Swift's Office
The President flipped through his phone, looked over contracts, and thought about flipping his desk as he paced in frustration.
Tommy Dukes: S-sir? Can I come in?
Swift: Do you know that if I put you through this window you couldn't do anything about it legally?
Tommy Dukes: Sir?
Swift: No seriously, this shit is crazy. We really needed to read our contracts. Didn't realize how boned we are. Maybe I'll get someone to help me write up some new guidelines for the next round of signings.
Tommy Dukes: Wow, that sounds very Presidential sir.
Swift: I just don't want to have to deal with that shit. The talent in the ring is one thing, every member of the crew is open to being all but butchered with no legal consequence. That shit's messed up Dukes. That being said, if I'd have known that sooner, then I would have put you through a wall on more than one occasion in the past.
Tommy Dukes: Huh?!
Swift: That's the past though.
Tommy Dukes: You seem...uh...agitated sir.
Swift: This whole thing has turned out to be a lot more work than I thought. I slipped up with Razorblade. I don't think I was at my best. I wasn't just thinking about domination like usual. I was thinking about the company. I don't like having to be selfless Dukes. I don't like it! Now I got to sign that asshole. What did you want?
Tommy Dukes: You asked for the new Champ to come see you, so I brought him. Please don't throw me out the window.
Swift: Oh...uh...thanks. Send him in.
Benjamin: Hello sir, I-
Swift: Shut the door behind you.
Benjamin: Alright. What are you doing sir?
Swift: I am sizing you up. I want to figure out what makes you tick. You're the man that beat the man. You didn't pin Jammer to snake the win. You beat Dan personally. You took those titles. You beat a man that beat me, and I'm still not sure how you did it.
Benjamin: Uh...hard work...and determination?
Swift: This wasn't an unfocused Dan. On the contrary. That little bastard was over the damn moon for the chance to have this match. You beat him at his best. Does that make you truly the best of the best?
Benjamin: I'm certainly working towards it.
Swift: Huh. Well, I want you at your best, because we're not waiting for Collision: The World Games to put you two in the ring together again obviously. On Xperience, you're facing off in a team effort, and after that, we have "Golden Week 2021", and shit could get very interesting. Be on your game. Don't fuck up. That'll be all.
Benjamin: Actually sir, that's not all. We need to talk. Now, television and the "innernet" are still weird to me, but I have them thanks to Lainey, and I noticed something rather disturbing.
Swift: ....The XXX+++ Gold Tier?
Benjamin: Yes! Yes that exactly.
Swift: I'm with you on that actually. I know you intended on speaking up about that and props on having the spine and the balls to do that to me, but it's actually not my call. ENN carry us, and they are the ones rolling that out. I actually have little I can do about it, except recommend anti-Lakitu security for your house....namely a shotgun. Actually, I was about to have another one of those "worth while" and "progress making" conversations with the ENN executive in charge of that Tier. Stick around Champ. *pushes speaker phone button* Send him in now.
A sleazy executive walked in, with hair slicked back, and perfectly white teeth glistening as he grinned upon entering the room. He tried to shake Swift's hand, but that wasn't happening.
Swift: Champ, meet Chaz Hardcastle. He's the one you want to talk to.
Chaz Hardcastle: So this is the new face of the product huh? Nice to meet you Benny. You know, we at ENN were more than happy with Dan, but I guess you'll do too. Test groups seem to like you well enough.
Benjamin: Uh....good? It's Benjamin...or Benji.
Chaz Hardcastle: Right Benny, so I was here to tell you about the subscriber numbers. They are up by the way, but I'm guessing we need to talk about something?
Swift: Talk to the Champ on this one.
Benjamin: I got to be honest sir, I and a lot of the roster don't care much for this XXX+++ Gold Tier.
Chaz Hardcastle: Oh?
Benjamin: It's exploitative, and it's dirty. It makes the wrestling talent feel like prostitutes.
Chaz Hardcastle: Is that right? Well, let me explain something to put your mind at ease. The ENN experience allows for fans to follow EBW talent nearly 24/7. They get closer to you guys because they can see you living your lives, and sex is a natural part of life. Sex is great! Everybody fucks Benny. EBW talent are no different.
Benjamin: You make it sound so unsavory. Listen, I was told that footage was found with Hope Mach talking to Erica, with footage in the background that wasn't meant to be shown. That was a goodbye between two people who might not see each other for longer than they like, and it was used for exploitation. Then, the other night several Lakitu tried to get into Lainey Strong's uh....
Chaz Hardcastle: To what? Catch you what Benny? Something going on in there? The fans want to see that you know? They want to see everything, and we owe to them. They want sex and violence, so we give them exactly what they want. You'd be wise to stop trying to interfere if you want to be successful as our new star. We'll push you big time in the press, or we can bury you too. That's your call. You need to play ball.
Benjamin: I refuse to accept this as normal. I'll stand up for the whole roster if I have to. I've seen evils in my life, but this feels on a whole other level, and I won't ever accept that. I have other things I have to focus on in my life. My friendships, my new relationship with Lainey, and defending these titles against an outsider threat like Razorblade. The last thing I should have to focus on, is if a Lakitu is going to follow me to my bed room.
Swift: And there he goes. See Chaz, I've been telling you they don't like it.
Chaz Hardcastle: I honestly don't care. My job is to catch every debauchery act. I need to find the gossip. The sex, the drugs, and the low point of their lives. I capture that footage, and we air it, and that makes us both a lot of money. Face it, people are wicked wicked wicked, and we love em that way. Marks don't care about the "blooming love between two innocent people". They want to know what Hope Mach's foot game is like. They want to know who has a big ol' snake dick in the showers. They want to know what Lainey Strong's asshole looks li-
Swift: That's enough! You can sell that bullshit to the board, but I'm not listening. EBW is about the Wrestling. It always has been, and it always will be. I'm not the President of Onlyfans, now get the fuck out.
Chaz Hardcastle: If you were, you'd be a richer man for it. I'll see you next week Swift.
Swift: *sigh* It's funny Tess....if you weren't so wrapped up in destroying your division, you'd have noticed that you already won.
Crystal Heaven Tea Shop
I was visited today by someone I was not expecting. They just sorta flew in here and started asking for help in desperation. I told them, I'd do what I could but there was only so much I CAN do. A lot of my ability to help is dependent on other people. What I need to do is something that is a lot to ask of someone, and I'm not sure if they'd be ok with the responsibilities that'd come with it. I hope whoever is willing to help, that they'd have the...
The door chime rang as customers entered the Tea Shop, in walked 7 women.
Tea Shop Owner: Ah! Welcome! Come on in.
The Tea Shop Owner put her diary away and when she looked up, she recognized some faces.
Tea Shop Owner: Oh! Your highnesses, to what do I deserve the honor?
Makoto Angel: Hello again! We're just here for some tea.
Darryl: Mako told me about this place and I wanted to try it out!
Faris Angel: We all just needed a break from things, hope you don't mind.
Tea Shop Owner: Not at all, it's nice to see new faces too.
Maria Juliana: N-nice to meet you...
Chun-Li: Nice to meet you, you have a lovely shop.
Tea Shop Owner: Oh, thank you. Let me get some water heated up.
Some time later
Iroha Angel: That was quite good, reminded me of my old home in Reisenjima.
Tracy Angel: It was quite the treat to come here, we appreciate you setting up shop here. I know it means so much to our husband that Crystal Heaven grows.
Tea Shop Owner: The Prince is quite generous to have allowed in as many refugees as he has.
Faris Angel: He may be a bit of a goofball, but he has the greatest of intentions. He's "steered the ship through the storm" as it were.
Tea Shop Owner: Goodness, seeing how much you talk about him, it's like you all are married to him!
All shared a chuckle.
Darryl: You know, ever since I've come in here, something's been nagging me.
The Tea Shop Owner froze in place as she was cleaning dishes.
Darryl: You're not quite what you seem, are you?
Maria Juliana & Chun-Li stiffen up and position themselves to stand.
Tea Shop Owner: W-what, do you mean?
Darryl: Call it, a whisper I got from the sea.
The Tea Shop Owner sighed, dried her hands, and turned around slowly.
Tea Shop Owner: It's true, I'm not exactly what I told immigration. I'm... a bit more than that.
Some time later
Iroha Angel: I see, this makes sense.
Tea Shop Owner: So, because of the circumstances, I'd like to ask your help with something.
Tracy Angel: We'll do what we can.
Tea Shop Owner: This is a great responsibility, are you sure you want to go through with this?
The Angel Sister-Wives all nodded in agreement with each other.
Tea Shop Owner: I do warn you, that after this, none of you will remember a thing about this. That is both for your safety and mine. To ensure this, I'm sorry Darryl, but I'm going to have to implant a suggestion for you not be inclined to come here anymore because of who you are.
Darryl: I understand.
Tea Shop Owner: Don't worry about what will happen, you won't feel a thing during or after or in the future sessions we have to do this. You'll just be...
It's done... It's a lot to ask of these ladies but because of the magic they store, they'll be alright. They have a lot of magic to spare. It needed to be done, it had to. I couldn't let her down. There's too much at stake.
While he'll definitely enjoy the benefits I suppose, I only hope that the Prince will forgive me.
Iwata Memorial Arena - Front Entrance
Tess came in, a little more put together, but still less extravagant than before, as she was met by Muscle Girl Security, Erica, Eve, and Kaie.
Tess: Bev and Raza, you stick with me, but the rest of you, I don't even want to look at you.
Kaie: Excuse me?
Tess: We're done professionally. There is no more "Eisenritter". It's over, so get out of my sight.
Eve: But-
Tess: Did I stutter? Did I not make myself clear?
Erica: So, it's true then. You really do intend to just give up the whole thing.
Tess: Poor choice of words Erica. Giving up the "whole thing" would imply that there will be anything left once it's over. You had your chance. You blew it. The game is over. There is no point in letting this continue. I'm done. Get out of my face.
Eve: ...So what now Sis?
Erica: We're in self preservation mode. You want to survive you stick with me. Kaie, it's been an honor, but-
Kaie: I understand. You don't trust me right now do you? I can't blame you. You're thinking the same thing I am. "They" were called, but we don't know who "They" are.
Erica: History and reputation are going to play a part here, but I don't think this is going to be so simple to figure out. Fact of the matter is, we're all going to be on our own going forward. It's an uncertain future ahead.
