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3/17/2020 9:04 am  #661

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Renegade Arena - Backstage

Tack Angel was hastily walking with Amy, Christina, Helios, and Rebecca, when he was suddenly approached by-


Amy Angel: Tack? But this is-

"Tack Angel": *sigh* I'm the REAL Tack Angel. I'm the man you married, not this imposter. I was taking my family back! You have all those others wives. All those other children! This family is MINE!

Tack Angel: It's NOT! It never was, and it never will be! I'm the genuine article! 

"Tack Angel": Amy, look at me. Remember me? The shy guy you married. I remember when your hair was green!

Tack Angel: I remember that too!

"Tack Angel": I remember when you spent all that time trying to make up for using our marriage to kick start a war with EBW, and all I ever wanted was you and your love. All I ever wanted was a family with you. You never had to apologize. You were already forgiven.

Tack Angel: He's saying these things to confuse you. Of course I felt that way, but the difference is, I was really there. I was the one that felt it, and it hurt Amy. It hurt like hell. But it IS true, that you were always forgiven, without question. Kids? Kids come here. Come to Daddy. What did you-

"Tack Angel": What did I do? I took them out for ice cream! I took them to the park! We had a day together! None of the Star Prince garbage. Just Tack Angel, his wife, and his kids. The way it was always meant to be.

Tack Angel: I'm tired of being told how it's meant to be. I decide that! I decided my life! MY LIFE! MY FAMILY! MY KINGDOM! I will live how I please, and I won't say sorry for it.

"Tack Angel": I love you Amy. Just you. I don't split my heart. It's all for you.

Tack Angel: My heart is big enough, and filled with enough love, for those who love me back. My WHOLE family, and my children, who I would DIE FOR! And if you hurt them....I would kill for.

"Tack Angel": Amy, you have to see that he's crazy.

Amy Angel: ....He is crazy....and that is exactly how I love my husband. I don't know who you are. If you come near me or my family again, I'll kill you.

"Tack Angel": .....Heh....well shit. Can't blame a guy for trying can you?

Tack Angel: You monster! You WERE just playing games! I was honestly starting to believe you thought you were me.

"Tack Angel": I AM you. A better you. I'm just as much Tack Angel as you are. Don't you ever forget that. Every fucking coin has two sides. For every saint...there is a sinner.

"Tack Angel" walked away as Tack clutched his family tightly.

Amy Angel: *sniff* I'm glad you didn't shave your beard.

Tack Angel: *sigh* Who the heck and a half is that guy? Questions for later. I have to get refocused. We all do. I'll need my family with me, and Christina will need us with her.

M's Locker Room

M's was wrapping his wrists as Hope walked in.

Hope Mach: Heya Mom.

Lady M's: Hope. You're not going to try and talk me out of this are you?

Hope Mach: No, I wouldn't even dare. I know Christina can handle herself. I believe in both of you, and a part of me will be happy either way. I just have one request.

Lady M's: What is it?

Hope Mach: ....Don't kill her?

Lady M's: Where'd that confidence go?

Hope Mach: She won't stab you in the middle of the ring. Can we say the same for you?

Lady M's: ...You might be onto something. But Hope....I make no promises.

Hope Mach: ...I can never tell if you're joking or not.

Lady M's: That's what makes it funny for me.

Hope Mach: Mom!

Lady M's: Fine! Fine! I won't kill her, but damn if she's not asking for it.

Hope Mach: She's standing up for her family, and standing up to you. I thought that would garner your respect.

Lady M's: Yeah....but don't tell her.

Hope Mach: Heh. Good luck Mom.

Lady M's: You too Daughter.

Hope left the room, but M's suddenly stopped taping her wrists.

Lady M's: ...You can come out of hiding now.

Erica: Not hiding, just observing you. Remembering the old days. Remember them? Remember when we were friends?

Lady M's: I remember that you wanted to fuck me. I remember that you wanted to be me. I remember what it felt like to be buried six feet under. To hear Trevor Mach crying. TREVOR MACH CRYING! The man is insane, but you brought him to tears, and I had to hear it, and I couldn't escape. I remember our wars following it. I remember you fading into the background of my mind and my life.'re back, like a repressed memory that wouldn't stay gone, and look at the all the damage you've done. If I win, I'll fix it. If I lose, I'll make sure she fixes it. Either way, you'll get what you wanted all those years ago. You'll get fucked.

Erica: Heh...crass....really crass. Like always. I have so much I want to say to you. So much I want to do to you. It's too much to put into words. All these's been building. A decade of spite, that I want to spit in your face, but it's not very lady like. Just know that whoever wins tonight loses in the Dome. It's just that simple, and that's what I'm going to leave you with. The knowledge that YOU...will get fucked.

Lady M's: Speaking of not lady like.

Erica: When it's just you and me, I never minded getting down and dirty.

Jennings Office

Noah Jennings: Hello fans. Noah Jennings here. In just one week, you will see the ultimate show. You will see the biggest event. In one week, you will bare witness to Victory Explosion X4, with the biggest Main Event in EBW history. To celebrate that, and to give you all a peak of what's to come. I have booked a match for tonight. The three men in that match will each find a partner of their choosing, and meet in the semi-main event tonight for a 3-Team Tag. It's just for bragging rights and momentum, but right now, that means a lot. Every match tonight counts. It all means something. It's all on the line. No Neon Nights this week, because we're there. The last stop before Victory Explosion X4.

Tommy Dukes: Holy hell, we're actually here! We're on the cusp of Victory Explosion X4! I love it! The excitement is in the air, and luckily, nothing contagious! Because if we had to cancel this event, I would kill myself!

Nerma: Stop being overly dramatic. He doesn't mean it folks, but he does have the same excitement we all do for this biggest event of the year. The biggest main event. The biggest big Women's World Championship match! The biggest everything quite frankly, and it's almost go time! Tonight, we have a stacked card of our own, and why waste time, let's get down to business.

Makoto Angel: That's right, we have the three men competing in the main event in the ring right now for the contract signing.

Tommy Dukes: We always cut these things so damn close.

Trevor Mach, Tack Angel, and the Triple Crown World Champion Bashin Dan were all sitting in the ring, as Noah Jennings stood in front of a table, with a contract on it.

Noah Jennings: I wanted to make this official here and now, live on television, for the world to see. Dan couldn't wait, and already signed the contract. I appreciate the excitement. I'm looking forward to it as well. You have anything you want to say to your opponents?

Bashin Dan: You two, are the pillars of EBW. You always have been. You've been the trail blazers. You fought wars in and out of the ring. So much history. What a story it all is. I only hope when all is said and done, I have a story like that to tell. I respect you both, but I don't intend to lose. This win will mean everything. It will prove that I can overcome any challenge. 

Trevor Mach: Yeah? It's not about the win kid, it's about you. It's about who you are and what you become after the match. I've seen stars shine, and I've seen them fall. A lot of people have been corrupted by the power that title brings. It changes everything. It's the ultimate test of the soul. You're's been a long story...which makes me feel a little exhausted when I say I feel like it's only just beginning. A little exhausted, and a little excited, because that title is within my grasp. I know I can handle the pressure. Can you? Oh and Tack? I'm not going to go easy on you brother. I love you man, and I never truly doubted that you were who you said you were, but I'm still going to have to kick your ass. Both of you. I'm going to bare my fangs, and you'll see the War Wolf in action in that ring. No holding back. No playing around, because THAT is the reason we're here. If you plan on holding back, don't even bother showing up.

Tack Angel: I've been there, where you are Dan. I've been to the mountaintop, and in my own ways, I've found new mountaintops, but nothing will ever compare to being the World Champion of EBW. It is like being crowned King, and that comes from a Star Prince. Dan, it's going to be an honor. I'm looking forward to it. Trevor, we both know what we're capable of. You know that I can beat you at somethings, and you can beat me at others. We both know in the ring, we're capable of beating each other. Things have certainly changed recently, especially with you, but I feel confident that I can beat you and Dan. I can win this. I can become the Triple Crown World Champion!

Trevor and Tack both signed the contract, and the three men exchanged fist bumps, before departing to the back.

Noah Jennings: Don't forget guys, you're all in action tonight. Plus, the main event will feature Lady M's taking on Christina Angel in a 30 Minute Iron Woman match!


Makoto Angel: Makoto Angel here with Christina Angel. I had to be here for this one. Christina, you're getting a big match tonight, that could lead to one of the biggest of your career. Are you ready? Have you done all you can to get ready?

Christina Angel: Heh, you're all always so motherly. This is wrestling Makoto. Treat me like a wrestler. I am so ready. Tali, you have me fired up. I get what you've been saying. I truly do. We need to step it up. I'm going to do just that. I worked hard to find a new identity following my broken wrist, but I'm done searching. I am who I always was, and that IS good enough. I just needed the confidence. I will prove that tonight. You'll find out first hand Tali. All the respect in the world, but I'm going to beat you.

Makoto Angel: We're all so proud of you. Excited to see what she has in store. Yes Nerma, I know you're out there rolling your eyes right now. I can't help it. I love my family!

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City

1. Singles: Amigo beat Jamie OD via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Submission
-A match that saw the Lucha Bastards and the Crimson Bombers surround the ring to keep Jamie XL away. Amigo let loose with frustration, and made OD pay for his shenanigans. Amigo took a Penalty Kick, and stood right back up, for the Olympic Slam and the Ankle Lock. The cowardly OD quickly tapped.

Tommy Dukes: Do you see that? He didn't want to take any damage to his ankle. He wasn't even going to try and escape that one. He wants to be fresh, and he knows he'll need to be, because four teams are going to be in that cage at VE X4.

2. Singles: Firebrand X beat Dorado Mask via Crash Thunder Buster -> Pin
-A fantastic meshing of styles, with the hybrid warrior X being able to go move for move with the Luchador. Dorado Mask was on a roll, and fired off the ropes, but X floored him with a Lariat. He picked him up for the Crash Thunder Buster, and pinned him for the win.

Tommy Dukes: A solid win for Firebrand X. Many might be looking past the Crimson Bombers, but that's a mistake most only make once. When Firebrand X is burning hot, he can't be beaten.

3. Women's Singles: Duvalie beat Hope Mach via Roll Up -> Pin
-A solid showing, with Duvalie showing once again that she is more than just a smiling maid, with her ability to meet Hope on the ground with the grappling, as if she'd done some Amaresu as well. Hope managed to pull the choking cord out of her sleeve, but Duvalie pulled powder out of her pocket and blew it into Hope's face, before rolling her up for the pin. After the match Kaie came out to lay down a beating.

Nerma: How did the ref not see that?! She was too fast! How is she that fast?! Thank God we have security coming out to break this up. Hope has been deaf in the past, but she looks to be blinded right now. I hope that's not lingering. She needs to be at 100% to deal with Kaie for the Television Championship.

