Summers Studio
Narrator: And we're back with more Captain Sparkle and the Sparkle Scouts...I hope.
Sparkle Scout #1: The evil Bernie and his Bros tried to stop her, but future President Warren, WILL make you check your privilege.
E. Warren: Thanks ladies. It's an honor to place the blame of all things on white men, and position women in ALL males roles going forward. Thank you for the help Captain Sparkle. I trust I can count on your vote?
Captain Sparkle: I hate you. I hate everything you stand for. No, *bleep* this script. How does this have anything to do with a kid's show about Captain Sparkle?! You can go *bleep* yourself! This feminazi is a bitch! If any kids are watching this show, then they have to know it's *bleep*! Do NOT censor me! I'm in a bad mood already! You can go *bleep* yourselves! Better yet, I'll go *bleep* myself! Find Trevor and-
Andonuts Lab
Trevor Mach-10: 69-70-71-72
Faris Angel: I'm back! Why are you...doing pull ups?
Trevor Mach-10: Keeping the body active and the blood flowing. That keeps you healthy as you get older.
Faris Angel: You look great for....however old you are.
Trevor Mach-10: 56.
Faris Angel: And with abs? Admirable. Here's your shirt.
Trevor Mach-10: We were just waiting on-
Tack Angel: 56!? What's going on here?
Faris Angel: Oh damn. You followed me?
Tack Angel: Of course I did. You seemed in trouble, and I wanted to help you. I love you, and you never let me assist you in your work. That being said *approaches Trevor* who the hell are you, and what have you done to me friend?
Trevor Mach-10: Oh boy.
Twoson - 1992
The RV shimmered and shook, as the air around it swelled and reverberated. As it landed, several hooded figures in the alleys ran away.
Jeff Andonuts: Here we are. 1992. Everybody out.
Degrees-4: That was a bit more crowded than I expected.
Faris Angel: We have unexpected company.
Tack Angel: You really should've told me that the planet was in danger, and it was coming from my beloved stars. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this though.
Trevor Mach-10: I'm glad to have you here with us though. Whatever is going on, you can certainly help us out.
Tack Angel: Don't get close to me imposter. I know you're supposedly still A Trevor Mach, you're not the one I know. I knew something was up. You were TOO NICE!
Lady M's: You think you're pissed?! This guy has been living in my house and watching over my kid!
Trevor Mach-10: Tali, again I-
Lady M's: This does explain A LOT. You wouldn't TOUCH me!
Trevor Mach-10: Didn't seem right?
Lady M's: You bastards are all on my shit list for not telling me that Trevor was DEAD!
Tack Angel: I didn't know! I didn't know about any of this! Some ridiculous worlds ending event that left us with an IMPOSTER! I'm mad too Tali! Yeah! I'm going to stand over here with you, and we'll both stare at them grudgingly. What's up with that guys?!
Trevor Mach-10: It was a lot for everyone to take in, including those of us who had to adjust to all of you. This Earth is VERY different from mine. But, the point was to make sure you would all be alright. Make sure that Justice had a father.
Lady M's: Oh....well...nothing wrong with that I guess. We all know he'd be doomed if it were just me watching him.
Tack Angel: Right!
Lady M's: Hey!
Tack Angel: Sorry, I was in agree with Tali mode!
Bashin Dan: Everyone seems to be forgetting that we're here in 1992 BECAUSE of visions of our Trevor Mach. He...he might not be gone.
Degrees-4: Let's not get our hopes up. We have to see this through first, and find out what Infernus Ad Astra is doing in 1992 with a Time Machine.
Tack Angel: First, let me bask in this.
Lady M's: In what?
Tack Angel: We're home Tali. Look around you. It's the 90's. We're home.
Tack and Tali looked around to take in the bright pastel colors of the early 90's. The big sunglasses, the big pants hanging low, and the optimistic attitudes. Of course the cola wars between Coke and Pepsi were at an all time high, but Power Rangers and Pogs were also just on the horizon.
Tack Angel: We need to look the part!
Lady M's: I totally agree.
Faris Angel: Tack, you DO have a wife on this mission with you!
Tack Angel: You wouldn't understand. You didn't come out for a couple more years!
Faris Angel: Huh? What does he mean by that?
Trevor Mach-10: It's all above my head too.
Degrees-4: ...We're getting off track. Dan? You got anything to add?
Bashin Dan: I wonder what card games they have here?
Degrees-4: Right. About what I expected.
Tack and Tali walked down the street, doing some window shopping. Tack ran into a shop, and came back out with a backwards hat and even more baggy pants. Tali went into a shop and came out with baggy suspenders. They ran across the street to watch some break dancers, and were immersed in the glow of giant box televisions showing off shows like Fresh Prince and the TGIF lineup.
Faris Angel: What are you so excited about? We've got-
Tack Angel: Look! It's Family Matters!
Faris Angel: I think I've seen this one. It's about Carl Matters, that guy from Die Hard, who moves to Windy City to raise his family? The Family Matters?
Tack Angel: ....CLOSE ENOUGH! Yeah! This is great!
Lady M's: Tack, look over there.
Tack Angel: Huh? Oh...there it is. Faris my love, they used to call this place....BLOCKBUSTER!
Standing before them, was the altar of the 90's. The place that best symbolized the time period. Blockbuster Video, and inside, Tack wept and fell to his knees when we saw the kiosk.
Tack Angel: Sonic the Hedgehog 2. *sniff* It's beautiful.
Faris Angel: You have this at home, on several different systems!
Tack Angel: But this...this was the first...and it's even the "Not for Resale" cartridge. This is a wonderland.
The group chased Tack and Tali back outside. '
Trevor Mach-10: You both seem really happy, but we have a job to do.
Lady M's: Maybe we're a little overwhelmed by what you told us. Maybe this is our way of coping.
Tack Angel: That's right. I'm standing over here with you, looking at them again.
Lady M's: Stop that.
Tack Angel: Right.
Faris Angel: Tack, I know it's a bit much but-
Tack Angel: You knew my best friend was dead, and her husband, you kept that from me?
Faris Angel: I literally just found out the other day myself!
Tack Angel: ....Well you come stand over here then.
Degrees-4: Guys, this is wasting time. Something bad happened. Something really bad happened. Possibly the worst thing that could ever happened, and we barely survived it. Now, something is threatening the new reality we helped bring together. I know you don't remember but-
Lady M's:'s...I think I've seen my dreams. That thing that makes you wake up-
Tack Angel: a cold sweat.
Bashin Dan: ....Cade. Why did we forget?
Jeff Andonuts: You were apart of the reality that was folded over. You minimal exposure to the event gave you some semblance of memory, maybe deep down. Maybe it was too horrific to ever truly forget. But think about those fleeting visions, and those people. That's why this is so important.
Tack Angel: ...So that's what Trevor died for?
Trevor Mach-10: He bought us the time we needed to save billions. We wanted to bring him back...give him a proper burial, but he was pulled out into Sanctum Space.
Tack Angel: Sanctum. So, I have vision, instilling me with the confidence to become a father, and THAT is what exposed us all to this danger?
Jeff Andonuts: No, I don't think it's that simple.
Tack Angel: ...I'm sorry...I'm just now noticing the prosthetic leg.
Jeff Andonuts: Yeah? I take that as a compliment. When I'm done, you won't be able to tell the difference. That's the hope anyways.
Tack Angel: Alright, let's take the nostalgia goggles off. This place is amazing, and I don't want anything happening to our happy place. Let's put it right. What do we need to do?
Trevor Mach-10: We need to find where Infernus Ad Astra are, and figure out why they stole the time machine.
Lady M's: Then let's ask them.
Trevor Mach-10: Huh?
Lady M's: They're watching us. Right over there.
M's grabbed a nearby pipe and ran into the alley.
Tack Angel: Oh! Here we go!
