*The now familiar & yet still mysterious messenger of the Skulls & Bones sent another video tape to SPARKLE HQ today. The following video is shown when the tape is played....*
MAIN ROOM - Skulls & Bones Clubhouse, Summers
Narrator: The following video has been paid for in full by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.
*The same masked man that attacked Heather Mach from behind with the lead pipe at MELTDOWN is now shown standing next to the hooded Vice President of The Club, now dubbed simply "The Hood". "The Hood" now speaks using the same distorted voice as before....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Do you recognize the man standing next to me? *Wait for a moment* WELL YOU SHOULD! *Turns to the masked man* State your name for the record.
*The masked man now speaks with in a non-distorted voice....*
Masked Man: My name is Chris Stuckman.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Very good. *Nods head and looks into the camera again* And does this name sound familar to you people? *Wait for a moment again.* WELL IT SHOULD! *Turns to Stuckman again* Mr. Stuckman, please remove your mask and show the world your face and the bitter truth it reveals.
*Stuckman nods his head and removes his mask without hesistation. He now throws it on the ground in front of himself, revealing his face to the world.*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* DOES THIS MAN'S FACE LOOK FAMILAR TO YOU?! *Wait for a moment yet again* WELL IT SHOULD! *Places hand on Stuckman's shoulder* It should be very familar to ALL OF YOU! Please tell them what you did before, Mr. Stuckman.
Mr. Stuckman: I was SPARKLE's cameraman. I worked for the company from the beginning until recently.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* And what happened recently?
Mr. Stuckman: I was fired for no reason other than them wanting to move to HDTV. They said it wasn't in the budget for me to remain on the payroll.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* And it pissed you off, didn't it?
Mr. Stuckman: Yes, it did. I feel like all my work over the years meant jack fucking shit to them. That I was just another cog in the machine that is SPARKLE. So I decided to turn on SPARKLE just like they turned their backs on me first. Now I am a cog in a much bigger and better war machine. The war machine that is the Skulls & Bones. And I am willing and able to carry out the mission of The Club. The Club that is gonna take over SPARKLE very soon.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Well said. Glad to have you on board, Mr. Stuckman.
Mr. Stuckman: My pleasure.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* SPARKLE, this man worked for you for years. And how did you repay him for his years of service? WITH A FUCKING PINK SLIP! Now he's a loyal soldier in the growing army of The Club. So what's the lesson this time around? It's simply "Don't Trust Anybody." Cause we are anybody and everywhere. And when we strike, you will never see us coming until it's too late. Just ask Heather Mach. Ask Melanie Cruise. And most importantly, ask Nanimura. If she ever wakes up. *Laughs*
*The video now ends and cuts to static from there.*
THE BAR ROOM - One Eyed Jack's, Summers
*Heather Mach was at the famous One Eyed Jack's in Summers, looking to drown her sorrows after what happened at MELTDOWN with the former SPARKLE cameraman and turncoat, Chris Stuckman. Heather Mach now walks up to the bar and says.....*
Heather Mach: Give a real stiff shot, Jackie. *Thinks for a moment* On second thought, make it a double shot too.
*A familiar voice that isn't Jackie's now tells her from behind the counter....*
Familiar Voice: For starters, I am not Jackie. In fact, I am not even a man.
*Heather Mach now looks up as the purple haired bartender turns around revealing, that it's....*
Heather Mach: KUMATORA?!
Violet: It's *flips hairs* Violet now. Kumatora was just my ringname when I was wrestling.
Heather Mach: Oh I see. No matter. Welcome back to Summers, Violet.
Violet: Thanks, Heather. I am glad to be back too. Cause honestly, I really missed this city.
Heather Mach: I bet so. Threed is SO BORING.
Violet: Yes, it is. But that happens when the majority of the population are ZOMBIES.
Heather Mach: Very true. So you're working here now?
Violet: Yes, I am. Jackie made me an offer I couldn't refuse to become the second bartender here.
Heather Mach: I see. Too bad SPARKLE can't offer you a wrestling contract too.
Violet. Yeah, too bad. But to be honest, I don't miss wrestling at all.
Heather Mach: Really?
Violet: Yeah, my career was going no where fast and I was hardly making any money. So I was happy to get out while the getting was good, to be honest. And hell, I make more money now as the local celebrity bartender anyways.
Heather Mach: And judging from all the shit that going down with the Skulls & Bones recently, it's a good thing you did.
Violet: You ain't kidding. Good luck with that too, Heather. I'd hate to be in your shoes right now.
Heather Mach: HA! I hate being in these shoes right now. But things will turn around. You'll see. It's only a matter of time.
Door Bell: RING!
*A familar blonde haired man now walks into the Bar, looking rather dishelved and little roughed up.....*
Chris Stuckman: YO VIOLET! Give me an ice cold beer for the road, I've had a long night of hazing with The Club.
Violet: Coming right up *Looks at Heather Mach suggestively* Mr. Stuckman.
Heather Mach: *Smiling really big* Life is good to me sometimes. *Finishes off her shot* HEY STUCKMAN!
Chris Stuckman: Yeah, what do you want?
Heather Mach: Not much, can you just tell me what time it is?
Chris Stuckman: Of course, I can. It's.....
Heather Mach: PAYBACK TIME! You little bitch!
Chris Stuckman: OH, SHI.....
*The scene now closes out from there.*
???? - Summers Beach, Summers
*At an undisclosed location along Summers Beach.*
Chris Stuckman: *Mumbling*
Heather Mach: Shut up, Stuckman. Or I may just throw you off this pier.
Chris Stuckman: *Louder Mumbling*
Heather Mach: Just kidding. I am not going to do that at all. Cause I am not done with you yet. Not by a long shot. You and me are gonna have a little chit-chat in the ring on MAX. And I am gonna get some answers about the Skulls & Bones and their future plans for SPARKLE. And if you don't give me the answers that I want, I am sure we can HAMMER things out.
Chris Stuckman: *Mumbled Yelling*
Heather Mach: I SAID SHUT UP!
*Chris Stuckman now stops as the scene closes out from there.*SPARKLE MAX
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Brandy Wine VS Taeler Hendrix
2.) Aisha VS Cherry Bomb
3.) Top Contenders Fatal Four-Way Match for SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter) VS Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) VS 2K (Kayla Sparkz & Kei Akiyama) VS Roller City Derby Girls (Melicious & Crybaby)
4.) Top Contenders Triple Threat Match for SPARKLE Shining Star Title: Erica VS Valerie Del Toro VS Tracy (w/ Tess)
*Before the show started, Heather Mach and her sledgehammer were shown with the captive Chris Stuckman, in an undiclosed location of the Battle Zone....*
Heather Mach: Don't worry Stuckman, this will all be over soon. I will have my answers and you will no longer be a factor in this equation.
