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5/08/2020 9:18 am  #721

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Summers Spa

Trevor Mach was sitting in the therapy whirlpool, sitting his head back and staring up at the ceiling. His baseball bat was within reach. He quickly reached for it when he heard footsteps, but calmed down quickly, as Lady M's joined him in the whirlpool.

Lady M's: Someone's jumpy.

Trevor Mach: A lot of reasons to be these days.

Lady M's: I hear you. Understand completely.

Trevor Mach: Where's Justice?

Lady M's: With my Uncle right now.

Trevor Mach: Good...very good. Gotta keep the little dude out of harm's way.

Lady M's: You this worried about Mav? That kid that slept on our couch?

Trevor Mach: He's...he's a problem, to be sure. He tried to leave me to die in Winters. However, I'm more concerned about Samael....the Man in Black.

Lady M's: ...We haven't spoken much about that.

Trevor Mach: You've been busy with your own thing. Didn't want to worry you.

Lady M's: Yeah, but look at you, acting sullen, deep in thought, and responsible. It's so....not you.

Trevor Mach: I don't like it anymore than you do, but we got to find this guy. We find him, and it's over. Problem is, I think he's hiding in plain sight. He's among the roster. Please, keep your eyes out for anything suspicious.

Lady M's: I'm normally the suspicious one though. *sigh* I guess I could do that for you.

Trevor Mach: Thank you, I-

A rubber duck floated by the two of them.

Lady M's: ....What's that?

Trevor Mach: I uh....I have rubber duck.

Lady M's: ....That's more like it. I was getting worried for a minute.

Summers Beach

The Dan Club sans Benjamin and Vape, were all sitting out on the beach, enjoying the sand and sun.

Hope Mach: I don't know how you manage to lay yours cards out on the beach and not get them covered in sand.

Bashin Dan: It's all about the delicate touch. I have nimble fingers.

Hope Mach: you now?

Bashin Dan: *blush* Uh...hehe...I didn't exactly mean it like that.

Gold: She's joking with you Dan.

Hope Mach: Am I?

Gold: ...Oh.

Jammer: Look at the lovebirds, bonding over cards. How about it Gold? Want to shoot some hoops? I got moves for you.

Gold: ...You know....strangely tempting. So maybe?

Jammer: Alright! The Slam Master has his mojo back!

Hope Mach: And you got the Challenge Championship. Can't say I'm HAPPY that you beat up my boyfriend, but he was strangely happy about it, so I can't complain I guess....out loud...internally I'm like "you dick!", but externally, really happy for you.

Jammer: Uh...thanks?

Bashin Dan: I'm happy because Jammer is confident again. He's a great rival, and he proved it. He didn't need help, and he didn't need to cheat. Now, I'm fired up again. I'm going into The Golden with a strong strategy against Cade, and it should do the trick!

Jammer: Yeah, how about that? I beat you for this belt, and I'm still not on the card! You get a prime slot though. I'm not done until Jammer gets the VIP treatment.

Bashin Dan: Well, I have an important match, with that guy, right over there.

Dan pointed over to Cade, who was quickly approaching the group.

Jammer: There's our former "Agent".

Cade: Oh, so you remember now?

Jammer: I never forgot. You said you were too injured to compete, so you tried to be our Agent. Then, you ditched us.

Cade: That's not the official version, is it Dan?

Bashin Dan: Officially, that guy is a hero. He saved us all, even if you don't know it.

Jammer: Really? Well thanks for that, but you're still an asshole.

Cade: So ungrateful. Dan, I want you to know something about me. I know who I am now. Finally, I found myself.

Bashin Dan: That's great!

Cade: Is it? My family name is Yaggis. Did you know that? Full name is George Caden Yaggis. Growing up, I was drawn to Ness, and wanted to learn from him. After that, I wanted to learn from Trevor Mach. Then, I wanted to learn from you, and befriend you. It was all impulse, and now I know why. They didn't think I heard, but how was I not going to question why my father nearly had his brains bashed in.

Bashin Dan: What? What happened? Is your Father alri-

Cade: I was born for something. Call it fate if you want, but I know why I wanted to be so close to the heroes. It was so I could better become a villain. I am Caden Yaggis, and I am your enemy Bashin Dan. I will see you at The Golden.

Bashin Dan: ...Alright...I wasn't expecting that.

Last edited by Machismo (5/09/2020 7:15 am)


5/11/2020 6:58 am  #722

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Tess: Hello EBW fans, you know me by now. Tess, the Mother of EBW as it were, having to guide this company through its turbulent teenage years. We've been experiencing some growing pains, and I'm not talking about Kirk Cameron. A lot of people trying to get in my way, in the way of progress. But, we're getting there people. We've learned that sex sells, and only the strongest can thrive. I've given you what you want, and also, given the women what they needed. You should all be grateful. I said be grateful. Now, it's time for the Killer Queen Tournament. A one night affair, with the winner getting a shot at Erica Eisen, our World Champion.Will the winner show me gratitude for this opportunity I have allowed? I doubt it.

Summers Beach Locker Room

Lady M's was doing squats and throwing elbows, when BeShemoth walked into the room.

Lady M's: If you're going to attack me, give a couple minutes. I'm almost to 200 squats.

BeShemoth: I'm not here to attack you. I'm here to wish you luck. That wasn't a fair position we were put in. I don't blame you. I'm not a pansy, that can't handle a loss. You took advantage of the situation, and I got caught up in a little hero worship. That won't happen again. It's not worth it, when you didn't even know who I was before.

Lady M's: Heh....I know who you are now. You're not someone to screw with. I'll be keeping that in mind.

BeShemoth: I'll be looking for a rematch down the line, when this is all over.

Lady M's: ...I'll hold you to that.

EBW: Golden Week - Killer Queen Tournament

Nerma: Hello EBW fans! Golden Weeks rolls on! The Golden is right around the corner, and it promises to be one of the biggest nights in the history of our sport, but tonight is iconic it its own right. The Killer Queen Tournament. The winner will be taking on Erica Eisen at The Golden for the Women's World Championship. The Champion has been resting on her laurels this month, and I believe this is the big opportunity to rip that title from her grasp! 

Makoto Angel: I agree, but we're supposed to be non-biased remember?

Nerma: They came after my job, so screw that noise!

Makoto Angel: Uh....

Nerma: I'll speak my mind and do what I wha-

Duvalie: Hello ladies, it is a pleasure to be joining you tonight on commentary, to make sure everything goes as planned.

Nerma: Uh....but then again Erica has been a great champ, so it could really go either way, is all I was going to say. Welcome to the table Duvalie. Glad to have you here.

Duvalie: Makoto....why are you looking at me like that?

Nerma: Yeah Makoto, what's up with you? *whispers* I'm sorry.

Makoto Angel: You know why Duvalie. After everything you and your "Master" have put my family through.

Duvalie: We're here for an exciting tournament. Let's let bygones be bygones, and get on with the show shall we?

Makoto Angel: ...Fine.

Duvalie: Splendid. Mistress Erica is watching ladies, as is Mistress Tess. Let's be grateful, and not let them down yes?

Nerma: Absolutely. *whispers* Forgive me. I'm a coward.

EBW: Golden Week - Killer Queen Tournament
Summers Beach, Summers

1. Killer Queen Quarter-Finals: Christina Angel beat Troian via Angel Wings -> Pin
-Opening tournament match saw Christina Angel taking on Troian, with the mimic dressed like Tracy Angel, complete with the Miss EBW sash. The mocking and mimicry didn't help Troian, as Christina controlled the pace, escaping a TikTak attempted, to get the midsection kick and lightning fast Angel Wings that gave Christina the 1-2-3. Christina advances.

Nerma: There you go Christina! A good way to kick things off!

Makoto Angel: Yeah! Mocking the family isn't going to work all the time Eisenritter! You have to back it up in the ring too. Understand that Duvalie.

Duvalie :Unfortunate result for Troian.

Makoto Angel: ...Really? That's all you're going to say about it?

Nerma: It's good enough Makoto. *whispers* Please don't hate me. She terrifies me.

Duvalie: Makoto, shouldn't you be getting ready?

Makoto Angel: I'm sorry? Ready? What for?

Duvalie: Your match is up next.

Makoto Angel: My match? I don't have a match. I didn't enter the tournament.

Duvalie: That's not what my updated format says. According to this, you're up next.

Makoto Angel: .....

Nerma: Tess put you in the tournament without telling you? I mean....WOW...what an opportunity! *whispers* I'm so so sorry!

Makoto Angel: *sigh* Alright I'll do it.

Duvalie: What am amazing opportunity for you. Be grateful.

Makoto Angel: Let's not go that far.

2. Killer Queen Quarter-Finals: Kyoko the Love Shocker beat Makoto Angel via Rolling Cradle Love Buster -> Pin
-Kyoko the Love Shocker made her in ring return against Makoto Angel, who was not prepared to compete or even dressed for it. Makoto tried to use her long reach for kicks, but Kyoko ducked them while rollerblading. She worked over the rusty Makoto, and hit an impressive Rolling Cradle Love Buster for the pin fall.

Duvalie: Oh, how unfortunate for Makoto. What shame. Truly a pity.

Nerma: .....

3. Killer Queen Quarter-Finals: Lady M's vs. Eve ended in a Double Count Out
-Lady M's was pit against newcomer Eve in the next match. M's wasn't impressed by the flexing show Eve put on, while Sammy the simp and his fellow simps threw money into the ring at her. She was however more than willing to brawl with the newcomer on the outside. This exciting brawling appeared to be part of a trap though, as the ref was nearing the 10 count for the 4th or 5th time. M's tried to roll back into the ring, but Eve kept her on the outside, leading to a Double Count Out!

Nerma: What?! What just happened here? Eve was holding her own with M's, likely because of her height and muscle tone, but she was hanging in there none the less. She suddenly decides to get them both eliminated?! Does she realize that? They're both out of the tournament now! What the hell?

Duvalie: A big congratulations for Eve Eisen in her showing against Lady M's. Truly a masterful attempt.

Nerma: Yeah well I guess-wait....Eve Eisen?! AHA!

Duvalie: What? Is there a problem?

Nerma: What?! Huh?! No! No problem! We're all good here! I'm fine! How are you?

Apple Kid: Wow...that was hot.

Tack Angel: Muscle girls are the best right?

Apple Kid: I can see why you keep marrying them.

Tack Angel: Totally.

Nerma: What are you guys doing here?

Apple Kid: They caught us!

Tack Angel: Cheese it!

4. Killer Queen Quarter-Finals: Kaie beat Nani Angel via Celtic Hand Grenade x Crucifix Bomb -> Pin
-A hot contest between Kaie and Nani, probably the closest match so far. The former Television Champion was wrapped up in the ropes thanks to the Octopus Hold by Nani, but the methodical limb work wasn't leading to the submission Nani needed. Instead, Kaie fought through the pain, nailing the Celtic Hand Grenade, and following up with the Crucifix Bomb for the win.

Makoto Angel: Another loss? All our hopes ride with Christina now.

Duvalie: Oh, you're back I see.

Makoto Angel: That was funny what you did, but I do my job to the best of my ability. This is what I was here for tonight, so I'm going to see it through.

Duvalie: Hmm. Admirable I suppose.

Nerma: Proud of you Makoto. *whispers* Prooooooud.

5. Killer Queen Semi-Finals: Christina Angel beat Kyoko the Love Shocker via Angel Wings -> Pin
-A much harder time for Kyoko this time, as she was up against a former World Champion in Christina Angel. All the fancy foot work and evasion ability was there, but Christina was one step ahead. Another Angel Wings set her up to be in the Finals.

Makoto Angel: And she pulls through! I have nothing against Kyoko the Love Shocker. Interesting talent for sure, but I want to see Christina take this thing. I have "new found motivation" for her....and for myself.

Nerma: What do you mean?

Makoto Angel: When this is over, I'm getting into the best shape of my life, and I'll be picking my fights after that.

Duvalie: ....Hmm...interesting.

6. Killer Queen Semi-Finals: Kaie receives a Bye to the Finals!

Makoto Angel: And the plan is revealed.

Nerma: Eve Eisen eliminating herself and M's leads to a fresh Kaie getting to the main event.

Makoto Angel: I wouldn't say fresh. Nani put the work in. She's hurting. I've had Nani stretch me in training, and it kills, and that was just in training.

Apple Kid: She uh....stretched you huh? Tell me more.


Duvalie: *sigh* This is tiresome. I have work to do. If you'll excuse me.

Nerma: Huh? Is she going to compete now? Glad she's gone. I was about to get her for ya Makoto. What a bitch right?

