A series of backstage snippets played, with Dan Club talking about the night's main event, and the upcoming Victory Explosion event...
Bashin Dan: It's the biggest night for EBW. The biggest night in MY career. My blood is pumping, and I'm excited, but tonight is a big night too. My best friends are competing, and I get the best seat in the house. You're going to see something tonight. I will be fair and impartial. May the best man win.
Jammer: I wouldn't call this a lay up. It's not going to be easy. Benjamin has built a reputation. Let's be real for a second, because I know how we're all seen. Dan is #1, and I've been seen as #2, and that makes Benji #3, and Vape #4. I get that. It's wrong, but I get that. We're all #1 in the Dan Club. In terms of character, these guys are the best. However, I want to be the best wrestler. I want to be seen as #1 in that department. I want that Triple Crown back the RIGHT WAY. Yeah, I was offered another shot at the easy way, but I didn't take it. I won't. Never again. Like any pro athlete, I was lured by fame and fortune, but I'll be better than that. For them, for myself, and for you
Benjamin: A lot is riding on what happens next. I hope that no matter what we fire each other up for Victory Explosion. It could change everything. I've been looking at this phone things. It's a neat little device, but the words written in it puzzle me. While most people seem super excited about the main event, some would rather we rip at each other's throats, and hate each other's guts. Have you seen that card? There is enough hatred to go around. The main event, is going to inspire. Maybe it's time for a new way of doing things, if all want is hate. I've studied my wrestling history. It wasn't always about hatred and blood feuds. Not always. Sometimes, people where downright heroic. They say the age of heroes would never come again. As I hold this Masamune in the air, I vow that it will. Jammer, tonight you're getting my best. At Victory Explosion, you and Dan BOTH will get better than my best. I promise.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to our home base! We're in the Renegade Arena, our home for Xcite! This is the week of Victory Explosion people! We're almost there! 15 years of EBW to celebrate, and tonight is going to be a big push to that event! We're going to be seeing a big preview of that special night tonight, with a big main event. Jammer versus Benjamin, with the Triple Crown World Champion as the Special Referee. Chaos Dunk vs. Masamune!
Nerma: That's right, it's going down tonight, and then the big 3-Way at Victory Explosion XV. It's a big night! A big night....cause that's all we need. We've done multiple nights before, and we've done multiple locations, but forget all of that, because this show is one night in one awesome location! The Strip! Saturn's Palace! Yeah! No gambling though....*sigh* no gambling.
Tommy Dukes: You keep saying that.
Nerma: I don't have a problem!
Tommy Dukes: I didn't say you did honey.
Nerma: Right.
Tommy Dukes: We'll also see "C.O.D.E" put the tag straps on the line against Muscle Girl Security. Tack and Radzi Schrieffer will finally get to it, as a prelude to Tack's Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match with Hazen. VBW and EBW Television Champion Razorblade will have a Non-Title No Rules bout with "Blood 4 Blood's" Mav Valentine. So much good stuff.
Nerma: We've already had some good stuff on ENN+ as well! You know how that works by now. The James Sisters beat "Eisenritter", with Jessica dropping the snapchat and twitch thot Eve with a Piledriver. Sammy the Simp stuffed cash in her tights on the way to the back, and tried to touch her feet. He's weird. guys like that? If I showed my feet on twitch would I make money?
Tommy Dukes: Probably, but you're not gonna though.
Nerma: Right...right.
Tommy Dukes: Well, the final Dark Match saw Trevor Mach put the Challenge Championship on the line again, to make up for lost time I guess, this time against NEPW's Koya Hayashi. The self proclaimed "Lord of Wrestling" with less chromosomes than a potato, got battered, by Mach and his own stupid offense. After trying to land on his neck after shoving a firecracker down his tights, Kota was lifted up for the Burning Machismo and a series of Knee Triggers. He's not stopping at one anymore it seems. Oh shit here he comes!
Trevor Mach: Another dick bag bites the dust! The only reason I'm not hunting you down right now w00t, is because I'm taking out my aggression in the ring. That's what happens in the ring. Again, it's a whole other story on the streets. You went after my family and threw out the rule book. That's going to be the biggest mistake you've made in a long long list of mistakes. You've unchained the "Bad Man", and the animal refuses to go back into the cage. I know you want jokes. I know you want a one liner, but I ain't got time for that right now! I only have time for anger and combat! w00t, count the days. Tali and I will see in the streets!
Tommy Dukes: That match is going to be off the chain, just like that guy! Wow! Let's get this show properly underway, and take it to the ring!
EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Dark Match Women's Tag: Jenny James/Jessica James[o] beat Kaie/Eve[x] via Piledriver -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze beat Alison Chains via DQ
0. Dark Match EBW Challenge Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Kota Hayashi<NEPW> via Burning Machismo x Knee Trigger x Knee Trigger -> Pin
1. Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Amigo beat Rains[x]/"Firebrand X" via Black Ocean Bomb -> Pin
-A fun opener saw the "Weekend Wrecking Crew" take on "Flood Generation" in tag action. The "War Kings" were watching as Mike and Amigo showed off their strength, athleticism, and quick tags to each other. Meanwhile Rains and Good News Gary did all they could to get him over, and "Firebrand X" seemed happy to comply. That is until the Firebrand X theme played, startling "X", and keeping him from tagging in as Rains reached for the tag. Mike lifted him for the Black Ocean Bomb and pinned Rains for the win.
Tommy Dukes: The Crew are looking good, and "Flood Generation" continues to be targeted by someone in the back...obviously the ACTUAL Firebrand X. I mean come on. His own wife said this isn't him, and he'll be coming back at Victory Explosion. I take her word for it.
The three Victory Explosion main eventers were posing for promotional material, when Vape appeared with what looked like a disposable camera.
Vape: This is great guys! I'm going to get some shots too. This is your hero shot. I want to totally upload this to Reddit, and I don't say that lightly.
Jammer: The hell is with that janky old camera bud?
Vape: This? It's the "Vape Brand Disposable Camera". Film is coming back, or so I'm told.
Jammer: How are you going to upload film to reddit?
Vape: It's got these three colored ports here. You plug them into a DVD player, and burn them to a DVD. That DVD will go into any computer, and using the "Vape Brand Disposable Camera DVD Burn Software", you can pull the pictures FROM said DVD and put them on the internet, once you pay a fee of $2.99 a photo.
Jammer: That sound expensive and ridiculous.
Vape: Oh it totally is. They just keep sending me trucks of stuff to endorse, followed by briefcases of money. Apparently, I'm really popular in certain markets. I'm just as surprised as you are. All these endorsements, and still no GF. My face when. *sad face*
Jammer: Cheer up Vape. I'm sure...that going to sell really well.
Vape: You're lying aren't you?
Jammer: And not very well apparently.
Bashin Dan: It's something though. We're happy for you Vape. Tonight though, it's all about a big main event. I get to see you and Benji fight it out.
Jammer: And you're absolutely going to help me out right? I mean you DID make assumptions about me.
Bashin Dan: What? Jammer, I'm-
Benjamin: He's kidding Dan. Even I can see that.
Bashin Dan: Oh right...ha...
Benjamin: I'm wielding the Masamune now Jammer. If you think it's going to be easy, you're in for a surprise.
Jammer: When is anything ever easy for the Slam Master? Don't forget, I've got the Brass Ring....which I got in a ladder match.....weeks before anyone else did that exact same thing. Like....right before the concept was copied wholesale, as if someone was stealing ideas or something....because the odds are very very unlikely. I won Rumble City just like you. I have the Chaos Dunk. It's on like Donkey Kong.
Benjamin: Wouldn't have it any other way.
Bashin Dan: Now we're talking!
Bashin Dan, Jammer, and Benjamin: YEAH!
All three jumped into the air for a freeze frame moment. As they hung frozen in the air, a very confused Vape, took a picture, before grabbing a beer, walking up to them, and lifting it into the air, making a frozen pose himself because why not?
2. Non-Title No Rules Singles: Mav Valentine beat Razorblade<VBW> via Mav Buster onto a Chair -> Pin
-The next match saw former World Champions go all out in a No Rules Singles match. Razorblade has been on a tear through VBW and EBW, and now stands poised to get a contract and a title shot if he can beat President Swift. Mav doesn't like the prospect of moving down the waiting list, and thus the match was booked. They didn't stay in the ring long, with both hardcore brawlers going to the outside to fight with weapons and into the crowd, with anything they could get their hands on. Swift personally made his way near Razorblade, trying to provoke him to anger, the same thing that caused him to lose his job with EBW in the first place. A mistake then, and a mistake now, as Razor took his eyes off Mav long enough to get a chair wrapped around his head. Mav used the chair to hit a Mav Buster for the pin and the win.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! I got to be honest, I didn't see that coming. I think underestimating Mav Valentine continues to be a big mistake for anyone he gets in the ring with.
Nerma: That's a lot of momentum for him, and less now for Razorblade, who was provoked by the President, who merely just stood there. Razor's anger is a weapon, but maybe a weakness too? How will that factor into the Victory Explosion match?
3. EBW Women's Tag Team Championships:
-A solid tag match, saw the elite "Bad Dudettes" put the titles on the line against "Muscle Girl Security". Hope was flattened by an early body block, then worked into a sleeper by Bev. Hope out worked Bev and tagged Christina in. She hit a kick and went for a waistlock but got hit with a back elbow. Christina tried to work into an Octopus but Bev turned it into a sidewalk slam. "Dudettes" made the tag again, but still couldn’t ground Bev, who trapped Hope into a cover for two. Bev blocked Hope into a corner, then another, then tagged Raza, who hit a pump kick and covered for two. The "Dudettes" found themselves surprisingly on the ropes here, but slowly but surely managed to turn it around on their larger and stronger opponents. Hope ducked a Raza lariat attempt, and hit a couple Hagen Suplexes, before tagging out to Christina, who hit a SUPERKICK, and an Angel's Wings, but only managed a 2 Count. A series of kicks lead to a WRIST CLUTCH attempt, but Raza powered out, throwing Christina back to her corner. Hope made a blind tag as Christina used the seconds she had left to land a kick to Raza's head, setting her up for Hope's Olympic Slam attempt, but the sudden appearance of Television Champion Sunny Malibu caught her off guard long enough for Raza to hit the Chokeslam, sending her to the mat for the 1-2-3. "Muscle Girl Security" with the win, becoming the NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions! After the match, Erica joined Sunny Malibu, as they celebrated with the new champs.
Tack Angel walked towards the ring, with his face half painted, and dragging the chair that says "Hazen" behind him. He was soon approached by his least favorite duo.
Saxon: Tack! Good news sir!
Novus: We found a new member to add to our "TackForce"! We KNOW you don't really want a stable of guys supporting you like before, buuuuut-
Saxon: We know this guy is your boy! He's TL Hopper!
TL Hopper: Sup. I'm just the plumber actually but-
Tack quickly smashed the chair over TL Hopper's head.
Tack Angel: I don't have time for this shit right now. Out of the way.
Saxon: Oh! Right! Of course! Sorry!
Novus: Is he....gonna be all right?
Saxon: I think?
4. Singles: Radzi Schrieffer beat Tack Angel via DQ
-The next match saw Tack Angel go up against the "War Kings'" Radzi Schrieffer. The man from Euroland cursed Tack out in his native tongue, and none of it sounded pleasant. Those Radzi is undefeated in EBW, and holds the EBW World Tag and World Team Championships, he has been embarrassed by Tack's actions on him as of late, leading to this prelude to the Exploding Barbed Wire Cage Match at Victory Explosion. It was short, but sweet, with heavy strikes from the bell, but it actually wasn't long before the "War Kings" tried to hit the ring and get the drop on Tack. Instead, he clobbered Radzi with the chair and went after them instead, forcing them to fall back a little. A DQ win for Radzi, Tack was the one standing tall in the ring.
Tommy Dukes: The Sheriff isn't taking it anymore. He's really on a tear.
Nerma: We've never seen this kind of Tack Angel before. He's got a darkness to him now. Like a..."Darkness Angel"....or something? He's definitely ready for Victory Explosion.
