Zombie U - Threed
Backstage a lot of wrestlers were moving about, but they suddenly stopped and cheered as Bashin Dan made his way through. Friends and rivals alike applauded after the effort of the Dangerous Player and Triple Crown World Champion. The Dan Club followed up behind, and they all made their way to catering, leaving a slowly walking Jammer by himself.
Jammer: ....*sigh*
Elsewhere a limping Hope Mach was looking for Kaie, with a pipe in hand, when she was stopped by Heather Mach.
Heather Mach: Whoa! Hope! You were supposed to take this week off! Slow down!
Hope Mach: Get away Aunt Heather! I don't have time for this!
Heather Mach: She'll be with Erica and Duvalie. I don't want you-
Hope Mach: What? Winning? Getting to the ropes? Why did you throw in that damn towel?!
Heather Mach: Hope...I was trying to protect you.
Hope Mach: You're never around. You're always doing your own thing, and then you show up out of nowhere and cost me a match! An important match to me!
Heather Mach: I just...I didn't want to see my niece get permanently hurt by-
Hope Mach: Let me stop you right there. I don't want you getting involved in MY BUSINESS ever again! Now get out of my way!
Heather Mach: ....
Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to Threed! We're at Zombie U, for another thrilling episode of EBW: Xcite! Already, we have reason to be very "Xcited", with the arrival of NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan! He's going to have a lot to say after tonight's main event I hear!
Nerma: Don't do the "Xcited" thing. We've all spent years being very careful NOT to do that. Tonight's main event is reason enough to stick around until the end. The Angel Family will take on the Eisenritter in a 6-Woman Elimination Tag. That should be exciting.
Makoto Angel: It's going to be serious is what it is. Faris is setting her sights on the Champion, and we are all putting our hopes onto her.
Nerma: Well this is your last Angel at bat before going back to the beginning of the lineup right? I don't think Amy or Iroha really want to get involved right now.
Tommy Dukes: We'll see that match later, but we're also going to get a Jammer Open Challenge, and a non-title match from the NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions Jamie OD and Jamie XL. Also-
Nerma: Shut up! Here comes 3 Wolf Moon!
Tommy Dukes: Oh right! They got a new theme song!
Tommy Dukes: Here comes the coolest group to ever name themselves after a meme. These guys have been in different groups with different names, but this is the best combination so far, with Swift finally getting that spotlight.
Nerma: Yeah, but take a look at him now. He's coming out with his arm in a sling.
Tommy Dukes: Oh crap! that explains why we haven't gotten back official word on a rematch with Bashin Dan. That match was hard hitting. It's no surprise that one of them was injured.
Nerma: Swift lost the Triple Crown World Championship, but he's still got that World Team Championship Ring. He was once again the 4-Crown King heading into New Year Rising, and that's an honor he's had three times now. No one in Wrestling history can say that.
Tommy Dukes: We also have Tacky Two Belts there, after losing the World Tag Team Championships, he then won the Television Championship from Camilo Ortega right after....when Ortega's clone or twin, or robot doppelganger of something showed up. At this point, it could be anything and I wouldn't be surprised. Add the Team Ring, and that makes him a Triple Crown in his own right. Of course, I've been told he doesn't want to defend the Mars Championship anymore.
Nerma: Does that title still count? Like officially?
Swift: 3 Wolf Moon, in the HOOOOUSE! So yeah, judging by the fact that I have a sling on, and my titles are can probably tell what a night I had at New Year Rising 2020. Not too good right? know happens. I'm not going to pretend like it doesn't suck, and that when I lost I wanted to throw every piece of furniture I found, but I lost to Bashin Dan, a kid....a man that we can all respect. He gave me an incredible fight. I get some of the stuff he's been saying, about just enjoying the competition, and finding some victory in defeat. Cause I know where I got to go to get those titles back. Don't look at me like it's weird that I'm being gracious. I can be gracious dammit! Want the grumpy face? Here, have the grumpy face. We good. Cause the Wolves have got some business to attend to.
Tack Angel: Oooow! Have Mercy! So no one, and I mean NO ONE know how hard it is to be Tack Angel. I had to watch as me and my best bro lost the World Tag Team Championships at NYR. BUT...then I had to keep fighting, and I defended a title that is as important to me as my own spleen....that's how important it is. Then, I won this, the Television Championship, which means I'm going to be VERY busy. Plus, we've got these Team Championship Rings. So, that means EWA is knocking at the door, and they want to take them. All the while, I have to watch as my wives continue to get hurt, BUT they continue to impress at the same time. They're all standing up for each other. They even got my Christina back in the fold, and on the same page. We're all finally in the same book even. That part is great, BUT you have no idea how hard it is to be Tack Angel right now. So busy! So much stuff to do, but we're going to get it done, because that's what the Star Prince and the Wolves like to do.
Trevor Mach: You done? You done with...all that? Good.Generator? Rude? Reno? You guys have anything? No? Alright then. Awooo! That's a howl for you IronBloods. You're a man down, and I need to have a mano e mano with Ortega myself, but that'll have to wait. Tonight, we have you in 6-Man action, a little "warm up" before picking a fight with EWA I would think. You better shake off the head kick Camilo, and get focused, or is there something you need to say to us? Maybe about my friend from New Year Rising?
The IronBloods made their way out to the stage.
Camilo Ortega: We have nothing to say, only do. We've got our mission, and we'll see it through, with or without KYO. If you're done wasting time, we'll kindly try to make this loss quick for you.
Trevor Mach: I would LOVE for you to try it.
Camilo Ortega: ...I don't know how you came back, but you'll wish you didn't.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, we'll see.
EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
1. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach[o]/Tack Angel/Generator beat Camilo Ortega/Hotlanta[x]/Tomo via Knee Trigger -> Pin
-A fast paced, hard hitting affair, with Mach and Ortega locking up late in the game. The man that looks exactly like Ortega popped out of the crowd again, and Ortega tagged out to a surprised Hotlanta, who was distracted by Ortega's exit and was hit with a float over DDT by Mach, who then hit the Knee Trigger for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: And just like that the Wolves pick up another win over the IronBloods. Ortega is having some issues with that guy. Is he from the Black Lodge? Is this a Red Room type of thing? Wait, here comes Jammer.
Jammer: So...we all know that Bashin Dan is the Triple Crown World Champion. The Slam Master is happy for his friend. Absolutely ecstatic. It's a big moment, history in the making. about me? Where do I fall in all of this? I used to be in the title picture myself. I was a World Champion. I was on top of the Wrestling world. I took a step...several steps back, because I felt I deserved it. Had to re-earn my trust. I feel like I've paid my price. I'm ready for more. So I'm challenging anyone to come out here now. Who wants to take on the Sl-
Chad Salad: You used to be World Champion? What? That's supposed to impress me?! I'm not impressed! YOUR REIGN SUCKED!
Jammer: *sigh*
2. Jammer Open Challenge: Jammer beat Chad Salad via Slam Jam -> Pin
-Jammer took Chad Salad down three times, before going up top with a Slam Jam for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: There you go! A quick win for Jammer. He doesn't look happy about it though. Not in the slightest.
3. 10-Woman Tag: 21st Century Foxx[o]/Foxx Force #1/Foxx Force #2/Foxx Force #3/Foxx Force #4 beat Kimber Blaze/Lt. Lacy Wagner[x]/Calamity Lain/Kei Akiyama/Kayla Sparkz via Foxx Factor -> Pin
-21st Century Foxx and the four masked women that comprise Foxx Force Five took on a House of M's contingent in 10-Woman Tag action. A spot fest free for all, with Foxx getting the pin on a distracted Wagner, after Dick Wagner came out to cheer her on again.
4. Tag: Kinniku Mike[o]/Amigo beat Fray Tiburon/Dorado Mask[x] via Muscle Buster -> Pin
-Entertaining Tag, where the Paradise Collection battered the team of Tiburon and Dorado Mask, as the veteran Dorado appeared to be fighting injured. Mike hit the Muscle Buster for the win.
Nerma: Another loss for Dorado, and a good win for Sal Paradise's team. Hopefully they can make a move for the World Tag Team Championships.
Makoto Angel: Look, you have Valarie Dorado coming out to once again try to talk to her brother Dorado Mask, but he's not having it. He's limping right by her.
5. Non-Title Tag: Jamie OD/Jamie XL[o] beat Benjamin/Vape[x] via Big Boot -> Pin
-The World Tag Team Champions took on Dan Club in Tag action, with the Hooligans using every trick in the book to not only cheat in the ring, but anger Amigo, who stuck around after his match to watch Jamie OD, who kept taunting him with the name "Maurice". XL floored Vape with the Big Boot for the pin.
