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12/08/2019 4:44 pm  #501

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW: The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to the Studio, cause it's The Clash! The ongoing conflict between EBW and it's "dark half" will be continue in the main event, when Amigo takes on Magnum PT. I've been told that Ness, the EBW OG will be here to stand with Amigo. I'm liking this new union. The man with the Gutsy Bat is here to try and help us out, and I'm hyped about that. ALSO, we have a debut coming in, the first women wrestler to get some training with Lady M's at the Bad Dudes Dojo before joining us is "The Eagleland Woman" Kimber Blaze!

A blonde hair, blue eyed, muscular woman with red, white, and blue tights and tassels joined Tommy Dukes.

Kimber Blaze: Eagleland let me hear you! YEAH!

Tommy Dukes: Wow! It's like Eagleland threw up on you, with all that color there.

Kimber Blaze: Hey, I'm just a girl who loves where she comes from. Best country on this flat Earth, and don't you all forget it! You disagree, I'd be happy to settle it in the ring with anyone man or woman.

Tommy Dukes: Well, I guess the fans will love that, cause they freak out when you mention the place they happen to be in at the time. Watch this....HEY EVERYONE! SATURN CITY!

Fan #1: YEAH!




Tommy Dukes: See? It's a cheap pop.

Kimber Blaze: Oh, but I mean it though. I have represented Eagleland in Women's Power Lifting, and let's just say Hope Mach isn't the only Olympian in the division anymore.

Tommy Dukes: I see. Well, you have treacherous waters to dip into here, cause you have Elevation, EBW: Dark, The Angels, and-

Kimber Blaze: I'm not about all that. I'm about competing, winning gold, flexing my bicep with the Eagleland Flag on it, and showing off this bod, a product of hard work, determination, and what God gave me.

Tommy Dukes: I'd look, but my wife is jealous, so I'll just stare at your forehead and nod. Well good luck tonight.

Kimber Blaze: I don't need luck! I got EAGLELAND ON MY SIDE! YEAH!

Tommy Dukes: ...She seems nice. Can I look down now? Alright, so we're about to head into our first match, that see Hexagon Dark return from Anahauc, and he is PISSED at Dorado Mask and Hex No Limit. They apparently did some damage during their excursion to Anahauc. We didn't get to see that though, because the Lakitus were not allowed across the border. They thought they were stashing drugs! For one, they are in CLOUDS! How that even works is beyond me! Those clouds have faces, you ever notice that? They are LOOKING AT US! Clouds! ALSO, MAYBE they have a Mushroom or two, but I don't think those are classified as drugs! Perhaps in Segua, they prefer rangs, but where was I? I lost track. Oh yeah, Hex No Limit has turned on the Hex Clan, and joined Dorado Mask. If you look at his mask, half of it is now a copy of Rey Dorado's mask, meaning he is officially in their camp. They are now going by the team name Dorado W, and the W is supposed to be pronounced Double. I don't know, it's an Edo thing I think. I'm RAMBLING! TAKE IT TO THE RING!

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. 8-Man Tag: Los Tiburon/Kiva/Dorado Mask/Hex No Limit[o] beat Mister Twister/Shark #1/Shark #2/Hexagon Dark[x] via Brainbuster -> Pin
2. Women's Singles Kimber Blaze[Debut] beat Kayla Sparkz via Pumphandle Slam x Elbow Drop -> Pin
3. Singles: Amigo beat Magnum PT via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Referee Stoppage
Tommy Dukes: PT with the Mustache Ride, but Amigo escaped, and hit the suplex! Another suplex! Side slam! He's working him over on the mat! Back to their feet, PT with a straight right hand, but Amigo caught it! OLYMPIC SLAM! He's got the Ankle Lock in! Generator, Kinniku Mike, Hotlanta, and Jamie OD are coming down, but HERE COMES NESS WITH THE GUTSY BACK! SMAAAAASH!!! on Generator! They're backing up! PT refusing to tap, but he passed out waiting for help! The ref is calling it! Amigo with a win over PT! A clean finish. AT LAST! FINALLY! Oh, now I'm doing it too.


Iwata Memorial Arena Parking Lot

A black bus pulled up the arena, with EBW: Dark making their way out, flanked by Ryan IQ.

Ryan IQ: See guys? It's a nice ride right? You get what you pay for, and YOU GUYS deserve the best!

?: That's coming out of your paycheck!

Ryan IQ: Eh?

Noah Jennings stood between two men in red shirt security WAS Red Shirt Security! Biggs and Wedge!

Ryan IQ: What did you just say to me? And since when did we have those guys on the payroll again.

Noah Jennings: I said it's coming out of your check. You weren't authorized by the Board to buy that bus, so you're paying for it!

Ryan IQ: HA! Listen to this guy. Acting like he has ANY power! I hired YOU remember! I'm firing you right now as a matter of fact. Get out of here!

w00t: Ryan, I think you better listen to him first.

Ryan IQ: Huh?

w00t: He's not out here bloviating per usual. The Security shows us that.

Noah Jennings: Right you are, because Jeff, and the rest of the Board have appointed ME their liaison.

Ryan IQ: YOU?!

Noah Jennings: Yeah, I was surprised too.

w00t: I'm not. We had no need or want for you, and you do whatever you have to survive like a parasite. I'm not surprised in the slightest.

Noah Jennings: Hey, they know who I am, and so will you. Cause I'm going to make things VERY hard on you. Starting with the show tonight. I saw your format, and tossed it out. Here is the new one.

Ryan IQ: I didn't give this the green light! You CAN'T-

Noah Jennings: I did. Go ahead....complain to the Board if you hate it that much. Hahahaha! know who I am.

Ryan IQ: Dammit!

w00t: Hey hey..relax. We knew this was coming. Change is never easy. We just need to keep doing what we're doing. Now, let's take a look at this. Huh...heh....hehe.

Ryan IQ: What?

w00t: Generator, Hotlanta, and Magnum PT, you all need to get your heads in the game I would say. You're in the main event.

Hotlanta: Against who?

w00t: Heh...Ness, Amigo, and...hehehe...

Hotlanta: Who?

w00t: Tack Angel apparently.

Generator: Ha!

w00t: Just stomp the hell out of his foot for me would ya? See, this is why they can't win. They think honor is still on the table.

EBW: Xcite

The show opened with a table in the middle of the ring. The Dan Club were already in the ring, and were shortly joined by EBW: Dark.

Nerma: Hey look, we got another table, and another showdown between EBW and EBW: Dark. This is something that was announced last week. We have on one side "The Golden" Swift, who won the Tournament during Golden Week. On the other side we have THE EBW Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan. I'd say David and Goliath, but I think by now we all know not to underestimate Bashin Dan.

Swift: I don't underestimate OR overestimate. I make no estimations here. This kid, has what I want, and I'm taking it.

Bashin Dan: I appreciate your confidence, but-

Swift: Shut your mouth! You're a paper champion, because I haven't been around to hold those belts, but I'm here now, and I've left bodies in my wake. You look back at the last few months, and you'll see what happens when you get devoured in this ring, by the primal fucking force that is SWIFT!

Bashin Dan: It's rude to interrupt, but I'm not surprised. I've watched your work. I've looked back, and studied the tapes as it were. You are ferocious. You are deadly. You are nearly unstoppable when you get going, and lately, you've looked even better than you were before. You're focused. You're sharp.'re NOT the World Champion. I am, and I got here through hard work, determination, blood, sweat, tears, and a NEVER say die attitude. You can all laugh and mock me like you are, but it's gotten me through so far, and I'm not doubting that Battle Spirit now, nor EVER!

Swift: You're shaking a little bit aren't you? Shit man, just admit it. You little punk, you're scared to be in the ring with me right now. All of us. Look at this group, and then look at yours. I don't think you've HAD your official EBW: Dark beat down yet have you? Well, we're looking right at you now. You're in the cross hairs. I'm not looking any other targets by you. Does that scare you?

Bashin Dan: You look in my eyes Swift. Look right into them. I respect your experience. I respect your power. I respect what you've done in the ring. BUT....I don't fear you. No fear. So you go ahead and talk trash. Play your role, and try to be the bully here, but I don't much care for bullies. I'd rather be look at a new rival. But you do what you have to. As for me, it's ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! NO LIMIT!

Swift: ....

Dan stared right at Swift as he signed his contract and passed it over to Swift. Swift smirked as he signed, but it was obvious he got more than he bargained for from the young champion. As everyone was about to leave the ring...

Tack Angel: w00t! Where are YOU going!? We have a score to settle, and no time like the present!

w00t: Tack Angel?! Figured you'd have your foot propped up, being nursed back to health by your harem of-

Tack Angel: You don't get to talk about them anymore! You leave them alone! You got a problem, and it's with me, so keep it focused RIGHT HERE!

w00t: Sure! If you're ready to get serious.

Tack Angel: I'm never going to be what you're expecting, but I know what I am, and it's ready to kick your bu-....ASS! KICK YOUR ASS!

w00t: There it is! Love it! Name a time and place!

Tack Angel: EBW: Spring Break, WE are challenging EBW: Dark.

w00t: We?

Amigo: That would include me.

Kinniku Mike: Ha! Amigo, this isn't catering dude! Uuuu!

Jamie OD: AHAHA!

Amigo: I know where I am.

Ness: ....(So do I.)

w00t: Oh boy, we got an alliance forming fellas! Ness, what are you still doing here? You unmasked Ryan, but now what. What do you hope to gain?

Ness: ....(Taking down EBW: Dark.)

w00t: This coming from the founder of Metal Rush! Anyone remember Metal Rush? The first version of it, not the watered down tripe from a few years back. Ness wanted to "right the wrongs" in EBW. Namely, guys JUST LIKE Tack Angel. What a hypocrite you've become.

Ness: ....(I was wrong. This is wrong. Time for history to stop repeating itself.)

w00t: It'll never happen until the right side FINALLY wins. That's us! That IS going to happen. But fine, we'll accept your challenge.

Tack Angel: Four of us against four of you at Spring Break. w00t, you are DEFINITELY one of those four.

w00t: I only count three right now. Who is your fourth guy?

Tack Angel: ...Listen....Trevor...listen to me alright? I get it. I get what you're going through. I understand how you feel. You fought, and you fought, and you fought until you couldn't anymore. You took this threat seriously before any of us. You fought Swift with everything you had, and we didn't back you up. That's the truth of it. We didn't back you up, and I'm sorry. That isn't your usual sorry from me. Not one of the ones I spit out all the time. We should have been there. You gave me a pass, I heard you. You said I was busy taking care of my family. Well WE are family aren't we? I could've done something. I should have. We need Trevor Mach. We need the BAD MAN! Come on Trevor! Come back!

w00t: Ha! Hedging their bets on Mach? He's done with you. When he's had some time to watch and see what we're up to, he'll want in on this, and EBW: Dark will welcome him with open arms. Heh...I hope you have a Plan B....that's all I'm saying.

Tack Angel: ....

Amigo: ....

Ness: ....(....)

EBW: Xcite
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett
Strike TV

1. Women's Tag: Ripper Jane/Murasaki[o] beat Lainey Strong[x]/Calamity Jane via Violet Frosion -> Pin
2. Singles: KYO beat Cade via Hell Claw -> Submission
3. Women's Singles: Christina Angel beat Iroha via Angel Driver -> Pin
4. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Vape via Muscle Buster -> Pin
5. 6-Man Tag: Ness/Amigo/Tack Angel beat Generator/Hotlanta/Magnum PT via DQ


After a main event that ended in a brawl including EBW: Dark, and the Dan Club coming to make the save for Team Ness, Amigo and Ness helped Tack to the back.

Amigo: They knew what they were doing, attacking your repaired toe.

Tack Angel: I thought wearing the boot on the other foot would've fooled them.

Ness: ....(Look over there.)

Tack Angel: Huh?

Laying against the door of Tack's locker room, was a katana.

Amigo: A sword? Don't tell me SWORD are coming back.

Tack Angel: No...this is a message from Trevor.

Amigo: How can you tell?

Tack Angel: I remember, he had this hanging up in his dojo.

Amigo: What is he trying to say here?

Tack Angel: Look, the katana has been sealed. He made it so the blade couldn't be drawn.

Amigo: And what does that mean?

Ness: ....(It means we'd better get to work on that Plan B.)


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: Nerma here, with your big Spring Break Update! We're heading to Summers for Spring Break 2019, and the full card is READY! No seriously, I've got the whole thing right here. It's here. I have it in my hand. Want to see it? Well here it is! handwriting it garbage. Don't look at it. I SAID DON'T LOOK AT IT! Just pull up the graphics!

EBW: Spring Break 2019
Summers Beach, Summers
Strike TV +

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Valarie Dorado(c)/Erica(c) vs. Lainey Strong/Calamity Jane vs. Ripper Jane/Murasaki vs. Tracy/Nani
2. Singles: Benjamin vs. Magnum PT
3. EBW Women's Television Championship: Troian© vs. Christina Angel
4. 8-Man Tag: w00t/Hotlanta/Generator/KYO vs. Ness/Amigo/Tack Angel/?
5. Singles: Golvoth vs. Jamie OD
6. EBW Inter-National Championship: Camilo Ortega© vs. Hashim Al-Singh
7. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Bashin Dan© vs. Swift


EBW: The Clash "Spring Break 2019 Pre-Show"

A ring on the beach was surrounded by fans, sand, and scaffolding.

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Duke here, the beach bum of Wrestling and-

Nerma: What are you wearing?

Tommy Dukes: Huh?

Nerma: That banana hammock. What are you thinking right now?! You think that looks good?

Tommy Dukes: Well *sniff* I know I don't have a beach body, but I thought at least my wife would like it!

Nerma: She does not!

Tommy Dukes: I'll uh....go put on some shorts.

Nerma: Yeah, I think that you should. So look, here we are in Summers...for Spring. Yeah, I heard that we pointed that out already, but there ARE other places with beaches right? This isn't the ONLY beach in Eagleland is it? It is? I can't believe that. Who's got a map!? Anyone?!

Tommy Dukes: Alright, how is this?

Nerma: Better...much better...much much-

Tommy Dukes: I get it! This is a big night for us! The ongoing conflict in EBW is heating up! It's getting out of control here! Our BOY, the "Dangerous Player" Bashin Dan is going to take on the "Ferocious Beast" Swift. That's worth the price of admission alone, but we've got SO MUCH MORE! Hashim Al-Singh is back, and he's taking on Camilo Ortega for the Inter-National Championship. Team Ness is going to take on EBW: Dark in 8-Man Tag action. A Television Championship rematch, with World Champion Hope Mach making sure EBW: Dark doesn't get invol-

Troian: Heh....IS SHE there to keep EBW: Dark away, or is that just part of our plan.

Tommy Dukes: Eh?

Troian: You never know who is going to figure out how things really are. You never know when they're going to embrace the Dark. You never know when they're going to turn. It could be anyone at anytime, for any reason. Maybe Hope is tired of being tied to Christina Angel. You never know! Hehehe...

Nerma: ...What a bitch! Sorry, I just don't like her!

Troian: Oh and for the record, I liked the banana hammock Tommy.


Tommy Dukes: My self esteem got boosted at least. Let's take it to the Pre-Show, sponsored by Saturn Dew and Fourside Fried Chicken!

Nerma: What does that mean?

Tommy Dukes: It means they sponsor the main event.

Nerma: Of the big show?

Tommy Dukes: The Pre-Show.

Nerma: Does the Pre-Show really need a "main event"?

Tommy Dukes: Well, it's the main event of the free Strike TV show....sponsored by Saturn Dew and Fourside Fried Chicken. We're going to plaster logos everywhere and, HEY WAIT THAT'S TACK!

Tack Angel: Geez! You don't have to yell! I'm right here! It's the beach! Sound carries!

Tommy Dukes: Sorry, I just needed something to segway out of that nonsense. Do you have a full team tonight? Are you going to be ready for EBW: Dark?

Tack Angel: Oh I'm ready! I'm SO ready! The new toe, it's attached! My head, it's like those old EA yellow clamps on the Genesis carts. It's IN THE GAME! I got on my WAR PAINT too!

Tommy Dukes: You look like you're going to an ICP concert.

Tack Angel: IT'S THE ONLY DESIGN I KNOW HOW TO DO! Well...that and a kitty, but I'm not going to do that for obvious reasons.

Tommy Dukes: But you got the fourth right? Did you get Trevor Mach back with us?

Tack Angel: ...No. No, we didn't. If he's burned out, he's burned out. I don't blame him. He's doing his thing, and right now, I'm doing mine, and that's taking down w00t and EBW: Dark.

Tommy Dukes: Go get em Tack! Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: The Clash "Spring Break 2019 Pre-Show"
Summers Beach, Summers
Strike TV

1. Singles: Vape beat El Mago via Top Rope Splash -> Pin
2. Singles: Cade beat Mister Twister via Cadebreaker -> Pin
3. Saturn Dew and Fourside Fried Chicken PRE-SHOW MAIN EVENT: Dorado Mask beat Hexagon Dark via Doradorana -> Pin  

EBW: Spring Break 2019

Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the paid section of the evening! I mean, it sucks that it can't be free like the Saturn Dew and Fourside Fried Chicken Pre-Show, but we gotta pay the bills and all. So yeah, still at the beach, and I think we're having a surfing competition right next to us, happening simultaneously. I'd say it was rude, but I think some of our own are competing? Kimber Blaze, the Eagleland Woman! I think she just won this thing!

Kimber Blaze: EAGLELAND! YEAH! Oh yeah, that was the bomb! I just gotta flex this out!

Tommy Dukes: Wow...nice muscles...really ni-

Nerma: TOMMY! Wow Kimber, congratulations of winning the surfing competition.

Kimber Blaze: Well someone had to win the prize money to save the youth center! YEAH!

Nerma: Oh...I see what this is. We've got an 80's extreme sports movie bleeding into our event. That's cool I guess, but we have wrestling to get to!

EBW: Spring Break 2019
Summers Beach, Summers
Strike TV +

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship: Valarie Dorado(c)[o]/Erica(c) beat Lainey Strong[x]/Calamity Jane, Ripper Jane/Murasaki, and Tracy/Nani via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission -> Title Defense!
2. Singles: Magnum PT beat Benjamin via Mustache Ride -> Pin
3. EBW Women's Television Championship: Troian© beat Christina Angel via Roll Up -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: Not only has Hope kept her word, she has the Angels here to keep EBW: Dark at bay! This is great! We're getting straight up competition without HEY WHAT'S IROHA DOING?! SHE'S TRIPPING UP CHRISTINA!? NO! Christina is turning around and ROLL UP! 1-2-3! Title Defense thanks to Iroha?! What is going on here? Is an Angel joining EBW: Dark!?
4. 8-Man Tag: Ness[o]/Amigo/Tack Angel/Noah Jennings beat w00t/Hotlanta/Generator[x]/KYO via PK Rockin -> Pin
Nerma: Noah Jennings! I was not expecting that! The Board's liaison has put his working boots back on, and he's joined Team Ness against EBW: Dark. This is insane, look at Tack go, he wants a piece of w00t, but it's going to be Ness getting in there with Generator! He hits the PK Rockin! The PIN! YES! TEAM NESS WINS! AHAHA! TAKE THAT EBW: DARK, you don't get to win everything tonight!  

Tommy Dukes: They STILL have a chance of winning the World title you know.

Nerma: ...Oh no did I jinx it?!

5. Singles: Jamie OD beat Golvoth via Count Out
6. EBW Inter-National Championship: Camilo Ortega© beat Hashim Al-Singh via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Hashim Al-Singh giving Ortega a master class in mat grappling, leaving Ortega unable to hit his throws and take downs! He's going for that clutch! He's about locked it in, but Ortega got to the ropes! Come on Hashim, you can do it! Going for the Lariat, but Ortega ducked it! Hashim wraps around him, going for the rear naked, but Ortega is on is feet and ready to throw. Hashim is scrambling back up and STO! No! Hashim kicked out at 2! Camilo is backing up, and here it comes! STO BOMBER! 1-2-3! Camilo Ortega retains.
7. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Swift beat Bashin Dan© via POUNCE x Blackhammer -> Pin -> NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion!
Tommy Dukes: This has been the match to see for me, and it's meeting expectations. Swift dominated early on, battering Dan with slams and suplexes, but the heart of the our champion won't ever stop beating. Look at him in there, firing shots! Another one! Another one! Yeah get him! Suplex! He's got Swift down. He's setting up for the Brave Clash! HE HIT IT! YES! 1!2!-KICKOUT! Swift kicked out of the Brave Clash! No way! I think he's the first! Dan is setting up for another one, but Ryan IQ tried tripping him up on the outside! NO! POUNCE from Swift! A smug grin on Swift as he lifts up Dan for the Blackhammer! HE HITS IT! 1-2-3! NO! NO! Swift is the new Triple Crown World Champion! EBW: Dark are flooding the ring, giving the belts to Swift! What are they doing? They're painting the logos on the belts, making them black. *sigh* EBW: Dark have the gold.

Nerma: Dammit, I jinxed it again!


EBW Locker Room

Wrestlers men and women alike were all arguing in the locker room, blaming this and that for continued success of EBW: Dark. The Angel Family were arguing about different thing those.

Christina Angel: What the hell was that Iroha!? Huh?! What are you doing!?

Tack Angel: Whoa! Daughter! Calm down! I know what happened! Another Troian from a different time or dimension or both intervened and-

Iroha Angel: No Husband, I did it, and I'm not sorry about it!

Tack Angel: Wife no!

Iroha Angel: She wouldn't stop attacking me, belittling me, and making me feel like I'm not a part of this family! No, I'm not joining EBW: Dark, but I'm not taking it from you anymore Christina! You are my dau-

Christina Angel: Don't even say it! I'll make you regret it! You were my friend! You stabbed me in the back! You don't get it! Dad doesn't get it! You have NEVER really figured it out! I trusted you, and you broke that trust. I don't regret making you feel anything, because you deserve it!

Iroha Angel: Tack was my mentor! He was my HERO! I already knew that I loved him before I met you. I didn't realize we would become such good friends. I didn't know what to do!

Amy Angel: Whoa, this is getting intense Tack. What should we do?

Tack Angel: ...

Amy Angel: Tack?

Tack Angel: Oh, I'm sorry. I was distracted. I think I saw a clown staring at me in the hallway over there.

Amy Angel: Huh?

Tack Angel: Never mind. I guess it's time for me to step up and finally settle this. Wife! Daughter! Listen, it's time to-

Jeff Andonuts: Alright everyone, gather around! It's time to quiet down and talk this out!

Tack Angel: Kind of what I was going for.

The roster gathered around Jeff Andonuts.

Jeff Andonuts: Listen, I know that we have a lot going on in here right now. I want to assure you that we're working out a plan. We saw some footage about the main event, and we have an announcement to make regarding it on Xcite. Also, I want to assure you all that Bashin Dan is OK. He's with Hope getting checked out at the hospital. Now, I want to introduce a member of The Board, that will help oversee things along with Noah Jennings, who we are placing trust in, but keeping a close eye on. Introducing...

Wayne Angel: Well gosh everyone, it's great to be here. How are you all doing?


Nani Angel: Yes. I'm here.

Wayne Angel: Hi Tack! Hello Son! Yeah, it's me! Are you hiding behind your wives? Hehe, always making jokes. Love you Son! So yeah, I was approached by [REDACTED] to take part in this board when he left. We got to know each other really well, and built up some trust, so I guess he thought I'd do well in this job. I don't really see it. I don't watch wrestling. I prefer watching my Windy City Hockey Team, but I know my Son and Daughters-in-law, and Granddaughter and her Husband seem to be really into it. Hobbies are fun. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together, and to solidify our bond as a team, I have TRACK SUITS for everyone!

Tack Angel: ...I definitely see a clown over there!


12/08/2019 4:45 pm  #502

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW: Xcite

The show opened with the crowd booing a smirking Ryan IQ, who stood along in the ring...

Ryan IQ: *clears throat for a really long time* It gives me great pleasure to introduce the EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Champion....SWIFT!

A bunch of masked figures in black carried Swift out of the ring on a throne, as the members of EBW: Dark entered the ring and applauded his entrance.

w00t: No, you're not seeing things. This is the way it is. We have the gold. It started off quite simply, we took these rings and the careers of the Elite 4, and it's all be grand ever since. We took our time, but the ferocious beast Swift, was ready to claim his territory, and he did, as he crushed the "Ace" of EBW.

Generator: Ha! That kid was your hope? Look at him, and now look at Swift. You were fooling yourselves!

Hotlanta: He fooled himself. Any one of us would have put that kid through the mat.

Swift: Swift gives respect when it's due. He got in my face, and he didn't back down. That gets respect. However, the results were obvious from the VERY beginning. Punk asses get the POUNCE, they get pinned, and I move onto the next would be punk ass.

Ryan IQ: So Noah and the Board, learn a lesson from this. You think you have the authority, but they have me, and they've claimed the World Championship. Those three belts belong to Swift now. What are you going to do about it?

Noah Jennings: I'm going to call you out on your bullshit RyRy!

Ryan IQ: DON'T CALL ME THAT, and what the hell are you going on about?

Noah Jennings: Well first off, I need to bring out the referee for the match between Bashin Dan and Swift. Harvey Refman, would you come out here please?

Harvey Refman: Uh...yeah? What can I do for you?

Noah Jennings: So, we're watching on the monitors here, the final moments of the match between Dan and Swift. Now it might have been hard to see from the angle the fans saw at home, but from another angle it appears that Dan got his shoulder up before the 3. It's actually quite obvious from this angle, which is weird, because YOU are seeing it from that angle. Are you not?

Harvey Refman: ...I called the finish the way I saw it.

Noah Jennings: No, don't give me that. You're not blind. We actually have a blind referee, so I know the difference here. You saw this. You saw the shoulder up, and you kept counting. Why is that Harvey? Did Ryan threaten you? I mean, you were adamant about calling the match. You're usual "I'll ref the match" mantra is no surprise, but you pulled seniority over Mo on this one. You don't normally do that.

Harvey Refman: ....

Noah Jennings: Don't even try and deny this. You know what I'm talking about. You know who I am. I'll ask again. Did Ryan IQ threaten you?

Harvey Refman: Threaten? I simply did what the REAL BOSS OF EBW ASKED ME TO DO!

Harvey then backed away into the ring, and joined EBW: Dark.

Noah Jennings: So that's how it is huh? Swift needed help beating the "kid" did he?

Swift: .....

Noah Jennings: Seems that way to me Swift, unless you have something to say about it. Maybe it wasn't your idea, in which case, you won't mind having a rematch with Bashin Dan....TONIGHT!

Ryan IQ: No way is-


Ryan IQ: Oh...apparently it's happening then.

Noah Jennings: That is tonight's main event!

Ryan IQ: Is this the best idea? Since when does Swift care about the rules?

w00t: He's got his own rules, as do we all. Don't worry about it. I always have a plan for these things.

KYO: ...

EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
Strike TV

1. Tag: Tack Angel[o]/Ness beat Shark #1/Shark #2[x] via High Kick -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: I think this is a try out for the Sharks to get into EBW: Dark. They seem to be acting on Ryan IQ's orders as they take on the all-star team of Tack Angel and Ness. Tack and Ness what a combination! They are dominating here! Tack with the High Kick! Massive blow to the head of Shark #2! I haven't seen Tack kick that hard in a loooong time! Impressive performance from the Star Prince as he gets the pin! Seems like he wants RyQ to bring out w00t, but it doesn't appear like that's happening.
2. Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Kei Akiyama via Reisen Slam -> Pin
Nerma: A new mean streak to Iroha here. The shy Samurai is fed up it seems, as she lays into Kei Akiyama. Signature Angel Family kicks, but here is a new move she's been working on, the Reisen Slam! 1-2-3! Oh wow! A big win for Iroha Angel!
3. Singles: Subculture beat Magnum PT via KO Punch -> Pin
4. Women's Tag: Hope Mach/Christina Angel[o] beat Troian/Ripper Jane[x] via Angel Driver -> Pin
5. "EBW: Dark" Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) beat Bashin Dan via Count Out -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Another amazing battle. Bashin Dan has been silent on any injuries since his loss, but if he is injured, he's not showing it. The heart on this kid! He took a series of slams from Swift, and a kick to the head, and he just keeps getting up and demanding more! The pain and near defeat often propels him to fight harder, but you don't normally allow such a strong force like Swift to get in open, unprotected shots. It looks like he's wearing him down a little though, as he mounts a comeback! The crowd is fired up! A drop kick from Dan! He's locking in a Guillotine Choke! He must have picked this up from Hope Mach, cause we've never seen him us it before! It's locked in tight! Wait, signature Mach knees now! Yeah, picked it up from the Dojo for sure. Not afraid to use what he's been taught, instead of sticking with his proven winners. That's the mark of a true Ace and Champion. Hey, is that Cade on the stage? He's being tossed to the ground, but by who? Wait, it's KYO! He's got the Hell Claw locked into Benjamin! Kinniku Mike and Jamie OD are keeping the RagnaRockers at bay in the back! This is pandemonium, but Dan still has control! He's letting up! He's leaving the ring and making his way to help his friends! He's going to get counted out! No Dan! Get back in the ring! He's not listening! He's fighting it out with the Dan Club! That's 10. Swift retains by Count Out! That smug look is gone though, as he grasps at his neck. I think Dan surprised him with that one. I shouldn't be surprised by Dan though. Of course, he'd help his friends. Still...the title remains with EBW: Dark. Looking on from the crowd, I think I see Trevor Mach in the stands. What must be going through his mind right now?


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: Nerma here in the Control Center, and wow, what an Xcite that was. We had a referee defection....a referee....that's going draw them ratings for sure! I digress, it sucks to have the senior official defect, but we still have Mo....and blind ref....and Penguin ref....and robot ref....but seriously...a blind ref, my God, a blind ref. To get his comments on this defection we speak with the man that was housing the referees for a time Tack Angel live via Satellite. Tack?

Tack Angel: I-

Nerma: Yeah yeah, we're sure you're broken up about it. Moving on! This week's episode of The Clash is going to be off the charts. You know, it's weird have THE in the name of a show. I can't say This week's The Clash, and that just sound ridiculous I-M-O. This week's The Clash will have a Women's World Championship title defense! See? It sounded weird right? Here is the Women's World Champion Hope Mach!

Hope Mach: Sup.

Nerma: We're glad that we still have a World Champion on our side here. Seeing as how they have most of the other belts, I'd say you're OUR World Champion. Should we call you "The Man"?

Hope Mach: Do I have a dick?

Nerma: I don't think so.

Hope Mach: Is being a woman less than being a man?

Nerma: It is not.

Hope Mach: Well then....HOW ABOUT NO!

Nerma: Just thought it might be catchy....marketable....sorry.

Hope Mach: It's fine. Sorry I jumped on you there. Us Machs were always fed madness instead of milk as babies. It's just kind of our thing.

Nerma: So what brought on this sudden announcement?

Hope Mach: I want to defend this title in the studio, and I don't care who challenges me. It's as simple as that. I've been dividing my time between work here, and helping my Mom build up her Dojo class. The House of M's is doing really well now, so I want to get a little bloody.

Nerma: Which is the workplace environment norm in EBW. Wrestling right? So, you're letting anyone challenge?

Hope Mach: Anyone. EBW or EBW: Dark. Maybe outside of EBW if you can get by security. I'll leave the side door open. I don't care. I'm the best woman athlete in the sport. I was the best when I was hearing impaired, and I'm even better now. That youth slump is over. I'm right where I belong, because I embraced my inner Mach. It's time to get a little crazy! A little overboard! It's time to push it to the limit!

Nerma: Which is a reference I'm sure your Dad would love. Where is he anyways? What are his plans? You have seen him right?

Hope Mach: My Dad is always there for me. It's you pricks he couldn't give two shits about anymore. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Bashin Dan to "Bash in" the head, because he lost the title rematch by count out. Then, I have to tell him how proud I am of him because of the reason he did it.

Nerma: always.

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: Mister Twister vs. Mutton Top Johnson[Debut]
2. 6-Man Tag: Vape/Golvoth/Benjamin vs. Baron Von Ruthless[Debut]/Ragu Hooten[Debut]/Narcoleptic Nate[Debut]
3. EBW Women's World Championship Open Challenge: Hope Mach(c) vs. ?


EBW: The Clash

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, in the studio, for another episode of The Clash, and it's a big one, with the Women's World Championship on the line in an open challenge. It's going to be a great main event, but what's this? Tack Angel is in the studio! What are you doing here Tack?

Tack Angel: Oh, I'm sorry, am I not allowed up here?

Tommy Dukes: No, you're totally allowed, but I'm just curious.

Tack Angel: Well, let's just say I have some reasons. Some I'm going to keep to myself, but I also want to call out w00t. I'm back, and I'm feeling strong. I got a new toe, and a new lease on my career. You know, this has been my passion for years, way before I found my family. I remember it fondly. It was the dawn of the new Willennium, and I discovered tapes from Edo like Demon Gate and D2T. I spent years training to get ready for this life. If you happened to see it on Strike TV+, they somehow have my Sanctum Ultimatum there to watch, which raises all kinds of questions. If you saw it, you would have seen what I had to go through to get here. I take it seriously. More than you, because I never walked away when the chips were down! You always could have come back without starting a war, but you couldn't help yourself. You messed with my family and my Kingdom. You know what I want to do? I want to shove your head in a microwave and set it to sandwich.

Tommy Dukes: You can't do that!

Tack Angel: What? Is there no sandwich setting on a microwave?

Tommy Dukes: No, I mean, I think w00t along with EBW: Dark are already booked in the weeks ahead. Ness has challenged Swift, and the Dan Club are gunning for the Team Championship I hear.

Tack Angel: He is? They are? CRAB APPLES! Wait, I think....yeah...yeah I just got an idea. I gotta go.

Tommy Dukes: Well, alright then. Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: Mister Twister beat Mutton Top Johnson[Debut] via Tornado DDT -> Pin -> Jobbers gonna Job
2. 6-Man Tag: Vape/Golvoth/Benjamin[o] beat Rains/Nosan/Danny Leung[x] via Spear -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Wow! We thought we were getting the debuts of some weirdly named jobbers, but instead we got...

Rains: Da Beeg Drizz! *cocks fist A LOT*

Nosan: Nosan!

Danny Leung: No Push!

Good News Gary: SWORD!

Tommy Dukes: Incredible reunion of...oh wait...Benji hit the Spear on Leung, who lost the will to win again. Go figure.

3. EBW Women's World Championship Open Challenge: Hope Mach(c) beat Iroha Angel via Ankle Lock -> Submission -> Title Defense!
Nerma: I was NOT expecting this. I figured we'd get a member of EBW: Dark or Elevation, but no, Iroha Angel has come out, and she's not messing around in this title challenge. She's trying to hit that new Reisen Slam, but Hope blocked it. The counter! The suplex! Olympic Slam, but NO! Iroha escaped it! Impressive! Even Hope looks impressed, but she quickly went for the take down. She's got control on the mat, and now she's going for it! The Ankle Lock! Iroha is fighting it, but she can't to the ropes! She's tapping out! Hope retains! She tried helping Iroha up, the Angel knocked her hand away, getting up on her own strength. She's pointing at the belt, saying she intends on coming back for it. Wow, she's limping away on her own power too. Where did THIS Iroha come from?



Kinniku Mike: You know, it just makes sense that we'd all give this another go. I mean, we're never happy with our place in the company and that's because it was never in our hands. Look at these hands. Big, strong hands. As strong as the tits? Debatable. However, these hands should be a part of what drive us forward. Making money. Having power. Crushing anyone in our way. Flexing the Strong Tits.

Jamie OD: And it just makes sense that I'd get tied up with this narcissist here. Oi, it's like this, we both love hurting people, and we both love to get our way, by hook or by crook. It's the winning combination, the best match is what they've been calling it. Amigo and Sal didn't even try, cause they know better. They know better.

Kinniku Mike: You know who doesn't seem to know better? The "RagnaRockers". They earned a title shot apparently. They are dumb enough to actually want it too. Boys...big big're in for a world of hurt. Your size doesn't impress us. It doesn't intimidate us either.

Jamie OD: I will chop you down and kick you in the teeth just like anyone else.

Kinniku Mike: Just watch yourself. You still have time to repent. Take it back. Ask for forgiveness, and put on this BRAND NEW EBW: Dark t-shirt! The proceeds our pockets, but it's better than us than the stuffy suits right? Uuuuuu!

Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Well that was weird right They just cut it whenever they want? They just interrupt? Ridiculous. Anyways, I'm Tommy Dukes, the Tommy Dukes of Wrestling, cause...well I am, and this is your wrestling update! It seems that "Best Match" the EBW World Tag Team Champions having their eyes on the RagnaRockers, which might have something to do with the rumors that Dan Club is declaring War on EBW: Dark for the Team Championships. Big news to be sure. Here to discuss it is Noah Jennings. Jennings, I never would have expected you to-

Noah Jennings: Yeah, I know, I know who I am, you know who I am. It's a big surprise. When the chips are down, you'd be shocked to find out what people are made of, and what they're willing to do. That being said, I'm 100% committed to seeing that EBW beats EBW: Dark. I have it in my contract, that I willingly signed, that if I were to even try to defect, I'd be banned for life from EBW or EBW: Dark. I'm taking drastic steps to ensure that you trust me. We all need to be on the same page here. We're heading into a War, a Civil War, and the next EBW Strike TV+ Event is being called "Civil War".

Tommy Dukes: Oh wow, EBW used the "Civil War" title during a tour in 2007. It was EBW vs. Metal Rush vs. S.S.A.D, which ironically enough saw the EBW Triple Crown World Champion Swift aligned with Trevor and Dougie Mach.

Noah Jennings: certainly a history lesson. Fast forward to NOW, cause this is far important. The fate of Wrestling going forward is at stake. EBW is cemented as legend now. Where we go, the wrestling world tends to follow. We have to set the example, keep the bar raised high, and show the world we've got our shit together by stopping this insurrection! Yes, the rumors are that Bashin Dan wants to challenge EBW: Dark for the World Team Championships instead of getting a Triple Crown World Championship rematch. The "4-Crown King" Swift appeared ready to deliver that rematch too. We'll have to wait till Xcite to find out.

Tommy Dukes: Why is that?

Noah Jennings: Cause I have to wait to find you do too? No one tells me anything. It's that trust thing. I'm going to work on it I promise.

Tommy Dukes: Right...well...can you at least tell me why Tack Angel is standing next to you?

Noah Jennings: He is?

Tack Angel: I AM!

Noah Jennings: AHHHH!!!

Tack Angel: AHHHH!!!

Tommy Dukes: Stop it! Just stop it! We get it Tack! You're easily startled!

Noah Jennings: Can we help you Tack?

Tack Angel: I need to know more about what Dan Club is planning on doing. I need to know if they have w00t tied up for "Civil War".

Noah Jennings: Like I said, I'm not sure myself.

Tack Angel Darn! Dang it! Bologna, fudge, and mustard! My life is being ruined by that....guy w00t, and I'm going to make him pay for it!

Tommy Dukes: And you're serious about that?

Tack Angel: VERY serious!

Tommy Dukes: Serious enough to use ALL your replacement curses?

Tack Angel: That's right!

Tommy Dukes: Well, this might up the ante a little more. w00t found a way to access the Lakitu Footage-

Noah Jennings: Ry Q.

Tommy Dukes: And he found something....from you...and he released it online.

