*ring ring*
Panini: ugh...WHAT!
Perfect Man: You know what?
Panini: What?
Perfect Man: Perfect Man has a chance to become champion tonight! Doesn't that grind your gears?
Panini: ....
Perfect Man: You know what else? Tack also has a chance to become champ too! Now that really would make your blood boil!
Panini: You are really pushing my buttons.
Perfect Man: You are the one that made the matches. Just sayin.
Panini: Once I get done with Tack Angel, I'll make sure you're next!
Perfect Man: Oooo Perfect Man is sooo scared. Speaking of him, he and his friend just teleported here. You should go spray that detergent.
Panini: WHAT?
Perfect Man: Yup, saw them a moment ago. What are you gonna do about it?
Panini: First off, you stop calling me. We're right next to each other in the same hallway!
Perfect Man: Oh...
*both hung up*
The long-awaited FXE 35 is finally under way. Tables, Chairs, Ladders are setup everywhere and the Gnawty Medical Team are standing by on the stage as a precaution.
Things kick off with the Rise or Fall Match for the Rising Title. Black Cena defends his title against MF, Lightning Mullet, Ecliff, Picky Minch, and Maya Inca Boy. Black Cena and Ecliff are fighting on the ladder. AH! Black Cena gave a Blackitude Adjustment on Ecliff off the ladder through the table. VERY VERY VERY BREAKY BREAKY BREAKY BISHI BISHIII!! Meanwhile, Mullet kicked the chair Maya Inca Boy was holding then Picky plants a chair on Mullet. Black Cena look to retain his title but MF stops that from happening. Picky smacks the chair on both Black Cena and MF. Picky tips the ladder over sending both Black Cena and MF to the floor through the tables. Picky climbed up as Mullet tried to climb but Mullet was too late. Picky Minch retrieves the title and is the new Rising Champion!
Skeleton squares off against the Breakfast Club. Pudding and Cheese tried to jump Skeleton but both get slammed down. Skeleton fireman carries Cheese up and swings over his head, drops him down facefirst. That move is called the Raging Inferno. Skeleton hits the Powerbomb to Hell on Pudding and Skeleton is now in the Allday Everyday Battle Royal later.
The Letters, Chris J and Adam DA, defend their Double Trouble titles against Dre Money & Teck and Jay & Junior. Business picked up when Jay climbed up the ladder and does a Super Jay Press to the floor onto everybody. Junior tried to grab the belts but Dre and Teck pulled him down leading to a Turntable thru a table. Jay tried to get in the ring but the Letters pulled and threw Jay thru a table in the corner of the barricade. Junior slowly got up and kicks Teck onto Chris J thru a table. Adam DA took Dre Money out with a piledriver through the table while Junior gets knocked silly by a KickYourFace from Chris J while holding a chair. Chris J and Adam DA are now standing on top of the platform attempting to retrieve the belts. Jay and Teck tried to climb up to stop them but Teck meets a chairshot sending him back down. Jay tried to fight the Letters off on the table. Adam DA lowblows Jay and the Letters flips Jay off sending him crashing down the table. The Letters retrieve the belts and retain their championships!
Don Panini later came out to observe and watch for the rest of the night. Something caught Panini's eye and he walked down to the crowd.
Panini: What the hell are YOU doing here?
Trevor: I bought a ticket! And I'm here to support my buddy Tack in the biggest match of his career....BY FAR! In his whole life!
Panini: You are banned from coming here!
Trevor: But I came all this way from Edo to get here watch my friend!
Panini: You and Tack teleported here.
Trevor: I am a paying customer sir.
Panini: I had Anti-Trevor detergent sprayed all over the place! How'd you get in anyway?
Trevor: Oh you didn't know? This ticket is made of material that's used to make Anti-Trevor Detergent Repellent. You should check your resources more.
Panini: I urge you to get out right now.
Trevor: Oh I brought Spinda with me and you don't wanna make it angry.
Panini: So?
Trevor: You DON'T wanna make Spinda angry!
Panini: ...
Trevor: *nods*
Panini: Enjoy the show, asshole.
Amigo, Giff Hoyt, Mr. Plain, Gorilla, C-O, Morris, Callahan, and Codysseus all have a chance to
fight for the FXE Title in this Ca$h Money match. Morris stared down the fella in the crowd with the Spinda. Everybody proceeds to take Gorilla out by burying him with ladders and chairs. Codysseus drops Giff Hoyt with a chair-sandwiched Codebreaker. C-O, out of nowhere, hits the Shooting Star Press from the ladder on Giff while Callahan hits the Whirley Bird on Mr. Plain. Amigo and Mr. Plain had a chair fight only to be broken up by Callahan. C-O slowly tried to climb back up but Morris pulls him down and looks to use a backdrop suplex but hits a huge clothesline instead. Morris picks C-O back up, grabs his face, and proceeds to push C-O through the table. Callahan tossed Morris out. Callahan went for a pounce but Morris sidesteps as Callahan ran into a table. Morris equips himself with a chair on his arm. Morris picks Callahan up with his head under Callahan's arm. Morris did that same clothesline lariat to Callahan with the chair equipped. Morris stopped his onslaught and stared down Trevor Mach in the crowd. Codysseus got knocked silly with a chair to the head by Amigo. Shiny Head by Giff out of nowhere to Codysseus followed by an Olympic-like slam by Amigo, he calls Adios. Morris smacked Callahan back down with a chairshot as he still stares down Trevor Mach. Giff and Amigo sets Codysseus up on a stack of tables. Both suddenly noticed noone was around and raced towards the ladder. Gorilla explodes from the heap of metal as Giff and Amigo fights it out. Mr. Plain pushed the ladder sending both Giff and Amigo towards Codysseus and the tables. Gorilla and Mr. Plain are racing towards the briefcase. Huge haymaker from Gorilla which stunned Mr. Plain just enough for Gorilla to grab the briefcase and win the match!
Billy Hill defends his Allday Everyday Titles with tables stacked against him...literally. Coconut Head quickly got tossed over the top rope thru the table. Captain knocked Flat Top Ron silly and sets Ron up. Captain got caught by Skeleton and got chokeslammed over the top rope and thru another table. Blaze climbed on top of Nemesis shoulders and flips on top on Ron through a table with a senton. Disco Kid got elimination by a table Dr. Bomb from Doc. Skeleton and Nemesis bralwed but Nemesis lost out by getting chokeslammed thru a table. Blaze jumped on Skeleton but Skeleton tossed Blaze over the top thru a table. Doc tried to fight Skeleton but Skeleton was too much and powerbombed Doc thru a table. Suddenly, Billy Hill pushed-tackle Skeleton thru a table in the corner and ran for his life, retaining his titles.
Its main event time and out comes Professor Ahmad first. And Ahmad had alot to say.
Ahmad: Ladies and gentlemen, as your professor, I shall educate you! If by chance my comrade Fergus or Oog won't pull away with the championship, its a calculated guarantee that I will win and become FXE Champion. Here's where I tackle the real issue, ALL OF YOU PEOPLE! You people crave all this senseless violence, violence in which I will inflict on in this match! The entertainment media has influenced all of you to scream for violence. TV, movies, sports, and video games, you people are heavily corrupted by selling your soul to this garbage to yourselves and even to your children.
Trevor: Booo!! Booo this man!
Ahmad: Oh but its not the entertainment media that's its at fault! Its all of you letting yourselves get influenced by all this. To even let your children to succumb to bad parenting is even worse! Take video games for example. Its not so much the content of the game, its you as a parent for ignoring the ratings and what the content consists of. And when your children are grown and does something unforgivable to the eye of the public, you will all blame the video game and not your own parenting. Oh Jimmy was a good boy, oh Jimmy never would do anything like that you say? How about oh I should have paid more attention to my child? Its the irresponsibility of your so-called parenting that would lead to such unfortunate circumstances. It is you that encourage all this violence!
Trevor: Boo! How dare you talk about vidya games! Boo this man!
Ahmad: Don't boo me when you should be booing yourselves! I am just stating truths and facts. And that was your words of wisdom from your professor!
The main event is FINALLY underway. Fergus defends his FXE Title against Poo, Perfect Man, Tack Angel, Oog, and Professor Ahmad in this 4th Rise or Fall match tonite. Fergus powerbombs Poo over the top rope thru the table on the floor! Fergus looks to retain his title but Tack got in his way. Tack hits an amazing Shiranui Kai on Fergus from the ladder. Double Club from Oog to Tack and sets Tack up on the table. Ahmad is on the toprope and hits a Calculated Guillotine with a chair on Tack! Perfect Man hits a chair-assited Show Off on Ahmad. Oog went with the Double Club but Perfect Man blocked with a chair. Perfect Man hits the Perfect Driver on the chair to Oog and climbed the ladder. Poo pulled Perfect Man down and went for the Go To Poo but Perfect reverses and tried the Perfect Driver. Out of nowhere, Fergus hits the Ginger Boot on Perfect Man. As Perfect Man went to the outside, Poo gave a chairshot to Fergus sending him to the outside. Poo going for the gold slowly but Oog and Ahmad regain their composure and pulled Poo down. Poo hits the Go To Poo on Oog which had Oog rolling on to the table. Ahmad ran towards Poo but Poo back body drops Ahmad over the top thru Oog and the table. Tack climbs the ladder while Fergus and Perfect Man fights it out. Poo tried to bring a chair to stop Tack but Tack kicks the chair to Poo. Don Panini won't have it as he sends C-O and Callahan out to prevent Tack from winning. Out of nowhere, Trevor Mach insta-Macha Ye'd C-O and Callahan! Fergus powerbombs Perfect Man thru a table and tried quickly get back to the ring. Fergus was too late as Tack grabbed the title and won! He did it! Tack did it! Tack is the new FXE Champion! With all the obstacles put in his way, with his FXE future on the line, Tack has won the FXE Championship. Congratulations Tack Angel! He is now Mr. FXE Champion!
....WAIT A MINUTE, ITS GORILLA! Oog and Ahmad are knocked down! Callahan and C-O are knocked down...again! Gorilla is taking out everything with a heartbeat with his briefcase! Trevor and Perfect Man tried to prevent Gorilla from cashing in. Gorilla calms down and then suddenly glomps both of the guys that signed him with such joy. Poo got tossed to the guardrail! Gorilla stares down Spinda and enters the ring as Tack looks at what's in front of him. Mime Guy comes in and takes the briefcase. Its official, an impromptu title match is underway! Tack leaped and attacked Gorilla with little to no effect. Tack got a springboard Rider Kick on Gorilla that got the monkey teetering. Tack quickly went up top and went for a crossbody! Gorilla caught him and then plants Tack hard with a powerbomb. Gorilla picks Tack back up and presses him up. Gorilla drops Tack with the Gorilla Warfare spinebuster and pins Tack! Gorilla is your NEW FXE Champion! I don't believe it! Tack in FXE is no more! Unbelievable! Why is Don Panini smiling? Congratulations to Gorilla!
FXE 35: Ascension 2
Danger Zone
1. FXE Rising Title Rise or Fall Match: Picky Minch wins to become new Rising Champion. (14:22)
Other Participants: Black Cena, Maya Inca Boy, Lightning Mullet, MF, Ecliff
2. All Day Everyday Qualifier: Skeleton def. Pudding & Cheese (0:45) with a Powerbomb to Hell on Pudding.
3. FXE Double Trouble Titles Rise or Fall Match: Adam DA & Chris J retains the Double Trouble Titles. (13:55)
Other Participants: Jay and Junior, Dre Money and Teck
4. Ca$h Money 8Man Rise or Fall Match: Gorilla wins the Ca$h Money. (16:20)
Other Participants: Giff Hoyt vs. Morris vs. Codysseus vs. Mr. Plain vs. Callahan vs. Gorilla vs. C-O vs. Amigo
5. All Day Everyday Tables Battle Royal: Billy Hill retains the Allday Everyday Titles. (10:30)
Order of Elimination: Coconut Head, Captain, Flat Top Ron, Disco Kid, Nemesis, Mystic Blaze, Doc Gonzo, Skeleton
6. FXE Title Rise or Fall Match: Tack Angel win to become new FXE Champion (19:34)
Other Participants: Fergus, Perfect Man, Poo, Professor Ahmad, Oog
7. FXE Title: Gorilla def. Tack Angel (1:19) with the Gorilla Warfare to become new FXE Champion.
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! Hailey Havok here with more on the Sengoku Invasion Tour! This tour is going to be huge, and it's not just limited to the normal programming, as Renegades are constantly on the move around the territories, so you'll have to stay tuned for around the clock coverage. Cause you know.....constant updates about wrestling are a life necessity right? Anywho, the "Macho Clan" have become the first members of Havok to move on another territory, forgoing Nobunaga for now and descending upon Johto Pro. Johto Pro's boss Mega Dolphin, issued the challenge, and got more than he bargained for, when the Havok World Champion descended on the small time promotion.
Hailey Havok: Havok World Champion Trevor Mach and Grind teamed up against Johto Pro's Unagi and Baka for a Sengoku Rules 2/3 Falls Tag match in Parking Lot of Nasci Hall. A competitive match, but the Havok team won both falls, Mach first following a Macha Ye on Baka, with Grind getting the decisive pin following a Sling Blade. The Macho Clan was set the claim the Johto Pro territory on Havok's behalf, when Tack Angel stepped in. The Havok Interim Boss did not authorize the move and didn't wish to rob the Johto people of their local promotion, though Sengoku Rules matches are ironclad. So, Tack Angel decided to split the territory, giving Havok the venue they were standing at right then, which will play host to the next installment of The Clash, where Trevor Mach will face Mega Dolphin in a non-title match.
Johto Pro "Johto Happy Weekday"
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
Shogun TV!
1. Sengoku Rules 2/3 Falls Tag: Trevor Mach/Grind beat Unagi/Baka (19:39)
-Trevor Mach beat Baka via Macha Ye -> Pin
-Grind beat Unagi via Sling Blade -> Pin
Magnum PT: Yuj, have you seen this paper?
Yuji: You can read that Magu P?
Magnum PT: No, and don't call me that. I get enough of that. I can tell from the pictures. Nobunaga Pro? An attack on Havok? That's my brand now chief, and I'm contracted to the enemy?
Yuji: ...Well....not exactly...
Magnum PT: What do you mean?
Yuji: Nobunaga Pro is not going to honor the agreement.
Magnum PT: So what, I'm going back to Havok?
Yuji: No, that's not the plan either. You've become a huge celebrity over here, and Tack wants you out there as a goodwill ambassador. So he's....booked you...elsewhere.
Magnum PT: Yuj....I don't want to alarm you....this may just be an Edo thing, but there is a naked man making advances towards us.
Yuji: Yes, that's Dino, he's from D2T, the promotion you'll be working next.
Magnum PT: .....Of course he is.
Hailey Havok: Yeah yeah, it's me again with another update. They got me working overtime with all these updates. I don't get much time to see Grind, but the news is ABOUT Grind in a way so it's all good. Havok is going to blow up in Johto Region in a big way with our Clash debut at the Nasci Hall Parking Lot. We're not going in limping either, no this show will be a big one, with a Havok Television Championship match, a non title inter promotional bout with the champ and Mega Dolphin of Johto Pro, and a big three way match to determine the next #1 Contender for the big belt. Grind, Anwin, and Subculture have all proven themselves to be worthy of the ace spot after title wins and amazing showings in the E1 a few months back. The champ was seen talking with Anwin earlier today about this very thing, and it lead to an....interesting conversation with the boss.
Trevor Mach: And then I said, fuck you very much and stormed out of there! HAHAHA!
Anwin: I'm sorry, what were you talking about? You just walked up to me and said that last part.
Trevor Mach: Ah well, I guess you would have had to have been there. I wanted to wish you luck Anwinie! You've kicked some ass and made a name for yourself, but you haven't won this baby yet, and I'd like to see you try. I REALLY would!
Anwin: Count on it Mach. I pushed you and Tack Angel to your limits before. I was on the verge of stealing the show at the E1 like I always do, but opportunities sometimes knock twice, and I'm going to make the most of this one. I am Based Anwin, soon to be the Based Havok World Champion!
Trevor Mach: Haha! I'm jacked up about this #1 Contender's match and I'm not even in it!
Anwin: Mach I-
Tack Angel: Excuse me Anwin, but I need to have a word with our World Champion.
Trevor Mach: Oh hey Tack!
Anwin: Boss, it's a free sidewalk, and I don't have to go anywhere.
Tack Angel: Fine. Trevor, you want to tell me what the hell you were doing in Johto?
Trevor Mach: Uhh....wrestling? I wasn't THAT bad in the match was I cause I got the first pin and-
Tack Angel: You picked a fight with Johto Pro! You tried to take their territory!
Trevor Mach: Yeah! You're welcome!
Tack Angel: Why would I be thanking you? You're declaring hostility in the name of Havok without anyone giving you the go ahead.
Trevor Mach: Are you talking about YOU giving me the go ahead? You are the boss sure, you know how things go with me and authority Tack.
Tack Angel: I don't want to make enemies here. I didn't want to take part in a war. I want to cooperate in peace.
Trevor Mach: Tell that to Nobunaga Pro. Stuart's got a plan and he waited for us to get here to do it! You think all of this sort of happened brah? Think about it! The Government puts Ry Ry in jail and imposes restrictions that give Ry the idea to send us out here, and from the looks of things it's for the long haul. Stuart makes a power grab the moment we settle in, and you just know the Oda Group has the backing of our old pals the SSS. You and I were able to head back to Eagleland so you could do your thing in FXE, but if you think they intend on letting us leave you're out of your mind, and that's coming from a guy that's out of his mind! They picked the fight, and they want to ignite a territory war. The only way to survive is to play the game!
Tack Angel: But what if you're wrong. What if the solution is NOT playing "the game". You're hot blooded, and easily dragged into a conflict. You live to be frustrated, jacked up, and hyped. What if that was taken into account by the aggressors? What if you fall into their plans?
Trevor Mach: You can't predict the unpredictable Tack. Sometimes you have to make the impossible happen, and I plan on it. I'll conquer Edo's wrestling scene and my knee will be the knee to pierce the Heaven's and cave in Stuart's skull! You play Peace Maker if it makes you feel better, but don't worry about me, I'll play your War Machine.
Tack Angel: .....
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Tag: Cherub Kid/Randy no Kachi vs. Baka[Johto]/Unagi[Johto]
2. Singles: Kyo vs. DZ
3. Havok Television Championship: Ishihiro Tomo(c) vs. Dangerous Dan
4. Non-Title Singles: Trevor Mach vs. Mega Dolphin[Johto]
5. Havok World #1 Contender: Grind vs. Anwin vs. Subculture
Subculture: .....*sigh*
Master Lu: Excuse me, can I have a word with you?
Subculture: Huh? Who are......Master Lu? What are you doing here Old Timer? Summers is a long ways away.
Master Lu: I am from this region, and I come back often when I need to think, and I have a lot to think about. It seems like you have a lot to think about too.
Subculture: Not really. Just cursing at myself for dropping my guard. Backstabbers are backstabbers, and everyone everywhere can be a backstabber if the price is right. Your old friend Little Mac played me, and I fell right into it. I had my backstabbing coming I guess, and he had that beating I laid on him coming too.
Master Lu: don't feel satisfied about any of it do you?
Subculture: ......No. I don't understand. Why? What was the point?
Master Lu: You might feel betrayed, but if you knew why would it change things?
Subculture: Probably just to get laughs for Dougie Mach and to line his pockets.
Master Lu: My "old friend" as you put it, is many things, but he's not a jester there to make jokes for Dougie Mach. He's been a cool and calculated businessman, playing all angles and keeping his emotions out of it. Wrestling made him jaded.
Subculture: It has a way of doing that to everyone.
Master Lu: It might, but that's not to say there is no way back. Mac sees something in you, just like I do. He told me that himself. A young, hungry fighter capable of being the great champion he wished he was.
Subculture: Mac WAS a great champion, even I'll admit that.
Master Lu: But his hands weren't always clean. He fell into bad habits with bad people, and got caught up in the whole mess. He didn't want you to make the same mistakes. He didn't want forgiveness or understanding, but he risked a lot to make sure you had the CHANCE to take another path.
Subculture: So why lay me out and count the pin for Dougie Mach?! Why stand there and take the beating afterwards and turn his back on me.
Master Lu: So need to read between the lines!
Subculture: You can read between these lines old timer!
Master Lu: *sigh* Mac wasn't doing any of it because he wanted to. He was being force to.
Subculture: What do you mean?
Master Lu: Mac's son is champion boxer. Boxing is a sport tied to seedy activities just like wrestling can be. The SSS specifically. Stuart came to him and told him to help Dougie Mach or his son might suddenly find out he tested positive for illegal substances. You understand?
Subculture: Then why not tell me?! Why let me beat him down like that?!
Master Lu: This is the SSS! They aren't even supposed to exist! You're not supposed to even know the name! In deals like these you are sworn to secrecy. Little Mac understands that.
Subculture: .....But know.
Master Lu: I do.
Subculture: HOW do you know?
Master Lu: Because....he didn't tell you, but he did tell me.
Subculture: What? You just said he was sworn to secrecy!
Master Lu: The SSS won't touch me, not right now, so they won't know if I'm telling you this, but they will know that he told me.
Subculture: Then why? Why did he tell you?
Master Lu: He said.....he said whatever happens.....he didn't want to let you down. For the first time in a while.....he cared.
Subculture: Cared? What do you....oh no......NO!
Tack Angel: Ladies and Gentlemen, the rumors you might have heard are true. The Green Legend Little Mac's car did explode the other night on the streets of Edo. Now, we can not confirm or deny his fate, as the police here have been very mum on the whole situation, but from what we've heard it was a car bomb, and car bombs are set off when you get into the car, so someone had to get into that car. We're not trying to draw conclusions, but all the same we have to make some decisions, and the Renegades of Havok will honor the memory of Little Mac on the next episode of Kaosu TV! with a one night tournament called the Little Mac Memorial Cup. Little Mac, hero or villain, you gave more to this sport than most and we thank you. As for us, the show must go on. Enjoy today's installment of The Clash!
An odd couple team saw Randy no Kachi reluctantly working with Cherub Kid against Baka and Unagi of Johto Pro. Exciting match, with the Renegades getting to see this outsider duo that was treated more like the heroes in their former home turf. RnK wasn't trying to win any fans, and cheap shotted his way into a No Kachi Cutter on Unagi to get the win. The fans booed the Havok team, but Cherub grabbed a mic, and in Edoese promised the fans that he would honor them and make them proud in the future, and didn't agree with his partners actions. RnK responded by hitting the Cutter on Cherub before walking out with Shadow.
AkiKyo are set to face the Reality Gangsters, putting the belts on the line, but today we saw the teams split with Kyo taking on DZ in singles action. Ditch accompanied DZ, but Akinan was nowhere to be seen. When Kyo evaded a Yakuza Kick and locked in the Hell Claw, Ditch jumped in, with the duo beating down Kyo and causing the DQ. After painful minutes for Kyo, Akinan finally rushed in to make the save, leading to a comical moment, where Kyo tried to hug Akinan, much to his utter horror.
Ishihiro Tomo was welcomed warmly by the Edo people as he hit the Nasci Hall Parking Lot to put the Television Title on the line for the second time in one week against Dangerous Dan. Dan the rage filled submission expert actually had the champ on the ropes early on, locking in that wrenching ankle lock, but Tomo showed DAT HEART and fought out of it. When Dan bounced off the ropes he found himself caught in the signature Brainbuster and the pin for the 4th Defense for Tomo. The question remains on when he might cash in the belt for a title match for da big belt.
The Havok World Champion Trevor Made made a hotblooded appearance, complete with with rockin' anime shades and a shonen attitude, calling out the experienced Johto Pro founder Mega Dolphin in a non-title bout. Fierce action saw the man most known for comedy wrestling actually taking the champ to the limit in an exciting bout. The Johto Stunner and Dolphin Clutch weren't enough to stop the knee that will pierce the Heavens, and a Macha Ye put down Dolphin for the 1-2-3.
Main event was supposed to be a 3-Way match between 3 of Havok's absolute best, with former champions Grind and Subculture along with Anwin determining who would face Trevor Mach next for the title. However, Subculture didn't appear for the match, making it a one on one show down between Grind and Anwin. Top notch action between two Renegades who can switch between ground moves, strikes, and high flying action. Unfortunately, for the second time in one week the main event was interrupted, as Sal Paradise and Jamie OD hit the ring with a chair, and laid out everyone in the ring, though they didn't seem to be representing Nobunaga Pro, they also didn't appear to be friends of Havok.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Tag: Cherub Kid/Randy no Kachi[o] beat Baka[Johto]/Unagi[Johto][x] via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
2. Singles: Kyo beat DZ via DQ
3. Havok Television Championship: Ishihiro Tomo(c) beat Dangerous Dan via Brainbuster -> Pin -> 4th Defense
4. Non-Title Singles: Trevor Mach beat Mega Dolphin[Johto] via Macha Ye -> Pin
5. Havok World #1 Contender: Grind vs. Anwin No Contest
FXE Title and Contender's Match Set
Fresh off of a wild FXE 35, there will be a FXE Title match as well as a contender's match to determine a number one contender for the FXE Title. Gorilla will defend his newly-won championship against FXE Original and the first FXE Champion, Poo, and perennial filler contender Professor Ahmad. Perfect Man and Fergus continue their rivalry in a contender's match and will face the winner of the aforementioned FXE Title match.
Good news coming out of FXE 35 is that there are minor injuries on the roster. Only notable injuries was Oog suffering a bruised sternum while Maya Inca Boy came out of the event with a mild concussion.
FXE 36: Rising Fallout
FXE Arena
1. FXE Title: Gorilla vs. Poo vs. Professor Ahmad
2. FXE Title Contenders: Perfect Man vs. Fergus
Junior is Going Where?
Jay: Yo, where you going?
Junior: I'm going back to Edo for a little bit.
Jay: How come?
Junior: For training. I've been in a slump lately and I need some extra training to get myself going strong.
Jay: Well, from the looks of things, I've seem to be in more of a slump than you are. But whatever's best for you then you got my support.
Junior: Thanks. I'll hit you up when I'm coming back. For the time being, keep the house clean.
Jay: Will do partner.
Junior leaves...
Jay: Well that was sudden. If only I still had a girlfriend, then it probably wouldn't be lonesome here.
Jay walks back in the house...
Jay: Well I gotta get used to being alone anyway. No use sulking over it and...what in the world are you three doing here?
Perfect Man: Yo!
Amigo: Sup
Mr. Plain: Greetings.
Jay: Stop being formal and answer my question.
Perfect Man: Heard there was a vacancy here, so we just happen to stop by and crash in here for a bit! And since Plain's buddy Gorilla will be busy being champion, he's just tagging along with us!
Jay: IN MY HOUSE? This is not a hotel!
Amigo: You just had to miss paying the rent, haven't you?
Jay: You what???
Perfect Man: Hey! Perfect Man coulda took care of that once upon a time!
Mr. Plain: Gee, Pretty Tony must have taken you down hard.
Perfect Man: Ugh, don't remind Perfect Man! That bastard took everything from Perfect Man! Perfect Man will get him back somehow!
Amigo: You're, let alone we, are not allowed to wander off to EBW nor Havok tho.
Perfect Man: There will be way! You'll see! So as you can see, we'll be staying here!
Jay: No you will not!
Perfect Man: Are these sheets polyester? No! Those has got to go!
Jay: Why is this happening all of a sudden?
Amigo: I actually feel your pain buddy. Yes I do, yes I do.
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! The Sengoku Invasion is entering its second week, and it's already heating up. War is brewing in every corner of Edo, as the battle for territory and brand supremacy begins! While Tack Angel is trying to use Havok as a symbol of peace to counter Nobunaga Pro's ambition, Trevor Mach and his "Macho Clan" The Unbreakables have taken the job of Havok's War Machine. All the while the world mourns the fate of Green Legend Little Mac. All of these big events are going to come to a head much sooner than later, but let's first focus on the Macho Clan, and their offensive in the Sengoku Invasion. Hero of Earth Mr. Satan, used his local club as the location for a contract signing between former Havok World Champion Grind, and the Open the Demon Door Champion of Sobe Region's Demon Door promotion Zima. The Blud Generation leader came alone, with a cocky attitude and a desire to send the Gaijin packing! Like most things in Havok it didn't take long for....shit to go down.
Mr. Satan: Wahahaha! These youngsters so full of energy and fighting spirit make me want to step in the ring that much sooner! It's just a shame that I got this stomach virus of that Jackson Kain would feel my powerful moves! This isn't about me for once though. This is about Demon Door, and Havok's advance on their championship! Zima, this seemed like it was more your idea, and as the World Champion and Hero of Earth, I can admire that attitude, but why risk it against such a competitor?
Zima: Sukēto de kono piero wa watashi o kowagara shite imasen. Watashi wa BLUD seisei to akuma doa ni katsu! Kiss my ass skater trash!
Grind: .....Ore ga touse.
Mr. Satan: Impressive! This is getting exciting, and I'll definitely be there to see-
Jackson Kain: Mr. Satan! I'm calling your ass out you fraud! The REAL action star is here!
Trevor Mach: Psht! Not THIS guy again!
Jackson Kain: Can it Mach! I'm not in the mood. I've been screwed over one too many times by this horrible country, and it's not happening again. They may love you here, but I am owed the right to face you, and no one is going to forget that. So duck me if you're a coward, or face me and get shown up! Cause I'm the best around, and going to keep me down!
Mr. Satan: disgraceful little punk! You think your words scare me?! You're nothing! I would chop you down right now if....if I wasn't in so much pain from my stomach. Owwww.
Trevor Mach: THAT champ will face you later, but how about THIS champ takes you on now!
Jackson Kain: Not interested! I fell into your traps and trickery before, but an action move SUPERSTAR of my prestige won't get his hands dirty on you. I have class, sophistication, and I got something you'll never *adjusts shades*
Trevor Mach: Please, you can't spell GAME without ME bitch! Class and sophistication huh? All I see is punk movie star with his vegan bullshit and his Prius. Fuck Prius! I'm sure Mr. Satan would be more than happy to take out the movie star trash that much faster if you...say....won the Little Mac Memorial Cup on Kaosu TV?!
Mr. Satan: ...Well...of course I would! It's not like I'm ducking the little punk! It's my stomach! WAHAHAHA!
Jackson Kain: I was going to enter anyways! That's another legend whose credibility is in tatters, and I'm just the one to take his place!
Demon Door: Eternity
Sobe World Hall, Sobe Region
Shogun TV!
1. Open the Demon Door Championship: Zima(c) vs. Grind[Havok]
Hailey Havok: Havok is bringing another expanded Kaosu TV! This week's installment will see the Little Mac Memorial Cup, as well as an open challenge for the Havok Television Championship. Ishihiro Tomo has promised that after one more defense he will deem himself ready to cash in for the title shot, but who will step up to challenge DAT HEART! We also know that Tack Angel, the Interim Boss of Havok is looking to put a team together, but for what purpose? We soon found out when he tried recruiting Subculture. The former Havok World Champion has other plans.
Tack Angel: Oh hello! I found you!
Subculture: .....
Tack Angel: I have been looking all over for....oh hello Lu!
Master Lu: ....Tack.
Tack Angel: I know you're both probably having a tough time right now, and as your boss I want you to know that I'm here for you and if you need to cry....well I will cry with you!
Subculture: .....
Master Lu: .....
Tack Angel: No? Well I'll cry then, but before that we need to talk. Havok is entering a period of turmoil.....more turmoil than usual....mostly. It's not going to be easy is what I'm trying to say. I have heard that Big Edo Pro Wrestling is going to make a move against us. They are going to invoke Sengoku Rules, and that means we have to accept the territory challenge. I don't want to cause any problems or start a fight. All I want is for Havok to entertain and be able to help bring peace. That being said we have to prepare to DEFEND ourselves, and I want you as the captain of my team. I want you as the go to man to stand up for the company and lead us against invaders.
Subculture: ......No.
Tack Angel: Oh well alright then........can....can I ask why?
Subculture: You're going to no matter what aren't you?
Tack Angel: .......Noooooooo?
Subculture: ....I have a focus, and it's not defending Havok. It's revenge.
Tack Angel: Revenge? Why does it have to be revenge? Why can't it be...friendship!
Subculture: They killed Little Mac. No one can prove it, but I know. Master Lu knows. I hold Nobunaga Pro responsible....namely...Stuart...head of the Oda Group....and a fucking card carrying member of SSS. This street dog has a learned a thing or two about loyalty, and I finally understand what Mac was, and what he didn't want me to become. I plan to defend his honor and win the Little Mac Memorial Cup. Then....I go after Nobunaga Pro. I will challenge Eivion, Destiny, Mitsuhide, and Ranmaru. I will wipe them out, and then I will face down Stuart.....I will look him in the eyes, and he'll see the rabid street dog foaming at the mouth before I tear his throat out!
Tack Angel: ....Well I can't condone that.
Subculture: I don't care if you do.
Tack Angel: Well....shoot! stubborn so and so, I-
Master Lu: Tack, he must prepare. To go to war with the SSS you must go to hell and back.
Tack Angel: ....Can we go to Hoboken instead?
Master Lu: .....Please leave.
Tack Angel: Fine, but know this guys, I am really.....lost, how do I get back to Kaga?
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Kaga Havok Hall, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Little Mac Memorial Cup Round 1: Battle Royale!
2. Tag: Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts vs. Dr. Ashura/Fear Beast Kemp
3. Little Mac Memorial Cup Round 2: Singles!
4. Little Mac Memorial Cup Round 2: Singles!
5. Team Tack Tryout Match: TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA
6. Havok Television Championship Open Challenge: Ishihiro Tomo(c) vs. ?
7. Little Mac Memorial Cup Final: Strikes Only/KO Wins!
Hailey Havok: Our ambassador "Mr. Resu" Magu P, is finding the Sengoku Invasion to be more of a challenge than he thought, as Nobunaga Pro has cancelled his contracted dates, and forced his to appear and defend the Eagleland Championship elsewhere...
Magnum PT: *sigh*
Yuji: Well done Magu P, you brought great honor to yourself and that title belt and-
Magnum PT: Honor? Really Yuj? I don't think so Chief. I mean I was just learning about the Edo 20 count, and then I get sent here! Between my opponent trying to give me a rectal exam and that one guy wrestling the blow up doll and LOSING, I'm not quite sure I belong around here Yuj.
Yuji: Edo houses many different styles. Learning them all will make you an even bigger hero to the people.
Magnum PT: Yeah....I sure hope so Chief....I sure hope so.
D2T: Fantastic Dramatic
Shin Kiba 2nd Ring
Shogun TV!
1. Eagleland Champion: Magnum PT(c) beat Dino via Mustache Ride -> Pin -> 2nd Defense
Hailey Havok: We end this news update on a....weird weird as things can get for us I guess, as we caught AkiKyo planning team the Zoo. They weren't alone.
Kyo: Best day ever!
Akinan: *sigh* I'm going to pretend this never happened. Look, I did my part and took you and your idiot brother to the damn zoo, but now you have to uphold your end of the bargain. We have to get into the ring and train! Now, I have an idea for a new move that's going to-
DZ: New that's going to save you.
Akinan: ...You two!
Kyo: Hi!
Akinan: We hate them Kyo.
Kyo: Grrrrr....
Ditch: You've got moves. Everyone has moves. I've seen them all. I've seen all your moves, all your matches, and all your weaknesses. You want to see them yourself? I'll sell you a tape on the cheap.
Akinan: I don't need your damn tapes! I don't care what you've seen. The lone wolf always has a trick up his sleeve!
Pretty Cure Danny: Silly Akinan! Wolves don't HAVE sleeves!
Akinan: *groan* Shut it Danny! I'm being serious!
DZ: Plan whatever you want. We'll be taking those titles from you one way or the other. We could have had the title match on Kaosu TV!, but we'll give you a little more time....a little. Make no mistake, at The Clash AkiKyo gets dismantled, and the Reality Gangsters finally break off theirs chains and become Tag Team Champions. Let's go Ditch.
Kyo: .....Kill?
Akinan: ...Maybe later. Right now we need to plan. While I'd rather do this alone.....I'm going to need you for this move....I call it...the Akinan and Kyo Torpedo.
Kyo: AkiKyo Torpedo?
Akinan: No, the-
Pretty Cure Danny: AkiKyo Torpedo! That's awesome! Wrestling moves are always better when done with your best tomodachi!
Akinan: .....*Pops Balloon*
Master Lu: Punch! Punch! Punch! Don't stop punching Subculture. They knew who you were, but I know what you CAN be. Little Mac knew what you can be. You're going to be bigger and better than he ever was. You're not going to make the bad decisions we've both made. PUNCH! You're not going to fall back on old habits. PUNCH! You're not going to be a hungry street dog anymore! PUNCH! You're a well oiled fighting machine now! PUNCH! You will be Little Mac's living legacy! PUNCH! They....will NEVER see you coming.....PUNCH!
Week 2 of the Sengoku Invasion saw the Renegades return to their base in the Kaga Region, to begin the Little Mac Memorial Cup, but first the Macho Clan entered the ring, with the Havok World Champion Trevor Mach grabbing the mic.
Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Haipurenegeizu o nyūshu! I have got some words for all the other promotions in Edo, but namely Nobunaga Pro, and I've got words for some people in particular, but namely Dougie Mach, Sal Paradise and Jamie OD. I pose to you this simple question. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?! I'll tell you. I'm Trevor Mach, the crazy son of a bitch with the Havok World Championship, and the Knee that WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! Obviously you HAD to know that right?! Is that why you're picking a fight? That's fine cause I'm picking a fight right back! Dougie, if you want to cause some chaos, immortalize yourself, and make me pay for being too damn awesome for my own good, then come and get this belt! Your boys Sal and Jamie didn't seem to want a #1 Contender to be crowned last week so that MUST mean you ordered them to interrupt right? RIGHT?! Somehow, I doubt that Sal and Jamie would listen to anyone anymore. I want to know though. I'm curious, I'm DAMN curious what those two are planning, and if they want to start another war with the war machine I'd be happy to oblige. However, I have another offer, something a bit unexpected, and it could be a hell of a lot more fun. Next week, I want Sal and Jamie in this ring. I am challenging both of you to meet me. It'll be just like old times! HAHA!
Captain Blunderbuss: Enough!
Retro Hippie: Pirates! How dare you interrupt the Macho Clan's procla-
Bart: Zip it scrawny!
Larmore: The fuck you punks want?
Captain Blunderbuss: We want the gold! You want challengers, and you've found them! Pirates never back down....when the situation favors us, and right now I think a win over the Havok World Champion would put at the top! We're challenging you here and now!
Trevor Mach: I like that brah! I'm jacked up about competing tonight! Flippy Superstar Grind?
Grind: *nod*
Trevor Mach: Bad ass motherfucker Larmore?
Larmore: Like you have to ask.
Trevor Mach: Well then, step into out ring bitches! Ore ga touse! Haipu o nyūshu!
An impromptu 6-Man opened the show, with the Havok World Champion leading Grind and Larmore against the Blunderbuss Gang. Heated action that fired up the crowd for the rest of the show. Blunderbuss challenged Mach to settle things with a Edo Styled Card Game late in the match in a comical scene only to eat a Macha Ye that forced him to his corner where Bart tagged in only to get taken down and fed a Macha Ye of his own before the 1-2-3. Solid surprise opener, with the Macho Clan continuing to look stronger as the War Machine fires up.
The Little Mac Memorial Cup began with a montage dedicated in his memory. Several members of the roster entered, but the most notable in this match was Subculture, who had cleaned up, shaved, and put on Little Mac's old attire complete with his boxing gloves. The over the top rope action would continue until four were left in the ring. By hook or by crook, the end results saw a renewed and energized Subculture survive along with the constantly solid Anwin, the shady Fighter Daron, and the man who actually used more Kabuki Kuroki to help him with eliminations, Jackson Kain.
Brain Army Volt scored a win over the Havok Rangers with Ashura's evil trio, but an attempt to end the conflict backfired for Volt, as Degrees and Andonuts showed their fighting spirit and fought back in tag action against Ashura and Fear Beast Kemp. Degrees managed to escaped an Ashura Cutter and turned it into a PhDDT before tagging in Jeff and charging his rival Kemp. Jeff then went high risk and hit the Sky Runner on Ashura to score the pin and avenge his loss. Ashura attempted to summon his minions after the match, but with the help of Megumi, a three person Biomotion Buster nearly dropped Ashura for the count as Kemp dragged him away.
Anwin and Jackson Kain locked up in singles action, as the Little Mac Memorial Cup continued. Kain was using every trick in the book, only using his actual extensive skills when the need arose, but mostly tried using his movie star tricks to get one over on Anwin, but Anwin had him scouted and actually acknowledged the Kuroki in the ring, breaching protocol, but saving himself for a 5-on-1 beat down. A distraught Jackson Kain threw his hands up and left the ring, saying that only the match with Mr. Satan would be worth his time. This lead to the count out victory for Anwin, who goes onto the finals.
Subculture and Fighter Daron engaged in the type of striking contest you would expect from two students of Little Mac. Mac had spent more time teaching Daron how to be crooked, but the heart and ferocity were all Subbie's as he took Daron's KO Punch and fired back with one of his own that lead to the pin and the win. Subculture and Anwin were set for the Memorial Cup Finals Main Event.
Ryuji Saito of Big Edo Pro Wrestling would play spoiler in the next match, as the habit of No Contests in Edo continues. Cherub Kid, Nosan, Dangerous Dan, and the debuting Junior of FXE were all vying for a spot on Tack Angel's defense team for Havok, and just when it seemed that Cherub might break his losing streak after a Cherub's Flight on Dangerous Dan, the Big Edo Ace rushed the ring and introduced all four men to Big Edo Ultraviolence before security could chase him off. After the No Contest, Tack Angel hit the ring and said that he wouldn't allow the hit and run, No Contest tactics of their enemies to get in the way of his hopes for peace, and asked Saito to come back to the ring to talk. When that didn't happen Tack announced that all four men would be stand as the first line of defense against Big Edo's impending invasion instead of just one of them. Junior was welcomed into the Havok team with open arms, as Team Tack was fleshed out with a ragtag group. Will they be able to stop the impending threat?
The invasions weren't over for the evening, but this match would be carried out in full, to Havok's disadvantage. Ishihiro Tomo vowed that one more title defense would convince him that he was ready for the title match for the Havok World Championship. He issued an open challenge, but no one was expecting who would answer the call. Nobunaga Pro hit the ring, complete with a new defector in Olly Oliver. The invaders surrounded the ring to keep Havok's new defense team at bay as Stuart entered the ring to battle Tomo. Tomo had his work cut out for him with who was on the outside, but showed DAT HEART time and time again. Stuart on the other hand looked more confident and vicious than he has ever been his entire career. He trapped Tomo in a Sleeper that looked to be putting him out, but Tomo escaped and reversed with a Brainbuster. 1-2-KICKOUT! Tomo went for another Brainbuster, but Stuart escaped and the two traded some stiff lariat exchanges, that saw Stuart win out and drop Tomo on his non-existent neck on several occasions. Long and exciting match, with a lot at stake for Havok, but ultimately Stuart was able to wear down DAT HEART and choked him out with a Sleeper to win the match and claim Havok's Television Championship! The leader of Nobunaga Pro shifted focus to Big Edo, swooped in, and now finds himself with a guaranteed World Championship shot.
The shock of Stuart's big power play hadn't even worn off when it was main event time, as the Little Mac Memorial Cup finals would see Subculture and Anwin face off in a hard hitting Strikes Only/KO Wins match! Anwin has always been a hybrid fighter, but still surprised with his ability to strike and take strikes while remaining grounded. This match was in honor of Little Mac's boxing background, and the hits were intense. However, as hungry as Anwin continues to be, and as much as he continues to prove himself, something always seems to stop him from the breakthrough. In this case, it would a vicious series of KO Punches that took Anwin to the mat and kept him there for a 10 Count, even though he insisted his got up at 9.5. The referee's decision stood and Subculture won the Little Mac Memorial Cup, honoring the man he looked up to, and doing so in his very own style. A very fitting end, as the street dog attempts to fill the shoes of the Green Legend. Thank you Little Mac. You will never be forgotten. That SHOULD be the end right there, but we can't fade out to a close just yet, as the traitors Dougie Mach and Troy appeared after the match, with Dougie taunting Subculture and motioning that the two should lock up again very soon. Havok continues to be invaded, and the anarchy is building. Will Big Edo be on the attack and what does Nobunaga Pro have planned next? How will the Renegades respond? Find out next time!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Kaga Havok Hall, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
0. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach[o]/Grind/Larmore beat Captain Blunderbuss/Rockjaw/Bart[x] via Macha Ye -> Pin
1. Little Mac Memorial Cup Round 1: Battle Royale! Winners: Anwin, Subculture, Fighter Daron, and Jackson Kain
2. Tag: Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts[o] beat Dr. Ashura[x]/Fear Beast Kemp via Sky Runner -> Pin
3. Little Mac Memorial Cup Round 2: Singles! Anwin beat Jackson Kain via Count Out
4. Little Mac Memorial Cup Round 2: Singles! Subculture beat Fighter Daron via KO Punch -> Pin
5. Team Tack Tryout Match: Cherub Kid vs. Nosan vs. Dangerous Dan vs. Junior[FXE] No Contest -> 5th Generation Champion!
6. Havok Television Championship Open Challenge: Stuart[Nogunaga] beat Ishihiro Tomo(c) via Sleeper Hold -> Choke Out
7. Little Mac Memorial Cup Final: Strikes Only/KO Wins! Subculture beat Anwin via KO Punch -> KO
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! We have another big update on the Sengoku we always do....right after pimp the next show. That's how this whole thing works. You know it and I know it, but it's how we do this so the continuous "hey I got another update thing" is just gonna keep going. What? Yeah, I know we're live! Sorry I'm still cranky about the time difference here! It's morning, but it still feels like it's the dead of night! Plus, I don't like fish! Yeah, I said it! Everyone is selling fish, especially Takoyaki! I hate Takoyaki! That was the scene of a press conference by Tack Angel, a Takoyaki stand. As he nom nom'd the disgusting octopus, he was joined by Havok World Champion Trevor Mach, the lead of his unwanted offensive branch, along with Cherub Kid, who has been appointed the lead of the defensive team. Tack was hoping to speak directly to his brother in law in hopes for peace.
Tack Angel: I really want to make it clear, that Havok has NO INTENTIONS of starting wars with anyone, and we came to this country to entertain, and show how exciting our brand is, with in ring competition, not territory wars that will only cause bloodshed and turmoil. Things are already bad enough, and it's gotten to the point where my brother in law Stuart, has invaded our promotion and taken the Havok Television Title to Nobunaga Pro. I wish it hadn't come to this, but I understand if he felt provoked by CERTAIN PEOPLE! All I want is for all the promotions in Edo to be able to work together in peace and harmony and-
Trevor Mach: *internally* Hey Tack....Tack look over here. I know you can read my mind, so just keep talking. We think what you're saying is great, and we're on the same page.
Tack Angel: *internally* What?! I can read your mind?! How is this happening?! What do you mean "we"?
Trevor Mach's voice in his head: *internally naturally* Oh, he would be talking about us!
Tack Angel: *internally* WHO WAS THAT?!
Trevor Mach: *internally* YOU HEARD THAT TOO?!
Tack Angel: *internally* I can't believe this is happening?! More importantly, I can't believe you are actually listening to my speech and agreeing with me.
Trevor Mach: *internally* Totally man! Mind if I say a few words?!
Tack Angel: *internally* Go for it friend!
Trevor Mach: Stuart, I'm calling your ass out and picking a fight. You know where to find me. Bring that belt, and I'll give you chance to eat this knee bitch! Haipu o nyūshu!
Tack Angel: Hey! But that's not! I! Hey! *sigh*
Hailey Havok: We tried to reach Stuart at the Oda Group HQ in Kyoto, but they would not let us in or return our calls....except for one. An ominous voice on the other end told us to prepare, cause the past would be coming back to shape the future. We didn't know what that meant, until we caught sight of two arrivals in Edo.
Nikky: So this is Edo. This land will become my new playground, and I will once again become "Golden".
Camilo Ortega: Edo. Walking my own path, I shall be the man who rules over you.
*After DESTINY ended on PPV, Venus tried talk to Alissa Flash about her return as part of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.....*
Venus: FLASH!
*Flash stops dead in her tracks and then tells the rest of the Club.....*
Alissa Flash: I got this. The rest of you may leave. We'll meet you all back at the Clubhouse.
*The Hood nods and motions for the rest of the Club to leave. They do as the Hood stands there with Alissa Flash. Flash now tells Venus...*
Alissa Flash: What the fuck do you want, Venus? And speak quickly, we have lots of celebrating to do tonight.
Venus: I just wanted to know why you would join this group of skull-face th....