7. 6-Woman Tag: Gold/Kimber Blaze/Lt. Lacy Wagner[o] beat Sylvie/Duvalie/"3G" Krissy Gale[x] via Military Press Slam -> Pin
-A break in the tournament, as a 6-Woman Tag saw Gold team with Blaze and Lt. Wagner, against Duvalie, Eisenritter's newest recruit Sylvie, and an apparent prospect in "3G" Krissy Gale. The former classmate of Blaze and Wagner, after the dissolution of the Forgotten, she seemed to be trying to find her place, but going up against her former friend again didn't work out like she'd hoped. The weak link in her team, she was lifted by Wagner for the Military Press Slam and pinned. After the match Duvalie started choking her with her concealed cord, before Blaze and Wagner made the save, doing one last favor for "3G".

Nerma: Well, losing isn't all that fun is it Duvalie? Ha! You see that? She lost Makoto!

Makoto Angel: Yeah, it was slightly satisfying, I won't lie.

Nerma: Don't piss off the Eisenritter though. If you want in, and you fail them, they won't have the same loyalty to you as they seem to have for each other.

8. Killer Queen Finals:

-Main event time, as Kaie clashed with Christina Angel. For the first time tonight, the Eisenritter were looming around the ring in full force. Makoto and Nani rushed down to keep them occupied, while Christina represented the Angel Family HEART and SOUL against the hard hitting Celtic Warrior. A missed Celtic Hand Grenade opened Christina up for an Angel Wings, but Kaie lifted her up and sent her to the mat. Kaie was in control, but Christina escaped the Crucifix herself, and went high risk, by CLUTCHING! THE! WRIST! for the Angel Driver and the 1-2-3! Christina Angel is the 2020 EBW Killer Queen!

Nerma: She did it! Christina Angel won it! Here comes Television Champion Hope Mach to celebrate with her. The Bad Dudettes are both going up against Eisenritter now at The Golden. Will Christina be able to become World Champion once again? I don't know. It hasn't happened yet. Jeez.

     Thread Starter

5/11/2020 11:51 pm  #723

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

The Jimmy Swift Show

The studio audience started "hooting" as Swift's identical looking cousin hit the stage.

Jimmy Swift: Hey hey, it's your boy Jimmy Swift, back again with a brand new episode of the show, I'm joined by my very famous cousin Swift, who is as you all know, a dominant professional wrestler. Give it up for Swift!

Swift: ....Thanks. I guess. I hate coming on this show you know.

Jimmy Swift: You promised Dad you would remember? Haha! Moving on, I understand in your down time, you've been working on a secret film project, is that right? Could this be the long rumored Bad Dudes IV?

Swift: *sigh* it's not Bad Dudes IV. I'm not saying that's NOT happening, but that's what I was doing.

Jimmy Swift: Well tell the folks at home about this new project, my famous cousin, who gets all the film roles, when I'm totally available.....Haha!

Swift: alright?

Jimmy Swift: Absolutely!

Swift: The movie is called "Party Cabin in Murder Forest", I play the Sheriff, out to stop a psycho killer from taking the lives of camp counselors.

Jimmy Swift: Right, you guys somehow got an ACTUAL killer for the role of the bad guy, am I right?

Swift: Well, I was opposed to it, but Ripper turned out to be very professional on set. In fact, he just kind of stood there, in between takes. Some of the crew went missing, but I have no reason to believe that's related.

Jimmy Swift: So, you filmed this while recovering from your wrestling injuries. Are you all healed up now?

Swift: Better than ever. Against my better judgement I listened to Trevor Mach when he suggested Lukie Yoga. It''s life changing dammit.

Jimmy Swift: Well, let's check out a clip! *whispers* Seriously, why do they keep calling you! I look just like you, and I'm a better actor!

Clip from "Party Cabin in Murder Forest"

The killer Ripper was breaking through the cabin door as the Sheriff reloaded his gun.

Sheriff Swift: You damn kids! What does it take to make you not come to Murder Forest! We renamed it to Murder Forest for a reason!

Camp Counselor: What was it before?

Sheriff Swift: Camp No Dead Kids.

Camp Counselor: Wow, that's really on the nose! He's breaking in!

Sheriff Swift: Get behind me! When I shoot him, he's going to fall over. You take the gas and fill the tank on that car. You, throw the bear trap in front of the engine, so he doesn't break the car when I start it. The rest of you, run around and distract him for all I care. Ready go!


Jimmy Swift: Wow, that was....that was something.

Swift: What?

Jimmy Swift: Nothing.

Swift: No nothing, I know when you're being a little punk bitch. Spill it.

Jimmy Swift: I just looks like....slasher garbage?

Swift: That's because it is!

Jimmy Swift: And your acting is subpar.

Swift: This is a shit show Jimmy. I'm out of here! You tell Uncle Swift, that I'm done doing him favors and-

*clap clap clap*

A single person clapped overly loud in the crowd.

w00t: Well done Swift. Bravo. Wonderful performance.

Swift: Oh great, it's this dickhead.

w00t: Glad to see you've been using your off time for such "productive work". I wanted you to know something. I'm going to be President of EBW again. It's between me and Orange Man, and I'm told by the media that hates him, and that his poll numbers aren't good, and I trust those biased sources with my life. When this is all over, and you come back to EBW, I'm going to be waiting for you.

Swift: You won't have to wait long. I'm ready to go.

w00t: The Forgotten are done Swift, and I've paid my debt. Now, I'm back to doing what I do best, and that's getting what I want.

Swift: Well if you want ass beating, just keep talking!

Jimmy Swift: Whoa! Hold up! Cut to commercial! Dammit Swift!


Crystal Heaven

Vape and Benjamin were lurking around the Kingdom, poking their heads around every corner, and skedaddling every time they caught someone's attention.

Vape: We need to look over the camera footage of the facility.

Benjamin: How are we going to do that. We're being chased by Nani!

Vape: I know! She knows we're detectives right?!

Nani Angel: I will kill you both.

Benjamin and Vape: AHHHH!!!!

Nani swooped down in front of them, and chased them both into the charred remnants of the hanger. They turned around to find what was left of the surveillance system.

Benjamin: Oh. Oh that's how we do that. Fantastic.

Vape: Guard the door! I'll fire this up, and see what it shows us.

Benjamin: Right. You're better with the talking picture boxes than I am.

Vape: Come on Benji, you've been here for years. They're televi-oh....oh crap.

Benjamin: What?

Vape: Look, the bomber! The footage is right here. It's the Man in Black. He set the charges!

Benjamin: Why would he? I thought he was after something else.

Vape: I don't know. Oh his hat fell of-Oh...we gotta get to Summers.

Benjamin: Why?

Vape: Look!

Benjamin: ....We got to get to Summers.

Summers Beach

Tack Angel was attempting to sun bathe with the wives, but every few seconds he'd start to sizzle and smoke, and the wives would help roll him over.

Tack Angel: This isn't going to work! I'm going to burst into flames!

Amy Angel: Relax, we're on a rotating timer here. We got this.

Tracy Angel: I've wondered for years if we can get you a tan that isn't sprayed on.

Tack Angel: *sniff* You mean, you think I'd look better if I weren't a pale monster?

Tracy Angel: Oh honey....basically yes.

Tack Angel: Oh come on!

Tracy Angel: I'm kidding!

Makoto Angel: It's shame Nani stayed behind to "hunt the intruders". This is really nice.

Faris Angel: I thought you allowed them in to look around.

Tack Angel: Try telling HER that! I'm glad she's there though. She can keep Iroha company, and the kids need a-

Suddenly, a tall black man, who looked a lot like Louis Gossett Jr., but was in no way, shape, or form Louis Gossett Jr., stood above Tack, with an umbrella to cover him.

?: What is going on here Star Prince. Surely, you're aware that you gain your powers by moon light, and that the sun can harm you.

Tack Angel: Huh? Why are you?

?: Who am I? I see, you don't remember me. I guess you wouldn't remember everything, but maybe Queen Makoto would?

Makoto Angel: Hmm? Me? familiar?

?: Forgive me, it appears that reincarnation has left you both unaware of who I am, and of your duties.

Tack Angel: Hehe...duties.

?: My name is D'Hai, and I come from another world, and another time, where I was the faithful butler and mentor to the once and future Constellation King.

Tack Angel: ....NAAAAAANI?!?!

Tracy Angel: Is back home remember?

Tack Angel: Never gets old.

Last edited by Machismo (5/12/2020 12:11 am)

     Thread Starter

5/12/2020 12:17 pm  #724

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Mav Valentine: You think he's better than me? Yeah, a lot of people do. They've seen what he can do. They've given him his fair shot. I'll get mine, and I'll take it, just like you're saying. Make my own torch. I don't want to be the next Bashin Dan type of guy. The "new hotness". I don't want to be the next Trevor Mach. I am and always will be Mav Valentine. Not only that, I'm "The Golden" Mav Valentine. I'm soon to be EBW World Triple Crown Champion Mav Valentine.

Trevor Mach: I want you to prove that, cause I always thought you'd be the type to scratch and claw your way to the top. Not a lot of these guys have that. They're just happy being on TV. Being on TV is just...being on TV. This sport, and our lives revolve around these belts, or the Team Rings, or World Tag Team Championships, or the E1 Climax, ect. We live and die by it. You could want that, be pretty great, but it doesn't prove you're the best. I'm not going to say I'm the best wrestler on a technical. I'm clumsy on top, and my ideals to push wrestling towards a more MMA inspired direction have hit or miss. I WILL say I'm the best wrestler, because I always believed that I could kick the ass of anyone I got in there with. I didn't just "want to win". I didn't just wnat a spotlight. I didn't just want to prove a point. I wanted to fight. I wanted to rampage. I wanted to be who I am, and do what I was born to do. If the fans love it, that's great. That pays the bills. But to be the best, you need to do what we're doing for yourself, because....well because you feel like it, and it pisses you off that someone or something is telling you no. Can you do all that? I don't know. I'm through giving the pep talk to my opponent. It's simple Mav. I'm going to bare the fangs. I'm going to go wild. I will brawl with you. I'll take you out of the ring and batter you. I will throw you back in and batter you some more. I will NOT do a "high spot" to pop the crowd. I will not be looking for a highlight reel moment. I get angry, really angry in that ring, and I will not hold back when I knee you in the face. What the hell are you going to do to stop me?

Mav Valentine: I feel like I've already won. Sure, you'll do all of that, but you still see me as someone in the same mold as everyone else. You think I won't listen to what you have to say. You think I'll be to egotistical to really hear you. I hear you, and I see you. It's all real clear. I don't mind taking what I need to get better, and some of that diatribe made some sense. It's the most you've ever done for me, right here, and right now. I know what to expect, and I know what you're going to do. If you want a brawl, you'll get a brawl. I'm not going to go in there acting like I'm looking at some monolith. You're a man, just a man, no matter what changes you've been through recently. Through all the years and gimmicks and main events, you've always just been a man, and any man can be beaten. Right? That's what you're trying to say? I'll make you regret the lesson. That's what I'm going to do.

EBW: The Golden

Fireworks went off in the outdoor EFL Beach Bums Stadium, as the culmination of Golden Week began in front a very large crowd.

Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the EFL Beach Bums Stadium! Welcome to the end of our foray into Summers! Welcome to the end of Golden Week! Welcome to The Golden!

Nerma: That's a lot of welcomes, but all the same, hello fans, we're here for what promises to be an amazing night of fights. A lot of build on this one, and you can tell. This place is NEARLY packed. It's ALMOST a sell out.

Tommy Dukes: This building can seat 65,000, and this isn't Victory Explosion. I wasn't expecting a sell out. Still, look at that sea of the masses out there. You don't have to tarp off a side or nothing! What a great night we have in store and-

Tess: You should all be grateful, because this wasn't because of Noah Jennings. Sure, he's doing business deals, and trying to hand off power, while here I am, making sure this could happen. Mayor Rex is here, and he wasn't even going to allow EBW in this new, state of the art stadium. He wanted no part of it, but look at what I was capable of. Be grateful.

Tommy Dukes: Uh...thanks?

Tess: Nerma, if you don't want to be pulled again, you''ll-

Nerma: Thank you! Alright? I'm grateful! I just want to do my job!

Tess: Ha! That's more like it. What a great show. I'm feeling SO generous tonight that I might even give Tali an impromptu match if she wants. I know a few people that wouldn't mind getting a shot at her in front of all these people. I got to go find her. Let's go Mr. Mayor.

Mayor Rex: I just want to thank all the people that have come to Summers, and poured SO MUCH money into the city during this whole thing. EBW is...well it is what it is, but money and power, that always puts a smile on my face. You've made me, and by me, I truly mean Summers, very....VERY rich. Hahaha!

Tommy Dukes: That was rough.

Nerma: Just glad they're gone.

Apple Kid: Me too.

Tommy Dukes: They didn't even mention you!

Apple Kid: I know, but dominant women like Tess are my kink and-

Nerma: What is with you lately?!


Lady M's hands were shaking a little as she looked at a letter in her hands. A tear drop gave way to a slight smile, before Tess and Mayor Rex found her, flanked by Muscle Girl Security.

Tess: Oh there you are. I'm surprised you showed up since you're not booked.

Lady M's: Trevor and Hope are booked. You think I don't care about them?

