BACKSTAGE - Right Before The Show Starts
*Venus confronted Erica about her sneak attack on the SPARKLE Shining Star Champion, Sunny Malibu, during Sunny's Beach Party Celebration last week. Erica also appears to be in possession of the title belt, as well.
Venus: ERICA!
Erica: That's my name, don't wear it out.
Venus: Yes, but you are NOT the SPARKLE Shining Star Champion.
Erica: Not yet at least.
Venus: Then why don't you give that belt back to it's rightful owner, Sunny Malibu.
Erica: Gee, let me think about it. *Thinks for a second* HELL NO!
Erica: YES, I AM! In fact, I am the HEAD BITCH IN CHARGE around here. So if the "Champ" wants THIS back, she can try and take it from me in the ring later tonight. But until she does, I am gonna keep it. Thank you very much. NOW PISS OFF!
*The disgusted Venus now backs off from Erica as the scene closes out to the opening credits of SPARKLE MAX*
*The show immediately kicks off with the opening tag match.*
1.) Cat Power continued her ongoing rivalry with Aisha, teaming with Dixie Armstrong to take both Aisha and Brandy Wine tonight. Aisha refused to fight both ladies tonight and walked out of the match, after Cat Power got the upper hand, leaving Brandy Wine by herself. Brandy Wine fought valiantly against both ladies, but ran into the Feliner (Paydirt) from Cat Power after ducking the Western Lariat attempt from Dixie. Cat Power then made the cover for the win.
*After the match, all three shook hands with each other, in a a show of mutual respect, unlike the lack of respect Aisha has for the rest of her fellow trainees.*
2.) In the second match of the night, Taeler Hendrix faced off against Cherry Bomb. This was a hard hitting battle of strikes, with each trainee kicking the crap out of each other. But in the end, Taeler Hendrix was able to ducked the BSE (Best Superkick Ever) attempt by Cherry Bomb and nail the Chick Kick (Roundhouse Kick to the head) for the victory.
*Taeler Hendrix wins again and continues her undefeated streak in singles action as a rookie.
After the second match, Tess made her way down to the ring, along with her proteges, Tracy and Melanie Cruise.*
Tess: Welcome ladies, welcome to the beginning of the end. The end of one of your careers in not only my service, but SPARKLE as well.
Tracy and Melanie Cruise: WHAT?!
Tracy and Melanie Cruise: .......
Tess: You BOTH brought this on yourselves. You both have continued fight with one of another and lose sight of the bigger picture here. *Turns to Tracy* Tracy, you lost the Shining Star Championship to that beach bum, Sunny Malibu. And in my book, that makes you a LOSER!
Melanie Cruise: *Laughs to herself out loud*
Tracy: But Mom, she.....
Tracy: ......
Tess: *Turns to Melanie Cruise* Don't think I forgot about you, Cruise. You have been nothing but a big disappointment to me. You cost Tracy the Shining Star Championship! So that makes you a LOSER too!
Tracy: *Laughs to herself out loud*
Tess: *Glares at both of them* So in conclusion, YOU ARE BOTH OF YOU ARE LOSERS! But which one of you is the BIGGEST LOSER here? Well we are gonna find out soon enough. Cause at the next iPPV, MELTDOWN, you two are gonna face off in a match. A LOSER LEAVES SPARKLE MATCH!
Tracy and Melanie Cruise: WHAT?! NO WAY!
*Tess now drops the mic and begins to leaves as Tracy and Melanie Cruise stand there shocked by this turn of events and announcement as we fade out to the back from there.*
Mia: Sorry Tali, I am a little busy right now.
Lady M's: NOW!
Mia: Fine. What the fuck do you want?
Lady M's: You know what I want. I want to know WHY?!
Mia: WHY?! It's very simple, Tali. FUCK YOU! THAT'S WHY!
Lady M's: I have 12 stitches in my head. I think deserve more than that.
Lady M's: I'm.....Sorry.
Mia: SORRY?! YOU'RE SORRY?! Sorry doesn't fix the constant pain I have in my neck now, DOES IT?!
Lady M's: No, it doesn't.
Mia: Good, glad you understand that. Now as for what I told Jenny James, I just told her the truth.
Lady M's: The truth? Truth about what exactly.
Mia: About the relationship between M's Style and Jessica James.
Lady M's: WHAT?!
Mia: Oh Tali, you can't be as oblivious to everything around you as that stupid naive husband of yours is.
Lady M's: *Thinks for a moment about it* Goddamn it. *Leaves the scene*
Mia: *Snickers* And the pot is stirred a little bit more. Mission accomplished. *Snickers more* I forgot how much I LOVE this job. *Laughs out loud*
*Mia now begins to grin like a devious Cheshire Cat as the cameras then fade out from there.*
3.) M's Style and Jessica James continued their on their winning ways as a tag team, beating The Beautiful People tonight. Jessica James was able to nail Velvet with the Sexy Strong Stunner, which cause her to staggers backwards into the Eagle Slam (Olympic Slam) from M's Style. Jessica then speared Angel out of the ring as M's made the cover on Velvet for the win.
*After the match, Jessica James and M's Style celebrated in the ring until Jessica James came out to confront them both. Jessica James mouthed to M's Style as she stood between her and Jessica. Lady M's then ran down and stepped between her daughter and Jenny.
Jenny James now tells Lady M's to keep her daughter away from her sister. Lady M's just stands there in anger, pointing to her bandaged head. Jenny just smiles about it and tells her to leave as she has match next. Lady M's complies and leaves the ring with M's Style.*
4.) Jenny James faced off against the injured Nikki Roxx, whose arm was still heavily bandaged. This was bullseye too and Jenny attacked it without mercy. But Nikki Roxx bought back and was looking to set up for the Barbie Crusher (Voodoo Drop), but Valerie Del Toro appeared on the stage, distracting her and the ref. This allows Jenny James to bash Roxx in the head with her chain, busting her wide open in the process. James then tossed the chain outside, hiding the evidence. James now nails the bloody Roxx with the Throwdown (FU/Attitude Adjustment) for the victory.
