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4/27/2020 10:48 am  #1

Bad Dudes

News Reporter: Breaking news tonight, as another attack between East and West leads us closer to war. Two warships in the Atlantic suffered heavy damage, and we're told through the Russian Consulate, that they too have suffered losses, but neither us or them are taking responsiblity. That is the word coming from DC, or at least, it WAS the word, as moments ago, the President had quite a lot to say about the subject in his own words like usual, so viewer discretion is advised. I'd get the kids out of the room.

The shot of a newsroom switched to a shot of Congress, in the heart of the country, Washington DC. The grimacing President James Swift paced back and forth behind his podium. His balding brow awash with sweat, and his black hair going grey.

President Swift: *clears throat* The crisis with our enemies in the east...and those damn communist...sons of bitches...IS REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF! You don't mess with our Democracy gentlemen! Over my dead body, will you assholes topple this Republic! I promise the American people, my people, that this year, 1985, I will put a stop to this "Red Threat". I don't give a damn how I have to go about it either! That's the way I handle my business. BUT....Vice President Dickless over here wants to handle things "diplocmatically". SO...right after this speech, I will be meeting with a Russian contingent in neutral territory to get to the bottom of this, because we certainly didn't attack them, or you would have heard me brag about it! If they attacked us, they have hell to pay. If they didn't, I'll deal with who did, and get back to them later, but I don't trust them one DAMN BIT! Oh and...God Bless America.

News Reporter: That was the statement issued by the *sigh* "Black Bad Ass in Chief" James Swift. He wants us to call him that. You all know by now. He's been President for how long now? *sigh* We now take you back to the A-Team, already in progress.

The President, followed by a cadre of Secret Service, made their way to the Presidential Helipad.

Agent Johnson: Excellent speech sir. Once again short, simple, and to the point.

President Swift: I don't have time to coddle the people Johnson! It's time for action and I swear to God if Gorbachev doesn't tear down that DAMN WALL then I'm gonna plant my Presidential boot up his ass!

Agent Johnson: I'm quite sure that you would sir, despite the nuclear threat.

President Swift: I ain't got time for threats! It's time to get over there and kick ass.

Agent Johnson: Yes sir, the helicopter will get you to the airport. Wait...what's going on here?

Helicopter Pilot: Sir, something is wrong with the helicopter, and I'm not sure what.

President Swift: Son, you'd better get this bucket of shit in the air in 5 minutes, because I have another boot with your name on it.

Helicopter Pilot: It's going to take longer than that sir, but the Vice President has already been informed, and arranged the limo to get you to Air Force One.

President Swift: ...

Moments later, the Presidential motorcade made its way to the airport. Two figures were watching the motorcade approach.

?: You were right. They're right on schedule.

??: Not RIGHT on schedule. I should've known the President would make a stop to get fast food. You don't study a man this long, to make mistakes like that.

?: What matters is that we get this done. Our employer is paying big money for this job.

??: With this man being the target, I wouldn't except anything less. It's going to take a lot to take that motorcade.

?: Luckily, we have everything we need...and more.

As the motorcade passed under a bridge, several masked men rappeled down onto the vehicles surrounding the limo. They threw smoke bombs into them, and forced the drivers to veer off the road.

President Swift: What the hell is going on out there?!

Secret Service Agent: Sir, we're under attack!

President Swift: Big mistake. I haven't finished my shake yet!

More masked men jumped out of the darkness of the night and attached themselves to the limo. They forced it to swerve and slow down. A more pronounced man in black, with an ornate mask and two katanas dropped on the hood of the limo, and used his swords to gut the engine in the blink of an eye. The impact made the President spill his shake.

President Swift: SON OF A BITCH!

Back at the White House, a short man, with short, military cut hair, shades, and a green military jacket walked down the hall with a folder in hand.

Secret Service Agent: Can I help you General Amigo?

General Amigo: Son, you can help me by getting the hell out of my way. Now, the President wanted my analysis on the Russian threat, and I have it right here.

Secret Service Agent: Sir, the President is not here sir.

General Amigo: Then where the hell is he?

Agent Johnson: General! General Amigo! We have a problem.

General Amigo: ....What is it? Are we under attack from those damn Commie reds? Are we going back to Nam? Did they cancel Punky Brewster? Did Cobra Kai win the All-Valley Karate Tournament? Out with it Johnson!

Agent Johnson: The President has been KIDNAPPED!

General Amigo: Do we know who is responsible?

Agent Johnson: Yes General. It was Ninjas.  

General Amigo: ...Mother of God.

News Reporter: Yes, you heard that right. I want to repeat it, just to make sure, but it was Ninjas. The President has been kidnapped by Ninjas. The attack seemed to happen on route to Air Force One. We don't know who was responsible for the Ninja attack, who hired them, or why, but this is a significant blow to our great republic. As you all know, President Swift is one of the most beloved and respected Presidents in modern history. This man bleeds red, white, and blue, and is the sole reason that term limits were dropped, so President Swift could have a third term. From humble beginnings President Swift has fought for democracy all over the globe. A young Private James Swift made his mark in late 1944 when he assassinated Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, right on the streets of Berlin. This moment lead to the end of World War II and James Swift was promoted and given several prestigious awards. He became the face of America and the military. Uncle Sam had a new buddy in Uncle Swift, and Captain America comics were replaced with Captain Swift comics. This hero did not rest on his laurels though, as he demanded to be put back into active service to fight for democracy in Vietnam. The man who would be President figuratively and literally planted a US flag in the ass of the Viet Cong of South Vietnam and Cambodia. Unfortunately, damn hippies, who hate their country forced an untimely end to our boys getting the job done and a democratic North Vietnam fell because of fucking hippies like I said....what....I'm not supposed to cuss on tv? Since when? After the hippies embarrassed America, James Swift made a vow that he would run for President and wipe the stain of communism off this great country. When asked what party he was going to run as he stated "America's Party", and punched the guy in the face. The election ended in a statistical tie with Ronald Reagan, and the President was decided in an Arm wrestling Contest. President Swift has since had the highest consistent approval rating of any President ever! The President's Swiftinomics plan got us out of debt with a simple plan "Don't spend money you don't have you stupid asshole!" Plus, no country has dared mess with us in straight up conflict, not even the Russians. That is, until now. Damn Ninjas!

The next morning, a pacing General Amigo, put out his tenth cigarette of the day, as he watched the sun rise on the rooftop of a nondescript building. Agent Johnson and two other Secret Service Agents approached with another man. A man clad in worn out camo, and face paint.

Agent Johnson: Sir, we've brought "him" just like you said.

General Amigo: Good. Sgt. Dave Larmore, a grizzled veteran of the war in Vietnam.


General Amigo: I can imagine soldier, but perhaps you are a little too grizzled for this job. Still, we must send someone to save the President from the Ninjas and you fought along side him in Vietnam.


Agent Johnson: Ummm....are you sure you want to pardon this guy from jail to save the President?!

General Amigo: Perhaps not. A twisted deviant psycho, with post traumatic stress disorder...perhaps not the best choice. What we need is a small unit, or maybe even just a couple of guys, with nerves of steel, and a background that produces results. Two real Bad Dudes.

Agent Johnson: STOP HIM! He's getting away!

Sgt. Dave Larmore jumped off the roof of the building, repelling down a phone line.


General Amigo: Yeah, two Bad Dudes. Just have to find them, and fast.

New York City

Several police cars surrounded a building, with onlookers being forced to back away, as officers drew their firearms, and took positions. A gizzled man, who had been chomping his cigar got out of his car, and fixed his Chief's hat. The man had worn the uniform for too long, too long to deal with the rampage of the 80's.

Chief Strong: BLAAADE!

The Chief shouted, as the other officers parted like the red sea. With his back against a wall, a man in a leather jacket, shades, and worn out jeans lit up a cigarette and stepped through the crowd of officers to Chief Strong.

Chief Strong: Trevor Blade, you son of a bitch! Always showing up when you feel like it? Playing by your own rules? What do you think this is a block party?!

Trevor Blade: If it is, I know where we can score the coke.

Chief Strong: Real cute Blade, but I've had enough of you attitude! You show up out of uniform, and act like you're above it, because I don't fire you. I don't fire you, because you get results. I'd better get results NOW.

Trevor Blade: Relax chief, I've got this, so what's the plan?

Chief Strong: We've surrounded the building, and we're looking for a way in right now. When we secure it, we will clear this building, but with caution. They may be heavily armed, with high powered explosives.

Trevor Blade: Explosives huh? I thought July was last month, but I love a good fireworks show. Let's party. Just give me Officers Richmont, Phelps, and Billings.

Chief Strong: Did you just hear what I said?! We go in together! I don't want you going in with two rookies, and a man with two days until retirement. Did you hear what I said?! BLADE! *sigh* Officers...follow him in, but be careful.

Officer Blade, Richmont, Phelps, and Billings burst in through the front door, with guns blazing. The rough and tough crew of drug dealers didn't expect the suddent attack, and several of them took fire and fell from the balcony. The rest grabbed up the drugs and money, and shot their way to the boiler room, where a shoot out ensued. Blade pushed Rookie Richmont to the ground, as Billings took a round to the shoulder and stomach.

Officer Richmont: Billings NO!

Trevor Blade: He'll be alright, he's just going to retire a little earlier I'd imagine.

Officer Phelps: Hey asshole, you're bungling another drug bust here, and making us look bad!

Trevor Blade: Like I told your mother last night "Relax, I'll make this quick".

Officer Phelps: Fuck you asshole!

Trevor Blade: Sorry, I don't do requests. Come on Richmont! Cover me!

Officer Richmont: I can't! I'm afraid! I didn't sign up for this!

Trevor Blade: You won't get to sign your death certificate either kid, but your widow might if we don't get the hell out of here. Wait, a second..."Danger Explosives". Is that what that sign says?

Officer Phelps: Don't you do it asshole! Don't even think about it!

Trevor Mach: Boom baby.

Outside of the building, the windows suddenly shattered, as flames erupted into the streets, before sucking back into the building.

Chief Strong: BLAAAAAADE!

?: Is that who just did that?

Chief Strong: Who wants to know?

General Amigo: General Amigo, of the United States Army.

Chief Strong: Oh shit.

Inside, a slight scorched Blade circled a pile of cocaine, that had yet to be packaged.

Officer Richmont: Great work sir, but but did you really have to shoot one guy in the face....and shoot the other guy in the knee....causing him to have a long dramatic fall that liquified him on impact?

Trevor Blade: Hey, One of them thought he was invincible. The other thought he could fly. They were both wrong. I call this a win Phelps. Take a hint, and thank me. You get some credit for this.

Officer Phelps: You almost got me killed!

Trevor Blade: And unfortunately, you stand before me unscathed.

Officer Richmont: Billings is going to make it if we get him out of here now. I'd be happy to-

Trevor Blade: Go on kid. You were man enough for one day.

