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1/07/2020 10:36 pm  #591

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Crystal Heaven

The Angel Family stared dumbfounded at the television.

Captain Sparkle: Bending me over is so humiliating, but you think that's enough? You'll have to do better than that. Grab that paddle over there.

Narrator: Uh....tune in next time for more Captain Sparkle!

Tack Angel: ...Huh..

Amy Angel: That's NOT acceptable for the children!

Tracy Angel: You know,  I low key knew she was into that stuff, but I didn't want to say anything.

Makoto Angel: You knew about this? How? Did she tell you?

Tracy Angel: *cough cough*

Nani Angel: ...Ropes weren't tight enough for sufficient pain.

Faris Angel: I think that was the point. Just tight enough for-

Amy Angel: Kids! Remember the kids are in the room!

Iroha Angel: Tack? Why did you pause the screen?

Tack Angel: Huh?! What Iroha? What?!

Nani Angel: Tack wishes to tie us up no-

Tack and Amy: NANI!?

Nani Angel: Nani des.

Tack Angel: She reminds me of our nanny Darkness. Wait...where IS Darkness?

Amy Angel: Who?

Tack Angel: Darkness. Our big breasted nanny. She wore armor, but loved taking it off to expose herself?

Amy Angel: ...Heather was our nanny. I don't know who this Darkness is.

Tracy Angel: Me either.

Nani Angel: *nod*

Faris Angel: News to me.

Iroha Angel: I think I would remember this person.

Makoto Angel: What happened between Tali and Tracy?

Tack Angel: So none of you remember her? Am I having a stoke? *sigh* That's REALLY weird. So, we have no nanny then?

Amy Angel: Not true! I found the perfect nanny, and it's NOT a pirate! That's the best part.

Faris Angel: HEY!

Amy Angel: They smell like rum.

Faris Angel: ...Yeah alright.

Amy Angel: Oh, here he comes now.

Tack was shocked as a giant ant, walking on his hind legs, entered the room with a stroller and placed the younger children in it. He made no sound as he reached out for Christina's hand, and they walked off together.

Tack Angel: ....What the hell was that?! A giant ant nanny? That's....AWESOME! I guess that's a suitable replacement, but now that the kids are gone, I want to talk about where we can find some rope, paddles, and-

TV Announcer: And we're back to EBW World, where Nerma is speaking with Dick Wagner!

Nerma: Dick, how are you feeling after-

Dick Wagner: The kick?! I iced down my marbles, took some somas out of the old gimmick bag, and passed out at some motel with a couple rats. If he wants to play dirty, ol' Dick knows how to be dirty. Put that Mars Championship above a Ladder. We'll throw the rules out, and get some color in that ring boy!

Noah Jennings: I love this idea! Consider it booked!

Tack Angel: *spits drink*


Faris Angel walked away from the family and rounded the corner to make a phone call.

Faris Angel: *on the phone* Hello? Jeff? It's Faris. Yeah...yeah we have another missing person. Darkness. Yeah. No one remembers except Tack weirdly enough. I could think of a reason....well two reasons.


1/09/2020 2:31 am  #592

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Zombie U - Parking Lot

Makoto Angel: Makoto here, the roving reporter for EBW....apparently, and I'm looking to get a word with Lady M's. Here she comes now on her motorcycle!

Lady M's: Been a while since I've been here. It's still scary as hell. Try not to bleed on the fans, they tend to eat you.

Makoto Angel: Uh...thanks for the advice? Look at this list. Literally all the questions I have for you.

Lady M's: That's a big list.

M's pulled out a butterfly knife and slashed the list in half.

Lady M's: That's better.

Makoto Angel: Yikes! Uh...alright, what made you come back?

Lady M's: That's a wasted question. I already told you. I'm here to kick the asses of the ladies in this division, to either fire them up or get them out of my way. I don't feel like seeing Erica with a death grip on what I helped build.

Makoto Angel: Alright, well then...uh...what is up with your television show? Why are you wearing a sailor fuku like I do, and what was going on with you and Tracy? Sorry, I just blurted all that out.

Lady M's: Uh....*blush*...has seriously no one told you? Well, you see Tracy and I-

Duvalie: So you are Lady M's, a proper name. A name that I respect. *bows* My name is Duvalie, the proud maid of the Eisen family, and loyal servant to Erica.

Lady M's: I didn't ask for your wiki article. In fact, I didn't ask for anything. What do you want?

Duvalie: Simply to introduce myself, and to see the one Mistress Erica claims used to be one of the best for myself.

Lady M's: No used to about it. I'm still as good as I've ever been. A Smash Mouth and a Sexy Strong Stunner NEVER go out of style.

Duvalie: Hmm...amusing. Hopefully more so than your television show. I wonder how much of a masochist you truly are.

Lady M's: Get in my face again, and you'll find out how quickly I can become a sadist.

Makoto Angel: I'm just going to back away. Good luck tonight. We'll have this conversation later.

Lady M's: Oh hell no, we're not dragging this out. *whispers in Makoto's ear*

Makoto Angel: Uh huh....uh huh....uh huh....NAAAAANIIIIIII?!?

Nani Angel: Hai, Nani de-oh you told her didn't you?

Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, the Adam West of Wrestling, and I'm joined as ever by the lovely wife Nerma, and Makoto Angel for what promises to be an incredible night, as Lady M's returns to action to battle Tracy Angel for the #1 Contender spot. Makoto? Are you alright? You look pale.

Makoto Angel: Huh? Yeah...yeah I'm fine. Just...wrapping my head around a few things.

Nerma: Oh she knows.

Tommy Dukes: Oh! That explains it. Yeah, EBW is weird sometimes right? You'll get used to it eventually.

Makoto Angel: It's not THAT weird right? I mean, my friend Ami and I danced once. It's like that right?

Nerma: Sure, but not at all.

Makoto Angel: No, you know what? It IS fine! I know two ladies who are "special friends". Everyone thinks they're cousi-alright that's a little weird. I'll give you that. BUT...I know three girls who disguise themselves as guys! That's weirder right?!

Nerma: Tracy did that.

Tommy Dukes: Yep. Travis.

Makoto Angel: DRATS!

Nerma: Don't worry about it. That's not the point to all of this tonight. The point is the Women's Division. M's built this division when she won The Ultimate EBW Season 1. Erica followed that up with a win in Season 2. They've been at odds over the years ever since. Erica took a back seat for several years, but now we know why, as she's been dealing with being a member of a wealthy and powerful family behind the scenes. She's embraced it, and gone on a rampage. Now M's is back, to make sure that this time an Angel wife can stand up to Erica. She broke Christina's wrist, and then beat Iroha and Nani. Tracy is next up to bat unless M's beats her tonight. THEN, we get the long awaited Lady M's vs. Erica match. I think either way, it's going to be a great match to add to New Year Rising 2020!

Tommy Dukes: We're kicking things off tonight with the champ Swift, leading the Wolves into battled against the IronBloods. Let's take it to the ring!

EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed

1. 6-Man Tag: Swift/Trevor Mach/Generator beat KYO/Hotlanta/Tomo via DQ
-Highly heated contest that ended when KYO bit into Mach.

Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Mach is bleeding heavily, yet KYO is not laughing. He's not looking mad either. Never seen the monster so blank.