*Jenny James quickly goes outside, picks up the chain, and hides it in her pocket as the ref checks on the bloody and barely conscious Nikki Roxx in the ring. Valerie Del Toro now enters the ring as Jenny James leaves. The ref tries to warn Valerie not to attack Roxx, but Valerie tosses the ref to the outside of the ring. Valerie Del Toro now tells the barely conscious Nikki Roxx....*
Valerie Del Toro: So Nikki Roxx, you might be wondering what my terms for fighting is. I'll make it really simple so that even a "campesino" like you can understand them. YOU AND ME, MANO Y MANO, AT MELTDOWN! IN A SUBMISSION MATCH! And guarantee you will be the one to TAP OUT....RÍNDETE, again! I'll see you there.....Nos vemos allí a i, IF you accept.
*Valerie Del Toro now drops the mic and poses over the fallen and bloody Nikki Roxx. The cameras then fade out from there.*
Venus: Hi SPARKLE fans, Venus here with Heather Mach. Heather, even though you are not medically cleared to wrestle tonight, you have challenged the Skulls & Bones to a fight.
Heather Mach: Yes, I have.
Venus: Do you think that's a wise decision?
Heather Mach: Well seeing how I am too out of mind from the painkillers to know if it is, I don't care. I am gonna go out to the parking garage and if the Skulls & Bones want to fight, they can meet me and my "friend" there after the main even tonight.
Venus: You have a friend you are bringing?
Heather Mach: Indeed. I do.
Venus: WHO?!
Heather: Mr. Hammer. *Shows off a sledge hammer to Venus and the camera* Mr. Sledge Hammer.
Venus: OH MY!
Heather Mach: So Skulls & Bones, IT'S FUCKING HAMMER TIME!
*Heather now walks off with the sledge hammer in tow, to wait for the Skulls & Bones in the parking garage of the Battle Zone*
5.) The main event tag match was champions taking on their new challengers. During the match, ABC walked out on the Shining Star Champion, Sunny Malibu. This led to 2K chasing them up the ramp, in anger. With Erica and Sunny Malibu in the ring alone, continue their rivalry that started last week. Eventually Erica grabbed the Shining Star title belt from ringside and this distracted Sunny. Erica then tossed it on the mat in front of her. Then as Sunny went to go get it, Erica caught her with the Endgame (RKO) for the victory, pinning the champion.
*Erica now picks up the belt and raises it above her head as she yells out at the unconscious Sunny Malibu*
*Erica now gets in the face of Sunny Malibu and yells out....*
*Erica now drops the mic on the mat and continues to poses over the fallen champion as the scene closes out from there*
*Heather Mach was now shown standing in the parking garage of the Battle Zone with sledgehammer in hand, waiting for the Skulls & Bones to show and fight her.*
Heather Mach: Come out, Skulls & Bones, IT'S HAMMER TIME!
*Heather Mach now bangs the hammer on the concrete floor in anticipation.*
*Heather Mach continues to wait and bang the hammer around, until Venus runs up to here, yelling out....*
*Heather now turns around, almost hitting Venus with the hammer, but stops. Heather now tells her....*
Heather Mach: Oh, it's just you again, Venus.
Heather: NO! I will NOT! I am waiting to fight the Skulls & Bones!
Venus: That's the thing, Heather. They've already attacked again!
Heather Mach: WHAT?! WHERE?!
Venus: Please just follow me.
Heather Mach: Okay. Lead the way.
*Venus and Heather Mach now run off together as the cameras fade out from there.*
*Heather Mach and Venus now arrive at the SPARKLE HQ in Summmers, they now find a barely conscious Lucca sitting in the corner of the officer. Lucca looks to be beaten up pretty badly and bleeding from the mouth and nose. But that's not the worst part of the scene, as the SPARKLE General Manager, Nanimura, is shown laying unconscious on the floor of the office. She lying in pool of her own blood, mostly from what appears to be a fracture skull or worse. A lead pipe covered in Nanimura's blood, is also lying next to her, as well. Lucca now finally regains enough strength to yell out to both Venus and Heather....*
Lucca: The Skulls & Bones grabbed me, roughed me up pretty good, and then forced me to watch as they beat Nanimura badly with that lead pipe. Then they heard you coming and ran off.
Venus: What do should we do now?!
Heather: Venus, you go get the EMTs! Lucca and I will watch over Nanimura. In case those skull-faced bastards come back to finish the job.
Venus: Right, I'm on it. *Runs off quickly*
Lucca: This is not looking good at all, Heather.
Heather Mach: No, it's not. And I blame myself too.
Lucca: WHAT?! WHY?!
Heather Mach: I should have SEEN this coming. GODDAMN IT!
*The show now closes out from there*
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Cat Power and Dixie Armstrong beat Aisha and Brandy Wine when Cat Power pinned Brandy Wine with the Feliner.
2.) Taeler Hendrix beat Cherry Bomb with the Chick Kick.
3.) M's Style and Jessica beat The Beautiful People (Angel and Velvet) when M's Style pinned Velvet with the Eagle Slam.
4.) Jenny James beat Nikki Roxx with the Throwdown.
5.) "Challengers VS Champions" Tag Match: Erica and 2K (Kei Akiyama & Kayla Sparkz) beat Sunny Malibu and ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter) when Erica pinned Sunny Malibu with the Endgame.
*After SPARKLE MAX went off the air, M's Style and Jessica James were caught in the middle of heated confrontation between Lady M's and Jenny James....*
Lady M's: GODDAMN IT, JENNY! What the FUCK is your problem?