6. 6-Woman Elimination Tag: Faris Angel/Christina Angel/Nani Angel beat Erica/Kaie/Duvalie
-Erica beat Nani Angel via Air Raid Crash -> Pin
-Christina Angel beat Kaie via High Kick x Roll Up -> Pin
-Duvalie beat Christina Angel via Rear Naked Choke -> Referee Stoppage
-Faris Angel beat Duvalie via Time Fire Buster -> Pin
-Faris Angel beat Erica via DQ
-Main event saw the Angel Family tangle with the Eisenritter once again. Erica quickly took down Nani with the Air Raid Crash, and the Eisenritter enjoyed the numbers game for an extended period of time. The returning Christina Angel took out Kaie when Hope Mach distracted her long enough to even the score. Duvalie choked the returning Christina with a Rear Naked Choke, and Erica kept Faris from stopping it, leading to a Referee Stoppage elimination. Faris got revenge with a Time Fire Buster finish on the maid. However, when Erica was about to step into the ring, Duvalie attacked Faris with a chair, leading to the DQ win for the Angel Family. The Eisenritter kept up the attack, until Lady M's ran out, and with her daughter Hope, helped the Angel Family take back the ring from Erica and her cohorts.
Nerma: Wow! Not the way Faris wanted the win for her Family, but it's a win none the less. I'd say-
Makoto Angel: much as I really want to stay on this, we're getting some breaking news. Apparently....apparently someone attacked Bashin Dan in the back.
Nerma: What?!
The camera switched to the back, where the Dan Club tried to keep everyone back as EMTs tended to a bloody and unconscious Bashin Dan.
Tommy Dukes: The Triple Crown World Champion is down! Who?! Who did this?!
Last edited by Machismo (2/09/2020 3:04 am)
House of M's
At the House of M's Dojo, M's pulled up on her motorcycle to the sounds of shouting.
Lady M's: I don't know if I want any part of this....but the kid is in yeah, maybe I do.
M's came in to find the trainees sitting along the wall, while Hope Mach argued with Heather Mach. Between them was a Justice Mach, looking up from his crib.
Heather Mach: I thought about what you said Hope, and quite frankly, it pissed me off! I tried to help you out! I don't always get the chance! I have to run this place by myself now that the sister are both under contract in Summers! This is what I do! It's where I can make a difference, but I still TRY to be there for my family! I saved you from yourself!
Hope Mach: You held me back! You stopped me from making MY CHOICE! If I was going to tap, then I would tap! You don't understand how hard it is to try and stay on top! I've struggled at it for years! I don't make a fuss because I don't want special treatment! I don't want nepotism! I just want my shot! I earned my shot, and you cheated me out of it!
Heather Mach: I did no such-
Lady M's: HEY! Quiet down! You're shouting in front of my son. Don't make me get physical, cause I will.
Hope Mach: You don't have to tell me. I know you would.
Heather Mach: Sorry Tali. Just-
Lady M's: You both are going somewhere with this. You're making great points, and you're both simultaneously right and stubbornly wrong. What I suggest is you both-
Heather Mach: Apologize? For getting worked up?
Lady M's: I was going to say go outside and fight in the alley until it's out of your system, but you do you. Heather, I know you want more than just being Dojo master and babysitter. Hope, I know you want your shot. Let's take it. When I get back from turning this week's episode of Captain Sparkle, into my own personal seminar, on the best bdsm methods I've found, let's have our turn at bat with Eisenritter. Give the Angels the week off. The three of us, against the three of them. What do you say?
Heather Mach: ...I'm in.
Hope Mach: ...Absolutely.
Lady M's: Great. Now, I'm going to spend time with the kid here before I have to go. Trevor should be around tonight to take him home. He said he had some business with Ortega to deal with first. I'm sure that's not ominous.
Saturn City - Parking Garage
Camilo Ortega ran as fast as he could, firing back with a gun, until he ran out of rounds. He stared into the darkness of the parking garage as he backed up to the top floor. A figure was shrouded in a shadow approaching him.
Camilo Ortega:'s's not him. Is it Death then?
The moon illuminated the man.
Trevor Mach: Not quite Ortega....Ortega-5 right? Your Earth is a shit hole.
Camilo Ortega: Why do you think I came here? When the master plan was still on the table, I was more than willing to sell this place out for survival, but when that was thwarted, I figured I'd make this my permanent home. I worked hard enough to deserve that much.
Trevor Mach: You took the place of a better man, and tried to destroy his legacy. Now he's back, and he wants his life back. I consider that a loose end that I need to tie up.
Camilo Ortega: And why you? How did you come back? What exactly are you?
Trevor Mach: Me because I choose it to be me. I came back because I chose to. I am what I choose to be. Mysterious enough for you? Not here to answer questions. Here to send you back where you belong.
Camilo Ortega: Try me!
The two grappled on the roof. Smashing into cars, and getting cut with the glass, the two nearly fell off the side. Mach was better at street fighting, but Ortega should've been able to take him down with Judo, but Mach escaped it and threw him to the ground.
Camilo Ortega: Heh. *spits blood* You can't beat me on my own? Is that it? You have to cheat? Use some hidden power or something to overcome me?
Trevor Mach: Do man, that was all me. Camilo Ortega is the best take down man in Wrestling. He's the very best. The absolute for that sort of thing. I've tangled with him enough to know that. If HE were to try and take me down, he would. YOU....are not him.
?: And you never will be.
The two looked over to see Ortega with two other people.
Trevor Mach: Ortega, his "Little Brother", and his Abuela. They want a life back, the one you stole.
Camilo Ortega-5: Why? So you can go back to that little shack in the woods? So you can live a quiet life with no clear purpose, reason, or destiny? Do you remember who you are Ortega?!
Camilo Ortega: I came here to walk a path...from the future I arrived, dead set on changing history, like I'm sure you did. However, the difference is, I learned I was wrong. You never got that message. You never changed your course, to walk the true path. You pretended to be me. You figured out how to mimic me a little bit. During all that time, you never tried to REALLY learn what made me tick. I'm not you, I'm not like you, and I never will be.
Trevor Mach: ...I'm pissed for you Ortega. I really want to throw him off the side here.
Camilo Ortega: My Abuela would tell you to forgive, and give him a chance.
Abuela Ortega: ...Camilo, I'm so proud of you.
Camilo Ortega: I always wanted to follow what you taught me. I always wanted to be the man you wanted me to be. I am. I'm that sort of a man.
Trevor Mach: *sigh* Well if Abuela says so, then what choice do I have here? Alright Ortega-5, I'll let you go, if you leave this Earth, and go back to Earth-5, and never return.
Camilo Ortega-5: ....I will...I'll do it.
Trevor Mach: Swear it! Swear it on something important.
Camilo Ortega-5: I swear on my Abuela!
Trevor Mach: ...Well alright then.
Trevor offered Ortega-5 a hand up, but grabbed his gun in the process. Trevor turned his back to Ortega-5 and walked towards Camilo and his family.
Trevor Mach: And THAT is another loose end tied up. This is doing wonders for my OCD fam, I've got to say, and furthermore-
Ortega-5 tried to stab Trevor with a piece of glass from behind, but Mach turned around and shot him in the shoulder, knocking him off the roof.
Trevor Mach: No second chances. I'm that sort of a man.
Abuela Ortega: *gasp*
Trevor Mach: Don't worry, I'm sure he just broke his legs. I'll drag him back to Earth-5 if I have to. You all have a good night. Your life is yours again Ortega, and you got to keep your vow of peace in the process. Sometimes, things work out. *wink*
"Little Ortega": Sir? Why did he think you were Death?
Trevor Mach: Maybe I am little man. You haven't seen the grim reaper around lately have you? Call me if you do.
Apple Kid: It's time for another one of our Neon Nights, here in Studio B. The place is packed, but it's not hard, when the seating is so damn limited! What's unlimited, other than the breadsticks, is the potential of excitement tonight!
Tommy Dukes: Crap allegory aside, you're right. Tonight the Paradise Collection will be in action in the main event. They want a shot at the World Tag Team Championships. A big confrontation between them and the Hooligans would make for great television, but tonight, we have a treat for you. All the way from Mapleland, we have the newest members of the Hart Family, making their Eagleland debuts right here in EBW. Joe and Mitch Hart, bring em on out!
Two young men in black and pink singlets, knee pads, and boots came out. Joe had half his head shaved, with the other side showing off the glossy Hart hair. Mitch, had short hair and a mustache.
Tommy Dukes: Guys, it's great to have you here.
Joe Hart: What was that you were sayin bout me Ma and Da?
Tommy Dukes: Pardon?
Joe Hart: Come here you little shit, I'll get ya!
Tommy Dukes: AH!
Mitch Hart: He didn't say anything Joe! He didn't!
Joe Hart: Oh...then it's great to be here. Looking forward to stretching the Collection, and showing them how it's done.
