Announcer: It's time for Flashback, the show that gives you an in depth look at EBW's past! Here is your host EBW Vice President Ryan IQ!!!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Huh?! What? Uh....hi everyone. You'll have to forgive me, as I did not know I was the host of this program until Trevor pushed me out onto the stage just now. So yeah....EBW Flashback....a look back at EBW. Huh...that sounds simple enough I guess. EBW has been around since 2006, with a rich and storied history to look back on. At one point EBW was going head to head with Nintendo! Other times, EBW was locked in combat with space aliens! We even managed to throw in some wrestling from time to time! Viewers that are new to EBW should start at the beginning, to the first show titled "Beware the Gutsy Bat".
Vice President Ryan IQ: The humble beginnings of EBW. Earthbound Wrestling was formed by BH Pirkle, the former mayor of the town of Onett. What we didn't know at the time was that he was using funds obtained from Capcom to create the wrestling promotion. EBW started off very small and very local. Residents from Onett and Twoson were apart of the initial roster, with former Global World Champion Ness serving as the original ace of the company. Notable feuds in the early days included the Sharks taking on the Onett Police Force, and the U.F.O stable feuding with just about anyone on planet Earth.
Vice President Ryan IQ: The main event saw Ness take on Poo for the very first time. A fifteen minute glimpse into what EBW would become. For some reason, Mr. T was the Special Guest Referee. I don't know what they were thinking either. I mean you're running on a very tight budget and you bring in Mr. T?! Fiscally, this makes no sense, but what do I know? I'm just the MONEY MAN! I'm glad we're making better financial decisions these you know....creating our own network. *sigh*
*A Shadow shows a man with three legs walking to an entrance with 2 belts...*
Announcer: Coming down to the ring...weighing in at 125kg...He is the Eagleland Champion
and the Samoan Sexmachine...KINNIKU MIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!
*Front camera shows Mike walking down the alse as his theme is playing*
The Samoan Slaughterhouse...
Mike: You know, alot of fans wondered that didnt know of my past gimmick, I was recruited by this guy named
Mr. Poochyfud and later on Captain Strong. He saw me in the gym in Edo when I was training for New Edo Pro Wrestling.
I was turned down from All Edo Pro due to not having that charisma as they were being americanized as you can see.
He mentioned while I was busy doing weight training that he wanted to start a new "group" or basically wanted me to
join this promotion...when I thought of seemed too...wacky possibly.
Mr. Poochyfud: I'll never forget that day I saw this stocky Samoan guy with deadlocks just lifting weights like
it was nothing, and not only that he can move for a big guy...and also I saw this French guy named Maurice hitting'
the speed bag and figured...I NEED these guys. So that was when Captain Strong thought of the name Samoan
Captrain Strong: And it was then I wanted to book these two along with Amigo in a three way match. They basically tore the
house down despite a time limit draw. But I think it was after that nite the fans were in treat to possibly the future...
One thing about Mike he never really talked much but eventually as he evolved you can shut him up! *laughs*...
*Footage of EBW; X-Cite was shown of their debut match*
Announcer: There you have it, ]The fans were truly impressed with the newcomers who seemed to show no signs of inexperience. These three came prepared and it showed. After thrity grueling minutes the match ended in a time limit draw. All three fighters stared each other down before shaking hands in a show of respect. Even Kinniku Mike, who fought the whole time like a raging bull managed to extend his hand to the fellow young lions. It was a great way to kick off the new era in EBW, which appears to be heading down a more MMA influenced path....
Mike: Its funny how in that match they were going by a MMA path...
Maurice: MMA in EBW? Didnt make sense to me as I was just a good shootboxer, Amigo was great at wrestling, but Mike had no MMA
background, he was just an islander with strength...
Amigo: But the shocking part is a guy of that size could soak up information like a sponge. He was eager to learn when he did talk
at the time...I remember during a Maelstrom show that Mike sparred with Mach and busted him up pretty well despite getting caught
with a "Kimura.
Trevor Mach: Getting hit by Mike is like getting hit by Andre, Kobashi, and Big Show...true story. This scar above my eyebrow was from
Mike which later explained his eyebrow gettng pierced. Besides I had to use a kimura to finish him, I couldnt ground and pound with him!!!
MFC wanted to bring in their heavyweight former MFC Heavyweight Champion Jim Sylvia and round 2 he knocked him out CLEAN!!!
I was like...BOOSH!
Starting SURGE with Amigo and Maurice / Feud with SWIFT
*Press conference of VE3*
Captain Strong: THIS...IS SURGE!!!
Mike: At the time EBW was full of groups like Perfect Anarchy, Metal Rush, the Bushido Crusade, and of course Maelstrom...
So when Strong decided to form me Amigo, and Maurice to form after we defeated him in a 6 man, it was too good to be true.
We were getting noticed and the awkward part was was wanting Maurice to match his hairstyle with mine. They thought the idea
was interesting with us being a regular tag team having the same hairstyle.
Maurice: What the fuck was Strong thinking? But later on it grew on...I like it. That and I never had to worry about
paying for it with the people Mike knew...
Mike: Along with getting noticed we had a mini feud with Metal Rush...well the lower half of it. Mainly me feuding with SWIFT
over who was the biggest popular heavyweight. Which results showed who was voted. And I won over SWIFT...
*footage from EBW Awards*
Kinniku Mike: ....I'm not much for words....I prefer getting my message across by kicking someone's ass in a wrestling ring...sooo...thank you for this I guess.
Swift: Boo....get that bitch off the stage!
Kinniku Mike: Who the hell was that?!
Swift: Oh you know exactly who it is Mike. It's the guy you stole your entire gimmick from. That award should be going to the baddest motherf***er on the roster, not his cheap carbon copy!
Kinniku Mike: You can kiss my as Swift. You want to prove something to me? You get up here now and prove it!
Swift: I figured it was the old with the new and I wanted to give this young guy a run for his money. If anyone was going to bring out this
son of a bitchs full potential it was going to be me!
Sal Paradise: The promos were so funny to me as both were not the biggest talkers but it did help raise ticket sales.
To me it was an overlooked feud due to the both being minorities...there I said it. But I remember those two beating
the daylights out of each other. Brass knuckles matches, street fight matches, first blood, surprised EBN didnt talk us off
the network with those sum it up if EBW had a deathmatch division these two would be your main guys to watch.
Heel Turn with Captain Strong / Feud with Mach
Mike: Not too long after Bolshoi and Bakayaro joined SURGE Maurice left to start Perfection and Amigo was beginning to get bookingmore
than me as well as going to New Edo to do a title defense. It felt like I was in the back burner as I was really putting in effort in the feud
with Swift so I felt like this was a slap in the nuts.
*Footage of the SURGE DOJO breakup*
Captain Strong: MIKE!
Kinniku Mike: Wha!? Oh I'm sorry....were you saying something sir?
Captain Strong: Mike! That's it! I'm done! You had the potential to be the next big brawler in EBW! You had wins over Swift, and you were looking to break into the main event picture! Then you got sloppy....then you got all you do is sit around and envy someone else for what they have and lust over someone that you want! JEEZ! I saw so much in the three of you! and Maurice let me down! Why is it that Amigo was the only one who excelled in SURGE? Is it because he has the charisma of a dry sponge?!
Amigo: Hey?
Kinniku Mike: You know what?! I don't need this! I want the good life damnit! I want what's coming to me and I'm tired of sitting around here playing the waiting game! I AM ready for the main event! I AM ready to take what belongs to me!
Captain Strong: GOOD! FINE! Get out! You're no longer wanted here Mike!
Kinniku Mike: .....Fine....I'm gone.
Bolshoi: A shame to let that handosme Samoan leave that group...I mean what did he saw in a woman like M's...
Mike: So out of anything what could be a way to get back in the picture. A feud with Mach over the lovely Lady M's.
Lady M's: As much as a sexist pig I thought Mike was, this brought ratings, and it gave me a eventual reason to bash him with a sledgehammer.
Trevor Mach: Personally I was all for defending my title against Mike, it was a fresh new challenger.
Mike: Funny part was after that feud I remember alot of the promos being compared to Super Mario video games. Me and Trev mentioned how
much fans we were of Super Mario that what some fans didnt know after that feud and I was a heel with Captain Strong joining the bangwagon
we ended up becoming friends.
Trevor Mach: We grew an awkward figure a guy who finally was coming out of his shell I grew to like.
And him being able to challenge me at Breakthrough helped him in terms of wheather or not Kinniku Mike was going to
hang in the next level. He didnt hold back in that match and neither did I. I thought at one point I was knocked out from a
rushing elbow to my head before doing his release Dragon Suplex which for the record if anyone has been put in that move they
know once locked on, youre just going to have to embrace that bump...
Mike: Anyways after the title feud I was sent to FSW for more enhancement. That was another low as I was a tag champion
I was also involved in the most ridiculous storylines as well.
Randy no Kachi: Ill never forget Mike posing as me, he looked like a giant version of me. The promos that were cut with his group attacking him
were hilarious because they thought he was me...but what the hell im not that big, im Randy no Kachi damnit. But one accomplishment was being
able to score a flash win over Mike as he was getting cocky.
Mike: I was NOT cocky in that match, Randy got lucky....lets be real.
Captain Strong: Hey I needed a puppet, Mike at that time was too bigheaded so why not?
Mike: It was not too long that I grew tired and left Strong's group after being attacked by all members which
funny the person who made the save was none of than Trevor Mach...Later on I had a rematch but it never happened due
to the sledgehammer bump and thats when the first stage of the seeds planting to Kinniku Mike "Samoan Sexmachine"
was starting...
Merchandise / Hairstyle: Dreadlocks / Joining the Unbreakables
Mike: After breaking away from Captain Strong, I was freelance for a while. I was on the EBW video game as a hidden character
along with Amigo and Maurice to be unlocked and then participating in other matches like the tournament to crown the first
Television Champion at the Crisis be honest even during that storyline being a heel still it sure did feel awkward being
still bald and without the dreads...
Moz: I actually went against Mike in our first singles match against each other in the first round and it seemed like he was
back to his original self. At one point I tried going for my finisher and he swung me easily into his finisher and I remember being
knocked out from it. Mike is a stiff guy when the moment is right. But I also think his target was still on Captain Strong.
Mike: So much energy after that breakup to where I was once again in the background until...*makes whistle noise*, the storyline
with Mach to start the Unbreakables and reign terror in EBW. The funny part is when joining the Unbreakables we came out in motorcycles,
so I had to take week long classes to learn how to use one...
*footage from EBW Xperiement*
Kinniku Mike: .....Can I help you? and Swift? and Larmore? and w00t?! Am I about to be mugged or something?
Trevor Mach: No.
Kinniku Mike: Cause I'm not going down without a fight! I know I'm looking pretty fly, but you CAN'T HAVE MY SWAG!
Trevor Mach: No man, I came here to recruit you. You finally stood up for yourself and you're showing the potential a lot of us saw in you.
Kinniku Mike: Why are you trying to sound "mentory"? I tried to steal your Lady remember?
Trevor Mach: Yeah, but I can't blame you....she's awesome. Besides, you ate enough're forgiven. You've got my respect man. A few months and I were fighting like motherf***ers hitting each other in the face as hard as they could! FIGHTING LIKE MEN!
Kinniku Mike: Your point?
Trevor Mach: Imagine if we joined forces buddy.
Kinniku Mike: HA! So you NEED ME! Well I don't know if I'll help unless you BEG!
Trevor Mach: I don't need you Mike...I don't need anybody, but if we're going to do this....might as well do it as a team. If you want to sit here, twiddle your thumbs, and wait for the cop to beat your ass my guest.
Kinniku Mike: Hey! Trevor? I'm in man! I'll join you! Trevor wait up!
Mike: While being a member I was tagging with Swift, and finally was able to get my hands on PRevention and the leader Captain Strong...
Swift: That showed how much Strong was a chickenshit motherfuck.....that s the right phrase that was used and I came up with
that referring to Woot when he stole my ramen noodles...I remember the ending to that match as Strong pushed Pokey Minch
into getting Release Dragon Suplexed by Mike. That man rolled hard from the impact from that move.
Mike: Finally during the Heat Wave ppv I was able to get my hands on Captain Strong and with help from M's to get the
distraction of Alissa Flash away that helped. BTW is Alissa Flash single? Anyways, it was finally a relief to close that chapter in
EBW and finally move on...
Alissa Flash: Who is Kinniku Mike again?
Mike: It was also during that time frame two things happened, one I was able to get my dreads back, and two...I was able to get my dreads back thanks
to a time be honest they looked different than before. I liked em better thats for sure.
Kinniku Mike: Cha-ching!
Jeff Andonuts: Uh...Chicken Man? Have you always been here?
Chicken Man: Yeah....ever since I got rehired a couple weeks ago.
Jeff Andonuts: Oh....well alright then. Nice hair by the way Mike.
Kinniku Mike: What are you talking about?
Jeff Andonuts: Nothing! Well....I guess the changes aren't SO bad.
Television & Global Champion / Sonoko Kato
Mike: After Renegade Nation and the giant leap Trevor did on the opponents, we were really getting over but Trevor wanted to break
the group up after the E-1, Im like ARE YOU KIDDING BRO?
Trevor Mach: I got bored haha. The Unbreakables were fun but everyone was in the serious mode with E-1, Danny had a feud with
Troy, Swift and Amigo were doing their own thing, Woot was doing bets with Mike andkept losing and well we all managed to still kick
some ass in the process!
Mike: The E-1 Climax was a special moment that year due to the only guys from the Unbreakables to make it to the top
four were me and Trevor. I defeated Akinan in the block to secure a spot debuting a top rope splash which is steriotypical for Samoan
wrestlers. Because of this win it put me in the Semi-Finals against Mach...
Trevor Mach: It was once again like Breakthrough, it was a tst to see how far Mike can push himself win or lose...
For the simple fact that Akinan was no easy win and I was a bit mroe pumped so even an exhausted Mike if you remember
seeing the show is just as dangerous as a fresh Mike.
*showing the faceoff*
Announcer: These two men no strangers to each other, you can feel the intensity of this ring with a butchers knife!
Mike: And I remember getting hit real hard by a Macha Ye and him going for the Shing Trevorplex but I blocked it to the overhead belly
to belly and then a Dragon Suplex Hold which was rare in that match but he kicked out and caught me with a Shining Black
that knocked the wind out of me.
*shows footage of Mike shaking hands with Trevor after the match*
Announcer: Give Mike credit where due but Trevor Mach's super run in the E-1 will now lead him on one more Unbreakable collision.
This time he will take on the wrestler he has adopted as a protege....Danny Leung. Everything will be on the line as these two battle for E-1 Glory!
Mike: So after the E-1 was the New Years show, Maurice was the Television Champion and they did a fan poll before the show of
who his opponents was going to be and it was me that won a match on X-cite for it.
*shows match from LAst Clash*
Announcer: -The first match of the night saw Kinniku Mike get the Television Title Shot that he had earned on X-cite.
He and Maurice grew up in the wrestling business along with Amigo, who had come out with Mike to make sure that he got the
fair match that Amigo could not. Mike, sporting the skinhead look again ready for war and possibly singles gold in this match against the
French Fist...
Mike: It was in that match where I had to use my finisher twice just to down the man because he was swinging in that match.
His fists reminded me of Ronnie Garvin and Mike Tyson...
Maurice: Haha, I remember that match and having my fists heavily taped just to hit real hard on Mike and the 2nd half
of the match he went from absorbing them to not feeling them and thats where his power came in...Mike had me laid out
like a Edo woman in heat. But it was a good match to end the new year, you could say our match was alot better than the main.
Tack Angel: The match was good but to say it was better than the main...I have to beg to differ on the new generations
Mike: Not even a week after winning I had my first defense and Ive decided to bring a new finisher. I was going against another
hard hitter in Little Mac and he went for a swing and I gave him a sidekick to the stomach and whipped out a variation of the
Japanese Ocean Queen Bee Bomb similar to Manami Toyota and called it the Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb. For those who dont know,
im a fan of Sonoko Kato...and her...well....her butt! How could you not? I shoulve married that woman...
Amigo: I remember in the Dojo, Mike having a poster of Sonoko Kato on his wall...that man is odd.
Even the poor rookies on TUE had to learn pickup lines he used on Sonoko.
Mike Ishijima: For the record, they worked too!
Trevor Mach: Yea I do remember one time seeing Sonoko in person dropping off Mike when Amigo
was injured too if Im correct...that chocolate bear is a real Samoan sexmachine
Mike: Not even after that match with Mac, Amigo came out and challenged me to a Unification match on the next ppv. New Year Rising 2011
was the show and as you saw the card it was basically a SURGE reunion in the worse way. Amigo was the Royal Crown champ, I had the TV title
and Maurice was the special ref. Being a member of Greed of course he was going to play dirty unfortunately. When Maurice refused I
took matters into his own hands, clocked Maurice hard and knocked him out. After giving Amigo the B.O.S.B. I made Maurice count the pin himself.
And I was declared the winner.
Amigo: Its was once again showcasing us since the days of debuting with our styles that were hybrided. We really did mesh well in styles in our
match with the moves we were pulling off.
Anwin: That was possibly a match of the year candidate that was unfortunatelly overlooked in my eyes...
Trevor Mach: I have to agree on the the simple fact we had Rufus who was basically like the Jim Herd of EBW who was busy overlooking
the guys as it was more built on trying to make Maurice popular.
Mike: Eventually we had a rematch on the TUE finale and I still won and unfortanely Maurice wanted one more shot at the belt
so it was a three way match with this time Little Mac as the ref and unfortunately I lost both titles to Amigo in which I had no shame in
having happen as long as it wasnt from Greed...
Announcer: IT'S TIME FOR EBW ROOKIE COURT! When the youngsters of EBW get out of hand it's time to lay down some justice! Only one man can put them in their place, and that place is ROOKIE COURT!
Swift:'s quiet today....too quiet. No rookie shenanigans....yet. Upstart little bitches can't control themselves though so I know that's only a matter of time until...wait...what is this?! OH HELL NO!
Swift: YOU!
Fighter Daron: Oh hi there! My name is Fighter Daron. I think we've met before!
Swift: >:C
Fighter Daron: I think you...accidentally pushed me out the window.
Swift: Wasn't no accident. >:C
Fighter Daron: Oh...well I just wanted you to know that I am fully recovered and ready to join the roster!
Swift: Oh you think you can just DECIDE when you get to join EBW?!
Fighter Daron: But President Mach said-
Swift: TREVOR AIN'T IN THE LOCKER ROOM ANYMORE NOW IS HE?! You want some respect rookie?! You better fess up!
Fighter Daron: To what?
Swift: You know what you did!
Fighter Daron: I am so confused right now.
Swift: Hrm. Come with me!
Fighter Daron: Oh crap!
Fighter Daron: Huh? Where am I?
Swift: This is Rookie Court! If you're not going to fess up to the crime, then we'll just have to decide the punishment anyways!
Fighter Daron: This...uh...doesn't seem fair actually.
Swift: You damn rookie don't get fair! You get Triscuit crackers and a glass of water ONCE A WEEK! You don't get to waltz into the Veterans Locker Room, take a drink of a Whoop Ass Soda, and then set the can on the table......WITHOUT A DAMN COASTER! >:C
Fighter Daron: I uh...I didn't do that.
Swift: LIAR! All the veterans know manners around here. Even the Greed sons of bitches lift their pinkies when sipping their drinks. They know to use a coaster! That just leaves YOU!
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: Pst w00t, it was actually me.
w00t: Hilarious.
Swift: We now present the judges for today's case. Sparkle GM Tali Mach. She's the bosses wife, so don't get any ideas! Next, we have w00t and guys....look kind of different.
Generator: What do you mean?
Swift: I'm just looking at you and w00t...something seems different.
w00t: Maybe you're just looking at a different angle.
Swift: .....Yeah....maybe.... >:C
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: Swift, I've got a thing to do in like 5 minutes, so can we get a move on.
Swift: Right. The charge is being a rude ass rookie. How do you plead?
Fighter Daron: NOT GUILTY!
Swift: Bullshit! Judges make your decision.
Fighter Daron: Don't I get a chance to defend myself?
Swift: >:C
w00t: Guilty.
Generator: Guilty.
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: Guilty.
Swift: >:C
Fighter Daron: *gulp*
President Trevor Mach: *sigh* Rookie Court?
Fighter Daron: Hmmmph.
President Trevor Mach: Of course.
Nerma: Breaking News! It seems that President Mach is finally ready to reveal the big card for Xcite's launch on The EBW Network! Along with a big upgrade to overall production, President Mach has promised a big card full of surprises. The opening bout will feature a big return to the Infinity Division. We'll see Hotlanta and Generator square off in a Veterans Showdown. Kinniku Mike will put the Eagleland strap on the line against former champion Hashim Al-Singh. Swift will shift his focus to Greed, as he takes on two members of New Money in a Handicap Match. Tack Angel will lead five of EBW's best, including a mystery partner as they take on Global World Champion Jamie OD, EBW Turncoat Ness, and the rest of the Greed stable in a huge 12-Man Tag. The main event will be one for the record books, as Sal Paradise will take on the man that attacked him on the last Xperience of the ENN era. The man that physically fired the first shot in the oncoming war with Capcom. Sal Paradise will go toe to toe with Dante.
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Division 6-Man Tag: Camilo Ortega/Shadow/Randy no Kachi vs. Anwin/Bolshoi/?
2. Infinity Division Veterans Showdown: Hotlanta vs. Generator
3. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) vs. Hashim Al-Singh
4. Handicap Match: Swift vs. Ra/Pretty Tony
5. 12-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Amigo/Maurice/w00t/Chu Chu/? vs. Jamie OD/Ness/Little Mac/Troy/Retro Hippie/Noah Jennings
6. Singles: Sal Paradise vs. Dante(Capcom)
EBW Cares / Theme Song "Laid in Japan"
Mike: During my Television title reign I visit my old college in Samoa to promote texting and driving prevention.
And coming back to the EBW offices, Trevor had the most cheesy look on his and because he had the idea of...
Trevor Mach: Promoting the same way with EBW. But this time on a national level. This was also another side of Mike, people weren't used to seeing. At the same tme, we had typical Mike shenanigans...
Mike: Even the PSA were hilarious due to still giving people that same Mike-ness that people expect from the Samoan Sexmachine. Not onl was I promoting the things of subject but if you payed attention it was also as if I was promoting my self like women do on the sexphoneline. Except im more willing, and what they see is what they get
of course.
*clips of EBW CARES promos*
I'm Kinniku Mike, Television Champion, Sex Machine, and responsible driver. One of the most important things to remember while driving is don't be a dumb ass. The quickest route to being a dumb ass and an early grave is texting while driving. I've seen it a dozen times while I'm out on my dates with my harem of women from Edo....literally....a whole harem of them. Chicks dig the Samoan Sex Machine and Mike digs them right back hehe....oh where was I? If you text and drive you'll be doing something insanely stupid while at the same time pissing me off....YOU DON'T WANT TO PISS ME OFF!
Tack Angel: What some fans dont know, the one where me and Trev flipped the van over, that EBW Cares was impromptu.
Mike was in the middle of taking autographs and we were supposed to join in later on for our session and know...
the big bang theory...literally!
Texting and driving is really stupid, but playing road game that involve the driver looking away from the road....that ranks up there too. Don't be a douche bag. Keep your damn eyes on the road and remember "EBW Cares". At least they put on seat belts
Jamie OD: Seeing the one where Mike out of nowhere pops from the ocean was interesting. Like how does he
know what the hell is going on? I couldn't pull off something like that I would've been arrested because then again I
don't like Trevor nor Tack. I'm surprised Mike was able to swim in all of that pollution!!!
Hey, When I'm not busy slamming people or with my Edo women, I'm telling you fans about safe sex. If you want to stay happy happy you must keep it wrappy wrappy. Remember, EBW Cares when it comes to preventing deadbeat parents...
Mike: *laughs* The funny part is, when it came to some of those phrases, alot of ideas came from my mentor.
A close thai friend whose name I'll disclose buthe used to tell me "MIKE, you will one day be champion! Just stay single,
stay happy, keep it wrappy wrappy." He was another guy that influenced me in terms of how to apporach to women.
*shows clip of Mike promo of EBW in Mushroom Kingdom*
Mike: And if there is any female mushroom thang whose in thought. I don't know what you think of me, but I hope it's X-rated!
*clip of Mike backstage talking with Sonoko Kato on the phone*
Mike: Your daddy must have been a baker, 'cause you have a nice set of buns.
Amigo: *facepalm* I wonder how this man is not in jail somewhere for sexual harassment?
*walks up to a few random women in Edo*
Mike: Do any of you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package?
Mike Ishijima: The man has his words, and they're legit...VERY. Look at me im his protegee
and possibly this year the new sexmachine.
Mike: While I as going through a character change Iwas finding a theme. Growing up I was a fan of the
Samurai Champloo series and was reading up on the rapper Shing02. It was then I got hooked on his EVOLUTION
OF THE MC CD that came out. There was a certain track that I got hooked on called "Laid in Japan". Go figure...
Not too long after that Shing02 actually contacted me. At first I thought he got mad at me using his theme but wasnt.
*interview during a photoshoot*
Shing02: When I heard about this Kinniku Mike guy and seeing him in person, I was scared shitless.
But awkward when he mentioned on how much of a fan he is of my work. We both were very eager to make
a music video of it and EBW sponsored and paid for it.
Mike: The weird part of making the remake video of Laid in Japan was the locations. First off it wasnt in filmed in
Japan at all but San Francisco and New York. Plus I had to wear a suit which was another first for EBW fans as it wsnt
heard of. Awkward as I was getting the vibe of looking like a Yakuza boss chasing after every woman. But reading the
lyrics im thinking...ok so this girl is 18, looks mature, and charges so pitiful. The recession is NOT that bad
otherwise no wonder Capcom and other companies are making cash.
Maurice: Regardless of the outcome of his theme, once they hear the part of the woman talking that's when fans
get riled up due to knowing that's Mike gettin ready to come out to work in he ring. He even sent me a autographed copy
of the album for my birthday so I cant complain.
Shing02: I was wondering why Mike told me "For Maurce", and after seeing his matches my reaction was "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, that man can hit hard!"
Part of Home Army / Feud with Tack / Feud with Greed
Mike: Later on as EBW continued its usual shenanigans, I decided to join the home army. Was also a coach on TUE against Amigo and also won with my guy Mike Ishijima, with that much momentum, I was once agained primed to go for the Global title again. Only thing in my way was a mach with Lukie.
*promos from EBW-Xcite*
Lukie: If you think for a moment, that a samoan shithouse like Kinniku Mike is going to win, then its time
to be considered all bets OFF! Im cashing in this time!
Mike: You cant bring me down, and as long as im in EBW i'll never be held down!
Mike: So we had the match and of corse Lukie had Little Mac and I had Amigo and out of nowhere Maurice
who was kicked out of the Perfection faction. We had a pretty good match with alot of technical moves until we
started with the chops and haymakers, slamming each other pretty heavily. But unfortunately he tried to undo the
turnbuckle and ended up running into it leading to being on the receving end of the Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb
and I won.
Tack Angel: What made that storyline amusing was the simplefact that I could get into Mike's game.
Well at lease I thought.
Amigo: I think that was a time when Mike was back to his roots. The man stop contacting Sonoko, he cut weight,
and was training his balls off and reading old results of Tack, watching vids and was just...really being a student of
the game once again.
Tack Angel: Hey Mike! Mike! Miiiiike!
Kinniku Mike: Tack? What do you want?
Tack Angel: Just scouting ya broski! You ready for our title match at Breakthrough?
Kinniku Mike: Kinda busy here man!
Tack Angel: Oh by all means go ahead! I'm just taking notes....doo doo doo doo hmmm hmmm.....
Kinniku Mike: Man....that guy got weird.
Tack Angel: I'm sorry, did you say lemons?!
Kinniku Mike: NO!
Amigo: You could say the turnout for most people was Mike planting Tack with the Blue Ocean Sonoko
Bomb on X-Perience and having that momentum where fans were thinking, "Mike for once is the underdog".
Hell, even Tali was sure Mike was going to win it, and you gotta be that good to convince her defeating Tack...
*Interview on X-Periment before the 6-man*
Hater: have become quite the legend in the business, and you know what it takes to win the big matches and get the gold. Who do you think has the best chance of leaving Breakthrough with the Global World Championship?
First Lady Tali Mach: That's a good question. I know Trevor was hoping for this match because of just how close it would be. Both guys have the talent in the ring, but Mike has the confidence to do just about at my bachelorette party....*shudder*. I guess it comes down to who wants it more. Who is 100% focused on the gold?
Hater: So you think Kinniku Mike could make history then?
First Lady Tali Mach: Anything is possible with Kinniku Mike. Like this one time during my birthday he got into my the hell did he get in there?
He certainly wasn't baked into it. Then there is all these ideas he keeps putting into Trevor's head.....poor soul soaks it up like sponge...
*promo after defeating Tack in a 6 man match*
Mike: I just need Tack, that one moment...that one moment where I lift you overhead and drop the
bomb and within three seconds like tonite, I will be finally crowned the new EBW Global Champion...
Mark my words bro, youre going to see MY BREAKTHROUGH!
Trevor Mach: I remember the hype for the main, I remember seeing Tack meditating and Mike in the background
looking very ripped doing last minute training with Amigo and Maurice. Man, that match between those two was very stiff.
I remember thinking the mat was going to cave in when Tack went for a Shining Takuzard and was reversed into a spine
shaking Spinebuster...
Knee strikes, and chops, Mike pulling off a brainbuster, Tack using a moonsaul, Mike's Release Dragon Suplex, and right...
just right when Mike was goin for his finisher, Tack used the Angerdriver that caused Mike to start bleeding and then Mike charged
at him only for Tack to superkick him and finish him off with the Heavendriver. I think both men were not the same mentally
after that match as both men were battered, bruised, bloody...hey thats three B's so ill add BOOSH just for the enhacement!
