*On the eve of SPARKLE DESTINY, The Messenger deliver another infamous video tape to SPARKLE HQ on behalf of the Skulls & Bones. The following footage is shown when it is played......*
Mia: The following video has been paid for in full by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club.
MAIN ROOM - The Skulls & Bones Clubhouse, Summers
*In the main room of the Clubhouse, all eight members of the Club were all lined up against a familiar wall's chain fence. The Vice President of the Club, The Hood, now speaks to the camera....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* As you can see Mr. Lu, I am a woman of my word. The deaf girl is safe.
*The Enforcer and the Piper now bring a bloody, battered, and beaten M's Style into the room and proceed to chain her to the fence next to the Hood. The Hood grabs groggy M's Style by the chin and looks her over. M's Style now weakly spits blood into the skull-masked face of the Hood. The Hood now wipes the blood off her skull mask as she says....*
*The Hood now motions for someone. One of the members, obviously the so-called Sergeant-at-Arms, now walks over and slaps M's Style hard across the face without warning. M's Style now weakly screams in pain as the Sergeant-at-Arms now ducks tapes her mouth shut. Before she leaves, she slaps M's Style again across the face, this time even harder and more stiff than last time.*
M's Style: *Muffled scream of pain*
*The Hood now tells the Sergeant-at-Arms....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* Leave her alone Sergeant! Her time will come soon enough after DESTINY.
*The Sergeant-at-Arms nods her head in agreement and then gets back into rank, facing the camera.*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* But our time will come at DESTINY! We are all ready, willing, and able to face it! *Raises fist into the air* FOR THE CLUB!
*The rest of the Skulls & Bones now raise their first in unison as well, while yelling out......*
All: *Distorted Voices* FOR THE CLUB!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* And that's the main difference between us and you, SPARKLE! You are only a few beaten and battered bodies, and we are MANY! MANY STRONG! MANY TOUGH! AND MOST OF ALL, MANY READY TO DIE FOR THE CLUB!
*The Skulls & Bones now raise their first in unison, while yelling out once again.....*
All: *Distorted Voices* FOR THE CLUB!
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* And can you say the same for yourself and your wrestlers, old man? Tomorrow night, we are ALL gonna find out! See you then, SPARKLE! Cause it's time to FACE YOUR DESTINY!
*The Hood now begins to laugh maniacally as the camera cuts out to static from there.*
Venus: Hi folk, Venus here....*Squees* You know what, FUCK IT! I CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF ANYMORE! All I got to say right now is.....DESTINY! PPV! NEXT! *Squees Again*SPARKLE presents DESTINY
Summers Battle Zone
LIVE! only on PPV
1.) 1-on-2 Handicap Match: Taeler Hendrix VS The Rum Runners (Brandy Wine & Bloody Mary)
2.) Cat Power VS Cherry Bomb
3.) Melicious VS Crybaby
4.) "Losers Must Disband" Tag Match: ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter) VS 2K (Kei Akiyama & Kayla Sparkz)
5.) Valerie Del Torro VS Erica
6.) SPARKLE Twin Star Title Match: Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel)© VS The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet)
7.) SPARKLE Shining Star Title Match: Sunny Malibu© VS Tracy (w/ Tess)
8.) "All Or Nothing" Tag Match: SPARKLE (Heather Mach & Lady M's) VS Skulls & Bones (The Piper & The Enforcer)
*The opening video package for SPARKLER DESTINY immediately begins to play....*
Narrator: Tonight, SPARKLE will face it's DESTINY! But is SPARKLE ready to? Cause a new enemy threatens to take it all away. And if they win, they will DESTROY everything SPARKLE has built!
*The Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club's path of destruction throughout SPARKLE is now shown.*
Narrator: Tonight, it is time to fight back. Tonight, it is time to make a stand against our enemies.
*Lady M's, Heather Mach, and Mr. Lu are now show putting their hands together in unison from Aftershock.*
Narrator: Tonight, it is WINNER TAKE ALL! Tonight, it is ALL OR NOTHING! Tonight, it is DESTINY!
*The opening pyro now goes off inside the sold-out SPARKLE Battle Zone as the main theme begins to play....*
*The show's action now kicks off with the SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, Bad Vibrations (Rayne and Ariel) taking on the winners of the Top Contenders Elimination Series, The Beautiful People (Angel and Velvet) for the titles.*
1.) Bad Vibrations and The Beautiful People had a pretty heated rivalry, due to the fact Rayne is former third member of The Beautiful People. Angel and Velvet isolated Rayne from her partner, looking to teach her a lesson. Eventually Rayne was able to fight back and tag in the bigger Ariel. Bad Vibrations then isolated Velvet and took over. Velvet fought back and nailed both Rayne and Ariel with repeated clotheslines. Velvet then went for the In Yo Face (Sitout Pedigree) on Ariel, but Rayne nailed her in the face with one of half of the title belts. The referee immediately called for the bell as a result.
*Rayne then nailed Angel with the belt as well, as Ariel held her up for the cheap shot. The two then posed over fallen Beautiful People.*
*Backstage, Venus was standing by with Taeler Hendix in the Interview Area before her upcoming handicap match against the Rum Runners....*
Venus: Hi folks, Venus here with Taeler Hendrix.
Taeler Hendrix: And I am glad to be here at DESTINY too.
Venus: Speaking of which, your match with BOTH Rum Runners is coming up next. How do you feel about the 2-on-1 odds?
Taeler Hendrix: I feel good enough. I don't care what happens tonight. Cause win or lose, I am gonna teach those no-good scurvy bitches a lesson. And that's all that matters to me.
*The SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, Bad Vibrations, now interrupt the ongoing interview...*
Rayne: And that's typical of a LOSER like yourself, Taeler. Now why don't you go out of here and go do what you do best!
Taeler Hendrix: FINE! But before I go....I just wanna say one thing. You two already LOST your match. I haven't lost mine yet. And right now, I feel like doing something you couldn't do.....WIN!
Ariel: *Mocking laughs* That's real funny too.
Taeler Hendrix: Yeah, I bet it is. I'm outta here. *Leaves the scene*
Rayne: Yeah, get outta here, you LOSER!
Venus: You just lost your match too.
Rayne: SHUT UP! We didn't lose. We are STILL have THESE! *Holds up the SPARKLE Twin Star title belts*
Venus: You still lost tonight.
Ariel: SHUT UP! They weren't gonna beat us anyways.
Rayne: Exactly.
