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1/24/2021 5:24 am  #891

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Inside a computer lit room

Tack Angel: Welcome back to the Crystal Heaven Podcast. To continue on from the earlier part, I wanted to talk about our recent construction developments at Crystal Heaven. We just recently built a new business district for new companies to move into...

*Tack heard a knock on the door*

Tack Angel: Oh! Come in!

Christina Angel: Hey dad.

Tack Angel: Daughter! Come on in.

Christina Angel: I'm not interrupting?

Tack Angel: Oh it's no biggie, just trying to do some advertising, what's up?

Christina Angel: I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.

Tack Angel: What's on your mind?

Christina Angel: I wanted to talk about the family.

Tack Angel: Oh? What's wrong.

Christina Angel: Nothing's wrong. I just noticed something and wanted to talk to you about it.

Tack Angel: I'm listening.

Christina Angel: Well... with my sisters and the newborns here, I'm sure you noticed something in common with them.

Tack Angel: What?

Christina Angel: That they're... you know... all female.

Tack Angel: That's right, all are my daughters.

Christina Angel: That doesn't bother you?

Tack Angel: *chuckles* Why would it?

Christina Angel: Well... I figured you'd want a son.

Tack Angel: Well, sure that'd be nice to have. But I wouldn't change anything.

Christina Angel: You wouldn't want one of your daughters to have been born a male? You wouldn't have wanted me to be a male? To carry on the Angel name?

Tack Angel: Of course not, you ladies are still my children. I wouldn't change a thing about you.

Christina Angel: Dad...

Tack Angel: You all carry on my legacy even if you don't carry my name, you're still an Angel. If I eventually have a son, then that's awesome! But I wouldn't change a thing about you guys.

Christina Angel: ...I just thought it'd have been tough for you with all the newborns being female.

Tack Angel: They're still my kids, just like you are. You are all beautiful and unique. Each carrying a piece of my legacy in mind, body, spirit, and eventually magic.

Christina Angel: Dad... *laughs* You're too sweet.

Tack Angel: And you're still my girl, no matter where you came from originally, you are still my child.

Tack leads Christina's Head to his

Tack Angel: Regardless of how you got to this point, you still grew up into a fine adult woman. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and I feel honored that you try to defend our family's honor. That means the World to me.

Christina Angel: I'm just trying my best, dad.

Tack Angel: I know sweetheart.

Tack kisses her forehead

Tack Angel: That's what us Angels do, try our best. And if that's not enough, we help each other. Eventually you and your sisters will have to rely on each other on your own, away from the family. Away from me, and I know you can lead them.

Christina Angel: Dad, come on. You're making me blush.

Tack Angel: It's true! You're going to grow up into a fine leader of the Angel Household, and your sisters are going to rely on you for that.

Christina Angel: Thanks dad. I love you.

Christina hugs Tack as Tack is a little surprised and smothered

Tack Angel: Love you too sweetheart, love you too.

Christina releases her dad and gave a big sigh.

Christina Angel: Well, I'll let you get back to work. Good luck dad!

Tack Angel: Thanks Christina! I love you!

Christina closes the door to the audio room as Tack swings back around. Noticing an old photo of him, Amy, Christina, & baby Christina.

Tack Angel: Well... Back to work. So! Our food court got upgraded as well recently...

Some Days Later in Crystal Heaven

Pirate Vicrum: Captain! Security Report!

Faris Angel: Hmmm? What is it Pirate Vicrum?

Pirate Vicrum: Captain! Thar be metal carrages as far as can see going through Penguin's Immigration & CTSA!

Faris Angel: And the spy reports?

Pirate Vicrum whispered in Faris' ear.

Faris Angel: Really? Well we'll have to let him know.

Crystal Heaven's Lake

Tack Angel: There there Slydra, I bet that brush feels good.

Slydra: Keee!

Faris Angel: Tack!

Tack Angel: Faris! What's up?

Faris Angel: You got to see this.

Faris took Tack to the overpass where they could see miles of trucks coming into the Crystal Heaven border.

Tack Angel: What's going on?

Faris Angel: They're moving trucks!

Tack Angel: The what now?

Faris Angel: Moving trucks! It's a bunch of businesses and residents that are moving in!

Tack Angel: You're kidding me!

Faris showed Pirate Vicrum's report to Tack

Faris Angel: See here? It's grocery stores, medical, drug stores, residents. They're all moving into Cryustal Heaven! Getting passports and work permits and everything!

Tack Angel: But why?

Faris points further down to the spy report.

Faris Angel: You podcast! The podcast you made actually worked!

Tack Angel: Huh... That's amazing. But I didn't really say anything big...

Faris Angel: You did, it happened to have the conversation you had with Christina in it!

Tack Angel: ...I never hit pause!

Faris Angel: It was the best thing you could have not done! I'm so proud of you!

The normally gruff Faris very femininely glomped onto Tack and gave him a big smooch until she realized what she was doing and composed herself.

Faris Angel: *cough* I mean, good work my First Mate.

Tack Angel: Aye aye, capin'!

Dear Journal,

Today was a pretty big day! Lot of new people came into to start work & live here in Crystal Heaven! All because they felt moved by my talk with Christina. And there's a wide variety of people too, the chart even said that most residents were coming from war torn countries. Countries that were taken over by other countries, most seemed pretty ok with the idea of coming here to work though. I wonder if some will want to be nationalized? In any case, I think this solves the big problem before of our money problem. Now I can 100% focus on my wrestling, beforehnad it's was a dual blade, now I'm doing this for me.

Truly Yours,
Tack Angel

P.S. I wonder if the new residents, who are mostly female, feel safe in Crystal Heaven because of the many wives. Maybe they leave an impression of safety. Something to think about.

Last edited by tackangel (1/24/2021 5:38 am)


1/24/2021 10:07 am  #892

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW World

Makoto Angel: Makoto Angel here again, for another EBW World update! We have so much more to cover this week! It's been crazy! My personal home town of Crystal Heaven just got filled up in a move of mass marketing migration! Most of them are from Zealstrailia, which has never fully recovered from the wars from years ago. Plus, the surviving robot people wanted their own place to live, so some people had to go elsewhere. Between them coming to Crystal Heaven, and the Euroland invasion from the "War Kings", it's gotten people talking about the rest of the world. I'm here with President Swift to discuss this, and to make an announcement.

Swift: You ever notice just how damn big the world is? Like today, I was walking down to the corner drug store brand drug store to get a microwavable chimichanga, and suddenly the other day, it felt like the road got a little longer! I could've been tired, but I'm going with the other theory. The world is big, and it's getting bigger. EBW has been the lone survivor of the wrestling wars of the 00's in Eagleland, but we got some serious shit going on all around us! Of course, you've got Zealstrailia refugees, but in the far east the nations of Segua and Ninteldo are not only feuding with each other, but the countries themselves have been given cease and desist orders from Sega and Nintendo respectively. How in the hell do we have Mario AND General Marcus? How can we have Sonic AND Gear? Shut up! I don't know! That's for the copyright courts to decide, and somehow Dibney Dog is involved too! It's a mess! What we DO know, is that the promotions in Edo have splintered again, causing another brand war. We know that the promotions from Euroland have been climbing in relevancy, and sent "War Kings" to prove a point. Wrestling is a GLOBAL sport, and I'm tired of just seeing us peak out there every now and then. That's why this year's Collision event will be Collision: The World Games! More information later, cause I'm still working out deals, and we got a ways to go before we get to that event anyways. I'm just sizzling the damn steak or whatever. I'm out of here. I have to take this phone call!

Makoto Angel: ....Our President every one! Oh! He forgot to announce a couple of things in all of that. A HUGE match is being added to New Year Rising 2021, for a new trophy for the ring warriors to obtain! The "Brass Ring", which will be an ACTUAL ring made out of brass, looking like a Sonic ring since he was just brought up. The winner will be metaphorically AND quite literally breaking a glass ceiling to get the ring, as it will be encased in glass above the ring, in a 6-Man Ladder Match! Also, we have a HUGE HUGE HUGE announcement regarding-

Swift: *on the phone* What?! Fraud alert? Regarding my credit card?! $19,000 is untraceable gift cards?! From Scaraba?! Yeah, that was me. I approved those charges. I did that shit yesterday. Thanks for the call though.

Makoto Angel: ....

Swift: What? I got my reasons!

Makoto Angel: ...Let's uh...let's roll the clip guys. Yeah? Yeah.

Heather Mach: So, the kids are alright, they're with my Mom right now.

Lady M's: Good. I appreciate your help with all of this.

Heather Mach: Please Tali, this personal business. Whoever it was came after me too, and my niece and nephew. I'll watch them when you're busy, and when we're looking to pick a fight to get some answers, I'll help make sure that they're being watched.

Lady M's: You've always been there for me and Trevor.

Heather Mach: I could be there..."more" if you catch my drift. *wink*

Lady M's: Really funny Heather. We're not THAT southern!

Heather Mach: I know! I know! Just jokes, but they fetishize that shit in Edo! Just saying. Money to be made.

Lady M's: You want to make some real money? You really need to get back into the ring.

Heather Mach: That's the plan. Look at these abs. I'm getting back into ring shape.

Lady M's: How could I not look at those abs? Makes me want to do some crunches myself and work off that pregnancy rust, but we got work to do. So, you've been watching the video then?

Heather Mach: Repeatedly. We see a boot, but that's about all we get from it.

Lady M's: Right.

Heather Mach: Thanks for letting me use your computer to watch the raw Lakitu footage. However, I got to say...your browser history....a lot of porn....lesbian porn.

Lady M's: We all have our hobbies.

Heather Mach: Right. Might want to clear that though.

Lady M's: I give no shits.

Heather Mach: Touche. Well, we better get go-

Sunny Malibu: Well look at this. Machs collaborating. I heard you say you want her back in the ring. Of course you do. Want to push more family huh?

Heather Mach: We're a little busy here you psycho. Pretty fired up about people coming after their kids. Gee, you're kind of like one of those people right? Come here!

Lady M's: You know, with the shit Trevor's been going through lately, and me just trying to get through it, I'm kind of glad to see you Sunny. Getting a good look at your features, before Hope and Alison mangle them for good.

Heather Mach: How IS Trevor by the way?

Lady M's: You mean after remembering he died, was brought back to fill the role of Azrael, Angel of Death, and then lost his celestial status after escaping a realm of imagination, losing most of his memory of the situation, until a metaphysical trip to another realm brought it back?

Heather Mach: Yeah that.

Lady M's: Pretty chill about it actually. Taking it in stride.

Heather Mach: Man, Trevor's so cool.

Lady M's: ....In a way? Sure? Sure. Yeah. That's what we'll call it.

Sunny Malibu: I'm still here dammit!

Lady M's: Listen, I'm updating Heather on this meta crap, so I can be done with it, and we can get back to the task at hand! Trust me, I'll be more than happy to move on from meta shit, super science, world hopping, time traveling bullsh-


Lady M's: ....Alright, that's actually pretty awesome.

EBW Gaiden: Level Up Wrestling "Chapter 5"
Studio B, Saturn City

1. Level Up Match: Angry Bum Maurice(Lvl. 6) vs. Frog[CTW]
2. Mixed Tag: WoL Benjamin/Captain Lainey Strong vs. Monster Snakebite/Bandit Calamity Jane
3. Level Up King of the Dual Duels Championships: Magical Trevor(c)/Black Belt Tack(c) vs. Biggs[CTW]/Wedge[CTW]
4. Women's Singles: Mage Hope vs. Ayla[CTW]
5. Heroes Join Forces: Hero Dan/Crono[CTW] vs. Dogma Emperor/?

Last edited by Machismo (1/24/2021 1:09 pm)

     Thread Starter

1/27/2021 1:54 am  #893

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Twoson Mall - Backstage

In the awkwardly set up mall dressing area, Bashin Dan moved through crowds of people moving lighting or getting ready for their matches, to find a room with a star on it saying "w00t". He walked towards the door, but suddenly someone stepped out and blocked his path.

Dae Montell: Going somewhere "Dangerous Player"?

Bashin Dan: I need to talk to Cade. Is he in there with w00t?

Dae Montell: He might be. He might not be. I'm not above telling a lie, but it's pointless. You're not going in there to see him.

Bashin Dan: I need you to let me through.

Dae Montell: You could move me, but you wouldn't do that would you?

Bashin Dan: ...Are you responsible for happened to Yaggis?

Dae Montell: ....I am the "Enticing Sound", and I'm the manager of w00t and Cade. I'm only responsible for giving people what they want. I guess I could let you through. Just sign your name on the dotted line.

Bashin Dan: What's with that book?

Dae Montell: I just like to have written record of who I'm doing favors for, and who I might need favors from myself. That's all.

Bashin Dan: I don't believe you.

Dae Montell: ...That's the smartest thing you've said to me yet. Distrust everyone Dan. They're all out to get you.

Bashin Dan: Who are you? Who are you really?

Dae Montell: Oh come on Dan, I'm not hiding it. It's right in front of you.

Bashin Dan: ...

Dae Montell: Dae Montell obviously.

Bashin Dan: You like playing games. I'll give you that. 

Dae Montell: And so do you, but what's troubling you is the nature of MY game.

Dae Montell let himself back into the dressing room. An angry Dan clenched his fist and kicked over some lighting equipment. Jammer and Hope both saw it and followed him into a nearby hallway.

Hope Mach: Dan? What's wrong?

Jammer: You talk to Cade?

Bashin Dan: No! Dae Montell was in the way. He wouldn't move.

Jammer: So....move him?

Bashin Dan: He has never lifted a finger to hurt me or anyone else that I've seen. He makes promises, and tries to do deals, but he was physically harming me, so how could I do anything to him.

Jammer: ....Punching tends to work.

Bashin Dan: I can't. It's not who I am.

Hope Mach: That's not a bad thing. In the ring, you're the best. You don't have to pick fights out of the ring like that. You always settle your business like a true hero.

Jammer: ....I mean...that works too of course.

Bashin Dan: I couldn't do that, and he knew it. Who is that guy? Who is he really?!

Jammer: ...

Jammer walked away with conviction and knocked on the dressing room door again. Dae Montell cracked open the door.

Dae Montell: The "Jam Master" huh? Now there's someone with a lot of desires.

Jammer: I desire that you open this door. Dan wants to talk to Cade and-

Dae Montell: Wasn't it just in 2019 that you didn't give a damn what Dan wanted? You had it all then. You care now, and you're on the outside looking in.

Jammer: I was wrong. I-

Dae Montell: Were you? Why can't you have the power, fame, and success? Why can't you have the Triple Crown? You deserve it right? You work hard? You have spent the better part of a year trying to bury demons you had dug up to get to the top. Why bury them? Let them out. Be the best Jammer you can be? Or....keep being the "Slam Master".

Jammer: Just....just open the door.

Dae Montell: I could do that. I could let you talk to Cade. I could make sure you're Triple Crown Champion again too. I can do so many things. All you have to do, is take this pen, and sign

Jammer: .......

Elsewhere backstage, Trevor Mach was wrapping his midsection, and taping up his knee. He was approached by someone.

Subculture: You're a wreck Trevor.

Trevor Mach: Meh. Getting better everyday. Actually slept for 8 hours before getting here today, so that's a first in a while. What? You worried about me Subbie?

Subculture: Of course not. I just want to make sure you're going to show up to New Year Rising in one piece. I need you there so I can beat you for the Challenge Championship.

Trevor Mach: Heh, of course that's it. Glad you got your ambition back. You're hungry right?

