Zombie U - Backstage
The EBW roster were all gathered together, with EBW Triple Crown World Champion Trevor Mach. Tack Angel, and Swift standing in the front.
Tack Angel: Guys? Guys, could you please pay attention? Guys? We have something to-guys? Hey come on now. Ple-
Trevor Mach: HEY! SHUT THE HELL UP! Go ahead Tack.
Tack Angel: Oh. Thanks man. So, we all have ourselves a problem here. This group, the Forgotten, it's not like it's been the past few years. This time, it's for real, like the old days. We have to take this seriously and all work together, as the EBW Home Army, to take on the invaders. Don't let the fact that you know them keep you from the job. In fact, ask yourself why you just now suddenly remember them upon seeing them, like it all comes flooding back.
Swift: This shit is serious. I was going to step back and get back into peak shape before whooping on Trevor's ass.
Trevor Mach: Love you too bro.
Swift: But, that's going to have to wait, because w00t's pissing me off, and he's with this assholes, so if they're with my enemy then they are my enemy. I stand by what happened last week. 3 Wolf Moon is disbanded. We do this shit, we're doing it together. All of us. You have a problem with that, and-
Jamie OD: Oi! I do as a matter of fact.
Jamie XL: *nods*
Trevor Mach: You idiots lost your boss, so what are you really going to do now?
Jamie OD: We never had a boss, and we couldn't care less about what happened to 'ol Hottie. We'll keep doing what we want when we want. All there is to it.
Swift: Big main event tonight. We got w00t, Maurice, and Cade throwing down the gauntlet. Who is stepping up to-
Trevor Mach: I'll-
Bashin Dan: I need to do this.
Trevor Mach: Well alright then. We got the Dangerous Player joining u-
Kinniku Mike: UUUUUU!!!!
Trevor Mach: Ha! Mike's got the last spot I guess. Who am I to argue with that use of one letter repeatedly?
Tack Angel: Great, and tonight I've got Cadmus, Darkness Angel, and Bellerophon with my wife and Benjamin.
Bashin Dan: Where IS Benjamin?
Jammer: Dan hurry! Over here!
Bashin Dan, Jammer, Trevor Mach, and Tack Angel ran over to see Faris cradling a bloody Benjamin.
Faris Angel: Tack, I was just on my way to the meeting when I saw Benji laid out here. We need a doctor.
Tack Angel: We do. Let's-
Trevor Mach: We need to be careful about "which" Doctor arrives.
Tack Angel: Right. We need to call EMTs though.
Bashin Dan: I'll stay here with him until they get here.
Tack Angel: Looks like we're a man down.
Trevor Mach: No you're not. I'm in.
Tack Angel: You are?
Trevor Mach: Need I remind you that bastard Darkness You gave me this big scar? It's personal, and it's time to get serious.
Tack Angel: Right. You're right. No more screwing around.
Trevor Mach: Bad Dudes Tack! No half assing it. Bad Dudes all the way. You in?
Tack Angel: I'm in.
Trevor Mach: Let's do this!
A figure watched in the shadows.
The Man in Black: The Sanctum's Knight of Duality...I guess the options were limited. Shame too. A worthy opponent might have been able to stop what's coming.
Tommy Dukes: Welcome to Zombie U in Threed! It's time for another Xcite!
Nerma: The fall out from Victory Explosion continues to ripple, as the battle lines are drawing. EBW Home Army vs. The Forgotten. That's what we're going with now? Alright, well I'm obviously Team Home Army here. #Team Home Army. The crafty members of the Forgotten have been planning this for some time, and it's obvious a lot of behind the scenes heat has stoked this flame. We can only hope to follow along. Please try HARD to follow along.
Makoto Angel: Tonight, the groups are going head to head, with two big multi tags, and a singles match with Mav Valentine returning as a member of the Forgotten against Vape. Also, Trevor Mach, our Triple Crown World Champion is subbing in for Benji to help Faris and my Tacky Star Boy against the Forgotten. The "Bad Dudes" are officially united. This is exciting, but also ominous. Lots of Nega vibes in here tonight.
Nerma: You're just smelling Zombies.
Makoto Angel: Oh.
EBW: Xcite
Zombie U, Threed
1. Tag: Firebrand X/Subculture beat Jamie OD/Jamie XL via Count Out
-Opening match saw Crimson Bombers take on the Hooligans. Despite their match for the Television Championship going to Firebrand X, the two managed to put that aside and take it to the Hooligans. Jamie OD kept to his word and left the ring, forcing a Count Out, simply because he felt like it.
Tommy Dukes: Well, I guess he really isn't going to be a team player. It looks like XL is happy to oblige. They're a dangerous and combustible element in unknown times.
Nerma: Enough of that shit, because we are just hearing that tonight, the BeShemoth is getting her first title shot, when she challenges Kaie for the EBW Women's Television Championship! That's exciting! Let's take it to BeShemoth now...
BeShemoth: Do I think I deserve the title shot already? You're damn right I do. Nothing wrong with pride. Nothing wrong with shooting for what you want. I want this and more. It's a good start, but it's not going to be enough, until everyone knows who I am. The BeShemoth. The biggest and strongest woman in this or any promotion. You better believe it.
2. Singles: Mav Valentine beat Vape via Legdrop Bulldog -> Pin
-Vape had his work cut out of him, expecting to squash the young Valentine like he used to, but Mav was out of control, and violent in his offense. Hard kicks and slaps, and a lot of anger behind them. He managed to get Vape to his knees and went off the ropes to his Legdrop Bulldog for the pin and the win.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! I don't know where Mav Valentine has been. I haven't heard anything. I haven't seen anything. However, whatever he did it worked, cause he's got a killer edge now, and he took it to the much larger man. I'm impressed. Simply impresse-
Nerma: But he's Forgotten!
Tommy Dukes: No, I'll remember him now for-
Nerma: No Tommy. FORGOTTEN!
Tommy Dukes: Oh....ooooooh. Oh no. Well he's sticking around. The man is wearing a leather jacket, it looks like a Trevor Mach leather jacket, that's a big seller, but I bet he didn't pay for it. We heard earlier that The Triple Crown World Champion Trevor Mach and Tack Angel are taking this one very seriously, and Faris-
Faris Angel: Faris always gives it 100% Here come the Bad Dudes, complete with a brand new theme!
Nerma: So many new theeeeeeeemes!
Tommy Dukes: Here they come! The War Wolf, The Star Prince, and Time Fire! They're going to be joining forces in this 6-Person Tag, and it's going to be awesome!
3. Intergender 6-Person Tag: Trevor Mach/Tack Angel[o]/Faris Angel beat Cadmus/Darkness Angel/Belleropon[x] via Angel Driver -> Pin
-It was awesome. Just kidding, there's more. Mav Valentine watched and grimaced on the outside, as he stared daggers through Trevor Mach. Quick tags between Tack and Trevor, with Faris tagging in at one point just to get a piece of Darkness Angel, but he laughed as tagged out. Keeping Darkness out of the match, working in the favor of the Forgotten, as every time the Bad Dudes went for him, Cadmus or Bellerophon would close in. A sneaky low blow by Bellerophon to Tack Angel sent Faris into the ring, and Makoto almost jumped out of her seat as well. The match devolved, with Mav Valentine using the opportunity to go to ringside and drag Trevor off the apron. The two argued as Tack decided the hell with this, and hit the Angel Driver on Bellerophon for the pin, as Cadmus panicked and Darkness Angel laughed out loud.
Makoto Angel: LET ME AT HER!
Nerma: Easy! I think Tack got her! I know the rules didn't say you could go after the opposite gender, but I didn't think Tack would do that.
Tommy Dukes: Oh it's the perfect counter. Cadmus and Darkness Angel were trying to play games, so he played right back. No big deal.
Nerma: I'll remember you said that.
Tommy Dukes: What's that supposed to mean?
Nerma: I'll just....remember you said that.
Tommy Dukes: Oh dear.
Trevor Mach: Hey, what the hell was that guys? These people want to see a war! We came here to fight one. I guess you didn't? You're wasting my time.
Darkness Angel: You and I are both on extra time as it is aren't we? How's the chest feeling?
Trevor Mach: You know last time I saw you, I could've sworn you'd been castrated by one of your wives. How you doing Dickless?