Venus: I could of sworn it look like they might have to me. Must have been watching a different match on a different PPV called DESTINY.
Rayne: Venus, you know the hole in your ugly face?
Venus: You mean my mouth?
Venus: *Groans* Why do I even bother talking to you two?
Rayne: I was gonna ask you the same question. In fact......SCREW THIS! We don't have to take any this from you. WE ARE STILL THE SPARKLE TWIN STAR CHAMPIONS! *Shows off the belts again* And this night of DESTINY is still young. Come on, Ariel, let's go celebrate.
Ariel: Right behind ya, Rayne. *Bad Vibrations now leave the scene*
Venus: You still lost the match tonight, you stupid bitches.
*The cameras now fade out from there*
2.) Taeler Hendrix took on both Rum Runners (Brandy Wine and Bloody Mary) in a handicap match tonight. Taeler did surprisingly well too. She managed to hold her own, until the number finally caught up to her. Brandy Wine and Bloody Mary proceeded to pound Taeler into near oblivion and looked to end it, when Bloody Mary accidentally nailed Brandy Wine with a running big boot that sent her to outside. Taeler Hendrix then caught Bloody Mary with the Chick Kick (Roundhouse kick to the head) just like she did on MAX! Taeler then pinned her for the upset victory.
*Taeler Hendrix now celebrates her victory in the ring as both Rum Runners are still down and out. Big upset victory for Taeler Hendrix tonight.
3.) Cat Power took on Cherry Bomb in the third match of the night. This was a faced paced contest too. Cat Power set up Cherry Bomb in the corner and went for the running boot in the corner, but Cherry Bomb dove out of the way. This caused Cat Power to hurt in leg on the top rope instead. Cherry Bomb capitalized by chopblocking the same leg. Cherry Bomb then locked Cat Power in a Half Crab, as well. Cat Power fought back to her feet on one leg and nails Cherry Bomb with an enzugiri. Cat Power now measures Cherry Bomb for the Feliner (Paydirt). Cat Power goes for it, but Cherry Bomb nails with a dropkick in mid-move! Cherry Bomb now sets up for measure Cat Power as well. Cherry Bomb goes for the BSE (Best Superkick Ever), but Cat Power ducks it! Cat Power now rolls Cherry Bomb up with the Cat's Cradle (High-speed small package) out of nowhere and gets victory!
*Cat Power immediately rolls to outside of the ring and celebrates her victory as Cherry Bomb is still upset in the ring. The ref tries to calm Cherry Bomb down, who has none of it and lays him out with the BSE instead. Cherry Bomb nows leaves the ring with the ref still out cold inside it.*
*Melicious was standing by in the Gorilla Position and she had to this to say to her little sister, Crybaby, about their upcoming match...*
Melicious: This is IT, Crybaby. Tonight is you face your DESTINY with ME! And don't think for a second that just because you are my kid sister, that I am not gonna hold anything back. YOU ARE WRONG! Cause you may be my kid sister, but you are still a jealous snot-nosed little brat! A jealous snot-nosed little brat who needs to be taught a lesson in RESPECT! And tonight, I am gonna teach you that lesson, SISTER-TO-SISTER!
*Melicious now leaves for the match with her kid sister as the cameras fade out from there*
4.) Melicious and Crybaby didn't have much a match. It was more like a fight. A fight between sisters. Melicious had the advantage through most of it, but Crybaby refused to stay down. And the more she fought back, the more it frustrated Melicious. Melicious slammed hard Crybaby repeatedly on the mat. Melicious then went up to the top rope measured her. Melicious nails Crybaby with the flying dropkick to the front and then follows it up with one from behind! Crybaby still kicks out. Melicious then set up for the Roller Drive (Overdrive) but Crybaby escapes out of it and goes for the Roller Jam (Unprettier/Killswitch). But Melicious shoves her off and right into the referee. The referee is now down and out. Crybaby uses the moment to pull a steel chain out of her shoe and wrap it around her fist, as she lays on the mat. Melicious goes to pick her sister up and gets nails in the face with the chain! Crybaby now hides the chain in her clothes and goes for the cover. The ref eventually crawl over and counts a long 2.9 count! Crybaby yells out in anger that she could not beat her sister. Crybaby goes for the Roller Jam again, but Melicious manages to reverse it into a roll-up for a 2.9 count! Crybaby charges Melicious, who kicks her in the midsection instead. Melicious now nails her with the Roller Drive for the victory!
*After the match, Melicious helps Crybaby to her feet and two sisters stare at each other for a few moments. Melicious extends her hand to Crybaby and tells her to basically do the right thing. Crybaby refuses though, swatting her sister's hand away in anger. Crybaby then leaves the ring by herself and Melicious just stands there, shaking her head in disgust. This situation is still not over it seems.*
5.) ABC (Miss April and Brooke Carter) took on their hated rivals 2K (Kei Akiyama and Kayla Sparkz) for the last time, as the losing team must disband FOREVER. With so much on the line, both team held nothing back. Kei Akiyama managed to nail Miss April with the Exploder, but like some many times before, Brooke Carter made the save! Kayla Sparkz went for the Sparkling Magic (Set-Up Enzugiri) but Brooke Carter ducked and she nailed Kei instead! Brooke then took out Kayla with the Blonde Blowout (Lung Blower) as Miss April measured Kei. Miss April then nailed Kei Akiyama with the Face Breaking Finish (Skull Crushing Finale) for the victory!
*ABC now celebrate their victory on the outside as Kei Akiyama and Kayla Sparkz just stare at other in disbelief. 2K is now done for good in SPARKLE. Kei now takes the mic and tells Kayla....*
Kei Akiyama: Listen Kayla, I am so sorry about tonight. I let us both down. I couldn't get the job done.
Kayla Sparkz: Don't blame yourself, Kei. We failed as a tag team. We did our best and it wasn't good enough tonight.
Kei Akiyama: It wasn't good enough, because my head wasn't in the game. But maybe it is for the best. Cause I have to admit alot of other things have been on my mind lately.
Kayla Sparkz: Oh.....
Kei Akiyama: Yeah. So right now in front of everybody watching, I am gonna announce that I will be leaving SPARKLE and women's wrestling.
Kayla Sparkz: WHAT?!
Kei Akiyama: Kayla, you've been the best partner I could have asked for. As I said before, this is for the best....FOR BOTH OF US! You need to move on in your wrestling career without me.
Kayla Sparkz: Okay. Then what about you?
