Outside of the Mid-South Sportasseum
An 88 Cadillac pulled up to the front of the building, with fans outside flocking to it, as Barry "The Master" Lawless came out to greet them.
Makoto Angel: Barry! Barry! Can I get a word?
Barry Lawless: Of course you can little lady. You can have more than that.
Makoto Angel: I'm married!
Barry Lawless: An inconvenience, but that's all. You want to talk to me about Dan right? That little punk brought all of this on himself. I am the REAL World Champion. I go place to place and put my title on the line. I go to them to do that. I always have. That's the way I do business. When I made Mid-South 4-EVER my home, I brought the Unified World Heavyweight Championship with me, something that's been around since the days of Coleco Pro. I made it my home base, but I always said, and I tell this to Vance Muscle all the time, I will go wherever I have to so I can defend this belt. Your supposed "REAL World Champion" says that he'll take on all comers, and that he'll go wherever, but look at this, I'm having to come to him. The only reason I'm willing, is because we're in Mid-South, my home, where the people understand respect. You don't come into my backyard and insult my, and my REAL World Championship belt. The EBW might be a big shot promotion. They've been around quite a few years now, and they diminished every other promotion, and ran in every other territory. That's power right there, but it's not legitimacy. I am legitimate. I have no idea why Tack Angel would let someone cut in front of him for the title. I guess he doesn't care, because he'll still get his shot later on, but when I win, I'll be happy to face him for MY Unified World Heavyweight Championship, because I'll be throwing that "Triple Crown" right into the trash where it belongs.
Makoto Angel: Tack is the guy I'm married to.
Barry Lawless: Awkward. If you'll excuse me.
Bashin Dan: Hey guys, the Dan Club is here in Mid-South. You know, I just heard what Barry Lawless said, like all of you, and I asked to cut in here to address it. My TV time was later, but it can't wait. I got a little fired up I have to admit over what he said. When it comes to respect, it would be hard to find someone who gives as much respect as I do. I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Lawless. I know he's a local legend, and I would have put the title on the line in Mid-South 4-EVER, but we're already in Mid-South, so why not here and now? You said that I brought this on myself. Everyone has been talking about the "Foreboding Gate", and who kicked it open. I freely admit I did. I smashed it with a hammer. I broke the lock, and swung the gate wide open, because I want the world of wrestling to be opened up, and I want you to be able to come for me and this "Triple Crown" and conversely, I WILL come to you too. I think we all needed this. A big shake up. I'll gladly take credit for all of this. Interest in EBW is up, and interest in your promotions has to be up too. People searching your matches online, and your local channels are probably getting more interest then they've had in years. With streaming taking over, that's a really good thing. Local TV is better I think, don't you? I've been watching a lot of the older stuff. It's a gold mine. I'm an advocate for this, a look back to the past, to elevate our futures. This is coming from Dan Club. Myself, the Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan, the Television Champion Benjamin, the "Brass Ring" owner Jammer, and Va- why are you standing off to the side like that? Come on over here. Yeah buddy, I'm talking to you. Vape everyone....Vape. We're the Dan Club, and we'll all see you out there tonight, right here in the Sportasseum for Xcite! HERE WE GO!
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the Mid-South! We're in the Sportasseum for Xcite! We're just one week away from Rumble City! Can you feel it?! The intensity is off the charts people! We're heading for the 15th Victory Explosion! The 15th! My God, someone has a lot of free time eh? I'm Tommy Dukes, joined by Larry Grim, as Nerma continues to ENJOY her maternity leave. Luke is great by the way. Very healthy.
Larry Grim: Oh I know. He's going to live a very long and healthy life.
Tommy Dukes: Oh! Oh good! You have no idea how much weight that takes off my shoulders.
Larry Grim: That's a freebie for you. Considering the gift I forgot to buy for the baby shower.
Tommy Dukes: You were invited to that?
Larry Grim: I was. Surprised me too, and that's saying something.
Tommy Dukes: Tonight's going to be exciting Larry, but of course it already has been, thanks to ENN+ and our Dark Matches, that aren't really dark when you think about it, but don't think about it too much. I need to fill my lungs with oxygen for this recap, cause it's a big one.
Larry Grim: I'll take care of it. I don't really breathe. Mid-South's Johnny Starbound beat our newcomer enigma The Jumbler, after he failed to use his gas to knock out Johnny. A 450 Splash did the trick. After the match, Johnny grabbed his jacket, only to find gas set off inside of it, knocking him out post match. You have to wonder the legality of this gas gimmick. I mean TECHNICALLY he's not hitting anyone with anything, it's your choice whether or not to breathe? El Demonico from BBB was quite the sight, with a body covered in graphic tats and a demonic red mask. You'd have to blur most of him out from the television honestly. Tiburon was winning, but Demonico attacked him with the horned circlet he wore to the ring, leading to the DQ. Alison Chains of "C.O.D.E" kept the momentum up for that super group, by scoring a win over Gold with the G-Spot aka the X-Factor. "Blood 4 Blood" crushed "Heat Parade" in an easy pay day, with Picky Minch hitting the Bridging Hagen Suplex on Sammy the Simp. Firebrand X defeated local hero "Mega Star" Phil Dunfee with the Fire Thunder Driver. VBW's Bloody Mary and Ms. Scary shocked the crowd with a win over the James Sisters. They used a Seaten Senton, with Mary giving Scary leverage in the pin attempt on Jenny James. Mike and- huh?
Tommy Dukes: Did you forget one? I'm impressed th-AH!
Jenny James: Hey! You think that's funny? Real cute, holding me down for the 3 like that. Wow, you truly got one over on me. Do you even know who we are? We know where you come from, and and we know that you don't just pin someone in VBW, you leave them laying in a pool of blood!
Jessica James: We like that! We're all about that violent life, and we can only assume that this sneaky win was your invitation extended to us to show up in VBW. Well guess what. That's exactly what we're going to do. We've got "C.O.D.E" business, but I think we've got time in the ol' schedule. Sis, what's the schedule looking like?
Jenny James: We don't keep one. We don't have one. If we did, we'd set it on fire, because you just became a priority. We'll see you soon.
Tommy Dukes: Man, they're SCARY! They're gone right? I can say that? I wouldn't mess with them. I almost feel sorry for VBW....ALMOST.
Larry Grim: Uh..the World Tag Team Champions Mike and Amigo also beat the Barris Twins to cap off the Dark Matches....what are you looking at?
Tommy Dukes: Worried they're coming back!
Larry Grim: Well then...I'll go ahead and say it. Let's take it to the ring!
EBW: Xcite
Mid-South Sportasseum, Mid-South
0. Dark Match Singles: Johnny Starbound<Mid-South> beat The Jumbler via 450 Splash -> Pin
0. Dark Match Singles: Fray Tiburon beat El Demonico<BBB> via DQ
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Alison Chains beat Gold via G-Spot (X-Factor) -> Pin
0. Dark Match 8-Man Tag: Trevor Mach/Subculture/Mav Valentine/Picky Minch[o] beat Chad Salad/Robert Sandwich/Misogynist Paul/Sammy the Simp[x] via Bridging Hagen Suplex -> Pin
0. Dark Match Singles: Firebrand X beat "Mega Star" Phil Dunfee <Mid-South> via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Tag: Bloody Mary<VBW>/Ms. Scary<VBW>[o] beat Jessica James/Jenny James[x] via Leveraged Seated Senton -> Pin
0. Dark Match Non-Title Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Amigo beat Tom Barris<Mid-South>/Dom Barris<Mid-South>
1. Women's World #1 Contender: Lainey Strong beat Calamity Jane via DQ
-Lainey Strong put her #1 Contender spot on the line against Calamity Jane in the next match. Jane had always gotten the better of Strong until their most recent outing. A win in the Maelstrom Fight Club gave Jane the platform to demand this shot, and Lainey complied. In the middle of a heated contest, Erica and Kaie stood on the stage, with Erica ordering Kaie to hit the ring. The Celtic Warrior rushed in as they were tied up, and punched Lainey with the Celtic Hand Grenade, giving her the DQ win. Jane was livid with Kaie, but Erica ran in to break up the fight. She whispered something to Jane, and she begrudgingly left the ring.
Tommy Dukes: What was that all about? Erica helped Lainey get the spot in the first place, but we're still trying to find out why. Even Christina is coming out to get answers!
Christina Angel: Hey! Hey Erica! What are you doing? Those two were battling for the right to challenge me. You had nothing to do with it.
Erica: I had EVERYTHING to do with it! I made Lainey Strong the #1 Contender. She didn't do it. I did. By my hands she's there, and Makoto will see to it that she wins at Rumble City, lest she wants Tess to fire her.
Christina Angel: Why? Why do this? I thought you wanted to beat me.
Erica: Oh I do, but I have come to realize I have many ways I can beat you. If you retain, I'll get my shot later, but Makoto will be out of the job. If you lose, then I have a very VERY easy opponent lined up to practically hand me back my title.
Christina Angel: That's what this is about? You thinking she's not worthy?
Erica: Christina, you have to understand something. I'm the only one that IS worthy.
Christina Angel: .....
Announcer: Standing at an impressive 6'2, this 241lb DYNAMO not only has the Brass Rings, but the hearts and minds of the EBW faithful, as he slams and jams for the people. He is...what? I'm sorry...apparently they're coming out to Benjamin's theme? Uh...well alright, let me try this. The "Warrior of Light" that has not only captured the Television Championship, but the hearts and minds of the EBW faithful, as she brandishes a sword of justice for the people. He is Benjamin!
Jammer: Wait what?!
2. 6-Man Tag: Shark #1/Randy no Kachi[o]/LG Rod via Jammer/Benjamin/Vape[x] via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
-The next match saw a big shock as "The Shark Order" took on "Dan Club" in 6-Man Tag action. Franky had Franky Jr. on his shoulders, shouting out orders, with the grown men taking his words very seriously. Jammer and Benjamin were on point as always, and it seemed a little competitive, with the two blind tagging each other in, but they kept their focus. It was Vape who couldn't quite keep up, and the big man ate a colossal No Kachi Cutter for the pin for RnK and "The Shark Order".
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! "The Shark Order" are NOT jobbers?! I'm shocked! I'm surprised! They were good in there, and the "Heel Besties" found a new lease on life it seems!
Larry Grim: Ironic for them, but yes, they found the heart, while Vape seems to have lost his. Hopefully the power of tomodachi can restore his confidence!
Tommy Dukes: "The Shark Order" won? I was THIS close to putting money down on this match! At least the next one is a sure bet, but first we're going to hear from the #1 Contender Tack Angel, regarding why he allowed Barry "The Master" Lawless to jump ahead in line.
Tack Angel: Tack Angel here! The "Pushpin Seraphim"! A lot of my fans have been asking me "why so many wives", and the answer is "why not", but the more pressing question is, "why let everyone jump ahead of me for title shots"? I want that Triple Crown. It's my goal this year. It's my drive. It is what's going to motivate me this new. I don't need to do any of this for the money anymore. My family is secure. I do this because I want to. I do this because I remember why I wanted to be a wrestler in the first place. I live it. I love it. You can't take my family from me, and you can't take wrestling from me. They define me. So yeah, I want the symbol of excellence. The reason I let Dan take on all these challengers is the same reason as the first question. Why not? I have every bit of confidence in Bashin Dan. He's got the talent and the heart to beat just about anybody. I say just ABOUT anybody, because he's not going to beat me. I'm STILL the "Ace". I'm the Sheriff. I'm the soon to be Triple Crown World Champi-
Hazen: *clap clap*
Tack Angel: Eh?