Chris Stuckman: *Muffled Mumbling*
Heather Mach: SHUT UP! And remember if you don't give me the answers I want. *Shoves sledgehammer in Stuckman's face* Then it's gonna be HAMMER TIME, you little BITCH!
Chris Stuckman: *Muffled Yelling*
Heather Mach: I SAID SHUT UP!
*Chris Stuckman now stops yelling and the scene closes out to the opening video from there.*
*The show opens immediately with the new SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, M's Style and Jessica James, in the ring.*
Jessica James: Hello everybody, we are out here tonight to explain ourselves for what happened on MELTDOWN. And we don't want to delay the show, so we will make this short and sweet. Or should I say, M's Style will. *Hands the mic to M's Style*
M's Style: Yes, I can speak normally now, even though I am 100% deaf. It's taken along time for me to be able to though. And do you know who helped overcome this......JESSICA JAMES!
*Jessica James just smiles and nods her head in agreement with M's Style.*
M's Style: She has helped me more than ANYBODY else has. That even includes my mother, Lady M's. In fact, when my mother wouldn't allow me to train as a wrestler and teach me the basics of it, Jessica James volunteered to be my training partner and help me achieve my dream. Now I will admit this wasn't my original dream. My original dream was to win the gold medal in wrestling at Olympics for Eagleland. But that dream was taken from me, thanks to certain GOVERNMENT BITCHES who will remain nameless. They got wrestling REMOVED from the Olympics. So I had no choice but to turn pro earlier than I wanted too. And thanks to YOU...
*M's Style now turns to Jessica James and looks into her eyes*
M's Style: I have never regretted that decision at all. You, Jessica James, are my gold medal.
Jessica James: *Talking slowly and carefully, so M's can understand her words* And you are mine. Cause you gave my reason to stick around in wrestling and continue this silly little dream of my mine. And being able to continue it with you is a dream come true. In fact, it's all the motivation I'll ever need. You complete me. And for that reason alone, I...LOVE...YOU.
M's Style: I LOVE YOU TOO.
*M's Style and Jessica James now go embrace each other and kiss, but they interrupted by the appearance of both Lady M's and Jenny James. Both now enter the ring and begin arguing with M's Style and Jessica James for a few moments over what was just said. Eventually the SPARKLE Interim General Manager, Lucca, comes out and stands on the stage....*
Lucca: Ladies, I thought you all agreed that you were gonna let this thing go and not drag it out on television? But since it seems like you just want to continue your little family feud on SPARKLE MAX, then I am gonna let you do just that. Cause tonight in that very ring, in a non-title match, it will be Lady M's and Jenny James taking on the new SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, M's Style and Jessica James!
*The scene now close out from there*
Venus: Hi everybody, Venus here with.....just Tess? Tess, where Tracy? She is supposed to do an interview right now.
Tess: Where do you think she is? *Venus tries to speak* Don't answer that, you stupid bimbo.
Venus: ......
Tess: And to answer your question, Venus, Tracy is doing some last minute preparation for the Top Contender's Triple Threat Match later tonight. Which is absurd to me to think that Tracy has to win a some stupid match to become the Top Contender. She is the Show Stealer and the former champion after all. But nevertheless, she will win tonight. And then she will go on to DESTINY and regain the SPARKLE Shining Star Champion for a record setting THIRD TIME! So is THAT all u needed to hear, Venus?
Venus: Yes.
Tess: Good, then we are done here. Goodbye. *Tess now leaves*
Venus: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I would have rather heard that from Tracy's mouth instead of yours.
*The show's action then kicked off tonight with a singles match between Brandy Wine and Taeler Hendrix, whom is still undefeated in singles competition.*
1.) Brandy Wine and Taeler Hendrix had a very competitive match tonight, going back and fourth. Brandy Wine eventually went for the Cannonball Senton off the top rope but Taeler Hendrix rolled out of the way at the last second. One Chick Kick to the recovering Brandy Wine's head later and Taeler Hendrix remained undefeated.
*After the match, Brandy Wine challenged Taeler Hendrix to a rematch next week. Taeler Hendrix was more than happy to accept the challenge as well.*
2.) Aisha and Cherry Bomb squared off in the second match of the night, which was back and fourth as well. Eventually Cherry Bomb went for the BSE (Best Superkick Ever), but Aisha rolled out of the ring, content to take the countout loss as usual. But Cat Power made sure that didn't happen, by running down to ringside and tossing Aisha back in the ring. Cherry Bomb then nailed Aisha with the BSE for the victory.
*Little payback after MELTDOWN for Cat Power. But Cherry Bomb was not happy about the tainted victory and argued with Cat Power about her "help" tonight on the ramp as well.*
3.) It was now time for the Fatal Four-Way Match to determine the Top Contenders to the SPARKLE Twin Star Championship. All four teams in this match, want to be the top contenders for one reason or the other too. This boiled down to an all out brawl with all four teams brawling all over the arena. 2K (Kei Akiyama and Kayla Sparkz) and abc (Miss April and Brooke Carter) continued their rivalry, brawling all around ringside and through the crowd to the back. This left Bad Vibrations (Rayne and Ariel) alone with the Roller City Derby Girls (Melicious & Crybaby) in the ring. Some more miscommunication led to Crybaby nailed Melicious with a Spear on accident. This allowed Rayne to roll up Crybaby from behind using the tights for the victory. Bad Vibrations are the new Top Contenders to the SPARKLE Twin Star titles!
*After the match, Crybaby and Melicious continued to yell at each other in the ring, almost coming to physical blows this time as Bad Vibrations celebrated their victory on the outside of the ring.*
Venus: Hello everybody, Venus here again. This time, I am standing by with the SPARKLE Shining Star Champion, Sunny Malibu!
Sunny Malibu: What's up, everybody.
Venus: The Top Contenders Triple Threat Match is what's up. Your thoughts?
Sunny Malibu: Nice segway there, Venus. My thoughts are simply this. I don't care who wins the match tonight. Cause I am fighting champion and will defend this belt against ANYBODY. And at DESTINY, if they want this belt, they can come and try to take it. CAUSE THE CHAMP IS HERE! *Raises the championship belt over her head.* AND SUNNY DAYS ARE HERE TO STAY!
