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11/22/2023 8:43 am  #1

Timber Pines

A man stood in a metallic room. The lights flickered above him, and an ominous hum was the only sound he could hear. Every time he tried to look around and focus, all he could see was a blinding light or pitch black darkness, so he kept his gaze to the floor. He felt his way to a table, and grabbed onto it. Smelling something wonderful in the air, he reached out for the cup off coffee in front of him. Taking in the aroma, he felt a moment of ease in his confusion, until suddenly, he heard a loud, unearthly roar. He felt the ground beneath him rumble as he was suddenly pulled with tremendous force, into the darkness. 

One Eyed Jack’s

Sheriff Face woke up in a cold sweat. He looked up from the bar to see he was alone. The dimly lit room, barely illuminated by an overhead light and a television is the corner that was barely functioning, an old CRT hanging by the ceiling. 

Jackie: Whoa Sheriff, are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost! 

Sheriff Face: Huh? Jackie? I uh…just had a bad nightmare, that’s all. How long have I been out? 

Jackie: A couple hours actually. I let ya sleep, cause….well you’re the Sheriff. You’ve been working around the clock trying to solve that murder. I didn’t want to make it harder on you. 

Sheriff Face: Murder…I’m still calling it a disappearance. 

Jackie: Didn’t you say you found blood at the scene, and that it was hers? My theory is, she was mauled by a bear and dragged off. It was more the unfortunate actions of nature. We trample into the territory of the wild daily out here. It was only a matter of time. 

Sheriff Face: You think so? 

Jackie: Weird things happen around here all the time. We all act like we don’t know why, but I do. It’s nature fighting back. 

Sheriff Face: Then why are you still here if you think you’re surrounded by nature trying to “get you” .

Jackie: Simple! Lumberjacks drink a lot! 

Sheriff Face: Not tonight. 

Jackie: Nope…not tonight. I was just about to close up actually. 

Sheriff Face: Well, don’t let me keep you. 

Jackie: By the way, I couldn’t help but notice your scribblings there. Thought they were police notes. Looks more like a story to me. 

Sheriff Face: Huh? Oh, that’s just something I write to keep my head sharp. Pour out my thoughts, empty the mind, so I can fill it with the case. Make sense? 

Jackie: Ever think about getting them published? 

Sheriff Face: Not a chance. 

Jackie: I like that last line. 

Sheriff Face: Hmm?

Jackie: “A war needs its warrior.” What does that mean? 

Sheriff Face: …I don’t remember writing it.

The Sheriff left the bar tipsy, too tipsy to drive home. He decided to lock up his car and walk home, waving goodbye to Jackie on the way down the street. He didn’t trust a one eyed guy behind the wheel, who definitely had the worst depth perception, judging by all the bottles he had pushed over in the bar. As he walked, he saw a homeless man on the street corner. He knew the guy, and also knew that panhandling wasn’t allowed in Timber Pines, but all the same felt the need to help him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. He noticed something was written on it, several claw marks drawn in pen. It was still legal tender, so he handed it off to the homeless man, who quickly took off his hood and shot up behind the Sheriff. 

Andy: Face! 

Sheriff Face: Yep Andy Onuts, it’s me. Go get yourself something to eat, and when I say eat, I don’t mean a bottle of-

Andy: Energy doesn’t disappear! 

Sheriff Face: What?

Andy: Energy…isn’t doesn’t disappear. It never does. Scientifically impossible. It just changes form. It changes shape. 

Sheriff Face: All your theories are what short circuited your brain in the first place Andy….well that or the obscene amounts of booze. You-

Andy: It’s true! Energy doesn’t go away! Fire…becomes smoke! It’s still there! When we die, our electrical impulses must change too! They have to, because-

Sheriff Face: Energy doesn’t disappear…right…you keep saying that. Andy, go get some food and get off the street so I don’t have to arrest yo-

Andy: Equilibrium! The sun gives us heat, but we give off an equal amount at night! Too much darkness…it starts to get cold. 