Alissa Flash: STOP RIGHT THERE! You will NOT bad mouth this Club in MY presence. GOT IT?!
Venus: *Nods her head quickly*
Alissa Flash: And as for your other question, you wanted to know why?
Venus: *Nods again*
Alissa Flash: Well...*Looks over at The Hood, whom just shakes her head at her*......I am not gonna tell you that. You are just gonna have to wait like all the rest of these IDIOTS in this damn company for my answers.
Venus: Goddamn it. I knew you would say that too.
Alissa Flash: *Smirks* I bet you did. But you will get them. Sooner rather than later too.
Venus: Oh really?
Alissa Flash: Yes, really. Cause you will get them this week on SPARKLE MAX during The Club's official debut as part of the SPARKLE Roster. Oh and tell Lady M's to join us in the ring too. I have SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT to give back to her. If you know what I mean. *Laughs Maniacally*
Venus: *Shakes her head in disgust* You are sick and twisted, Flash.
Alissa Flash: *Smiles* Yes, I am. And damn proud of it too. *Laughs Maniacally again*
*Alissa Flash and The Hood now exit as Venus just stands there, still in disgust.*
Announcer: Ima dewa garan no batorushiatā no tame no jikandesu!
Garam's Battle Theater Theme: I5pGm4vvQto
Garam: Yo! It's the man with a plan DJ GG Garam, and it's time to get Freaky Deaky live in the Edo Underground with Garam's Battle Theater! Here we check out what's been going down in the Sengoku Wrestling War of Edo! It's crazy out there, and we'll get you up to speed! We start with Pro Wrestling NOWA, the green themed head droppy promotion that broke away years ago from All Edo Pro. NOWA came under scrutiny years ago from rumors of an SSS affiliation, and most of NOWA's star migrated back to All Edo. With Sengoku Rules in effect, All Edo sent the former NOWA wrestlers back for unfinished business. Check it!
Garam: All Edo's Yuon Shiozaki and Aki Kazuma returned to Budo Hall to face KENTER and Fujimaru Ichi under Sengoku Rules. KENTER got his team off to a strong start with a pin following the Busaiku Knee Kick on Yuon, but the former NOWA Champ retaliated later and tied it up following a Wrist-clutch inverted scoop brainbuster. Veteran Aki Kazuma captured the final pin in this heated battle with a Wrist-clutch fisherman driver on Fujimaru Ichi to win the match and the Sanuki Region. All Edo's revenge tour seems to have begun.
NOWA: The Ark is Sinking
Budo Hall, Sanuki Region
Shogun TV!
1. 2/3 Falls Tag Sengoku Rules: Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW]/Aki Kazuma[AEPW] beat KENTER/Fujimaru Ichi (2-1)
- KENTER beat Yuon Shiozaki via Busaiku Knee Kick -> Pin
- Yuon Shiozaki beat KENTER via Wrist-clutch Inverted Scoop Brainbuster -> Pin
- Aki Kazuma beat Fujimaru Ichi via Wrist-clutch fisherman Driver -> Pin
Garam: All Edo's win continues the consolidation of power all over the country. NOWA finds itself between a rock and a hard place, with Nobunaga Pro also looking to make a move on NOWA stemming from their move to take back the islands that sat between the territories a couple weeks ago. Speaking of Nobunaga Pro, it's leader Stuart has not only claimed Havok's Television Title and made some allies on its roster, but he has also allied with Big Edo, in a controversial move. Big Edo wants territory back, and and Stuart will make the trade in exchange for the Kaga Region, inhabited by Havok. That battle will go down this next week on Kaosu TV!, but in what way? We finally know, as two of Big Edo's best will team up to take on two of Havok's Renegade Defenders.
Garam: Ryuji Saito and Black Angel Jaki will team up to take on Cherub Kid and Nosan. The Bakuhatsu Kid has been hit or miss these days, while we still no little about Nosan, but we'll find out soon enough if they can handle the Ultra Violent invaders.
Garam: Havok held their Sengoku Invasion version of The Clash today, and your man with a plan Garam's going to cover all the bases on this one. Several singles matches warmed the crowd up to a Havok Tag Team Championship match that saw Team Friendship AkiKyo successfully defend the belts against the Reality Gangsters. The Gangsters used the miscommunation of AkiKyo to their advantage, but the champs got their act together and after Kyo downed DZ with the Hell Claw, he tagged in Akinan and hoisted Ditch on his shoulders. Akinan went to the top rope and unleashed a top rope big boot onto Ditch called the AkiKyo Torpedo. The big move lead to the win as Akinan got the pin!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Nosan beat Zombie Lukie via Nobuhara Driver -> Pin
2. Singles: Randy no Kachi beat Jake Conway via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
3. Singles: Ishihiro Tomo beat Picasso Priest via Brainbuster -> Pin
4. Singles: Dangerous Dan beat Jimmy Bar via Ankle Lock -> Submission
5. Singles: LG Rod beat Fighter Daron via Bulldog Legdrop -> Pin
6. Havok Tag Team Championship: Akinan(c)[o]/Kyo beat DZ/Ditch[x] via AkiKyo Torpedo -> Pin -> 3rd Defense
Garam: We end the updates with some more Havok related news, as the Unbreakable Macho Clan invaded the Sobe World Hall! Demon Door's TOMATO got the ball rolling with a win over Retro Hippie following the Musha-gaeshi. Havok World Champion Trevor Mach and Larmore faced down Multi-Time Open the Twin Demon Champions B-Ness and Yoko Suzuki in tag action. Maximum excitement for this bout that saw B-Ness eat a Macha Ye before Larmore trapped him in a Cobra Clutch for the Choke Out win! Grind of the Unbreakables was given an honorary "Key" to Open the Demon Door for this inter promotional showdown! Fantastic encounter, with Grind somehow kicking out of the Double pumphandle sitout powerbomb Crossfire pin attempt to come back with a Rolling SSP, and Sling Blade to capture the 1-2-3 on Zima to win the match and capture the Demon Door championship!
Demon Door: Eternity
Sobe World Hall, Sobe Region
Shogun TV!
1. Singles: TOMATO beat Retro Hippie[Havok] via Musha-gaeshi -> Pin
2. Tag: Trevor Mach[Havok]/Larmore[Havok][o] beat B-Ness[x]/Yoko Suzuki via Cobra Clutch -> Choke Out
3. Open the Demon Door Championship: Grind[Havok] beat Zima© via Sling Blade -> Pin -> 18th Generation Champion!
Garam: That wraps up this week's edition of Battle Theater with DJ GG Garam! We'll catch you next time!
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! Hailey here with some news and notes like always. Apparently some Garam guy is trying to encroach on my jerb, but that's cool dude. I still get paid no matter what! Plus, you can't handle the news about the Havok Renegades quite like me! Now...let's see....where were those notes...."meet Grind at"- no wait that's a personal thing. Let's see....oh here it is! I should know about this as I was there! I got a word with AkiKyo following their most recent title defense! Let's check that out while I put these notes in order! I'm a pro at my job dammit!
Hailey Havok: Yo Akinan! The lone wolf is running with the pack now....the pack of FRIENDSHIP, and that seems to have netted you a lot success recently! How do you feel abou-
Hailey Havok: ....Ok.....seems like bullshit to me but whatevs.
Akinan: *sigh* I'm doing what I have to do. I have no ties to anyone!
Hailey Havok: But since you and Kyo formed AkiKyo, you have managed to defend the belt against the Alpha Betas and now the Reality Gangsters! Truly, this is due to the bonds of friendship between you and-
Akinan: Stop it! Stop it right there! Since we've come to Edo, all I hear about is friendship, friends, and tomodachi! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT LAST ONE MEANS!
Hailey Havok: I'll give you a has to do with friendsh-
Akinan: YEAH I FIGURED THAT MUCH! Listen, I am a lone wolf, and so is Kyo. That psycho is deranged. He's merely playing mind games I'm sure, and we are only "partners" as long as it benefits us. In no way, shape, or form are we friends and-
Kyo: Friend!
Akinan: *sigh* Kyo I- WHOA! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Kyo: ....Gift...for my friend. I thought you might want this.
Akinan: WHAT....WHAT IS THAT?!
Hailey Havok: THAT'S A HAND!
Kyo: Gift!
Hailey Havok: ....I....I'm going to be sick.
Akinan: *sigh* At least it wasn't a foot this time.
Hailey Havok: HOW IS THIS BETTER?!
Hailey Havok: So that blew! Anyways, the Renegades have been all over the place this week, with my very own favorite Grind capturing the Open the Demon Door Championship against Zima at Sobe Hall. A big surprise to that show was the other Unbreakables getting involved in matches too. Turns out they came to the agreement on their own terms without discussing their actions with our Boss Tack Angel, with Retro Hippie losing his match while Trevor and Larmore won out in tag action. Trevor was far from done with that sort of attitude...
Trevor Mach: Haipu o nyūshu! The Havok War Machine is on the move, and we're coming for you Stuart! You've got ambition to conquer the wrestling world, while I've got the ambition to knee you in the face! I hope you're paying attention right now, cause I've got something to say. Nobunaga Pro ain't the only game in town, and I'm "green with envy" about NOWA! I heard on the block, through my translator of course, that you guys may or may not have SSS affiliations. That's more than enough reason for us to come after you! I've got a face off with the Firestarters this week on Kaosu TV!, but after that I'm coming after you, but I'm not coming alone. I'm bringing the Open the Demon Door Champion Grind! I'm bringing the drunken bastard Larmore, and I'm bringing the Hippie! 4-on-4 Sengoku Rules! If you've got the GUTS then you will-
Tack Angel: Trevor! What are you doing?!
Trevor Mach: Cutting a damn good promo before you INTERRUPTED!
Tack Angel: Dude! We've got Big Edo invading this week, and you're declaring war on NOWA while you're still calling out Stuart!
Trevor Mach: Yeah! I know you're panicking about him having that TV Title, and the more I call him out, the sooner he'll bring it back! I's not like I'm impatient or anything! It's not I'm going to freak out if he doesn't HURRY THE HELL UP!
Tack Angel: You're exacerbating this! I told you not to do this, and you're doing it anyways!
Trevor Mach: You don't want war! I get it Tack, but like it or not war is coming for you!
Tack Angel: Does that mean lots of random 6-man tags?
Trevor Mach: What?! No! It means the best defense is a good offense, and while I hope Nosan can do the job, I have my doubts about Cherub....staying away from my daughter!
Cherub Kid: Nani?
Tack Angel: Trevor....I gotta break the "kayfab" here and ask you something. Are you turning heel on me?
Trevor Mach: I'm not heel. I'm not face. I'm awesome! By the way Tack, do you see this key? I want you to give this to the next #1 Contender for the Havok World Championship. I want every #1 Contender to get a key. I saw something in Demon Door that gave me the idea. The Key to the Havok World Championship! If I retain I collect the keys like trophies, to show how many heads I've taken as champ! If I lose my upcoming NOWA challenge I think the winner should get a key too? Is that a problem?
Tack Angel: Well actually it-
Trevor Mach: Didn't think it would be. Later brah!
Tack Angel: *sigh*
Hailey Havok: We end this update with the next card for Kaosu TV! Troy will have his first match since aligning with Nobunaga Pro as he collides with Larmore. The Havok Rangers will take on Volt's Cyber Bushin in a heated rematch. Junior from FXE has been given a warm welcome by most in Havok, and has been brought in as a Renegade Defender for Team Tack, but the recently screwed over former TV Champ is looking to give him a more hard hitting welcome with an intense showdown. Big Edo Pro Wrestling ATTACKS! The Ultra Violence duo of Saito and Black Angel Jaki will take on Cherub Kid and Nosan. Can the duo protect the Kaga Region for Havok? The main event will see a Key to the Havok World Championship 4-Way featuring the best of Havok's rising generation. Subculture, hot off winning the Little Mac Memorial Cup will take on Anwin, Open the Demon Door Champion Grind, and the man who will one day challenge the Hero of Earth Jackson Kain! It's going to be a make or break Kaosu TV! in the Sengoku Invasion! Don't miss it!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Kaga Havok Hall, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Larmore vs. Troy
2. 6-Person Tag: Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts/Megumi vs. Cyber Bushin Red/Cyber Bushin Blue/Cyber Purple
3. Singles: Ishihiro Tomo vs. Junior[FXE]
4. 2/3 Falls Tag Sengoku Rules: Cherub Kid/Nosan vs. Ryuji Saito[BEPW]/Black Angel Jaki[BEPW]
5. Key to the Havok World Championship: Subculture vs. Anwin vs. Jackson Kain vs. Grind
Subculture: Mac, I want to thank you for what you taught me, and I know that you would-
Camilo Ortega: Excuse me.
Subculture: What What the hell are you-
Camilo Ortega: Subculture is it? I'm Camilo Oretega, the man who will rule over Edo. I have just one question for you. Will you be competing in the main event of Kaosu TV! this week?
Subculture: I won't be competing. I'll be fighting and winning.
Camilo Ortega: Interesting. Thank you for your time.
Subculture: .....The hell was that all about?
Kaosu TV! kicked off Week 3 of the Sengoku Invasion, and with the battle lines already being drawn, a confrontation would be inevitable, with Big Edo Pro Wrestling invading for tonight's Sengoku Rules bout!
The opening bout saw Troy and Larmore lock up in a grudge match. Troy got a villain's reception after aligning with Nobunaga Pro along with Dougie Mach, but the Chaos King was nowhere to be found in the match. Instead, Cheerleader Betty tried to get involved, leading to a comical scene where Hippie tried to stop her only to be chased off by pom poms. Larmore was drunk for the fight as it is, but the interference didn't help, and a Punt Kick lead to the pin for Troy.
The Havok Rangers came into the next match energized for the rematch with the Cyber Bushin, and the results were much different this time around. Using a mix a max strategy against the multi colored Ashura bots, the Havok Rangers managed to not only thwart Ashura's evil science bots, but destroy them in the process. Degrees pinned what was left of Bushin Purple to score the win, much to Ashura's dismay, but Mazenda's delight.
The next match turned out to be the biggest surprise of the evening, and one of the best pure bouts in some time. Junior had already been welcomed by most Renegades, but Tomo was standing in the way, looking to make up for the TV Title loss to Stuart, by testing the fiery newcomer, and this lead to an epic showdown. At the bell they rushed to the center of the ring to let the elbows fly and get the crowd pumped. Junior won out and kicked Tomo into the corner and rushed him with a lariat, but as he doubled back for another lariat, Tomo followed and rushed him into the other corner before gaining control of the match. Hard hitting action followed, with Junior showing off his stiff MMA inspired style, and Tomo showing DAT HEART and lack of neck. A harsh Brainbuster kept Junior down for the 1-2-3, but only after several nearfalls from both fighters. Great match for both men, but a needed win for Ishihiro Tomo.
After the awesome match, Havok World Champion Trevor Mach hit the ring by himself for the anticipated confrontation with the Firestarters Sal Paradise and Jamie OD.
Trevor Mach: Haipu o nyūshu! It's showtime folks! Sal and Jamie, I don't have all day so let's cut to the chase! Come on out here so we can-
Sal Paradise: One step ahead of you Mach.
Sal and Jamie rushed into the ring from separate sides of the crowd. Jamie came equipped with a chair. They weren't alone however, as Olly Oliver appeared with Ranmaru and Mitsuhide of Nobunaga Pro.
Sal Paradise: Are you sure it's smart to have your back turned Mach?
Trevor Mach: Why the hell not? We've been here before the three of us. Had some laughs, some good times, and some bloody good times!
Sal Paradise: I wasn't just talking about us.
Trevor Mach: Oh right, sup Olly!? Stuart's probably interested to see how this plays out too. They are probably here to offer you a spot with them.
Olly Oliver: That's right we are! I was never given my due in Havok, but in Nobunaga Pro, they pay me in all the classic Sega Master System cartridges I could ever want! Stuart's got the cash, all you have to do is give him the number and it's yours.
Sal Paradise: It's never been about the money.
Jamie OD: Well....not JUST about the money! AHAHA!
Sal Paradise: Right. Look, we already told you before that we've been having a good time watching this play out. We're not on Stuart's side, and the only reason we've been poking around Havok and causing trouble is because we're bored. I've been bored since RPW went on hiatus. That was going to be my comeback, now that I got my head screwed back on straight. I'm focused, I'm in the best shape of my career, and I'm in my prime. Instead of jumping at the first opportunity though, we thought we'd have some fun and watch how this game plays out.
Trevor Mach: But why watch how it plays out when you can be apart of how it plays out. Shape the outcome! Get what you want!
Sal Paradise: So you want us to join Nobunaga Pro? You ARE insane!
Trevor Mach: No! I came here to pose the impossible offer to you and Jamie OD. Join us, join the Unbreakable Macho Clan!
Sal Paradise: ......
Jamie OD: ...Wha....What?
Sal Paradise:'re joking right?
Trevor Mach: THINK ABOUT IT! You guys are just like me! I'm looking for a some chaos, and you guys are perfect for the job. Can you IMAGINE how much fun we could have on the same damn team?! Think about that! Think about the impossible here for a minute! Every logical fiber in your brain will tell you it's probably a bad idea, a destructive idea, and that's why it's actually the best idea for the three of us. The things that kill us make us feel alive, so why SHOULDN'T we raise a little hell together!?
Sal Paradise: .....
Jamie OD: .......
Olly Oliver: Hey! Don't listen to him! That's insane! You guys have been at each other's throats for YEARS! Family members attacked, blood spilled, things set on fire, explosions, painful match after painful match. You guys have gone to war in that ring! Why join forces?
Jamie OD: ....Oi! We're thinking here so stuff it! As crazy as it sounds Mach's got a point! AHAHA!
Sal Paradise: ....I told you, that the next time you and I stood in this ring I would be challenging you for the title, and redeeming myself for my crash and burn.
Trevor Mach: What better way to get that chance Sal.
Sal Paradise: ....I don't know....I don't much care for Larmore.
Trevor Mach: So? Larmore hates everyone! Your point?
Sal Paradise: I have to admit, I never quite have you figured out Mach. Join you? Ha! Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought of that one. I'm not going to say no, but I'm not going to say yes either. I'll tell you this......ta ta for now. You'll get your answer when I feel like giving it.
Trevor Mach: Wouldn't have it any other way.
The next match had a lot riding on it, as Cherub Kid and Nosan were selected to defend Havok against the invading Big Edo's Ryuji Saito and Black Angel Jaki. The ultra violent invaders had the experience and intensity edge, with Saito scoring the first pin quickly on Nosan following a Dragon Splash. Even without the use of weapons, the BEPW duo were proficient in bending the rules to cause maximum damage. It was looking like Tack had picked the wrong defenders for Havok, when Nosan ducked the Mania God Taihei Lariat of Black Angel Jaki, and countered with a Nobuharu Driver that lead to the tying pin. The match went on for several more minutes without a pin. Cherub Kid was trapped in the ring, and taking serious punishment. The Bakuhatsu Kid has been in a slump, but he shattered his slump with an explosive comeback that saw him force Black Angel Jaki out of the ring before surprising Saito with a new move modified from the Tack Angel finisher, the Wrist Clutch Cherub Driver. The extra explosive impact of the wrist clutch kept Saito down for the 1-2-3 and the final pin. Cherub Kid and Nosan shocked many by coming back to win the match and defend the Kaga Region for Havok! After that match Tack Angel hit the ring along with Havok's own ultra violent wrestler Danzig.
Tack Angel: Guys wait! Before you go, hear me out. I'm Tack Angel, the interim Boss of Havok. We came to Edo to work along with the other promotions to bring about the best matches possible. The best wrestlers being taken to their limits, that's what Havok is all about. I don't want to take part in a war. I want to work with you, alongside you, and not against you. Nobunaga Pro reignited your territorial disputes, and working with them will only get you stabbed in the back. I am here to offer peace, a truce, and a promise. If we can put aside our differences and work together to unify Edo, then you will be able to have your lost territory back without having blood on your hands or doing the dirty work of others. If you break your alliance with Nobunaga Pro then I promise that will we stand by your side. I want to offer you the services of a man that apparently worked with you many years ago. a little crazy.
Tack Angel: Yes yes, that promo was batshit crazy we know! I offer his services as a peace offering. Let's work together from here on out in the spirit of friendship and competition, not war.
Ryuji Saito: .....*Nods*....
Tack Angel, the interim Boss of Havok diffused the issue with Big Edo, and scored an ally in hopes for a peaceful and cooperative future for wrestling in Edo.
The main event would see four of the very best in Havok facing off for the right to earn the Key to the Havok World Championship. Anwin is looking to break into the main event, with both Subculture and Open the Demon Door Champion Grind are hoping to get back on top. Jackson Kain played the wild card in the match, and used every trick in the book to try and assure a victory. Fantastic action from each man saw several nearfalls and a sequence of finishers that had the crowd gasping. Late in the match Dougie Mach, the Havok traitor appeared with the intent of costing Subculture his shot. The distraction happened while Anwin and Grind both went high risk with a double splash on Kain. Unfortunately for Grind his splash landed him on the outside, and Anwin was able to cover the movie star for the 1-2-3, the win, and the Key to the Havok World Championship. As Anwin celebrated in the ring Subculture tried getting his hands on Dougie Mach. All the while, Camilo Ortega had been watching on from the shadows.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Kaga Havok Hall, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Troy beat Larmore via Punt Kick -> Pin
2. 6-Person Tag: Doctor Degrees[o]/Jeff Andonuts/Megumi vs. Cyber Bushin Red/Cyber Bushin Blue/Cyber Purple[x] via Destruction? -> Pin
3. Singles: Ishihiro Tomo beat Junior[FXE] via Brainbuster -> Pin
4. 2/3 Falls Tag Sengoku Rules: Cherub Kid/Nosan beat Ryuji Saito[BEPW]/Black Angel Jaki[BEPW] (2-1)
- Ryuji Saito beat Nosan via Dragon Splash -> Pin
- Nosan beat Black Angel Jaki via Nobuharu Driver -> Pin
-Cherub Kid beat Ryuji Saito via Wrist Clutch Cherub Driver -> Pin
5. Key to the Havok World Championship: Anwin beat Subculture, Jackson Kain[x], and Grind via Based Moonsault -> Pin
Tack Angel: *on a cell phone* Yeah Ry Ry, it all worked out. I was able to make peace with Big Edo. Well yeah, I am worried about Nobunaga Pro, but I'd like to think since Stuart is my brother in law, we might be able to come to some form of......
Tack Angel: ....Oh.
Announcer: Ima dewa garan no batorushiatā no tame no jikandesu!
Garam's Battle Theater Theme: I5pGm4vvQto
Garam: Yo! It's the man with a plan DJ GG Garam, and it's time once again to get Freaky Deaky live in the Edo Underground with another installment of Garam's Battle Theater! The battlers in Edo are getting out of control! This week, we saw several coups, but the start of the week was the biggest shocker, as unknown assailants burned down Kaga Hall, the base for Havok Wrestling in Edo! Many are pointing fingers at Nobunaga Pro, but no evidence was left to prove that anyone was responsible of anything! Someone might have even left a baked potato in the microwave too long! Who knows?! Rest assure though, that Havok is far from giving up. In fact, they have ramped up their efforts, with Interim Boss Tack Angel moving the brand to the heart of the Kaga Region in the very popular Akiba District! The popular district is full of hobby shops, maid cafes, and manga as far as the eyes can see. It's awesome! It will be in Akiba that Havok refocuses its efforts in Edo, with a more modern set up, hoping to draw the Otaku crowd.
Tack Angel:'re not recording now are you? You are? Well PLEASE don't pan out! I want to keep this a surprise! Hey! Don't do it! Listen, this is the Secret Base, in the heart of the Akiba District, and I welcome everyone to come and witness a special event to celebrate our new flame resistant building. Normally around this time we would have a weekend special, but we're going to do things differently due to the time of year and the special occasion. This week's Kaosu TV! will take place on Black Friday, and will feature Trevor Mach attempting the first defense of the Havok World Championship against Key holder Anwin. We'll also see the feud between Havok Ranger and Volt take a turn in a Loser Leaves Havok match. The traitors Dougie Mach and Troy will return for singles action. While Subculture demanded Dougie Mach, Dougie stipulated that he would get a shot only if he could get through Troy. That being the case, Cherub Kid will step up against Dougie Mach. We'll also see Grind and Larmore team up against the Reality Gangsters, and this will all kick off with a huge Black Friday Battle Royale.
Havok Sengoku Special: Brack Friday Bunduru
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Black Friday Battle Royale!
2. Loser Leaves Havok: Doctor Degrees vs. Dr. Ashura
3. Singles: Cherub Kid vs. Dougie Mach
4. Tag: Grind/Larmore vs. DZ/Ditch
5. Singles: Subculture vs. Troy
6. Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Anwin
Garam: So Havok is on the move, but in more ways than Tack Angel even realizes. I'll get to that in just a bit. Right now, we have bigger news regarding the first promotional casualty of the Sengoku Wrestling War! KATA Pro has fallen, losing their only territory to Nobunaga Pro. An alliance between Nobu Pro and the Havok defectors lead to an 8-Man Tag victory over some of KATA Pro's absolute best! Dougie Mach served as the lead in this match up, having just won the Nobunaga Pro World Ambition Championship in a recent tournament. We have some post win footage care of Nobu Pro, so let's check it out!
Dougie Mach: You see this?! You see what happens when you get in my way?! In OUR WAY?! The Chaos King allied with the money and power of Nobunaga Pro, and Stuart's Generals at my side, none of you stand a chance! Pay close attention Havok! Subculture! Cousin! The REAL World Champion has spoken! HAHA!
Dewa City Fish Market, Dewa Region
H+ Television
1. 2/3 Falls 8-Man Tag: Dougie Mach[Havok]/Olly Oliver/Mori Ranmaru/Akechi Mitsuhide beat KATA Matsumoto/The Great Katsuki/Ultimate Tiger/Shinsei Jinzaki (2-0)
-Dougie Mach beat Ultimate Tiger via Vertebreaker -> Pin
-Mori Ranmaru beat KATA Matsumoto via Gokuraku-Gatame -> Choke Out
Garam: The Chaos King is throwing down the gauntlet, and Nobunaga Pro continues to grow across Edo! They aren't the only ones though, as Havok has made a move against NOWA, care of the Unbreakable Macho Clan!
Garam: Dual champions Trevor Mach and Grind invaded the Kii Region to go to war with KENTER and Wasu. A battle of knee based offense saw Mach win out, but switched things up with an Inverted Mach Valley Driver to drop KENTER for the first pin. Grind fell to Wasu afterwards, but the Open the Demon Door Champion recouped and got the match winning pin following the Sling Blade. Despite Tack's call for peace, the Macho Clan has claimed the Kii Region, and handed NOWA yet another loss. The Ark is truly sinking!
NOWA: The Ark is Sinking
Kii High School Auditorium, Kii Region
Shogun TV!
1. 2/3 Falls Tag Sengoku Rules: Trevor Mach[Havok]/Grind[Havok] beat KENTER/Wasu (2-1)
-Trevor Mach beat KENTER via Inverted Mach Valley Driver -> Pin
-Wasu beat Grind via Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb -> Pin
-Grind beat Wasu via Sling Blade -> Pin
Garam: More on Havok, as they held another edition of The Clash in Johto! More exciting singles matches, Havok Ranger getting another win on Volt, and Havok's defenders Cherub Kid and Nosan winning out in a 4-Team #1 Contender match lead up to yet another instant classic involving Ishihiro Tomo, as he locked up with Randy No Kachi. A hard hitting battle ended with a Tomo Brainbuster and another big win.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Junior[FXE] beat Jimmy Bar via Sleeper Hold -> Submission
2. Singles: Jackson Kain beat Dangerous Dan via Stunt Double Driver -> Pin
3. Tag: Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts[o] beat Jinmer #1/Jinmer #2 via Sky Runner -> Pin
4. Singles: Captain Bluderbuss beat Jake Conway via Barnacle Buster -> Pin
5. Havok Tag #1 Contender: Cherub Kid[o]/Nosan beat DZ/Ditch, Villager/Zombie Lukie[x], and Bart/Rockjaw via Cherub's Flight -> Pin
6. Singles: Ishihiro Tomo beat Randy no Kachi via Neckbreaker -> Pin
Garam: We end this episode of Battle Theater with news regarding Havok and D2T, involving an EBW title, and it's on Nobunaga Pro soil. What the hell am I talking about? Well, it was time for D2T's annual trip to Sumo Plaza for their Ryogoku Captain Hook show. Nobunaga Pro allowed the show to proceed, but demanded a cut of the profits. Though it still seemed unusual that they would allow a rival on their soil. It made more sense when it was revealed that Havok's Magnum PT would be putting the Eagleland Championship on the line against D2T Ace Kota Hayashi.
Garam: Unbeknownst to Kota, Eivion Thanatos, Nobunaga Pro's "Central Mod" attacked Magu P, opening up Kota's chance to hit a sit out Powerbomb and the 450 Splash to capture the win and EBW's Eagleland Championship. Nobunaga Pro yet again makes a hit against Havok. The war is really heating up all over the country. Catch ya next time!
D2T: Ryogoku Captain Hook
Sumo Plaza, Kyoto Region
Shogun TV!
1. Eagleland Championship: Kota Hayashi beat Magnum PT(c) via 450 Splash -> Pin -> ??th Generation Champion!
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renigezu, and a happy Black Friday to all the crazy shoppers back home in Eagleland! Here, we're going to introduce Black Friday to Edo, with a Sengoku Special edition of Kaosu TV! We're at our new home, the Akiba Secret Base, and the eclectic audience has been clamoring for Havok ALL DAY! Seriously, the line just to get in this place went around the block! They are here to see the Renegades of Havok in action, but tonight will be extra special because of the Havok World Championship bout between champion Trevor Mach and Anwin! Anwin, you have finally gotten your shot, becoming the first contender for Mach's 2nd reign by earning the key in that exciting 4 way bout last week. Are you ready for tonight?
Anwin: Based Anwin is ALWAYS ready! I've been waiting for this day for weeks....months....years! Based Anwin came to Edo with the intention of being the Havok World Champion by the time we return to Eagleland, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I rocked the foundations of Havok! I took Tack Angel to his limits! In the E1 Climax, I pinned Trevor Mach to the mat in the opening day! I did it then, and I can do it now! Trevor, you might have "Machismo", but as long as I'm in Havok you'll never be as "Based" as Based Anwin!
Trevor Mach: HA! Haipu o nyūshu! Anwin, you glorious Based Bastard! We're going to to go war in that ring tonight, but the problem for you is that I've been making war my BITCH in Edo! I'm going to take you to the limits, and then you'll eat the Knee that will Pierce the Heavens!
Hailey Havok: There you have it Renegades! The champion and challenger are both hyped! Are you hyped?! You better be because it's Kaosu TV, the Sengoku Special for the Black Friday and.......the boss is about to interrupt my pitch isn't he?
Tack Angel: He is.
Hailey Havok: Well damn, I was really in the zone.
Tack Angel: I want to wish you both good luck tonight, even if ONE OF giving me more problems than I can handle.
Trevor Mach: .....I think he's talking to you Anwin.
Tack Angel: No, I'm taking to you!
Trevor Mach: Well obviously!
Tack Angel: Trevor, you declared war on NOWA, and challenged Nobunaga Pro to come after us! Between capturing the Kii Region, invading Demon Door, and your attempt to take Johto before I stepped in, you're basically giving me an ulcer I intend to name after you.
Trevor Mach: This is war Tack, and I'm your War Machine!
Tack Angel: I don't WANT a War Machine! I want peace! We should focus on entertaining the people with wrestling and cooperating with the other promotions in Edo. Working together, not going to war!
Trevor Mach: Are the people not entertained?! This is what they want! This is what the other promotions want too! Why do you think Demon Door challenged us?!
Tack Angel: Do you know what they're calling you in Edo? The "Wild Child". The "Shepperd of Fire". The "Gaijin Yokai"! That last one means foreign DEMON Trevor!
Trevor Mach: Shepperd of Fire? Sounds ominous! I like that Yokai one! Look Tack, you want peace, and that's great, but while you wish for peace, your brother in law is torching a building, and possibly being responsible for a car bombing!
Tack Angel: So you think escalating this will make it better?!
Trevor Mach: That's what we do brah! We're Renegades! Edo is not just our current location, it's our battlefield, and I'm feeling reborn. You know, you guys used to make me feel old, like I should retire and wear a damn suit all the time! I'm only 30! In Edo, they got guys in their 60s that still wrestle! I'm hitting my prime Tack, and I'm primed for conflict....battleborn. I AM your war!
Tack Angel: What does that even mean?!
Anwin: Excuse me, I know the Based Anwin wasn't invited to the conversation, but I'm going to interject anyways! I don't care one way or another how this goes down, because whatever happens I'll still be the best up and comer in that ring, and after tonight I'll be the best champion. However, your poking of the bee hive has caused more than one instance of a main event ending with Nobu Pro interference. I deserve a fair one-on-one shot!
Tack Angel: And the people deserve a match with no interference. We deliver the best wrestling, and I want to show that. What makes you think that your actions won't provoke another main event attack tonight?
Trevor Mach: Let's just say I've always got an ace up my sleeve. Anwin, you will get your fair shot to kick my ass again. Tack, prepare to be impressed! BOOSH!
Tack Angel: ....Oh dear.
Kaosu TV! is back in a new location, in the heart of the busy and bustling Akiba District for a Black Friday Sengoku Special. The building was packed, and Havok had adapted a brand new modern set up, to avoid another incident like Kaga Hall. A packed card would see losers leaving Havok, a Battle Royale, grudge matches, and of course the Havok World Championship battle.
The opening match saw most of the Renegades enter the ring to break in the new arena with a big Black Friday Battle Royale. The stakes were high, but mysterious, as the winner would receive a reward, but interim boss Tack Angel has yet to announce what reward that would be. Crazy action that saw half the wrestlers spill out over the top almost immediately! A comical scene came after everyone in the ring turned to eliminate the man getting the most eliminations, Akinan, out of the ring. Every time Kyo was tossed out it happened to be where Akinan was standing. He would catch Kyo and toss him back in, which was legal since he hadn't touched the ground. However, Kyo was then launched with enough momentum that both Tag Team Champions were dropped to the ground. With Nosan eliminating himself to get away from Villager and Zombie Lukie, it came down to Ishihiro Tomo, Junior, and LG Rod. More focused and intense action saw Junior catch LG Rod in a Legdrop Bulldog attempt and flung him over the top rope, leaving FXE's guest to Havok turned Havok Defender once again battling the former Television Champion. The crowd was on fire for the action, as the two seemed to forget the objective and just went to war in the center of the ring. Junior looked to have it won, with a series of kicks that were taking Tomo to the ropes, but Tomo countered whip attempt and flung Junior to the outside, giving him the final elimination and the victory in the Black Friday Battle Royale!
The fight between Havok Ranger and Brain Army Volt has come to a head, and the time had come for one side to start eliminating the other. Dr. Ashura made the challenge in the name of Bias-sama, in an effort to rebound from his recent loss of the Cyber Bushin. Doctor Degrees stepped up in this crazy one on one match, that felt anything but with all the action outside of the ring as well. Jeff and Megumi fought off the Jinmer's while Degrees rebounded from an early Ashura Cutter. Fear Beast Kemp and Dr. Mazenda watched on from the stage, with the Otaku crowd obviously eating the whole thing up. This is kind of their bag. Big win for the Havok Rangers, as Degrees managed to land his PhDDT to capture the win over the brutal scientist Ashura. After the win The Jinmers carried off Ashura, as Bias-sama appeared on the screen with Gush, cursing the day hey ever gave the savage a scientific mind. Kemp and Mazenda seemed pleased at the whole ordeal. Bias-sama promised that one of his scientists would develop the perfect brain, but they each had once chance left. The end begins between the Havok Rangers and Volt.
The traitor Dougie Mach returned for singles action against Cherub Kid. Dougie is still contracted to Havok technically, but that didn't stop him from becoming the Nobunaga Pro Ambition World Champion, with intentions to take down his own home company. Cherub stood tall as a Havok defender, but the Bakuhatsu Kid was over his head against an on form Dougie. The Chaos King wore him down with big move after big move. Choking him out and slamming him head first on the mat before finally hitting the Vertebreaker that would keep him down. Revenge on Dougie Mach would have to come another day. After the match Junior, Dangerous Dan, and Nosan all lined up to challenge Dougie next. They tried to help up Cherub Kid, but he left on his own two feet to a loud ovation.
The Unbreakables Larmore and Open the Demon Door Champion Grind teamed up against the Reality Gangsters in a tag match with a controversial ending. Grind did most of the heavy lifting, as it seemed that Larmore had once again come to the ring drunk, but as Grind was prepping to go high risk on Ditch, Larmore climbed up and clocked his own team mate in the back of the head with his sake jar! As Grind hit the mat, Ditch lay in wait, and landed his Bootlegger and and a Spinning Side Slam to get the pin and the win. Hippie tried to jump into the ring to question Larmore, but he attacked him as well and kicked him out of the ring. Hailey and Trevor came down to the ring to witness Larmore pour his alcohol on Grind as it became apparent that he was aligning with the Reality Gangsters, but why?
Little Mac's living legacy Subculture won the memorial cup, but now he was on the path to revenge, and his first opponent on that path would be the Alpha Beta who betrayed Havok, Troy. A bloody strike fest ensued, that saw Subbie showing heart and determination like we've never seen before, kicking out of pin attempts following the Punt Kick and the Overdrive to just keep swinging away. Troy had the reach advantage so Subculture came in close and deliberately took shoots to get in Troy's guard and land so hurting bombs. The collective experience of Mac and Subculture combined for the finish, as Subculture managed to land the KO Punch, but Troy kept on his feet, so Subculture followed up with his Counter Culture to take Troy to the mat for the 1-2-3! A big win for Subculture who shouted Dougie Mach's name after match, obviously challenging the Nobunaga Pro's Ambition World Champion. After the match, he was met in the back by Hailey Havok.
Hailey Havok: It really SUCKS what Larmore just did to Grind, but it's awesome that you just won that big match Subculture! I was rooting for you and I don't care who knows it! Way to go!
Subculture: Little Mac, I will be your living legacy, and make those bastards pay for everything! If that path leads me to Dougie Mach and say the Nobunaga Pro Ambition World Championship then so be it! Your title would look good around my waist Dougie, but my first would look even better punching through your face! This isn't about titles. For once, it's about honor and a life that was lost because of ambition. Stuart, this ends when I put you down once and for all. I'm coming for all of you! Do you hear me? ALL OF YOU!
Camilo Ortega: So...the Street Dog has become a thoroughbred it seems?
Subculture: ....What did you just say?
Camilo Ortega: Just making an observation. Will walking your path lead to fortune or ruin? That's a development I'll be watching with great interest.
Subculture: .....
It was now main event time, and a highly anticipated Havok World Championship battle was on the way. Trevor Mach came to the ring alone, and provoked Nobunaga Pro by ripping up their banner on the way down. Based Anwin cast a careful eye around the ring as he met the champion face to face as the bell rang and the action commenced. the crowd was hyped and exploded when Trevor and Anwin immediately went into a punch and elbow exchange. With the adrenaline pumping they both went full steam ahead trading blows and slams in a show to see who could take more from the other. Anwin already proved he could hang with the best, but proved it again by avoiding the Macha Ye and landing the Based Bomber for a near fall. Later, he was blindsided by the Machbuster Knee Kick, but kicked out at 2 to Trevor's surprise. The champ tried to take Anwin to the top for a top rope Trevorplex! only to have it reversed into a Based Bomber, with a roll up leading to the 1-2-KICKOUT! Anwin was about to get back to his feet when Trevor tried trapping him in the Triangle and nearly locked it in before the rope break. As the action heated up in the ring, the chance of a Nobunaga Invasion grew and grew. 20 minutes into the match it finally happened, as Dougie Mach started marching down the ring, however, the ace in the hole came into play, as Jamie OD and Sal Paradise blocked the path. In a Yin and Yang type of moment, Sal and Jamie contemplated who they should be guarding, as they stood back to back wondering which way to go. Ultimately, they held the line and forced a disgruntled Chaos King to back off. The interference attempt played no part in the match, and the people got a concise victory. Trevor, after landing a Macha Ye only to get a 2 count, lifted Anwin for the formerly titled Inverted Mach Valley Driver, now called the Burning Machismo, before getting the 1-2-3. Trevor Mach made the first defense of the title, and as part of the new system, gained Anwin's key, which he added onto the title belt as a trophy for the win. Trevor extended his fist for a fist bump, which Anwin reluctantly bumped back, promising he'd get another shot before doing so. The show ended with Trevor celebrating the title defense while Firestarter stood by, having seemingly decided what part they would play in the war in Edo...
Havok Sengoku Special: Brack Friday Bunduru
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Black Friday Battle Royale! Winner: Ishihiro Tomo
2. Loser Leaves Havok: Doctor Degrees beat Dr. Ashura via PhDDT -> Pin -> Dr. Ashura leaves Havok!
3. Singles: Dougie Mach beat Cherub Kid via Vertebreaker -> Pin
4. Tag: DZ/Ditch[o] beat Grind[x]/Larmore via Spinning Side Slam -> Pin
5. Singles: Subculture beat Troy via KO Punch x Counter Culture -> Pin
6. Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Anwin via Burning Machismo (Inverted Mach Valley Driver) -> Pin -> 1st Key Victory!
*At the famous One Eyed Jack's aka the SPARKLE Bar....*
Erica: *Drukenly* Let me have another shot, Violet.
Violet: Um, I think you had a enough, Erica.
Violet: Calm down, Erica.
Violet: Riiiiiiiight. *Waits a few moments* So what's wrong anyways?
Erica: Nothing.
Violet: Oh, that's bullshit. I know you pretty well, Erica. And I've never seen you act this way before. Not even when we wrestled together as part of Elevation.
Erica: Heh, it's THAT obvious, huh?
Violet: Yeah, I think so.
Erica: *Sighs* It's this whole situation with the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.
Violet: Oh.
Erica: And I am afraid, Violet.
Violet: Afraid for your well being?
Erica: No. I am afraid from everybody else's. Cause you see, they have invited me to join their Club.
Violet: Wow. That's a pretty big leap foward too.
Erica: I know it is. And you know me, I always look out for myself first.
Violet: Yes, you do. You have always been good at that.
Erica: And while I know the Skulls & Bones have my best interests in mind and it would benefit me greatly by joining them. I am great conflicted about it.
Violet: WHAT?!
Erica: You heard me. For the first time in my miserable bitchy life, I am conflicted about this offer......
Mia: This offer you can't refuse.
Erica: YOU!
Mia: That's right, it's just me. And you know I am right too, don't you?
Erica: .......
Mia: I thought as much. Cause at DESTINY, you saw how much you could benefit from joining the Club, didn't you?
Erica: .......
Mia: And you are starting to see how deep this rabbit hole goes, aren't you?
Erica: .........
Mia: So come on, Erica. Just say the magic word and accept our generous offer to join us. Join us, Erica, and continue to be on the WINNING side.
Erica: You know something I do see the truth in what you say, Mia. I really do. And with that in mind, all I can tell you is........NOOOOOOOO!
Mia: WHAT?!
Mia: You are making a BIG mistake, Erica.
Erica: I AM?!
Mia: Yes, you are?
ERICA: OH, GOODY GOODY GUMDROPS! And I really REALLY hope that mistake leads to me kicking The Messenger's ass all over the Battle Zone. I REALLY DO!
Mia: Be careful, what you wish for Erica. You just may NOT like what you get. *Exits the bar in anger*
*Violet now runs after Erica to stop her from chasing after Mia and attacking her....*
Erica: *Stops* Goddamn it.
Violet: And besides that, I think you got what you want as a result. You just stirred up the whole angry hornet's nest.
Erica: I did, didn't I?
Violet: Yes, you did.
Erica: *Pumps fist into the air* YES! *Leaves the scene*
Violet: *Shakes her head* That girl will never learn anything, I guess.
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! Update time! You know how this works! It's been a little more quiet this week in Edo in terms of territory grabs, but the action in and out of the ring never stops! I mean, just this week, we received word that Oda Group's Northern Office was burned to the ground by an unknown assailant, but we'll get to that later. First, we check out the base of Mt. Itoi, where Subculture has spent his days off training harshly in high altitude.
Hailey Havok: Subculture is throwing down the gauntlet, challenging Dougie Mach to show up this week on Kaosu TV! Rumors are that he wants a shot at the Ambition World Championship so he can get a first class ticket to Nobunaga Pro and Stuart. In any case, it's obvious that Subculture has changed, and the heart of a champion is burning hotter than ever.
Hailey Havok: Speaking of Kaosu TV surprises and announcements, it was announced during the most recent installment of The Clash, after Ishihiro Tomo beat LG Rod, that Tack Angel had decided the Black Friday reward for Tomo, after winning the Battle Royale. The announcement will open this week's Kaosu TV!
Hailey Havok: It was a hot episode of The Clash, with a big ending that came after Larmore came out with the Reality Gangsters. He announced that he was fed up playing second fiddle to the "spot monkey" Grind, and drunk or not, he was 10 times the wrestler Grind could ever be. He also showed that he was holding the Open the Demon Door Championship hostage, and demanded his own "honorary key" to get a title shot. Grind responded with a wicked awesome flip off the building and challenge Larmore, but Larmore said he would have to get through the Reality Gangsters first, with Ditch being the first opponent. Great match that saw Grind do a matrix style back bend to avoid a Bootlegger at one point, and finished off the tape trader with a Sling Blade to get the pin. Grind's road to Larmore is off to a good start, with Grind versus DZ already set for Kaosu TV!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Dangerous Dan beat Jake Conway via Ankle Lock -> Submission
2. Tag: Cherub Kid[o]/Nosan beat Villager/Zombie Lukie[x] via Cherub's Flight -> Pin
3. Singles: Ishihiro Tomo beat LG Rod via Brainbuster -> Pin
4. Singles: Jackson Kain beat Fighter Daron via Shadow Kick x Autograph -> Pin
5. Singles: Grind beat Ditch via Sling Blade -> Pin
Hailey Havok: We end this updating update of updates with a scene captured by ninja clone Herveybot #2094 at the Akiba Secret Base, where Tack Angel asked to speak with Lady M's, who had come to Edo to bring Master Lu back to Eagleland.
Lady M's: Tack, you've got 5 minutes, and you better make them count, cause I'm jet lagged, a little drunk, a little pissed off, and looking to get back to Summers ASAP!
Tack Angel: Uh right, thanks for your time Tali. I'm glad you're here because we need to talk about Trevor.
Lady M's: Whatever he's up to I don't know about it. Look, I came home one day to find a note on the table that said "Going to Edo, will bring back Sushi", and that's how I found out you guys were going here. Don't know what he was thinking. I don't even like Sushi!
Tack Angel: Well Tali, he's fighting me at every turn! I'm trying to make things peaceful, and he's kicking up a firestorm!
Lady M's: And this surprises you? Look, I don't give a fuck about what's going on here in Edo one bit. Look...look in my hands....see's nothing....that's how many fucks I give. Zero Tack.
Tack Angel: Stuart's making a play to conquer Edo's wrestling territories. He's not listening to me, but I want to try and continue to end this peacefully. I want to unify everyone to work together to make Edo's wrestling scene better! Trevor's just doing the same thing Stuart is, only on the other side of the spectrum.
Lady M's: Or maybe you can't reason with some people, and forceful action requires a forceful response. I know you hate 80's action flicks, but the methods work sometimes.
Tack Angel: I don't want any part of a war. This is about wrestling! Before this, EBW was at war with robots! Havok itself tore through Threed before even asking about what could have caused the zombies to turn hostile. Guess who spearheaded that? Trevor. They have names for him over here, and some of them aren't pretty. Tali, I know you're claiming to not give any....
Lady M's: Fucks.
Tack Angel: Yes those, but this is serious. Trevor.....Trevor might be responsible for something else. Earlier this week there was a fire at Oda Group's northern office. The whole place burned to the ground over night. Nobody was killed, but I don't want Havok to have had any part of activities like that. You don't think Trevor did that do you?
Lady M's: Well....
Lady M's: ....At least nobody was killed.
Tack Angel: *sigh*
Lady M's: I see that as an eye for an eye. These guys seem pretty dubious, and you know I mean it if I was able to say a word like dubious without slurring. They burned down your building. If Trevor did this, I would say eye for an eye.
Tack Angel: Yeah, but this is just going to escalate. Is this really the time and place for this? I don't want a war.
Lady M's: War isn't just coming Tack, it's already here. Not just here, but everywhere. In Sparkle, EBW, all of Edo. That's the name of the game, so you might just have to play it if you want to survive. 5 minutes are up. I'm out of here.
Tack Angel: *sigh*
Amy Angel: Tack, don't worry about this. I will talk to Stuart. He's my brother. I will tell him that it doesn't have to be this way.