Tommy Dukes: You'll be dealing with Mike, who is a powerhouse veteran, and Amigo, the Olympic level athlete. Both former World Champions. Both are not to be taken lightly.
Mitch Hart: We never take anything lightly. This isn't the Olympics, and we're not in the gym lifting weights. It's the Wrestling ring, and that's where we're the best brother tag team on the Planet!
Tommy Dukes: Looking forward to seeing if you can back that up fellas.
EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City
1. Women's Singles: Gold vs. Calamity Lain ended in a No Contest
-A confusing match, as the two seemed to be more fixated on Gold's silver necklace keepsake. Before it could really heat up, the Foxx Force Five attacked and caused a No Contest.
Tommy Dukes: I was looking forward to that one, but Foxx just had to ruin it.
Apple Kid: She's making a statement. Making sure we know who has the power here. We have security helping out, but you have to wonder what has Gold so fixated on that silver chain.
Tommy Dukes: Her name is Gold, she wears it, and it's also her theme song. Why does she have silver?
Apple Kid: Yes Dukes, we know. Thanks for pointing it out. Next up, we have Cadmus, the elegant, but deadly new rival of Tack Angel. We didn't see him on Xcite, but I hear he's been watching Tack matches very closely.
Tommy Dukes: See that black rose he's got? That's cool.
Apple Kid: ....Sure. Here comes the lovely Bellerophon. I wonder if she's single.
Tommy Dukes: The rumor is she only has eyes for her brother.
Apple Kid: She's so hot, I'm really trying to ignore that aspect. That chest Tommy. That chest.
Tommy Dukes: ...He's placing the flower in between those powder white....uh...pillows. I'll look, but don't tell Nerma.
2. Singles: Cadmus beat Magnum PT via Dark Star Cutter -> Pin
-Cadmus made quick work of Dick Wagner's protege, despite the experience being on PT's side, and despite Cadmus with his theatrics, he dropped PT with a Dark Star Cutter and the pin.
Tommy Dukes: That guy is not bad. He's really not bad. Did not take PT seriously at all.
Apple Kid: Yeah, but how could you. Look at him.
3. Singles: Hotlanta beat Fighter Daron via Powerbomb X2 -> Pin
-Despite Arliss Michaels telling him to "get him" on the outside, Fighter Daron found himself on the bad end of a Hotlanta beating. The 2nd in Command of the IronBloods, was taking out a load of frustration on Daron, hitting a Powerbomb, and lifting him for another one, before the pin.
Arliss Michaels :I have to get that guy back in the gym. Too busy shopping him around for movies and or sitcoms. Make sure you buy the "Fighter Daron Comeback Tour" t-shirt!
Tommy Dukes: You already have that?!
4. Tag: Amigo[o]/Kinnku Mike beat Joe Hart[Debut]/Mitch Hart[Debut][x] via Hagen Suplex -> Pin
-A technical spectacle ensued, as two of the best of EBW took on the young Hart clan in tag action. Excellent mat work from the Harts, as Joe and Amigo went move for move and counter for counter. The appearance by Jamie OD in the crowd heckling Amigo, sent him into a fury. He slammed Mitch Hart to the mat with a Hagen Suplex for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: A good win for Paradise Collection, but a hell of a first showing for the Harts. Jamie OD is in the crowd egging on- wait Mike has the mic.
Kinniku Mike: Hey! Amigo stop! We need to talk about this bro! What the hell is going on with you?
Amigo: You should know! They all should know! Maurice! You all forgot! He was here, and then he wasn't! I don't know what happened, but Jamie seems to know, and he's throwing it in my face! Why can't you remember!?
Kinniku Mike: You think I don't?! You think I forgot!?
Amigo: You remember?
Kinniku Mike: Why the hell do you think I'm keeping my nose down? Why do you think I'm just playing along with us as a tag team, good friends like before. I'm doing it, because I remember. I remember that Maurice did something for us, and now he's gone. So I'm putting everything I did before behind me. It's done. I'm doing this now, because I figured it's what he wanted. To see us reunited. To see us succeed. So instead of letting Jamie OD in your head, we need to succeed.
Amigo: You're right. You're right! Jamie OD, we challenge you to a World Tag Team Championship match on the next Xcite!
Jamie OD: Oi! You cheeky monkeys think you've got it all figured out eh? Who know why we remember. Who knows why these arseholes forgot. All I know is, me and the big man Jamie XL, don't sweat you one bit. You want it? You got it. Don't blame me if this all comes back to bite you though. I still know something you don't.
Amigo: .....
EBW World
Nerma: Nerma here with a big EBW update coming your way. It's piping hot, so wait until it cools, or you'll burn the roof of your mouth. You know when you're really hungry for something, and you burn your tongue, so you lose the taste, and you don't really want to eat it anymore cause you can't taste it? That has nothing to do with anything, I was just asking. No, I'll get back on track. I'm a journalist dammit! We have a big Xcite at the Sportasseum, and we'll be getting some special guests, no not in the form of EWA, but I'm told they might be there too on the road to Collision. We'll be getting some guests from the new EFL team the Mid-South Journeymen! Will they do a stupid backstage skit in a bad attempt to copy SNL which itself is a poor poor poor initiation of it's former self? We can only hope?
EBW: Xcite
Sportasseum, Mid-South
1. EBW Television #1 Contender Qualifier: Hotlanta vs. Firebrand X
2. EBW Television #1 Contender Qualifier: Subculture vs. Jammer
3. Singles: Trevor Mach vs. Tomo
4. Television Tournament Finals: TBA vs. TBA
5. 6-Woman Tag: Lady M's/Hope Mach/Heather Mach vs. Erica/Kaie/Duvalie
6. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Jamie OD(c)/Jamie XL(c) vs. Kinniku Mike/Amigo
Crystal Heaven
Trevor Mach. Hope, and Justice drove over to Crystal Heaven, to spend a day to relax and recover after a busy week. Tack was cooking on the grill, while Trevor flipped through the channels of the TV.
Trevor Mach: It's been a while since we got to hang out like this. Both families together. Just wish Tali could be here.
Tack Angel: Busy busy, the both of us. Surprised you'd come by today. We weren't expecting you, but always happy to have you by. You should come by next week too, the start of the EFL season and all.
Trevor Mach: Dibs on the Beach Bums for my Fantasy Team bro.
Tack Angel: Huh. Kind of surprised by that one.
Trevor Mach: Well, Rose is the Coach, and I'm told if Rose wins then Tali wins, or something like that. I'm still playing a little catch up. Every time I get anywhere, someone goes and beats Dan into a near coma, and I lose my train of thought.
Tack Angel: Well, that'll do it I guess. I wonder who did that.
Hope Mach: That makes two of us. You'd better believe I'm going to find out too!
Christina Angel: Now now, calm down and have a drink.
Hope Mach: Yeah...yeah I think I will.
Subculture: I'll join you.
Tack Angel: ....Subbie.
Subculture: ....Tack.
Tack Angel: That's Dad to you.
Subculture: No, it really isn't.
Tack Angel:'re right. They grow up so fast Trevor.
Trevor Mach: They were already teenagers when they showed up in the first place.
Tack Angel: Oh right...well they grew up fast from that point.
Trevor Mach: Right. Right. I should figure out who attacked Dan to give Hope some peace of mind.
Tack Angel: Have you not been busy with something else?
Trevor Mach: You noticed that huh?
Tack Angel: My horrible, crippling, memory sucking dementia still allows for moments of clear thought from time to time. You've been going after the IronBloods by yourself.
Trevor Mach: Just tying up loose ends. They need to be done, and it's my job to do it.
Tack Angel: And who decided that?
Trevor Mach: I did.
Tack Angel: Alright, be cryptic. That's fine. Sure you have your reasons.
Trevor Mach: Heh.
Trevor turned to look beside himself as Penguin walked by. Trevor's eyes began to glow, and so did Penguins.
Trevor Mach: much do you know about your Penguin friend over there?
Tack Angel: What? Why?
Trevor Mach: Just...uh....keep an eye on that one. So, you were telling me about these mech suits under Crystal Heaven? I'd REALLY like to take a look at those.
Tack Angel: ...I'm too afraid to ask the wives for permission.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, that makes sense. Alright, where is Faris, I'll have a word with her?
Tack Angel: She actually doesn't know much about them either.
Trevor Mach: Right. She was outside of time when it happened, just like you were. Your other wives want to kill me I think, so that's out.
Tack Angel: Now now....I think Iroha likes you well enough.
Trevor Mach: Have I ever actually spoken to her? By the way, you've got to tell me how you managed to have her pregnant with everyone 'else's babies. How the hell man?!
Tack Angel: Just as confused as you are. You're asking a lot of questions, and you're looking around a lot. Sure you don't want to talk about it?