As Richmont carried Billings out of the warehouse, Blade took up some of the cocaine off the ground, and tasted it.

Officer Phelps: You could've let one of them live to tell us what we're dealing with here!

Trevor Blade: No, I couldn't because they wouldn't have done the same for us. No hesitating Phelps. Besides, of course it's cocaine! It's always cocaine! Look, I'll take a little snort and show you. *sniff* That is the real deal. *sniff* Real quality shit too. *sniff* Normally, it's laced with inferior product, but this isn't. *sniff*

Officer Phelps: I think you proved your point.

Trevor Blade: Oh no, we got to make sure right?

Chief Strong: General Amigo, he's right in he-OH MY GOD!

Blade had forced his head into the pile of cocaine, and took a deep snort.

Chief Strong: BLADE! Out of your mind addict! You killed everybody, and you caused massive property damage! The explosion BURNED MY FACE! That being said, you get the job done. I don't always understand your methods, but you get the damn job done.

Officer Phelps: Unbelievable.

Chief Strong: You could learn from this man Phelps.

Officer Phelps: *sigh* Yes sir.

Trevor Blade: *coughing and sneezing* That's what I'm here for Chief.

General Amigo: So, this is Trevor Blade eh? Top of your class, but with a bit of an attitude and authority problem. Also, you're a little too "invested" in your work?

Trevor Blade: Phelps wanted to know, and now he knows.

General Amigo: And you're out of your mind. That might be what gets the job done. Mr. Blade, if you could please put your pants back on and come with me. I am on a special assignment from the Government to bring you in.

Trevor Blade: When did those fall off? I'm sorry, bring me in for what?

General Amigo: You're going to save the President.

New York Maximum Security Prison

General Amigo showed his credentials to bypass security, and made his way into the guard station. He saw a rough and rowdy collection of criminals, all chomping at the bit to cause destruction. Then, on one monitor, he saw a man with long black hair, held back by a red bandana, being lead to his cell by two guards.

General Amigo: Warden, that's him isn't it?

Warden: You have an impressive eye for detail. How did you know?

General Amigo: I see a bunch of contemptable scum, and these guards have no problem kicking their asses if need be. I look there, and I see two guards who respect what this particular prisoner can do.

Warden: I see. Yes, that's the man you're looking for. A former Vietnam vet, who stuck around Asia after the war. He went AWOL and amassed a following in the fighting underground. Tack Striker may seem calm and harmless, but he's dangerous, he's deadly, he's-

General Amigo: Bad?

Warden: Oh yes, he's a Bad Dude.

Kumite Underground Fighting Tournament - Somewhere in Asia - 6 Month Earlier

A dark dangeon from another era, lit with old torches, and the cigars of those in attendance. This place was host to the Kumite, the most dangerous tournament in Martial Arts, where defeat could very well mean death. A calm, but confident Tack Striker was warming up in his corner as his Sensei approached.

Tack Striker: Master Luagi, I have trained for years in preparation for the Kumite, but do you really think I'm ready?

Master Luagi: You must believe in yourself Tack-san. Remember your training?

Tack Striker: I do.

Master Luagi: Remember when you humiliated John Kreese at the All-Valley Karate Tournament?

Tack Striker: Yes.

Master Luagi: Remember how much money I made betting on that tournament?

Tack Striker: I do...not. You did what?

Master Luagi: Oh nothing. Forget I said anything. I'm just a humble man who has in no way amassed great wealth betting on your fights, and I definitely did not bet everything I have on you winning the Kumite. However, if I did and you lost they would have me killed. Absolutely no pressue though.

Tack Striker: Oh sure, I feel light as a feather now. Look, after the war I was a shattered mess. A shell of a man. I remember going back home to the US. I picked a fight with a local Sheriff before escaping what escalated into a manhunt. I came back east and finally got my head on straight, and that's thanks to you. I am in your debt.

Master Luagi: Just don't lose tonight or we're both dead. Remember. No pressure!

Tack Striker stepped forward and performed his kata. The crowd began to stomp their feet and cheer, as his opponent stepped forward. A rather large asian man, with bulging chest muscles, crazy eyes, and long black hair.


Tack Striker: Hey, I think the fans are cheering for Chong Li!

Master Luagi: NO SHIT! Get in there and kick his ass!

Chong Li: YOU...are NEXT!

Tack Striker: Right! No stopping me now! HERE GOES NOTHING!


Tack hit a spinning back kick, which missed Chong Li, and clobbered the local Police Officer instead.

Tack Striker: Oh damn! Are you ok?! I'm sorry I didn't see you there!

Policeman: HELP! I NEED BACKUP!!!

Tack Striker: Wait!

Several Officers pinned down Striker, as the crowd ran out of the building.

Tack Striker: Master Luagi! Help me!

Master Luagi: Too many priors Striker, but I'll try and bail you out!

Tack Striker: Uh...Chong Li?

Chong Li: You...are on your own. Bye!

Tack Striker: AH!

New York Maximum Security Prison - Present Day

The Guards took Striker out of his call, and put him in cuffs.  

Guard: Sorry Striker, the handcuffs are for our protection, you understand right?

Tack Striker: I told you that was an accident! If I wanted to hit you for real, you wouldn't be standing right now!

Guard: Is that a threat asshole?!

Tack Striker: What? No! *sigh* Where are you taking me anyway?

Guard: Someone important wants to see you.

They took Striker to the roof of the Prison, removed the cuffs, and left him by himself. General Amigo stepped out from behind a helicopter.

General Amigo: Tack Striker, I must say it's almost an honor to meet you. Almost. I'm General Amigo, perhaps you've heard of me?

Tack Striker: Should I have? Sorry, I'm not caught up on things, since I've been a little busy being in Prison.

General Amigo: Right. Anyways, I've checked out your record, and other then going AWOL, you were quite the little soldier. Of course we can't look past the AWOL charge. It's a serious offense, as you already know. Bad luck being at the Kumite that night huh?

Tack Striker: You're telling me.

General Amigo: It looks like you're going to be doing some serious time. How would you like to have a "reduced sentence".

Tack Striker: ...I'm listening.

General Amigo: America needs you Tack Striker. They need a Bad enough Dude to pull off a mission of the utmost importance. I'll be frank, it's not going to be easy.

Tack Striker: My first day in this place, I had to put five guys in the hospital, just so no one would mess with me in the shower. I didn't want to. I don't like hurting people if I can help it, but I will when pushed to. I'm used to the difficult challenges.

General Amigo: Good, because the President has been kidnapped.

Tack Striker: Oh.

General Amigo: By Ninjas.

Tack Striker: Oh wow. What? Ninjas? What? Ninjas? You really think that I can pull off this mission alone?

General Amigo: No, not alone. I'm going to go now. You think about it and think quickly. I will only be here 5 more minutes. You agree, and you can walk out of here right now.

Tack Striker: .....

Trevor Blade: So, this is my new partner eh?

Striker suddenly caught sight of a man standing against the fence beside him. He stepped forward, took off his shades, and tossed aside his cigarette.

Tack Striker: Who are you?

Trevor Blade: Trevor Blade, NYPD. I served in Nam too, so I know what kind of shit you've been through. Had to blow up half that country just to try and save the other half.

Tack Striker: Oh, were you an explosives expert?

Trevor Blade: No. Heh.

Tack Striker: Yikes.

Trevor Blade: Want a smoke?

Tack Striker: In Prison, they tried to trade me for a pack of smokes once. I broke the asshole's shin bone, and forced the bone into his face. I-I'll think I'll pass.

Trevor Blade: Damn, you are a dangerous weapon my man.

Tack Striker: I have trained in various forms of combat, and learned how to kill a man in countless ways.

Trevor Blade: That's great man. I have a big fucking gun.

Tack Striker: That's...also great.

Trevor Blade: So, are you going to help me save the President?

Tack Striker: No, you're going to help me.

Trevor Blade: Ha! The balls on this guy. Let's do this partner.

Tack Striker: This sounds insane.

Trevor Blade: That's the name of the game.

General Amigo: Well, I have my Bad Dudes. Come on Striker, let's get you cleaned up first.

Trevor Blade: Then we got to get my man here some hookers and blow.

General Amigo: Pardon?

Trevor Blade: He's been in here too long after all.

Tack Striker: Excuse me?

Trevor Blade: My treat.


4/27/2020 10:51 am  #2

Re: Bad Dudes

White House Press Room - Washington DC

Vice President Moz Mendoza: Now you all listen to me! This is a tragedy, the President is truly beloved by this country, but I guarantee that we are doing everything that we can to rescue him and bring a stop to these Ninjas! We don't believe that the Russians are involved at this point, but we're going to get to the bottom of it.

News Reporter: That was the Vice President earlier today commenting on the Presidential kidnapping crisis. While this is a time where the people of America are panicking, it appears that the Vice President has everything under control.

White House Oval Office - Washington DC

Vice President Moz Mendoza: This situation is out of FUCKING CONTROL! I have no idea how to handle this! How come we have no contingency plan for something like this?!

General Amigo: Yes, it's a damn shame sir.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: What?! Turn around and face me when I'm berating you General! Why are you always looking away with your FUCKING SHADES ON!? INDOORS!

General Amigo: Sorry sir. The situation is-


General Amigo: Sir, like you said, we have no contingency plan on how to rescue the President from a Ninja attack. But, we got creative and found two of the baddest dudes we could find. Nam veterans Trevor Blade and Tack Striker. After a quick briefing I intend to send them out to find a lead on the location of the President and to see who is behind this Ninja organization.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: That, is the stupidest idea I have ever heard! Bad Dudes eh? If this fails, it's your ass General!

General Amigo: It won't fail, it can't.

Undisclosed Location

Trevor Blade plugged in an old arcade cabinet, and got it working, a fighting game involving beating down Ninjas.

Trevor Blade: Yeah. See, that's how you do it! A spin kick right on off that truck! Yeah! Kiss my ass Ninjas! Haha!

Tack Striker: Uh, Blade?

Trevor Blade: Kicking Ninja ass Striker. What do you want?

Tack Striker: The General is back, it's time.

Trevor Blade: Damn, I still had quarters left.

Blade and Striker made their way into a dimly lit room, with General Amigo standing next to a projector.

General Amigo: Gentlemen, please take a seat. We need to make this brief. I have been given approval by the Vice President, and we will do everything we can to keep your antics out of the press. We will clear the way, and let you do what you need to do. Two days ago, warships in the Atlantic AND Pacific were attacked, to both Russian AND American craft. The President was on a mission to quell the hostility, and find out just who attacked us both. That's when the Ninjas attacked. Since then, we believe the attacks were done by the Ninjas. This whole thing was orchestrated to get the President. So, this is your mission: Save the President, and discover who is behind their heinous plot. They have yet to make demands, but we don't negotiate with terrorists, so we have little time before they may make demands. What you need to do is hit the streets, kick Ninja ass, and find our President!