Kei Akiyama: As for me.....I am gonna move on with my music career. In fact, I have a new world tour beginning in Edo shortly. So I will still be making entertainment headlines. Just not in SPARKLE anymore. But don't worry, this isn't good bye forever. This is just goodbye.....for now.
*Kei Akiyama now drops the mic on the mat and exits the ring, leaving a stunned Kayla Sparkz standing by herself.
*Backstage in the Face Locker Room, Erica was getting ready for her upcoming match with Valerie Del Toro, when she is interrupted by...*
Erica: MIA?!
*The Voice of the Skulls & Bones, Mia, now tells Erica....*
Mia: That's me.
Erica: So what do you want? Or should I say what do your *Looks around* skull-faced friends want?
Mia: Relax, we come in peace. We just want to talk.
Erica: TALK?! You wanna talk with ME?!
Mia: Yes. Cause here's the thing, Erica. We don't hate you at all. In fact, we like you. We like you ALOT.
Erica: Go on.
Mia: And we think YOU are the perfect candidate for membership into The Club.
Erica: Is that so?
Mia: Oh, it is. Cause here's the thing, Erica. You're a bitch just like us.
Erica: WROOOONG! I am not just a bitch. I am the HEAD BITCH IN CHARGE!
Mia: And THAT'S exactly why we want you. You know what works and you know what does not. You can see SPARKLE falling apart at the seams.
Erica: You might be too. IF you lose that match tonight.
Mia: WE WON'T!
Erica: *Laughs* I know that. I'm just fucking with you, Mia.
Mia: *Mocking laugh* Of course, you are. Just think about what I said and The Club's offer.
Erica: I will, I will.
Mia: Excellent. Good luck tonight too. We will be watching VERY closely too. *Leaves the scene*
Erica: Yeah. I bet you will be.
*Erica now leaves for her match with Valerie Del Toro as the cameras fade out from there*
6.) Erica took on Valerie Del Toro in a pretty even match up. Valerie Del Toro worked over Erica's arm, looking to set up for the cross armbreaker. She eventually went for El Dorado (Jumping Armbar Takedown) but Erica managed to block it and went for the Endgame (RKO). Valerie Del Toro blocked that as well and shoved her off right into the referee. Valerie then grabs the staggered Erica by the arm and applies a hammerlock to her arm. She grabs Erica by the head in a front headlock and nails her with the VDT (Hammerlock DDT). Valerie now covers, but no referee to make the count. Valerie goes to revive the referee, but that's when The Messenger ran into the ring from the crowd. The Messenger now smashes Valerie Del Toro from behind with the lead pipe, knocking her out cold. The Messenger now pulls Erica on top of Valerie and quickly exits the ring. The referee now counts the pinfall, giving the victory to Erica.
*Erica now celebrates the victory until she see the replay of what happened on the tron. Erica is at first angered by what happened. She then sees Valerie Del Toro still laid out in the ring. Erica now smiles as she shrugs her shoulders and leaves the ring. Will Erica join the Skulls & Bones? Only time will tell at this point.
It was now time for the SPARKLE Shining Star title match with the Champion, Sunny Malibu, defending against the former champion, Tracy. A nice video package is now shown, hyping the match up one last time to this song....*
7.) Sunny Malibu and Tracy fought each other in a battle that was dead even. Tracy eventually took control with help from mother, Tess, at ringside. Sunny Malibu refused go down without a fight though, showing the heart of a true champion. Tracy set up for the Tik-Tak (Zig-Zag), looking to end it. But Sunny Malibu blocked it, and threw Tracy off instead. Sunny Malibu then made a comeback, knocking Tracy down with repeated dropkicks to the head and chest. Sunny Malibu then nails Tracy with a Tik-Tak of her own! Sunny now signaled for the end and goes to the top rope for the Tidal Wave (Superfly style Flying Splash). Tess grabs her leg, distracting her though. Sunny now fights with Tess and eventually kicks her off and to the floor from the apron. But this distraction was enough, as Tracy now fights with Sunny on the top rope. Tracy now nails Sunny with a top rope frankensteiner! Both are now out and the ref begins a 10 count. Both ladies managed to get to their feet, but Tess also hands the title belt to Tracy in the process. Tess now distracts the ref and Tracy measures Sunny for the belt shot. But Sunny dropkicks the belts back into Tracy's face instead! Sunny now covers, but Tracy kicks out at 2.9! Sunny now slams Tracy on top of the belt and goes to the top rope again for the Tidal Wave. Sunny goes for it, but Tracy rolls out of the way and Sunny lands on belt instead! Tracy capitalizes on this by nailing her with the Perfect 10 (Lionsault). The referee now counts 1....2....3! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!
*Tracy is now the new SPARKLE Shining Star Champion for a record setting THIRD TIME! But give the assist to the title belt coming into play. Without it, Tracy may not have be the champion right now.
The "All Or Nothing" Tag Match for the future of SPARKLE and the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club was now next in the main event of DESTINY. Another nice video package was then shown, hyping all that has led up to the match to this song.....*
8.) Lady M's and Heather Mach now come down to the ring, looking ready to go to war to defend SPARKLE from the Skulls & Bones. Speaking of the skull-faced devils themselves, The Piper and The Enforcer then came out onto the stage along with The Hood. They now shake hands with The Hood and begin to walk down to the ring. Lady M's and Heather Mach don't wait for that and meet them on the ramp. All four ladies now begin brawl all around ringside. Lady M's slams the head of The Piper off the announcer's table as Heather and The Enforcer square off in the ring. Heather Mach holds her ground for a while, until the Enforcer catches with her with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. The two skull-faced thugs now isolate Heather and work over her injured back. Heather fights backs and ducks a double clothesline attempt. She now catches both with a crossbody block! Heather now crawls and makes the hot tag to Lady M's. Lady M's now cleans house of both The Piper and The Enforcer. Lady M's now tells Heather that it's time to finish off the Skull & Bones for good. Heather nods her head and they both bring a table into the ring, as a result. And given there must be a real winner tonight, the ref lets it go. No cheap victories by DQ or countount in this match. Heather now rolls The Piper back into the ring, as she holds off The Enforcer. Lady M's now motions it's time to end this and put The Piper through the table. Lady M's puts The Piper on the top rope, for a superplex through the table. But that's when the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Skulls & Bones enters the ring from the crowd and nails Lady M's from behind in the back of her injured knee with the lead pipe! The Enforcer, meanwhile manages to toss Heather into the steps and lay her out. The Sergeant-at-Arms now grabs in the injured Lady M's from behind and powerbombs her through the table! The Piper now hops down off the top rope and covers her. The ref then reluctantly makes the three count! THE SKULLS & BONES WIN!
