A large group of heroes from all the Earths gathered as Justice Mach-2 addressed them.
Justice Mach-2: I know we felt safer here, like we had taken the Earths out of harm's way. BUT, we have to allow "Entity V" to know about this place. We have to get its attention. It has to know we're here, and the Earths are here, and if it wants to complete its mission, it will have to come for us. This place, this whole place was created by the Sanctum. It pulled from Flying Man's mind, and learned about creativity, and imagination. "Entity V" can't comprehend it, so even though it's passing through here, it can't see it. So, we have to make it see us!
Trevor Mach-10: You heard Justice. Grab a bat. Grab a gun. Grab a sword. Wrestlers, prepare to use your fists if you have to. Whatever damage you can do, you have to do it, and we can't be unwilling to risk our lives. We are all that stands in the way. This is it. No time to lose your composure. No time to second guess it. No time for any of this. Earth-1 is under attack, and we're going to save it now. Let's go!
Tack Angel: Wow, great speech Trev.
Trevor Mach-10: Uh...thanks Tack.
Lady M's: You alright Trev? You're looking.
Tack Angel: Old right? He's looking old.
Trevor Mach-10: ...It's just this experience is all. We'd better get ready for the fight.
Tack Angel: Right.
Lady M's: Right behind you.
Fray Tiburon looked at Trevor Mach-10 with curiosity, and then finally approached him.
Fray Tiburon: ...Where is the Trevor Mach of Earth-1?
Trevor Mach-10: ...You noticed huh?
Fray Tiburon: You look most like the Trevor Mach of our Earth, but several years older. I sense you to be an honorable man, but you're keeping something from them, trying to protect them?
Trevor Mach-10: ...You have great instincts Padre.
Fray Tiburon: I am Trevor's Priest...or should I say was?
Trevor Mach-10: ...Was.
Fray Tiburon: ...I see.
Trevor Mach-10: He helped save countless lives.
Fray Tiburon: He is leaving behind so much...his young child Justice...needs a father, but we'll make sure he grows up to know the kind of man his father truly was.
Trevor Mach-10: ...Yes.
Fray Tiburon: We'll figure out how to tell them later. Right now, we have to complete this divine plan.
Trevor Mach-10: You think it an act of God?
Fray Tiburon: It's hard to truly say, but after all we've seen and done, I would not discount the Sanctum's plan being God's plan.
The hundreds of heroes readied themselves for battle, and soon after rushed head long towards the giant black mass. All at once, they struck with fury and determination.
Bashin Dan wiped away his tears as he looked on with Hope Mach towards the battle.
Bashin Dan: I have to get back there. I have to help! I have to help Jammer and Vape!
Hope Mach: They knew what they were doing. They all did. The hardest part is trusting that everyone knows what is at stake here. I want to go back and help Christina myself. I want to find Gold and Sylvie. I just...I just want to be there too, but look around you. These people are alive because of what they sacrificed, and what we're doing now, which is hoping that our friends and our family make it out of this alive.
Bashin Dan: This isn't the way I would have played this. My deck would have been different. Never again Hope. I can't be on the sidelines. I have to step up. I have to-
Suddenly, the giant tendril that was smashing into the Earth recoiled, and a massive shriek sent shockwaves for miles. All around the Earth, the tendrils recoiled, and retreated from the ruined cities. Crystal Heaven was preparing for its own attack with Wives and Pirates at the ready, when the pulsating Resonance Point suddenly returned to stability.
Amy Angel: That has to be Tack.
Tracy Angel: I'd say that's Tack AND our Faris.
Makoto Angel: We dodged a bullet. I was sensing some serious nega-vibes from that thing.
Pirate Bill: Yarr....I nearly wet meself in fear.
Penguin: Qua?
Pirate Bill: Sorry, I get too honest when I be scared. Yarr.
The dark tendrils pulled back into Magicant, where the Reapers and walking revanants poured across the once pristine land. Wrestlers, Henshin Heroes, Warriors and Wizards, and every other manner of hero collided with massive force, sacrificing life and limb to keep the attention of "Entity V". The corpse of Darkness Angel stood among them and looked over the land he found himself in. In the midst of the battle, he found Tack Angel.
Darkness Angel: You.
Tack Angel: Me? ME! You're ME!
Darkness Angel: Saw it all through your eyes. Saw creation. Now I consume it. I consume you.
Tack Angel: Alright, so NOT me!
Darkness Angel brandished a giant sword of shadow and tried to cleave Tack, but Trevor-10 and Justice-2 stepped up and fought back. Tack ran and jumped off of their shoulders and kick a Rider Kick, sending "Entity V" back into the crowd.
Unlosing Ranger: Now THAT'S a Rider Kick!
Kamen Rider SOUL: Agreed.
Reckless Cop Dangerama: The creature yet lives. *RECKLESS CANNON*!
Unlosing Ranger: There he goes stealing the spotlight!
Dangerama carved through the shadows with his overly powerful cannon, but "Entity V" rushed out of Darkness Angel's mouth, and the formless beast battered the Reckless Cop, tearing off his arm cannon.
Reckless Cop Dangerama: I appear to be damaged.
Unlosing Ranger: Dammit man, don't go dying until I prove that I'm the better hero! Stand back, I'll fight them off.
Reckless Cop Dangerama: Confirmed.
Prism Princess Etranger: See? I knew you cared.
Unlosing Ranger: I DO NOT!
The heroes were getting cut down left and right, but they kept up the fight, trying to draw "Entity V" into Magicant. Soon enough, the entirety of its being poured into the crafted reality. A booming voice echoed out, as if from a being the size of a universe was doing the talking.
"Entity V": What is this? This is where Earths are. I will consume. I will consume all. I will become all. Whatever this is, I can not see, but I can see Earths, and when I consume them, I will consume all. I will consume. I will consume. I will consume. I wi-
Jacob: You're done consuming you monster. Humanity has battled the single strongest entity that the darkness has ever you.
Chris P. Bacon: They have battled you. Fought you across realities, and brought you here. Right into our trap.
"Entity V": Trap. Trap. Trap. Trap. What is Trap? Consume. I will consume! I will consume! I WILL CONSUME! I WILL CONSUME! I WILL-
Suddenly, the gates all around Magicant closed, and "Entity V" found itself trapped.
Justice Mach-2: This was the will of the Sanctum you bastard. Bring you to a place you couldn't comprehend.
Trevor Mach-10: We baited you in, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Degrees-4: Those that were killed will be aveneged here and now!
Suddenly, the sky that was once pink, shimmered in prismatic colors, the colors of the Sanctum.
Trevor Mach-10: Everyone! ATTACK!
The Sanctum poured into Magicant, and seemingly clashed with the formless darkness from the back, while everyone left alive began to shimmer and glow. They all jumped into the air and poured themselves into a massive force that attacked "Entity V" from the front. Trevor Mach-10 and Justice-2 collided with the intense darkness first, and the force knocked Justice back, but he felt a hand on his back steady him and send him forward again.
Trevor Mach: I'm with you son. Always with you.
Justice Mach-2: Dad?!
Justice Mach-2 was sent forward to rejoin the massive force. Beams of light from both sides, attacking the darkness, dimminishing it, and sending it back into itself. From a distance two figures watched on.
Chris P. Bacon: This is it. The trap is sprung.
Jacob: Yes, whatever is left of "Entity V" will be trapped in a concept it can't understand for all eternity, and the Sanctum will reshape reality.
Chris P. Bacon: I'm glad we could help lead them on the way. By the way, it's great to see you again Jacob.
Jacob: Right?! It's been far too long my friend. Are you ready to go home?
Chris P. Bacon: That I am. That I am. But look, we're about to witness it. The birth...of a new universe.
"Entity V" collapsed in on itself as the two forces on either side annihilated it. A bright flash encompassed everything, all of reality, every last bit of it left. There was darkness....but then...there was light.
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn stood tall, as they liberated the city from the Empire! The soldiers all cheered as they raised their hands and flags in victory.
Gibson Rickenbacker: You did it cat man. You really are the Hero of Light dammit.
Tarran Icenguard: ....*nod*
Gibson Rickenbacker: I REALLY wish you spoke more.
Swift-50: YES! Our enemies have been driven before us! Lets us celebrate with meat off the bone and women in our beds!
Gibson Rickenbacker: ...I don't remember where that guy came from, but I like him.
Tarran Icenguard: Me too.
Gibson Rickenbacker: Oh NOW you talk! God, I hate this place!
Darkdeath Evilman was plaguing the city, forcing the citizens to run in fear, but suddenly a group of heroes stood in his path.
Darkdeath Evilman: All of you?! You think you can defeat me!?
Unlosing Ranger: Oh I know we can asshole! I'm SICK and TIRED of you getting on the 8 o' clock news! Oh, and also scaring off the citizens!
Reckless Cop Dangerama: We will bring you to justice.
Unlosing Ranger: Don't step on my lines pal!
Prism Princess Etranger: In the name of love too!
Unlosing Ranger: You can step on whatever you want my Princess.
Kamen Rider SOUL: And we're going to help!
Darkdeath Evilman: Who the hell are you?
Ashley Kagayama: Just passing through, on the way to Kyuzo, but that's not going to stop us from taking you down.
Trevor: I love it when she steps up like that. Let me borrow the suit when we're done so I can hug her Johnathan.
Ashley Kagayama: LET'S GO!
