Nerma: Nerma here, and before I go any further, I want to point something out. For months, I was saying how "sus" I was of the Angel Family. I tried to "evolve" my thinking, and now, I feel bad for Makoto and Christina, but the rest of them, I'm not too sure yet. I just wanted to point out that I called it, so answer that phone. Moving on though, the right and correct person that I am, I'm pleased to announce that I will be on the commentary team for Collision: The World Games. It's going to be a big event, with several teams chipping in, but they weren't complete until they had the veteran voice of EBW. Sorry, I'm just riding high on my rightness right now. Doesn't make me happy about the situation, but hopefully, we'll see Mav Valentine beat Tack up at Collision, or else, the "King" will step on the back of the 2x Golden Tournament winner to get a title shot. I don't want to see that. Sorry, I can't be non-biased here. Did you watch Xperience? Makoto could barely get a word out! She's my friend, and I'm pissed. The fact that he also cut me off from talking to him? Where does he get the right!? *sigh* So folks, obviously Level Up is being postponed for a couple weeks, but make no mistake, Bashin Dan will be getting his shot against the Dogma Emperor when it does take place. We need 2 Days for this big event, and then the next week is Ultimate EBW, but the "Dangerous Player" will get that shot, so look forward to it. I bring up TUE, because we're also going to be covering TUE clips going forward. Little snippets to tide you over before the next episode. We know interest is high, so why not milk it right? Ugh. Let's check it out, but only AFTER you get the reveal for the logo and theme song for Collision: The World Games!
TUE House
The two coaches stood in the living room, with the rest of the talent.
Hope Mach: You're all going to be going to this show, to get a taste first hand of what we do, and what's at stake.
Christina Angel: We know that you all have at least some experience in the ring, but it's different when you see EBW talent in action. That's what we're turning you into.
Hope Mach: You're not just going to be wrestlers. You're going to be EBW wrestlers. Quite the difference.
Isiah Muscle: Works for me. I wanted to see my Dad compete anyways.
Darkness Aoi: You feel highly of your abilities, but aren't you forgetting something?
Hope Mach: No, we know what you're thinking.
Wendy Mustang: Those "Skulls & Bones".
Point Man: The Point Man will have your back if they come out and-
Christina Angel: No. Don't interfere. This show is all about developing all of you. That fight is our fight. If they show up, they show up. We'll deal with it in our own way. That'll be all.
As the two teams dispersed, Hope and Christina stuck around.
Hope Mach: We need to talk.
Christina Angel: About my Dad?
Hope Mach: Yeah. This is going to make things complicated, but I think we should wait until after Collision.
Christina Angel: I agree. We need our heads in the game.
Hope Mach: And we need to be able to watch each other's backs.
Christina Angel: I don't want this to mess with our friendship.
Hope Mach: Me either, but between this, and the competition we're about to enter against each other, it's easy to get caught up in it all. Let's settle it later.
Christina Angel: Sure.
The Mach Residence
Trevor stood looking out the window, after reading the script to Commando to Justice to put him to sleep. It had started raining, as Lucca appeared in the room from behind the couch.
Trevor Mach: You're slipping. I actually heard that.
Lucca: I'm not here to spy on you. Just to help with the kids.
Trevor Mach: Well, I unplugged the robot, and I did the parenting thing myself tonight. I AM capable of it.
Lucca: We're only here to make things easier for you. That was Sir's orders.
Trevor Mach: And tell me...where is "Sir"?
Lucca: Classified information. I was told not to say.
Trevor Mach: You know, I told her to find herself, but I was really hoping she'd at least call and tell me what she's up to.
Lucca: It's-
Trevor Mach: Complicated. I know. It was always is. I wouldn't have her any other way. A distance away, or right here in the room. I love her, and I just hope that Tack was wrong, and she loves me too.
Lucca: Do you doubt that?
Trevor Mach: That asshole was wrong about a lot of things, but I know I'm not easy to get along with.
Lucca: If it helps, sir was very happy to hear what you said on Xperience.
Trevor Mach: I love her. I don't care who knows. I don't need a harem. She's been my love and my best friend for over a decade.
Lucca: Very touching.
Trevor Mach: Yeah? Maybe this means you could lay off a little bit?
Lucca: I will not stop. No ands, ifs, or buts. Nothing will deter me.
Trevor Mach: *sigh* Of course not.
Lucca: In fact, she was rather excited and turned on by your expressions. and she insisted I fill in for her as a result.
Trevor Mach: Lucca....please get your hand out of my pants. Just tell me where she is.
Lucca: ....*sigh* She was last spotted near the Anahuac border.
Trevor Mach: Is that right? Lucca, plug the robot back in. I've got to g-
Lucca: You can't leave. Sir needs to figure out her next steps on her own, and you have your own obligations.
Trevor Mach: ...I guess you're right. I'm going to bed.
Lucca: I will join yo-
Trevor Mach: ALONE!
Twoson Park
Amidst the action in the market place, as sullen Makoto Angel walked around, trying to make sense of things. She sat down on a bench, with her face in her hands. Suddenly, someone sat next to her.
Amy Angel: Why are you so sad Makoto?
Makoto Angel: Amy?
Amy Angel: I've been looking for you everywhere. What's wrong?
Makoto Angel: I mean, isn't it obvious? Something bad is happening with Tack. You've been around him the most. What's going on?
Amy Angel: It's not something bad. It's something good. It's something right. He's fulfilling his destiny. You of all people should be thrilled about it. You were the one who convinced him to accept that destiny remember?
Makoto Angel: I know, and I'm glad that he's embracing that side again, but this is just so much to take in. I really want to just talk to him, and remind him of all the good that has happened these last 3 years.
Amy Angel: He's seen it. Our whole lives are on record, and he doesn't want to repeat those mistakes, but he's holding on tightly to what is important, namely us.
Makoto Angel: But he married another woman too! Rose Mulligan! That's Lady M's sister! It feels like it was done out of spite!
Amy Angel: We needed her strength in our family. Strength is important right now, because we're up against gigantic odds. I'm even thinking about leaving the force to concentrate more on family business. It's going to get busy. This is the destiny you spoke about. He would take many wives, and the children would help defeat a great evil. What if....THIS is exactly how that was meant to go. The great evil, might even be EBW itself, needing to be purified. Who knows? All I know is, we need to trust in him, like he puts his trust in us.
Makoto Angel: I just...feel so distant from him right now, and-
Amy put her hand on Makoto's leg, and suddenly squeezed very tightly.
Makoto Angel: Amy?
Amy Angel: ....H-help.
Makoto Angel: Amy, what's wrong?
Amy Angel: N-nothing. Nothing is wrong. Sorry. I thought I was going to sneeze for a minute. Haha! Come on, let's go back to the hotel. We have a whole floor to ourselves.
Makoto Angel: *sigh* Alright.
Backstage - Twoson Fairgrounds
The building was packed with different agents, promoters, and talent from various places, as they all went through physicals, and filled out contracts before the commencement of the World Games. In the EBW locker room, several members of the talent were knelt down in front of Fray Tibruon, as he lead them in a prayer. The good friar caught sight of a figure passing by the door, and once the prayer was over, he quickly followed behind.
Fray Tiburon: Excuse me? Tack?
Tack Angel: ...Your Highness.
Fray Tiburon: I'm sorry?
Tack Angel: You are a Friar. You have a title. I respect that. I want you to respect me. Your Highness.
Fray Tiburon: ...I see. Well your Highness, I was just going to invite you to come pray with us.
Tack Angel: I'm not Catholic.
Fray Tiburon: Nobody's perfect.
Tack Angel: ...
Fray Tiburon: That was a joke.
Tack Angel: I'd rather not. I make my prayers personal. I don't need the assistance of an intermediary.
Fray Tiburon: That's not really my job, but are you sure you don't need assistance?
Tack Angel: What do you mean?
Fray Tiburon: Hebrews 13:4 "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."
Tack Angel: ....That doesn't apply to me. My "marriage bed" is not defiled. So, you judge me too. I thought it was judge not, lest ye be judged. Hypocrite.
Fray Tiburon: I only mean that-
Tack Angel: What? I'm not doing things the way you would. It's MY LIFE! Isaiah 4:1 "And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach.” Judges 8:30 "Now Gideon had seventy sons, his own offspring, for he had many wives."
Fray Tiburon: Forgive me, I didn't mean to-
Tack kicked Fray Tiburon in the head, knocking him to the floor.
Tack Angel: How dare you. I spent years letting people bully my family. I can't believe I ever let myself be that weak! I don't deserve it! They don't deserve it! In the future, you'll show us respect, and keep your thoughts to yourself Friar.
Last edited by Machismo (5/14/2021 8:06 am)
Roof of the Twoson Fairgrounds
A large desk was set up next to a giant monitor, as representatives from most of the promotions all sat together.
Nerma: Well, that was certainly an incredible night was it not? Nerma here, with of these guys, and we're here to recap the first night of action in this, the beginning of an annual tradition. The World Games 2021! It was an honor and privilege to be here, and to call the action for EBW.
Zombie Ted Pettentool: Well gosh, it was wild, it was wacky, and it was unbelievabl-
Nerma: *cough cough* I've got this Ted. We're all here at a round table to call this, but I think I've got seniority. Now...that doesn't make me old though. I mean, I just had a kid, but I'm still a young hot thi- oh never mind!
Vance Hustle: I'm Vance Hustle from Mid-South. Yeah Nerma, I'm sitting at the far end over here. Can we get to the action?
Nerma: Don't tell me what to do! *sigh* So let's get to the action. The show kicked off, with the opening ceremony, where the promotions all came out carrying banners. They all seemed united.
Tony Bologna: Except for EBW, in which Tack Angel and the "War Kings" all came out on their own.
Nerma: Thanks Tony! I thought you were done.
Tony Bologna: I work for SDW now, along with GR, and some dude that wears a mask and yells "TOPE SUICIDA" a lot.
Xcalibur: That would be me.
Nerma: Yeah, no one cares. We began the night with an Elimination 4-Team Tag, to see who could carry the gold in tag team wrestling.
Collision: The World Games Day 1
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
1. World Games Elimination Men's 4-Team Tag: Trevor Mach<EBW>/Subculture<EBW> vs. Tom Barris<Mid-South>/Dom Barris<Mid-South> vs. Kamikaze Clown A<VBW>/Kamikaze Clown B<VBW> vs. Max Superkick<SDW>/Larry Superkick<SDW>
-Max Superkick<SDW>[o]/Larry Superkick<SDW> eliminated Tom Barris<Mid-South>/Dom Barris<Mid-South>[x] via Superkick -> Pin
-Trevor Mach<EBW>/Subculture<EBW>[o] eliminated Kamikaze Clown A<VBW>[x]/Kamikaze Clown B<VBW> via KO Punch x Counter Culture -> Pin
-Trevor Mach<EBW>[o]/Subculture<EBW> beat Max Superkick<SDW>/Larry Superkick<SDW>[x] via Knee Trigger -> Pin -> World Games Men's Tag Team Gold Medals!
Nerma: So I definitely saw that result coming! EBW takes the first gold medals, thanks in part to the "KO Bombers". It was lightning fast action, with the Superkick Rockers taking out the Barris Twins quickly, but before we knew it, it was down to the Bombers and the Rockers. Too much jumpy stuff and thigh slapping from the SDW team, and Larry fell to the KO Punch and the Counter Culture STO from Subculture. EBW takes the Gold.
Xcalibur: Hey, those jumps and thigh slaps are the future of wrestling, and it at least got us the Silver medals.
Nerma: If that's the future of wrestling, then wrestling is dead.
Xcalibur: They are our top ratings draws in SDW, so people like what they do.