Twoson - 1992
Lady M's took the pipe into the alleyway, where 3 men in cloaks were backing away.
Lady M's: So, you WERE spying on us? Didn't think they'd follow you here? These brainy assholes can techno babble anything. Your problem is that they brought me along, so why don't we cut to the chase. What are you doing here?
Cloaked Man: We are Infernus Ad Asta! We bring hell to the stars, the stars shall bring us hell in return!
Lady M's: Not an answer, but an invitation to a beating!
The cloaked men tried taking a swing at M's, but she backed up and clobbered one with the pipe.
Lady M's: Batter up!
The second one stepped up and grabbed M's, but she hit the pipe into his face and went low with the next blow.
Lady M's: Ouch! I crushed at least one of those! Your turn, or you want to give me some answers!
Trevor Mach-10: She's....feisty.
Degrees-4: Not exactly the stealth mission we were hoping for.
Jeff Andonuts: When I knew she was coming, I kind of expected this. Whatever gets the-
Bashin Dan: Oh no! Look out!
Faris Angel: Huh? Above!
Tack Angel: Tali, look up!
Lady M's: Huh?
A giant ant monster dropped down from the two buildings and grabbed M's. M's tried hitting it with the pipe, but the ant threw M's into the group.
Lady M's: The hell is that?!
Jeff Andonuts: It looks like Titanic Ant!
Tack Angel: That thing that broke Swift's foot?! The thing you had to crash the Sky Runner into?!
Jeff Andonuts: You don't remember that! You just heard me saying that to myself a second ago!
Tack Angel: Right! I don't remember that!
Jeff Andonuts: It looks bigger than before, and made of a different material.
?: You can call me AdamANTium, and my master isn't ready for his pawns to be taken off the table yet.
Degrees-4: Who is your master?
AdamANTium: Defeat me, and maybe I'll tell you. Though, I don't see it happening. Hahahaha!
The group backed out onto the street with AdamANTium.
Degrees-4: Wonderful. Well, If we all-
Tack Angel: No, it can't be all of us....only four of us.
Degrees-4: Why?
Tack Angel: ....I don't know.
Trevor Mach-10: I'm in.
Lady M's: Me too.
Tack Angel: That's three.
Faris Angel: Count me in too. *CROSS CHANGER!* *TIME FIRRRRREEEE!*
Tack Angel: wife's Power Ranger.
Several feet away, a wealthy chosen man witnessed the transformation.
Haim Saban: Wow, now THAT'S a concept for a show! No more schlepping for sheckles for me!
Tack Angel: Alright, hit the music!
Tack Angel: Wait...that's not...
Trevor Mach-10: Something feels off.
Faris Angel: I don't-
Lady M's: Screw it! Fight em anyways!
Tack Angel: Timed hits people! Timed hits!
-Tack Angel tried High Kick! 136 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
-Lady M's tried Rolling Elbow! 202 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
-Faris Angel tried Time Fire Kick! 200 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
-Trevor Mach-10 tried Jump! 200 HP of Damage to AdamANTium! 200 HP of Damage to AdamANTium! 200 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
Tack Angel: No, this really isn't right at all. Music's all off!
Trevor Mach-10: Hey, I got the hang of it!
Tack Angel: It's a bad time to be showing me up imposter!
-AdamANTium tried CRUSH! 100 HP of Damage to Trevor Mach-10!
-Faris Angel tried Time Fire Kick! 300 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
-AdamANTium tried PK Flash! Tack Angel was blinded!
-Tack Angel tried High Kick! Tack Angel missed!
-Lady M's tried Pipe Shot! 220 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
-AdamANTium tried CRUSH! 100 HP of Damage to Lady M's!
Lady M's: Ow! You piece of shit!
Trevor Mach-10: Stand back, I've got this!
Lady M's: Stop trying to protect me!
-Trevor Mach-10 tried Burning Machismo! 550 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
-AdamANTium is Attacking! 100 HP of Damage to Lady M's! 100 HP of Damage to Tack Angel! 100 HP of Damage to Trevor Mach-10! 100 HP of Damage to Faris Angel!
-Tack Angel tried Clutch Winged Angel! 999 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
Faris Angel: He CLUTCHED the WRIST, and he's still not down!?
-Faris Angel tried Time Fire Slash! 300 HP of Damage to AdamANTium!
AdamANTium: You'll have to try harder than that! I am clearly unbreakable and-
?: You don't look so unbreakable to me!
AdamANTium: Who is that? Where are you? Have you come to join the ride to hell?
?: Why not try taking a ride on my fist!
AdamANTium: uh...want to take a minute to try that one again?
?: No, I'd rather take that minute to kick your ass!
AdamANTium: Now see, that's much be-
Suddenly a car wildly drove off the top of one of the nearby buildings. A figure jumped out just as the car SMAAAASHED in to AdamANTium. The figure stood up in front of the fire and stepped forward. Clad in denim and leather, the man brushed back his long brown hair, and took off his shades.
Trevor Mach: Hey, what are you guys doing here?
Sanctum Space - Dec 2019
Darkness Angel's attack burst open a hole in the Apple Core, exposing the interior to the growing Void, and sent Trevor Mach's body flying out. The body was propelled out into the vast emptiness, but the trajectory sent it straight into the diminishing Sanctum Space, that source code of reality. It floated into a vast ocean of colors. A cosmic ballet of strings and flashing lights, resembling a nebula creating life for new galaxies in the universe. Deeper into Sanctum Space the body floated, seemingly on course for eternity....
Trevor Mach: *internally* Where....where am I? Is this Heaven? Cause if it is, I would be very surprised. They let anybody in these days I guess.
?: No, it's not quite Paradise for you yet Trevor Mach.
Trevor Mach: *internally* Who are you? I can hear my head? Am I talking through my head? I can't move.
?: You died to save people. You showed courage and benevolence. You helped show us what that means. You gave it definition.
Trevor Mach: *internally* I'm not a good example to follow. Now in the slightest. Can you do something? Can you send me back? I have to stop the Entity.
?: Be not afraid Mach. Everything will be alright.
Trevor Mach; *internally* Is it time to pass on? One last thank you before I go? Where's Death? I was expecting to see my old friend here at the end.
?: He was told to take some time off. We couldn't have him reap your soul. You're the avatar of the author. There is much more left for you. So much more.
Trevor Mach: *internally* I'm the what now?
?: Shhh...just relax....and let us take care of you.
Twoson - 1992
The quiet streets of Twoson suddenly roared to life, as a car pulled away from a massive explosion, followed by several other vehicles. The 1969 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible was driven by Trevor Mach, as he tried reaching into his glove box at the same time.
Trevor Mach: Are they following us still?
Tack Angel: I think so!
Trevor Mach: Damn it! Where is it?!
Lady M's: What are you looking for? Something I can get?
Trevor Mach: Dig in that box, and find my gun!
Trevor Mach-10: So that wasn't YOUR car you flung at the giant ant?
Trevor Mach: Of course not. You of all people should know, we have a better class of car.
Lady M's: Got it.
Trevor Mach: Fire at them!
Tack Angel: Please let me duck!
Lady M's fired at the two vans with darkened windows following closely behind.
Degrees-4: This isn't right! You shouldn't be here!
Trevor Mach: I could say the same thing about you "Doc"! I could say the same for these assholes in the vans! Between them and the monsters, machines, and people going crazy, we're partying like it's 199X around here! Mach-10, take the wheel!
Trevor Mach-10: What? Oh right!
Trevor Mach-10 took the wheel as Trevor Mach got out of the seat and stood up, and jumped onto the van beside the car.
Tack Angel: Is he trying to get himself killed!?
Lady M's: Yo-
Tack Angel: No Tali, don't even say it. I realized it the moment I said it. Just drop it, and maybe a few of these cloaked goons in the process!
Jeff Andonuts: He's acting like they've been here for some time.