Subculture: Of course I am. Trying to balance a home life, Tack's weird family, and everything else that's been happening tends to throw off your goals sometimes, but I'm getting refocused right now.

Trevor Mach: That's good. I think we all need a bit of refocusing. I'm at a crossroads Subbie. There comes a point in in life, where you hit an intersection. You hit that stop sign, and think about where you're going next. You could turn around, and go back the way you came from. You could turn left, turn right, or go forward. You drive straight through, and have the confidence that what you're doing is right thing to do. I'm not at that stop sign yet. I'm not there....but I'm close, and the way I see it is, if I'm about to hit that stop sign, I intend to put the pedal to the fucking metal, and take the stop sign out on the way through.

Subculture: You talking about forming a group? You always did like to have people watching your back huh?

Trevor Mach: I'm talking about having their backs, like they have mine. This isn't about me, it's about all of us. Picky, Mav, and I had a talk, and we came to an understanding. We were just going to leave it at that, but things are changing around here, and changing fast. I think a group of like minded individuals banding together is a smart move. No leaders. Just "blood brothers". After all we've been through, I think we could reach that understanding too. Remember the "KO Bombers"?

Subculture: We tend to swap out tag partners a lot in EBW, but yeah, that was the team that clicked. We kicked ass as a combo. I can't pretend we didn't. However, I'm focusing on that right there. The Challenge Championship. That's the "work horse" title now. That's the one that says you put the the work in, you fought for it, and you earned it. That title breeds reputation, and that's what I've got my eyes on.

Trevor Mach: That's good Sub, that's really good, but when it's said or or need to think about where we go from here.

Subculture: ...As you like it put....something to think about.

Larry Grim: Wow! A brand new start to Xperience! I hear that President Swift wanted to make some changes to some of the music choices in EBW. I mean, when you let Trevor Mach make the playlist, you're going to end up with a lot of 80's music, but this is setting quite the stage.

Makoto Angel: It's going to be a big night, so might as well go.......big......on this show.

Larry Grim: Why were you pausing there?

Makoto Angel: Trying not to invoke Paul Wight.

Larry Grim: I see. Sensible. Well tonight's already been eventful in the back AND with our Dark Matches on ENN+! You know, I think it was creative to allow a network to carry the streaming duties for EBW, and anyone that does it after us....AFTER following a good example. The "Flood Generation" got off to a bad start, when they were thwarted by the Weekend Wrecking Crew. Danny said he'd try, but the No Push attitude was too strong, and he was pinned with a Bridging Hagen from Amigo.

Makoto Angel: "The Valkyries" were in action against, taking on the team of Lt. Lacy Wagner, Gold, and Lainey Strong. Calamity Jane came out to distract Lainey, while Duvalie choked out Wagner after an impressive struggle on the mat.

Larry Grim: Of course Dirk Laramie lost again. Even with the support of PT and Dirty Dick Wagner, he still can't manage the comeback that normally comes with a win. He's breaking the tropes and falling into yet ANOTHER losing streak.

Dirk Laramie: Is it really a losing streak if I feel like a winner?

Larry Grim: Yes....yes it's a losing streak.

Dirk Laramie: Oh. Damn.

Larry Grim: Of course, I'm willing to bet that the new look and theme are flexible, and we could easily revert if the fans aren't feeling this one. *looks at the camera* Seriously.

Makoto Angel: What are you looking at?

Larry Grim: The fourth wall. Want to see?

Makoto Angel: I'd rather not.

Larry Grim: Tonight, we're going to see the former World Champion Mav Valentine in action. He's been cleared to compete, and he'll be joining his "blood brothers" Challenge Champion Trevor Mach and Picky Minch, as they take on "Perfectionist" w00t, #1 Contender Cade, and Cadmus. Also, the "War Kings" are all in action. Golvoth already scored a win, but we'll see how the others do in matches with the "Heel Besties" and Judoka Master Aron Vayne. Hope Mach and Alison Chains will team up one last time before New Year Rising 2021 as they take on Television Champion Sunny Malibu and Kaie. We're on the way to New Year Rising 2021, where Bashin Dan will defend against Cade. w00t will take on Picky Minch! Hope Mach, Alison Chains, and Sunny Malibu will battle for the Television Championship. Christina Angel will put the World Championship on the line against Kimber Blaze. Six combatants will battle for the Brass Ring. So much more! You don't want to miss that, and you don't want to miss this tonight.

Makoto Angel: Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: Xperience
Twoson Mall, Twoson

0. Dark Match 6-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike/Amigo[o]/Magnum PT beat Rains/Nosan/Danny Leung[x] via Bridging Hagen Suplex -> Pin
0. Dark Match 6-Woman Tag: Duvalie[o]/Ines/Ennea beat Lt. Lacy Wagner[x]/Gold/Lainey Strong via Rear Naked Choke -> Stoppage
0. Dark Match Singles: Golvoth beat Dirk Laramie via Buckle Bomb x Chokeslam -> Pin
1. Singles: Radzi Schrieffer beat Randy no Kachi via Knee Bar -> Submission
-Opening contest saw a fast paced contest between Randy no Kachi and Radzi Schrieffer. Radzi had a strong defense against Randy's No Kachi Cutter, countering into a Guillotine Choke, before dropping him to the mat. Radzi was stronger on the ground, and trapped Randy in a Knee Bar for a quick submission.

Larry Grim: And another win for the "War Kings". They are on a roll tonight. Counting the Dark Match, they are 2-0.

Makoto Angel: Scary good, but at least they kept it in the ring this time. As you can see, my sweetness and his security are watching from the stage. He's keeping a close eye on the "War Kings".

Larry Grim: ....Sheriff Sweetness....hehe....

Makoto Angel: *blush*

Larry Grim: I'm sorry!

2. Singles: Hazen beat LG Rod via Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver -> Pin
-LG Rod suffered a similar fate to his partner, as Hazen over powered Rod, and tossed him around the ring. It was over quickly, as Hazen took Rod out with the Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver and the pin.

Larry Grim: You can chalk it up to their recent lack of singles experience, but even then, the "War Kings" are very impressive. 3-0.

Queen's Court

The throne was placed in the ring, and a shoddy stool, as Erica entered the ring.

Erica: The Queen is back, to grace you all with her presence. You can thank Tess for giving us this time, and thank me for agreeing to it. In her words, you should BE GRATEFUL! You know, Tess has backed off a little, out of respect for a new mother, and while I wouldn't personally do that, it's up to her. However, that doesn't mean that Eisenritter is backing down. We're just working on our next move. IN THE MEANTIME, you can stop booing, because I'm going to bring out someone you apparently like. The woman who is holding MY title. Christina Angel. "Champ"? Come on out here, and let's get this over with.

Christina Angel came out to a big reaction, holding both of her titles. It quickly became apparent that Bev and Raza were following her out.

Erica: You didn't think we'd be doing this alone did you?

Christina Angel: I don't really care. I figured you'd be hiding after what happened to you? I ran your gauntlet and STILL I beat you.

Erica: Yes, and in the process everyone suddenly believes you to be the best women's wrestling in the world. I find that hard to stomach myself. The luckiest maybe. You went in to that match with confidence sure, while we might have anticipated an easy night. A little bit more effort might have been needed, but it's never too late to correct a mistake.

Christina Angel: Oh? I think it is. The Eisenritter got smashed that night. Tess's vision, is in the rear view mirror. She wanted to play flesh peddler, well she can do that at The Strip. We're here to fight, and I did. I fought you. I fought you and I won.

Erica: You didn't win. You survived, for now. You walk around because I allow it, but pretty soon even I won't be able to save you. I created an idea. All of Eisenritter sowed the seeds. The message was simple. This place doesn't NEED any Angels. Not a one. We do better without them. That was proven right by the way. Without Angels, ladies like Kimber Blaze, Calamity Jane, and BeShemoth get to flex their muscles. Spread their wings. Kimber Blaze got a title shot, because no other Angels were in the way. When Angels ARE in the way, they find themselves as Double Champion, as you are now.

Christina Angel: What about when YOU were Double Champion?

Erica: A means to an end. Keep them away from you, until you're gone, then I would bequeath the tag title to a deserving member of my association. I need don't need it all. Not like you. You want to plaster me as ego driven, but all I ever wanted was one title, that one right there. You want the whole damn world.

Christina Angel: No, all you ever wanted was absolute control. You wanted control over this company, this division, all of us, and even Lady M's. We all know how you REALLY feel about the division's ACTUAL boss.

Erica: Naturally an Angel would stick up for a Mach. You're all too predictable, and that's part of the problem too. You can humiliate me if you want, about my proclivities. That's fine. I can handle that now. Yes, footage was leaked of me in a compromising position. I got over it. In the process I got to thinking about ways of being LESS predictable, and I have a few ideas up my sleeve.

Christina Angel: Well what are they? Get on with it.

Erica: We're not working on your time here "Champ". This is the "Queen's Court", and I will always rule this "Court". I find you guilty actually....guilty of everything you've ever thrown at me. You're just as bad if not worse.

Christina Angel: Sure, whatever you say. I'm out of here.
Erica: You're on borrowed time Christina. You AND your sister.

Christina Angel: Leave her out of it!

Erica: Oh! You're getting feisty now! Security! My guest is unruly. Escort her away!

Christina glared at Erica as she was blocked from getting back into the ring.

3. Bushido Rules Singles: Ilya Fedorvich beat Aron Vayne (R2 2:51) via Spinning Back Fist -> KO
-The high energy, and manic Ilya Fedorovich and Aron Vayne had an all out war out of nowhere in a ballistic Bushido Rules Match. Aron, not know for his striking, kept on his feet and threw heavy hands with Ilya. Fedorovich seemed to get fired up by the sight of his own blood, and kept goading the Judoka to hit him harder. Round 2 saw more of the same. Aron managed to flip Ilya over, but he was quick to fight back to his feet. He surprised Aron with a spinning Euroland Uppercut, and then a Spinning Back Fist. Aron fell to the mat, and the match was ended via KO. 

Larry Grim: Whoa! 4-0 people! Ilya was a madman in that ring, and he looks like he wants more. He wants to attack Aron, but here comes Tack, Saxon, and Novus. They're helping Aron out of the ring.

Makoto Angel: I know Tack can't wait to get back into title contention, but he's taking his job so seriously. That's a good thing for Aron Vayne. I'd hate for him to be stuck in there with Ilya any longer.


Randy no Kachi and LG Rod were limping backstage, helping each other down the hall, when they were suddenly blocked by three figures, Franky, Shark #1, and Shark #2.

Franky: Gentlemen, you seem to be hitting rock bottom.

Randy no Kachi: I thought that was being dead, but maybe you're right.

LG Rod: We're just going to have to work harder.

Franky: That might help sure, but you know what would definitely help? "The Shark Order". We're here to help rehabilitate, and rebuild. You're good....but you could be better. Shall we discuss this?

LG Rod: .....

Randy no Kachi: .....

Elsewhere Backstage

Hope Mach was getting ready to head out for her match, walking down a hallway, when suddenly a masked figure smacked her in the side of the head with a chair. It knocked out her hearing aid and distorted everything. She fell to the wall, and staggered forward, confused about what just happened. Behind her, the figure was smashing the chair against the wall behind her, but she couldn't hear it. As she reached for the aid, the figure smashed Hope in the back with the chair, before running off, as Christina, Alison Chains, Bashin Dan, and the James Sisters arrived to make the save.

4. Women's Tag: Hope Mach/Alison Chains vs. Sunny Malibu/ Kaie
-The following match was cancelled because of the attack to Hope Mach.

Larry Grim: Her luck never seems to improve.

Makoto Angel: She has it so hard. I feel so bad for her!


Trevor Mach and Lady M's ran up to check on Hope.

Trevor Mach: How is she?

Bashin Dan: They're checking on her now.

Lady M's: It was a masked figure wasn't it?

Bashin Dan: That's what they said. Wearing all black. Not a lot to go on.

Lady M's: The shoes. Did they catch the shoes in the footage.

Bashin Dan: I don't know.

Lady M's: I'm going to find out, and then I'm going to take that chair, and wrap it around their fucking head!

M's ran off, as Trevor got up close to Dan, with a snarl on his face.

Trevor Mach: We're not supposed to let this happen to Hope Dan. That means both of us. We BOTH failed. Do you understand me?

Bashin Dan: I do Trevor. You're right.

Trevor Mach: Champ, if you want to be with my daughter, I expect you to have her back. She doesn't need a white knight to always save her, but she sure as hell needs a partner.

Bashin Dan: She has one.

Trevor Mach: Good....good. Go to her then.

As Dan ran over to Hope, she saw her Dad and waved to him, signifying she was all right. Trevor feigned a reassuring smile and waved back. He turned to see Picky and Mav.

Picky Minch: Is she all right?

Trevor Mach: She's tough, and she's keeping the anger down.....a lot better than I am.

Mav Valentine: Do you want to call the match off? Go find this person? We'll help.

Trevor Mach: No. This isn't all about me guys. I'm here for you too. You need me in that main event.

Picky Minch: This is a big deal. We can call it off and-

Trevor Mach: Guys. I need to beat someone's ass, so let's go out there and get it done alright?

Mav Valentine: You got it.

Picky Minch: *nod*

5. 6-Man Tag: Mav Valentine/Picky Minch/Trevor Mach[o] beat w00t/Cade/Cadmus[x] via Knee Trigger -> Pin
-Main event action, saw Mav Valentine return to action with Picky Minch and Challenge Champion Trevor Mach, to take on w00t, Cade, and Cadmus. w00t kept his distance from Mach, but taunted him about what had just happened, drawing his ire, and trying to make him make a mistake. Cade was focused, as he targeted Mav specifically, and worked over his head and neck, trying to take advantage of the Con-Chair-To. Cadmus however, was unkempt and unfocused again, still broken from losing the feud to Tack Angel. Trevor added salt to the wound, by hitting him with Tack's Wrist Clutch Angel Driver, before going off the ropes to hit the Knee Trigger to score the win.

Larry Grim: What a win for Mav, Picky, and Trevor! w00t is livid with Cadmus, but is tossing him aside and pointing at Picky. This match was just a detour for him. It's obvious what he really wants to do, and he'll take his first step towards it at New Year Rising.

Makoto Angel: Huh, it's weird that Dae Montell wasn't near the ring tonight. He's normally always with w00t. Cade doesn't seem too phased about the loss either.

Larry Grim: He's got bigger fish to fry himself. Folks, this weekend, we have our first ENN+ event of the year, with New Year Rising 2021! It's going to be huge! Don't miss it! Goodnight everybody!

     Thread Starter

1/28/2021 10:32 am  #894

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Crystal Heaven

Tack woke up with a big grin on his face. It was a special day today. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and it was HIS day. He was looking forward to going downstairs to a happy setting with his whole family, eating a hot breakfast and planning out the days events....instead he could Subculture sitting in a dark kitchen eating cereal.

Tack Angel: Subbie?

Subculture: Tack.

Tack Angel: What are you doing here?

Subculture: Christina wanted to do something with Chrissy this morning, so they just took off.

Tack Angel: Doesn't explain what YOU are doing here?

Subculture: ....We were out of cereal at home.

Tack Angel: *sigh* This can't be right. I'm going to go somewhere else, so I don't have to be in here talking to you. Where are the wives?

Subculture: I don't know. I'm not married to them!

Tack Angel: Was thinking out loud. Not talking to you.