*After the match, The Hood and Mia join the other three members of the Skulls & Bones in the ring. All five of them now begin stomp and kick the still hurt Lady M's, as she lays helpless on the mat, holding her knee in pain. Heather Mach tries to make the save, but is overwhelmed as well. Mr. Lu now walks onto the stage and slowly down to the ring. Mr. Lu knows he is outnumbered right now and wisely stops at the bottom on the ramp. He now motions to the back instead. The crowd now erupts with cheers as NIKKI ROXX walks out and down to the ring. The Skulls & Bones broke her arm last month at MELTDOWN too. Now she is looking for some payback tonight. Nikki Roxx and Mr. Lu look at each, nod in agreement, then charge into the ring. They, along with Heather Mach, clean house of the Skulls & Bones as the injured Lady M's looks on from the corner. The Sergeant-at-Arms is now the only one left in the ring with all three ladies plus Mr. Lu, and she is gonna pay for her Club's sins. Roxx, Lu, and Heather now hammer The Sergean-at-Arms between them like a ping pong ball with punches. Nikki Roxx then finishes her off with the Barbie Crusher (Voodoo Drop)! Mr. Lu now motions that he is gonna unmask this member of the Skulls & Bones. Lady M's tells Lu to do it as Heather and Roxx pick up The Sergeant-at-Arms and hold her by the arms from behind. Mr. Lu now removes the mask to reveal......ALISSA FLASH! Alissa Flash is back in SPARKLE as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. Mr. Lu and all three ladies are now in stunned shock in the ring. Alissa Flash now continues smile and yell at them....*
*Alissa Flash now quickly leaves the ring and joins the rest of her fellow Skulls & Bones on the stage as the show fades to a final dramatic close from there*
Summers Battle Zone
LIVE! only on PPV
1.) SPARKLE Twin Star Title Match: The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet) beat Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel)© by DQ.
2.) 1-on-2 Handicap Match: Taeler Hendrix beat The Rum Runners (Brandy Wine & Bloody Mary) when she pinned Bloody Mary with the Chick Kick.
3.) Cat Power beat Cherry Bomb with the Cat's Cradle.
4.) Melicious beat Crybaby with the Roller Drive.
5.) "Losers Must Disband" Tag Match: ABC (Miss April & Brooke Carter) beat 2K (Kei Akiyama & Kayla Sparkz) when Miss April pinned Kei Akiyama with the Face Breaking Finish.
6.) Erica beat Valerie Del Toro by pinfall
7.) SPARKLE Shining Star Title Match: Tracy beat Sunny Malibu© with the Perfect 10 to become the NEW Champion!
8.) "All Or Nothing" Tag Match: Skulls & Bones (The Piper & The Enforcer) beat SPARKLE (Heather Mach & Lady M's) when The Piper pinned Lady M's.
*After DESTINY ended on PPV, Venus tried talk to Alissa Flash about her shocking return as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, as she about to leave the Battle Zone with the rest of her fellow Skulls & Bones.....*
Venus: FLASH!
*Flash stops dead in her tracks and then tells the rest of the Club.....*
Alissa Flash: I got this. The rest of you may leave. We'll meet you all back at the Clubhouse.
*The Hood nods and motions for the rest of the Club to leave. They do as the Hood stands there with Alissa Flash. Flash now tells Venus...*
Alissa Flash: What the fuck do you want, Venus? And speak quickly, we have lots of celebrating to do tonight.
Venus: I just wanted to know why you would join this group of skull-face th....
Alissa Flash: STOP RIGHT THERE! You will NOT bad mouth this Club in MY presence. GOT IT?!
Venus: *Nods her head quickly*
Alissa Flash: And as for your other question, you wanted to know why?
Venus: *Nods again*
Alissa Flash: Well...*Looks over at The Hood, whom just shakes her head at her*......I am not gonna tell you that. You are just gonna have to wait like all the rest of these IDIOTS in this damn company for my answers.
Venus: Goddamn it. I knew you would say that too.
Alissa Flash: *Smirks* I bet you did. But you will get them. Sooner rather than later too.
Venus: Oh really?
Alissa Flash: Yes, really. Cause you will get them this week on SPARKLE MAX during The Club's official debut as part of the SPARKLE Roster. Oh and tell Lady M's to join us in the ring too. I have SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT to give back to her. If you know what I mean. *Laughs Maniacally*
Venus: *Shakes her head in disgust* You are sick and twisted, Flash.
Alissa Flash: *Smiles* Yes, I am. And damn proud of it too. *Laughs Maniacally again*
*Alissa Flash and The Hood now exit as Venus just stands there, still in disgust.*
*Meanwhile in the Main Office at SPARKLE HQ, the SPARKLE Interim General Manager, Lucca, was talking to both Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx about what happening at DESTINY....*
Lucca: Ladies, I know you are both pissed about this whole situation with the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. But you both need to calm down and think.
Heather Mach: Oh that's where you are fucking wrong, Lucca! I am WAY passed thinking things through now. I am DONE with that shit.
Nikki Roxx: I agree completely. There is only one course of action, I want to consider now and that's FIGHTING THE FUCK BACK!
Heather Mach: HELL YES! The time for talk is OVER! The time for WAR is RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Lucca: But that will play right into the Skulls & Bones' hands, don't you both see that. They are expecting SPARKLE to fight back now. It's EXACTLY what they want.
Nikki Roxx: YEAH! LET'S DO IT!
Lucca: *Sighs* Goddamn it, you both have lost your minds! I mean what would Mr. Lu think about this bug nutty bat shit crazy line of thinking? HUH?!
*All of sudden, Mr. Lu enters the office, surprising all three ladies. He now answers the question for them.....*
Mr. Lu: He would say it's time to FIGHT BACK!
Lucca: LU?!
Mr. Lu: After all that went down at DESTINY with Alissa Flash and the Skulls & Bones, I decided to go home and clear my head. So I did a little mediation. And now I feel enlightened. I feel inspired. I feel motivated. And most of all, I feel like I am ready. Cause now I know what must be done. It is time to take action. And I mean RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Lucca: But is this the right course of action, Lu?
Mr. Lu: Do I look like Tack to you, Lucca?
Lucca: WHAT?!
Lucca: Not at all, sir.
Lucca: ......