5. Singles: Jammer beat Benjamin via Chaos Dunk x Slam Jam -> Pin Special Referee: Bashin Dan
-Main event time, as Jammer and Benjamin locked up in one-on-one competition, with Bashin Dan as the Special Referee. They all stood resolute as friends after a moment of distrust, and it seemed to help motivate their desire to compete. Top notch action from two of the best athletes in the sport with the Triple Crown World Champion keeping out of it, and sometimes almost forgetting to do his job as he took in the spectacle of the "Slam Master" versus the "Mystic Bout Machine. You'd probably want a long write up, but that's for Victory Explosion, so you just got to wait for it. Lots of near falls, as the match entered the 20 minute mark. Benjamin hit a Spear and lifted Jammer for the Masamune, but Jammer escaped and a hit a Chaos Dunk instead. The crowd went wild as Jammer went to the top for the Slam Jam. 1-2-3. Jammer with the win.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! Jammer gets the win?! Maybe some people were overlooking the former World Champion with the performances that Dan and Benji have been putting in, but you can't overlook him now.
Nerma: Nope. You're right. Look. I'm trying right now. It's not working. Can't overlook him.
Tommy Dukes: Jammer is helping Benjamin up and the three are laughing in the ring. Benji is showing Jammer that he was THIS CLOSE to beating him instead. It really could have gone either way. Here it folks. The moment of truth. The moment were ALL waiting for. Dan and Jammer are.....POINTING....AT.....THE.....SIGN! Benjamin was confused, but he's doing it now. Thank God that wasn't awkward or anything. Folks, I don't know if there is much more to say. We're almost there. Victory Explosion XV is almost here! AAAHHHHH!
Last edited by Machismo (4/06/2021 11:59 pm)
Dear Journal,
Today was a pretty nice day. Went out with the family to celebrate little Sarisa's Birthday with the family. It was nice to be able to go out with the family & Pirates without worry thanks to our bodyguards. Dora was kind enough to give all the kids rides and Maria had some nice crafts for them to do. We were visited by some Crystal Heaven citizens who wanted to give thanks and gifts to the little Princess, I'm really proud of what my kingdom has become. Knowing my family is safe and secured is going to motivate me further as my deathmatch nears. I will win, no funny business then.
Truly yours,
Tack Angel
Faris Angel: Oh, that was very nice husband. I know you're gonna do great at Victory Explosion.
Tack Angel: Thank you my Pirate Queen. You guys are my motivation.
Sarisa Angel: Wuv you papa!
Tack Angel: I love you too princess, Happy 4th Birthday.
Sarisa Angel: He he, thanks.
???: Excuse me sir...
Tack turns and see the dilated eyes of his bodyguard to his side
Tack Angel: Ah! Y-yes Samus?
Samus Aran: I couldn't help but notice...
Samus sees Tack holding Sarisa and starts to breath heavily but snaps herself back together.
Samus Aran: I couldn't help but notice you writing a journal. Have you always done this?
Tack Angel: No, it's only been a fairly recent thing.
Samus Aran: I see, I would have loved to have read about your early days myself. Just to get to know you better.
Tack Angel: I see I see. Well, I'm sure you could go on ENN and look at...
Samus Aran: I'm already subscribed to ENNXXX++ Gold, sir.
Tack Angel: Oh! I see.
Samus Aran: I must say to the Lady Faris, she has quite the core strength when you're....
Faris Angel: That's enough.
Samus Aran: I'm sorry.
Tack Angel: Well I'm sure if you were to look back at my Black Belt Tack days.
Samus Aran: Wait... you were Black Belt Tack?
Tack Angel: ...yeah?
Samus Aran: Are you kidding me?
Tack Angel: No, I was into martial arts at the time.
Samus started to tremble a bit but composed herself. She took a deep breath and tied up her hair into a way that made it seem short.
Samus Aran: T-Chan?!
Tack Angel: Wait... no one's called me that since...
Tack & Samus looked at each other until finally Tack's eyes widened.
Tack Angel: Nee-San?!
Faris Angel: What's going on her?
Tack Angel: I think... I think Samus might have been my Nee-San.
Faris Angel: Your Nee-San?
Samus Aran: When we were both younger, I was taking Martial Arts lessons and was in a class with a bunch of people.
Tack Angel: And one of the students was me, before I had my Black Belt. I had an older fellow student used to help me along, give me tips, and look after me.
Samus Aran: Everyone used to call you T-Chan, and when we got our Black Belts, I was already recruited into the Federation. So I thought you just stayed into Martial Arts, but here you are a Prince!
Tack Angel: What an amazing coincidence!
Samus Aran: My Lady Faris, you have picked up quite the man to bear children with.
Faris Angel: Thank you?
Samus Aran: Well, I guess I have that much more motivation to protect my T-Chan!
Samus proceeded to hug Tack with wide and dilated eyes, lost in the moment.
Tack Angel: Uh... Samus?
Samus Aran: Call me Nee-San again!
Tack Angel: Uh... Nee-San?
Samus Aran: Yes?
Tack Angel: Could you get me another drink? I'd like a refill.
Samus Aran: Sure thing T-Chan!
Samus rushed off to get Tack a drink as Tack breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Faris Angel: Things got more complicated.
Tack Angel: You're telling me. Nee-San was very kind and loving back in the day, but nothing like this.
Faris Angel: Was she your first crush or something?
Tack Angel: We'll go with the "or something", she's the one that got me interested in boobs in the first place.
Faris Angel: You mean...?
Tack Angel: Her old gi left not a lot to the imagination.
Faris Angel: You are the most fascinating First Mate I've ever had Mr. Angel.
Tack Angel: Yeah?
Faris Angel: You're lucky I love you the way I do, or I'd have had you walk the plank already for her actions.
Tack and Faris kissed as Sarisa stayed oblivious to the entire thing, focusing on her toy Slydra.
Tack Angel: I'm glad to see her again but she went to the bad end of the extreme.
Faris Angel: Well hopefully in time, you can work your magic like you always do. Just not in the OTHER magic that you use.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Faris Angel: Me and the Sister-Wives are already making sure you don't spread your magic to our bodyguards. We've taken measurements and everything.
Tack Angel: ...oh! OH! Oh... don't uh, d-don't worry about that F-faris!
Faris Angel: If we see one cup size growth, it's your ass. And we mean it too, we'll be looking all over ENNXXX++ Gold to make sure. We're even willing to take away the Nine-Tails & rings.
Tack Angel: I would never endanger that to be taken away, so you have my word.
Faris Angel: We'll see Mr. Angel, we'll see.
Faris give Tack a shoulder punch and cackles. Tack rubbed his shoulder as he sees Samus enamored by his family, slowly making her way back with his drink.
Tack Angel *whisper*: What happened to you Nee-San?
EBW: Road to Victory Explosion Special
Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, LIVE in Studio B, for the Special Event in Xperience's normal time slot, because we're here to talk about the show of shows. The big one folks. Victory Explosion XV. So many big matches, and it's an anniversary celebration. The 15th Anniversary of Victory Explosion? No, that's stupid, and not how anniversaries work. It IS the 15th event though, and that's a huge milestone. The boys in the north east probably have all eyes on us right now, as we make this big step. EBW has become a driving force in the sport, and to think it all started with a boy and his friends fighting aliens in the streets of Onett. Look how far we are from that now. We're in Saturn City. We're on national television. We have live streaming constantly showing you things the wrestlers would rather you not see. That last one seems like an infringement on individual freedoms doesn't it? Also, Tack always asks for copies of his feed. Gee, I wonder why. *coughs* sex tapes *coughs* Bashin Dan has become a household name, one that joins several others like our own President Swift, Tack Angel, Lady M's, Trevor Mach, w00t, Firebrand X, Subculture, Kinniku Mike, Amigo, and so many others. EBW is hurtling towards the future with Victory Explosion XV. Tonight, we're going to take a look at some of the big matches coming up. Yes, we totally expect the ratings to dip a little, because that promotion from the North East is countering with a show, and SDW has announced Balrog is going to show up, and all we're showing is this, but THIS IS IMPORTANT! You're going to hear the final words from some of the talent, and we're starting with "Macho Sexy", the husband/wife team reunited for one final showdown with w00t and Ripper Jane...
Bad Dudes Dojo
The duo were seen training at the Bad Dudes Dojo, getting into the shape of their lives for this monumental street fight, and potential bloodbath.
Trevor Mach: You think you're going to get what you want w00t? You think it's the end of me and Tali? You think you're hurt me? If you look at this face, and this body, then you know I've been smacked around a lot in my life. I've had teeth knocked out. I've had my nose broken. I've had my knee torn up. I've had my back hurt. Injury is part of the game. You haven't "hurt" me w00t, but you HAVE made me angry. You'd be surprised what anger does for me. It steadies my hands. It focuses my pain. Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Lady M's: I've spent my career in EBW, doing my own thing, living my life, and deciding what I cared about. For most of you, I didn't give a single fuck about what you said or did. I just wanted to fight you in the ring. Jane, you have come back out of nowhere to make this personal, beyond personal. I let what happened in the past go, because it wasn't really a problem. You tried to break Trevor, but when we're united that's impossible. We had our life together, but we agreed I wouldn't waste time in my career continuously going after you. Not everything that happens in our careers needs to involve the both of us. We agree on that. We share a life together, but we don't always have to share a career together, which is part of what makes it so easy to finally leave EBW, but not before this one time, this time that we intertwine our lives and careers, because you had to go into our home, and mess with our children, which yes, I DO give a fuck about. I'm sure you've followed my career. You know what I do to those who I give no fucks about. Imagine what I'm going to do to you. Given the opportunity, you're dead, and I'm not kidding.
Road back to the Mach Residence
Trevor Mach was riding his motorcycle back home, with M's sitting behind him, holding on tightly.
Trevor Mach: That's a hell of a grip Lady.
Lady M's: I'm not used to this. Normally I'm in the drivers seat.
Trevor Mach: That's what makes it fun. Trust me, I'm a pretty good driver.
Lady M's: I do trust you...more than anyone. This isn't the first time you've driven me home like this. Remember?
Trevor Mach: Our first date?
Lady M's: The cameras didn't catch it, because luckily we weren't being followed 24/7 back then, but I let you drive me home. It was kind of funny to me, because you didn't realize that I had my own motorcycle, and had been driving for quite some time.
Trevor Mach: That's fun too, finding out new things about you. I feel like I'm still doing that everyday. You never cease to amaze me.
Lady M's: .....
Trevor Mach: I appreciate you Tali, more than anyone.
Lady M's: *blushes* I-idiot. Why would you go and get all sappy like that?
Trevor Mach: I just wanted you to know. Whatever you do after EBW, I've got you back too. No matter what.
Lady M's: Well, if I'm going to do anything, we need to win at Victory Explosion. If we lose, it could be our lives.
Trevor Mach: High stakes. You and I always liked to risk it all. What was it I said to you before? The day we reconciled?
Lady M's: "The fire baby, it'll burn us both."
Trevor Mach: You remembered.
Lady M's: I make it a habit to.
Trevor Mach: That's accurate isn't it? I think we're going to be fine though. We have something to lose, unlike them, and that'll make us-
Lady M's: Dangerous.
Trevor Mach: Absolutely.
Lady M's looked up into the night sky.
Lady M's: You want to know something? I was actually a little afraid when you drove me home that first night.
Trevor Mach: Was my driving that bad?
Lady M's: No, not at all. I just had this fear, because I hadn't let anyone get too close to me. I liked being alone, and I liked having nothing to lose. It just felt easier. It felt safer. But that night, I looked up into the sky, and I saw all the beautiful stars. I wasn't afraid anymore. It wasn't because I knew the names of the stars, I was just admiring all of them, and I felt something I hadn't felt before. I get it now. It was the feeling of having something to love and care about. I didn't want to lose it. I still don't. That's why we have to win.
Trevor Mach: ....*nods*...