Trevor Blade: Hell yes! Let's do this! I'm gonna find whoever did this, I'm going to ram my fist into his stomach and break his damn spine!

Tack Striker: Well, at least he's motivated.

General Amigo: Before you go, we have assembled some suggestions for your mission. The first is simple, only use weapons that you find on fallen enemies. This will help you travel light and keep moving.

Tack Striker: Makes sense.

Trevor Blade: Not for me! I'm not going anywhere without my gun! I don't know what this gun is called. I only know the sound it makes when I shoot a fucker in the balls.

Tack Striker: Yikes. Please don't point that near me.

General Amigo: Eat from trash cans, or anywhere else you can find loose food quickly.

Tack Striker: You lost me on that one. How about we just do what we've been trained to do.

General Amigo: Fine. Just remember, this isn't he jungles of Vietnam. This is urban warfare, and the Ninjas are everywhere. Give em Hell.

Tack Striker: I guarantee that sir. Win or lose my, Sensei always told me to give it my best, but that was before he let me go to jail. I'm starting to think he's an asshole. Still, we'll give it our best.

Trevor Blade: Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

Tack Striker: What does that even mean?!

General Amigo: Listen! The President has been kidnapped by Ninjas. Are you bad enough dudes to save the President?

Nondescript Warehouse

Two Ninjas stood silently in front of a door, until one broke the silence.

Ninja #1: So, you didn't call me last night.

Ninja #2: Sorry, I forgot.

Ninja #1: Yeah, it's just that you said you would call me.

Ninja #2: Look, I'm sorry, but I was busy.

Ninja #1: We still going to the movies this weekend?

Ninja #2: Aren't we kind of busy right now?

Ninja #1: Remember when we used to do things together?

Ninja #2: A relationship can't always be a fairy tale.

?: I'm sorry, are we interrupting something?

Two men approached. One, with crazy wide eyes, a black turtleneck, and an orange mullet. The other, wore a silver mesh tank top, worn with a belt over, black leather pants, bike chain necklace and a pornstar mustache.

Ninja #1: No sirs! Not at all!

?: Wonderful, now kindly let us in, before I let my crazy eyed friend carve out your eyes.

??: I just want one a piece.

Ninja #2: Uh, not needed sir. We're happy to let you in!

A third figure walked up behind them.

???: Stingray? Bennett? We're not having a problem are we?

Stingray: No problems. Not yet.

???: Put away the knife Stingray. We have business with our guest.

Bennett: Well then, let's go make him feel welcome.

The third man walked into the room, as the President lay on the floor, beaten and tied up.

?: Well hello Mr. President. I know you're probably quite uncomfortable, but I really don't care. Your "democracy" has fucked up the world long enough. I am going to change things once and for all. Thanks to my alliance with Dragon Ninja, and my hired guns. You know them I'm sure. Sal Bennett? Jamie Stingray? Ring a bell? They're very committed to the cause.

Jamie Stingray: The only thing I care about right now, is taking a memento from the President here.

Sal Bennett: The only thing I care about is carrying out the other part of our deal.

???: Oh yes, you wanted my assistance in wiping out the unit you were kicked out of in Nam?

Sal Bennett: No! All I need to know, is where they are, and I will handle the rest.

???: Well today is your lucky day Bennett. It appears that the government is sending two "Bad Dudes" to save the President. One is Trevor Blade.

Sal Bennett: I've heard of him. He could be trouble for your piss ant Ninjas, but what does that have to do with me?

???: Nothing really. It's the second man you might be interested in. It's Tack Striker!

Sal Bennett: Striker! Tack Striker is on the mission?

???: Indeed he is.

Sal Bennett: Well then, this IS my lucky day.

     Thread Starter

4/27/2020 10:52 am  #3

Re: Bad Dudes

White House - Washington DC

A large argument broke on the front lawn of the White House, as the Russian Contingent, made their way to the helicopter. The balding, elderly Mikhail Gorbachev, with the notable birthmark on his head, was watched over closely by his lumbering, blonde security guard.

Mikhail Gorbachev: I have NEVER been so humiliated in my entire life!

General Amigo: Where do you think you're going COMRADE?! I'm not through with your communism loving ass yet!

Mikhail Gorbachev: You American pig!

General Amigo: What the fuck are you saying about America?!

Mikhail Gorbachev: You're always so arrogant and you ALWAYS think that you are right!

General Amigo: That's because we ARE always right COMRADE!

Mikhail Gorbachev: Again with the "comrade" talk! Listen, I came here because YOUR President was late for our summit meeting!

General Amigo: A little convenient don't you think RED BASTARD!?

Mikhail Gorbachev: Enough of this! I already told you, we had nothing to do with the attacks or the abduction! They attacked us too!  *sigh* Troy Drago, take care of this little man.

General Amigo: Little? Why I outta-

Troy Drago: I must break you.

General Amigo: Bring it on you giant soviet stump! Why the hell do you have a boxer as a bodyguard anyway? Where is your secret soviet agents?

Mikhail Gorbachev: When you have Troy Drago, that is all you need comrade.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: Enough! Mr. Gorbachev I am very sorry. General Amigo is under a lot of stress right now. I can assure you that no harm will come to you on American soil. Please, allow me to walk with you back to the chopper.

Mikhail Gorbachev: Very well. Drago, let's go.

Troy Drago: We will meet again.

General Amigo: I'm counting on it.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: I will be with you in just a second Mr. Gorbachev. What the fuck is wrong with you Amigo?

General Amigo: You let communists on our soil, and you're wondering what is wrong with me?

Vice President Moz Mendoza: I had to smooth things out with them General! We had a peace summit scheduled remember? I am "unfucking" this situation while your "Bad Dudes" are wasting time!

General Amigo: Oh you can count on the bad dudes to get to the bottom of this. I'm just backing them up a little here. Getting some answers myself.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: Well you keep your questions to yourself! The Ayatollah will be arriving shortly so I can smooth things out with his nation as well. If you even so much as look at them the wrong way, you're done!

General Amigo: Bad shit is going down, and I don't like it.

New York City Streets

Blade and Striker were on the streets looking for answers.

Tack Striker: So, your plan is to just hit the streets until we can find some answers?

Trevor Blade: Yeah, something like that.

Tack Striker: Do you really think this is going to work?

Trevor Blade: I don't know, but why don't you turn around and tell me partner.

Tack Striker: Huh?

Striker turned around to see three Ninjas approaching.

Tack Striker: Right out in the open?

Trevor Blade: Right on schedule. I swear I'm a magnet for this sort of shit.

Ninja #1: We hear you two are snooping into business that isn't yours.

Ninja #2: We're here to shut you down!

Trevor Blade: See, you don't have to go looking for trouble, just let it look for you.

Tack Striker: Heh, you got lucky this time. I see three asses that need kicked. I'll go high you go low.

Striker cracked his neck and his knuckles before running towards the ninjas. He jumped up in the air, kicking one in the face, kicking another on the way down. He ducked as Blade fired three shots at the third Ninja, taking him out.

Trevor Blade: That's three right there.

Tack Striker: With more coming.

Trevor Blade: All these Ninjas in broad daylight. Where the hell are they coming from?

Two more appeared in front of Striker, and he blocked their attacks, with his forearm and shin, before taking them on. One  Ninja dropped behind Blade and tried to stab him. Blade grabbed a trashcan lid and caught the knife with it, twisting it to take it out of the Ninja's hands. He shot him in the foot and knocked him out with a hard right.

Trevor Blade: These guys aren't that trained.

Tack Striker: They have strength in numbers.

Trevor Blade: I got a bullet for each of them.

Tack Striker: Try not to kill them. We need answers.

Trevor Blade: I might give you one.

Two more rushed Blade, and pushed him into a fence. He shot one in the knee, pushed him into the other Ninja, and shot them both.

Trevor Blade: ...It's not those two.

Striker was grabbed from behind as another Ninja hit him with a high kick to the face. On the second attempt he ducked, and the Ninja kicked the other Ninja, giving Striker the chance to throw him over his shoulder onto the other one.

Tack Striker: Well maybe one of them.

Two shurikens flew through the air, narrowly missing the Dudes, but hitting both Ninjas in vital areas, killing them immediately.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, I don't think so.

Tack Striker: Where did they come from? Stay alert!

Trevor Blade: Why do you think I'm hiding behind this car

Tack Striker: Huh?

Striker noticed that he was a sitting duck, while Blade had his back to a a car. He quickly rushed to join him.

Tack Striker: That was close.

Trevor Blade: Yeah. So, what's the plan Striker? We sit here and wait to die or what?

Tack Striker: No, I see an answer in front of us. Come on.

Trevor Blade: Where?

Striker forced open a nearby manhole and ducked into the sewer.

Trevor Blade: Damn, I hate the sewer.

White House

Back at the White House, a meeting between the Vice President and the Ayatollah of Iran was taking place.

Agent Johnson: Hello sir, I am Agent Johnson. We welcome you here to talk about current events. While I'm sure there is no love lost between you and the President, we want to make some assurances about some things. I'll take you to Vice President Mendoza.

Perched atop the White House, hiding poorly in plain sight, was Sgt. Larmore.

Sgt. Larmore: Vietcong at the White House?! Trying to disguise themselves as Arab huh? Clever, very clever. Fucking Nam.

New York City Sewer

The Bad Dudes continued their fight with the Ninjas in the sewers.

Trevor Blade: They're down here too?! They're like rats!

Tack Striker: Watch out for that shuriken!

Trevor Blade: Oh shit!

Tack Striker: Hey, this ninja dropped a dagger!

Trevor Blade: Great, now shank some fuckers and let's get out of here!

Tack Striker: I'm not liking my chances against this Ninja with the swords!

Trevor Blade: Fuck it! I'll just shoot him.

Tack Striker: Whoa!

White House

Sgt. Larmore burst out of the conference room, with a turban and blood in his hands. He laughed before getting tackled by the Secret Service.

Sgt. Larmore: I did it! I saved America!

General Amigo: Yeah, you did it alright.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: You crazy, out of your mind, lunatic! Security take him away!

Sgt. Larmore: Fucking Nam!

General Amigo: The Ayatollah would probably be flipping us off right now, but the Sgt. there took a few digits with him as a souvenir.  

Vice President Moz Mendoza: Oh grow up. This is not good. Are your "Bad Dudes" as unstable as that guy?

General Amigo: I'm hoping they're the right kind of unstable to get the job done.

New York City

Blade and Striker escaped the sewer and returned to the streets, keeping their guard up.

Tack Striker: No more small fries from the looks of it.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, well I think we found who we're looking for.

Tack Striker: What makes you say that?

Standing before the Dudes, was a different kind of Ninja, wearing an ornate helmet, and brandishing two swords.

Trevor Blade: Look at the guy, he's definitely a cut above.

Tack Striker: Did you make that pun on purpose cause he has the swords?

Trevor Blade: No, but now I wish I had.