ENN's Chaz Hardcastle was quickly booted out of the women's locker room, as well as his own personal Lakitu.
Chaz Hardcastle: You ladies are going to miss out! So much money to be made these days! Have you heard of onlyfans? It doesn't matter WHAT you do, you just have to do it in a bikini, and people will pay good money for it! But then again, I see another opportunity.
Chaz quickly ran up to an arriving Razorblade.
Razorblade: Who are you? Some new backstage stooge?
Chaz Hardcastle: Not hardly. Consider me an advocate for what you do. Sex, drugs, and violence will always sell. You live the hardcore lifestyle, and I want to watch what you do next.
Razorblade: You want to see it? Stick around tonight then. I've got something of a statement to make against more than one target.
Chaz Hardcastle: You got it!
Outside of Swift's Office
President Swift was just leaving his office, when he was approached by Kinniku Mike.
Swift: ...Mike.
Kinniku Mike: Swift, we got to talk man.
Swift: I'm very busy tonight, with shit I don't want to do. I have to give that prick a contract. Make it quick.
Kinniku Mike: It's about my son Isiah. You have him signed up for The Ultimate EBW. I have to admit, this is a bit of shock for me. I didn't even know he wanted to follow in my footsteps. I mean, he trained with me, because he wanted to get closer to me, and but still. I have to admit, I'm concerned.
Swift: So talk to him about that.
Kinniku Mike: I'm not...great father material. I don't have the right to tell this kid what to do. When I was his age, I was making bad decisions as well. Not all of them turned out so bad though. One of those decisions lead to him, and I never knew about it until recently. I just...want to look out for him in any way I can. I mean look at this contract. I scribbled in red everything I find wrong with it.
Swift: You're gonna have to be more specific. I'm color blind.
Kinniku Mike: You too? What's with this place and color blindness. Look, right here, you're woefully underpaying him.
Swift: They're all getting paid that wage, and he agreed to it. It's a high risk, high reward show. I don't feel like over paying an unproven commodity.
Kinniku Mike: Fine, but then I'm looking at who the coaches are trying to get as assistants, and I want to be a part of that. The least I can do is offer some guidance.
Swift: That's not my call Mike. I appreciate the Dad in you is talking right now. For once, we're not in a long discussion about the muscle tone of your damn chest. I tell ya what, let's go talk to the coaches before I head out, and see what we can do. You might want to get your head in the game though. The "Crew" has "Team Sazh" tonight.
Kinniku Mike: It's not going to be a problem. Let's go my chocolate bro!
Swift: What?
Kinniku Mike: What? Chocolate? You know....cause you're black?
Swift: I AM?!
Makoto Angel: Welcome to Iwata Memorial Arena, for EBW: Xperience! It's the first Xperience since Victory Explosion, and guess what. The gang is back together!
Larry Grim: That's right, we're back, and I'm thrilled to be back with you right now Makoto. While my future is uncertain, right now, I'm thrilled to be here.
Makoto Angel: That was mysterious.
Larry Grim: You just expect that at this point right?
Makoto Angel: Absolutely.
Larry Grim: We want to thank Tony Bologna and Conrad Johnson for filling. I personally want to warn Conrad, to seriously change up his diet, or he's only got 2 years tops. I say tops, but I happen to know the exact second your heart is going to give out on you.
Makoto Angel: That's dark, but I'm just so glad to be back that I can't let it get me down! I'm back, you're back, and we're back to business, with a brand new Triple Crown World Champion in Benjamin, and Christina, not only the Women's World Champion, but the destroyer of "Eisenritter"! So proud of her! Tess has made some threats regarding the "Skulls & Bones", who are apparently really bad news. Larry?
Larry Grim: The worst. It might get pretty bad.
Makoto Angel: Might?
Larry Grim: Sometimes things still teeter on the edge of possibility. It could go either way.
Makoto Angel: Wow. You're just full of useful insight tonight. I really missed this. This is fun. I love this job, and I'm glad to be back! Let's not waste any more time though, because we have a lot to cover. Before the show, we had our ENN+ exclusives, where Big Shark made his singles debut, beating Chad Salad to the delight of Franky and Baby Shark. I think I like "The Shark Order". They seem cool, and very positive. Lainey Strong got her job back at the same time I did, and she's not wasting time, by chopping down big BeShemoth to win her bout. I saw her practicing that Northern Lights Suplex in preperation for her return, so she had as much confidence in Christina as I did. We both knew we'd be back. I look forward to her getting a title shot the right way. With that out of the way, let's take it to the ring!
EBW: Xperience
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett
0. Dark Match Singles: Big Shark beat Chad Salad via Big Shark Slam -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong beat BeShemoth via Northern Lights Suplex -> Pin
1. 6-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Amigo/Magnum PT beat Hashim Al-Singh[x]/Yvgenny/Dajh via Muscle Buster -> Pin
-The opening match saw the "Weekend Wrecking Crew" make quick work of "Team Sazh". While they have some experience and athletic background, they were no match for the Crew, with Mike taking out recent frustrations and slamming the opposition around the ring. Sazh himself still has beef with Javier Leos, and spent the entire match shouting him down, saying he was going to "get him", whatever that means, and didn't notice his own son being ejected from the proceedings, before Hashim was leveled with the Muscle Buster and the pin.
Larry Grim: And that's how you start a show. You let the Crew work over some poor helpless victims. Hashim is taking it in stride, offering his hand to Mike, but Sazh doesn't seem so happy about that. He's ranting and raving about something, but look, here comes Javier Leos and Fray Tiburon! They're running him out of the ring! I'm really glad we're not spending weeks with Sazh and Leos just interrupting each other's interviews on the stage. That could grow really tiresome.
Makoto Angel: Mike wasn't showing off the chest as much this week. I think he's more concerned with the piled up losses to the "War Kings", as well as his son's future. You know Chrissy is going to be in The Ultimate EBW. I don't really know what that is, but Tracy laughs about it a lot, and says it'll be fun, just as long as some hapless idiot hits on someone near a wall. That's what she said. I don't know what that means. I'm enthusiastic though. Her joy is infectious.
Larry Grim: Indeed. Well, we just saw "Team Sazh" get treated like jobbers, but now let's see actual jobbers get annihilated, as the returning Firebrand X, Takumi Inui, and Dragon Shiryu take on "Flood Generation". You don't need to have my visions to see how this going to go.
2. 5-on-3 Handicap Tag: Firebrand X[o]/Takumi Inui/Dragon Shiryu vs. Rains/"Firebrand X"[x]/Manu Kalani/Scott Free/Nosan via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
-No, Grimm had this one completely figured out. The trio were had a numbers disadvantage, but they were still way too much for "Flood Generation". A showcase for the returning talent, the fans were soon reminded of the duo that once had a match of the year in which Takumi punched Shiryu in the chest and stopped his heart, only to punch him in the chest again to restart it, then Shiryu walked off death like he was fine! Why don't more people talk about that? His dragon tattoo literally started to fade as he was dying, and it came back when they restarted his heart. Wrestling man....wrestling. Firebrand X was the one to put an end to the bout, beating his imposter with the Fire Thunder Driver. Afterwards, he carried the man to the back, removed the mask, and tossed him out of an exit.
Makoto Angel: Wow! A fantastic beating that was! I have to know though! Who was the guy portraying Fireband X? A lot of people thought it might be his robot doppleganger brother Arremer X.
Larry Grim: No, it was just a guy.
Makoto Angel: Huh?
Larry Grim: It was just a guy. Good News Gary found him on the street, and offered him booze if he'd make Rains look strong, and they bought the costume for a cosplayer online. We won't be seeing him again.
Makoto Angel: Oh. That's a little underwhelming.
Larry Grim: Imagine if it were a movie tie in of some sort.
Makoto Angel: What do you mean?
Larry Grim: That's right folks, make sure you tune in May 19th, for the ENN+ Premiere of Demon's Crest!
Makoto Angel: What?
Larry Grim: That's where he went. To go film a movie. Seriously, everyone really blew this up into something bigger than what it was.
Makoto Angel: Well Vape said-
Larry Grim: "Vape said." I think we discovered the problem.
3. No Rules Women's Singles: Alison Chains vs. Duvalie ended in a No Contest
-A frantic free for all was up next, as the timid yet deadly Assassin Maid Duvalie, took on Alison Chains of "C.O.D.E", in a No Rules Match. This was Alison's wheelhouse, and she was quick to take it out of the ring and into the stands. Using everything she could get her hands on, Alison gave Duvalie the beating of her EBW career thus far, until Duvalie threw a beer into Chains' eyes, and pushed her down the stairs. She noticed she got beer on a patron, and quickly tried to clean them up before bowing and getting back to the match. Duvalie turned the tables, and took Chains to the back, using everything not bolted down, and doing it with a very creepy smile. It was a crazy brawl that suddenly changed, when the lights went out. Not just in the back, but the entire arena. It seemed like an electrical malfunction, but they popped back on as quickly as they went off, and the cameras returned to see both women bloody, and laid out on the ground. The ref had to call a No Contest to a No Rules match, and that logic hole caused a chorus of boos from the crowd, but neither woman was getting up.
Larry Grim: That was out of control, and then right at the end, they're both just laid out. It's a shame.
Makoto Angel: We're really sorry! Please don't boo! We didn't want to end the match like that! I don't know why they're chanting "Fire Vusso!" I don't know who that is! I don't know who did this either.
Larry Grim: I think you do Makoto. I think everyone should. In fact, it looks like Christina and Hope know exactly what's going on, and they're off to get to the bottom of it. Let's take a look.
After the last match, Christina Angel and Hope Mach ran up to Tess, who sent Bev and Raza to stand in the way.
Hope Mach: What was that? It's not enough that you have "Valkyries" out there doing your work, but now you're trying to use the "Skulls & Bones"? Are you out of your mind? What are you hoping to accomplish?
Tess: I'm not trying to accomplish anything. The "Valkyries" are free to do as they please, they're not under my thumb anymore. They are loyal by choice, but that might not be the case for long. I'm just here to witness the decision I've made. I opened the gate, and I brought them here. I'll witness every destructive act.
Christina Angel: If you think we're going to just roll over, and accept whatever you've cooked up after we finally rid this division of "Eisenritter" then you are out of your mind.
Tess: Maybe I am, but I don't care anymore. If I did care.....if I cared about either of you, I'd give you one word of advice. One word is all you'd need. Run.