Tommy Dukes: A vulnerable moment from Lady M's caught on camera. You think that Lakitu got away with it? No, the moment they got off the motorcycle, she pulled Trevor's bat out of the side bag and swatted that little dude into the stratosphere. You know how in anime when something is knocked into the sky it disappears with a blink of light? Yeah, it was like that. w00t and Ripper Jane were
w00t's Bed Room
w00t rolled over to pour himself champagne, while the woman to his left began to slowly cackle.
w00t: I know it. You don't have to tell me. I was perfect right?
Ripper Jane: You were yes...perfect. Hahahaha!
w00t: I told you this business relationship would have its benefits. You didn't make it easy to uncover what rock you were hiding under, but I must admit it's been worth it so far.
Ripper Jane: Worth it to both of us. The best opportunity I've had in years to show them what true fear is. They've made themselves far more vulnerable, every time another little bastard spawn is birthed. Age, compassion, and fear. This is the best chance to break both Machs in one fell swoop. Dae Montell knew exactly what he was doing.
w00t: This was my idea.
Ripper Jane: Was it? We're both pawns in a game. Leaves on the wind. Hahaha....we signed up for it too. Our a book.
w00t: He has provided a chance at redemption, ironically enough, but you're not thinking about this like a genius. A genius would see that he needs us, as much as we need him. He can move the pieces on the board, but he can't take direct action himself, without calling down the fire. So have some champagne, lay back, and think of nothing but that which gives you pleasure the most.
Ripper Jane: ...You don't want to know know what gives me pleasure the most.
w00t: I'm sure I don't. Cheers.
Tommy Dukes: Creepy! But of course, we've come to expect that from Ripper Jane. That big confrontation on the streets of The Strip will take place at Victory Explosion XV. Weather permitting? No, they'll have that fight in the middle of a thunder storm if they have to. Luckily, we'll be somewhere else, away from that explosive match, and away from the ACTUAL explosive match. A ring is being set up elsewhere for the next bout we're talking about tonight. It's Tack Angel, the law and order of EBW, taking on Hazen, leader of the rising "War Kings" from across the ocean.
Crystal Heaven
A camera pans from the Angel children playing in the grass below, to a balcony, where Tack is overlooking them.
Tack Angel: Apparently kids are a weakness, but I don't think so. I see them as a strength for me personally. Not just because of what they'll one day do, but as an inspiration for me to be better than I was. I've been kind, and I've been passive for as long as I can remember. I like to take the high road. Recently, that road doesn't seem so high anymore. Not when bullies like the "War Kings" continue to prosper and create chaos and tension. How many times have people like these come into EBW expecting we lay everything at their feet? Not this time. I won't give them their due. I won't treat them with respect. They refuse to return it, so why not go for broke? I went for the most extreme solution to the problem I could think of. I don't know where this fury within me is coming from. I don't know where the idea for the match came from. I just know, that I'm going to-
Amy Angel: Tack? Tack are you done yet? I need you as soon as possible.
Tack Angel: ....see it through. Sorry guys...the job of being Tack Angel never ends.
Abandoned Warehouse - Saturn City
The Lakitu lowered into the warehouse, where a shoddy ring stood, and exercise equipment was strewn about. The "War Kings" were hard at work training.
Emmerich Shultz: Look at zhis. Ve find ourselves in za worst place imaginable for proper training, yet we call it home. Zhis is more of za Eaglelanders poor treatment of Euroland's finest, but ve have made it into our strength. It serves to make das uberkind even stronger.
Hazen: We have fought and trained in worse places, and this is nothing compared to that, but we stay here to remind ourselves of so much. Which we are among the dregs of society, the Angel lives in a Crystal Palace, looking down on us all, and he has the nerve to call us bullies? That's such a simplification of what we are. We're conquerors. Literal Kings of War. We've been bred and built for this life. You think sharp objects and explosions scare me? The only thing that truly scares me, is that when this is all over, I won't have anyone else left to defeat. I will sit on a throne before a sea of defeated bodies, and that will be all there is. I will see you on the battlefield.
Tommy Dukes: Wow. Tack and Hazen both seem ready. This is going to be a spectacle you won't want to miss. That's for sure. Moving on to the Women's Division, we have two major feuds coming to a head, with Christina defending against Erica, with the jobs of Lainey Strong and Makoto Angel on the line, and we have Sunny Malibu defending against Hope Mach, and this might be Hope's last chance to get a win over Sunny Malibu and claim the Television Championship. Wins and losses have never mattered more here. "Eisenritter" will rise or fall by the results of this night.
The VIP Room - Saturn's Palace Hotel and Resort
Erica stood looking out over the busy city, while Sunny Malibu polished her surfboard behind her.
Erica: It's up to us. Tess is rather upset that Tali is no longer playing the game. I honestly couldn't care less. I didn't work this hard for this long to reclaim my name, my legacy, and my future. I'm an Eisen, a rich and powerful family. I could've been the CEO of the family business, but I instead chose this life. Of course, they were never very happy about my....choice of lifestyle, but I don't care. I do what I want, and I'll be with whomever I choose.
Sunny Malibu: Well Erica, I have to had it to ya, the empire has been nice and all, but you're on the verge of losing it. Look, you brought me in, helped me get training with Duvalie, and I learned a bunch of new tricks. I've been able to get my revenge on Tali through her daughter. I'm all smiles about it, truly I am, but if you lose, it's game over for "Eisenritter".
Erica: If you lose, it means you weren't better than Hope Mach. You used every dirty trick in the book to win, and I applaud that, but I know you. I know you need to break this woman. If you lose, you'll never break her. It'll never happen. It won't matter if you beat her 100 more times. She'll remember the time she beat you at Victory Explosion. You can't let that happen.
Sunny Malibu: I have won every outing against Hope Mach in singles competition. I have taken her hearing. I have taken the Television title. I have taken her impressive win loss record, and I smashed that. I have all but broken this bitch. This will be the final crack to shatter her.
Erica: I guess we'll see won't we? Everything we've worked for hangs on by a thread. Fight for it and survive, or lose it, and lose everything.
Sunny Malibu: .....
Tommy Dukes: Of course, we have the big main event too, and we wanted to follow up with them, but the trio have somewhat gone into seclusion. I guess the time for talking is over. It's all or nothing in that main event. Of course we have a lot of other huge matches to cover, but we're out of time (I lost the will to write.) So we're just going to say goodnight for now, and we'll see you all at Victory Explosion XV!
Last edited by Machismo (4/11/2021 8:54 am)
Announcer: When gambling, you have to risk a lot, and sometimes you risk it all. For the ultimate reward or the ultimate failure. Wrestling can be a gamble. You put it all on the line, and sometimes it just doesn't work out. Sometimes however, it can mean everything. On this night, the balance of power could change. New heroes and villains could rise, and the future of the company could forever be altered. Since 2006, EBW has presented the very best that it can. Heart, soul, blood, tears, and everything else that pushes individuals to their limits. On this night, the 15th Victory Explosion will be held. The ultimate gamble. The ultimate risk. The ultimate reward.
The pyro went off as the big screens showed a montage of the various wrestlers training and preparing for the big night, before arrving on a red carpet in suits and fancy dresses. Those fancy clothes would then be torn off to reveal the wrestling gear underneath.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to The Strip! Welcome to EBW's biggest event of the year! Welcome to Victory Explosion XV! We're here folks! The wait is OVER!
Nerma: Feels like it's been a war just to get here, but the war is just beginning. We have so much action tonight.
Tommy Dukes: Absolutely, the best matches, the best combatants, and the best action in and out of the ring. Explosions, Street Fights, and World Championship matches! We're starting big, but since you're watching on ENN+ you already saw the Vape Brand Casino App sponsored Pre-Show that featured a Men's and Women's Battle Royale.
Nerma: Mav Valentine of "Blood 4 Blood" won the Men's one in narrow fashion, when the rivalry between Leos and "Team Sazh" gave Mav his opening. Meanwhile Duvalie's "Valkyries" cleared the ring of Alison Chains before eliminating themselves to give her the win. Nice pay day for the talent. Everyone gets a shot and a spot. Mav and Duvalie will surely be seeing big things after their wins.
Tommy Dukes: 15 Victory Explosions, can you believe it? We've been in the Dome, we've been in Summers, we've been in Edo, but now we're in Saturn's Palace, and this place is PACKED! All the wrestlers were treated to first class training and relaxation facilities. They're at their peaks, and they're ready to go. I can hardly contain myself.
Nerma: Well let's cut to the chase then. The action is ready. We're ready. Are you ready? Then.....
EBW: Victory Explosion XV "2006-2021"
Saturn's Palace, The Strip
0. Victory Explosion Men's Battle Royale: Magnum PT vs. Javier Leos vs. Hashim Al-Singh vs. Yvgeny vs. Fray Tiburon vs. Big Shark vs. Mav Valentine vs. Scott Free vs. Subculture vs. Nosan vs. Picky Minch vs. Aron Vayne
Winner: Mav Valentine
0. Victory Explosion Women's Battle Royale: Gold vs. Kimber Blaze vs. BeShemoth vs. Lt. Lacy Wagner vs. Eve vs. Calamity Jane vs. Alison Chains vs. Kaie vs. Duvalie vs. Ines vs. Ennea
Winner: Duvalie
1. EBW Women's Television Championship:
-The opening match kicked off things properly, with a heated blood feud for the Women's Television Championship. Hope had been dealt loss after loss to Sunny Malibu, but this match could make or break Hope forever. Hot lockup out of the bell. Hope put Sunny on the mat and kicked her in the face. Sunny immediately bolted up with a bloodied lip and spat at Hope. She backed Hope to the corner, but she fought out, and went to drop her again. Sunny slipped away, before she took Hope to the mat and slapped her. The two exchanged shoves. Hip toss by Hope and Sunny quickly bailed. Malibu blocked a Crucifix and hit a Monkey Flip in the corner, but Hope landed on her feet. Sunny bailed again and demanded a second from the ref. Hope rolled out for a Powerbomb to the floor, but Sunny blocked and hit a Springboard Cross-Body on the outside. She rolled Hope in, but Hope rotated and kicked her, then hit an Asai Moonsault. Back inside, Hope covered for one. Some impressive mat work from Hope got brutal when she lashed out and belted Sunny with hard elbows. Back to their feet Hope tackled Malibu to a corner, then did ran back to hit double knees to a seated Malibu. She covered for two. Celtic whip, reverse, and Malibu hit a backstabber to Hope. Cover for two. Chinlock by Malibu, but Hope was able to outwork her on the mat again. Malibu ran the ropes and Hope rolled through for a Headscissor Takedown. Hope was thumbed in the eye by Millie Malibu. The ref ordered her to leave ring side as the crowd went wild. Malibu dragged Hope’s face across the middle rope, then hit a Floatover Neckbreaker and covered for two. Malibu worked an Arm Lock and slammed Mach back to the mat when she tried to escape, and covered for another two count. Malibu walked with Hope to the center and hit a Backbreaker for two yet again. She shoved Hope chest-first to the corner and hit a Running Back Elbow. Malibu gloated, and jawed at Hope, who hit her with a palm strike, but Malibu shot back with forearms. She stomped Hope in the corner and threw her with a Hair Mare. A Suplex by Malibu got two. Frustrated, she tried a different cover and got two again. Hope was getting fired up, and shouted that no way was she going to stay down this time. She took several more forearms, but she hit a Belly to Belly Suplex. As Malibu staggered to her feet, Hope swooped behind her to his a Hagen Suplex. Malibu was swinging at air by this point, as an angry Hope screamed out, and lifted Sunny Malibu into the air for the Olympic Slam, but Malibu escaped. She hit a quick DDT, and went to the top rope for her own finish, but Hope shot up there with her, to hit a Top Rope Olympic Slam. Hope thought about going for the pin, but instead she locked in the ankle and wrenched it with everything she had. Sunny screamed in pain as she tried crawling to the ropes, but it was in vain. Sunny quickly blacked out, and the ref called for the bell. Hope Mach won the match, and with it, her self respect, and the Women's Television Championship.