Nerma: Oh, I'm sure they do, but what they do isn't wrestling. They can like whatever that is all they want, but why the hell are they slapping their thighs. That denotes they're not connecting with the kicks? If you connect with a kick, it will make the sound they're looking for.
Xcalibur: But-
Nerma: Yeah I don't care. So EBW kicked things off with a Gold Medal celebration. Ironically the VBW Tag Team Champions though. Go figure. We moved on from that to the Women's side of things. How did that turn out? Let's take a look.
2. World Games Elimination Women's 4-Team Tag: Jenny James<EBW>/Jessica James<EBW> vs. Ms. Scary<VBW>/Bloody Mary<VBW> vs. Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW>/Rebel Reba the (Not) Rebel<SDW> vs. Dulce Reina<BBB>/Fabiola Torres<BBB>
-Jenny James<EBW>[o]/Jessica James<EBW> eliminated Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW>/Rebel Reba the (Not) Rebel<SDW>[x] via Double Underhook DDT -> Pin
-Dulce Reina<BBB>[o]/Fabiola Torres<BBB> eliminated Ms. Scary<VBW>/Bloody Mary<VBW>[x] via Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker -> Pin
-Dulce Reina<BBB>[o]/Fabiola Torres<BBB> beat Jenny James<EBW>[x]/Jessica James<EBW> via Cross Armbreaker -> Referee Stoppage -> World Games Women's Tag Gold Medal!
Jose Santiago: ¡¡¡Acción emocionante todo el camino, especialmente de nuestro equipo BBB, ya que lograron frustrar al otro equipo para reclamar las Medallas de Oro para BBB !!!
Nerma: ....Right. Someone want to translate a little?
Vance Hustle: It was just as exciting to see the Women's tag teams vying for supremacy, but we saw an interesting outcome. The heavy favorites Jenny and Jessica James only captured the Silver Medals, after Dulce Reina forced a Referee Stoppage with a Cross Armbreaker.
Nerma: Yeah, I want to stop you there. Something was fishy about that referee. Jenny was not going to tap, and she was still fighting it! She was crawling towards the ropes! The rumor is that the "Skulls & Bones" are in the house, and may have made threats to the referees?
Vance Hustle: I mean, if EBW wants to use that as an excuse.
Nerma: Hey! I'm serious! That ref was sweating bullets! Get him up here! I'll interrogate him!
Tony Bologna: Heh. Don't be such a sore loser Nerma.
Nerma: Come here and say that to my face!
Tony Bologna: Hold her back! Hold her back!
3. World Games Elimination Men's 4-Teams: Kinniku Mike<EBW>/Amigo<EBW>/Magnum PT<EBW>/? vs. Barry Lawless<Mid-South>/Dirk Laramie<Mid-South>/Dick Wagner<Mid-South>/Lobster Man<Mid-South> vs. Hazen<EBW>/Ilya Fedorovich<EBW>/Radzi Schrieffer<EBW>/Golvoth<EBW> vs. Curry Man<3'dPW>/Flying Man<3'dPW>/Blue Lightning<3'dPW>/Bolshoi<3'dPW>
-Kinniku Mike<EBW>[o]/Amigo<EBW>/Magnum PT<EBW>/Sal Paradise<EBW> eliminated Barry Lawless<Mid-South>/Dirk Laramie<Mid-South>/Dick Wagner<Mid-South>/Lobster Man<Mid-South>[x] via Muscle Buster -> Pin
-Hazen<EBW>[o]/Ilya Fedorovich<EBW>/Radzi Schrieffer<EBW>/Golvoth<EBW> eliminated Curry Man<3'dPW>/Flying Man<3'dPW>/Blue Lightning<3'dPW>/Bolshoi<3'dPW>[x] via Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver -> Pin
-Hazen<EBW>[o]/Ilya Fedorovich<EBW>/Radzi Schrieffer<EBW>/Golvoth<EBW>[o] beat Kinniku Mike<EBW>[o]/Amigo<EBW>/Magnum PT<EBW>/Sal Paradise<EBW>[x] via Buckle Bomb x Chokeslam -> Pin -> World Games Men's Team Gold Medals!
Nerma: I SHOULD be happy about this one, but I'm not. It was an all EBW finals, as the "War Kings" came in unofficially representing themselves, as they took on the "Weekend Wrecking Crew", with their manager Sal Paradise coming out of retirement for the match. He looked good too.
Zombie Ted Pettentool: We're THRILLED that our 3'dPW team managed to nab the Bronze Medals. So proud of you gu-
Nerma: Uh-huh. It was a tough finals, but Golvoth targeted the rusty Paradise, and hit a Buckle Bomb and Chokeslam to pin him and claim the Gold Medals for the "War Kings". It sucks, but we technically got Gold AND Silver, so ha ha...ha....HA!
Zombie Ted Pettentool: ....
4. World Games Elimination Women's 4-Teams: Christina Angel<EBW>/Hope Mach<EBW>/Jenny James<EBW>/Jessica James<EBW> vs. Opal<AGES>/Arylite<AGES>/Betty Taylor<AGES>/Kyoko the Love Shocker<AGES> vs. Dulce Reina<BBB>/Fabiola Torres<BBB>/Chin Flanchard<BBB>/Ayako<BBB> vs. Korone<Hololive Edo>/Ookami<Hololive Edo>/Nekomata<Hololive Edo>/Yuzuku<Hololive Edo>
-Dulce Reina<BBB>[o]/Fabiola Torres<BBB>/Chin Flanchard<BBB>/Ayako<BBB> eliminated Korone<Hololive Edo>/Ookami<Hololive Edo>/Nekomata<Hololive Edo>/Yuzuku<Hololive Edo>[x] via Paquete Total -> Pin
-Christina Angel<EBW>/Hope Mach<EBW>[o]/Jenny James<EBW>/Jessica James<EBW> eliminated Dulce Reina<BBB>[o]/Fabiola Torres<BBB>/Chin Flanchard<BBB>[x]/Ayako<BBB> via Olympic Slam -> Pin
-Opal<AGES>/Arylite<AGES>/Betty Taylor<AGES>[o]/Kyoko the Love Shocker<AGES> beat Christina Angel<EBW>/Hope Mach<EBW>[x]/Jenny James<EBW>/Jessica James<EBW> via Armbar -> Referee Stoppage -> World Games Women's Team Gold Medal!
Nerma: IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Did you see that?! Nervous referee! Also, what a horrible sight, have Betty Taylor use an Armbar on Hope's hand in the cast! That finger was JUST put back on! Come on! *sigh* Did anyone see the gift box next to the ring? The referee opened it before the match. I'm telling you, I'm calling shenanigans! In any case, AGES takes the Gold, and EBW gets another Silver.
5. EBW Challenge Championship: Ilya Fedorovich<EBW> beat Trevor Mach(c)<EBW> via Corkscrew Euroland Uppercut x Piledriver -> Pin -> NEW EBW Challenge Champion!
-This was an absolute war, pitting Trevor Mach against Ilya Fedorovich for the Challenge Championship. They showed a level of physicality that was a step above on an already brutal night. They started out at full speed right away and brutalized each other. Fedorovich went for his Corkscrew Euroland Uppercut less than 90 seconds into the match, but Mach caught him with a sleeper and hit a Sleeper Suplex. Fedorovich fought back and landed several blows to Mach. Mach got his neck whiplashed into the ropes seconds later and was stunned at ringside. This neck injury would play into the rest of the match. They slapped and chopped the hell out of one another. Ilya later hit three impressive Hagen Suplexes on Mach before they killed each other some more. Fedorovich hit a Gotch-style suplex on the Champion. Fedorovich hit the Konstantin Special for a very close near fall, then went for the Corkscrew once more, but got slapped out of mid-air. Mach took Fedorvich's head off with a jumping knee, then hit a Trevorplex for a close near fall of his own. Mach transitioned from a sleeper into a dragon sleeper, but Ilya made the ropes and threw back elbows to rock Mach, and add to the neck damage. Fedorovich hit a big top-rope Shotgun Dropkick for another near fall. Fedorovich hit the Corkscrew to the back of Mach's neck as the champ was on his knees. Fedorovich took advantage of the neck injury, and hit the Piledriver to keep Mach down for the 1-2-3. Ilya Fedorovich became the NEW EBW Challenge Champion!
Nerma: New Champion! It was a clean win....sort of. I mean Mach had a harder fight on his hands earlier in the night, but the wild eyed Ilya took advantage, and targeted Mach's neck to beat the multiple time World Champion to take the Challenge Championship. Yet another title goes to the "War Kings". Mixed bag night for the "Bad Man".
6. World Games Elimination Women's No Rules 4-Way Singles: Alison Chains<EBW> vs. Nani Angel<Crystal Heaven> vs. Ms. Scary<VBW> vs. Ripper Jane<?>
-Alison Chains<EBW> eliminated Mrs. Scary<VBW> via Chair to the Head x Inverted Sit-Out DDT -> Pin
-Alison Chains<EBW> eliminated Ripper Jane<?> via Inverted Sit-Out DDT through table -> Pin
-Nani Angel<Crystal Heaven> beat Alison Chains<EBW> via Manji-Gatame -> Submission -> World Games Women's No Rules Gold Medal!
Nerma: In a SHOCKING revelation, Nani Angel returned to action, but she wasn't representing EBW. No, she was here as a representative of Crystal Heaven apparently. In a No Rules Elimination match, she wisely allowed Alison Chains to blow up taking out Ripper Jane and Bloody Mary, before trapping her in the Manji-Gatame. Chains fought for several minutes, but in a No Rules match, even getting to the ropes didn't save her, and Chains had no choice but to tap out. Nani Angel claimed the Gold Medal for Crystal Heaven. I don't feel happy about that. Not one bit. Did I not say that the Angels were up to no good?! Well....not all of them. I'm sorry Makoto.
7. Unified World Championship: Johnny Starbound<Mid-South>(c) beat Bashin Dan<EBW> via Drug DQ
Nerma: Alright, now this is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! Bashin Dan fails a drug test?! Are you kidding me?! BULLSHIT!
Vance Hustle: Congratulations to Johnny Starbound on the easy win for Mid-South. I'm very happy to-
Nerma: Come on! I know we had everyone do drug tests before the event, but you mean to tell me that Dick Wagner passed and Bashin Dan failed!? Bashin Dan, the paragon of virtue. A true hero. He failed a drug test? This whole debacle is getting as corrupt as the actual Olympics! The crowd was booing and throwing garbage, and I'm right there with them. We need to dispute this one for sure. BULLSHIT!