Venus: I can agree to that too.
4.) It was now time for the Triple Threat Match to determine the Top Contender to the SPARKLE Shining Star Championship, with the winner facing Sunny Malibu for the title at DESTINY. Late into the match, Erica managed to nail Tracy with the Endgame (RKO) during her attempt at the Tik-Tak (Zig-Zag) from behind. Tracy rolled to outside as a result and a frantic Tess tried to get Tracy back into the match. Erica, sensing the end was near, then went for the Endgame on Valerie Del Toro. But Valerie countered the move into a jumping armbreaker. Valerie then began to wear out Erica's arm with hard kicks, looking to set up for Cross Armbreaker. Erica continued to fight it off, locking her hands together, to keep Valerie from locking it in completely. During this struggled, Tracy was able to nail Valerie with the Perfect 10 (Lionsault) to break it up. This cause Erica to fall out of the ring as Tracy made the cover on Valerie for the victory. Tracy is now the Top Contender!
*After the match, Tracy and Tess celebrated on the stage as the now angry Erica entered the ring. She then turned her attention to the recovering Valerie Del Toro. Erica now lays out Valerie Del Toro with the KFO. Erica now poses over Valerie Del Toro as the scene closes out from there*
Heather Mach: Can you feel it, Mr. Stuckman. You and you skull-faces friends' impending DOOM!
Chris Stuckman: *Muffled Mumbling*
Heather Mach: Patience. Your time will come. But not until after the main event. So let's watch, cause it could be the last match you ever get to watch.
Chris Stuckman: *Muffled Yelling*
Heather Mach: SHUT UP!
*Chris Stuckman now shuts up and it closes out from there.*
5.) In the main event that was made by Lucca earlier tonight, Lady M's and Jenny James took on the SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, M's Style and Jessica James, in a non-title match. Lady M's was very reluctant to fight her own daughter tonight, but a slap to the face from M's Style, proved to be the motivation she needed. Eventually Jenny James went to hit M's Style with her steel chain and Lady M's took it away from her. Jenny and M's then began to fight again with Jenny shoving M's and causing her to fall out of ring and twist her injured knee. The surprised Jenny was then nailed with the Sexy Strong Stunner from Jessica James. Jessica then pinned her own sister for the victory.
*After the match Jenny James argued with Jessica James in the ring. Jenny then picked up her steel chain and left the ring, not wanting to hear anymore from her sister. She then saw M's Style checking on her injured mother on the outside. Jenny pointed as Jessica in the ring, who shook her head. Jenny then laid out M's Style with a steel chain shot to the back of her head. Jenny then smiled about it and left by herself as the disgusted Jessica checked on M's Style as the scene closes out from there.*
Heather Mach: That was a very interesting turn of events, wouldn't you agree, Mr. Stuckman?
Chris Stuckman: *Muffled Mumbling*
Heather Mach: *Looks at her imaginary watch* Oh look at the time. Look like it's showtime, Mr. Stuckman. *Get right next to him with the sledgehammer* Any last requests?
Chris Stuckman: *Muffled Yelling*
Heather Mach: SHUT UP!
*Chris Stuckman now shuts up again.*
Heather Mach: *Groans* Let's just go to the ring, you are pissing me off.
*Heather Mach now begins to drag the tied up Chris Stuckman as he continues to yell in muffled screams as the segment fades out from there.
Back in the ring, Heather Mach was now shown with the still captive Chris Stuckman. Heather Mach then wasted no time in grabbing a mic from ringside and interrogating Stuckman.....*
Heather Mach: Okay, Mr. Stuckman, you already know why you are out here tonight. *Stuckman nods his head in agreement* Alright. So let's just cut right to fucking chase.
*Heather now aggressively removes the tape from Chris Stuckman's mouth*
Chris Stuckman: ARGH! JESUS CHRIST! Why don't you just ripped my lips off first, you stupid bitch!
*Heather Mach now slams the hammer hard into the chest and midsection of Chris Stuckman. Stuckman now crumbles to the mat, in pain. Heather Mach now yells at him....*
*Chris Stuckman now rolls over and sits up. He now tells her...*
Chris Stuckman: All you need to know is that you are getting yourself into things you shouldn't. And they go deeper than you already know.
*Heather Mach now begins to slap Stuckman hard repeatedly across the face as she yells at him...*
Heather Mach: HOW DEEP?! ANSWER ME!
*Chris Stuckman now just spits blood from his busted lip into the face of Heather. He now tells her in defiance....*
Heather Mach: We'll see about that.
*Heather Mach now slams the hammers hard into the side of the head of Chris Stuckman, busting him open badly. Heather Mach now yells at him....*
Chris Stuckman: *Groggily* Go ahead, bitch. Do your worse and see if I even give a fuck.
*Heather Mach now puts her foot across the throat of Stuckman and yells at him.....*
Chris Stuckman: YES! Cause DEATH would be the EASY way out if I talked.
*Heather Mach now takes her foot off Stuckman's throat and says out loud....*
Heather Mach: Goddamn it.
Chris Stuckman: *Laughing*
Heather Mach: Stop laughing, Stuckman!
Chris Stuckman: *Laughing*
Heather Mach: STOP IT!
Chris Stuckman: *Stops* Sorry, I was just thinking of what The Club is about to do to you.
Heather Mach: And why is that so funny, Stuckman?
*Heather Mach now looks around the ring as and sees all NINE members of the Skulls & Bones beginning to surround it. Heather Mach now clutches the sledgehammer tighter, preparing for the fight as Stuckman says, out loud...*
Chris Stuckman: And. here. we. GO!
*As if on cue, all nine members of The Club attack Heather Mach at once in the ring, like a pack of hungry wolves. Even with the sledgehammer, Heather Mach is quickly overwhelmed by the numbers game. They then proceed to Triple Team Powerbomb her THREE TIMES in a row. The biggest member of the group now picks up the lifeless body of Heather Mach and begins to carry her out of the ring. The rest of The Club now follow her out as The Hood talks with the The Piper in the ring. The Hood then pulls out and hands the lead pipe to The Piper. The Piper nods her head in agreement. The Hood then leaves as The Piper helps Chris Stuckman to his feet. And without no warning at all, The Piper smashes the lead pipe hard across the head and face of Chris Stuckman. The Piper then stands over the fallen Stuckman for a few moments, while raising her fist into the air. The Piper then drops the bloody pipe onto Stuckman and leaves him for dead in the ring.