*shows footage of aftermath from main event*
Announcer: Tack Angel had done it! He barely survived Mike's onslaught, and 1 second passed the 45-minute mark, Tack Angel has retained the Global World Championship! The crowd erupted in cheers as the champ happily clutched his title. Mike slowly staggered up and did not look happy, but the sex machine was still a man of respect, and he shook Tack's hand and raised it high in the air, but not before stating that this wouldn't be the last time they would battle for that coveted belt.
Maurice: If Mike were to have walked out of that match, he walked out with the mindset that he should have no shame
with the outcome, he did his best...
Mike: After my program with Tac there as the E-1 to where I was concentrating on feuding with Greed that trying
to win as each member was interfering. From Hashim to Lukie, it was annoying. Swift even once again had to get his licks in as always...
*slaps locker*
Amigo: Calm down Mike!
Kinniku Mike: How am I supposed to calm down Amigo! We got Little Mac screwing us at every turn! I could be Global World Champion by now if it wasn't for him!
Amigo: I know that man, but getting pissed is not going to make things better. Tell him Maurice.
Maurice: Yeah.
Amigo: You see?
Maurice: I'm with Mike let's beat the hell out of him!
Amigo: What?!
Maurice: We can't let him get involved in our matches anymore. If they can't keep him away from the ring, then we will!
Amigo: ....I can't really argue with that. It's the logical choice, but we can't let Trevor know the plan. He doesn't want fighting to break out during the matches, so keep it quiet.
Kinniku Mike: You know I will.
Maurice: Me too
Eagleland Champion / Reforming SURGE GENERATION against New Money
Mike: As the E-1 finished up as well as Greed, I had another guy on my tracks which was Perfect Man.
As a way of showing that my win against him in the E-1 in 6min wasnt a fluke he challenged me at
ZERO HOUR for the Eagleland Championship.
Announcer:Perfect Man, the Eagleland Champion, puts the title on the line against Kinniku Mike.
Both men had been allies in recent weeks, but put that behind them to focus of a quality match.
Perfect Man: A match of this magnitude was going great until of course Greed shows up but Miek capitalized and got the
title. No excuses, if it was a different situation I can imagine. What made me not mind was the fact Mike was respectable after
the match cleaning house on Hashim who was going for a 2nd attack on me.
Mike: As great as it was the reign didnt last long as I lost the title to Noah Jennings of Greed...
To me that was the final straw...
Announcer: In order to better continue their struggle with Greed, Amigo, Maurice, and Eagleland Champion Kinniku Mike have effectively reformed as SURGE. Now calling themselves the SURGE Generation, the three will do what they can to stop the reach of New Money and Greed. To celebrate the reformation, Kinniku Mike treated his friends to a little surprise.
Mike: I thinkw ith the numerous storylines and matches we all were involved in, I think fans were ready for a
SURGE REUNION. It madethe best sense as we needed a group to once again feud and dominate against these rich
Maurice: I was glad ot the idea of reuniting SURGE and Mike going out of his way getting the new attire
and a new dojo.
Amigo: Lets be real, If I had it like Mike in terms of sexing up women with money each wrestler would have
their own dojo...
*promo on EBW Live!*
Kinniku Mike: *opens door* Well guys, what do you think? Can the Sex Machine deliver or what?
Maurice: Nice digs Mike. How the hell did you get this together?
Kinniku Mike: I used my hard earned EBW paychecks to buy this place for us. What can I say, I'm a generous friend.
Amigo: Come on Mike. I know how much you make, and I know how "cavalier" you are with your money. What did you REALLY do to get this place?
Kinniku Mike: Alright so maybe I sexed up a few rich older ladies!
Amigo: I see. Mike withdrew from the Sugar Mama bank.
Kinniku Mike: Yes, right after I made a "deposit" HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Amigo: ......
Maurice: ......
Kinniku Mike: Well I thought it was funny.
Maurice: Still Mike, I have to hand it to you. This is a great place to train. If we're reforming SURGE, we might as well do it right.
Tri-Force Championship / Eagleland Champion Again
Mike: Week after ween New Money keeps interfering and causing us to win via countout or
DQ. It felt like they were trying to hold on to the titles.
Amigo: So we finally made a proposition, that if Mike were to have gotten a rematch that in return
for putting SURGE DOJO on the line for the titles. Only catch was we wanted the match at SURGE DOJO!
Trevor Mach: It was annoying how these guys would buy their way out of a DQ win or a countout win, so
because of their foul shenanigans I had to lay the law down. It seemed fair, and at the same time we saw
Mike return with the dreadlocks again too.
President Trevor Mach: HEY! WHOA! Break it up guys! What is going on here?!
Kinniku Mike: Those little bitches over there blindsided us on our way to the ring!
Maurice: Must be worried about losing their belts.
Noah Jennings: We don't worry about anything Maurice. We've got money and we've got the Gold. Don't be upset that we're always a step ahead of you.
President Trevor Mach: Well dammit. Now we can't have the match tonight.
Noah Jennings: I love it when a plan comes together.
President Trevor Mach: Guess that means we'll have to reschedule it for X-perience....oh and this time it will take place live via satellite from the SURGE Generation Gym.
Noah Jennings: WHAT?!
Pretty Tony: How uncouth!
Ra: Yeah, what he said!
President Trevor Mach: You want to mess with my card then I'll mess with you! Let's see what you can do in SURGE's house.
Tri-Force Championship 2/3 Singles Rules [Belts vs. SURGE DOJO] Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice beat Noah Jennings(c)/Pretty Tony(c)/Ra(c) (11:03) when Amigo hit the German Suplex Pin on Ra to become the NEW Tri-Force Champions!
Maurice: It was a great moment as after the match I ran out of the ring just to show off in Little Mac's face,
that this group are called the Generation for a reason. We all grew up together in the business so we have the experience
to take down a bunch of young rich punks.
Amigo: Money can buy things but knowledge of wrestling in team format is not one of them...go back to FSW...please.
Mike: Unfortunately on Trevor's behalf he doesnt remember jackshit because of that ridiculous time machine of his.
So I remember the hype of the promos used for the post title win. That man still didnt check the EBW website...
EBW President Trevor Mach: All of this is well and good, but how did the main event go? Did you guys win or lose on your home turf?
Kinniku Mike: Good question. Maybe this will answer your question, BAM!
Tack Angel: YOU DID IT!
Amigo: As if there was any doubt. The Red Shirts kept Little Mac back so we could do our thing uninterrupted.
Kinniku Mike: Our house, our rules.
Maurice: Once again, a special moment for us three...
Mike: It was time for Rumble City, Maurice already started the show off with a bang litterally, knocking out
poor Little Mac. Then it was time for my match against Jennings for the Eagleland title. And taking the title back
was just icing on the cake for us. No interference and what was worse, none of their hevvy hitters like the tag
champs were coming to help? Come on really? *laughs* Who cares I still won! Being Eagleland Champion the second time
was just as rewarding if not better than the first because I had both of my longtime partners with me in the ring after
wards to celebrate, even though we had to go into Bad Ass Rumble later on...
Commercial Deals / Whats Next?
Trevor Mach: Mike seems to be the main marketble guy. Weather its women, or music, hes the guy.
Currently he agreed to release a vid he did with Sonoko Kato entitled "Chocolate Bear: The Kinniku Mike
Mike: Personally I think that DVD was too soon but lets make a profit out to it as I can make many more
volumes of it. Currenlty im also doing a commercial deal for Whoop Ass Soda which is the main sponsor of
Earthbound Wrestling. Its shades of the Troy Polamalu commercial he did in football. Since I seem to be compared
to him APPARENTLY...
*shows clip from commercial*
Kinniku Mike *gulp gulp gulp* Hey Kid?
Kid: Yeah?
Kinniku Mike: Catch!
Kid: Wow!
Kinniku Mike: HAHA!
Mike: *laughs* No wonder why the EBW Universe loves me!
Trevor Mach: I sometimes wonder, whats next for Kinniku Mike. Im not sure if his growth can get any higher
as he is one of EBW's most popular guys on the roster.
Amigo: Its crazy to say, Mike may be this...pervert of a athlete but hes also a hard-working one when its time
to put up or shut up.
Hes been my greatest rival, and greatest partner. I can honestly say during my times of being
wheelchair bound he was always there when I needed him.
Maurice: Mike for President. *laughs* Can you imagine how craxy that woudl be?
Noah Jennings: I want him to retire so I an buy back my title again. Plain and simple...
Mike: I can honestly say the one goal I have not finished in, is being the Global Crown Champion. Ive been
Double Crown Champion, the current Eagleland Champion, and I dont think my career will hit that step of the
same level as guys before me like Rude, Trevor, Tack, and other to name a few that are E-1 Climax winners
and won that main title. I still have plenty of time as im just enjoying being Kinniku Mike, the Samoan Sexmachine...
Mike Ishijima: Like it or not, there is only one Kinniku Mike...
*shows final clip of Mike at Last Clash 2010 after winning the TV title*
Kinniku Mike: I just want to say, that after winning this title, I was to change the face of pro-wrestling,
one female at a time...*crowd cheers*
© 2012 EBW Network, All Rights Reserved
"Laid in Japan" by Shing02 is part of Mary Joy Recordings
Sal Paradise: They're here.
President Trevor Mach: Capcom....hold it right there.
Dante: This is the mighty EBW President? Hiding behind some goons for protection eh? Hmph.
President Trevor Mach: I don't need Red Shirts to take care of my dirty laundry. How about you take a step over here and-
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION! I am Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, and you do NOT want to harass my client. We are here as part of Capcom's push to enact justice upon EBW and the misdeeds of its roster. Any other actions would be deemed unwise. Dante here is set to face your selected opponent Sal Paradise. That is the match that is going to happen.
Sal Paradise: It seems that your "client" Dante chose me. Turned out the lights and hit me with the butt of his gun.
Phoenix Wright: If you can prove that then I'd like to see it, otherwise you don't have a case.
Sal Paradise: I'm not trying to make a case. I do my business in the ring, and I'll get my brand of justice by taking it out on the pretty boy.
Dante: Hmph. We'll just see about that.
President Trevor Mach: Sal Paradise is the voice of the people. They don't like you, so he's going to demonstrate that disdain by kicking Dante's ass from post to post! That will happen in the ring though. You can drop him off right here and I'll promise that nothing will happen to him until then.
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION! Capcom personnel are to remain in a group. You will allow these two gentlemen to accompany my client.
President Trevor Mach: You think I'm going to let Balrog and Vega in here?! You must be high!
Sal Paradise: Balrog? I thought that was M. Bison.
President Trevor Mach: No, that's the dictator with the hat. The one that looks like Raul Julia.
Sal Paradise: I thought that was Vega.
President Trevor Mach: No that's the one in the mask, with the claws.
Sal Paradise: .....I'm confused, but it doesn't matter. Go ahead and let them in. I'm not intimidated by Capcom.
President Trevor Mach: Neither am I. Go on in.
Phoenix Wright: Very wise decision.
Jamie OD: Ha! You are pathetic.
Sal Paradise: What's that Jamie?
Jamie OD: Not you, but you are laughable as well. I'm talking about our ineffectual President.
President Trevor Mach: This is not the time Jamie.
Jamie OD: Oi! Chaos ensues whenever it feels like Trev. You of all people should know that. How many people have you pissed off in the past by showing up when you weren't expected or even wanted. That's what we do.
President Trevor Mach:'re messing with my cool here. You don't want to make me mad.
Jamie OD: That's exactly what I want to do! It's the start of a new era in EBW....a short era...but a new era none the less. I want that era to be remembered as the era that Jamie OD make Trevor Mach SNAP!
Sal Paradise: Stuff it Jamie! All you do these days is run that mouth! How about you go out there and wrestle tonight! Show this big new audience why exactly you have that belt. Oh wait....that would involve screwing me over now wouldn't it? I guess I'll have to show them why I will be getting that belt back. First I take on Dante, and then I'm coming for you.
The EBW Network is in full swing, but the fireworks don't really start until the launch of Xcite! The flagship show of EBW received another facelift as it moved to its new home on the network for all things Earthbound. Xcite would be running head to head with Capcom vs. on ENN for the first time, so for the debut episode on EBNet, President Mach would present a stacked card, showing the best of EBW doing what they do best. The main event would see the war begin, as Sal Paradise, the new face of EBW would take on Capcom's poster boy Dante in a heated one on one battle. For some, this would be their first taste of EBW, so the show kicked off proper with President Mach in the ring with some of EBW's top talent. It wouldn't take long for them to be interrupted.
President Trevor Mach: BOOSH! HAHA! Hello EBW fans! Hello newbies to the EBW experience! This is the best wrestling show EVER! This is EBW: Xcite! You want action?! You want drama?! You want Shenanigans?! Look no further! This is the show that carried EBW to success, and it's going to take the EBW Network straight to the top! We've got a saucy episode for you tonight, but first, I'd like to make some introductions and address something very important. Capcom.....I know you're watching right now. You've got people in the building at this very moment. I know that sabotage is the plan considering that we are running head to head at this very moment. We're live and you're live. I know you're planning something. I just want you to see what you have to deal with. Look around me. These are some of the best wrestlers I have ever been in the ring with. They have the heart and spirit to kick your collective Capcomunist asses back to the 16-bit era when you actually gave a damn about your fan base! Tack Angel, Amigo, Kinniku Mike, Maurice, Swift, w00t, Generator, Hotlanta, Anwin, and Bolshoi. Let's not forget Sal Paradise, who right now is prepping to drop some hurting bombs on that primadona Dante. These guys are what wrestling is all about and further more-
Jamie OD: Hold it right there "boss". You're forgetting the Global World Champion. The very centerpiece to the whole show. Without me, you would have no champion and no EBW.
President Trevor Mach: I'm talking about people that actually want to be here Jamie. I'm not talking about turncoats who-
Ness: You're forgetting the EBW OG too!
President Trevor Mach: Speaking of turncoats!
Ness: This company was built on my shoulders Trevor! I am the OG of EBW! I was here before you! I was the Ace of this promotion when guys like the SURGE Generation were still in High School!
President Trevor Mach: And you're willing to throw your legacy away to remain relevant? That reminds me of-
Little Mac: You're forgetting the most important key Trevor!
President Trevor Mach: I swear, it's like you guys are coming out on cue!
Little Mac: Don't forget about Little Mac and his Greed stable. The elite of EBW managed by the elite of wrestling in general. We're the best thing that ever could have happened to EBW.
President Trevor Mach: No, you were the first ones to start taking Capcom money, and now we have to fight for our existence thanks to all of you.
Jamie OD: It's survival of the fittest Trev. You and your lackeys in the ring need to realize that the road to progress is paved in blood. Those of us that will survive the "Capcomicaust" are those willing to slit throats and stab backs to make it out alive.
Tack Angel: WRONG! The ones who will survive are those willing to fight for what they believe in! Those who don't hoist the burden on the backs of others. We take that burden with us and we fight on because the goal is that important! We're supposed to be giving people dreams, but all you do is give them nightmares!
President Trevor Mach: I'm hearing a lot of talk from both sides here, and while I mostly find the people up on stage to be wrong about just about everything, I do believe I heard one fact. The road to progress WILL be paved in blood, and it's going to be Capcom's blood, because EBW ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE! WE'RE STANDING UP AGAINST THEIR SOUL CRUSHING STATUS QUO AND IF THEY THINK THEY CAN STOP US THEY CAN SUCK IT! Tonight, most of you are in action. I think it's time to show the world what real wrestling is all about on The EBW Network! LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD! BOOSH!
-The action kicked off with the Infinity Division to fire up the crowd like they always do. Infinity Division Champion Camilo Ortega, Shadow, and Randy no Kachi took on Anwin, Bolshoi and a mystery partner. The promised surprises for tonight's show kicked off early, when Picky Minch made his return to join Anwin's team in this heated high flying battle. Anwin cleared the ring late in the match and dove down on his New Year Rising opponent Camilo and Randy no Kachi. Picky and Shadow were the legal men, and Picky managed to shoot around the Infinity Bully to hit his German Suplex Pin for the win! Anwin's team celebrated the first victory on The EBW Network, as Camilo and RnK were left wondering why the always aggressive Shadow was pinned so easily. This continues a trend started by Anwin's recent victory over Shadow to become #1 contender.
-Friends and foes Hotlanta and Generator put on an Infinity Division clinic in the next match. This match was used to present the best of the division, and the two veterans pulled no punches. Nonstop action mixed with high flying danger had the fans on their feet. Some chain wrestling lead to HOT and Generator throwing out almost perfectly identical moves, like a double dropkick at the same time. Hotlanta finally took control after hitting a flash Bellerophon Bomb, but Generator recovered and landed an Ignition Facebuster followed by the GNR8R Moonsault Legdrop before the pin and the win. Hotlanta raised Generator's hand after the match as the fans applauded both men. A fantastic showing of what the veterans can do.
Dynamic Dougie: Hey EBW Fans! Dougie Mach here, the new backstage voice of EBW! The wrestling career wasn't going so well, so I decided to take some time off of that and ply my craft here! I'm pleased to announce my first interview is with none other than Infinity Division #1 Contender Anwin! Anwin, it's great to have you here.
Anwin: You can actually see me? It's a relief to hear that! After being called "Static" and "White Noise" for so long. Even I was wondering if-
Dynamic Dougie: Anwin? Where are you? I can hear you but-
Anwin: *sigh* Right here.
Dynamic Dougie: AH! You scared me! So yeah Anwin, you were the first Infinity Division Champion, and now you have the chance to get the belt again. You excited?
Anwin: Of course I am! This is what I've been working for. Camilo Ortega is sneaky and shady. He's got skills in the ring, but he also has tricks up his sleeve. I have some surprises myself, like the return of Picky Minch. Bet you didn't see that coming?
Dynamic Dougie: Actually I did....I was there when Trevor resigned him.
Anwin: Oh.....
Dynamic Dougie: But I bet Camilo didn't see that coming! Just like he doesn't know what the stipulation is for the title match at New Year Rising 2012! You get to pick the stip, so what's it gonna be?
Anwin: Well I didn't bring this ladder to change a light bulb! That's right Camilo, it's a Ladder Match. A match that bodes well for me, and not very well for you. I know your tricks, and I know how to beat you. Your reign is over, and I'm going to take my title back. You'll be planted on the mat seeing static, as I hold that belt above my head.
Dynamic Dougie: Sounds like you're ready! Before we go back to the ring, let's take it to our brand new studio for a special announcement from Nerma, Hater, and Mike O!
Nerma: Hello everyone! We're up here in the sky box studio watching Xcite with you right now!
Hater: Nyah! I feel light headed we're so high up!
Nerma: Make sure you join us after Xcite for a little post show wrap up right here in the new sky box studio. Should be fun and informative!
Hater: Plus, a possible look at what Xperience holds.
Nerma: We'll see you then!
-The EBNet debut of Xcite would not be complete without the Samoan Sexmachine, as Kinniku Mike made his way out to defend his Eagleland Championship against former champion and former TUE winner Hashim Al-Singh! An exciting match, with the fans totally behind Mike, who has become one of the biggest stars in EBW. Hashim nearly scored a pin following a harsh running knee strike, but Mike shook it off, and made his way to his feet just in time to capture Hashim in a Release Dragon Suplex and plant him on the mat for the pin. After the match Noah Jennings appeared on the stage and let Kinniku Mike know that he would be coming back for the title he once held, and in the case of Noah Jennings, money will be no object in his quest to get it back.
Dynamic Dougie: The Dynamic One, here again with Infinity Division Champion Camilo Ortega. Camilo, you've held that title longer than anyone could have predicted. You've gone through wave after wave of challenges, and ever outsmarted the veterans. However, Anwin seems hellbent on making this title match your last. Are you up to the challenge of this Ladder Match?
Camilo Ortega: Of course I am you crazed, unwashed, ginger cartoon! I'm the Infinity Division Champion! I'm a member of Greed! That makes me the elite of the elite! I have the smarts, sophistication, and the talent to hold this title for as long as I want! I don't get intimidated by the sight of a ladder. That ladder will be symbolic of my rivalry with Anwin. He will be at the bottom watching me as I climb all the way to success on his back!
-The Rookie Judge Swift was up next, as he battled two of members of New Money Ra and Pretty Tony. The rookies found themselves on the run at first, as Swift plowed them over with a big POUNCE. Ra was on the ropes, but Pretty Tony halted the momentum with a Brass Knuckle punch. The New Money striker didn't even try to hide the punch, as he continued to attack with the knuckles. The ref awarded the match to Swift via DQ, but the rookie judge was less than pleased as he finally escaped the beating and chased New Money off.
-The action really picked up in the next match, as Tack Angel lead Amigo, Maurice, w00t, Chu Chu, and a mystery partner against Global World Champion Jamie OD, Ness, Little Mac, Troy, Retro Hippie, and Noah Jennings. Team Tack had an ace up their sleeve when their mystery partner turned out to be the other big surprise of the night. Dan Hibiki, a former fan favorite of Capcom revealed himself to be another member of the Resistance by joining the team. Team OD was caught off guard, but after a little posing between Tack and Dan Hibiki, both members of the Saikyo School, Jamie and his team went on the attack. This was a chaotic brawl that was hard to contain in the ring. Back and forth action, with every man getting a turn in the spotlight. Amigo was impressive for his team as he nearly tapped out the legend Little Mac, only for Mac to tag in Noah Jennings, who in turn almost immediately got pinned following a German Suplex. Jamie was insistent on hurting Amigo before their title match at NYR 2012. He took the Amaresu star out following a series of head butts and a Shining Wizard against the turnbuckle. Chu Chu tagged himself in and actually powered the champ into the corner where Troy tagged in and brawled with the young up and comer. Troy still had the experience, but it actually looked like Chu Chu would win out in a test of strength until Ness broke it up. Dan Hibiki showed off that flashy Saikyo Style while Retro Hippie demanded that rich people give hand outs to the Starbucks lurkers. In the end though, an accidental tag to Retro Hippie cost team OD, as the veteran w00t swooped in with a WKO before rolling him up for the pin. A big win for EBW, as the Capcom sympathizers suffered a harsh blow....that is until after the match, when Jamie and the others continued the assault and security had to break up the brawl as the show went to commercial.
-The main event would be the official start of the war. Sal Paradise has become the voice of the people, and that voice was unhappy with Capcom, so it was obvious that Sal would be the one to step in the ring against Capcom first. His opponent would be the crafty Dante. Another heated battle on a heated show, with Dante getting heat early by kicking Sal after offering a handshake. Some clubbing blows and a bulldog had Dante playing up the crowd and whipping his hair at the ladies. Sal took advantage and nearly rolled Dante up for the 3 count. They traded some verbal barbs before Sal tackled Dante to the ground and pounded away. Dante tried to get up, but found himself caught in a series of suplexes followed by a Shining Wizard and a pin attempt. A foot on the ropes saved him, but he had to think twice about the bravado from now on. Back and forth action with Dante holding his own, and almost scoring a submission win with a Devil May Cross Armbreaker, but Sal got to the ropes just in time. It was an even match that the fans were on fire for until the lights went out just like the previous Xperience. Only this time, as Balrog and Vega stood in the ring, Swift and Amigo also stood tall ready to retaliate. As it looked like a big fight would erupt, Phoenix Wright and the Capcom Shocktroop appeared to break things up. EBW stood strong against Capcom as the first Xcite on The EBW Network came to a close.
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Division 6-Man Tag: Anwin/Bolshoi/Picky Minch beat Camilo Ortega/Shadow/Randy no Kachi (7:40) via Picky German Suplex Pin on Shadow -> Pin
2. Infinity Division Veterans Showdown: Generator beat Hotlanta (14:03) via GNR8R Moonsault Legdrop -> Pin
3. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) beat Hashim Al-Singh (8:39) via Release Dragon Suplex -> Pin
4. Handicap Match: Swift beat Ra/Pretty Tony (2:50) via DQ
5. 12-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Amigo/Maurice/w00t/Chu Chu/Dan Hibiki beat Jamie OD/Ness/Little Mac/Troy/Retro Hippie/Noah Jennings (10:30) via w00t WKO on Hippie -> Pin
6. Singles: Sal Paradise vs. Dante(Capcom) (9:22) No Contest
Nerma: Welcome back! It's time for the post show wrap up! Pretty crazy show tonight wouldn't you say?
Hater: Nyah, Capcom tried to pull a dirty trick, but it looks like Sal Paradise saw it coming a mile away.
Nerma: Well who really thought that Capcom would play this fair? I mean they are running Capcom vs. at the same time. They would love to be able to embarrass us at the same time. By the way, Ryu once again squashed the Box Art Mega Man in a rematch tonight. It's like they wanted to troll us and not take us seriously. We put on the much better show.
Hater: notice that Nerdler was back as a referee? It's been awhile since he was suspended for that bribe he took. Hope he's on good behavior these days.
Nerma: I heard that Trevor made his smash his copy of MvC3. I think it's a fair deal. MvC3 was a terrible game after all. Can't believe they make you pay full price for what should have been free DLC!
Hater: Hey, I like that game! Nyah!
Nerma: You would!
Hater: Capcom still knows how to make a fighting game.
Nerma: Right, it's everything else they've forgotten to do. Resident Evil 4 garnered goodwill with the fans, so what did they do? They ruined it with Resident Evil 5! I rest my case!
Hater: Nyah.
Mike O: .....LET'S TAKE IT TO MO! MO!
Nerma: No Mike O, we're wrapping things up. Mo already left the building. Well folks, that's the post game wrap up show. It was a crazy night, but EBW showed that it can hang with Capcom I think. Hope you enjoyed the show, and make sure you stick around for a replay of the Kinniku Mike Documentary. We're showing it free on The EBW Network, but remember he also has another video that we CAN'T show on the network. Buy that one too......GOODNIGHT!
Announcer: The EBW Network brings you another big EBW News Update!
Nerma: Hello there, it's time again for another EBW News Update! With all the big changes going on in EBW, and the conflict with Capcom, it's easy to forget that a big pay per view is just around the corner. New Year Rising 2012, the first big show of the year, will take place at the Twoson Fairgrounds, and feature a big Global World Championship match. Jamie OD has become Public Enemy #1 in EBW, but more then that he's become the Global World Championship. This will be his first pay per view with the big belt, so we asked him, as well as his opponents to join us for a quick interview. Sal, Amigo, thank you for joining us. Now where.....where is Jamie OD.
Jamie OD: Right up here Nerma. Love the introduction, but you forgot a couple of facts. Like the fact that I have the President's coveted mask. The fact that I sided with Capcom just for the hell of it. The fact that I can beat Sal Paradise in my SLEEP! The fact that Amigo is a non issue for me. Just watch me blow past these losers at New Year Rising. I think afterwards I might just appear on the Capcom vs. show and set this belt on fire....just cause I feel like it.
Nerma: Strong words from the champ. Sal, how do you feel about it?
Sal Paradise: I think it's disrespectful to the belt and the company to talk trash like that. Jamie's need for attention is getting out of hand, and I'm going to make him pay for it.
Nerma: Amigo?
Amigo: ....I've already said what I've had to say. I'll make the rest of my point in the ring at New Year Rising.
Nerma: Well there you have it.
Hater: Nyah! Now we're joined by Eagleland Champion, Tri-Force Champion, and all around fan favorite Kinniku Mike. We're also joined by a man that used to hold those belts, and is anything BUT a fan favorite Noah Jennings. These two men have inked a contract for New Year Rising 2012. An Eagleland Championship match, and a match that may tilt the balance in the constant feud between SURGE Generation and Greed. Mike, what do you have to-
Noah Jennings: Pardon Miss, but you seem to forget who you're talking to. I am Noah Jennings, I always go first thank you very much. This loud mouth, perverted, peon has gotten on my nerves and stood in the way of New Money's rise to the top. He and the rest of SURGE Generation seem to think that they have hurt us by taking the belts....a minor set back. Our stock hasn't fallen and we're not going anywhere. I will make sure that the Eagleland Championship is back around my waist at New Year Rising.
Kinniku Mike: HA! Now who you think YOU'RE talking to? I'm the Samoan Sexmachine....but I'm also the man that's going to be whooping your ass at NYR! I know my way around a woman, but I also know my way around that ring A LOT better than you! You have shown me nothing to suggest that you can hang with me one-on-one. That means you'll be looking for some help from outside. I wouldn't count on that working out for you either.
Noah Jennings: I'm a betting man Micheal, and I wouldn't hedge my bets on you. The odds are against you, and your stock is about to plummet.
Hater: Kinniku Mike and Noah Jennings will go toe to toe at New Year Rising 2012.
Nerma: Finally, we're joined by Tack Angel and Swift. They have a message or two I believe, so have at it boys.
Tack Angel: Thank you Nerma. Things are very hectic in EBW right now, and it's important to know who your friends are, and who your enemies are. Swift and I have been through a lot, but we can both agree on something very important, and that is-
Tack Angel: Well I wouldn't go THAT fa-
Tack Angel: I have no idea what a "jerb" is Swift, but I know that CERTAIN rookies do need to be taught a lesson.
Swift: Oh sure, just LET the rookies into the veterans locker room! Let them use our vending machine, our high definition 3D television, our whirlpool spa, our vast comic book collection, our Sonic the Hedgehog room.
Tack Angel: Now I wouldn't say.....wait...we have a Sonic the Hedgehog room?!
Swift: NO! Pissed you off thinking they might be in there messing with it though didn't it! They should just be happy to get their Triscuit crackers dammit! >:C
Tack Angel: Swift, I agree that New Money needs to be brought down a peg or two. That's why we're teaming up on Xperience. The former Tag Team Champions are reuniting for the greater good. On XP we take on New Money, at New Year Rising-
Swift: Those Capcom sons of bitches can grow some balls and bring Balrog and Vega into my hunting ground! >:C
Tack Angel: That's right Capcom. We're challenging you to a fight. Bring your guys to fight us. No tricks, no traps, no setups. You've messed with us've messed with me personally. I'm a calm and rational human being, but you've taken this way too far. Bring your guys to the ring at New Year Rising, and we'll be happy to send em back with lumps and bruises.