4. 3-Team Tag: Tack Angel[o]/Swift beat Bashin Dan/Jammer vs. Trevor Mach/Rude[x] via Tackslide -> Pin
-A hotly contested battle, with big surprises, like Swift entering the ring one match early to mix it up with Dan Club and another team of Wolves. Mach took Jammer down with Cravate Kicks, and dodged a Pounce from Swift to tag in Rude, who tried to snake a pin on Slam Jam, but Dan broke it up. Swift tagged out to Tack, who instead of doing a big move to Rude, surprised him with a Tackslide, and everyone rushed in the ring to try and stop the count, but to no avail.

Tommy Dukes: Tack Angel with the win there! Amazing! He didn't go high, he went low!

Makoto Angel: He played the objective. Nothing fancy there. He's been training to be able to win many different ways. Clutching the Wrist is the last resort, but as you can see the Tackslide can get the job done.

Nerma: It was just a backslide. Do we really have to-

Makoto Angel: Yes....yes we do.

Nerma: Well alright then! Go Tackslide!

Tommy Dukes: The three are standing in the middle of the ring. Dan is holding the belts up high. Tack is trying to point to the sign, but Trevor is stopping him. I'm personally glad about that. This match will be on a whole other level, and you can see in at Victory Explosion X4 on ENN+

5. EBW Women's #1 Contender 30 Minute Iron Woman:

-Christina Angel beat Lady M's via WRIST CLUTCH Angel Driver -> Pin
-Christina Angel beat Lady M's via Angel Driver x Yurikomome -> Submission
-Lady M's beat Christina Angel via Smash Mouth -> Pin
-Lady M's beat Christina Angel via Death Dealer DDT -> Pin
-Lady M's beat Christina Angel via Rear Naked Choke -> Referee Stoppage

-An all time classic, and a shocking opening few salvos, as Lady M's was not ready for the fire Christina Angel brought to the ring. The Angel family kicks and punches caught M's off guard, and it wasn't long before Christina had her up for an Angel Driver. To the shock of everyone, including her cheering family at ringside, she CLUTCHED the WRIST! 1-2-3! Christina Angel with the first pin. A shocked and woozy M's fought back to her feet, but Christina went all out to keep her off her game. Another Angel Driver was followed by the Yurikomome, and to the surprise of everyone again, M's tapped out. She was livid at this point, and the match pace suddenly changed. The wild, relentlessness of M's was unleashed, as she brawled with Christina, taking her off her game and bloodying her up. A Smash Mouth in the corner, lead to another Smash Mouth, and M's rolled her up for the pin and a point. With time running out she quickly picked Christina up, who tried to surprise M's with an Angel Driver, but she escaped it, and blocked a high kick, for a kick to the midsection and the Death Dealer DDT. 1-2-3. The score was now tied, but that wasn't enough. As Erica Eisen looked on. The tired and battered M's trapped Christina in a Rear Naked Choke. With minutes left, Christina fought with all of her strength to make it to the ropes. The Referee called it, and awarded the point to M's. Lady M's backed into the corner breathing heavily as the timer hit 0. Lady M's with the big comeback, and the long awaited and destined match now official. Erica slow clapped, smirked, and turned her back to M's, as she helped up Christina. She gave her a pat on the back and left the ring. The pat was too hard and Christina stumbled back to the mat, but the Angel Family, Subculture, and Hope Mach were all there to help her to the back.

Nerma: Amazing: I am proud to have been here for that one. It's settled now. It's happening. Erica vs. Lady M's for the Women's World Championship. No turning back. No looking away. We're there man. We're there. Victory Explosion X4 on the horizon. All you can do is GET READY!

Last edited by Machismo (3/17/2020 9:07 am)


3/17/2020 1:23 pm  #662

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Saturn Dome

The camera followed Bashin Dan as he made his way up the stairs and into the empty Dome. He went to the stands, and looked down at the ring below. Suddenly, footage appeared on the big screens. He watched the main event of last year's Victory Explosion X3, where he and Jammer tore the house down. The final result was a victory for the Dangerous Player in the Dome.

Bashin Dan: Here we are again. Victory Explosion. I go in as Champion, as I did last year, but the stakes are higher. I left the Dome as Champion, and I kept my head held high. Win or lose, I intend to do the same, because this match, is legendary, one way or the other. I want to bask in the challenge, but there is no time for it. I have to be at my absolute best, and I intend to be. I intend to be. The biggest challenge of my career. Gate Open. Let's go.

Officially Unofficial Victory Explosion X4 Theme

The fireworks went off, as EBW was set for adventure, that being the theme of the this year's Victory Explosion. An anime-esque adventure. The screens all showed the big main event. Bashin Dan vs. Tack Angel vs. Trevor Mach.

Tommy Dukes: Welcome everyone to the Saturn Dome! Welcome to this packed crowd of rowdy, germ free fans! Welcome everyone to Victory Explosion X4! This is number 14 people! In some states, this event would be getting its learner's permit! 14 years of Victory Explosion, and we have what might be the biggest show of them all. A huge main event. I can't stress it enough. You have the present and the future all fighting for supremacy here, and the only way it could be bigger is if you added....oh....I don't know...Ness as special referee? Guess what? WE TOTALLY DID THAT! Ness returns to call this crucial and important match up.

Nerma: Don't forget the women Tommy, as we have a blast from the past, made new again, when Erica Eisen defends the EBW Women's World Championship against Lady M's. M's who went to war with Christina Angel for the right just this week on Xcite, and now she has the fight of her life ahead of her. This isn't the Erica you remember M's, so be ready.

Makoto Angel: All of this, and so much more. It's very exciting, and we're going to kick things off with not one, but two Victory Royales. One of the the men, and one of the women.

Nerma: We could combine them, but we're not stupid stupid moron carny assholes.

Tommy Dukes: Nerma! Show some class. This is the big event! It's the dance!

Nerma: I know that....but it's true dammit!

Tommy Dukes: Moment of truth!

Tommy, Nerma, and Makoto: LET'S TAKE IT TO THE RING!

EBW: Victory Explosion X4
Saturn Dome, Saturn City

1. Victory Royale: Jammer vs. Chad Salad vs. Magnum PT vs. Fighter Daron vs. Vape vs. Orange vs. Benjamin vs. Misogynist Paul vs. Robert Sandwich vs. Fray Tiburon vs. Tomo vs. El Mago vs. Dangerous D vs. Dick Wagner vs. Generator vs. Rude vs. Cadmus
Winner: Cadmus
-A hot start to the show with, the hungry combatants looking for glory. Heat Parade members were all immediately eliminated except for Chad Salad, who hung onto the bottom rope for dear life. Orange ejected himself like an idiot. He put his hands in his pockets, so people popped about it. Final six came down to Benjamin, Jammer, Fray Tiburon, Generator, Salad, and Cadmus. Tiburon and Generator were in the middle a brisk back and forth, only to be tossed out by Cadmus. Benji and Jammer went high low with Cadmus, but Chad Salad pulled down the top rope and eliminated Jammer. Benjamin fought back and forth with Cadmus, but a Spear to the corner seemed to injure him, made worse by the Dark Star Cutter from Cadmus. He tossed him over the top. Cadmus bowed as Salad tried to steal it, only for Salad to go over the top and eject himself. Cadmus is the winner Victory Royale.

Tommy Dukes: And that's how you start a Victory Explosion. It had good wrestling, and it was funny as hell. Chad Salad and his squad suck ass! It's funny to watch them lose. A big win for Cadmus. The man who is WAY too close with his sister is on the rise....hopefully not with his sist-

Nerma: Tommy!

Tommy Dukes: Sorry!

2. Women's Victory Royale: BeShemoth vs. Tracy Angel vs. Duvalie vs. Nani Angel vs. 21st Century Foxx vs. Faris Angel vs. Kei Akiyama vs. Kayla Sparkz vs. Heather Mach vs. Kimber Blaze vs. Lt. Lacy Wagner
Winner: BeShemoth

-The Women's Victory Royale was much more hotly contested. No Heat Parade to immediate eliminate. The game plan though was for all non-Angels to try and eliminate the Angel Family. Faris Angel survived the onslaught and eliminated 2K by herself, before going over the top with Heather Mach, after a tandem assault by the House of M's. Duvalie quietly eliminated herself and laughed as the Angels tried to get to her, but they never laid a finger on her. Final two BeShemoth and Kimber Blaze. A great show of strength, as the two locked up, muscles bulging with patriotism and raw power. BeShemoth was just a little better on this night and tosses out Kimber to win the Victory Royale for the Women.

Nerma: And the legend of the BeShemoth begins! A new name for EBW, and a new attitude. This muscle bound brute of a woman is going to carve her name is stone around here. I'm calling it now. So many have tried, but she's going to get the job done.

Makoto Angel: A great effort from all my fellow Angels. You all did great.

Nerma: *sigh* Yeah, I suppose they did.

Makoto Angel: You even have Christina out to congratulate them. We've all grown so close to her. She did great too on Xcite. *sniff* I'm just so proud!

Nerma: Oh get over it!

3. EBW Women's Television Championship: Kaie(c) beat Hope Mach via Celtic Hand Grenade x Piledriver -> Pin -> Title Defense!

-The rivalry between Hope Mach and Kaie reached a boiling point, with an all out strike fest of a title match. The closest they could get to a fight, the only real grappling maneuver played into the finish. Hope was weakened from the attack on Xcite and the powder to the eyes was still messing with her eye sight. That helped Kaie land a vicious Celtic Hand Grenade, followed by a wicked Piledriver for the pin and title defense! Trevor Mach rushed out with Christina Angel to help up Hope. They were followed by Bashin Dan who threw down his titles to help Hope feel safe while EMTs came out to carry her out on a board.

Nerma: I don't like to see that one bit. A strike fest ends with a Piledriver, and now we have to wonder if Hope is alright. I really saw her winning that match before the attack on Xcite. She was unable to go to the mat or see. She did great for what she could do here. You have to admire that Mach insanity. They don't quit. Let's hope she's alright. Pun not intended.

4. Non-Title Singles: Hotlanta beat Trevor Mach via Powerbomb X3 -> Pin
-A big grudge match up next as the Dead End Hotlanta battled the War Wolf Trevor Mach. Mach came out with a mouth guard with fangs, and he bared them at Hotlanta, as he shot in to start this match that alternated between brawl, and Bushido inspired encounter. Mach went for the Cravate Kicks, and moved Hotlanta into the clinch, but went to the ground instead of more knees, trying to lock in the Kimura. Hotlanta fought to the ropes, and started to lose it, beating on Mach and head butting him open. Grinding his wrist into the cut to make it worse. As the blood flowed, Mach tried to return the favor, as Dead End surrounded the ring. 3 Wolf Moon came out as well, even Tack Angel, who Trevor would be facing later. Jamie tripped Mach up on a Knee Trigger attempt, and fell into a Backbreaker. Hotlanta then showed his strength in hitting three Powerbombs for the 1-2-3.

Tommy Dukes: I don't believe it! Damn you Jamie OD! You just had to get involved! Hotlanta got his win, and now Trevor Mach looks livid. He's trying to get his hands on OD! The Dead End stole that one, but it was close before the steal. It could have gone either way. Hope you're satisfied Hotlanta! Of all the nights, I just want this one to be free of shenanigans. Alright? No more shenani-

Nerma: Hang on, I'm receiving word that Tack Angel has been laid out in the back! He's been laid out!