8. EBW Triple Crown World #1 Contender:
-Tack Angel's first match since his dramatic change in attitude had a lot of people anticipating this bout with Mav Valentine for the #1 Contender spot he had earned by winning The Golden Tournament. Tack came in with a lot of confidence in his abilities. The two went at each other quickly on the mat, then broke and reset. Both guys went for leg locks on the mat and reversed several times. The two transitioned to wrenching arms and reversed that several times as well. Tack pushed Mav away, and instead of trying to out wrestle him, just went to the kicks, nailing Mav into the temple with a hard high kick. He staggered and fell to his knees, and found himself of the defense. Tack kicked and kicked, while also targeting Mav's legs to keep him down. The goal became clear, as it appeared visually that Mav was kneeling before Tack. Tack draped Mav over a corner and hit a vicious palm strike, then went up the corner and stomped him until he fell all the way to the floor. Tack followed him out and the two exchanged punches. Tack set up a palm strike against the table and Mav moved. Mav worked his way into a near Mav Buster, but Tack fought it off and the two got back into the ring. More stiff shots by both guys. Mav tried to lift Tack a couple of times, who held a cravat for just a moment, but Mav fought out stomping Tack's foot, and kicking him a few times. Rope run and a huge boot by Tack, who went to the second rope, and soaked in the crowd reaction before hitting a Rider Kick for the near fall. Intense action continued, with the crowd doing that annoying "Fight Forever" thing, but it was a good sign that they're enjoying the match. Mav hit a Mav Buster on Tack, but he kicked out at 1. Mav was shocked, but the confidence and consistency of Tack was wearing down the #1 Contender. A series of kicks wore him down, and Tack hit the Wrist Clutch Angel Driver. Then, he demanded that Mav kneel. When he wouldn't, he hit it again. Another act of defiance with the middle finger, and Tack hit the Wrist Clutch Heaven Driver, before placing his foot on Mav for the 1-2-3.Tack Angel<EBW> beat Mav Valentine<EBW> via Wrist Clutch Heaven Driver -> Pin
Last edited by Machismo (5/16/2021 2:07 am)
Nerma: So the fix is in! Yeah, that's right, I'm not letting it go! We had to deal with some screwy officiating and botched drug tests last night, and tonight might not be looking any better. While we did get our fair share of Gold Medals, the big travesty is how the Women's Division was treated. Two different Referee Stoppages, when neither competitor looked ready to give up. In my book, if they are conscious, and still fighting it, you do NOT make that call. In a normal match it's one thing, but this is the World Games, and it's supposed to be the foundation of an annual event of honor and respect. This isn't how you do that. Also, who else is LAUGHING about that Drug Test thing. I mean seriously, who is laughing, because I want to punch you. It's NOT funny! Bashin Dan is a pure boy dammit! A real role model for future generations. It's all bullshit. He deserves that match with Johnny Starbound, and that loss erased from the record books.
Swift's Office
Hope Mach: Swift, you know this isn't right.
Swift: Trust me, I've been making calls, and that doesn't seem to do anything. Then I thought I'd just beat some guys up, but apparently that would make it worse. What the hell am I supposed to do Hope?
Hope Mach: Don't give up! We were robbed, but I expected something like that. I'm disappointed and pissed, but not surprised. Dan though? You KNOW he didn't fail a drug test.
Bashin Dan: I literally don't even know what drugs are. I had to look it up. Unless I can test positive for card games, then it should have come up as negative.
Swift: They say you tested positive for Rock Candy.
Bashin Dan: ...See I don't know what that is?
Swift: An old drug, but it's making a comeback. Supposedly it increases your stats, even more so when you put a sugar packet on it. I have no idea how or why, but that's what this test says.
Bashin Dan: Test me again. Test me a one hundred times. It'll come up negative.
Swift: We will. Not that I don't trust you, but I want concrete proof to shove in as many faces as possible. As for you Hope, we're getting those referees replaced. Apparently the "Skulls & Bones" were threatening their families. They wanted you to be looking outside of the ring for them, when in reality, you should've been looking at the panicked referees.
Hope Mach: This is getting out of hand, and yes, I'm aware they took a finger from me, and you could make a hand pun, but I'd really rather you not.
Bashin Dan: ...I had a good one too.
Swift: Me too, but we're not going to dwell on the damn past! I need victory on Night 2. I need medals! Hope, don't let me down. Dan, you don't have to-
Bashin Dan: I'll be there. I'll be supporting Hope. She's always there for me so I'll be there for her.
Hope Mach: Dan.
Swift: You're giving be diabeetus, now get the hell out!
Outside of the office, Dan tried to keep his smile, but Hope could tell he was upset.
Hope Mach: Hey, I believe in you, and so does everyone else.
Bashin Dan: I'm not sure everyone does. I heard some people saying I thought I needed help since I failed to keep the title at Victory Explosion. I'm doing my best to keep a positive attitude about all of this, so I can one day get my rematch with Benji, but people are just so darn negative.
Hope Mach: And you never have been. You're incapable. You inspire me.
Bashin Dan: Impossible. You're the one that inspires me.
Hope Mach: I thought it was card games and the thrill of competition.
Bashin Dan: Both of those things have taken a Silver Medal when compared with how I feel about you.
Hope Mach: That was corny as all hell.
Bashin Dan: I'm sor-
Hope Mach: But, it's strangely hot.
Bashin Dan: Huh? Oh...this is the moment Benji was talking about! Hope, if you feel that way, then maybe you and I could...uh....
Hope Mach: Uh-huh?
Bashin Dan: We could uh....go to-
Hope Mach: Dad?
Bashin Dan: Go to Dad? What?
Hope Mach: No look.
Bashin Dan: Trevor?
A sore Trevor was holding an ice pack to his neck as he made his way to the door of Swift's office.
Hope Mach: Dad, are you all right?
Trevor Mach: Of course....unless that match with Ilya actually happened, then I'm in rough shape.
Hope Mach: Oh...well....
Trevor Mach: Dammit I knew it! Heh. I'm fine. You know me, it's always something. However, I'm not being cleared to compete in the Bushido Rules matches tomorrow, so I was going to complain to Swift.
Hope Mach: He's having trouble getting any head way with any of our problems.
Trevor Mach: Great. *sigh* Picky is going to have to do it without me then.
Tack Angel: Look at you, with some ice on your neck. About time you took my advice for once.
Trevor Mach: ...I don't have time for you right now.
Tack Angel: I'm not here to waste time either. Swift will have my #1 Contender contract waiting for me. I'm here to sign it.
Trevor Mach: That was a dick move, snaking away what Mav earned.
Tack Angel: Earned? What about what I've earned? I think I've earned a lot. I think I put in the time and effort. I think a King doesn't really have to earn anything other than the trust of his people, but I did it anyways. I challenged him, and he accepted. He lost, and it was a clean loss. Honor and integrity, do you know anything about those? You've never lead me to think so.
Trevor Mach: You're getting really good with the bantz Tack.
Tack Angel: It's not bantz when it's the truth right? I couldn't say, considering you're the master of BS. You tell me.
Trevor Mach: Oh, I got a lot I could tell you right now, but-
Tack Angel: You're going to cower, because you're a mess? Fine by me. I'm not here to waste time, like I said. So step asi-
Hope Mach: I'm getting really tired of the way you're talking to my Dad! He's been your best friend for YEARS!
Tack Angel: That guy? My best friend? I wanted one. I needed one. He just wanted a punch line. You ever wonder why you're not like him? You ever wonder why you're not like Tali? I mean, you look like her, but you're not her. I've been wondering that myself lately. See, I still like you, and appreciate your friendship with my daughter. If anyone should in that Women's 4-Way Eliminator tomorrow, it should be her, but if it's not, then I accept that it's you. You're a better person than your parents. I have to wonder where that came from. Then it hit me. You ever notice That Trevor and Tali have a baby Justice, and they had a future grown up Justice, just like me and Amy with Christina?
Hope Mach: Get to the point.
Tack Angel: We have never seen another you. We have a baby Justice and a baby Truth, but no baby Hope. Maybe, in your timeline, Tali figured out that Trevor wasn't worthy of being a friend or a father, and needed someone with that integrity I was talking about, namely m-
Trevor grabbed Tack by the collar, and pushed him against the wall.
Tack Angel: Oh, look who got worked now!
Trevor Mach: Don't you even-
Tack Angel: Trevor, you're stressing yourself into early greys. It's only the bantz right? Now....let go of royalty.
Trevor Mach: .....
Hope Mach: Dad, please let him go. This is what he wants.
Tack Angel: It's not what I wanted, but it's what we've got, and I certainly didn't lead us here.
Trevor slowly let Tack go.
Tack Angel: When you show some humility, apologize, and kneel at my feet for everything you've done, you can add this moment to that list.
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* Tangelo here. How do. It's been an incredible weekend, but we still have a whole other night of fights. First off though, we need to take a look at the Medal Count so far. So here that is.
Medal Count
EBW: 2 Gold 4 Silver
SDW: 1 Silver
VBW: 2 Bronze
AGES: 1 Gold
BBB: 1 Gold 1 Silver
Crystal Heaven: 1 Gold
Ripper Jane: 1 Bronze
Mid-South: -
Hololive Edo: -
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* For everyone expecting an EBW shut out, you can see they did well, but they didn't quite shut out the other promotions. BBB and AGES captured Gold. Crystal Heaven found a loop hole to get Gold. Ripper Jane represented herself and got Bronze somehow. Mid-South and Hololive Edo are the only ones to not get any medals. We have Barry "The Master" Lawless here to talk about it. Barry?
Barry Lawless: Well, I can't pretend that it's the result we wanted. This has been a teachable moment though. We have been living off our reputation for some time. The territory has stagnated, and we need to really step up our game. That's why I'm proud that we have the Unified World Championship in our camp, but I'm not proud of its holder. Johnny Starbound, you got off lucky, from a fluke drug test, or a tampered with test. Everyone knows it. I fought that kid before, and he's got more heart than you've ever had. That's why I'm issuing a challenge to Starbound. I want the next shot at the Unified World Championship. When I beat you, and Piledrive your head into the mat, I'll make sure that the kid, Bashin Dan, gets the match he deserves.
Tangelo: *low energy and borderline monotone* Well there you have it everyone. A challenger has been thrown down. How exciting. Also, I've heard that 3'dPW had a huge celebration over their Bronze Medal win. That's weird right? Apparently we have an exclusive, normally for EBW, but considering Tack Angel doesn't want Nerma involved in his business anymore, we've gotten the footage. Let's check it out.
Tack Angel's Limo
Tack sat silently in the limo, as Christina hesitantly made her way in after kissing her husband.
Tack Angel: Did you have to do that in front of me?
Christina Angel: He's my husband, and he won a Gold Medal for EBW. It's a reason to celebrate, but I was told you wanted to talk, and-
Tack Angel: When your Father wants to speak, you listen. That's good.
Christina Angel: What is this limo? You don't drive around in this?
Tack Angel: Why don't I? It's bullet proof, and it carries the seal of Crystal Heaven on the side. Fit for a King isn't it?
Christina Angel: You're getting ridiculous.
Tack Angel: Am I? Would you rather me botch a driving test? Oh, I screwed up and set fire to the table. Haha, that's so funny. Let's all laugh at Tack.
Christina Angel: That's not what I-
Tack Angel: I'm not a clown, and I'm tired of being seen as one. No stupid van or bus. I'll travel in a more fitting style.
Christina Angel: Dad, what has Mom been showing you?
Tack Angel: What? You think I've been given a false narrative? I've seen the truth Christina. I've seen my life play out on camera. You want to know something I found very interesting? When I married all those wonderful and loyal women, you turned your back on us.
Christina Angel: It was complica-
Tack Angel: You ended up aligning with Trevor, and of course, he was against me. Always against me. Always goading me on. You joined in on that. You helped make me feel like a villain.
Christina Angel: Dad, I wanted you to be happy with Mom, and it was getting crazy! I couldn't accept the way things were. I learned to accept it. I learned to reintegrate into our family. I never wanted to-
Tack Angel: Go stay with the Machs? Marry a man I can NOT stand? You make a lot of mistakes girl, but I get that daughters do that. They rebel against their parents. However, you're representing this family, and I need to know that you're on our side.
Christina Angel: Dad, I love you. I'll always be on your side. Even when things were crazy, I always loved you. You're my Father. I'll never forget that.
Tack Angel: ....See that you don't. I need you to do me a favor. You're best friends with Hope, and you two will be close together in the TUE house when this is all over. I need a DNA sample.
Christina Angel: What? Why?
Tack Angel: Something I have to confirm.
Backstage - Twoson Fairgrounds
President Swift was pacing back and forth in front of the EBW roster competing in the World Games.
Swift: So, we came into this, with everyone expecting a shut out. We didn't get it. We fell short. I want more from this roster, the best damn roster in wrestling! I demand it! I WANT GOLD MEDALS! I want ass kickers going to war out there for the Gold Medals! We have the most competitors in this thing. We're supplying most of the equipment. That ring out there is our ring. You can tell right? It's hard as hell. That's our ring, and in our ring, we need to get those Gold Medals, so-
Tack Angel: *sigh* This is counterproductive. You think a "rah rah" speech is going to motive anyone?
