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4/05/2021 12:59 am  #21

Re: Death Blade

Trevor Blade fell through the trees and bushes as the sounds of the men and dogs grew fainter behind him. He knew how to cover ground, and do it silently, he had learned that in Vietnam, but the blood loss from the bullet wounds was making it a lot more difficult. He stumbled over a root in the ground and tumbled down a hill, find himself in an old cemetery. He could barely make out the names on the crude tombstones, which showed their age.

Trevor Blade: F-family plot. Really old. If this is where they died, I wonder where they lived, and I hope it's close.

Trevor picked himself up off of one of the crude stones, and looked around, hoping to find a house, or the remains of a house. Something to buy him some time. He wouldn't be able to fight it much longer. He knew from experience, he'd soon black out again.

Meanwhile Jane Barlow had found her way into a dilapidated house in the woods. She could hear voices behind her, and wanted to run out to them, but then it became clear who the voice belonged to.

Richard Scott: Jane? You out here girl. You and I need to have a serious talk! Come on out! Jane! Jane!

Jane covered her mouth and shut her eyes, the tears streaming down her face. She quickly ran to an old wooden staircase, and crawled underneath it into the dust and cobwebs brought on by years left unattended. She suddenly heard more voices coming up behind Richard. She recognized them too. Richard's hunting buddies. Bruce and "Putter" as he liked to be called. She especially didn't like Putter. Not because of his unkempt looks, balding head, bushy mustache, or his horrible smell, but he because of the way he was always looking at her. It made her scared every time. She felt like she was in a nightmare.

Putter: You sure she's out here? All alone?

Richard Scott: She has to be. She was with her Dad when- when it happened.

Bruce: Hey man, you don't have to explain yourself to us. I wanted to do the same thing.

Richard Scott: I didn't mean to shoot the other two. It was an accident, but we've got to clean this shit up! If I go down, you both lose everything too. Don't forget that.

Putter: We'll clean it up Richard.

Bruce: Yeah, but killing a kid?

Richard Scott: She knows it was me. No choice but to. Simple as that.

Bruce: That's cold.

Richard Scott: It's nessescary. It's survival Bruce. You fucking in or not?

Bruce: I'm in. I'm in.

Putter: Just let me talk to her for a few minutes. I bet I could convince her to-

Richard Scott: Hey! You look at me Putter. Don't fuck around. You see her, and you shoot her. You get me?

Putter: Yeah, I got you Richie.

Richard Scott: Good. Now, the trail ended a ways back, but she's a scared little girl. She's lived around here, but she's never been this deep in the woods, not like we have. She'd go running to the nearest place she could hide, and that old house over there is the nearest thing. I'm telling you, she's in there. Let's go.

The three men entered the old house. Jane kept as quiet as possible, as they searched around with flashlights and guns at the ready. They were definitely not here for a rescue, no matter what they said. They called for her, as they grew closer. She backed into the crevice, as she heard creaking above her. Two sets of feet were slowly going up the stairs. She could hear them growing fainter as they went further into the house. She couldn't hear the third set. This was the moment to move she thought to herself, and quickly tried to escape, but standing right outside her hiding place was the third man.

Putter: Well, look what we have here.

Sheriff Scott and Tom Huddle lead a larger posse through the woods, trying to get back on the trail of Blade.

Sheriff Scott: This fucker covers his tracks, I'll give him that much, but we'll find him, and I'll-

Tom Huddle: Give him a chance to surrender?

Sheriff Scott: He had that chance. I gave it to him. I warned him. He doesn't get a second chance.

Tom Huddle: You get to take justice in your own hands like that?

Sheriff Scott: Look at this badge you son of a bitch. This says I make the justice. Always has. You lot knew that. You kept your heads down, or in your case, you at least cut me in and employed my brother, but this asshole didn't get the message, and now we're going to put him down.

Tom Huddle: I just don't understand why he'd shoot them and burn down his own ho-

Sheriff Scott: What? You think my brother did it? You believe the psycho from New York over one of us? This ain't the bastard you used to run around with. The spoiled kid with the nice cabin in the woods? No, that fucker died in 'Nam. We've got a stone cold killer out here. Nothing more.

Tom Huddle: I didn't want it to come to this.

Sheriff Scott: But it has.

Tom Huddle: Yeah. Yeah, it has I suppose.

Tom revealed that his gun wasn't even loaded, but he quickly changed that by loading it with ammo.

Sheriff Scott: That's more like it.

In the darkness Blade could hear the screaming again. The screams of those killed in Vietnam. The screams of his loved ones. He looked around as Laura Blade, Detective Dalton, and John and Kelly Newton surrounded him.

Laura Blade: You let us die.

John Newton: You let me down. You let me die, and you then you got my sister killed.

Trevor Blade: No!

Detective Dalton: You're a killer. You're just a killer. All you'll ever be is a killer. You should just kill yourself.

Trevor Blade: Stop it!

Kelly Newton: I trusted you. I let you into my bed, and you got me killed!

Trevor Blade: No! I didn't! I never wanted this! Stop!

Laura Blade: You let us all di-

Suddenly, Blade heard another voice. A young girl yelling out, crying for help.

Trevor Blade: Stop! Let me go! I have to help her!

Laura Blade: You let us-

Trevor Blade: You're not real! She needs me! Now let me go!

Trevor bolted awake, and crawled out from under an old dusty bed. The door to the main room of the old house was open, giving Trevor a view of a man dragging a young girl out in the open.

Trevor Blade: J-Jane?

Putter threw her to the ground, and began to undo his belt.

Putter: You want to live girl? You're going to do exactly what I tell you to do. Now, open wide.

Jane closed her eyes and tried backing away. Putter dropped his pants and walked up to her laughing, but suddenly an arm wrapped around his neck, as Blade pulled his hunter knife from his side, and castrated the man. He shoved Putter's genitals in his mouth as he slashed his throat and tossed him to the side. Covered in blood, and feeling the familiar throbbing rage, he looked down to see the crying girl still backing away in fear. He calmed himself enough to tend to her.

Trevor Blade: *whispering* Jane. Jane. Shhhh. It's me Trevor.

Jane Barlow: Trevor? What happened? Where did he-

Trevor Blade: *whispering* Don't worry about it. Don't look at him. Seriously, don't look. Listen, you need to get out of here. There is an old cemetery west of here. You know which way is west?

Jane Barlow: *nods*

Trevor Blade: *whispering* Good. Go there and hide. I'll come for you.

Jane Barlow: What are you going to do?

Trevor Blade: *whispering* I'm going to deal with them.

Jane Barlow: He-he killed my Dad. *sniff*

Trevor Blade: *whispering* I know kid. Trust me, I'm going to remind him of that.

Jane hugged Trevor, which caught him off guard, before she got up and ran away. As she left his view, things seemed to slow for Trevor, as the rush of blood and adrenaline returned. Maybe he was a killer, but he believed more than ever that some people might have it coming. He pulled the knife out of Putter's body and made his way slowly up the stairs.


4/16/2021 8:56 am  #22

Re: Death Blade

Richard Scott's hunting partner kept his gun at the ready as he kicked open the doors on the second floor. He tossed over mattresses and opened closets looking for Blade. The angry hunter looked out a window and shouted back at Scott. 

Hunter: I don't see him! Maybe he's-

Trevor Blade: Right here.

Trevor covered his mouth, and smashed his head through the window. He slowly and forcefully shoved the man's neck down onto the broken glass, killing him in seconds. As he stood over the body, the heat continued to build inside of him, and he wondered if he as going too far. A gun shot broke his daze, as buckshot grazed him once again. Richard Scott aimed for another shot at the end of the hallway.

Richard Scott: You motherfucker! Just die!

Trevor Blade: You killed Paul you fucking son of a bitch!

Richard Scott: And no one is ever going to know once I kill you and that little bitch!

Trevor Blade: Come and try! I'm right here!

Blade flashed back to the war, fighting for his life, and then flashed to the times he made people pay for the hurt they had caused. He'd had enough of hiding out. Bad people were everywhere, and he wanted to do something about it. He lunged forward, as Scott fired. Another near hit, as Blade tackled Scott through the wooden railing to the floor below. He punched him repeatedly, until Richard hit him with the butt of his gun. He nose broken, Blade staggered back.

Richard Scott: Everyone would have been better off if you had died in that fucking jungle boy. This is all your fault!

Trevor Blade: It's not, and I'm tired of pretending that it is!

The visions suddenly left him, as his head cleared. His dead wife, his best friend, all of them disappeared. There was only the target in front of him, a bad person practically begging to die. Blade got to his feet and lunged forward. He pushed the gun upwards as Scott tried to fire. Richard tried to face black Blade, and shoved several fingers in his mouth haphazardly. Fingers that Blade quickly bit into and removed from Scott's hand. The drunken hunter staggered back screaming, having dropped his gun as he backed against a wall. Blade spit the blood from his mouth and picked up the gun.

Richard Scott: Ah! No! My hand! You sick fuck! You sick mother fucker! Ah!

Trevor Blade: You might be right. You know what "Dick", you're absolutely right. I am sick. I have been since 'Nam, but it took some time to realize it. The world doesn't work the way it should, and I don't mind doing what I have to do to make it work. Even here, in this small town, where I grew up. The one place I remember being happy that wasn't tainted by blood. It doesn't work right either. The blood followed me, so I'll do something about it. I am a killer. I'm a murdering bastard. It's my own brand of justice. For better or worse, I'm not running from it anymore. "Dick" there are consequences, to pissing off a murdering bastard.

Richard Scott: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't do it! Don't kill me because I pissed you off man!

Trevor Blade: This isn't for me. It's for Julie. It's for Paul. It's for that little girl that you made an orphan.

Richard Scott let out once last scream before the blast of a shotgun silenced him forever.

Trevor Blade: I'll see you in hell Richard.

Last edited by Machismo (4/17/2021 1:19 am)

     Thread Starter

4/25/2021 5:52 pm  #23

Re: Death Blade

Tom Huddle and Sheriff Scott continued to search around the woods, when they suddenly heard a noise from the east, moving in fast.

Sheriff Scott: Alright, I'm about to shoot this son bitch if he thinks he can get the drop on-

Tom Huddle: Hold your fire. Listen, that's not an adult.

Suddenly, a crying Jane Barlow burst through the bushes to Tom and the Sheriff. She moved away from Sheriff Scott, but Tom was quick to embrace her.

Tom Huddle: Jane! Shhh! It's alright. It's alright, we're here now.

Jane Barlow: You have to listen to me. Trevor is in trouble! He's over there and-

Sheriff Scott: You bet your ass he's in trouble! You show me where they murdering son of a bi-

Jane Barlow: He didn't do it!

Tom Huddle: What?

Jane Barlow: It was Richard! Richard Scott killed my Dad!

Sheriff Scott: That's bullshit kid! Why the hell would you say something like that?!

Jane Barlow: It's true! I was hiding in the vehicle he was towing! I saw him do it! Trevor barely escaped with his life, and now you're out here trying to kill him!