Tommy Dukes: Dammit!


Security and the Wolves were busy keeping Cadmus and the "other" Tack Angel away, as both laughed with chairs in hand. The Angel wives were trying to help up Tack, but he busted open and groggy.

Tommy Dukes: Son of a bitch! I hope both of the Bad Dudes can shake it off and perform at their top level for the main event! THAT'S ALL I WAAAAAAAANT!

5. EBW World Tag Team Championship Cage: Kinniku Mike/Amigo[o] beat Jamie OD(c)[x]/Jamie XL(c), Subculture/Firebrand X, and Dorado Mask/Hex No Limit via Top Rope Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Submission -> NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions!
-A lengthy and girthy ;) battle inside of the cage, saw the Hooligans finally have to face off with the top teams in the division. Crimson Bombers and Paradise Collection battled at last year's Victory Explosion, and knew what they were doing, and the Lucha Bastards played the wild cards, while the Hooligans basically got theirs. No escaping for the Hooligans, as Amigo finally got the revenge he had been waiting for. In a joyous moment he pulled OD off the cage and took him to the mat with an Olympic Slam. He locked in the Ankle, and with no way out this time, Jamie OD had to verbally submit while Amigo nearly tore his ankle apart. The Paradise Collection finally won back the World Tag Team Championships, and did so over the Hooligans.

Tommy Dukes: Yeah! Look at that! Take that you ginger bastards! Crimson Bombers and the Lucha Bastards did great here, but the Paradise Collection sealed the deal. Mike and Amigo embracing. The friendship is officially restored. OD should be mad, but as he's being carted away it looks like he's laughing. No matter. Sal is laughing at his old partner right back as he celebrates with his team.

6. Singles: w00t beat Swift via wKo -> Pin
-Swift and w00t's long storied history was reignited, but in an unusual way. w00t was not the same man that left EBW. Still methodical, but carrying a careless swagger, almost nihilistic in his nature, it made for quite the battle against the most decorated man in all of wrestling. The crowd was firmly behind their hero, but a missed POUNCE turned the tide. w00t worked over the injured shoulder, and tried to concuss Swift, but the Brawler brawled back, lifting w00t up for the Blackhammer. 1-2-KICKOUT! Swift was looking worn down, but w00t still seemed fresh, as he landed his signature wKo. One wasn't enough to keep Swift down, but the second one did the trick. w00t with the win.

Tommy Dukes: Another one I didn't expect. Tonight is full of surprises. Swift is still getting back into the grove, but I haven't seen w00t act that aloof before. Like all the pressure was off. He's just laughing. Very strange.

7. EBW Women's World Championship:

-The Semi-Main event was up next, as Lady M's challenged Erica for the EBW Women's World Championship, a title she put on the map, and made into the legendary title belt that it is today.

M's made her way to the ring on her motorcycle, as the explosions happened to the left and right of the ramp as she drove by.

A shower of rose petals filled the arena. On the stage, everything was illuminated in gold. Several hand maidens surrounded a curtain, as Duvalie revealed it to be Erica Eisen behind the curtain. The maidens painstakingly put on the Golden Cloth for Erica, as she finally turned around to bask in the praise....that just happened to be a sea of boos. She made her way to a chariot that came in from the side, and rode it to the entrance. A very stark contrast for two very different wrestlers. They wasted no time and brawled. Erica nailed M's on the apron during the early going and M's went flying into the guardrail. Erica went for a springboard off the guardrail, but M's caught her and hit a belly to belly suplex. Erica went for a sunset bomb off the top a short time later. She nearly got it, but M's fought out of it and hit a Smash Mouth. She then hit a leaping bull dog. Erica fired back, but missed a signature sling shot splash. Erica finally got the upper hand after hitting a big power slam on M's as she came off the ropes. Erica went on the attack and sent M's flying into the corner with a release Suplex. M's went up top, but Erica caught her when she went for a splash. She then hit the feared Air Raid Crash, but M's kicked out at 2. This was the first time it didn't entirely seal the deal, as M's fought back to her feet. M's tried to surprise Erica with a snap Suplex, but she broke free and hit an enzuguri. Erica went off the ropes, but M's nailed her with a lariat. M's set her up for the Rolling M's, but Erica reversed it and hit an Air Raid Crash. The roof went off the Dome at the 2.9 Count. Erica seemed to turn it up, having to face the demon she's chased for so long, only for M's to survive her so far deadly finisher. She tossed M's into the steps and with help from Duvalie smashed a chair over her head. She grabbed her by her bloody hair and pounded her head against the steps even more. She pulled M's to her feet and taunted her. M's pushed her away and laid into her with the elbows. Back in the ring, she tried to hit the Sexy Strong Stunner, but Erica spun her around and lifted M's for a Buckle Bomb. She tried to make M's tap with a Figure Four Cloverleaf, but when that didn't work, she got barbaric and tried to choke her. M's flipped her over her head somehow, and hit a Reverse DDT. 1-2-KICKOUT! The two fought back up, slapping each other, with blood flying from each slap. Erica seemed to be one Air Raid Crash away from victory, but M's escaped and hit the Smash Mouth and the Death Dealer DDT for the 1-2-3! The roof came off the Dome again as Lady M's won the match, finally dethroning Erica to once again become the EBW Women's World Champion!


Makoto Angel: I have to go congratulate her!

Nerma: Even Christina is coming out to congratulate her!

Tommy Dukes: That was a hell of a match, and Erica gave it so much, but the stigma, the feeling that she couldn't beat M's got the better of her I think. She's livid. Kicking and screaming. The Eisenritter and the handmaidens are helping her to the back now, as M's celebrates in the ring. A great comeback story for Lady M's. Trevor Mach is helping her to the back, but don't go too far, as you're up next good sir. Why? Because it's......

8. EBW Triple Crown World Championship:

-Main event time! The crowd was still buzzing from the last match, but quickly turned back up the intensity when they heard...

The Star Prince Tack Angel made his way to the ring with all the wives, as star dust glitter fell from the ceiling. The crowd clapped along with the song, as Tack entered the ring and clapped with them, sporting a bandage from the chair shot, but looking ready for action.

The explosions return at the side of the ramp, as Trevor Mach stood lowered from the top of the tron with giant metal wings on his leather jacket, and the wolf fang mouth guard. Still a little bloody from earlier, he looked even more fired up from the loss, ready to avenge it, and make some history.

The crowd all waved Bashin Dan Zodiac X-Rare Battle Spirits cards in air as he shouted "GATE OPEN! RELEASE!", kicking open a large prop door, and making way his way to the ring. The confident young Champion looked like he belonged in the ring with the two veterans as they all met in the middle for the match introductions.

Just like that, the biggest main event in EBW history was underway. Tack and Mach knocked Angel out of the ring and then went after each other with hard chop exchanges. Mach cradled Tack for a two count early on, and Tack looked shocked, arguing with Trevor if he really thought it would be that easy. No worried about the two working together, as they traded kicks and knees now. Tack hit Mach with a head kick and staggered him, but Mach came back with a Spinning Back Fist, and a Trevorplex attempt, but Dan got back into the match, jumped the ropes and took Mach to the mat with a flying Lariat. A game of one ups man ship commenced with big moves and hard strikes. An all out frenzy, with each man giving the best we've seen in some time or maybe even ever. Fans traded off chants for all three men. Chops, punches, and kicks, saw a woozy Mach escape a CLUTCH Winged Angel attempt, only get kicked in the midsection for the Saga Brave Clash. 1-2-Tack with the break! Later Mach hit the Knee Trigger on Dan, and then quickly turned to hit Tack. With both down, he tried pinning one then the other, but they both kicked out. Tack finally hit the CLUTCH Winged Angel on Dan, but Trevor returned the favor from earlier and broke the pin. Staggered and bleeding, Mach and Tack finally thought about joining forces for a split second before a mutual "NAH!" lead to the firing shot back and forth. Late in the match, and Tack was down from his head injury earlier in the night. Ness to his credit, called it right down the line, happy to see such a spectacular match taking place. A bloody Mach was mixing it up with Dan, and it was classic like their encounters before. Dan went for the Saga Brave Clash, but Mach escaped and smashed Dan with knees in the clinch. He broke free, and they fired off head butts and chops back and forth. Mach let out a yell and smashed an elbow into Dan's face, breaking his nose and sending him outside of the ring. Mach then picked up Tack and said "Sorry" before hitting the Machigoye. He looked to Dan on the outside, but didn't hesitate to pin Tack for the 1-2-3! Trevor Mach won the match, and claimed the Triple Crown World Championship. The roof ONCE AGAIN came off the place as Ness handed the title to Mach who hit the mat with the three belts in hand. The Wolves all limped to the ring to celebrate this huge win, as Dan and Tack struggled to get to their feet. All three combatants helped each other up and shared a hug with Mach looking to Dan and shrugging, with Dan laughing it off like the true sportsman that he is. Tack complained about his head ache, but congratulated Trevor, but added that if it wasn't for the chair shot it might have gone differently. Fireworks went off as Trevor went up on the stage. He joined Lady M's who embraced him as they both held up their World Championships.

Tommy Dukes: Now THAT is a true blast from the past! 13 years ago at Bushido 2007, these two held up World Championships together, and 13 years later it happens again.

Nerma: No matter how many things change, they always stay the same. Greatness doesn't go away, as evidenced by the rise of the Mach Family once again. Two NEW World Champions! Incredible.

Makoto Angel: Tack tried his very best. I'm sure his head is aching. I'll making him feel better any way I can.

Nerma: I bet he can think of a couple ways.

Tommy Dukes: Hotlanta is watching on a monitor. He's not happy. It's like his win was just wiped away, as Trevor Mach claims the Triple Crown World Championship, his first time holding the title since it became three titles. Historic. We'll see you next time! Now, I can't wait for Victory Explosion X5!

Last edited by Machismo (3/17/2020 1:25 pm)

     Thread Starter

3/18/2020 9:31 am  #663

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Renegade Arena

The fans were murmuring around the ring, waiting for the show to start, and Tack was making a mock murmuring sound upon seeing the word murmur. I bet I called it. The building was packed and the excitement was building when...

The crowd went wild as the NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion came out to the huge reaction with his new ABBA inspired theme song because he loves ABBA, and that's totally cool. Wearing jeans and a black leather jacket with a crucifix and no t-shirt underneath, the man looked and acted like a rockstar, as he spun the belts around and tossed them into the ring. Soaking in the cheers, he raised his hands to get the crowd to get even louder. He then grabbed a camera from a Lakitu and pulled it in even closer.

Trevor Mach: Stay tuned, cause Xcite is coming at you at Mach speed! Awwwwooooo!