Jenny James: MY PROBLEM? You wanna know MY PROBLEM?! It's your goddamn daughter, dawg. KEEP HER AWAY FROM MY SISTER!
Lady M's: They are just friends, Jenny. NOTHING MORE!
Jenny James: I would, if you would just STOP YELLING IN MY FACE!
Lady M's: Fine. Just listen to me.
Jenny James: Fine. All ears, dawg.
Lady M's: Mia is just stirring the fucking pot. That's what she does.
Jenny James: That does make sense. But there is just one little problem with that......YOU AND ME HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO SETTLE!
Lady M's: Yes, I know. So how about this....YOU AND ME, ONE ON ONE, AT MELTDOWN!
Jenny James: YOU'RE ON!
Lady M's: Shake on it. *Extends hand*
Jenny James: *Shakes hands with Lady M's* I'll see you at MELTDOWN. *Leaves*
Lady M's: You can count on it. *Leaves*
*After both ladies have left the room, Jessica now tells M's Style...*
Jessica James: Don't worry about them, Hope. Let them fight it out. They need to get it out of their systems.
M's Style: *Nods* I agree.
Jessica James: Besides I have a brilliant plan in the works already.
M's Styles: What plan is that?
Jessica James: *Signs something to M's Style,*
M's Style: *Signs something back to her, while nodding her head.*
*Both girls now smile big like Cheshire Cats, loving whatever what plotted between them in secret.*
*A furious and now bandaged Nikki Roxx emerges from the medic's room and immediately yells into the camera....*
*Mr. Lu was now seen talking to the still roughed up Lucca about the recent attack on the SPARKLE General Manager, Nanimura, by the Skulls & Bones.*
Mr. Lu: So how is Nanimura doing, Lucca?
Lucca: Not too good, sir. She suffered severe blunt force trauma to the head and face. Plus, she is not expected to wake up anytime soon.
Mr. Lu: Damn it. How are you taking it?
Lucca: I am......fine.
Mr. Lu: What's wrong, Lucca? Tell me.
Lucca: It's just that, those skull-faced bastards forced me to watch helplessly as they bashed Nanimura repeatedly with that pipe. Over and over again. I am a bit shaken up by it.
Mr. Lu: I understand. But Lucca, I need you to pull through this.
Lucca: Yes, sir. I will.
Mr. Lu: Good, cause I am gonna name you the new Interim General Manager of SPARKLE in Nanimura's absence.
Lucca: ME?!
Mr. Lu: Yes, you.
Lucca: WHY ME, SIR?!
Mr. Lu: Because Lucca, you are the only one left that is qualified to run SPARKLE. Paula hasn't been around in ages, Lady M's is caught in the middle of her feud with Jenny James. And then there's Tess.
Lucca: Oh god, I see what you mean.
Mr. Lu: Yes, I don't want to go down that road with Tess in charge again. So congratulations Lucca.
Lucca: I won't let you down.
Mr. Lu: I know. And Lucca, good luck.
Lucca: Thank you, sir.
*The scene now closes out from there.*
Last edited by Endless (2/28/2020 5:01 pm)
*A few hours laters a mysterious video tape was sent to SPARKLE HQ, curtosey of the same Skulls & Bones messenger that delivered the now infamous white box. The following video is played when watched.....*
Narrator: The following video has been paid for in full by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.
*We now see all the members of the Skulls & Bones sitting in a hazy darkened room, around a large wooden table with the Skulls & Bones logo carved into it. The hooded leader of the club is sitting at one end of the table. She now speaks into the camera, using the same distorted voice as before....*
Distorted Voice: Why did you have to open that box? Was the temptation of that pretty white box too hard to resist. *Pauses for a moment* And NOW you see what happens when you don't follow the rules of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club! You thought you were above our rules cause you are in "charge" of SPARKLE. Well I think our message was sent loud and clear now, so.......FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULES! Cause when you break the rules, you will PAY THE FUCKING PIPER!. And trust me, she is very good at her job. Just ask Nanimura about that. *Loud Distorted Laughter*
*"The Piper" now nods her head in agreement with that statement and bangs her lead pipe on the table loudly in confirmation of the statement.*
Distorted Voice: You see this was only the beginning. The beginning of the end. And now that you've opened "Pandora's Box", you have unleashed nothing but HELLFIRE AND DESTRUCTION upon SPARKLE. We will be seeing you all again very soon, maybe even at MELTDOWN! So in the mean time, don't open any more white boxes you find, cause you never know....there might just be a lead pipe with your name on it. *More Loud Distorted Laughter*
*The video now ends and cuts to loud static from there*
Last edited by Endless (2/28/2020 4:24 pm)
*At the main offices of SPARKLE HQ, M's Style and Jessica James were in a meeting with the new SPARKLE Interim General Manager, Lucca. And after much back and forth discussion, Lucca finally speaks up to both of them....*
Lucca: I like the idea, girls. I like it ALOT. You've got your match at MELTDOWN. And on SPARKLE MAX, I will tell everybody involved in it, to meet me in the ring, for the announcement. See you there.
M's Style and Jessica James: Yes, you will.