Faris Angel: Time travel isn't an exact science right Doc?
Degrees-4: Less so for me than you'd expect.
The van started swerving on the road, as Mach threw open the side door and tossed the cultists out onto the road. The other van tried to smash the car from the other side, but Mach-10's driving helped them escape.
Tack Angel: ....
Trevor Mach-10: ...What?
Tack Angel: Anything you CAN'T do!?
Trevor Mach-10: Been driving a lot of years.
Tack Angel: Doesn't change the fact that I might throw up.
Faris Angel: Oh husband, breathe into the bag!
Trevor got to the front seat and knocked out the driver, and before tossing him out of the door. He motioned for Mach-10 to hit the breaks, which he did, just in time for Mach to veer the van into the other one, jumping out just as they both exploded in front of the Twoson Mall.
Tack Angel: WHOA! I hate driving! I hate BEING in a vehicle! I hate all of this in general!
Lady M's: Where is he?
Trevor Mach-10: Over there!
Trevor Mach stood up and dusted off his jacket, tilting his head side to side to pop his neck.
Trevor Mach: Protip, don't jump out of a speeding ve-HI!
Lady M's ran up and hugged him, before slapping him in the back of the head.
Trevor Mach: Ow! You sure know how to make a guy feel loved Lady!
Lady M's: You idiot, we thought you were dead, and you almost made that happen!
Trevor Mach: No no, that wasn't even close. I'm fine. Besides, I was already dead. I'm not anymore.
Tack Angel: Huh?
Trevor Mach: I'd joke about beating Jesus's respawn time, but I don't want to spend a week doing Hail Marys with the Padre, so forget I said anything. Besides, I was just "mostly dead".
Degrees-4: "Mostly dead"?
Trevor Mach: Basically.
The ground began to shake as several giant moles burst out of the ground.
Trevor Mach: Not more of these guys!
Jeff Andonuts: More?! They look like Mondo Mole!
Trevor Mach: More like a mondo pain in my ass. Tali, shoot at them!
Lady M's: Glady!
Trevor Mach: Tack, "Doc", Dan, and Come on.
Trevor ran to the back of his car and opened the trunk, pulling out several used bats and handing them out.
Trevor Mach: I call it the Ness method, basically wrap these around their heads.
Tack Angel: You been using these a lot?
Trevor Mach: They sell them in every drug store, so yeah, it's easier to get than a gun.
Tack Angel: I miss the 90's.
Jeff Andonuts adjusted his glasses, and took in the scene in front of him, with Lady M's holding off one Mole with a gun, while the others went after the other one with the bats.
Jeff Andonuts: *sigh* This looks like a job for Science.
Jeff lifted the pant leg of his prosthetic leg and detached it. He put it on his shoulder like a bazooka.
Jeff Andonuts: Everyone clear out!
Trevor Mach: Is that a-
Degrees-4: RUN!
Jeff fired pushed a button on the side, and the foot clicked forward, revealing a launcher that sent a missile out that blew up the Mole. He pointed it at the other Mole, and took it out as well.
Degrees-4: How long have you had that?!
Jeff Andonuts: They took my leg! It was only logical that I replace it with a VERY big gun!
Trevor Mach: I like the way you think! We have to keep moving! They keep attacking, because they're trying to distract us.
Lady M's: From what?
Trevor Mach: That's what I'm trying to figure out. I think they're coming from where Happy Happy Village is GOING to be in a couple years.
Trevor Mach-10: Don't let me impede you by any means, but we need to stop and talk about-
Lady M's: What the hell are you doing here?!
Last edited by Machismo (1/21/2020 3:28 pm)
Woods outside of Twoson - 1992
Trevor Mach lead the group through the woods, to where Happy Happy Village would be built in a few years...
Trevor Mach: Come on guys, it's this way.
Lady M's: Wait! Before we go any farther, we really need to talk about this.
Trevor Mach-10: I agree that-
Lady M's: Just Trevor and I need to talk about this, at least at first. Do you guys mind going up ahead?
Bashin Dan: I think we should. Come on guys. I think I remember where this place is. I went there once to challenge the cultists to a card game.
Faris Angel: How did that work out?
Bashin Dan: They built the perfect blue deck.
Faris Angel: Oh! So better than expected.
Tack Angel: Hey wait a minute, if anyone should be leading the way, it's me. As a former Blue Blue Cultist I-
Faris Angel: Wait, you were a-what am I saying? It's blue, and it was about being happy. I get it. I get it.
Bashin Dan: Alright, that's great Tack! Which way do we go?
Tack Angel: I...uh...I don't remember.
Faris Angel: *kisses Tack on the forehead* I know you don't honey.
Jeff Andonuts: I've been there. Follow me.
Trevor Mach-10: We might want to set up camp. It's getting too dark to approach now.
Degrees-4: Why didn't we stay at the hotel?
Trevor Mach-10: They could have more of those cultists waiting. Until we get more information, we need to remain hidden.
Degrees-4: I get that and all, I need to call my family and tell them I'm not coming home?
Faris Angel: You really don't get this time thing like the Earth-1 Doc did.
Degrees-4: It's not my field.
Jeff Andonuts: That sounds JUST like him.
The group went forward into the woods. Lady M's turned to see Trevor climbing on top of a rock, and looking towards the sky.
Trevor Mach: Look at all of those stars. They all didn't use to be there you know?
Lady M's: So I've been told. I've been told a lot of things. About you going there...the "Void", and what happened to you. You-
Trevor's head filled with images of the Earths crumbling around him, and then the sight of his best friend plunging the sword through his chest. His hands twitched.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, it was like nothing I've ever been a part of before, and I wasn't even there to see it through.
Lady M's: So it's true. You died....and yet here you are.
Trevor Mach: Yep, here I am. I did explain everything in the letter. You did get the letter right?
Lady M's: Letter? What letter?
Trevor Mach: I sent it now, with instructions to give it to you in January 2020. Did you not get it?
Lady M's: know me. I never go home.
Trevor Mach: Right. Right. "He" didn't open it?
Lady M's: Probably too respectful to open someone else's mail.
Trevor Mach: Sure. Makes sense. He's not a lot like me, and I mean that as a compliment. He's...the guy I guess I could've been, or maybe he's who I will be later. I don't know. This is who I am now. Lady, the truth is I did die, but at the same time I guess I didn't. My body was repaired, and I was sent here.
Lady M's: Repaired? I'd say more than just repaired. You look...younger. Longer hair...less greys. Not as many scars on the face.
Trevor Mach: No, but I have this wicked scar on my chest now from that damned Darkness Angel. They called me the "Avatar of the Author", and I have no idea what that means, but they said the "story" flows through me. It's your typical Sanctum nonsense. They sent me here, because something still had to be done. When I got here, I could tell things weren't the way they were supposed to be, and I've been keeping a lid on it, but then you all showed up, saying I sent a message to Mach-10 and Bashin Dan.
Lady M's: And you don't recall doing so.
Trevor Mach: I sure don't. I wasn't going to drag anyone else into this. I wanted to handle it myself so....well no one else ended up with a giant sword through the heart. That's why I got this steel bat, custom made, from the drug store obviously, and I've been bashing my way through to get to where I am. I call it my Mach powered bad guy smasher. I...I was going to come back...after it was over of course...if I was allowed. I didn't really have a ride. I mean, I guess I could've written another letter to-
Lady M's stood forward and put her hand on Trevor's mouth.
Lady M's: Shut up...alright? Just...shut up. I...I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead Trevor. I thought I was never going to see you again.
Trevor Mach: You had him to look after-
Lady M's: He's not you. He's not you.
M's kissed Trevor and showed a moment of vulnerability, and Trevor held her under the moonlight.
....from a distance Tack watched with binoculars.
Tack Angel: Yes. My friends are happily reunited. All according to keikaku.
Faris Angel: Stop watching them Tack. Let's go.