Sheriff Face: You’re right…it is cold. Go heat up inside for a couple hours. Last warning buddy.

Sheriff Face tipped his hat to Jeff and continued on his way through the small town of Timber Pines. He hadn’t been Sheriff long, since replacing the former Sheriff Strong, but he felt a need to look after all the citizens of the small forested town. A newspaper blew across the street onto his leg. He picked it up and looked at the front page. It said “Missing Colton Girl Presumed Dead”. 

Sheriff Face: …Alana…I’ll find you…or I’ll find who did this to you, make no mistake.

Years Prior

Timber Pines Studio

Announcer: It’s time for another episode of Quiz Masters, with your host, Carl Wootingham! 

Carl Wootingham: Hey hey, how's it going everybody? You like the new haircut? I said give me the Sajak, cause I thought it’d help the ratings eh? Eh?


Carl Wootingham: Huh? A buzz from one of our contestants? Mr. Nester? Yes?

Mr. Nester: Lake Saturn! 

Carl Wootingham: What?

Mr. Nester: That’s the answer to the first question! Lake Saturn! 

Carl Wootingham: We uh…we haven’t started the game yet. Let’s uh…have you introduce yourselves first eh? Young lady, what’s your name and what do you do? 

Ana Tendo: My name is Ana Tendo, and he’s right, the first answer IS Lake Saturn. I’m a professional psychic. 

Mr. Nester: So am I! I knew you were going to ask me that. 

Carl Wootingham: Two psychics…on my quiz show? I can't really imagine the odds. Steve, did we do this on purpose? I mean one psychic is something…two in a week would be wild, but we have two psychics on the show at the same time? What about you sir? The third man over here. 

Oren Tangelo: I’m uh..NOT a psychic…freelance inventor. I’m going to lose aren’t I?

Carl Wootingham: Probably! The first question is…”What is the name of the biggest lake in the Timber Pines area?” and-

*Buzz* *Buzz* 

Mr. Nestor and Ana Tendo: LAKE SATURN!

Carl Wootingham: Well…you two are as bright as my fake teeth. We’re going to go with the judges and say that Mr. Nestor gets the points because he answered first. 

Ana Tendo: I saw that coming! 

Mr. Nester: I saw that you would be too modest to buzz in early. 

Ana Tendo: I saw that too. 

Oren Tangelo: I did not…I did not see that no. 

Carl Wootingham: So I hear Ana is an author. Is that right?

Ana Tendo: That’s right Carl. I wrote “I knew you were going to buy this book!” 

Carl Wootingham: Outstanding. Alright, onto the next-


Mr. Nestor: Fortnite! 

Carl Wootingham: …Correct! The question was “What is another way to say ‘two weeks’!” Wow, that’s really-

Mr. Nestor: When I was 10! 

Carl Wootingham: Impressive! So when did you first realize you- you already answered me! Well, I-


Ana Nestor: A Bee! 

Carl Wootingham: …Correct! The question was-

Oren Tangelo: This isn’t really fair! They know it before I can even try! 

Carl Wootingham: Now now Oren, you’ll get another chance up next! The next question is-


Carl Wootingham: Wow really? Oren, you want to take a stab at it? What’s the answer?

Oren Tangelo: Uh…uh…

Mr. Nestor: *whispers to Oren* Cats. 

Oren Tangel: CATS! 

Carl Wootingham: I’m sorry, but that’s wrong. 

Mr. Nestor: Hehe.


Mr. Nestor: A METEOR! 

Carl Wootingham: Huh…wow…that’s wrong. 

Mr. Nestor: What?


Ana Tendo: No, he was right. The answer is Meteor. 

Carl Wootingham: It isn’t. The question was “What is the largest continent?” and the answer was Euroland.

Mr. Nestor: Huh. 

Oren Tangelo: Not so fun now is it? 

Carl Wootingham: The next question-


Mr. Nestor: A METEOR! 

Carl Wootingham: No, I’m sorry, but that’s the wrong answer again.