Sheriff Scott: Little missy, I don't know what lies he put in your head, but my brother is no killer, but this 'Nam vet psychopath sure as hell is! Go take a seat in my car. We need to talk about this Tom.

Jane Barlow: No! I don't want to go with you! I can't! I-

Tom Huddle: Shhh. It's alright Jane. Go sit in my car instead alright. You'll find it with the others. Just go run that way. I'll talk to the Sheriff, and then I'll have a word with Blade. Alright?

Jane Barlow: Don't hurt him! *sniff*

Tom Huddle: Hey, how long have you known me. Your Dad was one of my best friends.

Jane Barlow: *nods*

Tom waited until Jane was far enough away, before his reassuring smile turned to anger.

Tom Huddle: What the fuck is going on out here Sheriff?

Sheriff Scott: That mother fucker is lying. Alright? He's lying. These people out here getting hurt, are OUR people! You're a member of this community Tom, but your "friend" sure as hell isn't! He tried to burn down your business! Everything you tried to build. Richard never hurt nobody!

Tom Huddle: He's always had the potential to. Even Blade saw that. I pretended that I didn't, but come on. What if she was telling the truth. What if-

Sheriff Scott suddenly pointed his gun at Tom's face.

Sheriff Scott: What are you trying to say? You want to blame my brother for all of this?

Tom Huddle: Jesus Christ Jake! Put the gun down!

Sheriff Scott: This is my town Tom. It belongs to me and my brother. We allowed you to run your business, because we had that understanding. You're not going soft on me now are you?

Tom Huddle: Get the gun out of my face.

Sheriff Scott: I think Trevor Blade might have just got another one right here and now. Shot my buddy Tom right in the face. It was tragic. I tried to stop him.

Tom Huddle: This isn't funny.

Sheriff Scott: You're right, it's not. Neither is saying my brother killed anybody. You'll never say that again. Do you understand me? Trevor Blade killed Paul Barlow.

Tom Huddle: R-right. Trevor Blade killed Paul Barlow.

Sheriff Scott: Don't make me do that again Tom. We're supposed to be friends.

Tom Huddle: I got caught up in the heat of the moment.

Sheriff Scott: Aren't we all. Look, you know where he is. Why don't you deal with him. You understand what I mean?

Tom Huddle: What are you going to do?

Sheriff Scott: Take Jane to the hospital of course.

Tom Huddle: Whoa. Wait, she-

Sheriff Scott: I'll take care of her Tom. Jesus, I'm the Sheriff, not a monster.

Tom Huddle: I really think yo-

Sheriff Scott: I said take care of it. Now Tom. Tired of fucking around out here.

Tom Huddle: Fine. Don't you hurt her Jake. Do not hurt that little girl.

Sheriff Scott: I already said I'm going to take care of her! Don't be such a paranoid son of a bitch. You go find that fucker, kill him, or bring him to me so I can do it. I don't care which, but he's dying today.

Tom Huddle: This doesn't feel right Jake. This isn't justice.

Sheriff Scott: This badge says I decide what's justice Tom. Stop wasting time.

Sheriff Scott walked with purpose as he approached Tom's car, quickly opening the passenger side door, and grabbing Jane by the arm.

Jane Barlow: Ow! You're hurting me! What are you doing?

Sheriff Scott: I need you in my car right now. We-uh need to take you to the hospital. Get you a full check up. After that you can tell your story and we'll get it written down. Alright?

Jane Barlow: I want to go with Tom. I want to see Trevor!

Sheriff Scott: He's going to bring him in peacefully, and we'll get this all sort out. Your story really helped. Trust me. Trevor is going to be really glad you found us. Come on.

Jane Barlow: Okay.

Jane hesitantly got into the passenger seat.

Sheriff Scott: You don't want to ride in the back?

Jane Barlow: My Dad said he never wanted to see his little girl in the back of a cop car.

Sheriff Scott: Heh. Yeah, Paul saw enough of that. I truly am sorry Jane. Let's get going.

Jane's story worked. She knew from working on the cars with her Dad, that she'd be trapped in there if she got into the back. The passenger side seating up front, gave her a little more control. She tried to dry her eyes as the Sheriff drove down the dark road.

Sheriff Scott: This has all been one big mess. One big mistake. We should've run that psycho out of town before this happened.

Jane Barlow: I'm telling you, he didn't do it!

Sheriff Scott: Yeah, but you said it was my brother. I really wish you hadn't said that.

Jane Barlow: I swear it was him! He and his hunting buddies tried to kill me too!

Sheriff Scott: Kill you? You think he'd do that! I don't know why you're making these stories up. I hope by the time we get to where we're going, you'll change your tune. I want the truth out of you.

Jane Barlow: It is the truth! He-

Sheriff Scott: Shut up! I don't want to fucking hear it!

Jane Barlow: This isn't the right way.

Sheriff Scott: What?

Jane Barlow: To the hospital. This isn't the right way.

Sheriff Scott: The fuck does a kid know about directions.

Jane Barlow: I know this isn't right. Where are you taking me?

Sheriff Scott: Don't worry about it. It'll be over soon.

Jane Barlow: Where are you taking me?

Sheriff Scott: I said don't worry about it! Listen to me dammit! I'm going to take care of everything!

Jane knew she was in trouble now. She looked to her seat and saw the button to unlock the door. She slowly moved her hands to her seat belt clasp, but she was suddenly startled by the Sheriff.

Sheriff Scott: Stupid little bitch! You couldn't keep your mouth shut could you! My brother is no killer! Even if he was, it doesn't matter! Trevor Blade is the one at fault, and we're going to deal with him! Everyone is going to know that he killed Paul Barlow.

Jane Barlow: Not if I tell them differently.

Sheriff Scott: And that's the problem. You're too stupid to realize it. You're just a dumb little brat. A dumb little brat that doesn't know how to save her own ass!

Jane Barlow: You'd-you'd really kill me?

Sheriff Scott: Maybe you're not that stupid. You've got it figured out already huh? You'd be surprised what I'd do to make sure my brother doesn't go to prison.

Jane Barlow: About that. Your brother, is probably already dead.

Sheriff Scott: What?

The Sheriff slammed on the brakes, which was exactly what the resourceful little girl was hoping for. In a quick action she unbuckled her seat belt, and unlocked the door, quickly running from the car, as the Sheriff grabbed his revolver and gave chase. She screamed as bullets whizzed by. The angry Sheriff continued giving chase, but his screaming sound further and further away as she ran. She thought she was home free, until a sharp burning pain suddenly hit her in the leg. A bullet had grazed her right leg. She tripped and fell down a small hill, quickly climbing under the roots of a partially uplifted tree, growing at an angle on the hill. She closed her mouth with her hand, as tears streamed down her face. The pain was unbearable, like nothing she had ever felt before. She heard his footsteps, as they grew closer. He had out a gun and flashlight, calling out like he was still concerned for her, but ready to shoot and kill her the moment he found her. She held her breath for so long, so felt like she was going to black out, but eventually, a frustrated and panicked Sheriff Scott walked away.

Elsewhere, Trevor took all of the hunter's guns and weapons, and tossed them to the bottom of the abandoned house's well. A figure approached and cocked his gun at the sight of it.

Tom Huddle: Bad move Blade.

Trevor Blade: Tom.

Tom Huddle: I didn't figure a soldier would get rid of all of his weapons like that, especially when the war's not over.

Trevor Blade: A solider only carries what he needs to survive.

Trevor revealed that he still had a revolver, which he opened, removing five of the six shots.

Trevor Blade: I didn't kill Paul. I didn't do it Tom.

Tom Huddle: What about everything since?

Trevor Blade: Oh I did that, and more. I killed Richard Scott, and your other "employees".

Tom Huddle: I guess Jake was right about you then.

Trevor Blade: Did he call me a killer? Yeah, he's probably right, but Richard Scott had killed Paul He nearly killed Julie. He tried to kill Jane. He set one of his freaks on her, and he tried to rape her Tom. They were bad people that do bad things. Compared to them, I'm a saint. They got what they had coming to them, with interest.

Tom Huddle: You seem sure of yourself now Trevor.

Trevor Blade: I guess that's what I came here for.

Tom Huddle: Fresh air, sunshine, clarity, and a pile of bodies?

Trevor Blade: I didn't want trouble.

Tom Huddle: You did. You couldn't wait to get involved.

Trevor Blade: What's done is done. What matters is what we do here and now.

Tom started removing the ammo from his gun, leaving one cartridge in the shotgun.

Tom Huddle: I told you before that if something else happened between you and the Sheriff's brother, or if you tried to do anything else to stop my business, you knew what side I was going to be on.

Trevor Blade: Right. And I said those are the odds Tom. One day you've got a friend, and the next day he might be your enemy.

The two stood in the silence, both aware that they found themselves in a stand off. One moment it was eerily quiet, and then the next the two men jumped to action, firing as quickly as they could. Blade narrowly avoided yet another gun shot wound, but his Tom was taken to the ground with a round to the knee. He fell in agony.

Tom Huddle: You son of a bitch. You already know that I got a bad knee!

Trevor Blade: I could've given you a match pair Tom.

Tom Huddle: Fuck. Go ahead and do it.

Trevor Blade: Do it?

Tom Huddle: Kill me.

Trevor put the bullets back into the revolver, but placed it back into his belt, offering a hand instead.

Trevor Blade: I'm not going to kill you Tom.

Tom Huddle: What?

Trevor Blade: Take my hand. Let's get the fuck out these woods.

Tom Huddle: I don't understand you.

Trevor Blade: I think you do. Do you really think I killed Paul?

Tom Huddle: No, I guess I don't. The Sheriff, really wanted to hammer home the issue. I guess I just don't have the spine to deal with it.

Trevor Blade: Here, lean against me. How far is your car?

Tom Huddle: Not too far from here, but Trevor I think there could be other trouble. The Sheriff, he went to get Jane. He said he was going to take her to the hospital, but now, I'm not so sure.

Trevor Blade: We have to go now.

Practically carrying his old friend back to the car, like a downed solider in the muck of  'Nam, Blade seemed to forget about his own injuries, that were still leaking blood. He fought off the weariness, and let the adrenaline and the pulsing anger push him forward. They took off down the country back roads while listening to the CB radio in Tom's car.

Tom Huddle: Trevor, I'm sorry. I just-

Trevor Blade: I know Tom. It's all right. I got it.

Tom Huddle: Just like when we were kids. I'd pull a prank, or start a fight, and any time I came to apologize, you made it too damn easy.

Trevor Blade: Well you were my friend.

Tom Huddle: Right. I-

Suddenly, they heard a voice on the CB Radio.

Sheriff Scott: *over the CB* This is the Sheriff. I'm back at HQ, but you boys keep on the search. I'll back out there shortly.

Trevor suddenly made a hard left turn, towards town.

Tom Huddle: You're going to him?

Trevor Blade: That's right.

They were both aware that Blade's gun had fallen out of his belt with the turn, and was now closer to Tom.

Trevor Blade: You could stop me.

Tom Huddle: No. No I'll stay out of your way on this one. I owe you that much.