Master Lu: And I WILL NOT sit by and watch these damn Skulls & Bones take over MY COMPANY! And I agree with both Heather and Nikki, the time for talk is OVER! It's time for WAR!
Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx: HELL YES!
Lucca: But.....
Master Lu: SILENCE! I am DONE talking about this. GOT IT?!
Lucca: I got it, sir. So what's the plan?
Master Lu: *Points at both Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx* You two. Follow me. *Exits the office*
*Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx just look at each other, shrug their shoulders, and exit as well.*
Venus: WOW. Lu is really pissed off.
Lucca: *Sighs* No, Venus. He's not pissed off at all. He's just really motivated.
Venus: So what do we do now?
Lucca: Pray. And hope he doesn't do anything really stupid.
Venus: Oh dear.
Heather Mach: So Lu, what's the plan?
*Before Master Lu can say a word, Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx hear and then see a white motorcycle pull up to them. A shadoy figure now gets off and walks towards them. The figure now tells them....*
Shadowy Figure: We fight fire with fire.
*The figure now reveals herself to be Lady M's, dress like outlaw biker with her own unique kutte or leather jacket. She now tosses two more jackets to both Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx. Both ladies now look at the jackets, then look at Master Lu, who just smiles and nods. They look at Lady M's who does the same. Both ladies now nods their heads as the cameras now fade out to close from there.*
*Master Lu was now shown standing by with Lady M's, Heather Mach, and Nikki Roxx for major announcement directed at the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. All three ladies are dressed in matching outlaw biker attire, similar to the Skulls & Bones. Master Lu now speaks directly to the camera.....*
Master Lu: Skulls & Bones! At DESTINY, you drew first blood and won the right to be part of SPARKLE'S ROSTER! So congradulations, you won the first battle. But you WILL NOT win the WAR! Cause did you expect SPARKLE to just roll over and die after that victory. Well you are DEAD wrong! And if you want to take this company from US, then you can have it after you KILL US ALL! CAUSE WE WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING BACK! WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP! AND MOST OF ALL, WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER! *Hands the mic to Heather Mach....*
Heather Mach: DAMN RIGHT! And just like Lady M's said before, it's time to FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! *Hands mic to Nikki Roxx....*
Nikki Roxx: And all I got to say to that is BURN, BABY, BURN! Cause it's better to BURN OUT THAN FADE AWAY! *Hands mic to Lady M's...*
Heather Mach & Nikki Roxx: HELL YEAH!!
Lady M's: Skulls & Bones, get ready to FACE YOUR FUTURE! Cause FIGHT CLUB is coming. And it is coming for WAR! So you can bring your asses to SPARKLE MAX this week, and we will BRING THE FUCKING PAIN! And I am gonna personally start with you, ALISSA FLASH! You can bring not only your ass, but my daughter, as well. I know you have her and I WANT HER BACK! So I accept your offer, I will meet you in the ring for a little one-on-one talk. But I will remind you that right now, I am not in the talking mood these days. So you better say what you got to say and say it quickly, cause I am gonna KICK YOUR ASS either way.
Lady M's, Heather Mach, & Nikki Roxx: HELL YEAH!
Master Lu: Hell yeah, indeed.
*The cameras now fade out to a close from there.*
Venus: With the next iPPV only a mere two weeks away, things are really heating up now. And it looks like newly formed Fight Club will have their first face off with the Skulls & Bones on MAX! I can not wait for that confrontation either.SPARKLE MAX
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Kayla Sparkz VS Miss April (w/ Brooke Carter)
2.) Melicious and Cat Power VS Crybaby and Cherry Bomb
3.) Valerie Del Toro VS Taeler Hendrix
4.) Tracy & Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) VS Sunny Malibu and The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet)
Venus: And speaking of the new iPPV, as stated earlier, it is only a FEW WEEKS away! So get ready Skulls & Bones, cause THIS MEANS WAR! SPARKLE WAR!SPARKLE WAR
Summers Battle Zone
LIVE! only on iPPV
*The first post DESTINY edition of SPARKLE MAX opened with Venus standing by with SPARKLE Owner, Master Lu....*
Venus: Hi everybody, Venus here with Mr. Lu.....
Master Lu: It's Master Lu now.
Venus: Oh?
Master Lu: As you can tell by my appearance, it's no more Mr. Nice Guy and all BUSINESS.
*Venus now notices Master Lu is wearing his wearing his business suit and not his typically casual attire.*
Venus: Cause of the Skulls & Bones?
Master Lu: Exactly. They think just because they won the battle at DESTINY, that I am gonna let them do whatever they want now in SPARKLE and on MY show?
Venus: I bet they do.
Master Lu: Well they've got another thing coming then. In fact, I've got a little surprise for them tonight too.
Venus: And what's the surprise?
Master Lu: If I told you now, it would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?
Venus: I guess so.
Master Lu: Well you will just have to wait like everybody else. And guarantee the wait will be WORTH it too. *Walks off*
Venus: Oh my....
*The opening video package highlighting the events of DESTINY is now shown and the SPARKLE MAX opening video then plays along with the opening theme song.....*
*The Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club now immediately walk out from the back and down to ring, lead by Alissa Flash and The Hood. The Hood now takes the mic and addresses the booing crowd....*
The Hood: *Distorted Voice* At DESTINY, this Club took the first big step towards reaching it's ultimate domination and complete control of this pathetic wrestling company and the city it calls home. And this was made all possible through the efforts of one single woman. A woman who made her bones with this Club at DESTINY and proved herself worthy of her colors. So without further adue, ladies and gentlemen, fellow sisters of the Club, I give you.....the Sergeant-At-Arms of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, ALISSA FLASH!
*Alissa Flash now steps fowards and embraces The Hood in the center of the ring, as the rest of the Club claps and the crowd boos loudly. The Hood now hands the mic to Alissa Flash to address the angry crowd further....*
Alissa Flash: It seems like some of you people are surprised to see me back in SPARKLE? *Crowd boos loudly* And just went you think I am gone for good, I find my way back into this hell-hole. *Crowd boos more* And no thanks any of you stupid, no-good, ungrateful, piece of shit fans either, I might add! *Crowd boos louder* Cause it is all thanks to THESE WOMEN behind me, that I am back. They, the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, have had my back from the very beginning, when I was down and out. They picked me up out of the gutter and gave me the chance of a lifetime to get what we all want in the end.....redemption and vengeance against those who wronged each and every one of us. And this goes out to the person who created and masterminded this whole thing, I just want to get on my knees right now *Flash gets on her knees* and tell you one thing personally from the bottom of my heart......THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you for letting me be apart of your plans as the Sergeant-At-Arms. *Flash now gets up* And I can promise you will NEVER be disappointed either. Cause I, Alissa Flash, ALWAYS play to win.
