out, with hard hits and big power moves. Mike was unable to hit the Muscle Buster, Hazen grabbed the ropes, and pulled him over the ropes to ringside. Back in the ring, Mike tried a Hagen Suplex, but Hazen countered it with one of his own. He battered Mike on the ground, and ground pounded almost to the point of stoppage, but Mike grabbed the ropes. He barely survived, but back on his feet Hazen hit a Spinning Sideslam that kept Mike down for the pin.
-Stage 1: The semi-main saw Picky Minch put up the Challenge Championship against Trevor Mach, in a 3 Stages of Hell match, with pride and the gold on the line. "Zero Hour" struck, as the two stood face to face and jaw jacked for several moments as the match announcements were made. They went to their corners, with Picky putting in a mouth guard, and Mach genuflecting. The bell sounded, beginning the first stage, a standard match. Lockup and Picky backed Trevor into the corner. Trevor kicked Picky, and slapped him in the mouth but Minch continued his charge. Picky went to the second rope, faked jumping down to bait Trevor to try a knee, then hit a rana and dropkicked him out of the ring. Action spilled outside and Mach charged Picky at the stairs, but Picky moved, leaving Mach smashing his knee into the stairs. Already hard of seeing, and now clutching his knee, Picky took the advantag. He lifted Mach and drove his lower knee into the hardest part of the apron. Picky worked the leg over the apron and then rolled in, continuing to hold the leg and dropped knees on Mach’s leg. Minch rolled over Mach into a submission, but he was right at the ropes for a break. Picky stomped Mach’s leg more to continue wearing him down. Picky flipped over the rope to the outside but Mach hit a knee painful to both of them. Trevor took out Picky on the outside, then rolled him in for a neckbreaker in the middle of the ring. Knee to the back. Neckbreaker. Cover for one. Trevor tried to put a submission onto Picky, but he escaped and held an anklelock. He tried punching Mach in the knee repeatedly, but Trevor rolled through to send Picky to the turnbuckle. Back up, and they kicked each others legs, and traded hard punches and chops. Picky whipped Trevor, booted his midsection and fired up. He looked to spear Trevor, who blocked, attempting to land knees in the clinch, but Picky drove him to the mat with a fisherman’s driver for two. Mach was slow to get up, as Picky plastered him with shots, but he only got madder, yelling at Picky to hit him harder. A head butt from Picky was returned with a harsher one from Mach, who hit a Belly-to-Belly Suplex and drove his knee into Picky's neck before a nearfall pin attempt. Back and forth they fought, but Trevor's knee gave out, giving Picky the chance to hit a Hagen Suplex, and then another one, and then another one, bridging the third for the pin, giving him the first match.
-2021 was here, so it was now main event time, as Bashin Dan put the title on the line against Mav Valentine. Valentine was shaking off an ankle injury recently, but his win over w00t put to rest doubts of his abilities. President Swift himself stood outside of the ring, to keep Cade and w00t away, making this a fair match. The two stood face to face, but with more respect than before. Mav still showed a smirk of confidence, but in his eyes, you could see a lot more focus. The bell rang and the fans fired up adding to the big match feel in Saturn City. They chanted back and forth for Dan and Valentine. The first five minutes were a slow feeling out period. Mav was respecting Dan's ground game, and protecting his ankle, but an errant elbow turned up the temp and they went at it at a fast pace. Both men went for their finishers and both men went over the top to the floor after Mav attempted the Mav Buster. Dan got the upper hand on the floor. He hit a running boot that sent Mav over the barricade. Dan then got a running start and went for a running splash over the barricade, but Mav caught him with an elbow! It looked like it connected right to Dan’s shoulder, and it looked like it hurt badly. Mav went to work on Dan, with several elbows to the shoulder, before hitting a Fisherman Buster on the floor. Mav worked over Dan’s back too, and then cranked on his neck with a chin lock. Back in the ring, Dan crawled for the ropes, but Mav locked the chin again and transitioned into the camel clutch. Dan had to fight back to his feet, laying in hard elbows and slaps, before both went hit the ropes, and collided. They both fell to the ground as Mav clutched his ankle. The pace picked up again, when they finally go to their feet, as Dan caught Mav with an elbow coming off the ropes. He hit a big DDT, but only got a 2 count. They continued going back and forth inside the ring. Dan hit a kick to the head, but Mav caught him with a snap hurricanrana. Dan rolled to the floor and Mav sent him over the railing with a dropkick to the back of the head. Valentine then hit a big springboard splash over the guardrail to the floor to wipe out the Champ. Mav pulled Dan back into the ring and followed up with the Kotaro Crusher inside the ring for a 2 count. Dan ducked a Lariat and went for a Hagen Suplex, but Mav landed on his feet. He stumbled a bit on his hurt ankle, but kept on his feet. Dan blocked a Mav Buster, but Mav went for it again right away and slammed Dan for another near fall. Mav went for a Snap Hurricanrana, but Bashin Dan hung onto the ropes! At this point Dan was taking a beating, but he looked fired up, and the heat was rising in the "Dangerous Player". Dan went up top and hit a sick dropkick on a kneeling MAv for a near fall. After kicking out, a limping Mav was now holding his ribs. Dan took him down, and went up top and dropped an elbow. Dan signaled for the Brave Clash, but Mav was playing possum and he leapt up and hit a Spinebuster. He went for the Mav Buster again, but Dan slipped down only for Mav to turn it into a Hagen for a near fall! Another shot at the Mav Buster, but Dan escaped and hit a dropkick to the back of the head. He then caught Mav with a traditional dropkick off the ropes. Dan fired up, and let the chops fly. On the outside w00t and Cade were trying to edge closer to the ring, but President Swift grabbed a chair, and forced them back. Maurice tried to sneak up from behind, but Swift held him off as well, keeping the match protected. Back in the ring, Mav lifted up Dan, who countered him and eventually hit a tombstone. Dan had the crowd in his hands, and he signaled the Brave Clash. He shook off all the damage to finally lift Mav for the Brave Clash, but instead of going for the pin, he signaled to the crowd that he was going to hit it one more time. Mav tried to counter out, but Dan countered the counter, and hit one more Brave Clash. 1-2-3! Dan wins! Dan wins!