Tack Angel: What? It can't be that bad. The Lakitus are always watching, so I try to keep my composure. I mean, how bad can it be?

Tommy Dukes: Steve, do we have that clip? Air that clip please?

Tack Angel: WAIT!

The Angel Food Court - Crystal Fourside - 6 Months Ago

Some soulful R&B music was playing as Tack swayed on stage for his wives.

Tack Angel: Wives, you know how much I love performing for you, singing your favorite songs, but I wrote one of my own. It's called "I just need one."  This is for you. *clears throat* ♫ Girls, we've been together, such a long long time. When you're all near me, my heart does shine. So I got to ask before we start, it's question, straight from my heeaaaart. CAN I SEE ONE TITTY! OH GIRL! JUST GIVE ME ONE TITTAY! OOooooooo! ♫ Hehe...I just wanna see one of your titties gir-


Tack Angel: ....People are...people are seeing this?

Tommy Dukes: It was trending....all day.

Tack Angel: ...I have to-

Noah Jennings: Wayne already saw it. He said and I quote "My son sure is talented isn't he?"

Tack Angel: Oh, well that's not so-

Noah Jennings: "But he needs to give those girls' chests some room to breathe."

Tack Angel: And there it is.


EBW: Xcite

A cold open to the show, literally, as most of the crowd were cold, dead zombies, as EBW once again made their way to Zombie U, a very easy venue to fill if EVERY night is free Fly Honey Night! Noah Jennings was standing in the ring.

Noah Jennings: Hello everyone, you already know who I am, so let's get down to business. EBW is declaring WAR! That's right, if EBW: Dark wants a War, that's what they're going to get. We've got our boys and girls decked out in track jackets, getting lessons in team work and solidarity. We're going to come back, in a united front! We have the whole roster on our si-

Johnny Starbound: Not EVERYONE exactly.

Noah Jennings: Starbound?

Johnny Starbound: That's right. Get that spotlight on me.

Noah Jennings: Weren't you suspended for trying to kill Jammer?

Johnny Starbound: Have you read our contracts? They were stretching it giving me that "slap on the wrist" to begin with. we have get away with murder around here. Speaking of murder, it really kills me to see EBW versus EBW: Dark, when it's obvious that what you need, what they need, and what I need, which is most important, is the Johnny Starbound Show.

Noah Jennings: What we need is for you to join our team.

Johnny Starbound: I'm not EBW or EBW: Dark. I'm Johnny Starbound. I am here for me. I fight for me. I make money for me. I hold titles for me. I do this ALL for me. I'm Team Starbound, and I'm want back into the title picture NOW!

Noah Jennings: Not how it works. You have to earn it, and you need to really rethink this going it alone thing

Johnny Starbound: Whatever, I'm out of here. Just letting YOU KNOW that I'm back, and I won't get lost in the shuffle. You'd do well to get on my good side again Jennings. We ARE still friends right?

Noah Jennings: Just leave Starbound, I have a show to run here.

Johnny Starbound: Heh, we're all doomed.

Noah Jennings: Speaking of going it alone, I know of someone else who is going it alone. Someone we could REALLY use right now in this fight. Trevor Mach, if you're watching....or if you're in the crowd, I have another contract for you. It's the largest contract that's ever been offered to a wrestler in EBW. You will make history with this contract. We want you back. Please come ba-

Ryan IQ: That's not going to happen I'm afraid, because when Mach decides he wants to come back, he'll take a walk on the wild side, embrace the darkness, and join EBW: Dark.

Noah Jennings: You think so? After what you've done to him?

Ryan IQ: What about what you've done? What about what EBW has done? The past is in the past. We're done with it. It's over. This is the fresh start we all need. A new EBW. A better EBW. We can match that contract Mach. I have the money. I have the resources. We'd love to have you on our team. Think about what you could accomplish with us. You've tried for years to mold EBW, and make it the way you wanted. We can help facilitate that. Just remember, you'd be joining a family with us.

Noah Jennings: Oh please, your REAL family can't even stomach you. I-

Lady M's: Enough!

Aly Smash: I wish you'd ALL shut the hell up. My baby is sleeping!

Noah Jennings: Everyone interrupts!

Lady M's and Aly Smash came out, with Aly Smash wearing a front facing baby carrier.

Noah Jennings: This is-

Tack Angel: Unexpected!

Noah Jennings: AH!

Tack Angel: AH!

Noah Jennings: For crying out loud! What are you out here for?!

Tack Angel: Other stuff, we'll get to it. I'm really into all this right now.

Lady M's: You know, I'm really pissed off! I'm home, doing my own thing, and I have to hear about all this demand for Trevor! Trevor come back! Trevor join us! Trevor help us!

Aly Smash: Yeah, you bang on the door. You call all the time. We're thinking "Why the hell would he want to help either of you"?

Lady M's: No, we're thinking, "Leave me alone, I'm trying to SLEEP"!

Tack Angel: Oh come on, you're concerned for him Tali.

Lady M's: It's not like I give a fuck or anything, you fucking moron!

Tack Angel: ...Does that still qualify as tsundere? I think it does.

Ryan IQ: Why are you talking to me?


Aly Smash: He's not having it! You want someone to kick some ass, give me until the end of my maternity! We're through here.

Noah Jennings: Well...I guess that settles that.

Ryan IQ: For now. Onto other business. You want War? You want War Games? The Dan Club challenging us? You want that badly enough, you'll have Bashin Dan come out here himself, and answer just WHY he's wanting to give up on a title shot for a different title shot.

Bashin Dan: I'll tell you. I'm not afraid to come out here and tell you that. I have nothing to hide. It's really simple. In this sport, the what matters most is the Triple Crown World Championship. In this life, what matters most is family. You came after my family, so now I'd rather stand with them against you. That feels more important at the moment. It's important, because this isn't about competition. It's personal.

Ryan IQ: You know what? You MIGHT get what you want. You MIGHT get that. But first, you have to beat Hotlanta in the main event. You do that, and I'll let w00t decide if he wants to mix it up wit the Dan Club.

Tack Angel: AND I WANT IN! Sorry, that's the thing I was here for. Dan, I want in! Please, let me join the Dan Club!


Lady M's and Aly Smash were leaving the building...

Lady M's: You didn't have to follow me here you know.

Aly Smash: Wasn't going to let you come here by yourself you know. You said what you wanted to say. You feel better?

Lady M's: I didn't say what I wanted to say. The whole damn thing would have been bleeped out. I did what YOU wanted and issued a warning. They come by again, and I'm going to kill them.

Aly Smash: Heh...fair is fair I suppose.

As they walked, they found themselves with Elevation on the right, and EBW: Dark on the left.

Aly Smash: Well, here we go. I expected this. I can't get involved you know.

Lady M's: Then why did you show up with Justice?

Aly Smash: Couldn't get a babysitter on ZERO NOTICE! You think they would hurt him? Seems to me you'd have to be really insane and monstrous to harm a baby. They wouldn't do that right? Uh oh...they might?

Lady M's: *sigh* Fine. Bitches, let's save us all some trouble here. Whatever you're here to say OR do....I don't give a fuck. There? That work? We're out of here.

Aly Smash: heard her.

EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
Strike TV

1. World Tag #1 Contender Spot: Golvoth[o]/Vape beat LG Rod/Randy no Kachi[x] via Buckle Bomb x Choke Slam -> Pin
2. 8-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Amigo/Ness/Hashim Al-Singh beat Kinniku Mike/Jamie OD/Generator/Magnum PT via DQ
3. Tag: w00t[o]/KYO beat Benjamin/Cade[x] via wKo -> Pin
4. EBW Women's Television Championship 3-Way: Troian(c) beat Valarie Dorado and Iroha Angel[x] via Angel Driver -> Pin -> Title Defense!
5. Singles: Bashin Dan beat Hotlanta via Brave Clash -> Pin

Dr. Z Says...

Dr. Z: Well, we had another great show in Threed, but like always, dealing with the undead is serious business. To that end, I have to highly stress that "Self Identifying" as a Zombie is not only ridiculous, but it is DANGEROUS! Living people should NOT be eating Fly Honey! Also, check your pulse. You got one? YOU'RE NOT A ZOMBIE!


Tack Tower

The wives were asleep, except for Amy, who was doing the bills as usual. Tack walked into the room...

Tack Angel: What are you still doing awake?

Amy Angel: The bills. It's not looking good. What are you doing awake?

Tack Angel: Couldn't sleep. I have too much on my mind.

Amy Angel: Understandable.

Tack Angel: w00t, and what's going on with Iroha, and why Subculture, but let's circle back around to the bills.

Amy Angel: We have blown through all our savings. Everything we've ever saved up, invested in, or hid away. We're running on empty Tack. We're not going to be able to keep this Tower.

Tack Angel: It was easier with a Kingdom made out of Crystal. How is that even possible?

Amy Angel: We were paying people in Tack Dollars, and they didn't realize it wasn't legal tender yet?

Tack Angel: YET being the key term here. We'll figure it our honey. We're just have to really work hard.

Amy Angel: It's more than that Tack. The usual isn't going to work here. We need real money now, or we're going to lose everything we've built together.

Tack Angel: *sigh* Shenanigans are supposed to be marketable to sustain us. I don't understand the world anymore.

Amy Angel: Well, you do understand how to be a Papa, so will you go check on Christina? I heard a noise from her room.

Tack Angel: I-

Amy Angel: The kid one. Obviously the kid one.

Tack Angel: Right. Of course.

Tack quietly crept into the room. He stood over the bed and smiled at his little daughter fast asleep.

Tack Angel: Daughter, I'm glad you don't have to deal with all this nonsense. You get to enjoy your life, and not marry Subculture. Looking at you, makes it all melt away. It-

Tack turned around when he noticed a big bundle of red balloons behind him. He followed the strings to a clown doll in a rocking chair.

Tack Angel: Huh...that's weird.

Amy Angel: What's weird honey? Sorry, you were taking a while, and I wanted to....oh...what's that?

Tack Angel: That's what I was going to ask you? A bit weird isn't it? Clowns and balloons in the room here?

Amy Angel: I didn't put those there.

Tack Angel: Oh. Well maybe one of the other-

Amy Angel: You mean you didn't put them in here?

Tack Angel: No, they were here when I got here.

Amy Angel: .....

Tack Angel: What?

Amy Angel: Those were not in here when I put her to sleep.

Tack Angel: ....

Tack slowly turned to the window....which was open.


The Bad Dudes Dojo

The Dojo was packed, with many men and women training to see if they could join the ranks of EBW. Little Helios and Rebecca Angel were playing by the window as one of their mother Iroha Angel spoke with Lady M's.

Lady M's: You want what?

Iroha Angel: I want you to train me! Teach me! Help me!

Lady M's: Where is all of this coming from? I thought you Angel Wives stuck together.

Iroha Angel: People forget...I forget...that before all of this, I was a warrior. I want that instinct back. I'm not going to get that back home. My family, is my comfort. They are home. They are everything...except that fighting instinct. I don't like to admit this, but Tack has lost it too. Christina and I may be at odds, but even I will admit that she is better as a fighter when she's not around us. We have to leave our comfort zones for this. I need to prove myself. Will you help me?

Lady M's: Heh. I don't "help" people. That's the first lesson to learn here. You want to help yourself? That I can facilitate. I give you the means...for a weekly fee.

Iroha Angel: We're short on money.

Lady M's: ...Well...since you're married to my Anime watching friend...5% off.

Iroha Angel: That's still-

Lady M's: I'm kidding. You'll work it off. Heather and Rose don't know dick about cleaning!

Heather Mach: Not in the job description!

Bloody Rose: ...What she said.

Lady M's: Yeah, like it's in mine. Whatever! We got a janitor and a trainee here. Get her started.

Iroha Angel: Now? Alright, but I have to take Rebecca and Helios home first.

Lady M's: Nah, just use our AWESOME kiddie room.

Heather Mach: ...We taped a bunch of mattresses on the walls and floors. No way those little bastards are going to hurt themselves.

Iroha Angel: Rrrright....I guess that might work? Let me just get them.

As Iroha was speaking with M's, she didn't notice her daughters were transfixed with something outside. They stared out the window at figure across the street. A clown with balloons in its hand was beckoning them out. They started crawling and walking to the door, but Iroha stopped them.

Iroha Angel: Oh no you don't! We don't go outside alone, and we especially stay away from the roads. Do you underst- weird...I thought I saw a clown for a second.

Lady M's: Oh really? Hang on, let me get my gun. Try to find it again.

EBW: The Clash

Nerma: Nerma here in the Studio for another installment of The Clash, where we swear it's not a recap show, but it IS a show that let's up pimp the next Xcite, cause we don't like having to use tarp on seating. We're done with Spring Break, and we're moving straight onto CIVIL WAR! We're looking at a possible main event that will feature Dan Club taking on EBW: Dark. The deets are still getting worked out, but we do know one thing. Tack Angel WANTS IN! Ain't that right Tack?

Tack Angel: Oh, you actually knew I was standing here. Hey alright! Yes, I want in! I want to take on EBW: Dark! I want to take on w00t! I want to help Bashin Dan strike a blow. Further more, I think he might need me. He wants to be the Ace. Funny, cause I was hearing a long time how I was Ace around here. People infrequently ask me "When is Ace Tack Angel coming back?", and I tell them he never left. Then they tell me "Oh yes he most certainly did leave", and I say shut up I need this! I'll prove that I still have it, or if I don't, it's probably just lost in one of the numerous sectional couches I have! Tonight, I'm taking on Cade. Another kid full of potential, but they say he lost his edge too. Guess we both have something to prove. I'll even up the odds here kid. NO wrist clutches. Yeah, you heard me. I won't even clutch the wrist. Yeah....that's how you know I'm serious here.

Nerma: Is that how we know? I see. Well then, let's take it to the ring. Hey wait Tack, what kind of sectional couches DO YOU have?

Tack Angel: Oh, I'm glad you asked, I have-

EBW: The Clash
Studio B, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: Hashim Al-Singh beat Danny Leung via No Push
2. Women's Tag: Lainey Strong/Calamity Jane[o] beat Kei Akiyama/Kayla Sparkz[x] via Lariat -> Pin
3. Singles: Tack Angel beat Cade via Angel Driver -> Pin

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12/08/2019 4:46 pm  #503

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the guy that's NOT in the Control Center of Wrestling, and why is that? Well, it's because I'm in RIVER CITY! That's right EBW fans of River City, we're coming to your city. I mean...most of you already knew that...seeing as these posters have been up for months...and tickets have sold quite well....but for some reason we don't mention these things on television...our main way of getting information across. How are we profitable? Steve, how are we profitable? Whatever, we're here because EBW: Dark pulled a power move. This is Swift's home town after all, and he wanted to defend the title here, so why not? The people of River City deserve EBW shows too....even though it has the highest crime rate this side of Windy City. Anyways, we-

The screen cut to black...

w00t: We choose Ness to take on the ferocious beast. He wanted to come back and stir up trouble. He wanted to stop us because we're doing what he never could. We're setting things right. We got the gold, and we've got the power. Swift wanted an opponent worthy of himself, since Bashin Dan didn't take the opportunity, we choose Ness. Bring your friends. Bring your Gutsy Bat. Bring everything you've got Ness, because this is your ONE SHOT.

The screen cut back to Tommy, but not before a split second shot of a clown holding balloons.

Tommy Dukes: Well that was weird. What? No, not the cut away, I expect that at this point. I just saw Firebrand X pass by. Said he's going to be here for Xcite. Wonder what's on his mind.

EBW: Xcite
Rumble Street, River City
Strike TV

1. Tag: Generator/Hotlanta vs. Bashin Dan/Benjamin
2. Women's Singles: Gold vs. Iroha Angel
3. Singles: w00t/Camilo Ortega/KYO/Magnum PT vs. Hashim Al-Singh/Amigo/Tack Angel/Subculture
4. Singles: Kinniku Mike vs. Vape
5. EBW Trios #1 Contender: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Tracy Angel vs. Erica/Sylvie/21st Century Foxx
6. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) vs. Ness


River City

The EBW: Dark Bus pulled up at the bus stop to a huge reaction. Swift was given a heroes' welcome.

Swift: You see this? Get the cameras on this EBW. The EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Champion is home, where he's appreciated. This is the kind of reaction you don't want me to get right? That's why you didn't like running here? Guess what? We're coming back a lot. Y'all here me? GET USED TO THIS!

EBW Store - River City Branch

On the other side of town, Bashin Dan was at the local branch of the EBW Store, signing autographs, and teaching kids how to play Battle Spirits.

Bashin Dan: This is a fun, safe alternative to some of the more dangerous things you can get caught up in living in a big city. The rules are simple-

Tack Angel: That's right! Playing cards is the way to go kids! I've got your back Dan.

Bashin Dan: Tack Angel? Why do you keep following me?

Tack Angel: You know why. I need a spot in the Dan Club. If you're going after w00t, and EBW: Dark, and the World Team Championship rings, then I want to be a part of it.

Bashin Dan: I appreciate that, really I do, but I have to stand with my family. It's going to be me, Jammer, Benjamin, and Cade.

Tack Angel: Is Jammer going to be cleared to compete? I've noticed he's not around. A lot of people have. Johnny Starbound has been gloating about it.

Bashin Dan: Starbound....I want to deal with him too. People are making this very personal.

Tack Angel: That's wrestling for you. So, if Jammer isn't cleared, let me in on this match please.

Bashin Dan: It's an honor to have a veteran and star like yourself asking to join me, but I have to wonder about the reasons. You don't really want to stand with the Dan Club do you? You want to make money for your family, which I can respect, but you also want revenge against w00t.

Tack Angel: Wouldn't you? After everything he's done to me....wouldn't you want revenge in my shoes?

Bashin Dan: I's giving w00t exactly what he's wanted from the beginning. He knows he's under your skin, and making you erratic. That is what he wants.

Tack Angel: ...Maybe...but it's what I want too. If something is going to set me off, then it's definitely going to be my family.

Bashin Dan: is what's important. That's why I'm not asking for the title rematch.

Tack Angel: You mean at Civil War? You could always get it after that I'm sure.

Bashin Dan: I don't much longer I've got here.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Bashin Dan: Clackey said....nevermind. Alright Tack Angel, you can join us! You can be a member of Dan Club, and help us take on EBW: Dark!

Tack Angel: ALRIGHT!

Bashin Dan: Now...I just have to convince Swift to give us the match.

Tack Angel: Oh right.

EBW: Xcite

Nerma: Welcome to EBW: Xcite! We have a huge show lined up for you tonight, with EBW: Dark calling the shots on the location, the main event, and the opponent. The Silent Protagonist Ness, who came back to rally EBW against EBW: Dark is getting a "one time only" title match against Swift. I saw him earlier, he's wearing the EBW track jacket proudly. He looks to be in great shape. He's been working with Amigo and Hashim Al-Singh in training. I guess the three of them have been....wait is that Firebrand X in the ring?

Firebrand X was in the yeah it was.

Firebrand X: So River City, I've got say I'm glad that EBW finally made it here. I've spent a lot of time here myself, toughening up in the toughest streets in Eagleland. It's no wonder you produced a beast like Swift. Got to admit, I wish I were here under better circumstances. I let myself get a little lazy and complacent. I took off the mask, which helped with the female demo, but the wife doesn't much care for that aspect. I found a group I trusted in the Elite 4, but we were forced to split up. Now, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know where I fit into all of this. I thought about joining EBW: Dark actually. Yeah, that's getting some cheers here. I expected that. Wanted to here that, so I decided to wait to say it until we were here. In wrestling though, loyalty is such a weak concept. People do good one week, and embrace the bad the next. No one really cares do they? Trust, is hard to come by. Therefore, I WON'T be pursuing that option. What I'm going to do, is pick myself up, get focused, and stay on the path! That means being true to myself. That means-

Johnny Starbound: That means pretending to be me right? Yeah, I see you out there, about to give the whole, lone star against the world speech. Save it! It doesn't help. It doesn't get you anywhere. What gets you places is results!

Firebrand X: Is that right? What are your results? What have you done lately? Lost title shots, I know that much.

Johnny Starbound: I put Jammer in the hospital. I cost him his dreams, and put him on the shelf, because he got in the way of my light. I'M THE STAR OF EBW! I DESERVE THE RECOGNITION!

Firebrand X: They always said you have your head in the clouds. I'd say it's more likely up your own ass. Look, I came out here to announce that I would be following the Inter-National Champion on the Around the World Tour he's on, so I could bring the belts back home to EBW. I've said what I needed to say. If you want to yammer on without me. Be my gue-

Johnny Starbound punched Firebrand X in the mouth.

Johnny Starbound: I want a match! I want to fight you! NOW!

Firebrand X: It's easier when you just say it.

EBW: Xcite
Rumble Street, River City
Strike TV

0. Singles: Firebrand X beat Johnny Starbound via Count Out
Tommy Dukes: Wow, this is a huge impromptu match to start the show. Starbound trying to keep it off the mat with high risk moves, but X was the first true hybrid fighter in EBW, and knows how to deal with him. Look there, he hits a perfectly timed dropkick, catching Starbound in mid-air. Cradle DDT from X, and now he's got him where he wa-Starbound is rolling out of the ring. Where is he going? The ref is going to count you out! What are you doing?

Johnny Starbound: You think I have time to waste here? Firebrand X isn't going to further my career. I really don't have time for this!

Tommy Dukes: Hey come on! The ref hits 10, and that's it. Firebrand X with the count out win.

1. Tag: Bashin Dan/Benjamin[o] beat Generator/Hotlanta[x] via Spear -> Pin  
Tommy Dukes: Dan is rallying! He's coming back against the two veterans from EBW: Dark! But what's this? He's tagging in Benjamin, and holding up Hotlanta! Benji with the Spear! Dan's giving it to Benjamin while he fights off Generator! Smart strategy! 1-2-3! He did it! Benjamin pins Hotlanta! He can't believe it, well neither man can. Benji is happy and Hotlanta looks distraught. Hang on, Bashin Dan is grabbing a mic.

Bashin Dan: THAT is why I want this match. You see that? See how happy my friend is? That's important to me. That matters! He deserves to be seen as just as big of a threat to EBW: Dark. He's put the work in, harder than most, and longer hours than you know too. That's why I want to stand with my brothers against all of you. I looked it up, and I believe my team can stop your team inside of WAR GAMES! How about it? EBW World Team Championships decided inside of the War Games double cage!

Swift appeared on the big screen...

Swift: You're an idiot kid. An absolute idiot. You could've had a chance to win these back, but instead you want to get locked inside of a cage with the absolute best to ever set foot in the ring? We beat the Elite like they were nothing. We crushed them. We broke their spirits. We took their rings. We disbanded the-hey....that gives me an idea.

w00t: I know what you're thinking, and I love it. Generator. Hotlatan, wait till you hear this. It should pick your spirits right up.

Swift: I agree to the match on one condition. If we win, Dan Club has to disband.

Bashin Dan: ....I..


w00t: Answer right now, or you get nothing. Right no-

Bashin Dan: Deal! We're in!

w00t: Ha! He actually agreed.

Swift: If I haven't broken you yet, I will after the War Games. Don't worry Dan, I DO take your pal as seriously of a threat as I do you....which is no threat at all.

2. Women's Singles: Gold beat Iroha Angel via Golden Exploder -> Pin
Nerma: Iroha seems to be trying some new things here against Gold, but Tenrec masked Gold is just that much better on the technical side of things. Still, it shows you the training Iroha has put in being able to escape about counter these holds. BUT...she didn't expect the Golden Exploder. 1-2-3! Gold gets the win. Iroha looks pissed.
3. 8-Man Tag: w00t[o]/Camilo Ortega/KYO/Magnum PT beat Hashim Al-Singh/Amigo/Tack Angel/Subculture[x] via wKo -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: EBW is trying to band together to stop EBW: Dark, but all we have to throw at them are these really random teams?! Subculture is looking off his game, I think he's been fighting the injury bug, and-WKO BY w00t! He timed that just right! 1-2-3! Another win for EBW: Dark.
4. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Vape via Muscle Buster -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Amazing strength as always by Mike as he has LIFTED UP VAPE FOR THE MUSCLE BUSTER! NO WAY! HE HITS IT! HE GOT THE PIN!
5. EBW Trios #1 Contender: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Tracy Angel[o] beat Erica/Sylvie/21st Century Foxx[x] via TikTak -> Pin
Nerma: I didn't expect the Women's World Champion and Christina Angel to choose Tracy Angel to join them in this Contender match, but I'll bet they are glad they did. Tracy is on it! The TikTak on Foxx, and the pin! Yeah!
6. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) beat Ness via POUNCE -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: A bloody Ness is trying his best here, but eating a shot from his own Gutsy Bat before the match let him wide open to Swift's onslaught. Look at Magnum PT laughing with that bat in hand. You don't deserve to hold that bat PT! You don't-oh he's looking at me. I think he heard me. WAIT! PK ROCKIN! YES! NESS WITH THE PIN! 1-2-NO! Swift kicked out! Ness is setting him up for, THE POUNCE! Swift out of nowhere with the POUNCE! NO! 1-2-3! Swift retains! Swift retains against Ness. The streak continues for Swift, but I have to wonder if things would have gone differently if not for the bat shot.


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: Nerma here, still in River City, cause that is where Civil War is going down! It's going to be an all out war alright, because we have WAR GAMES officially going down, with EBW: Dark taking on the Dan Club. The Dan Club has a chance to win back the Team Rings, but if they lose, they have to disband as a stable. That's high stakes, especially for Bashin Dan, who values friendship and family most of all. Let's check this out.

St. Saturn Memorial Hospital

Jammer: You did what?

Bashin Dan: I know. I know. It's a was rash and reckless.

Jammer: No, that's awesome! They weren't expecting you to accept. I have to believe that. They put up stakes they didn't think you were willing to accept. I wish I had steaks myself...this hospital food is terrible.

Bashin Dan: How is your neck by the way? I came here to check on you, not talk about my decisions.

Jammer: I'm going to be fine. Don't worry about it. Starbound did some damage, but wounds heal. I'll be just fine buddy. Thanks for asking. I have to thank you for more too. If you had given up on me, I would've ended up just like Starbound. Seeing it for myself, it's not a good look to be sure. You don't give up, it's not in your nature. You buck the trends, and keep on going. You're the man that turned down another shot at the EBW Triple Crown World Championship, because of what you truly value and stand for. Who else would do that? That's insane! That's down right heroic you know?

Bashin Dan: I should've asked the others. I mean Vape and Golvoth aren't even in the match, so they don't have a say in th-

Vape: Hey, don't worry about it. We support you?

Bashin Dan: Huh?

Dan turned around and saw the rest of the Dan Club and Women's World Champion Hope Mach in the doorway.

Jammer: Alright, so I maybe made a phone call.

Cade: We heard you were nervous about the decision. We wanted you to know we have your back.

Benjamin: We started down this road together buddy. No way I'm backing down now. No matter what happens, we finish this together.

Hope Mach: You have some good friends here Dan. They're telling you, you don't have worry. You're not alone.

Bashin Dan: *sniff* ....You could I ever...leave...

Jammer: What?

Bashin Dan: Nothing. It's not important right now. It's not, because THIS is important. All of us here together.

Jammer: Yep, but not to check in on me. I'M FINE BY THE WAY!

Cade: Oh we KNEW you could take care of yourself!

Jammer: Yeah yeah yeah!

Bashin Dan: Hehehe.

EBW: Civil War
Rumble Street, River City
Strike TV+

1. Singles: Ness vs. Magnum PT
2. EBW Trios Championship: Troian(c)/Murasaki(c)/Ripper Jane(c) vs. Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Tracy Angel
3. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Vape/Golvoth
4. No Rules: Firebrand X vs. Johnny Starbound
5. EBW World Team Championship War Games: Swift(c)/w00t(c)/Generator(c)/Hotlanta(c) vs. Bashin Dan/Tack Angel/Benjamin/Cade

Bad Dudes Dojo

Lady M's had finished up her "House of M's" training sessions for the day. She grabbed a towel and head into the office, where a figure was sitting in the shadows, holding a baby...

Lady M's: Oh there you are. I haven't seen you in a few days. I know you come and go as you please, and I dig that, but maybe leave a note? For Aly...of course. Ah, hell I worry about you too I guess. I'm allowed to right? I can feel how I want to feel. I don't give a fu-

Trevor Mach: Shhh...

Lady M's: Oh right. Justice....heh...that's still crazy isn't it? Look, now that I have you here, I want to shoot straight with you. I think it's totally up to you, what you do with your life. If you're tired of fighting, I understand that. I'm sick of them too you know? That's why I said forget it, and decided to do what I'm doing now. I'm creating the wrestlers I want to see, molding them...and stretching the hell out of them...with my own two hands. That matters to me. It actually does. I just want to see you find something that matters. If it's not the fight anymore, then it has to be something else. You look at the world, and it pisses you off, every facet of it, but you have to find something to hold onto. Something to care about. I didn't think I needed that, but that's because I already had it. This dysfunctional family we have, has always been my anchor back. Find yourself, find what matters to you, and keep living alright?

Trevor got out of the chair, and gently placed a sleeping Justice back in the crib. He walked up to M's and gave her a quick hug before walking out the door.

Lady M's: I hope that means he's taking my advice, it physically hurts to be nurturing. I don't want to have to do that again. At least he's got us right kid? Maybe that IS enough, but...I have to wonder, what does he see when he sees himself in your eyes? Too much introspection. I've got to hit something.


EBW: The Clash Civil War Pre-Show

The show opened with the streets packed around the double rings set up for War Games. Inside of the ring, stood Wayne Angel, Noah Jennings, and Ryan IQ.

Wayne Angel: Well gosh, this is down right exciting. This is what my boys love so much huh? Wow.

Noah Jennings: That's right Wayne, the excitement from the crowd. They are at a fever pitch, and it's appropriate that you said "boys" because one of your boys might be lurking around tonight, and we wanted to ask him something important again.

Ryan IQ: And of course if anything is going to happen around here, w00t and I already know about it. That's why I'm here. That's why I followed you out. I already know. You want to try again. Even though M's and Smash told you to stop, you want to try again. Hey, I appreciate the consistency. Doing more and more of what people don't want you to do. That's why EBW: Dark exists in the first place! But hey, I'll play along. Look. I brought out a contract too.

Noah Jennings: Yeah, that's clever of you all right, but we all know that Trevor Mach respects few things in this world. One of them though is his "Pops" Wayne Angel.

Wayne Angel: Does he? That's nice. He's a good kid. Where is he anyways?

Noah Jennings: That's why we're here Wayne. It's contract negotiations.

Wayne Angel: Oh yeah? That's neat!

Noah Jennings: It sure is. We're going to try and bring Trevor back onto the team, and we're going to offer him a large contract, AND...this cold hard cash, $25,000, placed into a sack with a dollar sign on it, because I think that's how he prefers his cash.

Ryan IQ: Idiots. You place it in a briefcase like this.

Noah Jennings: have that too huh?

Ryan IQ: Like I said, we always know.

Noah Jennings: Well, if we're even on the money, it comes down to the principles. Trevor, you were around since the beginning of EBW. It's got to be tiring swimming against the current, but we need you find that strength and keep it up. Help us make EBW better. Help us make it mean something. Hel-

Ryan IQ: Shut up! That's all bullshit Noah, and you know it. Listen to the hypocritical tripe coming out of your mouth. You would be on this side, standing in this ring, if we would have allowed it. You're trying to-

At that moment, Trevor Mach, sporting a trucker hat and aviator shades entered the ring, with something in his leather jacket pocket.

Wayne Angel: Trevor! Great to see you again son!

Noah Jennings: See, I knew he was here tonight! We were told to step back, but when something like this is happening, it's important to press on. We need you man. We need-

Ryan IQ: EBW: Dark would be a much better place for a man of your talents. A much better place for you to be yourself, do what you want, hurt who you want, and get out some of that anger you've been building up. Check out the money. Look at all that money.

Noah Jennings: Wait! Look! Look in the sack here! Money money money! Yeah, you can have that with us too, PLUS, you know you'd be doing the right thi-

Trevor Mach reached into the sack and pulled out some money. He looked at it before suddenly pulling a staple gun out of his pocket, and stapling the money to Noah's chest.


Trevor approached IQ and grabbed money from his case, holding up the staple gun and forcing Ry Q to retreat. He took all the money and tossed it out to the crowd, leaving some for Wayne, whom he hugged before leaving back into the crowd.

Tommy Dukes: ....Huh? We're on me? WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED! Uh...this is the pre-show I guess. Let's uh...take it to the ring?

EBW: The Clash Civil War Pre-Show
Rumble Street, River City
Strike TV+

1. Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze beat Kei Akiyama via Pumphandle Slam x Elbow Drop -> Pin
2. Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Sylvie via Victory Roll -> Pin
3. EBW Women's Television Championship: Troian(c) beat Gold via Golden Exploder -> Pin -> Title Defense!

Locker Room

The Dan Club were getting ready for their match, when Bashin Dan rallied them together.

Bashin Dan: Guys, the odds are against us. More so than usual here, because we're going to be in the War Games Cage with EBW: Dark, and I just found out that they won the coin flip.

Tack Angel: Of course they did. That's to be expected.

Bashin Dan: Huh?

Tack Angel: The laws of physics warp and change during War Games and the like to always ensure heels get the advantage. Seriously, flip a coin right now, and call it in the air. You'll get it wrong every single time.

Bashin Dan: You're kidding me.

Tack Angel: I wish I was. It's the weirdest thing.

Bashin Dan: ...This world is strange. I just want us to remember, that we can and will step up to any challenge together, as friends and family. A challenge makes us better. Feel that blood pumping? That's good. That's healthy. That's what we need.

Tack Angel: Actually, my blood pressure gets a little too high...but I get what you're saying. Yeah! I'm pumped...and light headed, and-

Bashin Dan: Tack, forgive me for the disrespect, but you have GOT to be the Tack Angel people remember cheering winning the title at Victory Explosion 4. You have GOT to be the Tack Angel that people remember punching out management when they tried to market him as "John Tack". We're going to WAR!

Tack Angel: *sigh* ...You're right actually, but it's never been easy for me. War is never my first option. It's never my instinct. Competition is easy, but War, not so much. Also...thanks for watching my old matches and stuff.

Bashin Dan: Yeah, we get Strike TV+ for free, so I thought why not?

Tack Angel: I just want peace.

Vape: "Si vis pacem, para bellum"

Tack Angel: Huh?

Vape: It's ancient Saturn Latin, and it means "If you want peace, prepare for war."

Tack Angel: ...

Vape: What? I..uh...know things!

Tack Angel: Exactly what I needed to hear. Let's do this! Thank you for letting me join the Dan Club for this. Let's win those rings, and strike a blow. Let's....go to WAR!

Bashin Dan: Now you're talking! Let's do this! All for One and One for ALL! YEAH!

The Dan Club left the locker room except for Bashin Dan, who kept wrapping his wrists.

Bashin Dan: Boy...that Vape is surprising isn't he? I had no idea he knew Saturn Latin. However, I DID find out recently that a certain former EBW Wrestler took it as an elective in College. Know who I'm talking about Trevor?

Trevor Mach: .....

Bashin Dan: Yeah, I do my homework too. I get that you're of two minds right now. Personally, you're burned out. Not just in the ring, but burned out in this world. I get that. It's a lot different from...where I come from. But, you have a lot going for you too. You left when you thought you were alone, but you're not. I have your back. Always will. You might wonder if you can ever change this world, but you won't know until you try. Give it hell Trevor.

Trevor Mach: ...I have no more Hell to pay.

Bashin Dan: I doubt that.

Trevor Mach: ...

EBW: Civil War

EBW: Civil War
Rumble Street, River City
Strike TV+

1. Singles: Ness beat Magnum PT via PK Rockin -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: PT isn't as much a threat without the Bat now is he? Ness showing he's still got it, and then some! Here comes the good squad of EBW: Dark, but Amigo and Hashim Al-Singh are backing up Ness, they aren't getting to the ring! Mustache Ride blocked! PK Rockin HIT! 1-2-3! Ness wins!
2. EBW Trios Championship: Troian(c)/Murasaki(c)/Ripper Jane(c)[o] beat Hope Mach[x]/Christina Angel/Tracy Angel via Hell Claw -> Referee Stoppage -> Title Defense!
Nerma: EBW: Dark doing what they can to break the rules and get away with it, but Mo is watching them like a hawk, which is great considering how many matches she's had to take off of Refman's work load. Ripper Jane with the Hell Claw on Hope! No, she's got it locked in on the Women's World Champion! Someone Christina and Tracy are on the outside trying to get back in, but Hope can't get to them or the ropes! Come on! Fight it Hope! She's not tapping out, but she's....she's blacking out. Referee is calling it, but Ripper Jane is NOT letting up! She's not letting the Hell Claw go! Mo is going to reverse the decision but Troian blindsided her. Christina finally got Hope out of there, but she's bleeding badly from the mouth. That is just too much!
3. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Vape/Golvoth beat Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c) via DQ
Tommy Dukes: The RagnaRockers are running wild on "Best Match", they might just be the real best match after all. Slam! The Mad Lad Jamie OD is kicking and chopping at Golvoth, but he ate a Buckle Bomb for his troubles! Mike is trying to Vape again, but it was a Vape Escape, as-

Vape: I like that, I-

Tommy Dukes: No you don't, I take it back immediately. Vape is looking to Splash on Notorious J.O.D, but Mike is grabbing a chair! Wrapped it around Vape's head! Dammit! They couldn't take that they were losing. Plain and simple. RagnaRockers were robbed.

4. No Rules: Johnny Starbound beat Firebrand X via 450 Splash -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Firebrand X not letting Starbound run away this time. More than that, neither man is getting counted out, cause this in No Rules! Weapon shots back and forth, and neither man is going down. X with the Elevated Firebuster, but he's got to get him back in the ring for it to count. He's almost, CAREFUL X! Firebrand is dragging Starbound, but he didn't see him grab that hammer! He's trying to carry him in the ring, but Johnny just clocked him right in the face! Holy shit! Sorry! Language I know! Money in the swear jar, but Johnny just bashed X right in the nose with that damn hammer! Another quarter in the jar. X is out cold. Starbound is gloating as he goes up for the 450 Splash. 1-2-3! Starbound won it! He's demanding the spotlight shine on him. What an ego maniac.
5. EBW World Team Championship War Games: Bashin Dan/Tack Angel/Benjamin/Cade beat Swift(c)/w00t(c)/Generator(c)/Hotlanta(c)[x] via Team Surrender -> NEW EBW World Team Champions!  
Tommy Dukes: The ring is filling up. Bashin Dan started this off, setting the example, but it's been a numbers game ever since. Seriously, what's with the coin flip?

Nerma: Scientists have spent years trying to solve this mystery. Here comes Cade to finally lead to all 8-Man in the cage! It's now the match beyond!

Tommy Dukes: Beyond wha-

Nerma: We do this every time. It's just a stupid naming convention.

Tommy Dukes: I thought it might have been like when Timberlake brought Sexy Back. Like, where did it go in the first place? How did he find it, and how did he bring it ba-

Nerma: *cough*

Tommy Dukes: Right. War Games. Right. Sorry wife. This is out of control! Swift is running the Dan Club down, and Tack is fixated on w00t. Cade is locking up with Generator, and Hotlanta is seemingly trying to kill Benjamin for that Spear loss. EBW: Dark brought in weapons! Of course they did. They have Ryan IQ on the outside funneling them in. Damn, the blood is spilling and EBW: Dark is dominating. They want to humiliate the Dan Club. Dammit, I-

Nerma: Swear jar!