-A brawl right from the start. The James Sisters were brought in to bring the pain and chaos, especially to "Eisenritter" and their associates. That was on full display here. The brutality nullified the size and strength advantage of the new World Tag Team Champions, and in a shocking display, Jenny James powered down Raza with a Piledriver to capture the win and the titles in less that 5 minutes!
-VBW Champion and EBW Television Champion Razorblade came out first, as Swift soaked up the applause of the audience, and enjoyed a very "Presidential" entrance. Swift made it clear that if Razorblade won then he'd get a contract and a title shot at the Triple Crown. If he lost, he would be embarrassed and banished from EBW once again. Both guys shot in briefly before backing off. They reversed Waistlocks and Razorblade took Swift down. Swift reversed and Razorblade scissored his way out of a cover. Headlock by Razor. Swift tried to run the ropes, for a POUNCE, but Razorblade put on the brakes. Swift ran into a Shoulder Block, and countered with a headbutt, but Razor locked in another Headlock. A Suplex by Swift surprisingly didn’t break the hold. He took his down again, and finally a third time, before Razor finally let up. The pace would switch back and forth from technical to the expected brawling style. Swift hadn't lost a step, as he and Razor tested each other with Lariats, chops, and Headbutts that busted them both open. In and out of the ring they brawl, until Razor narrowly missed a POUNCE, sending Swift into the ring post. The President was staggered as Razor dragged him back to the ring. Razor set up for the Exploder, but Swift countered and hit the ropes to hit the POUNCE. He lifted Razorblade for the Blackhammer, but Razorblade escaped and hit an Exploder. He taunted the President as he slowly climbed to his feet, only to hit another Exploder. He pinned the President to the mat. 1-2-3. VBW's Champion beat the EBW President.
-An athletic display was promised and delivered with the next bout, as the "War Kings" put the World Tag Team Championships on the line against the former champs in the "Weekend Wrecking Crew". A fast, technical, and brutal showing, with Mike feeling inspired by his son's presence on the outside of the ring cheering him on. Hard chops and Suplexes were the name of the game, but Golvoth became the man to watch. His size and strength were one thing, unlike most big guys, he knew the moves, how to use them, and how to block them. He overpowered the Strong Tits of Kinniku Mike and lifted him for a Powerbomb right in front of his son, staring at him as he pinned his Dad for the 1-2-3. Titles defended.
-In the parking garage, another ring was set up, the ropes lined with barbed wire, and explosives connected to every wire, and the ring itself. Tack Angel, the Pushpin Seraphim and symbol of justice in EBW demanded the match, and Hazen accepted, on behalf of the powerful and invading "War Kings". The rest of the area was cleared out, except for the two combatants, and a referee standing at a distance, only there to count the pin or submission. If the match hasn’t ended by the 30 minute mark, all the explosions will go off, and whoever survives that will be declared the winner. They spent the opening minutes trying to prevent themselves from being shoved into the barbed wire. Tack threw a bunch of weapons out of a trash can. He used a barbed wire baseball bat against Hazen on the outside. Tack bashed him with a kendo stick next, but the man was able to easily absorb the damage and asked for me. He then picked up the bat and a stick. Hazen threw powder in Tack’s eyes. Tack swung wildly, but Hazen toyed with him. He threw Tack into the barbed wire which sparked. Hazen made the cover with his foot, but Tack kicked out quickly. Hazen returned the favor from earlier and bashed Angel with the kendo stick next.Tack ended up bleeding from the forehead. Hazen rubbed a barbed wire chair across his hand. Tack stood and swung the bat, but Hazen ducked. Tack broke free, but Hazen shoved him back-first into a barbed wire wrapped table in the corner. Tack’s face was covered in blood at this point. It was 10 minutes into the match, with a max of 20 minutes to go.When Hazen went for a figure-four, Tack kicked him into the ropes. Sparks flew. Tack kicked him into the ropes a second time. More sparks. Tack Suplexed Hazen into a barbed wire table in the corner. Tack set up a DDT onto a barbed wire wrapped chair, the chair with Hazen's name on it. Hazen escaped. Tack gave Hazen a released Hagen Suplex. Tack then side slammed Hazen onto the barbed wire wrapped chair. The chair stuck to Hazen’s leg.Tack wrapped barbed wire around his arm and then Clotheslined Hazen. Hazen came back seconds later with a Snap Dragon, then another one and a harsh knee to the face. Tack fired back with a hard kick and a clothesline. Hazen shoved Tack into the ropes as he went for an Angel Driver, and another explosion went off. Tack pulled him into the explosion, and they were both slow to get up. They fought on the ring apron with the explosive barbed wire tables below. Tack gave Hazen a kick, another kick, yet another kick, and a flying DDT off the ring apron, but he landed on the barbed wire. More explosions. Hazen tied to peel himself off the barbed wire as he recovered next to the table.They both rolled back into the ring. Tack wrapped barbed wire around his leg and kicked away at Hazen. We were at the 10 minute warning. Tack then delivered an Angel Driver for a two count. Hazen landed two running knees. Then he lifted Tack to hit a series of Suplexes and a near fall. Hazen’s foot pushed against the middle rope, causing an explosion. He covered his face as the sparks hit Tack in the eyes. They both slowly fought to their feet, when suddenly, Amy Angel came out crying, and begging for Tack to stop. His husband instincts kicked in, snapping him out of his angry streak, but that moment was all Hazen needed to hit his Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver. Tack staggered in the ring, as Amy reached out from the outside of the ring. The explosion countdown began, as the other wives appeared to pulled Amy back from the ring. Tack curled up as the timer hit 0, and guess what happened.
-The camera of a Lakitu panned away from the arena, and the glitz and glamour of The Strip, to a nearby abandoned warehouse. The place where the Street Fight would begin, but not end. Trevor and Lady M's both arrived on motorcycles as w00t and Ripper Jane stood waiting. Dae Montell stood behind them, but quickly backed into the shadows as "Macho Sexy" arrived for their confrontation with the duo.
-Following the grizzly battle in the streets of The Strip, the action was returned to the ring for a big confrontation between Champion Christina Angel and Erica. Everything was at stake here. The World Champion, careers, and the future of "Eisenritter". The title was held up quickly, but they didn't waste any time. Both women wanted this match. They wanted everything, and in the middle of The Strip, this feud would finally be settled. Christina took it to Erica early at ringside, including a running knee that sent her through the barricade. Kaie clipped Christina with a chair from behind on her left knee. Erica then took over. She beat down Christina for several minutes. Christina landed a Suplex for a soft two count in a show of impressive strength. The Christina that ran the "Eisenritter" gauntlet was in full force tonight. Christina went for a running knee, but Erica blocked it. She then landed a Crossbody block and went for another Suplex. Erica blocked it and lifted her onto her shoulders. She then threw her overhead and slammed her for a two count. Erica’s cover wasn’t firm and intense, so Christina was able to leverage her shoulder up.Erica put Christina belly-first over the top rope, then leaped off the top rope with a flying knee to the back of Christina’s knee. She continued to work over Christina’s leg. When she slowly climbed to the top rope, Christina met her there. She favored her leg. Christina rammed Erica’s head into the top turnbuckle a few times, then gave her a boot to knock her to the ramp. Christina came back and landed a top rope dropkick for a near fall.Christina landed an Avalanche Falcon Arrow for a two count. They fought back and forth, kicking and punching hard. They both dropped their tactics, and their offense, and just threw everything they had at each other in the middle of the ring. Erica lifted Christina for the Air Raid Crash finish, but Christina escaped, shouted "NO" and kicked Erica several times, emulating her father, before grabbing the WRIST to CLUTCH. No Angel Driver this time, as she went for her father's big big finisher, the WRIST CLUTCH HEAVEN DRIVER! 1-2-3! Christina retains! Makoto Angel and Lainey Strong get their jobs back, and "Eisenritter" falls!
-Main event time, and the crowd was pumped for this one. A year long journey for Bashin Dan, who lost the titles at last year's Victory Explosion, and was looking to redeem himself. He found himself in another 3-Way, but this time, it was an all "Dan Club" main event. The three friends came into the match on a good note, but a competitive one. A match with no ill will, but a high level of competition. The three titles were held aloft as all three men stood in the middle of the ring. Jammer went after Dan at the bell, surprising him with a running forearm. Benjamin went after Jammer, but Jammer drove his shoulder into the corner. Benjamin fought back with some uppercuts against Jammer, but Jammer threw Benjamin to the floor before locking up with the champ. Catch AS Catch Can action from Jammer and Dan, until Benjamin jumped back into the ring and took them both to the mat with a double Clothesline. Benji got a near fall against Jammer. Dan lifted Benjamin off Jammer to battle it out with him. The "Mystic Bout Machine" and the "Dangerous Player" set the crowd on fire with their back and forth action. Benjamin went for a Hagen Suplex, but Dan reversed it and landed it, going for the pin. 1-2-KICKOUT! As Benjamin survived, they both found themselves hit with a Slam Jam from Jammer.Dan and Jammer battled in the ring. Dan hit a clothesline. He then countered a Benjamin Spear with an uppercut. Dan went for a Brave Clash, but Benjamin flipped him up and over, and then countered with a lightning fast and crisp DDT. Benjamin and Jammer speared each other out of mid-air. Both were down. Dan recovered and landed a Diving Headbutt on Jammer for a two count. Everyone was down and slow to get up.Jammer stood and threw kicks and elbows at Dan and Benji, back and forth. He scored a two count on Dan. Benjamin tackled Jammer and applied a Crossface on him. Dan broke it up, but Benji took him down and shifted to a Crossface on the "Dangerous Player". Dan showed his heart, refusing to tap, until the "Slam Master" broke it up. Jammer Powerbombed Benji onto Dan, and tried to pin them both to no avail. Back and forth, back and forth, the three men kept countering each other, as the match intensified. An incredible display of action from them all, but as the match progressed, the man with the most heat and momentum appeared to be Benjamin. Even after eating a Brave Clash, AND a Slam Jam, Benjamin still kicked out. Jammer was shocked, while Dan was excited. Jammer went back to the top to hit another Slam Jam, but Benjamin joined him on the top rope, and hit a big Hagen off the top. Dan picked up Benjamin, and goaded him to attack. The two fired off hard shots as the crowd and the match reached a fever pitch. Dan went for the kick to set up for the Brave Clash, but Benji caught it and took him to the mat with a Dragon Screw. He fired up as he positioned himself for the finish. Dan got up just in time to eat a Spear! Benjamin ran around the ring getting fired up. He went to the second rope where he unleashed the Excalibur as Dan got up again. Refusing to stay down, the Triple Crown World Champion got up a third time, but Benjamin lifted him for the Masamune! 1! 2! 3!
Construction Site - The Strip
Trevor and Lady M's limped out of the site, and sat on the sand, overlooking a lake, They sat back to back as the sun began to rise over the city scape.
Trevor Mach: So....last time?
Lady M's: Well....last time here. You and I...we're never done.
Trevor Mach: You're right, but this, our time together in EBW, it's been a hell of a ride huh?
Lady M's: You better believe it, but that fire's gonna keep burning us both until the very end.
Trevor Mach: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Lady M's: ....Can you move?
Trevor Mach: .....Not really.
Lady M's: Me either.
Trevor Mach: Want to just stay like this for a while?
Lady M's: Next to you? Watching the sun rise? Covered in blood? Why not.
Trevor Mach: *cough cough*
Lady M's: Don't black out on me now.
Trevor Mach: Speak for yourself. You're bleeding all over me.
Lady M's: She bites hard. That explains your scars.
Trevor Mach: Hahaha! *cough cough* Don't make me laugh! My ribs are killing me.
Lady M's: ....This was a good one to go out on. Leave em wanting more, and never look back.
Trevor Mach: Blaze a new trail baby. I'll always have your back.
Lady M's: Yeah.....count on it.
The two tried to stay conscious, as they slowly brought their hands together, holding them tightly.
Lady M's: You think someone is going to call for an EMT?
Trevor Mach: God, I really hope so.
Lady M's: Haha....ha....ha...