Hazen: Well said "Sheriff". Well said. You talk a big game. You actually have something to you. I've been waiting to see that. I've heard so much about the old Tack Angel. I was told he beat Ness. I was told he beat Little Mac. I was told he beat Troy. I was told he beat Trevor Mach. I was told he even beat President Swift. Well see, we know about some of those things in Euroland, but we were too busy training, and fighting, and honing our craft to get the details. However, it painted a strong picture. Imagine my surprise to see YOU were the one people were talking about. The "Star Prince". The joke.
Tack Angel: You're calling me a joke? It's obvious you don't know me that well. Anyone who thinks I'm just a joke, tends to eat a few kicks to the head. They tend to get dropped by the WRIST CLUTCH, which I've noticed you copy from me by the way. They tend to lost.
Hazen: I copy nothing from you. Merely a coincidence, but if you want to make a comparison, you can call it improvement. Look at this. *holds up hand* See this ring? World Team Championship Ring. It shows that Euroland's finest are the best of the best no? I think....this one was yours. Heh.
Tack Angel: Then I'll just have to get it back someday.
Hazen: Take advice. Don't even try.
Tack Angel: ....
3. Singles: Tack Angel beat Danny Leung via Moonsault -> Pin
-Tack Angel could have had an easy win here, but he insisted on Danny actually trying, at first motivating him, but then pointing out that he was with Nani to try and provoke him. We actually saw shades of the old Danny Leung that could've once won the E1 Climax and the World Championship, had he not suddenly adopted the "No Push" attitude. Still, it didn't stop Tack from hitting those signature kicks. He set up Danny for the WRIST CLUTCH, but Danny blocked it, showing some more fire, so Tack hit a normal Angel Driver. Rather than go for the pin, Tack went high risk with a big man Moonsault for the win.
Tommy Dukes: Tack with the win, but you have to hand it to Danny. He actually tried a little bit there, but then he remembered "No Push" I guess.
Larry Grim: We see a man that could've had an incredible career all these years, but he just wouldn't accept his own natural progression. It's a tragedy.
Tommy Dukes: Look, it's "The Shark Order". They're arguing with "Flood Generation" about Danny Leung. What's going on here?
4. Singles: Ilya Fedorovich beat Magnum PT via Step-up Enzuigiri x Knee Trigger -> Pin
-"War Kings" Ilya Fedorovich took on Magnum PT in a hot semi-main. The old school 'rassler did the opposite of Danny Leung and said "Yes Push" regaining his lease on life and his bountiful mullet. Fast paced, but the technical and powerfully intense Ilya Fedorovich won the bout after a Step-Up Enzuigiri. He followed it up with Knee Trigger for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! That's Mach's finisher, but Ilya flawlessly hit that hard knee to capture the win
Larry Grim: Could be a coincidence or it could be calling him out. Fedorovich is laughing, and staring with those wide and intense eyes. I doubt coincidence. I mean, I know for sure, but I'm pretending I'm taking a guess here.
Tommy Dukes: "War Kings" continue to be undefeated in EBW. They've got another title match coming up Rumble City, and now guys like Hazen and Fedorovich are making moves like this. You have to wonder what they're planning.
Larry Grim: Domination....again...a guess.
Tommy Dukes: Right....hey wait.
5. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) beat Barry "The Master" Lawless<Mid-South> via Brave Clash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The main event saw Bashin Dan put the EBW Triple Crown World Championship on the line against Barry "The Master" Lawless, the man who claims to be the "TRUE World Champion" though his Unified World Heavyweight Championship was not on the line. Old school met new school as the brawling 'rassler took Dan to task, slamming him to the mat and taking charge. He soon found the heart of Dan, as he continued to get up when most of Barry's old rivals would have stayed down. A float over DDT allowed for the guillotine choke, but Barry grabbed the ropes for leverage and smashed Dan into the turnbuckle. Holding his nose, Dan found himself in "The Master's" Piledriver set up, but he managed to counter it somehow into the Brave Clash, and hit it for the 1-2-3.
Tommy Dukes: And Dan did it! Lawless surprised Dan a few times there, but our champ is the REAL World Champion. That's a fact jack!
Larry Grim: I'm Larry.
Tommy Dukes: It's a saying.
Larry Grim: You're just saying what?
Tommy Dukes: Nothing! Way to go Dan. Tack is applauding too. This seals the deal. We'll be seeing Dan vs. Tack at Rumble City.
Larry Grim: Tack had complete confidence in Dan, but he's got complete confidence that he can beat Dan. We'll see which...uh....confidence...was more...uh...confident?
Tommy Dukes: ....I think you salvaged that one. Great job.
Larry Grim: Thanks!
Moments later, w00t hit the ring with VBW's Razorblade and his masked associate.
w00t: I want to make this short and sweet. EBW has been tainted and corrupted by the likes of two very specific individuals, and it's time to deal with it once and for all. Trevor Mach and "President" Swift. I could have had better, and so could all of you. I don't actually CARE if you had better, but you would have as an side effect of my ascension. Instead, guys like those two cretins, have held me back, and held back EBW from what it could be. If I were President, I would conquer everyone else in my path, and make EBW the wrestling super power of the WORLD! I might still get my chance too. Nothing is ever over in wrestling right? But, I'll get to that later, because to get there, I have to rid myself of Trevor Mach once and for all. No, with Swift, we have Razorblade who has a bone to pick with him.
Razorblade: You know me. You know who I am. You know what I've done. Another one who deserves better. I busted my ass you make it into EBW, and I broke skulls to get to the top, and then it all came apart, because of jealousy and envy. I was the hot new prospect turned champion, and guys like Swift couldn't handle it. You forced me out of EBW in a Loser Leaves Match, and then when you became President, and had the chance to correct your mistake, you failed again. You made watch from the sidelines, breaking bodies in VBW, and getting more violent, more dangerous, and MORE ANGRY! Day by day, not a moment passed that I didn't want to beat the life out of you. Then, that "Foreboding Gate" was opened, and w00t here, offered me a path. I'm here to call out the "President". I don't work for you. I don't respect your office. I think you're trash, and it's time you're dealt with. Get out here NOW!
w00t: You too Mach. This concerns you too.
Trevor Mach entered from the stage entrance with Subculture backing him up, while President Swift entered from the side.
w00t: And there they are, never ones to pass up a moment in the spotlight. Go ahead and shine it on them, as brightly as possible even. Blinding light.
Swift: Get on with it you two. I don't have all day. I'm a busy man.
Trevor Mach: w00t, you're playing with fire here.
w00t: I'm willing to do anything for what I want. Even an eternity of flames won't stop me. So yeah, I'll play with the fire.
Trevor Mach: That right? Speaking of which, where is that new "manager" of yours.
w00t: Busy man Trevor. Very very busy. It IS 2021 after all. A lot of people need a favor. You're both feeling right now that you're safe in your positions, but you're not. Swift, at any moment you could lose your seat. Trevor Mach, you're 38, with a wife and three kids. You've come a long way from the idiot in the white robe, but instead of retiring, you insist upon yourself, and you just WON'T LEAVE! It's going to cost you. It's going to cost you both. Whether or NOT you take this match, it's going to cost you. Razorblade and I are making a challenge.
Razorblade: Swift, you like to call people punk asses, but you'll be the punk ass if you say no. The two of you against the two of us at Rumble City. Are you in or o-
Swift: You're challenging the President to a match. You either have balls, or you've got w00t's balls in your mouth. Either way, I want no part of them, but I'll take your damn match.
Trevor Mach: So will I. You brought up the family again w00t. I'm NOT Tack. I don't let that slide. I WILL show you some of that anger you "know" I'm burying right now. President, it'll be an honor to team with you.
Tommy Dukes: WOW! A HUGE new match was just added for Rumble City! In the President's home town, it will be President Swift and Trevor Mach against w00t and Razorblade! THAT is something you CAN NOT MISS!
Last edited by Machismo (2/17/2021 10:04 am)
Nerma: Welcome to EBW World! I'm Nerma, and yes, we're still doing this from my house. No breastfeeding though, as I got some complaints apparently? Listen Producer Steve, it's NATURAL alright? Mothers breastfeed children! No need to get freaked out about it! Yeah, I know it was you. I saw you staring at my breast pump earlier! What's wrong with you?! What's wrong with everybody in EBW?! *clears throat* Sorry, it's the hormones....and the truth. Moving on to the big story, we are just days away from Rumble City, but before that, we have Xperience, and Level Up Pro to get to. It's a busy weekend. I hope someone has some free time at work! We start with Xperience, going back to the home base of VBW in Twoson. The Fairgrounds, one of our favorite destinations for all you Twoson place poppers out there. Of course I won't be going....I don't get to go anywhere right now. After that, it's a trip back to the studio for Level Up.
EBW: Xperience
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
0. Dark Match Singles: Razorblade<VBW> vs. Danny Leung
0. Dark Match Singles: Amigo vs. Scott Free
0. Dark Match Singles: Kinniku Mike vs. Nosan
1. Singles: Trevor Mach vs. Magnum PT
2. Non-Title Women's Tag: Christina Angel/Hope Mach vs. Sunny Malibu/Kaie
3. 6-Women Tag: Duvalie/Innes/Ennea vs. Kimber Blaze/Calamity Jane/BeShemoth
4. Singles: w00t vs. Subculture
5. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer/Benjamin vs. Tack Angel/Saxon/Novus
Nerma: Then, we go to River City, which will be Rumble City for the night. It's Rumble City 2021, where the two Bad Ass Rumbles in the double cage, will decide who faces the champs at Victory Explosion XV. As it's been reported by other outlets, Victory Explosion XV will NOT be taking place at the Saturn Dome. Tickets haven't even been on sale yet. Why? I'm told we'll find out at Rumble City. Also, a new twist in the story. The tag match with Trevor Mach and President Swift taking on w00t and VBW's Razorblade will be held in the Cage! The EBW Triple Crown World Championship match will take place IN THE CAGE! Why? Well, because they take place in between two Bad Ass Rumbles, and they don't want to take down the cages and put them back up. It's going to be a great show. Check out...this...CARD! *sigh* Cue the card Steve!
EBW: Rumble City 2021
River City Gymnasium, River City
1. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Kinniku Mike(c)/Amigo(c) vs. Radzi Schrieffer/Golvoth
2. EBW Women's World Championship: Christina Angel(c) vs. Lainey Strong Special Referee: Makoto Angel
2. Women's Bad Ass Rumble: TBA
3. Cage Tag: Swift/Trevor Mach vs. w00t/Razorblade
4. EBW Triple Crown World Championship Cage: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Tack Angel
5. Men's Bad Ass Rumble: TBA
Last edited by Machismo (2/18/2021 4:19 am)
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* Tangelo again. How do. It's time again for Wide World of Wrestling, where we cover events outside of EBW, but probably involving EBW talent, because it's still and EBW show right? I mean, it airs on ENN. It's also on other channels? And it airs on the line? What? It's online? I don't think so. Moving on, we go to VBW, where the James Sisters went after VBW's Ms. Scary and Bloody Mary, looking for revenge. Did they get it?