?: I am the Dark Ninja Bolshoi. With my twin swords of anger and hate I will cut you down for Dragon Ninja!

Trevor Blade: I am Trevor Blade. I have grenades and I'm out of my fucking mind.

Tack Striker: Holy shit!

Blade pulled a grenade from out of his jacket, and chucked it at Dark Ninja Bolshoi, blowing him to pieces.

Trevor Blade: I love the smell of explosions in the morning.

Tack Striker: It's three in the afternoon, and you're out of your mind! That was our best lead and you killed him!

Trevor Blade: He was coming at us with two swords, and he definitely knew how to use them. I wasn't going to chance that. I'm out of ammo. Besides, we got what we were going to get from him.

Tack Striker: "Dragon Ninja".

Trevor Blade: That's the name of the organization. We have the who.

Tack Striker: Now, we need the why.

Trevor Blade: And the where.

     Thread Starter

4/27/2020 10:53 am  #4

Re: Bad Dudes

New York City Highway

A semi, carrying arms and explosives burst down the highway as fast as the big rig could, with a motorcycle in hot pursuit. The Ninjas opened fire on the motorcycle behind them, with the motorcycle veering off to the left and right to avoid the fire. The driver tried handing his gun to the passenger behind him.

Trevor Blade: Take the gun, and shoot them Striker! It's simple!

Tack Striker: I don't use guns! Not since Nam! I gave them up!

Trevor Blade: You got to be kidding me!

Blade fired ahead, aiming for the tires of the semi.

Trevor Blade: I'm out! You think they'll pull over if I flash a badge?

Tack Striker: Not likely. Look, it's not that I don't trust you driving, but I'm going to throw up if I don't get off this motorcyle.

Trevor Blade: Not my fault you didn't bring wheels.

Tack Striker: I was in prison!

Trevor Blade: Fine, we're pulling up to the fucking thing and climbing on.

Tack Striker: Alright, but be careful. We're on thin ice here as it is.

Trevor Blade: Sounds like the ice's problem to me. Hang on!

Tack Striker: Whoa!

Striker jumped off first, grabbing the handle on the back, before reaching out for Blade.

Tack Striker: Grab on!

Trevor Blade: My bike's about to be trashed, give me a second here!

Tack Striker: That's not your bike. You took it to give chase!

Trevor Blade: Oh right!

Blade grabbed Striker's hand, and pulled him to the semi. They climbed up, and found Ninjas waiting for them. Striker fought one, blocking a high kick, and tossing him into the other Ninja. Blade sidestepped and they fell over the side. The semi started swerving to try and throw them off.

Tack Striker: Well this was just a great idea!

Trevor Blade: We're on the right track!

Tack Striker: No, we're on top of a semi, fighting ninjas.

Trevor Blade: I'm failing to see the problem.

Tack Striker: We almost fell off just now! We could've been killed!

Trevor Blade: No Risk. No Reward.

Tack Striker: Is that so? Just what was our reward on this little endeavor?

Trevor Blade: Getting to kill more Ninjas, get these guns off the streets, and figuring out why the hell there are so many Ninjas out and about right now, and why they have the President! I think that's a suitable reward don't you?

Tack Angel: *sigh* Are you getting bugs in your teeth too?

Trevor Blade: ...Yes. *spit*

[Stop Music]

Later on, the Dudes were sitting beside the toppled over semi, covered in Ninja blood, wiping off with a towel.

Tack Striker: That got us nowhere.

Trevor Blade: Not true. It got us to wherever this is.

Tack Striker: You know what I mean. They refused to answer our questions, and they took us on a wild good chase.

Trevor Blade: Maybe that was the point.

Tack Striker: Huh? You think? It makes sense doesn't it? They know we're investigating, and they know we know their name. "Dragon Ninja". Maybe the game now is keeping us off the track by dispersing around the city.

Trevor Blade: That semi wanted to leave the city. If we're going by our hunch here, those fuckers are right here in the city with the President.

Tack Striker: Largest city to hide in plain sight.

Trevor Blade: Then we keep going. We shake down every one of them we run across.

Tack Striker: These Ninjas are definitely connected, with resources all over the place. This was a carefully made plan. I knew of drug lords in Nam who could grease the wheels of politics, but they couldn't pull off something like this, so we're dealing with-

Trevor Blade: Some bad motherfuckers.

Tack Striker: I was going to say a dangerous enemy like no other, but I think I like what you said better.

Trevor Blade: So, we're here, needing a lead. What do you suggest?

Tack Striker: Honestly? I have no idea. Wait, what's this?

Striker saw a flier hanging from the belt of a beaten Ninja.

Trevor Blade: A karate tournament eh? So he's got that, and I've seen posters like that all over town. You think we might get a lead there?

Tack Striker: It's been awhile since I've competed. I'm lured by the thrill of combat, but we don't have time for detours. We'd be wasting time if it's not a lead.

?: I think that is exactly the lead you've been looking for.

Tack Striker: What?

A woman stepped up, with medium length brown hair, tanned skin, a black tank top, and cut up denim jeans. She took the very same poster off a nearby wall, and looked over at the Bad Dudes. Blade was captivated by her piercing eyes, and toned body. She brushed the hair out of her eyes to and tilted her head at the sight of the bloody Dudes sitting in front of her. She turned to walk away.

Trevor Blade: Who are you?

?: Me? The name is Talia. Talia Rothrock.

Trevor Blade: Oh wow, she is hot! Dibs.

Tack Striker: What?

Trevor Blade: Dibs man.

Tack Striker: Wait! Don't leave yet. I'm Tack Striker and this is Trevor Blade. How do you know what we are looking for?

Talia Rothrock: Let's just say I've been tracking the same people, for a different reason. Word on the streets is that a hired gun of this "organization" will be at this tournament. He goes by the name "Jamie Stingray". The man was a former kickboxing champion, until he got ejected from the sport for killing his opponents. I also hear he's got some mommy issues and has since gotten thrills from raping and murdering women who remind him of his mom.

Trevor Blade: Sick. How do you know all of this?

Talia Rothrock: I make it my business to know this personally.

Trevor Blade: Wow, I love that attitude. Looks and personality. She's a double threat Tack.

Tack Striker: Boy, you said it.

Trevor Blade: Remember I called dibs.

Tack Striker: Bullshit.

Talia Rothrock: *Cough*

Tack Striker: Oops.

Trevor Blade: Thanks alot for the lead Talia. Tell me, would you like to go see a tournament?

Talia Rothrock: I would prefer to compete, but the bullshit rules bar women from competing in this one.

Trevor Blade: You know how to fight eh?

Talia Rothrock: I know some moves. Enough to kick the asses of anyone else in that tournament.

Trevor Blade: Huh. You'll have to show me sometime.

Talia Rothrock: Maybe I will Trevor Blade,but right now, how about we get you guys to this tournament?

Trevor Blade: Sounds like a plan.

Tack Striker: Glad she's got her act together, unlike some people.

Trevor Blade: Hey, don't criticize yourself so much Striker. You're doing a bang up job.

Tack Striker: I was talking about you. Hey, wait up!

     Thread Starter

4/27/2020 10:54 am  #5

Re: Bad Dudes

Announcer: Welcome to the local Karate Tournament. This is barely legal gentlemen, so hand over that admission fee so we can get down to this while no one is looking!

A large gathering of fighters and spectators surround a podium. A rough and surly bunch, looking for blood.

Talia Rothrock: With everyone and their mother looking for the President, the cops aren't going to be bothered to come here.

Trevor Blade: The problem is they should be here. This is exactly where to be. Lucky enough, I'm a cop.

Talia Rothrock: Oh yeah? You keep cuffs on you for that? I just thought you were kinky.

Trevor Blade: Hey, why not both?

Talia Rothrock: What is an NYPD Officer doing following around a convicted criminal to try and find the President?

Trevor Blade: We're the only ones who are getting anywhere. These other guys are running in circles with the dicks in their hands, while we're wiping Ninjas off the streets. They're not looking in their own backyard here, but that's exactly where the President has to be.

Talia Rothrock: Well, maybe they do have the right guys for the job.

In the background, Tack Striker was working over a crazy man in a pink gi and pony tail. A spinning back kick knocked the man to the ground.

Announcer: Late entrant Tack Striker advances over Danny H! Let's give him a big hand!

Striker went over to celebrate with Blade and Talia.

Tack Striker: I did it!

Trevor Blade: You sure did pal, but remember why we're here. You were looking star struck out there.

Tack Striker: I think I know that guy actually.

Trevor Blade: Hey....*whisper* we need to be clear on something. I seriously have dibs on Talia.

Tack Striker: *whisper* She's obviously interested in me. You see those moves out there? Of course she'd be interested.

Trevor Blade: *whisper* You might have moves, but I have some moves of my own, and besides she's gutsy like me.

Tack Striker: Oh? I'm not gutsy?

Talia Rothrock: Guys. There he is. Fighting right now?

Blade and Striker: Huh?

A deranged man with wild, wide open eyes, and a frizzy orange mullet, made very quick work of his opponent.

Announcer: I don't believe it! He just stomped the neck of his opponent! He may be dead! Jamie Stingray is a cold blooded killer!

Trevor Blade: Oh shit.

Tack Striker: My neck hurts already. Is that normal?

Trevor Blade: Let me get this one.

Tack Striker: What do you mean "let me get this one". You're not in the tournament. We didn't have enough for two entrance fees.

Trevor Blade: I got my entrance fee right here.

Trevor Blade stepped out of the circle of spectators with his badge held out and his gun pointed up at the sky.

Trevor Blade: Trevor Blade! NYPD! I have every right to shut this shit show down, and throw all of you behind bars, but where is the fun in that right? You want a fight, and I'm fighting this guy right here. Stingray, you good to go again?

Jamie Stingray: I'm always good to go.

Tack Striker: Oh boy.

Blade dropped his gun and removed his jacket. The two squared off, with Blade throwing the first punch and connecting. Stingray looked at the blood on his lip and spit off to the side. He came back with a high kick and spinning back fist, which knocked Blade to the ground. He was quickly up to his feet and the two were back at it, but it quickly transformed from a karate challenge into a bloody brawl.

Announcer: These two are beating the hell out of each other! Stingray is definitely the more technical fighter, but Trevor Blade straight up punching him in the face over and over seems to be working  out for him.

Tack Striker: And he's still calling the match? *sigh* At least we know Blade can take a hit.

Talia Rothrock: Get him. Get that son of a bitch!  

Tack Striker: Whoa! This is sounding personal. Do you know Stingray?

Talia Rothrock: ...

Jamie Stingray: You've got balls Blade, I'll give you that.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, unlike you. You had enough? I've got some questions for you.

Jamie Stingray: I'm just getting started.

Suddenly, Tali ran out of the crowd and towards Blade's jacket, pulling out his gun.

Announcer: Everyone look out! She's got a gun!

Talia Rothrock: I'm going to shoot this bastard right now!