The two drove up to the Sheriff's station, as Sheriff Scott was in a panic inside. He paced back and forth, with his flask in hand, wondering what to do, and if his brother truly was dead. He was suddenly startled, as Tom limped into the station.

Sheriff Scott: Tom? Jesus, you look like shi-

Tom Huddle: Just answer me one thing Jake. Do you think this manhunt was worth it? Injured men. Dead men. Where is Jane? Was it all worth it to protect your deadbeat brother? I'll tell you one thing, it hasn't been for me. Was it worth it?

Sheriff Scott: Heh. Worth it? Who fucking cares Tom? What I saw will always matter, as long as I carry this badge and-

Suddenly, Trevor Blade stepped into the room. Jake's eyes widened as he pulled out the revolved and shot Jake through forehead, killing him instantly.

Tom Huddle: Whoa! Trevor! Why?

Trevor Blade: I told you he was right about me. I am a killer.

Tom Huddle: But, he didn't-

Trevor Blade: What? Get to lie his way out of responsibility? He didn't get to abuse his power for his own ends? No, no he did not. He didn't get a fancy farewell. No goodbyes. No parting words worth hearing. He got what he fucking deserved. That's what I do Tom. That's what I tried running from. I'm not doing that anymore. The question is, what are you going to do about it?

The two stood in silence for several moments, before stepping outside. Trevor tossed the gun to the ground and looked up at the stars.

Trevor Blade: Do what you've got to do.

Tom looked down at the gun, but then they both heard a faint voice in the distance. They turned to see little Jane Barlow limping out of the trees towards them. A relived Trevor ran to her, and picked her up, holding her closely. Tom felt relief himself, like a horrible mistake he had made had not cost an innocent life. Seeing her in that state, he knew Jake had tried to kill her, and in that moment he supported Blade's action one hundred percent.

Days later...

A heavily bandaged Trevor Blade packed up his truck with what little of his belongings he could get from the burnt out cabin. Suddenly, a car pulled up, with Tom Huddle bringing Julie Redden and Jane Barlow to see Trevor one last time.

Trevor Blade: Julie, I'm so glad you're all right. I would have come to see you but-

Julie Redden: I understand. Tom told me everything.

Trevor Blade: I'm not exactly welcome here anymore.

Tom Huddle: Yeah, well that'll happen when you kill half the town Blade, but don't worry, they think you're dead too. I get to be the local hero who put down the sick war dog. Living that lie will be the price I have to pay.

Trevor Blade: Thanks for everything Tom.

Tom Huddle: Least I could do. I hope you can forgive me.

The two shook hands, before Tom returned to the car, to let Julie and Jane say goodbye.

Jane Barlow: I'm going to miss you so much.

Trevor Blade: Me too kid, but don't worry, Julie has promised to take good care of you.

Julie Redden: I practically raised her before anyways. We're going to be fine Trevor. I'll made sure she's taken care of for you, and most of all for Paul *sniff* I wish you didn't have to go. Where are you even going to go?

Trevor Blade: Back to the New York City. I'm ready now. I'm ready to do my job.

Julie Redden: Your job?

Trevor Blade: I became like this, because they made me. Now, I stay this way, because I choose to.

Julie gave him one last kiss.

Julie Redden: Please take care of yourself.

Trevor Blade: I'll try my best. Oh, and before I forget.

Trevor rounded his truck, and came back pulling on a leash, with Bambi at the other end.

Jane Barlow: *gasp* Bambi!

Trevor Blade: Look who I found looking for me. Can I count on you to take care of Bambi for me?

Jane Barlow: Of course!

Julie Redden: I'll need to stock up on cereal at the store I guess.

Trevor Blade: Heh. Thank you both. I'll never forget you.

Jane Barlow: Bye Trevor. *sniff*

Julie Redden: You know where to find me, if you get lost again Trevor Blade. Don't be shy now.

Trevor nodded one final time to Tom in his car, before settling behind the wheel of the old family truck. It cranked the ignition, and it came to life, sounding brand new. That Paul Barlow knew his stuff. Swallowing his sadness, Blade waved goodbye again and drove of. Not looking back. He was on his way back to New York City. Back to the city that took everything from him. He had a new lease on life, and a purpose. Anyone that got in the way would be in trouble, because Blade was coming home.

Last edited by Machismo (4/25/2021 5:54 pm)

     Thread Starter

4/28/2021 9:52 pm  #24

Re: Death Blade

A dimly lit street gave way to an exit towards a large city, a seedy city, full of sex, violence, and drugs. A black Ford Mustang turned on the exit, and made it's way deep into the heart of New York City. With the top down, the wind blew into the long brown hair and stubble face of the man behind the wheel. With a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, the man blew through every red light he came across. In his head, a dull throbbing sound, that quickly gave way to the sounds of his CB radio.

Police Officer: Over! I repeat, we've got a shootout on West 29th and Grand! Get back up over here immediately. We're in tro-

The man quickly slammed on his brakes, and a made big turn left, taking every shortcut he could to the location from the radio, the scene of the crime. More death and crime, the city was infested with it all, but that's why he'd come back. Traffic was heavy on this hot summer night, a summer full of tension in city, like a powder keg ready to explode. The driver weaved in an out of his lane to get there that much faster, and finally saw the turnoff to 29th Street. As he heard the officer repeat his request, he hoped that he'd hang on just a little longer.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the hustle and bustle of the city enveloped a group of college girls, laughing it up and having a good time. Walking down the street like they owned the place, they had no idea that just how closely they were being watched. A figure gazed around the corner, watching them living it up without a care in the world. He noticed the one up front, seemingly leading the pack, with tied back hair, skin tights jeans, and a leather jacket, being follow closely by a timid and shy looking blonde, just the type he was looking for. Dressed modestly, almost like a librarian. The others appeared vulgar in comparison. They could not not would not ever be able to understand. The third girl trailing them, walked up to the girl up front. He heard her name repeatedly. Ashley. Ashley Blair.

?: Hey Ashley? Ashley slow down! Look at this dude in this magazine? You tellin' me you wouldn't fuck that?

Ashley Blair: I got a little bit more class than that Kimmie. Besides, he looks like he gets turned down by his own hand.

Kimmie: Naughty naughty Ashley. What about your sister? How about it Samantha?

Samantha Blair: ....*shrugs*

Ashley Blair: Don't embarrass her. She doesn't have dirty mind like you. Don't worry about Kimmie Sam. You just got to know how to talk to her, and she's always got one thing of her mind.

Kimmie: You're not wrong, and the bigger the better.

Ashley Blair: Hey, did you even pay for that?

Kimmie: Nope! Keep walking! Haha!

Ashley Blair: Shit Kimmie, what am I going to do with you?

They laughed. He heard a slight laugh from her. He wanted more. He followed them further. Kimmie, the one with the magazine, the teased and poorly done mall hair, and low cut top, was too dirty. She would need to be purged.

Back on West 29th and Grand, the Ford Mustang finally arrived on the scene. The driver took notice of the location. One cop car, riddled with bullets, in front of a local convenience store. He pulled out his 45 caliber from the glove compartment, placed it into his blue jeans, and tossed aside his cigarette. He heard laughing from inside the building, and quietly made his way inside. The place had been torn apart, much like the car out front, with a hail of reckless gunfire. To his left, he noticed an elderly couple, bleeding out on the floor, but possibly still alive. To his right, the officer that made the call, dead from a bullet to the neck. A throbbing rage enveloped the man, as time seemed to slow down. As the three poorly dressed jackals laughed behind the counter over the little money they took lives over, the man calmed himself enough to yell out.

Trevor Blade: Detective Trevor Blade! NYPD! Put your fucking hands up now!

The three punks took their guns out and looked around in a quick panic. The one with the mohawk seemed to be the one that ran his mouth the most, while the bald one, and the drugged out frail one seemed to follow his orders.

Mohawk Punk: Cop! You see what we did to your buddy? He's dead because he stuck his nose into our business! You get the fuck out of here, or you'll be joining him! Just walk the fuck away man, or you'll be dead like him!

Trevor Blade: Is that right? You get one chance here, and consider it generosity. Throw down your guns, and you get to walk out of here. One chance.

Mohawk Punk: Fuck you asshole! No way!

Drugged out Punk: Y-yeah! No way! Hahaha! No way! No way!

Trevor Blade: Fine by me. You can't say I didn't give you the chance. By the way, I thought you said the other cop was dead.

Mohawk Punk: What?

Blade threw a can over by the other cop's body, getting all three men to turn at once. Blade rose up, and blasted the bald punk directly in the temple. The splatter freaked out the drugged out punk, who shot his own buddy in the ear out of panic, before tripping over the body. The now one eared punk with the mohawk grabbed up all the cash he could and ran through the back exit. Blade carefully gave chase, as the drugged out punk cowered and sobbed in the corner of the store. He followed the punk into a dark parking garage, where he fired off three shots into the darkness, only serving to illuminate the Detective, now slowly stalking him like a predator. As he tried reloading his gun, Blade fired just one shot, directly into his shoulder, knocking him down against a car. He panicked and tried to scream as Blade approached and covered his mouth with his hand.

Trevor Blade: I'm going to speak into the one good ear you've got left asshole. I don't like being shot at. Didn't you know it's illegal to own a firearm like that in New York? You know what I hate more? The senseless death of two people just trying to make a living, and the cop that tried to protect them. What was it for? This? Cash? You needed this so badly? This makes it alright to kill? Well, far be it from me to keep it from you then.

Blade stuffed the wad of cash into the punk's mouth, shattering several of his teeth in the process.

Trevor Blade: I hope they let you keep it in hell. When you get there, you tell them Trevor Blade sent another one.

Blade grabbed the punk's gun, reloaded it, and shot the punk in the head. He wiped off his finger prints and put the gun back into the punk's hand. As he walked back, the cowering punk started crawling towards his other dead friend's gun. As he nearly reached it, Blade stepped on his hand, and put his gun to his head.

Trevor Blade: I don't think so.

The punk screamed as Blade blasted him with his gun, before walking over to the elderly couple to check on them, while also calling for more backup and an EMT.

On the other side of the town Ashley and Samantha waved goodbye to Kimmie before heading towards home.

Ashley Blair: You hungry? We might want to get something before I take you home. Mom's still working double shifts right? Yeah, I'll be she's going to be too tired to cook anything for you. Let's get something alright?

Samantha Blair: *nods*

As the two walked down the street, they were suddenly stopped by a car with two young men inside. They nearly toppled over Samantha, as the driver honked his horn.

Ashley Blair: How about you watch where you're going?

Driver: Hey, I honked my damn horn.

Ashley Blair: My sister is deaf asshole!

Driver: Well shit, how was I supposed to know?

The passenger side guy with long hair and several piercings, including a nose ring tried to calm down the driver.

Passenger: Hey, let's calm it down here. It was an accident. Tell her you're sorry dickhead.

Driver: Alright! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Geez! That better? We was just gonna ask you girls out or something.

Ashley Blair: Oh please, I'd love nothing more than to be hit on by New York's shittiest driver, and his pal who fell into a tackle box.

