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12/08/2019 4:17 pm  #491

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

The Dan Van

On route to the Dusty Dunes Desert, the Dan Van appears over the horizon...

Bashin Dan was inside the van, sleeping in the backseat and clutching his battle spirits deck. The dream Lakitu began to capture footage of his dreams. Yes, we've got one of those now. Dan had visions in his head of massive card battles, combatants in special armor, summoning monsters from their cards, with the very fate of time and space at stake. He dreamed of friends lost, and the life he left behind. Finally, he dreamed of Mai, the purple haired young woman who always stood by his side. When they were children they had a friendly rivalry, but as they grew, they noticed each other more, and fell in love. Then, Dan's dream faded, and all he saw was Hope Mach. He was standing in a black void with each woman on either side. Before he could choose, he woke up.

Bashin Dan: Ah!

Benjamin: You alright?

Bashin Dan: Yeah, my dreams....just got a little weird...and I think a Lakitu got in there.

Benjamin: Blasted creatures....we're never safe. So, do you want to talk about her.

Bashin Dan: Her?

Benjamin: That girl you saw. The one you remembered. From your past life.

Bashin Dan: How do you-

Benjamin: Remember my friend, we're in the same boat. I had that same look when I first realized they had Chocobos here too.

Bashin Dan: Chocowhat?

Benjamin: Oh, you haven't seen one yet? They're yellow birds's not important right now. Look, you just need to keep your head in the game. You're the face of Wrestling right now, and a close friend of yours might challenge you for that position one day.

Bashin Dan: Oh yeah? Is that right? I'd be excited for the challenge.

Benjamin: Me too. By the I supposed to have left the road?

Bashin Dan: No? Why?

Benjamin: Well I did...sometime ago. I don't know how to drive. These metal machines baffle me quite frankly. Maybe I should have mentioned that?

Bashin Dan: ...My fault for not thinking about it. Better give me the wheel.

Barrington Huge: I'd drive....but I'm stuck in my seat.

Bashin Dan: I know Barrington....I know.

Crystal Fourside

Tack Angel was working on his garden, and enjoying his weekend off.

Tack Angel: ♫I love the night life. I love to boogie. On the disco-

?: Uh....excuse me? Are you the Star Prince?

Tack Angel: Huh? Why yes...I-

Tack was dumbfounded when he saw the woman in front of him. A tall blonde with a...."flattering" chest, dressed in a skin tight black body suit, with silver, yellow, and white armor on top.

Tack Angel: Wow....nice abs. I mean hello! Yes, I AM the Star Prince.

?: *deep breathing* Did you....notice my abs?

Tack Angel: Uh yeah...sorry...I just appreciate them. It's like my wife Makot-

?: *moan* Thank you for noticing. I just...I...I

Tack Angel: Are you alright?

?: My Darkness...I wish to be a Knight of Star Prince. I wish....I wish to be your love slave as well.

Tack Angel: .........................................Huh?

Darkness: *moaning and grinding* I am SO humiliated! It''s too much! I love it!

Tack Angel: Oh boy.


ENN Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Wow! We've got big news in the Control Center today. ENN is changing! That's right, the parent company of EBW has seen some growth and new demographics thanks to EBW moving back to the network. Now, instead of trying to diversify the demographics, because that will literally kill your brand...everyone get that? ENN is rebranding itself to cater to the demos that already watch! It's like "Hey thank you for watching, we want you to feel welcome and know that we're doing this for you. We'll support you, so please support us." It's like that. It's great right? I mean, they hated wrestler until it made them money....then a bunch of people got fired for getting in the way of them making more they want more money. Back to the point, ENN is becoming "Strike TV". It will cater more to fight fans, but don't worry, you will STILL get your hours and hours of COPS reruns, but you'll also get more of us! If you subscribe to Strike+, that's the new name for the streaming service, you'll also get an inside look at Live events, AND more invasive Lakitu action. Possibly even NSFW stuff. What does that mean? I was told to say it, but I don't know what NSFW means. Steve? Oh. Interesting.

Suddenly, the camera panned outside, as a limo pulled up. Valarie Dorado, Erica, 21st Century Foxx, and Sylvie exited the limo and made their way inside.

Tony Bologna: Wait...was that Valarie Dorado? Erica?! EBW veterans with two of the hot new stars in the Women's division. They're coming here? Now? I-

Valarie Dorado: Excuse me, are you still talking? The real stars are here, and we've got something to say. I have more money then you'll make in your life, now get out of my way.

Tony Bologna: I feel that money part was unneeded...but yeah I'll go.

Valarie Dorado: Yeah, you'd better. Listen to me. I am Valarie Dorado. My whole life, has been one of class and privilege, but I knew I could do more than succeed in my little golden bubble. I wanted to wrestle. I come from a family dynasty of wrestlers. The Dorado name is hallowed and sacred in Anahauc. But, I wanted to make my own name, and I did for a time, but I made some poor choices, and bad alliances. I bought into others, when I should have bought into myself. I mean look at me. From the clothes I wear, to the jewelry, the face, the talent. I am the PERFECT person to lead, and not to follow. I was tired of being cast aside. Tired of losing, when I should be dominating and winning. I am skilled! I am a technical master! My submissions are perfect. A Cross Armbreaker, and you're DONE! So, I took some time off, enjoyed the Anahauc beaches, and relaxed, found my center, and went back to training, to become the best Valarie Dorado you have ever seen. I did some thinking, and I came the conclusion that being in a group wasn't the bad thing, NOT leading the group was the bad thing. So, I sent out the call. Erica, an old friend, one of my oldest....we always got along well enough, and she has talent that equals my own. A former Women's Champion in her own right. I needed that. Then, I looked to the new talent, and I saw great potential in 21st Century Foxx and Sylvia. They put aside their little TV title feud, so we could come together and form the basis of this venture. The future of Women's Wrestling. The "ELEVATION" of Women's Wrestling.

Tony Bologna: "ELEVATION"?! Oh wait...I was supposed to leave....I'm going....I'm going.

Erica: I came into this sport all wrong, wanting to be like Lady M's. She was the bright new face, with talent and attitude. I saw that look, M's in the Sailor Fuku, and I wanted to be just like that. What an idiot I was. Val here, she's got it figured out. Don't try to be someone else. I will be the best Erica I can be. For starters, as you can see I did away with the stupid hair, grew out my naturally beautiful hair, because I'm not trying to be anything but myself now, and what I am going to do, first and foremost, is CRUSH anyone that gets in my way, or in the way of Elevation. I will ENFORCE my will on this division. Look at these arms. Have you ever seen me so sculpted? Boys, stop drooling.

21st Century Foxx: I just want my due. I want what is mine. It's the 21st Century, and I am THE STAR of this Century. It's right there in the name. I couldn't spell it out any simpler if I tried. I deserve the finer things in life, including power, success, and gold. I will have it. Believe that!

Sylvia: Gold is great, but silver....truly shines, and they have seen that. These ladies understand who I am. True shining talent. The "Queen of Soft Style", and it gets the job done. Boys, you can KEEP drooling over me, but you can't have me.

Valarie Dorado: There you have it. Whether you like it, or you don't like, you have to get used to this fact. Elevation WILL run this division. Make no mistake.

Tony Bologna: Wow! Strong words! I loo-yeah I'm still here. I couldn't help it.

Crystal Fourside

Hope Mach and Christina Angel were walking along a crystal paved path, because of course it is paved in crystal...

Christina Angel: So...Dan huh?

Hope Mach: Heh, I was waiting for you to get to that.

Christina Angel: Not judgement or anything. I'm just surprised. It came out of nowhere. Why Dan?

Hope Mach: Why Subculture?

Christina Angel: Careful, you sound like my Dad. He's getting used to the idea though. He only vomits a couple times a day now. He's trying his best. I'm proud of him. But yeah...I see what you mean. It's just something that works right?

Hope Mach: Have you ever met someone who is legitimately just a pure hearted person? Strong, confident, and talented, but also honest and kind. It's not an act....he really is that person. He's obsessed with card games too...but I don't mind's actually fun.

Christina Angel: Well, I'm happy for you.

Hope Mach: *sigh*

Christina Angel: Should I not be?

Hope Mach: It's just that...lately...he's a bit withdrawn. He saw someone...someone named Mai and-

Christina Angel: Ex-girlfriend?

Hope Mach: I don't know. Haven't have the chance to talk to him. The touring and whatnot has kept us busy. I really want to find out though. I want to know who this person is to him, and what I am to him.

Christina Angel: Sounds complicated for sure. Is it worth it?

Hope Mach: Worth is a two way street. You both have to put in the effort. It is to me, but if it isn't to him, then we'd have a problem. He's such a good guy though, so I think whatever is going on is weighing heavily on him. I want to figure it all out before passing any judgement. It's hard not to wonder though.

Christina Angel: I get that. You have to wonder about who that person is with my Dad.

Hope Mach: Huh? What the hell?

Tack was standing next to an elaborate system of poles and ropes, with the armored woman named Darkness tied up in the middle.

Christina Angel: Dad, do I even want to know?

Tack Angel: Well, this lady named Darkness wanted to prove herself worthy as a "Knight of Star Prince" and suggested we use some rope to create a trap. She would then escape it to prove she will do whatever it takes to keep the family safe.

Hope Mach: This looks like bondage Uncle Tack.


Hope Mach: ....You're a lewd Uncle Tack.

Tack Angel: *sigh* Darkness, will you tell them.

Darkness: Uuuuuu.....

Tack Angel: Darkness? DARKNESS?! Are you alright?!

Darkness: The rope burns...they hurt....they hurt so good. I can escape though, so you should pull it tighter.

Tack Angel: Uh...I don't think I should.

Darkness: Please! I must...I must prove myself.

Tack Angel: ...Well alright I'll just-

Darkness: Mmmm! Yeah Daddy!


Hope Mach: She's enjoying it.

Christina Angel: Dad....what about Mom....and the others I don't care about?

Tack Angel: *sigh* I really got "roped" into this one.


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Welcome to the NEW Control Center, for Strike TV! How is it new? Well look at the bottom corner of your screen. See? New logo! Big news as always, cause every week has to have something or people lose interest. It's hard to keep zoomers away from their fortnites and their flossing, like I always say. So Xcite will NOT be airing this week. I know, I'm surprised to, but hear me out. It's being replaced this week by a SPECIAL EVENT! In an attempt to get tourism to his "Kingdom" Tack Angel has volunteered to run his own show direct from Crystal Fourside's much touted Food Court!

Crystal Fourside Food Court

Tack Angel: Thank you all for coming today for this press conference. I'm pleased to announce this show that will be taking place here in my Kingdom. The Star Prince is opening up the doors, and inviting you all to come and watch this spectacle that's going to take place! It's going to be a night to least it would be...if ANYONE WOULD ACTUALLY SHOW UP!

Tack was alone, speaking to a bunch of empty chairs, a Lakitu, and a napping Trevor Mach.

Tack Angel: ...I don't get it. This place is amazing. Why don't they want to come here?!

Trevor Mach: Soccer practice! Huh? Oh, is this..."thing" over already? Well done Tack, you sure announced...whatever you announced.

Tack Angel: You don't even know?! I'm hosting a show here! We're going to put on a big event. I was going to let you have any match you wan-


Tack Angel: ...He's an odd fella.

Darkness: Sir, I finished dragging the cart around the premises.

Tack Angel: I never told you to do that, and I certainly didn't see all my children riding in the back when you first left.

Darkness: *deep breathing* It was......wonderful.

Tack Angel: Huh....hey Darkness....can you wrestle?

Darkness: Absolutely! I will stand up to the challenge, and take any pain my opponent can dish out. ANY! PAIN!

Tack Angel: Yeah...yeah I figured as much. Well great, you're on the card. I just need to figure out a killer match to draw everyone in.

Darkness: My Prince, if I may be so bold, you could give everyone a match they've been dying to see.

Tack Angel: ....Dying huh?

Amy: Tack....crazy woman...Subculture is here to see you.

Tack Angel: ....Subculture huh?

Subculture: Tack, I thought we could-

Tack Angel: That's it! I got it!

Subculture: Got what?

Tack Angel: The match! The main event for my show! I will take on Subculture! a.....IN A WHEAT THRESHER DEATH MATCH! That's right, the match you've all been waiting for! I will temp fate, and face the machine that will one day kill me! All for the fate of my daughter!

Subculture: Uh....mad man? Does Christina know about this?

Tack Angel: ...Of course! She knows it has to happen, cause I REALLY need a main event!

Subculture: Um...I find that hard to believe...considering the match type....but whatever...I'm just going to go find her....and tell her you've lost your mind.

Tack Angel: This is going to be great!

Trevor Mach: Tack, great news! They agreed! I'm facing him in an Electrified Barbed Wire Death Match!

Darkness: Mmmm...that sounds....incredible. *heavy breathing*

Tack Angel: Stop fidgeting over there! That's great and all, but I have booked an amazing main event! A Wheat Thresher Death Match against Subculture.

Trevor Mach: You did what?!

Tack Angel: It's fine! I know what you're thinking! I won't lose! No way Subculture throws me in the thresher and kills me. It's just to attract an audience. Go big right?

Trevor Mach: Yeah, but you realize to win, you have to murder Subculture right? You have to throw him into the thresher....your Daughter's fiancee? Our friend?

Tack Angel: ...CRAP!

Tack Angel Presents: The Tackoning!
Crystal Fourside Food Court, Crystal Fourside
Strike TV

1. No Rules Women's Singles: Darkness[Debut] vs. Tracy
2. EBW Trios Championships: Hoardy Boulder(c)/Vapetrain(c)/Barrington Huge(c) vs. Shark #1/Shark #2/Shark #3
3. Electrified Barbed Wire Death Match: Trevor Mach vs. CPO[3'dPW]
4. Women's Tag: Lady M's/Hope Mach vs. Christina Angel/Iroha
5. Wheat Thresher Death Match: Tack Angel vs. Subculture


Crystal Fourside Legendary Food Court

A packed Food Court full of fans, ready to see a death. Wow, that's kind of morbid isn't it? Subculture was pacing back and forth, looking for Tack.

Subculture: Where is he? I can't believe he's actually going through with this. I thought we had an understa-

Christina Angel: Subbie? Are you alright?

Subculture: I'm freaking out a little here. The Wheat's actually here. He's going through with this.

Christina Angel: Well...he keeps his promises.

Subculture: This is insane! You don't seemed freaked in the slightest! I am your fiancee, and he is your father, and one of us is going to die?!

Christina Angel: *sigh* Can't say I didn't see it coming.

Subculture: You're acting weird too! This whole thing is weird, and I'm going to figure it out.

As Subculture stormed off, Tack appeared behind Christina...

Tack Angel: You did great sweetie.

Christina Angel: Just what ARE you actually planning?

Tack Angel: It's a surprise for you too.

Outside of Crystal Fourside

The Dan Van pulled up in the back to avoid the crowds. Dan exited along with Hope Mach.

Hope Mach: Thanks for the ride Dan.

Bashin Dan: Of course. Always happy to help.

Hope Mach: Are you alright? You've looked distracted.

Bashin Dan: I don't-

Hope Mach: It's that Mai girl huh?

Bashin Dan: How did yo-

Hope Mach: I watch the product.

Bashin Dan: Of course. Yeah, it's complicated I guess. More than I ever thought it could be. I don't have a strategy for this.

Hope Mach: Sometimes life can be more complicated than a card game.

Bashin Dan: I didn't think so, but apparently yeah.

Hope Mach: Heh. Dan, I like you a lot. You're sweet and honest. You're legitimate. You are who you say you are. I know you're conflicted. Just take the time to figure out what it is you need to do, or what you want to do. Either way, I understand.

Bashin Dan: You're making this too easy on me.

Hope Mach: I just want be happy. I'll see you in there.

Bashin Dan: Wait Hope. Hope?

Jammer: She's out of here. What did you do?

Bashin Dan: ...Nothing...I don't think?

Jammer: You're dense when it comes to anything that's not card games. A real idiot.

Bashin Dan: Yeah? Well, why did you do the right thing and make sure this "idiot" kept his title?

Jammer: You're still on about that? I didn't do it for you. I couldn't stand to see "The Brand" do what I still have to do. I wasn't going to let it happen.

Bashin Dan: Uh huh. You helped us win at the live show too.

Jammer: Look, I'm not going to give up on myself or my career just because you're locked me into your stupid club alright?

Bashin Dan: I would never ask you to do that. I just hoped-

Jammer: What? That we could be friends again? Are you kidding me? After everything I've done?

Bashin Dan: You haven't done anything that can't be forgiven. Friends forgive, they always forgive. It's what they do. You used to believe that too.

Jammer: I used to be a jobber. A total loser.

Bashin Dan: You were never a loser to us Jam. You were the Slam Master. You were the best a b-ball and-

Jammer: Enough. I don't want to hear it. I don't even know why I'm here tonight. I guess I get paid to appear or whatever, but-

Bashin Dan: You want to meet the fans and sign autographs with me don't you? It's going to be a lot of fun.

Jammer: Riiiight....I'm sure that's it. You....nevermind.

Bashin Dan: Well, I'll see you in there. Hopefully, I can find Hope too and-

Jammer: Yeah about that....this thing with Mai...

Bashin Dan: You know Mai?

Jammer: You never stopped talking about her. See...the thing is....

Bashin Dan: What?

Jammer: Never mind. I have nothing to say to you. Go bask in your stolen spotlight.

Bashin Dan: ...I hope you'll join me in there. I promise it'll be fun.

Jammer: .....

Tack Angel Presents: The Tackoning!

Tony Bologna: Hello from Crystal Fourside! Tony Bologna here and-

GR: We're gonna see a BBQ tonight, and that's going to need some of GR's BBQ Sauce! You can find it at-

Tony Bologna: He's obviously talking about the Electric Barbed Wire Death Match. It's a themed evening, and Tack Angel is calling the shots in his own Kingdom. He managed to draw the house for this one. No pirates or penguins to speak of in the audience. The main event is going to possibly see someone die. Yeah, you heard that right. The Wheat Thresher is out, and Tack Angel has challenged his future Son-in-Law to this Death Match. You know for a Tack Angel Joint, this has a lot of Death Matches involved. Weird right?

GR: You got to give the people what they want to sell tickets, and they want to see Death! Death! Death! AND BBQ SAU-

Tony Bologna: Let's take it to the ring!

Tack Angel Presents: The Tackoning!
Crystal Fourside Food Court, Crystal Fourside
Strike TV

1. No Rules Women's Singles: Tracy beat Darkness[Debut] via Rear Naked Choke -> Referee Stoppage
Tony Bologna: Darkness has been looking strange in her debut outing. She's capable and obviously ripped, but she's been taking abuse constantly. I think....I think she's enjoying it! Wow, Rear Naked Choke from Tracy. She's not even trying to escape. She's loving it! What the hell?! The Referee is stopping the match. Thank God!
2. EBW Trios Championships: Shark #1[o]/Shark #2/Shark #3 beat Hoary Boulder(c)/Vapetrain(c)/Barrington Huge(c)[x] Knocking him over -> Pin -> NEW EBW Trios Champions! (Erica/Sylvia/21st Century Foxx)
Tony Bologna: Where have THESE Sharks been! They have been dominating Dan Club XXL, using their size against them! Shark #1 drop kicked Barrington, AND HE'S DOWN! He's not getting back up! 1-2-3! New Trios Champs! Hey....wait a minute! Shark #1 is taking of his mask...wait...HER MASK?! IT'S ELEVATION! Erica, Sylvia, and 21st Century Foxx! They beat Dan Club XXL and brought he Trios Championships back to the Women's Division! Whoa!
3. Electrified Barbed Wire Death Match: CPO[3'dPW] beat Trevor Mach via Electric Moonsault -> Pin
Tony Bologna: WOW! Mach is stuck on the barbs! He's being lit up! I've heard stories of him and car batteries, so I'm not surprised he can take it! The electricity seems to make CPO stronger! CPO takes Mach down with the Brainbuster! He's going to the top, but the wires are shocking him in the process! It's like he's an electrified ball of death coming straight down onto Mach! MOONSAULT! 1-2-3! CPO wins! What an inhuman MONSTER BADASS!
4. Women's Tag: Lady M's[o]/Hope Mach beat Christina Angel/Iroha[x] via Sexy Strong Stunner -> Pin
Tony Bologna: Christina isn't helping Iroha! We should have seen this coming! She looks shocked, but should she really? M's with the SSS and the pin!
5. Wheat Thresher Death Match: Tack Angel beat Subculture via Death?
Tony Bologna: Subculture has the chance! One KO Punch and Tack meets his doom! But...he's not doing it. He's throwing his arm up. He's not going to do it! Touching. Tack looks like he's going for a hug. WAIT! TACK JUST THREW HIM INTO THE THRESHER! NO WAY!

Subculture: AAAAHHHHH!!!! Wait....huh?

Subculture rolled out of the other side of the fake thresher, filled with packing peanuts, to see Christina and the rest of the Angel Family standing there.

Subculture: What's....what's going on here?

Tack Angel: The joked you.

Subculture: Huh?

Tack Angel: Consider that initiation. You were willing to sacrifice yourself Subculture. You gave up. You weren't doing this for you. You were doing it for her. I see that now. That's what this was all about.

Subculture: I.....what?

Tack Angel: You're in! Welcome to the family.....Son!

Subculture: ....What have I done?


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Tony Bologna here in the Strike TV Control Center! Look, it REALLY is different in here this time. See? There is a plant in the corner back wasn't there before.'s a green screen! So, it turns out the Tack Angel show was a success. He got some people into his weird isolated Kingdom...I mean....his wonderful, glamorous food court, and the ratings were solid! Since the Angel's paid for the production, that's TOTAL PROFIT BABY! That of course means that we're going to milk this! That's why Bashin Dan, our EBW World Champion, is getting a turn at bat. He will be getting "The Clash", which is really the house...or studio he built after all. The show will be called "Gekiha Dan", which I'm told means something cool or whatever. It will be held at the newly reopened Battle Spirits Dojo! Saving so much on venue cost this way!

Battle Spirits Dojo

Bashin Dan was overseeing the construction of the ring set up...

Bashin Dan: Wow, this is looking great.

Trevor Mach: So, you got your own dojo again huh?

Bashin Dan: Huh? Oh hey Trevor! Yeah, it's perfect for training, and for-

Trevor Mach: The card game. Yeah yeah I know. Listen, we need to talk kid. You know what about.

Bashin Dan: ...

Trevor Mach: Hope, she's my daughter. She's no little girl, and she doesn't need me to protect her, but I'll always want to, cause I'm her father. I'm her father Dan. You get that right?

Bashin Dan: I do.

Trevor Mach: You know how well this worked out for Subculture right? Months of bickering with Christina's Dad, and now he's trapped in a cult family. Now, I'm not Tack, and I'm fine with this AS LONG AS, you realize what it means. You're a good Kid and all. I've been looking out for you, and I don't think you're out to upset me here, so it's cool. HOWEVER, you holding out for this Mai girl DOES bother me. It bothers me a lot.

Bashin Dan: I don't know what to say. I think Hope is amazing. I never expected my past to catch up to me like this.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, we never do. Then, your cousin tries to crash a space station into the Earth and you get stuck on the moon.

Bashin Dan: What?

Trevor Mach: Don't worry about it. If she trusts you, then I'm going to. You've never disappointed me yet. You made a few moves I wouldn't, but then again, you're not me. You're the actual good guy. You're the hero type I only wish I was sometimes. I have too many sins to count. But've got something.

Bashin Dan: Thank y-

Trevor Mach: Just don't fuck it up by pissing me off alright?!

Bashin Dan: Yes sir!

Trevor Mach: Good. Now...I hear you need a main event for your show. I hear the Dan Club are the #1 Contenders to the World Team Championships. Why wait?

Bashin Dan: Didn't you just lose to CPO? Are you alright to compete?

Trevor Mach: I didn't lose....I got utterly crushed. It's hilarious. Yeah, I'll be fine. Not the first time I've been electrocuted.

Bashin Dan: So, what was that about the Space Station?

Trevor Mach: Oh, you never heard about that? Come on, I'll tell you all about it.

Bashin Dan: Alright!

EBW: Gekiha Dan!
Battle Spirits Dojo, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's Television Championship: Nani(c) vs. Gold
2. Tag: Kinniku Mike/Sal Paradise vs. Barrington Huge/Hoary Boulder
3. EBW No Limits Championship: Johnny Starbound(c) vs. Vapetrain
4. EBW World Team Championship: Trevor Mach(c)/Tack Angel(c)/Firebrand X(x)/Subculture(c) vs. Bashin Dan/Benjamin/Cade/Jammer

Tony Bologna: We're not done there though. The road to New Year Rising 2019 will see ANOTHER show in Crystal Fourside. I mean, the stuff is all still there, might as well right?

EBW: 2 Tack 2 Furious
Crystal Fourside Food Court, Crystal Fourside
Strike TV


Battle Spirits Dojo

A young boy walks into the Dojo, full of shonen fire and energy, looking to battle.

?: I finally found you! BASHIN DAN!

Bashin Dan: Huh?

Dan turned around to see the young boy, dressed in blue, with a red bandana around his head.

Bashin Dan: Welcome to my Dojo. Can I uh...can I help you?

?: You CAN help me, by accepting my challenge for battle! I am here to surpass you, and PROVE that I am the TRUE Battle Spirits Hero!

Bashin Dan: Oh! You want to play cards?! That's awesome...but...I have a big show to get ready for tonight. I'm hosting a-

?: My name is Hajime Hinobori, and-

Benjamin: You get out of here you little brat! We're getting ready for a war with the Elite 4 tonight! You have any idea how big that is?! We don't have time for your shenanigans.

Bashin Dan: I always have time for THESE shenanigans in particular.

Benjamin: Oh're going to accept the challenge?

Bashin Dan: I was thinking about it.

Hajime Hinobori: Haha! I knew you would! That's the Bashin Dan I've heard so much about. I just spent 3 months in a submarine with my friends, playing Battle Spirits all around the world! I'm ready for you!

Cade: That sounds dumb....and a huge waste of time.

Bashin Dan: That commitment. You ARE serious about this!

Benjamin: I don't understand.

Cade: Perhaps it's not for us to figure out. Must be a card game thing.

As Dan was getting hyped up about his upcoming battle, he saw the familiar sight of purple hair briefly pass by the window.

Bashin Dan: Mai? MAI! I have to go! Sorry guys, I'll be back for the show!

Benjamin: Dan?

Hajime Hinobori: Where are you going?!

Cade: Alright, now THAT I understand.

Benjamin: Be gone obnoxious child! We have to-

Suddenly, another spiky haired kid entered the dojo.


Benjamin: .....Where's my sword? I'm going to get my sword. I'll be right back.

Cade: You should run.

EBW: Gekiha Dan!

Tony Bologna: Tony Bologna here at the Dojo of Bashin Dan, instead of the studio, as we continue to milk an idea, with themed episodes! Let's see how long it takes to run this into the ground! Until then, we have a great show lined up. I understand that the teams involved in the main event are standing by with Swift, so let's take to Swift.

Swift: ...I don't want to do this.

Trevor Mach: Oh come on Swift! Just hold up the microphone, point it at me, and get paid! It's a sweet gig bro.

Swift: I shouldn't be doing this! I should be beating ass, and rocking to death metal, and clearing out catering! >:C

Tack Angel: Yeah...but you can't anymore right? You had that back injury....that I wasn't supposed to ever mention....which explained why you stopped wrestling....and started again....only to stop....and now do th-why am I still talking?

Swift: Cat's out of the bag now idiot! >:C If you MUST know. Yeah, my back got fucked up, but it's better now. It's better than it's ever been. In fact, I'm in damn good shape. Why AM I doing this? Screw it, I'm done. Out of my way.

Trevor Mach: ....Go get em Swift! What? I didn't know what to say.

Bashin Dan: It's alright, we don't need an interviewer for this. It'll be very simple. The Dan Club, the symbol of the future and of the strength and bonds of friendship, will take on the Elite 4, the very best team in Wrestling. I'm excited for that.

Firebrand X: You really shouldn't be kid. Now, Trevor might like you, but I haven't been given a reason to yet myself, and I have no problems forcing your face into the mat.

Benjamin: You think you have the upper hand here, but we have shocked the world before, and we can do it again!

Subculture: You might spear light a freight train, but I got the stopping power in these fists to knock you off the tracks!

Tack Angel: That's right Son!


Cade: I have to wonder if you're up to this Trevor? You were nearly killed by CPO. Have you been cleared?

Trevor Mach: "Cleared" is a word with many meanings....and can be interpreted in so many different ways.

Cade: ...That's a no.

Trevor Mach: I don't care! I'm doing it anyways! You can't kill me! I've tried to die, like 3-4 times, and it never sticks! A little electrocution and barbed wire punctures never killed far as I know. I'm going to table that, and wiki it later. For now, you worry about yourself. Cade, you were on another level at one point. You got to get that back! Benjamin, damn good theme song, that's all. Bashin Dan, they call you the "Dangerous Player" now. I have one important question for you. Do YOU....want to trade nicknames? That's one is really cool.

Bashin Dan: I'd rather not. I kind of like it.

Trevor Mach: Yeah that's cool. Keep your nickname. Date my daughter. Whatever. Last, but least is Jammer. Boy, I have been waiting for a chance to cave your skull in. You took the title from me in the first place. Kept me from having my match with Dan. Don't think I forgot. The Elite 4 beat the asses of the Thrillers after that, but I never felt like I got my last word in with you. That's tonight.

Jammer: .....

Trevor Mach: Cat got your tongue? Tack, give it back.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Jammer: Let's just get this over with.

Benjamin: Well...with an attitude like that, how can we lose? *sigh* Oh boy.

Trevor Mach: HA! Benjamin is the Tack of their group!

Tony Bologna: Well there you have i-

Little Mac: Not quite. I see what is going on here. The Thrillers are being denied their spotlight this week. Sure, we've got our STAR Johnny Starbound on the card, but that's just because the Dan Club wants to try and take his title. We won't allow that next week. Johnny Starbound is going for the World Championship, and he'll have more to say about that another time. We're not stopping there. We have plans to take all the titles. Gee, maybe a Thrillers themed episode is EXACTLY what we need.

Tony Bologna: ....Let's take it to the ring? more inter-

Ripper Jane: No no no, we're not done yet. Troian, is the World Champion, and she's not invited? She had "other" plans tonight, but I thought Murasaki and I would show up. Maybe we'll get involved....maybe we won't. I don't see M's anywhere. I don't see Hope. I don't see Christina. It's a shame, I wanted to "have a little talk" with them. Whatever, this theme stuff is bullshit. But hey, maybe WE should get one too. Get in line I guess.

Tony Bologna: ....I-


Tony Bologna: ....TAKEITTOTHERING!

EBW: Gekiha Dan!
Battle Spirits Dojo, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's Television Championship: Nani(c) vs. Gold ended in a No Contest
Tony Bologna: Nani and Gold, having an amazing match, but looming the crowd is Ripper Jane and Murasaki. Are they going to get involved? Wait no! From the other side! It's Valarie Dorado! The leader of Elevation, clearing the ring! They are throwing this out of course. I can't believe she would do that. Wait...what am I saying? I don't just watch the product, I CALL The product.
2. Tag: Kinniku Mike/Sal Paradise[o] beat Barrington Huge[x]/Hoary Boulder via He Fell out of the Ring -> Count Out
Tony Boulder: Amazing how the Stud Stable are working together now that they have finally bested the much more beloved Jalapeno Poppers. Sorry Mike, please don't look at me like that. I didn't mean it! WAIT! Sal kicked Huge out of the ring! He's on his shell! He's not getting back up! The ref is issuing the count! Not even the buff man Hoary Boulder is able to get him up! And that's it! The Stud Stable win by Count Out! that....IT'S DRAGONFAIZ! The EBW World Tag Team Champions are back from Edo! They are gesturing to the Stud Stable, while Mike and Sal are motioning for their belts. Outstanding!
3. EBW No Limits Championship: Johnny Starbound(c) beat Vapetrain via 450 Splash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tony Bologna: Vapetrain with the Top Rope Splash! He missed! This is just like when Starbound beat CPO! He's going to the top! 450 Splash! He gets it! 1-2-3! Starbound retains! He's grabbing a mic!

Johnny Starbound: Did you see that? That's what the "Dan Club" has to offer. Piece of cake for the true STAR of EBW! I did the same thing to CPO, the man Trevor Mach couldn't even beat. I am on a whole other level here people! The Television Championship. The No Limits Championship. I'm coming for the World Championship next. I'm coming for you Bashin Dan. I won't just be the next EBW World Champion. I'll be the FIRST EBW Triple Crown World Champion!

4. EBW World Team Championship: Trevor Mach(c)[o]/Tack Angel(c)/Firebrand X(x)/Subculture(c) beat Bashin Dan/Benjamin/Cade/Jammer[x] via Knee Trigger -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tony Bologna: Incredible match! But wait, Dan looks distracted. He sees someone on the outside. Jammer is tagging in! He's going for Mach! He missed! Mach with the take down and the Knee Trigger! 1-2-3! The Elite 4 wins! The Dan Club look upset at Jammer taking the initiative there, but it almost looked like he did try and keep Dan out of harm's way. It doesn't make sense to me, but I'm sure we'll see a backstage thing about it at some point.


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Bologna here. Yes. Control Center. Moving on quickly, we have BREAKING NEWS! EBW is being INVADED, and it's all Tack Angel's fault! Behold.

Bad Dude Dojo

Firebrand X: Are you kidding me?!

Tack Angel: What? What did I do?

Firebrand X, Trevor Mach, and Subculture hovered over Tack as X slammed down a newspaper, with Emperor Marcus of the Ninteldo Empire declaring war on the Elite 4.

Tack Angel: Oh....oh that!

Firebrand X: I thought that was part of the ruse! We were swerving Top Team, and you called out Ninteldo as part of that. Right?!

Tack Angel: Huh? No, that was all me. I really don't like Ninteldo at all. I don't recall mentioning that was part of the ruse.

Subculture: You think you should have made that clear?

Tack Angel: I just assumed you knew.

Trevor Mach: Tack...bro...I'm all for calling people out, but I actually LIKE Ninteldo!

Tack Angel: I know, but who are you going to side with here.

Trevor Mach: Oh you totally! Fuck them!

Tack Angel: Yeah! Fart on them! Besides, they aren't invading, so much as I invited them. They'll be at 2 Tack 2 Furious. We're going to be defending the Team Championships against them.

Subculture: Glad you did all of this without telling us!

Tack Angel: Dads do things to protect the-

Subculture: Don't finish that sentence. Don't even think about it.

Firebrand X: It's all well and good, but....what about THIS?

Firebrand slapped down another paper, stating that the people of Segua were coming to Eagleland as well to fight Ninteldo, but also the "person that goaded them".

Tack Angel: AGES is coming?! *squee!*

Trevor Mach: can't stay mad at that. Look at that joy.

Firebrand X: I can stay mad.

Subculture: I'm out of here.

EBW: 2 Tack 2 Furious
Crystal Fourside Food Court, Crystal Fourside
Strike TV

1. Street Race: Dan Van vs. Starbound Express
2. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Christina Angel(c)/Hope Mach(c) vs. Tracy/Iroha
3. Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer vs. Johnny Starbound/"The Brand"
4. 6-Woman Tag: Lady M's/Rose Mulligan/Heather Mach vs. Troian/Ripper Jane/Murasaki
5. EBW World Team Championships: Tack Angel(c)/Trevor Mach(c)/Subculture(c)/Firebrand X(c) vs. Marcus[Ninteldo]/Guligi[Ninteldo]/Zelig[Ninteldo]/Masa[Ninteldo] vs. Gear[AGES]/Til[AGES]/Knux[AGES]/Tejirov[AGES]

Tony Bologna: ....Oh...something else happened too.

Bad Dudes Dojo

Trevor Mach: Wait! Get back here!

Subculture: Huh?

Trevor Mach: I forgot to tell you guys something! I get to host the NEXT show!

Subculture: Uh oh.

Firebrand X: We all knew this was coming. No way was Trevor going to let Tack host two shows and he not get at least one.

Trevor Mach: Hey! .....You are SPOT ON Brand! No way I was going to let that happen. I am picking to host The Clash though, for one special reason. The night it takes place on....features a....are you ready for this? SUPER! BLOOD! WOLF! MOON!

Subculture: ....

Tack Angel: Huh?

Firebrand X: I see.

Trevor Mach: ....SUP-

Tack Angel: We get it! You saying it again isn't going to change anything! You always do that!

Trevor Mach: It's so BAD ASS! I have a feeling something hardcore is going to go down that night, and I want to be a part of it.

Tack Angel: Fine fine. Just try and come up with a name other than "Super Blood Wolf Moon".

Trevor Mach: Hmmmmm.

EBW: Super Blood Wolf Moon
Bad Dudes Dojo, Saturn City
Strike TV


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Tony Bo-

Trevor Mach: Nope! No need for the usual spiel Tone, cause the Bad Man is here. The Big Bad Wolf! The MAN...before some ginger lady took the name. The leader of the Elite 4 and don't let them tell you ANY differently!

Tony Bologna: Well I still-

Trevor Mach: Nah man, I got this! I'm making an announcement for my big event SUPER! BLOOD! WOLF! MOOOOOOON! Since EBW doesn't have enough titles, we're bringing in another one! Yeah, that's right, it was very much a needed addition. Behold! Feast your eyes on this. Do you remember what this is? It's the ORIGINAL EBW World Championship. The one Ness and I battled over all those years ago in the Battle Dome in Onett. This is the real title. The REAL original World Championship. I got it from Ness and Paula. Come on in here guys!

Ness: .....

Trevor Mach: I want to thank you guys for donating this grand prize!

Ness: .....

Paula: We didn't donate it. We didn't want to give it to you. You made us make a trade we couldn't refuse.

Trevor Mach: Hey! Listen! I NEVER told Ness to sell his cracked bat! That was ALL HIM! He just HAD to have that Tee Ball Bat! What were you thinking man? Trading an heirloom for a TEE BALL BAT?! It's cool, you were a kid. Point is, I bought it, I've had it this WHOLE TIME, and I was waiting to make a trade like this. I think it's fair! So hey, I've been thinking a lot about my career in EBW, and it just seems like it's time to bring back a little bit of that old EBW energy! So with that said, I present to you the EBW Legendary Championship! Because legends like us need something like this right Ness?

Ness: .....

Paula: He says he was supposed to be the true ace of EBW, but then you inserted yourself into the picture, in a very obnoxious way, and stole his thunder any chance that you could. He says it's obvious what you're doing, and it's not funny, not even when you try and hang a lampshade on it. It's just pathetic. You're pathetic....and a monster....Goodbye.

Trevor Mach: ...Congrats on the pregnancy! Those guys love me. We go way back.

Tony Bologna: So we're adding YET ANOTHER title? Are you just awarding it to yourself?

Trevor Mach: No way! I don't do that! I want to win championships! I want to earn them! I want to fight for them! That's why I'm a World Team Champion! I don't remember being the TBCW Twoson Fairgrounds Tag Team Champion, but apparently Firebrand X and I did that. No this, needs to be decided the RIGHT WAY! At SUPER! BLOOD! WOLF! MOON! I will be taking on a legendary opponent for the Legendary Championship! Little Mac, do you remember EBW: Bushido? It was probably the most important time of my life to that point. You had screwed me out of this title. I was training for the fight on my life against you. It was when I met Tali. We went to war at Bushido, the show with that Sarah Brightman video that opened it up? The internet laughed at us taking ourselves too seriously. Remember? Boy, I sure do. You know, it just occurred to me, that you being the manager of the Thrillers, makes you a prime target for guys like me. What do you say? A rematch for the ages? You in shape for it? Do you still have it? Heh. Let's find out alright? See you in my Dojo for SU-

Tony Bologna: You don't have to keep yelling it like that. We get it, you really like the name.

Trevor Mach: ....Shut up Tony!


Crystal Fourside

Two buses appeared in front of the Kingdom with "Ninteldo" and "AGES" logos on the sides. The two sides faced each other, with icy rage, staring daggers back and forth.

Tack Angel: It's AGES! They're here!

Firebrand X: They want to kill each other. They're going to kill each other in YOUR Kingdom. You know that right?

Tack Angel: What? Don't be silly.

Firebrand X slapped down a newspaper that stated that the teams planned on destroying each other now that they were on neutral territory.

Tack Angel: have a lot of newspapers.

Firebrand X: How hard is it to get blood off of crystal?

Tack Angel: ...Yikes.


Hope Mach and Christina Angel were talking when Iroha approached...

Iroha: Hey girls! We having a fun talk? May I join in? Eh? How was that? I'm working on my....hey where are you going?

Christina Angel: I have nothing to say to you, and I don't want you saying anything to me.

Iroha: I don't get it! We used to be friends!

Christina Angel: Yeah, and then you "MARRIED" my Father!

Iroha: You're not mean to any of the other-

Christina Angel: Frauds? It's because they know to keep their distance. Plus, they weren't my friends before. YOU WERE! Sure, my Dad is happy, and apparently my actual Mom is happy about this too. Great for them. I like seeing them happy. Doesn't mean I have to like you, and I don't. I never will. We DID have a bond. You, me, and Hope, were all from futures that no longer exist. We bonded on this. You stabbed me in the back.

Iroha: *sigh* Hope?

Hope Mach: Hey, I'm with my tag partner here. Don't look at-

Hope suddenly saw someone with purple hair walking down a hall.

Hope Mach: Hang on a second. Mai? Hey wait up! Is your name Mai? Where.....where did she go?

Road outside of Crystal Fourside

The Dan Club and the Thrillers were hard at work, tuning up their vehicles for the big race.

Bashin Dan: What do you think Benji?

Benjamin: I want to thank you for trusting me to work on this with you. That being said, I have no idea what I'm looking at here.

Bashin Dan: Oh....right.

Cade: I got this. It looks good to me.

Bashin Dan: Thank you.

Trevor Mach: Ha! As good as a van can look. I mean check that out over there.

Trevor and the Dan Club caught sight of the Starbound Express, a racing stock car...

Bashin Dan: that fast?

Trevor Mach: Yeah...yeah it is.

Johnny Starbound: Hey Dan, you made a big mistake....another in a long list of them it seems. You're going to lose in your van, before losing to me later tonight. Then, you're going to lose your World Championship. I'd feel sorry for you, if I wasn't laughing at you.

Bashin Dan: We haven't raced yet! I could do this!

Trevor Mach: you can''re in a van.

Bashin Dan: Oh.

Trevor Mach: can kick his ass later!

Bashin Dan: Right....well that's something I guess.

Johnny Starbound: Mach, what are you even doing out here? We've been laughing at you too. Challenging Little Mac to a match? For what by the way, the "Legendary Championship"? What's with that? You need to pad out your wiki some more, or are you doing this to avoid an inevitable match with me?

Trevor Mach: I like to mix things up. I was getting bored. I want to face the best of the best.

Johnny Starbound: Well then you SHOULD be facing me, if you want the best.

Trevor Mach: Afraid not. See, to challenge for this title, you have to be a former World Champion. Like say....Dan here, a 3-Time World Champion. Current World Champion. He qualifies. You? Nope! You're jobber fodder kid.

Johnny Starbound: You-

Little Mac: No no! Don't let him get to you! That's what he wants. I'll handle this. You think you're something Mach? Dragging me out of retirement for this match? Retired doesn't mean dead. It doesn't mean out of shape either. I still train everyday. I still punch harder than Subculture too. I taught him some things sure, but not everything.