Tack Striker: Talia wait!

Jamie Stingray: Not today I'm afraid. Catch me if you can!

Stingray grinned as he started pushing people in front of himself, using them as human shields to escape through the crowd.

Trevor Blade: Can you get a shot?

Talia Rothrock: He's hiding. No. No, I can't get a shot! Dammit!

Trevor Blade: Shooting through the people isn't an option here?

Tack Striker: Blade!

Trevor Blade: Relax, I was kidding! Let's run him down.

The trio ran through the crowd, getting to the road, where Stingray was jumping into a limo, with Ninjas separating him them.

Trevor Blade: Well, I'd say this confirms things. Am I allowed to go gung ho on these Ninja pricks Striker?

Tack Striker: Shut up and kill them!

Talia Rothrock: Get back here Stingray! I threw down the gun! Come and fight me!

Jamie Stingray: Another time miss. I do love the scent of a woman in the heat of battle after all, but I have other plans, and other women in need of "special treatment".

Talia Rothrock: Get back here! You bastard!

Stingray and the Ninjas fled, as Blade and Rothrock shot at the back of the limo to no avail.

Trevor Blade: Damn, they got away.

Tack Striker: So he is a member of this organization, and they are looking bigger by the minute. We might be in over our heads here.

Trevor Blade: That's what makes it exciting.

Tack Striker: Maybe to you! Aw hell, it's kind of exciting.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, it is, isn't it?

Talia Rothrock: I-I'm sorry, that I started trying to shoot him. I couldn't let him keep going. I had to stop him then and there.

Tack Striker: We need him alive Talia, at least until we get the leads we're looking for. If we find him again we-

Trevor Blade: Relax Striker, she obviously has a personal beef with this guy that runs deep. It's personal I know, but why don't you tell us about it Talia?

Talia Rothrock: You're looking like you just got out of a meat grinder. How about we clean up those wounds first? Let's go to my place. It's not too far off.

Trevor Blade: Absolutely.

Blade turned to Striker and smirked before walking away with Talia.

Tack Striker: Blade, you're an asshole. Hey wait, anyone else feel like we're being watched? I feel like I'm being watched. Wait up guys!

In the distance, a man with short hair and a bushy mustache was watched through binoculars.

?: That's right Striker. Run. You run and hide. I'm coming for you.

     Thread Starter

4/28/2020 3:38 pm  #6

Re: Bad Dudes

Blade walked up the steps to a run down looking house. It was once a nice place, but a few years of neglect had left it seeing better days. Now, it was full of discarded pizza boxes, and work out equipment.

Trevor Blade: So this is your place eh?

Talia Rothrock: Yeah, it's not much, but it serves its purpose.

Trevor Blade: I think it's great! It's got a real "rustic" vibe going on. Lovin' all the workout equipment all over the floor.

Talia Rothrock: Yeah. Heh, I have to keep in top physical condition for what I do.

Trevor Blade: I cam definitely see that you do just that. By the way, what is it that you do exactly?

Talia Rothrock: Well I used to go to school, but now, now I fight.

Trevor Blade: Fight?

Talia Rothrock: Yeah. Think of that tournament we were just at, but more underground. I've been fighting, making money to survive, and looking for Jamie Stingray.

Trevor Blade: So you DO have a beef with this guy. He's obviously psychotic. The eyes gave it away. I didn't see him blink once. Totally crazy.

Talia Rothrock: This coming from the guy who gets a thrill killing ninjas.

Trevor Blade: Sometimes, my job has certain perks. That is one of them. But seriously, what was up back there at the tournament?

Talia Rothrock: Stingray, that son of a bitch, murdered my sister.

Trevor Blade: WHAT?!

Talia Rothrock: Yeah, it was about 2 years ago. I was coming home from class and on my way inside.

2 Years Earlier

Talia Rothrock was walking home, carrying a big stack of books.

Talia Rothrock: Ugh, I'm going to need some help with all of this. What the hell was I thinking, waiting to cram it all in before midterms. Hopefully sis will- sis? No, no it can't be!

Talia ran down a dark alleyway to see a body in a puddle of blood. She turned it over to reveal the dark skin and long hair of her sister. She looked up and reached out for Talia, before collapsing again.

Talia Rothrock: Sis?! SIS! Wake up! Please don't die! Please! Help! Somebody help me please! I need help! Help! No! Wake up Sis!

In Talia's anguish and panic, she looked over and saw a glimpse of a man as he peered around a corner. His ginger hair, and giant, piercing eyes staring right at her. She heard him laugh as he disappeared.

Back in the present, Talia held up a picture of herself and her sister, posing and smiling together. The picture was taken just days before the incident.

Trevor Blade: That's a lot to take in. You've had your fair share of pain. I'm so sorry.

By this point, Talia had taken off Trevor's shirt, and pulled out a rag and rubbing alcohol. She sat on the bed beside him and started rubbing the wounds.

Talia Rothrock: How about you? You're had your fair share too. This can't be all from today. A lot of these scars look old.

Trevor Blade: Ouch! Yeah, I guess you could say that. I don't talk about it much. People call me crazy, like you did earlier, and for good cause. Maybe I am. Loose cannon, that's what the press calls me. Does recklessly killing ninjas make me a psycho?

Talia Rothrock: It can't just be because of ninjas. What makes you tick Officer Trevor Blade?

Trevor Blade: We're not talking about me right now. We're talking about you and your sister.

Talia Rothrock: I've had a lot of time to sit and stew about that. I'll take a distraction over that any day.

Trevor Blade: Well needless to say, that fucker is #1 on my shit list now. Next time I see him, I'm going to beat him within an inch of his life.

Talia Rothrock: Blade.

Trevor Blade: Then you can finish the job. For your sister, and for yourself.

Talia Rothrock: I-I appreciate that.

Trevor Blade: Of course, that's not what a cop should be doing, but I've found the rules don't work when your enemy is willing to get their hands that dirty. You have to get yours dirty too. It does things to you, but that's just the way it is. Remind me to tell you about my recent drug bust. You'll find out what kind of man it's made me. Wait a minute, I thought we were here for you to patch up my face.

Talia Rothrock: I saw the blood seeping through the shirt. I'm not going to half ass this. I haven't had to clean a wound for someone for a long time. My sister, long legs, two left one apparently. She still wanted to be a ballet dancer.  You know, now that I look at these scars, they're not all that bad. I bet I have you beat.

Trevor Blade: Yeah? You want to play that game? Look at the one on my side. Incident involving a hooker with a switchblade. She'd be Striker's type for sure.

Talia Rothrock: Oh yeah? Look on my arms. That is what happens when your opponent tries to wrap you in barbed wire. On my shoulder here, that was a broken beer bottle.

Trevor Blade: Yeah? I've got a beer bottle wound too up in my scalp here. Yours is nice though. Very classy. What kind of beer bottle? Domestic or imported?

Talia Rothrock: Haha. Well, you ever have one jabbed into your chest? Let me unzip this a bit to show you. Blade, you alright?

Trevor Blade: Huh? Oh yeah, please continue with the zipping.

Talia Rothrock: Uh-huh. Look close, you see right there? Dude, was pissed that I beat him in a fight. Didn't want to lose to a girl so he tried to kill me. Actually had a gun on him!

Trevor Blade: Yikes. That's a real good one. But, look under my mouth. See that? I just got decked by this bastard named Jamie Stingray.

Talia Rothrock: I know, I was there.

Trevor Blade: Well, I was running out of scars.

Talia Rothrock: You running out of lines while you're at it?

Trevor Blade: Lady, I could run my mouth all night.

Talia Rothrock: Well hold up, because I have saved the best for last. Help me with my pants and-

Tack Striker: Blade! There you are!

Tack Striker ran up the steps to find Blade and Rothrock in a partial state of undress.

Tack Striker: What the hell is going on here?

Trevor Blade: Striker, how unwanted of you to be here right now. Can't you see we're-we're uh, patching me up?

Tack Striker: We're on a mission Blade? We're running a little short on time for this!

Trevor Blade: Striker, can I talk to you outside? We'll be right back Talia. Don't go anywhere please. Seriously, please.

Talia Rothrock: Heh.

Once outside of the building...

Trevor Blade: Tack, what the fuck?

Tack Striker: Hey! We have a mission to get to remember? Saving the President!? Besides, I didn't say I was going to just step aside and let you put the moves on Talia. I'm sure she would like someone with a more level head.

Trevor Blade: AKA no balls!

Tack Striker: You're an ass!

Trevor Blade: Well, why haven't you made a move?

Tack Striker: I-I uh- we're busy! Yeah, we're busy with the mission right now!

Trevor Blade: Heh, you're still hung up on an Ex aren't you?

Tack Striker: How did you know?

Trevor Blade: I have been dumped by a lot of women Tack. I know these things.

Tack Striker: Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

Trevor Blade: So what was her name? What's the story?

Tack Striker: Tracy. Her name was Tracy, and I thought she was the one but-

Trevor Blade: What? She didn't put out? Cause you know there is more to a relationship then just sex Tack. I bet you tried to play the game "just the tip baby" and she wasn't having any of it.

Tack Striker: Shut the hell up! Nothing you are saying had anything to do with our break up. I just thought, that with my background, and my personal demons, maybe it was better that I leave.

Trevor Blade: Huh. So she wanted to stay, and you chose to leave. That was stupid.

Tack Striker: I am not easy to be with.

Trevor Blade: Oh, I know. I've been standing here with you for five minutes, and I'm ready to kick you in the mouth, and go back to Talia's to get patched up.

Tack Striker: Well how about you skip the first part so I don't have to break your shin. Just go and get patched. Get back here ASAP please! We've got work to do!

Trevor Blade: Seriously though dude. Did she know about your baggage? That shit in 'Nam?

Tack Striker: As well as she could I guess.

Trevor Blade: And she stuck around? Sounds like you had a winner.

Tack Striker: I don't need you to remind me. Let's get a move on. We have to save the President.

Trevor Blade: Yes, and more ninjas to kill.

Trevor Blade walked back inside, as Tack kicked at rocks and looked into the sky.

Tack Striker: That guy, is not wrong about Tracy, but he's still out of his mind.

?: Just like a man I once knew. Eh Striker?

Tack Striker: What?

Tack Striker suddenly found himself surrounded by Ninjas. The men in the black costumes parted, and up approached a pasty man in chain male, with short black hair, and a thick Freddie Mercury mustache.

Tack Striker: Bennett! I thought you were-

Sal Bennett: Dead? You thought wrong. Ever since you had me kicked out of your unit, I've been waiting to pay you back. Do you know what today is?

Sal Bennett pulled out his gun.

Sal Bennett: Payday.

White House Roof

Vice President Mendoza, and his secret service crew were meeting with General Amigo at that very moment.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: General Amigo, this better be fucking important! I've got a crisis on my hands and a country to run!