Ana Tendo: Are you sure? I distinctly see a Meteor myself! 

Carl Wootingham: I’m sure. The question is “What fruit supplies the most Vitamin C?” 

Oren Tangelo: HAHA! ORANGES! 

Carl Wootingham: I’m sorry, but that’s wrong. Guava is the correct answer. 

Oren Tangelo: I STILL can’t win? 

Carl Wootingham: It seems not. However-

*Buzz* *Buzz* 

Mr. Nestor and Ana Tendo: METEOR!

Carl Wootingham: No, I’m sorry but-

Suddenly a burst of high velocity wind blew the roof off the studio, as a meteor rocketed above the building. The crowd was shocked as the large smoldering rock crash landed into the center of Lake Saturn, causing a way so large, the water reached the studio and soaked the crowd. As the electricity short circuited and people panicked, Mr. Nestor and Ana Tendo both smiled. 

Mr. Nestor: I KNEW I saw a Meteor! 

Ana Tendo: I KNEW you were going to say that! 


Present Day 

Lake Saturn

Sheriff Face woke up, sober enough to hit the road. He decided to return to the scene where Alana Colton’s bracelet was found, Lake Saturn. As he pulled up on the lakeside, he saw a man in flannel, with a beard writing on a large rock beside the lake. 

Sheriff Face: Blake Jeffries, you know this is an active crime scene right? 

Blake Jefferies: I felt inspired to come out here and write. Something in my dreams told me to be here. I don’t know. 

Sheriff Face: Look buddy, I’m glad you’re back in town, but I’m the Sheriff, and that means- 

Blake Jefferies: I know, I know Face. I’m not trying to cause trouble. I just needed some inspiration. Writing doesn’t come easily these days, not like it used to. I thought maybe if I wrote out the scenario here, it could help me, and maybe help you. 

Sheriff Face: I see. 

Blake Jefferies: I didn’t touch anything. I’m just sitting here. I did notice something though. 

Sheriff Face: What is it? 

Blake Jefferies: Look over here.

Blake lead Face into the shallow water that was hitting the rock. 

Sheriff Face: Alright, you got my pants wet, now what did you see?

Blake Jefferies: Look over here. On the rock. What does that look like? 

Sheriff Face: …Claw marks? An animal? No…that’s like…fingernails isn’t it?

Blake Jefferies: Isn’t it. 

Sheriff Face: What do you make of it? 

Blake Jefferies: What do I make of it? I say that this place has been weird ever since that Meteor hit, and she’s far from the first to go missing. Maybe considering it’s the Mayor’s daughter that’s missing, we might finally get to the bottom of it. 

Sheriff Face: ….

Suddenly, Face felt faint, as a flash of imagery entered his mind. The sight of a metallic structure and darkness. The feeling of falling. 

Last edited by Machismo (11/22/2023 8:46 am)


11/26/2023 6:17 am  #2

Re: Timber Pines

The Jerome Swift Show

Blake Jefferies sat in the studio with an ill fitted suit on. His agent insisted the fans would prefer their authors dressed up, and now “looking like a lumberjack”. The audience applauded as the signs instructed as he shook hands with the smiling man with the best afro on television. His glistening bleached white smile cast against his jet black skin was even more unsettling up close. 

Jerome Swift: Our guest, you all know him, is the most famous author to ever come out of Timber Pines. It’s the one and only Blake Jefferies. Give him another round of applause! 

Blake Jefferies: Thank you. Thank you. That’s not necessary though. 

Jerome Swift: Sure it is! You put Timber Pines on the map! 

Blake Jefferies: Think the meteor did that, don’t you? 

Jerome Swift: For tourists maybe, but people KNOW that the genius mind of a superb author came from right here in Timber Pines. Your “Sanctum” series is a stunning look inside your own mind, and the minds of others, as they build a reality around themselves to conquer the trials and tribulations around them. It’s truly psychological, and at times very very confusing, but altogether a joy and delight to read. 

