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12/06/2019 1:23 pm  #91

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

A new world begins! Mr. Poochyfud gets to work!

EBW owner Mr. Poochyfud shocked the wrestling world with his return at the 3-Hour Special. Not only did he fire two of EBW's biggest wrestlers Ness and Trevor Mach, but he also forcibly disbanded Perfection and Maelstrom. He then mandated that EBW was going to be changing from the ground up. With Reno now aligned with this new "Administration", Poochyfud had the power once again.

The EBW owner quickly went to work on revamping his company. All of the remnants of the recent stable wars would be erased, for the start of a brand new era. This involved the dismantling of the Perfection VIP room. Later in the day Mr. Poochyfud held a press conference at the newly reopened EBW Tower.

At the press conference, which saw the grand reopening of EBW Tower with brand new "Poochyfud" banners replacing the old outside screens, Mr. Poochyfud formally introduced two people very close to him, who were two of the voices in his ear while he was working behind the scenes. The first to be introduced was his "lovely" new wife Bertha Poochyfud. Bertha is a former school teacher with aspirations of reaching political office. As she stood in front of the press eating a chicken leg.....which I'm told was very "attractive" by the way....yeah....Bertha Poochyfud announced her intentions to run for Mayor of Fourside!

Bertha Poochyfud: *Belch* It is with great pleasure that I *fart* Bertha Poochyfud announce that I will be running for Mayor of Fourside! EBW is going to turn into a family friendly product that will teach good morals instead of showing all of this....wrestling violence. I would also like to say the *burp* my running for Mayor has nothing to do with this all. It's just that my sweet sweet new husband that I met at an all you can eat buffet, decided that this would be the prudent thing to *fart* do.

Mr. Poochyfud then announced the appointment of the new EBW Financial Advisor Mr. Ryan IQ.

Mr. Ryan IQ: I've known Mr. Poochyfud for a long time, and I know that he has a keen eye for business. Business....that makes money. I for one love making money. EBW is a money machine, and with me as part of this new administration it will make even more money! We ALL know that it is about the money and the power. He and I have gone over a lot of ideas for cutting costs and increasing profit. A turn to family friendly entertainment is the way to go. Anyone who doesn't fall in line....will be taxed heavily.

That's when Mr. Poochyfud dropped another big bomb shell that would change EBW fundamentally.

Mr. Poochyfud: EBW is ready to evolve people! It's ready to become something else! Change is no longer just over the horizon, no.....change is here! If you'll look at the tron behind me you'll see the 8-sided ring of EBW. This is a part of what makes EBW weak. This is a symbol of a barbaric and brutal amalgamation of wrestling and MMA. It's time to put a stop to this nonsense. For our new PG approach EBW will be reverting to this.....a traditional 4-sided ring. This is where sports entertainment belongs! In a 4-Sided ring!

The press and fans in attendance were shocked by this turn of events. Nothing is wrong with a 4-sided ring at all, but it's the way Mr. Poochyfud and his new administration are taking such a hands on approach to radically change EBW in a short amount of time.

UPDATE! Poochyfud Administration makes roster cuts! Attempts to retire the Hardcore Hero Championship!

Mr. Poochyfud announced after the press conference that several members of the EBW roster were going to be cut to save money and make way for a "new generation of entertainers". It's always sad to see someone lost their job no matter who they are. The list is very disheartening to say the least.

Roster Cuts:

CP Munk
Jeff Andonuts
Apple Kid

It's been announced that this list is not yet complete and more cuts are on the way. It looks like this round of cuts focused on the CXJ Division. After seeing Trevor Mach and Ness lose their jobs...anybody could be next.

More developments occurred today, as Mr. Poochyfud called "Greatest Tag Team" The Akatsuki into his office with the intention of retiring Danny Leung's Hardcore Hero Championship.

Mr. Poochyfud: Danny.....listen to me now. I don't need you or your brother freaking out on me.

Danny Leung: .....Does it look like either I or my brother are going to "freak out"?

Mr. Poochyfud: I'm not sure I want to answer that question. Listen, EBW is going to be taking a new direction, and that new direction does not involve KYO biting into people's foreheads, or the ultra violence associated with the Hardcore Hero Championship. So if you could just hand me the championship I will be happy to retire it and put the thing to rest.

Danny Leung: ......

Mr. Poochyfud: Danny? Hey Danny where are you going? Come back with the title! Oh well....I guess I'll just get later then maybe?

Mr. Ryan IQ: Don't worry sir....we'll get to them later. I wonder if they pay their taxes?

It looks like for now that the Hardcore Hero Championship is sticking around at least a little longer.


Poochyfud Administration makes another huge cut! Big changes forthcoming in the SURGE camp!

The Poochyfud Administration continues to make major cuts in the EBW roster. This time, can confirm that former SURGE and Perfection member Maurice is getting the axe. This comes as a huge shock, as Maurice was expected by many to be a future main eventer in EBW when he was aligned with SURGE. A distraught Maurice then headed to the SURGE dojo to make a plea to his former mentor Captain Strong, who was already about to make some major changes in SURGE.

Maurice: You were right....I was wrong....I should have listened....I was impatient....I just wanted to make my mark and main event, but I let pride get in the way. Is that what you wanted to hear?

Captain Strong: Maurice, that is exactly what I wanted to hear.

Maurice: Then...then can you please help me. I've been cut from the roster, but if you were to let me back into SURGE maybe I could get my job back.

Captain Strong: *sigh* Maurice....I used to see a lot of potential in you....I think it's still there, but you've got your head so full of muck from your time with Perfection that I'm not so sure I can make a champion out of you anymore. I really don't know if you are capable....or hopeless.

Maurice: Sir....please.....just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it.

Captain Strong: ....That's a good start Maurice. I think what you really some time away from EBW. Time for you to go on an excursion and figure out just what you want out of EBW....when I feel you're ready....I'll help you make your EBW comeback.

Maurice: ......Yes sir.

Captain Strong: Good luck "French Fist".

Amigo: Jeez....things around here sure are getting crazy.

Captain Strong: have NO idea Amigo. I've been here for a long time, and I can see where this Poochyfud nonsense is going. We've got to watch each others backs more then ever. Amigo, I'm counting on you to lead them.

Amigo: I'm not much "conveying emotions"....but I'm honored sir. I can't say I'm happy about what's going on either. I was on my way to becoming the Jacie Killer in Versus before Poochyfud shut it down.....I'm pissed.

Captain Strong: Really?

Amigo: Yes....see.....this is my pissed face.

Captain Strong: Huh....well you have to "remain calm" I guess and lead the team. You've got Bolshoi and Bakayaro backing you up in the CXJ Division, but it's up to you to recruit a brand new SURGE stable, and help new wrestlers rise up the ranks like you did.

Amigo: I understand.....but what about Mike?

Captain Strong: Well see....I would be talking to Mike about this too....if he weren't IGNORING EVERYTHING WE ARE SAYING AND DROOLING OVER A POSTER OF LADY M'S!

Kinniku Mike: ......

Captain Strong: MIKE!

Kinniku Mike: Wha!? Oh I'm sorry....were you saying something sir?

Captain Strong: Mike! That's it! I'm done! You had the potential to be the next big brawler in EBW! You had wins over Swift, and you were looking to break into the main event picture! Then you got sloppy....then you got all you do is sit around and envy someone else for what they have and lust over someone that you want! JEEZ! I saw so much in the three of you! and Maurice let me down! Why is it that Amigo was the only one who excelled in SURGE? Is it because he has the charisma of a dry sponge?!

Amigo: Hey?

Kinniku Mike: You know what?! I don't need this! I want the good life damnit! I want what's coming to me and I'm tired of sitting around here playing the waiting game! I AM ready for the main event! I AM ready to take what belongs to me!

Captain Strong: GOOD! FINE! Get out! You're no longer wanted here Mike!

Kinniku Mike: .....Fine....I'm gone.

Captain Strong: Amigo....I'm sorry you had to see that my boy. I'm just glad that you turned into champion material.

Amigo: Really? A dry sponge?

Captain Strong: The driest sponge I'm afraid.

Amigo: Huh....I had no idea.

Roster Cuts:

CP Munk
Jeff Andonuts
Apple Kid
Maurice - Updated


Tack Angel: say I've had a busy week would be an understatement. I competed in the biggest match of my life in the main event of the biggest show of the year. I'm the Global World Champion now, so basically the whole world is on my shoulders. With things changing in EBW I'm really feeling the pressure already. Oh yeah, I'm also having issues getting the page to open up. I mean the internet is working is fine, but for some reason I just can't get on that one page....but that's another story...I won't bother you with that. Anyways, Tess wanted me to meet her downtown for what she called an "image makeover". I wasn't expecting that she would bring "company".

Tess: Tack!

Tack Angel: Ah! I mean....

Tess: Yeah yeah! You're always so jumpy Tack!

Tack Angel: Huh...I wonder why?

Travis: Hiya Tack!

Tack Angel: TRAVIS?! Wha....what are you doing hanging around Tess?

Travis: Oh...well...uh...I was just wandering around town, when I ran into Tess here.

Tess: Yes, that's exactly what happened.  

Tack Angel: I anyways Tess...what are we doing here?

Tess: Well I'm glad you ask Tack. You're the Global World Champion now. You've made it to the top of the mountain. With that belt comes money and fame. It's time that we get you the proper look. Don't forget Tack, you're my investment and I'm going to make sure I get the most "bang for my buck".

Tack Angel: AH!

Travis: Uh....don't forget that other thing you were going to tell him.

Tess: Oh that's right! I've heard through the grapevine that Poochyfud is looking to find a team capable of taking the straps from Akatsuki. I don't know if this has anything to do with an incident they had in his office, but Poochyfud is kicking off his new era with a tag team tournament and I entered you and Travis into the tournament.

Tack Angel: Ok....wait WHAT?!

Tess: It never hurts to have more gold around your waist Tack! We're going to get you a new look, a new tag partner in Travis, and even more gold. You're going to be the biggest thing in the new EBW!

Tack Angel: But...I....

Travis: What is it Tack? You don't want to tag with me? I promise I'll do my best.

Tack Angel: No! It's not that! I just....*sigh* nevermind....I'd be honored to team with you.

Tess: Now Travis, you've only had one match in EBW so far, so to actually qualify for this team you're going to have to compete in a qualifying match.

Travis: I understand. I'll do whatever I can to be with Tack.

Tack Angel: Pardon?

Travis: In a tag team.

Tack Angel: Oh...yes...tag team. Hey is that Swift over there? Hey Swift!

Swift: *Groan* Can't talk now Tack. I'm unfortunately busy.

Grand Pappy Swift: Shut your mouth boy! You've been shaming the family and letting those Too Too Moko?  Tokio toko?  whatever their goddam name is. Those motha f***as made a foo out of you boy! You lost your way and it's time to remember that you're a're a bad ass motha f***a! Let's go to work boy!


The Poochyfud Administration changes continue!

Mr. Poochyfud and his Administration made several more announcements to today. First off, Mr. Poochyfud decreed that the word "Battle" will no longer be used to describe EBW's matches. As the owner's wife thinks that battle sounds too violent. So from now on the word "match" will be used once again.

Then. Mr. Poochyfud reintroduced the EBW referees in brand new yellow and silver uniforms. The reason being as that the black and white striped uniforms are looked at as being too "sports like" by the Administration. The new yellow and silver is meant to show a new "entertainment" spirit.

Nerdler: *sigh* I look like a Trekkie.....and I like it.

The next announcement had EBW interviewer Nerma shocked, when it was announced that a second interviewer had been hired. He goes by the name of Hater, he's a harsh wrestling critic who has a reputation for....well....punching people in the dick. That said he's going to be a tough new interviewer that will ask the hard questions. Mr. Poochyfud stated that since Nerma had a special contract with WEB that he wasn't going to fire her, but changes would have to be made since this was now a "PG" show. That's when Mr. Poochyfud tried to make her wear a skimpy bikini....cause you know....that's apparently PG television.

These three changes were minor, yet show a continuing change that will shift the entire paradigm of EBW.

EBW: X-perience Card Revealed! Big announcement on....Special Guest!

The first card of the "New Era" has been announced, and you can see the fingerprints of the new Administration all over it. The action begins with a EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match. The winner will join our Global World Champion Tack Angel in the main event as he goes on a quest for more gold. Tess' odd nephew and EBW rookie Travis will be taking on Chicken Man for the spot. This match will be a contract on a pole match, meaning the first one to climb the pole and grab the contract wins. A new #1 contender for the CXJ Championship has been decided in Larmore, but now we have the second stage of the EBW CXJ Tag Team Contender Tournament. Given & Taken, P+P's Brute & Misfit, Tatsunoko's Tekkaman & Ippatsuman, and a mystery team will all vie to see who faces Bolshoi and Bakayaro next week. Mr. Poochyfud has put out a mandate. He wants to see a top team take down the "Greatest Tag Team" and that's where the tag team tournament comes into play. Strong Destiny make their return after an excursion to BO*OM when they take on Dynamic Dougie and Akinan in the first semi final match. w00t is not in favor with the current administration, and it looks like he will have to fight to survive in EBW for now on. The fourth match on the card is a sign of that, as w00t will face a mystery team in a handicap match. Global World Champion Tack Angel and his tag partner will then take on SURGE's Captain Strong and Amigo in the second semi final match. The main event will feature Royal Crown Champion Rude taking on a mystery opponent in a non-title match. It's definitely the card of a brand that is transitioning to something else. What that end result will be is anyone's guess.

This show will also see the return of the four sided ring as mandated by the Poochyfud Administration. It has also been announced that Mr. Poochyfud will officially kick off the show with a speech before introducing the first of many "special guests" that will appear on the show to bring "entertainment star appeal" to the shows. All of this and more on a new X-perience for a new era.  

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match (Contract on a Pole)
Travis vs. Chicken Man
2. EBW CXJ Tag Team Tournament Contender Match
Given/Taken vs. Brute[P+P]/Misfit[P+P] vs. Tekkaman[Tatsunoko]/Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko] vs. ?/?
3. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Semi Final
Green Destiny/Eivion Thanatos vs. Dynamic Dougie/Akinan
4. Special Handicap Match
w00t vs. ?/?
5. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Semi Final
Tack Angel/? vs. Captain Strong/Amigo
6. Special Non-Title Singles Match
Rude vs. ?


A new era has begun in EBW. With Mr. Poochyfud's return after a months long hiatus, a new Administration was put together with the intention of changing the very foundation of what this wrestling company has become in the past four years. The changes began on the X-cite after Victory Explosion 4 with the firings of Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Ness. This would be the first show under the vision, complete with a set design that consisted of a traditional 4-sided ring and giant "Poochyfud" banners hanging where the side trons used to be. The show opened with Mr. Poochyfud and his Administration heading down to the ring. The EBW was all smiles as he was handed a mic.

Mr. Poochyfud: Hello, you wonderful wonderful members of the EBW Awesomeverse! You happen to be tuning in on a VERY special night, as this is the beginning of a NEW EBW! It's time for change! No longer do you have to wait for that change as it has finally arrived! With my new administration at my side I plan on running a much tighter ship around here, as we become the #1 name in SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT! Before we allow our stars to perform for you in this traditional 4-sided ring, I'd like to introduce you to someone. He is the first of what I hope will be many special guest stars and celebrities who come to visit. This first guest is very special as he and I have been discussing a lot lately, and it was his very effective speaking abilities that helped me realize exactly what I wanted in a new EBW. He is currently running in the national election for President of Eagleland! Ladies and gentlemen I present to you. Barry Amabo!

Fans: Boooooo!!!

Barry Amabo: Thank you thank you! I deserve your praise, because I'm going to save Eagleland from things like "having money" and "being a democracy" just like my friend Mr. Poochyfud here is going to save his company using similar methods. Because he and I both know that we're going to have to fight off a lot of things like "the will of the people" to get our jobs done, but we have two weapons in our war with "popular opinion". HOPE and CHANGE! These two words along mean nothing and lack content, but if you disguise what you are doing as HOPE and CHANGE then eventually the people will buy it. If they don't buy then you demonize them. It's all very simple....but I digress....I'm keeping you all from your sports entertainment show. So let me just end my speech that I am reading off of a teleprompter by repeating my slogan. YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE....

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

The fans who had fallen asleep of phased out were suddenly alert again, as former EBW employee Trevor Mach ran out from the crowd and delivered a flying Macha Ye to the face of Barry Amabo! The fans erupted in cheers as the bloody Amabo hit the mat hard. Rude hesitated in attacking which prompted Mr. Ryan IQ to call out security, but they two were busy with Ness, who also jumped out of the crowd to cause a ruckus!

Trevor Mach: HA! I told ya it wasn't over yet Pooch!

Mr. Poochyfud: DAMNIT!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Sir.....language...PG?

Mr. Poochyfud: DANGIT! Get them out of here now!

Eventually security forced Trevor and Ness to fall back into the cheering crowd and escape. as Reno and Mr. Ryan IQ helped up Barry Amabo, Mr. Poochyfud shouted for security to find Trevor and Ness and run them out of the building. Not the perfect beginning to an era our EBW Owner was hoping for.

When we returned from commercial, Mr. Poochyfud and his Administration were in the back at the new on site office.


Reno: I thought they didn't like each other anymore? Wasn't that a part of the plan to get rid of them?

Mr. Ryan IQ: Don't worry sir, Mr. Amabo doesn't remember anything....not even who he is. We don't have to worry about a lawsuit since they are no longer employees of EBW. Plus, the insureance will handle any damage they cause and best of all it's tax deductable.

Rude: Dawg...I'm glad I'm not the number cruncher around here.

Mr. Poochyfud: No, you're not! What you are is the Royal Crown Champion, and you have a mission to accomplish tonight! Opponents of change must "See the error of their ways" and fall in line.

Rude: I got dis covered dawg. Don't you worry about it. Just as long as your guys do their job then I can do my job.

Reno: Good Rude, just remember try to keep the blood and language to a minimum. This is a PG show now.

The in ring action began with a special gimmick match to detirmine who would be Global World Champion Tack Angel's tag team partner later in the night for the tag team contender tournament. A contract was attached to a pole hanging over the ring while EBW rookie Travis collided with the TUE 3 "winner" Chicken Man. Travis was the inexperienced one in this match, but he was still able to put the boots to Chicken Man. Travis went heavy on the elbows early on and busted open Chicken Man. The cameras pulled away as the ref was forced to get involved and stop the bleeding before the match could resume. The fans heavily booed this. Chicken Man retaliated the early onslaught with an attempted Chickenwing Neckbreaker, but Travis escaped and hit a series of suplexes. Travis remained in control and in the end knocked down Chicken Man with a headbutt and grabbed the contract on his first attempt. The green rookie didn't look green at all as he won the match and is now joining the Global World Champion in a match later tonight.

The next match would be the second stage in a multi team tournament to detirmine who would be facing EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Lovekick Connection next. The announced participants were Given & Taken, P+P's Brute & Misfit who are the previous EBW CXJ Tag Team Chamions, and Tatsunoko's reliable tag team Tekkaman & Ippatsuman. The announcement of the mystery team had the fans on their feet cheering, as Hotlanta made his offical return to the CXJ division to team back up with Generator. Champions Jamie OD and Sal Paradise watched on as this veteran team dominated the high flying encounter. Given and Taken chased the Tatsunoko team out of the ring to brawl while another brawl ensued in the ring. Generator traded holds with Misfit, and dodged a big punch before hitting his Complete Flash. He followed it up with the GNR8R Moonsault Legdrop. Neither man was the legal one in the ring though. The legal men were Hotlanta and Brute. Hotlanta was letting chops and kicks fly before trapping Brute in his Bellerophon Bomb and pinning him shortly thereafter to get the victory for this reformed team! Generator and Hotlanta will now move on to take on Bakayaro and Bolsoi of SURGE, but they had tunnel vision as after a handshake they both stared down Lovekick and made it known that the veterans want the belts.

We then headed backstage as Hater made his interviewing debut to speak with w00t, who will have his hands full tonight.

Hater: NYAH!

w00t: Wha?!

Hater: Listen up people! I'm Hater! I hate you, I hate EBW, and I hate this guy right here!

w00t: What did I do?

Hater: The one thing I love is getting paid, so before I punch this dude in the dick I've got job to do.

w00t: Man...what is up with you?

Hater: Don't worry about me you pissant! Listen, lately you've lost your title, lost your faction, lost your friends, lost you endoresment, lost your VIP Room, and you're just all around pathetic!

w00t: ....what is your point to all of this?

Hater: No point I just hate you!

w00t: Great...if you'll excuse me....I'm going to beat the shi...

Hater: HEY! You better not swear or touch me or I'll tell Poochyfud. He'll have you fired right on the spot! NYAH!

w00t: *sigh*

Hater:'re going to get a beating.

w00t: Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm going to go now while you stand here and....OW! That little *bleep* just punched me in dick!

Back to the action in the ring, as Dynamic Dougie and the eternal optimist in a Tanooki Suit Akinan teamed up to take on the returning Strong Destiny, who were making their return from an excursion to BO*OM. Dougie pretty much carried his team in this one as Akinan kept trying to hug his opponents once again, and then tried to give out toys to the kids in the crowd. Dougie in a new orange outfit traded kicks with Eivion Thanatos, until Eivion hit him in the leg brace hard enough to drop him to the mat, then he capped it off with a Shining Wizard. He then tagged in Green Destiny while Dougie tried to crawl over to his corner to tag out, but Akinan was trying to lead the fans in a sing along. Meanwhile, "Greatest Tag Team" Akatsuki were standing on the stage watching their potential future opponents. Suddenly, two shadowy goth dressed figures appeared out of the entrance ways and bashed the champs in the back with chairs. Strong Destiny were distracted what was going on and this gave Dougie enough time to superkick Green Destiny out of the ring and then kicked Eivion and hit a Dynamic DDT. This gave him enough time to get out of the ring to drag Akinan back into the action. Meanwhile the two goth figures continued to bash the champs in the back with chairs. Mr. Poochyfud and security then came out, with the EBW owner laughing over the unconcious bodies of KYO and Danny Leung. Back in the ring, Dougie and Akinan were on the top ring posts ready to leap down onto their opponents, but only Dougie jumped while Akinan decided to start doing the hustle. Green Destiny managed to catch Dougie and then dropped him with the Emeral Frosion. 1-2-3! Strong Destiny move on to the next round of the tournament.    

We then headed backstage, where Nerma was trying to get a word with Global World Champion Tack Angel, but standing in her way was Tess and Travis.

Tess: Hey where do you think you're going Nerma?!

Nerma: I'm trying to actually get an interview in! That IS my job you know?!That Hater guy keeps pissing people off and hitting everyone in the dick. He even tried hitting me! Can you believe that?! Careful Travis, he might try to punch you too.

Travis: Ummm...I wouldn't worry about it.

Nerma: Like I was saying though, I'm trying to do an interview and I want to speak with our Global World Champion!

Tess: Well you can't do that! He's busy trying on his brand new outfit! Tonight, you will see a brand new Tack! He will become the icon of this new sports entertainment EBW.

Tack Angel: Ummm...Tess? Travis? I don't think this is a good idea!

Tess: What's wrong Tack? Do you need help getting dressed?

Tack Angel: NO!

Travis: Uh...I could come in and help you?

Tack Angel: WHAT?! No! I got the outfit on, but I'm not sure this is what the people want.

Tess: Of course it is Tack...well a certain demographic that the Administration is trying to cater to now. Trust me Tack...this is going to go over very well!  

Tack Angel: *sigh* I didn't think being champ would entail this...

The next match would be a tough one for former 2-Time Global World champion w00t, as he would have to face off with two mystery opponents in a handicap match. w00t stood in the ring for several minutes as he waited for his opponents to arrive. Suddenly, two jock looking guys in red and white letterman jackets snuck into the ring from the back and the shorter one tackled the back of w00t's right knee, forcing him to fall to his knees. The much taller jock bounced off the ropes and bashed w00t in the face with a big boot. Reno ran down to the ring laughing as the two jocks beat w00t down. Reno had to remind the bigger jock not to bust w00t open. In the end the bigger one picked up w00t and the smaller one hit a 3-Point Tackle on w00t and pinned him for the win. After the match the two jocks celebrated and played up the crowd. The smaller one acted like he was going to throw his shades in the crowd, but just put them back on. As the fans booed Reno entered the ring and grabbed a mic.

Reno: I'd like to present to you...two members of EBW's new generation. These two jacked up jocks are exactly what the new EBW is all about. They have got the energy and gimmicks that will get them far. This tall powerhouse over here is named Troy, and this suave lothario over here is Lukie.

Troy: LISTEN UP ****OTS!

Reno: Whoa! Language Troy! Lovin the enthusiasm though.

Lukie: This is for everyone in the back. Look at this. Do you see what I'm wearing? This is a Letterman Jacket. This means I am somebody. This means I am elite. These jackets...mean that Troy and I are better then you. If you scrubs in the back got a problem with that we'll gladly "convince" you just how much better we are. Oh case you couldn't tell by our jackets....we're the Alpha Betas.

The Alpha Betas each got one last kick in on the downed w00t before giving referee Nerdler a wedgie.

As we came back from commercial Captain Strong and Amigo were already in the ring, but they weren't alone. Bolshoi and Bakayaro also came down to support their team mates, but they were also keeping an eye on Kinniku Mike. For some reason Mike was circling the ring dressed in street clothes, and clapping to "show his support" for his former SURGE team. Suddenly the lights in the arena went out and a rap song started to play. When the lights came back on Tess was trying to drag Tack out of the entrance way. He was wearing a new orange and blue get up complete with an inappropriate ammount of armbands. Tess introduced him as "Tha Champ" John Tack. The Global World Champion looked uncomfortable as he headed down to the ring. Suddenly, blue and orange pyro went off that startled Tack. He quickly ran into the ring only to take a double beating from Strong and Amigo. Travis quickly followed him in and a brawl occured. This was the longest and more competitive match on the card, but the contstant distraction was of Mike had Strong and Amigo on alert. He acted quite supportive, but near the end of the match when Strong was running the ropes to deliver a running chop to Travis, Tack jumped in the way and superkicked him back into the ropes. While the ref wasn't looking and Tack was helping up Travis, Mike jumped up onto the side of the ring and bashed Strong in the head with brass knuckles. As Amigo tried to chase off his former stabemate Tack dropped Strong with an STO and pinned him for the win. The Global World Champion and Travis move onto the next stage of the tournament.

It was now time for the main event as Rude made his way down to the ring. The "Royal Playa" had more bling then ever as he strutted down to the ring. He handed off the Royal Crown Championship to the ref and demanded that he watch it for him while he competed. The fans were wondering who his opponent was going to be, and Reno was quick to come back out and make that announcement.

Reno: Now it's time for our exciting main event! Royal Crown Champion Rude is going to have his hands full when he takes on....oh....oh my....hahaha.....w00t!

The fans booed Reno as security helped an injured w00t back out towards the ring. It seems the mission of the night was to totally decimate the former Perfection leader. Rude laughed as w00t staggered into the ring. w00t crawled right up to Rude and stood up in his face, before revealing that he wasn't as hurt as everyone thought and slapped the taste out of Rude's mouth and tackled him. The two brawled for several minutes, with w00t stomping the hell out of Rude until Reno got near the ring. He charged his former business associate while Rude grabbed his belt. When w00t turned around Rude bashed him in the skull with the belt. Reno came in and helped Rude stomp down w00t as the match was ended with a DQ victory for w00t. Things were looking bad for w00t until Trevor Mach and Ness once again ran out from the crowd with security hot on their heels. They chased off Reno and Rude and helped a shocked w00t to his feet. The show came to a close with a bloody w00t standing tall and demanding that Reno and Rude come back into the ring. Looks like Mr. Poochyfud's new era has a turbulant future ahead.

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Qualifying Match (Contract on a Pole)
Travis beat Chicken Man (3:01) by grabbing the contract on the pole.
2. EBW CXJ Tag Team Tournament Contender Match
Hotlanta/Generator beat Given/Taken, Brute[P+P]/Misfit[P+P], and Tekkaman[Tatsunoko]/Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko] (10:26) when Hotlanta hit the Bellerophon Bomb on Brute.
3. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Semi Final
Green Destiny/Eivion Thanatos beat Dynamic Dougie/Akinan (8:01) when Green Destiny hit the Emerald Frosion on Akinan.
4. Special Handicap Match
Troy/Lukie beat w00t (3:19) when Lukie hit the 3-Point Tackle.  
5. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Semi Final
Tack Angel/Travis beat Captain Strong/Amigo (16:22) when Tack Angel hit the STO on Captain Strong.
6. Special Non-Title Singles Match
W00t beat Rude (5:41) via DQ.



12/06/2019 1:23 pm  #92

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling


Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: BOOSH! Hey Birthday Girl! You ready to go?

Lady M's: *sigh* As you wish.

Trevor Mach: Aw come on don't be like that! It's your birthday! It's a very special day. If not for you then for me! I didn't get to spend your last b-day with ya....for reasons we won't get into....but this year we're gonna have some fun!

Dynamic Dougie: Fun eh? Where are you two lovebirds off to?

Lady M's: *sigh* Trevor wants to take me out for a night on the town. We're going to the theater first to see some movie called Avatar. Trevor seems to think it's going to be a good movie.

Trevor Mach: HOW COULD IT NOT BE?! I mean James Cameron made Aliens....Terminator 2.....True Lies!

Dynamic Dougie: Titanic?

Trevor Mach: No....I'm pretty sure Uwe Boll made that one. Anyways, we better get going!

Dynamic Dougie: Well...have fun you two!

Lady M's: Do you want to come too Dougie? I'm sure I could call up Sarah for another date?

Dynamic Dougie: NO! I thank you....the last time we double didn't turn out say the least.

Trevor Mach: Hehehe she touched your junk!

Lady M's: Oh brother...sometimes Trevor....*groan* let's get going. I really wish we could find some other couple to go with us though.

Trevor Mach: Hey that gives me I lost it...wait...I got it! I know just where to go!

Ness: Oh sweet lord no.

Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Heya Nester! How the hell are ya?

Ness: *sigh* I thought you were going to stop calling me that.

Paula: Hi there Tali. Long time no see. Happy Birthday by the way.

Lady M's: Thank you.

Ness: Yeah Happy Birthday Tali. So, what brings you here?

Trevor Mach: Two words: 3-D, Three words.

Ness: Wha?

Lady M's: Double date?

Paula: Sure!

Ness: I don't know Trevor. I made my life a living hell for months and now we're both out of the job because of those shenanigans.

Trevor Mach: Jeez....Ness can't you take a joke?

Ness: A joke?! Ha! You call all of that a joke?!

Trevor Mach: YEAH! Come on buddy! Thought we were a team again? You have to admit it was funny when I Macha Ye'd that dude on X-perience.

Ness: That's true it was quite hilarious. Alright, why the heck not. Let's go! Just like old times eh?

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Lady M's: Old times? I remember old times....lots of shenanigans....this will be "interesting".

Dynamic Dougie: OK gang, we've got a lot of work to do before they get back. Trevor told me that he wants decorations and a big cake to surprise Tali!

Tack Angel: I'm not so sure "surprising" Tali is a good idea....someone could lose an eye.

Jamie OD: Oi! Come on fellows! Lady M's has been a good friend to all of us!

Sal Paradise: Except for that one know....when she tried to kill all of us.

Moz: We don't mention that remember?

Sal Paradise: ...Oh yeah...

Dynamic Dougie: We don't have a lot of time let's get to work!

Trevor Mach: ZOMG! Guys, this is going to be awesome! Look! 3-D! A 3-D CGI James Cameron Movie!

Lady M's: Meh.

Trevor Mach: What's wrong Tali? This is your birthday! You're supposed to be....HAPPY!

Lady M's: I would just rather stay in and watch a Zatoichi marathon.

Trevor Mach: We could do that any time. This a super special night for a super special lady.

Ness: Oh jeez...

Paula: What? I think it's cute.

Ness: Hey Trev, I didn't know you were that badly whipped.

Trevor Mach: Hey! I have my own thoughts, opinions, and long as it's alright with Tali.

Lady M's: .....I don't know where this stuff comes from either guys.

Trevor Mach: Now let's go watch the movie! This is going to be the BEST. MOVIE. EVER!

Dynamic Dougie: OK, I just got off the phone with the Baker. The cake is on the way and.....who the hell are you?

?: HI GUYS! It's me! Stephen Collins!

Hotlanta: Who?

Stephen Collins: Oh, I'm sorry, you've only seen me in my wrestling persona! I'm Ultimo Tiger!

Hotlanta: .....Who?

Stephen Collins: Oh you guys!

Amigo: .....

Stephen Collins: So....I see you got a party going? Mind if I cut a rug too? Eh? Eh? Eh?

Stephen Collins: AAAAAHHHH!!!! OOF!

KYO: .....

Danny Leung: See brother, this is why we hang out here. Shit like that right there.

Trevor Mach: WORST. MOVIE. EVER! That was the worst thing that has happened to the world in the history of ever!

Ness: I don't know....wasn't that bad.

Trevor Mach: WHAT?!

Lady M's: I'm with Trevor on this one Ness what the hell?!

Ness: Joking guys....jeez.

Paula: Ugh...I feel so sick from the 3-D.

Trevor Mach: I want to claw my eyes out after that eye rape.

Lady M's: More like ocular sodomy.

Trevor Mach: I tell you one thing Taliciou. If I ever get a chance to beat the hell out of James Cameron I'm going to take it.

Lady M's: Yeah, I'm with you on that one Trevtastic.

Paula: See, that's why they make such a good couple.

Ness: Because Trevor is out of his mind, and Tali is a cool enough person to be able to handle it and join in on the hijinks?

Paula: Exactly!

Ness: I see.

Trevor Mach: You know Tali...since it's your birthday I think it's time I sing you Happy Birthday.

Lady M's: *Groan* How about you don't Trevor. Look, I know you mean well, but....

Trevor Mach: OK then time for the birthday spanking! 1! 2!

Trevor Mach: AHHHHH!!!!

Lady M's: Ha! Now that's funny. This birthday is getting better.

Ness: What the...

Paula: Tali?

Lady M's: WHAT?! He fell on his own....seriously.

Everyone: SURPRISE!

Lady M's: AH!

Tack Angel: I told you not to surprise her! Please don't hurt me!

Lady M's: I see! THIS is why you wanted me out of the house! Thank you everybody, but you didn't have to go to all the trouble.

Dynamic Dougie: It was nothing Tali! Just letting you know that we all appreciate you. Especially Trevor is was his idea.

Trevor Mach: Aww shucks! Don't give me all the credit Dougie....I mean you're right it WAS my idea....but don't give me all the credit. 90% will suffice.

Lady M's: Wow, look at this cake. It's looking delicious. I'm certainly ready to dig in....

Kinniku Mike: SURPRISE!

Lady M's: Oh dear God!

Kinniku Mike: This is from me to you sweet thang. Happy birthday to you....happy birthday to you....

Lady M's: Trevor, you want to give me a good birthday present? Then you know what to do.

Trevor Mach: Hells yeah!

Kinnku Mike: Haaaaappyyyyyy Birthdaaaaaay tooooooo OOF!


X-cite Card Revealed!

The new Poochyfud Administration continues to usher in a new EBW, with an action packed X-cite. As EBW heads towards Collision III the invasion kicks into full gear as Casshern makes his in ring debut to join Ippatsuman and Tekkaman against Lovekick Connection in the opener. Mr. Poochyfud has picked a fight with Akatsuki, especially Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, who won't relinquish the Hardcore Hero Title. Now, he is demanding that Danny put the title on a pole for a match with SURGE's Amigo. Will the Pooch get involved, or will he unleash his mysterious hit squad once again? Then Generator and Hotlanta will put their reunion to the test when they take on SURGE's Bolshoi and Bakayaro in the match that will determine the #1 contenders to the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Titles. The newest additions to the EBW roster Lukie and Troy will bring their jock mentality into the ring when they face off with Dynamic Dougie and Akinan. It seems like the Alpha Betas are being sent after potential enemies of the administration. The next match features Global World Champion "John Tack" and Travis taking on Strong Destiny to see who will take on Akatsuki for the EBW Tag Titles. Will the "The Champ" prevail on his quest for more gold? In the main event Rude will be putting the Royal Crown Championship on the line in a 3-way match featuring his rival w00t and Captain Strong. Neither w00t nor Strong seem to be on the good side of the Administration, so the question is why are they getting the title shot? What will the Poochyfud Administration have up their sleeves next? Will Trevor and Ness make further unscheduled appearances? Tune into X-cite and find out!

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. Special 6-Man Tatsunoko Invasion Match Lovekick vs. Tatsunoko
Moz/Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Casshern[Tatsunoko]/Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko]/Tekkaman[Tatsunoko]
2. Hardcore Hero Title on a Pole Match
Amigo vs. Danny Leung
3. EBW CXJ Tag Team Tournament Contender Final
Generator/Hotlanta vs. Bakayaro/Bolshoi
4. Tag Team Match
Troy/Lukie vs. Dynamic Dougie/Akinan  
5. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Final
Tack Angel/Travis vs. Green Destiny/Eivion Thanatos
6. Royal Crown Championship 3-Way Match
Rude(c) vs. w00t vs. Captain Strong


Mr. Poochyfud introduces the Special Guest of X-cite! Put your 3-D Glasses on!

The Poochyfud Administration was happy to announce today, that director James Cameron will be the special guest for this week's X-cite. Cameron, is a globally known Director, that captured hearts and minds in the 80's and early 90's with his critically acclaimed works. Then...something bad happened in the 2000s and his career took a downturn when he switched from making movies to stealing older movies and making them 3-D CGI theme park rides. Sure, he makes a lot of money, but the lack of the soul he sold to get that money has to be depressing.

James Cameron: Thank you so much for this Oscar for best picture! I truly believe that my "movie" deserves this award, because we all know that Eagleland is evil and blue aliens are our betters.

Mr. Poochyfud: Ummm....Mr. Cameron? This isn't the Academy lost to your ex-wife that actually made a real movie remember?

James Cameron: Oh....right...what am I doing here anyways?

Mr. Poochyfud: You're going to be hosting X-cite this week.

James Cameron: Oh yes....any chance we could make the show 3-D?

Reno: Umm....

James Cameron: Oh and if you could replace your wrestlers...

Mr. Poochyfud: Stars!

James Cameron: If you could replace your stars with CGI...that would be great.

Mr. Ryan IQ: I believe that may be a bit too expensive Mr. Cameron. We don't make the kind of money that your bullsh....that your movie made. I wonder how much taxable income came out of that debacle?

The whole situation has the entire locker room groaning, as another celebrity is coming in to take the spotlight. The changes in EBW have caused some discontent, but many of the wrestlers are still falling in line for fear of losing their jobs. Three individuals that aren't taking the news of James Cameron's arrival lightly are former employees Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Ness, and WEB wrestler Lady M's. They were spotted by EBW cameras today at EBW Tower as Mrs. Poochyfud was making a speech for her Mayoral Campaign.

Mrs. Poochyfud: *Belch* Just like my darling husband Milton Poochyfud, I Bertha Poochyfud plan to bring hope and change to the city of Fourside! Yes! I! *fart* CAN!

Lady M's: Dear lord....who the hell would elect her?

Trevor Mach: Supersmark.

Lady M's: Who?

Trevor Mach: Nevermind....more importantly....did you guys hear what I heard? Poochyfud's name is Milton...Milton...HAHAHAHA!

Ness: OK! Yes, that is very funny, but did you hear the even more important news today? James Cameron is hosting X-cite!

Trevor Mach: WHA!?

Lady M's: No way.

Trevor Mach: James....

Lady M's: CAMERON?!

Ness: Yep!

Lady M's: Oooooh....that bastard has got to pay!

Trevor Mach: Please tell me that involves me delivering the Macha Ye to his face!

Ness: Well, if we planned on crashing X-cite then why not.

Lady M's: Oh I am so in on this one.

Trevor Mach: Great! This gives us an opportunity to bust out my super secret master plan for crashing the X-cite party!

Ness: You have a plan?

Trevor Mach: Damn skippy! Here it is!

Lady M's: Oh this ought to be good.

Lady M's: Heh....and I was right.

Ness: Well something.

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Ness: Maybe we could make this work?

Lady M's: You know what...I have a better idea. A mix of irony and poetic justice.....and of course a Macha Ye to the face. Oh yeah....this WILL be good.

You can imagine after hearing that that X-cite will be on high alert with security making sure that Trevor, Ness, and Lady M's are no where near the building. This could be a big night one way or the other.


Earlier Today...