4. Singles: Golvoth beat Tack Angel via DQ
-The Star Sheriff Tack Angel was up next, against the big nord of the "War Kings" in Golvoth. Tack walked off being blown up fairly well, and showed no fear as he tried chopping down Golvoth with the harsh Angel Family kicks. Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Golvoth took them and laughed, before chokeslamming Tack for a nearfall. Golvoth caught Tack on a block attempt. Fallaway slam by Golvoth. Golvoth pounded Tack into a corner. They fought over the top rope and Tack got the better of it, but he ran in and charged into a palm strike that laid him down. Another palm strike put Tack down again. Tack ran the ropes for a lariat that didn’t take Golvoth down. He struck quickly a few times and hit a cross-body to take Golvoth to the mat. He put elbows and boots to Golvoth and sent him outside on the announcer side. Tack tried to splash Golvoth, who caught him, but Tack slipped away and shoved Golvoth into the announce table. Back inside, and Tack put Golvoth in the corner and threw some forearms. Golvoth backed him from the corner and put him down and missed a splash. Tack splashed Golvoth from the second rope and covered for a one count. Tack threw punches at Golvoth’s ribs and then worked a headlock. He attempted to covert that into a Wrist Clutch, but Golvoth fought it off. Ilya laughed at Tack from the outside, and Tack knocked him off the ropes, as he ran them. This brought the "War Kings" into the ring, about to attack, but suddenly Trevor Mach, Mav Valentine, Picky Minch, and Subculture ran out to make the save. They battered the "War Kings" first, technically giving Golvoth the DQ win, making them still undefeated. After the match Trevor grabbed a mic.
Trevor Mach: Oh no no no, you don't get the drop on him today "War Kings", because "Blood 4 Blood" has got the Sheriff's back. I got a lot to say before I get to you all, so take a step back and listen up. I'm standing in here with the best of the best. My brothers in arms, including you Tack, you're my best friend. It seems like my career was set before Victory Explosion. I'd keep fighting the good fight with my brothers, raising hell on the territories, and doing my thing. Then Tali left, and it got me wondering about where I stand in the current state of things. I used to stick around because I thought I didn't need EBW, but EBW needed me, and I loved it enough to dedicate my life to it. Tali didn't feel the same way, and she got the hell out. I'm going to miss her. I'm going to miss being partners in crime in EBW, but who says I can't have my cake and eat it too right? So I figure, I'll spend some time out on the road, following Tali as she followed her dreams. She's done the same for me. THEN....these sons of bitches decide to blow up my buddy, and make things personal with "Blood 4 Blood". SUDDENLY, I feel alive again! The blood is pumping, and I'm gritting my teeth, clenching my fists, cause I want to punch each of you assholes in the face! Especially you Ilya. I hate that face. I'm gonna rearrange it. Now, I know there are only four of you, and Tack makes five for us, but we'll have someone sit out for this next bit. It's going to be Golden Week, which is a big week for EBW, and I can't think of a better challenge. Tack Angel will work with "Blood 4 Blood" to take on the "War Kings" in ready for this? It's gonna be good. A Crystal Heaven Street Fight!
Tack Angel: Yeah! Wait what?!
Trevor Mach: Yeah, we're gonna fight at your house.
Tack Angel: But why?
Trevor Mach: We were talking the other day about Street Fights.
Tack Angel: Yeah?
Trevor Mach: I said they were stupid when they had a theme. Like, Tali and I didn't call our match with w00t and Jane the "The Strip Street Fight."
Tack Angel: You could have through. She literally used a black jack table and a slot machine.
Trevor Mach: Well if you want theming you got it buster brown, because we're going to your place, to duke it out! So much crystal to fight with!
Tack Angel: Well...alright then. Why not? Are you guys in though?
Hazen: You don't learn, and you continue to underestimate us. If you want your friends, family, and loved ones to see you personally beaten and humiliated, then the "War Kings" will oblige you. We'll see you at Golden Week. Don't worry about the numbers disparagement. We'll take care of that.
Tack Angel: Huh, wonder what that means?
5. Women's Tag: Ines/Ennea beat Christina Angel/Hope Mach via Count Out
-The next bout saw Women's World and Television Champions Christina Angel and Hope Mach take on Ines and Ennea of the "Valkyries". A big brawl with all four to start. They settled on Hope and Ennea as the legal ones to start things off officially. Hope was still riding high from the victory over Sunny Malibu, who was then seen watching from the crowd, with her sister sitting beside her. A fast paced bout, with impressive ground work and of course the Angel Family signature kicking, but it all came to a halt for the second time in the night, as the lights went out again. Hope found herself back to back with Ines and Ennea as the lights came back on, but Christina was no longer in the ring. She on the stage instead, covered in blood, and laying next to a gift wrapped box.
Makoto Angel: Christina! Oh no! Is she all right? Grim, tell me please.
Larry Grim: She's going to be fine. That's not all her blood.
Makoto Angel: Oh gross.
Larry Grim: It's the present that's the issue.
Makoto Angel: Hope is leaving the ring to check on her. She's going to be counted out. This is going to be a loss to the "Valkyires". Friendship IS more important though.
Larry Grim: But the pay check is going to suck.
Makoto Angel: And she's counted out. Oh good, Christina is getting back up, but what's in that box?
Larry Grim: A familiar tactic for you know who.
Makoto Angel: Hope is opening it. Please don't be a bomb! It's a.....a glove? A left handed glove, and it's missing the ring finger. What does that mean?
Larry Grim: It's not good.
Makoto Angel: What does it mean Larry?
Larry Grim: I can't say! I can't say! I'm sorry!
Makoto Angel: I need spoilers Larry!
After the last match, a table was set up in the ring, for President Swift, and the two contracts.
Swift: Well, I'm out here, and I'm a man of my word. I have a contract for EBW. A one year contract, at $400,000. It's guaranteed money. It's better than most get. I cut my salary to off set that. I did that for a reason. It sucks. It pisses me off. I'm going to make sure it never happens again. Spite is a powerful motivator. I also have the other contract, for the Triple Crown World Championship bout. It will take place at Collision: World Games, where EBW will take on the world. Since the Olympics are coming after being postponed due to Mushroom Head last year, we figured we'd have our own little Olympics, and it will be there that Benjamin will make his first defense of the Triple Crown. Get your ass out here Razorblade. Let's get this over with.
Razorblade quickly came out through the crowd, being followed by Chaz Hardcastle, and his own personal Lakitus.
Razorblade: I'm already here Swift. I like to keep a close eye on things. I wanted to make sure you weren't planning an ambush.
Swift: I don't need anyone to do my dirty work bitch, now are you going to waste more time? Get in here and sign these.
Razorblade: I have really gotten under your skin. It reminds me of how I felt when I was ejected from EBW. You're right about something. Spite IS a powerful motivator. That's why I've become a one man war against you and EBW. I speak with the rage and fire of an independent heart, and I won't be labeled EBW ever again in my life. I'll take this Television Championship, and I'll even take the Triple Crown, but I refuse to sign your contract. I don't WANT to be EBW. I will take from you, and conquer you, but I won't ever become you again.
Swift: You don't want the contract? Don't take it. Fine. Sign the title bout, and get your VBW stooges out here, because we have a main event to get to. These people want to see their champion. They want to see Benjamin, the EBW Triple Crown World Champion, beat the hell out of some VBW ass.
Razorblade: I signed this one, and I'll wipe my ass with this one.
Swift: I don't care. I did my part. You're not phasing me, even with the ENN rep standing with you.
Chaz Hardcastle: I'm covering the action Swift, and this guy know what's up.
Swift: I'll bet. I'm not standing in this ring anymore. If you don't want to go through this table, then I'm flipping it myself, and we're getting to this main event. "Dan Club" vs. VBW!
6. 8-Man Tag: Benjamin[o]/Bashin Dan/Jammer/Vape beat Razorblade<VBW>/CP Munk<VBW>/Kamikaze Clown A<VBW>/Kamikaze Clown B<VBW>[x] via Masamune -> Pin
-An exciting match up prospect that turned baffling, a running theme for the night it seems. Razorblade lead CP Munk and the Kamikaze Clowns to the ring, but then left before the match even started. He stood on stage and watched as the VBW team tried to fight the numbers advantage of "Dan Club". Clown B was put down by the Masamune of the Triple Crown Champion for the pin fall. A big loss for VBW.
Benjamin: What was that Razorblade? You have no honor? You have no guts? You lead these men here for competition and then you abandoned them?
Razorblade: I said I was a one man war against EBW. They are not "with me". No one is. I am a war machine unto myself, and I will come for you and that belt by myself, with my own two hands. This was a teachable moment for your pricks. VBW, don't trust me. EBW, I'm coming for you.
Last edited by Machismo (5/02/2021 4:57 pm)
Nerma: Nerma here for another edition of EBW World. That was quite the Xperience we just had, but we can't look back now, we've got to go forward, because it's Golden Week people! That magical week every year where EBW offers up some must see television. This year, we're using it to hype up the first episode of The Ultimate EBW, but we've also got a big "ACE" up our sleeves, with the next Level Up Pro. Hero Dan and Benjamin are the two highest level contenders for the Dogma Emperor, and they will face off to see who will take him on. That's right. We've got Dan vs. Benjamin on Level Up Pro! That's how we're kicking off this week! Then, Xcite will host The Golden Tournament, and Xperience will host the Killer Queen Tournament. This all leads up to The Ultimate EBW. As the week goes on, we'll also have more information regarding the upcoming Collision: The World Games event! We already know that Razorblade is challenging Benjamin for the Triple Crown, but we also believe that Bashin Dan will be taking on the so called "Unified World Champion" Johnny Starbound from Mid-South. Like I said, we'll have more for you all this week!
Golden Week Lineup
Level Up Pro - Hero Dan vs. Warrior of Light
Xcite - The Golden Tournament
Xperience - Killer Queen Tournament
The Ultimate EBW Premiere
Nerma: Xcite will also play host to the "Crystal Heaven Street Fight" , with Tack Angel and "Blood 4 Blood" taking on the "War Kings". The team hit Crystal Heaven to assess the situation before the big event.
Crystal Heaven
Trevor was seen talking to Tracy as Tack approached.
Trevor Mach: Really though? Mermaids....and he doesn't know about them?
Tracy Angel: Right. You can NOT tell him!