Darkness Angel: I'm intact I can assure you. I'm suddenly finding this beneath me. I'm leaving.
Tack Angel: We're not through with you!
Faris Angel: That makes all three of us! Get back here!
Cadmus: Another time Angels. Screw you too Mach. Just in general.
Trevor Mach: The hell! I don't think I've ever said a word to you! You want to play? Let's play!
The Bad Dudes and Faris Angel ran after the Forgotten team, and they brawled as security came out to break them up.
Tommy Dukes: This is crazy. We still haven't gotten an official "mission statement" from the Forgotten, but they seem to be getting under the skin of the Bad Dudes. They must have history with this Darkness Angel, and it shows. It's really personal. To his credit, you'd swear he was Tack Angel. From what little we saw, we might have another World Champion caliber competitor here.
Bashin Dan had just finished helping the EMTs load Benjamin to the Ambulance, when he turned around to see Cade standing there.
Bashin Dan: ...Did you do this?
Cade: Damn right I did.
Bashin Dan: Why?
Cade: Cause I can. Cause I'll do what I feel like. Because I hate him. I hate you.
Bashin Dan: Cade, I-
Cade: You think you remember don't you? The day I "died". You think you saw the Entity crush me, but it wasn't as easy as all of that. It absorbed me. It took me into itself, and I saw the void. They say it drives you crazy! It broke KYO. I saw it. I stared into it, and yet here I am. Because, I was given a second chance. Now, I will never be forgotten again, and you will realize that you're standing where I should be standing. You're in the position I always should have had. Look at you. You're pathetic. You lose the title AGAIN, and you don't attempt to reclaim it?!
Bashin Dan: I can get back to that challenge at any time! I'm spending time with Hope, and I'm spending time trying to work with my friends. That's more important.
Cade: You could have the title!
Bashin Dan: If having the title means abandoning all my other goals and my principles, then I don't want it. I'll challenge when its time. Right now, I'm not thinking about that at all. I'm thinking about you. I missed you. I grieved for you even when I couldn't remember why? You're my friend Cade. You always will be.
Cade: Not when I'm done. I hate you, and I'll make you hate me too. I promise.
Bashin Dan: Cade come back! Cade! *sigh*
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: BeShemoth beat Kaie(c) via DQ -> Title Defense but not really
-Match of the night,as BeShemoth and the Television Champion Kaie beat the hell out of each other. A hard hitter between two muscle girls. You know Tack and Apple Kid especially were interested at that thought, but the ladies were showing the guys how it was done on this night. But of course, disappointment is unyielding, as Duvalie and Troian rushed into the ring and attacked BeShemoth, until Lady M's ran in through the crowd, defying her suspension to help fend off the group. Tess appeared on the stage with security, and had M's removed, but she had made the save.
Nerma: It looks like Lady M's know who you are now BeShemoth. I'd say you should be the NEW Television Champion, but that'll have to wait until next time. There better be a next time.
5. 6-Man Tag: w00t[o]/Maurice/Cade beat Swift[x]/Kinniku Mike/Bashin Dan via wKo -> Pin
-Main event time, as the unmasked Forgotten took on the newly formed EBW Home Army alliance. The Forgotten team showed three men with seemingly no care in the world, and yet a new found skill that put them on par with three former World Champions. Cade dragged Dan out of the ring to battle, and Mike was fixated on Maurice. Swift and w00t were fighting it out in the ring, when Swift hit a Side Suplex, and lined w00t up for the POUNCE, but as the ref tried to get a hold of the situation, a new masked man took to the top turnbuckle and hit a Hurricanrana on Swift. As the former 4-Crown King made his way to his feet, w00t goaded him and hit the wKo for the pin and the win.
Tommy Dukes: Dammit! Who is that guy in the ring with the Forgotten! He's got moves, and he's lightning fast! Wait, w00t has a mic.
w00t: How do you like that? You see this? Cade taking Dan to the floor outside. Maurice knocking out Mike with a high kick. I laid Swift onto this mat, his blood is on my hands. That's the Forgotten. It's not an ego trip anymore. It's not my personal army. I'm not in charge here. I was just chosen as the face and the voice, for the one we serve. We're back. We're all back, and we're going to win this your way, in this ring, and when we do, it'll all fade to black. We challenge EBW to assemble a team for team for EBW's next big event. We'll have ourselves a War Games. Winning team gets the book when it comes to the next set of title matches. We're all going to get what we always wanted. Your fame. Your glory. Your power. Your spotlight. We're going to take that first, because that's what we were brought together to do. If you don't comply, we will hurt everyone. *Iooks to the crowd* I mean everyone. This is just getting started. You share this planet with forces you can not comprehend now. As fast as I'm concerned you could call this Planet Hell.
Trevor Mach was packing his bag and looking for his family when a figure appeared behind him. He stopped in his tracks.
Trevor Mach: I was wondering when you'd finally get here.
The Man in Black: I've been here for some time, watching. I'm always watching. I'm always there, right behind you, breathing down the necks of every living being.
Trevor Mach: You oversell yourself. You don't scare me. I hope you realize that.
The Man in Black: Some would say that makes your insane.
Trevor Mach: I prefer the term mentally hilarious.
The Man in Black: You should be with us. You're one of us.
Trevor Mach: Ha! I am NOT one of you, and I never will be. Don't waste my time here. Are we fighting or not?
The Man in Black: This fight is just getting started. You could've done something. You could've done so much more. Knight of Duality. Avatar of the Author.
Trevor Mach: I prefer War Wolf myself, and make no mistake, I've got fangs to bare, and I will go to war with you.
The Man in Black: You could've done anything. Anything was possible.
Trevor Mach: ...When anything is possible, nothing is interesting anymore. Are we done here?
Mach turned around to see The Man in Black had disappeared.
Trevor Mach: Huh. I guess so.
Outskirts of Summers
On the cliff over looking Summers, Trevor and Lady M's sat on a blanket over looking the city.
Lady M's: I'm really starting to hate this place.
Trevor Mach: No you don't. You just hate what your Dad is doing to it.
Lady M's: True. He's cleaned it up from the incident last year, but new business has moved in that's bad for the people. It's all just to line his pockets, and it's working. He's got his biker buddies in high positions, and he's made damn sure he's well protected in his office and at home now. I can't get to him without an appointment, and he's not handing those out.
Trevor Mach: Get Rose to do something next time she goes there. You said she's coaching for the EFL right? The Summers Beach Bums team right? I wouldn't know much about it, cause I'm a Saturn City Saturns kind of guy, but I'm assuming they have meetings.
Lady M's: First off, I know you're a Saturns guy. You got a tattoo of the team logo with is just a Mr. Saturn with a football idiot. Secondly, I don't want to jeopardize what she's doing. No, if I'm going to do something, then I'll be the one doing it, not anyone else. I just don't know if I have what it takes anymore.
Trevor Mach: What do you mean?
Lady M's: I trashed the wrong office the other day with Heather, and when I got caught, I cracked a couple jokes and slunk away. That's not what I do. That's what YOU do, and no offense, you're a clown.
Trevor Mach: Well thanks sweet cheeks, and I do mean your ass.
Lady M's: Ha! See? You're lucky I love you, cause that's a horrible line. But that's what YOU do. You act like a clown and then-
Trevor Mach: And then....when their guard is down....and they're underestimating you....that's when you bare the fangs and attack.
Lady M's: ....I refuse to believe you're that Tackivelian.
Trevor Mach: I know we like the word puns, but Machiavellian really is more appropriate right now.
Lady M's: Well shit, I guess you're right.
Uncle Charlie came out of his house holding baby Justice.
Uncle Charlie: Darn glad you're here Tali. This one misses you every time you're gone.
Lady M's: I'm sorry to make you watch him, but-
Uncle Charlie: Oh no, don't be sorry. It's nice to hold a little one like this. I used to hold you like this too, before your Dad and I had our falling out. I didn't get to see you then. I'm happy I get to see you now.
Lady M's: Thanks Uncle Chuck. Well Trevor, I'm heading off to Summers. Got to go film more rubbish for the kids.
She handed off Justice and got on her bike.
Lady M's: Thanks for the pep talk. You're good at them. Gave me some ideas. You could say you "inspired" me.