The cameras now focus on the bloody body of Chris Stuckman as the show ends there*
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Taeler Hendrix beat Brandy Wine with the Chick Kick.
2.) Cherry Bomb beat Aisha with the BSE.
3.) Top Contenders Fatal Four-Way Match for SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) beat ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter), 2K (Kayla Sparkz & Kei Akiyama), & Roller City Derby Girls (Melicious & Crybaby) when Rayne pinned Crybaby with a roll-up to become the NEW Top Contenders.
4.) Top Contenders Triple Threat Match for SPARKLE Shining Star Title: Tracy beat Erica & Valerie Del Toro when she pinned Valerie with the Perfect 10 to become the NEW Top Contender.
5.) Non-Title Match: M's Style & Jessica James beat Lady M's & Jenny James when Jessica James pinned Jenny James with the Sexy Strong Stunner.
*After SPARKLE MAX went off the air, Lucca was discussing what happened on the show with Venus, when a very important person interrupted them....*
Mr. Lu: Am I interrupting anything important.
Lucca: Oh, not at all, sir.
Mr. Lu: Good, good. So what's the current development on the situation, Lucca?
Lucca: It just got very bad, sir.
Mr. Lu: How bad?
Lucca: It's about Chris Stuckmann.
Mr. Lu: The turncoat cameraman?
Lucca: Yes, him.
Mr. Lu: *Sighs* Just tell what's going on.
Lucca: As you know, The Piper attacked him with a lead pipe at the end of MAX.
Mr. Lu: Yes, I know. Just like they did to Nanimura, as well.
Lucca: No, sir. Not like that.
Mr. Lu: What do you mean by that?
Lucca: Well for starters, Nanimura is still alive. Granted she is in Summers General Hospital with severe head trauma from a fractured skull, but still alive nonetheless. As for Mr. Stuckman.....
Mr. Lu: I don't like where this going, Lucca.
Lucca: I didn't either, sir. Cause to quote a famous doctor from a classic sci-fi tv show, "He's dead, Jim."
Mr. Lu: WHAT?! PLEASE, tell me you are JOKING, Lucca.
Lucca: I wish I was, sir. The Skulls & Bones just MURDERED a man on our national tv show.
Mr. Lu: FUCK!
Venus: *Gasps loudly*
Lucca: And that means, the government is gonna CRACKDOWN on SPARKLE pretty hard in the future, I think.
Mr. Lu: DOUBLE FUCK! Damn those Skulls & Bones. Especially that "Piper", whoever she is.
Lucca: She's very good at her "job", that's for sure.
Mr. Lu: Yes, I can see why Skulls & Bones recruited her. Anyways is that all there is report?
Lucca: No. It gets worse I am afraid.
Mr. Lu: Worse?
Lucca: Yes, sir. The Skulls & Bones have abducted Heather Mach. he has gone completely missing since MAX went off the air.
Mr. Lu: Goddamn it. That's not good.
Lucca: It's not good at all, sir. Who knows what those skull-faces thugs have planned either.
Venus: And what can we do to help her?
Mr. Lu: Honestly. Pray.
Venus: PRAY?!
Mr. Lu: Yeah, not much else we can do at this point. We know very little about this Motorcycle Club and how they operate. So we better pray that Heather Mach doesn't do anything stupid and get herself seriously hurt like Nanimura or worse.
Venus: Worse?
Mr. Lu: MUCH worse.
*The scene then closes out from there*
*We now see an emotionally upset Jessica James, coming out of the medic's room after checking on her girlfriend and tag team partner, M's Style. She is on the verge of tears over the whole situation, when the new Top Contender's to the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles, Bad Vibrations, interrupt and confront her.....*
Rayne: Well hello there, Jessica.
Jessica James: *Groans* Just leave me alone.
Rayne: Jeez, try to have a friendly chat with somebody and you get treated badly.
Ariel: YEAH! You don't have to be so rude.
Jessica James: Look bitches, I have had a very bad night tonight. I don't want to be bothered right now.
Rayne: Oh that's right, your deaf girlfriend got beat up by your own sister tonight.
Ariel: Heh Heh, she must be blind too. Cause she should've seen that coming.
Rayne: WOW! That struck a nerve. In fact, if I didn't know any better. I'd say you are upset.
*Jessica James just stares about both of them with a glare that could kill.*
Ariel: She's giving us the evil eye, Rayne. She IS upset. She may even cry.
Rayne: HA! You gonna cry, Jessica?
Jessica James: No. But I am gonna make you two cry BLOOD in a few moments.
Rayne: WHOA! This took a dark turn quickly. There is no need for violence.
Jessica James: Yes, there is. LET'S GO! RIGHT NOW!
Rayne: If you wanna fight us so badly, then how about next week on SPARKLE MAX!
Jessica James: YOU'RE ON!
Rayne: Easy there, tiger. Since we are the NEW Top Contenders. Why don't you put the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles on the line too.
Jessica James: ......
Ariel: Oh look Rayne, she's now speechless. Looks like she can't do it unless her girlfriend agrees to the challenge.
Rayne: Yeah. It's obvious who the MAN in this relationship is.
Rayne: Sorry, you are not our type. But we will see you next week.
Ariel: Yeah, bye-bye for now. See ya.
*Both Rayne and Ariel now leave the pissed off Jessica James standing there alone as the scene close out from there.*
*A very angry Trevor Mach was standing outside the EBW Action Center in Foruside, along with the rest of The Unbreakables. He had this to say....*
Trevor Mach: BITCHES! Biker chicks think they can steal MY cousin do they?! Not on my watch dammit!
Tack Angel: Hold the phone! Are you planning on going after Heather?
Trevor Mach: I don't have a phone to hold Tack! I threw that shit on the ground and broke it already! Ain't nobody here got time to hold a phone!
Tack Angel: *sigh* Of course. Do you even have a plan?
Trevor Mach: Of course I have a plan! P! A! L! N! PLAN!
Tack Angel: I don't think you spelled pla-
Trevor Mach: The Unbreakables are going to stage a Mach Rescue!
Tack Angel: A Mock Rescue?
Trevor Mach: No, a Mach Rescue!
Tack Angel: The titling of this does not bode well.
Trevor Mach: I got the bikes and I bought Larmore all the booze he'll need on the trip. We ride until we find her or our bikes break down! Hippie, can you drive?
Retro Hippie: Well, it depends on if it's Prius or-
Trevor Mach: HIPPIE!
Retro Hippie: I mean of course I can.