Passenger: Hey come on now. Don't knock us until you try us ladies. I may not know sign language, but I'm a cunning linguist, or would you rather be the one to get to find that out? I got some good shit. We can get high. The possibilities are endless. How does that sound to ya?

Ashley Blair: How does that sound? Let's see. Almost as good as drowning in my own vomit from even thinking about it?

Passenger: You bitch! You don't get to talk to me like tha-

Ashley grabbed the guy by his nose ring, and began to pull.

Ashley Blair: I'll talk to you however I feel like talking to you, especially since you assholes nearly ran over my sister! Now do me a favor, and take a hike!

She let go, and the man quickly made his friend drive them off. The sister shared a laugh, only to be interrupted by the sounds of screams and panic.

Ashley Blair: That's coming from where Kimmie was going?

The sisters quickly ran back to the alley where they parted with Kimmie. A small group had gathered to witness the horrific scene. Hands nailed to the brick wall of the alley, Kimmie was splayed open from top to bottom, everything falling out. The horrific scene caused Ashley to quickly turn Samantha away, aghast by the horrible sight.

     Thread Starter

8/13/2021 7:19 am  #25

Re: Death Blade

New York City - 1984

Trevor Blade's Mustang pulled up from around the corner to a grizzly crime scene. The splayed open body of a young girl, and her friends, crying over the horrible display.

Trevor Blade: ...Fuck.

Police Officer: Sir, back away from-

Trevor Blade: Detective Trevor Blade.

Police Officer: Oh sorry sir.

Trevor Blade: What the hell happened here?

Police Officer: Poor young woman in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Trevor Blade: I guess so, but that's really fucking over simplified don't you think? I could use details. Thrill me.

Police Officer: Well, the victim was-

Trevor lit a cigarette, and breathed in the fire, as he took in the horrible sight. The voice of the officer faded in the background. He could hear it, but at the same time the sight was taking Blade away in his. It brought back memories, disturbing memories of 'Nam, where the Vietcong, would cut open soldiers, castrate them, and put their organs into their mouths, as a warning. Young soldiers, who had never seen such horrors were subjected to the sight near daily. Now, it was staring him in the face in New York City.

Trevor Blade: What a mess. Why the hell do we have so many people so close to the scene? Get them to back off.

Police Officer: We don't have enough men to-

Trevor Blade: Of course we don't. People, I'm going to need you all to back o-

Ashley Blair: Please no. I-I need to be here.

Trevor Blade: What? Kid, you don't want to be seeing thi-

Ashley Blair: She was my friend! I was just with her.

Trevor Blade: The hell? This is a witness? Why the hell are you not being questioned already? Officer?

Police Officer: Like I said, we don't have enough men.

Blade rubbed his temples in frustration, as he lead Ashley away from the scene, Sammantha in tow.

Trevor Blade: Is she with you?

Ashley Blair: She's my sister.

Trevor Blade: I need to ask you both questions.

Ashley Blair: That's not a problem, but my sister is deaf so-

Trevor Blade: Great.

Ashley Blair: She can read lips though, and I'll translate if need be.

Trevor Blade: You seem to be taking this really well. You said that's your friend over there?

Ashley Blair: I'm angry Officer-

Trevor Blade: Detective. Detective Trevor Blade.

Ashley Blair: Blade? That sounds familiar. Trevor Blade.

Trevor Blade: Did you see anything? Anything at all?

Ashley Blair: We walked away. She was heading home.

Trevor Blade: By herself? Around here?

Ashley Blair: We don't really have a choice when this is where we live now do we? She left, and it was minutes later we heard screaming. Whoever did this was so fast. I didn't see anything that happened, just before and after.

Trevor Blade: They were quick you say? That would mean he had her picked out. Did you see anyone following you?

Ashley Blair: A lot of people follow us.

Trevor really took sight of the woman in front of him for the first time. She was a little older than he'd originally thought. College age from the looks of it. The worst possible time and place to notice how attractive she was though. He'd had a hard time getting reacquainted with right place and right time. He put the thought out of his head.

Trevor Blade: I can uh, see why, but anyone stand out? Anyone out of ordinary?

Ashley Blair: I really wish I could help you. I've really trying to think. My mind has been racing. I'm so mad. If only I would have been there!

Trevor Blade: They might have killed you too.

Ashley Blair: You don't know what I'm capable of. I wish they would have gotten a chance to find out.

Trevor Blade: Yeah well, I'd rather you girls stay safe.

Ashley Blair: Safe?

Ashley pulled a large combat knife out of her bag.

Ashley Blair: See this? I do know how to use it.

Trevor Blade: That's great, but maybe don't pull a weapon on a cop? Wait, that's standard issue military isn't it?

Ashley Blair: Family hand me down.

Trevor Blade: I get the feeling you want to handle this yourself, but I think I need to make sure you get home safely, without anymore trouble. I'll drive you home. Officer, guard the scene and get pictures.

Police Officer: I'd really rather not have to do this myself.

Trevor Blade: Oh, I'm sure of that, but you see they need an escort, and we're short of man power. Remember?

Police Officer: I-

The officer sighed, resigned to his fate, as Blade opened the door to his car for his passengers. Samantha timidly looked around, before Ashley assured her she could get into the car. Ashley held back tears, trying to remain strong. The shock was beginning to settle in. The real horror of it. It reminded her of a horrible sight she had seen in her childhood. A sight she'd rather forget, but a sight burned into her memory.

Trevor Blade: You mind if I smoke?

Ashley Blair: No.

Trevor Blade: Her? Samantha right? You mind?

Samantha Blair: *nods no*

Trevor Blade: Thanks. Let's get you home. Lead the way.

As they drove in silence, Trevor reached for the dial on his radio, before Ashley began to speak.

Ashley Blair: How can you possibly do your job?

Trevor Blade: Excuse me?

Ashley Blair: I guess you must just get numb to it huh? Kimmie was my friend. A true friend. You don't many of those in the world, but she was one of them. I feel like-like I'm on the verge of falling apart. You have to see this sort of thing almost everyday. You must be numb to it.

Trevor Blade: Numb? In a way I guess, but not in the way you think. I find ways to cope.

Ashley Blair: You don't have to placate me. You don't even have to give us a ride. You're a cop, not a counselor. Why don't you just let us out here.

Trevor Blade: This is more about my piece of mind too. I don't feel like seeing another young corpse tonight. I'm sorry, that's out of line, but-

Ashley Blair: I get it, but I can handle myself.

Trevor Blade: I'm sure you can, but let's try to remember that cop part. I can't have you going on the street hunting for some psychopath. I see that when I look at you. I can tell. You want to go look. You want to hunt? Not the best idea.

Ashley Blair: There'd be one less psychopath if I found him. Someone out there has been doing it you know? The guy that kills the bad guys.

Trevor Blade: I've heard.

Ashley Blair: Wouldn't that make your job easier?

Trevor Blade: It'd be illegal. Don't get your hands dirty. Guys like me, we get our hands dirty so you don't have to.

Ashley Blair: What about that vigilante?

Trevor Blade: His are too dirty.

Ashley Blair: You think he gives a shit?

Trevor Blade: No. No, I suppose he doesn't.

Trevor turned on the radio and sped up a little. Not too far from them, he walked the night, looking at all the fresh, young faces around him. The man covered his face in a hood, and concealed himself with a trench coat. He made certain to bump into the prettiest girls. He wanted to touch them, to feel them, and smell them. Every time one of them turned to confront him, he'd become timid, putting on a facade of shyness as he bit his thumb nail, exposing his cleft lip. He'd apologize, but by this point, he had gotten what he'd wanted, and judged their scent, and their light. He demanded purity. The passenger demanded purity. The man made his way back to his apartment. He kept his head down as he passed by his neighbors, up to the fourth floor of the shoddy building. A rat ran by as he pulled out his keys to open each of the locks he kept on his door. Tight security for such an old, busted door. Once inside his dimly lit house he placed even more security on the door, before pulling a disgusting looking container from his cabinet. He produced a lock of a young girl's hair from his pocket and placed it with the others in the container. He took in a long smell, and felt himself surrounded in their innocence and light. His eyes rolled back into his head, as if high on drugs. He put the hair back, before walking through his house, removing all of his clothing, as he walked by photos and newspaper clippings all over the floor. He stood completely naked in the moonlight, basking in the light as it exposed his disfigured face, pale lanky body, and self inflicted scars. He head a thud to his left, and looked to his bed, where a chest began to move underneath. He dragged the chest out into the open and unlocked it, showing a terrified and crying young woman.

?: Shhhh....your light....your purity. We musn't let it escape. That wouldn't be acceptable.

She managed to pull off the tape on her face just enough to scream.

Kidnapped Girl: HELP! PLEASE HE-

He put a knife to her throat and and clasped his boney fingers over her mouth.

?: I said shhhhhh.

Kidnapped Girl: Fuck you! You're a fucking psychopath!

?: That-that is not true. I am a visionary, in search of the light, and yours is shedding. Yours is shedding quickly. Do not let that happen. He won't like it. Do not do that!

Kidnapped Girl: Fuck you! Fucking let me g-

?: You were warned!

The twisted man punched her repeatedly in the throat, before kissing her hard. He bit into her flesh, and ripped her lips away, placing more tape on her mouth as she scream in agony.

?: No lips to speak. Speak no evil. Shhhhh.

He closed the lid as she tried to scream and flail. The man pushed the chest back under his bed, before returning to his trench coat. He removed several items from a pocket, apparently items that belonged to Kimmie. He held up a picture of Kimmie, posing with Ashley and Samantha. He licked the picture as his eyes rolled back once again. He lay with in on his chest, clutching it like a prized possession, as the kicking and screaming of his trapped victim was muffled enough to keep anyone from finding her, but just loud and strong enough to lull the man to sleep.

     Thread Starter

10/06/2021 2:07 am  #26

Re: Death Blade

Samantha Blair woke up scared like always. It wasn't the lack of sound that scared her, she had lived with that. It was the nightmare that replayed in her mind all the time. The day they found out as little girls that they had lost their father in Vietnam. Their mother screamed. She couldn't hear it, but she could see it. Her sister kept her composure somehow, and that had always confused her, because all Samantha wanted to do was cry and cry. To this day, she still missed her father.

It was a good thing that Samantha couldn't hear as she knocked on the bathroom door, as Ashley tried to stifle her crying. The shock of the previous night's events had finally set in, and she had crumbled to the floor crying. She couldn't keep it together, but she didn't want Samantha to see. She heard the knock on the door, but knew she hadn't been caught. She had to remain strong for her sister. She wanted to tell her she's be out in a minute, a habit that never quite went away, but instead, she dried her eyes, and opened the door to let her sister in. She signed that she was making breakfast and hurried down the hall. Mom was gone again, working extra shifts. They never saw her anymore, but they knew some money left on the counter was for them. She made made Samantha some toast and eggs before walking her to school.

Samantha Blair: *signing* Sis, are you going to be all right today?

Ashley Blair: *signing and talking* I'm fine really. Don't worry about me. We have to get you to school.