Swift: And Triscuit crackers....cause they get to dress in the rookie locker room. >:C
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Singles: Onisuiken vs. Noah Jennings
2. Infinity Division 3-Way: Randy no Kachi vs. Ultimo Tiger vs. Bolshoi
3. Infinity Division Tag Team: Hotlanta/Generator vs. Mike Ishijima/Blue Lighting
4. Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift vs. Pretty Tony/Ra
5. 12-Man Elimination Tag: Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice/w00t/Chu Chu/Anwin vs. Jamie OD/Noah Jennings/Little Mac/Troy/Retro Hippie/Camilo Ortega
6. No Rules Singles: Ness vs. Sal Paradise
EBW: New Year Rising 2012
Twoson Fairgrounds
1. Infinity Division #1 Contender 6-Way: Hotlanta vs. Generator vs. Bolshoi vs. Randy no Kachi vs. Shadow vs. Mike Ishijima
2. Global World Championship #1 Contender 6-Way: Maurice vs. Little Mac vs. Ness vs. Kinniku Mike vs. Noah Jennings vs. w00t
3. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) vs. Noah Jennings
4. Tag Team Championship: Troy(c)(c)/Retro Hippie vs. w00t/Chu Chu
5. Infinity Division Championship Ladder Match: Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Anwin
6. Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift vs. Balrog[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]
7. Global World Championship: Jamie OD(c) vs. Amigo vs. Sal Paradise
Good evening, peasants, and welcome to Sports Core. I am your host, the current Infinity Division Champion, and hence the best champion in all EBW, Camilo Ortega. Now before I start, I would like to let you know what sort of sports I am going to cover. All those so called ‘sports’, which are worshiped by what you call ‘rednecks’ or ‘white trashes’, such as Baseball or Eagleland Football are NOT going to be covered, maybe I will cover Basketball but not your average player who is accused for sexual harrasment. The purpose of this show is to give you the favour of your shallow lives by introducing to you to a series of sports that probably you don’t know and thouse you like will be focused on spotsmanship. Now, with our first report.
Yesterday the Eagleland National Rugby Union Team, the Hawks, collided against the All Darks, the national team from Nova Oceanland, in a Test Match which is a kind of friendly match with no title nor qualification on the line but still it helps to settle the World Rankings. As usual, the All Darks performed their traditional warcry/dance, the Haka, prior the beginning of the match. Although the first minutes, the action was well-balanced, after an attempt of Try from the Hawks the All Darks scored the first seven points of the match. The first try was a devastating blow for the Hawks of Eagleland as their defensive lines had no chances against the overwhelmng offensive game of the All Darks.
Eagleland’s Captain: Well, this was actually our first time facing the All Darks and after our first attempt of going for a try, they crushed our wings and fullback first and then all of our lines. We are definitively not happy nor proud with this performance but we promise we’ll improve in time
Nova Oceanland’s Captain: The first minutes we found a very tough opposition from Eagleland, especially in the scrums. But we came up with a good plan when they went for a try. (...) We are confident we will have a good World Cup next year, we face the Sakuras of Edo next week and we hope it will be a good match as well.
In a personal opinion, it doesn’t surprise me at all that Eagleland had no chance against the All Darks. I mean, the Hawks are struggling enough with having an unprofessional league and the poor coverage that BOTH Sports jounralism and sponsors do in here. Not to mention that you, yes you peasants, find more fun in a sport which is only played here and called a World Series and it’s not as tough as Rugby. I mean, after the match the All Darks still act like true gentlemen shaking hands with their rivals and help them to get up after those brutal tackles. Do you see that in what you call Football? No need for an answer, it was a rhetorical question.
After the break, we go with the Old Lands Football Champions League... and I mean “real” Football.
Alright, peasants. We are back in Sports Core to cover the highlights of the OLFA Champions League. You may wonder what is this Champions League, I mean you are used to have national leagues that you later call ‘World Series’ so you don’t actually face international teams that prove you are not the best in the world. The Champions League is a tournament in which the best teams from each country in the Old Lands compete eachother to determine the best in the continent, the first round is in groups while the final rounds are settled in a round robin tournament. Did you get it? Did-you-understand? OK.
At the Newabbey Stadium in Briton Island, Motherchester United received the Nordic champions, Blomkvist FC in one of the crucial matches for Goup H. The Briton Champions from last seasons resolved Blomkvist’s defensive strategy by free and corner kicks to win the match 3-0. The Iberic runner ups from last year, Atlético Flamengo went to the San Angelo Stadium to face AC Emilia, the result was a tie in which the local team was leading the score 2-0; unfortunately for them, the Iberic team was able to tie thanks to the great display of abilites of their forward, the Carioca Marco. The other big result was the surprising victory of Medvedev 05 over Bayern Schwartz in Teutonland 0-4 in a great display of athleticism and team work from the Big East champions.
Next week we shall cover the Copa Libertad in the South Condor Lands. I hope this segment helps you to understand why Football is the most popular sport in the world. I mean, there is barely trash talking and the crowds and crews provide a unique enviromment which you don’t see in your so beloved sports. Even I encourage you to support not only your Rugby Team but also your Football, or... *sighs* ‘soccer’, teams.
In our final segment we will cover the upcoming Edo World Judo Championships.
Now with our last segment. Before I go further in the world of Martial Arts and Contact Sports I have to say this: I don’t like the way you support them. Boxing, Kickboxing, MMA, all you do is to encourage the athletes to be a buch of trash talkers with a bigger mouth than their skills. This WON’T happen in the EBW Network, nor in Sports Core. Sportsmanship, respect, this is what you will see in combat sports HERE. Now, where was I? Oh yes. In a few months Edo and their cities of Okawa, Futonryu and Kisakura will host a new edition of the World Judo Championships. Edo will fight to retain their individual and team titles while Eagleland, Carioterra and South Hanmin, the other big favourites, are also preparing to take the titles.
The Okawa Budokan, the place in which the best Judokas in Edo are rewarded in the All Edo Championships, will be the venue of the first day of the World Championships. Apart from a big ceremony, the World Judo Federation is eager to know the progress of Judo worldwide as this year more countries from the Old Lands and Origoca qualified to the tournament, Tsuguru Aoki, the WJF President, says the inclusion of new countries should bring more competition and more excitement to the tournament
Aoki: After the last Olympics in Saturn City, we were very excited with the surprising results as not only Edo and South Hanmin were the only teams to win Gold Medals. We hope this tournament will be as surprising as the last Olympic games.
Edo’s Captain. Shiryu Itagaki, has been training hard as he was one of the few gold medalists of his country. Not only he has to prove his skills but also lead his team into victory.
Itagaki: Most of our mates were very discouraged after Saturn City, but I think that this proves Judo is spreading worldwide and also is the chance for our country to show we are the strongest Judokas in the world.
In Eagleland, the National team is also preparing under the watch of coach Ryan Armstrong, the legendary Welterweight Gold Medalist and its captain, John ‘Hiptoss’ Green.
Green: We are very eager to compete in this World Cup after finding ourselves as big favourites to win the Teams Championship and also I can retain my title as Middleweight Champion. Kim Soon Pak, the Hamnin Captain has also stated he’s eager to fight me after we collided in the Olympics’ semifinals last year and I’m honoured to answer the challenge.
Armstrong: We have to be both confident of our individual and collective abilities but also concerned that Edo wants to regain their ‘supremacy’ in Judo. But the harder the battle, the more happy I am of being Eagleland’s coach.
And that’s it for today. In our next edition, we shall cover both Old Lands and Eagleland’s Basketball Leagues and the posibility of an International Cup between both champions of this season’s edition. The return of KB Alpha World Grand Prix and the Football Copa Libertad. Until next week. Oh... and Anwin *waves the Infinity Title* keep dreaming mate. I am the EBW Infinity Division Champion Camilo Ortega.
Jamie OD: My Jamie OD. I'm the Global World Champion of EBW. I'm the best wrestler in the world, and I'm the center of all the attention. They call me Public Enemy #1, but what they really need to call me is a hero. I am saving this company from the mundane and boring Amigo. The not quite as good as me Sal Paradise. The shell of a man Trevor Mach. I'm seeing where the company is going and I don't like it. That's why guys like me and Ness here are helping Capcom take over. That little bit of chaos that will ignite and excite in the dying days of this company. You know what they say, it's better to burn out than to fade away. That's why I came out here tonight. That's why Ness is out here tonight. We're here to let you know that the time is up, and the short life of the EBW Network is over. I'm taking this title to Capcom once I celebrate my win at New Year Rising. I'll have the VIP seat for the end of EBW.
Ness: Capcom knows how to treat its legends, well....legends that understand that the times have to change. I'm more than willing to adapt to their ideals to protect my job, my very livelihood that people like Trevor Mach want to take away! I'm far from ready from retirement. I have so much more to deliver, and I'll show that to you all when you tune into Capcom Vs. on ENN, cause that's going to be the only game in town once Capcom is done. New Year Rising, is the beginning of the end.
Sal Paradise: I beg to differ. I think New Year Rising will be my finest hour. That will be the day I take that title back and make sure it stays in EBW where it belongs.
Amigo: As much as I admire your determination Sal, I will be the one doing that very thing. The wrestling machine Amigo will be the next Global World Champion, and anyone from Capcom can try to dispute that with me. I'll happily make them nap or tap.
President Trevor Mach: Jamie OD, you've got this whole chaos schtick all wrong. You think you're being edgy and original, but all you're doing is selling out.
Jamie OD: This coming from Mister Establishment Trevor Mach.
President Trevor Mach: I may have responsibility now, but don't you dare underestimate me Jamie OD. Don't you dare underestimate the chaos I caused in that ring, and the chaos I can still cause you!
Jamie OD: Blah blah blah, you won't touch me because you're the President, and there are rules. I'm not afraid of you, so stop blabbering on and let's get this show going. I need to make an example out of Amigo tonight, and Ness is going to soften up Sal Paradise for me.
President Trevor Mach: ......
The last stop before the New Year Rising Pay Per View had arrived, and EBW was looking to make a statement to Capcom, as the big names would battle the Capcom Sympathizers. Tack Angel and Swift would team up again for the first time in ages against Greed on the way to a showdown with the Shadowloo Duo Vega and Balrog. Amigo would lead a team against Jamie OD, and Sal Paradise would get a No Rules Rematch against Ness. No Holds Barred on a very special Xperience, the first Xperience on the EBW Network!
-The show opened with Noah Jennings getting into what he called a "warm up match" before taking part in the big elimination tag later in the evening. His opponent was the always unpredictable, and probably always stoned Onisuiken. He underestimated Oni, but that backfired as Oni grabbed Noah at the start and locked him into a Tarantula. Noah was released before the five count, but he panicked and fled the ring with Oni in pursuit. Noah tricked Oni into running into the ring steps and forced his face into the ring post, leaving him outside to face a count out. Oni got back inside on the 9 count, but Noah was prepared and clobbered him with a Stock Market Crash STO followed by the pin. A quick win for Noah, but he was obviously shaken by Oni's unorthodox approach. You never know what move he'll use next.
-A 3-Way Infinity Division match saw Randy no Kachi overcome Ultimo Tiger and Bolshoi in a quick match. Bolshoi had control until RnK raked his eyes and targeted the much greener Ultimo Tiger. With a No Kachi Cutter, Randy dropped Ultimo and rolled him up before Bolshoi could break the pin.
-Another Infinity Division match saw Hotlanta and Generator team up to take on Mike Ishijima and Blue Lighting. The 2 of the 3 members of Triple BLU put on a good showing, but Hotlanta dropped Mike with a Bellerophon Bomb and pinned him as Generator hit the Moonsault Legdrop BL to keep him down. An impressive display. After the match, HOT and Generator discussed bringing the Tag Team Championship to the Infinity Division. A crossover battle appears to be in the future.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here Capcom Representative Phoenix Wright, who will be overseeing the upcoming showdown between Tack Angel, Swift, Vega, and Balrog at NYR 2012. Mr. Wright, why is Capcom doing this to EBW, and will they pull back if Tack and Swift win?
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION! You assume that Capcom is doing something wrong, but Capcom is the righteous pillar of justice in this world! They can do no wrong! They have become the law, and I will always respect the law! Capcom will not stop, as they don't know the meaning of the word defeat!
Mega Man: I would have to object there Mr. Wright. I think they do know what defeat is. They tried to squash me, but the fans aren't having it. They are upset and outraged, and no matter how much you troll them, they will never abide by it.
Dan Hibiki: You cut out Mr. Saikyo and think that's gonna fly?! I don't think so!
Phoenix Wright: Disgruntled former employees hoping to find work in EBW? Pathetic! You two are guilty of trying to sabotage your former employer! You just couldn't understand the importance of the bottom live.
Mega Man: What happens when you're on the chopping block Ace? They haven't been as reliant on you lately. What happens when they decide to throw you to the wayside?
Phoenix Wright: Impossible! I will never-
Dan Hibiki: It's more possible than you think bro!
Mega Man: Talk to the other Capcom Ryu from Breath of Fire. Ask him how possible it is, and then get back to me.
Phoenix Wright: ......
-The next match saw Tack Angel and Swift team up against Pretty Tony and Ra of New Money in tag action. A mostly one sided match, Ra and Pretty Tony were on the ropes against the former multi time Tag Team. Swift owned the ring with his power while Tack played up to the fans and read his flow chart while waiting to be tagged in. Tack's kicks beat the punches of Pretty Tony in the end, as he took him to the ground, and switched to submission mode, where we locked in an Elevated Cloverleaf and forced a Submission. A strong win for the reformed team. After the match, the lights went out in the arena. As they came back on M. Bison, Vega, and Balrog of Shadowloo were standing on the stage.
M. Bison: Strong performance boys, but I hate to tell you that under the might of Bison you will be no match!
Tack Angel: Dude, he totally looks like Raul Julia!
Swift: I know. >:C
M. Bison: You wish to mock a GOD!? This act will not go unpunished, as Vega and Balrog will be happy to dispose of you!
Tack Angel: Man, this guy was great in Addams Family! I want to get his autograph!
Swift: Make him sign his own hat before I shove it up his ass! >:C
Tack Angel: SWIFT! That's Raul Julia you're talking about here! He rules!
M. Bison: Vega and Balrog will meet you in the center of that ring, where you will battle in combat like true gentlemen warriors.......then they'll break your spines.
Tack Angel: Definitely not Raul Julia.
M. Bison: New Year Rising?! More like NEW YEAR BISON!
-Team Amigo and Team OD clashed in a huge 12-Man Eliminated War in the next match. It was an all out free for all from the start, as Amigo and Jamie OD started things off. Amigo proved he had Jamie scouted and ducked a kick to take him to the mat. He nearly locked in a heel hook, as he tagged in Retro Hippie of all people. Amigo mouthed the words "too easy" and fed the liberal to Kinniku Mike, who made short work of him and got the elimination following a Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb. Noah Jennings jumped in and tried to get the drop on Mike, but the Sex Machine powered him around the ring before getting another elimination with a Release Dragon Suplex. Noah was livid and tried to pay Mike back by grabbing onto him from outside the ring as he fought with Troy. The diversion paid off as Troy hit the Punt Kick and took Mike out early. Super Rookie Chu Chu was up next, and looked to be every bit the match for Troy in terms of strength, but the alpha beta knocked Chu Chu down and clocked him with a Punt Kick to get another elimination. Later in the match, Little Mac once again for one up on Maurice when he used brass knuckles to hit the KO Punch and get the elimination. Amigo retaliated by taking out the Green Greed Legend with a German Suplex Pin. Camilo Ortega and Anwin continued their feud as they both tagged in. After a game of oneupsmanship, Camilo hit a lowblow that allowed him to floor Anwin and lock in the Cross Armbreaker. He forced the submission, but held the lock as long as possible to hurt his NYR opponent. Amigo avenged Anwin by submitting Camilo with a Rolling Olympic Hell. Jamie OD laughed and gloated, as he and Troy had the advantage against the lone Amigo. Troy kicked Amigo around for much of the latter part of the match, but a series of Germans from Amigo sent Troy out of the ring and Jamie OD in. He immediately hit a mask assisted headbutt and rolled up Amigo, but Amigo kicked out and reversed the situation into a choke hold. Jamie got to his feet with help from the ropes and Troy, and managed to flip Amigo over him and tossed him to the floor. Having control of the situation, Jamie proceeded to kick Amigo multiple times as he tried to get up, landing one final Penalty Kick before getting a pin. The Chaotic Global World Champion won the match for his team. Amigo looked impressive though, and it will be interesting to see what he can do in the main event of New Year Rising.
-The main event featured Sal Paradise taking on Ness in a big rematch. The Capcom Sympathizer used dirty tactics to win before, but this time the odds would be even due to the No Rules stipulation. Despite the ability to go for weapons, Sal decided to beat Ness at wrestling, and really took it to the EBW OG. Ness retaliated, and no actual weapons were brought in, however Ness took advantage of no count outs, and held his submissions as long as he wanted once Sal would grab a rope. Late in the match Ness attempted a PSI ROCKIN, but Sal escaped and hit his Brainbuster finisher. Things looked bad for Ness, until Dante, Vega, and Balrog tried to make a run in. Amigo, Tack Angel, and Swift cut them off however, with Amigo clobbered Dante with a chair shot. Sal locked Ness in the Paradise Lock and forced him to submit, giving him the big win over a Capcom man before NYR 2012. The show came to a close with celebration for EBW. Would there be celebration at New Year Rising?
Jamie OD: Mr. President, here to beg me not to leave EBW once I retain at New Year Rising?
President Trevor Mach: No, I'm just here to deliver a message Jamie. I'm the fucking President......I make the rules around here. You want a taste of real chaos? You mess with me, and you'll taste real chaos. I promise you that.
Jamie OD: .....
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Singles: Noah Jennings beat Onisuiken (2:31) via Stock Market Crash STO -> Pin
2. Infinity Division 3-Way: Randy no Kachi beat Ultimo Tiger and Bolshoi (4:09) via No Kachi Cutter on UT -> Pin
3. Infinity Division Tag Team: Hotlanta/Generator beat Mike Ishijima/Blue Lighting (6:20) via Hotlanta Bellerophon Bomb on Mike Ishijima -> Pin
4. Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift beat Pretty Tony/Ra (9:29) via Tack Angel Elevated Clover Leaf on Pretty Tony -> Submission
5. 12-Man Elimination Tag: Jamie OD/Noah Jennings/Little Mac/Troy/Retro Hippie/Camilo Ortega beat Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice/w00t/Chu Chu/Anwin (25:31)
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Retro Hippie (1:20) via Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Noah Jennings (2:35) via Release Dragon Suplex
-Troy eliminated Kinniku Mike (5:52) via Punt Kick
-Troy eliminated Chu Chu (8:59) via Punt Kick
-Little Mac eliminated Maurice (13:02) via KO Punch
-Amigo eliminated Little Mac (14:44) via German Suplex Pin
-Camilo Ortega eliminated Anwin(16:09) via Cross Armbreaker Submission
-Amigo eliminated Camilo Ortega (20:15) via Rolling Olympic Hell Submission
-Jamie OD eliminated Amigo (25:31) via Penalty Kick
6. No Rules Singles: Sal Paradise beat Ness (9:05) via Paradise Lock -> Submission
Announcer: It's time for Flashback, the show that gives you an in depth look at EBW's past! Here is your host EBW Vice President Ryan IQ!!!
Vice President Ryan IQ: What?! Again!? I thought this was just a one time......*sigh* Hi everyone, I'm the Vice President of EBW Ryan IQ. I'm here to host EBW Flashback....apparently. So New Year Rising 2012 is RIGHT around the corner, and the eyes of many wrestling fans are fixated on the Global World Championship situation. Not only could EBW lose its centerpiece title at NYR, but we'd also lose something very expensive as that belt cost fortune. Do you have ANY idea how much that thing is worth?! Jamie OD didn't even pay his deposit on it either, so we're not going to get that money! We're going to have to resort to turning in cans for pocket change at this rate....I mean.....hey so how bout that upcoming Pay Per View! With New Year Rising 2012 just around the corner, let's look at New Year Rising 2011 to see how the landscape of EBW has changed.
Vice President Ryan IQ: EBW was in turmoil one year ago as well.....surprised right? Rufus Poochyfud was ruling EBW with an iron fist, and I was busy working as his bean counter at the time. Trevor Mach had just recovered the Global World Championship after years without it, so Rufus was looking to take it off him by any means necessary. Unleashing Troy seemed to be the top move considering in 2010 Trevor dropped the fall to then Global World Champion Troy in a bloody barbed wire cage encounter at Rumble City. Somehow Trevor overcame the odds with help from Tack Angel to retain.
Speaking of Tack Angel, the Pushpin Seraphim was in a huge match earlier in the night, taking on his former and now current tag team partner Swift. They were battling for the #1 Contender position.
Vice President Ryan IQ: Those in attendance would not get a decisive conclusion, as Swift POUNCED his way through the tron and the match ended in a No Contest. Swift would later win a rematch and beat Trevor Mach for the title, only to lose it to Tack Angel at Victory Explosion V. With Rufus running wild and The Ensiders battling Scorre, EBW was on the brink of anarchy. It seems no matter how much changes it always stays the same. *sigh*
Boy: Hey look!
Girl: Oh wow! Is that a beer!
Boy: My older brother says that beer makes you cool! I bet if we drank that beer we could be cool too!
Kinniku Mike: Your older brother must a stupid son of a bitch if he believes that!
Boy: WOW! It's Eagleland Champion Kinniku Mike!
Girl: He's the best!
Boy: My Mom says that she would give Kinniku Mike quite the workout if they ever met. It's weird cause she's not a fitness instructor or anything!
Kinniku Mike: Your cougar Mom intrigues me kid, but first I have to impart some knowledge. Underage drinking is bad! You should never ever touch this stuff cause it could ruin your life. Beer doesn't make you cool. Strong manly tits make you cool! Uuuuuuuuu!
Girl: But what if you're a girl?
Kinniku Mike: Ha! I wouldn't worry little one. When puberty hits you'll find that you'll be popular no matter what. Us guys are fickle like that.
Girl: Wow thanks Mike!
Kinniku Mike: You know what you should do with that bottle?
Boy: Recycle it?
Kinniku Mike: Close! Let EBW recycle it for you! We're starting a new campaign today, where you give us your cans and bottles. We will recycle them for you! While we get the money, you get the satisfaction of doing a job well done!
Girl: Kind of sounds like a cheap cash grab.
Kinniku Mike: HAHA! Indeed it is kids....indeed it is. Now, where is that mother of yours.
Boy's Mother: Right here Mr. Mike.
Kinniku Mike: me Mike....the MILF Hunter.
Kinniku Mike: Remember everyone, the EBW Network cares!
Phoenix Wright: EBW! This court is now in session. The Prosecutor is Capcom, and the defendant is EBW. EBW is guilty of standing in the way of Capcom, and standing in the way of Justice. How do you plead?
President Trevor Mach: Not Guilty, by reason of Shenanigans.
Phoenix Wright: First of all, don't interrupt while court is in session, and second of all you mean reason of insanity.
President Trevor Mach: No, I mean Shenanigans. Now what are you doing in my ring?
Jamie OD: Can't you see it's a trial Trevor. You're guilty of letting EBW down, and all these people will see that tonight. I am the exhibit A, the Global World Champion. I'm the one that is going to walk out of this building tonight with the belt and never come back.
President Trevor Mach: You sure about that?
Jamie OD: Don't try to make idle threats Trevor. It's your precious pay per view, and you won't do anything to "ruin" your main event. You have rules to follow.
President Trevor Mach: Like I already told you, I make the rules around here. Nothing stops me from doing anything, but me. You're trying to put EBW on trial, but the show hasn't even started yet. Let the "defense" present its case before making final judgement. One more thing, I myself am guilty of a lot of things, but one thing I won't be guilty of is letting EBW get shut down by assholes like all of you! This is New Year Rising 2012, and I promise that tonight is a night that you won't forget Jamie OD. BOOSH!
The first pay per view of the new year had finally come! New Year Rising 2012 was sold out in the Twoson Fairgrounds, where seven big matches were about to take place. Matches that would reshape EBW, or possibly end it in humiliating defeat.
-The show opened proper, with six of the best in the Infinity Division going head to head to become the next #1 Contender. Hotlanta, Generator, and Shadow controlled the pace of the match, and eliminated their juniors from the ring. Randy no Kachi turned opportunist however, as once Hotlanta and Generator turned on each other he No Kachi Cutter'd his own master Shadow and rolled him up for the win. Randy no Kachi is the new #1 Contender.
-The second match would be more of the same, with six of the top fighters gunning for the Global World Champion getting their shot. Most of them had matches later in the show, but the lure of the title put most of them on double duty. Little Mac immediately changed the paradigm of the match by announcing he would not be taking part, and instead offered a substitution. The substitution was big surprise, as Sagat from Capcom became the 6th participant. His muay thai skills are feared all over the world, and it changed up the strategy for most of the EBW wrestlers. Mike found himself having to deal with Noah Jennings early on, as New Money tried to get involved and hurt Mike before their later title fight. Little Mac stuck around to harass Maurice as well. Through all the chaos, Ness and Sagat plowed through the competition. Sagat landing vicious knee and palm strikes to his various opponents. One vicious Tiger Uppercut knocked out w00t, and he was quickly pinned while Ness kept the other wrestlers back. Sagat of Capcom got the win, meaning that if Jamie OD retains, the title may never be recovered. After the match New Money assaulted Kinniku Mike with chairs and ripped at his shirt. Maurice fought them off, but the damage was done. Mike looked less that pleased. He chased Noah and dragged him back into the ring. Their Eagleland Championship match was happening next.
-Kinniku Mike was a man on a mission as he put his belt on the line against Noah Jennings. He showed no fear even with New Money circling the ring. Noah Jennings tried to attack with shots aimed at Mike damaged areas from the earlier beating, but Mike absorbed the attacks and tossed Noah around the ring. Anything he tried to take Mike off of his feet failed, and Mike ultimately trapped him in the corner and hit his Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb. He didn't try to pin Noah though, and instead picked him up to land some more hard slams. Mike picked up Noah and effortlessly tossed him out of the ring and onto Ra and Pretty Tony. Noah looked visibly shaken, as Mike's normally happy personality was giving way to a man that had had enough. Noah backed away from the scowling Mike long enough to find himself counted out. A nice win for a uncharacteristically menacing Kinniku Mike.
-The Tag Team Championship was up next, with Troy coming out with both belts. Retro Hippie tried to come out, but Troy stared at him until he cowered to the back. Chu Chu would do most of the work for his team, as w00t was still reeling from Sagat's Tiger Uppercut. Chu Chu once again impressed with his ability to hang with Troy. In the biggest match of his career so far, he was not going to fold easily. It was a big man power move kind of match, and Chu Chu slammed Troy just as easily as Troy could slam Chu Chu. Late in the match w00t found himself in and downing Troy with a WKO. He couldn't even get a one count on the pin attempt and tried to tag Chu Chu back in. Troy caught him with the Overdrive first and followed up with the Punt Kick, but not before he elbowed Chu Chu off the ring apron. 1-2-3 Troy got the pin and single handily retained the tag belts. After the match Chu Chu defended w00t from further damage and tried to get in Troy's face before security broke things up. A hard night for the veteran w00t.
-The Infinity Division Belt was hung over the ring for the next match, as eternal rivals Camilo Ortega and Anwin would battle for the belt in a ladder match. Camilo was quick to go for the ladder, but Anwin cut him off and they took the fight to the ground for some grappling. Camilo wanted to keep Anwin away from the ladder or anything he could use for high flying maneuvers, so and odd start to a ladder match. Camilo held Anwin in a choke hold, but Anwin escaped, hit the ropes and came back with a wrap around turned into a crucifix. Anwin couldn't win by Submission, but he slowed Camilo to the point where he could bring the ladder into play. They fought with it back and forth and used it as a weapon. Camilo seemed to be more in a hurry to get to the top. He would be on his own in this match, as the other wrestlers in the Infinity Division watched from the stage and kept Greed away from ringside. Anwin dropkicked the ladder, sending Camilo out of the ring. Anwin then caught the ladder of the rebound and tried to climb it. Realizing Camilo was scrambling back in, he flipped over the ladder and landed right on the champ. He lifted him up for the Static Suplex, but Camilo escaped and dropped Anwin with an STO. He attacked with kicks and dropped the ladder on him over and over. He finally tried to climb it to get the belt, but Anwin slowly climbed up and met him at the top. They traded blows back and forth with Anwin winning out and hit a Static Superplex off the ladder. The fans went crazy as Anwin slowly recovered and climbed back up the ladder. Camilo had fallen out of the ring and tried to rush back in, but it was too late. Anwin grabbed the belt and ended the long reign of Camilo Ortega. Ortega was shocked and livid, as the first Infinity Champion had reclaimed the belt.
-A huge tag team match followed, with Tack Angel and Swift teaming up to represent EBW against the incoming invaders of Capcom Vega and Balrog. This was a top notch, and exciting first time match, with Tack and Swift functioning like a well oiled machine while Vega and Balrog showed why they are Capcom legends. Tack tried out his kicks against the punches of the much bigger and strong Balrog. The quickness factor helped Tack dodge some KO blows and landed several head kicks. Swift charged forward on both Vega and Balrog, the strategy was simply to take them to the mat. Vega was not allowed to use his claws, but his agility and ability to use his entire body to attack helped him nearly score and a pinfall following a windmill kick on Tack. Balrog tried to land his signature blows on Swift, but Swift put his head into the punch and absorbed it before picking him up for the Blackhammer. It was a back and forth dream match all the way. The fans were loving the action, but it wouldn't last, as M. Bison and new #1 Contender Sagat ran into the ring and assisted in a beat down on Tack and Swift. The fans were livid as the dream match ended in a DQ victory for EBW's team. Capcom would be left standing however, a policy they employ in business also works in the ring.