Trevor Mach: Good! You take the van. Tack can't drive for shit!
Tack Angel: While it might be true, that still hurt. Look, I'm with you on this. I want to rescue Heather too, but where exactly are we going?
Trevor Mach: EVERYWHERE!
FIRST GRADE CLASSROOM - Random Elementary School, Fourside
*At Random Elementary School in Fourside, a teacher was teaching her first grade students....*
Teacher: Alright class, today we're going to learn to count to 10. 1-2-3-
*The right wall of the classroom suddenly bursts open with loud explosion....
Trevor Mach and the rest of the Unbreakables now suddenly burst into the room, frigtening all the students, plus the teacher....*
Teacher and Students: AHHHHHHH!!!!
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Teacher: She's not here! I have no idea what you're talking about! This is a PRESCHOOL!
Trevor Mach: ....Oh....oh yeah...of bad.[/b]
*Trevor Mach and the Unbreakables now leaves through left wall with a another loud explosion...*
Teacher: USE THE DOOR!
*On top of the world somewhere in Dalaam, the Talah Rama was enjoying some peace, quiet, and relaxing meditation, when this happened....*
Talah Rama: Oooooom.....Oooooommm
*A crazy man in camouflage and apparently on fire from the explosion now begins yelling at the shocked Talah Rama....*
Talah Rama: AHHH!!!!
Larmore: Where the FFFFFFUCK is she?!
Talah Rama: Ah! Peace be with you brother!
Larmore: Ain't nobody got time for that shit! Tell me where she is!
Talah Rama: I do believe you're on fire right now.
Larmore: .....Don't change the fucking subject!
Talah Rama: Oh dear.
*We now go inside Ness' mind to a now burning version of Magicant, if you can even believe this crazy shit is even happening.*
OOC: I can barely believe it and I write this shit out.
Trevor Mach: Burning down Magicant looking for Heather! I know those bikers have her hidden here somewhere!
Tack Angel: Here?! In the magical subconscious of Ness!? I don't think they can do that! I'm not even sure how WE are here!
Trevor Mach: .....Are you saying they Magi"can't" do that?
Tack Angel: ........
Trevor Mach: .........
Tack Angel: .........
Grind: .....*snicker*....
Trevor Mach: HA! See Grind got it!
Tack Angel: *sigh*
DOWNTOWN - Summers
Tack Angel: Excuse me, have you seen this girl? Please, take a flier, and pass it around! Have you seen this girl? Excuse me, have you-
Trevor Mach: Tack, what the hell are you doing?
Tack Angel: What do you mean? I'm looking for Heather. I did some detective work, and by that I mean I obviously came to the city where the Skulls and Bones reside, and I'm asking simple questions looking for a simple answer. You should try it sometime.
Trevor Mach: DAMMIT TACK! We don't have time for this!
Tack Angel: Trenchcoat guy!? HOW DO YOU KEEP FINDING ME!?
Trevor Mach: Tack, we have more important business to take care of! I know where Heather is, and we have to get there RIGHT NOW!
Tack Angel: Are you sure about this?
Trevor Mach: Look in my eyes and tell me I don't look sure about this.
Tack Angel: ........
Trevor Mach: Alright fine, but you're coming anyways unless you want to be stranded in Summers. They don't have snow here Tack! EVER!
Tack Angel: ....We'd better go then.
*In the distance, a skull-faces thug secretly watches on very closely as the Unbreakables not leave the city of Summers. The cameras now zoom in on the skull-face thug, as she rubs her hands together while saying out loud.....*
Skull-face Thug: GOOD, GOOD. That's it, leave our city. Let's us have our FUN with your cousin.
PIRATE SHIP?! - Port Summers
*On some random ass pirate ship that's docked in the middle of Port Summers. Trevor Mach confron.....AH, FUCK IT! Whatever, just go to the footage already....*
Captain Blunderbuss: YOU! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!
Trevor Mach: JET SKI BIKES YOU DAMN PIRATES! I KNOW you were behind this! You told us you came here looking for a fight, and now you got it! Bikers versus Pirate who are working for Lady Bikers! LET'S DO THIS!
Captain Blunderbuss: WHAT?!
Tack Angel: Let's go Otherworld King! I got my deck and I'm ready to-
Captain Blunderbuss: The hell are you talking about?!
Retro Hippie: Guys? Get me down please!
Captain Blunderbuss: You stormed my ship and caused damage because you think I have your cousin?! I don't! Look for yourself!
Tack Angel: *sigh* Brought my deck of cards for nothing. I should've known. Now I'll never get to play.
Trevor Mach:'re not apart of this plot?! Well'll fight us anyways for storming your ship!
Captain Blunderbuss: Are you kidding? It's a social justice world now. We're gonna sue you! That's how REAL pirates do it. Yarrr!
Tack Angel: Look, this is all a misunderstanding. We won't cause anymore prob-
Larmore: Ugh! This beer tastes like shit!
Captain Blunderbuss: THAT'S OUR RUM!
Larmore: That explains why it tastes like shit.....I'm gonna have some more.
Captain Blunderbuss: .......
Tack Angel: We'll pay for the damages.
Captain Blunderbuss: ....I would say so!
Trevor Mach: Hey Blundy, we've got a show to get to, and I know Heather wouldn't want us missing it, so could us a ride to Fourside.
Captain Blunderbuss: ....Sure....why not. Whatever it takes to get you off my ship!
Trevor Mach: Don't worry Heather! I'll find you!
Tack Angel: How about you just let Lady M's and the ladies of Sparkle handle this one for a change.
*The scene now FINALLY closes out from there. THANK GOD!*
*Another video tape was delivered to SPARKLE HQ by the Skulls & Bones Messenger. The following video is shown when it is played.....*
DARK ROOM - The Skulls & Bones Clubhouse, Summers
Narrator: The following video has been paid for in full by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.
*In the corner of a dark room at the clubhouse of the The Skulls & Bones, we now see a very disheveled and dirt worn Heather Mach trying to sleep on the cold concrete floor. All of sudden a bucket of ice cold water is thrown on her. Heather Mach now wakes up, soaked to the bones, shouting.....*
Heather Mach: WHAT THE FUCK?!