Trevor Mach: I mean, I thought that was just a prank before, if you're serious, I have to wonder why you'd tell me?
Tracy Angel: Cause you'd rather screw around then tell him?
Trevor Mach: Wow, you DO get me Tracy.
Tack Angel: Hey guys, what's going on?
Trevor Mach: Nothing fishy over here Tack!
Tack Angel: Huh?
Trevor Mach: Nothing.
Tracy Angel: Hehehe.
Tack Angel: I don't like when you two talk. Trevor come here.
Trevor Mach: What's the problem?
Tack Angel: It's suspicious and weird.
Trevor Mach: Is it because I've vicariously had sex with Tracy through Tali?
Tack Angel: That is NOT how that works.
Trevor Mach: Agree to disagree.
Tack Angel: So what do you think of the city? It's really grown right? Look, this is a Doctor's Office, that Degrees uses when he comes into town.
Degrees: Hey.
Trevor Mach: Man, are you the only Doctor in Eagleland or something?
Degrees: It feels that way. I've had to dip into other fields.
Tack Angel: That's right, he's also a podiatrist now
Degrees: Don't forget gynecology.
Tack Angel: Oh, you've got your hand in that too huh? If I were a Doctor I'd be-
Trevor Mach: A boob doctor. Right. We all know where that's going. You're going to have to clear out all these people when we fight. It's going to get bloody.
Tack Angel: I know. I already warned them about it.
Trevor Mach: I mean it's going to be mermaider.
Tack Angel: What?
Trevor Mach: It's going to be murder.
Tack Angel: Oh. It'll be handled. We'll corner off an area just for the fight.
Trevor Mach: Hang on a second.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Trevor ran off to help a pregnant immigrant, place her belongings into a wagon.
Pregnant Woman: Bless ye sir.
Trevor Mach: No problem, strangely turn of the last century pregnant woman.
Pregnant Woman: What are you called sir? Imma name me baby after ye.
Trevor Mach: The name's Trevor.
Pregnant Woman: Oh fuck that. Thanks all the same though.
Trevor Mach: What? What's wrong with Trevor? Who the hell was that Tack?
Tack Angel: So many people coming into town these days. It's hard to say.
Trevor Mach: I can't ride my dune buggy in your backyard anymore. It's not as much fun here.
Tack Angel: That was you? Of course it was. I had a garden back there.
Trevor Mach: All you eat is salad! I was doing you a favor.
Mav Valentine: Hey team, I don't mean to break up the boring ass tour, but apparently, we got a letter from the "War Kings". They sent it to your house.
Tack Angel: My house? How?
Mav Valentine: I don't know. I don't move the plot along. I'm just passing a message I heard. What do you want from me?
Tack Angel: Well, let's gather your team Trev. Hey Subculture, quit kissing my daughter in front of me! I know you're only doing it to piss me off!
Subculture: Sorry Christina, that's my cue. You sure you're all right?
Christina Angel: Takes a lot more than a jumping to keep me down. You know that.
Tack Angel: YOU BASTARD!
Subculture: Hehe.
Christina Angel: You really like to pester him don't you?
Subculture: That's just a bonus to loving you. I feel that most of all.
Christina Angel: You'd better.
Tack, Trevor, Mav, and Subculture, all convened inside the front room of the Crystal Castle.
Trevor Mach: So I'm noticing the sun hits certain parts of the castle and-
Tack Angel: Creates heat beams? Yeah, you have to move around those. Why do you think we're converting so much of the building material. We got this guy helping out with it. Minecraft Stan or something.
Farris Angel: I think it's Steve actually.
Tack Angel: Impossible. I refuse to know three Steves at once. That's too confusing. Anyways, we pay him in pork. Nice guy.
Mav Valentine: Definitely not kosher though.
Subculture: Where's Picky?
Trevor Mach: Don't tell me he got lost. Just head for the big castle. The monument to Tack's ego.
Tack Angel: Hey!
Mav Valentine: Just read the message.
Tack Angel: Oh right. I'd better get to it. Actually, I think I'd rather read it in the library.
Trevor Mach: Why?
Tack Angel: I just...I never get to read things in the library to a group of people, in like a formal manner. I think it would be neat.
Mav Valentine: It'll sound exactly the same if you read in here.
Tack Angel: It's just a formality. I mean I'm not going to disagree with you, but that's not the point.
Subculture: Just read it. You could've read the whole thing by now.
Tack Angel: Fine! Fine! We'll do what YOU want to do. It''s not written in Eaglish.
Mav Valentine: Waste of time then. Great.
Trevor Mach: Wait. I know that word! I do. It's uh...distraction. It's distraction.
Tack Angel: Distraction? From what?
Tack Angel: Let's go.
Trevor Mach: I've always liked Pirate Bill.
The group quickly found townspeople crowding around Degrees, as he looked over Picky Minch.
Trevor Mach: Picky! Shit man, what happened?
Tack Angel: Penguin? Who did this?
Penguin: QUA!
Tack Angel: The "War Kings"?!
Picky Minch: They jumped me before I even got here! They said they made their choice on who was going to "sit out." Damn, this really hurts!
Trevor Mach: Dick bags making this even more
Tack Angel: I'm glad I'm not alone in dealing with them, and if this is what they intend to do, then I'm glad we're going to have home field advantage. A stand off in Crystal Heaven, and a containment to keep them from doing more damage in EBW. Fair trade.
Picky Minch: I would disagree....but it seems moot at this point. *sigh*
Last edited by Machismo (5/02/2021 5:04 pm)
Anahuac City, Anahuac
Venus: Hello wrestling fans! This is the one and only Venus, reporting to you LIVE! from south of the border in the very heart of Anahuac, Anahuac City. And I am very excited to announce that some very big plans have been set into motion for the future of professional wrestling in Anahuac. More specifically the classic style that started it all.....LUCHA LIBRE! That means HONOR, TRADITION, FAMILY, and most importantly of all, GOD! It's professional wrestling in it's PUREST form. And I can't hardly wait! *SQUEES*
*All of sudden, a distant but familiar voice calls out from off camera....*
Voice: And neither can I.
*Venus now gasps in horror as she immediately recognizes the voice....*
*The person now walks into view of the cameras, confirming Venus's horror as reality....*
*Venus now just shakes her head in disgust as she exclaims.....*
Venus: Goddamn it.
Mia: Hey watch your fucking mouth, Venus.
Venus: *Sighs* How did you even get here, Mia?
Mia: Well it's quite simple, Venus. I actually live here in Anahuac City now.
Venus: Really?
Mia: Yep. Cause for most of those unaware, I actually hold dual citizenship in both Eagleland and Anahuac, through my parents.
Venus: Unbelievable.
Mia: I know right. In fact, my parents are helping fight the good socialist fight to free Anahuac and it's people from the tyranny of capitalism right now. ¡VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN! *Raises fist in the air*
Venus: *Rolls eyes* Oh brother. Can we please stay on topic, Mia. This isn't about the politics of Anahuac, this about the return of LUCHA LIBRE!
Mia: That's why I am here, you silly bitch.
Venus: But as the new hostess, I thought I was suppose to make the announcement.
Venus: AH!
Mia: You have been over ruled.
Venus: Over ruled? By who?
Mia: The new boss.
Venus: DAMN IT!
Mia: Don't be mad, Venus. Senor Pinta just thought your "skills" would be better served in a different role.
Venus: Really?
Mia: I'm serious.
Venus: Sure, you are. *Rolls eyes again*
Mia: HERE! *Hands Venus a piece of paper* Just read this.
Venus: *Reads over the paper* This CAN'T be right? I am being sent to northern Anahuac?
Mia: That's right. And to TCW.
Venus: TCW?
Mia: Toledo Championship Wrestling. It's some shitty ass backyard lucha libre promotion. You'll love it.
Venus: Oh my God!
Mia: Oh, I am sure you'll fit right in, Venus. *Laughs*
Venus: Guess I better get going then.
Mia: Yeah, you better. So as they say in Anahuac, ¡VETE AL CUERNO!
Venus: What?
*The now fuming Venus leaves the scene without saying another word. After she is gone, Mia now turns to the camera and says.....*
Mia: Now that the extra baggage has been taken care of, I can get down business. *Clears throat* ¡HOLA! Greetings to all fans of lucha libre. I am very pleased to announce the return of the OG promotion that started it all. The greatest promotion in the professional wrestling world, ANAHUAC LUCHA LIBRE!
Mia: Please stay tuned for the more announcements and developments, cause the new boss has VERY BIG plans for the future. This is your hostess with the mostess, Mia, signing off for now. ¡VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN! *Raises fist in the air*
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* Tangelo here. How do. It appears that the wrestling world will converge on Twoson for Collision: The World Games. At this event, representatives from all over will compete for Gold medals and supremacy in the sport. Men and women will take part in different match types, and qualifiers will be held all over to see which promotions will be sending reps over. We also know of two feature matches taking place already, regarding the new Unified World Championship, and the EBW Triple Crown World Championship. I'm sure it's going to be a blast. I can't wait. Weeee.
Collision: The World Games
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
1. Unified World Championship: Johnny Starbound(c)<Mid-South> vs. Bashin Dan<EBW>
2. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Benjamin(c)<EBW> vs. Razorblade<VBW>
Tangelo: We also hear that the scene is picking up south of the border, with the return of the ALL promotion. Between this, and the "War Kings" invading from Euroland, we have a real international feel to the premiere Eagleland sport. Who will show up south of the border? Who will pop up to say hello? I don't know. I wouldn't ask me until I have more information. Then I can tell you things. That's all. You can go now.
Saturn Cafe
Benjamin was standing outside, sharing a kiss with Lainey Strong.
Benjamin: My lady, I must say this has all been very fast for me.
Lainey Strong: Well you're keeping up rather well. I'm impressed. You know, I didn't think it'd be this hot to date the World Champion.
Benjamin: I'm sure I'll feel the same way when it's your turn.
Lainey Strong: I don't know when I'll get my chance, or how it'll turn out, not with how things are right now.
Benjamin: Yes, so I've heard. Please, just watch out for yourself.
Lainey Strong: Are you worried about me? Do you want to protect me?
Benjamin: I think you want me to let you handle things on your own?
Lainey Strong: You ARE learning!
Benjamin: Heh.
Lainey Strong: It looks like you have company waiting for you.
Benjamin: Huh?