Twoson Elementary Gym, Twoson
Channel 2
1. No Rules Tag: Jenny James<VBW>/Jessica James<VBW>[o] beat Ms. Scary/Bloody Mary[x] via Chair Assisted Piledriver -> Pin
Tangelo: Yes. As you can see, the James Sisters did indeed invade and get their revenge. Lady M's brought these two in for a reason, and that reason is clear. They know how to fight. Even though Scary and Mary were in their home base, and know how to get hardcore, the James Sisters have been doing it longer. They've got the right stuff regarding blood and guts I suppose. We now move onto Mid-South 4-Ever. People say that EBW has been dominant in these battles, but the local heroes got a big win in the studio.
Mid-South 4-EVER
Studio 5, Mid-South
Channel 5
1. Tag: Barry "The Master" Lawless[o]/Johnny Starbound beat Manu Kalani<EBW>/Scott Free<EBW>[x] via Piledriver -> Pin
Tangelo: Another match decided with a Piledriver. Starbound saw this as a way back into EBW, but was upset when Lawless announed that top rope moves were no longer legal in Mid-South, taking away most of his tools. He tried to work off the 2nd rope, but complained for most of the bout. Lawless batted "Flood Generation", and pinned Scott Free after the Piledriver. I am now joined by Barry Lawless, to talk about that match, his match with Bashin Dan, and the future.
Barry Lawless: Thanks weird fellow. I'm "The Master" of Professional Wrestling, as you all know. I had a tough match with that kid, and he got lucky, I'll give him that. He really showed me some things, and I get why people love him, but give me another chance down the road, with MY REAL Unified World Heavyweight Championship on the line, and I'll show you something in front of my Mid-South crowd. Still, that "Dangerous Player" is something, but I still think I'm something more. I showed those punks you brought to my house this week! I showed them but good! You bring any more, and I'll-
w00t: Excuse me. I need you to stop talking. You've wasted enoug oxygen.
Barry Lawless: Who the hell are you?
w00t: Too important to address you, but I'll throw you a bone. I am "Perfection", and soon, very soon, I will control EBW, so maybe treat me with respect, if you still want to hold onto your little scrap of a territory. Trevor Mach, I'm here to address you. I thought I might find you lurking around the territories more, because I know that you're running and hiding from something. I know what it is. I know your secret, and on Xperience I feel like being the sharing type. Your secret will be exposed. I know about that hospital visit you rushed to the other day. You know what else I know? You STILL haven't watched my present! The tape Trevor. You DO have a VCR right? I put it on tape just for your neanderthal brain. The tools to defeat Trevor Mach are oh so clear to me now, and I have them. I have them.
EBW Training Center
A rushed and worried Tack Angel ran into the shower room looking for Trevor.
Tack Angel: Trevor! Trevor! Trevor, I-OH GOD!
Lady M's: believe in God? That's good...if he's real you're about to meet him.
Tack Angel: Tali! I'm SO sorry! I didn't know you were in here!
Lady M's: And haven't left yet. You have chosen to die.
Tack Angel: I don't see anything! The wall is blocking the naughty bits!
Lady M's: "Naughty bits"? How old are you again?
Tack Angel: I was just...I was just....I was just....
Lady M's: Preparing to die?
Tack Angel: Looking for Trevor!
Trevor Mach: Huh? What? I'm here.
Tack Angel: Huh? Where?
Tack Angel: Trevor? What are...what you doing?
Trevor Mach: None of your business. What are YOU doing?
Tack Angel: Well, I came in here to warn you about something w00t said, but I'm less enthused. You're doing that thing aren't you?
Trevor Mach: Someone has to pick up your slack Tack!
Tack Angel: I'm not happy about this situation at all, and now I wish Tali would kill me.
Lady M's: I still might.
Tack Angel: And you're not embarrassed at all by this Trevor? I can't BELIEVE THIS!
Trevor Mach: Watch your blood pressure bro. You're a large man, you need as much circulation as you can get. Besides, what is there to worry abo-
Lucca: Your technique is beginning to match your enthusiasm. So far so goo-
Trevor Mach: AH!
Tack Angel: AH!
Lucca: What? Like I said. I've always been here.
Trevor Mach: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Last edited by Machismo (2/18/2021 2:12 pm)
Larry Grim: Welcome to Twoson for Xperience! It's one of the last stops before we head to Rumble City, the setting for not one, but TWO Bad Ass Rumbles!
Makoto Angel: That part is exciting! The Bad...Butt Rumbles, will feature a male and female winner, who will go on to challenge the World Champions at Victory Explosion XV, and I think this could be the biggest Victory Explosion ever, and that's following the last one, which we also thought was the biggest Victory Explosion ever! We keep making bigger explosions! *sigh* I just....I just wonder if I'll be there to see it. I can't figure out a way to get out of this stipulation for the Women's World Championship match. I really want no part of this.
Larry Grim: I know Makoto. Just keep your chin up. We have a job to do, and let's give it the best we've got.
Makoto Angel: ....You're right! I'll do this! Tonight, we have the final confrontations for most of these combatants, and a main event showdown between Dan and the "Dan Club", taking on Tack and his "Blue Shirt Security". That's a way to show everyone the kind of Triple Crown bout we can expect at Rumble City. One final confrontation....between two people....who have respect and admiration for each other.
Larry Grim: Yeah, but we're selling this on dream match potential, not a heated rivalry. That's other places on the card, like President Swift and Mach taking on w00t and VBW's Razorblade. So much to get into there. You HAVE to be at River City for this event. That's coming from a creepy skeleton should encourage you I'd think.
Makoto Angel: You're not creepy. You're great! How do you keep your bones so sparkling white?
Larry Grim: I use a special bone bleach. It's not very abrasive, and it leaves a nice clean small afterwards. Also, I hang those tree air fresheners inside of my rib cage. You can't see them under the cloak made out of damned souls, but you can smell them.
Makoto Angel: *sniff sniff* That DOES smell good. Strawberry!
Larry Grim: Spot on!
Makoto Angel: The nose knows!
Larry Grim: Well then, let's get back on topic here. We had some big matches before the show on ENN+. Razorblade destroyed Danny Leung, though again, we saw a few signs of him actually trying. Amigo beat Scott Free via submission, and Kinniku Mike beat Nosan. Basically, it was a bad night for "Flood Generation". Add in their loses at the recent Mid-South 4-EVER show, and it's safe to say that "Flood Generation" is going to give "Heat Parade" a run for its money in the jobber department. Oh? What's this? We apparently have some footage with Danny Leung from earlier. Let's take you there, before we take it to the ring?
Makoto Angel: Wait. A cloak made out of damned soul?!
Danny Leung: *sniff* Oh Nani. I miss you so much. Why did I say it? Why did I say "No Push"? Why didn't I try harder to win that E1 and-
Franky Jr: Hey look guys, it's Danny Leung!
Danny Leung: Huh?
Franky: It sure is!
Shark #1 : Heya Danny!
Shark #2: How's it going buddy!
Danny Leung: Ummm...not so great. That Razorblade guy is back, and he beat me up. I almost didn't want him to this time. I said "Maybe Push"?
LG Rod: Dude, you deserve a push. If anyone does, it's you.
Randy no Kachi: Yeah, we're fans of yours buddy!
Franky Jr: I like you Danny! I'm a big fan!
Danny Leung: That's impossible kid. I stopped trying before you were born.
Franky: Why is that Danny? Why did you quit? A woman? She's a fine woman, but she's not the only one, and she's not the one for you. You deserve to find a woman who loves you for who you are.
LG Rod: And WON'T join a harem!
Randy no Kachi: That part is very important.
Franky: You've beaten yourself up enough. You thought so once. Remember "New" Danny Leung? You tried to pull yourself out of it. You just need to know you're not alone. With us, you'd never be alone. In "The Shark Order" we'll always have your back!
Franky Jr: Please join my group Danny?
Danny Leung: really want me in "The Shark Order"? I-
Good News Gary: NO! THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS! You guys need to get away from Danny RIGHT NOW! He is here to stand with Rains! We all SHOULD BE!
Danny Leung: But I-
Good News Gary: No buts! Remember "New" Danny Leung? Why did that fail? Because you tried to do better than Rains! There are NONE who can! Rains wouldn't have lost Nani! Rains wouldn't have let the love of his life become someone else's baby maker! That is why you support him, now COME ON!
Danny Leung: *sigh* Right.
Franky Jr: Dad, I really want to help him!
Franky; I know son. I know.
Randy no Kachi: Our leader is show merciful and kind.
LG Rod: Kids man....they got big hearts.
EBW: Xperience
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
0. Dark Match Singles: Razorblade<VBW> beat Danny Leung via T-Bone Suplex -> Pin
0. Dark Match Singles: Amigo beat Scott Free via Hagen Suplex x Ankle Lock -> Submission
0. Dark Match Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Nosan via Muscle Buster -> Pin
1. EBW Challenge Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Magnum PT via Dragon Sleeper -> Submission -> Title Defense!
-The opening bout was made more interesting, as Trevor Mach put the Challenge Championship on the line against Magnum PT, stating it had been a little while since he put that 1 of his 5 titles on the line. PT was happy to accept. PT had a headlock on the mat, but Mach hit a big backdrop suplex. He went for an arm bar, but PT countered. PT was capable of going to the mat with Mach surprisingly, but an errant knee to the face had him on the ropes. Mach hit a Belly to Belly Suplex, and beat PT back up to land another knee to the face. The staggered PT got locked into the Dragon Sleeper, and left no choice, but to tap out. Mach with the win and the title defense.
Larry Grim: A good, fast opener, and a solid showing for PT. His winning streak redemption might be over, but he's far from falling back into the old slump of the past. He was hungry and confident, and that's what he needs to remember going forwa-
Makoto Angel: Wait Larry, look at the screen!
w00t: Well look at that. Mach with the win. Mach always has to win, or else he's not happy. If something doesn't go his way, he'll rip and tear and smash to make it right. So why oh why with so much going right all of a sudden does this man have so much anger? You all don't know his secret, but I do. I remember Mach. I remember what happened, and I remember who I am, and I remember who you are. I was supposedly a dead man, and you, well you were something terrifying weren't you? I guess we both had to reflect on our sins one way or the other. Me? I embraced them, but you, you're paying for them ever now. The other day, EBW cameras showed you taking a call and running to the hospital. Now why is that? I know. I know.
Trevor Mach: w00t, you son of a bitch! You keep it to yourself! That's personal business.
w00t: Nothing is personal in EBW. Everyone gets to know everything about everyone right? So this is no different. Truth Mach, the newest little monster sired by Trevor Mach and the equally sociopathic Lady M's, isn't as healthy as she appeared is she? That Degrees, he figures out so many things, like how to cheat death apparently, but also how to detect abnormalities in children. He's good at his job isn't he? She's color blind, and she suffers from autism right? What else? I'm sure it's a laundry list of issues. Why? Well, because of what you are, or what they "made" you right? Maybe not fully compatible? Maybe not though. Maybe the two of you are just so flawed that your flaws can't help but be passed onto your children. Hope is deaf, that's got to be on you two. Justice? I'm sure he'll be a wreck too. All three of them. You're 38, married, and dealing with a special needs child in the making here. Why don't you do the smart thing and LEAVE!