*Alissa Flash now begins to shakes hands with the rest of the members of the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club, when Master Lu walks out onto stage....*
Alissa Flash: What the HELL do you want, Old Man?
Master Lu: Well for starters, I think I speak for all these SPARKLE fans in attendance when I say, I WANT YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! *Crowd cheers loudly* Cause I think we've all heard ENOUGH!
Alissa Flash: You are WRONG, Old Man. Cause it's never gonna be enough until we take over this pathetic company completely. *Crowd boos loudly* And trust me when I say, that is gonna happen in the very near future too.
Master Lu: I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP! *Crowd cheers more loudly* Cause I am SO SICK of hearing that!
Alissa Flash: And I guess the truth really hurts doesn't it, Old Man? *Laughs* Cause you know the reality is.....none of you stand a chance against us!
Master Lu: ........
Master Lu: ........
Master Lu: ........
Heather Mach: OVER MY DEAD BODY!
Nikki Roxx: AND MINE TOO!
*Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx now walk out onto the stage and join Master Lu....*
Master Lu: Well it seems like it's not gonna be as easy as you claim, Flash! Cause as you can see, there are several members of the SPARKLE roster that are willing to FIGHT BACK!
Alissa Flash: ........
Master Lu: And speaking of fighting back, I forgot about my little surprise, didn't I. So right now, I would like announce that at the next iPPV, SPARKLE WAR, we are gonna kick off this whole SPARKLE VS SKULLS & BONES WAR!
Alissa Flash: You can't do that.
Master Lu: And THAT is where YOU are WRONG! Cause in case you have forgotten, I am the BOSS OF SPARKLE!
Alissa Flash: And in case, YOU have forgotten, the Skulls & Bones have NO RULES AND NO MASTERS outside this Club.
Master Lu: Well you may be outside that so-called Club of yours, but you are inside SPARKLE and apart of MY roster now. And as such, your asses belong to me now. So here's what I am thinking......You are all gonna love this too.....At SPARKLE WAR, it's gonna be Lady M's, Heather Mach, and Nikki Roxx taking on You, The Enforcer, and The Piper, in a 6-WOMAN ELIMINATION TABLES MATCH!
Alissa Flash: As much as I like the sound of that match, and I really do. I am afraid that's just not gonna happen.
Master Lu: Oh, it is gonna happen!
Alissa Flash: OH NO, IT'S NOT!
Master Lu: YES, IT IS!
Alissa Flash: NO IT'S NOT! Cause I still have something VERY important that Lady M's wants from me. *Laughs*
Master Lu: *Sighs* Goddamn it, Flash. Just let M's Style go already.
Alissa Flash: I'll let her go alright, in many pieces in several white boxes.
Master Lu: You are really sick, Flash. You know that?
Alissa Flash: Heh, that's what I've been told. So if you don't want that to happen, I suggest that Heather Mach and Nikki Roxx go and find a third member for that match.
*Master Lu now looks over at disgusted Heather and Nikki, who just nod their heads in agreement. Master Lu now tells Alissa Flash....*
Master Lu: You win this round, Flash. We'll find a third member to fight yall at SPARKLE WAR.
Alissa Flash: I knew you'd see things my way, Old Man. And now that I've got your attention, you can tell Lady M's to meet me out in this very ring later tonight.
Master Lu: Fine! But you must promise to keep it between the two of you.
Alissa Flash: Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Master Lu: Then I will tell her.
Alissa Flash: Excellent, I look forward to it.
Master Lu: I bet you do.
1.) The night's action then kicked off with the now alone Kayla Sparkz taking on Miss April in singles competition. Kayla's head was not in the game tonight it seemed and thanks to a distraction from Brooke Carter on the outside, Miss April was able to capitalize with the Face Breaking Finish (Skull Crushing Finale) for the victory.
*After the match, ABC continued to taunt Kayla Sparkz about the loss. Kayla Sparkz seemed to not care about the taunting though and walked off without saying a word. ABC then just stood in the ring, stunned by this turn of events.*
2.) Cherry Bomb and Crybaby beat Cat Power and Melicious tonight in a tag match, getting a measure of vengeance for their losses in singles competition at DESTINY in the process. The finish came when Melicious went for the Roller Drive (Over Drive) on Crybaby, like at DESTINY, but Cherry Bomb nailed her with the BSE (Best Superkick Ever) instead. Crybaby then covered her older sister for the victory, as Cherry Bomb held off Cat Power.
*After the match, Crybaby and Cherry Bomb celebrated their victory on the outside and seemed to form a more permanent alliance. A new tag team in the making? Only time will tell.*
*In the Face Locker Room, Venus was show trying to interview Lady M's, who was getting ready for her confrontation with her old rival, Alissa Flash, laster tonight.
Venus: Hi folks, Venus here again, this time with Lady M's.
Lady M's: .......
Venus: Lady M's, as you must have saw earlier, Alissa Flash has called you out and wants you to meet her in the ring later tonight. You thoughts on that challenge?
Lady M's: ........
Venus: Okay. She also plans to return your daughter, M's Style, whom has been missing and in their custody for weeks. Would you like to give....your.....thoughts?!
Lady M's: *Just glares coldly at Venus and walks towards her.*
Venus: *Back ups against the lockers and holds her breath in fear*
Lady M's: *Shakes her head in disgust and then exits the locker room*
Venus: *Exhales with relief* I am SO glad looks can't kill me with this job sometimes.
3.) Valerie Del Toro was in a pretty foul mood tonight thanks to what happened to her at DESTINY at the hands of Erica and the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. Taeler Hendrix would suffer the consequences too. Cause everytime Hendrix seemed to hold her own againist Del Toro and mount some offense, it only served to piss Del Toro off more. Eventually Hendrix made one too many mistakes and it left her wide open and she fell victim to the El Dorado (Jumping Armbar Takedown) and the Cross Armbreaker, as a result. Hendrix fought the hold off for a moment, but was forced to tap out or have her arm broken.
