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7/12/2023 2:47 am  #1

Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Two weeks ago

Tom Guide: Hello! And thank you for joining us for Stardica this year! We hope you enjoy the festivities and be sure to check out the World Famous Food Court. Please be sure to avoid littering, especially any honey related items, do your part to fight World War Bee! As you can see near the fountain here is our constantly updated information on Crystal Heaven and it's sister kingdoms, feel free to look!


To the west of the Mushroom Kingdom in Earth 5's Edo lies the country of Honoh, meaning Fire King. There is the Kingdom that is run by Queen Azula Angel, one of the souls that embodied one of the many Azuli clones. Azula was once a tyrant suffering from mental illness such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, betraying her family and old country in a bid of power and insanity. All stemming from her power hungry father, abandonment from her mother, and pushing away the only one who cared; her brother. Dying in a grand battle against the Avatar, a Shepherd of the Heavens, Azula's soul was lost in purgatory. Eventually, after the King of Light Time Traveled to the past millennia, her soul was given a chance as it lept through time, a second chance. Her soul was collected by the Trill for survival and placed in it's experiment that eventually saved everyone. Now having had the opportunity to actually feel love by being inside Queen Amy Angel & the other souls, her mental illnesses were subsided, not gone, but given therapy to learn how to have a healthy life.

The country of Honoh is quite large, surrounded by mountainsides it is primarily powered by fire and steam. The country has certain traditional tapestries of fabric in contrast to the more mechanical downtown areas that power the country. A focus has been made to become the planet's leader in medicine, always experimenting in alchemy and natural science. The food, having such a focus on fire, is dominated by fried foods using big Woks to cook. The high cholesterol diet is offset by everyone walking everywhere, rarely do you see people travel by cars, though they are available. For recreation, there is the planetary past-time of Keijo. The country takes a great pride in it's rivalry with the neighboring Edo & Midgar, focusing their training for their athletes on vigorous glute exercises. They also have interest in martial arts using the different elements of the planet as inspiration: water, earth, wood, air, metal, & fire. Most fireworks are also created here, using ceramic incasing to house them.

The country's colors are traditionally fire red and shining gold, a contrast to the Crystal Kingdom Light Blue & Silver, which the country doesn't see as opposites rather as companions, a yin to yang. The country's prime animal are oxen, with their strong backs and shoulders to carry great things, the country takes inspiration from that with a moto of "Lift each other like Oxen". The population is primarily people of the land that were in servitude to Darkness Angel, but some Outworlders, Midgardians, & Edoese live there as well.


An archipelago of islands east of Honoh, the Country of Edo is run by the Mushroom Kingdom's Queen Peach, who is secretly Toadette. It's citizens have no idea of the identity of their Queen, due to Toadette's former kagemusha role. Queen Peach is aided by her Chancellor and his wife the Royal Dresser. The Chancellor Toad was also the aid to the former Queen, the now Warden Peach. Having to act under her rule actually caused a great distress, her egocentric ideals were pushed to further her works that led to things like the Edo Territory War & the Mushroom Head Plague. Chancellor hopes to redeem himself in helping Toadette.

The Mushroom Kingdom has great interest in pretty much all sports, anything that can be derived as a competition is made into a sport no matter the medium. Even TV networks compete against each other in Edo in yearly competition during New Years with their employees competing in kareoke. Keijo is competed in of course but with the population being primarily toads, Edoese Keijo Athletes are few and far between. However, when there is an Edoese female who takes interest, she is put on a special chanko soup diet that adds fat to the areas needed for Keijo Athletes. Keeping in shape under the Chanko diet can be a struggle but the results are impressive with measurements doubling and some tripling after the diet. Edo was also a founder of the ever popular Tetsujin Chef, a cooking competition with Tetsujin Chefs from each of the Sister Kingdoms of Crystal Heaven, headed by Chairman Toad. The current Top Tetsujin Chef is Tetsujin Crystal who learned cooking at the legendary Food Court of Crystal Heaven.

Edo is primarily a pescatoral diet, focusing on fresh fish and rice. Their southern and northern isles are famous hotspots for fishing. Forests and gravel pits are frequent throughout the country, housing many forest & desert-like dwelling animals. Edo's Prime Animal is that of the Koi fish. Usually depicted as rising up a waterfall, with the legend of doing hard work to rise up the waterfall and becoming Like A Dragon. The country's colors are that of White with Red accents, believing in the idea of starting as a blank slate and eventually coloring your self in life experience.


North of Honoh lies Midgar, a snowy mountainous region. The country was formerly under rule of tyrannical capitalism turned forced communism, corporations ruled it with an iron fist. Pressing every bit of penny and life out of it's citizens, to their weakened will. Midgar was once a big ally to Darkness Angel, aiding in it's enslavement of people. However since Darkness's death, the corporations went into an all out war with each other that left buildings toppled, and the death of many. Midgar was split during this into many different providences who went at War. Causing espionage, border rebellion, & it's citizens fleeing the country if they could escape. Since The King of Dark Tack Angel's arrival though, the war was settled but the border disputes still rage on.

in alphabetical order:
-Antegria was a tyrannical government ran by the providence's General. In a cold war against Republia as spies cross over and gather Intel. Uses propaganda to weave a narrative of their strong military might. It's capital is Glorian.
-Arstotzka was a communist providence, run by a former electricity company that took over and became "The Ministry". The former capital was Grestin but was split during the Capitalist/Communist switch. It is now Paradizna. It is the former home of North Star Lanes owner Jorgi.
-Impor was a military run empire like providence led by the General. The providence has an authority run by the General's family with proclamation that his son will be the next General. As the providence is on the coast, it has access to a grand fishing business. As such many people are detained at the border patrol for trying to sneak over fish.
-Kolechia is the largest providence and was a lawless providence. Borders were only kept in check by the neighboring providences. Kolechia was affected the most by the war and is in dire need of repair for both it's land and it's citizens.
-Obristan was a providence not effected by the war much due to how far north it is. The weather conditions are barely habitable and it's military might only focuses on it's southern border. Obristan is run by an elected Prime Minister under a communist banner.
-Republia was a tyrannical government run by the providence's general, that is in a cold war with Antegria. Using spies and propeganda, Republia was a country under constant stress of attack from it's neighbors.

In current times under it's Queen Aerith, Midgar is still split. Queen Aerith has taken it upon herself to be amongst it's people instead of a castle. Guarded by a few volunteer Viera, but still among the every day citizen. Queen Aerith hopes to eventually unite the country through her on the ground works. Queen Aerith herself having escaped from what she called "the Lifestream through a dead end timeline", she also wants to give her citizens a second chance.

The colder climate attracts the warm Keijo arenas, where there are even elevated pools for those attending the Races. The popularity of Keijo wanes between Midgar regions. There is also a love for Tennis among the youth, playing recreationally before, during, and after get-togethers. The mysterious beauty with green eyes of the Midgarian lady wrapped in snow is a hot topic among people, some calling that type "the ideal waifu". Midgar's prime animal is that of the white wolf the fierce hunter of the snow, it's colors that of red and gold representing hard work providing prosperity.


Known as the City of Water, Soleana is a Constitutional Monorchy and is a costal country on the west side of the Gerudo Desert but used to be on another planet entirely. The country is filled with costal towns and high mountains with huge waterfalls. Ruled by it's Queen Elise, who was revived as part of the Trill. Before she died, she was the Crown Princess under her father the Duke. After an assault by a monster led by a bald mustachioed man, the country was decimated by the attack with the entire Royal family murdered. The Trill happened to have stopped by the planet and capture the one remaining soul in the country's capital. After the gift Space Michael gave to Tack Angel, Soleana was moved to Earth 5, the country's citizens were relieved of the sorrow, pain, & hunger and the waters began to clear. The country was elated to see that their Princess was alive and well, not knowing that Elise was revived herself as an Azuli clone.

Queen Elise is a thoughtful but soft spoken lady. Having had dreams of a previous life as a catalyst of destruction due to an outrage of sorrow, Elise took that as a warning and tried her best to have complete control of her emotions. Elise enjoys her pampered life but it's pretty much all she knew before she became part of the Trill. After becoming part of the Trill she experienced the feelings and memories of all a part of it. Learning about everyday life of a normal person; hardwork, determination, love, and family bond. After helping with the push against the Cloud of Darkness and being split once again from Makoto, Elise took the time in-between for self reflection. Realizing that the love she had for Tack, while influenced by the Trill, was also purely of her own feelings as well. Admiring the self sacrifice and determination, knowing she'd do the same for him as he did for her. When faced with knowledge that her Sister-Wives were going to their home countries to help stabilize and rule the Sister Kingdoms, she gathered her courage and did the same.

Soleana being a costal country is of course a big fan of the Keijo sport as well as other water athletics. Fireworks are another speciality, as the clear waters there reflect the fireworks beautifully. The Festival of the Sun is a yearly tradition that takes place at the end of Summer, it was adopted as part of the Stardica tradition with Stardica starting Summer and the Festival of the Sun ending it. Soleana's prime animal is the Dolphin, examplifying it's serene grace. It's colors are that of blue white and gold, the blue and white representative of it's water and the gold reflecting it's power.

Hyrule Kingdom

Set to the north of the Gerudo Desert, lies the Monorchy Kingdom of Hyrule ruled by Queen Zelda. Known for it's mountainous and foresty region, the Kingdom of Hyrule is very medieval in it's technology. Preferring nature's bounty over modern sensibility. It's security is an entire army of knights led by it's blonde enigmatic captain and his stableswoman wife, although under orders from the King Tack, it's currently under the jurisdiction of Inspector Ruby Rose and her Viera bodyguards.

Queen Zelda is very stoic and focused on her mission as Queen, having complete trust in her husband King Tack. She treats her citizens well but can be misinterpreted as being not caring. Zelda has a hard time expressing her emotions and thus was for a long time when she was younger thought of as an ice princess. Frustrated by the people around her misinterpreting her, she became almost agrophobic, staying inside her castle. After dealing with an invading demon menace with help from her Knight's Captain and a Princess of another World, she found herself restless and wondered the planet until she found herself at Crystal Heaven. Joining in with her eventual Sister-Wives, she helped the vessel of love Tack Angel, push back against the Cloud of Darkness.

Hyrule primarily focuses on old tournament type competition. Things like Sword & Board, Melee, Fencing, & the very popular Joust. Though with Crystal Heaven's influence, Keijo was introduced and some of the modern technology from Crystal Heaven was installed in Hyrule for things like seating and heated pools for Keijo competition. Keijo is not as popular as the more traditional games in Hyrule, but there is a community. It's prime animal is that of the Horse, sturdy and diligent. It's colors are that of green and gold, primarily shaped in the form of a triangle.

Gerudo Village

In the middle of the eastern continents is the very dry and windy Gerudo Desert. Led by it's Chieftess Riju, granddaughter to King Tack and Queen Urbosa. The Gerudo Village is known as the jewel of the desert, for it's large water spring and beautiful, tall, & strong women. To protect it's villagers, no males are allowed in the village unless given permission by the Chieftess. They are otherwise jailed, and eventually escorted out to it's neighbors Hyrule or Resdayn to deal with ensuing punishment.

The Gerudo has a genetic malformation inheritance. Any Gerudo who gets pregnant can only bear females, and every Gerudo born has ginger hair, gigantism (to a minimum height of 6'7" at adult age) & myotonic hypertrophy (constant muscle growth). This causes a lot of Gerudo women to feel shy around those who are foreign, especially men. To combat these genetic disorders, the Gerudo have to mate with men outside of the Village. In doing so though, they are unsuccessful most of the time due to their intimidating size and stature. To combat their muscle growth to attract men, they are on a strict fatty and sugary diet to gain more feminine curves. Some Gerudo are more successful than others in gaining enough fat to look "normal", and is a constant point of contention and emotional distress to the Gerudo. The former Chieftess Urbosa, became the talk of the village after she returned from Crystal Heaven at one point and was "blessed with the magic" from King Tack. Since then, even after Urbosa returned to her normal size after the Cloud of Darkness, her blessed form became the ideal to the average Gerudo woman, an unobtainable goal.

The Gerudo do participate in Keijo, but have to do so on learning excursions to the sister kingdoms. Their large bodies exude a lot of heat naturally, but is not uncomfortable to them, thus they can handle pretty much any temperature in Keijo Athletics. They otherwise participate in desert competitions like horse racing, sand surfing, & camel breeding. Their Camel Breeding Shows are the best on Earth 5, showing off how well trained their camels can be. There are some fanatics from other countries that also participate in camel breeding but the Gerudo have trade secrets in making the best. Their prime animal is of course the camel. Their colors are that of red and brown, complimenting the flowing red hair and glistening brown skin much like the red sun and brown sand around them.


South of the Gerudo Desert is the country of Resdayn, home of the Dark Chocolate Elves. It's not a kingdom, nor a country with a government, but is protected by the Crystal Heaven guard of Viera. The former Chosen Hotel owner Cylva is the defacto leader as she heads the refugee camp, trying to rehabilitate the former slaves. It's a simple county that is rebuilding after it's enslavement by the Chosen on Earth-1, the ample bosomed Dark Chocolate Elves readily and gladly visit the voluntary milking farm to get money and supplies for their families at home. Dark Chocolate Elves are natural producers of breast milk, of a notable chocolate flavor. They don't feel shame about it, as it is a genetic part for female Dark Chocolate Elves upon maturity. Male Dark Chocolate Elves primarily have a talent for mining and thus have large hands, broad shoulders, and strong backs. Because of this, Dark Chocolate Elves tend to appreciate the upper body of each other when looking for a mate.

Resdayn is primarily mountainous and desert. Their main export is salt & breast milk. Resdayns like to participate in Keijo, even the males. The males use the same rules of only using their butts, crotch, & pectorals. It's only enjoyed by the locals as a preshow to the main event ladies. Their other athletic competition include oil wrestling, wall climbing, & camel breeding. It's primary animal is the mountain wolf, a large animal that the Dark Chocolate Elves use to travel around the mountains. It's colors are that of white and brown, denoting their hair color and skin as well as the snowy tops of the high altitude mountains.


Lorule is located South of Resdayn and is the most southern point of the map before the country of the South Pole. It is ruled by Queen Hilda, the raven haired beauty of the region. In many ways, Lorule is a mirror image of Hyrule. Same technology, same type of guard led by a raven haired Captain, same sports too. Some take this as a rivalry, as Zelda & Hilda themselves have a rivalry between each other, but most take it as a friendly competition.

Queen Hilda was part of the Trill that helped push back the Cloud of Darkness, having died after the sorcerer Yuga killed her to claim the broken pieces of an ancient relic which was for not as the relic had no power Yuga desired. Yuga was defeated and killed thanks to the blonde & raven haired captains and Princess-at-the-time Zelda. After Lorule moved to Earth-5, the Kingdom of Lorule was overjoyed to see their Queen once more, a miracle thanks to an all-mighty being.

Lorule's prime animal is also that of the horse but there's a contingent of people that want to change it to that of the Zebra which has become more preferred among the people for transportation. It's colors are that of Purple and Gold, with an upside down triangle on their flag.


To the west of Hyrule lies the coastal country of Scotsland, split in half of territory by two warring Houses: House Aensland & House Siracha. House Aensland is headed by Queen Morrigan, wife of the Crystal King. She inherited the head of the household after her father died, the Aensland family were already nobles from the former Kingdom that ruled the land. Morrigan marrying into a royal family solidified a lot of people into recognizing the Aenslands as rightful rulers. However, House Siracha is headed by the self proclaimed "Princess" Daisy, who claims that her house is the rightful rulers due to House Siracha having a blood connection to the old rulers twice removed. Half of Scotsland agrees with Princess Daisy while her detractors think House Siracha aren't actual relatives and only say as such. As well as Princess Daisy having not appeared in public for years.

Scotsland doesn't participate in Keijo like other countries as the weather is too musky & foggy for it to be enjoyable, they prefer to watch at home as Keijo Races happen back-to-back with Divegrass, which the country prefers to participate in more. Homes regularly have friends and family come over on the weekends to enjoy the athletic festivities, eat, drink, and commiserate. Blood Sausage & Mash and Scotsland brewed beer tend to be very popular during these visitations. The prime animal of Scotsland is the sheep, as their main export is wool. Their colors are that of orange, white, and green; the colors on the crest of the old rulers of Scotsland.


Edenia is south of Crystal Heaven in South Eagleland, and is split into three sub-kingdoms ruled by the Outworlder's Kahn's wives. Outworld itself was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. The northern most sub-kingdom is ruled by Queen Kitana, daughter of the former-Kahn-now-Citizen Shao and Sindel, though her birth father is that of the Kahn before Shao, Jerrod. Kitana was a former Kahn herself but she failed badly for her citizens and relinquished the title to the biggest shareholder of the cryptocurrency Kombat Koins. Which ended up being Tack Angel. Kitana felt great humility having gotten over her head in responsibility and hopes to make things up to her husband and Kahn. The middle sub-kingdom is ruled by Queen Skarlet, adoptive daughter of Citizen Shao. Skarlet had a great desire to live up to the expectations as being the daughter of the then Kahn, to prove herself worthy of the title. Probably the most stringent of the sisters in keeping Edenian traditions and the one who contested the most with their rebellious brother Rains who at the time felt he deserved the Kahn title over Kitana. The southern most sub-kingdom is ruled by Queen Mileena, the clone of her sister Kitana and half-Tarkatan. Her cloning was an experiment by the at-the-time egotistical Shao, to try and make a better and stronger version of his daughter but ended up creating a "monster" in his eyes as Mileena inherited the Tarkatan curse of no skin across their mouth bellow the cheeks and above the jaw along with very sharp teeth. Mileena always felt resentful of her creation and feuded with her twin Kitana about it. Being with her new husband and current Kahn Tack, has made her appreciate the parts of her that are unique. She has since looked into and successfully had plastic surgery done to give her at least normal looking lips. Something she said she wanted to "properly thank the one who gave her a chance." The three sisters had agreed to share one area of the continent, in honor of their fallen sister Jade. There a memorial resides in her honor, who led the refugees out of the poisoned lands in Outworld until she mysteriously died.

Edenia is the largest kingdom on Earth-5 but is still under the Crystal Heaven rule. Edenia is an enriched kingdom as it's primary export is gold, which can be found in deposits everywhere. As well as bamboo, rice, & sugar. They love to participate in aquatic sports to Kombat the heat such as swimming, water polo, & Keijo. There's also a yearly competition of a race at Jade's Sub-Kingdom, where every citizen of Edenia can participate to be the "king" of the Jade sub-kingdom, which amounts to that of special seating at sporting events and a discount at eateries. Edenians like to play it up and honor the "King" title, by addressing the winner as such, no matter the age or gender. Edenia is known for its delicious Edenian Pie which is a dessert considered to be a rare delicacy, loved by many inhabitants, Edenia's prime animal is that of the dragon, which protect Edenia through the skies. It's colors are that of silver and gold, shaped in that of a ying-yang symbol, representative of the balance of spirit.

The Hive

Located south of Crystal Heaven is the former Deep Darkness, having been taken over by Baron Von Bee and his Hive. Part of the land was supposed to be the home for Q-Bee's Hive and the P-Bees, but they have since retreated to Crystal Heaven who have been given a temporary home by the Crystal Lake.

Deep Darkness was full of trees and resources that provided things like fruit, south sea seafood, and various flora and fauna. Because of this, prices have skyrocketed on those exports as they can only be brought over by piracy, as legalized by the King of Dark Tack Angel. Queen Faris has taken charge of leading the pirate fleet into infiltrations of Deep Darkness, which number in the three digits of ships. It's primary animal was the Jaguar but of course was changed to that of the Bee. It's colors were red and white in the shape of a maple tree, but has changed to that of yellow and brown.

The Shake Kingdom

Far South of the Mushroom Kingdom is the water surrounded continent, county, & Kingdom of the Shakians. The Shake Kingdom is ruled by Queen Merelda, and it's residents are primarily anthropomorphic animal/humans. The Shake Kingdom is full of jungles and ruins which were truncated into a smaller space from what was the Shake Dimension, which helped hold together the Crystal Heaven citizens before eventually merging with Earth-5.

Queen Merelda is a shy and petite ruler, who is loved and encouraged by her citizens to get loose and "shake away" the shyness. Merelda helped her fellow Sister-Wives and husband fight back against the Cloud of Darkness, proving to herself that she can be brave thanks to love's motivation. Queen Merelda is the one who eventually led her friends Amy Rose & Rouge to meet her husband, which led to a complicated relationship that was eventually settled under a friendly agreement to which Amy & Rouge & their friends "help out" the wives of the insatiable King as a B-Team set of "wives".

The Shake Kingdom's primary export is actually dance, they provide massive trends online of different dances and commonly hold dance competitions. The max 4'5" height of the citizens doesn't lead to more complicated ballet, but the take advantage of their low center of gravity and do unique dances for the small of stature. Because of the vast jungles, fruit & fish are also a great export. The prime animal of the Shake Kingdom is the monkey, with "The Monkey" as the national dance. It's colors are black, red, green, and yellow; a burst of colors showing their wild personality.

The Acorn Kingdom

South of Scotsland and west of the Gerudo Desert, lies the Acorn Kingdom. Ruled by the mother/daughter Queen Duo of Alicia and Sally Acorn, both married to the Crystal King. Alicia's husband, Sally's father, died after old age. In a bid to restore balance to their Kingdom, they both offered themselves to the Crystal King as a pair. It paid off, and they became key in gathering the unity of the Crystal Heaven Sister Kingdoms to eventually push back against the Cloud of Darkness. Peculiarly though, both insist of being inside fursuits, and no one really knows if the two are actually related. However the kingdom still treats them as such due to the kingdom's fascination with the actual Anthros of the Shake Kingdom.

The Acorn Kingdom participates in a variety of sports, but nothing of any expertise. The join in on the tournament games with Hyrule and Lorule, participate in Divegrass with Scotsland, as well as the World Sport of Keijo. They're known for their cuisine mostly, and compete well against the other Sister Kingdoms on Tetsujin Chef. Their exports are mostly vegetables and livestock meat, but consume the most butter on the entire planet. Their colors are a basic green and brown, with the brown being in the shape of an acorn.

Crystal Heaven

The Crown Jewel of the planet, the home of the Crystal King and his many wives, and known as the "Land for Lost Souls". Crystal Heaven was the former home of Darkness Angel, before he was finally defeated for good. Thanks to the efforts of the Crystal Heaven citizens and Viera Guardswomen, the Kingdom was rebuilt and waited for the arrival of their King & Queens. The kingdom is currently headed by Queen Amy Angel, as she loves to take on the day-to-day tasks, she is aided by her fellow Sister-Wives and the Viera Guardswomen. The King of Dark Tack Angel, accompanied by her teachers Sailor Neptune & Uranus, is constantly on the move as he does diplomatic work as well as lead the fight in World War Bee.

Crystal Heaven Town is divided into 4 districts: Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, & Angel. The Dragon district is home to the handcrafted shops, and is the fashion capital of the Kingdom. The Phoenix district is the residential area, these are where most of the apartments are for citizens. Rent and utilities are free with the requirement of work as agreed upon on immigration. The Tiger district is the home of restaurants, you can find pretty much anything from any region there. The Angel district is for other businesses; things like home improvement, banks, & sports. All four districts meet in the middle of town which is a circular area home to the World-Famous Crystal Heaven Food Court. The top of the top food shops reside there and are considered the best on any Earth.

The Kingdom's athletics include the ever popular Keijo, with the King a frequent attender. The championships are also held here. All Angel Wrestling is also held here, AAW is exclusively a wrestling promotion for the Angel Wives to work out their aggression or disputes, it's not as popular as Keijo but is attended well. Biggest criticism is that the people don't really want to see their Queens fight it out. There are other sports as well that the citizens partake in as well. Because Crystal Heaven is near Lake Slydra, the town has a unique beach atmosphere, with the weather being not too hot or cold with a relaxing breeze. The prime animal for Crystal Heaven is that or the Capybara, who take residence and work at the local hot springs, guests regularly bring oranges for them. It's colors are that of Silver & Blue, with the Silver in the shape of a tower topped by a star.

Our information is always being updated, so be sure to check back on your next visit for more information on our great planet!

Last edited by Machismo (7/12/2023 3:18 am)


8/22/2023 8:00 pm  #2

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Space - The Star Gunship

Galactic Federation Officer: ...and that's the report on your Sister-Wives' training progress.

Samus Angel: Thank you. Keep me posted on any changes today.

Galactic Federation Officer: Understood, Hunter Samus Angel. Ending transmission.

Samus got up from the pilot seat and stretched. Walking around, she made her way to the ship's lounge. Pouring a cup of coffee, she took a small walk over to see Earth 5 outside her ship bellow her.

Samus Angel: Looks like a good start of the day. Hope you're doing ok T-Chan, I miss you and the others so much...

The Star Gunship was floating in space as Samus was about to start her rounds around the galaxy, a contract that the Galactic Federation requested of her and her Sister-Wives for an upcoming mission. A mission that involved investigating certain anomalies that the GF couldn't explain. Little did they know... On the Dark Side of the Moon.

Earth 5 - Honoh

???: And that ends today's lecture. Tomorrow we will be talking about the Resdayns and what we can learn from their diets. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine.

The small class of students stuck in summer cram school quickly gathered their things and shuffled out of the classroom. One girl was lost in thought as she was making further notes on her laptop.

Teacher: Ms. Angel?

Girl: Ah! Yes?

Teacher: Class is over Li-Fen Angel. You may leave.

Li-Fen Angel: Just making some final checks here and then text my mom and dad.

Teacher: Ah the Queen & King. Do send my regards.

Li-Fen Angel: Will do.

The teacher herself then left the classroom as Li-Fen started packing away her things and pulled out her phone.

To: Jiejie (Big Sis) & Baba (Dad)

Hey guys, just checking in on you. How are things in Crystal Heaven? Your Nuer (daughter) is still hard at work at school. Once again duibuqi (sorry) about having to go to cram school. I didn't think I'd just miss passing my nutrition class. Things on Earth 5 are really different than on Earth 1, things like the calorie intake is so different on our bodies, it's crazy! I hope to see you two in time to go to the Festival of the Sun in Soleana, I'd love to go on a boat with all of the Ayi (Aunts) and see the fireworks! Anyway, I'm gonna pick up some bao on the way home and try to relax in cool air. I miss you guys!

Li-Fen closed her phone and headed out of the cram school building. Passing by the Honoh citizens as they were in loose dress, enjoying the sun passing by the leftover sales of Stardica merch. She headed towards the food district and was greeted by the mascot Mr. Bao Bao, picking up her regular order and started on her way home. She was concentrating on her food, so she didn't notice the horse driven carriage rolling in front of her. Startled by the neigh of one of the horses, Li-Fen jumped in reaction.

Li-Fen Angel: Oh jeez! Sorry!

Li-Fen quickly started to move around, however...

???: Wait citizen!

Li-Fen stopped in place and bowed her head as she cringed in fear. Knowing who was inside.

???: Is that my dear step daughter-in-law? Please dear, come inside and we'll tarry you to your home.

The door of the carriage opened, showing only a shadowy figure inside. Li-Fen, with her head still down, slowly entered the carriage and sat down. A Viera Guardswomen closed the door and hopped onto the carriage, whipping the straps to move the horses. Li-Fen, in the darkened carriage slowly rose her head and was greeted by the smiling demented face of the Queen of Honoh.

Li-Fen Angel: H-hello Ayi Azula...

Azula Angel: Please dear, call me mother; muquin if you wish. Though in some respect I am your Aunt. The Angel family is quite different. Thanks to my Sister-Wife Chun-Li, you were adopted long ago. Making you my niece and my daughter.

A silence filled the carriage, only broken up by the sounds of clopping horse hooves and the muffled chatter of the Honoh citizens. Azula frowned a bit as Li-Fen stayed quiet, Azula shook her head and forced a smile once more.

Azula Angel: You don't have to be afraid of me dear.

Li-Fen Angel: I know what you did in your past life thanks to Ayi Amy. You know I have every right to be afraid.

Azula face crinkled at bit at the truth, knowing full well of what she did.

Azula Angel: You have to understand daughter, I was a brash and... S-stupid girl back then. Yes, I tried to kill the Avatar, his goody goody wife, and my brother. But it was a different time, hundreds of years ago.

Li-Fen Angel: I also know about your schizophrenia. I know about your mother.

Azula Angel: ...I-I-I was cured thanks to the Trill, I'm different now. My mother the bit... My mother and I had disagreements due to my perceived favoritism to my brother. She's long gone, as are the rest of my family... Your father gave me the second chance at a new life, and I'm forever grateful for it.

Li-Fen Angel: Baba is too friendly sometimes with women. He gives sometimes too many chances.

Silence filled the carriage once more as it slowly arrived at Li-Fen's apartment. The Viera Guardswoman opened the carriage and Li-Fen scurried out.

Azula Angel: Li-Fen!

Li-Fen stopped in her tracks as Azula leaned out.

Azula Angel: Just like with your father, I want you to give me a second chance. I want a proper family and that includes you.

Li-Fen stood for a little bit before she spoke up.

Li-Fen Angel: ...I'll see you at the Festival of the Sun.

Li-Fen ran off and quickly opened and closed her apartment door as Azula slumped back into the carriage. A tear starting to form around her left eye.

Azula Angel: Progress I guess... She wants to see me at least with the rest of the family.

???: She's afraid of you.

Azula Angel: I know she is mother, that's obvious.

Ursa: You're being too pushy on her.

Azula Angel: She didn't interact with me before anyway. I understand why Amy told her but... I wish I had a chance to start from 0 instead of a negative.

???: This is you reaping what you sewed.

Azula Angel: Shut up Zuzu. You think I don't know that?

Zuko: This is what you get for not telling anyone you still are schizophrenic.

Azula Angel: It's not my fault! I was fine joining this Azuli body it just came back when those towers appeared.

Ursa: You need to tell him.

Azula Angel: I can't tell Tack! What if he abandons me! I don't want to be left alone again!

The Viera Guardswomen driving the carriage heard the one-sided conversation, but stayed silent as the drove up to the Honoh Palace.

Azula Angel: Leave me alone...

Zuko: And you're doing it again, hiding from your problems. This is why Li-Fen is afraid of you.

Ursa: You keep to yourself so much, you shut everyone out.

Azula Angel: ... I'm trying... I'm reaching out to her... I'm just as afraid as she is...

The carriage stopped and the Viera helped out the exhausted Queen, as her hair became undone from her bun and her eyes were bloodshot. A familiar situation for those Guardswomen.

Earth 5 - Edo - Mushroom Kingdom

Chairman Toad: Today's ingredient will be!

Inside the Tetsujin Arena, attended by Mushroom Kingdom citizens, a table rises up revealing the ingredient for the Tetsujin Chef battle today between an Edenian Chef & Tetsujin Scotsland.

Chairman Toad: Radish!

Both Chefs were caught off guard by the ingredient as Chairman Toad smiled.

Chairman Toad: If memory serves me right... Radish was initially found in South East Honoh, and originally named bái luóbo. Common in stews, the radish has been a good source of Vitamin C and Potassium. In Earth 5 diets, the white carrot has shown great benefits to the body including strengthening of the thighs, leading to it's nickname and association with the Viera.

Toji Fukui: A radish battle between Edenia & Scotsland. Southern Hemisphere versus the North. Who's going to take the win?

Chairman Toad: Allez Cuisine!

Toji Fukui: Bang the Gong, we are on! 60 minutes of hot fired competition of wills.

Tokio Hattori: It's going to be quite the battle, two completely different styles of cooking one savory and one spicy. How they use the White Carrot may be the more important deciding point than the quality of food.

Toji Fukui: Now Edenia is most known for it's Edenian Pie, correct?