Nerma: Trevor looks confused, wondering why KYO would specifically tear into him. Does he not remember that shark incident?

Makoto Angel: You know, KYO looks to have shaken that and broken hand off very quickly. He's got the cast on, and the taped midsection, but it's like he doesn't even care.

Tommy Dukes: Who the hell is clearing him to wrestle? It can't be Degrees. He'd know better.

2. Tag: Jamie OD/Jamie XL[o] beat Fray Tiburon/Rey Dorado[x] via Big Boot x Powerbomb -> Pin
-A clash of styles, with the new ginger giant Jamie XL making a big statement with a Big Boot and Powerbomb to Lucha star Rey Dorado.

Tommy Dukes: Not a great comeback so far for Dorado, who suffers another loss. I'm wondering what brought him back to team with Fray Tiburon. I'd ask, but Jamie's lurking, and I don't trust that guy.

Nerma: Is it because he's ginger?

Tommy Dukes: ....It MIGHT be because he's ginger. It MIGHT be.

3. EBW Mars Championship Ladder:

-A frantic Tack Angel immediately destroyed the ladder, and frantically battled Dick Wagner to keep him out of the ring. Old school brawling from Wagner, but when Tack whipped Dick into the turnbuckle, the force shook the cable holding the belt, and the belt fell to the mat. The ref tried to grab it, but Tack knocked him out with a high kick, grabbed the title, and ran like hell.

Tommy Dukes: Is that a win?

Nerma: I mean, he did grab the belt.

Makoto Angel: Tack's not usually like this. He wouldn't normally knock out a referee. The title just means a lot to a lot lot. It's worrisome. Can someone please get that ref some ice?

4. Singles: Bashin Dan beat Rude via Brave Clash -> Pin
-The Dangerous Player took on Rude of 3 Wolf Moon, with Reno in his corner. Even a Turks reunion wasn't enough here, as while Rude had the experience, Dan had the heart and intensity. A blocked Rulebreaker lead to the kick to the midsection and the Brave Clash and the pin.

Tommy Dukes: A big win for Bashin Dan. Dan the Man is going to have to be at his best for New Year Rising 2020. This is his shot to become the Triple Crown World Champion, and take the title of ACE once again. This time, he intends to topple the pillars. It's going to take everything he's got.

5. Women's World #1 Contender Decision: Lady M's vs. Tracy Angel ended in a No Contest!
-Match of the night, and classic encounter between two foes who know each other...uh...better than most. Tracy stepped it up, and took the fight to M's. The crowd was loving it and eating it up, but it fell apart when suddenly, Duvalie ran into the ring and smashed a glass object into Tracy's face, and pulled a cord out from her dress and used it to try and strangle Lady M's. Security pulled her off as she she bowed and ran to the back.

Nerma: What happened there?! What was Duvalie doing?!

Makoto Angel: Oh no! Tracy?! Tracy are you alright? What was that? Glass?

Nerma: Damn. Tracy is bleeding and M's is just now coming to. What is going on here?!

     Thread Starter

1/10/2020 12:54 am  #593

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW World

Nerma: Nerma here in the Control Center for EBW World. Orange is still lurking, but whatever. At this point I assume he lives here. We had a hell of an Xcite. The big story coming out of it was nothing about the Wolves, the IronBloods, or the Dan Club. No, it was all about the main event. We saw a fantastic return for Lady M's, as she took on Tracy Angel. The match was thrown out after Duvalie, the maid for Erica, got into the ring and attacked Tracy with what we can now confirm was a bottle of perfume. Yeah, she smashed perfume right into her face. Then, Duvalie choked out M's with a cord before skipping on her merry way. Erica had this to say.


Erica: The business of the Eisenritter stays with the Eisenritter. Did I tell her to go out there and do that, or did she do it on her own? Draw your own conclusions.


Nerma: We got nothing from that, except that she doesn't care I guess. Thanks guys. Couldn't have tried harder? No? We have footage of what happened to Tracy after the event. Let's check it out.

Zombie U - Backstage

EMTs were tending to Tracy, cleaning out her eyes, and pulling glass from her face.

Tack Angel: Tracy, are you alright?

Tracy Angel: I can't see.

Tack Angel: Oh no, not you too. Subculture come over here! You're going to have to teach her how to be blind!

Subculture: What?

Degrees-4: She's not going to be blind Mr. Angel. Calm down. She can't see at the moment, but once we flush out the perfume, she'll be alright. It's the glass that was a bigger issue. We're lucky no glass got into her eyes.

Faris Angel: It's not as bad as what we dealt with lately right Doc?

Degrees-4: ...Huh? Yes Mrs. Angel, I've seen far worse. We're going to have her stitched up and ready to go shortly. Don't you worry.

Faris Angel: Mrs. Angel?

Degrees-4: Huh?

Tracy Angel: You finish this. You patch me up. I need to find this chick and return the favor!

Amy Angel: You and Tali didn't really get to-

Makoto Angel: Didn't get to what?!

Amy Angel: Settle the score?

Makoto Angel: Oh right. Right! Of course!

Tracy Angel: Makoto, the only one I'm going to *bleep* is the Eisenritter. *bleep* up that is. You tell them that the old Tracy Angel is ready to take them apart!

Makoto Angel: ....2 dollars in the swear jar.

Iroha Angel: It IS customary.

Faris broke off from the family and followed Degrees-4 as he went to grab some supplies.

Faris Angel: Doc? What's up with you? Are you alright?

Degrees-4: Who me? Yeah, I'm fine.

Faris Angel: You're acting like you don't know me. Did you hit your head or something? Are you having memory issues because of the Sanct-

Degrees-4: You remember?

Faris Angel: Yeah, of course I do. I was there. I was fighting on Earth-50 and Earth-14 when we lost the Apple Core, and I ended up with all of you in Magicant later. When the dust cleared, we were back home, but it wasn't exactly like before. People forgotten...places and names changed. You do remember me still right? EBW Time Force?

Degrees-4: Time Force...right.

Faris Angel:'re're not Doc are you?

Degrees-4: .....

Faris Angel: You're not the Degrees of Earth-1?

Degrees-4: ...*sigh* I sort of am now.

Faris Angel: I don't understand. Does that mean-

Degrees-4: *nods*

Faris Angel: *gasp*

Degrees-4: Shhh. It's alright. I understand how you're feeling. He...he died to save us all...including me. He asked me to look after his family, and make them mine. That's what I'm doing, to the best of my ability, but of course things aren't the same here as they were on Earth-4, but it's gone now. I need your help alright? Help me to "catch up" with events. Please?

Faris Angel: ...I will...yes of course...for the Doc.


Nerma: So I've been told Tracy has been cleared, but in a company where they keep clearing KYO that's not as much of a surprise. Tracy will be getting the title shot at New Year Rising, because Lady M's is going to be taking on Duvalie in a No Rules match. Plus, Hope Mach is going to take another shot at Kaie in a Submission match for the Television title. It's all out war, when the Machs and Angels take on the Eisenritter at New Year Rising 2020 ONLY on ENN+

EBW: New Year Rising 2020
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett

1. EBW Women's Television Championship Submission: Kaie(c) vs. Hope Mach
2. No Rules Women's: Lady M's vs. Duvalie
3. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Trevor Mach(c)/Tack Angel(c) vs. Subculture/Firebrand X vs. Generator/KYO
4. EBW Women's World Championship: Erica(c) vs. Tracy Angel
5. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Swift(c) vs. Bashin Dan

Paradise City Gym

Amigo and Kinniku Mike were hard at work, lifting weights, and suplexing heavy bags on the mat, when Amigo suddenly stopped.