Tack Angel: Thanks Amy, I only hope we're right. War isn't a game, and I hope more than anything that it can be avoided. I know what I have to do to try and avoid it too.
*Meanwhile in the Main Offices at SPARKLE HQ....*
Lucca: Ladies, I know you are both pissed about this whole situation with the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. But you both need to calm down and think.
Heather Mach: Oh that's where you are fucking wrong, Lucca! I am WAY passed thinking things through now. I am DONE with that shit.
Nikki Roxx: I agree completely. There is only one course of action, I want to consider now and that's FIGHTING THE FUCK BACK!
Heather Mach: HELL YES! The time for talk is OVER! The time for WAR is RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Lucca: But that will play right into the Skulls & Bones' hands, don't you both see that. They are expecting SPARKLE to fight back now. It's EXACTLY what they want.
Nikki Roxx: YEAH! LET'S DO IT!
Lucca: *Sighs* Goddamn it, you both have lost your minds! I mean what would Mr. Lu think about this bug nutty bat shit crazy line of thinking? HUH?!
Mr. Lu: He would say it's time to FIGHT BACK!
Lucca: LU?!
Mr. Lu: Yes, I am finally back from Edo. And what I've seen there has inspired and motivated me. ALOT.
Lucca: But is this the right course of action, Lu?
Mr. Lu: Do I look like Tack to you, Lucca?
Lucca: WHAT?!
Lucca: Not at all, sir.
Lucca: ......
Master Lu: And I WILL NOT sit by and watch these damn Skulls & Bones take over MY COMPANY! And I agree with both Heather and Nikki, the time for talk is OVER! It's time for WAR!
Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx: YES!
Lucca: But.....
Master Lu: SILENCE! I am DONE talking about this. GOT IT?!
Lucca: I got it, sir. So what's the plan?
Master Lu: *Points at both Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx* You two. Follow me. *Exits the office*
*Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx just look at each other, shrug their shoulders, and exit as well.*
Venus: WOW. Lu is really pissed off.
Lucca: *Sighs* No, Venus. He's not pissed off at all. He's just really motivated.
Venus: So what do we do now?
Lucca: Pray. And hope he doesn't do anything really stupid.
Venus: Oh dear.
*A few moments later.....*
Heather Mach: So Lu, what's the plan?
Lady M's: We fight fire with fire.
Hailey Havok: Hey...hey guess what? Guess what Renegaizu? Update time? Update time. You bet your ass it is, because this chick needs to get paid! Sorry, I just heard about my raise. That Tack Angel's a great boss. Maybe he's got the right idea about all this war stuff in Edo.....not like I'm just saying that cause I'm getting paid more or anything! No, I totally mean it and stuff! Look, I don't know what's right, but I know what's going on out there right now and it's crazy! Let's look at the most recent Havok show for example. When the Unbreakables took the Kii Region from NOWA, Tack Angel promised the people they would still get wrestling action from them as much as possible, so a Live show was booked in the Coconut Club. The show went off without a hitch, and it was an exciting one at that, with Subculture and Tomo teaming up to beat Jackson Kain and his stunt double, and the main event saw Anwin rebound from his title match loss with a win over Randy no Kachi. The reason it went off without a hitch though, is because Nobunaga Pro was kept away from the building. Let's check out what happened!
Trevor Mach: Hey assholes! You came to the wrong neighborhood!
Sal Paradise: That'll tell em!
Olly Oliver: Ha! You think these guys are afraid of you? I've been on the road with these guys....these guys are scary! Not a word from any of them on our way here! They're not afraid of you!
Trevor Mach: How about these steel chairs? Getting a little shaky in the legs yet?
Olly Oliver: Sal Paradise, what the hell are you doing here? You and Trevor have been mortal enemies! Why in the world would you pass up on so much more money to join Havok!? Why would you align yourself with Trevor Mach?! That can't be what you really want! What you want is to be with the best, and that's what Nobunaga Pro is! It's the best in the world gathering in one spot to rule the wrestling world! Don't you have any ambition?
Sal Paradise: Heh, my ambition today is making your life harder on you, so so far I'm getting exactly what I want. You can call it a change of heart or boredom, but this outcome is a lot more fun for me and Jamie OD, even if you added more zeroes in the contract, we're still not interested.
Jamie OD: Added more zeroes?
Eivion Thanatos: ...*sigh*
Trevor Mach: What? Were you about to say something Eivion? You know, I got the vibe that guy never liked me.
Olly Oliver: They aren't happy you burned down their building Trevor!
Trevor Mach: Who says I did? Oh wait....I say I did. Don't like it when we fight fire with fire? How about chairs to faces? That sound better Eivion? Line up!
Olly Oliver: Nobunaga Pro is more refined than that! They want to get rid of the trashy garbage wrestling and the flippy floppers!
Sal Paradise: Hey skater dude, think that was directed at you?
Grind: .....
Olly Oliver: We're not going to fight you in the streets! When it's time to fight, Stuart will let his generals know.
Trevor Mach: You tell him to watch his back! I hear a pissed off guy in green is hunting his ass down. Probably why Dougie's not here either.
Olly Oliver: You better watch your back old friend. I hear your burning down one too many bridges.
Trevor Mach: No such thing Olly! Look, I know why you went to Nobunaga Pro, but it still pisses me off. I want to make you spend all that extra cash on hospital bills, so why don't you and I have a match! I'll even meet you in Kyoto!
Olly Oliver: HA! What are you thinking? I accept, but I have to ask you something. Are you stupid?!
Trevor Mach: No, I am out my mind! You tell Stuart that the Wild Child, the Shepperd of Fire, the Gaijin Yokai is coming! Haipu o nyūshu!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Live in Kii
Coconut Club, Kii Region
1. 6-Man Tag: Larmore/Ditch[o]/DZ beat Jimmy Bar/Jake Conway/Picasso Priest[x] via Bootlegger -> Pin
2. Singles: Nosan beat KYO via Puns? -> Count Out
3. Singles: Akinan beat Cherub Kid via Top Rope Chokeslam -> Pin
4. Tag: Subculture[o]/Ishihiro Tomo beat Jackson Kain/Stunt Double[x] via KO Punch -> Pin
5. Singles: Anwin beat Randy no Kachi via Based Bomber -> Pin
Hailey Havok: So there you have it! Sal Paradise and Jamie OD were seen with the Unbreakables, and a face off with Nobunaga Pro will lead to a face off between Havok World Champion Trevor Mach and Olly Oliver in Kyoto. I'm sure Tack won't be happy to hear about this one! The rift is growing between the Unbreakables and the head office of the Renegades, and this could just make things even more tense around the water cooler. we have a water cooler? We should get one. But let's fill it with Magu P Energy Drink instead! What is Magu P Energy you ask? First, I have to say I just did an awesome segue way, but Magu P Energy is the newest drink to hit Edo, and it's got our own Magnum PT as the face of the brand! Let's check out some behind the scenes footage as he finished filming for the commercial! Damn I'm good.
Edo Girl: Magu P, anata wa kakkoii!
Magnum PT: *sips drink* Big Slam! Full of Energy! Happy Body!
Koichi Sakamoto: And cut! That was great Magu P! It's a shame they didn't want Jackson Kain for this spot, but you did great and all. Can we do another take though? I didn't get enough sexy leg action in that shot from the ladies.
Magnum PT: How about I just step out of the shot and you can oogle the ladies? Good? Cause I say that's enough out of me. I don't even know why I agreed to this.
Yuji: It's part of the contract Magu P.
Magnum PT: I guess I should have read that and STOP CALLING ME MAGU P! Look Chief, the goodwill tour is over, and I don't feel like being a shill. Those bastards in Nobunaga Pro cost me my Eagleland Championship. Not sure if you're the patriotic type Yuj, but to me that was a big slap in the face to Eagleland, and I want to slap back! I'm going to Havok! No more side trips!
?: Actually, you have just one more.
Magnum PT: Who are you?
Yuji: Forgive me Magu....num PT...I forgot to tell you that you had a visitor. This is Mr. Looker and he-
Looker: Looker....just Looker, and I'm an agent from Interpol. You and I need to have a talk.
Magnum PT: Is this about that beer I smuggled into the country?
Looker: What?
Magnum PT: Nothing!
Looker: You'll love this place. Yuji, could you get us some drinks from Jack-san over there.
Yuji: Uh...yes sir.
Looker: They have great Takoyaki here.
Magnum PT: I'm sure they do. Look, let's cut to the chase. What do you want with me?
Looker: Why so jumpy Magu P? You hiding something?
Magnum PT: No, I told you about the beer and you didn't care.
Looker: Well that's not really what I deal with in my line of work. I'm more in the stopping people from dying and preventing more buildings from blowing up kind of business. Interpol is investigating this "war" in Edo amongst the wrestling companies. People fighting in the streets, cars blowing up, people dying, others going missing, local police paid off, and now buildings erupting in flames. Some say Nobunaga Pro burned down the Kaga building, while others say one Trevor Mach burned down Oda North Office.
Magnum PT: Oh he totally did that! He's not hiding it either! He called me while he was doing it. Want to listen to the voice mail?
Looker: No, that's alright. No one was hurt in that incident and the Oda Group didn't press any charges. At most, he would receive fines from the government, but that's not what I'm worried about. The government is ineffectual here. Unlike back in Eagleland, where they are trying to amass complete control of the people, Edo seems to be more lax. We believe the SSS is behind it.
Magnum PT: Alright, and what does this have to do with me?
Looker: We know you Magnum PT. You're an honest man. You're a patriot. You have an amazing mustache. We need someone like you to work with us in exposing this group and putting an end to their misdeeds. We think they are tied with Nobuna-
Magnum PT: Yeah yeah, they are tied in with Stuart's group and they might have been working with NOWA at one point. That's common knowledge around here.
Looker: People are dead or missing, and many officials are corrupt and paid off. That's why this war in the streets is being allowed to happen. That's why the Sengoku Rules Act was approved by the Diet in the first place! This can't continue, and we need to put a stop to it.
Magnum PT: Hey, I'm all for the Government getting off people's backs.
Looker: Are you for innocent people getting hurt in the crossfire? I know you love your country, but aren't you the least bit concerned for the people here?
Magnum PT: Dammit, of course I am!
Looker: Then help us out.
Magnum PT: *sigh* What the hell do you want from me?
Looker: Right now? It's simple really, do exactly what you've been doing. Wrestle.
Hailey Havok: Oh dear, I wonder if they knew we were recording that super top secret meeting thing. Meh, what's the worst that could happen? Anyways, we end this update with the card for Kaosu TV! We'll see Jamie OD return to action against Junior, Grind continue his path to Larmore, another Loser Leaves Havok match between Havok Rangers and Volt, Magnum PT's proper Havok debut, and a Tag Team Championship match between AkiKyo and the Havok Home Army of Cherub Kid and Nosan. All of this plus Tack's big announcement for Ishihiro Tomo and Subculture calling out Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach on the next Kaosu TV!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Jamie OD vs. Junior[FXE]
2. Singles: Larmore vs. Jake Conway
3. Singles: Grind vs. DZ
4. Loser Leaves Havok: Megumi vs. Dr. Mazenda
5. Singles: Magnum PT vs. Jackson Kain
6. Havok Tag Team Championship: Akinan(c)/Kyo(c) vs. Cherub Kid/Nosan
*Backstage at the SPARKLE Battle Zone, Master Lu was standing by with Lady M's, Heather Mach, and Nikki Roxx for major announcement directed at the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.....*
Master Lu: Skulls & Bones! At DESTINY, you drew first blood and won the right to be part of SPARKLE'S ROSTER! So congradulations, you won the first battle. But you WILL NOT win the WAR! Cause did you expect SPARKLE to just roll over and die after that victory. Well you are DEAD wrong! And if you want to take this company from US, then you can have it after you KILL US ALL! CAUSE WE WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING BACK! WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP! AND MOST OF ALL, WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER! *Hands the mic to Heather Mach....*
Heather Mach: DAMN RIGHT! And just like Lady M's said before, it's time to FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! *Hands mic to Nikki Roxx....*
Nikki Roxx: And all I got to say to that is BURN, BABY, BURN! Cause it's better to BURN OUT THAN FADE AWAY! *Hands mic to Lady M's...*
Heather Mach & Nikki Roxx: HOO-RAH!
Lady M's: Skulls & Bones, get ready to FACE YOUR FUTURE! Cause The Unbreakables are coming. And we are coming for WAR! So you can bring your asses to SPARKLE MAX this week, and we will BRING THE FUCKING PAIN! And I am gonna personally start with you, ALISSA FLASH! You can bring not only your ass, but my daughter, as well. I know you have her and I WANT HER BACK! So I accept your offer, I will meet you in the ring for a little one-on-one talk. But I will remind you that right now, I am not in the talking mood these days. So you better say what you got to say and say it quickly, cause I am gonna KICK YOUR ASS either way.
Lady M's, Heather Mach, & Nikki Roxx: HOO-RAH!
Master Lu: Hoo-rah, indeed.
Venus: With the next iPPV only a mere two weeks away, things are really heating up now. And it looks like newly formed The Unbreakables will have their first face off with the Skulls & Bones on MAX! I can not wait for that confrontation either.
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Kayla Sparkz VS Miss April (w/ Brooke Carter)
2.) Melicious and Cat Power VS Crybaby and Cherry Bomb
3.) Valerie Del Toro VS Taeler Hendrix
4.) Tracy & Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) VS Sunny Malibu and The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet)
Venus: Speaking of the new iPPV, it will be called HARDCORE HEAVEN and, as stated earlier, it is only TWO WEEKS away....
Theme Song: [url=be83jbhZe_s]AC/DC - Spoilin' For A Fight[/url]
Summers Battle Zone
LIVE! only on iPPV
Kaosu TV! returned for the second week in the Akiba Secret Base without any fires or explosions, which these days is kind of common, so that's a good sign. Anywho, the battle lines continue to be drawn and redrawn, but a conflict also appears to be brewing from within Havok, between the two people who need to be working together the most...
The show opened with Tack Angel hitting the ring with the Havok Home Army and Ishihiro Tomo. Tack had said on The Clash that he intended to award Tomo his prize for winning the Black Friday Battle Royale, and he was wasting no time.
Tack Angel: Oh hello everyone! Tack Angel here, the interim Boss of Havok, and standing with me is a man you all know. I'm not even sure how many of you know what I'm saying right now, but you'll all know this name...Ishihiro Tomo. Your local hero has been nothing short of a warrior in Havok, showing DAT HEART at every turn! Though he found himself blindsided by Nobunaga Pro like we all did, he bounced back to win the Black Friday Battle Royale. Resilience and determination are exactly what I want in a face for Havok, and I believe that Tomo can be that face. I already got the new merch printed up, and I can tell you like the shirt.
Ishihiro Tomo: ....*nods*..
Tack Angel: Great! That's just the start of it though. I wanted you out here amongst your fans to make this announcement. I want you to lead Team Havok! I want you as the leader of the Home Army, defending us against attacks by the other promotions. Peace is the solution, but you have to be ready for whatever comes your way. I didn't see Stuart's actions coming, but I'm an even bigger idiot for not seeing what was right in front of me. Trevor Mach, the Havok World Champion, should NOT be our World Champion right now. That's right....I said it....and I meant it. That's just how I feel. He is escalating a war that I don't want. I only want to provide wrestling and entertainment to the people, and Trevor is throwing that all away because deep down....not that deep down....he's been waiting for a chance like this. The Wild Child is off the chain, and normally I want to stand by my friend, but from the perspective of my job and my duty to the company, the fans, the roster, and most of all my family, I just can't do that this time. That is why I am giving this key to Ishihiro Tomo. Tomo, you have earned the 2nd Key to the Havok World Championship, and I want you to give it your best and show Trevor that we need a focused and determined champion that wants what is best for this compa-
Trevor Mach: Hey Taaaaaaaack, my ears were burning....and I sneezed.
Havok World Champion Trevor Mach appeared on the stage along with Sal Paradise.
Trevor Mach: Haipu o nyushu! So, I was just chillaxin in the locker room like a balla, when I heard my best friend in the world saying that I shouldn't be the Havok World Champion?! Did I hear that right?!
Sal Paradise: I think you heard that right.
Trevor Mach: Can you believe that?
Sal Paradise: That your shouldn't be World Champion or that Tack is the one saying it? Cause, truth be told I should be the World Champion, but we'll get to that eventually.
Tack Angel: Trevor, this isn't personal!
Trevor Mach: Seems like you're making it personal Tack! You're going to play the power hungry boss that wants to strip the belto from my waist? You and what army pal?!
Sal Paradise: He does actually have an army Trevor....they're in the ring.
Trevor Mach: Oh right.
Tack Angel: No! It's not like that! Look, I don't understand what you're trying to do here in Edo. You call yourself Havok's War Machine, but we don't need or want a War Machine! We need a champion, and Ishihiro Tomo's no nonsense heart makes him the candidate I choose to battle you next for the title.
Trevor Mach: Hey, I'm not complaining about Tomo! That smooth bastard brainbuster'd a zombie off a waterfall in Threed! He took me to the limits in the E1! HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE A NECK! That's awesome! My beef is with you! Your no war bullshit is going to get us killed!
Tack Angel: My desire for peace will unite us all and keep us all alive. You're the one making things worse! Now you're aligning with Sal Paradise!? I thought he and Jamie hated us?!
Sal Paradise: Look, I was bored and eccentric alright?! Sometimes you just SNAP you know? I thought the Lovekick thing was wearing thin, but honestly, that's when I forgot that we're supposed to be having fun! What sounds like more fun to you Tack? Begging for peace or looking for a fight?
Tack Angel: Actually, my idea of fun requires a warm fire, hot cocoa, and a deck of cards.
Sal Paradise: Of course it does. Trevor and I don't see eye to eye on some things, but even after the wars we had in that ring we've found common ground, and my desire to get back into that ring and compete has been reignited. I joined the Unbreakables, to win this war.
Trevor Mach: Well said! This IS war Tack, and I've always admired that you could keep calm in these types of situations, but that's not how I roll. That's not how I operate or function if life. I take a problem and I make it my bitch! I'm not making things worse for Havok, I'm making things worse for the bad guys!
Tack Angel: The "Bad Guys"?! You see everything in such black and white?! Good and Evil! Heels and Faces! Where do you stand in all that with blood on your hands?
Trevor Mach: I told you before, the Unbreakables aren't good guys and we're not bad guys....we're AWESOME! I am instilling fear in those SSS bastards. Instilling fear is like basting a turkey, which you then have sex with?
Tack Angel: What?!
Trevor Mach: That's right Tack, I'm going to fuck the fear turkey!
Tack Angel: ...........You're just ranting now aren't you? Fine...whatever...I'll just let you do your thing. It's obvious that we're going down two different paths here Trevor, but know this. I don't care if you're doing the "cool" thing, or the "hip" thing. People might see you as "gritty" or "edgy", but all I care about doing is the right thing, and I won't support your war efforts or claim the territories you win in the name of Havok any more. I'm not cleaning up your messes anymore!
Trevor Mach: I never asked you to. I don't ask you to do anything. I do what I want, and right now I'm going to lay down a challenge for tonight. See, my new bro Sal and I have some team building to do, and I think the perfect way to do that is a tag match tonight. Me and him against Ishihiro Tomo and whoever else you got lined up.
Tack Angel: Fine! That sounds....peachy! It will be Tomo and .....Dangerous Dan!
Dangerous Dan: Eh?
Tack Angel: Everyone else is busy.
Dangerous Dan: YES! IT'S DAN'S TIME TO SHINE AND IT'S GOING TO GET DANGER....wait for it.......OUS!
Tack Angel: that's what's up apparently.
Trevor Mach: Tack, my old friend, let the games begin. Ishihiro Tomo, GET SOME!
Opening contest saw the crazy ginger bastard Notorious JOD taking on Junior in a battle of kicking fools. Stiff as hell action that had the crowd going "Oooo" and "Ahhh" with every hard shot. Junior showed his fighting spirit, but Jamie OD scored the blistering final Penalty Kick to score the pin and his first win back in Havok. The normally manic Jamie was not grinning ear to ear for once on his way to the back.
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renigeizu! I'm here with the Havok Rangers and one pissed off robot chick! What the hell happened to you?!
Dr. Mazenda: I have become the perfect creation! I am no longer human! I have given up humanity in place of robotic excellence, and now I will show the will of Bias-sama by ridding us of the Blue Dolphin!
Hailey Havok: So...a original these days. Megumi, your thoughts.
Megumi: Well...uh...I haven't really said much since joining Havok. I came here with the goal of defeating Volt with my truest friends Degrees and Andonuts. Along the way, we have learned the meaning of friendship and teamwork.....and love. Degrees....I love you..
Hailey Havok: Wait what?
Doctor Degrees: Megumi....I love you too. Be careful out there tonight. We'll both be with you.
Megumi: All the battles together and hardships have prepared me for tonight, and hopefully after this war is over, we can get married like we always talked about. I'm ready!
Hailey Havok: ......So....does anyone else get the feeling that we missed like....A LOT! Where the hell were the Hervey Cams for THAT story?!
The next two matches saw members of the newly 3 man Reality Gangsters, as Larmore took on Jake Conway. Larmore hasn't given much reason for betraying the Unbreakables, only that he didn't want to play second fiddle to Grind, and he showed his mean streak and aggressive style against Jake Conway, choking him out with the Cobra Clutch for a dominating win.
Grind countered that win with the next win on his path towards Larmore as he faced off with DZ. DZ tried to steal a win with Ditch at his side, but an unlikely assist came in the form of Demon Door's Zima, who fought off Ditch and allowed Grind the chance to take DZ down with the Sling Blade before the pin. After the match Grind and Larmore stood face to face. Zima handed Grind a key, which he then tossed over to Larmore, who tossed over the Open the Demon Door Championship. It seems the title challenge has been accepted, as Larmore gets his shot against Grind.
Subculture made his way down to the ring without any music or hype, just a mic in hand.
Subculture: Dougie Mach, I know your in the building, so get your ass out here and face me now. No more waiting, and no more games. Just get out here NOW!
The self proclaimed Chaos King and Nobunaga's Ambition World Champion made his way to the ring along with Troy and Cheerleader Betty. Subculture tried to get into Dougie's face, but the Ambition World Champion walked by him and turned his back to him in a show of disrespect. With the traitors in the ring, the Havok Home Army hit the stage, with Camilo Ortega also looking on from the entrance.
Subculture: You think it's smart to turn your back on me?
Dougie Mach: I don't sweat you Subbie. Not afraid of you one iota. Last time you and I locked up who won the match? That's right, I did. What do I have to fear from you? You should be grateful I'm even giving you the time of day.
Subculture: I think we both know the only reason you won that fight.
Dougie Mach: Oh that's right! It was because of your mentor....who betrayed you....and yet you're still hoping to become his "living legacy" as you put it?
Subculture: Did you kill him?
Dougie Mach: Whoa! Hold the phone Subbie! Going straight for the jugular eh? Look at me. Do I look like a killer? No, I had nothing to do with that. We're wrestlers not killers....and even if I didn't shed a single tear when I heard what happened, that still doesn't make me the monster you want me to be.
Subculture: Either you did it or you know who did and did nothing to stop it. To me, that makes you guilty.
Dougie Mach: Then do something about it. Come on Subculture, do what your mentor was best at. Stab me in the back! I won't stop you, and neither will Troy.
Subculture: Little Mac wasn't a backstabber and he wasn't a liar. He was an old man that made mistakes. I've made mistakes too. Being a street dog, you do what you have to so you can survive. I've found my way back though, and I've found the way to restore Little Mac's name as well. I'll remind the people who he really was and who I really am. I'll be his living legacy. So no Dougie, I'm not going to stab you in the back. I'm going to challenge you to a match. You against me for that Nobunaga Ambition World Championship. I'm sure if you're as big of a deal in Nobunaga Pro as you say you are, then you could accept that match right here and now.
Dougie Mach: HA! You think yourself worth of this title? This is the title meant for the elites. This is the continuation of the EWGP Heavyweight Championship, a title founded by Antonio Stuart, with a lineage that reaches far beyond Havok. You should be cowering in the sight of such a title. The responsibility of holding it, being it's owner, would be too much for a street dog to bare. I'll tell you what though, since I feel sorry for you, I'll think about it, but only if you come to Kyoto and compete at Nobunaga Pro's next Sumo Plaza show. If you have the guts to show up, I might feel enough pity on you, to accept your match.
Subculture: Talk trash all you want Dougie. When you nut up, and I get in the ring for that title, I'll make you eat those words, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist, cause I'm going to ram into your stomach and break your damn spine!
Dougie Mach: Would Little Mac approve of that?
Subculture: That's not for Little Mac, that will be for me.
Dougie Mach: .....psht whatever.
Megumi and Dr. Mazenda faced off in the next Loser Leaves Havok match, and it was the first singles match between two female Renegades in some time. Thrilling action, especially for the Otaku crowd, as Megumi proved that the human spirit can overcome any machine, winning with the Blue Dolphin Splash and expelling what was left of the robot Mazenda from Havok. After the match, Bias-sama appeared on the monitors.
Bias-sama: Pathetic Mazenda! I knew you did not have the perfect scientific mind, but no matter! I have found my apprentice in the Fear Beast Kemp. He and I will finally eradicate you Havok Rangers! My science will be proven to be superior, and Volt will rule the world!
Hailey Havok: Renegades, we've got a bit of a problem backstage! It looks like someone has jumped both the Tag Team Champions AkiKyo AS WELL AS the #1 Contenders from the Havok Home Army! These teams were set to compete tonight, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen now. I just hope they're all alright!
Kyo: *cough cough* ...Aki..Aki-kun...*reaches out with his hand*
Akinan: *cough* D-Don't call me that.....and don't touch me.
Hailey Havok: Well Akinan's fine at least.
Magnum PT made his formal Havok debut after touring the Edo scene against the Action Movie Superstar Jackson Kain. Kain was brash in this match, showing no respect to the mustacheod former Eagleland Champion. A Mustache Ride would change Kain's tone as he was caught off guard by the patriotic and 80's finisher, leading to the pin. After the match, PT thanked the fans for giving him a warm welcome, and promised to continue traveling to other promotions as well, in the process reclaiming the Eagleland Championship. An embarrassed Jackson Kain quickly left the ringside area.
The original main event had to be scrapped due to a backstage attack, so the new main event would see Havok World Champion Trevor Mach team up with Sal Paradise, a duo no one expected to see work together against new Key to the Havok World Championship holder Ishihiro Tomo and Dangerous Dan of the Havok Home Army. The fans expected hard hitting action, and that's just what they got. Mach wasted no time tangling with Tomo in hard hitting action. Mach had the height and reach to land some vicious knees in the clench, but Tomo had the raw power and DAT HEART To fight through and land Trevor on his head and neck more than once. Sal looked like he hadn't lost a step and had some exciting exchanges with Tomo himself, but he mostly took on the hot headed Dan. Dan was psyched up for this bout, smashing his fists to his head and screaming like an enraged mad man while he was in the ring. His highlight of the match saw him escape a Paradise Lock attempt and come back with an Ankle Lock, but Sal got the rope break to keep the action going. Late in the bout Jamie OD slowly made his way down to the ring with chair in hand. As Trevor and Tomo were locked in the ring, OD shocked the crowd by crashing the chair into the back of Sal Paradise's head. The distraction gave the focused Tomo the chance to pick up Mach for a solid Brainbuster that lead to the pin and the 1-2-3! Ishihiro Tomo and Dangerous Dan won the huge tag match, but the other big story was Jamie OD's attack on his long time tag partner. What could this all be about, and how will the champ handle key holder Ishihiro Tomo leading up to their title bout?
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Jamie OD beat Junior[FXE] via Penalty Kick -> Pin
2. Singles: Larmore beat Jake Conway via Cobra Clutch -> Choke Out
3. Singles: Grind beat DZ via Sling Blade -> Pin
4. Loser Leaves Havok: Megumi beat Dr. Mazenda via Blue Dolphin Splash -> Pin
5. Singles: Magnum PT beat Jackson Kain via Mustache Ride -> Pin
6. Tag: Ishihiro Tomo[o]/Dangerous Dan beat Trevor Mach[x]/Sal Paradise via Brainbuster -> Pin
Announcer: Ima dewa garan no batorushiata no tame no jikandesu!
Garam's Battle Theater Theme: I5pGm4vvQto
Garam: What up Edo? DJ GG Garam, about to get Freaky Deaky in the Edo Underground, but I'm not alone this time, as I'm being joined by Havok's own Jackson Kain!
Jackson Kain: The pleasure is all yours. Here, have an autograph.
Garam: Thanks....I guess. So Jackson, what brings you here? I mean, it's not like you were invited....cause I'm pretty sure you weren't.
Jackson Kain: I'm here because I'm sick of being ducked by you know who! I've got my mind all over the place, it's no wonder I've suffered some fluke losses. Between those matches and my next big movie coming up, I can't focus because of one particular coward! That's right, I'm taking about Mr. Satan! I hope you're watching because I'm letting you know that since I won that match, I've been waiting for you to step up and set the date, but I keep getting told that you're either "training" or "recovering from a stomache illness". Enough of the run around! I'm challenging you for the big year end show that Havok, Sparkle, and EBW are going to have at the Kyoto Dome! That's right, they have announced it yet, but I'm letting that cat out of the bag right now to throw down this challenge. Face me or prove me right as the biggest fraud on the planet!
Garam: Whoa! That's big news! How is it that Havok and EBW plan to use the Kyoto Dome when it's in the heart of Nobunaga Pro territory!?
Jackson Kain: How should I know? No one tells me anything, but I will tell you this. Jackson Kain will humiliate the false hero of Earth, and the people will have a new hero in 2014! Here, have an autograph, I'm out of here.
Garam: You...already gave me...nevermind. Well it's too bad Jackson left so soon, cause we were just going to be bringing him up again, as Battle Theater covers Havok's recent installment of The Clash!
Garam: It was a big show for a particular madman on his way up in the promotion, as Dangerous Dan became the #1 Contender for EBW's Eagleland Championship over former champion Magnum PT! PT was caught off guard by Dan's style, namely his manic, mad man constant screaming and intensity. His crazed flailing and rampaging around the ring was halted by the Mustache Ride, but unbeknownst the referee, Jackson Kain swooped in behind PT and smashed him with a chair, leaving his autograph in the process. Dan got to his feet and showed off a new finisher, a stalled cradle suplex that saw him run around the ring screaming and holding up PT before the crash and the pin. Huge win for Dangerous Dan, who now gets to face D2T's Kota Hayashi at a later date for the Eagleland Championship. After the match, Hailey Havok tried to get a word with Dan.
Hailey Havok: Well well Dangerous Dan, you're surely turning some heads these days. Congratulations on another big win!
Dangerous Dan: AH!
Hailey Havok: AH!
Hailey Havok: I've been standing right here! Who is sneaking?
Dangerous Dan: It's Dan's time to shine! The questions that the media would ask are of no interest or concern to me! Cause when Kota Hayashi and I step in the ring it's going to be DANGER......wait for it.....OUS! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Hailey Havok: .....That guy needs to switch to decaf.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. 6-Person Tag: Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts[o]/Megumi beat Jinmer #1/Jinmer #2/Jinmer #3 via Sky Runner -> Pin
2. Tag: LG Rod/Randy no Kachi[o] beat Jake Conway[x]/Zombie Lukie via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
3. Singles: Captain Blunderbuss beat Jake Conway via Sleeping Anchor -> Submission
4. Singles: Larmore beat Jimmy Bar via Cobra Clutch -> Submission
5. EBW Eagleland Championship #1 Contender: Dangerous Dan beat Magnum PT via Freak Out Cradle Suplex -> Pin
Garam: Nobunaga Pro held their Ambition 7 event today, and it saw some big developments, as Havok's Renegades marched into the Kyoto region to a chorus of boos to take part in challenges thrown down by Olly Oliver and Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach!
Garam: Subculture and Havok World Champion Trevor Mach were joined by Anwin, as pilgrims in a foreign land, being treated like villains by the Kyoto crowd. While Subculture and Anwin ignored the reaction, the Havok World Champion seemed to revel in it. Nobunaga Pro's leader and Havok Television Champion Stuart made his first appearance in some time, always standing in the entrance, waving around the belt that earns Stuart a key to the Havok World Championship whenever he wants it. The matches themselves were full of controversy, with outside interference costing Anwin a match against Eivion Thanatos, who won with a Darkness Neckbreaker. In Eivion's defense, Stuart's head mod didn't seem too happy about the interference either, preferring to beat his opponents on his own terms! Trevor Mach used the occasion to play up the villainous reaction he was getting, but intentionally fighting dirty and getting himself DQ'd in the match with Olly Oliver, stating, he was just beating them to the punch on who got screwed in the match. Subculture managed to overcome the odds in his match, scoring a clean win following his KO Punch. He then demanded that Dougie Mach give his a title shot. Dougie said not only would he put the title on the line, but he'd do it in Havok's home turf if he agreed to one more match for the night, which saw Subculture team up with Trevor and Anwin against Dougie, Troy, and Olly. It didn't remain a 6-Man tag for long though, as Nobunaga's Generals flooded the ring and but a beating on the outsiders to the delight of the crowd, even if the Renegades got the DQ win. Quite the different circumstances for the Renegades on this occasion.
Nobunaga Pro: Ambition 7
Sumo Plaza, Kyoto Region
Shogun TV!
1. Ambition vs. Chaos Singles: Eivion Thantos beat Anwin[Havok] via Darkness Neckbreaker -> Pin
2. Ambition vs. Chaos Singles: Olly Oliver beat Trevor Mach[Havok] via DQ
3. Ambition vs. Chaos Singles: Subculture[Havok] beat Green Destiny -> KO Punch -> Pin
4. Ambition vs. Chaos 6-Man: Trevor Mach[Havok]/Subculture[Havok]/Anwin[Havok] beat Dougie Mach/Troy/Olly Oliver via DQ
Garam: We end this episode of Battle Theater with more Havok news. Yes the company that keeps making news in the Edo Underground. Looks like they are pulling all the stops for their next episode of Kaosu TV! This ain't your normal episode with FOUR CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES! Yes, you heard that right! A big announcement is also expected for the show, and it could be confirmation of Havok joining EBW and Sparkle in the Kyoto Dome. We will see the Tag Team Championship match scheduled for last week, Grind defending the Open the Demon Door Championship against Larmore, Trevor Mach taking on Ishihiro Tomo for the Havok World Championship sooner than expected, and the main event will see Dougie Mach but Nobunaga Pro's biggest title on the line against Subculture. You really really don't want to miss this one fight fans. Check ya later! PEACE!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Havok Tag Team Championship: Akinan(c)/Kyo(c) vs. Cherub Kid/Nosan
2. Singles: Anwin vs. Mega Dolphin[Johto Pro]
3. Singles: Dangerous Dan vs. Jackson Kain
4. Open the Demon Door Championship: Grind(c) vs. Larmore
5. No Rules Singles: Junior[FXE] vs. Jamie OD
6. Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Ishihiro Tomo
7. Nobunaga Ambition World Championship: Dougie Mach(c) vs. Subculture
Hailey Havok: Koooooonichiwa! Hailey Havok here, with the man looking to take the fight to Dougie Mach tonight! Subculture's going for Nobunaga Pro's top title, the Ambition World Championship. Will Little Mac's living legacy carry on the championship tradition of the Greed Legend? Well, he's right here, so I should probably ask him that huh? Subbie?
Subculture: We're all in this to win the Championships. That's part of the job. That's apart of our lives. When I was a hungry kid on the streets, I knew that winning the gold meant respect, security, and food on the table. However, I'm not really worried about any of that right now. Little Mac is gone, and I blaming you Stuart. I'm blaming you and everyone on your roster. Every last one of them is responsible to me. I'm going to pick a fight with you really soon, but tonight, I'm going to win your biggest title, and get myself a first class ticket to Nobunaga Pro whenever I feel like it. I was there already this last week. I knew a beating was coming, and I took it. You know what? It was nothing. You're got nothing, and the fear you tried to bring to me, I'm throwing back at you ten fold with a green right hook straight to your face. Dougie Mach, I'll burst your egotrip tonight, and make you regret the day you thought you could fuck with Subculture!
Camilo Ortega: And with that, I've seen all I need to see.
Subculture: You again? What do you want from me?
Camilo Ortega: Just witnessing Subculture at his peak that's all. Curious to how this would play out. I think you're ready. I think you're primed for the top. Looking forward to your match tonight. Make it a good one. My Grandmother always told me to leave a lasting memory, we'll see what kind of memory you leave in that ring.
Havok's Sengoku Invasion has continued to change the wrestling world in Edo, and as we approach the end of the year, the action is only escalating like only Havok can do. Tonight's show was amped up to the max! Really? Do I have to type it like that? How 90's. Well it was amped up because of 4 different title matches! Why so many in one night? Well, we would soon get answers from Havok Interim Boss Tack Angel, as he opened the show again this week
Tack Angel: Oh hello Akiba! I'm Tack Angel, the Interim Boss of Havok. I know we've got a big show tonight, and you're just crazed like the dickens for that Havok action.
Hailey Havok: Like the dickens?
Tack Angel: However, I have to address a few things, namely, why is tonight such a loaded show? Well, it's a bit of a celebration, after getting some big news. It comes down to an agreement made by one Ryan IQ prior to our coming to this great country. Before the rules of the game changed and New Edo became Nobunaga Pro, we were given the booking date of December 31st at the one and only Kyoto Dome! That's right, Havok is going to the Kyoto Dome! I don't want Nobunaga Pro to consider this anything more than what it is, my decision to follow through on a previous booking. The show will be special because not only will we be in the dome with wrestlers from other Edo promotions, but we'll also be seeing some of EBW and Sparkle's biggest names flying over to take part in this joint New Year's super event! The biggest event requires all of us working together! That's why this will not be a Havok branded show, but a show for everyone called Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013!
With the announcement of the show name, a large banner fell from the ceiling, covering the stage. However, standing in front of the banner was the Havok World Champion Trevor Mach.
Trevor Mach: Tack!
Tack Angel: AH!
Trevor Mach: AH!
Tack Angel: How did you do that? Like, sneak up on literally everyone in the building.
Trevor Mach: Are you questioning my poof powers? No, it was obviously because everyone was enamored by your announcement! That's going to be awesome! Can't wait to defend the Havok World Championship IN DA DOME!
Tack Angel: Don't forget that you've got your championship match tonight against Ishihiro Tomo, and I wouldn't underestimate him.
Trevor Mach: How could I forget? Seems like I just had a title match like 2 weeks ago though, but that would seem a little off. Like someone was throwing down the gauntlet to take this title off of me.
Tack Angel: You're paranoid Trevor! I'm only giving you what you want! You ask for this kind of thing all the time! You've been practically foaming at the mouth since we got to Edo.
Trevor Mach: What can I say? It's my hot blooded shonen spirit!
Tack Angel: Well I hope that gets you through tonight's match, because you're looking a little under the weather. Kind of like you went to Nobunaga Pro's venue, picked a fight with the fans, and got the numbers game played on you in the ring, like I knew you would.
Trevor Mach: Oh don't worry about all this, I'm a BEAST. I'm Trevor Fuck Mothering Mach! Look, I can't help that they don't know how to treat an invited guest.
Tack Angel: Guest? You invited yourself, and from what I heard, you spent the whole day mouthing off to the fans and the roster!
Trevor Mach: Like hell I did! So maybe I did say something about Ry Ry boning Makoto Stuart, and Stuart may or may not be his love child, and MAYBE they took exception to that, but I wasn't doing that ALL DAY. That was like a 1-2 hour job TOPS!
Tack Angel: This is why we need a new champion Trevor! You are not carrying our brand with dignity and respect! You're following up on your crazy mood swings and paranoia, and causing more problems! You don't even care about the repercussions.
Trevor Mach: There you go assuming again Tack! You assume I don't care, but maybe I just think I'm doing the right thing, and you're going to let Nobunaga Pro walk all over you! If it ain't a war to you, it should AT LEAST be a competition, and you're not treating it like either or! They ain't going to sit down and have a tea party with you Tack. They want us gone, so if you want to stick around you have to make them gone!
Tack Angel: I don't believe that, and as the boss of Havok, I would prefer that our champion carries the ideals of the company!
Trevor Mach: Hey, I can understand that you're trying to do what you think is right. I can understand tonight's title match being moved up so soon too. The problem is that you're wrong Tack. You know what, I'll play ball though. If I lose tonight to that no neck bad ass Ishihiro Tomo, then I will follow your lead from now on. However, if I win tonight, you get off my back and you let me pick my opponent for the year end show. Do we have a deal?
Tack Angel: .....Deal.
Trevor Mach: Swanky! See brah, we can still agree on SOME things. Ishihiro Tomo, I'm coming for you! Renegades, Haipu o nyushu!
The opening contest was set to be the Havok Tag Team Championship match that we didn't get last week, after both teams were attacked in the back. History would repeat itself this week, but this time the assailants attacked in the ring, revealing who they are and their purpose...
Mori Ranmaru and Akechi Mitsuhide, the Generals of Stuart in Nobunaga Pro invaded and went on the attack, blindsiding both teams, and forcing another Tag Title bout to be thrown out. As they picked up Cherub Kid, they made it clear that they wanted to make a challenge for Havok's Tag Team Championship before hitting a Belly to Back/Neckbreaker combination. The invaders cleared the ring as the Home Army arrived.
While hostilities increase between Havok and Nobunaga, the spirit of friendly competition could be felt between Havok and Johto Pro, as Mega Dolphin came in for a match against Anwin. A high energy bout that saw Anwin pushed to step it up against the veteran Dolphin. Mega Dolphin hit the Johto Stunner and looked to go high risk on the top turnbuckle, but Anwin met him up there and hit a Based Top Rope Bomber before the pin to capture a big win. After the match, Anwin helped Dolphin to his feet and they shook hands, showing solidarity between the two promotions, a sign that Tack Angel's tactics have created allies for Havok.
Dangerous Dan continues to score big wins, in a bit of a streak, as the intense and paranoid Home Army member took on Action Star Jackson Kain. He wasn't alone however, as Magnum PT showed up and helped trip up Kain as revenge for costing him his title shot at D2T's Kota Hayashi. The screaming and manic Dan applied the Ankle Lock and forced Havok's resident celebrity to tap out. Kain challenge PT to another bout next week, but said it would be nothing but a stepping stone, as he was challenging Mr. Satan to the Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013 event.
Grind had plowed his way through the Reality Gangsters to get to the traitor Larmore, and with the Open the Demon Door Championship on the line, both competitors stepped up their game in this grudge match. DZ and Ditch tried to get involved early on. Retro Hippie tried fighting them off with the Clan Banner, but ended up getting chased off himself, though the distraction did keep the gangsters away from the ring, allowing for hard hitting action without interference. Larmore tried to keep the action of the ground, utilizing hard strikes and submissions, but Grind had him scouted and countered with his speed advantage. Larmore pulled out a bottle late in the match and missed on the swing, but got behind Grind and locked in a Cobra Clutch. Grind was losing it as Hailey rushed down to the ring to get the crowd chanting for him. The Demon Door champion mustered the strength to fight out and flipped over Larmore over his head for a Reverse DDT. He went for a rolling SSP, but Larmore rolled out of it, leading to Grind recovering and landing on his feet, dodging a lariat attempt and hitting a spear to knock Lar back to the mat. This time he went high risk again with the Sling Blade, nailed it, and got the 1-2-3 to get the win, and make the first defense of his recaptured title. The Reality Gangsters failed to keep Grind down, as he celebrated in the ring. That's when out of nowhere, Nikky appeared from the crowd. He entered the ring, handing Hailey Havok a rose on the way in, and staring down Grind. The two fighters stared down, with Nikky winking at the Demon Door Champion before walking off just as suddenly as he appeared. What were the intentions of the Golden One?
After the match, we went to the back, where Havok Ranger had a special challenge for Volt.
Doctor Degrees: Volt....Bias-sama, this goes out to you. We, the defenders of Havok, are tired of playing your games. It's time we take the fight to you! We're issuing a challenge to end this once and for all. At Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013, we want you, Kemp, and Gush in a 3-on-3 Elimination Tag Battle! The winners win it all and the losers will leave Havok, and once you lose, you will also give up your plans for world domination through evil science! You have sullied the name of science for far too long, and Havok Ranger will protect the hopes and dreams of Earth, when we send you packing once and for all!
Megumi: Oh Degrees!
Dr. Kemp: Ha! The Havok Rangers challenging us? You have no idea what you're getting yourselves into! We are Volt! We are the Brain Army, that will use our science to conquer all! With Ashura and Mazenda gone, I have gone through the metamorphosis to become Bias-sama's perfect scientific mind! You will be no threat to me, but I am here on behalf of Bias-sama to let you know that the challenge is accepted. Feel privileged that Bias-sama would be willing to dirty his hands to end you. That's right Havok Rangers, the end is nigh. 2014 will begin the era of Volt! MWAHAHAHAHAHA-
Jeff Andonuts: It's ok guys, I found the remote.
Doctor Degrees: Oh good, that laughing was really getting annoying.
Megumi: Does he know you muted him?
Jeff Andonuts: Nope!
Doctor Degrees: He's going to be so mad when he finds out....heh.
FXE's Junior requested a No Rules Rematch against Jamie OD, and that's exactly what he got. No one is sure why Notorious JOD betrayed his long time "Bro" Sal Paradise, but it didn't seem to phase him, as he was all smiles in this No Rules Bloodbath, so he was basically in his element. An old school brawl, Junior adapted quickly, taking OD out of the ring, and using anything he could get his hands on. Jamie's high tolerance for pain paid off in the more hardcore exchanges, and he managed to use a chair assisted Penalty Kick to take down Junior and keep him down for the 1-2-3. Sal Paradise was nowhere to be seen before or during the match, but after Jamie OD went to the back...
Jamie OD: EH?! AH!
Sal Paradise: Yeah. Don't forget that two can play at that game asshole. Turn about is fairplay....fighting fire with on and so forth. You're not even listening right now are you? You're just...unconscious, and I'm totally cool with that. I have no idea WHY you decided to brain me in that match, and I really don't care. Just returning the favor. I...I'm not going to even mention how long I was waiting in that's sad how long I waited really....really sad. Worth it though.....still.
The first of two main events was up next, as Ishihiro Tomo turned in his Key to the Havok World Championship, against Trevor Mach. The champ has created controversy lately, but came prepared for a match with a challenger who can not be taken lightly under any circumstances. Both men were pacing in their corner and ready to go. With a nod to each other the bell rang, and both competitors rushed to the center of the ring, with Tomo striking first blood, with a high knee that took the champ to the mat. Tomo picked up Trevor and crowd roared as they exchanged vicious elbows in the center of the ring. Trevor won out in this exchange and hammered knee after knee to Tomo in the clinch and booted him into the corner. He whipped him to another corner and splashed down on him. When he tried to do it again, Tomo followed him and with a lariat, forced him into the other corner. He attempted a bulldog, but Trevor pushed him into the ropes. They both hit the ropes and charged with lariats that took both men down as the crowd cheered in approval. A very even start to a hot battle for the Havok World Championship. A match made tailor made for hot blooded machismo, the two challenged each other in strike exchanges to see who would drop first. Ishi was the first to make a pin attempt following a Brainbuster, but the 2 count lead to a pumped up Mach getting to his feet first and hitting a Macha Ye and pin for counter 2 count. These two wrestled a 30 minute match in half the time with high energy, but near the end an injured Mach was starting to burn out, while Tomo continued to come at the champ. He fought Mach all the way onto the top rope to hit an avalanche style top rope brainbuster. 1-2-ROPE BREAK! Trevor managed to grab onto the bottom rope to escape the pin attempt but just barely. Both men were bloody and battered. Tomo picked up Mach for another Brainbuster, but Trevor countered and hit a staggered fisherman buster. This wasn't even a finisher, but the injured Mach tried putting away Tomo and only got a 1 count. The champ then backed away and lined up his Macha Ye, stumbling on collision and wrapping up Tomo for another pin attempt. 1-2-KICKOUT! Desperation could be seen through Mach's crimson mask, as he staggered to his feet and waited for Tomo to get back up. The threw more elbows before Mach managed to lift Tomo for the Burning Machismo and drove him into the mat. Not taking chances this time, Trevor then backed up once more for the Macha Ye before the pin. 1-2-3! Trevor held onto the title, but barely, in one the best title matches in some time. The crowd ate up every moment, with the champ barely able to stand on his own as he was handed the belt and the new key to add to the collection. Mach showed respect to Tomo in his own way with a fist bump before celebrating. He grabbed a microphone as he wiped the blood out of his eyes.