Saturn City Memorial Hospital
A bloody Trevor Mach ran through the hospital, with Hope not too far behind. They were stopped by Degrees.
Degrees: Whoa! Trevor! This is a sterile enviro-
Trevor Mach: No time for that! I just got called! They said something happened with Tali!
Degrees: Relax. Relax, it's not what you think. Yes, the spill did end up making a couple of complications with the baby, but-
Trevor Mach: But what?
Degrees: She was successfully delivered via cesarean.
Trevor Mach: Wait...what? Delivered?
Degrees: Yeah. They didn't tell you? She went into labor about the time your match started. Traditional birth was a no go, because she was turned around but-
Trevor Mach: She gave birth?
Degrees: Despite the complications, it was a success. You're a Daddy again.
Trevor Mach: Ha....ha....I'm getting light headed.
Hope Mach: Take a deep breath Dad. Where is she? Can we see her?
Degrees: I'd rather you put on sterile gowns, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen. Yes, you can see her. She's in her-and there they go. I'm really happy for him though. He went from being dead to being Dad. Heh. I got to write that one down. What a year am I right? Who am I talking to? I'm technically two people right? I'm allowed to talk to myself.
Trevor and Hope burst open the door, where they saw Heather Mach already there, holding Justice, and in the bed was Lady M's, holding the new bundle of joy.
Trevor Mach: Lady! Are you-
Lady M's: Feeling NO pain. You betcha!
Heather Mach: They've got her on some wicked pain meds cousin.
Trevor Mach: Nice.
Lady M's: They gave me this awesome new scar.
Trevor Mach: I can't wait to see that, but right now, I want to see....the little've got in your arms.
Lady M's: Huh? Who? This little thing? It's weird, she kind of looks like us. It's like we made her or something.
Heather Mach: Wicked good meds.
Lady M's: No, that was just a joke. Seriously though, look at her. Meet your new daughter...Truth Mach.
Trevor opened up the blanket and saw his new daughter looking back up at him. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he gently picked her up.
Trevor Mach: *sniff* Y-you are the love.....of my life. Everything that I am....everything that I ever will yours. Forever.
Heather Mach: Heh. Hope, Justice, and Truth. It's like you guys are trying to send a message or something.
Lady M's: Maybe....maybe.
Saturn Cafe
As Dan and the Dan Club celebrated the big wins tonight, Tack Angel cocked an eye brow as he sipped from his mug.
Christina Angel: What are you thinking Dad?
Tack Angel: I'm thinking I might just challenge Dan over there. I'm free from Cadmus, so the sky is the limit.
Christina Angel: Two Angel World Champions. That ought to upset a few people.
Tack Angel: Oops! Haha! Yeah, I just might and-
Suddenly, a third person joined them at the table.
Mr. 2020: Hello Tack.
Tack Angel: You! People have been looking for you.
Mr. 2020: I know, but the year is over, so my sentence is up. I'm out of here.
Tack Angel: What do you mean?
Mr. 2020: I'm getting out of here. I'm moving on. A new world is calling me.
Tack Angel: Wait. Wasn't the multiverse destroyed?
Mr. 2020: When all you have left is the vast creative energy of the Sanctum, with no "Entity" to devour it, you'd be surprised how quickly damage can be repaired. New ideas pop into consciousness, and they create new worlds. I'm going to go to one now. I don't intend to try and control it, but I want to be there, so I can observe it, and protect it, from the problems that are infecting this world.
Tack Angel: If you care so much, why don't you do something about it?
Mr. 2020: I'm not allowed any more. Chris B. Bacon, Jacob, Eris, we're all banned from any more interactions here.
Tack Angel: Eris?
Mr. 2020: She'll find a way to see you again, but the last time she tried, she was sent back.
Tack Angel: By who?
Mr. 2020: I can't tell you. I'm not allowed. I can give you a freebie though. This is a loophole, because you would piece this together in three months without me. Since you'd already do this part, we can just skip ahead.
Tack Angel: ....Alright?
Mr. 2020: Trevor holds the answers to your questions, but he doesn't remember. He wrote himself a note before he forgot. Tell him he heard it wrong. Make him think about it. He used to be one of us. That's not something you can ever entirely erase. It's in there somewhere. Also, think about who is trying to avoid him, and have them meet.
Tack Angel: ...That's all you can give me?
Mr. 2020: I literally saved you 3 months. Like to the day.
Tack Angel: Oh....well thank you?
Mr. 2020: Look, I'm sorry that I messed with your lives. I let it go to my head, but pencils have erasers, and anything can be fixed, just like the Sanctum fixed the fabric of reality.
Tack Angel: Do I have you to thank for the 108 wives?
Mr. 2020: Maybe.
Tack Angel: Well...that makes up for the nonsense doesn't it?
Mr. 2020: Sure. However, at some point, you really need to get to know every single one of "wives" inside of Amy.
Tack Angel: What?
Mr. 2020: You may or may not figure this one out, so sorry, can't say anymore. Well Tack, it's been a blast. Remember, at the end of the day, I was your biggest fan.
Tack Angel: Am I going to forget you?
Mr. 2020: That's up to you now. Completely up to you. Later.
Mr. 2020 got up and started walking away.
Tack Angel: I thought you were going to disappear.
Mr. 2020: Huh? No, I have to take a cab.
Tack Angel: Oh...well bye.
Christina Angel: ....What the hell was all of that about?
Tack Angel: 2021 daughter. It's apparently going to be busy.