Trevor Mach: You keep talking, but I just keep thinking back to our Bushido fight. Great fight. I've only gotten better. You've only gotten older.

Little Mac: Yeah, we did have a great fight years ago, and you have gotten great, but I am a great fighter, the greatest fighter of my generation, and I can still whip your ass "kid".

Trevor Mach: Oh...I like this. This is going to be good. Can not wait for SUPER BL-

Little Mac: Give it a rest!


EBW: 2 Tack 2 Furious
Crystal Fourside Food Court, Crystal Fourside
Strike TV

0. Tag: Los Tiburon/Dorado Mask[o] beat Hexagon Dark/Hex Zero Limit[x] via Doradorana -> Pin
Tony Bologna: An impromptu tag that's really gotten the crowd fired up! It's obvious that Dorado Mask and Hex Zero Limit have history, and it's playing out in the ring. Hex has been in control so fa-WAIT! Doradorana from Dorado Mask! The roll up! 1-2-3! Lucha Soldados over the Hex Clan!
1. Street Race: Starbound Express beat Dan Van via "Never having your Car"
Tony Bologna: Wow, that was closer than I expected! I mean, the obvious person won, but wow. Dan really got that Dan Van moving!

Bashin Dan: Man, I almost had you.

Johnny Starbound: You're not going to get me to say it.

Bashin Dan: Awww.

2. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Tracy/Iroha[o] beat Christina Angel(c)[x]/Hope Mach(c) via Angel Driver -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions!
Tony Bologna: Hope is still nowhere to be seen! Christina is fighting all on her own. She's showing respect to Tracy, but no respect to Iroha. She's slapping and kicking away at, WAIT, Iroha with the Angel Driver?! She used the Angel signature move against Christina! 1-2-3! No way! Tracy and Iroha are the NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions! This isn't going to help things between them.
3. Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer[o] beat Johnny Starbound/"The Brand"[x] via Slam Jam -> Pin
Tony Bologna: The Thrillers keep taunting Jammer, and that's made things difficult for them, as Jammer is working with Dan. He's actually playing well with the World Champion. There it is! Slam Jam on "The Brand"! The pin! Jammer with the win. I guess the Thrillers should have thought more about taunting their former ally.
4. 6-Woman Tag: Lady M's/Rose Mulligan/Heather Mach beat Troian/Ripper Jane/Murasaki via DQ
Tony Bologna: ...Naturally.
5. EBW World Team Championships: Tack Angel(c)[o]/Trevor Mach(c)/Subculture(c)/Firebrand X(c) beat Marcus[Ninteldo][o]/Guligi[Ninteldo]/Zelig[Ninteldo]/Masa[Ninteldo] and Gear[AGES]/Til[AGES]/Knux[AGES]/Tejirov[AGES] via WRIST CLUTCH Heaven Driver -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tony Bologna: Tack Angel, trying to avoid an all out civil war in his own kingdom! He's....he's taking things REALLY personally against Marcus! WHOA! THE FABLED WRIST CLUTCH HEAVEN DRIVER! TALK ABOUT OVERKILL! 1-2-3! Tack with the win and the defense! AGES and Ninteldo nearly tore this place apart. I guess Tack cleaned up his own mess? Oh wait....promises of more bloodshed to come? Yeah, promises of more bloodshed to come. Wonderful.


Crystal Fourside

A bewildered Tack Angel was watching news on his unnecessarily crystal television.

News Anchor: Crystal Fourside, the sight of a horrible and grizzle civil war. Not...what we were all expecting though. You know, the federal government finally putting a stop to the creepy Angel Family Cult. I was expecting that at least. No, this is a different kind of conflict altogether. Factions from Ninteldo and Segua have holed up inside the city state, and are fighting it out in the Crystal Kingdom. Source say-

Amy: Wow...there is just no good way to spin this.

Tack Angel: Why with the cult stuff?! Why with this AGAIN!? It's like, does anyone watch anime!?

Makoto: Achoo!

Tack Angel: Like...what about video games!?

Faris: Achoo!

Iroha: Achoo!

Tracy: Achoo!

Amy: I really meant the whole civil war thi-

Tack Angel: I don't MAKE up women to fall in love with me like some sort of egomaniac PSYCHOPATH!

Bad Dudes Dojo

The Original EBW World Championship was on display in the dojo, as the ring crew was setting up for the special...

Trevor Mach: Achoo! Ow....sneezing hurt when you've got a broken nose.

Hope Mach: You have a broken nose?

Trevor Mach: Apparently. Don't tell Mac. He'll aim for it. Well, this is it kid, the EBW World Championship, or the original one that is.

Hope Mach: Very cool Dad. In my time, this was actually lost. We don't know what happened to it. I assumed you destroyed it because-

Trevor Mach: Malice Rider? It's hilarious how THIS is the only time line where I didn't lose my shit, and even then, I came REALLY close! Ha!

Hope Mach: So...what is this all about?

Trevor Mach: What do you mean?

Hope Mach: This Legendary Championship idea. What is it all about? What brought it on?

Trevor Mach: I got the green light from the Stuarts! Surprisingly simple.

Hope Mach: Yeah, but what brought it on?

Trevor Mach: ....I don't follow.

Hope Mach: Are you doing this to steer your path away from Dan? I mean, a rematch had to be inevitable.

Trevor Mach: What? You think I would AVOID that? think your father....wouldn't want to crush the hopes and dreams of a guy you like? That's ridiculous. I'm an enormous prick!

Hope Mach: Dad!

Crystal Fourside

Christina Angel: Dad, it's time to-

Iroha: Christina! I was hoping to-

Christina Angel: No! No no! You stay away! I'm sick of this! Look, I was willing to deal with it for the sake of my parents, cause it makes them happy, but I'm NOT going to pretend anymore. I'm NOT alright with any of this! Iroha, you had better be in the Dojo today, cause I asked Uncle Trevor for a match against you, and I got it!

Amy: *sigh* Christina come back! Poor thing, we need to talk to her. Tack?

Tack Angel: I don't know Amy would a CULT LEADER do that?! I'm sorry....I'm lashing out. You're right. We need to-

Subculture: No...I'll talk to her.

Tack Angel: Subculture? When did you get here?

Subculture: Literally hours. We were having an argument about where we stand, when you started watching that newscast.

Tack Angel: Oh....well...I appreciate you going after her.

Subculture: Gives me a really good reason to get out of here.

Amy: ....That's going to be our Son-in-law.

Bad Dudes Dojo

Hope Mach: Dad! Get back here!

Bashin Dan: Hope?

Hope Mach: Oh Dan, you're here.

Bashin Dan: Of course. Thought I'd show up early and help out. I like to lend a helping hand.

Hope Mach: Of course you do. That's a very you thing.

Bashin Dan: I was thinking we need to talk too.

Hope Mach: We do. It's about Mai. I...

Bashin Dan: You saw her right? That's why you didn't show up to your title match with Christina?

Hope Mach: I did yeah. I followed her into a room. When I got there, she was gone, but I was locked in.

Bashin Dan: That doesn't sound like something she would do. Mai has opinions....and she's not afraid to share them....but she wouldn't act out like this. Something is going on. I just-

Jammer: I might be able to-

Cade: Don't interject. Don't humiliate our friend. He's trying really hard to balance this right now, and we don't need to make it more awkward.

Benjamin: Standing here, watching them talk....that's making it more awkward.

Jammer: Fine. Never mind. I don't care what's going on here.

Cade: Got your back Dan.

Bashin Dan: Thanks guys. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't watch though.

Cade: ...Oh right....of course. Come on guys!

Benjamin: Don't look at me like you have the high ground here Cade. I was shaming you first!

Vapetrain: ....Does that include me Dan?

Bashin Dan: Uh....yeah big guy.

Vapetrain: Dang it!

EBW: Super Blood Wolf Moon!
Bad Dudes Dojo, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's Television Championship: Valarie Dorado beat Nani(c), Gold, and Heather Mach[x] via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission -> NEW EBW Women's Television Champion!
Tony Bologna: We opened Trevor Mach's show with Nani issuing an open challenge. I wasn't expecting to see a show stealing in the first match, but wait.....Elevation, they're distracting Nani and Gold on the outside! Valarie Dorado has Heather Mach trapped in the Cross Armbreaker! She has no choice! She's tapping to save her arm! No way! Valarie Dorado, in her first match back, has claimed the Women's Television Championship! You got to be kidding me! Nani wasn't even part of the end result!
2. Singles: Subculture beat Sami Crowe[TBCW] via KO Punch -> Pin
Tony Bologna: I think Sami is yelling about Twoson or something. Subculture just floored him.....and that's it. Huh. That's it? That's it.
3. Tag: Vjhearson Golvoth[o]/Johnny Starbound beat Bashin Dan[x]/Jammer via Buckle Bomb x Choke Slam -> Pin
Tony Bologna: Starbound sending out the big weapon on this one. He's got Golvoth crushing Jammer. The former World Champion is down! Bashin Dan tagging in to protect his friend, but he's turning his back to Golvoth! Why?! Cause Starbound is attacking Jammer on the outside! Watch out Dan! The World Champion is being lifted up! Buckle Bomb! Choke Slam! 1-2-3! Golvoth with the pin!
4. Women's Singles: Christina Angel beat Iroha via Angel Driver -> Pin
Tony Bologna: I feel like we've been here before! Iroha trying to talk sense into Christina Angel, but she's not having it! Iroha might have taken advantage to get a title. Did she do that on purpose? Who knows, but Christina is definitely taking it like she did. Ouch! The Angel Driver and the pin! Christina wins!
5. EBW Legendary Championship Decision: Trevor Mach beat Little Mac via Knee Trigger -> Pin -> 1st Legendary Champion!
Tony Bologna: Little Mac busting open Trevor Mach! He hasn't lost his touch! Those heavy hands are still working in his favor! It's no coincidence that Mac used to rule the sport in the 80's.

GR: He didn't play ball, but he comes from a sport that's not this sport, so that makes him better at this sport! He went to a good school too! That matters for some reason!

Tony Bologna: Mac going for the KO Punch! Mach took the hit! His nose is definitely broken! Mach spit the blood in Mac's face and gave him a stiff headbutt! He's ripping off Mac's gloves! They WERE loaded! Classic Mac! Mach is bouncing off the ropes! Knee Trigger! 1-2-3! He did it! History repeats itself, as Trevor Mach clutches the gold! Trevor Mach is the 1st EBW Legendary Champion, a title that only World Champions will have access to. The Elite 4 continue to raise that bar, and Trevor Mach-

?: Trevor Mach's ego is getting too big. He loses a World Championship, and decides to dust off an antique to nurse the bruise on said ego, AND like he always says, pad out his wiki page. He's a spotlight hog. He's full of himself. It's all been said before, but it's time someone busts that ego bubble of his, and KEEPS IT BUSTED!

Tony Bologna: Whoa! I wasn't expected HE would say all of that!


12/08/2019 4:17 pm  #492

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Tony Bologna here in the ACTUAL Control Center....but the plant in the corner is gone....everything else is real though....I think...yeah...I can't feel a green screen. This is the right room. Anyways, I'm joined by a huge name we haven't seen in a couple weeks. The Women's World Champion Troian. She's uh....with Ripper Jane and Murasaki....didn't expect all of this.

Troian: Doesn't hurt to travel in numbers when you're out in the open. Of course, when I'm in my element, you can't see me, you can't touch me, you won't even know I'm there until it's too late.

Tony Bologna: Well you did create a major upset to end 2018, but we haven't seen much of you since. Why is that?

Troian: I have my reasons. I've got a special project I'm working on, got paid a lot for it. Wasn't easy, as I had to work off of pictures and second hand information, but I'll be pulling it off all too soon.

Tony Bologna: So, you're more interested in your "work" than being in the spotlight?

Troian: The spotlight isn't my thing. I don't care for it. I don't care for much of this really. I won this title to piss off Lady M's. THAT made me smile. THAT is funny. But, I don't want the "glitz and glamor" that comes with being a World Champion. I'll hold this, and I'll keep holding it, but I will show up when I feel like it, and I will do what I want.

Tony Bologna: Well, your division just got a lot bigger with the influx of Elevation. How do you-

Troian: I don't. Whatever you're going to say, I just don't. I don't care. They can have the spotlight they want. Give them the glitz and glamour. I got what I want, and if I want anything else, I'll take it when I feel like it. It's JUST that simple.

Murasaki: .....

Tony Bologna: What about these two? You've formed a group? What do you-

Ripper Jane: Don't call us a group. We're not. We're not in a box. We're not in a stable. You can label us something, but it won't stick. We're all like minded, in that we'll do what we want, and we'll have some fun. I came back, to hurt people, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Troian took the title off M's, but at New Year Rising 2019, I intend to take the fight out of her. Haha!

Tony Bologna: Wow! That's a big challenge thrown down. It's not the only one though cause....wait...are they gone? Can I transition now? Alright, let's do this. New Year Rising is really shaping up with challenges. We had a fun two weeks with the themed episodes, but now it's time to get back to business with a HUGE Xcite in Summers! The last Xcite before New Year Rising....and technically the only one before it....because of the theme weeks? Never mind. Let's take a look at some match cards, including the official announcement for Trevor Mach's new Legendary Championship title defense. Who challenged him on Xcite? You're about to find out!

EBW: New Year Rising 2019
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV+

1. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Takumi Inui(c)/Dragon Shiryu(c) vs. Kinniku Mike/Sal Paradise
2. 8-Woman Tag: Nani/Tracy/Iroha/Faris vs. Valarie Dorado/Erica/21st Century Foxx/Sylvia
3. EBW Legendary Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Dougie Mach
4. Women's No Rules Singles: Lady M's vs. Ripper Jane
5. EBW World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Johnny Starbound

Tony Bologna: That's right! Dougie Mach, Trevor's beloved cousin returned and laid down a big challenge.


Following the events of Super Blood Wolf Moon, Dougie Mach was approached as he tried leaving the arena.

Dougie Mach: Out of my way! No interviews! Alright fine, I'll give you some more. For years, I've been treated like a joke. I finally proved myself, and then it went down the toilet again. Meanwhile, my cousin Trevor Mach, he's got it all! He's got a family, a baby on the way, a close knit bonded group, and he's got the prize I always wanted. The original EBW World Championship. The lineage might have been passed down from belt to belt, but that original title, that was the one that made me want to do this. It's what made me want to wrestle. You ever feel like someone took your dream and tried to do it better right in front of you? Trevor, you're a bastard, you helped crush my dreams, by always getting in the way of them. It always had to be about you. Well, I'm going to right this wrong. I've been away for some time, but I'm completely healed, and I've been training hard. I don't intend to stick around. I just want this one chance to shatter the ego of Trevor Mach, my "cousin". We're not family anymore if you ask me. Family is so important to him? How come he never visited me in the hospital huh? Where was he? His REAL family has needed him, off camera, but he's too busy mugging and living it up. Fuck you Trevor.


Tony Bologna: INCREDIBLY strong words! The new Legendary Champion Trevor Mach has not commented on all of that yet, but he sent out word that he accepted the challenge. The normally boisterous Mach might have had a nerve hit by his cousin. Who knows. All I know is that we get that match and SO MUCH MORE! We don't even have the rest of the Elite 4 on the card yet! We've got Thrillers that are going to come out of the wood work too I'm sure! DragonFaiz is returning! It's going to be GREAT! Don't miss it!


Bad Dudes Dojo

Trevor Mach: Alright gang, that's great. We'll wrap up today and continue next week....if the checks clear....just kidding....or am I? Class dismissed.

Dougie Mach: Well holy shit, I never imagined anyone would attempt to take lessons from you. Don't they know rule #1? Trevor Mach ALWAYS stabs you in the back.

Trevor Mach: That's where you're wrong cousin. I'll stab you right in your face if I'm going to do it. Which reminds me, how is everyone back home?

Dougie Mach: Like you care! You don't call, you don't write. You never even check up on your "favorite cousin" anymore.

Trevor Mach: You live like 2 blocks away from me!

Dougie Mach: That's not the point! You should have to be the one to make the effort!

Trevor Mach: Been a little busy you ginger bastard! Anyways, you're back now, so that's great. If you wanted a match, all you had to do was ask.

Dougie Mach: I'm back to stop you from going on another ego trip. Every time you do this shit, it's because you aren't the center of attention anymore.

Trevor Mach: What? The Legendary Championship? It's something I've wanted them to do for a while. I just took the initiative. I mean how cool is it to have a title that you have to qualify to challenge for by being a former World Champion! It gives the old dogs a new glory to reach for. I've screwed around with titles and ideas in the past. Here and there I do things because I'm bored. This....this is actually bad ass to me. It's fair too. You're a former World Champion, so YOU get a shot!

Dougie Mach: That's right I AM a former World Champion! I made Havok my bitch when it first started! Then, you helped them all forget about me, because you can't have any of us stealing your spotlight.

Trevor Mach: I'm so sick of the spotlight bullshit! You want it? Take it! I don't care! I'm here to fight! You want to fight? We'll fight. You want to bitch some more? Go do it somewhere else.

Dougie Mach: We're going to fight. It's going to be one to remember, and I'm going to CRUSH you!

Trevor Mach: When you lose, you better NOT go crying to my parents that I'm picking on you again! They call me and give me this long spiel about playing nice with my cousins. I'm 35 DAMMIT!

Dougie Mach: ...I-I WON'T! YOU'RE SUCH AN ASS! *sigh* You coming to the reunion this year?

Trevor Mach: Was thinking about it. Why?

Dougie Mach: ...Can we carpool?

Trevor Mach: Well it would save money on gas. I don't see why not.

Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Tony Bologna in the Control Center for another one of these things. I need a new intro line don't I? I'm joined by former Women's World Champion Lady M's, who....has a chain saw?

Lady M's: Oh, this isn't for you Tony. It's for Ripper Jane. It's for Murasaki. It's for Troian. You know that bitch likes to blend in. She could strike at any time. So, I'm ready for her.

Tony Bologna: With a chain saw?

Lady M's: Desperate times call for desperate measures Tony. Look, I'm trying to be nice here. I fought some personal demons....and literal demons...and cleaned myself back up. I recommitted myself to wrestling, and raising up the next generation of talent. Where is it getting me? I got a target on my back and this chain saw on standby. I'm tired of it. Tired of these little punks. Tired of the bullshit. Tired of just not being able to use this chainsaw!

Tony Bologna: Yeah....I can see that.

Lady M's: Sorry...I just think I'm starting to LOSE IT! Ripper Jane, I'm going to carve you up. I'm not pulling any punches. I'm not out to make this look good. I'm just going to hurt you. You step in the ring with me now, and that is what you're going to get. You're going to get hurt. Vroom vroom! That's the sound of the's out of gas

Tony Bologna: ....Why don't we go to commercial?

Crystal Fourside

Tack Angel: Hi, I'm Tack Angel, former EBW World Champion, and the Destined Prince of the Stars....but you probably know me better for my work in EBW. This is Crystal Fourside, and it's just WAITING for tourists and newcomers like yourselves. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Isn't there a Civil War going on there right now?" That simply isn't true. It's not civil at all! *cough* So yeah, you might be wondering why I so badly want you to join us in the glorious Crystal Kingdom! It's simple really, I want to welcome you all to my beautiful home....and we need some tourism money pretty badly. I've thought about other ways of doing this, like offering you a cash for gold program, but that's a fraud, and I don't smash guitars for a living. Huh? What did I mean by that? I don't know.

Helios Angel runs into Tack's arms.

Tack Angel: Hey hey, there's my little girl, who I would never want to go hungry....and neither would you right? But look, I'm not out to take advantage of you. I have another special offer. Lately I've seen cryptocurrency swoop into the global market and kick it right in the sweetness. It's created a new culture of massively unqualified financial experts with no idea what they're talking about. At least, that's what Amy tells me. Isn't that right Amy?

Amy: Here in the Crystal Kingdom, we love nothing more than talking confidently about important issues we no little about, and fleecing stacks of cash from people who really should know better.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Amy: Haha! Just kidding!

Tack Angel: had me worried there for a minute.

Amy: No, we want to give you a chance to come to our Kingdom, AND be on the ground floor of a brand new economy. A market that is going to swell with potential. Introducing....

Tack Angel: STAR COIN!

Amy: This cryptocurrency is SO secure, the value as of unknown.

Tack Angel: Wow! That's REALLY secure!

Amy: I know right? It's also TOTALLY unregulated, and best of all, NO LIABILITIES! Go nuts!

Tack Angel: Each Star Coin will be worth 5 Euroland Pounds....if....they agree to it of course...until then she's right...the value is a mystery, but isn't that fun!? It could be worth EVEN MORE! Who knows? Wait....this commercial sounds kind of scammy doesn't it? Turn off the camera. WAIT! COME BACK!


Crystal Fourside

Tack Angel looked out over his kingdom with a hint of sadness...

Makoto: Well hey Tack, is that a hint of sadness?

Tack Angel: Huh? I guess so. You know me too well. Just a hint of it though.

Makoto: What's wrong?

Tack Angel: I just wish we could get more people to visit the Kingdom. It feels so empty. I mean sure, we've got referees and penguins, but this place is so big. We need more.

Makoto: Do we really though?

Tack Angel: What do you mean?

Makoto: This place was built for our family right?

Tack Angel: Yeah.

Makoto: Well we're all here together, and we're happy.

Tack Angel: *sigh* Christina isn't happy...the future one.

Makoto: Tack, she's got to figure out what she needs on her own.

Tack Angel: You're so smart Makoto.

Makoto: I know about living alone, and I know about friendship and family. Things can't always go like we plan, but we'll get through it together. So don't worry Tack. Your daughter is our daughter, no matter how weird that might be for her, family is family. As for Crystal Fourside, the family is here, and that is what matters.

Tack Angel: You're very smart Makoto. People always wonder how I ended up in the position I'm in, but it's clear to me. You're all there for me, and I want to be there for you. I love you. It's that simple.

Makoto: I love you too. We all do.

Tack Angel: Heh...thank you.

Makoto: By the way, don't think we forgot about your birthday Tack. It's tomorrow, and we're planning a big party for you. We could do another show here, just for us. I know how much you enjoyed the previous two. Doesn't even have to be for EBW or Strike TV. It could just be fun for us.

Tack Angel: Thank you so much for that, but I don't need that now. You showed me that putting on shows here was just an attempt to bring in people we don't need. We're a family, and we should just celebrate as a family. No need to do anything big or extravagant.

Faris: Tack! There you are! We've been looking for you.

Tack Angel: What's wrong Faris? Did something happen to Taquito?!

Faris: No, he's fine. But listen, isn't it your Dad's birthday today?

Tack Angel: .......SH-

Angel Family Presents: Happy Birthday Wayne Angel AKA Tackyo Drift
Crystal Fourside Food Court, Crystal Fourside

1. Dan Van vs. Mach Motorcycle: Lady M's beat Cade/Vapetrain via Of Course the Motorcycle would be faster than the Dan Van
2. 6-Angel Tag: Tracy[o]/Nani/Amy beat Faris/Makoto/Iroha[x] via Rock, Paper, Scissors, cause a real match would have upset Tack obviously
3. Mixed Timeline Tag: Christina Angel[Future]/Christina Angel[Present] beat Bashin Dan[x]/Benjamin via Gently helping Young Christina do a splash off the Top Rope onto a willing Bashin Dan, cause he's a good sport -> Pin
4. Happy Birthday Pops: Tack Angel vs. Trevor Mach ended in a Time Limit Draw!


Degrees Office

Degrees was sitting behind his desk, staring at Lady M's, who was staring at the ceiling and spinning around in her chair...

Degrees: M's? You alright?

Lady M's: Perfectly fine.

Degrees: You seem distracted.

Lady M's: Nope. Just bored.

Degrees: We really need to talk.

Lady M's: No we don't. I'm fine.

Degrees: I'm not so sure. Now, I'm not certain WHY you were sent to me, as this isn't my field, but mental health is important, and your bosses don't believe you have it....mental health that is....they think you're lacking that.

Lady M's: So maybe I am. What else is new?

Degrees: You threatened to kill people with a chainsaw.

Lady M's: ....Again....what else is new?

Degrees: They believed you this time? I'm not really sure. I'm told your behavior has been "erratic".

Lady M's: What els-

Degrees: More so! It's been erratic MORE SO! You haven't taken any big hits to the head recently have you?

Lady M's: ...I'm a wrestler.

Degrees: Right. Well what about your sobriety.

Lady M's: It's still there...for now.

Degrees: Are you sure? What about barbiturates?

Lady M's: Hey! I only looked at her! I didn't do that! I'm a married woman! Just part of a normal Eagleland family of a husband, a wife,.....and our pregnant girlfriend.

Degrees: What? What are you talking abo- "Bar bitch you a-" OH REAL MATURE TALI!

Lady M's: Are we done? I'm fine. Let me go.

Degrees: Alright fine. You are cleared Lady M's.

Lady M's: I'm not Lady M's right now. She's taking a break. Endless M's is in the driver seat right now, because I'm an Endless Mess, and I'm going to kill people with a chain saw. Vroom vroom! That's the sound it would make....if I had it on me....BYE!

Degrees: Oh dammit! Come back!


Bad Dudes Dojo

Mach was polishing his Legendary Championship when a familiar face entered the room...

?: So, this is what you're up to now huh? Got your own Dojo, and you're coveting your prize?

Trevor Mach: Well holy shit. Derek, you always pick the weirdest times to show up here you know?

Derek Mach: I like to pick and choose my spots cousin. Hadn't visited in a while and all.

Trevor Mach: So what's the game this time? You with me? Against me?

Derek Mach: I'm out of the game this round. It seems Dougie subbed in this time.

Trevor Mach: If it's not one ginger bastard it's the other right?

Derek Mach: He's pissed at you. I'm a little disappointed myself.

Trevor Mach: Is that right? What ever did I do this time?

Derek Mach: That belt you've got there. That's not you.

Trevor Mach: Do you even know me? I make up titles all the time? It's a lot of fun for me. This is something I was due. A prize for all the work I've put in. The damage to my body, the strain on the family. Everything that has happened. I put myself on the straight and narrow, and now I get my due. Recognition for just how much I've contributed to all of this madness.

Derek Mach: You really need a belt for that? You always put of thought into the titles didn't you? When we were growing up, you always just wanted to be a champion. Figured at this point, you'd think the "legend of Trevor Mach" was more than just a title belt.

Trevor Mach: I'm amused Derek, really I am. You're wagging the finger at me now? When did we get there? What did you do to earn that right? Did you somehow fix that space station you blew up?

Derek Mach: Being a gives you perspective.

Trevor Mach:'re not wrong about that.

Derek Mach: I've been watching. I see you going through the motions right now. You're not happy with your position. You tried to change it, form yourself into the veteran franchise of EBW, but that's not you. You're the "Bad Man" cousin. You're not the face of the company, you're the big bad wolf.

Trevor Mach: ...You're saying smart things today. I appreciate that.

Derek Mach: I guess I owed you some advice.

Trevor Mach: Oh you owe me a lot more than that, but we'll start with this, and work from there.

Derek Mach: So....what are you going to do about that title belt?

Trevor Mach: ...Something "Bad".

Trevor walked into the back and grabbed a sledgehammer. He knocked the belt on the floor and smashed it into bits.

Trevor Mach: about that?

Derek Mach: ...Didn't that belong to somebody?

Trevor Mach: Oh shit! Ness is going to be PISSED!

Dougie Mach: Not as mad as me.

Trevor Mach: Family reunion!

Dougie Mach: Derek, what the hell are you doing?! I was going to take that from him! I was going to hurt him!

Derek Mach: You think maybe it's time we all stop trying to hurt each other?

Dougie Mach: NO! I will get my due! I can't help that you got domesticated and lost your balls, but I haven't! You were ruthless! You tried to turn me into a monster all those years ago!

Derek Mach: I remember. Do you remember who it was that saved you? That guy right there? This doesn't seem like gratitude to me.

Dougie Mach: I'm tired of being the other Mach in this equation. It's always been about you two. When the Space Station blew up, I wasn't even involved in the proceedings, and I'm family! I don't need either of you. I'm back to do damage, and that's all I want to do. I wanted that title, and I won't be satisfied until I get something else.

Trevor Mach: Wait....I got an idea.

Trevor walked to the back and tossed Dougie his TBCW Twoson Fairgrounds Tag Team Championship.

Trevor Mach: Apparently, I won this with Firebrand X at some point. You can have mine. It doesn't matter.

Dougie Mach: You think I want something you DON'T care about? I mean...I'm going to take it obviously...but what else you got? What about that ring, the World Team Championship ring.

Trevor Mach: Yeah....that one IS important. That one symbolizes a brotherhood, something you never understood....but I tell you what. If you beat me at New Year Rising 2019, not only will I give you this ring, but I'll give you my spot in the Elite 4 as well. The other guys, they will agree to it too. You can take my spot.

Dougie Mach: ...Fine.

Derek Mach: Hey don't leave yet.

Dougie Mach: I got what I wanted. I have no reason to stick around. Derek, you might as well be dead to me.

Derek Mach: ...Alright...maybe I had that coming.

Trevor Mach: I can't believe he actually took that belt! Firebrand is going to be perturbed. I think he gets perturbed. I rarely see him angry, so-

Ness: ......!



Renegade Arena - Backstage

Stuart entered the building in preparation for Xcite, when he suddenly found himself face to face with a grizzly murder scene...

Stuart: Good LORD, what is happening here?!

Mayor Strong: Some grizzly heinous acts in MY city Stuart!

Stuart: I'm just as surprised as you are! What's going on?

Antonio Jr: Uh....I can it turns out that Ryo kid didn't get along with that Lan Di fella I signed. I told him if he wanted to get hired to fight him, he'd learn how to cut a promo.

Stuart: AND?!

Antonio Jr: He decided instead to kill him with a forklift.

Stuart: HOLY SHIT!

Antonio Jr: I DIDN'T KNOW! I mean, the kid was swearing vengeance CONSTANTLY, but people do that around here all the time! How was I supposed to know he was insane!

Stuart: ...


Stuart: *sigh*

Renegade Arena - VIP Box

Valarie Dorado: Well hello everyone. Were you occupied watching that tripe? Sorry, but not sorry to interrupt. I just thought we'd show you what it's like to really watch the show in style. The Elevation way. See, we made an instant impression. I became the Women's Television Champion, the other members of the group claimed the Trios Championships back for the women. We did that in our first matches back. Our first matches as a group. Can you imagine what we can do with a little time and patience? We're planning. We've got all kinds of ideas. That's what real elite do. They plan. They plot. They bide their time, and they take what belongs to them. We're going to make EBW remember us. We're going to make this our show, our promotion, our sport. Elevation, remember the name.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championships: Lainey Strong/Calamity Jane[o] beat Iroha(c)[x]/Tracy(c) via Lariat -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions![
2. Women's Singles: Hope Mach beat Murasaki via DQ
3. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Jamie OD via Muscle Buster -> Pin
4. Tag: Trevor Mach[o]/Subculture beat Little Mac/"The Brand"[x] via Knee Trigger -> Pin
5. Women's No Rules Singles: Rose Mulligan beat Ripper Jane via Bloody Bomb -> Pin
6. 8-Man Tag: Johnny Starbound[o]/Vjhearson Golvoth/Robert Sandwich/Misogynist Paul beat Bashin Dan[x]/Jammer/Benjamin/Cade via 450 Splash -> Pin

Stuart: Celebrate all you want Johnny, but we both know that you had help getting that win over the World Champion. He's too kind to admit it. He's too honorable to bitch about it. I'm not. I'm not in the slightest. We have a big event coming. New Year Rising 2019. I know you're challenging for the World Championship, but I think I'm going to raise the stakes. It's been brought to my attention that yes, several titles can be confusing. We don't want to go about abandoning titles or giving up on lineages though. We've been there and done that. We've merged titles. We've forgotten all about titles. I want to go back to an old tried and true format. The title for title concept. Get where I'm going with this? You will be putting your Television and No Limit Championships on the line, and the winner of this match, will be the EBW World Triple Crown Champion!


Degrees Office

Christina Angel: Well? How am I?

Degrees: Well, your x-rays show that you're a little banged up, but I'd say you're cleared to compete. Although, my opinion on this subject is a little shaky these days. However, medically, you're just fine. Thank you for coming in. I know your back and knees have been giving you trouble.

Christina Angel: Yeah, I must've just taken a nasty stinger, but I feel fine now. Thanks for the check up though.

Degrees: Oh...oh wait...uh...I was supposed to...uh...I have something else to tell you.

Christina Angel: Well? Go on.

Degrees: I did some blood work turns out that you're NOT Amy Angel's daughter.

Christina Angel: ....Huh?

Degrees: Yes. appears...uh...that your ACTUALLY the future daughter of Iroha!

Christina Angel: NANI?!

Degrees: Huh? No, Iroha! That's great though right? Your mother AND your friend?! I mean, what are the chances right? I guess you'll want to go talk to her about this.

Christina Angel:'re a terrible liar.

Degrees: ....Yeah, I know.

Christina Angel: Why did you tell me that? A bad joke?

Degrees: No! SHE told me to.

Christina Angel: Who?

Degrees: Iroha. She said you'd love to hear it. I wanted to help, but looking back, it was a bad idea. I'm sorry.

Christina Angel: You're not the one I'm mad at Doc. First, they have completely freaked out Subculture, and now THIS! I'll make sure she knows I got the message. Thanks Doc.

Degrees: ....Oh boy.

*ring ring*

Degrees: Hello? Oh yes, she was just in here. Yeah Iroha, I told her. I don't think she liked that at all. Don't ask me to do something like that again alright? It's unethical, and I could lose my license. Wait....what license?


In a dark room, a figure is on the other side of the phone.

Rufus Poochyfud: *voice of Iroha* I'm sorry Doctor, but I appreciate it. You've helped out so much. You really have no idea how much.

Bad Dudes Dojo

Trevor Mach was sitting at his desk playing on his phone, when Firebrand X rushed in and slammed down his TBCW Tag title.

Firebrand X: Mind telling me what you're doing giving away your title?

Trevor Mach: YOU....have got to stop slamming things down on my table bro. Look, I don't even remember winning those.

Firebrand X: Me either, but that's not the point. We have the titles, and we-

Trevor Mach: And what? Who cares? Do they matter to us? Doesn't matter to me. Not anymore. We got bigger and better things to shoot for in current year my man. Toss that title out the window, and focus. Focus on being the best man! Focus on these rings! The Elite 4! THAT is important!

Firebrand X: ....Yeah...I don't know why I was even upset.

Trevor Mach: I just think you like slamming things down on tables.

Firebrand X: Yeah....I really do.

Firebrand tossed his title out the window, where it fell into the possession of...

Nosan: ...Huh? Hey alright! This is totally mine now! Dibs!

EBW: The Clash NYR 2019 Pre-Show
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. EBW Anahauc National Championship: Dorado Mask beat Hex Zero Limit(c) via Top Rope Doradorana -> Pin -> NEW EBW Anahauc National Champion!
Tony Bologna: Dorado Mask is showing Hex Zero Limit that he continues to improve! He's not backing down from his rival this time! He's meeting him right on the top rope! I don't believe it! Top Rope Doradorana! 1-2-3! Dorado Mask is the NEW Anahauc Champion! The Lucha Soldados claim another title!
2. EBW Eagleland National Championship: Los Tiburon(c) beat Hexagon Dark via DQ -> Title Defense?
3. Women's Tag: Troian[o]/Murasaki beat Hope Mach/Christina Angel[x] via Angel Driver -> Pin
Tony Bologna: Troian, our Women's World Champion, is just mocking Christina, repeatedly taunting her by acting like Iroha! She caught her off guard! Using her own Angel Driver against her! No! The pin! Troian and Murasaki win.
4. EBW Edo National Championship: Benjamin(c) beat Kota Hayashi[JTTW] via Spear -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tony Bolgona: Kota Hayashi, "special friend" of Benny Alpha, who has just signed with Just The Tip Wrestling, would LOVE to bring the Edo Championship to his...."special friend". Wait, he just did a Phoenix Splash onto the concrete! Benjamin wasn't even there! He's staggering in to the ring! SPEAR! 1-2-3! Benjamin with the defense!

Dan Club Locker Room

The Club were getting ready for their matches, with Dan staring at two cards on the table.

Jammer: The hell are you doing?

Bashin Dan: I'm deciding something....or trying to. It's not fair though.

Jammer: What isn't?

Bashin Dan: I have feelings for two women....who both have feelings for me. Their feelings, their hearts, are so precious to me. I wish to protect them. I want them both to smile. *sigh* This was so much easier when I just stuck to my card game.

Jammer:  Wow. Look at you. You're really torn up about this aren't you? I-I didn't think you would be. I thought it'd be easy.

Bashin Dan: Matters of the heart never are. Life is all about making tough choices, and taking things to heart. You have to care about everything. It's like a card game, making the right moves, you have to put your heart into it. I care Jam. I've always cared, about them, and about you. You're family to me, and you always will be.

Jammer: ...Dan. Dan listen, tonight you-

Cade: It's time Dan, we got to get going.

Bashin Dan: Right. Good luck tonight team. You're my friends. You're my family. Let's all go out there and do our best! GANBARE!

Jammer: Dan wait!

?: What are you doing?

Jammer: Huh?

?: Yeah, I'm watching you. Of course I am. If I'm going to pull this off, I have to watch my targets. Don't blow this. After was YOUR idea.

Jammer: ....*sigh*.

EBW: New Year Rising 2019
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV+

1. 10-Man Tag: Tack Angel[o]/Firebrand X/Subculture/Cade/Jammer beat "The Brand"/Vjhearson Golvoth/Robert Sandwich/Misogynist Paul[x]/Little Mac via Angel Driver with...wait for it...a WRRRRRIST CLUUUTCH! -> Pin
2. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Takumi Inui(c)[o]/Dragon Shiryu(c) beat Kinniku Mike/Sal Paradise[x] via Crimson Smash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
3. 8-Woman Tag: Valarie Dorado[o]/Erica/21st Century Foxx/Sylvia beat Nani/Tracy/Iroha[x]/Faris via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission
Tony Bologna: Elevation, here to prove they are the best, but the Angel Family is cohesive tonight. They are impressive, and their training is really showing. comes Christina! She's tripping up Iroha! What?! Iroha fell into the Cross Armbreaker! Valarie Dorado is tapping her out! Christina Angel helped Elevation or did she just want to hurt Iroha?! What is going on here?!
4. EBW Team Championship Ring/Spot in Elite 4: Trevor Mach(c) beat Dougie Mach via Burning Machismo x Knee Trigger -> Pin
5. Women's No Rules Singles: Lady M's beat Ripper Jane via Sexy Strong Stunner x Rolling M's -> Pin
Tony Bologna: This is grotesque! Lady M's has lost it! She is taking chair shots straight to the head, and she looks like she's loving it! Her demeanor keeps changing. I don't think even Ripper Jane knows what to make of it! WHOA! M's elbowed the chair right into her face! SEXY STRONG STUNNER! ROLLING M'S! 1-2-3! LADY M'S WITH THE WIN OUT OF NOWHERE! UNBELIEVABLE!
6. EBW World Triple Crown Formation: Bashin Dan(c) beat Johnny Starbound via Brave Clash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tony Bologna: The most important battle these two have ever been apart of! The formation of EBW'S World Triple Crown is going to happen, and one of these men is going to make history like no other before them! Starbound off the top with the 450, but Dan rolled out of the way! He looks ready to attack, but what's this? This woman....who is she? This young purple haired woman has caught Dan's attention. Who is she? Careful Dan, Starbound is getting back up. Jammer! What's he doing out here!? He's getting in her way! Telling Dan to turn around! What's happening here?! Dan evades Starbound! OW! Johnny just hit the turnbuckle hard! He's stumbling over to Dan! BRAVE CLASH! 1-2-3! Bashin Dan did it! He's the Triple Crown Champion of the WORLD! The Young Ace continues to shine! He's celebrating with Dan Club, but he's trying to figure out why Jammer is arguing with this woman. He's getting out of the ring to talk to them!

Bashin Dan: Mai? Where have you been? What's going on he-

Jammer: Dan NO!

"Mai": Well shit, we didn't get the title, but I'll still have my fun.

Bashin Dan: Huh?

The woman with purple hair clobbered Dan over the head with a chair, busting his head open badly. As he looked up from his puddle of blood, he saw "Mai" pull off a wig.

Bashin Dan: M-M-Mai?

Troian: Not quite boy. Another perfect performance by yours truly...and you have Jammer to thank for it all.

Bashin Dan: J-J-Jamm-

Jammer: Oh no. Dan, I'm sorry!

Bashin Dan passed out, with Hope Mach, the Dan Club, and EMTs coming to help him. Cade pushed away Jammer and got into a shouting match with him as the show came to a surprising and abrupt close.


Outside of Fourside Arena

The Dan Van pulled up, and the Dan Club quickly made their way inside. Jammer tried to follow them in...

Jammer: Guys wait! I need to talk to Dan! Dan! Let me talk to you!

Cade: He doesn't want to talk to you. He doesn't want to see you. You got what you wanted, you hurt our friend. You feel good about yourself?

Jammer: No, this isn't right! It's not what I-

Bashin Dan: Was it your idea?

Jammer: I....

Bashin Dan: Answer me Jam! Was it YOUR idea?

Jammer: .....Yes.

Bashin Dan: ...You win Jammer. You're out of the Dan Club. You're free. Just....just leave me alone. I'm not cleared to compete tonight. I have several staples in my head, and I just need to sit down.

Jammer: I didn't want this.

Vapetrain: Didn't you?! Wasn't this the whole point of the Thrillers! You started this! I bought on, and I realized just how wrong it was. Friendship, family, and honor. Those things ARE important, even in professional wrestling! You blew it man. I was lucky, they gave me another chance, and I took it. You blew yours. Get out of here, but don't go too far. I demanded a match with you later, and I got it. I will make you pay for this in the ring.

Jammer: I-

Bashin Dan: Oh...this was for can still have it I guess.

The EBW World Triple Crown Champion dropped a deck of cards onto the ground and walked away. Jammer picked up the deck, with a note on top that said "You might see us as rivals, but that doesn't mean we can't be brothers."

Jammer: ...What have I done?

Johnny Starbound: That's what I want to know! You're damn right you blew it! You blew it for me! You cost me my titles! You cost me the Triple Crown! That was history, and you took it from me! You're damn lucky that fat ass got the shot at you first, cause I demanded one too, and I AM going to get it! You have screwed EVERYTHING up! The Thrillers were taking over! We were cutting edge! We were the new way, and you had to ruin it!

Jammer: Thrillers were?

Johnny Starbound: That's right, it's over. It's done. We're splitting up the group, but don't worry, I'm not done. I'm not done by a long shot. I let you make the rules before, and nothing got done. You just wait and see what I have in store for Bashin Dan and that stupid Dan Club! This star WILL continue to shine, and you, you're just trash that needs to be discarded. Former E1 Winner? Former World Champion? What a joke!

Jammer: ...

Johnny Starbound: What? Got nothing to say? You really have lost it. I can't even look at you anymore.

Jammer: ...

Little Mac: Come on Starbound, you're not booked tonight. Plenty of time to put your plan in action.

Outside of the Dan Club Locker Room

As the Dan Club were heading inside...

Hope Mach: Dan! Dan, there you are. I've been looking for you.

Bashin Dan: Guys, could you please give us some privacy?

Benjamin: Sure my friend. Let's go everyone.

Hope Mach: Ow...that looks...that looks painful.