Tommy Dukes: Welcome the Xcite! It's the Post Victory Explosion episode and-

Trevor Mach: Dukes, I'm going to cut you off here bro, because I got a lot to say, and this show is thankfully only 2 hours. Don't know if you all heard that just now, but I made a Mach joke. I don't tend to do those too much, but I'm damn excited to be here, and with this, THESE I should say, the Triple Crown World Championship. I have not been the TRIPLE CROWN Champion before. Bigger than the World huh? That's cool with me. I always figured I'd come back for this at some point, but Rumble City put me on the road, and I traveled it, as fast as I could, and with as much intensity as I had in my body. Now I have the belts. But three belts is too much, so I'm splitting the titles back, giving one to Dan, and giving one to Tack and then-I'm just kidding! I'm kidding relax! Three belts is fine! I love it. It's awesome! They look good on me right? Yeah, I make em' look good. Heh. So, after the long story so far, the new chapters keep surprising me. You almost never know what's going to-

Hotlanta's theme played, as he quickly rushed down to the ring.

Trevor Mach: Well....I knew THAT was coming.

Hotlanta: You. You son of a bitch. You damn son of a bitch!

Trevor Mach: Uh-huh.

Hotlanta: I beat you. I beat Trevor Mach! I BEAT MACH!

Trevor Mach: Yeah you beat me in a match....once. You haven't BEATEN Trevor Mach.Oh, I'm sure you can BEAT just about anyone else, and life has certainly tried to BEAT me every now and then. But, like a poor marksman you keep missing the target! I'm right here Hottie! You want to BEAT me!? Let's do it! Come here and beat me! 

Hotlanta: It wasn't supposed to be this way. I told them I just wanted one more match. But....I still have time. I'll take you on, but it has to be for the World Championship! I beat you! I get the shot!

Trevor Mach: You think so? What about Tack? What about Dan? Especially Dan, since he was the Champion and I didn't pin him. That's happened before by the way. Deja vu am I right? You can have THAT match next week under two conditions. One, you vacate the Television Championship. Prove that it means something to you man.

Hotlanta: Done. *throws the belt out of the ring* I hereby vacate the Television Championship. What else? Allow me to call your bluff.

Trevor Mach: Well shit, what if I ask for a million dollars? No take backs you know. It's vacated. Heh. Luckily, I'm only asking for a match for tonight. The Wolves vs. Dead End. Mach, Tack, Swift, and Generator, against the Goon Squad for the Rings. They want them back, and I want to try out that 4-Crown King moniker.

Hotlanta: You're on.

Trevor Mach: Then next week, you get your Dead End Hottie.

Hotlanta: Next might be too late, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. 

Trevor Mach: Why the hurry?

Hotlanta: You should know, but then again maybe not. You're not Death after all. I'm assuming you're an Angel then. 

Trevor Mach: Do I look like a big breasted woman married to Tack? The last name is-

Hotlanta: You know what I mean...Sanctum born. 

Trevor Mach: H-h-huh? What are you-

Hotlanta: ....Death is coming. 

Trevor Mach: *sigh* So I've heard.

Tommy Dukes: What a start to the show! I guess we have our main event! The new Champion is making his presence felt immediately!

Nerma: That's not all, we also have a word from former Women's World Champion Erica, following her finally being toppled by Lady M's. We hear that Christina Angel is looking for the next shot at Lady M's though, so who knows what's going to happen!

Makoto Angel: Well I do a little bit. Apparently we're going to start with the opening rounds of a Mini-Tournament to crown a NEW EBW Television Champion. I guess the whole match line up was just thrown out huh?

Nerma: ....Who is giving you this information before me?


Jammer was wandering backstage when he found Dan sitting against a wall.

Jammer: Oh no. You haven't been attacked again have you?

Bashin Dan: Huh? No man, I'm fine.

Jammer: Oh good. You never know. We really need to get on that attacker thing. Vape and Benji were going to do it, but Vape's been too busy lusting after Valarie Dorado.

Bashin Dan: Yeah....yeah we should do that.

Jammer: What's wrong? I mean, obviously losing the World-

Bashin Dan: Oh that's not it. That match, it WAS the biggest main event in EBW history. I didn't win, but I don't feel like I lost either.

Jammer: Well, you didn't get pinned.

Bashin Dan: A worthy man did. Trevor Mach is the rightful Champion. I'm lucky to have been apart of that match, and I will be World Champion again someday. Don't worry about that. I have no intentions of making that my last trip to the Victory Explosion main event. In fact, I'll bet you right now, my entire deck of Battle Spirits cards that I'm in the main event of Victory Explosion X5.

Jammer: Heh. You're on buddy. Whatever motivates you. However, if that's not what's wrong, then what is-

Bashin Dan: It's Hope....I miss her. I miss her so much.

Jammer: Oh...women trouble. I'll go get Vape.

Bashin Dan: No, it's fine. *sniff* Let's just...get ready. We're tagging tonight I heard. Very excited. Let's do this!

Jammer: Yeah man, let's ball.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City

1. EBW Television Championship Mini-Tournament: Firebrand X beat Fray Tiburon via Fireslide -> Pin
-Hot opening match, with X matching Tiburon move for move. The good Friar could go hybrid like X, and grappled the hell out of him, like a good Friar would. However, X hit a Crash Thunder Buster, with a follow up Fireslide for the pin and the win.

Tommy Dukes: Xcite is going to be great tonight, I can feel it. Big win for Firebrand X. I guess the Crimson Bombers are giving Singles action a shot again. We have the NEW World Tag Team Champions up in the VIP Box watching right now, and taking in the action. Let's take it up there.


Sal Paradise: Take it in guys. This is the life, and now that you too are World Tag Team Champions again, I'm going to make sure it's nothing but the best for you. That's why I'm your agent. Right Mike? Oh....Mike is flirting with the lady bartender. At least he got his mojo back. How about you Amigo? Amigo? What are you doing?

Amigo: *moving meat around* I'm exploring this sandwich. I'm moving this roast beef with my hand to this pile, to create a better sense of sandwich feng shui.

Sal Paradise: What are you going to do with all the extra stuff?

Amigo: ....Probably throw it on the floor.

Sal Paradise: Huh. Well do whatever you want guys. You did it after all. You won the titles.

Amigo: ...We did it for him. We did it for Maurice.

Sal Paradise: Maurice? What....whatever happened to....wait..wasn't he-

Amigo: Don't think about it too hard. You'll get a headache.

Sal Paradise: Yeah alright.

2. EBW Television Championship Mini-Tournament: Subculture beat Vape via KO Punch -> Pin
-A weirder match than the first one, with Subculture trying to punch up, and Vape using his weight for the most part to move Subbie around the ring. Subculture finally kicked Vape down to his knees, and hit the KO Punch for the pin.

Tommy Dukes: Well hell, it looks like the Crimson Bombers will be facing each other to crown a NEW Television Champion!

3. Tag: Bashin Dan/Jammer[o] beat Dorado Mask/Hex No Limit[x] via Slam Jam -> Pin
-The former Triple Crown World Champion bounced back from the loss quickly, with a win against the Lucha Bastards. Exciting action ended with a Brave Clash on Hex, with Dan tagging out to Jammer, who hit the Slam Jam for the pin and the win.

Tommy Dukes: And a win for Bashin Dan and Jammer. The Dangerous Player is moving on quickly from his loss. Maybe he's looking bounce back with a Tag Team Championship run? Maybe not. Maybe a rematch for the Triple Crown is coming? We'll have to ask Dan when he get a chance.

After the teams cleared the ring the Eisenritter appeared. Hand maidens rolled a gold carpet to the ring, as the Gold Cloth wearing Erica grabbed a microphone.

Erica: If I could have a moment, and I can, I'd like to address what happened at Victory Explosion. The tragedy that occurred. That Lady M's tragedy, and she doesn't even know it yet. Lady M's come down here please. I'd like to ask you a quest-

Before she could finish, Lady M's new ABBA theme music began to play, cause it's a Mach thing suddenly I guess.

Lady M's: You like it? The new theme song? Trev and I had a bet. Now I know what you want to ask me. Yeah, I really do. You don't have to ask. I'll gladly tell you. Yes, we did fuck in the belts.

Makoto Angel: *gasp*

Nerma: Cover your ears!

Erica: Classy truly. I bet your daughter appreciates hearing that.

Lady M's: Hope learned to tune that out during that shit with Tracy. Listen, I have a full schedule as Champion. Photos shoots and what not. Also have the entire division breathing down my neck. Basically, I'm suddenly very busy when you add in that nonsense in Summers. So get to the point. You want a rematch?

Erica: I don't need one. The question is, what does it feel like to be a fraud?

Lady M's: The hell are you talking about?

Erica: It's quite simple. You didn't beat me at Victory Explosion. You beat-

One of the hand maidens removed their garments to reveal another Erica, who then took off her wig to reveal...

Lady M's: Troian? You got to be kidding me.

Troian: That match was truly painful M's. Reminded me of our matches before and-

Lady M's: Bullshit! That wasn't you! That was Erica! I beat Erica!

Erica: Did you though? She learned to mimic people who didn't want to be mimicked. Now, imagine if I did want to be mimicked, and I spent weeks training her to be me. Could YOU tell the difference?

Lady M's: ....I beat you Erica. You just don't want to admit you lost again.

Erica: I think you'll be losing. First, the match tonight. Then, you'll lose that title, when Noah Jennings returns it to me, just as soon as I claim that I was not a part of that match. It will be thrown out. No loss. No title change. It'll all be mine again. Now you better get ready. We have a match coming up next.

Lady M's: ...I know what's coming up. My elbow to your face...bitch. Like this!

M's quickly dropped Troian with an elbow that knocked her out.

4. 6-Woman Tag: Erica[o]/Duvalie/Kaie beat Lady M's[x]/Christina Angel/Hope Mach via Air Raid Crash -> Pin
-The Eisenritter continued their team dominance, despite the controversial claims that Erica made to take M's off her game prior to the match. She seemed to be the better off of the two, lending credence to the claim, but M's still battered her with a series of elbows, until Duvalie went for the choke with the cord. Hope tried to make the save, but Kaie got in the way. Hope, having enough of Kaie threw her out of the ring, and brawled with her. A weakened M's was thrown into Erica for the Air Raid Crash and the pin.

Nerma: The Eisenritter stand victorious. With the way Erica was moving, I think she can make a real claim that Troian was in the match instead of her. That really sucks if it's true. Her treachery is limitless, just like the bread sticks at Saturn Cafe. Tell em' Vape sent yo-no I'm not continuing that plug. I refuse. STOP IT VAPE! STOP IT!