Last edited by Machismo (12/31/2020 10:21 am)
State of EBW 2020
President: Swift
Boss of the Women's Division: Lady M's/Tess
Champion Roll Call
EBW Triple Crown World Champion: Bashin Dan
EBW Television Champion: Benjamin
EBW Challenge Champion: Trevor Mach
EBW World Tag Team Champions: Kinniku Mike/Amigo
EBW World Team Champions: w00t/Maurice/Cadmus/Cade
EBW Women's World Champion: Christina Angel
EBW Women's Television Champion: Sunny Malibu
EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions: Christina Angel/Hope Mach
Saturn City Alleyway
Officer Amy Angel pulled up to the seedy alley, that was already taped off and being surveyed by a man in a suit, and what appeared to be a Priest?
Amy Angel: *into her comm* Partner? Get here when you can. We've got company. Alright, this is a crime scene, so can you please-
Mr. Face: Amy Angel?
Amy Angel: Huh? Do we know you?
Mr. Face: I've been around. I spoke with Tack recently and-
Amy Angel: Oh, we're sorry. It's hard to keep all those memories together. We've got so many swirling around in here. However, I do know you Fray Tiburon.
Friar Sergio: It's just Sergio when I'm off the clock.
Amy Angel: Right. We should know that. Some of us are Catholic.
Friar Sergio: Oh? That's....interesting. Truly.
Amy Angel: We're NOT off the clock though. We're here because of a reported-
Mr. Face: Body? Yes, it's right over here.
Amy Angel: Oh my. We can't even-
Mr. Face: Identify the body? Yeah, I think that's by design.
Amy Angel: *sigh* Some of us want to be sick.
Friar Sergio: I'm worried Amy. Worried about the person who might have been done this.
Amy Angel: Oh?
Friar Sergio: KYO is out. He's out, and I think he's back to his old ways. I thought those demons were exorcised, but-
Mr. Face: We've got footage of him on the streets, and he's....well he's been violent, but this is escalation.
Amy Angel: Then we can't let him go back to your Church Friar. We're sorry.
Fray Sergio: I understand. I only hope you can take him in alive.
Amy Angel: Can we see the footage?
Mr. Face: I have some photos here.
Amy Angel: ....Cloaked..huh? We wonder....
Mr. Face: What?
Amy Angel: w00t has a new member, and we noticed he uses a Shining Wizard, very much like-
Fray Sergio: KYO. Why didn't I think of that.
Amy Angel: And he might be the one who attacked Lady M's.
Fray Sergio: It wouldn't be the first time. *sigh* Dios Mio. KYO you poor soul.
Amy Angel: We'll need to investigate this. We could have a dangerous and deranged murderer at the next EBW show. *sigh* Happy New Year huh?
EBW World
Nerma: Welcome to 2021 EBW fans, where yes, nothing in the world has really changed. A number ticked over! However, things will certainly change in EBW. We have Bashin Dan reclaiming the titles, and the title of ACE in EBW, but we have hungry contenders, and renewed veterans ready to knock him off the throne. Christina Angel dealt Eisenritter the biggest blow they have suffered since forming. She ran the gauntlet. She's the ACE of the Women's Division for sure. Tack Angel put a stop to Cadmus once and for all, but the "Dark Star Emperor" isn't leaving EBW, he just can't go after the Angels anymore. He'll have to find a new reason to fight. Trevor Mach took the beating of his life against Picky Minch, but outlasted the "Supernova" by saving up for the 3rd Stage. He was hurt, and not firing on all cylinders, but he fought smart, and THAT is why you don't ever underestimate the "Bushido Renegade". The "War Kings" are going on a rampage, and it'll be interesting to see who steps up to face them next. Actually, I already know who is facing them next. Hehe, for once I've got the spoilers Larry. It's all about that first Xcite of 2021, and it's going to be a big one folks. The "War Kings" are coming for the World Team Championship Rings! w00t and his team better be ready. They might have Picky Minch and the Masked Man in their corner, but will that be enough? We'll also see Hope Mach and Alison Chains battle to see who will face off with Sunny Malibu for her Television Championship. Dirk Laramie has challenged Magnum PT to a Mustache vs. Mustache match, so we'll either see the resurrection of Laramie, or the complete return of Magnum PT. He's found his footing again, and amassed quite a singles winning streak. We'll see what happens on an Xcite, that will open with President Swift naming the new "Sheriff" of EBW, who will uphold law and order in our crazy and lawless promotion. Don't miss it folks! 2021 is here!
EBW: Xcite "Year 15 Begins!"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Kaie vs. Chrissy Angel
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong vs. Eve
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Calamity Jane vs. Lt. Lacy Wagner
1. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)/Amigo(c) vs. Jammer/Vape
2. Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze vs. BeShemoth
3. EBW Women's Television #1 Contender: Hope Mach vs. Alison Chains
4. Mustache vs. Mustache: Dirk Laramie vs. Magnum PT
5. EBW World Team Championships: w00t(c)/Cade(c)/Cadmus(c)/Maurice(c) vs. Hazen/Ilya Fedorovich/Radzi Schrieffer/Golvoth
Outside of Summers
Trevor Mach sat at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the city of Summers, with its neon soaked decadence. He looked out to the ocean, taking in the sights as best he could from his one good eye. The other had a patch on it again from the damage at Last Clash, but he considered himself lucky that he could still walk after the beating he had taken that night. An older man walked over to have him a bottle of beer. It was Tali's Uncle Charlie.
Uncle Charlie: Quite the sight ain't kid?
Trevor Mach: It's something, or half of something right now.
Uncle Charlie: Ol' Harley is turning it into the Strip if you catch my meaning. Legalizing gambling and prostitution.
Trevor Mach: And that guy was almost President.
Uncle Charlie: So, I do enjoy the visits, but I got to wonder what you're doing out here kid?
Trevor Mach: Just needed a place to think. I'm a Dad again, with this beautiful little girl waiting at home, but I'm not feeling alright. I got this feeling after Last Clash, like I was leaving things unsettled or something.