Tack Angel: Keikaku means plan!
Outside of the "Village"
Jeff Andonuts and Tack Angel were peaking through the trees, watching cloaked figures enter and leave the large house that would one day belong to Mr. Carpainter.
Jeff Andonuts: So, Ness told me about this place.
Tack Angel: Really? He's my brother in law, and he never speaks to me.
Jeff Andonuts: He said that these guys were all pretty brain washed by the time he gets here.
Tack Angel: Well not these guys. By the time we got here, a whole town had popped up, and we painted it blue.
Jeff Andonuts: He said he was in a large room full of "Blue Blue Cultists" and some of them refused to get out of his way.
Tack Angel: Yeah...that might have been me?
Jeff Andonuts: Learn new things about you everyday. that part of the reason you married Tracy? Some sort of long seeded revenge?
Tack Angel: .....I don't....hold grudges?
Jeff Andonuts: ....Huh. Well, it looks like security is tight, and this device is definitely giving off readings of time displacement. The machine has got to be in there.
Trevor Mach-10: We need a distraction maybe? Something to get eyes off of that building.
Degrees-4: Jeff, you got any more missiles in that leg of yours?
Jeff Andonuts: Only brought the two.
Degrees-4: That's still two more than I was be in your leg. Explains why you didn't let me design your prosthetic...even though it's my field.
Faris Angel: I say we get some of those cloaks and walk right in.
Trevor Mach: Now see Tack, this wife gets it. This wife knows what's up.
Faris Angel: Thank you? Glad you're not dead by the way.
Trevor Mach: Heh...appreciate it. Of course, after what I experienced since... *hands began twitching* No big deal. Lady, you want to grab some goons and bring em over?
Lady M's: Absolu-
Bashin Dan: If you don't mind, I'd like to take care of this one. Really want to contribute to the mission here.
Lady M's: What are you going to do? Show them your cards?
Bashin Dan: Actually yeah.
Lady M's: Wait...I was kidding! Don't do that!
Bashin Dan waded through the bushes and popped out in front of a group guarding the path to the large building.
Bashin Dan: Hey, you guys want to see my deck of cards?
Cultist: *loud screech*
Dan flipped the cards in their faces and attacked, tripping up one cultist, and hitting another with a clothesline. Turning to the others he launched with a cross body.
Lady M's: Is he wrestling right now?
Jeff Andonuts: It's working. They have NO idea what he's doing.
Faris Angel: He's always been an oddball.
Trevor Mach: Is he still dating Hope?
Trevor Mach-10: I believe so yes.
Trevor Mach: H-how do we feel about that?
Trevor Mach-10: You're asking me how we feel?
Trevor Mach: Basically yeah.
As they observed, Dan managed to out maneuver them, and somehow render them all unconscious, using only his wrestling ability.
Bashin Dan: The challenge was to take them out in a non-lethal manner, but since I didn't have weapons, I used this spare deck and....well I just went with it.
Faris Angel: Uh....great?
Bashin Dan: Also, I don't really want to kill people.
Trevor Mach: Well, let me stop you there. They're not exactly people anymore.
Trevor pulled off a mask to reveal a disfigured face with a blank expression.
Bashin Dan: WHOA!
Tack Angel: Yeah, you can just go ahead and cover that back up.
Degrees-4: Fascinating. What caused this?
Trevor Mach-10: I'd imagine whoever is in there caused this. We have four cloaks. Who is going in with me?
Trevor Mach: Me of course.
Lady M's: Yeah, I'm going too.
Bashin Dan: I'd like t-
Tack Angel: Oh no you don't. I'm not letting my friends go in without me. The Star Prince is stepping up.
Faris Angel: You've been off kilter since this all started. You sure about this?
Tack Angel: I was drinking grape juice. I'm totes flushed wife, but I've got my head in the game. If we can put a stop to this here and now let's do it.
Faris Angel: *sigh* Please be careful.
The four put on the cloaks and slowly made their way into the shambling crowd. Carefully, they made their way inside. The room was familiar to Tack, who felt nostalgia seeing the room full of cultists.
Trevor Mach-10: How did they get so many here?
Trevor Mach: No idea, but maybe we should have had one of the science guys come in.
Lady M's: Look, what's that up there?
The group looked onto the main stage as the cultists surrounded a giant chunk of what looked like unmelting ice. A figure was inside, and the cultists seemed to be giving it their life energy, before falling to the ground, and being disposed of by other cultists.
Meanwhile outside...
Bashin Dan: ...Do you guys believe in fate?
Jeff Andonuts: Well I'm a no.
Degrees-4: Yeah, we don't tend to.
Bashin Dan: Seems like fate to me, that we end up here, where Trevor is, to stop whatever this is from happening,
Jeff Andonuts: ...It IS all lining up like that, but I'm thinking it's more of a causality. His actions here lead us to this location at this time.
Bashin Dan: The things I saw, and the battles I fought before coming to EBW, they showed me that no matter how had we try to forge our own path, fate...or destiny....or whatever you want to call unavoidable. You have to face it, whatever it is, and I'm ready to face it head on.
Jeff Andonuts: Well stay tuned Dan, cause you just might have to.
Back inside, the ceremony appeared to be complete...
Tack Angel: Alright, why didn't we stop this?
Lady M's: We're a little outnumbered here Tack. Even I don't like these odds.
Trevor Mach-10: What's happening?
Trevor Mach: I have a feeling that's who summoned them here....and they're waking up.
The crystalline prison cracked more and more, before shattering at the feet of the figure inside. His hair now pure white....when it used to be pure Orange....when he was someone else.
Lady M's: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Tack Angel: Is that who I think it is?
Trevor Mach: *sigh* Well damn.
Giygas: *stretched out arms* Well, I'm glad that actually worked. Hello Trevor. Hello Tack. Hello Tali. Hello....Trevor again? Yes, I can see you out there. Welcome to 1992!
Inside the "Village" - 1992
All the bodies dropped in the room, drained off life, and devoid of purpose, they proceeded to turn to dust.
Lady M's: What the hell!?
Giygas: Look, I did you another favor. I targeted bad people specifically. Really deranged psychos. I reached out and pulled them here, and I made them believe in me. "Infernus Ad Astra". Hell to the Stars. They used their life energy to give me the strength I needed to escape. Did you think I was dead? That's funny, if I'm using that term correctly, because I thought YOU were dead Mach. Instead, I see two of you.
Trevor Mach-10: You were the one that helped Justice, the Degrees, and myself at the Wave Generator.
Giygas: Wow, so you survived too huh?
Trevor Mach: That explains the people losing it, and the monster appearing. It was all you.
Giygas: Yep. It was all me. I had to get out. I have so much work to do, and it couldn't wait until 2020. It had to happen here in 1992. But seriously Mach, how are you alive?
Trevor Mach: You know damn well how. The same reason you were trapped there. They saved me because they failed to eliminate you.
Giygas: Oh? The Sanctum tried to kill me? I'm hurt. After all I've done for them, I AM one of them. After all I did to help all of you?
Lady M's: Help us? What the hell did you do to help us?
Giygas: Oh, you don't know? You don't know?! Ha! It's going to kill you to know that you're alive because of me. I helped stop the Wave Generator. I helped spring the trap! We obviously succeeded right? The Universe was saved....but I can's very different. Huh. Interesting. So many worlds to conquer...and they're all lined up. But hey, we'll get back to that. I'm obviously running out of time. This body is finally falling apart. In that time, I have to stop it from returning. I don't like competition. I'm going to save you once again. Do yourselves a favor. I'll be oh so nice, just this once. You stay out of my way, and you can survive long enough to see what I have in store. You can't beat me. You don't have the power to even try. Let it go, and embrace what's inevitable.
Trevor Mach: I don't think so asshole. You and "Entity V" wanted to keep the Sanctum away, but me, I brought the Sanctum with me.