Bashin Dan: Don't worry, it feels worse than it looks.

Hope Mach: least you're still making me smile. You're good at that. I guess we're both having a bad time right now huh?

Bashin Dan: I was deceived, and in that deception....I hurt you too didn't I?

Hope Mach: What?

Bashin Dan: I'm sorry. I never should have put you in that position. You are an amazing person, and the only one that's actually learned how to play Battle Spirits. I mean, I spend hours trying to teach the guys, and they can't figure it out! Vape thought we were playing Poker. picked it right up. You're impressive. You're amazing. You deserve better than me.

Hope Mach: Hey! Don't say that! You don't get to make that decision Dan. It's for me to decide who I have feelings for. You think I'm weak, and I can't understand the situation you were in? You thought you reconnected with someone you had lost. Old feelings don't just die. What kind of person would I be, if I didn't let you figure out what you wanted.

Bashin Dan: Hope, I-

Hope Mach: Dan, you are all heart. You care too much sometimes, and even when your enemies exploit STILL care. You deserve to be happy. We can talk about this another time when you're ready, but just know....I am waiting for you Bashin Dan.

Bashin Dan: ...Hope.

Elite 4 Bus

Trevor Mach: Achoo!

Firebrand X: Cover your mouth!

Trevor Mach: I'm a free sneezer X, you know that. Came out of nowhere though, like something forboding is happening.

Subculture: Yeah, I get that feeling all the time now.

Tack Angel: Son, I just don't understand what Christina was doing do you?!

Subculture: STOP. CALLING. ME. SON. I know exactly why she would do something like that actually, but she's shown restraint until now. Not sure what brought it out all of a sudden.

Tack Angel: She won't return my calls. Is she returning yours?

Subculture: I uh....I haven't been trying to call her.

Tack Angel: What? Why not?

Subculture: Look. I'm going to be clear and concise, as I know you'll miss it completely otherwise. I don't want to be apart of this "Angel Family" thing you've got going on. I thought I could do it, and I love Christina more than I thought I could ever love anyone, but her family, YOU in particular....are just killing the mood man. You're keeping us apart. You got what you wanted.

Tack Angel: What? No! I changed my mind on that! I want you together now! Subbie! Come back! You marry my daughter dang it!

Firebrand X: ...They got a lot of shit to work out.

Trevor Mach: Don't we all?

Firebrand X: Nope. I'm good. I just live my life...and it's pretty good. Also, not having to wear a mask everywhere all the time has been great for my skin. Look, I'm on the cover of this magazine, and the sexiest man in Saturn City.

Firebrand X slams the magazine on the table.

Trevor Mach: bout that. You know, I could probably get that too if I didn't have all these scars....and a broken nose....and some missing teeth.

Firebrand X: Yeah....sure you could.

Trevor Mach: ....Dammit!

?: No worries my hubby wubby bubby, I think you're AMAZING!

Trevor Mach: Huh?

Lady M's appeared, but she was in a maid dress, with cat ears, paws, and a tail.

Lady M's: Nyan! Your Tali Katt wuvs you just the way you are!


EBW: Xcite

The show opened up with Trevor Mach coming to the ring, dragging a large sack behind him.

Trevor Mach: Well Fourside, that was quite the family time I got to spend with my cousin Dougie last night wasn't it? That's taken care of, and it's time to move on. Move on to what though? More titles? More crazy ideas? I've been thinking, and I have to thank Dougie and Derek for this. Who CARES about the accolades I've achieved? Who cares about these belts I've come up with or won? Is that all this is about?! These belts are just belts. They take up space. They don't hold up my pants. I'm done with it. Here are the belts I've won over the years. I got a replica made for each one. Here, this is the Royal Crown Championship. Remember that? Here! Have it!

Trevor threw the title into the crowd.

Trevor Mach: CXJ title, the first one I ever won, HAVE IT! Have ALL THE TITLES!

Trevor started handing out and tossing all of the titles and trophies in his bag, until it was empty.

Trevor Mach: This ring?! matters. It symbolizes real excellence. The Elite 4. We came together to step it up and change the game. That's what we need to do. Focus on the game, and the game is wrestling. It's not about the accolades, it's about proving to yourself and others that you are a BAD ASS! YOU KICK ASS! YOU'RE THE BEST! Being the BEST is what this is all about, and if I know I'm the best, then that's what's important. Therefore, I introduce this, the Trevor Mach Championship!

Trevor Mach pulled out a title designed like his face, but then he tossed it into the crowd.

Trevor Mach: Just kidding! I'm really lucky I know a guy that makes belts. It's not about that though....with one exception. One title out there, DOES symbolize being the best, and right now, Bashin Dan has it. He's hurting, and he's injured, but soon he'll be ready, and so will I. Oh Danny Boy....Dan the Man...D-Danston Checks In? I think it's time we have the match we've BOTH been waiting for. I think it's time, but to do that, I hear we have something in the way. We have to make a trip to "Rumble City". The Bad Ass Rumble! The roster inside a cage. The first one to escape faces you at Victory Explosion! You did it last year, and this year, the tables have turned. You might as well call me the "Mayor of Rumble City" because I-

As Mach was talking a cloaked figure jumped out of the crowd and hit him with a POOOOUNCE! He ripped off his hood to reveal it was Swift. The Elite 4 rushed down to try and make the save, but they were attacked by 3 other men in cloaks. They battered the Elite 4 and took off their masks to reveal...W00t, Hotlanta, and Generator.

EBW: Xcite
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Calamity Jane(c)[o]/Lainey Strong(c) beat Tracy/Iroha[x] via Lariat -> Pin -> Title Defense!
2. Women's Singles: Gold beat 21st Century Foxx via DQ
3. Singles: Jammer beat Vapetrain via Slam Jam -> Pin
4. Women's Singles: Hope Mach beat Murasaki via Olympic Slam -> Pin
5. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Takumi Inui(c)/Dragon Shiryu(c)[o] beat Kinniku Mike[x]/Sal Paradise and Jamie OD/Amigo via Rozan Shoryu-Ha -> Pin -> Title Defense!

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:18 pm  #493

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Bad Dudes Dojo

Hope Mach: Mom? Mom, are you in here?

Lady M's: Nyan? Oh hello Hopey Wopey MEEEEOW!

Hope Mach: Uh...yeah....Dad was right huh? Are you alright?

Lady M's: Never better! I'm just living my best life daughter! Maybe it was a blow to the head....or the other one....or the other one, but it REALLY opened me up to some new ideas! Like....I MISS my Sailor Fuku! I MISS blonde hair!

Hope Mach: You're dressed like a cat.

Lady M's: Yeah, I like this too! MEEEEOW!

Hope Mach: Mom...just the other day, you were telling my how much you hated the "younguns", and then the next day, you were running around with a broken chainsaw going "vrooom vroom" and now you're doing this. Is it a prank? You tell me, cause I'll get in on it with you. I mean, I could dress like a cat too and-

Lady M's: You do what makes you happy Hopey! I'm just TIRED of being SO ANGRY! I just want to be M's Style again. Alright? I'm M's Style!

Hope Mach: Oh....oh dear.

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Women's Singles: "M's Style" beat Kei Akiyama via Sexy Strong Stunner -> Pin
2. Women's Singles: Hope Mach beat Kayla Sparkz via Olympic Slam -> Pin
3. Non-Title 6-Woman Tag: Sylvie[o]/21st Century Foxx/Erica beat Tracy/Nani/Faris[x] via Breast to Breast Soft Suplex -> Pin
4. Tag: Jamie OD[o]/Amigo beat Misogynist Paul/Robert Sandwich[x] via GTPK -> Pin
5. Non-Title Singles: Valarie Dorado beat Iroha via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission


Bad Dude Dojo

February 15th

Trevor Mach sat in his dark office, listening to music and staring at the calendar. Between mouthing the number "36" to himself and staring at the bottle of alcohol he kept in his desk, he didn't notice the front door open...

Trevor Mach: 36....36...36...that's not THAT bad is it? I mean, it's worse than 35....but it's not 37, and THAT is something to be happy about. No time for relapse Trevor. Let's just pretend it's not my birthday. No one else cares. No one else will even notic-

M's Style: NYAN! There is my birthday boy!

Trevor Mach: AH! I wasn't thinking about drinking!

M's: Style: We were looking for you. It's time for your present.

Trevor Mach: We? Daughter?

Aly Smash: Not exactly.

Trevor Mach: Oh...

It was at that moment that Trevor realized they were both scantily clad, which would have been alluring, had Aly not started to REALLY show her pregnancy.

Trevor Mach: Hah...I...uh....what's going on here ladies?

Aly Smash: It's your birthday isn't it?

Trevor Mach: Yes, but-

Aly Smash: Then don't make me second guess what we're doing here.

Trevor Mach: But I just got you a gift card to Pottery Barn on your birthday! Really, a cake or something would suffi-

M's Style: Silly Trevy...this kitty wants to cuddle.

Trevor Mach: But she is like REALLY showing that pregnancy...that is to say-

Aly Smash: Yeah, I noticed! Trust me, I'm all too aware. Don't worry, you can't get me MORE pregnant....I think. You can't get more pregnant can you?

Trevor Mach: I'm just REALLY concerned about-

Endless M's: Wait...the fuck is going on here?! Why am I dressed like this!

Trevor Mach: Oh good! Tali! You're back! Listen, I-

Endless M's: This isn't going to cut it! We're going to need a car battery and jumper cables. I'll be right back.

Trevor Mach: OH DAMN.....WHY BONER!?

Trevor Mach's Boner: *voice of Orson Wells* You know why.

Trevor Mach: Yeah...yeah I do. Wait did you TALK?!

Saturn Cafe

February 16th 1:00 AM

Bashin Dan: Uh....Trevor, I really don't mind keeping you company, but maybe you could tell me why you're so jittery.

Trevor Mach: You uh....ever have significant electrical current pass through you?

Bashin Dan: ...Not that I know of?

Trevor Mach: neither...just asking...hehe....I think I'm going to pass out in the booth here. If I stop breathing call 911 or something.

Bashin Dan: that a possibility?

Trevor Mach: The Cat Girl was less scary this time Dan. Pregnant women and car batteries...I MIGHT be getting too old for it.

Bashin Dan: You're not making any sense.

Trevor Mach: Huh? No, you're right. Don't listen to me. It's all nonsense. Zzzzz....Zzzzzzz.

Bashin Dan: Gee, I hope he's alright. Maybe I should call a doctor?

Hope Mach: Dan, there you are. I went by your apartment, and your dojo trying to find you. What are you doing here at this hour?

Bashin Dan: Oh, I was just with your-

Hope Mach: Never mind. If you want to be here, that's your choice, and I'm sorry for asking. I just...I don't want you to blame yourself for anything that is going on between us, or anything happening with that traitor Jammer.

Bashin Dan: I-

Hope Mach: I like you Dan. For a lot of reasons. You thinking you needing to think hurt me, I can't let you that stand though. I understand. I need you to trust me when I say that. Respect that, just like I respected that you needed to figure this out. They tricked you, and played with your emotions. You handled it the best that you could. I understand alright? I. UNDERSTAND.

Bashin Dan: ...Thank you Hope. I'm still not sure if I understand though. I don't understand how I feel right now. I know that I care about you. I just-

Hope Mach: You're feeling a lot of hurt right now because your friend betrayed you. I understand that too. That's wrestling. We're both so wrapped up in it, and everything that comes with it good or bad. I mean, look at you, you're the World Triple Crown Champion, yet you haven't had any real time to celebrate that fact. I'm proud of you. I'll leave you to your coffee. I hope we can talk again soon.

Bashin Dan: Goodnight Hope.

Hope Mach: ...You want to know something else I like about you? Everything in my life has been wrestling. My Dad loves it and lives it. My Mom....loves very little, but it's in her blood too. So naturally, it's mostly all I know.'re different. It's important to you, but it's not everything. Friendship...I feel that means more to you than anything....with card games being way up there too. It's's're different, and I like that about you. I wouldn't be here like this if I didn't think that meant something....goodnight Dan.

Bashin Dan: ....*sigh*

Trevor Mach: ....

Bashin Dan: You weren't asleep were you?

Trevor Mach: Nope!

Bashin Dan: Oh dear.


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tony Bologna: Hello fans, I'm once again in the Control Center, but I'm not alone. I'm joined by the foursome that made huge headlines, when they returned to attack the Elite 4 during the last episode of Xcite. A huge statement from veterans and legends returned. Let's hear from-

Swift: I want to get something straight right now! You call us veterans and legends, but we were never treated like we were. We busted our asses just as hard as anyone, but we were cast aside, and treated like old news. Dammit, I'm YOUNGER than Mach, Angel, AND Firebrand! You punk asses loved it when I played the clown though. Always hogging up catering and mean muggin at you. You ate that shit up. Well fuck that, because Swift is a brawler, a metal head, and a fucking bad ass! I played the fool cause my back was janked up. I did it, so I could keep making cash off your dumb asses. I'm 100% now. You've never seen me this lean, this mean, and this angry! I walked away when I could handle the bullshit anymore, but a voice got in my ear, and told me all the things I needed to here. Now I'm back, and we're running this shit now!

w00t: Very astute, however, we're just getting started. See, we're on the "Update" segment, when we should be on the main show, making this declaration. See, we all had to play parts at one point that we didn't want to play. I had to retire myself due to injury, when I was young, and still waiting on my prime. I had to play the part of a Boss at one point too, and that type of management role was beneath me quite frankly. I am the smartest man in the room, in ANY room I enter, and a damn fine wrestler if I do say so myself. Just like Swift, I'm feeling strong. I'm feeling stronger than ever. All healed up. Months of training to form this gorgeous physique. The mind has never been sharper. We're back, for a purpose.

Generator: Always treated like a second fiddle. Always placed in a box. Always stuck in a "division". I could have been EBW World Champion. I SHOULD have been EBW World Champion! All this electricity. Lighting fast moves in the ring. I too, got stopped before I hit my prime, but I'm back.

Hotlanta: What else is there to say. It's the same story with all of us. We left too early, and let guys inferior to us take the reigns. We're not alright with that. Imagine letting that bubble inside of you for years. Imagine training with the sole purpose of making it all right. Imagine what we will do when we're faced with anyone that wants to stop us.

Swift: This ain't you damn everyday, run of the mill faction. No, shit like this is on a whole new level. We're not here to be "GREEDY", and we're not here to cause "HAVOK". We're here, because you assholes tried to cast a shadow over us, but that's over. We're casting the damn shadow now. Us....and the others. That's right....there are more, and there will BE more, because this is something a long time coming.

w00t: It's a new age in EBW. An "Umbral Age". You can call us "Umbra".

Swift: Now get that damn mic out of our faces!


If anyone is still reading this...

Due to real life circumstances, I am cancelling an ongoing storyline, and dropping a few characters. I'm aware that I have the free speech to continue as I please, but I choose not to. I thought about it, and it's just not going to work. The issue keeps clouding my mind. Thanks for understanding...again, if anyone is still reading this. However, since I'm pretty sure it's empty around here...


Don't forget to buy Dog and Cat Food tomorrow.



Stuart's Office

An empty office, with only a letter on the desk. Suddenly, Ryan IQ entered...

Ryan IQ: Stuart? You wanted to see me? Huh? What's this? "Dear Ryan, Antonio and I have to leave Eagleland. We have business to attend to. We won't be able to return. Therefore, I'm leaving EBW back to you. It should have always been yours. I took it from you....forgive me. I have a lot to answer for. Goodbye." Huh....I'm the owner of EBW again? I'M THE OWNER OF EBW AGAIN HAHA!

The Council HQ

Orange Kid: Good news guys! The readings have changed! It looks like the world isn't ending in 2019 anymore!

Apple Kid: Oh that's great! Also that bastard Kiwi Kid was erased from existence! I don't think he was ever supposed to be here!

Picky Minch: This is wrapping up WAY too easily.

Orange Kid: I'm glad everything is back to normal....although...

Apple Kid: What?

Orange Kid: It looks like the world will NOW be destroyed in 2020.

Grape Kid: Oh that's just TERRIBLE!

Apple Kid: Well OBVIOUSLY Grape Kid! GEEEZ! Alright, let's figure THIS ONE OUT![/b]

Ryan IQ's Office

Ryan IQ: Time to make some changes! Alright secretary, please bring in Bobby Blitzworth, Robert Sandwich, Misogynist Paul, and...*sigh* "The Brand".

Penguin: Qua!

Ryan IQ: ...Is the secretary Penguin now? Boy, how things have changed. Men, you're all here for a good reason. A VERY important reason. You're fired. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! Except you...."Brand".

"The Brand": That's right! I don't deserve that treatment! Send Sandwich and Paul away, but not me, cause I'm "The Brand"!

Ryan IQ: You're Noah Jennings again.

"The Brand": Huh?

Ryan IQ: I hate that name. I hate that it has quotations. You're Noah Jennings again.

Noah Jennings: Oh wow, it's already taken effect! YES! I AM NOAH JENNINGS! I can't wait to get back in the ring and-

Ryan IQ: No. You're going to be working for me now. So get your damn purple back on, and your vest, and go back to being Baron Corbin's current gimmick years before they stole it from us.

Noah Jennings: Who?

Ryan IQ: Exactly. Get out of here. I'M BACK BABY!

GR: Huuur!

Tony Bologna: You wanted to see us?


GR: Sassafras!

Tony Bologna: Well damn, I wonder if TBCW 3'dPW are hiring.

Ryan IQ: They are because-

Tommy Dukes and Nerma: WE'RE BACK TOO BABY!

Ryan IQ: Hehe...oh...also no more "Epochs". Yeah...I think that's everything for now. So, what's new in EBW? Swift's doing WHAT now?! Oh boy. At least it's less volatile than my home life...

Ryan IQ's House 1 Week Ago

Ryan IQ, his wife, and his son and daughter were quietly sitting down for dinner. Ryan looked dejected, sighing before finally speaking up.

Ryan IQ: Your Mother and I have something we need to discuss with you. It has absolutely nothing to do with either of you. goes. Your Mother and I are....getting a divorce.

Ryan's Wife: Your Mother has met someone younger, and more handsome than your Father.

Ryan IQ: ....

Ryan's Wife: He's the man that burglarized our house last week. Shhh...don't cry kids. It's going to be alright. Your Mommy is in love with a burglar.

Ryan IQ: I wouldn't call him a burglar. She let him in the house.

Ryan's Wife: He's a strange man, but he's taller than your Father.

Ryan's Daughter: Am I going to have to call that burglar Daddy?

Ryan's Wife: No...but you're Daddy is going to live on the street for awhile.

Ryan IQ: *sigh* that Lakit-GET OUT OF HERE!

Ryan IQ's Office

Noah Jennings: You have a family?!


Noah Jennings: Well...I guess HAD right?

Ryan IQ: ....

Noah Jennings: ...I'm gonna go.

Ryan IQ: I think that would be best.


Interview Area

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the back with EBW guy of Wrestling, and I'm joined by...well our new boss...who is our old boss....he's...well..RYAN IQ!

Ryan IQ: Thank you for that. I know it's sudden, but when big movements happen, you can either let them destroy you, or you can build upon them. I've been through some hard times lately, and they molded me, changed my ideas on a few things. I'm looking forward to getting another shot at taking EBW to higher places. Also, I apparently have to pay alimony....even though my ex-wife is the one that left ME....FOR A BURGLAR! I'm not going to dwell! I'm not going to dwell. It's just....we need to be a super success this year. We really REALLY need to. Without further ado, I want to present someone. The young new Ace I'm placing my bets on. The kid I'm hoping will lead us to the best year we've ever had....really hoping. THE EBW WORLD TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION! Bashin Dan!

Bashin Dan: Thank you Mr. IQ.

Ryan IQ: Please, call me Ryan....but never RyRy....or Ry-Q....please.

Bashin Dan: I appreciate the kind words. I wish...I wish things were a little different for me right now. Personal issues aren't going to stop me though, from taking on ANY challenge. You're placing faith in me, and I'll make sure not to let you down.

Ryan IQ: Wow. That's REALLY cooperative. Normally these little zoomer bastards are always flossing or dabbing. Whatever those are.

Bashin Dan: I don't know what those are either. All I know is what I am. Popular or not, I will always give me best for myself, and for the fans. These has been no greater honor than to make history in EBW, and I'm looking forward to my next challenger.

Ryan IQ: And you'll find out who that is, when we head to Rumble City! The show...not the actual place. Is that an actual place? Point is, we're bringing back the Bad Ass Rumble. The winner will take you on at Victory Explosion!

Bashin Dan: But why wait? I'll defend the title AT Rumble City.

Ryan IQ: Yeah? I mean, that's a good idea and all, but I don't think anyone would want to see that. It's like...the titles never change hands on shows like that. It's a weird phenomenon. Aw hell, let's give it a shot. Who do you have in mind?

Bashin Dan: ...Jammer. I'll take on Jammer.

Ryan IQ: Whoa...wasting no time here are we?

Women's Locker Room

Nerma: And I'm Nerma, back where I belong too! We're just going to forget about all that bad blood right? Just get back to what's important, and that is EBW! The Women's Division is insane right now, and I'm glad to be back here to see-

M's Style: Nerma! Nyah! You look so Kawaii today!

Nerma: ...

M's Style: So happy to see you again!

Nerma: ...I-

Heather Mach: She's lost it. That's the short answer. Looking for something longer? She looooooooooooooost it. Better?

Rose Mulligan: My sister took one too many shots to the head we think. Just roll with it best you can. It's what we're doing.

Nerma: you're taking on-

Lady M's: Huh? Nerma? You're back? Fine with me. Too many young bitches poking their heads around my locker room, disrespecting me. Might as well bring back someone established. Yeah, we're taking on "Elevation" tonight. Same old shit there, just a different day. We're also taking on....whatever Troian, Ripper Jane, and Murasaki are calling themselves.

Nerma: Oh! Well-

Endless M's: A MASSIVE clusterfuck if you ask me! But hey, you can't live with em, and you can't kill em right? Well YOU can't anyways. I'm going to try to. AHAHA!

Nerma: ...Yikes.

Heather Mach: Good to time to come back right?

Rose Mulligan: Buckle up.

M's Style: Byyyyyye! =-.-=

Nerma: Wasn't one M's enough? I come back and we've got three in one? My God!


Hope Mach: Christina! Christina wait!

Christina Angel: Huh? Oh hey Hope. What's up?

Hope Mach: Where are you going?

Christina Angel: Just uh...just going to the family locker room. I've had some time to blow off some steam, and maybe we need to talk.

Hope Mach: I'd be careful. A few of them are actually pretty cross with you right now.

Christina Angel: Oh yeah?

Hope Mach: Iroha has gotten hurt because of your least...that's what THEY are saying.

Christina Angel: What are YOU saying?

Hope Mach: You know I'm with you 100%. It's just....we've got that swirling, and the rumors that you're working with Elevation.

Christina Angel: Working with Elevation? So I did get involved in a few matches, but that to show Iroha that I wasn't happy with her meddling. That doesn't mean I want to side with Elevation.

Hope Mach: I know that, but....

Christina Angel: But what?

Hope Mach: Valarie Dorado is saying otherwise.

Christina Angel: Is she?

Hope Mach: Saying you're one of them now.

Christina Angel: Heh. It never ends. I swear. Iroha won't give me space. Subculture is suddenly giving me TOO MUCH space, and now this? What do we get ourselves into Hope?

Hope Mach: Family business? Mischief and mayhem?

Christina Angel: Yeah, I guess so. Well you watch. Tonight, I'm taking on Valarie Dorado. When I win, I get a shot at the Television Championship, AND I put those rumors to rest.

Hope Mach: Happy to be in your corner.

Christina Angel: I'll be happy to have you there.


Dorado Mask: So...uh...what is this exactly?

Kiva: ....

Los Tiburon: ...It's food. That much, we know for certain.

Dorado Mask: Oh...well alrig-

Rey Dorado: You! I want to have a word with you boy!

Dorado Mask: What are you doing here sir?

Rey Dorado: What is this I hear about you putting your mask on the line?!

Dorado Mask: Oh...that. Yeah, after beating Hex Zero Limit for this Anahauc National Championship, I thought that would get me more matches against the Hex Clan. That's my whole reason for doing all of this. Problem is, they were stone walling me.

Rey Dorado: Of course they were! That's the tactic. They got you to agree to this match. You put a mask on the line, and if you win, you get a match, BUT you lose and you lose the mask....MY MASK! You had no right to-

Dorado Mask: It's my mask now! You gave it to me! You trained me, and told me I deserved to wear it! I treat it with honor and respect. That means I'll fight with everything I have to keep it.

Rey Dorado: You can't make a wager unless you're truly ready to pay the price. Can you do that? Can you pay it if you lose it? What will you say to me then? What will you say to my niece?

Dorado Mask: I came here to do something. Look, the man behind the Hex Zero Limit mask....I know him...better than anyone. I grew up with him, trained with him. We came here originally to do the same thing, get revenge on the Hex Clan. When the time came, I did what I had to do. I beat him, and claimed this title. I'm willing to risk it all. It's not just the mask on the line. It's my everything....that's on the line. I have to go get ready.

Rey Dorado: .....

Los Tiburon: ...I didn't talk him into it, if that's what you're implying with that stare.

Rey Dorado: You didn't talk him OUT of it either Sergio!

Los Tiburon: Hey watch it with the names! I mean HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO THE GRAPPLE FU-oh he's gone already.

Kiva: .....

Los Tiburon: Yeah, I know what you mean Kiva. He's acting angry, but he can't hide the fact that he's brimming with pride.

Parking Lot

The Elite 4 bus pulled up, with Firebrand X quickly getting off...

Firebrand X: Freaking finally! If I had to hear any more of thi-

Tack Angel: I just want to know what the problem is?

Subculture: No you don't. You've been TOLD what the problem is! I love your daughter, but you and your wives freak me out. THAT is the problem. You don't want to hear that though. You just want me to be cool with everything!

Tack Angel: ...What's so wrong about being cool with things?

Subculture: I don't believe this. It's bad enough we have new problems cropping up, you won't let THIS ONE die! Wait, where is Trevor?

Trevor Mach was staring at himself in the mirror of the bus bathroom, sharking, and running his fingers through his newly grown beard and longer hair.

Trevor Mach: *fast breathing* Who are you man? Who are you today? Are the fucking 80's guy? The guy who can't stop talking about the 80's?! Are the MMA guy, that's secretly not that great at MMA?! Do you wear a stupid white hat?! Who are you?! *deep breaths*'re the Bad're the Bad Man.

Firebrand X: Hey? Are you alright in there?

Trevor Mach: Never better! Be right out!

Subculture: What's he doing?

Firebrand X: Existential crisis again. I swear he either thinks that room is soundproof or he doesn't care.

Trevor Mach: Don't know what you guys are talking about, but let's go with the latter there. We have some business to deal with in there, so let's get our game faces on, and-


Trevor Mach: Oh come on!

Swift pounced Trevor directly into the side of the bus, while W00t, Generator, and Hotlanta blindsided the others. A big brawl broke out, while an unseen person spray painted the sides of the Elite 4 bus.

EBW: Xcite

The show kicked off with the new fearsome foursome "Umbra" hitting the ring.

w00t: Were we expecting the show to start a little differently perhaps? Maybe a snippy little back and forth between us and the Elite 4? No thanks, we changed the play. Didn't like that script, so we wrote our own. This isn't the Elite 4 show after all. They're veterans, and a few might even be "respected" by some, but not by us, the real heroes here. The real hard workers. The ones that never got what they deserved. The ones that fought just as hard, and had to overcome even more obstacles. Like we said before, we're not letting them cast a shadow on us anymore. We're ushering in a new era here people. We're casting the shadows, and we're just getting started.

Swift: Anyone in the back have a problem with that?! The new boss maybe? Same as the old really. You all saw Swift like he was a damn joke! I'm a fucking killer! A metal head! A monster! It was always easier to have me making the jokes, cause you needed your roster out of the hospital I guess. When I started here, I was unstoppable, and even then, I was trying to "play nice". I'm not here to play anymore. We're not playing. We're here. We're back. We're not going anywhere. We're TAKING what we want.

Trevor Mach: Hey assholes! Sorry to burst your bubble, but we're going to do that thing where we have a "snippy little back and forth".

Swift: You didn't get enough in the parking lot you goofy bastard. You want some more? You're a dead man.

Trevor Mach: Oh no no no, I'm not a dead man, I'm the BAD MAN, and I never get enough! The Thrillers are gone, so naturally, someone had to fill that gap right? Guess that's you guys. Hey, it might be fun to mix it up with people I actually have respect for.

Swift: Respect?! I don't give a DAMN about your respect. You made a mockery of us last week. Throwing out all your titles, like they don't matter! Then what the hell are you doing here moron?! You win, you conquer, you get titles, and you get paid! That's what we do! You got it handed to you, and made it a joke! Any one of us gets that break, and we actually do something with it! We make this company our bitch! just keep trying to figure out who the hell you are and what you want. Well, I don't care about any of that. What I want is-

Trevor Mach: What? For me to step aside? Get in line pal!

Tack Angel: Swift, I'm disappointed in you. You could've been in the Elite 4 if you wanted. Subculture's only in because you weren't availab-

Subculture: Now you're just making things up.

Tack Angel: Like saying me and my wives are crazy. THAT is making things up!

Firebrand X: Guys! Give it a rest! Look, you guys are all vets, and that's to be respected. We're not afraid to give respect when it's due, but dammit, you're making it difficult when you blindside us. If you want a fight, then let's fight. We're right here, and you're right there in the ring. Why not just get right to it.

Generator: You'd like that, but we're doing this our way! It's our rules! We fight when we want, and where we want. We establish who we are, and what we want now, and we'll iron out the formalities later.

Hotlanta: Until then, you really need to watch your back. We're calling ourselves Umbra. It means shadow. It's not just a name. To cast a shadow, you have to be an imposing figure. Maybe four figures...or maybe MORE than four?

The Elite 4 looked in all directions expecting to be jumped.

Hotlanta: Hey, or maybe not! Maybe we're just screwing with you guys.

W00t: Ryan IQ, look at me, I've been in your shoes, and it sucks. Doing things the business way, just didn't work out for me. Being an intellectual, it's what you hope will work out, but I'm too smart to fall for it. Things aren't the way they were before. Society is topsy turvy. Things are getting out of control. Why fight it? Steer into what's coming next, and you might just survive it. We're "Umbra", remember the name.

Trevor Mach: "Umbra"? Hey, it's like-

Tack Angel: Yeah I know...I know.

EBW: Xcite
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. Tag: Johnny Starbound[o]/Vjhearson Golvoth beat Vapetrain[x]/Barrington Huge via 450 Splash -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Wow, it's great to be calling the action now! Starbound and Golvoth have seemingly decided to stick together after the breakup of the Thrillers, and you can see why here. They are on fire against the Dan Club team. Golvoth tries to lift Huge! It's NOT happening! I think he might have pulled something! He does manage to lift Vapers with a chokeslam! Tag in to Starbound! 450 Splash! 1-2-3! Johnny Starbound wins it!
2. Singles: Jamie OD beat Sal Paradise via GTPK -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: This is the kind of action you can expect every week in Ryan IQ's EBW, with these long time friends and foes going one on one in a classic! OD with the GTPK attempt! HE HIT IT! WOW! OD with the pin! Score one of the Jalapeno Poppers in the never ending battle against the Stud Stable.
3. Mask vs. Match: Dorado Mask vs. Hex Zero Limit ended in a No Contest
Tommy Dukes: Hexagon Dark attacking Dorado before the bell. You hate to see this! It was a set up! Zero Limit seems to be trying to stop him though! He's standing by Dorado Mask! Trying to help him fight off the veteran star from Anahauc.
4. Women's Non-Title Singles: Christina Angel beat Valarie Dorado via DQ
Nerma: A great match goes to hell, because Elevation just HAD to get involved! They're attacking Hope on the outside! Christina trying to make the save, but Valarie clocks her over the head with a chair! That's a DQ right there. Wait, what is she doing? She's winking at Christina? What is this. She's saying "they pulled it off perfectly". What is going on here? Is Christina part of this!? Someone get some help for Hope!
5. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Amigo via Muscle Buster -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: With the Muscle Buster from Mike to Amigo, we have a pin, and the equalizer. Another classic, but the Poppers and Studs end the night evenly matched it seems.
6. Singles: Jammer beat Hoary Boulder via Slam Jam -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Jammer doesn't look like a man happy that he's #1 Contender, buy I guess having to stare down the Boulder isn't helping. The Dan Club are standing by our World Champion. Jammer, doing what he can to hang in there, but what's this? Little Mac? He just tripped up Boulder. Jammer is wondering why. He's not going to pass up the opportunity though. Slam Jam! The pin! Jammer survives another member of the Dan Club.
7. EBW Trios Championship: Erica(c)/21st Century Foxx(c)/Sylvie(c)[o] beat M's Style[x]/Rose Mulligan/Heather Mach, and Troian/Ripper Jane/Murasaki via Breast to Breast Soft Suplex -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: This match has been OUT OF CONTROL, especially with M's snapping into various personas! She is killing it as Endless M's right now, but wait, I think she's M's Style again! She dropped the chair in surprise. That's not good. Sylvie with the Breast to Breast. I call that fan service that works, but could she actually....SHE DID! SYLVIE JUST PINNED M'S STYLE! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! Talk about an upset! Troian's group doesn't seem to care too much, as they batter Heather and Rose on the outside. Elevation retains!

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:19 pm  #494

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the NOT Tony Bologna of Wrestling, and I'm here to do his other job I guess. This is a nice Control Center. I like the ficus in the corner. We have some crazy changes happening in EBW right now, and I'm here to guide you along the way. Big names returning like Swift, w00t, Generator, and Hotlanta have formed a new group called "Umbra", and they're apparently not alone. While we figure out who else might be joining up with this group, we have some other familiar faces coming back as well....but only one is sticking around. A Last Chance match for two former World Champions. Camilo Ortega and Razorblade will fight next week on Xcite. We have some words from the two, so let's hear it.


Razorblade: I'm back! As far as I'm concerned, there isn't going to BE a fight this Monday night! I'm going to mercy kill this pathetic asshole!


Camilo Ortega: Razorblade, is a very rude person, but soon, he will learn manners. I will torture his body, so his soul learns to be humble.


Razorblade: I'm going to run circles around him. I'm going to pound him into the ground. He doesn't stand a chance!


Camilo Ortega: God...chose me for this fight. God is the teacher, Razorblade is the student, and I am God's instrument. When I squeeze your lungs Razor, and you beg for life, THEN you will open your heart to the Lord.


Razorblade: I'm-I'm going to knock him out and....wait what did he say again? He's "God's instrument"? That doesn't....that even make sense really.


Camilo Ortega: When you are eating from a plastic tube...and you are paralyzed from the neck down....your family will gather around your hospital see a reborn Razorblade.


Razorblade: ....Okay, he knows we're just talking here right? I mean, we're just, getting people interested in the fight. Is he crazy? He sounds crazy.


Camilo Ortega: God's lessons...are so beautiful.


Razorblade: "God's lessons are so beautiful"?! Who put this fight together!? You put me into a fight with a crazy person?! That's not fair to me! Where is he?! What do you mean you don't know!? SHIT!


EBW: The Clash

Nerma: It's Nerma here, and I'm about to call the action in the studio, as we see an all Women's episode of THE CLASH! I'm excited about this, because we're going to be hearing from a lot of the women in the division as well as seeing some qualifiers for the EBW Women's World Championship match against Troian at Rumble City! We also have a big announcement regarding Rumble City. The Bad Ass Rumble becomes RUMBLES, as the women will being getting their own Bad Ass Rumble this year. The cage will surround the rings, and the first person to escape and survive the carnage will earn a shot at the title at Victory Explosion! So much awesomeness for the women right now. I'd say it's empowering....but that's condescending as shit. Before this all female Clash gets underway, we DO have one guy who came to see the show tonight that has something say. Our very own EBW Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan!

Bashin Dan: Thank you for the time. I've always loved this Studio. It was like my own personal battleground for a time, when I was forced to compete here and here only. It wasn't a disgrace though, it was an honor. Just like it IS an honor to be your Triple Crown World Champion. However, I have to apologize. Since winning, I have been out of sorts. I haven't been the fired up Dan you know. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and it shows.'s so important to card games...and...well...I got the wind knocked out of me because of Jammer. Well, I've sort of been blaming this title. I saw what it did to him. I saw what it turned him into. It was like this title was cursed. I don't know, maybe that's just my imagination, but, I didn't want that curse to infect me as well. I promise you, I won't let that happen, and I'll defend this title with honor and dignity. I-

Jammer: Dan! Stop! I need to talk to you!

Bashin Dan: Jammer, I don't want to talk to you. You got what you wanted. You win in that regard. You wanted me to realize you were beyond saving. Well I can't admit to that, but I admit you don't WANT to be saved. You don't want to come back and be our friend. You burned that bridge, and I didn't want to admit it or see it. I see it now. You're going to get the title shot you wanted. I hope it was worth all of this. My last gift to you. Well, maybe not the only gift. See, I've been thinking. Hoary Boulder and Barrington Huge are leaving for Edo for a long excursion, and that just leaves me, Benji, Vapetrain, and Cade. We called ourselves the Dan Club, and it was always just funny to me, like I was just glad you guys could rally around me. It was great to have your friendship. Now, you kind of tainted that for me. I think it's time I disband the-

Cade: NO! Dan listen, I can't let you do that. Please listen! You showed me something, when I was down that path, and you brought me back. You reminded me that no matter what current year it is, honor, respect, decency, and most of all friendship are always important. We're not just friends, we're a family, and we owe that to you. Don't let Jammer's stupid, selfish decisions get in the way of that. I'll take care of him personally on Monday, when we have a No Rules match on Xcite. Bring Little Mac if you want to Jam. I knew you couldn't change your stripes. I was willing to let you try, for Dan, but that's over now.

Jammer: Look, I don't know WHY Little Mac helped me, but-

Bashin Dan: It's time to stop talking Jammer. This is the night for the ladies, and I personally wanted to see Hope compete. I'll be rooting for you Hope.

Jammer: ....

Cade: You broke that poor guy you bastard. Now I'm going to break you.

Nerma: Yikes...uh...let's take it to the back real quickly, where Tommy is standing by with some of the combatants for tonight.


Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the guy that's not a gal, but has to be the guy to interview the gals, since the gal was just up there with the guys guy....of Wrestling, and I'm joined by...uh...A M's....Heather Mach, and Rose Mulligan.

Lady M's: I'm fine! I don't know what you're talking about!

Tommy Dukes: I...uh...I didn't say anything?

Lady M's: Oh. Must be hearing things. You're not here for me, you're here for them, so let me just-

Tommy Dukes: No wait, we actually DO have something to ask you. After your shocking loss to Sylvie last week, we hear you've challenged her to a match on Xcite. Which M's are we getting for that match?

Lady M's: The M's that's going to put that prissy green girl in her place.

M's Style: The M's that's going to serve her omelette rice, and draw a heart on it with ketchup! NYAH!

Endless M's: The M's that is going to straight up murder her with a gun, if I can get it by security! Forget you heard that threat. I'm totally not doing that.

Tommy Dukes: ...That didn't really answer my question, but thanks anyways. Heather? Rose?

Rose Mulligan: Not much to say, she's lost her-

Tommy Dukes: What about your match tonight?

Rose Mulligan: Oh. Well, Heather and I have a lot in common...well not much actually, but an important thing in common. We're hungry for the World Championship gold. We've helped each other out, but if we have to face off in the finals for this title shot, we're not going to hold back.

Heather Mach: What she said. Look, Mach is a VERY divisive name in some places, and we wear it proudly. Imagine having YET ANOTHER MACH WORLD CHAMPION?! The salt alone is motivation enough for me to do this!

Tommy Dukes: Well there you have it. Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Christina Angel beat 21st Century Foxx via Pin -> Yeah a Pin
Nerma: What?! Foxx, at the behest of Valarie Dorado, is laying down for Christina. Christina looks upset, but she's placing her foot on Foxx for the pin. Could it be true? Is Christina working with Elevation?!
2. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Rose Mulligan beat Kayla Sparkz via Bloody Bomb -> Pin
3. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Heather Mach beat Kei Akiyama via Machbuster Double Knee -> Pin
4. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Hope Mach beat Murasaki via Olympic Slam -> Pin


Crystal Fourside

Tack Angel: WHAT?! Honey these bills?! What is going on here! I mean, we're our own nation. Who are we paying bills to?!

Amy: Well Tack, we're still getting water and power from Eagleland, and they are charging up enormous prices considering we're powering an entire city. Plus, another trade embargo.

Tack Angel: A what?! Why? What do we trade again?!

Amy: Well you wanted the pirates to create products for that very thing, so they remade Star Juice, and a new product called "Little Tacky Raisins", and they WERE going to hit the shelves, but that Civil War between Ninteldo and Segua really snagged that up.

Tack Angel: But we worked it out! They left...except for Marcus's cousin Warcus....who is still sleeping on the couch.

Warcus: Zzzz....Waaaaa.....Zzzzz....Waaaaaa.....

Tack Angel: What are we going to do?

Amy: Well the income from EBW helps, and merch sales are still great, but you guys are going to have to REALLY step it up to keep this ship afloat.

Tack Angel: Wait...the Pirate Ship is SINKING?!

Amy: *sigh* We're doing the best we can right now. But Tack, we need you at your best, your very best. Hanging onto those Team Championships is a start but-

Tack Angel: *sigh* Amy...I know what I have to do....and I'll do it...for our family. Sometimes a Star Prince has to do things he regrets for his subjects, but I-

Amy: You're not going to try stripping are you?

Tack Angel: What?! No!

Amy: Good, cause that didn't work the last three times you tried it either.

Tack Angel: Sometimes I have to fail three times before I get the point I guess.

Saturn City Pawn Shop

Tack Angel quickly burst into the pawn shop, wearing a trench coat and hat, immediately sweating bullets.

Tack Angel: Hello sir, how do you do? You guys got bow and arrows?

Pawn Owner: ...Yeah. We got one right here.

Tack Angel: Oh good. That's it. Exactly what I need. Where are the arrows at? Oh, do you have M80's?

Pawn Owner: We don't carry fireworks.

Tack Angel: Darn! You have something else that's explosive that I could tape to the end of an arrow?

Pawn Owner: We have shotgun shells, but I feel I have to ask, are you planning on attaching them to arrows and using them as a weapon?

Tack Angel: What?! No! What?! Are you crazy?! You think that would work though? What if I shot explosive arrows through a window to break them open?

Pawn Owner: Sir...I feel I have to ask what you're planning to use these for?

Tack Angel: I'm not planning to do anything really. Just Christmas shopping.

Pawn Owner: ...Christmas shopping?

Tack Angel: Yep. Uh huh! That's right. You got zip lines by chance?

Pawn Owner: Nope.

Tack Angel: Do you have like....hooks...and anchors...and cables?

Pawn Owner: ...We've got some of those things, but I wouldn't recommend making your own zip line.

Tack Angel: I'm not doing that. No way. Let's say someone WAS going to do that though. Do you think if someone busted some windows of a building open, they could fire the zip line over with the bow and arrows and use that to get over there?

Pawn Owner: Sir, I have no idea. Whatever you're planning on doing....please don't do it.

Tack Angel: I'm just buy things....for my children.

Pawn Owner: Zip lines and shotgun shells?

Tack Angel: ...Yep. So, do you have guys have like, the top half of a knight in armor.

Pawn Owner: We have a whole set of armor right over there.