Subculture: ....Heh.

Tack sulked around the hallways, looking for his wives. The Pirates barely even looked at him, as he bumped into something he couldn't even see....well until she turned sideways.

Tack Angel: Rebecca! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you because you were looking forward, thereby existing only in 2-dimensional space.

Rebecca Angel: *blink*

Tack Angel: I know it's hard living only sideways, but that way I won't bump into you.

Rebecca Angel: Sorry Daddy.

Tack Angel: No baby, Daddy is sorry. Say, have you seen Mommy anywhere? ANY Mommy will do at this point. Have you seen A Mommy?

Rebecca Angel: *shrugs*

Tack Angel: And you're here...without any of them huh? Very suspicious. I think I'm being tricked. They DO remember my-

Pirate Bill: Yarr, I be mad sorry sir, but the little Princess escaped me gaze with her 2 dimentional...ness. It don't be helpin' that I be only havin' the one eye. No depth perception.

Tack Angel: Huh, I thought that eye patch was just to make you look cool.

Pirate Bill: Alas not, be we be agreeing that it be cool.

Tack Angel: Have you uh....seen the wives anywhere?

Pirate Bill: I think they be on a day trip together. Something bout a ladies' day out.

Tack Angel: Really? *sniff*

Pirate Bill: Ye be alright sir?

Tack Angel: Yarr Bill...*sniff* Yarr.

Tack walked away tearing up, as Bill picked up Rebecca, and turned her front ways.

Pirate Bill: Ye be cursed young Princess, but Pirate Bill still loves ye with all his heart. Yarr.

Tack stood at a window high up in the Crytal Castle, looking out at the sky.

Tack Angel: *sniff* It's not a big deal. So they forgot for real. It's fine. I don't need a party! I don't need it. I don't need it. I'd don't....neeeeed it....I...I...I...I NEEEEED I-


Tack Angel: AAAAHHHH!

Helios Angel: AAAAAHHH!

The spooked Tack slipped and fell out of the window.

Tack Angel: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!


Outside, a large group of people were gathering around, as Pirates brought a large cake to the doors of the castle.

Amy Angel: Alright everyone, so we had Bill, Rebecca, and Subculture throw him off, but We're going to call him out here, and we're all going to shout at the same time alright? We just need to-

Pirate Julio: Panic! Helios went to find Master Tack!

Tracy Angel: That kid is a total narc!

Amy Angel: It might still be alright. We'll just call him out here and-

Tack Angel: aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Tack smashed into the cake, sending it flying towards Trevor, Lady M's, their kids, the wives, the daughters, the Pirates, the Penguins, the new citizens of Crystal Heaven, Tack's extended family, a vegetable like Cherub Kid in a wheelchair, and the part of the wall that Wayne Angel was standing behind. Tack emerged from the giant cake, and looked out to everyone.

Everyone: ...surprise....happy birthday.

Tack Angel: remembered after all? *sniff sniff* YEAH! WHO WANTS SOME CAKE?!

Everyone collectively laughed, and where able to sing Happy Birthday, because the copyright is gone.

Happy Birthday Tack Angel!

     Thread Starter

1/29/2021 4:45 am  #895

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tack was woken up by the sounds of crying. Getting up he walked over to the nursery, seeing Pirate Larry having trouble with baby Honoka.

Pirate Larry: Yar sir, I'm glad your here. Seems the little princess is in need of her King.

Tack Angel: Thanks Larry, I got her.

Tack picked up Honoka and lightly bounced her. Still crying, the door was opened again.

Makoto Angel: Need some help?

Tack Angel: I'm sorry if I woke you.

Makoto Angel: I heard the crying too, it sounded like our child. Wanna take a walk?

Tack & Makoto Angel walked through the nursery, going through to the kitchen and walked through the greenhouse, closing the door behind them as they strolled little Honoka Angel in a carriage to the Crystal Heaven Garden.

Makoto Angel: Thank you for taking this walk with me Tack.

Tack Angel: Of course, this is the first walk we're taking here with Honoka. She seems to be sleeping now though.

Makoto Angel: So we'll just take things slow then.

Tack & Makoto slowly sauntered through the garden, passing by the many flowers that Makoto had maintained as her hobby. Lavenders, Asters, Anemone, Chrysanthemum, Larkspur, Carnations, Marigolds, Dahlias, and many more.

Tack Angel: You've done such a wonderful job here in the garden. To think this all started with nothing back when the Crystal Heaven tower was originally destroyed.

Makoto Angel: I really tried hard.

Tack Angel: And your beauty has shone through your work.

Makoto blushes a bit as she clasps her face.

Makoto Angel: You're such a charmer Mr. Angel!

Tack chuckled as they gave a quick peck to each other.

Makoto Angel: No wonder you've been able to charm as many women as you have.

Tack Angel: Does that bother you?

Makoto Angel: No... not really. You are a special kind of person, you have so much love to give. Amy, Iroha, Tracy, Nani, Faris, & I can barely handle you by ourselves. Thankfully we're able to work together on you, ya big lug.

Makoto elbows Tack as he feigns pain. Both continue walking through the garden strolling the little child, still asleep. There's a pause in conversation, Makoto takes a sharp breath and sighs.

Makoto Angel: I always knew that my destiny was to be with you, but this journey has been more than I imagined it would be. I never thought that I would gain such good friends with my sister wives, I can't wait for us to visit my friends in Edo. I can wait to show them our beautiful daughter.

Tack Angel: I'm sure they would be really proud of you.

Makoto Angel: They would be proud of us. They share our destiny, my job currently may be as a commentator but I will always been the Retainer to the Queen of the Moon and to stand with you, my Star Prince.

Tack Angel: That part will come when it comes Queen of Jupiter, right now I'm just enjoying you as Makoto, enjoying our daughter Honoka., enjoying our large family.

The two stopped and gave a kiss as the baby yawned awake, cooing in need of attention.

Tack Angel: Looks like she's waking up, I got her.

Tack Angel picked up the little Honoka as all three enjoyed the atmosphere of the garden.

Dear Journal,

Today was kinda nice, just taking in the duties of being a husband & father. It's very important to me and something I never want to let go.

Truly Yours,
Tack Angel


1/29/2021 12:07 pm  #896

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Magical Trevor: Would you just step through already?

Tack Angel: I don't like it!

Magical Trevor: It's not a big deal.

Tack Angel: It IS a big deal! Look, I stick my hand through the hallway, and I lose definition, and the ability to look straight ahead, lest I end up in the 2nd dimension.

Magical Trevor: Yeah, I had to do it too. Look. Robe and wizard hat. I have NO idea what I actually look like in 8-bit. It's just this shadowy visage every time I look in the mirror. What DO I look like?

Tack Angel: It's's just a perversion of nature. It's so obscene!

Magical Trevor: Those are just excuses. You want obscene, just look at what happens at YOUR house! Cat-o-nine tails? "Blooming Pedals"? Stretching your wives? You hiding a secret weapon Meat Mountain?

Tack Angel: Stretch as in the wrestling sense!

Magical Trevor: You make me nervous about coming over to hang out with Pops.

Tack Angel: You do that?

Magical Trevor: Yeah?

Tack Angel: But I never see you!

Magical Trevor: Hello, I'm IN the walls with Pops!

Tack Angel: I don't think I want you to do that.

Magical Trevor: And I didn't need to know that you and your wife get off on you flogging her with a whip, but here we are.

Tack Angel: It's my life dammit!

Magical Trevor: No one said you can't live it bro. You just have to be careful with what you say and do and when. Like if I wanted to say to Tali, "Wow, that workout made us hot and sweaty. Let's take a shower while I eat your ass", I would NEVER do it in front of one of those damn Lakitus!

Tack Angel: You just did.

Magical Trevor: Hmm?

Tack Angel: You did that just now. You said, and a Lakitu is right over there.

Magical Trevor: Yeah, but it's different. This was just an example.

Tack Angel: I don't think it was.

Magical Trevor: Would you just step through the damn dimensional doorway, so we can-

Crono: !?

Magical Trevor: H-hey Crono! What's up buddy? Long time no see. Well, long time for me anyways. I hear it's only been a few weeks since you last saw us from your point of view. That was like....15 years ago bro. We're not so....G-rated anymore? So, you don't have to be SO shocked? I mean, I used to say "Spiffy" all the time, and now I mostly say "Bonerrific".

Tack Angel: You never say that.

Magical Trevor: I MIGHT START!

Black Belt Tack: I think he was freaking out because of me stepping through the door.

Magical Trevor: It's about time too. Good luck tonight Crono. You're teaming with a good kid tonight.

Crono: ....

Black Belt Tack: ...Hi.Is this weird to you too?

Crono: *nods*

Black Belt Tack: Yeah, it's a little weird.

Apple Kid: Tis a wondrous day to join us travelers! The story of Level Up Wrestling continues, with some added twists! As the heroes battle the viscous Dogma Army, they are suddenly approached by heroes from another realm. From the year 1000AD and-

Lucca: From another planet entirely as it turns out.

Apple Kid: Oh? Oh! It-it uh...seems I'm joined by guest as I chronicle this tale.

Lucca: Yeah, sorry about that Apple Ki-I mean uh..."Apple of Enlightenment", but I was excited to see my old friends back in action.

Apple Kid: And THAT you will see, as they not only measure up our heroes, but also join forces, as the heroic Crono joins Hero Dan against the dastardly Dogma Emperor, and his special partner.

Lucca: Then let's get to it!

Apple Kid: Uh...yes...why don't we?

EBW Gaiden: Level Up Wrestling "Chapter 5"
Studio B, Saturn City

1. Level Up Match: Frog[CTW] beat Angry Bum Maurice(Lvl. 6) via Frog Splash -> Pin -> Level 3!
-The opening match saw the amphibious knight Frog take on Angry Bum Maurice, who was not thrilled to be in the ring or in the role, judging from his previous life on the street. Maurice couldn't manage to lock down Frog, who had the jumping ability and speed to dodge almost everything thrown at him. Frog hopped up to the top rope, and as Maurice ran at him, he jumped over him to hit a Reverse Neckbreaker. With Maurice down, Frog hopped back up to hit a Frog Splash (naturally) for the 1-2-3.

Apple Kid: And thus, one of the heroes from this other realm, defeated the would be bandit Maurice, who tried to take from him, his prized sword Masamune. He didn't even draw it during the match, though doing such a thing in an EBW isn't as legal as it would probably be in CTW I'm guessing?

Lucca: You guess right.

Apple Kid: I see. The story continued back at the castle gates. With most of the heroes trying to undo the damage done by the Dogma Army, the Bandit Calamity Jane and her Monster Snakebite, tried to barge in. However, the Warrior of Light and the Captain of the Guard stood in their way once again.

Lucca: Truly a heroic duo.

Apple Kid: I think we could make an appealing duo ourselves.

Lucca: ....We may have to schedule a dinner to test this theory of yours.

Apple Kid: ...W-wait really?

2. Mixed Tag: WoL Benjamin[o]/Captain Lainey Strong beat Monster Snakebite[x]/Bandit Calamity Jane via Excalibur -> Pin
-A lot more chemistry shown between Benjamin and Lainey, as the two brave heroes drove back the would be thieves. Jane avoided Strong, but Snakebite could not avoid the Excalibur off the 2nd rope for the pin.

Apple Kid: Thus, the castle gates were protected for another day. We give thanks to the brave heroes that stayed behind to hold the line. How long will their luck remain? It could all be decided on the roll of the dices.

Lucca: Dice.

Apple Kid: Right...dice is the plural. Dice. Dice. In the woods, the two legendary heroes Magical Trevor and Black Belt Tack engaged in a friendly rivalry with two old friends, Biggs and not THOSE two, but the other ones, from the realm of CTW. *cough cough* I said IN THE WOODS.

Lucca: Yes. Cue the woods!

3. Level Up King of the Dual Duels Championships: Magical Trevor(c)[o]/Black Belt Tack(c) beat Biggs[CTW]/Wedge[CTW][x] via Trevorplex -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The Champion duo put their title belts on the line once again, this time taking on the CTW's finest tag team Biggs and Wedge. The guards of the Millennial Fair were quick with the tags, and had the advantage of full on wrestling in armor, which is quite legal in CTW, gray area in Level Up. Trevor comically smashed his knee into Wedge's helmet and collapsed from trying to hit the Knee Trigger against metal. Tack fought the team off with his martial arts prowess, until Trevor could get back to his feet and hit the Trevorplex on Wedge to score the pin and the title defense.

Apple Kid: Close call for Trevor there. Not sure what he was thinking trying to cave in a helmet like that. I mean, I've seen him break bricks with a knee, but that looks strong.

Lucca: Upon closer inspection, it appears to be metal forged by Melchoir, the Guru of Life, and creator of the Masamune.

Apple Kid: tried to knee a magical metal helmet then Magical Trevor. You should know better. You're MAGICAL Trevor! *clears throat* The legends survived another challenge for the titles, and continued towards their ultimate destination of Castle Dogma. Problem is, it moves that movie never really know where it's going to show up.

Lucca: I found the movie Krull to be wonderful.

Apple Kid: ME TOO!

Lucca: Of course, I saw it when I first got here, and all moving pictures were amazing to me.

Apple Kid: Perhaps you need a second watch? Maybe with someone else?

Lucca: The dinner date plans are finalized. You will come to my house. I will make pasta, and we will watch Krull.

Apple Kid: Man, everything is coming up Apple Kid tonight!

4. Women's Singles: Mage Hope vs. Ayla[CTW] ended in a Time Limit Draw
-The Mage Hope had to put up her guard, and fall less into the act of being a Mage, as the cave woman Ayla was all muscle, all power, and all business. She had Hope out powered, but not out worked, as Hope took her to the mat, and did what she could with submission attempts to keep here there. A down and dirty struggle, which brought out Black Belt Tack, who not so secretly admired the muscly Ayla. The bell rang the 15 minute mark, signaling a draw. Oh yeah....matches have a 15 minute time limit in Level Up. I didn't mention that. I am now though. I could go back and write it in like I was totally on the ball with it, but better to be honest. I'm just mentioning it now.

Apple Kid: The two heroes found mutual respect with their draw, and it showed exactly what they were capable of. I know Tack was drooling earlier, and I might have been known for that in the past, but this narrator, is totally classy now.

Lucca: Go Ayla! Yeah! Great job!

Apple Kid: Yeah. As all the other heroes found victory and celebration, the climax was still to come, as Hero Dan found himself an unlikely partner.


Hero Dan walked into frame, as did Crono. The crowd erupted in cheers.

Hero Dan: So, you're Crono huh?

Crono: .....*nods*

Hero Dan: Looks like we'll be teaming tonight. I've seen your work, and I just have one question for you.

Crono: ....

Hero Dan: ....Do card games?

Crono: ?

Hero Dan: It's cool if you don't. If you've got time, I'd love to teach you! Right now though, we have work to do. Let's go.

Crono: *raises fist*

Hero Dan: ...One of those silent protagonists huh? I don't think I could ever do that. When I play cards I have to say what I'm doing out loud soooo....

Hero Dan and Crono stood in the ring to a big reaction. A hero of the past endorsing the current hero. However, Emperor Dogma had a trick up his sleeves regarding his partner....