*The scene ends there.*
Venus: GEE! I wonder what those two rascals are plotting? *Thinks moment* GOSH! I don't know. So I guess we'll all just have to find out on SPARKLE MAX this week. And speaking of which, here is the card for the upcoming show.....SPARKLE MAX
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Aisha VS Brandy Wine
2.) Cat Power & Dixie Armstrong VS Taeler Hendrix & Cherry Bomb
3.) Lady M's VS Valerie Del Toro
4.) Melanie Cruise & Tracy VS Sunny Malibu & Erica
*The show opens immediately in the ring with a extremely pissed off Heather Mach, holding the same lead pipe that was used to attack Nanimura at the end of last week's show.*
Heather Mach: SKULLS & BONES! YOU SEE THIS LEAD PIPE! IT'S COVERED IN THE BLOOD OF NANIMURA! Now you say one of your skull-faced thugs called "The Piper" attacked Nanimura last week. And I heard rumors that you will be at MELTDOWN too. Well that's great news for me. And bad news for YOU! CAUSE I WANT TO FACE "THE PIPER" AT MELTDOWN! Now it can be in a match. Or it can just be in a straight up fist fight. I DON'T CARE! CAUSE EITHER YOU SHOW UP AND FIGHT ME AT MELTDOWN OR I WILL LOOK FOR YOU, I WILL FIND YOU, AND I WILL KILL YOU! ALL OF YOU!
*Heather now drops the mic on the mat and the scene fades out to the opening of the show finally.*
1.) The first match of the show was Aisha taking on Brandy Wine. Aisha was not in a happy mood for some reason. And when it seemed like Brandy Wine may actually get win on SPARKLE MAX finally, Aisha walked out of the match.
*Brandy Wine won the match by countout, but was unhappy never the less at Aisha walking out.*
*Immediately following the match, Venus confronted Aisha in the Gorilla Position and tried to get answers for her....*
Venus: Excuse me, Aisha, why did you walk out tonight?
Aisha: Well that's very simple. I don't jerk the curtain. I am the star of the first class. I deserve better than THAT!
*Both women are then interupted by the SPARKLE Interim General Manager, Lucca.*
Lucca: Well I can give you better than that, Aisha. In fact, I can put you on the iPPV, MELTDOWN. How does that sound?
Aisha: That sounds more like it. Finally, I get the respect and treatment I deserve.
Lucca: It's settled then. You will open MELTDOWN against Cat Power.
Aisha: WHAT?!
Lucca: You heard what I said.
Lucca: I can and I just did cause newsflash, I am the NEW Interim General Manager of SPARKLE. Oh and if you try to walk out on that match, I will fire you on the spot. Good luck at MELTDOWN. Now excuse I have an announcement to prepare for in the ring. *Lucca now leaves*
*The cameras then faded out from there.*
2.) Cat Power continued to build momentum, this time pinning Cherry Bomb in the tag match tonight.
*Cat Power is definitely gonna be ready for Aisha at MELTDOWN. Paybacks are a hell, all that can be said too.
Immediately after the match, Lucca came out and shook hands with all four young ladies as they walked past her on the ramp. Lucca then entered and began to speak.....*
Lucca: That's what I am talking about. And that's what I love about this job. Giving the fans exciting matches, each and every week. And THAT is exactly what I plan do as your new Interim General Manager. And speaking of which, I would like the four teams I talked to earlier backstage before the show tonight, to come out now.
*All four teams then came out to the ring. They were M's Style and Jessica James, 2K (Kayla Sparkz and Kei Akiyama), Bad Vibrations (Rayne and Ariel) and finally the SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, ABC (Miss April and Brooke Carter). Lucca then told them all....*
Lucca: Ladies, I am gonna make this short and sweet. M's Style and Jessica James suggest an brilliant idea to me for the MELTDOWN. They want to take the four best tag teams in SPARKLE, put them all in the ring and have ourselves a FOUR-WAY DANCE for the titles at MELTDOWN! And that's exactly what is gonna happen. ABC, you have always said you are the best tag team in women's wrestling, well now you can prove it at MELTDOWN.
*ABC shake their heads in shock and disbelief over the announcement.*
Lucca: 2K, you wanted a rematch for the title, well now you got it.
*2K now highfive each other and nod their heads in approval.*
Lucca: Bad Vibrations, I don't like you two. That's never been hidden. But I respect you for being a great tag team. Now you can prove just how great you are.
*Bad Vibrations agree with Lucca's comment and just smile happily*
Lucca: And finally, you two. The ONLY reason you are getting this title shot is because you suggested it. So I suggest you make it count and win those titles at MELTDOWN.
*M's Style and Jessica James just nod their heads in agreement with Lucca's assessment.*
Lucca: So ladies good luck at MELTDOWN and may the best team win.
*Lucca now leaves as all 8 ladies stare at each other in the ring, as the cameras fade out from there.*
4.) Lady M's and Valerie Del Toro faced off tonight in a preview of their matches at MELTDOWN. After a decent back and fourth match, Jenny James snuck down to ringside and nailed M's in the back of the head with the chain, when the ref back was turned. Valerie Del Toro then pinned Lady M's for the tainted victory.
*After the match, Valerie Del Toro celebrated her victory on the ramp, until a pissed off Nikki Roxx appeared on the stage to confront her, while Lady M's and Jenny James just stared at each other in the ring. Lady M's knows, just like Nikki Roxx, she just has to wait till MELTDOWN and she will get her payback then. Payback is hell, as stated earlier.
The cameras now fade out to the back.*
*In the heel locker room, Tess was now seen talking to both Tracy and Melanie Cruise...*
Tess: Don't even start with me tonight, ladies. At MELTDOWN, I will be your judge, jury, and executioner cause one of your will be fired by MY HANDS! But don't worry about that, cause I still plan to call it right down the middle.
Tracy and Melanie Cruise: ........
Tess: But tonight is different, cause tonight you are both on your own. Good luck and I will see yall both at MELTDOWN. *Tess now leaves*
Tracy: It's gonna be you, LOSER!
Melanie Cruise: No, YOU!
Tracy: YOU!
Melanie Cruise: YOU!
Tracy: YOU!
Melanie Cruise: YOU!
Tess: SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! GODDAMN IT! *Tess now leaves again*
Tracy: *Points at Cruise* You. *Tracy now leaves*
Melanie Cruise: *Smirking* We'll see about that.