Trevor Mach: Sorry buddy. Still just...adjusting. Ah, here we are.
Tack Angel: Find something on TV?
Trevor Mach: I was looking for Tali's show. I've heard I should watch it. Wanted to see what the fuss was about. I should go get Justice and-
Tack Angel: I wouldn't.
Trevor Mach: Why?
Tack Angel: Well see for yourself.
Trevor Mach: Eh?
Trevor turned to the television to see Tali as "Captain Sparkle", removing her pants, and bouncing on a yoga ball gravure style.
Trevor Mach: Huh....isn't this a-
Tack Angel: Kid's show. Yes.
Trevor Mach: ....I'm going to keep watching this.
Tack Angel: Yeah, I'll bet you are. Wait...what's that?
Tack looked to the sky, and saw something land in the woods outside of Crystal Heaven.
Tack Angel: Oh boy...I hope that's not one of those dark star thingys.
Trevor Mach: You got to let me check one of those out.
Tack Angel: There you go again.
Trevor Mach: I have a curious mind!
Tack Angel: Since when?!
Later that night, most of the wives and children had gone to sleep. Trevor, Hope, Christina, Tack, and Subculture all sat around a fire.
Subculture: ...We should probably get some sleep Christina. We have a long ride to Mid-South tomorrow.
Tack Angel: Oh no you don't. Not here...not in my Kingdom Subbie. You sleep in the guest room!
Subculture: We're married!
Tack Angel: The Star Prince has spoken!
Subculture: Yeah, we'll see about that. You have to fall asleep at some point.
Tack Angel: I can stay up longer than you!
Christina Angel: You're both weirdos.
Tack Angel: Trevor, would you be alright if Hope wanted to share a bed with Dan at your house?
Hope Mach: *blush* We're not really at that point Uncle Tack!
Tack Angel: Really?
Christina Angel: We really don't want to talk about this with you Dad. No offense.
Hope Mach: It's a little weird.
Tack Angel: Trevor? Is this weird? Trevor?
Trevor Mach was blankly staring at the fire.
Tack Angel: Yeah...he's NOT normal anymore. I'm not the only one that notices this right?
Trevor Mach: Huh?! Sorry Tack, it's totally weird. Is that what you wanted to hear?
Tack Angel: What?! No, I-
A pirate began walking up to the fire with a bag of marshmallows.
Pirate Taquito: Heya guys, I just thought I'd bring you some stuff to make smores and-
Suddenly, the thing that fell from the sky earlier emerged from trees, a man in tattered flannel with a hockey mask. He stabbed Taquito with a machete and lurched towards the group.
Subculture: Holy shit, it's Slayer?!
Christina Angel: Thought he was dead!
Hope Mach: Didn't you suck him into space Dad?!
Trevor Mach: Run like hell!
Noah Jennings Office
Noah Jennings: Hello EBW fans. It's Noah Jennings here, you know who I am. The BOSS of EBW? No seriously. I still have that job. Tonight, we've got a big show for you, but we won't be alone. Mr. Pirkle, and a few EWA representatives will be watching from the VIP box. We've got Collision in a few weeks, and I think it's only fair that we give these guys a warm EBW welcome, and by that, I mean boo them out of the building. Thank you.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to Mid-South, for another thrilling episode of Xcite! Last week ended on a sour note, as Bashin Dan was found injured and bleeding before he could come out and talk with the EBW fans. We're going to get an update on that tonight, and try to get to the bottom of the attack. So far, no one is taking claim for it.
Nerma: Want to know what I think? It's what everyone has to be wondering? Is history repeating itself?
Tommy Dukes: In what way?
Nerma: Did Jammer do it?
Tommy Dukes: Nerma? Why would you think that?
Nerma: Seems so obvious to me. Jammer is jealous. I don't think Swift did it. Do you?
Tommy Dukes: ...Well we know he's capable. I don't want to say that he did, but he could.
Makoto Angel: He's injured though....unless that's a ruse too. I wish some smarmy heel would come out and take credit for it! That's frustrating. We have other business tonight though, as my husband's Television Championship needs a challenger, and we're holding a mini-tournament of sorts to find one. We might also get a challenge for the Triple Crown World Championship, if Bashin Dan is cleared to compete. That's what I heard anyways.
Nerma: Where did you hear that?
Makoto Angel: I have sources.
Nerma: Oh, so you have sources now?
Makoto Angel: Yeah, I'm trying my best to be great at this, so I just copied a pro at the job.
Nerma: Oh? Oh yeah? Who might you be referring to?
Makoto Angel: Well Tommy of course, he's so good at his-
Nerma: That's enough out of you. Looks like we have someone heading to the ring.
Makoto Angel: Oh no, it's Cadmus.
Nerma: The dreamy goth man of my dreams....or it would be...if I weren't married. Haha.
Tommy Dukes: ...I don't think I like that guy.
Cadmus: My dark escapades are just getting started my lovelies. I will paint this world in all the colors of the rainbow, fed through a filter of darkness. The Dark Star Empire is all but a certainty, but Tack Angel wishes to ignore me. I will play his game. I will make him see me. I will make him fight, and I will crush the Star Prince. Right now though, I'm issuing an Open Challenge. Whoever believes they can stop me, feel free to do so.
Bellerophon: Mmm....but you don't....stand.... a chance.
Cadmus: You heard my sister.
Tommy Dukes: I keep forgetting they're siblings. More I keep WANTING to forget.
Nerma: Look, here comes Benjamin! The "Warrior of Light" is here to slay the would be King. It's time for action, so let's-
EBW: Xcite
Sportasseum, Mid-South
0. Open Challenge Singles: Cadmus beat Benjamin via Dark Star Cutter -> Pin
-Benjamin came in like a house of fire, immediately taking down the flamboyant Cadmus, but with help from Bellerophon spraying perfume in Benji's eyes, the "Dark Star Lord" turned the tide and capped it off with the theatrical Dark Star Cutter for the pin.
Cadmus: I'm coming for you Star Prince. One way or the other, in this ring...or out there in the fields around Crystal Heaven. The terrors coming your way. You know what I'm talking about. We're coming to get you.
1. EBW Television #1 Contender Qualifier: Hotlanta beat Firebrand X via Powerbomb X2 -> Pin
-A hard hitting chop and slam fest. Two veterans beating the hell out of each other, ending when Hotlanta landed two Powerbombs for the pin. Impressive show of strength.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! That was amazing! I'm getting in the ring now, to try and talk with the winner Hotlanta. Hot, we have so many questions for-
Hotlanta: Camilo Ortega did not attack Bashin Dan.
Tommy Dukes: No, that's not-
Hotlanta: In fact he's gone. He's not coming back. I am in charge of the IronBloods now. My eyes have finally been opened to the fact that I've been selling myself short. I let myself become a vessel for "powers" that tried to navigate my fate for me. I'll do that myself. I know all about the truth. Do you hear me....Trevor Mach? I know everything. "Death is coming". Isn't that what KYO said? I say Death is already here. I think it's you. You've killed every hope....every dream....every plan. Why? Because you "chose" to? Because you were made to? Do you even know? Do you? Do they let you make your own decisions, or are you truly just...the author's puppet? Out of my way Dukes.
Tommy Dukes: I'm so confused by all of that, but I think the cryptic rambling is Hotlanta calling out Trevor Mach? He wants the War Wolf, but he needs to be ready for his opponent for later in the night. After that big clash with a now limping Firebrand X, you have to wonder how much he's got left in the tank. Hey, if you look into the crowd right now, we have the Mid-South Journeymen in attendance. Their season kicks off this week! We have Vick Wagner the QB, Skeezer Malloy, @Joe, and Wing Dings! Are those....are those their real names? Really? Wow. Interesting.
Women's Locker Room
Heather Mach and Hope Mach were getting taped up, but staring daggers into each other as Lady M's came in.
Lady M's: Sup fam? You see that shit I pulled this week You two are still at it aren't you?
Heather Mach: It occurred to me, that my niece is growing up rather ungrateful.
Hope Mach: I'd be grateful, if I asked for your help! I didn't!
Lady M's: Machs...I swear. Listen ladies, we have to go out there 100% ready to kick some ass, or we're going to get our asses kicked! Daughter, she wanted to help you. That should be enough. Heather, let Hope get her ass kicked when she wants to. That should be enough! Just....stop it. STOP IT! GAH! STOP IT!
Hope Mach: Alright Mom, calm down.
Lady M's: Now you're telling ME to calm down?!
Heather Mach: Yeah, you're acting a little over the top here.
Lady M's: Hypocrites! You're both hypocrites!