Benji looked behind himself to see Dan standing there.
Lainey Strong: I'll let you guys talk. I'll see you inside.
Benjamin: Dan? Did I do something?
Bashin Dan: No buddy, I just wanted to have a chance to talk to you alone. First off, because we're meeting up in the ring at Level Up, and this might be our last chance to talk before then.
Benjamin: Wow, that's really crept up on me. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I know you are too. Frog has helped me get my mind in the right place. It's not about "playing" the hero. It's about "being" the hero. That motivation is going to help me with Razorblade too.
Bashin Dan: You're taking to the ACE role rather well. I have to admit, I'm envious and a little jealous. I really want that back, if I'm being honest.
Benjamin: When I get done with Razorblade, then-
Bashin Dan: Jammer will get a shot, and then probably Mav Valentine. They might fight over that order. Point is, I have to wait my turn again, and that's always frustrating. HOWEVER, I do have a different path here. If I beat you at Level Up, I can take on Dogma Emperor and get back in the saddle.
Benjamin: Yeah, but if I win, and I get the shot at Dogma, then-
Bashin Dan: 4-Crown King. The most sought after combination. I like these stakes. Don't you?
Benjamin: Absolutely. You've created a monster Dan. I'm living for this just as much as you are, and I'm ready to usher in the age of heroes in EBW.
Bashin Dan: Glad to hear it Benji. I really am. I DO need to talk about something else with you though. I needed it to be private.
Benjamin: Sure. What's up?
Bashin Dan: It's your relationship with Lainey. How do I.....get there....with Hope?
Benjamin: Are you asking relationship advice?
Bashin Dan: I guess so?
Benjamin: Heh. Well, I'd tell you....but...uh....behind you.
This time, Dan turned around to see a tired Trevor Mach standing behind him with dark circles under his eyes.
Trevor Mach: What about Hope?
Bashin Dan: Uh...I....uh...hehe....umm....
Trevor Mach: That's my daughter Dan. That's Tali's daughter. If you're not afraid of me, just remember Tali.
Bashin Dan: *gulp* I was just-
Trevor Mach: You want some advice? Don't relax around these women Danny boy. Next thing you know, you've got a robot helping you raise your kids, and a purple haired menace that won't give you a moment's peace. She's always around. Does she assume I'm constantly horny? I hurt down there Dan. I hurt. I miss Tali. *sniff* I'm so tired.
Bashin Dan: I'm sorry?
Benjamin: Trevor, I understand that Picky had to go to the hospital?
Trevor Mach: Huh? Yeah. Those dicks wanted to choose who is sitting out for the fight. All they did was motivate Picky that much more. Unfortunately, Degrees says he's only got a 50/50 shot of being cleared to compete, and there's only a 10% chance of that.
Benjamin: What?
Bashin Dan: I don't think that's right.
Trevor Mach: I wasn't paying all that much attention. I'm going to go order something and pass out.
Benjamin: Until Level Up Dan?
Bashin Dan: No. We're both heading into the cafe right now.
Benjamin: Oh right. Yeah. Let's go do that.
Kinniku Mike's House
Mike was at the front door with a busty blonde, giving her the show with the flexing Strong Tits.
Busty Blonde: Oh wow, you weren't kidding. They really do dance.
Kinniku Mike: Do yours dance?
Busty Blonde: They do other things.
Kinniku Mike: Is that right? I'd like to find out more about tha-
Mike suddenly heard his son Isiah kicking a heavy bag in the garage.
Kinniku Mike: uh...I'd like to find out more about that on our next date. Goodnight.
Busty Blonde: What? Wait. Don't you at least want to invite me in for a night cap?
Kinniku Mike: I don't wear hats. Goodnight...whatever your name was.
Mike walked in to see his son determined to kick the bag to the ground.
Kinniku Mike: You know, we're not known for our kicks. That's more of an Angel thing.
Isiah: I want to be known for my own things.
Kinniku Mike: I get that. Is that why you didn't tell me you were joining up?
Isiah: If I had, you'd have freaked out right?
Kinniku Mike: I don't know. I think I would have been surprised. I didn't think you wanted to follow in my footsteps.
Isiah: I didn't know what I wanted to do. I just wanted to make the decision for myself.
Kinniku Mike: Well, you're 16, and I wasn't much older than you, when you were conceived, so I was already making adult choices before I ever joined EBW. I guess you deserve that same right. I can't really parent you too much can I? I don't have the ri-
Isiah: You're my Dad. You DO have the right. Do you want to stop me?
Kinniku Mike: N-no. No, I didn't say that. I just...I worry about you kid. I just want you to be careful.
Isiah: I'm going to give it my best. Don't worry.
Kinniku Mike: ...They won't let me be an assistant coach. I was told that I creep out Hope and Christina. That's fair actually. I have hit on their mothers more times than I can count. Your Dad....he's not a very nice guy apparently. Me showing concern is apparently out of character. That says a lot right? I've been more concerned about this than losing the tag belts to the "War Kings". When did this happen?
Isiah: I guess that happens when you're a Dad?
Kinniku Mike: Heh...I guess. It's funny too, because I used to keep this stuff in my gut, and it would burn. I'd be gritting my teeth angrily over those losses. Amigo would always be the calm and rational one. I guess I am learning something. I'm sure he's fine right now too.
Amigo's Apartment
Amigo was standing on a chair, with a noose around his neck.
Amigo: This seems about right. After my appliances stopped talking to me, I lost the taste for sandwiches, and lost the tag belts yet again, this seems like the best option going forward. I see no alternative. Welp, here goes nothing.
Amigo took a step off the chair, and the rope immediately tore down a chunk of ceiling with it.
Amigo: *cough cough* OW! OW! THAT HURT! FUCK THAT! OW!
Landlady: Amigo? Is that you? I can see you from the new hole you just made. You're not trying to hang yourself again are you?
Amigo: I was....hanging something....else?
Landlady: Oh. Alright then! Patch this up would ya?
Amigo: Yeah. Yeah alright.
Last edited by Machismo (5/04/2021 8:03 am)
Trevor Mach was following Crono and Frog into the building. At a certain point, he turned into Magical Trevor.
Magical Trevor: Whoa! That never stops feeling weird, but I do like the hat. Crono wait! I need to talk to you about Lucca! Something is up with her man!
Crono: .....
Magical Trevor: I don't know if she should have stayed here. Things seem to be corrupted if they stick around current year too long. You know what I mean?
Crono: ......
Magical Trevor: I appreciated that she has loyalty to Tali, but now she's really.....uh....draining. Help me! I mean we fought Giygas and Lavos together. Remember? Talk to her! You're friends right? I'm sure she had a crush on you, and totally dove into other things when you got married to that Marle chick.
Crono: ......
Magical Trevor: Oh sorry. PRINCESS Nadia! Ugh! Too many would be Princes and Princesses around here. I mean look at this dick bag walking up to us.
Cadmus: Hey! How dare you! I am truly the Dark Star Emperor.
Magical Trevor: And I truly don't care!
Cadmus: I want to know why Black Belt Tack is not joining you tonight. You have to defend those tag belts eventually!
Magical Trevor: Not tonight! Tonight we're kicking some Dogma ass. He's not here specifically because he saw what YOU were trying to do. Get into another match with him? Your career derailed when my boy destroyed you.
Cadmus: That's not true! I'm happy to serve Dogma! However...if I WERE in another match with Tack....that would be....good for me.
Magical Trevor: Uh-huh. Tell Dogma Emperor that we're going to tenderize him for Dan or Benji aight?
Crono: ......
Cadmus: What? You wish to speak with Lord Magus? Not happening. He knows you're curious about his allegiances. He just doesn't care to answer. Hahaha.
Crono: ......
Magical Trevor: You said it Crono. That really isn't spiffy.
Apple Kid: Welcome travelers! It's a special day in the Kingdom, as we celebrate the beginning Golden Week! A truly magical time in the realm, and the story really picks up tonight, as one hero will stand to face the Dogma Emperor. Hero Dan and WoL Benjamin have been on converging paths, and tonight they settle the score. Only one will Level Up and be ready to face the "Final Boss" in the Dogma Emperor. However, that's not how we begin the night. Since the beginning of Level Up, the call was sent out for fierce women warriors to help stand up to the wrath of Dogma, and tonight, we begin by crowing a Queen of Level Up. The winner will assume the throne if it is ever cleared of the wicked presence of the Dogma Emperor. Let us begin the tale!
Level Up Wrestling: Golden Week
Studio B, Saturn City
1. Queen of Level Up Decision: [spoilers]Mage Hope beat Captain Lainey Strong via Bridging Trevorplex -> Pin -> Queen of Level Up Champion![/spoilers]
-A frantic way to open the show, with the Mage Hope, daughter of the legendary Magical Trevor battling the Captain of the Guard Lainey Strong. Both have proven themselves, and coincidentally, they also happened to be the love interests of Dan and Benjamin respectively. Lainey had really grown and come into her own, but she was still overwhelmed by a Mage Hope, who is still feeling the rush of victory from other realms. An homage to her father, Hope hit a Bridging Trevorplex to keep Lainey down for the 1-2-3. A Queen is crowned!
Apple Kid: Amazing! Mage Hope is smiling again people. It's a great thing to see, and she shows sportsmanship with a handshake to Lainey Strong. We know her goal is within reach, but tonight is just a reminder to work harder and try again. In other parts of the realm, the "Dark Pact" had changed the landscape. Where people once feared the Dogma Priests and Priestesses, they were now feared the monsters brought forth from Magus and CTW. The Cleric Tiburon and his ally the Ronin Leos returned to the field to fight the evil head on.
2. Tag: Cleric Tiburon/Ronin Leos[o] beat Dark Pact Imp #1/Dark Pact Imp #2[x] via Leos Dive ->pin
-A quick showcase for Tiburon and Leos, as they quickly battered and banished the Dark Pact Imps, with a Brainbuster and a Leos Dive finished them off at once.
Apple Kid: And that's how it's done. The heroes of the realm continue to fight back the evils of this new "Dark Pact", but the real battles were to come, as the heroes took on the elite of this evil force in a 6-Man War!