5. Heroes Join Forces: Dogma Emperor/Magus[o] beat Hero Dan/Crono[CTW][x] via Dark Mist x Ultimate Dark Bomb -> Pin
-Magus, the dark mage of the year 600AD joined forces with Dogma Emperor for this tag bout, leaving even Crono confused, as he tried to speak to his former, and now seemingly current rival. A competitive match up, but Crono's confusion over Magus's allegiances turned out to be the down fall for the hero team. Magus spit a Dark Mist into Crono's face, and hit the Ultimate Dark Bomb for the 1-2-3, while Dan was pulled to the outside by the Dogma Emperor.

Apple Kid: Oh.

Lucca: What the hell Magus?! Ugh, I could never get a read on that guy. Crono's going to get you back for that one.

Apple Kid: Uh....evil has triumphed this time travelers. It happens sure, but....well it hadn't happened yet in Level Up Land if you catch my drift. Dogma has gained an edge, with a new "Dark Pact" it seems. Will the heroes of Level Up and CTW be able to stop this new combination? We might find out in two weeks, but until then, I'VE GOT A DATE!


Last edited by Machismo (1/29/2021 12:10 pm)

     Thread Starter

2/04/2021 4:15 am  #897

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Andonuts Labs

Jeff Andonuts and Degrees looked over paper work as their "patient" lay in bed situation in the center of the lab.

Degrees: This is just like what happened to Mach. The readings are very similar. How did they pull him out?

Jeff Andonuts: That's a bit harder to explain.

Degrees: Of course it is. We don't know enough about these meta-physics.

Jeff Andonuts: The classified reports detail that the door ways were supposed to be closed forever, and those who stayed behind were trapped. However, Trevor Mach managed to escape, though he couldn't say how or why? Now, we at least have an idea. The Sanctum repaired itself, and the "Multiverse" was restored, maybe not in the same way it was before, but it's out there....wherever there is.

Degrees: Well, I hope he can wake up and give us some more answers soon. Make sure you turn the ENN+ show on tonight. His son is in the main event. Maybe he'll want to hear that.

Jeff Andonuts: Maybe not. After all, his manager these days is Dae Montel-

Dr. Yaggis suddenly burst upright from the table.

Degrees and Jeff Andonuts; AHHHHH!!!!!

Tommy Dukes: Welcome to Twoson! Welcome to the Twoson Fairgrounds! Welcome to New Year Rising 2021! I'm Tommy Dukes, the PROUD NEW PAPA OF WRESTLING!

Makoto Angel: And we're so happy for you, and glad to have you at the table tonight! I'm Makoto Angel, a very proud Momma, since we're doing that right now.

Larry Grim: And I'm Larry Grim, a Skeleton Man, who is the last of his kind, and fated to be alone forever.

Tommy Dukes: ....

Makoto Angel: .....

Larry Grim: No, but it's cool though! The other reapers were assholes! Tried to destroy reality, and that meant no more Taco Tuesdays. I can't have that. I might not have digestion system....or a tongue...but I love the "Vape Special" and Tacko Bell.

Makoto Angel: What's that?

Larry Grim: It's every menu item smashed together and wrapped in a burrito.

Makoto Angel: Sound like a nightmare!

Larry Grim: Only in the bathroom....which isn't a problem for me...again...skeleton. *sigh*

Makoto Angel: .....I'm going to invite you over for our family dinner one night this week.

Larry Grim: I would like that very much!

Tommy Dukes: Well, I'm glad you got that all worked out, but tonight, we have fights people. So many matches! So many feuds! SO MANY RIVALRIES! You might notice my hand is in a cast? Well I just smacked it against the table, and the agony is coursing through me. "Tangelo", take over a minute?

Tangelo. Will do. Lainey Strong and Calamity Jane will put themselves to the test against each other in the opening bout. This has been brewing ever since Kimber Blaze and Calamity Jane both split from their respective teams to find success on the "Anti-Angel" side of things.

Makoto Angel: Which is just mean!

Tangelo: Hope Mach and Alison Chains will both be taking on Sunny Malibu for the Television Championship. This could be Sunny's biggest challenge to date. She continues to fight off Hope Mach, and anything else that has been thrown at her, thanks to an attitude change, her sister Millie Malibu, the backing of the "Eisenritter", and the training she received with Duvalie, giving her a cunning new edge to her style. The "War Kings" will send Radzi Schrieffer and Golvoth to take on the "Heel Besties" for the right to challenge Kinniku Mike and Amigo for the World Tag Team Championships. The Crew have already faced defeat against these Euroland invaders before, so one would think they're hoping for a "Besties" win here. Then again, the challenge might motivate them. The Crew are quite unpredictable.

Tommy Dukes: Thanks Tangelo! Tagging back in. The "Outer Senshi" and the "James Sisters" will lock horns to see which team will challenge the "Bad Dudettes" for their Women's World Tag Team Championships. Trevor Mach will put the EBW Challenge Championship on the line against Subculture in a Bushido Rules Match. A literal Brass Ring will hang above the ring in a glass box, and six combatants will fight for the chance to grab it. We're talking Firebrand X, Fray Tiburuon, Maurice, Cadmus, Jammer, and Magnum PT. Christina Angel will put the Women's World Championship on the line against Kimber Blaze.

Makoto Angel: Kimber is a butt head! *blush* I'm sorry!

Tommy Dukes: w00t will take on Picky Minch, and the MAIN EVENT will see Bashin Dan put the Triple Crown World Championship on the line against Cade. It's a big night of fights, so let's not waste another second and-

Tommy, Makoto, and Larry: TAKE IT TO THE RING!

Tangelo: -ing.

EBW: New Year Rising 2021
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson

1. Women's Singles: Lainey Strong beat Calamity Jane via Arm Drag x Roll Up -> Pin
-The opening match saw Lainey Strong and Calamity Jane finally have it out following their split. Lainey Strong had the support of the Angel Family, something that set off Calamity Jane even more. They started with a headlock that transferred into Lainey grounding Jane with an armbar. The action then went into the corner where the two exchanged blows. Several members of the women's roster were watching, as Lainey's winning ways have caught their attention as of late. Jane made the first pinfall attempt, after slamming Lainey to the mat. She went to the top and jumped as Lainey ran under her. Jane pushed her into the corner hard enough that she followed it up with a roll up and another near fall. The two fought out of the ring with Jane tossing Lainey into the stairs. The two rolled in and Jane got another pinfall attempt almost immediately. She tossed Lainey into the corner again and got another two count. After running the ropes, Jane applied a submission that Lainey was able to break by getting her fingertips under the ropes. Jane then lifted Lainey up by the hair and grounded her yet again. The two exchanged kicks that brought both women to their backs, before making it back to their feet at eight. Lainey laid in some blows here, followed by a DDT that yielded a near fall. Lainey almost made Jane tap with a  surprising Koji Clutch, but Calamity Jane was barely able to get to the ropes. Jane was getting fed up, and decided it was time for the signature Lariat, but then Lainey's new choice of finishing combination came into focus. A block of the Lariat lead to an Armdrag and a Roll Up for the 1-2-3. Lainey Strong with the win.

Makoto Angel: That's how you start off right! A big win for Lainey there. It might be the biggest one of her career yet. She was able to make some magic happen with Calamity Jane in tag action, but this one cements that she is on the rise as a single's athlete in the Women's Division. Very well done.

Tangelo: Even now she wants to help up Calamity Jane, but she's smart enough to not even try right now. She's leaving the ring without getting stabbed in the back yet again.


Larry Grim: Larry Grim here, trying the whole backstage interviewer thing, but every time I bump into someone they tend to see the moment of their deaths, so try not to do that, unless you're a fan of spoilers. I'm joined by EBW Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan, who tonight will try to finally put to rest this year long rivalry with Cade. Are you ready?

Bashin Dan: Absolutely. You know Cade, when I put the titles on the line tonight, it's going to be a real interesting contest. These titles are what it's all about. This what we're fight for right? You know, when we're comparing things, we've both got a lot of speed, and a lot of moves. Cade, you've got so much talent, but you haven't taken the road I have, and become the "Dangerous Player". You let bad mistake after bad mistake lead you on the road you're taking now. I have to wonder if you're desperate enough to sign on that dotted line just to win. I hope not. I really do. I hope you come at me with all of your natural talent. I demand it, and the people do too. When it's all over, one way or the other though, we really need to talk.

Larry Grim: Well there you have it. A lot of people looking forward to this one, but others are looking beyond it, to  Rumble City, and Victory Explosion. Looking even farther to the "World Games". What does the future hold for the Triple Crown World Champion and the Championships?

Bashin Dan: The sky is the limit. You know, a lot of people from a lot of other places claim to the the "World Champion", but this is the only title, and it's holder the only Champion, that truly will defend around the WORLD, against anyone that steps up to challenge. Companies have champions, but they only let them wrestle within the company, against their company guys. I can go to Edo, and wrestle in New Edo Pro. I can go to Euroland, and give the "War Kings" a shot back in their homes. I have that freedom, because that is a true World Champion, and THAT is what World Champions do. It gets the blood rushing, thinking about the whole World as Challengers for your title. I look forward to-

Tack Angel: Just a second Dan. You're thinking too far ahead on this aren't you?

Bashin Dan: Tack? Well Sheriff, I'm just dreaming right now, but Cade is my reality, and I'll be dealing with him tonight.

Tack Angel: I wasn't talking about Cade, but it doesn't matter if he wins or you win, because before the Triple Crown goes on this World Tour you want, it's got to go around the waist of the Pushpin Seraphim first. I'll be watching tonight, with a lot of interest.

2. EBW Women's Television Championship: Sunny Malibu(c) beat Hope Mach[x] and Alison Chains via Cross Face -> Referee Stoppage -> Title Defense!
-The next match Sunny Malibu put the Television Championship on the line against Hope Mach and Alison Chains. Both Hope and Alison were on the same page, which put the heat on Malibu, even more so when Lady M's and Lucca ordered Millie Malibu to the back. This left Sunny to fend for herself in a free for all with the two challengers. An all out brawl more than a technical bout, they went after Sunny from pillar to post, before removing her from the ring, and trying to settle themselves. Hope Mach ducked an attack from Chains, and hoisted her up for the Olympic Slam, but Chains was wise enough to duck out of the ring on impact. However, this brought out Kaie and Eve, who attacked Chains, while Sunny returned to the ring to take down Hope. She locked her in the Cross Face, and wrenched it hard. A blood Chains tried to get back into the ring, but the ref called for a Stoppage before she could. Malibu rolled out of the ring laughing over yet another victory on Hope Mach, as she clutched her prize and celebrated with "Eisenritter".

Makoto Angel: Another tainted win by Malibu, and another loss to Hope Mach. She's out cold, and Chains, the normally sadistic brutalizer, is trying to help her to her feet, while EMTs try to stop the bleeding on Chains themselves. What a mess.

3. EBW World Tag #1 Contender: Radzi Schrieffer[o]/Golvoth beat Randy no Kachi[x]/LG Rod via Knee Bar -> Submission
-A quick bout for the #1 Contendership for the World Tag Team Championships, as the "War Kings" took apart the "Heel Besties" in another go around. Rod and Randy have the chemistry for miles, but just lacked the focus and motivation to hold up against the technical specimen Schrieffer and the powerhouse Golvoth. Radzi trapped RnK in the Knee Bar to force a Submission win.

Tommy Dukes: Quick, yet painful, the "War Kings" continue to be undefeated. That's harder and harder to do in EBW, but they keep pulling it off, and now they have a shot at the World Tag Team Championships.

Makoto Angel: I feel bad for Rod and Randy. They're Tack's friends, so I know them personally.

Larry Grim: It could be worse. They could be dead.....again. Just putting it into perspective.

Tommy Dukes: Well look at that. Here comes Franky, Shark #1, and Shark #2 again. I think they want to have a word with Rod and Randy regarding "The Shark Order".

4. EBW Women's World Tag #1 Contender: Jessica James/Jenny James vs. Sailor Neptune/Sailor Uranus
-The next match saw the "Outer Senshi" make their ENN+ debut against the James Sisters for the right to face the "Bad Dudettes" for the Women's World Tag. That's the match that SHOULD have happened, but as the James Sisters made their way to the ring, they were suddenly attacked by a returning Kaie and Eve. As Neptune and Uranus came out to help, the Muscle Girl Security came out to make it a big brawl. Lady M's came out with Lucca and a microphone.

Lady M's: Hold it! Just freaking hold it! "Eisenritter" your attention seeking is really pissing me off tonight. I'd love nothing more than to go down there and kick your asses myself but-

Lucca: That would not be wise while you're still recovering sir.

Lady M's: You heard her. Plus, I'm saving up all my hate and malice for the dead person coming after my kids. Instead, we'll set up a little "dream match" of mine. James Sisters, you know I love you. "Outer Senshi", judging from the way I dress on occasion, you know that I'm a fan of yours too. You'll join forces tonight against "Eisenritter". If you get the pin, whoever it is gets the #1 Contendership for their team. The other team gets the next shot, and "Eisenritter" gets NO shot. Ring the bell, and start the damn match!

4a. 8-Woman Tag: Jessica James[o]/Jenny James/Sailor Neptune/Sailor Uranus beat Bev/Raza/Kaie/Eve[x] via Piledriver -> Pin
-Fun and frantic action, saw the James Sisters and "Outer Senshi" join forces against Eisenritter. It was a fun surprise to see how cohesive the two teams could be, working in tandem to take down the bigger, stronger, but less experienced "Eisenritter" team. Only Kaie was a standout for them, but the result came down to Eve, who ate a Piledriver from Jessica, before the 1-2-3.

Makoto Angel: There you have it. The James Sisters are the #1 Contenders. I thought "Outer Senshi" might want to steal the pin for themselves, cause I know how competitive Uranus could be, but Neptune, and her level head, kept her back. She knows they still get a guaranteed shot, so go for the guarantee. That's an Angel motto we try to live by too. "Eisenritter" are hurting these days, with Sunny Malibu being the only one to find success. With Duvalie working with her "Valkyries", you've got to wonder if Erica's empire is truly falling apart or not.

5. EBW Challenge Championship Bushido Rules: Trevor Mach(c) beat Subculture (R5 4:27) via Dragon Sleeper -> Stoppage -> Title Defense!
-The next match saw Bushido Rules come into play, as the "Renegade" himself Trevor Mach put the Challenge Championship on the line against Subculture. The former KO Bombers, squared off in a technical spectacle, with holds, counter holds, and a lot of ground work. Subbie impressed with his ability to scramble on the mat with Mach, but the veteran Mach held up his guard, knowing that Subculture's punches match enders. Mach narrowly survived a Ground and Pound attempt on the mat in the 5th round, and came back with a flurry of knees in clinch. He managed to maneuver Subculture into a Dragon Sleeper, and held it tight. With seconds to go, the ref called for a Stoppage, as Subculture passed out from the Sleeper. A title defense for Trevor Mach.

Tommy Dukes: A GREAT Bushido Rules match! The workhorse title saw another hard "STRONGU STLYE" MMA-ish encounter, and Mach retained with seconds left on the clock. After Subbie's flurry earlier in the match, the result could have gone either way before that. He's helping Subbie to his feet and grabbing a mic.

Trevor Mach: That, was a fight Subculture, and I'm glad you didn't hold back. I'm glad you came out here wanting to knock my head off! That's fire! That's intensity, and I like it! We've always fought hard against each other, and together. You know with time, and remembering things I've forgotten, I'm finding some perspective here. I look at the talent I've fought with, and you're one of the best, but you've gotten lost in the shuffle. You could keep fighting me for relevance, and that's cool, because I've got blood to spare. However, we could watch each other's backs instead. Fight together. You, me, Picky Minch, and Mav Valentine. We'll fight together again. What do you say. We're blood brothers Subbie. "Blood 4 Blood". What do you say?