Tess: Quite frankly no. You're cold, heartless, and selfish bitch as far as I'm concerned. You've fought me tooth and nail, but look what that's gotten you. I've cranked up the sex appeal AND the action in the ring, and now we have a near sell out for a brand new stadium. I'm feeling generous. You want a match tonight? All you have to do is ask, and of course, be grateful.

Lady M's: I don't.

Tess: Huh?

Lady M's: I don't want a match. You deaf? I said I don't want a damn match!

Mayor Rex: Tali, you're being a little brat again. Show your gratitude and-

Lady M's: Screw you! I'll do what I want, and I said I don't want a match. I'm done with this! Tess, you're not controlling what I do, but that doesn't mean you're going to get the last laugh.

Tess: Where are you going?! What about the back and forth? Come on Tali! Provoke me! Everyone loves it! Tali!

Mayor Rex: What has gotten into her? What was she reading?

Angel Family Locker Room

Tack Angel was pacing back and forth, as his newly acquired butler sat looking at him.

D'Hai: You seem unsure of yourself sir.
Tack Angel: Of course I am apparent butler! If I lose tonight, one of my wives will become a slave to Cadmus! I don't like that! I don't like that stipulation one bit.

D'Hai: You allowed him to get into your head to get the match that he wanted. The Star Prince I knew was cool, calm, and collected. He ruled his Kingdom with dignity, and fought his wars in a prepared manner. You need to channel that if you want to succeed.

Tack Angel: That's easy for you to say D-D-D- I'm sorry what is your name again?

D'Hai: I have actually taken a human name. Shepard, like one that guides wayward sheep. It seems you need that from me.

Tack Angel: Shepard?

Shepard: Yes.

Tack Angel: Huh, it changed already. Alright, it checks out. Well what do I do Shep? I was going to go in there with Faris, but she was moved to the opening match, because daughter was moved to one of the main events! Either I have a wife perform double duty giggity, or I have Amy step in, and Amy's not a wrestler! She's a cop, and accountant, and probably best mother, but not a wrestler!

Shepard: Patience. Just shut your eyes, and relax.

Tack Angel: Right. Doing that. Eyes closed. Breathing. Nothing is-

Nani Angel: I have arrived, and wish to kill Bellerophon.

Tack Angel: Nani?!

Nani Angel: Hai, Nani des.

Tack Angel: I meant that this time! I'm so happy you're here! I absolutely need your help! killing please?

Nani Angel: No promises.

Tack Angel: Eh whatever, I'll take it at this point.

EBW: The Golden
EFL Beach Bums Stadium, Summers

1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championships: Kaie(c)[o]/Duvalie(c) beat Calamity Jane[x]/Lainey Strong, Kimber Blaze/Lt. Lacy Wagner, and Faris/Makoto Angel via Celtic Hand Grenade -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-Opening match was an all out 4 team battle for the Women's World Tag Team Championships. The Eisenritter had the numbers against them, but targeted the newly reformed Sunset Riders. A Celtic Hand Grenade took down Jane for the pin and title defense.

Nerma: I thought for sure they would lose with all the competition in the ring, but the lure of titles had the other teams underestimating how powerful Kaie is, and how much of a damn Ninja Duvalie is. She's so stealthy!

Duvalie: Why thank you.


2. EBW World Tag Team Championships: Kinniku Mike/Amigo[o] beat w00t(c)[x]/Hotlanta(c), and Grind/Switchback via Hagen Suplex -> Pin -> NEW EBW World Tag Team Champions!
-Another multi team match for the World Tag Team Championships. w00t and Hotlanta carried the titles, but lost the flow after the disbanding of the Forgotten. Grind and Switchback were a fun and exciting return to the division, but seeing as this was Amigo's first match since his neck injury, you bet the crowd was behind him and Mike. Maurice wanted to get involved, but Sal Paradise kept him back. Late in the match Swift jumped the guardrail and hit w00t with the POUNCE! while the ref was trying to send away Maurice. Amigo hit the Hagen Suplex on w00t for the 1-2-3, giving Paradise Collection the World Tag Team Championship!

Tommy Dukes: Yeah! That's a big win for Paradise Collection! Mike and Amigo embracing with the titles. They've been through a lot as a team, but bonding again over their problems with Maurice have brought them World Championship gold once again!

Apple Kid: And w00t probably regrets picking a fight with Swift on the Jimmy Swift show last night.

3. EBW Television Championship: Subculture(c) beat Firebrand X, Generator, and Maurice[x] via KO Punch -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-A four way match was next for the Television Championship. Subculture had just regained the title, and finally got his career back on track before being presented with this big challenge. Despite being allies with Firebrand X, they were the first two to throw down in this match. A great showcase for all four involved, but the finish was quicker than expected, when Maurice missed a head kick on a ducking and weaving Subculture, before knocking him out with the KO Punch for the pin.

Tommy Dukes: Subculture survived the fight! He's back on track! It's great to see the Green Bomber back to his winning ways.

Apple Kid: Firebrand X is taking it in stride with a pat on the back, but Maurice looks livid. He's throwing chairs at ringside. You're going to have to pay for those!

4. Loser Leaves EBW: Sal Paradise beat Jamie OD via Control Neko Neckbreaker -> Pin -> Jamie OD BLOCKED FROM EBW!
-A grudge match realized. Sal Paradise returned to in ring action in actual ring shape to take on his former ally and eternal rival Jamie OD in a risky match to oust Jamie once and for all. Jamie wasn't taking this one seriously, and it was a one sided encounter. Jamie OD was broken down, and shown to be inferior to Sal Paradise, a Control Neko Neckbreaker sealed Jamie OD's fate. The loss meant he was blocked from EBW.

Tommy Dukes: Petty? Maybe. Cathartic? Damn right. Get the hell out of here Jamie.

Apple Kid: Does this mean Jamie XL is gone too?

Tommy Dukes: I'm going to say yes. Going to say yes. *flips off Jamie* Fuck off Jamie, and stop using sprite work that's not yours.

Apple Kid: What?

Tommy Dukes: Nothing! Pettiness! Nothing!

5. EBW Women's Television Championship: Hope Mach(c) beat Troian via Olympic Slam x Ankle Lock -> Submission -> Title Defense!
-The Women's Television Championship match was up next, with Troian coming out in her Lady M's costume to mock Hope Mach, which wasn't a wise decision. Troian couldn't out wrestle Hope on the mat, and knew her Mom's move set all too well. An Olympic Slam lead to an Ankle Lock. Troian tapped, giving Hope Mach the defense.

Nerma: A mixed bag for Eisenritter so far. They kept the tag straps, but no taking back the Television Championship.

6. Singles: Cade beat Bashin Dan via Cadebreaker -> Pin
-A very theatrical and personal bout was next, as Dan took on his rival Cade, who fully embraced the role of a villain in this match with dark attire and a more vicious attitude in the ring. He opened the match by pulling out Battle Spirits cards and tearing them up in front of Dan, which set the Dangerous Player off. Back and forth action, until Cade hit the low blow on Dan. He mocked him and went to the corner to grab his personal card deck. Jammer and Hope Mach stood in his way, with Cade pushing Jammer into Hope, forcing them both to fall to the ground hard. Dan was distracted enough for Cade to hit the Cadebreaker, and pinned him for the win.

Tommy Dukes: I consider that a huge upset! Cade had to throw every trick in the book at Dan, but he was in control of this match! He knew Dan wasn't going to hold back based on prior friendship, so he went for things that Dan cared about, and it cost him.

Apple Kid: It takes someone who knows Dan really well to pull off something like that. Looks like he means it. He's ready to play the villain. What will this mean next for the Dangerous Player?

7. Intergender Tag:

-Next match saw the Angels take on Cadmus and Bellerophon, with the stakes being that if Tack's team loses, the wife will become Cadmus's slave. Thanks to Shep's guidance, Tack was able to recruit Nani for the task, and that proved to be the difference maker. Tack and Cadmus brought more of the same in their rivalry, but Bellerophon's lack of in ring experience was key to the result. She went for her low blow prolonged crotch grab on Tack again, but Nani swooped in like a ninjas and pushed her back, hitting the Shining Wizard and Moonsault for the pin and the win.

Nerma: Yeah! No slaves for Cadmus! The Angels win! Yes, I'm actually happy about that. Despite my conspiracy theories about their schemes, I'm happy they don't have to be slaves to that guy. I mean, do you see how he's cradling his sister?! THAT'S YOUR SISTER DUDE!

Apple Kid: Actually, it's-

Nerma: No. Don't even.

Tommy Dukes: Yeah man, what the hell?

Apple Kid: What?! I didn't say-

Nerma: Just don't!

Apple Kid: *sigh*

8. EBW Women's World Championship: Christiana Angel beat Erica(c) via Wrist Clutch Angel Driver -> Pin -> NEW EBW Women's World Champion!
-Excellent women's match for the World Championship next, as Killer Queen Christina Angel earned the right to face a fresh and dangerous Erica for her title belt. Hard hitting action, with Christina fighting well despite the interference from Eisenritter on the outside. Hope Mach came to try and even the odds, but the numbers game was still getting to be too much. Suddenly, Lady M's ran down to the ring, while the ref was occupied and hit Erica over the head with a chair. A Death Dealer DDT onto the chair, laid out the champ, as M's rolled out of the ring with the chair. Christina blocked the strangle from Duvalie and hit Erica on her way back up for a Wrist Clutch Angel Driver. The WRIST CLUTCH lead to a bigger impact, cause Angel's CLUTCHING WRISTS always do, and Christina went for the pin. 1-2-3! Christina Angel won it! Hope hoisted her up as Erica argued with the ref. Tess was livid herself, ordering security to get her out of the building.

Nerma: Yes! Big win for Christina! I mean, that was quite the cluster there, but Christina managed to survive and Clutch the Wrist for the win over Erica. Christina Angel is World Champion once again, and the Bad Dudettes have the singles gold for the Women's Division. You can guarantee Tess and the Eisenritter won't accept this, but for now, let's just take it in. And here comes Subculture, he's running to hug Christina, but Tack just popped up and pushed him into the crowd so he could get there first. A big moment for Christina. Congratulations.

9. EBW Triple Crown World Championship:

-Main event time, as "The Golden" Mav Valentine would get his shot against the 4-Crown King Trevor Mach, with the most coveted prize in the sport on the line. Mach offered the fist bump, but Mav turned his back to Mach, which was the first mistake, as Trevor slammed him into the turnbuckle and let the knees fly. Mav had to fight his way out of the flurry to get back to circling the ring to catch his breath. A big brawl of a match, with a lot of history and emotion behind it, as Mav tried to break through by beating his former mentor. Mav went for the Trevorplex after knees to the clinch, but Mav escaped and took him to the mat with a bulldog. He plopped onto the mat to yell at Mach and the two traded blows and head butts. Mach was up first, going for the Knee Trigger, but Mav rolled out of the way, impressing Trevor. Match continued back and forth, with Mav hitting the Mav Buster for a nearfall. Mach stepped it up, throwing back elbows and knees, before trying to hoist up Mav for the Burning Machimo, but he flipped out, again impressing Mach. Training together gave Mav the tools he needed to face Mach. Mach went for another Knee Trigger later, but Mav scouted it, and took Mach down. He picked him up by the hair and shouted that it was finally his time, before hitting the Mav Buster. Mav then mocked Mach by lining him up for the Knee Trigger, and blasting the Triple Crown Champion with his own signature. 1-2-3! In stunning shock, Mav Valentine won the match, and the Triple Crown Championship!

Tommy Dukes: Holy shit! Not only did he win, but he won clean! The War Wolf was beaten by Mav Valentine! What a roller coaster week for this kid! He came in as Television Champion and part of the Forgotten. The Forgotten disbanded, and he lost that title. He rallied back to win The Golden Tournament, and now this, the EBW Triple Crown World Championship. Amazing! 4-Crown King no more, as Trevor Mach is helped to the back by Tack, Firebrand X, and Subculture. He's laughing though. He's holding up the thumbs up and laughing. Guess he still has some pride in the guy after all. He stepped up from carrying luggage to carrying THE gold. Truly, he is "The Golden" Mav Valentine. THE EBW World Triple Crown Champion!

Last edited by Machismo (6/23/2020 8:06 am)

     Thread Starter

5/14/2020 12:30 am  #725

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EFL Beach Bums Stadium - Trevor Mach's Locker Room

After the loss to Mav Valentine, the former World Champion spit blood into the sink. He looked in the mirror, and put a rag to his busted lip. Lady M's quickly made her way inside and locked the door behind her.

Lady M's: It looks like you had a rough night.

Trevor Mach: It is what it is. *spits blood* Cocky little punk got the better of me, what can I say? I'd be mad if I weren't proud, which is somehow making me a different kind of mad altogether. Oh well, he beat me on one night, for those titles. Next time around I'll-

*knock knock*

Lady M's: I'm not in here.