Blake Jefferies: Thank you for that. 

Jerome Swift: Now the lead character is a manifestation of yourself is he not?

Blake Jefferies: He wasn’t actually…not at first. He felt easy to fall into. I was just creating a character I’d like to write about, but it became a lot more than that later on. Originally, I was just trying to make a new character. I was already borrowing heavily from other elements to make my point. 

Jerome Swift: Yes, but as the blurb on the back of your last book “Defensive” says, “He made the characters and world his own. Blake Jefferies has invested so much into these characters that I can’t go back to seeing them how they were before.” That’s a powerful statement. 

Blake Jefferies: I just wanted to to build a world….a Sanctum if you will. I fell into the lead, and he became an avatar of sorts, but eventually, it felt more like he was writing me. 

Jerome Swift: Fascinating. What do you mean by that? 

Blake Jefferies: I felt like he controlled my actions. He controlled my life. He fought me. He wanted to be an individual. He had more control than me. His world was more real than this one. It sounds crazy right? That’s what my therapist told me. That’s what happens when you write though. You get lost in it. 

Jerome Swift: That’s some advice for future writers out there eh? Well, we’re glad you’re back in town after….well-

Blake Jefferies: What? The “incident?” It’s alright, we can talk about it. My life was getting out of hand, and in a fit of rage I punched out a paparazzi. To be fair, I’m lucky he didn’t press charges, but the money he made off that picture of me about to punch him, that was probably worth its weight in gold. I went to therapy after that, like I’ve mentioned, and now I’m home to clear my head. Nothing like being home. This is where the story began after all. 

Jerome Swift: Well, I certainly don’t blame you for the altercation after hearing what the man said. The accusations he made. 

Blake Jefferies: I think Sanctum got too real for him too. He thought I was that guy, and pushed my buttons. To be fair, I got way too heated. I’m much better now. 

Jerome Swift: You’re working on a new book now aren’t you? 

Blake Jefferies: Trying to. I’m not sure how much I’m succeeding, but with everything going on around here lately, it’s started to take shape. 

Jerome Swift: What is this one going to be about? I mean how can you top “Defensive?”

Blake Jefferies: You do it by going back to the roots I guess. Psychological and less bombastic. You can write out a war playing in your mind in multiple ways. This is one of them. 

Jerome Swift: Outstanding! 

Blake Jefferies: Well thanks for having me! Look out for my next book! Coming…eventually! 

Jerome Swift: Next up, it’s time to check in with Zoo Master Joe and his cavalcade of cute critters! 

Blake Jefferies: Oh! I’m gonna stay for that!

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11/27/2023 1:47 am  #3

Re: Timber Pines

Road outside of Timber Pines

A jet black car was driving towards the town of Timber Pines, with the driver as the lone occupant. She had her long jet black hair tied up in a bun, as she reached into her suit and pulled out her phone. Her badge fell to the seat beside her, revealing her role and name. Talia Wood, FBI Agent.

Talia Wood: *pushes record on her phone* Lucca, I am entering the town of Timber Pines. It is 8:00, and the leaves are just lovely. You’ve never seen foliage like this before. With all the leaves, the road remains clear. How this is done is a mystery that is possibly beyond comprehension, but it is wondrous. As WC Fields once said, “I’d rather be here than Twoson”. It’s 58 degrees on a slightly overcast day. The weatherman said it would rain. Who gets paid that much to be wrong that often I ask you. Okay - so I'm going to be meeting up with a... Sheriff Face. Shouldn't be too hard to remember that - he'll be at Saturn Lake. When I finish there I'll be checking into a motel, I'm sure the sheriff will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced - that's what I need - clean place, reasonably priced. Oh, Lucca, I almost forgot - got to find out what kind of trees these are, they're really something."