Tokio Hattori: That's correct. Guests at restaurants are requested to choose a spice for their pies which range from fairly mild to some of the hottest on Earth 5. But the real enthusiast goes for a mix of different spices to add flavor, things like chipotle and spicy chicken to add to a meat Edenian Pie.

Toji Fukui: We now see the challenger herself going to the judges to ask for their choices while her sous chefs work on the vegetables.

The Edenian Chef in her traditional almost naked apron Edenian outfit takes her time asking for each spice as she handed out her menu of spices. Meanwhile Tetsujin Scotsland was hard at work throwing meats, vegetables and spices into a container.

Tokio Hattori: Oh look at the Tetsujin Chef.

Toji Fukui: What's he doing?

Tokio Hattori: I believe he's using the meat grinder to make a brand new sausage.

Toji Fukui: Can we get a look in there?

The camera gets an above view of the meat grinder doing it's work.

???: Fukui-San?!

Toji Fukui: Oh jeeze, go Tota!

Tota: The Tetsujin Chef is mixing ground beef, pork shoulder, Allspice, Bay Leaves, Cayenne, Chiles, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Thyme, and of course radish.

Toji Fukui: Thanks Tota!

Meanwhile in the royal box sat Queen Peach (Toadette), in her kagemusha form of the Warden Peach. She was enjoying the competition, sous chefs running back and forth. A hand slowly creeped in from the shadows of the curtains. They softly took a small strand of hair of Toadette and swiftly cut it. Toadette noticed a pull and looked behind herself but found nothing. Turning back she sat for a moment and then made a call on her phone.

Queen Peach: Security? We have an infiltration, be on guard.

Viera Guardswomen started dashing around the arena to try and catch the uninvited guest. At the same time, the Tetsujin arena was hot and heated with food and competition.

Earth 5 - Midgar - Kolechia

The homeless Kolechians were gathered together at an outpost run by Crystal Heaven's relief efforts. There they were serving bread and soup alongside a large fire pit to help the affected citizens. A Kolechian woman walked up from the line to receive her food and was shocked at who was pouring the soup.

Kolechian: Your highness!

Aerith Angel: Hello dear, dreadfully cold day isn't it?

Queen Aerith perked a smile while brushing her hair back. The Kolechian bowed in respect.

Aerith Angel: No need for that. Please rise.

The Kolechian slowly rose her head and was greeted with the soft hand of Aerith.

Aerith Angel: One day at a time, we will recover.

Kolechian: Yes your highness.

Earth 5 - Crystal Heaven - Crystal Hot Springs

Capybara were scuttling in the hallways as they brought the different guests of the hotspring hotel their meals for the evening. Greeting them were the beautiful Crystal Heaven women, pouring out of their robes, accepting the meals and laying oranges on the carts in appreciation. One such room was occupied by some Angel wives as they were taking a relaxing evening.

Mei-Ling Angel: Food's here sisters!

Lammy Angel: Oh great! I'm starving!

Rammy Angel: As if you need more food. Have you seen your muffin top?

Hibiki Angel: Calm down, we can work it off later with table tennis.

Azuli looked over Mei-Ling's shoulder in curiosity.

Azuli Angel: What kind of food is this?

Lei-Lei Angel: This is sashimi, along with rice, chicken, & salads.

Lei-Lei helped her sister Mei-Ling with the dishes as Mei-Ling carefully rested a pot onto the table.

Mei-Ling Angel: And of course, tea.

Mei-Ling poured the tea for each of her Sister-Wives as they all gathered and started chatting. Talking about the unusual rising tides, their husband's exploits, their progress on their hobbies, and idle gossip.

Some time later

Hibiki Angel: I think it's time to hit the hot springs! Let's go!

Lammy Angel: I'm too full, ate too much...

Rammy sneaks up behind Lammy and grabs her belly.

Lammy Angel: Hey!

Rammy Angel: Come on, you need to work off a bit of weight for your next concert with Milk Can.

Rammy started kneading into Lammy's handles, making Lammy uncomfortable. Azuli seeing this, joined in and started gripping Lammy's jiggling thighs.

Lammy Angel: Eep!

Lei-Lei Angel: Alright, alright. That's enough, let's get going.

Inside the hotspring the Angel Wives stepped into the feminine populated hot springs. Some like Lammy were modest wearing a towel, while the free spirited Azuli stepped in naked with no shyness. The men's hotspring was rightfully placed on the other side of the hotel nowhere near the ladies bath. The Angel Wives chatted with the other ladies present, the Crystal Heaven citizens felt appreciated as they talked with their Royalty as equals. Some talk was made even about some embarrassing moments for the King; things like the diaper change disaster with the sextuplets Iroha carried, the King falling face first into a picnic table with food flying right on top of him, and even his tendency to say "you too" to waiters without realizing. The candid talk made everyone feel at ease as outside the border the War was going on.

After their bath the Angel Wives gathered to the arcade to play table tennis. Mei-Ling and Lei-Lei fused together to form Hsein-Ko to play as Azuli just wanted to watch. Lammy took on Rammy first, despite being a shy lady Lammy got into the competition against her shadow. Some slightly clumsy play from both, but that's part of the fun. Rammy ended up winning 3 sets to 2. Next was Hsein-Ko versus Hibiki, this was a more talented match with Hibiki's athleticism keeping up with the two spirited/two minded Hsein-Ko. At one point though, Hibiki slammed a spike shot that Hsein-Ko had to split herself to return, in doing so caused her own disqualification but also accidentally ripping their robes. The finals of Rammy & Hibiki was a one-sided affair as Hibiki had more experience than Rammy. Hibiki extended her hand in sportsmanship which Rammy accepted with a smirk before flinging Hibiki's robe off and laughing.

Later that night

Rammy Angel: hey...

Lammy Angel: hmmmrmm

Rammy Angel: Lammy... wake up...

Lammy Angel: ...What is it? What time is it?

Rammy Angel: C'mon, let's go.

Rammy lifted up the sleepy Lammy and hurried their robes on. Rammy led the dozing Lammy to outside.

Lammy Angel: Where are we going?

Rammy Angel: I wanna show you something.

Rammy grabbed a lantern usually used by the Capybara, and pulled Lammy by her other hand as they walked into the forest behind the hotspring. Walking past a sign that read "Crystal Lake Forest, Do Not Enter".

Rammy & Lammy started exploring the forest with their only guide being the lantern and a beaten path.

Lammy Angel: Rammy? Why are we doing this?

Rammy Angel: There's a rumor about a killer that lives in this forest. He splays his victims and decapitates them with no remorse.

Lammy Angel: Then why are we going to look for him?!

Rammy Angel: Shhh. We're not looking for him, we're looking for any kind of sign that it's true.

Lammy Angel: Why are you like this?

Rammy Angel: ... To be honest with you sis, it validates my fears.

Lammy Angel: Oh jeeze...

The two continued to walk deeper in as they brushed past tree after tree, following the river as a guide with the lantern. Every now and then hesitating because of the sounds of the animals of the night. Traveling along they eventually found their way to an abandoned camp retreat next to a dock and a lake. Looking around they found decayed remains of what looked to be a summer camp; posters, sports equipment, and guidebooks. Both entered a cabin and looked around at the dilapidated beds and fixtures.

Rammy Angel: So I guess this is some kids camp.

Lammy Angel: Rammy? Let's get out of here.

Crash! A bookshelf fell right in front of them, causing both to yelp. They quickly ran to the door to escape.

Lammy Angel: Open the door! Open the door!

Rammy Angel: I'm trying!!

The door handle jammed as Rammy was twisting and pulling as fast and hard as she could. The panic between the two was shaking the cabin until eventually the door gave way.

Rammy Angel: Finally!

Both stared at the ground as they started to run down the stairs but rammed their heads into something and both fell butt first on the stairs.

Lammy Angel: What was...?

Rammy Angel: ...that?

Both looked up and saw a large man in tattered purple clothes and blue hockey mask, holding a giant toothbrush.

Lammy & Rammy Angel: AHHHHHH!!!

The anthro lamb & ram got up and ran as fast as they could out of the camp and back through the forest to get to the hotspring. The large purple man saw the two run and stared a little before silently turning back and walking into the lake.

A torrid panic of an explanation afterwards led to Lammy & Rammy being comforted by their fellow Sister-Wives, and after an encouragement, a call to their husband who dashed straight away via sleigh to them to calm them down. The night ended with the seven of them cuddling together, safe and warm.

     Thread Starter

12/11/2023 5:14 am  #3

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Earth 5 - Crystal Heaven

The very large Angel family were gathered together in the Grand Study as the Angel Wives relaxed with each other and their husband. It was Christmas time and they were all enjoying the holidays together. All 141 wives were each chatting and enjoying the fire, the wives that were in training at the Galactic Federation were on holiday leave. In the center of the room was a very tired King, having spent the last year doing charity work and rebuilding his World after World War Bee. A very cuddly and compassionate Santanah & Jacqueline Angel-Frost were keeping King Tack's lap nice and warm, arm in arm and head to shoulder.

Tack Angel: It's been a long long year...

Jacqueline Angel-Frost: And you've done great work. Just look around you.

Tack opened his eyes and saw his wives being happy, his younger daughters running around playing, and his older daughters getting along with their moms. His eyes drew heavy though in the light exercise and his head collapsed into Santanah's bosom.

Santanah Frost-Angel: Oh ho ho ho, you poor thing... So tired.

Tack Angel: I've been flying all over the World, trying to keep up with the demands as King and to keep all of you happy.

Rainbow Mika Angel: Yeah but look how much you've been rewarded. Azula is getting along with our step daughter Li-Fen, Amélie's mental health has improved, Shokora isn't turning into a dog as much anymore, the DOATEC sisters are adapting well to each other, so much much more too!

Mika grabbed her tag partner and Sister-Wife Nadeshiko in a side hug.

Nadeshiko Angel: And we're doing great in AAW. Aisha Clan-Clan & Haydee have been a great rival Sister-Wives team.

Patricia Angel: The only issue is that Samus' reports on the impending threat are still looming.

Kiyoshi Angel: We're still working on that.

Suddenly the doors burst open as Sasha Calle "zoomed" into the room in full Supergirl outfit and Santa Hat, carrying a piece of paper with scribbling on it.

Sasha Calle: King guy! I got news!

The King Tack was still in Santana's bosom, as a jean jacketed wife grabbed the paper.

Excel Angel: Excel will read this! PleasecompleteALLitems1-5below.Ifyoutypeyourinformation,usethetabkeyonyourkeyboardtomovetoeachgray-shadedfield.1.Pleasefillintheinformationbelowforthepersonwhosemarriageorcivilunionrecordyouarerequesting.FullnameofPartyA:TackAngelFullnameofPartyB:KaraZor-ElFullnameatbirthofPartyA(ifdifferent):FullnameatbirthofPartyB(ifdifferent): SashaCalleDateofmarriage:12-24-23civilunion:City/Townofmarriage/civilunion:CrystalHeaven2.Iamapplyingforthemarriageorcivilunionrecordof(completeoneofthefollowing):​myself​myparent​mychildmygrandparents​mybrotherorsistermyclient.I’manattorneyrepresenting:.Thenameofthelawfirmis:anotherperson(pleasespecify): Myself3.Whydoyouneedthisrecord?(Weaskthisquestionsothatwecansupplyyouwithacertifiedcopythatwillbesuitableforyourneeds.)updaterecords​healthinsurance​foreigngovernment(specifycountryofuse):vetsbenefits​legalpurposesotheruse(specify):4.Walk-InCopiescost$22.Mail-InCopiescost$25.

Cynthia Angel: Wait, is that a marriage license? Did you just get married again husband?

Tack Angel: I'm not complaining, but is this what you want Sasha? Err.. Kara?

Sasha nodded her head enthusiastically and plopped her skin tight spandex-ed self right in the middle of Tack's lap between Santanah & Jacqueline, and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Aqua Angel: Who helped you with this Kara?

Sasha pointed at one of the Angel Wives who tried to hide her conspicuous smile.

Tack Angel: Amy?

Amy Angel: Merry Christmas? Hehe.

A collection of Angel Wives started laughing heartily.

Tack Angel: What?

Tara Angel: Oh the poor soul hasn't realized it yet.

Tack Angel: Realized what?

Amy Angel: I've been manipulating things again... And I'm so sorry... But I think you don't realize how influential you've become on us. Like... Mentally.

Tack Angel: What did I do?

Amy Angel: As the Vessel of Love, your capacity for us has spread across all of us as well mentally. We can feel your every emotion empathicly. And we need you to expel that excess love more often. For our mental health.

Tack Angel: There's only so much I can do as King, Amy.

Iroha Angel: That's why some of us agreed to fix that. We've agreed to have a multitude of wives with you at all times. Who will tag out as needed, and Sas-... Kara is here to help.

Minfilia Angel: As well as this new wife just for you.

The Stronger Angel Wives picked up the chair Tack, Santana, Jacqueline, & Sasha to face the doorway. With the figure standing in it obscured by shadow. Maid Korra extended her hand to Aerith Angel to guide her through the mass of Angel family.

Aerith Angel: Allow us to introduce you. A "lost soul" who came to Crystal Heaven after escaping what's called "Gacha Hell" in another World, bearing crystals herself and a vast wardrobe of colorful costumes. The 143rd Angel Wife, and a good friend of mine...

The figure stepped forward revealing a white tank top, and took a few seconds extra to reveal the rest of her body. Clad in a leather skirt and boots, with long raven hair and piercing red eyes, her cheeks smiled as she bounced into position of the light.

Aerith Angel: My King, I give you, Tifa Angel-Lockheart!

Tifa Angel: Face it tiger, you just pulled a SSR draw!

     Thread Starter

5/22/2024 4:34 pm  #4

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Still working on a post, just taking a while.

     Thread Starter

9/22/2024 12:27 am  #5

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Students were seated in their classroom having everyday conversation. The semester of the Crystal Heaven School located in the Phoenix District. Some ladies there were gossiping about being able to finally leave the Phoenix District as they reached of legal age to live the normal Crystal Heaven life, while others were more conservative looking to further their studies or not conform to the loose clothing associated with being a Crystal Heaven Woman. The boys meanwhile were being supportive of either endeavor by the ladies while at the same time talking of their own goals of starting businesses, joining their family businesses outside the Phoenix District, or furthering their own studies as well at other Sister Kingdoms on the Planet. The teacher of the class walked in and the class respectfully settled down.

Teacher: Students, welcome back from your Summer vacation. You will find your new text books at your desks. You are expected to refresh yourself on the text books from now until after the Festival of the Sun. After which we will have a history test, so let that be your focus. I'll give you a few minutes to overview the book.

Crystal Kingdom History
Ver. 20XX

The Angel Royal Family

The Angel Royal Family began in modern times on Earth 1. His Highness the King Tack Angel had gathered together a Kingdom of Lost Souls, brought together to fight off the encroaching emptiness known as the Cloud of Darkness. Because of his efforts he was able to gather special women who he took as his wives, injecting them with his magic given as a Shepherd of the Heavens. Providing daughters that became the new Sailor Guardians. He was able to get help from a friend to split the King into two, two Kings of the different aspects of his personality; The King of Light who represents his nature of kindness and generosity, and the King of Dark who represents the will and determination. Both equally part of the same soul and both gathered enough energy thanks to the Mars Championships and the Silver Millennium Crystal, storing power over a Millennia.

Through uniting Kingdoms and People together they were able to provide enough love to counteract The Cloud of Darkness from swallowing the World whole. That came at a cost of the Kings' life. But thanks to the actions of one of the Queen's father (Ramaya), he was able to fuse the Kings and use the excess love of the Queens to provide a safeguard body inside Queen Makoto. Through a miracle the Kingdoms of Crystal Heaven's citizens were saved by fusing with Earth 5, the former Kingdom of Darkness Angel. Along with it, King Tack and Queen Makoto were able to relieve themselves of the souls inside them out to another dimension. The King of Light and Queen Makoto to Earth 1, to live lives outside of their burden of royalty; The King of Dark and the rest of the Queens to Earth 5, to Terraform it to be a planet of life. To never be together again but to provide stability to their lives and to serve a purpose.

Please refer to the live intractable links that is bellow to see information of each Royal Family member.

1st Wife: Amy Angel (Stuart)
Age: 38
Former occupation: EBW Associate, Stuart Family Member

The loving and dutiful 1st and Head Wife of the Angel Royal Family. While  her initial intentions to get close to Tack was impure from her role in  the Stuart Family, she eventually grew to love the Pushpin Seraphim, seeing him as her hero. Despite the pangs of guilt from both her family history and her actions under her Earth 5's counterpart, she's the pillar of strength for the various extreme circumstances that grew the Angel Family. Her faith, unshakable.

1st Daughter: Christina "Christy" Angel

The First-Born of the Angel Family, Christy currently resides on Earth 1 with the King of Light. The Crystal Kingdom missews her and the others on Earth 1 very much.

1st Daughter (Alternate Future): Christina Culture (Angel)

From another World, Christina was adopted into the Angel Family and was treated as an actual member. She currently resides on Earth 1 with her husband Subculture.

2nd Daughter: Rebbeca
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet River. Rebbeca is terraforming the planet to rebuild the River Kingdom.

3rd Daughter: Helios
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the Sun. Helios is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Sun Kingdom.

7th Daughter: Rhea
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the Moon. Rhea is terraforming the Moon to rebuild the Moon Kingdom.

1st Granddaughter: Addison
From the Future, she is the daughter of Christina & Subculture. She has yet to return.


2nd Wife: Iroha Angel
Age: 26
Former Occupation: Priestess of Reisenjima, wrestler.

From  the World of Vana'diel, the time traveling priestess was at one point  tied to the summon Phoenix to help the Warrior of the Crystal and his  friends stop the Cloud of Darkness from swallowing Vana'diel whole.  Through her experience and with help from her new family, she was able  to drive the Cloud of Darkness back again from swallowing Earth 1.  Despite an odd relationship with the Angels at first with her  daughter-in-law Christina and confusion about Tack & the Warrior of the Crystal, she became a key part of the family.

6th Daughter: Kaede
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Loto. Kaede is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Loto Kingdom.

8th Daughter: Ayame
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Crecent. Ayame is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Crecent Kingdom.


3rd Wife: Tracy (Formally Tracy Angel)
Relatives: Ness (Brother), Tess (Mother)

The Ex-Wife of King Tack, who didn't agree to stay after fulfilling her duties against the Cloud of Darkness. She currently resides on Earth 1, and is missed greatly despite her not feeling the same.


4th Wife: Nani
Age: 35
Former Occupation: Wrestler

The  formally talkative Dalaam Dragon has been a part of the Angel family  from nearly the beginning. A stalwart wife that always stood behind her husband in his efforts and goals, even if over time her hips have made it less viable to hide behind him.

4th Daughter: Yuki
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Winter. Yuki is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Winter Kingdom.

9th Daughter: Aiko
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Rosa. Aiko is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Rosa Kingdom.


5th Wife: Sarisa Scherwil "Faris" Angel
Age: 28
Current Occupation: Pirate Captain, Time Fire

The swashbuckling enigmatic Pirate Captain of the Ship Highwind led by the Sea Dragon Slydra, Faris sailed waters as she led the Pirate Naval Fleet in invasions of Earth 5's Deep Darkness to rescue prisoners and raid supplies away from the former Hive of Baron Von Bee. Now with World War Bee ended, she breaks through the sea's wakes in search of treasure deep in the deepest of trenches of Earth 5.

5th Daughter: Sarisa
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Ryu. Sarisa is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Ryu Kingdom.

10th Daughter: Rossi
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Hana. Rossi is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Hana Kingdom.


6th Wife: Makoto Angel (Kino)

Makoto Kino currently resides on Earth 1, where we miss her very much. She is lauded as the hero she is, the Sailor Guardian of the Planet Jupiter and the wearer of the Dragon Bronze Cloth. A Statue was erected for her that stands to this day in Crystal Heaven that points to the sky with a determined face.

1st Son?: Lubert Catzenmeow

The First (Maybe?) Son of the Angel family, Lubert came from the future and just as quickly as he arrived he returned to the future. He'll always be remembered.

11th Daughter: Honoka
Age: 16

The current Sailor Guardian of the planet Oak. Honoka is terraforming the planet to rebuild the Oak Kingdom.


7th Wife: Eris Angel
Age: ???
Current Occupation: Celestial

The tanned muscular giant Eris is a Celestial that was previously assigned to oversee the deaths of Earth 1, however after Tack's death and subsequent wish, she was reassigned by a higher power as Tack's wife to aid him in the fight against the Cloud of Darkness. After fulfilling her role, she stayed on duty by Tack's side not only to fulfill her wively duties but to also keep an eye on her Eldritch Sister-Wife, Yog'tara.


8th Wife: Yog'tara Angel
Age: ???
Current Occupation: Eldritch

The formerly octopus-like Eldritch being known in common tongue as Yog'tara, was summoned into her sleeping world by Chad Salad (intentionally) & Tack Angel (unintentionally). In the mass confusion, she was bound to Tack as his wife as he finished the incantation. Unknowingly, she played a major part as ordained by the Celestials' Higher Power, aiding against her own kind the Cloud of Darkness. Having been part of her relationship with the Vessel of Love Tack, Yog'tara was conflicted in her feelings. With advice from Azrael, Yog'tara discarded her Eldritch origin & split herself in two. Her thoughts, feelings, & emotions formed into a gray-skinned pink haired human, while her true self still slumbered; dreaming the endless dream.


9th Wife: Rosalyn "Rose" Angel (Mulligan)
Age: 30
Former occupation: Wrestler, Hand Egg Coach

The sister of Tali Mach, Rose had tried to come into her own to escape from her sister's long shadow. In various ways, she succeeded and in others failed. She may have found love in Tack and the Angel family, but she never got the love back from her sister.


10th Wife: Duvalie
Duvalie "The Swift" Angel
Age: 26
Former Occupation: Head Knight of the Ouroboros

The Maid Knight of the Angel Wives, Duvalie is dedicated in her skills as a Sword Maiden. While leaving Eisenritter, she found the Vessel of Love Tack Angel and aided him in his journey to push back the encroaching emptiness in the Cloud of Darkness. While personally somewhat hostile to those in the family who don't take the Angel Wife role seriously, she has gained a sense of calmness regarding it. Her husband does have the capacity to deal with everyone after all.


11th Wife: Azuli Angel
Age: Over a Millennia

Sent by the Celestials' Higher Power long long ago, Azuli's was key in her role to provide the lost souls of the different dimensional Sailor Moons tied to the Angel Wives' souls a body to house. With the structure of that of a splitting atom, the blue-skinned petite Azuli is able to clone and shapeshift herself as many times as needed or wanted. Casually at home she clones herself to get snacks or drinks while consuming as much of Earth's culture as she can. She's the type to see the latest movie so she can talk about it online, but is too lazy to help out around the house. She finds though, Tack, as the most interesting person she's ever met. It's not everyday that the Higher Power assigns a normal man such an important role as Shepherding the Stars.


12th Wife / 12th Daughter: Sally Angel (Acorn)
Age: ??
Current Occupation: Princess of the Acorn Kingdom in Segua

Sally & her mother Alicia "claim" to be Chipmunk/Squirrel hybrid &  Squirrel respectively. However they are quite blatantly people in furry  costumes. The Acorn Kingdom doesn't seem to mind and in fact, treats  them as they present themselves. They were key in helping Tack unify  Kingdoms for the Crystal Kingdom, and helping unify it's people to fight  back the Cloud of Darkness. Strange and perverted as they may be, they are a "mother & daughter" with good intentions.


13th Wife: Alicia Angel (Acorn)
Age: ??
Current Occupation: Queen of the Acorn Kingdom in Segua

Alicia & her daughter Sally "claim" to be Squirrel & Chipmunk/Squirrel hybrid respectively. However they are quite blatantly people in furry  costumes. The Acorn Kingdom doesn't seem to mind and in fact, treats  them as they present themselves. They were key in helping Tack unify  Kingdoms for the Crystal Kingdom, and helping unify it's people to fight  back the Cloud of Darkness. Strange and perverted as they may be, they are a "mother & daughter" with good intentions.


14th Wife: Felicia Angel
Age: 46
Former occupation: Nun, Showgirl

The Darkstalker Catwoman was raised as an orphan in a Nunnery by Sister Rose (No relation to Rosalyn), and given her name from the word  Felicity. After helping her fellow Darkstalkers stop the Alien Pyron,  the High House Demon Jeddah, & the Dhampir Dee; Felicia took to the  stage to become a famous showgirl. After winning the Tack Bowl 2022, there were rumors made that she & Tack were blood cousins; but that was later labeled as fake news created by a spinster troll trying to goad reactions.


15th Wife: Leona Angel (Heidern)
Age: 26
Former Occupation: Soldier for Ikari Warriors Specialists

Was bred to be the wielder of the Orochi gene by her father Gaidel as part of the Hakkesshu cult. Was forced to not have any emotions to keep the Orochi gene dormant. Upon meeting Tack to be a potential bodyguard, she formed a crush into eventual love.


16th Wife: Chun-Li Angel (Xang)
Age: 54
Former occupation: Interpol officer, Orphanage manager, Power Ranger

Chun-Li was a former investigator for Interpol as she investigated the Shadowloo group, eventually arresting the Terrorist Dictator M. Bison. In retirement from police duty, she found a job as a bodyguard for the Angel family and eventually got caught up in their whirlwind of romance.

1st Adoptive Daughter / 13th Daughter
Li-Fen Angel
Age: 19
Current Occupation: Full Time Student

After being kidnapped by the terrorists Shadoloo for her hacking skills while she was younger, little orphan Li-Fen was rescued by The World Warriors and adopted by Chun-Li. Now a teenager at a University in Haoh, Li-Fen is working on her degree in Computer Science, with a minor in cooking. With a passion for food, her new life on Earth 5 leads her to unique discoveries that changes her perceptions on certain foods.


17th Wife: Urbosa Angel (Tempest)
Age: 47
Current Occupation: Gerudo Champion, Thunder Guardian, Keijo Athlete

The former Gerudo Chieftess, Urbosa was formally a bodyguard candidate for the Angel Family but ended up in the whirlwind of the fight between Love vs Emptiness. Helping out with her Sister-Wives gained her an appreciation for Keijo athletics, and has since gained muscled mass in the Keijo specific areas. While having had a daughter before from a different relationship, it was done out of necessity rather than love, as was the same for her daughter who birthed the current Gerudo Chieftess Riju; With Tack however, it is of true love.

14th daughter: ???

The Mysterious daughter of Urbosa and mother to Riju, neither have ever spoken of her in any detail. Nor do we know of her wherabouts. A mystery to this day.

2nd Granddaughter: Riju
Age: 18
Current Occupation: Cheiftess of The Gerudo Village

Riju is the rebellious and rambuncious Granddaughter of Urbosa & Tack. With a cerrtain smugness, Riju leads her people well in survival & treatment of outsiders. While scolded occasionally, she enjoys a competative relationship with her Grandfather. Her goal is to always beat him in a war oif words, hoping to catch him off guard or stumble. It amuses her.


18th Wife: Hibiki Angel (Sakura)
Age: 26
Current Occupation: Certification Student

Hibiki was a recent college graduate when she tried out for the Angel Bodyguard position as a part time job, however she like her soon to be Sister-Wives were wrapped up in the battle to save existence. Now in peaceful times she's working on certification for her real passion, working out... So she can eat as much as she wants.


19th Wife: Samus Angel (Aran)
Age: 40
Current Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Samus had a hard beginning of her life as Space Pirates decimated her World and killing her biological parents Rodney & Virginia, further so after her adoptive Chozo parent Gray Voice was killed as well. Eventually she was taken in as a Ward by the Galactic Federation and sent to Earth for training. There in a karate dojo she met Tack, a few years her junior. There they developed quite the friendship that led to Samus being protective of her "T-Chan" as his "Onee-San". Many a practice were they together, usually with Tack being held in her lap. However years later, Samus had to leave to join the Galactic Federation in missions. The separation from Tack led to her having a rebellious attitude to her superior officers. After leaving the Galactic Federation to become a bounty hunter, she spent many a mission alone dreaming of better days back at the dojo. Between missions she took a visit back to Earth and found out about a bodyguard position, taking the opportunity she was serendipitous to learn Tack was now a King. As his new wife she helped with the battle against the Cloud of Darkness and left to go on an urgent mission about her Chozo Family. Now she trains new recruits at the Galactic Federation to face a new threat.


20th Wife: Toadette "Peach" Angel
Age: 23
Current Occupation: Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom

Toadette was originally a kagemusha/body double for Princess Peach, taking on the role with the Super Crown to look like her and acting as her while the Princess was occupied. However, upon Peach's betrayal to the Kingdom in a bid for power with the Mushroom Head Virus and fighting back the Cloud of Darkness, Toadette was put permanently in the position as Kagemusha for the now Ex-Princess. Still maintaining the secret to her people, they might never know the truth.


21st Wife: Merelda Angel (Merefuru)
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Queen of the Shake Kingdom

After a forced marriage by war to the Shake King, Merelda was eventually freed by the greedy but heroic Wario (who just wanted money). Merelda was then crowned the official Queen of the Shake Kingdom as unanimously agreed upon by the anthropomorphic citizens for her bravery against the Shake King. Years after, the Kingdom started to merge dimensions and was miraculously merged with Crystal Heaven. While she could not get back to her people, Merelda was found by the Crystal King and asked to join his quest against emptiness itself. With battle won, Merelda gained back her Kingdom on Earth 5 to a joyous welcome; and is now leading a nation who's main export is Segua tourism, fascinated by the actual Anthros of the Shake Kingdom and not just Segua cosplays.


22nd Wife: Dana Angel (Iclucia)
Age: 65,000,000,000
Former Occupation: Maiden of the Great Tree

Dana, billions of years ago, was a guardian for her fellow Eternians. Providing spiritual succor to the female predominant society. Billions of years later, Dana was brought back spiritually to her island to help out a rugged man with red hair and his friends, ending with her sacrificing herself to allow everyone on the island to escape. In doing so, her soul and body were reformed as she and many many lost souls made their pilgrimage to Crystal Heaven, as if instinctually. Walking about Crystal Heaven in a trance like state caused her to bump into Tack Angel, with her unique traditional Eternian cloth catching his attention. After being informed of his mission to fight against the Cloud of Darkness, she was caught off guard by his passion for people, and joined his mission as his wife; If only temporary. However over time she grew to love and care for him as he sacrificed his entire being against the Cloud of Darkness, his love overflowing poured into her heart as well. Dana now tries her best to fit in with her Sister-Wives, as each have personalities that sometimes rub her the wrong way.


23rd Wife: Aerith Angel (Gainsborough)
Age: 30
Former Occupation: Flower Girl
Current Occupation: Queen of Midgar

Aerith was an orphan of an Ancient race of beings and was adopted by Elmyra Gainsborough in the slums of Midgar. The spunky flirty tomboy grew up learning to protect herself as "the flower of the slums", an always popular focus point by the young men of the slums. When she was older, she was chased after by the secret service of Midgar for her uncovered ancestory, she was eventually protected by a group of rebels. For not though as she was eventually murdered by an imposing Soldier, her soul joining the lifestream. In the lifestream she saw that her life was just in one of many timelines, being meddled with by that same Soldier that murdered her. Getting away as fast as she could swim in the lifestream, she found herself body & soul joining the pilgrimage to Crystal Heaven. There, picking up where she left off, she started selling flowers as per Crystal Heaven's rules of citizenship. There she met Makoto Angel, and was introduced to Tack Angel, being informed about the incoming emptiness. Inspired to correct her own future, she joined as a wife. While flirtatious with Tack and her Sister-Wives, she shows a deep kindness in her current role as Queen of Midgar as she helps rebuild the country.