Trevor Mach: That's what I'm here for.
M's rode off, leaving Trevor with Uncle Charlie.
Uncle Charlie: Well my lad, you're welcome to stay here tonight if you want.
Trevor Mach: I'd appreciate that actually. It's a long drive to the next location for EBW, and I want to spend some time with my son.
Uncle Charlie: Come on in.
The two sat in silence while Uncle Charlie tossed back a beer.
Uncle Charlie: You want one?
Trevor Mach: I do...but I can't.
Uncle Charlie: I understand. Sorry, I'll refrain from-
Trevor Mach: No, it's fine. It doesn't bother me. Just trying to keep it casual.
Uncle Charlie: I'm surprised you can even get drunk still.
Trevor Mach: What do you mean?
Uncle Charlie: You're a bit more than human now aren't you?
Trevor Mach: ....I'm not really all that different.
Uncle Charlie: People tend to think you're Death itself.
Trevor Mach: Wha-
Uncle Charlie: I watch the product.
Trevor Mach: Oh right.
Uncle Charlie: Well, that Hot fellow did. You seemed to talk him out of that.
Trevor Mach: I just enjoyed messing with him. He..wasn't far off.
Uncle Charlie: Just what are you now?
Trevor Mach: ...To keep me alive....they made me Death. He wasn't wrong. I know what they wanted me to do, but they gave me the choice to tip the scales in either direction. Of course....I chose life.
Uncle Charlie: Death who protects Life. No wonder he called you the Knight of Duality.
Trevor Mach: The Angel of Death is still an Angel right?
Uncle Charlie: That other fellow. The Man in Black. Is he?
Trevor Mach: The original Death...I think. It's hard to say. I'm not privy to that info, and I only hear the whispers of the Sanctum every now and then. If he is, I'm going to fight him eventually.
Uncle Charlie: How can you stand up to something like that?
Trevor Mach: I have a theory about him, but I'm not sure yet. Until I know, we just need to have faith. That's important for all of us right now.
Uncle Charlie: Well, you and I better have extra faith for Tali. The little lady doesn't exactly believe like that.
Trevor Mach: She has faith...she's got faith in us Chuck, and we'll have faith in her, and Hope, and this little guy right here.
Uncle Charlie: Damn right we have faith in her. She's going to take back Summers some day, and you're going to deal with this threat. I believe in that.
Wayne Angel: *in the walls* I believe in you too Trevor!
Trevor Mach: Pops!? How did you get in Charlie's walls?!
Wayne Angel: Oh, I'm in all the walls now!
Trevor Mach: Oh....oh...alright then...wait what?
Last edited by Machismo (3/25/2020 12:05 am)
EBW World
Nerma: Welcome to another EBW World! What? What Steve? No, I've always looked like this. Oh shut up. I'm married, and Tommy hates your guts, so flattery will get you nowhere. So it's official! The Forgotten are here, and they mean business. The former stars of EBW have banded together, with some deep, underlying tension fueling the invasion. Let me remind you, this isn't some ploy for w00t to try and recapture the power he had with EBW: Dark. He's working for someone else, they all are, and they want to make us pay. Pay for what? I don't know, but it's ominous, and enough reason to go to war. That's why EBW Home Army is assembling to take on the Forgotten in War Games. EBW Triple Crown World Champion Trevor Mach made it official earlier today...
Jennings Office
Noah Jennings; And we have a contract here w00t. Sign this, and you'll get the match you wanted.
w00t: I need to read it first.
Noah Jennings: Oh no.
w00t: want us to leave if we lose? That's not happening.
Noah Jennings: You have to wager something too. This is how this works!
w00t: You're playing with fire right now. You're about to get burned. Do you have any idea what I sacrificed? More than enough for you to-
Trevor Mach: Oh shove it with the pity bullshit w00t. He doesn't know what happened! None of them do! Why are you on about this?! THEY CAN'T REMEMBER!
w00t: We will MAKE them remember! Now, state your terms. What do you want us to wager?
Trevor Mach: A one on one between me and your master in the ring. That's what we want.
w00t: really don't.
Trevor Mach: Yes, I really do.
w00t: Foolish, but possible.
Trevor Mach: I want something else. If we win, and I make you surrender, you give me back Mav.
w00t: The surrogate son you abandoned?
Trevor Mach: I didn't- *sigh* I couldn't save him.
w00t: You'll fail twice.
Trevor Mach: Look, are you going to agree to it, or do I have to sweeten the deal with my Supertramp and Asia cassette tapes?
Noah Jennings: Ooo! I'll give those a listen.
w00t: No, we have a deal, and we're done here.
Trevor Mach: We sure are. War Games it is Noah.
Noah Jennings: What IS Asia.
Trevor Mach: A band.
Noah Jennings: The name though. Where does it come from?
Trevor Mach: I have NO idea.
EBW: Planet Hell
Zombies EFL Stadium, Threed
1. EBW Triple Crown World #1 Contender: Subculture vs. Mav Valentine vs. Jamie OD vs. Fray Tiburon vs. Jammer vs. Darkness Angel
2. EBW Television Championship: Firebrand X(c) vs. Cadmus
3. Women's Tag: Hope Mach/Gold vs. Sylvie/Calamity Jane
4. EBW Women's Television Championship: Kaie(c) vs. BeShemoth
5. Singles: Bashin Dan vs.Cade
6. EBW Women's World Championship: Lady M's(c) vs. Erica
7. War Games: [EBW Home Army] Trevor Mach/Tack Angel/Swift/Kinniku Mike vs. w00t/Maurice/Hotlanta/?
Arliss Michaels Management - Saturn City
Arliss made his way down the busy hall with a stack of papers and a cup of coffee. His assistant Rita ran close behind him.
Rita: Sir?! Where the hell have you been? You've got potential clients calling from every corner of the sports world, and I have to tell them all you're super busy. It's been months! Get some new clients!
Arliss Michaels: I can't Rita! I'm busy with Professional Wrestling. It's a tough nut to crack, but Arliss Michaels cracks nuts. That's what he does.
Rita: I thought I was the ball buster. Why do I even keep working here?
Arliss Michaels: Because you're tone deaf, and answering the phones is easier than learning a new skill?
Rita: ...Yeah, that's probably it.
Arliss Michaels: While I'm working on this, I want you to ensure our other clients that we're a top tier sports agency, that will be these for them, even during the tough times.
Rita: That's great, cause the football player that got caught dog fighting is on line 1 and-
Arliss Michaels: Not him.Never him. Tell him him I'm not here.
Rita: He says he's going to be fired.....out of a cannon!
Arliss Michaels: Uh....good? Listen Rita, I want 100% of my focus to fall on Professional Wreslting. I've learned that their rube audience will buy any and all t-shirts I have made, and also they like memes, whatever those are.
Rita: It'd take too long to explain it.
Arliss Michaels: Right. So are they here?
Rita: They are. Fighter Daron, Dangerous D, Chad Salad, Misogynist Paul, Robert Sandwich, and Orange.
Arliss Michaels: Ah yes, my Heat Parade. Heat means something other than temperature. I'm still trying to figure it out. These young men are the future. I'm telling you. They are going to make it big. I have huge plans for-
As Arliss opened the door, he found his office covered in blood, as the Heat Parade appeared beaten and butchered all over the place. A scream from outside lead Arliss and Rita to the window where they looked down to see Orange smashed into a car.
Rita: That one's dying! He can barely give a thumbs up!
Arliss Michaels: No....that's normal. Call a janitor. Oh and the EMTs I guess. And Police? Yeah, better get police on it. So who's still alive? Big bonus for the first one to raise their hand.
Last edited by Machismo (3/26/2020 3:56 am)
Tommy Dukes: We're in the Studio. You know what that means by now, if the neon lights didn't give it away. It's time for another one of our Neon Nights! I'm Tommy Dukes, and this confused man is-
Apple Kid: Wondering how we have this match on the card. You're seeing it right?
Tommy Dukes: That I am. The Heat Parade were attacked this week in a rather gruesome fashion, but I'm told that Fighter Daron and Dangerous D survived without much injury.
Apple Kid: It says here D wasn't injured at all. Strange.
Tommy Dukes: Let's take it to an interview with the two of the survivors of the Heat Paradise.