Trevor Mach: BOOSH! How about that for a title match?! Fun right? I had a BLAST! Tomo, grabbing that rope was more instinct than anything else. If we were a few more inches away from the ropes this belt would be yours right now. Thanks for that awesome battle. Arigato Tomo-san. *bows*
Ishihiro Tomo: ....*bows*
Trevor Mach: Now that I've shown respect WHERE IT'S DUE, it's time for the Wild Child to live up to the moniker! Tack and I agreed that if I won this match I would get to choose my next opponent for the year end show. I can't think of a better opponent in my mind then the one I'm about to challenge. I'm so hyped I'm going to spell this one out for you in the ring. You ready? T......A......C.......K! TAAAAAAAACK ANGEL! I'm calling you out "Boss"! You want this belt from me?! Take it yourself! GET HYPE! Haipu o nyushu! BOOSH!
A huge match and announcement like that would normally end a show, but a second huge main event match up was next, as Subculture took on Dougie Mach for the Nobunaga Ambition World Championship. A more personal contest than the previous, the hard hitting action was much less crisp and more of a brawl. Dougie tried to duck Subbie early on, going outside and whipping him into the steps, but Subbie dodged a knee attempt, and Dougie crashed into the steps. Subbie got his mitts on the Chaos King and dragged him back into the ring, forcing him into the corner to let the fists fly. Dougie followed suit, switching places with Subbie and head butting him repeatedly, trying to force him to bleed, gouging at his forehead. Dougie took control and worked over Subculture's arms to try and weaken the punching power, but he forgot that Subbie wasn't a specific striker like Mac and ate a high kick before a Counter Culture lead to 2.9 pin attempt. They went to a fast paced exchange trading nearfalls with pinning combinations. Subbie appeared to have the upper hand, but Dougie dragged him back to the outside. Dougie did some damage, suplexing Subculture onto the steps, and possibly injuring his back. He dragged him back into the ring and worked the back with a Bow and Arrow styled submission, but a rope break saved the former Havok World Champion. Dougie picked up Subculture for the Dynamic DDT, but Subculture escaped and went for a KO Punch, only to miss that as well. Dougie hit his Dynamic DDT on the second attempt and went for the pin. 1-2-KICKOUT! Dougie looked to finish the match with the Vertrebreaker, but Subculture flipped Dougie up and over, clocking him with the KO Punch on the rebound. Olly Oliver ran down to ringside to get Dougie's foot on the rope during the pin attempt, drawing the ire of the fans. As Troy loomed to assist Dougie, Camilo Ortega appeared and backed them off himself before coming down to ringside. Subculture nodded thanks to Camilo, but that thanks would be short lived, as he attacked while the ref was banishing Olly and Troy to the back, giving Dougie the opportunity to slap in a Sleeper Hold. Subculture reached for the ropes, only for Camilo to pull them just out of reach, leading to Subculture passing out, and Dougie getting the tainted win via Choke Out. Dougie seemed puzzled by Camilo Ortega, and Ortega didn't even acknowledge the Chaos King as he left the ring, instead looming over Subculture to close the show.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Havok Tag Team Championship: Akinan(c)/Kyo(c) vs. Cherub Kid/Nosan -> No Contest
2. Singles: Anwin beat Mega Dolphin[Johto Pro] via Based Top Rope Bomber -> Pin
3. Singles: Dangerous Dan beat Jackson Kain via Ankle Lock -> Submission
4. Open the Demon Door Championship: Grind(c) beat Larmore via Sling Blade -> Pin -> 1st Defense!
5. No Rules Singles: Jamie OD beat Junior[FXE] via Chair Assisted Penalty Kick -> Pin
6. Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Ishihiro Tomo via Burning Machismo x Macha Ye -> Pin -> 2nd Key Victory!
7. Nobunaga Ambition World Championship: Dougie Mach(c) beat Subculture via Sleeper Hold -> Choke Out -> 3rd Defense!
Hailey Havok: Koooooonichiwa! Hailey Havok here, wherever I am right now, it's dark...but whatevs! What a crazy night it was last night on Kaosu TV! No titles changed hands, but we got some epic matches, and a challenge was thrown down that could lead to an even bigger match! Havok World Champion Trevor Mach challenged the interim Boss Tack Angel to a match at the year end event! Last night I hit the scene to get Tack's response! I'm awesome like that!
Hailey Havok: Hey Boss!
Tack Angel: Oh hello!
Hailey Havok: As you just saw, Trevor retained his title and called you out, spelling your name in blood in the ring! What do you have to say to that!
Tack Angel: Well....Trevor.....I would like to say that it was really uncalled for! Blood tends to stain, and we're never going to get that out of the mat now. We're going to have to replace it, so yeah....hope you're happy. Not very nice.
Hailey Havok: I don't mean about that! I mean about the challenge! Are you going to step back into the ring and take on Trevor Mach at the end of the year?
Tack Angel: Well I-
Subculture: Tack!
Tack Angel: Oh hello!
Subculture: Don't...just don't.
Tack Angel: Oh ok....don't what?
Subculture: You saw what happened out there! Camilo Ortega.....I want a match with Camilo Ortega.
Tack Angel: Well-
Subculture: GIVE ME THE MATCH!
Tack Angel: Whoa! Slow down guy! I would give you the match, but Camilo isn't contracted to us!
Subculture: He's not? Well then, I know where to go.
Tack Angel: Oh jeez, I need to talk him down. Subbie wait! I don't know if he's contracted to Nobunaga Pro either! Wait!
Hailey Havok: ......He didn't answer my question.....Son of a-
Hailey Havok: Well that didn't work out like I planned, but the challenge is still out there, and Tack Angel will have to make a decision on this potentially HUGE match! In the meantime, the constant chaotic actions of Trevor Mach, added with the whole "challenging his boss" thing, has lead to forced visits with the company therapist, Dr. Hackenschmidt. The therapy sessions were implemented by Tack as a way to help the wrestlers deal with stress. They're supposed to be private, but forget that noise, let's watch!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: was your day Trevor?
Trevor Mach: Great...up until the point I had to come here!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Well at least you're being honest. Let's see, I have it down here that you have a tendency to cause trouble or violently attack anyone you meet, be it physically or verbally?
Trevor Mach: know...they make it so easy.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Well...have you caused any trouble today?
Trevor Mach: Well I did say I was going to pay for some Oden today and I didn't.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Well, that's something small so it's not too bad, but from what I hear it gets worse?
Trevor Mach: What do you mean?
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Burnt down the Oda Group North Office?
Trevor Mach: Yeah. Very unimpressed with myself on that one. Some of the building was left standing, and I wish I would have been more thorough.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Alright, not the direction I was taking that, but I'm glad that you're proud of yourself. That's good for self esteem.
Trevor Mach: I want to finish off projects I actually tackle.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Have you been doing the exercise where you look in the mirror and tell yourself you're not going to destroy?
Trevor Mach: No.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Have you been looking in the mirror telling yourself that you ARE going to destroy?
Trevor Mach: ......Yes. I might have been doing that.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Ok, well we have to work on that.
Trevor Mach: Yeah.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: We do need to work on that. I gave you some books to read, did you read them?
Trevor Mach: No.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Did you burn em?
Trevor Mach: Yes.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Alright, so what I have here is the feelings ball and-
Trevor Mach: I don't want the feelings ball!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Well maybe I can give the ball to Tack.
Trevor Mach: NO! GIVE IT TO ME!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Well alright.
Trevor Mach: Haha! It's mine....not his...yes.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Alright, lot of things happening right here. You are licking the feelings ball....I'm going to add that to your bill. I think it's time we do a little word association.
Trevor Mach: Dog.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: What? No, I haven't started yet actually.
Trevor Mach: Oh.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Alright, here we go. "Power"?
Trevor Mach: ....Oh yessssss....
Dr. Hackenschmidt: I was thinking maybe just one word responses.
Trevor Mach: Th-Then just "Yes".
Dr. Hackenschmidt: "Space"?
Trevor Mach: Everywhere.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Well....that's not wrong. "Family"?
Trevor Mach: .....*sniff*....Ahhhhh!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: I'm going to write down "tears" for that one. I'm noticing that's less crying than last time too! We're making some progress here. Alright next word. "War"?
Trevor Mach: ....Heh....hehehe....hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Dr. Hackenschmidt:'s....well it's good to see you laughing.
Trevor Mach: Yes....hehehehe!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: .....Have you become erect at the thought of war?
Trevor Mach: .......Yes.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: That's a little troubling....not going to lie. I have one more question here. Are you intending to knee me in the face?
Trevor Mach: Hahahahaha!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: You're laughing now, but I REALLY want you to not knee me in the face.
Trevor Mach: I'm not going to do it. You're not worth it! Hahaha!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: That's a little insulting, but that's fine.
Trevor Mach: Should've seen the look on your face though!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: We're having fun.
Trevor Mach: Yes....the most.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: .....You're going to do it aren't you?
Akinan: Please do, then I can get out of here early.
Trevor Mach: Whoa! This is supposed to be private!
Akinan: Dude, I feel you. I got dragged here too. But first I had to go buy Kyo a Teddy Bear so he'd stop crying.
Trevor Mach: *sigh*
Akinan: Totally.....totally.
EBW COO, Daisuke Saito held a press conference today inside the new press area, backstage in the Danger Zone Arena. He announced that after working on new working visas, negotiating with various sponsors, and meetings with the EBW Network, that EBW is back in full gear this Monday on a new episode of EBW Xcite. Daisuke revealed to the press the new EBW logo, to represent this new beginning.
Daisuke also announced that with the acquisition of AGES & 3'dPW's rights and library; The Three Rings Championship, Twin Rings of Saturn Championship, & 3'dPW Openspecies Championship are officially retired. He commended both Wrestling Promotions and hoped that their legacies will shine through in the new era of EBW. Inspired by 3dPW & AGES, Daisuke officially announced the abolishing of the Division format. Every wrestler, no matter the race, sex, species, or weight; will be able to compete for an EBW Title. As such, EBW is also retiring the EBW Animus Championship, stating that Flying Man & Salsa, as well as others in the Animus Division, have proven that being of a different species shouldn't matter as long as you can wrestle. The EBW Infinity Championship will still exist, but will no longer be under a limit.
It was then that Flying Man came in and stood beside EBW COO Daisuke Saito, wearing the EBW Animus Championship, but it looked slightly different.
Daisuke: I have one more announcement to make. To help raise the stakes in EBW with the abolishing of divisions, we are announcing a new set of Championships, that we hope that will be of equal standing to our EBW Titles. We are proud to announce, the MOTHER Championships. While our EBW Championships have a long storied history, with classics battles under a variety of styles of matches, these MOTHER Championships will be contested under specific rules. MOTHER Championship matches will have it's match style decided by it's champion, as we'll call it, "The Championship Advantage". The MOTHER Champion will be the one in charge of deciding the type of match he wants when facing his or her challenger. This will allow the challenger, if he wins, to truly lay claim a victory by beating the champion in their own style. This means that the MOTHER Championship could be contested in a steel cage, a ladder match, an MMA fight, or even a basic 1 on 1 match. And we are proud to have Flying Man as our MOTHER Champion, continuing the legacy of the Animus Championship that he raised to a higher standing than it's original intentions.
Flying Man: I am proud to be your new MOTHER Champion, and am glad that all the EBW fans had the courage to stay behind me when I wrestled in Mixed Division matches again. I want to raise this MOTHER Championship to be as important as the EBW World Championship.
Daisuke: We will be implementing a MOTHER Tag Team Championship as well in the coming months as well as a secondary title as well. As such, we are also announcing that we are implementing a tier system. The EBW Infinity Championship will now just be, the Infinity Championship. And that champion will be considered the #1 contender for either the EBW Eagleland Title or the soon to be announced MOTHER secondary title, and those champions will be considered #1 Contenders for their respective main champions as well. There will be no "cashing in" system, but these champions will be able to challenge for a higher tiered title at one of our designated Sunday Specials.
Flying Man raises the MOTHER Championship, and poses with Daisuke Saito for press photos.
Daisuke: Finally, the winner of the E-1 this year we thought was Firebrand X, but have since learned that this was his robot clone. That robot has since gained citizenship and has officially joined the EBW Roster and we intend to keep the promise of our previous winners getting an EBW World Championship Title Shot. As such, on our final show of the year in collaboration with Havok & Sparkle at the Kyoto Dome in Edo, we are proud to have as our final announcement tonight that the Main Event of Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013 will be EBW World Champion Ness defending his championship against E-1 2013 Winner Arremer X.
Announcer: Ima dewa garan no batorushiata no tame no jikandesu!
Garam's Battle Theater Theme: I5pGm4vvQto
Garam: Yo yo! DJ GG Garam, getting Freaky Deaky in the Edo Underground with another edition of Battle Theater! Things are getting crazy out there! The Sengoku Wrestling War of Edo is spreading to the entire country, and it's being fought in the streets as well as the ring, with property damage starting to become noticeable, the Government has yet to express any concern however. We take a look at the current status of the war, and it seems we've got another casualty out there. The Ark has finally hit rock bottom, as All Edo Pro Wrestling took the last of NOWA's territory, in their continuing bid to resurge in the midst of the chaos. Big events went down over the weekend for the Havok brand, as they had not one, but two big shows in the same day. It was all part of an outreach made by Tack Angel to the other struggling promotions, inviting wrestlers to join them for the shows and split the earnings. The first event went well.
Garam: All Edo invoked Sengoku Rules against Havok to try and gain the Johto Region during the most recent installment of The Clash, but they wouldn't be fighting Havok alone. Big Edo and Johto Pro joined AkiKyo in the 8-Man match. Dino of D2T thought he was on the team too for some reason, and spent an uncomfortable amount of time flirting with a horrified Akinan. Fujimaru Ichi of NOWA joined All Edo, for this offensive, but the combined efforts of Havok, Big Edo, and Johto would win out, with Kyo getting the pin on his All Edo counterpart, the legendary Great Mota following the AkiKyo Torpedo. A successful defense of the region, but why wasn't the Home Army involved in this match? That's because Havok was being challenged elsewhere at the same time.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash in Johto!
Nasci Hall Parking Lot, Johto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: LG Rod beat Zombie Lukie via Legdrop Bulldog -> Pin
2. Singles: Dangerous Dan beat Baka[Johto] via Ankle Lock -> Submision
3. No Rules Singles: Angel Jaki[BEPW] beat Jake Conway via Mania God Taihei -> Pin
4. Singles: Anwin beat Fighter Daron via Based Bomber -> Pin
5. Sengoku Rules 2/3 Falls 8-Man Tag: Akinan/Kyo/Ryuji Saito[BEPW]/Mega Dolphin[Johto] beat Great Mota[AEPW]/Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW]/Aki Kazuma[AEPW]/Fujimaru Ichi[AEPW] 2-1
-Great Mota beat Mega Dolphin via Mota Lock -> Submission
-Ryuji Saito[BEPW] beat Fujimaru Ichi via Dragon Splash -> Pin
-Kyo beat Great Mota via AkiKyo Torpedo -> Pin
Garam: Nobunaga Pro has attacked! An impromptu challenge from the Oda Group's promotion saw NOWA's final champ KENTER join Mitsuhide and Ranmaru against the Havok Home Army at the Coconut Club in the Kii Region. The Home Army have been battered and beaten lately, and with Tomo already booked for the night, and Dangerous Dan in Johto, Cherub, Junior, and Nosan found themselves over run and over powered, with Mitsuhide hitting the Black Crush on Junior to get the final pin, meaning that Nobunaga Pro has taken the Kii Region from Havok! A rough loss indeed.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Live in Kii
Coconut Club, Kii Region
1. Singles: Ishihiro Tomo beat Jimmy Bar via Brainbuster -> Pin
2. 6-Man Tag: Larmore[o]/DZ/Ditch beat Captain Blunderbuss/Bart[x]/Rockjaw via Cobra Clutch -> Submission
3. Non-Title Singles: Kota Hayashi[D2T] beat Picasso Priest via 450 Splash -> Pin
4. Singles: Subculture beat Unagi[Johto] via KO Punch -> Pin
5. Sengoku Rules 2/3 Falls 6-Man Tag: KENTER[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga] beat Cherub Kid/Nosan/Junior[FXE] 2-1
- KENTER beat Nosan via Busaiku Knee Kick -> Pin
- Junior beat KENTER via Penalty Kick -> Pin
- Akechi Mitsuhide beat Junior via Black Crush -> Pin
Garam: War is raging, yet Havok Boss Tack Angel still believes in peace. Here is a clip from The EBW Network, where he was promoting an upcoming match. He found himself blitzed with a series of questions he wasn't ready to answer.
Tack Angel: Oh hello! Tack Angel here, the interim Boss of Havok, and I would like to officially announce a big grudge rematch for the next Kaosu TV! Magu P and Jackson Kain will settle their dispute once and for all...until the next time know how this stuff works out.
Magnum PT: Don't call me Magu P chief! I'm serious about taking on Jackson Kain, but that's not all I've got to do on Kaosu TV! so I want everyone watching.
Jackson Kain: I just want one person to watch. Mr. Satan, the "Hero of Earth". Glue your eyes to the screen, so I can show you why I am a 5-time Kablammy Action Movie Award Winner!
Tack Angel: You are? I totally didn't know tha-
Hailey Havok: Hey Tack!
Tack Angel: Huh? Hailey? Is that.....where are you?
Hailey Havok: Look up!
Tack Angel: What? AH!
Hailey Havok: I know you've been ducking my questions, but I'm going to get to the bottom of all this! You know what happened today right? The Kii Region is Nobunaga Pro's now! How do you feel about that? How are you going to respond? We still don't know about the challenge thrown down by Trevor Mach. Will you accept the match?!
Tack Angel: I-I.....I think I need to put another quarter in the meter. I'll be right back to answer your questions.
Hailey Havok: Oh alright then. Hey....hey wait a don't have a car! YOU DON'T HAVE A CAR! TAAACK!
Garam: While Tack Angel is keeping tight lipped, his wife Amy Angel managed to finally get some face time with her brother Stuart, the Boss of Nobunaga Pro, and the current holder of Havok's TV Title. They got the footage, and now so do we! Roll it!
Stuart: Sister, it's been too long. How are you, and how is my beautiful little niece?
Amy Angel: She is fine, but I'm not fine brother. Why has it taken you so long to get back to me?
Stuart: I have been swamped in my work, and you never know who you can trust these days. That's why we had to meet all the way out in the boonies as it were.
Amy Angel: Don't tell me you're afraid of Tack? He wouldn't do anything to you. He's trying to make peace with you! Why are you even doing this to us?!
Stuart: I'm not doing anything to you sister, this is only business. Our father's legacy was tainted by his mistakes and I'm setting things right. I was running away from the responsibility before, but now I'm making it right. It was because of Antonio Stuart that the wrestlers of Edo split to form new companies in the first place. He ran them off and weakened the business. I will unify everyone under my banner, and Edo will be whole again.
Amy Angel: Whether they like it or not?
Stuart: Hey, you tried the same thing before. This is no different.
Amy Angel: Yeah, but I realized it was WRONG!
Stuart: No, it's wrong to let my lesser brother in law bring Havok here and make a joke of my work. He's not worthy. He can't even keep his dog on his leash.
Amy Angel: He's not responsible for Trevor Mach's actions!
Stuart: Trevor Mach is a thorn in my side, but I'll deal with him. If Tack Angel wants peace he needs to adhere to MY terms. The Oda Group is too strong, too wealthy, and too powerful to bring ourselves down to Havok's level, but I will show my humility by presenting this Television Title back to Havok on the conditions that they back out of the Sengoku War, they finish their tour and leave, and that Tack Angel personally apologizes on behalf of himself and his brand. That's the best I'll do and I'll only do that for family, but it's a one time offer. I expect the apology and the formal withdrawal on the next Kaosu TV! That's all I have to say Amy, but I'd like to meet again for lunch soon. Perhaps, we could be less hostile when this is all over. Uncle Stuart wants to spend more time with little Christina.
Amy Angel: .....
Stuart: Oh, just one more thing. I recently acquired some land in the Kaga Region. Not a wrestling venture, but strictly real estate. I do intend to advertise on the spot though, and I will have it guarded during the demolition process, so tell Tack Angel's dog to back off before it gets ugly.
Tack Angel: Whew. I think I lost her. I can't tell her that I don't know what I have to do. These are tough decisions, and I never imagined that I would be put in this position. I want peace, more than anything. It's not the most important position to take these days, but how can I make this work? What do I have to d-
Hailey Havok: FOUND YOU!
Tack Angel: What the?! HOW DID YOU FIND ME?! Where did you get that snazzy personalized parachute?!
Tack Angel: And I....have got to go! Woob woob woob woob woob woob!
Hailey Havok: Dammit Tack!
Garam: Stuart told Amy Angel to keep Trevor Mach away from the demolition site of Stuart's next project, but sure enough the Unbreakables hit the scene and went to war with Nobunaga's security. The scene was....destructive to say the least. Fire.....lots of fire.
Sal Paradise: Having a hot time in the old town tonight eh?
Trevor Mach: You're late Sal! Where were you?!
Sal Paradise: Busy, but I wasn't going to miss this!
Trevor Mach: Burn baby burn!
Sal Paradise: What is it with you and fire? If you're not burning buildings or burning me that one time, you're burning bridges.
Trevor Mach: I burn bridges so I have no choice but to go forward.
Sal Paradise: How very shonen of you. We're kind of burning down the neighborhood. Wouldn't want to be you when Ol' Stu finds out.
Trevor Mach: What can I say, I intend to put myself in harm's way.
Retro Hippie: We're got more harm coming this way!
Trevor Mach: GET SOME!
Garam: We've got a Battle Theater exclusive for you right here and now! Sal Paradise was late to that little "party", and he wouldn't say where he was, but we know. Recently, Tack Angel created programs for wrestlers in Havok who may or may not need therapy. One of those programs is Heels Anonymous. We end the show with the footage. We'll catch ya on the flip side! Peace out!
Everyone: I was bad, and that's bad, but I can be good and that's good.
Dr. Hackenschmidt: We're going to need to work on that chant I think, but I'm glad you all came here of your own free will.
Rufus Poochyfud: I'm here on a court appointed basis cause of my seventh DUI. I want no part of this shit!
Dr. Hackenschmidt: Yes of course. You must have a really good lawyer. Can we talk to someone who WANTS to be here?
Randy no Kachi: I'm here to figure out what to do next with my career, and my life. I'm trapped in a slump and I feel I'll never break out if I don't break away from all of this. I don't want to be Shadow's......Shadow...anymore.
Jamie OD: Oi! You're just a pansy! They should call you Pansy no Kachi!
Randy no Kachi: What did you just say!?
Dr. Hackenshmidt: Hey! We'll have none of that. We're not here to fight, we're here to heal.
Sal Paradise: I'm here to fight actually. I'm here to fight Jamie OD.
Jamie OD: Ha! You think you got the stones?! Bring it on!
Dr. Hackenshmidt. Oh not you too Sal! I've been working with you personally. We discussed how you were burned out and you left frustration and rage get in the way of your dreams to be the best wrestler of all time! That rage and frustration will destroy you! Don't give in.
Sal Paradise: Yeah, but it's different this time.
Dr. Hackenshmidt: How so?
Sal Paradise: That guy's a dick!
Jamie OD: Oh I'M the dick?! How come you never told me about Stuart's big money offer! I LOVE MONEY!
Sal Paradise: I love money too, but this is about the wrestling, and Havok is the place to be for that. It's always been about wrestling, ever since the Ultimate EBW, and Lovekick, and even when the two of us lost our freaking minds! It's always been about the wrestling!
Dr. Hackenshmidt: I also enjoy money, so I do need to remind you all that your first bills are due on the-
Jamie OD: It's about money and violence. Wrestling gets me the things I want, it doesn't matter where it is. You might want forgiveness, and if that's the case fucking find religion mate, but you come between me and my money and I'll rip your fucking head off! Believe that!
Sal Paradise: Believe this, I'm challenging you to the year end show Jamie OD. You want to fight, then I'm happy to make you regret the day you ever turned on me.
Jamie OD: Ha! It's your funeral!
Dr. Hackenshmidt: And we're out of time. Once progress, but at least we're trying and trying is very important to-
Jamie OD: Aw shove it up your ass! AHAHAHAHAHA! See for New Year's Sal, if I let you survive that long!
Dr. Hackenshmidt: *sigh*
Tack Angel: So....that's how it is huh?
Amy Angel: That's what he said. I'm so sorry Tack. What are you going to do?
Tack Angel: I guess....I'll do what I have to do, and that's all I can do. Might not be popular, but it's what I think is right. Let's just try and get some sleep. Goodnight Amy.
Amy Angel: Goodnight Tack.
Tack Angel: .......Did you catch all of that Trevor?
Hailey Havok: *mimicking Trevor* Uh...yeah BOOSH and stuff! I think you should totally give an interview to that sexy bitch Hailey man...cause like...she's awesome and stuff. Not only is she the best reporter in wrestling, but man...dat ass! I couldn't handle it man, but I digress...and stuff. Totally do the interview man.
Tack Angel: *sigh* That's actually a good impression.
Announcer: ...and with that, the Hotshots win the game against the Icemen. Thanks for joining us here tonight but stay tuned as the Season Premier of EBW Xcite is up next, then a classic episode of AGES Pro Wrestling on the EBW Network while Space Channel 5 will have "All my Morolions". Good night everybody!
Tonight starts a new beginning for EBW, and with it a new arena and stadium. New Titles, and a brand new Roster. EBW holds it's first Xcite since the War in Zealstraillia, and it's on now!
First match saw a Tag Team match that helped showcase some of the new rules in EBW. It's every person or thing for themselves as Women can wrestle Men, Robots can fight Animals, Clones can clash with the Undead. The new "No Division" format will certainly cause some ruffling of feathers, but every here in EBW wants to be the best. The opening match saw Street Shoto Fighters Sakura & Sean take on the Rudie Punks of Kyoko & Poison Jam. Kyoko & Poison Jam tried to play keep away on the young martial artists but a rolling Double Uppercut caught Kyoko on the chin and she went down hard as Sakura covered and got the win.
Rude: So Noah, haven't seen you in a while. I guess you did survive the War.
Noah Jennings: Yeah... the whole matter kinda shook me. I really thought I was going to die down there.
Rude: So, Wily did the same to you huh?
Noah: I hated that tube, I was getting really claustrophobic. And my body from being in that liquid for so long... it's not been the same.
Rude: I think we all lost something. Nobody really won
Noah: No. I know someone who did, it's his damn fault for getting caught in the first place that caused ME to almost get murdered or spend an eternity in a jar.
Rude: Who are you talking about?
Noah: I may not be who I was anymore. But that could even mean I could become better than before. For that purpose Rude, I will live, I will get stronger, and I will have my revenge.
The EBW Typhoon had a minor calm, but it looks like the storm is crashing again as Kinniku Mike dominated the fresh faced Gear from Segua. Mike pinned the "Blue Sonic", put his sunglasses back on, and took a mic.
Kinniku Mike: So we're in a new era, huh? A new beginning? How's this for a new beginning? Flying Man! I'm calling you out! I want a match at Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013, and I want that MOTHER Championship. As the rules state, you pick the match, and I'll make sure to beat you at your own game.
Next match saw another Tag match with the former EBW Tag Team Champions Law & Disorder taking on the X's, Firebrand & Arremer. We got to see that Arremer X is just like he was in the E-1, very strong and very tough. Firebrand X though showed that being human, can be just as impressive as he claimed the match with a Crash Fire Buster. Arremer X has been beaten before in the E-1, but that was against the best the World had, coming up with strategies to take on the spirited robot is gonna take some strategy.
Our Main Event saw a big Championship Trios Tag as the EBW Champion Ness teamed with the MOTHER Champion Flying Man and the final 3'dPW Champion Salsa against the final Three Rings Champion Marcus & the EBW Tag Team Champions Bois & Bais. The Singles Champion Trio showed some good unity but it wasn't enough against the tactical teamwork of the duo from Tatoland and the man on a vengeance Marcus. Marcus showed no mercy and held back nothing as he almost got disqualified for using too many illegal punches on Salsa. Marcus throttled Salsa as Bois & Bais kept the ref distracted with a brawl on the outside with Ness & Flying Man. Marcus nearly chocked out Salsa until he threw him into a corner, climbed up top, and drove down with a Mushroom Stomp to claim victory. Refusing to celebrate, Marcus stormed to backstage as Bois celebrated and Bais on his bubble stared at Ness.
EBW Xcite
Danger Zone
The EBW Network
1. Tag Team: Sakura Kasunago & Sean Matsuda beat Kyoko The Love Shocker & Poison Jam when Sakura pinned Kyoko after a Shouoken
2. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Gear via Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb
3. Tag Team: Firebrand X & Arremer X beat Captain Strong & Franky when Firebrand pinned Strong after a Fire Crash Buster
4. Trios Tag: Marcus, Bois, & Bais beat Ness, Salsa, & Flying Man when Marcus pinned Salsa via Mushroom Stomp
*The first post DESTINY edition of SPARKLE MAX opened with Venus standing by with SPARKLE Owner, Master Lu....*
Venus: Hi everybody, Venus here with Mr. Lu.....
Master Lu: It's Master Lu now.
Venus: Oh?
Master Lu: As you can tell by my appearance, it's no more. Mr. Nice Guy and all BUSINESS.
Venus: Cause of the Skulls & Bones?
Master Lu: Exactly. They think just because they won the battle at DESTINY, that I am gonna let them do whatever they want now in SPARKLE and on MY show?
Venus: I bet they do.
Master Lu: Well they've got another thing coming then. In fact, I've got a little surprise for them tonight too.
Venus: And what's the surprise?
Master Lu: If I told you now, it would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?
Venus: I guess so.
Master Lu: Well you will just have to wait like everybody else. And guarantee the wait will be WORTH it too. *Walks off*
Venus: Oh my....
*The opening video package highlighting the events of DESTINY is now shown and the SPARKLE MAX opening video then plays along with the brand new opening theme song.....*
*The Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club now immediately walk out from the back and down to ring, lead by Alissa Flash and The Hood. The Hood now takes the mic and addresses the booing crowd....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* At DESTINY, this Club took the first big step towards reaching it's ultimate domination and complete control of this pathetic wrestling company and the city it calls home. And this was made all possible through the efforts of one single woman. A woman who made her bones with this Club at DESTINY and proved herself worthy of her colors. So without further adue, ladies and gentlemen, fellow sisters of the Club, I give you.....the Sergeant-At-Arms of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, ALISSA FLASH!
*Alissa Flash now steps fowards and embraces The Hood in the center of the ring, as the rest of the Club claps and the crowd boos loudly. The Hood now hands the mic to Alissa Flash to address the angry crowd further....*
Alissa Flash: It seems like some of you people are surprised to see me back in SPARKLE? *Crowd boos loudly* And just went you think I am gone for good, I find my way back into this hell-hole. *Crowd boos more* And no thanks any of you stupid, no-good, ungrateful, piece of shit fans either, I might add! *Crowd boos louder* Cause it is all thanks to THESE WOMEN behind me, that I am back. They, the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, have had my back from the very beginning, when I was down and out. They picked me up out of the gutter and gave me the chance of a lifetime to get what we all want in the end.....redemption and vengeance against those who wronged each and every one of us. And this goes out to the person who created and masterminded this whole thing, I just want to get on my knees right now *Flash gets on her knees* and tell you one thing personally from the bottom of my heart......THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you for letting me be apart of your plans as the Sergeant-At-Arms. *Flash now gets up* And I can promise you will NEVER be disappointed either. Cause I, Alissa Flash, ALWAYS play to win.
*Alissa Flash now begins to shakes hands with the rest of the members of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, when Master Lu walks out onto stage....*
Alissa Flash: What the HELL do you want, Old Man?
Master Lu: Well for starters, I think I speak for all these SPARKLS fans in attendance when I say, I WANT YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! *Crowd cheers loudly* Cause I think we've all heard ENOUGH!
Alissa Flash: You are WRONG, Old Man. Cause it's never gonna be enough until we take over this pathetic company completely. *Crowd boos loudly* And trust me when I say, that is gonna happen in the very near future too.
Master Lu: I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP! *Crowd cheers more loudly* Cause I am SO SICK of hearing that!
Alissa Flash: And I guess the truth really hurts doesn't it, Old Man? *Laughs* Cause you know the reality is.....none of you stand a chance against us!
Master Lu: ........
Master Lu: ........
Master Lu: ........
Heather Mach: OVER MY DEAD BODY! *Walks out onto the stage.*
Nikki Roxx: AND MINE TOO! *Walks out as well*
Master Lu: Well it seems like it's not gonna be as easy as you claim, Flash! Cause as you can see, there are several members of the SPARKLE roster that are willing to FIGHT BACK!
Alissa Flash: ........
Master Lu: And speaking of fighting back, I forgot about my little surprise, didn't I. So right now, I would like announce that at the next iPPV, HARDCORE HEAVEN, we are gonna kick off this whole SPARKLE VS SKULLS & BONES WAR!
Alissa Flash: You can't do that.
Master Lu: And THAT is where YOU are WRONG! Cause in case you have forgotten, I am the BOSS OF SPARKLE!
Alissa Flash: And in case, YOU have forgotten, the Skulls & Bones have NO RULES AND NO MASTERS outside this Club.
Master Lu: Well you may be outside that so-called Club of yours, but you are inside SPARKLE and apart of MY roster now. And as such, your asses belong to me now. So here's what I am thinking......You are all gonna love this too.....At HARDCORE HEAVEN, it's gonna be Heather Mach taking on the Enforcer in a TABLES MATCH!
Alissa Flash: *Looks over at the Enforcer, who just nods in agreement* Done.
Master Lu: And Nikki Roxx taking on the woman who broke her arm, The Plumber.
Alissa Flash: *Looks over at the Plumber for a moment* We accept on one condition.
Master Lu: Name it.
Alissa Flash: Let's take the lead pipe, hang it from a pole in one corner, and whoever reaches it first, can use it as a weapon. *The Plumber nods in agreement* What do you think of that, Old Man?
Master Lu: That's not up to me. Nikki?
Nikki Roxx: I accept.
Master Lu: Then it's official and on like Donkey Kong at HARDCORE HEAVEN! We'll see yall there. THE WAR HAS BEGUN! *All three now begin to leave*
Master Lu: *Stops and turns around* What do you want now, Flash?
Alissa Flash: *Laughs to herself* Oh, it's not what I want, it's what SHE wants from me.
Master Lu: Goddamn it. Just let M's Style go already.
Alissa Flash: I'll let her go alright, in many pieces in several white boxes.
Master Lu: You are really sick, Flash. You know that?
Alissa Flash: Heh, what I've been told. And now that I've got your attention, you can tell Lady M's to meet me out in this ring later tonight.
Master Lu: Fine! But you must promise to keep it between the two of you.
Alissa Flash: Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Master Lu: Then I will tell her.
Alissa Flash: Excellent, I look forward to it.
Master Lu: I bet you do.
1.) The night's action then kicked off with the now alone Kayla Sparkz taking on Miss April in singles competition. Kayla's head was not in the game tonight it seemed and thanks to a distraction from Brooke Carter on the outside, Miss April was able to capitalize with the Face Breaking Finish (Skull Crushing Finale) for the victory.
*After the match, ABC continued to taunt Kayla Sparkz about the loss. Kayla Sparkz seemed to not care about the taunting though and walked off without saying a word. ABC then just stood in the ring, stunned by this turn of events.*
2.) Cherry Bomb and Crybaby beat Cat Power and Melicious tonight in a tag match, getting a measure of vengeance for their losses in singles competition at DESTINY in the process. The finish came when Melicious went for the Roller Drive (Over Drive) on Crybaby, like at DESTINY, but Cherry Bomb nailed her with the BSE (Best Superkick Ever) instead. Crybaby then covered her older sister for the victory, as Cherry Bomb held off Cat Power.
*After the match, Crybaby and Cherry Bomb celebrated their victory on the outside and seemed to form a more permanent alliance. A new tag team in the making? Only time will tell.*
Venus: Hi folks, Venus here again, this time with Lady M's.
Lady M's: .......
Venus: Lady M's, as you must have saw earlier, Alissa Flash has called you out and wants you to meet her in the ring later tonight. You thoughts on that challenge?
Lady M's: ........
Venus: Okay. She also plans to return your daughter, M's Style, whom has been missing and in their custody for weeks. Would you like to give....your.....thoughts?!
Lady M's: *Just glares coldly at Venus and walks towards her.*
Venus: *Holds breath in fear*
Lady M's: *Shakes her head in disgust and then exits the scene*
Venus: *Exhales with relief* I am SO glad looks can't kill me with this job sometimes.
3.) Valerie Del Toro was in a pretty foul mood tonight thanks to what happened to her at DESTINY at the hands of Erica and the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. Taeler Hendrix would suffer the consequences too. Cause everytime Hendrix seemed to hold her own againist Del Toro and mount some offense, it only served to piss Del Toro off more. Eventually Hendrix made one too many mistakes and it left her wide open and she fell victim to the El Dorado (Jumping Armbar Takedown) and the Cross Armbreaker, as a result. Hendrix fought the hold off for a moment, but was forced to tap out or have her arm broken.
*Although Hendrix did tap out, the pissed off Valerie Del Toro refused to release to hold after the match and seemed like she was gonna break Hendrix's arm tonight. But Erica ran out and stopped that from happening. Valerie and Erica then started to brawl in the ring, with Erica almost nailing Del Toro with the KFO/Knocked the Fuck Out (Diamond Cutter), but Valerie escaped the ring instead. Erica then just stared at Valerie daring her to reenter the ring, but Del Toro refused and walked off.*
4.) The new SPARKLE Shining Star Champion, Tracy, and the SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel), took on the former champ, Sunny Malibu, and The Beautiful People (Angel and Velvet) in the main event of the evening. Sunny Malibu was able to gain some retribution tonight when the interference of Tess and the Shining Star Championship belt backfired. Tracy tried to nail Sunny with the belt but Sunny ducked the shot and dropkicked the belt back in Tracy's face! Sunny then went to the top rope and nailed Tracy with a picture perfect Tidal Wave (Superfly style Flying Splash) for the victory.
*After the match, Sunny Malibu celebrated her big victory while raising the belt she use to own over her head while the Beautiful People posed in the ring with her.
After the last commercial break, a pissed off Lady M's wasted no more time in walking out and down to the ring with a purpose. A purpose to confront Alissa Flash! Lady M's then took a mic from ringside and yelled out immediately....*
*Lady M's waited for a moments, but Alissa Flash didn't appear. Lady M's now yells out again.....*
*Alissa Flash finally walks out, dragging a battered and bloody M's Style along with her. M's Style looks worse for wear too, having been beaten and tortured for weeks by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. Flash now addresses Lady M's, as walks down the ramp...*
Alissa Flash: What's the matter, M's? Don't having to stand around and wait for something you really want?
Lady M's: .......
Lady M's: ........
*Lady M's just glares at Alissa Flash in anger as she gets in the ring, while still dragging M's Style, by wrist with her. Flash now continues to speak.....*
Alissa Flash: And that's REAL funny to me too. Cause the glove never does fit the same on the other hand either. DOES IT?!
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: WELCOME TO MY WORLD, YOU FUCKING BITCH! Cause this WHOLE THING between me and you has to do with JUST THAT! You see I was promised several times in the past by SPARKLE that I would get to face you in this very ring. But each and everytime, one stupid bullshit reason after another, I was denied that opportunity. AND WHY IS THAT?!
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: I'll tell WHY! Cause this damn company was afraid I was gonna dominate and embarrass the woman they blindly and foolishly labeled "The Face of Women's Wrestling". WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! And that's all you've ever been, ISN'T IT?!
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: *Laughs* SEE! Even you can't deny it anymore! YOU'RE A FUCKING JOKE! The biggest inside joke ever told in women's wrestling.
Lady M's: ........
Alissa Flash: But there is one little problem that too? I DON'T FIND IT VERY FUNNY!
Lady M's: Then do something about it.
Alissa Flash: *Laughs* I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT! That's the best part too. Cause while you've been dealing with your personal problems, I was planning my vengeance. Then when the time came, I attacked your friends, The James Sisters. Left them a bloody mess in the hospital.
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: Then I kidnapped your daughter right from under your fucking nose at the Old Man's house.
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: I've tortured her for weeks too. And just so you know, every scream was music to my ears. Every tear she shed tasted as sweeter than the last did. You see beating and torturing an 18 year old is NOTHING to me. One M's is as good as the other. It never rains when it pours.
Lady M's: And the only thing that's gonna rain in the near future is my fucking fists breaking your fucking face!
Alissa Flash: You sound angry, M's. Are you angry?
Lady M's: No, I am not angry, Flash.
Alissa Flash: Too bad.
Alissa Flash: GOOD! Cause maybe now you will have the GUTS to actually fight me. Maybe now SPARKLE will actually let that match happen.
Lady M's: Oh, I think they will. It all depends though.
Alissa Flash: Depends on what?
Lady M's: On when you want to fucking DIE! So pick your poison, bitch! I AM BEYOND GIVING A FUCK!
Alissa Flash: Sounds good to me. Me.....You.....HARDCORE HEAVEN!
Lady M's: I acc.....
Alissa Flash: STOP! I have just one more little thing to add to that match, M's.
Lady M's: Name it.
Lady M's: *Thinks for moment, while rubbing her injured knee* I accept.
Alissa Flash: Excellent. I look forward to it.
Lady M's: So do I. Now let my daughter go.
Alissa Flash: *Let's M's Style go* TAKE THE BITCH! I don't need her anymore. I GOT WHAT I WANTED! *Laughs*
*M's Style now slowly walks towards Lady M's, who rushes over and embraces her daughter in the middle of the ring. As this happens, Alissa Flash begins to leaves as she begins pulls something out of her jacket. Flash, without no warning at all, now bashes M's Style in the back of the head with the lead pipe! M's Style now collapses to mat as Lady M's catches her. Lady M's now tries to attack Alissa Flash, whom has already left the ring and escapes to the ramp.*
*Lady M's now continues to stare at smiling Alissa Flash, while mouthing "You're fucking dead" at her. Alissa Flash now blows a kiss back at Lady M's as the EMTs now rush down to ring to check on the still unconscious M's Style.*
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Miss April beat Kayla Sparkz with the Face Breaking Finish.
2.) Crybaby and Cherry Bomb beat Melicious and Cat Power when Crybaby pinned Melicious following the BSE from Cherry Bomb.
3.) Valerie Del Toro beat Taeler Hendrix with the Cross Armbreaker.
4.) Sunny Malibu and The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet) beat Tracy & Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) when Sunny pinned Tracy with the Tidal Wave.
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! While Christmas may be just around the corner, the streets and rings of Edo have been heating up! You like that analogy? It's like winter in itself is just full of "heating up" puns, cause it's like cold and stuff. I mean it could be worse, and we could be in the actual Winters, but you know what I mean. Anyways, normally at Christmas time a wrestling promotion might go into auto pilot, producing sub par shows to pass the time till the holidays are over, but I say nuts to that! Havok doesn't do sub par, we escalate the hell out of shit, and Christmas will be no different. We're not giving you a Christmas theme episode with shit on poles and presents with title matches inside. No, instead we'll give you the top quality action you've come to expect, complete with big in ring face offs and a return to action for a certain "Golden" wrestler. We do know that Stuart of Nobunaga Pro has spelled out what Tack Angel has to do in order to avoid war and reclaim the Television Title. Will he apologize, or will he accept the title challenge from Trevor Mach? I DON'T KNOW CAUSE HE WOULDN'T TELL ME! We'll also see Nikky "The Golden" return in tag action with Jamie OD against the Unbreakable's Sal Paradise and Open the Demon Door Champion Grind. All of this, PLUS a little pressure from Nobunaga Pro in the form of Invasion matches on the next Kaosu TV!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion Tag: Cherub Kid/Nosan vs. Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]/Green Destiny[Nobunaga]
2. Invasion Singles: Dangerous Dan vs. Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]
3. Singles: Subculture vs. Fighter Daron
4. Singles: Randy no Kachi vs. LG Rod
5. Singles: Magnum PT vs. Jackson Kain
6. Tag: Grind/Sal Paradise vs. Nikky/Jamie OD
Hailey Havok: Then, we come to the biggest show in Edo yet! Saigo no Gekitotsu! Did...did I say that right? Okay good. Tickets to the Kyoto Dome were selling fast when we didn't even have a card, but I know when I lay down all these awesome matches on you, you're going to get either get tickets or park your asses in front of a television or computer for this one. Yes, that's right Saigo no Gekitotsu will also be available on IPPV, as that is the preferred the method for Sparkle, which will have representation of this show in the form of a big 10-Woman tag, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The show will begin with a No Rules war between Sal Paradise and Jamie OD. Both men have different ideas of what their futures will be since returning to Havok, and they collide....IN THE DOME! The Havok Rangers will battle Bias-sama's Volt one last time....IN THE DOME! We can also confirm that Grind will be defending his Open the Demon Door Championship against Nikky "The Golden", and they'll be doing so....IN THE DOME! I....don't have to keep doing that do I? We learned about this match and Nikky's reasoning for attacking my Grindykins when I asked the man myself earlier today! Checkity check it!
Hailey Havok: Hey asshole!
Nikky: Ooo! What a dirty mouth on you. I like that.
Hailey Havok: What the hell were you thinking attacking Grind after he beat Larmore!? He had just dealt with the Reality Gangsters and then you show up. What were you thinking?
Nikky: I don't have to explain myself to anyone, but I can't resist a pretty face. I'm back because "The Golden" has many desires left unfulfilled. I desire glory, power, and..."pleasure". I will derive all of those things by pinning Grind to the mat.
Hailey Havok: What?
Nikky: I don't discriminate, I'll have you both. I want the man perceived as Havok's "Golden Boy".
Hailey Havok: That's....kinky? Hey, you get your finger cuffing mind back onto the subject here. Grind didn't appreciate the attack one bit, and he wants a match.
Nikky: Well dreams do come true. I'll be seeing him this week.
Hailey Havok: No, not just in that tag match! He wants you at Saigo no Gekitotsu! I-I did say that right didn't I?
Nikky: Oooo! Wonderful! I will agree, however I desire more. I desire gold around my waist. You tell him to bring me one of those silly keys, and I'll happily open the doors to my victory.
Hailey Havok: I can't tell what's innuendo or not with you. I'm going to say that was a serious challenge though. I know Grind won't back down either! You're on!
Nikky: Go run along little girl, and tell Grind I look forward to our rendezvous. *wink*
Hailey Havok: *shudder*
Hailey Havok: So that got a little weird. I mean, I've gotten into some freaky shit before, but I've only eyes for Maximum Grindage. That's...that's one of my nicknames for Gri-point is that Grind accepted and got the permission of Demon Door, meaning the title bout is on at the end of the year! EBW will offer up a match between dictator and monkey, when Marcus and Salsa collide....IN THE DOOOO-ya know what I'm not doing that anymore. AkiKyo will put the tag belts on the line against both the home army team of Cherub Kid and Nosan, as well as the Nobunaga team of Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny. The next match come courtesy of a video we received just this morning. Let's take a look.
Camilo Ortega: Subculture, since the death of Little Mac you've been on the hunt against Nobunaga Pro. You've been on the hunt for Dougie Mach and the Ambition World Championship, and you've been on the hunt for Stuart. What you failed to realize is that you were being me. I watched and waited to see what you would do, and what you would become. It's obvious now that you intend to become the next legend of Havok. You intend to carry on the legacy of Little Mac and immortalize yourself in the name of justice. I stand in your way. There can be only one immortal. I'm sure you've heard that cliche, but it's true none the less. My aspirations are still what they've always been. I will be the man who rules over everything, and I when I think of who could stand in my way, I think you Subculture. You're going to have to take your gaze off Nobunaga, and bring it right here, because I am challenging you. I know you've been looking for me in Havok and Nobunaga, but I decide where and when we have a match, and I say Saigo no Gekitotsu. I mean look, you're on the poster! I think you should earn that don't you? I know you'll accept so I will see you there.
Hailey Havok: Lots of huge matches coming out of the wood work! I love it! We've got more than just matches though, as the show's officially unofficial theme "Limit Break" by Girugamesh will be played LIVE! That's hype worthy even IF they sing in Edoese and I can't understand a word of it! Flying Man will put his new Mother Championship on the line against a former New Edo Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion and former EBW World Champion Kinniku Mike, so that will be the rising EBW star's biggest test to date. Jackson Kain will finally use the match he earned against the Hero of Earth Mr. Satan, and I will just say this, Jackson Kain, I hope you're ready to be caught in over your head over your head....cause.....EARTH IS SAVED! Dougie Mach will invade with the Nobunaga Ambition World Championship as he accepts the challenge of Ishihiro Tomo, who will get a hero's welcome for sure in the Dome. What? I can say "in the dome" as long as I'm exclaim it! Leave me alone! The Sparkle Ladies will debut in Edo and light up the ring with 10-Woman tag action as stated before. It's a heated match up that will serve as a prelude to Sparkle's own upcoming big event, Hardcore Heaven. Havok World Champion Trevor Mach will defend the Havok World Championship, but against who? He has thrown down the challenge to Tack Angel, but the Boss has yet to decide. Will he accept the key and the challenge for the final match of 2013? The main event will see EBW OG Ness carry on the EBW legacy and main event the dome against E1 Winner Arremer X in the first match of 2014. All of this leads to one the biggest events in years. How could you not be hyped for this show?! It is gonna ROCK!