*Although Hendrix did tap out, the pissed off Valerie Del Toro refused to release to hold after the match and seemed like she was gonna break Hendrix's arm tonight. But that's when a new Hispanic looking girl with dirty blonde hair & tattoos covering her arms and torso ran out and stopped that from happening. Valerie and this new girl then started to brawl in the ring, with her almost nailing Del Toro with a brainbuster, but Valerie escaped the ring instead. The new girl then just stared at shocked Valerie, daring her to reenter the ring, but Del Toro refused and walked off.*
4.) The new SPARKLE Shining Star Champion, Tracy, and the SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel), took on the former champ, Sunny Malibu, and The Beautiful People (Angel and Velvet) in the main event of the evening. Sunny Malibu was able to gain some retribution tonight when the interference of Tess and the Shining Star Championship belt backfired. Tracy tried to nail Sunny with the belt but Sunny ducked the shot and dropkicked the belt back in Tracy's face! Sunny then went to the top rope and nailed Tracy with a picture perfect Tidal Wave (Superfly style Flying Splash) for the victory.
*After the match, Sunny Malibu celebrated her big victory while raising the belt she use to own over her head while the Beautiful People posed in the ring with her. The cameras then fade out from there.
Following the last commercial break, a pissed off Lady M's wasted no more time in walking out and down to the ring with a purpose. A purpose to confront Alissa Flash! Lady M's then took a mic from ringside and yelled out immediately....*
*Lady M's waited for a moments, but Alissa Flash didn't appear. Lady M's now yells out again.....*
*Alissa Flash finally walks out, dragging a battered and bloody M's Style along with her. M's Style looks worse for wear too, having been beaten and tortured for weeks by the Skulls & Bones Motorcycle Club. Flash now addresses Lady M's, as walks down the ramp...*
Alissa Flash: What's the matter, M's? Don't having to stand around and wait for something you really want?
Lady M's: .......
Lady M's: ........
*Lady M's just glares at Alissa Flash in anger as she gets in the ring, while still dragging M's Style, by wrist with her. Flash now continues to speak......
Alissa Flash: And that's REAL funny to me too. Cause the glove never does fit the same on the other hand either. DOES IT?!
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: WELCOME TO MY WORLD, YOU FUCKING BITCH! Cause this WHOLE THING between me and you has to do with JUST THAT! You see I was promised several times in the past by SPARKLE that I would get to face you in this very ring. But each and everytime, one stupid bullshit reason after another, I was denied that opportunity. AND WHY IS THAT?!
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: I'll tell WHY! Cause this damn company was afraid I was gonna dominate and embarrass the woman they blindly and foolishly labeled "The Face of Women's Wrestling". WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! And that's all you've ever been, ISN'T IT?!
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: *Laughs* SEE! Even you can't deny it anymore! YOU'RE A FUCKING JOKE! The biggest inside joke ever told in women's wrestling.
Lady M's: ........
Alissa Flash: But there is one little problem that too? I DON'T FIND IT VERY FUNNY!
Lady M's: Then do something about it.
Alissa Flash: *Laughs* I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! And THAT is the best part too. Cause while you've been dealing with your personal problems, I was planning my vengeance. Then when the time came, I attacked your friends, The James Sisters. Left them a bloody mess in the hospital.
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: Then I kidnapped your daughter right from under your fucking nose at the Old Man's house.
Lady M's: .......
Alissa Flash: I've tortured her for weeks too. And just so you know, every scream was music to my ears. Every tear she shed tasted as sweeter than the last did. You see beating and torturing an 18 year old is NOTHING to me. One M's is as good as the other. It never rains when it pours.
Lady M's: And the only thing that's gonna rain in the near future is my fucking fists raining down and breaking your fucking face!
Alissa Flash: You sound angry, M's. Are you angry?
Lady M's: No, I am not angry, Flash.
Alissa Flash: Too bad.
Alissa Flash: GOOD! Cause maybe now you will have the GUTS to actually fight me. Maybe now SPARKLE will actually let that match happen.
Lady M's: Oh, I think they will. It all depends though.
Alissa Flash: Depends on what?
Lady M's: On when you want to fucking DIE! So pick your poison, bitch! I AM BEYOND GIVING A FUCK!
Alissa Flash: Sounds good to me. Me.....You.....SPARKLE WAR!
Lady M's: I acc.....
Alissa Flash: STOP! I have just one more little thing to add to that match, M's.
Lady M's: Name it.
Lady M's: *Thinks for moment, while rubbing her injured knee* I accept.
Alissa Flash: Excellent. I look forward to it.
Lady M's: So do I. Now let my daughter go.
Alissa Flash: *Let's M's Style go* TAKE THE BITCH! I don't need her anymore. I GOT WHAT I WANTED! *Laughs*
*M's Style now slowly walks towards Lady M's, who rushes over and embraces her daughter in the middle of the ring. As this happens, Alissa Flash begins to leaves as she begins pulls something out of her jacket. Flash, without no warning at all, now bashes M's Style in the back of the head with the lead pipe! M's Style now collapses to mat as Lady M's catches her. Lady M's now tries to attack Alissa Flash, whom has already left the ring and escapes to the ramp. Lady M's now continues to stare at smiling Alissa Flash, while mouthing, "You're fucking dead." at her. Alissa Flash now blows a kiss back at Lady M's and raises her fist into the air in a defiant salute as the EMTs now rush down to ring to check on the still unconscious M's Style.*
Summers Battle Zone
The EBW Network
1.) Miss April beat Kayla Sparkz with the Face Breaking Finish.
2.) Crybaby and Cherry Bomb beat Melicious and Cat Power when Crybaby pinned Melicious following the BSE from Cherry Bomb.
3.) Valerie Del Toro beat Taeler Hendrix with the Cross Armbreaker.
4.) Sunny Malibu and The Beautiful People (Angel & Velvet) beat Tracy & Bad Vibrations (Rayne & Ariel) when Sunny pinned Tracy with the Tidal Wave.
*After MAX went off the air, Venus was standing by to interview the new girl who stopped Valerie Del Toro's post-match attack on Taeler Hendrix earlier in the show....*
Venus: Hi folks, Venus here with the newest member of the SPARKLE Roster. Please introduce yourself, Miss....
*The new girl now tells Venus....*
New Girl: Gladly, Venus. My name is.....
*Even before the new girl can introduce herself properly, an angry Valerie Del Toro enters the scene and interupts her....*
Mercedes Martinez: DEL TORO! I now go by just Mercedes here in SPARKLE.
Mercedes: I am here because I was offered a SPARKLE contract by Master Lu a while back. I just finished up my Anahuac commitments and now I am in SPARKLE full time.
Valerie Del Toro: FULL....TIME?!
Mercedes: Yes, full time. The opposite of part time.