Mach's eyes began to glow and he leaped up to the stage and took a swing with his bat that hurtled Giygas through the wall.
Tack Angel: Whoa! Where did THAT come from?!
Trevor Mach: How the hell do you think I survived chucking a car off of a building earlier and emerging from the flames?
Tack Angel: ...Well you're very stubborn.
Giygas reemerged from the hole in the wall.
Giygas: ...Ow. Alright? Ow. I'm hurt Trevor. I thought we finally put this all behind us, but if you want to side with the "Source", I don't think I can allow you to be my Malice Rider.
Trevor Mach: You're getting the jokes down.
Giygas: Too bad you'll all be dead soon, cause my next act is a real winner.
Tack Angel: Get him Trev! He can't beat you! He's just playing you!
Trevor took another swing, but Giygas side stepped with lightening fast speed and tossed him though a wall.
Tack Angel: Correction....he's BEEN playing you.
Giygas: Feel the overwhelming power there? I'm far from diminished yet. You're only getting in my way. That other planet is far too close to the prison, and they will release him, but not if I put a stop to it, and claim the power for myself.
Lady M's attacked from behind smashing a chair over Giygas's back, while Tack Angel went for a high kick, and Trevor Mach-10 launched forward with a flying forearm, but he pushed them all back and grabbed Mach-10 by the throat.
Giygas: Want me to kill him Mach? I'll break his neck, and you'll be the last one standing.
Trevor Mach: No! Put him down!
Giygas: Come on Mach-10. I thought you were supposed to be the best Mach?
Giygas tossed him to the side and held his hands towards the ceiling. the roof opened up, and the area surrounding the valley took on a reddish aura. Everyone inside and outside of the building looked up as the sky warped around them. Suddenly, a large desolate planet appeared in the sky.
Jeff Andonuts: Oh that can't be good!
Trevor Mach: Stop this! You're going to rip both planets apart!
Giygas: It's not really here! I'm just opening gate! The shortest distance between two places isn't a straight line! Farewell Mach. I'll make your end as quick as possible when the time comes! Least I can do for my old friend!
Giygas glowed and stretched and as he quickly hurtled towards the other planet. The sky began returning to normal.
Bashin Dan: Is everyone alright?! What happened in here?!
Degrees-4: Oh man.
Jeff Andonuts: A lot of dead bodies in here. Tali? Got something to say about all this?
Lady M's: I didn't do. We couldn't do much of anything.
Tack Angel: Except for Trevor.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, about that Tack. You might find this next part ironic know..."Angel".
Trevor's eyes glowed again, and ethereal wings appeared on his back. He winked at Lady M's and burst into the sky towards the other planet.
Jeff Andonuts: long has he been able to do that?
Trevor Mach-10: He said he brought the Sanctum with him. I guess his connection to the Source made it happen.
Tack Angel: I could do a previous life...I think....being the Star Prince and all. Oh hell, enough of this. We need to get up there and help him!
Jeff Andonuts: Well....they left the original time travel device...along with a bunch of bodies...that are melting? What?
Degrees-4: We need to go, and go now!
Bashin Dan: Is something wrong Doc?
Faris Angel: You've seen that planet before haven't you?
Degrees-4: When we were looking at the map Officer Wagon gave us. That's Earth-5.
Trevor Mach-10: ...He's right. We need to go now.
The dark, desolate world, that somehow survived the Sanctum Extinction, was now in orbit near Neptune, the gravitational forces of the gas giant somehow not crushing this version of Earth. On the surface, soldiers and machines forced the citizens of the Dark Star Empire to bow before the might of the Darkness Angel. In a tower high above Crystal Hell, the shaking hands of Darkness Angel reached for a drink. A woman in a skimpy bikini approached and caressed his face as he stared out of the window at the sky line filled with the planet Neptune.
Amy Angel-5: What appears to be troubling you my Lord. We're all waiting for you in your pleasure room.
Darkness Angel: Not really feeling up to it right now Amy.
Amy Angel-5: You keep saying that, but we all know that the sexual appetites of Tack Angel can not be satiated.
Darkness Angel: ...Have you ever died? Have you ever been inhabited by a being that is somehow more dark than I am? I awake to find my planet and my kingdom in tact, and somehow I still live? I have too many questions that need answers!
Darkness Angel pushed Amy Angel-5 to the floor, but she seemed to enjoy it.
Amy Angel-5: That's what I'm missing.
Darkness Angel: These filthy peasants were almost free from my grip. I can't let that happen.
Amy Angel-5: That's why you should have had children, but you had us all make sure that could never happen too.
Darkness Angel: Do not presume to instruct me woman. No child will ever grow up to take my place, not after our little bitch of a daughter tried to usurp me. I want her found by the way!
Amy Angel-5: That makes two of us. I will choke the life out of that little whore and-
General Swift-5: Lord Angel, we have a problem.
Darkness Angel: What is it!?
General Swift-5: An object flying through space is heading this way.
Darkness Angel: So?
General Swift-5: It looks like a person. It looks like Trevor Mach.
Darkness Angel: Impossible! I....Show me!
As Darkness Angel walked towards the door, he looked to the wall, where a helmet was presented like a trophy.
Darkness Angel: If it's not you Justice Rider....could it be him?
Trevor Mach blasted through space, hurtling towards Neptune, and following the trail of Giygas. He could feel the power of the Source, the astral fire, burning through his veins as he gripped his bat and flew forward. Back on Earth-5, Darkness Angel entered his viewing chamber.
General Swift-5: See? It's definitely Trevor Mach.
Darkness Angel: No...I killed that one too!
General Swift-5: Sir?
Darkness Angel: He's coming for the prize on Triton! STOP HIM!
Generator-5: Shall I open fire sir?
Several missile launchers arose from the ground. The servants of the Dark Star Lord had to run out of the way, as the giant weapons were fired into space. The flying Mach saw them coming and gripped his bat, which took on a large and powerful aura. With giant swings, he managed to bat away the missiles and fly through the flames.
Darkness Angel: Fire more missiles. I SAID FIRE MORE MISSILES!
Rude-5: You heard him! Geez, I thought I was Ru-
Darkness Angel: Save the fucking jokes, or I'll tear your throat out Rude! It's a bad time! Assemble my security in the tower! Put them on high alert! I'll be in my room.
General Swift-5: Yes sir!
As more missiles flew into space, a cloaked figure looked up and saw the explosions occurring.
?: Wow, not only is this Earth displaced out of time and location, but it looks like he's alive too. This could get interesting.
The time machine appeared in the vacuum of space, floating a distance away from the action.
Lady M's: Are we about to die here?
Jeff Andonuts: No, I put us a distance away on purpose. We have a time shell keeping out the vacuum.
Tack Angel: So as long as nothing cracks the shell we're good? I'd steer clear of that then.
Jeff Andonuts: What in the world?
Bashin Dan: That's Mach. He's REALLY not holding back!
Degrees-4: Could he do that before?
Trevor Mach-10: I don't think so. You should follow him in.
Faris Angel: Slowly!
Jeff Andonuts: I know how to drive.
Faris Angel: Right....
Jeff Andonuts: *sigh* You're right. You want to drive?
Faris Angel: Absolutely.
Tack Angel: Wife, if I throw up, don't take it personally.
Faris Angel: I'd be more surprised if you didn't.
Lady M's: Heh. Whatever this is Trevor, I love it.
More missiles flew by and were obliterated by the growing aura pouring out of the bat. Mach hurtled into the atmosphere, and the ethereal wings wrapped in front of him to protect him from the insane heat. Mach burst through the atmosphere and hit the ground like a meteor. Darkness Angel looked on from his room at the top of the tower. Watching as soldiers fired and approached only to be battered by Mach.
Darkness Angel: You bastard. How dare you. How dare you come here. How dare you approach MY KINGDOM! MY WORLD! HOW DARE YOU SURVIVE! HOW DA-
Giygas: So he followed me? *sigh* That's his loss.