*The cameras then fade out from there.*
4.) In the main even of the evening, Tracy and Melanie Cruise teamed up without Tess in their corner, to take on the Shining Star Champion, Sunny Malibu, and her challenger, Erica. Eventually Tracy and Cruise started arguing in the ring and began shoving each other around. This lead to Tracy laying out Melanie Cruise with the Tik-Tak (Zig-Zag) and walked out on the match. Sunny Malibu now goes to the top rope and signals for the Tidal Wave (Superfly style Flying Splash). But as she does, Erica now tags Sunny on the leg. Sunny now nails Cruise with the Tidal Wave, but ref won't count the pinfall. Erica now enters the ring, smiles at Sunny, and lays her out with the Endgame (RKO). Erica now casually covers the still out cold Cruise for the cheap victory.
*Erica now celebrates her victory as if she has won the SPARKLE Shining Star Title tonight, standing over the fallen Sunny Malibu. Erica raises the belt above her head as the scene fades out from there.*
*Mia is now shown leaving the Battle Zone, when she suddenly stops, frozen in fear.*
Mia: *Gasps* Please don't hurt me.
*The camera pans and we now see the several members of the Skulls & Bones, sitting on their motorcycles in front of her. The hooded leader now tells her, using the same distorted voice as usual.....*
Distorted Voice: Don't worry Mia, we are not here to hurt you. In fact, we like your work. You stir the pot well.
Mia: Uhhhh.....thanks.
Distorted Voice: Indeed. But the reason we are here is that we want you to deliver something to Heather Mach for us.
Mia: A white box, perhaps?
Distorted Voice: No, not this time. That joke has passed. We've had our fun with it. We just want you to tell her that The Piper is here. And that she has accepted her challenge for MELTDOWN.
*"The Piper" nods her head in agreement, as she tightens her grip around her all too familar lead pipe.*
Distorted Voice: Now....GO!
Mia: You don't have to tell me twice. I'm outta here! *Runs off quickly*
Distorted Voice: Smart girl. Perhaps too smart for her own damn good too.
*The show now closes out from there.*
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Cat Power & Dixie Armstrong beat Taeler Hendrix & Cherry Bomb when Cat Power pinned Cherry Bomb with the Feliner.
2.) Brandy Wine beat Aisha by countout.
3.) Valerie Del Toro beat Lady M's by pinfall.
4.) Sunny Malibu & Erica beat Melanie Cruise & Tracy when Erica pinned Melanie Cruise after Sunny Malibu nailed her with the Tidal Wave.
*After SPARKLE MAX went off the air, an irate Sunny Malibu was getting ready to leave the Battle Zone in the face locker room, and she had this to say about her SPARKLE Shining Star title defense against Erica at MELTDOWN....*
Sunny Malibu: ERICA! I am SICK of your cheap underhanded tactics. I am SICK of you taking what will NEVER be yours. But most of all, I AM JUST PLAIN SICK OF YOU! Now I know you pride yourself in being a bitch to everybody these days. And that's just fine and dandy to me. Cause I pride myself in being the SPARKLE Shining Star Champion! So you go ahead and continue to be a bitch after MELTDOWN, as that's the only thing you will ever be. CAUSE THE CHAMP IS HEEEEEERE!
*Sunny Malibu now raises the belt high into the air as scene closes out from there.*
*At the main offices of SPARKLE HQ, the Interim General Manager, Lucca, was in a discussion with Heather Mach about her upcoming "match" with The Piper at MELTDOWN.*
Lucca: So that's the deal, Heather. Your so-called match with "The Piper", whoever the hell she is, will be an UNSANCTIONED FIGHT! That way you can do whatever you want, free of any legal repercussions. How does that sound?
Heather Mach: That sounds VERY good to me.
Lucca: Excellent. And don't get me wrong, I want this fight to happen at MELTDOWN. It's good for business, after all. Plus between you and me, I hope you kick that skull-faced bitch's ass.
Heather Mach: That's the plan, Lucca. And just remember one thing, I am like the post office.
Lucca: The post office?
Heather: Yeah, cause no matter the weather or situation at hand, I always deliver the goods.
Lucca: Clever.
Heather Mach: Oh and don't worry, my goods never come in white boxes either.
Lucca: *Laughs* Clever and funny. That's why I've always liked you, Heather.
Heather Mach: I know, I know.
*The cameras now closes out from there*
Venus: Hi SPARKLE Fans, Venus here with the final announcement before the MELTDOWN on iPPV. The final card for the big show has been finalized and here it is.....SPARKLE presents MELTDOWN
Summers Battle Zone
LIVE! only on iPPV
1.) Rematch: Cat Power VS Aisha
2.) Submission Match: Nikki Roxx VS Valerie Del Toro
3.) Grudge Match: Lady M's VS Jenny James
4.) Unsanctioned Fight: Heather Mach VS "The Piper"
5.) Loser Leaves SPARKLE Match: Tracy VS Melanie Cruise Special Guest Referee: Tess
6.) Four-Way Dance for the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter)© VS 2K (Kayla Sparkz & Kei Akiyama) VS M's Style & Jessica James VS Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel)
7.) SPARKLE Shining Star Title Match: Sunny Malibu© VS Erica
*Backstage, Tess was now seen to talking an exhausted and sweating Tack Angel, who had just arrived at the building....*
Tess: I was wondering when you would finally show up.
Tack Angel: I had to ride the bike here. It's long way too.
Tess: *Groans* Why don't you just get a real motorcycle now? You are part of The Unbreakables now.
Tack Angel. I don't like riding them.
Tess: Damn it, Tack. You never change, do you?
Tack Angel: I guess not. So where's Tracy?
Tess: Haven't seen her tonight. She's not really speaking to me right now. Her career is in MY HANDS after all.