Trevor Mach: Oh yeah, you're hiding right? What was up with earlier? Not wanting to wrestle, and then helping Christina do what you wanted to do? What's with that?

Lady M's: Well, I had my reasons. Something we really need to talk about actually, I-

*knock knock*

Mr. Face: Excuse me? Trevor Mach? It''s Mr. Face. We need to talk.

Trevor Mach: Well, I'm just getting swamped aren't I?

Lady M's: You'd better go with Face. This can wait.

Trevor Mach: You sure?

Lady M's: Oh yeah, don't worry about it.

Trevor Mach: Alright then.

Trevor opened the door to see Mr. Face, Apple Kid, Jeff Andonuts, and Fray Tiburon.

Trevor Mach: got the whole squad here? You guys...want to come in?

Mr. Face: Actually, we need you to come with us. Dr. Yaggis wishes to speak with you.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, I figured that'd be coming sooner or later. You parked back in Summers?

Mr. Face: Eh, you know the rules Mr. Mach.

Trevor Mach: Sack over the head?

Mr. Face: Sack over the head.

Trevor Mach: Can you believe this Padre?

Fray Tiburon: Important matters require discomfort sometimes.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, but my jaw already hurts! *sigh* Fine, let's get this over with.

As they all began to walk away, Bashin Dan ran up behind them.

Bashin Dan: Trevor, what's going on here?

Trevor Mach: Dan, is that you? I got a bag on my head! I can't see you.

Bashin Dan: Yeah, I'm here.

Trevor Mach: Turn me so I'm looking at him would ya? Dan, I'm off to a secret black site.

Bashin Dan: Is this about what happened before? The stuff that happened with the Forgotten, and with Cade?

Trevor Mach: Uh...they probably don't want me to say, but yes, it absolutely is.

Mr. Face: *sigh*

Bashin Dan: Can I come with you. If you're going to see who I think you are, then I have some questions of my own.

Trevor Mach: Yeah sure! The more the merrier right?

Mr. Face: ...Bag him.


Trevor was familiar with the mobile station by now, and made his way to the all to familiar holding chamber of the entity known as Giygas. This time however, the cell was removed, and in its place were living quarters, and a big table. Dr. Yaggis was seated on one side.

Trevor Mach: So, no more security to keep him in huh?

Apple Kid: Apparently he wanted to stay here right?

Jeff Andonuts: Right. When we procured him from Onett, he asked for protection, but to also be kept away from his wife and two children.

Fray Tiburon: To think, this all started with the dead coming back to life, and it always comes back to this poor soul.

Apple Kid: By the way, how is KYO? Haven't seen him in a while. He still living with you?

Fray Tiburon: He is. He's still shattered, but mending. Time heals all wounds.

Trevor Mach: It heals MOST wounds Padre.

Trevor clutched at his chest scar.

Trevor Mach: Some of it follows us forever. So, am I just going in there by myself?

Mr. Face: Yes.

Trevor Mach: I'm guessing you want me to leave the bat?

Mr. Face: If you wouldn't mind.

Trevor Mach: I do mind actually, but, I'm also very impatient, so whatever. If this turns ugly, I'm blaming you.

Mr. Face: Of course.

Trevor Mach stepped into the room, and flipped a chair around, so he could sit in it backwards. He stared straight at Yaggis.

Trevor Mach: So, I hear you wanted to talk to me? 

Dr. Yaggis: I did. Thank you for getting here as quickly as you did.

Trevor Mach: Right. Right. Get to it.

Dr. Yaggis: First off, I have to ask you a question. I want to know why?

Trevor Mach: Why what?

Dr. Yaggis: Why did you let me live? Killing me would have saved us a lot of trouble.

Trevor Mach: You want to know why I didn't kill you? It's not like I haven't tried. In 1992 I-

Dr. Yaggis: That was me, but not me. I remember now. It's all flooding back. I remember how I feel about you. My rival, and my only friend. Our game has stretched for years. I assumed many forms as the embodiment of evil, but now, I sit before you mortal, well...mostly mortal.

Trevor Mach: "V"?

Dr. Yaggis: Yes. The lingers. It's not something easily eliminated obviously.

Trevor Mach: Oh obviously. It just took out most of reality, but no big deal right? You tried to join with it, so you could consume all that was left!

Dr. Yaggis: And let me live. You spared me.

Trevor Mach: Your kids were there man. I'm not a damn monster.

Dr. Yaggis: You're not exactly normal either are you? The other half of the crisis unfolding before us.

Trevor Mach: Guess you could say that. We've both been through a few "changes".

Back outside. Bashin Dan was confused by the conversation.

Bashin Dan: What do they mean that he's not exactly normal?

Fray Tiburon: Trevor Mach has apparently had a touch with the divine. To give him life, he was made into the Celestial Azrael, but chose a mortal life instead of existing within the Sanctum.

Bashin Dan: ...I'm sorry what? Wait no, I kind of get it. I was the Heart of the Cards once. It's probably the same thing.

Fray Tiburon: What?

Bashin Dan: Oh, it's this whole big story about fighting an Otherworld King in an alternate dimension, and then dealing with the consequences in a future of my making, obtaining the Zodiac X-Rare Cards on route to becoming the Heart of the Cards, and creating two of myself so I could remain there and here.

Fray Tiburon: ...Yeah, I'm still lost I'm afraid.

Bashin Dan: Don't worry, I am too. I just roll with it.

Fray Tiburon: Then you and Mach are much more alike than I thought it seems.

Back inside of the room.

Dr. Yaggis: My contact with "Entity V" persisted into my human form, while embodiment of evil was split off and set on its course of an eternal time loop. Samael knows this. He's after me, so he can retrieve that bit of "V" that exists within. With that he would not only obtain his power over Death, but be able to consume the rest of reality. The ultimate act of Death.

Trevor Mach: Yeah, I figured as much.

Dr. Yaggis: And you had a chance to stop it, if you had killed me, and again, you didn't.

Trevor Mach: You were kinda begging not to be killed.

Dr. Yaggis: The weakness of humanity. Weakness of mortality. Maybe that....or maybe I just wanted to see my children and my wife one more time. I built a human life. I lived the way George and Maria always wanted me to. I was no longer bound by the madness, and I chose a life of peace. That peace is over. Samael needs to be stopped.

Trevor Mach: I agree. You really could have just told me this over the phone or something. Tell me a name. Who is he inhabiting?

Dr. Yaggis: I can't. He got too close. He's...he's in my head so to speak. That's why I can't even be told where we currently are. He was this close to obtaining everything he wanted. If I reveal the name, all bets are off. By the time you leave this place, he will go on a rampage, and try to find and hurt my family. I know one of them, my son, is out in the open. He'll know if I reveal anything. You need to find out who it is, and soon. Trap him. Defeat him. Send him away or kill him. Whatever you have to do. Because, if he gets to me again, he'll retrieve what he needs, and he'll open the gateway. The gate to Magicant, the realm of imagination where "Entity V" is supposed to be trapped for eternity.

Trevor Mach: There's a war in Heaven you know. I don't know personally, was told second hand, but they're hinging everything on the outcome of this. not something that can easily killed. I don't know if it can. I chose a mortal life, but he didn't. He IS my antithesis.....I think I'm using that word right. You want to prove to me that you've changed? When the time comes, you and I, are going to have to make a big choice I think. It's the only way I can see going forward. I guess we'll find out then and there if you truly have changed.

Dr. Yaggis: I'll do what I can, for my wife, and my children.

Bashin Dan: Excuse me, I have something to say.

Dr. Yaggis: Bashin Dan?

Trevor Mach: Kid, we're still a little busy.

Bashin Dan: I need answers. I need to know what happened to Cade? My friend, my precious friend, has decided to embrace being a villain, and he said it was after talking with you. What did you say to him.

Dr. Yaggis: *sigh* Oh no....he did did he? Dan, all I told him was the truth about myself.

Bashin Dan: Do you know what kind of son you have sir? He sacrificed himself to save us, but then one day, because of this Samael, he's back, and performing wicked acts that tainted that sacrifice. I didn't want to believe that that was Cade doing it. I wanted to believe that the Man in Black was pulling his strings. Then, the bond was broken, and after talking with you, he decided on his own, that he was going to go down that path. He had the choice to come back, and be with all of us, but instead he's following in your footsteps! Why couldn't you stop him!? You need to talk to him! You need to tell him that this path will only lead to destruction!

Dr. Yaggis: I would if I could, but I would put him in danger Dan. I-I need you, and Dan Club to save my boy. *sniff* I wish that I could, but he's-he's definitely his father's son. When my memories came back, I had a good laugh for a while, thinking about the irony of Ness training my son, and then you Trevor Mach of all people being a mentor to him for a time. I was hoping all of that would have rubbed off on him. My sins will follow me forever it seems.

Bashin Dan: Well, I'm not giving up. I needed you to know that. I'll save Cade, no matter what it takes, or how long I have to fight him. I'll show him the power of friendship, and bring him back to the Dan Club.

Dr. Yaggis: I hope you do. Trevor, whatever I have to do when that time comes, I will do it. Just you wait and see.

Crystal Heaven

The members of the Angel Family, Pirates, Penguins, and Shepard the Butler, all huddled into the cramped jail, as perturbed Darkness Angel paced in his cell.

Darkness Angel: What the hell is this? What's going on here?

Tack Angel: Yeah, I'm just as curious as you are. This place reeks of B.O. Need I remind the Pirates that they need to bathe AT LEAST 2-3 a week! You live in the lake, it shouldn't be that hard!

Pirate Bill: Yarr, don't be lookin' at me sir.

Tack Angel: I'm especially looking at you Bill.

Faris Angel: I borrowed a gift from a friend. Bartz from Earth-14. He came here, with this Crystal.

Tack Angel: Oh cool! I like Crystals. Can I touch it?

Faris Angel: Um...uh..yeah?

Tack Angel: Sweet. Yep, that's a Crystal alright. Thanks!

Faris Angel: This is what we've been looking for. A way to send him back where he belongs.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Darkness Angel: What?

Faris Angel: It has the power to send someone instantly to another world. I MIGHT have sent Bartz home already, so we can just use this until it breaks really.

Amy Angel: You stole it?

Faris Angel: Borrowed! We're friends! He owed me this much! He did attempt to kill Tack while under a spell too so whatever.

Darkness Angel: You're lying. You're making this up to try and scare me right?

Tack Angel: I think she's serious, and I say good riddance.

Darkness Angel: No. No, you can't do that. You can't send me back there. If the wives don't kill me, then General Swift and his rebels will! You can't!

Tack Angel: We can and we will. Right? We can?

Faris Angel: Yes, we can.

Tack Angel: Yeah, that's right!

Shepard: A true King shows patience, understanding, and forgiveness to his enemies. Is this truly the right path?

Tack Angel: .....Absolutely. He's such a dick! Send him Faris!

Faris Angel: Happily.

Makoto Angel: Good bye Darkness Angel. I hope the fate that awaits you, is the one your deserve.


Faris raised the Crystal aloft. The light cracked the Crystal a bit, but it still managed to open the gateway, sending Darkness Angel back to Earth-5 in the year 1992.

Faris Angel: That was close. It almost broke!

Nani Angel: If we were going to send him to his death, we could've just killed him.

Tack Angel: That wouldn't have been the right thing to do Nani. I mean this way....this way someone else does it for us.

Makoto Angel: Right....wait.

Iroha Angel: Can I lie back down now?! It's not easy walking around, carrying all these kids!

Amy Angel: Oh yes of course! Tracy, help me carry her back upstairs.

Tracy Angel: Sure sure.

Tack Angel:'s finally gone. That's a big thorn in my side removed. Now, if only I could find out what Cadmus is planning next, and if he was the one who attacked our Hanger.

Nani Angel: The one who attacked our Hanger was the Man in Black.

Tack Angel: What?! That's that guy Trevor's looking for. Why would he attack us? Wait, how do you know that?

Nani Angel: The intruders, they found the information, then went looking for you.

Tack Angel: The intruders?

Nani Angel: The knight and the fat slob.

Amy Angel: Vape and Benjamin? They came here to help with the investigation. I didn't really think they'd find something, but I was going to humor them because they were really really cheap. But wait, they came looking for us?

Nani Angel: Indeed. They were going to reveal his identity to you.

Amy Angel: They....never got to us.

Tack Angel: Huh, I hope they're all right.

Highway 4

On the road to Fourside, the Dan Club van was hurtling at a blistering pace, being followed by a black car with blacked out windows.

Vape: Is he still following us?!

Benjamin: He is! He's right behind us!

Vape: I was hoping I lost him! We need to get to Saturn City!

Benjamin: If he catches us, he will attempt to kill us. He can't let his identity get out one would assume.

Vape: And you didn't think to maybe bring a cell phone?!

Benjamin: ....Remember who you're talking to.

Vape: Dammit, you really need to assimilate already!