Kinniku Mike: What's wrong bro. You pull a tit muscle? You just gotta work through the pain. Flex those Strong Tits, go UUUUuuuu!, and keep lift-

Amigo: No Mike, that's not it. I just have this nagging feeling.

Kinniku Mike: In the Strong Tits tm?

Amigo: No, not in the- "tm"? Are you trademarking "Strong Tits"?

Kinniku Mike: ....No?

Amigo: *sigh* Do you feel like we're forgetting something?

Kinniku Mike: I wouldn't know. If I forgot, I wouldn't remember.

Amigo: ...Of course. But seriously. I feel like we're missing...someone.

Kinniku Mike: In the Paradise Collection?

Amigo: Yeah.

Kinniku Mike: Well other than Tomo, it's always just been you and me. Sal brought us back together so he could retire and manage some winners. He's a better Agent than he is a tag partner, I'll give him that much. Dude sucked at that.

Amigo: ...Is that right though?

Kinniku Mike: Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about. Imma get my pump on.

Amigo: Right right. Huh.

Amigo walked outside to get some air, and happened to see Jamie OD sitting on the other side of the road, with Jamie XL standing behind him, staring right at Amigo.

Amigo: The hell do you guys want?

Jamie OD: Oh, we were just in the neighborhood, but now that you mention it, a fight sounds fun.

Amigo: I do my fighting in the ring, so if you want that, I'll be happy to give it to you. Mike and I are more than happy to take you down.

Jamie OD: You're not even paying attention to my buddy Jamie XL here.

Amigo: ...Something unsettling about you ginger.

Jamie OD: Or MAYBE he reminds you of someone you can't remember...but I can. I remember! Haha!

Amigo: Huh?

Jamie OD: Oi, you've lost some marbles up in that melon of yours, and I just happen to have them. I remember the unofficial version. I don't know why, and frankly I don't care, but I remember him, and you don't.

Amigo: You going to inform me?

Jamie OD: Now where's the fun in that. Tell you what. If you and Mike can beat me and XL here, I'll fill you in. Sound good?

Amigo: What do you get out of it?

Jamie OD: A good fight.

Last edited by Machismo (1/10/2020 1:38 am)

     Thread Starter

1/10/2020 2:03 am  #594

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Battle Spirits Gym

Retro Hippie was on the phone as Dan grappled with Hope Mach in a friendly exhibition.

Hope Mach: Come on now "Dangerous Player", I know you can do better than that.

Bashin Dan: *blushing* I'm just...having trouble....reaching...and grabbing and-

Hope Mach: Come on Dan, it's just me. I swear you're like Uncle Tack. It took weeks to get you holding my hand in public without blushing. You can do this. Anything to win the title remember? Going all out? Uh...winner decides what we do for date ni-

Bashin Dan quickly shot around Hope and took her to the mat and rolled her up for the pin.

Hope Mach: No fair, I wasn't ready!


Hope Mach: Heh, why am I not surprised. How about we compromise. Dinner? Then cards?

Bashin Dan: Oh yeah absolutely!

Retro Hippie: *on the phone* Yes! Of course Dan wants that! We're going to make Battle Spirits the most popular game in the world. One day, when humanity is in the vast reaches of space, they're going to take Battle Spirits with them. That's how big I want this game to be. *holds phone away* Don't worry Dan, I'm going to make you rich with this deal, and that's going to make me rich, and then we'll all be rich. Ain't that rich? Heh.

Bashin Dan: As long as it shows everyone the fun of Battle Spirits, I-

Hope Mach: Returning the favor!

Bashin Dan: Huh?

Hope shot behind Dan, and went for a back suplex, but went too far and knocked Dan's head into the mat, knocking him out.

Hope Mach: Oh shit! He really didn't see that coming! Dan, I'm so sorry! Dan?

Dan saw darkness, but then in the darkness stars began to appear. As if outside of his body, he could see all around him. The vastness of space. The whipping astral fire from nebula all around him, and behind him the planet Earth, vast, serene, and apparently round again. Though in front of him, a large chunk of fiery rock was hurting through space, heading towards the planet. Suddenly, Dan zoomed in on the rock being hurtled forward, spinning around with light and darkness alternating on the surface. Ashen ghouls, with embers still burning inside of them, crawled along the surface of the rock, and several figures fought against them. One of them, in denim and leather, with long brown hair and 90's style luka sunglasses, turned as if looking directly at Dan.

?: Warn them! Tell the D-*incomprehensible* Apocalypse! 1992! Warn them!

Dan suddenly came to, bolting up and startling Hope.

Hope Mach: Oh Dan, I'm so sorry I did that. I was just-

Bashin Dan: Huh? It's fine. I'm fine. Are you fine? I'm fine.

Hope Mach: What's wrong? You're turning pale. Do we need to go to the hospital? Maybe go see Doctor Degrees?

Bashin Dan: "Warn them". Tell D-Degrees maybe?

Hope Mach: What are you talking about?

Bashin Dan: I just saw something when I was out. It could've been a dream, but it felt so real. He told me to warn "them" about the Apocalypse, and something about 1992.

Hope Mach: Dan, this is strange, but learning from history, we have to accept the strange and very possible, and very real. I don't want to pass this off as a dream. Let's have the Doc take a look at you. Wait...who was it that told you?

Bashin Dan: ...Your Dad.

     Thread Starter

1/11/2020 1:26 am  #595

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Crystal Heaven

Iroha Angel got up that morning feeling sick to her stomach. She made her way down the stairs to the kitchen, where Helios and Christina were drawing pictures of the family. Helios seemed to be drawing Iroha bigger than the others.

Iroha Angel: Helios? Honey? Why are you drawing me so much bigger than the others? I mean, I know I put on a few pounds the last few weeks, but it was the holidays, and I was informed even a warrior is allowed to relax and let loose during that time of year. I mean, am I really that much bigger? Christina? What are you drawing? Oh no, you have me bigger too! Why? Do you think I'm fat?

Christina Angel: No Mommy Iroha, I just think you have big boobs.

Iroha Angel: Ha! Oh! Is that it? Maybe that's the problem. I'm not putting on weight, I just have a big chest?! Helios, is that why you drew me bigger?

Helios Angel: No Mommy Iroha, you have a big belly. Hehehe.

Iroha Angel: ...I over reached...hoped for too much....felt it. Well, I guess I better get back into shape...just as soon as I go throw up.

Elsewhere, Amy was pouring over internet comments about Tack Angel as he paced back and forth.

Amy Angel: Tack, these comments are indicative of the brand. We have to protect the brand, to protect our family.

Tack Angel: But these people can be so mean.

Amy Angel: They're just lashing out because they don't feel like they're being heard anymore. Imagine if you were actually able to reach them and become their champion. That's merch sales through the roof. That's ratings on the show. That's even more eye balls glued to the upcoming live action show you don't know about. That's a big deal.