The heroes collided in a crossover special halfway through their 52-Episode story arcs.
Announcer: And Tack Katcher loses. Another Pokemon Tournament loss for the would be trainer. It feels like he's been trying to win one of these for 20 years worth of episodes!
Tack Katcher: Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! THAT'S IT! I'm getting a Piplup! I can't believe that guy's Golbat ATE ANOTHER PIKACHU! Why does that keep happening!?
Trevor: We didn't need to do anything this time around.
Tali: Watching him lose is one of the few pleasures in my life.
Trevor: Am I the other?
Tali: I threw up in my mouth a little.
Trevor: ...I don't blame you.
It was a beautiful day in Saturn City. Aly Smash-3 clutched baby Justice tightly as she looked around and breathed in the fresh air.
Aly Smash-3: Wow, this place is much more beautiful than any Saturn City I've been too.
Christina Angel-5: Trevor-10 did say his world was in the middle of a "Golden Age", and I guess he wasn't kidding.
Justice Mach-2: No one seems to remember what happened but us. Why?
Aly Smash-3: I'm sure there is a reason some remember and some don't. The pain might have been too much, and we've all lost so much, but look at all this. A chance for a fresh start. We can all be a family here, and make a wonderful life.
Christina Angel-5: I'd like that a lot.
Justice Mach-2: Me too...but...where is Trevor-10?
Aly Smash-3: I have this feeling inside, like we'll see him again soon. Let's get started here, and have a nice home waiting for him when he comes back.
Justice Mach-2: Heh...right...I think that's a great idea.
Justice-2 held Christina-5 by the hand, as they walked with Aly Smash-3 into a bright future.
The SS Anne 2 pulled into the dock at North Point, as the Wrestlers prepared for the New Year's Eve show.
Swift: That's right everyone, the Wolves are in town! Cheer or boo, it don't stop it from happening!
Tack Angel: I'd rather they cheer us Swift!
Generator: I'm good either way.
The Wolves made their way out, followed by a somber IronBloods.
Camilo Ortega: ...So it failed I guess. No matter. We always have different plans and different paths. Right KYO?
KYO: .....
Camilo Ortega: Don't worry...we'll get you laughing again in no time.
The Dan Club came down next to a huge reaction.
Jammer: They love us.
Vape: I don't blame them. I love us too.
Jammer: That's too personal big guy.
Bashin Dan: ...
Hope Mach: What's wrong Dan?
Bashin Dan: I-I don't know. I feel like I'm forgetting something...or someone.
Gold: I was thinking the same thing myself.
Gold looked down at the the silver chain in her hand, unsure of where it came from, but she knew it was important, and held onto it tightly.
Hope Mach: Well clear your head, cause we need you ready. You've got a shot at becoming #1 Contender.
Bashin Dan: And I'm not passing it up. I don't know why, but I'm filled with a new burning desire to be the Ace. I'm proud of this team, but I'm ready to lead on, so I can raise up EBW, and take it to new heights!
Jammer: Great, we CAN come with you right?
Bashin Dan: Heh! Of course Slam Jam.
Jammer: Cause when you win, and you get that title, I'm challenging you.
Bashin Dan: I'm sure you are.
?: Come on guys, let's get to the hotel!
Vape: The Agent speaks and we obey. Yes Hippie.
Retro Hippie stepped off the boat with the rest of the Dan Club.
Retro Hippie: Loving that attitude Vape. We're all going to go far together!
Bashin Dan: ...Hippie?
Hope Mach turned to see her mother stepping off the boat.
Hope Mach: Mom? When did you get on the boat?
Lady M's: ...I don't remember...I'm guessing Summers. It has to be Summers. I was there. I wanted to come with you, and support you...I think. Plus, I needed to get little Justice out of that hell hole for a while. I can clean up that city and be a thorn in my Dad's ass any day. For New Year's I'm going to make time for you two.
Hope Mach: Heh...thanks Mom.
Hope walked off with the rest of the Dan Club. Lady M's stood back and looked at Justice.
Lady M's: Hmm...I guess you're not so bad little man. Wish I remembered when Trevor handed you off though.
Fray Tiburon: What a remarkable boy. When can we schedule his baptism.
Lady M's: You'll have to talk to Trevor on that, cause I ain't interested.
Fray Tiburon: Yes...Trevor...right.
Fray Tiburon walked off, but was stopped by Flying Man.
Flying Man: Father stop. Do you-
Fray Tiburon: Remember? I do. I see you do too. It looks like things are back to normal.
Flying Man: Not exactly like they were before. Those who died...they're not here...they didn't come back, and no one seems to remember.
Fray Tiburon: Their sacrifices won't be forgotten. They won't be in vain. We'll remember them, and we'll know that we exist, and survive, because of what they've done.
Flying Man: I just wonder who else remembers.
Three figures were already in North Point, at the top of what was once Strike TV tower, but was now the ENN Tower.
Jeff Andonuts: ...Things have been restored somewhat, but I sure wish my leg was part of the deal.
Noah Jennings: Yeah, that looks really painful. So why the hell do I remember everything if everyone else forgot.
Jeff Andonuts: I wouldn't be able to venture a guess. We need to find the answers, but for now, we go about business as usual.
Noah Jennings:'re going to be Boss of EBW again?
Jeff Andonuts: No, that's YOUR job now. I've seen what you tried to do in the old reality, and I feel like you are right for the job. I'm surprised to be saying that myself.
Noah Jennings: After everything I've done?
Jeff Andonuts: This is a new Earth. Chance to start over. Isn't that right Doc?
Degrees-4: Start over? Yeah...yeah it does mean that doesn't it?
Hours later, the Sky Runner crash landed in a field beside a house. Jeff Andonuts limped out, with Degrees-4 not too far beside.
Degrees-4: So..this is the place?
Jeff Andonuts: Yep, this is it.
Degrees-4: Should I REALLY be doing this? Do I have the right?
Jeff Andonuts: He wanted this for you...and for them. This world needs a Degrees, and apparently that's you now. And that means-
?: Degrees?
A very pregnant Kaori, Degrees' wife came out of the front door, with a small boy running out towards Degrees. The young boy knocked Degrees over as he hugged him.
Degrees-4: Daniel?!
Daniel Degrees: Daddy! I missed you!
Degrees-4: *whimper* Yeah? *sniff* I-I-I missed you too son.
Kaori: You must have really REALLY missed us. You're looking at me like you haven't seen me in a week.
Degrees-4: ...I-I haven't.
Kaori: Are you OK? Is everything alright?
Degrees-4: Oh yeah....everything's great.
Degrees-4 embraced the family that was now his. Jeff smiled as he rubbed as his missing leg. He limped his way back to the Sky Runner, determined to study the effects of the massive event they had all barely survived.
Back in North Point, Lady M's had settled in her hotel room with baby Justice, when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it up and saw a familiar face.
Lady M's: What's with the knocking Trevor. Just come on in.
Trevor Mach-10: Right...sorry. I just wanted to make sure this was the right room.
Lady M's: Well I'm here...and Justice is here. Is it the right room?
Trevor Mach-10: Yeah, it's exactly where I need to be.
Lady M's: Are you alright? You're looking old.
Trevor Mach-10: Straight to the point huh?
Lady M's: You know me. Very blunt.
Trevor Mach-10: That's what made me fall in love with you.
Lady M's: *blush* Listen to you, trying to sweet talk me. No time for that hubbalicious. I'm having dinner with Hope and Dan. Want to come?
Trevor Mach-10: ...I think I'll stay here with Justice, if that's alright?
Lady M's: Heh. Sure Trevor, it's fine. Seriously, why are you asking permission? Goofy as usual. See you later.
M's kissed Trevor-10 on the cheek and left the room. Trevor-10 walked over to baby Justice in his crib and held up the young boy. He walked out on the balcony with him and looked up at the night sky. There were more stars in the sky than ever before. Several bits and pieces of the other realities woven into one universe.
(Listen until at least 3:25 and pay attention to lyrics...TACK!)
Trevor Mach-10: Look Justice, somewhere up there is my home, Earth-10. I believe I have a new family there, but I also, have a family here. A family that needs a Trevor, and young baby that needs a Father. I will love you all with all my heart and soul, and be what you need me to be. I will be the Trevor Mach of this Earth, for as long as I'm needed. Look Justice, this is what we created. All of us. When you're older, you'll hear all about it. How you, from Earth-2 reminded me of so much, and inspired me to fight. So many were inspired to fight. They fought, and died, and survived to avoid Sanctum Extinction, and to create this new reality. The "divine" spark...the Sanctum...."Entity V"'s all behind us now. This is our reality...our future. We're on our way.
Last edited by Machismo (12/29/2019 3:33 am)
Classified Document - For Your Eyes Only
From the Desk of "Mr. Face"
It appears another cosmic level event has transpired. I found myself unaware of it myself, left with a haze of some sort regarding the "Resonance Points" that no longer exist. Jeff Andonuts returned to the base in Summers after going missing for some time, and returning with only one leg. The cosmic level event saw a merging of what was left of the quantum realty entanglement we learned of with the "Sanction" event. An entity known as "Entity V" attempted to consume all matter, and replace it with void space, but the Sanctum trapped it and proceeded to use our Earth, designated Earth-1 to rebuild the universe, combining what was left of the remainders to create a "New Earth-1" as we're now calling it. Our very memories will have been changed in this process, and we're working with those that remember the "unofficial version" to compile a list of changes. From what we understand, several "assets" were eliminated in the process. Some that we already considered missing or dead were apparently still with us in this cosmic event. Their deaths were reconciled in the new reality, or forgotten about altogether. This is a list of the original body count as far as we knew.