Trevor Mach: w00t, you're going to have to carry me out of here in a body bag. You're going to have to take that body bag, and wrap it chains. Take those chains and tie them to a boulder, and throw my corpse into the ocean. You might even have to nuke the ocean! Point is, I'm not leaving for anything. My family is my business, and I'll give my life for them. You're right though, I'm pissed that I can't fix it, but maybe we have nothing to fix. I'm damn proud of Hope, and Tali for that matter. Justice is going to be the best of us someday, and Truth will find her way in life. I'll be there to make sure that happens, one way or the other. I mean damn, I'm proud of myself too. I got 5 belts. I've got "Blood 4 Blood" watching my back, and days from now, I'm going to cave your face in with the knee, as Swift is going to POUNCE your ass right out of EBW! You're trying to make it more personal. You did. Congratulations. You're trying to hurt me. Break me even. You failed. You always will.
w00t: Oh, I'm just getting started. An appetizer, before the main course. I promised to leave you shattered, and I will. I will break you.
Tess: ....Tragic isn't it? You two always seem the be the cause of so many problems.
Lady M's: You say cause, and I say solution.
Tess: My sympathies about Truth.
Lady M's: She's fine. Stop bullshitting me. What are you doing here?
Tess: Just checking in. Touching base.
Lady M's: Sure....sure you are. You're always up to something. You know what? Whatever you want, I want no part of.
Tess: The game must continue until we have a winner Tali. That is the point isn't it? You wanted to beat me, and I want to beat you. I'm curious though....are you regretting it yet?
Lady M's: Do I regret challenging you? I don't have regrets. To have regrets I'd have to give a fu-
Lucca: What sir is trying to say, is that your plans won't work, and you won't break her, much like w00t can not break sir's partner.
Tess: Heh...another one with convictions, following along with Tali's vision. Much like Mach, I have to wonder how much damage you have to cause before it's enough.
Lady M's: That's the question isn't it?
Tess: You have no idea what is ahead of us. This game, has many twists and many turns left.
Lady M's: If you say so.
Tess: ....
Lucca: She's walking away sir. You may un-cleanch your fist.
Lady M's: You got to wonder what she was talking about. This vague bullshit is getting on my nerves.
Lucca: I apologize that you had to see w00t reveal the family secret like that.
Lady M's: What secret? We weren't hiding it. It just didn't need to be brought up. It was our business. That's all. Yet....I still want to punch w00t into the floor, until he's nothing but a puddle.
Lucca: You truly care about your family sir. I have to be honest with you sir. When I first met you, I stayed close to monitor you.
Lady M's: Is that right?
Lucca: I wanted to see if any part of Lavos still remained within you.
Lady M's: Huh, I guess I should have expected that. And now?
Lucca: Now, I follow you for other reasons. So many other reasons.
Lady M's: ...I don't say this much, but it's appreciated.
Lucca: Whatever you need sir.
Lady M's: What I need, is for you to do whatever it takes to solve the mystery for me. Find out who was in my house. Find out who put my children in danger.
Lucca: I will try my best sir.
2. Non-Title Women's Tag: Sunny Malibu[o]/Kaie beat Christina Angel/Hope Mach[x] via Celtic Hand Grenade x Axe Kick x Top Rope Elbow -> Pin
-"C.O.D.E" and "Eisenritter" faced off in a Non-Title Women's Tag, as Christina and Hope battled Sunny Malibu and Kaie. The feud that never ends, saw Hope once again trying to get the better of Sunny Malibu, but with Millie on the outside causing distractions, it wasn't long before the dynamic duo of the Women's Division found themselves against the ropes, trying to battle back. Hope began to rally against Sunny Malibu, and was dropped her with a series of Hagen Suplexes to the delight of the crowd, but then Kaie smashed her with a Celtic Hand Grenade from the corner. Sunny escaped and hit an Axe Kick on the staggered Hope. Millie started biting Christina's ankle on the outside as Sunny hit a Top Rope Elbow for the pin on Hope. Once again Sunny Malibu beats Hope Mach.
Makoto Angel: That sucks! Christina! Kick her off of you! I want to go help!
Larry Grim: Careful Makoto. They're already out for your job.
Makoto Angel: Speaking of which, here comes Lainey Strong! She's running off Millie and helping "C.O.D.E" fight back. She's grabbing a microphone.
Lainey Strong: Christina, I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. I'm sorry for a lot of things. I'm sorry that you and Makoto find yourself in the situation you're in for Rumble City. The reason it took so long to come out, was because I was trying to make it right. I didn't ask to be put in this situation, and I don't appreciate what Erica has planned, using me as a pawn in the process. I wanted to quit. I said I would resign, instead of take part in this match. It's my dream to win the World Championship, but not like this. Tess told me that if I quit, she'd fire Makoto anyways, so we're trapped in this situation. So, I've come to a conclusion. To take away this burden, I'm just going to have to beat you. Come at me with everything you've got. I'll become the World Champion, and make sure you get the rematch, not Erica.
Christina Angel: I appreciate the idea and the sentiment, but Tess and "Eisenritter" are sneaky, awful, despicable, twisted, demonic, ASSHOLES! Even if you COULD beat me, which I won't just allow, what makes you think you COULD outsmart them.
Lainey Strong: I am my father's daughter. I know all about the law, how to uphold it, how to bend it, and how to break it.
Christina Angel: just might be worthy of the title shot after all. I guess we'll find out.
Lainey Strong: *nods*
3. 6-Women Tag: Duvalie/Innes[o]/Ennea beat Kimber Blaze/Calamity Jane[x]/BeShemoth via Valkyrie Clutch -> Submission
-The "Valkyries" were on the attack next, as they went up against Blaze, Jane, and BeShemoth. Two teams the fans didn't care for, as they served their own interests, but the "Valkyries" were the de-facto faces, in that the crowd didn't want to side with the traitors of the Angel Family. The newcomers Innes and Ennea continue to impress, and word has spread of their exploits outside of EBW. That experience was on display here. Innes ducked Jane's Lariat, and took her to the mat with a Side Slam, before locking in the Valkyrie Clutch for the Submission victory.
Makoto Angel: Wow, they're good. I have no choice but to be happy that they got what the deserved, but I'm worried about these "Valkyries". They could give the Women's Division a run for their money. Are they just another branch of "Eisenritter" or something else entirely?
4. Singles: w00t beat Subculture via DQ
-Subculture, who was curiously upset that he was left out of w00t's revenge plan, challenged him to this match ahead of Rumble City. President Swift watched on a monitor in his office, as the "Perfectionist" countered the strikes of the Green Bomber with technical take downs and dirty tactics. w00t is trying to show that he can out wrestle any one, but he's not afraid to cheat to "prove" that point. As they continued to battle, the crowd went wild as Trevor Mach suddenly rushed to the ring with a chair, smashing it over w00t's back, costing Subculture the match, but he laughed it off, and helped Trevor come after w00t, but Razorblade ran down to make the save. The two teams fought it out, but President Swift came out to make the difference. Separating the two teams, and letting w00t and Razorblade know that he's ready for the showdown in Rumble City.
Larry Grim: w00t did get to Trevor, that much is clear. Subculture seems cool with it though. He's fist bumping Mach, but still looks confused as to why he was the only member of "Blood 4 Blood" not targeted. I would say that's a good thing myself, but who knows.
Makoto Angel: He's married into our family, and it tends to make your actions a little more confusing over time.
Larry Grim: Huh. That actually makes sense.
Makoto Angel: Yeah!
5. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer/Benjamin[o] beat Tack Angel/Saxon/Novus[x] with Excalibur -> Pin
-Main event time, as "Dan Club" fought Tack Angel and the "Blue Shirt Security" in a final showdown before the title match at Rumble City. A fantastic match, that saw Tack and Dan showing off their best, but the emerging story of the match was that of Jammer and Benjamin continuing to almost compete against each other to out do the other. Unlike most teams, it was at least a benefit to the team, as it was a friendly competition, but the final result came down to Benjamin, hitting the Excalibur onto Novus for the pin and the win.
Makoto Angel: Tack doesn't seem surprised that the "Blue Shirts" cost him the match. Sometimes I get small hints that he doesn't care for them that much.
Larry Grim: Still, the action we DID see shows us that Dan and Tack are ready, and Benjamin and Jammer continue to compete at a whole other level. What's this? Dan is goading Tack back into the ring. He's....laying the belts down, like a line to cross.
Makoto Angel: He's going to cross it. He's going to take back his spot as ACE and reclaim the Triple Crown! No offense Dan.
Larry Grim: Your family has a lot on the line at Rumble City.
Makoto Angel: Don't we always.
Larry Grim: That you do. We'll see you at Rumble City!
Last edited by Machismo (4/11/2021 7:08 am)
Nerma: Hey...Nerma here. I'm...I'm very tired. I haven't slept in days, but I HAD to get back to work. I'm aware I don't look my best....but deal with it, cause I'm a professional. This is my son, Luke Dukes. I couldn't get a baby sitter on short notice. I'm joined by a possible newcomer to EBW, who has been working the territories, and looking to break into our promotion. This is Lily Belle Hopper, the "Rabbit Girl of Wrestling"?
Lily Belle Hopper: Hi all! Lily Belle here, and I'm so HAPPY to be here with you all! I'm here to entertain you, and make sure you NEVER feel lonely again! Here, I'm putting my hand on the camera lens. Now YOU touch the screen! It's like we're holding hands! *blush* Hehe. I'm holding hands with ALL of you! Boing! I like to jump around and have fun, and I'm hoping to have fun with all of yo-
Tommy Dukes: WHOA!
Nerma: Tommy?
Tommy Dukes: Um....I show up a couple minutes late, and I find my wife in a long t-shirt and socks, holding my son, and talking to a ....stacked rabbit girl.
Nerma: You snooze you lose dude. This is MY story now. Wait, did you say stacked? Were you looking?!
Tommy Dukes: It's kind of hard not to see it honey!
Nerma: called me hon...Zzzzz.....Zzzzzz.....
Lily Belle Hopper: Oh noes, she's so sweepy. You needs to take her home and nuzzle her.
Tommy Dukes: Uh-huh. She fell asleep standing up while still holding the baby. This woman was meant to be a mother. Well, I guess I'm taking over here. Uh...let's check the papers here. Um....Level Up stuff is coming your way, but first...WHAT?! Firebrand X is MISSING?!
Gemma Brand: He is NOT missing! He's just....gone for a little while.
Fray Tiburon: Do you know where he is?
Gemma Brand: No, I don't, but I know that he's been lost for months, and has been repeatedly saying he needs a break to figure things out.
Fray Tiburon: Sounds legit, but I'm sorry my child, a new policy states that we try to keep track of all the wrestlers for their health and well being. We don't want another "Cherub Kid" incident. He's practically a vegetable since he was left in the "Home for Forgotten Jobbers".
Gemma Brand: *sigh* I get that, but Firebrand is gone because he wants to be. He'll come back when he's ready. We've spoken about this, and I understand!
Fray Tiburon: All the same, I'd like to be able to relay any information I find to you, and if you could let us know if you hear from him.
Gemma Brand: Yeah...fine...alright. Still, this is silly. It's no mystery.
Vape: Did I hear mystery?
Jammer: Huh?