Tack Angel: Yes, I know. I want you to promise me that you will call it down the middle like you said you would on SPARKLE MAX.
Tess: Tack, you know me better than that. I always do what's right for business. *Leaves without saying another word*
Tack Angel: *Sighs* And that is what scares me the most tonight. Good luck Tracy, where ever you are. Cause even I hate to admit this, but I am gonna miss you being around if you lose. *Leaves as well*
*And emotional Tracy was now shown hiding around the corner, having listened to the conversation between Tess and Tack Angel.....*
Tracy: *Overwhelmed with emotion and on the verge of crying* Oh Tack, you DO still care about me.
*Tracy now begins to cry as the scene now closes out to the opening video package for MELTDOWN....*
1.) The iPPV now kicks off with the first match of the evening, Cat Power taking on Aisha in a rematch. Cat Power has had issues with Aisha since Kickstart and looked to settle the score tonight. The two wrestled a decent match, but as Cat Power was setting up for the Feliner (Paydirt), Aisha rolled to the outside. But instead of walking out on the match, she crawled on the ring. Cat Power gave chase and pulled her back out, refusing to let her escape. Aisha now begs off in the ring, and Cat Power refuses to show mercy. But that's when Aisha manages to cradle Cat Power with a small package for the victory.
*After the match, Aisha quickly got out of the ring and away from the irate Cat Power's wrath. Aisha escapes yet again, leaving Cat Power fuming in the ring.*
Venus: Hi SPARKLE fans, Venus here with Valerie Del Toro. Val...*Valerie snatches the mic from Venus*
Valerie Del Toro: BE GONE! You are a CAMPESINO to me. Just like that Nikki Roxx.
Venus: Fine! I'm outte here. *Leaves*
Valerie Del Toro: Now then, Nikki Roxx, tonight you are gonna lose again. In fact, why even talk about it. The time for talk is over! The only thing left for you do is TAP OUT....again. Then when it's all over, I will be one stop closer to MI DESTINO! And there is NADA anybody can do to STOP me.....VALERIE DEL TORO.
*Valerie Del Toro now drops the mic on the mat and leaves.*
2.) Valerie Del Toro and Nikki Roxx squared off in a submission match tonight with the clear advantage going to Valerie, due Nikki Roxx's heavily bandage arm. It was the target of Valerie's offense tonight as well, as she repeatedly attacked it with hard kicks. But as Valerie continued to kick the crap out of Roxx's arm, Nikki managed to catch her leg and dragon screw her. Valerie then collapse to the mat in pain from the move. This was a big turning point, as Nikki Roxx targeted Valerie's leg and ankle with her attacks now. Eventually Roxx locked Valerie in an Ankle Lock and looked to have the match won. But Valerie grabbed the ropes at the last second to break it. Nikki Roxx went for it again, but Valerie kicked Roxx in the arm, to counter it. Valerie now signals for and locks Nikki Roxx in the cross armbreaker with the El Dorado (Jumping Armbar Takedown). Nikki Roxx struggles for over a minute in the hold, not wanting to submit. But she has no choice and does tap out, not wanting her already injured arm broken.
*After the match, Valerie Del Toro continues to attack the arm of Nikki Roxx. That is until she sees several members of the Skulls & Bones making their way through the crowd and towards the ring. Valerie quickly leaves as the Skulls & Bones enter the ring and surround Nikki Roxx. Roxx can barely stand, holding her arm in obvious pain. She refuses to accept the fate that awaits her and begins to attack the members of the Skulls & Bones, but she is literally a one-armed woman in this fight. Eventually the odds are too much, and the Skulls & Bones put her through a table with a triple team powerbomb. Afterwards two members of the Skulls & Bones hold out the injured arm of Nikki Roxx on the mat. The hooded leader of them now hands the lead pipe to "The Piper". "The Piper" then, without thinking twice, takes and slams it hard across the prone arm of Nikki Roxx. Her arm now officially has to be broken. The Skulls & Bones now pose in ring, raising their fist into the air in unison, while standing over the fallen and injured Nikki Roxx. Heather Mach then ran out from the back and scared the Skull & Bones out of the ring.*
*Heather Mach now demands that "The Piper" come into the ring for their Unsanctioned Fight. "The Piper" nods her head and walks down to the ring as the EMTs help the injured Nikki Roxx to the back.*
3.) Heather Mach came prepared for a fight, that's for sure. But "The Piper" was no slouch in the ring either. The two brawled around the ringside area, with Heather Mach irish whipping "The Piper" hard into the steel steps. Heather now grabs a steel chair for ringside and slams it down across the exposed back of "The Piper". "The Piper" returns to the ring, and Heather stalks the skull-faced thug with the chair. "The Piper" manages to kick Heather in the midsection as she goes for the headshot with the chair. "The Piper" takes the chair away and slams it across the back of Heather, returning the favor. "The Piper" drops the chair on the mat and signals for the end. But when "The Piper" goes to pick up Heather Mach, she gets a face full of powder, blinding her. Heather now grabs "The Piper" by the head and yells out for the end. Heather Mach now lays out "The Piper" with the Twist of Fate right onto the steel chair!