Deceased or M.I.A
Trevor Mach - Slain by Tack Angel of Earth-5 designate "Darkness Angel"
Degrees - Self sacrifice to stop the "Void Wave Generator"
Maurice - Killed in combat
Sylvie - Killed in combat
Cade - Killed in combat
w00t - Death by debris
Alissa Flash - Missing presumed Dead
Chris P. Bacon - M.I.A
That was the initial assessment, but working with Jeff Andonuts, and the Doctor Degrees of Earth-4, now living on Earth-1, we were able to compile a list of other casualties that fell in the "Battle of North Point", where the EBW "assets" fought against the "Entity".
Deceased or M.I.A
Dangerous D - M.I.A
"3G" Krissy Gale - M.I.A
Calamity Jane - M.I.A
Rupert Alwaysontime - Killed in combat
Mr. Wozniack - Killed by KYO
Mr. Dufrene - Killed by KYO
Mav Valentine - M.I.A
CP Munk - M.I.A
Kiva - Killed in combat
Hoary Boulder - M.I.A
The deaths of Mr. Wozniack and Mr. Dufrene leave Noah Jennings in charge of EBW, as ENN remains desperate to keep the channel. Reports from Dr. Andonuts and Degrees suggest that ENN had become Strike TV, and was working with the Mayor of Summers and the IronBloods to facilitate "Entity V" with false promises of power after the consumption of "Earth-1". ENN, known as a supporting force to EBW from our point of view, is a stark contrast. Reports indicate that time and space have settled into a new state of normalcy, and the readings haven't been as stable since the first Sanctum event or the Black Hole incidents. Time should function as intended, and space will no longer produce the means for the Sanctum or Void to bleed through.
I would conclude this report saying that the cosmic level events might finally be behind us, if not for one glaring problem, that requires a full commitment of resources. The whereabouts of prisoner designate "Giygas" are currently unknown.
Last edited by Machismo (3/18/2020 9:36 am)
EBW World
Nerma: Hello Wrestling fans! Nerma here, with what will be the last update segment of 2019. It's the end of a decade, and the end of an era. I'm excited for this show on ENN+, as we go to the home of the "fake shit" Sports Entertainment World, and compete for the first time in the "hallowed halls" of North Point Garden. It's no Renegade Arena, I'll tell you that much. We have a great show, that will see some of our best talent compete in a Ladder Match to determine the #1 Contender for the EBW Triple Crown World Championship. The first challenger of the new decade! Then, we have a No Rules rematch between Hope Mach and Kaie for Hope's Television Championship. The Bad Dudes Tack Angel and Trevor Mach will attempt to recapture the World Tag Team Championships from the IronBloods Hotlanta and KYO. Apparently, KYO is alright after that shark attack. Can I ask, how is that even possible? I saw that attack. That shark HAD to have gotten a chunk. PLUS, Trevor recently broke KYO's hand! The guy is a true psycho, as he just keeps coming. IronBloods leader Camilo Ortega, the Television Champion and the Clash Master will be taking on the World Warrior Amigo and the Hooligan Jamie OD in a 3-Way, with the TV title on the line. The final battle of 2019 will see Nani Angel step up as the next Angel to challenge Erica for the Women's World Championship. Finally, the first match of 2020 will see the CHAMP Swift take on Tomo in a rematch, but this time, it's an Iron Man Match! So when the ball drops, you've still got a whole other HOUR of Wrestling goodness. North Point fans, gets ready to FINALLY see some REAL WRESTLING when those two kick off the year with a match that will set a bar nearly impossible to top, I'm calling it now!
EBW: Last Clash 2019
North Point Garden, North Point
1. EBW World #1 Contender Ladder: Kinniku Mike vs. Bashin Dan vs. Fray Tiburon vs. Fighter Daron vs. Dick Wagner vs. Firebrand X
2. EBW Women's Television Championship No Rules: Hope Mach(c) vs. Kaie
3. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Hotlanta(c)/KYO(c) vs. Trevor Mach/Tack Angel
4. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Amigo vs. Jamie OD
5. "Last Match of 2019" EBW Women's World Championship: Erica(c) vs. Nani Angel
6. "First Match of 2020" EBW Triple Crown World Championship Iron Man: Swift(c) vs. Tomo
North Point Hotel
The Trevor Mach of Earth-10 looked in the mirror, making sure that the Just for Men gel, helped him copy the look of his younger counterpart. He went back to look at his lap top as he heard a knock at the door.
Trevor Mach-10: Come on in.
Jeff Andonuts: Trevor? look different.
Trevor Mach-10: I had too much grey compared to him. How does it look?
Jeff Andonuts: It looks right, but your scars are different. We can cover some up and I think it'll be close enough.
Trevor Mach-10: This could get difficult. I've been looking him up on wikipedia. He's...he's where I was several years ago to a point, but there are things here I've never done. Things I couldn't imagine having done.
Jeff Andonuts; He was...crazy? We'll go with crazy. His heart was in the right place with his family though.
Trevor Mach-10: I see that. There is just so much here to try and keep up with. I'm learning about all these other people too. I realized I technically don't know anyone here, except for you and Degrees-4 to an extent. Like this says Tack Angel has 6 wives.
Jeff Andonuts: Is that weird for him? I never thought it was normal.
Trevor Mach-10: Well, it's a little low of a number really. Some of his kids haven't been born yet. I mean, my second daughter hasn't even been born yet. This is like going into my past, but it's not like how I remembered it at all.
Jeff Andonuts: Second daughter?
Trevor Mach-10: Also look at this? Is this the Mars Championship belt? How is Tack still my friend if I have this and he doesn't?
Jeff Andonuts: What? No, that's the Rated M Championship.
Trevor Mach-10: Excuse me? Rated M huh? Oh boy.
Jeff Andonuts: Just keep researching. Fake it till you make it. It'll fall into place.
Trevor Mach-10: I see Swift and I are working together. That's good, I missed my friend. I was mentoring his son Miles Swift with his widow Nani. Where is she? What is she up to?
Jeff Andonuts: ...Look up more about Tack's wives.
Trevor Mach-10: Oh...oh wow...oh yikes.
Jeff Andonuts: Yeah.
Trevor Mach-10: *sigh* I can do this. I will do this. I'll fit in...with these kids. *sigh*
Jeff Andonuts: You can do it. I'll keep checking in if you need help.
Trevor Mach-10: By the way....what year is it?
Jeff Andonuts: 2019...about to be 2020.
Trevor Mach-10: Nowhere NEAR 2035? Got a long way to go.
Jeff Andonuts: Something else to keep in mind. Giygas.
Trevor Mach-10: Right. If he threatens this world, I will do everything I can to stop him. It's been done before.
Jeff Andonuts: We just need to be careful. In the past, he's had a history of turning Trevor Machs into the Malice Rider and-
Trevor Mach-10: I'm no Malice Rider, and from what I've seen, I'm not your typical Trevor Mach.
North Point Streets
The IronBloods were having a meeting in a dark alley in North Point...
Camilo Ortega: So KYO and I were taking part in a little side activity gentlemen, and we appreciate you helping us with the anonymity, but that mission has passed. We have a new mission. We'll continue working with Harley Rex when needed, but we have some new ideas and-
Camilo quickly turned around, but then turned back to his team.
Camilo Ortega: We'll discuss it later. Let's just focus on Last Clash for now.
KYO, Hotlanta, and Tomo left, but Ortega stuck around.
Camilo Ortega: ...I was wondering if you would show up. Had a feeling a you survived.
?: I did, and so did they.
Camilo Ortega: ...Remarkable. So many didn't...but you did. I guess we're not as dissimilar as I thought. However, you lose sight of your Path, and I know exactly what I want.
?: The Path was never meant for this. I was wrong, and you're wrong. I saw the error of my ways, but you didn't. You couldn't. You never will. You come from there.
Camilo Ortega: "There" does not exist anymore. This is where we all belong now, but I guess the question this world big enough for the two of us.
The figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal...
Camilo Ortega-1: When the time comes, we'll both find out won't we Ortega-5?
The figure turned and walked away. Camilo fixed his hat, patted the handkerchief in his breast pocket, smirked, and walked away.
Bashin Dan: I've had a big year, a year of change, but the Dangerous Player is just getting started. If you think you've seen my best, you haven't seen anything yet.
Kinniku Mike: Uuuuu! The Tits have never been stronger, and Kinniku Mike is going to bring in the New Year as the #1 Contender!
Dick Wagner: Ol' Dick is looking to drink some beers and bang some rats this New Year's Eve, but taking home the #1 Contender contract is sure to being in that extra cash I need to fill up my gimmick bag with anything I need for the road, so why the *bleep* not?
Kaie: You don't need me here telling you why I want this win. You already know why. You need something to market? Some headline? I'm doing this for the Eisenritter. I'm doing this for Erica. I'm doing this for me. That's winning at any cost. Hook or crook.