5. EBW World Team Championships: Trevor Mach/Tack Angel/Swift/Generator beat Hotlanta(c)/Tomo(c)/Jamie OD(c)/Jamie XL(c) via DQ -> "Title Defense"
-Main event action was action packed, with an ending no one was expecting. Tack Angel, still reeling from the attack the evening of Victory Explosion opened the match, after glaring at Trevor, and then laughing it off as joke. Intensity all around, but when Trevor tagged in to face Hotlanta, that is when it all fell apart. Suddenly figures in cloaks flooded the ring, running in from all sides. They attacked both teams, with Hotlanta trying to talk his way out of it, before being hit with a wKo, as one of the figures removed their hood to reveal w00t. In the VIP Booth, Amigo and Mike were being attacked by a man in a hood, who revealed himself as Maurice. Backstage, Bashin Dan was again being attacked by another figure in a hood. As the Dan Club made the save, Jammer ripped off the hood to reveal Cade. Back in the ring, two more hooded figures took off their hoods, as Sylvie and Calamity Jane were revealed. A few more yet remained masked as w00t grabbed a microphone.

w00t: You forgot us. You ALL forgot us! How dare you. HOW DARE YOU! WE GAVE OUR LIVES FOR YOU AND YOU FORGOT US! You don't even remember what I'm talking about! YOU DON'T REMEMBER! You will. You'll all remember, when he finishes what he started. Death is coming, and we are the heralds. We are "The Forgotten", and we declare WAR on EBW, Earth, and LIFE ITSELF!

Last edited by Machismo (3/19/2020 1:08 am)

     Thread Starter

3/18/2020 5:29 pm  #664

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

St. Saturn Church

Trevor Mach burst into the church in a hurry.

Trevor Mach: Padre! We got a bit of a problem.

Fray Tiburon: Confession? Trevor, I keep telling you, I'm only a Friar now. I don't really do the confessions, but if you just want to talk as friends I-

Trevor Mach: The Forgotten!

Fray Tiburon: Oh. Oh that. Yeah, I was afraid of that.

Trevor Mach: Afraid? Fear isn't the word for this. You know what happened to them. You remember right?

Fray Tiburon: I do, and I was also warned about it.

Trevor Mach: You were? Who warned you Padre?

Tiburon opened a door. Trevor slowly looked inside to see KYO, cradled on the ground.

Trevor Mach: You've been "keeping" him.

Fray Tiburon: What's left of him. He knew. He saw it, and they backed him up on it.

Trevor Mach: I feel like I missed something here.

Fray Tiburon: Well, they were originally afraid of what you were. Mr. Face and Dr. Yaggis were anyways. They wanted to figure that out before bringing you into the fold.

Trevor Mach: I'm Trevor Mach.

Fray Tiburon: You're more than that now.

Trevor Mach: No, I'm not. What I am is what I am. It's not worth getting into. It's just who I am, who I've always been.

Fray Tiburon: ...You wouldn't lie to me. I've always appreciated that about you greatly. You've always been honest. You recently shared grief of death, and how it almost broke you, but how you're trying to come back from that. That's what I was afraid of bringing you in for personally.

Trevor Mach: You didn't want me in on it either?

Fray Tiburon: I just didn't want to hurt you.

Trevor Mach: This sort of thing is my job.

Fray Tiburon: Who said?

Trevor Mach: I SAY!

Fray Tiburon: ....I'm sorry.

Trevor Mach: You don't ever have to apologize Padre. Just don't count me out. This is my bag, and I'm great at it.

Fray Tiburon: Alright Trevor. Death is coming.

Trevor Mach: You know, if ONE MORE person says that, I'm going to go CRAZY!

Fray Tiburon: But it's true. The first Reaper....the last coming, and the Forgotten, must truly be-

Trevor Mach: "The Heralds". *sigh* Alright, if they want a "WAR" they're going to get one. In the ring, or out of the ring. I'm on it. Save the confessions for later Padre. I might need them.

Fray Tiburon: I just told you I....*sigh* Forget it. Vaya con Dios mi amigo.

Saturn Cafe

The Dan Club were sitting at their table talking. Dan was looking out across the rainy street at the entrance to the Battle Spirits Dojo, waiting for someone.

Vape: Look, I can't help it. I like money, and seeing my face of products is really cool.

Jammer: I just want to know who keeps letting you do this and why?

Vape: I get a sack full of money at my door, and I do it. It's awesome.

Jammer: Like an actual sack? With the dollar sign on it?

Vape: Yep.

Jammer: Unbelievable. 

Benjamin: Guys hold on. Dan is looking down. You alright my friend?

Bashin Dan: Huh? I'm not. Let me ask you question, all of you really. How could we forget Cade?

Jammer: He left a while ago. I didn't really forget him, I just...stopped thinking about him?

Bashin Dan: I don't feel like that's true though. Last night I had a dream that he had died....saving people. I don't know, it's weird.

Vape: What's weirder is the company he is keeping now. w00t, Maurice, Calamity Jane, and Sylvie. Didn't she used to hang out with us?

Bashin Dan: Exactly! Do you remember when she left? Why she left? I can't! I know Gold can't either, and the two were very close! It's driving her crazy! It's like we completely forgot about them, and now suddenly their memories are returning EXCEPT for when they left!

Jammer: Alright, calm down Dan. You've had too many Saturnchinos. You're jittery. We'll figure it out alright?

Bashin Dan: *sigh* Alright.

Vape: Benji and Vape Detective Agency is on the case!

Jammer; Oh no, that's not what I meant. Not even a little bi-

Dan suddenly got out of his chair and left out into the rain.

Jammer: See look, he couldn't handle it either. No wait...there's someone at our door over there.

Bashin Dan approached the figure in a rain coat and umbrella.

Bashin Dan: Cade? Cade is that you? I-

The person turned around to reveal.

Hope Mach: Sorry Dan, it's me.

Bashin Dan: Hope? Don't be sorry please. Are you alright?

Hope Mach; Yeah, I'm....I'm alr-no I'm not. I should've never broken it off with you like that. I was mad, but when you love someone you don't give up that easily. I just didn't want to see you get hurt.

Bashin Dan: Nor do I want to ever see you get hurt either. I'd do anything to protect your smile. You're the one who is more than a friend, and you know how much my friends mean to me. I was going to come talk to you, but-

Hope Mach: Things got a little crazy. Yeah, I know. I had a dream about it.

Bashin Dan: Me too.

Hope Mach: I guess it's fate. We're inseparable.

Bashin Dan: Can't be helped?

Hope Mach: Can't be helped.

The two embraced and kissed in the rain.

Hope Mach: I missed you. I'm sorry that my Dad took the Triple Crown. Proud of him, but still sorry.

Bashin Dan: Heh, it's quite alright Hope. I got what I really needed. The one thing other than a challenge.

Hope Mach: Loving me isn't a challenge?

Bashin Dan: No. It's the easiest thing I've ever done.

Back in the diner Jammer and Benjamin looked on smiling., while Vape pouted.


     Thread Starter

3/18/2020 9:33 pm  #665

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW World

Nerma: Nerma here with another update with EBW World. What a world we live in too, following the events of Victory Explosion X4. Trevor Mach became the NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion, and in the fallout, a new group has emerged of former talent who went away for...uh...reasons? Now they're back though, with w00t calling them "The Forgotten", and "Heralds of Death". You know, we've heard this kind of talk so many times before, but I kind of believe it this time. I don't know why, but they fill me with foreboding. They also have many more members yet to be unmasked, but here is who we have so far.

The Forgotten

Calamity Jane

Nerma: Makes you wonder who Calamity Lain feels now that Jane is back on the scene. And when DID Jane leave, and why did Lain take her name? So many questions coming out of Xcite, but we already have the card for the next Xcite, so we have to try and move on to the next step. Trevor Mach will be attempting the first defense of his newly won Triple Crown against Hotlanta in the main event. We'll also see an 8-Woman No Rules Tag, with newest Eisenritter member Troian entering the fold. Contenders for the Men's and Women's World Tag Team Championships will be decided, and Subculture and Firebrand X will fight for the right to the new EBW Television Champion. It's a HUGE night. Like, where the hell do we got off doing this right after Victory Explosion? We do what we want! That's why the show will be held in the Howler Stadium, newly built EFL field in South Town. Big attendance expected. Better buy those tickets now! They're going to go fast!

EBW: Xcite
Howler Stadium, South Town

1. EBW World Tag #1 Contender: Bashin Dan/Jammer vs. Dorado Mask/Hex no Limit
2. EBW Women's World Tag #1 Contender: Hope Mach/Christina Angel vs. Kimber Blaze/Lt. Lacy Wagner
3. EBW Television Decision: Subculture vs. Firebrand X
4. No Rules 8-Woman Tag: Lady M's/Heather Mach/Tracy Angel/BeShemoth vs. Erica/Troian/Duvalie/Kaie
5. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Hotlanta
Nerma: Looks like BeShemoth, will get a shot to impress Lady M's, and get her attention, if she even still cares to do that. No telling what he motivations are now, but she's on the right team, with the Women's World Champion....or is it "Disputed World Champion"? We still don't know. Let's find out more with Lady M's now.

Lady M's: *sigh* Erica....oh Erica. You can't handle it can you? You can't handle the fact that I beat you yet again. I beat you. I can always beat you. I have always beaten you. I will always beat you. Because you lack the edge that I have. You're willing to pull tricks out of your ass sure, but none of them will make you a better wrestler. You might have gotten better too, I'll give you credit for that, but then again, maybe that was Troian right? Maybe you still suck compared to me. You can beat the kids, but not the OG, and that's why I AM the Women's World Champion. I am. This is my belt. I won it. You can play your tricks, but I don't buy them for a second. If you want to keep going down this road, I will go with you, but it's going to get bloody. People say I'm too much of a Mach these days. What does that mean? Killer instinct tempered with a heart and conscience. Where the hell did you get that idea? Sure, I might "let the Mach flow through me". To that I say as often as possible, and I enjoy it, but enough about my personal life. I will not hold back in hurting you Erica. I promise you that. So here we are, with a "dispute" to my new reign. I hear Jennings is so confused about what to do, that he's going to go back to the old way of doing things, and bring back a "Boss" specifically for the women? Just when I thought we were getting somewhere. An EBW without bullshit red tape. Fine fine fine. Whoever you get to deliberate this needs to understand something, and understand it well. I-

Tess: You what Tali? You're tough? You're "bad"? You "like to hurt people"? I've heard it all before. I've seen a different side of you. I've seen all sides of you. I've weighed and measured you, and found you wanting, but we both already know that. You've never been good enough in my eyes, and you never will be. Your father and I....are very disappointed in you. Oh by the way, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the one you'll be answering

Lady M's: ...Tell me....that didn't just happen.


     Thread Starter

3/19/2020 12:19 am  #666

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to the Studio, for another one of our Neon Nights. It's a new world in EBW. Mach is Champion, and The Forgotten have hit the scene. We don't know how many of them there are, or what they plan on doing, but we're keeping our eyes open. We have big matches for you tonight. No really. Really. Seriously! We have, the first two matches, in a series that is being called the Neon Nights Rookie Cup, that will take place in Blocks, with the winner of Block A meeting the winner of Block B, to win the Rookie Cup, a cash prize, and a contract with guaranteed money with EBW. That means, even if they don't use you, which can happen, it's EBW, then you still get paid!

Apple Kid: I wish our contracts were like that. Am I right?

Tommy Dukes: You seem in better spirits tonight. Finally figure something out?

Apple Kid: Oh, I'm horrified beyond belief, about "The Forgotten" and Death in particular, but my coping mechanism is humor. Hahaha....haha....HAHAHAHAHA!