Swift: I don't recall asking for your opinion Tack.
Tack Angel: I don't recall caring if you asked, and you will address me as "your highness". I am a King after all, and you're lucky to have me here. I came here as courtesy, but don't worry, I'll be winning that Gold Medal. It will be for me, and it will be for my family in Crystal Heaven. but you can count it as an "EBW win" if you'd like.
Subculture: Tack, we're trying to rally here, so-
Tack Angel: I have nothing to say to you....yet.
Swift: You have nothing to say period.
Tack Angel: If you're not going to give me the respect I've earned, then I'm leaving.
Swift: Did I say you could lea-
Tack Angel: You see this scar on my hand Swift? This scar says that I saved you once. I saved your life. This scar says that I can do what I want. However, don't define me by the scars on my body. Define me by the scars I'll leave on those who get in my way.
Subculture: ....So, we all noticed he's a massive dick now right?
Most of the roster raised their hands.
Subculture: Oh good, I'm just checking.
Twoson Fairgrounds Roof
Nerma: Nerma here, along with the rest of the team, to cover the second day of Collision: The World Games 2021! It's been an incredible event so far, with a few surprises. We saw the women of other promotions shut out the EBW ladies from getting the gold, but I KNOW the fix was in.
Vance Hustle: You SAY that, but-
Nerma: Pipe down Vance, you don't have any Mid-South women IN the World Games!
Zombie Ted Pettentool: Considering I'm also representing AGES in this event, I have to say that they won fair and square I would think.
Nerma: I'm not blaming THEM TED! I'm blaming the "Skulls & Bones". Things were different tonight! We put the pressure on the refs, and they called it fairly. No "Skulls & Bones" tonight dammit! Also, they're investigating that drug test with Bashin Dan, and I'm continuing to call bullshit on that.
Tony Bologna: How about we get to the action? We have a lot to cover tonight.
Nerma: Fine Tony. Step aside, because I will handle this.
Tony Bologna: Hey, we're getting paid no matter what, so go nuts.
Nerma: That's right! We being the night with a Battle Royale!
Collision: The World Games Day 2
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
1. World Games Team Battle Royale: Mav Valentine<EBW>/Firebrand X<EBW>/Jammer<EBW>/Vape<EBW>/Takumi Inui<EBW>/Dragon Shiryu<EBW> vs Jerry Superkick<SDW>/Max Superkick<SDW>/Kenny Beta<SDW>/Kota Hayashi<SDW>/Ryan Sage<SDW>/Denny All-In<SDW> vs. Caveboy!<VBW>/Mr. Andrews<VBW>/Kamikaze Clown A/Kamikaze Clown B/Mr. Scary<VBW> vs Curry Man<3'dPW>/Flying Man<3'dPW>/Iga<3'dPW>/Blue Lightning<3'dPW>/Manley Fish<3'dPW>
Winners: Mav Valentine<EBW>/Firebrand X<EBW>/Takumi Inui<EBW>/Dragon Shiryu<EBW>
EBW Gold - 3'dPW Silver - VBW Bronze
Nerma: We had a very very good Battle Royale for EBW. Most of the team survived, and last eliminated Flying Man to take the Gold Medal for EBW. A very prestigious award for EBW, and even Vape can now say he's got a Gold Medal. He cried. He cried about it...before pimping his latest product with his face on it. Vape brand lubricants? I don't want to use that OR think about that. We moved on from the Battle Royale to the Bushido matches. They were a little different, in that you can't really do those elimination style, so they were done tournament style. Unfortunately, Trevor Mach was not medically cleared to compete for his match, giving Severide a forfeit win AND an automatic Bronze at worst. Mach came out to congratulate him with a vicious head butt. Because of course he did.
2. World Games Bushido Semi-Final: Severide<Mid-South> beat Trevor Mach<EBW> via Medical Forfeit
3. World Games Bushido Semi-Final: Picky Minch<EBW> beat Iga<3'dPW> (R2 4:04) via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission
Zombie Ted Pettentool: Iga did his best in this new environment. I was watching him train in preparation, for it, but Picky Minch just had too much experience. So happy for Iga though, as he gets us a Bronze Medal! Yeah!
Nerma: ...Your enthusiasm makes me cringe, and I don't know why. After that, we returned to elimination rules for the Men's No Rules 4-Way Singles. Now Trevor Mach DID show up for this one, claiming that No Rules meant No Rules, and he couldn't be barred medically for something with No Rules. They had no choice but to let him in, and he proceeded to kick ass.
4. World Games Men's No Rules 4-Way Singles: Trevor Mach<EBW> vs. Mr. Scary<VBW> vs. Big Boy Jelly Nutella<SDW> vs. Harvey Chase<CWFS>
-Trevor Mach<EBW> eliminated Big Boy Jelly Nutella<SDW> via chair chot to the head -> Pin
-Mr. Scary<VBW> eliminated Harvey Chase<CWFS> via thumb tack DDT -> Pin
-Trevor Mach<EBW> beat Mr. Scary<VBW> via Brass Knuckle Punch x Burning Machismo onto tacks -> Pin -> World Games Men's No Rules Singles Gold Medal!
Nerma: Do we not have a VBW guy at the table? Well, they luckily grabbed the Silver, but Trevor used Harvey Chase's Brass Knuckles to set up a Burning Machismo onto thumb tacks, a sad fate for Mr. Scary. Trevor Mach with the win and the World Games Men's No Rules Singles Gold Medal!
EBW Gold - VBW Silver - CWFS Bronze
5. World Games Elimination Women's 4-Way Singles: Hope Mach<EBW> vs. Kyoko the Love Shocker<AGES> vs. Chin Flanchard<BBB> vs. Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW>
-Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW> eliminated Chin Flanchard<BBB> via Curb Stomp -> Pin
-Hope Mach eliminated Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW> via Hagen Suplex -> Pin
-Hope Mach beat Kyoko the Love Shocker<AGES> via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Submission -> World Games Women's Singles Gold Medal!
Nerma: The women's roster came out to put pressure onto the referee, who did INDEED have a gift box in his possession. They called him away and brought out a different ref for the Women's 4-Way Singles. This lead to a much different scenario. Hope Mach, cast on her hand and all, managed to eliminate from Brit of SDW and Kyoko the Love Shocker to win the Gold Medal! Finally, a Gold Medal for the Women of EBW! YEAH!
EBW Gold - AGES Silver - SDW Bronze
6. World Games Elimination Men's 4-Way Singles: Tack Angel<EBW> vs. Johnny Starbound<Mid-South> vs. Flying Man<3'dPW> vs. Colby "The Eagleland Cheese"<SDW>
-Tack Angel<EBW> eliminated Colby "The Eagleland Cheese"<SDW> via Superkick -> Pin
-Tack Angel<EBW> eliminated Flying Man<3'dPW> via Angel Wings -> Pin
-Tack Angel<EBW> beat Johnny Starbound<Mid-South> via Wrist Clutch Angel Driver -> Pin -> World Games Men's Singles Gold Medal!
Tony Bologna: I'm taking over here, because I've been told Nerma isn't allowed to recap this one.
Nerma: Bullshit!
Tony Bologna: Tack Angel made this look effortless. When I say that, I mean he eliminated everyone in the match. He made sure Colby won't have a Medal to show off on his reality show. I'm being told by his wife in my ear piece that we think that's a travesty, and some long winded rant about Eagleland. It's hard to make sense of it. Flying Man was sent packing with a Bronze, and Johnny Starbound found out that Tack wasn't kidding when he said Starbound was only "Starbound" as long as the King allowed it. A Wrist Clutch Angel Driver lead to Tack Angel's Gold Medal win.
EBW Gold - Mid-South Silver - 3'dPW Bronze
7. World Games Bushido Finals: Picky Minch<EBW> beat Severide<Mid-South> (R3:0:39) via Heel Hook -> Submission -> World Games Bushido Gold Medal!
Nerma: Can someone say SHUT OUT! We did it tonight! Picky Minch fought Severide in a bloody Bushido Finals, and submitted his ass with a Heel Hook! Gold Medal for EBW! We rule! You guys have been talking trash for months, while we were more than happy to work with you, and look what happens! Yeah, I get it, I'm coming off as the "bad guy" here, but I'm loyal to my company and my people. They pulled it off tonight, and I couldn't be happier. So forgive me for what I'm about to do. Haha...ha...haha...ha HAAAAAAA! There, I feel better. Now, it was time for our double main event!
EBW Gold - Mid South Silver - 3'dPW Bronze
8. EBW Women's World Championship: Christina Angel<EBW>(c) beat Bloody Mary<VBW> via Wrist Clutch Angel Driver -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-Christina hit Mary with a hip toss and sent her to the outside with a dropkick. Once she recovered, Mary returned to the ring and was met with an armbar takedown from Christina. Mary took another powder at ringside. Christina dove to the outside, but Mary countered the move. However, Christina quickly regained control with a Tiger Feint. Christina climbed back onto the apron and hit a surprising Asai Moonsault. Christina brought Mary back into the ring and hit slingshot double knees. Mary turned the tide with a Backstabber but could only manage a 2 count. Mary tried for another pin after hitting a Clothesline and Neckbreaker, but Christina kicked out again. Mary hit a Blockbuster and covered Christina for another two-count. Mary changed tack and worked over Christina with an armlock. Mary hit a backbreaker and covered Christina for a 2 count. Mary tried to pin Christina twice more after a Suplex. Mary went for a Senton, but Christina avoided the move and fired back with a Flapjack. Mary fell into the ropes and Christina hit a big series of kicks. Christina hit a Slingshot Dropkick for a nearfall. Mary managed to hit a Facebuster, but landed on Christina’s knees when Mary attempted a Lionsault. Mary and Christina ended up in the corner and Mary bit Christina in the face, and hit an Underhook Backbreaker. Mary hit a Powerbomb, but Christina was able to come back and hit Mary with a running Meteora. Christina hit Mary with a Hagen Suplex and Mary fired back with a Suplex of her own. Mary hit Christina with a Backstabber and followed up with a Lionsault for a nearfall. Christina applied a Crossface, which Mary managed to reverse into a pin attempt. Christina rolled out of it, and hit the ropes for Shining Wizard. A woozy Mary took a series of kicks to soften her up for the Angels Wings, but she countered out, attempting a Hagen instead. Christina escaped and hit Mary in the mid section, setting her up to CLUTCH the WRIST for the Wrist Clutch Angel Driver, the pin, and the title defense.
Nerma: Christina with the win, after a surprising technical back and forth battle there. Bloody Mary really brought it, but Christina had to show off for her trainees in TUE who were sitting in the crowd. A title defense from our ACE!