Hope Mach: I've been a World Champion, and a World Tag Team Champion. Winning this title gave me the Triple Crown, and I'm not about to give up that distinction without a fight. Kaie's a tough one, she likes to hurt you. She likes to bloody you up. Well nobody stop this match if it gets too bloody, cause I'm going to keep fighting, and I'll win.
Hotlanta: IronBloods, changed the game in 2019. Born from the ashes of failed take over, we've taken the very best of that project. The very best that would have and should have gotten it done, and we've found nothing but success. The Bad Dudes lost these titles to us, and they're not getting them back.
Trevor Mach-10: Uh...
Tack Angel: Let me tag in for this one. The Wolves and the IronBloods, that been a hot feud to end this year on, and I can't wait to ring in 2020 with the World Tag Team Championships, when we take out Hotlanta and KYO. Then, we'll be rooting for you Swift!
Trevor Mach-10: Oh yeah. Tonight, we're dealing with the IronBloods? They don't have the strength. They don't have the training. They don't have the experience. Being blood thirsty and arrogant won't get you far when you're in the ring with ....the....WAR WOLF...that's it. The War Wolf.
Tack Angel: ....Dude, you alright?
Camilio Ortega: The Path lead me to the Television Championship. The Path lead me to becoming the Clash Master. The Path will continue to lead me to victory after victory. More and more success. That's what the IronBloods are here for. That's what we do.
Amigo: Sal Paradise put me and Mike back together because he knew that his "Collection" needed the very best talent. That's what he got, and he's getting his money's worth every time I step in the ring for a fight. Ortega took the title of Clash Master. I think it's fitting I take the Television Championship!
Jamie OD: Oi! You know me chaps, I just luv bein the fly in the ointment. The monkey in the wrench. Ahaha!
Nani Angel: I will destroy Erica. That's it. That's the statement.
Erica: 2019 was the year I embraced myself truly. It's the year I took what rightfully belongs to me. 2020 will be remembered at the year of the Eisenritter. The year of Erica. Nani Angel, is just another Angel roadblock I'll have to put down.
Tomo: .....
Swift: This has been MY YEAR! The year of breaking records! Breaking bodies! Breaking down the system! I proved that this is still, and will always be MY RING! That first hour of 2020 will be me keeping my resolution, which is to keep kicking ass in this or ANY YEAR!
EBW Last Clash 2019
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the North Point Garden! We are sold out on New Year's Eve for this incredible night of fights! Yes, somehow SOMEHOW EBW has survived another year of chaos and anarchy. We have a solid foundation heading into 2020 on one hand with the downfall of EBW: Dark, but then we have to remember that Noah Jennings is our undisputed Boss and all hope seems lo-
Noah Jennings: HEY! I'm sitting right here!
Tommy Dukes: Yeah...I know.
Noah Jennings: I've been working hard to make EBW the best, and bringing it here was partly my idea! I mean, I made it happen didn't I? I chartered the boats and everything! I'm working hard, so give me the benefit of the doubt here.
Tommy Dukes: I guess I'll have to won't I? You're signing the checks. Just hope they don't bounce.
Noah Jennings: We made a lot of money this year! You have any idea how much ENN pays us to stay on the network? I was THINKING of giving you and the wife a raise but-
Nerma: I personally think you're doing a wonderful job Mr. Jennings. You're ideas and cutting edge vision have been super helpful at making EBW destination television if you want to see competitive matches and great charac-
Noah Jennings: You don't have to kiss my ass, just do your job!
Nerma: Oh thank God. I was getting sick. You DID pick this theme song though didn't you? I like it. What was the motivation?
Noah Jennings: Umm...just a someone who couldn't be here tonight I guess. I mean he is...but he isn't.
Nerma: ...Yeah alright.
Makoto Angel: This announce table is getting so crowded! We have some much fun tonight! I'm excited! Two matches with Angels! You can't beat that. PLUS, I have it on good authority that Christina Angel will be seconding Nani Angel to the ring tonight. I love seeing the family getting along and-
Nerma: Yeah yeah yeah, you're an Angel and you love Angel stuff. We get it. This is a New Year we're heading towards, so let's make a resolution about that bias huh?
Makoto Angel: *sigh*
Tommy Dukes: Bad Dudes and IronBloods! The Iron Man main event! This is going to be great!
Noah Jennings: And it all starts with this opening ladder match. Let's take it to the ring!
Tommy Dukes: That's my thing.
Noah Jennings: Boss.
Tommy Dukes: Right. It's your thing. Whatever. Let's do tha-wait what? Here comes Chad Salad and the "Heat Parade" as he calls them. What do they what?
Chad Salad: I'm not impressed by North Point! This place you live in sucks! Your sports teams suck, and I don't like the local landmarks you're so proud of! The Heat Paradise is pissed, because we're not on the final show of the year?! That's bull! We deserve a match, and we're not leaving until we get one! So we're challenging any three guys to come out and face us, but you better have thick skin, cause I'm not going to be impressed by you and-
?: Do you really have to have skin to compete? That's going to be a problem.
Chad Salad: Huh?
Tommy Dukes: Nerma look! It's Sans Undertale!
Nerma: And he's not alone!
Noah Jennings: I see my new hires have made it!
Sans Undertale: You probably want someone with "guts" too, but I don't have that going on either, but what I do have is Dem Bones, and Death himself. How's that for a formidable team? With our Agent Manny Calavera, we are known as the "NEW" Skeleton Crew!
Chad Salad: I don't want to fight skeletons?! TOO SPOOKY!
Sans Undertale: TOO late. Hehe.
EBW: Last Clash 2019
North Point Garden, North Point
0. 6-Man Tag: Sans Undertale[o]/Dem Bones/Death beat Chad Salad[x]/Misogynist Paul/Robert Sandwich via Ghaster Buster -> Pin
-The Skeleton Crew caught the Heat Parade completely off guard, battering them down, with Sans Undertale pinning Salad after a Ghaster Buster.
Tommy Dukes: Wow, a hell of a debut for the Skeleton Crew!
Noah Jennings: I always strive to bring out the very permitting.
Makoto Angel: Is that actually Death? Like the REAL Death?
Noah Jennings: Yeah, he said he was out of the job or something, but a big wrestling aficionado, so here we are.
1. EBW World #1 Contender Ladder: Bashin Dan beat Kinniku Mike, Fray Tiburon, Fighter Daron, Dick Wagner, and Firebrand X via Contract Grab
-An intense match full of great wrestling and hardcore spots, especially from Firebrand, but not much in the way of high spots, because high sports are over and dead and I hate them. The ladder was trashed, but while Fighter Daron and Frary Tiburon fought to get another one, Dan jumped off of Dick Wagner's back, onto Kinniku Mike's shoulders, and used him to get to the contract, giving the Dangerous Player the win and the #1 Contender spot.
Noah Jennings: That's how you OFFICIALLY start a Last Clash! Yeah!
Arliss Michaels: I disagree. It's an outrage. Daron wasn't even in the ring! You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
Nerma: So...he doesn't watch much wrestling does he?
2. EBW Women's Television Championship No Rules: Kaie beat Hope Mach(c) via Celtic Hand Grenade x Crucifix Powerbomb -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's Television Champion!
-A hard hitting affair, fought mostly outside of the ring, that saw the ladies go out into the crowd, and fight with whatever they could get their hands on. Back in the ring, Erica's maid Duvalie got involved, clobbering Hope with a chair shot, which allowed Kaie to wind up the Celtic Hand Grenade. A Crucifix Powerbomb lead to the pin.
Nerma: We have a new Television Champion! Kaie is the winner with a major assist from Duvalie. The prim and proper maid got her hands dirty here. The Eisenritter had a secret weapon and it paid off.
Hope Mach made her way to the back, and grabbed an ice pack for her neck. Trevor Mach-10 approached her.
Trevor Mach-10: Hope? Are you alright?
Hope Mach: I'm pissed off obviously, but I'm fine. Dad, you know I can take a lot more than that cheap shot.
Trevor Mach-10: Right. Just glad you're alright. I'm sorry about the loss, but hold your head high, because in a real honorable match, I could easily see you beating her. You'll win the rematch.
Hope Mach: You feeling alright Dad?
Trevor Mach-10: Absolutely. Just...just glad to see you Daughter. I love you.
Hope Mach: you too Dad?
Trevor-10 hugged Hope before meeting with Tack at the curtain.
Tack Angel: You ready to go "War Wolf"? They got your song queued up, so I figure we'll go out to tha-
Trevor Mach-10: I have another song actually, if you don't mind. I was really happy to find it still existed here.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Trevor Mach-10: Nothing. Don't worry about it. Tack, you ready to go my friend?
Tack Angel: Ready whenever you are...."my friend"?
3. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Trevor Mach[o]/Tack Angel beat Hotlanta(c)/KYO(c)[x] via Spinning Back Elbow x Burning Machismo -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions!
-A much different night for Trevor Mach, who was moving methodically, and using his more mat wrestling and power slams. Several tag with Tack, with much less show boating, he talked up his friend when he was down on the mat instead of the usual "bantz". The IronBloods team were in control until Mach hit a Spinning Back Elbow to Hotlanta that took him off his game. As KYO tried to get in, Tack went off the top with a Rider Kick to block him. Mach hit the Burning Machismo for the pin, the win, and the EBW World Tag Team Championships.