Darkness Angel: You?! How did you-
Giygas: Don't worry about that. I go where I want. He's your problem, and maybe I am too, if you don't cooperate. Where is "Entity V"?
Crystal Hell - Earth-5
Giygas looked down from the tower as Trevor Mach continued to batter his way through the army below.
Giygas: They certainly gave him a tune up didn't they? This could get interesting.
Darkness Angel: We both have a mutual enemy down there! We need to kill him NOW!
Giygas: Enemy? That human is my dear friend. You get to to deal with him. I brought him here personally.
Darkness Angel: Why?!
Giygas: Well really, I didn't want him following me, but since he did, this is at least amusing to me.
Darkness Angel: I will kill you you monstrous bastard!
Giygas: Me? Monstrous? Maybe, but it takes a monster to truly know a monster. I love what you've done with your Earth. It feels very comfortable here. Red sky, burning fields. Look, let's get back to subject at hand. Where is "Entity V", and don't act stupid. You know where it is. You're trying to free it.
Darkness Angel: ....It saved my Earth from annihilation, and brought me back to life. Of course I'm going to free it.
Giygas: And start that nasty business all over again? I don't think so.
Darkness Angel drew his sword.
Darkness Angel: You will NOT get in my way. I'm willing to throw anything and everything at you if that's what it takes to stop you. Girls! Get in here!
Amy-5, Nani-5, Tracy-5, Makoto-5, Iroha-5, and Faris-5 all came into the room branding nasty weapons while dressed in lingerie.
Giygas: ...Huh...not TOO much different from the simpleton on Earth-1. Same taste in women I suppose. If you want to fight, I guess I'd better get a workout before my friend gets here.
Meanwhile, the time vehicle parked down on Earth-5.
Trevor Mach-10: This place is a nightmare world. The exact opposite of my Earth. On Earth-10, Crystal Heaven is a glorious nation.
Tack Angel: I like the sound of that better than this. Gimmick infringement for sure. No, this isn't what I'm about at all. I built a kingdom to have a place for my family, where we could live in peace and fight for justice. This...this is a bastardization of all my hopes and dreams. Trevor might have that power going for him, but if I see this Darkness Angel, I'm going to take him down.
Faris Angel: There's the Tack I know getting into the game. Why not free a planet from tyranny while we're here right? Still, it's odd that-
Jeff Andonuts: This is Earth-5 in 1992, and yet it appears to be 2020. I think it's displaced, because it wasn't apart of the Earth's we saved. I guess "Entity V" actually DID protect the planet. I'm shocked.
Degrees-4: That monster took everything away, but spared this place. There must have been a reason.
Bashin Dan: I remember it now. The battle in North Point. Cade bought us time. We saved all those people, but only because he lifted up the tendril of "Entity V". How could I have forgotten my true friend?
Jeff Andonuts: Records show that he disappeared at some point. You live in a world where that's the official version. To be able to remember any of this shows that you're more than meets the eye. Mach was holding something back, and I'm beginning to think you are too.
Bashin Dan: ...It's a long story. It involved cards and-
Jeff Andonuts: I've lost interest.
Bashin Dan: Oh. Well I haven't lost interest in fighting for justice, just like Tack and Faris said. If we can help these people we-
?: You can. You can help me stop them once and for all.
A cloaked figure stepped forward.
?: I followed the light in the sky. Imagine my surprise to see a dead man fighting an army, and then you all arrive. Perfect timing, because if this planet is to survive, the tyrant Darkness Angel needs to be stopped.
The figure took off her cloak.
Christina Angel-5: And I know after all we've been through we can do it together.
Tack Angel and Trevor Mach-10: Christina?!
Last edited by Machismo (1/25/2020 2:33 am)
Underneath Crystal Hell - Earth-5
Christina Angel-5 lead the group through a narrow tunnel, underneath the crystalline empire.
Trevor Mach-10: Wait, Christina, you still didn't tell us what you're doing here?
Christina Angel-5: We'll get to that Dad.
Tack Angel: Dad?! Excuse me?! What is THIS nonsense!
Christina Angel-5: Sorry, I guess you're my Dad too? Trevor is morel like my law.
Trevor Mach-10: You and Justice?!
Faris Angel: Not technically our Christina Tack.
Tack Angel: Only one of our Christinas is TECHNICALLY our Christina! I'm trying to figure out if I like this better than Subculture. I think I do.
Trevor Mach-10: I'm so happy for you Christina! I knew that you and Justice would make a fine couple, but I'm worried because you are here and he is not.
Christina Angel-5: This is something I had to do. When Degrees told me that Earth-5 survived, and was out of flux with time, he found a way to send me here.
Degrees-4: I did?
Christina Angel-5: Degrees-10.
Degrees-10: Yes...right... I knew that.
Jeff Andonuts: So, you found an easier method to traveling through space and time. Degrees-10 must be pretty smart.
Degrees-10: I don't like to brag, but I have experience in this and just about any field.
The group approached a large corridor with an older Degrees standing by.
Degrees-10: We came here to stop this tyrant, and it's great to see we have some backup. I'm looking young over there.
Degrees-4: Thanks I guess. It's good to know I age with dignity.
Trevor Mach-10: Degrees my friend, it's great to see you. Did you really need to drag my daughter in law into harm's way?
Tack Angel: And my daughter! I guess...kind of my daughter!
Degrees-10: It was her idea, and she wasn't going to take no for an answer. We found a way up to Darkness Angel's private quarters through here. It's supposed to be his emergency exit, but it's our ticket up. What brought you all here?
Christina Angel-5: And why is the Trevor Mach of Earth-1 alive....and KICKING ASS?!
Trevor Mach-10: Ummm....lots to pack actually. Trying to prevent the apocalypse I'm thinking. That Giygas fellow is back again. Mach-1 MIGHT be an Angel...not a Tack kind of Angel but an-
Tack Angel: Hey! I'm the Angel around here! It's in my name! Now I'm getting nettled! Super nettled, that this evil imposter is still around imposing his evil will on people! On Earth-1, I intend on imposing my GOOD will on people! It's totally different! I want to kick his head off. Can we please stop talking and go kick his head off?
Lady M's: This is why we're friends Tack. You heard the Star Prince. Let's move it!
Tack Angel: We're friends? *whispers to himself* Yay!
Faris Angel: Hang on, before we go up. Cross Changer! *TIME FIRRRRREEEE!*
Degrees-4: Good idea! Cross Changer! *JET HAVOK RED!*
Degrees-10: Oh yeah, that's a good idea! EPD EMERGENCY! *EPD Red*
Degrees-4: Huh...neat.
Degrees-10: You'll get here, that is if we survive this all.
Degrees-4: Right.
Bashin Dan: Now we're ready. I'm fired up!
Jeff Andonuts: I'm glad someone is.
Tack Angel: I'm the toku fan here!
Lady M's: Right? This is bullshit!
Back on the surface, Trevor Mach stopped battering soldiers and made his way to the entrance to Crystal Hell, which held a disturbing image for him. Nailed to a post were the remains of a fallen hero were shown to the world.
Trevor Mach: Justice Rider? I'm guessing that's me. I'd be more interested in making him pay for that, but I'm here for Giygas!
Suddenly, a window shattered from the top of the tower, and a figure fell from it, landing directly in front of Trevor.
Trevor Mach: Well...that's lucky.
Giygas: Yeah, it turns out your little attack earlier took something out of me. Didn't feel it at first, but-
Trevor Mach: Give me a minute, I'll make sure you feel this one.
Trevor took a swing at Giygas, but Giygas grabbed the bat.
Giygas: Still stronger.
Trevor Mach: I don't care.
Trevor head butt Giygas and freed the bat, taking a swing, but the injured Giygas staggered back, raising his hands and pulling the ground between them up into a barrier.