Security: Don't worry Mr. Cameron, we'll get you to X-cite without any interruptions.

James Cameron: Take your time, I'm in no hurry. I'm a patient man. Did you know that it took me over a decade to write the script for Avatar?

Security: Yeah....I'm totally sure that it took that long and you didn't steal the plots of Dances with Wolves and Fern Gully.

James Cameron: Umm...I have never heard of those things you speak of.

Security: Sure...they are called used to make good ones sir.

Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: Ok Tali....JUMP! BOOSH! OW MY FACE! You ok Tali?

Lady M's: Yeah I'm broke my fall.

Ness: Guys I missed....Ahhhh!

Trevor Mach: HA! Hope you brought a floaty Ness! See you at the arena buddy!

Lady M's: That's for the best....I didn't have enough costumes for three.

Security: What is that?

James Cameron: Hmmm....someone is knocking on my window....hello?

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

James Cameron: AH!

Mr. Poochyfud: .....

Reno: Ummmm....

Mr. Ryan IQ: Sir? Are you ok sir?

Mr. Poochyfud: Those....LUNATICS....kidnapped James I SOUND like I'm OK?!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Well sir....look on the bright side....he never made it to the arena, and the perpetrators are not under contract. Once worries of a lawsuit.

Mr. Poochyfud: .....

Rude: Dawg....this is whack.

Akinan: For rizzle my brizzle!

Rude: Wha?! What are you doing here punk?  

Akinan: Hehe! I don't know, but I made cookies!

Reno: Sir! I've just hear that Mr. Cameron has made it to the building?!

Mr. Poochyfud: Pardon?!

Reno: Yeah! Apparently, he arrived a few minutes ago with an entourage of Na'vi from his really bad Avatar "movie".

Mr. Poochyfud: Oh what luck! I guess those bumble heads didn't get to Mr. Cameron after all! Anyways, I need to go out and address the fans before I introduce our special guest for the night! Things might be looking up for Da Pooch!

Akinan: HAHA! YEAH! That's the spirit!

Mr. Poochyfud: ....Get security to throw him out immediately.

EBW's very foundation has been shaken by the new Poochyfud Administration. The era of PG Sports Entertainment is looming, as the veterans of EBW risk being replaced by a new generation that fits the mold of the new EBW image. X-cite kicked off just like the first X-perience under the new administration did, with Mr. Poochyfud and his subordinates standing in the ring to address the crowd.

Mr. Poochyfud: Good evening Sports Entertainment fans everywhere! I am of course Mr. Poochyfud, and this is my Administration, Reno and Mr. Ryan IQ. We've got another great show for you tonight, but before our EBW stars perform for you, I figure that now would be the perfect time to make a "slight" alteration to tonight's main event. Oh don't worry, it's still going to be a 3-way match for the Royal Crown Championship, but I'm now going to up the stakes a bit by making it a Lumberjack Match! I'm sure my specially selected Lumberjacks will be "fair and balanced" in their attacks on any opponent that falls out of the ring. Just remember, no blood, this is a PG show. Now, I want to make something else very clear while I am out here. EBW is going through changes, and I've heard some rumblings from "some" fans and "some" of the stars in the back. All I want to say is CUT IT OUT! The state of EBW is growing stronger then ever and all enemies of the state will pay! Well....that being said....let's have some fun now ha ha! It is my absolute pleasure to introduce yet another like minded celebrity special guest to EBW tonight! This man used to make movies, but now he has tossed away "thought provoking plot" and "impressive non-CGI action" to produce "movies" that are highly successful, yet don't deserve a shred of the praise they get.....I mean....JAMES CAMERON EVERYONE! Uh.....James Cameron! James Cameron? he back there? You guys told me he was back the......James Cameron?!

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Mr. Poochyfud: MAAAAAAACH!!!

Lady M's: What's wrong Pooch?! We just thought we'd give Mr. Cameron the welcome he deserved!

Mr. Poochyfud: Security! I thought I told you to keep them out of here! Get them NOW!

Trevor Mach: Oh wow, hey Tali, with these 3-D glasses on it almost looks like security is coming right at me.

Lady M's: That because they are Trevtastic. That reminds me....hey Mr. Cameron put on these glasses, that way if security gets too close you can see this sledgehammer come right at your face!

Mr. Poochyfud: Stop! What is it that you two want?!

Trevor Mach: Just wanted to crash the party Pooch! Shenanigans is my middle name.

Lady M's: is. Now, if I could just get the money back for seeing Avatar out of James Cameron's wallet, then we'll be on our way.

Mr. Poochyfud: Security, get this "na'vi" trash out of here right now!

So once again Trevor Mach interrupted another special guest presentation, but this time he was joined by Lady M's. Before the two were escorted out of the building they were stopped for a comment by Hater.

Hater: NYAH!

Akinan: Hey Trevor, you want a cookie?

Trevor Mach: I would buddy, but I'm sort of occupied at the moment.

Hater: I hate a lot of things! I hate EBW! I hate you Trevor! I hate you Lady M's! I have the sticky tape that is used on DVD boxes to keep them sealed! One thing I love though is the movie Avatar! How could you two possibly not like it!?

Lady M's: Oh we did like it.....when it was called Dances with Wolves.

Hater: Well maybe you two were just too stupid to get the message! NYAH!

Trevor Mach: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I'm going to kick you repeatedly in the balls Hater!

Hater: But the dick punching is my job! NYAAAAAAAH!

Trevor Mach: EBW fans, tonight was personal for me and Tali, but there is still a big poochin' problem in EBW right now and it's time to kick some ass! The fun isn't over by a long shot! In the words of another James Cameron movie "I'll be back".

The in ring action commenced with a hot 6-man tag match, that featured the solid gold Lovekick Connection defending against the invading Tatsunoko squad. Tatsunoko's Casshern made his in ring debut and lead the already known duo of Tekkaman and Ippatsuman. After last week's highly controversial X-perience, this long and exciting match was a return to wrestling form for EBW. Lovekick played up the crowd and took control early on, but the teams were more evenly matched as the bout progressed. At one point Casshern caught CXJ Champion Moz off guard with his speed and power and took the champ to the ground with his energy chop attack. He backed away to let Moz get back up, but then attacked with a jumping knee kick that sent Moz back into his corner. Jamie made the tag and headbutted Casshern Zidane style and followed it up with the Penalty Kick. Casshern tagged in Tekkaman, who chopped Jamie in the chest before kicking him in the abdomen and downing him with a Tekka Powerslam. He picked Jamie up again for a Stalling Brainbuster Attempt, but the hooligan escaped and tagged in Sal Paradise, who tripped Tekkaman and quickly caught him in the Paradise Lock. The Tatsunoko star fought to get the ropes and tagged in Ippatsuman. Ippatsuman quickly took control with his Justice Liner Lariat that sent Sal out of the ring. As he tried to get back in Ippatsuman hit a baseball slide that knocked Sal against he guardrail. Sal finally got back into the ring and hit a Hurricanrana on Ippatsuman and tried to follow it up with a pin, but Ippatsuman kicked out at two and the action continued. As this was going on in the ring Yatterman was standing outside with other Tatsunoko stars, holding up a banner and promising victory at the upcoming Collision III. CXJ #1 Contender Dave Larmore was also standing at ring side scouting Moz  and still carrying his now defunct Vs. World CXJ Championship. In the end the classic bout ended in a Time Limit Draw. Lovekick Connection held Tatsunoko off from a victory, but the outsiders looked strong and are poised for a bigger impact as we head towards the special showdown.

The next match was set as a Hardcore Hero Title on a Pole Match, with the specific purpose of getting the belt out of Danny Leung's hands. The Akatsuki had another plan in mind as would be seen later in the match. Danny allowed the title to be hung on the pole, but KYO stood by to make sure it was not touched by anyone except the participants of the match. Amigo looked up at the stage where Mr. Poochyfud was smiling and giving him thumbs up. The cool and somber Amigo no sold the vote of confidence and shook Danny's hand to show that he supported Danny's refusal to hand over the belt. The two had an impressive early exchange, but Danny's frustration had gone through the roof. Suddenly, Danny ran over to the pole and instead of climbing it to grab the belt he simply pushed the pole over onto the ground. Amigo played along and stood back as Danny stomped the pole. The ref declared the match a no contest as KYO pulled a trash can and lighter fluid out from under the ring. Mr. Poochyfud was quick to get on the mic.

Mr. Poochyfud: Danny, just what do you think you're...

Danny Leung:  Hey! Poochy! Poochy! Hello? HEY FAT MAN!

Poochyfud: ….

Danny Leung: I remember what you’ve said. We don’t need the high levels of violence associated with the Hardcore Hero title. See, here’s one thing you have forgotten about me. I have a lot of free time on my hands. Meaning I saw what you said when I left the office on the website. So you want the belt huh?

Poochyfud: Danny. What are you doing?

Danny Leung: I’m glad you asked this question. Let’s just say, we have this trash can in front of us, we have a belt, and we have lighter fluid.

Poochyfud: Danny Leung!

Danny Leung: With this can, comes a tradition. Where we came from, we “offer” hell’s money and other paper valuable to our ancestors and lost ones. How are we to do that? It’s simple. Place our own offering in the can. In this case, it’s your precious Hardcore belt.

Poochyfud: Don’t you think about it!

Danny Leung: And don’t you think we’ve forgotten about you, Mr. R-IQ. You see this. These are your tax statements. Time to offer these to our ancestors.

KYO: … Why you giving them that?

Danny Leung: Get with the program, it's to make this thing easier. Anyway, see, I have this box of matches.

Poochyfud: No! Don’t do it!

Danny Leung: I wonder what I’m gonna do with this. Oh, I know! I’ll take one out and drop the rest here. *lits match*. Things are getting hot here.

Poochyfud: NO!!

Danny Leung: Well, I guess you see where we’re going with this. *drops lit match* You see that fire? Beautiful isn’t it? Watch your precious belt burn! You want it back now? Huh? You want it now, Fat Boy? Come on! You want it? Why the silent treatment?

Poochyfud: …

*fire cools*

Danny: That was a show wasn’t it? Oh? Well look at this. The ancestors left something behind. Oh, it's what’s left of the belt. You know. I really wasn’t ready to give up this title yet. I guess I’ll hold on to what’s left of it. Heck, I might even have some title defenses here and there. Won’t that be fun?

Mr. Poochyfud: You won't be doing anything of the sort! You and your psychotic brother are officially enemies of the state....and that's time to be replaced!

At this point the same two figures that attacked Akatsuki on X-cite appeared and began to head down the ramp.

Mr. Poochyfud: The Gothic looking fellow goes by the name of Metrion while the other is a straight edge soldier known as Avion. These two are apart of MY vision for a new EBW. These two are my apart of my hit squad to eliminate dissenters. These two....are known as SinDOS....your replacements.

Akatsuki and SinDOS shared a stare down as we went to commercial.

As we came back from commercial Nerma was standing by with Global World Champion Tack Angel, tag team partner Travis, and Tess.

Nerma: Nerma here with the Global World Champion Tack Angel! Tonight, you have a chance to make history and earn a shot at the EBW Tag Team Titles with your new partner Travis.

Travis: Tack's partner....I like the sound of that.

Tack Angel: Pardon?!

Nerma: Tack, you've been a Tag Team Champion twice before, but now you might earn a chance to hold the belts along with the most prestigious prize in our business. How do you feel about that?

Tack Angel: Well...I....

Tess: He's very excited about the prospect Nerma. Tack Angel....or should I say "John Tack" as he should be referred to now is going to become the franchise player of EBW. He is going to attract the demos, sell the merch, get the endorsements, and make the money!

Tack Angel: Tess....I also plan on being a tough champion and defending my belt against the best.

Tess: Of course, but that's all secondary in this new EBW isn't it? It's all about entertaining and making money!

Tack Angel: .....

Tess: Do you disagree Tackykins?

Travis: .....

Tack Angel: I'm champion now....I'll do what I have to do.

Tess: Ha! Well alright then. Why don't you give the fans a taste of your new catchphrase!

Tack Angel: Oh apparently..uh...can not see me....or something like that.

Tess: Needs work.

Travis: I think you're doing great is to say...good work...uh...buddy.

Tess: Stick with me Tack! I promise you that when I'm done you will be the kind of champion that EBW needs. Hahaha!

Tack Angel: *Groan* What have I gotten myself into?

The third bout of the night featured Hotlanta and Generator taking on the young SURGE team of Bakayaro and Bolshoi in a tag match to determine who will be facing Lovekick Connection for the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship. Of course Power Play Wrestling is also hard at work determining contenders themselves so it's also possible that the winning team could be taking on another championship team. The unpredictability has really brought a lot of attention to these tag belts. Baka and Bolshoi were very impressive, and continue to work well as a team, but the veterans Hotlanta and Generator were in true form, and Hotlanta won the match with a Bellerophon Bomb on Bakayaro.

The next match was tag team match specifically booked by Mr. Poochyfud. Dynamic Dougie and Akinan, remnants of the Bushido Mission would be put to the test by the newest powerhouse team on the block, The Alpha Betas. Lukie and Troy strutted down to the ring and oozed with cocky attitude. Akinan tried to hug them, but Troy put his hand on Akinan's face and pushed him away, while Lukie immediately ran across the ring and drop kicked Dougie in the leg brace. The Alpha Beta were fighting with dominance and dirty tricks. Dougie had to wrestle hurt now, while Akinan continues to be a weak link while stuck in the Tanooki Suit. In the end Troy got Akinan down to his knees and finished him off with a Fight Me IRL Punt Kick to the skull followed by the pin. The Alpha Betas then showed off their letter jackets while the crowd booed and threw garbage. They once again gave the ref a wedgie before heading to the back. The tough new team on the block, and in the good graces of the Poochyfud Administration. These two are dangerous.

The crowd was going wild for the next match, as they knew "The Champ" was about to arrive! Once again the pyro went off and startled Tack as he, Travis, and Tess made their way down to the ring. Tack was shocked to see fans in the crowd wearing his new merchandise and holding up signs. Once particular fan was none other then Stephen Collins (AKA Ultimo Tiger). The champ would have to get focused, as he and Travis would have their hands full with the awesome tag team Strong Destiny. It was another strong match up with both teams evenly matched. Strong Destiny have some momentum after coming back from a BO*OM excursion, but you couldn't have more momentum then the "Ace of the Universe" Tack Angel. Late in the match Tack traded blows with Eivion before trapping him in the STO. He capitalized with an STF, but neither man was the legal man in. Travis and Green Destiny were the ones tying it up in the ring. In a surprise outcome Travis hit The Stroke on Green Destiny and rolled him up for the pin while Eivion was trapped by the champ. 1-2-3! Travis scored the win, now Travis and the Global World Champion have a date with Akatsuki for the EBW Tag Team Championship! After the match Tack entered the ring and tried to shake hands with Travis, but the excited rookie ended up lifting Tack in a bear hug that caught our easily startled champion off guard. The future looks bright for this duo.

     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:24 pm  #93

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

It was now main event time. The "Top Dollah Brawlah" Rude would be putting his Royal Crown Championship on the line against his heated rival w00t and SURGE's Captain Strong. w00t has been a target of the new Administration and Strong is an opponent of the new direction, so it was puzzling to see them both get a title match. It would soon be revealed just why they were given the shots when Reno made his way out to the stage.

Rude: Heya w00t, how ya doing buddy? You look a little beaten up. It's amazing how fast the mighty can fall isn't it? You went from a champion and leader of a dominant stable, to the bottom of the barrel. Luckily for you EBW is a land of opportunity. That's why you have this title shot. The only problem is that opportunity comes with a price. That is why this match was changed to a lumberjack match. At this moment I'd like to announce the first two lumberjacks. w00t, you got to know them very well last week.....THE ALPHA BETAS! Strong, the Administration has its eyes on you. You are trying to sow the seeds of decent, but you are making more enemies then you know. So with that said, the third and final Lumberjack is your old student KINNIKU MIKE!

It was now obvious that the match was just a set up to get w00t and Strong right where the Administration wanted them. w00t and Strong tried a double team tactic on Rude to even the odds, but Mike and The Alpha Betas were not out to play fair. Late in the match Strong had been dragged out of the ring to be stomped by Mike. w00t had Rude set up for the WKO, when Rude put on his concealed brass knuckles and busted w00t in the head. The impact forced him out of the ring where Troy and Lukie were waiting. Mike threw Strong back in the ring just in time to be hit by Tha Rulebreaka and pinned. Rude retains in the cheapest way possible. As w00t and Strong felt the wrath of their rivals it became obvious that The Poochyfud Administration was going to step it up to eliminate all opposition...

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. Special 6-Man Tatsunoko Invasion Match Lovekick vs. Tatsunoko
Moz/Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Casshern[Tatsunoko]/Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko]/Tekkaman[Tatsunoko] (30:00) went to a Time Limit Draw.
2. Hardcore Hero Title on a Pole Match
Amigo vs. Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting (2:08) ended in a No Contest.
3. EBW CXJ Tag Team Tournament Contender Final
Generator/Hotlanta beat Bakayaro/Bolshoi (14:23) when Hotlanta hit the Bellerophon Bomb on Bakayaro.
4. Tag Team Match
Troy/Lukie beat Dynamic Dougie/Akinan (9:07) when Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on Akinan.
5. EBW #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament Final
Tack Angel/Travis beat Green Destiny/Eivion Thanatos (12:59) when Travis hit The Stroke on Green Destiny.
6. Royal Crown Championship 3-Way Lumberjack Match
Rude(c) beat w00t and Captain Strong (8:48) when Rude hit Tha Rulebreaka on Captain Strong.


Trevor and Tali crash Mrs. Poochyfud's Fundraiser!

Mrs. Poochyfud continued he mayoral campaign today, as she held a fundraiser for the Keep Fourside Clean Committee. The committee's main focus this year has been to denounce pointless nudity or semi-nudity on television. Basically they don't like the good stuff. This of course drew the attention of Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Lady M's. Due to the graphic nature of the incident it can not be shown in it's entirety, but I think I speak for everyone when I say the last thing we needed to see was pale Irish bare ass Trevor streaking on top of EBW arena. Tali was wearing a sign that said "U Wish" and Kinniku Mike could clearly be seen at ground level trying to sneak a peak.


Lady M's: In your dreams Mike!

Trevor Mach: For my eyes only Mike!

Lady M's: *Groan* Oh jeez, what the hell?!

Trevor Mach: Weeee! Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like mine! BOOSH! Hey wait...sign? I'm the only one nekkid aren't I Talicious?

Lady M's: You sure are Trevtastic!

Trevor Mach: I see....I feel a draft.

Kinniku Mike: ...Mach...

This is yet another shot taken at the Poochyfud Administration's new direction. The lines are being drawn.

Secret Meeting at SURGE Dojo! Lucas begins training with Ness. was on hand as members of the EBW roster as well as former roster members all met at the SURGE Dojo for a secret meeting of sorts. We're not sure what the meeting was about, or how it relates to the new Administration, but what we can tell you is that Lucas was also on the scene and it has become apparent that the hard luck rookie has begun his training with Ness even though Ness no longer works for EBW. We're looking forward to seeing what the youngster can do on the next X-perience.


Tack Angel: It's a hectic time in EBW right now! Changes are happening, chaos coming from outside, and I just won the Sunny Daze achievement in Street Fighter IV for 120 trueachievement points...but that's another story, I won't bother you with that right now. I've won the championship and now I'm on the path to possibly adding more gold! Tess has taken it upon herself to be my manager based on....past indiscretions, paired me up with her odd nephew Travis. He's a nice fella, but he's getting a little...."too close" for comfort. Something really odd about that guy. The other day I caught him accidentally walking into the woman's bathroom!  Then one time we were walking into the showers, he walked out before showering, but I could have sworn he was watching me undress. It is very unsettling. Despite all of this he is showing himself to be a great wrestler. Tess may have used her powers to get him debuted into high spot, but he is has more then earned that spot in my opinion. I figured as a way to say thank you that Travis and I could go hang out at the Go Kart Track but.....

Tack Angel: Wow, I can't believe two people broke into the Go Kart Track and stole the Go Karts! Who would do something like that?! What are the odds that something like that would happen today. Bad luck seems to follow me I think.

Tess: Says the Global World Champion.

Tack Angel: What? Did you say something Travis?

Travis: Wha? Nope! Don't worry about the Go Kart Track though, I just appreciate your kindness Tack...I really really do.

Tack Angel: Oh problem. We are tag partners after all.


Tack Angel: .....

Travis: I'm just glad to be a part of a team with you. It's great to be getting a tag title shot. You know, my....cousin Ness always gets the attention in the wrestling world. I thought I could too elsewhere, but then I saw you on EBW, and I looked up to your attitude, a brave warrior hiding in a timid man. I wasn't liking where I was going in life....before EBW...I had taken a dark turn. I knew that would change here/ I knew that I wanted to do anything to be with a partner...umm...a tag partner.

Tack Angel: Uhh....well....glad I could help? Listen...

Travis: Is something wrong? You're sweating a lot.

Tack Angel: It's just that uh...I appreciate your friendship and I'm glad that I can be helpful, but I think you might have the wrong idea about me. You might be getting the idea that I'm something that I'm all.

Travis: But you are brave and talented. I'm sure of it. That's why you're the champion now. That's why...Tess is wanting to groom you for the future.

Tack Angel: not EXACTLY....what I was talking about. See I like wo...

Stephen Collins: HEYA TACK!

Tack Angel: AH! What the?! You almost gave me a heart attack! What can I do for you?

Stephen Collins:'s me! Stephen Collins!

Tack Angel: Who?

Stephen Collins: Oh know me better a ULTIMO TIGER!

Tack Angel: ....You've lost me.

Stephen Collins: Weird...I've been getting that a lot lately. Anywho...I just wanted to let you know that I'm a HUGE fan of you, John Tack, The Masta Tack-tician.

Tack Angel: Is that what people are calling me?!

Travis: Yeah, Tess is spreading the nickname around and handing out t-shirts during shows.

Tack Angel: Tess....

Stephen Collins: I just wanted you to know that for now on I want to be a part of your "posse". Your "chain gang" if you will.

Tack Angel: No....I wouldn't.

Travis: See, you're getting fans left and riiii.......WATCH OUT!

Tack Angel: HOLY HELL! Trevor?! Tali?!

Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: HI TACK!

Lady M's: BYE TACK!

Tack Angel: Well that answers my Go Kart question....and I'm not the least bit surprised either.

Travis: How are they both not in jail by now?!

Tack Angel: Meh...these are just...."minor shenanigans" for them.

Trevor Mach: HAHA! You think they want us to pull over?

Lady M's: Nah! Having too much fun! Oh....well look who it is.

Kinniku Mike: Hey there sexy babe! Got room for one more on that Go Kart Tali?

Trevor Mach: .....

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Kinniku Mike: MAAAAACH!

Lady M's: Hehe...he was certainly "bowled over".

Trevor Mach: You could say he's having a "shell" of a good time.

Lady M's: Ha!


Grand Pappy Swift doing the impossible!! has captured something very intriguing at Grand Pappy Swift's Car Yard and the footage was censored for appropriate circumstances.

Swift:  Day 19.  I have been stuck here with Grandad for 19 days and still boring as hell.  Grandad wants to toughen me up but to no avail.  In fact, all i've done is eat Luther burgers.

Grand Pappy: What the hell are you blabbering about boy?  This is no time to pretend you are narrating a TV show!  What you think you is?  A cartoon?  This is not a cartoon boy!  This is a poorly written journal on some spiderweb in a computer by some foo who probably lives with his mom!  Come on boy.  Time fo dinner!  

But Grandad...

Grand Pappy: How many times i have to tell you?  I am not Grandad.  I am Grand Pappy Swift!  I legally changed my name to Grand Pappy Swift 12 years ago when i turned 60 foo!  Get it right, boy!

Swift:  Ok, Grand Pappy Swift.

Grand Pappy:  Much better.  Come on boy!  Eat your Luther before i shove it down yo mouth.

Swift: Granda...Grand Pappy.  I thought you were suppose to set me straight.

Grand Pappy:  I will settle you straight when you done eating.

Swift:  I'm full.

Grand Pappy:  Boy!  You in fo an ass whoopin!  I'm bout to get that beating stick and boy, you are gettin yo ass whoo...

Swift: Folks, what you're about to witness is a Swift-Rage Moment.  A Swift-Rage Moment has been passed down to every generation of male Swift in the family tree.  Its one of these moments that even a person like Tali would be afraid of.  Its that serious.

Grand Pappy: Boy, how many times do i have to tell you?  You keep pretending to narrate, I will increase the hurtness of your beating to a hun-ed percent.  

Swift:  And the Swift-Rage begins.

Grand Pappy:  THAT'S IT!

Swift-Rage Mode - ON!

Grand Pappy:  Boy, i will beat you down so bad.  Your hair will grow back.

Swift:  But that's impossible!  I have Knock-out-terminaliosis.  My hair won't grow until a full year.  Even with that, i only have a 2% chance of it growing back!

Grand Pappy: Boy, you dun piss me off now with your science mumbo jumbo.  Back talk is the leading cause of death amongst the Swift family!  You dare talk that nonsense around the dinner table boy?  Get ready to...

Swift:  Folks, make note of this day as this will be the day that you might see the last of me.  James Brawler Estafon Conroy Jeremiah Exalted Swiftenmeiserhausen.  Be sure to organize a nice funeral that cost as much as Kim Karkashidan's ass.  Also, be sure to organize the guests for my funeral.  Who? Absolutely NOBODY!  Noone deserves anything from me, sucka!

Grand Pappy: THAT' IT!  YOU DID IT NOW!

Swift-Rage Mode - OFF

Swift: And thus, it happened.  The beating was so bad, my hair actually grew back.  Who knew Swift-Rage can do the impossible.  Now that I have my hair back.  I am PIMPIN!!!

Grand Pappy: Your welcome.  Just stop narrating.

  Alrighty Grandad....WHOOPS!

Grand Pappy:  What did I just tell you?

Swift-Rage Mode - ON!

Swift:  What a minute?  How in the world did they film this? Just like how did they filmed my flashback.  Hell, how did they find us here?

Grand Pappy:



Bushido Mission Power Play Wrestling!

After the epic clash between Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Ness at Victory Explosion 4 and the subsequent firing of both fighters it seemed that the "Bushido Mission" was accomplished, at least in the mind of Trevor Mach, but for P+P for the mission is just beginning. Picky Minch is continuing to lead the charge in P+P for the mission to continue. He has recently targeted P+P's Yozone, and is trying to convert him over. At the recent P+P show Bedtime Stories, the former Maelstrom team of Picky, Dougie, Akinan, Given, and Taken completed their contractually obligated 5 Vs 5 Elimination Match. It was obvious that the match was still personal to half the maelstrom team. In the end Picky won the match after submitting Yozone with the Anklelock Hell.

Power Play Wrestling: Bedtime Stories
Plateau Hall

1. Evil Hazard (1) defeated Mythbusters (0) when Bio-Mortis pinned Mythbuster Adam with the Nuclear Meltdown (5:25).
2. Fernando Aliisia defeated El Hijo del Latino with the Head Over Heels (7:26).
3. Brute & Misfit (3) defeated Demons Of Destruction (0) when Misfit pinned Demon Dan with the Joke's On You (13:37).
4. Spot Monkeys (3) defeated Guapo Bros (0) when Mono Loco pinned Billy Guapo with a Springboard Inverted Huracanrana (16:58).
5. Crossfire & Wild Fang (1) defeated Bullet & Savage Claw II (0) when Crossfire pinned Bullet with a School Boy (9:12).
6. Rey Dorado & Hoodlum (0) defeated Real de Plata & Hooligan (0) when Hoodlum pinned Hooligan with the Chaos Theory (12:01).
7. [b]5 Vs 5 Elimination Match
Picky Minch [Vs], Dynamic Dougie [Vs], Given [Vs], Taken [Vs] & Akinan [Vs] defeated Yozone, Flying Elvises, Frisbee & Kutano (27:13).
7a. Given eliminated Presley by Pinfall after the Doomsday Device (8:43).
7b. Kutano eliminated Taken by Pinfall with the Gallaria (11:06).
7c. Frisbee eliminated Given by Ring Out with a Feelin' Dizzy (13:37).
7d. Dynamic Dougie eliminated Costello by Pinfall with the Dynamic DDT (16:01).
7e. Picky Minch eliminated Kutano by Ring Out with a Superman Punch (17:44).
7f. Akinan eliminated Frisbee by Pinfall with the Bonebreaker (18:39).
7g. Yozone eliminated Akinan by Pinfall with a Backslide Pin (20:53).
7h. Yozone eliminated Dynamic Dougie by Ring Out with a Back Body Drop (24:53).
7i. Picky Minch submitted Yozone with the Anklelock Hell (27:13).[/b]

Days later this shot of Picky Minch, Given, and Taken was captured as they spray painted "Bushido" on a P+P facility wall.

When asked why Picky Minch was continuing these tactics.....

Picky Minch: Bushido lives with ME now! Given, Taken, and myself....are looking for a new Bushido Mission right here in Power Play Wrestling. A Bushido Crusade.

w00t forced to do the unthinkable! X-perience Card Revealed! was on hand as The Poochyfud Administration called w00t into the office for the unthinkable. In a further move to humiliate the former Perfection leader, Mr. Poochyfud is demanding that w00t teams up with Akinan on the next episode of X-perience. Akinan is the man wearing the Tanooki Suit that has haunted w00t most of his career. They will be taking on w00t's newest enemies The Alpha Betas. To add insult to injury w00t is being forced to wear a brand new suit...the Frog Suit. So on X-perience it will be Tanooki Akinan and Frog Suit w00t taking on Troy and Lukie. That's just one match on a stacked card that will open with....another pole match. A dignity on a pole match to be exact, as Lucas will return from his short training excursion to take on Chicken Man and Tatsunoko's Speed Racer. The match was booked by Reno as a way to humiliate Lucas upon his return. It's no secret that Reno is unhappy that Lucas still has a job after spending a lot of time trying to fire him months ago. The #1 Contenders for the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Generator and Hotlanta will team up with the champions Lovekick Connection as they take on a Tatsunoko contingent. Yatterman will step in the ring with Casshern, Ippatsuman, and Tekkaman for the first time in EBW. More Tatsunoko fighters are stepping in and getting ready for the Collision III special. EBW Tag Team Champions The Akatsuki will be taking on their new rivals, the newcomers SinDOS in a tag team match. Global World Champion Tack Angel and Travis are being paired up with Royal Crown Champion Rude as Team Poochyfud to defend EBW against Tatunoko's Ken the Eagle, Joe the Condor, and Ryu the Owl. In the main event we will see a title unification match as Mr. Poochyfud intends to wipe out the remnants of Vs. Moz will put his CXJ Championship on the line against Larmore's Vs CXJ Championship. At the end of the night we will have one unified champion. Expect a lot more surprises including surprise special guests on the new X-perience.

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. Dignity on a Pole Match
Lucas vs. Chicken Man vs. Speed Racer[Tatsunoko]
2. Tag Team Match
Tanooki Akinan/Frog Suit w00t vs. Troy/Lukie
3. 8-Man CXJ Tag Team Match Collision Invasion I
Hotlanta/Generator/Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Yatterman[Tatsunoko]/Casshern[Tatsunoko]/Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko]/Tekkaman[Tatsunoko]
4. Non Title Tag Team Match
Danny Leung/KYO vs. Metrion/Avion
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match Collision Invasion II
Tack Angel/Rude/Travis vs. Ken the Eagle[Tatsunoko]/Joe the Condor[Tatsunoko]/Ryu the Owl[Tatsunoko]
6. CXJ Championship/Vs. CXJ World Championship Unification Match
Moz(c) vs. Dave Larmore(c)

Rumors of a huge change coming to EBW's weekly programming! has heard many rumors about an upcoming upgrade to EBW's weekly programming, and the change may begin on the next X-cite. We'll have more on this as news comes in.


The Poochyfud Administration continued it's new vision of EBW tonight on X-perience. With the Collision III special just days away, tonight's show was heavy on the hype with a few surprises here and there. The show opened with Mr. Poochyfud and the Administration once again in the ring.

Mr. Poochyfud: Hello again, you wonderful citizens of the EBW state. We're taking EBW straight to the top. World domination is our goal and we're on the right path people! Once again I have to remind you though....all enemies will be "dismantled". Now enough of the mumbo jumbo, you're all here to see some top notch Sports Entertainment right?

Fans: WE WANT WRESTLING! *clap clap clapclapclap* WE WANT WRESTLING! *clap clap clapclapclap* WE WANT WRESTLING! *clap clap clapclapclap*

Mr. Poochyfud: ENOUGH!!!....he he...I's time to get the fun started! As you all know, EBW is once again set to go to battle this weekend on our ENN Special Collision III: EBW vs. Tatsunoko. The stars of Tatsunoko FIGHT! have been hanging around EBW for awhile and making an impact. I have to admit that they have given me some headaches in the past, but they have won me over with their flashy style and entertaining costumes! That is why I am happy to announce that the special guests for tonight are the crew from Tatsunoko FIGHT!

At that moment the entire invading force from Tatsunoko made their way down to the ring.

Yatterman: Thank you very much Mr. Poochyfud! It's an honor to be hosting tonight's show. Now, we came here as a group to try and "enlighten" EBW with our flashy brand of entertainment. I don't know if was because we dropped you out of a building or dropped Gold Lightan on you, but you have seemed to come around to our way of thinking sir. By the way...all that stuff I was just talking was all in good need to sue anybody. We're here to show EBW fans what Tatsunoko is all about! Collision III is going to be our biggest and best opportunity, but why not start here tonight. I PERSONALLY had the pleasure of booking two matches tonight for me and my boys to get some practice whipping on your EBW offense Poochyfud.

Mr. Poochyfud: Well I'm not one for respecting any opinion but my own, but I'll let you get by with that one. I warn you though. I've got an elite team planned for Team EBW in the Team vs. Team Elimination Main Event....what do YOU have?

Yatterman: Well, ME for starters, but then I've got three other big power players for you. How about Ken the Eagle! Joe the Condor! Ryu the Owl! Three of Tatsunoko's best and a veteran team like no other. Those three have worked together for so long, and you're going to see their experience tonight when they take on your "chumpions" Hehe get it?!

Speed Racer: Igotwhatyousaiditwasapunwhichisaplayonwordsofthewordschumpandchampiontomakechumpionandit'sveryfunnysirooooh!

Yatterman: WOW! That was a mouth full. You never get used to that. EVER! Anyways Poochyfud, what do YOU got?

Mr. Poochyfud: Well that's great question. I'd like to take this time to introduce my elite team. My franchise player in training, Global World Champion Tack Angel, Royal Crown Champion Rude, and Tack's fast rising tag partner Travis!

Yatterman: Hey! That's only....three! Right? That's three right guys?

Ryu the Owl: Uhhh.....

Ippatsuman: .....

Mr. Poochyfud: YES! It's only three, because we're going to be determining the fourth member of the team TONIGHT! Kinniku Mike, Amigo, and Captain Strong are my top three choices. Even though Strong and Amigo seem to be "reluctant" to get on board with my vision, I still need winners. Kinniku Mike on the other hand has become his own man, breaking away from the SURGE monotony, and becoming a hot prospect in my new EBW. All three of these old "friends" will do battle tonight and the winner will become the fourth member of the team. I know we already have our 6 scheduled matches tonight, but I'm SURE....a spot is going to be opening me *wink*.

Mr. Poochyfud: It's going to be a great show tonight! I can feel it! I've noticed that I haven't had to deal with the antics of Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Lady M's, or Ness tonight! Perhaps it has something to do with my being surrounded by an entire roster of stars! Mach is out of his mind, but I don't think any of those three are crazy enough to dare try to get to me tonight! You'd have to be a real bad dude to step in here and I just don't think they have the stones.

At that moment Tatsunoko's Hurricane Polymar interrupted.

Hurricane Polymar: If I may say something really quickly. I think we are all forgetting just what is at stake at Collision III! I mean, EBW's very future rests in our hands, and I'm not betting on EBW let's put it that way. I did some history on the past Collision shows and EBW seems to fail every time. The first show didn't have a team vs. team main event, but that loon Trevor Mach lost the EBW belt to Mario. At Collision II Team EBW got its head handed to it against Team P+P. Our boys are going to wipe the mat with Team EBW. If my success is any sign of what is to come. I mean look at what I did! I balded Swift and sent him running scared at your biggest show of the year! I dare you to find someone to take me on at Collision! I don't think you can find some....


Hurricance Polyar: Wha? OOF!

At that moment Swift (with a new fro) came running in through the crowd and delivered a helmet shattering kick to the side of Hurricane Polymar's head. The brawler was back and the fans were on fire as he cleared the ring of the entire Tatsunoko roster! He pointed at Hurricane Polymar and ran after him. Polymar threw Speed Racer at Swift, but he super kicked him out of the way and continued his pursuit. What a crazy start to X-perience and the Collision III build up.

The matches began with yet another "blank" on a pole match, the type of match that has been kicking off EBW shows lately for some reason. This match was meant to be humiliating though, as it was Dignity of a Pole Match. Reno booked this match between Lucas, Chicken Man, and Speed Racer in the hopes that the Tatsunoko speedster or the Poultry Powerhouse would humiliate Lucas. Lucas made a "re-debut" after taking a short time off to train with Ness. He dropped his street clothes for bright yellow and red tights and a slightly bigger build. Lucas had been hitting the weights for sure. He had fan support as Reno stood by waiting for him to fail. Lucas kicked off the match by tackling Chicken Man into a corner and followed it up with a Release Belly to Belly Suplex. Speed Racer zipped around the ring like a kid on a sugar rush before trying to tackle Lucas with the Go Go Go! (Running Spear). Lucas easily side stepped it and Speed Racer fell out of the ring. Lucas was about to grab the case from the pole, when Chicken Man got back to his feet and brought Lucas back down to the mat with a Fireman's carry slam. The action continued for a few minutes with Lucas impressing and Speed Racer....still out on the floor. In the end Lucas hit a Full Nelson Slam on Chicken Man, which gave him enough time to grab the case much to the dismay of Reno. Reno was further angered when Lucas then threw the "dignity" case right at him. The fans cheered as Lucas showed an impressive new look, move set, and courage.

We cut to the back as Hater attempted an interview with Yatterman and Hurricane Polymar.

Hater: NYAH! I hate a lot of things, but one thing I love is Tatsunoko. I hope you whoop these posers in EBW!

Yatterman: Not now! Don't distract me! I'm keeping an eye out for Swift.

Hurricane Polymar: SWIFT! You punk! You hooligan! You....scoundrel! So you got your fro back....BIG DEAL! Hair grows back, but do you know how much it is going to cost me to get my helmet repaired?! I...uh...don't want to get into it with you tonight....BUT....if you want a rematch at Collision III...well....YOU'VE GOT IT!

Dynamic Dougie: Hey!

Hurricane Polymar: AH! SWIFT!

Yatterman:'s just....uh....

Dynamic Dougie: Dougie! Dynamic Dougie! I actually don't blame you for not knowing who I am. The new Administration has either kept me off tv or tried to put me in embarrassing matches. They forget that I am a former EBW Tag Team Champion and a former Hardcore Hero Champion!

Yatterman: We're not here for your life story Dougie. What is it that you want exactly?

Dynamic Dougie: I'm here because I can't keep waiting for the Administration to book me in matches, I need to go looking for a fight. That's why I'm here. At Collision III I want to face one of your Tatsunoko goons 1 on 1. What do you say?

Yatterman: You want it?! You got it! At Collision I will throw you to Casshern. Prepare to be destroyed!

Back to the ring now, as The Administration's humiliation of w00t continues. Mr. Poochyfud's plan for tonight involved forcing w00t into a Frog Suit and tag with his biggest fear....Tanooki Akinan. The two odd balls had their hands full against the new rising tag team The Alpha Betas. Despite being forced in the suit, w00t was able to use it to his advantage with increased evasion and agility, so he put up a good fight, but once Akinan's uber nice nature in the Tanooki Suit proved to be the downfall. While w00t and Troy traded blows Lukie won the match for his team after hitting the 3-Point Tackle on Akinan followed by the pin. the Alpha Betas continue a hot streak and continue to be in the favor of the Administration. After the match w00t managed to rip the Frog Suit off and tossed chairs around ringside. Security had to come out to escort him away while Reno and Royal Crown Champion Rude came out to laugh at their former ally.

Back to the backstage area again, as this time Nerma was standing by with the two CXJ Champions.