Tack Angel: Do you think it's bullet proof?

Pawn Owner: ...The top half?

Tack Angel: Yeah.

Pawn Owner: What if they shot your legs.

Tack Angel: You think they might do that?

Pawn Owner: ...

Tack Angel: ...Do you have roller skates?

Pawn Owner: You're going to shoot arrows with shotgun shells attached to them, at a bank window to blow out the glass. Then you're going to shoot a zip line to vault door, use the skates to get by the guards, and hope they shoot the maybe bullet proof knight armor instead of your legs.....aren't you?

Tack Angel: ...

Crystal Fourside

Tack Angel: So my plan didn't work out. I blame myself...for listening to's totally his fault.

Amy: ...

Tack Angel: I'm open to other ideas. Want to gather the whole family? Workshop some ideas?

Amy: Way ahead of you Tack. What do you know about Chaos Emeralds?

Tack Angel: ...More than I should, but probably not enough for whatever you've got planned?


EBW: Xcite

Noah Jennings: Hello EBW fans, living AND dead, I'm Noah Jennings, you know who I am. What you might not know, is that I'm working under Ryan IQ in this new administration of EBW. He knows my talents, and my expertise. It was a VERY wise decision to hire me on and return my name to me. That being said, I'm not just here to toot my own horn, though it's due don't you think? I mean having to go without my signature purple for so long....IT WAS A LIVING HELL! *clears throat* I'm fine! I'm fine. So yeah, Jammer has something he wants to tell you all. Listen up, and for the zombies who have no ears, undead sign language will be provided. We do do that right?

Jammer: Dan, I don't know what to say to make things right. I don't know what I can say to you, to let you know that I am sorry. All I ever wanted was my due, my respect, and the World Championship. I took for granted what I already had. It hurt....being a joke...and it felt like I couldn't get you to understand that, so I made sure you WOULD understand. But...I went too far. I went way too far. That plan with Troian....I set it up before the Thrillers were disbanded. I set it up before everything changed. I know that doesn't excuse it, but when I had to rejoin the Dan Club, I wasn't plotting this against you. My sin, was not warning you when I had the chance. I know these are all words, so I'm willing to perform an action too, and I hope you can tell from this action how sorry I am. As of right now, I am declining the title shot you gave me. You won't be facing me at Rumble City. That means so very much...but friendship...I can't just discard that. A title shot I can....and I am.

Noah Jennings: Whoa! Did NOT see that coming! Hey Jammer, I know we had our differences, but as much of a gutless coward I thought you were before, I didn't expect you'd fall even farther. That's the bungling Slam Master Jam for you.

Jammer: Yo-

Noah Jennings: Hey! Can't hit me! I'm management now! I'm done. I'm done. I'll stop giving you the bitter pill. You can go. Anyone else out there looking for a title shot, this is it. Someone will face Johnny Starbound tonight for the chance to-

Vapetrain: Look no further than-WHOA!


Vapetrain: Ugh....

Tack Angel: DARN!

Noah Jennings: *sigh* Starbound vs. Tack Angel I guess.


Christina Angel grabbed a lead pipe as she made her way to the Elevation locker room. She kicked open the door and tried to fight the group herself.

Valarie Dorado: What the hell do you think you're doing?!


Valarie Dorado: Oh right....playing the part. Got it. *wink*

Christina Angel: STOP RIGHT NOW!

Hope Mach: Whoa! Whoa! Christina! Come on, and get out of there.

Valarie Dorado: Ahaha!

Hope pulled Christina out of the room as Elevation slammed the door shut. They could be heard laughing on the other side.

Hope Mach: What are you doing?!

Christina Angel: I'm NOT one of them!

Hope Mach: I never said you were!

Christina Angel: They're playing games I don't want to play. Getting involved in my matches. We try so hard to be taken seriously you and I. I don't need this.

Hope Mach: I agree, but they aren't the only problem right now. Troian has got to pay. One of us has to get that title shot so we could stop her, and take that belt back.

Christina Angel: This is more personal for me.

Hope Mach: And the hunt for Troian isn't personal for me? After what she did to Dan?! I want to put her in the hospital. I want to rearrange her features so much she can never disguise herself again. I mean, we don't even know where she is right now. She could be either one of us. She could be one of them in there! That has GOT to stop!

Christina Angel: seems we both have our own problems. You go down your road, and I'll go down mine.

Hope Mach: ...Alright....for now.


The Umbra group were destroying catering, knocking over tables, and spray painting the place in black.

Swift: Oh yeah, it was SO funny wasn't it?! Swift loves food! Swift lives in catering! REAL FUCKING FUNNY!

w00t: As you can see, things are going to change around here. You can call it "The Umbral Age". We are wrestling's "Umbral Age" and we're here.

As they walked away Benjamin appeared and picked up the pieces of destruction from catering...

Benjamin: The horror.....the horror.

EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
Strike TV

1. Tag: Kinniku Mike/Sal Paradise vs. Jamie OD/Amigo ended in a No Contest
Tommy Dukes: Mike and OD are in and ready to settle this once and for-WAIT WHAT?! Mike and OD both just attacked their tag partners!!! What's going on here! They are taking off their-WHAT?! "The Umbral Age" They're wearing black shirts with the logo on it! Are they...ARE THEY UMBRA?! I can't believe this! That means the Jalapeno Poppers are over?! This is the darkest day in ALL of wrestling!
2. Winner Returns: Camilo Ortega beat Razorblade via Choke Hold -> Referee Stoppage
Nerma: Ortega has been on fire! Razorblade can't recover! He's got him locked in the choke! He's not letting go! Razor passed out, it's over! Camilo Ortega is BACK in EBW!
3. Non-Title Team Match: Trevor Mach/Tack Angel/Firebrand X/Subculture vs. Swift/w00t/Generator/Hotlanta ended in a No Contest
Tommy Dukes: What was SUPPOSED to be the first in ring encounter between these factions has turned into a street fight outside. w00t made it clear, they aren't stepping into the ring until they get what they want. What is it that they want?!
4. Singles: Lady M's beat Sylvie via Sexy Strong Stunner x Rolling M's -> Pin
Nerma: M's has kept it together, the Lady M's we expected before all of this split personality nonsense. She's showing the rookie how it's done! SEXY STRONG STUNNER! Elevation trying to get involved, but Christina Angel is running them off! M's with the Rolling M's! 1-2-3! Lady M's with the win!
5. No Rules Singles: Cade beat Jammer via Forfeit
Tommy Dukes: I don't get this. Jammer is taking a beating, but has refused to fight back. Refused Little Mac's help. Refused when Cade turned his back on him to attack. Even Cade is confused. Jammer just said something to the referee. He forfeits? I don't believe it. Jammer, the former World Champion and E1 Climax winner just threw in the towel against Cade.
6. EBW World #1 Contender: Johnny Starbound beat Tack Angel via 450 Splash -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Tack was obviously hurt in the street fight earlier, but he's not staying down. He's setting up for the Angel Driver, but wait, w00t has just come out of the crowd. He's distracting Tack, enough for Starbound to escape! The WRIST CLUTCH was broken?! WOW! Starbound with the DDT! He's going up top! 450 Splash! 1-2-3! Johnny Starbound wins, and he's going to Rumble City, to get another shot at Bashin Dan!


A Pontiac Firebird pulled up, and Trevor Mach hopped out. Decked out in a black sleeveless shirt, shorts, red boots, and a bandana around his long brown and grey hair. He threw on his aviator shades, and attempted to pull out a cigarette, realized what he was doing, and tossed them aside.

Trevor Mach: A lot of people are a lot of things, a lot of the time. I've been around the block, and I've done my thing, but one thing is for certain, I'm always the Bad Man. This Bad Man is getting back in the saddle. I mean, I tossed aside my old belts to get a fresh start, but that fresh start appears to involve kicking Umbra's ass! I kept one thing that was important to me, and I have a feeling that is what you're looking for. This ring, and the three others. The World Team Championships. That's what you want right? You've got a shot. Rumble City, "The Umbral Age" versus the absolute BEST! Get on our level, and get in our ring!

Car Salesman: Uh...sir? How was the test drive? Are you getting the car?

Trevor Mach: ...IT'S A BAD TIME BOB!

Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the got lost a couple times trying to find my way here again guy of Wrestling, and what you just saw was a challenge laid down by Trevor Mach towards Umbra, the growing force in EBW who want to cast a shadow on the status quo. Apparently Kinniku Mike and Jamie OD are now-

Behind Tommy, Tack Angel pushed a set into the camera view. He went behind the counter and put on an apron that said "Knife Times".

Tack Angel: It's Thursday night and welcome to "Knife Times"! Yeah!

Tommy Dukes: Uh...what? Tack Angel everyone. Uh...hey Tack.

Tack Angel: Hey Tommy, what's up?

Tommy Dukes: Not much, just doing the show. You?

Tack Angel: Now?

Tommy Dukes: Yep, doing the show.

Tack Angel: Well...I use the studio space every Thursday night for my QVC show. You might want to check in the sign in sheet.

Tommy Dukes: I didn't realize their was a sign in sheet.

Tack Angel: Well...there is...and my name is on it. I'm just going to go ahead and start alright?

Tommy Dukes: Well, I'm in the middle of-


Tommy Dukes: Alright fine!

Tack Angel: *clears throat* Knifers, only a few of these beauties left. Take a look at the Stabmaster 2000 Samurai Sword. Take a look at how it cuts through this balloon. What about this warm butter. Cuts through it like it's...well warm butter.

Tommy Dukes: You done?

Tack Angel: Not even close. Let's bring out my knife selling partner here, with more things to cut. Come on out Subbie!

Subculture: What the hell are you doing here Dukes? We're selling knives man. You didn't check the sign in sheet? We sell knives here! Everybody knows that!

Tack Angel: Yeah, there's a sign in sheet.


Tack Angel: We've been doing this for three months.

Tommy Dukes: I just got back!

Tack Angel: It doesn't matter. Throw stuff, and I'll cut it.

Subculture: Cotton candy!

Tack Angel: Slash!

Subculture: Cookie Dough!

Tack Angel: Swing!

Subculture: CHOCOLATE MILK?!

Tommy Dukes: Chocolate milk?

Tack Angel: You ALWAYS gotta cut chocolate mi-OW! OW! I cut myself! It's deep! It's deep, but it's clean!

Subculture: It's a beautiful cut though. Better cut than you'd get from a store bought knife.  

Tommy Dukes: ....


Ryan IQ's Office

Ryan IQ: You're going to have to let me catch up with all of this. So, you're the protege of Rey Dorado, and you are his best friend and rival Hex Zero Limit?

Dorado Mask: Yes.

Hex Zero Limit: That is correct.

Ryan IQ: YOU joined Rey Dorado so you could avenge your mentor, who lost his promotion to the Hex Clan in Anahauc? Meanwhile, YOU joined the Hex Clan so you could infiltrate them and earn a shot at the man that ended your mentor's promotion?

Dorado Mask: Yes.

Hex Zero Limit: That is correct.

Ryan IQ: You battled it out, but finally decided to join forces in your plan, but now you have to chase the Hex Clan back to Anahauc?

Dorado Mask: Yes.

Hex Zero Limit: That is-

Ryan IQ: Alright alright! Man, I've missed a lot haven't I? Well, you're the Anahauc Champion Dorado, so it stands to reason you should defend the title in Anahauc. I'll allow you both to go, but you have to defend the title, and we get the footage to air.

Dorado Mask: I'd be honored to. I appreciate the chance to do this.

Hex Zero Limit: Dorado, I don't regret my plan to get back at the Hex Clan, but it's obvious they aren't going to do things by the book, so let's do it your way. Let's get them...together.

Dorado Mask: Toge-

Ryan IQ: Yes, it's settled. You can go now. Geez. I've got them going to Anahuac, my tag champs coming and going from Edo, and Dan Club XXL apparently getting into Sumo. Who am I going to book for the Eagleland National title defense?

Magnum PT: Perhaps I can be of some assistance?

Ryan IQ: YES! PERFECT! PT! Help me think of a challenger!

Magnum PT: .....


EBW: The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the Jon Arbuckle of Wrestling, and we're in a studio, so that MUST mean it's The Clash! We got a big show for you this week, including an Eagleland National Championship match, that will see Magnum PT return to challenge-

Murasaki: Who cares about that shit? Seriously, who cares!

Tommy Dukes: Oh...Murasaki...yikes.

Murasaki: Yeah yikes....get out of my way. We're opening this show, and we're making an example! "Sunset Riders"? Play cowgirl somewhere else. We're here to HURT BITCHES!

Tommy Dukes: ...I kinda like-

Murasaki: Are you still here? You still talking?! You talking, let alone sharing the same space as me. That makes you a...uh...what's the expression?

Ripper Jane: Oh. I got it! "Fucking Moron"!

Murasaki: Right. FUCKING MORON!

Tommy Dukes: I'm going! I'm going!

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Women's Non-Title Tag: Murasaki/Ripper Jane[o] beat Calamity Jane/Lainey Strong[x] via Cradle Piledriver -> Pin  
2. EBW Eagleland National Championship: Los Tiburon(c) vs. Magnum PT ended in a No Contest!
Tommy Dukes: A great comeback match for Magnu-WHAT IS THIS?! UMBRA! IT'S UMBRA! What are they doing?! They're getting involved in the match! Attacking Los Tiburon! Did they just toss a shirt to Magnum PT?!

Generator: We interrupt this broadcast, because....well we felt like it! It's our show now! See, Mach tapes a video throwing down a challenge, and we choose to show up here live to really make it official. Sure, you've heard that we accepted, but it comes with an extra stipulation. A BIG one! When we win, we take the Team Championships AND the Elite 4 will be forced to break up. We get to be finished with their bullshit! Now, let's move onto the NEW main event of the show. Kinniku Mike and Jamie OD, our newest members to the cause.

Kinniku Mike: Surprise surprise surprise! You have to wonder, what were you all thinking? You KNEW that Kinniku Mike was always going to look out for the best interests of Kinniku Mike. Look at these strong tits. Look at the talent! I got to toss aside that anchor Sal Paradise, and found the stronger member of his former tag team.

Jamie OD: And if you thought I was a nice guy, you're demented! I take medicine to avoid killing people, not to be a NICE GUY! Oi! I get to hurt people again, and that is what I was born to do. So bring out our victims. Let's show em that the Hooligan is BACK!

3. Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Jamie OD beat Flying Man #2/Flying Man #3[x] via Muscle Buster -> Pin



The Elite 4 were looking around backstage with chairs in hand.

Trevor Mach: The hell are you "Umbro"? It's "Umbro" right? Oh wait, that's the clothes company isn't it? Been getting that wrong all week.

Tack Angel: Where the heck and a half are they?

Firebrand X: They're running and hiding already?

Subculture: You know, I'm not even mad they're running. I'm just...disappointed.

Amy: Tack?

Tack Angel: Amy? Wife, what are you doing here?

Faris: She's not the only one.

Tracy: That's right, we're all here.

Nani: Indeed.

Iroha: Yeah!

Makoto: It was short notice, but we made it!

Christina Angel: Yeah, they're all here.

Iroha: Hiya Chri-

Christina Angel: No.

Iroha: ...Oh right.

Christina Angel: ...Hey Subculture.

Subculture: Christina. You look...great.

Tack Angel: What are you all doing here?

Makoto: You invited us.

Tack Angel: Well I mean, if you're wrestling or not you're all always welcome to join me on the road, but I didn't specifically ask for you tonight.

Faris: We were told to come here, and to bring everyone. The pirates....Wayne, the kids, Grandpa Angel, penguin...*sigh* Warcus....everyone.

Tack Angel: But that wasn't me who asked. Who would've....uh oh...stay on alert. This might be Umbra at work.

Trevor Mach: ...He's got a lot of wives.

Firebrand X: Are you just now realizing that?

EBW: Xcite

The show in the packed Fairgrounds kicked off with Jammer in the middle of the ring. Little Mac tried to talk with him, but Jammer pushed him to the ground, and told him to go away.

Jammer: Forgive me for the interruption. Just more bad advice from someone I let get into my head too much. Anything involving Mac...I'e had no part in for some time. I know that's hard to believe. In this sport, trust doesn't come easy. When you break a bond, it's hard to put it back together. That doesn't mean I don't want to try. Dan, I'm hoping, that-

Bashin Dan's music played, as the crowd roared in excitement. He joined Jammer in the ring.

Bashin Dan: You hope what? You hope that I'll fall for your tricks again? You hope you can stick another knife in my back? Jam, I stood up for you, when no one else would, and you wouldn't stop, telling me how much you hated me, how much I was responsible for your problems. You were mad, you were frustrated. I let it go. But you brought her into this, and that took it to a low I wasn't expecting from you. If you want forgiveness, that I can do. Holding grudges poisons the soul. But, I don't know if that's what you really want. Even if you did, I'm disappointed....too much want to be friends with you anymore.

Jammer: I-

Johnny Starbound: Oh boo hoo! Who cares?! Who REALLY cares about ANY of this?! This is wrestling, and I'm the best wrestler. It only makes sense that I have this title shot. If you had any sense you would have given it to me to begin with Dan. You have three title belts that belong to me. Not to him. Not to you. They belong to me. I deserve them. Not because I'm willing to sacrifice a "friendship" for glory, but simply because I don't care about that garbage. I don't care about all of this in the ring right now. That ring, is for me to show off. You can't fight like me. You can't look as good as I do. You can't fly through the air like me. You just can be me, therefore, you can't BEAT me. Jammer, get out of the ring. This is between me and him.

Jammer: Dan, I-

Bashin Dan: ...

Jammer: ...Fine. I tried. I really did. I thought maybe I was wrong about you Dan. Maybe I wasn't. Shame on me for giving up a shot at the title. It won't happen again. Damn you....for tricking me again, making me think friendship really did mean something to you.

Bashin Dan: Hey! Jamm-

Johnny Starbound: Oh no no no! You look at me! You pay attention to me! Look at you, the WORLD Triple Crown Champion. Three belts. You're in a league above. You've taken the title to places the previous generation couldn't even take it. You're an ace to these people. A hero. That makes it all the more exciting to be able to take that away from you. End this pathetic farce now, and take the titles to a REAL place of prominence, even higher, because no one can take the air like me. No one is a true STAR like me.

Bashin Dan: You were not my choice for an opponent, but that doesn't mean I won't give it my all Starbound. I live for the challenges, and I get stronger from the rivals I have. Back up all of this talk in the ring. Actually do what you're saying you're going to do, if you can. That's best for you, me, and all of these people, who want to see a great match. That's all I have to say to you.

Johnny Starbound: Oh is that right? Well, maybe less talk and more walk then!

Starbound tossed Dan out of the ring. Benjamin, Vapetrain, and Cade came down to back up Dan, but Golvoth entered the ring for Starbound.

Johnny Starbound: The "Thrills" might be over, but I still have a giant watching my back. Don't forget that. We'll see you later tonight.

EBW: Xcite
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Christina Angel beat Rose Mulligan via Angel Driver -> Pin
2. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Hope Mach beat Heather Mach via Ankle Lock -> Submission
3. Tag: Trevor Mach[o]/Tack Angel beat Shark #1/Shark #2[x] via Knee Trigger -> Pin
4. Non-Title Singles: Camilo Ortega beat Benjamin via STO -> Pin
5. Tag: Vjhearson Golvoth/Johnny Starbound[o] beat Bashin Dan[x]/Cade via 450 Splash -> Pin
6. EBW Women's World #1 Contender Qualifier: Hope Mach beat Christina Angel via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Referee Stoppage
Nerma: An amazing athletic main event, with Christina never giving up. These two best friends never back down from challenging each other, but as you can see by Hope helping her up, they always leave it in the ring. Hope Mach is getting the shot against Troian at Rumble City, and-WAIT! That referee isn't Mo! IT'S TROIAN! She called that whole match and just now she's attacking?! The mimicry as always was perfect! I don't believe-

Suddenly, the camera feed cut out. It cut to another camera, in Crystal Fourside....where Umbra were standing by.

Swift: Tack, you moron, you never took back your keys.

Generator: Wow, what a waste of time, building an entire city out of crystal.

Hotlanta: We'd need a lot of spray paint to vandalize this whole place.

w00t: Now now now, we're not copy cats here. We've been there and done that all before. We wanted to make a grand statement, and the brains behind Umbra, knew exactly how to do that. See, I hear you've had some money troubles Tack. I hear the Elite 4, for all their pompous bragging of being big money, can't afford the costs to keep this all going. I know one of your wives wanted to snag some emeralds and lift the city into the sky. A fascinating idea one would think. You free yourself from Eagleland fees, and you find yourself a source of power. Good thinking. I had....a much better idea. It's called doing you a favor. It's taking your mind off of this, and putting it on the match, because your squash of the Sharks was...."something", but we want the best of the Elite 4 at Rumble City, so you know when you lost to Umbra, you lost to the best, the true deserving talent, the REAL Elite 4....or wait we're 6 now...or is it 7? 8? I know and you don't. After this, I don't think motivation is going to be a problem for you. I really think the last Xcite before Rumble City should end with a-

Generator: BANG!

w00t flicked a switch, setting off explosives behind him. The main tower of Crystal Fourside collapsed, as the smaller buildings around it began to shatter from the shockwave.

w00t: Wow, next time....use stronger building materials. Hahahaha!

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:20 pm  #495

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Ruins of Crystal Fourside

The Elite 4 and the Angel Family scoured over the ruins of the shattered city...

Tack Angel: I....I...I mean we weren't insured were we?

Amy: Literally impossible.


Firebrand X: Assholes really want to play hardball.

Subculture: We're just lucky they weren't out for blood. I're lucky...cause your family is weird to me.

Trevor Mach: It's a bad time Subbie! He doesn't need to hear that right now! Look, we need to roll up our sleeves, and fix this! Together, we can rebuild, and make it even better than it was before!

A montage of failure, as everyone cut their hands trying to pick up shattered crystal.

Trevor Mach: Alright, the hell with that! This is impossible! What was I thinking?! I think it somehow looks worse! *sigh* You guys can come stay with me again....I guess.

Tack Angel: ...I can't believe this. My's gone?

Makoto: Hey Tack, don't look so sad. We're all fine. None of us got hurt....until we actually tried cleaning this mess up without gloves...and we're all still together. That is what matters. We're a family. A Kingdom isn't a place, it's a people.

Tack Angel: ...You're right. You're absolutely right, and we can rebuild wherever, and whenever, and this time we'll do it RIGHT!

Makoto: That's right!

Tack Angel: I'm talking REAL MOON CRYSTAL this time!

Makoto: ...Not sure how...but I love the enthusiasm!

Tack Angel: WE CAN DO THIS!

Trevor Mach: HAHA! Take that Umbra! Thought you could get into OUR heads?! Think again! Whatever comes our way, we can take it. We won't be distracted. We won't lose our cool. We won't- *ring ring* Huh? Oh it's Tali, I've to take this. Hello? Oh yeah? Oh really. bout that. Alright....see you soon.

Tack Angel: What's going on?

Trevor Mach: Huh? Oh that? Nothing....just Aly going into labor. NBD.

Amy: NBD?

Trevor Mach: Yeah. No Big De-*passes out*

Firebrand X: Well shit.


EBW: The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the guy hosting the Pre-show of Wrestling, and it's....well the Pre-show! Awesome right? It's great to be back. We have a stacked card to try and convince you to get Strike TV+ to see Fourside, so-

Nerma: Tommy, we have a problem.

Tommy Dukes: Huh? Nerma, what's wrong honey?

Nerma: We've just heard that Aly Smash went into early labor, and she's been having complications.

Tommy Dukes Oh no. But what about-

Nerma: Mach? He's on route here, but I've been told he's been awake for days, and is in no condition to compete. This MIGHT mean a cancellation of the Team Championship match, but it remains to be seen. We'll keep you posted on that.

Tommy Dukes: Wow, that's not good at all. We hope for the best for Aly Smash and her baby. We have to keep positive and move forward. We do have that stacked show I was talking about. Let's get to that.

EBW: The Clash Rumble City Pre-Show
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. Singles: Cade beat El Mago via Cadebreaker -> Pin
2. Singles: Vjhearson Golvoth beat Vapetrain via Chokeslam -> Pin
3. EBW Eagleland National Championship: Magnum PT beat Los Tiburon(c) via Mustache Ride -> Pin -> NEW Eagleland National Champion!
Tommy Dukes: Dukes with the big win! I don't believe it! He beat Tiburon for the Eagleland Championshi-wait...what was that he just stuffed into his way too tight jeans!? The ref is asking, but WHOA! PT just clocked him! He's ripping off the tropical shirt! UMBRA! He's got an Umbra shirt on! Son of a bitch, he's joining Umbra! The Eagleland dream is over! I overdoing it?
4. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Murasaki/Ripper Jane[o] beat Calamity Jane(c)/Lainey Strong(c)[x] via Cradle Piledriver -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions!
Nerma: Sunset Riders with a lot to prove here, as they want to cement themselves as a force in this division. Lainey Strong, the rookie is looking for the take down on Ripper Jane, but Jane gets the Hell Claw! Right in the mouth! That has to hurt! Murasaki attacking Jane of the Calamity variety on the outside, while the Jane of the Ripper persuasion hits the Cradle Piledriver on Lainey! 1-2-3! We've got NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions! That's Elevation on the stage, are they sizing up the competition? The Pre-show is over folks, switch to Strike TV+ for the main course! RUMBLE CITY!

EBW: Rumble City 2019

Tommy Dukes: It's time! It's 2019! It's the path that goes to Victory Explosion! Some would call it a road! I wouldn't! It's Rumble City! This is where we decide it! Two times tonight you'll see men and women locked inside of cages together! Weapons are a go! Anything goes really! The winner is the first to escape the chaos! They go on to challenge their respective World Champions at Victory Explosion! It's just that simple! I'm hyped! Are you hyped?

Nerma: ...Oh you were asking me! Yeah I'm hyped! I am still worried about the news we got earlier though.

Tommy Dukes: Yes, Aly Smash is having some complications in her pregnancy. We were going to respect her privacy, but we've been given permission to update you a little bit on this. We-

Swift: Hold the fuck up! No one cares alright?! That chick is hardcore, she can take it. This is NO excuse for those jackasses! That match IS happening!

w00t: Umbra is here in force, in case you haven't noticed. The original four, Mike and OD, and now Magnum PT. Disillusioned with the ways things are. We're doing this our way. What does that mean? It means if Trevor Mach won't show his face tonight, we'll go to that hospital and-

Swift: DRAG HIS ASS OVER HERE! Lose like a man Mach! LOSE LIKE A MAN! No more jokes! No more excuses! No fucking around!

Nerma: Guys, I don't thin-

Tommy Dukes: Wait honey, I'm just now hearing....yes....cut to the back, Trevor Mach IS here!


A tired and disheveled Trevor Mach made his way out of a cab, and dragged his bag into the arena.

Tack Angel: Whoa, what are you doing here?

Subculture: Is Aly alright? What about the baby?

Trevor Mach: Tali is with her right now. They're still working. The son...he was flipped the wrong way or something. They're doing a c-section, but Aly was losing a lot of blood. I don't know what's going on.

Firebrand X: Then what the hell are you doing here?

Trevor Mach: The Elite 4 is on the line tonight, not just our rings. We're not doing this by forfeit.

Tack Angel: Stretching yourself thin aren't you?

Trevor Mach: For my family, and you guys, I will stretch myself till I'm torn apart. I'm an asshole, but you've stood by me, so I'll stand with you tonight.

Tack Angel: You're not....that thing you least not all the time.

Subculture: No he's an asshole, but that's what made this all work. Alright, if you want a piece of Umbra tonight, let's go out and give it our all.

Firebrand X: ...Maybe take a shower first.

Trevor Mach: *sniff* Heh...yeah...I guess so.

Tack Angel: He's not all there guys.

Firebrand X: Respect all the same.

Tack Angel: It's nice when someone does something even when it makes them uncomfortable....right Subbie?

Subculture: Why are you looking at me for?!

Tack Angel: My daughter loves you, and you-

Subculture: I love her too!

Tack Angel: Then what is the problem?

Subculture: You guys just need to back off and let her make her own choices and live her own life. She doesn't want to live in your Crystal Fourside!

Tack Angel: Well that's not really a problem right now is it!

Subculture: This isn't the time or the place for this. We've got to get ready.

Tack Angel: Yeah. Fine by me.

Firebrand X: ....Well I'm fine at least.

The camera cut backstage to three separate shot. Jammer arriving to the arena, Johnny Starbound congratulating Golvoth and getting ready for his match, and Bashin Dan entering the arena with the Dan Club at his side.

EBW: Rumble City 2019
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV+

1. Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Jamie OD beat Sal Paradise/Amigo[x] via Muscle Buster -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: We've seen just about every combination here now with these four men, and for Mike and OD, I think they found the "Best Match", as Sal and Amigo don't seem to have the chemistry together. Two of Umbra's newest recruits are dominating here. Mike with the Muscle Buster on his old rival Amigo, and that does it. I think this new combination is signaling that they want a piece of the World Tag Team Champions. They're coming back from Edo again soon, so they may get the chance before long.
2. EBW Women's World Championship: Hope Mach beat Troian via DQ
Nerma: No! Not like this! Troian's tricks weren't working! Hope Mach was making her pay for the trick on our Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan, and suddenly Murasaki and Ripper Jane got involved! They have screwed Hope out of the title. She wins the match, but it's hollow with no belt. Christina making the save!
3. Women's Bad Ass Rumble: Winner: Hope Mach
Nerma: Unbelievable! A cage full of the best women in the sport, and the battered Hope Mach survived it all! She made a statement here! She's not letting Troian off the hook! Hope Mach is on her way to Victory Explosion, and Troian can't stop her this time.
4. EBW Edo National Championship: Camilo Ortega beat Benjamin(c) via Choke Hold x STO -> Pin -> NEW Edo National Champion!
Tommy Dukes: Benjamin, with the Spear, BUT Camilo blocked it! The returning Ortega is all business! He's got Benji trapped in the Choke Hold! He can't escape it! He's losing consciousness! Wait, he's fighting back! Ref isn't going to get to call-WHOA! Ortega twisted him around and dropped him with the STO! 1-2-3! Camilo Ortega wins, and claims the Edo National Championship! Hell of a comeback for Ortega so far.
5. EBW World Team Championship: Swift[o]/w00t/Generator/Hotlanta beat Trevor Mach[x]/Tack Angel/Firebrand X/Subculture via POUNCE x Blackhammer -> Pin -> NEW World Team Champions!
Tommy Dukes: This has been an all out war. The returning veterans of Umbra haven't lost a step! They are playing on Tack Angel's lack of focus after destroying his Kingdom, and working over the tired and obviously distracted Trevor Mach. Subculture and Firebrand X are being kept out of the ring as much as possible. A great strategy by-

Nerma: SPEAR! OH NO! Mach was going for the Knee Trigger on Swift, but he was hit with the Spear! 1-2-3! OH SHIT! Umbra did it! They have defeated the Elite 4!

Tommy Dukes: I don't believe it! The strongest unit in the game has been beaten! Look at the disrespect by Umbra as they rip the rings off their fingers. Oh no, this also means....this also means that the Elite 4 have to disband!

Nerma: I was expecting more trickery by Umbra, but this new and powerful force made their presence felt here. They are legit, the real deal, and they want to take over EBW.

6. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) beat Johnny Starbound via Top Rope Brave Clash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Johnny Starbound can NOT believe it! No matter what he does, Bashin Dan will not stay down! The champ has been distracted and heart broken, but he still gives his all in the ring for the fans and himself 100% of the time. Incredible work ethic from a worthy champ, but might this reign end early like his other ones?

Nerma: Starbound going for the 450 up top, but wait, Dan is following him up the ring post! HE DID IT! WHOA! TOP ROPE BRAVE CLASH! 1-2-3! Bashin Dan retains! Johnny Starbound suffers another defeat at the Ace of EBW! The crowd is on their feet! The "Dangerous Player" will be in the main event of Victory Explosion, but the question now is, who will he face? We're about to find out.

7. Men's Bad Ass Rumble: Winner: Jammer
Tommy Dukes: You couldn't book an outcome like this! If wrestling were fake, they might try, but no, this is real, and it's amazing. Jammer, last year's E1 Climax winner, and former World Champion, turned down a title opportunity at this show, but now, he's getting one at the biggest show of the year! He survived EBW's best and toughest. He escaped all the targets gunning for him. Little Mac, Golvoth, the Dan Club, they all wanted a piece, but now they're on the inside, and he's made it out. Jammer will be facing Bashin Dan in the main event of Victory Explosion!

Saturn Memorial Hospital

The bloody and bruised Trevor Mach limped his way into the hospital.

Nurse: Oh my! Sir, are you alright? Do you need help? You're bleeding.

Trevor Mach: It's alright, it's not...well ALL my blood. Some of it might be, but-

Lady M's: Trevor. How did it-

Trevor Mach: Not important. How is she? How is-

Lady M's: Justice? see-

Trevor Mach: What? Is he-

Lady M's: He's just fine. They both are. Aly is still out of it, but Justice is fine. Heh...he looks a lot like you.

Trevor Mach: Tali, I-

Lady M's: Hey, don't get the wrong idea here. I'm just as happy as you are to be honest. You got what you wanted, and I didn't have to actually have the baby. I know how you feel, and I know how we got here. It's unconventional....but that's us.

Trevor Mach: Is this of you in there saying this?

Lady M's: ...No, I think we're in agreement for once.

Trevor Mach: Oh good. Honey, I love you, but-

Lady M's: It's time for you to meet your son.

Trevor Mach: *deep breath* Here I go.

Trevor was lead into the delivery room, where a nurse cradling a small boy, handed him over.

Nurse: A little premature, but very healthy. Here is your son.

Trevor Mach: Uh...thank you. Well Justice I-

Trevor stopped and stared at the little life in his arms. He stared in silence, as the young Justice stared back up at him. Tears welled up in Trevor's eyes.

Trevor Mach: ....You are the brightest light in my life. Everything I have....and everything I yours....*sniff sniff*...forever. son.


EBW: Xcite

The show kicked off immediately, with Jammer in the ring. He was getting a mixed reaction. Some wanted to boo, but others wanted to cheer him for his amazing win at Rumble City...

Jammer: Yeah, go ahead and tell me how you all feel. Let me know. We've been down a long road the last few months. Things have changed, like how you feel about me, and how I feel about you. I used to live for the cheers. I wanted the bright lights and the roar of the crowd. I wanted friends to stand by, and soak it all in together. That's what I thought I had with the Dan Club. I made some mistakes, and while those mistakes lead me to the biggest successes of my career, it still wasn't enough. You looked at me as a goofy jobber. Slam Master Jam. I won the E1 Climax. I beat Trevor Mach for the World Championship. I turned it all around. But it wasn't enough. I wanted to be the best, but I didn't want to be alone. I'm man enough to admit that. I come from a basketball background before wrestling. That's a team sport. I wanted my team back. By the time I realized that, it was too late. The trigger was pulled on a plan I DID set up. It was my idea. I came up with it. I asked Troian to do it. That's on me. Dan, I am sorry for that. I'm not sorry for trying to be my best, but I am sorry for that. So now it comes down to this. We're at odds again, and it's at the main event of the biggest show. That Saturn Dome is going to be PACKED, and they are going to see us give our best. This doesn't come from a place of hate or jealousy anymore Dan. If I can't be your friend, I'll be your rival, and I'll take that Triple Crown World Championship at-

Johnny Starbound: Not so fast! You think you deserve my shot? I don't think so!

Jammer: Johnny, you had your shot, and you lost....again. You do that a lot when Dan is concerned.

Johnny Starbound: Heh, you know I always hated you. Couldn't stand you. I worked with you, because I knew I had to if I wanted the recognition I deserve. I'm a STAR, and you're a wannabe. You wanted to be Dan, so badly. You're second rate. You're a pretender. You don't deserve the shot, and you getting it, is a disgrace. If I was in that Rumble City cage with you, I would have won.

Jammer: You were too busy LOSING. Hope Mach was in a title match and then she entered her Bad Ass Rumble. Where were you? Hiding? Look, Starbound, I never much cared for you either. You weren't the friend I was looking for. You were a means to an end. If you're so sure you can beat me. If you're so sure you can take my shot, then let's do this the Bashin Dan way. He's not here tonight. He's making appearances to promote the big event. Still, I hope he's watching, cause I'm giving you your shot. Tonight, we go one on one. You keep the giant nord in the back, and you get this shot. Winner goes on to Victory Explosion. You game?

Johnny Starbound: You bet your ass I'm game.


Nerma: Nerma here, and I'm looking for Hope Mach. There she is. Hope, you won the match, but you didn't win the title last night. How do you feel about-

Hope Mach threw Nerma into the wall and put her foot to her throat. She ripped off a wig...

Hope Mach: No Troian! Not this time! Not ever again! I won't forget what you did, and I'm never letting my guard down. I won the Bad Ass Rumble, so I could make sure you finally pay for everything. Treasure that title for now, cause you're not leaving with it after Victory Explosion. From here until then, I'm not letting anyone get close to me. I'm living alone. I'm training alone. You won't get close to me. You won't get the chance.

Hope took her foot off Troian's throat and walked away.

Troian: ...Heh...who says I have to get close to you, to get to you.


Firebrand X: ....This is a good sandwich....not great....but good.

Subculture: Oh yeah? Let me try some of th-

w00t: Well look what we have here. The remnants of a group once known as the Elite 4. Not looking so Elite today are we?

Firebrand X: ...I'm fine actually.

Subculture: It was a name. You can have it if you want. Doesn't change how much we kick ass. In fact, nothing says I can't team up with Firebrand and Tack, and we beat your asses tonight!

Firebrand X: Oh I can't.

Subculture: Why?

Firebrand X: I got a thing I'm doing....see ya.

Subculture: Oh...well bye?

Tack Angel: Wait! Did I hear right?! We're teaming up again?

Subculture: Well we were, but-

Tack Angel: After all this time, we're reuniting!

Subculture: The group was disbanded last night.

Tack Angel: And it's been a really long day for me. I haven't eaten. Yeah, we'll take you on. Future Father and Son in Law's not weird or anything. I'm not trying to make it weird. We're friends first and foremost. How is that?

Subculture: ...Better?

Tack Angel: Hey hey! Making strides!

w00t: Look at you, being jokers yet again.

Subculture: No, that's actually pure Tack right there.

w00t: Joke all you want. We got we wanted. We took the Team Championships. We made a mark. The world knows that Umbra is going to cast a shadow on anything and everything. Go ahead and "team up" tonight. Generator and Hotlanta have been dying to get a piece. I'll go tell them the great news.

Tack Angel: ....You gonna eat that sandwich?

Subculture: That half eaten one? No, I wasn't planning on it.

Tack Angel: Great, I'm starving.'s good...but it's not great.

Subculture: So I've heard. You're acting very calm considering that guy blew up your Kingdom.

Tack Angel: I don't do rage very well, and it's translating into hunger. I'm stress eating I think? What I really want to do is break a bat over his head, but that can't be right. It's got to be the hunger right?

Subculture: We'll go with that. I have an idea for you. It might just help.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Eagleland National Championship: Magnum PT(c) beat Cade via Mustache Ride -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Magnum PT has turned his back on his country as far as I'm concerned! Wearing the colors of Umbra, he's pulling a foreign object out of his pants. They're just so tight dammit! Cade is out! The ref didn't see it! 1-2-3! PT retains, and keeps the Eagleland National Championship for Umbra!
2. EBW Edo National #1 Contender: Benjamin beat Kota Hayashi via Spear -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Benjamin suffered a hard loss last night, two in a row actually, to the returning Camilo Ortega, but he's not letting that keep him down. The idiot potato from Edo, Kota Hayashi just flipped into absolutely nothing in the ring. Perfect set up for the Spear and the pin. Benjamin will get another shot at Camilo Ortega, and maybe win back the Edo National Championship. Will this be a Victory Explosion match?
3. Non-Title Women's 3-Team Trios: Christina Angel[o]/Rose Mulligan/Heather Mach beat Erica/Sylvie[x]/21st Century Foxx and Troian/Murasaki/Ripper Jane via Angel Driver -> Pin
Nerma: Out of control! These three teams are tearing the house down! Troian's unnamed group and Elevation seem to have developed animosity. Who do you root for in that situation!? Wait! Christina out of nowhere! She hit the Angel Driver on Sylvie! The pin! Christina with the win!
4. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike/Jamie OD[o] beat Takumi Inui(c)/Dragon Shiryu(c)[x] via GTPK -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions!
Tommy Dukes: I was shocked when I saw this on the card. Our World Tag Team Champions have returned from Edo to give the newest rotational team Kinniku Mike and Jamie OD a shot, and the Umbra tag team is pulling out all the stops! CRIMSON SMASH from Takumi to Jamie, but he's not the legal man! Shiryu is, but he's on the outside! Mike just hit that Muscle Buster on the floor! He's rolled him back inside and now he's going after Takuki! OD and Shiryu! Fighting to see how can get up first! Wait a minute, there is Swift! He just POUNCED Shiryu! The ref didn't see that?! How can you miss it?! Dammit, is that the blind ref?! Why do we still have blind ref?! NOT LIKE THIS! OD with GTPK! 1-2-3! NO! Kinniku Mike and Jamie OD have stolen it! They're the new World Tag Team Champions! More gold taken by Umbra! I hate this! I literally hate this! I need to breathe in a bag or something!

Swift: You never see it coming! All it takes is one POUNCE! You all forgot didn't ya? "Brawler" Swift could end a match in one move! This is MY RING! MY TERRITORY! MY HUNTING GROUND, and I've NEVER been this damn hungry, and NO it's not a fucking food joke! I'm hungry for revenge, and my due. So are those guys, that's why they're wearing our colors! We've all been down the stable route before, but this time we're all committed to the same thing. We're taking this place over, and leaving a pile of bodies in our wake! Why don't you ask the Elite 4 how serious we are. Oh wait, you can't! We beat them! Ask Trevor Mach how hard my POUNCE hurts! Took him OUT! He's not even hear tonight! He's off hiding with-

Trevor Mach suddenly appeared on the big screen.

Trevor Mach: Hiding? No man, I'm not hiding. I'm living. Look at this little bundle in my arms. I'm at the hospital with my son. Everyone, this is Justice Mach. You're talking about revenge, and getting your due Swift. It just sounds pointless to me right now. Sounds like a waste of air. A bunch of garbage. It doesn't matter, when you look into the eyes of your son.....*sniff* my son, and everything finally becomes clear. I didn't need meds or therapy, or even an existential crisis to make it clear. I just needed this little guy. I'm going to be the best Father I can be. I'm going to give it my all. That's good for me and Justice, but that's bad....very bad for you. See, I have something to fight for now. It's not about how many titles I can fit in my bag, or how I can pad out a wiki. I'm going to carve out a large legacy for myself and for my son. Hell, I've already got it planned out. 18 years from now, Justice and I will be the World Tag Team Champions. Count on that. Mark it on the calendar. I'm going to make that happen. That means I'm not going anywhere for a VERY long time. This kid is going to get all my kindness, and all my love, and all that leaves for all of you in the Bad Man. The Bad Man is coming for you Swift. You want to go to war. I'll give you a war. At Victory Explosion, I challenge an Iron Man Match. Time to really prove who is worth a damn. I'll see you soon.