Apple Kid: Are they all dead?!
Tommy Dukes: Oh heavens no!
Apple Kid: Oh good. *sips water*
Tommy Dukes: Just Misogynist Paul.
Apple Kid: *spits water*
Dangerous D: You all forgot about me didn't you? The fired up, anti-social, in your face Dangerous D! I had to change my name, because another Dan was apparently more popular! That pisses me right off! I said hi to Tack Angel the other day, and he called me Dave! DAVE! I can't take this shit! You look at me! I'll make you remember me!
Fighter Daron: Uh....yeah...what he said. Bring on any challenge. We'll take it on. Is he alright? He looks really angry.
Apple Kid: D seems angry.
Tommy Dukes: They're probably madder because they survived and now they're having to deal with Ripper! I don't know what brought the mindless killing machine to Neon Nights, but you'd figure we would do something about this by now. The body count is getting too big.
Apple Kid: It's getting too big in wrestling in general if we're just glossing over things.
Tommy Dukes: Well, we'd probably be more upset if Misogynist Paul wasn't doing really well for himself as a zombie in Threed now. We're told he's going by Zombie Paul, and might even have a zombie girlfriend. A little zombie romance and a zombie marriage in his zombie future.
Apple Kid: Adding zombie to the front of everything is weird? Why are you doing that?
Tommy Dukes: My ways are mysterious alright?!
Apple Kid: Glad he dropped the misogynist thing. He wasn't even that misogynistic! We have a big main event tonight folks. After Heat Parade gets murdered by Ripper, and the next stage of the Neon Rookie Cup takes places, we'll see Calamity Jane return to action against Calamity Lain. You know, they were tag partners, and former champions as the Sunset Riders. I feel like that was forgotten for a while.
Tommy Dukes: I don't know what you're talking about. As a consumer of the product, I totally know everything about everything at all times.
Apple Kid: Right....sure you do.
EBW: Neon Nights
Studio B, Saturn City
1. EBW Neon Rookie Cup Block A Finals: "Wood Man" Bobby Throngold beat Count Vlad via Mahogany Bomb -> Pin
-Great little match up, with Vlad showing off more of his surprising MMA style, but Bobby, managed to counter like an amateur wrestler, and wore down the Count for a Mahogany Bomb and the pin.
Apple Kid: That wasn't bad. That wasn't bad at all.
Tommy Dukes: We're seeing a lot of guys doing things the Firebrand X way and coming into the sport with a mixed background. We see guys with power moves and the ability to fight off the mat grapples.
Apple Kid: I just thought that short little powerhouse was a wood enthusiast. Didn't realize he was so well rounded. He must be a genius.
Tommy Dukes: Not really. I played D&D with him backstage last week. He...uh...he couldn't get by the front door. Just kept rolling to check the quality of the wood.
Apple Kid: Naturally. Is everyone insane? Actual question. I feel like we're all insane!
Tommy Dukes: Calm your stem head.
Apple Kid: IS THAT HAIR STILL STANDING UP!? I put gel in it!
2. EBW Neon Rookie Cup Block B Finals: Dirk Laramie beat Yukar Catzenmeow via Crucifix Bomb Cutter -> Pin
-The Marlboro Man looking Dirk Laramie, who reeks of old school southern rasslin', blew the lid off the Studio, fending off the cat like reflexes of Yukar Catzenmeow, and taking him to the top rope for a Crucifix Powerbomb that was turned into a Cutter midway through. An obvious win.
Tommy Dukes: Now where did that come from! The Crucifix Bomb Cutter?! I didn't expect that at all!
Apple Kid: Dirk seemed more like the kind of guy that would never get off the mat, let alone go to the top rope for that one. That thick mustache screams rest holds for days! Never judge a book by it's cover I guess.
Tommy Dukes: What about the Kama Sutra here. It's got sex positions on the cover.
Apple Kid: You can judge THAT book by its cover.
Tommy Dukes: What about the Tack Angel book "Will I ever find a Rainbow?"
Apple Kid: What, does it have sex positions too?
Tommy Dukes: Only in the updated edition when it gets to Chapter 12 "The Tack Bowl".
3.Handicap: Ripper beat Dangerous D/Fighter Daron[x] via Choke Out -> Submission
Tommy Dukes: That went better than I thought. Only Fighter Daron is due for the hospital this time.
Apple Kid: Why didn't he attack Dangerous D at all. He was the one that was least injured from that attack at AMM right?
Arliss Michaels:'s because he's TOO afraid of him! He doesn't want any part of him! That's why he's the best, and the new centerpiece of Arliss Michaels' push into Wrestling.
Tommy Dukes: What about Fighter Daron?
Arliss Michaels: Who?
4. Women's Singles: Calamity Lain beat Calamity Jane via Count Out
-The match never took place. Calamity Lain stood in the ring, begging for Jane to come out, but to no avail.
Tommy Dukes: This sucks. Lainey tried to get Jane to meet on Xcite, but it didn't happen there either. She doesn't get her chance to speak with her old Sunset Riders partner, and we don't get a main event. Guess we're ending early. Sorry guys. Commence the barrage of commericals!
EBW World
Nerma: Nerma here, back at the desk for EBW World. For those claiming I now look anime, I ask you this question. What IS anime? Moving on, we have some giant news today. You notice how it feels like the old days again in EBW? Well, it's going to feel more like the old days, because EBW is bringing back an old staple of the company during the "peak years" in the show EBW: Xperience! That's right ENN needs to fill another time slot, and we're OF COURSE going to gobble that time up. Nom nom nom! Sorry....I just...get paid a lot more for another day of work. Tommy and I are thrilled that....what? Different commentary team? Who? You don't know yet?! Well figure it out! *clears throat* We're bringing back the show in a big way, with three title matches! The Women's World Championship rematch between Lady M's and Erica will main event the show. The two were asked about the current situation with the Forgotten, and couldn't have cared less. They just want this match. They want to face each other. I can respect that. One of those title matches will be to crown a NEW....hey come on now...don't be like that. This idea is awesome! It's a NEW Championship! The EBW Challenge Championship. Now what makes it special? Well, the title will be defended WEEKLY! The champ will get a bigger purse for every week he defends the title. Now how much bigger? Maybe 5-10 bucks? We're not made of money here people. The point is, you get a match every week, and guaranteed money....unless you lose, then the NEW Champion goes on to defend weekly. It's like a 24/7 title, but more structured and not as lame. Plus, the belt won't be'll be silver...and bl-
Tack Angel: *in the distance* I MUST HAVE IT!
Nerma: You're not in the mini-tournament Tack! Maybe later!
Tack Angel: *in the distance* Awwww!
EBW: Xcite
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett
1. EBW Challenge Championship Mini-Tournament: Jammer vs. Vape
2. EBW Challenge Championship Mini-Tournament: Bashin Dan vs. Jamie OD or Jamie XL
3. Singles: Kinniku Mike vs. Maurice
4. 8-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Heather Mach/Tracy Angel vs. Erica/Troian/Kaie/Duvalie
5. 6-Man Tag: Trevor Mach/Swift/Subculture vs. Mav Valentine/w00t/?
EBW: Xperience
Sportasseum, Mid-South
1. EBW Challenge Championship Decision: TBD vs. TBD
2. EBW World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Hotlanta
3. EBW Women's World Championship: Lady M's(c) vs. Erica
Arliss Michaels Management - Saturn City
Amy Angel had just recently passed her officer's exam to join the Saturn City Police Force, and was partnered with seasoned veteran Colt Sideiron, a grizzled and imposing man with a thick, grey, handlebar mustache.
Colt Sideiron: *narrating to himself* There had been a wave of gorgeous fashion models found naked and unconscious in laundry mats. Unfortunately, I was assigned to investigate a murder and several attempted murders at Arliss Michaels Management. I was across town doing my laundry when I got the call. I was also told I have a new partner. I took it pretty well.
Amy Angel: I can hear you sir.
Colt Sideiron: Dammit, this line of work is too much for a pretty woman such as yourself! No offense intended little lady. I'm just-
Amy Angel: So red in the face you're about to have a stroke. Take a breather sir.
Colt Sideiron: I just don't want you to have to see this gross mess!
Amy Angel: I've seen plenty. I can handle this.