9. EBW Triple Crown World Championship:
-Main event time, as Benjamin put the Triple Crown on the line against VBW's Razorblade, the "One Man War", who comes into the match with the VBW and EBW Television Championships, but those titles were not on the line, specifically to keep Benjamin from potentially making history. Everything Razorblade put into this match was to get at Benjamin, a man he's pinned on more than one occasion. The "Warrior of Light" kept his cool, and focused specifically on this match, instead of attempting to win a Gold Medal as well. Everything was put into this match, and it showed, as the two warriors collided at the bell. Benjamin was happy to try and shoot in, and grapple with the physically imposing Razorblade, who would plant him on the mat, and mock him to the disdain of the crowd. Even the VBW fans were booing Razorblade, after he insulted his own company, which is from a place they're from so they didn't like that, cause they're also from that place. Nothing fancy from Razorblade, just slams, and face plants. An Exploder lead to a near fall, as the fan rallied behind Benjamin. He fought through and onslaught and took Razorblade to the ground with a Spear. He tried lifting Razor for the Masamune, but Razorblade escaped and dropped Benjamin on his head for another near fall. The two fought to the outside, where Razorblade launched Benji into the ring steps and then threw him into the ringside barriers. Benji tried to make a comeback, but Razorblade brought him back into the ring, where he landed a big hit to Benjamin’s jaw and a dropkick while he was draped in the ropes. Razorblade took to the middle rope and drove Benjamin into the mat for a two-count. Razorblade applied a single-leg crab on Benjamin. Benjamin escaped the submission and mounted a comeback with a series of strikes, and a Reverse STO. Benjamin hit Razor with a flying back elbow and followed up with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Benjamin blocked a kick from Razor and rocked him with a forearm. He followed it with another, and then a series of elbows, and a big Suplex spot. He went to the second rope, and the fans reached a fevered pitch, as Benji was ready to hit the Excalibur, but Razorblade suddenly rushed him, with the two fighting to the top turnbuckle. Razorblade tried to set up for a Top Rope Exploder, but Benjamin fought it off, and pounded Razorblade with shot after shot after shot. Razor got woozy, and Benjamin lifted him high up from the top turnbuckle, to crash him to the mat with a Top Rope Masamune. The Heaven's were cut in two, as Benji brought him down for the pin. 1-2-3! Benjamin with the win and the title defense!Benjamin<EBW>(c) beat Razorblade<VBW> via Top Rope Masamune -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Last edited by Machismo (5/18/2021 2:35 am)
Makoto Angel: Makoto here, filling in for Nerma. Why? W-well, because Tack didn't want her covering anything to do with him, and she's basically doing me a favor here. Guys, you just need to understand the stress he's been under. He's letting loose now, and taking his responsibilities very seriously. That's all I'll say about it, other than congratulating him on becoming not just the #1 Contender, but also winning Gold for EBW and for the family. I'm really proud of all his hard work. You're seeing what Tack Angel looks like in the ring, when he doesn't hold back anymore. It's almost scary to think about. Imagine how different things might be if he'd let loose sooner. I think that's part of the point of all this. I'm getting off topic again. Xcite! We're here to talk about Xcite. It'll take place in Mid-South, which means tons and tons of Dark Matches, because fans are used to sitting in the Sportasseum for 7-8 hours drinking and watching wrestling. It's tradition down there. The main card will feature some great bouts though, mostly 6-Man Tag features, but also a match to determine Hope Mach's opponent for the Television Championship. Sunny Malibu was offered a spot, but declined it apparently. Kaie is looking to win this and resume a long standing rivalry, but she has bad blood with Erica now, so who knows how that could play into things. Nani will be back in action on EBW television. After shocking the world by winning a Gold Medal for Crystal Heaven, she was personally challenged by the Silver Medalist Alison Chains. Tack has bought two different segments for himself. Paid for it with Crystal Heaven money, and he's going to address somethings, including the Triple Crown World Champion Benjamin. It should be one to see. I'm also told Razorblade might be showing up? We'll see how he handles his loss to Benji. We're all really proud of him too. Well I am...I don't know how Tack feels. He'll let us all know on Xcite.
EBW: Xcite
Mid-South Sportasseum, Mid-South
0. Dark Match 6-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike/Amigo/Magnum PT vs. Shark #1/Shark #2/Big Shark
0. Dark Match 3-Team Tag: Randy no Kachi/LG Rod vs. Takumi Inui/Dragon Shiryu vs. Scott Free/Nosan
0. Dark Match Singles: Golvoth vs. Manu Kalani
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Dulce Reina<BBB> vs. BeShemoth
0. Dark Match 6-Woman Tag: Duvalie/Ines/Ennea vs. Fabiola Torres<BBB>/Chin Flanchard<BBB>/Ayako<BBB>
0. Dark Match Women's Non-Title Tag: Jenny James/Jessica James vs. Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW>/Rebel Reba the (Not) Rebel<SDW>
0. Dark Match Bushido Rules Singles: Firebrand X vs. Severide<Mid-South>
1. Tack Angel's Purchased Time
2. Women's Television #1 Contender: Lainey Strong vs. Kimber Blaze vs. Gold vs. Kaie
3. Women's No Rules Singles: Alison Chains vs. Nani Angel<Crystal Heaven>
4. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer/Vape vs. Johnny Starbound<Mid-South>/Dom Barris<Mid-South>/Tom Barris<Mid-South>
5. Tack Angel's Purchased Time
6. 6-Man Tag: Hazen/Ilya Fedorovich/Radzi Schrieffer vs. Mav Valentine/Picky Minch/Subculture
EBWXXX+++ Gold Tier
Trevor Mach laid in bed with an ice pack and a big bottle of aspirin. He placed a pillow over he his face, to try and shut out the light and the throbbing headache. He had added the two Gold Medals to his collection, but with Tali gone, and the issues with Tack, he wasn't much for celebrating suddenly....
Lady M's?: Oh, you're finally home. I didn't hear you come in.
Trevor Mach: Yeah. It was a long weekend. Glad to be in bed. How are the kids.
Lady M's?: Truth was crying quite a bit as usual, but it's to be expected.
Trevor Mach: Yeah....apparently so.
Lady M's?: I see you won two Gold Medals. That's quite the accomplishment.
Trevor Mach: Could've been three, but I'm happy for Picky. He deserved it. Wait. Something isn't-
Lady M's?: I missed you.
Trevor Mach: Yeah? I missed you too. Don't tell anyone though. Apparently, I'm an unlikable asshole even to my friends. Former friends. One dickbag in particular.
Lady M's?: Don't worry about it. He was right that you're stressing yourself into early greys. You need to lay back and relax. I just got out of the shower you know. I'm all nice and clean, especially where you like it best. How about I take away that stress for you. I'm sure you have more than anxiety to unload?
Trevor Mach: Heh. Well, my neck and head hurt, but why the hell n-WAIT A MINUTE!
Trevor ripped the pillow off of his head to see Lucca in a wig.
Trevor Mach: What the hell?!
Lucca: Drats. My plan necessitated you keeping the pillow on your head.
Trevor Mach: You sounded EXACTLY like Tali! How did you do that?!
Lucca: When you've been around Sir as long as I have, you get good at impressions?
Trevor Mach: ...That was a very very low Lucca.
Lucca: You just going along with it was seeming very odd.
Trevor Mach: I'm in a lot of pain. Thought I was hallucinating! I do that. I'm crazy!
Lucca: Of course. Well, you can't blame me for trying.
Trevor Mach: I can! I can and I do! Please leave! Get your hand out of my pants, put your towel back on, and leave me be!
Lucca: *sigh* This is directly contradicting my orders. You'll sleep eventually.
Trevor Mach: What?
Lucca: Goodnight.
Trevor Mach: What a psycho! *sigh*
Trevor looked at the picture on his nightstand, with himself and Lady M's holding the titles at Bushido 2008. He grabbed his phone and made a call. It went to voicemail.
Trevor Mach: *on the phone* Jackie? This is Jackie right? Guess I'm leaving this on voicemail. Lucca won't give me anymore information about Tali, but I know you'd know where she is. I need you to pass on a message for me. I need you to tell her....that it's easy to get confused about things, especially when you're me. It's easy to take things for granted, and I hope she never felt like I've taken her for granted. It's time like these I realize how unhinged I feel when I'm alone. Tell her I'm proud of her for finding her own path, but that I miss her more than words can express. Tell I know I'm not easy to get along with all the time. Apparently I'm quite abrasive, but she'll always get the best of me. The best that I can offer. Her and the kids. Tell her that would ya? Oh, and if you tell anyone else, I'll break a bottle over your head. Thanks.
Crystal Heaven
A Lakitu, sneaking around disguised as a floating penguin, floated its way up to Tack's bed room, which now housed a throne. He sat in the throne, surrounded by his wives, all kneeling before him, half naked, with collars around their necks.
Tack Angel: So, this is what we all like huh? Why not? Why not indulge in our vices. You all like to be dominated, and what better person to dominate you than a King. Ladies, I know some of you are nervous about the way things are going, but this will be better for all of us. I'm going to make everyone kneel. I'll make them humble. I'll teach them all. They'll get what they have coming to them.
Rose Mulligan: Your Highness, the pain you inflict will just be pleasure for all of us, both what you do in the ring, and what happens here and now.
Tack Angel: I knew...that you'd fit right in. You all love me right?
Faris Angel: ...Of course we do. Do you love us?
Tack Angel: I don't have my memories, but I know my heart. You're all there. I just need you all to come to me now....and show me your love. Remind me with your bodies.
Tack tilted his head towards the ceiling and closed his eyes, as the wives all crawled towards him.
El Jackito's - Toledo, Anahuac
*At the most famous watering hole in Toledo, El Jackito's, the place was packed to the brim with patrons, lucha libre fans in masks, and more. It was an obvious fire safety code violation too. But seeing how both the Toledo Fire Chief and Toledo Police Commissioner were both inside, enjoying and joining in on the action, it was all perfectly legal on this crazy Toledo night. What could have gathered everybody attention in such a great response, well as the LIVE! cameras slowly made it's way into the super overly crowd of patrons, we could now see why. In the middle of the bar, a table was set up with the room split into two huge crowds. Two people sat in the middle. Not just any people, the two most famous hardcore binge drinkers in all of Anahuac, and maybe Eagleland. On one side was Lady M's. The other side was Dave Larmore.
Venus unfortunately had the role of playing mediator to what appeared to be a drinking game with lots of bets taking place. Namely with the newly elected ultra-feminist Police Commissioner betting all her money on Lady M's and the super sexist and misogynistic Fire Chief betting all of his on Larmore. It was very intense heated battle of drinking prowess to say the least, with the score at the moment was 24 shots of the hardest strongest tequila for each of the participants. Venus then announced the score, just after Larmore finished his 24th shot.....*
Venus: HELLO EVERYBODY! Venus here at El Jackito's in Toledo, where the drinking rivalry between Lady M's and Larmore, which started slowly and friendly has now escalated into all out war for drunken supremacy. The score is now 24 shots to 24 shots, with Larmore just now slowly downing his. Now I don't know who....
*Venus is now interrupted by the Fire Chief, who shouts at both Lady M's and the Police Commissioner, very loud and rudely....*
Police Commissioner: YOU SON OF A BITCH!
*Lady M's now tired on the banter yells out at both of them....*
*Both of them now go quiet as Lady M's goes for shot number 25. She now slowly drinks it, everybody in the bar holding their breath in anticipation. Lady M's now pauses for a moment to reflect for moment, showing signs of giving up. Everybody in the bar are about to start exchanging money, when Lady M's shouts out.....*
Lady M's: I AM SO SORRY! I AM....
*The Fire Chief now chimes in gleeful victory.....*
*Lady M's now interrupts the Fire Chief again as she slams the shot glass on the table as she announces....*
*The place erupts in the thunderous and loud cheers and applause from Lady M's side of the bar! Larmore side now begins to encourage him to continue on. He looks more worst for ware at this point though. Larmore now quiets the room again. He then takes his 25th shot and begins to drink it without saying a word. He then slams the shot on table. He then smiles at Lady M's, lets out a very loud and disgusting belch. He falls over out of his chair, completely passed and wasted. Lady M's now just shrugs her shoulders at this result. She then casually pulls out a cigarette from behind her ear, lights it up, and begins smoke it as she sits in her chair with her feet on the drinking table. Venus then enthusiastically announces that....*
*All the betters in the bar now exchange their money with each other, as Lady M's continues to look on, smoking her cigarette. The defeated Fire Chief gives his money to the very happy Police Commissioner and leaves the bar without saying a word. Police Commissioner now walks over to Lady M's and places her hand on her shoulder, while telling her....*
Police Commissioner: You really kicked that man's ass.