*Before Heather Mach can react or even get her full bearings on the situation, several members of the gang now grab her and drag her, kicking and screaming, into main big room of the clubhouse.*
MAIN ROOM - The Skulls & Bones Clubhouse, Summers
*They then chain her to the fence wall, with her back towards them and arms spread out like a crucifix. The biggest member of the group, now rips her red shirt off, exposing her back. The big member now stands to the side, while twirling a rather sinister looking Singapore cane. Heather Mach now tells her in defiance....*
Heather Mach: Am suppose to be afraid you and your stupid stick, you oversized bitch? WELL I AM NOT!!
*The big member now tightens her grip on the cane, starts to move forward towards Heather. But the hooded leader, aka The Hood, stops her. She now speaks to Heather Mach with the same distorted voice as before...*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* So defiant, Heather Mach.
Heather Mach: You want defiance. Unchain me and I'll show you some REAL defiance.
The Hood: *Distorted laugh* I THINK NOT! Now do you even know why you are here at our Clubhouse, Heather Mach?
Heather Mach: Cause you abducted me, you skull-faced bitch!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* But why did we abduct you?
Heather Mach: Because you are fucking crazy!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* WRONG! We abducted you because you refuse to heed our warnings. You continue to be a thorn in our side by interfering with The Club's business. And THAT is why you are here. To be taught a lesson.
Heather Mach: A lesson? Oh boy, more mindless nonsense to ignore.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* WRONG AGAIN! You see we've tried really hard to play nice with you. But your repeated offenses against The Club has forced our hands. So now instead of talking this through, we are gonna try ADMINISTRATIVE PUNISHMENT!
Heather Mach: Administrative punishment? Oh no, I am so scared.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* YOU SHOULD BE! Cause here's how it's gonna work. The Enforcer here is gonna beat you with that Singapore cane until we break you. And when you are broken, you will SUBMIT to The Club's will and authority.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Oh, you CAN! And you WILL! And then, we may allow you to live and try to leave on your own two feet. Shall we begin?
Heather Mach: Do you worst.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* We will. Trust me, we will. *Snaps her fingers*
*The Enforcer now gets into position holding the Singapore cane. The Hood now tells her....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* We'll go easy at first. TEN STRIKES.....BEGIN!
*The Enforcer now strikes Heather Mach 10 times with Singapore cane. The Hood now asks Heather Mach.....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Are you ready to submit to our will, Heather Mach? Or should we continue?
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Oh, with pleasure. TEN MORE AND HARDER!
Heather Mach: Oh....god.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* BEGIN!
*The Enforcer now hits Heather Mach harder with the cane, Heather screaming with each strike this time around. After the 10th strike, The Hood asks her....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Was that up to your standards this time around, Heather Mach?
Heather Mach: FUCK YOU!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* I am so glad they are. In fact, that deserves an encore. TEN MORE! BEGIN!
*The Enforcer now hits Heather Mach 10 more times, the strikes starting draw blood from Heather's back, as a result. The Hood now asks Heather Mach, whom is now worst for wear at this point....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Shall we continue this or will you submit? The choice is yours. So choose wisely.
Heather Mach: *Weakly* All I got to say to you is.....PLEASE SIR, MAY I HAVE SOME MORE!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* And you have chosen very poorly. Cause as much as I do enjoy this, my patience is wearing thing. Enforcer...
*The Enforcer now looks at The Hood....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* TEN MORE STRIKES! But remember if the strike don't break her skin, then it will NOT count anymore. I WANT HER BLOOD ALL OVER THE GROUND! MAKE HER KNOW WHAT TRUE PAIN FEELS LIKE!
Heather Mach: *Weakly* Oh god.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* BEGIN!
*The Enforcer now hits Heather Mach with the cane as hard as she can, almost splintering it to pieces. Heather Mach's back and the ground around her is now a bloody mess, as a result. The Hood now asks Heather Mach....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* NOW SUBMIT!
Heather Mach: NOOOOOOO!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* SUBMIT OR DIE!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Very well. The choice is yours. Enforcer, finish it. BEG...
*FINALLY, one of the members of the club interupts The Enforcer and stand in front of the now bloody and very weakened Heather Mach, blocking the strikes. The Hood now yells at the member....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* JINX! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* Stopping this madness!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* She's had ENOUGH!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* The President has no authority to decide that!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* BLASPHEMY! The President is the ONLY authority in The Club. NOW STAND DOWN!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* NO!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* DAMN IT, JINX! Either you STAND DOWN or TAKE HEATHER'S BEATING FOR HER!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* WHAT?!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* You heard me. NOW MAKE YOUR CHOICE!
*Jinx now looks over the bloody and beaten Heather Mach. She now shakes her head in disgust. She then tells The Hood.....*
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* Goddamn it. *Turns her back to the Enforcer* DO IT NOW AND GET IT OVER WITH!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Very well then. *Turns to The Enforcer* Enforcer give this FOOL what she wants.
*The Enforcer now nods her head and nails Jinx in the back of the head with the Singapore cane, laying her out. The Enforcer now repeatedly hits hard with the cane as she lays on the ground several more time. The cane is in splinters by the time The Hood tells her.....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* ENOUGH! Let's leave her alive. She is still one of our sisters after all.
*The Hood now walks over to barely conscious Heather Mach and tells her....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Congratulations, Heather. You will live....for now. Take her to one of the cells. I'll see to her later.
*The Enforcer and The Plumber now begin to unchain Heather Mach from the wall's fence. The Messenger of the group now asks the Hood...*
The Messenger: *Distorted Voice* What about her? *Points at the fallen Jinx*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Just leave her. Let her learn from her mistakes.
*The Messenger nods her head and begins to leave with the rest of the group. The Hood now walks over the fallen Jinx and kneels down besides her.*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* That's strike one, Jinx. I wouldn't pick up another if I were you.
*The scene now closes out from there with Jinx laying on the floor, all by herself.*
Venus: Hi everybody, Venus here. First, I would like to send out thoughts and prayers to Heather Mach for what has happened to her at the hands of those skull-faces thugs in Skulls & Bones. It's not right at all. Also SPARKLE's Interim General Manager, Lucca, has decided that since Bad Vibrations are getting their SPARKLE Twin Star Title match this week on SPARKLE MAX, that the other three teams, PLUS The Beautiful People *Groans*, will compete in a Elimination Series to determine the Top Contenders for DESTINY! That means this week will be a Fatal Four-Way with all 4 teams. And the way it works the losing team will be eliminated from the series. So good luck to all four teams involved. Anyhow, here is the full card for this week's edition of SPARKLE MAX.....SPARKLE MAX
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Rematch: Brandy Wine VS Taeler Hendrix
2.) Cat Power VS Cherry Bomb
3.) Top Contenders Elimination Series for the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter) VS 2K (Kayla Sparkz & Kei Akiyama) VS Roller City Derby Girls (Melicious & Crybaby) VS The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet)
4.) Erica VS Tracy (w/ Tess)
5.) SPARKLE Twin Star Title Match: M's Style & Jessica James© VS Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel)
*Right before the start of the next SPARKLE MAX show, the following video was aired on the EBW Network....*
DARK ROOM - The Skulls & Bones Clubhouse, Summers
Narrator: The following video has been paid for in full by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.