Tack Angel: That makes sense. action what now?

Amy Angel: Let's take a look at the comments alright? "Man, that Tack dude is obsessed with that belt." He's got you....uh...humping...a waifu version of the belt. "Mars-tan" it's called.

Tack Angel: Let me see that. Hmmm....better save that...for research.

Amy Angel: No...I don't think I will. What's next. "That Tack Angel is surrounded by hot, big breasted women, and he just can't seem to get enough. His insatiable hunger will be the ruin of us all."

Tack Angel: ...Jealous much!?

Amy Angel: Hmm. "I love Tack Angel, but the Star Prince gimmick is weird to me. What even does it mean? I mean, he's made it clear he wants to rule all of space, and he's already building a very real kingdom in Eagleland. Should we be worried?"

Tack Angel: Man, these guys can't get over some things. I've made it perfectly clear that I just want my humble kingdom right here....and the moon. I'm going to terraform the moon....someday.We could do a show up there! Imagine wrestling in space.

Amy Angel: That happened before, and you blew up a Space Station.

Tack Angel: Oh right.

Amy Angel: Trevor almost died too. Speaking of Trevor. "I can't believe how idiotic these people are, especially Tack. Trevor Mach has obviously been replaced by an older version of himself, possibly from another Earth. Why isn't anyone noticing?" What is he talking about? That's just stupid.

Tack Angel: I know right? Like I don't know my friend. He's just been....acting a little weird lately...and being nice. It's off putting.

Amy Angel: Oh wow, this is a hefty one. "I feel like I could write anything here, and Tack wouldn't care. I could write lines and lines of dialogue. I could write the worlds longest story, complete with twists and turns and emotion, but it wouldn't matter, unless it's something directly about his family or his title belt. If it's not about Tack, who gives a fu-oh.....uh fart? Who gives a fart."

Tack Angel: Hey! That's not true. I care! It's everyone's job to care! I can care about my family, and other stuff too. This person's feelings, I care about them too. I need to let him know that the Star Prince cares about-

Iroha Angel: Well that explains a lot. The test came back positive. I'm pregnant!

Amy Angel: *gasp*

Tack Angel: ....Fuck that guy! I'M GONNA BE A DADDY AGAIN! YEAH!


EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City

Apple Kid: Welcome to the Studio, time for another installment of Neon Nights, where-

Tack Angel: She's pregnant! She's pregnant! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Apple Kid: And we have Tack handing out cigars. Tack, I think that's kid! Oh dear.

Tommy Dukes: It's cool, *chewing on cigar* they're bubble gum. *sigh* I can't get Nerma pregnant...but you know....good for Tack.

Apple Kid: Uh...let's cut to our interview with World Champion Swift that we promised last week, which for us was yesterday, but it's taped so whatever.


Apple Kid: So Swift, you have had an incredible comeback run. You came back in as the scourge of the roster, and now you're a hero to many. One thing that didn't change is that you are the EBW Triple Crown World Champion.

Swift: I didn't change either. Doesn't matter who I running with, or what you thought of me. I wanted competition. I wanted to kick some ass. I wanted a brawl. It's all I ever wanted. Coming from River City, where all you do is fight to survive, and sometimes play a myriad of mini games, all I ever wanted was to be recognized as the toughest son of a bitch. I wanted to make it known, that that ring is MINE! I think after all that shit with Tomo, it's obvious. I mean Tuna Meltzer gave that match 8 Stars.

Apple Kid: Yeah, but ever since he broke 5 Stars, he's been exposed as a hack frau-

Swift: ....

Apple Kid: Let's move on. Bashin Dan gave you many memorable battles in 2019. Do you think he has what it takes to topple you in 2020?

Swift: Honestly? Not a chance. But, that doesn't mean I don't want him to try. Step in that ring like you want to kill me. Fight like YOUR life is on the line, cause it very well could be. Let's have a definitive finish to this one. One way or the other, we'll know who is better.


Apple Kid: And we're back. Look we kept our promise. We remembered a thing from last week. I bet no one even remembers that promise. Whatever. We put too much work into our craft.

Tommy Dukes: Apple Kid is going to take a break now, while I let you all know that Trevor Mach is in the main event tonight! Dick Wagner, having failed to win the Mars Championship, which I question if it's a real title or not, decided to challenge Mach for the Rated M Championship. Mach's response was "Rated M Championship? Oh yeah, sure." So... so there you go.

1. Singles: Fighter Daron beat Jamie XL via DQ
-Jamie XL battered Fighter Daron with his long reach and the barrage of Big Boots and Powerbombs that men of that size can do, and not much else. However, XL refused to let up on the attack, and got himself DQ'd in the process.

Tommy Dukes: OD seems to be pleased with that display, even though it was a loss. I guess it's more about making a statement, and this tall, big booting fella, sure did make a statement.

Arliss Michaels: HOWEVER....that's a win for Daron. Fighter Daron with a win. Get the new t-shirt that says "I was there when Fighter Daron beat Jamie XL". It's on sale now!

Tommy Dukes: What? They're already printed?! That was a risky gamble.

2. EBW Women's Tag Team Championship: Ember Blaze(c)/Lt. Lacy Wagner(c) vs. Kei Akiyama/Kayla Sparkz ended in a No Contest!
-A match that never got off the ground, as 21st Century Foxx and her four masked figures rushed the ring and attacked both teams.

Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Foxx with the attack again! Are we going to get some answers this time?

21st Century Foxx: Are we getting your attention yet? Two title matches so far that we brought to a halt, because we felt like it. You know, I'm tired of the disrespect around her. This tough ass sister is through playing around with this weak bitches. I decided it was time to get what's mine. That's why me and my sisters here have banded together. To get what we want. You can call us the Foxx Force Five!

Apple Kid: Foxx Force Five? I like it!

Tommy Dukes: And Apple's back folks!

3. Tag: Amigo[o]/Kinniku Mike beat Misogynist Paul/Robert Sandwich[x] via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Submission
-A routine squash, with Sal Paradise's team crushing the Heat Paradise in 3 minutes. Amigo tapped out Sandwich to end the match.

Tommy Dukes: Sandwich is livid. He's going into "Yeast Mode" again!

Apple Kid: This would benefit him more if he did this DURING the match. I'm just saying.

Tommy Dukes: Well, the Paradise Collection are as tough as ever, and they seem ready to take on the two Jamies at New Year Rising 2020. Next, we have a debut of a very well known figure outside of EBW. They are ready to "set the world aflame" in our ring. Here comes the opponent Gold.

Apple Kid: She looks lost, clutching that silver chain. It's weird. She needs to get focused, or the former Television Champion might lose to our new talent. I'm not even sure who it is yet? How do you know?

Tommy Dukes: I have connections.

Apple Kid: Wife?

Tommy Dukes: Wife.

Apple Kid: ...I need one.

Tommy Dukes: Without further she comes!

Tommy Dukes: Policewoman and Fire Fighter Patricia Wagon! YEAH!