Officially Unofficial Theme: k6tXaZtwvrQ "Limit Break" by Girugamesh
Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013
Kyoto Dome, Kyoto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1. Havok No Rules Singles: Sal Paradise[Havok] vs. Jamie OD[Havok]
2. Havok 6-Person Elimination Tag: Doctor Degrees[Havok]/Jeff Andonuts[Havok]/Megumi[Havok] vs. Bias-sama[Volt]/Fear Beast Kemp[Volt]/Gush[Volt]
3. Open the Demon Door Championship: Grind(c)[Havok] vs. Nikky[Free]
4. EBW Singles: Marcus[EBW] vs. Salsa[EBW]
5. Havok Tag Team Championship: Akinan(c)[Havok]/Kyo(c)[Havok] vs. Cherub Kid[Havok]/Nosan[Havok] vs. Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]/Green Destiny[Nobunaga]
6. Havok Singles: Subculture[Havok] vs. Camilo Ortega[Free]
7. Mother Championship: Flying Man(c)[EBW] vs. Kinniku Mike[EBW]
8. Havok Singles: Mr. Satan[Hero of Earth] vs. Jackson Kain[Havok]
9. Nobunaga Ambition World Championship: Dougie Mach(c)[Nobunaga] vs. Ishihiro Tomo[Havok]
10. Sparkle 10-Woman Tag: Lady M's[Sparkle]/Sunny Malibu[Sparkle]/Heather Mach[Sparkle]/Nikki Roxx[Sparkle]/Erica[Sparkle] vs. Alissa Flash[Sparkle]/Tracy[Sparkle]/Valarie Del Toro[Sparkle]/Enforcer[Sparkle]/Plumber[Sparkle]
11. Last Match of 2013 Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c)[Havok] vs. TBA
12. First Match of 2014 EBW World Championship: Ness(c)[EBW] vs. Arremer X[EBW]
The end of the year is approaching, and outside the ring the war is raging in the streets, but Tack Angel continues to try and protect the peace within Havok. Tonight, on the eve of the end of the year and Saigo no Gekitotsu, he would have to decide between the ultimate humiliation or the ultimate test.
The opening 2 matches saw Nobunaga Pro invade with Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny taking on Cherub Kid and Nosan before the tag title bout that would include both teams challenging AkiKyo in the Kyoto Dome. Frantic action with members of Nobunaga and the Havok Home Army around ringside. They played it fair however, but that didn't bode well for the Home Army, as Green Destiny hit the Emerald Frosion on Nosan before getting the pin.
Dangerous Dan was faring much better, as the Eagleland Championship #1 Contender continues to enjoy a steady climb in the rankings. His frantic screaming and intensity confused Olly, who found himself on the receiving end of a series of lariats. Like....a long series of them. I don't think Dan knew what to do after this point as he just kept knocking Olly down. You'd think Olly would have realized that he should just stay down, but it just kept going. Olly finally had enough and got himself DQ'd with a lowblow that sent Nobunaga's force and the Home Army into the ring for an intense staredown. The situation was quelled, but the underlying tension is starting to break through.
Subculture has been mum on Camilo Ortega's challenge for Saigo no Gekitotsu, but he made his intentions clear during his bout with Fighter Daron, bringing out a replica Ortega fedora to place on Daron as he hit the knockout blow. After the match, Subculture grabbed a mic. Camilo Ortega came out onto the stage, but Subbie kept his back turned as he spoke.
Subculture: It's been a rough few months for me, and my road to revenge for Little Mac has been paved in hardships and fedora wearing obstacles. I say this to you all here and now that I won't be stopped, and I'm just getting started. I started the year as a hungry street dog turned champion. I end the year as Little Mac's living legacy, and the man who is going to knock the over inflated ego right off of Camilo Ortega. Stuart, I know you're in the building watching right now. You better pay attention, because one day's going to be you. Camilo, you're on.
Hailey Havok: Koooonichiwa! Hailey Havok here with the Boss Tack Angel. Tonight, he's got a lot on his plate. Now I would normally try to ask questions right now, but when it comes to the ol' Q&A, Tack's a bit of a flaky flake. Now Mr. Flaky Flake, since this IS MY JOB, I will ATTEMPT to ask you one more time about Trevor's challenge and about what you have to do tonight. So to spill the beans?
Tack Angel: I think it's time I address these questions. Trevor's path has been quite different from mine, but at the end of the day I'm the boss and not an active competitor. My job is to run the promotion and keep the peace. I don't always do the "cool" thing or the "popular" thing, but I do what I think is right. Trevor's trying to handle this with war, but I want peace, and I'll do what I have to do to get that peace for the good of everyone. Say what you will about me, but I don't have an ego when it comes to this job. I will apologize on behalf of myself, the Unbreakables, and all of Havok to Stuart at the end of the night. I will do that to avoid war and to reclaim our Television Title. As for the challenge for Kyoto Dome event....I....will have to find a suitable opponent for the match. I can't make that decision in my current position.
Hailey Havok: .....WAS THAT SO HARD?!
Tack Angel: ...Kinda.
Hailey Havok: *sigh* Well, we'll see what happens later tonight. In the meantime, I'm going to go try and get a word about this with the World Champion. He likes to run his mouth, so I know he'll play ball UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE! Let's go back to the action.
Randy no Kachi hit the ring sans Shadow for a match up with LG Rod for an interesting bout. Interesting, in that RnK tried to play it straight in his offense, leaving Rod to soak up the jeers as the smarmy jerk. A missed Legdrop Bulldog lead to Randy hitting the No Kachi Cutter and getting the needed win to propel himself back into winning ways.
Magnum PT and Jackson Kain took their grudge match to the limit in the next match. PT has become a hero in Edo, waving a dual Eagleland/Edo flag on his way to the ring, while Jackson Kain tried handing out posters for his next movie to no avail. Great back and forth action, with Kain pulling out all the stops to try and keep the mustacheod patriot down, but just when it looked like he had PT set up for the Stunt Double Driver, Mr. Satan's theme began to play. The bewildered Kain fell for the #mindgames, as PT hit the Mustache Ride to win the match. After the match, PT grabbed a mic on stage.
Magnum PT: We're going to need a translator for this one, as a I can't speak a lick of Edoese, but what I got to say is important none the less. I've been in Edo for a few months now, and I've traveled the promotional circuit. I've seen your culture, your food, your beer, your women, and your heart. I've grown to love and respect Edo like a second home. That's why I can't stand to see my second home being corrupted by a bunch of two bit hoods. No, I'm not just talking about Nobunaga Pro. I'm talking about those bastards behind the scenes, who nobody talks about. I'm going to call you out right now. S-S-S! You want to profit off of the hard workers in this ring or any other ring in Edo? You've got to go through me now. COME AND GET ME!
The main event saw a big tag team battle as Open the Demon Door Champion Grind teamed with newest Unbreakable Sal Paradise, as they fought the odd couple tandem of Notorious J.O.D and the returning Nikky "The Golden". After an elaborate entrance for Nikky, the match got underway in heated fashion, with Sal and Jamie wasting no time to brawl, while Nikky tried playing mind games with Grind. Easily the match of the night, Sal and Jamie showed they haven't lost a step, and neither has the eccentric hedonist Nikky, who made a lewd gesture to Hailey, setting off Grind in a rare instance of the lucha blader losing his cool, and opening up to a Golden Lariat and a roll up that Nikky pulled off by pulling on Grind's pants to steal the win. Grind will face Nikky once again at Saigo no Gekitotsu, while Sal and Jamie will really get down to business, as they open the show in No Rules fashion.
Tack Angel came out to the ring to hype the big Kyoto Dome special to close out the year, but that was not all....
Tack Angel: Thank you all for watching tonight! It was definitely a great Kaosu TV! We didn't skimp on the action just because of the Holidays, because you always deserve the best wrestling action. For you to get that though, we sometimes have to make tough decisions and hard choices. I for example was told that I must come out here tonight and apologize to Stuart and Nobunaga Pro, as well as the Oda Group in general, for the actions of our Havok World Champion Trevor Mach. I was told to apologize for his actions, and my inability to stop him. Havok....stands on the brink of a conflict that I'm afraid would do nothing but harm. It would harm us, you, and all the other promotions of Edo. I have stood by my principles because I want peace, and while I know Trevor that you're doing what you believe is right, I also have to do what I believe is right. That is why Stuart, I say this to you. I, Tack Angel, on behalf of the Havok brand am-
At that point, the Havok World Champion Trevor Mach made his way out onto the stage.
Trevor Mach: Whoa! Hold it Tack! Don't do something you're going to regret here!
Tack Angel: I'm not looking for a confrontation with you Trevor, I just need to do this.
Trevor Mach: Hey, it's Christmas time buddy! I'm not here to pick a fight. I'm here to give you your present! You already know what it is, so I didn't bother wrapping it. The Key to the Havok World Championship. The end of the year is coming, and it's coming soon! I can't think of a better way to end 2013 then with Trevor Mach versus Tack Angel. It's the match I want, and the match the people want.
Tack Angel: Is that because you really want the competition, or is it fueled by the fact that you don't want me trying to stop your war with the other promotions.
Trevor Mach: A little bit of both actually....a lotta bit of both. You were right in that we both believe in what we're doing here brah. I don't think you realize who we're dealing with! He's your brother in law I get that, but he's as crooked as his old man was, and he's coming for us! He's coming for you! He wants you humiliated and broken. You think he's just going to stop?! I wouldn't, so why would he?
Tack Angel: Peace and hope are the answer here. Peace between the promotions, and hope that we can all work together. Why is that foreign concept these days? It seems like I'm the only one standing for it, and even if that is the case, I'll keep standing for it until I can't stand anymore.
Trevor Mach: If you were anyone else, I'd say you have no balls Tack, but I know you. You're normally the apathetic guy or the family man, so I realize by the tone of your voice that you're taking this shit seriously. That's good because so am I. I might be having some fun because I'm in my element, but it goes like this. Either we win, or everyone loses. You don't think fighting is the answer, but sometimes it HAS TO BE! This is wrestling for crying out loud brah! Fighting is the answer for literally EVERYTHING in wrestling!
Tack Angel: I have to do what I have to Trevor. I'm not asking you to understand or condone it. I don't have to, because I was made the boss. You had a chance once upon a time to shape a promotion the way you wanted it, but you threw that away because you wanted to be in the trenches. You got what you wanted, and now I'll do what I have to so I can get what I want, and that's an end to this war. I'm going to do this, and I don't want the Key to the Havok World Championship. All that's left here is an apology, and this can all be avoided.
By now Trevor had entered the ring face to face with the boss, while Havok Television Champion Stuart stood atop the stage with his generals Ranmaru and Mitsuhide. They awaited this apology.
Trevor Mach: You could be a leader Tack. You could be the best leader. The best Boss any wrestling promotion ever had. This could be what you do for the long haul, but I'm not seeing it right now the way things are, and with what you're planning on doing. You might be the boss, but I won't allow you to embarrass yourself or this promotion....that's my job!
Tack Angel: I have to do it! Say what you want, and I know you see yourself as the "hero" here, but a REAL hero would do the right thing even if it wasn't the popular thing. I will not bend to pressure here! Stuart, on behalf of the Havok brand I-
Trevor suddenly snapped on the boss, lighting him up with a hard punch before flooring him with a knee to the face.
Trevor Mach: I WON'T ALLOW IT! Tack, a "real hero" as you put it, would get his hands dirty, plunging into the muck so his friend could keep his hands clean. Then again, I never claimed to be a real hero. To you, I'll be the bad guy, and when you come to, I'm sure you'll accept this key now, because the future of Havok could ride on it. Stuart, I'll speak on behalf of Havok. From the bottom of my heart.....go fuck yourself. It's war bitches! GET HYPE!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion Tag: Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]/Green Destiny[Nobunaga][o] beat Cherub Kid/Nosan[x] via Emerald Frosion -> Pin
2. Invasion Singles: Dangerous Dan beat Olly Oliver[Nobunaga] via DQ
3. Singles: Subculture beat Fighter Daron via KO Punch -> Pin
4. Singles: Randy no Kachi beat LG Rod via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
5. Singles: Magnum PT beat Jackson Kain via Mustache Ride -> Pin
6. Tag: Nikky[o]/Jamie OD beat Grind[x]/Sal Paradise via Golden Lariat -> Pin
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegades?! Dude! Shit's going down out there! In the days that have passed since the last Kaosu TV! it's been nothing but WAR in the streets! News crews have been covering the carnage around the clock! Nobunaga's goons have hit hard and fast all over Edo, and the Unbreakables have been right there with them. The other promotions have been involved as well, with All Edo using the power vacuum to make some power plays. Fighting and burning all over Edo! I've seen some shit over the last few days let me tell you. I've got it recorded too, because you wouldn't believe this unless I showed it to you. Alright, let me give you some context here. Havok had a boat docked at a pier that we've been using to get around Edo, and Oda Group has seized it. The Unbreakables and Nobunaga Pro's goons fought it out in the pier, and then this happened...
Tack Angel: Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh deary dear! Hello?! Is anyone still here?!
Edo Woman: Tasukete!
Tack Angel: Tasukete? Help me? Um....I'm here! I'll help you! Where are you?!
Edo Woman: I'm here! I speak Eaglish!
Tack Angel: Oh good, I know some Edoese, but given the circumstances and all. What happened here?
Edo Woman: Burning!
Tack Angel: Yes, that's been common lately. I'm here to help though, so let's get you out of here. What are you doing here anyways. You hardly look like a dock worker.
Edo Woman: Saw the fire, and tried to help. I ended up getting trapped myself.
Tack Angel: Well, it's the thought that counts.
Edo Woman: Thank you for getting me out of there. Arigato.
Tack Angel:'re welcome....I'm married....why did I just say that?
Edo Woman: Hehe. You are a strange Eaglelander. What brings you here in such tumultuous times?
Tack Angel: Fantastic Eaglish! I don't even use tumultuous! Well, I'm working for a company that recently came over to your country,'s caused some of these problems.
Edo Woman: What do you mean?
Tack Angel: Well, I'm actually the Boss of Havok, and-
Tack Angel: Well yes I suppose, but I'm not apart of the war. I'm trying to stop it! I want peace!
Tack Angel: I didn't want this! I want to stop it!
Tack Angel: Please! I'm only trying to-
Tack Angel: W....why?
Edo Woman: Oda Group destroys lives! They are the worst of the worst, and you try to make peace with them while at the same time waging a war that is burning cities to the ground! You're monsters! Go back to Eagleland! I'll find my own way out of this hell!
Tack Angel: S-stop! Yo-you'll die.
Edo Woman: At least you die too.
Tack Angel: I-I-I'm sorr-ugh.
Tack Angel: Ugh....I....
Abeno Seimei: Just relax. I pulled you out of the water. I knew this day would come.
Tack Angel: ....Old man?
Abeno Seimei: Hey, we discussed this already! I'm only 46! So you remember me, but you don't seem to remember the fortune I told you.
Tack Angel: ....F-fortune?
Abeno Seimei: An entity will appear in the lands of Edo. A sweeping force, wielding the power of the Demon King, will threaten the entire land. This entity will unite with an Emperor of Calamity, to crush all opposition and rule unopposed, unless the Dragon Generals of different clans unite under the hallowed one to oppose them. You asked for my advice then, and that is what I told you. It is all coming to pass. I knew where you would be today, and I knew that I had to bring you here for what is next.
Tack Angel: W-what is next?
Abeno Seimei: Death.
Tack Angel: *gasp*
Abeno Seimei: Or life....your choice.
Tack Angel: W-why....would you space that out like that.
Abeno Seimei: Oh....sorry. You seem to be dying of a gunshot wound though so....
Tack Angel: I've....escaped it before.
Abeno Seimei: That's right you have. Once before you were shot and you escaped death by becoming something new....something different. A regeneration.
Tack Angel: How did you-
Abeno Seimei: It's kind of my job and all. What I don't know is why you can do this, but the point is that you can. What you may not know, is that what you become next is entirely up to you.
Tack Angel: I-it is?
Abeno Seimei: It always has been. Think about the old adage where you can be anything you want. Now take it literally. What do you need to become right now?
Tack Angel: I...I don't know. I've failed to keep the peace. I couldn't prevent this, and I can't stop it now. I just want to help people.
Abeno Seimei: Sometimes, to help you must fight.
Tack Angel: I will not fight, I do what I can.
Abeno Seimei: Because you are a "good man"?
Tack Angel: ....I-I would like to think so.
Abeno Seimei: Doing the right thing isn't always easy, I know that you've said that. You can change the course of this war though. You can make the difference and turn the tide. The woman who shot you.....she would beg for your help! She is scared! A lot of people are scared. They feel trapped in their own country by a war allowed by the Government. Oda Group lines their pockets, and ratings rise, so they do nothing to help the people. Someone has to make the difference. So what's it's going to be Tack Angel. What will you become?
Tack Angel: ......Warrior....I'll become a warrior. Edo doesn't need an Angel right now.
Abeno Seimei: must change.
Tack Angel: W-will is hurt?
Abeno Seimei: .....Yeah probably.
Tack Angel: ...Could be worse....could be a gunshot. Hehehe *cough cough* I'd better hurry up. Amy.....Christina....forgive's time to make a difference.
Abeno Seimei: The time has come to change Edo's future. For good or bad, that is for you to decide now Tack Angel.
Tack: ....No.....
Tack: Angel no more.
*After SPARKLE MAX went off the air, Venus was standing by with Valerie Del Toro.....*
Venus: Hi folks, Venus here with Valerie Del Tor....
*Erica now appears and exclaims....*
Erica: AND ME!
Valerie Del Toro: YOU!
Erica: ME!
Valerie Del Toro: Sticking your nose in other people's affairs, as usual.
Erica: *Gets in the face of Valerie Del Toro* And what are you gonna do about it, Valerie?
Valerie Del Toro: .......
Erica: NOTHING! Exactly what I thought!
Valerie Del Toro: I only got three words to say to you. REMATCH and HARDCORE HEAVEN!
Erica: *Smirks* You read my mind, Valerie. Oh and by the way..... *Now holds up four fingers* That was four words.
Valerie Del Toro: Fuck you.
Erica: Sorry, I don't like rich bitches.
Valerie Del Toro: Then you can go fuck yourself. *Walks off*
Erica: AND YOU...... *Walks up to Mia* JUST STAY OUT OF MY FACE! *Shoves Mia out of the way as she leaves*
Mia: *Looks over at Venus* And what exactly is her problem now, Venus?
Venus: Everything.
Rayne: So what makes you think you two LOSERS deserve another title shot?
Velvet: How about the fact that you ALMOST lost the belts at DESTINY!
Rayne: Yes, we almost did. ALMOST. And you know what they say about almost right?
Ariel: It only counts in explosives and horseshoes.
Rayne: Exactly.
Velvet: It was enough to make you bash me in the back of the head with THAT belt to retain them.
Angel: Damn straight. You couldn't beat us, so yall intentionally disqualified to keep the belts. And that tells me and Velvet, one FEAR a rematch. And most of all, you FEAR us!
Angel & Velvet: HA!
Velvelt: Then prove it. Prove it us and everybody else. Give us a rematch for SPARKLE Twin Star Championship at HARDCORE HEAVEN!
Ariel: *Whispers something in Rayne*
Rayne: Oh, I like that Ariel. I like that alot. We will accept on one condition.
Velvet: Name it.
Rayne: Just as Ariel suggested to me, let's make this match an EXTREME MAKEOVER MATCH!
Angel & Velvet: Done!
Rayne: I am not finish yet. What this means, whoever loses will get a makeover in some fashion. We will lose these belts and you two.....LOSE YOUR SOULS!
Angel & Velvet: .......
Rayne: Judging for your stupid faces, I need to explains things further. When I say you lose your souls, I mean the very thing that makes you....The Beautiful People.
Angel: You can't be serious?
Rayne: I am DEAD serious. We win, the Beautiful People will be NO MORE! Done in SPARKLE as a tag team.......FOREVER!
Angel: I don't know. In that case, We....
Rayne: *Smirks* Excellent. We'll see yall there. Oh and I think one way or another, it's gonna be a BEAUTIFUL DAY! *Rayne and Ariel now walk off*
*Angel now just looks at Velvet like she is crazy and doesn't like the stipulation added to the match. Velvet, on the otherhand, seems confident that they will become the new SPARKLE Twin Star Champions for the first time at HARDCORE HEAVEN.
Venus: Excuse me, Lady M's, I....
Venus: *Nervously* I....wanted to how M's Style is doing?
Lady M's: ........
Venus: Is she alright after the attack by Alissa Flash at the end of MAX?
Lady M's: ........
Venus: Obviously you don't want to talk about that right now. Then what are you thoughts on traveling to Edo for the year-end show at the Kyoto Dome?
Lady M's: .......
Venus: I see. Well do you have anything to say or am I wating my time again?
Lady M's: You wanna know my thoughts? *Walks up to Venus*
Venus: Please don't hurt me. I am just doing my job.
Lady M's: I am not gonna hurt you, Venus. In fact, I am gonna tell you exactly how I feel, right now.
Venus: Really?
Lady M's: *Put her arm around Venus* Absolutely. So level with me, Venus. Cause I bet you think I am excited to travel to Edo?
Venus: Sure. I am.
Lady M's: WELL I AM NOT!
Venus: *Screams*
Lady M's: And I bet you think I am excited to see my husband in Edo too, right?
Venus: Right.
Venus: *Screams again*
Lady M's: But there is one thing I am truly excited about in Edo. And do you know what that thing is?
Lady M's: *Grabs Venus by dress top* DO YOU?!
Venus: NOOOOO!
Lady M's: It's the fact that I am gonna be able to get my hands on Alissa Flash in the ring. And I can promise you one thing when that happens. *Lets Venus go*
Venus: And what's that?
Lady M's: I AM GONNA FUCKING KILL HER! *Walks off in anger*
Venus: *Walks off too*
Alissa Flash: And that is EXACTLY what I want. *Laughs maniacally*
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu!
Nerma: Hello!
Venus: Good evening Kyoto, Edo!
Hailey Havok: The three lady voices of The EBW Network have all gathered here in the Kyoto Dome, for what is sure to be an exciting night! Of all the new year's shows that will close out 2013 in the Kyoto Dome, this is definitely....the only one.
Nerma: ....Yes...yes it is? What were you even going for there?
Venus: Never mind, let's talk about the action we've got lined up! We've got the ladies of Sparkle in action tonight!
Hailey Havok: We've got Havok escalating shit like always!
Nerma: We've got EBW main eventing the show and ushering in the new year!
Hailey Havok: Yeah, but Havok gets to end 2013 with a BANG! Trevor Mach vs. Tack Angel!
Nerma: We have Ness vs. Arremer X!
Venus: We brought one match, which will be more than enough to show you all up!
Hailey Havok: This is get heated. Anyone else oddly turned on?
Nerma: No.
Venus: That's just you.
Hailey Havok: Oh right. Well, it doesn't matter if you're a Sparkle fan, an EBW, or a Havok fan, cause you get them all tonight and we're going to bring down the dome! Okay, we're not REALLY going to actually bring it down. It's more like a metaphor for-
Nerma: I think they got it.
Venus: The intro is running long, can we just rap this up?
Hailey Havok: .......GET HYPE! SAIGO NO GEKITOTSU 2013 IN KYOTO DOME! By the way, that apparently means Last Clash 2013....why the hell didn't anyone tell me that? Would have been so much easier.
Nerma: *sigh*
Officially Unofficial Theme: k6tXaZtwvrQ "Limit Break" by Girugamesh
The Kyoto Dome was packed for this New Year's Eve extravaganza, complete with inter promotional battles, and the biggest wars from the best wrestling promotions today! Titles were on the line, pride was at stake, and I got nose bleed seats way back in the back, but I'm gonna cover these matches if it kills me!
The show got off to a bloody start, when Sal Paradise and Jamie OD took their grudge into a No Rules environment. More of a bloody brawl than a match, Sal tried to show restraint in the early goings, but one too many Penalty Kicks to the head set him off, as he smashed the hooligan through a table before choking him out with the Paradise Lock to the win the match.
The battles between Havok Ranger and the evil science Brain Army Volt came to a head in epic fashion with a 6-Person Elimination Tag. Volt's side had the power to grow to gigantic size thanks to Gush, but Havok Ranger focused on him early and eliminated him with the Bio Motion Buster and the pin. Fear Beast Kemp fought for his boss Bias-sama and tried to hurt his rival Degrees by eliminating his love Megumi before doing the same to Andonuts with the Fear Beast Driver on each. Degrees fought out the rest of the match on his own, showing the power of the Havok Rangers by eliminating Kemp with the PhDDT and finally forcing in Bias-sama. The old scientist tried to replace wrestling with cheap tricks, but the power of the Red Havok Ranger was too much, and a new move off the top rope called the Red Falcon Crash sealed Bias-sama's fate. Degrees got the 1-2-3 and won the match for Havok Ranger. Volt is defeated!
After the match, Kemp was made into a giant thanks to Gush, and the Havok Rangers had to summon Live Robo to defeat him and crash Bias-sama's space base to the Earth, but you probably don't want to hear about all that. This is a wrestling event after all. The point is, the world is safe again thanks to Havok Ranger!
Grind has been on a roll as the Open the Demon Door Champion, and caught the eye of Nikky "The Golden", who has pegged Grind as the new Golden Boy, and wants to take him down in more ways than one. An excellent if not eccentric match up, Grind pulled out all the stops against Nikky, kicking out of the Golden Arrow, and rolling out of the way of a Golden Splash to come back with the Rolling SSP, and going high risk for the Sling Blade and the pin. Grind defends Demon Door's top prize, and fought off the challenge of "The Golden", but the way he smirked at Grind following the match suggests his fascination with the Unbreakable's member is far from over.
The EBW Officials booked this next match after the events of EBW Xcite. General Marcus was on a vengeance after having his country disgraced by the War in Zealstraillia, and he showed it in his match against Salsa. In EBW's new No-Divisions Rules, this match was a true test for the longest reigning 3'dPW Champion. Marcus had choked Salsa once again in a repeat of last Monday's Xcite but this time the ref caught it and started counting, to which marcus did not let go of, thus Marcus was disqualified and giving the win to Salsa. Marcus pushed over the ref and started throwing things in the ring. Eventually grabbing a microphone.
Marcus: Ninten, I want you in a match. I want to ruin you. I want to ruin you, like you and your band of misifits ruined the reputation of my home empire. You will fall, and I will rise.
Nobunaga Pro might have been in home turf, but they got the invader's welcome in this tag match pitting them against Havok Tag Team Champions AkiKyo, and the Home Army team of Nosan and Cherub Kid. Exciting and lengthy contest, saw AkiKyo pushed in their biggest test to date. Despite shenanigans outside of the ring, the two work like a well oiled machine between the ropes, but so did Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny, who instead targeted the Home Army to try and swipe Havok's tag belts through other challengers. The feared outcome came in a surprising manner, with Destiny whipping Kyo out of the ring, and Eivion holding down the rope to give him a nasty landing. Akinan actually showed more concern for his partner than the belts then the fact that Green Destiny was dropping Nosan with the Emerald Frosion, and pinned him for the 1-2-3. Nobunaga Pro had claimed more Havok gold, as Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny are the new Havok Tag Team Champions.
Subculture has declared himself the living legacy of Little Mac, while Camilo Ortega has pegged him as the man standing in his way, and the two collided in a fantastic match of the night candidate. Former world champions showed their top caliber game against each other, with Ortega not missing a step since leaving EBW, and Subculture showing a focus he has been lacking since his war path began. Subbie's striking clashed with Camilo's extensive Judo take downs, but in the end, Subculture showed his heart, connecting with the KO Punch. Camilo took the punch and kept coming, so Subbie hit the Counter Culture and kept Ortega down for the 1-2-3. A huge win for Subculture, who immediately made it known that his path to Stuart is back on.
As the sun had set on the city of Kyoto, it was now time for the live musical performance by Girugamesh, who would be performing the officially unofficial theme for Saigo no Gekitotsu, "Limit Break". However....
Nerma: Hailey.
Hailey Havok: YEAH!
Nerma: Hailey.
Hailey Havok: YEAH!
Nerma: HAILEY!
Hailey Havok: WHAT?!
Nerma: We LARGE....problem.
Hailey Havok: What's the problem?
Nerma: THAT!
Gilgamesh: WHERE AM I?! WHO ARE YOU?!
Hailey Havok: Eh? Hey wait...this isn't Girugamesh! THIS IS GILGAMESH!
Gilgamesh: Oh, you've heard of me? Wait, of course you have! Haha! I am Gilgamesh, and I have come to your dimension for ONE REASON! Have you seen Bartz?
Hailey Havok: Exsqueeze me? Charmin?
Gilgamesh: Bartz? Brown hair? Thorn in my side? Rides a chocobo named Boko? Not really an original name if you think abou-
Hailey Havok: don't think I've seen him. We COULD ask the 55,000 people in attendance, if you've got the time for-
Gilgamesh: Oh would you look at the time, I must be going.
Hailey Havok: WAIT!
Hailey Havok: Huh....he poofed.....well shit. Hey! Next match! Alright!
The newly created MOTHER Championship was on the line next as Flying Man defended his title against the EBW Typhoon's Kinniku Mike, in a normal one on one match decided by the champion. In a match of high caliber wrestling, both men went toe to toe. Mike showed why he was a former EBW World Champion while Flying Man proved his abilities of courage against advertisement. Flying Man rolled up Mike with a crucifix late in the match but it only led to a two count, Mike fired back with a rising hard elbow to the standing Flying Man which stunned him. This allowed Mike to grab Flying Man and rush him into the corner where he let loose a wild abundance of strikes. Mike threw Flying Man into the ropes and landed a stunning standing spinning kick to the gut and set up for the Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb. He picked up Flying Man and slammed him down, going for the pin but was quickly reversed as despite taking the damage, Flying Man sprung forward and rolled up the surprised Mike for the 3 Count and the defense. Flying Man stumbled into the corner as the ref raised his hand and the rest of the EBW Typhoon came out to ringside. Mike was consoled by the EBW Typhoon as Swift started stalking half of the ring. Mike pulled him back and then extended his hand to Flying Man, in a sign of respect. Flying Man accepted the hand shake and conversation a bit before Mike raised Flying Man's hand. Flying Man celebrated as the EBW Typhoon walked back solemnly.
Jackson Kain had won the right to challenge the Hero of Earth Mr. Satan, in Edo's greatest venue, and after months of hype and waiting, Mr. Satan would finally be making his in ring debut for Havok, however, both men could not have anticipated what would happened before the bell rang.
Mr. Satan: WAHAHAHAHA! Kid, you've got no idea what you've gotten yourself into!
Jackson Kain: I know damn well that you're a fraud, and I'm going to prove it here and now! It's my time to shine, so shut it and let's fight! No more talking! No more stalling! No more "stomach flu"! I'm not even taking the time to write you out an autograph. Ring the bell!
Mr. Satan: Yeah! That's the spirit! Ring the b-WHOA! WHAT IS THAT?! LOOK UP THERE!
Jackson Kain: Huh? What the hell?
Mr. Satan: Majin Buu!? What are you doing here!?
Majin Buu: Buu want candy! Buu want Kain Candy!
Jackson Kain: You've got to be kidding me.
Majin Buu: Ref, you're going to have to throw this match out. I'm not going to let my opponent be turned into candy by Majin Buu! I've beaten him before, and I'll beat him again! Buu, if you want to fight let's fight, but it can't be here. We need to run away to a safe place....where no one can see! WAHAHAHAHAHA!
Jackson Kain: no no no GET BACK HERE! DAMMIT!
Mr. Satan ran off to save us from Majin Buu! What a hero! Needless to say he must have succeeded on account of us all being not dead. EARTH IS SAVED!
The Chaos King Dougie Mach got a traitor's reception as he came into the dome to put his Ambition World Championship on the line against DAT HEART of Havok's Home Army leader Ishihiro Tomo. The Havok Home Army accompanied Tomo, while Mach came out with Troy, Olly, Mitsuhide, and Ranmaru. More like a lumberjack match, Tomo gave Dougie the fight of his life, and like previous matches against DAT HEART, Dougie found himself frustrated with keeping the no necked Tomo down. Finish came when Dougie hit the Dynamic DDT, only for Tomo to kick out of the pin attempt, so Dougie set him for the Vertebreaker and slammed him to the mat, with Olly holding Tomo down so Dougie could steal the victory and defend his title. First shady outcome of the night saw Dougie garner even more heat with the crowd, furthering his reputation as Edo's most hated except for the Nobunaga fans who tried to get their voices heard in the sea of humanity in the Kyoto Dome.
The SPARKLE ladies had a 10-woman tag clash during the New Year's Eve show at the Kyoto Dome in Edo! Well they were suppose to, as Alissa Flash and her fellow Skulls & Bones sisters, The Enforcer and The Plumber walked out of the match after Flash teased confronting Lady M's in the ring. Flash then mouthed "No Rules, No Masters" and "On MY time" to Lady M's before all three ladies left to loud boos of the crowd. This left the SPARKLE Shining Star Champion, Tracy, and Valerie Del Toro in a 2 on 5 disadvantage. Valerie, did not like those odds and told Tracy "fuck this" and left the match as well. Tracy, realizing how unfair it was now, tried to leave as well. But the other ladies cornered her in the ring like a rat. The five ladies then hit Tracy around like pinball before Lady M's nailed her with the Sexy Strong Stunner (Stone Cold Stunner). Tracy then staggered back and into the KFO/Knocked the Fuck Out (Diamond Cutter) from Erica, as well! Sunny Malibu then went to the top rope and finished Tracy off with the Tidal Wave (Superfly style Flying Splash) for the victory. Sunny Malibu has pinned the Shining Star Champion TWICE in a row now!
*The faces the celebrated the victory in the ring, much to the delight of the Kyoto Dome crowd, with Sunny Malibu standing over the fallen Tracy and raising the SPARKLE Shining Star Championship belt high above her head.*
It was now time for the dual main events, the World Championships for Havok and EBW would be on the line, with titles, pride, and the future of both companies on the line, the stakes could not be higher.
As the minutes were ticking down to 2014, two old friends and rivals would again step into the ring for the final battle of 2013. Tack has taken control of Havok as the interim boss, seeking peace and cooperation in Edo, but Trevor Mach has lead a movement to all out war against Havok's enemies, plunging the promotion into the conflict that is causing Edo to burn. A battle of philosophies would also be a battle for power, as the Havok World Championship would be at stake. Before the match a surprise announcement from Retro Hippie came on the monitor. Decked out in new black, red, and white gear, the Unbreakables stable were declaring a name change to symbolize the times, and the motives of the group. Using the name "Justice 87" once again, Trevor Mach was sending a statement to his former tag partner, that he wanted Justice instead of Peace, but the announcement did little to a shake a vastly different looking and acting Tack. Stone faced and focused, the challenger came to the ring with a beard and shaved head, sporting a t-shirt that read "No More". Trevor came out and immediately stared down his rival, to no reaction. Tack stayed dormant until the bell, when the two clashed once again. Though Tack was rusty from time out of the ring, he made up for it in focus, looking determined to put down the champ and reign in the Wild Child. Like their last battle in the E1 Climax, they pulled out all of the stops, using finishers back and forth, and letting the fists, elbows, and knees fly like they hated each other. Blood flowed early, and Tack's heart and intensity caught Trevor off guard on more than one occasion, as they collided in bloody head butts, before Trevor caught Tack in the clinch for the knees and the Trevorplex! 1-2-KICKOUT! Tack quickly rose to his feet for a Superkick and an Angel Driver! 1-2-KICKOUT! Back and forth with the big moves until one would break. Trevor couldn't believe that he couldn't keep Tack down, with the boss rising up and surprising Trevor with a crazy maneuver that saw him do a standing flip, catching him with his knee and foot on the way over. 1-2-KICKOUT! A 2.9 had the champ on the ropes. Tack was playing Trevor's game with the knees and showing him something new. Both fighters looked intense as the countdown on the clock showed seconds left in the year. They both rushed to the center of the ring to let the kicks and elbows fly. Trevor caught Tack off guard, playing his game and caving in the side of his head with a high kick and clinching again with the knees, to then hit the Burning Machismo. 1-2-KICKOUT! Trevor was shocked that Tack continued to fight. A weary and tired Tack stumbled to his feet, but Trevor wasted no time in planting him again to the mat with another Burning Machismo. This time, the champ lined him up for the Macha Ye, and with an arena echoing thud, Tack fell down and stayed down for the 1-2-3. Trevor Mach survived the harsh battle with Tack Angel, and ended 2013 still the Havok World Champion, with his 3rd Key in tow, and a victory over the boss who has tried to reign him in. After the match Trevor looked to be leaving the ring, but stopped to help up Tack. Tack shook him off and tossed his belt to him, before turning his back, demanding Justice 87's leader to strike him or leave. Trevor left for the back while staring at Tack in the ring confused. Angel No More took the champ to the limit and beyond, but the boss fell just short to end 2013.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!
The Main Event of the show and the first match of 2014 was next as Ness defends his EBW World Championship against the E-1 Climax winner Arremer X, Man vs Robot. Arremer X showed the same amount of spirit and vigor as he showed in the E-1 by hitting hard with strong suplexes and tight headlocks. Ness fought back with veteran skill and a strong determination. Arremer was heading in for the kill with closeline after closeline but Ness kept kicking out. Arremer tried for a Fire Crash Buster but Ness countered with a small package that got a 2. Ness strung together some quick strikes and a snapping DDT that also got a two. Ness waited for Arremer to get up and rushed in with a surprising Mach-Ye but only got a two count. Ness picked up Arremer and went for the PK Thunder but Arremer fought out and landed a quick bulldog for a two. Arremer signaled for the end and waited for Ness to get up on the other side of the ring and ran for a lariat. Ness quickly countered by wraping the arm and swung around behind him to pull in a backslide, he ran in the ground to trying and hold Arremer for the pin and got the three! Ness successfully retains the EBW World Championship on the first match of 2014. Arremer X got up laughing and shook his finger at Ness saying, "you got me." Both men shook hands as Firebrand X & Gemma as well as a surprise appearence by Paula came down to celebrate with the two worn competators. Fireworks went off as Ness celebrated the New Year in the Kyoto Dome.
Saigo no Gekitotsu 2013
Kyoto Dome, Kyoto Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1. Havok No Rules Singles: Sal Paradise[Havok] beat Jamie OD[Havok] via Paradise Lock -> Choke Out
2. Havok 6-Person Elimination Tag: Doctor Degrees[Havok]/Jeff Andonuts[Havok]/Megumi[Havok] beat Bias-sama[Volt]/Fear Beast Kemp[Volt]/Gush[Volt]
-Jeff Andonuts beat Gush via Bio Motion Buster -> Pin
-Fear Beast Kemp beat Megumi via Fear Beast Driver -> Pin
-Fear Beast Kemp beat Jeff Andonuts via Fear Beast Driver -> Pin
-Doctor Degrees beat Fear Beast Kemp via PhDDT -> Pin
-Doctor Degrees beat Bias-sama via Red Falcon Crash -> Pin
3. Open the Demon Door Championship: Grind(c)[Havok] beat Nikky[Free] via Sling Blade -> Pin -> 2nd Defense!
4. EBW Singles: Salsa[EBW] beat Marcus[EBW] via DQ
5. Havok Tag Team Championship: Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]/Green Destiny[Nobunaga][o] beat Akinan(c)[Havok]/Kyo(c)[Havok] vs. Cherub Kid[Havok]/Nosan[Havok][x] via Emerald Frosion -> Pin -> 6th Generation Havok Tag Team Champions!
6. Havok Singles: Subculture[Havok] beat Camilo Ortega[Free] via KO Punch x Counter Culture -> Pin
7. Mother Championship: Flying Man(c)[EBW] beat Kinniku Mike[EBW] via Reverse Pin Attempt -> Pin -> 1st Defense!
8. Havok Singles: Mr. Satan[Hero of Earth] vs. Jackson Kain[Havok] No Contest
9. Nobunaga Ambition World Championship: Dougie Mach(c)[Nobunaga] beat Ishihiro Tomo[Havok] via Vertebreaker -> Pin -> 4th Defense!
10. Sparkle 10-Woman Tag: Lady M's[Sparkle]/Sunny Malibu[Sparkle][o]/Heather Mach[Sparkle]/Nikki Roxx[Sparkle]/Erica[Sparkle] beat Alissa Flash[Sparkle]/Tracy[Sparkle][x]/Valarie Del Toro[Sparkle]/Enforcer[Sparkle]/Plumber[Sparkle] via Tidal Wave -> Pin
11. Last Match of 2013 Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c)[Havok] beat Tack via Burning Machismo x Macha Ye -> Pin -> 3rd Key Victory!
12. First Match of 2014 EBW World Championship: Ness(c)[EBW] beat Arremer X[EBW] via Backslide -> Pin -> 2nd Defense
Hailey Havok: Kooooonichiwa! Renegades, it was a hell of a year, but 2014 is here and we're off and running! That dome show was SICK, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, because Havok's going to escalate wrestling more than ever! After the dome show, we have learned that Nobunaga is pressing forward with the attack, claiming more Havok gold, but the boss seems to be going about this in a much different way, opening the flood gates and challenging the invaders on the first Kaosu TV! of 2014! Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach will lead Stuart's generals Mitsuhide and Ranmaru into the Akiba Secret Base to battle Havok World Champion Trevor Mach, Open the Demon Door Champion Grind, and Sal Paradise. The faction once called The Unbreakables, are now redubbed Justice 87, and with Mach's win over Tack at the dome, they are determined more than ever to confront Edo's various promotions head on. They get a chance on Kaosu TV! and we got a word from both teams in an EBW Network exclusive! Let's checky check check it out yo! What the hell was that just now?
Dougie Mach: Trevor, it hasn't been all that long since we last saw each other, but so much has happened hasn't it? I'm the REAL World Champion, and I'm getting the respect I deserve as the Chaos King of Nobunaga Pro. Stu's been playing a little cat and mouse with you hasn't he? Been holding that TV Title to get in your head? You haven't seen anything yet. The mind games, and the fighting in the streets have all be a warm up for all out war, and we strike first blood this week! Ranmaru and Mitsuhide have been patiently waiting for this moment. They want that the roller blader ground to a halt, and they want Paradise to experience Hell. They're nasty customers to say the least. I'm just glad they are on my side, and I will lead them this week in victory over "Justice 87"! HAHA!
Trevor Mach: Haipu o Nyushu! It's 2014, and Justice 87 is here! We're still Unbreakable, but we're not just satisfied with raising hell in Edo and looking for a fight, no it's time for justice to reign. Justice is coming down on you Nobunaga Pro, and anyone else that wants to come GET SOME! 80's Style! BOOSH! Dougie, the "Chaos King", you might be leading the troops into our turf this week, but this army of one doesn't sweat you. See, we're all on the same page and working together. If you called me the boss of Justice 87, then Grind would be Captain and Sal would be the Leader. You see what I'm saying? Hippie's around here somewhere. Hell, he'd be in charge too. I'm only speaking for the group cause I like to run my mouth a lot! We're all in this together, in the pursuit of justice, chaos, and a whole lot of fun. So bring it on Dougie! GET SOME!
Sal Paradise: I've been through bloody wars and fire with Trevor Mach, and we've both come out the other side. I proved that I could be just as sadistic as Notorious J.O.D. The old fighting spirit of Sal Paradise is back, so just imagine what I'm going to do to all three of you when you get in our ring.
Grind: *nod*
Trevor Mach: One more thing Tack. Angel No More? surprised me at the dome. I was starting to worry you weren't going to accept the challenge to be honest. With that third key added to my belt, I hope you realize that we're for real. I'm more than happy to be Havok's war machine. How about you and I have a chat this week on Kaosu TV!, when I challenge the next contender for the Havok World Championship. You won't want to miss this! Could it be Subculture? He deserves it after all. How about Anwin again? What about Tomo? Do I want to get beat up by DAT HEART again? How about all of them? Someone from Nobunaga? I gots choices yo! See you on Kaosu TV! brah!
Jackson Kain: HEY! Tack, I need to have a word with you NOW! I'm sick of the disrespect I've been getting! I'm a movie star! AN ACTION MOVIE STAR! I AM FOR REAL! Mr. Satan screwed me over when I finally had a chance to prove him as the fraud he is! I want the match I earned and I want it now!
Dangerous Dan: Aaaaahhhhhh! That foolish fool Kota Hayashi wishes to step in the battlefield of Havok to face me?! Make it happen boss, because I'm ready and I'm DANGER wait for it ..........OUS! AAAHHHHH!
Akinan: Hey! I want a rematch for AkiKyo against Destiny and Thanatos this week! We didn't get pinned, so I think that means I should get a shot at regaining the belts! I can't help that Kyo fell for that trap! It's not like....not like I WANTED to go help him or anything, but I had to make sure he was alright....for the sake of the match dammit! I WANT A REMATCH!
Tack: No more.......QUIET! Listen to me, Kain, you take the week off, and I'll get in touch with Mr. Satan. Dangerous Dan, that match is happening this week, so get ready. Akinan, you MIGHT get a rematch, but with the Home Army tied up this week, I'm needing you and Kyo to defend us against All Edo Pro. They are trying to make a power play, and using two of their legends to do it, so stand your ground, and you get your rematch. Ishihiro Tomo, you and Junior will be taking on Olly and Troy of Nobunaga this week, so get it your all and make us proud. That's it guys, I don't want to hear anymore. I do notice the camera over there though, so I want to say a few words to a few other people. Simon, I'm not playing your game. No more Simon. I'm finished. We're going to be playing a new game, because I'm changing the rules. I'm opening the door to Nobunaga. I don't want to fight in the streets, bring it to our ring, and we'll show you the door after we beat you. Trevor, you and I will be having that talk this week. I guarantee it.
Jackson Kain: is that a paid vacation then?
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Sengoku Rules 2/3 Falls Tag: Akinan/Kyo vs. Great Mota[AEPW]/Aki Kazuma[AEPW]
2. Invasion Singles: Nosan vs. Green Destiny[Nobunaga]
- Wedding of Doctor Degrees and Megumi
3. Invasion Tag: Ishihiro Tomo/Junior[FXE] vs. Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]/Troy[Nobunaga]
4. Eagleland Championship: Kota Hayashi(c)[D2T] vs Dangerous Dan
5. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach/Sal Paradise/Grind vs. Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga]
Trevor Mach: Get Hype! It's an era of Justice in Havok, Justice 87 that is! Hippie, that's when you were supposed to cue the laugh track.
Retro Hippie: Oh...oh right...sorry....Hahahahahaha!
Trevor Mach: Havok's War Machine won't stop until we've succeeded in force feeding Stuart's Ambition right down his throat! Haha! As the Havok World Champion, I think I've earned the right to name my next opponent for this title belt, and Stuart, since we're on the subject I-
Tack: Hold it.
Trevor Mach: Tack! Angel No More! How ya doing brah?
Tack: Better than you're probably expecting.
Trevor Mach: Yeah well it's been a while since you had to eat one of my knees you know?
Tack: Congratulations by the way. You succeeded in proving your point I guess. Whatever your point was. Do you even know?
Trevor Mach: Of course I do! You want to settle this in way that just won't get it done, and you want to stop me from doing it my way.
Tack: Are you sure that's what it is? Are you sure you're just not being a stubborn jackass like usual?
Trevor Mach: .....Can't it be both?
Tack: You know Trevor, I learned something from you. I've been saying that doing the right thing isn't always popular, and thanks to you I understand that more than ever. To do what I have to do I'm going to have to do the right thing, and this time it happens to be something I'm not too happy about. But I'll do it. That's why I played your game in the Dome, and we have an incredible match. I was a bit rusty, but this "Family Man" very nearly won that title. Now, we're going to play my game. The game is called unification. I'm going to fight for peace, and bring Edo together, not for control, but to free them from control. To do this I will use my power to its fullest.
Trevor Mach: So we're on the same page then?
Tack: No, I don't think so. You keep talking about Justice, but that word has a different definition to both of us. You don't pretend to be the good guy in this, and I do appreciate the honesty, but I think you're closer to a bad guy than you think. That's why I have to stop you, so I can enact my plans. That's why, I won't allow you to pick your next challenger. It doesn't say anywhere that I have to. If I must, I will face you again in a rematch. If I lose that match too, I'll face you again. I will be your opponent, and fight you all across Edo to keep you in check. I'd rather have you on my side, but we're fighting for two different goals, and unlike you, I don't enjoy this.