2. EBW Television #1 Contender Qualifier: Jammer beat Subculture via Slam Jam -> Pin
-An athletic match up, with Subculture looking to fight back to relevance, but he was stopped in his tracks, but a surprise backslide attempt took Subculture off his game. They traded blows, but Jammer managed to Bulldog Subbie and set him up for the Slam Jam and the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! A big win for Jammer! His rise continues, but we're still leery because-
Jammer: I know what you're all thinking out there. Did Jammer turn his back on the Club again? Did he attack Bashin Dan? Did he leave him laying in a pool of his own blood? I'd like to think I spent enough time atoning for past sins. Just because I want to earn something for myself? Just because I want to be somebody? Because I want success?! You all just want me to be a joke, but when I want something, you judge me for my past sins. That's garbage. I don't want to get on your bad sides. I made it my personal mission to make amends with my friends, and with all of you. But, I'm going to be honest....I'm really disappointed.
3. Singles: Trevor Mach beat Tomo via Knee Trigger x Burning Machismo -> Pin
-A big singles match that could main event a ENN+ event was up next, as the War Wolf and the Rabid Dog battled it out in a bloody, strong styled encounter. Chops, lariats, and slams, the kind of matches that Tomo excels in. A brutal Brainbuster lead to a nearfall, but Mach came back strong, utilizing the Float Over Burning Machimo and the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Wow! Now THAT was a great match! We heard that Camilo Ortega is apparently gone from EBW, and Tomo has taken a loss. Is this it for the IronBloods faction?
Trevor Mach: Heeeey baby! Yeah! How the hell was that? I lose a lot of blood in this ring. Give my life for it. Hotlanta, the man under the radar. You call me out? You call me Death? What do you know? What do you think you know? Who the hell do you think you are, and who do you think I am? I'm not a skeleton in cloak, so how can I be Death? Then again...maybe the rules have changed.You never know. Listen, I'm trying to be a kind man these days, but the thing you have to worry about the most, is the fury of a kind man, because you pushed him way too far. Keep in your lane Hotlanta. Stay out of mine
4. Television Tournament Finals: Hotlanta beat Jammer via Powerbomb X2 -> Pin
-A big match up saw two weary warriors lock up for a shot at Tack Angel's Television Championship. Jammer looked distracted by the boos, and maybe let it get to him too much, as Hotlanta managed to rolled out of the way of the Slam Jam, and hit a Fisherman Buster on Jammer. A nearfall had Jammer staggered, and a kick to the midsection lead to the double Powerbombs and the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Hotlanta with another big win. He's the #1 Contender for Tack Angel. We don't know if this match will happen on Xcite of Collision, but it's going to happen soon.
Hotlanta: Trevor Mach....Death....I go where I want, when I want. I'm not following the rules anymore. It's my game now.
5. 6-Woman Tag: Erica/Kaie[o]/Duvalie beat Lady M's/Hope Mach/Heather Mach[x] via Celtic Hand Grenade -> Pin
-A tough match up, with the Machs taking on the Eisenritter, in a fast paced affair. Erica kept her distance from M's, and that played into the Eisenritter's hands when she tried to get to her. Miscommunication between Hope and Heather broke again, as they argued over who was tagging in against Kaie. The Celtic Hand Grenade clobbered Heather, with Erica and Duvalie making the block for the 1-2-3. The Eisenritter with another win.
Nerma: Wow! You just can't stop Erica! M's, still trying to get a piece. She really wants a match, but we believe that Faris Angel is getting the shot first. She stepped up for it, but with M's having a win over Duvalie, it's possible she should get that next shot. It's hard to say.
6. EBW World Tag Team Championship: Jamie OD(c)/Jamie XL(c)[o] beat Kinniku Mike[x]/Amigo via Big Boot -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-The Hooligans put the titles on the line in a big match up with the Paradise Collection. With Sal on the outside, Amigo and Mike were solid like their Surge generation days. They bonded again over Maurice, and came in like a house of fire. However, late in the match, someone got Amigo's attention from the stands. His face went pale, but Mike tagged in and made a save. The crowd were on their feet as Mike hit the Muscle Buster on OD, but suddenly Hotlanta and Tomo joined the Hooligans on the outside, and put OD's foot on the ropes. Mike wanted to get at them, but OD tagged out to XL, who hit the Big Boot and blindsided Mike for the pin. The Hooligans retained, and left the ring to celebrate with Hotlanta and Tomo.
Tommy Dukes: Holy shit! Hotlanta has taken control, and brought in the Hooligans!
Hotlanta: The IronBloods were brought together to be mercenaries. We had a purpose, and price tag. That changed, and Ortega failed, but I'm taking over. We have a new mission, and that's fighting for our own goals, and our own success like we should have been doing from the start. This time, no masters. No one in control but us. I'm not a pawn. I'm a survivor. The things I've seen. The things I was made to do. No more. NO MORE! I feel alive again, and I won't ever feel DEATH again! Doubt me if you want. Judge me on my past if you choose, but that will be your mistake. Factions come and go in EBW, too many to count, but the IronBloods die right now. That was an Ortega idea, and it sucked. I will NOT walk his path! Instead, you can refer to us by the term that many will face when they get in our way. The term that Tack Angel will face when I take his Television Championship....NEXT WEEK! The term that Trevor Mach will have to face, when I straight up put a stop to him. We are "DEAD END".
Heather and Hope Mach continued to yell back and forth as Lady M's broke it up.
Lady M's: Enough! I think we have to settle this my way! You two fight next week in that ring! Get out all that aggression! Figure this shit out! I didn't come back to lose to Erica! I REALLY DIDN'T! SORT IT OUT!
Heather Mach: ....
Hope Mach: .....
Noah Jennings Office
Mr. Pirkle: That was real cute Jennings.
Noah Jennings: What was?
Mr. Pirkle: Surrounding our VIP box with security, and NEVER putting the camera up there.
Noah Jennings: I mentioned you a little. I did my part. About halfway through my spiel I realized I didn't want to give you the exposure you're craving. We have high stakes involved in Collision. Entire cities to run, and lucrative merch sales. Things that keep EWA a float right?
Mr. Pirkle: See? This is the problem. The monster got too powerful. EBW crushes everything and everyone....well...except for the guys and gals up north right? In all the years EBW has existed, and all the promotions it has battled and put out of business, you've just barely acknowledged or even looked at them until recently. I hear they owe a receipt for you running North Point. The Garden no less? You have to wonder if they just might show up and lend a hand at Collision. You might need more security next time Jennings.
Noah Jennings: ...That guy is a real dick. *turns to camera* I should know.
Outside of Mid-South Sportasseum
Trevor Mach was walking through the back to his motorcycle, when he saw a familiar face in a cloak across the street.
Trevor Mach: There you are. I've been looking for you.
Death: You have? Sorry buddy. I guess we missed each other. The Skeleton Crew is doing a run in Mid-South ForEVER right now.
Trevor Mach: Really? So you weren't ducking me?
Death: Why would I?
Trevor Mach: ....You know why.
Death: Because they changed the way things are now? It couldn't be helped. That's not your fault at all.
Trevor Mach: Well, I'm still sorry you lost your job.
Death: It happens. I mean, it's never happened in the thousands of years I've HAD the job, but it was bound to. I'm having way more fun now. Really. It takes the edge off now having to be DEATH Death anymore you know? I was even thinking of taking a new Bob. I like Bob.
Trevor Mach: ....Yeah...Bob might work?
Death: Besides, this name is more befitting you these days....isn't it? It's funny, I was first curious about you, because you kept managing to cheat me. Ever since you got hit by that truck all those years ago, before you even started wrestling. You saw me, but you escaped....and then you kept escaping. At some point, I thought it would just be easier to be your friend. That way if the time ever actually came, you wouldn't fear me anymore. Not like I TRY to be scary on purpose....but I am a skeleton man.
Trevor Mach: They'd love you in Threed.
Death: Yeah, but no one ever stays dead there either! But finally went and died, and just before I could find you, the rules were changed, So now you're back, and perceived as an Angel right? But which Angel was the brightest?
Trevor Mach: Come on, I'm not THAT guy.
Death: No, not at all, but I still see it when I look at you. I can feel it even. Death...gave you life. It's an irony. It doesn't make sense, but you are living death. One of us, without the hangups of being a skeleton. Then again, I might be wrong. You might be something else entirely, but you're not the same as you were before.
Trevor Mach: I'm still me, and I always will be, but things ARE different now. It's all got its own drawbacks. I might be around....longer than I expected...but I'm mortal. I'm not an immortal being like you are.
Death: I might not be immortal anymore either. Like I said, the rules have changed. When "Entity V" ravaged every corner of existence, and whatever was left was woven into this reality, it changed everything. The "Pantheon" came into existence, and the old order became chaotic and lost control.
Trevor Mach: I figured that was what KYO meant when he said "Death was coming". Thought you might have blamed me. Thought you might want revenge.