Tommy Dukes: UNBELIE- uh....IMPLAUSIBLE! The Bad Dudes just got the win back from the IronBloods and recaptured the World Tag Team Championships! Awesome match there. I don't think we saw Trevor hit a knee once! A different move set, and it worked. Even Tack is surprised as Trevor is handing him his title belt and lifting his hand up.
4. EBW Television Championship: Camilo Ortega(c) beat Amigo and Jamie OD[x] via Gokyo no Waza -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-A frantic, mat based competition, with Jamie OD sneaking in with the cheap shots, that lead to Ortega and Amigo trying to work together to throw him out of the ring, but Hooligan brought a chain to wrap around his fist and clobbered Amigo, who begged the ref not to issue the DQ, as a nasty cut on his face had him bleeding heavily. The shenanigans of OD finally failed when Ortega hit his Gokyo no Waza to score the pin and the title defense.
Tommy Dukes: The leader of the IronBloods retains! The elite group lost their tag edge, but they still have the Television Championship and the World Team Rings. Maybe later, they could even hold the EBW Triple Crown World Championships.
5. "Last Match of 2019" EBW Women's World Championship: Erica(c) beat Nani Angel via Air Raid Crash -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The "Last Match of 2019" and last one of the entire decade, would see Erica put up the Women's World Championship on the line against Nani Angel. The underdog Nani put her years of experience to work, and stretched Erica to her limits looking for a submission. Christina Angel was on the outside to cheer on Nani and keep Kaie away, but the unassuming Duvalie made another move, attacking Christina Angel, but throwing her cast into the side of the ring. Nani tried to block it out, but the distraction gave Erica her opening for the Air Raid Crash and the pin. Erica with the title defense as the year came to an end.
Tommy Dukes: 10-9-8-7-
Makoto Angel: 6-5-4-
Nerma: 3-2-1!
Noah Jennings: Happy New Year EBW!
6. "First Match of 2020" EBW Triple Crown World Championship Iron Man: Swift(c) beat Tomo (4-3) -> Title Defense!
-The first match of the year and decade, and the only match that could have topped the previous World Championship match. Swift and Tomo went all out, with the Wolves and the IronBloods on the outside looking on, but agreeing to stay out of the proceedings. A shocker in the early minutes when Tomo goaded Swift to the top rope and hit the Brainbuster for a pin. Later, Swift followed that up by battering the IronBlood's silent dog and hitting the POUNCE! for the pin. Another pin for Swift came after a Brainbuster escape and a Blackhammer counter. Tomo stopped trying with the Brainbuster, and got creative with a Vertical Suplex Piledriver that capture him a pin. The two fighters went 20 minutes without a fall and without a break. The both collapsed from a choppa choppa lariat battle, and the ref had to make the 10 Count. Neither man got up and the ref called it as a point for both. He was about to stop the match, when they finally crawled back to their feet to continue. With seconds left, Swift narrowly missed a POUNCE!, but with a large SLAP! he took Tomo off his game long enough for Swift to hit a Vertical Suplex Powerbomb for the 1-2-3! The time was up, and Swift narrowly retained the Triple Crown World Championship!
-Tomo beat Swift via Top Rope Brainbuster -> Pin
-Swift beat Tomo via POUNCE! -> Pin
-Swift beat Tomo via Blackhammer -> Pin
-Tomo beat Swift via Vertical Suplex Piledriver -> Pin
-Swift vs. Tomo -> Double 10 Count
-Swift beat Tomo via Vertical Suplex Powerbomb -> Pin
Tommy Dukes: Holy shit! That was amazing! An incredible and worthy main event! That is the bar being set for 2020! Who the hell can possibly top a match of that quality!
Noah Jennings: That's what I'm talking about! That is what I hope EBW can bring in this new decade! If the 2010's were the years of spot fests and flip monkeys, I hope that the "Roarin' 20's" will all about this! REAL wrestling!
Nerma: That does it for us tonight. Thanks for ending 2019 with us and welcoming 2020! Yes, another year of EBW is on the way. I love it to death and even that surprises me.
Makoto Angel: Happy New Year Everyone!
Outside of the North Point Garden
From a building roof across the street, a figure in a hat and trench coat observed as three figures spoke.
Jeff Andonuts: See? That wasn't so bad.
Trevor Mach-10: No, don't get me wrong. I love being in the ring again, battling alongside my friend. It's exhilarating. I just want to get this right. I want to set an example, and look after my family...his family....OUR family.
Degrees-4: I think we're both just overwhelmed with our fortune here. A second chance for me. We both have new families to take care of. I'm just hoping we can live up to expectations.
Jeff Andonuts: You guys are going to do great, I just know it, and it looks like Noah is ready to fall into his role. I think this year will be great for you both and for EBW. I just have something for you to keep in mind. The Camilo Ortega you saw in the ring tonight is from Earth-5. He's NOT the Earth-1 Ortega. Plus, the IronBloods were in league with forces that wanted to assist "Entity V" on this Earth. Who knows what they'll have planned next.
Trevor Mach-10: Whatever happens, we're do what we have to.
Degrees-4: Agreed.
Jeff Andonuts: Alright, well go and celebrate. I think after all that's happened we all earned it.
The group dispersed and the figure watching walked away as well.
?: Heh, so easy to replace huh?
EBW World
Nerma: Welcome to the first EBW World of 2020. I'm here...and apparently Orange is here.
Orange: *thumbs up*
Nerma: Did no one tell him he doesn't do this anymore, or does he just not care?
Orange: *shrug*
Nerma: Yeah whatever. We're not here to talk about all there. We're here because EBW has entered a new decade, and we're starting off strong. A card FULL of the best of the past, present, and future! The main event will see 3WM take on the Dan Club to determine who will face the IronBloods for the Team Championship Rings. We'll also see four women collide to see who will next challenge Erica for the Woman's World Championship. Gold is trying her hand at singles action, after spending some time tagging with...uh...various women. Tracy Angel is stepping up as the next Angel to try and get a piece of Erica. Kimber Blaze is looking to make her rookie year even more incredible, and Calamity Lain, the daughter of Mayor Strong, is also breaking away from her tag team step up for the World Championship. Jamie OD will be bringing a new partner to face the Paradise Collection. NEW Television Champion Kaie has accepted the challenge from Hope Mach, and the two will face off in a Falls Count Anywhere match. A 3-Team Tag will help compile the rankings for the Tag Team Division. It will all kick off with Chad Salad taking on the wildly popular skeleton man Sans Undertale. I'm joined with Sans right now. Sans, we've only got a minute left. What is your advice or warning for Chad Salad?
Sans Undertale: The only way to get the good ending, is not to fight at all.
Nerma: Huh...well alright then. We now take you back to the conclusion of "Star Prince and the Defenders of Everything".
EBW: Xcite 2020
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
1. Singles: Sans Undertale vs. Chad Salad
2. 3-Team Tag: Dick Wagner/Magnum PT vs. Fray Tiburon/Rey Dorado vs. Firebrand X/Subculture
3. EBW Women's Television Championship Falls Count Anywhere: Kaie(c) vs. Hope Mach
4. Tag: Amigo/Kinniku Mike vs. Jamie OD/?
5. EBW Women's World #1 Contender: Gold vs. Tracy Angel vs. Kimber Blaze vs. Calamity Lain
6. EBW World Team #1 Contender: Swift/Trevor Mach/Tack Angel/Generator vs. Bashin Dan/Jammer/Benjamin/Vape
Star Prince and the Defenders of Everything
Star Prince and his team were in the midst of battle against a Cosmic Wizard on burning planet.
Star Prince: Cosmic Wizard V, you horrible monster. You destroy everything you come across, but now you mean to tell me you've taken my friend as well?
Cosmic Wizard V: Ahahaha, indeed I have Star Prince. Mr. Machismo, fell to your evil doppelganger, and his body was cast into the Galactic Terror Vortex! AHAHAHA!
Star Prince: Vile fiend! Star prevail me. I must stop you once and for all!
Narrator: Will the Star Prince be able to stop Cosmic Wizard V and bring peace back to the Universe? Find out next time Star Lights on Star Prince and the Defenders of Everything!
ENN HQ - Star Prince Offices
A livid Tack Angel burst into the room with papers in hand,
Tack Angel: Alright, I have to take a lot from you people because of a stupid contract that pays an obscene amount of money on merchandise sales alone, but this is going too far. The writing for this show is falling apart! I hate it! You KILL Machismo?! You have some jerk wad named "V" kill my friend and toss him into the...what is this..."Galactic Terror Vortex"?! What is this garbage?! Who wrote this?!
The timid writers all pointed to a cubicle at the back of the room, where an unassuming man with unkempt hair and a salt and pepper 5 o'clock shadow, was typing away at his computer.
Tack Angel: You. Hey you! What's your name?!
?: Huh? Who me? I'm Steve.
Tack Angel: Steve? Yeah, of course you are.
Steve: Hey, you're Tack Angel aren't you? Huge fan. One of my favorites to watch. Writing for your show has been great!
Tack Angel: Oh yeah? Well what about all this nonsense? These scripts? You wrote these? What kind of crazy nonsense is this? Destruction of Earths?! Killing my friend?!
Steve: It's heavy stuff I know, but I thought it would be interesting.
Tack Angel: This show is a joke. It doesn't capture the idea of what the Star Prince truly is at all, but at least it's kiddie crap. This got REAL dark. Where did you come up with this stuff?
Steve: It just came to me at the time it was supposed to.