5. Tag: Tack Angel/Subculture beat Generator/Hotlanta via DQ
Nerma: I think Tommy passed out. He was breathing into that bag too much. What is going on here? Tack and Subbie were on the offense, but now w00t is getting involved! He hit the wKo on Tack! The ref is throwing this out! w00t is celebrating with Hotlanta and Generator, but they have nothing to celebrate. They got the DQ cause they were losing. I'm sorry, but that really....I need that bag Tommy. Too stressed today. Too fired up. Wait...Tack is grabbing for a mic.

Tack Angel: w00t: I don't know where you came from, and what you've been up to, but never in my life or career have I gotten in someone's way. I try my best, and fight as hard as I can for myself and my family. You made this far to personal with what you did. You're bringing up an anger in me, and I don't like it. I don't like the feeling. I hate to hate. I really do. We have a solution here. I challenge you at Victory Explosion. I'm going to face you one on one. If I win, apologize to my family for what you've done.

w00t: Ha! Is that all? You want a match? You've got it. I was hoping for it. Counting on it even. I plan these things out. I might have overestimated you though. I thought you'd want more. What a pathetic stipulation.

Tack Angel: Not for me. It matters to me.

w00t: ....Is that right? Fine, I'll accept, but what if I win?

Tack Angel: If you win...I...uh...

w00t: I got it. You apologize. You apologize for the careers you've cut short. The primes you have halted, and the lives you've affected. How does that sound. We'll fight for apologies. Ha, it's so asinine, and yet, I would find that very satisfying. Yeah, that's the stipulation. You take responsibility. You own it, and you apologize.

Tack Angel: I don't feel I have anything to apologize for.

w00t: You'd better find reasons if you want this match.

Tack Angel: ....Fine. Consider it done.

w00t: Heh...this amuses me. Alright then.

6. Singles "Shot at Victory Explosion": Jammer beat Johnny Starbound via Eagleland Jam x Slam Jam -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Starbound with the 450 Splash, but Jammer put up his knees! He blocked it! He's picking up Johnny for a newer move in his arsenal, the Eagleland Jam! Despite the name it's NOT basketball related! He's growing and improving even now! He's going high risk with his own high flying move! SLAM JAM! HE'S ON FIRE! 1-2-3! Jammer wins! The match is still on! Jammer will face Bashin Dan in the main event of Victory Explosion!


Somewhere over Zealstrailia

4 Fighter Jets raced over the skies of Zealstrailia.

Pilot #1: Alright team, we're assembled from different bases, but the objective is clear. We were told that conflicts may have begun again, and we need to make absolutely sure that is accurate intel. What we need to do is head down the coastline and keep a look out. Since we ARE scrambled from different bases, why don't we go ahead and introduce ourselves by our call signs. I'm "Wild Card".

Pilot #2: Sidewinder here.

Pilot #3: Viper reporting in.

Pilot #4: Clown Penis.

Wild Card: I'm sorry, I think I heard some static. Can you repeat that?

Clown Penis: Sure thing. It's Clown Penis. Clown like the circus. Penis like your penis. Clown Penis. Lovely day to fly eh fellas? Clown Penis, over and out.

Ground Control: Uh...this is Ground Control. Comm signal is a little spotty, so we just want to clarify a couple things. Are you saying Clown Penis? If so, why? Over.

Clown Penis: Affirmative. You are hearing Clown Penis, because I am Clown Penis. Over.

Ground Control: Copy. Is this some sort of pilot joke?

Clown Penis: A joke? Mam, a pilot's call sign is VERY serious. When an enemy sees me on his tail, I want him to feel the same way that you would feel if a clown showed you his penis. Confused, unsettled, and very very scared. Rest assured, if you see a Clown Penis, be it me or an actual Clown Penis, then this just isn't your day. So how do you feel about it now?

Ground Control: It's still weird. Over and out.

Wild Card: Alright team, switch to stealth formation. Confirm new positions. Over.

Sidewinder: Hey, I don't see Clown Penis anywhere.


Wild Card: Whoa. Clown Penis, do you need some help correcting that invert? Over.

Clown Penis: ...All good now. Just a little 9 seconds of sheer, abject terror. That won't happen again fellas. Gotta focus on the mission.

Ground Control: Alright squad, get ready to fly in low and take some recon photos.

Wild Card: Alright team, engage afterburners.

Viper: Wild Card. Sidewinder. I'm not seeing Clown Penis in the formation again. Over.

Wild Card: Copy that. Clown Penis, what is your current position? Over.

Clown Penis: Hard to tell, but I went up, when I should have gone down. I definitely think I'm where space begins. I may have to bow out of this mission boys. I think....yep...I just saw a satellite. Yep, I'm definitely in space fellas. Hey did you know the Earth is fla-

Wild Card: One minute Clown Penis, we have reached a target, and we have just what we need. Get those photos fellas.

Ryan IQ's Office

Noah Jennings: So that's the story.

Ryan IQ: What is? You did that thing where you come in and say "So that's the story", but that's just the first thing you said. It's not funny. Stop doing it.

Noah Jennings: Sorry sorry! We received word that conflicts in Zealstrailia between Mann and Machine have reignited.

Ryan IQ: You mean Man and Machine?

Noah Jennings: No, Mann and Machine. The Mann Brothers have resumed their plans for control of the world's gravel supply.

Ryan IQ: ....Oh perish the thought.

Noah Jennings: Point being that we might have to cancel our plans for that overseas tour you wanted.

Ryan IQ: What? No way! They JUST created a new Monday Night Combat stadium that can seat 90,000! Wait...I just got an idea. What if instead of delaying, we move it up! We go there NOW, and....and....MOVE VICTORY EXPLOSION!

Noah Jennings: ....To Zealstrailia....on 3 weeks notice.

Ryan IQ: YEAH! We do this as an act of "goodwill" and give a "portion" of the proceeds to the civilian population. All those soldiers, and all those civilians, human and robot. ALL THAT REVENUE!

Noah Jennings: You want to move our biggest event of the year with 3 weeks notice, angering the 50,000 ticket buyers we already have, so we can go to a war torn part of the world in hopes of scoring 90,000 tickets sold?

Ryan IQ: Yeah.

Noah Jennings: ...Alright...just checking. Uh...MADNESS. Pure madness!

Ryan IQ: Why do you say that?

Noah Jennings: Why cancel one show...when you could make it a 2-DAY SHOW IN TWO DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD!

Ryan IQ: THAT'S....140,000 tickets! I KNEW I HIRED YOU FOR A REASON! SPREAD THE WORD! Victory Explosion is EXPLODING!

Noah Jennings: Wonderful pun sir. Perfect. I'll get right on that.


Monotoli Tower

Nerma: Hello EBW fans! Nerma here at the Saturn City version of Monotoli Tower, that is to say, it USED to be Monotoli Tower. After today, it's getting a new name along with some new owners. I present to you, "Tack Tower"! This is incredible Tack!

Tack Angel: Yeah, well I needed a place for my family to feel safe. I have a large one after all, complete with penguins, pirates, time traveling daughters, time traveling wives, and cyborg daughters. Just a lot of people needing a place to stay. The cost to repair Crystal
Fourside is ENORMOUS! Until such time as that can be accomplished, this will be our Kingdom.

Nerma: That's outstanding, but still, weren't you already running out of money? How can you afford this?

Tack Angel: Well, Mr. Monotoli's empire has crumbled since that whole #MeThreed fiasco, where he was caught harassing zombies, so needless to say, no one else wanted to buy this building! Make no mistake though it still cost WAY too much. Yeah, I won't be able to retire from wrestling now until I'm in my 50' to God I don't fall apart before then! Haha....ha.....oh boy.
Nerma: Well, it's a fine building "Tack Tower", I hear that it comes with it's own AI program, like Siri, but actually useful.

Tack Angel: Indeed, it's name is EMI, and it...

EMI: Is a SHE I'll have you know.

Tack Angel: WHOA! You can hear me?

EMI: I'm the building AI Master, to better serve you in all capacities, I am in most rooms of the building. I look forward to housing you and your family....especially you.

Tack Angel: Huh? Wonder what that means.


A camera was recording a simple set, with Sal Paradise sitting in a chair...

Sal Paradise: Oh hi! Glad you could stop by. Well, it's that time of year again. Easter is almost upon us. Look, I happen to have an Easter basket ready right here! Let's check it out. Look at this Easter Egg I dyed. I think it's "Eggcelent". Before Easter we have Good Friday, but this *holds up dvd of the movie Friday* THIS is the best Friday. Well, if it isn't my assistant Portia. How is going over there Portia?

A peculiar blonde girl with an overbite and bunny ears walked into frame.

Portia: Goooood.

Sal Paradise: What are you up to?

Portia: I'm hiding eggs!

Portia then chucked eggs at the wall.

Sal Paradise: ....How cute is she? The answer is ...."kinda". So, what else do we have. Here is a cadbury egg. I gave these up for lent last year. Know what I gave up this year? Booze.......almost. Hey Portia, what do you have over there?

Portia: A child chicken.

Sal Paradise: Where do you find him?

Portia: He found

Sal Paradise: ....Yikes. a marshmallow peep! I coughed this up whole this morning. Something is wrong with me. Hey Portia, what's wrong with your chicken.

Portia: I think he's hungry, but he won't eat his McNugget.

Sal Paradise: Wow...this kid has all the warning signs. So anyways, I-


Ryan IQ's Office

Ryan IQ: What the hell was that?

Sal Paradise: What do you mean? It's exactly what you wanted.

Ryan IQ: I did NOT want that! That was creepy as hell.

Sal Paradise: I was told that's what you wanted!

Ryan IQ: I di- NOAH!

Noah Jennings: Yeah...that was me...sorry.

Ryan IQ: Well Sal, I apologize. I didn't mean for you to host anything. I know you're probably wanting to get back in the ring with Amigo to-

Sal Paradise: Nope.

Ryan IQ: Excuse me?

Sal Paradise: I don't want to do it. I'm tired of it to be honest. Face to heel to face to heel to face. Friends with Jamie, and then enemies, and then frenemies, and what not. It's tiring. I actually DO want to be a host. I want to host my own segment for EBW....just not that...never that.

Ryan IQ: Huh...well....uh...why not? Why not.

Noah Jennings: Yeah why n-

Ryan IQ: Oh no! Not from you Noah. How much did that prank cost?!

EBW: Victory Explosion X3 Part 1
Zealstrailia Combat Arena, Zealstrailia
Strike TV+

1. Fight for Apologies: Tack Angel vs. w00t
2. EBW Women's World Championship No Rules: Troian(c) vs. Hope Mach

EBW: Victory Explosion X3 Part 2
Saturn Dome, Saturn City
Strike TV+

1. EBW Edo National Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Benjamin
2. Iron Man "Fury and Honor": Trevor Mach vs. Swift
3. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Jammer

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:20 pm  #496

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Derek Mach's Ranch

In an undisclosed country setting, Derek Mach could be seen playing with his son in a field with cows and horses. His cousin Trevor Mach pulled up on his motorcycle. Moments later they were sitting together on the porch...

Trevor Mach: Wow...look at all of this. Never imagined you'd end up living on a ranch.

Derek Mach: It's like how we grew up isn't it? Summers in Celtland at the Mach Ranch. Getting lost in the woods, trying to sneak into the local pubs.

Trevor Mach: Ha, you remember that time we "borrowed" Grandpa's old car?

Derek Mach: By borrow, do you mean we got it halfway down the drive before he came out of the house blasting his shotgun?

Trevor Mach: He thought he was being robbed! Haha! That's a not a good story to share with would've had to be there. Grandpa...was not all there.

Derek Mach: Ain't that the truth. So...proud papa, how is Justice?

Trevor Mach: ...Unexplainable. I can't put him into words. From the moment I saw changed.

Derek Mach: I understand that feeling. I don't think you tracked me down to brag about your new son though did you?

Trevor Mach: ...Right on the nose. You been watching the product?

Derek Mach: When I get a chance. I think I know why you're bringing it up. Swift right?

Trevor Mach: I don't think any of the other guys know this yet, but he's different. I felt it in the way that he pounced me across the ring. He's got that killer instinct. That edge. Hunger. It's not like the other would be conquerors. This is the real thing. It's legit, and it's got me shaken to be honest.

Derek Mach: The Bad Man shaken?

Trevor Mach: I put myself in an inescapable situation against him, and I did for a reason. Since Justice was born, all the stuff flying around in my head started making sense. Things became clear. That chaos I was using, became calm. Outside of the ring, I became Trevor Mach the Father. I need to relearn what it means to be the Bad Man, and I'm not talking about in a typical sense. I got a lot of darkness swirling around in the tank. It's still there, always has been, since those days.

Derek Mach: ...Fenrir.

Trevor Mach: I need you to help me rediscover it, and put it to good use.

Derek Mach: That's a dangerous path of thinking. The darkness has a tendency to control remember?

Trevor Mach: I believe, that if you're doing things for the right reasons, you can control the dark.

Derek Mach: Heh, it's an interesting approach. I owe you a lot you know. You helped me find my son, and that saved me. I think the least I can do is help you out. First hungry? I'll bust out the grill.

Trevor Mach: I was hoping you'd offer.

Derek Mach: Great. It'll be a fun night since Dougie and Heather are already supposed to be coming over.

Trevor Mach: What?! I thought I was the first one to find you guys.

Derek Mach: Literally the last.

Trevor Mach: Well shit.

EBW: The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, The Clash host of Wrestling, and I'm here to host The Clash! Yep, it's that time of the week, where we all gather in this smelly Studio to-I mean, wonderfully lit, and nice smelling studio, to get caught up on what happened during Xcite and what's going to happen next Xcite. Look, it's a recap show with matches at this point and-

Cade: Not to me it isn't.

Tommy Dukes: Cade? What are you doing here?

Cade: I have a chance to face Magnum PT for the Eagleland National Championship in the main event. Former Champion Los Tiburon stands in my way. The stakes are high for me. It's more than just a recap show. Show some respect.

Tommy Dukes: Sorry, you're right. It's just, people haven't cared much about what's going on with Cade in some time have they?

Cade: You think I don't know that? I've been accused of being lucky in my rookie year. I won the Television Championship and held it for months. I drew the attention of Trevor Mach. I beat my mentor Ness. I joined the Dan Club. All big accolades for me, but then nothing. I get that. It's going to change. I've seen what believing in yourself has done for Dan. I've seen what it has done for Benjamin. I'm back in the business of believing in myself. You watch. I'm going to turn some heads again. I'm going to live up to my potential. I'm going to go get ready.

Tommy Dukes: Heh....and THAT ladies and gentlemen, is how you motivate someone! Of course I was kidding about The Clash! I love it! Are you kidding? I'm probably a bigger mark than any of you! Anyways, before we get to the action, we have a very special guest standing by. Take it away Nerma.

Nerma: Thanks Tommy. Yes, we're joined by Aly Smash and her newborn son Justice Mach. Taking him to see his first wrestling show are you ?

Aly Smash: It was on the way home, and you literally pushed my wheelchair in here without asking. But yeah, I guess I am doing that.

Nerma: Uh...well, we're glad to see you doing better, and with a bouncing baby boy to boot. What are your plans? Full time Mom?

Aly Smash: Aly Smash has always been about bringing the hurt. I hope you remember that when I get out of this chair.

Nerma: *gulp*

Aly Smash: I still want to be the best. That much will never change. I just have...different priorities outside of the ring now. Make no mistake though, I will be back soon. Training starts in a few weeks.

Nerma: Well what about the future with you and the Machs? Unconventional families seem to be popping up all over EBW. Do I hear wedding bells?

Aly Smash: No, you just have tinnitus. Idiot. That's my business, so stay out of it.

Nerma: Well alright then....action time? Action time.

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: Vjhearson Golvoth beat Vapetrain via Chokeslam -> Pin
2. EBW Women's Television #1 Contender: Christina Angel beat Nani, Murasaki, Heather Mach, Lainey Strong, and Iroha[x] via Angel Driver -> Pin
3. EBW Eagleland National #1 Contender: Cade beat Los Tiburon via Cadebreaker -> Pin


The Mach Residence

Lady M's made her way into the house after having an argument....with herself.

Lady M's: You both need to shut up and let me think!

M's Style: No time to think! We've done enough for that! It's time to play! Time for fun!

Endless M's: We're in agreement. Let's go kill someone!

M's Style: That is NOT fun!

Lady M's: See, this is what I'm talking abou-

M's stopped what she was saying, when she saw Aly Smash sitting on the couch, watching television quietly, while cradling Justice.

Lady M's: Were we being too loud?

Aly Smash: We?

Lady M's: Yeah...don't worry about it. Want me to go?

Aly Smash: No please...sit down with me.

Lady M's: ...Alright. So, that's him huh?

Aly Smash: Want to hold him?

Lady M's: ...Uh...I guess?

Aly Smash: I know, it's weird right? This is all still very weird.

Lady M's: Weird is what we do. Still, even this is more than I imagined.

Aly Smash: It's not a bad thing it?

Lady M's: No. Not at all. We just have to have a word with the Angel wives. Too many Machs and Angels in the world, we're just asking for trouble.

Aly Smash: Heh. I am still welcome here ri-

Lady M's: You've got to stop this.

Aly Smash: What?

Lady M's: You're being way too nice. Way too polite. I'm not used to it.

Aly Smash: Just say it's for Justice's sake. Does that help?

Lady M's: ...A little. But yes dammit, you live here now. Get used to it. We won't take no for an answer.

Aly Smash: While I do appreciate place is nicer than this.

Lady M's: Ha!

Aly Smash: Shhh! You're going to wake him.

Lady M's: Oh and this isn't waking him? This on the television. What are you even watching?

Aly Smash: Box of old tapes I found on the table when I came in. Think they're old Mach family home movies.

Lady M's: Really now. Well this a goldmine of comedy just waiting to happen.

Aly Smash: This one is titled "Celtland Summer Vacation 1998".

Lady M's: And yet we see a young Trevor, Dougie, and Derek sporting hair that would give Duran Duran a run for their money.

Aly Smash: Celtland 1998 must equal 1988 anywhere else.

Lady M's: It must.

"Dougie Mach: Why does Gramps still have this old clunker? It runs on Potato Moonshine!

Derek Mach: And we're on a Potato Farm. Makes sense to me.

Trevor Mach: This is Celtland Derek. Every inch of it is a Potato Farm. We got to get this hunk of junk running if we're going to make it into town for the big wrestling show.

Dougie Mach: I'll give it a push start and-

Grandpa Mach: You'll do no such thing ya filthy protestant bastards!

Dougie Mach: Gramps, it's us!

Grandpa Mach: You think I don't know that!

Derek Mach: No, I don't think you do. It's your family!

Grandpa Mach: Maybe the ginger ones are, but who the bleedin' fook are the rest of ya lot! I see 9 of yas!

Trevor Mach: Trees Grandpa...those are trees. You said we could borrow the truck if we came back with alcohol. Furthermore, what's with the "Protestant" remarks?! I'm Catholic....ish.

Grandpa Mach: Oh yeah? Well you know what being dammed to Hell-ish means? BEING DAMMED TO BLOODY FOOKIN' HELL! NOW-


Aly Smash: Hilarious and traumatizing to the Mach boys, but maybe we little Justice doesn't have to hear that language.

Lady M's: ...Are you being serious?

Aly Smash: Yet? Doesn't have to hear it yet?

Lady M's: get at least 2 weeks. After which, you better believe I'll have some pent up fucks to give.

Aly Smash: What did I just say?

Lady M's: ....Starting now! I wasn't ready before!

Ryan IQ's Office

Noah Jennings: I want to thank you again for hiring me on to assist you. Really though, you should be thanking yourself, for making such a wise decision.

Ryan IQ: Uh huh.

Noah Jennings: So listen, I was thinking about this Victory Explosion X3 hype. It's coming in a little under the radar I think.

Ryan IQ: ...We sold out both venues.

Noah Jennings: It's all about marketing and branding. I think we can do better. Hear me out. So, first we brand the event based on where it's taking place. We don't number it anymore. We replace the number with a symbol or something. We make videos showing "fans" getting excited about the show. When I saw "fans" I mean hired plants, cause wrestling fans are too ugly and cringe inducing, so we use pretty people instead.....still cringe inducing though. It's hard to shake that. Then, we hire musical acts in genres that no actual wrestling fan listens to, so we can cater to the mainstream....that won't be watching or ordering the show. THEN, we bring in guest hosts! Now, I have these three guys perfect for the job. They used to work for Master Belch, and yes, they are also piles of goo. They're called "The Goo Day", and-

Ryan IQ: Stop. All of this....sounds awful. It sounds counter productive. It sounds like a waste, that would not attract any new business, and might scare away business from fans who would see this absolute garbage as a slap in the face. No musical guests, and no hosts. This is a wrestling event. It will be about the wrestling. All of your ideas were awful Literally all of them.

Noah Jennings: ....We can...uh....workshop it a little bit I suppose. How about this? 9 HOUR LONG SH-

Ryan IQ: Get out.


Summers Beach

Vapetrain stared into the sunset, as the waves splashed over the sand. He was about to bust out a saxophone solo, when-

Bashin Dan: Vaper! There you are my friend!

Vapetrain: Huh? Oh hey champ, how are you?

Bashin Dan: Doing better actually. Thank you. I've been thinking, and I'm excited for what is coming up. The main event match I always wanted, against one of my biggest rivals and best opponents. It's a lot to get excited about. How about you Vape Muffin? You're not looking happy.

Vapetrain: What gave it away? The incoming sax solo?

Bashin Dan: Well, busting out the brass by yourself on a beach sometimes can mean that.

Vapetrain: I lost to Golvoth again. Again I lost to that giant Nord. I can't beat him. I couldn't beat him, and I wasn't good enough to be invited to Edo like Barrington and Boulder. I'm the worst of the big guys in EBW.

Bashin Dan: You are not! You're my friend, and you have value. You've got to believe in yourself. Look, Benji and Cade are both reaching out for their dreams. You need to do the same. Tap into that power inside of you.

Vapetrain: I see it Dan. I see it when I close my eyes. A beast of the waters, violent and gigantic, yet elegant.

Bashin Dan: Huh. That sounds like a Liopleurodon.

Vapetrain: A Liopleurodon. I like that! I'm the Liopleurodon.

Bashin Dan: Huh? What? Vape? Where you going? Into the water? You can swim right? Vape?


Christina Angel: Subbie, I'm really glad that you came to me about this.

Subculture: I should have been honest from the get go. While your family does freak me out, I will accept it, as long as that means I can be with you. You saw something in me I didn't even see in myself. I love you.

Christina Angel: I love you too.

Tack Angel: And that's when I was like "That's not a harem, that's my wives!" Ha! Funny right?

Christina Angel: Dad...what are you-

Tack Angel: ...I think we were all having different conversations.

Subculture: ....No...Christina and I were on the same page.

Tack Angel: Well let's you and me get on the same page. Listen to me. w00t destroyed my Kingdom. They made this personal on two levels. Like, EBW....being my Kingdom in which I wrestle, and Crystal Fourside, being the Kingdom in which I live. We've got to get focused here. We're going to fight them tonight, and then-

Subculture: Yeah yeah, tag against the bad guys. I got it. Same page. Leave the room so I can kiss your daughter.

Tack Angel: Oh right. Yes of course. Wait. WAIT. WAAAIT!

*door slam*


EBW: Xcite

The show opened with a talk show set in the ring. Two chairs in front of a brick wall, with neon lighting that said "Paradise City".

Sal Paradise: Welcome to the new segment in EBW, that's going to keep me getting paid, without the BS of the beatings and backstabbing. Yes, the People's Choice is shifting focus here, but I'll still be here for you. I'll just be the People's Voice now, getting the answers you want. My first guests were going to be the Dan Club, but then I thought I'd get one last word with my old friend Jamie OD. One last sit down with-

The lights went black, and when they came back up, Swift and w00t were in the ring.

Sal Paradise: Last time I checked, Jamie OD wasn't black so-

w00t: That's enough Sal. You got a show, good for you. We don't care. If we cared, you wouldn't have it, but we don't, so enjoy. Makes a good platform for us. Make no mistake though, we're calling the shots. You want OD, but you're not getting OD. You might want Mike too? Not getting Mike. You're getting us.

Swift: The man that POUNCED the confidence right out of Trevor Mach. Took his bravado, and took his Team Ring. This one was yours Mach. I had to get it stretched out, cause your arthritic, bony fingers were too damn small. This guy over here, heh, he brought down a Kingdom.

w00t: It's mind games so far. We're taking what we want, and we're sending a message. What comes next is the takeover. We're going to take EBW and paint it black.

Sal Paradise: I-

w00t: Metaphorically you moron. Sit back down.

Swift: Don't make me hurt you.

Sal Paradise: Who wants to get hurt? I'll just sit down. See? Nice and comfy. Continue.

w00t: We are weeks away from Victory Explosion X3. X3...a "cute" way of saying 13. An unlucky number for the status quo. You're smart to stay out of our way. You're smarter to join us. Ryan IQ, you'd be the smartest man in the world next to me, if you just realized that this how things are going to be now. We're coming for the #1 spots, the main titles, the main events, all the segments we want. We're getting our due. Now, we can stand around here and piss and moan about it, but instead....we'll show you.

w00t and Swift were about to leave, but before they did, Swift kicked Sal's set over.

Sal Paradise: Hey! They made me pay for that! Oh sure, just break my set.

Swift: ....

Sal Paradise: Glare all you want! I'm sending you the bill!

Swift: ....

Sal Paradise: *sigh* ....Forget about it.


Bashin Dan was leaving his locker room with his titles in tow. He was being followed...

Bashin Dan: Who is that?

Jammer: ...It's me Dan.

Bashin Dan: Trying to jump me? We tag together tonight. You'd be better off waiting till later.

Jammer: I'm not here to jump you. I'm here with something to say.

Bashin Dan: ...Then say it.

Jammer: I hope we can work together tonight like we used to. I'd really like that.

Bashin Dan: ...That sounds like the Slam Master, but I'm not talking to him. Talk like Jammer. Go ahead. Gloat about something. Tell me how I ruined your career.

Jammer: *sigh*

Bashin Dan: ...I'm sorry Jammer. It's not in my nature to be a jerk. I leave that to people I used to trust. Shoot. I did it again. That time it wasn't even on purpose!

Jammer: It comes easily? Guess I have it coming. Seriously though, I want us to kick ass tonight, cause I want us both at our best for Victory Explosion X3. I made a mistake giving up a title shot once. I'm going to give it everything I have, and I'm going to become the Triple Crown World Champion.

Bashin Dan: ....That's more like it. Let's go.

EBW: Xcite
Summers Arena, Summers
Strike TV

1. Women's Tag: Lainey Strong/Calamity Jane beat 21st Century Foxx/Sylvie via DQ
2. Singles: Liopleurodon beat Flying Man via Top Rope Splash -> Pin
3. Tag: w00t[o]/Swift beat Tack Angel[x]/Subculture via wKo -> Pin
4. Singles: Firebrand X beat Jamie OD via DQ
5. 6-Woman Tag: Troian/Murasaki/Ripper Jane[o] beat Heather Mach[x]/Christina Angel/Rose Mulligan via Hell Claw -> Referee Stoppage
6. Tag: Johnny Starbound[o]/Vjhearson Golvoth beat Bashin Dan/Jammer[x] via 450 Splash -> Pin


EBW: The Clash

Nerma: Holy Wrestleroni everyone, we're just one week away from Victory Explosion X3, the biggest event of the year! It's a two day show this year, from different parts of the world. The biggest event of its kind in wrestling history! I'm excited to be apart of it, but the question is, which show will I attend? I think I want to be at the one where the women main event. Hope Mach has been training in solitude in preparation for her match against Troian, and I think that's the match to see, but apparently, we've got another history making match to make this difficult on me, because Lady M's has a match announcement for the Saturn Dome show! M's, let's hear it!

Lady M's: So, it's obvious I've taken a few blows to the head. That MIGHT have created a bit of a problem for me and those around me. While I think it's actually hilarious to have so many people freaked about what I might do next, it's apparent that this needs to be settled. If I'm going to get back to the business of kicking ass and dominating this division, I need to do something drastic. That's why I will be taking part in the FIRST EVER 1 Woman 3-Way Match!

Nerma: What?

Lady M's: That's will be ME vs. MYSELF vs. I! Who will come out on top? The cosplaying weirdo, the bitter veteran, or the psycho killer! WINNER TAKE ALL!


EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Trios Championships: Erica(c)/21st Century Foxx(c)/Sylvie(c)[o] beat Kei Akiyama/Kayla Sparkz/Queen Bolshoi[x]
2. Singles: Liopleurodon beat Shark #1 via Top Rope Splash -> Pin
3. 8-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike/Jamie OD/Hotlanta/Generator[o] beat Amigo/Los Tiburon/Kiva/El Mago[x] via GNR8 Buster -> Pin


Trevor and Derek Mach pulled up to the beach in a red Testarossa...

Trevor Mach: ...I miss my Testarossa man. It looked a lot like this one actually.

Derek Mach: Well it should, I stole it from you.

Trevor Mach: What?

Derek Mach: Kidding....maybe.

Trevor Mach: What are we doing out here?

Derek Mach: Getting back to the roots. This is where we trained remember? You and I, when we were younger, and we wanted to be wrestlers. We wanted to kick ass like our heroes. This is where we started. Close your eyes and remember.

Trevor Mach: ....Yeah...I remember. I remember you started getting into some weird shit around the same time. It was 199X I think, and you started talking to yourself a lot.

Derek Mach: Giygas man, he tapped into my head. He was looking for a way back, and he went looking for the darkness. The Machs were the perfect targets there. We were flawed as all hell. We still are. That darkness is what you're looking to tap back into?

Trevor Mach: ...I just want to be me man. I've filled my head with so much nonsense over the years, and tried to be this, that, and any other thing that made sense at the time. Deep down, I know who I am. I AM the Bad Man. I once said, I knew what that meant, that I could make of it whatever I wanted. I need that. I need it back if I'm going to beat Swift. I have to lose all the bullshit, and embrace the Bad Man.

Derek Mach: And you don't think you'll lose yourself? It's easy, believe me.

Trevor Mach: I have anchor this time. So do you.

Derek Mach: The burden of our children, keeping us from getting lost.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, something like that.

Derek Mach: So what is it you're looking for exactly? Spell it out for me.

Trevor Mach: All these years, I've been bouncing around from bad ass to goofy ass. A clown and a killer. The joke and the punchline. That's all I needed to be. If they underestimated me from humor, they'd pay the price in the ring. I want to ramp it up. Be the Big Bad Wolf for real, so real that I'll even scare myself with it.

Derek Mach: Basically, you want permission from someone to stop holding back? Shouldn't you ask your wife for that?

Trevor Mach: No, this comes back to you Derek, cause you showed me what that was. You, with your darkness, you spread it to me. It wouldn't have taken much, for us to have switched places on that space station you know? If a few things were different, I would have been where you were, and you where I was.

Derek Mach: ....Tali's not really my type. She scares me.

Trevor Mach: Heh, you're telling me. There's three of her bouncing around in that head now.

Derek Mach: Yikes.

Trevor Mach: Yeah. Look Derek, I have a long way to go here. I made a promise to my son, in 18 years time, when he's in the ring, I will be right there at his side. I made a promise to keep fighting and keep fighting AND KEEP FIGHTING! If I'm going to survive that long, this is how it gets done. You going to help me or not?

Derek Mach: Seems I don't have a choice. Well then, what are we waiting for?


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the hyped about VE guy of Wrestling, and I'm hyped about VE. No, that doesn't mean anything sexual, it's Victory Explosion! We're on the 13th one! The X3rd one? How does that go? I don't know, but what I do know, is that this is a special update installment, here to get you up to speed and ready for the big event. We are so close I can taste it. It tastes like pineapple and ham...or that could be the pizza I was eating. We have BIG NEWS! We started with a Press Conference this week in Saturn City. Let's take a look!

Saturn City Hall

Mayor Strong: Why yes, as a former EBW World Champion, I'm always proud to have my city hosting this special event. It's great for us, great for business and great for-

Magnum PT: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, if I may...

Magnum PT came out in a Red, White, and Blue vest and top hat, and those signature too tight jeans.

Mayor Strong: I'm sorry PT, but you're going to have to wa-

Magnum PT: I waited long enough. Eaglelanders like myself, we don't wait, we take what we want. Just like I came back to EBW, took the Eagleland National Championship, and promised to Make EBW Great Again. MEGA! These colors, they don't run, and I don't run, except towards opportunity. I'm here on behalf of my pals in Umbra, the group that's going to set things right in EBW. The others, they're busy with some "special projects" before the Victory Explosion, so I came here to run down the list on their behalf. Let's see here....w00t, is going to tear down Tack Angel, just like he tore down his Kingdom. Swift is going to put the "Bad Wolf" to sleep for good. Mike and Jamie OD have received a challenge, from Firebrand X and Subculture. Now I was certain that the Elite 4 were disbanded, but if they want a shot, Umbra accepts. Generator and Hotlanta have plans of their own, I'm supposed to keep that a surprise, and I will. Am I forgetting anyone? Oh, that's right, ME! Magnum PT, the man, Eagleland's favorite son. Big in Edo, bigger in my pants! I've got some chump kid named Cade to deal with right? Cade, whoever you are, you're-

Cade quickly jumped PT from behind and knocked him off the stage, wearing his red, white, and blue top hat.

Cade: Nice to meet you PT! I'm Cade, and I think we've all heard just about enough. Continue on Mr. Mayor.

Mayor Strong: Thank you my boy. The hat suits you better I think. Now, where was I?

30 Minutes Later

Benjamin: My friend Bashin Dan made history, when he became the EBW Triple Crown World Champion. That was an inspiration to all of us. It inspired Cade to go after PT. It inspired the Train formerly known as Vape to challenge Vjhearson Golvoth once again. It inspired me to take on Camilo Ortega again and prove myself. He's a former World Champion in his own right. That can't be taken lightly. He's not unbeatable though. I know I can do it. I just have to believe in myself.

Camilo Ortega: God's lessons are beautiful young one. My eyes were opened to light, his radiance, it nearly blinded me. I looked upon that light though, and it set me back on the path I strayed from. I will walk the path of heaven, and I will rule over everything. This Edo National Championship is the first step back to a true being of light reclaiming this world.

Benjamin: ...I don't know what you meant by half of that, but I'm something of a Warrior of Light myself. This isn't about light vs. darkness. It's about who is better in the ring. On that night, it's going to be me.

30 Minutes Later

Valarie Dorado: I don't care who you line up to face us, we've always got a back up plan for our back up plans. Christina, we wanted you on board. We wanted you to finally get your due, the spotlight you deserve, and all the fame, glory, and money that went with it. You don't want that? It's fine. I have no problems breaking you in the ring. This Women's Television title will remain with me for as long as I want it. What do you have to say about that?

Christina Angel: ....*clears throat* I disagree.

Mayor Strong: You're Tack's kid alright. Well, that concludes this Press Conference, I'm sure they're going to be doing one in Zealstrailia too, but since that's not my problem, I-

Good News Gary: WAAAAAAAAIT!

Mayor Strong: Huh? G-Good News Greg?

Good News Gary: IT'S GARY! GOOD NEWS GARY! I have news that's not just GOOD NEWS, it's AMAZING NEWS! HE'S BACK FOLKS! THE ACE OF ACES! THE UNKILLABLE! THE UNDEFEATABLE! Victory Explosion X3 will see the return of DA BEEG DRIZZLE!!! RAINS!!!

Ryan IQ: ...Wasn't he dead?

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:21 pm  #497

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes in the Control Center, the guy in the Control Center of Wrestling, and we've got big news people! The full cards for Victory Explosion X3 Part 1 and 2 have been REVEALED! GET A LOOK AT THIS!

EBW: Victory Explosion X3 Part 1
Zealstrailia Combat Arena, Zealstrailia
Strike TV+

1. EBW Zealstrailia National Championship Rumble: TBA
2. Tag: Generator/Hotlanta vs. Los Tiburon/Kiva
3. EBW Trios Championship: Erica(c)/Sylvie(c)/21st Century Foxx(c) vs. Nani/Tracy/Makoto
4. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Subculture/Firebrand X
5. 1 Woman 3-Way: Lady M's vs. M's Style vs. Endless M's
6. Singles: Liopleurodon vs. Vjhearson Golvoth
7. Fight for Apologies: Tack Angel vs. w00t
8. EBW Women's World Championship No Rules: Troian(c) vs. Hope Mach

EBW: Victory Explosion X3 Part 2
Saturn Dome, Saturn City
Strike TV+

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Murasaki(c)/Ripper Jane(c) vs. Sylvie/21st Century Foxx vs. Calamity Jane/Lainey Strong vs. Heather Mach/Rose Mulligan
2. EBW Anahauc National Championship: Dorado Mask(c) vs. Amigo
3. EBW Eagleland National Championship: Magnum PT(c) vs. Cade Special Referee: Mayor Strong
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: Valarie Dorado(c) vs. Christina Angel
5. EBW Edo National Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Benjamin
6. Iron Man "Fury and Honor": Trevor Mach vs. Swift
7. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Jammer

Tommy Dukes: Insane right?! You get all of that, just for subscribing to the Strike TV+. They got other stuff too like Cops reruns and stuff, but come on! You know you want to get in on this! The past, present, and future, ALL COLLIDING IN THE VICTORY EXPLOSION SO BIG ONE STADIUM COULDN'T HANDLE IT! Do NOT miss this opportunity! What? Sorry, I....drank too much coffee. No, it's not he caffeine. I just REALLY have to go to the restroom, so I'm trying to get this over with. Can I? Can I go now? Thank you.

Battle Spirits Dojo

Amidst the training of the dojo, Dan and Benjamin were sitting down for a game of Battle Spirits.

Bashin Dan: It's your move.

Benjamin: It is? I had no idea. I really don't get this game. Now, if you want a card game, I know of one called Triple Triad. This weird kabuki looking man with multiple arms taught it to me back home.

Bashin Dan: ...I feel like I should ask you more about your life. I bet it's interesting.

Benjamin: You know, I feel the same about you. We never really asked did we? You say that you saved time and space by becoming the "heart of the cards" and then you ended up here. We just left it at that. Really weird.

Bashin Dan: want to talk about it now?

Benjamin: ...Nay....I think I'm good.

Bashin Dan: Well alright then. It's still your move.

Benjamin: *shrugs*

Bashin Dan: I really need someone to get this game.

Hope Mach: I know how to play.

Bashin Dan: Hope?

Hope Mach sat down across from Dan, with Benjamin quickly getting up.

Benjamin: I will...uh...leave you to your it were.

Bashin Dan: Hope? What are you doing here? I thought you were training in seclusion.

Hope Mach: I was, but I wanted to see you. I missed you.

Bashin Dan: I...uh...missed you too. I really did, but I don't deserve-

Hope Mach: Stop. I know what you're going to say. You've let the deception of two people break your confidence. You have to do what you've inspired so many others to do, and believe in yourself.

Bashin Dan: I...thank you...I will take your advice. You're absolutely right. I will believe in myself. That's why I know....that you're not really Hope Mach.

Hope Mach: What? What are you talking about?

Bashin Dan: I couldn't see it, when you were copying her, but I see it now. You're not Hope. You're Troian, you're an imposter!

"Hope Mach": at that. I didn't think you'd actually see through it, but you did.

Bashin Dan: You look like her, and you even sound like her. You're saying what she would say, but....the conviction wasn't the same. The fire in her's not in yours. That's why you're going to lose to her at Victory Explosion.

Troian: think so huh? Let me tell you something. I get better with time. I learn, I adapt. I can mimic a veteran of any style. All I've been doing is learning.

Bashin Dan: But you don't have the fire. If all you do is copy, then all you'll ever be is a copy. You'll never be what she is.

Troian: Wow...alright, so you saw through me, but I see through you too. You're so damn in love with her aren't you? Well, that's inspiration for crush her....and crush your heart.

Bashin Dan: .....


Hours Earlier

A van pulls up to Renegade Arena, and Umbra burst out of the back with A man bound and hooded being lead into the building.

Swift: Mach! You seeing this? If not, someone better tell him, cause this message is for him. You cocky little bastard, you think I sweat the "Bad Man"? Never once have I been afraid or even a little intimidated by what you "bring to the fight". I'll show you. I have a Mach right here. They need you to show up tonight, because if you don't, I'm going to hurt them....really badly. So so badly.

w00t: That's not a threat we're making Mach. He really means it. Tack, if you're not too busy playing King or whatever, I'd get him on the phone now.

Bad Dudes Dojo

Tack Angel quickly pulled up in an Uber...

Uber Driver: Hey, that's not enough!

Tack Angel: I don't have a lot of money! I bought a Tower! I'm the Star Prince!

Uber Driver: Do I look like I care?!

Tack Angel: ...I'll be right back! Wait here! Trevor! Trevor are you in here?!

Tack opened the door to find Trevor sitting on a stool, getting a back tattoo from Derek.

Trevor Mach: ....Tackleton?

Tack Angel: What's going on here?

Trevor Mach: Derek's a tattoo artist. You didn't know that?

Tack Angel: I don't think it ever came up. But wait....what are you two doing hanging out together?!

Trevor Mach:

Derek Mach: I don't think he's ever gotten over the Space Station thing.

Tack Angel: No, I haven't ever gotten over the "SPACE STATION THING"! You made me suck a man out of an airlock into space!

Derek Mach: I didn't do that! You pushed the wrong damn button!

Tack Angel: ...Regardless! What is going on here really?!

Derek Mach: The wolf is going to bare his fangs again, and the world won't be ready for it. Ain't that right Bad Man?

Trevor Mach: We're prepping for the big show in different ways brother. I'm tapping into my darkness.....and bought a Tower with an A.I that wants to have sex with you.

Tack Angel: What?! You're crazy!

Trevor Mach: Doesn't make it less true! We need to be getting ready for war here man! Anything goes! For our future, and the future of our children, it's all or nothing man. Gotta put Umbra in their place.

Tack Angel: There is more to this life than crazy violence Trevor.

Trevor Mach: Just because I like the life, and you feel guilty about it, doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Tack Angel: Guilty?

Trevor Mach: You're mad, and you don't want to be. You've got some of that darkness too, and you really should. Doesn't mean you're evil, it means they messed with your family and your home and you're PISSED OFF! I've been stewing about it for weeks! Working up some crazy anger bro. It's a powerful weapon if you point it in the right direction. A damn good motivator.

Tack Angel: You know what? I like where your head is at actually. Maybe you make the term "Constructive Destruction" mean something.

Trevor Mach: Now that, I like to hear. Anyways, I'm amped to all hell right now, and I'm losing focus. What brings you around?

Tack Angel: Huh? OH FIDDLESTICKS! I completely forgot! They kidnapped a Mach!

Trevor Mach: ...WHAT?!

Tack Angel: Also...can I borrow 5 bucks? I need to pay the Uber guy.

EBW: Xcite

The show opened with the Paradise City set lit up, and Sal Paradise in the ring with two special guests...

Sal Paradise: Welcome back to Paradise City! We're almost these people! Victory Explosion X3! Unlucky number 13? Maybe for some, but for these two hot shots, it's going to be the biggest night of their careers. We've got THE EBW Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan, my personal new hero. This kid, has got it all. Excuse me...this CHAMPION has got it all, including my respect. Good on ya Dan. I'm joined by the yin to his yang. He'd be like my OD, but less of an asshole. Yeah, I know what you did, I'm still saying LESS of an asshole. Jammer! Fellas, you're big night is approaching. How do you feels?