Death: Never. Like I said, it wasn't your fault, and besides, we're buddies. you're aware of now....I'm far from the only Grim Reaper. If they don't mean me, and they don't mean you. Death....could still be coming. Just be careful.
Trevor Mach: *sigh* It never ends.
Paradise City Gym
Kinniku Mike was busy doing squats, with some other members watching on.
Kinniku Mike: You see these squats weaklings? This is the key. Work the gluts! BUTT MUSCLE! The strength of the ass combined with the Strong Tits, and I will be UNSTOPPA....ble? Amigo?
Amigo standing in front of a mirror just holding weights, and blankly staring.
Kinniku Mike: Amigo? Buddy? Mi amigo Amigo? You alright man?
Amigo: Huh? Yeah, I was just....just lost in thought.
Kinniku Mike: I get it mad. We got cheated out a win over those ginger bastards, but we won't give up! We'll get a rematch! We're take on the new "Dead End" group if we have to. We'll honor our fallen bro Maurice and-
Amigo: That's the problem Mike. Maurice. We all started together, and we grew apart, and I spent years trying to be the World Warrior. Trying to be the well versed grappling specialist. Eyes were always on the prize, but the SURGE Generation....I always had a fondness for it. Like a good sandwich, those memories were always there for me. The memories are getting hazy now Mike. I'm just remembering failure...and our apparent failure to save Maurice....or so I thought.
Kinniku Mike: What do you mean?
Amigo: I saw him Mike. Out in the crowd.
Kinniku Mike: Saw who? Amigo, who did you see?
Amigo: Maurice. I saw Maurice Mike.
Jennings Office
Jennings was sitting at his desk, staring at the wall blankly, when Lady M's burst into the room.
Noah Jennings: Yikes! Did my secretary even TRY to stop you?
Lady M's: Karen isn't going to try to be a hero with me Jennings. We need to talk.
Noah Jennings: Can we at least wait until my Ativan kicks in. It'll only take a moment.
Lady M's: .....
Noah Jennings: ......
Lady M's: ......
Noah Jennings: ......
Lady M's: .......
Noah Jennings: ....There it is. Much better. Alright continue.
Lady M's: I'm not waiting. I want the shot at Erica, and I want it now.
Noah Jennings: You do? But I thought-
Lady M's: I came back to whip this division into shape and mix it up a bit? Shit yeah I did, but I obviously have to kick it up! Look, this isn't a knock on the Angel Cul-wives, but they have been getting battered by this group. They're all too nice for this sort of thing. They can't get their hands dirty like me. I want that title shot!
Faris Angel: You'll have to wait in line Tali. This one is mine.
Lady M's: *sigh* I know you think you have to do this but-
Faris Angel: I know I have to do this.
Lady M's: You think you know you have to do this.
Faris Angel: I know I know I have to do this.
Lady M's: ....You think you-
Faris Angel: Tali, you have to understand. We look after each other. Most people might still think it's weird, but we're a family for better or worse. After what I left behind, and what I became, and what I recently had to see and deal with, you can understand why I'm saying I have to do this. I'll be the one to be Erica Tali. It'll be me.
Lady M's: ....First friends and family call me Tali. You call me M's or Death Metal Bitch, or whatever else, but not Tali. Second, you put your money where your mouth is. We're having a match next week. Winner gets the shot at Erica. It's not a request.
Faris Angel: ...I'd never back down from the challenge. You're on.
Lady M's: Good choice. We're done here Jennings.
Noah Jennings: Alright, I'll lea-wait this MY OFFICE!
Lady M's: ...Right. I knew that.
M's kicked over a chair before she left.
Noah Jennings: ...Glad she's got that anger under control.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to Studio B, for another one of our NEON NIGHTS! Yeah! We're heading for a Collision people! Collision: EBW vs. EWA is on the way, and we have the card! That's right, we actually get to announce the card at the end of the show! The rival promotion that is CONSTANTLY blue balling us from delivering our brand of nonsense and wrestling to Twoson and Fourside. We're actually going to be battling over the rights to Threed! I know! THREED!
Apple Kid: Easy Tommy. The Zombie city is one of our best cities to run in. The zombs have a LOT of disposable income somehow. We want that income. WE NEED THAT INCOME!
Tommy Dukes: Easy Apple. We'll be holding a Team EBW vs. Team EWA Elimination match, but that's later. That's happening next week. We're not doing that now, we're doing this! And tonight is exciting in its own right, as we are revealing.....ANOTHER TITLE!
Apple Kid: Easy Tommy. This isn't just another title to throw into the mix. This one is exclusive to Neon Nights. It's the EBW Neon Championship, and look at it. Look at all these colors. Hit the lights and turn on that black light. See? IT IS NEON!
Tommy Dukes: Easy Apple. This will be the championship for the studio show. We're committed to the studio show. YOU WILL CARE ABOUT THE STUDIO SHOW!
Apple Kid: Easy Tommy. The first two Round 1 matches will take place TONIGHT and-
Tommy Dukes: Easy Apple. Before that, we have a surprising return with-
Apple Kid: Easy Tommy. We have Chad Salad waiting in the ring for that.
Tommy Dukes: Easy Apple. Return.
Chad Salad: I'm not the LEAST BIT impressed by any of you! This city we're in sucks, and I hate your sports team! I hate your faces! Whoever I have to face, I'm not intimidated by-
Tommy Dukes: Holy shit it's Ripper!
Apple Kid: Easy Tommy. Holy shit it's Ripper!
Chad Salad: ....Oh.
EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City
1. Singles: Ripper beat Chad Salad via Count Out
-Ripper lurched quickly to the ring and tried to grab Chad, but Chad narrowly rolled out of the way. He tried to grab a chair and hit Ripper on the outside, but Ripper smashed it with a metal pole and tried to hit Chad. Chad screamed and ran through the crowd to make his escape. Ripper stood silently in the ring as the ref counted Chad out.
Apple Kid: That was crazy! I know this is wrestling and all, but I get the sense Ripper was legit trying to murder Chad Salad just now. This makes you wonder just how the hell everyone got away from Ripper when he showed up in Crystal Heaven the other night.
Tommy Dukes: I think they found the parts to a car, got it repaired, and drove off, after catching Ripper in a bear trap.
Apple Kid: I see.
Tommy Dukes: Seriously though, we SAW Tack Angel suck that guy into space right? I'm imagining that am I? Where did he go?
Apple Kid: It's like...teleported away.
Tommy Dukes: Oh wait no, there he is. He's just walking to the back...I sure hope Chad keeps running.
2. EBW Neon Championship Tournament Round 1: Benjamin beat Magnum PT via Spear -> Pin
-The opening match of the Neon Championship Tournament saw Benjamin and Magnum PT square off in a fairly competitive bout. Magnum PT had Dick Wagner coaching on the outside, which might have been more of a distraction as the man scratched as his crotch and hit on barely legal women in the crowd. A spear from Benji lead to the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Benjamin with the win! That's good win for our boy!
Apple Kid: He's our boy is he?
Tommy Dukes: Well he's in my boy stable.
Apple Kid: Your what now?
Tommy Dukes: Boy Stable. It's the stable where you place your wrestling boys.
Apple Kid: ...That didn't help.
Tommy Dukes: Let's say you have a favorite wrestler who is underappreciated and never been a main event type. They are called "Boys". You put your "Boys" together into a "Stable". Ergo "Boy Stable".
Apple Kid: It just sounds like something else entirely.
Tommy Dukes: Some might say "Buachaill Cobhsai", but then we're getting into new levels of boydom and-
Apple Kid: Easy Tommy. I'm hearing that Chad Salad made it outside, but Ripper followed him across the street, and he had to jump through a window to get to the door and lock it in time. Ripper found an axe, and he's breaking down the door, but Chad Salad MIGHT have a flare gun and pocket knife. We'll update you as we go.
3. EBW Neon Championship Tournament Round 1 : Fighter Daron beat Dangerous D via Backslide -> Pin
-Catch AS Catch Can action, with Dangerous D finally getting a chance to show off his submission abilities, but Fighter Daron, actually looking in shape this week, blocked the D, and hit a Backslide for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Wow, did Fighter Daron just win? He won with a Backslide?
Arliss Michaels: That's right he won! He won he won he won! That Backslide too right? No one BUT Fighter Daron wins with a Backslide! Yes! My work is finally paying off! I have new Backslide T-shirts available now. Also, Fighter Daron will be playing Victim #3 in this week's episode of "Boring Procedural Cop Show", so make sure you check it out. I hear it's great, and they have a scene where the coroner makes a funny joke, and the main cast just look at him, and he clears his throat and proceeds with the autopsy.