Tommy Dukes: No seriously, this sucks! EBW is getting it stolen! Where is our backup! Why aren't they helping! Why isn't-

Suddenly, Trevor Mach appeared out the window of an adjacent building. He jumped from the window to the top of the cages. He pulled out some bolt cutters and opened a hole, to jump into the ring. EBW: Dark and the Dan Club all stood back, waiting to see him make a move. Mach rushed Swift as he was choking Dan, and floored him with a knee. He attacked fought off the rest of the group, and turned the tide before kicking his way out of the side of the cage, and rushing back out into the crowd.

Tommy Dukes: Incredible! Mach as the equalizer! In the chaos, Cade hit the Cadebreaker on Hotlanta! He's got him in the Sharpshooter! HE'S VERBALLY SUBMITTING! TEAM SURRENDER! TEAM SURRENDER! Dan Club wins! Dan Club wins!

The show ended with EBW: Dark in retreat, with The Dan Club celebrating with the rings. Mach smirked and disappeared in the crowd.


The Board Room

Noah Jennings stumbled into a dark room, with bright lights enveloping a round table with empty seats. Sitting at the table were Jeff Andonuts and Wayne Angel.

Wayne Angel: Oh, you're here! I'm glad the directions were helpful. I still get a little lost myself.

Jeff Andonuts:'s the-

Noah Jennings: Staple wound?'s's fine. What's going on here?

Jeff Andonuts: We were having a meeting. We just let out. You missed most of the Board just now.

Noah Jennings: Huh...imagine that.

Jeff Andonuts: EBW: Dark took a blow last night, but we're still not sure how much damage it's going to deal in the long run. Ryan IQ is digging in on copyrights, and more merch for EBW: Dark. They are trying to funnel profits towards them, since the athletes and stables get a sizeable portion of the sales. They're going to expand, and we're going to need to expand too. That's why we've given the green light to a new show.

Noah Jennings: A NEW SHOW? Are we not stretched out already?

Jeff Andonuts: We're going to have to take some risks here. The Clash is being relegated to a Pre-Show before the big event shows on Strike TV+, and this new show, called Prime Time Challenge.

Noah Jennings: Is the Challenge keeping viewers attention for yet another night of Prime Time? HAHAHAHAHA....HA....ha...h-

Jeff Andonuts: We've been working with Strike TV for some time since they bought out our streaming service, but we're going to be branching out to a new service for this show. The streaming service Flicknet.

Noah Jennings: Flicknet? What? Why?

Jeff Andonuts: Well, take a look at this video they sent us, requesting the content.

Andonuts pushed a button, and a large monitor appeared in the darkness, and began airing a video.

Flicknet Announcer: Flicknet is the gift that keeps on giving, and we'd love to add YOU to our line up! We already have an obscene amount of content to watch, and heading into 2020, we'll have even more because we've GONE CRAAAAZY!

Noah Jennings: What?

Flicknet Announcer: That's right, we're spending BILLIONS of dollars to make EVERY SHOW IMAGINABLE! EVER! Our goal is the endless scroll. By the time you make it to the bottom of our menu, there will be NEW SHOWS at the top, and thus the singularity will be achieved!

Noah Jennings: Singu-what?

Flicknet Announcer: How are we doing it? Simple! WE BUY EVERYTHING!

Proposed Show Pitcher: Alright, so the show would star this girl named Jill and-

Coked up Executive: YES! HERE'S MONEY! GO!

Flicknet Announcer: We have so many shows, like this one, which is on its third season, but has only ONE VIEWER! WE'RE INSANE! HALF THE SHIT ON THIS CHANNEL BARELY EXISTS, YET WE SPENT MILLIONS TO PRODUCE IT! You don't know it's there! We don't know it's there! If you can think of something we probably have a show about it! That's why we need YOU! Wrestling....will COMPLETE....THE CIRCLE! TAKE OUR MONEY! HAVE MILLIONS! GIVE US YOUR CONTENT! WE NEED IT! AHHHHHH!!!!

The screen went blank.

Jeff Andonuts: What do you think?

Wayne Angel: That nice man needs to drink less coffee I think.

Noah Jennings: we sold out for cash?

Jeff Andonuts: An obscene amount of cash.

Noah Jennings: Well I guess make it worth it?

Jeff Andonuts: We just need two hosts, as it's going to be a studio show, showcasing our renewed live show schedule. Oh by the way, that's why you're here. Take EBW back on the road. More live shows. Start tomorrow.

Noah Jennings: ...GREAT! WONDERFUL! Love it! KILL ME!

Wayne Angel: He seems excited about the job!

Jeff Andonuts: He's something alright.


Iwata Memorial Arena

Fans poured into the arena from the front, as most of the roster packed in from the back. Trevor Mach appeared on his motorcycle, but it wasn't clear which entrance he would be taking. The choice was taken out of his hands, as Noah Jennings appeared with Biggs and Wedge.

Noah Jennings: Oh no you don't! You're not coming in here! You helped in the main event sure, but I'm not going to just forget what you did before that. You STAPLED money onto my CHEST! I don't deserve that!

Trevor Mach: .....

Noah Jennings: ...I might deserve that, but still, I can't allow it. You haven't signed a contract either way, and we're sold out for the night, so why don't you just take off. Let's not make this an issue.

Trevor Mach: .....

Noah Jennings: ...You're going to drive through me to get in there aren't you?

Trevor Mach: *nod*

Noah Jennings: ...Try not to do too much damage?

Mach blew by Jennings and went in through a side entrance. much for that conflict then.

EBW: Xcite

The show kicked off with EBW: Dark in the ring.

Generator: Onett, let's hear ya! You're Dark Saviors are here! No, it's true, we're the real heroes. Ask Ness about that. He won't say much, but if he did, I bet he'd bow down to the King that is the Triple Crown World Champion Swift!

Swift: ...I don't really have a lot to say right now! It's a bad time! I'm pissed off! I REALLY WANT TO-

w00t: Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down champ. So they got the rings, big deal. You still have the center piece of this whole damn thing. You're wearing three belts that symbolize everything this sport stands for. You hold its fate in your hands. Let them have their Team Championship Rings. We'll get them back when we feel like it. I think we all know who was winning that match before we were interrupted though. You all know. We had that wrapped up. However, Trevor Mach, this might surprise you. We're NOT going to take it personally. Seriously, it's water under the bridge. Because honestly, we might have had that coming. I think we'd all agree right? Swift? Right?

Swift: ...

w00t: We told Ripper Jane to show no mercy to your daughter, because she's got a World Championship that we want. Hey, I can see why that might upset you. Let's call it even alright? Don't even worry about it. You can still make the right call here. We're not going to dwell on the past though. We're going to look towards the future. Tell em all about it Mr. IQ.

Ryan IQ: Don't mind if I do. So, EBW: Dark, as it just so happens, will be hosting the next Strike TV+ event! Yeah, that's all me. I made that happen. The Eagleland Bash 2019 will be painted black, and we will control every match on the card. You better be sure to thank me, cause you're going to love what I have in store. Oh, you want to know now? Well, I can't give you everything, BUT I will let you know that every single member of the Dan Club is on notice. I'm throwing out this ultimatum. You have, from right now, ONE WEEK, to leave your stable, and sign EBW: Dark contracts. One minute after that time limit, if you're not with us, you're against us, and it's going to hurt SO MUCH. We'll take all of you...

w00t: Except Tack Angel. No, Tack Angel has an opponent lined up already doesn't he?

Ryan IQ: Heh, as a matter of fact he does. He's a freelancer, not signed to EBW right now, but he's not going to pass this one up. Of that I can assure you.

w00t: What? You thought you'd get a match with me next Tack? Hardly. I beat you at Victory Explosion, and I don't feel like I have to prove myself again. Do you win the Super Bowl and then play another game after that? No, you already won. You don't have to play again. I beat you. I'm in your head. Now, you're going to jump through hoops, and play our game. Now, we understand that tonight, our Inter-National Champion Camilo Ortega has received a challenge. Is that right Ortega?

Camilo Ortega: There are many pretenders to the throne, but they are false, and will be struck down by the message, which is sent through violence. Johnny Starbound, your ego will devour you, but I will save's just going to hurt....a lot.

w00t: Sounds like he accepted the challenge to me. Is that official Ryan?

Ryan IQ: Damn right it is. Ortega will take on Starbound, the man who broke Firebrand X's face last night, for the Inter-National Championship. Let's start the-

w00t: Whoa. Hang on a second Ryan. We have something important to deal with. Hotlanta.

Hotlanta: .....

w00t: You knew this was coming my friend. You lost to Benjamin. You surrendered for our team when you submitted for Cade. That cost us the World Team Rings. Any other group, would throw you to the lions, but we're not like that. We want you to get your head back in the game. We want you to "get your heat back"! That's why, I think you should face Benjamin AND Cade in a Handicap match. Win, and it's all good. What do you think Ryan?

Ryan IQ: Consider it done?

w00t: You alright with that Hotlanta? Disregard the angry beast with three belts breathing down your neck.

Hotlanta: ...I screwed up, so I'll fix it. Bring them out, and I'll take them out. Simple as that.

w00t: Simple as that. Perfect. Hey Mach, I see you up the stands there. Let me just say one more thing to you. Enjoy the show man.


The Dan Club left the dressing room, and made their way to the ring.

Vape: Whoa, you guys don't think this is trap or something?

Benjamin: It very well could be, but it is what it is.

Cade: He's right, we need to do this. Onett is home to me. I don't want to let my people down.

Bashin Dan: We'll be there to guard the ring. We stick together. We have the World Team Championships now. They don't want to admit it, but that has to string more than they are letting on. Keep your eyes open.

Golvoth: ...

Bashin Dan: What?

Vape: The ultimatum. We were given a time limit to stab each other in the back basically.

Bashin Dan: I wouldn't worry about that. I'm not worried.

Vape: You're not?

Bashin Dan: You're family. All of you. Even you now Golvoth. I trust you all. Cade. Benjamin. You guys don't have to worry. We won't betray your trust.

Cade: That's great and all, but you're aware this sounds like something someone would say right before a big betrayal right?

Bashin Dan: ...I'm aware I triggered that flag yes....but you got to trust me. We'll subvert a good way.

EBW: Xcite
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett
Strike TV

1. Handicap: Hotlanta beat Benjamin/Cade[x] via Cross-legged Brainbuster -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Well no betrayal yet, just like Bashin Dan promised, but Hotlanta is absolutely schooling these young men in the ring. No interference needed. In fact, EBW: Dark aren't even trying. Benjamin missed the spear and hit that post! I hope he didn't separate his shoulder! Cade going for the Cadebreaker, but Hotlanta countered it! He's got Cade back to his feet! What's this?! Cross-legged Brainbuster!? 1-2-3! Hotlanta did it! The veteran beat the odds! Wait...why am I excited about that. I WAS CHEERING FOR DAN CLUB!
2. Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Gold via Rolling Elbow x Angel Driver -> Pin
3. Singles: Golvoth beat Jamie OD via Buckle Bomb x Chokeslam -> Pin
4. Women's Singles: Ripper Jane beat Tracy Angel via Hell Claw -> Referee Stoppage
5. EBW Inter-National Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Johnny Starbound via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Starbound is looking to hit a standing Shooting Star Press I believe? This is going to be big! But what's this? Holy shit! Firebrand X, with a bloody and wrapped up face is running for Starbound with a hammer in his hand! Starbound got distracted! STO BOMBER from Ortega! He got the pin! Camilo Ortega defends, and Starbound is running out of the ring and out of the arena! Better run Starbound! X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA!

Nerma: .....

Tommy Dukes: I am so SO sorry.

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:47 pm  #504

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: Welcome to EBW's new show for Flicknet, Prime Time Challenge! Here are your hosts, Apple Kid and Orange Kid!

Apple Kid: Welcome to Prime Time Challenge! I'm Apple Kid, and-

Orange Kid: He just said that. He just introduced us. Don't introduce yourself right after, that just kills my OCD.

Apple Kid: ....this is Orange Kid.

Orange Kid: GAH! Fine. You did it. Feel better? Recognize this old set? The one from EBW: Xtra? Anyone remember that? They dusted it off and let us use it for this multi-million dollar production. Real nice right? Where is all that money? It's certainly not in my pocket. I try to save the world, and this is what I get?

Apple Kid: Calm down Orange, what did you need? Something elaborate? We're here to host this show. Show some first run dark matches, maybe get some interviews, and really get to the bottom of what's going on in EBW right now.

Orange Kid: I have no stake in any of it right now, but so long as the check clears.

Apple Kid: *sigh* We all have a stake in it right now, as EBW is at war with itself. A bunch of guys from our time in the sport are back and badder than ever. It's pretty serious.

Orange Kid: Meh. Good for them? What do you want me to say here?

Apple Kid: Nothing...don't worry about it I guess. So, we have Dan Club with the World Team Championships. That was a big blow against EBW: Dark, and you should be seeing clips of that match on the screen there.

Orange Kid: The only reason it works is because I fixed it you know.

Apple Kid: And when he was done with it, I fixed it correctly. Trevor Mach returned on the scene to help the Club, but then on Xcite, he went back to sitting in the stands. It's confusing. As far as I know, he's still not contracted.

Orange Kid: He's upping his asking price. Playing hardball. That's how you make the big bucks.

Apple Kid: Will you stop. I know this guy, and he's burned out. A loose cannon, on the edge, other 80's references I'm sure he'd appreciate. I would love to speak with him about it, but as far as I know, we haven't been able to reach him.

Orange Kid: Heh.

Apple Kid: What?

Orange Kid: Ooooooh...nothing.

Apple Kid: Right. So before and after Xcite this week, we had some matches that would normally be just for the local fans, but you get to see them here!

Orange Kid: Oh boy, I'm so excited my heading is spinning.

Apple Kid: Well maybe it should be, because Mister Twister is in action! Let's watch!


Singles: Mister Twister beat Stealth Vanyon via Tornado DDT -> Pin

Apple Kid: Now see, I don't get this. Does Stealth Vanyon really think he's invisible?

Orange Kid: You're not supposed to notice him. It's like in theater when the keroppi is in black and-

Apple Kid: Get serious. Keroppi is a cartoon frog. Mister Twister has got him in the head lock. He's switching it up, he wants to get him on his shoulders for the F5.

Orange Kid: Finger of God. Really is just pressure and temperature creating a-

Apple Kid: Stealth escaped, but Twister hit the Tornado DDT. He's that best at that you know. Cause he IS a Tornado. 1-2-3! He got the win!


Apple Kid: Great match I think.

Orange Kid: I can see why it wasn't aired before now. Is this the kind of trash we're going to be airing?

Apple Kid: Hey now, they did alright there. That was a fine contest between those two young athletes.

Orange Kid: You need standards.

Apple Kid: Give me a break. Besides we DO have a feature match tonight in our main event. Amigo is in ACTION!

Orange Kid: Oh, well that might be better.


Singles: Amigo beat Flying Man via Olympic Slam -> Pin

Apple Kid: Now, how is THIS for action?

Orange Kid: It's better. An olympic tier guy versus a giant chicken. That has my attention. Speaking chicken, he's going for that chicken wing neck breaker, but-

Apple Kid: Amigo is escaping! Showing off his great ground game! He's back in control! He hits the Olympic Slam! 1-2-3! He's got it! A win for Amigo!

Orange Kid: ....Don't interrupt me.


Apple Kid: Well, how about that? A great win for Amigo there. We hope you enjoyed the show. Next week, we really get things off the ground. We're going to have guests, surprises, and more. I just wish we could have gotten Mach for the show tonight like I was hoping.

Orange Kid: Well remember when I laughed earlier? It's because I got him. I totally got Mach here right now.

Apple Kid: You do?!

Orange Kid: Yeah, of course I do. When I make a call, people answer. Come on, he's in the waiting room.

Apple Kid: Let's go!

Apple and Orange made their way to the door of the waiting room.

Apple Kid: This is it. Is Mach really in there?

Orange Kid: He sure is! Take a look!

Apple Kid opened the door and...

Dougie Mach: Hey hey! I was told I was expecte-

Apple Kid slammed the door.

Apple Kid: You knew who I was talking about. It wasn't him.

Orange Kid: What!? You said you want Mach so I-

The camera cut back to the set, but now someone was sitting in a chair, with his back towards the camera...

?: You know, I don't know what you're expecting from me at this point? After all of this time, in which I've given everything, you still want more. More and more and more. I show up, not because I want to, because I'm TRYING not to feel so burned out on the whole concept. People are wondering why I did what I did at Civil War. Well, I found a staple gun in the back, and Noah was standing right there. What would you do? mean about that main event? That was simple. There is a short list of people I like. An even shorter list of people I respect. Two of them were in that ring, so I helped them out. See? Simple as that, but don't expect it. Don't expect anything from me. It'd be a joke to. Like all jokes, I eventually lose interest.



In the hall and in a dressing room, EBW: Dark were busy doing their own thing. Plotting out ideas over beers.

w00t: Ortega, that's a nice title belt.

Camilo Ortega: It is what is. It helps me get my message across.

w00t: You know what might help that even more? More Television time.

Camilo Ortega: ...You have my attention.

w00t: I have an idea tonight. Going to have a chat with IQ about this.


Magnum PT: Yeah, Edo has some great beer, but it's nothing like Eagleland's own! Yeah! *belch* You want one?

KYO: ....

Magnum PT: I'm just going to leave it here.

Hotlanta was pacing in a rage in the hallway.

Generator: You need to calm it down. You proved what you can do. You beat them both.

Hotlanta: That shit's not enough for me, and you know it! It's been fun and games for us since we came back. Power, money, and the rings. They humiliated me and took the rings. I accept that, it was on me, for giving them the opportunity. For everyone you get on me, I'm coming back with 10 for you. Those little punks are dead.

w00t: Hey, save it for the ring tonight Hot. You're a badass, we get it. Show it to the Dan Club tonight. You've got this. Hey Ryan, where are you? I got a fun idea.

The camera panned to Swift in his own dark room, thought better of it, and quickly backed out, to w00t whispering in Ryan's ear.

Ryan IQ: Oh that IS interesting. Kills two birds with one stone too. w00t, you evil genius you.

w00t: Why thank you. I-

Suddenly, Tack Angel, Ness, Subculture, Hashim Al-Singh, and Amigo hit the area, trying to brawl with EBW: Dark.

Tack Angel: W00000000000000T!!!!

w00t: Heh. Swift, we've got company!


As they brawled, Johnny Starbound grabbed the camera and pointed it to himself, with the brawling taking place in the background.

Johnny Starbound: Do we really need another brawl? You've seen it already. We all have. Yeah, I hear you booing, it's because you don't want to see it right? You want more of me. Here I am to oblige you. See, I might be EBW, but I have no loyalties one way or the other. I'm here for me. I'm the STAR. I-

Unbeknownst to Starbound, Firebrand X, with his face still heavily bandaged, was sneaking up behind him. Starbound caught him out of the corner of his eye at the last second and took off running.

Firebrand X: You little coward bitch Starbound! You want to break my face!? You want to be an Ace around here?! You stand for something! Look at this fighting behind me! Look at the fury in my eyes! This is standing for something! Mach! You said you were burned out! What does the burn out usually do? He takes justice into his OWN HANDS! He lets the violence run wild! Stand for something dammit! Come down here, and FIGHT! If you don't do it! THEN I WILL!

Firebrand grabbed a chair and joined the fray behind him.

Nosan: *sigh* They're going to make me clean this up when they're done.

EBW: Xcite

At some point, EBW: Dark managed to get away from the fight in the back, as they all came out a little bloody, but smugly smiling and gloating none the less.

w00t: Had a good warm up before we came out. I'm sure you all saw it. I'm not much a brawler, but I'll oblige my good friend Tack, who just can't get over how much I've beaten him. So, we've been working out a card for The Great Eagleland Bash, and I think you're all going to love this. Swift has decided he will defend the Triple Crown World Championship, and Jennings and Andonuts can throw a dart at a wall and pick his opponent for all we care. It doesn't matter. Just....not....Tack. Remember? We already have a match for him, with a "friend" from the past. Also, Kinniku Mike and Jamie OD WILL put the titles on the line against the RagnaRockers, in a rematch, and "Best Match" will put them in their place. We want to get back to the Triple Crown World Championship first though, because we have an interesting change of plans regarding our title. The DARK title as it were.

Ryan IQ: I have the authority to make this decision, and I'm going to do it. The Triple Crown World Championship should be the centerpiece of Wrestling in ALL the World. An Inter-National Championship as the next title seemed a little redundant to us. The belt looks great, and the plates look awesome, and we're not going to take that away OR retire it. We're just going to put it to different use. When I think of a title OTHER than the World title, I think of the Television Championship. A very VERY popular and prestigious title in its own right. That gets you guaranteed attention, money, and tv time, something this man over here, Camilo Ortega wants very much, so he can inflict his lessons of pain. So, we propose this. A TRADE! Swift, the man, the beast, the legend, hand Camilo Ortega, the Television Championship....please

Swift took the title off his shoulder, looked at it, and handed it to Ortega.

Ryan IQ: Camilo Ortega, please hand Swift the Inter-National Championship.

Ortega didn't even look at the title, as he simply passed it to Swift.

Ryan IQ: There you have it. History is made! The Television Championship is reawakened as a Singles title, and Swift makes the Triple Crown means EVEN MORE! I dare say it completely negates anything of importance Bashin Dan brought to the titles. I'd call it a clean slate myself, and-

Noah Jennings: Luckily, you're not in charge of that guys. Bashin Dan will always be in the history books as the THE first EBW Triple Crown World Champion, no matter IF you just decided to play switcheroo with the titles there. It makes sense I guess, though it kills our plans of International Expansion, but hey, maybe not. Maybe it means Swift can be shipped out to work more dates. I'm fine with that. I'm sure the board is too. You cause enough trouble, you might as well make us some money out there.

Swift: .....

Noah Jennings: Uh...Biggs? Wedge? Stay close alright? Swift wants to change up the formula? That's fine. He wants to allow us to pick his challenger, even better. Bashin Dan is the man, and he'll take back that title at The Great Eagleland Bash! Well, since Camilo Ortega is the NEW Television Champion, it appears he needs a challenger for a title match. Let's legitimize this. Hey, I happen to have a volunteer RIGHT HERE!

Firebrand X, came out with a chair in hand, ready to rush the ring.

Noah Jennings: This fired up mad man shouldn't even wrestle. We didn't want to clear him. He didn't take no for an answer. I didn't know you could do that honestly. Maybe you can't and I'm being rused. In any case, tonight's main event will see Camilo Ortega defend against Firebrand X!

Camilo Ortega: Exactly what I wanted. The demon in red will be shone the light in the darkness, and he will be cleansed.

Firebrand X: I'll show you some darkness too, when you're black out unconscious from the beating coming your way. Your STO doesn't scare me. I know Judo too. A little broken face action isn't going to slow me down. That title is mine, and you're going to be out on your ass!

Firebrand X slapped down a contract with his signature on a table.

Noah Jennings: Where did that table even come from?  

EBW Announce Desk

Makoto Angel: And yeah, I was really concerned about it. I mean, this guy was in College, and she's in Middle School. It was bad enough I had to live by myself in Middle School, but she had her parents there, and NO ONE did anything to stop this guy! Oh, hello everyone, I was just talking with my new co-workers here. That's right, you've got an Angel on the table now, Makoto Angel, and I'm excited to call all the action!

Tommy Dukes: can't just segue from that story like that. Go on....what happened with this...guy.

Makoto Angel: Let's call him...."Peter File".

Tommy Dukes: Peter File?

Nerma: Say it faster.

Tommy Dukes: OH NO HE'S A DIDDLER!

Makoto Angel: So finally Usagi's Dad called the Cops on him. They found him dressed up as...his alter ego, that's really all I should say about it. He screamed about destiny demanding he be with this little girl much younger than himself. I mean, destiny is one thing, but I was there sometimes, and I'm not proud of that. He would breathe really heavy around her. Don't get me started on his future kid growing up and hitting on him.

Tommy Dukes: WHAT?!

Nerma: We really need to focus here. We have some big announcements that were just made, as the war between EBW and EBW: Dark continues. Enjoy the tag team wrestling tonight, as Twoson as a city has recently enacted a ban on Tag Wrestling. Yes, I know Tag Twoson....the home of Tag Wrestling. I'm surprised too. It's stupid, and I'm sure it'll be forgotten within weeks, but who knows. These towns we hit up are weird, like the undead one, and the ones named after seasons and are ALWAYS that season ironically. Saturn City looking like an exact replica of New Pork City is the kicker. Whatever, I'm getting off track too. Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: Xcite
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
Strike TV

1. Singles: Hashim Al-Singh beat Magnum PT via Scaraba Clutch -> Submission
Nerma: Call it Makoto!

Makoto Angel: Technically sound match here, but PT trying to cheat after that thumb to the eye. He's going for that Mustache Ride, but Hashim slipped around1 Scaraba Clutch! PT is immediately tapping out! Hashim wins!

2. Singles: Amigo beat Mister Twister via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Submission
Tommy Dukes: More technical badassery from Amigo right now. I dare say this is the best we've ever seen him, a full focus on being a great wrestler, and it shows. Twister is spinning around like an idiot...that's really all I can say here. Amigo's got him! Olympic Slam! Ankle Lock! It's locked in tight! This is for Bill Paxton! Twister is tapping out!
3. Women's Tag: Calamity Jane[o]/Lainey Strong beat Kei Akiyama/Kayla Sparkz[x] via Lariat -> Pin
Nerma: The Sunset Riders are great in the ring, that's not an argument, it's just fact. They have grown so much, so fast. The problem is, they can never really keep the titles when they win them. Can they find that winning strategy? Jane with the Lariat on 2k's Sparkz for the pin.
4. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Benjamin/Cade vs. w00t/Generator/Hotlanta ended in a No Contest
Makoto Angel: Dan Club and EBW: Dark are really tearing the house down here. Great action, but Hotlanta looks to be a little TOO HOT...under the collar that is.

Tommy Dukes: Good one. Yep, that was a good one.

Makoto Angel: He's attacking Cade in the corner. Cade has turned it around. The ref is trying to break them up here, but neither man is listening. Cade won the Rings in the War Games, but Hotlanta beat both he and Benjamin last week, so they're BOTH upset for good reason! Wow, the ref is throwing the match out, and it's turned into a brawl. Unbelievable! Here comes the rest of Dan Club, including that dreamy Star Prince!

Nerma: Oh brother.

5. Women's Singles: Ripper Jane beat Erica via Hell Claw -> Referee Stoppage
Nerma: Erica is old school, she's tough, but Ripper Jane is not going to be letting go of that Hell Claw. When it's in, it's in!

Tommy Dukes: That's what she sa-

Nerma: Don't even! Erica trying not to tap, but Mo is making an executive decision here. She's stopping the match. Ripper Jane wins again with that hellish Hell Claw. Wait, here comes THE Women's World Champion Hope Mach!

Hope Mach: Last time we were in the ring together, you tried ripping my jaw off. You couldn't do it. It hurt like hell, but I'm still here, and the it didn't work. I never tapped either, and if the match had kept going, I would have beaten you. I know it. You know it. You know that Hell Claw is what you have, it's all you have. If you can't put me down any other way, you'll make sure the referee has to stop it. Clever, but I won't let it happen next time. No, next time we're doing this at the Great Eagleland Bash. No Rules....and definitely, most importantly NO FREAKING STOPPAGES!

6. EBW Television Championship: Firebrand X beat Camilo Ortega(c) via DQ
Tommy Dukes: Firebrand X is running down Ortega, but Ortega countered with that throw. He's got the arm locked in, but Firebrand is countering out. Wow, you forget how amazing these two are with the mat work, when they immediately shift back into pure striking. X has the advantage there, but Ortega with an elbow right to his broken nose. That's got to be agony! He's not shying away, he's peppering his broken face with more and more straight shots now. Setting up for the STO, but X is fighting out of it! It's not happening! X is back in control. He's-He's-FIRESLIDE! HE HIT THE FIRESLIDE! Oh, but here comes EBW: Dark! Dammit! No! Mike, OD, PT, KYO, Generator, they're rushing out to make the save here. A DQ win for X, but no Television Championship! That sucks! That really sucks! Tha-HERE COMES TREVOR MACH! HE'S JUMPING THE RAILING WITH A BAT AND A STAPLE GUN! OW! STAPLE TO KYO'S FACE! HE'S BATTERING THEM WITH THE BAT! TOSSING IT TO X, AS THE TWO FIGHT OFF EBW: DARK!

Nerma: It seems the message from X was received. Mach is showing fire here. His friend said stand for something, and at least tonight, he stood by his buddy.


Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: Welcome back to Prime Time Challenge with Apple Kid and Orange Kid!

Apple Kid: Yep, they actually let us come back for another installment, despite the best efforts of Orange Kid.

Orange Kid: What did I do?

Apple Kid: I know that you tried to make it a solo show for you.

Orange Kid: So what? Like I have to do everything with you or something? I never agreed to that when I had to be your neighbor.

Apple Kid: You moved in after m- nevermind. We're fine, and this week, we're going to look at the upcoming Great Eagleland Bash card, that EBW: Dark is putting together. They're actually going to go ahead with THE rematch. Bashin Dan will get a shot at the Triple Crown!

Orange Kid: A BETTER Triple Crown! That Inter-National Championship was several belts put together in of itself! Swift is going to need a wheel barrow to carry all these belts!

Apple Kid: You're not sucking up to EBW: Dark are you?

Orange Kid: Just calling it like I see it.

Apple Kid: ....Uh huh. Well, we also have Hope Mach challenging Ripper Jane, the CHAMP challenged the CHALLENGER here, in a No Rules bout for the World title. Incredible. Ripper Jane has been getting under a lot of the women's skin.

Orange Kid: Well literally in their mouths too with that Hell Claw. It's not only humiliating, it's oddly sexual.

Apple Kid: it isn't. Tack Angel will apparently be taking on a new member of EBW: Dark, who is an old friend of his. Not a lot of clues to go on here, as Tack tends to know everyone.

Orange Kid: They said friend though, and that really limits the list.

Apple Kid: Will you stop? WE'RE his friends!

Orange Kid: Maybe you are. The guy owes me 20 bucks.

Apple Kid: *sigh* We saw an incredible night of action in Twoson, it'll be the final night of Tag Wrestling in Twoson after they passed a recent law.

Orange Kid: Good. Tag Wrestling isn't marketable.

Apple Kid: ....WE ARE A TAG TEAM!

Orange Kid: I rest my case.

Apple Kid: Do you even listen to yourself?

Orange Kid: The host doesn't have to listen. That's what the fans do.

Apple Kid: You're the Co-Host.

Orange Kid: To you maybe.

Apple Kid: ...Moving on....Trevor Mach also came back to help Firebrand X at the end of the night. This was of course after he showed up on our set to tell us to leave him alone. You think Firebrand X reached him with his words?

Orange Kid: Trevor Mach is erratic. His emotions, desires, and motivations change at the drop of a hat. Worst of all, he's perpetually in a bad mood. Dangerous and unpredictable. Who knows what is going through his mind.

Apple Kid: Well, you might actually have something there, but remember, we're friends with him too.

Orange Kid: Not me. I OWE HIM 20 bucks. Which is why Tack needs to pay up.

Apple Kid: We do know that EBW: Dark has uh.."invited" Trevor Mach to show up on the next Xcite, which will be in Threed by the way.

Orange Kid: Harder for him to hide in the crowd, since most of them will be zombies. I don't think I'm going by the way. I don't like that place, and the smell of fly honey makes me sick.

Apple Kid: Your loss....certainly not ours.

Orange Kid: What was that?

Apple Kid: Nothing. So, we have a match for you right here, as the "RagnaRockers" took on a local team from TBCW, and I guess this turned out to be their final tag match as a team too. Let's check out the #1 Contenders in action against Maverick Valentine and Val Hallen.

Orange Kid: I hear it ends with a little surprise for Val Hallen. A "Dark" surprise.

Apple Kid: Why do you have to ruin it?

Orange Kid: What?


Tag: Vape[o]/Golvoth beat Maverick Valentine[TBCW]/Val Hallen[TBCW][x] via Top Rope Splash -> Pin

Orange Kid: I can't even tell who is who here. I don't keep up with the "local stuff".

Apple Kid: Val is the one with the long blonde hair, black cut off shirt and pants. Maverick Valentine is the one in the leather vest, short black hair hair, and goatee.

Orange Kid: Alright, now which one is which on the other team.

Apple Kid: You know that much at least.

Orange Kid: I'm too busy with science and saving the world.

Apple Kid: Yeah right. The young TBCW team is trying to pick apart their much larger adversaries with quick tags and speedy moves. It's working, but Vape just sort of got dizzy and fell on Mav. He's rolling out, and tagging in Val Hallen. Val didn't want in, but Mav is stepping off the side of the ring. What is he doing? He's ripping something off the back of his vest. Tape that was concealing....EBW: Dark?! They got to him! Maverick Valentine is EBW: Dark.

Orange Kid: Glad they signed the kid. That's got to be good money right?

Apple Kid: No we DON'T want that.

Orange Kid: What Val doesn't want is to be splashed by Vape, but here it comes. 1-2-3. The RagnaRockers win.

Apple Kid: See, you DID know who was who here.


Apple Kid: A stunning outcome, with Mav saying goodbye to TBCW and his tag partner, to join EBW: Dark.

Orange Kid: I actually have him here right now.

Apple Kid: You do? Why don't I know about this?

Orange Kid: The host has the scoops. Don't worry about it. Here he is. Maverick Valentine.

Maverick Valentine: Well well well, how sweet it is. I got the world looking at my sexy mug, and it is about TIME! Haha! Hey guys, I'm a...uh...big fan of fruit I guess.

Orange Kid: Oranges are better than Apples right? Yeah, I agree. Have a seat.

Maverick Valentine: No way, I'm not sticking around. I'm just here to introduce myself. Ladies, look at this body. You want it. Guys, you wish you could be me, you can't. Want to live through me? Don't even try that either. I'm one of a kind. The sexy stud. A TRUE Maverick, and I have signed with the future of wrestling. EBW the way it should be, and the way it's GOING TO BE! I got the support of guys like w00t, Generator, Hotlanta, and THE Champion of Champions Swift. I'm in good company. They chose very wisely, and so have I. Peace!

Orange Kid: Bye! What a great kid. A real top young talent. Can't wait to see his work.

Apple Kid: I think he's smug and egotistical myself.

Orange Kid: It's wrestling, of course he is.

Apple Kid: ...Let's get to our feature bout for the night.


Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Queen Bolshoi via Rolling Elbow x Angel Driver -> Pin

Apple Kid: Iroha has been training at the House of M's lately, and it really shows.

Orange Kid: She probably needed a break from all the Angel nonsense.

Apple Kid: Queen Bolshoi, a veteran of the ring, has alas been ranked at the bottom these last few years.

Orange Kid: She's trying to give Iroha a piece of cake! Of course she's at the bottom!

Apple Kid: Iroha with the Rolling Elbow! She learned that from M's. A set up for the Angel Driver and the pin! Iroha Angel with the win!


Apple Kid: Well there you have it. We WERE going to have Amigo on for a sit down, but he's hard at work training, and declined the offer. We'll get there. We'll get those big starts. Don't worry about it. We-

Orange Kid: I spoke with Amigo.

Apple Kid: ...You did?

Orange Kid: Yeah! He showed me a few moves, and gave me an in depth look at the science behind his moves. Let me see your wrist. I'm going to twist it a little bit.

Apple Kid: ...Alright?

Orange Kid: Now, if I angle it like this, you feel how that is different? A slight angle and you're ready to tap.

Apple Kid: Wow...interesting....truly.

Orange Kid: Thank. By the way. This yours?

Orange Kid held up Apple Kid's wallet.

Apple Kid: Hey! When did you get my wallet?!

Orange Kid: Just now. It's called a side wrist lock...Orange style.

Apple Kid: Where is my EBW Credit Card?

Orange Kid: We have those?! I have no idea. I only know how to grab the wallet, not really open it. Hey I gotta go.

Apple Kid: Get back here!



A camera crept up on w00t, who was watching a conversation from behind a corner.

w00t: Oh hey, you trying to get a scoop here huh? Ha, I beat you to the punch. You see, I'm too smart for you. Always one step ahead, and I have recorded right here, some information that could change some things. Now, get out of my way.

The camera panned around the corner, to see Bashin Dan walking away from a surprised looking Jammer, who was back from injury.

EBW: Xcite

The show opened with w00t in the ring, by himself.

w00t: As you can see, it's just me. I have nothing up my sleeve here. I have no one waiting to jump anyone. It really is just me. Zombies and People of Threed, you're in for a treat, because Trevor Mach is going to make his way down here right now, aren't you Trevor? You got called out by us, and I'm challenging you to face me now. You never back down from a challenge do you?

Trevor Mach complied, coming down in his trucker hat and leather jacket. He still had a staple gun and bat in his hands.

w00t: Just taking those everywhere now are you? Well, you look great man. You're in great shape. The months off have had to be good for you, but I know your killer instinct is screaming at you to get back in this ring and fight. You're a fighter. You fight. That's what you do. That's why I understand last week. Really, I do. Some of the EBW: Dark guys might not, but I get it. The darkness inside of you. You peered into it, and it was too much for you, so you backed off. Don't back off. There is no need. Let it go Trevor. Join us, and BE Dark!

Trevor Mach: ...Two times now, I've come down to batter you guys. You not getting the picture yet? Do I need to put this staple gun to your head? Do I need to pull the trigger?

w00t: Doesn't scare me. You're here because you wanted to hear what I had to say. You're intrigued. That's why you're not going to pull that trigger. However, you HAVE been pulling triggers left and right. Lots of people getting "triggered" over the name Trevor Mach these days. I know that lights a fire under you. You live for this. We'll help facilitate that. We'll have your back. I know you think you have other people that might have your back, but where are they? Where are they ever? Tack Angel? Do you think he cares? I beat him to his lowest low, and he can't do a thing about it. He's too busy licking his own wounds to join you in a fight. What about-

At that point the crowd that was living went wild, as Bashin Dan and Tack Angel BOTH made their way down to the ring.

Tack Angel: I'm here w00t. I'm right here, and I'm about tired of the lies you spread. Nothing out of your mouth is really doing it for me right now. I want to shut that mouth.

w00t: Oh now? Why, because of Mach or your own selfish need for revenge? Ever think you'd get here? I'm the guy that pulled it off.

Tack Angel: Trevor, you know I'd have your back, but this guy has threatened my family, and that-

w00t: So he openly admits he's too busy. What about you Dan? You were motivated by this man. He looked out for you. He mentored you. He hasn't killed you for dating his daughter. Are you going to have his back?

Bashin Dan: Trevor is my friend. He knows I'll always have his back.

w00t: Oh really? That's not what I saw earlier. Play the footage now.


Jammer: Yeah man, I'm back tonight. It's a fresh start for the Slam Master! I'm excited man.

Bashin Dan: That's great. Really it is.

Jammer: You don't seem so excited. Come on Dan, let's go fight a war. It's our time and our turn to defend EBW to the end right? That's what this is all about isn't it?