Bashin Dan: Back on track. I had my confidence shaken in a one two punch, but I remembered who I am, and what I do. I never give up. I never give in. I always rise to a challenge, and I thrive in the heat of battle. The bigger the challenge, the more my heart is in it. Doesn't matter if it's a card game or a wrestling match. Doesn't matter if the stakes are these three prizes or the fate of the world, or a simple battle between rivals. You all will get 100% Bashin Dan, and nothing less. You deserve the best, and I owe it to myself to always do my best. Everyone should always strive to do their best.

Sal Paradise: You're a gentleman and scholar Dan. Jammer? What do you say?

Jammer: The road to this moment has been bumpy as hell, but we're here. Dan, I don't know if you'll forgive me, but to do this, I'm going to forgive myself. Forgive myself for letting doubt cloud my judgement. I thought I had to stack the deck to get the edge, but that was selling myself short. You didn't deserve the con with Troian, but I don't deserve to feel less than you. I don't deserve to feel like a background character in Bashin Dan's story. I'm going to write my story. I'm going to do it the right way, and that means beating you, fair and square, once and for friend.

Sal Paradise: It's getting EMOTIONAL! I think-

Johnny Starbound: No one cares about what you think! Sit down! You're washed up Paradise. You picked a good time to hang up the boots, cause eventually, I would have retired you the hard way. I am the STAR of EBW, and yet, I find myself without a match at Victory Explosion?! Two shows, in two different countries, and I'm not on the card?! ME?! NOT ON THE CARD?! I don't accept that. So here it is guys. My ultimatum. Me and the big man Golvoth, we beat your asses last week. We do it again tonight, and when we win, I get put into this match, because I deserve that much! If you refuse, I guarantee you won't get the fair fight you want at Victory Explosion. I promise you. I swear it! I don't care if I get fired in the process, I WILL BE THE SPOILER! Call it throwing a tantrum if you want. I don't care. I call it....righting a wrong. So what is it going to be?

Jammer: .....

Bashin Dan: ...That's your call Jam. You know how I feel about it. I never back down from a challenge. How badly, do you want that fair fight?

Jammer: You're on Starbound. You and the big nord, against the best of the best....and the 2nd Best Bashin Dan.

Bashin Dan: Heh.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. No Rules 10-Woman Tag: Christina Angel[o]/Heather Mach/Rose Mulligan/Nani/Tracy beat Troian/Valarie Dorado/Ripper Jane/21st Century Foxx[x] via Angel Driver -> Pin
Nerma: Troian's group and Elevation just can NOT get along, and that's really costing them! They're fighting each other on the outside! What even is this?! Ladies, Victory Explosion is on the wa-CHRISTINA WITH THE ANGEL DRIVER ON FOXX! She get's the pin! Christina Angel with the momentum heading into-WAIT! Troian and Dorado have turned their attention back on Christina. Someone stop this! It's HOPE! Hope Mach running down to the ring to run off Elevation and Troian's trio! The #1 Contenders for both the World and Television Championships standing tall!
2. Singles: Amigo beat Kiva via Brainbuster -> Pin
3. No Rules 10-Man Tag: Magnum PT/Kinniku Mike[o]/Jamie OD/Hotlanta/Generator beat Tack Angel/Subculture/Firebrand X[x]/Cade/Benjamin via Muscle Buster -> Pin
4. Non-Title Singles: Camilo Ortega beat El Mago via STO Bomber -> Pin
5. Last Chance for Starbound: Bashin Dan/Jammer[o] beat Johnny Starbound/Vjhearson Golvoth[x] via Slam Jam -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Golvoth tagged in! Blind tag by the big nord! He's clearing house! Starbound on the outside attacking Dan with a foreign object! Ref do you see that?! Is that blind ref again? Why do we have him?! Wait, it's the Liopleurodon! He's chasing off Starbound! Golvoth took his eyes off the prize! Surprise take down by Jammer! He's going up top! SLAM JAM! 1-2-3! Jammer wins it! That settles it, it's for sure only going to be Bashin Dan defending against Jammer! Starbound just lost his last chance for the match, and he does NOT look happy at Golvoth. Folks, we'll see you at Victory Explosion! Wait! Hang on! Something is going on outside!

Outside of Renegade Arena

Trevor and Derek pulled up in the Testarossa and ran into the building. They were told by security to head to the roof, where they found Swift battering Dougie Mach.

Swift: About time you got here. Dougie paid for you taking your sweet ass time!

Trevor Mach: To be fair, the ginger bastard deserved a little rough up, so I'm not even mad.

Dougie Mach: *cough cough* I still wish you would've gotten here a little sooner.

Trevor Mach: Well Swift, I'm here. You want to settle this before Victory Explosion? All you had to do was call me out, cause here I am.

Swift: I wanted to see your face, when you realized something actually.

Trevor Mach: Oh yeah? Just what would that be?

Derek Mach suddenly broke a board over Trevor's head, knocking him out.

Derek Mach: Heh....never trust a snake.


A video package aired, or time lapse footage showing the trip from Zealstrailia to Saturn City, interlaced with footage of the wrestlers training and preparing for the biggest event of the year...

Magnum PT: Two shows in one day? The one that matters is the one in Eagleland, where its champion will put a little punk in his place. These colors don't run, and neither do I.

Christina Angel: Elevation think they can just come in here and take over what we've fought for? The Women's Division is what it is because of us. You come back to reap the rewards, but you're in for a rude awakening Valarie. A Television Champion win would make me a Triple Crown winner in my own right. I think it's time to make history again.

Amigo: I need a new approach. I need a new outlook. Let's be honest...I need a win...badly. If the World Warrior is going to continue in this sport, it's all or nothing tonight.

Lady M's: I hope the young green as grass rookies are watching tonight, cause I'm going to show them how it's done....against myself...and myself. What even is this?

Kinniku Mike: Haha! Uuuuu! Look at that, right back with World gold around my waist! With the Hooligan I've found the "Best Match" and we're going to steam roll X and Subculture! These Strong Tits don't lie!

Jamie OD: Oi....what Mike said...minus the Strong Tits of course.

Cade: Time to prove I'm worth a damn. Time to show everyone that I'm not going to back down. I'm not going to be the protege that didn't live up. I refuse.

Endless M's: You think I won't kill my opponents because they're me?! Hahahaha!

Tracy: The Angel Family is coming to Zealtrailia, and we're united in our cause. Elevation, I used to be one of you, but I found a better family, and we're ready to take those Trios titles!

M's Style: Maybe I'm just having another identity crisis, and this is my way of compensating....I mean....NYAN! Gonna have some fun in the ring! Please watch and enjoy!

Hope Mach: Troian, you like to mimic, so you'd better learn how to act like a beaten loser, cause that's going to be your next act. Enough said.

Rains: When it RAINS it POURS! *cocks fist*

Camilo Ortega: God will be watching over me, when I spread the truth tonight.

Benjamin: Just glad I'm not taking the airship to Zealstrailia. Right here, in my new home, I'm going to prove that I deserve this shot. I'm going to fight for it, and I'm going to win.

Tack Angel: You blew up my Kingdom! Seriously! What is wrong with you w00t!?

w00t: Heh, did I strike a nerve? Come and show me. When you lose, you'll finally have to own up for the careers you've gotten in the way of. From now on, Umbra is going to cast a shadow over YOU!

Trevor Mach: Doesn't matter if I have knife in my back or not Swift. The Bad Man is coming for you. The Wolf is baring his fangs, and he's going to tear your world down!

Swift: I own your ass Mach! I put your family in their place, and even got one of them on my side! Now, I break your spirit and your body in the ring. I prove to you, what I always knew. I'm better. I deserve what you got, and I'm going to take it!

Jammer: It's all or nothing! Dan, I'm giving it all I've got! Hope you do the same, because I won't except less. The best against the best! That's what this has always been leading up to! I'm coming for the World Championship!

Bashin Dan: The battle of battles. My soul is burning. I feel on fire. The passion for combat is flowing. You'll get better than my best Jammer. This is one match, I don't intend to lose. The EBW Triple Crown World Championship. Take it if you can.

EBW: Victory Explosion X3

A fireworks show opened the event in Zealstrailia, as thousands of men, women, and robots were on their feet in anticipation...

Nerma: Welcome to Zealstrailia! This is Part 1 of Victory Explosion X3! This, the event SO BIG, we split it in two! We have an amazing night of fights ahead of us, including a main event that will see Hope Mach challenge Troian for the Women's World Championship! That WOULD be history in the making of current year, if we hadn't already had a women's main event for the title years before other people decided to do it. Suck on that. EBW ALWAYS beats you out of the gate!

EBW: Victory Explosion X3 Part 1
Zealstrailia Combat Arena, Zealstrailia
Strike TV+

1. EBW Zealstrailia National Championship Rumble: Winner: Rains -> 1st EBW Zealstrailia National Champion!
2. Tag: Generator[o]/Hotlanta beat Los Tiburon/Kiva[x] via GNR8 Buster -> Pin
3. EBW Trios Championship: Erica(c)/Sylvie(c)/21st Century Foxx(c)[o] beat Nani/Tracy/Makoto[x] via Victory Roll -> Pin -> Title Defense!
4. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c)[o] beat Subculture[x]/Firebrand X via GTPK -> Pin -> Title Defense!
5. 1 Woman 3-Way: M's Style beat Lady M's and Endless M's I think? -> I don't know -> Who COULD know?
6. Singles: Liopleurodon beat Vjhearson Golvoth via Top Rope Splash -> Pin
7. Fight for Apologies: w00t beat Tack Angel via wKo -> Pin
Nerma: Tack Angel with the WRIST CLUTCH, but the CLUTCH is denied! w00t is too smart! He broke the CLUTCH! Wait, who is that on the big screen! It's Makoto?! Makoto! Someone with a camera is chasing her! They locked the Angel Family locker room! Tack is panicking! wKo out of NOWHERE! 1-2-3! Dammit! w00t wins after the distraction! Tack is woozy, but he's trying to get out of the ring to get to Makoto!
8. EBW Women's World Championship No Rules: Hope Mach beat Troian(c) via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Referee Stoppage -> NEW EBW Women's World Champion!
Nerma: Troian, try as she might, she can't mimic anything that Hope can't counter! Hope's best strategy was staying away, changing up her game, and it's working! Hope with the Olympic Slam! The Ankle Lock! Troian is clawing and fighting, but she can't break away! The TAP OUT! HOPE MACH IS THE NEW EBW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION!

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the guy that didn't have to travel far of Wrestling, and this is it! Part 2 of Victory Explosion X3! The biggest event of the year......'s second half! This is exciting stuff! We saw some incredible matches already, but we're just getting started! Well....we're just getting halfway! Yeah! A number of title matches! An endurance war between Swift and Trevor Mach! A main event for the Triple Crown World Championship! Why wait further! Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: Victory Explosion X3 Part 2
Saturn Dome, Saturn City
Strike TV+

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Calamity Jane[o]/Lainey Strong beat Murasaki(c)/Ripper Jane(c), Sylvie/21st Century Foxx[x], and Heather Mach/Rose Mulligan via Lariat -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions!
2. EBW Anahauc National Championship: Amigo beat Dorado Mask(c) via Brainbuster -> Pin -> NEW EBW Anahauc National Champion!
3. EBW Eagleland National Championship: Magnum PT(c) beat Cade via Mustache Ride -> Pin -> Title Defense! Special Referee: Mayor Strong
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: Christina Angel beat Valarie Dorado(c) via Angel Driver -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's Television Champion!
5. EBW Edo National Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Benjamin via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
6. Iron Man "Fury and Honor": Swift beat Trevor Mach(5-4)
-Trevor Mach beat Swift via DQ
-Trevor Mach beat Swift via DQ
-Trevor Mach beat Swift via DQ
-Swift beat Trevor Mach via POUNCE -> Pin
-Swift beat Trevor Mach via Blackhammer -> Pin
-Swift beat Trevor Mach via POUNCE -> Pin
-Trevor Mach beat Swift via Knee Trigger -> Pin
-Swift beat Trevor Mach via POUNCE -> Pin
-Swift beat Trevor Mach via Umbra Clutch -> Referee Stoppage

Tommy Dukes: This has been amazing! I don't believe this! Swift started the match by absolutely brutalizing Mach. The Bad Man spitting blood in Swift's face just lead to DQ after DQ, but Swift started evening the score! Swift with a POUNCE NO! MACH HIT THE KNEE TRIGGER! HEAD ON COLLISION! Mach looks like he's putting a dislocated finger back into the place. Want to know how I know? That double bird salute looked a little crooked. Mach in the lead, but Swift is getting right back up! POUNCE! 1-2-3! We're tied up! Swift is in control, but look, here comes Derek Mach to gloat. Yeah, he sure showed his cousin didn't he? Wait, he's attacking Umbra! He's getting into Swift's face, but Swift caught the punch! So, it was a ruse?! Derek was with Trevor, but the double turn isn't working! Derek is being chased off on the outside, while Swift has Mach in the Clutch! The Bad Man is blacking out! He's refusing to tap! No submissions! The referee has no choice! He's calling it! Another win for Swift, and the clock is running out! Swift wins! Umbra is undefeated at Victory Explosion!
7. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) beat Jammer via Top Rope Brave Clash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: 5 Star match all the way! I'd give it 6, but 5 Star is as high as it goes, and it can't go any higher! Dan is fired up! He's having the match he's always wanted, and Jammer is rising to the occasion! A friendship mended in combat! Jammer going to the top, but Dan's meeting him there! We've seen this before! TOP ROPE BRAVE CLASH! 1!2!3! Bashin Dan retains! The crowd goes wild! Amazing stuff! Jammer is in near tears as he tries to get to his feet. Bashin Dan extends his hand. The embrace! Dan and Jammer are friends again, and Dan ends the biggest event of the year with the Triple Crown in hand!


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the Post Victory Explosion guy of Wrestling, and it's Post Victory Explosion! Are those getting lazy? I'm tired. It's been a long week. Not only did we have TWO big Dome Shows, but then you had all the independent promotions running shows, trying to leach off of how awesome we are. Whatever. It's exhausting. It's tiring. I'm tired. Zzzz....Wait, we have some special for you! After the shows we had post match press conferences. Here are some clips of that, where they are sitting in front of a wall with a bunch of sponsors on it, talking to the press. I say that now, so you know what to expect with every promo. That way we don't have to type it out every....never mind. Just enjoy it or something!

Lady M's: What? You're asking me questions? You're taking this seriously? I just wrestled myself out there for 10 minutes, and it was probably one of the best matches of the night, but still, it was ridiculous! I did that whole thing with the mirrors and talking to myself? What? No, I'm fine! I got that all straightened out in the ring. I figured out a lot, like that for now I am so done with this bullshit. That match was stupid! You can say it! I agree! It was STUPID! This whole thing is stupid. I've main evented this shit before, and now I'm doing the comedy spot?! Cause I'm JUST A LITTLE CRAZY!? Look, this was all about figuring myself out. I'm tired of playing a role, doing a part. I can be whoever the fuck I want to be, whenever the fuck I want ok?! I'm done with this. You want to know what I'm doing next? I'm taking over as head coach of the Bad Dudes Dojo. I'm going to teach and mold some actual good talent! Stretch the hell out of em too, cause I get off on that a little! If you survive "M's Academy", then you'll be worthy of filling my shoes. THAT is what I'm doing. What? Yes, I figured all of that out just now. I had to occupy my mind SOMEHOW during that match!


Jammer: Bashin Dan is incredible. I'm proud of what I brought to the match myself. I see it now. I really do get it. I didn't need to antagonize Dan. I could be his rival AND his friend, and it would take me to that next level. He's the real deal, but so am I, and this isn't the last time we're going to lock up. I'm going to get back to training, and working to improve everyday. No more tricks. You get the "Slam Master". Accept no substitutes.


Cade: I don't know. I had it I thought. I had the momentum. I had a fair referee calling it down the middle, Mayor Strong himself. I appreciate that he counted the pin, even when he didn't want to. That man is integrity personified. Umbra just had us all beat tonight I guess. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing. Try try try TRY again. *sigh*


w00t: Did you see what we did tonight? First, we took the Team Championships. Then, we expanded. We added Kinniku Mike, Jamie OD, and Magnum PT. A rogue's gallery to be sure, but they all understood where we were coming from. Pushes denied. Destinies blocked. We all said enough. How do you feel about us now? Are we just another "group" that you can easily discard? This is not like before. Never, in EBW's 13 years has this happened. The "Good Guys", the stalwarts, the very pillars of EBW lost at Rumble City, and they lost tonight at Victory Explosion. But go on, keep underestimating us. I know Ryan IQ will probably let this continue, cause "Faction Warfare" is a big draw in wrestling. It puts the butts in the seats as it were. That's going to be a mistake. We're NOT EBW. We're NOT loyal to the brand, not yet, not until it's OUR brand. A new EBW. A better EBW.


Swift: My prediction was PAIN, and you might as well call me the black Nostradamus, cause you're damn right I delivered! I'll give him his due. I beat that man bloody. I beat him black and blue. He JUST KEPT COMING! I had to choke him out. He wouldn't tap. He would NOT submit. He had to take a long nap. The "Bad Man" brought it, but he was never better than me. He was never a match for me. I remember, he used to want to be friends with me. I think he did that to people he was scared to face in the ring. Hey, I didn't sense fear tonight. He took his beating like a man. I will give him that, BUT he DID TAKE A BEATING! I was standing, and he had to be carried out. Oh, and nice try with the damn "swerve" Derek. We knew you were a punk ass faker the moment you approached us. Heh. Points for effort maybe? You still came up short.


Rains: What? You thought I was dead? How am I back? Condensation bitch! *cocks fist*



Amigo: Dorado Mask is great. The kid is really going to go places, I'll give him that. He spent a lot of time chasing the Hex Clan in Anahauc, so he wasn't ready for this. I'd be happy to give him a rematch down the line, when he gets a bit more experience. In the meantime, I plan on focusing on my wrestling. Truth is, I'm a pure athlete, and that's where I head at. Not trying to be flashy. No gimmicks. No bullshit. Just the best, pound for pound wrestler in the world. Put me anywhere on the card, I'll make it the match of the night. I plan to do two things. Eat sandwiches, and kick ass, and I'll never run out of sandwiches, so I'll just be doing both a lot....sometimes at the same time.


Christina Angel: Women's World Champion, World Tag Champion, Women's E1 Climax, and no the Television Championship. That's not just a triple crown to me, that's a Grand Slam if anything. That's an honor. It was great to win, but even better to be the one to dethrone Valarie Dorado. No, I was NEVER going to join Elevation. They wanted you to think I was. They wanted to play mind games. I don't play those games. I just beat them in the ring. That's what Angels do.


Benjamin: ...Not the outcome I was hoping for, but Camilo Ortega, IS one of the best. I'm not going to stop though. Too much at stake. I'll just have to grind a little bit, get some experience, and take my next challenge against him to a whole new level.


Erica: Hey, it doesn't matter that Valarie lost that belt. Don't discount us! It's happened too much before. We get lifted up, and treated like the next big thing, but as soon as we strike out on our own, wanting something bigger and better, we get dropped and forgotten! No! Not this time! I was brought in as M's protege remember!? Season 2 of the Ultimate EBW?! No one seems to remember, because the narrative chugs along, and NO ONE wants to look back at the past! Look back at the building blocks of the here and now! I was a part of it dammit! So was Valarie! We deserve better, and we WILL get what we deserve! These Trios Titles will not be leaving our waists anytime soon.


Trevor Mach: ...I want a chance to explain something that happened tonight, but before that I want to talk about what lead up to it. I spent weeks getting prepared, focusing on who I really am, and discarding the bullshit. Getting into shape and getting centered. Learning what it means to be a Father in a different way that I've experienced with Hope. It's been a lot for man such as myself to take in, but I did it all, because I was taking this dead serious. I challenged Swift to an endurance test, because I took him as seriously as a fucking heart attack! I wanted to fight Umbra! I wanted to stop this, because these guys ARE the real deal! I've fought WARS with them over the years, and they are REAL! So I soldiered into another war, and I didn't just do it because of the thrill. I did it, to keep EBW going in the direction it's going! Things are getting better and better, and the competition is at its peak right now. Bashin Dan and Jammer tore the roof off the place. I don't ever want to stand in the way of that. Sure, I want in on it personally, but who doesn't?! Locking up with those guys reminds us vets that we still have room to grow and a lot to learn. So, I try to be the nice guy even though I am the "Bad Man" and I fight the good fucking fight. They swarm me. They attack me as a group to open the match. Question. Where was MY back up? Nowhere to be found. If not for me, at least for EBW guys! What about the fans? I love you guys, but the incessant "Holy Shit" chants when they put me through a damn table were a little much! I wanted a one-on-one match with Swift, but I knew Umbra would want a piece, and I HOPED I'd get a little backup out there to even the odds. For as much respect as I have for you Dan, I have to say I'm disappointed. You're the GUY now! You ARE EBW! Where were you? Yeah, I get it, it sounds like I'm pissing and moaning about my loss. YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I AM! This was serious! This mattered! You don't even know how much yet. Derek, I thank YOU for sticking by my side. That plan didn't work, but you still tried. Where was everyone else? I know my buddies were in Zealstrailia, but that's what the private jet was for! My daughter, she won the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, and STILL made time to come back and see dear old Dad, and help me to the back when I unconscious. Tack, you're my brother, and I know the circumstances, so I'm cutting you slack. Everyone else, I'm feeling like you're not really getting the message here. Well, you're left me a lot to think about. I'm going to go. I'm going to go home, sit in a tub of ice, maybe get some MORE stitches, and figure out what I'm going to do next.


Bashin Dan: I don't really have a lot to say for once. I know people look to me for the big motivational speech, and they always come from the heart, I'm overwhelmed by what happened tonight. Another Victory Explosion. Another battle in the Dome. Tonight, I left with the Triple Crown World Championship, the highest honor for the men of Wrestling. Dan Club, I'm proud of you all for giving it your best. Jammer, thank you for the match, and you're friendship. They say blood is thicker than water, but the bond of tomodachi is just as powerful. You'll forever be my brother, no matter what. Now, I have something important to do, and no it's not play Battle Spirits....yet....we'll see what happens later.


Hope Mach: I just main evented Victory Explosion in Zealstrailia. I've never seen that many people in one place at one time, but they were all there, and they all saw me FINALLY get Troian, and tap her out. No disguising that loss. I beat you. The only other time I won the World Championship, the decision was overturned. It felt like a stain on my career, and I wondered if I'd ever get back to that point. I reached higher instead, and here I am. I promise to make the women's division the very best, and give you the wrestling action you want to see from a fighting champion. Furthermore I-

Bashin Dan: Hope.

Hope Mach: Dan? Congratulations on your win, but how did you get here so fast?

Bashin Dan: I know a guy, who knows a really rich girl with a submarine, but that's not important right now. What IS this.

Bashin Dan embraced Hope and gave her a kiss.

Bashin Dan: ...I love you Hope.

Hope Mach: ...I love you too Dan.

Liopleurodon: *sniff* I think it was my turn next, but I think I'll just stand over here and cry instead. *sniff* I knew those crazy kids could make it work. *sniff*

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:41 pm  #498

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Strike TV Control Center

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the late for Xcite guy of Wrestling, and we have breaking news! Please be patient with me, cause I've got to finish packing my stuff to get over to the arena! Why couldn't I just do this while I was THERE?! Anyways, Xcite is big enough tonight being the first show out of the gate of EBW's 14 year, but we've received news that the Triple Crown World Champion WILL be in action! Also, something that has just now been brought to our attention. A lot of the contracts in EBW expired after Victory Explosion, and like usual, the resigning process went smoothly....except for Trevor Mach. Apparently, he didn't sign his contract. What could that mean? I guess we'll find out when he wants us to know. Anyways, I have to the process of talking I already walked across the street to the arena. Heh...thank God I didn't get hit in the traffic. I wasn't paying attention!

EBW: Xcite "Year 14 Begins"

The show opened with a chorus of boos as Johnny Starbound made his way through the crowd to the ring. He ordered the lights dimmed, with one spotlight on himself.

Johnny Starbound: So, I could on and on about the travesty that was Victory Explosion. I could complain and bitch about not being on the card. I could wonder why Ryan IQ wouldn't want his main draw, his #1 STAR, his FUTURE on the biggest show of the year. I could think about just how gifted I am. I'm ripped. I'm agile. I can fly in that ring better than anyone. Do things the luchadors WISH they could. I can grapple. I can hit hard. I am everything a wrestler of this current era NEEDS to be. I could go back to wondering AGAIN why I wasn't on the card. We're going to stick a pin in that. We're going to move on. We're going to look forward, because I'm looking for MY Golden Opportunity. What do I mean by that? I mean-

Jammer: We know exactly what you mean. Where is Golvoth by the way? The Nord going to jump me if I go down there?

Johnny Starbound: He WAS on the card, and he lost, so we're done professionally. Simple as that. He can do what he wants, but I'm looking for bigger and better things.

Jammer: Oh yeah? The "Golden Opportunity"? You're talking about EBW Golden Week right?

Johnny Starbound: Absolutely. We all know how it goes. A week of special events, with The Golden Tournament deciding a #1 Contender for the Triple Crown World Championship. That's where I'm going. That's what I want. That's what I'm going to get.

Jammer: Not if I decide I want in. You haven't exactly had the best luck with me Starbound. Between the two of us, you truly thought you were the talent in the Thrillers? You thought you had the skill? The air time? No way man, that was the "Slam Master". I was close to winning last night. I was on the cusp. Closer than you have ever been. I want another shot. I'm going for it.

Bashin Dan: Why wait guys?

Jammer: Dan? What are you-

Bashin Dan: Jam, last night's match was an honor and a privilege. Starbound, you have also been a great rival. They said I could have this month off, and let the tournament decide my next challenger. I don't want to wait. I think tonight, the two of you should have a match, and the winner, gets a shot at me at The Golden. What do you say?

Jammer: As if you have to ask.

Johnny Starbound: Big mistake Dan. You're Gung-ho attitude is going to get you hurt, and short about three belts I'd say. Hope you're able to put up somewhat of a challenge Jam. You're looking busted up, while I'm fresh as a daisy.

Jammer: I may not be "fresh as a daisy", but I'll tell you what I am....I'M ON FIRE! YOU'RE ON STARBOUND!


Tommy Dukes: Wow, incredible stuff to open the show. Welcome to the beginning of EBW's 14 year! Yes, we're counting Havok as EBW. Shut up!

Nerma: Why are you breathing heavy and sweating?

Tommy Dukes: I just got here!

Nerma: Well drink some water, and let me take over. We cut now to Tack Tower in Saturn City with the Angel Family.

Tack Tower

Tack Angel: Are we on? We're live? Did they see me fix my wedgie? Well...they at least know about it now huh? *sigh* I have to make this brief, as the AI inside our new tower has fallen in love with me, and I'm trying really hard to deal with that right now too. Why haven't you seen any videos about that? She normally doesn't let the Lakitus in the Tower. Anyways, I wanted to assure everyone that my family is fine. Makoto was chased, but she wasn't hurt. So physically, we're all fine. Emotionally, we are NOT. Let me get serious for a minute here. I know I can be weird. I can be silly. I can be unconventional. I know that. I mean, I've been told those things about myself, and I trust the judgement of others. I mean, Tali could have been jo-moving on! You all know me though. When I put my heart into something, I give it everything I have. I do that for wrestling, and I do that for my family. w00t, you messed with both. I don't like to be mad. I don't like to be angry. I miss wrestling for the spirit of competition, without all the unnecessary hatred that comes with it these days. You're not leaving us much of a choice. I'm this close to snapping w00t. I'm that far away. And further more-

The feed cut out, and the cameras came back to the arena, where the entire Umbra group stood inside of the ring.

w00t: That didn't sound like an apology to me. Did it to you guys? I didn't hear one. Look, he's talking, but didn't back it up. I beat him at Victory Explosion. The fallen Ace. The man who was the entire driving force of this company for years! He's too domesticated now. He gorged himself on success, while the more skilled and far more intelligent languished. The proof of my excellence is there to see. I once ran EBW and we thrived. When Tack ran EBW, it cratered. In the ring, he's losing his touch. I've only gotten better. This is all rhetoric. Tack, I want my apology, and I want it next week. I want you in this ring, honoring the stipulation, or we go after another "Wife". That whole set up is a joke anyways, but you keep playing pretend. Let's reshift focus here. Last night, Umbra was victorious. We split up on the cards, made our moves, and we all found success. We've all been down roads like these before. Form a group, try to make a statement, and it blows up in our faces. The strategy was wrong, and the combinations were wrong. But you look at what that created. It lead to this. To Umbra, the shadow that will cover EBW and change it into what WE want! Money for us. Power for us. The matches we want. The belts we want. We will take it. We will take over. If you don't believe me, ask the victims we've already left in our wake. We're just warming up. I think-

Suddenly, the crowd picked up as Trevor Mach came down the ramp, and entered the ring with the whole Umbra group.

w00t: Well, THIS is unexpected!

Swift: Heh, look at you, back on your feet. You ready to go another round?

w00t: Hold on Swift. Maybe we have an opportunity here. What do you guys think? You see where I'm going with this?

Hotlanta: Yeah, I think I do.

Generator: He got a taste of what we felt right?

w00t: Exactly. You get it now right? You see what the EBW machine has done for years and years. Chews you up and spits you out. It took a little more time to get to you, but they all abandoned you, when you tried to stand up for them. You know what? Maybe we bury the hatchet. We could use a guy like you. Whether you realize it or not, or whether EBW realizes it or not, Umbra is taking over. That is a fact. You could be one of us. Swift, would you be alright with that?

Swift: ...You proved a lot last night. You showed heart. went in alone. We're not doing this shit alone anymore Mach. We're taking over, and we do that in FORCE! I had these guys watching MY back! What did you have? Huh?

Magnum PT: Can I say something? As a fellow 80's enthusiast, I've always had respect for you. You've been one of the pillars of this company, carrying it for years, and doing a damn good job. Where did it get you?

Trevor Mach: 80's guy huh? This is your cheap imitation me right? You get what you pay for. The REAL deal, might not be in your price range. But hey...I'll think about it. Then again...EBW....Umbra. Heh, maybe all of you....can kiss my ass.

Trevor Mach dropped the mic and walked away.

w00t: Well, where were we? So, as I was-

Derek Mach came out of the crowd and stepped into the ring with Umbra.

w00t: Machs coming out of the woodwork. What can we do for you? Want to join Umbra for REAL this time?

Derek Mach: Not a chance. I did what I did, because chaos always worked best for me. However, I didn't stab my family in the back...not this time. Being a father changes you. I'm not here for any of the old bullshit. I'm just here, because I owe Swift a punch in the mouth...or how about a match?

Swift: I just had an hour long war, and you expect a match with me tonight? Heh...of course you're on. You out of your damn mind? One Mach down, why not another one.

EBW: Xcite "Year 14 Begins"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Non-Title Singles: Amigo beat Kiva via Olympic Slam -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Incredible opener here! Amigo wasn't kidding. The new Anahauc National Champion is stealing the show with Kiva, and we've only gotten started. OLYMPIC SLAM! 1-2-3! Amigo with the win!
2. EBW Trios Championship: Erica(c)[o]/21st Century Foxx(c)/Sylvie(c) vs. Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Rose Mulligan ended in a No Contest
Nerma: Troian, Murasaki, and Ripper Jane are coming down! What are they doing here?! They're not apart of this! Attacking both teams! The ref is throwing this out obviously.
3. 8-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike/Jamie OD/Generator/Hotlanta[o] beat Bashin Dan/Cade/Liopleurodon/Benjamin[x] via Moonsault -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Bashin Dan, right after tearing down the house in the Dome, is leading the fight against Umbra here, but they might have underestimated what they were up against. Hotlanta with the Moonsault on Benjamin! 1-2-3! Dammit, Umbra with the win.
4. Singles: Swift beat Derek Mach via POUNCE x Blackhammer -> Pin
Nerma: This is one step away from a street fight! Derek looking a little rusty, but he's got Swift on the ropes. He's throwing him against the ropes, but HERE COMES THE POUNCE! 1-2-3! Swift beats Derek Mach!
5. #1 Contender Match: Jammer vs. Johnny Starbound ended in a Time Limit Draw
Tommy Dukes: Another top notch encounter with Jammer and Starbound! Jammer with the Slam Jam! Starbound rolled out of the way! Starbound with the 450 Splash! Jammer rolled out of the way! They're both back on their feet! Face to face, grinding foreheads! Wait! The time limit is expired! We didn't get a winner! They are demanding more time! Wait, here comes Bashin Dan.

Bashin Dan: You'll have to forgive me for not being here to see the match. I wanted to, but I was shaking off the beating I took earlier in the night. Looks like we didn't get a winner, but I have a GREAT idea. It will be me against Jammer AND Starbound in a LADDER MATCH, at EBW: The Golden!


Tack Angel: So long as men can breath and eyes can see, so long live this, and this gives life to thee. Wow...beautiful stuff. But, it's not as beautiful as.......SECTIONAL COUCHES!

A camera pulls back to reveal Tack, arms wide open, amidst several sectional couches.

Tack Angel: That's right, the Angel Family has joined in on the cutting edge of business, by opening up the first floor of Tack Tower for "Angel Sectionals"! When I was a little boy my grandmother bought me a new couch. Now, I hated her, but I LOVED sitting on things. However, upon gazing at it, I had to ask "where is the rest of it"? That's the first of many stories you are going to hear in this commercial. It's going to be looooong. WHAT IF....I told you, that where most people's couches end, YOURS could bend at a 90 degree angle and KEEP GOING! Impossible you say? Gaze upon my works and weep in joy! SECTIONALS! Long ago, an Emperor asked for a very large couch. One that would stretch to infinity! When they built it, he saw it and said "well that's not going to fit". So, they put a bend in it and built it.....IN SECTIONS! These couches are ALL guaranteed to be made....on EARTH! That's right, no space mumbo jumbo here. Made on the good ol' flat Earth! Furthermore I- I can't do this. Can we cut please?

Tack Tower

Amy: What's wrong Tack? That was really good. You were on a roll.

Tack Angel: I didn't know where that all came from!

Faris: It definitely wasn't on the cue card.

Tracy: This means we're keeping these couches doesn't it? All 100 couches?

Nani: They are comfy.

Tracy: ...Well that's true.

Iroha: I-

Christina Angel: Can it you! Dad, you look upset.

Tack Angel: Well daughter, wives, other daughters, pirates sitting on couches, obsessed AI watching over us, and somewhere....Penguin, I think w00t had a point about something. I am too domesticated. I mean look, right now I'm being carried over to you in this couch by the pirates. Please put me down. Thank you though. I appreciate the hard work. Look, we lost a Kingdom, and this isn't going to get it back. I need to be aggressive. I need to win, and win, and win. I need to topple Umbra, so EBW can get back to the business of helping us buy better crystal this time!

Amy: That's the man I married. Confident, brave, and for some reason, only wearing one shoe.

Tack Angel: ...I think I lost the other one in one of these couches.

Tracy: You were always at your best when gunning for the prize. Go get it stud.

Nami: We all believe in you.

Faris: You always have our support.

Makoto: Absolutely! Never give up!

Iroha: I-

Christina Angel: Dad, that's a great mindset. Where do we start?

Tack Angel: I think I need to find Trevor, talk him into coming back, and maybe show me a little bit of that darkness. In fact, I won't take NO for an answer!

Bad Dudes Dojo

Lady M's: No.

Tack Angel: What do you mean no? Why can't I come in?

Lady M's: Well, for one the baby is sleeping, and I desperately need that to continue for my sanity. Also, you're missing a shoe and that seems suspicious to me. Finally, I know you're looking for Trevor, and he's not here.

Tack Angel: He's not? I figured he'd be with his family if he was so burnt out on EBW's BC.

Lady M's: BC?

Tack Angel: Yeah...Bull Crap. Pardon the language.

Lady M's: Uh huh. Well he WAS here. Spent time with me and Aly, and Justice. He's not shutting us out....just all of you, and I say good for him. If you're not going to fight for yourselves, why should he?

Tack Angel: But I'm here to try and do that!

Lady M's: Well then, you figure it out then my friend. I'm going to go nap now and-

Justice Mach: WAAAAAAAA!!!!

Lady M's: ....*sigh*

Tack Angel: ...I think I'd better go.

Lady M's: Hey wait, I want to show you something. A new style I'm working on. It's Boopkun-do.

Tack Angel: Boopkun-do? What is-

Lady M's: BOOP!

M's booped Tack on the nose.

Tack Angel: Huh? Tali, I don't see how-

M's then quickly kicked the confused Tack between the legs.

Tack Angel: AAAAAHHHH!!!

Lady M's: See? It works. I'm a genius.

Tack Angel: NANDEEEE?

Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: It's Nerma in the Control Center today, and I'm joined by two new members of the EBW roster, looking to make 2019 their year. First, I'm joined by...uh...Mister Twister?

A man with wild, wind swept hair, googles, and frilly tasseled armbands and tights twirled into the room.

Mister Twister: That's right, I'm Mister Twister, and I'm blowing into EBW, and I'm coming right for you!

Nerma: Uh huh. It says here you fact....the son of a Twister, and a human mother?

Mister Twister: That is correct! Years ago, my father was killed by storm chasers, after they rammed a truck into him, containing a device that destroyed him! Moments before that though, the F5 had picked up a pregnant woman, who gave birth INSIDE of the tornado! That child was me! Mister Twister! AHAHAHAA!

Nerma: ....That's the plot of Twister. The movie Twister, you just recited the plot of that movie. Also, the father would still be the man that impregnated the woman. The tornado just caused early labor.

Mister Twister: WRONG! Twister is not JUST A MOVIE! It was a Documentary! My whole life, I trained to kill the one known as "The Extreme". I wanted to finish, what my father had started. Fate took him before I could. I needed a new goal. To prepare myself to one day hunt down and destroy Helen Hunt!

Nerma: ...I believe that you were born inside of a tornado. It would explain the brain damage. Moving on I guess...we have the "Invisible Wrestling" Stealth Vanyon? he here?

Stealth Vanyon: Indeed, I've been here this whole time, yet you can not see me, because I am INVISIB-

Nerma: Oh, you're hiding behind the desk. I see you. You're totally visible.

Stealth Vanyon: I am not! You can not comprehend me. I am transparent perfection!   

Nerma: No, I see you. You're shaved your eye brows. You're wearing flesh colored tights. That doesn't make you invisible. It just makes you look like a giant naked baby man.

Stealth Vanyon: Your eyes must be playing tricks on you. I can NOT be see-

Nerma: Whatever. Who hired these guys?! Noah? Yeah, why am I not surprised.


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: Hello EBW fans, Nerma here with some big updates for you in the Control Center! EBW is about to have it's annual Golden Week, and we're doing things a little differently this year, the event is going GLOBAL! Yeah, we're doing lots of expensive things lately. REASONS FOR THAT! I'll get to it! The National Champions that have recently been crowned will be headlining events in their respective countries, AND we'll seen qualifiers for The Golden Tournament. Also, EBW's Golden Week will see the return of the Killer Queen Tournament. A one night special event that will take the place of The Clash that week. To celebrate that special occasion we have the return of the "Tenrec" Gold!

Gold: I was on the shelf for a while, but gold still shines. I'm back, I'm healed, and I'm better than ever. Where was I injured? Heh, I bet you'd like to know that. I bet the other women would like to know that too. I intend to win this tournament, and Gold the Killer Queen will use that win to get back what belongs to here. Christina Angel, that Television Title is mine.

Nerma: Wow! She wants the TV title?! It was the title she won almost immediately after debuting. I guess it's historical in that sense, so why not go after it again.

Gold: It's plain and simple. That title is mine. That title is GOLD.

Nerma: She confident, she's ready, and she's back! Awesome. Now, back to just HOW we're able to do all of this. Ry Ry took the damn money. What do I mean by that? The oil barons of Scaraba have shelled out a couple million to host a show in the newly built Scaraba Dome. At first, we weren't going to do it. They are really really bad when it comes to like....stoning....and beheading...and killing anyone they don't agree with. Then we realized that's basically Eagleland now too with a bunch of whiny bitches throwing a 3 year long hissy fit, so WHY NOT take the money! Whatever, we're doing it apparently! The Scaraba Dome will play host to the event "The Golden" where Bashin Dan will defend against Jammer and Johnny Starbound in a 3-Way Ladder Match for his Triple Crown World Championship. We'll also see the Semi-Finals, and the Finals of The Golden Tournament. We're spoiling you people, so try to act normal when you see females that are walking around covered in bed sheets alright? What Steve? They have really dick policies! What? No, I'm not wearing a burka. Screw em, I'm going anyways! Listen, I-


EBW: The Golden
Scaraba Dome, Scaraba
Strike TV+

1. The Golden Tournament Semi-Finals:
2. The Golden Tournament Semi-Finals:
3. EBW Triple Crown World Championship:
4. The Golden Tournament Finals: TBD vs. TBD

Tommy Dukes: Are we back? Tommy Dukes here, the filling in for his wife guy of Wrestling. She IS right you know? I'm just saying. People bitch about "rights" and shit here, try doing anything over there. Steve, they aren't watching! They don't get Strike TV! I can say whatever I want! What? It airs on a different channel there? It literally is live right now? Oh....well....uh....GOTCHA! No, we totally love Scaraba! Can't wait to go! But hey, we've got some big news for THIS WEEK! A very special Xcite, which will see the WEDDING FOR CHRISTINA ANGEL AND SUBCUL-

Tack Tower

Tack spit his drink at the screen, grabbed Amy's drink and spat it at the screen, grabbed Nani's drink and spat it at the screen, grabbed Makoto's drink and spit it at the screen, grabbed Tracy's drink and spat it at the screen, grabbed Faris's drink and spat it at the screen, grabbed Iroha's drink and stopped...

Tack Angel: Wow, this is really good. What is it?

Iroha: Tea with lemon and honey.

Tack Angel: Delightful. Wait...what was I....OH YEAH! *spits* WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!?

Amy: Tack, this has been planned for weeks now. You were there at the family meeting. Subculture buried the hatchet, and said that he found it much easier to get along with the family when he didn't have to travel with you so much.

Faris: To be fair, Tack didn't look to be paying attention.

Tracy: The knucklehead was catatonic! Haha, come on hubby, this is awesome news. Our little girl...who isn't that little compared to getting MARRIED!

Makoto: It's very exciting. She said we could go dress shopping together, get some ice cream, and just have a big girl's day out. She's reaching out.

Iroha: She didn't invite me though.

Nani: Nor will she.

Iroha: Awwww.

Amy: Tack, I thought you would be happy about this. Just a few months ago you couldn't wait to get him into the family.

Tack Angel: Actually...I was overdoing it on purpose. I changed tactics, and tried to freak him out. It was totally working too.

Amy: Love conquers all.

Tack Angel: ...Love can be stupid sometimes.

Amy: You don't mean that.

Tack Angel: No...I guess not. But seriously.....WHY SUBCULTURE!?

Tracy: Tack, you broke the television with all that spitting.


The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, and welcome to The Clash! I'm the announcer guy of Wrestling, joined by my wife Nerma. Wait....are you really Nerma?

"Nerma": ....So even YOU can tell now? I MUST be losing my touch.

Tommy Dukes: Huh?