24th Wife: Zelda Angel (Hyrule)
Age: 31
Current Occupation: Crown Princess of Hyrule

Zelda was taken hostage during an attempted hostile takeover of her Kingdom when she was younger, by a dark wizard. She was saved years later by a young blonde boy and a Princess of another Dimension. The trauma however from being locked up in her own castle and being controlled by that Dark Wizard has stunted her emotionally and verbally. Being a part of the Angel family has helped open her up to her feelings and expressions. Being filled with Tack's pouring of love against the Cloud of Darkness has allowed her to heal herself, and is now ruling Hyrule with a more outward self.


25th Wife: Lilith Angel (Fineberg)
Age: 28 (Deceased)
Former Occupation: Executive for ENN

The late Lilith was part of an unfortunate and unsuccessful coup attempt by the Chosen, in trying to gain control of EBW and ENN. She coerced her way into the Angel family under false pretense, she had no love or intention to Tack & his mission to stop the encroaching emptiness. After the failed coup, she committed suicide, and that death still affects Tack to this day. A life, he couldn't save.


26th Wife: Kitana Angel (Mariko)
Age: 10,248
Former Occupation: Princess & Kahn of Edenia
Current Occupation: Queen of Northern Edenia

Daughter of Sindel & the former Kahn, Shao, Kitana inherited the Outworld throne (thousands of years after a timeline reset by the battle between Liu Kang & Kronika) after Shao retired becoming Citizen Shao. Kitana however failed her role as Kahn as the Emptiness swallowed Outworld whole, a timeline to eventually be reset by Keeper of Time Liu Kang. However by chance, the Outworlders that survived the Emptiness made it to our Earth and severed themselves from that war torn timeline. Because of the laws of Outworld at the time, the Kahn title went to the one with the most shares of Kombat Koins Cryptocurrency, that being Tack. Kitana swore allegiance to the new Kahn and she with her sisters became his slaves. Through tough trial and tribulation, the Outworld sisters came to love their Kahn with full heart and after marriage helped push back against the Emptiness that swallowed their home. Now as North Edenia's Queen of the United Kingdoms of Edenia, Kitana hopes to make up for her previous failure, for her people.


27th Wife: Skarlet Angel (Mariko)
Age: 221
Current Occupation: Queen of East Edenia

The youngest of the Edenian Sisters, Skarlet was adopted by Shao & Sindel as a child. There she grew up idolizing her older sisters and brother, in particular she was closest to her half brother Rains. Rains however became goofy & delusional after getting into wrestling thanks to Good News Gary, and left his home at Outworld. Skarlet didn't let that deter her from learning her bloodmancy skills that was partially learned from Rains' hydromancy, and in time mastered the flow of blood to the point of pure admiration of it. Skarlet, loyal to her sisters and country, joined the escape from Outworld as Emptiness devoured it and submitted herself to her new Kahn. As she grew to serve and love Tack, she admired the magic that flowed through his body that paired with his blood. And secretly would mess with Tack's blood flow at night for experimentation purposes. Now as his wife and Queen of East Edenia, Skarlet hopes to become a teacher for Edenian Medicine, using blood for natural cures.


28th Wife: Mileena Angel (Mariko)
Age: 10,200
Current Occupation: Queen of Southern Edenia

Mileena is a twin clone of Kitana mixed with Tarkatan DNA created by Shang Tsung for the then Shao Kahn, in purpose to replace Kitana should she fall in battle. With Shao becoming more relaxed after therapy with one of the souls inside the Magician Ermac, he accepted Mileena as his daughter and not a pawn; and vowed to help extract the dangerous Tarkatan DNA in her. However, Emptiness began to swallow Outworld before that could have been realized. Mileena, having long since been able to control her Tarkatan Rage, eased her father in suspending his research and to enjoy his life in retirement. Following after, Mileena joined her sisters as slaves for the new Kahn as per tradition. Tack Kahn took to Mileena and treated her as he would with any other woman, regardless of her Tarkatan facial features, and that compassion was what led to her falling in love with Tack. Having helped fight back against the Cloud of Darkness, Mileena now rules over South Edenia, given a chance to be her own person with thoughts and ideals of her own. One of which she realized already with a plastic surgeon, just so she could feel her husband's lips on hers.


29th Wife: Ramaya
Relatives: Rishin Fliger (Father), a Genie (Mother)
Birthplace: Dalaam

Abilities: Powered by the magical energy that people with happiness gives, Rama is able to manipulate incense and tea to affect people's consciousness. With it she can cause a person to completely lose their sense of self for a temporary amount of time unless they are specifically magically inclined. Rama was born through a relationship that Rishin Fliger had with a Genie long long ago, as a way to keep her safe her mother kept her inside a magic lamp. Inside that lamp Rama had lived through many wars and was tossed around by various merchants before finally arriving in Eagleland in the year 198X. Rama has a good spirit but indulges in the happiness of others, an tele-empath in that respect. She's plays her true emotions close to the chest, out of fear that people might figure out her origin and try to use her powers for evil or self-indulgence


30th Wife: Cupid Eros
Relatives: The Other Celestials
Birthplace: ???
Abilities: As the Celestial of Love, she oversaw and helped guide people through the feelings of love, passion, & intimacy. She does not have the ability to force love, rather she is the one that helps guide through the emotions. She also can not see through time, she views it as normal people do, linearly. Cupid Eros was divinely instructed by "a higher being" to seek out the help of Rama to guide Tack to his destiny. She is the one who watched over the King of Light as he charged the relics on the Moon after the war between the Moon & the Metallia Rebellion. She is also the one who helped guide Azuli, on mission from the "higher being", to go through the portal that Eris & Yog'tara created. Cupid is a sad soul, having the duty to help guide others to love but never being able to guide herself to her own. The Millenia she spent watching over the King of Light caused her to grow a fondness of him and eventually a crush that boiled over into love after seeing his Eagleland counterpart grow up.

31st Wife: Alyssa Angel (Ogawa)
Age: 43 (Physically)
Former Occupation: Commander & Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise-D

Alyssa was a part of the Galactic Federation in the year 2370 where she held her commission as part of an exploration mission for new life. She was unfortunately caught up in a battle against a race known as Cardassians. There because of a Space-time anomaly, she was caught in an anti-time eruption that flung her into a distorted warp gate, changing her DNA on a molecular level and exiting into space but miraculously alive. Somehow she was able to swim through space and was picked up by a spaceship. The people that picked her up changed her life forever. There she met a group of a race of beings known as Trill, a race that are symbiotic parasites inside a humanlike being, and after scanning her for injury found that her brain changed to that of a trill herself. This group of Trill revealed that Alyssa arrived in an alternate timeline 20XX from her own and revealed themselves to be time travelers as well. Agreeing to travel with them, Alyssa went across time and space meeting different people. Eventually discovering that she had the potential to house souls in an almost Anti-Trill manner, saving many of the lost souls she came across by housing them within herself. Some time after, she ran into Earth 5 and saved a soul that was murdered by her husband, that soul turned out to be one too many. Under the influence of Earth 5 Amy Angel's soul, she killed the Trill time travelers and took over their ship, crash landing it on Earth 1 and tricking Earth 1's Amy Angel to housing the Trill body within her. The opposing sides and views of all the souls changed Amy-1 at various points, almost breaking her mind. Eventually the Trill was able to be ousted from Amy-1 and thanks to help from people like Doctor Degrees & Gordon Cole, the Soul of Amy-5 was eradicated. The Trill body was then kept in containment at the Crystal Tower underground where Tack visited and talked to the Trill as it slept. Years later, the Trill was stolen by Toadette under order from Princess Peach and unfortunately the containment vessel was broken in a struggle between the two after Toadette rebelled. But thanks to the alien Azuli, she was able to save all the souls housed in the Trill and given their own bodies once more through Azuli Clones. Having been influenced by Amy-1's body & mind, all the Azuli Clones agreed upon marriage to the Crystal King and together with the other Sister-Wives, defeated the Cloud of Darkness. Now Alyssa is back to her natural proclivity, applying her skills as a Doctor for Crystal Heaven, shying away from being called a Queen.


32nd Wife: Bellamira Angel of House Piccadilly
Age: (Physically) 44
Death: 18XX
No Current or Former Occupation

Bellamira came from a time of courtesans and well-to-dos, self-estranged from the high society around her. Her main focus was her interests in gothic horror literature of the time, diving into the dark imagery of the obscene and grotesque. Because of this, while being the older sister of House Piccadilly, she abstained from her responsibilities and bequeath them to the second oldest. Her tendency to stay isolated eventually caused her to become a myth among the countryside, and that grew into rumors of witchcraft. It was not of any help that her natural beauty genetics added more to the accusations. Soon she was forced out of her home, ostracized by her family, and burned at a stake for witchcraft. Her soul was picked up by the traveling Trills, and placed inside the Trill that was eventually absorbed into Amy Angel. As part of Amy she latched onto the live Amy had for Tack, as she had no one to love her. Expressing her feelings of being touch starved herself by coddling Tack in an almost motherly way. Through various circumstances, she was able to be freed with the other Trill Souls and now has her own body thanks to Azuli. Now she's back at it reading books, but is more welcomed publicly by the Crystal Heaven citizens, as she defacto leads regular group reading sessions under a tree near Lake Slydra.


33rd Wife Daisy Angel
Age: (Physically) 37
Death: 199X
Current Occupation: Farmhand

Daisy was a farmgirl that worked in Peaceful Rest Valley, passing away after a gas attack by the invading Blue Blue Cult. The Trill explorers who were  kidnapping cows happened across her soul alongside a blue cow and  captured it, eventually being added to the Trill that eventually house  Amy Angel. A farmer strong girl with rippling thighs that you can only  get from lifting cows.


34th Wife: Leila Angel
Age 52 (Physically 31)
Death: 2001
Former occupation: Stand-Up comic

Leila was a comedian from New Pork City, who passed away from a building falling on top of her during a comedy set. Her soul was captured by a nearby trill explorer and was put into the trill that eventually was in Amy Angel. A well known prankster.


35th Wife: Morrigan Angel (Aensland)
Age: 445
Former occupation: Countess of High House Aensland

The succubus Darkstalker was born of noble family in the Makai, given the  incredible task of housing the power for the future of Makai. Through  various battles she faced off against her fellow noble demon Demitri as  well as a part of her soul in Lilith Aensland. When Morrigan's power was  split into three parts by her father Belial, one stayed with Morrigan,  the second would form into Lilith, and the third was captured and used  into the Trill that was eventually housed in Amy Angel, and freed upon  the accident between Peach & Toadette with Azuli.

36th Wife: Rayne Angel (Tremaine)
Age: 107
Former Occupation: Assassin

Rayne was born from her human mother Romi Park & vampire father Kagan; half-sister to Kagan's now deceased children. Rayne grew up as a normal child raised by her mother until she was abandoned by her father after her father killed her mother and the maternal side of her family. Later she was adopted by Professor Tremaine. There she was raised to be a member of the Brimstone Society, to hunt the supernatural and cults that threatened the World. Half a century later at 89, Rayne finally faced off against Nazis, her father, and demented siblings; stopping them from summoning demons into the World and covering the sky in darkness. In doing so however, exposed her to the rays of a Sun Gun to which she was turned to dust. Trill explorers however saw her exploits and picked up her soul to be saved inside the Trill. Being a part of the hundred souls gave her a sense of family she always wanted, and grew to love Tack as a pillar of strength. Fighting alongside her new family against the Cloud of Darkness gave her the closure she needed, to never see the sky covered in evil ever again. With her new Azuli body she no longer has to deal with the Dhampir curses, and now spends her days reclaiming her childhood interests that were stolen from her, leading insect observations to those interested.


37th Wife: Maya "Crimson Viper" Angel (Cee)
Age: 40
Former Occupation: Secret Service Agent

Maya was a Secret Service & Agent for Eagleland President George M Shrub, codename: Crimson Viper and using a special electrical suit, was used as a double agent to infiltrate other countries & criminal organizations to gather information. She however formed a friendship with Juri Han, who was an agent for hire. Together they went on a crime spree for whatever their heart desired, in a true Thelma & Louise style. However, their fates turned out the same. Both were caught up in cloning experiments by the criminal organization Shadaloo. Their originals went back to their normal lives, however their clones escaped and in escaping drove off a cliff into a ravine. The Trill explorers found the wreckage and saved both of the clones souls. Inside the Trill that Amy housed, Maya & Juri ended up having a competition with each other for who could steal the greatest treasure, and in being influenced by Amy, that treasure was Tack's heart. Freed from the Trill inside a new Azuli clone body, Maya helped in the fight against Emptiness. Now her and Juri help out with the Viera Guatdswomen as security detail. Exploring the hidden treasures of Earth 5, in trying to gain the approval of their greatest treasure.


38th Wife: Lammy Angel (Ramirez)
Age: 43
Current Occupation: Guitarist for Milkcan, Pizzaria Manager

Lammy was a normal shy lamb girl in PaRappa Town who had a small garage rock band with her friends Katy Kat & Ma-San known as Milk Can. They made a few albums but were very small time, most of their ambitions were achieved thanks to Lammy's wild daydreams, that even manifested her shadow Rammy to become alive. However Aliens eventually raided PaRappa Town and kidnapped Lammy & Rammy. Those Aliens crashed into the Trill explorers and were killed in the vacuum of space. The Trills took pity on Lammy & Rammy and absorbed their souls into the experimental Trill. Through various escapades, Lammy ended up inside Amy Angel as she hosted the Trill that held her, and in doing so was overwhelmed in embarrassment and shyness by the other souls being so close to and vying for Tack Angel's affection. Now a Pizzaria Manager, Lammy appreciates being able to have a normal life despite her marriage, as a manager she's able to hide away for moments at a time to collect herself as she manages her shyness & introvertness.


39th Wife: Lei-Lei Angel
Age: 297 (Spiritually), 24 (Reincarnated)
Former Occupation: Sorceress & Demon Slayer

Lei-Lei is fraternal twin sisters with her fellow Sister-Wife Mei-Ling, together they grew up in a small village of Senjutsushis (Sorcerers). There they learned how to manipulate magic and exorcise demons that were invading the World. Once they reached 21, their village was attacked by a small army of Darkstalkers led by a group of cultists who worshipped Phobos. The Darkstalkers killed everyone in the village except the twins, who were saved by their mother's sacrificial spell. In a state of grief, the twins innacted a forbidden spell that changed their phisiological form into a Darkstalker, to get revenge and to save their mother's soul from eternal darkness. Lei-Lei became a magical Jiangshi, while Mei-Ling became a warding spell that tempered Lei-Lei's abilities to prevent corruption. Together they became Hsein-Ko, hunting demons and Darkstalkers from killing more people. After defeating Phobos with help from other good Darkstalkers, Hsein-Ko passed away as their contract with the forbidden magic ended. However their mother's spirit guides their souls to be reincarnated into new life to give them a chance to live a normal life. Lei-Lei & Mei-Ling were reborn into a normal household despite remembering who they were in their previous life. Lei-Lei would grow up to be a playful Tomboy, getting in messy playfights and enjoying jokes and comedy, mainly by the other boys who she was fascinated by. However after a time, the Darkstalker Jedah kidnapped the souls of all Darkstalkers as part of a universe ending summoning. Thanks to the efforts of Morrigan and other Darkstalkers, Jedah was defeated and the universe was saved. However, because of the actions of another the Dhampir Darkstalker Donovan, became corrupted by his vampire genes and became Dee. Dee would interrupt Morrigan freeing the souls completely and Lei-Lei & Mei-Ling were thrust into another dimension and picked up by the Space traveling Trills. After a time, Lei-Lei would be a part of Amy Angel's body and eventually become fascinated by Amy's husband Tack, entranced by his boyish grin whenever he came up with an idea. Being given new life in the Azuli clone body, Lei-Lei helped fight the Cloud of Darkness much in the same as she fought Phobos, helping to heal the old spiritual wound. Now Lei-Lei is learning more about her feminine side with help of Mei-Ling & her other Sister-Wives, to impress the one boy in her life.


40th Wife: Mei-Ling Angel
Age: 297 (Spiritually), 24 (Reincarnated)
Former Occupation: Sorceress & Demon Slayer

Mei-Ling is fraternal twin sisters with her fellow Sister-Wife Lei-Lei, together they grew up in a small village of Senjutsushis (Sorcerers). There they learned how to manipulate magic and exorcise demons that were invading the World. Once they reached 21, their village was attacked by a small army of Darkstalkers led by a group of cultists who worshipped Phobos. The Darkstalkers killed everyone in the village except the twins, who were saved by their mother's sacrificial spell. In a state of grief, the twins innacted a forbidden spell that changed their phisiological form into a Darkstalker, to get revenge and to save their mother's soul from eternal darkness. Lei-Lei became a magical Jiangshi, while Mei-Ling became a warding spell that tempered Lei-Lei's abilities to prevent corruption. Together they became Hsein-Ko, hunting demons and Darkstalkers from killing more people. After defeating Phobos with help from other good Darkstalkers, Hsein-Ko passed away as their contract with the forbidden magic ended. However their mother's spirit guided their souls to be reincarnated into new life to give them a chance to live a normal life. Lei-Lei & Mei-Ling were reborn into a normal household despite remembering who they were in their previous life. Mei-Ling would grow up to be studious in cooking and weaponry, enjoying the feminine satisfaction in creation & math of foods that she also applied to blades and staves. However after a time, the Darkstalker Jedah kidnapped the souls of all Darkstalkers as part of a universe ending summoning. Thanks to the efforts of Morrigan and other Darkstalkers, Jedah was defeated and the universe was saved. However, because of the actions of another the Dhampir Darkstalker Donovan, became corrupted by his vampire genes and became Dee. Dee would interrupt Morrigan freeing the souls completely and Lei-Lei & Mei-Ling were thrust into another dimension and picked up by the Space traveling Trills. After a time, Mei-Ling would be a part of Amy Angel's body and was the one to initially suspect a hidden soul inside the Trill that had ulterior motives (Earth 5's Amy), wanting to protect the man that captured her's and many other's hearts. Being given new life in the Azuli clone body, Mei-Ling helped fight the Cloud of Darkness much in the same as she fought Phobos, helping to heal the old spiritual wound. Now Mei-Ling is helping Lei-Lei & her other less studious Sister-Wives, of the satisfaction of feminine arts.


41st Wife: Mrs. Pac-Angel (Man)
Age: ???
Death: 2019
Former Occupation: Lounge singer, home maker

The Ex-Wife of Pac-Man, who hit it big in the 1980s. Until a controversy hit between Pac-Man, their agent Namco, and a mafia group known as AtGames had a war. Ms. Pac-Man was kidnapped and eventually shot to death. She was replaced by Namco with Pac-Mom in all her bookings since. Since joining the trill, Mrs. Pac-Angel has grown fond of Tack and the family, seeing it as a new stage for her to perform.


42nd Wife: YoRHa No.2 Type B "2B" Angel
Age: ???
Former Occupation: YoRHa Battler (all-purpose combat unit)
2B  was a soldier for the YoRHa, a organization that was entrusted to fight  for and preserve humanity, "For the Glory of Mankind". While 2B was a  mass produced unit, this particular one was involved in a war involving  the Warrior of Light on Earth 14. Caught up in an explosion with her and  a 2P unit, they were hurdled into a portal by the Red Girls. Drifting  in space, The two units were picked up by the Trills, and had their  memory banks converted into "souls". Having been programmed to worship  humanity, the two units were influenced by the other souls in the Trill to adore their husband.


43rd Wife: YoRHa No.2 Type P "2P" Angel
Age: ???
Former Occupation: YoRHa Paramilitary (Back-up all-purpose combat unit)
2P  was a soldier for the YoRHa, a organization that was entrusted to fight  for and preserve humanity, "For the Glory of Mankind". While 2P was a  mass produced unit, this particular one was involved in a war involving  the Warrior of Light on Earth 14. Caught up in an explosion with her and  a 2B unit, they were hurdled into a portal by the Red Girls. Drifting  in space, The two units were picked up by the Trills, and had their  memory banks converted into "souls". Having been programmed to worship  humanity, the two units were influenced by the other souls in the Trill to adore their husband.


44th Wife: Q-Bee Angel
Mental Age: 12,673 (in Bee Years)
Current Occupation: Queen of the P-Bees

Q-Bee  is the leader of the hive of the P-Bee Hive. To save their species, the  P-Bees evolved to connect their thoughts together as one mind. So if a  Q-Bee sacrifices herself a P-Bee is able to take the role as the new  Q-Bee. After the events with the reign of Dhampir Dee, the Hive was  almost completely wiped out. Thanks to the Trills, they were able to  save the soul and thus the One Mind of the Q-Bee. Q-Bee went on to try  and repopulate her species thanks to the help of Baron Von Bee, but the  Trill that housed the One Mind was taken over by the intentions of Earth  5 Amy in the trill. Having helped save existence from the Cloud of  Darkness, Q-Bee plans to save her P-Bees with Tack's help.


45th Wife: Emi Angel (Ibarazaki)
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Track and Field Coach

Emi along with Hanako, Lily, Rin, Shizune, & Misha all come from Earth 1412 that was one of the first swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. There they went to high school with that World's Tack Angel, at a school specializing in physical and mental disabilities. Emi was born without both her legs while Tack had a heart condition. Emi never let her physical impairment stop her from realizing her dreams of running and the advancement of tech allowed her to do so. Emi gained a bit of a crush on Earth 1412's Tack when he helped her through a tough time with her mother, and that crush led to some foreplay that involved a "lemon scent", which they joked with each other about after. Tack-1412 after graduating had suffered an unfortunate heart attack that took his life, leaving Emi and the other students heartbroken. A decade after, the World was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness, however because Emi and the other Shoujos of the planet's love was so strong they eminated enough light from their souls to catch the Trill's attention and rescue. Being a part of Amy allowed them to live the life they wanted with Tack-1412, and Emi was just as charmed by Tack's sense of humor. Given new life as an Azuli clone allowed Emi to have the legs she was denied in her life before, with Emi's gunho behavior she's taking full advantage of it by running as much as she can. After helping push back the Emptiness, Emi is now a Track and Field Coach helping both the abled and disabled stay in shape.


46th Wife: Hanako Angel (Ikezawa)
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Librarian

Hanako along with Emi, Lily, Rin, Shizune, & Misha all come from Earth 1412 that was one of the first swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. There they went to high school with that World's Tack Angel, at a school specializing in physical and mental disabilities. Hanako was severely burned and disfigured while Tack had a heart condition. Because of Hanako's disfigurement, she became extremely shy and isolated only noticed by the staff of the school. Hanako gained a bit of a crush on Earth 1412's Tack when he took notice of her and tried to bring out an outgoing nature of her. Never treating her differently from others and giving her respect. Tack-1412 after graduating had suffered an unfortunate heart attack that took his life, leaving Hanako and the other students heartbroken. A decade after, the World was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness, however because Hanako and the other Shoujos of the planet's love was so strong they eminated enough light from their souls to catch the Trill's attention and rescue. Being a part of Amy allowed them to live the life they wanted with Tack-1412, and Hanako was taken by how much care he gave to those in need. Given new life as an Azuli clone allowed Hanako to have her natural face again, giving her confidence she hadn't felt in so long. After helping push back the Emptiness, Hanako is now a Librarian as she teaches poetry to children.


47th Wife: Lily Angel (Satou)
Age: 27
Current Occupation: High School Teacher

Lily along with Emi, Hanako, Rin, Shizune, & Misha all come from Earth 1412 that was one of the first swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. There they went to high school with that World's Tack Angel, at a school specializing in physical and mental disabilities. Lily was born without sight while Tack had a heart condition. Lily never let her physical impairment stop her from living her life, learning brail and advancing her other senses as far as a normal person could. Lily gained respect for Earth 1412's Tack when he helped Hanako become more outgoing, and that respect became something more when Lily took Tack & Hanako out to her family's cottage. Tack-1412 after graduating had suffered an unfortunate heart attack that took his life, leaving Lily and the other students heartbroken. A decade after, the World was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness, however because Lily and the other Shoujos of the planet's love was so strong they eminated enough light from their souls to catch the Trill's attention and rescue. Being a part of Amy allowed them to live the life they wanted with Tack-1412, and Lily gained just as much respect for Tack as an equal. Given new life as an Azuli clone allowed Lily to have the sight she was denied in her life before, now able to appreciate a whole new sense and finally see with her own eyes of her love's visage. After helping push back the Emptiness, Lily is now a Teacher all over Edenia. Traveling to help teach the Edenian children.


48th Wife: Rin Angel (Tezuka)
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Painter

Rin along with Emi, Hanako, Lily, Shizune, & Misha all come from Earth 1412 that was one of the first swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. There they went to high school with that World's Tack Angel, at a school specializing in physical and mental disabilities. Rin was born without arms and suffered from PTSD while Tack had a heart condition. Rin drifted through life only held to the living by her friend & roommate Emi. Rin gained interest for Earth 1412's Tack took an interest in her paintings she drew with her feet, relying on him for the masculine encouragement that Emi couldn't provide. Tack-1412 after graduating had suffered an unfortunate heart attack that took his life, leaving Rin and the other students heartbroken. A decade after, the World was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness, however because Rin and the other Shoujous of the planet's love was so strong they eminated enough light from their souls to catch the Trill's attention and rescue. Being a part of Amy allowed them to live the life they wanted with Tack-1412, and Rin felt at ease to have that emotional rock she was missing. Given new life as an Azuli clone allowed Rin to have arms she was denied in her life before, now able to hug Tack like she hadn't be able to before. After helping push back the Emptiness, Rin is a painter just as before and still uses her feet to paint. Not having use of her arms to paint never detered her.


49th Wife: Shizune Angel (Hakamichi)
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Chancellor

Shizune along with Emi, Hanako, Lily, Rin, & Misha all come from Earth 1412 that was one of the first swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. There they went to high school with that World's Tack Angel, at a school specializing in physical and mental disabilities. Shizune was born without the physical ability to speak properly while Tack had a heart condition. Shizune never let her physical impairment stop her from living her life, learning sign to communicate while studying calligraphy. Shizune had a crush on Earth 1412's Tack when he went along with her demanding behavior and standing up to her verbally abusive father. Tack-1412 after graduating had suffered an unfortunate heart attack that took his life, leaving Shizune and the other students heartbroken. A decade after, the World was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness, however because Shizune and the other Shoujos of the planet's love was so strong they eminated enough light from their souls to catch the Trill's attention and rescue. Being a part of Amy allowed them to live the life they wanted with Tack-1412, and Shizune started to appreciate the leadership qualities of Tack. Given new life as an Azuli clone allowed Shizune to speak that she was denied in her life before, but still chose to speak only when she wanted to emphasize things. After helping push back the Emptiness, Shizune is now a Chancellor for Crystal Heaven. Attending to diplomats who visit.


50th Wife: Shiina "Misha" Angel (Mikado)
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Game Show Host

Misha along with Emi, Hanako, Lily, Rin, & Shizune all come from Earth 1412 that was one of the first swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. There they went to high school with that World's Tack Angel, at a school specializing in physical and mental disabilities. Misha developed autism as a result of a bad reaction from a vaccine while Tack had a heart condition. Misha's autism never stopped her from being her normal genki self and tried to be friends with as many as she could (even if that meant keeping people at an arm's length). Misha gained respect for Earth 1412's Tack when he refused to take advantage of her during a vulnerable moment, and that respect became something more when Misha realized her feelings after Tack suffered a minor heart attack. Tack-1412 after graduating had suffered an unfortunate major heart attack that took his life, leaving Misha and the other students heartbroken. A decade after, the World was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness, however because Misha and the other Shoujos of the planet's love was so strong they eminated enough light from their souls to catch the Trill's attention and rescue. Being a part of Amy allowed them to live the life they wanted with Tack-1412, and Misha gained just as much respect for Tack as an equal. Given new life as an Azuli clone allowed Misha to no longer suffer from autism's side effects like obsession over details, allowing to finally relax and let things go. After helping push back the Emptiness, Misha now hosts different game shows on television that usually involves hyperactivity like speed mountain climbing. When ask why she keeps wanting to be called Misha (as it's a portmanteau of Mikado & Shiina), she answered "Aina seems like a good name, I'll think about it!"

     Thread Starter

9/22/2024 12:30 am  #6

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

51st Wife: Fino Angel (Bloodstone)
Age: ???
Death: ???
Former occupation: Makai General, Employee of Leon Magic Shop

The daughter of the retired Demon Lord, Fino went to work at a magic shop to learn how to live after the war between demons & humans ended. In a magic accident she died and in exchange for keeping her alive, the Demon Lord agreed to let his daughter's soul to be used by the Trills. Eventually becoming part of the Trill that was housed in Amy Angel.


52nd Wife: Lady Lilisette "Lilith" Angel
Relatives: Ragelise & Portia
Age: 34
Former occupation: Odin's Knight

The Lilisette of an alternate history of Vana'diel, one where the  Shadowlord reigned during the Crystal War. With no one able to stand to him, Lilisette made a pact with Odin to become his knight, to face  against the Shadowlord on even terms. She was successful, however being  tied to Odin's bidding allowed the Emptiness to slowly take over the Alternate History of Vana'diel. In a bid to save her people, she invaded the current timeline of Vana'diel. Being pushed back by Future Fabulous (that history's Lilisette & the Warrior of the Crystal), Lady Lilith perished, entrusting her world to Lilisette to fight against the  Emptiness. Her spirit in the lifestream, it eventually made it's way  into the Trill, eventually falling in love with Tack and helping to save  Earth 1, making up for her past mistakes.


53rd Wife: Azula Angel (Ozaispawn)
Age: 672 (physically 34)
Current Occupation: Queen of Honoh

The former Fire Nation Princess and Emperess, Azula grew up in the Royal Fire Nation family as a pampered and deadly trained warrior next to her brother Zuko as planned by their father Ozai. The competitive streak grew in Azula as her brother was next in line for the throne, and she'd be regulated to minor duties. This competitiveness grew into abnormal behavior as their father was ruthless and their mother Ursa was protective, leading to Azula having a perceived favoritism by her parents towards her brother. This insecurity led to Azula to try and perfect her duties, to the point of jealousy that nothing she did was enough to put her in higher standing to her father or mother. Studying and training she became an elite strategist and fire bender, coupled with her jealousy she became an intimidating personality that forced people to her side to justify to herself her elite status. Nonetheless she still lived her family, wanting nothing more but to be loved back, making her feel loneliness. That loneliness eventually grew into mental illness that caused paranoia and an eventual schizophrenia, causing her to push people away including her family. After a Shepherd of the Heavens, the Avatar Aang, stopped the Fire Nation's ambitions of invading all nations; Azula was arrested for her war crimes and she spent the majority of her days remaining in a jail surrounded by a volcano. There Azula tried her best at rehabilitation, not for revenge as she was mentally defeated, but to have the love she always desired from her family. After Avatar Aang passed away from natural causes and Avatar Korra was born, the volcano that housed the jail Azula was in unexpectedly erupted, killing all the inmates and officers stationed at the jail. The Trill explorers oversaw the eruption and was only able to gather the soul of Azula, as it burned in passion. Being a part of Amy allowed Azula, at least vicariously, feel the love she always desired as Amy's husband Tack cared for her. Afraid of messing things up, Azula never went as a forefront personality as part of the Trill in Amy, sheltering herself from rejection once again like those in her family. Being freed from the Trill, given an Azuli clone body, and helping fight the Cloud of Darkness; Azula finally felt closure as she felt she finally did something right in her life. Tack had fully accepted Azula as his wife, but Azula kept up a persona to hide her insecurities. Azula now tries her best to live up to her perception of Tack's expectations as Queen of Honoh, hiding her self afflicted depression.


54th Wife: Ryoko Angel (Matoi)
Age: 27
Former Occupation: Wielder of the Senketsu cloth

Ryuko  was a catalyst in the cloth war of 2013, having to face off and  eventually kill her mother Ragyo Kiryuin who was mind controlled by the  Life Fiber Aliens. Working with the rebels Nudist Beach and her sister  Satsuki, they were able to destroy all Life Fibers but in doing so  caught the attention of the Trills who took the sisters and experimented on them by Earth 5 Amy's influence.