Tack Angel: What does that even mean? Look, just help me out here and don't go so grim dark. I mean you killed Machismo and Doctor Celsius and bunch of other guys that I'm told "do well with the target demo". Let's not chase away viewers here. If the show has to exist, I at least want it to be profitable. A Crystal Kingdom is NOT cheap.
Steve: I bet it's not. Great talk Mr. Angel.
Tack Angel: Yeah yeah yeah. I'm out of here.
Steve: Hey, if you see Chris or Jacob, will you tell them I said hi?
Tack Angel: Who?!
Steve: Oh that's right, you didn't really know them that well. Disregard.
Tack Angel: ...*grumble grumble*...
Steve turned back to his laptop with an innocent smile on his face.
Steve: Heh. That's Tack Angel for you. I wonder how he'll like my next stories.
Steve took a sip from his "World's Best Dad" mug, and typed up a few new words "Apocalypse from Space 1992" and "Tr-".
Steve: Wait...I'm getting ahead of myself.
He then typed "Breaking News".
Channel 2
Anchor Woman: Reporting on a story broke earlier today, it seems Twoson's lovable Happy Happy Cultists, who have spent the years since 199X being a more positive, charitable force in the community have returned to their secluded ways, keeping outsiders from entering the village. Seemingly overnight, the recently built road to Happy Happy Village was blocked off, with the Cultists, now wearing drab, darkened versions of their once bright blue robes. We take you now to Jake Clickbait on the scene in front of Happy Happy Village. Jake?
Jake Clickbait: Yes, I'm here, and as you can see the road is blocked off with sandbags, and I believe the Happy Happy Cultists are armed, though I have no proof or source. If they were though, here is my Top 10 list of guns they would use against me. #10, the-
Anchor Woman: Can we please do that later?
Jake Clickbait: Right. Right. Well here comes one of them right now. Tell us please, what this is all abou-
Former Happy Happy Cultist: Before we were fooled. Our eyes were blind, but now we see, the power behind the power. Our new leader has a new mission for us, and a new way of life. We no longer wish for the outside world to bother us. Leave us in peace. We are now known as "Infernus Ad Astra".
Jake Clickbait: ....Top 10 list of cult names. #10-
Last edited by Machismo (2/23/2020 12:43 am)
The Wolves were entering the arena together sans Trevor Mach and sans Swift...and sans Sans too....obviously.
Tack Angel: It's a New Year everybody!
Generator: We know. Why are you saying it out loud like that? We already know.
Tack Angel: It's just....I just...*sigh* I'm happy about a thing Generator. Sorry, you're such a sad sack. Get over yourself.
Rude: Damn, he got you there Gen.
Generator: ....Yeah, I guess he did. Not sure how I feel about a Tack Angel burn.
Tack Angel: It hurts more cause I'M SUCH A NICE GUY!
Reno: Where are half the guys? Oh wait, that's Trevor right there. What do you have there Trevor?
Trevor Mach-10: Well, I thought we'd start the year off on the right track, as I see the 3 Wolf Moon being a real symbol of hope and justice for EBW.
Tack Angel: Those are your kid's names.
Trevor Mach-10: Yes my friend. That's correct.
Tack Angel: Really? No rude comment about my response? I opened the door for you.
Rude: I don't want to comment on it.
Tack Angel: No, I mean-
Trevor Mach-10: I want to get you guys a "belated Christmas present" Here you go.
Trevor-10 started throwing black, white, and red track suits to the group, with the 3 Wolf Moon logo on the back.
Reno: Wow, that's some sick new merch we could sell.
Trevor Mach-10: Well sure, but I want us to wear them too. A sign of solidarity I guess? I don't know. Maybe I should have run it by you guys first but-
Rude: Nah man, this shit is tight. I'll wear it.
Generator: It's the right size? How did you know?
Trevor Mach-10: Heh. Lucky guess?
Reno: No, this is great stuff Trevor. We appreciate it. Now let's go win us a #1 Contendership tonight.
Trevor Mach-10: That sounds like a plan. Kick some ass, win some titles, and show the people that there are still heroes! Yeah!
The group walked away leaving a very confused Tack Angel behind.
Tack Angel: Gifts and no insults. What's happening here? I'll wear the top, but I'm keeping my Jncos!
Elsewhere Backstage
Bashin Dan and EBW Triple Crown World Champion Swift met in a hallway.
Swift: I was wondering if you'd actually show.
Bashin Dan: I never back down from a challenge.
Swift: Not a challenge. I'm just sizing you up kid. Seeing if you've still got it.
Bashin Dan: Got it?
Swift: That edge you used to take me on. You had it before, and I wanted to see if you had it now. You'd better have it, or you're going to get hurt.
Bashin Dan: Is that a threat?
Swift: A warning. I owe you. Your matches helped me realize I wasn't fighting for the right side. The utter betrayal and back stabbing really set it into motion, but I had my doubts after our bouts last year.
Bashin Dan: I'm only getting better Mr. Swift. Like I said, I never back down.
Swift: You've got the heart alright. You've got the guts too, I'll give you that. But the kind of beating I've been laying down is on a whole other level now. Had to be to finish off that tough bastard Tomo. You better make sure this is what you want.
Bashin Dan: Definitely. I won that match, and the gate is open. I'm ready to go.
Swift: Heh.
EBW: Xcite 2020
Renegade Arena, Saturn City
1. Singles: Sans Undertale beat Chad Salad via T-Bone Suplex -> Pin
-Chad Salad was timid about wrestling the skeleton man, and that was obvious throughout. Sans offered him a hand shake, but the gag skeleton hand that Chad pulled back freaked him out. A T-Bone Suplex lead to the pin.
Tommy Dukes: That's another win for Sans Undertale. I guess he was right about not fighting if you wanted the good end, cause it ended embarrassingly bad for Chad.
Death: Sans is a great guy, and I'm really happy for him.
Nerma: Holy shit, the Grim Reaper is sitting next to us!
Death: Hello! Listen, I know you're freaked out, but I'm just like you now...minus skin and organs mostly.
Nerma: Y-yeah?
Death: Totally! After the reorganization of the universe the death toll was too high, so I found myself out of the job, replaced by the "new way of things" up on high. You know what I mean?
Nerma: No. Not one bit. What the HELL are you talking about?
Death: Just #Deaththings
Nerma: Right. How about you Dem? You got something to say?
Dem Bones: ....
Nerma: I guess not. Hey, have you met Tomo? You guys would have a great discussion.
Tommy Dukes: Speaking of Tomo, we have the IronBloods standing by. Let's take it to them.
Camilo Ortega: The Path is filled with obstacles, but they are easily overcome if we attack them together, and that's exactly what we'll do. The World Championship, those three belts, the ultimate prize, it's still in our gaze, and we will have it. But, right now, we have two teams looking to take our Team Rings. These prove that you're the ultimate unit in the sport, and that's what we are. We're that a so much more. So close to ruling over you all, and you have no idea about it. We'll take this though. For now, this is our consolation. Our proof of dominance. I'd say to kick off this brand new year that was never meant to be, we'll elevate the situation. The IronBloods, the mercenaries, the elite fighters, challenge the winning team of tonight's main face us at New Year Rising War Games.
2. 3-Team Tag: Firebrand X/Subculture[o] beat Dick Wagner/Magnum PT[x] and Fray Tiburon/Rey Dorado via KO Punch -> Pin
-A chaos filled match, with "Magnum Dick" playing the wild cards. The crowd ate up Dick Wagner's antics, but they were more excited to see the returning Rey Dorado teaming with Fray Tiburon. That being said, the excellent and established team of Firebrand X and Subculture won out with a KO Punch from Subbie to PT.
Tommy Dukes: That's a win for you. Subculture, you were looking great out there.
Subculture: That win is dedicated to my wife, whom I wishing a continued speedy recovery. She's about ready to get back to it, and just like me, she needs a win, so that's your motivation baby. I love you.
Firebrand X: We're dedicating matches to our wives now. Gemma...that was for you I suppose...for no good reason. Love you.
Nerma: X is ever the romantic. Whoa, here comes Dick Wagner.
Makoto Angel: I can smell him from here.
Dick Wagner: I was bootin and a scootin out there, and my boy PT took a pin, but that's alright, cause Ol' Dick ain't just looking for tag gold baby. I want to be Dicky Two Belts, cause I need them to hold up my pants. They're not the right size. I grab whatever I can from the merch booth. All the shit I own comes from the gimmick table. You understand? Mah-ku-too, I've got a message for that there Star Prince you're shacking up with. You tell than sumbitch, that I'm coming for that Mars Championship. You tell him to meet me at the Studio, cause we're gonna do a little rasslin'. A big boot, a LARIATOOO, and a 1-2-3. That's a Mars Championship and a pay day for me. Time to find some rats to *bleep*.
Makoto Angel: ...Oh Tack's not going to like that.
3. EBW Women's Television Championship Falls Count Anywhere: Kaie(c) beat Hope Mach via Unconscious Cover -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-Kaie and Hope Mach immediately left the ring for this one, and brawled all around the arena. The fans loved it, throwing stuff for them to use in their bloody brawl. Duvalie was standing nearby, smiling and giving a bow, but Hope expected an attack and kept her at a distance long enough to throw Kaie out into the streets. She shut the door behind herself, and used a bar to prevent Duvalie from following. They continued to brawl into the streets, when suddenly, 21st Century Foxx, and four other figures in masks attacked both women. As they gloated over them, Foxx flipped a coin, and decided to roll Kaie onto Hope, and the five walked off. The ref had no choice but to make a count.