Troian: No, I'm obviously not your wife. I'm way out of your league. I must have slipped up a little in the makeup process. I'm a little PISSED you see! I lost the Women's Championship. I lost it to Hope Mach of all people. The little "Princess" of the Women's Division. What a priviledged life. I've been spending my time learning everything there is to know about everyone, and learning to mimic it, and sometimes, even do it better. Whatever, I can get it back. All I need is a rematch, but I don't GET a rematch do I?! Bullshit! I have to win the Killer Queen Tournament to get a title shot? Fine. But, then I hear Gold thinks SHE is going to win. I hear that I have to open THIS show, and win JUST to get into the tournament?! Heh. It's funny how things work around here. I recently got an offer. I think I'm going to accept it.

Tommy Dukes: What do you mean by that?

Troian: Don't worry about it now. Just watch me kick Iroha's ass!

Tommy Dukes: Seeing her dressed like Nerma....why boner? Why?

Ryan IQ: Whoa! Put that away at work Dukes!

Tommy Dukes: Boss?! What's up!?

Ryan IQ: Well, I'm excited to announce that I sent Trevor Mach a new contract with a larger offer, and it's set to show up anytime now! Hopefully, before the show is over, I can make it official that Trevor Mach is STILL with EBW!

Tommy Dukes: Exciting stuff! Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Women's Singles: Troian beat Iroha via TikTak -> Pin
Nerma: Troian, playing this out like Tracy, trying to make it even worse for Iroha! She hits the TikTak! 1-2-3!

Tommy Dukes: Is that really you Nerma?

Nerma: Yes? What's with the boner?

Tommy Dukes: ...Happy to see you?

2. Singles: Mister Twister beat Shark #1 via F5 -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: He just keeps spinning....and spinning....and spinning...and TORNADO DDT from Mister Twister! I'm dizzy. I feel like I'm going to throw up! F5 and the pin! Mister Twister with an impressive debut!
3. Singles: Vjhearson Golvoth beat Stealth Vanyon via Count Out
Nerma: I think...I think he thinks we can't see him still. He's not getting into the ring. The referee is...yep he's counted him out. Why is acting shocked! WE SEE YOU! Bad debut. Absolutely awful. WEARING ALL BLACK DOESN'T MAKE YOU INVISIBLE!
4. EBW Anahauc National Championship: Amigo(c) vs. Los Tiburon ended in a No Contest
Tommy Dukes: Another excellent encounter from our Anahauc National Champion, who is going to be heading to Anahauc for- HEY...WHAT ARE YOU-GET OFF ME!

Kinniku Mike: Haha! Look at that, Amigo is main eventing the studio show. I'm SOOOOO proud. AHAHA!

Jamie OD: Oi! My weaker counterpart retired when he realized what he was up against. I don't think Amigo got the message. Want to give him the beating he deserves?

Kinniku Mike: Are you kidding me? Start that feud again? No, I'm above that. These STRONG TITS are done messing with that wanna be scrub loser.

Jamie OD: So we're NOT going to have their heads kicked in?

Kinniku Mike: Oh, I didn't say that. Go get em fellas! OH! Look at that! We got Umbra out in FORCE! Magnum PT, Eagleland's champ, Hotlanta, and Generator putting the beat down on EBW! This is what you have to offer? We WERE the best of EBW, but we're better off doing our own thing as you can see.

Jamie OD: When we take over, you'll be thanking us.

Ryan IQ: Hey! You guys need to get out of here!

Kinniku Mike: You going to stop us yourself?! Hey, what's that? Mach's contract? Why is it shredded? Is THAT the response?! AHAHA! That guy is sick of you too. You don't stand a chance! Uuuuuu!!!

Ryan IQ: ...Yeah...uuuu....*sigh*...


Outside of Zombie U

The Angel Bus pulled up to the arena, with a weary Tack being lead out by the wives...

Amy: Now Tack, today is a special day. You should be happy.

Tack Angel: ....

Makoto: Christina is happy. We need to be supportive!

Tack Angel: ....Why here? Why now? Why Subcu-

Subculture: You keep asking that! If you don't know why by now, you're not going to get it ever! We're doing it here, because Zombies don't eat wedding cake, and we're doing this now because we love each other!

Tack Angel: ...Is your mother going to be here? I hope so...because I want to meet her....and shove you back in!

Amy: TACK!

Tack Angel: I'm sorry, I didn't know where that came from!

Subculture: *sigh* I'm going to take care of your daughter. I'm going to be a good husband to her. You need to trust in that alright? It's the only way you're going to get through this.

Tack Angel: ...

Nerma: Nerma here, and I'm coming up onto the Angel Family, who are going to have a big night tonight! Hey Subculture, you excited about this?

Subculture: You bet I am.

Nerma: How was the bachelor party?

Subculture: Huh....I'm surprised they asked you to interview me about that.

Nerma: Well, I was SUPPOSED to interview Christina, but I think Tommy and I got our assignments mixed up? Anyone seen him?

Tack Angel: ...No, I didn't, but did see a zucchini that looked a lot like a cucumber, and I thought, whoa, that could really mess up dinner.

Nerma: Huh?

Faris: He's still in shock. He can't believe the big day has arrived. He's so happy about it.

Nerma: .....

Faris: Alright, so he's not. I can pretend to be a guy, but I'm not the best liar.

Nerma: Wait what?

Subculture: Look, I was going to ask Trevor to be my best man, but since he's not returning calls...

Tack Angel: Wait, you want ME to be your best-

Subculture: Firebrand X, will you be my best man?

Firebrand X: Well, I did rent a tux.

Amy: Was he on the bus with us?

Subculture: Thank you Firebrand. Should we...uh...chest bump?

Firebrand X: That's unacceptable for me.

Subculture: ...Subtle fist bump?

Firebrand X: ...I can swing that.

Tack Angel: Oh sure...don't ask me.

Subculture: ...Well you see, I was going to ask my....*sigh* future Father in law, if he would be the Reverend for the event.

Tack Angel: Really? You really want that?

Subculture: Christina and I talked about it, and ....yeah we-

Tack Angel: Not a chance. Sorry Christina, NOT SORRY to YOU!

Subculture: Alright...Plan B.

Father Sergio: I will do it, and I will make you proud.

Amy: He was on the bus too? I thought Tiburon was. Oh well. Come on Tack, let's go give away our daughter.

Women's Locker Room



Back outside of Zombie U

Randy no Kachi: They're here! This is our chance!

LG Rod: We got our shot. We'll win the titles and finally pass on! Let's do this! Randy and Rod!

Randy no Kachi: Rod and Randy! We're both dead, and we think that's dandy!

EBW: Xcite "The Wedding of Subculture and Christina Angel"

The marriage episode opened with the Paradise City set in the ring, as Sal came out with a bunch of lady in escorting him to the ring...not the kind you pay extra to get a handy J...

Sal Paradise: Welcome to Paradise City! How you like the ladies fellas....and M's? It's a special night, and I wanted to interview the couple myself....but they said.....well they said no. So then I was like "I'm going to get the scoop on this Trevor Mach situation", so I texted him. The text I got back....well I can't repeat it out loud right now. So, I guess that means-

Swift: It means you get US!

Sal Paradise: Oh....uh oh.

Generator: Yeah, uh oh is right Sally boy. Move over.

Hotlanta: Umbra in the house. Casting our shadow on Paradise City.

Sal Paradise: Are you in a house or a city? Make up your mind on the allegories.

Hotlanta: ....

Sal Paradise: Alright, I'll...uh...let you guys do your thing.

Swift: Don't we just have a pretty picture tonight? A sweet. Now, I know what you're all thinking. They're going to interrupt the wedding. They're going to stop them from saying their vows. That cake is doomed! You're thinking that right? We've got more important shit to deal with. Dominating in this ring here, cause that's the shit we do! We've got other plans, ain't that right boys?

Hotlanta: You know it, but we're biding our time. The Hot One and Mr. High Voltage are picking our spots. What about you big guy. What are you planning?

Swift: Well, I've got a bit of a reputation the last couple weeks. They're calling me the "Mach Hunter". Now, we gave Mach a shot to join us, and that offer is still open. I mean, he's not here tonight, cause he's probably sick to death of the EBW bullshit. However, I don't mind the moniker...not one bit. Derek Mach, I took care of him, and tonight....I'm just waiting on-

Dougie Mach: HEY! I have a bone to pick with you asshole!

Swift: There he is. You got the invite.

Dougie Mach: You send pictures of Trevor bloody. You send pictures of Derek laid out. You tell me if I don't show up something might happen to my cousin Heather or Trevor's kid Hope? The hell is your problem?

Swift: I just needed one more Mach to check off the list, and you're the guy.

Dougie Mach: Heh, you know sometimes I hate them all, but they are my family, and that connection is stronger than the bullshit. If you wanted a match, all you had to do was ask.

Swift: I don't ask for shit Dougie! I demand! I demand this ring get cleared out NOW! Let's do this!

EBW: Xcite "The Wedding of Subculture and Christina Angel"
Zombie U, Threed
Strike TV

1. Singles: Swift beat Dougie Mach via POUNCE!
Tommy Dukes: Damn, Dougie is outclassed here. Hotlanta and Generator are laughing from the outside. Despicable! Dougie is in there fighting for his family and-POUNCE! Never mind all that! 1-2-3! Swift with another Mach taken!
2. Women's 3-Team Tag: Murasaki/Ripper Jane[o] beat 21st Century Foxx/Sylvie[x] and Tracy/Nani via Hell Claw -> Submission
Nerma: Nani and Tracy have to have their minds of the wedding later, but they're still battling it out for the right to challenge for the titles held by the Sunset Riders! Wait! Ripper Jane has that Hell Claw locked into Sylvie! She's not wasting time! She's IMMEDIATELY tapping out! Guess she doesn't want her good looks spoiled huh?
3. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c) beat Randy no Kachi/LG Rod[x] via GTPK -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Not sure HOW they got this title shot, but the Undead Heel Besties are obviously the local favorites. Listen to those place popping zombies. It's mostly's weird. They're fighting to move on, which technically means we know that the afterlife is a thing, and yet no one ever seems to bring that up.'s weird. Umbra on the offense! OD with the GTPK on Rod! 1-2-3! Titles defended, and the Undead Heel Besties remain in the mortal plane until possibly the next time we come to Threed. I have no idea.
4. Non-Title Singles: Bashin Dan beat Vjhearson Golvoth via Victory Roll -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Amazing! Dan, our Ace, our Triple Crown World Champion, accepted this match on short notice, but he's really taking it to the big Nord. It's a real Davi-

Nerma: Don't say it. Don't call it a David vs. Goliath anything! It's tired! It's been done! Stop it!

Tommy Dukes: Sorry! We've got Jammer and Johnny Starbound BOTH watching the action. Wait...what was that?

Nerma: What?

Tommy Dukes: Nothing...I thought I just....well I thought I just saw Trevor Mach in the stands, but I can't see him now. Wait, it could've been that guy with the mullet. Hard to say.

Nerma: Can we refocus?

Tommy Dukes: Sorry again! Golvoth has our Champion in the air with the big mit, but Dan's escaping! He's turned it into a Victory Roll?! How did he-1-2-3! He did it! Bashin Dan beat the big man! It was truly David triumphing over Goli-

Nerma: THAT'S IT!

Tommy Dukes: WIFE NO!

After the match...

Tommy Dukes: Dan! It's Tommy, the hiding from his wife guy of Wrestling, and I wanted to talk to you about that match!

Bashin Dan: I'd love to, as it was a great challenge, and I'm better because of it, BUT this isn't my night or my time. I have to get into a tux. Hope is waiting for me. I get to be one of the groomsmen!

Tommy Dukes: Great...that doesn't help me with my problems....but great.

Nerma: HEY!

Tommy Dukes: AH!

Nerma: Guess what?

Tommy Dukes: WHAT?!

Nerma: I love you.

Tommy Dukes: Awwww...

Nerma: See? All better. Let's take it to the ring....but this time...for a wedding!

Wrestlers dressed up for the big occasion, and the ropes were removed from the ring. In mere minutes the center of the arena looked like a chapel. Then, Firebrand X and Bashin Dan joined Subculture as he walked down the aisle. Tack Angel tried to trip him, but Amy put a stop to that. Then, the music played. Christina Angel, made her way to the ring, in a flowing white gown. Tack was immediately taken aback by what he was seeing, and all his anxiety left him. Everyone was smiling, as Christina joined Subculture in the ring.

Father Sergio: Life is a funny thing. We never know what to expect. Who knows when or where we'll find the person we're meant to be with. For some people, they find multiple persons they are supposed to be with. Others, find the person they are supposed to be with, and yet conceive a child with another person, and the other person is totally cool with it. things the traditional way, but that never seems to be the case in EBW. Still, I see you too together...and it feels right. If you would please exchange your rings, while you give your vows.

Subculture: Christina, I call myself a street dog, because I always had to fight like a dog for anything I wanted. changed that. You changed me. You made me care. You made me realize what is most important in life. You showed me things about myself, I didn't know existed. I'm forever grateful. I love you, and I promise, I'll spend my whole life, trying to repay you, for all you've done for me.

Christina Angel: When I first met you, it was in another time and another life. You were older, and I didn't much care for you to be honest. But, then I came here, and I met the man you are now, and the man you could've been then. I've seen nothing but greatness in you, and you overcame a lot to open up your heart. I mean, you have my Dad staring into you right now, trying to telepathically make you black out. It's alright, he's not far as I know. You have my Mom....and the rest....and Iroha who wasn't invited, just waiting to make you a member of this extended and weird family of ours. You have a little version of me sitting over there, and that's just weird if you think about it too much.

Subculture: I always try not to.

Christina Angel: I think Uncle Trevor is here too. I hope he is. In any case, it's a weird family. A crazy life I live. I wouldn't want to share it with anyone but you.

Father Sergio: Subculture, do you take Christina to be your wife?

Subculture: I do.

Father Sergio: Christina, do you take Subculture to be your husband?

Christina Angel: I do.

Father Sergio: If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Christina Angel: Dad, don't even THINK about it!

Tack Angel: *sigh*

Father Sergio: Then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

The two kissed, making it official, as the crowd and wrestlers in attendance cheered. A figure in the shadows walked away as confetti rained from the sky. The Angel Family were in the tears, Tack most of all. Suddenly...

w00t: Well well well, that was a lovely ceremony, I must say.

Tack Angel: w00t!

w00t: Tack, I'm STILL waiting on that apology. You lost the match. Fair is fair.

Tack Angel: Not here! Not now!

Amy: I thought you all said you were not going to interrupt the ceremony!

w00t: How kind of you to trust what Swift said. Don't worry, we kept our word. We didn't stop the ceremony, though I bet Tack wishes we did.

Tack Angel: ...A part of me maybe?

w00t: We're here AFTER the ceremony, to cast a shadow over EBW once again. I'd like to introduce our newest members, and get that whole person going into the cake thing out of the way. Introducing-

Suddenly, Troian, Murasaki, and Ripper Jane hit the ring, attacking the ladies. When Subculture tried to pull them off of Christian and Hope, w00t ran in to hit the wKo, knocking him out. Tack came in to try and get involved and ate a wKo as well, knocking him out, surprisingly effectively. The chapel setting was torn apart, with the newest members of Umbra spray painting everything in dark colors. A camera cut to Generator, Hotlanta, and PT up in the rafters, killing the lights above the ring, casting a literal shadow to close out the show.

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:41 pm  #499

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Ryan IQ's Office

Liopleurodon: What do you mean I can't be called the Liopleurodon?!

Ryan IQ:'s exactly as I said. You can't be called the Liopleurodon.

Liopleurodon: Can I ask why?

Ryan IQ: Yes, you can.

Liopleurodon: .....WHY?!

Ryan IQ: Ah yes, well, it's difficult to pronounce, and it's harder to spell. We can't make merch out of it. No one knows what that is.

Vapetrain: Well this sucks! Wait, it's already taken effect! How did you do that?! I don't want this name anymore!

Ryan IQ: Mudslide then?

Mudslide?: Even more no!

Ryan IQ: Well, let's think about this, what made you change your name in the first place? You started Vaping, and you were immersed in the Vape Experience.

Vapetrain: Wait, what did you just say?

Ryan IQ: I said, you were immersed in the Vape Experience.

Vapetrain: The Vape Experience. I like that. I'm The Vape Experience.

Ryan IQ: What? Hey, where are you going? Oh well, that got sorted out.


?: They doubt you now. You lost your way.

Vjhearson Golvoth: ...

?: You lost to the overweight balding fat man in tights, and then to Bashin Dan. You are wasting your potential. Your size and strength, can be put to better use.

Vjhearson Golvoth: ...

?: Join me in the light. Walk the path, and be at my right hand when I rule over everything.

Vjhearson Golvoth: ...What do I have to do?

Camilo Ortega: You must be taught...about God's love.

Tack Tower

The Angel Family stood outside of the Tower as Christina and Subculture finished packing their car.

Amy: I can't believe my little girl, who I only met as a big girl, and have another one of, is married! I just can't believe it!

Tracy: We've got the scars to prove it happened.

Nani: Vengeance will be swift.

Makoto: It was w00t that did it, not Swift.

Nani: Nani?

Makoto: Yes, that's you?

Iroha: Christina, I hope that now we can put everything behind us and-

Christina Angel: We can't.

Iroha: Oh.

Faris: You seem ready to set sail on your honeymoon. I do hope you have a good time.

Subculture: Thanks. We can use a vacation before things get really hectic.

Tracy: Tacky my Tacky, you want to say something to your daughter and son-in-law?

Tack Angel: Christina, I love you, and I'm so proud of you. Subculture, I begrudgingly admit I lost this battle...but the will never end.

Subculture: Yikes.

Christina Angel: We'll see you all for The Golden.

Amy: still have our last name. Aren't you taking Subbie's last name?

Christina Wilson: Oh yeah, consider it done.

Subculture: That was fast. I'd really rather you just kept yours though. I don't even use my last name.

Christina Angel: Oh alright then!

Tack Angel: *sigh* This is...what it is, and I will support you the best that I can. Would you like me to help you move into Subculture's when we're all back in the city?

Christina Angel: Actually Dad, I've been living with Subbie for a couple months.

Tack Angel: WHAT?!

Subculture: Gotta go!


Amy: Tack, take a deep breath, and look over there.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Tack turned to see his young children playing together.

Helios Angel: What's gravity?

Kid Christina: I don't know.

Helios Angel: How does light move?

Kid Christina: I don't know.

Helios Angel: If the Earth is flat, why doesn't the water fall off?

Kid Christina: I don't know.

Helios Angel: Is it ok if I ask you all this stuff?

Kid Christina: Sure! How else are you going to learn.

Tack Angel: Heh...we have some great kids. Christina doesn't need me anymore, but they sure do....them and the pirates....and Penguin...and the Tower AI....and you wives of course...and I think we had an assistant at some point? Does Heather still work for us?



The Vape Experience was walking backstage when he was suddenly bumped into by a giggling little man with a bandit mask over his eyes and a shoddy trench coat.

Vape: Whoa! Sorry sir. Hey wait, what happened to my name! I'm The Vape Experience!

?: Hehehe, not anymore you're not! The people have spoken and they didn't like it! That's when they call me The Name Bandit! Teeheeheehee! I take away the extra parts of your name, leaving you with only a single name! AHAHAHA!

Vape: Monster! That's hardly marketable! Get back here! Come back! Dang it!

Vape was downtrodden, and wandering backstage, when he noticed Vjhearson Golvoth in a blindfold, on his knees where Camilo Ortega pacing back and forth behind him.

Camilo Ortega: God's so beautiful, but you must experience pain. You must know the way he felt, when sacrificed all for us. Pain is enlightening. It shows up the path, and keeps us on it.

Vjhearson Golvoth: I don't like this idea as much the more you talk about pain.

Camilo Ortega: Do not question the path.

Vjhearson Golvoth: I feel like I'm questioning the path.

Camilo Ortega: ....Pity. I needed complete compliance.

Camilo was about to attack Golvoth with the hammer and in his hand, when Vape got in the way.

Vape: Stop it! Don't hurt him! Not like that! Why is a supposed man of God about to attack with a hammer?

Vjhearson Golvoth: You were going to attack me with a hammer?!

Camilo Ortega: I was going to use the hammer with these nails.

Vjhearson Golvoth: You were going to crucify me?! Holy shit! I'm out!

Camilo Ortega: Reaching your potential was moments away. Now look at you, being saving by the man that humiliated you.

Vjhearson Golvoth: He is a fellow Nord, and he fought well at Victory Explosion. He deserved to win that time.

Vape: Oh....thank you?

Vjhearson Golvoth: Whatever path you're on, I will pass. Now, I suggest you leave before I throw you through a wall.

Camilo Ortega: Heh. You're a big man, the biggest in EBW that much is true. However, I know Judo, the art of taking down the supposed monsters that should be able to make quick work of me. Just try it.

Johnny Starbound: Better yet, why don't we team up and take them both on.

Vape: Starbound:?

Camilo Ortega: What is any of this to you ?

Johnny Starbound: I need more action to get ready for The Golden. You'd do well to ally yourself with the future Triple Crown World Champion. Plus, Golvoth already proved he was useless to me. It's time to remind him of that.

Golvoth: Bastard. I accept your challenge. I will team with Vape against you.

Vape: You will? This match is happening? Hey, I was supposed to be in a tag match in the main event too. I was LOOKING for a partner.

Golvoth: We'll do that too. We'll take them all on fellow Nord.

Vape: You're the only one who even realizes where I'm from.

Camilo Ortega: We will be in the ring.

Johnny Starbound: Good luck you worthless fat asses! AAHAHAHA!

Golvoth: Are you ready for this?

Vape: A team up of the greatest big men in EBW?! It's epic. We need a cool ass name though. I'm thinking "The Nord Experi"-

Golvoth: I'd rather not.

Vape: Right.....WAIT! I GOT IT! The "RagnaRockers"!

Golvoth: Now that...befits warriors such as us. Let us go Vape.

Vape: Right Golvoth. Wait...where did your first name go?

Golvoth: Huh?



EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Tag: Vape/Golvoth beat Johnny Starbound/Camilo Ortega via Count Out
Tommy Dukes: We're witnessing the formation of an amazing unit here. The RagnaRockers! How did they get matching tassels and tights so fast!? Wait, what is this? Ortega and Starbound are just walking off! The crowd is letting them have it. Yeah, they're taking the cowards way out here, with the Count Out loss. The RagnaRockers win!
2. Singles: Mister Twister beat Nosan via F5 -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: .....Finger of God.
3. Singles: Los Tiburon beat Stealth Vanyon via Brainbuster -> Pin
Nerma: Stealth Vanyon, laying in the ring, acting like we can't tell he's there. YOU IDIOT! TIBURON CAN SEE YOU! He's planking as Tiburon picks him up! Are you still acting like a piece of the ring?! MORON! Brainbuster and the pin!
4. Tag: Vape[o]/Golvoth beat Shark #1/Shark #2[x] via Top Rope Splash -> Pin
Dukes: Look out Tag Division! The RagnaRockers are....wait....oh no you don't! Give that back!

The Name Bandit: AH!

Tommy Dukes: Don't try it again!


w00t was pacing back and forth, when a figure entered the room...

w00t: You kept me waiting. I don't like to wait.

Noah Jennings: Sorry, I got here as soon as I could.

w00t: I hear you want to join us.

Noah Jennings: That's right I do. I see the writing on the wall, and I want to back the winning team. You know me, and you know what I can bring to the table.

w00t: So you like to mention.

Noah Jennings: I've even got an idea for you. The name Umbra, people don't get it. They are too stupid to figure out what you're doing. You need something that says, we ARE going to take over EBW. So many groups come and go, they do some damage, but they don't take over. WAR was the closest, but all that lead to was the formation of Havok. You need something simple, so the stupid viewers will get it. You also need to make it clear what your intentions are. To me it's simple. "EBW: Dark".

w00t: put some thought into it. Tell me though, what do you really know about us huh? Do you really know what it's like to be us, to languish like we did, and realize what we had to do about it? you just want to use us to get back into a position of power.

Noah Jennings: Power I have, but-

w00t: You're a lackey, and I've always felt, a very cheap imitation of me. I'm better than every way. We have no use for you.

Noah Jennings: Oh...oh I see...well....

w00t: What? Not going to get mad? Not going to ask if I "Know who you are"?

Noah Jennings: I would, but I'm aware that this dark room in full of people ready to strike.

w00t: And nothing you do or don't do, is going to change that Noah. Get ready. Here it comes.

Kinniku Mike, Magnum PT, Jamie OD, Generator, and Hotlanta jumped out to attack Noah, beating him bloody.

Troian: He did have one good idea though didn't he?

Troian came out of the shadows and kissed w00t.

w00t: That he did my dear. The name. He had that right. Lakitu...I know you're watching. Zoom in on my face. Let's do it. Let's make this clear. We plan on taking over EBW, and casting a shadow over those who get in our way. We ARE darkness if you want to get right down to it. Umbra is too smart for you. Let's go with something...."marketable" We ARE EBW: Dark.


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: Nerma here, the not Tommy Dukes of Wrestling, though I guess it's Nerma Dukes...but I'd rather not. We've got Golden Week up next, and already it's looking to be the biggest Golden Week yet! We start off with a Golden Xcite, that will see several titles on the line, and a special ceremony to crown an "Inter-National" Champion. What do I mean by that? Well, Tack Angel is going to love this idea. We're replacing the National Championships with medals, that the National Champions will fight over for the right to all four, which they will then place in the brand new Inter-National Championship belt. Eh? Eh? Yeah, it's totally a good idea. That doesn't mean the titles will always be unified, but it will be up to the Champion to keep them all unified. It's allegory for world peace or something dumb like that? I don't know Other than a Golden Xcite, we can also announce a special event held by the Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan at his Dojo/Card Playing whatever you call it, that will see Tack Angel, Firebrand X, and Subculture reunite for the final chapter of the Elite 4....for the last time...this time? How long can you milk the end of a stable? Also, the annual Killer Queen Tournament, with the matches yet to be announced. Check it out!

EBW: Xcite "Golden Week Day 1"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Eagleland National Championship vs. EBW Anahauc National Championship: Magnum PT(c) vs. Amigo(c)
2. EBW Trios Championship: Erica(c)/21st Century Foxx(c)/Sylvie(c) vs. Troian/Murasaki/Ripper Jane
3. EBW Edo National Championship vs. EBW Zealstrailia National Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Rains(c)
4. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championships: Lainey Strong(c)/Calamity Jane(c) vs. Tracy/Nani
5. EBW Team Championship: Swift(c)/w00t(c)[o]/Hotlanta(c)/Generator(c) vs. Los Tiburon/Kiva/El Mago/Dorado Mask
6. EBW Inter-National Championship Decision: TBA vs. TBA

EBW: Brave "Golden Week Day 2"
Battle Spirits Dojo, Saturn City
Strike TV+

1. Non-Title Tag: Vape/Golvoth vs. Kinniku Mike/Jamie OD
2. Women's Non-Title Singles: Hope Mach vs. Makoto
3. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer/Cade vs. Tack Angel/Firebrand X/Subculture

EBW: Killer Queen Tournament "Golden Week Day 3"
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
Strike TV+


Outside of the Renegade Arena

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the Golden Boy of Wrestling, and it's Golden Week! The best time of the year if you ask me. We get a huge week of wrestling, where just about anything can happen....within reason...cause it's mostly already booked. But hey look here, we have THE EBW Triple Crown World Champion here tonight. What are doing here? You were given the night off.

Bashin Dan: I don't take nights off like tonight. It's Xcite, and I want to soak up the action, feel the energy, and use it to propel me through the week.

Tommy Dukes: That's right, you have a lot on your plate, with your very own show taking place in your Dojo before defending the Triple Crown against Jammer and Johnny Starbound at "The Golden". Exciting stuff.

Bashin Dan: Yeah, I was given the opportunity because guys like Tack Angel and Trevor Mach were given the same opportunities when they held the World Championship. I personally requested the match against 3 of the 4 members of the Elite 4, because I still see them as this amazing team, and wall I have to break through. The sheer magnitude of what they've done for this sport is overwhelming. All former World Champions. All of them! I wish it were all four. I would like for Trevor Mach to show up, so we could tear the house down with the match we promised each other, but I understand he isn't contracted to EBW anymore. That is a shame, but still, I'm hyped for this week. I'm hyped beyond hyped for the match. I'm even more hyped for my title defense! The best of the best of the best, trying to climb the ladder for the ultimate prize. It does NOT get more exciting! Can you feel it? I can feel it! YEAH!

Tommy Dukes: Well these screaming fans sure feel it. Seriously guys, lower the volume a little bit. I mean this guy is yelling directly into my ear. Before that he was whispering some very angry things. Some very angry sexual things. Could you step back please? Thank you. So yeah, we have a big night tonight, so you'd better get your seat Dan the Man! Tonight, the National Champions clash for the right to be the Inter-National Champion. Four titles represented by one belt, with four medals that lock into it to symbolize what makes it so special. The first Inter-National Champion will have his hands full. Wrestlers from all over will be challenging not just for the title itself, but the four medals that comprise it. To be a TRUE Inter-National Champion, the title holder will have to travel the world if necessary, just to keep the title whole. However, I'm told it-

Johnny Starbound: Has nothing to do with me, so I don't care.

Tommy Dukes: Well rude, but alright. Starbound, you're not-

Johnny Starbound: Booked? Yeah, no shit. However, I go where those three titles go. Plus, how could I deny these people my presence. They would miss me too much.

Tommy Dukes: ...They're booing. They're obviously booing. You hear this. I know you do.

Johnny Starbound: Shut up Dukes. Don't worry everyone, I will make up for the injustice of not competing at Victory Explosion. I WILL become the Triple Crown World Champion. Just hang in there for another week. Yeah, I'm booing having to wait that long myself. See you all in there. Haha....just kidding....I'll be looking through usual. *wink*

Tommy Dukes: ...Is Jammer anywhere? Does he want to complete this trio? What Steve? He's in training? Well good. I'm glad we're not getting anymore interrupt-

The screen suddenly cut out. It looked like it cut to black entirely, but an image started stirring in the darkness.

w00t: That's not all we're getting tonight. I want my apology Tack. At this point, it's about the principle. EBW: Dark, we're building ourselves on principles here, to show everyone which EBW is going to be superior. Don't write checks that your ass can't cash. I've had years to get this all figured out. I studied you, I watched the product. I know what makes you tick. You don't seem, in your terms, frazzled enough yet. What is it going to take? I think I know. Heh, I really think I know. You want to know what I know? Sorry, not telling you. You'll find out though, when I want you to. You want to know what makes me dangerous. These muscles help, but it's always been my intellect. See, it's what makes the wKo so dangerous. No, it's not your normal, run of the mill Ace Crusher, or anything like that. I know, exactly where to apply pressure in your neck, so you pass out at the point of impact. Not for long though, maybe 10 seconds at most. But we all know, after the the wKo, I only need 3 seconds.

The image cut back to Tommy Dukes, who was standing by with Tack Angel, only he didn't realize.

Tack Angel: Yikes.

Tommy Duke: AH!

Tack Angel: AH!

Tommy Dukes: You scared me! Glad you're here though. Want to comment on all of that? By the way, what are you doing here? You have the night off too. Everyone coming in on their night off!

Tack Angel: Well, I WAS here to cheer on Tracy and Nani. In our family, we support each other. Christina is even here for that. Isn't that right Christina?

Christina Angel: You're just trying to keep me busy and away from my husband now that we're back from our honeymoon right? Whatever, I do wish Tracy and Nani luck. I'm going inside.

Tack Angel: That's my girl! Haha....she's absolutely right though. Tracy? Nani? You know what? I'm going to try something different.

Tracy: You mean it?! Are you finally going to try eating my a-

Tack Angel: I'm going to apologize.

Tracy: Oh.

Nani: Husband, you do that a lot actually.

Tack Angel: Not like this. I'm going to apologize for NOT being sorry.

Nani: ...I do not believe that makes sense.

Tack Angel: Meaning, I did nothing to deserve this scorn from w00t, and I won't apologize for his paranoia, and whatever else he's spouting. I'm not responsible for what happens to you w00t. I am SORRY that you feel that way. There. That IS an apology. I have honor. I will honor the apology, but that doesn't mean it has to mean anything. As for trying to push my buttons, you ARE getting there. That loss to you hurt, and I've been working hard to get into the shape I feel I need to be in for a rematch. That's from a place of determination though. Trying to take myself seriously, and give this sport the respect it deserves. That SHOULD be your goal, but you just want to upset me? Give it a rest. You're supposedly really smart. You should know that hasn't worked in the past.

Tommy Dukes: A lot of talking going on here. So much so that we're actually bleeding into match times now! DAMN! They're already in action?! DAMN! CUT TO THE RING! DAMN!

EBW: Xcite "Golden Week Day 1"
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Eagleland National Championship vs. EBW Anahauc National Championship: Amigo© beat Magnum PT© via Olympic Slam -> Pin -> Title Defense! -> NEW Eagleland National Champion!
Nerma: Ha! Try as they might, EBW: Dark isn't leaving with the Eagleland National Championship tonight OR the Inter-National Championship! Amigo just beat Magnum PT in a surprisingly amazing 20 minutes with the Olympic Slam! Amigo continues to put on show stealers, and I can't wait to see him in the main event! Take that EBW: Dark!
2. EBW Trios Championship: Troian/Murasaki/Ripper Jane[o] beat Erica©/21st Century Foxx©/Sylvie©[x] via Hell Claw -> Submission -> NEW EBW Trios Champions!
Tommy Dukes: EBW: Dark's newest members have given Elevation a run for their money! The fans, they have NO idea who to cheer for! I say cheer for Elevation as the lesser of two evils here. Wait! Hell Claw from Ripper Jane to Sylvie! She's tapping so quickly! Wanting to keep her good looks! Damn! EBW: Dark have the Trios Championships!
3. EBW Edo National Championship vs. EBW Zealstrailia National Championship: Camilo Ortega© beat Rains© via STO -> Pin -> Title Defense! -> NEW Zealstrailia National Champion!
Tommy Dukes: Rains came back from death! No way Camilo can beat-STO! 1-2-3! Camilo Ortega takes the Zealstrailia National Championship to the main event!
4. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championships: Lainey Strong©/Calamity Jane©[o] beat Tracy[x]/Nani via Lariat -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: The Sunset Riders, the 3-Time Women's World Champions are really coming into their own. Hanging with the veterans Nani and Tra-WAIT! What is this?! w00t is in the crowd, he's coming up behind Tack and Christina. Watch out Tack! Wait what?! wKo TO CHRISTINA! SHE'S OUT COLD! RIGHT ON THE HARD FLOOR! Tack wants to chase w00t, but he's going to help Christina. Tracy is distracted. She doesn't see the LARIAT! 1-2-3! Sunset Riders retain! Oh, they see what happened too. They're apologizing and going out to help the Angel Family lift up Christina. Tack looks pissed! I think that does it! w00t hit the button. Oh boy.
5. EBW Team Championship: Swift©/w00t©[o]/Hotlanta©/Generator© beat Los Tiburon/Kiva/El Mago[x]/Dorado Mask via wKo -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: EBW: Dark personally requested this title defense against the Lucha Soldados, and now I can see why. Hotlanta and Generator are high fliers themselves, and they are showing off here against the Anahauc natives. Tiburon with Brainbuster to Generator, but he's not the legal man! Swift is, and POUNCE! Tiburon JUST tagged out to El Mago. Swift tags in w00t. El Mago tried to uh....*poof* behind w00t? w00t saw through the magician's secrets. wKo! 1-2-3! EBW: Dark retain. HERE COMES TACK ANGEL! He's barrelling down to the ring, but he's alone! No Elite 4! The Angels are in the back with Christina! One man against the four from EBW: Dark! They are beating him down! POUNCE from Swift! Twin splashes from Hotlanta and Generator! Finally, the wKo. There it is. Damn them!
6. EBW Inter-National Championship Decision: Camilo Ortega beat Amigo via STO Bomber -> Pin -> 1st EBW Inter-National Champion!
Tommy Dukes: Holy shit, this has been match of the night. Sorry for the language, but I AM a fan at heart, and this has been hitting all the right buttons for me. Mat wrestling and Judo takedowns. A thing of beauty. But what's this? Kinniku Mike, Magnum PT, and Jamie OD. What are they doing out here? EBW: Dark doesn't have-oh crap one of them is defecting! Mike and OD are distracting the ref, while PT hits Amigo with the Eagleland National Championship he lost earlier in the night! NO! Not you two Ortega! The "Man of God" hits the STO Bomber on the wounded Amigo! NO! 1! NO! 2! NO! 3! DAMMIT! Camilo Ortega is the new EBW Inter-National Champion! He's the first in fact, and now, he's also the newest defector to EBW: Dark. They are joining him in the ring. He's got a mic. Let's listen in.

Camilo Ortega: God's lessons are beautiful, and we should ALL walk the path towards those lessons. Before light, there was darkness, and THAT is where God came from. To be closed to God, we must embrace the darkness. EBW: Dark, is taking over. EBW: Dark is going to change everything, and put this company....on the path.

Nerma: ...Did I jinx this earlier? I really hope I didn't jinx this earlier.

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:42 pm  #500

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tack Tower

It was midnight, as Tack tossed in bed, a shadowy figure reached out to him from the darkness...

?: Tack....hey Tack....

Tack Angel: Zzzzzz....I did it! Zzzz.....I am King of Boobs! Zzzzz....all hail the King of Boobs...Zzz...

?: Oh jeez...hey!

Tack Angel: AH! STAY AWAY FROM THE BOOBS! Huh? Subculture? What are you doing

Subculture: No, don't even start that shit again. Meet me outside.

Tack Angel: Fine. Go back to sleep wife...wife...wife...wife...wife...wife. Hey how did you get by the AI? Subculture?

Tack followed Subculture to the roof, where he looked out at the night sky.

Tack Angel: Seriously though, how did you do it?

Subculture: I cut the power.

Tack Angel: Of course! Why didn't I think of that! I'm glad you did, truly I am. It was in the process of learning how to make a human body...for...reasons.

Subculture: Yeah I get it, don't elaborate!

Tack Angel: Hey, I don't like it either.

Subculture: I need to know something, and I need to know something right now. What the hell are you doing?

Tack Angel: Huh? I WAS sleeping, but-

Subculture: I'm talking about w00t!

Tack Angel: ...Alright, I get where this going. You're mad. I'm mad too.

Subculture: You? Mad?

Tack Angel: HE HURT MY DAUGHTER! OF COURSE I'M MAD! I'm going to face him at The Golden. We're both in the Tournament.

Subculture: No you're not.

Tack Angel: I'm pretty sure I'm in the Tournament.

Subculture: No, I mean you're not going to face him.

Tack Angel: Pretty sure we're in the same bracket.

Subculture: I mean, I'm going to be facing him FIRST, and I'm going to kill him.

Tack Angel: No, but-

Subculture: *sigh* You're going to switch matches with me. You're going to do this, because you're not at your best, while I am. You're going to do this, because she is MY WIFE!

Tack Angel: ...How did you know I'm not at my best.

Subculture: Remember when you kicked me in head on the day of my wedding?

Tack Angel: We did that off camera! We agreed to keep it to ourselves!

Subculture: You weren't able to knock me out, and you had a clear opening. You're losing your kicking power.

Tack Angel: No, that's not it. The truth is...I need replacement surgery.

Subculture: Replacement surgery? Did you knee give out, or is it your hip?

Tack Angel:' big toe.

Subculture: Your big toe?

Tack Angel: Yeah...I kicked too many times with an ingrown toenail. It has to be replaced now.

Subculture: ....The world you live in is devoid of logic.

Tack Angel: You're right, I can't kick at my best right now, but I still want to do what's right for my daughter....which is why I'll switch with you. Knock that guy out for us alright?

Subculture: ...Thanks.


EBW: Brave "Golden Week Day 2"

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the doesn't know how to play Battle Spirits guy of Wrestling, and we're smack dab in the middle of Battle Spirits central in Saturn City, a card game that I don't believe existed in the world until Bashin Dan showed up out of nowhere. It's really questionable really, I-

?: Excuse me, I'm looking for Bashin Dan.

Tommy Dukes: Huh?

A young man with a dark tan and blonde hair straightened his tie, as his tipped his captain's hat? and approached Tommy.

Tommy Dukes: Uh...a lot of people are. He's a really popular guy. Ace of the Promotion and all. Do you have a ticket?

?: Please. I don't need a ticket. We're old friends. *wink*

Tommy Dukes: So I'm just letting him through? I guess I'm just letting him through. WHERE IS SECURITY!?

Bashin Dan's VIP Battle Spirits Room

The Triple Crown World Champion was busy trying to teach the Dan Club more about his favorite game.

Bashin Dan: I'm really having trouble figuring out why you can't get this. You turn the card to show that it's activated and-

Cade: Look, I don't get it, and I'm never going to get it!

Bashin Dan: You seem upset.

Cade: That's because I am! Everyone else is getting stuff done, and making big moves. You've got Vape forming the "RagnaRockers" with Golvoth!

Bashin Dan: I know, it's the coolest name ever. Wish I had thought of it.

Cade: Benjamin had gold.

Benjamin: HAD being the key word. Now I have my arm in this sling thing.

Cade: Which is exactly why I'm in the main event instead of you. I promised myself I'd forge a path that made my mentor proud. This isn't that.

Bashin Dan: If you learn the strategy behind this game, and develop the never give up attitude involved, I promise you'll be better off in the wrestling ring too..

Cade: ...I'm not sure that makes sense, but you ARE the Triple Crown World Champion, so you must have the right idea. Alright, please keep teaching me.

Jammer: ....HELLO! You brought up everyone but me just now! I won the E1! I won the World Championship! I was in the main event of Victory Explosion!

Cade: ....Yeah, but I'm still mad at you for being a prick.

Jammer: fair.

Hope Mach: *knock knock* Hey Dan, do you have a minute?

Bashin Dan: For you? I have all the time in the world...except that the show is starting soon.

Hope Mach: Oh totally. I just wanted to say good luck.

Bashin Dan: Oh yeah?

Hope Mach: Well...maybe I just wanted to see you. Also this...

Hope planted a kiss on Bashin Dan.

Bashin Dan: Whoa! That's a big step up from holding hands!

Hope Mach: Hehe, I like it when you pretend to be a prude like Uncle Tack.

Bashin Dan: Yes....pretend. Good luck to you too tonight Hope.

Hope Mach: I appreciate you letting me have a match on your show.

Bashin Dan: You're the Women's World Champion. You deserve it. Plus, I just wanted to see YOU. Also th-

?: There you are Dan. I finally found you. I knew you were still alive.

Bashin Dan: Clackey!?

EBW: Brave "Golden Week Day 2"
Battle Spirits Dojo, Saturn City
Strike TV+

1. Non-Title Tag: Vape/Golvoth beat Kinniku Mike/Jamie OD via DQ
Tommy Dukes: Had to see this coming. The World Tag Champions were NOT going to give the new team of the RagnaRockers a chance to embarrass them. Busting out the weapons and ending the match in a DQ. Dan wanted to give his friends a chance to show off, but inviting any of EBW: Dark might have been a mistake. They are spray painting all of his poster black! That's just rude man! Rude!
2. Women's Non-Title Singles: Hope Mach beat Makoto Angel via Olympic Slam -> Ankle Lock -> Submission
Nerma: Best showing from Makoto Angel yet, as she seems to have been learning from the other Angels. Definitely the most athletic of the group. Oh, but that high kick was a bad idea, Hope catches the leg for the take down. She's all over her now. Tack on the outside, wanting to root for his wife, but doesn't want to disparage Hope. What an awkward fella. OLYMPIC SLAM! The Ankle Lock! Makoto can't reach the ropes, but wow is she trying! She finally has to submit. The Women's World Champion with the win. Great match!
3. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan[o]/Jammer/Cade beat Tack Angel[x]/Firebrand X/Subculture via Roll Up -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: A true test here, as the Elite 4 minus 1 want to go out on a high note. That weird blonde guy I ran into earlier is on the outside cheering for Dan Club. I that w00t? It's w00t AND Swift. They are up in the cheap seats watching on. Too much stuff to process. My ADD is killing me! Tack with a high kick on the Champ, but he's grabbing at his foot! He didn't hit all of it! Dan recovered! The Roll Up! 1-2-3! They did it! Dan Club beat Elite 4 minus 1! Subculture doesn't look to happy about Tack's injured foot. Screaming something about his "damn toe"? Firebrand X...seems cool with it either way. I can NOT get a read on that guy!