Mercedes: Could've fooled me, you dumb bitch.
Valerie Del Toro: How dare you insult me! *Get in Mercedes's face* HOW DARE YOU!
Mercedes: *Backs away from Del Toro* And how dare you not brush your teeth before coming to work. *Gags in disgust* Burrito breath.
Venus: *Snickers loudly*
Valerie Del Toro: YOU SHUT UP TOO!
Venus: ........
Mercedes: Don't you tell her to shut up. She is just doing her job.
Valerie Del Toro: Is that so, Venus?
Venus: Yes, I am.
Velerie Del Toro: Well.....YOU SUCK AT IT!
Venus: ......
Mercedes: Glad to see you never changed your ways, Del Toro. Always bullying and insulting others for no good reason.
Valerie Del Toro: No good reason? I AM BETTER THAN EVERYONE HERE! And includes *Points at Venus* that dumb bimbo. AND ESPECIALLY YOU! *Points at Mercedes*
Valerie Del Toro: Fuck you.
Mercedes: Sorry, Del Toro. You should already know that I don't like rich bitches.
Valerie Del Toro: Then how about you just go fuck yourself instead. *Walks off in anger*
Mercedes: *Shakes her head in disgust* Well, my SPARKLE career is off to a great stop. Isn't it, Venus?
Venus: *Sighs* You'll get use to it, Mercedes. Welcome to SPARKLE.
*The cameras now fade out from there.*
*Also backstage in the Heel Locker Room, the SPARKLE Twin Star Champions, Bad Vibrations, were in the middle of heated argument with the Beautiful People....*
Rayne: So what makes you think you two LOSERS deserve another title shot?
Velvet: How about the fact that you ALMOST lost the belts at DESTINY!
Rayne: Yes, we almost did. ALMOST. And you know what they say about almost right?
Ariel: It only counts in explosives and horseshoes.
Rayne: Exactly.
Velvet: It was enough to make you bash me in the back of the head with THAT belt to retain them.
Angel: Damn straight. You couldn't beat us, so yall intentionally disqualified to keep the belts. And that tells me and Velvet, one FEAR a rematch. And most of all, you FEAR us!
Angel & Velvet: HA!
Velvelt: Then prove it. Prove it us and everybody else. Give us a rematch for SPARKLE Twin Star Championship at SPARKLE WAR!
Ariel: *Whispers something in Rayne*
Rayne: Oh, I like that Ariel. I like that alot. We will accept on one condition.
Velvet: Name it.
Rayne: Just as Ariel suggested to me, let's make this match an EXTREME MAKEOVER MATCH!
Angel & Velvet: Done!
Rayne: I am not finish yet. What this means, whoever loses will get a makeover in some fashion. We will lose these belts and you two.....LOSE YOUR SOULS!
Angel & Velvet: .......
Rayne: Judging for your stupid faces, I need to explains things further. When I say you lose your souls, I mean the very thing that makes you....The Beautiful People.
Angel: You can't be serious?
Rayne: I am DEAD serious. We win, the Beautiful People will be NO MORE! Done in SPARKLE as a tag team.......FOREVER!
Angel: I don't know. In that case, We....
Rayne: *Smirks* Excellent. We'll see yall there. Oh and I think one way or another, it's gonna be a BEAUTIFUL DAY! *Rayne and Ariel now walk off*
*Angel now just looks at Velvet like she is crazy and doesn't like the stipulation added to the match. Velvet, on the otherhand, seems confident that they will become the new SPARKLE Twin Star Champions for the first time at SPARKLE WAR. The cameras then faded out from there.*
*Lady M's was now seen leaving the Medic's Room after checking on her daughter, M's Style, due being assaulted by Alissa Flash with a lead pipe at the end of MAX. Venus now slow approaches Lady M's, trying to get an update from her....*
Venus: Excuse me, Lady M's, I....
Venus: *Nervously* I....wanted to how M's Style is doing?
Lady M's: ........
Venus: Is she alright after the attack by Alissa Flash at the end of MAX?
Lady M's: ........
Venus: Obviously you don't want to talk about that right now. Then what are you thoughts on traveling to Edo for the upcoming show, EBW DANGER DOME, for the SPARKLE SHOWCASE MATCH at the Kyoto Dome?
Lady M's: .......
Venus: I see. Well do you have anything to say or am I wating my time again?
Lady M's: You wanna know my thoughts? *Walks up to Venus*
Venus: Please don't hurt me. I am just doing my job.
Lady M's: I am not gonna hurt you, Venus. In fact, I am gonna tell you exactly how I feel, right now.
Venus: Really?
Lady M's: *Put her arm around Venus* Absolutely. So level with me, Venus. Cause I bet you think I am excited to travel to Edo?
Venus: Sure. I am.
Lady M's: WELL I AM NOT!
Venus: *Screams*
Lady M's: And I bet you think I am excited to see my husband in Edo too, right?
Venus: Right.
Venus: *Screams again*
Lady M's: But there is one thing I am truly excited about in Edo. And do you know what that thing is?
Lady M's: *Grabs Venus by dress top* DO YOU?!
Venus: NOOOOO!
Lady M's: It's the fact that I am gonna be able to get my hands on Alissa Flash in the ring. And I can promise you one thing when that happens. *Lets Venus go*
Venus: And what's that?
Lady M's: I AM GONNA FUCKING KILL HER! *Walks off in anger*
Venus: *Walks off too*
*The cameras now pan to right and zoom in on a mysterious figure, who was secretly watching the proceedings with Lady M's and Venus from the shadows. The figure now walks into the light, and it's revealed to be none other than ALISSA FLASH! She now cracks a rather sadistic smile as she says out loud.....*
Alissa Flash: And that is EXACTLY what I want. *Laughs maniacally*
*The cameras now fade out to a final close on that note.*
Venus: As announced on the latest edition of AFTERSHOCK, several members of the SPARKLE roster will be traveling to Kyoto in Edo for the special EBW DANGER DOME show at the Kyoto Dome! It will be a HUGE 10-Woman Tag Team Match that will be showcase the talent of SPARKLE to all our fans in Edo! Here is the match that was just announced for the show.....*EBW DANGER DOME
Kyoto Dome - Kyoto, Edo
The EBW Network/Shogun TV!/iPPV
1.) SPARKLE Showcase Match: Sunny Malibu, Erica, Lady M's, Heather Mach, & Nikki Roxx VS Tracy, Valerie Del Toro, Alissa Flash, The Enforcer, & The Piper