     Thread Starter

5/14/2020 6:05 pm  #726

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

EBW World

Nerma: Time for another installment of EBW World, I'm Nerma as always, except for that time I was Sophie the Sexy Maid, but that was a different time, and a part time job I don't think about fondly. Golden Week is over, we have finally left Summers, and I am SO sun burnt! SPF 5000 guys, you really need it these days. I swear, it was like the sun had an angry face on it, and it was swirling in the air and following me around. THAT'S how hot it was. So moving on, we had an incredible week, that culminated in two new World Champions. Christina Angel halted the reign of Eisenritter's Erica, and Mav Valentine shocked the world with his win over Trevor Mach to become the Triple Crown World Champion. That's not all we saw. Swift's return appears to be imminent, after his involvement with w00t, Cade "The Villain" might be on the rise, after his upset win over Bashin Dan. Also, something is up with Lady M's. We saw she was reading something, and then decided against competing. We're told she's refusing to compete on Xcite as well. In retaliation, Tess has-

Tess: I'll handle this part! Tali, if you want to stir up shit and run, that's fine. You take a hike. You get out of my life! However, those who stood by you are going to take the heat for your action. We're setting up a #1 Contender for your daughter, and we're having an immediate rematch between Christina, and the rightful Champion of the World Erica Eisen! Oh, and Tracy Angel, our very own Miss EBW will be the Special Referee for the main event. Tracy, if you want to compete again in that that ring EVER, you know exactly what I expect from you. Let me make myself more clear here. If you ever want to be more than eye candy, you'll know what to do. If you don't want your whole family humiliated more than being associated with that idiot Tack, you'll know what to do. Machs and Angels, you're really REALLY starting to piss me off!

Nerma: Heh....oh sorry, did I laugh out loud a little? So, let's check out the card. It'll be a 6 match show, with some extra bonuses, like the first interview with NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion Mav Valentine since winning the title belts. The Legion are going to be in action! Dan Club is going to be in action! Jammer will defend his newly won Challenge Championship against Dirk Laramie. He recently beat Bashin Dan too, so we'll hoping get to hear from Dan about his future plans too. All of this and maybe more, or exactly just all of that, on the next Xcite!

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City

1. EBW Challenge Championship: Jammer(c) vs. Dirk Laramie
2. Tag: Grind/Switchback vs. Vape/Benjamin
3. EBW Women's Television #1 Contender: BeShemoth vs. Eve vs. Duvalie
4. Singles: Cade vs. Rude
5. EBW Television #1 Contender: Firebrand X vs. w00t vs. Generator
6. EBW Women's World Championship: Christina Angel(c) vs. Erica Special Referee: "Miss EBW" Tracy Angel

Battle Spirits Dojo

Retro Hippie approached the front of the gym as Dan, Hope, Gold, and Jammer entered, with Jammer stretching and throwing his gear to the ground.

Jammer: Oh man, that was a long bus ride. I hate them. I'm going going to go pass out in one of the karaoke rooms.

Bashin Dan: What if someone wants to use it?

Jammer: ...Do they ever?

Bashin Dan: Right...right. Forgot where I was for a minute. Go for it.

Retro Hippie: There you are, I've been worried sick!

Bashin Dan: Why? We're fine.

Retro Hippie: I meant about me! I keep getting these threatening phone calls from Cade! He wants to kicks my butt! I have no idea why!

Bashin Dan: ..I have a clue.

Retro Hippie: ALSO, no one has seen Benji or Vape in DAYS!

Bashin Dan: They said they were going to Crystal Heaven for an "investigation". I don't know much more than that. I was working on my deck at the moment they said it, so I was only half there, you know?

Retro Hippie: AH! This is getting to be too much pressure. I might have to take a leave of absence.

Gold: No, please don't do that. You're a great manager. Who would handle us if not you?

Arliss Michaels: I'll do it!

Dan, Hope, Hippie, and Gold: AH!

Arliss Michaels: I was hoping to run into you. My client Fighter Daron has apparently fallen into something called a "memory hole" along with Dangerous D, so I'm looking to take on new clients. If this Hippie can't cut the mustard, then this Yuppie surely can. Let me sell t-shirts for you! Here's my card.

Bashin Dan: ....Hippie please don't go.

Retro Hippie: Alright fine, but I'm getting security for the Gym. I tried to hire these one guys already, but apparently, they were already picked up by Crystal Heaven. Damn them! I'd hate that place if it wasn't for that amazing Food Court! Vegan Pizza! I got this punch card, and if I go one more time, I'll get a free one! We could share!

Gold: Vegan? How delightful.

Bashin Dan: I come from a place where all anyone ever talks about is food. Of course I'd be willing to go.

Hope Mach: I uh...actually was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere together instead. Just the two of us?

Bashin Dan: Yes, let's do that.

Hope Mach: You didn't even hesitate.

Bashin Dan: Even though we work and travel together, we still don't get to to spend much time just the two of us. I uh....I really would like that. *blush*

Hope Mach: Oh Dan, no blushing, aren't we beyond that.

Bashin Dan: I guess so? Come on, let's go!

Dan grabbed Hope by the hand to lead her back outside.

Hope Mach: Oh? *blush*

Gold: Didn't you just sa-

Hope Mach: Quiet you!

Retro Hippie: ...Just the two of us then? Hehe. *wink*

Gold: Uh...I wonder if Jammer might change his mind and come with us instead! I'll go ask him!

Retro Hippie: But! But! But!

Gold walked into the Karaoke Room expecting to see Jammer laying down, but instead...

Jammer: ♫ Party people in the house lets go
It's your boy "Jay Ski" a'ight so
Pass that thing and watch me flex
Behind my back, you know what's next
To the jam, all in your face
Wassup, just feel the bass
Drop it, rock it, down the room
Shake it, quake it, space KABOOM...
Just work that body, work that body make sure you don't hurt ♫

Gold: Heh...what's all this then?

Jammer:'s exactly what it looks like.

Crystal Heaven

A red van pulled up the gates of Crystal Heaven. Security Penguin allowed it through, as it pulled up in front of the family.

Tack Angel: This is who we hired huh?

Amy Angel: Based on our financial means right now, Red Shirt Security were the only ones I could hire.

Pirate Bill: Yarr, you needn't be wastin' yer doubloons on these scalawags. The Pirates can-

Faris Angel: This happened on your watch Bill! While someone was planting bombs, the Pirates were all getting hammered on the ship!

Pirate Bill: Yarr, tis true, I be back to the beginnin' of me 12-Step program.

Tack Angel: Hehe, you make Pirate relapse sound hilarious Bill.

Pirate Bill: *sigh* Aye.

Tack Angel: Red Shirt Security will be fine. They have a long tradition of being Security in Red Shirts. That's got to mean something right? Preferably, I can get them to be Blue Shirts Security while working for us, but I can't have everything I want.

Eris Angel: You idiot. You literal idiot. You DO get everything you want.

Tack Angel: So that means you love me?

Eris Angel: Grrr! Not on your life!

Tack Angel: I'll grow on you Eris! Like a fungus! Eris? Where you going? Don't you want to say hi to Biggs and Wedge? Come on! Red Shirts! Eris?

?: Sorry sir, Biggs and Wedge are being utilized elsewhere right now, so the company sent us.

Tack Angel: Huh? Oh....oh no. Oh no.

The two figures who stepped out of the van, were all too familiar to Tack Angel.

Saxon: So it looks like a reunion for the TackForce! Yeah!

Novus: Don't worry boss. Everything is totally going to be different this time. We'll make you proud to have TackForce guarding your family.

Saxon: That's right! We'll be there 24/7 to watch over your wives and your children!

Saxon and Novus: TACKFORCE!

Tack Angel: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Last edited by Machismo (5/14/2020 6:19 pm)

     Thread Starter

5/15/2020 2:13 am  #727

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling


The Angel Family came down the walkway into the backstage area, with the TackForce and Butler Shepard guarding the corridor.

Tack Angel: I could get used to this, but now with them specifically.

Christina Angel: Why?

Tack Angel: It's like....having two Subcultures watching me at all times.

Subculture: I am standing right here.

Tack Angel: I know, and I don't care.

Subculture: ...I...uh...appreciate the honesty. Wait, no I don't!

Simon S: Tack? Amy? What's..uh...what's going on here?

Tack Angel: Oh hey Simon, we were just bringing the whole family to watch Christina defend the Championship tonight.

Tracy Angel: Yeah, and they're putting me in the most difficult position ever. You know they want me to screw you over right?

Christina Angel: It's not an easy choice to make. I don't like it anymore than you do. I don't want the consequences of what Tess is threatening to bring down on the family, but at the same time, I have to be true to myself, and my gut says I beat this bitch again!

Tack Angel: Language!

Christina Angel: I'm grown up Dad!

Tack Angel: Oh right. Little you isn't going to say mean words like that.

Young Christina: Hehe....bitch.

Tack Angel: Oh no!

Amy Angel: That's a bad word honey. Simon, as you can see, we're swamped right now. Think you could help out.

Simon S: Heh, in any way that I can. I actually have a VIP Booth reserved for tonight. I would love if you all joined me in it. We could watch together. I'd love to see my niece perform.

Amy Angel: Thank you brother, I really appreciate it.

Tack Angel: Me too. Simon, we've been through so much together, but I'm really glad we're at this point.

Simon S: Me too. It's all about family right?

Young Christina: Will you play with me Uncle Simon?

Simon S: Huh? Absolutely I will.

Tack Angel: Heh, I'm really glad that time travel brought him back to life.

Amy Angel: What?

Tack Angel: Nothing.

Nani Angel: Makoto, you're looking disturbed.

Makoto Angel: I'm sensing major nega-vibes. It's off the charts.

Simon S: Cadmus and Bellerophon maybe? They're nothing but a pain to you guys right?

Tack Angel: Right. I hope they don't have anything planned tonight.

Simon S: Well just to be safe, let's get going. Tell your security to follow alone.

Eris Angel: This is ridiculous. We don't need them when we have m...

Tack Angel: Are you alright?

Eris Angel: I'm feeling a little dizzy. I'm going to go get some air. You guys go without me.

Somewhere else in the arena, Cadmus was lurking.

Cadmus: Hello? Dark Lord? Where are you? I am here.

The Man in Black: Time is short Cadmus. You and I have one last job together. It's all about to come undone, and I need one last piece of the puzzle.

Cadmus: What do you mean?

The Man in Black: My identity will soon be revealed. Yaggis....I saw through his eyes. Azrael is readying for battle. I need that last piece. Destroying the Hanger was easy, and now the Angel Family is here, traveling together like I had hoped, but plans have accelerated. Darkness Angel is no longer a factor, so to make this happen, it must happen tonight.

Cadmus: Tell me....tell me what must be done, and it will be done.

The show opened with Tommy Dukes, standing in the ring with the NEW EBW Triple Crown World Champion Mav Valentine.

Tommy Dukes: I'm standing here in the ring, with the new major player of EBW. After years working the indies, making his way from VBW inside of the Twoson Elementary, to winning the EBW Triple Crown World Championship inside of the EFL Beach Bums Stadium, it's been a huge leap to be sure. Now, we hear from the new champ. You beat your mentor for these titles, that has to be fulfilling right?

Mav Valentine: It's just physical proof of what I already knew. I bought in to myself. I believed I could do it, and spit in the face of anyone who said or thought otherwise. You can boo me all you want. Go for it. I was abandoned and left broken, but I managed to pick myself up, and rebuild myself into the man that stands before you, with these belts. I didn't have to cheat. I didn't need help from a Man in Black. A man that opened the door to be sure, but I shoved my foot into that door, and forced it WIDE OPEN! Like I said, Trevor Mach is just a man, and any man can be beaten. I beat him. I beat him clean. You can look to me as the man that toppled the "Bad Dude". I de-fanged the "War Wolf". He didn't think I'd listen to him, but I heard every word he said, and I'm not afraid to admit that. Stupid people think they have all the answers. I used to be that way. My ego was too big to take in the knowledge that I have now. w00t can kiss my ass, because you're looking at the smartest man in wrestling right here as far as I'm concerned.

Tommy Dukes: Well said, and I appreciate the confidence, but what about a potential rematch with Mach? Is that in the cards?

Mav Valentine: I'll take on anyone. Step up to the plate. I don't care who you are, you can get your shot. Let it not be said that I'm not open to stomping through this roster. They'll all come in, thinking it was a fluke I won, and they'll forget about all the wars I went through just to get to EBW. They'll overlook all the scars on my body, and they will get DROPPED! However, I hope Mach does want the rematch. In fact, I dare him to challenge me. Don't run off and go for some other belt Mach. I know you. You're random like that. You'll go off and decide to be Television Champ or hell, maybe you'll decide you want to pad out that resume with the Challenge Championship. I mean, you got the Team Championship Rings, so why not Tag Team Championship gold right? I pushed you off your spot, and I dare you to push back.

The music for Trevor Mach played, as the former 4-Crown King made his way to the ring, sporting the wounds from his match with Mav Valentine.