Subculture: .....

Subculture staggered over to Trevor, and extended a fist. With a fist bump, he made it clear that he was in, to the enjoyment of the crowd.

Tommy Dukes: Alright! Trevor has assembled a crew of guys he's worked with in the past, and tried to mentor or team with. The group appears to be complete.

Makoto Angel: Why do you say that?

Tommy Dukes: It's "Blood 4 Blood", and they've got 4 of them.

Makoto Angel: Oh right.

6. Brass Ring Glass Ceiling Ladder Match: Firebrand X vs. Maurice vs. Jammer vs. Cadmus vs. Magnum PT vs. Fray Tiburon

-Firebrand X, Maurice, Jammer, Cadmus, Magnum PT, and Fray Tiburon engaged in a free for all Ladder Match, with a Brass Ring above in the ring in a "glass ceiling". So many allegories! You got the kind of action you'd expect, with several near grabs, and the ladder coming into play for several high risk spots. Maurice was desperate, while Cadmus was depressed, but a win from either would have propelled them back to prominence. However, Tiburon and PT were fighting them on the outside as Jammer and Firebrand fought on the ladder. Jammer got creative, and smashed X's masked face through the glass ceiling, knocking him to the mat. Jammer grabbed the Brass Ring, winning the match, and ensuring future success.

Tommy Dukes: Look at that! Jammer claiming back his career! Jammer taking his future into his own hands! He grabbed the Brass Ring! Here comes Television Champion Benjamin and Vape to celebrate with him. Even Firebrand has to hand it to him for that creative attack. An easy way to break that glass. We look forward to seeing where this takes Jammer moving forward! Give it up for the Slam Master!

7. EBW Women's World Championship:

-The Women's World Championship battle was up next, as Christina Angel put the title and pride of the Angel Family on the line against Kimber Blaze. The turncoat, who now believes in a "corrupted Eagleland" turned her back on everyone and everything, especially the Angels, and it lead to this title match. The two exchanged shoves. Hip toss by Christina and Blaze bailed early. Kimber blocked a crucifix and hit a monkey flip in the corner but Christina landed on her feet. Kimber bailed again and demanded a second from the ref. Christina Angel rolled over for a Powerbomb to the floor, but Kimber blocked and hit a springboard cross-body to the outside. She rolled Christina in, but Angel rotated and kicked her, then hit an Asai moonsault. Back inside, Shirai covered for one. Christina kicked Blaze to a corner, then did springing double knees to a seated Blaze. She covered for two. Celtic whip, reverse, and Kimber hit a backstabber to a draping Christina. Cover for two. Chinlock by Kimber. Blaze ran the ropes and Christina rolled through a headscissor takedown, but Kimber hit a quick lariat. Kimber dragged Christina’s face across the middle rope, then hit a floatover neckbreaker and covered for two. Kimber worked an arm lock and slammed Christina back to the mat when she tried to escape, and covered for two. Kimber walked with Christina to the center and hit a backbreaker for two. She shoved Christina chest-first to the corner and hit a running back elbow. Kimber jawed at Christina, who hit her with a signature Angel kick, but Kimber shot back with forearms. She stomped Christina in the corner and threw her with a hair mare. Another suplex by Kimber got two. Kimber tried a different cover and got two again. Kimber signaled that it was time, and picked up Christina for the Eagleland Rack, she tried racking the champ, but Christina managed to escape, and landed a hard head kick that left Kimber staggered. In the blink of an eye Christina regained control and jawed back at Kimber before lifting her for the WRIST CLUTCH Angel Driver, the pin, and 1-2-3! Christina retained.

Makoto Angel: She did it! Christina did it! The World Champion. The World Tag Team Champion. The symbol and icon of the Women's Division. She's my daughter and I couldn't be prouder of her!

Tommy Dukes: Blaze still looking out of it. Christina with a big win, but here comes Erica to the stage. She's watching and smiling, applauding mockingly.

Makoto Angel: She wants another shot, but I think the division is FULL of women that deserve it more than Erica.

Tommy Dukes: She's the former champ, so she technically-

Makoto Angel: I know, but still!

Tommy Dukes: Sorry!

8. Singles: w00t beat Picky Minch via wKo x Punt Kick -> Pin
-Mav Valentine, Trevor Mach, and a still woozy Subculture followed Picky Minch to the ring for the bout with w00t. The "Perfectionist" came out alone, which was odd for him these days, but he seemed more than happy to face Picky one-on-one. w00t was fighting with more confidence, hearkening back to his "Perfection" days, even sporting the look again. With a crisp offense, he was more serious, and less theatrical, but Picky with mouth guard in, was happy to take it to the mat with an amateur side suplex. w00t was smart enough to escape, and not try to fight on Picky's level. He had proven he was too good on the ground to risk it, so w00t hit the thumb to the eye, and went to work attacking Picky's neck and back, really trying to make him think twice about a take down attempt. Late in the match, w00t was on the losing end of a serious of Hagen Suplexes, but as Picky went for the 3rd, w00t turned it around and hit the wKo out of nowhere. For good measure, he allowed Picky to recover just long enough to see him hit the Punt Kick right to his head, and pinned him for the win.

Tommy Dukes: Trevor isn't looking happy as he drags Picky out of the ring. He knew that the Punt Kick was a message to him, and he's mad that w00t took it out on one of his "blood brothers" w00t is grabbing a microphone.

w00t: Come on in here Trevor. If you want to settle this now. Don't forget, I promised to end you, and break you, and I'm going to. I have new motivation. A new lease on life. I'm just getting started with you, and I'll run through your new "blood brothers" if it hurts you. Picky is great, but he's also an idiot for siding with you instead of sticking with me. I brought him a Championship, but siding with you brought him this. Guys, really think about what you're doing here. This is the most volatile man in all of wrestling. Men and women have fought wars in the ring just to try and end him. Do you think he's been good to your careers? He's using you. Trust me, I know how to use people. He said he just wanted you all to watch his backs, while he would watch yours. Is this him watching your back? Really think about it. Think about the poison that is Trevor Mach. Calamity Jane found out. She got corrupted. Cade is corrupted. You were all corrupted in one way or another. Everyone that comes into contact with this poison gets infected, but I am the cure. I'm going to end you Mach. I'll break you, in ways no one ever has. It's already started, and you have no idea.

9. EBW Triple Crown World Championship:

-Main event time, as Bashin Dan squared up to Cade, who looked so far away in his gaze, with so much darkening around his eyes it looked like he hadn't slept in days. Dae Montell whispered in his ear, and gave him a chance to sign in the book, but to no avail. When the bell rang, Cade rushed to Dan's corner, and immediately pummeled him with a flurry. Dan pushed back, and they both laid the shots in strong. Cade followed Dan to the top, but he was knocked down and dropped his weight across Cade’s chest. Cade quickly got in a sleeper and tossed Dan into the corner. The two exchanged blows before Cade tossed him into the middle rope and out of the ring. Dan's head and neck whipped hard on the way out, causing the crowd to collectively groan at the sound. Dan staggered back in, and threw some shots, before being taken down again and kicked around the ring and having Cade’s foot on his neck. Thinking he was sufficiently beaten, Cade hit the Cadebreaker, but Dan kicked out of the pin at 1. The crowd rallied behind the champ, as he battled back with suplex after suplex, before the kick to the mid section, and the Brave Clash. 1-2-KICKOUT! Cade wasn't fooling around either, and both men were able to take the best the other had to offer.  Neck and neck all the way, but the rope shot from earlier in the match left Dan with a welt under his eye, that swelled as the match progressed. Cade targeted the welt, and closed up Dan's eye, turning this one sided very quickly. Cade kept giving Dan his best, but Dan kept kicking out. Cade began screaming, asking how he could still be fighting. He went for a Cadebreaker set up, but Dan suddenly reversed him, and went to the ground. Cade knew Dan's moves, except for what he learned in his Bushido training, and quickly found himself trapped in a Crossface. Cade scrambled to try and reach the ropes, but the bloody and bruised Dan held on for dear life. The move that gave a loss to his girlfriend Hope Mach earlier in the night, was the one thing he had left, and he wrenched it hard. Dae Montell stared into Cade's eyes, before closing his book and walking away. Cade, with tears welling in his eyes, finally tapped out. Bashin Dan submitted Cade to with the match and retain the Triple Crown.

Tommy Dukes: And Bashin Dan with the win! The Dan Club and Hope Mach are coming out to celebrate with him! We've got Tack Angel and the Blue Shirts looking on from the stage. The Pushpin Seraphim made it clear that he wants to be next in line. Will we see Bashin Dan vs. Tack Angel next?! Only one way to find out. We'll see you in Xcite! Goodnight!


Twoson Fairgrounds - Parking Lot

Cade was staggering by himself in the parking lot. He fell to his knees, as a figure approached.

Dae Montell: I told you. You need my help to win. Bashin Dan, he's a pure soul, and a pure soul needs a truly dark heart to defeat it.

Cade: I-I-I-

Dae Montel: You still hestiate. All I need is your signature. Come on, you know it's what it will take. You're too far gone. Might as well take the final step and be reborn.

Cade: The sound.....the sound is too much. I-I-I-

Bashin Dan: Cade don't!

Bashin Dan stepped forward just as Cade was about to reach for the book.

Bashin Dan: You don't have to do this! Please don't do this! He wants more from you then you should give. All I ever wanted was your friendship!

Cade: You are...the enemy. You're the one I have to bea-

Bashin Dan: Look at you! This "sound" you hear. It's negativity, and it has tormented you to the point where you're like this. Broken down. A mess! Ready to sign away your life! Please, listen to me. Let my voice pierce through the soun-

Dae Montel: He doesn't want-

Bashin Dan: Shut your mouth monster! I don't know exactly what you are, but I know that you're evil! Cade please, listen to reason. Listen to friendship. He gave up on you. He walked away. I never will. NEVER!

Cade: ....Dan? What? What am need to si-

?: STOP!

Cade, Dan, and Dae Montell all turned around as Dr. Yaggis ran up to them.

Dr. Yaggis: Don't do it son.

Cade: Dad?

Bashin Dan: You're awake.

Dr. Yaggis: 100% Thanks to you Dan.

Cade: You're

Dr. Yaggis: I am Cade. We both are, and you know what I mean by both. Look, you don't need to go down that dark path. You don't need to follow him. You need to live your own life. Blaze your own trail. I'll support you. Your family will support you. Dan, and your friends will support you.

Dae Montell: I can give him more than you ever could.

Dr. Yaggis: The price is your soul son! Who do you think that is there?! He's the one I wanted Trevor to warn people about! He's in the sound! He was the one that trapped me in that horrible place!

Dae Montell: They couldn't understand what you're talking abo-

Giygas: SHUT THE HELL UP! You don't get to trap me and get away with it....Daemon!

Bashin Dan: Daemon?

Giygas: Literal evil, not the fun kind of evil either, but the real deal. Evil has infected this world, and it came in through the sound. Daemon tell the enticing sound. Tempting you for your lives and your souls. don't want that. Trust me. You don't want it.

Cade: ...Father?

Giygas: George Caden Yaggis, take some fatherly advice from the former embodiment of evil. It's not worth it.

Cade: ...I...I reject your offer Montell. I reject you. I reject the "sound". I WANT MY LIFE BACK!

Dae Montell: *sigh* And I was so close too. Oh well, back to the drawing board. I've got nothing but time, and people are always desperate for my help. I-

Suddenly, Trevor Mach ran up with bat in hand.

Trevor Mach: I got this funky vibe that you were awake Giygas.

Giygas: My one true friend. Look at what you've done. Here I am. But better yet, since you can see things as they really are, why don't you take your first look at Dae Montell.

Trevor Mach: Huh? That's.....what the hell is that?!

Dae Montell: Hello Trevor Mach. At last we meet. I'll be leaving now, but don't worry. We'll be seeing each other again....down the line.

Dae Montell walked into the shadows and seemingly disappeared, as Yaggis took back hold of his body and helped up Cade, along with Dan.

Cade: Dad, I'm-

Dr. Yaggis: It's alright Cade. Don't worry about it now. Just rest son. Just rest. Did you see it Trevor?

Trevor Mach: Oh yeah....what the hell was that.

Dr. Yaggis: Hell is exactly what it was.


Last edited by Machismo (2/04/2021 4:34 am)

     Thread Starter

2/04/2021 9:57 am  #898

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW World

Makoto Angel: Wow, what an incredible night we just had with New Year Rising 2021! Titles were defended, and rivalries were settled. Some, are just getting started. We're officially on our way towards Victory Explosion 15! That's right it's "VeXXV"! I think that's what we're going with. It's the 15th Victory Explosion! The 15th anniversary of Victor- no wait....that's not right. That's not right at all. It's the 15th, but it's not the 15th anniversary. Cut that out! Don't confuse me Steve. I might not be Nerma, but I'll still waggle my finger at you menacingly. We've got a stop before the big event, a big event in its own right, the annual RUMBLE CITY! We know that we'll have a Men's AND Women's Bad....Butt Rumble, and it's been CONFIRMED that Tack, MY Tacky Sweetness, will be taking on Bashin Dan for the Triple Crown World Championship. The Sheriff of EBW will get back into action with a special EBW Xcite this week. We're heading to Fourside for a night of team wrestling. Teams all be going to war in the ring. "The Shark Order" will take on "Heat Parade". The newly formed "Blood 4 Blood" will team up to take on "Flood Generation". We'll have some singles action as Benjamin defends the Television Championship against Vape. That's right Vape. Want to know how that match came about? Stay tuned. THEN, Tack will return to action against the Brass Ring Winner Jammer in a 15-Minute Match. The "War Kings" will put the Team Rings on the line against Weekend Wrecking Crew and Firebrand X. The main event will see Hope Mach, Alison Chains, Jenny James, and Jessica James join forces to take on "Eisenritter". It will be NO RULES! This isn't just a one night thing either. This foursome is taking the cues from Christina Angel, and fighting fire with fire. They are forming a new group known as "C.O.D.E" What does that mean? Let's let them tell you about it.


The four women were wandering around a junkyard, smashing random things with pipes and bats.

Alison Chains: This is where I spend most of my time. I train by smashing things apart in here. It helps me get angry and stay angry. It keeps me on the sober bandwagon too. I brought these ladies here to get us into the right frame of mind. See, violence is the only language some people understand, and these hard hitting bitches speak it fluently. It's time to make a stand and statement, that we're taking back what it means to be women wrestlers. Together we're going by the name "C.O.D.E" Creators Of Dangerous Entertainment. That's what we're all going to do. All FIVE of us. Oh? You only see four? How bout that.

EBW: Xcite
Fourside Arena, Fourside

0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong vs. Gold
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lt. Lacy Wagner vs. Kimber Blaze
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: BeShemoth vs. Chrissy Angel
1. 8-Man Tag: Franky/Shark #1/Randy no Kachi/LG Rod vs. Chad Salad/Robert Sandwich/Misogynist Paul/Sammy the Simp
2. 8-Man Tag: Trevor Mach/Mav Valentine/Subculture/Picky Minch vs. Rains/Manu Kalani/Danny Leung/Nosan
3. EBW Television Championship: Benjamin(c) vs. Vape
4. 15-Minute Singles: Tack Angel vs. Jammer
5. EBW World Team Championships: Hazen(c)/Ilya Fedorovich(c)/Radzi Schrieffer(c)/Golvoth(c) vs. Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT/Firebrand X
6. No Rules 8-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Alison Chains/Jenny James/Jessica James vs. Kaie/Eve/Bev/Raza

EBW: Rumble City 2021
River City Gymnasium, River City

1. Women's Bad Ass Rumble:
2. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Tack Angel
3. Men's Bad Ass Rumble:

Saturn Cafe

Benjamin sat alone in the normal booth seat. He looked at a picture of Lainey Strong and smiled, before closing his eyes, ready for that first sip of tea. Suddenly, a strong thud across from him, left the tea spilling onto his lap.