*After the fight, Heather Mach signals to the crowd that she is gonna unmask "The Piper" now. "The Piper" struggles to stop Heather Mach, as a result. But just as Heather is about to get the skull mask off, a blonde haired man sneaks into the ring from the crowd. The man now puts on a similar skull mask of his own and picks up the lead pipe from out of the corner. The masked man now nails Heather in the back of the head with lead pipe, knocking her out cold!*
*The masked man and "The Piper" now quickly leave the ring before the unmasking could be completed. WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN?!*
4.) It was now time for the grudge match between Lady M's and Jenny James. This rivalry has been building up for while now and has finally come to a head tonight. The two ladies were not content on having a wrestling match tonight either, as it was a fight. The two brawled all over the ringside area and back in the ring. Jenny James got the advantage of the fight and look to set up M's for the Throwdown (FU/Attitude Adjustment) but M's escaped out the back door. Lady M's now hits Jenny James with a kick to midsection and nails her with the Sexy Strong Stunner! M's goes for the cover, but Jenny James kicks at 2! M's now measures Jenny James for the Smash Mouth (Sliding D) but Jenny ducks it and rolls M's up for a long 2 count! Jenny James now wraps her steel chain around her fist and measures M's for the knockout punch. But the ref now takes the chain away instead. Jenny now pulls out a second chain from inside her shoe and wraps it around her hand instead. M's ducks the chain shot, and goes for the GTS, but Jenny James punches M's in the face with it during the attempt. Jenny tosses the chain out of the ring and makes the cover, but M's still kicks out at 2.9! Jenny now lifts M's up and nails her with the Throwdown. Jenny makes the cover, but M's gets her foot on the ropes at 2.9! Jenny drags M's to her feet, yelling at her to just stay down. This costs Jenny big time as M's catches her with a second Sexy Strong Stunner out of nowhere! Jenny is out on her feet and M's now lifts her onto her shoulders. M's nails Jenny with the GTS, laying her out cold. M's now makes the cover for the hard fought victory!
*After the match, Lady M's helps Jenny James to her feet. The two then shake hands and seem to bury the hatchet. The two then leave together, having gotten out the bad blood from their systems tonight.*
Tracy: .......
Tack Angel: .......
Tracy: Hi.....Tack.
Tack Angel. Hi.....Tracy. How are you doing tonight?
Tracy: I'm......fine.
Tack Angel: Good. That's good. So, Tracy.....
Tracy: Yes, Tack?
Tack Angel: Good luck tonight.
Tracy: Thanks. That means alot to me.
Tack Angel: I know. Well I.......gotta go. *Leaves*
Tracy: Goodbye.....Tack.
5.) Tracy and Melanie Cruise fought each other tonight with the loser being force to leave SPARKLE for good. With Tess as the special guest referee tonight, anything could happen. Both knew this and fought their hearts outs. But Tracy was pretty much overwhelmed by the power game of Cruise. Eventually Cruise was able to nail Tracy with the Cruise Control (Batista style Spinebuster) and it seemed like Tracy's career in SPARKLE would be over. Even Tack Angel thought so as he rushed out onto the stage to watch the remainder of the match. Cruise made the cover and Tess counted to two, but refused to count three. The shocked and angered Cruise now just stares at the smirking Tess. Cruise now gets and confronts Tess in the corner, yelling at her. Tracy now nails Cruise hard in the back with a steel chair. Tracy now drops on it on the mat and Tess yells at her to "FINISH THAT LOSER OFF!" Tracy now nails Cruise with the Tik-Tak (Zig-Zag) right onto the chair. The smirking Tracy now points at the disgusted Tack on the stage as she makes the cover and Tess makes the three count. MELANIE CRUISE IS NOW GONE FROM SPARKLE!
*Tess and Tracy now celebrate in the ring over the fallen Melanie Cruise as Tack looks on from the stage in utter disgust and disbelief.*
6.) It was now time for the Four-Way Dance for the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles. ABC looked confident against all three other teams too. But 2K looked even better in the ring tonight, as just like on SPARKLE MAX a few weeks ago, Kei Akiyama was able to nail Miss April with the Exploder and make the cover for the elimination. ABC HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! That means no matter what happens now, we are guaranteed to have new champions crowned tonight. Kei looked to be setting up Rayne for the Exploder too, but Miss April nailed her from behind with one of the SPARKLE Twin Star title belts! This allowed Rayne to nail the now barely conscious Kei with the Beauty Mark (Zack Attack) and eliminate 2K from the match! 2K HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! As a result of the elimination, 2K and ABC continued to brawl on the outside of the ring, until security came out and broke them up. These two teams are not done with other by a long shot, titles or no titles on the line, it seems. We are now down to two teams, Bad Vibrations and M's Style and Jessica James! Bad Vibrations took advantage of the two young rookies, looking to make quick work on them. But they refused to go down so easily, kicking out again and again. This frustrated Bad Vibrations to no end too. Eventually, Ariel went for the Dariel (Whiplash/Twist & Shout) but M's Style manages to shove her off and right into a Sexy Strong Stunner from Jessica! Ariel now staggers backwards and right into the Eagle Slam (Olympic Slam) from M's Style! Jessica now spears Rayne as M's Style makes the cover on Ariel for three count! M'S STYLE AND JESSICA ARE THE NEW SPARKLE TWIN STAR CHAMPIONS!
*M's Style and Jessica James now celebrate in the ring as the new SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, as the proud Lady M's and Jenny James look on from the stage. M's Style and Jessica Jame now look at each other in the center of the ring. Jessica now mouths "I Love You" to M's Style. M's Style just smiles back at her and the two embrace in a kiss. Lady M's and Jenny James are now shown to be in shocked by this turn of events, to say the very least.*
7.) After that shocking series of events, it was now time for the main event of the evening. Sunny Malibu defending the SPARKLE Shining Star Title against Erica. After weeks of Erica embarrassing and make Sunny look like a chump instead of the champ, she was ready for some retribution. The engaged in a decent match, with Sunny getting the upper hand in most of it. Erica had to resort to some underhanded tactics to take the advantage and set up Sunny for the Endgame(RKO). Erica went for the move like she had done so many times in the past, but this time Sunny managed to block it. Sunny then returned to the favor, by nailing Erica with a Endgame of her own! Sunny then went up to the top rope and signaled for the end. Sunny now nails Erica with the Tidal Wave (Superfly style Flying Splash) for the three count to retain the title!