Bashin Dan: Yeah....but...I-I don't know how much longer I can stay.

Jammer: What?

Bashin Dan: friend from...elsewhere. I don't know where he went, but when he was here, he told me my home needed me again.

Jammer: You'd leave?

Bashin Dan: I don't know what to do, but I have friends and family where I'm from too. If they need me, I can't ignore that. It's not an easy decision. I don't know what's going to happen, but I feel like the next time I see Ray, it will time for me to leave, and I don't know if or when I'll be back. I don't know, it might never even come up. I'm getting ahead of myself. Come on Jammer, let's get you warmed up. You get to take on Johnny Starbound tonight! I bet you want your payback right?

Jammer: ....Right.

Back in the ring, Dan looked down at the mat, as w00t laughed.

w00t: You see what you have here Mach? Your oldest friend is too busy dealing with his own problems, and the kid you put your faith in has been LYING TO YOU!

Bashin Dan: I have not!

w00t: You said you had his back! You tried to put the fire back in him, knowing full well you were going to leave!

Bashin Dan: ...

w00t: And what if you somehow SOMEHOW beat Swift and won the title. Impossible I know, but if you did, and you left, would you just throw down the Triple Crown? All we did was change a nameplate. Seems disrespectful to me.

Bashin Dan: I...I don't....Trevor I-

Trevor Mach hit Dan in the gut. He doubled over on the mat. Tack tried to stop Trevor, and Trevor threatened to swing the bat at him. Trevor walked by w00t, without touching him, and left the ring.

w00t: I think I made my point. Tack, I'll see you tonight in our match. Ryan IQ booked a 6-Man. I'll have fun watching you wrestle, and TRY to get to me. Haha!

EBW Announce Table

Makoto Angel: I'd like to start by issuing an apology for my comments last week. Apparently some people think college age men should be able to be inappropriate with middle school girls because it's a different country. But hey, this isn't even the same world. Where I'm from Edo is Japan, and Earth might actually be rou-

Nerma: What are you even talking about?

Makoto Angel: Just...clearing things up. I don't know?

Tommy Dukes: Constantly fascinated by what the Angels have to say here. Well, looks like we have big matches and high stakes tonight. Not only the matches you already know about, but BOTH Television Championships will be on the line. Camilo getting that TV time he wanted from that trade. Subculture is making a run at it, but rumor is that he's really injured, with a bad elbow. Let's start with the opening match, the return of Jammer as he gets revenge on Johnny Starbound! Surely, this match will give Starbound his comeuppance.

EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
Strike TV

1. Singles: Jammer beat Johnny Starbound via Count Out
Tommy Dukes: Alright, so maybe not. Jammer came in like a house of fire, and Starbound was having none of it. He's leaving again! Starbound not giving anyone what they want. He really does only care about himself.
2. 6-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Vape/Golvoth[o] beat Kinniku Mike/Hotlanta/Jamie OD[x] via Buckle Bomb x Choke Slam -> Pin
Makoto Angel: The Dan Club are fired up! Dan looking a little banged up from his encounter earlier, but he's doing his part. Jamie trying to hit the PK on Golvoth, but he caught the Mad Lad! Buckle Bomb! Choke Slam! Dan Club wins! Yeah!
3. EBW Women's Television Championship: Kimber Blaze beat Troian(c) and Erica[x] via Top Rope Elbow -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's Television Champion!
Nerma: I don't believe it! Kimber Blaze, the rookie from the House of M's, took advantage of the war between EBW: Dark and Elevation here, hitting the Elbow off the top on Erica after she tossed Troian out of the ring! 1-2-3! Kimber Blaze did it! She's the Women's Television Champion! Incredible!
4. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championships: Ripper Jane(c)[o]/Murasaki(c) beat Lainey Strong[x]/Calamity Jane via Hell Claw -> Submission -> Title Defense!
Makoto Angel: Wow, this is a great match, but I wish Nani and Tracy would have gotten a chance to get involved too.

Nerma: Obviously. The Sunset Riders giving it their best, but Ripper Jane isn't stopping. She's not backing down. She's taking those hits. Hell Claw! She's got it locked in! She's not letting up! Jane is being held back, and she's begging Strong to tap out. Trying to save her tag partner, her best friend here! She did it. Strong taps out! EBW: Dark retain the titles.

5. 6-Man Tag: Swift[o]/w00t/Generator beat Tack Angel/Amigo/Hashim Al-Singh[x] via POUNCE -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: THE Champ getting involved in this match. I did not expect that! He's got carte blanche on when he wrestles and who, and he came out to join w00t and Generator against Tack Angel, Amigo, and Hashim Al-Singh. Singh looks like he wants to lock in that Scaraba Clutch on the champ! Wait, w00t out of nowhere with the wKo on Tack! Hashim got distracted! POUNCE! Swift hit the POUNCE! 1-2-3! Swift wins!

Makoto Angel: Tack! Are you alright?!

6. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Subculture via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Subculture is obviously hurt. His elbow isn't letting him throw that big KO Punch. Limited but still fighting. He's trying to throw it! Oh, agony from that attempt! Ortega running the ropes, and he hit the STO BOMBER! 1-2-3! Ortega retains! Great attempt, but Subculture needs to get that elbow fixed up fast!

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:47 pm  #505

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tack Tower

A nice quiet day...the birds are chirping....Tack Tower suddenly explodes from the top down....wait WHAT?! Tack, the wives, the kids, the pirates, Penguin and his wife all run out of the building.

Tack Angel: WHOA!

Amy Angel: Head count! Everyone here?

Pirate Bill: There are too many of us pirates to keep track. We'll just go ahead and say we're all here...though we might not be.

Tack Angel: WHOA!

Amy Angel: The family is here. The Penguins are here. Yeah, I think we're all here.

Tack Angel: WHOA! No seriously, what just happened!

Iroha Angel: Nani, Tracy, Faris, Makoto, and I just stopped the evil AI and rescued you from her clutches.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Nani Angel: You were passed out. She had created an artificial womb and planned to use you to make a child. We stopped her and got you away. She refused to lose you and self destructed.

Tack Angel: What? Last I remember, I was asleep on one of the numerous sectionals! Oh no the sectionals! That was the last of our money! We just lost it all!

Amy Angel: No we didn't Tack. We still have each other. We have what matters the most. We're all alright, and the children are alright.

Penguin: Qua!

Tack Angel: Excellent points. That's all true, but where are we going to go now.

Tracy Angel: Well, I think we might be in luck. My brother is friends with Jeff, who has a Dad that is a super scientist. He's been working on a new project for EBW. It was originally meant to help the talent get from one place to another more efficiently, but when this EBW vs. EBW: Dark stuff started happening, the project went unclaimed.

Amy Angel: How do you know about this?

Tracy Angel: I know things. maybe I got text earlier from my brother. He wanted to know if we quote "Wanted to live in this", and sent me this picture.

Amy Angel: Oh wow. I like that. We could cut costs substantially, and get wherever we need to go together. This really could work. What do you all think?

Nani Angel: I go where the family goes.

Iroha Angel: Same.

Faris Angel: It's not a boat, but it'll do just fine.

Makoto Angel: Sounds like another fun adventure for the family.

Amy Angel: Tack?

Tack Angel: Heh...uh...why not I guess? I mean the tower is smoldering behind us. What choice do we have?

Amy Angel: Great, now let's get out of here before they make us clean this mess up.

Tracy Angel: I just want to know how the AI's fuel melted the steel beams. Hey wait up!


A wide open country side, soaked in peaceful sunlight. Suddenly a train whizzed by at high speeds. The side of the train said "Angel Express".

The Angel Family and their "extended" members all settled into areas of the train that had rooms, kitchens, and all the amenities of a home. The most important

Amy Angel: This is great!

Tack Angel: Yeah, but what happens if we go somewhere without a track?

Tracy Angel: You guys need to check this out!

The Angel Family opened a side door, as the world whizzed by them, they saw a turn coming up, but instead of the train taking that turn, it flew off the rails and into the air.

Tack Angel: WOW! Flying train! That was like the coolest thing in Dragon Quest 9! this a Time Machine too?!

Tracy Angel: It know that all the world governments agreed to ban you from being able to access time machines.

Tack Angel: Oh right. Still, this is amazing, but who is driving this thing?

Amy Angel: I don't know, let's find out.

Tack Angel: You don't know? Seems like something we'd figure out beforehand.

The family all met up and walked to the front together where they saw...


Penguin: Qua!

Penguin immediately hit the breaks, and Tack was flung forward at lighting fast pace, right into the wind shield.

Penguin: Qua?

Tack Angel: Yeah man...I'm dead....ugh.


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Dukes here, the guy trying to see if it sounds cooler to just call myself Dukes guy of Wrestling, and I've got some updates for you. The Angel Family has a train now. Like, they all live in a train, that can sometimes fly. Anyone surprised at this point? Anyone? It feels common place right? Are we getting numb to the absurd? I really enjoy it actually. It's like escapism. My life isn't as fun. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my wife, and my job, but...let's just say the mother in law has moved in, and I want to jump out of the window. Hater tried to warn me. I thought she was dead to be honest. I mean she's transparent. I can literally see through her. How is she not a ghost?

Nerma: *clears throat*

Tommy Dukes: Huh? What? I don't care. I'm sleep deprived. I just...I just want to go lay down.

Nerma: are some matches for the next Xcite, as well as matches made official for the Great Eagleland Bash!

EBW: Xcite
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. EBW Television #1 Contender: Jammer vs. Johnny Starbound vs. Amigo vs. Hashim Al-Singh vs. Firebrand X vs. Subculture
2. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. ?
3. Singles: Tack Angel vs. ?

EBW Dark: The Great Eagleland Bash
Summers Arena, Summers
Strike TV+

1. EBW Women's World Championship No Rules: Hope Mach(c) vs. Ripper Jane
2. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Vape/Golvoth
3. Singles: Tack Angel vs. ?
3. EBW "Dark" Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) vs. Bashin Dan


Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: Welcome back to the Prime Time Challenge. Here is Apple Kid and THE HOST Orange Kid!

Apple Kid: ...

Orange Kid: ...What?

Apple Kid: You know what. You pay him to say that?

Orange Kid: No idea what you're talking about.

Apple Kid: Right. Of course. Well, we're kicking off this week's episode with a huge interview. We have in studio the former Triple Crown World Champion. The first of his kind. The new generation hero. The "Dangerous Player" Bashin Dan. Dan, welcome to the show.

Bashin Dan: It's great to be here. This place would be awesome to play Battle Spirits in.

Orange Kid: Do you size up everyplace you're in for that card game of yours?

Bashin Dan: ...Yes.

Apple Kid: Quite an interesting show this last week on Xcite, where Trevor Mach seemingly turned on you after-

Bashin Dan: Let me stop you right there. He didn't turn on me, maybe I turned on him. I tried to get him fired up, when I wasn't 100% in the game myself. My personal life has been getting in the way a little bit.

Apple Kid: You're not upset about what happened?

Bashin Dan: It could have been worse. He had a staple gun in his other hand.

Orange Kid: You're just trying to suck up because you're dating his future daughter.

Apple Kid: Orange! Come on man! How has that been though?

Bashin Dan: Hope Mach is wonderful. She has helped make this place, this time, this world...feel like my home.

Apple Kid: You keep saying that. Are you from a different dimension? It's alright, you can tell us. We are scientists.

Orange Kid: Should I scan him? I'm going to scan him.

Bashin Dan: Hang on. *takes sip of water just to spit it out in shock* I prefer to keep that sort of thing to myself actually. Sorry about the spitting, I just always wanted a reason to do that.

Apple Kid: Are you prepared for your rematch against Swift? The stakes have never been higher. We need a leader to fight back against EBW: Dark and take back the prize.

Orange Kid: I've already bet against you. So, try not to let me down.

Apple Kid: Orange!

Orange Kid: What?!

Bashin Dan: I take every single match I'm in seriously. Every single one. Every match is the big match to me. Every match is that all important, game changing title bout. I respect my opponents, and I prepare for every one of them, no matter where they are on the card. Where they are in the eyes of the fans, or where they are in their own eyes. It's redundant to ask if I'm ready. No matter what else is going on, the answer will always be yes.

Orange Kid: Someone get this kid a sense of humor or something. He's taking it TOO seriously.

Apple Kid: I think it's exactly what we need. Thank you Dan.

Orange Kid: Psht. Whatever.

Apple Kid: Our feature match tonight will see a debut! That's right, a new recruit from the House of M's. She calls herself "3G" Krissy Gale. What does "3G" stand for? "God's Greatest Gift" has a high opinion of her abilities.

Orange Kid: My phone has that new 5G thing.

Apple Kid: Wonderful.


Women's Singles: "3G" Krissy Gale[Debut] beat Kei Akiyama via Eagleland Destroyer -> Pin

Apple Kid: Krissy Gale, the young new up and comer here, is from the House of M's, and she is exactly the kind of athlete I'd expect to come out of Lady M's workshop. Tall, muscular, long dark hair. She has power moves, and she can work off the top rope. I'm impressed.

Orange Kid: Plus, the purple tank top and short shorts....really do it for me.

Apple Kid: Will you be serious? Kei Akiyama, more used to tag wresting, but she's got something going here. Wait, Krissy Gale is powering out. Kick to the midsection. What is she do-EAGLELAND DESTROYER! EAGLELAND DESTROYER! 1-2-3! Gale wins! Wow! Didn't expect he to be able to pull that off!

Orange Kid: Sexist.


Apple Kid: Wow, between Krissy Gale and the new Women's Television Champion Kimber Blaze, it really seems like M's is creating the breed of talent she wants for EBW's future. That's going to do it for us. Luckily Flicknet isn't really demanding on how long these episodes are. They just want to pay us a ridiculous amount of money for content. Thank you Dan for coming in today.

Bashin Dan: It was fun, thank you for-

The screen behind them suddenly went dark.

w00t: Dan Dan seem to be relaxed, having a good time. It's great to be the Ace right? Except we're the Aces of EBW now, and we will be invading Prime Time Challenge next week. Before that though, we have an announcement to make. Sure Dan, you get the Main Event of OUR Great Eagleland Bash, BUT you also have to open the show, defending the World Team Championship rings. You MIGHT have a third match coming too? You can handle it right? You take it all seriously right? Heh.

Bashin Dan: ...

Orange Kid: Can I go now? I'm illegally parked.


EBW: Xcite

The show opened this week with Tack Angel standing in the ring.

Tack Angel Hey Fourside, did you see how I got here today? It's parked outside, literally in the air. Flying train. How cool is that right? But, we're not here to talk about that. w00t has been telling me a blast from my past is coming to meet me at Great Eagleland Bash. Then I hear I have a mystery opponent tonight. I'd rather get the mind games out of the way right now. w00t, come out here and show me just who you brought. Because as we all know....

Fans: "I don't like surprises."

Tack Angel: Wow, I didn't think that was actually a repeatable catchphrase. Nice.

w00t: Tacky boy, I-

Tack Angel: Hey, th-

Fans: "That's not my name."

Tack Angel: Ha!

w00t: ...We done? Tack, you should know I will ALWAYS have surprises for you. Don't worry, I don't intend to mess with your train, because you DO have children on board, and I am not a monster, BUT, I know other ways to get to you. I have plenty of tricks and surprises. I'm always several steps ahead. You want to know who I have for you tonight? Well, since I'm SO nice.....NO! You'll wait for the main event. Haha!

Tack Angel: *sigh*

EBW Announce Table

Makoto Angel: That w00t, he's very unfair to Tack.

Tommy Dukes: That's a wrestling heel for you.

Makoto Angel: Well I don't like it. He has put my family in harm's way. It'd be hard for to be unbiased here.

Nerma: Well, that was expected.

Tommy Dukes: We are ONE WEEK away from The Great Eagleland Bash, the show that EBW: Dark have booked. If they do a good job, should we still rag on it cause it's EBW: Dark?

Nerma: No, we should tell the truth, and call it like it is. Otherwise people will accuse us of being journalists.

Tommy Dukes: Yikes. We'll just play it by ear then. Tonight, we have some great matches lined up, including a Television Championship match. Ortega is making this a very often occurrence, and in the the process, he's really showing his dominance. To determine who will be his opponent, the show will start off with a 6-Way match for the shot. High demand for the Television Championship. That's what we want. It's the work rate title!

Nerma: What's work rate?

Tommy Dukes: Well it''s uh...complicated? Good match having....ness?

Nerma: You don't know do you?

Tommy Dukes: No wife.

Nerma: Uh huh. We also have House of M's trained Women's Television Champion Kimber Blaze taking on former champ Gold in a Non-Title match. I bet Lady M's has to be happy about that. The first product of her training camp upset the balance by winning the coveted prize. We actually spoke with her about I already knew the answer. Yeah, she's happy about it. Let's take a look

Interview Stage

Earlier Today...

Nerma: Well M's you've certainly have made waves in your post in-ring career already haven't you?

Lady M's: It's what I do. I make waves...or explosions. Point is, I don't leave something in the state it was before I tampered with it.

Nerma: Right. Kimber Blaze is already Television Champion for the Women, and "3G" Krissy Gale looked incredible in her debut. Also, Iroha Angel has been improving by leaps and bounds. You have the golden touch.

Lady M's: No, it's not just me here. These ladies have to get tough, and they have to go above and beyond. You can't make someone do that. Not even with threats of violence and torture. Found that out, made some people cry, learned from the experience. No, they have to have it in themselves to do it, but I can help bring it out. I only take students who can be that damn good. I have an eye for it. Kimber and Gale, they came to me almost immediately. Camped outside the dojo waiting for me to come in. They didn't know I was already inside and kept the door locked just to see how long they would wait. That was a good weekend, got caught up on my anime watching. Iroha came to me too, and I had doubts, but she had the spark, and it's just starting to ignite. She'll get better, and better, as long as the checks clear.

Nerma: You interested in seeing them all team up? Maybe form a faction? Factions are marketable right now.

Lady M's: No. Absolutely not. I believe they need to learn how to perfect themselves as individuals before thinking about that stuff. Smash, Heather, Rose, and I try to keep them separated. We try to build them as rivals, trying to push to be the best. Later we can see about team efforts. I will say this though. I'm going to take this opportunity, to hand out an invite to a team called the Sunset Riders. They're already a team, so we'll perfect them as a team. They have a lot of heart and talent. They've won the titles, but they can't keep them. I don't think they want a legacy of not being able to defend what they've won. Ladies, you come to my next training camp. At the House of M's, we don't smooth out the rough edges. We rough up the smooth edges. We make you wrestling machines.

Nerma: Alright well I-

Lady M's: No, I'm done. Later.

Nerma: Oh...

EBW Announce Table

Tommy Dukes: I'm just surprised you got her to talk to you.

Nerma: She was three hours late for that interview.

Makoto Angel: I've always had a friendly relationship with Lady M's.

Nerma: Well good for you!

Tommy Dukes: *sigh* Let's just...take it to the ring.

Makoto Angel: I like what she said about Iroha too!

EBW: Xcite
Fourside Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. EBW Television #1 Contender: Amigo beat Jammer, Johnny Starbound, Hashim Al-Singh, Firebrand X, and Subculture[x] via Olympic Slam -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Highly athletic contest here! See? THIS is work rate!

Nerma: Yeah yeah.

Tommy Dukes: Jammer looking good, no signs of wear and tear on that neck, but Subculture is barely hanging in there. He missed the KO Punch. Jammer using the Cadebreaker! The Dan Club guys share their moves I guess. Jammer going to the top. Look to hit the Slam Jam, but wait, Johnny Starbound is meeting him at the top! Hurracanrana to the outside! YIKES! They both took a nasty spill on that one! Is Jammer alright!? Amigo picking up the pieces! The Wrestling Machine, the World Warrior, hitting the Olympic Slam on Subculture for the pin! Amigo wins! He moves on to face Camilo Ortega later. That match is going to rule!

Nerma: We have several hurt wrestlers here. Firebrand X took a camera to the face before the match even started, and his face is already messed up, so he's down and out. Jammer and Starbound are barely moving. Subculture looks angry as he insists on limping away on his own strength. Hashim seems fine though!

Hashim Al-Singh: ....*shrug*

Nerma: See he's fine. I like Hashim.

2. Women's Non-Title Singles: Kimber Blaze beat Gold via Pump Handle Slam x Top Rope Elbow Drop -> Pin
Makoto Angel: Gold may have gotten here first, but newcomer and TV Champ Kimber Blaze is already catching up to her peers with experience. Golden Exploder denied. She countered with a Pump Handle Slam! Look at the muscles flex on that move. Highly athletic. Wish I had a build like that playing sports in school or fighting the Negaverse.

Tommy Dukes: The what?

Makoto Angel: Top Rope Elbow! 1-2-3! Kimber wins it! Very nice.

3. Women's Non-Title Tag: Ripper Jane/Murasaki[o] beat Hope Mach/Christina Angel[x] via Violet Frosion -> Pin
Nerma: Hope and Christina are trying hard to avoid that Hell Claw, but in the process they have been sleeping on Murasaki. You never sleep on Murasaki! On no Jane got that Claw in on Christina on the outside! She's distracted! Hope's not looking at Murasa-Violet Frosion! Slammed hard to the mat. 1-2-3! The 2nd Generation stars from the future were unable to thwart that Hell Claw tonight.
4. Tag: Hotlanta/Generator[o] beat Bashin Dan/Cade[x] via Top Rope Fisherman Buster -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Bashin Dan and Cade giving it their best, but man is Hotlanta fired up all of a sudden. He's giving no respect to Cade, making him pay for War Games. He doesn't forgive or forget. He's trying to tag in Dan. That could turn the tide. Triple Crown World Champion Swift tripped Dan right off of ringside. He looks like he hit his head badly, but the ref didn't see it! Hotlanta throwing Cade to Generator on the top rope. Lots of top ropes finishes tonight. Will this be another one? Top Rope Fisherman Buster! The pin. EBW: Dark wins it. Is Dan alright?
4. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega© beat Amigo via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: WORK RATE!

Nerma: Stop saying that!

Tommy Dukes: Counters and counters here. Ortega doesn't just know Judo, he's hanging in there with Amigo's wrestling. Look at him flip out of that wrist lock! You don't see that much anymore. Incredible! Ortega trying the STO, but Amigo countered out! He's got Ortega up for the Slam, but Ortega escaped! He's hitting the ropes and coming back with the STO Bomber! He hits it! The pin! Ortega retains. Easily match of the night. Yikes!. I wonder if Amigo would have won this if he didn't go through hell earlier in the night. Now, we're moving onto the main event, where Tack Angel will be taking on a mystery opponent, but who will it b-

Tommy Dukes: WHAT?! CP MUNK?! But I thought he and Tack Angel buried the hatchet!

Nerma: Maybe he wants to bury it in his back?

Makoto Angel: ...

Nerma: Sorry.

Makoto Angel: CP Munk is a friend of the family, or so I thought. What is his game here?

Nerma: Well he's all smiles. The former World Champion, yes that's true, coming up to say hi to you. What game is he playing?

Tommy Dukes: I don't know, but here comes Tack, and he doesn't look too happy at all. I mean look at him. When's the last time you've been intimidated by the Star Prince? Yikes.

5. Singles: Tack Angel beat CP Munk via Rider Kick -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Tack battering his old friend like he's on fire, and the only solution would be to beat the fire out of him. Literally punching flames here!

Nerma: That's hyperbole. It's not literal at all.

Makoto Angel: Come on Tack! Sorry. Biased. Does that mean I'm a journalist?

Nerma: Too harsh. I'd never call you that.

Tommy Dukes: Tack is on fire here.

Nerma: Which is it Tommy? Is he on fire, or is he putting out the fire?

Tommy Dukes: I'm just hyped on this action tonight! I can't keep it straight in my head! This is the Tack Angel people love to see! He's had enough of the mind games. He's not worrying about the fact that Munk is in that ring with him. He just sees an enemy picked out by w00t, and he's taking out that w00t aggression here.

Makoto Angel: He tried the Go 2 Munk, but my Star Prince escaped! He hit the Angel Driver! We're all learning that move by the way. It's the family signature.

Nerma: He's going to the top rope. What is up with that tonight? Is he? He hasn't done this in a long time if-

Tommy Dukes: RIDER KICK! RIDER KICK! RIDER KICK TO MUNK! Angel nailed the kick, and he's got the pin! So much for that w00t. You couldn't outsmart Tack today! Wait....Munk is backing away, he's trying to stop Tack from continuing the attack post match.

CP Munk: What are you doing man?!

Tack Angel: What?! What do you mean? You joined EBW: Dark! You betrayed me!

CP Munk: I didn't!

Tack Angel: You didn't?

CP Munk: No! I got a phone call from Ryan IQ! He said you needed a big match to get you tuned up for The Great Eagleland Bash! He said you requested me! I thought this was going to be a fun exhibition!

Tack Angel: you not watch the product?

CP Munk: I've been busy back in VBW and 3'dPW! I was meaning to catch up! Why? Did I miss something?

Tack Angel: ...I was rused again......I WAAAAAASSSSS RUUUUUUUSSSSSED!


Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: Yet again, it's the Prime Time Challenge with Apple Kid and Orange Kid!

Apple Kid: He sounded surprised this time. I think he was expecting we'd get cancelled quickly.

Orange Kid: Well I thought so too, cause you insist on claiming you're my co-host. If we called it the Orange Kid Science Hour, it'd be a mega success.

Apple Kid: Yeah, I'm sure of that.

Orange Kid: Seriously. EBW and Super Science go hand in hand from the very beginning. Time Travel. Aliens. More Time Travel. The Black Holes. Not Black Hole, but Black HOLES. Plural. Floating Islands that house super secret science bases that save the wo-

Apple Kid: Going too far Orange!

Orange Kid: Oh...right.

Apple Kid: Well, we have a big show tonight, with some wrestling action, AND the final card for The Great Eagleland Bash.

Orange Kid: That might be the case, but I have a scoop of my own.
Apple Kid: Is that right?

Orange Kid: It is. Here, on set, in this location, at this very moment, at-

Apple Kid: Get to it!

Orange Kid: ...I HAVE someone very special. A rare breed, maybe the last, no quite definitely the last. The LAST Wrestling Fan with an opinion that DOESN'T! HAVE! THE! INTERNET!

Apple Kid: WHAT?! Seriously?! Wow, that IS a big get!

Orange Kid: I know! Can you believe it?

Apple Kid: While we've always been told that "internet fans with their crazy opinions" were a minority worthy of being titled "trolls", in reality they are 100% of all people who comment on anything, because everyone has the internet.

Orange Kid: 99.9999999%, because THIS GUY watches EBW, but he does NOT use the internet!

Apple Kid: Wow. Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

Orange Kid: Introducing our netless fan, Tom Wilderbee!

A very plain looking man in plaid entered the studio.

Tom Wilderbee: Hello.

Apple Kid: Wow, so you don't have the internet? What's that like?

Tom Wilderbee: Well, I just never bought a computer. It never felt like I needed to.

Apple Kid: Yeah, but you know everyone has internet right? You're that rare case that doesn't! See? Normally, when people complain about a product, the makers of said product blame the internet fans. In reality that's EVERYONE, so they're saying 100% of their fans have a problem with the product! But you....YOU are free of the internet influence! Your insight is yours and yours alone. You were not coerced at all. We're DYING to know what you think about EBW!

Tom Wilderbee: Absolutely. I'd enjoy telling you everything I think and feel about E- oh hang on a second.

Tom quickly pulled out his phone.

Tom Wilderbee: I thought I turned this off. Sorry guys. Just got a text from a friend. He's a wrestling fan too, and he had questions he wanted me to ask.

Apple Kid: ...Wait...I thought you didn't have a computer.

Tom Wilderbee: You're right, I don't. I don't need one. I just do everything I need to on my phone here.

Apple Kid: internet.

Tom Wilderbee: Oh, I'm not using wi-fi. I have unlimited data.

Apple Kid: .....

Orange Kid: .....I-

Apple Kid: Just save it Orange. Let's take it to our first match, where Iroha Angel took on Kayla Sparkz.


Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Kayla Sparkz via Rolling Elbow x Angel Driver -> Pin

Apple Kid: This is just great improvement from Iroha. She used to rely on agility alone, but now she's getting in there, and mixing it up with Sparkz.

Orange Kid: It's a shame she joined the Wife Stable of Tack Angel, cause I was very interested...mostly because of time travel though.

Apple Kid: Kayla has the wrist lock in, but Iroha knew to force her into the ropes to break it up. That's smart. Technical prowess there.

Orange Kid: Seriously though, time travelers have particles that make their DNA slightly different, and it's fascinating to look into.

Apple Kid: If this were an RPG, I'd say see gained in the Strength and Technical stats.

Orange Kid: We're having two different conversations here.

Apple Kid: I'm focusing on the match! Sparkz ate the Rolling Elbow! Ouch! Set her up for the Angel Driver! A devastating 1-2 Combo! She gets the pin! Big win for Iroha Angel.

Orange Kid: Time Travel is interesting Apple.

Apple Kid: I never said it wasn't!

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:48 pm  #506

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Orange Kid: I didn't know we weren't going to mention that!

Apple Kid: The whole reason we're here is to keep close to things in the first place, so we can prevent the end of the wo-And we're back! That was a great match wasn't it?

Orange Kid: Uh....sure. Whatever.

Apple Kid: What is that in your hand?

Orange Kid: Huh? Well I took that guy's phone for lying to me.

Apple Kid: .....

Orange Kid: I'll give it back! The point is, we've got this brand new mobile game, it's called EBW "Gatcha Money", and you just push a few buttons here to get it started. Then you see you have little sprite versions of all your favorites stars, but you have to draw them to get them, and they cost real money, and the ones you need to actually win or do fun things in the game cost a WHOLE LOT MORE.

Apple Kid: Why would anyone play that?

Orange Kid: Gambling addiction. We're targeting gamblers mostly.

Apple Kid: I see. "Gatcha Money" huh? Yeah, it seems like it.

Orange Kid: Come on 5* Orange Kid! I'm drawing's junk. It'll mostly always be junk.

Apple Kid: I don't think that game has a 5* Orange Kid.

Orange Kid: It should dammit!

Apple Kid: ....Here's the card for Great Eagleland Bash. Goodnight Everybody.

EBW Dark: The Great Eagleland Bash
Summers Arena, Summers
Strike TV+

1. EBW World Team Championship: Bashin Dan(c)/Benjamin(c)/Tack Angel(c)/Cade(c) vs. w00t/Swift/Generator/Hotlanta
2. Women's Singles: Christina Angel vs. Murasaki
3. EBW Women's World Championship No Rules: Hope Mach(c) vs. Ripper Jane
4. 4-Way Cage: Amigo vs. Johnny Starbound vs. Jammer vs. Firebrand X
5. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Vape/Golvoth
6. Singles: Tack Angel vs. ?
7. EBW "Dark" Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) vs. Bashin Dan


A new wrestling group was announced today in Kyoto, Edo "Tokaido Pro Wrestling". Their missions was stated not to be a country phenomenon, nor a World Wide & Flat Promotion. But to be a small, occasional traveling group that plans to do road shows at the various famous stations of Edo. Their first goal is said to be to do wrestling shows starting in Kyoto, and travel all away to the Capital to perform in front of the Emperor's Palace. While that's a long road ahead, they plan to do shows at each of the famous stations of Tokaido, thus "Tokaido Pro Wrestling" or TPW for short. Their first show will start tonight for any onlookers and are welcoming any to join them on the road to The Capital. Their first jont see them doing four shows, ending in Ishibe.

At the announcement was the entire roster as well their announcement of format. The matches will be done instead of individual vs individual but member of team vs member of team. That's right, every wrestler is part of a team, and those who wrestle are chosen by their team captain. This first jont will see a minor tournament to see which team is the strongest, the winner will receive for their team the "Eastern Sea Championship", a grouping of 4 belts for each team member. The roster was then introduced by team.

(c)= Team Captain

*Ice Shards
-Super Polar (c)
The Team Captain of Ice Shards, Super Polar comes originally from up north in the Tohoku Region. Super Polar is a known charity worker and was given the name of Super Polar by his mentor (who got the name from his mentor, and so on). Thus making this Super Polar, the 11th.
-Polar Boy
Super Polar's Trainee, who will one day hopes to become the 12th Super Polar. Polar Boy was an orphan that was taken in by the prefecture that Super Polar came from. As Polar Boy grew older, he helped Super Polar in his charity work and Super Polar took him in under his frosted wing.
-Kross Slash
The goth-styled Kross Slash, with piercings and tattoos comes off as a friendly guy. He became friends with Super Polar when Kross was apprehending some thugs as a citizen's arrest.
-Damarcus Kafii
From Valentine, Eagleland; Damarcus is a current boxer taking time off from boxing to try wrestling. He hopes to learn much in trying something new.

*Steam 101
-Justin Tate (c)
A wrestler from a far away place from long ago, the 29-year old makes his comeback into wrestling after a long retirement. He's hoping to rekindle some love in wrestling that was started long ago.
-Namizu Yousuke
Champion Fisherman Namizu Yousuke, was challenged into wrestling by an old university-mate. Taking it seriously, he's gotten into prime shape and says he's ready to reel in a victory.
-Kent Hollyshock
The Wrestler from Winters, Foggyland has some credentials under his belt. A well celebrated ammeter and personal trainer for the old AGES Pro Wrestling. He hopes to actually gain some championships of his own.
-Machine 999
A machine wrestler who jumped sports originally from Monday Night Combat. He was given the DNA of many inventors of the past mixed with the legendary wrestler Charles Gotcha.

-Brobdi (c)
A giant of a man who previously competed in strongman competitions. He is the former 2012, 2014, 2015, & 2017 Eagleland's Strongest Man.
-Terry Jukes
Former Handegg Player making his debut in wrestling. He was rookie of the year in his college days as a running back and hopes to make a name for himself in wrestling.
-Eita Ichimonji
The former personal trainer of the famous Gin's Gym of Edo, was finally convinced by his clients to try out wrestling. The muscleman promises to sculpt his way for his team's victory.
-Canis Minor
The dog masked namesake of the team. The littlest Hellhound has a lot of bark to him, speaking at the event in growls & snares. We'll see if he has the bite to back him up.

*Grand Toxic
-Jake Conway (c)
Another wrestler from a far away place from long ago. Jake Conway carried with him a old and decrepit looking title belt that looks to have had his better years behind him. The greyed looking man promises to build his team to be the best and promises to fulfill that in this tournament.
-Jordan Romida
From Chroma City, Foggyland; Jordan was a big fan of EBW, but moved to Edo after finding the love of his life there. Now a family man, Jordan hopes to fulfill his dream of being a wrestler.
-Ophiuchus Mask
The mysterious Ophiuchus Mask did not divulge much of himself, but stated the his answers lie in the stars.
-Jin Goro
The famous four armed giant of Edo is the former Sekiwake Ranked Sumo Grand Champion. Due to a knee injury he was forced to retire from Sumo and has changed considerably since then. Changing his look from a large Sumo to an in-shape pro wrestler. Edo's Multi-Armed sports hero hopes to continue being an inspiration.

The cards were also announced, each team member will choose who will be in each match and each member can only be in 1 match each tournament. So picking who goes when, is a big deal.

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 1
Kyoto, Edo
Ice Shards vs Hellhounds
Steam 101 vs Grand Toxic

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 2
Otsu, Edo
Ice Shards vs Steam 101
Grand Toxic vs Hellhounds

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 3
Kusatsu, Edo
Ice Shards vs Grand Toxic
Hellhounds vs Steam 101

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 4
Ishibe, Edo
4-Way Capture The Flag: Competitors of Days 1-3
3rd Place: #3 vs #4
Finals: #1 vs #2


Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Nerma: Nerma over here....Cameraman....or Lakitu...whatever! The cap is still on the lens. You should take that off....NOW!

Nerma: That's better. Boy, I hope that hasn't been a frequent problem. Anyways, I'm here with Tack Angel, and he's not looking too happy.

Tack Angel: You're darn right I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all! w00t rused me, and I don't like that sort of thing. That's why I'm here. I sent out the invite. I called him out personally, to meet me right here, so we could settle this once and for all!

Nerma: Oh wow, you don't want to wait do you?

Tack Angel: Not a chance! For once, it CAN'T WAIT! w00t, I want to rebuild my career, and one day become the EBW Triple Crown World Champion again! I want to find success for myself and my family. I can't do that, with you in the way, and in my head. So come here and face me. You didn't RSVP, kinda rude, but it's still alright. Just get here now! NOW!

Nerma: .....

Tack Angel: .....

Nerma: .....

Tack Angel: .....

Nerma: You expecting him to show up right now? As in RIGHT RIGHT now?

Tack Angel: Well I was hoping.

Nerma: He's not here Tack.

Tack Angel: *sigh* Fine...I guess I WILL play the waiting game then.

Tack started pacing back and forth. Minutes passed with nothing but silence. Nerma started to nod off standing up as Tack picked up rocks and started trying to skip them on the ground.

1 Hour Later

Tack was busy at work, wasting money on EBW: Gatcha Money....

Tack Angel: Come on! Come on! PLEASE! 3* AGAIN?! GAH! Someone show this to Trevor! He always thought I had the BEST LUCK with these kind of games! This is garbage! Alright....maybe one more pull.

1 Hour Later

Nerma was suntanning in a lawn chair as Tack practiced kicks against the wall behind him.

Tack Angel: Kick! Kick! Kick! Take that w00t! Mess with my family eh?! I'll teach YEOUCH! I stubbed my toe! OW! OW! Look at it Nerma! I can't! Did I break the toe nail?

Nerma: ...I'm out of here.

1 Hour Later

Tack Angel: Nerma? Where are you? I'm sure he'll be here ANY SECOND! Like....ANY SECOND! ANY SECOND NOW! w00t WHERE ARE YOU?!

1 Hour Later

It started raining, so Tack busted out an umbrella and stood waiting. A large figure crept up next to him.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Totoro: .....

Tack Angel: ...Yikes.

1 Hour Later

The rain was gone, so Tack played in puddles and gazed up at a rainbow, nearly getting hit by a car in the process.

Tack Angel: Hey! I'm walking the middle of the road. SORRY!

1 Hour Later

Tack was barely keeping his eyes open at this point, nodding against the wall when...

?: That's my gimmick.

Tack Angel: Huh? What is?

?: The banana phone waiting thing. That's my gimmick.

Tack Angel: Trevor?


Locker Room

At the EBW Training Center, an familiar face appeared for the first time in years. She made her way into the locker room looking for her husband.

Gemma: Brand? Brand are you in here? Brand, I've been worried about you. Training so much and competing with all the damage done to your face. Are you sure you should-

Firebrand X: Did you bring it?

Gemma: Huh? Yeah, of course I did. I have it right here.

Firebrand X: Great, I should have never taken it off.

Gemma: Are you sure this is the right thing to do?

Firebrand X: I've spent months trying to find my place. You know what? I'd say....

Firebrand X: X MARKS THE SPOT!

Gemma: ....Wow....that was bad.

Firebrand X: It felt bad, coming out of my mouth. Like it was wrong of me. I shouldn't do that, should I?

Gemma: I wouldn't.

Firebrand X: Right.

The screen suddenly cut to black...