Colt Sideiron: Fine. Fine! Let's go.
Colt Sideiron smashed right into a trash can as he parked outside of AMM. They walked into a room with chalk outlines and one game of hopscotch, as Amy and Lt. Sideiron met with another officer.
Officer: Sir, glad you're here. We have a suspect. An employee at AMM named Twice, but he's a good family man with no criminal record. He came running out of the room and was stopped by this woman. Sally Decker.
Colt Sideiron: Hello Miss Decker. Cigarette?
Sally Decker: Yes, I know that's what that is.
Colt Sideiron: ....Yes. Well, do you feel up to any questions?
Sally Decker: I'll try.
Colt Sideiron: Where were you when all of this happened?
Sally Decker: I was right here at my desk working.
Colt Sideiron: When was the first time you noticed something was wrong?
Sally Decker: Well, when I was five I saw my parents arguing and-
Colt Sideiron: I meant about this case.
Sally Decker: Right. Well, I was heard a bunch of screaming, and when I turned, something ran by and Jim fell.
Officer: That's another employee sir.
Colt Sideiron: Jim Fell is?
Sally Decker: No, Jim Johnson.
Colt Sideiron: Then who is Jim Fell?
Officer: He works one floor down sir.
Sally Decker: He had the flu, so Jim filled in.
Colt Sideiron: Fill who?
Officer: Phil Din. He's the night security guard.
Sally Decker: If only Phil had been here.
Colt Sideiron: So let me get this straight. A man named Twice came in, attacked the men in the room, and Jim Fell?
Sally Decker: No, he attacked Jim Johnson. Fell is ill.
Colt Sideiron: So after he attacked, you shot Twice?
Sally Decker: No, I only shot once.
Officer: John Once is standing right over there. He didn't get shot.
Sally Decker: Then I guess I did shoot Twice.
Colt Sideiron: Oh, so now you're changing your story?
Sally Decker; I shot Twice after Jim fell.
Colt Sideiron: You said Fell was ill.
Sally Decker: Jim fell first, and I shot Twice once.
Colt Sideiron: Who fired Twice?
Sally Decker: Once!
Officer: Again John Once, he's the man over there. He fired Twice before the incident.
Colt Sideiron: It's....all starting to come together.
Amy Angel: Actually, I just asked Paul Twice before the EMTs took him away. He said he panicked because he found the bodies first, and ran away, only to get shot right before Arliss Michaels and his Assistant walked in. Surveillance footage backs up his story.
Sally Decker: So....I shot once for no reason?
Colt Sideiron: No, you shot Twice, and now you're going to jail. You see Amy? THIS is how it gets done.
Amy Angel: *sigh* What a disaster.
Last edited by Machismo (3/28/2020 2:04 am)
Crystal Heaven
A lot of yelling was coming from the Crystal Heaven living room...
Tack Angel: Absolutely not Christina!
Christina Angel: I'm not asking permission! I came here to tell you I was doing it!
Tack Angel: Noah Jennings trying to sell a swimsuit issue of the women wrestlers is one thing, but you being in it in a string bikini is absolutely out of the question.
Subculture: Kind of makes you a hypocrite bro.
Tack Angel: Don't call me bro son.
Subculture: Don't call me son bro.
Tack Angel: How can you be alright with this?
Subculture: Hey man, she's hot. You made a hot daughter.
Tack picked up young Christina, and held her towards Subculture.
Tack Angel: Say that again. Say that to her face.
Subculture: You're making it weird.
Christina Angel: Dad, I've always worn baggy clothes, and kept my figure hidden. I don't want to do that anymore. I was going to do the topless shoot.
Tack Angel: NANIIII!!!!!
Nani Angel: Hai, Nani des. I'm taking the car to town to get groceries. Anyone who gets in my way will be destroyed. Do you need anything?
Tack Angel: Yeah! A modest daughter!
Nani stared and then made her way to the Angel Van.
Tack Angel: Daughter, I love boobs. Please, don't take this away from me! Isn't this sexist or something?
Subculture: Us guys are doing a calendar actually, so it's-
Tack Angel: You're not helping! You're never helping!
Nani got into the van and turned the key.
Tack Angel: Listen, Christina, this is the worst thing that could be happening to me toda-
The van suddenly exploded.
Tack Angel: What?! What?! What?! No....No....NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Christina Angel: What just happened?!
Tack Angel: NANI IS DEAD!
Christina Angel: NAAAANIIIII?!
Nani Angel: Hai, Nani des.
Tack and Christina: AAAHHH!
The both turned to see a floating, and ring-like ghost of Nani floating beside them.
Tack Angel: What?! What happened?!
Nani Angel: Huh? *looks down* Oh. This is unfortunate.
Subculture: he's got a ghost wife. Of course he's got a ghost wife.
Degrees Office
The Angel Family stood perplexed at the situation, as a floating ghost Nani hovered with them, while her slightly charred body lay on the bed beside the Doctor.
Degrees-4: guys ever see Ghost Dad?
Tack Angel: Ghost Dad?
Degrees-4: It's a movie. Do they have a Ghost Dad on Earth-1?
Tack Angel: Yeah it was a fine cinematic kino before....the unpleasantness. What does this have to do with my ghost wife?
Degrees-4: Well, she's not dead dead, she's only kind of dead. I have her on life support now, so the body is going to be fine, but....we can't figure out how to get her back in there.
Tack Angel: Shit, now I want to watch Ghost Dad. Wait, no I don't. The unpleasantness! *sigh* She's "alive" though right?
Degrees-4: Right. I would just....I would just keep doing what you're doing for now, until I can figure this out.
Tack Angel: I want to know more about who did this. Who tried to kill my family!
Nani Angel: Technically succeeded.
Tracy Angel: Why do you look like a scary ghost?
Nani Angel: *shrug*
Degrees-4: The explosion had-
Makoto Angel: Dark Star Matter?
Degrees-4: Why yes.
Faris Angel: *sigh* This is just like what that monster said before we beat him yesterday.
Tack Angel: ...I have to be home more often.
Faris Angel: He said death was looming.
Tack Angel: Well he didn't say death was coming so-
Faris Angel: Oh that's the word. He said death was coming.
Tack Angel: OH NO! It's all related! Wait, is it all related?
Degrees-4: I think it's all related.
Tack Angel: OH NO!
Degrees-4: Trevor Mach told me something about himself during his last check up. It lead me to believe that death isn't quite working like it should be right now. Those empty graves in Threed belonged to-
Tack Angel: The Forgotten.
Degrees-4: And now, even Degrees from Earth-1 is back.
Faris Angel: He is? Where? Can I talk to him?
Degrees-4: He....said some things, and then he left. Faris, I think he's the one that tried to have me killed. He blew up all time machines. He made sure this is all set in stone. He's Forgotten like the rest.
Faris Angel: But he's the Doc....I mean you are offense, but-
Degrees-4: I'm not offended. I understand. I just....I don't think they're the same. They're not the same people they were before they died.
Tack Angel: Maybe the Forgotten have Forgotten who they really are.
Tracy Angel: Well hell, that's down right deep Tacky.
Degrees-4: He read it off the notes on my clip board.
Tack Angel: Yeah....yeah I did.
Degrees-4: Just get back on the road, and keep an eye out for the Forgotten. I'll figure this out with Nani.
Nani Angel: Where should I go?
Degrees-4: Um...not towards the light.
Nani Angel: I see no light.
Degrees-4: Let's hope there's a good reason for that. Just...follow the family.
Nani Angel: Understood.
Tack Angel: Huh.
Degrees-4: What is it?
Tack Angel: Can it?
Degrees-4: ....You'd better go.
Tack Angel: I'd better go. That's exactly what I was just thinking. Let's go family!
Tess's Office
Tess was sipping her tea, when she set it down and poured something into it from a flask. Suddenly, Lady M's let herself in.
Tess: If it's not Summers it's here. You just show up where you're not wanted.
Lady M's: I could say the same about you. Always showing up where you're not wanted, like EBW. You're like herpes. You just sort of flare up every now and then.
Tess: Colorful Tali. You always have been. Upset about the title match on Xperience? Want out of your contract with myself and your Father? What is the complaint this time.
Lady M's: The swimsuit bullshit.