Trevor Mach: You crafty bastard. That's the kind of Boss you gotta be Tack! Like when I was President, I stepped up to face Jamie OD!
Tack: Yeah, and right now, you are the Jamie OD of this situation. I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, but I'm going to pull a power play because I believe I am right. Might not be popular, but it's the right thing to do. As for you and me battling across Edo, I meant every word. If it comes to that it'll come to that, however, I think I've got one more trick up my sleeve to avoid that.
Trevor Mach: Well you're just full of surprises brah!
Tack: Oh this one's going to hit you like a sack of bricks "Wild Child".
Trevor Mach: You know, you seem to be taking this personally Tack. Despite it all, we're still friends right?
Tack: I'll always be your friend Trevor, but that doesn't mean I respect you right now.
Retro Hippie: Harsh.
Trevor Mach: Hippie, I need some ointment.
Retro Hippie: Why?
Trevor Mach: I just got hit with a sick burn.
Magnum PT: Damn, that was a rough work out.
Shadow: Yeah? Well it's also going to be your last?
Magnum PT: Shadow? Is that a gun in your hand or are you just happy to- who am I kidding it's obviously a gun. Cool your jets chief. What's the deal?
Shadow: You just had to go spouting off about the SSS on television didn't you? We don't like that sort of thing you know?
Magnum PT: You're a member of SSS?
Shadow: Of course. Makes sense doesn't it? I've always been in a position where I could know everything going on without drawing attention to myself. I'm a semi retired manager. No one's looking at me.
Magnum PT: Yeah? Well they are right now. Check out that camera over there.
Shadow: WHAT?!
Magnum PT: And if you'll look up above you....
Subculture: Compliments of Little Mac!
Shadow: OH NO!
Looker: Thank you both, it looks like we found our inside man.
Yuji: Magu P, are you alright?
Magnum PT: I'm fine, Yuj, and please stop with the Magu P business.
Shadow: KILL ME!
Subculture: They need you alive, but I can rough you up some more if you want.
Magnum PT: That makes two of us. Bastard pulled a gun on me!
Subculture: And since you spouted off about an organization that's not supposed to exist, this super strong group is coming for your blood.
Magnum PT: Now now...where I come from we believe in due process....innocent until proven guilty.........but then again HE PULLED A GUN ON ME!
Looker: We will offer you protection for information. Take him away. Subculture, thank you for assisting Magnum in this operation.
Subculture: I didn't do it for free. You know what I want.
Looker: I do. Little Mac's past dealings with SSS will be kept under wraps.
Subculture: *nod*
Shadow: You'll all be sorry. YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY!
One week removed from the Dome, and it's time for the first Kaosu TV! of 2014! Havok's Renegades are primed and ready for a whole new year of wrestling action, as the Sengoku Wrestling War of Edo rages on! Tonight's episode would see the doors opened, and Nobunaga's invasion beginning. Would the Ambition of Stuart strike first blood in the new year?
The opening battle saw former tag champs AkiKyo try to earn a title rematch by defending the Kaga Region against All Edo Pro in a 2/3 Falls Sengoku Rules Tag. All Edo was using a legendary duo of Aki Kazuma and Great Mota, who seemed like more experienced counterparts to Havok's team. Kazuma struck fist blood with a pin following a Wrist Clutch Exploder, and as we all know, clutching the wrist gives it a megaton impact....naturally. Akinan followed suit by avenging the pin with a Wrist Clutch Fisherman Buster on Kazuma and a pin of his own. Kyo recovered to have another face off with the Great Mota, who controlled the pace after a mist attack, but AkiKyo recovered and used their Torpedo attack to bring down Mota once again for the 1-2-3. AkiKyo defends the Kaga Region, and will get a title rematch against Nobunaga's Destiny and Thanatos.
Speaking of Green Destiny, he invaded the Havok ring to take on Home Army's Nosan in singles action. Cherub and Thanatos stared daggers into each other throughout the match, that saw Nosan nearly win following a Nobuharu Driver, but GD came back with his deadly Emerald Frosion to score the pin for Nobunaga Pro.
Tonight's episode was not just a night of war, but a celebration of another battle ending, and a union beginning. The Havok Rangers had successfully defeated Brain Army Volt in the Dome, with Degrees finishing off Bias-sama, and putting the threat of evil science domination to an end. Degrees and Megumi had fallen in love during their fight against Volt, and promised to get married once the fighting had ended, and tonight would see that marriage. Just like you would expect from a wedding during a wrestling show, it was beautiful and went perfectly, without a single hitch. Well, other than the fact that the bride could immediately find her bouquet! Hahaha! Who am I kidding? It's a wrestling wedding! Like twice has that ever worked out! Did shit go down? YOU BET YOUR ASS IT DID!
?: KNEEL! We are the controllers of every living creature's beginning and end. We are the Dimensional War Party Vyram! You are all useless wastes that will bow to our whims! The Brain Army Volt's defeat hastened our decision to invade your planet, and now behold as the lives of your heroes Havok Ranger, are in our hands! To prove our superiority and might, we will allow the two males to witness as we take this woman!
Doctor Degrees: MEGUMI!!
Jeff Andonuts: N-nooo.....s-stop it.
?: Bow to your new overlords! The invasion begins! WE ARE VYRAM!
So yeah, that didn't go well, and now new interdimensional villains are planning to take over. However, this is a wrestling show, so let's get back to the important stuff and disregard the threats of world domination at the hands of this new threat.
Ishihiro Tomo and Junior of the Home Army fared much better than Nosan against the invaders Olly Oliver and Troy. These two were well known to Havok's Renegades, but hated for they betrayal, so the crowd blew up with the surprise victory for Tomo, when he surprised a rampaging Troy with the Brainbuster and quick roll up for the victory. A big win for the Home Army, left Olly to deal with an enraged Troy.
The always jacked up, and manically screaming Dangerous Dan finally got his title shot at Eagleland Champion Kota Hayashi of D2T. An action packed match free of Nobunaga's shenanigans, as D2T have made themselves allies of Havok. Kota Hayashi once again showed that he has major league written all over him in this title bout, but a botched Phoenix Splash, allowed the crazed Dan to snap in the the Ankle Lock leading the tap out! Dangerous Dan has claimed his first gold, the Eagleland Championship. As he celebrated, Magnum PT made his way down to the ring, and shared a patriotic flexing handshake before making his intentions known, that he wished to challenge Dan for the belt.
The main event saw all out war, as Havok World Champion Trevor Mach teamed with his Justice 87 allies Sal Paradise and Open the Demon Door Champion Grind against the top generals of Nobunaga pro and the Chaos King, Amibition World Champion Dougie Mach. Top notch main event action, with a heated feel with both promotions putting their best on display. Mach battled Mach, with the two showing off in a display of oneupsmanship. Dougie survived the Macha Ye, and escaped a Burning Machismo to come back with a Vertebreaker, leading to Trevor kicking out at 2.9 and tagging in Grind. Mitsuhide came in for his team, only to have Grind overwhelm early on with his agility. Late in the match the Nobunaga team put the fair fighting behind them, as Olly rushed out to throw them chairs, which they used to clobber Justice 87, but Hippie followed suit, and the 6-Man tag turned into a brawl that couldn't be stopped until.....
Kinniku Mike has arrived in Havok...
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Sengoku Rules 2/3 Falls Tag: Akinan/Kyo beat Great Mota[AEPW]/Aki Kazuma[AEPW] 2-1
-Aki Kazuma beat Kyo via Wrist Clutch Exploder -> Pin
-Akinan beat Aki Kazuma via Wrist Clutch Fisherman Buster -> Pin
-Kyo beat Great Mota via AkiKyo Torpedo -> Pin
2. Invasion Singles: Green Destiny[Nobunaga] beat Nosan via Emerald Frosion -> Pin
- Wedding of Doctor Degrees and Megumi
3. Invasion Tag: Ishihiro Tomo[o]/Junior[FXE] beat Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]/Troy[Nobunaga][x] via Brainbuster -> Pin
4. Eagleland Championship: Dangerous Dan beat Kota Hayashi(c)[D2T] via Ankle Lock -> Submission -> ??th Generation Eagleland Champion!
5. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach/Sal Paradise/Grind beat Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga] via DQ
Hailey Havok: Kooooonichiwaaaa! The new year's first Kaosu TV! gave us a hell of a look into what we've got to look forward to in 2014! The Edo war is raging, and we've got KINNIKU flipping flapping freaking other words for fucking oops I said it MIKE! That's not all though, as it looks like the Havok Rangers have found themselves a new enemy in the Dimensional War Party Vyram. During the wedding, which should have been the biggest day in the lives of Degrees and his blushing bride, Vyram made themselves known and abducted Megumi. The science duo has been working around the clock to figure out how to combat this new force and bring back Megumi...
Jeff Andonuts: HEY! Degrees, I'm all into the mad science thing, but we need to think this through. We're not even sure this will work!
Doctor Degrees: We don't have a choice anymore Jeff! THEY TOOK MEGUMI! You developed the Birdonic Waves to give us an edge against Volt, but now we need it against Vyram, and it's our only hope! I've been up all night running the numbers, and I believe that if we focus the beam into 5 we can stabilize the matter transfer and-
Jeff Andonuts: That might be true, but the containment unit isn't holding!
Doctor Degrees: Then we have no choice! DO IT NOW!
Jeff Andonuts: Oh boy, here we go! *pulls lever*
Jeff Andonuts: worked! IT WORKED! SCIENCE!
Doctor Degrees: Megumi, we're going to get you back. Vyram, you will pay for your attack on us, on Havok, ...on Megumi. With the power of justice, friendship, and the science of the Birdonic Waves we have become JET HAVOK!
Jeff Andonuts: Just one problem. The other 3 Birdonic Waves.....where did they go?
Jackson Kain: Ugh...wha...what the hell was that?
Announcer: Ima dewa garan no batorushiata no tame no jikandesu!
Garam's Battle Theater Theme: I5pGm4vvQto
Garam: Konichiwa Edo! Your man with a plan, DJ GG Garam is back in the Edo Underground with more of that show you love, Battle Theater! Things are taking an interesting turn in 2014, with Tack Angel's Havok opening the floodgates and inviting in the invaders to get the war off the streets. The Boss of Havok's got a new game he wants to play apparently, and he's looking to keep his self proclaimed War Machine in check by unleashing a Typhoon upon the Renegade Promotion. Elsewhere, the power vacuum in the Sengoku War has allowed All Edo Pro Wrestling to rise from the ashes, with the help of NOWA's best returning to their old home. All the while promotions like Demon Door, Johto Pro, D2T, Big Edo, and Kata Pro hang on by a thread. Though Tack Angel has promised cooperation and protection for those under threat by Nobunaga, this hasn't stopped All Japan from trying to make a move on what they perceive are the true invaders from Eagleland. Let's check out an update territory map.
Garam: Though tensions are high between Havok and All Edo Pro, they did accept the challenge of a joint show deep in the mountains of the Hyuga Region, at a place called "Demonhead". The Clash at Demonhead not only saw a large attendance for a big show, but it also saw the punny payoff for calling Havok's secondary show "The Clash" in the first place. This was a show that saw not just All Edo participation though, as Olly Oliver of Nobunaga Pro appeared as well, gaining a victory over Jake Conway, but before he could gloat, the Havok Boss Tack Angel challenged him to an upcoming special event. Big news, as the Boss has only wrestled once since taking over for Ryan IQ. Olly Oliver of course accepted, and it looks like Nobunaga Pro is willing to play Tack Angel's new game.
Garam: Kinniku Mike made an appearance before a match that would see Justice 87 defeat the Havok Home Army in 6-Man action. Mach wasted no time in holding up a Key to the Havok World Championship, asking Mike if this is what he wanted in a heated stare down. Mike accepted, and the former EBW World and EWGP Heavyweight Champion has immediately found himself hunting the Havok World Champion. They will meet one week from today at Havok's first special event of 2014 called "Typhoon" in honor of Havok's newest Renegade Kinniku Mike.
Garam: Speaking of Typhoon, another challenge was thrown down for the special event by Subculture. The new Green Bomber is back on the revenge trail, looking to get to the heart of Nobunaga Pro, namely Stuart, who holds Havok's TV Title hostage. To do this, Subbie laid down the challenge to Troy for No Rules combat in order to position himself into a rematch with the Chaos King Dougie Mach. Becoming Ambition World Champion would mean that Stuart would have no choice but to deal with Subculture.
Garam: The legend, the monster, Great Mota has found himself on the ropes against Havok's own Kyo on two different occasions, but this time around, Mota scored the pinfall. After Akinan had beaten Kazuma in the semi main, Mota had to step it up to avoid the sweep, and used his trademark poison mist to blind Kyo, leading to the Shining Wizard and the pin. All in all an eventful installment of The Clash.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: The Clash at Demonhead
Demonhead, Hyuga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. 6-Man Tag: Larmore[o]/DZ/Ditch beat Captain Blunderbuss/Rockjaw/Bart[x] via Cobra Clutch -> Submission
2. Invasion Singles: Olly Oliver[Nobunaga] beat Jake Conway via Charger Spear -> Pin
3. Invasion Singles: Ishihiro Tomo beat Kota Hayashi[D2T] via Brainbuster -> Pin
4. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach/Sal Paradise/Grind[o] beat Cherub Kid/Junior[FXE]/Nosan[x] via Sling Blade -> Pin
5. Invasion Singles: Akinan beat Aki Kazuma[AEPW] via Backbreaker Chokeslam -> Pin
6. Invasion Singles: Great Mota[AEPW] beat Kyo via Shining Wizard -> Pin
Garam: Havok has already booked the entire card for the Typhoon event, and not only will we see the matches advertised previously, but we'll also get the Havok Tag Team Championship rematch, an Eagleland Championship match, and much more. Tickets are on sale now for this special event!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Typhoon
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion 6-Man: Ishihiro Tomo/Cherub Kid/Nosan vs. Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga]
2. Singles: Anwin vs. Junior[FXE]
3. Eagleland Championship: Dangerous Dan(c) vs. Magnum PT
4. Invasion Singles: Tack Angel vs. Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]
5. Havok Tag Team Championship: Green Destiny[Nobunaga](c)/Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga](c) vs. Akinan/Kyo
6. Invasion No Rules Singles: Subculture vs. Troy[Nobunaga]
7. Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Kinniku Mike
Garam: We end on another huge announcement! Havok is resurrecting the Royal Crown Championship in a new format, for a big 2-Day events that will take place in the Sobe Sports Stadium in Demon Door territory. The Royal Crown World Cup will be a single elimination tournament held annually from here on out to crown a new champion once a year. Yes, like other sporting events having World Cups, the Royal Crown will be a title defended once a year in the tournament. The prestige of this title and event is elevated by the fact that only former World Champions are invited to participate. It has to be a title recognized as a World Title for you to make the grade. This event will take place the week after Typhoon, so it looks like Havok is really escalating things in 2014! Perhaps it's leading to something even bigger! Keep watching wrestling fans, and we'll see you next time in the Battle Theater!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Royal Crown World Cup Day 1
Sobe Sports Stadium, Sobe Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Royal Crown World Cup Day 2
Sobe Sports Stadium, Sobe Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
Hailey Havok: Sup Renegades! Konichiwa and such! You figured it would be easier by now to remember the Edo phrases, but it isn't, it really isn't. I love Edo, don't get me wrong, but I got some weird stuff happening to me right now, don't really want to talk about it. Got hit with some weird blue laser thing the other day, and shit's just been weird ever since. Moving on, we have the card for this week, that will see the build to the first special of 2014 called Havok: Typhoon! Trevor Mach will attempt to make a 4th defense of the the title against Kinniku Mike, in possibly his biggest challenge yet as champion. Before we get to that the two opponents will be in action on Kaosu TV! Justice 87 will take on the Reality Gangsters while Kinniku Mike has his first singles match in Havok against Ishihiro Tomo. That match is going to be boss by default when Strong Tits meets DAT HEART! Besides that, we have Anwin, LG Rod, and RnK opening the show in 3-Way action. Speaking of 3-Way action, I need to make a phone call and find out if that blue laser shit is contagious. AkiKyo will be battling Nobunaga's invaders with OUR tag title Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny in singles matches, and a prelude to two different match at Typhoon, as Troy's opponent Subculture will meet the Boss Tack's opponent Olly Oliver in the main event! We have been unable to get answers as to why Tack is stepping back into the ring against the turncoat Olly Oliver, but we do know that a side wager has been made between the two for Olly's coveted Sega SG-1000 console for Tack's Vectrex. We also have invasive home footage of Tack prepping for the match because you know......we break into the homes of our roster and tape them sleeping.
Amy Angel: Tack, what are you doing?
Tack: *stirring* Making chocolate pudding.
Amy Angel: It's four o' clock in the morning. Why on Earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Tack: *stirring* Because....I'm taking back control of my life.
Amy Angel: ....What does that have to do with making chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning?
Tack: *stops stirring* ........
Amy Angel: Tack, come to bed.
Tack: Yeah alright.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. 3-Way: Anwin vs. LG Rod vs. Randy no Kachi
2. Invasion Singles: Kyo vs. Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]
3. Invasion Singles: Akinan vs. Green Destiny[Nobunaga]
4. 6-Man: Trevor Mach/Sal Paradise/Grind vs. Larmore/DZ/Ditch
5. Singles: Kinniku Mike vs. Ishihiro Tomo
6. Invasion Singles: Subculture vs. Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Typhoon
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion 6-Man: Ishihiro Tomo/Cherub Kid/Nosan vs. Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga]
2. Singles: Anwin vs. Junior[FXE]
3. Eagleland Championship: Dangerous Dan(c) vs. Magnum PT
4. Invasion Singles "SG-1000 vs. Vectrex": Tack Angel vs. Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]
5. Havok Tag Team Championship: Green Destiny[Nobunaga](c)/Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga](c) vs. Akinan/Kyo
6. Invasion No Rules Singles: Subculture vs. Troy[Nobunaga]
7. Havok World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Kinniku Mike
Hailey Havok: We end this update with some big news for the Royal Crown World Cup! We have champions and former champions from all over wanting in this tournament, and one of them is leading to a very unexpected reunion.
Hailey Havok: Masahiro Crono, the CTW World Champion and leader of the heel stable Team1000 is coming to Edo for the Royal Crown World Cup, and the man that joined Trevor Mach in the battle against Lavos and Giygas on the streets of Onett in 2006, in that thing we're really not allowed to talk about, will be facing the Havok World Champion in the opening match of the World Cup. When asked for a quote, Crono said nothing.....naturally. Trevor always has something to say though.
Trevor Mach: Crono and I go way back, but don't think that's going to get in the way of us going to war. Crono has Team1000 in CTW, and I've got Justice 87. We both have our own motives and motivations, but in and out of the ring we're primed for war, and with a spark it's going to be the biggest fire you've ever seen! GET HYPE!
Masahiro Crono: .......
Trevor Mach: YOU SAID IT! HAHA!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Royal Crown World Cup Day 1
Sobe Sports Stadium, Sobe Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Trevor Mach vs. Masahiro Crono[CTW]
2. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Camilo Ortega[Free] vs. Grind
3. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Jamie OD vs. KENTER[Nobunaga]
4. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Kota Hayashi[D2T] vs. Aki Kazuma[AEPW]
5. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Sal Paradise vs. Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW]
6. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Dougie Mach[Nobunaga] vs. Captain Strong[EBW]
7. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Franky[EBW] vs. Kinniku Mike
8. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Subculture vs. Firebrand X[EBW]
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Royal Crown World Cup Day 2
Sobe Sports Stadium, Sobe Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2:
2. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2:
3. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2:
4. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2:
5. Royal Crown World Cup Semi Final:
6. Royal Crown World Cup Semi Final:
7. TBD
8. Royal Crown World Cup Final:
??: I'm this guy. I kick ass, I take names, and I'm not afraid to bring you shame. I'm this guy.
.....Just who is this guy?
Subculture: My name is Subculture. You can call me Subbie, or you can call me a street dog. One thing you'll never call me is a quitter. I will never quit, and I will never forget. Little Mac was my mentor, and he was my friend. I know what you did, and I'll never forget, I'll never forgive. Stuart, I'm coming for you. I'll got through your champion. To get to him, I'll go through Troy. To get to him....I go through Olly. I've heard the cliche "You're Next".'re first.
Havok has changed forever with the arrival of Kinniku Mike, and the short, exciting road to Typhoon is leading us to this Kaosu TV! A Kaosu TV! that would open with the man that just happens to be challenging the Havok World Champion at the special this week....Kinniku Mike.
Kinniku Mike: Yo! WHERE MY BITCHES IS AT?! Kinniku Mike is in....the...HOOOOOUSE! Edo, I missed you. Your culture and your fine ass women. I missed it all, but now the Typhoon is back on your shores, and I've got one goal, the Havok World Championship. At Typhoon, the former EBW World Champion.....former EWGP Heavyweight Champion.....future Havok World Champion....will paint Havok black!
Trevor Mach: Well gosh Mike, that sounds great and all, except I was in the middle of painting it red. BOOSH!
Trevor Mach: GET HYPE! Renegades, it looks like the battle of the century is just around the corner. I have to say I love surprises, but even I wasn't expected Tack to unleash a Typhoon to keep me occupied.
Kinniku Mike: I'm not a distraction Trevor. I'm the real deal sex appeal, something Havok's been lacking for a looooong time. I'm the best in this ring, and in the bedroom.
Trevor Mach: Well hell Mike, I'm married chocolate bear, but thanks for the offer. How about we just settle it "IN THE RING" instead?
Kinniku Mike: Yeah, keep making jokes. You underestimate me and watch what happens.
Trevor Mach: I've never underestimated you Mike. Once upon a time you somehow got yourself baked into Tali's birthday cake. I've spent YEARS trying to figure that one out. We've had wars before, and you pushed it to the limit, scarface style. I'm just calling it as I see it. Tack's got a plan, and he wants me out of the way. It's not alright when I'm blazing through Edo, but when he wants to fight a war it's the "right thing to do". You're here to stand in my way Mike, and I'll play that game, but if you try and stop me you'll find out why this is the knee that will PIERCE THE HEAVENS! YEAH!
Kinniku Mike: We've got a lot in common Trev. We like to kick ass and pierce things. When it comes to Tali I never got a real crack at "DAT ASS", but when it comes to that Havok World Championship, consider it lost Trev. A Typhoon is blowing into Havok, and it's directed right at you.
The opening match saw a 3-Way battle between Anwin, LG Rod, and Randy no Kachi. A hot opener with three hungry talent looking to rise back up the ranks. The Based Anwin showed the most heart and hit the Based Bomber on Rod to get the pin and the much needed win. Anwin made it clear after the match he wants to shoot back up the rankings to face the Havok World Champion and finally shatter the glass ceiling.
AkiKyo will get a rematch with Nobunaga's "Mods" Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny at Typhoon, with the tag belts on the line, but they split up tonight for singles matches. Kyo was looking sluggish after a hard fought, but ultimately painful loss at the hands of the Great Mota, and fell again with the same move, a Shining Wizard, giving ET the win.
Akinan fared much better against an on form Green Destiny. GD has been capturing wins left and right with his powerful Emerald Frosion, but Akinan managed to overpower and escape the attempts and dropped Green with his Backbreaker Chokeslam to get the win.
Amy Angel: Amy here! Surprised to see me? Filling in for Hailey Havok tonight, as she was on the phone earlier screaming about some blue beam thing, and how much she despised spandex. I-I don't know either. Anyways, I'm here with-
Kyo: I'm s-s-sorry Aki-Kun!
Akinan: ...AkiNAN! AkiNAN! Get it right or pay the price! Listen Kyo, I don't want you to think for a second that I care about you or your well being, cause I don't. In reality, I want to like....harm you. I want to like....take a blowtorch....and use it on your face. Or back a car over you....a lot of times. However, we are a tag team, and I need to know if my partner is going to be ready for our title match at Typhoon!
Kyo: You can't fool me Aki-Kun! I know how you really feel! It's the power of friendship! Wrestling is so much better when you're fighting along side your tomodachi!
Akinan: IDIOT! Were you not listening to me?! You've lost two in a row now! How do you intend to step it up for the title rematch!?
Kyo: I was beaten by the Shining Wizard. The logical solution is to....BECOME A SHINING WIZARD!
Akinan: What?
Kyo: I'm off!
Akinan: No wait seriously what?
Kyo: Farewell my dearest friend. I will be ready for Typhoon!
Akinan: Hey! HEY! Stop! Where the hell are you going?! Where the hell is he going?
Kyo: Teeheeheehee! Lalalalalalalala!
Akinan: He used to try and kill people you he skips...and sings.
Cure Danny: That's the power of TOMODACHI!
Amy Angel: AH!
Cure Danny: AH!
Justice 87 continued their battles with the factions of Havok this week. Before they took on the Blunderbuss Gang, but here they fought the Reality Gangsters, with Grind continuing his rivalry with Larmore. Hard fought team battle that saw the Havok World Champion score the pin after a Macha Ye on Ditch. Kinniku Mike stood by and applauded the effort, but told Mach to stick around for his match.
Kinniku Mike took on the consistently awesome Ishihiro Tomo in singles action next, and it was easily match of the night. The man with no neck, but DAT HEART took all the signature slams that Mike had to offer and just kept coming. Mike was showing he was at the apex of his game, and kicked out of multiple pin attempts brought on by Tomo's dreaded Brainbuster. In the end the Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb kept Tomo down for the 1-2-3. After the match Mike held up his key and pointed to Trevor, who held up the title and motioned for him to bring it on.
Meanwhile in the back, the Havok Boss Tack was ready to make an announcement....
Amy Angel: Hello Husbando, you look like you've got something to say.
Tack: Amy, you know that I do. We discussed it. That's why I'm standing here with all these other guys and-
Amy Angel: Tack, I was trying to set it up to give you the forum. I didn't actually need you to go into this. Sweetie, you need to learn sarcasm.
Tack: Hey, I know sarcasm when I see it!
Amy Angel: Oh right, of course you do!
Tack: That's right! Wait....was that sarcasm just then?
Amy Angel: Just make your announcement.
Tack: Right. I have big plans for Havok going forward. I'm going to full on address them later, including what I have in store for Nobunaga Pro. I want to bring this war to an end, and now we're heading in that direction. However tonight, I want to discuss the lesser used Renegades on the roster. Some of you don't get used that much, or if you do you find yourself on the losing end of a lot of matches. I don't think Jimmy Bar has won a single match in his career, but I could be mistaken.
Jimmy Bar: Oh sure, single me out!
Tack: We're going to change some things by rebranding "The Clash". Our secondary show on the EBW Network will become something new, a developmental territory that gives focus to the lesser used Renegades, and will give a chance for the ones on Jimmy Bar level losing streaks to begin a comeback. However, the need for competition is what will elevate the good from the bad, and that's why we'll be bringing in a lot more new talent this way. They will come in and you will get to see them firsthand. It is then we will having voting to see who you think deserves to move up the big leagues of Havok. We'll have more on this soon, but The Clash at Demonhead was the final installment of The Clash. This week Typhoon takes its place, and next week, a new competition begins. All of you....get ready.
Main event time saw more Nobunaga invasions with Olly Oliver taking on Subculture. Two halves of different matches at Typhoon, colliding in singles action. Solid match up that saw Subculture showing the heart and fire of a young Little Mac. Subbie escaped a Blast Processing Piledriver and came back with the KO Punch turned to Counterculture, but before he could get the pin Troy rushed into the ring and attacked Subculture. He and Olly blasted him and the referee for giving Subbie the DQ victory before standing over him. Nobunaga Pro will stop at nothing to deny Subculture his vengeance. Will this be enough, or will the living legacy press on and continue his path to revenge at Typhoon?
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. 3-Way: Anwin beat LG Rod[x] and Randy no Kachi via Based Bomber -> Pin
2. Invasion Singles: Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga] beat Kyo via Shining Wizard -> Pin
3. Invasion Singles: Akinan beat Green Destiny[Nobunaga] via Bonebreaker Chokeslam -> Pin
4. 6-Man: Trevor Mach[o]/Sal Paradise/Grind beat Larmore/DZ/Ditch[x] via Macha Ye -> Pin
5. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Ishihiro Tomo via Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb -> Pin
6. Invasion Singles: Subculture beat Olly Oliver[Nobunaga] via DQ
Doctor Degrees: Jackson! Stop! Wait! Listen to me!
Jeff Andonuts: We know you got hit with the beam. Those were Birdonic Waves. You have become a Jet Havok, and now we need you to face Vyram!
Jackson Kain: And I told you that I want no part of whatever the hell it is you're doing! Look, I have enough issues on my plate! Koichi Sakamoto ran off with the hot model, and my stunt double got a part I auditioned for! On top of that Mr. Satan screwed me out of my glory! I have to-
Doctor Degrees: Dammit they took Megumi! We have to stop them!
Jackson Kain: Look, I don't even know who that is. I only save people in the movies anyways. I'm looking out for me.
Jeff Andonuts: Great, now what are we supposed to do?
Doctor Degrees: We can't give up. We'll just find the other two first and-
?: Guys, I think you just found one, and I've got to be honest about something.
Hailey Havok: Blue isn't really my color.
Earlier today,
Panini: You two have been the most disappointing bunch I have ever brought into the Family! You two are suppose to be FXE Originals. You, Callahan, was once a man that has been a title contender and a main eventer. C-O, you have beaten that idiot sumbitch, Perfect Man, once! Now what is it that turned you into the sorry pieces of crap that I see before me? That hiatus maybe? Whatever it is, you two have just one more chance! Tonight, its win or go home! You lose, you're done! You're out of the family, you're out of FXE. For good! And guess what! It will be against Ecliff and Morris! You hear me? Its Win or Go Home! Now get out!
C-O and Callahan leaves.
Oog: So how about this Gorilla situation?
Panini: Ah, that. Seems as though that monkey has done my job. Got rid of Tack. Now we leave it in the hands of either Ahmad or Fergus to bring the title back to the Family. Not only that, we'll bring Gorilla into the family for a job well-done.
Oog: Ah, we'll be unstoppable with that simian in our hands.
Panini: Yes indeed!
Fergus: Don't worry boss. If Ahmad can't get the job done, then I will. I worked in a business once and me negotiation skills extend far beyond that even a simple-minded monkey like that can agree to my terms.
Panini: And this is why you're my right hand man, Fergie!
Fergus: And I wouldn't need to break a sweat!
FXE kicked off with the Mach Cousins against Callahan & C-O. As seen earlier, Callahan & C-O would be gone from FXE if they lose. Odds are against them as Morris ran wild on the FXE Originals. Ecliff just took a step back as he watches his cousin beats them to a bloody pulp. Morris nailed Callahan with that tuck under twisting lariat he now calls the Ripper. Morris hits the Ripper on C-O and the Mach Cousins win. Callahan and C-O are gone from FXE.
Meanwhile backstage...
Perfect Man: Ok, since Poo is getting ready for his title match, Perfect Man will conduct this team meeting and...
Amigo: Shouldn't you be getting ready for your match?
Perfect Man: Hush...*ring* Oh a phone call! Oh...its the sammich. Hullo!
Panini: Put this on speakerphone right now!
Perfect Man: Jeez, demanding!
Panini: Now then! I'm in a good mood today. A good firing mood today. Its time for a clearance! Perfect Man, you bastard, its win or go home for you and you'll have to fight the guy you couldn't beat, Codysseus!
Perfect Man: Uhh...Perfect Man has a contender's match later that you setup eons ago.
Panini: Did I? Well, I'll do the next best thing! Amigo! You're in instead!
Amigo: What?
Panini: That's right! You're the better one anyway! Plain! You're not off the hook either! You better win or you'll go home!
Mr. Plain: Delightful.
Panini: Now seems that your group has some dead weight! Doc! Captain! There's only room for one piece of useless piece of trash and only one of you must go...or stay if you win! Its your decision boys. *hung up*
Giff: Oh man...
Doc: You know what, I'll take one for the team!
Captain: You sure about that?
Doc: Yes, I got this. I'm more experienced and I'm confident I can pull through with this.
Perfect Man: Welp. Doc, Amigo, Plain...May Perfect be with you!
Its Win or Go Home for Doc Gonzo as he faces Oog. This is not a good sign for Doc. It was not a good sign indeed. Doc tried his best and even hits a brainbuster. Doc went for the Dr. Bomb but Oog reversed and hits the Double Club! Oog wins and Doc is gone!
Its Mr. Plain and Maya Inca Boy in a match where its Win or Go Home! Things did not look well for Plain at first but Plain gained momentum in the end. MIB went for the Mayan Kick, Plain dodged and applied a Sleeper Hold. Plain turned the Sleeper Hold into a Rear Naked Choke, Plain wins, Maya Inca Boy is now gone!
Its Win or Go Home for Amigo and Codysseus. Its been back and forth between the two. Codysseus actually hits the Codebreaker on Amigo but gets the nearfall. Amigo hits multiple German Suplexes but Codysseus flips over at the fourth German attempts. Codysseus is setting up Amigo for another Codebreaker. Amigo countered a second Codebreaker and deadlifts him into the Adios! Amigo pins Codysseus and Codysseus is gone!
??: I am this guy. You know who is the best? This guy! You know who is a real champion? This guy! You know who's coming soon? This guy! You know who is FXE's greatest acquisition? This guy! And I like to introduce this guy! I like to introduce myself. My name is...This Guy!
Apparently his name is This Guy...
The three-way FXE Title match is underway between Poo, Professor Ahmad, and the champion, Gorilla. There was a case of the strange bedfellows as Poo and Ahmad double teamed Gorilla out of the match temporarily. Poo and Ahmad had a back and forth. Poo went for the Go To Poo but Ahmad countered and hits a neckbreaker! Ahmad went for the Calculated Guillotine but Poo moved out of the way. Gorilla recovered and yelled furiously. Gorilla glomped Ahmad out of the ring and then proceeded to press Poo up. Gorilla drops Poo down with the Gorilla Warfare to retain his title. Somewhere, Don Panini is happy.
Speaking of, Panini came out to watch this next match.
Fergus and Perfect Man continue their rivalry as they face off in a #1 Contender's match for the FXE Title. An intense exchange of moves, yes Perfect Man and intense are used in the same sense! Perfect went for teh Perfect Driver but Fergus counter with a jackhammer slam! Fergus motions for the Ginger Boot. Perfect ducks the Ginger Boot and quickly hits the Show Off! Perfect Man didn't go for the pin and look to put Fergus down for good. Perfect went for the Impeccable Moonsault but Fergus moved and Perfect rolled back. As soon as Perfect got to his feet, Perfect eats a Ginger Boot. Fergus picks Perfect's body up and slams him down with the Ginger Ale. Fergus is now your #1 Contender for Gorilla's FXE Title!
FXE 36: Win or Go Home
FXE Arena
1. Win or Go Home: Ecliff & Morris def. Callahan & C-O (3:32) when Morris pinned C-O after the Ripper.
2. Win or Go Home: Oog def. Doc Gonzo (2:10) with the Double Club
3. Win or Go Home: Mr. Plain def. Maya Inca Boy (2:45) with a Rear Naked Choke.
4. Win or Go Home: Amigo def. Codysseus (5:10) with the Adios
5. FXE Title 3Way Match: Gorilla def. Poo & Professor Ahmad (7:30) when Gorilla used Gorilla Warfare on Poo.
6. FXE Title Contenders: Fergus def. Perfect Man (15:10) with the Ginger Ale.
Hailey Havok: Ya know it's a weird week when you start it happy to find that you've found some Yen in your back pocket, and ending it as the blue member of some task force united to defeat an evil inter-dimensional space army. That being said, let's move on to stuff you guys care about. How are you guys doing? Just kidding, I can't actually hear you. I'm in the television. Anywho, we're on the road to Typhoon in the land of Edo, and War is the name of the game, both inside and outside of the promotion. With guys like AkiKyo trying to reclaim the tag belts from Nobunaga, while Trevor and Mike duke it out for the World Championship. Tack's stepping back into the ring too! Shit's getting real. I mean I said that before, but it's even more real. Like before it was only 16bits of power, but now we're DOUBLE THE POWER! All dat realism! I keep getting off track, I've had a weird week. So listen, the boss Tack has announced that The Clash is no more, and in its place will come a developmental territory, featuring the wrestlers on the lower end of the card who need to learn to man up, and newcomers hungry to take their spots. We now know the name, and we even know of a big surprise this show will bring that will change things in Havok. Let's roll dat footage!
Tack: #EVER!
Amy Angel: #EVER?!
Tack: #EVER!
Amy Angel: Is the hashtag seriously part of the name?
Tack: Kids love the Tweeter Angelpie!
Amy Angel: Angelpie? Tweeter? I thought this regeneration made you into a badass? Guess you can't take all the Angel out of Tack.
Tack: When we get home I'll put more Angel into YOU!
Amy Angel: WHAT?!
Tack: Amy, I'm so sorry! I don't know WHERE that came from!
Amy Angel: I didn't say stop.
Tack: Huh? Anyways, I got some big news regarding #EVER. We're bringing the Lady Renegades back into the fold! We're going to have our own division developing in #EVER! I call it the Zephyr Division!
Amy Angel: Oh fantastic! That's a great idea!
Tack: I know right?! Here are a few of the Lady Renegades that will blow into #EVER like a gust of wind. Get it? Cause Zephyr means-
Amy Angel: Yeah I got it I got it.
Tack: Right. First, we have a feisty, energetic young girl named Fem C!
Amy Angel: Fem C?
Tack: Yeah, she wants to be the main character as it were. Big fan of Ninten, Ness, and Lucas. You get the idea.
Fem C: It's my dream to be the main character! This time the MC will be a Fem C! SMAAAAAASH!
Amy Angel: That's great, but literally all those guys are in EBW.
Fem C: O......oh yeah. Gee I hope they watch our show.
Tack: Next, we have Maxine Justice! She's got spunk, bravado, and attitude. I personally don't care much for that.
Maxine Justice: Nap or tap, pick your poison! Maxine Justice is here to take it to the extreme! With this chick in the ring you'll get a whole seat BUT YOU'LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE!
Tack: Yeah, that's a bit too loud for me.
Amy Angel: Then why hire her?
Tack: Target demo.
Amy Angel: Ah. Who is the last-
Tack: Oh no....OH NO! JUPITER!?
Sailor Jupiter: Tack? Oh wow, IS YOU!
Tack: Jupiter....I....I....what.....I....what.......I...
Amy Angel: Tack, who is this?
Tack: What?! see....I.....I.....I....
Amy Angel: Spit it out already!
Tack: Well you see she's-
Sailor Jupiter: I'm an old friend of Tack's. We got way back. It's amazing though, cause when I knew him he was 2 dimensional and 8bit. Those were good times.
Amy Angel: I see.
Tack: Hah....yeah....yeah they were.
Sailor Jupiter: My fight for justice against the villains that threaten the hearts and souls of Earth has come to an end, but I want to keep fighting the good fight in the #EVER ring!
Tack: YOU DO?!
Amy Angel: She does.
Tack: How did you even know about all of this?
Sailor Jupiter: I got your invitation silly! Gee Tack, you sure are forgetful. I bet you don't even remember that time you asked me out. Confessed your love and everything. That's silly isn't it?
Amy Angel: Yes....extremely.
Sailor Jupiter: Well I look forward to giving it my best! See ya later!
Amy Angel: Tack, we need to have a talk.
Tack: But....but....I didn't even send her an invitation!
Trevor Mach: Yeah, that was me. I totally did that. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hailey Havok: I for one am excited for #EVER and the Zephyr Division. It's going to be awesome. We've got lots of stuff going on around Havok though, and sometimes it's hard to cover it all, so let's check in with the Hervey Cams and see what random shenanigans we can dig up to close this news update!
Nosan: So, you guys use gun things called "evokers" to summon Persona you say?
Junpei: Yep!
Yukari: Gee Junpei, just tell him everything!
Junpei: Well what else am I supposed to do! When the Dark Hour approaches a Shadow will appear around here and we're going to have to deal with it, so might as well make it easier on ourselves and explain to the janitor. Ya know, the guy with the keys? That's why they call me Junpei Iori, Ace Detective!
Yukari: More like Stupei, Ace Defective!
Nosan: You crazy kids and your stories.
Cherub Kid: Nani?
Nosan: Oh sorry Cherub, we've got these guys here that say a Shadow is lurking, and will attack everyone on the 25th hour of the day. Sounds like some silly ERPG plot to me! Haha! Look guys, I can't let you lurk around here at night alright? Nothing PERSONA-l! Get it? Get it?
Yukari: EEK! WHAT'S THAT?!
Nosan: Huh?
Zombie Lukie: Guuuu.....
Nosan: Oh that's just Zombie Lukie, I wouldn't worry about-
Nosan: That's not really necessary because-
Nosan: WHOA! That's a gun!
Junpei: It's a gun?!
Yukari: It's a gun! Stupei, you idiot! What are you doing with a gun!?
Junpei: I must've gotten my evoker switched when we were at the police station!
Nosan: Uh....yeah.....I'm not cleaning that up.
?: You've heard of This Guy, and I am not This Guy, I am That Guy. When people ask, who is the best? They say That Guy. When people ask, who will be champion? They say That Guy. They don't say This Guy because I am not This Guy, I am That Guy. That Guy will use That Move to defeat all challengers to rise to the top, because I am not This Guy.....I am That Guy.
Hailey Havok: Koooonichiwa! A Typhoon is coming! No, I don't mean an actual storm. Don't panic! I'm sorry, I should have prefaced that. The Havok Typhoon is upon us, and tonight Havok World Champion Trevor Mach will put the belt on the line in the biggest test to date? Can he handle this storm? Let's ask him, cause Justice 87 is right here, and they have a special guest. Who is this?
Trevor Mach: This? You should know who this is! Everyone in Edo knows who this is. Famous singer CAT from the group TOM★CAT, and tonight, she's going to play me out, as I go to war with the relentless Kinniku Mike. I say relentless, but tonight he's going to be less....relentless....and more....relenting! YEAH!
Sal Paradise: That one almost got away from you Trev.
Trevor Mach: Indeed it did Saludise, indeed it did. Grind and Sal get a much deserved day off, but Havok's War Machine keeps on running, and tonight I'm going to knee kick a Typhoon! Feel the storm? It's coming. GET HYPE!
The Typhoon has rolled in, for this, the first special of the year 2014 in Havok! A big card on a short notice, with Kinniku Mike crossing the lines to Edo to face the Renegades, targeting Havok World Champion Trevor Mach as his first order of business. The two are at the top of their game and primed for a war. War being the theme as usual in Edo, with Nobunaga invading full force.
The opening match saw Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach, Mori Ranmaru, and Akechi Mitsuhide of Nobunaga invade against the Home Army of Cherub Kid, Nosan, and DAT HEART Ishihiro Tomo. All out chaos set the tone of the night, as the referee was unable to keep control of this match on multiple occasions. The Home Army refused to stay down, with Dougie Mach throwing his best at Tomo, only to meet a 2.9 count time and time again. Hot match up ruined by Nobunaga Pro, as Dougie grabbed a chair and started attacking the Home Army, leaving them laid out, but still the winners.
Next up, an exciting singles match saw FXE's Junior continue to make all the right impressions in a pure strike fest with Anwin, but the masked man looking to rise back to the top, finally managed to land his Based Bomber to score the big win in this one.
Magnum PT got a heroes' welcome from a country that has come to adore him, as he fought to win back the Eagleland Championship against the man who screams so intensely and constantly during a match it goes from being exciting, to funny, to just kind of weird. His all out screaming offense had Magu P on the ropes, but a solid late game comeback lead to Magnum hitting his Mustache Ride to score the pin, the win, and another reign as Eagleland Champion! After the match and the celebration with the fans, Magnum PT went to the back...
Magnum PT: Eagleland, these colors don't run, and this title is back in your hands. While I have come to love this country, I will never forget where I came from, and I'm proud to be standing tall with my title once again. EAGLELAND!
Magnum PT: Being Eagleland's Champion, I say we put up or shut up, and Eagleland never shuts up. I'm still calling out the SSS. Maybe I should be calling out Nobunaga Pro instead? It's the same thing really. Yeah, I'm making that claim. I know you wanted to kill me, and you still have a chance, but why don't we settle this in the ring instead. Stuart, I'm talking about you. I know you've got Havok's Television Title held hostage, and I want it back here right now. How about we discuss a challenge. Maybe a title for title match? We haven't seen you wrestle in some time, but you can't be THAT rusty can you? Surely, you wouldn't turn down a challenge. It will make you look weak against the "Gaijin Invaders". These colors don't run you?
The Boss Tack "Angel No More" stepped back into the ring to face off with Nobunaga's Olly Oliver, in a match with more than just promotional pride on the line, as both gaming fans put their prized pieces of their collections on the line in a side wager. Though the systems were basic, this match was anything put, with Olly pulling out all the tricks to nearly score the pin following a Blast Processing Piledriver, but Tack kicked out to Olly's surprise and came back with his hard hitting signature kicks, setting up Double O for the Wrist Clutch Angel Driver, with the Wrist Clutch delivering that mega ton impact that kept Olly down for the 1-2-3. Tack scored the win for Havok, earning a Sega SG-1000 in the process! After the match, he asked the Havok Home Army into the ring for an announcement.
Tack: It's been quite the night so far hasn't it? The Home Army took some licks, but you're all still standing. Dan, you lost the Eagleland Championship, but you're still standing. I'm still standing. Havok is still standing. Stuart, you're my brother in law, and I had hoped once upon a time that that meant something. Family being so important to you, I thought you would have tried to make this work. We could have all worked together to bring out the best in each other and made Edo the wrestling hot bed that it really should be. These fans, they love this sport! They want competition! Your war has brought interest and ratings, but you're tearing the industry apart in the process. What would happen if you won it all? The competition would be gone! You would carve the heart and soul of wrestling out of Edo, and monopolize it, putting it into the hands of the worst people. I thought I could talk to you about this, but that's not going to happen. I've instead watched you and Trevor play War Games in the streets of Edo, and while he believes what he's doing is right, it's not something I can follow. I'm not going to play those games. I'm playing a new game: Liberation. I vow here and now that Havok is going to unite to defeat you, taking back what you've stolen, and giving it back to the wrestlers who have made Edo Wrestling what it is. No one company should control it all Stuart. You're trying to do that, and I'm going to stop you. Havok is going to stop you. It's not what I wanted to do, but it's the right thing to do. No more Stuart. NO MORE!
Nobunaga's Mods Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny returned to Havok with the tag titles to give the champs a rematch. Akinan and Kyo promised to come back at the team that took their belts and bring them back to Havok, but while one was ready to fight, the other...
"The Shining Dreamer" Kyo has seemingly completed a transformation into something.....well....different from the monster he used to be, but Akinan was counting on a monster going into this match with him, and the team chemistry could not have been more off. This time it would be an Emerald Frosion that kept Kyo down for the count, giving the Nobunaga team their 1st Defense.
Subculture has challenged the hierarchy of Nobunaga Pro, wanting to get his hands on Dougie Mach and the Ambition World Championship, on his way to Stuart, but to do that he kicked off his road with a battle with Troy. The hot headed Alpha Beta pushed Subbie to his bloody limits in this one, bullying and disrespecting the new Green Bomber at every turn, even making a habit on stepping on Mac's green gloves at every opportunity. Like a Rocky movie, Subbie took a beating before wearing down the big man and laying in enough hurting bombs to finally take him off his feet with the KO Punch to score the satisfying win. Dougie Mach looked on in shock, and realized that Subculture is in his very immediate future.
It was now main event time, with the arena going to black for the arrival of Havok's Typhoon Kinniku Mike.
The normally explosive Mike held his pose, with arms raised in the air, with his back to the set as Havok World Champion Trevor Mach made an elaborate entrance, decked out in a red cape, being sung out by TOM of TOM★CAT.
The main event was on, and a what blockbuster it was, and by that my mean several blocks were busted from all the hard hitting drops and slams. Mike was looking to keep Trevor off of his feet with his signature slams, but Mach managed to trap Mike in the clinch for the knees and a big Trevorplex! but couldn't even get the 1 count that early on. Trevor let the elbows and knees fly, but got lifted into the air and Typhoon Bombed when he went for the Macha Ye. Mike's first pin attempt went better, nearly getting him the 3 before they even warmed. The majority of the bout was high octane, but slowed to a big move kind of bout, where both men were struggling to get on their feet as the blood began to flow. Late in the bout Mach managed to get Mike on shoulders to hit the Burning Machismo, but on the rebound from the ropes to hit the Macha Ye, Mike rushed to his feet to bring him down with a lariat that snapped his head and neck back hard as Mach hit the canvas. It looked like the champ was out cold, but kicked out at 2.9 on impulse. Mike was in control though, and as the champ continued swinging away on impulse, Mike managed to lift him up for the Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb and took him to the mat for the 1-2-3. Despite the intensity and excitement in and out of the ring, Mach was unable to stop the Typhoon this time around, and Kinniku Mike has made history as the first man to have held the EBW, EWGP, and Havok World Championships. A bruised and battered Trevor shook his hand after the match, but told him he'd be coming back for the rematch sooner than later, but tonight was the night for Kinniku Mike!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Typhoon
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion 6-Man: Ishihiro Tomo/Cherub Kid/Nosan beat Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga] via DQ
2. Singles: Anwin beat Junior[FXE] via Based Bomber -> Pin
3. Eagleland Championship: Magnum PT beat Dangerous Dan(c) via Mustache Ride -> Pin - ??th Generation Champion!
4. Invasion Singles "SG-1000 vs. Vectrex": Tack Angel beat Olly Oliver[Nobunaga] via Wrist Clutch Angel Driver -> Pin
5. Havok Tag Team Championship: Green Destiny[Nobunaga][o](c)/Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga](c) beat Akinan/Kyo[x] via Emerald Frosion -> Pin -> 1st Defense
6. Invasion No Rules Singles: Subculture beat Troy[Nobunaga] via KO Punch -> Pin
7. Havok World Championship: Kinniku Mike beat Trevor Mach(c) via Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb -> Pin -> 6th Generation Champion!