Trevor Mach: Hahaha....ow my ribs.
Lady M's: too..haha...but I can't stop laughing.
w00t: *dangling in the distance* HEY! COME ON! LET US DOWN! HEEEEELP!
Trevor and M's: .....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
They both fell to the ground laughing up at the sky as an ambulance finally pulled up on the dawn of a new day in the lives of Trevor and M's, and of EBW.
Last edited by Machismo (4/14/2021 2:27 pm)
Nerma: Welcome to EBW World! I'm Nerma, and wow wasn't that an amazing Victory Explosion?! I'd say that was a cut above the average "good stuff", and I'm thrilled with how it turned out! We have a NEW EBW World Triple Crown Champion! We also saw the end of "Eisenritter", and the rise of the "War Kings", with an explosive finish. Big update on that. Tack was fine, but the back of his pants were burned and he didn't know it, so the Sheriff was walking around bare assed for a few hours. It was awkward. To say the least. He must work out though....surprisingly chiseled. Well let's get right to it, we've got a big EBW Xcite coming up, and you need to see it. Check this card out!
EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Tag: Big Shark/Danny Leung vs. Rains/Manu Kalani
0. Tag: Javier Leos/Fray Tiburon vs. Hashim Al-Singh/Yvgeny
0. Bushido Rules Singles: Ilya Fedorovich vs. Aron Vayne
0. Women's Singles: Lainey Strong vs. Gold
1. EBW Women's Tag Team Championships: Jenny James(c)/Jessica James(c) vs. Bev/Raza
2. 6-ManTag: Firebrand X/?/? vs. "Firebrand X"/Nosan/Scott Free
3. 6-Man Tag: Mav Valentine/Subculture/Picky Minch vs. Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT
4. 6-Woman Tag: Christina Angel/Hope Mach/Lainey Strong vs. Duvalie/Ines/Ennea
5. EBW Television Championship: Razorblade(c)<VBW> vs. Jammer
Nerma: Jammer isn't wasting any time here. After losing in the 3-Way contest, but not being pinned, Jammer is going after VBW's Razorblade, and the EBW Television Championship. Razorblade beat the President at Victory Explosion, meaning that he gets a contract and a shot at the Triple Crown World Championship, who has a new holder by the way. Did I mention that? You really should know by now. You'll notice that we do have "Muscle Girl Security" in action, getting a rematch for the tag belts, and you'll see the Valkyries are in full forces, but no "Eisenritter" officially. Who knows what this means for the group's members. Are they done? Will they going their separate ways? We'll be hearing from Christina about this I'm sure. We'll be hearing from so many people regarding what happened at Victory Explosion. We'll also be hearing from the NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion. Who is it? Isn't it obvious yet? Benjamin! The "Warrior of Light", the "Mystic Bout Machine", claimed the titles in an absolutely spectacular match. He'll comment on the win, I think that might be opening the show? I hope we also hear from Bashin Dan, and what he plans to do next. The curse continued, but he took it better than anyone I've ever seen. You just can't break that guy. Truly a role model and a hero. Oh, by the way, a lot of people have been asking about Maelstrom Fight Club, namely the end of it's trial run, and what is going to take it's place. Well, Bushido Rules are being integrated into EBW, and you'll see matches of its type more often. As for what is taking its place. I'll very surprised....
Saturn Cafe
The "Dan Club" were celebrating in their familiar booth, as the Cafe was packed with friends and fans for the new World Champion.
Benjamin: My friends, this is just too much.
Bashin Dan: You deserve it buddy. You really do.
Benjamin: We're all still covered in blood though.
Jammer: Yeah, they don't look happy at the mess we're making, but whatever. It's cool. I'm just glad I didn't get pinned. Technically, I beat you before, so-
Bashin Dan: Jam man, this isn't really the time is it?
Jammer: Of course not! It's a celebration....of my impending rematch with Benjamin. I'm kidding! I'm kidding!
Hope Mach: You did very well Benjamin. Dan, I'm just sorry that it happened again.
Bashin Dan: Huh? Losing the match at Victory Explosion? It was the best night of wrestling ever! I couldn't be happier and prouder for my friend.
Jenny James: He's an odd one.
Jessica James: His enthusiasm makes me confused about life.
Bashin Dan: I want to congratulate you Hope. You conquered a big obstacle.
Hope Mach: I only did it, because you inspired me to keep pushing forward. You have this aura about you. Your never say die attitude. If you lose, like tonight, you just learn from it and keep going. It's...incredible. You're incredible.
Bashin Dan: Uh....I....*blush* hehe....
Benjamin: I want to give you all title shots. Jammer, Dan, and you too Vape.
Jammer: That sounds like you intend to beat me. Hehe. Already handing out title shots? Better be careful. I hear that power corrupts people.
Vape: I don't think that's true. I don't think that's ever really happened. Power and corruption are like antonyms really.
Jammer: ...You being serious right now?
Benjamin smiled as all of his friends were laughing and celebrating. That's when he saw Lainey walk towards the booth. He quickly got up.
Benjamin: My fair maiden I-
She quickly kissed him as the entire Cafe cheered.
Benjamin: *blush* Wha....wha....wha....
Lainey Strong: It's a night for celebration right? I just wanted to continue where we left off in the ring.
Benjamin: Um...that's definitely welcomed but-
Lainey Strong: Listen, I nearly lost my job, and everything I've worked for in my career. Thanks to Christina trusting in me and Makoto, I was able to get it back, but it reminded me that time is fleeting, and we could lose everything at the drop of a hat. My father managed to be a Police Captain AND a World Champion at the same time, because he didn't want to waste a second of life. I want to be the same. I don't want to waste time with us Benjamin. I just want to say what I feel. I love you.
Benjamin: Wh-wh-what?
Bashin Dan: Haha! Yes!
Jammer: My man!
Vape: I'm forever alone.
Benjamin: I....I love you too!
Lainey Strong: Why don't we go to my apartment. It's not too far away. I want to show you just how much you mean to me, and I don't want to wait.
Benjamin: Uh.....
The color in Benjamin's face left, as the new World Champion nearly passed out. Jammer held him up.
Jammer: He absolutely wants to go with you. Right Benji?
Benjamin: Uh....uh....uh-huh?
Lainey lead Benjamin towards the door. He looked back at his friends, shrugged as if to say "why not", and left with Lainey.
Bashin Dan: Wow. I wasn't expecting that. It really is his night isn't it. *sips his soda*
Hope Mach: *sigh* Heh. One night, and they're already farther than we are Dan.
Bashin Dan: *spits drink*
Harley Rex's Mansion
Harley smoked a cigar, and spun around in his leather chair. His wife, disheveled and crying, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.
Harley Rex: The little brat cut and run, you sure you want to go through with this?
Tess: Absolutely. If she won't play the game, then it's time to scorch the Earth.
Harley Rex: Heh. That's why we're so compatible. We think alike. Here.
Harley slid a piece of paper across the table.
Harley Rex: That's the number you want to call. You get a hold of them though, and there is no stopping this.
Tess: ....Good.
Tangelo: Tangelo here. How do. It was a monumental weekend for the wrestling world. EBW had their Victory Explosion event, and several promotions came together to put on a Super Show, that also crowned a Unified World Champion. They also crowned a second Unified World Champion? What did he mean by this? Well see for yourself.
VBW x SDW x 3'dPW x AGES x Mid-South 4-EVER! x Championship Wrestling from Summers Super Show!
EFL Practice Arena, Dusty Dunes Desert
1. Singles: CP Munk<VBW> beat Phoenix<SDW> via Go 2 Munk -> Pin
2. Women's Tag: Ms. Scary<VBW>/Bloody Mary<VBW> beat Butch Manlady<SDW>/Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW> via Butch Manlady being exposed as a man -> DQ
3. Singles: Curry Man<3'dPW> beat Max Superkick<SDW> via Spicy Drop -> Pin
4. Tag: Gear<AGES>[x]/Til<AGES> beat Johnny Starbound<Mid-South>/Dirk Laramie<Mid-South>[x] via Spin Dash Splash -> Pin
5. Colby's 10 Minute Entrance Match: Colby "The Eagleland Cheese" w/BRANDY ROADS!!! beat Harvey Chase<CWFS> via Cross Roads -> Pin
6. Unified World Championship: Flying Man<3'dPW> beat Barry Lawless<Mid-South> via Chicken Wing Neckbreaker -> Pin -> 1st Unified World Champion!
7. Unified World Championship: Johnny Starbound<Mid-South> beat Flying Man(c)<3'dPW> via Sling Blade x 450 Splash -> Pin -> NEW Unified World Champion!
Tangelo: You see? I was telling the truth. I don't lie. If I said that I was still with Lily Belle Hopper, that would be a lie. I feel like she used me to get her foot in the door at EBW. I'm fine though. Truly. So after Flying Man made history, an unhappy Johnny Starbound came out to call him out, and challenge him immediately. Flying Man, the paragon of courage that he is, accepted the challenge, but was too worn down from the match with Lawless. A Sling Blade and 450 Splash made Johnny Starbound the Unified World Champion. We at Wide World of Wrestling recognize three titles as World Championships. The EBW Triple Crown World Championship, the EWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship, and now the Unified World Championship. We don't count any other titles as anything more than company titles. The North East titles are frauds, as the first Champion Bubby Dodgers was just handed a belt. An entire legacy built on a lie. No thanks. So now that Victory Explosion is out of the way, EBW, and the rest of the wrestling world is looking ahead to Collision: The World Games. A crossover of massive proportions. We'll have more info on that later, but needless to say, it's going to be.....pretty good.
In the dingy and grimy dungeons below the palace of Crystal Hell, Queen Jupiter and her guards made their way down to the last cell...
Queen Jupiter: I just thought you'd like to know, that we're hard at work making a connection to Earth-1. It's not quite the "promised land" of Earth-10, but we're not really looking for Paradise are we? Just more resources to consume, and an empire to grow. You get to sit in here and rot, while I conquer a whole new world, something you couldn't do. No, you would rather they had all be destroyed, because your insatiable lust got in the way of your ambitions. I want you to sit in here, and know that I was better than you, and I could do the things you were to weak to do. Don't ever forget that. By the way, Amy says hello. Hahahaha!
Darkness Angel: ......
Darkness Angel sat back in his cell and looked up at the ceiling. Visions of "Entity V's" conquest still filled his mind, but they gave way to burning anger and jealousy. How dare Jupiter betray him. How dare she kill the other concubines. They belonged to him. They were all his. As he sat, a voice in the cell beside him, snapped him back to reality.
?: It's unfortunate huh.
Darkness Angel: You dare speak to me.
?: From where I'm sitting, it seems like we're in the same boat.
Darkness Angel: You couldn't possibly understand me. The power that flowed through me. I had become consumption itself. Now, I am imprisoned here when I have a lust to consume all that can't be quenched.
?: I could possibly help you with that. Maybe we could find a way out of here together. All you have to do is ask.
Darkness Angel: Who the hell are you?
?: Oh, forgive me. I didn't introduce myself. The name is Montell......Dae Montell.
The Strip Hospital
A heavily bandaged Trevor Mach limped his way out of the hospital, looking to hail a cab. He was stopped by someone approaching from the side...
w00t: Leaving so soon?
Trevor Mach: Heh. Yeah, it wasn't all that bad. I expected more. I guess I overestimated you. You were begging for your life.
w00t: I'm far too talented, too smart, and too important to let a moment of weakness and humiliation stop me.
Trevor Mach: So, it's not over.
w00t: It's never over. It may not be today, or tomorrow, but we will meet again. I'll figure out what it's going to take to finally be done with you.
Trevor Mach: You want to know why you failed?
w00t: Enlighten me.
Trevor Mach: You put your faith in a demon. I put my faith in God, my wife, and myself.
w00t: Is that right? M's doesn't share your faith in God.
Trevor Mach: No, but she believes in me. She believes in family. That was more than enough to deal with you and Jane. You felt that you had to win to survive. You had the fear. We were fearless. Our faith, our confidence, was burning, and when you've got that feeling flowing through you, you're not afraid of the Devil. You hunt him.
w00t: ....Pointless drivel from a psychopathic hypocrite. We'll find out one day which one of us is truly right.