Apple Kid: That's literally in every episode of every procedural ever. That's literally in every episode. It's the most annoying thing ever. Like, engage this person as a human and laugh or something. It's frustrat-wait, you're dragging me into this.
Tommy Dukes: So Daron beat D. Isn't it funny though that you were thinking of taking on Dangerous D as a new client?
Arliss Michaels: WHO TOLD YOU THAT?! I need to fire my publicist. Wait...I need to hire a publicist so I can fire them.
Tommy Dukes: What's the status on Chad Salad?
Apple Kid: He got the phone lines working, and called out to the police, but they are five minutes away so he's buying time.
Tommy Dukes: Phone line? What about using a cell phone?
4. Women's Singles: Tracy Angel beat Duvalie via DQ
-Main event time, as Tracy, flanked by Nani and Makoto Angel took on Duvalie with Kaie in tow. A brutal, hard hitting match, and best of the evening. 21st Century Foxx and the four masked members of Foxx Force Five tried to make a run in, but Nani and Makoto held them off, with help from Christina. However, the match still went to a DQ, when Duvalie pulled a sharp spike out of her dress sleeve, and stuck Tracy in the side. A big brawl broke out.
Tommy Dukes: Yikes! What a way to end the show. Oh wait, how about Chad Salad? Did he make it to the cops?
Apple Kid: ...You don't want to know.
Collision: EBW vs. EWA
Twoson Fairgrounds, Twoson
ENN+/Channel 2/Channel 4
1. Singles: Generator vs. Grind
2. Singles: Rude vs. Manu Kalani
3. Team EBW vs. Team EWA: [Team EBW]Lady M's/Hope Mach/Faris Angel/Tracy Angel/Erica/Kaie vs. [Nightmare Cocophany]Brandy Roads/Butch Manlady/Dentist/Unsafe Slag/Magic Girl/"Only Good One" Hikaru
4. Tag: [Bad Dudes]Trevor Mach/Tack Angel vs. [SuperKick Thigh Slappers]Max Superkick/Jeremy Superkick
5. EWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship: KAITO(c) vs. Jackson Kain
6. Team EBW vs. Team EWA: [Team EBW]Bashin Dan/Firebrand X/Subculture/Hotlanta/Kinniku Mike/Amigo vs. [Team EWA]Kenny Beta/Kota Hayashi/Perfect Man/Colby "The Eagleland Cheese"/Sgt. Dave Larmore/Viktor Geisman
Apple Kid: Well there you have it. The final card for Collision: EBW vs. EWA. Wow, that show really got weird after EWA took in Colby "The Eagleland Cheese", who immediately insisted that they hire all his friends, and make his wife the most important character on the show.
Tommy Dukes: Well, I'm sure some of the matches will be good, because WE'LL be there, and the guys they have that used to work for us will know how to work. Everyone else, I'm not so sure. Just remember to root for us. Because as I always say, those who root against EBW suck dick by choice!
Apple Kid: *sigh* You've never said that before. That's going to get us in trouble with somebody.
Last edited by Machismo (2/18/2020 10:40 pm)
Twoson High School
Tack Angel was finishing up a speech with a class in Twoson.
Tack Angel: So to conclude, if you get caught masturbating, and you stop, then you're the guy that got caught. But if you keep going, then the guy who caught you becomes gay for watching. Success is all about finding the hidden advantage in a negative situation. Well kids, it's been a real privilege getting to talk to you. We've missed being able to come to Twoson, and only now for this week are they allowing us in. However...under close supervision....
Tack turned to his right where Sheriff Pagina was standing. He cocked his shotgun.
Tack Angel: I guess that's my cue to leave? Remember kids keep reaching for the stars....but not too far, because I AM the stars. *wink* Oooowwww have mer-
Sheriff Pagina: YOU'RE DONE!
Tack Angel: And I'm done.
Tack left the High School to find Trevor waiting with his Testarossa.
Tack Angel: I'm not riding in that thing with you.
Trevor Mach: You could walk?
Tack Angel: ...Fine.
Trevor Mach: Did you give the speech about-
Tack Angel: Yes...yes I did. I do whenever I get nervous around teenagers. I don't know why.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, me neither. Anyways, I'm here to pick you up since Amy said the wives are busy fighting off a giant mantis creature with the mechs. Cool stuff, but I'm here instead so...whatever.
Tack Angel: Well how do you think I feel? I'm totes left out of the awesome mech battles because I was busy time traveling.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, totally boring right. Say, what WAS it like on a moon hurtling towards Earth?
Tack Angel: that was something I suppose.
Trevor Mach: After all of that, I just want to wrestle.
Tack Angel: Yeah me too-
?: Hey losers! What are YOU doing here?
The Bad Dudes look over to see two short, skinny guys with with tassels all over their arms and legs.
Trevor Mach: Sorry kids, we're in a hurry, but we'll gladly give you autographs.
Tack Angel: Wait Trev, those are our opponents at Collision. That's Max and Jeremy Superkick!
Max Superkick: We're not fans! We're "The Complete"! We're totally the best ever!
Jeremy Superkick: We're changing the game! Our wrestling is the NEW wrestling, and if you, and those people on Twitter that want to complain that we're killing the business, we'll totally laugh about it, and then leave twitter, and print t-shirts about it to show you how much you're NOT in our heads!
Max Superkick: Yeah! That's right bro!
Tack Angel: I don't recall complaining about you.
Trevor Mach: I have. They suck. You guys are trampoline play wrestlers who never grew up. I have zero respect for what you do.
Tack Angel: Trevor?!
Trevor Mach: Just calling it how I see it Tack. Sure they're wonderful guys to know, and that will CERTAINLY get you a job, but-
Suddenly, Jeremy and Max slapped their thighs while kicking near their chins. Not directly on the chin, but NEAR the chin.
Trevor Mach: The hell was that?!
Tack Angel: Is this one of those Thigh Slapping Parties!? They look like so much fun. POPOPOPOPOPOP!
Jeremy Superkick: Why didn't you take a bump bro? Don't make me hit the Mapleland Destroyer on you. That'll keep you down for AT LEAST 2 seconds.
Trevor Mach: ...Your game is weak boys. It's weak, and you're awful.
Max Superkick: Yeah? Well we're on TV and have money, so we MUST be THE BEST! "The Complete"!
Trevor Mach: You have any idea how much absolute garbage is on TV? The Star Prince cartoon is on TV, and it makes a TON of money!
Tack Angel: Yeah! I don't take that as an insult at all cause that show is slanderous!
Jeremy Superkick: You guys are older than us, and that means we're betterer and smarter! *flosses*
Trevor Mach: ...Yeah, I'm out of here.
Max Superkick: Not so fast!
The Superkicks ran to a nearby wall and flipped off of it, did a bunch of tumbles and somersaults, before running up to the Bad Dudes and slapping them as lightly as possible while slapping their thighs.
Jeremy Superkick: How did you like THAT Star Prick?!
Trevor Mach: *sigh* Yeah...still popping Tack?
Tack Angel: No.
Tack hit a REAL Superkick that knocked out Jeremy Superkick. No thigh slapping, just actual, physical contact. Trevor headbutt Max Superkick.
Tack Angel: Alright, let's go.
Trevor Mach: Wait, now I have to do something since I have the opportunity.
Trevor went to his bag in the car and pulled out some hair clippers. He proceeded to shave off Max Superkick's sideburns.
Trevor Mach: OCD relieved. Let's g-
Tack Angel: Ripper?! Gomenasai Ripper-chan!
Trevor Mach: CHEESE IT!
Last edited by Machismo (2/19/2020 5:31 am)
Saturn City Gym
Subculture and Firebrand X were hard at work, but it seemed that something was holding them back...
Subculture: Come on X, I know you can lift more than that.
Firebrand X: *sigh* And I noticed you stopped punching a few minutes ago. You're not getting the speed on the speed bag.
Subculture: Yeah, well I'm feeling demotivated I guess.
Firebrand X: ...Makes two of us, as much as I hate to admit it, and if you tell anyone I WILL kill you. Honestly, I'm not sure why we train together. We're a team of convenience.
Subculture: Oh come on. We're pals right? I don't have too many of them.
Firebrand X: neither. Crazy guy in a mask, I'm lucky that Gemma puts up with me.
Subculture: At least you have that robot superhero for a friend. What's his name? Arremer X?
Firebrand X: It's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, I guess we're friends. Ugh, forget it, I'm done for the day.
Subculture: That makes two of us.
Firebrand X: I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing.
Subculture: That makes two of us.
Firebrand X: Times are changing, and I'm not getting younger.
Subculture: That makes two of-sorry....sorry.
Firebrand X: I know all the styles, and I've got the look, and the power to back it up. Been a huge part of EBW's history. But, I have let the main event pass me by.
Subculture: I was a hungry street dog. I think being happy tamed that.