Vape: Dude! I'm SO sorry!

Benjamin: Wait....wait....wait....the''s subsiding. Give it a second. I'm glad I wear a metal cod piece.

Vape: As casual wear too. What's up with that? Benji, we need to talk!

Benjamin: I know what this is about.

Vape: Are you dating Lainey, and what size are her boobs.

Benjamin: ...That's not what I was expecting.

Vape: Tell me what they feel like. I have to know.

Benjamin: I'm not going to do that. I don't know either. Even if I did, that's inappropriate. We're just close friends. She was feeling lonely, and we just have great conversations.

Vape: And you carry around a picture of her.

Benjamin: I just...happened to have it.

Vape: Uh-huh.

Benjamin: I figured you were curious about our match.

Vape: ...That was coming next.

Benjamin: Uh-huh.

Vape: I hear that you requested it. Why?

Benjamin: Because Vape, I can tell that you're feeling down and out. You think you're the weak link of the Dan Club.

Vape: I don't just think it. I know it.

Benjamin: It's not true Vape. You're just suffering from some losses, while the rest of us have found success. You can get there too.

Vape: Get there? People are calling your matches the best right now. They're booking you in special spots, and saving your matches to draw big attendances. You're the Television Champion! Jammer got that Brass Ring! I don't need to tell you that Dan the Man is not only the Triple Crown holding, but he's got access to Hope Mach's boobs. You have to wonder if he's seen them yet and-

Benjamin: Focus! Vape. I want you to give me your best. Your absolute best. All of the Dan Club can be successful. We're all looking to be the pillars upon which you can place EBW's future. All of us together.

Vape: ...Thanks Benji...and when I win, I might give you a rematch, if you get one of Lainey's bras for me.

Benjamin: ....We need to talk about some other things I think.

Trevor, M's, Tack, Tiburon, Hope, Dan, and Jeff all stood in the middle of his lab, as someone began stepping down the steps to join them.

Dr. Yaggis: He's finally asleep.

Jeff Andonuts: Good. He was really out of sorts. I checked his brain waves, and they were about as off the charts and Trevor and Dan's were when they were....where were they exactly?

Dr. Yaggis: It's a lot to explain.

Lady M's: A lot of this bullshit is a bunch of "I'll explain later" nonsense. I don't want to hear it personally. I know they want to hear it, but I want to have a word with the other guy rattling around in there. Giygas? A word?

Giygas: .....Tali oh Tali. It's so nice to see you again, but I prefer the masked look. You remember HER surely.

Lady M's: ....Cut the shit. I want to know why the hell we don't kill you right now.

Giygas: We're still on that? It's the past Tali. You got to let it go.

Lady M's: You got to be kidding me. What you and Lavos did to me, I'll never forget.

Giygas: It was always there Tali. Same with Malice Rider. I just helped open the door. That's the past though. That was me, going from the embodiment of evil and madness, becoming a mustache twirling villain, and trying to enslave humanity. That's all.

Lady M's: That's all?!

Giygas: It COULD have been worse. I wanted your hearts and minds. This new guy wants your souls.

Lady M's: I don't much care for that bullshit either.

Jeff Andonuts: I'd normally be right there with you Tali, as I've spent years trying to rationalize how Paula doing a Prayer beat this guy in the first place, but it seems that we're dealing with stuff on a higher level he- are you smirking Tiburon?

Fray Tiburon: No?

Jeff Andonuts: I'm NOT conceding my views on Science here! I'm merely keeping an open mind!

Fray Tiburon: That's good.....hehe....

Jeff Andonuts: You're being a little childish.

Fray Tiburon: Allow me a moment of levity before we deep dive into this issue. Once and for all, we need the answers. This whole story has been confusing, and it's been tangled.

Giygas: And THAT was part of the point. See, they don't want you to know the inner workings of things. They don't want you questioning the meta. Mach knows about that. They tried to make him forget, but he remembers now.

Trevor Mach: In retrospect, ignorance was bliss.

Bashin Dan: So what exactly happened to Cade?

Dr. Yaggis: ....Allow me to regain myself a moment, and I'll try to explain everything, and I mean everything that I can. We can go as far back as "Entity V". A creation of emptiness, existing as the antithesis of ideas, thoughts, freedom, emotions, and existence itself. It was there to wipe away everything it couldn't understand. Trevor and I stayed behind in Magicant to make sure it was never let loose again, but then something happened. It found its way in.

Hope Mach: What did?

Dr. Yaggis: Evil. Evil as a concept. Not mustache twirling evil like "I" stated before, but the kind of evil that didn't exist in this world.

Giygas: Not even in the worlds that I conquered were things this bad. I may have taken a lot, and caused violence unheard of, but even I had my limits, as crazy as that might seem to you.

Dr. Yaggis: This evil entered through and turned the construct of Magicant into a hellscape. An evil horrible place, that became a dark mirror of the "Sanctum". Not the absence of imagination like the void, but the absence of goodness, decency, and common sense. All the wrongs of another reality becoming a prison. Trevor managed to escape, but it was costly, for a long time.

Trevor Mach: Not to me. Without the stress of all that I know, I was happy for a change!

Bashin Dan: What happened to "Entity V"?

Dr. Yaggis: Still there I'm assuming, but the rules of things changed, when Magicant turned into a nightmare, and the Sanctum had managed to repair itself. That's how Trevor and Dan were able to make it back. That's how they managed to get me out.

Hope Mach: Are you sure "V" isn't with you?

Giygas: Heh....clever point Hope. You're a bright one. I admit that I wanted to claim that power for myself, but to do so at this point would wipe out Yaggis' family. Not just Cade, but the wife, and daughter Maria.

Dr. Yaggis: I will not let that happen. So evil poured in like a leak, and they decided, like they always do, that ignorance is bliss, like Trevor suggested earlier. It's better to forget, to try and suppress the negativity.

Bashin Dan: Who are "they"?

Dr. Yaggis: Celestials are what they've been called.

Giygas: Self righteous assholes, that thought I shouldn't be a part of their exclusive club. Basically, the consciousness inside of the "Sanctum" that dictates things. They made Trevor one, he was Death. Remember that?

Trevor Mach: Now I do!

Giygas: Don't look so grumpy about it. They saved you, so we could spend more time together, and you could smash my atoms into a chunk of meteor in 1992.

Trevor Mach: ...I enjoyed that part.

Giygas: Yeah, I'll bet you did. They're not doing any of that anymore. They had wars up there, trying to figure out what to do next. They left things to run their natural course, and looked to other Earths to meddle in. That's why people are capable of remembering now. That's why you can remember everything after taking another dip inside and pulling me out Mach. That evil though, it's here too. It's here, and it's running wild.

Bashin Dan: Then we keep an eye on it. We watch out for Dae Montell.

Lady M's: No one is going to believe this shit. I barely do.

Fray Tiburon: She's right. He's been crafty, and picking his spots too. He's a smart foe.

Jeff Andonuts: You guys just need to fight him at his own game. He's trying to corrupt, so be a force for good I guess.

Giygas: I'll take a pass on that.

Lady M's: Where do you think you're going?

Giygas: home. Going to check in on the family. Feel free to try and stop m-

Dr. Yaggis: No, that's not required. You can inform Face that I'm back. I will return to my cell.

Trevor Mach: ....Just...just let him go.

Lady M's: You think that's a good idea?

Trevor Mach: No, but he wants to see his family. I can't fault anyone for that.

Giygas: You're growing up Mach. I don't like it.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, me neither.

Bashin Dan: Well then, we'll just need to keep vigilant. This might be a new factor, but corruption and temptation already existed in this world. That's why it's so important to be a force for good. I'll do my part, and try to set an example, and show a better way. That's all we really can do for now. We fight for EBW, and for each other, and should Dae Montell emerge again, we fight him too.

Trevor Mach: ....He's good at the speeches. He gets to make them from now on.

Lady M's: Let's go home.

Jeff Andonuts: There they go again. Wrestling takes up so much of their brain space. I guess what else can be done though? Right Tack?

Tack Angel: ....Huh? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. What were they talking about?

Jeff Andonuts: You were thinking about boobs weren't you?

Tack Angel: ....Not the whole time.

Jeff Andonuts: .....

Tack Angel: Alright....the whole time.

     Thread Starter

2/05/2021 2:51 am  #899

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW World

Makoto Angel: Makoto here again! Wow, this is really a hard job actually. They tell me I have to come back in for random updates, when all I want to do is spend time with my family. Oh well, Nerma is with little Luke, and that's what matters right?

Dukes Apartment

A livid Nerma flew up off her couch, as Tommy grabbed little Luke and recoiled in fear.

Nerma: That bitch is mocking me! I WANT MY JOB BAAAACK!


Makoto Angel: Anyone else feel that foreboding vibe again? It permeates around here. I think I used that word right. Amy would know. Not Amy Angel. A friend of mine. Blue hair, book worm, possibly a robot. Moving on though, the wrestling world has been talking, and it stems from a statement Bashin Dan made. Our Ace, our proud Champion, who may or may not get beaten by my Tacky Sweetness, made a bold claim the other day. He claimed that the EBW Triple Crown is the TRUE World Championship. Here to elaborate more, because I'm great at it or very knowledgeable, is Tangelo.

Tangelo: Thank you. For years, EBW has been a dominating force in the world of wrestling. It grew out of Onett, and became a major player, eventually forcing other promotions incidentally to diminish. Some rival promotions have attempted to rise up to the level of EBW, but they typically crash and burn within a short time frame. Wrestling is a hot commodity in Eagleland though, one of the most watched and talked about sports. Other promotions have been able to carve out niches, and claim their own "World Champions". In the north east, the monolithic Sports Entertainment World, possibly the only promotion bigger than EBW in Eagleland, has long claimed to a have champion of the "Universe". How they could claim that, when the EBW Triple Crown comes from a lineage with aliens, time travel, and other dimensional challengers is beyond me. None the less, the warring promotions in Edo, the upstarts in Euroland, the history promotions in Anahuac, and even the "minor leagues" in Eagleland all took exception to Bashin Dan's claim, that the Triple Crown is the true World Championship in wrestling. Fact of the matter is that he's correct though. Sports Entertainment World refused to acknowledge it, but they don't acknowledge anything outside of their bubble. The Triple Crown is tied into the NCW Championship, which was one of the oldest World Championships in history. The only titles with longer histories are titles like the Mars Championship, which somehow existed before they were created. In conclusion, Bashin Dan's claims are valid. Thank you.

Makoto Angel: ....Everyone get all of that? Man, my head is spinning. Brain hurty! So, let's get to the point of all of this. It turns out that a few promotions are taking issue with us, so we'll cover them and give free publicity? Oh, but also, we'll be able to then USE like...developmental? Isn't that what Neon Nights was for? That's gone now. So....the ADD of creative. It's hard to keep up. Let's take a look at some other promotions across Eagleland. For starters, we have two different promotions attempting to carry on the legacy of #EVER.....for some reason. One, you already know about, and it's Mid-South 4-EVER. Remember that? The commentator that is desperate to reconnect with his wife? Chuck Mangione joke? I don't get it either. I'm reading a cue card. Well apparently, Dirk Laramie, Dick Wagner, and wrestling LEGEND in the Mid-South Barry "The Master" Lawless, have now taken over the territory that runs out of a tiny studio, and does a weekly big show at the Sportasseum. Uh....take it away Tangelo, right after we show the results!

Mid-South 4-EVER
TV 5 Studio, Mid-South
Channel 5

1. Singles: Johnny Starbound beat Darrin Priest via 450 Splash -> Pin 
2. Singles: Geoff Garrett beat Masked Super Ultra Assassin #4 via The Stroke -> Pin
3. Singles: Barry "The Master" Lawless beat Dirk Laramie via Middle Rope Fist Drop -> Pin

Tangelo: Johnny Starbound took exception to Dan's claims, and also took exception to being stuck in the dingy Mid-South studio. The 20 fans in attendance did not appreciate that. He beat Mid-South's up and coming super star Darrin Priest. This youthful, and necessary 38 year old, is a real blue chipper, and the future of Mid-South. 38. Geoff Garrett drew a couple of dimes against a masked jobber thrown in there to make him look better. That's how studio shows work. Barry "The Master" Lawless, who has never wrestled in EBW, but has wrestled pretty much everywhere else, came back to give Dirk Laramie his third losing streak, this time having one in Mid-South and EBW concurrently. After that match, we got to the core of this recap. Barry "The Master" Lawless wants a piece of Bashin Dan. He claims that a true World Champion would tour his territory and give him a title shot. Could that happen?

Makoto Angel: We then move on to Sports Entertainment World's developmental brand, which is co-opting the #EVER attitude, but claiming that they came up with it originally.

EV-X-T: Tankover
Full Fail College, West South Summers
SEW Network

1. EV-X-T North Eagleland Championship Step Ladder Match: Aidan Kohl(c) beat Fishy Bob via Title Grab -> Title Defense!
2. Women's 4-Way: Tough Punk Chick beat Tough Punk Chick, Tough Punk Chick, and Tough Punk Chick via Powerbomb -> Pin
3. Thigh Slapping Banned Singles: Tomato Scampi beat Gorgonzola via Double Underhook Facebuster -> Pin
4. EV-X-T Championship: Fraggle Baylor(c) beat Dude Weed LMAO via Coup de Gracie -> Pin -> Title Defense!

Tangelo: The incredibly short and similar looking thigh slappers opened the show up with a step ladder for a title belt that was barely hanging higher than the top ropes. Every "strong female" stereotype was on display next, and my facial blindness lead to me not being able to tell them apart. They all had "unique" hair, and wore leather. I know that much. The one that resembled a lizard won. 4'10 Gorgonzola lost to Tomato Scampi, when he was unable to slap his thigh, thus taking away all of his offense. In the main event 5'2 Fraggle Baylor beat the shoe less Dude Weed LMAO, whose gimmick is to smirk like he's high and call people bro. After the match Fraggle Baylor said he was doing a "shoot" which makes no sense, because none of this is fake. Anyways, he said that he wants to leave the confines of SEW and go challenge Bashin Dan. However, his handlers quickly told him Bashin Dan and this EBW don't exist. Could that "Forbidden Door" ever be opened? No. Probably not. We don't want to. We're locking the door on our side too actually.

Crystal Heaven

Tack Angel was play wrestling with his children in the fields of his Kingdom, when a big, jacked dude in tactical gear walked up to him.

?: Excuse me, are you Tack Angel?

Tack Angel: Huh? Uh...yep, that's me. The Pushpin Seraphim. Who are you?

?: The name is Redfield...Chris Redfield. I've recently found myself moving in, after my home of Raccoon City was destroyed.

Tack Angel: I heard about that. How a gas leak can leave a giant crater where a city used to be is beyond me!

Chris Redfield: Gas leak....right. Listen, I have a request for you, and it's very important.