Uncle Charlie: Maybe it has to do with that kid you beat?
Trevor Mach: You watch the product?
Uncle Charlie: Enough. Kid, I know you got a rough exterior, and the inside is fiery as hell, but you've got a heart. It's what separates you from the monsters. I see it whenever you're with my niece. That's a fierce love. A powerful love. You've got heart, and that kid, he meant something to you right?
Trevor Mach: He's like a brother to me.
Uncle Charlie: Well don't just sit around here then. Make it a New Year's Resolution to set it right. Get him back on the winning side eh?
Trevor Mach: That's not a half bad idea Chuck, but I wasn't scheduled for the next show so I could recover a bit. Ergo, I came all the way out here on a bus. I've got no way to the next show. It's been...slow going trying to fix the Testarossa with Justice.
Uncle Charlie: Well then, maybe I can help you with that?
Trevor Mach: What do you mean?
Uncle Charlie: Follow me kid.
Uncle Charlie lead Trevor around his place to the garage, where he pulled up the door, and took the cover off a real surprise...
Trevor Mach: Whoa.
Uncle Charlie: Yeah. I know right? It's called the "Coyote X". It's a sports car from....well the good old days as we put it.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, it reeks of 80's.
Uncle Charlie: I keep it in great shape, but I don't take it out anymore. I'm too old for that shit, but you're not.
Trevor Mach: What are you saying?
Uncle Charlie: I'm saying here are the keys, and the title is in the glove box.
Trevor Mach: You're giving me your "Coyote X"? Why Chuck?
Uncle Charlie: Kid, you're the closest thing I've got to family these days, not counting Tali, but she's busy being a Mom. You make the time to come and visit. Plus, after what happened with you saving my life, I think I owe you.
Trevor Mach: I did what now?
Uncle Charlie: Oh that's right, you don't remember. Man, they're just not filling you in are they?
Trevor Mach: I'm often times confused. I just roll with it at this point.
Uncle Charlie: Well, let's just say if you hadn't helped me in 1992, I wouldn't be here right now to give you this.
Trevor Mach: .....Yeah alright.
Uncle Charlie: Heh. It's yours. I insist.
Trevor Mach: Thank you Chuck. This is awesome.
Uncle Charlie: You'd better get going. You're not going to make it to Xcite without breaking a double nickle if you know what I mean.
Trevor Mach: Heh. You're one of a kind Chuck.
Uncle Charlie: Now you're cookin'.
Trevor sat in the driver's seat, and gripped the wheel. Shutting the door like a Delorean, he put the key into the ignition, and revved the engine.
Trevor Mach: Purrs like a kitten.
Uncle Charlie: Treat her well, and she'll be good to you. How does it feel?
Trevor Mach: Feels like a fresh start Chuck.
Uncle Charlie: That's what I like to hear. It's a new year, and a new start. You better get going.
Trevor Mach: Absolutely.
Mach pulled the Coyote X out of the garage, and took off down the road. Hundreds of miles separated him from Saturn City, but with his fast new ride, he figured he'd make it by dawn. He put the Coyote into high gear, and took off down the road, but it wasn't long before he had a cop behind him.
Trevor Mach: What's the problem? I'm only doubling the speed limit!
Another cop pulled out from behind a billboard, and Trevor nearly scraped him zooming by.
Trevor Mach: Careful! Don't scratch the paint! I've got a literal blind spot right now!
As he continued to blaze down the road, he picked up several more cop cars.
Trevor Mach: Ha! Man, I love a parade! This baby kicks ASS! Time to see what you can really do!
Mach put the pedal to metal, as the Coyote X began to break further and further away from the pursuing cops. Mach laughed as he blazed ahead down the road towards the setting sun.
Trevor Mach: Maybe it's true. The sun never sets on those who ride into it.
Last edited by Machismo (1/03/2021 5:58 pm)
There was a cold open to the show, as President Swift stood in the ring, with Tess behind him. Lucca came out as Lady M's representative.
Swift: Welcome to 2021 EBW! 6 years after the invention of hover boards, and I still don't have my damn Pepsi Perfect, but that's alright, because this year EBW is going to be perfect. We're building some huge momentum here. Can you feel it? Big things on the horizon. This shit is where it's at, but with all that attention, and all that ambition, it's easy to fall into old habits. All the lawlessness of the past. I used to revel in that shit, but being the Boss now, I can see how it can be a pain in the ass. I can't always be handling this business either. I need someone who can put the boots to asses if need be. I promised I'd announce this at the start of the year, and I'm doing it now. I have it narrowed down to people I could trust, and people who understand the position I'm in. A few people have been in charge before that have returned to the ring. I asked one of them, and they flat out said no, so I decided this time, I'd just announce who it was without asking them, because I'm the President and I can do that.
Tess: You certainly didn't ask me.
Lucca: M's approves of any decision you make sir.
Tess: Yeah, I bet she does. *sigh*
Swift: doesn't matter. Because....TACK EBW's Sheriff!
Tess: WHAT?!
Lucca: Very good sir.
Sporting a black eye, Tack Angel limped his way down to the ring, looking very confused.
Swift: Tack, I'm counting on you to keep the peace, and make sure things get settled in the ring.
Tack Angel: I'm so confused right now. What's going on?
Swift: You get hit in the head too many times? You're EBW's new Sheriff.
Tack Angel: But! But! But! I was JUST getting back into the grove of being me again.
Swift: You don't want to be Star Prince anymore, well that's fine with me. You want to bone down with your many big breasted beauties, you can do that too, but you're going to help uphold the law in EBW too.
Tack Angel: Most of that sounds really good.
Swift: You want to be the ACE again? No better way to integrate yourself into the title picture then to represent the company, protect the company, and step up "John Tack" style.
Tack Angel: "John Tack" style? But I WANT to be seen!