General Amigo: I just thought I would give you some reassurance sir. The Bad Dudes are going to solve this problem and bring the President back. We hear they're already hitting the streets hard in New York. 

Vice President Moz Mendoza: New York huh? You really think they can track him down?

General Amigo: I do. Just ask Tack Striker's Sensei. This is Master Luagi.

Master Luagi: You said we were going to the track! Was wanting to bet on some horse races!

General Amigo: I didn't say track. I said Tack. As in Tack Striker, your pupil.

Master Luagi: Oh damn, is that poor bastard still alive? I bet he's rotting in jail. Dumb ass punched out a cop! Now if you'll excuse me, I just inject heroin, like right into my eyeballs, and I probably should be here when this shit kicks in.

General Amigo: Uh, are we sure that was the right guy?

Vice President Moz Mendoza: Wonderful General. Just fucking wonderful! I really feel at ease now Amigo! I want this operation canceled immediately! You find them and tell them to call their search off now! I've got my own plans. I was foolish to believe sending two guys to the biggest city in America was going to turn up results!

General Amigo: .......

Agent Johnson: He seems pissed General.

General Amigo: Well, I would be pissed too, but it is what he is pissed at that I'm curious about. I mean, I get it, be pissed that I brought that junkie to the White House. It wouldn't be the first time, and it might not be the last. However, why does he want to call off the Bad Dudes so badly? What does he have planned? I need to find Blade and Striker.

Talia Rothrock's House

Trevor Blade knelt down on the road outside of Talia's and dabbed his fingers into the blood on the street, picking up a Ninja mask in the process. He scanned the scene, and found tire marks peeling out from that location.

Talia Rothrock: This is not good.

Trevor Blade: I know, I missed a fight.

Talia Rothrock: I mean, because Striker's gone.

Trevor Blade: That too I guess, I actually see an opportunity here. They got careless. Stealthy Ninjas wouldn't use a heavy vehicle and leave tire tracks. Someone else was with them. I'm willing to bet someone calling some shots in New York. Talia, you keep looking for Stingray, but be careful. I'm going to bring back Striker.

Last edited by Machismo (4/28/2020 3:51 pm)

     Thread Starter

4/28/2020 6:24 pm  #7

Re: Bad Dudes


In a dark factory, two ninjas were guarding a service elevator.

Ninja #1: *sigh*

Ninja #2: What's wrong Jerry? Sick of guard duty?

Ninja Jerry: You read my mind Bob. You read my mind. What, just because we're from America, they have us do all the boring stuff? We're Ninjas too dammit.

Ninja Bob: We have to earn our stripes with Dragon Ninjas. This clan takes itself very seriously. You'd be smart to keep your head down and do what you're told.

Ninja Jerry: Don't be such an ass kisser Bob. They take us in, teach us a few moves, and then we learn to attack people one at a time? What is up with that Jerry? I ask you.

Ninja Bob: Well, they have great dental.

Ninja Jerry: Huh, I can not deny that. However, the medical is lacking. I got my shin broken by that Italian kid in the All-Valley Tournament, and the hospital bills are-

Trevor Blade: Excuse me, are you done yet?

Ninja Bob: Huh?

Trevor Blade was standing in the doorway, taking a drag off his cigarette.

Trevor Blade: They say these will kill you, but not as quickly as I will.

Trevor pulled out his gun, but before he could get a shot off, Talia Rothrock ran into the room, and kicked one of the Ninjas in the head. She then jumped up, grabbed a pipe, and used her legs to wrap around the other Ninja's head and smashed it against the wall.

Trevor Blade: Whoa!

Talia Rothrock: You're quicker, but I'm quickest.

Trevor Blade: Yeah, that was- hey wait a minute! I thought you were going after Stingray.

Talia Rothrock: I wanted to, but, I wanted to come help you first. Strength in numbers. I bet they have a lot down there, so we need to be ready. How many rounds do you have in that gun?

Trevor Blade: Oh probably not enough, I've been firing at Ninjas all day. However, I have just the thing to even the odds.

Trevor opened his leather jacket, revealing a couple grenades.

Talia Rothrock: An explosive entrance then?

Trevor Blade: Oh yeah baby. I'm all about the one liners. You know how to fire me up. Let's go!

When the elevator opened up on the next floor down, a grenade rolled out. Three Ninjas near by were quickly blown to bits before they could even react.

Trevor Blade: Boom! That's how it's done. Cleared a path.

Talia Rothrock: Not all of them. Look.

Three more Ninjas came running down the hall, throwing shurikens through the smoke, and narrowly missing Blade and Rothrock.

Trevor Blade: Fuckin' Ninjas man.

Talia Rothrock: Ready to throw that last grenade?

Trevor Blade: Saving it. Grab a shuriken, and get to work.

Talia Rothrock: Got it.

Trevor opened fire on the Ninjas, while Talia pulled the shuriken out of the wall, and flung it back. It hit one of the Ninjas, and Trevor used the sound to shoot through the smoke and take out the injured one. The other two came in close, and grappled with Blade and Rothrock. Talia kicked the Ninja against the wall and tried to use a pipe against the Ninja, but he pulled out a katana and sliced right through it.

Talia Rothrock: Holy shit. You want to play it that way huh?

Talia pulled a switchblade out and stood her ground.

Talia Rothrock: Not quite an equal match up, but alright.

Trevor Blade punched out the Ninja coming at him, after firing a shot through his leg. Then he put a bullet in the head of Talia's Ninja.

Talia Rothrock: That's another way of doing it. Sure.

Trevor Blade: I don't have time for that Ninja shit. We need to get Tack, and the President if he's here. Ninjas, come out and plaaaay!

The two split off, down corridors, knocking out Ninjas as they went, until Trevor finally found Tack, beaten and cuffed to a pipes.

Trevor Blade: There's my fellow Bad Dude. You alright?

Tack Striker: *spitting blood* Does this shit look alright? *sigh* Thanks for coming. I didn't know if you would.

Trevor Blade: We're in this mission together.

Tack Striker: Just like 'Nam huh? Never leave a man behind?

Trevor Blade: ......

Tack Striker: Blade? You alright?

Trevor Blade: Yeah, I'm solid. Let's get those cuffs off you. Lean back.

Trevor used his last bullet to break the cuffs.

Trevor Blade: Better.

Tack Striker: You could've warned me you were going to do that!

Trevor Blade: Then you would have seen it coming. Better this way.

Tack Striker: I could've broken them on my own. I was letting them think they had me on purpose. I wanted to hear where Sal Bennett was going.

Trevor Blade: Sal Bennett? A friend of yours?

Tack Striker: Not exactly. He was in my unit in 'Nam. During a mission into Vietcong territory, we found a village that we thought was hiding hostiles. Bennett got- over enthusiastic about torturing the villagers for information. I didn't believe in it. I told him to stop. He wouldn't listen, so I knocked him out, and kicked him out of the unit. I taught him everything he knows. Now, he's working for the Ninjas.

Trevor Blade: They apparently call themselves Dragon Ninja. I heard a couple of dick heads talking about it getting in here. You know, I surprised he didn't just kill your ass.

Tack Striker: I thought he was going to. He used a dart gun to knock me out, but I still tried to fight my way out.

Trevor Blade: I saw that. You left the perfect trail. Caused enough of a ruckus that they left in a hurry, meaning tire tracks.

Tack Striker: We've got to go, and we've got to go now. They just made it very personal.

Trevor Blade: What do you mean?

Tack Striker: They left me alive for a reason. Sal, he's going after Tracy. He wanted me to do a job for Dragon Ninja, or else he's going to kill Tracy.

Trevor Blade: Well then, what do you want to do?

Tack Striker: Find him and kill him.

Trevor Blade: Fuck yeah.

     Thread Starter

4/29/2020 5:47 am  #8

Re: Bad Dudes

Outside of the factory, Trevor Blade was opening fire, with big explosions behind him.

Trevor Blade: Ahhhh!

Tack Striker: What the hell are you doing?

Trevor Blade: Destruction?

Tack Striker: There are no more Ninjas here.

Trevor Blade: Uh...I'm just making sure? Look, I found all those guns and ammo down there, and I wanted to use them. I need to let off some steam. Besides, it's helping me think.

Tack Striker: About what? We need to get her back, and now.

Trevor Blade: Well, if we show up empty handed, we won't have time to save her. They'll kill her right in front of you.

Tack Striker: Don't say that. I won't let that happen. Dammit, I wish I'd have never left her. I'd keep her safe. This is too much like-

Trevor Blade: 'Nam?

Tack Striker: Most of my unit was captured, and they made them play deadly games for their amusement. I was too late to save them all. I was too damn late. We can't make that same mistake now.

Trevor Blade: Shit. *lights cigarette* That's dark dude. Probably hard to wrap your head around.

Tack Striker: Sorry. I need to be focused. I need to handle my shit.

Trevor Blade: Don't handle your shit. Flush it like a man Striker. You crumple up now, and Tracy's going to die. Back to what I was saying before, we won't show up empty handed. What is the mission they gave you? What is it they wanted you to do?

General Amigo: I'd like to know myself.

Tack Striker: Huh?

General Amigo walked up to the duo, from a helicopter off in the distance. He lit up a cigar.

General Amigo: You weren't too hard to find, when I saw all the smoke. So, what is your mission?

Tack Striker: ......

In a nearby park, Ninjas were carrying away Tracy, a young, stacked blonde, with a gag covering her mouth.

Tracy: Mmph! Mmph!

Ninja: Shut up, or I'll-

Sal Bennett: Do not hurt the girl. Not yet anyways.

Sal Bennett pulled out a giant knife, and caressed Tracy's face with it.

Ninja: Did you not say we were going to send her back to Striker in pieces? They have killed so many of my clan!

Sal Bennett: "Your clan". You Ninjas make me laugh. If Tack were here, he'd laugh too. Listen, I intend to do just that. He's going to do a job for us, then we're going to kill her, and when he sees it, we'll kill him. It's as simple as that.

Tracy: Hmph!

Sal Bennett: Did you miss the Sarge Tracy? I sure did. If he knew I was still alive, he never would have left you to your own devices. He would have known I could get to you. I might just have to, see what the fuss was all about with you, before we kill you. Hahaha!

On rooftop, the Bad Dudes had just finished filling General Amigo in on the current situation. Little did they know, Sgt. Larmore was also lurking nearby...

General Amigo: So that's the story eh?

Tack Striker: Yes sir. They want me to kill the mayor of the city. Ryan Haggar.

General Amigo: This serious. They must know that the mayor is a good friend of the President, and they want him out of the way.

Trevor Blade: Or they could be jerking us around cause they know we're hunting them down. It's obvious to me now that the President is right here in the city. Why else would they want us to do this!?

General Amigo: Wow, nice detective work from Blade. That's surprising.

Tack Striker: He must have ran out of coke. He's been making a lot more sense over time.

Trevor Blade: Hey! I do not have a problem or anything. I just need the edge off sometimes. I'm clear headed right now. You can count on it.