Lake Saturn

Sheriff Face stood staring at the scratch marks on the rock. The crime scene was now well roped off, but he still was grateful to Blake Jefferies for the discovery. As he removed his hat to scratch his head, a recurring thought flashed through his head. Someone was shouting at him. It was blurry. He couldn’t make out the scene, but he soon had that returning feeling of being pulled out into the darkness…and falling. He snapped back to it when he saw a black car pull up, and a well dressed and beautiful FBI Agent stepped out. 

Talia Wood: Sheriff Face? 

Sheriff Face: That’s right, but you can just call me Face. 

Talia Wood: Nonsense, someone of your stature deserves to be recognized by their title. I’m Agent Talia Wood of the FBI. You can just call me Talia or Wood if you prefer. 

Sheriff Face: What about that stuff about titles? 

Talia Wood: You’ll find I’m a compliment hypocrite Sheriff Face. So I’m told we have a situation on our hands. The Mayor’s daughter has joined the missing? 

Sheriff Face: That’s right. Alana Colton went missing two weeks ago. I figured you feds would get involved. Mayor Colton has powerful friends. I just wish I had more to go on here. Feels like we haven’t gotten far. I have this bracelet, and we have this potential evidence on the rock. 

Talia Wood: Don’t beat yourself up Sheriff. We might be dealing with a professional. Perhaps someone who wants a ransom even. We’ll figure it out together, in the name of inter-agency cooperation and friendship. 

Sheriff Face: R-right…you’re very chipper. 

Talia Wood: Just had a lovely breakfast on the way into town. Best food I’ve ever had!  You should try it. 

Sheriff Face: I’m uh…sure I have. Glad to hear it though, we could use you for the tourism brochure. 

Talia Wood: I have that right here actually! “Timber Pines was once going to be a mining town, until the need for lumber outweighed the precious mineral content in the mountains. The town really boomed from a tourist perspective, when a meteor landed a few years ago.” Seems like a lovely place. These trees are incredible. I want one. 

Sheriff Face: You want…a tree? 

Talia Wood: Yeah. 

Sheriff Face: I see. 

Talia Wood: Show me the evidence if you would be so kind, my new friend. 

Sheriff Face: Huh? Oh absolutely! We have a bracelet that belonged to Alana, and we have these claw marks on the rock here. We can’t get a DNA sample though, because the water waves removed any potential chance of that. 

Talia Wood: I see, and we’re sure this is where she was last seen? 

Sheriff Face: Eyewitnesses say she was here after a small gathering in the woods. The kids like to drive out there and have a bond fire. 

Talia Wood: Why would see come here though? Who knew she was out here? 

Sheriff Face: Her friends all said the same thing, that she left the party and went to the lake. They were all pretty tight lipped about why. 

Talia Wood: Do we suspect foul play from any of them?

Sheriff Face: They were all given alibis by way of cell phone footage, gps, and corroboration with their boyfriends. 

Talia Wood: Kids record everything these days don’t they? Nothing is sacred anymore. You can’t just….LIVE in the moment ya know? 

Sheriff Face: I guess? I’m really trying to follow you. 

Talia Wood: Then I think we’re going to get along just great. I’d love to have a look at that phone footage, AND I want to have a talk with her closest friends. We’re going to solve this case Sheriff…together! 

Sheriff Face: I sure hope so, cause it’s weighing on me. It’s weighing heavil-

Suddenly, a slovenly figure emerged from the lake. He was dressed from head to toe in his ratty suit that was now dripping with lake water. 

Sheriff Face: Maxwell?! 

Talia Wood: You know this man? 

Sheriff Face: Local…imbiber by the name of Maxwell Renon. What the hell were you doing in the lake Max?

Maxwell Renon: I was just…*hick* taking a dip. Can’t a guy sober up at the bottom of a lake? 

Sheriff Face: No! Not when it’s an active crime scene! 

Maxwell Renon: I don’t know where I am! 

Sheriff Face: Lake Saturn Max! 

Maxwell Renon: Oh…right…was there a wedding? 

Sheriff Face: What?

Maxwell Renon: The place was lively. 

Sheriff Face: I don’t understand what you’re saying. 