*Lady M's now snorts at the comment. She then proceeds to put the cigarette out on the Police Commissioner's hand. The Police Commissioner now pulls her hand back in pain. She now shouts at Lady M's....*
*Lady M's now casually tells her in response....*
Lady M's: Next time you touch me, you pull back a bloody fucking stump.
*The Police Commissioner is furious and yells out Lady M's....*
*The rest of the bar's remaining patrons now surround Lady M's, ready to defend their drinking champion to the death at this point. Lady M's now tells her straight up, as she casually begins to collect and pocket all of her own personal winnings from the bets and tips from off the drinking table....*
Lady M's: Looks like you will have to go through all these fine patrons first.
*The Police Commissioner now slowly begins to back up towards with all these burly buff men now beginning to slowly move towards her. Lady M's now tells the Police Commissioner as she laughs.....*
Lady M's: *Laughs* What's the matter? Is the feminist afraid of a few strong men. *Laughs more*
*The Police Commissioner now grits her teeth and clinches her fist to contain her absolute rage at the situation. She now tells Lady M's as she finally leaves the bar...*
Police Commissioner: You win the round.
*Lady M's now retorts after she has left.....*
Lady M's: I win EVERY round.
*Lady M's now notices a very colorfuly flyer on top of El Jackito's bar. Lady M's now picks up and reads it......*
Lady M's: Toledo. Championship. Wrestling. *thinks for a moment* Don't mind if I do.
*Lady M's now rolls up the TCW flyer and puts in her back pocket. She now casually leaves El Jackito's as she tells El Jackito.....*
Lady M's: Thanks for the excitement, Jackie.
El Jackito: It's El Jackito, senorita.
Lady M's: Whatever you say, Jackie.
*El Jackito now give a long defeated sigh. Outside the bar, Lady M's has already lit another cigarette and now takes a long drag off it. She shouts out loud to herself.....*
*Lady M's now begins to casually troll down the streets and into the Toledo night. A minute or two later, Venus, after witnessing everything, exits bar quickly, while looking for and yelling after Lady M's....*
*Back in the bar, only El Jackito and an unconscious Larmore on the bar floor are left. Larmore now slowly begins to stir with a loud gurgled groan. He now yells at El Jackito....*
*El Jackito now casually tells Larmore as he begins collect the 50 shots glasses from the drinking table.....*
El Jackito: You lost, senor.
*Larmore's eyes now widen with horror at the thought. He now closes them as he shouts out in anger....*
Larmore: OH, SON OF BI....
You open your eyes to see a sight not seen in quite a while, an empty room with white blankness everywhere except for a large ornate door and a lone woman standing near it. She notices you and speaks.
???: Oh dear, it appears that you had been blocked from visiting here for a while, and because of this it is too late to stop the events currently in motion. As Sailor Guardian of Space, Time, & the planet Pluto; I will give you the unfortunate end story of this Star Prince.
Your vision blurs and when cleared set you in a war room on the Moon. There you see the familiar faces you've come across long ago.
King Tack: We move to the east of the river in Old Oedo, there we will crush the army's camp there as they sleep.
Gemini Pollux: Is that honorable your highness?
King Tack: There is no honor in war, as I told you before.
Orion: T'would suppose our steady hand is just confused your Highness.
Gemini Pollux: I am not Orion, we have fought this war against the Dark Kingdom mostly with justice and in only of defense. We would stand as aggressors here.
King Tack: Do I have to remind you again Pollux, of the lives lost? The men, women, children, & animals that were subjugated by the Dark Kingdom?
Gemini Pollux: Your Highness...
King Tack: If you would so want to ere on the side of honor during war, you will then lead this brigade.
Gemini Castor: Your Highness?!
King Tack then slams his fist on the table. The room goes silent. Castor looks at Pollux in worry.
King Tack: Dismissed!
Aquarius & Orion stand in surprise, as Castor & Pollux hug before Pollux leaves the War Room.
The scene fades as King Tack is on his throne, talking with a Trio of guardians who are kneeling.
King Tack: Maker, Healer, Fighter. My Sailor Starlights.
Starlights: Your Highness!
King Tack: There is trouble at the edge of our solar system. I need you to go there on a scouting mission. Report back what you learn as soon as possible.
Fighter: Your highness, the edge of the system?
King Tack: That is correct, is there a problem?
Mkaer: Your Highness, the time it would take to get there in these times of constant attack of the Dark Kingdom would leave you and us vulnerable.
King Tack: We will be fine here, the Moon Kingdom's army and Guardians will protect us. Queen Serenity has guaranteed her boon.
Healer: But we heard of no such issues at the edge of the system.
King Tack: You will address me Healer, as Highness!
Healer: I'm sorry! Your Highness! I promise to never make that mistake again!
King Tack: Go now!
Maker: But your Highness!
King Tack rose from his throne and stepped down as he approached the three with ill intention.
The scene fades again as a running Sailor Uranus & Neptune burst into the War Room.
Sailor Uranus: Your Highness!
King Tack: What is it my dear teachers?
Sailor Neptune: We regret to inform you that the invasion in Oedo was a failure.
King Tack: How many survived?
Sailor Uranus: No one.
The room grew silent as Gemini Castor looked on in shock.
King Tack: What?!
Sailor Uranus: It was an ambush, no one survived.
King Tack: You surely jest, our armies were more than efficient to handle matters.
Sailor Neptune: We regret to inform you, your Highness, that Prince Endymion's Four Generals were mind controlled. They gave us the wrong information with intent on destroying the army.
Orion: And of Pollux?
Both stayed silent. Castor started to move forward but was held back by Aquarius. King Tack stared for a while and then looked back down to the table's maps.
King Tack: T'would seem that we now must make more precautions. We'll regroup and surround the area, take the river and short their supplies.
Aquarius: Your Highness! Where is your decency?
There was no response. Castor fled the room quickly as Uranus & Neptune followed.
The scene changed once more as a large scale battle is taking place on the Moon. The Dark Kingdom's army had surprised the Moon Kingdom's home. Citizens were screaming in terror as King Tack stumbles through the rubble.
King Tack: Makoto! Makoto, where are you?! Serenity! Queen Serenity!
King Tack tripped on marble and landed face first onto rubble. Kneeling up he is greeted by a punch to the face.
Orion: Quite the plan your Highness.
King Tack: Orion! Orion please, have mercy!
Orion: Did you show mercy to the Geminis? Show mercy to your personal guardians, the Starlights? They're all dead your Highness.
King Tack: No! No it can't be the fault of mine! I was trying to win the War!
Orion punched King Tack again and fell back in exhaustion.
King Tack: Orion! Please! Help me find my wife!
Orion: She's dead your highness.
King Tack: Nooo! It can't be! Makoto! Please! I ca not bear this pain!
Orion: Your grand plan failed everyone your highness, all the guardians are dead, your other retainers are dead It's just you and me your highness.
King Tack: Serenity! I have to find Serenity! Her Moon Crystal will give us the boon we need!
Orion: Stop Tackleton. It's over, the war is over. Because of your battle strategy, your lack of remorse, your lack of compassion, we all died. Including you and I soon.
King Tack: Noo! I swear to you Makoto! I swear! I will find you again! I will not make the same mistakes!
Orion: I hate you Tack, I hate you with every fiber of my being. I will hate you for all eternity.
???: Moon Healing Escalation!
A wash of crystal energy spread over the Moon, dark distorted screaming was heard throughout.
King Tack: Serenity! Serenity!
Soon bubbles of energy started to lift up from the Moon. Carrying bodies and drifting them to the distant Earth.
Orion: I hate you Tackleton Angelsmythe, forever.
King Tack: Makoto... I will see you again my love...
Both men were encapsulated in the bubbles and joined the rest in a shining rainbow to Earth. You turn and see the lying Queen Serenity talking with two cats. You can't make out the words but eventually the cats were placed in bubbles as well and joined the rest. The Queen then lied motionless as more marble pillars fell. The dust from the pillars cloud your eyes and when you wash them away, you are back in the empty room with Sailor Pluto.
Sailor Pluto: My apologies.
Pluto wipes away a tear.
Sailor Pluto: This Star Prince's lofty and paranoid ambitions lead to his friends to fall. It lead to the Dark Kingdom to easily wipe out the Moon Kingdom's army as they were spread thin.
You: ...
Sailor Pluto: This Star Prince's fault was not banning together. To gather as many friends, strengths, and people together. A unified vision, to end the Dark Kingdom's revenge.
You: ...
Sailor Pluto: This Star Prince's destiny was to sire children, for the Guardians to all sire children. To stand together, as family and friends with true love to end the darkness path.
You: ...
Sailor Pluto: In a way, your Star Prince... the now Constellation King. Will fufil his destiny. In a way not originally intended, but in seeing the future, I can reveal that this will work. This will fight back against the encroaching evil that will arrive.
You: ...
Sailor Pluto: No... It can not be stopped by how things are now. Time is needed. More time, and more strength is needed.
You: ...
Sailor Pluto: You... You must lead him to the right direction.
You: ...
Sailor Pluto: No, not you. The one next to you.
You turn and are shocked by the woman standing next to you.
???: I'll do it.
The woman looks to you.
???: But I'm going to need help. Will you help me?
Good News Gary was running around backstage looking for Rains, when he finally found him....talking to someone he'd never met before, but seemed very familiar.
Good News Gary: Rains! What is this? It's not GOOD NEWS!
?: Indeed, I am NOT "good news". I am in fact BAD NEWS! I AM BAD NEWS BARRY, and I have convinced Rains that your way is the WRONG WAY, and he needs to change now unless he wants to job forever!
Good News Gary: Rains no! I'm getting you ove-
Rains: I have NEVER gotten over, no matter what you've done! It's time for a change! I need to control my life, and it's time to inflict BAD NEWS on EBW, especially that damned "Shark Order" that's been making me look bad! A STORM IS COMING GARY!
Good News Gary: NOOOOOOO!!!!
Makoto Angel: Makoto Angel here, with Nani Angel, my sister wife, and a partner in crime as it were. Haha! I'm really happy to see you back in EBW, and with a Gold Medal around your neck!
Nani Angel: It's good to have this Medal, for the whole family, but not for EBW. This company saw to it that all the wives, except for you, were barred from competing. I've found a loophole.
Makoto Angel: Obviously, and it's exciting to-
The Valkyries suddenly walked up.
Duvalie: Nani Angel! *bows* It's a pleasure to see you back in action.
Nani Angel: What do you want?
Duvalie: Just welcoming you, from one Queen to another. I recently won the Killer Queen Tournament, and it was an honor for me, and for those I serve .
Nani Angel: Who do you serve?
Duvalie: Not important just yet. What IS important to know, is that they like you, and they like your family, and we have your back.
Nani Angel; Not necessary.
Duvalie: They are coming though. One best watch their back.
Nani Angel: You're challenging Christina next. I have no interest in an alliance.
Duvalie: Very well. *bows* Remember though, it won't take much more to get on her bad side. A rift is forming.
Nani Angel: .....
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the Mid-South Sportasseum for EBW: Xcite! We're post Collision, and EBW got SO MANY Gold Medals! I'm proud of our team, but we also had some title changes and defenses! Trevor Mach lost the Challenge Championship to Ilya Fedorovich, while Christina and Benjamin defended their titles. However, Tack Angel is now the #1 Contender, after beating Mav Valentine, the former champ and 2x Golden Tournament winner. So many accolades! So many stats to spit out. We also had a bit of controversy right Nerma?
Nerma: A LOT of controversy. Whoever is in the "Skulls & Bones" continue to pester and and spread fear and paranoia from the shadows, and Tess has been absent as well. Despite not seeing a single one of them, they've cost Hope Mach a finger for a while, and cost EBW a LOT of Gold Medals. THEN, we have the absolute bullshit of Bashin Dan failing a drug test. He took other tests, and no he was NOT NOT NOT taking Rock Candy. He doesn't need to artificially inflate his stats! As far as I'm concerned, he's got 255 across the board from natural talent. So the match result was changed to a No Contest. That was NOT a loss for Bashin Dan.