Tack Angel: Oh yeah? Well, I'm here to please. What can I do for you?

Chris Redfield: I need you to impregnate my sister.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Chris Redfield: Listen, you don't understand. She's the last fertile member of the Redfields, and I desperately want to be an uncle, seeing my bloodline continue. I know that you're a virile man, and you could add my wife to your assortment, as long as you treat her right, and knock her up every 9-10 months.

Tack Angel: I like everything you're saying, but I'm shocked at the sudden bluntness of it all!

Chris Redfield: You want my sister? You can have her! I left everything you need together at my place. Now you just have to fuck her.

Tack Angel: I-

Chris Redfield: I even had your pirate pals help choreograph a little number here. Take it boys!

Tack Angel: Huh?

Come aboard and bring along all your Angel sperm. Together we will become family once you marry her!

Chris Redfield: Condoms left behind, they will only slow us down. Your dick will be your guide. Raise the shaft and ease her do-

Faris Angel: Alright, that's enough of that! Tack! No!

Tack Angel: What?

Faris Angel: Absolutely not!

Tack Angel: Huh?

Faris Angel: You have ENOUGH! You don't need anymore!

Tack Angel: I didn't say I did! Aside from hopefully an eventual Genie Wife, I've said many times that I'm so happy with the size of our family! This was HIS idea!

Faris Angel: You're a weirdo! Stay away from my pirates, and leave my husband alone! Hey! Pirates! Cut that shit out! Let's go Tack.

Tack Angel: I feel I have no choice.

Chris Redfield: Wait! Claire just named her fifth cat Albert Whiskers. ALBERT WHISKERS. For the love of God please save my family bloodline!

Faris Angel: Get out of here! Go live in Threed or something!

Chris Redfield: With the zombies?! Are you kidding me?! Tack! Come back! TAAAAACK!

Last edited by Machismo (2/05/2021 3:04 am)

     Thread Starter

2/06/2021 11:12 pm  #900

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Saturn City Hospital

Trevor Mach was leading against the Doctor's desk, as Degrees went over some paperwork.

Trevor Mach: Well?

Degrees: Remarkable.

Trevor Mach: Thank you.

Degrees: It's remarkable that you're not blind! Even with that eye patch on, you still ran the risk of damaging it more permanently.

Trevor Mach: Am I good to go or not?

Degrees: Yeah yeah, you can take it off.

Trevor Mach: Sweet! How about everything else?

Degrees: Like I said, it's remarkable. You don't happen to have those wings back do you?

Trevor Mach: Nope. That's all me Doc.

Degrees: You're in better shape than you should be for someone who does what you do at your age. I'm not just talking about in the ring.

Trevor Mach: I know. I know all about it.

Degrees: So you do remember then? Do you remember-

Trevor Mach: Dying? Yeah. Something we have in common right?

Degrees: Y-yeah....I guess it is.

Trevor Mach: Let's just both consider ourselves lucky then.

Degrees: The knees and back holding up?

Trevor Mach: Better when I don't sit around like I've been doing here all day. You can chalk up the good health to Lukie Yoga.

Degrees: ....I might need to try this Lukie Yoga. It seems to be miraculous, because you, and everyone else that does it, shaves a lot of time off their injury recovery.

Trevor Mach: It's expensive for most, but I get the videos and equipment for free.

Degrees: Why? You two aren't friends.

Trevor Mach: No, but I have the footage of that time he shot Tack, and I'm not above blackmail for free shit.

Degrees: ...I don't know how ethical that is....but can I get in on that?

Trevor Mach: Absolutely.

Degrees: Nice. Nice.

Trevor Mach: Well, I've got to go. Big show tonight, and I have to drive all the way to Fourside.

Degrees: Don't act like you won't speed there in your Coyote X anyways.

Trevor Mach: It's like you know me so well Doc.

Degrees: By the way, I did an analysis of those samples you brought by. The hairs and fibers from the attack on Heather and Hope. I didn't get anything conclusive. Sorry.

Trevor Mach: It was a shot in the dark. Don't worry. We'll get 'em.

Degrees: Hey, I want to advise against overdoing it for a while, but I have feeling you won't listen to that advice.

Trevor Mach: Like I said, you know me so well.

Tommy Dukes: Welcome to Fourside! We are here for Xcite, and the fallout from New Year Rising 2021! Also, the build to Victory Explosion XV BEGINS!

Makoto Angel: That's exciting Tommy! I'm hyped! 15 YEARS of Victory Explosion! It's incredible, and so was New Year Rising! Christina is still the Women's World Champion! Bashin Dan is still the Triple Crown World Champion! The two faces of their divisions held onto to those titles, but perilous times lie ahead, because before we even get to Victory Explosion, we're making a stop in Rumble City!

Tommy Dukes: It's already been decided that Bashin Dan will put the title on the line against Tack Angel at Rumble City. I'm bet you're THRILLED about that.

Makoto Angel: I'm TRYING not to be biased.....but yeah I'm squeeing inside.

Tommy Dukes: You say inside, but I can almost hear it. So Tack will be challenging, and Christina will be defending, and we might already know against whom. During the ENN+ Dark Matches, not only did we see Lainey Strong gain a victory and respect from Gold, but we also saw Kimber Blaze lose her cool against Wagner to get herself DQ'd. BeShemoth beat Chrissy Angel, who put on a strong performance, but is struggling after a few weeks of big success. After the match BeShemoth suggested she should be next, but Lainey Strong ALSO came back out to make it clear she wanted to go for a shot. Lainey or BeShemoth, one or the other will be facing Christina Angel at Rumble City. Whoever wins that will walk into Victory Explosion XV as the Women's World Champion, and THAT is a huge payday.

Makoto Angel: Tonight, we have wars up and down the card. Lots of 8-Man and 8-Woman Tag Matches, with the debut of "C.O.D.E" as a group tonight. Hope Mach, Alison Chains, Jenny James, and Jessica James. The Creators Of Dangerous Entertainment. They're looking to finish off a strugging "Eisenritter", and they might get the chance tonight.

Tommy Dukes: Speaking of debuting groups, we have the formation of "Blood 4 Blood" kicking off tonight in the 2nd match with-

Tommy Dukes: they are now? That's the old theme for the "KO Bombers", but it looks like it's the theme for "Blood 4 Blood" now? You do have Subculture coming out with Mav Valentine, Trevor Mach, and Picky Minch. That's the new fearsome foursome. Trevor Mach, and 3 figures that have been intertwined in his career as of late, with Picky being there since the very beginning. Wanting to buck the negativity that comes with being associated with him, he set out to reunite with his "blood brothers", and here we are.

Mav Valentine: Let's hear it people! We are "Blood 4 Blood". It's pretty on the nose I'd say. We've spilled each other's blood, and now we're spilling blood together. w00t, you tried to make a case against this at New Year Rising, but it's hard to make a case, when I wasn't listening to a word you said. You kick Picky in the face after you had already won the damn the thing. That was a dick move. I was too busy thinking about beating your ass, when you went on your diatribe, but you claimed that all of us were poisoned by Mach. Hell, I might have thought that myself at some points, but the truth is, we're all better off for the experiences. The road I took lead me to being a Triple Crown World Champion. I was on top of this sport, and I'll be back, but unlike last time, I don't have to go it alone. Normally, this would be where I announce myself as the first entrant in the Bad Ass Rumble, but that's not happening, not this time. Time for a little selflessness, thought I admit I have my reasons for wanting this match too. w00t, you son of a bitch, I hope you're watching, because at Rumble City, your ass is mine!

Subculture: I on the other hand WILL be entering the Bad Ass Rumble. What? It's not a selfish thing, but some of us need in on that.

Picky Minch: I'm in too, but I'll be in your corner for that match Mav. Respect for the gesture. w00t, you wanted to use guys like Mav and myself for your ends. Yours and yours alone. You'd pretend that these things would benefit us all, but it was all for you. Trevor Mach is my friend! My brother! I did have my issues, but I made the mistake of letting you convince me to burn the bridge, and I very nearly did. It's worked out now. It's settled. Things between you and I are not settled though. We're not going to do your dirty work. If you want Trevor Mach out of the picture, you'll have to do it yourself. That being said, you'll HAVE to go through us in the process.

Trevor Mach: But I'm not asking you guys to step in the way. I'm not wanting any of you to act like I'm calling the shots, and we're doing anything for just my sake. You have my respect, and I've got your backs, but the gesture is appreciated. I'm on the hunt w00t. I'm the hunt for a few people these days. You're one of them of course. I'm on the hunt for blood, and what better way to do that, then to know who your real friends are. What other outlaws are going to ride with you. Originally, I just wanted to make it clear that we were all cool, but I see the way the wind is blowing in EBW, and now, you're looking at the next dominant team right here. All of us have had success, against each other, and with each other. "Blood 4 Blood". Seeing as how we're chomping at the bit to kick some ass, we thought we'd skip ahead in line. Why wait for the second match. We're going to open this bitch, so come out here "Flood Generation", and take your loss like men.

Good News Gary: Hey! This is NOT GOOD NEWS! We're still getting ready! I have to sing the praises of Rains for a full HOUR before he can come out, and now we have to start over!

Mav Valentine: Bring them out, or we'll go get them.

Good News Gary: Fine! Geez! You guys are so impatient.

Trevor Mach: Maybe we are, but I'm not as bad as I used to be. I've got a more modern outlook on life.

Good News Gary: You're saying this while wearing a shell track suit and a fanny pack!

Trevor Mach: TRUE...but I WAS living my life in 1987. This get up is peak 1988. I've truly grown.

EBW: Xcite
Fourside Arena, Fourside

0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong beat Gold via Arm Drag x Roll Up -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lt. Lacy Wagner beat Kimber Blaze via DQ
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: BeShemoth beat Chrissy Angel via Powerbomb -> Pin
1.  8-Man Tag: Trevor Mach[o]/Mav Valentine/Subculture/Picky Minch beat Rains/Manu Kalani/Danny Leung[x]/Nosan via Fake Knee Trigger x Dragon Sleeper -> Submission
-The opening contest was changed at the last second, as "Blood 4 Blood" made their match the opener against "Flood Generation". A very one sided encounter, as the Mach, Valentine, Subculture, and Minch battered the newest incarnation of the "prop Rains up club", and Mach ended up submitting "No Push" Leung with a Dragon Sleeper, after a Knee Trigger was faked to show Danny pretending it hit him just to be able to lose again. "Flood Generation" were upset to say the least.

Tommy Dukes: They really should have known better. You put Danny in your group, and you're going to lose because Danny wants to lose. I mean seriously. They have that Scott Free guy on the outside, and they could have used him! I mean seriously, Danny was mouthing "No Push" as they made their way to the ring! Wait a minute, we've got w00t on the stage, and he's joined by that masked individual who follows him around.

w00t; Well well well, you beat a bunch of losers. How great for you. What a "team". You don't want to take my advice, that makes you an idiot, because I'm a "Perfectionist". I demand it from myself and my opponents. Mach you claim you don't want to see them stand in the way between you and me, but they're going to, because they're stupid, and I'm going to hurt them, because I'm that good. Then I'm going to hurt you. Then I'm going to go win the Triple Crown, because I'm the best. How many times are you going to do this Mach. How many more rounds do you have left in you? More groups? More titles? Just might want to think about how many more "sins" you have left too? You tried to bury the hatchet with those three, but who still wants to bury the hatchet right into your back? You might also think you're just getting started, but I'll be responsible for being the ultimate spoiler. Calling this my "Trilogy of Retribution". I started with you Picky. The sequel will be you Mav. I'll punt your head off. The grand finale Mach, that'll be you.

Mav Valentine: Then I guess I'll be the real spoiler, when this trilogy gets cut off early.

Subculture: ...I notice he didn't mention me. Just saying, I'll knock his ass out too!


Ted Pettentool: Hey hey! Ted is back! Yes, I'm still in the wheel chair, and I can't feel much from the waist done, BUT the infections have passed, and I lost 80lbs from the flesh eating bacteria. We all have to look on the bright side. I'm joined by THE EBW Triple Crown Champion Bashin Dan. "Dangerous Player", you've cause a stir around the wrestling world with recent comments. How do you feel about all these other champions calling you out?

Bashin Dan: Well, it's a big world out there, with a lot of talent and determination. If they're suddenly fired up and looking for a challenge, then I'm excited. You all know where to find me, and now, I know where to find you too. Tonight isn't about me though, cause I'm going to be in the corner of Jammer tonight, as he takes that Brass Ring with him into his match with Tack Angel. 15 Minutes to win or go the distance. I'm behind him 100% and-

Tack Angel: Dan, that's great that you're behind Jammer, but it's going to have to be about you for just a few more minutes. I've been rehabbing injuries, getting healthy, getting stronger, and getting more frustrated day by day, as I've had to keep the peace when guys like the "War Kings" have been causing chaos. I'm ready for this. I'm so ready. I don't have to worry about Crystal Heaven anymore. The city is full of life, and cash is flowing. The family is secure. That's not what this is about. It's about me, proving that I've still got it. More than that. I have it AND more than I EVER did before. I endured a long year last year, and it's time I take back what's mine. You're a good man. The kind of man I WISH my daughter would have met and married, because why Subculture? However, you have what I want. I'm going to take it.

Bashin Dan: All the respect in the world Mr. Angel. Bring that attitude to Rumble City. I look forward to it.

Ted Pettentool: Wow, a great match up coming our way at Rumble City. Bashin Dan vs. Tack Angel. Don't miss it!

The Lakitu remained on Tack, and followed him as he walked away from Dan. He soon found himself staring down the "War Kings" with their manager, Emmerich Shultz.

Tack Angel: You guys going to behave tonight?

Emmerich Shultz: Do not think zat you can talk to zhem, like zhey are children. You are looking und the vorld's very best, and zhey have been showing za vorld that very fact every time zhey are booked. Your President realizes zat now. You should too.

Tack Angel: I never said you didn't have talent. You've got talent to spare, but I've been appointed the Sheriff around here. EBW is my home. I love it like it's my 109th wife. We've had so many different upstarts think they can run this place. So many thin they can come in here and stir up trouble. EBW still stands, and they're take home a big "L". "Destiny" says I'm supposed to be a hero to the world. I got locked into that position. I didn't mind, but I felt like I was losing myself. Protecting EBW though? I'll be a hero here because I choose to be. The "Pushpin Seraphim".

Emmerich Shultz: You speak like ve care about you Mr. Angel. Ve do not. Let us go.

Hazen: ...See you soon .

Tack Angel: Uh....toodles poodles. What? What was that? Why is everyone calling me Mr. Angel today? I mean I just 36 but that's not that ol-

Tack then walked into Trevor, Picky, Mav, and Subculture.

Trevor Mach: Tack! Bro! Congratulations of the #1 Contender spot.

Tack Angel: Thanks man. You just see those guys over there? They're trouble. I've got a bad feelings.

Trevor Mach: Focus brah. You're going to have to kick Dan's head off, and Hope might not like that, so maybe get one of those fruit baskets ready.

Tack Angel: That's a great point. Hey wait, I have a question for you. Why didn't you think to ask me if I wanted to be in "Blood 4 Blood"? Are we not brothers?

Trevor Mach: Well, there's four of us. It can't be "Blood 5 Blood". That ruins the naming scheme.

Tack Angel: But like, why wasn't I the first choice?

Mav Valentine: You feeling jilted Tack?

Tack Angel: No, I just-

Picky Minch: You seem jilted.

Tack Angel: I'm just curious!