4. Women's Singles: Patricia Wagon[Debut] beat Gold via Switch Force (Sling Blade) -> Pin
-A fun match, with Patricia Wagon showing her fire and resolve to succeed in the ring like she has on the streets and burning buildings. An escape from a Golden Exploder attempt, lead to Dragon Screws, and a Sling Blade called the Switch Force, that kept Gold down for the count.

Tommy Dukes: Now THAT'S a debut!

Apple Kid: She's perfect! I think I'm in love! How can I make her my rescue girl?

Tommy Dukes: Yikes.

5. EBW Rated M Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Dick Wagner via Spinning Back Elbow x Burning Machismo -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-What was expected to be a bloody brawl, saw Trevor Mach simply spin around Dick and hit the elbow to the back of the head, and finish him off with the Burning Machismo.

Tommy Dukes: Huh. That was....efficient.

Apple Kid: Anyone else notice Trevor got like....A LOT better recently? Please nerf!

Last edited by Machismo (1/11/2020 1:27 am)

     Thread Starter

1/12/2020 12:26 am  #596

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Noah Jennings Office

Jeff Andonuts: This is the perfect place for us all to meet.

Noah Jennings: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Jeff Andonuts: No one ever comes here if they can help it.

Noah Jennings: I appreciate it much much less.

Trevor Mach-10: No truly thank you for this. We need to figure this out.

Degrees-4: So you've been having a recurring dream?

Trevor Mach-10: Yeah, it's very similar each time. A-

Degrees-4: Rock floating in space?

Trevor Mach-10: Yes, but more like hurtling. How did you know? You been getting the same dreams?

Degrees-4: No, I haven't but Bashin Dan has. He and Hope came to me, and I ran a check up on him. He's completely fine, but he's having the same dreams you are.

Trevor Mach-10: Hmmm...interesting.

Faris Angel: So wait, Trevor isn't Trevor? What's going on here?

Trevor Mach-10: Uh...she didn't know? Figured when she found out about you that-

Degrees-4: I honestly forgot to mention it. Adjusting to this new life has been hectic. Then, I get told about all this stuff that the Degrees of Earth-1 did, and my head is spinning.

Trevor Mach-10: I can relate. I work my best to watch over Justice, while also trying to make time for the friends and family of Earth-1 Mach, but I'm finding out more and more that we're very different. Still, it's worth it to see them all again, and to be able to hold my young son again.

Degrees-4: Never thought I'd find myself in a world where everyone I ever cared about is still alive. It's incredible, and-

Faris Angel: Hey. Guys. Seriously, where is the Mach of THIS Earth?

Degrees-4: ...

Trevor Mach-10: You're going to make me say it?

Degrees-4: Well it might be more complicated than even you think.

Trevor Mach-10: Oh really?

Degrees-4: Yeah, because according to Bashin Dan, Trevor-

The door suddenly burst open.

Noah Jennings: Whoa! Who is-

Patricia Wagon: NOBODY MOVE! Patricia Wagon, Galactic Peace Officer!

Noah Jennings instinctively tried to make a break for it, but the siren on top of Patricia's helmet flashed and created blocks out of nowhere that halted Jennings.

Noah Jennings: Right! Right! Putting my hands up!

Jeff Andonuts: Uh didn't you just hire her?

Noah Jennings: Yes! What's this all about?

Patricia Wagon: The people in this room are in violation of Code 01101448! Earth Counterpart Replacement!

Trevor Mach-10: Well, she's not technically wrong.

Degrees-4: It's more complicated than that!

Faris Angel: To be fair...I have no idea what they're doing. I just came to pick up my check and-

Patricia Wagon: I think not! *approaches Trevor Mach-10* Alright buster brown, you're going to tell me where he is! I know you've run into him before! Help me, and maybe we can cut a deal on your sentence!

Trevor Mach-10: Mam, you're a little high energy. Take a DEEP breath, and start by telling me who HE is?

Patricia Wagon: You know who I'm talking about! The scourge of the universe! Giygas! Where is he!?

Trevor Mach-10: ...Uh...someone help me with this?


Patricia Wagon calmed down after hearing the whole story.

Patricia Wagon: So, that's your story then? It checks out.

Faris Angel: It does? Because I was there, and even I don't believe a word they just said.

Patricia Wagon: The GPO has long believed that something happened to the Universe, which is why several identical Earths are swirling around the Milky Way Galaxy. People from these Earths all give off signature readings that go with living on said Earth. Those smart guys in the coats told me all of this stuff, so don't ask me how. They told me that several readings on Earth-1 didn't match. We had Earth-10 for sure, and two Earth signatures that weren't on file.

Trevor Mach-10: Did you say two?

Degrees-4: I'm from Earth-4, or I used to be. We're not aware of anyone else from any other Earth on Earth-1.

Patricia Wagon: Hmm. This is all starting to add up. Several people from Earth-14 are not supposed to be where they are, and the same is said for Earth-10. The only difference in making you our priority Earth to inspect was the addition signature of one cosmic criminal known as Giygas!

Jeff Andonuts: So he's still here? You wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?

Patricia Wagon: Afraid not. That evil scum has disappeared, and I don't know HOW that's possible! He didn't leave through space. I'd know that! My robot is patrolling in orbit.

Jeff Andonuts: Your what now?

Degrees-4: He couldn't travel through the Sanctum could he? That door is closed.

Patricia Wagon: No trace of spatial transport.

Faris Angel: What about temporal?

Degrees-4: Huh?

Faris Angel: Come on Degrees, you should kn-oh never mind, you're not....yeah. Well, luckily for you, I was paying attention. If he didn't travel through space, maybe he traveled through time?

Degrees-4: THAT is a possibility.

Patricia Wagon: ...

Degrees-4: What do you think officer?

Patricia Wagon: Huh? I'm sorry, I was thinking of something else.

Degrees-4: *sigh*

Faris Angel: Your Earth-1 counterpart was able to detect this stuff from his time lab.

Degrees-4: ...You wouldn't happen to know where that is would you?

Faris Angel: I do, because Nosan is living there right now. Let's go.

Time Lab

The group opened the big doors to the garage serving as Nosan's home. The place was a wreck, with Nosan tied up on the ground.

Faris Angel: Nosan! You alright?!

Degrees-4: This place is a wreck.

Nosan: *spits out gag* Don't blame me! They did it! They did all of it! Even that stack of pizza boxes! Totally them!

Degrees-4: ..Sure.

Patricia Wagon: Sir, you've been the victim of a kidnapping and mugging. Remain calm!

Nosan; Wow, she's pretty! She a cop? Wearing THAT? I'm getting a thighful eyeful and I lo-

Faris bopped Nosan on the head.

Faris Angel: Nosan focus, we need the time travel tech. Was it taken?

Nosan: Yeah, I think that's what they came for.

Nosan lead the group to a back room, where computer monitors remained, but a large object was missing from the middle of the room.

Trevor Mach-10: I'm going to guess that was the-

Faris Angel: Time travel device. Yes.

Patricia Wagon: I'm going to ignore the temporal violations for now.

Jeff Andonuts: So I'm highly doubting that Giygas would gag Nosan and leave him like this. So if he didn't get it...who did?

Degrees-4: Look, this is surveillance footage on this monitor here. If we rewind....and rewind....and long were you tied up for?

Nosan: No longer than waiting at the DMV! Wakka wakka!