Vape: I think they're talking about a mystery over there! Vape and Jammer Investigations might have a case.
Jammer: I thought it was Vape and Benjamin Investigations.
Vape: Benji is busy with his girlfriend, and new found fame and success. So you're up buddy!
Jammer: Hey! I also have a new girlfriend, who scares me, and I have new found fame and success!
Vape: I was hoping you'd forget that!
Jammer: I'm out bro. I gotta go, but good luck with your "case".
Vape: Alright, I'm going to solve this case and FIND Firebrand X. Also, who is that really hot chick over the-
Jammer: His wife.
Vape: DANG IT!
Studio B
Backstage, Lainey Strong ran up to Benjamin.
Benjamin: Lainey, how do you fare today m'lady?
Lainey Strong: Heh, I like the way you talk. Do you let your accent slip sometimes?
Benjamin: Huh? No, I didn't talk like that before, but I was at a Renaissance Fair today.
Lainey Strong: Oh!
Benjamin: Would....would you maybe want to go with me next time?
Lainey Strong: Absolutely! I mean *blush* I'd love to. Anything to take my mind off my stresses.
Benjamin: Hey, I know you're in a tough spot right now, but I know you're going to do great. Win or lose, you should really be proud of your accomplishments. Even with "Eisenritter" getting involved, you've worked hard to get where you are. Be proud....I am.
Lainey Strong: You are?
Benjamin: I am. I-
?: YOU!
Benjamin: Huh?
Cadmus: I thought I'd find you here!
Benjamin: Do we have business together?
Cadmus: We do now! Tack Angel won't feud with me, and I felt like my life was losing meaning, but that lowlife piece of trash did have one bit of good advice. If he's too cowardly to continue our war, I just need to wage a NEW war, and I choose YOU!
Benjamin: Me?
Cadmus: You're a "Warrior of Light" are you not?
Benjamin: So I've been called, by like this giant crystal that I saw on my way here way back when, but what's your point?
Cadmus: I am the "Dark Star Emperor"! We are light and darkness, and we should do battle!
Benjamin: Why now? We've fought before. What's different now?
Cadmus: Well, you have the Television Championship for starters!
Benjamin: If you want a match, I'll give you one, but it's going to be in Level Up Pro. This show was partially my idea, and it'll give the next card a real boost. If you want a match, that's where you'll get it.
Cadmus: You're SO foolish! This is my ticket back to power! You just watch. I'm going to turn you into MY stepping stone! Hahahaha!
Lainey Strong: I'd say he's lost it, but did he ever really have it? I mean, the rumors with his sister and-
Benjamin: Yeah, I'm not too fond of those rumors. Let's not think about it too much.
Lainey Strong: You really think giving him a title match is the way to go here?
Benjamin: Something we all have in common in the "Dan Club", is that we don't back down from challenges. Jammer wouldn't decline, so why would I? Besides, it might be fun.
Lainey Strong: Fun. Yeah, it's supposed to be a little fun isn't it? Thank you for reminding me. Come on, let's go get ready for the show tonight.
Frog: Hmmmm....I think I've found the right one.
Elsewhere in Studio B
Tack Angel: So you're not competing tonight?
Trevor Mach: Nah bro, our titles aren't on the line tonight.
Tack Angel: What promotion are you invading then?
Trevor Mach: None tonight. I'm working with the President on strategy. By strategy, I mean we're going to hype ourselves up over how much we want to beat w00t and Razor's asses.
Tack Angel: Right. But then, if I'm competing, which is funny because I have a big title match tomorrow, then why are you still here?
Trevor Mach: I wanted to be here when you ran into your partner for the night.
Tack Angel: What? Why?
CP Munk: Heya Tack!
Tack Angel: Munk! Hey bud-wait....what are you dressed like? Wait a minute. Why am I turning differently this time. Wait no....NO....NOOO!
Munk Perry: We're Journey again!
Johnathan Tack: NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Trevor Mach: Heh...I needed that. I feel better now.
Zombie Ted Pettentool: Hey guys! Ted here, live from Threed! So I got good news and bad news! I'd start with the bad, cause I kinda sorta died! That stinks right! Pew! Not as bad as I stink though, but the good news, is that I'm a zombie, and ALL my pain is gone! I just have a hunger DO MY JOB, representing the re-re-revival of Curry Man's 3'dPW promotion! Come and join us in Threed sometime for some fun, or we might come see you! Level Up Pro sure looks like a lot of fun! Don't worry though, I'll bring the Fly Honey!'s actually not that bad!
Last edited by Machismo (2/21/2021 1:14 pm)
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* I am Tangelo. How do. This is the Wide World of Wrestling, and we've got some updates, as the "wrestling scene" in Eagleland is truly booming once again. It's an "ultra wrestling revolution". Can you feel it? Can you feel the revolution. Truly a game changer....revolution. 3'dPW is back, but they might not be alone either. Did that entice you? Are you curious? Well, you'll get to see what I'm talking about. In fact, let's begin with that. 3'dPW returned to Channel 3, with what was mostly a recap show, reminding the local Threed viewers and youtubers of what 3'dPW was all about. The show ended with a live match though, as 3'dPW roster members battled in an 8-Man Battle Royale to crown the Inter-species Champion. Here's that now.
3'dPW: We're Back! A Zombie Land Story!
Threed Zombie Park
Channel 3/Youtube
1. 8-Man Battle Royale 3'dPW Inter-species Championship: Curry Man vs. Flying Man vs. Rowdy Mouse vs. IGA vs. Lucas vs. Hashim Al-Singh vs. Blue Lighting vs. Bolshoi
Winner: Flying Man -> 3'dPW Inter-species Champion!
Tangelo: As you can see here, with "Ted Pettenghoul" as he's now called holding the title belt, the 8 wrestlers battled to throw each other over the top rope. Owner Curry Man made it to the final two after tossing out Hashim Al-Singh, but Flying Man reasserted himself as the ACE of 3'dPW, eliminating the Spicy Owner to reclaim the title. This makes Flying Man a 3-Time 3'dPW Inter-species Champion. It seemed that 3'dPW's return show was ending on a high note, when suddenly....
Tangelo: The AGES roster invaded. Gear, the AGES Three Rings Champion, Joe Pencil, DReAM, and Rose hit the ring, with one intention, friendly competition. See, they are getting back into the territory, after running shows in Segua, Ninteldo, and Zealstrailia, entertaining refugees. Now, they're back, and they've got their sights set on Threed. Truly, an "ultra wrestling revolution", like I said. I said it already. You might be wondering why these wrestlers all look the same as they did years ago, as if nothing has happened between then and now. Well....that concludes Wide World of Wrestling this evening. We leave you with these clips, as investigatory work is being done to find EBW's Firebrand X.
Pizza Show Owner: Yeah. Yeah I saw Firebrand X. He came in the other day, and he asked me if I could make a pizza with pepperoni shaped to look like his mask. So much pepperoni. This pizza was more pepperoni than bread, cheese, or sauce by this. Seriously, I-did you hear that? A rustling from the bush over there. I thought a I saw a really fat blur just now. Weird.
Baker: So, this guy comes in, and he orders a dozen mask shaped doughnuts. I think that could be your guy. He had this hood on though and- hey....dude...what are you doing behind my counter?
Vape: Hmmm?
Baker: I see you!
Vape: No you don't. I'm hiding!
Baker: No, you're not! You're obviously just squatting beside me on this side of the counter! Get out of here!
Vape: Fine! I got everything I need. Except....can I order some doughnuts too?
Baker: *sigh*
Last edited by Machismo (2/22/2021 4:42 am)
Saturn City Cop: Yeah, yeah I saw Firebrand X. He was carrying this coffin behind him or something. Just dragging it over his shoulder down the road. What's up with....AHHHH!
Magus: That's right. Run you puny lesser being. You stand in the presence of greatness.
Dogma Emperor: Many of my Dogma Priests have returned to Anahauc to assist down there. Javier Leos is rumored to be returning up here. We need to hurry.
Magus: And that's why I'm here. To initiate a new "Dark Pact", and see that we get the correct results. Crono has long been a thorn in my side, just as these heroes have been in yours.
Dogma Emperor: Actually, this whole promotion is a containment site for our spreading ideology of wearing the mask. I have to conquer it, if we're to expand.
Magus: I understand.
Dogma Emperor: Your Crono and Robo are teaming up with a legendary team tonight. We're one man short. What do you suggest we do about that?
Vape: ....Hmmm...this is interes-
Vape: Fine! I'm leaving! I'm leav-
Magus: We found our 4th man.
Vape: Huh?
Dogma Emperor: Huh?
Apple Kid: Welcome again travelers, to Level Up Wrestling, where we roll the dice, and try to tell a grand story, while also battling in the ring. A reminder for people calling this "schlocky". First, that's really rude, and second, it's REAL wrestling going on, just with a different coat of paint to it. So get over yourselves. Wait a week to see faces get caved in. Aight? Aight. *clears throat* The war with Dogma has been heating up, now that Magus has come back from his realm to form the "Dark Pact" once again. Luckily, no Lavos or Giygas to destroy Onett this time. Am I right? Haha.
Lucca: That would be correct.
Apple Kid: Lucca is joining me again, and I'm really happy you're here. I enjoyed our pizza date very much. I'm just surprised that most of our date had to be so close to the Mach family.
Lucca: Sir needs my constant vigilance. I may even craft new, robotic Lakitus to help me personally watch over here family. I need to keep them safe. The date was quite adequate though. We may have another.
Apple Kid: SCORE! 2021 is the Year of the Apple. I'm calling it now! *clears* The "Dark Pact" intends to invade the Kingdom on this day, but another story has begun as well, with Benjamin, bringing his title from another realm to defend against the "Dark Star Emperor" Cadmus. We will begin our tale today, in the village, where Mage Hope wishes to truly test the Guard Captain Lainey Strong, not just for her duties here, but for those in another realm...
EBW Gaiden: Level Up Wrestling "Chapter 6"
Studio B, Saturn City
1. Mage vs. Solider 10 Minute Test: Mage Hope vs. Captain Lainey Strong ended in a Time Limit Draw!
-A fantastic showing for the two women, as Hope took Lainey to task. Lainey's moveset and defense were still quite basic, but she had the knowledge to keep near the ropes and avoid Hope's take down attempts. Hope did eventually take Lainey to the mat, and locked in the ankle, but Lainey fought the pain and got to the ropes. As she stood up for another showdown, the bell sounded. Time Limit Draw.
Apple Kid: As you can see, the Guard Captain was able to last against the daughter of the Kingdom's Wizard, who was "magically" absent on this day, but that tale will play out later in the show. For now, we go to Frog, the noble knight from 600 AD. Attempting to Level Up quickly, sought out the reluctant...I mean the Hired Gun Akinan!
2. Level Up Match: Frog<CTW>(Lvl. 3) beat Hired Gun Akinan(Lvl. 2) via Frog Splash -> Pin -> LEVEL UP! (Lvl. 4)
-Frog was quite agile and mobile against the unmotivated Akinan. He seemed to just be here for the check, I mean, he wasn't paid enough by the Dogma Empire to give his best, and as such, he was taken down with a Frog Screw and the Frog Splash for the pin.