Camilo Ortega: Make your jokes with your loved one Firebrand X. It's a soothing solace to the stinging pain my lessons bring. God wants us to suffer to find the light in the darkness. That is what you'll have to do if you ever want to be near my level again. You know what is most disappointing. I haven't had a REAL challenge yet. Amigo might have been a worthy opponent, but he was already too tired when he got to me. Too beaten up. His endurance wasn't where it needed to be perhaps. Maybe he'll get another chance, because I'm issuing an Open Challenge on The Clash Pre-Show before The Great Eagleland Bash. It's Television, so the Television Champion will be there, and you WILL see me walk....the path.


Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 1

Kyoto, Edo

The first night of Tokaido Pro started off with some good wrestling.

Super Polar (c) vs Eita Ichimonji
The Gin's Gym favorite really took it to the northern hero Super Polar, taking him down with a complicated Half-Nelson Driver for the victory.

Kent Hollyshock vs Jordan Romida
The amateur did well in his first professional match against the family man. putting some Age of experience to win the match with a La Magistral.

Steam 101 & the Hellhounds take the early lead as we head into Stop 2 in Otsu

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 1
Kyoto, Edo
15 Fans
Eita Ichimonji beats Super Polar (c) via Muscle Bomber
Kent Hollyshock beats Jordan Romida via La Magistral
Ice Shards: 0
Steam 101: 1
Hellhounds: 1
Grand Toxic: 0

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 2
Otsu, Edo
Ice Shards vs Steam 101
Grand Toxic vs Hellhounds


Saturn City Police Department

Trevor Mach was sitting in interrogation, with his hands cuffed behind him. The Police Chief walked in...

Police Chief: Well well well....Trevor Mach. Haven't had you in here since I took over from the Mayor. Was starting to wonder if I would get my turn at bat.

Trevor Mach: You're making a mistake for once. Normally I deserve it...but not this time.

Police Chief: Oh, is that right? My boys found you beating down a known gang member in an alleyway.

Trevor Mach: You're welcome.

Police Chief: No, see it doesn't work like that. For some reason the wrestlers are given extra leeway in these cases, but you're not under contract anymore are you? So it looks like you were beating down a young black man with no reason. Certainly not wrestling related.

Trevor Mach: *sigh* Doesn't matter if he's black or not. Doesn't even matter if he was in a gang or not. I was walking by, and he was trying to rob an elderly man. I don't stand for that shit, so I stepped in. That's all there is to it.

Police Chief: You know what it looks like, and that's all that matter anymore if you don't have evidence. It looks like profiling. You targeted that kid.

Trevor Mach: Ridiculous. It's bullshit. This is all bullshit.

Police Chief: I'm sure you think so. Let me see your file here. Quite the record. How did you get away with all of this? Whoa, it says here you're Celt and Native Eaglelander. That's a volatile combination.

Trevor Mach: I'm sorry what?

Police Chief: What? It's got your nationality on the file here. Celt/Native Eaglelander.

Trevor Mach: I think that's a mistake. I'm all Celt.

Police Chief: Doesn't say that in your file. These things are accurate as hell. What? You didn't know?

Trevor Mach: I uh...tend to space out at this point most of the time.

Police Chief: Well, you-

Mayor Strong: Give it a rest Chief.

Police Chief: Mr. Mayor? What are you doing here?

Mayor Strong: Trevor Mach ends up in a jail, it's brought to my attention. We go way back.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, remember when you helped me hijack that-

Mayor Strong: Let's not talk about that. I'm trying to keep my office. Look, I'm sure you meant well, but you can't get caught street fighting without a wrestling license.  

Trevor Mach: Wait...he said I'm part Native Eaglelander.

Mayor Strong: Huh? You are?

Trevor Mach: Apparently.

Police Chief: Yeah, I did. So?

Trevor Mach: So that means I'm not able to be racist, and therefore, incapable of a hate crime.

Police Chief: .....

Mayor Strong: You're not really going to play that card are you?

Trevor Mach: I don't know. Is everybody else going to stop being stupid assholes?

Mayor Strong: ....Alright let him go.

Police Chief: Son of a bitch.

Trevor Mach: Heh. Hey, get my phone for me. I got to make some phone calls.

Later, Trevor Mach was walking down the street, where he saw Tack Angel pacing back and forth, waiting for w00t, while listening to the Banana Phone song...

Trevor Mach: That's my gimmick.

Tack Angel: Huh? What is?

Trevor Mach: The banana phone waiting thing. That's my gimmick.

Tack Angel: Trevor?

Trevor Mach:'re from the Tsalagi Tribe right?

Tack Angel: Yeah, I'm surprised you know that. Why?

Trevor Mach: Just got off the phone with my Dad. Looks like I am too.

1 Day Later...

100 Miles South of Saturn City

Trevor Mach barreled down a road near a range of mountains covered in forest. The road suddenly came to a stop. He pulled over and got out a map. A farmer from a nearby farm approached him...

Farmer: Excuse me young man. Are you lost?

Trevor Mach: Well not lost exactly. I was on the right road, but it just sort of stopped.

Farmer: What are you looking for exactly.

Trevor Mach: I was told that a Tsalagi Tribe reservation as near here. I, that came from there as it turns out. Trying to reach it.

Farmer: Oh yeah? Yeah, it's definitely up there. Nice people, but they prefer to keep to themselves. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. These days that seems better if you ask me.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, you might be right.

Farmer: Well, there IS a small trail that leads that way, but you won't be able to take your motorcycle down the path.

Trevor Mach: So, the rest of the way on foot then?

Farmer: It's a few miles down. You can use a horse if you want. Of course if you don't bring it back, I'll keep the bike.

Trevor Mach: *tosses keys* That's a deal.

The sun was rising over the tree line, glaring in Trevor's shades as he clopped up the dirt path on horseback. The path narrowed, and the threes grew more dense as he made his way up the mountain. Passing by a waterfall, he finally made out a wooden sign in the distance that said "Oconaluftee Tsalagi Reservation" on it. The Reservation consisted of rows of log cabins adjacent to a large pond. An older man with long white beaded hair, tanned skin, and walking stick approached.

?: must be him. The descendant of Henry Boyd Morris. Yeah, I recognize it immediately.

Trevor Mach: You knew I was coming?

?: Wayne Angel sent word. I am Chief Tahachee, but you can call me John.

Trevor got off the horse, removed his shades, and shook the man's hand.

John Tahachee: Yeah, I can see it in your eyes. Morris bloodline...or is it Mach now?

Trevor Mach: Yeah, it's Mach.

John Tahachee: I understand you have a lot of questions.

Trevor Mach: To say the least.

John Tahachee: Well tell me about it.

Trevor Mach: I just found out about my heritage I guess. One of those right in front of me, but never saw it things. Apparently, my Grandmother was moving to assisted living, and when they were going through her things, they found old clippings, letters, and pictures, pointing back to my Great Grandfather Henry Boyd Morris, coming up to the mountains, and years later coming back with a Tsalagi wife, and my Grand Father Henry Boyd Jr. Still trying to find her name.

John Tahachee: I know what it is, but I think you'll enjoy it more if you find it yourself. These things tell a story, and it's better to experience it on your own. I can tell you, that she was a cousin of my descendants, so we share blood you and I. Of course, we're all connected, our tribe, our family. Come, let's go sit  and discuss this more. So what brought you here?

Trevor Mach: Well I was just going to watch the Saved by the Bell episode where Zack found out he had native roots, but I was told this would be more helpful.

Trevor and Chief Tahachee sat on rocks, beside a stream feeding into the pond, staring up at the cliffs, and talking about the history of the tribe, and the problems Trevor was facing in his life.

John Tahachee: Quite the story.

Trevor Mach: Quite the history. I know a lot of the stereotypes. Isn't this normally where you smoke the pipe or something?

John Tahachee: Heh. Actually yes historically, but I vape personally.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, me too.

John Tahachee: You seem to be a man of many minds. You came here on the pretense of finding out about your roots, but I don't think that was all. You're looking for something else aren't you?

Trevor Mach: I guess I am. Feeling burned out, professionally and emotionally. Beaten down, used up, and sick of all the bullshit. Loose cannon cliche. So angry all the time.  

John Tahachee: And yet, you've stepped back for the avenue that might help with that.

Trevor Mach: You don't think inner peace might help?

John Tahachee: Expecting some sage advice about peace? Heh, sure that helps some people. It's not for everyone though. We're not all built the same. We commune with nature, and the spirits that dwell in it. They all have different purposes. They work in harmony, but chaos is a part of that harmony. Something has to clear the field before it can be replanted anew.

Trevor Mach: That's all well and good, but I've seen what happens when I follow my instincts.

John Tahachee: What do you mean?

Trevor Mach: Every time I say to myself "I'm going to go all out" or "I'm going to go wild" people get hurt, or I do stupid, self destructive things. I'm too wild. I'm too angry. Inside, it's just rage. I don't want that for my son. I want to be a good father for him.

John Tahachee: Children are important. They are the seeds of the future.

Trevor Mach: In every other time line or dimension I've been to, I always turn out to be a bad guy. I always lose my mind, and go on a rampage.

John Tahachee: .....I'm not going to pretend I know what you're talking about there.

Trevor Mach: I'm burned out, because my career isn't where I want it to be. My job isn't shaping the way I want. The world is so ass backwards ridiculous, I want to pull out my greying hair at how stupid and nonsensical it is. My kid needs to grow up in a better world, and if he's going to follow in my footsteps, he deserves a better EBW. But, I hold back, because I don't want to lose it.

John Tahachee: I think you knowing and caring is enough to make the difference here Trevor. I think the fire inside of you isn't an unwieldy curse. It's you, and it's exactly what you need. What did I say earlier? Something has to wipe out the field so it can be planted anew.

Trevor Mach: So more fighting...

John Tahachee: You live for it. It's not helpful to deny it. You are a warrior. It's in your blood. Henry Boyd was a lot like you they say. Full of fire. That's how he won over your Great Grandmother. He listened not just to his heart, but his spirit guide.

Trevor Mach: Spirit guide?

John Tahachee: We look to the spirits of animals and nature to help guide us. His guide...and the Wolf.

Trevor Mach: Heh.

John Tahachee: That's funny?

Trevor Mach: Just ironic and probably spot on.

John Tahachee: The Wolf is associated with courage, strength, loyalty, and success at hunting. Those qualities will keep you from losing yourself. Embrace who you are, and let go of what's holding yo back. You are a Wolf built for War.

Trevor Mach: What if my fight is over? I could....I could just stay here maybe? Bring my family here?

John Tahachee: From what you've told me, you'd never get them here, but sure you are more than welcome to stay. You are a member of the Tribe. You are family. However...*pulls out Iphone* we DO have wifi here, so you'd never really escape the "shit" that makes you angry. You can't hide from it. You can't run. So you spend your life fighting to make things the way you want them to be. Fight and fight and fight. Clear the field....or stay here....I could use a hunting partner.

Trevor Mach: I don't kill animals.

John Tahachee: Not even for food?

Trevor Mach: I'd rather starve.

John Tahachee: As long as you have that peace in your heart, you'll never truly lose yourself. Also, you really don't want to stick around here. We revere the animals we hunt, but man do we still hunt the hell out of them.


Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 2

Otsu, Edo

Another night of Tokaido Pro as they stop in Otsu. The Show saw a couple of people travel with them from Kyoto, but the audience number be about the same.

Jin Goro vs Brobdi (c)

The Sumo & The Giant locked in combat, each contesting each other in strength. Goro's extra arms came into play as when Brobdi locked in Jin with a bearhug, the extra arms punched himself free and was able to lift the giant for a Mapleland Backbreaker.

Damarcus Kafii vs Machine 999

The Boxer tried his best to punch out the gene spliced robot clone, but the supior genes of Charles Gotcha shined through Machine 999 and pinned Kafii with a slow rotation Gearman Suplex.

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 2
Otsu, Edo
15 Fans
Jin Goro beats Brobdi (c) via Mapleland Backbreaker
Machine 999 beats Damarcus Kafii via Gearman Suplex
Ice Shards: 0
Steam 101: 2
Hellhounds: 1
Grand Toxic: 1

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 3
Kusatsu, Edo
Ice Shards vs Grand Toxic
Hellhounds vs Steam 101


EBW: The Clash G.E.B Pre-Show

Nerma: Hey, remember The Clash? It got replaced by that weird talk show, and we lost paycheck, but luckily, we still get to use it to host the Pre-Show before Strike TV+ events. We convince you to subscribe, and we get paid. It works out for everyone.

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the man that bursts into flames every time we go to Summers of Wrestling, and it's the Pre-Show to the Great Eagleland Bash! Things really are he-

Nerma: Don't.

Tommy Dukes: What?

Nerma: Don't do a heat pun. Don't do it. It's beneath you.

Tommy Dukes: But I-

Nerma: No, you don't have to. Say, things are escalating. The tension can be rising, without mentioning the temperature. Please, just don't do it.

Tommy Dukes: Alright. Things are really escalating, and I for one, am fired up about it!

Nerma: AH!

Tommy Dukes: What?!


Makoto Angel: Tonight, we're going to see my husband the Star Prince pull double duty, as will Bashin Dan, as he attempts to take back the title from Swift and EBW: Dark. My daughter in law Christina Angel will be taking on Murasaki too. I hope she's going to be alright.

Nerma: Other than the Angel Family stuff, we do have title bouts aplenty, grudge matches, and surprises. Even here on The Clash we have some surprises. For example, apparently SWORD as we know it is no more. Yeah, I forget about them too, but Good News Gary apparently shuffled things around. Take a look.


Good News Gary: I have GOOD NEWS for everyone watching The Clash tonight. SWORD will no LONGER be the laughing stocks of EBW. Rains will rise to the top, because I finally have the answers. I know what was holding him back! We have cut out the problem, the one thing that kept us from winning. Nosan, you lazy, old, pun making, janitor. You were the weak link, and you're gone! But, I hope you can find a team, because SWORD challenges you tonight. It will be Rains, Danny Leung, AND...our newest member. SENOR BOX!

Senor Box: *phfff*


     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:49 pm  #507

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Nerma: He's knows he replaced a living, breathing human for a box right?

Tommy Dukes: I feel bad for Nosan.

Makoto Angel: Oh don't worry about Nosan. I saw him with some old friends earlier. I think they have come to help him!

Tommy Dukes: Oh! That'll be great then. Better than being stuck in that SWORD stable.

Nerma: We're going to show you some great fights, and drag this out, to give you the time you need to order Strike TV+. The main event will see Camilo Ortega issue an Open Challenge for the Television Championship, so that'll be exciting, and it'll be followed up with Noah Jennings issuing a statement.

Makoto Angel: I want to go back to the match with Tack though. He isn't allowed to know who his opponent is? It's just not fair!

Nerma: It's someone he knows, and that could be a lot of people. We need to find out what he thinks, so let's take it to the back, and ask him right now. Tack?

The camera cut to the locker room door. A balloon was placed in front of it for some reason. As the lakitu opened the door, Tack Angel tripped over a bench as he was startled while trying to put pants on.

Tack Angel: MY BACK!

Makoto Angel: TACK NO!

Nerma: That must be embarrassing, being caught with his pants down no less.

Makoto Angel: The Star Prince rarely wears pants in his Kingdom.

Nerma: Not the least bit surprised. With all that stupid shit out of the way, let's take it to the ring!

EBW: The Clash G.E.B Pre-Show
Summers Arena, Summers
Strike TV

1. Tag: Dorado Mask/Hex No Limit[o] beat Mister Twister/Stealth Vanyon[x] via Brainbuster -> Pin
2. Singles: Mav Valentine beat Flying Man via Mav Factor -> Pin
3. 6-Man: Degrees/Jackson Kain[o]/Nosan beat Rains/Danny Leung[x]/Senor Box via Shadow Kick -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Rangers must look out for each other, because I can not believe stars the caliber of Jackson Kain and Degrees have come back to assist Nosan! A huge surprise for The Clash!

Nerma: Degrees, once tried to make a comeback to the ring, but hung it up when he thought he lost his touch, but it looks like he found it again. He's in the best shape of his career! Look at that arm drag on the Big Drizz! Flipped him up and over! Setting him for THERE IT IS! Shadow Kick by Jackson Kain, and the pin! The Rangers beat SWORD! The Box NEVER tagged in. Can't say I'm shocked.

4. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Los Tiburon via STO Bomber -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Los Tiburon fresh off a trip to Anahauc, stepping up to go toe to toe with Ortega. You know, it's funny, my Priest went on a trip to Anahauc at the same time. I wonder if they met down there.

Nerma: Haha, yeah, you're oblivious. That's the joke. Great action here. The "Grapple Fucker" taking Ortega off his feet to avoid the Judo throws. Ortega scrambled out, and he's choking Tiburon with his ring jacket. The ref is trying to stop him, but he's arguing that it's a legal gi choke under Judo rules. Does that matter in a wrestling match? Shrugging Ref is....well shrugging. Name's a little too on the nose if you ask me. Tiburon has been slowed down tremendously. Trying to stabilize on his feet, he gets hit with the STO Bomber! 1-2-3! Camilo Ortega with the win. The fighting Television Champion with another win, by hook or by crook.

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here with Noah Jennings, the current Boss of EBW. You've been off a couple weeks haven't you?

Noah Jennings: I wouldn't say I was "off", just off television. This job is more than I bargained for, but I've been making deals, working with the Board, and just trying to do my part. I know I still have to earn trust here, and that's why I'm here. I'm proud to announce that I, Noah Jennings, have rid myself of ALL my purple clothing and ring gear.

Tommy Dukes: That's what you want to announce?

Noah Jennings: Well yeah. I's my signature color. EBW: Dark uses it too. I banished purple from my life to prove that I'm EBW all the way on this one. Team player. A really nice guy when you get to know me, and you really should get to know who I am, as that's been part of my shtick too.

Tommy Dukes: Um...we just figured a bigger announcement was coming.

Noah Jennings: Well, I thought that was pretty big myself, but I have other news. here we go. EBW is RETURNING to E3 this year! Video Armageddon 2019!  

Tommy Dukes: See? Now THAT is news worthy of an announcement.

Noah Jennings: Oh, well I-

w00t: Enough. Gentlemen, did you look at the ring apron. EBW might paying the bills, but EBW: Dark is running the show here tonight. WE are in control of that ring, so get the hell out of there.

Noah Jennings: No.

w00t: No?

Noah Jennings: I'm not finished yet w00t. You're the smart guy. You're the know it all. You should know, that EBW wasn't going to just accept this Great Eagleland Bash thing without consequences. You got to book this show, but I get to make any match I want for Video Armageddon. You can't say no, you can't object, you have to take part.

w00t: Do I look intimidated?

Noah Jennings: You will be, when you find out that I'm booking YOU in a match.

w00t: Oh yeah? Against who? Tack? Tack threw a tantrum to get his way?

Noah Jennings: No, you'll be facing ME!

w00t: YOU?! Ha! PT, Hotlanta, can you believe this?! Ahaha!

Noah Jennings: Lumberjack Match. Anything goes. If I win, Ryan IQ MUST resign his position in EBW.

w00t: And if I win?

Noah Jennings: Nothing. You get nothing. Remember, I said I'm booking it. Didn't mean I was going to be fair? After know who I am.

Tommy Dukes: Wow! Jennings with a killer move here! He has a chance to take the power from EBW: Dark! Incredible move! Plus, he got rid of the purple! Great move!

Noah Jennings: Oh NOW you care?

Tommy Dukes: And with that, we head over to Strike TV+ for the Great Eagleland Bash. We'll see you over there!

EBW Dark: The Great Eagleland Bash

Tommy Dukes: And here we are for....wait what is this?

Ryan IQ: I'm joining you for this one. It's EBW: Dark on the marquee.

Tommy Dukes: Joke's on you. I don't even know what a marquee is!

Ryan IQ: Not surprised. Out of the way.

Tommy Dukes: That's my seat!

Ryan IQ: Don't care.

Tommy Dukes: Can I at least have my hemorrhoid doughnut?

Ryan IQ: What? Yes! Of course! Take it! Burn it! Get rid of it! Now...settle down. This is going to be an EBW: Dark presented show. These are the matches WE wanted to show you, It's fair and balanced. EBW gets its shots after all.

Makoto Angel: Yeah right! You're making my husband pull double duty!

Tommy Dukes: You're also making Bashin Dan work twice two...I mean too!

Ryan IQ: To be fair, so is our fighting champion, the EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Champion Swift. He's be a 4-Crown King once again before this night is over. So let's get down to it shall we? Cue the music, and bring out the true heroes of Wrestling EBW: Dark!

EBW Dark: The Great Eagleland Bash
Summers Arena, Summers
Strike TV+

1. EBW World Team Championship: w00t/Swift/Generator/Hotlanta[o] beat Bashin Dan(c)/Benjamin(c)/Tack Angel(c)/Cade(c)[x] via Vertebreaker -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Team Champions!
Ryan IQ: Look at my team go! They are a solid unit here!

Tommy Dukes: Bashin Dan took a nasty head bump on the last Xcite, and his team is trying to carry the load here. It's team work. THAT is a solid unit.

Ryan IQ: They are morons. The joke is that they're pawns for Dan, and look, they act like pawns.

Tommy Dukes: They are acting like friends! TRUE FRIENDS!

Ryan IQ: You know who doesn't need friends? Hotlanta, cause he's got this all by himself! Euroland Uppercut to Benjamin trying to come off the top there, and now he's got his sights on Cade.

Tommy Dukes: Dan is begging to be tagged in, but wait, W-

Ryan IQ: WKO OUT OF NOWHERE! Took him right off the side of the ring! That thud was sick! w00t seems fine though. Of course he is. He's the thinking man's fighter. He knows how to take a bump better than anyone.

Tommy Dukes: Dan might need some help! Swift just POUNCED Tack before he could get to w00t.

Ryan IQ: Try as he might, Tack will NOT be getting that revenge he wants so badly. Haha! You saw what he did to CP Munk. It's eating away at him. He'll never get it!

Makoto Angel: You're a monster!

Ryan IQ: Shut her up! Hotlanta with the VERTEBREAKER on Cade! Holy shit! A new finish perhaps for the Hot One!? 1-2-3! YEAH! EBW: Dark your NEW 2-TIME EBW World Team Champions! YEAH!

Makoto Angel: Tack, are you alright?!

Tommy Dukes: w00t is taunting him, but he's helping up Dan instead. That's class right there. That's a real warrior.

Ryan IQ: He's a "clown" hehe....

Tommy Dukes: What did he mean by this?

2. Women's Singles: Christina Angel beat Murasaki via Angel Driver -> Pin
Makoto Angel: Christina is angry. She's not taking Murasaki's bully style anymore! Get her Christina!

Ryan IQ: Heh, you call ME biased.

Makoto Angel: We're married! It's different.

Ryan IQ: Whatever. One Violet Frosion from Murasaki, and it'll all be over.

Nerma: Don't count on it! Angel with the ANGEL DRIVER! She got the pin! Flash victory for Christina Angel!

3. EBW Women's World Championship No Rules: Hope Mach(c) beat Ripper Jane via Olympic Slam -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: Hope has been fighting it, but she couldn't keep it out forever I guess. Jane has that Hell Claw locked in, and she's not holding back. These two used to be good friends. It feels like a lifetime ago now. Hope is...she's taking it! She's leaning into the Claw! It's ripping at her mouth! OH PLEASE TAP OR SOMETHING! Don't let her do that! Hope is....she's lifting Jane! OLYMPIC SLAM! HOW THE HELL DID SHE DO THAT!? SHE GOT THE PIN! Hope Mach wins! She retains! She beat the Hell Claw!
4. 4-Way Cage: Johnny Starbound beat Amigo, Jammer, and Firebrand X via Cage Escape
Tommy Dukes: WORK RAAAAA-

Ryan IQ: I have no stake in this one. It's just fun watching EBW beat itself basically.

Tommy Dukes: Firebrand X, with his mask back on, he's running down Starbound, but Jammer wants Starbound too. They're fighting to get to him. Starbound thought he was safe, by Mr. Work Rate Amigo caught him with a Germland Suplex. NOICE!

Ryan IQ: Starbound could've joined us. The kid has a lot of potential and promise.

Tommy Dukes: Near falls exchanged in the ring. Wait, guys look! You're too focused! Starbound is climbing! He's scrambling out! Dammit! Johnny escaped!

Ryan IQ: He's pointing at his head. That means he thinks he's smart.

Tommy Dukes: ...I know that.

Ryan IQ: Just checking. Don't know what the hell you guys actually know.

5. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Vape[o]/Golvoth beat Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c)[x] via Top Rope Splash -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions!
Nerma: "Best Match" are getting routed here. RagnaRockers are in control.

Ryan IQ: Dammit. I think OD twisted his leg on that last PK attempt! TAG OUT! TAG OUT NOW JAMIE!

Tommy Dukes: Golvoth caught him! He bombed him into the buckle! Tagged out to Vape! Golvoth COLLIDING into Mike! BAM! The thud of that collision! Vape going to the Top Rope!


Tommy Dukes: Top Rope Splash! 1-2-3! YES! THEY DID IT! RAGNAROCKERS WIN THE TITLES! YES!

Ryan IQ: ....

Tommy Dukes: Where you going? Haha, he didn't look that happy.

6. Singles: KYO beat Tack Angel via Cradle Piledriver -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: KYO?! KYO...KYO?

Nerma: Namely KYO dressed as a clown! He's been the one following around the Angel Family?! w00t is taunting from the outside. Every time Tack tries to get at him, KYO in his clown persona drags him back in and makes goofy balloon animals. We saw this in the past, but I didn't think this was who they were talking about.

Tommy Dukes: Action underway here. Tack is taking out the frustration on KYO! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! *deep breath* KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! Angel Dri-

w00t: Whoa! Hold it Tack! It's true, KYO has been following around your family as a clown, trying to get into your head, but he's not the old friend I was talking about. Allow me to introduce to you the newest member of EBW: Dark! Cherub No More! KISHIN KID!

Tack Angel: What?!

Kishin Kid appeared on the stage, dressed back in his old attire, from his heel turn that lead to main event success. The shocked Tack was turned around by KYO, who spit bright fluid into his eyes and hit the Cradle Piledriver to pin him.

Tommy Dukes: No! You got to be kidding me?! I thought heel Cherub was like an evil clone or something!

Nerma: This shit is confusing and inconsistent. Let's just hope we get answers later. Still, another staple of EBW has turned Dark, and w00t has struck another blow against Tack Angel.

Makoto Angel:

7. EBW "Dark" Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) beat Bashin Dan via POUNCE x Blackhammer -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: This has topped their previous encounters, but Dan is working hurt here, and he needs to be careful! Swift going for the POUNCE, but Dan stood his ground! Incredible! Even Swift looks surprised! He's demanding Swift try it again! He's rising to the challenge here! Swift with another Pounce! HE TOOK IT! Dan is fired up! Hitting his chest repeatedly, demanding another one! All the frustration is pouring out of Dan. Kick to the Mid Section! He's going for the Brave Clash, but no, he couldn't lift him! He's holding the back of his neck and his head. He might be in serious trouble. Swift picked him up, he tackled him into the turnbuckle! Ow! His head swung back hard! He's exploiting the injuries. You got PT, Mike and w00t on the outside, trying to get involved too, but Dan Club is on the scene to fight back! Still, they stacked the deck against Dan from the beginning. This is not fair. A woozy Dan trying to keep on his feet, but this time, the POUNCE took him down. He's not down. Swift is lifting him up and BLACKHAMMER! 1-2-WAIT! NO! IT HAPPENED AGAIN! I saw that shoulder up! I SAW IT, BUT THE REF COUNTED 3! BULLSHIT! No, I'm not sorry! THAT'S BULL SHIT!

Ryan IQ: Hey hey! I just got back! Quite the ending of the match eh? That Dan is pretty good, but he's just not on Swift's level, and he never will be. Lost to him twice in one night.

Tommy Dukes: You have no honor. You're a disgrace, and you're an asshole! You told that ref to count no matter what didn't you!?

Ryan IQ: How dare you! Don't talk to me that way again Dukes! I'll fire you and that wife of your AGAIN!

Nerma: DO IT! We dare you! We're not going to take your bullshit! You're liar and a cheat!


Ryan IQ: You want to all be fired!? FINE YOU'RE-


Tommy Dukes: IT'S TREVOR MACH! The....The "War Wolf" Trevor Mach! He's back! He's back! But....whose side is he on?

Ryan IQ: Right....whose side?


Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 3

Kusatsu, Edo

Another stop for Tokaido Pro, as we finish up the group stage. Tokaido happened to pick up a few new fans as they reached their highest attendance!

Kross Slash vs Ophiucus Mask

The good guy goth was very friendly to the locals and was bit from behind by Ophiuchus Mask with a sneak attack. Kross couldn't really get going in the match and the 13th Zodiac finished him with a Starstruck Elbow.

Canis Minor vs Justin Tate (c)

The small dog took on the more rugged veteran, and was proved to be not a keen sensed as his name suggests as Tate was able to get a victory with a incredibly simple but incredibly dangerous Super Headscissor Takeover.

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 3
Kusatsu, Edo
18 Fans
Ophiucus Mask beats Kross Slash via Stastruck Elbow
Justin Tate (c) beats Canis Minor via Super Headscissor Takeover
Ice Shards: 0
Steam 101: 3
Hellhounds: 1
Grand Toxic: 2

Steam 101 gained the most points and wins the groups stage, and will now face 2nd place Grand Toxic in the Grand Finals for the Eastern Sea Championship. And because of who competed previously we know exactly what the card will be.

Tokaido Pro Wrestling Stop 4
Ishibe, Edo
4-Way Capture The Flag: Super Polar (c), Kross Slash, & Damarcus Kafii vs Justin Tate (c), Kent Hollyshock, & Machine 999 vs Brobdi (c), Eita Ichimonji, & Canis Minor vs Jordan Romida, Ophiuchus Mask, & Jin Goro
3rd Place: Hellhounds' Terry Jukes vs Ice Shards' Polar Boy
Finals: Steam 101's Namizu Yousuke vs Grand Toxic's Jake Conway (c)


EBW: Xcite

The show opened with a packed crowd in the Renegade Arena, giving mixed reactions to the men in the ring. w00t lead out a contingent of EBW: Dark members, along with "Best Match" who looked none to happy about their title loss.

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the doesn't want to be here guy of Wrestling, but I was told I had to be.

w00t: What's wrong? Where was all that fire from Great Eagleland Bash? You were talking a big game then. Not now?

Tommy Dukes: ...Let's just get this over with. We have all heard that Bashin Dan is being evaluated at a hospital right now, to see if he has any concussion damage from recent matches. Is that why you're here? Did you want to gloat?

w00t: What? Of course not. We don't need to gloat. Our actions speak for themselves. We have the rings back, and Swift is STILL the EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Champion. He's the 4-Crown King again. The absolute most successful Wrestler in EBW history. It can't be denied at this point. He IS the power, just like I am the brains. We planned a great show, and it paid off.

Tommy Dukes: Well not entirely. Those guys there, the "Best Match", lost their titles to the RagnaRockers. That could not have been part of your "master plan".

w00t: Now you're getting cocky huh? Well, it's unfortunate what happened. You say that Jamie OD was hurt during the match right? Yeah, he was no cleared by doctors, and he didn't mention that to anyone. Did you Jamie?

Jamie OD: Hehe. Oi, I'm a wee bit sorry about that one....but not much.

w00t: So yeah, he wasn't cleared, which means that match....was never really official.

Tommy Dukes: No.

w00t: Under orders from Ryan IQ, Vape and Golvoth need to hand over those titles, and the title change must be stricken from the record books.

Tommy Dukes: Oh that is garbage! You knew ahead of time, and you pulled this to make sure no matter what, your team had the titles?!

w00t: Strong accusation. Funny that you'd make it yourself...with no one to back you u-

Noah Jennings: He's not alone. I'm right here.

Tack Angel: Me too.

w00t: Well look who it is. Tack Angel, still in one piece. I'm impressed.

Tack Angel: isn't about you right now. It's about what you did to that kid. He's the best of us, and a shining example of standing up to you, and you hurt him. You wanted to put him on the shelf. You want him permanently injured.

w00t: ....This IS Wrestling. We don't pull our punches, and we're not using nerf here.

Swift: No, I didn't want the kid permanently injured. I wanted him beaten, knowing that I am the dominant predator in all of EBW. If a concussion does that, then so be it.

Tack Angel: Swift, you used to be my friend. I used to respect you. Isn't that what you want? I don't any more. I don't respect any of you. Especially, when you use KYO, dressed as a clown, to invade my home, and mess with my family. You keep going after my family! STOP! GOING AFTER! MY FAMILY!

w00t: Fine, we will, if you can pull off a miracle tonight. Tack Angel, EBW: Dark challenges you to a Gauntlet. 3 matches in one night. If you can win them all, we'll keep this between us. If you can't, anything and everything is open game, and you can't do a damn thing about it.

Tack Angel: Like I have a choice. If I don't, you'll just keep harassing them or worse! I won't let that happen. I'll run through whoever you put in my way.

w00t: Glad to hear it. Your first match will be against Magnum PT. It's going to open the show, so why don't we clear out and-


The "War Wolf" Trevor Mach made his way down to the ring, to a big reaction. He stood between EBW and EBW: Dark, but never made eye contact with them.

Trevor Mach: ...

Tommy Dukes: Wow....Trevor! I invited you onto the show, but I didn't expect you would show u-

Trevor Mach: I'm here. Live, loud and in living color.

Tommy Dukes: Well then...can I ask what you're doing here?

Trevor Mach: ...You can ask.

Tommy Dukes: Huh? Oh. What are you doing here?

Trevor Mach: Well, it's real simple. I'm back, but I'm back on my own terms. Back, to do what I do best. Back, to do what I live for. The chase. The fight. The bloodshed. The chaos. That's what I'm all about. THE HUNT! No games. No bullshit. I'm back.

Tack Angel: Welcome back to EBW man! It's great that-

Trevor Mach: I'm NOT...back to EBW.

w00t: AHAHA! Of course he's not, because he's EBW: Dark now! Welcome abo-

Trevor Mach: I'm NOT...EBW: Dark either. I'm my own man. This company has an open door policy for free agents. I'm a Free Agent. I'm independent of you. I'm free from the two party system you got going on here, because I think is sucks! One of you, is willing to hurt the kid, and put him in the hospital. The other, let it happen, and let so much other shit happen while I've been sitting back and watching. You did your job half assed. I can't decide who pisses me off more quite frankly!

Swift: Maybe you don't hear so well Mach. I said I-

Trevor Mach: You put him there! It's a wrestling match, I get that, but you've been stacking the deck against the kid, and you've been screwing around with him. You've been hurting him, and his friends. All typical Swift behavior, so I'm not really surprised. But son of a bitch!

Tack Angel: What? What did I do?

Trevor Mach: NOTHING! That's the problem! You're supposed to be the best of us, and you didn't do anything! I cut you slack before because of your family, but these guys and gals in EBW, are supposed to be your family too, and they needed a leader, and you let Bashin Dan do it for you. That put him in harm's way, and look where he is, and look where you are.

Tack Angel: I-

Trevor Mach: You were the inspiration. You taught these kids out here, how to fight for what they believed in! You taught em to believe in the man upstairs! You taught them to believe in themselves, and that's great, cause right now they can't believe in you. PROVE ME WRONG TACK!

Tack Angel: .....

Trevor Mach: I'm back, but I'm back to do my thing my way. What does that mean? Stay tuned.

Tommy Dukes: Does that at least mean it's good to be back?

Trevor Mach: No, it's "bad" to be back.

Tack Angel: ....Well at least that part of him hasn't changed.

EBW Announce Table

Nerma: Wow, strong words from Trevor there. The "War Wolf" making his position known. He's a free agent, but he's back to wrestling. What is this going to mean for us though? With Dan in the hospital, who is going to lead us?

Makoto Angel: He didn't have to say those things about Tack. He's trying really hard to-

Tack appeared at the announce table...

Tack Angel: No Makoto, it's alright. It's alright. No more excuses. Maybe he's right, or maybe not. I COULD have done more though. I SHOULD have done more. Trevor, you watch the show tonight. I'm running a Gauntlet. Maybe I can prove something to you.

Makoto Angel: Tack...

Tack Angel: Love you Makoto. Keep up the great work.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: Tack Angel beat Magnum PT via Angel Driver -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Tack is in control here. He's taking it to PT with his flurry of kicks. PT escaping through the ropes. He went up top tried for the Axe Handle, but ate crescent kick. Suplex from Tack, and a Shining Star Prince! That's a Shining Wizard, but....well renamed. That's it. PT is looking woozy. Here it comes! Angel Driver! 1-2-3! Tack Angel wins the first match of the Gauntlet. I don't know who he's facing next, but let's hope he keeps up the momentum.
2. Singles: Jammer beat Johnny Starbound via Slam Jam -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: I was not expecting this match tonight, but it's living up. Jammer is looking good, but Starbound is targeting that neck. It seems to no avail, and Jammer hits the Alley Oop! Starbound rolled out of the ring. He's trying to escape again. But look over there, Firebrand X, Subculture, and Amigo. They are all blocking him off and throwing him into the ring. He's got nowhere to run this time! Jammer with a Bulldog! He's on Fire! Going up top! SLAM JAM! 1-2-3! Jammer wins! He's finally locked down Starbound and captured that victory.

Jammer: Finally! Can't keep a good Slam Master down, Starbound just found that out the hard way. Thanks guys, for bringing him back. Now that he's in my rear view, I want to talk about what happened last night. Bashin Dan, the friend that saved me from turning into this sneaky bastard, was injured, by Swift, the so called EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Champion. He's in the hospital right now. I just spent some time there. It's not fun. It's torture. It's agony. You wonder if you're going to get bad news or worse news. That doesn't sit right with me. Not at all. I challenge you Swift. Video Armageddon. The World Championships on the line. I know that's this week, and you only have days to prepare, but you're not a coward are you? *wink*

3. Singles: Tack Angel beat Mav Valentine via Angel Driver -> Pin
Makoto Angel: THE Star Prince, my husband, is showing Mav Valentine the years of EBW experience he has. Everyone thinks he's a joke, but my husband fights for his family, and right now, he's doing this to protect us! Newcomer Mav tried to his the Mav Factor, but Tack flipped him up and over. Big kick to the mouth, and the Angel Driver! 1-2-3! Tack wins! Yeah! Go Tack! Haha!

w00t: Impressive again Tack. We see glimpses of the Ace every now and then, and I guess tonight is one of those nights. However, let's see if you can "overcome the odds" as only you can. As per Ryan IQ's orders, the main event tonight will see you in a Handicap match as the final part of the Gauntlet. You'll be facing Generator, Hotlanta, and KYO. Remember the stakes? You lose, you've failed your family.

Makoto Angel: Oh! That is not true at all! He's trying his best! Grrr!

4. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Cade via Referee Stoppage
Tommy Dukes: Mike has his tag title back, and he looks happy about it, but I don't think he deserves it. Neither does that gloating Jamie OD, smugly mocking Cade outside of the ring. Benjamin keeping OD from getting involved, but I think Cade's taking too much damage these days too, cause he's looking out of it. Glazed over eyes. In fact, the Ref is looking at him, and he's...he's calling it. Referee Stoppage. I don't blame him on this one. Cade needs some help. This is not good, what EBW: Dark continues to do to the Dan Club.
5. EBW Trios Championship: Troian(c)/Ripper Jane(c)/Murasaki(c)[o] beat Valarie Dorado/Erica/21st Century Foxx and Gold/Calamity Jane/Lainey Strong[x] via Violet Frosion -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: A free for all of the best women athletes we have here, all vying for those titles, that means so much to the stables in EBW. Gold has meshed well with the Sunset Riders, but wait, Murasaki has Lainey Strong trapped in the corner! She hit the Violet Frosion! 1-2-3! Title Defense made by EBW: Dark. Sucks for them that they can't overcome our Hope Mach and Christina Angel though! Hahah-oh they're looking at me. Do they see me?
6. Handicap:

Tommy Dukes: Tack is fighting the odds here, but they may be too much for a change!