Trevor Mach: ...I guess so.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to Saturn City everybody! It's a packed crowd, and we are LIVE for EBW: Xcite! I'm Tommy Dukes, joined by my lovely wife Nerma, and we are here for the fall out of Victory Explosion XV! Forgive us, because we're probably all a little jet lagged from out journey back from The Strip.
Tommy Dukes: See? I mean look how far that trip was, and we had to fly coach. *sigh*
Nerma: Don't worry about all of that, because it's a new day in EBW, as the "Eisenritter" have been crushed, Lady M's has driven off into the sunset, Hope Mach finally vanquished Sunny Malibu, Tack Angel got blown up, and Benjamin is our NEW EBW TRIPLE CROWN WORLD CHAMPION!
Tommy Dukes: Right you are wife, and let's not waste any time on talking about it, because the new champ is heading out now! Here comes the "Dan Club"!
The "Dan Club" came out to a huge ovation, as Benjamin held aloft his new prizes. Dan encouraged everyone to cheer for him.
Bashin Dan: EBW fans, it's great to be back home in Saturn City!
Fan #1: That's where we're from! Popopopop!
Fan #2: He mentioned the place we're at! Popopopopopop!
Bashin Dan: Tonight isn't about me, it's about a certain other member of the team, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your support and encouragement. Yes, I suffered a loss again at Victory Explosion, the curse continues it seems, but I had the match of my life, and I have no regrets. All I want to do now is get better, and one day challenge for the titles again, but it seems I have to wait in line now. That's fine. I, like all of you, will be a very excited fan of our NEW Triple Crown World Champion. I had it over to you Benji!
Benjamin: Dan, you honor me truly. You're a good friend, and a trust ally. We did have the match of our lives didn't we? Jammer, you were a big part of it too. Any one of us could have won that match, and it's great to know I'm surrounded by so much amazing talent. Vape, I really couldn't have gotten here without you either. Lainey, I want to thank you too, but a couple things, uh....I should really only mention one in particular on live television.
Bashin Dan: *gasp*
Vape: *sigh*
Jammer: Hahahaha!
Benjamin: You helped me realize that this is where I want to be. Here and now. This is my home, where my life is, my dreams are, and this, the Triple Crown World Championship. I scraped and clawed for years to find myself here, and now I truly have. Thank you all for supporting me, and I hope that I can continue to give you all the best mat-
Razorblade: Enough! I can't stand it! That's enough!
Benjamin: Eh?
Jammer: Hey douche bag, this is a celebration for my friend here, so why don't you go back to catering, and I'll beat your ass in the main event.
Razorblade: Can it clown. You and I have been there and done that before. Don't forget that. We have history, and I'm going to use that against you.
Jammer: You think I don't know just as much about you?
Razorblade: You knew who I was when I was here. A fake. A phony. A copy of the REAL Razorblade. The Razorblade that went back to his roots, and bled out all of my weaknesses on the independent circuit. I became a God of the Independent circuit. Now, I'm bringing that here. I'm not watering myself down for an audience too weak and squeamish to handle it. I am a one man war coming for you, all of you.
Benjamin: I've dealt with bigger and badder foes in my life. You can talk all you want, and you can cause as much violence and destruction as you want. It won't stop me from brandishing my sword, and giving it everything I've got.
Razorblade: You all make me puke with your goody good attitudes. A babyface in 2021? They don't exist. You're extinct. People are inherently monsters, all of us. I embrace that, and it gives me the edge. I'm a remorseless ass kicker. You have rules. I do not. I fight you win. Your excitement over the match, is of no concern to me. I'm going to hurt you, and I'm going to win.
Benjamin: ....
In a dark room, a disheveled Tess sat in an office chair, staring at a mirror.
Tess: I know what you're thinking. I do. You're thinking that I'm beaten, and that I don't have any other way of winning. Tali left the board. She's done with EBW, but not by my hand. She just left it all too me, and I got to sit back and watch "Eisenritter" crumble. You're thinking I'm done. I'm never done. Let me give you a history lesson. I am the mother of Ness, EBW's first "hero". The true "hero" before it got taken away from him. Now, we're left with a nightmare that I've been trying to repair, but fixing things isn't good enough. You have to make your opponent realize they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. That's how you win. I'm practically the mother of EBW if you think about it. I am definitely the mother of the Women's Division. It was my baby. It's mine. It belongs to me, and you should all be grateful that you got to experience it. That being said, I'm out of options, except for one. I have one option left, and it's going to be something that even I might regret.
Tommy Dukes: Well, I don't know what that was about, but we do have hype for the main event! Razorblade is putting the Television Championship on the line against Jammer! If the "Slam Master" himself can topple Razor, it will also cut off the possibility of another 4-Crown King, which this showdown seems like it's heading towards. We've got a big show tonight, but of course, with ENN+ you've already seen some good matches. Big Shark of "The Shark Order" made his official in ring debut with Baby Shark as his manager, and they teamed with Danny Leung to beat Rains and Manu Kalani of "Flood Generation". Needless to say, this didn't help Rains get over. Javier Leos and Fray Tiburon beat Hashim Al-Singh and Yvgeny of "Team Sazh", and Sazh didn't seem too happy about it, promising that he'd "get" Javier and Tiburon. Bushido Rules returned, as Aron Vayne the Judoka gave Ilya Fedorovich of the "War Kings" his biggest challenge yet surprisingly, but an amazingly timed Corkscrew Euroland Uppercut knocked Vayne to the mat for the KO win. Lainey Strong made her return in an impressive way. Showing that she trained during her time off, she out worked Gold, and beat her with the Northern Lights Suplex. Great stuff. Get ENN+ already, but maybe start avoiding the extra tiers. I've noticed the Lakitus trying to creep around my house lately. I'm getting a taste of my own medicine...and it is bitter. *sigh* Take it to the ring.
Lily Belle Hopper: So I'm thinking you ditch Hope, and come back to my hotel for....ARE WE ON? Haha! Lily Belle Hopper here, and I'm hopping excited to be with Bashin Dan! You have a great attitude about your loss, and you're not letting anyone get you down. That's really great, but we all want to know what's next for you.
Bashin Dan: Well Lily, I-
Johnny Starbound: I'll tell you what's next for him. Tale as old as time. The old "ACE" crumbles and falls, and they use his broken body to build up a new idol. Sound about right?
Lily Belle Hopper: Johnny Starbound of Mid-South 4-EVER?!
Johnny Starbound: Unfortunately yes, about the Mid-South part. Nothing unfortunate about being me. After all, I just became the TRUE World Champion. See this? It's the Unified World Championship, which means according to Mid-South, EWA Championship Wrestling from Summers, 3'dPW, and VBW THIS is the World Championship! Not your "Triple Crown", but this, meaning you were never what you thought you were in the first place. Not only are you a failure, but you're a failure over a false title.
Bashin Dan: Agree to disagree alright? I happen to believe in EBW, and our World Championship. I believe it's the true one. You're free to feel differently. I don't know why you're here, but I don't feel like arguing about this, so just go enjoy the show or-
Johnny Starbound: Do I detect a little anger? Are you mad that you lost? You don't want to show it? A little frustration? A crack in the facade?
Bashin Dan: Mostly, it's just you sir. I respectfully ask you to back off.
Johnny Starbound: Maybe for now, but the "Collision" is coming, and it's coming fast. On that night, we're going to show the world that EBW isn't the global leader it believes it is. You'll be taking on "The World". Consider this the formal declaration of war from the representative of everyone and everything this company has tried to bring down.
Bashin Dan: ....
EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Tag: Big Shark[o]/Danny Leung beat Rains/Manu Kalani[x] Big Shark Slam -> Pin
0. Tag: Javier Leos/Fray Tiburon[o] beat Hashim Al-Singh[x]/Yvgeny via Brainbuster -> Pin
0. Bushido Rules Singles: Ilya Fedorovich beat Aron Vayne (R2 4:22) via Corkscrew Euroland Uppercut -> KO
0. Women's Singles: Lainey Strong beat Gold via Northern Lights Suplex -> Pin
1. EBW Women's Tag Team Championships: Jenny James(c)[o]/Jessica James(c) beat Bev[x]/Raza via Somersault Neckbreaker -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The opening contest saw "Muscle Girl Security" try and get the titles back from the "James Sisters" after their very quick defeat at Victory Explosion. The rough and tough Champions were just as impressive here with their smash mouth style, brawling with the bigger ladies, and keeping them off their game. It took longer sure, but the results still favored the sisters, as Jenny James hit a Somersault Neckbreaker off the top on Bev for the pin and title defense.
Nerma: Bev and Raza seemed aimless there. They're not quite on their game. The destruction of "Eisenritter", and Tess being....well...Tess right now...probably had a lot to do with it. I don't even think Erica is in the building tonight. I haven't seen Sunny Malibu either, nor Kaie or Eve. However, the "Valkyries" are still here, still active, and still undefeated as a group. They're in action later tonight.
Tommy Dukes: That's true, however Firebrand X is back tonight, and he's up next. He'll be taking on his fake and other members of "Flood Generation", but he's not coming out alone. He said that when I saw him earlier. He came back, but he didn't come back alone. He totally said that to me. I have his confidence and trust.
Nerma: ....But you just spilled the beans.
Tommy Dukes: ....Oh no.
Good News Gary came out with his pinky held high for the next bout.
Good News Gary: GOOD NEWS everyone! "Flood Generation" has a new member! "Heat Parade's" own leader Chad Salad has defected, and joined our cause! Even he knows that what's best for business is putting Rains over! So tonight, we'll stop you Firebrand X. I can't imagine you were expecting such a monumental switch up. He's in the match instead of Nosan. You couldn't have seen that coming! I'm a master strategist. So yeah, who could you possibly have to combat my new signing?
Good News Gary: Huh?
Tommy Dukes: Holy shit! It's Takumi Inui! He's returned from Edo! A returning hero indeed! Firebrand X wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't coming back alone! Inui has been in a Tag Team in Edo, and been an EWGP Tag Team Champion and EWGP Intercontinental Champion since his long term excursion home, but he's finally back! Listen to this crowd! They love it! The color is leaving Gary's face.
Good News Gary: Uh...NOT quite good news, BUT you're still a man down! 3 is greater than 2, and I DOUBT you have anyone else that's quite as big as-
Tommy Dukes: DRAGON SHIRYU! One of the most incredible fighters I've ever seen! The other half of that EWGP Tag Team I was just talking about! Wow! This is REALLY going to hurt for "Flood Generation".
Good News Gary: ....Oh no.
2. 6-ManTag: Firebrand X/Takumi Inui/Dragon Shiryu[o] beat "Firebrand X"/Chad Salad[x]/Scott Free via Dragon Uppercut x Dragon Suplex -> Pin
-A quick showcase for the returning X, Takumi, and Shiryu, as they devastated "Flood Generation". Gary's "hot new signing" Chad Salad wasn't impressed by Dragon Shiryu, until Shiryu blasted him with the Dragon Uppercut and Dragon Suplex to win the match. As Firebrand X's fake tried to hit him with a chair after the match, Takumi went off the top with a Rider Kick to knock the chair back in his face. "Flood Generation" quickly skedaddled.
Tommy Dukes: This could change so much, and could really raise the level of tension and competition in EBW. Takumi and Shiryu are BACK!
Nerma: Try to calm down Tommy, because this night is just going off the rails already! We have a big match next, with the "Weekend Wrecking Crew" taking on "Blood 4 Blood" who-
Hazen: Can I have your attention? The "Weekend Wrecking Crew" won't be appearing tonight, except for right here, bloodied at our feet. As you can see, they've proven themselves to be weak, and unfit for the level of competition only the "War Kings" can bring. "Blood 4 Blood", they prides themselves on competition correct? They should have no problems dealing with us instead. We're changing the match by force. No Sheriff to stop us tonight. No President to do anything about it. It's just us. We're heading to the ring.