Apple Kid: Frog found himself at Level 4, which brings him closer to being strong enough to challenge the Final Boss Dogma Emperor for his Championship. Frog wasn't the only one dealing with a challenge, as the "Dark Pact" might have opened the "Foreboding Gate" in Level Up Pro. A Zombie Invader wanted to Level Up against Hero Dan. We move our setting to the cemetary...
3. Level Up Match: Hero Dan(Lvl. 7) beat Zombie Invader<3'dPW>(Lvl. 4) via Brave Clash -> LEVEL UP! (Lvl. 9)
-Hero Dan was the heavy favorite in this match, against he slow, lumbering Zombie. The Zombie was acting out of sorts, after it was learned they purposely avoided their Fly Honey for the day to increase aggression. Several times he tried to bite Dan, but the Hero prevailed, hitting a Brave Clash as the Zombie chewed on his knee pad. A win for the Hero brought him another Level Up!
Apple Kid: Another Level Up meant that Hero Dan was now Level 9, which means he is one level away from finally challenging the Final Boss. Dogma Emperor had little time to think about that, as his "Dark Pact" joined forces to face off against Crono, Robo, and two bards. Black Belt Tack, having to work without his tag partner, joined forces for a week with his old friend, and made a temporary job change to Bard, so he could reform the Bard Group "Journey" with Munk Perry.
4. Heroes vs. Dogma: Crono<CTW>/Robo<CTW>/Bard Johnathan Tack[o]/Bard Munk Perry<VBW> beat Dogma Emperor/Magus<CTW>/Dogma Priest #22/Hesitant Monster Vape[x] via Super Kick -> Pin
-Crono's team were very cohesive and dominant against the "Dark Pact". Magus himself seemed to be low energy and tagged out whenever possible, confusing his pact partner. The Bard Johnathan Tack hit a SUPERKICK to Hesitant Monster Vape, who seemed like he didn't want to be on his team. It was a critical hit, and Tack managed to get the pin and the win.
Lucca: Magus....what are you doing? Crono, we have to figure out what he's planning.
Apple Kid: Uh...Dogma Emperor seems confused about the entire situation, but that is a big win for the heroes. The friends from another realm have helped to save the day. I guess that it helps that we had a robot from the future and a chipmunk man on our team! Yeah!
Apple Kid: At the gates of the castle, the "Dark Star Emperor" Cadmus made the challenge against Benjamin, the "Warrior of Light". Benjamin is coming out with not only Biggs and Wedge from CTW, but Lainey Strong and Frog? Frog seems to be endorsing Benjamin. What an entrance for the Television Champion of another realm. We don't have televisions here. What even is that? Am I right?
5. EBW Television Championship: Benjamin(c) beat Cadmus via Excalibur -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-Match of the night, as Benjamin continues to be the "Mystic Bout Machine" in this or any promotion, and given any circumstances. The work ethic and heart were on display, as a motivated Cadmus gave him a big fight. Several big moves and near falls, made this less and less about the gimmicks of Level Up, and more and more about two men fighting for their futures, with one on the rise, and one falling fast. Benjamin reversed a Dark Star Cutter into a Reverse DDT. He hopped up to the 2nd rope, and hit the Excalibur for the 1-2-3. Title defended.
Apple Kid: Thus, the night concludes with Benjamin prevailing over a confused and distraught Cadmus. The title has been defended, and the "Warrior of Light" appears ready to "Rumble" in another realm. A "Rumble City" perchance? Eh? Eh?
Lucca: Adequately funny.
Apple Kid: Alright!
The Mach Residence
A tired and flustered Trevor Mach rushed in 2 dogs and a cat, while covered in dirt, soot, and fiberglass.
Lady M's: How'd it go?
Trevor Mach: Oh, I found them. I found them in the street, and this one under the building. Under the building Tali. Into the fiberglass. I had to crawl under there to get her.
Lady M's: Well Hope will be happy you found her cat.
Trevor Mach: *cough cough* I could've used a little help.
Lady M's: I was sending positive vibes at you. Besides, I'm busy myself.
Trevor Mach: With?
Lucca: We're studying this video tape you received from w00t.
Trevor Mach: AH! Oh'd be here. What tape? The "present"? I assumed it was it was w00t blowing himself and thought about tossing it into the trash.
Lucca: That seems like typical Trevor Mach behavior, but sir was wise to get me on this job. The tape is actually a clue about who came into this home and disturbed your children, attacked Hope, and continues to allude you.
Trevor Mach; What? Why would w00t do that?
Lady M's: He said it was a present. Maybe he just wants to rub it in your face that he knows something that you don't.
Trevor Mach: Or maybe, he's been lying this whole time, and he DID do it.
Lucca: Unlikely. While it's the go to conclusion you would draw, I see far more here.
Trevor Mach: Hey! I mean...probably true...but dammit. What are we looking at here?
Lucca: The boots. This is security footage from the Lakitu following Hope. This wasn't the one that recorded footage for the show. It was the one specifically following her around. The masked figure smashed the camera, but before it cuts out, you can see the boots.
Trevor Mach: Hey...those look like the boots from-
Lucca: Correct. The boots match the ones we saw from the previous incident.
Trevor Mach: Well, that confirms it's the same person, but didn't we assume that?
Lady M's: Look closer.
Trevor Mach: ....What am I looking for babe?
Lady M's: The boots....are heels.
Trevor Mach: Heels?
Lucca: It's not a he that did this. It's a she, and SHE gave us more than just this clue. A logo is slightly visible on the side of the boots. I WILL enhance this image, and we might just have them.
Trevor Mach: Why the hell would w00t give me this tape? I'm so confus-
Truth Mach: Waaaaaa!
Lady M's: *sigh* Poor kid can't seem to sleep for too long. I guess I'll-
Trevor Mach: No, I'll take care of the animals....and before I take a go compete Rumble City?
Lady M's: You know how important this is to me. To both of us.
Trevor Mach: I do Tali. I do. You two keep at it.
Lucca: Affirmative.
Trevor walked into the kid's room, and picked up the crying Truth, while Justice was startled awake from the crying.
Trevor Mach: You alright son?
Justice Mach: Scared daddy. I'm sorry.
Trevor Mach:Shhh. It's alright kiddo. It's alright to be scared. Your sister here is scared too. We all get a little scared sometimes. Talking about your fears is a hard thing to do. I'm sure people think I'm never afraid of anything. I'm afraid of losing you guys. I'm afraid of losing mommy. I'm afraid of...of losing myself. Being scared doesn't make you weak though. Never being scared makes you hollow inside. It's being scared, and dealing with the problem anyway that shows you how brave you are. So, you go ahead and cry kiddo. I love you guys very much.
He kissed his children on the forehead and put them back to sleep in their bed. He walked out to find Lucca smashing her face against the screen.
Lucca: I can ALMOST make it out!
Trevor Mach: You know, when I said you had a face for Television, this wasn't what I had in mind.
Lucca: Uh-huh. Is that all you got? Cheap tricks and crazy one liners?
Trevor Mach: Lucca, that's literally the title of my auto-biography.
Lady M's: Good luck tonight Trevtastic.
Trevor Mach: You know it Talicious.
Lucca: You can be as corny as he is sometimes Sir.
Lady M's: Yep. You tell anyone about that, and you're fired.
Lucca: Yes sir.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to River City! Welcome to the River City Gymnasium! Welcome to Rumble City 2021! This is in folks. We're in full speed ahead mode here, and we're hurtling towards a date with destiny! Victory Explosion XV, the 15th in this monumental line of events is looming, and it's here at Rumble City where we set the table. Tonight, we'll find out who will be the World Champions going into the event, and who will challenge them. We've also got the major announcement tonight ABOUT Victory Explosion, and where it will be taking place this year. Again, it's NOT going to be the DOME! I'm just as shocked as you are.
Larry Grim: Tonight could not be anymore exciting. So many things happening in that ring, also outside of the ring. Take a look!
The camera panned backstage to show various wrestlers getting geared up and prepared for the night's big events. The Rumble City Bad Ass Rumbles for the men and women would determine the main event of the year's biggest show. A Lakitu captured a familiar looking man approaching an unseen wrestler, but the clarity began to distort on the camera.
?: Huh? Who are you man. Have I seen you before?
??: I go where I'm needed. You've come close to meeting me a few times, but we always missed each other. You can call me....B. L. Zeebub. How would YOU like to become a World Champion?
?: .....
The image faded out, and the cameras switched to another event happening backstage.
Good News Gary: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Pinkies up, because Good News Gary is here to inform you, that Firebrand X has been found! Yes, he has not only come into my services, but is now Rains' new enforcer in "Flood Generation!
Firebrand X: .....
Good News Gary: Unfortunately, they wouldn't let him into the Bad Ass Rumble to help Rains claim his destiny, BUT he will open the show, and you'll see the power that "Flood Generation" now has! YAY!
Firebrand X: ....
EBW: Rumble City 2021
River City Gymnasium, River City
1. Singles: "Firebrand X" beat Scott Free via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
-The show opened with a rather dominant showing for "Firebrand X"? It was still unclear, but something seemed off about our favorite hybrid fighter in a red fiery mask. Scott Free's carefree attitude didn't help him when Firebrand clobbered him with a Rolling Elbow, before lifting him for the Fire Thunder Driver and the pin.
Larry Grim: And that's a win for Firebrand X right there.
Tommy Dukes: It's just weird to think that Firebrand X is working for Good News Gary. Is that really him? You know Larry. Tell me! Tell me!
Larry Grim: I can't!
Tommy Dukes: Gah! No fair!
2. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Radzi Schrieffer[o]/Golvoth beat Kinniku Mike(c)/Amigo(c)[x] via Bridging Hagen Suplex -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions!
-The "Weekend Wrecking Crew" were brought out with a big firework display, as Sal Paradise introduced his team, the best duo in wrestling, as they were set to go to war with the dominant "War Kings".Amigo and Schrieffer started the match by running the ropes and playing a little cat and mouse. All four men eventually got into the ring, after the trash talking lead to a brawl. The ref nearly threw the match out before restoring order, and order meant Schrieffer kicking Amigo in the face. The Crew exchanged tags and kept Radzi away from his giant partner. Radzi escaped their double teaming and tagged in Golvoth, who took out both Crew members with a series of impressive moves, sending them out of the ring. He tagged Radzi back in, who put in his mouth guard and dove over the ropes with a Senton onto them, before rolling Amigo in and getting a near fall. Mike finally gained control, take Radzi to the ground with a Dragon Suplex, but Golvoth was a different story when he tagged in. They went back and forth with Suplex attempts, with Mike finally able to ground the big man with a Dead Lift Hagen, but only managed a 1 Count on the pin attempt. The Crew were getting tired, fighting a team with a very similar style to theirs. Radzi Schrieffer and Amigo found themselves in a battle of Hagen Suplex attempts, but Radzi won out, bridging it for the pin. Mike tried to stop it, but Golvoth blocked him with a powerful running Chokeslam. 1-2-3.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! What a match, but that's another win for Euroland's favorite contingent. The "War Kings" have taken the EBW World Tag Team Championships to go with those World Team Rings.
Larry Grim: Mike and Amigo weren't expecting this team to have their number. No cheating. No dirty tricks. They just beat them. Mike is helping up Amigo, but he can barely stand himself. Here comes his son Isiah to try and help Sal and PT get them to the back. "War Kings" continue to be undefeated, and they have enough gold now, that everyone needs to be taking them very seriously.