Ashley walked her sister several blocks to the St. Helen's School for the deaf and blind. She gave her a quick hug and waved her goodbye. Unbeknownst to her, a figure was watching from a car across the street. She felt like she was being watched, or maybe just felt the paranoia from last night creeping in again. The images wouldn't leave her head, and she saw her every time she closed her eyes. Suddenly, a Nun from the school snapped her back to reality.

Ashley Blair: Sister Kathy? Is something wrong?

Sister Kathy: Well in a way there is. It's about tuition. The prices had to go up to keep the school going.

Ashley Blair: I know, you don't have to remind me. My Mom and I are doing everything we can to keep up.

Sister Kathy: Of course, it's just that-

Ashley Blair: It seems you should be charitable to the less fortunate. Isn't that the Church motto, or are a few bucks really going to leave my sister without an education?

Sister Kathy: We're being as patient as we can, but you've fallen quite a ways behind. We're going to need a payment soon, or she won't be able to attend anymore. I'm very sorry.

Ashley Blair: I'm sure you are.

Ashley walked away clenching her fists. The figure across the street watched her leave, before staring up in the window, where Samantha stood, having witnessed the conversation. Ashley's anger began to build as she decided to make some fast cash, and quickly.

Later that day, a raucous crowd gathered in an alleyway, as Ashley, now decked out in denim which her hair tied back, had found herself in a fight, with a guy coming at her with everything he had, but she was more than a match for the man. Every punch and kick were blocked, like she saw them coming a mile away. The man did manage to grab a punch she threw and forced her arm behind her back, but she was able to quickly flip him over her body and punched him hard, the force sending his head against the concrete, knocking him out. Half the crowd cheered, while the others cursed and kicked garbage cans over, as Ashley, and those that bet on her made their money.

Man: That's why you don't bet against the tough bitch around! Haha!

Ashley Blair: I'd punch you if that wasn't accurate. Heh.

As she laughed, they alley was soon blocked off on both sides, as police pulled up. Several of the onlookers scattered and escaped, but Ashley got caught trying to jump over one of the cars. She thought for a moment about punching the Police Officer and making a break for it, but ultimately resigned herself to the situation.

Old Police Officer: Kid, I'm gonna need your name.

Ashley Blair: It's definitely not kid. Why don't you take these cuffs off and I'll tell you.

Old Police Officer: Stop fucking around. I don't have time for this. We can do it at the precinct. Let's go.

?: Hold up.

A familiar face approached the cuffed Ashley. He stood behind her and lifted her off the Police Officer car, standing her upright.

Ashley Blair: You?

Trevor Blade: I'll take this one in.

Old Police Officer: You know what? Fine by me Blade. I couldn't care less. Look at how much street trash we have to clean up today.

Ashley Blair: The compassion of the NYPD at work folks.

Trevor Blade: Doesn't pay enough for that Ashley. You want to get in my car?

Ashley Blair: Do I have to sit in the back?

Trevor Blade: Only if you want to.

Ashley hesitated before joining Blade in the front seat. As he drove her away they sat in silence, until she finally chimed in.

Ashley Blair: I have to wonder how this helps anything. You finding Kimmie's killer any faster by arresting me?

Trevor Blade: Why says I'm arresting you. I took your cuffs off didn't I? Anyways, how does it help on your end getting into a fight like that?

Ashley Blair: I needed the money. My sister's tuition isn't cheap, and my Mom and I are barely keeping it together as is.

Trevor Blade: That was some fight.

Ashley Blair: You were watching? You were following me earlier weren't you?

Trevor Blade: Not bad. You're observant, and you know how to fight. I'm guessing you picked up a lot from your father?

Ashley Blair: When he was alive.

Trevor Blade: Right. Military man right? Fought in Nam? I had a knife like that one you pulled last night. Standard issue.

Ashley Blair: It's like you're Detective or something.

Trevor Blade: Or something. You mind if I smoke?

Ashley Blair: No.

Trevor Blade: Fighting for money huh? I don't see that as any reason to book you.

Ashley Blair: Then what are we doing?

Trevor Blade: Driving you back home.

Ashley Blair: Why are you keeping an eye on me? I can take care of myself.

Trevor Blade: This killer was right behind you. He followed you that night. That target was dilibrate. He had his pick of young women, and I don't believe he was doing this at random.

Ashley Blair: Why her though? She was my best friend. *sniff*

Trevor Blade: That numbness wearing off? That's good. Means your heart's still working.

Ashley Blair: It's not like I didn't want to care. I just need to be strong for my sister.

Trevor Blade: You're under a lot of pressure huh? It's enough to make anyone snap. Tell me about your folks. I haven't had a chance to meet your Mother yet, and I have some questions for her.

Ashley Blair: Her name is Rosemary, and she's a waitress. She works day and night for my sister. My dad, he was Sergeant in the 4th Infantry Division. The "Jungle Dogs" they called them. His name was Harley.

Trevor Blade: Sgt. Harley Blair?

Ashley Blair: Yeah.

Trevor suddenly had a flash of memory. His time in a POW Camp. Dressed in rags and covered in mud. He remembered gun fire, as a door flung open, and a man approached him holding out his hand. The name on his helmet said "Harley".

Ashley Blair: Are you all right?

Trevor Blade: Huh? Yeah, I was just-just remembering something.

Last edited by Machismo (10/06/2021 2:14 am)

     Thread Starter

1/14/2022 11:30 am  #27

Re: Death Blade

Detective Blade returned to his precinct to check in. After he was deemed the hero that brought the "Cop Killer" to justice, he was given a wide berth to essentially do his job, but it also allowed him to do things his way. Still, he had to come back in to get his head out of the water and take a breath of that fresh smoke filled air like his Chief often requested. He drank so stale coffee before heading to his desk, which had a layer of dust forming, and a stack of paperwork in need of filling out. As he was about sit, he heard a voice.

Chief Roma: Hey Blade, good to see you're still alive with my own eyes for a change. Since you came back, I barely see ya.

Trevor Blade: Work keeps me busy Chief. You been out there lately?

Chief Roma: Tell me about it. Listen Blade, I'm glad you're here, because it just so happens, we have a visitor that would very much like to speak with you.

Trevor Blade: They're here now? Is that right? Well don't let me keep him waiting.

Blade intentionally brushed the paperwork into the trashcan as he walked by his desk to the Chief's office.

Chief Roma: You're going to have to fill that shit out eventually Blade.

Trevor Blade: Uh-huh. New after shave Chief? It stinks.

Chief Roma: Yeah, so I've been told. Blade, this is Detective John Angel.

John Angel: No need for the formalities though. John is just fine, though some people call me "Tack".

Trevor Blade: Is that right? Now why is that?

John Angel: Guess I'm a pain in the ass Blade.

Trevor Blade: Because you're IA right?

John Angel: That's right. I know Internal Affairs isn't the most loved department, but it's vital none the less.

Trevor Blade: You'd know more about that than me I guess.

Chief Roma: I'm going to have a smoke outside. I'll leave the office to you Detective Angel.

John Angel: Thank you Chief. Appreciated. So have a seat. You look exhausted.

Trevor Blade: I don't sleep much.

John Angel: I see. Blade, I'm a cop much like yourself, and I don't want you to immediately assume the worst since I'm here. I'm just trying to cover all my bases, and you seem like the person to talk to. You're the man that stopped the "Cop Killer" after all.

Trevor Blade: No need to bring it up. No need to act like it was a big thing. They gave me the medal and the hand shake. I'm just glad he's dead.

John Angel: Yes, he is dead, thanks to you. I've noticed that about you Blade. You find yourself in a lot of incidents, where the perps end up dead.

Trevor Blade: I find myself in the crossfire a lot. These fuckers have bigger guns than we do, and they've got the numbers. Sometimes we don't have as much of a choice as you'd like.

John Angel: As much as I'd like. Right. I just want to show you a few pictures. Would you mind looking at them for me?

Detective Angel put down photographs of the punk that Blade had killed days earlier. The missing ear and the broken teeth were prominently in focus.

John Angel: Do you remember this crime scene?

Trevor Blade: Yeah, it was just a couple days ago. Not hard to remember. This dude resisted and opened fire. I responded, and just in time too, because he was going to-

John Angel: I know the details. It seems on the up and up.

Trevor Blade: Seems?

John Angel: Well, the gun shot to the shoulder, the missing ear, and the knocked out teeth. They concern me. Seems a bit brutal to me.

Trevor Blade: Our job is brutal.

John Angel: Right. I just, have this quirk. I pay attention to details and patterns, and I see a lot of kills recently matching this type of MO. The look of an escalating man. Now, maybe it's a coincidence, but maybe not. I'm trying to put the pieces together. I think if I showed you some more photos you might have some insight.

Trevor Blade: You mean you're not coming in here trying to jam me up?

John Angel: What? Why would you think that?

Trevor Blade: You're here right now. That's reason enough. I barely come back to HQ, but when I do, it's on a routine. For you to know I was going to be here, you would have had to know that routine.

John Angel: You don't think it was just a lucky guess?

Trevor Blade: Absolutely not. That's why, and you'll have to forgive me for this, I'm a bit suspicious of your intentions.

John Angel: You have no reason to be, unless I have reason to be suspicious of you.

Trevor Blade: I'm just out there doing my job. It keeps me focused. Keeps me motivated. I don't need to get jammed up by IA. I see guys like you, I immediately assume the worse. You fuckers tend to make careers disappear.

John Angel: Only if they have it coming. I just want to figure out what's going on out there. These are kills happening to guys who have a rap sheet a mile long. It could be creeps killing creeps, or it could have something to do with that killer out there right now. I'm sure you've heard about him.

Trevor Blade: The one they're calling the "Purity Killer"?

John Angel: That's right. He butchers the "unclean", and takes the "pure", abducts them, and apparently does some horrifying things to them over a period of time. It's so messed up, it's got people wondering why the hell they ever feared the Son of Sam, when you've got a psycho like this on the streets. You've got an eye for the more visceral part of the job. If you could keep an eye open, and help me out, I would appreciate it.

Trevor Blade: John, that makes no fucking sense. You're IA, and I'm not stupid. You don't investigate murderers unless they've got a badge.

John Angel: That's true, but I've got a personal interest in this case, and a personal interest in you Detective Blade. I hope we can speak more soon, but I have to be going.

John Angel extended his hand, and Blade slowly reached out to shake it. The IA Detective had a confident smile as he nodded his head to Blade and grabbed his coat. On the way out, he turned to Blade.

John Angel: Oh, by the way, I'm going to be traveling to upstate New York when I get my leave time. I thought I might head up to River's Bend. I hear you're from there. How's the fishing?

Trevor Blade: River's Bend? Honestly, it's lousy. Middle of nowhere. Why would you want to go there?

John Angel: Like I said, fishing. That's fine though, because I like to hunt too. Until next time Detective. I'll keep in touch.