-It was now time for the huge main event. A Global World Championship encounter, that could make or break EBW's future. The Chaos Hooligan Jamie OD would be putting the Global World Championship on the line against the People's Choice Sal Paradise, and the Wrestling Machine Amigo. This match would be full of highlight reel moments, as these amazing athletes have stepped up to a whole new level in their fighting game. Amigo started strong by taking Sal down with a German, while Jamie attempted a headbutt only to have it blocked. Amigo and Jamie traded blows, with Jamie being better on his feet, but Amigo took him to the ground where he is king and went for the ankle lock. Sal broke the hold and attacked Amigo and Jamie of the ground. Jamie got back up just in time for Amigo to take him back down to the ground where he tried to go for another submission. Jamie fought his way to the ropes and climbed up. He forced Amigo back and landed a headbutt and high kick. Sal went high risk, and jumped off the top rope down on Jamie. Jamie rolled into the landing and rolled him up for a near fall. The two rivals both sprang to their feet where they traded hard shots back and forth. Jamie forced Sal against the ropes and tried to choke him, but Amigo snuck up from behind and hit a high angle German that took Jamie out of the ring. Sal and Amigo traded moves in a chain wrestling sequence. Amigo won out and tried to get behind Sal, but Sal blocked the attempt and reversed to get a takedown of his own. Amigo found a worthy opponent on the mat, as they both tried to grasp for any kind of hold. Jamie got back in the ring and kicked them both in the head before going for the pin. 1-2-KICKOUT from Amigo. 1-2-KICKOUT from Sal. Jamie got back up and looked to clock them both again, but Amigo and Sal blocked and took Jamie to the mat. A 3-Way scramble to get up lead to all three men staring each other down as the crowd went wild. The hot action continued for several minutes before Jamie started to dip into the bag of dirty tricks. He gouged Sal in the eyes and landed headbutt after headbutt. Amigo tried to turn him around for a slam, but Jamie hit a knee to the groin that the ref did not see. He tossed him into Sal and charged at both of them in the corner, splashing down hard. Amigo fell to his knees where Jamie hit the Penalty Kick. He tried to do the same to Sal, but Sal blocked his leg, captured him in the Kokoro Hiraite Kaori and took him down hard. Jamie crawled to the corner to try and reach for Trevor Mach's mask. That's when Ness and some Capcom Shocktroopers tried to run down to the ring. They were going to get involved until suddenly President Trevor Mach rushed down with a chair in hand. He clobbered the Shocktroopers and Ness before grabbing his mask and grinning at Jamie, swinging the chair to force him back to his feet where Sal was waiting. He hit one final Kokoro Hiraite Kaori on Jamie before rolling him up. 1-2-3! Sal Paradise had once again captured the Global World Championship, and saved EBW from a big defeat at the hands of Capcom! The crowd cheered as Trevor Mach laughed at Jamie and held up his regained mask. He ripped off the buttons of his shirt to reveal the wolf image that inspired him to do what Jamie was trying to do, showing him that the original still have one up on the new model. Jamie was livid, but the big story was the victory of Sal Paradise. The People's Choice was once again Global World Champion. A new year rises and EBW still stands.
EBW: New Year Rising 2012
Twoson Fairgrounds
1. Infinity Division #1 Contender 6-Way: Hotlanta vs. Generator vs. Bolshoi vs. Randy no Kachi vs. Shadow vs. Mike Ishijima
Winner: Randy no Kachi (9:10) via No Kachi Cutter on Shadow -> Pin
2. Global World Championship #1 Contender 6-Way: Maurice vs. Sagat[Capcom] vs. Ness vs. Kinniku Mike vs. Noah Jennings vs. w00t
Winner: Sagat[Capcom] (8:08) via Tiger Uppercut on w00t -> Pin
3. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) beat Noah Jennings (6:56) via Countout
4. Tag Team Championship: Troy(c)(c)/Retro Hippie beat w00t/Chu Chu (5:50) via Troy Punt Kick on w00t -> Pin
5. Infinity Division Championship Ladder Match: Anwin beat Camilo Ortega(c) (8:22) via Title Grab -> New Infinity Division Champion
6. Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift beat Balrog[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom] (7:36) via DQ
7. Global World Championship: Sal Paradise beat Jamie OD(c) and Amigo (15:56) via Kokoro Hiraite Kaori on Jamie OD -> Pin -> New Global World Champion
Announcer: New Year Rising has come and gone, and it's time for the post pay per view news update!
Nerma: Nerma here for your newest EBW update! It's been a hectic couple of weeks as EBW is starting to get situated in its new position as a network while also fighting off the dastardly Capcom, but I'm here to report that EBW is here to stay and big new shows are on the horizon! First off I'd like to-
Dynamic Dougie: Nerma....
Nerma: Oh, well if it isn't our own Dynamic Dougie! Here with a big scoop are we?
Dynamic Dougie: It's.....Trevor.
Nerma: Eh?
Dynamic Dougie: Roll the footage.
Vice President Ryan IQ: I'd like to report that our first conflict with Capcom was a success, as Sal Paradise triumphantly brought the belt back to an EBW loyalist. I wish President Mach could be here to announce this, but I'd like to take this time to announce that we will soon be going on a counter strike. The Collision series is coming back with Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom. We're challenging Capcom to bring their best, and while I told Trevor this is playing straight into their hand, our intention is to obtain the Capcom World Championship. Amigo is the selected opponent for this challenge, as he proved himself to be formidable in the Global World Championship match. We're going to go after their belt to show them how it feels. Meanwhile, Tack Angel and Swift will be making further challenges to the Shadaloo branch of Capcom. They want Vega and Balrog in singles matches on this week's X-cite. If they are up to the challenge then I expect them to show up. Also-
Tack Angel: I want M. Bison. I'm going straight to the top. Sagat may have a title match against Sal Paradise, but I'm going to take down the Shadaloo leader.
Vice President Ryan IQ: So there you have it. EBW is ready to fight back. If Capcom wants a fight then we are strong enough now to launch a-
Moz: RY RY!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Don't call me that Moz.
Moz: It's the President! HURRY!
Vice President Ryan IQ: What's wrong?!
Tack Angel: Trevor?!
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: Trevor? Taking a nap on the street again? Trevor?
President Trevor Mach: want to play? Alright....I'll play.
Biggs: Uh...
Wedge: We are so fired.
Amigo: Looks like they dropped him out of a moving vehicle. Who did this?
Tack Angel: I think I know exactly who it was.
Nerma: Oh I see. Is he alright?
Dynamic Dougie: He's alright, but he's not too happy.
Nerma: So the hooligan strikes back, and it looks like he took his mask. What could this mean?
Dynamic Dougie: Oh it gets worse by the way.
Nerma: More?
Dynamic Dougie: Oh yeah. Capcom has responded to the challenge.
Dante: Do you see this EBW? This is called doing what must be done to make an example. These turncoats couldn't understand the grand Capcom plan and had to be put down. They tried to escape their fate, but I was always catch my man. Consider me the Capcom Bounty Hunter. They have another target picked out for me. Wanna know who it is? Watch and find out.
Ryu: My name is Ryu. I'm the Capcom World Champion. I hear that EBW is issuing challenges to Capcom. We are the elite class of warriors in this world. We do not answer challenges anymore....we make them. However, we will not take this insult lightly. The one named Amigo wishes to challenge me in combat for this belt? I don't find him worthy in the slightest. If you want to get to me, you have to go through Ken. Don't worry about when.....we'll come to you when we're ready.
Swift: >:C
Zangief: Are you bear?
Swift: .....what?
Zangief: ....We should wrestle.
Swift: Yeah....maybe we should. >:C
Zangief: >:C
Swift: >:C
Nerma: So it looks like Capcom is on the move again after EBW's challenge. This invasion may soon be kicking into full swing. We'll of course have all the news and notes available for you right here on the EBW Network. Stay tuned.....
Announcer: It's now time for another EBW Network News Update!
Nerma: Nerma here again with some big guests this time around. I'm joined by EBW President Trevor Mach and the NEW Global World Champion Sal Paradise. Sal, we'll get to your amazing feat in just a moment, but first we'd like to talk to Mr. Mach about-
President Trevor Mach: About Jamie?
Nerma: About Jamie yes.
President Trevor Mach: What can I say. He got the drop on me and took back the mask. I paid him back for his shenanigans and he didn't like that. The point is that I stopped Jamie from cheating his way into getting out of the building with the title. He wanted to leave to EBW with that belt, well now he can just leave. I'm certainly not going to stop him. You think that road rash taught me a lesson Jamie? I get much worse from Tali, and that's on her good nights!
Dynamic Dougie: You don't have to tell me about it.
President Trevor Mach: Don't like it you can move the hell out DOUGIE!
Dynamic Dougie: ......I'm shutting up.
President Trevor Mach: Jamie, that attack proved that I got to you. I cracked your calm and cool "do whatever I want" demeanor. This is that chaos thing you love to tout so much! You don't always get the outcome you're looking for, but that's part of the game. You mess with the best and you find that out pretty quickly.
Nerma: Does this mean that Jamie is done in EBW?
President Trevor Mach: I'm not going to fire him, but if he wants to leave to Capcom I'm not going to stop it. The ball is in his court....and my mask. I do want my damn mask back. I JUST got it back too.
Nerma: Indeed. Well who knows what Jamie OD might do next. New Year Rising was certainly a crazy night for everyone involved, but it was also a joyous night for one Sal Paradise. The man being touted as hero by the fans is once again Global World Champion.
Sal Paradise: I wouldn't call myself a hero, I'm just a man. A man that is once again the champion, but a man none the less. It's hard to believe it when you get this belt, and it's even harder to believe when you get it back. I had purpose before, but now I have another make sure that Capcom never touches this belt again. Sagat is my next opponent, and I intend to show him what I can do at Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom. Tiger Tiger Tiger all you want, I'll be walking out of Collision as the champion.
Nerma: There you have it folks. Before we get to the card for the next episode of Xcite, let's show some footage of random happenings around EBW.
Jeff Andonuts: ONI!
Onisuiken: What? You're messing with my zen thing right now Jeff.
Jeff Andonuts: This is no time for zen burn boy. This is time for SCIENCE!
Onisuiken: .....what do you want?
Onisuiken: I want no part of this.
Jeff Andonuts: I will pay you ten bucks and a bag of Funyus.
Onisuiken: You have yourself a lip smacking butt spanking deal my friend.
Jeff Andonuts: Fantastic! So Mr. Mach asked me to create a new technology to assist EBW in its fight with Capcom. That is why I devoted my time away from the ring, so I can learn the secret of the wrestling essence! The very power within a man or woman that allows them to perform such incredible feats! I discovered the power of the GIMMICK!
Onisuiken: You're losing me man.
Jeff Andonuts: Harnessing the power of the gimmick, a man could acquire the powers of the EBW elite and make a real change in that ring! That is where this belt comes in. I call it the GIMMICK DRIVER!
Jeff Andonuts: Use this card and load it into the Gimmick Driver. You will assume the gimmick of other wrestlers and use their abilities in the ring.
Onisuiken: .....K.
Jeff Andonuts: THIS IS A HUGE DISCOVERY! Take the belt and use it on Xcite. You won't regret it.
Onisuiken: .....meh.
Vice President Ryan IQ: *sigh* Get off the desk Camilo. I already told you that you can get into a title match if you can beat Randy no Kachi one on one.
Camilo Ortega: THAT'S BETTER! Man....what stinks in here.
Swift: That was me....and I ain't sorry for it. >:C
Vice President Ryan IQ: Swift, why are you in the executive wash room?
Swift: Cause that damn rookie Fighter Daron was caught in the veteran locker room using my DAMN TOILET!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Your toilet? You didn't.....rub your forehead on it did you?
Swift: .......>:C
Vice President Ryan IQ: *sigh*
Swift: By the way I totally accept a challenge from Zangief to fight at Collision V. Later.
Vice President Ryan IQ: Wait what?!
Swift: I SAID LATER! >:C
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Division Decision Match: Randy no Kachi vs. Camilo Ortega
2. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) vs. Ra
3. Invasion Singles: Swift vs. Vega[Capcom]
4. Invasion Singles: Tack Angel vs. Balrog[Capcom]
5. Tag Team Championship: Troy(c)(c)/Retro Hippie vs. w00t/Chu Chu
6. Singles: Amigo vs. Ness
Nerma: Nerma here with a breaking story just moments before the start of Xcite. It appears that backstage interviewer Dougie Mach has been attacked by someone. He's conscious, but hurt. Could this be an attack by Capcom? I hope to have more for you soon, but for now stay tuned for EBW: Xcite!
Xcite began its second episode on the EBW Network with aura of victory. EBW had survived the test at New Year Rising 2012, and Sal Paradise was able to keep the Global World Championship within the company. Capcom has yet to declare a full on invasion, but EBW has shown that it can stand up to the challenge. The show kicked off with EBW President Trevor Mach and NEW Global World Champion Sal Paradise heading to the ring. Mr. Mach looked roughed up from the attack over the weekend by Jamie OD, but a huge smile was on his face as he had ensured that Jamie did not cheat to win the title.
EBW President Trevor Mach: BOOSH! Hello EBW! It's week two for the EBW Network for those of you who didn't expect us to last longer than a day! First off, a big hand to all the winners and losers at New Year Rising, they kicked off 2012 with a kick ass show! Now, I want you to hear you give it up for the Global World Champion Sal Paradise! Thanks to Sal, EBW still has its biggest prize. The belt that Capcom TRIED AND FAILED to take from us! HA! Sal, excellent work at the pay per view.
Sal Paradise: Thanks Trevor, and thanks to all the fans that have stuck by my side. They don't call me the People's Choice for nothing. It's because of you that I am here right now. You gave me the chance to prove that I am the best wrestling in EBW, and I have the gold to prove it. This belt is for me, it's for you, and it's definitely NOT for Capcom. Jamie, sorry about your luck, but if you plan on going to Capcom your luggage is gonna be a little light.
EBW President Trevor Mach: HAHA! Well said Sal! Jamie, you tried to mess with me, you tried to mess with Sal, you tried to mess with Tack, and you tried to mess with EBW and these fans. You tried to hurt people to get your spotlight, but you crashed and burned. I applauded your tactics at first, but I just don't think you know what REAL CHAOS is!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Jamie! What the hell do you think you're doing?!
Jamie OD: WHAT I WANT! I did this to w00t and Simon, and I did the same to Dougie, and I'm just getting started! Did you think I was done?! Did you think I was just going to roll over and accept your law?! This is what I think of your law! Look at them right there....this is your fault! I'm not the one burning down EBW IT'S YOU! Hey...hey Simon? Do you think....Trevor Mach has made EBW a better place?
Simon Stuart: ...ugh.....
Jamie OD: Yes? No? ANSWER ME!!
Jamie OD: You see THIS is how crazy Trevor Mach has made EBW! You want order in EBW? You MUST get rid of the CHAOS! You MUST get rid of TREVOR MACH! Mach, I want to "talk" to you face to face tonight! Oh, and for every hour that you make me wait people will get hurt. Oi! I think I might just find that sexy wife of yours! Pay HER a visit! I hear she's quite the fighter. Would you be upset if I broke her? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sal Paradise: TREVOR!
-The opening contest of the night saw former Infinity Division Champion Camilo Ortega take on Infinity #1 Contender Randy no Kachi, in a match to determine whether Camilo could get himself involved in the next title bout. NEW Infinity Division Champion Anwin looked on with interest, but also to taunt Camilo Ortega. This distracted Camilo a lot and almost cost him the match on several occasions. Late in the match he ate a No Kachi Cutter, but RnK was unable to go for the pin, as his mentor Shadow held onto his leg from the outside long enough for Camilo to take him down with the sweeping hip and apply the Cross Armbreaker. Randy could not reach the ropes and had no choice but to tap. Camilo was hesitant as he celebrated, as Shadow entered the ring and continued his attack on his protege. Shadow yelled about stealing his title shot and finished him off with the Shadow Driver. The teacher has turned on the student, and Camilo is back in the title picture.
-The next bout would see Kinniku Mike but the Eagleland belt on the line against Ra of New Money. However the fans got a Mike they weren't expecting, as the champ came out covered in blue paint and white dreads, the word "Kill" splattered across his chest. This was the same menacing Mike that tossed Noah Jennings out of the ring and scared him enough to stay out at New Year Rising. He showed no remorse and he powered Ra around the ring. Ra got in some good shots, but Mike absorbed them like they were nothing. An attempted suplex by Ra turned into a reversal followed by the Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb. Pretty Tony tried to jump in as did Little Mac, but Maurice was able to stop his rival Mac. Pretty Tony couldn't even get a punch in before Mike had him tackled on the ground. Noah Jennings was hesitant to get in, and shouted orders instead. The referee was about to award the match to Mike, but Mike pushed the ref away, giving a DQ victory to Ra. What has gotten into Kinniku Mike?
-The invasion was about to pick up, as Capcom entered the house that EBW built for the first of two "Invasion Matches" leading up to the first big confrontation at Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom. The Brawler Swift would take on the cage fighting master of clawed combat Vega. Vega was supported by Phoenix Wright and the Capcom Shocktroopers, but Tack Angel was there to back up his partner. An interesting bout, as Vega leaped and jumped around the ring and up the ring ropes to keep away from Swift's punishing POUNCE. He didn't have his claws, but he still raked and clawed at Swift to infuriate him. He paraded around the ring and taunted Swift like a bull fighter. When Swift charged, Vega tripped him into the ropes and forced himself down onto Swift to choke him on the ropes. Swift finally freed himself and blasted Vega into the ropes with some shoulder tackles and hit a belly to back sideslam on the return. His power began to win over Vega's agility, as Swift rocked him with a Scooplift Powerbomb. Vega bounced up almost on instinct, but ate a POUNCE for his troubles before Swift rubbed his forehead on the mask before the pin. Swift wins the first encounter of the night against Capcom.
Hater: NYAH! I hate all these shenanigans and tomfoolery going on around here! Means I actually have to do my job! I'm here with Vice President Ryan IQ, who will fill us in on a few things. Take it away Ry Ry!
Vice President Ryan IQ: *sigh* Don't call me that Hater. I'm not having a good night. I told Trevor NOT to go looking for Jamie OD, but he wouldn't listen. We don't know where Tali Mach is either, but we've got extra security looking out, and the Red Shirts are........we've got extra security...that's what matters.
Hater: Nyah. What about the upcoming Tag Team Championship rematch? w00t has been busted up pretty bad between tonight and New Year Rising. Will the match go on as planned?
Vice President Ryan IQ: That match will NOT go on as planned. I am not clearing w00t to compete tonight, and if Chu Chu can't find a partner than I can't-
Onisuiken: Wait!
Vice President Ryan IQ: What Oni? We're out of hot pockets in the lobby. We'll have more in the vending machine next week.
Onisuiken: No it's not about....ok it's not TOTALLY about that. I want in the match.
Vice President Ryan IQ: What?
Onisuiken: I want in! It's time I...uh..."took responsibility for my career and stepped up as a wrestler".
Vice President Ryan IQ: You read that off a card didn't you.
Onisuiken: ....Maybe....but I want in the match. Jeff Andonuts gave me something new to try, and if I don't compete tonight then I'm not going to get my Funyuns!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Alright fine you're in! You tell Chu Chu though, cause I've gotta find Trevor and Tali Mach.
Onisuiken: Sweet. Funyuns.
-EBW and Capcom continued to battle, as Tack Angel went head to head with the former boxing champion Balrog. It was kicker versus puncher, but Tack's experience with Little Mac had him prepared for the encounter. He stayed out of Balrog's reach and peppered him with side kicks. A head kick took Balrog to the mat as Tack went high risk with a TaToBa Kick. Balrog sidestepped the top rope kick and hit a hard body shot to Tack's ribs followed by an uppercut. Tack narrowly escaped Balrog's Dash Uppercut and used and spinning back kick to regain control of the match. It was on like this for some time until the Capcommunists tried to get involved, with Swift fighting off the Shocktroopers on the stage. Suddenly, M. Bison, the leader of Shadowloo's branch in Capcom levitated down from the rafters and distracted Tack long enough for Balrog to land his Dash Uppercut. K-O! Tack Angel was down for the count, as Balrog let the ref do the 10 count instead of a pinning 3 count. Swift broke through the Capcom barricade to fend off Shadowloo as Tack slowly recovered.
Jamie OD: Tali Mach
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: You can call me Lady M's asshole, or don't call me anything at all. Getting the hell out of here would be preferable really.
Jamie OD: That fire and spirit is exactly why Trevor Mach loves you isn't it?
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: I'm sure that has something to do with it.
Jamie OD: Bet it doesn't hurt that you've got quite the smokin bod. How you let this Hooligan take you to the mat if you catch my meaning.
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: How about we don't...ever.
Jamie OD: I wasn't actually asking.
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: You really trying to do this Jamie? Stay back if you want to keep your nuts intact.
Jamie OD: You're attracted to anti-authority right? Well I'm as anti-authority as it gets. Look, I'll even wear the mask the whole time. What do you sa-
Jamie OD: Trevor, I thought I put you down for good. I was just going to console your widow too.
EBW President Trevor Mach: You've crossed one line too many Jamie!
Jamie OD: What? You gonna fire me?
EBW President Trevor Mach: No.....I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!
-An odd Tag Team Championship match was up next, as Onisuiken filled in for w00t to join Chu Chu against Tag Team Champion Troy. Retro Hippie was there too. Chu Chu and Troy continue to have crowd pleasing power exchanges, and the Super Rookie continues to grow in confidence against the man that has shown him his first taste of loss in EBW. The fun didn't start until Oni pulled out a strange white belt called the Gimmick Driver...
Onisuiken: Alright, I think this is how it's done. Put belt on, put card in slot, and say "HENSHIN"!
The aloof Oni found himself dressed like Tack Angel, and fighting like him too, as he nailed kick after kick on Troy. Unfortunately for Oni, Troy hates the sight of Tack Angel and that just fueled him even more to hurt his opponent. He grabbed Oni by the leg and slammed him to the mat. A Punt Kick later and Troy got the pin and the win. A tough start for Oni and the Gimmick Driver, least it worked?
-The main event of the night saw the wrestling machine Amigo take on the EBW turncoat Ness. Amigo wants to challenge Capcom's Ryu for the Capcom World Championship, but there are trials that stand in his way. One is Ness, and the other is Ken, but Ness was there to make sure that he never got to Ken, as he attacked viciously as the sound of the bell. Ness always had a well rounded game, but Amigo had become much stronger at the ground game, and had Ness struggling to stay on his feet. He tried to hit the PSI Rockin, but Amigo spun it around into a German attempt. Ness escaped, kicked Amigo in the midsection and went for the Thunder Brainbuster, but Amigo escaped again and hit the Germans before landing the big one followed by the pin. A solid win for Amigo, as he proved his worth against the EBW OG. Ness didn't take the loss well and blindsided Amigo before leaving the ring, but the win still belonged to the wrestling machine.
Nerma: NERMA HERE WITH MORE BREAKING NEWS! A fight has broken out in the streets of Fourside! Our very own President Trevor Mach and Jamie OD were just trading punches in the middle of the street as the Red Shirts finally broke up the ruckus. What a way to end Xcite, but it looks like everything is under control!
Jamie OD: Oi! You got your Red Shirts to save you again Mach.
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Division Decision Match: Camilo Ortega beat Randy no Kachi (6:04) via Cross Armbreaker -> Submission
2. Eagleland Championship: Ra beat Kinniku Mike(c) (3:03) via DQ
3. Invasion Singles: Swift beat Vega[Capcom] (9:55) via Pounce -> Pin
4. Invasion Singles: Balrog[Capcom] beat Tack Angel (8:40) via Dash Uppercut -> KO
5. Tag Team Championship: Troy(c)(c)/Retro Hippie beat w00t/Chu Chu (4:50) via Troy Punt Kick on Onisuiken -> Pin
6. Singles: Amigo beat Ness (8:13) via German Suplex -> Pin
Nerma: Hello again, it's time for an EBW Network News Update! Xcite ended in a crazy scene involving the EBW President and Jamie OD. A bloody fight in the streets of Fourside. EBW cameras caught up with the President as he was having a discussion with Kinniku Mike, a man that is having his own issues at the moment...
EBW President Trevor Mach: So I'm gonna need a lot of oil?
Kinniku Mike: ...Yes.
EBW President Trevor Mach: But what if she says no? I don't know man, this Sonoko Kato Method has been hit or miss. Sometimes it works, but sometimes I get thrown out of the window!
Kinniku Mike: ...That....that's the risk we take.
EBW President Trevor Mach: You alright man?
EBW President Trevor Mach: You wanna taaaaalk aboooout it?
Kinniku Mike: ......Sonoko Kato cut me off.
EBW President Trevor Mach: What?
Kinniku Mike: Sonoko Kato cut me off!
EBW President Trevor Mach: I can't hear ya.
EBW President Trevor Mach: WHOA!
Amy Taylor: WHAT?!
EBW President Trevor Mach: AMY! What are you doing here?
Amy Taylor: I work here....I still work here right? OH MY GOD DID YOU FIRE ME?!
EBW President Trevor Mach: What?! NO! You still work here, I just mean what are you doing here right now! I'm having a discussion with Mike that is not for womanly ears.
Amy Taylor: I have been standing here the whole time! For that matter, I needed to ask Mike about something involving Tack and bondage.
EBW President Trevor Mach: EW! What the hell?! I don't need to know about your sinister plans for Tack! Go....take a lunch break!
Amy Taylor: It's 9am!
EBW President Trevor Mach: LUNCH!
Amy Taylor: Fine! I don't want to hear about your obsession with your wife's ass anyway you dirty bastard.
EBW President Trevor Mach: HA! Now that is why I hired her! Anyways, Mike I'm very sorry to hear that. You can't turn to the darkside because you're being denied "Dat Ass".
Kinniku Mike: WHY NOT?!
EBW President Trevor Mach: I.....don't have an answer really. You would be doing me a personal favor though if you wouldn't be.....evil.
Kinniku Mike: ....Can I still take my lack of ass frustration out on Greed?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Um.....yes. I think we all want to do that from time to time.
Kinniku Mike: Alright then.....I won' evil.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Fantastic! Glad to hear it Chocolate Bear. So yeah, maybe since you're cut off I should seek advice elsewhere?
Kinniku Mike: ......
EBW President Trevor Mach: JUST KIDDING MAN!
Amy Taylor: Back!
EBW President Trevor Mach: I sent you to lunch!
Amy Taylor: That was 2 hours ago.
EBW President Trevor Mach: What?!
Amy Taylor: Just messing with you! It's only me 5 minutes.
EBW President Trevor Mach: ......Amy....take Mike out to get something to eat....he's had a tough week.
Amy Taylor: Alright. Come on Mike.
Kinniku Mike: ....Fine.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Mike, don't try to have sex with Amy please? Tack would not be pleased.
Kinniku Mike: ....You know me too well.
Amy Taylor: By the way are you alright? I know you have had a tough time lately. Word going around was that you snapped.
EBW President Trevor Mach: What? I'm fine! I just had a tough week with Jamie, but I took a deep breath and I counted to 10. I feel much better now.
Amy Taylor: Good! Well see ya in a bit boss.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Bye! Yep, I feel good, but I'll feel much better....
EBW President Trevor Mach: When I settle my score with Jamie OD...
Nerma: Viewers, I have to apologize for that. That was not an appropriate video for this time of the day. However, it looks like the President is doing.....better?
Hater: Nyah?
Nerma: So anyways, the war with Capcom is brewing, and it's leading up to the first big battle at Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom. We can already confirm three big matches!
Nerma: Brawlers will collide, as Swift tangles with Capcom's bear fighter Zangief!
Hater: The Pushpin Seraphim Tack Angel challenges M. Bison, head of Shadowloo, in an attempt to knock down a big player in the Capcom invasion. Will he prevail?
Nerma: Sal Paradise will put the Global World Championship on the line against Sagat at Collision V. He kept the title in EBW, but will Capcom finally grab the gold at Collision? All of this and much more will be planned for the big event. You won't want to miss it.
Fighter Daron: It's great to be back after that hazing incident! I sure hope I have my debut soon! I've been dying to get in the ring and....hey awesome Whoop Ass soda! I love that stuff and I sure am thirsty! Wait....that Swift guy might see me and he's a rather possessive about these things. What does that sign say? Ha! Listen to me getting worked up over nothing. I doubt he would notice if I-
Swift: Hey you.
Fighter Daron: Eh?
Swift: Quit that shit.
Announcer: When the rookies break the law, they've gotta pay. That is where Swift comes in! THIS IS ROOKIE COURT! The Defendant is repeat offender Fighter Daron.
Vice President Ryan IQ: Swift, what is this all about?
Swift: It's ROOKIE COURT! >:C
Vice President Ryan IQ: I know that, but what did Fighter Daron do this time ?
Swift: Tried to use the veteran's soda machine!
Vice President Ryan IQ: You have a designated soda machine?
Swift: Yeah! >:C
Vice President Ryan IQ: Can't you just use the other machine?
Vice President Ryan IQ: ....*sigh* I guess not. Proceed then.
Fighter Daron: HEY!
Swift: You'll speak when spoken to green boy! This is Rookie Court! The judges today are Picky Minch, Little Mac, and a Capcom Shocktrooper I knocked out yesterday.....found him hiding behind a toilet.
Capcom Shocktrooper: KEEE!
Swift: Yeah whatever. >:C The crime is touching veteran property.....AGAIN! How do you plead?