55th Wife: Satsuki Angel (Kiryuin)
Age: 28
Former occupation: Wielder of the Junketsu cloth, student council president of Honnouji Academy

Satsuki  was the unknowing leader of the front line in the Life Fiber Aliens'  cloth war, the Honnouji Elite Four. Having been raised, trained, and  unfortunately even molested to be the leader of the fight her  brainwashed mother, Ragyo Kiryuin wanted. Upon learning the truth, she  worked with her sister Ryuko & the Nudist Beach rebels to defeat the  Life Fiber Aliens. In doing so caught the attention of the Trills who took the sisters and experimented on them by Earth 5 Amy's influence.

56th Wife: Gogo Angel (Yubari)
Age: 36
Death: 2001
Former Occupation: Assassin

The former associate of O-Ren "Cottonmouth" Ishii, an assassin that was abused in her childhood and eventually became a sadist for torture in reaction. Was killed in action by a yellow suited assassin. her soul was captured by a nearby trill explorer and was put into the trill that eventually was in Amy Angel. Since then being cured of her mental instability, and grew to love Tack Angel as the other Trill Souls had as well.

57th Wife: Ivy Valentine
Ivy Angel (Valentine)
Age: 32 (physically), 122 (mentally)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Born in the House of Valentine of Euroland, Ivy was raised by her alchemist father Earl Valentine and the ladies of the house. Driven by an obsession with science, Earl Valentine experimented on his daughter Ivy using alchemy. Molding her and experimenting on her to make her a possible key to eternal youth, an obsession never realized as he never got the final ingredient, the Soul Edge. In the wake of his death, Ivy trained & studied alchemy herself trying to realize her father's ideals, not realizing it changed her entire being in body, mind, & soul. Her body & soul now transmogrified into a tired, ageless, fecund, & strong being; Ivy eventually was able to find the missing Soul Edge to complete her father's dream. Not realizing that upon touching the Soul Edge it would destroy her body, but her soul still burned. Burned so brightly it caught the Trills' attention, allowing them to collect her soul into the experimental Trill. Now as part of Amy, Ivy realized her father had groomed her as his science experiment and after his death groomed herself into his ideal project, never experiencing actual love and care until she met Tack. After helping push back the Cloud of Darkness, Ivy was given a new chance at life in the Azuli clone body. After spending a time with her Sister-Wife Faris on the ship Slydra, Ivy was recruited by Sister-Wife Samus and the Galactic Federation to take on a new threat.


58th Wife: Cynthia Angel (Shirona)
Age: 38
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Cynthia from Earth-[Redacted]'s Celestic Town was trained from a very early age by her caring grandmother at strategy, so much so she became an elite Pokemon champion, some would say even the best there ever was. However after a disturbance by the rebellious Team Rainbow Rocket, ancient Pokemon rose from the lands and laid waste to the people in it. This intense display of power led to a wormhole opening with Ultra Beasts causing havoc, leading to an Ultra Beast named Guzzlord to inhale all around the planet and dispersing them through time and space through it's wormhole stomach. One of those dispersed was Cynthia who landed inside the Trill explorer spaceship with grievous wounds. To save her, she joined with the Trill housed by Alyssa Ogawa. Becoming part of the Trill explorers, Cynthia was able to help plan out explorations and save lives of an untold number. After being housed in Amy she was able to explore more of her feminine side, relaxing with her favorite food of ice cream and a passion for fashion which she loved to share with her husband Tack. Helping fight against Emptiness, Cynthia was able to gain a new body in an Azuli clone and with it allowed her to finally express with her own touch her appreciation of Tack. Now allied with her Sister-Wives in training for an upcoming mission out in space with the Galactic Federation.


59th Wife: Elise Angel-Soleana The Third
Age: 33
Current Occupation: Crown Queen of the Soleana Kingdom

The head of the coastline Kingdom of Soleanna, Elise led her nation as she was bred to be; stoic, emotionless, & unwavering. However upon an invasion she unleashed a curse inside her set by her father, burning herself and her whole kingdom into the ocean. Her soul resonated with regret and frustration that caught the interest of the traveling Trills. As part of Amy, Elise still reserved herself in fear of the curse that might still be within her. Even through her relationship with Tack has her hold herself back, feeling if she releases too much emotion it would be bad. Despite her reservation, she still helped fight the Cloud of Darkness and almost passed out from the conflict inside her of love and fear. Now Elise on Earth 5 is running a revived Soleanna, but is slowly letting go her self imposed limitations, her friendship with her Sister-Wives Zelda & Hilda helps with that.


60th Wife: Myen "Min-Min" Angel (Mintendo)
Age: 24
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The ever popular deliverer of the Ramen Noodles Shop in the Crystal Heaven Food Court, Min-Min uses her unique ARMS to have made quick deliveries of her family's shop. She however prior was killed in the "ARMS Incident" along with others afflicted by the genetic mutation because of the biological war in ARMS City. The lost souls of many ARMS fighters made their way to Crystal Heaven but prior, the ladies' ARMS fighters were collected by the Trills. She fell in love with Tack as part of Amy's body, growing to appreciate his kindness to the people that worked for him. In a new Azuli clone body, Min-Min now's trains with her Sister-Wives out in space.


61st Wife: Laura "Twintelle" Angel (Rex)
Age: 32
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The screen actress known as the "Platinum Blonde Tanned Beauty" and "The Silver Screen Queen", who's hair is prehensile due to the "ARMS Incident". After the war in ARMS City, her soul was picked up by the Trills and as part of Amy, she grew to love Tack for his large presence and commanding leadership. Twintelle lived an independent life as an actress, and as an Azuli clone and Sister-Wife Twintelle is learning about how to live with others and be reliable and reliant on others. Especially as she trains in space to face an incoming threat.


62nd Wife: Momoka "Ribbon Girl" Angel (Kawasaki)
Age: 24
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The boxing enthusiast and singer, Ribbon Girl used to be Twintelle's coworker as she sung songs for Twintelle's movies but she retired from that to become a boxer, her real passion. After the war in ARMS City, her Soul was picked up by the Trills and as part of Amy, Ribbon Girl grew to appreciate Tack for his overflowing of love. In a new Azuli clone body, Ribbon Girl now's training with her Sister-Wives out in space.


63rd Wife: Lola Angel (Pop)
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

As a traveling gypsy with a Circus, Lola loved to entertain children with her stretchy and ballooning pants (hiding the fact that after the ARMS Incident she never needed gimmicked pants). After the war in ARMS City, her Soul was picked up by the Trills and as part of Amy, Lola Pop grew to appreciate Tack for his sense of humor in the face of adversity. In a new Azuli clone body, Lola Pop now's training with her Sister-Wives out in space.


64th Wife: Hilda Angel (Lorule)
Age: 31
Current Occupation: Queen of Lorule

Prior to the exodus to Crystal Heaven, Lorule was an alternate dimension of Hyrule. It was ruled by Queen Hilda and was guarded by an army of knights led by a raven haired man. While Hilda had issues stemming from the former court wizard Yuga, they were soundly defeated thanks to the raven haired knight & Hyrule's blonde knight. However, even with the power of their sacred treasure, it was not enough to protect them from the all encompassing might of the encroaching emptiness, and Lorule with Hyrule were swallowed whole. Because of her divine royal lineage, Hilda's soul survived and wandered among the stars. Each moment as she passed planet after planet and star after star, her grip on reality was starting to thin and her will to live weakened, until she was picked up by the Trills and placed safely inside the experimental Trill. Her prolonged exposure to being without a body caused her mind to fracture, and even though she eventually became part of Amy, she had no clear thought or ambition. Just comfortable to let others live, with her as an observer. Long after, as she was placed with the other souls in the Trill inside the medical chamber did things start to change. As Tack had visited the Trill every moment she could, and conversated with all of them. While Tack couldn't discern every soul in the Trill, he did try to talk to each individually. And it was in the conversation that Hilda took as hers, that her mind mended. Those small one sided conversations was something she looked forward to every day. When she and the other Trills were freed, Hilda was overjoyed as she had reason to live, to be by Tack's heart. Helping fight against the Cloud of Darkness, Hilda now rules over Lorule on Earth-5. Each day though, she enjoys her favorite thing in the world. Her conversations with Tack.


65th Wife: Lyndis Angel (Sacaen)
Relatives: Hanon (ancestor), Roland (ancestor), Hassar (father) (Deceased), Madelyn (mother) (Deceased), Lord Hausen (grandfather) (Deceased), Lyndis (grandmother) (Deceased), Lundgren (great-uncle) (Deceased)
Age: 38 physically (78 mentally)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Devoted daughter of her late parents Hassar, chieftain of the Lorca tribe, and Madelyn, daughter of Lord Hausen of Caelin; Lyndis, known affectionately as Lyn, was an honorable knight for the Caelin Kingdom fighting against an usurper Nergal. After the war to reclaim her kingdom, Lyn retired to the countryside abdicating her throne to the kingdom of Ostia. She lived unmarried until old age surrounded by friends and family. The soul of Lyn was still strong and flung herself into the body of the experimental Trill, without the prior knowledge of the Trills until years after. Lyn's soul wanted desperately to experience the one thing she never had in her living days, love and a family of her own. And it was through the Trill inside of Amy, that she experienced it. Now after fighting the Cloud of Darkness, Lyn inside a new Azuli clone body has taken up training by the Galactic Federation because of her experience in fighting wars, to protect those she loves.


66th Wife: Lena "Tracer" Angel (Oxton)
Age: 35
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Lena was part of an antiterrorist group known as Overwatch fighting against the terrorist group Talon, the two factions fought frequently all over the world in various escapades including theft, burglary, & kidnapping. During one incident however, both Overwatch & Talon were caught in a double trap by a 3rd party. That third party blew up every member of each team, and replaced them with clones as a way to control the wargames between them. Their souls wandered and eventually most found refuge in Crystal Heaven but some were picked up among the last by the Trills for the experimental Trill. Lena left behind her girlfriend Emily, and as being part of the Trill made her not regret it; realizing that her homosexual relationship was just a simple experimental phase, figuring out that man & woman complete each other on a fundamental level. She has a deep thanks to Tack for showing her what being a real woman is, and feels indebted to him. Because of this she was first to rush over to Tack after given an Azuli clone body and was the first to accept the invitation to join the Galactic Federation with her Sister-Wife Samus and other Sister-Wives.


67th Wife: Dr. Angela "Mercy" Angel (Ziegler)
Age: 45
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Angela was part of an antiterrorist group known as Overwatch fighting against the terrorist group Talon, the two factions fought frequently all over the world in various escapades including theft, burglary, & kidnapping. During one incident however, both Overwatch & Talon were caught in a double trap by a 3rd party. That third party blew up every member of each team, and replaced them with clones as a way to control the wargames between them. Their souls wandered and eventually most found refuge in Crystal Heaven but some were picked up among the last by the Trills for the experimental Trill. Dr. Angela was inspired by her parents to become a doctor helping people throughout the world, fighting against terrorism and against war mongering beaucrats, and it's through that motivation that she became fascinated with being apart of many souls. The whole time period being a part of Amy allowed her to analyze the mindset of her Sister-Wives but the one that fascinated her most was Tack and his ability to handle every woman in his life. Under normal conditions, a man would be torn apart either mentally or physically by this many women, but as she learned in the fight against Emptiness in an Azuli clone body, is that Tack as the Vessel of Love was granted such an ability that even effected herself. Now she's joined the Galactic Federation with her Sister-Wives to apply her medical trade as they face an incoming threat.


68th Wife: Amélie "Widowmaker" Angel (Lacroix)
Age: 42
Relatives: Gerard (Ex-Husband),
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Amélie was part of a terrorist group known as Talon fighting against the antiterrorist group Overwatch, the two factions fought frequently all over the world in various escapades including theft, burglary, & kidnapping. During one incident however, both Overwatch & Talon were caught in a double trap by a 3rd party. That third party blew up every member of each team, and replaced them with clones as a way to control the wargames between them. Their souls wandered and eventually most found refuge in Crystal Heaven but some were picked up among the last by the Trills for the experimental Trill. Amélie was born into a high class family the Guillards, and took passion in dance and her husband Gerard. However after being kidnapped by Talon and made into a sleeper cell, she killed her husband and joined the terrorist group. After both Overwatch and Talon were murdered, she finally broke free of her conditioning and was caught up in emotional self-shame despite her innocence. Falling into a depression, it was her soul that Amy-5 thrived off of to overcome the other personalities in her attempted coup. Amélie was able to overcome her depression thanks to Tack's overflowing love, and because of that she felt love for him as well. In her new Azuli clone body, Amélie spent a lot of time in counseling with Tack & trauma specialists. As a way to use her abilities she gained as a sleeper cell, she joined her Sister-Wives in the Galactic Federation to take on the impending threat.


69th Wife: Kiriko Angel (Kamori)
Age: 22
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Kiriko was part of an antiterrorist group known as Overwatch fighting against the terrorist group Talon, the two factions fought frequently all over the world in various escapades including theft, burglary, & kidnapping. During one incident however, both Overwatch & Talon were caught in a double trap by a 3rd party. That third party blew up every member of each team, and replaced them with clones as a way to control the wargames between them. Their souls wandered and eventually most found refuge in Crystal Heaven but some were picked up among the last by the Trills for the experimental Trill. For generations Kiriko's family of the Yamagami had protected the Kanezaka shrine, respecting it's guardian spirits and honoring God. Kiriko however was rebellious and wanted to do a modern spin on her family's traditions, as she felt that the traditions needed to adapt to modernity, a trait that ultimately silenced her from the warnings of the double murder of Overwatch and Talon. Kiriko felt spiritually disconnected and confused about the culture she grew up in and the traditions her family held, but seeing Tack as part of Amy and his faith mended her heart and was what eventually led her spiritually back to God. Now in an Azuli clone body Kiriko is reresearching her family's traditions and becoming more pious, but still enjoys some modern things like her favorite donuts. Using her spiritual connection, Kiriko hopes along with her Sister-Wives in the Galactic Federation to find God's creations in space as she prepares for an incoming threat.


70th Wife: Dr. Mei-Ling Angel (Zhou)
Age: 40
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Mei was part of an antiterrorist group known as Overwatch fighting against the terrorist group Talon, the two factions fought frequently all over the world in various escapades including theft, burglary, & kidnapping. During one incident however, both Overwatch & Talon were caught in a double trap by a 3rd party. That third party blew up every member of each team, and replaced them with clones as a way to control the wargames between them. Their souls wandered and eventually most found refuge in Crystal Heaven but some were picked up among the last by the Trills for the experimental Trill. Doctor Mei as a climatologist used her knowledge to aid Overwatch with ice manipulation technology she made in the southern pole, despite being in a cryo freezing accident that left her frozen for longer than anticipated, making her immune to the negative effects of below freezing temperatures. Being part of Amy was a slight distraction, but she was overwhelmed by the other souls' emotions that caused her to fall in love as well with Tack. Freed into a Azuli clone body, she became internally conflicted scientifically of her emotions. Was her love for Tack genuine still? Is she just that connected still with her Sister-Wives? Mei hopes that as part of the Galactic Federation with the others she can figure things out.


71st Wife: Rammy Angel
Age: n/a
Current Occupation: Pizzaria Assistant Manager

Rammy was born of Lammy's Jungian Shadow, given true form. Rammy is Lammy's hidden emotions without the filter of morality, and she was not afraid to show it. After eventually making peace with Lammy in Parapatown's Battle of the Bands, Rammy learned to coexist with her twin. However Aliens eventually raided PaRappa Town and kidnapped Lammy & Rammy. Those Aliens crashed into the Trill explorers and were killed in the vacuum of space. The Trills took pity on Lammy & Rammy and absorbed their souls into the experimental Trill.


72nd Wife: “Rainbow” Mika Angel
Age: 48
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

This R. Mika is a clone created by Shadoloo to possibly create a new vessel for the Dictator M. Bison. This Mika would try her best to emulate her original’s thoughts and feelings, including being paired with her own version of Mika’s Tag partner Nadeshiko. However this Mika was trained to only view “the man controlling Darkness for Light” as her love’s motivation. Thus while she did love Bison, Mika's viewpoints changed when her soul was recovered after an explosion at Shadaloo HQ and inserted into the Experimental Trill. She, as part of Amy Angel, saw Tack as that man controlling Darkness for Light. She then declared her undying loyalty to him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Mika was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, R. Mika trains to improve her body to meet beyond the standards of Tack’s expectations.


73rd Wife: Nadeshiko
Age: 48
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

This Nadeshiko is a clone created by Shadoloo to possibly create a new vessel for the Dictator M. Bison. This Nadeshiko would try her best to emulate her original’s thoughts and feelings, including being paired with her own version of Nadeshiko’s Tag partner Rainbow Mika. However this Nadeshiko was trained to only view “the man controlling Darkness for Light” as her love’s motivation. Thus while she did love Bison, Nadeshiko’s viewpoints changed when her soul was recovered after an explosion at Shadaloo HQ and inserted into the Experimental Trill. She, as part of Amy Angel, saw Tack as that man controlling Darkness for Light. She then declared her undying loyalty to him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Nadeshiko was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Nadeshiko trains to improve her body to meet beyond the standards of Tack’s expectations.


74th Wife: Shokora Angel
Age: 32

Long ago, Princess Shokora was a princess of a king who ruled over a lost country. She rested peacefully within the Golden Pyramid, until it became occupied by a greedy and power-hungry villain known as the Golden Diva, who placed a curse on Shokora turning her into a dog. After rumors emerged about the buried pyramid's existence, its ruins were soon excavated and explored by archaeologists, most notably Arewo Shitain-hakase. There Shokora was eventually saved by a rotund explorer who smelled like Garlic. However, the rotund explorer threw her aside and went instead to claim the treasure of the Pyramid. Shokora’s thrown body was sent through an old gate that had activated upon the rotund explorer’s lack of safety. Hurling Shokora through time and space until she landed onto a spaceship with a similar gate. There she met the explorer Trills and Alyssa Ogawa. Together they tried to cure Shokora from her canine curse and unfortunately ripped her soul from her body which had permanently transformed into a dog which now housed a dog’s soul. To save Shokora, they placed her within Alyssa. As part of Amy Angel, Shokora felt very lost most of the time and acted like a dog on instinct, however Amy's husband Tack helped keep her grounded and keep her humanity. Much like a dog, this caused Shokora to view Tack as her master; a guiding light through the darkness of the Pyramid in her mind. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Shokora was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Shokora now spends her life at Tack’s feet, her mind being okay with her dog-like life, wearing a collar to match.


75th Wife: Aqua Angel
Age: 35
Former Occupation: Keyblade Master
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Aqua is a former Keyblade Master from Earth-DSE, a world caught between whimsy and darkness. She was trained to use a weapon called a Keyblade to protect people from Darkness. And along her way was swallowed by the Darkness as she tried to protect other Keyblade Masters. This caused her heart to split, creating a “Nobody” version of herself. This Nobody version of Aqua was taken by the Darkness and was spat out into space, until her Nobody landed on Earth 5. Darkness Angel, was intrigued by the Darkness laden Nobody and was given to Amy-5 as a gift for her conquering of a country and giving him the spoils. Amy would torture the Aqua Nobody and experimented on mental control with her. This is how eventually Amy-5 was able to hide herself inside the Experimental Trill, as the Nobody version of Aqua was her cover. As part of Amy Angel, Aqua eventually was able to see a light and the shade of bright darkness through the deep darkness that surrounded her mind. That light & bright darkness was Amy's husband Tack, the two sides of his personality. When Amy-5 was eventually deleted from the experimental Trill & the trill was stored inside the Crystal Heaven castle, Tack would visit it every day he could while at home. And it was through those talks that the Nobody version of Aqua eventually gained her own sense of self, becoming a somebody. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Aqua was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Aqua would rely on Tack for advice and guidance, still seeing him as her mortal savior.


76th Wife: Aisha Angel (Clan-clan)
Age: 44
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Aisha Clan-clan is a Ctarl-Ctarl from Outer Space. The Ctarl-Ctarls were a nomad race that were on a constant war with whatever species that wouldn't give in to their demands, but tended to be ultimately harmless like a cat. Sure they'd scratch and claw but as long as you provided what they asked for they'd be your best friend. Aisha is a tanned muscle bound powerhouse that isn't shy about her body. Her unabashed nature tended to shy away most suitors, if they didn't die beforehand by not getting her what she wanted. Soon though her brash attitude caught up with her as she got caught into a black hole, ripping her body and soul. Her soul landing right next to the traveling Trills, to which they inserted her into the Experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Aisha saw Amy's husband Tack as a provider and constantly nagged him for this that and the other, until finally Tack found her weakness of belly rubs. Since then she'd be subservient to Tack in order to get more of what she wanted, more belly rubs. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Aisha was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Aisha stayed at King Tack’s feet as a cat. Basking in the sun and getting belly rubs, living her best life.


77th Wife: Nei Angel
Age: 35
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Neifirst was the first successful experimentation by humans on a far off universe that combined the DNA of humans and animals to create a new race of beings known as the Numans. Neifirst, as with all Numans, are aged up quickly with experimental DNA advancements. Thus only a little while after they are born, they develop mature bodies and minds with conscious thoughts and feelings. The scientists that created Neifirst were initially elated by her creation and Neifirst felt loved but that soon turned around and the scientists started labeling her as a failure, due to her having independent thought and feelings as well as having more animal-like features than they desired as she grew older. Neifirst in a bid of survival attacked the scientists and would create new monsters to aid in her attempt, this caused a part of her to split off in a very horror like manner becoming Neisecond or Nei for short. It was for naught as Nei would come back to fight Neifirst to stop Neifirst from her actions. Nei and her friends were successful however because Nei came from Neifirst, their lives were intertwined. Causing both Neifirst & Nei to pass away with no hope of cloning. A higher power would take pity on both Neifirst & Nei and would send their souls across space and time to fulfill a mission. Neifirst & Nei’s souls were placed into the Experimental Trill by the travelling Trills after receiving the souls as a gift from an unknown traveler. As part of Amy Angel, Nei was given a chance at living the life she wanted of normalcy. But understood her mission, even if she didn't know the full details until later, of staying loyal to Amy's husband Tack. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Neifirst was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Neifirst would join a traveling Animal Shelter, taking care of Animals that are still recovering from the reign of Darkness Angel on Earth 5. Nei would join her Sister-Wives in training for an incoming threat.


78th Wife: Neifirst Angel
Age: 36
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Neifirst was the first successful experimentation by humans on a far off universe that combined the DNA of humans and animals to create a new race of beings known as the Numans. Neifirst, as with all Numans, are aged up quickly with experimental DNA advancements. Thus only a little while after they are born, they develop mature bodies and minds with conscious thoughts and feelings. The scientists that created Neifirst were initially elated by her creation and Neifirst felt loved but that soon turned around and the scientists started labeling her as a failure, due to her having independent thought and feelings as well as having more animal-like features than they desired as she grew older. Neifirst in a bid of survival attacked the scientists and would create new monsters to aid in her attempt, this caused a part of her to split off in a very horror like manner becoming Neisecond or Nei for short. It was for naught as Nei would come back to fight Neifirst to stop Neifirst from her actions. Nei and her friends were successful however because Nei came from Neifirst, their lives were intertwined. Causing both Neifirst & Nei to pass away with no hope of cloning. A higher power would take pity on both Neifirst & Nei and would send their souls across space and time to fulfill a mission. Neifirst & Nei’s souls were placed into the Experimental Trill by the travelling Trills after receiving the souls as a gift from an unknown traveler. As part of Amy Angel, Neifirst was given a chance at living the life she wanted of normalcy. But understood her mission, even if she didn't know the full details until later, of staying loyal to Amy's husband Tack. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Neifirst was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Neifirst would join a traveling Animal Shelter, taking care of Animals that are still recovering from the reign of Darkness Angel on Earth 5. Neifirst would join her Sister-Wives in training for an incoming threat.


79th Wife: Matilda Angel
Age: 832 (spiritually), 20 (physically)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Matilda is a Centaur Ranger from a village called Ribble on a distant world, ever the rebel Matilda left her village at a young age to fight the creatures that were invading her village, as her elders would had rather hide in fear. When she met a band of fighters known as the Shining Force, she pushes her way into the group to aid in their cause. Together they were able to fight and defeat the evil might of the Devil King. After Matilda would continue to journey the lands helping where she could until she died of old age. Her strong spirit though survived and found it's way to the traveling Trills. As part of Amy Angel, Matulda tended to keep Amy's husband Tack on point, scolding him when he wasn't on task andpushed him to get better for his wife's sake. She would eventually ease up on her strictness and grow to show her softer side to Tack into eventual love. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Matilda was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Matilda would work with Children as a caretaker, giving them rides on herself. Neifirst would join her Sister-Wives in training for an incoming threat.


80th Wife: Sue Angel
Age: 25
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Sue was a Hunter on the Spaceship Pioneer 2 in the video game “Phantasy Star Online” that was played by a man named Yukar Icenguard, Sue was part of a rebel group known as Black Paper with other Hunters that would go on rebellious missions against the will of the Government on the Pioneer 2 due to their desire to cover up the actions of the scientists they hired that crashed and burned the people of the spaceship Pioneer 1. Upon completion of the game by Yukar that saw his game character help rescue the Neo-Neuman Rupika, Yukar was sent through the game through a spacial portal that landed him on the Spaceship Feoh, which started his journey of becoming an ARKS Guardian. In exchange, the character of the Phantasy Star Online game, Sue, gained a soul and was brought to Yukar's Home World. Sue would try her best to fit in after trying to explain things to Yukar's family, but it was for naught as Sue was chased and eventually gunned down after attempting to use Photonic weapons to escape capture. Her rebellious soul resounded and stayed “alive” to an extent. Just enough to be picked up by the time and space traveling Trills. As part of the experimental Trill and as part of Amy Angel, Sue would take up odd jobs outside the host's normal behavior, as that's all Sue had known. Amy's husband Tack though, taught her that she can just be herself, one without a need to do bounties if she didn't want to. Sue would take this to heart and view Tack as her guide, in a loving manner. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Sue was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Sue took up marksman training at the Lorule Tournaments, to stay in shape as a hobby. She joins her Sister-wives in training, to further her hobby.


81st Wife: Matoi Angel the Klariskrays
Age: 23
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Matoi was the second Klariskrays for the Council of Six as #5 of the ARKS Explorer Fleet. She was found and brought to the ship Feoh after being missing for 10 years after a Dark Falz attack. Upon awakening, Matoi had lost all memory and was put under protection by the ARKS Guardian Yukar Icenguard. Matoi & Yukar would work together on regaining her memories, help her gain the seat as the new Klariskrays, and fight back against lots of Dark Falz possessed villains like Luther, Gemini, & Persona. Matoi relied so much with Yukar that it became a facination to even love. After Shiva was corrupted by the Profound Darkness (the Cloud of Darkness), Yukar and his allies tried to fight back. However, in a sad twist the fight ended in a tie. Causing the Profound Darkness's mass photonic energy to whisk Yukar to another planet and Smashing the lives of ARKS Operatives to far across the Galaxies. Matoi along with other ARKS Operatives were found and their souls saved by Alyssa Ogawa inside her and the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Matoi would miss Yukar greatly and could only be consoled with Amy's husband Tack as he reminded her so much of Yukar that she felt he was Yukar’s other half. Deciding that Yukar & Tack were one-in-the-same. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Matoi was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Matoi would take up a religious position as an usher, her faith growing after getting to know Tack's work. She now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face on the upcoming new threat.


82nd Wife: Io Angel
Age: 22
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Io was a Deuman (mix of Falzspawn and Dragon DNA) ARKS Operative on the ARKS Ship Feoh. On Feoh she would go on missions with other ARKS to fight back against the Falzspawn created by Dark Falz. On her first day she met the ARKS Operative Guardian Yukar Icenguard, and immediately fell in love, calling him Senpai. Io would do her best to impress her Senpai, going with him on missions and providing comfort during long trips. Including sharing her deepest secrets like the traditional full body tattoos on all Deumans. After Shiva was corrupted by the Profound Darkness (the Cloud of Darkness), Yukar and his allies tried to fight back. However, in a sad twist the fight ended in a tie. Causing the Profound Darkness's mass photonic energy to whisk Yukar to another planet and Smashing the lives of ARKS Operatives to far across the Galaxies. Io along with other ARKS Operatives were found and their souls saved by Alyssa Ogawa inside her and the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Io would miss terribly Yukar and Amy's husband Tack was there to provide comfort. The reversed situation reminded her so much of Yukar that she felt he was Yukar’s other half. Deciding that Yukar & Tack were one-in-the-same. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Io was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Io would go on to work on farms, filling out orders for food across the Crystal Kingdom. She now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face on the upcoming new threat.


83rd Wife: Zelsius Angel-Quna
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Quna was an idol on the ARKS Ship Feoh, as well as a secret assassin for The Council of Six as #0. On Feoh she would perform with the eponymous Hatsune Miku to rally the ARKS Operatives in the fight against Dark Falz. During a concert she met with the ARKS Guardian Yukar Icenguard, while intrigued was hesitant to open up her feelings. Quna & Yukar eventually gained a mutual respect for each other and eventually Quna gave her heart to Yukar. After Shiva was corrupted by the Profound Darkness (the Cloud of Darkness), Yukar and his allies tried to fight back. However, in a sad twist the fight ended in a tie. Causing the Profound Darkness's mass photonic energy to whisk Yukar to another planet and Smashing the lives of ARKS Operatives to far across the Galaxies. Quna along with other ARKS Operatives were found and their souls saved by Alyssa Ogawa inside her and the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Quna would secretly gather Intel for the Angels. Her relationship with Amy's husband Tack reminded her so much of Yukar that she felt he was Yukar’s other half. Deciding that Yukar & Tack were one-in-the-same. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Quna was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Quna performed for all of Crystal Heaven. Laying aside her shyness and secretive nature. She now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face on the upcoming new threat.


84th Wife: Aina Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Aina is a lost ARKS Defender, a Meteorn (survivor of Shiva & the Profound Darkness) on the planet Halpha, she was the daughter of the chieftain of the City Aelio. Aina had worked with the ARKS Operative Yukar Icenguard to save Halpha in various incidents including that of Dark Falz. Aina along with most of the ladies of Halpha adored Yukar, the foreign Guardian from another world. After a new incident with Dark Falz way in the future, all of Halpha were found to be digital data and under threat of deletion the ARKS Operative Yukar Icenguard released the souls out of the program to hopefully find a new home while he faced Dark Falz. Aina would along with others from Halpha made their way to Earth 5 in the past. Some souls were held captive by Amy-V and were trapped with her once Amy-V took over the Trill from Alyssa Ogawa. As part of Amy Angel, Aina felt that Amy's husband Tack was the spitting image of Yukar and would supplant her feelings onto him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Aina was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Aina would join the front lines of World War Bee and continue to join in whatever way she could to hopefully find other Halpha survivors. She hopes that after helping her Sister-Wives in the Galatic Federation, she'll find a way to find the lost souls of Halpha.


85th Wife: Manon Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Manon is a lost ARKS Defender, a Meteorn (survivor of Shiva & the Profound Darkness) on the planet Halpha, she was a no nonsense analyst and researcher. Manon had worked with the ARKS Operative Yukar Icenguard to save Halpha in various incidents including that of Dark Falz. Manon along with most of the ladies of Halpha adored Yukar, the foreign Guardian from another world. After a new incident with Dark Falz way in the future, all of Halpha were found to be digital data and under threat of deletion the ARKS Operative Yukar Icenguard released the souls out of the program to hopefully find a new home while he faced Dark Falz. Manon would along with others from Halpha made their way to Earth 5 in the past. Some souls were held captive by Amy-V and were trapped with her once Amy-V took over the Trill from Alyssa Ogawa. As part of Amy Angel, Manon felt that Amy's husband Tack was the spitting image of Yukar and would supplant her feelings onto him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Nadereh was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Manon would join the science team for the Crystal Kingdom. She hopes that after helping her Sister-Wives in the Galatic Federation, she'll find a way to find the lost souls of Halpha.