Later that night, Ashley Blair was in her shower, letting the water wash over her. The images still flooding her mind, of the night her friend was murdered. She wanted revenge. As she left the shower, and wrapped a towel around herself, she looked out the window to see a suspicious black vehicle parked outside. As if noticing she was watching, the car started up and slowly drove away. She tried to ignore it, heading into the kitchen. On the table, the paper spoke about the "Purity Killer". Apparently Kimmie was his latest victim. Hell of a way to find out, through the newspaper. She fumbled around Detective Blade's card in her hand, as she suddenly heard snoring. Her mother had fallen asleep in her chair watching television. One of her few nights off, and all she could do was sleep. Ashley pushed back the recliner and covered her in a blanket. She went to her room to get dressed, but as she looked out of her window, she noticed the car was still outside. She saw it slowly moving away, but now she wasn't able to shake it off. She quickly got dressed, grabbed a pair of brass knuckles from her top dresser drawer, and quickly descended the stairs to go down to the street.

Elsewhere, Trevor Blade was driving around the city, trying to put Detective Angel out of his mind. "Tack" he called himself. Truly a pain in the ass. Suddenly, he heard screaming from the alley. He hit the brakes and quickly left his vehicle with his gun drawn. He saw a gruff and unkempt man battering a smaller, meek man on the street.

Gruff man: I want my fucking money! You don't get this shit for free! You know better mother fucker, and I swear, I'm going to kill you if you don't give me everything you've got right now-

A gunshot echoed through the alley, as Blade's gun fired, sending a bullet into the shoulder of the Gruff drug dealer. The other man quickly ran off, as Blade approached the dealer, kicking the gun out of his reach in the process.

Trevor Blade: You think you can just sell that shit on my streets? Don't move. I said don't move.

Blade looked down to see a crucifix fall out of the man's shirt.

Trevor Blade: Do you believe in Jesus?

Gruff man: Y-yes sir! Yes I do!

Trevor Blade: Well, you're going to meet him.

Trevor put the gun to the man's head, but suddenly, he heard the other gun picked up behind him. He turned to see a small child holding the gun.

Child: D-don't hurt my Dad!

Trevor Blade: What? You brought your kid? You brought your fucking kid!

Gruff man: Don't you fucking hurt him!

Trevor Blade: You brought your damn kid! Dammit! Get the fuck out of here now!

The man quickly stumbled off the ground, clutching his shoulder as he grabbed his kid and ran off. Blade's head swirled with memories of the past. The vision of 'Nam flooded his mind, and the dead children haunted him. Suddenly, his hands were shaking, like he was right back in the jungle. A well spring of anguish and agony burst forth, as Blade fell back against a bring wall. He elbowed the wall and bashed his head against it, before pulling out his gun again. He thought held the gun close and thought about putting the gun in his mouth, when another voice suddenly pulled him out of his stupor.

Ashley Blair: Detective Blade?

     Thread Starter

1/29/2022 9:55 am  #28

Re: Death Blade

Ashley Blair sat in silence, fidgeting slightly in the booth seat as she sat across the sullen faced Detective Blade.

Trevor Blade: Smoke?

Ashley Blair: No thanks. I don't smoke.

Trevor Blade: Mind if I do?

Ashley Blair: *nods no*

Blade took a long drag of his cigarette. He let the fire into his lungs, and expelled it at the window as he looked out at the night sky. The diner was quiet that night, which made it the perfect place to talk, but neither was being very forthcoming until Blade finally spoke up.

Trevor Blade: They have some guy from another department snooping on this "Purity Killer" case. Someone from Internal Affairs, which is odd to say the least. To be honest, he's probably just keeping an eye on me.

Ashley Blair: You think so? Why would he need to do that?

Trevor Blade: Any number of reasons. *takes a drag of his cigarette* I'm not exactly the model of a perfect police officer now am I?

Ashley Blair: I-

Trevor Blade: How much of that did you see?

Ashley Blair: What?

Trevor Blade: That altercation out there. How much did you see?

Ashley Blair: Honestly?

Trevor Blade: I'm not going to hurt you, if that's what you're afraid of.

Ashley Blair: No, I'm not worried about that. Somehow I get the feeling you wouldn't. After all, you didn't kill that man because he was a father.

Trevor Blade: So you saw that much? Heh. Well, it was a good run I guess.

Ashley Blair: What do you mean?

Trevor Blade: I've had a habit of slipping out of bad situations. I've racked up some debt. Let's put it this way.

Ashley Blair: You owe money?

Trevor Blade: Not exactly.

Ashley Blair: You're-you're him aren't you?

Trevor Blade: Him? Him who?

Ashley Blair: People talk you know. On the streets. They say someone has been playing vigilante. Same guy took out the Ghouls and the X'ers they think. Is that you?

Trevor Blade: Heh. *takes another hit of his cigarette* Yeah. Yeah that's me, and I'm not sure why I'm telling you this.

Ashley Blair: You looked like you were moments away from taking it to your grave.

Trevor Blade: That? Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't. I honestly won't know until it finally happens I guess. If your Dad were still alive, he might be able to tell you about the trauma that sticks with you after war. You caught me in a low moment.

Ashley Blair: With all due respect, you can't give up, because the bastard that killed my friend is still out there.

Trevor Blade: You still want me on the case? Lady, I put a gun to that man's head. I was going to kill him. I kill people. That's what I do. At this point, the ones I arrest are the cover for what I really do. I make these people pay. I make them hurt. I kill them. I enjoy it. It's the only thing that makes the shaking stop. I had a gun in my mouth in that alley way. The back of my head is still bleeding. Why the fuck would you want me on this case? If you were smart, you'd turn me in. I won't stop you.

Ashley Blair: You're exactly who I want on this case. You were one of the few I felt I could trust before, and now I know I can. I can trust that you'll help do what needs to be done. What truly needs to be done. I don't want this asshole rotting in jail. I want him dead.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, I'm sure you do, but at this point, I'm not even sure where to start. Since we're being honest, I've got nothing.

Ashley Blair: That's not entirely true. You've got me.

Trevor Blade: What do you mean?

Ashley Blair: I was being watching tonight. That's why I was outside. I think he was watching me. I know what the vehicle looks like too. It was a black Camaro.

Trevor Blade: Nice car. Huh. You sure you were being watched?

Ashley Blair: Yes.

Trevor Blade: And you were going out to have more than just a word with him huh?

Ashley Blair: I was. I'd call it taking the law into my own hands. I doubt you'd judge me for that would you?

Trevor Blade: No I would not. However, it's still my job to worry about you.

Ashley Blair: Cops don't tend to "worry" about people anymore.  

Trevor Blade: It's a personal thing then. I like you and your sister. I don't want to see you get hurt.

Ashley Blair: Why the personal interest?

Trevor Blade: You have to allow me a few secrets don't you?

Ashley Blair: I guess so.

Trevor Blade: You're not scared right now? After everything you've seen?

Ashley Blair: When I saw my best friend sp-in the state that she was in, I felt numb, and it wasn't until later that I felt the sadness and sickness rise up all at once. The grief. It's still with me. However, knowing what I know about you, it doesn't make me scared, or sick, or numb. In a weird way it makes me feel better. Maybe someone is out there actually doing something to help people. I know we're told to condemn this sort of thing, but I don't. I just want to know what lead you down this path.

Blade took another long drag of his cigarette before putting it out. As the waitress brought him some coffee, he looked into it, as he dredged up old memories. It wasn't hard, they were always just below the surface, but something felt freeing about putting all the cards on the table. The war, the death of his wife, his best friend and his sister, and what he'd almost lost while trying to hide out back home.

Trevor Blade: You're easy to talk to.

Ashley Blair: You're fascinating to listen to.

Trevor Blade: Yeah? I bet a therapist would agree with you.

Ashley Blair: Not in that way. I don't claim to be a genius, but the way you're handling all of this, is commenable I think. You do what you think is right, while I'm out there getting into street fights just to make ends meet. Hey, I guess you found out my dirty little secret too. Thank you, for telling me all of this.

Trevor Blade: Thanks for the outlet. I'm feeling a little better. I could talk to you all night, but maybe we should get you back home. I need to radio in about that little insight with the Camero too and-

As Trevor was speaking, Ashley looked behind him through the glass window of the diner, where said Camero just happened to be driving by.

Trevor Blade: I think that we should-

Ashley Blair: Look! Behind you! Look!

Trevor Blade: You've got to be kidding me. Can't be that easy.

Blade threw some money down on the table and quickly left the diner. He watched as the Camero drove down the street slowly. Finding it easier to pursue on foot, Blade pulled out his gun and ran after the car, with Ashley following closely behind. Blade tried hid in an alley way as he the car parked across the street from the Neon Kitty Club, a hot spot in the area. Blade checked to make sure his gun was loaded as he turned to try and get a look at the figure in the car. A poorly timed semi drove by, and Blade cursed at it before ducking back into the alley, where Ashley appeared, spooking him.

Trevor Blade: The hell? Fuck! What are you doing following me?

Ashley Blair: I wanted to help!

Trevor Blade: You need to stay back! This is dangerous.

Ashley Blair: If I'm asking you to kill someone for me, I want to at least be there for it.

Trevor Blade: Keep your hands clean Ashley. Stay out of this.

Ashley Blair: No way. Where you go, I go.

Trevor Blade: *sigh* Fuck. I don't have time to argue this. Stay behind me.

Ashley Blair: Right.

The two followed the figure into the Neon Kitty Club.

The club was filled with smoke and neon, as the loud music and the dull roar of the people made it near impossible to concentrate. Blade tucked his gun back into his leather jacket, but kept his hand on it just in case. He kept looking back to make sure Ashley was following, but it wasn't long before they got seperated in the crowd.

Trevor Blade: Ashley? Ashley!

He swirled around looking for her, but the flashing lights and rush of adrenaline were overwhelming, as the trauma of Vietnam suddenly returned. He grabbed at his head and fell into some people, who shoved him away. He grabbed a pole and tried to clear his head, as a man in a hat and trenchcoat walked behind him. He was used to this sight, the horrible debauchery and lust, but somewhere among the tainted sheep had to be at least one that could be saved. One who could remain pure. As he looked, he caught sight of her. She shouldn't be here. She wasn't supposed to be here, but there she was, and she was looking, looking for him? Did she really see him? Follow him all the way here? That could not be allowed. She would interrupt his special work. He produced a small blade from his coat, and kept it consealed in his sleeve as he slowly followed her around the dance floor.

Ashley Blair: Detective Blade? Detective Blade! Where did you go?

Ashley was equally caught off guard by the flashing lights and loud music, as Blondie's Heart of Glass blared over the speakers. Everyone was too tightly packed together. She could barely see in front of her. However, she felt like she was being followed. A man with a consealed, yet sullen face seemed to always be behind her, and coming up slowly. She pretended not to notice, preparing to throw the man over her shoulder if he got any closer. Was this him? She tensed up, the sweat dripping from her forehead, as she expected his arm any second, when suddenly she felt a push behind her, and heard a loud crash. She turned to see Blade having tackled the man. He smashed through a table, cutting himself on a glass shard. Trevor rolled into a firing position and pulled out his gun, but the man held onto his hand as he ran through the crowd, using them as a shield. Both Blade and Blair ran out of the building after him, but the car was already screeching away as they made their way out. Blade tried to get a look at the plate, but it was obscurred.

Trevor Blade: Dammit! Dammit! Fuck! That was too close! He had a knife you know!  