3. 6-Man War: Magical Trevor/Frog<CTW>[o]/Crono<CTW> beat Magus<CTW>/Dogma Emperor/Cadmus[x] via Frog Splash -> Pin
-The heroes and villains clashed in an all out war, with the fate of the realm at stake. Magus was enigmatic as always, ducking Crono and Frog whenever they tagged in, but happy to duke it out with Magical Trevor, in a battle reminiscent of old times. Cadmus proved to be the weak link, when Trevor pretended to point out Tack in the crowd. He was quick to hit a Trevorplex, and tagged in Frog for the Frog Splash and the win.
Apple Kid: Way to go heroes! The Dogma Emperor and Magus was in retreat for now, but this war isn't over yet. I'm very happy for Crono and Frog. Not as much for Trevor. He and I need to have a talk. I'm serious Trevor. It's about Lucca. What the hell man? What the hell. *clears throat* Onto the main event though, as the match everyone came to see would see begin. Hero Dan and WoL Benjamin, deciding who would be worthy of challenging the Final Boss. It doesn't get more exciting than this!
4. Level Up Match: Hero Dan(Lvl. 9) beat WoL Benjamin(Lvl. 8) via Brave Clash -> Pin -> Level Up! (Lvl. 10)
-The two finally locked up after a stare down almost as long as that one in Edo with that Vegeta guy. Dan grabbed an arm, but Benjamin shoved him off. Dan worked an armbar but Benjamin fought out and threw a knee. Dan worked a headlock, but Benjamin fought it off. Dan smiled at him. Benjamin caught and took down Dan after a chop. Dan wanted WoL motivated, and slapped Benjamin. Benjamin smiled, fired up, and took Dan to a corner and whipped him for a block. Another whip and Dan sidestepped the block. It seemed Dan was baiting Benjamin into his more emotional side to get the advantage. Dan grounded Benjamin with an armbar. Benjamin backed Dan to a corner and hit a few corner lariats. Suplex by Benjamin. Benjamin set up Dan in the Tree of Woe and threw a few shots and then hit a running knee. Benjamin walked right into an armbar submission. Benjamin tried to fight out with a slam, but Dan hit a DDT on the arm he’d been working all match long. Dan continued torturing the left arm. Dan took Benjamin into a corner and threw some kicks, then a knee. Chop by Dan. Spin kick. Benjamin crumbled to the mat and Dan kept it up with kicks. He stomped Benjamin at a rope. The crowd tried to inspire Benjamin back into it. Dan clubbed Benjamin’s midsection as he tied him up in the ropes. Dan ran the ropes, but Benjamin hit a kick to finally get some separation. Benjamin Powerbombed Dan into two opposite turnbuckles, but Dan laid out Benjamin with a lariat slam and both heroes fell to the mat. The match continued to be intense, as Benji got up first and hit the Spear, but as he went up to the second rope for Excalibur, Razorblade suddenly showed up. He pushed Benjamin off the second rope, and Benjamin hit his head hard on the mat from the fall. Dan, not realizing what had happened, thought he had worn down Benjamin and hit the Brave Clash to the get the 1-2-3.
Apple Kid: Unheard of! Razorblade broke the rules we had been following since the beginning, not to interfere in battles taking place, but he did. What is he even doing here? He's not a member of EBW, and especially not a part of the Level Up story! What's happening! Dan is looking angry now.
Bashin Dan: You! I thought for a moment that I had succeeded with my own power, but I see now that you had a part to play in this? That's not how we do things here!
Razorblade: Spare me. I don't give a shit. I see you guys getting into costume and playing around, and it makes me SICK! I don't care about this "dream match" you guys were having. I didn't want it to have a conclusive finish. I want Benjamin mad and focused, right here on me. When he comes to, you tell him who did this. You show him the footage. I'm not screwing around here! I'm coming for the titles, and I'm going to crush him. I'm going to hurt him. I'm going to make him beg and cry in front of that woman of his. If you get in my way, you're going to get hurt too. You're not even in my league. None of you are. *spits on the stage*
Apple Kid: A controversy ends the evening. A big night to kick off Golden Week, but Razorblade made sure that the WoL lost his ability to become a potential 4-Crown King in the realm and the other. You hate to see it. The fans are throwing garbage his way. That's how you quickly become enemy #1. We end it with Dan helping up Benjamin, and embracing his friend. A rough defeat for the Triple Crown Champion. We'll see you next time travelers.
Last edited by Machismo (5/04/2021 11:06 pm)
Nerma: Nerma here, and Golden Week is off and running. What a crazy episode of Level Up Pro right? I don't normally talk about it, because I don't work that day, but man, it was noteworthy this time. Benjamin and Dan were putting on a great match, and then Razorblade got involved. It was despicable. We're told that Benjamin, the Triple Crown World Champion, will have some words for Razorblade, the one man war against EBW, during Xcite. That's what we're here to talk about right now, because Xcite will play host to "The Golden Tournament". In the past it has made major stars, and elevated wrestlers to new heights. Last year Mav Valentine won it, and went on to become World Champion. That was his year for sure, and this year he'll be back in the tournament, with other combatants like Amigo, Firebrand X, Kinniku Mike, Aron Vayne, Jammer, Javier Leos, and Firebrand X. They'll settle up in the Quarter-Finals on ENN+, and finish it off on an Xcite that will also see the Women's World Tag and Television titles on the line. We'll also see a Crystal Heaven Street Fight, with Tack Angel and "Blood 4 Blood" taking on the "War Kings". Now you'll notice that Mav is in the tournament, so yes, Picky Minch WILL be taking part in the Street Fight. They wanted to keep him down and out, and he said no. You're going the get PPV quality matches on ENN+ for Golden Week, so seriously get it. Streaming is the inevitable future. I don't like it either, but at least you get all this good EBW stuff all the time! Just don't get ENNXXX+++ Gold Tier. Just don't do it please. I don't like it when Lakitus try to follow me into the bathroom. Let me shower in peace.
EBW: Xcite "The Golden"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Dark Match 8-Man Tag: Big Shark/Danny Leung/LG Rod/Randy no Kachi vs. Rains/Scott Free/Chad Salad/Manu Kalani
0. Dark Match Tag: Takumu Inui/Dragon Shiryu vs. Yvgenny/Dajh
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Mav Valentine vs. Amigo
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Aron Vayne vs. Jammer
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Hashim Al-Singh vs. Javier Leos
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Firebrand X vs. Kinniku Mike
1. Women's World Tag Team Championships: Jenny James(c)/Jessica James(c) vs. Kimber Blaze/Calamity Jane vs. Bev/Raza
2. Women's Television Championship: Hope Mach(c) vs. Lainey Strong
3. The Golden Tournament Semi-Final: TBA vs. TBA
4. The Golden Tournament Semi-Final: TBA vs. TBA
5. Crystal Heaven Street Fight: Trevor Mach/Tack Angel/Subculture/Picky Minch vs. Hazen/Ilya Fedorovich/Radzi Schrieffer/Golvoth
6. The Golden Tournament Finals: TBA vs. TBA
Crystal Heaven
Amy Angel was sneaking around Crystal Heaven, trying to avoid the patrolling Uranus and Neptune, and steering clear of Chun-Li and Samus. The night made for easy cover, as the crystal street lights on this side of the kingdom were still be replaced by cheaper, more efficient ones. She walked over to the sight of the Crystal Heaven Street Fight, or at least the area it's supposed to start in. She pulled something out from between her breasts, and placed it under a bench.
Faris Angel: Amy? Is that you?
Amy Angel: Huh? Yeah Faris, it's me.
Faris Angel: It's so dark over here. What are you doing?
Amy Angel: Just looking at the night sky. It's something over here without as much lighting.
Faris Angel: Tis beautiful. At night, I'd watch the skies from my ship, and try to count the stars. These are completely different stars though. That's wild to think about.
Amy Angel: Look at that one right there. You know what that is? I think that's Earth-5.
Faris Angel: Earth-5? The evil Earth? You think so?
Amy Angel: Oh, I'm pretty sure. You can't always see it. It's almost like it's purposefully out of sight most of the time, but on nights like this, you can see it. You ever want to visit it?
Faris Angel: Are you kidding? No way!
Amy Angel: Yeah....yeah I'm kidding. Who would ever right? Haha...ha. Who would ever?
Faris Angel: ....Amy?
Amy Angel: Huh? Sorry, I was staring. It's hard not to get caught up in it right? Let's go make some dinner. I'm starving.
Faris Angel: Good idea!
Amy Angel: ....
Crystal Heaven
Makoto Angel: Makoto Angel here at....well home! I'm LIVE at Crystal Heaven, where tonight, my Tacky Star Boy is teaming with the Bushido Desperadoes known as "Blood 4 Blood" in a bit of a standoff with the "War Kings". It won't be high noon, but it will be high time for a showdown, and I know that Tack can stand up to the challenge. I know I have to be impartial, but I mean, this is my home. How can I be? You knew that before you assigned me to this Steve! Beyond that, it's Golden Week, and thus it is time for The Golden Tournament! Can you feel it? I think things are about get very very interesting in EBW!
Tommy Dukes: Hello fight fans everywhere, and welcome to Xcite! This is Golden Week! It's The Golden Tournament, and we are LIVE!
Nerma: Excited to see the action, but of course with ENN+ you've already seen an incredible line up of bouts. We gave you a real reason to subscribe this time around. You got the Quarter-Finals, and they were great! We started off with a big 8-Man Tag, where "The Shark Order" managed to beat "Flood Generation", and I say managed, but this new big guy called Big Shark that carries around Baby Shark, their leader, is a very impressive specimen. I'd rate him as a "10". The Big Shark Slam onto Rains himself ended the match. Afterwards, a very angry Rains actually walked away from Good News Gary. I wonder what that means?
Tommy Dukes: After that, the absolutely dynamic duo of Takumi Inui and Dragon Shiryu made quick work of "Team Sazh", as a Dragon Suplex to the young Dajh sealed the deal. In the first match of the Tournament, Mav Valentine, last year's winner, managed to actually out work Amigo on the mat. He seemed a little out of it, sporting a rope burn around his neck, but it still looked like he'd win with the Ankle Lock. Instead, Mav managed to counter it and slap one in of his own. Amigo wouldn't tap, so the ref called for the stoppage. Jammer and Aron Vayne had a high spirited contest, with the Judoka improving his professional wrestling game. However, you have to remember Jammer was just in the main event of Victory Explosion for a reason. A quick DDT and a Slam Jam got him the win. Javier Leos bested Hashim Al-Singh in a fun scrap, escaping the Camel Clutch attempt, and hitting a Sling Blade, before the Leos Dive and the pin.