Maxwell Renon: She looks like a limo driver. 

Talia Wood: Agent Talia Wood FBI good sir. Are you alright? Do you need medical attention? 

Maxwell Renon: I want to go home. 

Sheriff Face: Yes, you should go home Max. 

Maxwell Renon: I found this…can you put it back in for me? 

Sheriff Face: Huh?

Maxwell handed the Sheriff a tooth. A pearly white tooth.

Sheriff Face: This is…definitely not yours Max. 

Talia Wood: But it is….a clue.

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12/21/2023 1:31 am  #4

Re: Timber Pines

Sweet Timbers Cafe

Sheriff Face felt a weird sensation again, and saw the same strange images in his head as before, before waking to see himself sitting next to Agent Wood in the Sweet Timbers Cafe, his cafe wafting a familiar and comforting scent in front of him. 

Talia Wood: This coffee and pie are amazing. 

Sheriff Face: Heh…that reminds me of someone…but who I can’t remember. 

Talia Wood: Memories are funny aren’t they? They get changed around and distorted over time. Can you trust them? They seem to be lying to you. Then again, what if they’re just reflecting the changes happening to the world around you. See, I have this theory that time is constantly changing and energy doesn’t disappe-

Sheriff Face: Now I know I’ve heard that last part before. 

Talia Wood: Maybe it’s catching on! Well, I need to finish this wonderful pie, and get back to my investigations. I believe though, that we are dealing with a killer with experience. They know this place and its people. I’m looking at these wanted posters, and most of them are well liked enough. They have friend circles. They’d rarely be alone. 

Blake Jefferies: What about the site by the lake? 

Talia Wood: Hmm? 

Sheriff Face: There he is. That’s Blake Jefferies, the man who found the scene at the lake.

Talia and Blake gazed at each other. They locked eyes as if they knew each other, before shaking hands. 

Talia Wood: Blake Jefferies? Wait…the author?! 

Blake Jefferies: That’s me. 

Talia Wood: Wow! I am a BIG fan of the Sanctum series. 

Blake Jefferies: Thank you. That means a lot. It’s because people like it that I even continued it. At least, I used to think that was the case. These days, it feels like I couldn’t stop if I wanted to….like it’s tied to my life, and if I stopped…life would stop. 

Sheriff Face: Uh….

Talia Wood: …Mr. Jefferies…I know EXACTLY how you feel! 

Sheriff Face: What? 

Blake Jefferies: You do? It’s just Blake by the way please. 

Talia Wood: Blake, I want to thank you for what you found, but I have a suspicion it is not the scene of a murder. It’s more like an abduction. That’s good news, that maybe Alana is still alive. 

Sheriff Face: So you don’t think we need to check the lake for a body? 

Talia Wood: The claw marks on the rock indicate someone being pulled OUT of the lake. The waves removed the traces, but I’m willing to bet a few hours earlier we would have seen drag marks in the sand indicating as much. Mr. Jeffier- Blake…I often do my best thinking walking and talking. Would you mind talking Sanctum with me? 

Blake Jefferies: Uh…sure! 

Sheriff Face: Let me just grab the ch-

Talia Wood: No, you sit and relax Sheriff. I need a calm Sheriff….a happy Sheriff. You will do your best thinking on a full stomach. Finish that delicious pie, and meet me at the police station in one hour. 

Sheriff Face: Uh…alright?

Talia left to speak with Blake Jefferies as Sheriff Face laughed off the unorthodox approach of the FBI agent. As he looked down into his coffee, he thought about who in town would be capable of such heinous evil. As he thought, the local bum Andy Onuts sat down next to him. 

Andy Onuts: …

Sheriff Face: You didn’t kill those people did you Andy?

Andy Onuts: Excuse me? 

Sheriff Face: *sigh* Nothing. You probably wouldn’t tell me if you did. Are you alright? You’re rubbing your leg. 

Andy Onuts: I didn’t have a leg before. 