Degrees-4: ...Put the gag back in his mouth. Alright, here we are. A bunch of guys in robes. Huh. That doesn't help much does it?

Jeff Andonuts: Actually it does. I was alerted by Mr. Face about these guys. The former Happy Happy Cultists have recently had a change of ideology. They go by "Infernus Ad Astra", and they stole the time machine.

Faris Angel: "Infernus Ad Astra"? What does that mean?

Jeff Andonuts: It's Saturn for "Hell to the Stars".

     Thread Starter

1/13/2020 12:25 pm  #597

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Rampage Arena - Parking Lot

A limo pulled up, with the Eisenritter making their way out, with a security detail.

Makoto Angel: Erica! Hey! I want to talk to you! Can you get these red shirts out of my way!

Erica: *nod* To what do I owe the displeasure of an Angel in my way?

Makoto Angel: I have a job to do, and I'm trying to put aside my feelings and do it right. A lot of questions for you. I see you have the security detail here. You afraid of 21st Century Foxx, and her new Foxx Force Five?

Erica: Not in the slightest. She was upset that she was cast out, and she did something about it. Commendable. Kaie might have something to say to her next time they meet, but Foxx DID ensure that Kaie retained the Television Championship. As of right now, the "Foxx Force Five" are not in my cross hairs. That being said, I need assurances that I can conduct business without their involvement.

Makoto Angel: So, you're really just focused on Tracy then. Is this for her? She's pretty livid about Duvalie's attack.

Erica: My maid's actions are her own.

Duvalie: *bows* It's just business. It's all just business.

Erica: Tracy is the next Angel to check off the list. That will be Christina injured and beaten, Iroha beaten, Nani beaten, and Tracy. You're running out of competitors for me Angel Family. I hear that Iroha is going to spit out more children huh? When I'm STILL Champion in 18 years, send them my way. I'll beat them too.

Makoto Angel: ...You can't beat all of us.

Erica: Oh yeah? Do YOU want to step up?

Makoto Angel: I-

Erica: Yeah, I think you should. In fact, I think you should TONIGHT! Duvalie, do I have time on my schedule for that?

Duvalie: We will make the time mistress.

Erica: Perfect.

Makoto Angel: You know what? FINE! I WILL! Don't even worry about the title! I'll do it to prove to you what this family is all about! When I'm done Tracy will beat you, and Kaie will be beaten by Hope Mach, and Duvalie will lose to Lady M-

Erica: Don't say her name in my presence right now. Like a bad illness, she returns to get in my way. M's, I really enjoy watching your "kid's show". Glad to see you demean yourself, the way you always deserved. You Makoto? I'll see you in the ring. What's next on the agenda Duvalie?

Duvalie: Well, you have the action figure deal to iron out, and it was discussed to have you challenge for the EBW Triple Crown World Championship.

Erica: That would be redundant and down right stupid. I'm already the World Champion.

Makoto Angel: ....

Nerma: Welcome to EBW: Xcite! We're in River City, and no your eyes are not deceiving you. Makoto Angel has just stepped into the ring, but she's not there for an interview. People FIGHT in River City, and she's got one on her hands, after trying to interview Erica. I have to give her credit. I really do. She tried to get her job done, and now she's out there standing up for her family. As much as I fear that they are plotting to build an army and take over everything, I have to commend her for this, and here comes Erica. Not wasting any time. Here we go!

EBW: Xcite
Rampage Arena, River City

1. Women's Singles: Erica beat Makoto Angel via DQ
-A short brawl, with Makoto getting in a series of leggy kicks, before being taken down by Erica. Christina, Nani, and Tracy all ran down to brawl with Duvalie and Kaie, when they tried to get involved. The crowd went wild as Lady M's ran out through the crowd and plowed through Erica on her way to get to Duvalie. A chaotic brawl that was not so easily pulled apart.

Nerma: Wow! That is how you start an episode! M's is still on mission, to fire up the roster against Erica, but she made it clear she's none to happy with the maid who choked her out. Wow.

2. Tag: Firebrand X[o]/Subculture beat Jammer/Benjamin[x] via Fireslide -> Pin
-The Dan Club team took the veterans to the limit, but a KO Punch from Subbie sent Benji right into the Fireslide for the 1-2-3.

Tommy Dukes: When the hell did X and Subculture get so good as a team? They might just be the biggest threat to the Bad Dudes and their title reign. Are we going to see the disbanded Elite 4 duke it out?


Makoto Angel: Makoto here...out of breath...and apparently still bleeding from the mouth. Do we really not have anyone else that can do this right now?

Orange: ....*thumbs up*

Makoto Angel: Huh...I guess we don't. I'm outside of the locker room for Trevor Mach, the Rated M and World Tag Team Champion. Tonight, he's bowed out of the main event, that will see the Wolves take on the IronBloods for the World Team Championship Rings. Swift has the chance to become a 4-Crown King once again. So why bow out? For a 15-Minute Time Limit match against Bashin Dan. I want to find out why this decision? Trevor? Trevor, can we talk?

Reno: Whoa! This is the Wolves' locker room, and they are getting ready for their matches. Trevor's next up, and I don't want any distractions for him. He's on a bit of a roll, and we intend to keep it that way.

Makoto Angel: Mach has changed a lot recently, and I just want to know if that's been a part of this decision to bow out of the match to take on Dan instead.

Reno: I can answer that. Trevor is being selfless for the team. He said he has enough titles as it is, and wanted Rude to get his shot. As a friend to Rude going way back, I personally appreciate that. Reminds me of the days when that dude was still in the white robes, and we were splitting zombie skulls in Threed.

Tack Angel: *in the background* I don't remember that!

Reno: I know you don't buddy! Also, you have to remember that Bashin Dan has been like a little brother to Trevor, of course that got muddled when Dan got involved with his daughter, but he accepted their relationship and stepped back to let Dan do his thing. He's still looking out for him though, and this match is for Mach to gauge how good Dan really is, and if he's ready for Swift. I mean if Dan could win, or last the 15 minutes, we'll know that we're going to have an amazing match at New Year Rising 2020....that I believe Swift will still win regardless, but hey, it's the thought that counts right?

Makoto Angel: Huh....what?

3. 15-Minute Singles: Bashin Dan vs. Trevor Mach ended in a Time Limit Draw!
-A match very different from previous encounters between Mach and Dan. Dan was excited to see a new move set in use by Mach, and worked to counter it, ducking a weaving to avoid the elbow. Catch AS catch can wrestling followed, with Dan showing a lot of growth in that department thanks in part to the olympic level training with Hope Mach. Neither could work in a finish, and the time limit expired.

Tommy Dukes: Wow, that was more like a lesson than a match, and I should've been taking notes. Mach with the pat on the back to Dan, raising his hand in respect.

Nerma: Mach's grey's are really showing under that dye job....what? I'm just saying. Man's going grey.

Tommy Dukes: I think he looks alright for 36.

Nerma: You think THAT looks good for 36?!

Tommy Dukes: Hey, you might start getting greys soon yourself. I mean you're-

Nerma: *elbows Dukes*

Tommy Dukes: HU! Point taken! Point taken!