Nerma: Well EBW fans, tonight is a huge night for the CXJ Division. While the rest of the show seems focused on the upcoming Collision III special, the two champions of CXJ are going to have a collision of their own in tonight's main event. Dave Larmore holds the CXJ belt of the defunct VS off shoot, and he's also the #1 Contender for EBW's CXJ Championship. Tonight, not only will he try to achieve EBW gold for the first time, but he also hope to unify the CXJ belts and make history. Dave, how does it feel to finally be poised for main event status in the CXJ Division.

Dave Larmore: About *bleep*ing time!

Nerma: Um...Dave....we're not supposed to cuss in EBW anymore. We're PG now.

Dave Larmore: So?! I don't give a *bleep*! "bleep* PG! I'm a Libertarian! The last thing I *bleep*ing want is some Big Brother bull*bleep* trying to censor me! I'm just here to kick *bleep*! What? I can't even say *bleep*?! Oh that's *bleep*ed up! *bleep*! I need a beer.

Nerma: Moz, you're the current reigning champion. This is your second time as champ, and you have gone from just a teen idol to a fighting champion. What are your thoughts on not only defending your belt, but possibly unifying it with the VS belt?

Moz: Uh....I...I'm not so sure we should be discussing this right here...right now....Look over there! SinDOS is beating down Akatsuki.

Nerma: No! Look away! I'm too scared to acknowledge it. Just keep going!

Moz: Oh well.....uh....I was put against the ultimate test lately, by having to deal with the CXJ veterans Picky Minch and Shadow. I survived and came out as champion, so I feel confident tonight.

The cameras then shifted to the right where indeed SinDos had KYO strung up against the backdrop and where busy beating down Danny Leung.

Avion: Allow me to formally introduce myself to you Danny. I'm Avion....I'm straight-edge which means that I'm better then you. I don't use any illegal substances, which means I am clear headed. You must be on must have cloudy vision, because defying the boss is never a good idea. Now he has unleashed SinDos on EBW. We're your replacements you see. Metrion, he's the new psycho demon of EBW...KYO is obsolete....I'd tell him to bite me, but he might take me literally. I'm your replacement Danny. I'm better then you! I was told to get the Hardcore Hero belt back from you tonight after our match, but seeing as you didn't bring the belt tonight I figured I would just get to you right now. Besides....I don't think you or your brother will be making it to our match tonight. He's all "tied up" at the moment. Ha! If you don't want this to happen again then take my advice....hand over the Hardcore Hero belt....and then walk away.....walk away.

The next match was the first part of a Tatsunoko invasion, as Yatterman lead Casshern, Ippatsuman, and Tekkaman against two super teams of EBW's CXJ Division. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Lovekick Connection and their #1 contenders Hotlanta and Generator. This was a hot match up, with both teams going all out. Yatterman showed that he had moves to go with the mouth. His versatile style allowed him to mix it up with the entire EBW team. Lovekick has clashed with Ippatsuman and Tekkaman before, so they knew what to expect, Yatterman continued to be a wild card. He then proved that he was a bit of a heel by using a helmet handed to him by Speed Raced to bash Generator in the head when the ref's head was turned. By the time the ref turned around Yatterman climbed to the top rope and hit his Yatter-wan Kamikaze (Frog Splash), followed by the pin and the win for Tatsunoko. The crowd really laid into the Tatsunoko team for the first time since their arrival. Yatterman made his impact though, and Tatsunoko won the first match of the Collision prelude.

Backstage once again, as Nerma was standing by far away from SinDos now, with Global World Champion Tack Angel and Travis.

Nerma: Nerma here, with our great champion Tack Angel...or excuse me....John Tack?

Tack Angel: No no...Tack Angel...please.

Tess: John Tack is more marketable!

Tack Angel: What?! Did you hear that Travis?!

Travis: What? No, I didn't hear anything.

Nerma: Anyways, tonight it turns out you will be getting some practice as leader of Team EBW, when 3 of the 4 members of both teams will collide. What does it feel like to be the chosen franchise player of the new Administration and team leader for Collision?

Tack Angel: Well uh....things are crazy in EBW right now. I don't really know where I stand in the grand scheme. I just intend on being a fighting champion and doing what I have to do. Despite the changes in still runs through my I will stand up for EBW whenever I have to...tonight....or Collision III.

Tess: Well said!

Tack Angel: Where is that coming from?!

The scheduled tag match between SinDOS and EBW Tag Team Champions Akatsuki was canceled due to the beating from earlier, so it was no surprise that the replacement match was the 3-Way Match between Kinniku Mike, Captain Strong, and Amigo. A spot "opened" up just like Mr. Poochyfud predicted. Kinniku Mike looked like a man on a mission. His focus problem seemed gone for now, and he used his raw power to toss Amigo and Strong all around the ring. Amigo was able to counter a lot of what Mike was trying, so the Samoan Slaughterhouse focused more on Captain Strong. Strong and Mike have shared a rivalry, and you could tell that hatred had formed between them. Reno once again made his presence felt at ringside. Amigo was trying to bounce off the ropes at one point to assist Captain Strong in a High-Low Lariat combo on Mike, but Reno grabbed his ankle, preventing him from moving. The lead to Strong getting trapped in Mike's grasp. Kinniku Mike his is Release Dragon Suplex and pinned his former mentor for the win. Amigo was cheated and Mike is now on his way to Team EBW at Collision III. Mike pointed at Amigo and told him that he was the ace of the future now, before strutting away with Reno clapping as he followed.

The next match featured Global World Champion Tack Angel leading Royal Crown Champion Rude and Travis against Ken, Joe, and Ryu of Tatsunoko. This was a hard battle for the champ's team, but he of course had the fans on his side. Team Tatsunoko pulled off many combo moves, and worked fluidly as a team. Tack and Travis were able to do the same, but a volatile past with Rude put a monkey wrench in the teamwork for Team EBW. Ken lead his team with a high flying offense, and it seemed his plan was to target the rookie Travis and break him down. Tack Angel jumped in to the rescue and delivered a Rider Kick to Ken. Joe jumped in and ate a super kick from the champ. Travis caused an awkward moment by hugging Tack for saving him. Ryu the Owl jumped into the ring and floored them both with double clothesline. This lead to Rude actually getting involved and landing a straight right to Ryu's jaw. When the big man absorbed the blow Rude decided it would be smarter to head out of the ring. Tack and Travis both got back to their feet and double drop kicked Ryu out of the ring. Travis and Ken continued to battle while Tack jumped out of the ring and floored Joe the Condor. Yatterman made his way out to the ring, and while the ref was turned tried to low blow Travis. For some odd reason this didn't seem to phase him much, but it distracted Travis enough for Ken to take him down and then finish him off with the Kenton Bomb. Tatsunoko goes 2-0 in the prelude matches. EBW will have their hands full this weekend when they go head to head with Tatsunoko at Collision III.


     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:24 pm  #94

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

It was now time for the main event. Title for Title in a unification match for the Undisputed CXJ Championship. Moz's flashy yet athletic style would clash with Larmore's drunken smash mouth brawling. Who would emerge with the gold? As Moz and Larmore stared each other down, the fans cheered in anticipation on the upcoming bout. They rushed each other fast and attacked with hard hitting moves. It was a back and forth encounter for a while. Larmore threw elbows, but Moz grabbed one and hit a high kick. Larmore was dazed enough for Moz to leap up and drop him with a drop him to the mat with a Standing Hurracanrana and tried to get a quick pin. Larmore escaped the early pin attempt and it turned into a brawl. Larmore forced Moz into the corner and stomped him down. He was forgoing all the elements of former CXJ champions and simply just brawling, but the fans enjoyed it and cheered for both wrestlers. Larmore finally picked up Moz and tossed him into the ropes, but Moz came back with a Handspring Tornado DDT. He went to the top rope and tried to hit a 450 Splash, but Larmore rolled out of the way, dropped an elbow on the downed Moz and tried to roll him up. 1-2-KICKOUT! Moz was now holding onto his ribs, and Larmore exploited that by delivering hard kicks. He went for a discus punch, but Moz ducked it and kicked him in the gut. He set him up for the Front Flip Piledriver, but Larmore managed to lift him up and over. For once Larmore was playing to the crowd and the cheers for him were growing. In between drinking benders he has turned himself into a respected hard ass brawler. Once again they were trading blows in the center of the ring when Moz once again managed to set up Larmore for his finisher. Only this time Shadow surprisingly emerged from the crowd and grabbed his ankle. Moz turned around to stare down Shadow, but Larmore turned him back around, whipped him into the ropes and hit a back body drop that had Moz down and hurting. Larmore stared at Shadow himself, but then climbed the ropes and finished off Moz with a Hardcore Hangover. 1-2-3! Dave Larmore won the match, and the dark horse has now unified the belts to become the Undisputed CXJ Champion! After the match Shadow quickly grabbed Moz out of the ring. Larmore actually tried to take a swipe at Shadow, but he slipped away just in time. The veteran Shadow then pulled out a sledgehammer and attacked Moz in the ribs and forehead. He was left in a pool of his own blood as Lovekick and security tried to force Shadow away. Larmore was then awarded the belts, but it as a bittersweet victory, as Shadow left the final impact with his destruction of now former champion Moz. Once again Shadow shatters the dream of the Lovekick Teen Idol.

Before the show signed off Mr. Poochyfud once again came back out to the ring to address the fans.

Mr. Poochyfud: Well that certainly was an exciting display of sports entertainment. Dave Larmore isn't exactly a "PG Champion", but I congratulate him and I feel in time that he will fall in line with my vision as well and be a valuable asset. Other then a couple hiccups I think that this has been the most stable show since the new direction began. I'd like to think that is because I am a genius and I know how to run a show. When I have 100% absolute control....anything is possi....

?: Hold on just one minute Mr. Poochyfud. I think with all of your planning that you have forgotten about something very important.....I'M STILL HERE!

At that moment the screen cut to the back where Master Lu was standing by. The fans went wild as they saw Lu was joined by Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Ness, and Lady M's.

Mr. Poochyfud: You! But I thought...

Master Lu: What? That I would just walk away from my job when you decided to come back? I felt very disrespected when you came back, assumed full control, and tried to undo everything I was doing for your company. I was promoting pure athletic battles, importance on matches and titles, and bringing respect as well as revenue to EBW. Then you got it in your head that you would ruin everything and try this new "PG Sports Entertainment" route. Well I have news for you "sir". You have opposition to this new vision and it's not just the is the VAST majority. Yet despite the people telling you "NO!" you persist as if you were passing healthcare. You're ego has gotten too big I think. You think you can just change everything? Spend all the money I made for you on special guests? You fire two of your biggest franchise players? I'm afraid I can't let this stand. You signed me to a contract similar to the one that Reno received. You made me an Enforcer, with the ability to do whatever I could to make EBW a better WRESTLING promotion. You made me immune to your "firing" abilities.

Mr. Poochyfud: I did?!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Yes sir you's all right here in black and white.

Mr. Poochyfud: DAM....DARN IT! BUT! BUT! You said....that you would walk away from the position when I came back and you felt that EBW was stable.

Master Lu: Indeed I did sir....indeed I did. That is why I'm sticking around, because EBW is NOT stable. It's being changed from the ground up. Change can be good, but you're taking it way too far in one direction....I'm honored to be the counter balance. Oh I'm not here to start a revolution though. I'll even be happy to work within your Administration and within your rules. That is why I have Trevor and Ness here with me. I'm not just going to hire them back out of spite. They are willing to play your game. I hear something huge is happening this Monday. Something that will change X-cite and EBW forever. I'm going to help make that night special by booking two matches. First, Ness has a little pull in EBW that Trevor might be lacking in the form of Tess. Because of her Ness has an open door back in, but we're going to make this fair. I'm booking Ness in a tag match and if his team loses he will be fired from EBW for good. Ness will be teaming with another wrestler you don't seem to like very old rival of Ness', yet they now have a lot in common.....I'm speaking about w00t. Ness and w00t will be taking on your golden team The Alpha Betas! Second, I have to say that I was entertained by that title unification match just now. I was intrigued that you would bring the Vs. Belt back to be unified.....since their are two Vs. Belts after all. If you can unify one belt then why not both!? So next week on X-cite you will also see Trevor Mach with his Vs. World Championship against....Rude and the Royal Crown Championship, since that belt closest resembles the ideals of the Vs. belt. Since Trevor Mach has lost his mind a bit and is just itching to unleash chaos in the ring I think I'm going to add to that match too.....that Unification Match will be held.....IN A STEEL CAGE! It's going to be great working with you sir. Let's build a better EBW together.....

Ness: HA! We're Baaaaaack!

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Mr. Poochyfud: NO! NO! NOOOO!

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. Dignity on a Pole Match
Lucas beat Chicken Man beat Speed Racer[Tatsunoko] (4:41) when Lucas grabbed the "Dignity" case.
2. Tag Team Match
Troy/Lukie beat Tanooki Akinan/Frog Suit w00t (6:37) when Lukie hit the 3-Point Tackle on Tanooki Akinan.
3. 8-Man CXJ Tag Team Match Collision Invasion I
Yatterman[Tatsunoko]/Casshern[Tatsunoko]/Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko]/Tekkaman[Tatsunoko] beat Hotlanta/Generator/Sal Paradise/Jamie OD (12:56) when Yatterman hit the Yatter-wan Kamikaze (Frog Splash) on Generator.
4. 3-Way Match Winner Joins Team EBW at Collision III
Kinniku Mike beat Captain Strong and Amigo (8:11) when Mike hit the Release Dragon Suplex on Captain Strong.
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match Collision Invasion II
Ken the Eagle[Tatsunoko]/Joe the Condor[Tatsunoko]/Ryu the Owl[Tatsunoko] beat Tack Angel/Rude/Travis (9:52) when Ken hit the Kenton Bomb on Travis.
6. CXJ Championship/Vs. CXJ World Championship Unification Match
Dave Larmore(c) beat Moz(c) (10:10) with the Hardcore Hangover to become the Unified CXJ Champion!


Moz hospitalization rumors...

Rumors are swirling that after the hectic episode of X-perience that saw him lose the CXJ belt and get brutally attacked by Shadow, Moz was sent to the hospital for serious injuries. We're not sure the severity of the injuries, but we will keep you updated. We all hope that Moz recovers as soon as possible. Get well soon Moz.

Collision III Card Revealed!

The time has almost come for the Collision III special on ENN, and the 5 matches on the show have finally been revealed. The opening match will see the rookie Lucas lock it up with the speedster Speed Racer. Then the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Lovekick Connection will once again face Ippatsuman and Tekkaman. Dynamic Dougie laid down a challenge on XP, and will now be facing Casshern in the third match of the night. Then we get to the two most anticipated match ups. Swift is back and he is mad. Now he will get his rematch against Hurricane Polymar in a must see fight. In the main event it will be Team EBW vs. Team Tatsunoko in the traditional Elimination match. Five matches mean that only one promotion will come out on top. Who will it be? EBW? Tatsunoko? Tune in and find out!

Collision III EBW vs. Tatsunoko on
Fourside Expo Center

1. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Singles Match
Lucas vs. Speed Racer[Tatsunoko]
2. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Tag Team Match (Non-Title)
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko]/Tekkaman[Tatsunoko]
3. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Singles Match
Dynamic Dougie vs. Casshern[Tatsunoko]
4. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Special Rematch
Swift vs. Hurricane Polymar[Tatsunoko]
5. Team EBW vs. Team Tatsunoko 4-on-4 Elimination Team Match
Tack Angel/Rude/Kinniku Mike/Travis vs. Yatterman[Tatsunoko]/Ken the Eagle[Tatsunoko]/Joe the Condor[Tatsunoko]/Ryu the Owl[Tatsunoko]


This is footage from earlier today of the two forces that would do battle later in the night for the ENN special Collision III. Team Tatsunoko brought their giant mecha Gold Lightan, while Team EBW....well they took the bus, but they were ready none the less. Both promotions would have to give it their all. as only one would emerge victorious. Could Team EBW finally break its Collision losing streak, or would Team Tatsunoko make Eagleland their permanent residence? The questions would be answered on Collision III: Team EBW vs. Team Tatsunoko.

The packed crowd was on fire with anticipation for the five inter-promotional matches about to take place. Four special matches followed by the big traditional 4-on-4 Elimination Team Match. The Collision action began with a singles match between the reinvigorated rookie Lucas and the Tatsunoko speedster Speed Racer. Speed relied on...well...his speed early in the match with moves like the Go! Go! Go! Running Spear and Lighting Cradle. Lucas was on form though and countered with simple take downs and holds. Simple but effective was the name of the game and it worked. Lucas took control and won the match with a Legdrop Bulldog. During the match both Yatterman and Reno came down to the ring. It appears that Reno's frustration with Lucas continues to grow, but he did not try to get involved in the match. Lucas picks up a huge win and begins the momentum for EBW.

EBW- 1 Tatsunoko- 0

The score was evened out in the second bout when Tekkaman and Ippatsuman scored an upset win against Lovekick Connection. The champions were in control for most of the match, but Yatterman tried to make his presence felt. This brought Sal and Jamie to the ground to chase him off, but Tekkaman and Ippatsuman blindsided them and laid them out on the floor before jumping back in the ring. The distraction lead to Tatsunoko picking up the win via Countout.

EBW- 1 Tatsunoko- 1

Next up, Dynamic Dougie and Casshern fought an evenly matched bout. Dougie demanded the match and fought hard, but Casshern exploited Dougie's knee injury and took control, ultimately winning with his Neo Human Drive (Spinning Falcon’s Arrow). Tatsunoko is up 2 to 1.

EBW- 1 Tatsunoko- 2

Next up, was the first of two main events and possibly the most anticipated matches on the card. Swift was back with a vengeance, and was looking  for payback on the man that balded him Hurricane Polymar. The next five minutes would not be considered a competitive match, but a one sided breaking of a man's will, as Swift came out swinging and didn't stop swinging and stomping until Polymar was annihilated. A rider kick to break the helmet and a Muscle Buster sealed the deal, and Swift gained sweet retribution and tied the score for EBW.

EBW- 2 Tatsunoko- 2

It was now time for the main event. Team EBW versus Team Tatsunoko, 4-on-4 Elimination Tag Match to determine which promotion was #1. This would be Global World Champion Tack Angel's biggest task since winning the belt, as he would have to face an elite team with a rag tag band of various EBW fighters. To add to the pressure Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Lady M's, and Ness could suddenly be seen in the crowd cheering on Tack Angel, much to the dismay of Mr. Poochyfud and his Administration. Tess also came out to watch Tack and Travis so you know Tack was feeling the pressure. He actually started the match against Tatsunoko's team captain Yatterman. The devious Tatsunoko spokesman was a match for Tack, but he also tried dirty tactics to get the edge. Tack was able to defend and mostly stood back waiting for his moment to strike. When Yatterman missed a big Yakuza Kick Tack took him down with a Drop toe-hold and then caught him with an STF. Yatterman surprisingly tapped early and Tack got the first elimination for his team. Tack was next faced with the big man Ryu the Owl, who threw him around and used big power moves. At this point Kinniku Mike once again found himself distracted by the presence of Lady M's. He blind tagged himself in and tried to impress Tali by taking control of the big man, but without 100% focus, Mike soon fell to Ryu's Horned Owl Musou. Rude was in next while Ryu tagged in Joe the Condor. They were an even match, but Rude played his usual tricks to get an edge. Normally the fans would be booing, but this was for EBW so they cheered. He eliminated Joe with Tha Rulebreaka. Ken the Eagle came in next, and was impressive and dominant. He was much faster then Rude and used that to his advantage to take Rude down and score the elimination with a Kenton Bomb. Travis was in next with Ken, but Yatterman was back out by this point trying to help his team from outside the ring. Travis was taking it to Ken, but a distraction lead to Ken rolling up Travis for the elimination. It was now up to Tack, who was now once again tangling with the big man Ryu. Tack brought Ryu down to size with vicious chops and kicks. Tess yelled for him to "do the trademark" and Tack begrudgingly made a hand gesture before kicking Ryu in the abdomen and hitting the STO before the pin and the elimination. It was now down to Tack and Ken, who put on the best wrestling action of the night. Ken kept up with the champ, but Tack was timid no more and went crazy on Ken near the end, hitting kick after kick. A high kick followed by a Standing Shirinai Kai lead to Tack pinning Ken for the win and a huge victory for Team EBW. The team came back into the ring to celebrate with Travis once again getting uncomfortably close to Tack in celebration. As a champion Tack has now lead Team EBW to victory in our first Collision overall win. Congratulations Team EBW!

EBW- 3 (WIN!) Tatsunoko-2

Collision III EBW vs. Tatsunoko on
Fourside Expo Center

1. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Singles Match
Lucas beat Speed Racer[Tatsunoko] (4:25) with a Legdrop Bulldog.
2. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Tag Team Match (Non-Title)
Ippatsuman[Tatsunoko]/Tekkaman[Tatsunoko] beat Sal Paradise/Jamie OD (18:07) via Countout.
3. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Singles Match
Casshern[Tatsunoko] beat Dynamic Dougie (8:54) with a Neo Human Drive (Spinning Falcon’s Arrow).
4. EBW vs. Tatsunoko Special Rematch
Swift beat Hurricane Polymar[Tatsunoko] (5:19) with a Muscle Buster.
5. Team EBW vs. Team Tatsunoko 4-on-4 Elimination Team Match
Tack Angel/Rude/Kinniku Mike/Travis beat Yatterman[Tatsunoko]/Ken the Eagle[Tatsunoko]/Joe the Condor[Tatsunoko]/Ryu the Owl[Tatsunoko] (29:12).
-Tack Angel eliminated Yatterman (3:18) with an STF Submission.
-Ryu the Owl eliminated Kinniku Mike (8:23) with a Horned Owl Musou.
-Rude eliminated Joe the Condor (10:51) with Tha Rulebreaka.
-Ken the Eagle eliminated Rude (16:09) the a Kenton Bomb.
-Ken the Eagle eliminated Travis (19:19) with a Roll-up Pin.
-Tack Angel eliminated Ryu the Owl (23:08) with an STO.
-Tack Angel eliminated Ken the Eagle (29:12)with a Standing Shirinai Kai.


Moz Hospitalized!

We can now confirm that former 2-Time CXJ Champion Moz has been hospitalized after his title loss to Dave Larmore on X-perience. The injuries came at the hands of Shadow, who attacked after the match with a sledgehammer and left Moz with a minor crack in the skull and a fractured right hand. The injuries will take some time to heal, but judging by this footage of Lovekick going to the Hospital for a visit, Moz does not seem too down about the situation.

Moz: Oh sure, I'm pretty ticked about the whole Shadow thing and I do intend on getting my revenge, and working to reclaim the CXJ title, but right and these fine sexy nurses....are going to be focusing on my "physical therapy".

Huge News Concerning X-cite and X-perience! Monday Nite X-cite Begins!

The big rumor concerning a brand shift to EBW's programming has been revealed! It appears that X-cite is going to be renamed "Monday Nite X-cite" and a brand new set is going to be constructed as part of an "image upgrade" mandated by the Poochyfud Administration. X-perience will also be receiving upgrades, such as a new color scheme to go with the new theme of the shows "Fire & Ice". Monday Nite X-cite is going to kick off with a stacked card featuring several in ring returns, and a huge title unification match! You can tell that Master Lu is back in the fold, when you see these top caliber match ups. The action begins with a multi-man ladder match, to see who will be the first to challenge the Undisputed CXJ Champion Dave Larmore. Then we'll finally see SinDOS in action as they join Dynamic Dougie & Akinan and Strong Destiny in a 3-Team Tag Match. Kinniku Mike and SURGE ace Amigo will finally settle a score when they face off one-on-one. Amigo already sent Maurice packing, will he do the same to Mike, or will the Samoan Slaughterhouse focus and take the what he believes is his. To add to this match Captain Strong has personally volunteered to referee the match. He has had bad blood with Mike since kicking him out of SURGE, but he promises that "the one who wins will be the one who earns it", which hopefully means he's calling it down the line. Tatsunoko lost the battle at Collision III, but the war isn't over yet. Swift has agreed to face both Hurricane Polymar and Yatterman in a final handicap match. Will the "Swift Fury" momentum continue, or will Tatsunoko get the last laugh? In the last two matches we have two special main events with a lot on the line. Ness has returned, and agreed to team with his old enemy w00t against his rivals The Alpha Betas. Victory is essential for their team, as Ness must win to remain in EBW and w00t must win to reignite the career that the Poochyfud Administration is trying to destroy. The final match with see Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting make his return with his Vs. World Heavyweight Championship to take on Rude with his Royal Crown Championship in a Title Unification Cage Match! Cage matches have been rare in EBW's history, but changes are continuing to happen and EBW is heading down a new path. This match and the previous match before it could help determine the future of EBW under the Poochyfud Administration. You can not miss this epic night. It's Monday Nite X-cite!

EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ #1 Contender Ladder Match
Chicken Man vs. Lucas vs. Bolshoi vs. Bakayaro vs. Grudge vs. Anguish vs. ?
2. 3-Team Tag Match
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan vs. Eivion Thanatos/Green Destiny vs. Avion/Metrion
3. Special Singles Match
Kinniku Mike vs. Amigo Special Referee: Captain Strong
4. Special Handicap Match EBW vs. Tatsunoko Rubber Match
Swift vs. Hurricane Polymar[Tatsunoko]/Yatterman[Tatsunoko]
5. Special Tag Team Match Ness loses Ness leaves
Ness/w00t vs. Troy/Lukie
6. EBW Royal Crown Championship/Vs. World Heavyweight Championship Title Unification Cage Match
Rude(c) vs. Trevor Mach(c)


Tack Angel: I am thrilled with how Team EBW did at Collision III! I wasn't sure how well the four of us would work together and we had a few hiccups, but it turned out to be a good night for EBW. We got some great wrestling action on the rest of the show too. Swift came back and made Hurricane Polymar humble....and now he's going to be eating all of his meals through a straw. Speaking of comebacks, Trevor and Ness are on their way back in too. This week's X-cite....Monday Nite X-cite is going to be a huge night, as we see the two of them and Swift return. Now I'm actually going to be sitting out X-cite, because I have been invited to sit in the new Poochyfud VIP Box with the Administration for the show. Since Mr. Poochyfud is in hands are pretty much tied. Still, I felt the need to step up my training, since 3 of EBW's best ever were coming back. If I want to remain champion then I'm going to have to be prepared for anything.....yet as I went to shower off after training I learned that I'll NEVER be prepared for it all....

Tack Angel: Aw! This hot water is soothing on the ol' achy bones. Singing in the rain....just singing in the...

Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: BOOSH!

Tack Angel: AH!

Trevor Mach: HA! Hey buddy!

Tack Angel: TREVOR?! What are you doing here?

Trevor Mach: What? In the shower? I don't know....showering?

Tack Angel: Uh...well...I know that. I was just're just showing after a hard day of training right? You're not smashing up the showers? Cause if that's the case please let me finish my shower and I'll leave you to it.

Trevor Mach: Haha! You crack me up Tack....I like the cut of your jib...whatever a jib is.

Tack Angel: I must be happy to be back in...

Trevor Mach: HEY!

Tack Angel: AH! WHAT?!

Trevor Mach: Jeez! Relax buddy! I was just going to ask if you wanted a rubber ducky! I brought two!

Tack Angel:'s ok...hey....what is that on your back? Does that say...."Tali"? You got a Tali tattoo?

Trevor Mach: Um....if by tattoo you mean I was branded then....YES! Yes I did get a "tattoo".

Tack Angel: and Tali make an awesome couple. I hope to find my match someday too.

Trevor Mach: I think you've got a tag partner hoping the same thing Tack.

Tack Angel: What?!

Trevor Mach: Nothing! So....champ...any ideas on who your first defense is going to be?

Tack Angel: Um...not just yet. Listen, no offense, but shower conversations are a bit awkward....that being said I'm finished up so I'm gonna take off.

Trevor Mach: Ha! Suit yourself! Later buddy, grats again on becoming Global World Champ by the way.

Tack Angel: Thanks, welcome back to EBW. We missed you and Ness around here.

Trevor Mach: Want to hear the funny part? We were just goofing around before....we're going to have some real fun now. BOOSH!

Tack Angel: Wonderful....gotta go. Man, how could this get any more awkward?

Travis: HIYA TACK!

Tack Angel: Aw crap!

Travis: What's wrong?

Tack Angel: Nothing...stubbed my toe. Heya Travis....getting ready to take a shower?

Travis: Yeah! Aren't you? We could shower together...well not "together" you getting in the shower?

Tack Angel: I just finished in there.

Travis: Oh....well...I just finished training hard today Tack. I'm not going to let you down when we finally get our title match against Akatsuki. I told you about my past before, but I don't know if you know just how much it means to me to wash that away and start again with a tag team partner.....partner.

Tack Angel: I...uh...appreciate it Travis. We're going to give em a great fight. I'm the Global World Champion, but I'll be honored to hold the tag belts with you my friend.....FRIEND.....FRRRIIEEEENNNND!

Travis: What...uh...are you trying to say?

Tack Angel: *sigh* Nothing. I'm going to go but some clothes on. See you later Travis....enjoy your shower....By the way....why are you wearing the towel like that?

Travis: What? I'm just....uh....cold! there anyone else in the shower?

Tack Angel: should be empty.

Travis: Fantastic later!

Tack Angel: Uh...later...oh wait...Trevor might still be....oh well he's gone already. I need to get some clothes on.

Tess: No you don't!

Tack Angel: Wha?!

Travis: Oh I wish I could tell you who I..

Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Wait....WAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!?!

Travis: AAAAAHHHH!!!

Trevor Mach: .....

Travis: .....

Trevor Mach: .....

Travis: .....

Trevor Mach:' are a....

Travis: Ah....oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh........

Trevor Mach: Huh.....huh....really?! Well....this does explain a lot.

Travis: Uh.....

Trevor Mach: .....excuse me...

Lady M's:'s boring around here. I need something chaotic to occupy my time.



Lady M's: Thank you! That'll do!


Lady M's: Well hello Trevtastic! Running around naked again huh?

Trevor Mach: No, it's different this time. Something super serious has just been "revealed" to me about Travis!

Lady M's: I already know.

Trevor Mach: Travis is....Travis already know.

Lady M's: Yep! I already know that's Travis has a dirty little secret.

Trevor Mach: Wait...wh....why didn't you tell me?!

Lady M's: Cause you never asked you silly goose!

Trevor Mach: Oh...well that makes sense I suppose.

Lady M's: So you figured that out, but have you figured out who Travis REALLY is yet?

Trevor Mach: "REALLY is?" No...

Lady M's: Walk with me Trev....I've got a scoop for you.

SURGE CONFRONTATION! Final Night of SURGE? was on hand at the SURGE Dojo as Amigo was training with Captain Strong in preparation for the fight with Kinniku Mike on Monday Nite X-cite. Suddenly, Kinniku Mike barged into the Dojo to have a word with his former stable mates.

Kinniku Mike: Well look at this...the loser is getting ready for his beating. I hope your insurance is paid up Amigo.

Amigo: Mike, how dare you come back in here. You've disrespected this dojo, just like Maurice did, and we know what happened to him. I'm not much for words, I want to do my "talking" in the ring. So get out of here and we'll settle this on X-cite.

Kinniku Mike: Well...that's about as much as I have ever heard from you Amigo. You think you can walk the walk and talk the talk, but against me you're just a victim. You kissed ass and tried to go the MMA route to make a name for yourself when MMA was popular around here. Meanwhile, I was busting my ass in EBW, beating the "Brawler" and earning my spot!

Amigo: You mean when you weren't oogling another man's girlfriend?

Kinniku Mike: Boy, I'm gonna bust your...

Captain Strong: ENOUGH! Mike...Amigo....I had such high hopes for the two of you and Maurice, but now it's clear to me that only one of you is worthy enough to ascend to main event level.

Kinniku Mike: You're looking at the worthy one right here. The Samoan Slaughterhouse! I'm going to tear Amigo apart and then I'm doing to dismantle those CXJ losers over there.

Bolshoi: .....

Bakayaro: Is he talking about us?

Kinniku Mike: Then, I'm gonna burn SURGE to the ground!

Captain Strong: Then let's put our money where our mouth is Mike. Let's you and I make a wager. I am refereeing this match and I promise that the true ace will win. So if Amigo wins then you must leave on an excursion similar to Maurice, but if you win SURGE will be dismantled and I'll stay out of your way. What do you say?

Kinniku Mike:'re on old timer. Amigo....Release Dragon Suplex....1...2....3.....DONE!

Amigo: We'll see.

- - Monday Nite X-cite Intro Video

It's a new era in EBW as we kicked off a brand new Monday Nite X-cite with a new intro video and a brand new set complete with giant tron and a single entrance, a possible symbol that the faction wars of the past were officially over. Of course the Poochyfud posters remained, towering over the fans and the roster. The show once again kicked off with Mr. Poochyfud and his Administration addressing the fans.

Mr. Poochyfud: Welcome to Monday Nite X-cite! It's a brand new day for my wonderful vision of EBW! Times are changing and with that the look and feel of EBW should change as well. The two entrances we used to use, we're part of a by-gone era. An era where factions ran rampant and feuded with one another for control of MY company. That of course, is all over now. NOW. I will run my company with an iron fist, and enemies of the EBW state will be severely punished. We've had a couple recent "hiccups", but I am willing to play the game and work within MY system to clean things up. By the end of the night I hope to return to my new status quo. We already have signs of progress however, as Global World Champion Tack Angel successfully lead an all-star team against Tatsunoko! Tack, is going to be my franchise player! Tonight, he and Travis will be joining me in my brand new VIP box, where I will be watching all of you while you watch a brand new Monday Nite X-cite in this brand new set! Now, without further ado...I present to you all tonight's special guest host.....

Master Lu: Hold it right there sir.

Mr. Poochyfud: LU! Haven't you caused enough damage this week?!

Master Lu: Why sir....I have to tell you that hurts. I'm just here to assist you. I mean, I feel like I HAVE to be here to assist. It's important to me that you understand.

Mr. Poochyfud:'re being sarcastic aren't you?

Master Lu: 100% sir. The point is your crazy vision is going to kill your creation. You're taking away the heart and soul of EBW and spending more money then you ever have before. It's time for a change alright....but back in the other direction. That is why Trevor and Ness are coming back. The war for EBW's heart and soul.

At that moment Trevor and Ness appeared on the stage with long metal hooks in their hands. They were soon joined by Lady M's and surprisingly w00t as well.

Mr. Poochyfud: Hey....what....what are you going to do with those?

Master Lu: Well, you see these two have very important matches tonight, but I figured before getting ready it was time to make a very important "cosmetic" change to this fantastic new set. Get to it boys.

Trevor and Ness then climbed up the brand new tron and using the hooks, they tore apart the Poochyfud posters as the crowd cheered. A fuming Mr. Poochyfud stomped away to his VIP box, followed by his Administration and a frustrated Royal Crown Champion Rude, who considered running up and attacking his opponent for the evening.

Later tonight, Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting would make his in ring return and battle Rude in the a Cage match. The match would be a unification match to determine the Undisputed Royal Crown Champion. Ness and w00t would also have a huge match with big implications, when they would take on The Alpha Betas. Ness and w00t would have to win for Ness to return full time to the EBW roster. Backstage, Nerma caught up with Ness, w00t, Lady M's, and Trevor Mach.

Nerma: Well, what an interesting way to kick of Monday Nite X-cite. I can't say I'm against what you were up to all things considered, but still, you're now all marked men....and women.

Ness: I think we already were marked as "enemies of the state", by Mr. Poochyfud. I have never really gotten off my chest just how much I felt used and lied to by that *bleep*! Yeah that's right I said *bleep*! I was never one for the bad language, but I also believe that people have the right to say whatever they want! That was always apart of my vision for EBW, and I thought Poochyfud and I agreed on where the company was heading, but I was wrong. I am one of the last remaining EBW originals, and now it seems he wants to eliminate the past, and rewrite it so as to change our future.....I say....LIKE HELL!

w00t: Well said Ness, but you have to shift your focus on our match tonight! I know you and I haven't gotten along in the past, and I have by no means forgotten about that or changed my ways....after all....a zebra can't change his stripes. But I think we have some common ground for once. You and I need to focus on our tag match against those petulant Alpha Betas. Those jock meat heads want to embarrass me?! I don't think so. I'm not going to fail and if you fail you're going to eat an WKO!

Ness: I'm glad you haven't changed w00t....I really am....because I need PERFECTION in that ring tonight!

Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Haha! Tonight is all about a momentum shift in the other direction and we're going to have some real fun! BOO....

Lady M's:'s time to get serious for a minute. The only time EBW has ever been the least bit stable is when you or Ness were leading the charge. It's time to do it again Trevtastic.

Trevor Mach: ....You're right....EBW needs heroes...and DAMN IT....we're going to give them back their heroes! BOOSH!

We then cut to the brand new Poochyfud VIP Room, where the EBW Owner was joining Travis and Global World Champion Tack Angel.

Mr. Poochyfud: ARG!

Tack Angel: Ah! Trouble sir?

Mr. Poochyfud: Humph! Nothing that I can't handle! Anyways, how are you liking the VIP's nice isn't it?

Tack Angel: Uh...sure...really nice.

Travis: A bit expensive I bet.

Mr. Ryan IQ: Extremely, but sometimes you just got to spend some money.....whoa....can't believe I just said that. I need to go crunch some numbers.

Mr. Poochyfud: This is just a taste of the champion lifestyle. I know Tess has been grooming you, giving you an image, giving you trademarks, helping you become an icon. I believe that the time has come for you to be my franchise player. I want you committed lock, stock, and barrel to the Poochyfud Administration.

Travis: This wouldn't have anything to do with the return of Ness and Trevor would it?

Mr. Poochyfud: ......Grrr.....NEEEEESSSS!!!! MAAAACH!

Tack Angel: ....Wow....very awkward in here all of a sudden.

Mr. Poochyfud: I'm sorry for that outburst. I am just frustrated by the enemies that threaten to tear down my empire! That is why we need a REAL HERO! My Administration needs you Tack. That is why you and Travis are here. You're going to help me lead EBW into a golden age. You're going to carry the torch as the Global World Champion, and then you and Travis are going to save the tag titles by lifting them off of that maniac KYO and that little punk Danny Leung! You're going to change the world.

Tack Angel: Hmm....Talk about pressure.

Travis: Indeed.

Mr. Poochyfud: No pressure Tack! Just sit back and relax tonight! Enjoy the show and we'll get to the details later.

The in-ring action began with a solid CXJ #1 Contender Ladder Match between Chicken Man, Lucas, Bolshoi, Grudge, Anguish, and a surprise entrant. The surprise entrant turned out to be the former multi-time champion Shadow, who was once again hoping to use the shock to his advantage. This wasn't the only surprise in the match however, as on his way to the ring Lucas found himself being attacked by a strange masked man. This strange figure bashed Lucas repeatedly with a chair before quickly running off. Undisputed CXJ Champion Dave Larmore watched on as the CXJ stars collided. Shadow was brutally dominant as usual, and had no trouble throwing his old proteges Grudge and Anguish out of the ring. He quickly tried climbing the ladder, but Bolshoi got under his legs and picked him up. Bakayaro was waiting on a ring post and dropped kicked Shadow while Bolshoi fell backwards. Chicken Man used this opportunity to grab the ladder and spun it around to clear the ring. He tried climbing up to reach the contract, but Shadow pushed the ladder over and quickly choke slammed Chicken Man onto the mat. Bolshoi and Bakayaro worked as a team through most of the match, and together managed to drop Shadow with a double suplex. They played a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who would try and climb the ladder. Bakayaro won, so Bolshoi leaped out of the ring to bring Grudge and Anguish crashing back down while Bakayaro grabbed the contract and won the match. The rookie who began his career as an Edo journeyman is now on his way to a title match with Dave Lamore.

We briefly cut back to Mr. Poochyfud in his VIP Room, a habit which would continue throughout the show.

Mr. Poochyfud: That Bakayaro has promise.....if Larmore can't be "taught" to conform I wouldn't mind seeing him as my CXJ Champion.

Tack Angel: Conform?

Mr. Poochyfud: Why yes of course Larmore will have to change his ways. He is representing my EBW on a larger scale now. This angry libertarian nonsense will have to end. I almost think I like him better when he was too drunk to get a word out.

Tack Angel: .....