Tommy Dukes: It was pretty crazy, but you did a great job covering it.
Nerma: I wasn't allowed to cover Tack Angel content! Can you believe he's still keeping this up?!
Tommy Dukes: Well, you've been a harsh critic for years.
Nerma: I WAS RIGHT! That's why he's so upset. Everything I ever said is turning out to be true! *gasp* I wonder if that means my fanfiction will come true!
Tommy Dukes: We have a huge show tonight, and because we're at Mid-South, we have a TON of Dark Matches to cover. Do you have ENN+ yet? You really should get it. We saw some weird Tack Angel stuff in the ENNXXX+++ Gold Tier content. Chaz Hardcastle is really pushing for more obscene content. The "Weekend Wrecking Crew" got a win over "The Shark Order" in a friendly and competitive contest. Takumi Inui and Dragon Shiryu beat "The Shark Order" and the former? "Flood Generation", when Takumi hit the Crimson Smash on Nosan. Golvoth destroyed Manu Kalani...obviously. BBB's Dulce Reina submitted BeShemoth with a surprise Cross Armbreaker. "The Valkyries" overcame a BBB faction in 6-Woman Tag action. The Women's World Tag Team Champions the "James Sisters" beat the SDW team of Brit the Dentist and Rebel Reba or whatever. I don't know what she wants to be called. You know Brit is a Dentist though right? Finally, we saw Firebrand X beat Mid-South's Severide in Bushido Rules action. A Kimura Submission lead to a Referee Stoppage. Severide is very talented, and I wish we hadn't let him slip through the cracks. Such a big night tonight. We're going to see "Dan Club" take on a Mid-South team lead by the so called Unified World Champion Johnny Starbound. We're gonna see "Blood 4 Blood" take on the "War Kings", sans Trevor Mach, who has been finding himself having trouble getting medically cleared to compete. So much action!
EBW: Xcite
Mid-South Sportasseum, Mid-South
0. Dark Match 6-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Amigo/Magnum PT via Shark #1[x]/Shark #2/Big Shark via Release Dragon Suplex -> Pin
0. Dark Match 3-Team Tag: Takumi Inui[o]/Dragon Shiryu beat Randy no Kachi/LG Rod and Scott Free/Nosan[x] via Crimson Smash -> Pin
0. Dark Match Singles: Golvoth beat Manu Kalani via Buckle Bomb x Chokeslam -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Dulce Reina<BBB> beat BeShemoth via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission
0. Dark Match 6-Woman Tag: Duvalie[o]/Ines/Ennea beat Fabiola Torres<BBB>/Chin Flanchard<BBB>[x]/Ayako<BBB> via Licht Breaker -> Pin
0. Dark Match Women's Non-Title Tag: Jenny James/Jessica James[o] beat Dentist Brit the Dentist<SDW>/Rebel Reba the (Not) Rebel<SDW>[x] via Double Knee Backbreaker -> Pin
0. Dark Match Bushido Rules Singles: Firebrand X beat Severide<Mid-South> (R3 2:30) via Kimura -> Referee Stoppage
Nerma: We begin the action tonight with purchased time from-
Lilly Belle Hopper: Bouncy bouncy! Whoa guys, did you see that? I almost fell out of my top! Haha!
Nerma: What the hell?
Lilly Belle Hopper: At the request of the "Constellation King" Tack Angel, I Lilly Belle Hopper, am here with Nani Angel to introduce the man of the hour. He brought EBW and Gold Medal, and is the NEW #1 Contender for the Triple Crown World Championship. The one and only Tack Angel!
Nerma: This is-
Nani Angel: Don't speak.
Nerma: Yikes!
Tack Angel came out to a chorus of boos, with his scythe in hand, and a Gold Medal around his neck. He looked around and took in the reaction.
Tack Angel: This. This is why I feel so confident that I'm doing the right thing. When I find myself surrounded by Mid-South hicks, booing me, I know I'm doing something right. Yeah, that's right I said hicks. You're hicks! You're hicks, and if you don't shut up I won't be going anywhere, because I bought this time. It feels good to get that out you know? I don't have to pretend that I'm a hero to everyone, when I knew deep down that I didn't really care for people this far south. We all have our darkness inside, except all of you wear it on your sleeve instead, while I tried so hard to be good. I don't need to be good OR bad now. I just need to be King. That is what is right. I care about my people, and I care about my success. You can all go to Hell. Moving on to the reason I bought this time, with the vast amount of money I have collected from my people, from all of you, and from all the stupid merchandise and cartoons that tried to make a mockery of me. All of that money, is blood money as far as I'm concerned, and I'm using it for my ends. The reason I bought this time was to talk about a couple things. First off, we're talking about loose ends, and you will SHUT UP WHEN THE KING IS SPEAKING! You're bullies, just like a few other people in my life have tried to be bullies, and I don't like bullies. Trevor Mach, you're probably the worst offender, and I have to admit something to you. I actually thought for a moment that Hope couldn't possibly be your child. She's got heart that you and Tali lack. You're broken down, and she's off somewhere abandoning her family. I've been glued to the network, and I've seen it. She left, and you're heartbroken. Like I said, she won't even be in the same room as you. She won't be a wife or a mother. You? You pass off responsibilities, and then you pass up opportunities with Lucca. If she wanted to become an Angel wife, that would be no problem. I thought Hope might have been mine. I thought Tali might have been smarter in another time and place, but alas, she indeed the daughter of Trevor Mach and Lady M's. That's a shame in my opinion, but Hope, I can be like a Father to you, and guide you on a better path. Think about it. You deserve to be a Princess too. More loose ends! A year ago, my life was plagued by a particular person, who has since been relegated to Level Up Pro, oh and by the way, I will NOT be appearing on that show again, and Trevor, I don't give a damn who you give that other title too. Cadmus, the "Dark Star Emperor". You wanted to be a King, but there is only ONE KING around here, and you're looking at him! I know you want another shot at me. You've been obsessed over it. Now is the time. Come on out here, because I don't have the pleasure of remembering the matches we've had, and I think you deserve more than you got for what you did to me. GET OUT HERE NOW!
1. Tack Angel's Purchased Time:
-Tack Angel battered Cadmus the moment he entered the ring. Hitting hard kicks and elbows, he dragged the "Dark Star Emperor" around the ring, dragging his face into the ropes. A far cry from their matches in the past, where it was quite back and forth, tonight Tack humiliated Cadmus, nailing him with a Superkick, and pinning him, before lifting him up to instead hit the Wrist Clutch Angel Driver. Then he planted his foot onto Cadmus for the 1-2-3.Tack Angel beat Cadmus via Wrist Clutch Angel Driver -> Pin
Makoto Angel: That was a crazy moment with Tack just now, but we can't stop to dwell, because Razorblade just entered the building. Razor, what are your-
Razorblade: Save it. Don't come up to me. Don't ask me questions. Keep the mics and the stupid flying cameras out of my face. I lost. That shit happens, but it doesn't mean I'm done. I'll get back around to that particular task another time, but the "One Man War" has something to revel in tonight, and someone is going to get their face rubbed in it. You tell Hardcastle to have his cameras ready for that!
2. Women's Television #1 Contender: Kimber Blaze beat Lainey Strong, Gold, Kaie[x] via Eagleland Rack -> Submission
-The next match saw four of the hungry competitors in the Women's Division fight it out for a shot down the road against Hope Mach. A fun and frantic match, devoid of any "Skulls & Bones" interference, but Kaie did get a bit of a receipt for her actions against Erica the other night, when the former Women's World Champion appeared in the crowd and maced Kaie in the face. She struggled back into the ring blinded, and fell into the Eagleland Rack, which lead to a quick and humiliating submission for the Celtic Warrior. Strong and Gold were dumbfounded at how quick it was, unable to break up the submission in time. Kaie ran off to try and clean her eyes, while Erica simply smirked and walked away.
Nerma: I never thought I'd see that. Erica and Kaie are at odds here, amidst a possible "Skulls & Bones" invasion. Who knows where this will lead, but I'm guessing Erica taking on Kaie inside of that very ring. Seems like the safe bet. I mean this is pro wrestling.
Razorblade was walking backstage with a purpose, when President Swift stood in his way.
Swift: Funny, I don't recall saying the loser from VBW was allowed to my show tonight.
Razorblade: You think that would stop me? You could try and stop me, but that didn't work out the last time did it?
Swift: ....You're not getting a rematch with Benjamin. That goes to-
Razorblade: Not my goal...not right now. I have something I want to make sure I get credit for. You're going to want to see this, so get out of my way.
Swift: You had better watch yourself Razor. I'm so close to snapping and putting your stupid ass though the wall.
Razorblade: ...Out of my way.
Nani Angel made her way out to the ring next, with a brand new theme. Actually an old theme that Tack used, but now the theme of Crystal Heaven apparently.
3. Women's No Rules Singles: Nani Angel<Crystal Heaven> beat Alison Chains via Manji-Gatame -> Referee Stoppage
-A match that heavily favored Alison Chains, seemed to work against her, in this return bout of sorts from Collision. Nani came back, representing Crystal Heaven as a loophole, and took the Gold Medal thanks to the Manji-Gatame and the ref making a judgement call. In this all out brawl, a very similar situation came into play. Nani used flash paper to startle Chains with a flash, but didn't throw it directly into her face, just using it to remind Chains of the blinding flash in the locker room. She trapped Chains in the Manji-Gatame again. Chains fought as hard as she could, but history repeated itself with a Referee Stoppage.
Nerma: I-
Lilly Belle Hopper: Wow! Look at that! Nani Angel has never looked better. She fought Chains in her element, and she beat her with that devastatingly painful Manji-Gatame. That's a true Crystal Heaven warrior!
Nerma: I can't talk about her either?! Come on!
Tommy Dukes: Yikes.
4. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan[o]/Jammer/Vape beat Johnny Starbound<Mid-South>/Dom Barris<Mid-South>/Tom Barris<Mid-South>[x] via Brave Clash -> Pin
-6-Man Tag action saw the "Dan Club" take on the Mid-South team, in a one sided affair. Starbound kept his distance from Dan, and constantly mocked him for the drug test, throwing a fake bag of Rock Candy at him. Dan made the Mid-South team pay for the insult, with a Brave Clash on Tom Barris to score the pinfall victory.
Bashin Dan: So, let's just get this straight right now. Benjamin, Jammer, and Vape. They all did so well at Collision. A round of applause for them please. So proud of my friends. However, Collision wasn't kind to me. No Gold Medals, and no Unified World Championship. I was going to use it as my ticket to a rematch with Benji, but they said I failed a drug test. I don't do drugs. I've never done drugs, and I never will. I live a clean lifestyle. I'm apparently a "boy scout" in a world where that's considered goofy or archaic. I'll never apologize for it. I've always wanted to be a hero, an inspiring champion, and a master at card games. That last part isn't relevant to this right now, but it needs to be said none the less. I don't know what happened with that test, but I have been absolved by further tests. I really want that match I was scheduled for. I really want to get back to success, because even though I did lose at Victory Explosion yet again, that will NEVER stop me from trying again and again, and pushing for success and higher peaks. Just winning the Triple Crown isn't the end all be all goal for me. I want to keep taking things higher and higher and-
Razorblade: High? You're making drug jokes now are you?
Bashin Dan: Obviously not what I meant. Why do you want?
Razorblade: Oh, I just wanted to see the look on your face. The curse continues for Bashin Dan. He falls flat on his ass at Victory Explosion, and loses everything. It's fun to see to be honest, but your attitude is infuriating. You had a path laid out to bounce back at Collision. You probably would have beaten Starbound, but I didn't want to see that. It made me sick to think about. That's why I might have switched out your drug test myself.