86th Wife: Nadereh Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Nadereh was the leader of the town of Retem on the planet Halpha, she is also the tomboyish idol of Retem as well. Providing entertainment for the desert-like town with her tomboyish charm. Nadereh had worked with the ARKS Operative Yukar Icenguard to save her town from Dark Falz invasions. Nadereh along with most of the ladies of Halpha adored Yukar, the foreign Guardian from another world. After a new incident with Dark Falz way in the future, all of Halpha were found to be digital data and under threat of deletion the ARKS Operative Yukar Icenguard released the souls out of the program to hopefully find a new home while he faced Dark Falz. Nadereh would along with others from Halpha made their way to Earth 5 in the past. Some souls were held captive by Amy-V and were trapped with her once Amy-V took over the Trill from Alyssa Ogawa. As part of Amy Angel, Nadereh felt that Amy's husband Tack was the spitting image of Yukar and would supplant her feelings onto him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Nadereh was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Nadereh would travel to the Desert near the Gerudo village, hoping to find a settlement for herself to start a new Retem. She hopes that after helping her Sister-Wives in the Galatic Federation, she'll find that home.


87th Wife: Miku Angel (Hatsune)
Age: 33
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

This Hatsune Miku is specifically a digital copy of the original Hatsune Miku, created to try and train as an ARKS Operative on the ARKS Ship Feoh. On Feoh she would perform with the Fleet’s music idol Quna to rally the ARKS Operatives in the fight against Dark Falz. During a concert she met with the ARKS Guardian Yukar Icenguard, and the two hit it off immediately. Miku & Yukar were like two peas in a pod as they explored the planet Naverius, beating back the wild beasts corrupted by the Falzspawn. After Shiva was corrupted by the Profound Darkness (the Cloud of Darkness), Yukar and his allies tried to fight back. However, in a sad twist the fight ended in a tie. Causing the Profound Darkness's mass photonic energy to whisk Yukar to another planet and Smashing the lives of ARKS Operatives to far across the Galaxies. Miku along with other ARKS Operatives were found and their souls saved by Alyssa Ogawa inside her and the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Miku performed for the Crystal Heaven citizens, to rally their spirits for the fight against the Cloud of Darkness. Her relationship with Amy's husband Tack reminding her so much of Yukar that she felt he was Yukar’s other half. Deciding that Yukar & Tack were one-in-the-same. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Miku was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Miku performed for all of the Crystal Kingdom. Providing entertainment and comradery for the citizens. She now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face on the upcoming new threat.


88th Wife: Iris Angel
Age: 23
Relatives: Gladiolus Amicitia (Brother), Clarus Amicitia (Father), ??? (Mother)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Iris was a former member of House Amicitia in a world called Eos, she was the daughter of Claus the Kingsguard Lead for the Kingdom of Lucis, and younger sister of Crownsguard member Gladiolus. Iris herself was formerly a student that was friends with the Prince, however upon the Cloud of Darkness encroaching the World, she grew up quickly and took up arms herself under training from Crownsguard member Cor. The people unfortunately lost an insurmountable battle and Eos was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. However, through the Prince's sacrifice, the souls swallowed were sent across space to find a new world to live. Aranea was eventually picked up by the traveling Trills, inserted into the experimental Trill to survive. As part of Amy Angel, Iris had a hard time adjusting to a life without War having forgotten what her innocence was like. Amy's husband Tack however helped her through it, regaining her innocence and dignity. Iris pledged to protect her new King, in thankfulness. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Iris was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Iris took up arms again with the Viera. To continue training but now with her humanity and hope. She joins her Sister-wives to face an incoming threat.


89th Wife: Aranea Angel
Age: 38
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Aranea was a hard-edged and free-spirited former mercenary in a World known as Eos. Aranea would grow up on a farmland that was unfortunately ravaged by monsters known as Daemons. Forced to protect the younger children while every adult she knew she'd hear die. To survive she trained to be a mercenary, working job to job until she eventually met a group of guys led by the Prince of a nation. That Prince's actions inspired her to eventually try to find a way out of Merc work, to live a normal life that she never had. Helping the Prince, Aranea unfortunately was unable to see that life as Eos was devoured by the World of Darkness. Though through the Prince's sacrifice, the souls swallowed were sent across space to find a new world to live. Aranea was eventually picked up by the traveling Trills, inserted into the experimental Trill to survive. As part of Amy Angel, Aranea finally was able to live the life she always wished for. To live as a normal woman with a family and friends. She attributed it all to Amy's husband Tack, forever grateful and swearing to be by his side. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Arenea was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Aranea would take residence in the Phoenix District of the Crystal Kingdom. To live among the people as a normal woman, something she always desired. However with a new incoming threat, Aranea takes up arms with her Sister-Wives to train for the incoming threat with the Galatic Federation.


90th Wife: Deuce Angel
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Deuce was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Deuce is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Deuce is the one that keeps her fellow soldiers grounded. Reminding them they are human and not machines. Her designation within the team is Unit 2 and is usually teamed with Units 4 Cater, Unit 3 Trey, & Unit 5 Cinque; Deuce was the one that provided the good natured kindness to her class. Providing a caring nature to keep morale. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Deuce loved caring for Amy's family but was demure with Amy's husband Tack. But Tack was gentlemanly, treating her with patience and kindness. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Deuce was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Deuce went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. After therapy, Deuce stayed as Tack’s wife but wants to take things slow, to which the King of Dark obliges. She now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face an incoming threat.


91st Wife: Cater Angel
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Cater was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Cater is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Cater is the valorous one of her class, keeping bravery inthe face of disaster. Her designation within the team is Unit 4 and is usually teamed with Unit 8 Eight; Cater was the one that wanted to stay in school the longest as she wanted to live the life of a normal girl. To be in a life without war, something she never found. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Cater felt like she was doing things backwards. Part of a body that was already married, and now Amy’s husband Tack was treating her with a sense of honor and appreciation that she wanted in her school life. Charmed by his boyish acts & flirtations, the schoolgirl at heart Cater would respond in kind. Appreciating the gesture of his kindness. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Cater was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Cater went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. After therapy, Cater would go back to school, to finish her studies in peace. However upon learning of the incoming threat she now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face it.


92nd Wife: Cinque Angel
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Cinque was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Cinque is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Cinque is the one that keeps her fellow soldiers grounded. Reminding them they are human and not machines. Her designation within the team is Unit 5 and is usually teamed with Units 4 Cater, Unit 3 Trey, & Unit 2 Deuce.; Cinque has an innocence in her, as she realizes life is more than just War and is probably the one ofthe team that wants to stop fights the most. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Cinque was feeling very innocent to the actions around her and within her. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed by the Cloud of Darkness’ approach. Amy’s husband Tack is what helped her keep her grounded like she was able to do with others. For so long she was the rock for others that she loved having a rock she could rely on. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Cinque was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Cinque went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. After therapy, Cinque would do her best to return in kind that therapy. And to apply that she now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face an incoming threat. To be that grounding of their humanity.


93rd Wife: Sice Angel
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Sice was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Sice is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Sice is the motivator for her Class 0 teammates, her tenacity and tomboy-like behavior improves the morale of her fellow soldiers. Her designation within the team is Unit 6, usually paired in her previous lives with her best friend Unit 7 Seven; Sice would be part of the front lines, leading charges after on-field tactical planning by Seven. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Sice found Amy's husband Tack to be a curious sort. She couldn't figure him out even after her best friend Seven told her to trust him. Her curiosity of figuring out Tack grew into a crush. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Sice was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Sice went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. After therapy, Sice would work under Tack’s personal body guards Sailor Uranus & Neptune along with her best friend Seven. Sice wanted more time to figure out her own feelings wanting to stay married to figure him out. She now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face an incoming threat.


94th Wife: Seven Angel
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Seven was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Seven is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Seven is the discerner for her Class 0 teammates, able to tell the intentions and emotions of their enemies. Her designation within the team is Unit 7, usually paired in her previous lives with her best friend Unit 6 Sice; Seven would be part of on-field planning and tactics, looking for the reasoning of the enemy movement & attack patterns. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Seven saw immediately the importance of Amy's husband Tack’s mission, falling in line to help protect everyone even if they didn't believe him. Her love was that of a sense of duty and survivability, but it grew to something more, something… Someone she realized she wanted to protect with all her heart. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Seven was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Seven went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. After therapy, Seven would work under Tack’s personal body guards Sailor Uranus & Neptune along with her best friend Sice. Seven desired to be as close as she could to Tack, as her love wasthat of a need to protect. And to protect him further, she now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face an incoming threat.


95th Wife: Juni “Queen” Angel
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Juni was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Juni is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Juni is the logical center for her Class 0 teammates, breaking things down past emotions to the core. Her designation within the team is Unit 12 the Queen, usually paired in her previous lives with Unit 13 the King and Unit 11 the Jack; Juni would act as a tactical planner, studying the enemies movements and looking for patterns. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Juni would try to improve the life of Amy logically, making things fit tidy and succinct, Amy's husband Tack though remained a mystery to her that she got caught up in, always looking for a solution beyond what he had to do, sacrificing himself, but finding nothing. It endeared her to him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Juni was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Juni went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. After therapy, Juni would plan together with Amy on helping run the Crystal Kingdom, only leaving her post when needed on the battlefield; as she now trains with her fellow Sister-Wives to face an incoming threat.


96th Wife: Rem Angel
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Rem was part of an Elite class of Student Soldiers called Class 0 on another world. They were put to the task of a constant cycle of war, death, & rebirth in reincarnation; this Rem is one of those long passed in a previous cycle. Rem is the moral rock for her Class 0 teammates, reminding them of the importance of humanity. Her designation within the team is Unit 0.1, usually paired in her previous lives with Unit ∞ Machina; Rem would act as an infiltrator, spying on the enemy bases as she was usually able to sneak around, hence her unit designation number of “Closest to zero”. By pure happenstance during one of the rebirths of Class 0’s world, the Ladies’ souls were whisked through time and space landing directly into the experimental Trill without the Trill’s knowing until it happened. As if they were led there. As part of Amy Angel, Rem appreciated probably the most of anyone in Class 0 the lack of need to be prepped for War. No longer did she have to wake up at the slightest sounds and could live in peace. She felt like she owed that to Amy’s husband Tack, who pushed hard for peace and she wanted to support that. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Rem was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Rem went to therapy to recover mentally from war PTSD and fighting the Cloud of Darkness. In doing so she realized what she wanted most was to protect peace, so when she heard of the incoming threat as notified by the Galactic Federation, she signed up to protect the peace on Earth 5.

Last edited by tackangel (9/22/2024 12:32 am)

     Thread Starter

9/22/2024 12:31 am  #7

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

97th Wife: Kat Angel (Alua)
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Alua was the common name of a reincarnated Queen of Eto. For a Millennia, the Queen would rule over the Kingdom of Eto, reincarnating after her death inside the soul of her daughter masking over the soul inside. This would continue on until a small Gravity Storm would terrorize the Kingdom, only to be saved when the Alua of the time would fall near the storm and gain Gravity Shifting power from a cat that came out of the storm. Using that power Alua would reset the world, wiping all memory of the events and pushing back the small storm. One day after some time a girl would wake up near an apple tree, there she would be heckled by the townspeople as if they knew her calling her Kat, and when running away from their heckling she ran into a gravity storm, she would be aided by a pitch dark cat which gave her powers over gravity and would push back the storm as it sent out monsters. Kat would defeat the monsters and protect those that were moments ago being terrible to her. While some citizens were appreciative, most were unruly blaming her for the storm. Kat would take up residence inside a drainage pipe and with her newfound powers, try to win over the townspeople above her drainage pipe, of a town called Hekseville as their vigilante hero. After various adventures, including getting caught up in a fight with the best soldier of the Police, Sea Wasp. Kat would find herself falling off Hekseville and finding herself at a town called Boutoume, the city on the edge of the world. There she would protect and play with the children of the town until she could find a way back up to Hekseville. She would get caught up in a dangerous fight against monsters that were too much for her until she was saved by one of the children who had similar powers as her. After saving everyone in Boutoume, Kat would be rocketed away far enough to get back up using her gravity powers and would make it back to Hekseville. There she found out that years had passed, time worked different between Hekseville and Boutoume. Kat would help the Hekseville citizens as much as she could while also dealing with the Hekseville Police. This was all brought to pass as Kat was met with a doe that had similar powers to her own, one covered by a mask. After constant battles of cat & mouse (or in this case, bird & cat), Kat was able to free Raven from her mask. Raven upon seeing Kat, was reminded of the cat like Queen from her childhood; as indeed it was Kat who saved her in a previous life. Raven & Kat then joined forces and fought off the many threats to Hekseville, including the corruptive force at the top of the Police. Things were peaceful with Kat, Raven, Sea Wasp of the Police, & more defending the town from monsters. However a Gravity Storm raged that revealed itself to be the Cloud of Darkness devouring the World. Kat & Raven now realized their power came from the Cloud of Darkness itself as both the cat Dusty and the Raven Xii were absorbed willingly by the Cloud. With no power, they could not stop the devouring and their world was gone. Kat & Raven’s souls would float in space, unable to find a place to rest. They were soon found by a traveling group of exploring Trills that gathered their souls and placed them inside the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Kat would have a hard time learning Eaglish, more used to her native Heksench. But with the help of Amy's husband Tack, Raven, and the others inside the trill, Kat eventually learned enough to say “I love you” to Tack. She was charmed by how kind and gentle he was when teaching her. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Kat was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Kat sought to learn how she could help the Shards of the Crystal Kingdom. Kat traveled to Resdayn to help establish a travel route for villages to safely travel to make trades. With a new threat looming, Raven joined her Sister-Wives to train with the Galatic Federation


98th Wife: Raven Angel (Sachya)
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Sachya was once a poor girl living in Boutoume, the city on the edge of the World. Boutoume was located in the strange world far far beneath Hekseville, a place for the fallen objects and people that were dumped from above. One day when she was young, a cat like Queen appeared before them. They would play as the Queen would shift them along with her power over gravity, the kids were enamored by the Queen. After a time, monsters began to attack Boutoume. The Queen would fight back and try to save them but it was too much. Sachya was then called to and aided by a Raven, who gave her gravity powers as well. Together Sachya & the Queen would fight the monsters saving the children. The Queen would leave, with Sachya promising to join her on the surface one day. When Sachya grew up to 18, she took off for the surface and was surprised by how Hekseville looked so different than Boutoume. That distraction was enough for the Hekseville Police to capture her and place her under control using a mask. Her codename now Raven, the Hekseville Police would use Raven to try and capture the renegade Gravity Shifter Kat. After constant battles of cat & mouse (or in this case, bird & cat), Kat was able to free Raven from her mask. Raven upon seeing Kat, was reminded of the cat like Queen from her childhood; as indeed it was Kat who saved her in a previous life. Raven & Kat then joined forces and fought off the many threats to Hekseville, including the corruptive force at the top of the Police. Things were peaceful with Kat, Raven, Sea Wasp of the Police, & more defending the town from monsters. However a Gravity Storm raged that revealed itself to be the Cloud of Darkness devouring the World. Kat & Raven now realized their power came from the Cloud of Darkness itself as both the cat Dusty and the Raven Xii were absorbed willingly by the Cloud. With no power, they could not stop the devouring and their world was gone. Kat & Raven’s souls would float in space, unable to find a place to rest. They were soon found by a traveling group of exploring Trills that gathered their souls and placed them inside the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Raven took an easier time to learn Eaglish than Kat. She appreciated how as part of Amy, how important family was to her. That everyone was important and it reminded her of her home in Boutoume. She began to look at Amy's husband Tack as someone to protect, someone important. And that feeling of protection grew into love. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Raven was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Raven sought to learn how she could help the Shards of the Crystal Kingdom. Doing charity work with Aerith in Midgar, helping to rebuild the formally divided providences. With a new threat looming, Raven joined her Sister-Wives to train with the Galatic Federation.


99th Wife: Sonia Angel-Belmont
Age: 591
Relatives: Grandfather (Deceased), Father (Deceased), Mother (Deceased)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Sonia Belmont was a Vampire Huntress in the age of the 15th century of her Earth in a place called “Transylvania”, daughter and continuation of the famed Belmont family. When Sonia was born in 1433, she was born with the unique ability to sense spiritual beings not visible to the naked eye. Her grandfather, who noticed her talent, told her that this ability shouldn't be used for her own purposes. One night, when Sonia was 17 years old, she met a young man named Alucard who was searching for his father, whom he never met. The two formed a bond together as friends. Unfortunately, tragedy suddenly struck; the mansion where Sonia was raised, was attacked by grotesque monsters serving Count Dracula. When she & Alucard arrived, they found her grandfather mortally wounded. Before dying, he told her it was time for her power to be unleashed. Sonia took her grandfather's whip as a memento, the two setting out to Dracula's castle. Sonia & Alucard would slay the monsters within the castle, both reaching the top to face against Dracula. There Dracula revealed to Alucard that he was his son, this distracted Alucard enough to soundly defeat him. This left Sonia in a desperate struggle alone with Dracula. After a long battle, Dracula's aid Death itself would slice at Sonia killing her. Or… Would have killed her had it not been for a winged creature that intervened. The winged creature, also welding a scythe declared this World “false” and would slice the world in twain. This caused a schism in that world's timeline. One where Sonia’s mother & father gave birth to a boy instead of Sonia, causing a complete change in it's future. Sonia's rended soul was lost through between time, caught in endless nothingness. That was until her soul was summoned by a tribe on another planet in another dimension. Her soul was placed inside an idol and was traded back and forth due to wars that it eventually ended up on a space station, one that was selling the idol along with other wares. It was purchased by Alyssa Ogawa, who recognized that a soul was in there. She freed the soul and housed it inside her Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Sonia took a while to appreciate Amy's husband Tack, warey about his true intentions. However she soon saw how dedicated he was towards following what he believed God told him to do, and she got behind him on that. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Sonia was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Sonia had given what she thought was her goal, to express love to fight back darkness, she thought that she didn't have actual feelings for Tack but she couldn't ignore her true feelings, and stayed with Tack as his wife. Sonia would take up a place at the various churches of the Crystal Kingdom doing ministry work, learning to appreciate her Sister-Wives. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


100th Wife: “Hime” Kasumi Angel
Age: 21
Relatives: Shiden (Father), Ayame (Mother), Hayate (Brother), Ayane (Half-Sister), Honoka (cousin), Raidou (Uncle)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Kasumi was born under ninja royalty, the first daughter of the Mugen Tenshin Clan Master Shiden and his wife Ayame; and younger sister to the eldest son, Hayate. Growing up she was treated very differently than other girls in the Clan, being constantly called “Hime” (princess) or “Kasumi-Hime”. She tried to treat this with respect but hated how it caused some to treat others poorly due to their lower status. Growing up her best friend was a girl named Ayane, they would play together and get in trouble together but Ayane unfortunately took most of the blame. One day Kasumi's Uncle Raidou would visit, but Raidou would use this visit to steal an ancient technique scroll. In doing so Hayate would end up in a coma trying to defend the scroll, and the Mugen Tenshin Clan was whispering about planning to blame Ayane for it and crown Kasumi the next in line for Master. Having had enough of the Clan’s treatment of people & to find Raidou, Kasumi would run away, which unfortunately was the perfect opportunity for the hitmen Christie & Bayman to kidnap her. With the hitmen, Kasumi learned about the DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament that supposedly Raidou was entering, she would take that chance to find him and kill him. After a confrontation by Ayane, they would find out Raidou was secretly working for Fame Douglas of the “French” Douglas Family, with Fame telling them if they want to face Raidou, they'd have to win the tournament. Kasumi would fight hard and would win the tournament, facing off against and defeating Raidou but not killing him, not enough anyway. It took Ryu Hayabusa coming to her aid for them to finally kill Raidou, but in the process Kasumi was kidnapped by DOATEC. DOATEC would use her DNA and scans to create something called “Project Alpha”. After some time during the 2nd DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Kasumi was released by a person that looked eerily similar to her. The person revealed herself to be the result of Project Alpha, a complete clone of Kasumi using Ninja Magics. The clone, Alpha-152, would declare themselves as the real Kasumi and would take her place in the Mugen Tenshin Clan and as Hayate’s sister. Kasumi would fight off Alpha-152, and win revealing the clone’s true nature: a teal energy glow under grafted skin. The clone was imperfect. Alpha-152 would run away as Ryu Hayabusa came to save her. Ryu would reveal that Hayate was missing, and in worry that Alpha-152 would get him and possibly kill him, Kasumi ran off to find him. Kasumi was able to find the lost Hayate after he dealt with amnesia, the reason he left the Mugen Tenshin Clan village. With a reformed Ayane, the trio would fight Genra who betrayed the Mugen Tenshin Clan and his summoning of an ancient Tengu known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō, both who fled in loss. The incident all was resolved and the ladies were welcomed back to the Mugen Tenshin village. With Genra revealed as a traitor, the Mugen Tenshin Clan ordered that Genra be assassinated. While Kasumi immediately went to fulfill the order, Ayane was conflicted about the mission. Genra was her foster father, and Raidou was her biological father. This made her feel cursed and that she couldn't trust anyone, however Hayabusa convinced her that the village is her family, that Kasumi, Hayate, and himself all thought of her as their sister. Kasumi and her brothers and sisters of the Mugen Tenshin Clan would go on to fight and Ayane was able to kill her foster father winning the 3rd DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament. Kasumi would receive an invitation to join a new tournament soon after, she would accept, hoping to find out if it was another plan by DOATEC to create an army, but was instead met with DJ Zack who revealed the tournament was a fake, and he just wanted to invite all the ladies he knew to his island, Zack Island, to play Volleyball and to gamble. Kasumi would take this opportunity to get to know the other ladies of the DOA Tournaments, forming a bond. During the 4th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, the Mugen Tenshin Clan was baited by Helena (acting as a villainess) to attack DOATEC before they released Project Alpha. The plan by Helena worked and the Mugen Tenshin Clan destroyed all documents regarding Project Alpha, but it's subject Alpha-152 escaped. Helena's self sacrificial plan was made non-sacrifical by Zack, alleviating the worry of Ayane & Kasumi. During the 2nd fake tournament, Ayane & Kasumi spent that time sorting out their issues as half-sisters, bringing them closer than ever. During the 5th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Kasumi went into hiding with help from Ryu Hayabusa. Hoping that with her missing, that no one would use her as a tool again. However Donovan of MiST would use Alpha-152 to create a new progression of Project Alpha, known as Phase 4. Phase 4 would be seen near various crimes and Kasumi would find out she was attached as the reason behind it, when in fact it was actually Phase 4. After a confrontation & reconciliation by Ayane, Phase 4 would fight the Mugen Tenshin Clan and win, but the Mugen Tenshin Clan regrouped and fought both Phase 4 & Alpha-152, destroying the Phase 4 laboratory in the process. During the 3rd fake tournament, Ayane & Kasumi used the time to relax on vacation, using the excuse of a “potential ninja ghost” on the island which was made up by Ayane. During the 6th Tournament, Ayane & Honoka were  tricked by a member of MIST, NiCO, to revive their father Raidou. Ayane, the Mugen Tenshin Clan, Honoka, & Marie Rose all fought off MIST & Raidou but were unsuccessful ultimately as after the 6th tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Kasumi along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Kasumi fell in love instantly with Amy’s husband Tack as she saw how Tack treated everyone equally. A desire she fought for years for. This motivated her to be behind Tack 100% in his goals. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Kasumi was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Kasumi chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


101st Wife: Ayane Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Head of the Hajinmon Sect of the Mugen Tenshin Clan, the Kunoichi Ayane was a skilled ninjutsu master. A bastard child of Raidou who raped his brother’s wife Ayame, making her half-sister & cousin to Kasumi & Hayate. Ayane grew up unknowing of her birth, but still was good friends to Kasumi and Hayate despite growing up under the care of former Hajinmon Sect leader Genra as an orphan. Ayane was treated as an outcast and was called a cursed child, and upon learning her origin by her mother Ayame, consumed her with jealousy and hatred. The bitterness affected her relationship with Kasumi as she was treated like a princess while Ayane was treated as trash. Using the jealousy as motivation, she became a master Shinobi of the Shadows protecting the Mugen Tenshin Clan from affair. When her father Raidou returned to the Mugen Tenshin village to steal a technique, she confronted her father about her origin. Raidou ignored her and blasted through the village, leaving Hayate in a coma and Kasumi as the new heir to the Mugen Tenshin throne. That invasion however was distraction enough for Kasumi to be kidnapped by hitmen Christie and Bayman. This forced the Mugen Tenshin Clan to order Ayane to kill Kasumi & Raidou to prevent any possible leak of Mugen Tenshin secrets, as a noble sacrifice with hope that Hayate would wake. Ayane conflicted about her mission, her jealousy, and her memories as Kasumi’s friend and half-sister; made her realize that saving her life was more important. Ayane was able to track downand save Kasumi at the first DOA Tournament and learned that Raidou was working for Fame Douglas of the “French” famous Douglas family and DOATEC. Fame promised the girls that they'd be able to fight Raidou if they made it to the finals of the tournament. In the semi-final, Kasumi beat Ayane and was granted access to the finals against Tina Armstrong and a chance to fight Raidou. After Raidou was killed, Kasumi was kidnapped once again. This caused Ryu Hayabusa of the Mugen Tenshin Clan to confront Ayane, Ryu ordered Ayane to protect the Mugen Tenshin village while he searched for Kasumi. Despite a airing of grievance and a promise to save Kasumi and not kill her, she obeyed his orders and returned. Sometime later upon discovery that Hayate went missing, Ayane joined with Ryu Hayabusa to find the missing siblings. With the help of Irene Law, the trio were able to find Kasumi and learn that it was a clone of Kasumi that kidnapped Hayate, a clone made when Kasumi was kidnapped for a experiment called Project Alpha. Upon learning that Hayate was still missing, Kasumi fled to find him. Hayabusa ordered Ayane to follow and protect her. Through many fights of the second DOA Tournament, Kasumi and Ayane found Hayate who had recovered from his coma and apparent memory loss. Together they fought Genra who betrayed the Mugen Tenshin Clan and his summoning of an ancient Tengu known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō, both who fled in loss. The incident all was resolved and the ladies were welcomed back to the Mugen Tenshin village. With Genra revealed as a traitor, the Mugen Tenshin Clan ordered that Genra be assassinated. While Kasumi immediately went to fulfill the order, Ayane was conflicted about the mission. Genra was her foster father, and Raidou was her biological father. This made her feel cursed and that she couldn't trust anyone, however Hayabusa convinced her that the village is her family, that Kasumi, Hayate, and himself all thought of her as their sister. Renewed by Hayabusa’s resolve, she joined the search at the third DOA Tournament. During the tournament she fought many opponents including ladies named Hitomi and Kokoro, and together with her half-brother Hayate, they both moved quickly up the tournament ladder. Together with Hayate & Hayabusa, Ayane was able to kill her foster father Genra and (officially) win the third DOA Tournament. Upon return to the Mugen Tenshin Clan, Ayane was granted leadership of the Hajinmon Sect and was fully accepted in the village as a leader. During the 4th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, the Mugen Tenshin Clan was baited by Helena (acting as a villainess) to attack DOATEC before they released Project Alpha. The plan by Helena worked and the Mugen Tenshin Clan destroyed all documents regarding Project Alpha, but it's subject Alpha-152 escaped. Helena's self sacrificial plan was made non-sacrifical by Zack, alleviating the worry of Ayane & Kasumi. During the 2nd fake tournament, Ayane & Kasumi spent that time sorting out their issues as half-sisters, bringing them closer than ever. During the 5th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Ayane was investigating why there were multiple reports of Kasumi being seen at various crimes. After fighting various fighters and coming across the real Kasumi, the Mugen Tenshin Clan find out that the Group MIST led by Donovan is recreating the Project Alpha plan with a new Phase 4 version. Phase 4 would fight the Mugen Tenshin Clan and win, but the Mugen Tenshin Clan regrouped and fought both Phase 4 & Alpha-152, destroying the Phase 4 laboratory in the process. During the 3rd fake tournament, Ayane & Kasumi used the time to relax on vacation, using the excuse of a “potential ninja ghost” on the island which was made up by Ayane. During the 6th Tournament, Ayane & Honoka were  tricked by a member of MIST, NiCO, to revive their father Raidou. Ayane, the Mugen Tenshin Clan, Honoka, & Marie Rose all fought off MIST & Raidou but were unsuccessful ultimately as after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Ayane along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Ayane appreciated how much Amy's husband Tack treated her with respect, not caring about her origin of being a bastard child to an evil man. Because he believed in her of being greater than her origin. That appreciation turned to admiration & eventually love. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Ayane was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Ayane chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


102nd Wife: Christie Angel
Age: 26
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The She-Quan martial artist and professional assassin, Christie was born in a country named “England” and was mind controlled by a man named Victor Donovan at a very young age. Christie’s origins were unknown as she was abandoned at an orphanage and was kidnapped by Donovan to be his assassin for his future plans against the Famous Douglas Family of “France”. He indoctrinated her and tortured and trained her for years until she was the top assassin in the World. Christie had lost all meaning to the word happiness and joy, as to her they were a means to an end. Donovan entered Christie into the first DOA Tournament to assassinate Fame Douglas and Helena Douglas to take over the DOATEC company. Christie along with fellow assassin Bayman, convinced Kasumi that her uncle Raidou injured her brother Hayate. Using that distraction, they were able to kidnap Kasumi and subject her to experimentation to create Project Alpha, in the process Bayman was able to murder Fame Douglas. Prior to the second DOA Tournament, Christie attempted to snipe Helena at an operatic duet with her mother. Christie however accidentally shot Helena's mother instead, and fled having failed her mission. To lay low during the search for Helena's mother’s killer, Christie suggested to Donovan to wait and set up a third Tournament. During that tournament, Christie faked a relationship with Helena to get close and eventually attempted on her life, telling her whatever lie she could to hide the truth. However Helena was able to survive as Kasumi Alpha interrupted their fight, sensing an unwinnable fight, Christie fled. Christie was invited to the first fake tournament but stayed mostly in shadows away from Helena and the Mugen Tenshin Clan. During the fourth DOA Tournament, Christie and Donovan were caught by surprise by the invading Mugen Tenshin Clan, Donovan abandoned Christie during the invasion which broke her down. She would try to escape the DOATEC facility and even fought Helena in a losing affair. Broken and beaten, Christie would wander the World, taking odd hitmen jobs to get by, but mentally was destroyed. Christie would be found during the fifth and sixth DOA Tournaments, acting in support of Donovan, even if he never knew it, hoping to win back the favor of the man who mind controlled her for years. During the sixth DOA Tournament, she was defeated again by Helena, retreating to the innerds of Donovan's new group MIST. There she saw that MIST was experimenting on Kasumi Alpha-152 and Phase 4, successfully fusing the two. Seeing that the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was going to be fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, Christie sabatoged the plan and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic became a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Christie along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Christie stayed a recluse, hiding in back of Amy's mind but observing, watching, learning what it was to be a normal person. Growing to love the people in Amy's family like her daughters, her brother, and her husband Tack. Christie eventually gathered enough courage to come to the forefront of Amy's mind and ask for help from Tack to find forgiveness. She eventually was able to come to terms with forgiving herself and asked forgiveness from the others in her mind such as Amy herself and the DOA fighters. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Christie was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Christie chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