Sheriff Face: You’ve always had two legs…most people tend to. 

Andy Onuts: The Mayor’s daughter…she was here once…but she’s gone now. 

Sheriff Face: Right…I’m looking for her. 

Andy Onuts: But you’re lost too. 

Sheriff Face: What? 

Andy Onuts: Can I have that pie? 

Sheriff Face: Huh? Uh…sure Andy…go ahead. *sigh*

Last edited by Machismo (12/21/2023 1:44 am)

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1/19/2024 1:41 am  #5

Re: Timber Pines

Streets of Timber Pines

Agent Talia Wood walked the streets of the sleepy little town, tucked in the vast woods around it. She spoke into her recorder as she walked. 

Talia Wood: Lucca, this place really is something. The kind of place you could settle down in. If I were ever to settle down that is. Quite an interesting history. Several years back, a meteor landed in the lake. Apparently, a couple of psychics on a local quiz show were able to anticipate it. No one was hurt, but the town hasn't been the same since. People acting strangely, bouts of amnesia, and now this killer or abductor. Strange thoughts and visions enter the minds of the locals according to the famous author Blake Jeffries. That's right Lucca, I have been speaking to Blake Jeffries. He's not like I expected him to be. His writing has been eclectic and out there. To be honest I expected a madman, but instead I found a soft spoken and funny man, who appears to be burned out by the fame. He came home specifically to get back to his roots, and probably to get some of those strange thoughts flooding into his head again. It COULD be that the lovely, wonderful people of this fine town are all just suffering a form of mass psychosis, OR...something is happening here that is wonderful and strange. 

As Talia walked, she found Sheriff Face and Blake Jefferies staring at the old Timber Pines Motel. 

Talia Wood: Gentlemen, I could use a cup of coffee. How about you tw-

Blake Jefferies: Look, it did it again, just now. 

Sheriff Face: I see it Blake. That's not right. 

Talia Wood: Um…what seems to be the problem? 

Blake Jefferies: Huh? Oh, Agent Wood! 

Talia Wood: Just Talia remember? 

Blake Jefferies: Oh right. Talia. If you look over there, you'll see that curtain lighting up, denoting a television is on in that room.

Talia Wood: Alright? And?

Sheriff Face: That motel has been shut down for years. It should have power at all. Yet, every few hours a light has turned on. 

Talia Wood: Huh….you wanna check it out? 

Sheriff Face: Yeah…yeah maybe we should.

Blake Jefferies: Can I come too?

Sheriff Face: Uh yeah…yeah just stay behind us alright?

The trio crossed the street over to the motel. Face and Talia drew their guns as Face thought about knocking, before just kicking the door open instead. 

Sheriff Face: Hands up! This is Timber Pines Sheriff Fa-

Talia Wood: Holy toledo! 

Blake Jefferies: Whoa!

The trio were shocked to see a woman bound and gagged in a wheelchair, desperately struggling to get away from the sights she was seeing on the television. 

Sheriff Face: Mam! Mam, calm down! I'm the Sheriff of Timber Pines. I'll get you out of here. Just let me take off the gag. 

Talia Wood: Is that one of your missing girls? Perhaps it's the Mayor's daughter?

Sheriff Face: No, I've never seen her before…but she kind of looks like….you.

Blake Jefferies: I was thinking the same thing. What was that on the television? How was it even on? It's not plugged in!

Sheriff Face cut the woman loose. She stared at face, before looking at Blake Jefferies. She put a hand to his cheek before shaking her head and trying to leave the room. 

Blake Jefferies: Whoa! Calm down lady! What's going on here? Who did this to you! 

Woman in wheelchair: Me! I did it to myself apparently! I have to go! You're not the right one! None of you are! 

Talia Wood: Mam please, I'm Talia Wood of the FBI. You can't leave until we know what's going on? We need answers! 

Woman in wheelchair: …You look just like- you want answers? Take me to the lake…NOW!

Last edited by Machismo (1/19/2024 1:51 am)

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