F-U League Announced!
Don Panini and FXE Management are proudly to introduce to the masses a new tournament coming to FXE, the F-U League! From the information gathered, twelve competitors will compete in the F-U League in a round-robin style and will be two groups of six. The F-U League will take place in a five-show span from FXE 41 to FXE 45! From this point on, there will be ten qualifying matches to determine who will compete. Fergus and Morris received byes and are immediately qualified for the tournament. Unless the #1 contender, Fergus, wins the FXE Title sometime before, the winner of the F-U League will have a shot at the FXE Title! If by chance Fergus is FXE Champion and won the tournament, he will face a designated MVP of the F-U League.
This Guy: Guess who is almost ready to debut. This Guy! Guess who will have a grand debut. This Guy! Wanna know what they'll chant when This Guy debut? "This Guy! This Guy! This Guy!" and "Let's go This Guy! *clap clap clapclapclap* Let's Go This Guy *clap clap clapclapclap*" Wanna know who will be a champion? Not that guy! You guessed it, This Guy! I'm This Guy!
Hailey Havok: Koooonichiwa! Renegades, my time in Edo has seen a lot of changes, but I wasn't expected Jet Havok. So now I have to like....wrestle space aliens trying to conquer the world through wrestling. Not the best plan is it? I didn't think so either. What's with everyone thinking that that path to ruling the world is pro wrestling?! I mean, I'm as big a mark as they come but....what....quit trying to rush me STEVE I'm getting to it! Man, if Grind were here you wouldn't be giving me any lip! Yeah walk away! I lost my train of thought. THANKS STEEEEVE! Let me cut to the chase....we found our fifth Jet Havok, but technically it's still five. Just watch the footage, you'll get it.
Doctor Degrees: Introducing Kaori!
Kaori: Arigato! *bows* I am honored to be apart of your team, even though I'm not sure how I'll be able to keep up, I promise to try my best.
Hailey Havok: Oh uh....sup. At least we got another chick on the team. I wasn't liking all the leering from Andonuts over there.
Jeff Andonuts: Ha! You flatter yourself, as I'm only interested in SCIENCE!
Jeff Andonuts: saw that? look good in your suit is all.
Hailey Havok: Oh you think so? Outstanding!
Jeff Andonuts: Kaori huh? Where did you find her?
Doctor Degrees: I tracked the white Birdonic Wave to this big mansion, and found Kaori.
Kaori: You're not elaborating. I was feeling disoriented from the wave and fell from the balcony and Mr. Degrees caught me. My hero!
Doctor Degrees: Uh...well....please call me Doctor Degrees. *cough cough*
Jeff Andonuts: Geez Degrees, I didn't know you moved that fast.
Doctor Degrees: Hey! It's not like that!
Hailey Havok: You're kind of taken anyways Degrees!
Doctor Degrees: I know that! You don't think I don't know that!? I know what I know. You don't know what I know. You know?
Hailey Havok: ......I..don't know.
Doctor Degrees: Exactly.
Kaori: What do you mean taken?
Doctor Degrees: Well see I uh...
Hailey Havok: He's taken by science you see!
Doctor Degrees: No wait I-
Hailey Havok: So, you're a rich girl eh? How is a socialite supposed to help us in the ring? I mean, I know I'm not a wrestler, but I watch it a lot, so I at least got that to go on. Do you even watch?
Kaori: No, I have to confess I've never watched wrestling, but I'm aware of it!
Hailey Havok: Oh....she's aware of it. We're alright guys, she's aware of it!
Kaori: I promise to work hard to learn.
Doctor Degrees: We know you will Kaori.
Jeff Andonuts: I have to admit, you look really good in your suit too Kaori.
Kaori: Arigato!
Hailey Havok: Hey!
Jeff Andonuts: What? You're with Grind aren't you?
Hailey Havok: ....Still nice to be noticed.
Jackson Kain: Alright, what the hell is going on here?!
Doctor Degrees: Jackson! Have you come to join us?
Jackson Kain: Join you?! I want no part of whatever you're doing. I've got more important things to do on my vacation!
Jeff Andonuts: Forced paid leave?
Jackson Kain: Shut up! I was in the middle of an audition for this big commercial! You know they pay Gaijin celebs a mint to appear in their commercials. This damn suit appears on me out of nowhere!
Doctor Degrees: That's from the Birdonic Waves. It proves that you're a Jet Havok now.
Jackson Kain: I'm Jackson freaking Kain is who I am! I'm a celebrity action star! I'm the best wrestler in the world! I'm the man that was screwed by Mr. Satan! Those things are all true. What's not true, is my affiliation with any of you! Not you Degrees, not the nerd Andonuts, not that bitch Hailey either!
Hailey Havok: What the hell bro?!
Jackson Kain: You shot me down! No one shoots down Jackson Kain! Between a Mach sandwich and a skater mute I guess your standards are just too low for someone of my caliber anyways!
Hailey Havok: *sigh* I don't even remember you asking me out!
Jackson Kain: I shouldn't have to! I snapped my fingers at you that one time! That normally does the trick!
Hailey Havok: Oh that's what that was! Thought you were complimenting my hat.
Jackson Kain: Hardly! I want no part of any of you! Not Who....who are you?
Kaori: I'm Kaori, and I don't appreciate the way you're treating my new friends!
Jackson Kain: ....I...I'm sorry. Wait....I'm sorry?! I'm not sorry! I'm never sorry! What the.....I have to go.
Doctor Degrees: Wait! Jackson, we need you!
Jackson Kain: Of course you do, but it ain't happening!
Doctor Degrees: ......
Jeff Andonuts: I like your hat Hailey.
Hailey Havok: Too damn late Andonuts!
Hailey Havok: While I was busy getting to know my new "team" as it were, the Boss Tack know what....screw Jackson Kain! I LOVE THIS HAT! Anyways, Tack was making some big moves with the upcoming #EVER brand. He introduced a lot of the new roster in front of the Akiba Secret Base today. Let's checkity check it out!
Tack: I would like to introduce all of the newcomers for the #EVER brand of Havok. They will be joining the lower card Renegades to bring a new promotion set on improving and showcasing the Renegades of the future. Included is our own Women's division called the Zephyr Division, where the Lady Renegades will shine. You have met a couple of them already, but included today is Aran, a former bounty hunter looking to get into a new line of work.
Aran: Yeah..."former".
Tack: Sorry?
Aran: Nothing, glad to be here.
Tack: We also have the anonymous mistress of the web, a famous personality known for her strong and expressive views involving the differences between men and women. The masked Tamera Tambler!
Tamera Tambler: Down with the Patriarchy! Wrestling is run by privileged men, who see women as nothing but sex objects, but we can compete with the best of them!
Tack: Literally no one is saying you can't Miss Tambler. In fact Sparkle is full of the best women wrestlers to ever enter the ring and-
Tamera Tambler: Yeah, that may be true, but Havok needs to check its male privilege, and realize that you can't keep us out of your little boy's club!
Tack: No one is doing that either!
Nikky: You tell them Tamera!
Tack: Nikky?
Nikky: That's right, Nikky is back, but Golden no longer. I realized that I was being chauvinistic and pig headed before, so I have turned over a new leaf, becoming a "white knight" as it were for social justice along with my new allies.
Tack: I guess that brings us to the introductions. The gentlemen in the fedoras, Nikky, Doc Gonzo from FXE, Maya Inca Boy from FXE, and Cody from FXE.
Cody: *Fixes Glasses* We might have been in FXE, but we're here now to spread the good word and defend what is right! We four are defenders of women's virtue!
Maya Inca Boy: We checked our privilege.
Nikky: We're nice guys that don't mind the friendzone! Really!
Doc Gonzo: We are The Fourdoras, and as White Knights of Social Justice, we'll probably argue with every single thing you say at all times.
Tack: Great....more of that...great.....great. Well, we've got a lot more introductions to make here, so let's keep this going. Seriously though....great. To my left, we have That Guy. Now, a lot of people have been thinking this would be This Guy, but it's not This Guy, it's That Guy, and That Guy is going to be in #EVER, and we're happy to have him.
That Guy: I'm not This Guy, I'm That Guy.
Tack: Yeah, I uh just....I just said that....That Guy. Next, we have a man that I am told is just a perfectly normal man, and in no, way, shape, or form is a snake. A VERY odd way to have yourself introduced. Ladies and Gentleman, Snake the Jake.
Snake the Jake: Hsssss!
Tack: Yes....not a snake....yes. We also have straight from Anahuac, south of Eagleland, the Lucha Magician El Mago!
El Mago: Iz dis your card senor?
Tack: I...I didn't pick a card.
El Mago: Yes, but if you did, would this be it?
Tack: ....I guess?
El Mago: *POOF* EL MAGO!
Tack: Yikes! I've got my eye on you mister. We also have a veteran journeyman tag team in the form of street brawlers Bimmy and Jimmy!
Jimmy: YEAH! Bodacious brah! #EVER is going to be tubular to the EXTREME with us around!
Maxine Justice: I like that guy....TO THE EXTREME!
Jimmy: Haha! That chick knows what's up!
Tamera Tumbler: Chick?! How dare you pig!
Cody: *Fixes Glasses* Yeah, you tell them.
Maya Inca Boy: Tamera telling it like it is! Seriously, I don't mind that you friendzoned me.
Bimmy: Bro, check it that?
Jimmy: Is that what?
Bimmy: That guy up front, that face less entity....could it be?
Jimmy: Shadow Boss?
Bimmy:'s Vacant!
Jimmy: Dude, that is so NOT RAD BRAH!
Tack: Uh yeah...that's Vacant alright. A veteran coming back to compete amongst the new talent.
El Mago: Yessss, ve all know who Vacant iz. A dark magician some say? A shadow in the night. An entity that brings despair to all those who stand in its way.
Tack: He's a wrestler guys.
That Guy: That Guy does not fear Vacant, but has heard stories about Vacant. Rumors that if Vacant defeats you, he erases your title reigns, wins, and losses from existence....he takes over....becomes you. That Guy does not believe such things unlike This Guy, because I am not This Guy, I am That Guy.
Tack: Vacant, care to put these rumors to rest?
Vacant: .....
Bimmy: He can't speak....he hasn't "filled a vacancy" yet.
Tack: Ri....right. Right? Right. Whatever. We've got to wrap this up. We end the introductions with....Cuth...Cooth...ulu?
Tack: Yeah....Cthulu.
Tack: ....Nope...not really.
El Mago: Me either.
That Guy: That Guy does not know you.
Cthulhu: Really? You guys know Vacant over here, but not an ancient one? Do you even Lovecraft?! That constant anxiety mankind feels subconsiouscly? That's all me.
Tack: Wait a minute....I HAVE heard of you! You have a ton of fan clubs, but I never knew why.
Cthulhu: Yeah, lots of lady groupies, I can't help that I look this good.
Tack: If you're an ancient one, and you've already got all these loyal followers and groupies, why have you come to #EVER?
Cthulhu: Well see, I had just woken up from centuries of slumber, and I was about to unleash pure, unbridled insanity upon humanity, when this damn wizard placed a curse on me, making me unable to cull mankind.
Tack: Well....thank goodness for that.
Cthulhu: Turns out the only way I can break the curse is to become a true hero, and wrestling champion.
Tack: Naturally. Well there you have it. I'm sure you have more questions about #EVER, like why I wasn't aware that half of these people were going to even be in the promotion to begin with, but I'm a busy guy, and we'll get to that later.
Hailey Havok: We end the show with what Tack did right after introducing new members of #EVER. His "important business" turned out to be located in catering, right around lunch time.
Anwin: Tack, I need to have a word with you.
Tack: I've been getting that a lot lately Anwin. I used to think it's because people just wanted to be friendly, but I'm guessing it has to do with work doesn't it?
Anwin: What was your first guess?
Tack: Well, we're on the clock as it were, so I put two and two together. What can I do for you? By the way, how you liking the new merch?
Anwin: It's good Tack, I appreciate the extra cash flow, but I'm not satisfied.
Tack: Would you like a bobble head too?
Anwin: No, I want ring time. I want big matches. I want exposure.
Tack: I know, and I would like to help you expose yourse-I caught myself before finishing that one. I want to help you Anwin, but you kind of faltered after your title shot.
Anwin: Based Anwin doesn't falter. Based Anwin keeps trying, and Based Anwin will shatter the glass ceiling and capture the win that has evaded me for so long. I will become Havok World Champion.
Tack: I like the ambition, but I need to see it in action. This week's Kaosu TV! is going to be a packed one. We have invasion matches coming from all sides, and I myself have a match and a purpose that night, but I can do something for you. I will give you the main event against Ishihiro Tomo. DAT HEART doesn't always win, but dammit he looks good even in defeat. You just can't find talent like that everyday. You go toe to toe with him, and tear the house down. You do that, and we'll get you on the path you want. Good luck Anwin.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion 6-Man: Kyo/Dino[D2T]/Mega Dolphin[Johto] vs. Aki Kazuma[AEPW]/Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW]/BONO[AEPW]
2. Invasion Tag: Sal Paradise/Grind vs. Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]
3. Invasion Singles: Tack vs. Kota Hayashi[D2T]
4. Invasion Singles: Akinan vs. The Great Mota[AEPW]
5. Invasion 6-Man: Kinniku Mike/Cherub Kid/Nosan vs. Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Troy[Nobunaga]/Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]
6. Singles: Anwin vs. Ishihiro Tomo
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Rengeizu! Time for another week of WAR here in Edo! It's Kaosu TV! I'm joined by the Boss Tack today, cause he's got a big announcement, but first of all Boss, I understand that it's a special day for you! Happy Birthday!
Tack: Oh thanks Hailey! I didn't think anyone would have actually remembered. Yes, it's my birthday today, but I've got more important things to worry about, like this conflict with Nobunaga. They are pouring in tonight, waiting for me to make my next move, but that next move doesn't involve them. First, I am going to announce a major acquisition later in the night. After the show, I'm going personally square things away with All Edo Pro Wrestling, and make them understand the situation. We don't need more invaders, we need allies for what is coming next. You see, this is all more important than a birthday.
Trevor Mach: Now Tack, nothing is more important than someone's birthday!
Tack: Trevor?! What do you want?
Trevor Mach: What do you think Tack? I'm here to give you your present! Happy Birthday buddy!
Tack: I-I really wasn't expecting you to bring me a present.
Trevor Mach: Now why wouldn't I? Because I lost my title, and you got what you wanted? Do you really think that would piss me off? Cause you're right, I am pissed off! But, this isn't business right here, this is personal.
Tack: I didn't get what I wanted Trevor, but you gave me no choice. I brought in Mike to help us turn the tide, and he was willing to play ball unlike you.
Trevor Mach: Not willing to play ball? I was doing my job! I'm Havok's War Machine!
Tack: I didn't want war, and even if it has come to war, I didn't want the war you were waging. I want to unite everyone, for peace.
Trevor Mach: You don't get to be picky in a war Tack. You fight it or you lose plain and simple. I've heard you call me a war monger before, but you assume that's all it was, just me picking a fight with everyone. You never do see it the way I do.
Tack: How do you see it?
Trevor Mach: I got my hands dirty so you could keep yours clean family man. That's fine though, it's hard to be on the same page when we're reading two different books. I'll deal with the loss to Mike, and I'll come back harder. I'll wage the war in my own way, with Sal, Grind, and Hippie backing me up. I've got my eyes on another prize called the Royal Crown World Cup too. So don't you worry about any of that Tack. Let's just focus on the fact that despite everything we're still friends and it's your birthday. So here, have this one on me brah!
Tack: ......Thanks.
Trevor Mach: Well open it!
Tack: Uh....that's...alright...I'll open it later when I have time to appreciate it more. Kind of busy right now and-
Trevor Mach: You're afraid to open it aren't you?
Tack: What? Nooo! It's just that I-
Trevor Mach: Haha! You're afraid to open it! At the same time, you desperately want to know what's inside the box don't you?
Tack: I....I......
Trevor Mach: Ha! That's hilarious Tack. Can't even trust your ol' pal Trev! Angel No More afraid of a simple gift. Geez!
Tack: I'm not afraid!
Hailey Havok: Are you buying that? Cause I'm not.
Last week, the Typhoon rolled in, and Kinniku Mike defeated Justice 87's Trevor Mach to become the new Havok World Champion. This week the road to the Royal Crown World Cup and the continued assault from Nobunaga Pro, but first the show opened with the new champion taking in the wild reaction from the Renegades in the Akiba Secret Base.
Kinniku Mike: Yo! WHERE MY BITCHES IS AT?! WHERE MY RENEGADES AT?! The Typhoon is in the HOOOOOUSE! When I came to Havok, I had the goal of becoming the Havok World Champion, and I think I made history with just how quickly I met that goal. I've been the EBW World Champion, the EWGP Heavyweight Champion, and now the Havok World Champion. Now, I look ahead, to the Royal Crown World Cup, and even further to this year's Victory Explosion. I intend to carry this title into the biggest show of the year, and I will-
Dougie Mach: Fail.
Dougie Mach: Winning the Havok World Championship is one thing, but being able to hold and defend the title is something else altogether. You've been to the mountain top before haven't you Mike, but you failed to maintain and feel back to the bottom. It'll happen again because you lack one very important thing.....Ambition. The Ambition World Championship, the one true World Championship. Compared to this, your title is worthless.
Kinniku Mike: ....Are you done yet? I was talking to the Renegades you ginger bitch. If I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you!
Dougie Mach: Whoa, calm down hoss! I'm not here to pick a fight. I actually think it's hilarious that you beat my cousin. You dropped him on his head so many times I spit my drink laughing so hard. You've gotten the Havok World Championship, but you could have so much more. You really could have a shot at Ambition! We're out here because instead of facing me, Olly, and Troy tonight with the goof troop called the Home Army, how about joining us instead? You have no ties to Havok, you just got here! How about you-
Kinniku Mike: How about you shut the hell up! Havok is home now, and if you step into my turf talking trash, you better be ready to back it up. Step up into this ring, now or later, it doesn't matter to me. The result will be the same, me whipping the freckles off that ginger ass.
Dougie Mach: HEY! I don't have.....nevermind! You want to play it that way? Fine! The Chaos King tried to be generous and merciful, but it's time for our second offer. We'll see you in that ring tonight, and if you win I'll give you a shot at history, a shot at the Ambition World Championship. However, if we beat you, Troy gets a shot at you next week for your Havok "world" Championship. What do you say?
Kinniku Mike: I say you're on! The Renegades and Team Strong Tits are going to watch me run you down and claim another World Championship! Uuuuuuuu!
The opening contest saw a rather odd team of "Shining" Kyo, Dino of D2T, and Mega Dolphin of Johto Pro taking on an All Edo All Star team including their new Trio Champion, the former Sumo BONO, who plowed through the inter promotional team's silly antics and games, to crash down on Dino with a Middle Rope Splash to give All Edo the win.
Justice 87 took on Nobunaga in Invasion Tag action, when Sal and Grind teamed up against Ranmaru and Mitsuhide, Stuart's silent but deadly generals. A compelling tag match, showing that Sal and Grind could hang as a team, but a sudden appearance from Jamie OD, and a high kick to Sal set him up for Mitsuhide's Exploder followed by a pin. Jamie OD emerges again to be a thorn in the side of Saludise.
Akinan had one of his bigger singles matches in recent memory against the legendary Great Mota of AEPW. Akinan would never admit that he was trying to avenge Kyo's recent loss to Mota, but that's probably because he wasn't, as AkiKyo don't seem to be on the best of terms following the loss of the tag title rematch. Akinan neutralized Mota's kicking offense, and evaded a mist attack late in this lengthy match to take Mota to the mat with not one, but two Backbreaker Chokeslams, dead lifting Mota on the second choke to show his strength as he got the 1-2-3. Big win for Akinan, who refused to talk about a tag future with Kyo following the bout.
The Boss Tack stepped into the ring once again, to have a high spirited battle with up and coming favorite of D2T Kota Hayashi. Exciting match up, with respect given on both ends showing Tack's dream of peace between the promotions was more than possible. Kota caught the boss on multiple occasions, and nearly got the three count after a high flying Phoenix Splash, but Tack kicked out at 2.9 and recovered to let his kicks put him back into contention. Late in the match Tack set up Kota for the TaToBa Kick, but Kota evaded and set up Tack for the Phoenixplex, but Tack countered and reversed into an Angel Driver, slamming down Hayashi for the 1-2-3, and giving him the win. After the match, Tack grabbed a mic.
Tack: I..I...I wonder if I could just take a pea-hello everyone, I'm Tack as you know and this is Kota Hayashi from D2T. This young rookie is full of potential and carries with him the spirit of an entire promotion. That is why I have spoken with the higher ups of D2T, and we have come to an agreement, that Kota Hayashi will be able to compete with the Havok brand in a similar deal that with have with Junior and FXE. To fight Nobunaga, need the strength of every promotion. The heart and fiery fighting spirit of Edo's own are what we need, and not some damn box that compels me to open it! I don't need it! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU BOX! Gah! Nobunaga remember that this could have been avoided, but liberation is coming to Edo, and I will unite the people against you. Count on it.
The Invasions continued with the 6-Man tag featuring new Havok World Champion Kinniku Mike teaming up with Cherub Kid and Nosan against Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach, Troy, and Olly Oliver. An intense match up, with some exciting back and forth action between Mike and Troy being the highlight. Late in the match a run in came from an unexpected source. Subculture came down to the ring and picked a fight with Dougie Mach, a war of words that distracted Nosan in the ring long enough for Troy to clobber him with the Punt Kick and score the pin. Troy now gets a Havok World Championship Key and a match next week on Kaosu TV!
Main event time, as two of the brightest up and comers collided in an easy match of the night. Anwin has spent years trying to break through to the top, and Tomo has impressed so much in such a short amount of time with DAT HEART! Big match feel with big match moves, as the two exploded early on and never stopped, typical of a Tomo match these days. Tomo's signature Brainbuster couldn't put away Anwin, but the Based One had trouble himself trying to pin the man with no neck. Late in the match they battled to the top of the turnbuckle, where Anwin managed to win out and dropped Tomo with a Top Rope Based Bomber to finally get the pin and the win. Big win that will go a long way in the eyes of Tack, who tried watching the match closely, but could never really take his eyes off the present. Happy Birthday Tack, but will you just open the box already?!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Invasion 6-Man: Aki Kazuma[AEPW]/Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW]/BONO[AEPW][o] beat Kyo/Dino[D2T][x]/Mega Dolphin[Johto] via Middle Rope Splash -> Pin
2. Invasion Tag: Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobunaga][o]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga] beat Sal Paradise[x]/Grind via Exploder Suplex -> Pin
3. Invasion Singles: Tack beat Kota Hayashi[D2T] via Angel Driver -> Pin
4. Invasion Singles: Akinan beat The Great Mota[AEPW] via Backbreaker Chokeslam -> Pin
5. Invasion 6-Man: Dougie Mach[Nobunaga]/Troy[Nobunaga][o]/Olly Oliver[Nobunaga] beat Kinniku Mike/Cherub Kid/Nosan[x] via Punt Kick -> Pin
6. Singles: Anwin beat Ishihiro Tomo via Top Rope Based Bomber -> Pin
The Renegades of Havok have proven themselves as the best of the best of the best in the wrestling ring, but up and comers are always working their way up, claiming to be the next big thing. It is here at #EVER where the best will rise to the top and fight amongst the Renegades, while the worst will find themselves out of the job, their dreams and careers sinking faster than Barry Amabo's approval ratings. The debut show premiered today in the Sub Basement of the Akiba Secret Base. The Boss Tack was on hand to kick things off with big announcements, including even more new hires, and an ultimatum for the lower tier Renegades that have found themselves in #EVER...
Tack: Oh hello everyone! It's time to put up or shut up as they say, but I won't say it because telling someone to shut up is just plain rude. I'm serious.....don't do that. As I was saying, the Renegades are the best in the business, but we always have room for more at the top, but you have to prove yourself and hone your skills. #EVER will develop our future, and for an unfortunate few, weed out the weak links. That's merely from a business stand point, I don't think any of you are weak links personally, but business is business as Ryan IQ is making me say against my will. I want to make some announcement before we get the show rolling. First, I'd like to introduce Kota Hayashi, who has joined us from D2T. While he is a former Eagleland Champion, I figured he could further develop here while giving the new blood a real challenge in #EVER. He will be competing tonight in singles action against a new hire, even newer than the new hires we already announced! Ladies and Gentlemen, from Anahuac, Senor Box!
Senor Box: ......
Tack: Yes Senor Box, we're happy to have you here as well. Your skills are quite renowned south of Eagleland's border, and the pleasure is all ours.
Kota Hayashi: .....Nani?
Tack: I'd also like to announce that another former Eagleland Champion Dangerous Dan is moving down to face off with another new hire that's not AS new as Senor Box, but still newer than the other new hires! Also from Anahuac, LOMBRE!
Lombre: Mi nombre es Lombre!
Tack: Yes......yes. Now you might be thinking that I have a personal grudge with the overly brash patriotism that comes with the Eagleland Championship, and former Eagleland anyways, that about wraps it up for me so enjoy the show and-
Tack: Jimmy? What's up buddy?
Jimmy Bar: DON'T BUDDY ME! I'm am upset and ill tempered like so much right now!
Tack: I can see that. Want to rap about it big guy? I'm hip, so whatever it is you can lay it on me straight hommie.
Jimmy Bar: The hell are you doing?
Tack: Trying to get in touch with the new generation.
Jimmy Bar: First of all, you're only 29, and I'm OLDER THAN YOU!
Tack: Oh right.
Jimmy Bar: HEY! Don't change the subject!
Tack: What WAS the subject?
Jimmy Bar: You're forcing us to fight for our jobs tonight!
Tack: Jimmy, you've like, never won a match....#ever.
Jimmy Bar: SO?!
Tack: We have to nurture the best Jimmy, we can't keep paying the worst. Again, Ry Ry is making me say these things and I'm so so sorry.
Jimmy Bar: Oh yeah!? Well you're not getting rid of us that easily! We're going to fight back, and we're going to WIN! YEAH!
Tack: Good luck!
Jimmy Bar: Shut up!
Tack: Awww come on! I just said! I JUST SAID!
Jimmy Bar: Guys, I know you don't like me, which is a shame because I desperately need friendship. I know I'm loud, I'm brash, and I smell like I have showered in a long time. That might be because I haven't but that's not what I want to talk about right now. They are trying to take our jobs, and I say nuts to that! We are the foundation of Havok. Sure, all we do is lose, BUT they NEED us to be the losers so that the rest of the roster can look good! We're not just jobbers, but we're THE JOBBERS! We're the best at losing, but that is being threatened by the evil looming threat of unemployment. I JUST moved out of my Mom's place too! Tonight, we have to do the impossible. Tonight, we have to create a miracle. These news guys are trying to come in and not only take our jobs, but use those spots to actually WIN MATCHES! I know right!? What we have to do is the one thing no one ever expected. We have to win. Just once in our careers, we need to win.
Jake Conway: We've actually all won a match before Jimmy. In fact, I pinned you.
Jimmy Bar: Shut up JAKE! No one is asking YOUR opinion! You're not even competing tonight! Look, for the other guys that are not named Jake. It's time to win! Tonight, the fake jobbers will fall, but we SHALL RISE! LET'S DO THIS!
In a series of Fight for your Right to Job! matches, the old guard of the Renegade low tier were soundly defeated and given their release from the company. I mean it was just BRUTAL. They didn't stand a chance. Jimmy Bar tapped out almost immediately in his match against Snake the Jake. An armless wrestler who is totally a perfectly normal human being and not a snake. He managed to trap Jimmy in the Anaconda Vice, forcing a submission in a minute flat. After the match security had to carry and bawling Jimmy Bar our of the arena as he kicked and screamed all the way, begging the fans to help, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.
The Double Dragons Bimmy and Jimmy brought their street wise brawling style to the #EVER ring in tag action against the "Impressionable Miners". The team hasn't been seen in some time, leading to a rusty in ring performance that came to an end when Jimmy hit the Dragon Uppercut on one of the twins....not sure which one....gonna with...the other one, before getting the bodacious pin and the win. The Double Dragons rocked out with mullets and air guitars as security helped the Miners to the unemployment line.
The mysterious, legendary Vacant debut in #EVER against the creepy eyed Villager in a match that [REDACTED] Vacant wins! Villager's career is no more, and all the achievements and accolades that he earned are now tied to Vacant. There is no Villager....only Vacant.
Magic and wrestling, what a mix. El Mago made an impressive debut in the ring against Picasso Priest. One of the more competitive matches on the card, with a real lucha flow and feel to it. Of course, all of that went out the window and El Mago distracted Picasso Priest with a series of card tricks that captivated the young Renegade. For some reason. Priest allowed himself to be place in a box for El Mago to saw in half. While that trick was impressive, what he did next was even more impressive. El Mago quickly covered the bottom half of Priest for a pin attempt, but the legs naturally kicked out. However, El Mago then moved up to the top half, where he got the pin and the win. El Mago won the match, but forgot how to undo the trick, meaning security had to drag away two boxes containing Picasso Priest.
The man who is constantly tested for steroids Dangerous Dan clashed with Lombre in singles action, and of all the matches on the card, this was one of them. Dan's frantic pace was a sharp contrast to laid back attitude of Lombre, who picked his spots and basically just let Dan tire himself out. The former Eagleland Champion did manage to lock in his Ankle Lock, but it wasn't very effective. In the end Lombre surprised Dan with an out of nowhere Zen Headbutt and roll up to win the match. Big win for Lombre.
Semi-main event saw the best wrestling match you ever thought you could see between a man and a box. Kota Hayashi took Senor Box to the limits and back, in a near 30 minute spectacular. A nasty spot saw the two fight to the top turnbuckle only for Senor Box to escape a Hurracanrana attempt, leaving Hayashi to crash onto the floor by himself. Quite a career risking move against a box don't you think? Hayashi finally managed to hit his Phoenix Splash seconds before a time limit draw to beat Senor Box. Hayashi is quite the competitor, but you have to give it to Senor Box, he is certainly a box.
The main event featured the debuting Zephyr Division in action, with Agent of Love and Justice Sailor Jupiter squaring off with not just the boisterous feminist Tamera Tambler, but also her white knights, the Fourdoras on the outside, who criticized Jupiter for wearing a skirt and demeaning women as sex objects. They also shouted at referee Nerdler to check his privilege throughout the match, but they did not physically get involved. The Lady Renegades showed the men how to get it done in the best match of the night that didn't involve a Box! Jupiter's long legs lead to a kick based offense, while Tamera was the more trash talking type, who tried putting down Jupiter with bigger slams, showing off her strength by bringing down Jupiter with the Tambler Tombstone. 1-2-Kickout! Jupiter showed the true power of love and justice, coming back with her finisher the Sparkling Wide Pressure to get the pin and the win, closing the first successful installment of #EVER. Goodnight everybody!
#EVER: 1Ever!
Akiba Secret Base Sub Basement, Kaga Region
The EBW Network
1. Fight for your Right to Job! Singles: Snake the Jake beat Jimmy Bar via Anaconda Vice -> Submission
2. Fight for your Right to Job! Tag: Bimmy/Jimmy[o] beat Miner #1/Miner #2[x] via Dragon Uppercut -> Pin
3. Fight for your Right to Job! Singles: Vacant beat Villager via [REDACTED]
4. Fight for your Right to Job! Singles: El Mago beat Picasso Priest via Magic?
5. Singles: Lombre beat Dangerous Dan via Zen Headbutt x Roll Up -> Pin
6. Singles: Kota Hayashi beat Senor Box via Phoenix Splash -> Pin
7. Zephyr Singles: Sailor Jupiter beat Tamera Tambler via Sparkling Wide Pressure -> Pin
Announcer: Ima dewa garan no batorushiata no tame no jikandesu!
Garam's Battle Theater Theme: I5pGm4vvQto
Garam: Konichiwa from the Edo Underground, this is GG Garam the man with a plan, and this is Garam's Battle Theater! Quiet week for the Sengoku Wrestling War in Edo. No territory claims to speak of, and most of the promotions took a week off between tours, but Havok ran some heavy shows of note, and we're here to cover them all! The Royal Crown World Cup took up the weekend, with competitors from all over Edo, namely former and current world champions, joined together to battle for the right to hold the first annual Royal Crown. This new idea came with inspiration from other sports that also hold an annual championship event. The event was put together on short notice, with the massive Sobe Sports Stadium being set as the location for the 2 day event. With so many big names competing in massive dream matches, you bet it sold out fast on both days!
Garam: A short presentation ceremony kicked off the action packed Day 1, with the first match being an dream match between two allies from years past Trevor Mach and Masahiro Crono. Two wrestlers that have embraced their inner rebel since teaming in 2006 to save the city of Onett, Eagleland. Fantastic opener, with Crono finally succumbing to a Macha Ye and the pin. Grind had a bit of an upset over Camilo Ortega in the second contest. Ortega was in firm control with his no nonsense Judo inspired style, using his takedowns to keep the luchablader locked down. Late match comeback saw the crowd behind Grind as he finally went high risk before hitting a Sling Blade to keep Camilo down for the 1-2-3. Notorious J.O.D lived up to his moniker, showing little care for the rules or the tournament, causing himself to get DQ'd in a strikefest with KENTER. All Edo had a 50/50 day, in that Kota Hayashi managed to route the legend Aki Kazuma in their match, but Yuan Shiozaki captured a win over Sal Paradise in their matchup. Sal found himself the victim of a run in from Jamie OD, leading up this his loss. Jamie OD picks and chooses when he's going to show up, and what he's going to do. It's obvious he isn't done with Sal Paradise as of yet. EBW came over to join us in Edo with multiple reps, but their first didn't fair so well, as Captain Strong lost to Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach and his Vertebreaker. Franky suffered a similar fate, having trouble connecting with his painful chops against an on fire Havok World Champion Kinniku Mike. A match we have seen in EBW not too long ago, Mike now carried the Havok banner as he dropped Franky with a Muscle Buster before pinning him for the win. Firebrand X fared much better than Strong and Franky, taking Subculture to the limit in a heated main event that had the crowd pumped! Firebrand X treated Subbie's punching power with the respect he deserved, doing his best to avoid the KO Punch throughout the night, but ended up forgetting that Subculture's multi-faceted style came with the Counter Culture that lead to a 2.9. Late in the match Dougie Mach came down to the ring, and in response to Subculture's attack on Kaosu TV!, blindsided the green bomber unbeknownst to Firebrand and the ref, leading to a staggered Subbie stumbling into the Crash Fire Buster and the pin. This would set the stage for an awesome Day 2!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Royal Crown World Cup Day 1
Sobe Sports Stadium, Sobe Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Trevor Mach beat Masahiro Crono[CTW] via Macha Ye -> Pin
2. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Grind beat Camilo Ortega[Free] via Sling Blade -> Pin
3. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: KENTER[Nobunaga] beat Jamie OD via DQ
4. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Kota Hayashi[D2T] beat Aki Kazuma[AEPW] via Phoenix Splash -> Pin
5. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW] beat Sal Paradise via Yuan Flasher -> Pin
6. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Dougie Mach[Nobunaga] beat Captain Strong[EBW] via Vertebreaker -> Pin
7. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Kinniku Mike beat Franky[EBW] via Muscle Buster -> Pin
8. Royal Crown World Cup Round 1: Firebrand X[EBW] beat Subculture via Crash Fire Buster -> Pin
Garam: Day 2 once again kicked off with Trevor Mach in action, this time taking on the hard hitting KENTER of Nobunaga. With Justice 87 gunning Nobunaga in the Sengoku Wrestling War, this match took on more of a personal nature, with flurry of strikes bloodying both men. KENTER tried to avoid the Macha Ye, but Mach had the knee kick scouted as well, and the match came to a conclusion with a Burning Machismo on KENTER leading to the 1-2-3. Open the Demon Gate Champion Grind continued his roll in an amazing encounter with Kota Hayashi. Both men were said to be a little "light" to hang with the heavy hitters, but they proved the naysayers wrong with this performance. Grind avoided a Phoenix Splash to come back with his Rolling SSP to score the pin. Firebrand X and Ambition World Champion Dougie Mach squared off in a heated battle, but unfortunately for Firebrand, he found himself in another match that would see outside interference. Subbie returned the favor to Dougie for the day before, making sure to hit his KO Punch to avoid getting FBX DQ'd leading to a similar sequence to the day before, with Dougie staggering into a Crash Fire Buster and the pin. Havok World Champion Kinniku Mike routed All Edo's efforts to make it to the finals with a dominant victory over Shiozaki following the Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb. Trevor Mach and Firebrand X finally faced off in a dream match that SHOULD have happened in at the 2013 E1, but ended up being Mach vs. Arremer X in a bit of a switcheroo. Excellent match up, that saw both men pull out all their biggest moves. Firebrand wouldn't stay down from the Burning Machismo nor would Mach stay down from the Crash Fire Buster. Late in the match Trevor switched up the tactics and trapped FBX in the Trevor Triangle Choke, before locking in the full on Machoplata. Firebrand showed his heart by refusing to tap and ended up passing out from the pain, leading to referee stoppage. The crowd couldn't help but praise the fighting spirit of one of EBW's absolute best. A similar end came to the next match, with saw Grind pulling out all the stops to try and thwart the powerful Havok World Champion. In this case Goliath was too much for the underdog, as Mike caught him in a Sleeper and choked him out, leading to the referee having to step in once again. This win would lead to a confrontation in the finals between Kinniku Mike and Trevor just one week after Mack lost the Havok World Championship to Mike. The finals were coming up, but to give the semi-finalists a chance to cool off, but keep the crowd fired up, the Zephyr Division from the fledgling #EVER brand presented an offer match, with the hero seeking Fem C taking on the controversial Tamera Tambler. Fem C proved herself as a natural main character, taking all the uber feminist had to offer, and coming back with the Mary Sue to win the match. It was time for the big main event, with the first ever Royal Crown World Cup on the line. In a Havok vs. Havok rematch from the main event of Typhoon, we saw a very similar and heated match. Mach and Mike step it up in their matches against each other, and this was no exception. The end result was much different, with Mach managing to keep a tired Mike down after the Burning Machismo and a Macha Ye for the 1-2-3.
Garam: A battered Kinniku Mike, who could barely see from a bruised and closed up eye, still managed to get to his feet to repay the respect shown from Mike's victory the week before, handing Trevor Mach the Royal Crown Championship. With a win a piece the two teased a rubber match for the Havok World Championship sometime down the pipeline!
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Royal Crown World Cup Day 2
Sobe Sports Stadium, Sobe Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2: Trevor Mach beat KENTER[Nobunaga] via Burning Machismo -> Pin
2. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2: Grind beat Kota Hayashi via Rolling SSP -> Pin
3. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2: Firebrand X[EBW] beat Dougie Mach[Nobunaga] via Crash Fire Buster -> Pin
4. Royal Crown World Cup Round 2: Kinniku Mike beat Yuan Shiozaki[AEPW] via Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb -> Pin
5. Royal Crown World Cup Semi Final: Trevor Mach beat Firebrand X[EBW] via Machoplata -> Referee Stoppage
6. Royal Crown World Cup Semi Final: Kinniku Mike beat Grind via Sleeper Hold -> Choke Out
7. #EVER Zephyr Division Offer: Fem C beat Tamera Tambler via Mary Sue -> Pin
8. Royal Crown World Cup Final: Trevor Mach beat Kinniku Mike via Burning Machismo x Mache Ye -> Pin -> 2014 Royal Crown World Cup Winner!
Garam: We switch gears now to the brand new #EVER brand! They held their second show today, and started off with a big announcement, that #EVER will have its own championships, the first being the #EVER Open Championship.
Tack Angel: Oh hello Renegades, are you back for more #EVER excitement, or are we taping this right after the last episode? I can't remember I took a cat nap somewhere in between and it wipes my brain like an etch-a-sketch. What we have here are 4 up and comers looking to become the face of the #EVER brand. We also have a known name in Nikky, and DAT HEART of Ishihiro Tomo. These men, That Guy, ancient ones, and Senor Box will all be competing for a chance at this, the #EVER Open Championship. Open, in that anyone and anything can attempt to win this championship, just to make sure we don't disqualify Senor Box. Out of three matches, we'll have...well three competitors, who will face off for the championship, not at 3Ever, but 4Ever because.....well it's the only time our naming scheme is going to sound clever....I didn't think it through. The match will require a ladder to capture the title, but it's not just any normal Ladder Match. It's a "Boots and Ladders" match! Yeah....a "Boots and Ladders" match! Get it? Get it? It's cause of the game and you know what I don't really get it either. I was told it would be funny though. But yeah, Boots and Ladders to determine the first ever...#EVER Open Champion. Be adequately prepared to become hype?
Garam: The opening contest saw the Double Dragons take on Lombre and Snake the Jake, who is a perfectly normal man and not a snake. The Dragons would win the match following a Bimmy Spinning Dragon Kick to Lombre, but another interesting aspect of the match was the introduction of a dapper gentleman on a golden podium who constantly complemented the wrestlers and the match the whole time. His name? Good News Gary.
Good News Gary: I'm delighted to say I have some GOOD NEWS for everyone! As it turns out, this match is going to be exciting and excellent, and that is all because of the two fantastic teams that are going to be competing. They may be young aspiring rookies, but the desire to win and look good doing so will definitely shine through. Luckily, they have the best audience ever to watch what could possibly be the best thing ever! That's GOOD NEWS!
Garam: It wasn't the best thing ever, that's a bit of an oversell, however it was pretty decent. In the first qualifier for the Boots and Ladders match The Guy introduced the viewers and his opponent El Mago to That Move, and boy what a move That Move was. This Guy is not This Guy, he is That Guy, and That Move was enough to keep the magician down for the count. The "Chicks with Kicks" as they dubbed themselves Maxine Justice and Aran, took on a very green team with Hailey Havok and a woman with little to no experience in wrestling name Kaori for tag action. Jet Havok is working to train their members for an upcoming battle with the forced of Vyram, but the rookies had a very tough first outing, with Maxine Justice instantly proving herself to be the woman to beat in the Zephyr Division, using a Justice Grip to force Kaori to submit in her first match ever.
Garam: Cthulhu, the ancient one who wishes a maddening death to all mortals, who is also striving to become a great and heroic wrestler, battled Senor Box, in the second match for #EVER where Senor Box took his opponent to half an hour. Cthulhu looked to have the match won after a Lovecraftian Lariat, but noticed a mugger in the crowd attack a poor young woman, and begrudgingly had to run off an save her. By the time he made it back to the ring for the pin he got overly worked up and tripped on Senor Box, leading to a roll up and the near fall. Cthulhu was shocked, but even more so when the time limit expired. What does this mean for the ancient one and box that are looking to hold the gold? In a singles contest, Havok's newest and seemingly hardest worked Kota Hayashi walked off his matches at the Royal Crown World Cup to take on Maya Inca Boy of the Fourdoras. The White Knights tried to help their partner..... by blogging about bias and tyranny of the patriarchy online, but "surprisingly" that didn't help. Instead, Hayashi got the pin following the Phoenix Splash. Main event saw DAT HEART Ishihiro Tomo take on Nikky in an exciting match up. Nikky was more effective than his Fourdora compatriot, but he couldn't stop DAT HEART, and the no necked Tomo got the win following a Brainbuster to close out the show.
#EVER: 2Ever!
Akiba Secret Base Sub Basement, Kaga Region
The EBW Network
1. Tag: Bimmy[o]/Jimmy beat Lombre[x]/Snake the Jake via Spinning Dragon Kick -> Pin
2. Boots and Ladder Qualifier: That Guy beat El Mago via That Move -> Pin
3. Zephyr Tag: Maxine Justice[o]/Aran beat Hailey Havok/Kaori[x] via Justice Grip -> Submission
4. Boots and Ladder Qualifier: Cthulhu vs. Senor Box Time Limit Draw
5. Singles: Kota Hayashi beat Maya Inca Boy via Phoenix Splash -> Pin
6. Boots and Ladder Qualifier: Ishihiro Tomo beat Nikky via Brainbuster -> Pin
Garam: I know this has been one of the bigger Battle Theaters in recent memory, but it's about to get even bigger. We have scored the interview of the century here! Nobunaga Pro's boss, the man simply known as Stuart has lead his promotion growth and success, but through it all has remained mostly silent, until now. We have the real man with a plan with us right now from Oda Group building in the heart of Kyoto!
Stuart: Garam, it's a pleasure to be here. I must apologize that it's taken me so long to appear on the show, but as you know I've been quite busy.
Garam: Yes, we all know about Stuart's exploits to create Nobunaga and have it grow to encompass all of Edo. Those are lofty goals, but it seems you have been making strides to do just that.
Stuart: Yes we have, using the revived Sengoku System brought on by the government, we have been able to take over "lagging" territories and bring them into the new era, reviving commerce and careers in the process.
Garam: Some say that you might be too "aggressive" in your ambitions. What do you say to those people?
Stuart: Yes, I am aggressive, but you don't go for something this big without aggression and ambition. I tried to send a peaceful message, but when Havok arrived on these shores it got much messier than I had intended. Sure, I have played their games, and even appeared on their show once to claim a championship. The timing was perfect, and I wanted to remind them of who they were dealing with. I was apart of their brand once upon a time, but I took my place as head of this company, and since then I've been planning and training for my future, and the future of Edo. I am a Stuart, and this country runs in my blood and the blood of my family, and I have been aggressive to keep outsiders from imposing their will on us. I have been aggressive, but I don't apologize for that, and I will continue pushing forward. I have met Havok at every turn and provided wrestlers to their product without invoking Sengoku Rules, as I just wanted to prove a point. Now that my brother in law is talking about "liberation" I may have no choice, but to step up my plans. In the end though, it is all merely business. Tack is family, he's married to my sister. Nothing personal.
Garam: What about the recent claims by Havok's Renegades, namely Eagleland Champion Magnum PT and Subculture about your ties to the rumored SSS Organization, and possible ties to the death of the legendary Little Mac.
Stuart: .....I feel I shouldn't even have to address this nonsense, but if it will put hearts to ease I will tell the people that I am the head of the Oda Group and Nobunaga Pro. My interests lie in my investments, and the future of this great country. I am far too busy to deal with the like of Magnum PT and Subculture. He challenged me title for title, showing his Eagleland bravado and brash arrogance by questioning my manhood in the process. I'm too busy to take the bait myself, but if you want to be relieved of that championship, I can certainly find a willing challenger. As for Subculture.....the death of your mentor was very saddening, and we're all still in mourning, but you have to face the reality that it was an accident, and nothing more. I grieve with you, and harbor no ill will towards you whatsoever. Please, let's try and get through this together from here on out.
Garam: Well that wraps up Battle Theater for this week, as we're unfortunately out of time. Stuart, thank you so much for joining us this week. Make sure to turn in next time to the Edo Underground. PEACE OUT!
Stuart: Well, I think that went rather well, don't you Garam?
Garam: Without a hitch, just like I knew it would.
Stuart: I'm glad I took you up on your advice. Winning the hearts and minds of the people will be essential for our future don't you think?
Garam: Hey, you're the boss Stuart.
Havok was back for another week of chaotic Sengoku action live from the Akiba Secret Base, where this week the Renegades would be treated to a Havok World Championship, but maybe an even bigger match than they anticipated? The show opened once again with the Havok Champion Kinniku Mike entering to a big reception, but he was soon followed by Troy and Dougie Mach of Nobunaga Pro.
Dougie Mach: Well, I'm having a flashback to last week aren't you Troy?
Troy: ......
Dougie Mach: That means he agrees. It seems like just last week we laid down a challenge to you, and now it's time for you to man up and put that belt on the line against Troy TONIGHT!