The next match on the card featured the in-ring debut of Avion and Metrion, as they faced Strong Destiny, and Dynamic Dougie & Akinan in a 3-Team Match. Avion and Metrion have picked a big fight with Akatsuki and left the tag champs beaten several times already. They also impressed with their in-ring debut. Metrion was the brutal power fighter of the team. He fought like KYO, but with more focus and more technique. Avion was a high flyer and had no trouble going to the top rope. Strong Destiny was reliable as always, but once again Akinan proved to be the weak link in his team with Dynamic Dougie. Akinan left Dougie open to a combo move called the Hatecore (Backdrop/Neckbreaker). Then Metrion charged Strong Destiny and forced them both over the ropes and out of the ring. Akinan was the legal man and tried to shake hands with Avion, but instead he was kick in the gut and dropped with an sXe DDT followed by the pin and the win. SinDOS won the match and showed their dominance. Outside the ring Dougie looked visibly upset at Akinan. The big lug in the Tanooki Suit tried cheering him up, but Dougie simply shook his head and walked away. Back in the ring Avion and Metrion celebrated....well Avion celebrated, while Metrion stood with unblinking eyes, scaring the hell out of the fans. Suddenly, the EBW Tag Team Champions arrived on the scene and rushed into the ring where they blindsided SinDOS. The two teams brawled until security broke them up. This rivalry is definitely heating up.

Back at the VIP Box...

Mr. Poochyfud: Heh....Akatsuki....SinDOS is going to teach you a lesson. You'll pay for not falling in line.

The next match was one that fans had been waiting for. The implosion of SURGE has left Amigo as the only member of the initial three that joined Captain Strong at Victory Explosion 3. With Maurice gone it's now down to Amigo and Kinniku Mike. One is a former Royal Crown Champion and a crossover hybrid star, while the other went on a personal mission to become the new brawler of EBW. Which one is the true ace? Captain Strong promised that the true ace would prevail as he volunteered to be the Special Referee. Amigo and Mike put on a very impressive effort that really showed the growth of the two fighters. Amigo tried to go for the takedowns and submissions, while Mike was all about punching, kicking, and slamming Amigo to the mat. Captain Strong called it right down the line. Late in the match Amigo took control and somehow managed to pull off four consecutive german suplexes, but Mike got right back up to his feet and floored Amigo with a lariat. He then picked Amigo up and tossed him into a corner before rushing him. Mike then tried to hit his Release Dragon Suplex, but Amigo escaped and trapped the Samoan Slaughterhouse in a Rolling Olympic Hell. The crowd was going crazy as Mike struggled to free himself. He finally managed to grab the rope and Strong had Amigo let go of the hold. Another example of calling it down the line. Mike and Amigo took their ground in the middle of the ring and traded some blows. Amigo shot in and tried to take Mike down, but Mike caught him and quickly powerbombed him before going for the pin. 1-2-KICKOUT! Mike was frustrated at this point, but the fans were cheering for Amigo and on their feet. Amigo staggered up and was prepared to charge at Mike. The two rivals stood poised to collide until suddenly Captain Strong intervened and actually hit Amigo with the Strong Chop! The fans were shocked and began to boo heavily as Stong and Kinniku Mike embraced. Then Mike rolled up Amigo and Strong did a fast count to give Kinniku Mike the win. Fans started throwing garbage into the ring as Captain Strong raise Mike's hand in victory.

Captain Strong: I bet you didn't see that one coming did you Amigo?! Of course, how could you? You're so bland and one dimensional! I'm not one for demanding charisma, but come on kid! You've got the charisma of a brick! Mike here.....he's the total package! I realized that when he had the balls to go after Swift! Meanwhile, you went the hybrid route and totally disrespected my vision of athletic wrestling competition. I went to Versus to show that wrestling was the strongest while you went there to HIDE! Amigo, you're the biggest disappointment of my SURGE project. I wanted you to lead a new generation....or that is what I told you, but I'm man enough to admit when I am wrong. SURGE was a joke and now it's gone! The one good thing to come from SURGE is the rise of Kinniku Mike! I am now officially the manager of Kinniku Mike and Mr. Poochyfud, if you need a franchise player then you got him RIGHT HERE! This boy is going places! I may have joked about his lack of focus before, but he knows what he wants and he's going to get it! The Kinniku Mike era begins tonight!

Back in the Poochyfud VIP Box...

Mr. Poochyfud: Hmmm....maybe Captain Strong is right. This Kinniku Mike might just be going places in the New Era. I'm going to be keeping an eye on him.

Before the next match we were taken backstage with the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Lovekick Connection and the #1 Contenders Hotlanta and Generator.

Hater: NYAH! I'm Hater and I hate a lot of things, but one thing I can't Lovekick Connection. You guys are awesome! What can I say?

Sal Paradise: You already said it bud? We're awesome!

Hater: You guys made history by becoming unified champions and have made the Poochyfud Administration very proud. Later this week on X-perience you'll be going head to head against veteran team Hotlanta and Generator. How are you preparing for the match up?

Jamie OD: Oi! We're taking the two veterans very seriously! We're training and we'll be prepared.

Sal Paradise: Couldn't have said it any better myself. Short simple and to the point. Now where is Nerma? I have to ask that fine lady why she hasn't called us lately.

Hater: NYAH! Now I TOTALLY hate Generator and Hotlanta!

Generator: Gee thanks dick.

Hotlanta: Where did this guy come from?!

Hater: You two are products of a bygone era and need to get the hell out of here instead of trying to tarnish the belts by taking them from such an awesome....

Generator: That's it I'm kicking his *bleep*!

Hotlanta: Right behind you.


The next match was a rematch of sorts from Collision III. The returning Swift annihilated Hurricane Polymar on the ENN special and gained sweet retribution. Tonight he face Polymar again, who was also joined by Yatterman in the last stand for Tatsunoko. Needless to say the addition of Yatterman did little to stop the onslaught of a recharged Brawler Swift. Yatterman kicked off the match by charging Swift and ate a helmet shattering boot and was KO'd for the remainder of the match. Then once again Swift put the boots to Hurricane Polymar, and beat him in short order with another Muscle Buster. Swift wins another big match. After the match Nerma tried to stop Swift for an interview, but Swift simply held up his hands symbolizing "2-0", his win/loss record since coming back.


     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:25 pm  #95

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Now it was time for the first of two huge main events. Old rivals would team up to take on the hot new tag team on the block. The Alpha Betas debuted in dominant fashion and the Letterman  jocks have blazed a trail as a hit squad for the Administration ever since. Now their biggest challenge would come from a focused and angry w00t and the returning EBW Original Ness. Ness and w00t put aside their differences for this one and brought the fight to the Alpha Betas. Troy slowed their momentum by catching both w00t and Ness by the throat and double chokeslammed them. Lukie came in and dropped the elbow on w00t and tried to bust open his forehead. The Alpha Betas were continuing to try and dismantle w00t, which left Ness open to hit his Thunder Brainbuster on Lukie. Troy was a bit more of a challenge, as Ness and w00t tried to stomped him down, but he instead pushed them both back and floored them with a double lariat. This action continued for several minutes. The Alpha Betas tried to pull out the dirty tactics when frustration set in, but Ness was on form in his return. When w00t was downed in the corner with a low blow Ness managed to get the crowd pumped and took turns throwing punches at The Alpha Betas. He managed to hit a quick PSI ROCKIN on Troy, who bounced right back up to his feet, but he was clearly out of it, so Ness tackled him out of the ring. Lukie was distracted long enough for w00t to sneak up behind him and hit the WKO. He got the pin and the win for his team. w00t gets revenge and Ness is officially back in EBW!

Mr. Poochyfud: *Bleep*! I don't want that has been back in EBW!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Sir! Language! This is a PG show now remember?

Mr. Poochyfud: Not if you ask that old geezer Lu! He wants to infect my perfect EBW and ruin it! Bring it down to their level! Well that's fine....we'll see who gets the last laugh.

Tack Angel: Alright....Ness is back.

Travis: You don't sound too happy about that. Is something wrong?

Tack Angel: Nothing....I mean...I'm happy he's back, but...he's going to find out eventually...

Travis: Find what out Tack?

Tack Angel: Nothing. I just want to do the right thing. I just hope I don't do anything else to screw Ness over.

Travis: .....

It was now time for the second main event and last match of the night as the cage was lowered down. This would be the first cage match on tv in a long time and would also see the return of the 4-sided cage. Rude would be putting up the Royal Crown Championship against the returning Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and his Vs. World Heavyweight Championship. Only one wrestler would walk out as the undisputed champion. Trevor was accompanied by Lady M's while Rude had Reno as his entourage like always. Both wrestlers got in each others face as the ref read off the rules for this cage match. A winner would be determined via Pinfall, Submission, or Cage escape. Trevor extended his hand to Rude but the Top Dollah Brawlah just walked off. Trevor smirked as he ripped off his signature shirt pointed at the title belt, and signaled that it would soon be around his waist. This brought Rude out from his corner as this match got underway. The match started with Trevor and Rude trading hard punches, before Trevor shot for a leg and attemped a heel hook on the downed Rude. He escaped and got to his feet first where he started throwing elbows at Trevor. Mach caught several shots before getting back up to his feet and landing a hard head butt. Trevor shot around Rude and hit the Shin Trevorplex. Rude hit the cage instead of the mat so Trevor was unable to go for a pin. The fans were enjoying this match, as it so far reminded them of the Hybrid battles these two fought in the past. The tide changed when Rude gouged Trevor in the eyes and whipped him into the cage. With Mach down Rude tried to climb up the cage. Trevor followed suit and the two traded blows. Trevor grabbed Rude by the head and slammed it into the cage. Rude fell to the mat and Trevor followed after with a big elbow drop. Instead of trying to pin Rude, Trevor tried to set him up for the Cross Armbar, but Rude escaped and tried to retaliate with a Cross Kneebar. Trevor crawled to the ropes and kicked Rude off. They both got back to their feet at the same time and Rude took a big swing at Trevor. Trevor ducked the punch and when Rude turned around Trevor kicked him in the gut and hit a Trevorplex! 1-2-KICKOUT! Rude escaped and when they both got back to their feet Rude hit Tha Rulebreaka! Trevor was down once again and Rude attempted to climb the cage again. Trevor struggled to get up and follow. He caught Rude on the top of the cage and they traded blows again. This time they both fell and hit the mat hard. Rude crawled over to Trevor and tried to pin him. 1-2-KICKOUT! Rude was frustrated and once again tried climbing the cage. He didn't get far before Trevor grabbed him by the hair and tossed him into the other side of the cage. Trevor then ran across the ring and delivered a flying knee that floored the Royal Crown Champion. Trevor stood back and pumped up the crowd as Rude staggered to his knees. Trevor then pointed at Rude and came running at him. He shouted out "BOOSH!" before hitting Rude with a Macha Ye that smashed his face against the cage. He rolled him up for the pin. 1-2-3! Trevor Mach won the match and became the Undisputed Royal Crown Champion! The crowd was on their feet as Trevor climbed the cage and held his two title belts overhead. M's, Ness, and Master Lu were out to celebrate the win while Reno came out looking less then pleased. That wasn't all though as Kinniku Mike peaked his head out of the entrance way. He glanced at Mach and M's before heading into the back. Trevor Mach had made a successful return and helped "give EBW back its heroes"! Trevor Mach and Ness are back in action and here to stay.

Mr. Poochyfud was less then pleased...

Mr. Poochyfud: NO! NO! NOOOO! This CAN NOT be happening!

Tack Angel: Uh sir....are you....


Tack Angel: AHHH!!!

Mr. Poochyfud: AH! TESS! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!

Tess: Oh nothing! Just came by to pick up my...nephew and your future Franchise Player!

Mr. Poochyfud: Grrr...Future nothing! It's time to step up my plans! Tack!

Tack Angel: AH!

Mr. Poochyfud: You're the Global World Champion! The time to be my franchise player is NOW! Later this week on X-perience I'm booking the match that will solidify you as my player and solidify my Administration as firmly in control! You and Travis will take on Akatsuki for the tag belts! As for tonight's "insults".....I've got contingency plans in store for the enemies of MY EBW! This isn't going to be like the wars fought in EBW before. This is psycological warfare and the war is just beginning. No one will stand in the way of my glory....NO ONE!

Tack Angel: *gulp* Oh boy....

EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ #1 Contender Ladder Match
Bakayaro beat Chicken Man, Lucas, Bolshoi, Grudge, Anguish, and Shadow (13:59) by grabbing the #1 Contender Contract.
2. 3-Team Tag Match
Avion/Metrion beat Dynamic Dougie/Akinan and Eivion Thanatos/Green Destiny (6:15) when Avion hit the sXe DDT on Akinan.
3. Special Singles Match
Kinniku Mike beat Amigo (9:13) with a Release Dragon Suplex. Special Referee: Captain Strong
4. Special Handicap Match EBW vs. Tatsunoko Rubber Match
Swift beat Hurricane Polymar[Tatsunoko]/Yatterman[Tatsunoko] (3:50) with a Muscle Buster on Hurricane Polymar.
5. Special Tag Team Match Ness loses Ness leaves
Ness/w00t beat Troy/Lukie (12:39) when w00t hit the WKO on Lukie.
6. EBW Royal Crown Championship/Vs. World Heavyweight Championship Title Unification Cage Match
Trevor Mach(c) beat Rude(c) (15:49) with a Macha Ye to become the Undisputed Royal Crown Champion!


The Ultimate EBW Season 4 Announced! Team Ness vs. Team Machismo! More developments included!

Yep, you read that right. TUE is coming back after a lackluster 3rd season, and just days after returning to the roster, Ness and new Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting are going to be the coaches on the show!

Mr. Poochyfud was all smiles, but he kept security tight and made sure the new coaches could get nowhere near him. Using Trevor and Ness as the coaches is a wonderful way to reboot the series and get people interested in a brand new breed of EBW talent. While this is true, rumors say that the choice of Trevor Mach and Ness was to attempt to keep them away from the main shows and minimize the damage they might cause now that they are back. In any case Trevor and Ness were happy to accept the roles, but very unhappy that they had security breathing down their necks.

Trevor Mach: JEEZ! A little space please! How's a guy supposed to breath!?

Ness: much for Poochyfud's security. So how about this TUE thing? Sounds like a ploy to keep us busy.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, but I'm REALLY good at multi-tasking. This won't be a problem.

Ness: If they think they are going to film this show at my house they are out of their minds....I'll do something start a fire!

Trevor Mach: Sounds fun, but how is that gonna help.

Ness: I don't know....I'm just pissed at the thought of it.

Trevor Mach: Haha! BOOSH! Oh hey Tack!

Tack Angel: Oh uh...hey guys....what's new?

Trevor Mach: Well we just beat up Pooch's security. That was pretty funny!

Tack Angel: Yeah I saw that.

Ness: Well, what are you up to Champ! Heh.

Tack Angel: Ah! Oh hi Ness....I'm just here because Mr. Poochyfud asked me here for some reason.

Travis: Heya Ness!

Ness: Hey know you sound like someone else I know....weird.

Travis: Heh...that's funny. *cough cough*

Trevor Mach: Huh, who is that suave, yet shady dude in the suit and shades over there? A friend of yours?

Tack Angel: one I know.

Ness: Uh can I help you sir?

?: Hmm...perhaps you can. My name is Agent Johnson. I work for the Eagleland Bureau of Investigations. Have you heard of it?

Ness: The EBI of course. What can we do for you?

Agent Johnson: Well let's just say something is going down and your boss and his wife who happens to be running for mayor of this fine city are under CLOSE investigation.

Trevor Mach: Groovy.

Agent Johnson: Something is going down and Mr. Poochyfud may be involved, or at least one of his new "friends". I'm just snooping around at the moment, but I may need your services at a later date. I happen to watch your wrestling show from time to time. My son is a huge Tack fan.

Tack Angel: Aww shucks. I guess I could like give him an autograph or something.

Agent Johnson: No.

Tack Angel: Fair enough.

Agent Johnson: I'm only here on business. Just checking out the lay of the land. In any is my card....I'll be keeping in touch.

Ness: Well...that certainly was interesting. Anyways Tack, Trev and I will get out of your hair. Oh, before I go have you seen my Mom around anywhere?

Tack Angel: NO! I uh...mean...why would I know where she was?

Ness: Well she is your manager now isn't she?

Tack Angel: Manager YES!.....nothing else.

Ness: Ooook, well tell her I said hello. Later Tack!

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Tack Angel: Yeah...right back at ya buddy....I think.

At this point followed Tack Angel and Travis back into Mr. Poochyfud's office as The Pooch presented Tack with a "surprise".

Tess: Hello Tackikins!

Tack Angel: AH! Oh hi Tess....Ness says hello.

Mr. Poochyfud: Tack, Travis, great to see the both of you! I was just speaking with Tess here about your bright future as my personal Franchise Player!

Tack Angel: Oh...uh...wonderful.

Mr. Poochyfud: Indeed it is. We've got a fight on our hands like never before and I know that with you on my side we can deal with the enemies.

Tack Angel: ...Yeah.

Travis: Uh hi....Aunt Tess. What is with that toy belt?

Tess: Well, it's a surprise for Tack! This Tack, is going to be your new personalized Global World Championship!

Tack Angel: It is? It looks like a toy. Is it a spinner belt?

Tess: Indeed it is! It's a symbol of everything Mr. Poochyfud's EBW stands for. It's "fresh" it's "hip" it's "happening". The kids are going to love it.

Tack Angel: But...this title belt is the symbol of Pro Wrestling. Why replace it with...."that".

Tess: It's part of the image Tack. If we're going down this road we might as well go full throttle and embrace it right? you have a "problem" with the belt?

Tack Angel: *sigh* No, I'm sure it'll grow on me....just like the catchphrase...since you apparently can not see me...and such.

Tess: ...Ok..then...if you're sure.

Mr. Poochyfud: Great! Well, I'm not going to give you the new belt just yet. When you become a double champion at the end of X-perience I will present you the belt and officially declare you my Franchise Player!

Tack Ange: Yeah...heh...if I become tag champion with Travis right?

Mr. Poochyfud: IF.....when.

EBW: X-perience Card Revealed! Two Tag Championship Matches!

The X-perience card has been revealed, and it's a double title doozy. The CXJ Co-Op belts and the EBW Tag Team belts are both going to be on the line as EBW debuts the new set and color scheme for X-perience. The show will kick off with new CXJ #1 Contender Bakayaro teaming with Bolshoi and Lucas against a reunited trio of Shadow, Grudge, and Anguish. Are the dark and twisted trio reuniting for good? Will Bakayaro continue to impress on his road to a title shot? Swift Fury is running wild through EBW, and Swift intends on keeping his winning streak going when he takes on Chicken Man. Captain Strong shocked the world when he betrayed Amigo and dissolved SURGE. Now, the Captain will be teaming with the Samoan Slaughterhouse against Dynamic Dougie and Akinan. Dougie's frustration with losing his tag matches with Akinan is showing. Will this tandem be able to function against Mike and his manager? Then, Lovekick will attempt to defend their belts against the veteran team of Hotlanta and Generator. Ness, w00t, and new Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach will go up against former champion Rude and The Alpha Betas. Expect a lot of tension in this big match up. In the main event "Greatest Tag Team" Akatsuki will attempt to defend the belts against Global World Champion Tack Angel and Travis. This is the biggest test to date for Akatsuki, as Tack Angel's championship momentum is growing and Travis has proven to be a very competitive wrestler. We'll also see the fallout of SURGE disbanding, plus a mystery special guest host. All of this and more on X-perience.

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. 6-Man CXJ Tag Team Match
Bakayaro/Bolshoi/Lucas vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish
2. Singles Match
Swift vs. Chicken Man
3. Tag Team Match
Kinniku Mike/Captain Strong vs. Dynamic Dougie/Akinan
4. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Sal Paradise(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Hotlanta/Generator
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Trevor Mach/Ness/W00t vs. Rude/Troy/Lukie
6. EBW Tag Team Championship Match
Danny Leung(c)/KYO(c) vs. Tack Angel/Travis



Tess: Oh...there you are Tack.

Tack Angel: Oh...hey Tess.

Tess: Wow, not so jumpy all of a sudden. I have to admit I'm impressed.

Tack Ange: Oh...yeah...sorry.

Tess: Hmmm...something bothering you Tack?

Tack Angel: I'm just.....I'm having second thoughts.

Tess: About what Tackykins?

Tack Angel: About a lot of things. About getting a tag title shot when I haven't even defended the Global World Championship yet. About adopting a silly gimmick just to bring in the kiddie demographic. About jumping on board with Mr. Poochyfud's Administration.

Tess: Oh yeah? You've got a lot on your mind eh? Not too happy with where we've been taking your career?

Tack Angel: know....I haven't felt like I've been control of anything in a long time Tess. I just...want to make my own decisions....I want to do the right thing.

Tess: Heh....the choice has always been yours Tack....I've simply opened the doors for you. I trust that're going to do the right thing.

EBW: X-perience kicked off with a fireworks show and a presentation of the new set and color scheme for X-perience. Ice is the theme to contrast with the fire of X-cite. The landscape of EBW continues to be ever changing. Just when Mr. Poochyfud's Administration seemed to be in complete control, Master Lu returned and brought the eccentric Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and EBW OG Ness back with him. How would their returns affect EBW and how would the Administration respond? We'd get a  glimpse of this tonight. After the presentation we went backstage with Mr. Poochyfud and Master Lu.

Mr. Poochyfud: Hello citizens of the EBW state! It is I once again your glorious leader Mr. Poochyfud. I'm sorry I couldn't come out there personally, but due to recent "additions" to the roster I have to admit that I'm not feeling safe right now. Thank you for that Master Lu.

Master Lu: Aww come on sir. I'm just trying to make EBW better by bringing back its heroes!

Mr. Poochyfud: *Groan* I told you already that I don't need you here anymore! What was I thinking signing you to that type of contract!? In any case Lu, I'm willing to put this all aside and try to let you into my inner circle as long as you are willing to cooperate.

Master Lu: You can count on me Mr. Poochyfud! I'm not here to throw a wrench in your plans at all!

Mr. Poochyfud: Hmmm odd choice of wording, but ok then. Anyways, it's not my pleasure to announce tonight's special celebrity guest!

Master Lu: ACTUALLY....I forgot to mention....I called that off.

Mr. Poochyfud: Pardon?

Master Lu: I called off the celebrity guest. I told him we didn't need him tonight. We got a stacked WRESTLING show already....why waste the time am I right?

Mr. Poochyfud: foolish....OLD....GEEZER! You just HAD to get involved in my plans again didn't you?! You're nothing but a has been wrestling conservative that needs to step aside and let me run MY COMPANY the way I see fit! My progressive vision that the EBW Awesomeverse is mandating.

Master Lu: Actually, they are mandating a return to traditional wrestling values, but you "progressive" types don't like to hear about that. I may be old...I'll agree with you there....but my age has brought experience, and I know that you are setting yourself up for a fall. I can either try to stop the fall, or be there when it all comes crashing down to tell you "I told you so". Since I love EBW I don't want to see it crash and burn, so instead of taking my guaranteed paycheck to sit at home I came back to try and minimize the damage and set things right. In the end though, you are is YOUR company....a company built on the backs of hard working wrestlers and the fans who pay to see their continuing struggle. I won't be able to deter you from your path....but maybe they can.

Mr. Poochyfud: where you are wrong old man. The fans love the new EBW. They have found a new savior in Tack Angel. Tonight, he's going to join me at my right hand and become my franchise player. Where Tack Angel goes....the fans will go. You'll see....the truth will be revealed tonight and I will prevail over your senseless "tradition". It's time to progress'll see some real progression. By the way I would like to take this time to announce that tonight's episode of X-perience "may" include scenes of a graphic and violent nature. This could potentially be a very mature episode so for ready to turn the channel....for the sake of the kiddies.

Master Lu: This warning....what do you have planned?

Mr. Poochyfud: I suggest you watch like everyone'll see what happens when you don't agree with the Administration.

The action began with a 6-Man CXJ Tag Team Match pitting new #1 Contender to the CXJ belt Bakayaro, Bolshoi, and Lucas against Shadow and his reunited team of Grudge and Anguish. Grudge and Anguish came out in new costumes, Anguish dropped the shoulder pads and took on a color scheme similar to Shadow while Grudge was simply painted all white with a soul less gaze. As they made their entrance Lucas was once again blindsided by a mysterious man dressed as a luchador. The man bashed Lucas with a chair and took him out of the game before taking off. Bakayaro and Bolshoi now had their hands full as it was now 2-on-3. They fought the good fight and Bakayaro stepped it up against Shadow, but the former 4-Time CXJ Champion ended the match with a low blow and a Shadow Driver. Shadow is looking strong once again with his dark entourage at his side. He looked down at Bakayaro and smirked, then stated that HE should be the #1 contender for the CXJ belt. Current champion Dave Larmore watched on as Shadow pointed and him and made it clear he was going after his belt.

We were then taken backstage as Tack Angel was entering the office of Mr. Poochyfud.

Mr. Poochyfud: Oh there you are! Welcome Tack! Welcome Travis.

Tack Angel: Hi there....sir.

Mr. Poochyfud: I just wanted to talk to you quickly before tonight's big ceremony at the end of the show. Tonight, is about more then just a belt unveiling ceremony. It's about making a change once and for all. You're going to be the savior of EBW.

Tack Angel: Uh...that honestly sounds like a lot of pressure sir. I just want to do the right thing, go out there and wrestle, and defend my belt.

Mr. Poochyfud: Ha! Defend your belt he says. You're very funny Tack! I want you to hold onto that belt as long as possible, so we're just going to hold off on title defences.

Tack Angel: What are you saying sir? You don't think I can defend the belt?

Mr. Poochyfud: No, that's not it at all's just that....with Trevor and Ness back around....we can't be taking any chances.

Tack Angel: .....

Travis: This isn't right Tack. Say something!

Tack Angel: .....

Mr. Poochyfud: Relax! Good things are coming your way INCLUDING....

Mr. Ryan IQ: A brand new contract with seven figures! That's right! It's time to make the big bucks!

Travis: Hmph....sounds like a bribe to me.

Mr. Ryan IQ: Not a bride....just....friendly persuasion. We all know that money makes the world go round am I right? If you play your cards right I can even make sure that your take home income free...shhhh.

Tack Angel: Listen, this is a lot to take in. I'm just going to head back to my locker room and get ready for my match tonight.

Mr Poochyfud: Heh....that Tack has got the potential alright...the potential to do everything I say and bring us the change we really want.

Mr. Ryan IQ: Sir, your "other" appointment is here to see you now.

Mr. Poochyfud: Ooo bring him in. We don't have much time before the match tonight. Let's get him on our side.

The next match was a one sided squash....plain and simple. Swift is back with a vengeance, and now that Tatunoko has been dealt with his first EBW opponent since his return was TUE 3 winner Chicken Man. The poultry powerhouse was not feeling like a winner tonight though. Swift went to work on him, tackling him in the corner and stomping and punching away at him. He finished Chicken Man off at a minute twenty two thanks to a rin gshaking Muscle Buster. Swift is now 3-0 on his comeback trail. It was interesting to also note that Ryan IQ came out to watch this match....perhaps for scouting purposes?

Earlier this week, Kinniku Mike and Captain Strong shocked the wrestling world. Strong turned on SURGE and his protege Amigo and helped Kinniku Mike win the match. Now Mike and Strong would team up to take on the hard luck team of Dynamic Dougie and Akinan. Once again you could tell that Akinan was going to be trouble, but this time Dougie also seemed very disgruntled and unfocused. Strong was happy to let Mike kick off the match and the Samoan Slaughterhouse was happy to oblige and delivered and stiff kick and a snap suplex to Akinan, who was coming in for a hug. From there he tossed the Tanooki suit wearing lug around the ring with hard power moves. Strong came in and chopped Akinan down as well. Dougie was looking frustrated and finally managed to blind tag himself in. He held his own with Strong, but Mike tagged himself in and trashed the dynamic one after an eye gouge and hard head butt. In the end Mike won the match with a Release Dragon Suplex on Dougie. After the match Dougie went ballistic. Akinan tried to calm him down, but Dougie simply "lost it" and wandered off into the crowd. Back in the ring Captain Strong and Kinniku Mike were celebrating their win until suddenly Amigo appeared on the tron.

Amigo: Hello Mike....Captain Strong. I'm a man of few words....but one particular word comes to mind right now....and that word is BETRAYAL. We all made a vow to work together...but egos and lies and have screwed that all up. Strong, we had a good thing going. We were working for a better future for EBW. You gave us the opportunity to grow and reach a level it would have taken us years to achieve....but like I said you screwed it all up. For what? For Kinniku Mike?! He's got a lot of goals in life, most of them include extracurricular activity with a certain someone. one and only goal is victory. I intend on winning this little struggle. You once told me Strong that you saw me as the next leader of SURGE...well...that's over now. SURGE has fallen apart, but I'm still going to take your words to heart. I'm going to take a couple weeks off and find a perfect team...a group of rookies and hard luck wrestlers....looking to make a breakthrough....and then....I'm coming after your asses. One last word comes to mind.....REVENGE!

Meanwhile backstage Tack Angel was trying to leave his locker room until....

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Tack Angel: Oh heya guys.

w00t: Heya guys nothing! You've got some explaining to do!

Tack Angel: What is this all about?

Ness: What's wrong look like you've got something weighing on your mind, but the answer should be easy.

Tack Angel: Guys, calm down! I know that you're probably upset about tonight's ceremony.

Ness: Calm down?! Tack, you know exactly why we're all upset.

Tack Angel: Well, you have nothing to be upset about. This is MY decision afterall.

Trevor Mach: What IS your decision Tack? It's.....relevent to my interests.

Tack Angel: No offense guys, but that is my business. People seem to be taking sides again, but look at what you've got on your side. w00t just tried to take EBW apart himself just last month! Trevor, you're prone to have "lunatic episodes"!

Trevor Mach: Heh...he noticed. See, a real friend pays attention to detail. You're alright in my book Tack!

Ness: What about me Tack?

Tack Angel: ....Metal Rush...

Ness: .....

Trevor Mach: Well I have to PERSONALLY ask "Travis" about tonight's big decision.

Travis: *gulp* Heya Trevor.

Trevor Mach: Hehe...hey "Travis" What do YOU think Tack is going to do tonight?

Travis: I...I...

Tack Angel: Look, leave him alone!

Trevor Mach: HA!

Tack Angel: What's so funny?

Trevor Mach: Nothing.....nothing at all...teeheehee.

Tack Angel: I'm sorry guys, but this is something I have to decide for myself...this is my career...I haven't been in control of anything for a long time and that has to finally stop. Please step aside, I have a match to get ready for and so do the three of you.

Ness: Huh...well how about that?

w00t: Somebody tell me when the hell he got balls all of a sudden?!

Trevor Mach: Maybe he found them in Tess's purse!

Ness: What?

Trevor Mach: Nothing! I think you're hearing things Nesster.

The fourth match of the night was the first of two big tag title bouts. This first title match would see Lovekick Connection attempt to defend the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship belts against the veteran team of Hotlanta and Generator. Since Hot and Generator reunited last month they have been unstoppable as a duo. They have both grown from the last time they teamed and were both very green and very brash. This was easily the most competitive match of the night as both of these evenly matched teams gave it their all for the all too important championships. These teams had never done battle in a 2-on-2 situation before and this took Lovekick off their game. Generator and Hotlanta seemed in top form, while Sal and Jamie looked weary and injured from possibly helping Moz with his recovery. Late in the match Lovekick kicked into gear and took control with Jamie hitting the Pentalty Kick on Generator and then tagging in Sal who trapped him in his brand new Paradise Lock II. Generator could not reach the ropes and it looked like Lovekick might make a successful 1st defense until suddenly Picky Minch, Given, and Taken entered the ring and attacked both teams! The ref ended the match in a no contest as Picky directed the former Sons of Anarchy to dismantle the teams in the ring. As they continued their onslaught Picky grabbed a mic.

Picky Minch: You know what? I'm getting sick and tired of everyone forgetting about me. I am an EBW Original. I was here long before any of these guys! I was just a little kid, nervous as hell, and inexperienced, but I stuck to it and helped EBW get to the level it is at now. My mission was always to do my best for EBW and achieve victory. Now I have a new mission as well....a Bushido Crusade! You see BUSHIDO still lives with me! It still lives with Given and with Taken. We're going to make our mark in P+P and bring new diciples to the cause, but we're not just going to disappear from EBW either. Given and Taken used to beat the hell out of Lovekick on a weekly basis, and I was the first person ever to beat Shadow. If he is making a claim for a title shot then I am making a claim as well. Bakayaro may have the contract, but I have the mission, and it's a mission I will not fail.


The next match was a highly anticipated 6-Man Tag Team Match featuring the first ever team up of Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Ness, and w00t against former Royal Crown Champ Rude, Troy, and Lukie. Rude and the Alpha Betas were very disgruntled after their big losses on Monday Nite X-cite. Troy started this one off in dominant fashion tossing Ness around the ring. His style wasn't very fancy, he just pushed him around the ring and delivered huge slaps. It was impressive to see the brash rookie taking it to the EBW OG, but the veteran managed to turn it around, by ducking a big right hand and flipping Troy out of the ring. Lukie came in to attack Ness from behind, but Trevor dodged him to and tossed Lukie out of the ring as well. The fans were cheering as Ness showed up the cocky alpha betas. Rude finally managed to blindside Ness and tackled his right knee and took him down. Rude locked him up in a heel hook and Trevor jumped onto the top rope and came down on Rude's head with an elbow drop. Rude and Trevor brawled while Troy and Lukie jumped back into the ring and attacked Ness. w00t also made his presense felt and took a few shots at Troy before trying a WKO that Troy pushed off. An out of control brawl ensued during the commercial break, but by the time the show came back on Trevor and Rude were now back in the ring continuing their fight from X-cite. The Royal Crown Champion gained momentum after delivering elbows to the head and whipping Rude into the ropes. As Rude came back Trevor prepared to hit a flying knee, but Troy intervened and floored Trevor with a lariat. He then tried to hit  Mach with his punt kick, but w00t got involved and this time successfully WKO'd Troy. The big man just bumped back onto his feet and Trevor hit him in the face with a flying knee that once again sent him out of the ring. This high energy action continued well into double digits. Late in the match though a curveball was thrown in the arrival of Kinniku Mike. The Samoan Slaughterhouse just stood by and watched the match, but once Trevor Mach was out of the ring Mike started punching him in the face with a pair of brass knuckles while the ref was focused on the match. W00t turned and prepared to get involved, but Lukie came running across the ring and pushed him off the side of the ring and into the guard rails. Mike continued to take shots at Trevor while Ness and Troy traded shots in the ring. Lukie jumped down and took more shots at w00t before picking him up and forcing him back up on the side of the ring. As Ness bounced off the ropes Lukie forced a half concious w00t to blind tag himself in and pushed the former Perfection leader back into the ring. Ness was caught off guard and Lukie was able to subdue him by bringing his chin down on the top ropes. w00t was hurting and this lead to Troy hitting the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick followed by a pin and a win for Rude and The Alpha Betas. Kinniku Mike tossed Trevor back into the ring, while Rude and the Alpha Betas took shots at Ness and w00t. Kinniku Mike grabbed a mic and held Trevor up by his bloody hair.

Kinniku Mike: You knew this was coming Trevor Mach! You knew this was coming! It's time to take what is mine! It's time to take what is coming to me....and I'm taking it from YOU!

It was now main event time. Global World Champion Tack Angel had a lot to think about during the course of the show, but now he and Travis would have a huge uphill battle to climb in the form of Akatsuki for the EBW Tag Team Championships. Danny and KYO normally came out to a dark and brooding theme and slowly stalked to the ring, but tonight they were all business. They came out first through the crowd. The double champion Danny Leung kept his eyes open for possible distractions and he and his manaical brother entered the ring. Suddenly the lights in the arena went out and a rap song started to play. When the lights came back on Tack and Travis appeared in the blue and orange pyro that once again startled Tack. He quickly ran into the ring only to take a double beating from Danny and KYO. Travis quickly followed him in and a brawl occured. This was a hot, competitive match-up, with Tack putting aside his distractions and showing he was not afraid of the "Greatest Tag Team". KYO got in the champ's face and tried to bite into him, but Tack pushed him away and hit the Superkick. KYO bounced off the ropes just in time for Travis to get tagged in and trap him in The Stroke. He went for the pin, but KYO kicked out at one. KYO then tagged in Danny who went toe to toe with Travis. The Hardcore Hero Champion managed to absorb Travis's offense and hit a series of high kicks and a suplex. He went for the Emo Cutter, but Travis elowed out of it and Danny tagged back in KYO, who head butted Travis and tried to bite into his forehead. Travis tried to turn it around on KYO again with a Stroke, but KYO instead caught Travis in a Cradle Piledriver and hit the devastating finisher. Tack jumped back into the ring and locked up with KYO. The furious demons eyes shone with madness, but Tack managed to take him down and locked him into an STF. While he could score the submission as he wasn't the legal man, this did buy Travis enough time to climb to his feet. Unfortunately, Danny was prepared and hit a superkick that floored Travis once again before dropping the elbow onto Tack. At every turn Akatsuki was prepared and it was a hard fought fight. Late in the match, just as Akatsuki expected SinDOS made their way down to the ring. Tack and Travis looked upset by this too, and they were joined by Reno and Mr. Poochyfud. The distraction would have helped Tack and Travis had they capitalized, but Tack was not about to attack someone from behind. The match resumed, but each team had an eye out on the events outside of the ring. When it became obvious that Tack was not going to take Mr. Poochyfud's assistance Reno climbed onto the side of the ring and distracted the ref. Unbeknownst to Tack who was currently being choked by KYO, SinDOS sprung into action. Metrion got KYO's attention while Avion handcuffed Danny to the ring ropes. KYO let up on the choke and Tack escaped he tried to clear SinDOS away from the ring before trading blows again with KYO. Travis assisted and got the ref's attention back on the match. The damage was already done, as Danny was still cuffed to the ropes. The fans booed SinDOS and tried to tell Tack, but the Global World Champion was too busy fighting off the advances of the maniac KYO. He finally managed to kick him away  and then trap him in the Standing Shirinai Kai. Tack then rolled KYO up for the 1-2-3 and The champ became a double champion with Travis...the NEW EBW Tag Team Champions! The fans cheered, but were still upset over the antics of Mr. Poochyfud and SinDOS. Travis once again tried to hug Tack, but instead Tack offered a high five and handed his tag partner the tag belt. Just then, Mr. Poochyfud, Reno, and even Tess entered the ring for the presentation ceremony of the new Spinner Global World Championship. Mr. Poochyfud began to make his big announcement while SinDOS continued to beat up on former champions Akatsuki. Tack looked visibly upset as Avion grabbed a chair and bashed Danny repeatedly while he reached for his brother. Metrion meanwhile picked up KYO by the throat and stared at him as he brought the demon down to his knees. Then he did something absolutely horrible. Something that the fans will never be able to shake from their heads and something that ENN will never be able to show on replay. The gothic Metrion actually bit into KYO's nose and ripped it off! This shocking display had everyone in the arena cringing. The champ dropped his belt and looked on in horror as Metrion grinned with blood and KYO's nose in his mouth. The camera quickly pulled away at the graphic violence. Mr. Poochyfud spoke on the mic.

Mr. Poochyfud: People people....please calm down. This right here is an example of the ultra violence that the old guard of wrestling lived by. This horrible image is what I am trying to get rid of, but I had to show you to see. That is why I warned everyone tonight that enemies will be dealt with brutally. Now that we have that out of the way it's time to present Tack Angel with his new belt!

Tack Angel's utter horror turned to visible anger. Something deep down was bubbling to the surface as Mr. Poochyfud completely tried to no sell the horrific image that just occured. Travis and even Tess looked to Tack Angel for waht to do at this moment. As Mr. Poochyfud tried to hand over the new spinner belt Tack finally snapped and delivered a huge rider kick to Mr. Poochyfud's face! The crowd erupted in cheers as Tack then delivered a superkick to Reno and helped KYO and Danny out of there mutual predicaments. Tess and Travis helped Danny up who then helped KYO to the back. Tack Angel had finally snapped and made it clear that he was NOT going to be a puppet of the Administration. Tack Angel was going to be a champion for the people. A Champion for the true EBW!

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. 6-Man CXJ Tag Team Match
Shadow/Grudge/Anguish beat Bakayaro/Bolshoi/Lucas (8:45) when Shadow hit the Shadow Driver on Bolshoi.
2. Singles Match
Swift beat Chicken Man (1:22) with the Muscle Buster.
3. Tag Team Match
Kinniku Mike/Captain Strong beat Dynamic Dougie/Akinan (6:59) when Mike hit the Release Dragon Suplex on Dynamic Dougie.
4. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Sal Paradise(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Hotlanta/Generator (14:59) ended in a No Contest.
5. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Rude/Troy/Lukie beat Trevor Mach/Ness/W00t (18:56) when Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on w00t.
6. EBW Tag Team Championship Match
Tack Angel/Travis beat Danny Leung(c)/KYO(c) (15:51) when Tack Angel hit the Standing Shirinai Kai on KYO to become the NEW EBW Tag Team Champions!