4. Tag: Amigo/Kinniku Mike[o] beat Fray Tiburon/Rey Dorado[x] via Release Dragon Suplex -> Pin
-The Paradise Collection prevailed against the Lucha tandem, with another hard loss for legend Rey Dorado. Mike blocked the Doradorana, and set up Dorado for the 1-2-3. After the match, an injured Rey Dorado tried limping away. His sister Valarie Dorado appeared from the stage and tried to talk to him, but he brushed by her on the way to the back.

Tommy Dukes: I wonder what that's about?

Nerma: I guess we've never truly acknowledged it on air huh? Valarie being the younger sister of Rey Dorado? You'd think it would've been a talking point by now.

Tommy Dukes: They always just sort of missed each other when they were in EBW. When one left the other would return. Like Dorado shifts or something.

Nerma: Or something.


Makoto Angel: Makoto here, following Lady M's, who is angry, and trashing everything she can. M's! M's slow down! M's! I-

Lady M's: Get the mic out of my face. GET THE CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE! Tell that Lakitu to BACK UP! They used to be too afraid to follow me! I'LL REMIND YOU! I come back here, and sacrifice MY TIME, MY BLOOD, AND MY FUTURE, to get choked out by a MAID?! It doesn't end that way. NO IT DOESN'T! You can choke me out, and I'll beg for more, but if you get in MY WAY, I'll END YOU! I'll run through them all, but I'll start with that Duvalie BITCH! Tracy, you got the title match. Don't *bleep* it up!

Makoto Angel: Uh....yeah....GO TRACY! Hehe....heh...oh dear. Tracy? You never choked her out like that did you? Tracy?

5. Women's Singles: Hope Mach vs. 21st Century Foxx ended in a No Contest!
-A payback match for what happened during the match between Hope and Kaie, Hope actually had unlikely backup from Kaie, who appeared and tried to fight the hooded figures that were apart of "Foxx Force Five". Eventually, the action spilled into the ring, and the match was thrown out. Hope and Kaie fought off the group, but realizing they were in the ring together, turned on each other and fought until security could calm them down.

6. EBW World Team Championship: Camilo Ortega(c)/Tomo(c)[o]/Hotlanta(c)/KYO(c) beat Swift/Tack Angel/Generator/Rude[x] via Brainbuster -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-Main event time saw the Wolves and the IronBloods in all out war for the Rings. Frantic paced brawl of a match, that saw 3 Wolf Moon nearly take the Rings, when Rude hit a Rulebreaker on Tomo, but KYO bit into him, which nearly got the match thrown out. Rude asked the ref not to throw it out, and spun him around for the Brainbuster and the pin. The IronBloods walled off the Wolves, and defended the Rings.

Tommy Dukes: Oh that's garbage. Rude got robbed. He didn't want that DQ result, and fell to the Brainbuster instead. You can tell this is far from over. The Wolves and IronBloods are brawling. Here comes Trevor Mach! He's helping get his team to safety. Ortega has the mic.

Camilo Ortega: I thought you could do better than that. Figured you'd be a bigger obstacle on the Path. Well, you got what you wanted didn't you? A shot at these rings? Now, we get our shots. At New Year Rising 2020, KYO wants that Rated M Championship Trevor Mach. You don't deserve it. You were not the same man who won it. You and I both know what I mean.

Trevor Mach-10: What?

Camilo Ortega: Swift, you're tied up with the would be Ace, so I'll tangle with the actual "Ace" going by fan reactions here. Tack Angel, I challenge you. I'll put up the Television Championship, and you, you will put up the Mars Championship. You up for it?

Tack Angel: No.

Camilo Ortega: Are you a coward?

Tack Angel: I don't care. Call me whatever you want. It never bothers me. Literally DO NOT care.

Camilo Ortega: If it's just the Television Championship?

Tack Angel: Absolute-

Camilo Ortega: But not the Mar-

Tack Angel: No way.

Camilo Ortega: *sigh* Remember when EBW: Dark promised not to go after your family? Remember when w00t broke that promise?

Tack Angel: Yes, that I remember.

Camilo Ortega: Well, I don't think these guys or I ever made any promises to break in the first place. That means family is fair game and-

Tack Angel: Fine! You leave them alone, and I'll do it. They're more important....right? Yes...100%. Belto, don't look at me like that.

Generator: He's losing it.

     Thread Starter

1/13/2020 2:02 pm  #598

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Andonuts Lab

A new facility, built near EBW HQ in Saturn City, the Andonuts Lab is where Jeff and Degrees-4 were hard at work on a special mission...

Jeff Andonuts: I remember this being easier before.

Degrees-4: You had a different Degrees to help you.

Jeff Andonuts: I spent too much time not pursuing what really mattered to me. Using science to help people. I should have never been in charge. Degrees and I both, should have just kept to improving technology, so that things like this wouldn't happen again, We should have known they would. They happened, they kept happening. They never stopped.

Degrees-4: Tell me about it. I lost everything, because it never stopped.

Jeff Andonuts: You'd figure with us surviving that end of reality, and reconfiguring the known universe, we'd get a break, but no, suddenly we have Giygas missing, a cult with a time machine, and strange visions of the apocalypse happening in 1992. We can't get this time device built soon enough.

Degrees-4: I never had to work on anything like this. Degrees of Earth-1 switched suits multiple times, while I did not. Still, we can only do our best right?

Jeff Andonuts: You're doing great Doc. You're worthy of the role you've been placed in.

Degrees-4: It's hard, not just staying home, and spending time with my family. It's hard to not just hug my friends. The people I missed for so long, and tell them everything. Degrees gave me a second chance, and I'm not going to screw it up. We're going to get get this right. We'll do better than our best.

Patricia Wagon: I have it set up!

Jeff Andonuts: Oh good!

Degrees-4: She has what set up?

Jeff Andonuts: Come on, I'll show you.

Jeff and Degrees walked up to Officer Patricia Wagon, who slammed the door shut on a panel that projected a large area of space into the room.

Degrees-4: Is this what I think it is?

Jeff Andonuts: It is. Officer Wagon here, was able to give us a map of the known galaxy, and I'm able to overlay the map the way it used to be. Earth-1's universe as it was.

Degrees-4: a lot more different than I was expecting.

Jeff Andonuts: I thought we'd only see a few new Earths, but their placement in the galaxy, giving them an equal distance to a star as our Earth, has changed so much. Plus, we have an interesting dilemma.

Degrees-4: Oh yeah? What's that?

Jeff Andonuts: According to Officer Wagon, this is Earth-10, the Golden Age Earth. This is Earth-14, the Fantasy Earth. This is Earth-48, where Kamen Rider SOUL is from. This is Earth-96, and I have no idea what's going on there. I don't think we ever came in contact with them. This is Earth-1, this is where we're at.

Degrees-4: So, what's the dilemma.

Jeff Andonuts: Well first off, where is Earth-0? Remember Tyro? Said he came from Earth-0. I don't see it anywhere. That's not the problem. The problem is right here.

Degrees-4: What is that? It's like Earth, but-

Jeff Andonuts: Slightly crispy? Yeah, I didn't believe it at first, but after what Patricia Wagon told me, I believe we're looking at Earth-5.