EBW: Killer Queen Tournament "Golden Week Day 3"

Nerma: Nerma here! Golden Week Continues! It's Ladies Night, because The Clash has been taken over by the annual Killer Queen Tournament! The winner gets a cash prize, the prestige, and whatever they want, be it World Championship or Television Championship in the case of a few who are looking to make this a personal mission. It's a big night for the women's division, that has forged ahead through years of hardship. Truly, the struggle to rise above the challenges has been great, but these women have been greater. Furthermore, I think....Tack, what are you doing? Are you lurking?

Tack Angel: No...I'm standing silently in the shadows...alright, let's go with lurking.

Nerma: Why are you lurking?

Tack Angel: I want to stand by and watch my wives, and keep an eye out for w00t.

Nerma: Interesting...what is Stealth Vanyon doing beside you?

Tack Angel: Huh? No one is beside-

Stealth Vanyon: Hi.

Tack Angel: AAAAHHHH!!!

Nerma: How did you not see him?

Christina Angel: Dad, if I may, this is Ladies Night. Try to minimize the shenanigans.

Tack Angel Yes daughter....I just love them SO MUCH!

Hope Mach: The Women's World Champion and the Women's Television Champion. A new generation of Mach and Angel, but we've forged our own paths, and we're on top of our game. This tournament will see the best of the best duke it out, and we'll be watching and waiting for the whoever comes at us for The Golden!

Christina Angel: And THAT is why we keep the shenanigans to a minimum tonight. If w00t shows up, I will deal with him MYSELF, but EBW: Dark isn't just about the men. Troian, Murasaki, and Ripper Jane. If they want in on this, come get some.

Tack Angel: Within reason! Be careful daughter.

Stealth Vanyon: They grow up fast don't they?

Tack Angel: She's married now! I can't believe it! I-

Christina Angel: DAD! PLEASE!

Nerma: Let's take it to the ring.

EBW: Killer Queen Tournament "Golden Week Day 3"
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Killer Queen Tournament Rd. 1: Gold beat Sylvie via Golden Opportunity (Fisherman Buster) -> Pin
2. Killer Queen Tournament Rd. 1: Nani Angel beat 21st Century Foxx via Sharpshooter -> Submission
3. Killer Queen Tournament Rd. 1: Valarie Dorado beat Tracy Angel via Cross Armbreaker -> Referee Stoppage
4. Killer Queen Tournament Rd. 1: Troian beat Faris Angel via Top Rope Elbow -> Pin
5. Women's Non-Title Tag: Murasaki/Ripper Jane[o] beat Lainey Strong[x]/Calamity Jane via Hell Claw -> Submission
6. Killer Queen Tournament Semi-Finals: Gold beat Nani Angel via Golden Opportunity -> Pin
7. Killer Queen Tournament Semi-Finals: Troian beat Valarie Dorado via DQ
Nerma: Bad blood here, with EBW: Dark and Elevation, but I didn't expect Valarie would lose her composure and batter Troian with that chair. DQ win for Troian.
8. Killer Queen Tournament Finals: Gold vs. Troian ended in a Time Limit Draw
Nerma: Incredible! Gold has taken out two women with the new Golden Opportunity tonight, but Troian managed to get the foot on the ropes. I don't even see EBW: Dark anywhere. Was that actually clean? I'm just...surprised I guess. Wait...the bell? Time limit draw?! It's the Tournament Final! How can they BOTH be the Killer Queen for the year?!  What does this mean?

Gold: I need more time! Give us more time!

Troian: Something we can agree on! It can't end like this!

Noah Jennings: Whoa ladies! Calm down! Do you know who I am? I'm the guy that is going to settle this, since I can't find Ryan IQ anywhere. Rules are rules, and this is what's going to happen. SUDDEN DEATH!

Nerma: Wow! A great decision from Noah Jennings?! I'm SHOCKED! Absolutely SHOCKED!

8b. Killer Queen Tournament Finals: Gold vs. Troian ended in a No Contest
Nerma: OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Elevation attacking Troian! Here comes EBW: Dark, AND the World Champion Hope Mach and TV Champ Christina Angel?! They are all fighting it out! What is going on here!?

Noah Jennings: HEY! Dammit! We needed a winner! Listen, what are we-

Christina Angel: Give me TROIAN!

Noah Jennings: What?

Christina Angel: Troian is EBW: Dark, and I'm too thrilled with EBW: Dark. Just give me Troian!

Hope Mach: Which means Gold will be all mine.

Gold: Eh?

Hope Mach: You want the World Championship. You made history with the TV Title win, but you know you want the World Championship deep down. A fresh, new match for me. You got the shot.

Noah Jennings: Great! Uh....continue brawling I guess.

The show ended with the women in the ring continuing to battle it out.


Sal Paradise: I'm Sal Paradise, and this IS PARADISE CITY! It's a special edition, as I am live in Saturn City, introducing you to the pre-taped edition of The Golden! Why pre-taped? I know you're not used to that, but EBW traveled to the "NOT AT ALL CONTROVERSIAL" Scaraba for a multi-million dollar pay day! The Golden Tournament! I didn't go along because quite frankly fuck Scaraba. Oh, I can go ahead and say this, since the check already cleared, and the crew is on the way back home. We had women's matches they didn't want, and I'm pretty sure a crucifix or two. All the really annoying stuff to them. See, we believe in free speech. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, you people don't have that over there. We got that here in Eagleland! We have freedom, AND free speech....unless you have unpopular opinions on Facebook....then you might as well live in Scaraba. I'm just grateful to be here, in golld ol' Eagleland, where I can enjoy the company of these gorgeous cuties in bikinis. Notice no burkas? Yeah, this is totally the way it should be.

Bikini Girl: Can we go now? I have school in the morning.


EBW: The Golden

EBW: The Golden
Scaraba Dome, Scaraba
Strike TV+

1. The Golden Tournament Rd.1: Swift beat Firebrand X via POUNCE -> Pin
2. The Golden Tournament Rd.1: Tack Angel beat Magnum PT via Angel Driver -> Pin
3. EBW Women's Television Championship: Troian beat Christina Angel(c) via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Referee Stoppage -> NEW Women's Television Champion!
Nerma: Boy the crowd is booing this match, but they can suck it! Women are wrestlers and kick ass! Yeah ladies, cheer them on, but maybe not too loudly...I don't want to be responsible for a beheading in this "glorious, tolerant" country. Troian matching Christina's moves, trying to annoy her. Murasaki and Ripper Jane on the outside, trying to get involved, but Tracy, Nani, Makoto, and Faris are here to help. Iroha tried to help too, but Christina demanded she be lead to the back. Christina with the Angel Driver, but Troian escaped! She hit an Olympic Slam! She's copying Hope now! Copying the World Champ! She's got her in the Ankle Lock! Fight it Christina! Fight it! Christina grabbing the ropes, but Ripper Jane took her hand off! Ref didn't see it! No! Mo, you didn't see it?! Damn! Christina is still fighting! She's not giving up! She doesn't want to give another title to EBW: Dark! Not another win for the nefarious Troian! She's blacking out! Fight it Christina! Damn! Mo is calling the match. She's trying to save Christina's ankle. I understand that. I just can't believe it. Troian, the former Women's World Champion had gold again. More gold for EBW: Dark too.
4. The Golden Tournament Rd.1: w00t beat Subculture via wKo -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Subculture is landing some of those hurting bombs, but w00t has the foresight to stay out of his punching range. w00t is pissed, he's losing control. A big KO Punch, but w00t dodged it and HIT THE WKO! Subculture is out cold! w00t isn't kidding when he says the wKo is blacking out opponents. 1-2-3! w00t wins, and advances, but Tack Angel is standing in his way, and he's looking determined right now.
5. The Golden Tournament Rd.1: Amigo beat Camilo Ortega via DQ
Tommy Dukes: The first ever Inter-National Champion is soaking in the boos, almost using them as fuel in this grappling contest against Amigo. A rematch from the decision bout for the title, Amigo is making sure to keep Ortega off his feet to avoid the Judo throws and STO. Wait...what's going on here? Camilo is backing off. Is he saying he's done? He's leaving the ring. HERE COMES KINNIKU MIKE AND JAMIE OD! The World Tag Team Champions! They are on the attack! The ref is calling the match, giving it to Amigo, but what's going on here?!
6. EBW Women's World Championship: Hope Mach(c) beat Gold via Olympic Slam -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: Another boo session for the REPRESSED this wonderful country. Gold, who normally wears something akin to a burka, even made sure to take that off before the match, just to piss them off. HAHA! Great encounter, and no EBW: Dark far. Everyone keep a lookout! I'm just saying. I don't want to jinx a World Championship match. Gold with the Golden Opportunity, but Hope escaped! She's countered! Olympic Slam! Gold is scrambling back to her feet! ANOTHER OLYMPIC SLAM! The pin! Hope Mach retains!
7. The Golden Tournament Semi-Finals: Swift beat Amigo via POUNCE -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Amigo was heavily battered in his DQ win earlier. This must have been the plan. Swift is making easy work of him, but he's refusing to quit. HE DODGED THE POUNCE! HE HIT THE SIDE SUPLEX! EXPLODER SUPLEX! HE'S GOING FOR THE OLYMPIC SL-NO! HE CAN'T LIFT HIM ANYMORE! Swift pushing him into the ropes! Swift with the POUNCE! 1-2-3! Swift advances to the finals!
8. The Golden Tournament Semi-Finals: Tack Angel vs. w00t went ended in a No Contest
Tommy Dukes: BLISTERING KICKS from Tack, but it seems like he can't only kick so much! He's reeling! He's in pain, but you can tell he's taking this as seriously as a heart attack! He's doing this for his daughter! w00t is firing back, trying to antagonize! Neither man is listening to the ref! He's going to throw it out! Tack, listen to reason! He's throwing it out! A No Contest! What does this mean for the main event?! Here comes Noah Jennings.

Noah Jennings: THAT is not what the people came to see. That's not what they signed the check for. They want to see a definitive end and-

Ryan IQ: And they will! Thank you Noah, but I'll take it from here.

Noah Jennings: Where have you been?! I had to run this thing without you for a week now!

Ryan IQ: And you did great, but I had things I had to deal with myself. When you know who handed over the reigns he tied us up with a board of directors, and I had a lot to go over with them, but I've made up my mind on several big subjects, and one of them, is settling this main event! It's too big to just let it end like this! This is The Golden, and I want a main event worthy of it! That is why the Tournament will continue, and it will be Tack Angel versus Swift versus w00t!

Noah Jennings: What?! That doesn't make any sense! Two of those guys are EBW: Dark!

Ryan IQ: And maybe, JUST MAYBE, the lure of the Tournament will bring the best out of them all. Besides, do you really care Noah? You're the one that tried joining them remember?

Noah Jennings: .....

Ryan IQ: You wanted to turn your back on EBW, like you ALWAYS do, like you always HAVE DONE! Didn't you? Didn't you Noah?

Noah Jennings: ...I...I know who I am.

Ryan IQ: Do you? Well do your job! This is what is happening, and WE ARE HAVING THIS MATCH!, but first, let's decide the Triple Crown World Championship in a LADDER MATCH! Bring em out!

9. EBW Triple Crown World Championship Ladder: Bashin Dan(c) beat Jammer, and Johnny Starbound via Title Grab -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Incredible action from the best youth in Wrestling, and our Ace showing off on a World Stage! Jammer and Dan, now Dan and Starbound! Back and forth and back and forth action! Starbound flipping off the ladder onto the battling rivals! He's climbing the ladder! Dan is climbing the other side! Jammer is trying to climb it from the side! This is crazy! They're all reaching up for the belts, dangling off them, but who is going to have that extra reach! Starbound falls! It's up to Dan and Jammer! They are fighting back and forth, but STARBOUND PULLS DOWN JAMMER?! BASHIN DAN GRABS THE TITLES! The ACE defends, but Starbound may have caused the downfall of Jammer! We don't know if he would have won or not! Regardless, Bashin Dan put in the performance of a life time, and the results paid off!
10. The Golden Tournament Finals: Swift beat Tack Angel[x] and w00t via POUNCE x Blackhammer -> Pin -> The Golden Tournament Winner!
Tommy Dukes: Tack Angel is in the fight of his life, plain and simple. In no way are w00t and Swift fighting each other. They are going after the Star Prince hard, stomping that injured foot, and making a mockery of this whole thing. Don't give up TACK! wKo from w00t! He's picking up Tack, and inviting Swift to hit the....THERE IT IS! THE POUNCE! Who is going for the pin? Swift looks rabid angry he wants to POUNCE again! I think that decided it, w00t is encouraging him! POUNCE! 1-2-3! Swift wins it! Dammit! EBW: Dark have won The Golden Tournament!

??? - Scaraba

A lone figure walked away from the brightly lit Scaraba Dome, and into the desert. The next day, he was still walking, covering his face from the harsh wind, heat, and sand, with a cloak over his face. He found a spot to sit on top of a cliff side, over looking an ocean of sand. As he took a sip from his canteen, he found himself out of water. Suddenly, a hand reached down towards him, with a canteen full of water.

Hashim Al-Singh: You look like you could use some water, my old friend.

?: ...

Hashim Al-Singh: I wondered if I would see you when they all showed up. I heard you were no longer with them, but I figured you would at least keep an eye out on your daughter. I heard you recently had a son. My congratulations.

?: ...

Hashim Al-Singh: An unorthodox method of having another child, but this world is more and more unorthodox isn't it? I spend my time here, fighting for reason and a peaceful faith to prevail, but it just gets more chaotic. It never ends. We fight, and we fight, and we live by our codes, but the world just keeps getting crazier around us, yet they think WE are the crazy ones. Sound right to you?

?: ...

Hashim Al-Singh: You're usually the talker aren't you? Always having something to say? I feel you didn't come here for that though did you? You came to listen? Well, I'm afraid we're stuck in a similar situation. Two different wars though. I guess we have to choose if we'll be a solider, and play our part. Maybe we leave it behind altogether? Or maybe...we forge our own paths. What will you do?

?: ...


Tack Tower

Degrees was allowed into the Tower by the AI, on the grounds that it would help Tack, but warned Degrees that failure to do so would lead to his death. After a short check up...

Degrees: Well Tack...

Tack Angel: Tell me how bad it is. Tell me what I have to do! I need to get back in the ring, and I need to kick w00t's stupid....BUTT!

Degrees: Well actually-

Tack Angel: It's bad isn't it? I don't care what it takes! I WILL RECOVER! I will be stronger than ever! I will beat him, no matter WHA-

Degrees: You're going to be fine.

Tack Angel: I-...what?

Degrees: This isn't that bad. I can handle this.

Tack Angel: I'm sure it will take hours of surgery.

Degrees: Maybe one hour tops actually. It's just a toe replacement. It's not hard to find a toe. It's not hard to replace a toe. Easiest thing I can do really. I might try it blindfolded.

Tack Angel: ...I'd really rather you didn't. I need to head to the hospital?

Degrees: No, I can do this here.

Tack Angel: You have a toe?

Degrees: I have a few of a cooler...I won't elaborate...but I'll let you pick!

Tack Angel: Something that lets me kick harder?

Degrees: A soccer player's toe then? I actually have that! I'll be right back!

Tack Angel: it going to be a long down time at least?

Degrees: 2 Weeks tops! Be right back!

Tack Angel: *sigh* Well...I guess that's great then....awesome. AI...are you watching me right now?

EMI: I am always here.

Tack Angel: Wonderful...wonderful.

Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here in the -

The video cut out to a shot of a dark room. Several figures were moving in the darkness...

Swift: Tick tock....tick tock...tick mother fucking tock....time is running out EBW. The King is here to claim his Kingdom.

w00t: Who didn't see it coming? We took the Golden, and we made it "Dark". Of course Swift was going to win it. That was the plan.

Hotlanta: I say we all congratulate Swift.

Generator: Look what stood in your way. We had....well....a bunch of no names! HAHA! You swept up the trash, and took it out where it belongs.

w00t: Heya Tack, how's the foot? How about everything else? You see, whenever you have a plan, I have already countered it. You wanted a piece of me. You sent your new Son-in-Law after me first, and that didn't work. I put him to sleep, just like I said I would. I pushed your buttons, just like I said I would, and THAT made you act out, which lead to the main event, and Swift's win.

Swift: I would've beaten you anyways, and you can come find me when you get your ass off your couch. Just like old times right? We're "old friends". I beat another "old friend" and he hasn't been seen since. At least he gave a damn. You? If it's an inconvenience, you wouldn't show.

w00t: You AT LEAST used to "play the objective". Now, all you care about is playing make believe with your "family". I thought breaking the "Crystal" Kingdom would knock some sense into you. I guess I was wrong.

Magnum PT: Yeah, you beat me Tack, BUT I know you hurt yourself worse when you kicked me in the head. See? I still have the bruise shaped like your foot. Worthy sacrifice. It's what Real Eaglelanders do, and and not turn coat traitors, that would rather make their own little "Kingdom".

Camilo Ortega: I have many lessons to teach, on an "Inter-National" scale. Winning the Golden, was not necessary this year. The plan, was more important.

w00t: See, we all have a goal right now, and that's taking over, and we're getting closer than you think.

Kinniku Mike: Uuuuuu!!!

Jamie OD: Oi! Exactly! We're let loose, to do the damage that needs to be done, not just because we have to, but because....we definitely WANT TO!

Troian: It wasn't just Golden for the boys last night. Check out this beauty. It goes great with the Trios Championships I think. Elevation WISH they could change the game like us. But let's put it this way, you WERE successful again...for a few weeks at least. I thought about mimicking each and every one of you at one point, but you just wasn't worth the time and effort.

w00t: Wow, look at all this gold. We're just getting started...right Swift?

Swift: Tick tock....tick tock...tick tock...Dan. Heh.

It cut back to Tommy Dukes from there...

Tommy Dukes: And THAT is why you should NEVER do that to the hot tub jets. Anyways, we'll see you back in Saturn City for Xcite!

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Inter-National #1 Contender Battle Royale: Cade vs. Magnum PT vs. Mister Twister vs. Benjamin vs. Stealth Vanyon vs. Flying Man vs. Kota Hayashi vs. Amigo vs. Firebrand X vs. ?
2. No Rules Singles: Jammer vs. Johnny Starbound

+ More Obviously. No, I'm totally kidding, that's the whole card. Get serious.


EBW: Xcite

The show opened with Ryan IQ in the ring with Noah Jennings, surrounded by a bunch of booing fans.

Ryan IQ: Alright. Alright! So, I'm guessing you all saw The Golden huh? Well, get it out of your systems. Let me have it. I guess I made a bad call huh? I guess I really screwed up. I thought the allure of the win would have been enough. I wanted to test the loyalty of those guys, and I'm honestly surprised they never once turned on each other. I think more than anything, we all should be proud of Tack Angel, who fought the good fight while injured, for as long as he did. We saw that spark of the Tack Angel that ran this place for years. We really saw something. But, I made a mistake I suppose, and now Swift is the #1 Contender for the EBW Triple Crown World Championship. I have good news though. The good news is, we have Bashin Dan as our Champion. He fought tooth and nail to retain the title belts in Scaraba, and he's got the heart and determination to make this a title fight worth seeing. Now, if you don't mind we have a show to get to so-

Ryan IQ: WHOA! What the hell was-

The crowd went wild, as Ness made his way to the ring, staring straight into Ryan IQ. IQ and Jennings backed up and Ness soaked in the roar of the crowd. He looked to be in the best shape of his life.

Ryan IQ: Ness?! What are you doing here?

Ness: ....(You know why I'm here)

Ryan IQ: I do? What are you talking about?

Ness: ....(Don't play games IQ. EBW is in trouble. The very heart of it is being cut out, by dangerous men and women, wanting to do things their own way, and you are LETTING IT HAPPEN!)

Ryan IQ: Hey! No need to yell! I don't know what you're talking about!

Noah Jennings: How are we making sense of this?

Ness: ....(You know exactly what I'm talking about, because you recruited me to join them.)

Noah Jennings: You what?!

Ryan IQ: Ness is crazy! He's fired up about something! I don't know what he's talking about though!

Ness: ....(I refused, and he threatened my family when I did. My NEWBORN BABY GIRL! You threatened them.)

Noah Jennings: What the hell Ryan?!

Ryan IQ: Heh...well damn show up here and ruin the surprise.

Noah Jennings: Surprise? Wha-


Noah Jennings: AH!

Swift POUNCED Noah Jennings, as the rest of EBW: Dark entered the ring and attacked Noah and Ness. Amigo, Los Tiburon, and Subculture ran down to pull them out of the ring.

Ryan IQ: Well look at that. I guess you guys CAN work together. Could have fooled me, the way you've been letting EBW: Dark walk right over you!

w00t: To take over, you have to have some legality when making you claim. Of course we didn't pull the trigger ourselves. Ryan IQ helped with that.

Ryan IQ: Well after everything that has happened, and the disappointment my predecessor turned out to be, I know this time I was going to do things MY WAY! It's funny how wrestling works. We could be in blood feuds for months of even years, and yet somehow we try to forgive and forget when the time comes that "hey I want to be cheered again". Well I don't forgive...and I don't forget. I remember who SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE TOP! I should have been in control with the people I wanted in my promotion, making money together, painting the world in our colors, doing our thing!  Instead, I was made a fool, so I played my part, trying to "redeem myself", but it got me nowhere. I decided it was time to do things the Ryan IQ way once again. Right the wrongs of the past, and make the EBW that SHOULD HAVE BEEN! REAL RENEGADES! REAL TRAILBLAZERS! REAL MEN AND WOMEN WHO REALIZED HOW CUT THROAT THIS SPORT IS! Not guys like Tack Angel. Certainly not guys like Ness, who let the next generation overshadow his legacy within a YEAR! Yes, I am the man with power behind EBW: Dark. I'm the inside guy. But, I don't make the orders myself, I'm just a happy partner of outstanding gentlemen like w00t, the Genius, and Swift, the future Triple Crown World Champion.

w00t: Wait...wait, I hate to interrupt, but I think I see an old friend up on the stands. Look over there!

The crowd went crazy when they looked back to the cheap seats to see a man with long brown hair and a beard, a bandana around his neck, and a ballcap obscuring most of appearance, but who it was was quite clear.

w00t: Trevor Mach. We were starting to wonder if you were dead man.

Ryan IQ: If you resigned your contract, you would have had the money to get better seats. OR you could have just asked. See, I don't really have much of a problem with you anymore. Sure, it took me a long time....dealing with losing Lady M' you...but I got over that. I got stronger because of it. I even got smarter. I eventually realized that a guy like you, would be perfect for what we're trying to do. So I wanted to bury the hatchet, because the mission here, oh boy, it's so much more important.

w00t: I understand you Mach. You're filled with darkness. You want to do bad things, that's why you called yourself the "Bad Man". You normally worked to do "good" instead, because it was either expected of you, or you wanted to subvert expectations, but what fun is that? Go with the flow right? Maybe we were wrong about you. You're just like us, but you found yourself better opportunities, cause you were better and fighting your instincts. You played the part better. You pretended to be as weak as them. In reality, you hate their guts. You hate people. You hate society. I know for a fact you hate anyone who cites the current year as a reason to justify anything! Hell, that annoys me too. Maybe it's time for us all to bury the hatchet. Maybe it's time for a fresh start. You join us, and we're bonded. We'll do it together. We won't even try to get in your way when you want that success again. That money, that fame, that power. We'll root for you, cause a win for one of a win for all of us. What do you say?

Trevor Mach: ....

Ryan IQ: You're not Ness Trevor, we can't understand your silence nearly as well. Hey, if you want to sit up there and think about it, then go ahead, but I have some matches in mind that might help us figure where you stand. We are opening this show with Jamie OD, one half of THE World Tag Team Champions, as he takes on Los Tiburon, since he wanted to get involved in our affairs. Plus, I think you know Tiburon better than you want to let on. You don't need to "confess" if that's true or not. You can sit and watch. I'm sure when the Hooligan is done with him, we can have Father Sergio give the last rites....or not.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. No Rules Singles: Jamie OD beat Los Tiburon via GTPK -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: I still can't believe this! This is outrageous! I don't condone what Ryan IQ ha-

Ryan IQ: Has what Tommy? Tell me. What's the problem.

Tommy Dukes: ....

Ryan IQ: You're speechless too? Just like that idiot Ness. The "OG" trying to come back to "save the day". Let's focus on the match shall we? I can only "air quote" so many times. Tiburon, a great talent, and a great athlete, but I don't think his personal views would mesh too well with us. Oh OD out fellas.

Tommy Dukes: What?! NO! PT attacking from behind! Kinniku Mike in there too! No!

Ryan IQ: By the way, Kinniku Mike WILL be in the main event tonight against Amigo, since again, Amigo felt the need to get involved tonight. This is No Rules Ref. Please continue.

Tommy Dukes: Dammit! That is NOT fair!

Ryan IQ: Trevor Mach can come down and help if he wants. I thought I made that clear. Does he look like he's moving to you?

Tommy Dukes: he's not moving.

Ryan IQ: GTPK! 1-2-3! That's a win for EBW: Dark, thanks to Jamie OD! Huh...I wonder though...what if stirred the pot a little more. I want to know what he's thinking. Attention everyone! The NEXT MATCH will see Subculture vs. Magnum PT! It's also No Rules.

2. No Rules Singles: Magnum PT beat Subculture via Mustache Ride -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: More of the same in this match. I can talk more crap now that Ryan left. I think this is despicable. What's going to happen to EBW, if EBW: Dark is in charge!? Is that what this is? Are we under their thumb now? Wait...I'm hearing something in my headset. What Steve? They aren't? The Board? We're doing that gimmick? Oh, it's real?! Sweet! Wait, EBW: Dark are attacking again. Wait, Mach is getting up! He's coming closer to the ring....but he stopped. Don't stop! Trevor come back! He's leaving! DAMMIT NO! Subculture is being fed to the wolves. He's eating the Mustache Ride and the damn pin. Another one stolen.
3. EBW Trios Championship: Troian(c)/Ripper Jane(c)/Murasaki(c)[o] beat  Erica/21st Century Foxx/Sylvie, and Tracy/Nani/Iroha[x] via Violet Frosion -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: This match is OUT OF CONTROL! Three teams, and none of them much care for each other here. The Angels are the team the crowd wants to win, but at this point, we'll take Elevation too. Why not? Anything but more winning for EBW: Dark. Iroha eats a big drop kick from Murasaki. She's lifting the prone Iroha for the Violet Frosion! 1-2-3! I jinxed it again!
4. EBW Inter-National #1 Contender Battle Royale: Cade vs. Magnum PT vs. Mister Twister vs. Benjamin vs. Stealth Vanyon vs. Flying Man vs. Kota Hayashi vs. El Mago vs. Firebrand X vs. ?
Winner: ? aka Hashim Al-Singh
Tommy Dukes: Unpredictable from start to finish. You'll recall how the match started, with everyone teaming up to throw Kota Hayashi out of the match. Then Amigo was replaced with El Mago per orders from Ryan IQ. Now you have PT eliminating himself to take out Firebrand X. We're left with Benjamin, Mister Twister, and the masked wrestler. Who is that guy. All I know is that he just signed a contract. Twister and Benjamin are attacking the masked wrestler, but he ducked, and they both go over! The masked wrestler won, but who is-IT'S HASHIM AL-SINGH! HE'S BACK! The man from Scaraba must have hitched a ride back with us! He's the #1 Contender to the new Inter-National Championship, and it will be a true Inter-National battle.
5. No Rules Singles: Johnny Starbound beat Jammer via 450 Splash -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Jammer obviously blamed Johnny Starbound for what happened. I can't blame him. We don't know if he would have won, but Starbound made that decision for him, and now he's really going to work on him. Another No Rules match, and they are both very aware of that ruling. Ouch! Snap suplex onto that folded out chair! That had to hurt both of them! Jammer going for the Slam Jam onto the chair! Jammer rolled out of the way! HOLY SHIT! Jammer hit his neck badly! That looked horrific! Why aren't we stopping this match?! Starbound NO! 450 Splash! 1-2-3! Johnny Starbound with the win, but is Jammer alright? Here comes the Dan Club! Bashin Dan was given the night off, but we should have known the Triple Crown World Champion would still be here. He's trying to help Jammer up. The EMTs are asking him to let them place him on the board. The Dan Club is leaving with Jammer. All of them with him, a show of solidarity. I hope he's alright. That Starbound is a dick.
6. Singles: Amigo beat Kinniku Mike via DQ
Tommy Dukes: Well gee, who didn't see this coming. Amigo gets the win I GUESS, but he won't be conscious to enjoy it, as his old partners Mike and OD keep up the beating. Wait, it's NESS! Ness is back again! He's running off Mike and OD with THE GUTSY BAT! They don't want to mess with Ness...heh...that rhymed. Ness helping up Amigo, the veteran of EBW, I think he's here to rally the company, bring us all together, is it too late with Ryan IQ in a position of power? I heard from Steve The Board have something to say about this. I guess we'll find out next week!


EBW: The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the surprised to still have a job guys of Wrestling. I thought after the reveal that Ryan IQ was with EBW: Dark, I would have lost my job for sure. I'm certainly not a member of this group, so what gives? Well, I've been told we'll find out more on Xcite, as we unravel more about "The Board" that controls EBW behind the scenes. "Powers that Be"? Nah, it's been done before. What am I saying, it's all a rerun, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. We have a very special installment of The Clash tonight, because we're going to have a sit down confrontation with the EBW Inter-National Champion Camilo Ortega, and his upcoming challenger, the returning Hashim Al-Singh. It could get tense, given....well several various topics that might come up. Might not be a laugh riot, but it could be insightful, and there are just some things you can't put a price ever try to put a price tag on one of those? Doesn't work!

A table was placed in the ring, with some side featuring the EBW logo, and the other side featuring a darker version of the same logo.

Nerma: Well, this is interesting. We have a table in the ring, it's been here for a few minutes, and no one has gone through it. I'm here with EBW Inter-National Champion Camilo Ortega, who successfully claimed all the National Championships during Golden joining EBW: Dark...but still...grats...or whatever.

Camilo Ortega: The methods have to be severe to get the lessons across

Nerma: Oh yeah, more of that cryptic stuff. Sure. On the other side of the table, we have Hashin Al-Singh. Hashim, welcome back to EBW. You ARE EBW right? Not EBW: Dark?

Hashim Al-Singh: Yes, and greetings to you and everyone here. I'm honored to be back.

Nerma: Why DID you come back? Last we knew, you were doing humanitarian work in Scaraba.

Hashim Al-Singh. I felt a calling to come back, but make no mistake, my work for a better future will always continue. My pay is going directly to people who need it. It will feed villages, and give children the learning tools they need.

Camilo Ortega: Noble...commendable...but a flawed and futile gesture.

Hashim Al-Singh: Is this why you wanted to do this? To insult me? I thought we could speak as brothers under God.

Camilo Ortega: Under God? I do not call "Allah" my God, and MY God, has me walk a much different path, that includes a harsh message to bring people back to reality, show them how things really are. Only then, when I be able to push them towards a future in which I rule over everything.

Hashim Al-Singh: I'm sure that will mesh well with EBW: Dark wanting to take over themselves.

Camilo Ortega: Our objectives are the same...more or less...enough to get the job done. Enough, that I will stand with them in warfare.

Hashim Al-Singh: Loyalty is a good thing, like the loyalty to God we both share, and God teaches enlightenment and brotherhood.

Camilo Ortega: Again, you assume we should be alike. Allah is not my-

Hashim Al-Singh: You assume quite a bit Ortega. Because I am from Scaraba, I MUST worship Allah? Why not Dungeon Man? He's in Scaraba too, he's a massive dungeon....with a man inside...yet you only assume I worship Allah. Is it the turban? Is it the way I speak? God is God, whether he be called Jehovah or Allah. I know the scriptures, and I do not see your way of thinking leading to the end you want. You're going by your own rules.

Camilo Ortega: Times change...people change....the methods have to change too. The point is the same. I reach for the Heavens, that dwell the dark. That is my motivation. That is my reason for being here, with them, holding onto this title of titles. I will use the Inter-National title as my ticket, to shape the world, one nation at a time. A shame Scaraba doesn't have a title for me to claim as well, but since you are my opponent, I will use you as a proxy.

Hashim Al-Singh: Please underestimate me brother, because it will be the biggest mistake you could make. Spending time in the war torn desert...only made me more resilient. We will see who has the stronger resolve.

Camilo Ortega: ...Yes...we will.

Nerma: ....Well that wasn't funny at all! It was tense! I mean, Hashim did bust out the Dungeon Man line, but that felt a little out of place. Still, I saw what he was trying to say, it was just....a bit deep for this show don't you think? I feel like I need to re-evaluate a few things....but let's take it to the ring. Wait, I'm in the ring...with that unbroken table. Give me a second.

Nerma propped the table against the turnbuckle and kicked it until it broke.

Nerma: Much better. I call that Wrestling Feng Shui. Now, let's take it to the ring.

Tommy Dukes: Will do, but before that we DID just get a Trevor Mach sighting. He was in the stands for the face off just now, but it looks like he left again.

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Women's Singles: Makoto Angel beat Queen Bolshoi via Penalty Kick -> Pin
2. Tag: Dorado Mask[o]/Hex No Limit beat Shark #1/Shark #2[x] via Doradorana -> Pin
3. Tag: Vape/Golvoth[o] beat Kiva/El Mago[x] via Chokeslam -> Pin


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the guy that just left the Studio to make it here in time for this update! I'm getting my workouts in. At least bring me some water guys? Guys? So, that was quite the show, and we now have some more news to give you. Apparently, it's not winter anymore. Like one week, it was freezing, but SUDDENLY, it's hot as hell! So, we're going to Summers for Spring Break! Yeah, I know! There isn't a place called Spring, so leave me alone! Anyways, THAT is going to be the place where we see Swift "The Golden" take on Bashin Dan, our EBW Triple Crown World Champion. Holy cow, that's a match I never thought I would see! We're also going to see Camilo defend against Hashim, as was discussed on The Clash. See? It can be important. You've got to watch ALL the shows....I'm sorry. Christina Angel also gets a rematch against Troian, Women's World Champion Hope Mach intends to be in her corner, and I'm guessing the Angels will be there as well, so let's hope we get a fair encounter.

EBW: Spring Break 2019
Summers Beach, Summers
Strike TV +

1. EBW Inter-National Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Hashim Al-Singh
2. EBW Women's Television Championship: Troian(c) vs. Christina Angel
3. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan(c) vs. Swift

Battle Spirits Dojo

The Dan Club sat together as Dan's friend marveled at the Dojo.

Cade: ....So...Dan knows that guy, but I've never seem him around.

Vape: How do you get a tan like that? Doesn't look spray on. Asking for a friend.

Benjamin: What did he say his name was? Clackey something?

Bashin Dan: Well Clackey Ray, what do you think of everything?

Clackey Ray: This is amazing Dan! You've introduced a whole new world to Battle Spirits, AND you found a new form of battle that seems to suit you even more.

Bashin Dan: Glad you approve.

Clackey Ray: Also...that girl....Hope....WOW!

Bashin Dan: Uh...glad you approve? Wait...MAI! HOW IS-

Clackey Ray: Relax...she's alright. When you disappeared, she went back to the present...well the present of our world. She left with Kenzo and Suzuri.

Bashin Dan: Oh...but you didn't?

Clackey Ray: No, I stayed to help Barone form a lasting peace between people and Mazoku.

Bashin Dan: I knew you had greatness in you my friend.

Cade: Ummm....excuse me Dan...but what the hell are you guys talking about?

Bashin Dan: Just thinking back on the past. Nothing you guys have to worry about. Different time and place entirely.

Cade: That doesn't reassure me.

Bashin Dan: Heh, it's a lot to explain, but I will get to soon as you learn Battle Spirits.

Cade: Aw...curses!

Bashin Dan: Clackey, big question here, HOW did you get here?

Clackey Ray: When you left a signature...a trail that we were eventually able to follow. We couldn't really send anyone through though.

Bashin Dan:'re here right now.

Clackey Ray: I'm not really here at all.

Clackey moved his arm through the wall.

Clackey Ray: I'm a signal, sent through the dimensional void, with technology created by Kenzo and Stella.

Bashin Dan: Wow, so you're projecting yourself from there? Amazing.

Clackey Ray: I'm here for a reason though Dan. We have to find a way to make this more than just a one way trip.

Bashin Dan: Oh yeah?

Clackey Ray: We need you Dan. You have to come home.

Bashin Dan: .....

Vape: I bet it's a cream. THAT explains the healthy glow!



w00t: So, now that the cat is out of the bag, do you think the surprises are over? This has been planned for a long time. Got it all worked out. Bashin Dan, I hope you're ready, because now that we've beaten....

Generator: Firebrand X.

Hotlanta: Subculture.

Swift: Trevor Mach.

w00t: and Tack Angel, we're coming for you now. It's time.

Swift: Do you feel it yet kid? That "rush" you get from a challenge? THIS AIN'T NO DAMN GAME! This isn't a challenge! This is YOUR LIFE in MY HANDS! I'm taking those belts, and making them the EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Championship!

Generator: That name is getting a little long eh?

w00t: Swift said it all. Dan Club, you're next.

EBW: Xcite

The show opened with Ryan IQ in the ring with Kinniku Mike, Jamie OD, and Magnum PT...

Ryan IQ: Haha! Check it out, I've got an entourage. EBW: Dark, they look out for their own I guess. Well, one week into the revelation of my "abuse of power" and it seems to me that EBW is still making money. You're welcome for that by the way. You're still working, getting paid, and these people get to keep seeing you. That being said, I have to wonder WHY this "Board" wanted to see me tonight. I'll elaborate. When that disappointment gave up control of EBW, it reverted to me AND the "Board", and consortium of share holders, because we apparently have stock! Did anyone else know about this?! It's doing well, and I couldn't tell you why. I mean, we make money, but damn, it's an unpredictable world isn't it? Well, I'm here, and I'm listening so-

Jeff Andonuts appeared on the stage to a huge reaction.

Ryan IQ: Andonuts.

Jeff Andonuts: RyRy.

Ryan IQ: Don't call me tha-

Jeff Andonuts: Yeah yeah yeah. Bet you thought you had EBW all to yourself when HE didn't work out. You remember how this worked before? We were both running the show. We were partners? Well, we're doing things different now, and I'm here on behalf of the Board. They aren't happy to see yet another heel authority figure. You guys let power go to your head too easily.

Ryan IQ: I'm just righting some wrongs, and doing things MY way!

Jeff Andonuts: Well, we're not in agreement, and while we can't outright fire you, we can limit your authority. You want to get things done, you'll have to go through us.

Ryan IQ: I don't need you. I have plenty of leverage with EBW: Dark. It's growing, and grabbing titles, and selling merch. You see the shirts out there? It's a popular concept, changing EBW, and making it what we want it to be. Some people are sick of the same old shit. As the guy in charge, I have to answer to the people. Give them something new.

Jeff Andonuts: Make all the reasons you want, you can't justify this to us.

Ryan IQ: Who is US by the way? Where are the rest of them?

Jeff Andonuts: They weren't needed tonight. Just me. Just your old partner. We're telling you that we are getting involved in the day to day operations, and you're role is going to be limited. It's checks and balances the way it should be.

Ryan IQ: You think you got one over on me huh? You forget, I've got w00t on my side, the smartest man in the world. He knows things....things about you...and the Board. Who says we haven't already got some Board members on our side. Who says they haven't all flipped, and we're just playing you for a fool right now.

Jeff Andonuts: ...You think that scares me. I'm pretty smart myself RyRy. I don't buy it. I'm calling the bluff.

Ryan IQ: What if you're wrong?

Jeff Andonuts: I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. So that's all for the night. Get out of the ring, and let the wrestling action happen. That's what these people are here for. Also, Trevor Mach, if you are in the stands, and you want to talk contracts, come and find me. We're old friends, you can trust me.

Ryan IQ: Trust you? He needs a group that'll facilitate all that rage he's holding in. Mach, you come see me, and we'll make some money and cause some damage. Jeff, don't leave yet, because if you MUST get involved. I want you to know that next week, Bashin Dan and Swift will meet face to face. We're signing that contract on Xcite. What do you say about that?

Jeff Andonuts: If the Ace accepts the invite, we have no objections. Just....keep the table breaking to a 2 tops. The table budget is getting out of hand.

Ryan IQ: Haha! He won't turn it down. The idiot never backs down. Not smart in my opinion, but there you have it. Tonight, you'll all be happy to know that he's in action, everyone in Dan Club is in action...except Jammer...who is in traction. Dan, Cade, and Benji, you get to meet the newest member of EBW: Dark in the 6-Man Tag Main Event!

EBW: Xcite
Five Guys Arena, Fiville
Strike TV

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Valarie Dorado[o]/Erica beat Lainey Strong/Calamity Jane[x] via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission -> NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions!
Nerma: Valarie Dorado and Erica, the veterans of Elevation taking it to the Sunset Riders, showing them what experience provides. I think they're trying to take these titles before EBW: Dark can, and it looks like it's happening! Dorado with Cross Armbreaker on Calamity Jane! She's wrenching that Lariat arm! Jane has no choice! She's tapping out! Valarie Dorado and Erica are the NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions! And you can see them, Ripper Jane and Murasaki....staring down Elevation from the stage. They knew what they were doing tonight. It's a title hunt, and Elevation just got some leverage.
2. Singles: Johnny Starbound beat Kiva via 450 Splash -> Pin
3. Singles: Amigo beat Jamie OD via Count Out
Tommy Dukes: Amigo is fighting the good fight here, but he's seemingly doing it alone, meanwhile you have Kinniku Mike trying to embarrass Amigo from the outside. Amigo rolled out of the way of the Penalty Kick! He blocked the kick! He's taking Jamie to the mat! He's in control here! Wait, Mike is about ready to attack! He's getting in the ring-BUT HERE COMES NESS! HERE COMES NESS! The EBW OG is running of the World Tag Team Champions with his signature Gutsy Bat! He's running them off! Incredible! Jamie OD is laughing, he just lost via Count Out. Amigo with the win.
4. EBW World Tag #1 Contender: Vape[o]/Golvoth beat Shark #1/Shark #2, Flying Man #1/Flying Man #2, and Mister Twister/Stealth Vanyon[x] via Top Rope Splash -> Pin
5. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Cade/Benjamin beat Generator/Hotlanta/KYO via DQ
Tommy Dukes: KYO! The 3rd man is KYO! Oh shit! He's locked that Hell Claw into Bashin Dan! Clawing the World Champ! Look at the blood, he's going to rip! His jaw off! Dan grabbed the ropes, but KYO is not letting go! The Referee is DQ'ing EBW: Dark! This is NOT good! They have the silent monster KYO!

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