Nerma: The big match was Firebrand X and Kinniku Mike, two stalwarts of EBW, going at it in a hard hitting match up. Mike was more on point than Amigo, but Firebrand has been on a roll since coming back, and after a battering with Mike, he wore the big guy down and hit the Fire Thunder Driver for the clean win. You really needed ENN+ for this one.
Tommy Dukes: Just don't get ENNXXX+++ Gold Tier. I don't want you to see my penis.
Chaz Hardcastle: Let me cut in right there and argue that statement. Please DO get the tier, and I'll tell you why. Now...and I mean RIGHT can see Razorblade watching tonight's event from a nearby strip club, and he's a big tipper folks. He'll be talking down all the talent tonight, and that's gotta create controversy right? I do love a little exploitation. So go ahead and make that upgrade. Guys....tits...need I say more?
Tommy Dukes: ...He makes a compelling argument.
Nerma: No he doesn't! This isn't ABOUT is...because we're cutting now to Benjamin, our Triple Crown Champion, who happens to have words for Razorblade. Bad timing on my accout.
Benjamin: No, you were right, this isn't about him, and it's not about me. This is about The Golden Tournament, and Golden Week in general. It's an honor to have this time, but I'm going to make it quick. You got involved in Level Up, my important match with my good friend. I'd say I'm surprised, but you've made it clear what kind of person you are. Do you know what kind of person I am? Do you know what motivates me? What fires me up? You want me angry, I'm just committed. You're crying out to be taken down a peg, and I'll make sure it happens.
Tommy Dukes: Short and to the point. The Triple Crown World Champion everyone. He's great. That match with Dan was amazing. Like normally you pay to see a show that good, but it was right there on ENN. You can still totally get great things on ENN, and not have to but the XXX+++ Gold Tier. Listen, I want to have sex with my wife in peace!
Nerma: Tommy! *blush*
Tommy Dukes: I'm a little backed up here! I'm ready action....WRESTLING ACTION! LET'S TAKE IT TO THE RING!
EBW: Xcite "The Golden"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
0. Dark Match 8-Man Tag: Big Shark[o]/Danny Leung/LG Rod/Randy no Kachi beat Rains[x]/Scott Free/Chad Salad/Manu Kalani via Big Shark Slam -> Pin
0. Dark Match Tag: Takumu Inui/Dragon Shiryu[o] beat Yvgenny/Dajh[x] via Dragon Suplex -> Pin
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Mav Valentine beat Amigo via Ankle Lock -> Referee Stoppage
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Jammer beat Aron Vayne via Slam Jam -> Pin
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Javier Leos beat Hashim Al-Singh via Leos Dive -> Pin
0. The Golden Tournament Quarter-Final: Firebrand X beat Kinniku Mike via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
1. Women's World Tag Team Championships: Jenny James(c)/Jessica James(c)[o] beat Kimber Blaze/Calamity Jane and Bev/Raza[x] via Doomsday Device -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The opening match was supposed to be a 3-Way Tag contest for the Women's World Tag Team Championships, but Kimber Blaze and Calamity Jane were nowhere to be seen, making this a straight up rematch between the James Sisters and "Muscle Girl Security". Rough and tumble action, with the muscle clashing with the hustle. Raza managed to fight off a Piledriver attempt, but after a few hard shots, Jenny managed to lift the big girl on her shoulders for a Doomsday Device from Jessica. Jenny made the cover to get the win and the title defense!
Nerma: And that's a defense for the James Sisters. Very well done, but where were Kimber Blaze and Calamity Ja-
Tommy Dukes: We actually have an answer for that. Let's go backstage!
Larry Grim: Grim here, and things really are grim backstage. I apologize for the pun, but it's all I've got. We have Kimber and Jane laid out in a pool of blood, but it's worse than that. The next match is going to have to be called off as well. Take a look for yourself.
The camera cut over to Christina Angel holding a bloody Hope Mach, who was struggling to reach for her hearing aid, but doing so with a left hand missing its ring finger. Bashin Dan ran up in a panic.
Bashin Dan: What happened?! Hope?! Are you all right?!
Christina Angel: It's those damn "Skulls & Bones"! Dammit Tess! DAMMIT! Why did you do this?!
Hope Mach: Dan? I can't hear right now.
Bashin Dan: It's ok. Look at my lips. It's ok Hope. Please just relax.
Hope Mach: This just keeps happening doesn't it? Especially when I'm happy.
Bashin Dan: I know. You were happy about finally beating Sunny, and I am very proud of you for that.
Hope Mach: No. I'm happy because of you, but look. They took my ring finger. I'm so sorry.
Bashin Dan: Why are you apologizing to me? *sniff* Look in my eyes. Read my lips. You've been through hell and back. You're going to be just fine. You don't know how to break. I love you Hope. *sigh* Will you take care of her Christina?
Christina Angel: Where are you going? You can't really fight the "Skulls & Bones". This is our fight. You stay with her. She needs you until the EMTs get here. I'll go looking for them.
Bashin Dan: *sigh* You're right. Be careful Christina.
Christina Angel: *nods*
Elsewhere the Lakitus found Lainey Strong running down Tess.
Lainey Strong: Did you see what just happened?
Tess: I'm watching all of it. Every second.
Lainey Strong: Hope is family to you, and they just took her finger! How can you stomach this?
Tess: They did this. I just opened the door.
Lainey Strong: Everyone is getting hurt. Is that really what you wanted? Why? Why are you like this? Why do you hate so much?
Tess: Hate? This comes from love....a Mother's love. None of you understood, and now you'll learn the ultimate lesson.
Lainey Strong: Please! Stop them!
Tess: It's far too late for that. This has been their way of saying hello, but make no mistake.....they're coming.
Lainey Strong: ....
2. Women's Television Championship: Hope Mach(c) vs. Lainey Strong
3. The Golden Tournament Semi-Final: Mav Valentine beat Jammer via Mav Buster -> Pin
-It was now time to get back to The Golden Tournament, and Mav and Jammer wasted little time. The two went at each other quickly on the mat, then broke and reset. Both guys went for leg locks on the mat and reversed several times. The two transitioned to wrenching arms and reversed that several times as well. Mav was ready for Jammer’s flip against the ropes and he slid outside and hit a suplex on the apron. Mav slid back in and hyperextended Jammer’s leg over the bottom rope in a spot. Mav locked in a brief complicated submission, but Jammer fought back to the ropes. The two hit their feet and started exchanging chops and palm strikes. Hiptoss/dropkick by Jammer. Jammer set up for the Sling Blade, but Mav bucked him off, and in a lighting fast move, he hit the boot and the Mav Buster, for a 1-2-3.
Tommy Dukes: And Mav with the win! Last year's winner is making it to the Finals, where he will either take on Javier Leos or Firebrand X. Either way, we've got a big match to look forward to. Jammer will just have to settle for that Brass Ring for now, and his hot girlfriend, and his friends, and the sweet sweet Victory Explosion main event pay check. *sigh* I think I'm a secret Jammer mark.
Nerma: It's not a secret. He's got his shoes at home, and Jammer posters. They're literally all Jammer MISSING shots with a basketball!
4. The Golden Tournament Semi-Final: Firebrand X beat Javier Leos via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
-The next match saw Firebrand take on Javier Leos, in the match to determine who would face Mav in the Finals. Healock takeover by Leos to start. X reversed into a double wristlock briefly and the two broke and reset. Quick reversals led to a headlock by Leos. Firebrand reversed again and put a hard knee into Javier’s ribs. The ropes broke up the two and X wrenched Javier’s left knee. Firebrand tripped Leos and struck his back and sides, then put on a headlock. Firebrand worked into a cover for one, then got up and through a hard kick to Leos’ side. Leos flipped and reversed a move and started stomping Firebrand and wrenched his leg. Javier threw strikes to Firebrand’s face to keep him off stride as he worked over his legs. Firebrand fired back and worked Javier further on the mat with a headlock, and Javier broke the hold with the ropes, but Firebrand put another knee in Javier’s side, then his back. Some near rule breaks from X, as he kept the high flying Leos trying to fight his game, and despite a good effort, Firebrand was eventually able to lift Javier for the Fire Thunder Driver, and that was all she wrote.
Nerma: Most of that was mat work. Real Catch AS Catch Can stuff, and it took just one move the likes of the Fire Thunder Driver to end it. That might as well have been a Bushido Rules match.
Tommy Dukes: I approve. Very good stuff, and this means Firebrand protected himself for the Finals. He was huffing a lot less than Mav was. This was a coordinated game plan. I'm impressed. Mav Valentine vs. Firebrand X is coming up to determine who wins The Golden Tournament this year, but before that, we have a very special match up for you. It's Golden Week, and you deserve the best. Tack Angel and "Blood 4 Blood" taking on the "War Kings" in the street of Crystal Heaven. Let's take you right to the action.
5. Crystal Heaven Street Fight:
-The two circled a bit. Valentine/Firebrand dueling chants as they circled. The two exchanged some holds and Firebrand backed Valentine to a corner, where Valentine transitioned to a brief headlock. Mav struck quick and often, then backed Firebrand to a corner and threw fists. Firebrand came back hard and draped Mav over a corner and hit a vicious palm strike, then went up the corner and stomped him until he fell all the way to the floor. Firebrand followed him out and the two exchanged punches. X set up a palm strike against a table, but Mav moved. More stiff shots by both guys. Mav tried to lift Firebrand a couple of times, who held a cravat for just a moment but Valetine fought out using Firebrand’s now injured hand from the table, and kicked it a few times. Rope run and a huge Larait by X, who took a breather after laying out Valentine. He snapped a half-crab on Valentine while continuing to shake his right hand. Valentine worked his way out, but Firebrand hit a boot to put him down in a corner. Firebrand leaned on Mav to wear him out all the more. Mav slipped outside and X waited for him there. Firebrand suplexed Mav back into the ring, then kicked at him and yelled for him to get up. Mav got in a chop, but Firebrand took him down with a knee to the head. He then hit a huge right to a kneeling Mav and grabbed at his hand in pain. Mav was able to hit a clothesline but he didn’t take X down. A second, third and fourth weren’t enough. A running lariat wasn’t enough. A flying lariat wasn’t either. Firebrand just planted his feet and demanded he try again. Valentine continued running the ropes and still couldn’t ground Firebrand. Mav went for another one, but Firebrand reveresed him for a Hagen attempt, however Mav reversed that and took X down with the Hagen. Mav started to rally with a series of slams, but Firebrand came back with the Fire Thunder Driver attempt. Mav grabbed the ropes and escaped, and the two shared a long series of reversals, until another kick to Firebrand's hand opened up Mav to hit the Mav Buster. 1-2-3! Mav Buster with the pin and the win, becoming the first ever 2-Time winner of The Golden Tournament!