3. EBW Women's World Championship: Christina Angel(c) vs. Lainey Strong ended via Double Count Out Special Referee: Makoto Angel
-In a match for the future of the EBW Women's World Championship, and Makoto Angel's career, the champ Christina Angel took on Lainey Strong for the title. If Lainey won, then Makoto would keep her job, but if Christina retained she would be fired. Lainey found herself fighting on a whole other level against Christina, who brought heavy kicks and crisp exchanges. Hot lockup out of the bell. Christina put Lainey on the mat and kicked her in the face. She was unusually rough, but the goal seemed to be to get Lainey angry and fired up. It worked, as Lainey hit a series of Arm Drags and a Lariat, before going off the ropes with the elbow for the pin attempt. Makoto pinned at normal, and breathed a sigh of relief when Christina kicked out. That was the story of the match, as Makoto didn't intend to cheat anyone over, but didn't want to lose her job at the same time. The camera cut many times to Tess and Erica, drinking champagne in the VIP Box, laughing at the situation. A back and forth strike fest, but Lainey was finding herself outmatched. Not wanting to lose out to the ACE, and have Makoto lose her job, she pulled down the top rope and Christina charged, and took her to the outside. The two of them kept at it, as Makoto made the 10 Count. Christina and Lainey both stayed outside too long, and the match ended in a Double Count Out.
Tommy Dukes: Huh? That's it? A Double Count Out? It almost seemed intentional.
Larry Grim: It was. Lainey was getting worn down. This was clearly her biggest match yet, and with so much at stake it looks like she made a power play here. Technically, Makoto didn't count the pin for either. She didn't declare a submission. Christina didn't lose the title, but she didn't win either.
Tommy Dukes: Erica and Tess don't look happy in the VIP Box. Christina is laughing about it. She's patting Lainey on the back, and promising her another title shot. Mayor Strong's daughter was underestimated here, and she came up with an Option C. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Larry Grim: And she'll get rewarded with another shot, however-
Tess: You think that's funny? You think you can do a run around on me? Lainey Strong, Erica graced you with a task, and you're blowing it. Makoto, you had a job to do too, and you were more than happy to count them out instead. These people wanted a conclusion, who cares if it was exploitative. Who cares if it was clean or not. We needed action! This will be addressed on Xcite. I demand all three of you attend, or you'll all lose your jobs. Until then.....*snaps fingers*
Tommy Dukes: Duvlie, Ines and Ennea! The "Valkyries" are here! They "Valkyries" are attacking Christina, Makoto, and Lainey! Here comes "C.O.D.E"! This is breaking out into a huge brawl! What a wild fight! Here comes security to break it up! Whoa. Tess snapped her fingers, and look what happened. Tess is going to make sure actions have consequences no matter what you do.
Larry Grim: You're not kidding. Folks, we have the first of the Bad Ass Rumbles coming up next, but before that, we've got some news happening in the back. Let's take you to....who is back there? I mean Makoto is there, and Nerma is at home. So who is working backstage? Even I don't know, and I know everything.
Amy Angel: We're covering it tonight, as a favor to Makoto, but we wish we hadn't agreed, because as you can see, someone attacked our husband Tack Angel. He's laying in a pool of his own blood. We think it's coming from a head wound. Who did this Tack?
Tack Angel: Ugh....ugu....booba....ugh...
Amy Angel: Huh, that sounds normal. We're hoping he's all right, but Doctor Degrees will be the one to confirm that. We'll give you updates as they come in.
The Mach Residence
Lady M's: That bitch Tess. I'm so sick of her shit. So absolutely sick of it. I know what she's doing here. I know she wants me to play her game. I-
Lucca: OH!
Lady M's: Oh?
Lucca: I GOT IT!
Lady M's: Got it?
Lucca: The video!
Lady M's: The video?
Lucca: SIR!
Lady M's: Sorry. You found something?
Lucca: The symbol on the boots. I see it now. Two letters. An R.
Lady M's: ....and a J? Wait, did you write on my television?
Lucca: Erasable marker! It's erasable! I....I think it's erasable! Maybe? I-
Lady M's: Holy shit.
Lucca: Sir?
Lady M's: I got it.
Lucca: Got it?
Lady M's: The video.
Lucca: The video?
Lady M's: Stay the kids! I GOT TO GO NOW!
Lucca: SIR?!
4. Women's Bad Ass Rumble: Erica vs. Hope Mach vs. Alison Chains vs. Kaie vs. Jenny James vs. Bev vs. Jessica James vs. Raza vs. Eve vs. Kimber Blaze vs. Gold vs. BeShemoth vs. Calamity Jane
-The women of EBW entered the double cages, for their moment, they chance to fight at the 15th Victory Explosion. This was the first Bad Ass Rumble. The rules were simple, just be the first one to escape the asylum. Be the first one to get out of that mad house, and you would be on the way to the Women's World Championship. With the rules explained, and the women ready to go, the bell sounded, and the war began. The groups fought mostly in line with each other, except for Blaze, Calamity, and BeShemoth, who only work together for convenience. With "C.O.D.E" and "Eisenritter" battling for supremacy, the winner, fought tooth and nail to climb over the edge. Hope Mach fought off Erica, who tried to claw and tear at her to get her off the top of the cage, but the James Sisters brought her back down to the rings with a 3D, as Hope dropped from the top, and won the match. Hope Mach won the Bad Ass Rumble, and immediately made her intentions clear as she climbed atop the cage again.
Amy Angel: We're here again, with Tack Angel, our husband, who is conscious again, and getting checked on by Degrees.
Degrees: Tack, how many fingers am I holding up? Do you see the flashlight? How many wives do you have?
Tack Angel: 2, yes, and not enough. I'm fine.
Amy Angel: Do you know who attacked you Tack?
Tack Angel: As a matter of fact, I do. I know who it was, and I know what it's about. And no, it wasn't Cadmus. If it was, he'd be the one on the ground.
Amy Angel: Then who was it?
Tack Angel: Later. We'll get to that later. Right now, I've got a match with Bashin Dan, and I'm not letting a little ambush stop me. Can I see straight? Only slightly. Can I taste blood and copper in my mouth? Yes. Do I have a penny in my mouth? Not this time. Am I trailing off? Purofhdogoho-
Degrees: Tack, you need to sit back down. That could be a concussion or-
Tack Angel: It's not! It's just blood loss. Someone get me and orange and a sugar cookie. I'm going to go donate some more in the ring!
Amy Angel: We have a wide range of emotions about this. We think one of us might be angry that he got up? What? No, no we apologize. It gets hard to determine how we're all feeling at all times. That couldn't have been right. Could it? Tack, you're very brave, and totally cool. We're all rooting for you.
5. Cage Tag: w00t[o]/Razorblade<VBW> beat Swift/Trevor Mach[x] via wKo -> Pin
-The next match saw the Cage remain, for a big grudge match, as President Swift, and Trevor Mach joined forces to take on w00t and VBW's Razorblade. This war has been brewing between w00t and Mach for months, if not longer, but Swift has bad blood and history with w00t and Razorblade as well. A lot of story here. A lot of history. A well weaved tale over several months. They stared off in different rings, talking strategy. The crowd was thrilled to see the President back in the ring. As Swift turned his back to Razorblade, that's when the big man from the frozen north, took the opportunity to launch off the ropes and begin the attack. This was a big burly brawl, with no tags and no rules. Just four men battling it out in the cages. Mach finally got his hands on w00t, and the two took turns smashing each other into the cage walls. The blood flowed, as they traded hard shots. Swift was a little out of practice, but hanging with Razorblade, escaping the Exploder attempt and coming back with a POUNCE, but Razor kicked out quickly. As the action was ramping up, footage suddenly appeared on the big screen. It was the footage from the night someone invaded the Mach residence and spied of their children. Mach stared in stunned silence as new footage showed the camera turn around to reveal it was w00t's masked assistant that had filmed them. At this point, the masked person appeared on the stage. They quickly joined the fighting in the cages, with Mach pulling off their mask ready to strike, but fell back stunned as it was revealed to be.....Ripper Jane. Mach's sociopath ex laughed maniacally as w00t swooped in with the wKo on the distracted Mach and pinned him for the 1-2-3, as Swift took as chair to back as he tried to make the save. "Blood 4 Blood" ran out to try and save Mach and Swift, as Razorblade took swings at them with the chair to keep them out of the cage. w00t and Jane bloodied Mach even more, as Lady M's ran down to ringside, screaming at Ripper Jane.
w00t: You see Mach. You see Tali. I was true to my word. I didn't do it. I wouldn't do it. But....I'm the kind of guy that would sell his soul for success, so of course, I had no problem getting someone to do it for me. Ripper Jane people! The key component I needed to break the Machs. w00t wins! w00t wins! Perfection!
6. EBW Triple Crown World Championship Cage: Bashin Dan(c) beat Tack Angel via Crucifix Powerbomb x Brave Clash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The Semi-Main was also in a cage, and the EBW Triple Crown World Championship was on the line, as Bashin Dan, the "Dangerous Player" defended against the Tack Angel the "Pushpin Seraphim" and Sheriff of EBW. The roster was watching, as the winner would face the winner of the Men's Bad Ass Rumble later on. Dan showed concern for Tack, but Tack waved it off, and fired himself up. After the introductions, they stared face to face, as the bell sounded and the match began. Both men brawled. exchanging strikes at the start, that lead to the floor, and went back and forth until Tack hit an inverted DDT on the apron. Tack worked over Dan for a long period of time until Dan fired back with a head butt, and few kicks of his own to counter the imposing Angel. Dan went on the attack, but Tack blocked several stiff shots, and hit a kick to Dan's head and neck, which seemed to destabilize him. He almost fell to the mat, but ducked another kick attempt and too Tack to the mat with a Lifting Side Slam. They went to a big strike battle in the middle of the ring and the fans fired up. They traded counters until hitting clotheslines at the same time. They continued to go back and forth until Dan ducked behind Tack and hit a Hagen Suplex. Tack got right back up and put Dan down with a Superkick and both men fell down as the fans fired up. They traded blows and Tack hit a Tacker Driver 9X. Kick out by Dan, who came back hard with an inverted DDT a short time later, but Tack kicked out at the last second. Tack was taking control, and set up for the WRIST CLUTCH, but Dan blocked the WRIST CLUTCH, and merely took the Angel Driver. A woozy Tack, fought to stay on his feet, and went high risk with a Moonsault attempt from the top ropes. Dan showed off that signature HEART, but kipping up and trapping Tack in a Crucifix Powerbomb, taking him to the mat hard. Dan lifted the crumbling Angel up for the Brave Clash, and took him to the mat one more time for a 1-2-3. Bashin Dan with the title defense!
Tommy Dukes: Wow! What a match! Bashin Dan retains! All the respect in the world to Tack Angel, as he did not look the best heading into the match, but he gave so much, and nearly captured the Triple Crown again. This is far from his last chance at regaining the gold, and it could very well happen again this year, but he's going to have to wait, because next up, is the Bad Ass Rumble, where the winner will face Bashin Dan in the main event of the GREATEST Victory Explosion of all time! Why? Well because it's the 15th one. It's a milestone. The best until like the 20th or something.