Fighter Daron: NOT GUILTY!
Swift: If you had balls you would plead guilty like a man. You're totally guilty!
Fighter Daron: Vice President do something please! Aren't you my legal defense?
Vice President Ryan IQ: What? No, I'm actually here to find out if you actually work for EBW. I'm still not sure why you're here!
Swift: Judges, what is the verdict?
Picky Minch: Obviously guilty.
Little Mac: What am I doing here again? I don't even like you Swift.
Swift: I paid you. >:C
Little Mac: Oh right! Guilty!
Capcom Shocktropper :KEE!
Swift: I heard Guilty!
Picky Minch: Me too.
Little Mac: Yep!
Fighter Daron: NO!
Swift: Well then Daron, this is your second offense.....I may have to kill you.
Tack Angel: Swift, don't do that!
Swift: Tack? What are you doing in my court? >:C
Tack Angel: Sole voice of reason.
Swift: Ah.
Tack Angel: Perhaps a lighter punishment is in order for Strike 2.
Swift: Then I kill him on Strike 3?
Tack Angel: Well Swift, I would prefer you didn't murder a rookie and go to prison.....but I can't keep an eye on you at all times can I?
Swift: Nope >:C
Tack Angel: *sigh*
Swift: Fine! We'll make an example to the other rookies.....leave him there!
Fighter Daron: Oh...this isn't so bad! Someone will come and help me soon!
-8 Hours Later-
Penguin: Qua?
Nerma: Nerma here, with another big news story! It appears that EBW Network's push for more programming means that more organizations will move to or be formed right here on the Network! A revival is in store for fight fans, as the Maelstrom Hybrid Fighting is returning!
Nerma: Maelstrom was created in 2010 during the "MMA War" that was brewing in EBW. A movement was started to fuse wrestling with mixed martial arts, and thus Hybrid Fighting was established. President Trevor Mach spearheaded the conflict which lead to a showdown with Ness at Victory Explosion IV. The conflict died down, but the new style forever inspired EBW's future. Now, Maelstrom will be returning with its own fighters, as well as some of EBW's best, to show Hybrid Fighting to a whole new audience. Stay tuned for further updates.
Hater: Nyah! In other news, Xperience is booked and ready to go! Picky Minch will put #1 Contender Randy no Kachi to the test! Infinity Division Champion Anwin will lead Hotlanta and Generator against three mystery opponents, as Capcom begins its invasion of the Infinity Division. Kinniku Mike will face another member of New Money, when he puts the strap on the line against Pretty Tony. Noah Jennings will attempt to rebound from recent losses by taking on Onisuiken. Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Amigo, and Maurice will shift focus back to Greed, as they try to shut down Little Mac, Hashim Al-Singh, and Tag Team Champion Troy. The main event will see Tack Angel and Swift team up to take on Vega and Balrog of Capcom in a big rematch. Fallout in the Jamie OD situation is expected to continue as well. What does the President have in store for the Hooligan? All of this and more on Xperience! NYAH!
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Singles: Picky Minch vs. Randy no Kachi
2. Invasion 6-Man Infinity Division Tag: Anwin/Hotlanta/Generator vs. ?[Capcom]/?[Capcom]/?[Capcom]
3. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) vs. Pretty Tony
4. Singles: Noah Jennings vs. Onisuiken
5. 6-Man Tag Team: Sal Paradise/Amigo/Maurice vs. Little Mac/Hashim Al-Singh/Troy
6. Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift vs. Vega/Balrog
Announcer: EBW News now brings to you the Xperience Preshow! A look into what you can expect from Xperience this week!
Hater: Nyah! Welcome to the Xperience Preshow! We're taking a look at what you can expect from EBW! Capcom is on the march, and the President has gone missing!
Nerma: That's right, President Trevor Mach hasn't been seen since his meeting with Mike the other day. Sources indicate he may have a plan up his sleeve, but my source is Hater and he was just guessing so who knows.
Hater: NYAH!
Nerma: Jamie OD has caused quite the ruckus with the President, but others are just as upset. We spoke with Tack Angel today about Jamie's assault on his mentor. He was quoted as saying.
"Tack Angel: I normally don't believe in violence outside the ring unless it is needed. In this case, I think Jamie deserves a boot to the face. For whatever reason Trevor hasn't fired him yet, so let's see what happens. If I get the opportunity though....Jamie is mine."
Nerma: The Pushpin Seraphim is less than pleased with the Hooligan causing all the problems. He makes a good point though. Why hasn't Jamie OD been fired for his actions?
Hater: I think that might be what he wants.
Nerma: They don't pay you to think sweetie.
Hater: Nyah.
Nerma: Moving on to the struggle with Capcom! The invasion looms, and EBW is ready to strike back. Our weapon is the wrestling machine Amigo. Amigo wants to challenge Ryu for the Capcom World Championship. He got by Ness, but Ken Masters still stands in his way. Amigo, are you prepared to battle Ken to get to Ryu?
Amigo: Yes.
Nerma: .....
Amigo: .....What?
Nerma: ....Anything else?
Amigo: Huh? OH! I....uh...have been training a lot for this I always do...and I take Ken seriously as an I always do....good?
Nerma: *sigh* Man of a few words.
Hater: Amigo is also teaming with the Global World Champion and Maurice on Xperience. They will be taking on Greed. Are you ready to fight your old enemies again Nyah?
Amigo: Always. It's about time we ended our feud with Greed. We have to put a stop to them so they can't strengthen Capcom. If we win this match than we can go after their remaining titles. We already have the Eagleland and Tri-Force belts. We take the Tag Belts and they have no more power.
Nerma: Amigo, thank you for joining us, but I have to cut you off. Apparently President Mach has been found. Roll the footage!
Jamie OD: Tali, were you waiting for me?
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: Hardly.
Jamie OD: Come on. I saw the way you looked at me the other day. You wanted needed me. Your body was begging for the Hooligan.
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: What the hell were you smoking?
Jamie OD: You love that danger and unpredictability don't you? It gets you excited. I could show you right now just how unpredictable I can b-
Jamie OD: OOF!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Didn't see that coming did you?
Sparkle GM Tali Mach: I think he's out cold.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Don't worry, I'm not done with him yet. BOOSH!
EBW President Trevor Mach: What's wrong Jamie?! Whoa, don't fall down!
EBW President Trevor Mach: What?! I haven't even hit you yet.....YET!
Fighter Daron: Sir? Could you please let me down?
EBW President Trevor Mach: The boss is out for lunch Daron!
Fighter Daron: Oh...well alright then.
EBW President Trevor Mach: BOOSH!
Collision V is looming , with EBW and Capcom poised to go to war, internal struggles from within are erupting. Even our own President has found himself going to war with the Hooligan Jamie OD. Despite all of this, EBW is united to defeat its enemies, enemies that would ramp up their attacks tonight...
-The opening contest saw Picky Minch return to his roots to take on Randy no Kachi. This was a tough match, as RnK's relentlessness was a good match to the experience of Picky Minch. Shadow once again got involved though, and distracted his student, leading to a German Suplex and the pin. A big win for Picky on his return, but the big story was Shadow continuing to attack his student. Perhaps former student?
-Capcom began to put pressure on the Infinity Division, when Cody Travers, Leon Kennedy, and Arthur invaded to take on Infinity Division Champion Anwin, Hotlanta, and Generator. Frank West also showed up to take pictures apparently. Arthur tripped on his way down to the ring and lost all of his armor, so he fought most of the match in his boxers. An all over the place match with Capcom dominating in the early going. Leon Kennedy used his police training to take down Anwin and keep him out of the air. Cody couldn't use his chains in the match, but his street fighting rough and tumble style was a match for Hotlanta. Generator just didn't want to touch a middle aged man in his underwear. Anwin did get his team back on track by finally taking it to Arthur and dropping him with the Static Suplex. He tagged in Generator, who went for the Moonsault Legdrop, but he missed as Arthur tagged in Cody. Cody hit the Last Dread Dust combo minus his finishing pipe attack, and pinned him as Arthur and Leon knocked down Hot and Generator. A hard loss for the Infinity Division.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Hey Jamie! Whatcha doin? Just hanging out?
Jamie OD: Get me down you bastard!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Why would I do that?! I just want to have a word with you. Just a nice little chat.
Jamie OD: You think you can intimidate me Mach? This isn't doing anything, but pissing me off!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Good! I want you to be pissed. I want you to feel all the rage and anger that you have tried to make me feel. I was willing to play along with you too. I thought that it would be a fun "game". brought my wife into this. I can take a lot of things, but you never mess with my wife. She's the most important thing in the world to me.
Jamie OD: I know....THAT'S WHY I DID IT!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Heh...and look where that has gotten you. Well, you finally did get my attention now didn't you? So now you can tell me what it is you wanted.
Jamie OD: HA! You think I had a plan? You think I was working on trying to get something from you? I just wanted to piss you off. I just wanted to hurt you. Obviously....mission accomplished.
EBW President Trevor Mach: I've been hurt a lot Jamie. I've got the scars to prove it. You didn't hurt me.
Jamie OD: HA! I've seen the look on your face. You can't fool me.
EBW President Trevor Mach: All you've done is reminded how much I like doing things the old way. I've had to sit back and watch a lot. I haven't been able to do anything about it. The problem is that I do enjoy my job from time to time, but I used to make a bigger difference from inside. Chaos really is the answer sometimes.
Jamie OD: Can't have the man in charge roughing up his employees can we? Even doing this has got to be upsetting to the people that installed you into office. It's hilarious to see you ruining your own career!
EBW President Trevor Mach: The people that got me here know that I love this company, and I'll do anything for it. I've even had to break it before I could fix it.
Jamie OD: And all I want to do is break it. Then I want to break Capcom. Then I want to break anything else I come in contact with. That's our real nature Mach. All we do is burn and destroy. You know deep down that this is how you want it. You want me dangling here, and I want you to lose it.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Lose it? HAHA! I'm not losing anything. You on the other hand will be losing consciousness at this rate. We've got a lot more to talk about before I'm done with you.
-Kinniku Mike continued his path of destruction by putting his belt on the line again. This time, he took on Pretty Tony of New Money. The powerful Mike had Tony on the ropes early, and Ra wasn't able to interfere, as Mike shot him death stares that kept the hippie back. In the end Pretty Tony tried a KO Punch, but Mike absorbed the punch and trapped Tony in the Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb before the pin and the win. After the match, Ra tried to get involved, but he ate a bomb as well. Suddenly, Dante and the Capcom Shocktroopers stood atop the stage. Dante pointed at the angered Mike and let him know that he's the next bounty.
-Noah Jennings took on Onisuiken in singles competition next, with Oni once again trying out his Gimmick Driver.
-Gimmick Driver! N-N-N-N-NOAH JENNINGS!-
Oni decided to borrow the gimmick of his opponent, and perfectly symmetrical violence ensued. Oni and Noah went move for move and hold for hold, but Noah knew himself better, and faked Oni into a Stock Market Crash before rolling him up for the pin.
-Global World Champion Sal Paradise teamed with Amigo and Maurice to take on Little Mac, Troy, and Hashim Al-Singh of Greed. Retro Hippie tried to get involved again, but even Little Mac told Hippie to take his stupid liberal ass outside. A big 6-man war erupted with Troy clearing the ring early until Sal and Amigo double dropkick Troy out of the ring to regain control. Several brawls later and Maurice and Little Mac were finally in the same ring together. Mac tried to tag out, but Maurice grabbed him first and clocked him hard. Several body shots lead to a big KO Punch. He pinned Little Mac as Sal and Amigo fought off Troy and Hashim. A big win for EBW's team, and big win for Maurice as he got something back from Little Mac. Greed is finally on the ropes it seems.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Ah, this is much better. I can look at you eye to eye now. This has been a nice little chat hasn't it? HAHA!
Jamie OD: The moment you let me down.....I'm going to make you pay for this.
EBW President Trevor Mach: I'm sure this is far from over Jamie. I haven't made a point to you yet. That's where I get to the point of this whole thing. Jamie....I know what you want from me. I know what you want to see me do. I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm going to do what I want. What I think the people want to see. going to return to the ring. I am going to have another match, and my opponent will be you. That's right Jamie. I'm challenging you to a fight. I'll show you what real chaos is in that ring. I think deep down that's what you want to. This is something we both want, and it's been a long time coming. So, Jamie OD.....are you man enough to fight the boss? I'm not going to wait for your answer now. I've got a some things to do. I have to tell ya, I feel much better after having this talk. We should do it again sometime really.
Jamie OD: You're not going to let me down?
EBW President Trevor Mach: HAHA! No! Besides, you could've gotten down whenever you wanted....we both know that.
-The main event was a big rematch, as Tack and Swift once again battled Vega and Balrog of Capcom. A main event similar to their previous bouts, but Tack and Swift had their opponents better scouted in this match. s. Tack tried out his kicks against the punches of the much bigger and strong Balrog. The quickness factor helped Tack dodge some KO blows and landed several head kicks. Swift charged forward on both Vega and Balrog, the strategy was simply to take them to the mat. Vega was not allowed to use his claws, but his agility and ability to use his entire body to attack helped him nearly score and a pinfall following a windmill kick on Tack. Balrog tried to land his signature blows on Swift, but Swift put his head into the punch and absorbed it before picking him up for the Blackhammer. Just as Tack and Swift were in control the lights went out. Capcom tried to get the drop on EBW, but Amigo and Sal joined Swift in the ring to fight back Vega, Balrog, Sagat, and Zangief, while Tack ran up the stage to confront M. Bison. A big brawl ensued, with Phoenix Wright trying to break things up as the show came to a close.
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Singles: Picky Minch beat Randy no Kachi (7:08) via German Suplex -> Pin
2. Invasion 6-Man Infinity Tag: Cody[Capcom]/Leon[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom] beat Anwin/Hotlanta/Generator (12:21) via Cody Last Dread Dust on Generator -> Pin
3. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) beat Pretty Tony (3:02) via Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb -> Pin
4. Singles: Noah Jennings beat Onisuiken (6:33) via Stock Market Crash -> Pin
5. 6-Man Tag Team: Sal Paradise/Amigo/Maurice beat Little Mac/Hashim Al-Singh/Troy (13:30) via Maurice KO Punch on Little Mac -> Pin
6. Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift vs. Vega/Balrog (9:20) ended in a No Contest
Announcer: It's time again for another EBW Network News Update!
Nerma: Hello again EBW fans! Big news circulating around the wrestling world today, and no it's not a possible return to the ring for the EBW President Trevor Mach! A big meeting was held in the President's office today, and EBW may be getting a big new addition, or perhaps.....a big return?
EBW President Trevor Mach: HA! That's when I slapped him in the face with the mask!
Amy Taylor: I see. Are you seriously going to fight Jamie in the ring?
EBW President Trevor Mach: I challenged him didn't I? Still, I am the President and I have work to do first and foremost. What's the first matter of business today Amy?
?: ME!
Amy Taylor: I would say it's the burly biker that just busted into the office on his motorcycle sir.
?: You little Son of a Bitch! It's high time you and I had a talk!
EBW President Trevor Mach: I know you?
?: No, but you know my fact I think you married her!
EBW President Trevor Mach: HARLEY REX!? HOLY SH-I mean HEY THERE! It's great to finally meet you sir!
Harley Rex: Yeah yeah yeah! Shut your trap boy! You know you must have some real balls, or else you're out of your mind! Putting your hands on my daughter in the first place let a lone marrying her without my blessing!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Hey! She said she had no idea where you were! Besides, Tali probably hates it whenever I "put my hands on her"!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Shoot pops!
Harley Rex: *groan* What the hell does my daughter see in you? Listen chump, my daughter has a problem she's not telling you about. I've been out of her life for a long time, but it's time to set things right, and the only way I see is to right this wrong.
EBW President Trevor Mach: What's the problem?
Harley Rex: Sparkle and ENN.
EBW President Trevor Mach: What about em?
Amy Taylor: I've heard that ENN isn't airing Sparkle anymore thanks to Capcom. They can't hold onto the brand, but they won't let go of the rights to the show. Capcom is trying to kill women's wrestling basically.
Harley Rex: See, this green haired chick knows what is going on. HEY, YOU'RE NOT FUCKING HER BEHIND MY DAUGHTER'S BACK ARE YOU?!
EBW President Trevor Mach: What?! No! That's Tack's girlfriend!
Harley Rex: I have no fucking clue what a Tack is, but here is what you're going to do. I know you let my daughter do what she wants, and you let her do it hey way. Sometimes, a little tough love is order.
EBW President Trevor Mach: I know all about tough love with Tali. HAHAHAHAHA!
Amy Taylor:
Harley Rex: .......
EBW President Trevor Mach: .....I'm so sorry for that.
Harley Rex: What you're going to do is bring Sparkle onto the EBW Network! You're going to bring them back here NOW, and you're not going to tell her that I was here!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Well if ENN hates money that much I'd be happy to bring Honey Bunny and the Sparkle wrestlers back into EBW!
Harley Rex: Honey Bunny?
EBW President Trevor Mach: That's....what I call Tali.
Harley Rex: Don't do that around me.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Alright then. Listen, I love your daughter. I understand she's a free spirit, much like yourself from the looks of it. I'm a bit of reckless bastard myself! HAHA!
Harley Rex: .......
EBW President Trevor Mach: Though I think in this case you're right. I should bring Sparkle back into fold on the EBW Network. It will help us, and it will help Talicious.
Harley Rex: .......
EBW President Trevor Mach: Tali.
Harley Rex: Alright then. You're not as stupid as I thought.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Thanks I think?
Harley Rex: Good God....this is my son in law. I'm outta here!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Well that went well!
Amy Taylor: You don't know how to talk to people do you?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Holy shit! You have green hair!
Amy Taylor: *sigh*
EBW President Trevor Mach: No time to talk about your new hair color Amy. I have very important work to do. Get me the phone, I have to make some calls and bring Sparkle back home!
Amy Taylor: Get the phone yourself it's on the desk. I'm gonna go to lunch.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Alright then! Sparkle!
Nerma: And thus Sparkle was brought back to EBW! The women of Sparkle are returning to EBW, where it all started. Lady M's returns with the first generation of EBW's women's division, as well as the second generation, and Heather Mach. The solid core of what made Sparkle great will start off as a division within the company, with a monthly show already in the works. New wrestlers will also be making debuts soon as well. Lady M's is getting back into the ring for the rebirth, a rebirth that will see new alliances and new enemies made, as the women are starting fresh in their new environment. Stables have been disbanded and titles have been vacated. It's back to basics, as the Sparkle Division is born in EBW!
Tali Mach: Trevor, thank you for bringing Sparkle back to EBW. I have to know what brought this on?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Well, someone brought up that Sparkle was having trouble with ENN, and I know you would rather Sparkle survive then have Capcom claim victory over women's wrestling. Besides, I love you.
Tali Mach: I love you too, but honestly you can't book women's wrestling for shit, so I hope you have an idea.
EBW President Trevor Mach: I know just who to bring in. Hahahahaha!
Tali Mach: Yikes.
Tack Angel: So Sparkle is coming back to EBW? That's awesome!
Amy Taylor: I know, it's gonna be great to see some more ladies roaming around the network.
Tack Angel: Maybe you could join them and step in the ring?
Amy Taylor: Ha! I don't think so. My place is in the office.
Tack Angel: Well, I think you would be great. Anyways, Trevor's inability to book women's wrestling is legendary. I wonder who he is going to get to help run things?
?: Hello Tack.
Tack Angel: TESS?!
Tess: Guess who is back?
Announcer: And now it's time for another edition of EBW Network News!
Nerma: Nerma here with some fellow females for a change. Yes, the ladies are back for the brand new Sparkle Division in EBW. It's a brand new day for the ladies, as they will be getting big time exposure away from ENN. Sparkle is home with EBW, and we're going to see that rebirth begin at Xcite. The main event has been set, as Lady M's and Paula will take on the team of Tracy and Nanimura. The originals return to pave the way for a new generation, at least that's the hope. The ladies have had to deal with a lot to keep going, but the dream is alive in these ladies. The ones behind me as well are waiting for their chance to re-debut. The Princess Kumatora, who is looking to be recognized as the royalty of the ring. Erica, the longest reigning women's champion. Val Dorado, the mean muscle of the Sparkle Division. Heather Mach...she smells like Starbursts and she's out of her mind. Let's take it to the video recording, where the Secretary of Sparkle Matchmaking Tess made the Xcite main event official.
Tess: Hello EBW, it's great to be back. You might have known me for being a bit of a combustible element in the past, but I assure you that I'm all business in my new position....for now. Anyways, I want to bury the hatchet with all my ladies, because we have to present Sparkle as the best women's wrestling in the world. That's why we have the originals and teaming up to show the world where we came from, and where we are going. M's and Paula know each other well, but they also know my daughter Tracy well. These three spent the early days of the division battling over the belt, while Nani has been reborn as a pure wrestling specialist now calling herself Nanimura. These four will put on a hell of a main event for the Xcite crowd. Isn't that right ladies?
Paula: That's what we're here for. M's and I have proven ourselves as a team before and we can do it again.
Nanimura: It should be a very good match, and a great opportunity to present my style to the audience.
Tracy: We're all in this together, but in that ring I won't hold back.
Lady M's: All in this together? You sure about that?
Tracy: Now what is that supposed to mean M's?
Lady M's: You know what I mean Tracy. I didn't see you at the announcement ceremony the other day. Where were you at? Planning a little betrayal? There is always someone looking to stop Sparkle before it begins....I've got my eye on you.
Tracy: I don't know what you're talking about M's. We've been through a lot, but you know that I bleed Sparkle just as much as you do.
Lady M's: Be that as it may, I'm not trusting anyone at the moment, until I feel that we're on the same page here. We're trying to bring Sparkle back in front a large audience. We're trying to show the world that we are the best. We don't need to get involved with the Capcom struggle on the male side of things. What matters to me is what we do in that ring. If any of you jeopardize that, then I'm going to hunt you down.....I'm going to hunt you down, make you hurt, and make you wish you never got on the bad side of Sexy Strong Style! Understand me Tracy?
Paula: Calm down both of you! This doesn't have to be personal anymore. It's a fresh start for us. Let's put the past behind us and start anew. No more bad blood over the past. What happened has happened and all we can do is look forward to be a brighter Sparkle future.
Tess: Well said Paula. The past IS the past, but on Xcite a new future begins...
Nerma: Now we take it to Hater, who is in the back with members of the Infinity Division.
Hater: NYAH! Hater here, with Anwin the Infinity Division Champion, Hotlanta, Generator, and Picky Minch. Three of these men are set to go to war with Capcom, while one is preparing for a shocking match set for Xcite. Anwin, are you sure you're ready for an Infinity Division Championship defense already?
Anwin: I'm always ready. Camilo and Shadow seem to be chomping at the bit to get to me, so I figured why wait. I will take them on during Xcite, while Picky takes my place in a rematch against three of the Capcom's cronies.
Hater: Well it will certainly be interesting to see the outcome of such a big match on Xcite. Anwin and Camilo have gone to war many times in the past, the addition of RnK will surely make this and unpredictable bout.
Anwin: Besides, the ladies are coming back to EBW that night. We have to encourage them to try and outdo the amazing title match we're sure to have. That and of course-
Randy no Kachi: Out of my way Anwin.
Hater: Randy?
Randy no Kachi: Shadow, I know you're watching right listen up. Stay the hell out of my way. Do not get involved in my title shot. You've taught me a lot, but the thing I've learned the most from the art of revenge. Keep that in mind. Anwin, your ass is mine on Xcite.
Nerma: Add a Tri-Force Championship match, the in ring return of Jamie OD, and an EBW vs. Capcom 6-Man war, and this will be an Xcite you won't want to miss. Thinking about catching Capcom Vs. that night? Do yourself a favor. DON'T!
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Invasion Infinity 6-Man Tag: Hotlanta/Generator/Picky Minch vs. Leon[Capcom]/Cody[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom]
2. Tri-Force Championship: Amigo(c)/Kinniku Mike(c)/Maurice(c) vs. Noah Jennings/Ra/Pretty Tony
3. Invasion 6-Man Tag: Sal Paradise/Tack Angel/Swift vs. Sagat[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]
4. Singles: Jamie OD vs. Onisuiken
5. Infinity Division Championship 3-Way: Anwin(c) vs. Randy no Kachi vs. Camilo Ortega
6. Sparkle Division Tag: Lady M's/Paula vs. Nanimura/Tracy
Nerma: Nerma here from the sky box above the ring at the Fourside Expo Center, and EBW has erupted into anarchy! Capcom launched an attack on the wrestlers in the back just moments before the show!
Nerma: Here you can see Mike fending off Dante, the man who is looking to bring in Mike for the Capcom bounty. Noah Jennings is waiting to attack his rival, but Mike has spotted him! Balrog has taken out Ultimo Tiger, while Swift is plowing through the Capcom Shocktroop! Zangief is dragging Simon Stuart away while Blue Lighting is....eating a candy bar!
Nerma: Elsewhere you can see Tack landing his TaToBa Kick on Vega, while Sal Paradise and Hotlanta are making a move on Sagat! Phoenix Wright is trying to bring order to the chaos, but to no avail. What a crazy way to kick start Xcite!
EBW: Xcite kicked off with a riot, but that is not where the action would stop, as EBW continues to push the envelope against its new Monday Night Competitor Capcom. Amidst the growing invasion, Xcite would also present several big titles matches, as well as the return of the women of Sparkle to EBW! Lady M's and Paula would take on Tracy and Nanimura in the first women's main event in EBW in several years....
-The action kicked off with an Infinity 6-Man Tag rematch with Picky Minch joining Hotlanta and Generator against Leon Kennedy, Cody, and Arthur. The EBW team fared much better this time around, and had the Capcom team scouted. The plan was to target the clumsy Arthur, who once again tripped out of his armor. Picky and Generator fought Leon and Cody on the outside while Hotlanta avoided a Joust from Arthur to land his Bellerophon Bomb and score the pin. Big comeback win for EBW.
-The Tri-Force Championship was on the line in next match, as SURGE Generator battled their eternal rivals New Money. Mike was hurting from the brawl earlier in the night, but kicked off the match against the striker Pretty Tony. Noah kept talking trash, but pulled back when Mike tried to get to him, which would lead to Tony landing some hard shots to Mike. That was the plan from New Money, distract the one in the ring and wear them down. Late in the match Dante from Capcom tried to get Mike's attention, and that lead to Noah hitting his Stock Market Crash and going for the pin. Mike grabbed the ropes, but Little Mac moved it just in time for Noah to score the 3 count. The Tri-Force Championship was now back with Greed. After the match, Dante attacked Mike while the members of New Money beat down on Amigo and Maurice. Amigo took a very nasty landing that busted his face open. New Money stood victorious with their ill gotten titles.
Maurice: Well that didn't go well, and now Mike is on the hunt for Dante.
Amigo: Could this day get any worse?
Ken: Amigo, time to talk.
Amigo: And here we go.
Ken: You're looking a little beaten up bro.
Amigo: Don't call me bro. I'm assuming you think I'm on the ropes and now is the opportune time to strike?
Ken: Ken Masters strikes whenever he feels like it dude!
Amigo: You're just a parody of the typical Eagleland resident aren't you?
Ken: What? Dude, I don't know what you're talking bout bro.
Amigo: ......Are we gonna fight or what?
Ken: Later dude. We'll have our match on your lame Xperience show. I'm outta here.
Amigo: What a tool.
Maurice: Bitchin theme music though.
Amigo: Yeah, that's true.
-The invasion was in full force next, as Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Tack Angel, and Swift battled Sagat, Balrog, and Vega. Tack and Swift have been facing off with Vega and Balrog for some time, but this was the first time seeing Sagat and Sal in the same ring before their title bout at Collision V. An entertaining war between rival groups, but with Capcom you knew that heinous acts would be involved. M. Bison tried to come down to the ring and get involved. Tack Angel would have none of it, and he forced him back. Problem is Balrog and Vega wouldn't let him back in the ring. Swift swooped into the brawl leaving Sal and Sagat alone in the ring. Sagat clawed at Sal's face and let the Tiger Knees fly. A temporarily blind Sal fell right into a Tiger Uppercut and found himself dropped as Sagat got the pin and the win. Capcom scores another win with dirty Capcommunist tactics.
The next match was supposed to see Jamie OD step back into the ring to take on Onisuiken, but that.....didn't quite happen.
Jamie OD: I'm sorry, it looks like I got started a little early. Actually.....I'm not sorry. I enjoyed hurting Oni, just like I'm going to enjoy hurting Trevor Mach. Oi, you think you taught me a lesson last week Mach? All you did was piss me off! You don't want to piss off a guy that is willing to do anything to hurt you....ANYTHING MACH! We are more alike than I thought, and I realized that last week when you had me hanging there, blood rushing to my face. You've got a demon inside you, just like I do. The difference is that you try and run from it, you try and hide from it. You try to pretend that you have "grown out of" your chaotic streak. We both know that's not true. Listen....can you hear it? People are starting to talk Trevor. They are talking about you, saying that you're still the same. Still the same lunatic that nearly burned down the building where your office sits. Still the same lunatic that brought this company to its knees. They're right too you know. You are still a dangerous lunatic, but you don't embrace. I embrace that madness. I love that madness. This all started as a way to get myself known, but the more I tread down this path, the more I NEED IT!
Jamie OD: People keep talking. They say I'm trying to take old spot. They say I'm the echo, trying to imitate the original voice. That's fine, they can say what they want to say for now. Cause when I ruin you, when I hurt you, when I take away everything from you....all they will be saying is "Wow, that Jamie OD is the most sadistic son of a bitch I've ever seen". Trevor Mach, you need to watch your back, and start watching your back for the rest of your life, cause I'm coming for you. It's time for the echo to overcome the voice.