EBW's NEW Public Enemy #1: TACK ANGEL!

The wrestling world is still buzzing over the shocking and graphic ending to the supposedly "PG" edition of X-perience. KYO's condition is a mystery and now Global World Champion has made himself the new Public Enemy #1 in EBW! Posters are being put up all over trying to demonize the champion and turn the fans of EBW against him! Tack's rider kick to Mr. Poochyfud has brought about a rapid fall from grace, and now the Administration that was supporting him 100% is now calling him an enemy of the state and a plan to dethrone the champ may now be in place.

Swift continues his training! Receives an offer he may not be able to refuse! caught with Swift at the Swift Family Scrap Yard. It appears that he is continuing his training with Grand Pappy Swift. Little did he know that he'd get an unexpected visitor that would make him a very enticing offer.

Swift: Grand Pappy, why do I have to keep lugging this heavy bag around?!

Grand Pappy Swift: Shut yo mouth boy! This is gonna make you stronger! This gonna prepare you to learn the ultimate finishin move. The "Blackhammer!

Swift: The "Blackhammer"? Is that anything like the Jackhammer?

Grand Pappy Swift: NO! It ain't like no damn Jackhammer! The Blackhammer came first! Handed down from Swift to Swift. With this move you'll be able to show those little punk ass bitches in EBW how a Swift rolls.

Reno: *clap clap* Very impressive I must say. I look forward to seeing this "move" in EBW.

Swift: ...Reno.

Grand Pappy Swift: Hey! What the hell you bitches doing in my scrapyard?!

Rude: Shut yo mouth old timer. Reno is trying to....

Swift: Don't you tell my Grand Pappy to....

Reno: HEY! Everyone calm down. You'll have to excuse Rude here. He's a little pissed after that insufferable Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting stole his belt. I didn't come here to start trouble. I just came here to offer you a deal. Now, when you came into Perfection you were pissed off and unfocused. You wanted to find a position to get your career back on track. I have to admit I think w00t misused you during your tenure with the stable. Things in EBW are different now. NOW is the time of opportunity. NOW is the time to step up, take risks, and rise to glory. I want to give you that opportunity. I want to give you a new contract with huge figures and a title shot against the enemy known as Tack Angel.

Swift:'s amazing how fast you can go from top of the world to the *bleep* house. Tack's gotten himself in a world of trouble. Tell me, what is the "catch" to getting a title shot against my former tag team partner?

Reno: The catch? All you have to do is jump on board with the current Administration! If you do that we'll make sure that you beat Tack for the any means necessary.

Swift: know...that Tack has all been a timid little guy, but damn it, he's one of the few people I respect. I'll be damned if I would ever take part in what you are offering. I've done some messed up things, but Tack deserves better then that. If I'm ever going to face him for the belt then I'm going to earn it and beat him on MY TERMS! Count me out Reno! Get the hell off Grand Pappy's property. That goes double for you Rude, you grill wearing bitch.

Rude: WHAT DID YOU....

Reno: Enough! You heard the man...let's go Rude.

Rude: I told you it wasn't going to work! Man, why don't you let me take Tack apart! I deserve a title shot!

Reno: You do, but I'd rather see you get your Royal Crown Belt down the line. No, Mr. Poochyfud has a backup plan in mind. It's not "Plan A" by any means, but it'll cause the most damage to Tack and any other dissenters.

E.B.I Agent Johnson makes contact again. cameras were on the scene as E.B.I Agent Johnson once again made contact with Double Champion Tack Angel, Travis, Ness, and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach. The conversation was quite revealing.

Agent Johnson: I'm so glad that you were all able to make it. I only have a five minute window so I must be brief.

Tack Angel: Whoa! So you're the one that me this note?

Agent Johnson: I left you all the notes to meet right here and this very moment. It's a matter of national security.

Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Heya "Traaaaavis".

Travis: Um...hi?

Trevor Mach: Hey Tack, did you know that Travis is....

Ness: Come on Trev. This sounds like it might be important.

Trevor Mach: Awww....alright.

Tack Angel: Wait....what were you gonna say?!

Trevor Mach: You heard the man Tack! This is important....teehee.

Travis: Whew.

Agent Johnson: I'm sorry can I speak now? Thank you! Something big is going down soon and I will need the cooperation of all four of you. Eagleland has a dark side that most do not see. An underbelly of crime and corruption. Criminal syndicates with seedy purposes. Money laundering, extortion, power grabs, sports betting, arms dealing, and far more sinister crimes. The worst of these syndicates is even further widespread. A syndicate that reaches every facet of the globe. The thing about it is that for all intents and purposes it does not exist. We have very little to no proof that is has ever been or currently is, but I have reason to believe that it is very real and EBW has found its way into the mess.

Ness: Wow...please continue.

Agent Johnson: The organization is called the Super Secret Syndicate...otherwise known as "SSS".

Trevor Mach: HA!

Agent Johnson: I believe that Mr. Poochyfud may have some involvement with this group, and they may be funding the mayoral campaign of his wife so that they will have yet another facet of power. Now unfortunately, I have no way of proving this, but to get to the truth we have to start digging somewhere and that is where you four come in. Do any of you know a man by the name of Mr. Antonio "Toukon" Stuart?

Tack Ange: Uh....yeah! He's the President of New Edo Pro Wrestling!

Agent Johnson: Correct. He also used to be a member of the Edo Senate, but corruption charges were brought up against him. Now he was never convicted of anything, the charges were dropped and Mr. Stuart resigned. I believe that Antonio Stuart is a card carrying member of "SSS". Tell me, have you heard of the invitational wrestling tournament that he is putting together.

Travis: I have! My...Aunt Tess mentioned it. Apparently, Mr. Stuart had a brand new tower constructed specifically for this invitational tournament. Edo paid for it and it cost the tax payers a pretty penny.

Agent Johnson: Exactly why this reeks of corruption. When the government spends a lot of money on something the don't need and when they don't have the money, then you know that corruption is at hand. Anyways, this "tower" has been dubbed the Edo "Battle Tower", and it will play host to an invitation tag team tournament.

Agent Johnson: Like I said it's invitational, and you have to pay a very steed entrance fee. Every team has to pay $250,000 and the winning team will receive the sum total along with the trophies. Now that is a lot of money, and several wrestling promotions are pouring everything they have into getting a team involved with the hopes of making millions. It's definitely a game changer.

Trevor Mach: Boosh! That money could buy me a lot of slushies.

Agent Johnson: anyways, it is my belief that this whole tournament has been organized so Antonio Stuart can pay off his debts to "SSS". The whole thing is a front, he intends on rigging the tournament and adding in his own "ringer" team to claim the prize. Stuart gets the money and pays off "SSS".

Trevor Mach: Sounds spiffy, so how do we factor in on the shenanigans?

Agent Johnson: Quite simple're all entering the tournament.

Tack Angel: WHAT?!

Ness: WHAT?!

Travis: WHAT?!

Trevor Mach: Cool!....oh...I mean...WHAT?!

Agent Johnson: That's right! You four are going to enter as two separate teams representing EBW, but the government is funding the operation. Two teams...double the chances. Your mission will be to win the tournament instead of the ringer team and bring down this front. While you're at it gather any information that you can on "SSS". It's going to be tough, but you 4 are some of the best wrestlers and EBW is the best wrestling promotion out there. Your county needs you....the world needs you. Are you in?

Trevor Mach: Ha! This sounds like fun. You bet your ass I'm down for some hijinks!

Ness: A few of us here have been faced a high pressure situation before. Might as well do it again. I'm in too.

Travis: I'll go wherever Tack Angel goes.

Tack Angel: ....Over time I have come to live and breathe EBW. I tell the fans to do the right thing....time to set a good example....I'm in.

Ness: One problem though Agent Johnson. This is supposed to be a secret op and yet has been filming this whole thing.

Agent Johnson: WHAT?! Give me that tape! is correcting an earlier claim that this was a secret meeting. This was in fact a joke meeting with no real relevance and you just need to forget that it ever happened. In no way are EBW wrestlers volunteering to take part in a secret E.B.I don't even think it....seriously.


     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:26 pm  #96

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Monday Nite X-cite Preshow Hype!

Hater: NYAH! Hater here with our illustrious leader Mr. Poochyfud. We're just hours away from tonight's big show, where you sir will teach the enemies of EBW a lesson they won't soon forget INCLUDING that traitor that I hate oh so much Tack Angel!

Mr. Poochyfud: Yes indeed Hater! You know, you're the best interviewer EBW has ever had. I don't know what it is, maybe it's because you agree with everything that I say, because like the government I don't want to hear any dissent. Yes, X-cite is gonna be a good one tonight! I've been nursing my injuries and my pride this weekend after what Tack Angel did. That traitor, that enemy of the state, has become Enemy #1 on my list and that isn't a good list to be on! I'll have a lot more to say on X-cite, but I'll say right now that it's time for payback! It's time for my Administration to go on the offense and weed out the troublemakers. Tonight, you're going to see the seeds planted to my revenge. Tonight, Tack is going to find himself in a whole world of trouble! The next EBW PPV is coming up and it's going to be called "Breakthrough". I have the "perfect" candidate in mind to challenge Tack, and this guy will be more then happy to tear his head off....he just doesn't know it yet! First off though.....The Alpha Betas are going to take those newly won tag belts from you and your "boy" Travis. How am I so sure? Well, just to make sure things are called "right down the line" My number cruncher Ryan IQ is going to step into the ring and act as special referee!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Sir, it will be an honor to go from counting beans to calling the main event match.

The Tag Team Championship match isn't the only title match on a stacked card. Mr. Poochyfud's target Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting will have to put the burnt Hardcore Hero title on the line against his SinDOS rival Avion, former champion Dynamic Dougie, and Rude. The odds are definitely stacked against the champ, and this might be just one more step in Poochyfud's plan to eliminate Akatsuki and dismantle the Hardcore championship that goes against the new "PG Era". Other matches include a 4-Team CXJ Tag Match. One team has the champion Dave Larmore, while the other 3 teams are helmed by three stars that think they deserve a title shot, including Bakayaro who ACTUALLY DID earn a title shot. Swift will be facing a mystery opponent in an open challenge. Also, Trevor Mach has made a huge comeback in EBW, after beating Rude in a Cage Match for the Royal Crown Championship, now he's got a target on his back from the man who wants to take everything that he has...Kinniku Mike. On X-cite Trevor Mach will team with Ness and w00t as they battle Kinniku Mike, Rude, and Reno in a 6-Man tag match. All of this and more, including the start of the hype for the next EBW PPV Breakthrough on Monday Nite X-cite.

EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center

1. 4-Team CXJ Tag Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Bakayaro/Bolshoi/Lucas vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish vs. Picky Minch/Given/Taken
2. Singles Match Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
3. Hardcore Hero Championship 4-Way Match
Danny Leung(c) vs. Avion vs. Dynamic Dougie vs. Rude
4. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Trevor Mach/Ness/w00t vs. Kinniku Mike/Rude/Reno
5. EBW Tag Team Championship Match
Tack Angel(c)/Travis(c) vs Troy/Lukie Special Referee: Mr. Ryan IQ


Earlier Today...

Tess: Well hey there Tack!

Tack Angel: Oh....hi Tess.

Tess: Quite the situation you have gotten yourself in eh?

Tack Angel: I'd say so, but I'm not sorry about it. I'm TIRED of being a puppet. I guess that disappoints you?

Tess: What?! Absolutely not! Tack, you have done EXACTLY what I was hoping you would do.

Tack Angel: WHAT?!

Tess: I told you I would make a man out of you. I told you that I would make you a true champion. Do you REALLY think that I wanted to work with the pig Poochyfud? Ha, don't make me laugh. All of this....was just about putting the pressure on you to man up and take your place as the real champion I know you could be....and you didn't disappoint.

Tack Angel: Oh! So all of this was just "motivation"! Ha! What a load off my mind! Does that include when know....

Tess: was just my little bonus.

Tack Angel: Oh...

Tess: Relax Tack, I am the least of your worries. I am very proud of you, and if you would like I will stand by your side and continue to manage you.

Tack Angel: Thank you Tess....I appreciate that. I have to ask though...what SHOULD I be worrying about right now?

Tess: Everything else've opened Pandora's Box. Your true challenge as EBW Ace begins tonight. You and I both have to be ready...I think I know what is coming. I have to go now Tack, but I'll be back for the show.

Tack Angel: Ok...thanks again Tess.

Travis: Umm...Tack?

Tack Angel: AH! Don't sneak up behind me Travis! I have a target on my back right now!

Travis: Sorry, I just wanted to say that I think you were very very brave doing what you did last week.

Tack Angel: Thank you Travis....I think I'm more crazy then brave....for example...I actually showed up for work tonight.

Travis: Well you're also a responsible person, and you answer any challenge...even when the pressure is on.

Tack Angel: You don't have to suck up Travis. We're already Tag Team Champions.

Travis: I'm not sucking up. I really admire your's inspired me to turn a new leaf....and it has inspired me to be honest with you about something.

Tack Angel: What?

Travis: Tack, I have something important that I have to tell you. I...

Tack Angel: STOP! Stop right there Travis. You don't have to say a thing. I know.

Travis: You know?!

Tack Angel: I already know about your preferences.....and I'm totally cool with that, BUT I have to make it clear that I don't swing that way. I definitely want to be good friends though....just not...THAT friendly. Now I have to go get ready for my execution tonight.

Travis: What? What are you....oh wait! Tack, I think you've got the wrong idea here. Tack wait up! - Monday Nite X-cite Intro Video

The wrestling world was shaken last week by the actions of Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel, as he said "NO!" to the actions of the Poochyfud Administration and immediately became the new Public Enemy #1. Payback would be the keyword for the Administration tonight, as they had plans to eliminate all of their threats in one felt swoop. The show opened like many episodes with the Poochyfud Administration in the ring. They were joined by Kinniku Mike and The Alpha Betas.

Mr. Poochyfud: Hello members of the EBW Awesomeverse! It's time for another thrilling installment of MONDAY NITE X-CITE! I want you guys pumped tonight! I want you on your feet! I want you on fire, because tonight my Administration is going to clamp down on the enemies of the state! Tack Angel, you made the biggest mistake of your entire life on X-perience. You could have had the world, but now you're going to burn with the rest of the trash. In fact, you're going to face my wrath the most. You're going to wish that you never even heard of EBW by the time I am done with you. I am going to crush you, I'm going to turn everyone against you, I'm going to punish the people you care about, I'm going to break you down until you cry and beg for forgiveness. Because I will not accept insubordination in MY EBW! I'm going to steer this ship back on the right path, and it starts tonight, but it will end at the next PPV called "Breakthrough". Breakthrough is a a proper name for this PPV, as we're going to "break through" the past and take EBW into the future. It begins tonight when one of my favorite tag teams of the Poochyfud Generation takes the belts that I handed to Tack Angel and his sidekick Travis. Of course, I'm sure that special referee Mr. Ryan IQ is going to call it down the line.

Mr. Ryan IQ: Of course sir.....of course.

Mr. Poochyfud: I'm just getting started though. I have plans for the other in subordinates too. I'm going to start with the man who stole the Royal Crown Championship Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Mach, you have been a pain  in my a.....a thorn in my side for months now! I'm sick and tired of this! I'm tired of you, I'm tired of your moronic fanbase, I'm tired of your success. I'm just tired Trevor, but I'm not the only one. Kinniku Mike, has had an axe to grind with you for a loooong time. I'll let him tell you all about it.

Kinniku Mike: Trevor! I know you're in the back right now! I know that behind that smirk you're probably pretty pissed with me, but I consider myself "justified". I am justified in my actions, because I deserve what YOU'VE GOT! I want your career! I want your title! But most of all.....I want the lovely Lady M's at MY side! She deserves better then a punk ass like you! I'm the breakout star of the former SURGE! I've got the biggest up side of the entire roster. Trevor, I have no idea how you ended up becoming such a big player in the old EBW.....but that time is OVER! Kinniku your REPLACEMENT! I take everything from you at BREAKTHROUGH! Oh yes that's right! I've got a match against you at Breakthrough for the Royal Crown Championship! I'm taking your belt! I'm taking your career! I'm taking the most important part of your life Lady M's!

Mr. Poochyfud: Well said Mike! That's right the first match booked for the upcoming PPV is Trevor Mach vs. Kinniku Mike for the Royal Crown Championship! I'm not booking matches though. I'm also going to book Tack Angel's first and LAST defense of the Global World Championship. I have thought very hard about who I would send after Tack, but then I started thinking outside the box.....someone I wouldn't normally pick. Someone who I consider the lesser of two evils given that he will be VERY busy in the coming weeks....that's right...Tack's Breakthrough opponent will be NESS!

The fans were quite shocked, but they still cheered the announcement, as two of their very favorites would collide for the very first time, and for the Global World Championship. Ness was also shocked, but came out along with Trevor Mach to accept.

Ness: I don't know what you're game is, and I'm not sure if putting Trevor and Mike in the same area is safe for any of us right now, so I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'll play your game and I'll accept the match, if only to have an honorable match with a good and decent champion. We'll give the fans a great show!

Mr. Poochyfud: "Good and decent"!'s funny that you would use those words Ness. I don't think you realize just what kind of extra curricular activities your "good" friend Tack has been partaking in.

At this point a panicked Tack Angel and Tess came running out of the entrance way.  

Mr. Poochyfud: Oh good! Tack, you arrived just in time. You know, when you were on our side I was more then willing to keep your "affairs" discreet, but I can't stand to see you play these games with Ness anymore.

Tack Angel: Stop this Poochyfud! Don't do this! Not like this!

Ness: What?! What are you talking about?

Mr. Poochyfud: Ness, you know that your very own mother Tess has been working as Tack's manager.....but do you know why?

Ness: that you mention it....I don't.

Mr. Poochyfud: It's because Tack and your mother have had "more" then a professional relationship. They have "collaborated" on so much more. Tack....slept with your mother Ness.

Tess: Uhoh.

Tack Angel: AAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Ness: ....wha......what.....What.....WHAT.....WHAT.....WHAAAAAT?!?! WHAAAAAAAT?!?!?

Trevor Mach: Oh hell....everybody duck!


Tess: I'd run Tack.


The shock of the beginning of the show had not yet worn off as we headed into our first match. Dave Larmore is the current CXJ Champion, and even though Bakayaro is the current #1 contender we have two other wrestlers making claims that they deserve a shot as well, namely Picky Minch and the multi-time champion Shadow. The champion joined Generator and Hotlanta against Bakayaro, Bolshoi, & Lucas and Shadow, Grudge, & Anguish, and Picky Minch, Given, & Taken. This crazy CXJ match had the crowd roaring and it set the bar high for the other matches in the night. Picky and Shadow seemed to be targeting each other from the beginning in a brawl that reminded long time fans of the epic clashes these two had many years back. Bakayaro was once again impressive. He showed off his team skills with Bolshoi, but also held his own in a big exchange with the champion. Lucas once again found himself to be the target of a masked luchadore. This time Lucas had him scouted and chased the luchadore off, but that left his team vulnerable. Shadow took advantage and sent Grudge and Anguish to drag Bolshoi into the ring. They played the numbers game took the dramatic rose throwing clown apart while Bolshoi was trading blows with Larmore and Picky. Eventually Lucas made it back into the match, and the recharged rookie jumped right in and floored the champ with a European Uppercut, but then was trapped in a German Suplex by Picky. When Picky got up he was hit with a Shadow Driver by Shadow. These exchanges continued and wore down the stars in the ring. In the end this 4-team match ended in a time limit draw, but the brawling continued until Dave Larmore took a swig from a beer and grabbed a mic.

Dave Larmore: All of you shut the *bleep* up right now! Look at what we have here. A bunch of *bleep*s that think they have what it takes to rumble with the "Lethal Libertarian" Dave Larmore. You've got this man-boy *bleep* with his bowl cut hair, this grizzled old *bleep* who really needs his mask back to cover that ugly *bleep*ing face, and some Edo reject *bleep* that teams up with an effeminate clown! You think I'm scared of any of you? You think I give a *bleep* about your claims to my damn belt!? I'll take you all on at the same damn time! Get the match booked and you're on! Now I need a drink! Everyone shut the *bleep* up! I got a hangover.


Tack Angel: Ness wait! Listen to me!

Trevor Mach: Look Tack, this might sound out of character, but I don't think he's kidding around. You need to get the hell out of here!

Tack Angel: Ness, I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you! I was just nervous! Your mom tricked.....


Lady M's: Heh....this is about as funny as Mike's ridiculous comments.

Ness: FUNNY?! Tali, how in the *bleep* is this funny?!

Lady M's: It's only funny because it took you so long to figure this out, what with blabber mouth Trevor over here.

Trevor Mach: Ha!

Ness: WHAT?! Trevor, you knew about this?!

Trevor Mach: I...uh....I plead the fifth. This is about Tack remember! Get him!

Tack Angel: Ness WAIT!

Ness: .....

Tack Angel: Ness, I'm sorry, but this is exactly what Mr. Poochyfud was trying to do. He wants to turn his opposition against itself! I'm sorry for this more then you know, but we can't let him do this buddy!

Ness: DON'T YOU CALL ME BUDDY! Not after what you have done.

Travis: He didn't do a thing to you Ness! He's a grown man and can make his own choices! It was a past thing that THANKFULLY is over now! Let's just forget it EVER happened!

Ness: What do you know Travis! You claim to be my cousin, but I had NEVER heard about you before your debut! It just goes to show work hard to do what is right for you and the people around you, and they still screw you over....or in my case my mother!

Tack Angel:  Oh God this is awkward! Listen Ness, I'm sorry I really am. It was a one time mistake that wasn't even my idea, and I'd prefer to forget it ever happened. Now, I have a match to get ready for tonight. After the match you can do whatever you want to get your revenge, but I've got responsibilities that I have to see through first. For these fans and for this wrestling company that I live for.

Ness: .....

Trevor Mach: Well...that went well enough!

Lady M's: Heh...Ness, you really need to calm down. This isn't a big deal.

Ness: NOT A BIG DEAL?!.....

Lady M's: Shut up Ness!

Trevor Mach: Whoa!

Lady M's: Quit your bitching and get focused! There are more important thing to deal with Trevor kicking Mike's creepy ass.

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Lady M's: More importantly, Tack and Tess are going to be slaughtered know this. Put aside the rage and do the right thing....or don't....doesn't bother me either way.


Ness: ....The right thing. 

The second match of the night featured Swift issuing an open challenge to anyone in the roster. Last week he annihilated Chicken Man to go 3-0 on his comeback streak. This week the opponent turned out to be a real shocker....Akinan. The big lug in the Tanooki Suit was all smiles as he headed to the right. He shook Swift's hand and Swift was at lease merciful enough to shake back, but when the bell Swift immediately booted Akinan to the ground and stomped his face into the mat. He picked him up and tossed him into the corner and let the punches fly. Dynamic Dougie was late coming out to support his friend and did not seem enthused to see Akinan take yet another beating. Akinan took the beating in stride and even chuckled a bit when Swift introduced him to his new finisher The Blackhammer. 1-2-3! Swift rolled up Akinan for the win in less then a minute.

 After the match Swift stayed in the ring and demanded more competition while Dougie *facepalmed* and dragged Akinan to the back. The demand for more competition was met by Green Destiny. Green was wearing brand new attire, amateur wrestling gear with the Edo logo painted on the front. His mask was removed and replaced with more amateur gear. It was obvious that Green Destiny was trying to show off a new side of himself to the EBW fanbase and showcase his skills in a singles setting. Swift shook his hand out of respect for his guts to come out and the two locked up. Green Destiny fared much better then Akinan and stuck to the ground game, but Swift managed to knee him in the face one time too many and dragged him up for a Blackhammer and the 1-2-3! Swift annihilated two opponents and is now 5-0 on his comeback trail. Green Destiny looked impressive in defeat, but has a long way to go in his new singles run. Once again Reno and Rude were scouting Swift and he stared down with Rude as he headed to the back.

The next match-up would be the first of two title matches that night. Danny has refused to fall in line with Poochyfud and turn in his Hardcore Hero Championship, so Poochyfud retaliated by bringing in SinDOS, helping Akatsuki lose the tag belts, and putting Danny's brother on the injured list thanks tot he shocking actions of the now feared Metrion. Metrion was barred from the building for the evening, but his tag partner the straight edge Avion would be apart of this 4-way title match also involving former champion Dynamic Dougie, and Rude, who would be pulling double duty for the night so he could get in on a title shot. This was everything you would expect in a no rules match-up. Mr. Poochyfud allowed the match to take place so he could lift the belt from Danny the legal way and destroy the belt. Rude tried to stay back and huddled in the corner while Danny and Avion brawled in the center of the ring and exchanged weapons shots. It was a brutal match, and a decent way to end the division if indeed Danny lost the belt. Dougie finally took the fight to Rude and Trevor's cousin exploited the injuries Rude was still feeling from last week's cage match. Avion was hell bent on destroying the hurt and unfocused Danny, and managed to force him up onto a ring post. He had earlier set up a table and sent Danny straight through it with a sXe DDT. Meanwhile Dougie had managed to trap Rude in a clinch and gotten in enough shots to drop him with the Dynamic DDT, get the pin, and win the match. Dynamic Dougie is now the 2-Time Hardcore Hero Champion! Avion and Rude then tried to approach to Dougie to give them the belt, but Dougie giggled gleefully and ran off with the burnt up Hardcore belt. Akatsuki is dealt another blow by Poochyfud, while Dougie has come back from a losing streak to once again regain gold.


The next match was a very heated encounter. With Ness unfocused and filled with rage, Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting lead the charge with w00t against Trevor's new rival Kinniku Mike, Reno, and once again Rude. The crowd popped when Trevor decided to start the match against Kinniku Mike. The fans would get to see these to collide much sooner then Breakthrough. Mike ran at Trevor and tried to hit the lariat, but Mach ducked it and immediately caught Mike in the Shin Trevorplex! A shocked Mike scrambled to his feet and looked startled. He took his time closing in this time and the two locked up. Mike took control and caught Trevor in a headlock. He pointed at Lady M's to get her attention and then bashed Trevor in the face multiple times. Trevor pushed Mike off and tried to once again hit a Shin Trevorplex!, but Mike countered and attempted a Release Dragon Suplex. Trevor too escaped and the foes stood toe to toe trading shots. Mike was the harder hitter, but Trevor's blows were more precise, and Mike was forced to back away far enough for Trevor to catch him in the clinch and hit him with a rising knee.  Rude blind tagged himself in. He was pissed after losing to both Trevor and more recently Dougie, and came out swinging. Trevor smirked and tagged in w00t who immediately shot towards Rude to take him down and get some over due revenge. The fans ate it up as w00t finally got some retribution on the injured and worn out Rude. Reno tried to stay out of the match and Ness looked a hundred miles away as he was fuming and contemplating.  It was basically a 2-on-2 match at this point. Reno did try to sneak over to Ness's corner to blindside him, but Ness finally snapped into action and floored him with a double axe handle. Back in the ring Mike caught himself staring at M's a little too long and ended up eating a Macha Ye from Trevor. The force knocked them both out of the ring. Meanwhile, w00t set up Rude for the WKO and pinned him for the win. Not the gleaming victory that the Poochyfud Administration was expecting at all.

It was now time for the main event and possible execution of Tack Angel. The timid, humble champion now found himself hated by now only Poochyfud, but the EBW OG Ness as well. With Ryan IQ refereeing the title match against The Alpha Betas, you knew it would not end well for the champ or Travis. The match began normally enough. Tack ran in and began the match with Lukie. Ryan IQ seemed to actually call it fair as Tack and Lukie went hold for hold. Then Lukie tagged in Troy and Ryan IQ showed his bias, by not forcing Lukie to go back to his corner. Troy hit the running big boot on the champ and knocked him into the corner. Travis tagged himself in and climbed the ropes to hit a missile dropkick on both of The Alpha Betas. This gave Travis enough time to get Tack back to his feet. Unfortunately this was just in time for Lukie to jump back in the ring and hit the Atomic Wedgie Drop on Travis. Tack fired back with a couple punches and a high kick before flooring Lukie with an STO. Troy ran at Tack like a raging bull, but Tack side stepped him, got him in a drop toe hold, and finally caught him in the STF. Troy had a long reach and had no problems grabbing the ropes. The match continued like this for several more minutes, with Tack and Travis having to fight not only the Alpha Betas to defend their belts, but the ref as well. It soon became obvious that Ryan IQ was going to fast count whenever Tack or Travis had their shoulders down, while he out right refused to count  when Tack or Travis had a pin going. The fans were livid and booed Ryan for screwing over their hero Tack Angel. This finally brought out Trevor Mach who was stopped by a security guard. As the second security guard stood by to blindside Trevor w00t suddenly appeared and stood by him. This stalemate was broken when Ness finally made his way out. The fans cheered as the EBW OG put aside his personal feelings to do the right thing. The three rebels blasted past security and rushed the ring to save Tack and Travis from the screwjob. The match had to be ended in a DQ win for the Alpha Betas at this point, but Tack and Travis were able to remain champions. If the Administration wasn't going to play fair then why should they? Trevor, Ness, w00t, Tack, and Travis worked together to clear The Alpha Betas out of the ring, but in the process Travis's wig fell off revealing that he was actually Ness's sister Tracy.....wait.....WHAT?!

Mr. Poochyfud: WHAT?!

Mr. Ryan IQ: WHAT?!

Reno: WHAT?!

Kinniku Mike: WHAT?!

Nerdler: WHAT?!

Tess: Uh oh....again.

Trevor Mach: HA! HA!

Tracy: .....Oops.

Ness: .....


EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center

1. 4-Team CXJ Tag Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Bakayaro/Bolshoi/Lucas vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish vs. Picky Minch/Given/Taken (30:00) ended in a Time Limit Draw.
2. Singles Match Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Akinan (0:58) with a Blackhammer.
2a. Swift beat Green Destiny (4:20) with a Blackhammer.
3. Hardcore Hero Championship 4-Way Match
Dynamic Dougie beat Danny Leung(c), Avion, and Rude (9:41) with a Dynamic DDT on Rude to become the NEW Hardcore Hero Champion!
4. 6-Man Tag Team Match
Trevor Mach/Ness/w00t beat Kinniku Mike/Rude/Reno (13:18) when w00t hit the WKO on Rude.
5. EBW Tag Team Championship Match
Troy/Lukie beat Tack Angel(c)/Travis(c) (10:13) via DQ. (No Title Change)  Special Referee: Mr. Ryan IQ


Massive Fallout From Show Stopping X-cite Reveal!

Shocking moments are common in EBW, but the big reveal from the last X-cite still has the wrestling world reeling!

One half of the EBW Tag Team Champions Travis was revealed to ACTUALLY be Ness's sister Tracy from WEB, in the conclusion of the show following a big brawl. This news stopped the show dead, and everyone except the minority that already knew was shocked. Of these people Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel seemed the most shocked by the news of his tag team partner. EBW's OG Ness already had his reasons to accept the Breakthrough Title Match with Tack Angel, but this reveal may have thrown him over the edge. News concerning the fallout has so far been slim, but word is that Tracy may try to explain her actions on the next episode of WEB X-tasy, and we'll do our best to keep you up to pace on this shocking revelation.

EBW Breakthrough Announced!

EBW broke records and raised bars with the recent Victory Explosion 4 Pay Per View, now EBW will continue to set the standard when it returns to Pay Per View with EBW: Breakthrough. Breakthrough will take place at the Twoson Fairgrounds, and so far only the two main event matches have been announced. Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting will be defending the Royal Crown Championship against the man that wants to take his title, his career, and his lovely Lady M's; none other then Kinniku Mike. Tack Angel will try to make his first title defense of the Global World Championship against a man who has suddenly found plenty of motivation to face him in the EBW OG Ness. These two matches are worth the price of admission alone as they are two first ever matches in EBW, but expect to see more big matches added to the card in the coming days.

EBW: Breakthrough
Twoson Fairgrounds

1. Royal Crown Championship "Take it All"
Trevor Mach(c) vs. Kinniku Mike
2. Global World Championship "Fury and Betrayal"
Tack Angel(c) vs. Ness

EBW goes back on the road with EBW LIVE!

The Poochyfud Administration announced today that with the growth of EBW comes the return of EBW live house shows! Some speculate that it's actually because the Administration has been spending too much money and this is a way of recouping the losses. In any case EBW LIVE has officially been kickstarted, and the fans all over will get to see EBW come to their hometown and  put on the best wrestling show in Eagleland. The first show in the EBW LIVE series will revisit an old site that EBW ran in its early years, the Dusty Dunes Desert. Lucas and Chicken Man will open the show, then CXJ Champion Dave Larmore will team with Hotlanta and Generator to take on the Bushido Crusade. Lovekick Connection also felt the wrath of the Bushido Crusade during their title defense. They took a show off and will now get warmed back up by taking on old rival Grudge and Anguish in a non-title tag match. Swift is also hitting the road with his open challenge. Swift's streak has hit 5-0, who will he take on next? In the main event Tack Angel will have to try and focus after the events of X-cite and lead Trevor Mach, w00t, and his Breakthrough opponent Ness, who would probably rather get his hands on the Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion. They'll be taking on Rude, Kinniku Mike, and The Alpha Betas, in a match that will certainly fire up the desert of Dusty Dunes.

EBW LIVE in Dusty Dunes Desert
Dusty Dunes Desert

1. Singles CXJ Match
Lucas vs. Chicken Man
2. 6-Man CXJ Tag Team Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Picky Minch/Given/Taken
3. Non-Title CXJ Tag Tam Match
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Grudge/Anguish
4. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
5. 8-Man Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/w00t/Ness/Trevor Mach vs. Rude/Lukie/Troy/Kinniku Mike

Day Two will see EBW hit up the old stomping ground of Battle Dome. The show will kick off with a big CXJ Battle Royale. Then, CXJ Champion Dave Larmore will take on #1 Contender Bakayaro in a 15-Minute Time Limit Non-Title Match. Kinniku Mike went the Swift route and send out an open challenge for this show. Green Destiny answered the call. Can this former Tag Team Veteran begin the momentum for his singles career? Ness and w00t will team up again to take on the Alpha Betas in a rematch from the Monday Nite X-cite debut. For one night only, Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach will reunite with his cousin Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie to take on the Turks Reno and Rude. The main event is something that could easily main event one of the big shows. Danny Leung has lost it all thanks to Mr. Poochyfud and SinDOS, but he will begin his push to take it back when he faces his rival Avion in a brand new match called the "Rise or Fall Match". Tables, ladders, chairs, and barbed wire will all be legal. Given the current PG nature of the televised shows it makes sense that this match would go down on a live show. The first person to climb the ladder and reach the case containing the #1 Contendership to the Hardcore Hero Championship will win. All in all a very busy week for EBW and an exciting couple of shows.

EBW LIVE in Battle Dome
Battle Dome

1. CXJ Battle Royale
Bolshoi vs. Lucas vs. Chicken Man vs. Grudge vs. Anguish vs. Generator vs. Hotlanta vs. Picky Minch vs. Shadow
2. Non-Title Singles Match 15-Minute Time Limit
Dave Larmore vs. Bakayaro
3. Special Singles Match
Kinniku Mike vs. Green Destiny
4. Special Tag Team Match
Ness/w00t vs. Troy/Lukie
5, Special Tag Team Match "Macho Dynamite One Night Reunion!"
Trevor Mach/Dynamic Dougie vs.Reno/Rude
6. Rise or Fall Match Hardcore Hero #1 Contender
Danny Leung vs. Avion

Dynamic Dougie: Hardcore Hero & Administration Target

Trevor Mach's cousin Dynamic Dougie Mach has suddenly found himself a 2-Time Hardcore Hero Champion, but he's also got a target on his back from the Administration, which wants to eliminate the Hardcore Hero Division. Dougie is now a marked man and looking for help.

Dynamic Dougie: Akinan....PST....Akinan!


Dynamic Dougie: SHHHH!!!! Keep it down! I've got to stay hidden.

Akinan: Oooo are we playing hide and seek? Can I play?

Dynamic Dougie: No! We're not playing hide and seek! Jeez, you are really something else man! You're too damn.....NICE!

Akinan: Well gee, I don't recall nice being a bad thing you silly goose teeheehee.

Dynamic Dougie: *Groan* You just take it too far. We haven't been able to win a tag match in weeks cause you won't even wrestle! You just try to hug them and end up getting your ass kicked!

Akinan: Ha! It's fun to play and help my EBW buddies get a good win!

Dynamic Dougie: That's not how it works Akinan! You're supposed to want to win too! I don't know how this is going to work.

Akinan: How is what going to work? Did you want to play tag instead?

Dynamic Dougie: No! I need....backup. I need someone to help me out and watch my back right now.

Akinan: We're BFFs Dougie! I'll watch your back!

Dynamic Dougie: I appreciate it, but I just don't think you have that killer instinct anymore....unless....THE SUIT! We have to get rid of the suit!

Akinan: What?

Dynamic Dougie: As God is my witness, I will not rest until I can get rid of that Tanooki Suit and bring Akinan the Killer back to EBW!!!

Akinan: Ooo this sounds fun! I'll make muffins!

Dynamic Dougie: *sigh* We had better hurry.



The EBW LIVE project has officially begun! EBW held two very successful show in Dusty Dunes Desert and Battle Dome! The Poochyfud Administration had no trouble pulling out all the stops of the live experience and had a new set constructed for the live shows including a green color scheme and a new logo.

The LIVE project began in the old EBW hotbed of Dusty Dunes Desert, as a large crowd amassed to watch wrestling under the desert sun. The opening match featured an impressive showing by Lucas as he beat Chicken Man in under 5 minutes. With no mysterious luchadore to get in his way, Lucas was able to show off his recent training and impressed with a devastating brand new finisher called the Spinning Impaler. Lucas could really start making waves with a hard hitting move like that in his repertoire. Picky Minch, Given, and Taken, otherwise known as the Bushido Crusade began their full fledged push back into EBW with a narrow win over CXJ Champion Larmore, Generator, and Hotlanta. Picky's style still matches the Maximum Soul Style of Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting. His hard hitting style and new found confidence helped him score the pin on Generator after unleashing his new move the Capture Suplex Pin. The EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions then got the crowd cheering with a big win over Grudge and Anguish. The disciples of Shadow looked good in defeat, but Jamie pulled out the win with a Penalty Kick on Grudge. Swift then had another open challenge. The 5-0 Brawler was once again challenged by Green Destiny. The amaresu based wrestler once again tried the ground tactics, but Swift had his number once again and put him away with the Blackhammer. Green Destiny, the former tag master is finding life in the singles division very difficult so far. In the main event the fans were treated to a war between Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel, Ness, w00t, and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach taking on Rude, Troy, Lukie, and Kinniku Mike. Despite the heat these stars didn't back down one bit. The two big stories in this match were Trevor and Mike continuing their now heated rivalry. During the match Mike found himself staring at Lady M's who was standing at ringside many times. He once again tried to make a pass at her only for Trevor to tackle the Samoan Slaughterhouse and the two brawled. The other story was the animosity towards Tack coming from Ness. For obvious reasons Ness was livid and unfocused. In a shocking ending to the match Tack went for the tag to Trevor only for Ness to push him back into the ring. He then clocked the Double champ and allowed him to be punted by Troy and then pinned. An obvious payback tactic from a mad EBW OG.

EBW LIVE in Dusty Dunes Desert
Dusty Dunes Desert

1. Singles CXJ Match
Lucas beat Chicken Man (4:19) with a Spinning Impaler.
2. 6-Man CXJ Tag Team Match
Picky Minch/Given/Taken beat Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta (10:43) when Picky hit a Capture Suplex Pin on Generator.
3. Non-Title CXJ Tag Tam Match
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD beat Grudge/Anguish (8:59) when Jamie OD hit the Penalty Kick on Grudge.
4. Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Green Destiny (7:11) with the Blackhammer.
5. 8-Man Tag Team Match
Rude/Lukie/Troy/Kinniku Mike beat Tack Angel/w00t/Ness/Trevor Mach (15:56) when Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on Tack Angel.