103rd Wife: Helena Angel-Douglas
Age: 23
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Helena is a socialite from the famed the Douglas family of “France”, which came into wealth from old world money. Helena was trained in Operatic Singing as well as pigua guan martial arts and high class society public relations. Helena would serve as part of her father, Fame Douglas’ social services, providing PR for her father's work at DOATEC. During a duet performance with her mother, Maria; a sniper attempted an assassination on Helena's life only for her mother to take the bullet. Helena thereafter dedicated her life to find out who murdered her mother. Entering the second DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament on a rumor that the assassin had entered it, Helena fought many opponents and incorrectly accused the Mugen Tenshin Clan as being the culprit, but was cleared up after. During the third DOA Tournament, Helena investigated Project Alpha to possibly find a connection. She enlisted the help of her attendant Christie, and together they fought through DOATEC to find the truth. Victor Donovan of MIST promised to tell Helena the truth if she wins the third DOA Tournament. It was during the tournament that Hayate revealed to Helena that Ayane's father Genra had betrayed the Mugen Tenshin Clan and joined DOATEC. Helena learning this news turned out to be a terrible thing as Christie then attempted to take Helena's life, as Christie was ordered by DOATEC to prevent Helena from learning the truth. Helena and Christie fought and through that fight Helena learned it was Christie that was the sniper that attempted at her life, killing Helena's mother. The fight was broken up by Kasumi Alpha, allowing Christie to get away. During the first fake tournament, Helena was rused into coming to Zack Island and it was there she concocted her plan for the future. During the fourth DOA Tournament, Helena enacted her plan, a complete destruction of DOATEC, and taking over the brand from her father in a hostile takeover. She would trick the Mugen Tenshin Clan into invading the DOATEC's facility to take out Project Alpha, opening up the doors needed for them to continue. It was during this plan that Helena ran into Kokoro, her secret half-sister. Now with resolve of knowing she has real family to carry on the Douglas lineage, Helena completed her plan, winning the fourth DOA Tournament,  destroyed DOATEC's facilities, and planed to die with it until she was saved by Zack. Zack brought her to his island for grieving counseling, and it was there she gained new purpose. With a new lease on life, Helena rebuilt DOATEC into her own image, a company that used research for peace. Starting the fifth DOA Tournament herself, she planned to use the tournament as a peacekeeping measure, however MIST used the tournament to enact Phase 4 of Project Alpha, hiding within the new DOATEC and creating Phase 4, an advanced clone of Kasumi Alpha. Helena played a supporting role to the Mugen Tenshin Clan, to try and stop Donovan from using Hayate for an additional project, Project Epsilon. They stopped Project Epsilon, but we're unable to stop the new Phase 4 clone. During the fake third Tournament, Helena found and employed the maid Marie Rose. Marie showed great loyalty as her family was loyal to the Douglas family for decades. During the sixth DOA Tournament, Helena used Marie to keep an eye out on Honoka, to keep her safe as Honoka could potentially have untold power. Upon a trick by MIST, Kokoro would challenge Helena to a fight in hopes to find answers about her mother. Kokoro would defeat Helena but soon after the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Helena along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Helena applied her knowledge of running DOATEC to help Amy with how to run a large company or in this case, a family. Seeing Amy's husband Tack be so dedicated to making their family work out, endeared her to him and with influence by the other souls, fell hard for him. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Helena was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Helena chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


104th Wife: Hitomi Angel
Age: 22
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Hitomi is a half “German” half “Japanese” Karateka from a country named “Germany”. Trained in Karate by her father in Germany, Hitomi was excited to prove that her father's Karate was the best and went on a journey to prove it. She was exploring her second home of “Japan” when she came across a homeless amnesiac man named Ein. Aiding him in his journey during the second DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Ein discovered that he was actually a Mugen Tenshin Clan leader known as Hayate. In a move to keep her safe, Hayate abandoned Hitomi at a river bank. Hitomi was satisfied enough that she helped Hayate regain his memories, and was inspired to join the DOA Tournaments to further her Karate. She would join the third DOA Tournament and would run into Hayate again who was accompanied by Ayane of the Mugen Tenshin Clan. Hitomi and Ayane would spar and surprised Ayane by how Hitomi’s Karate was as equals to her ninjutsu. She would place third in the third DOA Tournament and gained the approval of her father to continue on as the new master of their Karate. Hitomi would be invited to the first fake tournament on Zack Island, and would spend her days getting to know the other female DOA fighters. Hitomi would enter the fourth DOA Tournament to get money for her dojo in Germany. She would run into Hayate again, and begged for him to come with her to her dojo, revealing a crush. Hayate refused her though, saying that he doesn't want to involve her into the chaotic ninja life, Hitomi realized her crush was just that a crush of a Florence Nightingale effect and left the Tournament in tears. She would return to her home in Germany and redoubled her efforts to revitalize her dojo. She would enter the second fake tournament and would win big at the Zack Island Casino, relieving her of the stress for her family. Once she sent the money back home, she gained a gambling addiction and would spend more time schmoozing with the card dealers for better hands than being outside on the beach with the other female DOA fighters. During the fifth DOA Tournament, Hitomi would link up with Leifang and the two would practice their martial arts together. Hitomi would face a vast majority of the field and would place second only stopping short to Jann Lee. Returning intentionally to the third fake tournament, Hitomi would take advantage of the field by practicing martial arts with the other female DOA fighters, abstaining from her gambling addiction. Promising herself to win the next Tournament. And in that sixth DOA Tournament, Hitomi would place third unofficially but would gain officially the placement of first after Jann Lee & Diego broke the rules of having an immediate rematch after the finals. Hitomi's victory was short lived as unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Hitomi along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Hitomi took empathy on Amy's husband Tack’s plight. Learning about his mission and took it upon herself to join his fight. That admiration turned to protection, which turned further into love as she got to know him better. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Hitomi was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Hitomi chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


105th Wife: Honoka Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Honoka is a self taught martial artist, practicing the art of “Honoka Fu”, which involves a mixture of techniques she imitated by watching the DEAD OR ALIVE Tournaments. She was born in the Mugen Tenshin Clan village but was abandoned by her father Raidou and forcibly removed from her mother Ayame, she was taken in by her Grandmother and lived a fairly normal life unaware that the fighters she saw in the Tournaments like Kasumi, Ayane, & Hayate were her relatives. Honoka grew up into a busty and ditzy girl unintentionally, as her Grandmother was overprotective. This caused Honoka to yearn for greater knowledge, but she respected her Grandmother from diving further into unknowingly unlocking her secret past. She would enter herself into the fifth DOA Tournament and upon reaching the second round would accidentally use her innate ninja magic, surprising both her and her opponent, disqualifying her from the Tournament. That accidental use of power brought attention to Donovan of MiST, who would attempt to kidnap her after her attendance of the fake third Tournament. Upon orders of Helena Douglas, Marie Rose was assigned to protect Honoka. During the sixth DOA tournament she pretended to be Honoka’s friend but eventually the two became actual friends, and Marie was able to save Honoka & the other DOA Fighters from MIST. Unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Honoka along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Honoka would spend time with Amy's husband Tack to learn more about her history. As they recorded questions for the other personalities to answer. Over time, the need for recording questions faded and Honoka could simply think to the other souls complete conversations. This increased her knowledge greatly, and relieved her of stress from being an airhead and a weight off her shoulders for her hidden history. She was most grateful to her Sister-Wives and to Tack, feeling now it was her duty to repay the kindness given to her with love. That sense of duty was changed to genuine love over time as she admired how much Tack wanted to help her learn. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Honoka was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Honoka chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


106th Wife: Alpha Ichigoni Angel
Age: Clone of a 21 year old
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

After the first DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Kasumi was captured by DOATEC. By doing various experiments and testing, DOATEC was able to clone Kasumi based purely on her ninja magic. With a body glowing teal in ninja energy, the clone was otherwise a perfect copy of Kasumi's abilities. To prevent any potential issues mentally, they grafted skin onto the clone to match Kasumi. The clone was dubbed Kasumi Alpha-152, and was cloned herself to create an army of Kasumi clones led by 152. Kasumi was rescued by the Mugen Tenshin Clan led by Ryu Hayabusa during the second DOA Tournament. Kasumi fought Alpha-152 and in the process, tore away at Alpha’s grafted skin, revealing their true nature. This caused 152 to go insane, losing all sense of reason and despite the attack, the 152 clone survived the invasion. With their records and equipment in ruins, Alpha-152 was stored by DOATEC in a chamber to try and restart the cloning project. In the fourth DOA Tournament, Alpha-152 was released by DOATEC to stop the incoming invasion by the Mugen Tenshin Clan. Upon release Alpha-152 burst through the facility and tore through the airlock of an orbiting spacecraft. Alpha-152 would fight it's lone passenger and went on a rampage back down on the planet. The reason for it's rampage was that the plan for the Alpha clones was imperfect, Alpha-152 thought she was the real Kasumi in all ways, and realizing her true nature broke her. She was then captured by Donovan of MiST and used to create new clones, including a clone called Phase 4. Both Alpha-152 & Phase 4 survived the fifth DOA Tournament after the Mugen Tenshin Clan invaded MiST to save Hayate from Project Epsilon. During the sixth DOA Tournament, Donovan would forcibly merge the body of Phase 4 into Alpha-152 using a forbidden technique & technology with help from an ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu). The merging was a success as Alpha-152 & Phase 4’s memories and soul were combined like pieces of a puzzle. Giving the new Alpha-152 mental stability and a feeling of wholeness, now as a complete being Alpha-152 rebelled against her creators and ran, taking on a new identity as Alpha Ichigoni. That freedom was short lived as MIST would try the same technique to fuse Alpha & Phase 4 with Gohyakumine Bankotsubō and Ayane's father Genra, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Alpha along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Alpha got to learn what it was to be an individual apart from Kasumi. That she had her own thoughts and feelings that were separated from the Mugen Tenshin Clan. She relied on the other souls in her head as well as Amy's husband Tack. Seeing Tack as a security blanket of sorts to ground her. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Alpha was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Alpha chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


107th Wife: Kokoro Angel-Douglas
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Kokoro is a baji quan practitioner and geisha-in-training. She was abandoned to  a geisha training school as a toddler by her father Fame Douglas, as she was born illegitimately with a mistress of his, Miyako. Growing up, she never knew her father, only being told she was born at the geisha home. Kokoro only knew the Geisha life, but as a preteen was saved by a baji quan martial artist in blue & silver from an unruly customer. She took inspiration to take up the martial art to eventually find that man and become his wife, viewing it as her duty as a geisha to protect the back of the man that saved her. Her fellow geisha would support her training, treating her as the sisters she never had, a found family. During the third DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Kokoro was caught up in a chase between Ayane & Kasumi, with Kokoro protecting Kasumi’s whereabouts as she was in disguise. This led to Kokoro & Ayane fighting with no winner as Ayane dropped the fight to restart her chase. With permission by the Oiran (Head Geisha) of her home, Kokoro entered the fourth DOA Tournament. There she would fight many until she met with Helena Douglas, then Helena was able to have analyzed by a DNA scan that Kokoro was indeed her long lost half-sister. The two embraced with Kokoro forfeiting, happy enough that she found her lost origin. After the reconciliation, Helena recommended that Kokoro learn from her teacher of piqua Quan, and through that to maybe learn the identification of the mysterious man who helped her as a young lady. During the fifth DOA Tournament, Kokoro would gain new friends to practice her martial arts with like Jann Lee & Akira. She made it to the quarter finals in a losing effort to Eliot. During the sixth DOA Tournament, Kokoro would be tormented by NiCO about her heritage. Hounding her to question her origin, and why she was abandoned by Fame Douglas. Kokoro in process of fighting in the tournament to find out, defeated her old half-sister Helena but soon after the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Kokoro along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Kokoro was able to figure out that the man who saved her as a child was her Earth’s equivalent of Amy's husband Tack. Kokoro would spend her days being the woman covering Tack's back, as she promised herself she would. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Kokoro was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Kokoro chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


108th Wife: Leifang Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Leifang the Taiji Quan prodigy from a country named “The People's Republic of China”, set off on her journey into the 1st DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament to find and fight the man who saved her when she was young, Jann Lee to prove her worth. She was defeated in effortless fashion but showed improved fighting capabilities in the 2nd & 3rd Tournament. To reset her mind, she joined the 1st fake tournament on Zack Island, and upon learning it was just bait to have beautiful women in the same place, she realized her advantage over Jann Lee. Leifang trained with her fellow DOA fighters on the island, expanding her endurance and feminine physical ideal. Now renewed and with full confidence as a woman, she faced Jann Lee in the 4th Tournament. Despite the chaos around them, Leifang finally defeated Jann by using the Taiji Quan techniques along with her feminine appeal. Now realizing her true potential, she knowingly joins the 2nd fake tournament to improve her feminine appeal, taking in as much supplements and physical exercise as she could. She joined the 5th DOA Tournament to fight Jann Lee again, but was defeated as Jann trained himself to ignore the feminine appeal. During the 6th DOA Tournament, Leifang meets with the Tengu Gohyakumine Bankotsubō out in a forest in China. Gohyakumine offers her the opportunity to truly be able to best her childhood idol for good and gain his respect, she accepts and the Tengu casts a spell on her. Her body transforms into the perfect ideal of the strong feminine body, with curves and strength that increased her ability tenfold, however secretly in exchange the Tengu removed her idolatry of Jann Lee, instead refocusing her idolatry to a far away King in another world; and absorbed her prodigiousness in the Taiji Quan martial arts. She was no longer able to improve her ability and the Tengu could use this absorbed talent into a spell he would use later. Leifang meets with Jann Lee and dominates him in combat, so much so that Jann is forced to retire from martial arts. Leifang would feel a tinge of regret but the spell of the Tengu would wash that away and refocus it on finding the King of her dreams. Unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being Gohyakumine Bankotsubō was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Leifang along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Leifang would challenge Amy's husband Tack at every opportunity, and would be felled each time by his superior BDSM techniques. As unlike Jann, Tack knew how to handle a woman's appeals. Leifang relished the pushback and used it as motivation to improve her femininity as she could no longer improve her Taiji Quan, she found her idolized King. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Leifang was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Leifang chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


109th Wife: Lisa “La Mariposa” Angel
Age: 23
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The former high school friend of Tina Armstrong, Lisa Hamilton was a scientist for DOATEC. Working on genetic projects, and splicing. She eventually would quit working for DOATEC and would join her former classmate in DWA (DOATEC Wrestling Association) as the masked luchadora “La Mariposa”. Lisa entered into the 4th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament in cooperation with Helena Douglas to destroy a project she worked on in, Project Alpha. She Helped aid the Mugen Tenshin Clan enter DOATEC'S Project Alpha facility just as the target, Kasumi Alpha-152 reentered the building. After the Clan destroyed all records and storage of the plan, & Helena Douglas enacted her plan to destroy DOATEC, Lisa escaped with other DOA Tournament entries, succeeding in their plan. While Kasumi Alpha-152 escaped, there would be no others like her. Lisa then join Tina Armstrong as a Joshi Tag Team in the DWA. Lisa would then enter the 5th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament as a double agent working with Donovan & MIST. Working again with the Mugen Tenshin Clan, she helps stop Donovan from finishing Project Epsilon, freeing Hayate from potentially being cloned like Kasumi before him. During the 6th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, Lisa would work on an immunity vaccine for Hayate to prevent Project Epsilon from ever happening again. In success, she helped the wind ninja from the project and in process helped the Mugen Tenshin Clan stop Donovan, Kasumi Alpha-152, Kasumi Alpha Phase 4, & NiCO for a time. Unfortunately they were unable to find the true goal and culprits of Donovan's plan, as the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Lisa along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Lisa relished the opportunity to experiment with Tack as her test subject. Growing into a Florence Nightingale effect on her heart, loving every inch of her shared husband. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Lisa was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Lisa chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


110th Wife: Marie Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The petite Marie Rose was the young and studious maid for DOATEC’s Helena Douglas, assisting her ever since Christie’s betrayal. She was fairly non confrontational throughout the 5th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament as well as the 2nd & 3rd fake tournament. During the 6th Tournament, she was ordered to enter by Helena to keep an eye on and protect fellow competitor Honoka from the evil organization MIST. During the tournament she pretended to be Honoka’s friend but eventually the two became actual friends, and Marie was able to save Honoka & the other DOA Fighters from MIST. Unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Marie along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Marie attended to Amy’s husband Tack as a maid would, embarrassing Amy in the process. That playful enjoyment in teasing Amy in her mind eventually led to her falling in love with Tack herself. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Marie was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Marie chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


111th Wife: Mila Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Mila was a normal girl from a land known as “New York City”, there she worked as a waitress by day and an MMA fighter by night. While at that waitress job she met the famous Tina Armstrong. Admitting she was a fan of her and her father as Pro Wrestlers, Tina offers to spar and train with her. The time after for her was a whirlwind of the 5th & 6th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournaments that led to her fulfilling her dream of facing her idol Bass Armstrong in a fight, which she lost but vowed to train harder to beat him. Unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Mila along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Mila found Amy’s husband Tack to be a worthy sparring partner and reminded her a lot of her idol Bass Armstrong, eventually turning into love. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Mila was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Mila chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


112th Wife: Momiji Angel
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

A dragon shrine maiden for the Hayabusa Clan, Momiji protected the Dragon's Eye Relic from evil spirits and demons. Under tutillage by Ryu Hayabusa, Momiji protected her Clan's village with purification prayers and would also regularly play with the Clan's children as their big sister. One day, Momiji was on an errand for the village and when she returned the village was massacred. As the village was invaded by the Dark Dragon Blade Clan, stealing the Dragon's Eye. Ryu Hayabusa would take revenge for the Clan and would take Momiji under his wing. Momiji would train as a kunoichi, hoping to combine her skills of ninja magic and faithful prayers as a shrine maiden to create holy ninja magic. After some time, there came a time of peace, and through that peace Momiji decided to follow her teacher's footsteps and joined the 5th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament. There she completed but didn't win, however she was invited to Zack's island for the 3rd fake tournament and gained friendship and comrades playing volleyball. She would return for the 6th DOA Tournament, and again would not place on the podium but gained new friends. Unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Momiji along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Momiji saw and was charmed by Tack's faith and dedication to God. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Momiji was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Momiji chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. Momiji as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


113th Wife: Naotora Angel (Ii)
Age: ?
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Head of the Ii Clan during the Warring States Era of a country called "Japan", Naotora Ii was given her own title and clan due to her loyalty to the Imagawa Clan. Because of her boyish charm, boyish interests like sports & song, and great leadership, she was thought of as being a man by other rival clans but that was only to save pride as her clan was near top of the nation. Her only fall came about from her happening across a wormhole during a morning run. Dragged into a mysterious portal by-way-of Victor Donovan's MIST time-travelling experiment, Naotora Ii, emerged and stranded in present-day next to a competitor of the DEAD OR ALIVE fighting tournament. Given no other choice but to fight for her life, and keeping her family motto of ‘once on the battlefield, one must face the enemy head on’ in mind, a determined Naotora set out to emerge victorious from this strange new challenge. Naotora however did not win the tournament, but did take up residence at Zack's island. Working as a Casino girl to make a living, Naotora became accustomed to the modern life thanks to her coworkers helping her until the explosion happened. As unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Nicole along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Naotora was charmed by Amy's husband Tack for matching her boyish interests as they would spar against each other in sport. It was during a spar when Tack was able to parry a riposte from Naotora, and had her vulnerable that had her feel the love that Amy's body and mind had. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Naotora was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Naotora chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. Naotora as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


114th Wife: Nicole Angel
Designation: Spartan-458
Age: 23
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Nicole was born in the year 2531 in the city of New Legaspi on Mars to a ancestry of what was called "Filipino". At six years of age, she was abducted by agents of the Office of Naval Intelligence and conscripted into the SPARTAN-II Program. Nicole was genetically enhanced and became a Petty Officer Second Class for the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) Navy, which was equal to Staff Sergeant in the UNSC Air Force, Army, & Marines. She graduated from UNSC College with honors and was Magne Cum Laude, the 6'8" Nicole was given her own squad of Crewmen and Petty Officer Third Class soldiers. It was during a recon mission that Nicole's ship was caught in a wormhole, her entire staff were dematerialized with the only reason she survived was her Spartan genetic makeup and her being in a cryosleep chamber. Upon awakening, Nicole maintained composure to find her way out of her predicament, despite finding out she warped through time to the 21st century of that planet. She flew her ship to the nearest planet that had life, a planet that was the 3rd from its sun. Upon reaching orbit, Nicole's ship was invaded by a being that had a close relationship to someone she'd meet in the future. The invading being was Kasumi Alpha, the two fought on Nicole's ship for days, never stopping as Nicole was a Spartan Genetic Project & Kasumi Alpha was a Ninja-Science freak of nature. Soon enough, the damage from their fight caused the ship to crash onto the planet below and into the ocean. Knocking out Nicole and allowing Kasumi Alpha to escape. Turns out that Nicole had landed onto the same planet as the World of the DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, there she would compete in the fourth tournament to obtain DOATEC's technology to repair her ship. She would not win the tournament as that went to Helena Douglas, who gave the title to DJ Zack. Nicole would then take up a job on Zack's Island, helping out with the casino for work until the explosion happened. As unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Nicole along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Nicole felt what it was like to not be as genetically enhanced as she once was. Feeling vulnerable for the first time in her life, she felt the inherent feminine desire to rely on a male to hold her up, and the Crystal King Tack was that rock. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Nicole was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Nicole chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. Nicole as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


     Thread Starter

9/22/2024 12:34 am  #8

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

115th Wife: Nyotengu Angel
Age: 1,018
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Nyotengu was a tengu that was at common peace with the people of a country called Japan, where she would exchange cultural stories and art with the common people. She even grew to have a special relationship with the Emperor of Japan, Kammu. Nyotengu and Kammu were good friends that would regularly eat Manju and drink tea together. During a particular hot summer while spending time with Kammu, she would summon rain with her ancient magic, however she summoned too much rain and caused a week long typhoon that caused so much destruction, it gained the attention of the mountains dwelling oni who attacked the clouds to quell them. It was through that incident that Nyotengu met her childhood friend, the oni Kanna. The time between Nyotengu's Typhoon and the time when she arrived at the fifth DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament. She was invited by DOATEC's new owner Helena Douglas as entertainment for the halftime show of the tournament, there she met the various DOA fighters and lived among them as friends. Unfortunately after the 6th DOA Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Alma along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Nyotengu was able to learn how to live as a normal human, without relying on her ancient magics. Her relationship with Amy's husband Tack reminded her a lot of her good friend Emperor Kammu, thinking that maybe Tack was Kammu's reincarnation, and those thoughts grew into an eventual crush. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Nyotengu was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Nyotengu chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. Nyotengu as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


116th Wife: Alma Angel
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Alma was the twin sister of the demon hunter Rachel, a part of the Holy Vigoor Empire. Once a kind-hearted and innocent girl, Alma was unfortunately captured by Lord of the Greater Fiends Doku, who then cursed her blood and transformed her into a demon fiend. Rachel dedicated her life to free Alma from her curse and purify her soul. Rachel and her ally the Dragon Ninja Ryu Hayabusa, fought through many enemies and eventually were able to fight Alma, while Alma was victorious the fiend Doku used the opportunity to try and convert Rachel as well, but because of that Alma was freed from his control and saved her sister, sacrificing herself. Unfortunately after the 6th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Alma along with the female fighters of the DOA Tournament's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. Alma as part of Amy Angel allowed her to see what a normal life was, allowed her to grown and love, and having Tack by her side helped her in every step. Overcome by the emotions by the other minds she shared, she felt an unsure love for the Crystal King, as she was unsure which was real for her. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Alma was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Alma in resolute feelings of her own thoughts chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


117th Wife: Tina Angel (Performer Name: Tina Armstrong)
Age: 24
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Tina Armstrong was a professional wrestler for the D.W.A. (DOATEC Wrestling Association), she was a Multi-Time DWA Champion for their Women's Division. As a DWA champion she took on all comers and was the top wrestler. Additionally she was the official first winner of the DEAD OR ALIVE World Combat Championship despite placing third after Kasumi was unable to officially accept her Championship victory against Raidou after Raidou was murdered by combat by Kasumi and Kasumi was kidnapped by DOATEC. Tina would use this fame to become the top wrestler in the world, even overtaking her father Bass; and would take on movie and rock band jobs. Tina would compete in the following 5 DOA Tournaments and 3 unofficial DOA Tournaments but would not reach the title ever again. During the tournaments she would face her father many times and eventually agreed to form a Father/Daughter Tag Team, taking on all challengers in exhibitions as DWA did not have a Tag Team title. Unfortunately, the ancient being known as Gohyakumine Bankotsubō (a Tengu) was fused with Ayane's father Genra by MIST, and the resulting experimentation of ancient and ninja magic was a beacon for the Cloud of Darkness to devour their World. Tina along with the other female fighters's souls would drift in space until they were picked up by the Trills and were inserted into the experimental Trill. As part of Amy Angel, Tina enjoyed her life as the Crystal King's wife as it finally fulfilled her goal of Fame. However seeing the tragedy that followed with the sacrifices Tack had, enamored her to him as the strong rock she never realized she always wanted. She wanted to protect that rock as he protected her. After pushing back the Cloud of Darkness, Tina was given a new body thanks to Azuli. Given her own body once more, Tina chose along with most of her Sister-Wives to stay with Tack. Tina as part of the Crystal Kingdom would fight and wrestle as part of the Keijo & AAW leagues. Now she trains with those same Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


118th Wife: Lara Angel (Croft)
Age: 39
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

The buxom Archeologist Lara Croft is a known one of many versions of Lara Croft, split across dimensions due to an ancient curse laid on her when recovering an artifact from a thief. Upon touching it, Lara's body had turned to gold and her entire being split across dimensions, destroying her World. Now an unbreakable Golden Statue, Lara drifted in space until recovered by the space traveling Trills. They found out this golden statue had housed a soul miraculously. For decades (relatively), the Trills could not figure out how to break the curse on the statue. The Trill host, Alyssa, had for a long time thought of the golden statue as her project. To eventually recover the soul that was housed in it. The golden statue was stolen and recovered multiple times during the travels of the Trills until eventually, during a unique shooting stars event in space, the Golden Statue's curse was undone and Lara soul emerged from the broken pieces. The Trills quickly housed the soul inside the experimental Trill inside Alyssa, and with it Lara was saved. As part of Amy Angel, Lara was charmed by Amy's husband Tack's earnestness and genuine care for his people. She had come across many men who were focused on their own desires but Tack did his actions for the World despite oppression. That admiration turned to love. After helping push back the Cloud of Darkness, Lara gained a new body thanks to Azuli. However upon entering the new body, it turned gold. As it seemed, the curse stayed with her soul, however she was able to move around still. Much like Tack & Makoto had dealt with consequences after the CoD, Lara still had to deal with her golden curse. Able to live on her own again, she chose to stay with the Angel family and her new husband. Now she trains with her Sister-Wives in preparation for an incoming threat.


119st Wife: Jenny Angel-Nowhere
Age: 25
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Jenny Nowhere from a far off dimension was a "Shifter" that was able to shift dimensions against her will and is said to be in every dimension at once. Meaning that for every dimension, there is a Jenny Nowhere. This Jenny got caught in Shifting while in battle with her rival Jenny Everywhere, both ended up shifting together inside the experimental Trill to the surprise of the Trill. As part of the Trill, both Jennys were able to learn about each other's memories and experiences, in doing so peace was agreed upon and soon a friendship. Being a part of Amy Angel, influenced both Jennys as they began to have grown feelings for Amy's husband Tack, and for each other as Sisters. Pushing back against the Cloud of Darkness, both Jennys were given new bodies thanks to Azuli. Now Jenny Angel-Nowhere, she helps her fellow Sister-Wives as they prepare for an incoming threat.


120th Wife: Jenny "The Shifter" Angel-Everywhere
Age: 25
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Jenny Everywhere from a far off dimension was a "Shifter" that was able to shift dimensions at will and is said to be in every dimension at once. Meaning that for every dimension, there is a Jenny Everywhere. This Jenny got caught in Shifting while in battle with her rival Jenny Nowhere, both ended up shifting together inside the experimental Trill to the surprise of the Trill. As part of the Trill, both Jennys were able to learn about each other's memories and experiences, in doing so peace was agreed upon and soon a friendship. Being a part of Amy Angel, influenced both Jennys as they began to have grown feelings for Amy's husband Tack, and for each other as Sisters. Pushing back against the Cloud of Darkness, both Jennys were given new bodies thanks to Azuli. Now Jenny Angel-Everywhere, she helps her fellow Sister-Wives as they prepare for an incoming threat.


121st Wife: Haydee Angel
Designation: AB16-800B-58AC-0000
Manufactured Date: September 26, 2016
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Haydee was part of a production line of other Haydee cybernetically modified/manufactured human females. The Haydee testing line was created by an unknown corporation and made to go through a series of tests to replace the lead Haydee at the top of the testing facility. This testing was done to eventually create an army of Haydee units as a Private Military Company, selling them to the highest bidder. Haydee Designation AB16-800B-58AC-0000 was the last of the testing units, going through the facility, and after learning the truth by her sister units, broke through the testing facility and tore apart the unknown corporation. Upon killing the last employee of the corporation, Haydee AB16-800B-58AC-0000 self destructed the facility and corporation, freeing her sister units from further torture as well as herself. Her soul was so strong in her will, that it rose up into space and was collected by the Space traveling Trills and inserted into the experimental Trill. While a part of Amy Angel, Haydee was able to gain a sense of humanity, as she had her memory wiped when she was cybernetically modified. She learned to express both verbally and physically, and appreciated and loved Tack being there every step of the way. Fighting back the Cloud of Darkness with her Sister-Wives in a new Azuli body, Haydee finally felt free. With no obligation of justice or responsibility, Haydee felt the freedom to do what she wanted. And with that freedom she chose to stay with the Angel family, because she chose to. Now she chose to train with her Sister-Wives at the Galactic Federation to fight an incoming threat.


122nd Wife: Excel Angel (Excel)
Age: 21
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Excel Excel was an inexplicable former member of the Ilpalazzo Group. Excel is an excentric ADHDHDHD sufferer who hyperfixates on everything and everyone, including her beloved Ilpalazzo. Excel would go on wacky missions to try and further World Domination for the Ilpalazzo Group. Having finally burned her last life in a comedic fashion, Hyatt and Excel would wander in Space as souls exploring the cosmos. Hyatt and Excel were eventually found by the exploratory Trill vessel and given new life in the experimental Trill. Being apart of Amy, Excel began to have a delusion that Tack was the reincarnation of Ilpalazzo and followed his every order. She eventually learned that wasn't the case, but ended up liking Tack more than Ilpalazzo. Working with her Sister-Wives she would push back against the Cloud of Darkness, and was given a new and healthier body thanks to Azuli. Hyatt now trains with her Sister-Wives as part of the Galactic Federation to fend off an incoming threat.


123rd Wife: Hyatt Angel (Mars)
Age: ?
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Hyatt Mars was an inexplicable former member of the Ilpalazzo Group. Suffering from hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Hyatt would frequently be on the edge of death from her constant loss of blood. Dying and being resurrected constantly by her partner Excel, Hyatt would go on wacky missions to try and further World Domination for the Ilpalazzo Group. Having finally burned her last life in a comedic fashion, Hyatt and Excel would wander in Space as souls exploring the cosmos. Hyatt and Excel were eventually found by the exploratory Trill vessel and given new life in the experimental Trill. Being apart of Amy allowed Hyatt to live a life not constantly on the edge of death and loved that Tack was gentle with her and treated her fairly. Working with her Sister-Wives she would push back against the Cloud of Darkness, and was given a new and healthier body thanks to Azuli. Hyatt now trains with her Sister-Wives as part of the Galactic Federation to fend off an incoming threat.