-The Semi Main event would see Anwin put his newly won Infinity Division Championship on the line against former champion Camilo Ortega and Randy no Kachi. The crafty Greed member, and the ruthless former protege of Shadow would give Anwin everything they had in an intense battle for the coveted belt. Camilo tried to play it safe by staying back and catching a breather outside of the ring, but Anwin was there to make sure he got back in. With no other plan available, Camilo shrugged and shot in on Randy, but Randy caught him and dropped him with a body slam. He goaded the champ to get back to his feet, but Anwin stepped in and instead tried to roll Randy up for the pin. Randy kicked out, but the champion got his attention as they traded shots. The match carried on with Camilo finally getting into things by taking Randy to the ground with his Judo skills. The takedown knocked the wind out of RnK, and Camilo celebrated prematurely. Anwin dropkicked him back out of the ring and splashed on him. As Anwin and Camilo got back up, Randy no Kachi decided to splash as well, and all three lay on the floor outside. More brawling and high flying action, with Anwin controlling the pace of the match until Shadow appeared on the stage. That seemed to light a fire under RnK as he quickly grabbed Anwin by the mask and tossed him out of the ring. Camilo tried another judo takedown, but RnK blocked it. Camilo then clawed and teared at Randy's mask to try and rake the eyes, but Randy responded with a No Kachi Cutter and rolled up Camilo for the 1-2-3! Randy no Kachi shocked the fans by dethroning Anwin just over a week into his reign. Randy no Kachi beat his mentor to the punch to become the new Infinity Division Champion. The distraught Camilo Ortega vowed revenge before leaving the ring.
-It was now main event time, and a main event not seen in EBW for years. The ladies were back, as the Sparkle Division was about to be reborn! Lady M's and Paula, two fighters who knew each other so well would face Tracy and Kumatora, their friends, and rivals since the very beginning. The fans were pumped and the women were ready. Tracy and Lady M's started the match, for a brief moment, before Tracy thought twice and tagged in Nanimura. Nanimura tried to work over M's with her pure wrestling style, consisting of locks and chain holds. M's was a little rusty, but eventually she fought back and tagged out to Paula. Paula worked over Nanimura and forced her to tag Tracy back in. Being related by marriage didn't have them pulling their punches, as they threw hard shots with Tracy gaining control. She showed that some of Tack still lingered as she let the high kicks fly. Paula tagged out to M's as Tracy once again tagged out to Nanimura. M's wanted a piece of Tracy due to her suspicions and tried to pull her back into the ring, but Nanimura hooked M's arms and nearly got the pin with a Backslide. M's kicked out, got up first, and smashed Nani hard with the Sliding D. Nani was nearly pinned, but Tracy got involved and broke up the pin. M's caught her before she could get back out of the ring and a staredown ensued. M's wanted to know if Tracy was with Sparkle, as Tracy continued to let her know where her loyalties stood. Suddenly, Paula entered the ring and forced M's around and clocked her hard. Tracy and Nani were confused, but she soon attacked them too. Ness came down and embraced his wife as she continued to attack the other three in the ring. Jamie OD then rushed down to the ring and hovered over Lady M's. This brought out President Mach, who tried to fight off Ness and Jamie, but Paula snuck up behind him and handcuffed him to the ropes. The beat down on the President ensued, with Jamie once again stealing back the mask. He then tossed Lady M's around the ring as the livid Trevor tried to break free. M's fought back and clocked Jamie a few times, but Paula pulled out another pair of cuffs and cuffed M's hands behind her back. Jamie then planted a big kiss on the wife of the President before knocking her over and landing the Penalty Kick. Jamie OD gloated in front of the President, as it seems that the Sparkle Division does indeed have a turncoat working for Capcom. The war has moved to all fronts, and the Sparkle Division will once again have to fight for survival...
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Invasion Infinity 6-Man Tag: Hotlanta/Generator/Picky Minch beat Leon[Capcom]/Cody[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom] (8:03) via Hotlanta Ignition Facebuster on Arthur -> Pin
2. Tri-Force Championship: Noah Jennings/Ra/Pretty Tony beat Amigo(c)/Kinniku Mike(c)/Maurice(c) (10:58) via Noah Stock Market Crash on Mike -> Pin -> New Champions!
3. Invasion 6-Man Tag: Sagat[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom] beat Sal Paradise/Tack Angel/Swift (7:50) via Sagat Tiger Uppercut on Sal -> Pin
4. Singles: Jamie OD vs. Onisuiken (0:00) No Contest
5. Infinity Division Championship 3-Way: Randy no Kachi beat Anwin(c) and Camilo Ortega (9:59) via No Kachi Cutter on Camilo -> Pin -> New Champions!
6. Sparkle Division Tag: Lady M's/Paula vs. Nanimura/Tracy (11:04) No Contest
Announcer: And now it's time for another look at EBW's past! It's time for an EBW Flashback!
Vice President Ryan IQ: I wonder if I'm getting paid extra for this? Anyways, welcome back to EBW Flashback, the show that lets you see where EBW came from in hopes of finding out where EBW is going....or something to that effect. Collision V is right around the corner, and EBW will be taking on Capcom. The stakes have never been higher for a Collision event, but that isn't to say that the previous Collision shows haven't been a big deal. EBW went to war with Nintendo Championship Wrestling years back, and it all stemmed from the Collision show that year. The last time EBW held a Collision event it was called "C4", and featured EBW taking on THE WORLD!
C4 took place at Plateau Hall, the same Hall that will house the event this year. EBW took onwrestling from NCW, FSW, and P+P that year. Trevor Mach retained the Global World Championship against Ninten of the Ensiders, while Lady M's made history and won/retired the NCW Woman's Championship by beating Samus Other M. Tack Angel lead Team EBW to victory for the second year in a row, by knocking King Bowser out of the ring and getting him counted out.
Collision IV: EBW vs. The World
Plateau Hall
ENN Television Special!
1. 3-Way: Ludwig Von Koopa[NCW] beat Ness[EBW] and Poo[FSW] (7:10) with a Koopa Katch Suplex on Poo.
2. CXJ Championship 4-Way: Shadow[EBW] beat Kirby[NCW], Rey Dorado[P+P], and Jay "Danny Allegory" Chung[FSW] (10:42) with a Shadow Driver#2 on Wang Chung Leung.
3. Double Crown Championship: Kinniku Mike(c)[EBW] beat King Dedede[NCW] (4:09) via Count Out.
4. NCW Woman's Championship: Lady M's[Sparkle] beat Samus Other M(c)[NCW] (8:55) with a Sexy Strong Stunner to become the NEW! NCW Woman's Champion!
5. Global World Championship: Trevor Mach(c)[EBW] beat Ninten[FSW] (9:09) with a Macha Ye!
6. Team EBW vs. Team World 5-on-5 Elimination Tag: Tack Angel[EBW]/Kinniku Mike[EBW]/Troy[EBW]/Swift[EBW]/Lukie[EBW] beat Bowser[NCW]/Casshern[Tatsunoko]/Wario[NCW]/Demon Dan[P+P]/Waluigi[NCW] (22:55).
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Demon Dan (4:55) with the Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb.
-Tack Angel eliminated Casshern (6:17) with a Freaking Awesome Kick to the Face!
-Lukie eliminated via Count Out (10:00).
-Troy eliminated via Count Out (10:00).
-Swift eliminated via Count Out (10:00).
-Kinniku Mike eliminated Waluigi (15:52) with a Release Dragon Suplex.
-King Bowser eliminated Kinniku Mike (18:50) with a Bowser Bomb.
-Tack Angel eliminated Wario (19:20) with an Angel Driver.
-Tack Angel eliminated King Bowser (22:55) via Count Out.
Vice President Ryan IQ: The elimination team battle will not be taking place this year. Instead 8 or maybe even 9 matches will determine the fate of EBW. I say possibly 9 because if Amigo can beat Ken on the upcoming edition of Xperience, he will get a Capcom World Championship match against world renowned fighter Ryu. Here is a special treat for the Flashback viewers, the first ever looks at the Collision V card. Feast your eyes and have a good evening. This is Ryan IQ telling you to....*sigh* Flashback!
Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom
Plateau Hall
1. 6-Man Tag: Onisuiken/Simon Stuart/Chu Chu vs. Shocktrooper #1[Capcom]/Shocktrooper #2[Capcom]/Shocktrooper #3[Capcom]
2. Infinity Division 6-Man Tag: Mike Ishijima/Ultimo Tiger/Blue Lightning vs. Leon Kennedy [Capcom]/Frank West[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom]
3. Infinity Division Championship Lumberjack: Randy no Kachi(c) vs. Cody Travers[Capcom]
4. Singles: Maurice vs. Balrog[Capcom]
5. Singles: Swift vs. Zangief[Capcom]
6. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) vs. Dante
7. Singles: Tack Angel vs. M. Bison
8. Capcom World Championship(If Amigo beats Ken): Ryu(c)[Capcom] vs. Amigo
9. Global World Championship: Sal Paradise(c) vs. Sagat
Announcer: It's time for another installment of EBW Network News! Here is Nerma and Hater!
Nerma: Nerma here, along with Hater to bring you the big news in EBW. So we know that EBW Network is still finding its footing and creating new shows, and we know you'll get sick of us if we're the only thing on the television.
Hater: Nyah!
Nerma: Well don't worry, cause EBW is about to kick start three new shows. You all know about Maelstrom already, and that is coming along nicely, but we also have some other content lined up for you. First of all, we'll show you the pilot episode of a brand new talk show featuring the women of Sparkle. This is "Jackie's Lounge". Enjoy!
Jackie: Hello everyone, I'm Jackie the Bartender. I used to spend my time supplying drinks to the ladies of Sparkle, but when they moved to EBW I decided to follow them. Being a bartender means that you hear all the stories and rumors around a place. That is why they gave me my own show to talk about this sort of thing. Now I'm not real host or anything, so I figured the ladies of Sparkle could help me out again. That's not all though, as the male side of EBW is also more than welcome to sit at the bar, spin stories, or just have a chat. This is a casual show for the casual watcher. I'm joined tonight by Lady M's, Erica, and Kumatora.
Lady M's: Sup Jackie.
Erica: ....*sigh* Let's just get this over with.
Kumatora: Thank you ever so much Sir Jackie, it is an honor and pleasure to grace you with my royal presence.
Jackie: We're also apparently joined by Kinniku Mike, who looks like he needs serious drink.
Kinniku Mike: Just give me the damn bottle. I'm having a bad day.
Jackie: Wanna talk about it?
Kinniku Mike: I sure do....with this bottle right here....IF YOU DON'T MIND!
Jackie: Not at all Mike. Well ladies, it was a great return for Sparkle on Xcite. You guys got the main event!
Lady M's: Yeah, unfortunately Paula and Jamie OD had to ruin that though didn't they?
Jackie: Yeah, that was bad timing. You girls were lighting up that ring. I didn't even see it coming. Literally.....cause I only saw half the eye and all.
Lady M's: That asshole Jamie OD better not put his hands or lips on me again or I'll knock his damn teeth down his throat. His beef is with Trevor, but I can easily drop him with a well placed baseball bat.
Jackie: Yeah, you're husband looked quite upset.
Lady M's: Well yeah, another man lays hands on your wife and you tend to get pissed. Jamie is lucky that Trevor and I were cuffed or he wouldn't have walked out of the ring on his own power.
Jackie: I wouldn't know about any of that. The ex wife took everything from me....including the eye.
Lady M's: .....wait what?
Kumatora: That was absolutely horrible Tali. A man should never treat a lady with such disrespect, even if they aren't royalty like me.
Jackie: Yeah, that must have been hard for you other ladies to have to see.
Kumatora: Well Paula ruined a great show from the ladies, and Jamie OD showed that he was a true ruffian. That is not the kind of show Sparkle wanted to present.
Erica: It wouldn't have happened had I been in the ring.
Kumatora: What?
Erica: I am the longest reigning Women's Champion of all time. I should have been in that main event. Instead, they go with the "originals". Give me a break! Gag me with a spoon, or whatever it is you prisses like to say
Lady M's: You don't think we deserved to be out there? Why don't you say that to my face Erica.
Erica: What? You know it's true! We were supposed to put the past behind us, but you and your concerns with Tracy had your head so clouded, that you didn't even see that Paula was going to stab you in the back!
Lady M's: Did anyone see it?! No one could have guessed that. Paula and Ness were supposedly estranged, and no one had seen Paula act like that before. Capcom and money have a way of changing people though. We know that greed turned you into a psycho bitch, I guess anything is possible.
Erica: What was that?
Lady M's: You heard me Erica. Don't try and intimidate me and get in my face either. I'll break this bottle over your head before you get a chance to make a move.
Kumatora: Tali, that isn't very lady like!
Erica: Just try and-
Jackie: Ladies! Calm down! This is supposed to be about civil chit chat. Just a relaxed conversation. Shake hands please.
Lady M's: .....
Erica: ....fine.
Lady M's: Whatever.
Kinniku Mike: make them kiss.
Lady M's: On second thought, I'll use this bottle on Mike.
Erica: I agree.
Jackie: Mike, you seem down man. Before you get bludgeoned to death by these deadly women, why don't you tell me about it.
Kinniku Mike: It's SONOKO KATO! She cut me off a few weeks back and it's killing me! Blue balls Jackie......BLUE.....BALLS! GAH!
Kumatora: Why did she cut you off?
Kinniku Mike: I think she said something about how I don't listen to her needs or something. I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. It may have been that I never let her leave the bedroom. HAHAHA!
Kumatora: Ew....well Mike, if you love her then it's time to try something different. Maybe a new look and a new attitude. You know what this means?
Kinniku Mike: No?
Kumatora: MAKEOVER!
Kinniku Mike: Oh GAWD NO!
Kumatora: Much better! This is casual, yet dashing! You'll sweep her off her feet!
Lady M's: Looking ridiculous Mike!
Erica: I'll say.
Kinniku Mike: ....I'm going to need more alcohol.
Nerma: That was the pilot for Jackie's new talk show. What did you think? Feedback will help make The EBW Network more entertaining for everyone!
Hater: Nyah! EBW is going back on the road! That's right the live show circuit is coming back now that EBW has settled into its new home, and EBW Live! will be there to cover all the road shows, delivering news and notes on matches as well as any big events that take place off television. It's sure to complete the EBW wrestling experience! Don't miss it!
Nerma: Collision V is just around the corner. Many in EBW are wondering if we can go with Capcom in a full on fight. Tack Angel believes so, and tried to rouse the troops before the big event. Let's watch!
Tack Angel: Guys, I just received new orders. Ryan IQ says the war is cancelled, we can all go home. Bison is getting paid off for his crimes, and our friends who were pinned here, have been pinned....for nothing. But, we can all go home. Meanwhile, ideals like peace, freedom, and justice....they get packed up. But, we can all go home. Well, I'm not going home. I'm going to lace up my boots, and I'm going to go to Collision V, and I'm going to kick that son of a bitch Bison's ass SO HARD.....that the next Bison wannabe is gonna feel it. Now who wants to go home....AND WHO WANTS TO GO WITH ME!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Tack, I literally never said any of that.
Tack Angel: Shh....just trying to rile up the troops!
Vice President Ryan IQ: *sigh*
Nerma: Before we get to Collision V, EBW is planning something big for Xperience. A big over the top rumble, where the last two participants will become the NEW Tag Team Champions. This is being done is response to Troy's actions with holding both belts without Retro Hippie. Obviously the plan of Greed, this plan has backfired, and Trevor Mach is looking to take the belts back. Troy was not too pleased about this.
Troy: What the fuck Mach!?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Not really a good time Troy.
Troy: Like I care! You want to take these belts from me cause I won't let that little prick Retro Hippie get involved?! I don't need a partner, and I can defend these belts all by myself, because I'm Troy! You're just being an idiot like usual.
EBW President Trevor Mach: *sigh* Fuck off Troy.
Troy: What?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Kindly fuck off Troy, as I don't CARE how you feel about this in the slightest. Your opinion doesn't matter here. The point is you didn't play by the rules and I stepped in. Now though, you have also pissed me off. So here is how it's going to go down. If you aren't one of the last people in that ring in that match then I am going to fire you on the spot!
Troy: The fuck you just say?!
EBW President Trevor Mach: You heard me. Now get the hell out of my office.
Troy: .....You're dead man Mach.
EBW President Trevor Mach: I get that a lot lately.
Amy Taylor: Are you sure this is a good idea?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Amy, I've got a lot on my mind and I don't care what that alpha beta ASSHOLE is complaining about right now! I'm giving him a chance to keep the belts, but if he loses then he'll be fired and probably get picked up by Capcom. He works for them anyways, but this way I won't have to pay him anymore. Right now, all I care about is keeping Capcom at bay.....and getting revenge.
Good evening, dear soon-to-be-better-persons, to a new edition of Sports Core. I'm Camilo Ortega, the man who was robbed out of the Infinity Division Championship. But, please, don't be alarmed, don't lose hope, sooner than later I will have my precious belt back. Now, before I begin with our schedule, we have been receiving a great amount of e-mails and letters asking for some cover on Baseball and Eagleland Football. They are right here, on this table, waiting to be read (*throws them in a dumpster*). This is NOT about what you want, this is about what you NEED. You need to be taught, to be educated in the most beautiful aspects of sports: respect, athleticism, sporstmanship, survival of the fittest. I hope you understand it now because everysingle letter, everysingle e-mail regarding your cheap entertainment is NOT going to be considered at all.
Now with our big first news, the Kickboxing promotion from Edo, KB Alpha, is returning this year to host his annual World Grand Prix. Some big investors from Edo and the Old Lands have brought back the promotion from the ashes after their owners weren't able to pay the fighters who participated at the 2010's edition and some members of their crew.
Okawa, the capital city of Edo, was the chosen place to hold the press conference in which the resurrected KB Alpha announced the return of its new World Grand Prix. Rick Van Der Kamp and Takeshi Tamura spoke about this year's edition which will start in Eagleland and end in Edo. Some of the participants for this tournament include the World Muay Thai Champion Joe Higashi, Hwoarang from South Hamnin and even there are rumours that point out Poo as one of the participants. However, the big name Van Der Kamp and Tamura announce took everybody by surprise. Mike Bison, better know as Balrog in Eagleland, the former Boxing World Heavyweight Champion who was stripped from the title and banned from the sport of boxing after his extremely violent fights and embarrasing behaviour outside the ring returns to fight in this World Grand Prix.
Bison: I'M BACK!! The Violent Buffalo, the Dirty Bull, Mike 'Balrog' Bison is back and with a vengeance. I'm here to prove that Boxing, and not any boxing... MY BOXING, is the toughest fighting sport on the planet. Y'all wimps are just a buch of f*ckin' p*ssies throwin' kicks and clinchin', like you're expectin' a hug or somethin'. Well, guess what? It's time to get paid and fear the pain!
The press conference ended sooner than expected as Bison insulted Higashi and they almost ended up brawling at the hall. It wasn't until Bison was threatened by both Tamura and Van Der Kamp to remove him out of the tournament with no pay that the Dirty Bull stopped his mockery on his upcoming rivals. Aside from that, Hwoarang also declared for a Sports Magazine from Hanmin that he's eager to bring pride to his homeland by winning the tournament and not giving up.
*sighs* What in the world were they thinking? Bringing a disgusting and violent peasant such as Bison, Balrog... whatever his name is. Hopefully next week we will be able to tell who will be Eagleland's representative. And for--- wait, I'm being told that... is that confirmed? are you sure? 100%? Alright. Dear peasants, Craig Marduk, the former Vale Tudo Champion is returning to Mixed Martial Arts. It looks like he's eager to return to professional cage fights after finding out that King, the legendary masked pro wrestler, is quickly climbing in the world of MMA. Coming up, the South Condor Lands' Copa Libertad.
Here we are, my dear peasants, with our second segment. Now, we go to the South Condor Lands to cover the Copa Libertad which is, just as the OLFA Champions League, a tournament in which the champions and vice-champions of each country compete eachother to define the best in the continent. Brancos, last year's champions, are willing to rectify his great last year; Second-semester champions Universidad De Maipo also look as serious favourites for this edition; and last but no least Farenga Juniors, the legendary team from Silverland is back again.
The first date of Copa Libertad started with no big surprises. Brancos demolished their rivals Atlético Cocha. Their big figure and rumoured to be in his way to a big Old Lands team, Rivaôl, commented on the beginning of this tournament.
Rivaöl: The team is doing great. The new acquisitions have had a good adaptation and some other guys who were sold to other clubs were replaced by rookies from the academy so we are confident in doing a good tournament. (regarding his hattrick) Tonight I was able to play relaxed and as soon as I had a chance to score a goal, I did it.
In Silverland, Farengo Juniors, considered to be the most popular team in its country and one of the most successful in terms of national and international championships, played in his return to this prestigious tournament. After a colourful espectacle made by its crew, the team played a good match winning it by 2-0. Its captain, Diego Riquelme spoke with us exclusively.
Riquelme: Last year we worked really hard to regain our traidition as the greatest country in Silverland Football and tonight we did an important step as we know that ending the group phase as leader is a must for us. Our group is a tough one so winning this first match was very important.
No bull rushes, no intended injuries, no ridiculous chants... that is why I love the real Football. We'll be back to talk about national and international Basketball. But don't wait to hear about the next "superstar" because this show doesn't cover peasants.
And now we are back with our final segment for tonight's edition. Eagleland and the Old Lands are about to start their Basketball leagues. While the Mustangs from Saturn City are looking forward to repeat their impressive campaign, other classic teams such as the Lakes, the Celts, the Buffalos and the Wasps are also preparing their teams with the best acquistions and rookies.
The Eagleland Basketball Association reported a great year in terms of profits thanks to the historic triumph of the Saturn City Mustangs. Lead by the Teuton, Fritz Schweizer, they are confident that most of their home-made players will be able to compete at the level of this year's EBA League. The Celts, on their behalf, are not willing to repeat their terrible performance at the semifinals, when they ended up losing and doing some terrible matches in their hometown. Lawrence Bear during their press conference spoke about how they have been preparing during the pre-season.
Bear: The training was incredibly tough. We stayed in some old gyms and trained with hungry kids frome colleges to fire some guys up. Last year was a bombshell when we failed at the semi-finals. We understood that we are the Celts, the team who had some of the most spectacular series in EBA history and this year we are ready to reclaim our place.
In the Old Lands, its Basketball tournament is a special one as the financial crises have meant problems in hiring new stars from Eagleland or other countries. The Catalá B.C. have been progressing in the Iberic League and it looks like they will be part of the Old Lands League, the same goes for other teams from Scaraba such as the Haifa Thunders. The legnedary Athenaikos A.O. wants to give their fans and its whole country a great joy and help to overcome these hard times.
Mikhail Papadopulus, Athenaikos' Coach: The training hasn't been much different from the past years and most of our talent are home-made. Fortunately the love this men have for the colours of our team that they are not really concerned about the wages or fees. I've been a fan and legend of the Athenaikos and this year I assume the responsability of leading these kids to victory in my country and in the Old Lands.
The big news however has to do with the idea that both presidents from the EBA and OLBF have had for a couple of years. To make the Basketball Intercontinental Cup between the winners and runner ups from both leagues. The Onett Times had a brief interview with Jeffrey Andrews regarding this issue:
By the middle of the year, myself and mister Francesco Pazzi, OLBF president, will come with an answer regarding this idea.
And that's it for this week's edition. Next week we will cover Tennis, Mixed Martial Arts and the preparations for this year's Summer Olympics. But before I say goodbye, I'd like to express my concern to president Trevor Machismo and vice-president Ryan IQ. It was tough enough when you barely promoted me as the new Infinity Division Champion during the E-1 Climax. Now you are taking me away from a crucial PPV show in which EBW makes a stand against Capcom. Our president acts like a revengeful thug against Jamie O.D. while he sends peasants to represnt our promotion against Capcom's henchmen... anyway, I am the biggest role model in all Earthbound Wrestling, Camilo Ortega.
Nerma: EBW is back on the road for EBW Live, but this time you will get to hear and see the action as we cover it for you, in condensed form of course. This is EBW Live!
Nerma: EBW returned to Shinjuku Ryan for a big show to promote the upcoming Collision show. Capcom was set to appear, but it looks like they intended to sabotage the return of the live shows, so EBW was on its own and the card had to be scrambled up. Oni beat Ra in the opener by using his Gimmick Driver to assume his identity, and flattened him with the Double Underhook DDT. Noah Jennings had a target painted on his chest, after screwing SURGE Generation out of the Tri-Force titles. Mike was a livid man on a mission, but Noah outsmarted him by keeping him out of the ring and getting him counted out. Mike was not pleased and floored Noah after the match. Picky beat Hotlanta, Generator, Anwin, Blue Lightning, and Bolshoi in a big Infinity 6-Way. An exciting match that put Picky back on top of the division after hitting his German on BL before the pin. Mike Ishijima took on the Infinity Division champ in a non-title match to try and gain some momentum in his career, but RnK floored him with the No Kachi Cutter and cut those hopes down. Shadow came out after the match and RnK goaded him into the ring by holding up the title belt. Amigo faced off with Hashim from Greed, and despite outside interference, took Hashim down and submitted him with the Rolling Olympic Hell. After the match Amigo promised victory over Ken and then Ryu. Jamie OD vs. Maurice never happened, as Jamie once again attacked his opponent before the match and left him lying. Security chased him into the crowd. Global World Champion Sal Paradise once again battled Ness in a high quality encounter, but Ness got himself intentionally DQ'd after escaping a Paradise Lock attempt. Sal cleared the ring of him and tore up a Capcom sign that he had brought to the ring. The main event belonged to the ladies, as Lady M's lead Heather Mach and Nanimura against Erica, Val, and Kumatora. She was still hurting from the Jamie attack, but was still looking for a fight. Heather Mach picked up the win for her team with a big Macha Ye on Erica as she was trying to tag in Kumatora, who had left the ringside after Val tossed one of her earrings on the ground. Some hostility came after the match from Erica's team, but that all stopped when Paula appeared above the ring and taunted the ladies in her new Capcom Colors. A good return of the EBW Live! shows.
EBW: Live!
Shinjuku Ryan
1. Singles: Onisuiken beat Ra (4:05) via Double Underhook DDT -> Pin
2. Singles: Noah Jennings beat Kinniku Mike (5:30) via Countout
3. Infinity Division 6-Way: Picky Minch beat Hotlanta, Generator, Anwin, Blue Lighting, and Bolshoi (9:33) via German Suplex on Blue Lightning -> Pin
4. Infinity Division Singles: Randy no Kachi beat Mike Ishijima (4:02) via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
5. Singles: Amigo beat Hashim Al-Singh (6:37) via Rolling Olympic Hell -> Submission
6. Singles: Jamie OD vs. Maurice (0:00) No Contest
7. Singles: Sal Paradise beat Ness (6:34) via DQ
8. Sparkle Division 6-Man Tag: Lady M's/Heather Mach/Nanimura beat Erica/Val/Kumatora (10:38) via Heather Macha Ye on Erica -> Pin
Hater: NYAH! It was a great day for a Live! show in Fourside today, so EBW brought the ring to the middle of town for a promotional event for the Collision V pay per view. Capcom was once again challenged to appear, but they once again declined. I HATE when people chicken out like that.
Nerma: Actually, it probably had more to do with the fact that they don't want to help us do good business.
Hater: NYAH!
Nerma: Exactly. So the show kicked off with an Infinity Division Rumble featuring everyone but the new Infinity Division Champion Randy no Kachi. He did watch on though as Shadow returned to his old dominant form and last eliminated Picky Minch to win the Rumble. After the match he stared up as RnK and demanded that the student give the teacher a title shot. Picky Minch, Anwin, and Camilo Ortega all interrupted to make their claims for the belt, and an impromptu #1 Contender battle was held. Shadow once again was dominant, something he has been lacking, and used the Anwin-Ortega feud to his advantage by singling out Picky Minch and pinning him after the Shadow Driver. Shadow will get the next title shot after Randy no Kachi does battle with Cody Travers at Collision V.
Hater: Chu Chu looked to regain his Super Rookie momentum after a failed run at the tag belts by taking on Pretty Tony. He had the advantage, but Tony got caught trying to use a loaded glove and got himself DQ'd. I HATE those Greed tactics. NYAH!
Nerma: It didn't stop there, as Little Mac toyed with his eternal rival Maurice in singles competition. Promising a fair fight, Mac lured Maurice out only to get himself counted out early on. Maurice chased down Mac, and got jumped for his troubles by Hashim Al-Singh and Troy.
Hater: The lovely and dangerous Sparkle Division had their first singles match since their return, as Lady M's took on the prim and proper Kumatora. The rough and ready M's wasn't going to play games with Kumatora, and dominated the encounter, winning with a Smash Mouth Justice Sliding D. After the match, Lady M's had words for Paula and Jamie OD. She said she would get to the "Capcom Turncoat Bitch" in due time, but she demanded a meeting with Jamie OD first.
Nerma: Jamie OD did show up at the event, only he appeared during the next match, which saw Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Tack Angel, Swift, and Eagleland Champion Kinniku Mike take on Troy, Hashim Al-Singh, Ra, and Noah Jennings of Greed. Team Paradise had Greed on the ropes until Jamie OD got involved. He interfered as rivals Mike and Noah were in the ring, leading to Noah getting a cheap roll up on Mike. He scored the pin, but only because Little Mac knocked Mike's hand off the bottom rope.
Hater: Did I mention I HATE those Greed tactics?
Nerma: Yes you did.
Hater: Nyah.
Nerma: Indeed. The main event saw Amigo and Ness go head to head in a solid match. Ness once again gained the hate of the fans by getting DQ'd, this time escaping a German with an obvious low blow. He attacked Amigo after the match and told him that Ken and Ryu were not to be messed with, and they would seriously hurt the possible contender for the Capcom World Championship.
EBW: Live!