Day 2 of EBW LIVE took place in the house that EBW built, The Battle Dome. The matches began with an exciting CXJ Battle Royale. The wrestlers all had the same thought in mind at the beginning of the match as they worked together to quickly get the CXJ bully Shadow out of the ring. From there it was a fast paced high flying Battle Royale. Picky Minch was once again impressive and confident. He personally eliminated Bolshoi and Lucas before getting the final elimination on Hotlanta. Picky won the match and made another good case for his Bushido Crusade. CXJ Champion Dave Larmore then got a taste of what to expect from Bakayaro when they had a 15-Minute Time Limit match. Bakayaro looked good in this match up, also found himself overwhelmed by the drunken lethal libertarian. In turn Larmore was unable to put away Bakayaro and the match ended in a draw. Kinniku Mike then took on Green Destiny in his open challenge. Green Destiny continued to experience growing pains, and Mike finished him with a Release Dragon Suplex. In a Monday Nite X-cite debut rematch Ness teamed with w00t to take on The Alpha Betas. Ness continued to be angry and unfocused and that played a huge role in this match. In the end Troy won the match with a Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on w00t. For one night only Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach reunited with his cousin Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie Mach to take on the reunited Turks Reno and Rude. It was like a blast from the past for these fans, but a lot had changed since the last time these teams fought for the EBW Tag Team Championship years ago. Trevor brought the Maximum Soul Style and overwhelmed Reno, finally finishing him with a variation Shin Trevorplex! Pin. In the main event Danny Leung continued his blood feud with the Straight Edge member of SinDOS Avion. This match was called a Rise or Fall match. It was being held on the Live show because he incident by Metrion further pushed the Poochyfud Administration to want to eliminate the division even though the incident was their idea. The blood was flying and the fans loved it. Danny had a lot of reason to be angry and dominated early on by smashing Avion to the mat with a chair. It looked like Danny was going to be able to climb the ladder and become #1 contender to the Hardcore Hero Championship, until the maniacal Metrion busted out from below the ring and grabbed Danny's ankle. Metrion still had the blood on his face from the incident with KYO and this distracted Danny long enough for Avion to bash him over the head with a chair. He then placed Danny on a table, and in a scene similar to X-cite he jumped off the top rope and moonsaulted Danny right through. With the former champ hurting Avion managed to climb the ladder and grab the contract. Dynamic Dougie vs. Avion for the Hardcore Hero Championship is now in the works.

EBW LIVE in Battle Dome
Battle Dome

1. CXJ Battle Royale
Bolshoi vs. Lucas vs. Chicken Man vs. Grudge vs. Anguish vs. Generator vs. Hotlanta vs. Picky Minch vs. Shadow
Picky Minch won the Battle Royale (19:49) by last eliminating Hotlanta.
2. Non-Title Singles Match 15-Minute Time Limit
Dave Larmore vs. Bakayaro (15:00) Went to a Time Limit Draw.
3. Special Singles Match
Kinniku Mike beat Green Destiny (8:07) with a Release Dragon Suplex.
4. Special Tag Team Match
Troy/Lukie beat Ness/w00t (9:12) when Troy hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on w00t.
5, Special Tag Team Match "Macho Dynamite One Night Reunion!"
Trevor Mach/Dynamic Dougie beat Reno/Rude (6:59) when Trevor hit the Shin Trevorplex! Pin on Reno.
6. Rise or Fall Match Hardcore Hero #1 Contender
Avion beat Danny Leung (10:21) by grabbing the #1 Contender Case.


     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:26 pm  #97

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW LIVE to hit Threed!

The EBW LIVE experiment so far has been a critical success. Two sell out shows, brought the matches to the fans and gave them matches that really matter. EBW LIVE continues as just days before X-perience in the town of Threed. The Threed fans will be treated to big match ups. The opening match will feature CXJ #1 Contender Bakayaro taking on his friends Bolshoi and Lucas in a triple threat. 3 CXJ Teams will collide in the second match. Will Picky Minch's Bushido Crusade continue to pick up speed? Once again Swift will challenge anyone in the back to break his 6-0 streak. Ness and w00t will team up to take on Reno and Rude in a tag team match. Will Ness be focused enough to compete? Metrion has received a reputation as a monster in his shot tenure with EBW. Now, Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting will once again try to exact revenge of SinDOS by facing Metrion in a No Rules Last Man Standing Match. The allowance of these matches on the road suggest that Mr. Poochyfud is trying to wipe out Danny Leung once and for all. In the main event a solid gold tandem of Royal Crown Champion and Double Champion Tack Angel will team up to face the on fire Alpha Betas. Can Tack regain focus after the X-cite scandal? All of this and more when EBW hits Threed. It's EBW LIVE!

EBW LIVE in Threed

1. CXJ Triple Threat Match
Lucas vs. Bolshoi vs. Bakayaro
2. 3-Team CXJ Tag Team Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Picky Minch/Given/Taken vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish
3. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
4. Tag Team Battle
Ness/w00t vs. Rude/Reno
5. No Rules Last Man Standing
Danny Leung vs. Metrion
6. Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/Trevor Mach vs. Troy/Lukie

Operation: Tanooki Removal Begins! is now following he exploits of Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie as he tries to finally remove the Tanooki Suit from his tag partner Akinan. His first attempt was...."messy" to say the least.

Akinan: HA! Guys, this is just silly hahaha! Do you think this will work?

Dynamic Dougie: I don't see why not! Two vehicles driving in different directions while you're attached to both via 1000lb test could this go badly?

Trevor Mach: You're gonna be just fine Akinan!

Lady M's: You don't really believe that do you?

Trevor Mach:  Ha! Of course not! This is gonna hurt! BOOSH!

Akinan: Hahaha....wait WHAT?!

The early word is that Akinan will make a full recovery, but may permanently be a couple inches taller after what could only be described as a "Tanooki Taffy Pull".

Amigo's Journey Begins...

After Amigo found himself betrayed by his mentor and his stable dismantled, he promised to go on a journey to recruit a new generation to take down Captain Strong, Kinniku Mike, and anyone who stood in his way. His first stop was Summers, to talk to an old friend.

Maurice: Will fight for money! Come on people! This is a good offer here! Get your ass kicked by a former EBW wrestler.

Amigo: *Sigh* My how the mighty have fallen.

Maurice: Amigo, what the hell are you doing here? Did you come to gloat about my misfortune? Go ahead and get it over with.

Amigo: man....I'm here to make you an offer.

Maurice: Do you want to fight for money?

Amigo: No, I want to bring you back into EBW.

Maurice: Pardon?

Amigo: I suppose you have seen what is going on in EBW?

Maurice: I don't have a home anymore....or a television....but SURE I watch EBW every week!

Amigo: Sarcasm isn't going to help your situation Maurice. Poochyfud has gone corrupt and he's pushing his views on people who don't want any part of it and he's ruining the company. Captain Strong betrayed SURGE and aligned himself with Kinniku Mike.

Maurice: Wow, I have missed a lot.

Amigo: I say it's time for some retribution. They tossed you out on your ass too. Don't forget that.

Maurice: Yeah, but where were you when I came to the gym begging for my job back?

Amigo: ....Mistakes were made Maurice, by you....and especially by Strong. I say we show him the error of his ways. I'm getting a group together and I want you to come back, clean up, and take back your pride and dignity. What do you say?

Maurice: I say....ok....if I can bunk at your house.

Amigo: *sigh* Fair enough.


EBW LIVE in Threed!

The EBW LIVE experience rolled into Threed tonight for another packed show. The first match featured CXJ #1 Contender Bakayaro taking on his friends Lucas and Bolshoi in a Triple Threat Match. This competitive match up set the pace for the show. All three looked good in the match, but surprisingly it was Lucas who was able to score the pin after capturing Bolshoi in a quick Spinning Impaler. Bakayaro didn't take the fall, but he's going to have to step it up if he wants to challenge for the CXJ belt. Also of note was the returned appearance of the masked Luchadore who stalked Lucas after the match and attempted to blindside him until Bakayaro and Bolshoi came to his aid and ran the Luchadore off. The second match featured 3 CXJ teams colliding in another heated match up. CXJ Champion Larmore once again had his hands full as Picky and Shadow both made their intentions known that they wanted to pick the champ apart and get their shots at the coveted belt. In the end Picky Minch scored yet another win with a Capture Suplex Pin on Anguish. Picky totally dominated the first three LIVE shows and is really showing growth thanks to his new Bushido Crusade. 6-0 Swift issued another open challenge only to once again get challenged by Green Destiny. Swift seemed agitated that he had to deal with the former tag master again and plowed through him in less then 3 minutes, finishing him off once again with the Blackhammer. Swift is now on a 7 win streak. Ness and w00t once again team up, this time to take on the reunited Turks team of Reno and Rude. Ness showed more focus during the match, but was in no mood to joke around or interact with the crowd. In a surprising move Ness ended the match with  straight up rage induced KO Punch to Reno that allowed him to be easily pinned. Ness is pissed! In the first of two main events Danny Leung begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting finally got his chance to mix it up with up with the SinDOS Goth Monster Metrion. Metrion is now notorious in the locker room after his incident with KYO, showing that he may be the only one more crazed in the head then the Grinning Demon KYO. Danny was hurting badly after his recent wars with Avion, but that didn't stop him from trying in this Last Man Standing Match. Metrion showed amazing resilience by never staying down longer then 3 seconds, even after eating a superkick that sent him into the ropes and then an Emo Cutter. Metrion wasn't alone though, as Avion made his presence felt in this No Rules match. He bashed Danny over the head with a chair and then Metrion hit him with a Headlock Backbreaker onto the chair. Danny wasn't able to get up this time and Metrion won the match. Another big loss for a member of what used to be the "Greatest Tag Team". The main event featured a rare tag team match up of Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach and Double Champion Tack Angel taking on the rising Alpha Betas. The jock team was cocky and went after the solid gold team early on. Trevor and Tack especially had trouble with Troy. The big man managed to catch both Trevor and Tack in midair as they tried a Macha Ye/Rider Kick Combo and double chokeslammed them. Added to the difficulty in the ring, was the fact that Kinniku Mike made his way out to distract Trevor and try to impress Lady M's who was standing at ringside. Reno also made his way out to get involved, but an angry and grimacing Ness also came out and scared Reno off after getting KO'd by him earlier. In the end of the match Tack managed to pull off the win with a quick Roll Up Pin on Lukie. Tack quickly backed out of the ring as Ness slowly headed towards him. Trevor laughed at the situation and Macha Ye'd Lukie before running off with Lady M's laughing. A crazy end to another great LIVE show.

After the show caught a behind the scenes conversation.

Lucas: Dang, that luchadore guy ran off again! I need to find out who that guy is! At least I managed to win the match toni....oh...sorry're not having very good luck lately are you?

Green Destiny: .....

Lucas: Oh yeah, that's don't speak English do you? Well in any case both of us need to do something to step it up and make a bigger impact.

Amigo: Perhaps I can help you both with that very thing.

Lucas: Amigo?

EBW LIVE in Threed

1. CXJ Triple Threat Match
Lucas beat Bolshoi and Bakayaro (6:11) with a Spinning Impaler on Bolshoi.
2. 3-Team CXJ Tag Team Match
Picky Minch/Given/Taken beat Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta and Shadow/Grudge/Anguish (13:56) when Picky hit the Capture Suplex Pin on Anguish.
3. Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Green Destiny (2:53) with the Blackhammer.
4. Tag Team Battle
Ness/w00t beat Rude/Reno (6:57) when Ness KO'd Reno.
5. No Rules Last Man Standing
Metrion beat Danny Leung (15:52) with a Headlock Backbreaker onto a Chair.
6. Tag Team Match
Tack Angel/Trevor Mach beat Troy/Lukie (13:29) when Tack Angel hit a Roll Up Pin on Lukie.


X-perience Card Announced! Answers Promised from Tess!

Days after a blockbuster Monday Nite X-cite and a successful EBW LIVE tour, the card to X-perience has finally been announced. Picky Minch and Shadow are going to get their chances to prove why they deserve a title shot at the coveted CXJ belt when they take on Bolshoi and Lucas respectively. Of course this also gives Lucas and Bolshoi a chance to join the Bakayaro and Champion Dave Larmore  in a match set for Breakthrough. The Alpha Beta Jock Troy is getting noticed fairly quickly in EBW, and is getting a chance to further prove himself when he takes on Green Destiny. The 7-0 Swift will try to keep his return streak going in another challenge match. The Poochyfud Administration is already fast at work on trying to lift the Hardcore Hero belt off of Dynamic Dougie by allowing #1 contender Avion to immediately get his match on X-perience. In the main event Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel will have to try and work with his Breakthrough opponent Ness who wants to annihilate him over the recent incidents on X-cite. They will join w00t and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting against Kinniku Mike, Reno, Rude, and Alpha Beta Lukie in a 4-on-4 Elimination Tag Match. Also expect to hear more from the Poochyfud Administration as well as from Tess, who is promising some answers that can hopefully put the controversies to rest and "bring Tack's story full circle". Rumors also swirl of a Master Lu return and a big announcement. All of this and more on a new X-perience.

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ Singles Match Added #1 Contender
Picky Minch vs. Bolshoi
2. CXJ Singles Match Added #1 Contender
Shadow vs. Lucas
3. Singles Match
Troy vs. Green Destiny
4. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
5. Hardcore Hero Championship Match
Dynamic Dougie(c) vs. Avion
6. 4-on-4 Elimination Tag Match
Tack Angel/Trevor Mach/Ness/w00t vs. Rude/Kinniku Mike/Lukie/Reno

Battle Tower Invitational Tag Team Tournament Update!

It appears that the rumors are true and two teams will be heading to Edo for the Battle Tower Invitational Tag Team Tournament! While the Poochyfud Administration claims no knowledge of this or how the wrestlers managed to get the cash, but the fact of the matter is that Trevor & Ness and Tag Champions Tack Angel & Travis? Tracy? will be taking part in the tournament hosted by Antonio Stuart. will be following these stars as they head over seas for the big tourney.

Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Announced for EBW LIVE Tour!

While four major players head overseas to take part in the Battle Tower Invitational Tag Team Tournament, it appears that the weekend will be all about the CXJ Tag Division. EBW LIVE will play host to the Super CXJ Tag Team Cup. The teams, locations, matches have yet to be announced, but expect to hear something either during or after XP.

Operation: Tanooki Removal Stage 2 once again followed Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie as he continued his quest to remove the Tanooki suit from Akinan. Stage 2 just seemed to involve hanging Akinan off the EBW Arena.

Akinan: Haha! Hey....I think the blood is rushing to my head....HA!

Dynamic Dougie: Well then perhaps you should try to squirm out of the suit!

Akinan: Ha! I can try for you buddy!

Dynamic Dougie: *sigh*

Trevor Mach: Well look what we've got here Tali! Looks like a Pinata!

Lady M's: Indeed. Let's see if it's got candy inside!

Akinan: Uhoh!

Once again Stage 2 proved to hurt Akinan more then it did get him any closer to removing the suit.


Mr. Poochyfud: You two....have A LOT of explaining to do!

Tess: I have a lot of explaining to do?! How about you, you fat ass pig!

Mr. Poochyfud: HEY! Watch your mouth! This is a PG show.

Tess: *Bleep* your PG! I feel sick I even pretended to play along with your nonsense. I want to know why the hell you felt the need to air my secrets on national television!

Mr. Poochyfud: HA! You weren't so good at hiding your dirty laundry. God only knows how Ness didn't see it before. Tack is now my most hated enemy! I'm going to turn the whole world on him especially your son! The fact that Travis turned out to be your daughter Tracy was just a giant plus! Although I do not condone a woman competing with men and I intend to get those tag belts back as soon as possible! But seriously, I couldn't have planned that better myself! That was a BAD day for Tack I LOVED IT!

Tess: Well good for you fat ass! I hate to break it to you, but I'm going to settle this all tonight! I hate you for making me do what I have to do tonight, but I love my son and I will protect Tack and Tracy. I'm going to fix all of this tonight you better believe it.

Mr. Poochyfud: Wonderful....good luck with that. As for you old man, what is this "big announcement" you were planning for tonight?!

Master Lu:'ll just have to wait and see like everyone else "sir". I feel with one week left to go before Breakthrough we've got to "stir the pot" and "turn up the heat". You're more then happy to give away PPV quality matches on a weekly basis....I might as well join along and give the fans a match they REALLY want to see.

Mr. Poochyfud: ......*bleep*!

Kinniku Mike: Hey hey hey! Hey there good looking Talicious!

Lady M's: ...Only Trevor is allowed to call me that.

Kinniku Mike: Alright alright! I understand....besides....I don't want to borrow a silly nickname from that punk ass Trevor....I'll come up with one of my own for my fair lady.

Lady M's: go do that.

Kinniku Mike: Hey wait a minute....why are you carrying that chainsaw around?

Lady M's: Why NOT carry a chainsaw around? It's always a good time for a chainsaw. Besides, I find that chemical castration is too nice if I'm going to do....I'm going to do it the old fashion way.

Kinniku Mike: What are you talking about castra....OH....OH....OW...OW! Why would you do something like that?!

Lady M's: Stay away from me and you won't have to find out.

Kinniku Mike: That's fine Tali. I'll bide my time for now....but you will be mine. I want you to know something....I'm going to hurt Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting tonight....I'm REALLY going to hurt him, and then I'm going to go on hurting him until he gives up and everything that is his becomes MINE!

Lady M's : .....

EBW was still recovering from the X-cite bombshell and the busy LIVE tour, but was still ready to put on a fantastic night of matches for a packed crowd in the Fourside Expo Center. The night would see several singles matches capped off by a huge 4-on-4 Elimination Tag Match. Breakthrough opponents Ness and Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel would have to work together on the same team. Could they now co-exist and could either of them focus after the big reveal of Travis as Tracy?

The night of matches began with a heated CXJ match between Bolshoi and Bushido Crusade Leader Picky Minch. Picky, Given, and Taken came out in new gear and carrying banners representing their style and stable. Picky was looking confident during the match. He has really grown figuratively and literally. The youngest member of the roster has gone through a growth spurt and his added size helped him match up with the wacky rose throwing high flier Bolshoi.  The match ended with Picky catching Bolshoi in the clinch with several knees and then spun behind him to hit the German Suplex Pin. Picky and the Bushido Crusade celebrated in the ring, banners held high as Picky was officially added to the CXJ title match at Breakthrough, as per the rules of the match.

In another match to determine another CXJ contender Shadow managed to make short work of Lucas, thanks in part to the continued interference of a masked Luchadore who wants nothing more then to see Lucas fail apparently. The luchadore distraction helped Shadow hit his Shadow Driver and move onto Breakthrough where he will get his shot at a 5th CXJ Title Reign.

The third match pitted Alpha Beta Jock Troy against the hard luck amaresu star Green Destiny. This was Troy's first foray into singles competition and he didn't disappoint. With Lukie cheering him on Troy tossed GD around the ring, shoving him into corners and driving his big boot into GD's face. As the match progressed Troy also messed with the ref and called him "NEEERRRRD", doing just enough not to get disqualified. Troy finished off Green Destiny in less then 3 minutes and ended the match with a chokeslam and pinned him with one foot on his chest. 1-2-3! After the match Troy grabbed the referee Nerdler and gave him an Atomic Wedgie, his underpants pulled up and over his head. As Nerdler struggled to free himself of his underpants Nerma made her way into the ring. Troy had picked up Green Destiny and was lifting him into the air with one hand.

Nerma: Nerma here with....

Troy: WHAT IS THIS?! I'M SURROUNDED BY NEEERRDS! I thought I was going to get some REAL competition, not some Green Fa***t! I'm not wasting my time with no damn interview! Just bring me an ass and I'll kick it!

Troy then chokeslammed Green Destiny once again and headed to the back with Lukie. Another hard loss for Green Destiny.

Swift had gone 7-0 so far in his comeback in EBW, and his stock was really rising. He has become the Brawler again, and his popularity is at an all time high. Fans are growing to love his open challenges just to see him Blackhammer his next opponent. This time would be "opponents", as the CXJ tag team Grudge and Anguish answered the challenge to make this a handicap match. It was tornado rules, meaning that Swift had to deal with them both at the same time. Their speed and teamwork made this Swift's toughest match since his return. Late in the match Grudge and Anugish somehow managed to get Swift onto the top of a ring post. Grudge hoisted Anguish on top of Swift to hit a hurracanranna, but Swift instead picked Anguish up and hit a top rope Muscle Buster! Grudge charged him after the landing, but Swift simply floored him with a lariat. Swift then picked Anguish back up and dropped him with the Blackhammer before getting the pin and the win. Swift's streak is now 8-0 and it looks like he is just warming up.

We then cut to the back where Tess was trying to talk down Ness.

Tess: Ness, please calm down!

Ness: How the HELL am I supposed to calm down mother! How can I NOT want to break his face after what he had done with YOU and what he probably done to my SISTER!


Ness: .....

Tess: Now listen....Tack had no idea that Travis was Tracy. She and I were keeping this a secret on purpose.

Ness: You knew about this?

Tess: Yes, and I have my reasons for keeping it a secret....I did it for Tracy who wanted to get close to Tack.


Tess: Ness! If I were it would be none of your business! I am a grown woman and I can do whatever I want! But....I have to admit something to you so I can clear the air and get this settled once and for all! I DID NOT sleep with Tack!

Ness: Wait what?

Tess: Tack and I never slept together! I just wanted it to seem like we did to instill confidence in him. It was all part of my plan to make him champion and show his true potential!

Ness: But....WHAT?'re lying to me! I went back and watched the episode of The Tack Show where you and him....*shudder*.

Tess: *Sigh*.....that was a heavily edited version of The Tack Show. I did that for two reasons. 1. I wanted it to appear that we had "hooked up". 2. .....It's very embarrassing.....BUT if you insist on not believing your own mother then I will show the rest of that episode IN FULL, and you will see the truth....*groan* I really don't want to do this. Roll the tape!

Tack Angel: Man, if I had a nickle for everytime I was thrown out of a tall building.....well I'd only have a nickle....but still once is enough....more then enough really....I think I've got glass in my a......oh....hello Mrs. Tess.

Tess: Well hello you little stud you....oh and it's Ms. Tess.....Ness's father and I haven't been together for a just wasn't going to work out....what with him being a phone and all.

Tack Angel: Yeah.....long distance can be a anyways I gotta....

Tess: What's your hurry Tack? I know Master Lu has big plans for you....but I've had my eyes on you as well.

Tack Angel: Uh....what do you mean mam?

Tess: Oh come need to play remember that night don't you?

Lady M's: Damnit Tack, you better keep dancing! You're going to work for their dollars!

Tess: Oh yes you are're going to be my boytoy....oh yes you are.


Tack Angel: I....."vaguely" ...remember said incident.

Tess: Well why don't you come into my office and we'll talk more about your "bright" future.....

Tack Angel: Uh....I.... need to go...


Tack Angel: Yes mam!

-1 Hour Later-

Tack Angel: OH MY GOD! What the....

Tess: Oh good! I'm glad the outfit fits you still! Even though it's a Kamen Rider suit I can still go with it!

Tack Angel: What is all of this?! You mean to tell me YOU....

Tess: LOVE SUPER SENTAI! Don't tell anyone though....if word got out that I was a giant nerd then my reputation might be tarnished!

Tack Angel: So this is what you wanted me for?

Tess: Yeah! You're gonna be my Super Sentai Buddy! You don't mind hanging out, watching Sentai with me all night do you?

Tack Angel Oh no....not at's better then being raped I guess.

Tess: What?

Tack Angel: Nothing! Nice Pink Ranger outfit by the way....insane....but nice.

Tess: But listen...if anyone asks....just tell em you and I "knocked the boots" tonight. That oughta get you some cred with the boys in the locker room.

Tack Angel: Ummm ok....but I have to ask one particular question....namely...WHY?!

Tess: Hehe....I know how the world works Tack...I know how to instill confidence too. Stick with me....I think you'll make a great champion some day. Now, onto the  marathon. I hope you like Go Ranger!

Tack Angel: Sure....I can watch some Go Ranger.

Tess: By the way....did you know my daughter Tracy ALSO likes Sentai and Kamen Rider!

Tack Angel: Oh cool....why did you bring that up?

Tess: No reason!



Tess: *Groan* So there you have it a CLOSET SUPER SENTAI NERD!


Tess: Oh no...Trevor, what are you doing here?

Trevor Mach: Just heard their was some shenanigans afoot, thought I'd get in on it. Mmmmm sweet, saucy shenanigans.

Ness: Trevor?

Trevor Mach: Hey buddy!

Ness: Get the hell out of here!

Trevor Mach: OK buddy! HAHA! BOOSH!

Ness: So....I don't have a reason to kill Tack?

Tess: Well...I never said that....Tack Angel is a really good guy and he's been a good friend to you, but perhaps their is something I should tell you about Tracy. You can make up your mind then.

It was now onto the semi-main event, a No Rules Match for the Hardcore Hero Championship. Dynamic Dougie found himself suddenly thrust back into the title picture, and now that he is champ, he suddenly finds a target on his back. Avion was more then ready to get into the ring and beat Dougie down with the chain he had wrapped around his hand, but before he could do that he suddenly found himself blindsided by a pissed off Danny Leung. The Akatsuki member was livid, and day after day of SinDOS harassment lead to him finally snapping he bashed Avion over the head with a chair, which cause the straight edge wrestler to tumble down near the ring. Dougie and Akinan just looked on as Danny beat the hell out of Avion. He finally rolled Avion into the ring and yelled for Dougie to pin him. 1-2-3. Dougie considered himself the luckiest man alive and ran off with Akinan and his belt as a pissed off Danny stood over Avion, soaked his blood into a bandana, and then wore the bandana like a trophy.

Before the main event we went backstage again to see Tack entering the building.

Tess: Hey Tack.

Tack Angel: AH!'s just you Tess. I thought I was going to be jumped by Ness the way he''s been pissed at me.

Tess: It's ok Tack....I told him everything.

Tack Angel: You did? I thought I was supposed to take your...."interests" to my grave?

Tess: *sigh* It's embarrassing, but you're too good of a kid to let this happen to you. I have to apologize for a lot of things. I never wanted to tarnish your good name. The fans look up to you....the last thing you needed was a "fake affair" to get got over by never needed me.

Tack Angel: Tess, you pushed me to be better then I was. I thank you for all that you have done for me. I just have to ask you about something really important.

Tess: Tracy?

Tack Angel: Is she here? I have to talk to her.

Tess: No, she was too embarrassed to show her face. She didn't want to reveal herself to you that way.

Tack Angel: Why did she do all of that though? It seemed like a lot of trouble to go through for a title belt.

Tess: It wasn't about a title belt at all Tack. When my daughter wants something....when she has her heart set on it....she'll do whatever she has to do.

Tack Angel: I don't understand....

Tess: Tack, why do you think she wanted to spend all that time with you?

Tack Angel: ....I....

Tess: You better get to the ring've got a big match tonight.

Tack Angel: ....Right.


It was now main event time, as 8 wrestlers would battle it out in an epic 4-on-4 Elimination Tag Match. Ness gave Tack the cold shoulder, but the champ seemed to have a cooperating team on his end. They would be taking on the team of Reno, Rude, Lukie, and Kinniku Mike. Mike tried to get to Trevor before the match started, but their respective teams held them back. The match got off to a goofy start when Reno kicked things off opposite Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting. As Reno charged the other side of the ring Trevor quickly floored him with a Macha Ye and pinned him with less then 10 seconds on the clock! The fans laughed and cheered as a ticked off Reno was forced out of the ring. The next elimination wouldn't happen for 10 MORE MINUTES! This long epic definitely was a contrast to the previous short singles match ups. Nearly 10 minutes in and Mike and Trevor were brawling in the ring. Lady M's came out just as they were trading hard slaps in the center of the ring. Both of them were hurting  after their long match so far. Suddenly Mike went for the eye gouge, and while Reno caused a distraction outside of the ring Mike put on a pair of brass knuckles and cracked Trevor in the face with them. When the ref turned back around Mike had hit Trevor with the Release Dragon Suplex and grabbed the ropes to get a the 1-2-3. He then picked Trevor back up and scoop slammed him out onto the concrete floor. He acted like he was going to jump out of the ring to further injure Trevor, but Lady M's stood beside Trev. This distracted Mike long enough for Tack to jump back into the match, and the champ hit the Samoan Slaughterhouse in the back with a Rider Kick. The loss of Mach on their team motivated Tack, Ness, and w00t to step it up in the later stages of the match. Nearly 15 minutes in Tack and Lukie were grappling, and Tack managed to take control and floored the Alpha Beta with an STO, getting the pin and the elimination. Later still Rude and w00t were now in. The rivals were really going all out, but Rude wasn't about to fight fair with the former Perfection leader. He low blowed him and rolled him up for the pin, but only managed a 2 count. Mike tossed him the knuckles and he tried to hit w00t out of sight of the ref, but instead w00t caught him off guard with the WKO. He tried for the pin, but Mike jumped off the top rope with an elbow drop that hurt w00t ribs. He was hurting now, which gave Rude time to recover and hit Tha Rulebreaka. w00t was rolled up again, but he got his foot on the rope. The problem was that Reno pushed it off before the ref could see and w00t was eliminated. It was not down to the odd couple of Tack and Ness. Despite what happened on X-cite they tried to work as a team, Poochyfud's boys continued to play dirty. Eventually Ness was downed by Mike's Release Dragon Suplex. He too was cheated when Reno kicked his foot off the ropes. This match was full of dirty tricks, and the fans were booing Mike and Rude as they soaked it up and gloated. Tack Angel was now alone in a 2-on-1 situation. Late in the match it looked like he was going to even the score when he superkicked Rude, but Reno again made his presence known. This total dismantling of Tack's team had the fans throwing garbage at Reno and the ref for not paying enough attention. Eventually Mike came back in and hit a hurting Tack with his Release Dragon Suplex, but Tack kicked out at 2.9. This angered Mike and he dragged Tack up to the top rope. With help from Rude he managed to drop Tack with a ring shaking Piledriver. 1-2-3 Kinniku Mike and Rude won the match, but it was heavily tainted thanks to the misdeeds of Reno. After the match Ness and w00t ran back into the ring to save Tack from Mike and Rude. Trevor was still on the ground hurting from hitting he concrete badly. It looked like a brawl was about to erupt until.....

Master Lu: Boys! Calm down! The match is over, and while Reno's team cheated heavily and ALL THE FANS know it.....I believe I can help matters. I don't see the current Administration over turning such a tainted win, BUT perhaps the booking of another match will tip the scale back in our favor. When we get to Monday Nite X-cite, the final countdown to Breakthrough will begin. What better way to get things started then with a huge match to get the fans pumped! This match, is a match that hasn't been seen in EBW yet, but I used to participate in them whenever two warring sides needed to settle something. I believe with the return of the 4-sided ring we can finally see this match come to the best wrestling promotion in the world! That is why....on Monday Nite X-cite....we will see Team Tack vs. Team Poochyfud....go to WAR! THAT'S RIGHT! I'M INTRODUCING EBW TO......WAR GAMES!!!!!

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ Singles Match Added #1 Contender
Picky Minch beat Bolshoi (9:21) with a German Suplex Pin.
2. CXJ Singles Match Added #1 Contender
Shadow beat Lucas (3:59) with a Shadow Driver.
3. Singles Match
Troy beat Green Destiny (2:55) with a Chokeslam.
4. Swift Open Challenge
Swift beat Grudge and Anguish (8:36) with a Blackhammer on Anguish.
5. Hardcore Hero Championship Match
Dynamic Dougie(c) beat Avion (1:09) with a Dynamic DDT onto a Chair.
6. 4-on-4 Elimination Tag Match
Rude/Kinniku Mike/Lukie/Reno beat Tack Angel/Trevor Mach/Ness/w00t (29:11).
-Trevor Mach eliminated Reno (0:08) with a Macha Ye.
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Trevor Mach (10:26) with a Release Dragon Suplex.
-Tack Angel eliminated Lukie (14:51) with an STO.
-Rude eliminated w00t (18:12) with Tha Rulebreaker.
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Ness (25:59) with a Release Dragon Suplex
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Tack Angel (29:11) with a Top Rope Piledriver.


Agent Johnson: The following information is highly classified by the Eagleland Bureau of Investigation. The documents and footage within chronicle the recent 3-day operation known as Operation: Battle Tower, where the E.B.I recruited a team of EBW wrestlers to travel to Edo and take part in a tournament that may in fact be a front for the sinister syndicate known as "SSS". The primary target is New Edo Pro Wrestling Owner Antonio "Toukon" Stuart, who may have rigged his own tournament to acquire a large amount of funds for "SSS". The objective of the recruited agents: Win the Tournament.


Airplane Captain: This is your captain speaking. We've made it through the storm and are now looking at clear skies all the way to Edo. Estimated time of arrival is 30 minutes.

Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: Finally! I'm not used to sitting down this long.

Lady M's: You don't have to tell me you manic monkey.

Trevor Mach: HA! Thanks for coming along by the way.

Lady M's: Meh....tag along on a secret government mission to Edo to thwart a dastardly plot by a shadow many times do you get THAT opportunity in your life?

Trevor Mach: Yeah, and we're always saying we should do more together! BOOSH! Hey.....I think I see something out on the wing.

Lady M's: Yeah...suuuuuure you do Trevtasic.

Ness: Zzzzz.....Zzzz......

Tracy: Tack....pst...Tack.

Tack Angel: Oh...hey something wrong?

Tracy:'s just that...with Ness asleep I feel like I can finally talk to you.

Tack Angel: You know....I can do what I want without Ness's approval....but you did say he's asleep right?

Trevor Mach: HA!

Tracy: Yeah he is.

Tack Angel: Ok do you want to talk about? Want to tell me another big secret? I feel like I'm in a soap opera.

Tracy: No, I just wanted to apologize for misleading you all this time. I tried to tell you a couple times, but that is no excuse for what I did....I'm sorry.

Tack Angel: ....It's ok Tracy. It's just.....been a REALLY awkward week for me. It's actually a relief really. I'm glad that you' "Travis" kind of freaked me out.

Tracy: Heh. I meant everything I said as Travis though. I have looked up to you for some time. You helped me change my ways.

Tack Angel: How did I do that?

Tracy: ...Just by being you.

Tack Angel: .....

Tracy: Tack....I didn't do this to win the tag belts...that was just a bonus. I really just wanted to be with you....i wanted to get to know you.

Tack Angel: Why?

Tracy: .....because I.....I.....

Flight Attendant: Alright! Who is ready for a sodaaAAAAAAH OOF!!!


Ness: What the heck?!

Lady M's: Oh brother.....

Airplane Captain: Once again thank you for flying "Fuzzy Pickle Airlines". Please keep us in mind for your return flight. Except for Trevor're banned!

Ness: Well....aside from the "freak out" that was a pleasant enough flight.

Tack Angel: I'll say.

Ness: .......

Tack Angel: Ooops.

Trevor Mach: HA! LOOK! I was right! There WAS something on the wing!

Lady M's: Huh...well I'll be damned.

Ness: BOLSHOI?! What are you doing on the wing of the airplane?!

Bolshoi: I...I....I DON'T KNOW!  

?: Welcome to Edo. You're the last of the teams to show up.

Trevor Mach: We love to be fashionably late.

Ness: Hi, I'm Ness, this is my sister Tracy and her....*sigh* tag partner Tack Angel. That odd fellow over there is Trevor Mach.

?: Yes...I know who all of you are. My name is Don Panini. I'm working with Antonio Stuart on his Battle Tower Tournament.

Tack Angel: Pleasure to meet you. Might I ask how you came to be apart of this tournament.

Don Panini: Mr. Stuart and I We run in the same circles.

Trevor Mach: *nudge nudge* Eh? Eh?

Lady M's:: Yeah Trevor, I heard it too.

Don Panini: Now it's time for me to ask the questions. Did you bring your entrance fees?

Ness: We've got the money in those cases over there.

Don Panini: Well alright then....if you'll step into da limo we'll make sure you have a comfortable trip da the Battle Tower.

Ness: Tack...pst Tack....

Tack Angel: Yeah?

Ness: Way to make us look suspicious with your interrogations.

Tack Angel: I'm just trying to do what we came here for.

Ness: Well try not to get us killed! I have a wife to get home to and you just HAD to drag my sister along!

Tack Angel: Ness, I've tired apologizing to you, but right now we've got a mission to accomplish so why don't we deal with this later.

Ness: .....

Tack Angel: Whoa! Big enough tower?

Ness: Tax money at work right here.

Don Panini: Like I said, you're the last to arrive so we gotta hurry to da meeting hall immediately.

Trevor Mach: Wow, this place is snazzy!

Lady M's: Sure is. There is our target standing over there.

Ness: Yeah....look who else is here. I think we already found our ringer team.

Tracy: Huh? Uh oh....

Tack Angel: Yeah...uh oh...

Franky: Hahaha! Well look what the cat dragged in. EBW's "finest" failures.

Poo: ex-girlfriend and her new "squeeze".

Tack Angel: Squeeze?

Tracy: Hi Poo, just stay away from me ok?

Poo: Oh sure Tracy...wouldn't want to cause a scene! You haven't given me the time of day since I left EBW anyways!

Tack Angel: Hey! You leave her alone!

Ness: Now is not the time for this Poo!

Poo: ......

Trevor Mach: Oh man this is hilarious! You got the popcorn Tali?

Lady M's: Of course!

Don Panini: Attention everybody! HEY! You wise guys need to keep it down! Da man of the hour is ready to speak so better be listening or forgetta bout it.

Antonio Stuart: Thank you Mr. Panini.....I...welcome you all to my Battle Tower. This will all do battle in my tower. The winning team will win these specially made trophies as well as receive the sum of Two Million Dollars. I wish you all the best of luck.

Don Panini: Yo! This tournament is airing live on TV Edo! this weekend so you betta all show off for the camera know what I mean? I think it's time for the introductions . We've got 8 teams here ready to throw down! Let's find out who they are. From 80's Retro Wrestling we got Stan and Steve the Fabulous Ones! We got da Guapo Brothers from P+P forgetta bout it! We got multi time tag champions Poo and Franky! We got.....Punch and Kimbo Slice?

Punch: lolzors! We r teh best team roflmao!

Kimbo Slice: I uh....just got fired....I needed to find work.

Don Panini: Whateva....Ok who else we got? We got Matsumoto and Yamazaki from New Edo! Last but not least we got the all-star EBW team of Trevor Mach and Ness as well as the EBW Tag Team Champions Tack Angel and Tracy. Yes, we got a lady participating, but that don't change a damn thing! Now find your rooms and get some rest. Tomorrow, the tournament begins!  

Tack Angel: Well this was just awkward. We better find our rooms.

Ness: Tack, how about YOU go find the rooms. Trevor and I have some investigating to do.

Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Time to snoop! Come on Tali!

Lady M's: Right behind ya.

Tack Angel: Huh...well alright then....I'll just be taking these bags then.

Tracy: I'll come with you!

Tack Angel: Oh uh....ok.

Trevor Mach: Zoinks Scoopy! I sure hope we don't run into a g-g-ghost!

Lady M's: Heh.

Ness: Clam it chowder head! We've got to be stealthy.

Trevor Mach: You got it buddy! I can be stealthy. I've got the reflexes of a ca...ow! I tripped on my shoestrings!

Ness: Shh!

Lady M's: Wait guys listen....right...above us.

Trevor Mach: .....

Ness: .....

Don Panini: It's all going down as planned. The organization is pleased so far with how the operation is going down. We already have the money though. Might as well just take the 2 Mil and pay em off.

Antonio Stuart: No....this will be on live television. It has to look entirely legitimate. Tell the organization not to worry. My team will win and they will get their money.

Ness: ....and we have our confirmation....

Trevor Mach: BO...I mean....boosh....

Tack Angel: Ok this seems to be our room right here.

Tracy: Oh no...

Tack Angel: What? Oh....oh no.

Poo: Well well well....the lovebirds are checking in eh?

Tracy: Just back off Poo! It's over between you and I. It was the biggest mistake of my life!

Poo: No, I think you're making that mistake right now! Just remember....we're in the same tournament...I don't hit women, but accidents MAY happen.


Poo: What are you going to do about it punk?!

Tracy: Stop it now! Come on Tack! Let's go into the's smelling bad out here.

Poo: Heh...I'll be seeing you later Tracy.

Tack Angel: Well...this room is nice enough. I was expecting something a bit more "high tech" given that we're in a state of the art tower, but I'll take it.

Tracy: Tack?

Tack Angel: Oh look we got a TV, that's nice.

Tracy: Tack.

Tack Angel: We have a computer too, although I don't think we should use it. We may be getting monitored.