124th Wife: Mantis Angel
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

A former member of the "Beauty and the Beast" unit of the PMC group "Outer Heaven", Andrea was a child soldier that was indoctrinated by Outer Heaven to fight private wars. She was traumatized by being trapped while a war destroyed her village. Her traumatization came from her time in her home village in a continent known as South America in a far off planet. While escaping her village being burned, Andrea accidentally trapped herself in a torture chamber, surrounded by corpses and the sounds of her family and friends being tortured. Surviving on polluted water, she began to hallucinate and was transformed by that water, being taught by a hallucination of a Mantis that to survive she'd have to do the unthinkables. Upon her escape, she would inexplicably tear apart the insurgents while wailing, ripping off all the males heads like that of a mantis. She was eventually recruited by Outer Heaven to be a part of their Group and was rechristened as Screaming Mantis and given control of technology of nanomachines. Having her unit be defeated by an old Mercenary, Mantis regressed to a childlike mentality and was torn apart by the Cloud of Darkness consuming her World. Her soul along with others in her unit were picked up by the space and time traveling Trills and their souls inserted into the experimental Trill. Being a part of Amy allowed her to learn what a normal life was like, and because of it she was able to gain a sense of humanity and learn what love is, even blooming on a battlefield. Helping fend off the Cloud of Darkness, Mantis was given a new life and was able to gain a family she always wanted. Now she's using her talents with her fellow Sister-Wives as part of the Galactic Federation to fend off an incoming threat.


125th Wife: Wolf Angel
Age: 31
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

A former member of the "Beauty and the Beast" unit of the PMC group "Outer Heaven", Debra was a child soldier that was indoctrinated by Outer Heaven to fight private wars. She was traumatized by an ethnic cleansing war, her traumatization came from her time in her home continent of Africa but her country was long forgotten in a far off planet. Debra grew up on the run from constant wars, and was traumatized by the murder of her family. Carrying her late brother on her back, Debra began to hallucinate wolves walking with her as she wandered a forest. Howling at the moon like her brother's cries, she was eventually found by and adopted by a pack of actual wolves. She was eventually recruited by Outer Heaven to be a part of their Group and was rechristened as Crying Wolf. Given quadrupedal equipment and weaponry, allowing her swift and dangerous capabilities. Having her unit be defeated by an old Mercenary, Wolf regressed to a childlike mentality and was torn apart by the Cloud of Darkness consuming her World. Her soul along with others in her unit were picked up by the space and time traveling Trills and their souls inserted into the experimental Trill. Being a part of Amy allowed her to learn what a normal life was like, and because of it she was able to gain a sense of humanity and learn what love is, even blooming on a battlefield. Helping fend off the Cloud of Darkness, Wolf was given a new life and was able to gain a family she always wanted. Now she's using her talents with her fellow Sister-Wives as part of the Galactic Federation to fend off an incoming threat.


126th Wife: Octopus Angel
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

A former member of the "Beauty and the Beast" unit of the PMC group "Outer Heaven", Paula was a child soldier that was indoctrinated by Outer Heaven to fight private wars. She was traumatized by an anonymous cult, her traumatization came from her time in her home country called Scandinavia in a far off planet. The cult forced her to torture & murder the people in her village, including her family, while forcing her to laugh. Injecting her with experimental Octopus DNA, changing her body as she grew into puberty to that of a chimera Human/Octopus, allowing unique stealth capabilities. She laughed while she killed so much that it broke her mentally, unable to control or understand normal emotional responses. The fate of the cult is unknown, however she was eventually recruited by Outer Heaven to be a part of their Group and was rechristened as Laughing Octopus. Having her unit be defeated by an old Mercenary, Octopus regressed to a childlike mentality and was torn apart by the Cloud of Darkness consuming her World. Her soul along with others in her unit were picked up by the space and time traveling Trills and their souls inserted into the experimental Trill. Being a part of Amy allowed her to learn what a normal life was like, and because of it she was able to gain a sense of mental stability, humanity, and learn what love is, even blooming on a battlefield. Helping fend off the Cloud of Darkness, Octopus was given a new life and was able to gain a family she always wanted. Now she's using her talents with her fellow Sister-Wives as part of the Galactic Federation to fend off an incoming threat.


127th Wife: Raven Angel
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

A former member of the "Beauty and the Beast" unit of the PMC group "Outer Heaven", Nika was a child soldier that was indoctrinated by Outer Heaven to fight private wars. She was traumatized by and trained to control ravens as well as aerial attacks and demolitions. Her traumatization came from her time in her home country called Indonesia in a far off planet. Kept in a cage since a young age, Nika grew up seeing death around her but what broke her mentally was seeing her peers at beaten and abused by her captors and eventual unusual phenomenon of a murder of ravens picking apart her entire encampment. The ravens around her spared her because of they felt her rage was the same as theirs. She was eventually recruited by Outer Heaven to be a part of their Group and was rechristened as Raging Raven. Having her unit be defeated by an old Mercenary, Raven regressed to a childlike mentality and was torn apart by the Cloud of Darkness consuming her World. Her soul along with others in her unit were picked up by the space and time traveling Trills and their souls inserted into the experimental Trill. Being a part of Amy allowed her to learn what a normal life was like, and because of it she was able to gain a sense of humanity and learn what love is, even blooming on a battlefield. Helping fend off the Cloud of Darkness, Raven was given a new life and was able to gain a family she always wanted. Now she's using her talents with her fellow Sister-Wives as part of the Galactic Federation to fend off an incoming threat.


128th Wife: Lydia Angel
Age: 28
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Lydia the Amazon is from a Kingdom called Hydeland, where she and her compatriots Jo the Elf & Rebekah the Sorceress worked together to fight the Ancient Dragon to recover the Dragon's Crown and eventually were able to stop the Demon King. Their journey to save the realm also revived the goddesses Althena, Jula and Vernas. The three goddesses gave the three adventurers the new quest of protecting a new Realm on another world. To do so the three were combined into the amalgamation El Sozon, together they journeyed and found their quarry, the King of Crystal Heaven. They tried to become his bodyguard but failed in their attempt. While traveling among the people of Crystal Heaven their body was ripped apart by an unseen force and was absorbed by the Trill inside Amy Angel because of the Earth 5 Amy Soul inside. Through various circumstances, their souls were released and given new bodies of their own thanks to Azuli Angel. After fighting the Cloud of Darkness, the three adventurers found peace and love among the Angels and found the true adventure they always sought for. Now they are training at the Galactic Federation to fight a new evil.


129th Wife: Jo Angel
Age: 119
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Jo the Elf is from a Kingdom called Hydeland, where she and her compatriots Rebekah the Sorceress & Lydia the Amazon worked together to fight the Ancient Dragon to recover the Dragon's Crown and eventually were able to stop the Demon King. Their journey to save the realm also revived the goddesses Althena, Jula and Vernas. The three goddesses gave the three adventurers the new quest of protecting a new Realm on another world. To do so the three were combined into the amalgamation El Sozon, together they journeyed and found their quarry, the King of Crystal Heaven. They tried to become his bodyguard but failed in their attempt. While traveling among the people of Crystal Heaven their body was ripped apart by an unseen force and was absorbed by the Trill inside Amy Angel because of the Earth 5 Amy Soul inside. Through various circumstances, their souls were released and given new bodies of their own thanks to Azuli Angel. After fighting the Cloud of Darkness, the three adventurers found peace and love among the Angels and found the true adventure they always sought for. Now they are training at the Galactic Federation to fight a new evil.


130th Wife: Rebekah Angel
Age: 22
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Rebekah the Sorceress is from a Kingdom called Hydeland, where she and her compatriots Jo the Elf & Lydia the Amazon worked together to fight the Ancient Dragon to recover the Dragon's Crown and eventually were able to stop the Demon King. Their journey to save the realm also revived the goddesses Althena, Jula and Vernas. The three goddesses gave the three adventurers the new quest of protecting a new Realm on another world. To do so the three were combined into the amalgamation El Sozon, together they journeyed and found their quarry, the King of Crystal Heaven. They tried to become his bodyguard but failed in their attempt. While traveling among the people of Crystal Heaven their body was ripped apart by an unseen force and was absorbed by the Trill inside Amy Angel because of the Earth 5 Amy Soul inside. Through various circumstances, their souls were released and given new bodies of their own thanks to Azuli Angel. After fighting the Cloud of Darkness, the three adventurers found peace and love among the Angels and found the true adventure they always sought for. Now they are training at the Galactic Federation to fight a new evil.


131st Wife: Ruby Angel (Heart)
Age: 40
Current Occupation: Pirate Captain

Ruby Heart was the Pirate Captain of the ship Partenaire, with her crew; the cactus Amingo, the monkey princess Sonson the IIIrd, and a ragtag of ruffians. Ruby was known to sail around the World searching for relics and treasures. However at one point, the Partenaire found a treasure they couldn't steal; the "Armor of Erosion" guarded by the ancient monster known as Abyss, who awoke and declared absolute destruction. To capture the relic (and save the World), the french pirate gathered heroes around the World to get the absolute best to defeat Abyss. From World Warriors, to Mutants, to mech pilots, to aliens and more; the heroes were able to defeat Abyss but in doing so Ruby at the same time was torn apart by passion's instability. Ruby's Soul was fused by that instability with the French Sailor Moon and drifted in space until it was picked up by Ramaya and given to Faris of the Angel Wives to endure trials. Now after fending off the Cloud of Darkness, Ruby has taken up captaining a new ship, the Partenaire II; using it to sail side by side with her Sister-Wife Faris on the seas of Earth 5.


132nd Wife: Tyris Angel (Flare)
Age: 53
Current Occupation: Wanderer

Tyris Flare comes from the Segua Kingdom on Earth 1. She was a part of the Sisterhood of Axlrian, as it's protector of the virgin seers. As a Seguan Amazon, she had immense strength in muscle, a skillful mind, & a fecund fertility of body as a blessing from God. Her hard work also was complimented by her kindness to animals and beasts, to the point of being called "The Beast Rider". Working with her Allies Ax Battler & Gillius Thunderhead, Tyris fought against the evil army led by Death Adder. Saving village after village and with the aid of the flying turtle Genbu, the three took the fight to Death Adder and killed him, and taking his Golden Axe to seal it's dark power. In retaliation, Death Adder Jr kidnapped Tyris and ravaged the Sisterhood of Axlrian. In her despair mixed with passion's instability, her body was broken and her soul ripped from her body, fused with the soul of German Sailor Moon. That combined soul was recovered by Ramaya and given to Makoto of the Angel Wives to endure trials and eventually seperated into an Azuli Clone Body. With her husband Tack she sees him as a Tribal leader, one that brings order to chaos, she admired that, turning into infatuation. Tyris took up a strong relationship with her Sister-Wife Yule and took on her quest to find the Angelic-Amazons on Earth 5. To hopefully find Yule's people.


133rd Wife: Yule Angel (Snowheart)
Age: 381
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

From a World of swords and souls, eternally retold in it's history; Yule was an angelic amazon that battled against the swordsman of her world for the prized Soul Edge. Yule's goal was to use the Soul Edge to protect her angelic-amazon homeland. However upon gaining the Soul Edge, her body and soul were split apart by passion's instability. Her soul drifted and was fused with many many Sailor Moons. That combined soul was recovered by Ramaya and given to Amy of the Angel-Wives, undergoing trials and was eventually seperated into a Azuli Clone. With her husband Tack, Yule loved him at first sight, admiring every bit of his looks and personality, perhaps influenced by Amy's strong feelings for Tack herself. Now back into a body, she searched for the Angelic-Amazons on Earth 5 with her Sister-Wife Tyris to be it's protector. Putting her search on hold, she took the request by her fellow Sister-Wife Samus to take on training for an incoming threat.


134th Wife: Monroe Angel (RGBSona)
Age: 29 (Physically), 4 (Digitally)
Current Occupation: Streamer

Monroe is a concept given life. Originally she was the drawn persona of an artist desperate for love, looking in all the wrong places in her heart. One day one of the drawings of Monroe was magically able to leave the digital page by passion's instability. Traveling through the internet she eventually was captured by the Cloud of Darkness as her World was swallowed whole. By shear willpower of her desire for love, she escaped the swirling vortex of emptiness but was fused with the soul of the Spanish Sailor Moon. The combined soul was recovered by Ramaya and given to Amy of the Angel-Wives to endure trials and was eventually seperated into Azuli Clone Bodies. Now given a human life, Monroe is enjoying a tangible life with her own body both in regular activities and as a wife to her husband. Monroe currently streams her drawing sessions and likes to share her life as a Queen to her fans.


135th Wife: Tracy Angel-Bat
Age: 60 (Mind), 25 (Physically)
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Tracy Bat was a former beat cop on skates of a place called "New York City", where she took down criminals that were causing harm to normal citizens. After dealing with the Toshinden Tournament Incident with Uranus, her World was destroyed by the swallowing emptiness. A few souls survived as they crawled through space until arriving at Crystal Heaven, however Tracy was not as lucky as her soul was displaced by passion's instability and intertwined with the soul of the English Sailor Moon. That combined soul was recovered by Ramaya and given to Tracy of the Angel Wives to endure trials and was eventually seperated into new bodies. Tracy Angel-Bat had felt Tracy's feelings of diminishing love, due to her infertility. Having dealt with that situation before as a cop, she resisted that feeling being absorbed within her. Tracy has since being freed, sought therapy from that depression. She would unintentionally lash out at her husband Tack, still harboring the leftover emotions; however Tack's patience and understanding lead to her overcoming the negativity and grew to love and appreciate her husband and his role. Now Tracy is helping train her Sister Wives at the Galactic Federation.


136th Wife: Iroha Angel-Blade
Age: ???
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Iroha was born on another Earth as a Crane, she lived a normal bird's life until she was cursed by a spirit to become a human and a servant. She served under a high noble family's delinquent nephew, being abused verbally and physically. Not knowing any better as she was a crane prior, Iroha tried her best to serve but it was never enough to be treated with love. After reaching her lowest point, he soul was suddenly ripped from her by passion's instability and was fused with the soul of Japanese Sailor Moon. That combined soul was recovered by Ramaya and given to Iroha of the Angel Wives to endure trials and was eventually seperated into new bodies. Iroha Blade having seen and felt Iroha Angel's live for Tack deepened her feelings for him and gladly took on the role of a new wife. Now Iroha Angel-Blade is training with modern weapons and her Sister-Wives to face an incoming threat.


137th Wife: Kiyoshi Angel
Age: Thousands of Years Old
Current Occupation: Galactic Federation Trainee

Kiyoshi is the time traveled former Avatar, succeeded eventually by Korra. Kiyoshi was a Shepherd of the Heavens that helped guide and protect people in need fighting many wars using the unique abilities of the elements of the Avatar. Over time she gained a female lover and lived past her lover's life aging to hundreds of years old. Through mysterious circumstances of passion's instability, her soul was removed from her body and time traveled to the future where she was bonded with the alternate universe Chinese Sailor Moon. That combined soul was then extracted by that mysterious circumstance and forced to wander Space until it was eventually recovered by Ramaya. After an explanation and agreement, Ramaya infused the Kiyoshi/Sailor Moon soul into Nani Angel. There Nani endured spiritual trials to eventually be able to unfuse the fused soul.


138th Wife: Minfilia Angel (Warde)
Age: 39
Current Occupation: Emissary of Light

Minfilia comes from Earth 14, after having fulfillment of her role as the Emissary of Light for the Warriors of Light, she arrived on Earth 1 to fulfill her next role as Emissary of Light for the Shepherd of the Heavens, her husband Tack Angel. Now transported to Earth 5, Minfilia takes the role as the bearer for Light to balance the King of Dark's energy. As if there is no balance, then Earth 5 would crumble to ruin once more. Currently Minfilia is gathering Viera Guardswomen to be her network of information throughout the planet.


139th Wife: Santanah Angel-Frost
Age: Unknown
Current Occupation: The Santa Claus of Earth 5

The formally long slumbering Santanah Angel-Frost is a magical being for Earth 5. Having lived as long as Earth 5 has existed, Santanah was assigned to bring presents to the children of the planet, but after Darkness Angel took over the planet, she slumbered until the planet was free from tyranny. After an influential arrow shot by the celestial Cupid Eros, Santanah and her sister fell in love with the King of Dark for a greater purpose of staying a sibling quarrel that could have ruined Christmas. Jacqueline and Santanah would continue their work in delivering a cheerful and joyful Christmas, seeing their husband once a year.


140th Wife: Jacqueline Angel-Frost
Age: Unknown
Current Occupation: The Bringer of Frost for Earth 5

The formally long slumbering Jacqueline Angel-Frost is a magical being for Earth 5. Having lived as long as Earth 5 has existed, Jacqueline was assigned to bring the frost wind to the planet, but after Darkness Angel took over the planet, she slumbered until the planet was free from tyranny. After an influential arrow shot by the celestial Cupid Eros, Jacqueline and her sister fell in love with the King of Dark for a greater purpose of staying a sibling quarrel that could have ruined Christmas. Jacqueline and Santanah would continue their work in delivering a cheerful and joyful Christmas, seeing their husband once a year.


141st Wife: Patricia "Patty" Angel (Wagon)
Age: 35
Current Occupation: Police Officer & Fire Fighter

The leggy and lipidemus clad Officer Patricia "Patty" Angel is currently part of the Galaxy Police and Fire Fighting Force, going throughout the Galaxy to capture criminals and save lives. And it was through her work that she eventually met her future husband in Tack. She was assigned to the Angel family to help with the threat of what became the Cloud of Darkness, and after some reality warping from Entity V, she became a wife in the Angel family. In what could be construed as a "Florence Nightingale Effect", Patty fell for her assignment growing a deep appreciation and love for Tack's deep concern and love for his people despite the affect it was having on his body. She now aims to protect her new family, fully endorsed by the Galaxy Police as they want someone on the inside of the Angel House to keep tabs on the King.


142nd Wife: Sasha Angel (Calle)
Age: 28
Current Occupation: "Superhero"

Sasha came to Earth 5 after being sucked into a portal from another World. Prior she was an actress who portrayed many roles, her last was portraying a superhero character by the name of Kara "Supergirl" Zor-El. While doing a promotional interview in suit, she was transported to Earth 5 by a portal, landing in the Gerudo Desert. Upon arrival to the Gerudo Village she suffered multiple concussions and reverted to a simple minded state and started to believe she was her last role of Kara. Sasha was deported to Crystal Heaven where she was taken care of by the Crystal Heaven citizens, who understood her condition. She in her simple state formed a crush on the Crystal King as she thought he was a "cool guy". Now she gets help from her Sister-Wives to hopefully regain her mental functions.


143rd Wife: Tifa Angel (Lockhart)
Age: 30
Current Occupation: Fashionista

Tifa Angel came to join the Angel family after recommendations by her best friend Aerith. She had gained a crush on the King after hearing Aerith's stories about his heroism and good works on Earth 1 & 5. Because of the Vessel of Love's unknowing influence, Aerith encouraged Tifa to join her sisterhood and to experience the King for herself because as much as he said that he had a hard time keeping up with them, the Angel Wives had just as hard a time dealing with his overflowing love and needed help both physically and mentally. Tifa prior was a fashionista, traveling the World to create and model fashion; a stark difference between her prior job as a barmaid. Her piercing red eyes and voluptuous body took the fashion world by storm with hit after hit. Dressed for success, Tifa looks to enjoy her time with her husband, helping him out while promoting her fashion lines.

B-Team Angel Wives

Age: 127
Former Occupation: Pro-Bender, Avatar of the Elements
Current Ocupation: Maid

The former active Avatar that abandoned her duty as she search for "The True Avatar" who ended up as one of the Shepherd of the Heavens, Tack Angel. In full dedication to him, she tries to serve his every need to not only repent for her teenage mistakes, but also in admiration to Tack.

Ruby Rose
Age: 24
Former Occupation: Huntress
Current Occupation: Inquisitor to the Crystal Kingdom

Ruby Rose is a former Huntress with her teammates opf Team RWBY; which consisted of heiress Weiss Schnee,  catgirl Blake Belladonna, & Ruby's Half-Sister Yang Xiao Long. Because of various circumstances, Ruby parted was with her teammates after she was hired by King Tack to be her Inquisitor for the Kingdom, apprehending any homosexuals and putting them under treatment to cure them. She even went as far as to arrest her former teammates for their homosexual behavior.

Amy Rose

The tarot reading Hedgehog Amy Rose of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel’s needs as an advisor. Reading fortunes to try and understand fate.



The jewel hunter Bat of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs as a spy. Infiltrating lands and Kingdoms not part of the Crystal Kingdom



The motherly Rabbit of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs of a matriarch figure. To show him the wisdom of feminine age, and provide comfort. She is also raising her own child rabbit, Cream.



The Squid Sister of Marie, Callie of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for entertainment in private concerts.



The Squid Sister of Callie, Marie of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for entertainment in private concerts.



The Octopus partner of Pearl, Marina of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for entertainment in private concerts.



The Squid partner of Marina, Pearl of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for entertainment in private concerts.



The Eel partner of Shiver & Big Man, Frye of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for entertainment on Radio.



The Shark partner of Frye & Big Man, Shiver of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for entertainment on Radio.



Tawna of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for “entertainment”. She is also a star Kart Racer.



Tawna of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel’s needs for exploration. She scoures the planet looking for unexplored land.


Trophy girls

Ami, Liz, Isabella, & Megumi of the Shake Kingdom attends to King Tack Angel's needs for “entertainment”. They are Kart Racers but also are the trophy girls for the Kart races.


Teacher: Now who can tell me why our King has so many wives.

A student raises her hand

Female Student: The goal originally was to gather enough love to fight the Cloud of Darkness.

Teacher: That's correct Sachiko, but now why is it that they're still together?

The female student lowers her hand, unsure of the answer.

Teacher: Anyone? It's because through the strife they stayed in love.

A male student raises his hand.

Teacher: Yes Johnny?

Male student: Why are the Queens okay with sharing one man? I understood why it had to be done before, but why are they okay with it now?

Teacher: That's a good question. And it's one we don't really have an answer to. Love can be strange, odd, but very very powerful. It can sometimes make the impossible, possible. As with the Cloud of Darkness. Any other questions?

Another female student raised her hand.

Female student: Is the King's goal to unify all the kingdoms & countries on Earth 5? Is that why he has so many wives?

Teacher: That's a good theory. The King has said that's not his goal though. He has said before that he only wants those who are willing to join the Crystal Kingdom. Now, speaking of which, open up your Geography books and give those a once-over as well.


     Thread Starter

9/22/2024 12:34 am  #9

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Earth 5 Geography
Ver. 20XX

The Continents of Earth 5

Segua, Ninteldo, North Eagleland, South Eagleland, Shake, Eorzea, North Pole, South Pole

The Crystal Kingdom

The Crystal Kingdom is a unified agreement between different kingdoms and countries throughout Earth 5. These Sister-Kingdoms are Ruled by one King but are run on the day-to-day by the King's wives.

Please refer to the live interactable links that is bellow to see information of each member of the Crystal Kingdom.

The Other Countries of Earth 5

There are some countries and kingdoms on Earth 5 that are not part of the Crystal Kingdom, for various reasons.

Please refer to the live interactable links that is bellow to see information of each country or kingdom not part of the Crystal Kingdom.

The Acorn Kingdom

South of Scotsland and west of the Gerudo Desert, lies the Acorn Kingdom. Ruled by the mother/daughter Queen Duo of Alicia and Sally Acorn, both married to the Crystal King. Alicia's husband, Sally's father, died after old age. In a bid to restore balance to their Kingdom, they both offered themselves to the Crystal King as a pair. It paid off, and they became key in gathering the unity of the Crystal Heaven Sister Kingdoms to eventually push back against the Cloud of Darkness. Peculiarly though, both insist of being inside fursuits, and no one really knows if the two are actually related. However the kingdom still treats them as such due to the kingdom's fascination with the actual Anthros of the Shake Kingdom.

The Acorn Kingdom participates in a variety of sports, but nothing of any expertise. They join in on the tournament games with Hyrule and Lorule, participate in Divegrass with Scotsland, as well as the World Sport of Keijo. They're known for their cuisine mostly, and compete well against the other Sister Kingdoms on Tetsujin Chef. Their exports are mostly vegetables and livestock meat, but consume the most butter on the entire planet. Their prime animal is that of the squirrel of course. Their colors are a basic green and brown, with the brown being in the shape of an acorn.

Crystal Heaven

The Crown Jewel of the planet, the home of the Crystal King and his many wives, and known as the "Land for Lost Souls". Crystal Heaven was the former home of Darkness Angel, before he was finally defeated for good. Thanks to the efforts of the Crystal Heaven citizens and Viera Guardswomen, the Kingdom was rebuilt and waited for the arrival of their King & Queens. The kingdom is currently headed by Queen Amy Angel, as she loves to take on the day-to-day tasks, she is aided by her fellow Sister-Wives and the Viera Guardswomen. The King of Dark Tack Angel, accompanied by her teachers Sailor Neptune & Uranus, is constantly on the move as he does diplomatic work as well as lead the fight in World War Bee.

Crystal Heaven Town is divided into 4 districts: Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, & Angel. The Dragon district is home to the handcrafted shops, and is the fashion capital of the Kingdom. The Phoenix district is the residential area, these are where most of the apartments are for citizens. Rent and utilities are free with the requirement of work as agreed upon on immigration. The Tiger district is the home of restaurants, you can find pretty much anything from any region there. The Angel district is for other businesses; things like home improvement, banks, & sports. All four districts meet in the middle of town which is a circular area home to the World-Famous Crystal Heaven Food Court. The top of the top food shops reside there and are considered the best on any Earth.

The Kingdom's athletics include the ever popular Keijo, with the King a frequent attender. The championships are also held here. All Angel Wrestling is also held here, AAW is exclusively a wrestling promotion for the Angel Wives to work out their aggression or disputes, it's not as popular as Keijo but is attended well. Biggest criticism is that the people don't really want to see their Queens fight it out. There are other sports as well that the citizens partake in as well. Because Crystal Heaven is near Lake Slydra, the town has a unique beach atmosphere, with the weather being not too hot or cold with a relaxing breeze. The prime animal for Crystal Heaven is that or the Capybara, who take residence and work at the local hot springs, guests regularly bring oranges for them. It's colors are that of Silver & Blue, with the Silver in the shape of a tower topped by a star.

The United Kingdoms of Edenia

Edenia is south of Crystal Heaven in South Eagleland, and is split into three sub-kingdoms ruled by the Outworlder's Kahn's wives. Outworld itself was swallowed by the Cloud of Darkness. The northern most sub-kingdom is ruled by Queen Kitana, daughter of the former-Kahn-now-Citizen Shao and Sindel, though her birth father is that of the Kahn before Shao, Jerrod. The middle sub-kingdom is ruled by Queen Skarlet, adoptive daughter of Citizen Shao. Probably the most stringent of the sisters in keeping Edenian traditions. The southern most sub-kingdom is ruled by Queen Mileena, the clone of her sister Kitana and half-Tarkatan. The three sisters had agreed to share one area of the continent, in honor of their fallen sister Jade. There a memorial resides in her honor, who led the refugees out of the poisoned lands in Outworld until she mysteriously died.

Edenia is the largest kingdom on Earth-5 but is still under the Crystal Heaven rule. Edenia is an enriched kingdom as it's primary export is gold, which can be found in deposits everywhere. As well as bamboo, rice, & sugar. They love to participate in aquatic sports to Kombat the heat such as swimming, water polo, & Keijo. There's also a yearly competition of a race at Jade's Sub-Kingdom, where every citizen of Edenia can participate to be the "king" of the Jade sub-kingdom, which amounts to that of special seating at sporting events and a discount at eateries. Edenians like to play it up and honor the "King" title, by addressing the winner as such, no matter the age or gender. Edenia is known for its delicious Edenian Pie which is considered to be a rare delicacy, loved by many inhabitants, Edenia's prime animal is that of the dragon, which protect Edenia through the skies. It's colors are that of silver and gold, shaped in that of a ying-yang symbol, representative of the balance of spirit.


An archipelago of islands east of Honoh, the Country of Edo is run by the Mushroom Kingdom's Queen Peach. Queen Peach is aided by her Chancellor and his wife the Royal Dresser.

The Mushroom Kingdom has great interest in pretty much all sports, anything that can be derived as a competition is made into a sport no matter the medium. Even TV networks compete against each other in Edo in yearly competition during New Years with their employees competing in kareoke. Keijo is competed in of course but with the population being primarily toads, Edoese Keijo Athletes are few and far between. However, when there is an Edoese female who takes interest, she is put on a special chanko soup diet that adds fat to the areas needed for Keijo Athletes. Keeping in shape under the Chanko diet can be a struggle but the results are impressive with measurements doubling and some tripling after the diet. Edo was also a founder of the ever popular Tetsujin Chef, a cooking competition with Tetsujin Chefs from each of the Sister Kingdoms of Crystal Heaven, headed by Chairman Toad. The current Top Tetsujin Chef is Tetsujin Crystal who learned cooking at the legendary Food Court of Crystal Heaven.

Edo is primarily a pescatoral diet, focusing on fresh fish and rice. Their southern and northern isles are famous hotspots for fishing. Forests and gravel pits are frequent throughout the country, housing many forest & desert-like dwelling animals. Edo's Prime Animal is that of the Koi fish. Usually depicted as rising up a waterfall, with the legend of doing hard work to rise up the waterfall and becoming Like A Dragon. The country's colors are that of White with Red accents, believing in the idea of starting as a blank slate and eventually coloring your self in life experience.

Gerudo Village

In the middle of the eastern continents is the very dry and windy Gerudo Desert. Led by it's Chieftess Riju, granddaughter to King Tack and Queen Urbosa. The Gerudo Village is known as the jewel of the desert, for it's large water spring and beautiful, tall, & strong women. To protect it's villagers, no males are allowed in the village unless given permission by the Chieftess. They are otherwise jailed, and eventually escorted out to it's neighbors Hyrule or Resdayn to deal with ensuing punishment.

The Gerudo has a genetic malformation inheritance. Any Gerudo who gets pregnant can only bear females, and every Gerudo born has ginger hair, gigantism (to a minimum height of 6'7" at adult age) & myotonic hypertrophy (constant muscle growth). This causes a lot of Gerudo women to feel shy around those who are foreign, especially men. To combat these genetic disorders, the Gerudo have to mate with men outside of the Village. In doing so though, they are unsuccessful most of the time due to their intimidating size and stature. To combat their muscle growth to attract men, they are on a strict fatty and sugary diet to gain more feminine curves. Some Gerudo are more successful than others in gaining enough fat to look "normal", and is a constant point of contention and emotional distress to the Gerudo. The former Chieftess Urbosa, became the talk of the village after she returned from Crystal Heaven at one point and was "blessed with the magic" from King Tack. Since then, even after Urbosa returned to her normal size after the Cloud of Darkness, her blessed form became the ideal to the average Gerudo woman, an unobtainable goal.

The Gerudo do participate in Keijo, but have to do so on learning excursions to the sister kingdoms. Their large bodies exude a lot of heat naturally, but is not uncomfortable to them, thus they can handle pretty much any temperature in Keijo Athletics. They otherwise participate in desert competitions like horse racing, sand surfing, & camel breeding. Their Camel Breeding Shows are the best on Earth 5, showing off how well trained their camels can be. There are some fanatics from other countries that also participate in camel breeding but the Gerudo have trade secrets in making the best. Their prime animal is of course the camel. Their colors are that of red and brown, complimenting the flowing red hair and glistening brown skin much like the red sun and brown sand around them.


To the west of the Mushroom Kingdom in Earth 5's Edo lies the country of Honoh, meaning Fire King. There is the Kingdom that is run by Queen Azula Angel.