Trevor Mach: You tell me what you're doing here Giygas. You tell me right now.
Giygas: You tell me what this all about and maybe I'll tell you. They didn't just bring you back like normal did they? They changed you. The Sanctum? Something else? What happened with you?
Trevor Mach: I already told you. The Sanctum came with me, but not because of them, because of me. I made it happen.
Giygas: Ominous. I like that. Fine, I'll give up the "evil master plan". In reality, I'm going to be a hero, a savior to a new reality that will bow to me, because I saved it. Up there, on the moon Triton, are the remains of "Entity V". A piece of him that was left in this reality, when the trap was set by the insects. It survived like I did, being encased in a crystalline prison. Darkness Angel wants to free it. Let it finish what it started. I want to destroy it!
Trevor Mach: Bullshit, you have another motive. You always have another motive.
Giygas: Of course I do. Like you said, I always do. I will absorb its power, and with that power, I will rule the universe, starting of course with Earth-1.
Trevor Mach: Like hell!
Giygas: Look around you, we're already in a place you'd consider hell, but I think I can do better. Ready to find out?
Trevor bashed through the rock wall and continued his attack against Giygas. From above, Darkness Angel looked down smiling.
Darkness Angel: Perfection my deadly sex objects. We put one opponent against another. Now, to watch as they destroy each ot-
Christina Angel-5: Monster! Your reign of terror is coming to an end!
Darkness Angel: *sigh* I can't be happy for a five minutes? Christina, I should have had to kil-
Darkness Angel: ....What the hell is going on here?
Last edited by Machismo (1/27/2020 2:53 am)
Crystal Hell - Earth-5
In the ornate crystalline room, with portraits of Earth-5's feared tyrant covering the walls, the group from various Earths faced off with Darkness Angel and his "sex objects".
Tack Angel: You're a jackass! Just the absolute worst! How can you take a dream to help and protect people, and twist into all of this?!
Darkness Angel: Did you bring one of those inferior doppelgangers into MY palace?! Christina, I'm again so very disappointed.
Tracy Angel-5: This man is supposed to be our Dark Star Lord? Hardly. Now look like you could...handle us.
Lady M's: ...One of your wives is always going to be into me Tack, no matter what Earth.
Tack Angel: Hey! We're here to stop you, and Giygas, and prevent the apocalypse in 1992!
Darkness Angel: I can't presume to know what you're talking about, but you won't be leaving this room alive. That includes you too daughter. I should have killed you much sooner.
Tack Angel: would kill your own daughter?
Trevor Mach-10: Easy Tack.
Tack Angel: YOU....would KILL....your own daughter?!
Lady M's: Here we go. Get ready.
Tack rushed his darker half, with the wives getting in way. Lady M's tackled them to the side while Tack pushed Darkness Angel back and landed a High Kick. Darkness Angel cracked his neck and kicked back, missed, and drew his giant dark sword. The women started to regain their senses as Lady M's ripped a leg off of a table and swung it to keep them away. Faris Angel approached to join her.
Faris Angel: Need some help?
Lady M's: This is new. If you can fight chick, then let's fight.
Faris Angel-5: Oh, we're doing this are we? I'm down. DARK CHANGER! *Psycho Ranger RED!*
Faris Angel: Alright, who saw that coming?
Lady M's: You got to be ki-
Faris-5 pulled out a sword and a gun and started attacking the two women while the other wives surrounded them, keeping them from escaping.
Degrees-10: Ready to jump in Trevor?
Trevor Mach-10: Here we go again old friend.
Degrees-4: Yeah, let's-
General Swift, Generator, and Rude appeared with soldiers.
General Swift: Sir, we-
Darkness Angel: Kill them! Kill them all!
General Swift: How did they-GET THEM!
Bashin Dan: Guys, we have challengers coming this way!
Jeff Andonuts: Let's hold them off!
General Swift: Leave the kid to me!
Bashin Dan: Swift?
Jeff Andonuts: Not the Swift you know Dan. Don't hold back!
Bashin Dan: I never do.
Trevor Mach-10: Let's go!
A frantic free for all from everyone in the room took place, as the two Tacks fought to the balcony, with Christina Angel-5 making her way to get to them.
Darkness Angel: You know it's our birthday today? You really intend to die today imposter?
Tack Angel: You're the imposter! You're the one who is going down today, for all the people you've hurt and enslaved!
Darkness Angel: You intend to kill me too then?
Tack Angel: I want to see you brought to justice by the people that you've wronged....just as soon as I....Clutch the Wrist!
Darkness Angel: No you do-
Suddenly, Christina Angel-5 swooped in and stabbed Darkness Angel in the side.
Darkness Angel: Heh.....heh....well... I guess you're more like me than I thought.
Christina Angel: Your reign of terror ends here tyrant.
Darkness Angel: No...everything ends here. Just as soon as I awaken "Entity V" the only thing other than myself that I would consider a GOD!
Darkness Angel tried to push Christina off the ledge, but Tack grabbed her just in time. Darkness pulled a lever on the wall, and disappeared into a corridor laughing.
Christina Angel-5: You could have stopped him.
Tack Angel: Christina....ANY worth more than revenge, hatred, or anger to me any day.
Christina Angel-5: Thank you...and Happy Birthday I guess.
Tack Angel: Heck of a way to spend it.
The mayhem in the main room intensified, as all parties were gripped in combat. Bashin Dan was locked up with the powerful and imposing General Swift-5.
General Swift-5: Kid, you've got some guts trying to take me on.
Bashin Dan: I think I was brought here for a reason, and that's to take on the biggest challenges. You looked like the biggest one to me.
General Swift-5: At least you're not stupid enough to underestimate me.
General Swift-5 brandished a large axe, which he swung at the young Dan. The Dangerous Player grabbed a sword off a fallen soldier and fought back with steel hitting steel.
Bashin Dan: Yeah...I can do this. I've done this before. Come on!
General Swift-5: Heh, you-
Suddenly the room exploded. The room filled with the explosive power, and knocked everyone to the floor, except for General Swift-5, who was pushed out of the window and over the ledge. Bashin Dan rushed to grab him, and caught his hand just in time.
General Swift-5: What? Why?
Bashin Dan: Don't let go. Hang on to me!
General Swift-5: Honorable man in a world with no honor. You-
General Swift-5 saw one of his soldiers coming up behind Dan, ready to stab him. Swift-5 pulled out a gun and shot the soldier.
General Swift-5: I owed you that.
Dan helped up Swift-5 as the soldiers were defeated, and most of the Angels had been dispersed and retreated. The three sentai inspired heroes fired their blasters at Psycho Red, forcing her to the ground.
Trevor Mach-10: Great job team. That was dangerous setting off that explosion. You could have killed your family as well as yourself.
Faris Angel-5: Ha....ha....I didn't....I didn't set off the bomb.
Christina Angel-5 ran towards General Swift-5.
Christina Angel-5: Uncle Swift! Thank God you're alright!
Tack Angel: Uncle Swift?
Bashin Dan: Now this is an unexpected turn.
General Swift-5: Heh, I guess the jig is up. I was working with Christina for years, as a man on the inside of the resistance. I still had to do things I didn't want to do, and I had to put on a aura of ruthlessness, but helping to raise this child, showed me that this world and its ruler were wrong. Christina, these are some tough allies you brought to the fight, including Mr. Dan over there.
Bashin Dan: Dan is just fine. You're not so bad yourself.
General Swift-5: Whatever happens going forward, I will be openly opposing the evil of the Angels.
Tack Angel: Angels of Earth-5! I'm not evil! Not in the slightest.
General Swift-5: ....Yeah alright. So the other Angels ran off, but we have this one at least to be a prisoner for-
Faris Angel-5: I will NEVER be a prisoner!
Faris Angel: What are you doing? STOP!