Tommy Dukes: Alright! Calm down! You apple shaped weirdo. Seriously, your hair is standing up like a stem. Did you know that?

Apple Kid: Seriously? WHY HAS NO ONE EVER TOLD ME!

Tommy Dukes: After the Neon Nights Rookie Cup begins, we have the biggest test for the BeShemoth so far, when she takes on 2K in a Handicap match. 2K have made it clear that if they lose they will leave EBW and never return. You hear that EWA? We might be sending two losers your way. Oh shit, what if they win? Ladies, I am so sorry potentially. The main event will see Benjamin defend the Neon Championship against his stablemate Vape. With all that out of the way, let's do it. Writing that is.

Apple Kid: What?

EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City

1. Neon Nights Rookie Cup Block A Round 1: "Wood Man" Bobby Throngold beat Jerry Weems via Mahogany Bomb -> Pin
-A short and stocky man, with long brown hair and a beard. The young "Wood Man" Bobby Throngold pounded the Jerry Weems like an oak, and chopped him like lumber. A Mahogany Bomb got him the win.

Apple Kid: A wood 2020. Why the hell not? I don't see anyone else trying it.

Tommy Dukes: I'm told he's a genius with wood there you go. Very strong. Look forward to seeing more from him.

2. Neon Nights Rookie Cup Block A Round 1: Count Vlad beat "Just some guy" Charles T via Crucifix Omoplata -> Submission
-The obviously gothic inspired Count Vlad, was actually dressed like an MMA fighter under his goth robes, and wrestled an excellent ground match with normally high flier Charles T, who is just some guy of no particular consequence, but he knows people who are popular or famous, and that got him this match I guess. A Crucifix Omoplata nabbed a submission.

Tommy Dukes: Hell yeah! I was afraid he was all looks, but the man backed it up. I wasn't expecting that ground game. Nice.

Apple Kid: Wouldn't a crucifix burn him? If he were a vampire I mean. I don't know. I do Science.

3. Women's Handicap: BeShemoth beat Kayla Sparkz/Kei Akiyama[x] via Powerbomb -> Pin
-BeShemoth powered through the 2K team, as they made the mistake of coming at her 80's action movie style, aka one at a time. The strategy to wear her down was cut short, when the powerhouse tackled Sparkz off the side of the ring and gave the Powerbomb to Akiyama for the pin and the win.

Tommy Dukes: Well I'm safe, and BeShemoth nabs another big victory. She's crazy good.

Apple Kid: You have to wonder if in some alternate reality the 2K team are faring better then they ever have here.

Tommy Dukes: Truly.

4. EBW Neon Championship: Vape beat Benjamin(c) beat via DQ -> *cough* Title Defense *cough*
-Main event time, as Vape challenged Benjamin to a match for the newly created Neon Championship. Benjamin had finally made a name for himself as the 1st Champion, because most people forget his short run as Tag Team Champion when Jammer was a Slam Master. Vape was obviously stronger, but slower, and Benji had his big man moves well scouted. A Top Rope Splash was nearly the end, but Benji rolled away just enough to get a foot on the ropes during the pin attempt. Otherwise he might not have been able to push off. A fired up Warrior of Light went full throttle as he Speared Vape through the ropes and to the floor. Vape had trouble rolling off his back, and couldn't make it back in for the 10 Count. Benjamin with the title defense!

Tommy Dukes: Huh, I wasn't expecting it to end that way.

Apple Kid: Neither were they. That's getting shrugs all around. You have to wonder if they'll have a rematch or-

Tommy Dukes: Whoa! What?! What?! It's TACK ANGEL?!

Apple Kid: He's got new theme music too?! Did everyone change their music after Victory Explosion? It's like a new season, except wrestling doesn't have seasons. It doesn't. It doesn't have seasons. No one is talking through me either. I just totally believe that.

Tommy Dukes: I wonder what he wants.

Tack Angel: Well, my life has been pretty hectic lately, but you have to love my new music right? It's about Crystal Heaven. That's where I'm from! PoPoPoPoPoPoP! Anyways, between the rise of this Forgotten group, and my imposter, and whatever Cadmus is planning next, I haven't had.time to really absorb what happened at Victory Explosion. All I know is that I saw Benji over here sporting a Neon Championship, and NEON is my favorite color. Yes...all of my favorite. Love it! I love the rave lifestyle. This title intrigues my Mars Championship. I must have it. I challenge you for next week. What do you say?

Benjamin: Wow, it would be an honor. Like Dan would say, I look forward to the challenge!

Tommy Dukes: WHOA! A monumental title fight is scheduled for next week. See? I told you this show was too important to ignore. Be here next week for that awesome match!

     Thread Starter

3/19/2020 11:54 pm  #667

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

3 Wolf Moon Locker Room

The group was have a belated celebration for Trevor Mach winning the Triple Crown World Championship, while trying to amp him up for his title defense against Hotlanta.

Generator: It was quite the match man. Congratulations.

Rude: You've always got to do shit like that don't you? Always gotta be a success. I'm happy for you this time.

Reno: It's better financially too. You want to kick some of that to the Agent? Just saying.

Tack Angel: I just want to know why you had to pin me. Head wound guy. You DID see I got a chair wrapped around my head right?

Trevor Mach: Hey, it just worked out that way! Guys, I appreciate the support. A win for me is a win for the Wolves, and-

Swift: Actually, I got something to speak on regarding that, if you all don't mind. Mach, the last time you held the World Championship, I hated your guts.

Trevor Mach: Mutual buddy!

Swift: But now, we have respect. I respect you.

Trevor Mach: I always respected you.

Swift: Tha-

Trevor Mach: When you weren't acting like a dick.

Swift: *sigh* Thanks. It's not been easy for me to lose the Championships, get injured, and then fall to w00t, but he's a crafty bastard with some new tricks....or I...I just lost a bit of my edge. I got to get it back. Mach, I'm happy for you, truly I am. But, this is going to be the last night of 3 Wolf Moon.

Reno: What?

Rude: Bro, are you serious?

Generator: This just got interesting.

Tack Angel: I'm sorry what? I was eating cake.

Trevor Mach: What are you talking about?

Swift: This is just something I have to do for myself. Going to take some time, and get my head on straight. Get my bite back. Stables comes and go, especially in EBW. I mean ESPECIALLY in EBW, but you guys I respect, and coming from me that means something. Also coming from me, you know THIS means something. I never ask for anything, but I'm asking you to please not try to talk me out of this.

Trevor Mach: Heh....of course not Swift. You do what you have to do. It's been a hell of a run. We can together to stop a group that we crushed into the ground in the first place. That was EBW: Dark. They're dusted, so I'd say that's mission accomplished.

Swift: I still intend on having your back tonight. I'll be in your corner.

Trevor Mach: And if you ever need anything else from me, you let me know. You have a brother for life right here.

They all toasted, when Trevor pulled Tack aside.

Trevor Mach: This is a bad time for this.

Tack Angel: I know, because of my head trauma! Why did you pin m-

Trevor Mach: Not now Tack! I'm talking about The Forgotten!

Tack Angel: *sigh* Yeah, I know, I'm trying not to think about it too hard. They're all....dead right?

Trevor Mach; It's different than the Threed kind of dead. We need to stick together alright? Bad Dudes for life.

Tack Angel: Oh I agree, but I think I should get a title shot when this is all said and done.

Trevor Mach: Well sure, but unlike in Fortnite, I'd say I'd be the odds on favorite to win, and if not I could always just wrap a chair around your head right?

Tack Angel: Oh that's not the LEAST bit funny!

Battle Spirits Dojo

Gold was taking out some trash through the back, when she came face to face with a cloaked figure in the alley.

Gold: ....I was hoping to run into you again. I have something of yours I think.

Gold brought out the silver chain.

Gold: I didn't remember why I had this, until I saw your face. Then I remembered why it was so important. Because is was yours. I don't know what happened, or why you went away without it, but-

Sylvie: You don't know? You don't know. Of course you don't know. That's the problem. That's the problem with all of you. You don't know, and you don't want to know.

Gold: I do though!

Sylvie: No, you really don't. If you knew just how bad it got. The horror. The sheer terror. We have to keep it, all of it, with us. You can't share the pain with those who didn't feel it. Look at me!

Sylvie removed her hood. The once glamorous lady, was now scarred along her face.

Sylvie: I lost everything, while life went on as usual. I had to make a sacrifice, and no one even remembers.

Gold: I can't help it!

Sylvie: No, maybe you can't, but it's still not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR! NONE OF IT IS FAIR! The darkness after....that was the worst. No wings. No bright light. Only darkness....only darkness. But now, we're back, and we're going to finish what was started, because not existing at all would be better than the alternative.

Gold: I don't understand! Please, explain to-

Sylvie: NO! I don't want to explain it to you. I don't even want to look at you!

Gold: Then why did you come here?

Sylvie: ....To give you a message. One time, last act of kindness left in the husk of my heart. Stay away, and don't try to stop us. If you do, I'll make sure I bury you with my silver chain.

Gold: Sylvie wait! SYLVIE!

     Thread Starter

3/21/2020 1:00 am  #668

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Howler Stadium - Backstage

Hotlanta could be seen talking with the man in black.

Hotlanta: Please! You HAVE to let me finish this! I need to! I need it!

?: Your desires mean nothing to me. I am doing what I'm doing for my own causes, and those that follow. Those that have risen. They will have their revenge, and I will stand with them as we plunge into the darkness. I let you live because you've seen it, you've been a proper acolyte. Now...I'm not sure why.

Hotlanta: Because we both hate Trevor Mach! He cast off the Malice Rider, while I'm forever scarred! Masked Lanta never let me go! I was possessed by evil! I saw into the void itself! I saw you! I want nothing more than to-

?: Do what you can't. At least not like this, and maybe not ever. In fact-

The man in black suddenly grabbed Hotlanta and put him in a choke hold.

?: I think it's time that you join us.

Hotlanta: No. NO DON'T DO IT! N-

The man in black seemingly snapped Hotlanta's neck, and threw him to the ground.

?: can help me and help yourself.

The man in black started dragging Hotlanta's body towards the Lakitu. As it tried to get a shot of his face, the image blurred and went to static.

Tommy Dukes: Welcome the Howler Stadium, home of the EFL's South Town Howlers! Welcome to the best show in all of wrestling! Welcome to EBW Xcite!

Nerma: Yeah sure, but are we going to talk about what we just saw, or do you just want to ignore that Hotlanta is dead!

Tommy Dukes: Dead? No, he's not dead. He's fine! I don't know what that was all about, but I just saw him walking in the back like 5 minutes ago.

Nerma: Wait what?

Tommy Dukes: He was telling the members of Dead End, that they were disbanding.

Nerma: Another group disbands. We're getting diminishing returns here people. Who would ever buy a stable t-shirt when the STABLES are so UNSTABLE! PUN INTENDED DAMMIT!

Tommy Dukes: I don't know about all that, but I do know that it appears Hotlanta is back to siding with w00t, cause I saw them together. Hotlanta has joined the Forgotten.