Larry Grim: Also, at the conclusion of the Rumble, we'll finally find out where Victory Explosion XV is going to take place. Tickets will go on sale the moment the show ends. This is it folks. The Bad Ass Rumble for the men.
Tommy Dukes: Here we go!
Larry Grim: I know who attacked Tack by the way. And who wins this match.
Larry Grim: How didn't I know Amy was backstage though?
7. Men's Bad Ass Rumble: Kinniku Mike vs. Subculture vs. Amigo vs. Mav Valentine vs. Rains vs. Picky Minch vs. Jammer vs. Firebrand X vs. Benjamin vs. Magnum PT vs. Manu Kalani vs. Danny Leung vs. The Jumbler vs. LG Rod vs. Nosan vs. Randy no Kachi vs. Aron Vayne vs. Shark #1 vs. Vape vs. Shark #2
- The rules were announced, the fanfare happened, the fireworks were set off, the bell rang, and it was wall out war. Nothing fancy here, just a bunch of fists and feet flying. Subculture rushed at Aron Vayne in the center of the action with Vayne rushing right back to get things goins. Manu looked to leap onto The Jumbler to get him out of the picture, but the newcomer knocked him out with gas. Jammer jumped off the ropes to take Mav to the mat, while Benjamin speared PT from one ring to the other. The Dan Club members, sans Vape, were on fire, as Vape didn't even enter the ring though he was scheduled. "Firebrand X" stopped Danny Leung from making any progress, as he helped Rains as he tried to climb up the cages. "The Sharks" made the save for Danny, before getting clobbered by the "Weekend Wrecking Crew". Amidst all the fighting the members of "Blood 4 Blood" and the "Dan Club" were battling it out, and closest to the top. In a flash, two people made big moves to escape, and in that moment, just like last year, two sets of feet hit the ground at the same time. The winners of the Bad Ass Rumble were........Jammer and Benjamin!
Last edited by Machismo (2/27/2021 9:15 am)
Nerma: Nerma here! I did it! I found a babysitter! It's Hater, and I'm SURE that's not going to be a problem!
Tommy Dukes: *far behind the camera* Wait what?!
Nerma: Aaaaand he's running off home. I was just kidding. It's Heather Mach. She's surprisingly really good with kids. I just needed him to get off my back for a bit. I'm totally fine! See? I even got dressed today! I'm professional, and no way was I going to miss out on ANY of this, because Victory Explosion XV is upon us. VExXV? Is that how we're marketing it? You don't know? Well you better get on that! We're not half assing this build! It's the biggest event, and it will take place at the luxurious Saturn's Palace on The Strip! They apparently paid a LOT of money to host the event. We didn't have to sell a single ticket to turn a profit! Nice job President Swift! That's a great move. However, the tickets DID sell out almost immediately, and that's AFTER they kicked up the price for the "Strip Tax" as they call it. I'm thrilled that I'll be able to attend and call the action. We have a FANTASTIC main event lined up! The "Dan Club" EXPLODES, as Bashin Dan will defend against Television Champion Benjamin, and Brass Ring holder Jammer. It's a battle of EBW's new generation, the stars trying to become pillars like Tack Angel, Lady M's, Trevor Mach, Kinniku Mike, Amigo, Subculture, and Firebrand X. You know....all those pillars. They really hold the place up, let me tell ya. We can also confirm that Hope Mach is indeed challenging for the Television Championship, and NOT the Women's World Championship. She wants a piece of Sunny Malibu, the woman who has been able to beat her at every turn for months. It's cost a lot for her to get here, but after winning that Bad Ass Rumble, who could stop her? This still leaves the field wide open for exciting Victory Explosion bouts!
EBW: Victory Explosion XV "2006 - 2021"
Saturn's Palace, The Strip
1. EBW Women's Television Championship: Sunny Malibu(c) vs. Hope Mach
2. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Jammer vs. Benjamin
Nerma: Yeah, we're really going to "Live it Up" on The Strip eh? Eh? You know? Like the song? The theme song for Victory-never mind. Forget it. It's going to be great, but we have so much unsettled business from Rumble City! Trevor Mach and Lady M's know who invaded their home now. It was the returning Ripper Jane, who was brought in by w00t to do the job. They're furious to say the least. Mach is expected to call them out on Xcite. The other piece of business, we might be able to get to right now. We have Tack Angel here with us, and he's carrying a quilt? Is that what that is?
Tack Angel: Yeah....I've taken up quilting. Turns out people didn't like the fruit baskets as much as I thought, and quilting, which I learned from one of the Amys....or maybe a few of them....really relieves the stress I'm feeling. It really helps manage anger, because Tack Angel doesn't get mad. He doesn't get angry. He doesn't get FURIOUS! No....the "Pushpin Seraphim" is better than that. So, I quilt now!
Nerma: Uh-huh.
Tack Angel: It really helps with the RAGE I don't have, because I'm just nettled....maybe super nettled about getting attacked and nearly concussed before my title match. Nettled.....not angry....I don't get angry. Not even with Cadmus coming after me for a year did I get angry. Not even when he destroyed half my kingdom and broke my big robots did I get angry. That was weird by the way right? I have giant robots? I wasn't allowed to pilot them. That didn't make me angry either.....just......
Nerma: Nettled?
Tack Angel: Uh-huh! Nettled! So I quilt now!
Nerma: You said that already.
Tack Angel: OH DID I?!
Nerma: Eep!
Tack Angel: I really have to thank the Amys for that. I can't remember all their names, so I hope they don't mind if I call them Amys plural. I love them all, and I thank them, sometimes in ways they don't even know about. *wink*
Nerma: TMI.
Tack Angel: ....TMIWMP is more like it! Haha! One man's too much information, is another man's too little information. TLI. And another man's JEI. Just Enough Information. Look at this patch! It's a black square. It represents....well just my feelings right now I think.
Nerma: ...Oh yeah?
Tack Angel: Just....blackness....and a feeling being nettled....but one step beyond. You know? Haha....ha....ha. You know these things happen. You get attacked in wrestling. Nature of the game. It teaches me to be more vigilant....but it also teaches to hate......hate being nettled I mean! Haha! I want to be as passive as possible! No way am I angry! I'm the Sheriff! I have to keep a level head! I can't get mad! Even though i was attacked! AGAIN! FROM BEHIND! MY HEAD HURTS! BUT FINE! DO IT! GO AHEAD! ATTACK THE SHERIFF! GIVE ME ANOTHER MIGRAINE! I GOT MORE BLOOD! WHAT?! I'M NOT SMILING RIGHT NOW?! I SHOULD BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME!? SMILE! SMILE! BE HAPPY! AHHHH!!!!
Nerma: .....
Tack Angel: You know what? I need to take a nap, cause when I'm asleep, there is no darkness or anger....just dreams.....just dreams.'re going to get it!
Nerma: Me?
Tack Angel: No, the attacker. The guy we've been talking about.
Nerma: We've been talking about someone?
Tack Angel: Yes, and I'm going to call him out on Xcite! See you there!
Nerma: never said who it was! Tack? Is he going to be all right?
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* Tangelo. How do. This is Wide World of Wrestling, where we cover all the news we care to cover regarding wrestling in general, not just EBW, but this time we're going to talk about EBW, at least first. Following the Rumble City event, it was announced that EBW is heading out west to The Strip for Victory Explosion XV, which is also where several other promotions will be heading. Looking to piggy back off of the success of Victory Explosion, you will see promotions like Mid-South, 3'dPW, and Some Decent Wrestling join forces for a collective event, while VBW will put on its own smaller show, and EWA: Championship Wrestling from Summers....well they won't even bother. "Blood 4 Blood" WILL be having to attend to more than just Victory Explosion, as they group's territory invasion has them now on the hook to make defenses at these shows. Luckily for them, they'll all be around the same you know....not a lot of traveling to do. We have footage from the Mach Residence, recorded the day before Rumble City, where both Trevor Mach and Tack Angel were asked about appearing on other shows, because apparently, Tack Angel is 3'dPW bound?
The Mach Residence
Trevor and Tack were playing a game of Uno, as the cameras were rolling.
Trevor Mach: *draws a card* *sigh* Yeah, I'm certain they're going to want me to show up before Victory Explosion, and I intend to. I like to fight. *draws a card* I like to fight everyone everywhere. It's what I do. I was born for conflict. *draws a card* *sigh* w00t might have had a point about me trying to distract myself from my troubles, but that doesn't mean I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Even if i didn't. *draws a card* I'd do it anyways! Man, I can't get any green cards! Are you kidding me?!
Tack Angel: And my friend Curry Man asked me to appear at the joint show, and I don't see why not. Victory Explosion is going to sell out, no matter where it is, and while Trevor likes to carve a path of destruction wherever he goes, I'd prefer to nurture a working relationship with these territories. People love the local heroes. That's why they're place poppers. This reminds me of when I was in charge during the Havok era, and I really wanted to forge a relationship with Edo promotions. I showed up with good intentions, but by the time Trevor was done, half the country was on fire.
Trevor Mach: Hey! We totally united a country....for like...a little while. Then they splintered off again....and are fighting...again....but like...that's not MY fault. *draws a card* COME ON GAME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GIVE ME A GREEEEEN!
Tack Angel: I hear Championship Wrestling from Summers won't be taking part, no matter where it takes place. That makes sense. Mayor Rex probably has them under his thumb. I swear, all the bad history with Summers, it's such a shame. Take for example, when I was a child, I competed on this kid's game show called GUTS, and it was filmed in Summers.
Trevor Mach: I know that! I was there too!
Tack Angel: Talking to the Lakitu.
Trevor Mach: Give me a green!
Tack Angel: Yes, coincidentally, I was blue, and he was purple, on the same episode of GUTS. You couldn't make this up if you tried.
Trevor Mach: Well I could.
Tack Angel: Anyways, it was a....*sigh* bad day for ol' Tacker, let me tell ya. It was supposed to be an awesome time. I had a HUGE crush on Mo, the referee, yes, the same Mo that used to ref in EBW. We didn't mention this because of a court agreement. I wasn't paying attention when they said to climb the "Aggro Crag", cause I was focused on Mo. Let's just say young, hitting puberty Tack, tried to climb Mo instead. So yeah, bad memories in Summers.
Trevor Mach: Oh? You had it bad? You don't remember what happened to me? Turns out Mo was a bit of a diddler, and tried to "climb me" in the dressing room! We didn't mention this before because of a court agreement.
Tack Angel: Coincidentally, our court cases were on the same day too.
Trevor Mach: That wasn't even the worst part! We lost! We BOTH lost!
Tack Angel: Yeah. *sniff* To some dumb smelly girl.
Lady M's came out of the bed room, and slammed the chunk of the Aggro Crag onto the table in between them.
Lady M's: It was me. Coincidentally, I was there too. I beat their asses.
Trevor Mach: *sniff*
Tack Angel: She won't even let us hold it.
Lady M's: I said you can look at it!
Trevor Mach: *draws a card* OH COME ON! GIVE ME ONE GREEN! AAAAHHHH!!!
Trevor flipped the table and ran out of the room.
Lady M's: Yeah....I took all the greens out of the deck too.
Tack Angel: Why?
Lady M's: It was funny?
Tack Angel: was funny, but can I-
Lady M's: No. You can LOOK at it.
Tack Angel: Aww dang it!
Last edited by Machismo (3/03/2021 8:45 am)