Trevor Mach: Heh, you've got balls kid, I'll give you that. Congratulations, you beat me. You did it. No excuses, it wasn't my night. You won that match, fair and square.'s the thing. It was ONE MATCH. You were great on one night, but can you do it again? Can you do it the next time? What about the next time? It's about KEEPING the belts, and not cracking under the pressure. We're going to find out aren't we?

Mav Valentine: Are you challenging me? You want the rematch? Just say it. Ask me for it.

Trevor Mach: Kid, I respect the hell out of the confidence, but I'm still going to call you kid, because you DO have some more learning ahead of you. Beating Trevor Mach, that's one thing, but you have to kill me to stop me, and I get more UNHINGED everytime! I don't like to lose remember? I don't like to be told I can't have something, or I can't be something. I will be the EBW Triple Crown World Champion again. It's going to happen sooner or later, but I'm not the next one at bat. I'm going to back up a bit, and let someone else step up, because I have business to attend to. When it's settled, then we'll get settled up you and I, IF you are as good as you're saying you are, and you keep those title belts.

Mav Valentine: Are you being a chickenshit right now? You running away? Don't run away! Whatever "business" you think you have, it's bullshit compared to this.

Trevor Mach: I'm hunting for that Man in Black Mav, and I'm going to find him. You wouldn't happen to know who he is would you?

Mav Valentine: I don't...but know what? Fine! Do what you have to do. I get it. No, I really do. You do that, but then you come back, because when you've settled with him, you settle with me.

Trevor Mach: Gladly kid...gladly. Until then, this ring is yours....for now.

EBW: Xcite
Renegade Arena, Saturn City

1. EBW Challenge Championship: Jammer(c) beat Dirk Laramie via Pumped up Slam Jam -> Pin -> Title Defense!
-Opening match saw the Neon Rookie Cup Winner Dirk Laramie taking the new Challenge Champion to task in a brisk, athletic match. Dirk had the ladies in the crowd on his side, because apparently they have a body hair fetish. Jammer was on the ball though, not literally cause he's not great at basketball. He jumped up to deliver an axe handle that put Laramie on the mat, and then pumped his kicks for the Slam Jam and the pin. A successful title defense.

Tommy Dukes: That's the stuff! Jammer's got game, and he finally remembered.

Nerma: That Dirk Laramie...I got to ship him with someone, but who?

Tommy Dukes: What?!

2. Tag: Grind[o]/Switchback beat Sammy the Simp/Friendzone Fred[x] via Rolling SSP -> Pin
-The next match was supposed to involve the Dan Club taking on The Legion, but Benjamin and Vape never arrived for the match. Instead, Eve Eisen's followers Sammy the Simp and Friendzone Fred came out to try and earn some simp bucks for their idol. Grind and Switchback rolled over this team with little effort. The amazing Rolling SSP from Grind to Fred ended the bout.

Tommy Dukes: What can you say? The result was never in doubt. The "consoomers" simps were no match for the on fire Grind and Switchback. So glad to have them back, even if The Legion keeps hacking my computer. I swear those sites were for research purposes guys!

Nerma: What are you talking about?

Tommy Dukes: Nothing!

Nerma: Riiiiight.

Tommy Dukes: *sigh* I think we both have kinks we need to discuss and figure out.

Nerma: I think you're right.

Tommy Dukes: At least we're not sick freaks like Apple Kid.

Nerma: You can say that again.

Apple Kid: I am sitting RIGHT HERE!

Tommy Dukes: Why? You don't work tonight.

Apple Kid: ....You're right. I don't. Why AM I here?

3. EBW Women's Television #1 Contender: Duvalie beat BeShemoth[x] and Eve via Rear Naked Choke -> Referee Stoppage
-A set up from the very beginning, as Duvalie and Eve double teamed BeShemoth. A showcase of her strength as she managed to counter a double Suplex with a Suplex to both of her opponents. Eventually they wore her down, as Duvalie locked in the read naked, while Eve posed for her simps outside of the ring. The referee stopped the match when BeShemoth passed out.

Nerma: I think that's garbage. Tess knew they would work together. Eve is related to Erica, we know that now. Her last name is Eisen. If she's not an official member of Eisenritter yet, she still serves their interests. BeShemoth continues to excel, but she's getting caught up in the Tess era, which is tumultuous to be sure.

4. Singles: Cade beat Rude via Cadebreaker -> Pin
-A fully confident and angry Cade, took it to the veteran Rude. The new attitude paid off, as he block the Rulebreaker, and busted out his own breaker in the Cadebreaker for the pin and the win.

Tommy Dukes: Rude has been happier in The Legion, that much is obvious, but he wasn't ready for this new side of Cade. Look at that anger. He doesn't look like a guy that just won. Here comes Bashin Dan! What's he going to say about his loss at The Golden? I'll shut up so we can find out!

Bashin Dan: Cade, you need to calm down buddy, and we need to talk.

Cade: Nothing to talk about Dan. You lost, and I won. Your villain, your anti-hero, defeated you in Summers in front of all those people. No number of title wins or Battlebowl Rings can ever change that. You lost.

Bashin Dan: This has been a long road since you came back. I decided I wouldn't hold back against you ever again, but even I was caught off guard at how much better you've gotten. You're on another level. You can have all of this, without throwing away our friendship. You'll always be my friend. You want to say you're better than me? Do it. Say it. Prove it. Back it up. We can have as many matches as you want, but please, come back to the Dan Club.

Cade: I don't want to. Even free of the Man in Black, I still don't want to. I want this. I want to follow this path, and embrace who I really am. It's in my blood. MY BLOOD IS BLACK AND TAINTED! My whole life has been a lie! I'm going to live my truth now. I'm going to be the real Cade, and the real Cade is YOUR VILLAIN! We WILL have more fights Dan, and every time I'm going to leave you laying on the mat! Do you hear me?!

Bashin Dan: I hear you, but I don't believe you. I know my friend is still in there, and I won't give up in trying to bring him back. At the same time, I won't back down from any challenge or fight that you bring. In fact, I look forward to it.

Cade: You never were that smart.

5. EBW Television #1 Contender: Firebrand X beat w00t[x] and Generator via Crash Thunder Buster -> Pin
-A free for all of sorts, with three different styles clashing in entertaining fashion. w00t found himself in control, but once again Swift appeared on the outside and chased him right into Firebrand X, who hit the Crash Thunder Buster for the pin, and the #1 Contender spot.

Tommy Dukes: Subculture is looking on, and I can't tell how he's feeling about this one. His long time tag partner, and co-holder of the World Team Championship Rings, is now coming for his Television Championship in a one on one setting very soon. That's going to be a great match for sure. Meanwhile, we have Swift, the most decorated World Champion in EBW history, and his target is solely set on presidential candidate w00t. No time for campaigning when you have a beast at your back.

6. EBW Women's World Championship: Christina Angel(c) beat Erica via DQ -> Title Defense I guess Special Referee: "Miss EBW" Tracy Angel
-Main event time, as Erica came out with the Eisenritter, and a sullen Miss EBW Tracy Angel, for the title rematch against Christina Angel for the Women's World Championship. The entire Angel Family was watching from the VIP Booth, with her younger counterpart in the arms of a smiling Simon S. The pressure was on, but could she beat Erica without Lady M's? A worth main event, as they stepped up their game from The Golden, but Erica kept skirting the line with the rules, and expecting Tracy to give fast counts, or to not notice Christina grabbing the ropes. It wasn't long before Erica threw out the rules, with the Eisenritter getting the in the ring. She demanded that Tracy not call for the bell as they attacked, and reminded her of Tess's warning. Tracy didn't listen, and called for the DQ, grabbing Christina out of the ring and saving her from the attack.

Nerma: Whoa! That's not good! That's not good at all! Tracy has sided with her family, and that's not bad, but damn, Tess and the Eisenritter are going to make her pay for this decision. Who knows what they have in store? We'll see you next ti-

Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Hang on! Look in the VIP Box! You have the Angel Family all up there trying to get out. Someone has locked the door! Who could have done it!? What's that? I'm hearing word that Cadmus is responsible. He's got a forklift in front of the door?! What?!

Nerma: Wait a minute look. Look close. Look who is missing.

Tommy Dukes: Huh?

Suddenly, a very tired Benjamin and Vape stumbled onto the stage with mics in hand.

Vape: People! Everyone! "Mystic Vape" Detective Agency is here, and we cracked the case! We know who destroyed the Hanger!
Benjamin: It was the Man in Black! More to the point, we know who the Man in Black is! He's-

Suddenly again, the screen came on, with a familiar face holding another familiar face in his arms.

Simon S: Allow me to reintroduce myself. I was Simon S, but that was before, before I died. Then, I became something far more. I am Samael, the embodiment of Death. Azrael, are game is nearing an end. I am revealed, and you know what I want. Yaggis. You bring me Yaggis....and I might just little niece Christina here. She's so innocent. I freely admit that I destroyed the Hanger. Why? Why would I target Tack and his family when it wasn't my primary goal? Some grudges persist through death.  I use one to feed the other. Simon's hatred for Tack Angel, will assist Samael's hatred for Azrael. You and I...are the last. We're entering the final act. The War in Heaven will be decided on our next actions. Bring me Yaggis....or...well I won't say what will happen to Christina, but please, use your imagination.

     Thread Starter

5/16/2020 12:40 am  #728

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Renegade Arena - Backstage

As the panic erupted following Simon S's reveal, Tack Angel left his family in the hands of TackForce, while he searched for Trevor Mach, who was on his way to the parking lot to get on his bike.

Tack Angel: Trevor! Trevor stop! Stop right now!

Trevor Mach: No time! Walk and talk buddy!

Tack Angel: He's got my daughter!

Trevor Mach: Of that, I am fully aware.

Tack Angel: We have to stop him! What's he saying about being Samael?

Trevor Mach: Yin to my Yang brother, but he's more like wang right now.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Trevor Mach: I'm calling him a dick. So he's both Simon AND Death all wrapped up into one. Could be trouble. We've stopped him a few times already, and now he's getting desperate.

Tack Angel: He wants that Yaggis guy.

Trevor Mach: You want to make that trade?

Tack Angel: I don't want to sacrifice a life for a life, even if it's my daughter. There has to be another way.

Trevor Mach: There really isn't. He wants what he wants, and that's to open the gate to Magicant. He needs Yaggis to do it.

Tack Angel: So what are we going to do about that?

Trevor Mach: I'm going to go get Yaggis. I don't know what you're going to do.

Tack Angel: I'm going with you.

Trevor Mach: I took the bike, I don't have a side car.

Tack Angel: I'll take my van.

Trevor Mach: You don't know how to dri-

Tack Angel: Dammit Trevor, you stop and listen to me! When you're goofing off you undersell me. When you're getting serious you undersell me. I get it, I'm quirky and offbeat. But, this is my DAUGHTER! If you think for a second that I'm going to let you drive off on your own to handle this, you can forget it!

Trevor Mach: That's what I like to hear. Bad Dudes wasn't just a series of movies right? State of mind. Let's go kick some ass!

Tack Angel: I need to get Faris maybe. She can drive the van and-

Bashin Dan: I'll drive.

Tack Angel: Huh?

Trevor Mach: Danny boy?

Bashin Dan: I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines for these things. It's time I step up.

Trevor Mach: Hardly in a position to disagree. Saddle up with Tack, and let's get moving.

Tack Angel: Do you even know where you're going?

Trevor Mach: I have a hunch that the black site is here in Saturn City. I just don't know where yet.

Bashin Dan: I know where it is.

Trevor Mach: Do tell.

Bashin Dan: I remember a familiar smell on the way there. It was food from the Saturn Cafe. I think they're in the sewer just below it.

Trevor Mach: Yes! Proving your worth already! Let's ride.


At the black site, Mr. Face was gearing up and loading his gun.

Jeff Andonuts: What's going on here?

Mr. Face: You saw that broadcast right? All of our fears are coming true Andonuts. Yes, Death has taken physical form. He revived the dead to buy time to locate Yaggis, and now that he's making his move.

Jeff Andonuts: You're worried he's coming here?

Mr. Face: No, this is for Mach, and whoever else is about to come through that door.

Jeff Andonuts: Excuse me? What in the name of science? You think he's going to break in here? Why?

Mr. Face: You saw who was taken right? You better believe he's coming.

Jeff Andonuts: They don't know where we are.

Mr. Face: I'm not certain of that.

Jeff Andonuts: Are you forgetting that this is the same Trevor Mach that died to stop "Entity V"? I lost my leg, and I almost lost my friend forever because of this nightmare. We owe him the benefit of the doubt here.

Mr. Face: ...*sigh* Maybe you're right. I just-

*knock knock knock*

Face and Andonuts look at the monitor to see Trevor Mach, Tack Angel, and Bashin Dan parked outside, knocking on the door to the mobile black site.

Jeff Andonuts: Oh damn, you called it.

Mr. Face: *cocks gun* Mach, you can't come in here.