Nerma: Now that's a stable that freaks me out. Something about every member so far....just doesn't feel right.

Makoto Angel: I get that feeling too. Serious Nega vibes.

Nerma: What are Nega vibes exactly ?

Makoto Angel: ...It's uh...hard to say really. Just like...bad emotions made tangible?

Nerma: ....Fine.

Makoto Angel: I saw Cadmus and that fake Tack speaking with w00t as well. Something big is happening behind the scenes.

Nerma: No doubt. We have that group forming and making a big impression, and we have Tess returning to EBW to settle the dispute for the Women's World Championship? Too much too fast too furious!

Tommy Dukes: Anything can happen in EBW!

Nerma: *sigh* Unbelievable.

Makoto Angel: Here comes the EBW Triple Crown Champion Trevor Mach...and here comes EBW Women's World Champion Lady M's!

Tommy Dukes: Macho Sexy baby!

Trevor Mach: Hey, I know you. Aren't you the Women's WORLD Champion?

Lady M's: I am, and hey I know you too. It's the Triple Crown WORLD Champion.

Trevor Mach: That's right, I've got my belts, and I've got my beauty. Tonight, I've got a match with Hotlanta, and we're going to finally settle this once and for all!

Lady M's: And I intend to make it clear, that this belt is mine Tess. It's mine Erica. I won it from Erica and not Troian, and you'd better put your petty grudge with me aside, and call it right! I don't care that my Dad paid for your plastic surgery so you could be a prettier cock sleeve. That's between you and him!

Trevor Mach: Oh yeah Tali, that's going to help your case. Listen, we're both out here to let you know that the OGs are ready to party like it's 2007. *puts in mouthguard* That means Bushido Style Hottie. Tali and I ruled the wrestling world then, and we'll do it now, because we were good then, maybe even great, but now....we're the best.

Tommy Dukes: Wow, that's a bold statement from Macho Sexy. That's a stable that endures Nerma.

Nerma: Do you not remember that entire year with Tracy?

Tommy Dukes: ...You just like to be negative.


Makoto Angel: Please don't remind me of that. *blush*

Nerma: Great, now we got her in blush mode.

Tommy Dukes: Moving on, we saw the Forgotten attack last week, with several wrestlers we haven't seen in a while. We don't even know where they went, but they are back with a vengeance. The striking master and kickboxing cross athlete Maurice returned and attacked his SURGE Generation peers in the VIP Booth. Mike is NOT happy about it.

Kinniku Mike: Maurice, you son of a bitch! Uuuuuu! We mourned you! We thought you were dead! This is how you repay us! You injured Amigo! I'm not going to say how. I don't want you to hurt him again! You're a piece of shit, and if you're not dead, you're dead to us now! You watch your back or find a partner, because the Paradise Collection is going to be looking for you!

EBW: Xcite
Howler Stadium, South Town

1. EBW World Tag #1 Contender: Bashin Dan/Jammer vs. Dorado Mask/Hex no Limit ended in a No Contest
-A solid effort with a bad ending. The Dan Club team mesh well together through months on the road and all the matches they had in the past, but the Lucha Bastards were dead set on regaining momentum and capturing a win. However, the Forgotten immediately made their mark, with Cade, w00t, and Maurice attacking and forcing a No Contest.

Cade: Oh no you don't! You're going to deal with me Dan! What I did to save you and Hope?! I didn't want it! I DIDN'T WANT IT! You have no idea what I've been through since. The's overwhelming! IT DRIVES YOU CRAZY! But everyone remembered though. This is how I thank you for that.

Cade landed a solid kick to Dan's head.

Cade: That's where I hit you last time, because you're stupid little mystery should be obvious by now. I attacked you. I'm going to keep on attacking you. It'll never end, because my suffering....will never end until I end you.

2. EBW Women's World Tag #1 Contender: Hope Mach[o]/Christina Angel beat Kimber Blaze/Lt. Lacy Wagner[x] via Olympic Slam -> Pin
-Absolute blast of a match, as the crowd woke up in a big way following the downer finish to the opener. High stakes, for the winning team would get a chance to take the World Tag from Eisenritter and further chip away at their dominance. No Dick Wagner on the scene this time, but Lacy Wagner still fell to the superior mat skills of Hope Mach, who controlled her on the mat and lifted her up for the Olympic Slam and the pin.

Makoto Angel: Wow! Awesome! Hope and Christina are struggling lately, and that match was just what they needed. There is something about Machs and Angels working together that just *sniff* makes me so happy. Friendship is the most importa-

Nerma: ENOUGH! We get it! Still, this is a good result, but I wanted to see Christina challenge M's. Maybe that's still to come. The woman has options right now after that amazing match with M's, and this match right here.

3. EBW Television Decision: Firebrand X beat Subculture via Crash Thunder Buster -> Pin -> NEW EBW Television Champion!
-An all out war between two allies, who didn't ever really seem like good friends, so it was no surprise that they didn't hold back. Christina watched from ringside as Subculture belted X with hard shots, and used a Side Suplex to surprise the Hybrid Warrior and take him off his game. He wore MMA gloves, as the rules for EBW allow punches to the face as long as you wear those or the boxing gloves Subculture uses. Firebrand X recovered and showed that he might be the most well rounded fighter in the game, punching back, but ultimately using the Crash Thunder Buster for the pin and the EBW Television Championship!

Tommy Dukes: Intense match right there! we have a NEW EBW Television Champion! Subculture seemed to pick up a few tricks from X, but while he's the striking master, he's not the Hybrid Warrior. X with the win, and here comes Gemma Brand to celebrate. Haven't seen her in a while, but she looks in great shape.

Nerma: Stop looking at her shape!

Tommy Dukes: Got it!

Subculture: *huff puff* That was a great match Firebrand. It really was. We were never really close, but we had mutual respect I'd like to think, and that's only stronger now. However, I'm tired of laying down and accepting mediocrity. We're both former World Champions, and we deserve the shots that come our way. You're more than a worthy Television Champion, but so am I. I'll always be a hungry street dog. That's why I propose a Best of 5 Series of match for the Television Championship. Are you in?

Firebrand X: Heh. Like you have to ask. You challenge. I accept. Simple as that.

4. No Rules 8-Woman Tag: Lady M's/Heather Mach/Tracy Angel/BeShemoth[o] beat Erica/Troian/Duvalie/Kaie[x] via Powerbomb through table -> Pin
-This match was a No Rules War. The Machs and Angels joined forces with BeShemoth to battle the now 4-Woman Eisenritter. The new Champion was in her element here, but BeShemoth was the real stand out once again. A Powerbomb through a table to Kaie, knocked her out for the pin.

Nerma: Holy shi-Well that was exciting! All I can say. They were fighting everywhere. They were in the crowd and all around the ring. Lady M's is laughing and clapping for BeShemoth. I can see BeShemoth mouthing "Do you know me now?" I love it! We have a new star on our hands. Wait, here comes Tess.

Tess: Well, wasn't that something. That's what we love to see. Ruthlessness. Blood. You fight like your life and career depend on it, because it does. You have a new Boss with higher standards. Yes, we've been here and done that, but it's different now, because I have so much perspective. Perspective changes a person. I used to be a compassionate mother, who made her son his favorite meals whenever he came home from fighting aliens. Now, I'm even more ruthless than all of you. You don't want to test me on that Tali, you really don't. We have an issue here. Tali get in the ring. You too Erica Eisen. Wow, we all have a history don't we? Well, let's put that aside for one second, and make a decision here. Erica, you claim it wasn't you that competed at Victory Explosion, and I quite frankly think that's bullshit. On the other hand, Tali, you've been very naughty haven't you? Done enough to get the title stripped just based on your actions. You figure with age you'd learn by now, but you and that idiot Mach still think you're teenagers. I worry about that kid of yours. However, we're putting it behind us, like I said. Erica, the problem is I know that Troian can perfectly replicate you. She did that tonight. I honestly couldn't tell a couple times, and I was watching closely. I think that's why you did this match. Make it hard to see what was going on to show that it could have been either of you? Very clever, but not enough to keep the belt. I think....we should....VACATE the-

Lady M's: I don't think so Tess! It's not happening! This title is mine now! I had to make sure Erica didn't have it, and I'm damn sure not giving it back to her OR you.

Tess: Well then, I'm going to suspend you Tali. Give you more time to get to work in Summers. You have a patriarchy to fight with your Sparkle Scouts. *wink*

Lady M's: I have no intention of giving up this title either way. You'll have to kill me. Why don't you just offer Erica a damn rematch! I'll do it! Anyplace and any time!

Tess: Well gee Tali, that's a stellar idea. Almost as if you could have done that sooner and saved us all of this nonsense! You in Erica?

Erica: Of course I am. I will get back the title I never truly lost.

Lady M's: You did and you know it!

Tess: Glad we worked that out. Tali, you're still suspended without pay next week. You'll learn one of these days.

Lady M's: I wouldn't hold your breath bitch.

Tess: Well that's two weeks. Sorry Erica.

5. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) beat Hotlanta via DQ -> Some would say Title Defense?
-The main event was a different match than expected, with a slow and methodical Hotlanta approaching the match in a calmer manner than Mach was expecting. Great back and forth action, with Hotlanta ignoring all the fans and their boos, with a one track mind on beating Mach. Trevor escaped a Powerbomb, and landed Cravate Knee Strikes, and pulled Hotlanta into the clinch for more knees. A Trevorplex set him up for the Knee Trigger, but suddenly another man in a cloak attacked Trevor Mach, leading to the DQ.

Tommy Dukes: He's attacking with knees just live Trevor, but what's this? MAV BUSTER?! IT's-

Mav Valentine: Remember me Mach?! Of course you don't! You abandoned me! When I left to pursue my own identity you didn't follow. You never tried to bring me back! On the Apple Core, you left me to die! Now I'm back, and in a very 80's way IT'S PERSONAL. You proud of me yet Senpai! 

Tommy Dukes: Incredible, another big return in Mav Valentine. The Forgotten continue to grow in power. You can just see w00t, Maurice, and Cade watching on. We haven't heard from Calamity Jane or Sylvie yet, and I bet we have even more cloaks coming off in the weeks to come. Get ready EBW. War is looming once again.


Howler Stadium - Backstage

With bat in hand, Trevor Mach ran down the hallway with Tack Angel beside him. They caught up to the Forgotten, with extra members in tow.

Trevor Mach: STOP! What the hell did you do to Hotlanta?

w00t: He's been freed like the rest of us. The string have been cut off.

Trevor Mach: Mav, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I couldn't save myself! Come back with me. I can help you.

Mav Valentine: I want nothing to do with a Sanctum born. Never again.

Tack Angel: Cadmus, I should've known you'd align with them...or should I have? It's hard to tell. I don't know you very well, but if Cadmus is with you Forgotten, then you're my enemy.

"Tack Angel": We were already enemies, and we always will be.

Tack Angel: You two huh? My imposter?