The country of Honoh is quite large, surrounded by mountainsides it is primarily powered by fire and steam. The country has certain traditional tapestries of fabric in contrast to the more mechanical downtown areas that power the country. A focus has been made to become the planet's leader in medicine, always experimenting in alchemy and natural science. The food, having such a focus on fire, is dominated by fried foods using big Woks to cook. The high cholesterol diet is offset by everyone walking everywhere, rarely do you see people travel by cars, though they are available. For recreation, there is the planetary past-time of Keijo. The country takes a great pride in it's rivalry with the neighboring Edo & Midgar, focusing their training for their athletes on vigorous glute exercises. They also have interest in martial arts using the different elements of the planet as inspiration: water, earth, wood, air, metal, & fire. Most fireworks are also created here, using ceramic incasing to house them.

The country's colors are traditionally fire red and shining gold, a contrast to the Crystal Kingdom Light Blue & Silver, which the country doesn't see as opposites rather as companions, a yin to yang. The country's prime animal are oxen, with their strong backs and shoulders to carry great things, the country takes inspiration from that with a moto of "Lift each other like Oxen". The population is primarily people of the land that were in servitude to Darkness Angel, but some Outworlders, Midgardians, & Edoese live there as well.

The Kingdom of Hyrule

Set to the north of the Gerudo Desert, lies the Monorchy Kingdom of Hyrule ruled by Queen Zelda. Known for it's mountainous and foresty region, the Kingdom of Hyrule is very medieval in it's technology. Preferring nature's bounty over modern sensibility. It's security is an entire army of knights led by it's blonde enigmatic captain and his stableswoman wife, although under orders from the King Tack, it's currently under the jurisdiction of Inspector Ruby Rose and her Viera bodyguards. Queen Zelda is very stoic and focused on her mission as Queen, having complete trust in her husband King Tack. She treats her citizens well but can be misinterpreted as being not caring.

Hyrule primarily focuses on old tournament type competition. Things like Sword & Board, Melee, Fencing, & the very popular Joust. Though with Crystal Heaven's influence, Keijo was introduced and some of the modern technology from Crystal Heaven was installed in Hyrule for things like seating and heated pools for Keijo competition. Keijo is not as popular as the more traditional games in Hyrule, but there is a community. It's prime animal is that of the Horse, sturdy and diligent. It's colors are that of green and gold, primarily shaped in the form of a triangle.

The Kingdom of Lorule

Lorule is located South of Resdayn and is the most southern point of the map before the country of the South Pole. It is ruled by Queen Hilda, the raven haired beauty of the region. In many ways, Lorule is a mirror image of Hyrule. Same technology, same type of guard led by a raven haired Captain, same sports too. Some take this as a rivalry, as Zelda & Hilda themselves have a rivalry between each other, but most take it as a friendly competition.

Lorule's prime animal is also that of the horse but there's a contingent of people that want to change it to that of the Zebra which has become more preferred among the people for transportation. It's colors are that of Purple and Gold, with an upside down triangle on their flag.

The United States of Midgar

North of Honoh lies Midgar, a snowy mountainous region. The country was formerly under rule of tyrannical capitalism turned forced communism, corporations ruled it with an iron fist. Pressing every bit of penny and life out of it's citizens, to their weakened will. Midgar was once a big ally to Darkness Angel, aiding in it's enslavement of people. However since Darkness's death, the corporations went into an all out war with each other that left buildings toppled, and the death of many. Midgar was split during this into many different providences who went at War. Causing espionage, border rebellion, & it's citizens fleeing the country if they could escape. Since The King of Dark Tack Angel's arrival though, the war was settled but the border disputes still rage on.

in alphabetical order:
-Antegria was a tyrannical government ran by the providence's General. In a cold war against Republia as spies cross over and gather Intel. Uses propaganda to weave a narrative of their strong military might. It's capital is Glorian.
-Arstotzka was a communist providence, run by a former electricity company that took over and became "The Ministry". The former capital was Grestin but was split during the Capitalist/Communist switch. It is now Paradizna. It is the former home of North Star Lanes owner Jorgi.
-Impor was a military run empire like providence led by the General. The providence has an authority run by the General's family with proclamation that his son will be the next General. As the providence is on the coast, it has access to a grand fishing business. As such many people are detained at the border patrol for trying to sneak over fish.
-Kolechia is the largest providence and was a lawless providence. Borders were only kept in check by the neighboring providences. Kolechia was affected the most by the war and is in dire need of repair for both it's land and it's citizens.
-Obristan was a providence not effected by the war much due to how far north it is. The weather conditions are barely habitable and it's military might only focuses on it's southern border. Obristan is run by an elected Prime Minister under a communist banner.
-Republia was a tyrannical government run by the providence's general, that is in a cold war with Antegria. Using spies and propeganda, Republia was a country under constant stress of attack from it's neighbors.

In current times under it's Queen Aerith, Midgar is still split. Queen Aerith has taken it upon herself to be amongst it's people instead of a castle. Guarded by a few volunteer Viera, but still among the every day citizen. Queen Aerith hopes to eventually unite the country through her on the ground works. The colder climate attracts the warm Keijo arenas, where there are even elevated pools for those attending the Races. The popularity of Keijo wanes between Midgar regions. There is also a love for Tennis among the youth, playing recreationally before, during, and after get-togethers. The mysterious beauty with green eyes of the Midgarian lady wrapped in snow is a hot topic among people, some calling that type "the ideal waifu". Midgar's prime animal is that of the white wolf the fierce hunter of the snow, it's colors that of red and gold representing hard work providing prosperity.


South of the Gerudo Desert is the country of Resdayn, home of the Dark Chocolate Elves. It's not a kingdom, nor a country with a government, but is protected by the Crystal Heaven guard of Viera. The former Chosen Hotel owner Cylva is the defacto leader as she heads the refugee camp, trying to rehabilitate the former slaves. It's a simple country that is rebuilding after it's enslavement by the Chosen on Earth-1, the ample bosomed Dark Chocolate Elves readily and gladly visit the voluntary milking farm to get money and supplies for their families at home. Dark Chocolate Elves are natural producers of breast milk, of a notable chocolate flavor. They don't feel shame about it, as it is a genetic part for female Dark Chocolate Elves upon maturity. Male Dark Chocolate Elves primarily have a talent for mining and thus have large hands, broad shoulders, and strong backs. Because of this, Dark Chocolate Elves tend to appreciate the upper body of each other when looking for a mate.

Resdayn is primarily mountainous and desert. Their main export is salt & breast milk. Resdayns like to participate in Keijo, even the males. The males use the same rules of only using their butts, crotch, & pectorals. It's only enjoyed by the locals as a preshow to the main event ladies. Their other athletic competition include oil wrestling, wall climbing, & camel breeding. It's primary animal is the mountain wolf, a large animal that the Dark Chocolate Elves use to travel around the mountains. It's colors are that of white and brown, denoting their hair color and skin as well as the snowy tops of the high altitude mountains.

The Republic of Scotsland

To the west of Hyrule lies the coastal country of Scotsland, split in half of territory by two warring Houses: House Aensland & House Siracha. House Aensland is headed by Queen Morrigan, wife of the Crystal King. She inherited the head of the household after her father died, the Aensland family were already nobles from the former Kingdom that ruled the land. Morrigan marrying into a royal family solidified a lot of people into recognizing the Aenslands as rightful rulers. However, House Siracha is headed by the self proclaimed "Princess" Daisy, who claims that her house is the rightful rulers due to House Siracha having a blood connection to the old rulers twice removed. Half of Scotsland agrees with Princess Daisy while her detractors think House Siracha aren't actual relatives and only say as such. As well as Princess Daisy having not appeared in public for years.

Scotsland doesn't participate in Keijo like other countries as the weather is too musky & foggy for it to be enjoyable, they prefer to watch at home as Keijo Races happen back-to-back with Divegrass, which the country prefers to participate in more. Homes regularly have friends and family come over on the weekends to enjoy the athletic festivities, eat, drink, and commiserate. Blood Sausage & Mash and Scotsland brewed beer tend to be very popular during these visitations. The prime animal of Scotsland is the sheep, as their main export is wool. Their colors are that of orange, white, and green; the colors on the crest of the old rulers of Scotsland.

The Shake Kingdom

Far South of the Mushroom Kingdom is the water surrounded continent, country, & Kingdom of the Shakians. The Shake Kingdom is ruled by Queen Merelda, and it's residents are primarily anthropomorphic animal/humans. The Shake Kingdom is full of jungles and ruins which were truncated into a smaller space from what was the Shake Dimension, which helped hold together the Crystal Heaven citizens before eventually merging with Earth-5. Queen Merelda is a shy and petite ruler, who is loved and encouraged by her citizens to get loose and "shake away" the shyness.

The Shake Kingdom's primary export is actually dance, they provide massive trends online of different dances and commonly hold dance competitions. The max 4'5" height of the citizens doesn't lead to more complicated ballet, but the take advantage of their low center of gravity and do unique dances for the small of stature. Because of the vast jungles, fruit & fish are also a great export. The prime animal of the Shake Kingdom is the monkey, with "The Monkey" as the national dance. It's colors are black, red, green, and yellow; a burst of colors showing their wild personality.

The Constitutional Monarchy of Soleana

Known as the City of Water, Soleana is a Constitutional Monorchy and is a costal country on the west side of the Gerudo Desert but used to be on another planet entirely. The country is filled with costal towns and high mountains with huge waterfalls. Ruled by it's Queen Elise, Elise is a thoughtful but soft spoken lady.

Soleana being a costal country is of course a big fan of the Keijo sport as well as other water athletics. Fireworks are another speciality, as the clear waters there reflect the fireworks beautifully. The Festival of the Sun is a yearly tradition that takes place at the end of Summer, it was adopted as part of the Stardica tradition with Stardica starting Summer and the Festival of the Sun ending it. Soleana's prime animal is the Dolphin, examplifying it's serene grace. It's colors are that of blue white and gold, the blue and white representative of it's water and the gold reflecting it's power.

Countries not in the Crystal Kingdom

Axlrian (primarily a village north of Segua)

The small village of Axlrian is the home of Queen Tyris Angel. It's a small community that lives primarily alone and away from others. Their big focus is on their farms and livestock, and they scare off any interlopers. Tyris came from a sisterhood of the village, all who were orphaned or widowed from the war against Ninteldo. The sisterhood are deeply religious, believing it's gifts from a higher power that gives them the inheritant magic of fire which has served the village with the tools they need to survive. "Pray and he provides" as they say.

By request from Tyris, the King has not interfered with the village. Allowing it to be autonomous, away from the outside World to preserve it's culture. However there is an encampment of Viera Guardswomen at a safe but observable distance from the village that keeps an eye on them, per an agreement between Queen Tyris and King Tack.

The Kingdom of Babar

Babar is an Elective Monarchy and safe haven for the Elephant people that has been run by the namesake Babar family for generations. The Kingdom stayed away from the tyranny of Darkness Angel by abiding by his wishes, in turn he spared most of their lives. It is currently run by King Babar the XIVth. His is assisted in running the Kingdom with his wife Queen Celeste and their children Princes & Princesses: Pom, Flora, Alexander, Badou, & Isabella. As well as his Royal Court of Prime Minister Arthur, Defense Secretary Pompeii, and Foreign Affairs Minister Cornelius.

The country was established 14 generations ago as King Babar the 1st would claim victory over the invading former foreign kingdom of Ratax. Since that time the Kingdom was established to protect the lands from invading forces. King Babar the XIIIth was the one that formed the contract with Darkness Angel to sacrifice certain virgins of his people to provide protection. A fact that troubles Babarians to this day. Because of their blood stained history, Babar stays away from other countries instead staying insular. There is talk to protest the Kingdom to establish trades with neighboring countries like Resdayn or Honoh or Edo but there is an opposition as well to not deal with Crystal Kingdom allied countries as the scars of Darkness Angel are still fresh.


Érableland is the snowcapped county above the Crystal Heaven territory. The country is a self run country that was formally allied with Darkness Angel, as a parliamentary democracy. It's currently headed by it's Prime Minister Drasna Dracaena, the mother of one of the late concubines of Darkness Angel. Her daughter Laura was murdered by the other concubines of Darkness Angel after a dispute over credit for Érableland's main export, tree sap. After the fall of Darkness Angel, Érableland protected its borders from Crystal Heaven expanding through there as they prepared for the arrival of the King and Queens. After King Tack and his Queens arrived, Drasna saw the complete likeness of Tack to Darkness, reminding her of how her daughter died because of Darkness and his harem, and took it as inspiration to run for office. She won the position of Prime Minister unanimously, as Érableland felt that the Crystal Kingdom was a sham. While there is no physical hostility, Érableland is very hostile to Crystal Kingdom citizens.

The country is known for it's deep forests and snowcapped mountains, with the primary source of export being trees and sap. There are trade agreements between Érableland and other countries, however there is a high tarrif on Crystal Kingdoms like it's neighbors Crystal Heaven and Midgar. While there is no official conflict between Érableland and Crystal Kingdoms, Érableland does defend itself from soft raids from a poking and prodding set of ships from Queens Faris' & Ruby Heart's ships, who gather overboard barrels and logs that come out of Érableland territory. The piracy from the two Queen Pirates is a current point of contention between Érableland and Crystal Heaven. While Érableland does have its own culture of Lumberjacks & Ice Skating, they do participate in the World sport of Keijo. The Keijo races against other countries tend to be intense, due to political conflict.

The Hive

The Hive is the former Deep Darkness of Earth 5, set to the southwest of Lorule on the continent of Eorzea. It's currently being rebuilt by Queen Q-Bee and her army of P-Bees. It was formally the home of the invading Baron Von Bee who falsely believed Q-Bee was his wife, not realizing this Q-Bee is a former P-Bee who took over the position as the last Q-Bee died. After World War Bee, the Hive of P-Bees devoured the souls of Baron Von Bee and his army, sustaining them for another millennia. And thus they took to work of rebuilding the continent. There are rumors of other civilizations to the north and south of The Hive but there has been no contact. There has also been sightings of a large boat to the east, however it's too far out and too tumultuous to sail to investigate.

Deep Darkness was once full of trees and resources that provided things like fruit, south sea seafood, and various flora and fauna. But is now merged with the sticky formations of a Bee Hive. This caused a hexagonal structuring of the country, with the new motto of the country as "Hexagon is Bestagon". It's primary animal was the Jaguar but of course was changed to that of the Bee. It's colors are that of yellow and brown, it's flag arranged to that of stripes.


Hydeland is a Kingdom to the southwest of Hyrule and East of Acorn. It's currently ruled by Queen Vivian Seymour under a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, run by it's Prime Minister George York. The Kingdom tends to be dealing too much with its own issues to worry about the rest of the world; as they deal with a very centralized overpopulation of monsters, left over from Darkness Angel's reign under a contract he made with an Ancient Dragon to push against this territory. They don't accept help officially from other Kingdoms, but they do accept help from adventurers to slay the demons. The Kingdom makes prayers to their believed goddesses Athena, Jula, & Vernas for protection against the demons.

Because of their rotation of adventurers coming in and out of accepting bounties for the monsters, they don't have much for recreation except for drinks and singing. Which works out for Hydeland as the money goes straight back into the bounties and the Kingdom through taxes. This Kingdom, while not the homeland for them, was where Queens Lydia, Jo, & Rebekah made their names as adventurers.

The Democratic Republic of Latinia

Latinia is a country southwest of Crystal Heaven, south of the unclaimed North Eagleland territory and north of Edenia. Latinia is run by an elected group of officials that serve a term of 4 years and are then not allowed to run again. Latinia is a mixing pot of a country; featuring a vast amount of different cultures and people. This tends to cause tension between races in different territories of Latinia. They are the biggest producers of red corn, which in Earth 5 chemical makeup tends to allow better blood circulation. This allows for some interesting corn-based alcohol as well as a common diet of corn related foods.

Their biggest recreation is that of Keijo, but that's to mainly beat the heat of being close to the equator. They have a friendly rivalry with Edenia, as they tend to have good trade agreements between North Edenia & Latinia, especially for their spices.

Teacher: We're about ready to end class here. I know you all are excited to celebrate the Festival of the Sun in your own ways. But are there any questions?

A male student raises his hand.

Male student: My family used to be on Earth 1, and there were constant wars and conflict there. Lots of lives were lost, and my family tells me of the past where there was even genocides. As well on Earth 5 here with Darkness Angel. Why is it then that there's been no wars since the King and Queens arrived? Especially since we have conflict with our neighbors sometimes?

Teacher: Unfortunately, conflict will always be a part of our lives. Even among the Queens is there conflict, that's why there's AAW, All Angel Wrestling. But I'd like to think that since we were founded as a Kingdom on love, that love protects us. 1st Corinthians 13:7; Love conquers all.

The bell rings as class ends. The students all get up and start piling out of class. Some give their pleasantries to their teacher, while others socialize. But the students are focused on one thing, the Festival of the Sun.

Throughout the planet, the people of the Crystal Kingdoms all take part of the Festival. With the biggest gathering being at Soleana the home of the end of Summer. Fireworks go off at every hour as families go about playing games, riding rides, & eating food. The B-Team of Angel Wives are on the Festival floor, helping the citizens celebrate and being ambassadors to the Kingdom. The Royal Family was on a boat out on the water near Soleana. The deck was packed with the many Queens of the World, all in celebratory garb with their husband at the helm. The in training Queens all made visitation for the holiday, one last festival before the invading threat was said to arrive. The Princesses of the Royal Family all were enjoying the festivities as well, including the new Sailor Guardians from the Angel family. But most notable was Li-Fen enjoying her time with her Jiejie Chun-Li & her Ayi Azula. A stark contrast to the year before. The King of Dark was happy, satisfied with his life and love he received, but something still nagged at him. Like he forgot something, something very important. It was then, he realized it far too late. He reached up to his circlet and removed it from his head, he noticed what he forgot was with him all this time.

Tack Angel: Oh my God... The Silver Millennium Crystal. I've had it all this time... Without it... Usagi... King of Light... I'm sorry...

It was then, the invasion happened. A pirate ship flew down from the sky, with a large fleet behind it. Canons were fired into the crowd and mass panic began to spread. The Viera Guardswomen tried their best to protect the citizens while the Queens in training all ran for their spaceships, to fight back. Queens Faris & Ruby Heart also set sail to take on the landing invaders. The lead pirate ship, protected by a unique barrier descended until it landed next to the Royal Ship. The Pirate ship then unloaded with pirates as they all went sword to sword with the Viera, a red haired woman garbed in a dark blue dress and a large pirate hat sauntered her way directly to the King's seat. King Tack stood up and took up his scythe in response.

Tack Angel: Who are you? And what do you want?

???: What I want is the Silver Millennium Crystal you have there. As for who I am? I am the Pirate Queen of Space, Barbie Millicent Roberts at your service. But...

A figure in black and silver then swung onto the ship and swung at King Tack, Tack barely had time to respond as he defended himself from the slash. Looking at his attacker, he was shocked. He was looking at... Himself?

Barbie Roberts: You may call me Pirate Queen Beryl. And this one here was a bit too eager for an introduction.

???: I am you, you are me.

Five more figures then swooped in as well, attacking the Viera only to be opposed by the wives of Tack that knew combat. Each one more and more familiar to the Royal Family.

The figure in black and orange whipped at Queen Ivy, eventually whipping away Ivy's Valentine Blade.

Ishtar: Goddess of Fertility, Ishtar!

A figure in black and red burned at the feet of the defending Queen Felicia.

Nergal: Goddess of Fire, Nergal!

A figure in black and blue slashed away at Queen Dana with an ice blade.

Nabu: Goddess of Wisdom, Nabu!

A figure in black and pink used a sword to make incantations in the air, blasting away the Edenian Queen Sisters.

Sin: Goddess of the Moon, Sin!

The fifth figure then aided the man clashing with Tack, knocking down Tack and slashing at his chest with a lance. Cutting him open but not deeply.

Marduk: Goddess of the Demi-Gods, Marduk!

Crux: God of the Southern Cross, Crux!

Amy tried her best to pull away Tack as Korra, Iroha, & Rose stood in front of them. The six stood together and posed.

The six: We are! The Opposito Guardians!

Crux: And in the name of the Black Moon!

Opposito Guardians: We'll punish you!

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12/05/2024 2:33 am  #10

Re: Pending to be added to EBW after current events.

Soleanna Port - Angel Family Royal Ship

The Crystal Heaven Army of Queens were able to push back the invading space pirates and the Opposito Guardians, disappearing into the night. A few gave chase but mysteriously they disappeared into the smoke of the fireworks used for the Festival of the Sun. The Viera Guardswomen were put on high alert by the head of the Guardswomen, and went into surveillance formation. Keeping an eye on the citizens and the Royal Family.

In the infirmary of the Royal Family Ship, many of the Royal Family were injured in the attack, including that of Li-Fen who had both Chun-Li & Azula at her side. The door to the infirmary was being guarded by Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, & Galaxy Police Officer Patty Angel. Amy was still covered in swipes of Angel family blood as she stayed by Tack As he was getting stitched up by Angela "Mercy" Angel.

Mercy Angel: You're lucky, you know that husband?

Tack Angel: I appreciate it.

Mercy Angel: I don't want you to appreciate it husband, I want you to be safe.

Mercy was gentle in her stitching, making sure not to injure things further. The opening from the scythe & spear attack from the invading Crux & Marduk was a long double wide strike across the chest and torso. If Tack had been closer, or more accurately, in Crux & Marduk were more serious, the King of Dark would be dead.

Mercy Angel: It's not a deep cut, so you'll survive.

A radio in the infirmary crackled as a musical intro played, it was the start of broadcast by the B-Team Angel Wife members Shiver & Frye with their bandmate Big Man.

Shiver: Listen up! It's going down! Repping the Splatlands of Tiger District, we are DEEP CUT!

Frye: Welcome to our Anarchy Splatcast! We are live!

Big Man: Ay! (Here we go!)

Shiver: You lip-sync, we drip Ink!

Big Man: Ay, ay, ay! (Shiver, Frye, & Big Man!)

Shokora Angel: They must have news from the observatory in Acorn.

Frye: As you may have heard, there's been an invasion from a group of pirates during the Festival of the Sun.

Big Man: Ay, ay! (I couldn't get more okonomiyaki! Everyone ran!)

Shiver: While it is worrying, we're here to tell you to keep calm. As you know, the King is working hard on defending our planet from harm.

Tack Angel: Not as much as I'd like.

Fyre: Just make sure you stay safe out there. If you need assistance outside, look for the nearest Viera Guardswoman or your local authority based on your country & Kingdom!

Big Man: Ay! (But otherwise try to stay primarily indoors, try not to be outside in the open for too long!)

Shiver: We don't want you to be afraid of the outside! We just want you to be safe until the invading threat is subdued.

Frye: Yes! Please enjoy the outdoors best you can, but follow your local protocols in case of emergency.

A short jingle signified the next segment.

Shiver: *Shiver taps her table with her fan* Now then, we have a public message for the Royal Family. If they aren't listening near you, get their attention!

Big Man: Ay. (There's big news from the Acorn Kingdom.)

Shiver: Our Astrologists friends there in cooperation with our Sister Amy Rose to divine the direction, have seen the invading army escape indeed above the clouds.

Frye: And out to space!

Shiver: It seems whatever happened at the Festival of the Sun was a warning. We'll keep an ear out for you King.

Frye: And an eye, an arm, or a leg too!

Big Man: Ay ay!... (Cause when we bring the news, it's always a!...)

Deep Cut: DEEP CUT!

Shiver: Over and out for now!

The radio show ends and returns to the normal programming.

Tack Angel: Patty, please contact Samus & Alyssa. Let them know I need a meeting with the Galatic Federation.

Patricia Angel: Sure Tack, but I'm going to have to make a report to the Galaxy Police as well.

Rose Angel: Oh jeeze. Not again...

Azuli pops into the room, curious as she always is.

Azuli Angel: What happened with the Galaxy Police?

Rose Angel: It's a bit of a story, c'mere. Let's let them recover in here and I'll tell you about it outside.

Rose takes Azuli above to the deck of the ship, as they walk to it they see many of Faris' pirate crew running to and fro fixing the ship. Being ordered around by the ship's foreman Penguin. They eventually find a seat.

Rose Angel: So do you know about the Galaxy Police?

Azuli Angel: I've heard of them, but didn't really pay attention. Tee hee.

Azuli bopped her head and anime like art of a knocking sound popped out of her head. A side effect to Azuli's power to manifest her reactions and feelings. Rose pulled down the effects and gave them to a passing by Pirate to toss.

Rose Angel: Out in space, safely outside the jurisdiction of the Sailor Guardians, is the Galaxy Police. They have a huge space station and help police the areas where space pirates usually try to attack the Sailor Guardians.

Azuli Angel: And the Sailor Guardians are our daughters?

Rose Angel: Correct. They are guardians of our Chronos Star System. The Sun, River, Earth 5, the Moon, Loto, Crescent, Winter, Oak, Rosa, Ryu, & Hana.

Azuli Angel: But what about Sailor Uranus & Neptune? Those planets are in the Solar System.

Rose Angel: That's why they are usually by our husband's side. As they don't have a planet to guard. That's kinda also what the Galaxy Police do, they help out where they can. But...

Azuli Angel: But?...

Rose Angel: We visited the Galaxy Police's space station and it's run by mostly idiots who get into accidents and cause more problems than there was before...

Azuli Angel: Sounds like fun!

Rose Angel: If it didn't impact our daughters, I'd agree. It's fun to have schadenfreude about stuff like that. Like I used to with my fam... Nevermind.

Azuli Angel: What were they like?

Rose Angel: *nervously*...Who?

Azuli Angel: The people in charge?

Rose Angel: *wiping her brow* Phew, uh yeah. The people in charge were a couple of dum-dums. There was this tanned blonde chick who was pretty ditzy and kept running into things and her partner was this green haired woman who looked like she was either an accident or a coffee away from having a heart attack. Whichever came first.

Azuli Angel: They sound hilarious!

Rose Angel: Regardless, when we visited it was like watching a comedy. Bunch of bumbling buffoons. But they are at the very least effective at supporting our daughters. But I don't want to deal with them again if I don't have to.

Galactic Federation - Many Light Years Away

Officer: Report coming in from Bounty Hunter, Queen Samus Angel. There was an invasion at the Festival of the Sun in Soleana.

Commander: And we didn't see it coming?! What are we even doing here?

Officer: What is your order Commander?

The Galatic Federation Commander sat back in his chair for a moment before leaning forward.

Commander: Rally search squads from the Hunters. We're going after them. Start after Hana and check the outer edge of our Galaxy.

Officer: Yes sir! I'll also contact the Galaxy Police and let them know of our plan.

Galactic Federation - Atlas's Comet

Barkeep: Alright you bums, new bounty has been placed.

The barkeep slaps a paper onto a board full of bounties. Shuffling of chairs were heard as patrons of the establishment looked at the new bounty.

Chip Westerlick: Galatic Federation, huh? Big money then.

Clint Sideiron: Yeah but you have to deal with their regulations...

Brick Johnson: Move a bit, let me see!

Chet Rattleshack: Pirate ship? Oh no...

Brick Johnson: The Dread Pirate Queen, Captain Roberts? I'm out.

Chip Westerlick: Beryl? Oh no. I'm out too.

Clint Sideiron: Who's Captain Roberts?

Brick Johnson: She's famous in another Star System in our Galaxy. Remember Rusty Jenkins?

Clint Sideiron: Rusty? Yeah I remember, haven't seen him in ages.

Chip Westerlick: He's dead. His crew is dead. And their families are dead. All because they stumbled on Captain Roberts' fleet while transporting cargo.

The bar stayed silent after that. Everyone there knew Rusty and had fond memories of him.

However a lone figure stepped out from the shadows, covered in a cloak, who took the bounty from the board.

Chip Westerlick: You going after Captain Roberts, Cowl?

"Cowl": Objections?

Chip Westerlick: None whatsoever! Have at it!

Cowl then walked out of Atlas' Comet and into their spaceship. Flying off to the outer ridge of the Chronos Star System.

Internet - New headlines

-Edo officials looking for eyewitnesses & evidence of pink goo being spotted in Pipe Land.
-3 Women reported missing at House Aensland held fashion gala event in Scotsland.
-Camel breeding begins to prepare for winter season, Gerudo Desert said to reach record lows in Post-Darkness era.
-Impor sees Ice fishing boon for it's economy. At the same time, border patrol gets tighter at it's connections to Republia & Kolechia in Midgar.
-Dark Chocolate Elf Refugee Leader Cylvia interviewed on their exports finally paying off in building new homes. Salt exports outselling the local milk

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Babar

There in the town square of Babar stood a fighting ring. The crowd of Elephant people sit in the stands as they are excited for the event today, some are wearing merchandise that are emblazoned with certain numbers.

???: Ladies and Gentlemen of Babar! Are you ready for today's contests?! I see many here are supporting their favorite teams! How many are here for the Stripe division?!

A chorus of cheers erupted.

???: And how many are here for the Solids division?!

An equal amount of cheers erupted.

Jumbo Honey: I am your host Jumbo Honey! And with my sweet voice I bring to you today's matchup! Hit the slots PAs!

On the stage, a group of production assistants pulled down a large lever, which caused a slots reel to roll. An animation bellow the slot reels was a billiards table with a pool cue cracking a set. The balls of 7 & 2 dropped in the pockets of the table in the animation and the slot reels stopped, reading "7 VS 2"


Fighters in masks then came out under the slot reels, one with the number 7 on their mask and the other with number 2. The large elephant announcer Jumbo Honey sat at a desk next to another elephant.

Jumbo Honey: Man, Seven vs Two is going to be a wild one, right Tiny Tank?

Tiny Tank: Seven and Two is considered the worst matchup for these two. Different styles that don't play well with each other.

Jumbo Honey: Seven is so far 3 wins in the season with 2 losses, while Two is at 2W-3L.

Tiny Tank: They need at least that magic number of 8 wins or closest to it to become bowl eligible.

Jumbo Honey: That's the reality of the Babar Fights!

Seven and Two would go at each other with their different styles. Seven attacking with Muy Thai kicks while Two defended itself with judo grabs and throws. Two was able to grab hold of Seven's gear and threw seven to the ground before locking in a leg lace, wrenching in the hold that was key to Seven's strength. Two twisted and twisted until Seven was able to counter with a slamming kick to the masked face of Two, knocking Two out.

Jumbo Honey: That's it! That's the end of the fight! Seven is your winner!

??? - A dark planet

The Opposito Guardians landed their spaceship onto the dark planet. It is a foggy dark place but the Opposito Guardians seem to know the path. They are met by a small man with glasses who welcomes them.

Small man: Crux! How did the experiment go?

Crux: The ship was a success. We saved the ship's data for you Dr. Gadd.

Dr. E. Gadd: Excellent! Rest well then my creations!

Dr. E. Gadd walked past the six as he scurried to the ship. The Opposito Guardians walked into the crumbled building Gadd had walked out of. The Opposito Guardians walked up a long series of steps, walking past portraits of men with black crescent moons on their heads. As they reached the top they found six makeshift thrones all facing each other, to which the Opposito Guardians would sit at.

Nergal: We got them good with our surprise attack! They never saw it coming.

Nabu: But now they know we exist, so their defenses will be heightened. If only we could have finished the mission at the same time...

Ishtar: All those wives of the other you Crux... They were so beautiful...

Sin: I never expected his wives to be so capable. The way we heard of their history it was like they were just breeding sows.

Marduk: Turns out there's more to them than just propagate his future of the Shepherd of the Heavens.

Crux: We were lucky his daughters didn't chase us. All thanks to Beryl. Thank you Nabu for the negotiating.

Nabu: We will have to pay for it, but if our next strike works, you'll take over Earth 5 for good.

Crux: Sin, if you would. It's time to move.

Sin stood up and brought forth a crystal from her chest. It shine with a bright darkness, Sin raised it high as she spoke.

Sin: In the name of the Black Moon, I call forth your strength! Dark Crystal Power!

The whole planet began to shake as the planet covered itself in fog and started moving to the out ridge of the Chronos Star System.

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