3. 6-Man Tag: Hazen[o]/Radzi Schrieffer/Golvoth beat Mav Valentine/Subculture/Picky Minch[x] with Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver -> Pin
-"Blood 4 Blood" did in fact accept the challenge of the "War Kings", and gave them the match of the night. Crazy good mat work, hard hits, and athletic competition, but the means to getting there didn't do the "War Kings" any favors with the crowd. Despite the crowd on their side, and commanding display of team tactics, Picky Minch found himself trapped in the Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver for the pin, as Golvoth blocked Mav and Subculture from making the save.
Tommy Dukes: Great match, but the "War Kings" continue to be undefeated. They are ramping up their tactics and efforts, so everyone in EBW needs to be ready and prepared, as the "War Kings" campaign continues.
The camera cut back to Tess, still staring into the mirror.
Tess: You have to understand, that this is my life. This is what I built. My husband left, and my kids grew up. This became all that I have. All that I am. Power. Control. A good Mother knows that they're important when raising a child, but this child refused to learn. Punishment isn't enough. It's not enough anymore. If you don't want to learn, if you don't want to play the game, then that's fine. I'll do it. I'll do the one thing that'll get your attention. Will they be ready without you?
4. 6-Woman Tag: Duvalie[o]/Ines/Ennea beat Christina Angel[x]/Hope Mach/Alison Chains via Bridging Tiger Suplex
-A very similar scenario to the previous match, as the victorious "C.O.D.E", destroyers of "Eisenritter" had their high brought down by the viciousness of the "Valkyries". Intense match up, with the battle maids continuing to overwhelm and surprise the roster. Behind their calm demeanor is a real mean streak. In a back and forth hold sequence, the EBW Women's World Champion failed to CLUTCH the WRIST, and instead Duvalie shot behind her to land a Bridging Tiger Suplex, to score the 1-2-3.
Nerma: Whoa! The World Champion, Television Champion, and Alison Chains were just stopped dead in their tracks by the "Valkyries". I expected a hard match, but I expected a victory for "C.O.D.E". They've been celebrating since Victory Explosion, but maybe those hard fought wars took too much out of them to just come back and compete tonight. Wow. I hear Christina and Hope are scheduled to speak on Xperience, and I bet this just gave them more to talk about. Plus, they have to be wondering what's going on with Tess.
5. EBW Television Championship: Jammer beat Razorblade(c)<VBW> via DQ
-A main event that never really got off the ground saw Razorblade immediately throw Jammer out of the ring to brawl. The Television Championship was on the line, but Razor didn't seem to care all that much, as he defied the referee, and brought out weapons to attack the "Slam Master". Immediate DQ, but Razorblade continued to work over Jammer, until Benjamin, Dan, and Vape came out to try and make the save. Razorblade fought them too and all hell broke loose, until security was able to calm things down.
Tommy Dukes: I don't think Razorblade ever intended to give Jammer the match he wanted here. First Xcite post Victory Explosion, and THIS is our main event?! Razorblade is causing nothing but trouble in EBW, and he seems dead set on taking the titles from Benjamin, and hurting anyone in his path. His supposed EBW contract signing will be taking place on Xperience, and let's hope it's a littler calmer than this. It's going to involve a table in the middle of the ring you know....don't count on it.
The camera cut to Tess one final time.
Tess: EBW Women's going to die. I know that. The Division I created is dead, because the game is over. It killed it. It's over, but it's going to be over on MY terms. It won't be slow and embarrassing, it'll QUICK.....and very very painful. It'll be the worst thing you ladies have ever experienced. It was one thing when I wanted order, and control. Now.....I want it to end, and I WILL end it! IF ANYONE IS GOING TO KILL WHAT I CREATED...IT'S GOING TO BE ME! ME.....
Tess: ME....and the Skulls and Boooooones.
Last edited by Machismo (4/18/2021 8:13 pm)
Nerma: Nerma here for another edition of EBW World! Wow, that was a crazy Xcite wasn't it!? It's only going to get more crazy for us going forward. We have Golden Week coming up! We have Collision: The World Games coming up! We have SO MANY THINGS! We'll keep you up to date on everything right here, and let's get started with the card for Xperience! The Triple Crown World Champion will be in action, as he the "Dan Club" takes on Razorblade, and a mystery team of his choosing apparently. Could they be invaders from the independent circuit? I can't imagine this dude has many allies out there right now. Then again, he's signing his contracts on XP, so who knows? They might want to ride his coat tails. Despite Tess's warning about the impending death of the Women's Division and the threat of the "Skull and Bones", we'll see "C.O.D.E" continue to take on the "Valkyries". Tack Angel will return from literally being blown up, to try and restore order against the "War Kings" giant Golvoth. Firebrand X, Takumi Inui, and Dragon Shiryu will join forces again after making their returns, by taking on "Flood Generation" in a 5-on-3 Handicap Tag. It's going to be a big night. We'll hear from Tack, Christina, Hope, President Swift, Razorblade, and possibly Trevor Mach, so don't miss it!
EBW: Xperience
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett
0. Dark Match Singles: Big Shark vs. Chad Salad
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong vs. BeShemoth
0. 6-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT vs. Hashim Al-Singh/Yvgenny/Dajh
1. 5-on-3 Handicap Tag: Firebrand X/Takumi Inui/Dragon Shiryu vs. Rains/"Firebrand X"/Manu Kalani/Scott Free/Nosan
2. No Rules Women's Singles: Alison Chains vs. Duvalie
3. Singles: Tack Angel vs. Golvoth
4. Women's Tag: Christina Angel/Hope Mach vs. Ines/Ennea
5. 8-Man Tag: Benjamin/Bashin Dan/Jammer/Vape vs. Razorblade<VBW>/?/?/?
Saturn Cafe
Trevor Mach was chowing down on a burger and plowing down a milkshake next to a stunned Bashin Dan, Vape, and Jammer.
Trevor Mach: *mouth full* So there we are in the hospital, and we're both pretty happy with how everything turned out. The adrenaline is still rushing fast, so she breaks into my room, and we barricade the door. This was hot, heavy, and sweaty fellas. Every hole's a goal kind of hot, and I finally pass out. When I woke up, she was already gone. Heather told me she had come to visit the kids before taking off. I knew that was coming though. I'm excited to find out what she's going to to do next.
Jammer: came to sit down, and you said you had something to tell us. Was that it? Do you need something?
Trevor Mach: Huh? No, I just wanted to brag about it!
Vape: That was my burger though.
Trevor Mach: And it was awesome.
Bashin Dan: That was a little too much information Trevor.
Trevor Mach: Oh yeah? Did it make you uncomfortable, dude who is dating my daughter? Did that bother you?
Bashin Dan: Point taken....continue.
Trevor Mach: No, I'm good. Thanks for the food guys. I'm out of here.
Vape: He ate my food and left me the bill?
Jammer: Oh come on! You know you can afford it.
Vape: ...*sigh* Yeah.
As Trevor walked away he noticed Tack sitting at a table by himself.
Trevor Mach: Hey, it's the human bomb! I never see you without a wife with her hand down your pants these days. Mind if I sit down?
Tack Angel: Uh...sure? I'm not that bad am I?
Trevor Mach: You're worse, but it's a compliment.
Tack Angel: That's confusing.
Trevor Mach: How you doing buddy?
Tack Angel: I'm fine. They just singed my eyebrows.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, I wasn't going to say anything. Glad you're alright though, truly I am. You're my friend, and if you exploded, then the bantz wouldn't be as much fun.
Tack Angel: Yeah....gotta have the bantz. *sigh* I'm trying to think about how to deal with the "War Kings". They made a statement in that ring. I threw everything at that guy too.
Trevor Mach: Well didn't Amy get involved?
Tack Angel: She was overcome with grief and emotion.
Trevor Mach: It was weird, like if it were anyone else, you'd assume they distracted you long enough to get blown up on purpose, but we KNOW that can't be right!
Tack Angel: Exactly.
Suddenly, "Blood 4 Blood" entered the cafe and walked towards Trevor.
Mav Valentine: Glad to see you up Trev. We need to get in the gym, and you've got the keys.
Trevor Mach: That's right brah. I'm the Godfather of that Disco Dojo, and don't you forget it.
Subculture: ....He's still on painkillers isn't he?
Picky Minch: You good man?
Trevor Mach: Never better.
Mav Valentine: I want to pump some iron, so let's get to it. I can't believe we let the "War Kings" get to us like that.
Subculture: Unexpected move. We weren't ready. We will be in the future.
Picky Minch: Is the future now? Because here they come.
Mav Valentine: Did they follow us in?
The "War Kings" walked up to Tack's table.
Hazen: Tack, it's good to see you up and moving around.
Tack Angel: I wish the feeling was mutual.
Hazen: The mean streak is still there. Didn't I beat the humility into you?
Tack Angel: Not quite. Try more dynamite next time.
Hazen; Heh. I just might.
Ilya Fedorovich stepped up, staring straight at Trevor.
Ilya Fedorvich: Huh, well look here. You must be Trevor Mach.
Trevor Mach: ....That's the rumor.
Ilya Fedorvich: Did I hear you're done fighting now?
Trevor Mach: Not me. I'm in my prime.
Ilya Fedorovich: Yeah, you "look it" alright.
Trevor Mach: ....You must be Ilya. Look Mav, it's Ilya Fedorovich. The deadly force from the frozen tundra....or so I hear. What do you think Tack? Should I hate him?
Tack Angel: You don't even know him.
Trevor Mach: No, that's true, but I don't know. There is just something about him. Something around those crazy eyes. Reminds me No, I'm sure of it....I hate him.
Tack Angel: He's still hazy on painkillers.
Ilya Fedorvich: Perhaps too much fighting. Yeah?
Trevor Mach: Et pugnatum est vita.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Ilya Fedorovich: Prima quidem ad exitium.
Mav Valentine: If you guys want a fight, we'll be happy to oblige you.
Hazen: Perhaps later. We are here to try, Eagleland "cuisine". I wonder if it's as garbage as its fighters. Let's go.
Ilya Fedorovich: Back down Mach, before you get hurt worse.
Trevor Mach: I've not even begun to defile myself.
Tack Angel: ...Oh boy.
Last edited by Machismo (4/18/2021 9:38 pm)
ENNXXX+++ Gold Tier
Mach Residence
Trevor Mach barged into his house with his arms full with the bag of McSaturn's he just bought, when he was startled to see Lucca in the middle of the living room, working on a robot.
Trevor Mach: Ah!
Lucca: Salutations.
Trevor Mach: What are you doing here? Is Tali here?
Lucca: Negative. Sir is busy with other things. Worry not, she knows what she is doing and I will be keeping a close eye on here like always. I also have to watch other
Trevor Mach: ...Creepy. You know, she COULD just get a phone to make this easier. You need to take one with you next time you see her alright?
Lucca: Affirmative. That food is not healthy for you by the way. Sir wants me to make sure you're going to be alright.
Trevor Mach: It's fine. I lost 10lbs this week, and it's my cheat day. Don't worry about it.
Lucca: Very well. I am just about done with this project.
Trevor Mach: What are you even doing?
Lucca: Robo is currently in sleep mode, while I install new nanny protocols. He will assist us in watching over the children.
Trevor Mach: Huh, I was wondering about the little ones. You know scooping them up without telling me, days after I nearly dropped w00t 10 stories for doing something similar might not be the best idea.
Lucca: Apologies, but the children are safe, and will continue to be safe.
Trevor Mach: Well I appreciate that, but I got to wonder what you're doing here?
Lucca: I have my orders. Lady M's wants to watch over you and the children. Her love for you is immeasurable, as is your love for her. That is easily observable.
Trevor Mach: You must love her too then if you're so quick to do what she says.
Lucca: My loyalty comes from SPARKLE. She was there for me when I needed her.
Trevor Mach: But you come from where Crono comes from. What made you stay?
Lucca: That the science and technology of this era intrigues me to no end.
Trevor Mach: Got it. I'm going to go lay down, eat my burgers, and ice my knees and back so...