Tess: Oh come now. You're far from a prude. You know that strong women can also be sexy and show it off. Giving the guys what they want isn't going to-
Lady M's: I don't care what you're saying. I don't care. You're saying what I want to hear. My issue is something you said to Hope. She has to take part if she wants a title match? Now she wants nothing to do with this or you. She's trying to go a different road from her Mother, and I'm not about you let you drag her down to my depths.
Tess: She doesn't HAVE to do it. She just won't get a Television, Tag, or World Championship title shot again if she doesn't. How much is "purity" worth?
Lady M's: I'll take her spot. I'll wear a thong and shake my well toned ass if that's what's going to get you to stop this.
Tess: Oh hell no Tali. See, I figured something out when thinking about the situation between you and Erica. You want to know why I didn't strip you of the title outright? It's easier to get to you through your family. *wink*
Lady M's: .....Bitch.
Tess's Office
Tess: Welcome to Xcite everyone. You know me. I'm the Women's Boss Tess. I want to thank Noah Jennings for being smart enough to call me up and give me this job back. You had a problem. A real attitude problem with some of your women. Now, I know EBW is in the middle of some "War", but that's not my problem, and it's not my mission. My mission, is to teach the women some respect, no matter what I have to do to accomplish it. That's why tonight is going to be special. It's Rated M tonight. No, not Rated M's, which is a title we won't be acknowledging as long as I'm in charge as far as I'm concerned. No, it's Rated M, as in the sponsors have been warned, and ENN has been warned. I'm telling parents right now, do NOT have your children watching tonight. Ladies, I'm cancelling your match tonight, and going forward, we won't have a women's matches....until....until Hope Mach comes to the ring, and takes off all of her clothes LIVE on Xcite!
Tommy Dukes: Umm....I-
Nerma: Will NOT be here for that! I can't believe you Tess! What could you be thinking? What? I know, she's a Boss technically, but this is beyond damaging.
Tommy Dukes: I bet it pops a ratings.
Nerma: You won't be popping ANYTHING! YOU HEAR ME!
Tommy Dukes: AH! YES! AH!
Makoto Angel: I mean, there's no way that Hope does that right? At the same time, she'll blame herself if she doesn't, and women don't get to compete. That's not fair at all!
Nerma: This always happens with Tess. She's like Moolah with these ladies I swear. We're missing out on a big 8-Woman Tag tonight too. Big shame. To make it worse, Lady M's isn't here. She's been suspended remember Tack? I'm guessing the suspension is up after Xcite, but still, this is a mess. Wait, I'm hearing that Trevor Mach, our World Champion, is in the back trying to get to Tess's office!
Trevor Mach was pushing his way through security.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, you REALLY want to get out of my way guys. I have no qualms wrapping a bat around your heads right now if-
Mav Valentine: Hey Mach, how about that huh? We're going to get to see some skin tonight. I always wanted to see Hope naked.
Trevor Mach: You son of a bitch. Come here!
Trevor ran after Mav instead, and followed him out into the parking lot, where we got jumped by w00t and Hotlanta.
w00t: You probably think I'm mad at you Mach, and that this is revenge. Honestly, I had nothing to do with it. That Tess is as devious as our-
Swift: Hey! Back the hell up!
Subculture: I got you Trevor!
Tommy Dukes: That got intense! The Champ, the War Wolf, was laid out by the Forgotten. This is getting insane tonight, and we're just getting started. We've got big matches, with title implications, and much more on the way to the return of Xperience this week. Also, Maurice has agreed to a match with Kinniku Mike tonight! While Amigo recovers, Mike fights his SURGE Generation peer and rival, in honor of Paradise Collection. No matter where these guys have gone, and what they've done in their careers, it all comes back to SURGE Generation. Also, I guess we are filling the spot for the 8-Woman Tag. We can now confirm Fray Tiburon is stepping in to take on PT, with Tiburon agreeing to use the money won to help pay the women wrestlers who don't get to compete.
Nerma: That's a Friar telling Hope not to do this tonight. Hope, please don't do it! You let Tess pull this, and she'll do whatever she wants, whenever she wants! Where IS Hope? Can I talk to her? I'm going to go look for her.
EBW: Xcite
Iwata Memorial Arena, Onett
1. EBW Challenge Championship Mini-Tournament: Jammer beat Vape via Pumped Kicks Slam Jam -> Pin
-Friendly competition, with Jammer knowing how to take the big man off his feet. An avoided Top Rope Splash lead to the Slam Jam with the pumped up airs, and the pin for the win and advancement.
Tommy Dukes: Good win there for Jammer. The man had a lot to prove when Dan was attacked, and he was true to his word, he didn't commit the crime. Still struggling to get back to the title picture, this could be exactly what he needed. Yes, I'm trying real hard to focus here. That was a big story earlier.
Makoto Angel: Maybe excuse yourself if you can't concentrate Tommy. All the wrestlers deserve our attention.
Tommy Dukes: Huh...I just got put in my place by a former giant.
2. EBW Challenge Championship Mini-Tournament: Bashin Dan beat Jamie XL via DQ
-The Hooligans played Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide the opponent, with the big man Jamie XL entering for his first shot at singles gold. Dan found himself the veteran by comparison, using his experience to evade the reach of the tall XL, and avoiding the Boot at all costs. An escape from a Powerbomb attempt, lead to Dan's momentum, and a kick to the mid-section could have lead to a a Saga Brave Clash, but Jamie OD ran in for the attack. The Hooligans battered Dan until the Dan Club made the save. DQ win for the former World Champion.
Tommy Dukes: Interesting twist here. Not the Hooligans being idiots, that's to be expected. You never know what they're going to do. Them being dangerous is no twist. What IS the twist, is that Dan was backing away from a Triple Crown rematch to team with Jammer, but now both will find themselves facing off at the return of Xperience, for the NEW EBW Challenge Championship! Whoever wins, just expect Tack Angel to eventually challenge you. Speaking of Tack Angel...wait...this one is serious. Take it to the back! Take it to the back!
Tack Angel was being held back by security, as he tried to get at Cadmus, who was holding a bloody nose, and a laughing Darkness Angel.
Tack Angel: You tried to kill my family?! The hell is wrong with you?!
Cadmus: are what's wrong with me.
Darkness Angel: AHAHAHA! I'm with the "Dark Star Emperor" here. Both of us are the opposite of you, and we want you GONE! If I have to exist here and now, I intend to do so without you, and without those traitorous bitches!
Tack Angel: I'LL KILL YOU!
Tracy came in to calm Tack down as Bellerophon backed into a dark corner to get away from the chaos. That's when an icy cold, hand fell on her shoulder.
Bellerophon: Huh?
Nani Angel: Boo.
Bellerophon: AAAAHHHH!
Tommy Dukes: Wow. That's great effects with Nani there. I like the stuff you Angels are doing at home with your little skits and stuff, but seriously, how do you make her look like a ghost like that?
Makoto Angel: ....Are you being serious right now?
Tommy Dukes: What?
3. Singles: Maurice beat Kinniku Mike via Count Out
-As Mike made his way down to the ring, Maurice attacked him from behind. When Sal Paradise tried to make the save, Maurice knocked him down with a head kick. The striker pummeled Mike, before rolling him into the ring for the bell ring, and then kicking him out. He mocked Mike, Amigo, and Sal as the 10 Count was reached. A cheap, count out victory for Maurice.
Tommy Dukes: Ridiculous. I wanted to see a solid SURGE wrestling encounter, but instead, we got this tainted win. Maurice is sure having his fun at the expense of the Paradise Collection.
4. 8-Woman Tag: Hope Mach/Christina Angel/Heather Mach/Tracy Angel vs. Erica/Troian/Kaie/Duvalie
A match was supposed to happen next, with the 8-Woman Tag, but Tess came out instead with a mic in hand.
Tess: It's time Hope. Time to come out here and bare all. I want you to show me just how badly you want success in wrestling. You have to put up or shut up, right here and now. I don't care who your Mother is. I don't care that you used to be deaf. I don't care that you trained on the Olympic Wrestling team. I just don't care. This is about proving you'll do anything to be a star. You'll do anything to be a success. Plus, your suspended Mother would never dare come out here now. I might have to strip her of the Championship, which I am legally allowed to do. It is my right if she breaks the suspension, but she would NEVER do that right? Out here Hope.....NOW!