Swift: Huh? Oh. Bad joke Tack.
Tack Angel: Well I didn't write it!
Swift: Look you can drop the pretense here. I know you better than most. This is part of the reason you beat Cadmus, and won your feud. You know you can do this. You're know you're good at it. You're a goofball savant. So accept it, cause I'm sticking to my decision.
Tack Angel: .....Yeah alright. Well, I'm going to get started right away then. Uh...Saxon and Novus, come out here really quickly.
Swift: What are you planning Sheriff?
Tack Angel: You'll see.
Saxon and Novus happily ran out to greet Tack.
Tack Angel: Guys, you INSISTED on being in "TackForce", and making "TackForce" to begin with. So, as Sheriff, it's my honor and pleasure to not only officially disband "TackForce", but to say that YOU'RE FI-
Swift: You can't fire people though.
Tack Angel: FINALLY READY TO BECOME BLUE SHIRT SECURITY! That's TOTALLY what I was always going to say.
Saxon: What? Blue Shirt Security?
Novus: We were Red Shirt Security.
Tack Angel: Right, but this time, it's going to be different.
Saxon: How so?
Tack Angel: The shirts.....will be blue. Furthermore I-
Cadmus: Hey! Hey Tack, we're not done! Tack! I'm talking to you! Hey!
Tack Angel: First order of business. Get THAT out of here.
The Blue Shirts ran out of the ring to block off Cadmus, and insisted he go to the back.
Tack Angel: Well, I guess I can be Sheriff and a future Triple Crown World Champion too. It's got its perks.
Swift: Well there you have it. I have my reas-
w00t: Hey! You forgetting someone!?
Swift: Oh boy.
w00t: Yeah, I'm here for you "President". You're a fake. A pretender. You talk about law and justice, but you've been serving us nothing but injustice. After Cadmus was cheated, you put us against the "War Kings" tonight?! You keep punishing us for expressing our right to free speech.
Swift: You have the right to run your mouth, and I have the right to book you against the rightful #1 Contenders. When was the last time you had to defend the rings? I could strip you of the rings, but I'm giving you a chance. I'd call that fair.
w00t: I'm getting tired of this. I'm getting so damn tired of all of this. Desperate times might call for desperate measures.
Swift: Well, whatever you have planned, take it up with the new Sheriff. People, we're not going to take up anymore time. This is the first EBW Xcite of 2021! It's January 4th! It's a huge night, and these people want to see the wrestlers wrestle! Let's do this! I SAID OUT OF THE RING!
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the Renegade Arena! Welcome to Saturn City! Welcome to 2021! It's Xcite, and we're kicking off a brand new year!
Nerma: It's time for new possibilities, new match ups, and new action all around! My stomach is making it difficult for me to reach the desk at this point, but I'm going to stick with it!
Tommy Dukes: That bun is almost baked! Tonight, the World Team Championship rings are on the line in the main event, like you heard from President Swift and w00t. You'll also see the World Tag Team Championships on the line, when the Weekend Wrecking Crew takes on a contingent of Dan Club! It's Mustache vs. Mustache, when Magnum PT takes on Di-
A figure appeared in darkness, and stepped forward.
Dae Montell: I once told Cade that I'd be his personal Jesus, but he didn't listen. It's fine. That's how we learn, and I'm always around to make another deal. I'm always around to provide guidance. You want some free advice? It's simple. If you want something. Take it. If you want to do something. Do it. You have needs and desires. Why fight them? Do it for yourself? When was the last time you did something for you? Everyone have a vice. Indulge. I can always help you find your way. All you have to do, is sign in the book, right here, on the dotted line.
Nerma: Don't forget, we also have Hope Mach and Alison Chains. They've been allies in recent weeks, but this is for the right to face Sunny Malibu for the Television Championship. Both women feel slighted and pissed off. It could turn into a bloodbath.
Tommy Dukes: Of course, we already have our Dark Matches on ENN+. with Kaie serving Chrissy Angel another hard lesson in her rookie career. Lainey Strong pulled off an upset, with an impressive Arm Drag into Roll Up combination on Eve. Calamity Jane got herself DQ'd in her match with Lt. Lacy Wagner. Right now, we open the show, the first show of 2021 with a World Tag Team Championship match. LET'S TAKE IT TO THE RING! 2021! HERE WE GO!
EBW: Xcite "Year 15 Begins!"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Kaie beat Chrissy Angel via Celtic Hand Grenade -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong beat Eve via Arm Drag into Pin -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lt. Lacy Wagner beat Calamity Jane via DQ
1. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)[o]/Amigo(c) beat Jammer/Vape[x] via Edo Ocean Cyclone Suplex -> Pin
-Opening match saw a re-energized Weekend Wrecking Crew take on Jammer and Vape, with the Crew's tag straps on the line. A clash of styles, with Jammer looking to be in top form, but once against, Vape, while beloved and very marketable, was suffering in the ring, and Mike showed off the results of his hard training, by lifting the big man for an Edo Ocean Cyclone Suplex, actually hoisting him on his shoulders before taking him down for the pin and the title defense.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! Did you see that?! He LIFTED VAPE! ON! HIS! SHOULDERS! Wow! Mike is looking jacked! The TITS have never been STRONGER! Let's all give him an Uuuuu! Ready? Uuuu-
Nerma: I'm not doing it.
Tommy Dukes: Oh. Jammer is looking demoralized as he helps Vape to the back. Mike is grabbing a microphone.
Kinniku Mike: Uuuuu! I think this helps to prove that we're the great tag team in EBW history! We're dominant, and if we do lose the titles, it's because we got screwed over, and we make SURE we get them back before you know it. I'm going to hold these titles until my son is ready to step in the ring, and I can give Amigo's title to him.
Amigo: I'm sorry what?
Kinniku Mike: Kidding! Maybe.