Makoto Angel: No! My Star Prince can do anything! He fights for his family, and he'd do anything for us! He's not going to surrender to these goons!

Nerma: Look Makoto, he doesn't have much a choice in the matter. He was actually holding them off at first, but these quick tags and finish attempts are wearing him down. If only this were an elimination match, but it's not, and the Handicap stip makes the rules very lax too, so it might only be a matter of time til-

Makoto Angel Tack with the SUPERKICK on Generator! That got full thigh smacking connection too, so you know it hurt! KYO coming in, still dressed like that awful clown! Get him Tack! Angel's Wings! A pin attempt, but Hotlanta is in to break it up. No!

Tommy Dukes: This is the Ace. Listen to those fans! He's got them all in his corner. Wait...better one. The fans normally have an Angel in their corner, but now the fans are in his.

Makoto Angel: Oh, I like that!

Nerma: ....Yeah it's alright.

Tommy Dukes: HAHA! Angel locking up with Hotlanta, who wants to use that new Vertebreaker he's perfected to take Tack out, but Tack countered and hit the Angel Driver! He's going for the pin, but here come w00t! NO! WKO! He just HAD to get involved!

Makoto Angel: YOU'RE A BAD MAN!

Tommy Dukes: Generator of the top with the high angle Senton Bomb! Pin attempt! 1-2-KICKOUT! Tack still kicked out! w00t's patented knock out move, and Tack still kicked out. They're all about to attack, but wait, here comes Trevor Mach! He's got a barbed wire bat in hand! The equalizer! He's battering EBW: Dark! He's on the full assault! YES!

Makoto Angel: GET EM' TREVOR!

Tommy Dukes: Tack is staggering to his feet! He's picking up Generator! WRIST CLUUUUUUUUUUUTCH ANGEL DRIVER! 1! 2! 3! HE DID IT! TACK ANGEL WINS! YES!


Tommy Dukes: Makoto is rushing to the ring, as is the rest of the Angel Family from the back. They are all congratulating Tack on the big win. I guess he did show something to Trevor, who helped clear the board, but win, that's all Tack Angel, and now his family is safe.


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Nerma: Nerma here in the Control Center, as Tommy got himself suspended for mouthing off at Ryan IQ. I'm proud of him. Someone has to bring home some money though, so here we are. Alright, let's do this. EBW JUST GOT DONE with Great Eagleland Bash, but scheduling and money are leading to us heading to E3 for Video Armageddon 2019! We have a new game out for the phones called EBW: Gatcha Money, and WOW, do you people like to spend money on what is essentially gambling with no financial return possible. I don't judge. I'm just saying, the phone game alone is making this one of the most profitable quarters in EBW history. All those years of massive sell outs and big events, and monstrous attendance. World tours, television shows, our own network, and ACTUAL video games. None of that holds a candle to the combination of sweet sweet Flicknet money, and a mobile addiction simulator. Keep up the good work, I guess is what I'm trying to say. We have news about the event, that you might enjoy. Jammer issued a title challenge to Swift, and he has accepted. Jammer is going to be taking on the 4-Crown King, and he's dedicating the match to Bashin Dan, who is still in the hospital. We're awaiting news on his condition still. We also have that high stakes Power Struggle between Noah Jennings and w00t, AND an EBW Television Championship Open Challenge from Camilo Ortega. Man does NOT want to rest on his laurels. Laurels can be pretty comfy to rest on. I'm just saying. Man, we had Trevor Mach return on Xcite, and I'm not talking about as just a run in. He made it official that he's active again, but he's also a Free Agent, choosing not to represent either side. We tried to get a word with him after his return, but...

Renegade Arena - Backstage

Tommy Dukes: Trevor! Trevor wait! That was awesome! Way to jump and help out EBW!

Trevor Mach: Didn't help EBW Dukes! I helped my brother. It doesn't matter what we're going through, I still don't like to see him get beat down. He did his part. He stood up for himself and his family. Now, get out of my way, or I'll knock your teeth out.

Tommy Dukes: AH!

Nerma: Tag me in! He won't hit me!

Trevor Mach: ...

Nerma: I...think? Trevor, I have so many questions for you!

Trevor Mach: I don't feel like giving you answers, and I don't have to either. My motivations are my own, I don't owe you a damn thing.

Nerma: I don't understand! Why do you hate EBW so much right now?

Trevor Mach: Hate it? ....I'd die for it.

Nerma: Then what is it that you want?

Trevor Mach: What do I want? I want, what anyone should want. I want what a lot of the EBW wrestlers want. Those men and women who spill their guts in the ring, and grind their bones to dust, and give everything that they have. I want what they want! I want for this culture, this world, this war to make some fucking sense! I want my life to mean something, fighting the bullshit in and out of the ring.  I want EBW, and it's fans to understand that. Understand how easy it could be to take the weight of the world and take it OFF my shoulders, but instead I add more weight EVERY DAY! I want them to understand that. I want them to love us, as much as we love them. That's what I want.

Nerma: Wow....insightful.

Tommy Dukes: Alright, well since we've got you talking, I-

Trevor Mach: Fuck off Dukes.

Tommy Dukes: Oh.

EBW x E3 Present: Video Armageddon 2019
Fourside Convention Center, Fourside
Strike TV/Twitch/Censored on Youtube

1. EBW Television Championship Open Challenge: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. ?
2. Power Struggle: Noah Jennings vs. w00t
3. Queen of E3 20-Woman Battle Royale: Hope Mach vs. Troian vs. Ripper Jane vs. Valarie Dorado vs. Christina Angel vs. Gold vs. Sylvie vs. Kimber Blaze vs. 21st Century Foxx vs. Erica vs. Nani Angel vs. "3G" Krissy Gale vs. Iroha Angel vs. Murasaki vs. Tracy Angel vs. Erica vs. Kei Akiyama vs. Kayla Sparkz vs. Queen Bolshoi vs. Faris Angel
4. EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) vs. Jammer


Fourside Convention Center E3 2019

Wrestling fans and Gamers alike filled the Convention Center for E3, the annual gathering that this year, was serving as EBW's way of getting out the "Gatcha Money" mobile game. Cherub Kid was at the EBW Booth trying on a hat, when Tack Angel ran up and knocked it out of his hands.

Cherub Kid: Whoa! What are you doing?

Tack Angel: What am I doing?! What are YOU doing?!

Cherub Kid: Why are you so mad at me?

Tack Angel: Mad?! I don't get mad! I'm miffed! Miffed as heck! How could you do that? How could you-

Cherub Kid: I didn't join EBW: Dark!

Tack Angel: Huh?

Cherub Kid: They made me do it. They said if I didn't dress up like that and stand there, they would hurt Uncle Munk badly. I didn't want him to-

Tack Angel: No. did the right thing. Last thing we want is Munk hurt.....again. I need to apologize to him again. *sigh* I've been ruuuuuuused again!? I need to do something about this! I really need to do something! I really really- oh wait, it's time for the EA Press Conference! Let's go!

Cherub Kid: I'm excited for disappointment.


Christina Angel: Subbie! Subbie wait! Where are you going in your gear? You're not in condition to compete.

Subculture: So you say, and so the doctors say, but I've dealt with worse.

Christina Angel: You weren't married then. Your wife is telling you to take it easy.

Subculture: I have to do this. I'm not just the KO Punch. I'm a damn good wrestling, and I'm still hungry. I thought about accepting the TV Open Challenge, but I thought I might just say screw it and be there to challenge the World Champion after the main event.

Christina Angel: Well, I do believe in you, and I always will, but your arm is in bad shape, and-

Firebrand X: I'd listen to her Subculture. You don't have your KO Punch. You don't have the title match. That's because I might just beat you to it, and challenge myself.

Subculture: Is that right? Well, how do you want to settle thi-

?: With all due respect, I might be the one to make the challenge.

Firebrand X: Heh.

Subculture: You?

EBW x E3 Present: Video Armageddon 2019

The collision of Wrestling and Video Games kicked off with Camilo Ortega in the ring for his Television Championship Open Challenge...

Camilo Ortega: You are here to have fun, I'm sure, but, you're also going to learn a valuable lesson. EBW: Dark is paving a new way, and I am here to teach. I'm here to show you, that by walking the path, you can join us in the true light that hides in the darkness. You can join me, as I rule over everything. This title is my ticket to that. Ticket to the World. It is, right now, the most valuable if you ask me, because it guarantees so much. For example, EBW: Dark is going to sweeten this challenge, to force one of the EBW cowards to try and face me. If you could somehow beat me, you can have any match against EBW: Dark that you want. Triple Crown World? Tag match? Team match? The choice would be yours. You can have this, and all of that. So, I pose the question, who is strong enough? Who has the courage to face me? Who is willing to test themselves against me. Amigo? Want to try again? Anyone? I'm disappointed, but now-

Ishihiro Tomo chose that exact moment to return from Edo...

Camilo Ortega: Heh....shit.

EBW x E3 Present: Video Armageddon 2019
Fourside Convention Center, Fourside
Strike TV/Twitch/Censored on Youtube

1. EBW Television Championship Open Challenge: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Ishihiro Tomo ended in a Time Limit Draw -> Title Defense?
Tommy Dukes: Incredible! The unstoppable wrestling machine is back, and he and Ortega are showing off the WORK RA-

Nerma: Quit it!

Tommy Dukes: Ortega keeps dishing out his best, but Tomo-kun doesn't know how to stay down! And they-

Nerma: That's the bell!

Tommy Dukes: What?

Nerma: Time limit draw! Ortega hangs on to his title, but this is the first opponent he couldn't keep down. Incredible!

2. Power Struggle: w00t beat Noah Jennings via wKo -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Jennings, TRYING to earn trust here. TRYING to earn the respect of the fans, but even using his heelish moves for our ends, isn't earning him the best reception. w00t knows his every move! wKo! w00t with the pin! EBW: Dark wins, and Ryan IQ remains in a seat of power.
3. Queen of E3 20-Woman Battle Royale: Hope Mach vs. Troian vs. Ripper Jane vs. Valarie Dorado vs. Christina Angel vs. Gold vs. Sylvie vs. Kimber Blaze vs. 21st Century Foxx vs. Erica vs. Nani Angel vs. "3G" Krissy Gale vs. Iroha Angel vs. Murasaki vs. Tracy Angel vs. Erica vs. Kei Akiyama vs. Kayla Sparkz vs. Queen Bolshoi vs. Faris Angel
Winner: Iroha Angel

Nerma: What a free for all! The moment the bell rang, we lost half of the ladies in a frenzy! They are fighting tooth and nail, proving themselves. You know the ladies are the selling point of "Gatcha Money"'s Summer Event. Granted, it's mostly swimsuit variants, but'll never actually draw one of them. It's down to Hope Mach and Christina Angel it seems. They just eliminated Valarie and Murasaki, but-

Makoto Angel: I don't think so! Iroha got taken under a lower rope earlier and she's back in! They don't see her! Hope and Christina are eliminated! WOW! Iroha! YEAH!

Nerma: Iroha Angel is THE Queen of E3! I believe that means...a title match against Hope!

4. EBW: Dark Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) beat Jammer via POUNCE! x Blackhammer -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Jammer has been fighting a war here, but damn, with Harvey Refman now officially sporting the colors of EBW: Dark, we can see now why they were so casual in accepting this title challenge. Jammer may have actually had Swift beaten, but with a slow count, we'll never know for sure. Damn, here it comes. POUNCE! Blackhammer! 1-2-3. Harvey you're a disgrace! Swift is still the Triple Crown World Champion. Look at him pose with the ref and w00t. So rigged! Here comes Tack Angel! I think he might be wanting to challenge for-

Nerma: Hang on there Tommy. Look, here comes Firebrand X and Subculture as well. They are circling the ring. I bet they weren't expecting this, or EBW: Dark would have brought back up.

Tommy Dukes: Look! Bashin Dan! It's Bashin Dan! He's got his head wrapped, but he looks to be alright! That a huge relief! Is he here to challenge again? Oh...I think they're all going to have to step aside. Look at that, coming down from the next floor from a rope! It's the "War Wolf" Trevor Mach! He's got the bat, and he's directing traffic, having everyone step aside. He's getting in that ring with EBW: Dark. Could it be? He's not pointing at those titles. He's pointing directly at Swift! Could it be? Are we going to get THE REMATCH?!


     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:50 pm  #508

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Prime Time Challenge

Live, from E3, it's the Prime Time Challenge, with Apple Kid and Orange Kid...

Orange Kid: Let me stop you there. How can it be live? If they are watching this a day later, it's not live.

Apple Kid: We're taping it live. We're here live at E3, and-

Orange Kid: Yeah, you know it's live cause these idiots keep stepping into the shot! BACK UP!

Apple Kid: Now you're saying it's live, when before you were skeptical?

Orange Kid: A scientist is always skeptical....APPLE!

Apple Kid: *sigh* E3 is a big success this year, with no one being too tremendously disappointing. That's the standard now huh?

Orange Kid: Hey, I was hanging out with "Todd" today, and that guy is nothing BUT a success. His games are universally loved.

Apple Kid: Even 76?

Orange Kid: ESPECIALLY 76!

Apple Kid: ...So EBW has been doing E3 for years, and this year we brought our gatcha game. It's such a success.

Orange Kid: I STILL haven't got the 5* Orange Kid, BUT I just bought $100 worth of in game currency.

Apple Kid: You bought $100 worth of Tackbucks?

Orange Kid: I did! That means, my next draw will increase my chance of getting something good to 2%!!!!

Apple Kid: You doing it now?

Orange Kid: YEP!

Apple Kid: You didn't get it did you?

Orange Kid: NOPE!

Apple Kid: Let's take it to the first match.


Singles: Amigo beat Shark #1 via Ankle Lock -> Submission

Apple Kid: Amigo is just an amazing athlete. He's really getting back into a groove here after years of eating sandwiches and talking to singing household appliances.

Orange Kid: These people are weird, and have been doing weird things for years. It's astonishing.

Apple Kid: Shark #1, trying to keep up, but rumor has it, that's a 48 year old man under the mask.

Orange Kid: Great, we got a boomer Shark.

Apple Kid: Amigo with a suplex! He's rolling up, but Shark is escap-ANKLE LOCK! He's got it locked in! Shark #1 is tapping out!

Orange Kid: ...Boomers.


Apple Kid: Well, that explains why Amigo didn't answer the challenge against Ortega later in the day.

Orange Kid: He barely broke a sweat. He could've pulled double duty. Come on 5*! DAMN!

Apple Kid: We DID get a nice surprise with the return of Tomo-kun from another Edo excursion.

Orange Kid: It's always great having him back, as he is probably the "hardest mother fu-"

Apple Kid: Whoa!

Orange Kid: What? Just going with the general consensus here.

Apple Kid: ...Next match.


Women's Singles: Faris Angel beat Queen Bolshoi via Tycoon Driver #5 -> Pin

Apple Kid: Faris Angel, the dark horse of the Angel Family. Not having the most experience in the ring, she does know a thing or two.

Orange Kid: I thought she was a guy at first.

Apple Kid: Yep, that's the gimmick.

Orange Kid: Hey, I'm no mark! I'm just saying...a female pirate captain? I don't buy it. HOWEVER...I would like to get her in a bikini in "Gatcha Money"! DRAW! GIVE ME A 5*! NO! NO! NOT ANOTHER 2* TACK! I HAVE 20 OF THOSE!

Apple Kid: that...Degrees, Jackson Kain, and Nosan? What are they doing out there? Looks like they're scouting Faris?

Orange Kid: They wanted to see her in a bikini too.


Apple Kid: ....

Orange Kid: What?

Apple Kid: Just...*sigh*...Featured Contest.


Singles: Hotlanta beat Benjamin via Vertebreaker -> Pin

Apple Kid: The Hot One has been nonstop coming after both Benjamin and Cade lately.

Orange Kid: Well he lost to them, that's embarrassing.

Apple Kid: What? They're on our side! They are two fine young athletes that continue to improve and impress!

Orange Kid: If you say so.

Apple Kid: Would you stop it? Benjamin escaping the side slam! Off the ropes! Jumping right over Hot! SPEA-blocked! The Spear was blocked! Hotlanta has him! No! Vertebreaker! OW!

Orange Kid: My neck hurts looking at that.

Apple Kid: Hotlanta with the pin. A win for EBW: Dark.


Apple Kid: Well, I think that's going to do it for our E3 Special here.

Orange Kid: I need to borrow some money.

Apple Kid:: What?

Orange Kid: I'm out of Tackbucks. I need to borrow some money. You know I'm good for it.

Apple Kid: I don't think so. Well, we-

w00t: Get out of my way.

Apple Kid: Whoa! w00t!?

w00t: Trevor Mach, you dare challenge Swift?! We opened the door for you. We gave you the opportunity to join us! You could've had everything you wanted. We were being kinder than we could've been. We were being generous. No more. No more! You want a shot at Swift?! Heh...the NO!

Apple Kid: No?

Orange Kid:'s a 4*! USELESS SUMMER TIME TACK! HATE THIS GAME! I need money.


Office of Noah Jennings

Noah Jennings: ....

Jeff Andonuts: Is there a problem Noah?

Noah Jennings: This is a broom closet.

Jeff Andonuts: Wrong. It WAS a broom closet. Now, it's your office.

Noah Jennings: ...What do you want?

Jeff Andonuts: The Board believes you're doing a GREAT job, but we need more from you. It's like an EBW renaissance. Higher demand, more than ever. We want to-

Noah Jennings: Stretch ourselves too thin?

Jeff Andonuts: Bingo! Too much money to be made here for us and the talent.

Noah Jennings: You sound like a slightly less evil Ryan IQ. Trust me, I know evil. What did you have in mind?

Jeff Andonuts: Well, Strike TV has a crappy time slot, that they want us to fill. Saturday Nights at 11pm. In between Star Trek and Cops. It's-

Noah Jennings: Another show?!

Jeff Andonuts: Another show yes. We want to go back to what made us popular, and many seem to think our peak was the Edo arc, and what made that so good?

Noah Jennings: Intense, high stakes war eff-

Jeff Andonuts: My team! The Havok Rangers! We went by all sorts of names, but we were the draw, AND...we saved the Earth...a FEW times. We were kind of a big deal.

Noah Jennings: Right...apparently.

Jeff Andonuts: I bring that up, because our tenure was the highlight of #EVER, and that show was surprisingly over. We need something like that. I was thinking....EBW New International Stars.

Noah Jennings: ....ENIS?

Jeff Andonuts: Well, it was just a-


Jeff Andonuts: Alright! Alright! I get it! I was just spit balling here! What would you suggest.

Noah Jennings: Well, I wouldn't revive #EVER. That was awful. It was just the worst. The most uninspired, parody tier garbage that-

Strike TV Wrestling Update!

Nerma: Nerma he-


Nerma: *sigh* Alright fine. I WAS going to introduce you, but whatever. Want to interrupt and be rude? Whatever.


#EVER 1: The Useless Aggression Era
Club Saturn, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: Rains vs. Nosan

Streets of Saturn City

Faris Angel was walking along the sidewalk, with a bag of groceries, heading back to the Angel Express AKA the Star Liner AKA Tack's flying train cause I don't know. As she walked, she felt as if she were being watched.

Faris Angel: Hello? Anyone there? Following me is a bad idea. People who underestimate me get hurt! Hello?

Faris heard some clanging in the alley. She set down her groceries and carefully walked into the alley to investigate. The clanging got louder. She reached for a rapier that was not there.

Faris Angel: Oh right...I stopped...carrying that. Alright then...whoever you are...if you want to see that I can fight, I'll be happy to show you!

A cat came out from behind a box and knocked over some metal, making a clanging sound.

Faris Angel: Oh, is tha-

Faris was suddenly turned around by a metal man, seemingly created out of nuts and bolts, with some giant eye in the middle of where its face is supposed to be.

Faris Angel: Whoa! What?! Wha....what are you?!

?: Step away from her NOW!

Faris Angel: Huh?

Faris Angel: Whoa! You guys?

Jackson Kain: You weren't kidding Doc. They're right where you said they would be. Coming after her.

Gemma: I'm glad I listened to you guys and tagged along. Hi Faris, I'm Gemma Brand, and-

Nosan: We don't have time for introductions, which is ironic when we elaborate what is happening here.

Faris Angel: What IS happening here?

Degrees: We'll explain later. All you have to know now, is that they are after you. Your DNA matches the Time Brace, and they know that too, so that's why they're after you!

Faris Angel: Time Brace?

Jackson Kain: Look Pirate lady, take this bracelet. Put it on, and say "TIME CHANGE"! Alright?

Faris Angel: Uh...alright? TIME CHANGE!

Faris was enveloped in a pink light, a grid covered her body, before a suit formed over her.

Degrees: Time Change!

Jackson Kain: Time Change.


Gemma: Time Change!

The four others changed in a very similar manner. The five multi-colored heroes attacked the machine beings, making quick work of them, and causing an explosion they naturally had to look away from as they posed...

Gemma: Wow! We did it!

Nosan: Just like old times for this old timer.

Jackson Kain: Here we go again.

Degrees: You missed it.

Jackson Kain: Maybe a little bit.

Faris Angel: We did it alright. Uh...what is it we just did?

Degrees: We became "TIME EBW!"

Faris Angel: .....That doesn't really answer my question.


EBW: Xcite

The show opened with w00t, Generator, Hotlanta, and 4-Crown King Swift standing in the ring. A purple hue cast over them, with the "Dark" logo reflected on the screens and the canvas...

w00t: Take a look at this. It's what the power brings. We can shape and mold this show the way we want it. We thank Ryan IQ for that, and we thank these rings, and those title belts. We have executive power, and we have the clout in the ring. We are everything that is Wrestling right why the hell would Trevor Mach decline our invitation? Why the hell would he NOT join us? WHY THE HELL WOULD HE CHALLENGE SWIFT?! That's what I want to know. I'm a man of knowledge, reason, and logic. That's how we made this all work. Carefully planned. Mach, you're going against the plan. Not in a way that would disturb our plans, but in a way that's going to get you hurt. I thought you wanted to be around to raise that son of yours.

Swift: I beat you. I beat you like no man before me. I left you lying in a puddle of your own blood, alone, and defeated. So badly, that you left EBW. I tried giving you respect. I tried to let you in on this, the new shit, but you refused. Now, you want another loss? Another humiliating defeat? You're out of your damn mind.

Trevor Mach came in through the crowd with a barbed wire bat in hand, and the staple gun.

w00t: And there he is, the biggest fool in wrestling.

Trevor Mach: Call me whatever, you want. It's just words. What I've got planned for Swift, that is really going to hurt.

Swift: You son of a-

w00t: Now now, we're not in the business of giving them what they want remember? It's all about reactions, and he's trying to get one right now. Tell us Trevor, why would you come after us, when we've been nothing but welcoming to you?

Trevor Mach: Are you joking? You think I was ever going to subscribe to your bullshit? I'd rather stand alone, against you, or them, or anyone that gets in my way, or comes after things I value. Swift, you injured my pride a little, but I'm not here for that shit. I'm here because you screwed over the kid, and you're making a joke of what it means to have those titles, and be where you are. See, I'm on the hunt now. The "War Wolf" looking for his prey, and YOU claim to be the King, so you stand in my way. You, and your goons that you're hiding behind. The words of w00t, and Hot and Generator, who think they're going to get the drop on me if they keep scooting to my sides. I still have the bat and staple gun you know? Go ahead and try to beat me down. Try and take my pride some more. I'm not going anywhere. My body might fail me, but I refuse to stay down. I will stand, and keep coming over and over and over and over AND OVER! So...let's make this simple. Face me in the ring. One on one.

Swift: I-

w00t: NO. The answer is NO! The champ fights who he fights to get the best matches, the most money, and the best showcase. You're practically a ghost. Go haunt somewhere else. You're not getting the match. Isn't that right Swift?

Swift: ...He's doing you a favor you know? He's keeping you from humiliation. From embarrassment. You don't really want this. You're scared really. Fear, it has a way of warping your mind, and driving you crazy. You're the craziest damn fool I've ever met. We're saving you from yourself here. Walk....away. You hear me? Move.

Trevor Mach: No...I've planted my feet. YOU move.

Swift took a step towards Mach, but Generator and Hotlanta struck first. Mach hit Hot in the gut with the back and got a staple off on Generator in the shoulder. The rest of EBW: Dark ran down to the ring, but so did Subculture, Firebrand X, Tack Angel, and Bashin Dan.

Tommy Dukes: EBW is here! They are standing up for themselves! They are standing with the "War Wolf"! What a crazy way to start Xcite!

EBW: Xcite
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
Strike TV

1. Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Sylvie via Rolling Elbow x Angel Driver -> Pin
Nerma: Solid opener with-

Makoto Angel: Iroha is really doing a great job!

Nerma: Yeah, you have to say that....but it is true. Anyways, Sylvie going for the Breast to Breast, but Iroha countered and escaped! Impressive.

Makoto Angel: See? I told you.

Nerma: ROLLING ELBOW! ANGEL DRIVER! 1-2-3! Iroha Angel with another big win!

2. Women's Singles: Kimber Blaze beat Queen Bolshoi via Pump Handle Slam -> Pin
Nerma: The House of M's knows how to pump them out, the powerhouse Kimber Blaze in on fire against Queen Bolshoi! Look at that strength! Pump Handle SLAM! Another win for the House of M's.
3. Women's Singles: Valarie Dorado beat Murasaki via Cross Armbreaker -> Referee Stoppage
Nerma: Valarie Dorado has got that Armbreaker locked in tight! Violet Violence is refusing to tap. Here comes the backup from EBW: Dark, but they are blocked off by Elevation. Are we actually rooting for Elevation? I guess we are. The referee is calling it. Dorado with the win.
4. No Rules Singles: Johnny Starbound beat Firebrand X via Chair to Neck 450 Splash -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Starbound has been playing games and giving Brand the runaround, but X has his now. He's got that chair! SWING AND A MISS! Starbound showing off the skills. He's got a chair of his own. A chair duel! Chair to the mask of X. That's got to hurt! Firebrand has been healing a broken face, and I think that might have done more damage. Starbound is putting the chair on Firebrand's neck. What is he doing? He's going up top! NO! 450 Splash on the chair! Sickening! 1-2-3! Johnny Starbound did it. I'm surprised. I lost 20 bucks on that one.
5. Singles: Tack Angel beat Mav Valentine via Angel Driver -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Tack is-

Makoto Angel: Tack is showing that rookie Mav Valentine why he's the Star Prince! You look back at my Star Prince in action over the years, and I think you can definitely see he's got his mojo back! He's protected his family, and now he's going after EBW: Dark! Valentine trying the Mav Factor, but Tack flipped him up and over! Kick! Kick! Kick! Angel Driver! The pin! That is how you do it! Yeah baby! Woooo!


Jammer: Whoa! Whoa! Dan, slow down. You sure you should be doing this match? The doctor cleared you but-

Magnum PT: YOU don't have the guts or fortitude to lose like a man, but Dan will. He's lose, and he'll lose badly, because I am the Eagleland Man, and my patriotism and loyalty will overco-

Jammer: Oh shut it you moron! We're trying to avoid a damn concussion here. You want to fight him? Go fight him.

Bashin Dan: PT, send a message in two parts for me would you please? First off, I don't what you EBW: Dark guys are used to when it comes to battle, but you're on my turf now. Around here, we don't do warm ups and we don't do warning shots. It's all or nothing.

Magnum PT: Heh...alright? What's the second part kid?

Bashin Dan: I'll show that to you in the ring.

Jammer: Yeah, I don't know why I was worried. Dan's going to kick your ass PT.

Magnum PT: .....

6. Singles: Bashin Dan beat Magnum PT via Brave Clash -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: PT came out with the bravado, but the "Dangerous Player" is taking him down a notch. No Mustache Ride! Denied! Dan with the Brave Clash! 1-2-3! Bashin Dan wins!
7. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Ishihiro Tomo, Amigo, and Subculture[x] via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Nerma: can say it.

Tommy Dukes: WORK RAAAAATE! This is awesome! You know, I almost don't miss tag matches in Twoson, because it lead to this amazing bout! Tomo-kun with the Brainbuster on Subculture! Subbie pivoted his head, he's trying to protect his arm and shoulder! He's fighting with heavy injury, but he won't stop. It's going to cost him. Amigo and Tomo are locked up! They don't see Ortega rushing in! STO Bomber on Subculture! He got the pin! Snagged that big victory and another title defense! I'll say it again. WORK RAAAAAA-

Nerma: only get one!


Club Saturn - Backstage

Faris Angel made her way stealthily out of the Angel Express, and sneaked into Club Saturn, where she met the other members of Time EBW.

Faris Angel: All right, I'm here, but we have to make this quick. I don't want to worry my family with all of this.

Gemma: Aren't you worried they're going to watch #EVER?

Nosan: I wouldn't worry about that. I wouldn't worry about that at all.

Jackson Kain: Better tell em' Doc.

Degrees: For years, I, and other members of an elite team, had been saving the Earth from aliens and robots from space.

Jackson Kain: I would say elite. Forcibly put together, because the DNA matched or some weird shit.

Degrees: ...Yeah...yeah that. But, we made the most out of it. I married Havok Pink and-

Jackson Kain: Yeah, don't remind me. I loved her too, and I even died at their wedding. It's alright, I apparently got better.

Degrees: Well the ladies on the team are both married this time, so no temptations.

Jackson Kain: Speak for yourself. Hello ladies. *wink*

Degrees: After the threats were over, I tried my hand at management, when it seemed like my in ring career wasn't needed anymore. Then, a few months ago something changed. Time changed. Events that were supposed to happen didn't. It wasn't that anyone stopped them either. They actually were supposed to, but they changed before anyone did anything. It rerouted the course of events. It seemed like it was actually a good thing. Then, the Zenitt showed up.

Faris Angel: The Zenitt? Those robot things? Where are they coming from?

Degrees: Not wh-

Jackson Kain: He's gonna do the "not where, but when" thing.

Degrees: ...You're sandbagging me here buddy. Yes, WHEN is the appropriate question. They are coming from the future, and they aren't just coming here. We have been pouring through old EBW footage, and found Zenitts hidden in crowds, but mostly at #EVER shows as far as I could tell. So, I called in a favor to Jeff Andonuts to get #EVER relaunched, and sure enough, they came. So, we developed new powers and suits to fight this threat. Problem is, like always, they require a DNA match to work. You are all the perfect matches.

Jackson Kain: Yeah, you and me again, what are the chances?

Degrees: We're back in action, that's the important thing.

Jackson Kain: Actually, I had to turn down a TV Show for the Hallmark Channel called "Pastor Cop", but whatever.

Degrees: Why would you even do that?

Jackson Kain: It was a new phase in my career alright?!

Gemma: Guys, I haven't been in the ring in a long time.

Faris Angel: I'm just starting to get to a level I feel I can compete myself. Are you sure we can do this?

Degrees: YOU have to believe you can do this. I do believe in you though. We're a team now, and that makes us family. We'll do this as a family.

Faris Angel: ...Angels...Pirates....Time EBW. I have waaaaay too much family as it is.


Club Saturn was filled with....Saturns naturally, for the relaunch of #EVER. Looks like they saved money reusing the old set. Cheap and lazy much? Oh yeah, I'm going to complain about this again. I didn't like it before, and I'm certainly not going to like it now. Good News Gary made his way out to no reaction whatsoever.

Good News Gary: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! #EVER IS BACK! That means this show is the "House that Big Drizzle" built. It's his "Cloud". It's-

?: *clears throat*

Good News Gary: Huh? Oh yeah, down to business. Like usual, they wanted ME to handle the day to day operations here, but I needed someone to help me with that. Someone that would...

?: Read the script.

Good News Gary: You want me to read a written thing? Alright. Some one that will usher in a "New Era(c)" of #EVER. Someone that will bring the money. In fact HERE COMES THE MONEY, cause it's Shawn McMad!

Shawn McMad: *bouncing around* Thank you! Thank you! That's right, I'm going to inject success into #EVER. I'm going to POUR the success into #EVER. I'm going to use clever alliteration that will "excel" and "propel" the quality of the scripts in #EVER. That's right, say goodbye to the crappy, unplanned promos you get in #EVER, because now, everything you here will be scripted! The #EVERstars of Mat Based Excitement, will never have sounded better! Also, we're adding a rule that will surely boost ratings!

Good News Gary: We don't even have ratings to boost yet.

Shawn McMad: That's not in the script. I call this the "Joker's Wild" rule. ONE person, from outside of #EVER will be allowed to show up on each #EVER show. ONE person. Yep, that's the rule, that I'm setting up....RIGHT NOW! ONE. "Joker's Wild" One Joker. That being said, I hope you're excited to see the four guys that are invading tonight!

Good News Gary: You JUST broke your own ru-

Shawn McMad: NOT IN THE SCRIPT! Enjoy the show everyone!

#EVER 1: The Useless Aggression Era
Club Saturn, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Women's Tag: Gemma/Faris Angel[o] beat Zenitt #1[x]/Zenitt #2 via Blue Thunder Bomb -> Explosion
Tommy Dukes: Why are they making ME do this? I don't like Mat Based Excitement! *sigh* I'll do it for the talent. I-


Tommy Dukes: GR?!

GR: That's right, you're old dog GR is back in the game, with more insight and BBQ sauce than ever! You try my new #EVER Spicy Blend yet? It'll make your face droop like mine!

Tommy Dukes: How upsetting.

Kole: He's not the only one here. Hi, I'm Mitchell Kole, and every word that is coming out of my mouth is coming from the man yelling in my head set.....even this....and this....and this.

Tommy Dukes: Well, let's get to the wrestling alright? Gemma looking good there with the arm dra-

Kole: Unique offensive maneuver from Gem there.

Tommy Dukes: Gem? You trying to shorten her name even more?

GR: Those robots are beating those women like government mules! BY GAWD!

Kole: BLUE THUNDER BOMB by Faris! It Exploded! The Women Mat Based Exciters known as Time EBW have won the contest!

Tommy Dukes: *looks down at a gun under the desk* Soon.....soon.

2. Tag: Degrees/Jackson Kain[o] beat Zenitt #3/Zenitt#4[x] via Shadow Kick -> Destructive Beheading
3. Tag: Kenny Beta[o]/Kota Hayashi beat Seff Rolletty[Debut]/Fin Baletty[Debut][x] via Black Materia -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: So, these are the invaders in the "Joker's Wild" rule. All four of these guys....when they said one? Just checking.

Kole: I'm being told that Seff Rolletty is the best of the best, despite being the third best guy on a three man team. Fin Baletty is wearing a t-shirt calling for Saturn Rights. So brave! So brave!

Tommy Dukes: In a room full of Saturns....who have full rights like anyone else? That's not brave at all! It's bullshit! He's bullshit!


Tommy Dukes: No he's not. Look, he's twitching, and people will think he's awesome for being a stupid stupid stupid asshole.

Kole: BLUE THUNDER BOMB by Kenny Beta, and the pin. What a spectacle! Lots of moments in that ring made by those Mat Based Exciters.

Tommy Dukes: That wasn't a Blue Thunder wasn't even close!

4. EBW Trios Championship: Shark #1/Shark #2/Shark #3[o] beat  Troian©/Ripper Jane©/Murasaki©[x] via 450 Splash -> Pin -> NEW EBW Trios Champions!
Tommy Dukes: The veteran Sharks must have been upset when this team, EBW: Dark, used their costume to win the Trios Championships in the first place, so call this some much needed revenge? Wait, here comes Valarie, Erica, Foxx, and Sylvie. They are attacking EBW: Dark. The referee is just...he's letting it go? This wasn't a No Rules match though, so why-


Tommy Dukes: *sigh* Shark #3 with the what? What?! 450 Splash on Murasaki?! 1-2-3! The Sharks have the Trios Championship! Hang on is Shark #3-

Kole: He's taking his mask off. It's Johnny Starbound! The High Flying Artist, who loves to have a good time, has aligned himself with the Sharks to win the championship prizes.

Tommy Dukes: Championship prizes? What the fu-

5. Singles: Nosan beat Rains via Blue Buster -> Pin
Kole: The Big Drizzle, in control of his Cloud! He's the absolute best in Mat Based Excite-

Tommy Dukes: He's cocking his fist! In that time Nosan battered him and hit with a suplex! And now-


Tommy Dukes: ...*sigh...Nosan wins.


Saturn City Roof

Ness found himself at Club Saturn, looking for someone in particular...the personification of his courage...Flying Man. The Winged Hero was looking at the sky line as Ness approached.

Flying Man: I'd ask how you knew I'd be here, but you're psychic, and I'm from your subconscious so....

Ness: .....(I felt your sadness. I came to help.)

Flying Man: I appreciate that. I really do. It's just...for years, I've struggled to be courageous for you. To be your courage and strength personified. It has never worked out like I wanted. They called me Chicken Man at first. I told them my name, and they got it wrong for a long time. Remember that? Kept it Chicken Man because they thought it was funny. Now, they have the other Flying Men join me as the Threebirds, cause it's a play on something else. I told them to return to Magicant, and they were very happy to. It wasn't meant to be. I just don't know Ness. You're a grown man now, you don't need me. You never needed me. How much help was I really? I-

Ness: .....(Stop. My friend, you were there for me, you believed in me, and you always have. You are more than what you think you are. You became that when you stepped out of my head, and into the real world. You are your own ....Flying Man now. You must find your own courage and purpose in life. It's never too late. You can restart now, and decide what you want.

Flying Man: What I want? What I want, is to be the best! To inspire children, and give them light and courage. To be their inspiration, I need to win, and win big. I know exactly what I'm going to do! Thank you Ness!

Ness: .....

#EVER 2: Open the Weight Gate Tournament!

Tommy Dukes: No, don't adjust anything, it's #EVER....twice in one week. Why? Because Strike TV+ needed content, and this is the new bitch on the market, so here we are. I have to work AGAIN. I get NO DAYS OFF! But at least, I'm doing this by mysel-

Kole: Mitchell Kole here, excited to call all the action on Mat Based Excitement in that that squared circle. Tonight we have the first round of the Open the Weight Gate Series of matches!

Tommy Dukes: Say "Tournament".

Kole: It's not in the script. The Mat Based Exciters will be competing for the the championship opportunity to become the #EVER Openweight Champion!

Good News Gary hit the stage with a voluptuous brown woman.

Good News Gary: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! The success of Shawn McMad being added to the #EVER creative team has lead me to make ANOTHER hire! Introducing Brandy Roads!

Brandy Roads: Thank you everyone! I want to pat myself on the back, because I made this the first ever Autism Inclusive show! That means fidget spinners and medication under all the seats! Tonight, the women are going to be front and center too. We have Iroha Angel taking on the newest definite woman in wrestling, Butch Manlady! Also in action, because of the "Joker's Wild" rule, where one person can invade from outside of EBW, we're going to have another tag match with TWO invaders! The Supercuck Thighslappers will take on Dorado Mask W! Enjoy the show!