Ashley Blair: That really was cutting it close.

Trevor Blade: Are you-are you making a joke right now?

Ashley Blair: I do that when I get nervous. I tense up or crack up. Right now, it's a little of both.

Trevor Blade:'re unbelievable. That guy almost had you.

Ashley Blair: I knew he was coming! I was going to throw him over!

Trevor Blade: Dammit! We almost had him! That place was very loud, and very bright, and I'm pretty sure, it's packed beyond capacity. That's-that's got to be a fire violation or something.

Ashley Blair: Are you making jokes now?

Trevor Blade: I might be. Heh, dammit I just might be.

Ashley Blair: You OK? You're shaking.

Trevor Blade: It's the adrenaline. How about you?

Ashley Blair: I'm fine. I'm just cold.

Trevor Blade: Oh damn, it is cold out here isn't it? Well here.

Trevor touched Ashley's arms with his finger tips. Although she was cold, her skin still felt very warm, and very soft. He rubbed them for a moment, before taking off his jacket, and putting it on her.

Trevor Blade: Is that better?

Ashley Blair: Yeah. It's much better.

Trevor looked down into Ashley's eyes. He had been looking through her, looking at the case since he met her, but at this moment he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He lifted her chin with his fingers and leaned in for a kiss. Surprised at his own actions, he backed away.

Trevor Blade: I'm-I'm sorry. I-I don't know why I did that.

Ashley Blair was breathing heavy now. All the blood was rushing in her body, and she suddenly wasn't cold anymore.

Ashley Blair: Do it again.

Trevor Blade: What?

Ashley Blair: Do it again, and don't be so gentle about it.

Trevor stepped forward, and kissed her more passionately. He touched, smelled, and tasted this intoxication that was taking over from frustration and adrenaline. The cold night air gave way to rain, so Trevor pushed Ashley against the wall in the alley. He hiked her leg up to his side as he kissed down her neck. The need to feel something overwhelmed them both.

Someone else was watching from across the street. They wrote something onto a notepad and walked away, giving the two their privacy.

     Thread Starter

5/14/2022 1:00 am  #29

Re: Death Blade

Ashley Blair tried to be as quiet as possible when coming home the next morning. She didn't have to worry about waking Samantha, but her mother on the other hand, might actually be getting some sleep. However, she quickly found that wasn't the case, when Darlene Blair blocked her path.

Darlene Blair: Where have you been? I was worried sick about you!

Ashley Blair: I was just out late, and crashed at a friend's place. I'm fine.

Darlene Blair: Crashed at a friend's place? Ash, you're old enough to do whatever you want, but don't lie to me. You go out a lot, but you always come home. I mean do you think I don't know what you're up to when you're out by yourself? I've seen the bruises, and the scrapes, and I know you don't turn tricks.

Ashley Blair: For God's sake Mom.

Darlene Blair: I just need to know that you're being careful, especially considering you were almost butchered the other night!

Ashley Blair: It wasn't me. I wish they would've tried with me, but it wasn't me! It should've been me, because I can handle myself!

Darlene Blair: Handle yourself? I saw what they did to Kimmie! You've got to be kidding me! Handle yourself?

Samantha couldn't hear the arguing, just like she couldn't hear anything else, but she could feel it. She pressed her hands against the wall, and felt the vibrations. She knew when she could feel it in the walls, the two were really having at it. She took her hand away and grabbed at her stuffed bear. A gift from Ashley when they were a lot younger, it was still of comfort to her, when she felt overcome by being such a burden on her family. She looked out the window, clutching her bear tightly. She saw a Camero sitting idly across the street. A figure just out of sight seemed to be watching her, but just as quickly drove off after sharing a stare that sent shivers down Samantha's spine.

Darlene Blair: Don't say shit like that! You and Sammy are the only two I have left in the world.

Ashley Blair: I'm-I'm sorry Mom. It was nothing too dangerous. I was just-just out with a guy. Yeah, I met someone, more or less.

Darlene Blair: More or less? Whom?

At the police station, Blade was rubbing his neck, as the vending machine finished producing the horrible coffee. He needed it no matter how badly it tasted. He hadn't gotten very much sleep. He went to his office, and pulled swallowed some pills with the coffee as the Chief walked in behind him.

Trevor Blade: Do you ever go home Chief?

Chief Roma: Do you? Christ, you look like you slept in your car, if you slept at all.

Trevor Blade: Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. Right now, I just need to clear my head. This Purity Killer is just roaming freely out there.

Chief Roma: I hear we might have had a sighting last night.

Trevor Blade: Is that right?

Chief Roma: At the Neon Kitty Club.

Trevor Blade: No shit? That doesn't really fit with the pattern though does it? He's looking for pure women. That is unless he's looking to carve away the "tainted" ones. Wait, how do we know it was him? Someone get killed? Almost killed? Do we have an eye witness?

Chief Roma: This was just passed onto my desk from that guy you spoke to from Internal Affairs. John Angel I think? Yeah, that's it. John Angel.

Trevor Blade: Him? How'd he know?

Chief Roma: I don't even know what the fuck someone from Internal Affairs is doing getting mixed up in this case. I'm told cooperate, and I don't need another ulcer so I do it. Whatever gets them off my back.

Trevor Blade: Right.

Chief Roma: That girl from a few nights back was just one of at least eight so far, and we've got too many missing persons cases that fit the description, and it's all happening right here in our district. I need a cigarette Blade. You got one?

Trevor Blade: Sure? Although, I doubt it's help those ulcers.

Chief Roma: Fuck it, I need the nicotine.

Trevor laughed a little and pulled our two cigarettes for himself and Roma. He lit the Chief's cigarette, but before he could light his own, a patrolman rushed into the office.

Young Officer: Sir! Uh..Sirs! We have a situation.

Chief Roma: Well shit son, don't stare at me with your mouth hanging open. What is it?

Young Officer: They just found another body!

Chief Roma: Son of a bitch.

Trevor Blade: Fuck.

Blade the threw his cigarette at the desk and rushed out of the office. Mere blocks down the road, the crime scene looked grizzly. A few reporters were being ushered back as Chief Roma and Detective Blade made it to the scene.

Chief Roma: This close to the station? This sick fuck is toying with us now.

Trevor Blade: Now mistaking it. The way she's been splayed open like that. I guess he thinks she "purified" now. Sick fucking piece of shit.

The rage was building in Blade, and the sound began to fade. He calmed his breathing, and tried to pull himself back, but already he was feeling the intense urge to gut the man the way he gut his victims. He quickly looked around, wondering if this was a message to him, and if they were still watching, but as he scanned all he found was a familiar face in Detective John Angel approaching him.

John Angel: So, it happened again huh?

Trevor Blade: How'd you get here so quickly.

John Angel: I was already on the way back to the station. I wanted to have a word with you about the case, but I wasn't expecting this, and so close to the station too. Definitely sending a message with this one.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, it looks that way, doesn't it?

Blade cocked a curious eyebrow at Angel, as he approached the Chief.

John Angel: Quite the grizzly scene. The way he tortures the victims. It's horrific. I can hardly stand to look at it.

Chief Roma: Is that why good cops go to Internal Affairs? So they don't have to look at this shit?

John Angel: Something like that. I know this is the worst possible time, but might I borrow Detective Blade?

Chief Roma: Now? Can't it wait?

John Angel: If you'll look at the body in front of you, you'll see that no, it can't wait. Please send over a copy of the autopsy report when you get it?

Chief Roma: I gotta ask. Why the hell are you so interested in this case? You go after cops, no offense.

John Angel: None taken. I get that a lot. Well Chief, I'm dealing with another case, and I think our two cases, just might be related.

Chief Roma: Well shit, do what you got to do. I need to get this press out of here, or city hall is going to have my fucking hide! Get them out of here guys! What the fuck are you doing?

John Angel: Detective Blade, come with me please. We need to take a little drive.

Trevor Blade: I need to stay here and deal with this shit!

John Angel: I was asking nice as a courtesy. I don't want to get into this here. I'll ask again, as a courtesy. Please come with me.

Trevor Blade: Fine.

Blade was apprehensive as John Angel quietly drove the car. He reached into his jacket pocket, grazing his gun, as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth.

Trevor Blade: Mind if I smoke?

John Angel: Honestly, I'd rather you not. I don't want the smoke and smell trapped in the leather interior. You understand right?

Trevor Blade: Of course.

John Angel: You look on edge Blade. Not sleeping enough?

Trevor Blade: Something like that. Maybe it has to do with with body we just saw in the alley though. What do you think?

John Angel: I think it's horrible. The carvings in the skin. They're Latin I've found out. He thinks he's performing some of purification ritual. I think he believes his own body purifies them. He's obsessed with it. Purifying women, and treasuring those few he deems as pure, until he finds a flaw. From the bodies we can tell that some of them were trapped by him for long periods of time.

Trevor Blade: How can you tell that?

John Angel: Hair and nail growth for starters. Little signs that something isn't quite right. That's what I'm best at by the way. I pick through the little details. Coincidences rarely are in fact coincidences. You catch my meaning?

Trevor Blade: Sure.

John Angel: I'm going to give you an example. Another killer the force has been tracking down. The so called "Vigilante Killer" that torched that "chicken joint" a few years back, killed a Senator in the process. Grizzly stuff. His murders brought down the number of other murders according to statistics, but because he was murdering himself, the number remained constant. Funny right?

Trevor Blade: Not especially.

John Angel: Then he seems to stop for a while, and the numbers go back to normal, well it increases yearly, but that's just the world we live in right? Out of nowhere, it's like he starts up again, and the numbers tell the same story. I think I can pinpoint the moment he stopped and restarted, based on who he killed and how he killed them.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, but you're IA. You seem awfully invested in this case we're on, and that vigilante case. I really want to know why?

John Angel: We're investigating me now?

Trevor Blade: I didn't know I was under investigation. I thought you wanted my assistance.

John Angel: I'm IA Blade. I'm investigating all cops, all the time. Heh, isn't that what they say about me?

Trevor Blade: They say a lot.

John Angel: I'm sure you have too.

Trevor Blade: You guys get in the way sometimes. You keep us from doing our jobs, but that's your job. It is what it is.

John Angel: It is what it is. Quite right. That's what my old mentor tried to tell me. I was just going to be doing my job to the best of my ability. He encouraged me to take the transfer, and I was happy to do it. You met Detective Dalton right? When he was still alive I mean of course.

Trevor Blade: Dalton?

Blade's mind flooded back to that night on the ship, where he was going to turn himself in to Dalton, when he was suddenly killed in front of him.

Trevor Blade: I've saw him around.

John Angel: Yeah. He was working the vigilante killer case in the early days. Then he gets killed, and his file goes missing.

Blade thought back to the bleeding and dying Dalton handing him the file that he later torched.

John Angel: Made me think it was an inside job right then and there. Been trying to put the pieces together ever since, and I started wondering if the vigilante killer and the purity killer were one and the same.

Trevor Blade: What?

John Angel: What does it take for a man to suddenly snap in the first place? Intense trauma I'm guessing. Where does it stop? How far will someone go? We still have no idea.