A sullen Hope walked to the ring in her wrestling outfit. She was still wearing the amateur wrestling head gear which was covering her face with her hair.
Tess: Covering up? Too embarrassed? It's fine Hope. I don't need you to defiantly stare me down as you do this. You can be as miserable as you want....but you ARE doing this if you want women's wrestling in EBW. Now....strip.
Hope's hands shook as she slowly took down her shoulder straps.
Tess: Yes. Yes. You're really shaken it up about it aren't you? Can we get a move on, we haven't got all night here!
Tommy Dukes: Uh...Makoto isn't looking, and Nerma isn't back yet. So does that mean I have to call this? I mean looking was one thing but....uh...well alright then. She's taking off her singlet. We're down to bra and briefs. Oh, so she's a briefs girl, that makes sen- shut up Dukes. Damn, I'm feeling very guilty about this. So far we haven't crossed a line, but if she continues, we could lose sponsors. We could lose the time slot. I mean bloody, gory, death and violence is one thing, but this is areas of a person's body that are usually covered up by clothing. Somehow this is much much much worse. We're a weird society. Well shit, here we go. There goes the bra, and there goes the-WHOA! IT'S LADY M'S! SHE JUST RAN IN FROM THE CROWD! She pushed Tess to the ground, and is covering up Ho-THAT'S NOT HOPE! LOOK OUT M'S! IT'S TROIAN!
The mostly naked Troian laughed as she ripped off the wig and head gear, and attacked M's from behind. The censors finally got the scramble up, as Troian held M's to the ground. On the big screen, Nerma could be seen with security, working overtime tonight, as they tried to un-jam Hope Mach's dressing room door.
Tess: Now THAT is how you get to Tali Mach huh? "Death Metal Bitch"? More like STRIPPED OF THE TITLE....BITCH!
Makoto Angel: This is awful. Tess is just playing games with the now former Women's World Champion I guess. She never even got a title defense. Tess basically made her throw away her own World Championship reign. What's going to happen on Xperience now?! Tommy, what are you doing?
Tommy Dukes: Looking at the replay.
Makoto Angel: What?
Tommy Dukes: Now that I know it's Troian, I have to see it. You can see her boobs!
Makoto Angel: .....
Tommy Dukes: And ASS!
Makoto Angel: ...I'm telling Nerma.
Tommy Dukes: NO DON'T!
5. Singles: Fray Tiburon beat Magnum PT via Brainbuster -> Pin
-Solid match, for a crowd recovering. Magnum PT tried to get his run back on track, but with the majority of eyes on fan favorite Dick Wagner, he lost focus and ate a Brainbuster for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: PT with another loss. He seems angry at the reaction the Dick Wagner is getting. The southern rassler does have a following, that's for sure, but the backstage issues with Dick and his daughter Lacy have been keeping the redneck alcoholic from his tag team duties with Magnum. Tack Angel's least favorite wrestler is not having a good run right now.
6. 6-Man Tag: Mav Valentine/w00t/Hotlanta[o] beat Trevor Mach[x]/Swift/Subculture via Buckle Bomb x 2X Powerbomb -> Pin
-Main event action, saw a staggered Trevor Mach lead Swift and Subculture in a battle against the Forgotten. The tricks from earlier in the night, and the return of the hooded Forgotten, who hit a Hurricanrana on the woozy Mach with lighting fast speed and accuracy, lead to Hotlanta hitting a Buckle Bomb on Mach, and his now signature 2 Powerbombs for a pin on the Triple Crown World Champion.
Tommy Dukes: Another win for the Forgotten over Home Army. They need to get this together, and be ready for the tricks of this group dead set on winning by hook or by crook. They seriously just want what they perceive to be their wins, their titles, and their glory. They obviously don't care how they get it. Swift is injured people, and Trevor is obviously distracted by what happened earlier with Hope, with the attack, and his protege standing across the ring from him. Let's get our act together for Xperience people! This was NOT good stuff!
Noah Jennings Office
Noah was pacing back and forth as Tess stood confidently before him.
Noah Jennings; My phone has been ringing off the hook. Advertisers pulling out. New ones wanting in. ENN unhappy with the lewdness, but happy with the ratings. It's too much back and forth. I don't know if what you did was good or bad. I mean morally is was awful. Tess, they're changing our TV rating and moving us up an hour.
Tess: Perfect. It's time EBW embraced a little more "attitude". Lest you forget SPARKLE.
Noah Jennings: Gritty, edgy, and sexy, but it burned out fast. That's the problem here. You intend to burn us out?
Tess: I intend to fix the problems with EBW. You brought me in to handle the load, and-
Tess stepped forward and grabbed Noah by the balls.
Tess: I know how to handle the load.
Noah Jennings: Hey now, I'm married!
Tess: Ha! You couldn't handle me little man.
Noah Jennings: What happened to Ness's Mom Tess. Everyone loved her.
Tess: She wasted her life on a husband who never came home, and was probably a phone. Look, I raised my kids, and I did my part. This is my turn now, and I'm doing all the things I should've done before. Your end has so much death and ridiculousness, I can't believe they even care about what I'm doing, but here we are. Look, you stay out of my way, and I'm going to improve that roster for you. I'll get them in line. The ratings popped for the Hope segment. Noah, no matter what the frumpy bitches say, SEX SELLS. They don't want bimbos though. They want girls who can fight and who can fuck. That's where we're heading. Swimsuit issues. Live nudity. Gravure videoes. I will get down right pornographic if I have to. BUT, that's not to say there won't be violence. SPARKLE was known for violence. That's what we need, and that's what we're going to get. Car crash television Jennings. The Noah Jennings of old would love this idea. Ratings and money Noah. Ratings and money.
Noah Jennings: You've got me in a tight spot here.
Tess: Not yet I don't.
Noah Jennings: AH! MARRIED!
EBW World
Nerma: Nerma here with EBW World, and man, did you just see that? It's a tumultuous time for us. It feels like every week we're spiraling out of control....and you don't want to miss that do you? We're going LIVE with the return of Xperience this week, a show that lead to the WAR invasion, which became Havok, which killed EBW, until it came back as WBPW, and merged with Havok to form EBW. I'm sure this is a good idea. We're going with an ALL-CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION of the show, with 5 title matches! A very angry Hope Mach will be teaming with Christina Angel to take on Eisenritter, invoking Threebird Rules to have Television Champion Kaie sub in for Erica, who will be in the main event, but against whom?
EBW: Xperience
Sportasseum, Mid-South
1. EBW Women's Tag Team Championship: Kaie(c)/Duvalie(c) vs. Hope Mach/Christina Angel
2. EBW Challenge Championship Decision: Jammer vs. Bashin Dan
3. EBW Television Championship: Firebrand X(c) vs. Mav Valentine
4. EBW World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. Hotlanta
5. EBW Women's World Championship Decision: Erica vs. ?
Nerma: That's right, it appears that Tess meant what she said. Lady M's has been stripped of the title, after a ploy involving Troian, lead to M's breaking her suspension. The suspension has been extended, and we have no idea who Tess is going to position in to fill the slot for the vacant title. I was with M's for the title hand off earlier. It was...something.
Women's Locker Room
Nerma: I'm standing outside of the showers with Tess, and no, that's not the set up to something sleazy.
Tess: It was pop a rating.
Nerma: You're twisted. Tess, my feelings are-
Tess: On display. You think women's wrestling should be about the sport and athleticism. I think it should be more "entertaining" than that. We disagree. Simple as that.
Nerma: Oh...well that's fair.
Tess: And as soon as I can find someone to do what you do for as little as you're getting paid, I will replace you. Don't worry about that.
Nerma: ....Oh damn.
Tess: Makoto is really coming along isn't she? She could take ov-
Nerma: I'm sorry! I'll what is happening.
Tess: Good girl.
Nerma: Why are we here?
Tess: Well, Tali said to come here to relinquish the title.
Nerma: And you're here alone.
Tess: No.
Nerma: I don't see anybody.
Duvalie: That's the point.
Nerma: Whoa! Where is she? What is up with that Maid?!