Nerma: What the hell was that?
Makoto Angel: 21st Century Foxx found some major back up. I feel like that was an example. They were making an example out of the two.
Nerma: Kaie looks pissed as she's getting up. She's going after them by herself, but Erica and Duvalie have gotten in the way. That's probably for the best. The numbers game is working against her.
4. Tag: Jamie OD[o]/Jamie XL[Debut] beat Amigo[x]/Kinniku Mike via GTPK -> Pin
-Amigo and Kinniku Mike were caught off guard, as Jamie OD introduced a new wrestler to EBW to back him up. Wearing a black leather vest and pants, the very tall and muscular man with a long ginger mullet was introduced as Jamie XL. Jamies OD and XL was in control, but the strength and experience of the Paradise Collection helped them against the tall rookie. Suddenly Jamie OD shouted something about long retired wrestler "Maurice", which caused a pause long enough for XL to land the big boot. He tagged out to OD and went to brawl with Mike, as Jamie set up Amigo for the GTPK and the pin.
Tommy Dukes: That new guy ain't fooling around. So much strength, power, and ginger....osity? Jamie, where did you find this guy?
Jamie OD: I don't have to tell you SHIT!
Tommy Dukes: Huh...well he's got me there.
5. EBW Women's World #1 Contender: Tracy Angel beat Gold, Kimber Blaze, and Calamity Lain[x] via TikTak -> Pin
-A fantastic fight that saw the four women go all out for the title shot. Calamity Lain seemed to have it won with her signature Lariat on Gold, but Tracy Angel rolled back into the ring and hit a TikTak for the quick pin and victory. Tracy Angel is the next challenger for Erica.
Makoto Angel: YEAH! Alright Tracy! Wooo!
Nerma: *sigh* Yeah alright.
Makoto Angel: That's great, and you know why. This is personal Nerma. She's attacked and hurt so many members of-
Nerma: Wait look, we've got the Eisenritter on the stage, they're looking to attack right now. Erica is not going to wait, but what wait, who is that coming through the crowd?! The fans are going insane! Who is-LADY M'S! LADY M'S! LADY M'S IS BACK!
Lady M's: Whoa now Erica, it's a blast from your past. You weren't planning on attacking my old "friend" were you? Yeah, I know you always wanted some of this, but you didn't get it did you? You wanted to be me when you couldn't be with me. That didn't work out either did it? Took you WAAAY too long to get to where you needed to be, but you got there didn't you? Damn you got there. You're incredible. I can not deny how good you are. You've got it all figured out. You've got the gold. You even have the gold armor. You have the muscle, and you have the crafty maid there. Can't get a read on her yet. I'm sure we'll figure it out, because I might have to stick around a while. I say that because the Women's Division SUCKS right now! Controversial statement?! You think so? Look up there. Look on the stage. That's where your World Champion is. That's where the Television Champion is. They have them, and the rest of you don't. Every single one of you that goes up against Erica gets injured. Every single time. We have you now Tracy? You're the next Angel up to bat? As a favor to you and to Tack, I'm going to stand in your way here. I think you've been too busy on multi-wife misadventures. I think you and Amy Angel were training to join the Saturn City Police? Is that right? You took the time out of that to try and step up for the family? I don't think you have what it takes for this. I don't think any of you are currently where you need to be to get the job done. Don't like it? Reality hurts, invest in ibuprofen.
Tracy Angel: Tali, you and I go way back. We know more about each other than most, and it's something people don't like to talk about, but it happened. We were close for a time. We were both very confused, and very drunk, but we were close. Of course, I find out later that you were mostly pulling the wool over my eyes too. Doing what you did for other reasons. Never actually divorcing Trevor Mach. That broke the trust. But, I have to thank you, because it lead me to where I wanted to be, where I needed to be. It might not make sense to most people, and it doesn't to me sometimes, but it's right. My family, my crazy, extended family, is where I belong. You mess with one of us, that means you mess with all of us. This right here, is more important than whatever we had going on back then. Face turns? Heel turns? It all feels so small to me, when I look at my family, and then I see the woman who is hurting my "sisters". I'll do whatever it takes to prove I want this. I just did. I just got the title shot.
Lady M's: That might prove it to them, but it doesn't mean shit to me Tracy. Doesn't mean shit to me at all. You show me what you've got. Next week, it'll be you and me. How does that sound? If I win....I take your title shot. If you win, I'll watch your back for your match. I'll be at ringside, and if anyone tries to get involved, they'll eat so many right elbows, they'll be begging for a left. What do you say?
Tracy Angel: Yeah...yeah absolutely. You're on!
Nerma: WOW! Just like that, a MEGA MATCH has been put together for next week. I figured the first show of the year was going to be solid, but this tops it in my eyes. The best of the best has returned, and she's looking to fire people up! I can't wait!
Makoto Angel: ....How do they know each other exactly?
Tommy Dukes: *nose bleed*
Nerma: ....Ask Tracy....better yet don't....just forget about it.
Makoto Angel: Oh...alright.
6. EBW World Team #1 Contender: Swift/Trevor Mach[o]/Tack Angel/Generator beat Bashin Dan/Jammer/Benjamin/Vape[x] via Spinning Back Elbow x Burning Machismo -> Pin
-Main event time, as Swift lead the Wolves to the ring in the matching track suits that Trevor Mach curiously purchased for all of them. The Dan Club countered that by coming out in...well whatever they could grab at the last second, so Vape t-shirts. A frantic match between the two, with the #1 Contender matching up well to Swift, who was fighting through injuries from the Iron Man match. Dan didn't hold back though, attacking the weak points, like he learned from his battles with Firebrand X. The finish would come between Mach and Vape though, as the Rated M and World Tag Team Champion used his newly acquired move set to throw the Club off completely. A Spinning Back Elbow, and Mach somehow managed to lift Vape for the Burning Machismo and the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Incredible! I was going to point out that Mach looks like he's aged a lot in a short amount of time, but the he has the strength to lift Vape like that?! Last time I checked, I didn't think he had the knees or back for that, but he pulled it off effortlessly. That's a big win for the Wolves, and a loss for Dan Club, but Dan looks happy. He's congratulating his team on taking them that far. Now he's making a motion towards Swift. He's letting him know he's looking forward to one-on-one competition. At New Year Rising 2020, it will be Swift defending the EBW World Triple Crown Championship against Bashin Dan!
Last edited by Machismo (1/06/2020 3:18 am)
Lady M's hopped off of her motorcycle to see the building she had inherited from her Father being demolished. He was standing by laughing and talking with the construction crew.
Mayor Rex: Yeah, I want this done today, and someone get Lu's brother, or cousin, or whatever the hell, and you let him know the deal is off. No women's wrestling in my city. No wrestling period that I don't authorize!
Lady M's: What the hell is going on here? You backing out of your deal?
Mayor Rex: No, you did.
Lady M's: What are you talking about?
Mayor Rex: Contracts daughter. Shit has fine print all over it. When you went to EBW to play hero and mix it up with your "gal pals", you violated an agreement, and I'm not playing nice with you girl. It's over. No more SPARKLE. EVER! You hear me? Your hesitance cost you.
Lady M's: Maybe it's for the best. A SPARKLE under your thumb would never have been able to grow or prosper, and I especially didn't want you taking credit for hard work that wasn't yours. I left because I had to. I had...I had my reasons, but I came back. I didn't back out of anything. This was your doing because you want to punish me. Is that it? You want to punish me Daddy?
Mayor Rex: Oh, let's not do that you sick twisted bi-
Lady M's: Relax, it's the bantz you old pervert. I'm you daughter, though I wish I wasn't. Especially right now. I'm leaving.
Mayor Rex: Oh no you're not. You're still under contract, a contract that I own.
Lady M's: How do you own any contract I signed? The only contract I signed was for SPARKLE and Tess-
Tess: Happily signed it over to your Father.
Lady M's: The hell?
Tess: See Tali, I was willing to give you another chance, but you just wouldn't commit. You're not willing to get things done. You're too busy wanting to screw around with my daughter again! Is that right?
Lady M's: No, it's-
Tess: I'M TALKING NOW! You listen! People are afraid of you. For what? You're not so scary to me. You never have been. Listen up girly, because your Father and I are business partners now. We're forgetting the past, and looking towards the future, and that doesn't have SPARKLE in it. We have other plans for you though. Oh sure, you want to go wrestle on your off time, that's up to you, but we have you contractually obligated to make us some money, and we know just how we want you to do that.
Lady M's: Well, since my Dad is taking over, I'm guessing it's something sleazy. Want to watch me strip Tess? Like I give a fu-
Tess: Oh no, it's actually quite the opposite.
Lady M's: Eh?
Summers Television Studio
Announcer: Hey kids, it's time for another episode of Captain Sparkle and the Sparkle Scouts!
Kids in audience: YAAAAAAY!
Lady M's, wearing her old M's Style costume, complete with blonde wig, stumbled onto the colorful stage.
Lady M's: ...Oh boy.