Fourside Outdoor Event
1. Infinity Division Rumble: Hotlanta vs. Generator vs. Shadow vs. Picky Minch vs. Bolshoi vs. Blue Lightning vs. Ultimo Tiger vs. Camilo Ortega vs. Anwin vs. Mike Ishijima
Winner: Shadow (13:22)
2. Infinity Division #1 Contender: Shadow beat Picky Minch, Anwin, and Camilo Ortega (9:04) via Shadow Driver on Picky Minch -> Pin
3. Singles: Chu Chu beat Pretty Tony (2:02) via DQ
4. Singles: Maurice beat Little Mac (4:50) via Countout
5. Sparkle Division Singles: Lady M's beat Nanimura (6:16) via Smash Mouth Justice (Sliding D) -> Pin
6. 8-Man Tag: Troy/Hashim Al-Singh/Ra/Noah Jennings beat Sal Paradise/Tack Angel/Swift/Kinniku Mike (11:10) via Noah Jennings Roll up on Kinniku Mike -> Pin
7. Singles: Amigo beat Ness (7:20) via DQ
Nerma: We now move onto the news, where we understand some big developments are occurring as we speak.
Hater: It appears that President Trevor Mach has put some more responsibilities on Vice President Ryan IQ and Moz. This may have to do with his compromised state at the moment. Sources indicate that the President is still focused on the job, but is preparing for some major changes within the company.
Nerma: Changes are already going down, as rumor has it that a new developmental roster is being formed for a "minor league" type of show. This may be to bring up new talent or to help current roster members gain experience. We can confirm that roster members Blue Lightning and Ultimo Tiger are being moved for better utilization while they improve in the ring. Rumor has it that veteran w00t might be heading up the new league. We'll give you more information as it comes in.
Hater: Nyah! It seems that Trevor Mach was not kidding when he gave Troy a big ultimatum. A big Battle Royale is scheduled on Xperience, and the last two survivors will be crowned the new Tag Team Champions. Current champion Troy is in the match, with the stipulation that if he is not one of the survivors he will be fired. A big move from the President, and big hurtle for Troy to get over. Have we seen the end of the Alpha Beta?
Nerma: Hardly! We all know that Capcom has him in their pocket! All the Greed guys got Capcom backing them up. I think this is more of a message to Capcom then anything else, but I'm not in the office making those big decisions so who is to say.
Hater: Nyah.
Nerma: You can say that again. We leave you tonight with the Xperience card. Last stop before the big Collision V Pay Per View. Don't miss either big event!
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Division Invasion: Bolshoi vs. Cody Travers[Capcom]
2. Infinity Division Tag Invasion: Randy no Kachi/Shadow vs. Leon Kennedy[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom]
3. Singles Invasion: Maurice vs. Dante[Capcom]
4. No Rules Invasion: Sal Paradise/Tack Angel/Swift vs. Sagat[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom]
5. Sparkle Division Singles: Tracy vs. Paula
6. Tag Team Championship Battle Royale: Troy vs. Hashim Al-Singh vs. Ra vs. Noah Jennings vs. Pretty Tony vs. Kinniku Mike vs. w00t vs. Hotlanta vs. Generator vs. Anwin vs. Chu Chu vs. Camilo Ortega vs. Mike Ishijima vs. Picky Minch vs. Jamie OD vs. Lady M's
7. Singles Invasion: Amigo vs. Ken[Capcom]
EBW President Trevor Mach: Man! I am excited aboot Collision V! I don't know aboot the rest of you, but I think we've got a real good shot of kicking Capcom in the hindparts and sending them packing! Haha!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Uh....Trevor?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Yeah Ry Ry!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Are you....feeling alright?
EBW President Trevor Mach: Of course! I'm feeling fine and I'm totally focused on my job. Why do you ask?
Vice President Ryan IQ: You're wearing your old wrestling gear.
EBW President Trevor Mach: ......You can't prove that.
Vice President Ryan IQ: *sigh* I'm standing here right now seeing it Trevor. That jacket isn't hiding it one bit.
EBW President Trevor Mach: .....Well dammit Ry Ry!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Trevor, you're not seriously thinking about going through with a match with Jamie OD are you? I mean, I know what he did to Tali, but you're the President of EBW now. You're supposed to be retired. The main thing about retirement is that you....STAY RETIRED.
EBW President Trevor Mach: What would you do in my situation?
Vice President Ryan IQ: Lawsuit.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Dammit! You're supposed to say "I would totally fight for my wife's honor Trevor! You are sooooo right!".
Vice President Ryan IQ: This isn't just about Tali is it? He's struck a nerve with you, and your obsession with revenge is compelling you to challenge him in the ring.
EBW President Trevor Mach: ....When did you become a therapist?
Vice President Ryan IQ: It's pretty obvious what motivates you Trevor. I have to warn you of something though. You were eligible to become President because you were leaving the ring. That means that rejoining in the physical side of things could jeopardize your Presidency. You could lose everything.
EBW President Trevor Mach: ....If it happens then it happens. I trust you would know what to do if that ever happened.
Vice President Ryan IQ: ....*sigh* Why does everyone put trust in me? I'm still a total and absolute heel!
EBW President Trevor Mach: HA! Sure you are.
Amy Taylor: You're not fooling anyone sir.
Vice President Ryan IQ: *groan*
Collision V, the battle between EBW and Capcom is on the horizon, and Xperience would be the last chance to gain momentum for one side of the other. Big invasion matches and title bouts would set the stage for what will ultimately be the biggest Collision event in EBW history!
-The opening bout saw Bolshoi take on Cody Travers of Capcom. Cody gets a title shot against the current Infinity Division Champion Randy no Kachi, and he showed why in this match as he ruthlessly took control over Bolshoi. He very nearly got himself DQ'd by using his signature chains to try and choke Bolshoi, but Bolshoi escaped and rebounded in the match with a vicious Bolshoi Bomb. He tried to go high risk, but Cody recovered fast and floored him with a Superplex. Back on the ground, Cody hit his Last Dread Dust finisher and pinned Bolshoi for the win.
-The Infinity Division Champion was up next, as he was forced to team up with his former mentor Shadow to take on Leon Kennedy and Arthur. The only problem was that Shadow refused to take part in the match, making this a handicap match. RnK held in there regardless of the numbers and nearly won the match after a No Kachi Cutter on Arthur, but Leon Kennedy broke it up and introduced the champ to his version of Police Brutality. In the end RnK was on the mat as Leon Kennedy went high risk. RnK tried to get up, but Shadow grabbed his arms and held him down as Leon used the Shooting S.T.A.R.S Press he learned from Chris Redfield, and pinned the champ for the win. Capcom was dominant in the Infinity Division matches for the night.
-The third bout would see the Bounty Hunter Dante take on Maurice of SURGE Generation. Dante was looking to collect a bounty on Kinniku Mike, and the best way to get to Mike is through his teammates. Before the match could even get started Dante forced Maurice out of the ring and tossed him into the ring steps. Maurice tried to respond with a big KO Punch, but Dante pulled out a pair of Brass Knuckles and clocked Maurice instead. That's when Little Mac and Hashim Al-Singh came down to join in the beat down. The referee awarded Maurice the DQ win, but he wasn't feeling like a winner as Dante and Greed carried him to the back. Luckily, Kinniku Mike wasn't far behind.
Kinniku Mike: Let him go right now!
Dante: Heh! I had no interest in Maurice here. Little Mac is the one that paid me to clock him with some brass knuckles. Said he really hates it because of how many times Mac has done it. No, I just wanted to beat him down to get to you. See, Capcom has placed a LARGE bounty on your head, and I'm going to collect. That Eagleland Championship is going to be the bonus.
Kinniku Mike: Yeah, you keep saying that, but you haven't made your move on me yet. How about taking me on right here and right now!
Dante: Patience Mike. I've learned to take my time with special cases like you. I'm going to have you so mad by Collision V that you won't be able to think straight. Add your own "personal frustrations" into the mix, and it looks like that Eagleland Championship is as good as mine. So Mike, I'll see you at Collision V.
Kinniku Mike: .....
-A big war ensued in the next match, as Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Tack Angel, and Swift took on Sagat, Vega, and Balrog once again. This was a no rules match, so of course Capcom sent some extra help in the the form of Shocktroopers and Zangief. EBW had backup of its own though, as Mega Man and Dan Hibiki returned to aid Team Paradise. This was more of a brawl than a match, as Tack chased Shocktroopers all the way up the stage where he ran into M. Bison. Before the two could fight, Phoenix Wright got involved to break things up. Sal and Sagat continued their feud, with Sal getting the upper hand and drop kicking Sagat out of the ring. Swift hit the POUNCE on both Vega and Balrog. He forced Balrog out of the ring and rubbed his forehead over Vega's mask before lifting him up for the Blackhammer, and finally getting the pin. A big win for EBW's team over Capcom.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here with Amigo. Tonight, this wrestling machine will lock up with Capcom's Ken. A fierce warrior with a cocky attitude, Ken is one of the top athletes in Capcom's roster. Amigo, can you stand up to the blonde braggart?
Amigo: ....Yep.
Dynamic Dougie: ....Yep?
Amigo: What? What else is they to say? You asked me a question and I answered.
Dynamic Dougie: Normally a wrestler will continue to talk about their opponent for a helps to kill time and make these interview segments last longer than 10 seconds.
Amigo: I do my talking in the ring. By talking I mean wrestling, and by ring I mean.......ring.
Dynamic Dougie: Of course.
Sal Paradise: That's Amigo for you. He's short on words, but his skills in the ring will be more than enough. Ain't that right Amigo?
Amigo: Yep.
Sal Paradise: I think tonight we proved that EBW can handle whatever Capcom throws at us. The new generation of EBW wrestler has taken over. We're the newest model and we're more than a match for anything that Capcom's got. I'm the Global World Champion, and soon Amigo is going become the Capcom World Champion!
Amigo: Couldn't have said it better myself.
Dynamic Dougie: HA! It's funny because it's wouldn't say*sigh* Let's take it back to the ring.
-The Sparkle Division was up next, as Tracy would be the first to do battle with the traitor Paula. Normally, the kind and calm voice of reason in the roster, Paula has sold out along with her husband to try and ensure a Capcom future. Tracy has been on both sides of there types of fights, but tonight she would be fighting for EBW. Heather Mach and Nanimura even came out to offer support and watch her back, while Ness came down to support his wife. A fast paced match between two ladies who knew each other well. Heather and Nanimura made sure that Ness would not get involved keeping it fair for the most part. Paula had no problems trying to cheat in the ring though, as she clawed Tracy in the eyes while she was asking Ness why he would turn on his own sister. She tried to land Ness's PK ROCKIN, but Tracy escaped and landed a series of high kicks and a facebuster before rolling Paula up for the pin. 1-2-KICKOUT! Paula regained control later by reversing a whip, sending Tracy into the corner and flipping her upside down on the tree of woe. Paula kicked and stomped as Tracy tried to escape. Paula pulled Tracy off the ring post and landed a belly-to-back inverted slam before going for the pin. 1-2-ROPE GRAB! Tracy was barely hanging on, and Paula was showing a brand new fire and intensity as she stomped and kicked her sister in law into the mat. She finally went onto the top rope and waited for Tracy to get back to her feet before hitting a Diving Neckbreaker and going for the pin again. 1-2-3! Paula won the highly competitive match and proved that she could a thorn in the side for the new and growing Sparkle Division.
-The big Tag Team Championship Battle Royale was up next, where stars from all divisions would compete in the over the rope challenge. The final two in the ring would be crowned the brand new Tag Team Champions! Lady M's entered the ring to represent the women, but it was obvious that he intentions were to get to the chaotic hooligan Jamie OD, who baited her in by taunting with Trevor Mach's mask. The moment the match started people began to fly out of the ring, as Kinniku Mike charged at New Money and eliminated Noah Jennings immediately. Troy was a livid man on a mission, because if he lost the match and the Tag Titles he would be fired from EBW. That meant he was relentless, and eliminated anyone in his path, including Hashim Al-Singh, who took a big boot over the top rope. Jamie toyed with Lady M's, but she caught him and landed some hard shots. Jamie OD once again shocked the fans by showing no hesitation in hitting the wife of the EBW President. He landed some hard shots and took her to the mat. As he set up for the Penalty Kick, M's got back to her feet and hit him hard with a lariat that sent them both over the top rope. They continued to fight on the outside, with Jamie backing up the ramp to goad her into following him into the back. That's when EBW President Trevor Mach rushed in and clobbered Jamie OD over the back of the head with a chair. He grabbed his mask back as he and M's forced Jamie to the back. Back to the action in the ring, as Mike proceeded to eliminate the last of New Money. w00t swooped in and landed his WKO on him. Mike bounced back up as Hotlanta and Generator drop kicked him out of the ring. Chu Chu and Troy were trading stiff shots as were rivals Anwin and Camilo Ortega, who duked it out in the center of the ring. Hotlanta and Generator tried to get the drop on them, but Anwin and Camilo turned to face them head on. Troy was pushing Chu Chu into the ropes and trying to push him over the top. Chu Chu grabbed on as w00t tried to toss them both over. All three ended up on the outside hanging on for dear life. Troy elbowed w00t to the floor, but he and Chu Chu were able to get back in. Picky Minch and Mike Ishijima joined the Infinity Division brawl in the middle of the ring, forcing Generator out before Hotlanta swooped in to sweep both of them off their feet and over the ropes. Anwin and Camilo then did the very same to Hotlanta. Anwin and Camilo stood in the center of the ring before shooting off to different corners of the ring to bounce off the ropes. Camilo did not see that Troy and Chu Chu were right behind him, and in a rather funny scene he unknowingly knocked both the Super Rookie and the Alpha Beta over the top rope. Camilo and Anwin were the final two survivors, and because of that they were now the EBW Tag Team Champions! Anwin and Camilo both celebrated, but then stared at each other, not knowing what to think of this situation. Troy had been eliminated, and per the orders of President Mach, that meant immediate termination.
EBW President Trevor Mach: Get him out of here! Take Jamie OD too! I want them both out!
Troy: ....I'll be seeing you again Mach.
Jamie OD: Afraid to have me in the building with your wife eh?
EBW President Trevor Mach: I'm just sick of looking at you. Plus, if you're not going to accept my challenge I have no use for you.
Jamie OD: Oh I'll let you know how I feel about that challenge on my own time and in my own way.
Little Mac: This isn't over Mach! You've had a bias against Greed your entire Presidency!
EBW President Trevor Mach: I never said I didn't!
Phoenix Wright: Don't worry, Capcom knows how to take care of talent. We'll handle this situation.
EBW President Trevor Mach: That takes care of that!
Lady M's: That was fun!
EBW President Trevor Mach: I thought so too!
Trevor and M's: BOOSH!
-In the main event of the evening, a first ever showdown took place between the wrestling machine Amigo and the blonde braggart from Capcom Ken. A martial arts expert versus a ground and submission expert made for a interesting match up, as both fighters tried to feel each other out and plan a strategy. The brash and arrogant Ken wasted no time in gloating to the fans though, and that lead to Amigo trying to shoot in for a take down. Ken caught him and delivered some hard knees and let him up for a spinning knee that took Amigo to the ground. Amigo was down, but not out, as he took Ken to the mat and tried to apply various submission holds, but to no avail. They got back to standing position, where Ken unleashed a vicious rising uppercut. He gloated and gave the thumbs up, assuming he had won by KO. Unfortunately for Ken you have to pin your opponent, and Amigo was not going to stay down for the 3 count. Ken set him up for another big attack, by leaping the air for the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, but Amigo ducked it, got behind Ken, and hit a High Elevation German Suplex. He followed it up on the ground with a heel hook. The hook was locked in so tight that Ken had no choice but to tap out. Amigo had defeated Ken Masters, and was now on his way to a big Collision V show down with Capcom World Champion Ryu. Collision V is on the way.
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
1. Infinity Division Invasion: Cody Travers[Capcom] beat Bolshoi (4:40) via Last Dread Dust -> Pin
2. Infinity Division Tag Invasion: Leon Kennedy[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom] beat Randy no Kachi/Shadow (6:31) via Leon Shooting S.T.A.R.S Press on Randy -> Pin
3. Singles Invasion: Maurice beat Dante[Capcom] (3:09) via DQ
4. No Rules Invasion: Sal Paradise/Tack Angel/Swift beat Sagat[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom] (10:22) via Swift Blackhammer on Vega -> Pin
5. Sparkle Division Singles: Paula beat Tracy (8:09) via Diving Neckbreaker -> Pin
6. Tag Team Championship Battle Royale: Troy vs. Hashim Al-Singh vs. Ra vs. Noah Jennings vs. Pretty Tony vs. Kinniku Mike vs. w00t vs. Hotlanta vs. Generator vs. Anwin vs. Chu Chu vs. Camilo Ortega vs. Mike Ishijima vs. Picky Minch vs. Jamie OD vs. Lady M's
Winners and NEW EBW Tag Team Champions: Anwin and Camilo Ortega (14:38)
7. Singles Invasion: Amigo beat Ken[Capcom] (12:07) via Heel Hook -> Submission
EBW's yearly trip to Plateau Hall normally features the company taking on other promotions in a friendly rivalry. This year would be different, as EBW is now its own network and it's in the middle of a conflict with the megalomaniacal Capcom. War is erupting, and the battle officially began tonight at Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom!
-The opening bout saw the odd team pairing of Onisuiken, Simon Stuart, and Chu Chu taking on three of the Capcom Shocktroopers. An interesting opener, as the Shocktroopers hadn't been seen in action in the ring, but were competent enough to go with the rookies. Chu Chu powered through them though, and Onisuiken confused them by using his Gimmick Driver to become Oni Shocktrooper. Even Simon Stuart was looking in better form and almost won the match for his team after a backslide and pin attempt. In the end though, Chu Chu hit his ring shaking Chokeslam on #3 to score the pin. A good warm up match and a win for EBW.
-Capcom powered back in the next match, as Triple BLU took on the team of Leon Kennedy, Frank West, and Arthur. This would be Triple BLU's last match as a team before two members who be heading off to a new project for the network, and they were looking to score a win. Capcom had no intention of dropping two matches in a row though, and Frank West scored the win after using his camera flash to blind Blue Lightning, he then went to the top rope for a Arm twist Ropewalk Chop called the Dead Rising before going for the pin.
-The first title match followed, as Randy no Kachi was set to make his first defense of the Infinity Division Championship against he unpredictable Cody Travers. Cody had no trouble starting this off dirty by throwing dust in his eyes and taking him to the mat. This was a lumberjack match, and the lumberjacks of EBW except for Shadow tried to tell the ref about this, but the Capcom lumberjacks attacked, and a brawl erupted outside. Randy was on the ropes as Cody landed a Ruffian Kick and his Zonk Knuckle attack, but RnK retaliated with a No Kachi Cutter attempt. A back and forth match, Randy no Kachi proved he was champion material by hanging in there with the Final Fight Pro veteran. That is whenever his own former mentor Shadow was not trying to cost him the match. In retaliation, RnK tossed Cody out of the ring right onto Shadow. The EBW guys were happy to launch Cody back into the ring. Later in the match, Cody used his chains to choke Randy over the top rope to the Capcom side. They held down Randy a little longer and roughed him up before throwing him back into the ring. Cody was set to use his Final Destruction combo, but Randy shocked him with a No Kachi Cutter. Instead of pinning Cody, he sent a message to Shadow by using the Shadow Driver before going for the pin. 1-2-3! Randy no Kachi won the man and kept the Infinity Division Championship in EBW.
-Balrog and Maurice went toe to toe in a strike fest next. Little Mac and Greed of course had to get involved on Capcom's behalf. Maurice was fighting the numbers game, but looked to be bobbing and weaving Balrog's harshest blows. He was looking to land a KO Punch, but Mac grabbed his feet from outside of the ring. Balrog then landed a Buffalo Headbutt before rolling up Maurice for the win.
-The brawlers of their respective promotions were up next, as Swift and Zangief collided in a big battle. They spent the early part of the match grappling and testing strength back and forth. Swift rubbed his forehead on Zangief, and that sent the big soviet into a frenzy as he clawed at Swift and picked him up for the Deadly Driver. Swift kicked out of a pin attempt and recovered by dodging a Flying Body Attack and hitting his POUNCE. Zangief wouldn't even stay down for a one, as the burly brawler leaped right back up. Late in the match the two bust out of the ring and started fighting in the crowd. The referee tried to get them back into the ring, but neither man was listening. The referee had to throw out the match and try to get security to break things up.
-Another championship match saw Kinniku Mike take on Dante with a big bounty and the Eagleland Championship all on the line. Mike's livid unfocused anger played well into Dante's game plan, as he slowly chopped away at the big man and evaded his attacks to make him even madder. He tried to pick up Mike for a Twister Slam, but Mike stopped him and hit the Release Dragon Suplex to take over in the match. Dante was on the ropes a bit, but had no problem cheating to try and take Mike off his game. He tried to finish off Mike with a Devil Must Die, but Mike hit first with the Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb before getting the pin. A great win for Mike, as EBW picks up another win and defends another title.
-A huge match up was up next, as Tack Angel, the Pushpin Seraphim and resident hero of EBW battled the psychotic power mad dictator M. Bison. This rivalry began when Tack tried to get a Bison autograph, thinking he was acting great Raul Julia. From there, the back and forth taunting all lead up to a hard hitting battle. Tack and M. Bison busted out the big moves early, and Bison was winning out with dirty tactics. Tack responded with some hard kicks and landed a big spinning back kick that sent Bison into a frenzy. He began to shoot lightning out of his fingertips and levitate. He gave the electro magnetism line, but when Tack tried to find out how magnets work he took a hard spear. Tack finally responded with a big TaToBa Kick that beat out the Psycho Crusher, and Tack was able to get the pin and the big win. The Pushpin Seraphim brought a huge win to EBW. The Collision streak continues for Tack Angel.
-The first of two main events was next, as Ryu, the standard bearer for Capcom put his Capcom World Championship on the line against the wrestling machine Amigo. A hardcore focused martial artist against an amaresu star that was grown into one best wrestling in EBW history. A match made in fighting fan heaven, and it didn't disappoint. A mismatch of styles forced both men to think on their feet and come up with new tactics. Ryu landed a hard Hurricane Kick and that nearly KO'd Amigo, but Amigo took the pin attempt and reversed it into a near pin fall himself. Amigo tried to keep Ryu off his feet, and worked the legs to try force a submission. They finally worked back to their feet, where Amigo attempted to hit his German sequence, but Ryu fought out and let the fists fly before landing his Shoryuken in a quick manner. He pinned Amigo, but amazingly Amigo got his foot on the rope and survived. This was the first time someone had not gone down to Ryu's Shoryuken, and the normally calm and collective Ryu showed a bit of panic on his face. He began to respect his opponent more, and you could see that with how he handled Amigo's further shoot attempts. Amigo out wrestled Ryu and took him back to the ground for a Heel Hook attempt. The street fighter was barely hanging on, but managed to get to the ropes before tapping. Near the end of the match they were back on their feet, with Amigo looking to land his High Elevation German. Ryu once again escaped, but this time hit his Shin Shoryuken before going for the pin. In a controversial decision, the referee counted to 3 when it looked like Amigo kicked out at the last micro second. The decision was official, but the fans booed the outcome, as it appeared that Amigo had somehow survived another Ryu finisher. The stoic warrior looked less that pleased with his victory and quietly grabbed his belt to head to the back. Capcom retains their title.
-The second main event, and the match that could massively damage EBW saw Sal Paradise and Sagat go toe to toe for the Global World Championship. Sagat tried to go for the advantage early on with an eye rake followed by a spamming of every "Tiger" move in the book. His long reach and muay thai skills kept Sal back, and he had to improvise to stay alive in this big title defense. Sagat was in firm control with his hard strikes, and very nearly took the title from EBW with a Tiger Uppercut. However, Sal Paradise kicked out and fought back in that overcoming style that makes him such a fan favorite. He landed his signature Brainbuster, but couldn't keep Sagat down until he switched it up with a Paradise Lock. Sagat was not the best at Submissions given his experience, and surprisingly had to tap out surprisingly fast. Sal Paradise defended the title and scored a huge win for EBW. A relatively calm pay per view, as in all the matches took place without Capcom trying to sabotage the whole event. On the other hand, EBW treated Capcom with a level of respect in this environment. There was still growing hostility however, and Capcom's intentions for takeover were still first and foremost on the minds of EBW fans. After a stalemate, where would EBW and Capcom go from here?
Collision V: EBW vs. Capcom
Plateau Hall
1. 6-Man Tag: Onisuiken/Simon Stuart/Chu Chu beat Shocktrooper #1[Capcom]/Shocktrooper #2[Capcom]/Shocktrooper #3[Capcom] (5:01) via Chu Chu Chokeslam on #3 -> Pin
2. Infinity Division 6-Man Tag: Leon Kennedy [Capcom]/Frank West[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom] beat Mike Ishijima/Ultimo Tiger/Blue Lightning (6:56) via Frank Dead Rising (Arm twist Ropewalk Chop) on Blue Lightning -> Pin
3. Infinity Division Championship Lumberjack: Randy no Kachi(c) beat Cody Travers[Capcom] (8:44) via Shadow Driver -> Pin
4. Singles: Balrog[Capcom] beat Maurice (5:39) via Buffalo Headbutt -> Countout
5. Singles: Swift vs. Zangief[Capcom] (8:18) No Contest
6. Eagleland Championship: Kinniku Mike(c) beat Dante (6:52) via Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb -> Pin
7. Singles: Tack Angel beat M. Bison (9:20) via TaToBa Kick -> Pin
8. Capcom World Championship(If Amigo beats Ken): Ryu(c)[Capcom] beat Amigo (13:02) via Shin Shoryuken -> Pin
9. Global World Championship: Sal Paradise(c) beat Sagat (9:04) via Paradise Lock -> Submission
Nerma: CAPCOM ATTACKS! That's right, this is breaking news straight from the EBW News Center!
Hater: EBW has able to hold its own against Capcom during the annual Collision event. They apparently didn't like that too much. Nyah!
Nerma: Capcom made a big move against EBW today by invading the EBW Tower and making a big challenge to EBW...
Great Leader: Well well seems the time has finally come to turn up the heat. I present myself here and now to show you EBW, that you have no control over your own destiny. That privilege belongs to belongs to Capcom. We are the greatest organization in the world, and as such we will soon rule over it with an iron fist. Everything you know, everything you are is outdated. It's about progress. It's about lackluster fighting games released over and over. It's about gritty first person shooters that look and play exactly the same. The bright and colorful spirit of Earthbound is dead. The world has become a cold and irritable place. The people want a new world order, and Capcom will provide them with that new order. We're taking over the world, and EBW is in our way. The time for toying around is over. We made our money on your pay per view, and we found out just how strong you're NOT. It's time to declare to declare full on war on EBW. You don't stand a chance. I know this personally. GAME OVER!
Nerma: The broadcast cut off from there and the Shocktroopers proceeded to leave, but Capcom being able to walk up to EBW's doorstep like that....very frightening.
Hater: Nyah! I love fighting games, but I have Capcom scaring my love muffin like that!
Nerma: Love muffin?
Hater: Now onto better news! EBW has apparently responded to Capcom's acts by openly welcoming them to future EBW shows, and even branding the next pay per view in a way that almost insults Capcom. I'm speaking of course about the biggest pay per view of the year. That's right the time has come once again. Next up, is Victory Explosion VI: Ultimate EBW vs. Capcom! NYAH!
Nerma: The biggest battles always go down at the biggest pay per view, and this year will be the biggest yet. Details are still sketchy, and no location or matches have been announced, but you can believe that the war between EBW and Capcom will ignite the ring and set the wrestling word on fire!
Hater: I love it when you use wordplay!
Nerma: The build to that big show will start now, but that's not the only big show we'll be hyping tonight. We leave you with one final story, a follow up on the news of a "minor league" promotion. It turns out that the name of this new promotion under the EBW banner will be called "Alpha"!
Nerma: That's right, EBW's new project Alpha, will see new and old wrestlers come together in a new type of show, where they will attempt to create their own wrestling show! What do I mean by that? Well the cameras will follow them as they attempt to book their own shows, find sponsors, find arenas to use, and build stars. It's a wrestling promotion where the wrestlers will rule the roost with little to no help from the parent company. Can Alpha get off the ground and create a new beginning for EBW's future stars?
Nerma: We can finally confirm that the rosters for Maelstrom and Alpha are starting to fill up, as the initial groupings have finally been announced!
Hater: Maelstrom is the show that will see wrestlers become hybrid fighters and show the world the style that changed EBW a few years back. Alpha, will see EBW wrestlers and some new wrestlers eventually, try to create their own wrestling product from scratch. It's time to reveal the initial rosters!
Nerma: w00t and Picky Minch will act as the veterans, and teach Chu Chu, Blue Lightning, Fighter Daron, Ultimo Tiger, and Simon Stuart the ropes on building a promotion from the ground up. That is if they know how to do it themselves. A lot of potential in this group, and w00t has finally embraced the mentor role he has found himself in.
Hater: The Maelstrom group will be comprised of 6 men and 2 women for the opening show. Amigo, Maurice, Hashim Al-Singh, Camilo Ortega, Pretty Tony, Anwin for the men. Heather Mach and Val Dorado. The plan right now is for an Openweight Tournament to crown a Maelstrom Hybrid Champion.
Nerma: That's looking great so far, as EBW Network continues to grow its programming lineup. We know you can only watch so many reruns of FTW and MKPW after all.
Hater: Some more big news on the horizon, as it looks like with the creation of these new shows, openings will be appearing for new talent. Expect new debuts soon, especially in the Infinity Division.
Announcer: It's time once again to check into the EBW News Center, for the breaking news on the EBW Network!
Nerma: Nerma here, with some big news! Remember how last time I checked in to tell you about EBW new brands that will debut? I also mentioned that you could expect some big debuts very soon. Well soon equals now, as I'm happy to present the first debut in the Network era. This is a surprising debut, as it happens to be a student of one Tack Angel, the face of EBW. I'm happy to present the Cherub Kid.