Kinniku Mike: YO! WHERE MY BITCHES IS AT?! WHERE MY RENEGADES AT?! TEAM STRONG TITS LET ME HERE YA! Uuuuuuuu! Now that I got that out of the way, I'll address your ginger ass. I was just on my way out here to let the people know that they were going to get that title match as the main event, the Typhoon is man of his word, and the Typhoon is going to roll right over Troy and defend this Havok World Championship! Uuuuuu!!!!
Trevor Mach: Hold it peeps, cause this about to get a lot more interesting!
Trevor Mach, the newly crowned 2014 Royal Crown Champion made his way to the ring with a Hippie, a mic in hand, and a plan.
Dougie Mach: What the hell do you want Trevor?
Trevor Mach: Nothing to do with you at the moment Douglas, so shut it! Seeing as how I'm the 2014 Royal Crown Champion on top of being the previous Havok World Champion, I feel that gives me a little bit of clout in this situation. We COULD have Kinniku Mike versus Troy tonight, and that would be awesome, but I think we need an injection of Machismo! This is what I propose, Kinniku Mike versus Troy versus Trevor Mach! Troy, I know you won't back down, but how bout you Mike? Your eye is closed up something fierce. It's going to be a bit difficult for you to keep track of two of us in the ring, but I have a feeling you want this just as much as I do. A rubber match of sorts plus an Alpha Beta.
Kinniku Mike: You're looking a little beat up yourself Mach.
Trevor Mach: Well I did get blasted with a Typhoon not once, but twice in one week, so all things considered I think I'm doing alright brah.
Kinniku Mike: I don't back down from a challenge.
Trevor Mach: You bet your ass this is a challenge!
Kinniku Mike: Then I accept. Troy?
Troy: *nod*
Dougie Mach: Troy, don't do i-
Subculture: MAAAAACH!
Trevor Mach: Eh? Oh, you mean Dougie.
Dougie Mach: You!
Subculture: You step into Havok turf thinking I'm not going to come and find you!? Don't you dare underestimate me Dougie Mach.
Dougie Mach: The "Green Bomber" looks mad? Does it have anything to do with our little tussle at the Royal Crown World Cup? You had that coming, attacking me for NO REASON!
Subculture: No reason? I've got all the reasons in the world, and just because you think you can ignore the Green Bomber, doesn't mean you're not going to eat a right hook shattering your jaw!
Dougie Mach: I've got nothing else to say to you "Mac Jr." Do you not watch Garam's Battle Theater?! Stuart set this all straight for you and still you-
Subculture: Stuart is a liar, and you're a piece of shit!
Trevor Mach: HAHA!
Subculture: I'll step into the belly of the beast if I have to against you Dougie Mach, but make no mistake I'm getting that match, and I'll keep coming at you until I do. Run if you want, but you'll never be able to run far enough from a rabid pissed off STREET DOG!
Dougie Mach: Sounds to me like someone needs to put this bad dog to sleep, FOR GOOD! Just.....NOT TONIGHT! HAHAHAHA! Little Mac picked an easily angered little punk for for his protege didn't he?
Subculture: No, he picked the guy that's going to knock your head off, and what pisses YOU off is that you know you're just a stepping stone to Stuart. Go ahead and play games, joke, and put it off, but make no mistake.....this is happening.
Kinniku Mike: Excuse me while I re-hijack my segment here. You guys can talk about what's going to happen later all you want, but what's happening tonight in the here and now is a 3-Way Havok World Championship WAR! Uuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Opening contest saw a hard hitting encounter between Junior of FXE and Dangerous Dan. The fighter on loan was a striker while manic man of molten intensity tried neutralizing his stiff shots with his Submissions, but it was not to be, as Junior managed to lift Dan for the GTS to get the pin and the win.
Nobunaga's Invasion continued with singles matches between the Havok Tag Team Champions, ET and GD, and the Home Army's Cherub Kid and Nosan. Nosan didn't fare very well in his encounter with Thanatos, eating a Shining Wizard before being pinned, but Cherub Kid pulled off something of an upset, escaping the Emerald Frosion, hitting the Angel Driver, and finally hitting the Cherub's Flight on Green Destiny to score the big win. Cherub and Nosan made it clear after the matches that they want a Tag Team Championship shot once again.
Meanwhile backstage, the former Tag Champions were continuing to have issues...
Kyo: Aki-Kun, aren't we going to go out there and ask to be in the Tag Championship match again?
Akinan: STOP CALLING ME THAT! I don't ask for anything dammit! I'm a lone wolf! I walk alooooooooone! I walk through miles inside a pit of danger! A place where no one follows me and I walk alone!
Kyo: That sounds like it comes from something.
Akinan: WELL IT DOESN'T! I'm tired of this charade Kyo. I'm not going to team with a sparkly friendship and hope loving goody good! I wanted a blood thirsty monster! What happened to you?!
Kyo: Tomodachi!
Akinan: Again with the tomodachi. Kyo, take your tomodachi and shove it up your ass alright! We were never friends! I don't care about you! I cared about winning, and last week I won my match ALONE! Can't say you can do the same these days. You've become a joke! I'm done with all of this.
Cure Danny: Oh no, Akinan is allowing the darkness back into his heart, but surely he must know that only with the power of love and friendship can the evils of darkness truly be-
Akinan: Shove that bullshit up your ass too Danny!
Cure Danny: How rude!
Anwin made a name for himself last week in the main event, defeating Ishihiro Tomo in a fantastic match, but it appears the tests continue as Awnin took on Larmore in singles action. Despite the outside interference of the Reality Gangsters, Anwin managed to avoid the Cobra Clutch and hit the Based Bomber to get the win. Anwin's stock rises as he continues to rally for a title shot.
Hailey Havok: Kooooonichiwa! Man, my body is killing me this week! But enough about what Grind and I do with our free time! AHAHAHAHAHA! I'm kidding of was cause I got my ass kicked on #EVER, but I'm going to try again this week so don't miss it. I'm here with Grinykins and Saludise of Justice 87, and it looks like Sal's going something to say to Jamie O....hey....what are you looking at Sal?
Sal Paradise: A ginger bastard in the rafters.
Hailey Havok: Huh? What do you-AH! It's actually Jamie!
Sal Paradise: Funny, I was just going to have a few words for you Jamie.
Jamie OD: Well here I am pal! Teeheeheehee!
Sal Paradise: I'm still trying to figure you out, but what's to figure out really. You never have a rhyme or reason for what you do. I just figured you'd be tired of getting beaten by me.
Jamie OD: AHAHAHA! Oi! Like it matters! Wins and losses don't mean a thing to me as long as I get what I want, and what I want is your blood on the mat!
Sal Paradise: Jamie, we went through therapy for this remember? What you really have is low blood sugar, and it's making you cranky.
Jamie OD: You bought all that bullshit?! We're heels Sal. Deep down in your heart and soul you know you're bad to the bone, just like me. Not too long ago you wanted Trevor Mach's head on a platter, and now you're bro'ing it up cause of "mutual respect"?! I deleted the word respect from my brain a looooong time ago. You should too!
Sal Paradise: I'm on a different road than you Jamie. Turns out I DID like being Lovekick. I was about the chicks and the kicks. I liked being cheered. I enjoyed wrestling! I was just burned out. I'm better now, and I want to help you.
Sal Paradise: Alright then....Plan B! Let's just destroy each other over a series of bloody battles. I'm suggesting Best of Five! You game?
Jamie OD: Why stop at Five! WHY NOT FIFTY!?!
Sal Paradise: R....Really? You want to wrestle fifty times in a row?
Jamie OD: ...N-no I can't really follow through on that. Best of're on.
An Invasion tag match saw the duo of Subculture and Eagleland Champion Magnum PT band against Nobunaga's Olly Oliver and KENTER. Dougie Mach watched on as Subculture and PT dominated the encounter, with Subbie hitting the KO Punch on KENTER score the pin. After the match he continued to call out Dougie, but the Ambition World Champion simply walked away laughing.
Jackson Kain: Hey Tack, we've got to talk. I'm done with this paid vacation, and I'm done with those stupid scientists trying to get me to join their team! I want my chance to get Mr. Satan back in the ring now!
Tack:'s in the box.
Jackson Kain: What?
Tack: W-what......WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOX!
Jackson Kain: I guess I caught you at a bad time. I'll just being leaving then.
Tack: Box.....must open the bo-
Looker: Tack? Boss of Havok?
Tack: I-interim Boss.
Looker: Whatever, the name is Looker and I'm from Interpol. I've been working with Magnum PT and Subculture regarding the criminal element in Edo, and I think you know who I'm talking about.
Tack: ......
Looker: I think it's time we pool our resources and work together. If you're planning on stirring up the bees nest then I must warn you that the SSS is heavily involved in Nobuna-
Tack: Will you open this box for me?
Looker: Excuse me?
Tack: I-I can't open the box....but I must....I must know what's in the box.
Looker: .....I'm going to leave my card on the table here. Call me and we can have a more in depth conversation about this. he going to be alright?
Magnum PT: Oh sure, he's just feeling the post birthday blues ain't ya Chief?
Tack: ...Box.
Looker: Oh! Happy Belated Birthday. Please give me a call. We have a lot to discuss, and I'd rather we didn't do this on camera.
Tack: .....
A huge surprise main event saw Trevor Mach injected into the title bout between Havok World Champion Kinniku Mike and Nobunaga Pro's Troy. Exciting 3-Way action with finishers and near falls a plenty in the early goings. There was never a lull or moment for one challenger to focus on just one other, with the third man injecting at every turn. Mike wore an eyepatch for the match, and had to keep moving to keep both men in his sights, a condition Mach tried to take advantage of by trapping Mike in the clinch and using knees hit the weak spot, but Mike countered and reopened the cuts on Mach's forehead with a vicious series of headbutts. Both of them found themselves getting run down by the lariats and boots of Troy until they teamed up to bring him down to the mat with a Powerbomb/Cutter combo. Late in the match a hooded man appeared in the crowd and started slowly creeping towards the ring. When Mach was thrown out of the match, the hooded man jumped the rail and sprayed a red mist into his eyes before blasting him with a high kick. The man took off his hood to reveal The Great Mota, who has apparently targeted Mach, but why? This left Mike and Troy in the ring with Troy trying to hit the Punt Kick, but Mike caught the leg and threw him back. As he got up, Mike was waiting and lifted him for the Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb, before the pin and his first Key Victory as Havok World Champion! The show ended triumphantly for the Typhoon and he retains the title.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Singles: Junior[FXE] beat Dangerous Dan via GTS -> Pin
2. Invasion Singles: Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga] beat Nosan via Shining Wizard -> Pin
3. Invasion Singles: Cherub Kid beat Green Destiny via Cherub's Flight -> Pin
4. Singles: Anwin beat Larmore via Based Bomber -> Pin
5. Invasion Tag: Magnum PT/Subculture[o] beat Olly Oliver[Nobunaga]/KENTER[Nobunaga] via KO Punch -> Pin
6. Havok World Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) beat Troy[x] and Trevor Mach via Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb -> Pin -> 1st Key Victory!
Jimmy: Hey back off already!
Bimmy: Yeah, leave Senor Box alone!
Maya Inca Boy: He said something misogynistic! We're here to make him check his box privilege!
Jimmy: Are you sure? Are you sure he said something? Dudes, he ain't got a MOUTH!
Bimmy: Yeah, this is totally NOT COOL!
Larmore: What the fuck is going on here?!
Maya Inca Boy: Eh?
Nikky: Larmore?
Cody: Hmph *fixes glasses* *folds arms* hmph.
Doc Gonzo: Looks like we've got company fellow white knights.
Good News Gary: I'm delighted to say I've got good news for everyone!
Jimmy: Whoa! Where did he come from?
Good News Gary: The good news is that Larmore has come to #EVER to compete! That's awesome!
Doc Gonzo: It figures. Larmore has a history of exerting his privilege against Social Justice Warriors, but the Fourdoras aren't having it!
Larmore: Like I give a fuck! I'm here cause I started relying too much on those chucklefucks DZ and Ditch. I'm through with all of that. No more Reality Gangster bullshit! I'm here to kick ass, and your asses are as good as any. Is that all inclusive enough for you?
Doc Gonzo: Our business is with the ignorant Lee Brothers and this sexist Box!
Bimmy: How about Larmore joins us against the Fourdoras at 4Ever?
Jimmy: Tubular bro! You in Lar?
Larmore: Why the fuck not! Nut up asshats or stop wasting our time.
Cody: *fixes glasses*'re on.
Senor Box:
Doc Gonzo: Say, where ARE DZ and Ditch?
Larmore: The fuck should I know?
The sensation that has yet to start called #EVER is back for week 3, and the build to the biggest match in all the shows so far which isn't much, is underway. We know that a 3-Way Boots and Ladders Match will determine the first ever #EVER Open Champion, and we also know that Larmore has hit the scene, and he'll be joining the Double Dragons and Senor Box against the Fourdoras, but 3 of the 4 on each side would be competing against each other tonight as well! So yeah, we got that going for us tonight. Just cause this isn't 4Ever doesn't mean it's not going to be good. Build up shows can be good too ya know. DON'T GO! PLEASE!
Jet Havok is still in the training phase, and Kaori the rookie is still green as grass. this Zephyr Singles match showcased just how green, as the controversial mouth of Tamera Tambler had the rich girl rookie in tears before hitting her Tamblegram Slam to get the pin.
Jake Conway found himself the recipient of a miracle in his Fight for your Right to Job! singles encounter with Fighter Daron. Daron has been on thin ice as well, but seemed to be in higher standing than the previous Havok job crew that was wiped out at the initial #EVER show. However, his job was on the line here, leading to a desperate Daron busting out his best against the self trained scrapper with perhaps one or two wins under his belt. Daron was in control and felt his job was intact, but a botched KO Punch lead to Daron force ably getting himself knocked out after crashing into Conway's head. Conway shrugged it off and pinned Daron to keep his job! After the match Conway suggested he may actually start to learn how to wrestle.
The Double Dragons found themselves on the losing end for the first time in #EVER against Gonzo and Nikky of the Fourdoras. First solid match up of the night, but Nikky has had experience in both EBW and Havok, while Gonzo had become a mainstay of FXE, and they had the experience on their side, not to mention Cody on the outside, leaving them an opening for Doc to hit the Gonzo Bomb on Bimmy to get the pin.
Tack: Oh hello! #EVER is really taking off according to this one sweet old lady who I'm pretty sure was actually napping in the crowd, but was very enthused at my "youthful spirit". We've got big plans for the future with big matches, and big debuts. We'll also have small matches and small debuts though, so I don't get accused of discriminating by the Fourdoras. At #4Ever, we're going to see three debuts fight for a chance to get on the roster. First, we have the reincarnation of legendary ball player Babe Ruth, for as we all know, Babe Ruth is the master of the diamond cutter. We also have the man named HIRO the Pushed, and I can only see him rising to the top whether some people like it or not. Last, but not least we have Kinniku Mike's favorite 2nd Cousin Norman Rains. What he lacks in wrestling skill or ability to talk, he makes up for with his intense hair. A threeway match will open the show, and the man who gets pinned will find the loss means an early exit from #EVER, while the other two will make it to the almost but not quite big leagues! Yeah! Of course, any of you could have a job RIGHT NOW if you would just open this box! Please? Pl-Please open the box. Please? OPEN THE BOX!
The voice of the Renegades Hailey Havok suffered her first direct pinfall today, against Sailor Jupter. This Jet Havok member fared better than her counterpart, but Jupiter's fiery love of justice was just too much for Hailey, as she fell to the Sparkling Wide Pressure. Jet Havok's ladies have a ways to go.
The main event saw yet ANOTHER near 30 minute war with Senor Box as he took on Maya Inca Boy of the Fourdoras. The participants of the 8-Man tag set for 4Ever surrounded the ring for showdown that would see Maya Inca Boy stumble and get rolled up by Senor Box leading to the pin and win for the fan favorite Box! The show ended with a big celebration for Senor Box, but the battle is just beginning as an epic showdown at 4Ever will settle this days long feud that started over some disagreement with a Box and hearsay in the cafeteria. The stuff epic legendary feuds are made of.
#EVER: 3Ever!
Akiba Secret Base Sub Basement, Kaga Region
The EBW Network
1. Zephyr Singles: Tamera Tambler beat Kaori via Tamblegram Slam -> Pin
2. Fight for your Right to Job! Singles: Jake Conway beat Fighter Daron via Headbutt -> Pin
3. Tag: Nikky/Doc Gonzo[o] beat Bimmy[x]/Jimmy via Gonzo Bomb -> Pin
4. Zephyr Singles: Sailor Jupiter beat Hailey Havok via Sparkling Wide Pressure -> Pin
5. Singles: Senor Box beat Maya Inca Boy via Roll Up -> Pin
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa Renegeizu! Hailey here doing double duty, both wrestling AND providing you with all the news over here in Edo, and yet I still haven't gotten raise. Moving on from that bullshit, it looks like we got some answers as to why the Great Mota attacked Trevor Mach on the last Kaosu TV! Roll that clip STEVE!
Tack: Look at her go!
Amy Angel: Christina, don't run off too far now! Geez Tack, she's just like you.
Tack: Running away from you?
Amy Angel: No, I was going for multi-talented but-
Tack and Amy: "I'm not multi-talented."
Tack: .....
Amy Angel: You're also predictable and wrong in this case.
Trevor Mach: Family time eh?
Tack: Trevor?
Trevor Mach: Been awhile since Uncle Trev got to see little Christina!
Tack: What are you doing here? I'm trying to have a day off with the family.
Trevor Mach: Oh, but you're the Boss Tack. You've got no time for days off. No breaks on the bureaucracy train.
Tack: ....Interim Boss.
Trevor Mach: We have a little matter you and I need to talk about. I heard it through the grape vine that you invited Great Mota to Kaosu TV! You want to enlighten me on WHY?
Tack: Oh that, I figured you'd come to me about that.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, kind of a big deal getting misted in the middle of a title match.
Tack: Look, I didn't think things were going to go down that way. I wanted to talk first, but I never know where to find you until it's too late. I've been discussing peace with All Edo Pro, but they have been working out some internal strife of their own. Great Mota has branched off and formed his own group called Wrestle-Ichi from half the All Edo territory, and before they will even come to the table to discuss working relations and peace they....well they want your head.
Trevor Mach: Naturally.
Tack: You have ruffled a lot of feathers since we've been here. Don't forget that.
Trevor Mach: Nor do I apologize for it. So Mota wants my head, and you were just going to give it to him?
Tack: No, I wouldn't do that Trevor. You know me.
Trevor Mach: Do I? I thought I used to, but then you kind of back stabbed me over this whole Sengoku Wrestling War.
Tack: I backstabbed you?! You were the one that went all rebel on me and burned up half of Edo!
Trevor Mach: Yeah, it's called getting my hands dirty so you could keep yours clean! I've already said that yo! The problem is you don't trust me!
Tack: You make it hard to trust you, when you do whatever you want whenever you want. You have put me in so many bad positions that I can't let my guard down!
Trevor Mach: Name one!
Tack: The VGC! You made me shoot you!
Trevor Mach: .....Name two!
Tack: You get the picture.
Trevor Mach: No, you don't get it. For every time I've gone and done my own thing, I've been there to have your back just as many times! I introduced you to your wife Tack! When I was at odds with her I made the call to make it right for the sake of you guys and your marriage. I'd say that worked out brah!
Tack: I appreciate that, but your actions in Edo have been-
Trevor Mach: Exactly what needed to be done, and exactly what you couldn't do. Stuart's out for blood, and everyone else was going to start following suit. That's the same reason Mota is out for my head. Because every promotion was going to do what Nobunaga is doing right now.
Tack: No, Wrestle-Ichi is demanding you pay for your war crimes. That's what Mota is out for your head.
Trevor Mach: War Crimes? Ha! I was just getting started before you put Mike in my way, and that's been bloody fun I have to mention, but now I'll play spoiler to Mota's "Justice". You tell that mist spewing son of a bitch that I'll meet him in his own yard and make him eat knee! As you're telling him flip him the bird as hard as you can.
Tack: Trevor, I-
Trevor Mach: With both hands!
Tack: Look, I was never going to let Mota get to you, but I wanted to talk this out. I've always felt before that we could've talked this out. That was my plan and you didn't trust me either.
Trevor Mach: Because you were too naive to realize you'd have to go to war with your wife's brother. Now you're getting it. I always trusted you in all things but this, but maybe now....maybe now we can trust each other concerning this Sengoku Wrestling War.
Tack: And I'll try and trust that you at least THINK that you know what you're doing.
Trevor Mach: Oh yeah? Trust huh? Tell me, how did you like your birthday present?
Tack: I...well....I haven't exactly gotten around to-
Trevor Mach: That's what I thought. Later brah!
Tack: ......Damn box.
Hailey Havok: In other big news, it looks like Dougie Mach is looking to finally pay attention Subculture, as he made a statement on the battlefield. During Nobunaga Pro' latest conquest, taking over KATA Pro's territory thanks to Dougie's 2 pins in a row against The Great Katsuke, he had this to say...
Dougie Mach: You see this Havok? Nobunaga Pro is on the move again, and you couldn't do a thing to stop us! We're growing too fast for you to. That's why the Chaos King joined Stuart. Because I knew together we were going to take over the wrestling world, and we're doing just that. You can't stop us! It's as futile as Subculture thinking he can avenge Little Mac. You've been delusional about what happened to Mac, but you insist on continuing in a crusade that's costing you your sanity and your career. No one is talking about that awesome Subculture match or that time that Subculture beat Trevor Mach to become champ! Those are all memories in the past because you've been overcome with your fool's errand. I would know, as I let my obsessions get the better of me before, but now I'm focused, and I'm the true world champion! I'm the Ambition World Champion, a title befitting the Chaos King. For you to assume it's a stepping stone is the ultimate insult, and so I'll show you just what it means to hold this belt, and be the face of the fastest growing promotion in all of wrestling. The world leader in wrestling! You and I will settle it in the ring, and I'll give you that amazing match that people will be talking about, but you'll be the one taking the fall, or taking the nap, or letting a leg go snap because I know you're too damn stubborn to tap. How about we do it this way, you agree to the match taking place on Nobunaga turf and I'll put the title on the line. If you win, you get what you want, but if I win, you never get to set foot in Nobunaga Pro again. That means no title challenges, and no Stuart. I've beaten you before on our turf, do you really want to take the risk? Think it over, but don't take too long, cause the Chaos King is a busy man. So many worlds left to conquer as it were. Hahahahahaha!
Grunt #1: Oof!
Grunt #2: I'll get him! AHK!
Subculture: Why did you even try?
Master Lu: What the hell? Oh, so you found me.
Subculture: I heard you were back over here, so I came to track you down. These guys thought they'd disrespect my pink hoodie, so I introduced them to the ground.
Master Lu: Impressive. Your punching power, you're getting even stronger. Mac knew you could drop the hurting bombs better than anyone. Part of why he chose you I think.
Subculture: Speaking of Mac, I'm still on the hunt for Stuart. I'm going to tear down the SSS and get revenge for both of us.
Master Lu: I've been reading about that. Part of why I came back to Edo, but I like to stop at all my old favorite dives first. The ladies missed me here, what can I say.
Subculture: I've got a shot at Dougie Mach coming up, and it's do or die time. I'm going to accept the challenge, but I need to get ready.
Master Lu: And you want my help?
Subculture: Please, would you help me? I need...control. I need to be able to focus. You and Mac were the best of your time, and I've already learned from Mac. Please, train me.
Master Lu: Best of our time? We'll always be the best, and you will be too when we're done. No need to ask Subculture. Let's get to work.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Vyram Invasion Begins 6-Man Tag: Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts/Jackson Kain vs. Grinam #1/Grinam #2/Grinam #3
2. Singles: Akinan vs. Junior[FXE]
3. Best of 5 Singles: Sal Paradise vs. Jamie OD
4. Singles: Anwin vs. Randy no Kachi
5. 6-Man: Kinniku Mike/Cherub Kid/Nosan vs. Troy[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobuanaga]
6. Non-Title Tag: Subculture/Magnum PT vs. Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]/Green Destiny[Nobunaga]
Hailey Havok: Do NOT adjust your set, because even if you were on the wrong channel, adjusting the color or contrast would be absolutely pointless. You're not on the wrong channel though, you're just here to witness a new beginning for the former EBW Network. A torch has been passed as EBW appears to be closing its doors after 8 years of operation. The company that changed wrestling in Eagleland forever just could not recoup after the Zealstraillia conflict, and is handing the torch over to Havok, and with that the renaming of The EBW Network to Havok Battle Network! The history of EBW is long and storied, first hitting the scene in 2006, Earthbound Wrestling gave wrestling fans an exciting and hilarious alternative, stretching the boundaries of wrestling, adventure, and shenanigans, and hopefully inspiring a lot of people along the way. EBW is being absorbed by Havok, the new kid on the block in retrospect, but in a much stronger position to carry the torch to even higher levels than before as evidenced by recent sell outs in Edo domes and stadiums. A quiet ceremony was held today at Akiba Secret Base to announce the big change and introduce some of the acquisitions from EBW to Havok...
Hailey Havok: After the final EBW show in which Firebrand X reclaimed the title from Ness after a near 60 minute epic, the two seemed to be on friendly terms today, as Ness appeared to endorse the face of EBW, who ironically wears a mask. Ness had announced his retirement at that final show, along with the rest of a group of wrestlers that had been known as the "Mother Gang", ending a glorious chapter in wrestling history for some of its greatest heroes. Ness has been a icon in this business, and recently stated that after the Zealstraillia conflict that he was ready to move on and live his life, having saved the planet one last time. It was also announced that Flying Man, Noah Jennings, Switchback, Tad Sugiyama, and EBW Tag Team Champions Bois and Bais will be immediately jumping over, with others rumored to make the final jump as well. We also saw a redesign of the Akiba Secret Base, to show the new Havok Battle Network Logo, as well as the decision to rebrand back to Chaos TV! as let's be honest, the point about that was made. Kaosu is Chaos in Edoese yadda yadda time to go back to Chaos TV! Many of the Havok Renegades looked on to see Ness officially hand over the reigns of EBW's fighting spirit to Tack, who promised that the reformation of the EBW Network into Havok Battle Network would lead to further escalation of Professional Wrestling, and that with the re-branding, the world could now see Havok as the top promotion in the world. The Renegades were left wondering what the future would hold with EBW being integrated into Havok, meaning new champions, challengers, and surprises coming with it. The only thing for sure about the future, is that nothing's for sure! Welcome to the Havok Battle Network!
OOC: I started EBW at a very dark point in my life. I was a bit of a recluse at the time, and I was pretty low on myself, but I picked myself up and survived, and I think having such a fun and wonderful hobby as EBW was a big part of that. I got back my confidence and creativity and I've met incredible friends and loved ones along the way. I'm far from being done writing, as I love it, and I intend to continue as long as I can throughout SSS and beyond, but I feel that retiring the EBW initials is quite symbolic, at least to me. It has meant quite a lot to me. I want to thank Tack for carrying on as long as he could, but I know it wasn't an easy experiment to take part in, but I think he did a great job for as long as he had it. Goodbye EBW, and thank you for all the years. Thank you thank you thank you so much.
It's a new time, and a new age, as time and ages have a tendency to pass. I mean, if you want to get technical, it's a new time and age every time a second passes, but I'm talking in a more figurative sense. It's the era of the Havok Battle Network, and the Sengoku Wrestling War continues, however as the conflict persists, new surprises and challengers have come to Havok. The best of the best, and the very legacy of EBW have come to Edo to join the Renegades of Havok. The show opened with the Boss Tack in the ring with Havok World Champion Kinniku Mike and EBW World Champion Firebrand X, but they wouldn't stay alone for long, as hungry challengers were laying in wait.
Tack: Oh hello everyone, I'm Tack, the INTERIM Boss for Havok! It's amazing what difference a week makes isn't it? Last week I would not have guessed I would be in this situation here and now. We are now the Havok Battle Network, and I stand with TWO World Champions! Kinniku Mike and Firebrand X. Havok and EBW are now one once again here in Edo, and now I find myself with an interesting situation. A friend of mine would say when it comes to World Champions that there can be only one, but he'd yell it and drag out the oooooone part. That brings me to a huge announcement, as it's that time of year to make huge announcements regarding the biggest show of the year. That's right, Victory Explosion VIII is coming to Edo! At Victory Explosion VIII we will see the World Championships Unified! Now, you might think that would mean I just booked Kinniku Mike versus Firebrand X, but take a look around. Look at the men on the stage. We've got the young guys like Switchback, Ishihiro Tomo, and Kota Hayashi. We've got hungry contenders looking to finally break through like Anwin. We've got former champions like Grind, and a very disgruntled looking Noah Jennings.
Noah Jennings: You are damn right that I am disgruntled. I'm perturbed as well! I was never even considered to be in the final EBW match, where I could have made history and become champion! Do you know who I am?! I'm Noah Jennings, and I want an EBW title shot!
Tack: That's nice! We also have a surprisingly calm and well dressed Dangerous Dan?
Dangerous Dan: *wink* Wonderful that you noticed Boss.
Tack: Interim what happened to you? Discover decaf?
Dangerous Dan: I've merely learned that rage is not beautiful and what it really means to be danger....wait for it.....ous. Dangerous in the ring, and dangerous in style. You can call me Mr. Dangerous from now on!
Tack: .....'K. Well, we've got a lot of contenders is the point I was trying to make. That's why starting next week, we'll have contenders matches. Those men on and around the stage will compete, and in the end one will get a shot at the EBW World Championship, and the other will get a shot at the Havok World Championship. You look at any of these men, and you see the potential main event for Victory Explosion VIII. Become properly hyped up with exhilaration! Mike? Firebrand? What do you think?
Kinniku Mike: I think anyone willing to step in front of a raging Typhoon must have STRONG TITS! Uuuuuuu!
Firebrand X: I have seen many ups and downs in my career, but even a war wasn't able to keep me away from the EBW World Championship. EBW's closure was like the end of an era, and I stood atop that era as the World Champion. Now, I'm here amongst the Renegades, and I have one more mountain to climb. I'll face down your storm Mike, or I stand against anyone else, but make no mistake that I have every intention of making history at Victory Explosion VIII.
Tack: Starting next week, the road begins! But...uh...don't leave or tune out cause this week is going to awesome as well. Yeah.
The opening contest would be the opening salvo in another intergalactic conflict between the Jet Havok against Dimensional War Party Vyram. The 6-Man match turned into a Handicap Tag, when Jackson Kain left Degrees and Andonuts high and dry. Explosive fight for the Jet Havok duo, but Degrees seemed clouded with rage over the abduction of Megumi. Leading to that and the gradual wearing down, and the Grinam foot soldiers got the win after #3 hit the Vyram Vertical Slam on Jeff Andonuts to get the pin.
Trevor Mach: Who's your favorite uncle Christina? Who is it? Is it me? Is it me? Hahaha!
Tack: Trevor? What are you doing with.....hey who are these guys? Why do you have my daughter?!
Trevor Mach: You need to relax Tack! Amy had some business to take care of and asked me to hold her for a minute!
Tack: Oh....yes of course.
Trevor Mach: Wow, do you really think I would hurt your little girl over some grudge? That's messed up dude.
Tack: You're not always in the right frame of mind.
Trevor Mach: But, I always come through on the big stuff, and I always stand by you when it really matters. Oh, I see you finally opened the present!
Tack: No, Amy did when she got sick of me complaining about it. A cardboard cutout of a Sega 32x?
Trevor Mach: Were you expecting a bomb?
Tack: No, just why this and not an actual 32x.
Trevor Mach: Well you see, I once promised you a Sega 32x, and unfortunately Dougie's got mine, and we're not on the best of terms right now as you're aware of, so this was more like a "I remember and I owe you" sort of gesture.
Tack: Oh....well thank you.
Trevor Mach: When I hold this little girl. I think I understand you a little better. Priorities and decisions can really change when you bring one of these into the world I guess. I wouldn't know. My wife and daughter don't even miss me. But enough of that bullshit, I wanted to let you know that I'll be at Wrestle-Ichi's inaugural show, and I'll face whatever Great Mota thinks I have coming to me, and he'll have to face my knee shattering his orbital bone. See how I went from the physical to the literal? Don't worry about me declaring a war on Wrestle-Ichi either. Look, even changed my attire. No more Sengoku themed war vest and shit. Classic T-shirt and jeans. The rest of Justice 87 followed suit. We've got out stuff going on what with a possible championship match for Grind, and Sal having an axe to grind with Jamie. See how I fit grind into both those things?
Tack: Look, I was serious about what I said before. I had no intention of letting Great Mota do what he did.
Trevor Mach: Tack....I trust you. Now trust me when I tell you that we don't always have to agree, but I'll have your back when it matters.
Tack: ....I appreciate that, but through all of this I have had two masked guys standing behind me and it has been creeping me out. What's the deal with them?
Trevor Mach: Those guys are friends of mine. They are The Question and The Answer. Every time you think you know The Answer, The Question will dropkick you in the mouth.
Tack: A new tag team eh? Suggestions for the #EVER brand?
Trevor Mach: Nah, these guys are Justice 87 all the way, and we're willing to prove it. Put us in a 6-Man tonight.
Tack: That's kind of short notice, but I could. I'd like to know more about these guys and-
Trevor Mach: No, no you really wouldn't.
Tack: Oh, well are they ready?
Question: Are we ready?
Answer: We're always ready.
Trevor Mach: See? See what they do there? Questions and Answers and stuff? It's awesome yo!
Tack: Alright, I'm going to trust you on this. Tonight, you've got the Blunderbuss Gang. Show me what you got Q&A!
Trevor Mach: Swanky brah! Now let's bolt before he changes his mind. Get Hype!
Tack: Trevor?
Trevor Mach: Yeah.
Tack: I don't even trust myself. I never have. I've just been trying to do the right thing for Havok and my family.
Trevor Mach: I know.
Tack: Can I really trust you?
Trevor Mach: You really have to ask your best friend? Later yo.
Tack: ....*sigh*....He still has Christina.
Trevor Mach: *skedaddles back* Here, you might want this.
Tack: *grabs Christina* Thank you......thank you.
Second match of the night saw Akinan continue his singles run and push for a title shot against Junior in a strike fest of a match. Kyo tried to coach Akinan on from the outside, but that only infuriated and distracted him, leading to Junior hitting a high kick and a roll up to nearly win the match, but Akinan came back with a Spinning Side Slam off the ropes to secure the pin. Kyo tried to talk to Akinan after the match, but he wasn't having any of it tonight.
Trevor Mach lead the newest recruits to Justice 87 Question and Answer against the Blunderbuss Gang in an impromptu and often time hilarious match up. Question showed off his submission skills, nearly tapping out Bart with the Cloverleaf, while Answer followed suit and tried a Short Arm Scissors on Bart. In fact everyone was trying to submit Bart. In a game of one ups man ship and confusion, Blunderbuss and Rockjaw even tried to submit their own tag partner to prove who had the better submission. Later, the 2014 Royal Crown Champion somehow organized the match into a game of red rover, and when Blunderbuss called Mach over, he not only ran through their arms, but trapped Bart in a Cross Armbreaker and finally forced the submission. A confusing and fun match, that left the crowd happy and the boss very confused.
Backstage, it was time for a Jet Set Reunion!
Nerma: Well hello Renegades, and Konichiwa to the people of Edo. Nerma, the voice of EBW has come to Havok! I'm joined in my first segment with Demon Door Champion Grind and Switchback, the reunion of Jet Set Future! Bet you guys have been catching up on old times?
Grind: *nod*
Switchback: You bet we have. It's been a while since we had to talk, but I end up doing most of the gabbing obviously. Times have changed haven't they? Grind, the former Television Champion, former World Champion, and current Demon Door Champion. He's been all over the place, while I haven't been as successful, but I'm looking to change that.
Nerma: Hey, you weren't so bad in EBW Switchback, don't sell yourself short! Does this mean that you two are reuniting?
Switchback: No, it actually doesn't. See, Grind is with Justice 87, and I'm looking to follow my own path, and since Grind and I are on the same road to a Victory Explosion main event, we may have to become rivals from here on out, but just remember that Jet Set Future is forever.
Grind: Forever.
Nerma: Well, it's great to see you two together again and we look forward to-
Hailey Havok: Hey, what the hell is this?
Nerma: Eh? Oh hey Hailey.
Hailey Havok: Oh hey HaileDON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT NERMA! You're taking my job chick!
Nerma: I was just helping! You are a wrestler now too so-
Nerma: I don't understand, but you look good in the blue spandex.
Hailey Havok: Damn right!
Sal Paradise and Jamie OD began the first match in a Best of 5 Series to settle the grudge once and for all. Since coming to Havok, Sal has found himself again, joining Justice 87 and sporting a new "Face" t-shirt, while Jamie OD has just become more predictable and dangerous. Another classic match between the former friends and rivals, but Jamie OD's intensity and rule breaking got him the control and the opportunity to land his Penalty Kick. Jamie didn't stop there and continued to attack Sal in vicious manner landing kick after kick until the referee stopped the match. Jamie smeared Sal's blood on his face and smeared it over Sal's "Face" t-shirt. Notorious J.O.D wins the first match in violent fashion.
Anwin and Randy no Kachi locked up in the next encounter, with Anwin trying to maintain his winning ways to prove he's ready for the big time, while RnK tried to play spoiler and work his way into the main event picture. Great match up that saw Anwin escape the No Kachi Cutter to come back with the Based Bomber and score the pin and win.
Havok World Champion Kinniku Mike, still wearing the eye patch, and working hurt, refused to take time off as he lead Cherub Kid and Nosan against the Nobunaga invaders for 6-Man tag action. Big inter-promotional match that saw Mike once again show why he's the ace as he handed Akechi Mitsuhide his first pinfall loss in Havok following the Black Ocean Typhoon and the pin. Dominant win for Havok Home Army.
The main event saw Nobunaga's big Havok targets Subculture and Eagleland Champion Magnum PT take on Stuart's Mods Eivion Thanatos and Green Destiny in non-title action. Heated action that saw Subculture looking to plow through the team on the way to Dougie Mach, taking turns knocking them down with blow after blow, but suddenly Dougie Mach lead the Nobunaga invaders into the ring to attack both wrestlers. The Home Army tried to get into the ring, but Nobunaga had the ring under firm control, ending the show with Dougie Mach standing over Subculture and mocking him for challenging the Chaos King.
Havok Sengoku Invasion: Kaosu TV!
Akiba Secret Base, Kaga Region
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!
1. Vyram Invasion Begins Handicap Tag: Grinam #1/Grinam #2/Grinam #3[o] beat Doctor Degrees/Jeff Andonuts[x] via Vertical Vyram Slam -> Pin
2. Singles: Akinan beat Junior[FXE] via Spinning Side Slam -> Pin
3. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach[o]/The Question/The Answer beat Captain Blunderbuss/Bart[x]/Rockjaw via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission
4. Best of 5 Singles: Jamie OD beat Sal Paradise via Penalty Kick -> Referee Stoppage
5. Singles: Anwin beat Randy no Kachi via Based Bomber -> Pin
6. 6-Man: Kinniku Mike[o]/Cherub Kid/Nosan beat Troy[Nobunaga]/Mori Ranmaru[Nobunaga]/Akechi Mitsuhide[Nobuanaga][x] via Black Ocean Typhoon Bomb -> Pin
7. Non-Title Tag: Subculture/Magnum PT beat Eivion Thanatos[Nobunaga]/Green Destiny[Nobunaga] via DQ
LG Rod: ugh....uh...huh...AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Nosan: AH!
Nosan: ....I'm burying you.
Nosan: You're dead! I saw you die!
LG Rod: I'M ALIVE! STOP! NO! *cough cough* NOOOOO!
Nosan: You're waking everybody! Be quiet! Just let the dirt shower over you.
Nosan: Yeah, but your career isn't!
LG Rod: .......
Hailey Havok: Konichiwa! Yeah that's right it's Hailey, and NOT Nerma! This is my job and I can do it without any help even IF I'm so exhausted that I can't feel my legs! Degrees is slave driver with all of this training, but he's insistent on beating Vyram and saving Megumi. That brings us to Jackson Kain, who is being the flakiest flake in Jet Havok! Degrees managed to track him down.
Doctor Degrees: You son of a bitch!
Jackson Kain: Doc, could you hang on a second, this beautiful lady and I were just about exchange digits. She said I was "Kawaii-desu", whatever the hell that means. Probably the spandex that won't come off. Finally this shit pays off.
Doctor Degrees: Hey, I'm talking to you! Where the hell were you for our match! We got swamped out there!
Jackson Kain: Judging by the broken robot head you're kicking in here it worked out alright for ya. Plus, it's not my problem. I told you I want no part of this Vyram crap! I want back on the roster full time to get my revenge against Mr. Sa-
Doctor Degrees: I don't care about any of that! I only care about doing what's right, and what is right is defeating Vyram! You got the 5th Birdonic Wave and that means we have no choice! We need you!
Jackson Kain: All you want to do is save your Megumi. You're in this for yourself! Trust me, I'm an actor, I know all about going into business for yourself.
Doctor Degrees: I'm doing this for the good of the planet, but yes I want to save Megumi, and this will only work if we do this as a team.
Jackson Kain: A team of 4 will have to do Doc, cause I'm not interested. You tell Kaori I said hello though k?
Doctor Degrees: ......
Hailey Havok: What an asshole! Anyways, we're moving onto #EVER news, where we've learned about a new tag team debuting at the big #4Ever show! That show is really shaping up to be....uh....something. Anyways, two bad dudes from the indies have come together and caught the eyes of many Renegades within Havok, namely Justice 87, but the boss is not as convinced. Introducing Jason Saxon and Tony Novus, the Task Force!
Tack: So yeah, I'd like to present...these two guys...Jason Saxon and the taller one Tony Novus.....the Task Force.
Jason Saxon: Yeah! Rock n' Roll! It's awesome to be here in #EVER!
Tony Novus: We're here with one mission, one TASK if you will, to wrestle with FORCE! That's why we are the Task Force, and we're quickly going to become the hottest thing in tag team wrestling!
Tack: *sigh* I don't know guys....the mullets...the just seem "too 80's" to me. Still, I'll give you a shot if you can take on Lombre and Snake the Jake at #4Ever. It's even going to be a special Ticket to Havok match. One last thing, I heard your theme, and I'm just not a big fan of it.
Jason Saxon: Maybe you should let the people decide! Hit our music!
Tack: No NO NOOOOOOO!!!!!
#EVER: 4Ever!
Akiba Secret Base Sub Basement, Kaga Region
The EBW Network
1. Singles: Norman Rains vs. Jake Conway
2. Singles: Hiro the Pushed vs. El Mago
3. Ticket to Havok Tag: Jason Saxon/Tony Novus vs. Lombre/Snake the Jake
4. Zephyr Division Championship: Fem C vs. Sailor Jupiter vs. Maxine Justice vs. Tamera Tambler
5. 8-Man Tag: Larmore/Bimmy/Jimmy/Senor Box vs. Doc Gonzo/Nikky/Cody/Maya Inca Boy
6. #EVER Open Championship Boots and Ladders: Cthulhu vs. That Guy vs. Ishihiro Tomo
#EVER is back for the biggest show yet, and considering it's only the 4th let's hope it will get better from here on, cause if this is the peak we're all in a lot of trouble. The opening two matches saw new hires Norman Rains and Hiro the Pushed get big wins against respective opponents Conway and El Mago. Rains was green as grass, but he's got "da look" and "dat hair" and managed to hit a Spear on Conway, so surely that win means he's getting elevated to the top of the card.
Hiro was doing this weird Air Drums thing, but he had abs so it kept plenty in the crowd popping no matter what he did. El Mago fell to the Ace Crusher, and on the pinfall he disappeared in a poof of smoke, with birds flying out. Hiro shrugged and did the Air Drums, which again is enough to get someone elevated to the top apparently.
The TaskForce debuted to a rocking 80's theme and high energy against the reptilian Lombre, and the in no way a snake Snake the Jake. This match was a Ticket to Havok Tag, so high stakes for this debut encounter. Radical, tubular, and high octane encounter, with Saxon and Novus really impressing. Nothing fancy about the finish as Novus hit a Flying Forearm Smash to Lombre followed by the pin. After the match, Nerma caught a word with the TaskForce.
Nerma: Nerma here, getting settled into my new home with #EVER! I just got one of those Tweeter things, and that's apparently a big deal with that thing. Anyways, I am here with the hot new team on the block TaskForce. Jason Saxon and Tony Novus, you guys just got the big win, how are you feeling?
Jason Saxon: Radical! The TaskForce debuted with FORCE, and now we're on our way to Havok!
Tony Novus: Our bags are packed, and we're ready! First night with #EVER, and we're already Havok Bound!
Tack: Boy, you said it guys. really did it. Well, I'm a man of my word, so here are your tickets!
Jason Saxon: Huh?
Tony Novus: Actual tickets?
Tack: Yeah, you've got front row tickets to the show. It was a Ticket to Havok match!
Jason Saxon: We thought it meant that were moving up to the Havok roster.
Tack: HAHAHA! It's your first night with #EVER, you've got mullets, and you come out to 80's synth. Trust me, it's going to take a lot more work. Have I ever been known to be a master of allegory? Ticket means ticket. Congrats though guys, you cost me 20 bucks on that one.
Tony Novus: ....Did our boss bet against us?
The Zephyr Division was on display in full force, with a 4-Way battle to determine the first ever champion for #EVER, but what was set to be a match contested under normal rules changed just before the bell.
Fem C came out with a debuting #EVER concept, the Wheel of Gimmicks! With matches like Privilege on a Pole and a Cole Miner's Glove match, this concept was very much a bad idea. Wheel of Gimmicks turn turn turn, tell us the Gimmick that we all yearn....or something stupid like that. Turns out the first Gimmick from the Wheel of Gimmick would be a No No DQs match, so.....what started as a normal match would end up being a....normal match...beautiful. Mo forced the Fourdoras to the back, leaving Tambler on her own for the match. Big match for the Zephyr Division with good showcases between Maxine Justice, Fem C, and Sailor Jupiter. Tambler tried to swoop in to steal a win, but it was not to be, as Fem C found herself on the receiving end of a Justice Press Drop from the jacked up kickin' chick Maxine Justice leading to the pin and the win. Maxine Justice, the first ever Zephyr Division Champion!
Larmore debuted a new look and brash attitude in a 8-Man war with the Double Dragons and Senor Box against the Fourdoras. The fans ate it up and rooted for the mouthy brawler once again. Fun match that showed the solid team chemistry of the Fourdoras, but they ultimately lost the match when Maya Inca Boy became the victim of a vicious sequence. Double Dragons went high and low with the kicks, while Larmore went off the top rope with a stalled Elbow Drop. Senor Box was placed on top of Maya Inca Boy while the others kept the Fourdoras at bay to score the pin and win for the team.
Main event saw the Boots and Ladders match for the #EVER Open Championship! That Guy, DAT HEART, and the Ancient One made for an interesting trio in a match full of small ladders, one big ladder, and of course Good News Gary!
Good News Gary: I'm delighted to say that I've got GOOD NEWS for everyone! Ladders and Wrestling make an awesome combination, and we've got lots of them! We've got awesome wrestlers AND it's for the #EVER Open Championship! It's called Boots and Ladders, but it's not your normal Ladder Match! You take the title hanging above the ring and you place it back onto the cord dangling above the entrance with the bigger Ladder. Isn't that awesome?!
Cluster is a word you could use for this main event, followed by another word, however that can make for a fun and entertaining encounter, and in this case....well....results may vary. Cthulu's desire to win contradicted his need to be a hero. In a scene near the end, Tomo blasted That Guy as he grabbed the title out of the ring and ran to place it using the big ladder. Cthulhu tried to save that guy from falling out of the ring and through a table, but to no avail. It's the thought that counts I suppose. The distraction of heroism lead to Tomo climbing the second ladder and placing the title, giving him the win and the very first #EVER Open Championship to close the show.
#EVER: 4Ever!
Akiba Secret Base Sub Basement, Kaga Region
The EBW Network
1. Singles: Norman Rains beat Jake Conway via Over Rated Spear -> Pin
2. Singles: Hiro the Pushed beat El Mago via Ace Cruser x Air Drums Solo -> Pin
3. Ticket to Havok Tag: Jason Saxon/Tony Novus[o] beat Lombre[x]/Snake the Jake via Flying Forearm Smash -> Pin
4. Zephyr Division Championship No No DQ: Maxine Justice beat Fem C[x], Sailor Jupiter, and Tamera Tambler via Justice Press Drop -> Pin -> 1st Generation Zephyr Division Champion!
5. 8-Man Tag: Larmore/Bimmy/Jimmy/Senor Box[o] beat Doc Gonzo/Nikky/Cody/Maya Inca Boy[x] via Handle with Care -> Pin
6. #EVER Open Championship Boots and Ladders: Ishihiro Tomo beat Cthulhu and That Guy via Title Grab -> 1st Generation #EVER Open Champion!