Trevor Mach: Oh, I can and I will. You know who I've come for.

Mr. Face: You know what will happen if he gets his hands on Yaggis.

Trevor Mach: Better than you do.

Mr. Face: But you're still here to take him?

Trevor Mach: Absolutely.

Tack Angel: Hey Face guy, this asshole has my daughter! Christina is in danger, and I believe he WILL do something if we don't act. For my family, we're doing this.

Mr. Face: I'm sorry, I can't put one life over the lives of everyone.

Tack Angel: Then we have to do what we have to do. Trevor, can you get us in here?

Trevor Mach: How am I going to do that?

Tack Angel: Like what you did in 1992?

Trevor Mach: Doesn't really work like that. I have to be in the presence of something that would require it.

Tack Angel: That's a bit weird.

Trevor Mach: Imposed it on myself.

Tack Angel: Why would you do that?

Trevor Mach: I didn't want anyone to think I was cheating in the ring!

Bashin Dan: Guys, when we get Yaggis, we're not actually going to turn him in are we?

Tack Angel: ....I would hope it doesn't come to that.

Trevor Mach: Plan is forming in progress Dan.

Bashin Dan: Well no wonder they're not going to let us in!

As the three spoke outside, the sounds from the intercom reached the cell that Yaggis had put himself into. He closed his eyes and shed a tear, as he reached into his mind, and entered a place with another man, a man resembling Orange Kid, but heavily changed through years of exposure to the embodiment of evil.

Giygas: I've been waiting for this.

Yaggis: You just shut up, and let me think.

Giygas: Do you know how boring it was, sitting in your subconscious for 28 years? Having to see you raise a family? How is our "wife" by the way? What a ridiculous concept for us? You're so mundane. But, I knew one day, you'd come and say hello. So....hello.

Yaggis: I just recently came to know the nature of my existence. I'm not happy to be you, because I found peace being me. You won't ever admit it, but this is what you always wanted.

Giygas: Speak for yourself....or myself, but not. I wanted death and destruction. I wanted to wipe out humanity and-

Yaggis: Even George and Maria? What about the children Giygas. You're a father too.

Giygas: You....dick move.

Yaggis: Listen, we have to stop Death. We have to save our children.

Giygas: You're a fool. Inside of this body, is the few remaining traces of "Entity V" in this reality. With that, Death could open the gate to Magicant, and let the beast loose. Think about it! We know the type of entity we're dealing with here. We ARE that kind of entity!

Yaggis: This where YOU speak for yourself. I'm not like that. As far as I'm concerned, I began my life 28 years ago, and I'm responsible for what has happened in THAT time frame.

Giygas: You exist because of my unrelenting will to survive. Mach wanted to trap us in a time loop, we had to diminish ourselves into this form to escape it. I bet, we could use the remnants of "Entity V" to get our power back. We could finish what WE started, the same time...protect the children.

Yaggis: You're getting closer to the goal, but it's not what's going to happen. Mach asked me if I'm willing to do what it takes, and I am. For our family, and to protect everyone else. It's time you atone for your actions, and help me do that!

Giygas: Atone? Am I even capable? What is it that you want?

Yaggis: A rejoining? I need what power we have left to manifest in this cell.

Giygas: Why?

Yaggis: Jail break.

Yaggis opened his eyes, which were now completely black. He grinned as he stood up and stretched.

Giygas: This is nice, even if temporary, but wow, you've really let us go to waste. So what now? I kill Andonuts and Face and escape?

Yaggis: No! You wait here. Just being out, should be enough.

Giygas: For what?

Back outside, Trevor's eyes began to close, and his hands began to tremble.

Tack Angel: Trev?

Bashin Dan: Something has changed hasn't it?

Trevor Mach: Yeah...just what I needed.

Trevor quickly grabbed his bat from his bike, as it lit up, Mach took a big swing and smashed the door open.

     Thread Starter

5/17/2020 2:04 am  #729

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

Renegade Arena - Backstage

Lady M's quickly rushed around looking for Trevor with a pipe in hand, when Hope stopped her.

Hope Mach: Whoa! Slow down Mom! What's going on?

Lady M's: I'm looking for Trevor.

Hope Mach: Did he do something wrong?

Lady M's: Huh? No, this isn't for him. I'm keeping an eye out for that shit Stuart.

Hope Mach: You mean Simon?

Lady M's: I call it like it I see it. Stuart is supposedly one of those big bads we talked about.

Hope Mach: I saw the video. To think, the Man in Black was Simo-

Lady M's: Stuart.

Hope Mach: *sigh* Stuart the whole time.

Gold: It's more than that? Apparently Si-Stuart, is Samael, the personification of Death, and Trevor Mach is Azrael, his counterpart. They're fighting over the final pieces of the "Entity V" that nearly consumed us, and lead to Sylvie...going down the path she's taken.

Lady M's: Just how in the hell do you know all of that? Wait, don't tell me.

M's, Hope, and Gold: "I watch the product."

Lady M's: Of course. I bet Trevor went to confront that Yaggis guy. Turns out it's Giygas. See? I know shit too Gold.

Hope Mach: Dan said he was looking for Dad. You think he went with them?

Faris Angel: I could guess that he did. 

Lady M's: What is this? A gathering or something?

Faris Angel: Our van is gone, and Tack can't drive. Someone had to have taken him. Trevor's bike is gone too.

Lady M's: Lucky for all of us, Trevor and I have apps on our phone that help us find each other.

Faris Angel: ...That's incredible foresight.

Lady M's: You see the shit that happens to us all the time?

Faris Angel: Good point.

Eris Angel: Ugh...Faris, I'm going to need you to hold my hair back. I'm going to throw up again.

Faris Angel: I can't Eris, I have to go find Tack.

Eris Angel: Wait, what's wrong with Tack?

Faris Angel: He's going after Stuart.

Eris Angel: What?! No! He can't do that! That's Samael!

Lady M's: Duh! We were JUST talking about that! We all saw the damn video!

Eris Angel: Ugh...I got to save the idiot huh? Let's go.

Shepard: I wish to go too.

Lady M's: This hallway is getting WAY too crowded. Time to fish or cut bait people!


Trevor stepped into the room, as Mr. Face began to open fire. Mach's eyes glowed as he deflected the bullets with his bat.

Trevor Mach: You going to shoot me Face?

Mr. Face: Stun bullets Mach. Don't come any closer.

Trevor Mach: Normally, my hands shake too much, and I can't aim for shit, but when I feel this power flowing through me. When I become the avatar of the author. I feel downright surgical. You can keep firing all you want, but it's not going to do you any good.

Jeff Andonuts: Trevor wait! Can we talk about this?

Tack Angel: We don't have time to talk Jeff! Dammit, you know better than anyone right? That's how you lost that leg? I might not have been there for it, but I've been dealing with the fallout. This is as serious as it gets. Don't get in our way.

Jeff Andonuts: Of course I know how serious this is. I've been dealing with it longer than you have. Giygas threatened all life on Earth! This being, Death, is threatening all life period. We have to figure out another solution.

Bashin Dan: Doesn't seem like we have time for that fellas. I'm new to the party here, but I can remember, in brief flashes, the tendrils that crashed down and swallowed up whole cities that people don't even remember anymore. I'm sure Mach knows all too well too. That being said, we have to place our play our hand. This evil needs to be stopped. I'm guessing we're using Yaggis as bait, and when Samael gets close, we'll take him down.

Trevor Mach: That's better than my plan. We'll go with that.

Bashin Dan: Wait, what was your plan? I'm backing you up here, give me some confidence that you know what you're doing?

Trevor Mach: Would if I could.

The arguing continued, until the door to Yaggis's holding chamber was suddenly smashed open, and he stepped out gingerly.

Giygas: It's great to be back.

Jeff Andonuts: Yaggis?

Trevor Mach: No, it's Giygas isn't it? That's why I'm charged up, because Giygas is back in the saddle.

Giygas: More or less. We're doing what we have to do. I don't want to die anymore than the rest of you. We can stop this arguing right now. I'm leaving with my good friend Mach there.

Mr. Face: I can't let-

Jeff Andonuts: It's out of our hands now.

Mr. Face: ...You might be dooming us all to oblivion.

Giygas: Maybe, but not know is what makes it so exciting right? Mach, let's go shall we?

Trevor Mach: You're coming with us? Just like that?

Giygas: Just like that.

Trevor Mach: Then let's go.

The group stepped out of the mobile black site, only to be caught off guard by the sounds of moaning, coming from both directions of the sewer pipe.

Tack Angel: I'm guessing that's not what sewers are supposed to be sounding like? I mean, maybe when I'M on the toilet but-

Bashin Dan: Those sound like voices.

Giygas: Uh oh. Looks like he found me. We're connected, and he could see through my eyes. My revival must be powering him too. He's got the dead on his side again.

Trevor Mach: Asshole, he didn't really want us to bring you. He just needed us to give him a location, and to draw Giygas out of Yaggis.

Tack Angel: Then my daughter-

Giygas: The little brat is still kicking I would suspect. He doesn't have what he wants just yet. I'm in high demand today.

Giygas cracked his knuckles and popped his neck.

Giygas: Ugh, this body isn't what I'm used to, but it'll make do. Shall we gentlemen?

Tack Angel: Are we really going to fight alongside this guy?

Bashin Dan: The dead are on the way. Do we really have a choice?

Trevor Mach: Heh, you heard Dan the Man.

The group spread out in the tunnel, as the dead began to crawl or limp towards them in large numbers.

Tack Angel: These aren't Threed zombies.

Giygas: Fresh ones it seems "Star Prince". Hope you don't cry too much over battering them.

Tack Angel: You son of a bitch. I've had it with this!

Tack ran up and kicked the head off one of the zombies, before round house kicking another zombie into a pile, knocking them over.

Tack Angel: That enough for you?!

Giygas: Well alright then.

The group started to pick the zombies off one by one as they approached, but the numbers were starting to get too high. Mach SMASHED one zombie into the roof of the sewer, bringing rocks down onto more of the dead, but they continued to groan and crawl through the rubble. Dan pulled out a sword, and started chopping at the dead himself.

Tack Angel: Where did you get that?

Bashin Dan: Borrowed it from Benji! I feel bad enough not getting to ask first. I'll apologize later.

Tack Angel: Oh, is THAT what I sound like? I get it now. Totally get it.

Giygas stepped forward, and rolled up the sleeves to his lab coat and held his hands in front of him.

Giygas: Let's see what I've got.

With a grin he pushed forward with his hands, sending back dozens of the dead, but upon his second attempt, it didn't work.

Giygas: Huh, I guess I'm not there yet.

Trevor Mach: Well what good are you?

Giygas: Moral support? Go team go? I'll just be sitting back here.

Trevor Mach: Ugh. Getting pissed!

Trevor wound up for another swing, when the zombie suddenly fell to the ground from a bullet. He turned to see Mr. Face and Jeff Andonuts joining in the action.

Mr. Face: Looks like I really don't have a choice here, so let's get you doing what you're going to do already.

Jeff Andonuts: Everyone stand back!

Jeff lit off a big bottle rocket that landed in a big pile of the writhing horde, but nothing happened.

Tack Angel: Well?

Jeff Andonuts: There was supposed to be a ka-boo

The bottle rocket suddenly exploded, taking out the horde, and causing the ceiling to cave in, giving the team an opening to drive out of the sewer.

Jeff Andonuts: Haha! Science!

Tack Angel: Don't ever let me doubt you again.

Jeff Andonuts: You still owe me for crashing my Sky Runner into Titanic Ant.

Tack Angel: You're STILL holding that against me!

Bashin Dan: We need to go!

Trevor Mach: Get in the van Giygas!

Giygas: I can't ride with you?

Trevor Mach: Get in the van!

Giygas: Heh....pity.

Tack Angel: Let's go.

Trevor hopped on his bike, and waved to Face and Andonuts, before leading the van up the makeshift ramp to the city streets, which happened to also be flood with the dead.

Trevor Mach: We got to get them out of the city! Follow me Dan!

Trevor grabbed his bat and started smashing skulls on his way out of the city, but the numbers forced them to keep turning, unable to make a break for an exit to the highway. On the other side of town, Lady M's and her group were suddenly face to face with the dead in the streets, stopping traffic, but ignoring everyone on their way to Giygas.

Lady M's: We're not in Threed right?

Hope Mach: What's going on here? There are so many of them!

Faris Angel: They must be going where we're going.

Lady M's: Makes it easier to track them down, but how do we get there through this sea of bodies? Wait, I have an idea.

Gold: I suddenly have an unsettling feeling.

Lady M's: I think Tess just bought herself a personal helicopter.

Hope Mach: Mom, I know what you're thinking, and I love it.

Shepard: Then I believe our next destination is back upstairs.

As they ran back inside, the other group was cut off in the middle of the city. They had no choice but to leave their vehicles and run inside of a nearby sky scraper. It wasn't long before the dead were breaking down the doors to get inside, so they ran to the top of the building, coming out on the roof top.