*A bloody, beaten, and broken Heather Mach is now shown lying in the same dark room as before. The door to the room opens and in walks the hooded Vice President of the club, The Hood. Heather now tells her very weakly....*
Heather Mach: *Weakly* Ugh. Why don't you just kill me now and get this over with?
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Patience. Now is not the time for you to meet your end.
Heather Mach: Goddamn you.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* He already has, Heather Mach. He already has. But what about you?
Heather Mach: Me?
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Yes. Did you feel helpless and like nobody, not even God, was gonna save you when we beat you to near death?
Heather Mach: Yes, I did. But then somebody did save me though.
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Technically, yes. But that won't happen again. I can guarantee you that.
Heather Mach: What do you want from me?
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* I want you to suffer. And your suffering began when we broke your body. Now we will break mind.
Heather Mach: Go ahead and try too. But be warned, when you are inside my head, you might not like what you find.
*The Hood now laughs at that thought and then tells her...*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* I bet so. But that's not what I had in mind. Cause tonight you will know what it means to be unable to help somebody who needs it the most.
Heather Mach: WHAT?! WHO?!
*The Hood now whispers something into Heather's ear. Heather's eyes widen with horror. She now yells at The Hood....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* YOU'LL DO NOTHING! Now please enjoy the show, cause I know WE WILL! *Laughs maniacally*
*The Hood now turns on the giant LCD TV in the room, just as SPARKLE MAX is about to air on the EBW Network.*
Heather Mach: *Watches the LCD TV* Goddamn it.
*The scene now closes out from there, with a helpless Heather Mach staring at the LCD TV.*
*The SPARKLE Interim General Manager, Lucca, was now shown greeting someone at the back door exit of the Battle Zone....*
Lucca: Well this is a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here tonight, sir?
*That someone turns out to be none other than the Owner of SPARKLE, Mr. Lu.....*
Mr. Lu: I am gonna be frank with you, Lucca. I am not here on SPARKLE business tonight. I am here on a personal level.
Lucca: Oh. *Thinks for moment* It's about the Skulls & Bones, isn't it?
Mr. Lu: Yeah. I am SICK of their tactics. I am here to make sure, whatever they have planned tonight, DOES NOT happen.
Lucca: I see. Well good luck with that, sir.
Mr. Lu: Thanks again.
Lucca: Now if you'll excuse me, I still have a show to run tonight. *Lucca now leaves*
Mr. Lu: *Watching Lucca leave* Yeah, somebody still has too. And I am kinda glad it's not me right now.
*The scene now closes out to the opening video.....*
1.) The show immediately kicks off with the rematch from last week with Brandy Wine taking on Taeler Hendrix. Taeler Hendrix seemed to have this match well at hand, but Brandy Wine ducked the Chick Kick and she nailed the referee instead. With the ref down, another girl dressed in similar pirate themed attire ran into the ring from the crowd. The two pirates then doubled teamed Hendrix, eventually nailing her with a Double Team Spanish Fly off the top turnbuckle. The referee then recovered and Brandy Wine got the easy, but tainted pinfall victory.
*Taeler Hendrix is no longer undefeated thanks to Brandy Wine and her pirate partner. BUT WHO IS SHE?!*
2.) Cat Power and Cherry Bomb fought in singles match or at least tried too. As both knocked other out of the ring and to the floor, which lead to a double countout.
*The two then continued argue and fight on the outside, with the referee having to seperate the two. This rivalry is not over yet.*
*Lady M's enters the face locker room to find a bloody and unconscious Jessica James lying on the floor....*
Lady M's: OH MY GOD!
*Lady M's now rushes over and checks on Jessica.*
*M's continues to try and get Jessica to respond, but to no avail. Mia now walks and then tells her rudely....*
Mia: She is out cold, Tali! I don't think she can hear you.
Lady M's: *Turning to Mia* WHY YOU STUPID....
*Lady M's now grabs Mia by her clothes and yells at her, slamming her against the lockers....*
Mia: Let me go first, and I might.
Mia: AHHHHHHHH! I mean it was JENNY JAMES!
Mia: I GOT PROOF! I GOT PROOF! HERE! *Hands Lady M's the chain*
*Lady M's now lets Mia go and looks at the chain. Lady M's now grits her teeth, in anger, while clutching the chain tightly*
Lady M's: GOD....DAMN....IT! *Looks over at Mia* Where did Jenny James go, Mia?
Mia: Down the hall towards the back of the Battle Zone, I think. She took off when she saw you coming.
Lady M's: Look after Jessica James for me, Mia.
Mia: Fine. No problem. What about Jenny?
Lady M's: I'll handle her myself. *Leaves the scene*
Mia: Yeah, you go do that, you fucking bitch.
*The scene now closes out from there*
3.) It was now time for the first part of the Elimination Series to determine the new Top Contenders to the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles. It would be a Fatal Four-Way Match, with The Beautiful People taking the place of Bad Vibrations. And surprisingly the Beautiful People did not get eliminated first tonight. Thanks to more communication problems from the Roller City Derby Dolls with Crybaby hitting her partner Melicious with another spear on accident. This allowed Velvet Sky to nail Melicious with the In Yo Face (Sitout Pedigree) for the victory.
*Next week it will be The Beautiful People taking ABC and 2K in a part two of the Elimination Series, a Triple Threat Match. The losing team will be eliminated, and the two teams remaining will advance to the singles match finale to determine the new Top Contenders for DESTINY.*
*In the General Manager's office, Lucca was talking to now upset M's Style about tonight's main event....*
Lucca: So that's the situation I am afraid, M's Style. You WILL defend the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles tonight.
M's Style: By myself?
Lucca: Yes. Since your partner is unable to compete, it will be Handicap Match.
M's Style: That's not fair.
Lucca: NOT FAIR?! You what's really not fair, M's Style?
M's Style: What's that?
Lucca: Not giving these fans the title match that was promised tonight. I am not gonna cheat our fans. I always do what's best for business. So you will defend the belts tonight in a Handicap Match or you can just forfeit them. Cause I am sure Bad Vibrations will happily accept the victory either way.