Faris Angel-5 smashed her morphing belt, which caused another explosion, taking her out in the process. As the smoke cleared, it became obvious that M's tried to take the blow for Faris, and it knocked her out of the window.
Trevor Mach-10: DAMMIT! NO!
Bashin Dan: Wait....Trevor's down there!
Tack Angel: You're right!
The group limped to the window as M's could be seen hurtling towards the ground.
Bashin Dan: TREVOR!
Faris Angel: Let me get her!
Degrees-4: You wouldn't make it in time! TREVOR!
Trevor Mach was on the ground, in the now destroyed plaza of Crystal Hell, continuing to mix it up with Giygas.
Giygas: I think they're trying to get your attention.
Trevor Mach: Huh?
Mach looked up as Giygas scurried away. He heard the screams, before locking in on M's falling fast towards the ground.
Trevor Mach: Oh hell! Tali!
Mach pushed forward with immense force and managed to catch Lady M's just in time, tripping from the speed, they both fell to the ground.
Lady M's: You cut that too close.
Trevor Mach: Heh, I didn't expect for you to fall for me like that.
Lady M's: It's a good thing you're not actually dead. Life would be too boring without you.
Trevor Mach: Can you stand alright? I need to follow Giygas.
Lady M's: And I need to come with you.
Trevor Mach: *sigh* Who am I to argue? Let's go.
Around the back of the building, Giygas approached rose his hands into the air and forced open a large hangar door.
Giygas: Feeling weak, I'm going to need this insect's escape vehicle to-
He looked down to see a bleeding and dying Darkness Angel crawling to his pod.
Giygas: The hell happened to you?
Darkness Angel: betrayed me! Help me. Please. Together we can free "Entity V" and-
Giygas: Nope. Don't care.
Giygas smashed Darkness Angel's hand, stepping on it to get over him and into the escape craft. Trevor Mach and Lady M's were not too far behind. Darkness Angel looked up at the foe he once killed.
Darkness Angel: H-how? How can you be here. When I am-
Trevor Mach: You brought this on yourself asshole.
Darkness Angel: You won't kill look at me....and see your friend. You'll help me right?
Lady M's: I have no trouble killing yo-
Trevor Mach: No Tali. We're not going to kill him....but we're not going to help him either. Let's get on that pod.
Lady M's: ...Right.
The two walked over Darkness Angel, and made it into the large circular craft just before it took off. Darkness Angel crawled outside and fell to the ground, looking up at the sky, he reached out towards Triton.
Darkness Angel: wasn' wasn't supposed to end this way. *cough cough* Hell better be ready, because Darkness is coming.
He hand fell limp, the tyrant was dead. Amy Angel-5 approached with the knife that was used to finish him off.
Amy Angel-5: Seeing our daughter take her shot, gave me the confidence I needed to finish you off "Dark Star Lord". It fills me with joy, knowing that you took with you to your grave the knowledge that I killed you, and that I was just using you to fulfill my ultimate destiny. I will rebuild the Dark Star Empire, in MY IMAGE! AHAHAHAHAHA!
The group shook off the effects of the second explosion and looked to the sky.
Trevor Mach-10: Giygas is on that ship, but so are Trevor and Tali. We need to get up there.
Bashin Dan: Let's get back to the ship.
Jeff Andonuts: Wait. We have no way of helping up there. Triton has no atmosphere. We can't breathe vacuum. How-
General Swift-5: We have breathing devices that fit in your throat. They were designed for the mission on Triton. Darkness Angel wanted to unearth the remains of "Entity V" and finish what he started. I wish I knew then what he was planning, I would have killed him myself.
Christina Angel-5: Uncle Swift, you've had to put up with so much, don't put that on yourself as well. You've done the best you could. But now, we have the chance to help our friends here. Please show us where the devices are, and we'll take on Giygas on Triton.
Jeff Andonuts: Alright, now THAT is a plan.
Trevor Mach-10: I'm in.
Faris Angel: Me too.
Degrees-4: That's what we're here for.
Degrees-10: To space then!
Bashin Dan: Challenge accepted.
General Swift-5: *nods* Let's do the right thing for a change.
Faris Angel-5: Tack? You're in too right? Tack?
Tack Angel knelt beside of the remains of Faris Angel-5 and took her hand in his.
Faris Angel: Tack?
Tack Angel: I know she's not you....not really you...but...I look at her and....*sniff*..
Faris Angel: It's alright. I get that it's hard to grasp after all I've seen.
Tack Angel: *sniff* Some birthday huh? Yeah....yeah of course I'm in. We have to save the Earth. That's what a Star Prince does. SAVE the Earth...not enslave it. What are we waiting for?
Back on the craft as it hurtled towards Triton, Giygas sat back in the large, comfortable chair, and took in the view around him, breathing in heavily before finally getting to his feet.
Giygas: Alright Mach, I know you're in here. You can't hide that from me. You're more than human now, and that means you're on the radar. So come on out.
One the lower level, below the grating of Giygas' floor, Trevor and M's were hiding behind pillars.
Trevor Mach: *whispers* He doesn't know you're here. We'll use that.
Lady M's: *nods*
Trevor stepped out and up the stairs to meet with Giygas.
Trevor Mach: Very observant. Of course that works both ways. That's how I was able to track you to Earth-5 so easily.
Giygas: So what really are you now? I know you're holding back on me.
Trevor Mach: ...You said it yourself, I'm more than human.
Giygas: And what brought on this sudden change in you?
Trevor Mach: ...Just the way it was written I guess.
Giygas: Written?
Trevor Mach: Who doesn't love a good redemption arc. I failed when "Entity V" threatened to destroy all life. I was just another casualty. Not this time. This time, I am going to stop you.
Giygas: Well, it's been fun so far. Take your shot.
Trevor Mach: You really need to stop this. "Entity V" is-
Giygas: Not your current problem!
Giygas ripped the chair from the floor and battered Trevor with it, knocking him into the dash board. Lady M's grabbed a pipe and smashed Giygas in the back of the head, but he caught the second attempt and grabbed her by the throat.
Giygas: The love birds work together till the end huh? I think that's sweet. I don't really know what sweet is.
Giygas forced her against the wall and bent the pipe around her neck, planting it into the wall.
Giygas: Don't move....heh...that's a funny joke right? Don't worry, I'll kill you later.
Trevor Mach: Over my dead body.
Giygas: I thought we've been there before.
Trevor leaped through the air and kneed Giygas in the face so hard he flew into the adjacent wall. Before he could pull the pipe out of the wall, Giygas came back, and the two locked up.
Giygas: You're actually as strong as I am? Finally, someone who doesn't have to pray to kill me! Ahahaha!
Trevor Mach: Doesn't matter who is stronger. I'm still going to find a way to kick your ass!
Giygas: The closer we get, the stronger I'll get. Whatever you're going to do, you better make it quick.
Lady M's: Trevor! Can you breathe in space?
Trevor Mach: Yeah!
Lady M's: Wonderful.
Giygas; Oh? What does the Lady have planned stuck to the wall like that?
Trevor Mach: You bolted her next to the air lock you dumb ass.
Giygas: Huh?
Lady M's reached over and pulled the lock handle, blasting open a door into space.
Giygas: ...Well shit.
Trevor punched Giygas, and he blew out of the hole and into space. As the air began to leave the craft, M's started to lose consciousness. Trevor floated over to her and kissed her, lighting up her eyes and giving her air where there was none.
Lady M's: What did yo-
Trevor Mach: It's only temporary.
Lady M's: Hell, I'll take it. Did it work? Did we take him out?
Trevor Mach: Yes and no. Good news is, you got him out of here. Bad news is, he's being pulled into Triton's gravity.
Lady M's: ....Can we land this thing?
Trevor Mach: ....I hope so?
Lady M's: Guess we'll find out.
Last edited by Machismo (1/29/2020 1:43 am)