Tess: I told her hand it over, and she's complying. I'm just waiting for-
Suddenly the door to the shower swung open, and Lady M's came out with EBW World Triple Crown Champion Trevor Mach, wearing jeans and a black leather jacket with no shirt under.
Tess: Well, if it isn't Trevor Mach
Trevor Mach: Ness's Mom. You probably think that was hilarious what you did with Hope don't you?
Tess: Aren't you dealing with the dead or forget-fulls or whatever. Go away, this is between me and Tali. It's not like the old days. You can't come over and eat steak and pet the dog. No, you can't watch Toku with me and Tack. You just need to leave.
Trevor Mach: Oh, I'm done here. See you outside Lady.
Lady M's: I'm done here too. Here's the title belt.
Tess: Wait...this isn't right. It's too easy. Why did you two come out of the showers?
Lady M's: You wanted the belt. Go ahead and take it.
Tess: What did you do to the belt?
Lady M's: Nothing....maybe.
Tess: think I won't touch the belt?
Lady M's: I'm trying to hand it to you. Take it!
Lady M's: I have no idea what you're talking about!
Tess: ARG! FINE!
Tess grabbed the title belt away from Lady M's.
Lady M's: Hehe.
Tess: What? What? What's so funny!
Lady M's: Who knows. *snicker* I'm leaving.
Tess: Yeah you are. Remember, that you're suspended!
Lady M's: Oh do I ever. You give me too much time on my hands. Too much time to think. Too much time to plan. Too much time to plot. By the way, I'd really have that belt washed.
Tess: AH! I KNEW IT!
Lady M's: Or maybe I'm fucking with you! Ahaha! Who knows.
Tess: Grrrr...I hate her Nerma. Take this belt.
Nerma: Oh no.
Tess: TAKE IT!
Nerma: FINE!
Tess: ....Smell it.
Nerma: NO WAY!
Sportasseum - Outside
A limo pulled up, with a gorgeously dressed Tess stepping out with Harley Rexx.
Makoto Angel: Makoto Angel here, and tha-
Tess: The Mayor of Summers? Yes. He thought he'd catch a show now that yours truly has made sure that all shows will be Rated M and not Rated M's. Say, you're Makoto right? I wanted to make you the new commentator, but then I remembered my daughter is sharing a man with you. I think maybe I want you off the desk.
Makoto Angel: But-
Tess: Hold that microphone and get us some drinks from the VIP booth tonight, if this place actually has a VIP booth. I need to watch over the matches tonight. I gave Hope a title shot with your "daughter-ish". Be grateful . I grateful. I'm heading inside.
Makoto Angel: Well, I think I just got demoted, but I-
The screen suddenly went black, with a modulated voice playing.
The Man in Black: Death against Death. A mere glimpse of the War in Heaven. We're here, so my Forgotten can achieve in this new life what they couldn't in their original existence. I will watch them grow. I will watch them build. I will assist them in the taking over, before everything fades to black.
The screen went back to Makoto Angel.
Makoto Angel: What? We're back? This is getting crazy, and we just got started. Guess I'm going inside, because we have a show tonight! No time to be down on myself! This is the return of EBW: Xperience!
Tommy Dukes: Are you ready to level up? Well you're going to need a little XP! That's right! Tommy Dukes here for EBW: Xperience! The return of the end of the week standard! We're leveling EBW up with the return of this show, and we're not half assing it! Nothing but big matches tonight! We have World Championships ON THE LINE! See that line?! It's on there! I'm being joined by Apple Kid, cause I think Nerma is being punished!
Apple Kid: I don't like it either. I was trying to discover more about the Forgotten with Fray Tiburon, Degrees, and Jeff Andonuts, but enough about that. I am excited for this show. We're going to see some much better action then we do in the Studio. I can feel it, and really hope it too.
Tommy Dukes: Neon Nights is NOT that bad! Wait, what is this? We're supposed to be starting with the Women's World Tag Team Championship match, but out comes the Star Prince Tack Angel. Let's hear what he has to say.
Tack Angel: Hey! Hey! HEY! I'M NETTLED! I'M SUPER NETTLED! I'll tell you all why. I have people trying to kill my family in this promotion, and we're going WAY off the deep end! Life has to matter, and no lives matter more to me than my family....oh and EBW fans.
Tack Angel: Whew....almost made a problem there. I'm issuing a...uh...."A Call to Tacktion!", where we all CHOOSE LIFE! I'm also calling out Cadmus and Darkness Angel! You both want to be the Star Prince, but there is only once Star Prince, and there will ever only be ONE Star Prince! Stop ducking me! It's time for a fight! I'm not holding back here. I'm going to kick your damn heads off....but not kill you...cause that would make me a hypocrite, and I might have gotten out of hand on Xcite with death threats.
Magnum PT: Hold it right there! I heard on Xcite that I'm your LEAST favorite wrestler? Is that true?
Tack Angel: It is true. It's absolutely true. Couldn't be more sure, except that it is now that you showed up instead of the Dark Star wannabes. Stop talking and get in this ring if you want to do something about it.
Magnum PT: Huh? Well I just wanted an apology....but alri-
EBW: Xperience
Sportasseum, Mid-South
0. Singles: Tack Angel beat Magnum PT via Clutch Winged Angel -> Pin
-Tack kicked the hell out of PT repeatedly, and as he staggered, Tack hit him with the Clutch Winged Angel and pinned him for a very quick win.
Tommy Dukes: Well, how is that for better wrestling.
Apple Kid: Next match. Surely it's the next match!
Tommy Dukes: This is Xperience people. You never know what might occur.
1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championship:
-Tess raised a glass from the VIP section to kick off this Women's World Championship match. Hope and Christina came out in "Fire Tess" t-shirts, and got a chant going, before introducing themselves as the Bad Dudettes, embracing their family heritage. Hot match, with Hope and Kaie continuing to go wild in their battles. A shot of a large tow truck rolling up by Tess's limo popped up on the screen, distracting Tess, but not Kaie, as she rocked Hope with a balled up Celtic Hand Grenade, but Hope stood her ground and grappled with Kaie, getting behind her after a failed Olympic Slam, and hit a Bridging Hagen Suplex. Christina ran defense and blocked the choke from Duvalie and her cord as the ref counted to 3. Bad Dudettes the NEW EBW Women's World Tag Team Champions!
-A highly competitive contest between two people who know each other better than they know anyone else. A match reminiscent of their battle at Victory Explosion X3, Jammer used his athleticism to try and change the outcome, hitting a Side Suplex and a Bulldog. A Pumped Up Slam Jam was blocked with knees, and Dan rallied hard, hitting his newer Saga Brave Clash finish for the pin, the win, and making history once again as the 1st EBW Challenge Champion!
-Firebrand X was attacked by the high flying Forgotten in a hood before the match started, and Mav Valentine threw him into the ring. Before Mav Valentine was timid in the ring with X, but since his return, the man is wild, and vicious, showing no fear against the larger X with far more experience. Valentine took a Fireslide, but got his foot on the ropes, surviving X's push. Firebrand staggered to his feet, but Mav managed to get there first, hitting a Mav Buster for the pin and the shocking win. Mav Valentine is the NEW Television Champion!
-A serious match up, with brawling turning to straight strong style one upmanship. Swift, Kinniku Mike, Tack Angel, Subculture, and Firebrand X came out to keep the Forgotten away, and brawled while the two fighters clashed in the ring. Hotlanta went for another Buckle Bomb to try and injure the neck of Mach, but he escaped and bared his fangs with a big elbow that took Hot to his knees. A Machigoye wasn't enough to keep Hotlanta down, but an Armdrag into a Kimura lead to serious trouble for the Forgotten member. With no way to escape, Hotlanta showed way higher than usual pain tolerance, but it wasn't enough to stop him from passing out. The Referee stopped the match, giving Mach the title defense.
-Main event action saw M's and Erica going to blows just like the match at Victory Explosion X4. The match was so close to VE X4, that M's ripped at Erica's hair to make sure once and for all that it was her. Every time M's looked to get the win Tess would find a reason to look away or break up the pin. Tess laughed as M's got into her face and threatened to hit her, but before she could, Erica turned her around and hit the Air Raid Crash for the super quick 1-2-3! Tess celebrated with Erica, as Kaie, Duvalie, and Troian rushed out to join in the celebration.