Amigo: Right....hey wai-
Kinniku Mike: UUUUUU!
w00t and his associates were arguing, with the Masked Man standing behind w00t.
Maurice: This is bullshit w00t! We're not ready for the "War Kings"! I need to scout them, see tapes, and train for this team! That should take weeks! Get us those weeks!
w00t: I can't! We're being cheated guys! He's trying to make us fight about this too! He's trying to oppress us, and drive us apart! We need to stick together!
Cade: I could care less. I thought you were going to help me get my rematch with Dan. I didn't give up. I didn't submit! I said I was clearly awake, and Mav CHEATED ME! I want that rematch!
w00t: We have to focus on this now Cade. THIS! Secure the rings FIRST! Swift will HATE IT if we retain!
Cadmus: .....
w00t: Cadmus? You have anything to say.
Cadmus: ....Not anymore. Not right now. I just...I just need to be alone for awhile. I have to think.
w00t: *sigh*
The group parted, walking in different directions. w00t stood with the Masked Man.
w00t: Stick around, but keep your eyes open. This is a distraction, but at the end of the day, our goal is still Trevor Mach. Mach....Swift...Tack...every last one of them. Desperate times call for desperate measures right? I said that. I need a word with him. You know who I'm talking about.
2. Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze beat BeShemoth via Eagleland Rack -> Stoppage
-Kimber Blaze came out on her motorcycle with the Eagleland Flag, and played up to the booing crowd. She casually let the flag hit the ground, as she squared off with BeShemoth. The much bigger BeShemoth threw Kimber around the ring in the early going, but flexing her Eagleland muscle, and won out on a test of strength. She resorted to a thumb to the eye, to hoist up the larger wrestler for an Eagleland Rack. She racked BeShemoth until the ref had to end the match with a stoppage.
Kimber Blaze: Oh! Would you look at that! The Eagleland Rack claims another victim. I DO have a large rack don't I? Good ol' Eagleland genes eh? We always make em bigger and better, or at least we used to. We'd rather cheat, and augment, and manipulate now right? Well, I don't need to "augment" a thing. They're already big enough, but sorry Tack Angel, cause they're not for you. However, I WILL cheat and manipulate if I have to. I will do what I have I have to do, with no conscience, and no regrets, because it's the Eagleland way, and-
Nerma: Here comes Christina Angel! Here she comes! She's running after Kimber Blaze, and she chased her out of the ring. She's checking on BeShemoth before grabbing the mic.
Christina Angel: I'm back where I belong Kimber! I've got the World Championship! I've got the World Tag Team Championship. When the world tried to screw me. When Eisenritter put me to the ultimate test, I rose above, and I took back what was mine. I bet that makes you seethe! Well, I've got good news for you. If you want a shot to get rid of more Angels, why don't you try taking on me? I'm not Chrissy. I mean I technically AM Chrissy, but I have years more experience. I figured Erica would want a rematch, but Tess said she's not here tonight. No claim for a rematch, leaves me wide open. You can have the match, on one condition. Tell me who else signed that petition. I want to know. It's a new year, and this needs to end. Point me in the direction of the next person who made a very big mistake. Who is it?
Kimber Blaze: Heh. Is that ALL I need to do to get a title shot? All I need to do to get rid of another pathetic Angel, taking up space that I deserve? That's the easiest decision I've made since deciding to sign my name on the petition myself! You want to know who else signed it? Look behind you. Did you hear me? I said, look behind you.
Tommy Dukes: She swore she didn't. She made a compelling case that she didn't, but then again, it's oh so simple to just tell a lie isn't it? It's too simple for some.
Kimber Blaze: BeShemoth, I KNOW I just beat you, but you didn't tap. I might have done it in a dirty way, but that is how people like you and I will get ahead. You come with me, and we watch each other's backs here, and before long we can have a rematch, only, it'll be for the Women's World Championship.
Nerma: She's doing it? She's leaving with Kimber Blaze. Well that's just great.
Tommy Dukes: An upstanding figure in BeShemoth, or at least we thought she was. Christina Angel just found herself in a whole new challenge.
Hope Mach was walking backstage, when she found Tess talking with Mr. Face and Fray Tiburon.
Hope Mach: Tess, I need to talk to-
Tess: I know what it's about, and it's the same thing I'm discussing with these men here.
Mr. Face: You know I've investigated your husband before. We've been through that, but-
Tess: I'm telling you, I truly don't know who did it. I have not come into contact with KYO either. He's not on the pay roll. President Swift would tell you the same thing.
Hope Mach: You think KYO did this?
Fray Tiburon: It's a possibility my child. Nothing concrete yet. It's likely, but not certain.
Mr. Face: We have a short list of people who we know would do something like this, and he's the only one we know of in Saturn City.
Hope Mach: Then maybe you need to get a hold of him Tess.
Tess: Pardon?
Hope Mach: Let's put aside the heat for a second. I said before that I don't need anything from you, but right now, for the sake of everyone, let's put that aside. Get in touch with him. Use your connections. Use Grandpa if you have to. Act like you want to get him signed again. If he went after my Mom, I want to know why, and I want him to pay for it.
Mr. Face: Again, we don't know for sure.
Fray Tiburon: Vengeance fills your heart Hope. It's worrisome.
Hope Mach: I know. Spending all this time with Dan has given me a peace of mind that lets me know when I'm going off the deep end. I'm getting there. I don't want to be. I just want to be happy. I just want to be with Dan, and I want to spend time with my family, and have fun in Level Up Wrestling. I want all of that. I can't have that happiness until the attacker is brought to justice, and I avenge my own humiliation at the hands of Sunny Malibu. Pray for me, would you Padre?
Fray Tiburon: ....You're just calling me that because your Dad does right?
Hope Mach: ....Maybe?
Fray Tiburon: Heh. Of course I'll pray for you. I'll pray for us all.
Tess: Save the prayers for people who care Tiburon. I guess I have some calls to make.