Trevor Blade: Seems far fetched. I don't think it fits. One is blowing away scum bags, and the other is going after innocent women and girls.

John Angel: What defines a "scum bag" though?

Trevor Blade: I get the theory and all, but more like it's someone who is meticulous and studious. Someone who is very good at watching others, and taking their time to do what they've got to do. He's precise. The vigilante is more like a blunt force object. Two different styles.

John Angel: Perhaps.

Blade as beginning to put pieces together himself, about the case, and the man who was currently driving him to an unknown destination. The car pulled into a dark and mostly empty parking garage. By the time they got there, Blade's suspicions about Angel were peaking. He seemed to be trying to connect two different killers, but why, unless he knew who one was, and actually was the other one. As they left the vehicle Blade reached into his jacket, and held onto his gun. The rage was beginning to swell again. Angel was talking, but he wasn't hearing it anymore. Was this the guy torturing all these innocent girls? What if he was wrong? Could he take the risk? John walked with his back to Blade, as Trevor pulled the gun out and pointed it directly at the back of Angel's head. He silently cocked back the hammer, and put his finger on the trigger. No one was around. It would be over in a second.

John Angel: I want to thank you for coming here Trevor, but I have to admit, I was not completely honest with my intentions. I did say you could help me with this case, but that's only because I believe you're the prime suspect, and I want answers now.

John quickly turned around, and had his gun out as well. He pointed his gun at Trevor's face, as Trevor's gun was pointed at his, both men surprised at the situation they suddenly found themselves in.

Last edited by Machismo (5/16/2022 12:42 am)

     Thread Starter

5/16/2022 12:21 am  #30

Re: Death Blade

The parking garage was silent, as the two men stood for what felt like forever, not saying a word, simply holding their guns towards each other's heads. Blade noticed that Angel's hand shook a little, and a bead of sweat began dripping down his forehead.

Trevor Blade: Guns make you nervous?

John Angel: Not a fan of them. If it were up to me, I'd never draw mine from its holster.

Trevor Blade: Right. Well you know your limitations at least. Guns have their uses. Psychos with guns, make me a little nervous. Now if you pull a gun on me Angel, you better be ready to use it.

John Angel: I am. I've been waiting for this chance. I just needed to see you up close a few times, just to make sure, but you are who I'm looking for.

Trevor Blade: I'm not the purity killer.

John Angel: Best not to lie to me right now.

Trevor Blade: Do I look like I'm lying to you?

John Angel: Aren't you? You think I don't know about your activities? You used to be a better at hiding it I think, but sometime after your sabbatical in River's Bend you started getting sloppy. You killed that young lady that was friends with Ashley and Samantha Blair, because she wasn't pure right? Want their purity all to yourself? Taking Samantha to the Neon Kitty Club isn't exactly "pure" is it?

Trevor Blade: You have been following, or maybe you're the one I stopped in the club. Never got a good look at the bastard, but you fit the height and built close enough.

John Angel: Now you're trying to tell me you're not the killer?

Trevor Blade: I'm A killer, but not that one. I'm considering blowing your brains out right now. You should try to convince me otherwise.

John Angel: You're a murderer, and a lousy cop.

Trevor Blade: Oh yeah, I sure am. I'm not arguing it, but I go out there every night, and I do what needs to be done, because no one else is going to do it. The city is choking on it, and quite frankly, it needs an enema. You got me dead to rights. I'm the vigilante killer. Dalton found out. I tried turning myself in once, it didn't work out. After that it occurred to me that I need to be doing what I'm doing. I started realizing I could live with it. That's all true. However, I am in no way the purity killer. That sick mother fucker is someone I want to hunt down myself, to give him a taste of his own medicine. I'm starting to think I'm staring him down right now, and he desperately wants to deflect his crimes on an already tainted man, so he can continue to butcher and torture young women.

John Angel: Now see, that's where you're wrong, because if you knew a thing about me, you'd know that's impossible.

Trevor Blade: And why is that?

John Angel: Because he killed my fucking sister!

The room grew silent again, as Angel's rage bubbled up, and a tear formed around his eye. Blade might not have been the studious and meticulous Detective that Angel was, but he could probably read body language better, and the body language right now, was telling him a lot. He slowly put his gun down.

Trevor Blade: I'm not the purity killer. I didn't kill your sister. That's not what I do.

John Angel: Put your gun back up!

Trevor Blade: I'm trying to talk this down you prick! You need me pointing my gun so you can justify shooting me? I'm not going to do it, so you might as well shoot. Hang on, let me help.

Trevor stepped forward. Angel staggered back a bit, but Blade's stride was longer, and he put his forehead right to the barrel of Angel's gun.

Trevor Blade: You ever shoot it before? Now's your chance. Pull the trigger, if you're so sure you've got the right guy.

John Angel: Back up!

Trevor Blade: Nope. You want to do this, then do it, but you'd better be absolutely sure I'm who you're looking for, because if I'm not, I doubt you'd be able to live with yourself.

John Angel: Damn you Blade!

Angel put his gun down too. The two men took a deep breath, trying to calm themselves as they shot hesitant looks at each other. Neither knowing what would happen next. John looked to be about to say something, when suddenly a gun shot echoed through the parking lot, grazing Blade's right arm. A second shot sounded off, hitting John Angel square in the chest. Trevor Blade rolled over to grab his gun, and fired several shots into the darkness. He suddenly heard glass shatter, and moments later a vehicle driving off. He applied pressure to his arm as he crawled over to John Angel. He went to check for a pulse, but the IA Detective suddenly shot up.

Trevor Blade: You OK?

John Angel: No, I'm lucky. Intuition paid off again.

Angel opened his suit up to reveal a bullet proof vest underneath.

Trevor Blade: You expected to be shot.

John Angel: By you.

Trevor Blade: I go for the head when I can help it.

John Angel: Didn't factor that in.

Trevor Blade: Apparently. Still think I'm your guy?

John Angel: Not in this case. I'm an idiot. I was so busy following you, that I didn't realize I was being followed.

Trevor Blade: It's a fucking pain in the ass getting followed isn't it?

John Angel: Point taken.

Trevor Blade: If you're looking for whoever killed your sister, I think he just left.

John Angel: I think it gets worse than that.

John ran back to his car, with Blade right behind him. They found the passenger side window shattered and the glove box open.

John Angel: He's got my files.

Trevor Blade: What kind of files.

John Angel: Everything I have on you.

Trevor Blade: Son of a bitch. Tell me you haven't been following the Blairs around?

John Angel: I was just doing-

Trevor Blade: Your job? Sure! Your job is going to get those poor girls killed! I'm going to be stuck behind bars while they get butchered, and it's going to be all on you.

John Angel: Why would you be stuck behind bars?

Trevor Blade: What?

John Angel: Professionally, my assignment was to sus out the vigilante killer, and see if he was a member of the force. Personally, I'd rather have the purity killer. Dead or alive. Not once in my career, not one time have I bent the rules in such a way, but to get this bastard, I'm willing to go that far.

Trevor Blade: It's surprising what you're capable of doing when pushed right? They come for you. They take from you. They kill those most important to you. You're left alive, and people just assume you can recover from that. There is no going back Detective Angel. You cross this line, and you're over it for keeps.

John Angel: I can live with that. Can I expect your cooperation?

Trevor Blade: Are you kidding? What better way to bond with someone than a Mexican standoff. Let's get out of here. We have to make sure the Blairs are all right.

John Angel: I know why you're so concerned about them.

Trevor Blade: What?

John Angel: About them in particular, as opposed to everyone else you're doing "what you do" for. Ashley's father, Captain Harley Blair, you served under him didn't you? In 'Nam?

Trevor Blade: It's a little bit more than just that. I didn't just serve with him. He saved my life.

Blade and Angel sat in the silence for several moments as they hurtled down the busy New York streets. Finally, Blade spoke up.

Trevor Blade: Me and John Newton, we were, captured by the Vietcong, not long after shipping in. Getting pampered in Saigon did not prepare us for what we were going to find in the fucking bush. We weren't ready for it. Fresh meat for the grinder. "Rude Boy" and I were captured, and thrown in a hole. The Vietcong loved to taunt and torture us. We were in there for days or weeks. I lost track of time. Then Captain Harley Blair showed up with his unit, cleared those fuckers out, and saved our asses just before a napalm strike would've left us fried and crispy.

John Angel: Does she know?

Trevor Blade: Haven't told her.

John Angel: I would suggest being intimate with a witness, but since it's too late, you should maybe-

Trevor Blade: Just how much have you been following me?

John Angel: I thought you were the killer.

Trevor Blade: He was there. I tried to stop him. You didn't see that part?

John Angel: I'll admit I've lost perspective on this case.

Trevor Blade: Tell me about your sister.

John Angel: Lizzy?

John sighed and turned away a little bit. Blade thought to hand him a cigarette, but remembered his no smoking in the car policy.

John Angel: Elizabeth fit the description, let's put it that way. She was a good person, too good for this city honestly. She was going to be a teacher. That's all I really want to say about her right now. Perhaps another time.

Trevor Blade: I understand. That's how I felt when I lost my wife. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to eat. I slept, and I raged.

John Angel: Add to that the trauma you suffered in Nam, and it's quite frankly no wonder you turned out, well, the way you are.

Trevor Blade: The way I am?

John Angel: A vigilante to put it nicely.

Trevor Blade: You know damn well how twisted up our system is, and because people like to play nice and pussyfoot around, these fucking monsters get to ravage this city and its people. I've seen enough of it. You can arrest me when this is all said and done, and I'll happily confess, and they can kiss my ass if they think I'll ever apologize for it, or feel one once of remorse. I used to think twice about it, but now I don't. I just follow the instinct.

John Angel: You'll lose your freedom to police these streets. You'll lose that badge you've been using to act out on your instincts.

Trevor Blade: This badge is a seven point suppository. They can shove it up their asses as far as I'm concerned.

John Angel: Your instincts, what do they tell you about me? You thinking about killing me when this over?

Trevor Blade: Like I said, when it's done, you can arrest me if you want.

John Angel: I'm not someone who condones cold blooded killing obviously. I'm no murderer. I've done everything by the book. After what happened to Lizzy though, things changed. If I'm willing to throw the book away for this-

Trevor Blade: No going back.

John Angel: I recall you said your friend in Vietnam was named John?

Trevor Blade: Yeah, but we called him "Rude Boy". After the war, we joined the force together. He was the only friend that would put up with my bullshit.

John Angel: If you could use another friend named John, I think it might help us work better together.

Trevor Blade: Don't they call you "Tack" because you're a pain-

John Angel: In the ass. Yes. Heh. This is ridiculous. I've spent the past two years trying to track you down, and now we're working together? Funny how life works.

Trevor Blade: Look at it this way, we're just a couple of bad dudes looking to hunt down a real killer.

John Angel: Yeah, I guess so.

Blade leaned forward to turn on the radio and lit up a cigarette.

John Angel: Hey, I thought I said- oh the hell with it.

Last edited by Machismo (5/16/2022 12:43 am)

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