Bashin Dan: YOU!
Razorblade: Ha! That look. It's perfect. The face of EBW, absolutely broken up. I hate this place, and I hate your attitude. In fact, I think it was your attitude that brought it on. An "age of heroes"? Bull....SHIT! You're not better than me. You're not on some other level. Even if you were, I'd drag you down, and wipe that optimism off your face. This was worth the trip tonight. Worth every penny.
Bashin Dan: ....
Vape: I don't think I've ever seen Dan that red in the face before. I'm going to stand back a little.
The next segment was another one purchased by Tack Angel. He came out again, holding his scythe, and taking in the boos.
Tack Angel: This is my time, and you will respect that. Actually, I don't care, boo all you want. Reveal to me who you really are. It just reinforces things for me. You're really helping to make this easier. I wanted to take this time to address you Benjamin, the Triple Crown World Champion. A symbol of a new generation. What about my generation? What about me? I'm not so ready to be overlooked or passed over yet. Actually, I feel like I've never been better. A King finally at his full potential. I'm a King and you're simply a Knight. I am an innovator. You're an imitator. I am leader, you are a follower. I am winner, and you are all losers, if you think that Benjamin can stop me, with how I'm feeling right now. Knights kneels to their Kings, and you WILL kneel to me, when I claim the Triple Crown for myself and MY FAMILY! Only for us, and not for any of you. You keep booing. You keep doubting. That's good. I'm feeding on it right now. Time for another teachable moment, and time to deal with more loose ends. I already dealt with Cadmus, but now I want Saxon and Novus out here RIGHT NOW! You two are the WORST, and I'm going to kick your heads in!
Novus: I'm shocked quite frankly.
5. Tack Angel's Purchased Time:
-Another showcase for Tack, as he took on Saxon and Novus in handicap action. They were hesitant to attack the man they had idolized, but Tack was quick to kick and elbow them. Absolutely battering the former "TackForce", Tack smashed Saxon with a Superkick, before crashing Novus to the mat with a Wrist Clutch Angel Driver.Tack Angel beat Saxon/Novus[x] via Wrist Clutch Angel Driver -> Pin
-Main event time as "Blood 4 Blood" faced off with the "War Kings" in 6-Man Tag action. Ilya Fedorovich laughed with manic eyes as he swung around the EBW Challenge Championship he won from Trevor Mach, injuring the "Bad Man's" neck in the process. Technical mastery, and heated brawls in this bout, the best kind of pairing. Picky was riding high on his Gold Medal win at Collision, and had a Bushido-esque back and forth with Radzi, before tagging in Hazen, while Picky tagged in Subculture. Radzi and Ilya went to work outside, goading Mav and Picky with trash talk, while Subculture peppered Hazen with hard shots. He set up for the KO Punch, but Hazen dodged it, and Subbie ended up punching an exposed turnbuckle. As he clenched his hand, Hazen took him to the mat with the Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver. Subbie had a foot on the ropes, but Ilya knocked it off as the ref counted the 3.Hazen[o]/Ilya Fedorovich/Radzi Schrieffer beat Mav Valentine/Picky Minch/Subculture[x] via Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver -> Pin
Last edited by Machismo (5/20/2021 11:19 am)
Nerma: Nerma here! Is it alright that I'm here? I might say HIS name, and he won't like that. Like I care. I'm not afraid of you Tack Angel! I am doing my job, and so far, that phone is still ringing. Someone should pick it up, BECAUSE I CALLED IT! He's everything I said he was, and it should be obvious with what he did to Saxon and Novus. Cadmus had it coming though. Now, he's going to have his own main event and themed ENN+ event? I-
Tack Angel: ...
Nerma: Tack, what are yo-
Nani Angel: He has nothing to say to you. He only wishes that you remain silent, unless I am forced to step in.
Nerma: You wouldn't. I'm friends with Makot-
Nani Angel: Don't speak her name. Don't try and hide behind her. I will do what I must.
Nerma: ...You're both out of your minds.
Lilly Belle Hopper: Hop hop! You might think they're crazy, but what's really crazy is the Kingdom Come card, as well as the card for Xperience! We have them hot, fresh, and ready to deliver, right out of the oven. Someone suggested I deliver them in a naked apron situation, but no one really does that do they? Teeheehee! Anyways, thanks to ENN+'s Chaz Hardcastle wanting even more content for the service, you can expect many more, and even feature matches, appearing exclusively for the service. Check it out! Hop hop!
EBW: Kingdom Come
Fourside Arena, Fourside
1. Women's Singles: Erica vs. Kaie
2. Singles: Bashin Dan vs. Razorblade
3. EBW Challenge Championship Bushido Den: Ilya Fedorovich(c) vs. Trevor Mach
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: Hope Mach(c) vs. Kimber Blaze
5. EBW Television Championship Tournament Finals: TBA vs. TBA
6. EBW Women's World Championship: Christina Angel(c) vs. Duvalie
7. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Benjamin(c) vs. Tack Angel
EBW: Xperience
Zombie U, Threed
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze vs. Lt. Lacy Wagner
0. Dark Match 3'dPW Tag Team Championship Decision: Randy no Kachi/LG Rod vs. Curry Man<3'dPW>/Flying Man<3'dPW>
0. Dark Match Singles: Big Shark vs. Aron Vayne
0. Dark Match Singles: Rains vs. Danny Leung
0. Dark Match Women's Singles: Lainey Strong vs. Eve
0. Dark Match Singles: Javier Leos vs. Ishihiro Tomo
1. 6-Man Tag: Benjamin/Bashin Dan/Vape vs. Scott Free/Nosan/Manu Kalani
2. EBW Television Championship Tournament Prelims: Kinniku Mike vs. Jammer
3. EBW Television Championship Tournament Prelims: Dragon Shiryu vs. Magnum PT
4. 6-Woman Lumberjill Tag: Alison Chains/Jenny James/Jessica James vs. Duvalie/Ines/Ennea
5. EBW Television Championship Tournament Prelims: Takumi Inui vs. Fray Tiburon
6. EBW Television Championship Tournament Prelims: Mav Valentine vs. Amigo
Nerma: Are they gone? *sigh* Yeah, as you can see, we have an EBW Television Championship Tournament. Why you might ask? Well, it's obvious isn't it? Razorblade committed a crime when he tampered with that drug test, and the President responded by stripping him of the Television Championship. He will have to appear on Xperience to present President Swift with the belt. I'm sure that'll go over REAL WELL! So much stuff going on, as we head to Kingdom Come. Rains has turned on Good News Gary, and I'm sure that's going somewhere. "The Shark Order" continue to rock and roll in the Dark Matches, and "Team Sazh" continue to try and "get" Javier Leos. Surely you've been paying attention right? I'm surprised Hardcastle wanted more wrestling, because I thought he was more like Tess, and just wants to sell porn! Also, you're right Hopper, the naked apron thing is stupid, and you only brought it up to put it into people's heads! Ridiculous!
The Mach Residence
Trevor Mach walked to the door of his place, with Apple Kid in tow.
Apple Kid: Trev, I don't know about this.
Trevor Mach: Come on Apple! You totally need to take her on a date! I NEED her out of my house! I need to sleep! You guys were getting along great before! You just need to convince her to go out with you. I'm begging you.
Apple Kid: This isn't like you? Begging me for something? What's going on with you. She's really hot. Why don't you-
Trevor Mach: I'm married. I'm married to one woman. That matters. It's got to matter. I DON'T need this complication.
Apple Kid: The complication of a hot nerd willing to bone down constantly? Yeah man, I feel bad for you. Truly.
Trevor Mach: Alright, let me reword this, you will try this, or I'm kneeing you in the face.
Apple Kid: That sounds more like it.
Trevor opened the door to see Lucca standing in his kitchen, bent over with a naked apron.
Lucca: You made it just in time. I have something hot and ready for you.
Trevor Mach: ....*sigh* Apple, would you-
Apple Kid's sudden nose bleed made him panic, and he ran off in a hurry.
Trevor Mach: Dammit Apple Kid....dammit.
Battle Spirits Dojo
The Dan Club, Hope Mach, Lainey Strong, and The James Sisters all gathered together to watch a movie.
Vape: I call the couch!
Jammer: *sigh* Come on dude. I want to sit with my lady.
Vape: She can sit in between us.
Jammer: The last time we tried that, you spent the entire time staring down her shirt.
Vape: I....MIGHT have done that.
Jenny James: Do it again, and I'm poking your eyes out.
Vape: Yes mam! Sorry mam!
Hope Mach: Guys, I don't have a whole lot of time. I have to get back to the TUE house. What are we watching?
Bashin Dan: It's called "Psycho from Dusty Dunes". Should we be watching this? It's Rated R.
Jammer: Dammit Dan, you're not a kid!
Bashin Dan: ...Oh yeah.
Benjamin: So how did they fit the movie into that tiny round thing.
Lainey Strong: The disc? Oh Benji, you poor thing.
Benjamin: What?
Jenny James: "Psycho from Dusty Dunes" huh? That's where I'm from.
Jammer: It's got a naked red head on the cover. Nice!
Bashin Dan: *blush*
Jenny James: That's actually me, when I was red headed, older, and naked.
Jammer: Oh yeah? Is that normal in Dusty Dunes?
Jenny James: Absolutely.
Jammer: Hehehe.
Hope Mach: Wow, they have gotten close haven't they?
Jessica James: They have. She's not just using him as it turns out. She seems to be fond of him. Consider me surprised. Are things still working out with you and Dan?
Hope Mach: Definitely. I mean, look at him blushing about an R-Rated movie. It's cute right?
Jessica James: Have you
Hope Mach: No, and that's fine.
Jessica James: Is it though?
Hope Mach: ....Less fine as time goes along? I want to move at his pace though.
Jessica James: His pace is slow motion molasses though. You know, I'd be right were you wanted me to be, if you catch my dri-
Hope Mach: Drift caught Jessie, but no thanks.
Jenny James: The point is, when I'm home, I tend to be topless.
Bashin Dan: *blushing harder*
Jammer: Nice.
Vape: ...Y-yeah? C-can I come ov-
Jammer: Don't finish that question Vape!
An hour later, they were deep into the movie. Lainey distracted Benjamin from his confusion regarding movies, by holding his hand. Jammer had his arm around Jenny, who was already passed out and snoring. Hope looked at Dan, as he hid behind his hands and cringed at the movie. She smiled, and thought about how her cares drifted away when he was around, and she always wanted to feel that way. She whispered into Dan's ear, and walked away, into the nearby med room....that had a bed.
Bashin Dan: Oh dear...this is it isn't it? It's happening.
Jammer: Dude, what's happen- OH....hehe....go Dan. You da man.
Bashin Dan: I am freaking out!
Jammer: Remember what I told you. Be brave. Be confident.
Bashin Dan: Right. I can do this. I can do this. It''s time.
Vape: Oh come on! I need to go....take a walk or something. You people are driving me crazy!
Bashin Dan got up and walked by the distressed Vape, as he made his way to the room.
ENNXXX+++ Gold Tier
Bashin Dan: Wait....wait why am I suddenly on this tier? Oh you don't. I can't do this! AHHHHH!!!!
Dan ran out quickly. When Hope came out to figure out why, she saw the Lakitu and frustratingly tossed it into a trashcan.
Saturn City Park
Vape stood atop a bridge, looking down at a shallow stream far below him. The fall, would it be enough to put him out of his misery? He thought it for a brief moment before-
Amigo: Don't bother.
Vape: Huh?
A soaking wet Amigo walked up and stood beside him.
Amigo: I've tried....a bunch of times. *sigh*
Vape: *sigh*
Last edited by Machismo (5/21/2021 11:41 am)