Firebrand X: You're right, we need to eliminate our wives.
Subculture: I didn't mean tha-
Firebrand X: Relax, I was kidding. You really think I'd be capable?
Subculture: You wear a's hard to tell.
Firebrand X: Yeah, I'm sure it-
Mr. Pirkle: Excuse me gentlemen, can I have a moment of your time?
Subculture: Not a cha-
Firebrand X: Let's hear what he has to say....before we smash his teeth in. What do you want Pirkle?
Mr. Pirkle: I couldn't help but overhear you.
Firebrand X: How about that.
Mr. Pirkle: I know what it's like to not have purpose anymore. It kills the soul of a man. We just...shrivel up....fade away. The stories disappear. They aren't about us anymore.
Subculture: Would you get to the point?
Mr. Pirkle: I'm thinking you both have more to give going forward, than you do behind you. I think, your best years are still to come. However....I think they're with EWA. If you join us, I will give you bigger contracts, and more meaningful matches. No Machs or Angels to contend with for the spotlight. The egomaniacs that have carved their names into EBW's legacy, when it should have been mine. It should have been Ness's. It could have been yours. Titles I'm not beholden to anyone, and I don't play favorites. I only showcase the best though, and I believe you two have it. So what do you think? Want to play a part in saving Wrestling?
Firebrand X: .....
Subculture: ......
Summers Television Studio
Captain Sparkle and the Sparkle Scouts appeared to be on a 1960's set....
Sparkle Scout #1: So, as you can see, the evil white men were always attempting to keep other races down.
Sparkle Scout #2: Yes. Constantly, even the ones that weren't. Even the ones that didn't grow up in this period and never experienced it. It's literally in the DNA of white men, but ONLY men.
Sparkle Scout #3: What about me? I was born a man.
Sparkle Scout #4: True, but gender doesn't really exist, so when you became a woman, it negated that.
Captain Sparkle: Wait, you just said that only men were responsible.
Sparkle Scout #2: Only WHITE men. Let's get it accurate Captain.
Captain Sparkle: Right....right. But you just said gender doesn't exist. So which is it?
Sparkle Scout #3: Uh...oh no, it appears the evil Mr. Patriarchy, our most sworn foe, who we've come back in time to stop, has possessed Captain Sparkle! Why else would she, a stunning and brave woman, talk like an incel!?
Captain Sparkle: Because I questioned a thing? Ladies, you're out of your minds. Stop reading these garbage scripts. You might think you're smashing the patriarchy or whatever, but you're still being used, and at the same time, you're destroying every corner of entertainment. Stop it. It's not fun. It's not exciting. It's not insightful. It's garbage. Little girls watching at home, first off, why are you watching, and why are your parents letting you watch? I had a ball gag in my mouth for the majority of the last episode! Most importantly, be free thinkers. You ARE women, but that's not lesser than men. It's not the same either. It's its own pretty cool *bleep*ing thing. Don't-
Tess's Office
The scene was now on the television screen, being turned off by Tess.
Tess: You're not doing your job Tali, but we're never going to fire you. We can play this game as long as you want.
Lady M's: You've really turned into a major bitch. Before you were just a minor bitch. No big deal. I've dealt with worse. But, this is the worst. This crap you're trying to pull ruins everything, and it makes me the moral center fighting it. I DON'T LIKE BEING THE MORAL CENTER TESS! People will get the wrong idea about me. I'M NOT A ROLE MODEL!
Tess: Well look at that. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Tali, I might just be the death of you. Wouldn't that be something?
Lady M's was on her way out when...
Tess: Oh Tali, before I forget. Make sure you tell the Foxx Force Five I said hello the next time you see them. A little idea your Father and I cooked up. They haven't caused any problems....yet...but keep walking out of line, and see what happens.
Lady M's: Like I care I care.
M's knocked over a lamp on the desk and walked out.
Tess: Heh....she's really getting that anger in check. Imagine the ulcer. Ha!
Lady M's hopped on her motorcycle, and drove to the outskirts of Summers. At a cliff side area, she saw a grizzled old man, looking through a telescope into space with one hand, while rocking Justice Mach's cradle with the other.
Lady M's: Uncle Charlie, I'm back.
Uncle Charlie: Well it took you long enough. I didn't want to have to change this young man's diaper, but you gave me little choice. He's asleep right now. Loud crier this one. Wanted his Mommy back.
Lady M's: Well here I am. Just had to take care of some business, and I don't want him in Summers.
Uncle Charlie: You mean that awful awful television show you're on? Nasty business that. Never been a fans.
Lady M's: Good. I wish no one would watch it.
Uncle Charlie: My brother's son is an awful man for making you do this. An awful man, and an awful mayor. That's why I moved out here. Out of city limits, and out of his sight.
Lady M's: You've always been good at keeping low profile, and to my credit, I've helped keep it that way too.
Uncle Charlie: Until now. Suddenly, you can't stop visiting your Great Uncle Charlie. It's cause you need a babysitter right?
Lady M's: I just need a reminder.
Uncle Charlie: A reminder of what?
Lady M's: That we're not all bad.
Trevor Mach pulled up in the Testarossa, with a passed out Tack Angel.
Lady M's: And there's the "Dudes".
Trevor Mach: Hey Lady. We were just on the way to the next show. Thought I'd pick you up.
Lady M's: Sounds good. Can I park the bike at your place Uncle Charlie?
Uncle Charlie: You may my dear. That's what Uncle Charlie is kicking around for, helping the young ones that care to actually stop by and visit from time to time. Tell Rose I'd love to see her soon too by the by.
Lady M's: I'll try to maybe possibly remember to do that.
Uncle Charlie: I won't be counting on it. Hehe.
Trevor Mach: Now who do we have here? We've never met.
Lady M's: You've never met my Uncle Charlie? That can't be right.
Trevor Mach: Nope, you've never brought him up.
Uncle Charlie: Hey!
Trevor Mach: That's alright. No time like the present. Nice to meet you Uncle Chuck.
Uncle Charlie: Uh...likewise Mr. Mach. Heard a lot about you. I've seen a lot too. You're quite the loose cannon, but you're perfect for my little Tali-kat.
Trevor Mach: Tali-kat?
Lady M's: That's enough of that Uncle Charlie. I'll go get the kid strapped in I guess, and then go park the bike.
Trevor sat next to Uncle Charlie as looked up into space.
Trevor Mach: What are you looking at?
Uncle Charlie: Eh...supposed to be a meteor shower or something tonight.
Trevor Mach: Oh yeah?
Uncle Charlie: Yeah. They say it's more of the remnants of the moon Triton. You know, the one that blew up a few years back?
Trevor Mach: Oh yeah, I heard about that.
Uncle Charlie: I'd say you know more about it than I would. You were there right?
Trevor Mach: Pardon?
Uncle Charlie: I may be old, but I remember things. I remember 1992. I was coming out of the Twoson Mall. I couldn't see the road in front of me, cause I had so much stuff. I was buying a new bicycle for Tali. Suddenly, someone pulled me back from stepping into traffic. I never forget a face.
Trevor Mach: ....That's impressive.
Uncle Charlie: Here you stand, look exactly the same as you did before. I did my research. As you can see, I'm a bit of a curious old man. People say they saw an Angel the day the Triton exploded. An Angel carrying a woman. Know anything about that?
Trevor Mach: I might just....yeah.
Uncle Charlie: How about that. I have an Angel for a Great Nephew in Law.
Trevor Mach: Is that a thing? I wouldn't call me an Angel sir. Just a man....mostly.
Uncle Charlie: Ha! You lot are always full of secrets. Like them aliens up there. I know they're up there. I know it cause I don't remember half of these stars. I don't remember these planets. Something changed, and I can feel it.
Trevor Mach: You're fascinating sir. You truly are. This has been a gas, but I got to get my peeps to the next city for Wrestling. Do you watch?
Uncle Charlie: Nah, not a fan.
Trevor Mach: Heh...of course. Later Uncle Chuck. Let's go Tali-kat.
Lady M's: I ALLOW "Talicious", but let's not go crazy.
Trevor Mach: Oh come on, you love it.
Lady M's: Do I? Do I love it? I really don't think so.
Trevor Mach: Haha!
Lady M's: Uncle Charles has you figure out doesn't he? Maybe even better than me.
Trevor Mach: Well, turns out we have met before.
Lady M's: I figured I had to have introduced you at some point. He's the only one who's not an asshole.
Trevor Mach: True.
Lady M's: I'm sure he was talking your ear off. He's a conspiracy guy obviously, but I love him for it. Everything is always life and death with him.
Trevor looked forward in the driver's seat, as a blue and yellow parakeet landed on the hood. He stared at it for a moment, as a tear fell from his eyes. He smiled as it flew away.
Trevor Mach: and death.