Tommy Dukes: I saw that Butch Manlady backstage....using a urinal.

Kole: It's Current Year Dukes!

Tommy Dukes: Alright Butch used his dick to pee in the Current Year. Is that better?

Kole: What do I say? Oh no, my headset was unplugged?! *curls into a ball under the desk*

Tommy Dukes: Much better. Now I'm by myse-

GR: BAH GAWD! MY BBQ SAUCE IS DELICIOUS! Butch Manlady, I know him, he played College Ball!

Tommy Dukes: *sigh*

#EVER 2: Open the Weight Gate Tournament!
Club Saturn, Saturn City
Strike TV+

1. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Round 1: Flying Man beat Mister Twister via Chicken Wing Neckbreaker -> Pin
2. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Round 1: Rains beat Nosan via BIG DRIZ! -> Pin
3. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Round 1: Erik Stone beat Danny Leung via LARGE Package -> Pin
4. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Round 1: Pirate Bill[Debut] beat Kota Hayashi via Kota knocked himself out doing a stupid flip -> Pin
5. "Women's" Singles: Iroha Angel beat Butch Manlady via Rolling Elbow x Angel Driver -> Pin
6. Tag: Hex No Limit[o]/Dorado Mask beat Max Cuck/Nate Cuck[x] via Brainbuster -> Pin
7. Team Match: Degrees[o]/Jackson Kain/Faris Angel/Gemma beat Zenitt #1/Zenitt #2/Zenitt #3/Zenitt #4[x]


Prime Time Challenge

And now it's time for Prime Time Challenge, Starring THE Orange Kid...with Apple Kid.

Orange Kid: Thank you! Thank you! Yeah!

Apple Kid: ...

Orange Kid: What?

Apple Kid: You're ridiculous.

Orange Kid: Hey, I didn't have to pay him that much to say it. That MUST mean it's true!

Apple Kid: ...We're had a big week in EBW, with the return of #EVER, and we're actually going to get some #EVER dark match action tonight.

Orange Kid: #EVER dark match? That's the whole show.

Apple Kid: Will you stop it. Let's take it to our first match.


Singles: CP Munk beat Stealth Vanyon via Go 2 Munk -> Pin

Apple Kid: Weird that #EVER would take a massive talent like CP Munk and put him on as the dark match. It's like the "creative team" they're forming don't have an eye for his talent.

Orange Kid: You figure they would. He's a Chipmunk Man!

Apple Kid: Are we sure he's not a guy in a suit? Stealth Vanyon, trying to hide, trying to be stealthy, but he's obviously in the corner. He's trying to go up to the top rope, but no, Munk has him! GO 2 MUNK! There is the pin!

Orange Kid: What does that even mean? Go 2 Munk? What is that, like a stupid replacement name for Go 2 Sleep with like NO forethought?

Apple Kid: Actually, it's meant to mean Go 2 Munk's Knee. Go 2 Munk.

Orange Kid: ....Well someone should have explained that! I'm much smarter than the fans, they'll never get it without like a chart or something.


Apple Kid: That was a great match, you talked through the whole thing.

Orange Kid: That's what we do!

Apple Kid: No, I'm trying to do commentary here.

Orange Kid: Well, I'm the Color Man. I provide the color....which is-

Apple Kid: Don't say it.

Orange Kid: Orange....the color is Orange.


EBW Women's Television Championship: Kimber Blaze(c) beat Kei Akiyama via Pump Handle Slam -> Pin -> Title Defense!

Apple Kid: Another great match, with great talent, yet they didn't air it on their show? Well, at least we have it here on Prime Time Challenge!

Orange Kid: I like the abs on Kimber Blaze. I want to cover her in Orange Juice, if you know what I-


Apple Kid: We had to cut the rest of that. I apologize to Kimber and Akiyama. I'm not the one who should apologize though.

Orange Kid: Huh? What? What did I do? I was being flattering! She's hot! I apologize for nothing!

Apple Kid: I hear she wants to be a guest on the sho-

Orange Kid: Kimber, I offer my deepest apologies. I was drunk, and it was Apple Kid's fault. He also said nasty things like, "I would penetrate them both with my penis if you know what I mean." He said that.

Apple Kid: I DID NOT! You're going to get us cancelled!

Orange Kid: Relax! Have you seen the actual shit they have on Flicknet. They have a show about Drag Kids and-

Apple Kid: Let's not speak on those horrible atrocities shall we? We  have guests this week. The "former" World Tag Team Champions. I saw "former", because it's hard to say if their title reign really counts. I think it does personally, but Ryan IQ stripped them of the belts, and had the reign taken off the books. It's the RagnaRockers!


Orange Kid: I certainly wouldn't argue while you're within the same city limits as me.

Vape: We went in there, and we showed that we are the REAL "Best Match" Mike and OD are pretending that their experience mattered, but we showed them it didn't. We had the strength, real raw power, and the size. Mike, your "strong tits" got nothing on our jumbo "POWER JUGS".

Golvoth: We proved we were better! We WILL get those titles BACK! GRAAAAAAAAAAH!

Vape: He's having a bad day. We're going to go get a big soft pretzel, and I think he's going to throw some cars around or something.

Apple Kid: Well...thanks for briefly stopping by. It's time for our Feature Bout! EBW: Dark invaded #EVER as well, with Magnum PT taking on Cade. Let's take a look!


     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:51 pm  #509

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Singles: Cade beat Magnum PT via Cadebreaker -> Pin

Apple Kid: Right away those EBW: Dark goons are getting involved. The ref isn't Refman, why isn't he doing something?

Orange Kid: He's letting it go. It's relaxed "2000" Rules they call it.

Apple Kid: Why is that?

Orange Kid: Oh, you're actually asking ME? Haha! I'll tell you. Something really stupid happened in the year 2000 and-

Apple Kid: HERE COMES DAN CLUB! They are fighting off EBW: Dark! Bashin Dan standing by his friend! Benjamin in the ring! He hit the Spear on PT! Cade is getting up! He's got PT by the mustache! That's got to hurt! CADEBREAKER! 1-2-3! YES! Cade wins!


Orange Kid: That was rude. I was telling a story and-

Apple Kid: I was calling the match!

Orange Kid: You JUST did it again! How can I work with this amateur!

Apple Kid: ...*sigh* We'll see you next week.


Dark Room

The darkened room with the glowing purple Dark logo in the back, was broadcast on the screen. w00t walked into the frame.

w00t: You know a lot of people are calling us cowards. They say Swift is ducking Trevor Mach. No, he's doing him a favor. He's not ready for another beating. He can't take another loss. Swift IS hungry for competition though, and tonight, we'll be taking on the Dan Club in the main event. If any of those snot nosed dilettantes can beat us, then they earn a shot at glory, or is it gory? Word play. Also, I hear that July is going to be the 2nd biggest show of the year. I hear we're heading back to the Saturn Dome for a big spectacular. That sounds exciting right? We can't WAIT to crush EBW in the Dome. We'll have matches announced when we feel like it. Just know Hope Mach, that your comfy reign as Champion will soon be coming to an end. We plan on having ALL the titles before we're through. It's only a matter of time. Oh, never let it be said that we're not fair. I hear that the RagnaRockers feel cheated. Well, they can have a title shot. Yeah, they really can. I spoke with Mike and OD. They're happy to oblige. They just have to deal with....another "team" as well. Heh.

EBW: Xcite

Tommy Dukes: You have NO idea how good it is to be back here, at my desk, away from those #EVER announcers, back to where everything makes sense.

Makoto Angel: Sorry I'm late myself, the flying train wasn't working, and it turns out it doesn't run on the hopes and dreams on children like we were told. It runs on fuel...lots and lots of fuel.

Nerma: ...You want to walk that back yet Tommy?

Tommy Dukes: No pride won't allow it.

Nerma: Right. Well, you heard the announcement from w00t, and he's right. EBW is heading back to the Saturn Dome, for a July mega show called "Summercade", and's not in Summers, and it was never going to BE in Summers. When you try to get tickets in Summers, you're going to be very disappointed. Stop assuming that all Summer related shenanigans MUST happen in Summers! They're going to open the top of the top of the dome, and let that warm summer air and sunshine come through in the Dome, and we'll prove we don't need Summers...unless it rains. It never rains in Summers. Anyone notice that? I don't mean like rarely. I mean it NEVER rains.

Tommy Dukes: Well that's because he's here tonight, with the rest of SWORD. Yeah, I was hoping they were #EVER exclusive, but brand splits are shit, and mean nothing, so whatever. Here now, are their opponents, the NEW EBW Trios Champions, who brought the belts back to the male side of things, Johnny Starbound, and the Sharks.


Johnny Starbound and the Sharks were standing in front of the door to the women's locker room...

Johnny Starbound: Ladies....ladies....ladies. It is I. Johnny Starbound. The man of your dreams, and the only true STAR in EBW. I want them all to know something. It....wasn't personal, my plan. It was just business, and I'd happy still take "MOST" of the women to dinner. The Angel wives? Absolutely. Hope Mach? Most definitely. Ripper Jane? Eh. Look, I love them and, and they would all love me...if they didn't lock me out of the locker room. The point is though, that Johnny Starbound, denied his shot at the World, made the best of a bad situation. I found these old farts, desperately in need of leadership, and I took them, and raised them back up to prominence. Nowhere near MY prominence, but....better than the gutter.

Shark #1: Since Franky retired, we've been looking for someone to give us directions.

Shark #2: Goons ain't so good at doing our thing ya see.

Johnny Starbound: Shhhh. Don't talk too much. Just stand there and look good behind me. I said I was going to be the lone star in this whole war between EBW and EBW: Dark, but maybe I was going about it the wrong way. Maybe, I needed to form my own group to get somewhere. Maybe it's time for The Sharks to swim again. From now on, every week....will be Shark Week.

EBW Announce Table

Tommy Dukes: Great. Exciting stuff I guess. It's not #EVER, so it's totally fine. Everything happening here is normal. We're just going to get solid wrestling, with WORK RATE, and no more shenaniga-

Makoto Angel: And NOW here is my husband Tack Angel, the Star Prince to show off the new product he's endorsing!

Tommy Dukes: *sigh*

Nerma: I thought he was done with that stuff.

Makoto Angel: Well, he signed contracts so....

Nerma: I see.


Tack Angel: Hey everyone! Tack Angel here! Say, do you need a pick me up before a work out, or whenever you're getting into the ring for "the big match". Well, I have a brand new product from me for you. A vitamin powder that gives you the energy you need! It's called Angel Dust, and I personally-

EBW Announce Desk

Tommy Dukes: WHOA! We can't air that!

Makoto Angel: What he was GOING to say, was that he wants a match against w00t, and he's willing to go through every member of EBW: Dark to get there. But of course....he had to promote an ill advised product. But, he's trying his best, and THAT is what's importa-


EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
Strike TV

1. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike(c)/Jamie OD(c)[o] beat Vape/Golvoth, and LG Rod/Randy no Kachi[x] via GTPK -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Had to see this coming. Rod and Randy, cursed to roam the Earth until they become the Champions. This is their closest shot, but they were brought in as ringers to lose for sure. RagnaRockers on the outside. OD hitting the GTPK on RnK! He's got the pin! A defense for the team that should NOT have the titles.
2. Singles: Tack Angel beat Mav Valentine via Rider Kick -> Pin
Makoto Angel: A bad ad earlier, but my Star Prince is dominating his Kingdom! That cocky Mav is not taking Tack seriously, and that's costing him. KICK! Top Rope! RIDER KICK! 1-2-3! YEAH! GO TACK!
3. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Ishihiro Tomo via Count Out -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: WOOOOORK RATE! Tomo, wanting that shot against Ortega again, and he's bringing it to the EBW: Dark member. CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! SO MANY CHOPS! TAKE DOWN! HOLY SHIT! THIS IS THE BEST MATCH! Tomo on the outside, but what's that?! MAGNUM PT! HE CUFFED HIM TO THE GUARDRAIL! Harvey is pretending he doesn't see it! No! Solid match ruined with shenanigans! Aaaaaand Count Out! DAMMIT!
4. EBW Women's Television #1 Contender: Christina Angel vs. Valarie Dorado ended in a No Contest!
Makoto Angel: Christina is fighting hard. I'm proud of how great she is at this. She's blocking the submission attempts by Valarie! She can do this. She'll get the title shot against- oh no, here comes EBW: Dark again! Look out Christina! They're attacking both of them! The ref is calling it a No Contest. This is part of the conflict between Elevation and EBW: Dark, and my poor kinda daughter got caught in the conflict.
5. EBW Trios Championships: Johnny Starbound(c)[o]/Shark #1(c)/Shark #2(c) beat Rains/Senior Box/Danny Leung[x] via 450 Splash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: 450 on the guy that doesn't want to win ever because No Push for some reason.
6. 8-Man Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer/Cade[o]/Benjamin beat Swift/w00t/Generator/Hotlanta[x] via Cadebreaker -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Bashin Dan has just recovered from his recent injuries, but he's taking it to Swift, standing up for his team. Back and forth. Amazing! The rest of EBW: Dark are coming down to the ring, but HERE COMES TREVOR MACH! THE WAR WOLF SWINGING THAT BAT AND BRANDISHING THAT STAPLE GUN! HE'S RUNNING THEM OFF! CADE WITH THE CADEBREAKER ON HOTLANTA! 1-2-3! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! Cade got the drop on Hotlanta again! HE LOOKS LIVID! Cade wins, meaning he gets a title shot against Swift! YEAH!


Saturn City Road

Tack Angel was singing as he walked down the street with train fuel in tow.

Tack Angel: ♬ Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooooooo. Wish I was at Tomato Mart! ♬ Doo doo doo-

He trailed off, as he saw EBW: Dark getting on their bus.

w00t: Hot, you did us a favor. Thanks for taking the hit.

Hotlanta: Well, I lost the War Games. I had to make up for that.

w00t: You're a man that should have been World Champion. They looked down on you, stuck you in a division that was beneath you. With us, you'll get the respect you deserve, and we appreciate you assistance.

Tack Angel: HEY! HEY! YOU!

w00t: *sigh* Tack Angel, we don't really have time to beat you down, but we will if you insist.

Tack Angel: Oh no, I'm here for you! JUST YOU!

w00t: And we've been over this. It's not going to happen.

Tack Angel: You went after my FAMILY!

w00t: And you won a match that meant we wouldn't do that anymore. We're keeping up our end of the bargain.

Tack Angel: What about this week!

w00t: Your daughter got in the middle of an "argument" between us and Elevation. It was intentional. Tack, I got what I wanted from you. I got a reaction. I was hoping to see the ACE return, and maybe we see it sometimes in half measures, but it's like that Tack Angel doesn't exist anymore. The family domesticated him. He doesn't have it. He's not driven by a personal need to succeed and win. a shame.

Tack Angel: A shame?

w00t: Yeah, cause we could use a guy like that in EBW: Dark. Tack, if we had that guy, and he was the ACE that we all remember, then EBW: Dark would have his back, and that would include....the rebuilding of Crystal Fourside.

Tack Angel: What?

w00t: Oh yeah, we have the resources to see that happen. As easily as I tore it down, I could rebuild it, complete with ACTUAL crystal. I know you HAD a tower, and you live in that ridiculous train now, but I know you want it back. Join us, and our cause, and your family could have their home again. Your family would be safe and protected, and you'd have your Kingdom. We just want the ACE back, and working with us, you reshape EBW. What do you say to that Tack? Think about it alright? Really think about it. Isn't that exactly what you want?

Tack Angel: .....

w00t: Want a ride to your train?

Tack Angel: .....

w00t: Heh...I'll let you think it over. We'll be waiting, right Swift?

Swift: ....Yeah...old old times.

w00t: Exactly! Farewell Star Prince.

Battle Spirits Dojo

Outside of the Dojo, Bashin Dan was locking up for the night. He caught a look at himself in the window, and removed the bandages on his head. As he looked at the scar...

Clackey Ray: Dan.

Bashin Dan: Whoa! Clackey you scared the deck out of me.

Clackey Ray: I doubt that. Dan, it's time, we figured out a way to bring you back.

Bashin Dan: You did?

Clackey Ray: We think so. Now, like I said before, this is merely a projection, sending soft light through, but it's modified to send hard light through, and luckily this world has two black holes keeping each other in check, allowing us to pull off-

Bashin Dan: Do you know what you're saying right now?

Clackey Ray: ....I'm reading it off a card. But look, we can bring you back here, but we're not sure if we'll get the timing right. You may show up early. We may not know you're coming back. Just know, that we need you, now more than ever.

Bashin Dan: ....Alright...then I guess I have no ch-

Hope Mach: Dan?

Bashin Dan: Hope.

Hope Mach: Dan, what is he talking about?

Bashin Dan: Remember what I told you.

Hope Mach: You mean...

Bashin Dan: Yeah, it's time. Where I come from...they need me.

Hope Mach: I always hoped you were just being creative. I didn't want to believe it.

Bashin Dan: I don't know what's going to happen now.

Hope Mach: Wherever you're going....take me with you.

Bashin Dan: You'd come with me?

Clackey Ray: Dan....I'm're the only one that can come through.

Bashin Dan: .....

Hope Mach: have to go. People need you.

Bashin Dan: But-

Hope Mach: I can't be selfish here. Dan, you're amazing. An honest, genuine person, in a world full of selfish cynicism. You're a hero. That's why we all hoped you would be the new ace of EBW.

Bashin Dan: I...I still want that.

Hope Mach: But you have friends that need you, and I know how important friendship is to you. We're all going to be alright. You do what you have to do alright?

Bashin Dan: You'll....tell them?

Hope Mach: I will. Dan?

Bashin Dan: Yeah....

Hope ran up to Dan and gave me a deep kiss.

Hope Mach: I love you.

Bashin Dan: I'll come back. I don't know how or when....but I will come back for you.

Hope Mach: Goodbye Dan.

Hope Mach turned away and walked off.

Bashin Dan: .....

Clackey Ray: We're not sure if you'll remember this place Dan.

Bashin Dan: Heh...this really isn't fair is it? I'll find a way. Even if it's buried in the back of my mind....I WILL find a way. Alright....GATE OPEN....LET'S GO!

To Be Continued for Bashin Dan....


Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: And now, it's time for the Prime Time Challenge, with your super duper host Apple Kid, and maybe Orange Kid I guess whatever...

Orange Kid: ....What the hell was that?

Apple Kid: See? See what I mean? Not fun right?

Orange Kid: ...

Apple Kid: Exactly. Welcome to Prime Time Challenge everyone. We have big news this week, starting with the news that Bashin Dan is on vacation! That's right, the Ace of a New Generation has decided it's time for a vacation....right in the middle of a power struggle with EBW: Dark...right as he was trying to get another shot at Swift. I'm surprised myself, but I've been told it's very important, personal, family business.

Orange Kid: He's on vacation? You can do that?

Apple Kid: Yeah, it's standard contract stuff.

Orange Kid: Since when?

Apple Kid: Since always. Sometimes people take vacations and go on hiatus. Wrestlers disappear all the time for long periods, and you never wondered where they went?

Orange Kid: I always figured it was lazy booking, from someone who can't keep up with so many people, but sure, we'll go with this. Whatever.

Apple Kid: Bashin Dan proved in a short amount of time that he had the IT factor, and now, the opportunity exists for another rising star. Keep in mind Jammer hasn't left, and he's probably looking to get that title back sooner than later. However, the man with the shot right now is Cade. He beat Hotlanta with the Cadebreaker, and now he's taking on Swift THIS WEEK on Xcite. We're not waiting for late july. We're not waiting for Summercade in the Dome. It's happening THIS WEEK!

Orange Kid: Meh.

Apple Kid: What's that all about?

Orange Kid: I just don't believe Cade has a chance.

Apple Kid: ...Introducing now, our special guest this week....Cade.

Orange Kid: Oh damn.

Cade: ...That's fine Orange. It's fine. You and Apple are friends with my mentor Ness. You know how strong he is. You know what he's done. I've spent my career wanting to surpass him, and to become the next Ness, but then I realized it's better to be the first Cade. I know that Swift is the best right now. I know that he is, without a doubt, the best in the world currently. Currently being the key word. There is always a time and a place for new best in the world, and I want that. I want it to be me. So, I'm going to fight for it. I'm going to strive for greatness. Thank you.

Apple Kid: You made that very awkward.

Orange Kid: What?!

Apple Kid: ...*sigh*


Singles: Amigo beat El Mago via Olympic Slam -> Pin

Apple Kid: The work rate of Amigo continues to improve, and "work rate" is a phrase we're going to be hearing a lot more lately. It's just something we're going to use. El Mago trying to pull a win out of his hat, but we're not feeling the magic tonight, as Amigo hits the Olympic Slam and scored the pin fall!

Orange Kid: You word play is's just awful.


Apple Kid: You should apologize to Cade.

Orange Kid: What? Not a chance. He needs to be tough in this business. It's cut throat. It's dog eat dog! You got to be ruthless to survive.

Apple Kid: Hey, he's coming back.
Orange Kid: Cade, I am so sorr- No he is NOT!

Apple Kid: Made you look.

Orange Kid: Oh HA HA!

Apple Kid: Speaking on the subject of that IT factor, we ALL know that Tack Angel has had the IT factor in the past. We're not sure about the last few years though. He's not the same guy who shocked the world at Victory Explosion IV, and I don't like to say that.

Orange Kid: He's got family, he's domesticated, and that's making him weak. He's weak! The family is making him weak. He needs to CUT THEM LOOSE!

Apple Kid: ...Joining us now is Nani Angel and Tracy Angel.

Orange Kid: ...

Tracy Angel: You talking shit Orange!?

Nani Angel: We maybe need to kill him.

Orange Kid: AH!

Apple Kid: Now now, we brought you here to ask the hard questions. We want to find out what is happening with Tack Angel. He's lost something.

Nani Angel: He has lost nothing. He gained us, and that makes us all better.

Tracy Angel: Yeah, don't you DARE talk shit about our Tacky! Just because he cares about us, more than what happens in that ring, doesn't make him weak!

Apple Kid: Well yeah, but right now, what happens in that ring is the important thing, because you have a chance to get your Kingdom back. All Tack has to do is join EBW: Dark. How do you feel about that?

Tracy Angel: ...

Nani Angel: That's up to him. We all have choices we have to make, and in our family, we support the decisions we make.


Nani Angel: Calm yourself Tracy.

Tracy Angel: Sorry...I just...I just want to kick Orange Kid in the teeth so bad.

Orange Kid: AH!

Apple Kid: So you don't know what he's planning on doing?

Nani Angel: He will do what he needs to do. You're wrong about him not caring about the ring. The ring brought us all together. It made us a family. When he decides what he wants to do, he will do it in the ring.

Apple Kid: Well thank you, that's what we needed to hear. I guess we'll find out soon. Let's take it to our feature bout!


Tag: Los Tiburon/Kiva[o] beat Rains/Danny Leung[x] via Kiva Dive -> Pin

Apple Kid: The Grapple F-Word is on fire right now! All the lock ups! So much GRAPPLING!

Orange Kid: Danny isn't even TRYING! You kidding?!

Apple Kid: Tiburon set him up! Brainbuster! Tagging to Kiva! KIVA DIVE! 1-2-3! Lucha Soldados with the win!

Orange Kid: Can we just all acknowledge that Danny Leung isn't trying like AT ALL!?


Apple Kid: That's it for this week. We'll see you next week, when Orange Kid puts his foot in his mouth again.

Orange Kid: HEY! I...well yeah probably.


#EVER Office

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, and I really don't want to be. I'm outside of the "Creative" office, and use that term loosely. Apparently, Good News Gary is planning on adding a third member to his team, along with Shawn McMad and Brandy Roads. I'm here to find out who that is-

Suddenly, Danny Leung exited the room.

Tommy Dukes: Danny? Are YOU the third member of the creative team?

Danny Leung: What?! No way. That's not my style.

Tommy Dukes: What is your style? Losing? I'm sorry...that was rude. I'm turning into a mean spirited prick.

Danny Leung: No no, you're right. Losing WAS my style for a very long time, but no more. I realized something. I lost Nani to Tack, not because of him, but because of me. I wasn't realizing my full potential. I was on the cusp of a World Championship, I just know it, and I choked, and I backed away...and for a time I was Cure Danny, and then a bunch of other garbage. Point is, I'm sick of it. Sick of losing. Sick of being the butt of the joke! So, I went in there, and I asked Gary to Reboot my career.

Tommy Dukes: Reboot?

Danny Leung: Yeah. Wipe it clean. Start from the beginning. Reboot it.

Tommy Dukes: You can't do that can you? Can you do that? Is that a thing?

Danny Leung: Apparently, cause you're looking at a man with a record of 0-0. I am REBOOTED!

Tommy Dukes: I'm still not sure that's a real thing you can do!

Danny Leung: You're looking at the NEW Danny Leung, and I say in 2019...YES PUSH!

Tommy Dukes: But why now?

Danny Leung: You seriously want to know? It was a dream I had or I think a memory. It was 2007...and around the time of the first Ultimate EBW, and there was someone encouraging me not to give up. I don't know. It was weird, but it was potent enough to wake me up. So now, "New" Danny Leung is going to compete, and unlike New Coke, I WON'T be a disappointment, and I WON'T be sold in limited supply years later in a shitty marketing move that will ensure that most of the people that want it won't get Pepsi Perfect.

Tommy Dukes: The hell are you talking about? Danny? Danny?

EBW Time Force Lab

Jackson Kain: So yeah, we're Time Force now. EBW Time Force.

Degrees: What? Why? It messes with the old naming convention we used.

Jackson Kain: Yes, but not only is this cooler, but when I pitch the script, it's a more marketable name.

Degrees: *sigh*

Jackson Kain: Of course you're the's just...I've been World Champion before and-

Degrees: I get your point Kain! I got it! It's fine.

Faris Angel: I'm sorry, are we interrupting?

Degrees: No no, come in, we need to talk. Alright so....who knows a lot about time travel?

Faris Angel: My husband isn't allowed to do it anymore. I know that much.

Degrees: AND for good reason, but he's a great guy, so I'm totally not ragging on him right now, it's just-

Faris Angel: It's fine. Perhaps it's for the best.

Degrees: Exactly. BECAUSE....time travel is a very dangerous thing. Last time he did it, it was to change things up regarding his "Mars Championship" or whatever. He changed history, and brought new daughters into existence, and he saved his Grandfather. That's ALL good stuff....BUT the ripple effect was massive. Things changed on a grand scale. What was once called "I can't believe it's not Butter" was changed to "Butter, It's Not". You know...stuff like that.

Gemma: Doesn't sound very serious to me.

Degrees: ...Bad example. The point is that it CAN lead to big problems. Our enemies, whoever they are, come from another time, and they are tampering with not just this time period, but other time periods. A group called "The Council" which...I am...uh...familiar with, created a method to pin point these alterations so we could minimize the damage. Maybe we can figure out what they're doing and planning.

Nosan: If we are talking about traveling through time, can we go back and tell myself NOT to quit my janitor job?

Degrees: No! We can't because if we do, you won't end up in EBW: Time Force, and we'll create a PARADOX that could DESTROY THE UNIVERSE!

Nosan: ...I..didn't like the job that much anyways I guess.

Degrees: Great. So team, we have our Chrono Changers, that will allow us to travel time. Faris DO NOT tell Tack you have one of these alright?

Faris Angel: Got it!

Degrees: We just have to wait for-

Jackson Kain: Bingo! We got it! This big machine is spitting out data. It's saying Onett 2007!

Degrees: LET'S DO THIS!

#EVER 3: "3VER"...sorry

Tommy Dukes: Alright, you guys let me do the talking alright? Great. I-

Kole: Mitchell Kole here, excited to call all this mat based excitement this week. The exciters will continue to battle for a championship opportunity, but they better be careful, or they might end up in a local medical facility.

Tommy Dukes: You mean hospita-


Tommy Duke: AH! AH! AH!

#EVER 3: "3VER"...sorry
Club Saturn, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. Singles: "New" Danny Leung beat Mister Twister via Yes Push -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: "New" Danny Leung really is trying here. The oldest rookie in EBW, if I have to play along.

Kole: And you do.

Tommy Dukes: Twister trying to spin around here, but Leung is NO Bill Paxton. He hits a Double Arm DDT called the Yes Push for the 1-2-3! Danny Leung wins?! Wow! He's...*sigh*...1-0.

Kole: A great win for this brand new character, who we've never seen before!

Tommy Dukes: Do you think the audience is just retarded? Is that it?

2. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Semi-Finals: Erik Stone beat Pirate Bill via LARGE Package -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: The former porn star Erik Stone, formerly a member of the Weekend Wrecking Crew is back, and looking good. I think he spent some time away to reflect, and learn to-

Kole: be better at Mat Based Exciting?

Tommy Dukes: There is nothing good about who you are or what you do.


Onett 2007

Danny Leung: Ok so I like Nani...not that you care. Poo may be my coach but he's starting to piss me off. For the first time in awhile I'm more focused on him then my depressing life. If he were to harm her in any way I would attack no questions asked.

Danny Leung: WHOA!

Degrees: Alright we're here. It's apparently during The Ultimate EBW Season 1! We have someone outside of the house in a compromised position, and the Zenitts are going to wipe them out of the time line. We have to stop it now! Let's go!

Jackson Kain: Don't have to tell me twice.

Nosan: Might have to tell me twice. My hearing isn't that great.

Gemma: I'm right behind you!

Faris Angel Me t-

Danny Leung: ....

Faris Angel: Oh...hi there.

Danny Leung: ...Hi?

Faris Angel: You're Danny right?

Danny Leung: Y-yeah...that's me. Danny Leung, not that you care.

Faris Angel: Actually, I do care. You're worth it Danny. You're a good person. I used to hide behind masks myself. I was shy. I was hidden. I didn't think I was worth it. But we are Danny. Never give up hope alright? See ya in the future!

Danny Leung: Wow...thanks.

Outside of Ness's house, Zenitt were attacking a downed individual.

Degrees: NOT SO FAST! METAL MONSTERS! We're sending you back wherever you came from.

Jackson Kain: In Pieces!

Nosan: Yeah. Pieces. Yeah...I did it.

Gemma: That was bad.

The four started fighting the Zenitt, when Faris finally caught up.

Faris Angel: Sorry, I'm late!

Degrees: It's alright! Send me your power! All of you!

Faris Angel: Alright!


Jackson Kain: And THAT is how you wrap that up. Good job Doc!

Nosan: YEAH!

Gemma: Alright!

Faris Angel: I-I think I know this guy? Hello? Are you alright?

3. 10-Person 2008? Degrees[o]/Jackson Kain/Nosan/Faris Angel/Gemma beat Zenitt #1/Zenitt #2/Zenitt #3/Zenitt #4[x]
Tommy Dukes: ...How did we just see that? A lakitu followed them to the past? Yeah right.
4. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Semi-Finals: Flying Man beat Rains via Chicken Wing Neckbreaker -> Pin
Good News Gary: Good News Everyone! I'm here to add to the festivities, and to celebrate Rains' upcoming victor-

Tommy Dukes: Flying Man with the Chicken Wing Neckbreaker! 1-2-3! Flying Man WINS!

Good News Gary: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Tommy Dukes: Heh...finally something for me.


Tommy Dukes: I'm backstage again. I followed Gary to the office to see if I could find out more regarding that third creative member. I-

Danny Leung: I did it! Did you see that?

Tommy Dukes: I did. I saw more than that too. You-

Danny Leung: I remember now, a girl convinced me I was worth it. Don't know why I forgot until now. I have to find her. I think I'm in love! Tack can't get this one! He's already got his wives AHAHA!

Tommy Dukes: ....Yikes. I'm not telling him. Anyways, we-

The door to the room opened suddenly...

Rince Vusso: Excuse me bro.

Tommy Dukes: ....Oh no.

Last edited by Machismo (12/08/2019 4:52 pm)

     Thread Starter

12/08/2019 4:53 pm  #510

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

The Angel Express

Tack was looking out the window of his train as it was about to take off to the next city, when he saw a little black and white cat near the train. It was limping and and hungry.

Tack Angel: How sad...if only someone could take care of that cat...that's not me...because I can't handle pets. It's just not what I do.

Amy Angel: ....

Tack Angel: What?!

Amy Angel: ....Tack, do something.

Tack Angel: It would be worse off with me! I'm no good at taking care of animals! The responsibility is too much!

Amy Angel: As opposed to taking care of family?

Tack Angel: I-

Amy Angel: The kids would love a pet.

Tack Angel: That's what Penguin is for!

Amy Angel: You keep saying that, but it's really upsetting Mrs. Penguin that you let the kids toss him around like a toy.

Tack Angel: He loves the kids!

Amy Angel: ...

Tack Angel: Alright...I'll go get the cat!

Amy Angel: Love you dear.

Tack Angel: Yeah yeah...

Tack walked out onto the platform and motioned to the cat.

Tack Angel: Hey cat guy. Guy? Yeah...yeah you're a guy. Why don't you come here? I'll take you inside and feed you and-

The cat immediately approached Tack.

Tack Angel: Wow...that was easy. have a collar. You're owned by someone? Let's see "Lubert Catzenmeow"? That's a weird name.

Lubert Catzenmeow: Father!


Tack threw the cat up in the air, and it of course landed on its feet.

Lubert Catzenmeow: Father, it is I, your son, from 3000 Years in the future! I'm from Neo Crystal Fourside....ON THE MOON!


Nani Angel: This does not concern me.

Tack Angel: I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't.

Lubert Catzenmeow: I traveled back in time of a field trip to see you with Artemis and Luna! I got lost, and ended up at the house of the Mach family. They took care of me, but I knew I had to find you and mother. Oh there she is! Hello Mother!

Makoto Angel: Tack, is that a talking cat?

Tack Angel: Yes it is! Freaking out yet?!

Makoto Angel: It's not my first talking cat experience.

Tack Angel: Oh...oh alright then. He claims to be our son.

Makoto Angel: NAAANNNIIII!?!?!

Nani Angel: Once again, not my concern.


Outside of Renegade Arena

The EBW: Dark bus pulled up, and the group entered the building. Tack was watching from a distance once again.

Makoto Angel: Well, I'm off to the announcer's ta-Tack, are you alright?

Tack Angel: Yeah.

Makoto Angel: You seem upset. Is this about our future Cat son?

Tack Angel: No, it's more grounded than that.

Makoto Angel: The offer to have EBW: Dark rebuild our Kingdom?

Tack Angel: ...Slightly more grounded.

Makoto Angel: Tack, I know you have the greatness in you to shape the world. You care about the family, but you have to realize that as the Star Prince you have to care about yourself too. Your legacy. We are happy as long as we're together. You're not letting us down. What is it YOU want to do?

Tack Angel: .....


Nerma: Hello EBW fans, I'm Nerma with Cade, the man that will challenge the Triple Crown World Champion tonight. You're going to take on Swift. The building is packed for it. We had to turn people away. This is the biggest match of your career. Feeling the pressure?

Cade: ...Well I wasn't...but now I am!

Nerma: Sorry!

Cade: I'm kidding. This isn't going to be a problem. I will do my best, give him everything I have, and push him to his limits. Try and POUNCE me. I'll take it, and keep coming back for mo-

Swift suddenly rushed in and pounced him through a door.

Swift: ....You were saying.

Cade: ....

Nerma: Cade? He's out cold! Oh damn, he's got...fragments and stuff IN HIM! We need a doctor! Can someone get a doctor?!

EBW: Xcite

The show started with w00t and Ryan IQ on the screen...

w00t: So...Ryan IQ has some news for you all. Let's hear it boss.

Ryan IQ: Well...heh...we "regret" to inform you, that Cade will be unable to compete tonight. He might be in really bad shape. He might be in REALLY REALLY bad shape. It remains to be seen. Swift's POUNCE is deadly. It's like a freight train.

w00t: Certainly not like a "Vapetrain". Which brings us to the point. Cade is out, BUT we are a group that keeps its word. We promised a title match, and you will have. Dan Club, your Boss has abandoned you. Your next guy down and out. We'll take any of you. Vape, Golvoth, Benjamin, or even Jammer, the once would be King. Any member of Dan Club. Donate your body to the main event. It'll be your biggest match, but it might also be your last. Who has the guts to face the 4-Crown King?

EBW Announce Table

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the #EVER hater of Wrestling, and our main event was just STOLEN from us by EBW: Dark. They never quit!

Nerma: It's unfortunate, but I was there when it happened, and I can confirm that Cade wanted to compete. As they were putting him in the ambulance, he begged to be let out. He's got heart, and we hope he still gets the promised title shot when he comes back.

Makoto Angel: The crisis creates opportunity for a member of Dan Club. Who is going to challenge? How was that?

Tommy Dukes: You're getting better at this!

Nerma: ...Meh.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Fourside
Strike TV

1. 6-Woman Tag: Troian/Ripper Jane[o]/Murasaki beat 21st Century Foxx/Sylvie[x]/Erica via Hell Claw -> Submission
Nerma: EBW: Dark and Elevation in an all out war here! They have been undermining each other, and it's coming to a head. We're told that Troian and Valarie Dorado may have a match coming to settle things. Will it be at Summercade or sooner? Oh shit, Jane's got the Hell Claw locked in! Sylvie is tapping! No way she loses her looks, and that is her weakness. EBW: Dark with the win.
2. Singles: Jammer beat Mav Valentine via Slam Jam
Tommy Dukes: Jammer is running circles around Mav Valentine. He's got his game back as it were. Moo Thez Press! Slam Jam off the top! The pin on Mav Valentine! The call up never had a chance against the Slam Master!
3. Women's Tag: Hope Mach/Christina Angel beat Tracy Angel/Nani Angel via DQ
Makoto Angel: So much of my family here, I don't know who to root for, but I bet the winner will be getting a tag title shot soon, and I know how much Tracy and Nani want that. Wait, here comes Iroha! What is she doing? She's attacking Christina again?! What is this? I thought things had settled down! Iroha was focusing on getting better in the ring, and she really has, but now she's attacking Christina again? I don't like this at all.
4. EBW Television Championship Open Challenge: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Benjamin via STO Bomber -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: Benjamin is giving it all he's got against Ortega. People don't give the "Mystic Hero" enough credit. He's hanging in there with Ortega for sure. Magnum PT is trying to get involved on the outside. Distraction. Ortega with the STO Bomber. Pin. Title Defense! Camilo Ortega with another defense, but I think that match was ended prematurely thanks to PT.
5. 4-Way Work Rate Extravaganza: Ishihiro Tomo beat Firebrand X, Amigo, and Subculture[x] via Brainbuster -> Pin

It was time for the main event, with Swift coming out with w00t.

Swift: Alright Dan Club, time to play. Actually, I don't play. I hunt. I kill. I destroy. One of you needs to MAN UP right now, and prove that you at least have guts, just not the talent to beat me.

w00t: It's fairly simple. Let's get this over with. Who is it going to be?

Jammer lead the RagnaRockers and Benjamin onto the stage.

w00t: Jammer? You going to give it a shot? Feeling confident after beating Mav? That kid has potential, but he's at the bottom working his way up. Swift, is a King in his prime. He's the best. He's unstoppable. You sure you want to be the one put in the hospital beside Cade?

Jammer: Me? I would...but it's time to think of the greater good here. Time to prove that I am well and truly myself again. So...I'm going to decline. You DID say any member of Dan Club though right?

w00t: I did. Any of you up there, have a chance at greatness. Any member of Dan Club.