Tack Striker: In any case he's right. We can't kill the mayor, and I have to save Tracy.

General Amigo: The country is at stake. You think the life of this girl matters that much?

Tack Striker: It does to me!

General Amigo: Very well. I was told to come here and bring you in.

Trevor Blade: Fucking figures. Well you going to give it a shot? Take your shot General.

General Amigo: I would, but I just can't seem to find you anywhere. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Trevor Blade: I read you loud and clear.

Tack Striker: Thanks General. We just need to find where they could be?

Sgt. Larmore: I saw them! The Vietcong! Those bastards! They took the poor woman to the abandoned Atari Factory!

Trevor Blade: Oh shit, where did he come from? Still, you hear that? Another factory. Oh boy.

Tack Striker: Right. Well General, you know what we have to do. We're off to pay the Mayor a visit.

General Amigo: Good luck.

Tack Striker: Don't say good luck. That's bad luck.

General Amigo: Well, I take it back then.

Tack Striker: That's even worse luck.

General Amigo: Just go. Go.

Trevor Blade: We're out of here.

Mayor Haggar's Office

The Bad Dudes walked up the steps of the old stone building in the heart of New York City.

Tack Striker: This Ryan Haggar is a badass. A former professional wrestler turned politician. My instincts tell me he's going to go looking for the President himself. That's why they want him dead.

Trevor Blade: Gee Tack, what gave you that idea?

Tack Striker: What do you mean?

Trevor Blade: Look right ahead of us.

As Blade pointed forward, a burly man, with a barrel chest, one brown suspender holding up green pants, and a thick mustache came barging out of a room. Several officer stood in his way.

Policeman: Mayor Haggar! You can not go looking for the President yourself!

Ryan Haggar: Boy, you better take that hand off my fucking shoulder if you value your life!

Policeman: *gulp* Let him through guys.

Ryan Haggar: This is no time to be a dammed politician! Ninjas kidnapped the fucking President! It's time to kick some ass!

Trevor Blade: I like this guy!

Tack Striker: Mr. Mayor!

Ryan Haggar: Reporters and pussies call me "Mr. Mayor". You call me Ryan Haggar. What do you want?

Tack Striker: I was sent here to kill you.

Trevor Blade: Great opening line Tack. It's been nice knowing you.

Ryan Haggar: Kid, you better be telling one hell of a practical joke or I'm about to end you.

Tack Striker: No wait! I was ordered by the men who took the President. We're looking for him too. They took my ex-girlfriend and told me I have to kill you to get her back, but I have no intention of even trying to kill you sir.

Ryan Haggar: That decision was really good for your health. Now excuse me-

Tack Striker: But sir, I think we still need you to save her. We can save her and try to get to the bottom of this plot together.

Ryan Haggar: A tag team eh? Well what's in it for me?

Tack Striker: You'll be saving the life of someone I love?

Trevor Blade: Plus, we know where they are hiding, and we won't tell you unless we work together. How about that? New Yorkers love the art of the deal right?

Ryan Haggar: Well shit, I guess we should start talking and start kicking ass. Follow me, we'll take my personal car. So you're looking for the President huh? You must two must be some Bad Dudes or something.

Tack Striker: Yeah, something like that.

Last edited by Machismo (4/29/2020 5:48 am)

     Thread Starter

4/30/2020 1:13 am  #9

Re: Bad Dudes

In the back of the Mayor's Office, the Bad Dudes were surprised to find Mayor Haggar's "car", was in fact, a giant tank.

Tack Striker: I'm sorry what?

Trevor Blade: Oh shit yeah. Now we're talking!

Trevor climbed on it and hugged it.

Trevor Blade: Please please please tell me it's loaded.

Mayor Haggar: You better believe. Mayor Haggar doesn't fuck around. You never know when Communists might try to invade New York.

Tack Striker: Right. That's completely sensible. Not crazy at all.

Mayor Haggar: Look, it's in case of big emergencies, and this seems like a big emergency. We have to save the President, and you want to get your girl back. You got a better idea son, then let's hear it.

Tack Striker: Stealth?

Trevor Blade: Stealth is for Ninjas. Bad Dudes go in hard.

Tack Striker: How did you even pay for this?

Mayor Haggar: Tax payer dollars, but they'll be happy about it, when I leave a trail of Ninjas in our wake.

Trevor Blade: Sweet baby boom boom! I'm driving this! I have to! Oh baby, where you been all my life?

Tack Striker: You're too excited about this. It worries me.

Trevor Blade: It should really worry them.

Mayor Haggar: I like the cut of your jib.

Trevor Blade: I voted for you by the way.

Mayor Haggar: I like you even better. Get in, and lead the way.

Tack Striker: Any chance there's a helmet in there? Probably not?

The factory that housed the kidnapped Tracy was crawling with Ninjas, and the only entrance was heavily guarded on all sides, with even more Ninjas hiding in abandoned buildings. They heard it first, before seeing explosions off in the distance, and cars before pushed out of the way. Suddenly, it became clear that big tank was barreling down the road straight at them.

Tack Striker: Watch out for the car!

Mayor Haggar: No time! Drive right over it!

Trevor Blade: Don't have to tell me twice!

Mayor Haggar: Another round loaded! Let it rip!

Tack Striker: I think they see us!

Trevor Blade: Let em throw their shuriken bullshit right at us. They're not getting through this baby. BOOM!

The tank fired another shot, blowing up a nearby car and sending Ninjas flying. Several waves of them hit the ground running, trying everything they could to stop the tank, but to no avail.

Tack Striker: You might think they'd know to get out of the way.

Trevor Blade: Hey wait, if we're just blowing them all up, Bennett might hurt Tracy!

Tack Striker: Oh you're just now thinking about that? No, I called and told him we were coming. If he wanted these Ninjas pulled back, he would have done it. This was a trap all along. He has no intention of freeing her, or letting any of us leave here alive. I know this sick son of a bitch. He won't do anything until I'm there to see it. You don't spend that much time with a psycho in jungle and not learn how he ticks.

Trevor Blade: Big gamble.

Tack Striker: Figure you'd love it.

Trevor Blade: Desperate times, desperate measures?

Tack Striker: You know it.

Trevor Blade: Well then, firing another shot! Haha!

The Bad Dudes and Mayor Haggar blew a hole through the wall of the abandoned Atari factory, and drove right on in. Blade opened the hatch and fired a few shots off at approaching Ninjas.

Trevor Blade: Hey asshole, we're here!

Tack Striker: Don't worry, we let ourselves in.

Mayor Haggar: Alright boys, what's the plan?

Tack Striker: Bennett's going to have an itchy trigger finger right about now. I'm going to need you blindfolded and cuffed Mr. Mayor. I have to make this look like the exchange is still happening.

Mayor Haggar: You better know what you're doing son.

Tack Striker: I sure hope I'm right.

Trevor Blade: Don't go doubting yourself now dude. Let's get to work.

Sal Bennett was sitting at a table when the explosions went off. He looked out the window to see the tank approaching and causually picked up his gun and walked over to the tied up Tracy.

Sal Bennett: Miss Tracy, it looks like you might get to see Striker pretty son. He came with some heavy artillery. Awful risky, but he knows what I want. These Ninjas mean nothing to me, but revenge, revenge means everything, and I can't wait to see the look on his face.

Tracy: Hmph!

Sal Bennett: I'm sorry my dear, are you trying to say something? Allow me.

Sal dragged his knife across Tracy's face, cutting her cheek, as he sliced through the gag in her mouth.

Tracy: Ow! You bastard! Tack's going to kill you! He's a deadly killer!

Sal Bennett: Is he now? See, if that were the case, we might still be friends. No, you're looking at the killer. He's a pretender, simple as that.

Tracy: We'll see. You fucked up the moment you messed with him.

Sal Bennett: Well, it's like you said. We'll see huh?

Trevor got back into the tank to keep the Ninjas occupied, while Tack took his gun and put it Haggar's back, guiding the blindfolded Mayor to the top floor.

Mayor Haggar: Better watch out with that gun.

Tack Striker: No worries sir. I still remember my trigger dicipline.

Mayor Haggar: You serve in 'Nam?

Tack Striker: I did.

Mayor Haggar: Say no more, that makes two of us.

Tack found himself face to face with Bennet, as he stood behind Tracy.

Tack Striker: Tracy.

Tracy: Tack.

Sal Bennett: What a wonderful reunion. Took a lot of balls coming in here like that. What made you think I wouldn't just gut her?

Tack Striker: We both know why. Besides look, I brought the Mayor. You wanted a transaction, and I'm still willing to make it.

Sal Bennett: Is that so? I said I wanted the Mayor dead. Why did you bring him here alive?

Tack Striker: Again, we both know why. I know you'd rather kill him with your bare hands. You always took pleasure in your job.

Sal Bennett: It was that obvious huh? You know me, but I know you too. You'd never go along with this. It was never meant to actually go down. I was supposed to give you the job, but I knew you'd fail, and I'd kill you both, and then I could at least tell my employer that I tried. So this is obviously a set up. I bet that gun's not even loaded.

Tack Striker: You're right. My gun's not loaded.

Sal Bennett: Ha! You see? I know you too. I'm in your head Tack.

Tack Striker: It's not loaded Sal, but his is.

Sal Bennett: Whose?

Mayor Haggar broke free from his restraints, and pulled out a gun, unloading on the Ninjas surrounding them.

Sal Bennett: You can't find good help these da-

In the ensuring gun fire, Tracy elbowed Bennett in the gut and ran to Tack's side. Sal quickly ran off.

Sal Bennett: This isn't over Striker! Not by a long shot!

Tack Striker: I agree asshole!

Tracy: Tack!

Mayor Haggar: Shit! He's getting away!

Tack Striker: I got what I came for. Are you hurt Tracy?

Tracy: Just a scratch. I'm tougher than I look you know.

Tack Striker: How could I forget. Tracy, I'm so sorry that this-

Tracy: Don't Tack. I understand why you left. I always have, but you didn't have to.

Tack Striker: I know. I know, and I shouldn't have, but-

Trevor Blade: Hey! This is going to have to wait until later you two! Get in the tank!

Mayor Haggar: He's right. Let's take this elsewhere lovebirds.

Tack Striker: Right. Tracy? This is Mayor Haggar and that's Trevor Blade by the way.

Mayor Haggar: M'am.

Trevor Blade: She's a fox Tack! Let's go!

Tracy: What kind of people are you hanging around with now?

The tank burst through the back of the building, as the structure gave way, toppling the whole thing over.

Trevor Blade: Now that's a video game crash, Atari. Am I right?

Mayor Haggar: Look ahead son. We're not done yet.

A helicopter lowered into view, cutting off the tank's progress.

Trevor Blade: Ninjas in a helicopter wanting to play chicken? It's not even my birthday. Everyone, hang onto something!