Mr. Face: He might already be here people. Look out for a Masked Man, and stay sharp. He could be very dangerous.
3. EBW Women's Television #1 Contender: Hope Mach vs. Alison Chains ended in a No Contest
-A match that promised to be brutal, was stopped just short of the mark, as Sunny Malibu got involved. Hope and Chains were throwing down hard hitting blows, and Chains managed to escape the Olympic Slam, and tried a Cradle Piledriver, but Hope grabbed the ropes, and used them to pull herself out of it. As they locked up, Sunny ran in with her Television Championship, and smashed it into the faces of the two battling ladies. She smashed them both in the head so hard, it was left bloody.
Nerma: It's got the blood of Hope and Chains on it, the Women's Television Championship, still in the possession of Sunny Malibu. She just ensured that neither Chains or Hope could win another title shot, but-
Suddenly, Lady M's appeared on the monitor with Truth Mach in hand.
Lady M's: Hey Sunny! Couldn't help but notice you interjected in that match. Shame shame shame. You cost them the chance, and you cost the fans a match. Despite the fact that I want I wrap a bat around your head, and shove that belt down your throat, I'm a little busy as you can see. This is Truth everybody. Truth, you want to say hi? Can you say hi yet? I'm still new to this. I didn't ever get to hold Justice when he was this small. Whatever. Speaking of Truth, here is the truth. You're afraid of both of them aren't you? You should be. You should be afraid of them, and me. Why? Because, I'm going to book you in a match. At New Year Rising 2021, you're going to take on Alison Chains AND Hope Mach in a No Rules 3-Way Dance!
Sunny Malibu: You can't do that you bitch!
Lady M's: Hey! Language! I've got a kid here you little bi- See, you almost made me do it. I CAN do it. It's a done deal. It's happening. Sunny, you've surprised me. You've shown more ambition then I'd expect from a beach bum, BUT your time is almost up. Don't think that's it though. Because I still owe you more. You and the growth you call a little sister. I'll see you soon.
4. Mustache vs. Mustache: Magnum PT beat Dirk Laramie via Magnum Bomb x Mustache Ride -> Pin
-In Dirk Laramie's biggest match to date, he battled Magnum PT, who was seconded by not only Sal Paradise, but by the returning Dick Wagner, who just finished up with Alcoholics Anonymous. He still drinks, he just does it anonymously. Mustaches were on the line here, as PT and Dirk battled to be the most popular 80's caricature allowed to exist in the space as Trevor Mach. Dirk fought like a man teetering on the edge, but PT's charisma and talent were on full display. A man renewed, PT smashed Dirk to the mat with the Magnum Bomb, and lined up Laramie with the Mustache Ride. 1-2-3! Magnum PT with the win!
Tommy Dukes: Well, Dirk got what he wanted I guess, but not the result obviously. As Dick Wagner brings out the clippers, I've got to wonder why he decided to start hanging out with PT again.
Nerma: Better beer?
Tommy Dukes: Probably better beer. Plus, who wants to live in a Panel Van?
Nerma: Were they both living in it?
Tommy Dukes: No idea.
Nerma: Dirk is in near tears as PT shaves the mustache, but wait, Dick is offering him a beer. He's telling him it's alright, and assuring him that his mullet is still top tier. I guess they're still friends? I don't know what's going on with these guys. Mullets are so gross.
Tommy Dukes: I used to have a mullet back in the day.
Nerma: Well it was the fashion back then.
Tommy Dukes: In 2009? I don't know about that.
Nerma: So glad you went bald.
Tommy Dukes: Not entirely. I have horseshoe hair. I could STILL-
As PT and Dirk left the ring, Picky Minch rolled in, looking bruised up, with a mic in hand.
Picky Minch: You know, it didn't have to be this way. I could've take my education, and made something of myself outside of the ring. I could have done good things for the world, unlike the rest of my entire pathetic family. I could have put my name into Dae Montell's book, but I wanted to win on my own. I wanted to prove I was great. If I made a mistake, it was expecting to put away Mach in 2. I didn't train for three. I didn't work my cardio hard enough. I didn't do what I had to do, but I still think I've left Trevor Mach beaten, bruised, and sore. I've beaten him before. I've won the title that he held. I carried it. I proved a lot to myself. I wanted just a little bit more. I wanted-
Mav Valentine: That's enough about what you wanted Picky Minch. That's enough. We've heard it. You've been saying it over and over and over and OVER! You know what I want? Another shot at Dan. You know what I want? For Cade to stop lying about me cheating him out of the title. I know I have to work for those though. Dan beat me again. It's not easy to admit, but I'm taking a new attitude to loss. I'll just get better. I'll just train harder. I'll just work at my peak. I'll win again. It's only a matter of time. That's the mindset I've taken. Don't come in here and feel sorry for yourself. We've both worked with Mach, and one of us got to hold the Triple Crown. He's not the reason you are where you are, or you feel the way you do. I held a bit of a grudge myself, but it was like being a spoiled little brother, wanting what your older brother had. That didn't get me anywhere, and it's not going to get you anywhere.
Picky Minch: Don't compare me to you. Our age might now show it, but I've got YEARS on you Mav. I experienced a lot in my years. Some good and some bad, but I already learned the hard way how to keep my chin up when I lose. I don't need you to tell me that. I have some respect for you, and what you've done, but don't talk to me like you know me green boy.
Mav Valentine: Green boy? Triple Crown World Championship. A green boy would be lucky to look at it. I held it for quite some time. I was in one of the best matches last year. I'm in the best match of this year so far. I've got credentials Minch. I'd be happy to show you.
Picky Minch: Right here and now? I'm ready. I'm always ready.
Mav Valentine: You don't look it.
Picky Minch: You're one to talk. You can barely walk on that leg. You going to chicken out?
Mav Valentine: Not a chance. Ring the damn bell!