Degrees-4: Earth-5? You mean-

Jeff Andonuts: The Earth of Darkness Angel. It somehow survived. I'm worried Doc. I'm worried that this all connected somehow. I just can't put the pieces together yet.

Degrees-4: We need to get that time device working right now.

     Thread Starter

1/14/2020 1:47 am  #599

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Battle Spirits Dojo

Dan was back at work, hitting the mat, and hitting the table...with his Battle Spirits cards, when he suddenly had a guest arrive...

Bashin Dan: That's another win for me.

Jammer: Tell me I'm doing better at least?

Bashin Dan: ...Considering you tried starting with a deck of Uno cards, I'd say you're improving.

Jammer: Alright! From downtown!

Bashin Dan: Heh....huh? What is-

Trevor Mach-10: Heya Dan.

Bashin Dan: Uh...hey Trevor. I don't think Hope is around today if that's who-

Trevor Mach-10: I was actually hoping to talk to you....alone.

Jammer: Huh? Oh. Whatever. I'll just go shoot some hoops. Sink some three pointers and-who am I kidding?

Bashin Dan: This isn't a delayed reaction about me dating Hope is it?

Trevor Mach-10: What? No. You're an upstanding young man, and I'd be proud to call you son.

Bashin Dan: Son...normally you act like I'm a younger brother. You really ARE a different Trevor aren't you?

Trevor Mach-10: I had a feeling you could tell, but I wasn't sure just how you knew.

Bashin Dan: I could tell from the way you wrestled. It wasn't just different, it was entirely different.

Trevor Mach-10: Very perceptive. You haven't told Hope?

Bashin Dan: I figured that was something between father and daughter. However, I'd really like to know where our Trevor Mach is.

Trevor Mach-10: I thought he was...gone. But, now I'm not so sure anymore, and I have no idea how it's possible. I saw him...and I think you did too.

Bashin Dan: ...1992?

Trevor Mach-10: 1992. We could really use your help I think.

Bashin Dan: ...Whatever you need.

     Thread Starter

1/15/2020 12:45 am  #600

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Andonuts Lab

The completed time machine stood before Trevor Mach-10, Degrees-4, Jeff Andonuts, Bashin Dan, Faris Angel, Patricia Wagon.

Faris Angel: Did you REALLY have to make it an RV again? I'm sure Trevor would have preferred a DeLorean or something.

Trevor Mach-10: I owned a DeLorean on my Earth.

Faris Angel: Of course you did.

Jeff Andonuts: We were best off working off the schematics left behind, and that was for Jackson Kain's RV.

Faris Angel: Speaking of Jackson. Should we get the band back together for this? If we're going to be going through time? We might need the Time Force.

Degrees-4: I'd rather they not go. Selfish reasons. I don't want to drag anyone into this that's not absolutely necessary. Can't let it happen again.

Faris Angel: Have what?

Degrees-4: You stay here. You have a family tha-

Faris Angel: I have job and duty to accomplish. If it's all happening again, I need to be there to help stop it. Don't even try to talk me out of it.

Degrees-4: ...Far be it from me to try.

Nosan: And of course I'm going to go too! I mean, you didn't think you could get it by me did you? I live here!

Degrees-4: ...Right.

Nosan: ...You look at me like you don't even know me.

Degrees-4: Just a....head...full of science.

Nosan: That sounds like you Doc. Heh. You know, I used to be a fan....but now I'm an air conditioner.

Degrees-4: ...Oh that was bad.

Trevor Mach-10: I liked it.

Bashin Dan: I liked it!

Faris Angel: Of course you did.

Jeff Andonuts: So why this specific group again? I mean, I get most of you, but then you brought in Bashin Dan?

Trevor Mach-10: He knew my secret, and he's having the same dreams as you already know. Best not to cover it up. We're both getting a message. I think we were supposed to warn Degrees, and sure enough, through that we have uncovered this plot. "Infernus Ad Astra". So where did they take the original machine?

Degrees-4: The trace program is working...I think. I think. I think. I hope? Yes. We have it. They went...huh...well there it is. The connection. They went to 1992.

Bashin Dan: That's not good. If that's to be believed, it could mean the-

Jeff Andonuts: Apocalypse? Not likely though, because if that happened in 1992, a flying meteor from Space, then we'd all be dead. None of this would be happening.

Faris Angel: You're looking at time like a straight-

Jeff Andonuts: Straight line. You're right. Time doesn't exactly work that way. Instead of a flat line, replace it with a circle, and time happens simultaneously. Whatever is happening in 1992 hasn't happened yet, but when it does, it will overwrite our time. We have to get going.

Faris Angel: Alright, but this could be dangerous. I need to see something before I go.

Saturn City Hospital

The Angel Family surrounded the bed, as the doctor placed the device on Iroha Angel's stomach.

Dr. Tickel: Sweet medicinal shit lady! You have living things growing inside of you!

Iroha Angel: I know! That's why we're here!

Dr. Tickel: For me to....

Iroha Angel: Let us LOOK at them!

Dr. Tickel: Right! Right. That's what this thing does.

Amy Angel: We need better insurance Tack. This is a shit show.

Tack Angel: Yeah, it seems that way.

Makoto Angel: Wait...did you say "THINGS"?

Dr. Tickel: Huh? Oh yeah, we've got five in here from the looks of it.

Angel Family: FIVE?!

Dr. Tickel: AH! Yes! I can count! I think? Yeah, it's five of....whatever those are.

Iroha Angel: Babies! They are babies!

Nani Angel: I will destroy him.

Tracy Angel: See? I told you I don't need to wreck this smokin bod with kids. You all have this handled.

Iroha Angel: Oh...this is going to be unpleasant.

Amy Angel: Probably, but we'll be with you every step of the way. Right Tack? Tack?

Tack Angel: ...The army is growing.

Amy Angel: Tack!

Tack Angel: Huh? Yes, of course Amy, to whatever you just said.

Amy Angel: We have him trained so well.

Faris Angel: This is great. I'm really happy for you Iroha. We've all, with the exception of Tracy, learned what this is like. *looks to her children* and learned the true value of life from it. We all love these children, and we'd do anything for them.

Amy Angel: Why so somber Faris?

Faris Angel: Huh? No reason. I just...need to go take care of something. I'll be back before you know. Love you guys....all of you....except the Doctor. You suck.

Dr. Tickel: I also make house calls! Can I live with you?

Amy Angel: NO! Hey, where did Tack go?

Makoto Angel: I think she followed Faris.

Dr. Tickel: So, I'm looking at this computer screen, the results of your blood test. I think this looks weird.

Amy Angel: You idiot, it's upsidedown. IS weird though.

Tracy Angel: In what way?

Amy Angel: This has all of our DNA on it. According to this, other than Faris, each of us is a biological match for one of the babies within Iroha.

Tracy Angel: ...What?!

Amy Angel: That's what it says.

Tracy Angel: So what you're saying, is that I have a baby, but it's inside Iroha?

Amy Angel: I guess so?

Iroha Angel: How am I supposed to feel about this?

Tracy Angel: So, I'm having a baby, without having to HAVE the baby?!

Amy Angel: Uh-huh.

Tracy Angel: YEAH!

Amy Angel: *sigh* This is a world of madness.


Last edited by Machismo (1/15/2020 4:09 am)

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