The tank and helicopter opened fire on each other as they neared collision.

Talia Rothrock's House

Talia Rothrock had just gotten back home, and loaded up with various knives before heading outside to rejoin Trevor and Tack. As she was about to hop on her motorcycle, a figure blocked her path.

Jamie Stingray: I hear you've been looking for me.

Talia Rothrock: Stingray!

Jamie Stingray: The one and only. You're always one step behind me Talia. You always have been. It's been a pleasure watching you squirm trying to get to me. You wanting revenge so badly. What a thrill. Then I start working for Dragon Ninja and look who decides to get in their way. What a coincidence right? It's time for to come to you. Time to put an end to this.

Talia Rothrock: That's the second biggest mistake you've ever made mother fucker.

Jamie Stingray: Oh yeah? What's the first?

Talia Rothrock: Killing my sister!

Jamie Stingray: I didn't just kill her Talia. I gave her pain AND pleausure, just like I'll give you. Pain and pleasure, before I kill you.

Talia Rothrock: Yeah? Well between now and then I'm going to fuck you up!

Last edited by Machismo (4/30/2020 1:22 am)

     Thread Starter

5/05/2020 12:17 am  #10

Re: Bad Dudes

At another abandoned factory, the soldier assassins of Dragon Ninja were heavily guarding the compound. Ninja Jerry and Bob found themselves guarding the entrance gate.

Ninja Bob: So I tell them that I think it's time we re-evaluate our contracts with the organization. I mean we just got tied up, and we could have been killed! We work in a hazardous environment and I don't think that we get back what we put into all of this!

Ninja Jerry: Oh yeah? What did they say?

Ninja Bob: They said "You're a ninja, shut the fuck up and do your job or we'll kill you ourselves."

Ninja Jerry: Ah, so they reused the pep talk from the motivational picnic eh? Say, why do you think that Sal Bennett guy was in such a hurry to get here?

Ninja Bob: I don't know, they don't tell us anything. They taught us a few moves and now we're basically just henchmen. I mean it's nice to get out and do stuff, but they'll never accept us fully cause we're New Yorkers.

Ninja Jerry :Oh well, what are you going to do? Work an actual job for a living? Ha!

Ninja Bob: You are so right. Say, we've company. One of our helicopters heading in.

Ninja Jerry: Yeah, but it's coming in a little low.

Ninja Bob: Huh, you don't think it's those Bad Dudes do you?

Ninja Jerry: Don't be ridiculous, I don't think-

The helicopter hit the gate, and smashed through, sending metal flying into the nearby ninjas. Bob and Jerry took shrapnel damage. Blade and Striker jumped out of the helicopter just before impact, and rolled into the factory.

Trevor Blade: That's how you get in.

Tack Striker: I would have preferred sneaking in.

Trevor Blade: That's just rude. You walk up to the front door, and you knock.

Tack Striker: Right.

Blade and Striker entered the front door like they said, only for a Ninja to take a swing with their katana. Both men ducked, with Blade punching the Ninja in the face and throwing him into a nearby electrical box, setting him on fire as the lights flickered in the room.

Tack Striker: Whoa!

Trevor Blade: That's toasty. Get down!

The Ninjas threw their shuriken, but missed every one. Tack jumped down to the lower level, and took on the Ninjas hand to hand, while Blade covered him top side, opening fire on any and all Ninjas that entered the room. Tack's advantage came as the Ninjas attacked one at a time, making it easy to clear the room.

Tack Striker: This place is full of them!

Trevor Blade: This is the place then. Sal was in a hurry. Prick didn't us following.

Tack Striker: That means the President might be here. Let's hurry!

Striker and Blade continued to put their way forward, taking out Ninjas left and right.

Tack Striker: That Ninja in the electrical box is starting to smell.

Trevor Blade: Smells like justice.

Tack Striker: Well then justice stinks.

Suddenly, something smashed through the nearby window and landed at the feet of the Bad Dudes.

Tack Striker: What's that? A grenade!?

Trevor Blade: No fair! Ninja's don't use grenades!

Trevor quickly picked it up and tossed it to Tack, who kicked it right back out the window. The explosion blew up the wall beside them, and the Ninjas that threw it, flying into the factory.

Trevor Blade: Boom baby!

As Blade took in the carnage, a Ninja appeared behind him. Striker quickly went for a katana stuck in the wall. At the same time, a Ninja was coming up behind Striker. Blade grabbed his gun.

Blade and Striker: LOOK OUT!

Striker underhand threw the katana, just as Blade fired his shot. Both Ninjas fell dead at the same time.

Tack Striker: Whoa! That was close! You just saved my ass!

Trevor Blade: No problem!

Tack Striker: Yeah, and it looks like I might have saved you too.

Trevor Blade: Nah, I had it covered!

Tack Striker: You did not!

Trevor Blade: That was bad ass the way you underhanded that katana into his chest though. Fucking brutal.

Tack Striker: I'm surprised that worked too.

The men finally cleared the room, and went into the basement, which looked to be converted into a makeshift prison. Unfortunately for them, the room appeared to be empty.

Trevor Blade: This has to be the place.

Tack Striker: I'm not seeing anything.

Trevor Blade: That Sal works fast if they managed to get the President out of here already.

Tack Striker: He is fast. I trained him. He learned everything from me.

Trevor Blade: Damn! So close!

Tack Striker: At least we're on the right track. I'm just not sure what our next move should be.

Trevor Blade: I say we go back to Talia's to think this out. At least I should. I definitely should. It should totally just be me. Maybe, you can go check in on Tracy?

Tack Striker: She went to go stay with her Mother till this all blows over. She's going to be alright. She said she wants to talk when this is all over though.

Trevor Blade: Dude, you've got her back man.

Tack Striker: Yeah, I guess I do huh.

Trevor Blade: Which is perfect, since I called dibs on Talia to begin with!

Tack Striker: Yeah, consider yourself lucky.

Trevor Blade: You were never a threat!

Tack Striker: Hey!

Trevor Blade: *sigh* Second chances don't come often dude. Don't fuck it up.

Tack Striker: Right. I won't.

Talia Rothrock's House

A couple hours later, the battered and tired Bad Dudes limped their way back to Talia's only to find her bloody herself, and laying on the road next to a bloody mass.

Trevor Blade: Talia? Oh shit! Talia, are you alright?

Tack Striker: What happened?

Talia Rothrock: Jamie Stingray happened. He decided to stop bye and say hello.

Trevor Blade: He didn't-

Talia Rothrock: No, he tried though. I roughed the bastard up, you know what? I even took his eye. It's right there.

Tack Striker: Is that what that is? I almost picked that up!

Trevor Blade: Heh. Well I'll be dammed. You're amazing, you know that?

Talia Rothrock: I wasn't able to finish the job.

Trevor Blade: You've done your part for now. You'll get him next time. For now I want to take you in and get you patched up.

Tack Striker: That sounds like a good idea. While you do that I'm going to see if I can find any leads.

Talia Rothrock: If you're going to keep an eye of things then take Jamie's. He's not going to need it anymore.

Trevor Blade: Ha!

Tack Striker: I'm not touching that thing.

Talia Rothrock: I know, it was a pun.

Tack Striker: Right. Right. I'm gonna go.

That night, Trevor was back in Talia's house, this time, he was patching her up, sewing up a wound on his shoulder. Her shirt and his jacket strewn about on the bed.

Trevor Blade: Another scar for the collection. Did he break a bottle on your back or something?

Talia Rothrock: Something like that I think.

Trevor Blade: This is really going to hurt.

Talia Rothrock: It's alright, I'm used to the pain.

Trevor Blade: I bet. You're tough, you know that? Damn tough.

Talia Rothrock: That's what happens when you lose your only family. You have to toughen up to survive.

Trevor Blade: I know what you mean.

Talia Rothrock: You've lost family too?

Trevor Blade: More like came home from Nam and found out they wanted nothing to do with a warmonger and a "child murderer". The price we pay for freedom and doing the right thing. What happened coming back was almost as heart breaking as what we had to do to survive.

Talia Rothrock: I'm sorry to hear that.

Trevor Blade: And then, no never mind. It's no big deal. I just wanted to tell you that story while I was stitching you up. A distraction ya know? All done.

Talia Rothrock: Wow, you have surprisingly good bedside manner.

Trevor Blade: Well, your skin is so soft and warm. I didn't want to damage it.

Talia Rothrock: That's what I figured. The perfect opportunity for you to get my shirt off.

Trevor Blade: That just happened to be a happy coincidence. But, now that I have you here like this, I don't really want to let go.

Talia Rothrock: Who says you have to?

Trevor Blade: Talia?

Talia Rothrock: Do you want to be alone tonight Blade? Because I don't.

Talia pulled Blade in for a kiss, as the two leaned over and rolled into the bed beside them.

Even later that night, Trevor Blade awoke next to Talia, and stared up at the ceiling, piecing together everything that happened that day. He knew he couldn't stick around any longer, though at that moment he never really wanted to leave. It was the first night in ages that he hadn't woken up screaming from nightmares. He quietly got out of bed, and grabbed his jacket, looking back at Talia.

Trevor Blade: Talia, I don't feel safe leaving you alone, but I have a mission to accomplish. I'm going to leave my gun. I know you're asleep right now, and you can't hear me, but I promise that I'll find Stingray for you. I just hope that when this is over, you find the closure you need. I hope we both find what we need.

He kissed her on the forehead, while laying his gun on the nightstand.

Trevor Blade: See you soon.


In a dark and dingy place somewhere in New York City, Ninjas were carrying the bound and gagged President of the United States into a new holding cell. Sal Bennett wiped the sweat from his brow, and smirked at the thought of outsmarting Tack Striker. Jamie Stingray looked less than thrilled, as he held a bloody rag up to his face. Cursing the bitch that tore out his eye. As they watched the Ninjas place President Swift in the cell, a shadowy figure emerged behind them.

?: So it seems you got him out just in time.

Sal Bennett: Would have been sooner if these pissant ninjas weren't so incompetent.

Jamie Stingray: Yeah, and you're going to have to excuse me, but some feisty bitch tore my eye out, so things were moving a little behind schedule!

?: Perhaps you will learn to keep it in you pants until the job is done next time? Knowing you, probably not. Hell, that's why we hired you.

Jamie Stingray: I didn't get that far with her, but next time, she's raped, and she's dead. Just like her sister.

?: Hey! You get your "eye" on the fucking prize here Stingray! I have not put years of time and effort into this plan to have it get fucked by some rapist! This whole thing could still fall apart! Do you get me?

Jamie Stingray: Yeah.

?: Sal? You'd better get your shit together, and kill those Bad Dudes. Do you get me?

Sal Bennett: Yeah, I get you.

?: Good. Very good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get going.

The shadowy figured stepped under a dim ceiling lamp.

Vice President Moz Mendoza: After all, I've got an entire country to run.

Last edited by Machismo (5/05/2020 12:18 am)

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