Lucca: Allow me to assist with that as well. Take off your pants.
Trevor Mach: Huh?
Lucca: Sir was clear that I need to assist you emotionally as well as physically. Since Sir is no longer here, I have been authorized to give you a handjob when necessary. I will of course be wearing a glove and not maintaining eye contact.
Trevor Mach: What?! No thanks, I'm good? Seriously, she's the reason I need to ice down in the first place so-
Lucca: Sir, insists you "pee in my butt."
Trevor Mach: *gags* Dammit, she knows I hate that joke. *gags* Really though, it's not a-
Lucca: I insist.
Trevor Mach: Are you being serious?! Whoa! Hey! Find a happy place! Find a happy place!
Crystal Heaven
Tack was attempting to eat a salad in front of his castle home, as his children played around him. Suddenly a firework went off and startled him.
Tack Angel: Ah! Yikes! It was just from the market. Calm down. No one is trying to blow you up. I-
?: You look good for someone who exploded recently.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Two figures approached Tack, and in the light of the sun they were soon revealed.
Sailor Uranus: She said that, not me. I think you look awful.
Tack Angel: Don't worry Uranus, I feel worse. You look good though.
Sailor Uranus: Barking up the wrong tree "Star Prince".
Tack Angel: You might be a lesbian, but your booba isn't.
Sailor Uranus: What?
Sailor Neptune: He's just teasing you.
Tack Angel: I am?
Sailor Neptune: Eating a salad I see? That's good. It's good to eat healthy.
Tack Angel: Yeah, but I put extra dressing on this one. It's fine though, cause it's my cheat day.
Sailor Uranus: I often wonder what the "Star Prince" offers in the overall fight.
Tack Angel: Hey, I serve a purpose. I instill Mana to the ladies. Have you SEEN the chest sizes around here?!
Sailor Uranus: It's not as admirable when it's a destiny you actually WANT to fulfill.
Sailor Neptune: Now now, we need to talk about why we're here.
Tack Angel: That's right. I was wonder where you ladies were.
Sailor Neptune: We showed up in EBW after sensing nega vibes. We thought it might have just been "Eisenritter" but-
Tack Angel: Those were just plain ol' evil bitch vibes.
Sailor Neptune: Uh....yes. However, the sense is strong than ever, and we believe it's coming from Crystal Heaven. So-
Sailor Uranus: We're moving in.
Tack Angel: Uh...yeah...sure. Why not? If you think it's here, I want to help.
Sailor Neptune: We'll be working with Makoto, as she was the one that tipped us off on it here, and we have another friend overlooking things in Saturn City. Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated, though we know your plate is full.
Tack Angel: I'll do my best.
Sailor Uranus: You need to stop looking at my chest you lech. Again, you're barking up the wrong tree!
Tack Angel: Tracy said that too you know? Don't knock it til you try it Uranus!
Sailor Uranus: Why you-
As the two argued and Neptune laughed, a figure looked on from around a corner.
Amy Angel: *sigh* Those two bitches want to interfere now? I'm going to have to do something about this.
Later, Tack walked back to his bedroom, only for a figure to jump out from behind and put her arms around him.
Amy Angel: BOOM!
Tack Angel: AH!
Amy Angel: I got you! Haha!
Tack Angel: Amy! That wasn't funny! I got blown up!
Amy Angel: Awww....I sowwy.
Tack Angel: What's up with you honey? I mean between now and when you came out there at the show and-
Amy Angel: I told you. I was overcome with grief. I didn't want you to hurt anymore. I was at my limit. A wife is allowed to worry about her husband every now and then you know.
Tack Angel: You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get upset.
Amy Angel: I have an idea. We should take a bath together! I'll wash your back!
Tack Angel: I already had my clothes off at idea. Let's go.
Amy Angel: He really is fast about that.
Moments later, a naked Amy was covered in suds, moving up and down on Tack's back, using her chest to "wash him". Tack was drooling in heaven as Amy slowly reached under a towel for a knife. She grinned as she brought the knife above her head, and nearly brought it down before the door opened. She quickly hid it again as Nani walked in.
Tack Angel: Nani?
Nani Angel: Hai. Nani des. It appears we are bathing? Allow me to join you. I will take the front.
Tack Angel: Hehehehe!
Saturn Cafe
Trevor sat in silence as Tack happily stirred his drink.
Tack Angel: So I got new roomies, AND I had the best bath I've ever had! How you been?
Trevor Mach: ....I don't want to talk about it.
Tack Angel: You look worn out. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about maybe teaming up going forward against the "War Kings". We seem to have a common goal, and you know we always work well to....well...we work together....for better or worse. That's more accurate. You don't seem to care for Ilya sure you don't want to talk about anything? *sips drink*
Trevor Mach: ...I got sexually assaulted by Tali's secretary.
Tack Angel: *spits* What?! You tell Tali?
Trevor Mach: She put her up to it!
Tack Angel: *sips drink* *spits drink* What?!
Trevor Mach: I know! She's surprisingly strong too!
Tack Angel: Lucky you!
Trevor Mach: I'm not a polygamist like you man!
Tack Angel: Oh yeah? What was up with Aly Smash then?
Trevor Mach: That was technically also Tali, so it doesn't count.
Tack Angel: Uh-huh. I-
Vape quickly sat down next to Trevor and Tack.
Tack Angel: ...Vape?
Vape: You two need to teach me.
Trevor Mach: Huh?
Vape: Teach me how you do...what you do...with the ladies! I'm so lonely!
Trevor Mach: It's not that big of a deal dude.
As they spoke Lucca happened to walk into the Saturn Cafe to grab an order, but did so with a slight limp. The three remained silent until she left again.
Vape: It isn't? Really? I see that and I disagree!
Trevor Mach: She knew I was here. She always knows where I am. How does she do that? I need to check for a tracking device or something.
Tack Angel: Vape, you want a woman? You need to just go out there and go for it. Be loose and tight at the same time. You know?
Vape: ....No?
Trevor Mach: Yeah no. What the hell are you talking about?
Tack Angel: Ummm...just find someone you like and go talk to her. Be confident and be yourself.
Vape: Alright, I'll give it a try. I just need to find one. Let me look. I think I'll...uh....
Vape was suddenly transfixed by the sight of the bubbly blonde that entered the Cafe.
Tack Angel: Minako?
Trevor Mach: Huh?
Tack Angel: Oh, that's Minako Aino. She's-
Vape: Beautiful!
Tack Angel: Uh oh.
Trevor Mach: Hahaha!
Last edited by Machismo (4/21/2021 10:49 pm)
Nerma: Hello EBW fans, Nerma here again with an EBW World update. I love this one. I'm excited for it. Why? Because I get to tell you more about the upcoming return of The Ultimate EBW! Apparently some MMA reality show that is similar is returning too? Completely a coincidence. Seriously. We didn't find out until after the announcement. Go figure right? It's going to be a big one though. Remember that first installment? We had so many rising stars show in EBW and change everything. Sal Paradise, Danny Leung, the late Jamie OD, Tracy, and of course Lady M's, when she was known as M's Style. We saw stars created, and the beginning of what would become one of the pillars of EBW moving forward, the story of Lady M's and Trevor Mach. It was a very very very important show for EBW. It changed EVERYTHING! Then....several lackluster sequel seasons, BUT this one is going to be very very very important as well. Why? Because it's going to be TEAM MACH vs. TEAM ANGEL! Hope Mach and Christina Angel that is. The best friends, the "Bad Dudettes", and members of "C.O.D.E". will coach different teams,choosing from 4 Men and 4 Women. Like previous seasons, most, if not all of these combatants will be able to join EBW, but only 1 Man and 1 Woman will be able to rise to the occasion, winning the show, the big cash prize, and the title opportunities that come with victory.
Nerma: We have a large assortment of talent from all over, with various styles, and motives from trying to join EBW, but they all want success. Starting from top left, we have Isiah Muscle, the son of Kinniku Mike, who seemed as surprised as we are that the 16 year old would join EBW after showing hesitation in following his father's career. Then, we have a mysterious man from fly over country. A former member of a militia, this man is only known as the "Point Man". The next man is an....interesting addition, known as Shrieker the Clown. Referred to very highly by members of the VBW roster, and known for his bloody battles in Edo, no one really knows much about this terrifying character, except that he likes to hurt people, and is possibly a cannibal. Possibly. Then, we have Eiji Hino, who has a mysterious background all his own. He doesn't talk much about his past, instead coming off as an aloof and charitable person. Still, he has the desire to compete. We'll hopefully learn more about him this season. On the women's row we have Chrissy Angel, yes the "sister" of Christina Angel. After losing a bout not too long ago, Chrissy agreed to follow Christina's advice regarding her career. Remember that? Remember that happening a few months ago? Well this was apparently the idea. From the Dusty Dunes, we have the all Eagleland tough girl Wendy Mustang. Tall, powerful, patriotic, which a chest size that makes me very envious. *blush* Then, we have the vivacious and deadly Tiger Cat. She has worked in Edo in the past, and is coming here to make the big time. As is our last member of the cast, Violence Aoi. A notably dominating Joshi star, coming to Eagleland to show the world her abilites. This a stacked line up. You looking forward to this season? You know I am! I wonder if Ness's house is available? Hmmmm...
ENNXXX+++ Gold Tier
Days Earlier...
Hope Mach made her way to the hospital at The Strip, looking for her parents. She walked into the room, only to see a bandaged up Erica, watching something on the television.
Erica: Well hello Hope.
Hope Mach: Erica? What the hell are you doing here?
Erica: I decided to stick around as everyone went back home. I figured I didn't have much reason to be at Xcite. I lost after all. Fair....and square. It is what it is.
Hope Mach: What are you looking at?
Erica: Footage of Tali.
Hope Mach: Huh?
Erica: This is the room they were in, your parents, before they both left.
Hope Mach: She's not here?
Erica: You were looking for her too? No, she's not here. No one knows where she went, except for that purple haired assistant of hers. I need to find her.
Hope Mach: Why are you looking for my Mom.
Erica: Same reason you are. Wow, this footage is something.
Hope Mach: Huh?
Erica: She was intoxicated, and thought all the Lakitus had been swatted away. She smashed up their cameras on route to the room, but she didn't know this room had a security camera in it.
Hope Mach: What? *looks at the screen, but quickly turns away in disgust* What the hell?! What are you doing?! I don't need to see that ever!
Erica: It's beautiful. Did you know that the hard ass Tali likes to be dominated? He's giving her what she wants too. Right there on that wall you're leaning on.
Hope Mach: AH!
Erica: She was always so guarded. She never let me in, not like that anyways. Guess I've held a grudge huh?
Hope Mach: Will you at least mute it, or I'm going to throw you out the window.
Erica: *sigh* Fine.
Hope Mach: I get it, my parents are characters, but I don't need any part of that. I do need my Mom for other reasons, and I think you know why.
Erica: Hope, it's the same reason I'm here. The "Skulls & Bones" right?
Hope Mach: Right. Are of them?
Erica: Seriously? Look at my nails and my hair. Look at the high life I'm used to. Maybe once upon a time that might have been possible, when I rejected my family name, but Erica Eisen is no biker, and she never will be. All I've ever wanted was to be seen as the Queen of EBW. That's all I've ever dreamed of, that as Tali to-
Hope Mach: Nope! Don't go there! This is too weird!
Erica: Heh. You and Christina always get in my way, but that's fine. That's wrestling. It's expected. You both want to thwart me, and Christina might be on cloud 9 right now, but I could always come back to knock her back down, and make her kneel at my feet. As long as the division stands and I breathe, that's possible. However, Tess has lost her mind. She's working to destroy what we've built. That's right, I said what we're built. You, and I, and everyone else, for better or worse. At least the game could be played. She's going to destroy the board. I think she thought she could lure Tali back with this move, but now, I don't think so. I'm looking at this footage, of a woman opening herself up to freedom, and finally being able to move on from the stigmas of the past, and I know....that we're truly on our own.
Hope Mach: .....
Last edited by Machismo (4/23/2021 1:12 pm)