Trevor Mach: Well? Did you want to join "Blood 4 Blood"?

Tack Angel: Hell no. I'm not getting another tattoo.

Trevor Mach: Well there you go! I knew you'd say no. Besides, we ARE brothers and best friends. I needed to make amends with these guys. I said things I shouldn't have said, it doesn't matter if they were true or not. 

Picky Minch: What?

Trevor Mach: That's called a joke Pick-man.

Picky Minch: Right.

Trevor Mach: It's not like you and I are on the outs, unless you want me to hold a grudge against you for something. Hang on let me try. Dammit Tack, why did you shoot me that one time?!

Tack Angel: WHAT?! YOU MADE ME! You pointed a water pistol at me, and made sure I had a REAL loaded gun! I didn't tell you to take hostages!

Trevor Mach: Man, that really was a crazy time wasn't it? I might not do that now. I really HAVE grown. Later bro.

Tack Angel: *sigh* Later.

Tack walked off a little further, but found himself bumping to a disheveled Cadmus.

Cadmus: Tack...I-I-I-need a feud! I need to fight you again!

Tack Angel: .....No.

Cadmus: Come on! Challenge me to a feud! I don't know what to do if I'm not your arch nemesis! Come on!

Tack Angel: Nah.

Cadmus: You're a selfish bastard!

Tack Angel: Yeah alright.

Cadmus: Come back!

Tack Angel: Heh, he thinks I'm going to dig that back up? This is really busy Lakitu. Please stop following more else someone else will-

Chris Redfield: TAAAACK!

Tack Angel: Huh? Oh cracker doodles.

A jacked Chris Redfield ran towards Tack, with a woman behind him.

Chris Redfield: Jill! Let me go!

Jill Valentine: No Chris! You need to leave him alone! If you want to continue the Redfield bloodline so badly, I'm RIGHT HERE!

Chris Redfield: No way bro! You're my super platonic friend! That would be weird!

Jill Valentine: *sigh*

Tack Angel: Listen Mr. Redfield, I'm super busy, and super married. Like a bunch of times. I love them, and I can't impregnate your sister!

Chris Redfield: You need to marry her too! Add her to your large and fertile family!

Tack Angel: I'll talk to the wives alright?! I'll talk to the wives!

Chris Redfield: Yes! Based and Redfield!

Jill Valentine: *sigh* I'm sorry Mr. Angel.

Tack Angel: There it is again. Mr. Angel.

Jill Valentine: Have you seen my brother by chance? Mav?

Tack Angel: Huh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

2. 8-Man Tag: Franky/Shark #1/Randy no Kachi[o]/LG Rod beat Chad Salad/Robert Sandwich/Misogynist Paul/Sammy the Simp[x] via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
-Another 8-Man Tag saw "The Shark Order" debut as a team against the "Heat Parade". Rod and Randy have been struggling to find their way in the tag division again, after some losses to the "War Kings", and the returning Franky offered them a spot in his new group, which is TOTALLY NOT a cult. Franky was in top form, and even the aging Shark #1 was looking good with Rod and Randy, as they disassembled the "Heat Parade". Like usual with "Heat Parade", the other team got a chance to showcase themselves to the crowd, and people found the can do attitude of "The Shark Order"endearing. Randy no Kachi hit the No Kachi Cutter on Sammy the Simp, and pinned him for the win.

Tommy Dukes: Well, that's a good win for "The Shark Order". I don't want to say a big win, because it's the "Heat Parade", but as far as teams go, they looked very cohesive.

Makoto Angel: Rod and Randy look so happy! I think they just found a place for themselves, as they hold up the fin hand symbol with Franky and the Sharks! Yay!

Tommy Dukes: Isn't this a heel group though? I feel like it's supposed to be a heel group.

3. EBW Television Championship: Benjamin(c) beat Vape via Excalibur -> Count Out -> Title Defense!
-The next match saw Benjamin, the champion, actually challenging the contender, Vape, for the Television Championship. He wanted to motivate his friend, which further endeared him to the fans. Benjamin's stock was on the rise like he was Gamestop(DATED REFERENCES), and it was the people putting him there. Benji shook Vape's hand before the bell, but the champ quickly applied a wrist lock on and kept Vape on his knees for a bit. Vape tried to kip back up, but he remembered that he's Vape and passed on trying that again. Benjamin maintained the hold. Vape eventually escaped and connected with a low elevation dropkick that sent Benjamin flying out of the ring. Vape was shocked, and asked his friend if he was all right. A woozy thumbs up appeared from beside the ring, as Benjamin took until the 9 to re-enter the ring and catch his breath. Benjamin got a hold of him again and beat him back down to the canvas. He continued kicking him before a pinfall attempt. Benjamin smacked Vape around as he was trying to climb the ropes to get to his feet. He worked him over for the Spear, but Vape scooped him up and suplexed him repeatedly. A chokeslam brought Benjamin to the mat, but he kicked out at 2. Bemjamin continued to writhe in pain as Vape just kept attacking him while he was on his back. Benji then kicked out of a series of pinfall attempts again, before Vape applied a long, heavy headlock. After Benjamin escaped the hold, the two hit the ropes and exchanged strikes. Vape rolled out of the ring, and Benji dove through the ropes on him. Benji and Vape returned to the ring, and fired off shots, but Benjamin was unable to score a suplex, or any kind of slam on Vape, but a missed Short Arm Lariat lead to Benjamin wrapping behind Vape for a huge Hagen Suplex. The ring shook as Vape used everything he had to slam his friend to the mat. He fired up as he went to the 2nd rope, and positioned himself for the big move. The woozy Vape fell prey to the Excalibur, and Benjamin rolled him up. 1-2-3! Benjamin with the win and the title defense!

Tommy Dukes: Look at that! Benjamin pulled out a big win there, literally and figuratively! He has managed to pull great matches out of everyone he's fought, and this was one of Vape's bigger matches. He's slowly climbing to his feet and hugging his friend Benjamin. No hard feelings here, he's just grateful for the opportunity. But wait, it's the "War Kings". They standing on the stage. Golvoth and Radzi Schrieffer are staring right at Vape and Benjamin. Are they issuing a challenge? Do the "War Kings" have their eyes on the Television Championship? They already have a World Tag Team Championship title shot. They're making major strides.

Announer: With a height of 6'2, and weighing in at a majestic 242 lbs, this athlete is a former World Champion of Wrestling! Last weekend, this majestic athlete claimed the "Brass Ring", but wants Firebrand X to know that it was NOT personal when he smashed his face into the glass. This! Is! JAMMER!

Jammer came out trying to sink shots once again, to no avail. Tack Angel tried to show him up, but the ball bounced off the rim and hit him right in the face, forcing Tack to start the match with a bloody nose.

4. 15-Minute Singles:

-A fun and frantic match, with Jammer able to duck, weave, and jump his way out of avoiding Tack's signature kicks. Jammer held an armbar early on, but Tack eventually reversed. After a dropkick to Jammer, he took over the match again with a hip toss. The two stayed on the mat for a bit and displayed some textbook mat wrestling and arm manipulation that led into Angel getting a pair of near pin falls.Both guys were showing something different here, when they're usually more like to stay on their feet. Jammer was the first to his feet, and hit a mid-elevation SSP, because Jammer really can't jump that high. He followed it up with the Slam Jam and pin attempt, but Tack kicked out. He took over, and let the kicks flying, going for the Angel Driver, but Jammer blocked the WRIST! CLUTCH! and ate a normal Angel Driver for the kickout on a pin attempt. As the two were really getting into it, the bell rang, signaling the end of the match.

Makoto Angel: Tack did so well! YAY!

Tommy Dukes: That was fast and fun for sure. Jammer is hanging with guys like Trevor and Tack again. He's got the confidence back, but he still can't sink a shot  from down town. They're shaking hands, and Bashin Dan is applauding from the outside. Tack is doing the point point point thing at the belt, and mouthing Rumble City, so you know that he's very focused on it. Everyone get that?

Makoto Angel: He's been working so hard. This was a great warm up. You'll see Tack really step up his game. I promise you that. Dan better be ready.

Tommy Dukes: Wait, here comes Maurice?

Maurice: I'm here for guys like Dan and Tack! They are the path back to my prominence and domination, but first, I have to deal with a dick head like Jammer!

Jammer: Hey!

Maurice: You and Firebrand X took away my chance to grab the Brass Ring. I still want it! I want that ring!

Jammer: Want a ring? Go to Tomboy Outback, and order the onion rings, cause this baby is all mine.

Maurice: I think that's bullshit, and I want a shot at it! Give me a match!

Jammer: Well, Dan wouldn't turn down the challenge, but I'm not Dan, and you're a dick, so nah.

Maurice: I'll make you pay for that!

Jammer: Yeah...probably. Fine Maurice. You want the Ring? Face me on Xperience. It can't be Rumble City, because guess what Dan? Guess what Tack? I'm entering that Bad Ass Rumble, and I'll be seeing you at Victory Explosion. Maurice, try to keep up, cause you have to make me look good on my way back to the top!

Maurice: GRRRR!!!


Franky, Shark #1, Shark #2, LG Rod, and Randy no Kachi all celebrated in the back.

LG Rod: We did it!

Randy no Kachi: Yeah! We're the Besties again! I guess we're Shark Besties now!

Franky: Proud of you guys. You see what you're capable of when you believe in yourself, and take on the mentality of the shark? So, are you guys in?

LG Rod: Absolutely!

Randy no Kachi: No question. We're in!

Franky: Great! The leader will be so happy about that. He's a big fan of you guys!

LG Rod: The leader? I thought that was you.

Randy no Kachi: Yeah, you're the one that made the pitch!

Franky: Me? No, not this time. I'm the top recruiter, and I lead the in ring stuff, but our true leader, the one that brought me back from the depths and lifted me up to where I am now, is

A door swung open, and a woman brought out a young boy, with an oversized Shark mask.

Franky: This is my son. Franky Jr. The LEADER of "The Shark Order".

LG Rod: Huh?

Franky Jr: That's right, I'm Franky Jr, or as Mommy calls me "Baby Shark". "The Shark Order" is MY idea, and Dad was happy to follow orders!

Franky: That's right little man. You're the boss!

Shark #1: We love this kid!

Shark #2: He's the real motivator. You gotta protect the children's smiles!

Franky Jr: I told Dad to get you guys because you're so cool! Now, you'll be cooler on my team!

LG Rod: ...

Randy no Kachi: This....

LG Rod:

Rod and Randy: AWESOME!


Firebrand X walked up to the Weekend Wrecking Crew, as they all looked at a dirty magazine.

Kinniku Mike: She's looking fine right? I want to make her my son's next Step Mother.

Amigo: I'm sure you do.

Magnum PT: She's looking fine Mike. I-

Firebrand X: You guys need to focus. We're going up against the "War Kings" tonight. These guys mean business, and I need a win here guys. Look at my face. Can you see how I'm feeling about this?

Magnum PT: Well you're wearing a mask, so no.

Kinniku Mike: I'm happy to focus in that ring, and fight those wars, but you got to relax before the match. You have to have a clear head. I'm focusing on what makes me happy. What makes you happy man?

Firebrand X: Destroying opponents in the ring.

Kinniku Mike: Relax. You know damn well what I can do in the ring.

Firebrand X: Then I want to see you do it. I want to see you ready. Save this shit for your own time. You're on my time now. Mike, put the magazine away, and read it later. PT, shave those sideburns, and be an 80's guy some other time. Amigo, if you want the lawn or can wait until later.

Amigo: thing is sandwiches.

Firebrand X: ...I don't know you very well.

Magnum PT: You assume he's gonna do yard work and that's racist Chief.

Firebrand X: He has an immaculate yard.

Amigo: Well, at least he noticed that. About time someone did.

5. EBW World Team Championships: Hazen(c)[o]/Ilya Fedorovich(c)/Radzi Schrieffer(c)/Golvoth(c) beat Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT[x]/Firebrand X via Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The next match was a big brawling war for the World Team Championship Rings, as the "War Kings" battled Firebrand X and the Weekend Wrecking Crew. Mike and Amigo have a big match against two members of the Kings coming up, which added an edge to this match, as the strategic and technical Kings worked over the champs specifically. Mike almost got an upset with a Cyclone Ocean Suplex on Golvoth, but Hazen made the save. Firebrand X stepped in, and picked a fight with Hazen, and the match turned into a brawl outside after PT tagged in. Hazen rolled back in, as Schrieffer nailed X with a punch. Hazen hit the Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver on PT to score the pinfall victory.

Tommy Dukes: The Crew were looking good against the Kings. This was the best test yet, but the divide and conquer strategy paid off. Hazen knew exactly what he wanted to do. Mike and Amigo are really going to have to be at their best, like we know they can be, if they want to keep the titles against the "War Kings".


Ted Pettentool: I'm here with Tess and Erica and-

Sunny Malibu: Out of the way Ted!

Ted was pushed off camera, and all you could hear was him screaming and a crash.

Tess: Thank you Sunny. So everyone, I've spent some time in the background, letting things play out, because I do have class and sophistication. I know that what I'm doing is the right thing, and the future for these women, but I wasn't going to make things worse for a woman who could have lost her child. Considering Tracy is a lost cause, I know what that's like. However, I feel the grace period is over. I have made phone calls, and given Duvalie the green light to unleash the Valkyries. You've seen them in Dark Matches, as a way for her to show me what they can do. I'm impressed. They have the power, and the looks. The sex appeal, which is the true strength that we have. Tali, you're going to wish you just stayed gone, because the game is on again, and I WILL be victorious. I've let you and Lucca handle the book far too often. I'm taking it back.

Erica: And speaking of taking things back, I'll be taking back MY Women's World Championship, just as soon as I step into the Women's Bad Ass Rumble, and make history with my win. Until then, I'll be holding a Queen's Court this week on Xperience, and my guest this time will be.....Makoto Angel. I demand you attend.

Sunny Malibu: Hope Mach, you can pull out every wrestler and every match under the sun to try and beat me, but I'll always be one step ahead of you. I'm the product of the Tess generation of star, a superior star, and the time for Machs and Angels is over. Erica's got the Angel in her sights, and I'll crush the "Hope" for the Mach family.

Tess: So much fun! So many new surprises in store. I'm back, and you all really need to....BE GRATEFUL.

6. No Rules 8-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Alison Chains[o]/Jenny James/Jessica James beat Kaie[x]/Eve/Bev/Raza via Double Arm DDT -> Pin
-The main event saw the debut of "C.O.D.E" as they took on "Eisenritter" in 8-Woman NO RULES Tag action! Eve, and Muscle Girl Security were physically imposing, but lacked the experience and the edge the other team brought to the bout, with the No Rules environment. A weapons laden brawl, it looked like a lay up for C.O.D.E, until Erica and Sunny joined their team, and attacked "C.O.D.E" with steel chairs. Things were looking bleak, until Christina Angel ran down with a "C.O.D.E" t-shirt, and a chair of her own to run off Erica and Malibu. This allowed Chains to hit a Double Arm DDT on Kaie in the confusion to pin her for the win.

Makoto Angel: YES! She did it! Christina Angel is the 5th woman, and she saved her team there! Awesome!

Tommy Dukes: Makes all the sense in the world. She's tired of the games just like the others, and she's holding the Women's World Tag Team Championships with Hope. All five women are standing tall. All that talk from Tess before, but "C.O.D.E" end the night dominant. So wait...why is Tess still laughing? Maybe we'll find out next time. Goodnight!

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