Picky and Mav paced back and forth in the ring, before charging into a lock up. Outside of the arena, a red sports car pulled into the parking garage as the two in the ring grappled on the mat. Moments later Trevor Mach came running down to the ring as quickly as he could with his injuries. He fought to separate the two men repeatedly while asking for a mic.
Trevor Mach: Stop it! Come on! Listen! Just listen! You both need to calm down. Do either of you really want this? Would it be a good fight? Hell yeah it would, but the intent behind it? What are we fighting over huh? Mav, you figured it out by now. Surely you have. I never had anything but respect for your ability, and I wanted to use my position and experience to help someone out. I'm not a complete dick bag all the time. I fought you to make you tougher, and to keep me sharp. You don't get to stay as awesome as I am without new experiences. What did I do when the show was over? I drove you to my house. My wife and I fed you dinner, and gave you a place to crash. I wanted you to be a champ. When I won the E1, I was looking forward to the chance to wrestle you again, not out of spite, envy, or greed, but because it would be a great fight.
Mav Valentine: ....*nods*
Trevor Mach:'re like a brother to me too. When your brother abandoned you, who befriended you and looked out for you? When the other guys in the locker room used to pick on you, who stood up for you? Huh? During your Senior Prom, who drove you and your date to the school in the ol' Testarossa? I don't believe you blew it up. I don't believe you attacked my wife. You're better than that. Family means a lot to me. You're both like family to me. Not sons, I'm not looking for kids, because I'm not really that much older than either of you, and I have my own kids. Brothers though. We're like brothers. We ARE brothers. In this sport, and this life we've chosen to lead, we have to know who we can count on. I know I can count on both of you to give me my best matches. Mav, you took me to my limit last year. Picky? I've never had someone kick my ass as much as this. You had the desire, but I had the experience. That's what it came down to. You hold your head up. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. Neither of you do. I have a lot of things I've got to do this year. A whole bunch of resolutions. One is finding out who attacked my wife. Who blew up my car? Then, I'm going to beat the ever living hell out of w00t. Next, I want to defend this Challenge Championship, as much as possible, against the best of the best. Fourth, I'm going to be a "Bushido Renegade" like always, the wild gunman of EBW, the big bad desperado. I have time for those resolutions. The last one, I didn't want to wait. I want to make amends with people I have respect for, because we're stronger together then we are apart. Now, that's something to think about. Isn't it? Imagine it. Trevor Mach, Picky Minch, and Mav Valentine, standing together. Now, what do you say to that?
Mach put the mic on the ground, and turned his back to Mav and Minch. They both thought about what Trevor had said, while Picky cleared tears from his eyes. Picky turned Mach and looked at his hand, before extending it. Trevor shook his hand and the two hugged as the crowd cheered. Mav nodded and shook Trevor's hand too. The crowd applauded, as Trevor and his "brothers" walked to the back.
5. EBW World Team Championships: Hazen[o]/Ilya Fedorovich/Radzi Schrieffer/Golvoth beat w00t(c)/Cade(c)/Cadmus(c)/Maurice(c)[x] via Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Team Champions!
-Main event time, as w00t's team put the World Team Rings on the line against the "War Kings", masters of technical, submission, and hard hitting combat from Euroland. w00t's team was in disarray, with a disgruntled Cade, not wanting to cooperate, a lethargic Cadmus not putting in his best, and still sporting injuries from the match with Tack, and Maurice doing most of the heavy lifting. The "War Kings" worked over the champs, using methodical strikes and holds, and tagging quickly. An efficient team effort, lead to the finish, as Golvoth used his mass like a wall, while Hazen hit the Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver on Maurice, after catching an errant Head Kick attempt. 1-2-3, and the "War Kings" were the NEW World Team Champions!
Tommy Dukes: Holy shit! That's it! w00t looks fed up! He's walking out, as his team pick up the pieces. The "War Kings" are putting on the rings. They went from Dark Matches to winning the World Team Championship Rings in no time! They're as good as they say they are, and that's scary. They seem to have someone with them? The tall, grey haired man in the trench coat. He's clapping for his team as they hold up the rings together. Who is that guy, and how far do the ambitions of the "War Kings" go? Maybe we'll find out next time. See you then!
Mr. Face and Fray Tiburon looked all over the arena to no avail. They met up with Hope Mach.
Mr. Face: I saw footage that showed a Masked Man here, but I don't know where they are, or if they're even KYO.
Fray Tiburon: I wonder what luck Tess is having.
Hope Mach: I don't know if we can rely on her. I believe she didn't authorize the attack, but why would she be in a hurry to find out the identity of the attacker. She hates my Mom. I don't care how much she tries to say otherwise, but now that Truth is born, she has no reason to go gung ho with helping us. If you really think it was KYO, we could draw him out.
Fray Tiburon: With what?
Hope Mach: He's got a brother right? We just need to recruit Danny Leung.
Outside of the Arena
w00t paced back and forth in disbelief as the Masked Man approached, with another figure beside him.
w00t: There you are. Did you see that?
Dae Montell: Pride comes before the fall w00t. I appreciate pride, even in dangerous quantities, but you better make sure you've got what it takes to back it up, and if you don't, plan to lie, cheat, and steal your way to success anyways.
w00t: No arguments here. Listen though, I need your help.
Dae Montell: Of course. That's what I'm here for, to give you what you want, in exchange for what I want.
w00t: I want success. I want power. I want control. I want wins, titles, money, women, and everything else I used to have. I used to be....PERFECTION, and now, every plan continues to fall apart. People are not wise enough to accept my genius! They don't understand my vision! I want to make them understand.
Dae Montell: Very good. That I can work with. I just need two things from you. First, continue to push Cade towards my guidance. He's so close to where he needs to be. We can make something out of him yet w00t.
w00t: Done. What's the other thing.
Dae Montell: *opens the book*
w00t: ....Done.
Last edited by Machismo (1/04/2021 12:13 pm)