Last edited by Machismo (5/05/2021 10:29 pm)
Nerma: Nerma here, and Golden Week rolls on with another big update! Mav Valentine won The Golden Tournament, Tack Angel got blown up again, and we found a finger! Those are the big news stories coming off of Xcite. The Women's Television Champion actually had her finger cut off backstage, but they found it, and were able to reattach it! I'd say that's good news, but the fact that this is happening is scary stuff, and we haven't even seen a single second of the attackers yet. Hope is going to be fine though, and I hear Tack is fine too.....sort of? I'm surprised he's cleared to compete on Xperience. That's right, the "Bad Dudes" reunite...again again....for a tag match, against Hazen and Ilya Fedorovich. After the loss in Crystal Heaven, you know they'll want some payback. I'm told that if the "War Kings" get the win on Xperience, they'll be able to decide Trevor Mach's next opponent for the EBW Challenge Championship. That can't be easy for Mach, who'll have to make several defenses in the coming days, or his other titles he's captured on the independents. One of the repercussions of essentially doing what Razorblade has been doing, just the other way around. I mean, I don't want to knock the guy, but that's it essentially right? That tag bout will be a big feature on Xperience, but the biggest feature will be the Killer Queen Tournament. That's right the Women's Division gets their turn at bat this time around, with the winner getting a guaranteed title match against Christina Angel in the near future. We're not thinking it's going to be at Collision, because EBW will need their best on standby, in case other promotions send their best women to compete. It's all about strategy. We got the strats people. We already know Mid-South is not only going to be sending people to Collision, but because we'll be IN Mid-South for Xperience, they are sending a group to take on "Dan Club". Johnny Starbound, the so called Unified World Champion has been mocking Bashin Dan, not just on television, but social media, and for some reason that matters.
EBW: Xperience "Killer Queen Tournament"
Mid-South Sportasseum, Mid-South
0. Killer Queen Tournament Quarter-Finals: Lainey Strong vs. Calamity Jane
0. Killer Queen Tournament Quarter-Finals: Alison Chains vs. Kaie
0. Killer Queen Tournament Quarter-Finals: Duvalie vs. BeShemoth
0. Killer Queen Tournament Quarter-Finals: Erica vs. Gold
0. Dark Match Bushido Rules Singles: Picky Minch vs. Aron Vayne
0. Dark Match Tag: Big Shark/Danny Leung vs. Nosan/Manu Kalani
1. 8-Man Tag: Benjamin/Bashin Dan/Jammer/Vape vs. Barry "The Master" Lawless/Johnny Starbound/Dirk Laramie/Dick Wagner
2. Killer Queen Tournament Semi-Finals: TBA vs. TBA
3. Singles: Magnum PT vs. Razorblade<VBW>
4. Killer Queen Tournament Semi-Finals: TBA vs. TBA
5. Tag: Tack Angel/Trevor Mach vs. Hazen/Ilya Fedorovich
6. Killer Queen Tournament Finals: TBA vs. TBA
Crystal Heaven Hospital
Trevor Mach cracked his neck as he entered the room of Hope Mach, who was on the phone as he entered.
Hope Mach: *on the phone* No, that's the whole ploy. That's what they're trying to do, trying to draw you out. You play the game and we lose, the only way to win is not to play.
Trevor Mach: That sounds like an Angel tactic. I don't like that.
Hope Mach: *on the phone* Dad's here. You want to talk? What do you mean you're trying to figure out where you are? Just what are you up to? Mom? She hung up.
Trevor Mach: It's cool Hope, we talked about this stuff already. I'm sure she just wanted to check on you, however she knew that by me being in the room, a Lakitu was sure to follow.
Hope Mach: I guess so?
Trevor Mach: How are you doing?
Hope Mach: I can't hold it up or move it for awhile, but it's reattached.
Trevor Mach: That's great. I'm sorry that happened. It just keeps happening doesn't it? Cure of being a Mach.
Hope Mach: I'm proud to be a Mach.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, but what you really want to be is a Dan right?
Hope Mach: What?
Trevor Mach: Or....whatever his last name is? What IS his last name? Is is like in Edo? Is is Bashin? Would you be Bashin Hope? I'd really rather it not be like that?
Hope Mach: What are you talking about?
Trevor Mach: You were sad it was your ring finger, and you made mention of that to Dan. Yes, *stares at camera* I watch the product! Hahaha! Moving on.
Hope Mach: You saw that huh?
Trevor Mach: Was replaying the show in the waiting room. So Dan's the man huh?
Hope Mach: *blush* I don't know. I-
Trevor Mach: Nothing to be ashamed of. He's one of the few non-dickbags left in existence apparently. I certainly have no objections. I mean you're an adult. You don't need my blessing-
Hope Mach: I know that Dad, but-
Trevor Mach: But you have it.
Hope Mach: ......
Trevor Mach: Whenever you decide it's time for have it. I just want you to be happy. It's not like I was going to cave his face in or anything.
Hope Mach: Heh. Thanks Dad.
Christina Angel: Hope? Oh, I'm not interrupting am I?
Trevor Mach: Not at all. Come on in. Look Hope, Christina came all the way here to see you.
Hope Mach: I'm not that out of it.
Christina Angel: And I live here.
Trevor Mach: ....It's the thought that counts? I'm going to go check on the other patient.
Christina Angel: He's still out cold, but it would be appreciated Uncle Trev. I guess we need to figure out who helped Hazen with that bomb.
Trevor Mach: True, but more importantly, you two young ladies need to be ready for TUE. That's this week you know. Feel better Hope.
Christina Angel: You know, it's funny watching the "Bad Man" be a softie for his kids.
Hope Mach: He's hiding how furious he is. I can see it. It's a dangerous rage, and I'm going need to tap into that going forward. We have to fight fire with fire all over again.
Christina Angel: This isn't like "Eisenritter". They don't want to control us, they want to destroy us. I know I was the one to lead the charge against "Eisenritter", but these tactics are too far for even me. I'm not going to hack off limbs. I know how to win in the ring, but this is next level.
Hope Mach: We just have to stick together, except in TUE, where I'll totally dominate you.
Christina Angel: Heh, if you say so girl, but I've got the upper hand here.
Hope Mach: You think so, but I've got an ace up my sleeve too. I'd show you, but I can't really move my hand too much right now.
Christina Angel: They're saying you might have to vacate the TV title.
Hope Mach: No way, not after what I had to do to rip it from Sunny Malibu's grasp. Tess isn't running things anymore, and my Mom is gone from EBW. It's the wild west in our division now. We'll make our own rules. If someone wants my title, they'll have to rip it out of my good hand....cause it's got the better grip right now.
Christina Angel: You're just like you're Dad sometimes.
Hope Mach: I'm going to need that relentlessness for what we have coming next.
Christina Angel: I meant with the humor, but I'll take the relentlessness too.
The two friends and champions laughed, as Trevor made his way into the next room, where Tack Angel was still asleep, and surrounded by the wives.
Trevor Mach: Is this a bad time?
Nani Angel: Yes.
Makoto Angel: Of course not. Come on in.
Amy Angel: Doctor says no concussion, but it might have rattled him.
Trevor Mach: That guy's large dome must be concussion proof.
Tracy Angel: Don't make fun of his cracked melon, no matter how big you think it is. We like it!
Trevor Mach: I was kidding! Jeez! It's so hard to be misunderstood.
Nani Angel: We know exactly who you are and what you're thinking.
Trevor Mach: .....It's so hard to be understood?
Faris Angel: I swear, I'm going to make him wear a helmet if he wants to get blown up again.
Iroha Angel: I don't think that was the plan.
Amy Angel: I've already begun an investigation with my partner. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't a sanctioned explosion, meaning it's more akin to attempted murder. I know in EBW these things slide, but this happen in Crystal Heaven, and we don't accept that. I-
Tack Angel: A-Amy?
Amy Angel: Tack?
Everyone surrounded Tack closely as he opened his eyes, looking very confused.
Tracy Angel: How many fingers am I holding up Tack?
Tack Angel: Tracy? What are you doing here?
Tracy Angel: Why wouldn't I be here?
Tack Angel: I appreciate it, but it's weird, since you broke up with me and all. I mean, I know you've wanted me back but-
Tracy Angel: Huh?
Tack Angel: Amy? What's going on? How did I end up in....whatever hospital this is?
Amy Angel: You're in Crystal Heaven.
Trevor Mach: You exploded again bud.
Tack Angel: Trevor? Again? Look, this is weirding me out. I'm surrounded here. Back up a little please? Amy, please tell me what's going on, and why you're here with all of them?
Amy Angel: You were in a Street Fight in Crystal Heaven. An explosion launched you, and you took a blow to the head.
Tack Angel: Who was I fighting? What IS Crystal Heaven?
Makoto Angel: We need Degrees in here. Something is wrong.
Trevor Mach: Hey buddy? Trevor here again. Listen, what's the last thing you remember?
Tack Angel: I remember something about a hot springs?
Trevor Mach: What year do you think it is?
Tack Angel: ...It's 2018 right?
Trevor Mach: Oh shit. Ladies, he doesn't remember being Star Prince.
Amy Angel: .....
Makoto Angel: Oh no!
Faris Angel: This is bad.
Tracy Angel: Do you not remember marrying all of us?
Tack Angel: The "Tack Bowl"? That was just a silly thing you all were doing, but I'm married to Amy. Amy I'm freaking out here.
Trevor Mach: Ladies, let's get out of the room and let Amy explain this, so my dude isn't so freaked out. Come on.
Trevor ushered them out of the room, leaving just Tack and Amy.
Tack Angel: I feel like I've missed a lot Amy. What's happening?
Amy tilted her head down, grinned, and lifted her head back up.
Tack Angel: Amy?
Amy Angel: I have so much we have to cover, starting with the moment you decided to cast off the shackles of your facade, to be who you truly are underneath.
Tack Angel: I-I did?
Amy Angel: Hehe.