Jammer: Well must have forgotten we have another member.

w00t: Huh?

Tack Angel made his way onto the stage, and the crowd exploded. Laser focused, he rushed down to the ring. w00t left and Swift got into his face. They immediately started throwing down. Swift was caught off guard from the onset.

6. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Tack Angel beat Swift(c) via Torture Rack -> Referee Stoppage -> NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion!

Makoto Angel: GO GET HIM BABY!

Nerma: EBW: Dark was heading down to the ring! They're trying to get in and force a DQ!

Tommy Dukes: HERE COMES THE WAR WOLF! Trevor Mach with the bat! He's battering them! Swift's not getting any help!

Nerma: Wait, w00t is still ring side! He's getting into the ring with a chair!

Makoto Angel: SUPER KICK TO THE CHAIR! He knocked it out of his hands, and w00t rolled back out! Swift is smart to Tack's kicks, he's going to need to do something else! Swift is going for the POUNCE!


Tommy Dukes: Trevor Mach is tossing the title belts into the ring, and leaving through the crowd. He's laughing about what just happened! The EBW locker room is filing out! They are filling the ring and lifting up Tack! He's got the titles belts! He's liberated them from EBW: Dark! THERE IS YOUR ANSWER w00t! TACK ANGEL IS EBW THROUGH AND THROUGH!

Makoto Angel: I hope you all take back what you've said about Tack. He cares about EBW, just like he cares about his family. Here is your proof. WAY TO GO BABY! WOOOOOO!!!


Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: And now it's time for Prime Time Challenge with Apple Kid and Orange Kid!

Apple Kid: See? Isn't that better?

Orange Kid: Giving top billing to a mere co-host? I think NOT!

Apple Kid: *sigh* Will you stop it? We have big news to cover this week, and some big matches to feature as well. Tack Angel is your NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion, and I owe the Star Prince a big apology. He really bought it didn't he?

Orange Kid: I didn't watch the show.

Apple Kid: Of course you didn't. We just need to-


Orange Kid: Happily sir!

Swift: Get this straight RIGHT NOW! I did not lose to Tack Angel! I wasn't pinned! I did NOT submit. NO TAPPING! They called the match for me! I was SCREWED! Top of my game, and at my prime, and the Star Prince couldn't handle that?! He had to surprise me to get in offense, and the moment they had a chance for the ref to call it, they did. Trevor Mach, you damn fool! You want to get involved too! You're pissing me off! YOU DON'T WANT ME PISSED OFF! YOU DON'T WANT IT! YOU DON'T WANT ME MAD! FUCK THIS TABLE! FUCK THIS SET! GET OUT OF MY WAY!

Orange Kid: ...Maybe I should've watched the show.

Apple Kid: ...Our set....*sigh*...let's take it to the first match.


Women's Singles: Iroha Angel beat Queen Bolshoi via Rolling Elbow x Angel Driver -> Pin

Apple Kid: Iroha Angel would go on to attack Christina later in the night, and you can tell already that she's fired up here. A big match to-

Orange Kid: Are you kidding? Queen Bolshoi is the jobber of the division. She loses to everyone. This was a dark match for us for a reason.

Apple Kid: ...

Orange Kid: See? Look! She just pinned her.

Apple Kid: *sigh*


Apple Kid: Joining us now is Iroha Angel.

Orange Kid: In what remains of our set.

Apple Kid: Iroha, you won the Queen of E3, which gives you a title shot against Hope Mach. We WANTED to talk about that, but-

Iroha Angel: You want to know why I did what I did? Yeah, the whole family grilled me on that one. It was simple, I wanted to prove I was ready, and willing to do what it takes to win. I am a warrior. Christina has shown me nothing but scorn, and I have stopped trying to win her over from here on out. That wasn't for Christina though. That was for Hope. If I'm willing to go all out on family, imagine what I will do against you. Some Angels still hate the Machs, and you're a Mach. I will beat you, and I will become the EBW Women's World Champion.

Apple Kid: I thank you for the concise answer. I'm just shocked that you would go against the grain like that, being an Angel and all.

Iroha Angel: The family is big enough, that at least one of us would find our inner heel.

Apple Kid: There you have it folks. Let's take it to the next match!


Tag: Vape/Golvoth beat Shark #1/Shark #2 via DQ

Apple Kid: Wow, the Sharks are really holding their own against the much bigger RagnaRockers. They have Johnny Starbound on the outside coaching them, which really should be the other way around, considering who the veterans really are here.

Orange Kid: They know a good thing when they see it. That Johnny Starbound is the future, and bringing back the Sharks brand is exactly what he needed to do.

Apple Kid: Hey...didn't you used to be a Shark?

Orange Kid: Huh? What Apple?! What?!

Apple Kid: Whatever. Vape going for the Top Rope Splash, but Shark #1 hit the low blow! Throwing this out as a DQ. A brawl and a schmoz. That's Starbound's MO these days. That's Modus Opera-



Apple Kid: Help me pick this up! We got a mess here!

Orange Kid: It's not my problem!

Apple Kid: Well, that about covers it this week, but-

Swift: Shut it!

Apple Kid: He's back!

Orange Kid: AH!

Swift: EBW: Dark doesn't die just because of a screw job! Noah Jennings, we are coming after you! I know that had to be your doing! Tack, this isn't over. It's never been over between us, and it's not over here! Trevor Mach, you stupid bastard...don't push me....don't you fucking push me. GAAAAH!

Orange Kid: AH! Apple did you just wet yourself?

Apple Kid: No.

Orange Kid: it's just me then.


#EVER Creative Board Meeting

Rince Vusso: Alright bro, so here's how I see this going bro, we need to put the prop on the porn star. The attitude era is coming back bro, I can feel it. The chicken guy is over without the prop, so he's losing this one.

Shane McMad: I like it! Someone needs to tell him to drop the match! It'll be good for the ratings right? I love the devaluing of the belt. Who needs it right? For that matter, who needs tag teams. We need to get rid of those too.

Brandy Roads: All of these are great ideas, but I feel like we need better diversity and inclusion. Also, I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance at an award. Participation Awards we'll call them.

Rince Vusso: Put one of those bad boys on a pole bro!

Brandy Roads: Also, if we can get a black trans jew muslim, and make them the Champion, that would really be inclusive I feel. We'll just give it to them. That'll prove their strength.

Rince Vusso: I got this high flying bro named Fingerbang, he's debuting tonight. He's infamous on the internet for Fingerbanging his own ass bro! The ratings will shoot through the roof! Speaking of shooting, I-

Good News Gary: ....What have I done? None of this puts Rains over AT ALL!


Tommy Dukes: *sigh* Tommy Dukes here, being punished I guess. It's the only way to explain the torture that my life has become. Is this hell? I ask you. Am I in hell? Did I die? Does God hate me?

Kole: The Mat Based Enthusiasts of the #EVER Galaxy have come to Toad Valley Theater, because our own Jackson Kain, and various other Enthusiasts, are premiering in a movie, and as we all know, celebrities are more important than the people on our show, and especially the people who watch the show. If you don't like this, there is something wrong with YOU. Haha, but we all know THAT'S not the case right?

Tommy Dukes: Did you just try and turn the fan base heel on the product? What the hell is wrong with you?

GR: BAH GAWD! I haven't been to the a theater, since Closed Circuit stopped being a thing.

Kole: We're here tonight for the opening of "Threester", the third movie in the Twister franchise. As you all know, EBW played a strong role in the franchise, when "World's Biggest Twister Fan" Trevor Mach voiced the Twister in Twoster: The Revenge. Now, we're on Threester, and this time it's really REALLY personal. Let's take a look at-

Tommy Dukes: Shouldn't we get to the wrestling? There is an Openweight Champion being decided toni-

Kole: Let's take a look at a behind the scenes glimpse into the making of Threester!

Tommy Dukes: You're Satan aren't you?


Threester Backlot

Jackson Kain: Hello, I'm Jackson Kain, and I'm playing the part of Bill Harding Jr. AKA The Extreme Jr. in the movie Threester! This one takes place years after Twoster, when Bill "The Extreme" was killed by the son of the Twister he and Jo defeated in the original movie. Here's a clip, where I act opposite to Helen Hunt as Dr. Jo Harding!

A Barn somewhere in Tornado Alley

Jackson as Bill Jr. was loading gear into the back of his Dodge Ram.

Jo Harding: Bill! Bill, what do you think you're doing!

Bill Jr.: I told you Mom, I can't help feeling this way. I feel it in my heart! I can feel it in the wind. This is my calling. To finish the work that you and Dad started. I have to chase tornadoes, so I can learn about them, and save people.

Jo Harding: So what, you're going to just chase storms for a living! It got your father killed!

Bill Jr.: I know what I'm doing! Look, Dad was like...Captain Ahab, looking for his white whale. That F5 wasn't looking for him Mom. He got in the way of it, and it-

Jo Harding: IT ATE HIM! It ate him the same way its father ate mine!

Bill Jr.: Do you even hear yourself?! It "ate" him?! You act like it's alive or something!

Jo Harding: IT IS! You don't understand! You were too young to remember when it came for us. Just like tore through everything, coming for us. Every direction we ran, it followed US! It killed your father! It killed Dusty! IT TORE OFF PREACHER'S HEAD AND TOSSED IT AT ME! His last words were "my head" as he died! It was all intentional! The Twister was trying to drive me crazy before it killed me!

Bill Jr.: was horrible, but it wasn't intentional. It was a random, horrible act of nature, and I want to be the one to figure how they form, so I can make sure things like that never happen. Dorothy 3.0 is the key, and I'll prove it. Goodbye Mom, I'm sorry, I can't let your fear be my fear.

Bill Jr. got into the truck and drove off.

Jo Harding: It should really should be.'ll look after him won't you?

Rabbit: Of course I will...Rabbit is good...Rabbit is wise.


Jackson Kain: Yeah, they had to get someone else to play the role of Rabbit this time around when Ferris Bueller's friend said the role was "stupid" and "this movie should never be made". I wrong was he huh?

Tack Angel: I'm in the movie too. Yeah, I play the son of that guy. You know the guy right? That guy. The one in the background of most shots? Said very little? Added nothing to the plot? Disappeared for whole chunks of the movie, yet was somehow an integral part of the Storm Chaser Team? You know, that guy? Yeah, I play his son who helps Bill Jr. What do I do? P-pretty much more of the same.

Trevor Mach: I'm voicing the Twister again, and I appear as the ghost of The Extreme, since Bill Paxton couldn't reprise the role, having actually been hunted down by a Twister ironically enough. God rest his soul.

Jackson Kain: This movie, which required ACTUAL twisters to destroy ACTUAL homes, is one of the most expensive movies ever made as a result. We didn't want CGI. We wanted REAL property damage. For that reason, the producers purposely cut the tornado alarms of many small towns. I uh...I didn't really appreciate hearing that part. I'm assured no one got hurt, but....who can you trust in this industry? Am I right? I mean, if I were a young boy, the producers might "choose" to molest m-


Kole: Well that's enough of that.

Tommy Dukes: Does the truth hurt?

Kole: We make our own truth! Like, did you know that #EVER is the most watched television show on this channel in it's time slot?!

Tommy Dukes: Well of course it is. It's-

Kole: Let's take it to the stage...I mean the ring.

Tommy Dukes: That's my fucking line bro.

Rince Vusso: Bro, that's MY fucking line bro.

#EVER: 4Ever
Toad Valley Theater, Toad Valley
Strike TV

1. #EVER Participation Award: Butch Manlady beat Mister Twister via Diversity -> Participation Award Winner!
Tommy Dukes: So we're having a match, where Mister Twister is bowing out, and we're awarding Butch Manlady with an award for doing nothing?

Kole: This STRONG! BRAVE! WOMAN! is the future, and Mister Twister is doing what all men should, by stepping aside and letting her take the award!

Tommy Dukes: HE'S GOT A DICK!

2. #EVER Participation Award on a Pole: Fingerbang[Debut] beat Indy Shitter[Debut], Senor Box, and The Amazing Soy Mouth[Debut] via Award Grab -> Participation Award Winner!
Tommy Dukes: No.
3. Singles: Jackson Kain vs. Zenitt #1 ended in a No Contest

Jackson Kain: This is a piece of cake. I wish whoever is behind these creatures would show themselves. I'm having no problems here.

Degrees: Problem Kain!

Jackson Kain: What is it Doc?

Degrees: The Zenitts have traveled back to 2014. They're trying to stop the filming of Twoster! This movie will never have been made! It could destroy the universe!

Jackson Kain: More importantly, it will stop this movie from existing! I'll handle this! TIME FORCE GO!

4. Singles in 2014: Jackson Kain beat Zenitt #1 via Shadow Kick -> Explosion
5. #EVER Open the Weight Gate Tournament Finals: Flying Man beat Erik Stone via Chickenwing Neckbreaker -> Pin -> 1st #EVER Openweight Championship!
Tommy Dukes: Wow, this is actually a great match! Stone is MUCH improved, and Flying Man has been taking this seriously, and I applaud him for it. He's at last being the symbol of courage, not just to Ness, but to all the dreaming children! Large Package denied! Chickenwing Neckbreaker! 1-2-3! That's it! He did it! Flying Man is the 1st #EVER Openweight Champion! of the *sigh* "New Era".

Kole: I'll say he did it! He went off script!

Tommy Dukes: What?

Kole: This dastardly bad guy didn't follow the script! How marketable yet evil!

Tommy Dukes: What are you doing?

Kole: Surely, Rince Vusso, the powers that be, will have something to say about THIS next week.

Tommy Dukes: I wish there wasn't going to be a next week.


A blistering heat wave hit Eagleland, with Fiville, the scene for the next Xcite, breaking records with its heat. The Angel Express was hovering over a river in the mountains, with Tack Angel floating down the "lazy river" on an inner tube. Nearly passed out from the heat, he lay there sweltering, with Lubert Catzenmeow curled up on his stomach as it rose up and down.

Tack Angel: hot...

Tack struggled to lift his arm to drink from his lemonade, as he was still clad in the Triple Crown titles he had just won the week before.

Tack Angel: I'm told this is the life Lubert, but I really just want to go home.

Lubert Catzenmeow: Zzzzz.....Zzzz......

Tack Angel: A-ah...taking a cat nap I see. Heh...he....h...ugh...

Tracy Angel: Hey Tack, I'm going to cannonball beside you!

Tack Angel: From the train? Please do. I think I'm dying.

Tracy splashed down right beside Tack, and covered him in water.

Tack Angel: R-refreshing.

Penguin and his wife dog...penguin paddled beside Tack and Tracy.

Tack Angel: At least they're having fun.

Tracy Angel: What brought this on? It's common knowledge you burst into flames like a vampire in the sun. Actually, weren't you bit by succubus before?

Tack Angel: That would explain things, but sadly, it's just my heft. I'm a hefty man wife. I'm a heftyweight. See this heft? Heft and heat don't go hand in heft at all.

Tracy Angel: Talk smack about yourself all you want, but you made history. You racked Swift, and became the WORLD CHAMPION AGAIN!

Tack Angel: was an accident actually.

Tracy Angel: What was?

Tack Angel: Racking him. I was trying to duck. It just sort of happened.

Tracy Angel: You won the title accidentally?

Tack Angel: Basically.

Tracy Angel: That should embarrass Swift more.

Tack Angel: I needed a good submission. I think I have it.

Tracy Angel: You didn't answer my question from before. What brought this on?

Tack Angel: Trying to live it up like a Champion.

Tracy Angel: In a lazy river?

Tack Angel: ...First thing that came to mind. Besides, I need to enjoy this while it lasts.

Tracy Angel: Why do you say that?

Amy Angel appeared from the door of the Angel Express.

Amy Angel: Tack, that was w00t on the phone just now. He wants to meet with you to open Xcite.

Tack Angel: That Tracy....because of that. Amy, come on down! Get the whole family. I need to at least see YOU ALL enjoy this horribly hot day.

Tracy Angel: Well there's your problem Tack. It's the Sun Monster from Ninteldo, he's been following you this whole time.

Tack Angel: Damn the Sun!

EBW: Xcite

The show opened with w00t and Swift in the center of the ring, with the rest of EBW: Dark surrounding it, mugging to the camera.

w00t: So, that was quite the spectacle last week right? Way to pop the ratings eh? Tack Angel swooped in, and made a move I did not expect. I have to say this. Bravo. Seriously. Bravo to you sir. I am a man that is always several steps ahead, and I did not expect that. I opened a door for you, and you walked right through it. You made a huge mistake, declining our offer, but you still made a "moment" didn't you. I'm sure your kids are going to find solace in that moment someday, when they wonder why they're father has to eat all of his meals through a straw. I jest...perhaps. Well, "World Champion" Tack Angel, come on down, and let's talk.

Tack Angel appeared with the Dan Club on the stage. He motioned for them to step back, and he made his way to the ring. EBW: Dark parted, as the Star Prince stepped in with w00t and Swift. Swift immediately got into Tack's face.

w00t: Now Swift, that isn't how we fix this remember? Stay calm. Try not to flip any tables for the moment, if you'd be so kind.

Swift: .....

w00t: Well Tack, you have 1...2...3...of our title belts in your possession, and we're not happy about it. We're not happy about it at all. You're getting in our way, and that's a problem. I just want to know one thing. Are you going to give Swift his rematch?

Tack Angel: .....Nope!


Tack Angel: Hey! My family is watching. Watch the language Swift! I don't have to give you a title shot! You issued an Open Challenge, and THAT doesn't not come with a rematch clause. You have no rematch coming to you. EBW has the titles back, and I have no reason to gamble with these belts....or do I w00t?

w00t: You want something for the title match? What is it that you want?

Tack Angel: You know.

w00t: Heh....well...I underestimated you again. Don't ever let it be said that Tack Angel didn't have an impressive moment or two. You want the match don't you?

Tack Angel: You and Me at SummerCade in the Dome. No EBW: Dark interfering either. You and me. No Rules.

w00t: No Rules? You?

Tack Angel: That's right. No Rules.

w00t: I see. Well, that's a lofty ask, considering I promised I would never give you the satisfaction. However, weighing it all out, I would have to accept...on one condition.

Tack Angel: What's that?

w00t: You will give Swift his rematch tonight, halfway through the show, just to give him time to warm up you see.

Tack Angel: I will...but only if EBW: Dark stays away from the ring. It will be one on one.

w00t: You got it Tack. That sounds fair and reasonable.

Tack Angel: No funny stuff either. Remember, you and EBW: Dark can not mess with my family to get to me anymore.

w00t: How could I forget. I don't see that being a problem Tack. Shake on it?

Tack Angel: ....Fine.

Tack and w00t shook hands, and the crowd went wild, as they were getting an unscheduled Triple Crown World Championship match. Suddenly, Trevor Mach appeared from the crowd.

w00t: Oh, I almost forgot, the man that helped make this farce possible. No no, let him through too. Gee, for being a Free Agent, it feels like the Bad Dudes are as solid as ever huh?

Trevor Mach: Brotherhood is stronger than this bullshit. Look, Tack's got the title, Swift wants the title. As far as I'm concerned, that title belongs to Bashin Dan. It WAS fun to see Swift lose it though. And THAT is what you can expect when you turn down a challenge from me. I will tear through your goons. I'll kick your asses. If you kick my ass, I'll come back with a bat, and break it over your heads. I WILL NOT stop! So Swift, I know your dance card is full tonight, but don't forget, I'm coming for you.

w00t: Look Mach, we know what you want. You thought you had your life figured out before Swift destroyed your perception of it. You left broken and bitter. You want an uplifting comeback story, where your first match back is a joyous victory over the man that broke you. It's NOT going to happen. We're talking business here. HE has something we want. Something to offer us. You don't. We'll fight you, if you fight us, but you're NOT getting that match! Your first match back will NOT be against Swift.

Trevor Mach: know a matter of fact, I think you're right.

Trevor laughed and left the ring, spooking Mav Valentine with a feint before jumping back into the crowd.  

EBW Announce Table

Makoto Angel: Did you see that? My fearless husband stared down the whole group of EBW: Dark, and he got the match we all wanted. w00t is going to GET IT for what he did to our home!

Nerma: Well yeah, if you say so, and you sure say a lot.

Tommy Dukes: What an incredible way to open the show! We're getting a HUGE match on Xcite we weren't expecting! In case you didn't know, the main event of the night is going to see a Camilo Ortega Television Championship Open Challenge, and he's been raising the stakes on that time and time again. That was already big, but NOW both of the main men's singles titles are on the line tonight! Is it a ratings ploy you may ask? .......So anyways, let's start the show with the Women's WORLD Champion Hope Mach taking on 21st Century Foxx in Non-Title action

EBW: Xcite
Five Guys Arena, Fiville
Strike TV

1. Women's Non-Title Singles: Hope Mach beat 21st Century Foxx via Ankle Lock -> Submission
Nerma: Foxx is a fierce lady, she reminds me of myself, only with bigger hair, and she may have killed people before. I don't know, just putting it out there. She CLAWED Hope earlier with her long nails, and caused her to bleed, but Hope doesn't need eyes to see. She's had her vision and hearing impacted in the past, and has learned to deal with both. She missed out on the Olympic Slam! Foxx with the Euroland Uppercut and a Suplex attempt, but Hope reversed it! She's rolling on the mat, controlling the action! Ankle Lock! She's got it in, and Foxx taps! The Champ wins it! Wait, she's getting a microphone. Let's listen in.

Hope Mach: See this? She was willing to rip my face off to get a win. A win that MAY HAVE lead to a title shot. She was willing to do this for a possibility. Iroha, you got the shot didn't you? You trained with my Mother, and found a killer instinct. A warrior you are, and you showed that. You went through Christina to prove a point. Point proven. I won't take it easy on you, just because you're married to Uncle Tack. I WILL make you TAP! Because, if you're all willing to do this to take my title, imagine what I'm willing to do to KEEP IT!

2. Women's Non-Title Tag: Ripper Jane/Murasaki vs. Valarie Dorado/Erica ended in a No Contest
Tommy Dukes: This was never going to end in a pleasing finish either way. They weren't going to have it! EBW: Dark and Elevation, continuing this blood feud. They are brawling to the back! Backstage, we've got officials finally separating them. Wait, is that w00t?

w00t: Valarie Dorado, calm down it's just me.

Valarie Dorado: I know it's you, and you're with THEM. That's why I'm on edge.

w00t: I get it. You're trying to make a name for yourself, at the same time as our hostile takeover. That's unfortunate, BUT maybe it's time to stop the fighting for a moment. I know you're a talented fighter, but I also know you're a shrewd business woman, and money talks.

Valarie Dorado: ...It always does, but I only listen, if the price is right.

w00t: I assure is.

Valarie Dorado: Alright, you have my attention. What do you want?

3. EBW Triple Crown World Championship:

Tommy Dukes: This match is incredible! A heated battle like no other! Swift is on top of his game this time, he wasn't surprised by the addition of Tack, but Tack is hanging in there. The champ is letting the kicks fly!


Nerma: Not AT ALL biased here folks.


Suddenly, Valarie Dorado, Erica, and Sylvie attacked Makoto Angel at the Announce Table.


Tack saw the attack and tried to help his wife, but w00t interrupted.

w00t: Hey! No! Stay RIGHT THERE Tack! Now, as you can see, I'm up here, away from the ring. I'm not interfering. Elevation is NOT with EBW: Dark, but THEY have your wife in a very dangerous situation right now. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Huh? If you make a move they might hurt her badly. can stay in the ring...and let Swift POUNCE....and she might be alright. What do you say Tack?

Tack was in a panic, not knowing what to do. Makoto shouted for him to fight, but he ultimately dropped his guard, and Swift, not looking too happy about the way the match was going himself, POUNCED Tack Angel. Swift was about to pin him when-

w00t: Oh no, we're not done yet! Get up Tack! Stand tall Star Prince! Show your wife you love her! Stand up! Swift, POUNCE HIM AGAIN!

Tack struggled to get up, but he stood there and allowed Swift to batter him with another POUNCE!


Swift smashed into Tack with a final POUNCE before the 1-2-3. Swift regained the EBW Triple Crown World Championship.

Swift: You have guts Tack, but this was mine to begin with. You should have never gotten involved in MY business.

Tack Angel: Don't....don't hurt her.

Swift: w00t!

w00t: .....Fine....let her GO girls! Thank you for your assistance.

Swift: .....

4. 8-Man Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Jamie OD/Hotlanta/Generator beat Vape[x]/Golvoth/Jammer/Benjamin via Muscle Buster -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Folks, if you're just tuning in, Makoto Angel has been taken to her family, after an attack by Elevation, at the behest of w00t. That slimy bastard, he found a loophole, and he used it to win back the World Championship for Swift.

Nerma: I didn't want that. I know I banter with Makoto...but I didn't want that.

Tommy Dukes: Swift didn't look too happy about the way it all went down, but he went through with it, and reclaimed the titles. EBW: Dark in celebration mode as they fight the Dan Club. RagnaRockers want the rematch against "Best Match", but Mike and OD, trying their best to make sure that doesn't happen. Mike SOMEHOW has Vape lifted! MUSCLE BUSTER! The pin! EBW: Dark wins AGAIN tonight! Dammit!

5. EBW Television Open Challenge:

Camilo Ortega: Quite the night EBW: Dark is having. Why is that? You should know by now, that the message is clear. The true victory and salvation, the true light, lies in the Dark, and we will save EBW, and cleanse it, and one day soon, walking the path, I WILL rule over everything. Anything else is beneath me, and I know that now. I tried to not listen to destiny, but as strong as my will is, destiny is unbreakable. I want a challenge befitting me. A challenge that will equal the victory we secured earlier in the night. Remember the stakes I've laid out. Any match you want will be yours if you're the EBW Television Champion. You control your future. Destiny, in it's unbreakable glory, will acknowledge you as a worthy to craft some of your own.  Who will take me on? Who has the guts? Who will-


Tommy Dukes: TREVOR MACH! The War Wolf! He's accepted the challenge! Ortega wasn't expecting this! He's making his way through the crowd! EBW: Dark is converging on him, but he's got the bat, and the staple gun! Ow! He just took a fan sign and stapled it to PT's forehead! He's rushing down now! Here comes an injured Tack Angel! Trevor's throwing him the bat to keep the monsters at bay! They are locking up! Incredible! Mach is on fire! He's caught Ortega off guard! Ortega with a takedown attempt, but Mach bashed him with a hard head butt! Kick to the midsection! Knees in the clinch! Suplex! He's running the ropes! KNEE TRIGGER! 1-2-3! HE DID IT! TREVOR MACH DID IT! The War Wolf is the NEW EBW Television Champion! I know why he did it too! I know why he accepted this match and took that title! It's his ticket! That is the one way ticket! Swift, the War Wolf is hunting YOU!


Prime Time Challenge

Announcer: And now it's time for Apples and Oranges with Apple Kid and Orange Kid!

Apple Kid: ...The hell was that?

Orange Kid: I'm just as surprised as you are.

Apple Kid: ...Uh huh. We're live outside of the House of M's, formerly the Bad Dudes Dojo. The success of Lady M's methods have lead to her taking the reigns, as evidenced by the new sign.

Orange Kid: That's a card board sign, taped over the original sign that says "House of M's" in marker, with a grumpy M's face next to it.

Apple Kid: And?

Orange Kid: I uh....I love it?

Apple Kid: Are you saying that because Lady M's is behind you right now?

Orange Kid: SHE IS?!

Lady M's: Boo.

Orange Kid: AH!

Lady M's: Who said you could come onto the property? You have 10 seconds to leave before I get my gun.

Apple Kid: Wait! Tali, it's me Apple Kid!

Lady M's: 9...8....7-

Apple Kid: The network said we had access!

Lady M's: Oh're fine long as the check clears.

Apple Kid: Great! So can we come in and see the magic happening?

Lady M's: Not a chance! They said let you film on the scene. This is the scene. You get to be in the front of the building with me not killing you. That's what you get.

Apple Kid: Is there anyone else we can talk to? Potential students? Trainers?

Lady M's: Aly, Heather, and Rose are all very busy, and NO, you can't speak with my students.

Apple Kid: ...$50?

Lady M's: ....Kimber, get out here!


Singles: "3G" Krissy Gale beat Lt. Laci Wagner via (The Greatest Gift) Jumping Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick -> Pin

Apple Kid: Lt. Lacy Wagner, the brunette in the camo top and tights, is one of the newest recruits from the House of M's, taking on Krissy Gale, so this is a student vs. student match.

Orange Kid: Despite the camo, I can still see that shapely as-

Apple Kid: Will you stop that! Wagner is strong! She's looking stong like Kimber Blaze, with that Military Press! She pulls it off! Hard slam and a nearfall! She almost won the debut here. Krissy Gale called herself God's Greatest Gift, and I can see why. She's fast, she's mobile, and she's agile. Jumping Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick! Wow! She calls that The Greatest Gift! 1-2-3! Krissy Gale with the win!


Apple Kid: And we're back at the House of M's, with EBW's Women Television Champion Kimber Blaze! She's made big waves as a member of the House of M's, and right now, she's standing in front of me, flexing her Eagleland Flag tattoo in front of the camera.

Kimber Blaze: Because I'm an all Eagleland gal! Look at that flag! Yeah! Let me drape my title belt over it. Quite the picture eh? Look what I've done in a short amount of time. You give me a year, and I'll be stealing the show at Victory Explosion.

Apple Kid: That's confidence right there! We like to see that in the talent.

Kimber Blaze: Well you're looking at it....the talent with the talent. Yeah! *FLEX!!!*

Orange Kid: Oooo...bulging....veins....I like it. I like it a lot.

Apple Kid: We're looking forward to more from you. Thanks for coming out. Orange, what are you doing?

Orange Kid: Trying to look through the window. Women grappling is...well...I like it.

Apple Kid: Uh huh...well M's just let Trevor's dog Barley out, and he's coming after you.

Orange Kid: Huh?


Orange Kid: Ah! He's so loud and annoying! Noooo!


Tag: Lainey Strong/Calamity Jane[o] beat Kei Akiyama/Kayla Sparkz[x] via Lariat -> Pin

Apple Kid: Sunset Riders! They are back, and looking confident. They took Lady M's up on her offer, and have been training at the House of M's, and it shows. 2K are a team that have trouble really getting to that next level, but the Sunset Riders seem to have pulled it off. Great combos and quick tags!

Orange Kid: Calamity Jane can ride me any da-

Apple Kid: Cut it out! Jane with that killer Lariat on Sparkz! 1-2-3! The pin and the win! Sunset Riders looking impressive.


Apple Kid: That was a great tag match right?

Orange Kid: Meh.

Apple Kid: You weren't watching were you?

Orange Kid: Dog won't stop BARKING!

Apple Kid: Well, that's all for this week. A fun look...OUTSIDE...of the House of M's. We'll be back next week with more action and whatever Orange Kid is doing!


Mysterious Office Type Setting

A man walked into an office, looking towards a man that could not be seen, but it was obviously Rince Vusso.

?: So, you're the "Powers that Be" huh?

Rince Vusso: You got it. You got it. Hey, and I know you bro. You're the Mapleland Legend bro! You're none other than Burt Heart, of the Heart family bro. Glad you could make it.

Burt Heart: Yeah, I took a boot to get here.

Rince Vusso: Yeah, that's funny. Do more words with your silly accent. We can market that bro, it'll up the ratings bro.

Burt Heart: You wanted to see me?

Rince Vusso: I sure did bro. Let me tell ya bro, that shoot up north, was not my fault. I had no part in it, but we could use you here. I got a hot main event tonight, with the prop on the Flying Man, I have gotten a big star to take him on tonight. It's Johnny Starbound with the Sharks bro, and I want him to take the prop off the Flying Man bro. I asked him, and he was wondering what I'm talking about? He thinks this shit is real bro.

Burt Heart: ...It IS real.

Rince Vusso: Yeah, real funny bro. Listen bro, I need you to be the Special Referee tonight, and screw over Flying Man, because the Screw Job is big business bro. It'll do huge numbers, and put butts in the seats bro.

Burt Heart: I'll ref the match, but if you think I'm going to repeat a screw job've got another thing coming pal. I'm a Heart, and we take this business verrry suriously eh?

Rince Vusso: Love the accent bro! Do more!

Burt Heart: ....

#EVER: Tits And Ass

Tommy Dukes: ...I would like to two parts. First, I apologize the parents, who watch this with their kids, by this week's title. "Rinny Vu" as I'm supposed to call him now, suggested it. He said it would "draw the marks in". Secondly, I apologize to the sex perverts who don't realize porn is on the internet. There will be no Tits OR Ass on tonight's show.

Tack Angel: BOOOOO!

Tommy Dukes: Was that Tack Ang-

GR: BAH GAWD! We've got a slobber knocker for you tonight, with the opening match being against Mav Valetine and Erik Stone!

Tommy Dukes: And you're suddenly interested because-

GR: That Mav Valentine played College Ball!

Tommy Dukes: Exactly.

Kole: That background will certainly help him with Mat Based Excitement for sure! Both me are in the ring, so let's take it to the-


Trevor Mach: Lest we forget, I'm a Free Agent people, and that means I go where I want, whenever I want. So I decided to come here. I got the Television Title, which means I write my own ticket, and I'm looking for a fight. Are you the best #EVER has to offer? Mav Valetine? I don't think so. Erik Stone? You were great in that XXX Pirates flick. 3-Way Match for the Television Championship. Ring the damn bell!

#EVER: Tits And Ass
Club Saturn, Saturn City
Strike TV

1. EBW Television Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Mav Valentine[x] and Erik Stone via Knee Trigger -> Pin -> Title Defense!
Tommy Dukes: I did NOT expect this! A highly athletic and brutal match on #EVER?! Mach the War Wolf didn't come here for a tune up. He knows a 3-Way means No Rules, and he's brawling with these boys on the outside.

Kole: That's some great Mat Bas-

Tommy Dukes: No, you don't get to talk on this. Shut your hole! Guys like that, they don't give a shit about your buzzwords and your replacement terms for Wrestling. He puts the work in, when others don't, and that's why we a wrestling company...I mean. Mav, trying to steal one for EBW: Dark with a Mav Buster on Stone, but Mach was waiting to hit that KNEE TRIGGER! 1-2-3! Defense for Trevor Mach! Wait a minute, he's got the mic again. Let's listen in.

Trevor Mach: So that's what EBW: Dark has to offer? You get what you pay for. So, something has caught my attention. Suddenly, Ol' Swifter huddled up with his boys and he threw our a challenge, to meet in the ring this week on Xcite. Probably, because it's the only way to save face. It's the only way to avoid becoming completely exposed as the PUNK that he is. So, he'll show up, with the rest of EBW: Dark, and they'll act like they weren't ducking me. I see right through that. I call bullshit on you Swift, and I think you're full of it. But I'll be there, because I just want to know if I'm right. I want to see what you guys are REALLY made of. Cause you know what I'm made of. You have to know, cause you keep ducking me. Yeah, you got over on me. It happens. Shit happens. Whatever. Was it clean? Who the hell cares at this point. I just want another shot, because I think, when you get hit, and I mean REALLY hit by me, you're going to fold. Because I don't fake the rage 24/7 like grumpy ol' Swifter. I AM RAGE 24/7! I am ON THE HUNT, AND I'M AFTER YOU! See you on Xcite.

2. Stunning and Brave Women's Singles: Butch Manlady beat Queen Bolshoi via Giving the win to Butch for being Stunning and Brave I guess
Kole: So amazing! So stunning! So brave! Queen Bolshoi, at the behest of Brandy Roads, is bowing out of the match out of respect to the stunning and brave woman across from her, who is brave and strong simply by being in the ring, standing there, existing. So brave.

Tommy Dukes: Aha! I found my scotch under the table. Please continue the bullshit.

3. #EVER Co-Op-ortunity Tournament: Rains/"New" Danny Leung beat Degrees/Jackson Kain via Count Out
Tommy Dukes: Co-Op-ortunity? Real cute guys, but we didn't advertise this. It could've made a ratings difference, but you don't really care about tag teams do you? "New" Danny Leung is-

Kole: The newest member of SWORD it seems.

Tommy Dukes: Oh, we're still doing that. Wait? Nosan is talking to Kain and Degrees. They are leaving. They're going to lose by count out....and they do. Wonderful. SWORD advances and-

Kole: This fresh faced youngster Danny Leung is now 2-0.

4. #EVER Co-Op-ortunity Tournament: Curry Man[3'dPW][o]/CP Munk[3'dPW] beat Fingerbang[x]/The Amazing Soy Mouth via Spicy Drop -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: When Curry Man and a man in a Munk suit are the respectable team, you know we have a problem.
5. #EVER Openweight Championship: Johnny Starbound beat Flying Man(c) via Screw Job Special Referee: Burt Heart
Tommy Dukes: What? No! Son of a bitch! They really did it! Another damn Screw Job! Burt Heart, embracing Starbound. Everyone giving an apathetic groan. That's NOT the reaction we're looking for! Starbound, Heart, and the Sharks are revealing t-shirts. S.T.U. Oh shit, now THAT'S a callback!


Strike TV Wrestling Update

Tommy Dukes: Wow, the Control Center is collecting dust. No one watering the plants or- Hello everyone! Tommy Dukes here, the #EVER hater of Wrestling, and this week, the War Wolf Trevor Mach has begun blazing a trail, but more on that in a bit. We have some updates coming out. We start with Subculture, who finally went to get a check up at a local medical fac-Hospital....Kole, it's a damn HOSPITAL! Let's take a look.

Saturn City Memorial Hospital

Degrees was looking at charts and x-rays as Subculture sat waiting to hear results with his wife Christina.

Subculture: Well, what do they look like Doc?

Degrees: Huh? I have no idea. Not sure who these belong to. It's worrisome quite frankly. Let's get to YOUR charts though. Well looks have broken your hand in three places. It's not recovering, because you haven't given it time to. That's going to explain the-

Christina Angel: Numbness? He did nerve damage didn't he?

Degrees: I'm afraid so. Some rehab will help, but I don't know if it will ever be like it was before.

Subculture: .....

Degrees: I'll let you talk this out and we'll come up with a plan from there. In the meantime, I have Firebrand X in the next room needing cleared after having his face shattered, and I have to travel to 1999 to make sure the Willennium happens. It's a busy day for me.

Subculture: ...Christina I-

Christina Angel:''s alright Subbie. I understand, really I do. I get the feeling, of wanting to work through injury. I know how frustrating it is to be injured. Like wanting to choke the life out of someone....Iroha for example. This sport we're in, the lives we committed ourselves's going to take a toll, unless we trust each other, and look out for each other.

Subculture: I needed to compete, but I also needed to make us money.

Christina Angel: I can do that too, and if I got injured, we would need you to make the money for us. That's how this is going to work. We take care of our family. You are my family now Subbie.

Subculture: ...Is this a tear? What the hell? Since when have I had those? DOC! DOC!

Christina Angel: It's normal Subbie, really it is. It's going to be alright. You promise me you're going to take some time off?

Subculture: One week.

Christina Angel: .....

Subculture: ...Two weeks.

Christina Angel: .....

Subculture: I want to be back by SummerCade!

Christina Angel: Let's shoot for that then. I'm sorry about the nerve damage.

Subculture: I'm not. If I don't feel the impact, imagine how much harder I can punch now!

Christina Angel: ...Oh no.

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