M's Style: Fine. I understand. So now you can just sit back and watch me win all by myself too.
Lucca: Now THAT'S the attitude I want from my champions. Good luck tonight.
M's Style: Thanks. *Leaves the scene*
Lucca: Cause you are gonna need it.
*The scene now closes out from there*
4.) The new Top Contender to the SPARKLE Shining Star Championship, Tracy, took on Erica tonight with Tracy's mother, Tess, watching at ringside. One one point during the match, Erica threw Tracy right into Tess, laying both of them out. As the referee checked on both ladies, Valerie Del Toro ran into the ring and laid out the unsuspecting Erica with her own KFO/Knocked the Fuck Out (Diamond Cutter)! Payback from last week for Del Toro, it would seem. Del Toro then escaped into crowd, the damage being done and receipt delivered. Tracy then reentered the ring and nailed the still out Erica with the Perfect 10 (Lionsault) for the victory.
*After the match, Tracy celebrated with mother, Tess over the fallen Erica. Tracy then motioned the belt would be hers at DESTINY.*
*Lady M's was still looking for Jenny James, to confront her about the attack on Jessica James from earlier in the show....*
Lady M's: JENNY! *Knocks on nearby boiler room door* WHERE ARE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! *Enters the boiler room* Look, Jenny, we need to.....
*Lady M's now finds Jenny James on the floor of the boiler room in a bloody and unconscious heap, just like her sister was earlier....*
*Lady M's now checks on Jenny James, whom is completely conscious*
Lady M's: *Thinks over what happened tonight* SHIT! I WAS SET UP! But why and by who?
*Lady M's now thinks for a few moments as she paces frantically about the room. Lady M's now stops dead in her tracks and exclaims....*
*Lady M's now tries to leave the room, but the door is jammed and will not budge. Lady M's now exclaims...*
*As Lady M's continues to bang on the door and try to get out, the scene closes out to the main event of the evening.*
5.) In the main event, M's Style defended the SPARKLE Twin Star Title by herself in a Handicap Match againist Bad Vibrations, Rayne and Ariel. M's Style gave valiant fight too, but the odds were too much for her tonight. As every time she seemed to have the match in control, the other member of Bad Vibrations stopped her momentum. Eventually Rayne and Ariel were able to nail M's Style with the Bad Ending (Magic Killer) for the victory to become the new SPARKLE Twin Champions!
*After the match, as Rayne and Ariel celebrated their victory on the stage, Mia walked down to the ring to interview the distraught and upset M's Style....*
Mia: M's Style, now I know you are upset. So I won't keep you very long. I just have few questions to ask you. First off, how does it feel to lose the Sparkle Twin Star Titles and let everybody down tonight?
M's Style: .........
Mia: Not gonna tell me? That's fine. Then I have another question to ask you. How does it feel to let your little girlfriend down as well.
M's Style: .......
Mia: Exactly what I thought too. Cause it must really suck to be you right now. *Laughs*
*M's Style says nothing and continues to stand there, trying not cry even more than she is. Mia now tells her....*
Mia: In fact, I think it's about to suck even more for you. Cause. Here. We. GO!
*As if on cue, the Skulls & Bones begin to surround the ring as Mia leaves and stands in the entrance way. M's Style now tries to brace herself for the attack, but after the Handicap Match, she pretty much has nothing left to fight back. The eight members of the group now attack M's Style like pack dogs. They now beat her down badly and Triple Team Powerbomb her three times like that did Heather Mach the week before. The Hood now pulls the lead pipe from her jacket and begins to measure M's Style with it. But that's when Jinx stands between The Hood and M's Style. Jinx now yells at The Hood that....*
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* THAT IS ENOUGH! LEAVE HER ALONE!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Not this again. JINX, STAND ASIDE!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* NO!
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* DESTROY ME! SEE IF I CARE!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Let me put it this way. Either you stand aside or face the wrath of The Club. Then you can watch us destroy her anyways. MAKE YOUR CHOICE!
*Jinx now looks around at M's Style and around the crowd.*
Jinx: *Distorted Voice* Goddamn it.
*Jinx now stands aside in the upper corner, shaking her head in disgust. The Hood now gets in her face and tells her....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* That's strike two, Jinx. We'll deal with you later. NOW STAY THERE! DON'T MOVE!
*The Hood now turns her attention back to M's Style. But as she does a mysterious figure enters the ring and lays out both of the members holding M's Style. The figure now rolls M's Style out of ring and away from further harm. The figure now turns and faces the remaining members of the Skulls & Bones in the ring, taking a martial arts stance, as if ready to fight back.*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Well, it's about time you got involved, old man. GET HIM!
*The rest of the members now try to attack Mr. Lu but he lays them out one by one with his martial arts prowess. Now Mr. Lu is now left alone with The Hood in the ring. Mr. Lu motions for The Hood to attack him. The Hood tries for a pipe shot, but Lu blocks it and judo hiptosses The Hood hard to ground. Mr. Lu now takes the pipe and nails The Hood right in the head with it, laying the hooded leader out cold. Mr. Lu now turns his attention to Jinx, whom hasn't move out of the corner. Jinx just stays there and doesn't move, allowing Mr. Lu to leave and picks up the injured M's Style on the outside of the ring. M's Style now groans as Mr. Lu tells her, trying to comfort her....*
Mr. Lu: Hope? Hope? HOPE?! Can you hear me?
*M's Style now weakly tells Mr. Lu.....*
M's Style: *Weakly* Mr. Lu? Is that you?
Mr. Lu: Yes, Hope. I am here. I'll protect you.
*Mr. Lu now leaves with M's Style, and the shocked, yet angry Mia goes into the ring to check on the rest of her fellow Skulls & Bones.
The show now closes out from there*
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Rematch: Brandy Wine beat Taeler Hendrix by pinfall.
2.) Cat Power fought Cherry Bomb to a double countout.
3.) Top Contenders Elimination Series for the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet) beat ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter), 2K (Kayla Sparkz & Kei Akiyama), & Roller City Derby Girls (Melicious & Crybaby) when Velvet Sky used the In Yo Face on Melicious.
4.) Tracy (w/ Tess) beat Erica with the Perfect 10.
5.) 2-on-1 Handicap Match for the SPARKLE Twin Star Titles: Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) beat M's Style© when Rayne pinned M's Style following the Bad Ending to become the NEW Champions.