Bashin Dan: Not the best strategy. We're trapped up here.

Giygas: I was just thinking that.

Tack Angel: Trevor, you can fly right?

Trevor Mach: Sometimes. Why? I'm not leaving by myself here.

Tack Angel: Take Giygas and go.

Trevor Mach: I don't think so.

Bashin Dan: They're coming for him. If you take him, they'll leave!  They'll follow you.

Trevor Mach: I don't know that for sure, and that means I'm not about to leave you two up here to die.

Giygas: How touching. Besides, I'd rather we not do that. His burns me. I don't like it. It was better when I could crush you like an insect I think.

Tack Angel: Then we fight?

Trevor Mach: That's what Bad Dudes do. You a bad enough dude to fight an army of the dead?

Tack Angel: *sigh* ...If only this were my past life. Wouldn't be a problem.

Trevor Mach: Wait, you want to be the old Star Prince? Come here.

Trevor put his hand on Tack's head and shut his eyes.

Tack Angel: What are you doing?

Trevor Mach: Avatar of the author Tack. I'm the king of the ass pulls right now. You want to be Star Prince. Let's make you a Star Prince.

Suddenly, Tack's eyes shone with bright light, as he reached out, a scythe appeared in his right hand.

Bashin Dan: Whoa!

Giygas: You could just use your power to give me mine back .

Trevor Mach: Not a chance. Tack? How you feelin' bro?

Tack Angel: Doth verily do I feel a change with *cough cough* I mean, I feel weird man...I feel weird.

Trevor Mach: Past life and present life sharing the same time frame. It's temporary, so make it co-


Trevor Mach: WHOA!

Tack took a swing with his scythe, and tore tore threw the dead as they were approaching from behind.

Tack Angel: I-I remember. Oh God, my name WAS Tackleton!

Trevor Mach: Ha! It's working!

Bashin Dan: Guys, they're still coming!

Trevor Mach: Giygas, get back. Guys, let's chop em' down!

Giygas: Didn't know you cared.

Trevor Mach: Shut it!

As they continued to fight off the dead, a helicopter loomed over ahead. It lowered down as close as possible, with Hope throwing open the door.

Hope Mach: Guys! Up here! Can you get us lower?

Faris Angel: Any lower and the propeller wind is going to knock them off!

Lady M's: Point those propellers right at the dead, and push forward.

Faris Angel: I don't know if-

Lady M's: Hit it!

Faris Angel: *sigh* Well alright then. Hang on.

The helicopter tilted forward, and went forward, tearing into the dead, and pushing many off the roof, giving time for the group to jump into the already overfilled helicopter, which made it difficult to take off.

Trevor Mach: Tight fit in here. Eh wife?

Lady M's: Just another day for us huh?

Trevor Mach: You got it.

Tack Angel: D'Hai, is that you?!

Shepard: Prince Tackleton?

Faris Angel: Uh....what's going on with Tack?

Tack Angel: Oh yeah, I'm Tack and Tackleton right now. A man of two minds as it were.

Yaggis: You're not the only one.

Bashin Dan: Dr. Yaggis? Is that you?

Yaggis: I figured I had a moment to catch my breath and let Giygas...uh...recharge as it were.

Trevor Mach: So you're in control?

Yaggis: Yes Trevor. I'm sorry I had to awaken him, but it was needed to get out of there.

Trevor Mach: You're not wrong. Don't worry about it. Guess this answers my question. You're ready for this.

Tack Angel: Ready for what pray tell?

Trevor Mach: Oh, I actually have a plan.

Bashin Dan: I knew it! I could tell you were holding something back.

Trevor Mach: Desperate times call for desperate measures. We got a War in Heaven, and Yaggis and I have a choice to make soon.

Bashin Dan: What choice?

Trevor Mach: Well-

Faris Angel: Trevor?

Trevor Mach: Yeah uh...purple haired Tack wife?

Faris Angel: *sigh* Faris.

Trevor Mach: Totally knew that.

Faris Angel: We have someone on the radio calling for you.

Trevor Mach: Is that right? Well, I bet I know who that is. *grabbed radio mic* This is Mach. Hello Samael.

Dusty Dunes Desert

Samael, in the body of Simon S. paced back and forth on top of a large cliff overlooking the desert. He smugly paced and held a small child in his arms as he placed the com to his mouth.

Samael: I see you've found your way out of the city. That's fine. We can still make this deal. The fate of everything rests on it after all, including the life of young Christina Angel. They're up there, watching right now. The fighting has ceased, while the celestials observe this all too important moment in history. Bringing Giygas back was awfully risky, but it may have paid off for you, as you are still alive....for now. You want to save the child, you need to come to me. I am in the Dusty Dunes Desert. You'll know where to find me. Please hurry, I have a surprise for you. I can't wait to finally settle this Azrael. Death vs. Death as it were, but only one of us will survive. Let us finish it tonight shall we?

Samael dropped the mic and looked over to see the young Christina playing off in the corner.

Samael: Are we having fun Christina?

Young Christina: Yeah! This is fun Uncle Simon!

Samael: It sure is. I'm glad we were able to get our little friend here to join us too.

Samael held up Justice Mach, practically dangling him off the side of the cliffs.

Samael: I had to encourage someone to let us bring him, but by the time he wakes up, he won't have enough time to think about it too much.

Young Christina: You're silly Uncle Simon.

Samael: I sure am.

Samael soon turned and looked at the other figure nearby.

Samael: Hey kid, stick around a bit longer. You'll get to see your Dad real soon, and if you want to save him, you'll help me out.

Cade: Whatever it takes.

Samael: Glad to hear it.

Samael looked down off the cliff to see more and more of the dead converging on the spot.

Samael: Those who oppose me, shall be damned. Heh.

Last edited by Machismo (5/17/2020 2:34 am)

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5/19/2020 1:48 am  #730

Re: EBW - Earthbound Wrestling

The overstuffed helicopter was making its way over Fourside, as Tack sat in the co-pilot seat next to Faris.

Tack Angel: Hey...hey you.

Faris Angel: Tack? You alright?

Tack Angel: Huh? Yeah, I'm Tack right. It's hard to keep it straight right now.

Faris Angel: What's gotten into you? Something's different, I can tell.

Tack Angel: Yeah, you got that right? Trevor did it. He sort of brought back me, as in the old me, and I can hear me rattling around in my head, like it's trying to override me.

Faris Angel: I'm sorry what? Trevor, what did you do and why did you do it?

Trevor Mach: I had to give him something! We were stuck up there on the roof! It's temporary purple haired Tack wife.
Faris Angel: It's Faris! You know it's Faris! You gave me the Time Fire costume!

Trevor Mach: Give me a break, I've been dead since then!

Tack Angel: Yes Tackleton, I have that many wives. Why is that weird? Did we not do that before?

Faris Angel: What?

Tack Angel: Oh, I'm sorry can you hear that?

Faris Angel: You talking out loud? Yeah, I sure can.

Tack Angel: I thought I was doing an internal monologue thing with the voice arguing with me. He's...not too keen on the current lifestyle.

Shepard: You'll have to sir, but you're not the man you used to be.

Tack Angel: Tell me about it.

Trevor sat back against the side of the helicopter and rested his head on Lady M's shoulder, while also staring straight at Yaggis, who appeared to be flashing signs of Giygas back and forth as he smirked at Mach one moment, before looking outside the next.

Lady M's: So, you broke into a black site and took the most dangerous man in the universe....and you didn't invite me?

Trevor Mach: I was short of time Lady.

Lady M's: Uh-huh, you're acting like a man with a plan, and you didn't want me involved.

Trevor Mach: You might not like what I might just have to do.

Lady M's: Well, we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Hope Mach: What is it you plan on doing Dad?

Trevor Mach: ...Secret....shhh....

Hope Mach: Is this really the time to be goofing around?

Trevor Mach: Heh...yeah, it is. Dan, may I borrow my daughter for a moment? Come here Hope.

Hope sat on the other side of Trevor and he embraced both her and M's.

Trevor Mach: I love you family. Very much.

Lady M's: Oh this isn't ominous or anything.

Trevor Mach: Maybe I just don't say it enough.

Lady M's: Uh-huh.

Trevor Mach: Alright....I might...have to go away for a while. But I wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed spending time with both of you.

Hope Mach: What?

Trevor Mach: You've made my heart so full.

Hope Mach: Dad, what are you talking about?

Giygas: Finishing what we started. Right Trevor?

Lady M's: Oh, not this jackass.

Bashin Dan: Whatever it is you plan on doing, you need to leave Yaggis in one piece. You need to get Giygas out of him, so he can be there for Cade, and his daughter.

Trevor Mach: .....

Giygas; The kid thinks he's a part of this. Stand back boy, you're not in our league to be-

Bashin Dan: Shut up! I don't care about that! I don't care about what you've done or where you've been right now. None of that matters. All that matters is that my friend is in anguish, and in pain. We're doing what we're doing to help people right? Well, I want to help him.

Hope Mach: Dan.

Trevor Mach: Heh. You don't want to screw with this kid Giygas. He's better than all of us.

Giygas: ...If you say so.

Faris Angel: We're coming on the location.

Gold: How can you tell?

Tack Angel: Oh, it's fairly obvious.

The group all crowded around windows to see a large gathering of the dead, numbering in the thousands, surrounding a cliff in the desert. Lightning was striking all around the area, as the copter made its decent not far from where Samael was standing.

Faris Angel: Well, here we are.

Tack Angel: Foul creature, I can sense the negative energy off of him already. To have let it get this bad, and go on this long. No longer. We must put an end to this, even if he's inhabiting the brother of one of your wives.

Faris Angel: Tack?

Tack Angel: Huh? Sorry, I was drifting for a moment. Oh, we landed. There he is huh?

Giygas: I guess that means we're up huh?

Trevor Mach: Don't try anything Giygas. I mean that.

Yaggis: He has no choice over the matter.

Trevor Mach: Good. Let's finish this then shall we?

Lady M's: Wait. I have....something to tell you.

Trevor Mach: Yeah? I'm all ears Lady.

Lady M's: it's alright. I'll tell you later.

Trevor Mach: You sure?

Lady M's: We got to focus on this. It's important right?

Trevor Mach: Fate of reality.

Lady M's: Exactly. Let's go kick some ass.

Trevor Mach: *wink* Now you're talking.

The group stepped out of the helicopter and found themselves in close proximity to the former Simon Stuart, now known as Samael.

Samael: Azrael, you actually brought him, along with the "whole gang" I see.

Trevor Mach: You knew I would, but what you don't know, is why that's a problem for you.

Samael: Because he's awoken to himself again? It gives you power yes? Gives me power too. We're all interconnected. They're watching right now. Can you feel it?

Trevor Mach: They want to see the last hold out from "Entity V's" plan get his ass beat.

Samael: Is that your plan? Beat me up? You can't kill me. I'm Death.

Trevor Mach: That makes two of us.

Samael: You choose to be mortal though, giving me the advantage.

Trevor Mach: I choose being me dickhead, which is far more dangerous for you. I have everything to lose, and I'm willing to die to protect it. That's why I broke into a black site to drag Giygas to your feet, because desperate times call for desperate measures.

Samael: You brought the instrument of your destruction all for one life. This act will cost everyone theirs lives. Ultimate death.

Trevor Mach: Why man? Why do you have to destroy it all? You had your place. Things were working. Why do you have to throw that all away?

Samael: Figured it would be obvious to you. I curse this existence. I curse this addiction to death. I curse the hunger for more death. I want to bring upon the ultimate death, because I curse our creator!

Trevor Mach: If you and the man upstairs have an issue, I can point you to Fray Tibruon but-

Samael: I'm not talking about THE creator! I'm talking about OUR creator! The one that made this world, this place, and all of us. The one that put us here. The uncaring mind that discards his toys when he's bored with them. The one willing to extinguish all of reality if would make for a good story. His uneven, damaged, and tortured imagination, that made me what I am. I hate him. I curse him. You're the proxy. He made you an Angel of Death, just so you could stop me. You act like you have free will, but in the end, you're just serving a different master. You might as well be Malice Rider.

Giygas: That would've made things easier for me.

Trevor Mach: Life is what you make it. We might be born and created for a purpose, but we decide on if we go down that path, or if we take another. We do have free will. Our actions, our words and feelings pour through the story, and change the one who writes it. We have just as much sway over him, as he has over us.

Gold: What do you think they're talking about?

Hope Mach: I have no idea. Nor, do I want to know.

Tack Angel: Hey! Enough with the back and forth. You see that we brought him! He's here! Now, where is Christina! If you hurt her you son of a bitch, then I'll-

Samael: Relax Star Prince. She's right here, and not just her either. Get ready for your surprise.

Cade stepped out from behind the rocks, holding Christina's hand, and holding Justice in his arms.

Trevor Mach: Justice!

Lady M's: You bastard!

Yaggis: Son?

Cade: Hello Father.

Giygas: Oh, this just took a turn.

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