Tracy: Tack!

Tack Angel: Ah! Yeah?

Tracy: Thank you so much for sticking up for me out there. I'm sorry that he's such an ass. Our relationship didn't end well. I realized that he was a piece of garbage and I needed someone with a real heart. Someone timid, but confident. Someone who looks good in orange and blue.

Tack Ange: Oh problem! Oh shoot....look....this room only has one bed. Huh...that's ok though. I can just sleep on the floor. It's not problem.

Tracy: I....have a better idea.

Tack Angel: Pardon?!

End of Day 1

     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:27 pm  #98

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW LIVE! Super CXJ Tag Team Cup

EBW LIVE will kick off the countdown to Breakthrough with a special Super CXJ Tag Team Cup show in the Twoson Fairgrounds. This will be the biggest show to date for the EBW LIVE experiment, but it's also one of the biggest cards. EBW will present it's best CXJ teams along with the best teams in MKPW, P+P. and BO*OM. The winning team will become the 2010 Super CXJ Tag Team Cup winners and earn a shot at Lovekick Connection's double tag belts as the three wins will count in P+P's scoring system for title shots. If Lovekick wins then they will decide their opponents for Breakthrough. The round 1 matches will see Bolshoi and Lucas team up to take on P+P's finest Rey Dorado and Bullet. Bushido Crusade's Given and Taken will bring the Bushido Mission to the show when they mix it up with former CXJ Champion Kirby and Geno of MKPW. Veterans Generator and Hotlanta will have to deal with the ultra violent team of Slayer and Mr. Scary from BO*OM, and EBW/P+P CXJ Tag Team Champions Sal Paradise and Jamie OD will then take on rivals Grudge and Anguish. We'll then see the semi finals and finals all in one show. A big test to determine the best of the best in the CXJ Tag Tag Division. An action packed show for EBW LIVE!

EBW LIVE! Super CXJ Tag Team Cup
Twoson Fairgrounds

1. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Bolshoi/Lucas vs. Rey Dorado[P+P]/Bullet[P+P]
2. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Given/Taken vs.  Kirby[MKPW]/Geno[MKPW]
3. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Generator/Hotlanta vs. Slayer[BO*OM]/Mr. Scary[BO*OM]
4. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Grudge/Anguish
5. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Semi-Final
6. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Semi-Final
7. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Final

Prepare for WAR......WarGames that is!

This Monday on's time for WAR! With one week to go till Breakthrough, Master Lu felt it was time to level the playing field and give the fans a taste of the old school for a new generation. That's right fans, on Monday X-cite you will see WarGames! The show will open with two 6-Man CXJ tag matches between the rival groups that continue to vie for CXJ dominance, especially now that Picky Minch and Shadow have made their way into the CXJ Title match at Breakthrough.  Then Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie and Akinan will find themselves again in the cross hairs of the Poochyfud Administration when they take on SinDOS in tag action. Swift will get another big challenge to his streak when Eivion Thanatos stops back in from his BO*OM excursion to take on the Brawler. The main event will of course be the WarGames Match! Global World Champion Tack Angel, his Breakthrough #1 Contender Ness, w00t, and Royal Crown Champion Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting will be taking on Kinniku Mike, Rude, and The Alpha Betas. How will Team Tack do having to fight not only Team Poochyfud, but jet lag as well, as they should just be getting back from their top secret mission..... I mean tournament excursion in Edo. We'll also hear from Tack and Ness before their title match at Breakthrough. They have gone through a lot in the last week. Will they make it to their first time ever one-on-one PPV match at Breakthrough?

EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ 6-Man Tag Match
Bakayaro/Bolshoi/Lucas vs. Picky Minch/Given/Taken
2. CXJ 6-Man Tag Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish
3. Tag Team Match
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan vs. Avion/Metrion
4. Special Singles Match
Swift vs. Eivion Thanatos
5. WarGames Match
Tack Angel/Ness/w00t/Trevor Mach vs. Kinniku Mike/Rude/Troy/Lukie

Operation: Tanooki Removal Stage 3: Desperate Times... was on the scene as an unhinged Dynamic Dougie had finally had enough with Akinan and the Tanooki suit, and finally decided that desperate times call for desperate measures...

Akinan: Well hey there Dougie! You wanted to see....WHOA!


Dynamic Dougie: Nope! I'm afraid I can't do that heheehehehehehehe!

Akinan: ok buddy?

w00t: He's got me taped up in front of my worst fear.....what do you the way...STAY AWAY FROM MEEEEEE!!!!

Dynamic Dougie: HAHAHAHA! I WILL be fine....once I finally put this to rest and put the...."suit" back where it belongs.

Akinan: Uh....wha? I brought cupca...

Dynamic Dougie: FORGET YOUR CUPCAKES! I know for a fact that the Tanooki Suit is more then just some annoying costume....IT'S A SYMBIOTE!

Akinan: Wha?

w00t: Wha?

Dynamic Dougie: Oh yes....that suit is a symbiote! That's why it won't come off unless you really want it too. I think YOUR mind is so clouded that you forgot that you love to kick ass and you'd rather BAKE MUFFINS!!!!

Akinan: Hey....they aren't muffins....they are cupcakes!


Akinan: Zoinks!

w00t: NOOOOOO!!!!!

Akinan: Haha! You're silly Dougie! This suit is just a .....suit? What is...what's....

Dynamic Dougie: HA! I knew it!

w00t: OH NOOOOO!

Dynamic Dougie: HAHAHA! How ya feeling Akinan?

Akinan: .......Ready to kick ass.....

Dynamic Dougie: That's what I like to hear killer! Finally! This is a new beginning buddy! With you as the muscle behind my hustle we're going to take EBW by storm! HAHA! Let's go!

w00t: head.....Ooo....cupcakes!



Agent Johnson: The following information is highly classified by the Eagleland Bureau of Investigation. The documents and footage within chronicle the recent 3-day operation known as Operation: Battle Tower, where the E.B.I recruited a team of EBW wrestlers to travel to Edo and take part in a tournament that may in fact be a front for the sinister syndicate known as "SSS". The primary target is New Edo Pro Wrestling Owner Antonio "Toukon" Stuart, who may have rigged his own tournament to acquire a large amount of funds for "SSS". The objective of the recruited agents: Win the Tournament.


TV Edo Announcer: Hello and welcome to the first annual BATTLE TOWER TAG TEAM CUP INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT! Our host Mr. Antonio Stuart has brought us the best and brightest in all of wrestling to compete in this state of the art tower for bragging right, for the Cup, and for 2 Million Dollars! Who will come out on top? Tune in an find out as The Battle Tower tournament begins!

Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: BOOSH! It's go time ladies and gentlemen! Let's go bust a the ring....YEAH!

Lady M's: Yeah go kick some ass....or get your ass kicked I don't care. Either way we're gonna have a good time huh?

Trevor Mach: Yeah....hey wait.

Tack Angel: Are you ready to go Tracy?

Tracy: Sure am Tack. Our first time in the ring with you knowing who I really's exciting.

Ness: Hold it RIGHT THERE!

Lady M's: Oh boy here comes Buzzy McKilljoy.

Ness: Tack, let's get something straight right now! You are not to endanger my sister in any way!

Tack Angel: We're a tag team Ness, I trust that she can pull her own in the ring.

Tracy: You do?

Tack Angel: Of course. I trusted you are Travis....why not as Tracy?

Ness: That was before I knew you were "tagging" with my sister behind my back!

Tack Angel: What are you getting at Ness?

Ness: Just listen to me right now Tack. You keep Tracy out of that ring....and out of the bedroom!

Tracy: NESS!

Trevor Mach: Aww come on! Don't be a cock blocker Nesster!

Ness: Not now Trevor!

Tack Angel: You listen to me Ness. What I do is MY business. Your sister and I are a tag team in this tournament and we're going to do our best to win as per the orders of the E.B.I. I have no intentions of taking advantage of your sister!

Tracy: Why not?

Ness and Tack Angel: WHAT?!

Trevor Mach: HA! Come on peeps it's time to work!


TV Announcer: What an amazing night of fights for the first round of the Battle Tower Tag Team Cup Invitational Tournament! 3 great matches and then a main event that you would come to expect from former members of the FTW roster.

TV Announcer: The night kicked off with a bit of old school vs. new school. The grizzled yet suave veterans The Fabulous Ones of 80's Retro Wrestling took on independent team/boy band 2 Count. Despite the best efforts of the high fliers the old school Fabulous Ones won the first match after Stan hit Shannon with a Powerbomb pin. Stan and Steve then spent 10 minutes just posing and pointing at the camera.

TV Announcer: The first EBW team Macho-Nesster then took on their New Edo counterparts Strong Style Matsumoto and High Flying Star Yamazaki. It was the most competitive match of the first night matches. The match ended in a photo finish as Yamazaki hit the Frog Splash on Ness just as Trevor Mach was hitting Matsumoto with the Macha Ye. Trevor got the pin one second too late, but Ness luckily kicked out from Yamazaki's pin at 2.9. A close shave indeed.

TV Announcer: The EBW Tag Team Champions claimed victory next, as Global World Champion Tack and his tag partner, Tracy, the only female in the tournament , over came a tough challenge from the Guapo Brothers of P+P. Added to the stress of the in ring competition was the presence of Poo and Franky at ring side. The Guapo Brothers did not go easy on Tracy, but she was able to hold her own as well. In the end Tracy whipped Rocky Guapo into Tack, who then took him down with a Standing Shirinai Kai and got the pin and the win. After the match Poo and Franky tried to get into the ring to mess with Tracy, but Tack kicked them off the side of the ring and Mr. Stuart's security held the teams at bay.

TV Announcer: The "main event" saw Poo and Franky make short work of "Team FTW" Kimbo Slice and Punch. Within a minute Punch found himself falling into the abyss below the Battle Tower and Kimbo found his glass jaw broken once again and laying in a pool of his own blood thanks to a KO punch from Franky. It appeared that he may have had assistance from a pair of brass knuckles, but the ref had his back turned and Franky managed to get the pin and the win. Tomorrow we will see the winning teams go at it in the semi-final and final matches of this tournament with 2 Million Dollars at stake!

Antonio Stuart: Good job. The first night was a complete success, but next time you decide to cheat Franky and Poo just remember this has to look entirely legitimate.

Don Panini: Fogetta bout it! They got da job done and sooner then later that cash is going home with me to our associates. Good thing too Mr. clients were starting to lose patience.

Antonio Stuart: It won't be a problem. Franky and Poo are going to win this tournament and the money goes to you.

Franky: Yeah, and in return you assist us with OUR end of the bargain.

Antonio Stuart: Indeed.

Poo: I need to add a stipulation to our bargain. Tomorrow...I don't want to wait and I don't want to put it to chance. I want Tack and Tracy tomorrow.

Franky: Hehehe yeah. Let's put the boots to your ex and her new chump.

Poo: Oh I intend on doing MUCH more then that hehehe.

Antonio Stuart: Consider it done.

Trevor Mach: HA! That puts all the questions to rest I would say. Franky and Poo are "set" to win this thing. I told you kicking the guard's asses would work out.

Ness: Yeah, but when they wake up they are going to warn Stuart that someone is on to them. More importantly.....Franky and Poo are after Tracy....We have to warn her and Tack....NOW!

Battle Tower Tag Team Cup Invitational Tournament
Battle Tower
TV Edo!

1. Round 1 Match Fabulous Ones vs. 2 Count
Steve/Stan beat Shannon/Shane (5:12) when Stan hit the Powerbomb pin on Shannon.
2. Round 1 Match Macho-Nesster vs. New Edo Aces
Trevor Mach/Ness beat Matsumoto/Yamazaki (13:54) when Trevor Mach hit the Macha Ye on Matsumoto.
3. Round 1 Match Tack-Tracy vs. The Guapo Brothers
Tack Angel/Tracy beat Billy Guapo/Rocky Guapo (10:09) when Tack Angel hit the Standing Shirinai Kai on Rocky Guapo.
4. Round 1 Match Franky-Poo vs. Team FTW
Poo/Franky beat Kimbo Slice/Punch (0:59) when Franky KO'd Kimbo Slice.


EBW LIVE! hits Twoson Fairgrounds for 2010 Super CXJ Tag Team Cup!

The EBW LIVE! Project continues to grow, as the first indoor arena LIVE! show continued the trend of capacity crowds. This time EBW LIVE! played host to the 2010 Super CXJ Tag Team Cup! One team would have to go through three matches in one night to win the cup and go on to face the EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Lovekick Connection at Breakthrough. Lovekick Connection also had a more then fair chance of winning the cup and getting to decide who they would face at Breakthrough.

The teams all stood on the stage of the Twoson Fairgrounds, with the fans cheering their respective favorites. A lot of volatile enemies stood together on the stage, but they saved the action for the matches. Fans of MKPW, P+P, and BO*OM also came to the show to support their teams. That matches on the show were all very fast, action packed, and exciting. The plan for every team was to put away their opposition fast so they could have more time to recover before stepping in the ring again. The oddball team of Bolshoi and Lucas made waves early on with an upset win over P+P aces Rey Dorado and Bullet. Lucas continues to impress when he doesn't have to deal with the luchadore that continues to stall his career. Bolshoi got the pin on Bullet after a Bolshoi Bomb. The Bushido Crusade made their mark as well by downing the elite MKPW team of Geno and former CXJ Champion Kriby. The former Sons of Anarchy have actually stepped up their stiff and brutal style since restarting the Bushido Mission with Picky Minch. The order that Shadow brought to them was over and a bloody Given won the match after hitting an Electric Chair Driver on Geno. The veteran team of Generator and Hotlanta were on the winning side next, as they fought a brutal war with Slayer and Mr. Scary of BO*OM. The BO*OM team were always on the edge of getting disqualified with their actions, but Hotlanta managed to pull of the win before the BO*OM team brought out the ultra violence. Hotlanta pinned Slayer after a Bellerophon Bomb. The final round 1 match saw champions Lovekick Connection take care of their old rival Grudge and Anugish in impressive and quick fashion. The champs have been resting and recovering from previous wars, and the time off really helped, as Jamie and Sal were always one step ahead. A little after 3 minutes into the match Sal managed to tap out Anguish with the Paradise Lock II. The round ended with a couple surprises, one of the biggest being that EBW had eliminated  all of the outsider teams, making the rest of the tourney an all EBW affair. The surprises continued in round 2 when Bolshoi and Lucas pulled off another upset. This time Lucas got the pin when he surprised Generator with a Legdrop Bulldog and pin before Hotlanta could break it. Generator and Hotlanta took the loss hard, but still congratulated Lucas on his sudden rise. The second semi-final match saw old rivals collide once again, when Lovekick took on Bushido Crusade, This was the most athletic match on the night. These two teams know each other so well and they gave everything they had. It was the only match of the night to go into double digits. Late in the match Jamie OD hit Given with a super stiff Penalty Kick, but Given just absorbed the blow and got back to his feet. Blood was pouring down his face, but he continued on. Given and Taken were in top form, and upset the champs when Taken hit his new Hellevator finisher on Sal Paradise and  pinned him for the win. Bushido Crusade had little time to rest though. as Lucas and Bolshoi quickly ran to the ring for the final match of the show. Despite earlier managing to run through their opponents, Bolshoi and Lucas found themselves fighting an uphill battle with the Bushido Crusade. It was at this point that the mysterious luchadore made his way out from the crowd with a chair. When the ref wasn't looking the luchadore bashed Lucas with the chair and quickly escaped as Bolshoi chased after him. Taken took advantage and trapped the hurt Lucas in a Sleeper Hold. The bloody Lucas refused to tap and ended up being put to sleep. The Bushido Crusade, Given and Taken won the three matches to win the Super CXJ Cup and will not move on to face Lovekick, a team they already beat earlier in evening for the belts at Breakthrough. The masked luchadore once again stunts the career growth of Lucas. The show ended with Picky Minch entering the ring and handing his tag team the "BC" banners. Bushido Crusade stood triumphant.

EBW LIVE! Super CXJ Tag Team Cup
Twoson Fairgrounds

1. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Bolshoi/Lucas beat Rey Dorado[P+P]/Bullet[P+P] (5:10) when Bolshoi hit the Bolshoi Bomb on Bullet.
2. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Given/Taken beat  Kirby[MKPW]/Geno[MKPW] (6:28) when Given hit the Electric Chair Driver on Geno.
3. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Generator/Hotlanta beat Slayer[BO*OM]/Mr. Scary[BO*OM] (8:51) when Hotlanta hit the Bellerophon Bomb on Slayer.
4. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Round 1
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD beat Grudge/Anguish (3:17) when Sal Paradise submitted Anguish with the Paradise Lock II.
5. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Semi-Final
Bolshoi/Lucas beat Generator/Hotlanta (5:59) when Lucas hit the Legdrop Bulldog on Generator.
6. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Semi-Final
Given/Taken beat Sal Paradise/Jamie OD (10:42) when Taken hit the Hellaevator on Sal Paradise.
7. Super CXJ Tag Team Cup Final
Given/Taken beat Bolshoi/Lucas (5:56) when Taken choked out Lucas with a Sleeper Hold.

Breakthrough Final Card Released!

The final card for Breakthrough has been released, and it's going to be another exciting show from EBW. Lucas will finally get his hands on the luchadore that keeps attacking him. The luchadore is being called El Gran Luchadore. No one knows who this man is, or why he continues to attack Lucas, but the rising rookie will finally get a shot at retribution at Breakthrough. The Alpha Beta will also make their PPV debut when they take on Dynamic Dougie and Akinan. Swift's open challenge will continue, if of course he can beat Eivion Thanatos on X-cite. Akatsuki will try their best to rebound from the onslaught of SinDOS and face their biggest rivals in a hardcore tag team match. Lovekick will take on the Super CXJ Tag Team Cup winners Given and Taken for the CXJ tag belts, while Dave Larmore will have to deal with Bakayaro, Shadow, and Picky Minch in a 4-way match for the coveted belt. w00t will take on his biggest rival Rude in the singles match we've all been waiting for, but will w00t be in the proper frame of mind? Then we have the two main events, with Trevor taking on Mike for the Royal Crown Belt, and Tack defending the Global World Championship against Ness. Two first time encounters headline what will be a phenomenal night for EBW.

EBW: Breakthrough
Twoson Fairgrounds

1. Singles Grudge Match
Lucas vs, El Gran Luchadore
2. Tag Team Match
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan vs. Troy/Lukie
3. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
4. Hardcore Tag Team Match
Danny Leung/KYO vs. Avion/Metrion
5. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Sal Paradise(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Given/Taken
6. EBW CXJ Championship Match
Dave Larmore(c) vs. Shadow vs. Bakayaro vs. Picky Minch
8. Special Singles Match
w00t vs. Rude
9. Royal Crown Championship "Take it All"
Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting(c) vs. Kinniku Mike
10. Global World Championship "Fury and Betrayal"
Tack Angel(c) vs. Ness

Amigo arranges a "meeting"

Maurice: So this is your place eh Amigo? I suppose I can stay here. Whatcha got in the fridge?

Amigo: Later Maurice, we've got business to discuss.

Maurice: I haven't eaten in DAYS! The last thing I ate came out of a dumpster. I have no idea what it was, but I will say was delicious.

Green Destiny: ......

Lucas: Ok Amigo, you got us all here, not what is it you wanted to tell us.

Amigo: I look at all of you guys and you know what I see? Untapped potential. I see guys who given the right opportunities could be main eventing EBW. Green Destiny was a tag prodigy, but is now looking for a break in singles action. Lucas, you would probably be #1 contender for the CXJ belt if it weren't for the constant screwjobs. Maurice.....well you brought this on yourself, but I think you deserve a second chance.

Maurice: .....I made this belt out of an extension cord.

Amigo: I was given an opportunity to prove myself. I made up for lack of what some people call "charisma" or "emotion" or "any defining qualities other then wrestling skill" and I became the Jacie killer. Then Strong and Mike took that away from me. They took away my opportunity. I think.....that it's time we all get our opportunity. I think we're the real next generation in EBW. I know I don't have the seniority in experience between the four of us, but if you join me I promise to go to bat for you guys whenever you need me.

Green Destiny:

Maurice: Give me a sandwich and let me sleep on your couch and I'm in.

Lucas: I'm with ya too Amigo, but do you really believe the four of us can pull this off?

Amigo: Not yet.....but five of us can.

Lucas: Who is the fifth?

Amigo: ......


Agent Johnson: The following information is highly classified by the Eagleland Bureau of Investigation. The documents and footage within chronicle the recent 3-day operation known as Operation: Battle Tower, where the E.B.I recruited a team of EBW wrestlers to travel to Edo and take part in a tournament that may in fact be a front for the sinister syndicate known as "SSS". The primary target is New Edo Pro Wrestling Owner Antonio "Toukon" Stuart, who may have rigged his own tournament to acquire a large amount of funds for "SSS". The objective of the recruited agents: Win the Tournament.


Ness: Well....this just great!

Ness: I just knew that that when you started kneeing people in the face it would lead to no good.

Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting: HAHA! Yeah, but it was funny though.

Ness: Yeah that may be so, but now we're locked up by the SSS! How are we supposed to warn Tracy?!

Lady M's: And Tack?

Ness: Huh? Yeah....Tack too. How can we win our matches today if we're locked up?!

Trevor Mach: Don't worry....I've got a plan.

Lady M's: Uhoh.

Trevor Mach: Uhoh indeed. BOOSH!

Tracy: Hey Tack, I was just....oh....Poo....what the hell are you doing in here?

Poo: I just wanted to say hello before our match today. Yes...that's and Tack are taking on me and Franky today.

Tracy: Oh....well good....we'll get to kick your asses that much sooner.

Poo: Ha! Always the little spark plug Tracy. Always ready for a fight. You remind me of your brother in that sense. Considering he and I used to be friends, and you and I used to be an item....I figured I would come here and give you a chance to give up and get out of here before the match. I'm trying to protect you.

Tracy: BACK OFF POO! I don't need your warnings or your protection! You and I are over! Biggest mistake of my life! Tack and I will take care of ourselves and we'll put a stop to this sham you and Stuart are trying to put on.

Poo: Is that so? We'll just see about that. I really didn't want you to get hurt....but oh well.....I tried.

Tack Angel: Franky, if you don't move out of the way NOW I'm going to bust your teeth out!

Poo: No need Tack....we're on our way out. Have a match to get ready do you and Tracy by the way.

Tack Angel: You better not have touched her!

Poo: I haven't.....yet. She is gorgeous isn't she Tack? Have you gotten the chance to smell her hair yet? Smells like Strawberries. Just like when we were dating.

Tack Angel: You're a sick bastard! Whatever happened to that monk lifestyle you used to live?

Poo: It's amazing how a woman changes a man....well a woman and lots of money. See you in the ring Tack.

Tack Angel:.....

Lady M's: HEY! Security! Hey assholes! Get in here! Something is wrong with Ness.

SSS Security: What's wrong?

Lady M's: Other then you being a stupid douche? Nothing. TREVOR NOW!

Trevor Mach: BOOSH!

Lady M's: Wow....that was actually a good plan. I'm impressed.

Trevor Mach: I told you it would work!

Lady M's: Did you REALLY have to actually knock out Ness though?

Trevor Mach: Well it had to look real didn't it? Besides, he wouldn't stop bitching.

Lady M's" Fair enough, but how are we going to get him out of here?

Trevor Mach: I'll drag him let's go!

SSS Security #2: Hey you! Stop right there!

Lady M's: It's hammer time!

SSS Security #2: OOF!

Trevor Mach: Ha! Now that was hot babe! What else are you hiding in that trench coat?

Lady M's: Wouldn't you like to know.

Trevor Mach: Ha! Let's get to the ring! Watch your head Nesster, we're going down stairs!



TV Announcer: Round 2 of the Battle Tower tournament is really heating up! Tack and Poo are going crazy in the ring trading hard shots. Who is going to go down first?! Oh wait, Tracy just blind tagged herself in! She just pushed Poo away and floored him with a dropkick! Wait....what is that Poo is pulling looks like a Taser!  Hey ref turn around! It's like he's turned on purpose! Tracy watch out!!!

Tack Angel: Tracy Nooooo!!!

Ness: We're too late!

Lady M's: No wait look Tack got in the way!

Trevor Mach: And now he's extra crispy!

TV Announcer: I don't believe it! Tack jumped in the way and protected his partner Tracy. Now Tracy has grapped the taser and is running after Poo, but the ref has finally pulled his head out of his ass and he's disqualifying her. The fans are upset and I don't blame them.

Ness: Tracy, are you ok?

Tracy: I'm fine Ness! Tack saved me. You know....the guy you hate so much?!

Ness: .....

Trevor Mach: How ya doing buddy?

Tack Angel: Well....I can mark get tased off my bucket list. I'm gonna go lay down.

Trevor Mach: Ha! We'll take it from here brother!

TV Announcer: Incredible! Trevor and Ness just hit Stan with a Macha Ye/Dropkick combo that's got him down and hurting. Trevor rolls him up for the 1-2-3! Trevor Mach and Ness move onto the final round to take on Poo and Franky! The platform is raising to the third and final floor as it's time for the final match right now!

-1 10 Minute + Match Later-

TV Announcer: Poo once again just tried to use the Taser, but Tack Angel came back out on the scene and kicked it out his hand. Ness just hit Poo with the Thunder Brainbuster! The ref isn't counting, and it looks like New Edo founder Antonio Stuart is telling him not too, but Tack is now in the ring forcing him to! 1.......2.........3!!! Trevor and Ness win the Tag Team Cup and the 2 Million Dollars!

TV Announcer: Incredible! This was a tournament full of twists and turns, but we've got a feel good ending, with this EBW team winning the cup! I'm sure Antonio Stuart is happy to have put on such a great two day tournament....but it looks like he is being dragged away? What's up with that? In any case I'd say this was an exciting show. Goodnight folks!

Lady M's: Now that was amusing. We'll have to do this another time.

Trevor Mach: I agree!

Lady M's: Trevor?! I thought they banned you from the flight back?

Trevor Mach: It's amazing what a little bribe can do! Problem is I have to be carry on luggage and hide in the overhead compartment.

Lady M's: Ha! Don't worry I'll slip you a soda later. Gonna shut the door now.

Trevor Mach: Love ya! *slam*

Tack Angel: Wow, I can't believe one our teams actually managed to pull this off. I know we'll probably have to give most of the money back to the E.B.I, but it would be nice to spend that 2 million on something.

Tracy: Yeah. Thanks for saving me out there. Thanks for sticking up for me too.

Tack Ange: Hey, you don't need me for any of're a strong independent woman.

Tracy: Flattery will get you everywhere Tack.

Tack Angel: Oh uh....hehe.....

Ness: .....grrrr.....

Agent Johnson: Well Agent Bolshoi? How did the mission go?

Agent Bolshoi: Well, I followed them, observed them, and saw some things I didn't need to see, but I can gladly say Mission Accomplished.

Agent Johnson: Good, now return to Fourside and continue your observations of SSS from within EBW.

Agent Bolshoi: Yes I have to fly on the wing again?

Agent Johnson: ......Yes.

Agent Bolshoi: *Groan*


     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:30 pm  #99

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Don Panini: Yo Poochyfud!

Mr. Poochyfud: Yes can I helpyouohmygodit'sDONPANINI!!!! I mean.....hi there Mr. Panini! Can I get you a drink?

Don Panini: Yo fogetta bout it! We got business to deal with.

Mr. Poochyfud: we now? I've been really busy shaping EBW, so I'm not sure I can put my resources into any other ventures.

Don Panini: You can and you will! Now we both know that your record these meetings so I'm going to be vague here, but if you gots a brain inbetween those ears then you'll read between the lines. You know who I am, you know who I represent, and you know what we can do.

Poo: He's not kidding! Did you hear what happened to Antonio Stuart?!

Mr. Poochyfud: Poo?! Franky?! What is the meaning of this?

Don Panini: These two are going to assist me in heading up a new venture for the organization. A venture that you will fund.

Mr. Poochyfud: I can't possibly do that?!

Don Panini: Or I could cut the funding on your wife's mayoral campaign and break your knee caps with a tire iron.

Mr. Poochyfud: .....

Mr. Poochyfud: And why I am happy to announce that thanks to my new "adviser" Don Panini, I have no only managed to resign old EBW stars Franky and Poo, but I have also managed to get them signed on to lead a NEW EBW venture. EBW is all about growing the future, and "I" believe that the best way to do this is to start up a farm league wrestling promotion to give the the rookies a shot at moving up to the big leagues. Now this will be a costly venture.....very costly....but I feel that this is the correct path to a bright future for EBW! That is why I present the new wrestling promotion FOURSIDE WRESTLING!

Don Panini: Perfect. Our associates are pleased.

Mr. Ryan IQ: Sir, might I remind you that this is going to be very expensive?

Mr. Poochyfud: Quiet! Just go with me on this I'll explain later!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Fair enough.

Mr. Poochyfud: Ladies and Gentlemen! Get ready for the future! Get ready for.....FSW!


Introducing Fourside Wrestling!

We are proudly introducing to you the official launch of the Fourside Wrestling website.  For those unaware, FSW is a minor developmental expansion brand of EBW.  Along with "The Ultimate EBW" reality show, FSW is the breeding ground for future EBW stars.  These up and comers are brought in to establish themselves to get ready for a possible run in EBW.  EBW veterans, staff, and officials will drop visits now and then to evaluate these EBW hopefuls.  May luck be on these young men's sides.

A new arena in Fourside is currently being constructed.  As of this news update, the venue is close to 60% finished.  The venue will be dubbed the FSW Arena.  

Franky has declared himself the General Manager of FCW while Poo inserted himself in the roster.  Gneral Manager Franky has already signed a load of up and comers to the roster and also two former associates of the old Mushroom Kingdom Pro Wrestling organization, Toad and Goomba.  Four hopefuls have standout to Franky and Poo so far.  Let's take an inside look.

Randy:  Hola!  My name is Randy no Kachi.  It is my dream to go to EBW.  Since day one five years ago, I have follwed EBW and became a fan.  Now, I strive to become a part of EBW and hopefully become a champion.  I promise that Randy no Kachi will be the guy of FSW and the future EBW star.  Te prometo que Randy no Kachi es luchador numero uno.  

MB: I am Michael Button Callahan.  My in-ring name is MB Callahan.  Some of you might know me, most of you don't.  I am a wrestler for awhile now and have gained the respect of my peers.  I thrive off the energy of my supporters, my fans, and my family.  My fans think very highly of me but I know I have a long ways to go.  FSW is the next step for me.  To ascend to EBW will be the greatest accomplish in my career.  Oh and to all my haters, YOU SUCK!

  I am Black Cena.  I am from the sunny warm beaches of Summers.  I love to party and I love to have fun.  From the night life of Moonside to the bars of Saturn City, I am a man that loves to have a good time everyday of my life and I will do the same for you.  I came to FSW to have a good time.  EBW is like home for me and I will bring smiles to everyone's faces.  And I do mean EVERYONE.  You can count that!  PARTY UP!

Mr. Jennings:  My name is Jonathan Jennings.  That's MR. Jennings to all of you.  I am a successful businessman of my own firm, Noah Enterprises.  My business sense is as delightful as a Sunday Roast on a Sunday afternoon.  Which is why General Manger Francis has signed me, as I have the financials to help FSW become the number one breeding ground of future EBW stars.  Don't take me lightly as I can pack a punch.  Don't let these bloody glasses fool you.  You will fancy eating a knuckle sandwich if you underestimate a man of the caliber as myself.

More rookie introductions will be aired during the first FSW event to get a better look at our EBW hopefuls.  Here's the rest of the roster:

From left to right: Olly Oliver, Monoxide, Ahmad, Master Bubu, Matt Wilson, and Rozie


Crazy Mike - Referee
Gilbert Blaze - Senior Referee
C-Dude Chase - Referee
Truthslayer - Interviewer


FSW Arena Completed and Title?

The FSW Arena has been completed and the interior didn't disappoint.  With a blue color scheme, the inside arena is packed with two entry ways for the wrestlers to make their way to the ring.  Along the walls are two screens and the FSW logo in the middle and a multitude of lights up on the ceiling.  To coincide with the name of the city and the brand, the ring has four sides.  Here is an image of the interior:

With the completion of the arena, there is an immediate startup date for the first show.  General Manager Franky has also unveiled a championship for FSW, the Fourside Regional Championship.  The first show will crown the first FSW Regional Champion right from the get-go.  The General Manager will announce match details during the event and will also try to showcase the entire roster in their best form.  

Here is an image of the Fourside Regional Championship:


Fourside Wrestling has opened its doors with quite a good crowd.  The event opened up with General Manager Franky coming down to the ring with the entire roster.  Franky welcomed the crowd with a mixed reaction considering his past history.  

  Thank you people for that "warm" reception.  Alright, now that the welcome wagon has come to a complete stop.  Let's get to know a little more about our stars.  You people already know about Poo, Toad, and Goomba so you three sit at ringside.  Let's begin with you, Mr. Ahmad....Is that a book you have with you?

Ahmad:  That is Sheik Ahmad to you.  As for this, they call me the "Shadow of Math" and this is my calculus book.  I come with this thick calculus book and I use it to hit people with when the ref is not looking. Play "calculated" tricks on the ref and my opponent.  

Franky: Oh boy, well, you are gonna have a hard time fitting in then.  Moving must be Olly Oliver.

Olly:  Yep.

Franky:  You are a pretty big dude to wear such an outfit.  What gives?

Olly:  I tell you why.  You see.  Despite my size, I am a luchador.  I have a great combination of both size and agility.  And...

Franky:  Moving along.  Here, you take the stage.

Matt:  Very well.  I am Matt Wilson.  Or better yet, "The Subculture" Matt Wilson.  Why is the Subculture?  Its because I am different from every single one of you.  All of you are the same.  What kind of Subculture?  THE Subculture doesn't need a title because the Subculture IS me!  

Randy: It is also boring!

Matt:  You better shut your piehole before I close it shut myself!

Franky:  Alright you two.  Calm down.  Let's move along shall we.  We have here...what is up with your face?

Bubu:  I am Master Bubu!  I am the Rated M Superstar!

Franky: Ok.

Bubu:  I reek of awesomeness.

Franky:  Sure.

Bubu:  On this day, I see clearly...

Franky:  Everything has come to life.  Yea, I know the song too.

Bubu: Wrong sir.  Its "I see clearly now, the rain is gone!"

Franky:  Alright.  Moving along...

Bubu:  To all my Bubuheads!!  SPEAR!!  SPEAR!!  SPEAR!!

Franky:  Great, Bubuheads.  Alright, you must be Monoxide.  So tell me, what is your finisher?

Monoxide:  My finisher is the Carbon Monoxide Press.

Franky:  Which is?

Monoxide: Its a textbook Shooting Star Press with...

Franky:  Moving along.  Well well well, lookie here.  It's the internet sensation, Mike Button.

MB: It's Mike Button Callahan, better known as MB Callahan.  

Franky:  Whatever.  So what makes you come here?  You think you can just come here and tear through the competition?  You think this is the minor leagues?  Well its not.  This is FSW, EBW's breeding ground runned by me.  Yes, Poochyfud has elected me!  Even worse for you, Poo is here on the roster now.  You can plow through all the rookies you want but when you face Poo.  It's over.

MB:  You clearly forgot that I said that I have much more to prove and learn.  See, I don't want to be force fed success, I want to earn it.  I want to...

*strange music plays*

??:  Hold it.  What the hell is going on?  Why am I not included in these so-called rookie festivities?  You clearly forgot that FSW has THE premier superstar of the future.  ME!  Perfect Man!

Crowd: BOoOOo!

Perfect Man:  You see.  I don't need introductory videos posted on some rinky dink website to introduce myself.  I take it upon myself to introduce myself on the very first show of FSW.  There is no superstar perfect enough to be a part of not only FSW, but EBW, than me.  I have the looks.  I have the hair.  I have the body.  I have the women and the cars.  And of course, I have the skills.

Franky:  Well, now that you mentioned skills.  Perfect timing that you are dressed to compete.  Becasue we are going to have a Battle Royal.  This is no ordinary Battle Royal.  This match will determine the Top Four stars to compete for the Fourside Regional Championship.  The top four will fight in a min-tournament to determine the first-ever FSW Regional Champion.  And this battle royal starts about...RIGHT NOW.

The Battle Royal is under way.  Master Bubu gets thrown out and eliminated early after attempting to spear MB Callahan.  Black Cena was eliminated next after Toad headbutts him in the corner and threw Black Cena with his head.  Rozie gets the crowd excited but Mr. Jennings and Perfect Man threw Rozie out from behind.  Olly truly showed speed by bouncing off the ropes.  Olly attemped a flying armdrag to Goomba but Goomba does not have any arms.  Monoxide also showed some aerial ability and dropkicked Sheik Ahmad towards Olly.  Olly gave Ahmad an impressive Hurracanrana over the top rope and eliminates Ahmad.  Perfect Man dropkicks Olly off the apron for the elimination.  Monoxide tries an aerial assault on Perfect Man but Matt Wilson prevents it from happening.  The Subculture threw Monoxide to the floor.  Randy kicks Perfect Man over the top rope but Perfect Man hangs on.  Randy guillotines Perfect Man with the top rope and eliminates him.  The Subculture Matt Wilson fights Randy towards the rope hoping one would eliminate one another.  Poo then eliminates them both with Toad soon to follow.  The four remaining are MB Callahan, Poo, Goomba, and Mr. Jennings to advance.

We then take a closer look at Monoxide.  

  I am Monoxide.  You can say I am THE aerial specialist of FSW.  My favorite EBW star are probably Dynamic Dougie and the Lovekick Connection.  My main weapon of offense is the shooting star press which I proudly call, the Carbon Monoxide Press.  I'm here in FSW to one day compete in EBW.  Oh and by the way, I hate being called emo.  Because I'm not!

Back to the ring, there are loud chants of "emo" thundering in the arena.  The next match is underway.  Olly used his speed and size advantage and threw alot of armdrags at both Toad and Monoxide.  Olly almost had the match won with the Front Face Chickenwing on Monoxide until Black Cena tagged himself in.  Black Cena danced around and looks to bodyslam Monoxide.  Monoxide reverses into a Lungblower followed by his Carbon Monoxide Press for the pin.

The next match was Perfect Man and Rozie.  Rozie wants retribution after Perfect Man eliminated the superhero in the battle royal.  Rozie used his size to overpower Perfect Man.  Perfect Man realizes Rozie was too much and tries to run away from the match.  Rozie had this match won until Perfect man grabbed Referee Crazy Mike.  Crazy Mike shoves Perfect Man into Rozie but ends up headbutting Rozie down below.  Perfect Man realizes what has happened and gave a DDT to Rozie.  Perfect Man went to the top and lands an "Impeccable" Moonsault to win.

Next match is the Regional Championship Semi-Finals featuring Poo against Goomba.  With lack of arms, Goomba used his head to headbutt Poo at any given chance.  Poo, not only showing a new look, showed a fairly new style in his arsenal.  Judging by his style, Poo probably picked it up during his trip to Edo during the Battle Tower Cup.  Goomba continues to headbutt Poo.  Poo found a blindspot and sweeps Goomba down.  Poo climbs to the second rope and double stomps Goomba.  Poo picks Goomba up on his shoulders and tosses Goomba up which ended in a bone shattering knee.  Poo calls his new move the Go To Poo and it helped Poo to victory.

We now take a closer look at the referees.

Gilbert:  Hi, I am Senior Referee, Gilbert Blaze.  I'm a pretty fair referee.  I call the match right down to the middle.  I try to keep my eyes out for suspicious activity.  If something is suspicious in the ring, I'll call it out and maybe reverse some decisions.  

  I am Junior Referee, C-Dude Chase.  I do things as I see it.  If anyone question my authority...*loads paintball gun* *click click*  then things will be worse for you.

Crazy Mike:  I am Crazy Mike.  I call things as I see it.  I don't care if the other guy cheated, if I don't see it, its not cheating.  Don't whine and complain about calls because I call it as I see it.  Don't show me replays after the match, its my decision and my decisions are final.

Mr. Jennings is in the ring and has something to say.

Jennings:  What all of you people are about to witness is history in the making.  I, Mr. Jennings, will become the first ever Fourside Regional Champion.  After beating Poo in the final, I will go back to Saturn City, call my associates, and celebrate with the biggest night party ever held.  And Black Cena is not invited.

Little Girl:  I hate you Mr. Jennings!!

Jennings: I HATE YOU TOO!

Mohawk Guy: I love you, Mr. Jennings.