*Sunny Malibu is still your SPARKLE Shining Star Champion! Sunny now celebrates in the ring with her title belt over the fallen Erica, as the iPPV comes to a close from there*
Summers Battle Zone
LIVE! only on iPPV
1.) Rematch: Aisha beat Cat Power by pinfall using a small package.
2.) Submission Match: Valerie Del Toro beat Nikki Roxx with the cross armbreaker.
3.) Unsanctioned Fight: Heather Mach beat "The Piper" by KO.
4.) Grudge Match: Lady M's beat Jenny James with the GTS.
5.) Loser Leaves SPARKLE Match: Tracy beat Melanie Cruise with the Tik-Tak onto a steel chair.
6.) Four-Way Dance for the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: M's Style & Jessica James beat ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter)©, 2K (Kayla Sparkz & Kei Akiyama), and Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) to become the NEW Champions.
Order of Eliminations:
1.) Kei Akiyama beat Miss April with the Exploder.
2.) Rayne beat Kei Akiyama with the Beauty Mark.
3.) M's Style beat Ariel with the Eagle Slam.
Winners and New Champions: M's Style & Jessica James
7.) SPARKLE Shining Star Title Match: Sunny Malibu© beat Erica with the Tidal Wave.
*After the MELTDOWN iPPV went off the air, Lady M's and Jenny James were at the gorilla position backstage discussing what was just revealed to them.....*
Lady M's: So Jenny....
Jenny James: Don't talk to me, dawg.
Lady M's: We can't just ignore what happened tonight. It's not gonna go away.
Jenny James: You are right. But you said they were just friends, M's. DID THAT LOOK LIKE FRIENDSHIP TO YOU TONIGHT?!
Lady M's: Look liked TRUE LOVE to me, Jenny.
Jenny James: And THAT'S what I don't like. *Thinks about it for a moment* NO SIR! I DON'T LIKE IT ALL!
Lady M's: You don't have to like it, Jenny. I don't really like it either.
Jenny James: Really?
Lady M's: Yeah. But I do respect the fact that my daughter is mature young woman and can make her own decisions. I am sure, Jessica is the same way. Right, Jenny?
Jenny James: *Sighs* You are right, M's. I am just a little hard headed about these things that's all.
Lady M's: A little? My knee still ACHES from our match tonight. Your hard head bruised the shit out of it.
Jenny James: *Laughs* That was a good fight tonight too.
Lady M's: I agree, you gave me the best fight I've had in a LONG time. *Extends hand*
Jenny James: *Thinks about it for a long moment, and then shakes hands with M's* Yes, I did. But don't think for a second, this changes anything between us, dawg. I respect you as a wrestler and a fighter, but we are NOT friends. GOT IT?!
Lady M's: I got it, dawg. And the feelings are fucking mutual too.
*Backstage, the defeated and dejected Melanie Cruise was shown preparing to exit the Battle Zone for the last. Melanie Cruise hesitates for moment, take deep breath, then reaches from the door handle As she about to open it, A familiar but distorted voice calls out to her....*
Distorted Voice: CRUISE!
*Melanie Cruise turns around quickly, but before she can even react, she overwhelmed by many members of the Skulls & Bones. After the beardown, three members put the proverbial exclamation point on the assault by triple team powerbombing her through a nearby equipment table. The hooded leader now looks into the camera, and says...*
Hooded Leader: *Distorted Voice* It seems that Melanie Cruise was cruisin' for a bruisin' tonight. *Laughs* Oh and by the way, I would like to wish Melanie Cruise well on her future endeavors.
*The scene now closes out from there*
MASTER BEDROOM - Mach Residence, Fourside
*A couple of hours after the MELTDOWN iPPV ended, at the household of the Mach Family, Trevor Mach and Lady M's are in bed together.....*
Trevor Mach: So waifu!
Lady M's: Yes Trevtastic?
Trevor Mach: I saw Meltdown tonight.
Lady M's: Glad you saw it.
Trevor Mach: Yeah....anything interesting happen on the show we should maybe talk about?
Lady M's: My whatever do you mean dear?
Trevor Mach: I dunno, perhaps our little girl has grown up a lot faster than I was anticipating.
Lady M's: Well....she's not actually little Trevor....she's a grown woman.
Trevor Mach: They grow up so fast. It's like I just met her last year.
Lady M's: Because it WAS last year.
Trevor Mach: Oh right. So....Jessica James.....another girl....that' unorthodox choice.
Lady M's: But still her choice to make and besides, don't we thrive on unorthodox?
Trevor Mach: Damn right we do, but I have to worry about our child, growing up in such a dark and degenerate world. You have to hope for the best, and wish that your child will make the right decisions, and live an honest and happy life. *smokes imaginary pipe, realizes there is no pipe, and tries to act like he was scratching his stubble instead*
Lady M's:'s funny when you play #1 Dad. Well.....what do you think?
Trevor Mach: I think that as least it's not that damned Cherub Kid! As long as my baby is happy then that's what matters. If she wants to be with Jessica James then I'll support her, and hope for the best! Besides, I think as a couple you and I set a good example for her to follow. Wouldn't you agree?
Lady M's: Absolutely! What about you?
*The camera now pans to reveal a shocked Hailey Havok in bed with both Trevor Mach and Lady M's......*
Hailey Havok: .....I think....I think I should probably be going home.
Lady M's: Already? What a pity.
Trevor Mach: Goodnight Hailey! Don't worry, I'll put in a good work for ya with Grind. The guys stoic as shit, but I think you guys would make a good couple!
Hailey Havok: Uh...thanks....see ya at work....this is so weird.
*Hailey Havok now quickly gets out of the bed and begins to leave the bedroom as Trevor Mach tells Lady M's....*
Trevor Mach: Ah! I like her!
Lady M's: *Nods in agreement* Me too!
*The scene now closes out from there*