Last edited by Machismo (1/03/2020 12:57 pm)
In the cold vacuum of space, the silent stillness was suddenly interrupted by a swirling of space time. Space itself seemed to be twisting and turning around, as a large rock blasted through, spinning at high speeds. The rock switched between light and darkness constantly as the it spun. A being was locked inside a pillar of solid ice, as figures emerged from rubble to stand up against creatures looming en masse to. A figure in denim and leather, with long brown hair and 90's style luka sunglasses (look it up) turned to the creatures, but then turned to the one watching this play out.
?: Hey! You need to wake up! Tell them! 1992! Tell them!
The Mach Residence
Trevor Mach-10 woke up in a cold sweat. The dream he had just witnessed seemed so lucid and real. Justice woke up from the sound of the startled Mach, and the older man made his way to the crib to pick him up.
Trevor Mach-10: There there, it's going to be alright. Heh, it's been such a long time since I had gotten to hold my son like this. My other son I mean. You're my son too. I'd like to think that we all were connected. All the Trevors looking out for all of the Justices. Is that a silly thought? You seem to think so. Are you laughing at me? You handsome little guy. Your Mother's new television show is coming on this morning. Do you want to watch it?
Captain Sparkle and the Sparkle Scouts!
Lady M's was in costume, tied up to a pole, as a hunched over man in a black rope entered the dungeon.
Captain Sparkle: *sigh* Dark Lord Patriarchy, your evil ways have gone too far. You work far too hard to keep down myself and the Sparkle Scouts, and *sigh* make sure that women aren't paid as much as men.
Dark Lord Patriarchy: Ahaha, no that is the work of my most recent creature I created called "The Wage Gap" MWAHAAHAHA! I trust those ropes aren't too tight?
Captain Sparkle: Actually *running her legs together* I wouldn't mind them being a little tighter.
Dark Lord Patriarchy: Huh? What?
Captain Sparkle: And you might want to gag me, cause it could get loud in here. Oh dear, my skirt is so short isn't it?
Dark Lord Patriarchy: This....*breaks character* What are you doing? This isn't in the script.
Narrator: Uh....can Captain Sparkle escape the clutches of toxic masculinity, or will the Sparkle Scouts come together to find their leader, just as soon as they make sure 50% of all corporations have female CEOs? Tune in next time kids!
The Mach Residence
A stunned Trevor Mach-10 turned off the television and stared at the blank screen.
Trevor Mach-10: Uh...maybe that's not for you. I must really be out of touch. Kids watch that?
Summers Television Studio
Director: Alright, what the hell was that?!
Lady M's: Huh? Oh sorry, guess I was into it.
"Dark Lord Patriarchy": You're weird.
Lady M's: Oh I'm weird? This show is such bullshit! What are you trying to teach kids here?
Tess: They're trying to teach them all the core values you despise. Women as victims. I know how much that drives you crazy.
Lady M's: Why the hell would you want that?
Tess: Because you don't, and because that's the world we live in. It's kill or be killed. It's something my children never quite picked up on. I tried being a good mother. A sweet mother. A nurturing mother. But I was left alone, and I quickly found out that I was being used. Used by them, and used by society. I didn't want to be a victim, and what's the best way to do that? Make sure every other woman is.
Lady M's: That a pretty fucked up way of looking at things, but I shouldn't be surprised coming from you. So you're going to pollute the hearts and minds or young girls to make them all victims?
Tess: No, I'm going to do that to piss you off, and remember, you're under contract. You can't do a thing to me or to your Father. I mean, it was a nice try being lewd, live of children's television, but-
Lady M's: Oh don't act like you're not trying to sell sex when you got me wearing this stuff. I have to do this show, and I have to read those lines, but other than that, I'm going to do what I want to do. If it becomes too much of a problem, you might have to just cancel the show.
Tess: ...Dangerous game you're playing Tali. A VERY dangerous game.
Lady M's: Game on bitch.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to the Studio, for another one of our Neon Nights. It's great to be back, isn't it Apple?
Apple Kid: Huh? Yeah, absolutely.
Tommy Dukes: You alright?
Apple Kid: Getting some weird dreams lately. I think I took too much Dramamine on the boat, but we're back on land, and out of enemy territory.
Tommy Dukes: You know, I hear Vance McMad was LIVID that we went to the Garden. He called dibs, and we didn't respect the dibs. That's why we're Renegades.
Apple Kid: And I'm sure messing with a billion dollar company will have no repercussions in the future. When we had a board, we would have talked our way out of that one, but it was big stunt by the Boss Noah Jennings, and it paid off well enough right?
Tommy Dukes: We sold it out! SEW hasn't sold out that building in months. I guess we've "got the touch".
Apple Kid: Don't touch anyone. Let's get to the big main event announcement tonight. Dick Wagner laid down the challenge on Xcite, and Tack Angel is in the building with ancient and legendary Mars Championship.
Tommy Dukes: The belt so mysterious, it has existed decades prior to EBW's formation.
Apple Kid: No mystery there. It was time travel. Kids, sometimes EBW wrestlers dabble in time travel, and I have to hope to Science that they don't blink people out of existence. I mean, this was for the Mars Championship though, so it was totally worth the risk.
Tommy Dukes: I think the desire for it comes from the fact that Tack keeps a death clutch on it. A death WRIST clutch even.
Apple Kid: I was running a D&D game, and I announced that the Mars Championship was on the board, as a joke, and he runs into the room and flips the board. He's that serious about it.
Tommy Dukes: All those wives, all those titles, and all those Jncos. You don't mess with a man that still wears a ball bearing necklace with spiked tip hair in 2020. You just don't do it.
Apple Kid: Before we go to the ring, we have an interview with Bashin Dan. Let's check it out.
Makoto Angel: Bashin Dan, of all the wrestlers on the roster other than my husband, I think you're the coolest. I'm excited to see you challenging for the World Triple Crown Championship, and I know I'm not the only one.
Bashin Dan: I have held the World Championship a few times already, but every time it felt too short for me. It was too fleeting. It wasn't "right" yet, because I wasn't "right" yet. EBW has always had multiple "ACEs" at any given time. They've been considered "Pillars", and while I was a Champion, I didn't feel like a "Pillar".
Makoto Angel: You feel ready now?
Bashin Dan: Something inside of me is burning with a fire like never before. I don't just want to be a "Pillar" anymore. I want to knock down the "Pillars", and solidify myself as the best. I live for the competition, and I live for the challenge, and I can not WAIT for a chance to finally topple Swift. I couldn't do it last year. This year I AM ready.
Makoto Angel: That's exciting. We'll be hearing from Swift next week I think. It's hard to keep track anymore. Producer Steve is over worked, and I feel so bad for him. Back to you guys!
Studio B
Tommy Dukes: Steve's lucky he still has a job dammit!
Apple Kid: Now now, let's not get carried away. Let's.....let's....let's....
Tommy Dukes: Oh! Let's take it to the ring!
Apple Kid: There you go.
Tommy Dukes: I said the line. I said it, and the people went "pop pop pop".
Apple Kid: They sure did buddy.
EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City
1. 6-Man Tag: Jammer[o]/Benjamin/Vape beat Chad Salad/Misogynist Paul/Robert Sandwich[x] via Slam Jam -> Pin
-A pretty one sided affair, with Dan Club crushing the Heat Parade, literally in the case of Vape. Jammer hit a Slam Jam over Vape's shoulders and onto Robert Sandwich for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Nothing is working out for the Heat Parade. They lose to the Skeleton Crew and now the Dan Club.
Apple Kid: Whoa wait! Robert Sandwich is angry! Look at him! He's actually clearing the ring?! What is this?! Where did this come from! It's like "Beast Mode" but-
Tommy Dukes: Yeast Mode! He's going Yeast Mode!
Apple Kid: ....That's going to sell some t-shirts.
2. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Fighter Daron via Release Dragon Suplex -> Pin
-Competitive, but short match between Mike and Daron. Mike was distracted on the outside, as Sal and Amigo were both taunted by Jamie OD and his new enforcer Jamie XL. Daron peppered Mike with shots and nearly took him to the mat, but Mike fought out and hit a Release Dragon Suplex for the pin.
Arliss Michaels: That's garbage! The distraction should have lead to the match being thrown out!
Tommy Dukes: Would that really be better?
Arliss Michaels: My client really needs some wins dammit. If he can't win, I'd rather it NOT be a loss. By the way, buy the t-shirt.
Tommy Dukes: Already have three. *sigh* The wife sleeps in them.
3. Women's Singles: Calamity Lain beat Lt. Lacy Wagner via Lariat -> Pin
-Lain and Wagner put on a clinic, with holds and and old school wrestling, with ZERO HIGH SPOTS, so it wasn't shit. Wagner's failed Military Press lead to the Lain hitting her hard Lariat for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: A great win there for Lain. To think back on the history of Lainey Strong, The "Sunset Rider" has come a long way, and I want to see more of her in Singles competition after all of her tag gold and experience with....Queen Bolshoi right?
Apple Kid: We have Lt. Lacy Wagner coming up here. Lacy, how do you feel about Lady M's returning, and will she run the House of M's again? Also, what are your thoughts on your father's ma-
Lt. Lacy Wagner: That piece of shit is NOT my father! You have to actually be AROUND to be a father!
Apple Kid: Oh...we're getting in too deep here.
4. EBW Mars Championship:
-When the bell rang, Tack Angel kicked Dick Wagner in the groin and walked off with his belt and the DQ loss.
Last edited by Machismo (1/06/2020 9:21 am)