Jennings:  Get a life and a girlfriend.  Anyway, I am the most successful person in the entire FSW locker room and even the EBW as a whole.  What you blokes don't realize, is that I am the true superstar.  Week by week, I will show you that I will have my way.  I have the money, the business, and the...

*music plays and MB Callahan comes out*

Jennings:  Why isn't this more delightful than a Fish and Chips snack at a local nearby pub?  

MB:  Oh shut up!  You are boring these people like there's no tomorrow.  Look at the crowd, they're freakin sleeping!  Yea, such a "successful" way to start off FSW.  Hell, we might not even continue thanks to your boring mouth.

  Is that so?  You think you can do any better you internet wannabe.  These little buggers like you because of some non-existent track record of great matches they watched in the internet.  So prove to me why you think you can step into this ring and shut my mouth.  Put your money where your mouth is, if you have any money that is.

MB:  Mm...OK!

Callahan clocks Mr. Jennings with the microphone and the match is underway.  Callahan picks Jennings up and hits a powerslam.  Callahan gets the crowd riled up and gets ready for Jennings in the corner.  Jennings quickly ran out to the ring.  Callahan went after Jennings and chases him around the ring.  Jennings went back in and clubs Callahan's back.  Jennings hits a few knees to Callahan but Callahan pushes Jennings away.  Jennings eats a lariat followed by a Swinging Side Slam.  Callahan motions the end and awaits for Jennings.  Callahan whips off the ropes and hits the Bounce for the victory.

Randy no Kachi teams with Sheik Ahmad to take on "The Subculture" Matt Wilson and Master Bubu.  Randy tries to hit a Kachi Cutter early on Wilson but Wilson pushes Randy away.  Up and down matchup from both sides.  Sheik Ahmad puts Bubu in a sleeper hold but Bubu gets the rope break.  Ahmad tags Randy in and Randy gets himself ready for Bubu.  The Subculture suddenly hits Randy from behind and gave Randy a sitting pumphandle driver called the Counterculture and left the ring.  Bubu regained consciousness and spears Ahmad out of the ring.  Bubu awaist Randy to get up.  Randy got up and Bubu went for the spear.  Randy saw it coming and toss Bubu to the corner followed by a Kachi Cutter for the pin.

Backstage, our interviewer, Truthslayer, is with MB Callahan before his big match.

TS:  Hello all and welcome to this.  I am Truthslayer and I'm with MB Callahan.  Mikey, already in day one, you were criticized for being an internet favorite.  *cough cough* As of now, this is your big chance to prove doubters wrong.  Any thoughts?

MB:  Well, to all the critiques and haters, screw them.  I specifically said that I needed to prove myself and what better place to prove oneself than EBW.  If starting out in the farm league to get to the real big leagues is the way to go, then I'm willing to take the challenge.  I'm here to prove to myself that I can make it.  If becoming champion is the way to do so, then I'll gladly take it.

TS:  This is Truthslayer.  I'm out. Have a good one.  Main event is next. Later.

The finals of the Regional Championship has begun with Poo and MB Callahan colliding.  What Callahan have in size and power, Poo made up for it with his newly deadly kicks.  Callahan caught one of Poo's kicks and threw Poo across the ring.  With General Manager Franky at ringside, Poo went over to talk with his acquaintance-turned-boss.  Callahan grabbed Poo and threw him back into the ring.  Callahan proceeds with a body press but gets two count.  Callahan picks Poo up and Poo kicks Callahan to one knee.  Poo then snaps a huge kick to the face to put Callahan down.  Poo went for the pin but gets a two count.  Poo surprisingly picks Callahan up on his shoulders and attempts the Go To Poo.  Callahan counters the knee and lift Poo up for a huge spinebuster slam.  Callahan is feeling the crowd and gets himself ready for the Bounce.  As Callahan whips off the ropes, Callahan trips and then showed Mr. Jennings at ringside.  As Crazy Mike orders Jennings to leave, Poo low blows Callahan.  Poo picks Callahan up and hits the Go To Poo.  Poo went for the cover but Callahan was too close to the ropes.  Despite that, Crazy Mike still proceeds to count the three and claims he didn't see anything.  Monoxide and Randy no Kachi came out to talk to Crazy Mike to dispute about the call.  Crazy Mike says he didn't see Callahan's foot under the ropes and his decision is final.  Poo wins the match and is the first ever Fourside Regional Champion.  

FSW 1: Inauguration
Fourside Arena

1. Regional Championship Inaugural Battle Royal: Poo, Goomba, MB Callahan, & Mr. Jennings wins the Top Four (8:56) to advance to semi-finals.
2. Monoxide & Toad def. Olly Oliver & Black Cena (5:43) when Monoxide used the Carbon Monoxide Press on Black Cena.
3. Perfect Man def. Rozie (5:32) with the Impeccable Moonsault.
4. Regional Championship Semi-final: Poo def. Goomba (10:23) with the Go To Poo.
5. Regional Championship Semi-final: MB Callahan def. Mr. Jennings (3:43) with the Bounce.  
6. Randy no Kachi & Sheik Ahmad def. Matt Wilson & Master Bubu (9:55) when Randy used the Kachi Cutter on Bubu.  
7. Region Championship Final: Poo def. MB Callahan (14:39) with the Go To Poo to become first ever champion.


Poo:  So Franky, how did you pull it off?

Franky: Pull what off?

That crazy referee.  It's obvious that you had something to do with him playing hard ball.

Franky: I honestly do not know what you're talking about.  That referee seems to has some issues to deal with.  Anyway, thanks to him, things couldn't have gone better.

Poo: So he's really that insane?  Wonderful.  It's great to have a title belt around my waist again.  Yet it has to be in this hole of noobies.

Franky:  Except for Mr. Jennings.

Poo:  Except for Mr. Jennings.  So what does the Don Panini want out of this little shindig?

Franky: The sandwich wants new stars for EBW or something.  I don't know.  I guess bankrupt Poochyfud?  I don't know, I was paying attention.  I just needed a place to make some mula.

Poo: Same here.  So what's the agenda for next week's show?

Franky: I overheard Don Panini talking about forcing some EBW guys to look over the show in the crowd for something.  I don't know what it has to do with us but ok.

Poo:  Hmmm...

Franky: So what are you gonna do with that title?  You defending it?

Poo:  Screw this belt, I'm taking a break now that I'm champion.  Let those rookies beat each other's faces in.  I have no time to play around with them.  

Franky: well, you got to be involved somehow.  You're the champion...

*ring ring*

Franky: Yello.  Yea.  Yea.  Yea.  Ok.

Poo:  Who was that?  

Franky: That was the sandwich.  He's watching us right now as we speak.  He's not happy.

Poo:  How in the world??  Huh?  What's this?  Franky...

Franky: What?

Poo: There seems to be a spycam implanted in the title belt.

Franky:  You mean that silver thing?  Hmm...that means you have to take part in the show now.

Poo:  Crap.  Don Panini is smarter than I thought.  

Franky: He does have a rose pinned on his overcoat.  The biggest sign that someone like the sandwich is smart. has posted two introductory videos.  Today's update:  Olly Oliver and Master Bubu.

Olly:  I am Olly Oliver and I'm a mega-lucha.  What that means is that I'm an above average luchadore or not your typical luchadore.  For someone of my size, I am quick and I can fly all around the ring like my smaller opponents do.  My finishing move?  Along with the Front Face Chickenwing, there is one move called the Shuffle Muffle Muzzle Duff.  What is it?  Lemme show you...hut..ay...ya!...hiya...and there you have it.  A tilt-a-whirl armdrag transitioned into a scissored armbar.  Yea, that's how fast I am yo.

Bubu:  Hello all my Bubuheads, Master Bubu here.  Taking this time to introduce myself.  I am the Rated M Superstar meaning I am the Master superior here.  It also means that I totally reek of awesomeness.  So awesome that I even can laugh at lightning fast speed.  AH!  Ok, that wasn't a laugh, but it's possible, I'm sure of that.  What is a Bubuhead you asked?  Those are my fans that support me of course.  The entire group of my Bubuheads are the BubuNation where all my legion of Bubuheads reside and worship that awesomeness that is me. there something funny?

Cameraman: Yea, you call 2 or 3 fans a legion you say?  Now that's funny.


Cameraman:, sure thing buddy.


     Thread Starter

12/06/2019 1:32 pm  #100

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

FSW cameras caught up at a local bar and followed Black Cena to take a closer look at his partying ways.

Black Cena: Yea!  Party up!  Ya'll ready for this?  Yea come here ladies!  There's enough of me for everyone!  Whoop!

Sal: Who's that guy tryna steal our thunder?

Jamie OD: I don't know but he's fixing for a butt-kicking.

Black Cena:  Party up!  Yo, Black Cena is in the house.  Tonight, I, Black Cena, declare this floor Black Cena's house!  

??:  Yo dude.  Last time I checked, this is my spot.

Black Cena:  And who in the hizzay are you?

??:  I am the Katsuflex.  The Katsuflex is the revolution.  Its gonna change the world and I'll change your world, these ladies' worlds, and those two losers over there's worlds.

Black Cena:  I like your style!  Black Cena and the Katsuflex should run this joint.

Katsuflex:  Hell Yea!

Black Cena:

  We are taking over this house!  

Black Cena: Dude, from this day forward, we are bros for life man.

Katsuflex: Thats what's up!  Bringing the revolution, bringin the Katsuflex.  We are gonna revolutionize.  We gonna get down and dirty.  And we gonna get these lovely ladies down to our man-panties.

Black Cena: Wait.  Speaking of ladies...who's that?

Katsuflex: Who?  Over there?

Black Cena:  Yea, that fine chick in the black.

Katsuflex:  I don't know.  First time seeing her here.  From the looks of it, she's waiting for someone.

Black Cena:  Well look no further because she won't hafta wait any longer.

Katsuflex:  Do it, bro!

Black Cena:  So, fine lady.  How are you, and watcha waiting for?  If you're waiting for something, you don't have to wait any longer because I will rock your world.

Tali:  ...

Black Cena:  What's wrong?  Cat got your tongue?  Lemme take over there and make it feel better.

Tali:  ...

Black Cena: I see.  You're the silent type.  I can change that in no time!

Tali:  Bad...Idea.  

Black Cena:  Why's that?  Am I too much for ya?  

Tali:  I said, bad...idea.

Black Cena: You are just shy.  Come on, let me just take you over there and I'll give you the time of your life.


- has posted another intro video and we take a closer look at Rozie.

Rozie: Citizens of Fourside.  Look no further because your superhero is here.  I am Rozie the hero of FSW.  I fight crime and put the bad guys in there place.  I also have a soft spot for kittens and little rabbits.  If they ever get stuck in a tree, its my duty to save these wonderful creatures.  And I'm here to save you from trouble.  I will rescue anybody in dire need of help.  As a superhero, I will beat the tar out of crime and make FSW and EBW the happiest and safest place to be.


Earlier Today...

Trevor Mach: Wow, was that a great weekend or what?! I know I feel energized.

Lady M's: It was humorous I'll admit, but giving the government that  $1.5 Million Dollars really sucked.

Tracy: Don't you mean $2 Million?

Lady M's: No....I do not.

Trevor Mach: HA!

Master Lu: Well I'm glad you all had 'fun".

Tack Angel: Master Lu, what are you doing here?

Master Lu: I was waiting to see if you would actually make it tonight! We've got a WarGames to fight tonight!

Trevor Mach: Hells yeah! That's what I've been missing....bloodlust!

Ness: Yeah, but by the looks of it....we've got a problem.

w00t: I'M SORRY! It was NOT my idea to put the suit back on! I just feel terrible about it! Maybe we can talk things over with Poochyfud over a cup of hot tea!?

Trevor Mach: Uh oh....Dougie went mad and took the suit off Akinan didn't he?

w00t: HE DID! You're so smart Trevor! I always did think you were awesome!

Ness: Great! Your cousin has lost it and severely weakened our team!

Trevor Mach: I wouldn't worry about that OR Dougie......we kept the suit on Akinan for a THAT is gonna be fun! BOOSH!

Tack Angel: I'm sorry that we're late Master Lu. We had quite the eventful weekend. We're ready though.

Tracy: You guys can do it Tack.

Tack Angel: Thank you for believing in me Tracy.

Ness: Hey hey! Don't get too chummy with my sister Tack! I'm with you on this tonight, but remember that you and I are fighting for that belt at Breakthrough. I'm taking that very seriously.

Tack Angel: As am I Ness.

Ness: Tonight though......tonight we need to focus on one thing and one thing only.....WarGames.

w00t: I....I wanna help guys....I feel so bad for not being able to help.....I just don't have a mad bone in my body.

Trevor Mach: Hold up peeps I got this. Hey w00t, you believe in true love right?

w00t: Of course! I love romance and ......

Trevor Mach: Yeah yeah yeah! Well Mike is trying to take my true love away from me! Can't you fight for love?!

Lady M's: Oh brother....

w00t: I....I don't know....

Trevor Mach: .....Mike said he hated your muffins!

w00t: WHAT?! Well that just....upsets me in a reasonable fashion! Let's go teach those ruffians a lesson!

Tack Angel: YEAH!

Ness: YEAH!

Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Let's go do this!

Mr. Poochyfud: Men....I'm not one for long speeches.

Rude: HA!

Mr. Poochyfud: got me...I love the sound of my own voice. What I do not love are these enemies of my new EBW causing trouble and threatening my empire! You don't come between a Poochyfud and his money or power! That is why I agreed to let Lu go forward with his little "WarGames". He thinks that the degenerates can make a stand against me! I want you to show him how wrong he is! They have the belts, but I have the power, and I intend on using it me on this one. My plan was to turn them against each other, but if I can't do that then I'll simply have you four dismantle them! Alpha diamonds in the rough....the future of my Sports Entertainment Era. I want you to destroy them! I want you to dismantle that traitorous dog Tack Angel and make him beg me to take the title from him! Kinniku Mike, you want Trevor Mach's title? You want his career? You want Lady M's?

Kinniku Mike: Hell yes.....I want Lady M's.....more then anything.

Mr. Poochyfud: THEN WIN! Destroy Trevor Mach before Breakthrough! DESTROY HIM!

Kinniku Mike: YEAH!

Mr. Poochyfud: Rude, you have a chance to finally break out of w00t's shadow. He's broken, he's humiliated, he' that Tanooki Suit again. Now is your chance! Stop him! Tonight, you put down this rebellion once and for all!

Mr. Ryan IQ: Umm.....sir?

Mr. Poochyfud: What Ryan? I know how expensive the WarGames cage was, but I already told you that I did what you said and claimed it as a tax write off!

Mr. Ryan IQ: No...that's not've got company.

Mr. Poochyfud: Well who the hell is itohmygoditsDONPANINI!

Don Panini: Rousing speech der Poochyfud, but you and me got more business to talk about. My associates got a bone to pick wif your so called....."rebels".

It was time for another thrilling installment of Monday Nite X-cite, but tonight was going to be extra special for the fans in attendance and watching at home. Four matches that would further buildup the Breakthrough Pay Per View, but that would only serve as a prelude to the first ever WarGames Match in EBW! The fans were pumped and the the excitement was at a fever pitch.

The action kicked off in true EBW fashion with an exciting 6-Man CXJ Tag Match! The Bushido Crusade is currently on a roll heading into Breakthrough. Picky has earned his way into the 4-Way CXJ title match while Given and Taken the "Sons of Bushido" will get a tag title shot against a team they beat to go forward and win the Super CXJ Tag Team Cup, Lovekick Connection. The unified CXJ tag  champs watched on as Picky and his Sons of Bushido ran through Lucas, Bolshoi, and fellow CXJ #1 Contender Bakayaro. It was an even match at first, but once again "El Gran Luchadore" as he is now being called made his way out to the ring with chair in hand. This time Lucas was ready however, and caught the chair when Luchadore threw it at him. He chased his Breakthrough opponent off and tried to get back to the ring ASAP, but Picky had already gotten Given and Taken to take Bolshoi down with a Doomsday Device. Picky managed to slip behind Bakayaro and hit him with a hard German Suplex. Bakayaro landed on his neck, and it was evident that it really hurt him. Picky followed it up with his Capture Suplex Pin and won the match for his team. Bushido Crusade continues to gain momentum.

The next match was another 6-Man CXJ Tag Match, this time featuring two other teams apart of this "war" over the CXJ Championship. Current champion Dave Larmore lead Generator and Hotlanta against Shadow and his disciples Grudge and Anguish. Another exciting match ensued, but this was much more of a brutal brawl then an aerial or technical display. Larmore and Shadow put in most of the ring work, and traded blows in the center of the ring until they busted each other open. Blood sprayed as they traded shots. They spilled out of the ring and the other teammates scrambled to rumble in the ring. It turned into out of control chaos as Larmore and Shadow could not be pulled apart. The ref had no choice but to end the match in no contest. This war for the CXJ belt is heating up.

We then cut to backstage where Nerma was standing by with Master Lu, Tess, Nerdler, and Mr. Poochyfud.   

Nerma: I'm here standing by with the higher ups of EBW....two of them are ok with me while the other one is a sexist asshole.

Mr. Poochyfud: Watch the language! This is a PG show! How dare to talk to Tess that way.

Tess: *sigh*

Nerma: Anyways, we're here to discuss the rules of tonight's WarGames match, and then we're going to have a coin flip, you'll see why in a minute.

Mater Lu: Thank you Nerma. The rules of WarGames are simple enough. The WarGames match consists of two teams of  four men each facing off with each other in staggered entry format. The setup of the cage consists of two rings side by side with a giant ring-encompassing cage that covers both rings, but not the ringside area.
The match begins with one member of each team entering the cage. After five minutes, a member from one of the teams would enter the cage, giving his team the temporary handicap advantage. This entrant will be decided by coin toss. After two minutes, a member from the other team will enter to even the odds. Entrants alternate between teams every two minutes, giving the coin toss-winning team the temporary advantage in the numbers game before giving the other team the advantage with the freshest man and even odds. Once all eight men have entered the cage, both teams will brawl in the cage for as long as it takes until a member of either team submits, surrenders, or is knocked unconscious. There are no pinfalls and no disqualifications.

Mr. Poochyfud: Wow, what a long and boring speech Lu! And you say I drag on with the promos! Anyways, I would like to announce that Nerdler already flipped the coin and I won! Great huh?!

Master Lu: What?!

Tess: Oh that is total bull....

Mr. Poochyfud: Stop right there! Nerdler, can you verify my claims?

Nerdler: I.....uh.....sure why not.

Tess: Wussy!

Nerdler: Sentai Nerd!

Tess: ......

Mr. Poochyfud: You heard it folks! Team Poochyfud wins the coin toss. They are going to CRUSH Team Tack tonight. BET ON IT!

It was now time for an interesting tag match as SinDOS took on the odd ball team of Dynamic Dougie and Akinan. The reason it was interesting was because this would be the first time that Akinan had made an appearance since finally shedding the Tanooki Suit. The fans were expecting a lot from an angry Akinan and a crazed Dougie, but they did not expect what they actually got. The lights went out and ACDC's "TNT' began to play, before fireworks revealed Dougie and Akinan heading to the ring! Dougie was dressed in flashy new garb reminiscent of a certain heart breaker, while Akinan was decked out in brand new wrestling gear and an angry grimace. SinDOS made their way out to a chorus of boos after all the damage they have done to Akatsuki. Metrion's face was stern and emotionless, but Avion was happy to gloat. The match itself was surprisingly exciting. Dougie found new confidence despite being targeted by the team that dismantled Akatsuki. He and Avion spent most of the time in the ring while Akinan and Metrion were kept back like raging beasts. The fans were anticipating the time when they would finally be tagged in. Late in the Metrion was tagged in and he attempted to tear into Dougie the same way he tore into KYO, but Dougie managed to tag in Akinan who instead gave Metrion a big boot to eat. The brutal action between Akinan and Metrion actually prompted Avion to tag himself in and he jumped off the top turnbuckle only for Akinan to catch him and slam him on the mat. As the match continued the fans were suddenly surprised to see Danny Leung and the returning monster KYO heading to the ring with chairs in hand. The distraction paid off, and Akinan managed to down Avion with the Bonebreaker Chokeslam. Akatsuki got a little more revenge on SinDOS heading into their first tag encounter at Breakthrough. After the match Akatsuki and SinDOS brawled while Hardcore Hero Champion Dynamic Dougie and Akinan posed in the ring to more fireworks. The rebirth of this team has begun.

We cut to the back again as this time Hater was interviewing Kinniku Mike.

Hater: NYAH! Hater here with the smooth pimp Kinniku Mike! No I HATE a lot of things, but one thing I love is to oogle the lovely Lady M's! She's a hottie! I'm totally with you on your obsession!

Kinniku Mike: IT'S NOT AN OBSESSION! The truth is I'm an amazing individual.....Lady M's is an amazing individual...the two of us belong together,....plain and simple.

Hater: NYAH! Now one thing I REALLY hate is Trevor Mach! I hope you kick his ass at tonight at WarGames and during the Breakthrough Pay Per View!

Kinniku Mike: That loser has a lot coming to him and I'm gonna make sure he gets....

Trevor Mach: BOOSH MOTHA F***A!!!

Hater: WHOA!

Tack Angel: Holy Hell!

Trevor Mach: Talking smack about me is one thing, but when it comes to Lady M's YOU ARE PUSHING ME OVER THE FREAKING EDGE MAN!

Tack Angel: Wow....Trev....calm down buddy.

Trevor Mach: .....Huh? Oh hey Tack! Mike and I were just having a conversation HAHA!

Tack Angel: Um....what brought on this sudden attack?

Trevor Mach: Just evening the odds buddy....just evening the odds.

Hater: HEY! I thought you were supposed to be the "good guy"?

Trevor Mach: HA! Whoever told you that.....BOOSH!

Hater: NYAH!

Tack Angel: friend the psychopath.

In a Special Singles Match Eivion Thanatos returned from a BO*OM excursion to try and avenge his former partner Green Destiny by trying to break the "Swift Streak". Eivion really brought it to the brawler, and this was definitely his toughest test to date. A true exhibition of strong style was seen, as these two traded every blow they could until Swift scooped up Eivion with a bodyslam. He stomped him into a corner and then smashed his foot into his face. Swift then picked him up and dropped him with a Muscle Buster. A slight delay in a pin attempt lead to Eivion escaping and the match continued. Later in the match Eivion had regained momentum and chopped Swift down to his knees in preparation for a shining wizard, but Swift had it scouting and tackled Eivion as he ran towards him. As Eivion tried to get up Swift let him have it with the Rider Kick he learned from Tack. He then picked up Eivion Thanatos and dropped him with the Black Hammer followed by the pin and the win. Swift is now 9-0. Also of note was the presence of Mr. Ryan IQ at ringside. He never tried to interfere and only observed the match...

It was now time for one of the biggest main events in X-cite history, and the fans were pumped for what would truly be a war. A second ring was quickly brought out and the signature WarGames double cage was lowered as the lights dimmed in the arena and ominous music played in the background. According to a drawing in the back, the first two entrants were Rude and Global World Champion/EBW Tag Team Champion Tack Angel. They would have five minutes alone to duke it out until the next entrant would be let into the double rings. Rude tried to buy time for himself until another member of Team Poochyfud entered by trying to stay in the ring opposite Tack and have him chase the Top Dollah Brawlah. Tack got fed up with this early and jumped onto the ropes and came down hard on Rude with a Rider Kick. Tack took control, and realizing he would soon be outnumbered, tried to wear Rude down with submissions and choke holds. After 5 minutes Tack's fears came to reality when the next entrant turned out to be the big man Troy. Troy ran into the ring and immediately floored Tack with a big boot he grabbed the champ by the throat and tossed him around for the whole two minutes before Ness entered the ring and evened the odds. With Rude hurting the strategy was for Tack and Ness to keep Troy cornered and chop the big man down. He's already developed a reputation for being a monster in these situations, and this match was no exception.  He got full use out of the cage by tossing Tack and Ness into it until they got the idea to double dropkick him down to size. By this point Rude was now back to his feet and Lukie was heading into the ring. The numbers game once again benefited Team Poochyfud. Their are no DQs in a WarGames match, so no one could stop Lukie from locking the door to the double cage after entering. The smaller and more calculating Alpha Beta stood back and waited for Tack to deliver a Superkick to Rude before shooting in from behind with the 3-Point Tackle and and hammering the back of Tack's head with elbows. He and the champ would brawl for the remainder of the match in the left right while Ness had the unpleasant task of dealing with Rude and Troy in the right ring. The next member for Team Tack wasn't much help as Tanooki W00t couldn't get into the cage, nor could he climb in with the slippery mitts of his suit. Kinniku Mike had no problem charging down and smashing W00t into the cage before climbing up and over the cage to further assist in the 4-on-2 beating. Finally, Trevor Mach was allowed to enter and assisted W00t in getting into the cage before leaping off the top and crowning Kinniku Mike with a Double Axe Handle. He switched off flooring Rude and Mike while Troy had no trouble knocking down Tanooki w00t and went back to choking Ness against the cage.  Tack and Lukie continued to trade blows as the match entered its final stage where you could now win by submission or surrender.  Trevor and Mike traded stiff blows and blood started to flow when they took turns bashing each other into the cage. Ness finally escaped the clutches of Troy by pushing him back, forcing him to trip over the down w00t who was trying to get back up. Unfortunately he tried to capitalize by capturing Troy in a Thunder Brainbuster, but Troy pushed him off and hit the Fight Me IRL Punt Kick on w00t. Rude attempted to pull out a pair of brass knuckles to once again give Team Poochyfud the advantage, but Trevor knocked him out with the Macha Ye and w00t managed to grab the knuckles. Troy picked him up and he tried to use them, but Troy simply took the light punch and headbutted the unfortunate man in the Tanooki suit straight into the cage. Back in the other ring Tack was chopping down Lukie with various stiff kicks. One particular kick seemed to injure Lukie's knee and he fell to the mat. Under the encouragement of the fans Tack climbed the cage and dropped a HUGE elbow on Lukie, who tried to crawl away, but this only left him open to Tack's STF. With no other choice the injured Lukie had to submit and Team Tack won the WarGames match! The show ended with the various people in charge coming out to either celebrate or stew about the loss. With one show left before Breakthrough, the so called rebels of EBW has taken the advantage.

EBW: Monday Nite X-cite on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ 6-Man Tag Match
Picky Minch/Given/Taken beat Bakayaro/Bolshoi/Lucas (5:37) when Picky Minch hit the Capture Suplex Pin on Bakayaro.
2. CXJ 6-Man Tag Match
Dave Larmore/Generator/Hotlanta vs. Shadow/Grudge/Anguish (8:02) ended in a No Contest.
3. Tag Team Match
Dynamic Dougie/Akinan beat Avion/Metrion (6:10) when Akinan hit the Bonebreaker Chokeslam on Avion.
4. Special Singles Match
Swift beat Eivion Thanatos (10:18) with the Blackhammer.
5. WarGames Match
Tack Angel/Ness/w00t/Trevor Mach beat Kinniku Mike/Rude/Troy/Lukie (48:10) when Tack forced Lukie to submit with the STF.


EBW X-perience Card Revealed! Alpha Beta injury leads to Breakthrough Line up change!

EBW is still recovering from the epic WarGames match as we head into the last X-perience before Breakthrough. Alpha Beta Lukie of Team Poochyfud suffered a knee injury during the WarGames match, meaning that he had to be taken out of XP and Breakthrough matches. This gives Troy a golden opportunity as you will see. X-perience begins with a CXJ Singles Match between Lucas and Grudge. This match as set up by Shadow to get his troops to start winning, but Lucas could also see this as a warm up match for his first ever PPV singles match against the mysterious El Gran Luchdore. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Champions Lovekick Connection will step in to compete against Bakayaro and Bolshoi as a precursor to their title match against the Sons of Bushido Given and Taken. The next match has people talking, as Troy will get his first "big" test when he takes on the rejuvenated monster Akinan in a battle of big men. The now noseless KYO will attempt to gain revenge on SinDOS by carving up Avion when they collide in singles action.  The main event has Poochyfud written all over it, as he is forcing Tack and Tracy to put up the tag titles on the line against Trevor Mach begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting and Tack's Breakthrough opponent/Tracy's brother Ness, as well as Kinniku Mike and Rude. All in all a great way to get the fans pumped for what is turning out to be a stacked PPV.

EBW: X-perience on
Fourside Expo Center

1. CXJ Singles Match
Lucas vs. Grudge
2. CXJ Tag Team Match Non Title
Sal Paradise/Jamie OD vs. Bolshoi/Bakayaro
3. Special Singles Match
Troy vs. Akinan
4. Special Singles Match
KYO vs. Avion
5. EBW Tag Team Championship 3-Team Match
Tack Angel(c)/Tracy(c) vs. Trevor Mach/Ness vs. Kinniku Mike/Rude

Lukie's injury forced a change on the Breakthrough card, and now Troy will be sent to take out Dynamic Dougie and recover the Hardcore Hero Championship so The Poochyfud Administration can retire it once and for all. A real "golden" opportunity for Troy.

EBW: Breakthrough
Twoson Fairgrounds

1. Singles Grudge Match
Lucas vs, El Gran Luchadore
2. Hardcore Hero Championship Match
Dynamic Dougie(c) vs. Troy
3. Swift Open Challenge
Swift vs. ?
4. Hardcore Tag Team Match
Danny Leung/KYO vs. Avion/Metrion
5. EBW/P+P CXJ Co-Op Championship Match
Sal Paradise(c)/Jamie OD(c) vs. Given/Taken
6. EBW CXJ Championship Match
Dave Larmore(c) vs. Shadow vs. Bakayaro vs. Picky Minch
8. Special Singles Match
w00t vs. Rude
9. Royal Crown Championship "Take it All"
Trevor Mach(c) vs. Kinniku Mike
10. Global World Championship "Fury and Betrayal"
Tack Angel(c) vs. Ness


FSW began its second show with General Manager Franky addressing the crowd.

Franky:  Well, if you haven't heard by now.  After giving a big thumbs up to our first show, the sandwich...I mean...Don Panini made this 2nd event an evaluation process with several EBW names.  Most of you know who they are.  They are in the crowd right now.  Let's hear for them.


Franky:  There's Kinniku Mike.


  There's the suave yet serious, Amigo.


Franky: Ack!  The three troublemakers.  Ness, Tack, and Trevor Mach.


Franky:  Here's w00t in that ridiculous tanooki suit.


Franky:  And lastly, there's Rude.


Franky:  And they are your EBW stars that will witness the show with you guys.  And now on to the first match.  

Monoxide and Master Bubu kicked off with the first match of the night.  Bubu looked to be in better form and is actually focused in this match.  Monoxide uses his agility advantage against Bubu.  Bubu actually slowed down Monoxide after grabbing Monoxide with a Bubu-Matic.  Bubu whips Monoxide, Bubu ducks a lariat and attempted a half nelson facebuster but Monoxide flips out of it.  Monoxide bounces off the ropes and gets caught with the Downward Spiral but Bubu gets the nearfall.  Bubu awaits Monoxide in the corner.  Bubu attempted a spear but Monoxide hits the superkick.  Monoxide drags Bubu in the corner and nails the Carbon Monoxide Press for the pin.  After the match, Bubu went on a tantrum and speared Monoxide down.

We now go to the back with Truthslayer and referee Crazy Mike.

  Hello all and welcome to this.  I am here with referee Crazy Mike.  Mike, you have been criticized for making bad calls and decisions during the Championship final.  People believe that you are working under Franky but we saw that Franky didn't know anything about it.  So what made you did what you did?  Your thoughts?

Crazy Mike:
Well, lets set things straight.  I don't play favorites.  I call the match how I see it.  Whatever decision I make is final.  I don't care about replays.  Whatever decision I make is final and I stand by it.  If these people got a problem with it, then that sounds like a personal problem to me.  So in conclusion and I repeat, I call how only I see it and my decisions are final.  And there is nothing anybody can do about.

Truthslayer: Back to action.  Later.

Black Cena comes down to the ring with a friend accompanying him to the ring.   It looks like Black Cena has some words to say.

Black Cena:  PARTY UP!  First and foremost before we get to this match, you might wanna know who this is.  This is my bestie, my bro, a friend.  This is Katsuflex.  Together, we are the revolution.  Let us bring the vibe to FSW and to all of you.  Because we are 4Evur Bros.  WHOOP!

I am the Katsuflex and we're changing the world!  We are changing FSW!  Its the revolution baby!  4EVUR BROS!

Black Cena:
  Secondly, I got a bone to pick with one of our EBW guests.  Trevor Mach!  You butted into business that wasn't yours.  Here are a few things that you shouldn't when comes to me.  One, you don't stop the party while Black Cena is still in the house.  Two, you don't interfere with Black Cena and his lady.

Tack:  He clearly doesn't know about you and Tali.

Trevor: HA!

Black Cena:  See, I haven't forgotten and in case these people don't know what I'm talking about, roll the footage.

Black Cena: Well, you see.  You embarrassed me in front of the ladies.  You embarrassed in front of my bro.  Worst of all, you embarrassed me at my own party.  That is the biggest crime of all crimes.  You see, after I'm done with Olly Oliver, I'm calling you out.

Tack:  Whoa!  Tough guy.


Before Olly can get into the ring, Black Cena is on the move and the match is underway.  Black Cena hits some forearm and elbow shots at Olly.  Black Cena does a little dancing before attempting the next forearm but Olly armdrags Black Cena down.  Black Cena quickly got up and leaps at Olly with a forearm smash.  Black Cena picks Olly up and slams him down with a front powerslam.  Black Cena picks Olly up again but Olly pushes Black Cena to the ropes.  Olly bounces off the ropes with Black Cena and connects with a springboard back elbow.  Black Cena got back up and nailed a lariat.  Black Cena waits for Olly and bounces off the ropes.  Olly suddenly dropped Black Cena down with the headscissor armdrag and locks an armdlock to complete the Shuffle Muffle Muzzle Duff as Black Cena quickly taps out.

Black Cena:  AH.  AH.  You think that was funny?  Trevor Mach!  You think that was funny?  I tell you what.  I tapped quickly on purpose so I can be fresh enough to call you out.  

Tack:  He sure screamed like a girl when he was in that funky move.

Trevor: HA!

Black Cena:  Come one Trevor!  You keep laughing?  I'll give you something to laugh about when I get my hands on you in this ring.  I don't care of your accomplishments.  You are just a scrub as far as I'm concerned.

We now take a closer look at Sheik Ahmad.

  I am Sheik Ahmad and I am no ordinary stereotypical Sheik character.  As you can tell from my shirt, I'm a mathematician.  I excel at math and hopefully calculate my way to the top.  My strategy is to use my calculations to predict the possible situation I might get into a match.  Also, if anyone is having trouble, I can give them their odds at winning their match.  Safe to say, I'm quite possibly be the smartest person in the roster.  My move is the Diving Leg Drop which I call the Calculated Guillotine because I hit the move right on target where it hurts the most.  I also carry my trusty calculus book with me in case I'm having trouble in my match.

The next match feature Rozie taking on Sheik Ahmad with math book at hand.  Rozie showed surprising speed and flexibility which actually caught Ahmad off guard.  Rozie splashed Ahmad in the corner and stuns the Sheik.  Rozie whips Ahmad and attempts a lariat.   Ahmad ducks the lariat and applies the sleeper hold.  Ahmad has the sleeper hold locked in for awhile.  Rozie overpowers and flips Ahmad overhead.  Ahmad got back up but gets a Wild Samoan Drop.  Rozie bounces himself off the ropes and does the Revolving Leg Drop but misses.  Ahmad tries to unhook the turnbuckle and Crazy Mike caught Ahmad.  Ahmad left Crazy Mike fixing the corner and picked up his math book.  Ahmad clocks Rozie with the math book and drags Rozie to the corner.  Ahmad measures the distance and nails the Calculated Guillotine to win.

We go to Truthslayer with Mr. Jennings and "The Subculture" Matt Wilson.

Truthslayer:  Hello all and I am here with Mr. Jennings and Matt Wilson.  Mr. Jennings, you played a big part of the controversial ending of the Championship match between Poo and MB Callahan.  Can you explain your motives?

Mr. Jennings:  As you recall, Mr. Callahan, himself, interrupted me during my speech.  Not only that, he prevented me from reaching the finals and win the FSW title.  He cost me the FSW Regional Championship.  So in order to get back at the big bloke, why not do the same as he did to me?  To me, that was more delightful than a bagel breakfast with Turkish tapenade and cream of wheat.  

Truthslayer:  Now Matt Wilson or should I call The Subculture.  What makes you desire to bring Randy no Kachi down not just because he too interrupted your speech?  

Matt:  You see.  What I see in Randy is what I see in everybody else.  They are all the same.  Randy might have a unique look but that doesn't say the he is different.  I'm different.  Randy is the same as everyone here and everyone in this world other than this gentleman over there.  He brash, rude, disgusting, and immature just like all these bloody cretens.  He will soon have to show me respect when I beat it out of him tonight.

Truthslayer:  And now, a closer look at "The Subculture" Matt Wilson.

Matt: I am "The Subculture" Matt Wilson.  What is the Subculture?  It means I am different from everyone else.  I am the Subculture.  Everyone around me is the same.  All arrogant, manipulative, greedy, and self absorbed gluttons.  I, however, am above all that and I made it my life's mission to spread the Subculture to everyone.  People can't live in a box and believing in one thing.  I take it upon myself that everyone is different and can follow the same route in life.

Mr. Jennings and The Subculture faces MB Callahan and Randy no Kachi in the next match.  Callahan went after Mr. Jennings as Randy and the Subculture battles in the ring.  The Subculture rakes Randy's eyes and tags in Mr. Jennings.  Mr. Jennings gave some unforgiving knees to Randy followed by a head hold lariat.  Mr. Jennings continues punishment on Randy with a rear naked choke.  Randy made it to the ropes and broke the hold.  Throughout the match, both Mr. Jennings and The Subculture isolate Randy away from Callahan.  Mr. Jennings had it going until Randy pulled out a fast Kachi Cutter and tagged in Callahan.  Mr. Jennings put on a complete stop and tags The Subculture in.  The Subculture looked at Mr. Jennings and Jennings told to do what ever it takes to end the match and winning doesn't matter at this point.  The Subculture took his word for it and low blows Callahan causing the DQ.  He then gave Randy a Counterculture and left the ring.  Mr. Jennings left the last impression and spits at Callahan.

The main event saw the FSW Regional Champion, Poo, and his partner, Perfect Man, taking on the Mushroom Kingdom duo of Toad and Goomba.  Goomba used his lack of arms to his advantage by heabutting everyone in sight.  Poo kicks Goomba away and Toad steps in.  Toad matches his head with Poo's kicks.  Toad gained the upperhand as he actually used his hands to block which lead to a big headbutt. Poo tagged Perfect Man back in but Perfect Man gets a headbutt to the gut.  Toad jumps headfirst onto Perfect Man and Perfect Man squirms around in pain.  Toad tags Goomba's head and Goomba ascends the turnbuckle.  Goomba lands a seated Mushroom Senton on top of Perfect Man.  Goomba tags Toad back in with his head.  Goomba stands in front of Toad.  Toad takes a sprint, jumps off Goomba's head to the top rope, and misses a moonsault.  Perfect Man quickly rolled over to tag Poo in.  Poo misses a kick and gets a Mushroom DDT from Toad.  Goomba tried to intervene but Poo kicks Goomba to the outside.  On the outside, Perfect Man slams Goomba head/body first to the security railing.  Toad attempts to whip Poo but Poo counterwhips Toad and Perfect Man stuns Toad with the ropes.  This had Toad fall onto Poo's shoulders for the Go to Poo to win.

After the match, Franky came out looking worried.

Franky: Poo!  Bad news for you!  The sandwi...i mean Don Panini ordered a full evaluation from the fans now.  What he means is that he'll set up a poll for the fans and the leader of the polls will have to face you for the Fourside Regional Championship.  I tried to talk him out of it saying its a bad idea, but our jobs are at stake.  


FSW 2: Evaluation
Fourside Arena

1.  Monoxide def. Master Bubu (5:58) with the Carbon Monoxide Press.
2.  Olly Oliver def. Black Cena (3:45) with the Shuffle Muffle Muzzle Duff.
3.  Sheik Ahmad def. Rozie (6:39) with the Calculated Guillotine.  
4.  MB Callahan & Randy no Kachi def. Mr. Jennings & "The Subculture" Matt Wilson (11:29) by DQ.
5.  Poo & Perfect Man def. Toad & Goomba (14:05) when Poo used the Go to Poo on Toad


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