"Tack Angel": I told you, I'm Tack Angel too. I truly am, but I am more than you will ever be. Remember what the Forgotten are. Surely, you can piece it together, because I'm one of the-

Trevor Mach: Oh, it's you.

"Tack Angel": Bingo. How is the chest wound?

Trevor Mach: I'd love to return the favor.

Tack Angel: Confused here. Really confused.

Trevor Mach: Death's reach extends Tack. Not just Earth-1 but-

Tack Angel: Earth-5. It's you. Darkness Angel.

Darkness Angel: Haha! See? All Angels have a spark of intelligence at least. But you're looking at the genuine article, and this time we're finishing what we started.

Tack Angel: .....

Last edited by Machismo (3/21/2020 1:46 am)

     Thread Starter

3/21/2020 7:27 pm  #669

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tess's Office

The room was quiet, as Tess appeared to be gone for the evening. Suddenly the door was kicked in with amazing force, as Lady M's moonwalked her way inside.

Heather Mach: Nice kick Tali, but what are we doing here? This isn't exactly where I want to be now that I hear Tess wants to cut my damn job.

Lady M's: Yeah, I heard about that. Don't worry. M's has got the medicine. It's the best gift EVER!

Heather Mach: You mean you killed Tess?

Lady M's: ....I got the SECOND best gift EVER!

Lady M's lifted up a bucket full of tools.

Lady M's: I'm totally going to trash this office!

Heather Mach: Hohoooo that's awesome! Yes!

Lady M's: I brought this bucket full of hammers....and one wrench. I'll be taking this little sucker right here and throwing it through the wall. And then that one, and that one, and that one.

Heather Mach: That sounds great! How can I help?!

Lady M's: You can open that box over there. Put this dead fish in it, and leave it!

Heather Mach: Right, because no one wants to be around a fishy bitch.

Lady Ms': Bingo! Drum roll please!

Heather began drumming on the desk as M's smashed Tess's computer with a hammer. She smashed everything, with Heather throwing the wrench through the wall.

Some time later, the entire office was trashed, and Heather was spray painting "Tess Sucks" on the wall.

Heather Mach: ...I wish we had more hammers.

Lady M's: Why don't you draw like, a dick on the wall or something.

Heather Mach: I don't know if I have enough room.

Lady M's: Well make room Heather. It's important dammit.

Tess: What the hell's going on ladies?

M's and Heather turned around to see Tess in the doorway.

Lady M's: ...Now you have nothing to fear Tess. We heard some noises in here, and came to investigate. Someone really trashed this place.

Heather Mach: ...And that box over there smells like fish. I bet there's a dead fish in it or something.

Tess: Yes, it does Heather. Thank you. I suppose you mean to tell me you had nothing to do with this? Keep in my Heather, that your hands are COVERED in paint.

Lady M's: She was checking to see how fresh it was.

Heather Mach: We were looking for clues Tess!

Tess: ...You're lucky this is Jennings office.

Lady M's: ...Huh?

Tess: We switched. I wanted his office, and he's Noah Jennings and I'm Tess, so he didn't fight me on it. Guy's just happy to have my services. You can go. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get the repair bill.

Lady M's: ...Well I don't care, it's still hilarious.

Andonuts Labs

Trevor Mach and Tack Angel walked in as Andonuts and Degrees-4 were looking at figures on a computer.

Jeff Andonuts: This isn't good. This really isn't good.

Degrees-4: It makes you wonder what's taking so long though.

Jeff Andonuts: Hopefully, whatever it is will give us an edge.

Trevor Mach: Guys, I'm willing to be we're here to talk about the same thing.

Jeff Andonuts: The Forgotton?

Tack Angel: Absolutely. They have Darkness Angel on their side. The guy from Earth-5. The evil me.

Jeff Andonuts: Yeah, we figured that out the other day when watching back footage. He was actually in the Wolves Locker Room. When Swift made his speech.

Trevor Mach: What?

Tack Angel: But that's not right. I was there.

Trevor Mach: You were, but so was he. I think he was seeing if he could pull it off. Look, you walk out of the shot here. The next time we see you. You're-

Tack Angel: Eating cake. I DON'T EAT CAKE! EW! IMPOSTER!

Degrees-4: You don't like cake?

Tack Angel: I only eat pie.

Trevor Mach: 6 of them to be exact right bro?

Tack Angel: How did YOU not notice this?

Trevor Mach: Guess I wasn't paying attention to what you eat Tack. Sorry, I'll try to keep a closer eye on that! Besides look at him. That isn't 2010 Tack anymore. He was made up to look just like you.

Jeff Andonuts: He left just as quickly.

Tack Angel: Well we need to deal with this. If they can bring him back-

Degrees-4: They can bring back anyone. That's what we're worried about. Something has to be put in place to stop that though, because if not, what's stopping billions from returning. It's got to be very specific maybe?

Tack Angel: Do you have anything that can get to Earth-5? We were thinking of trying to-

Degrees-4: We don't have anything that can do that anymore. This was part of a plan. It almost killed me.

?: And I'm sorry it didn't. I'll make sure it get it right next time.

The four turned around stunned at who they saw.

Degrees: I sacrifice myself for you, and what do you do? You take my family. You take my identity. You never let them know who I was or what I did. You just swooped in. And you probably think we're the monsters.

Degrees-4: I did-

Degrees: What you wanted, and now we're going to do the same.

Trevor Mach: Doc, step back. Don't make me bash your skull in.

Degrees: You're back too, and yet that doesn't disturb anybody. Any of you stop to wonder if he's the bad guy and we're the good guys?

Tack Angel: Not a chance.

Trevor Mach: Thanks man,.

Tack Angel: You're working with Darkness Angel, and that makes you bad by default. Otherwise, it might be harder to determine!

Trevor Mach: Dick.

Degrees: Heh. If you say so. However, I think the foundations are going to shake, and definitions will fly out he window. In the end, you won't know what's up or down, left or right, good or evil. It'll all just...fade to black.

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3/22/2020 12:41 am  #670

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tommy Dukes: Welcome back to the Studio, for the another one of our Neon Nights! The Dukester is here with Apple Man!

Apple Kid: No. No. Don't do that. I'm Apple Kid.

Tommy Dukes: You're pushing 40.

Apple Kid: I DON'T CARE! And the "Dukester"? Really?

Tommy Dukes: You people are never fun. You won't let me elaborate or flourish or anything!

Apple Kid: ....So tonight, we have a big main event with Tack Angel, yes THE TACK ANGEL, the genuine article you might say, taking on Benjamin for the Neon Championship. He challenged him after saying, and I quote, "I like the color neon". Which color? ALL color neon apparently.

Tommy Dukes: Can brown be neon?

Apple Kid: Sweet science I hope not. I wouldn't want to see it anyways.

Tommy Dukes: Maybe raver poop comes out neon bro-

Apple Kid: You are going to make me throw up!

Tommy Dukes: We also have the Lucha Bastards in action against last week's A Block Round 1 Winners of the Neon Rookie Cup. We'll see B Block matches tonight. It's going to get EMOTIONAL! Let's take it-

Calamity Lain: Jane! Jane it's met Lainey. I hope you're watching right now. I'm guessing you are. Listen. I don't know what happened to you, but I want to know. I want to talk to you. Please! Find me! I'm here! I'll be at Xcite! Please talk to me!

Tommy Dukes: ....Women am I right?

Apple Kid: What are you doing?

Tommy Dukes: *sigh* the ring.

EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City

1. EBW Neon Rookie Cup Block B Round 1: Yukar Catzenmeow beat Flesh Long via Pounce -> Pin
-Yukar Catzenmeow, a beaded man with cat ears, and a propensity for t-posing, battled Flesh Long, the blonde haired blue eyed student of Erik Stone, the porn star turned wrestler. Quick match, with Yukar hitting a POUNCE on Long, and then bending over backwards literally to pin him.

Tommy Dukes: I bet Flesh Long and Erik Stone aren't used to someone bending that way outside of a porn shoot right?

Apple Kid: ....

Tommy Dukes: Flesh Long probably does most of the POUNCING eh?

Apple Kid: ....

Tommy Dukes: You're a just a grumpy Gus today aren't you?

2. EBW Neon Rookie Cup Block B Round 1: Dirk Laramie beat "Little" Dick Ennis via Flying Forearm Smash -> Pin
-Dirk Laramie, a man who looked like the smoking cowboy mascot, and has a name that says "I have a big dick and smell like body oil". He made quick work of "Little" Dick Ennis, who shouldn't have even been in the running.

Tommy Dukes: Most one sided match I've ever seen. That Dick Ennis sucks! Get him out of here! How did he get the spot?!

Apple Kid: His Dad works in ENN.

Tommy Dukes: ....We look forward to seeing him again soon! Hope he comes back!

3. Tag: Hex No Limit[o]/Dorado Mask beat "Wood Man" Bobby Throngold/Count Vlad[x] via Brainbuster -> Pin
-The rookie winners from last week were not ready for a dive into tag action, but were made to do so to show them what EBW was all about, random chaos. The Lucha Bastards needed a win, and got it here, with Hex used a garlic infused Brainbuster to get the pin on Vlad.

Tommy Dukes: Is he really a vampire? Just curious.

Apple Kid: Please. Be more scientific.

Tommy Dukes: Right. I guess we could JUST ASK DEATH, WHO IS A REAL PERSON YOU'VE MET BEFORE!

Apple Kid: ...You may have a point, but are you saying that Throngold over there is an actual "Wood Man".

Tommy Dukes: Absolutely.

4. EBW Neon Championship: Benjamin(c) vs. Tack Angel ended in a No Contest
-Main event time, as Benjamin put the Neon Championship on the line against Tack Angel, the former multi-time World Champion. A great showing for Benji, as he stood up to the Star Prince, but could a Warrior of Light defeat the Prince of Stars? No. Well, not because he got beat, but because the "other" Tack Angel and Cadmus hit the ring with Bellerophon and attacked, forcing a No Contest.

Tommy Dukes: Whoa! It's pandemonium! The so called "Darkness Angel" appears to have a past with Tack, and has aligned with Cadmus and the Forgotten. They even have Bellerophon in there who *gags* is touching her brother in a very un-sibling like manner. Wait, here comes Faris Angel! Faris Angel is running in to make the save.

Faris Angel: Looks like we have a problem here. Thought we were done with that guy Tack.

Tack Angel: So did I.

Benjamin: And I have no idea what's going on.

Darkness Angel: After all we've been through, you must know that I can't be kept down so easily. I am practically a GOD!

Benjamin: Wow, is that how you see yourself Tack?

Tack Angel: What?! NO!

Faris Angel: How about the three of us take on the three of you in an Intergender Tag on the next Xcite.

Cadmus: Intriguing. Will I get the chance to get my hands on you?

Tack Angel: You bastard! Are you in or not?!

Cadmus: Fine, we're in.

Darkness Angel: Absolutely.

Bellerophon: Mmmm...looking forward to it.

Apple Kid: A big match added to Xcite! I bet Benjamin is wondering how he got dragged into it all.

Benjamin: You know I am. I just came over here and said as much.

Apple Kid: ....Right.

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