Cherub Kid: ...It's nice to meet you all. Let's try to get along.
Hater: Nyah? What's with this kid Tack?
Tack Angel: He's pretty timid, but he's not afraid to show off in the ring.
Cherub Kid: It's my dream to wrestle like my older brother.
Nerma: Oh, is Tack your brother? I didn't know that.
Cherub Kid: No, my brother is Tack's former tag team partner CP Munk.
Hater: That....makes no sense.
Nerma: Oh, so you're helping out your old Journey partner eh?
Tack Angel: Could we not mention that please? I don't even like the band Journey! Haha! Munk was a bit cautious about the whole thing, but I promised him that I would take good care of Cherub, and make sure he gets a fair chance. It's not going to be easy though.
Cherub Kid: Oh, I'm well aware Tack. I promise I won't let you down.
Nerma: Cherub has got some high flying moves, and he's got some kicks apparently. It will be interesting to see him go in the ring. We'll find out what he's made of this week on Xcite, when Tack, Swift, and Cherub Kid take on M. Bison, Vega, and Balrog in 6-Man Tag action! A big high profile match to show off what the rookie has to offer. Should be great. Now we're going to take it to our broadcast colleague Dougie, who is standing by with two more recruits!
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here, but it looks like I'm joined by three "new" recruits....and I might be out of the job as Mia Lamina is back! Dammit, Tali said that Trevor would make me scrub toilets if this didn't pan out! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Mia Lamina: Relax Dougie, the resident party girl isn't here to take your job! I'm here to introduce my new boys Jet Set Future! They're here to shake up your tag team division. They are here to shake up your Infinity Division. They are here to just shake things up! You've never seen a team like this before. They are rollerblading luchadors, here to show you a new style called "Lucha Blade"! With a combination of unorthodox moves and funky beats, this duo is going to show EBW how to party!
Dynamic Dougie: So.....I'm NOT being replaced?
Mia Lamina: .....No.
Dynamic Dougie: OH THANK GOD! Back to the news room before someone changes their mind!
Nerma: We're looking forward to seeing Jet Set Future step into the ring soon as well. Finally, we're joined by a new member to the Infinity Division. A masked wrestler who is has experience in MMA, only we don't know how much, as he won't reveal his identity to anyone! A mysterious fighter who plans on doing all of his talking in the ring, Firebrand X as he is calling himself, is planning to take the Infinity Division by storm. With a combination ground skills, high flying moves, and and skull shattering strikes, no one is safe from this hot new prospect.
Hotlanta: We'll just see about that.
Nerma: Hotlanta?
Hotlanta: As you know, I'm one of the veterans in this Infinity Division. I may not have another gold at the moment, but I still consider myself one of the standard bearers around here. I would like nothing more than to see what you can do myself, but I am already booked for Xcite. Hotlanta and I are going to put Jet Set Future to the test in a 5 Minute Exhibition to see what they've got. We're also warming up to make a move on the new Tag Champs, but we'll get to that later. I still want to see what you can do Firebrand X, so that's why I had a word with Bolshoi here. He's a former champion in the division, and we'll know that you belong if you can hang with him or 5 minutes. Are you in?
Firebrand X: .....I am.
Bolshoi: WEEEEE! This is gonna be fun! Would you like some Cotton-
Firebrand X: ......
Bolshoi: Candy? No? Well then.....kthxbai! *Unicycles Away!*
Nerma: Well there you have it! Looks like Xcite is booked and ready to be presented to the fans, so let's take a look at the card!
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Victory Explosion Stage 1: New Beginnings
1. 5 Minute Exhibition Infinity Division: Bolshoi vs. Firebrand X(Debut)
2. 5 Minute Exhibition Infinity Division Tag: Hotlanta/Generator vs. Grind(debut)/Switchback(Debut)
3. 6-Man Infinity Division Tag: Randy no Kachi/Anwin/Camilo Ortega vs. Dhalsim[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom]/Cody Travers[Capcom]
4. Sparkle Division Tag: Lady M's/Tracy vs. Paula/Erica
5. 6-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Swift/Cherub Kid(debut) vs. M. Bison[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom]
6. Tag Team: Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice vs. Little Mac/Noah Jennings/Pretty Tony
7. Non-Title Singles: Sal Paradise vs. Sagat[Capcom]
Announcer: It's now time for Ask Dr. Amigo! The show where EBW Wrestler Amigo answers all of your biggest questions. And now, your hosts Dr. Amigo and Maurice!
Maurice: Welcome to Ask Dr. Amigo! I'm Maurice, and joining me is the Doctor himself Amigo.
Amigo: This is highly ridiculous. I'm not even a real Doctor you know.
Maurice: Sure you are! You're got a PhD in Stuffology!
Amigo: I don't even think that's a real course.
Maurice: Sure it is! So anyways, this is the show where real fans ask Amigo anything they want to know, and he will provide the answers. We do 8 questions an episode so let's get right to it!
Jimmy Fakename asks: Do you like Banana Smoothies?
A: "Sadly, I have an allergy to Bananas, as my throat gets all sore and my ears itchy and hot, so I do not usually consume them. But, I do love Blueberry Smoothies. Very healthy for you, as all smoothies can be. And usually I either take pills or eat another food high in Potassium to compensate."
Virginia Hertz asks: Is it Humid in Dusty Dunes Desert or is it just Hot?
A: "It is more hot then anything. You see, Spring only lasts about a month or so, so the higher temperatures come quickly and at the peak in July, it reaches about 112 to 114 degrees. However, in August, the temperature drops to about 108, but the humidity factor rises. It is not unlike being cooked in a water barbecue".
President Trevor Mach asks: I heard u like Mudkipz?
A: "I do moreso the final evolution of it, Swampert. The creature has a great Water/Ground typing, which means I use it's moveset for Water, Ground, Rock and Ice-type moves which allows it to face virtually any other typing. Easily the best starter of Generation #3".
Tack Angel asks: What's the answer to the eternal question: Goobers or Raisinettes
A: "Raisinettes are a scam, but Goobers at least are something different. That said, I am more fond of Whoppers".
Rhett Bomar asks: Why do hot dogs come in packages of 8 and buns come in packages of 6?
A: "Very simple. The companies want you to but more until it is even to make more money".
Bob Billingsly asks: Why do they call it the Equator when nothing is really equal down there?
A: "People call it the Equator because along with the Prime Median, it splits the planet into two, hypothetical, lines, you see.
President Trevor Mach again asks: Explain in great detail why Back the the Future 2 is better than the original.
A: "I think because it does not involve or mention any form of Libya under it's reign of Colonel Qaddafi, I think. Bad karma, you see".
Tack Angel again asks: Who killed Mr. Body?
A: "It was of course, a male model turned assassin. Which one? I can not say".
Maurice: And there you have it! Simple and to the point right? An easy pay check for me too haha! Well that about does it so-
Amigo: Wait, I have a question. It's a question for Ryu from Capcom. You going to give me a rematch? I was robbed at Collision V and you know it. You could not keep the wrestling machine down and I-
Maurice: Amigo, this isn't a wrestling's a Q&A show!
Amigo: Yeah, on a WRESTLING NETWORK!
The Kong Country Wrestling Revival Tour
Episode 01: Arrival (Night 1)
A red, yellow, and orange tour bus rumbles down a shoddy, ill paved road. Several of the road signs have numbers and some kind of language that looks like chicken scratch. Lady M's looks out the window and sighs before returning to her Gameboy Advance.
Lady M's
Trade me Squirtle.
I'm keeping Squirtle. You can have Bulbasaw.
Lady M's
I don't want Bulbasaw--saur. Bulbasaur.
...if you don't want Bulbasaw then you don't want no pokemon, now do you?
Lady M's
Throw in Duotrio and it's a deal.
Pssf, okay.
Lady M's
...fucking hate it on this Island. *looks over* Get that camera off of me, Danny.
C'mon now. This is a special documentary that will be on the EBW Network.
Lady M's
Oh...want the rest of this Lemonheads?
Danny takes the box and shakes it before looking inside with a puzzled look.
There's nothing in here.
Lady M's
Those are all the fucks I give about this being on the EBW Network.
HA! Who's the man?!
SWIFT and Lady M's do a Sid fist bump when Pretty Tony looks over SWIFT's seat.
Pretty Tony
What just happened?
Danny got burned.
Pretty Tony
Who's the man?!
Tony fist bumps SWIFT and Lady M's before the bus stops abruptly sending him flying back and into the aisle way.
Bus Driver
We're I wait here or...?
You wait here. >:c Don't drive off or nothin'
Bus Driver
But this is a fire emergency spot. I can't stay here.
I know when I look out that window there I better see this bus in this very spot. >:c
Bus Driver
SWIFT, Lady M's, Danny, Pretty Tony, and a few other EBW talent file off the bus with their gear. Danny keeps his camera on SWIFT and Lady M's.
Lady M's
Look at this shitty building. It's still standing.
I'm almost certain K. Rool would've bought this and turned it into a Burger Time.
Lady M's
Burger Time sounds good.
So, as two of the Kong Country Wrestling Originals, how does it feel to be back?
Lady M's
It sucks.
I hated it here. >:c
Cranky is a bastard. He paid talent in bananas. In my bank account here in Kong Country I have some 30,000 bananas in there.
Lady M's made 30,000 bananas? I only made around 20,000 >:c
Well I ate some...but still, they don't convert well in Kingdom coins.
Lady M's
Not at all.
So why are you here?
Lady M's
Because the wise EBW President thought it would be good to send talent to support KCW on it's revival tour.
Pretty Tony
You're not EBW contracted...are you?
Hey, you don't need to know the nature of her contract >:c
Pretty Tony
...and I read that your contract was done with four months ago, SWIFT.
Pretty Tony
I think some books are being cooked.
Anyways, Tali and I got our start here in Kong Country after training with Hammer Bro. #2--
SWIFT & Lady M's
Rest in Peace.
Lady M's
Awesome teacher. Best ever.
Damn straight.
Lady M's
"Never sell a flying move..."
"...either roll out of the way or put your knees up."
Lady M's & SWIFT
"And always kick out on a flying move." >:c
How was training under Hammer Bro. #2
Lady M's
Oh, it was difficult...for the other eight.
Lady M's
You see, you don't just "train" under Hammer Bro. #2. You get the full Hammer Bro. #2 Experience.
Pretty Tony
I trained under Crash Bandacoot.
Lady M's shows.
Pretty Tony
Oh look, they're opening the doors! Let's go.
The Kong Country Wrestling Revival Tour
Episode 01: Arrival (Night 1)
Lady M's
Danny, I don't want to be in your documentary. >:c
Danny I need more material to make up three episodes.
Lady M's
Tch. Fine. >:c
So why aren't Trevor and Tack here? Didn't they work for Kong Country at one time?
Lady M's
Uhhh...yeah. From 2004-2005, but not a full year. SWIFT and I were here when it opened. We were guaranteed 5000 coins our first year.
Lady M's
Yeah, a decade ago 5000 coins was a lot of money. You could buy a cart, a decent sized fortress, a tanooki suit--a new tanooki suit.
Wow. So back to Tack and Trevor...
Lady M's
Oh! Well Cranky cheated them out of money when he sent them to go work in River City Pro. Kunio agreed to pay them both 300 coins each--a fair piece of change. However Cranky kept like 250 of it.
D:> Say what?!
Lady M's
Yeah, so when we were discussing our pay at lunch and they noticed "Our pay is significantly lower!" And that was the end of those two in KCW--then a bit later EBW brought Trevor in and later the rest.
I why did Trevor send you and SWIFT and the rest?
Lady M's
I dunno...allies against CAPCOM? Who knows?
SWIFT walks up eating a grilled peanut butter and 'nana sandwich.
The ONLY good thing abount Kong Island: this here sammich. >:c
So why do you two hate KCW?
Too many reasons...Cranky is a dick, Donkey Jr. is a miserable bastard, Diddy is sycophant.
Lady M's
Candi is loose and Donkey III probably isn't Donkey's.
Technically he could be. They interbreed here.
Lady M's
Eww. I forgot about that.
See: Manky Kong.
Pretty Tony is busy putting on his gear and watching TV.
So Tony, you wrestled for Kong Country?
Pretty Tony
Yep, 2007-2009 when they closed. Cranky gave me a skateboard and I came out to "Skate or Die II".
*laughs* Really?!
Pretty Tony
Yeah >:c I don't skate. It was an awful gimmick and I had it for two years.
*laughs uncontrollably*
Pretty Tony
Anyways, the night Kong Country closed, Cranky no showed...the dick.
At that moment, Cranky Kong hobbles in with his walker and looks around. Behind him is Funky Kong.
Cranky Kong
Look at all the familiar faces! M's Style, Brawler SWIFT, Skatin' Tony, Apple Kid--so many memories of hardcore wrestling!
There is a cough from the back of the room and everyone glares at Cranky.
Cranky Kong
About time you all came back, you cunts >:c Taking my money and running. That was very Shy Guy-like.
Shy Guy Red
That's raysis!
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Hahahaaaah! Soooo racist, bruh.
Cranky Kong
Anyways, here's tonight's card: The Skaters vs. The Shy Guys...that's the Chinese-looking kid with the camera and Skatin' Tony.
Funky Kong
Gnarly, bruh.
D:> I don't wanna be a Skater.
Cranky Kong
Next: Sparky vs. Diddy Kong vs. Apple Kid, Dixie Kong vs. M's Style--
Lady M's
*whispering* I like wrestling Dixie...she doesn't suck like Candi.
Cranky Kong
Boomerang Bros. vs. The Inkredible Kremlings...aaaand the main event: Falls Count Anywhere--Brawler SWIFT vs. Manky Kong.
*turns over table and kicks over a chair* SWIFT don't wanna wrestle that daft motherfuck! D:<
Cranky Kong
Oh, look at "Mr. Superstar", "Mr. I'm A Former World Champion", "Mr. I Wrestle In Front of Crowds of thousands in front of crowds of millions at home", "Mr. My Boo Boo Smells Like Cinnabunz". No one else here is complaining.
Shy Guy Red
You're a bigot, Cranky >:c
I don't wanna be a Skater >:c
Pretty Tony
That gimmick was the drizzling shits.
Pikachu >:c
Lady M's
I want to be paid in actual money this time >:c
Cranky Kong
Wooooah, I hear static. I think my hearing aid is out. Funky let's go find me a battery. All you try not to stink up my cunts.
Cranky and Funky leave the room. SWIFT angrily grabs referee Meowth and throws him out of a window.
Fuckin' hate that old bastard. >:c
Danny [Narrator]
Next time: The first show of the revived Kong Country Wrestling!
Jamie OD: Hey...hey is this thing on? IS IT ON?! GOOD! Mach! Look what I found! It's your "special" brother Bobby Mach! SOMEONE....SOMEONE....invited him to the arena tonight! I WONDER WHO THAT COULD HAVE BEEN!
Bobby Mach: We gonna see Trev?
Jamie OD: Oi well that depends Bobby! Depends on if he's going to come and see US!
Bobby Mach: I wanna see Trev!
Jamie OD: You hear that Mr. President? Your brother wants to see you. He obviously cares about you. Do you care about him? It would REALLY be a shame if something were to happen to him. Look, I found your brother, and I even found your precious van. I'm going to take him out for a little ride. You want your brother back? You want your van? You want my answer to your challenge? Come and find me. Oh, and don't worry about the keys, I already broke in and hot wired it. HAHA!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Trevor stop! You can't do this!
President Trevor Mach: I can't do this?! HE'S GOT MY BROTHER RYAN! How can I NOT do this!?
Vice President Ryan IQ: ......Alright go. Just keep in mind that you won't be here for Xcite. The ship won't have its captain as it were, and we need someone at the helm now more than ever to combat Capcom.
President Trevor Mach: That's what you're here for. It'll only be temporary. I know you've got this.
Vice President Ryan IQ: Right. I just hope.....I don't have to make it permanent.
Collision V has come and gone, and now the path to Victory Explosion VI is upon us. Victory Explosion is the biggest show of the year, and this year will see EBW taking on Capcom for ultimate supremacy. With Victory Explosion, we get the themed stages leading up to the big event. Stage 1 is all about New Beginnings, as a new crop of rookies made their big debuts on this show. Of course EBW is also still competing with Capcom Vs. for viewers, so the show was still packed with big matches, including a big Collision V rematch between Global World Champion Sal Paradise and Sagat.
-The opening saw the debut of Firebrand X. A masked high flier that infused an MMA background into his repertoire to become a well rounded rookie. Bolshoi would stand in his way and present him a challenge. This was a 5-Minute Exhibition match, meaning that Firebrand X would have to survive the 5 minutes without getting pinned if he wanted to prove himself in EBW. They started out with a lucha inspired back and forth sequence, with Firebrand then taking Bolshoi to the mat for a ground and pound. Bolshoi scrambled to the ropes and tried to stay away from the grappling with Firebrand X. He countered and lifted Firebrand for the Bolshoi Bomb, but he countered and turned it into a hurracanrana. He tried to hit the Tiger Feint, but Bolshoi blocked it, landed a few shots, and hit the Rose Covered One Seated Unicycle before getting a 2-count on the pin attempt. Bolshoi tried to go high flying and land a big splash, but Firebrand rolled out of the way, and trapped Bolshoi in a crossface, but the time limit expired and the match ended in a draw. Firebrand X made a great first impression and bowed to Bolshoi before trying to leave the ring. Bolshoi tried to give him a rose, but FB declined and walked off.
-More debuts followed in another 5 Minute Exhibition, as Grind(Orange Shirt) and Switchback(Green Mask) of Jet Set Future would have their first match against the veterans Hotlanta and Generator. JSF surprised everyone with their unorthodox style, as they opened immediately with a roller blading number set to some funky tunes. Hotlanta and Generator were confused and drop kicked them out of the ring. They skated around the ring and circled their opponents until jumping onto the side of the ring, and flipping over the ropes to splash on the veterans. Their style called "LuchaBlades" involved them using the momentum of their skating to pull off amazing Infinity Division action. Both were able to flip over their opponents and skate around them with ease while listening to music of their head phones. Hot was getting tired of their shenanigans and floored Grind with a hard lariat. He picked him up for the 2 Hot 2 Pumphandle Slam, but Switchback rolled in and tripped Hotlanta, with Grind landing on him for the nearfall. Hot and Generator just did not know how to handle the pair, and they were able to survive the 5 minute match. After the match Hotlanta and Generator stared puzzled as Jet Set Future danced in the ring and rolled off.
Nerma: Nerma here, speaking to you live from the EBW Network News Copter. Yes, we have a EBW Network News Copter. Don't worry how we got it. Seriously, don't even question it. We got it and that's all that matters. Anyways, we're following a big development, as EBW President Trevor Mach has taken to his chopper to chase down the dastardly hooligan Jamie OD, who has taken his van. Apparently, Trevor's brother Bobby Mach is also with Jamie OD. Police are trying to quell the situation, and are in pursuit, but hanging back just far enough to avoid any excessive damage. We'll keep you up to date on the situation as it develops. Let's take it back to Dynamic Dougie at the Fourside Expo Center.
Dynamic Dougie: Here is hoping that Trevor can track down that son of a bitch down! Speaking of, I'm joined by three bad ass sons of bitches right here! The members of SURGE Generation and the Global World Champion Sal Paradise. You guys kicked serious ass at Collision V, and you proved that you can hang with the best in the world.
Sal Paradise: That's because we ARE the best in the world. I've stated before that I didn't want to be the establishment guy for EBW, as I just want to speak my mind and do my own thing. That being said, I take a lot of pride in being apart of the this company. I'm dammed proud to be its Champion. Capcom is full of has beens. Former heroes who, like Ness, are selling their souls to the villains to keep their careers relevant. I pity them really. The one I don't pity is Sagat, because I already sent him home a loser, and he's back for more. Sagat, like I said before you can Tiger Tiger Tiger all you want, but you're not keeping me down.
Amigo: I wouldn't say I kicked ass at the pay per view, as I don't have the title around my waist right now. I wouldn't say I lost either. It was a controversial decision to say the least, but I believe in my heart that I kicked out before the three count. Ryu, I think you know it too. I heard that once upon a time you were an honorable warrior before you sold out like the rest of the Capcom roster. An honorable warrior would give me a rematch, so we can prove which one of us is the best. I suggest you think really hard about granting me a rematch at Victory Explosion VI. We go all out one more time, and the winner can rightfully call himself Capcom World Champion. Until then, I want you to know that I consider you a paper champion. So do the EBW fans. Can you handle knowing that?
Kinniku Mike: GAH! Sonoko Kato cut me off! She still hasn't conceded! All I said was "Hey baby I'm going out, can I wear your ass as a hat"! She got so upset and walked out! I don't get what the problem is! That's kind of my thing that I do! I'M SO DAMN ANGRY! I NEED TO HIT SOMETHING OR SCREW SOMETHING!
Maurice: ....Hey don't look at me....on either account. No thank you thank you indeed.
Dynamic Dougie: Well there you have it, and it looks like-
Sal Paradise: I have one more thing to say to Capcom. I know that you're holding back on me. I'm the Global World Champion, and I demand that if you want to fight us then you send me your very best. You know exactly who I'm talking to. You bring HIM!
Dynamic Dougie: Him who?
-The third match of the night saw 6-Man Infinity Division action, with the new Tag Team Champions forcibly paired together along with the Infinity Division Champion to take on Cody Travers, Arthur, and Dhalsim, who would be making his EBW debut. The Yoga master was very flexible and lead his team against EBW's Infinity All-Stars. The looming presence of Shadow had RnK watching his back, while Anwin and Camilo attempted to put past differences aside and work as a team. This lead to a lot of miscommunication, and Dhalism had the patience to wait it out and strike at the opportune times. Near the end of the match, he showed off his stretching abilities and tried to dropkick Anwin from across the ring. Anwin ducked, but didn't warn Camilo, who ate the dropkick head on. He then kneed Anwin and hit his Front Flip Piledriver called the Yoga Fire. Dhalsim got the pin as Camilo allowed it to happen. A win for Capcom, and a strong showing for Dhalsim.
-Tess was watching the next match very carefully, as Lady M's and Tracy would be teamed up to take on Erica and the traitorous Paula. She would be watching carefully because M's was still weary of Tracy, and Tracy would not be so quick to forget about the past. On the other hand, Erica had ruled the women of Sparkle for some time and made few friends in the process, but even she was loyal to the new Sparkle brand and did not take kindly to being paired with a gloating and arrogant Paula. Both teams worked together at the start, with Tracy and Paula picking things up from their previous encounter. Paula seemed to want to piss of M's and stayed out of the ring whenever she was in. Erica was happy to step in with M's though, and pay her back for past actions. When push came to shove though, Erica finally hit a breaking point. Late in the match Erica has enough of Paula's grandstanding and pushed her off the side of the ring. Paula scoffed at Erica and decided to leave the rest of the match up to her and walked off. M's commended Erica, by hitting a Sexy Strong Stunner and following it up a Smash Mouth Justice Sliding D before the pin and the win. M's tried to race down Paula, but she was already gone. Tracy and M's were able to function as a team the whole time. Hopefully this means that the ladies of Sparkle can stick together when Capcom decided to come to them.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here again with-
Camilo Ortega: IT WAS YOUR FAULT!
Anwin: My fault? Keep dreaming pal. I don't think we should be playing these games right now. If you want to keep these title then we need to-
Camilo Ortega: Don't worry about what I do Anwin! I'm the cultural elite! I make all the right decisions!
Anwin: Did that include knocking Troy out the ring and costing Greed it's "star player"?
Camilo Ortega: Well that I-
Little Mac: Enough! Camilo, you're a star player now my boy. You've got gold, and gold is what matters most to Greed. You should feel lucky Anwin. You holding the other half puts you under our protection.
Anwin: I don't want your protection, and I don't need your protection. I'll defend this title the way I know best. Camilo, you and I HAVE to learn how to work together if we're going to make this work.
Camilo Ortega: .....
Dynamic Dougie: Wait....I'm receiving word in my ear piece......yes....Trevor and Jamie have apparently stopped at a road side diner, and are fighting it out! Let's cut to the action!
EBW President Trevor Mach: COME ON JAMIE! LET'S END THIS!
Jamie OD: HAHA! I got what I wanted! I got the mask, and I got you pissed!
Jamie OD: Oh ho ho ho! I crossed it Trevor! I will cross it as many times as I want!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Hiding behind my brother? You're just a chickenshit Jamie!
Jamie OD: Is that so? Well how about I "prove my worth" to you then. You know that match you want? YOU'RE ON!
EBW President Trevor Mach: Yeah?! OUTSTANDING! About time you decided to face me like a man!
Jamie OD: I always planned on it, but first I wanted you to know that I am in your head. I can get under your skin. I can drive you CRAZY! At Victory Explosion VI the echo will overcome the voice!
EBW President Trevor Mach: HA! You think so? You just made the biggest mistake of your life Jamie, because I'm going to school you in the art of chaos, knee you in the fucking face, and drop you like a bad habit! BOOSH!
-Team Tack battled Shadaloo in a big EBW versus Capcom 6-Man Tag. The interesting aspects were the inclusion of M. Bison for the first time on Xcite, and the debut of Tack Angel's protege Cherub Kid. Bison was a mad man looking for revenge on Tack Angel for the loss at Collision V. He decided to target Cherub Kid. The rookie was looking impressive, but Bison picked him out and stopped him from really showing what he could do. He stood confident against the dictator, and when Bison laughed he slapped him in the mouth, but Bison shot right back with a headbutt that sent the rookie to the mat. Tack had to try and help his protege while also avoiding the big shots of Balrog while Swift tried to lock down Vega. A Bison Psycho Crusher put the rookie down followed by the pin. A strong showing for Capcom, and a tough debut for Cherub Kid.
-SURGE Generation battled Greed in another big showdown next, with Little Mac getting involved with Pretty Tony and Noah Jennings. The Greed legend mostly coached New Money and taunted Maurice to throw the SURGE strategy into chaos. Things got worse when Mike flew off the handle and allowed Noah to get a choke on him Amigo tried to help Mike, but with Maurice focused on Mac, and Mike in a frenzy, Pretty Tony was able to blindside him with a hard punch that took him to the mat long enough for Mike to get choked out. Greed won the match, but they weren't done. Mac suddenly called out Ryu and other members of Capcom, as they rushed the ring and proceeded to beat down SURGE Generation. Ryu stood over Amigo, but never made it clear if he would give him the rematch he requested.
-The main event of the night saw Global World Champion Sal Paradise take on Sagat, in a rematch from their main event encounter at Collision V. Sagat would continue the dirty tricks of the previous match, while Sal would still be able to scout and evade most of Sagat's Tiger spamming offense. Sal ate a couple of Tiger Uppercuts, and was nearly pinned, but he fought out and landed his Brainbuster on Sagat again. Instead of going for the pin, Sal used Sagat's long limbs to his advantage and locked in a tight Paradise Lock. Sagat had no choice, but to tap out and Sal Paradise once again won out against the Capcom villain. As he celebrated though, a voice could suddenly be heard....
?: Sal wanted him......and got him.
Akuma has come for Sal Paradise.
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Victory Explosion Stage 1: New Beginnings
1. 5 Minute Exhibition Infinity Division: Bolshoi vs. Firebrand X(Debut) (5:00) Time Limit Draw
2. 5 Minute Exhibition Infinity Division Tag: Hotlanta/Generator vs. Grind(debut)/Switchback(Debut) (5:00) Time Limit Draw
3. 6-Man Infinity Division Tag: Dhalsim[Capcom]/Arthur[Capcom]/Cody Travers[Capcom] beat Randy no Kachi/Anwin/Camilo Ortega (8:56) via Dhalsim Yoga Fire (Front Flip Piledriver) on Anwin -> Pin
4. Sparkle Division Tag: Lady M's/Tracy beat Paula/Erica (6:11) via M's Smash Mouth Justice on Erica -> Pin
5. 6-Man Tag: M. Bison[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom] beat Tack Angel/Swift/Cherub Kid(debut) (10:30) via Bison Psycho Crusher on Cherub Kid -> Pin
6. Tag Team: Little Mac/Noah Jennings/Pretty Tony beat Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice (9:18) via Noah Jennings Choke Hold on Kinniku Mike -> Choke Out
7. Non-Title Singles: Sal Paradise beat Sagat[Capcom] (7:21) via Paradise Lock -> Submission
Nerma: Nerma here with another news update! The road to Victory Explosion VI is set to bring many surprises, and I can confirm the first surprise right now. It seems that EBW's other brands are going to kick start before the big show, with the intent on featuring them at VEVI. This means that I have a Maelstrom card confirmed for you. The opening round of the Openweight Championship Grand Prix will take place, as well as a big women's hybrid match. The show will of course take place in Maelstrom's old home, the Battle Dome!
Maelstorm: Kickstart
Battle Dome
The EBW Network
1. Openweight Grand Prix Round 1: Maurice vs. Pretty Tony
2. Openweight Grand Prix Round 1: Anwin vs. Hashim Al-Singh
3. Women's Hybrid Battle: Heather Mach vs. Val Dorado
4. Openweight Grand Prix Round 1: Amigo vs. Camilo Ortega
Nerma: This also means that Alpha will have a time limit to get started before Victory Explosion VI. Speaking of the show, we can now confirm two huge matches that will take place on the card.
Nerma: EBW President Trevor Mach will be coming out of retirement for his first match in a year to take on the hooligan Jamie OD. This blood feud has been brewing for months, and now the two EBW wrestlers most associated with chaos, will lock horns in a battle for the ages. The other match is presumed, but not yet official. It looks like Sal Paradise will put the Global World Championship on the line against Capcom's darkest legend Akuma. This could be make or break for the People's Choice, and it will take everything he's got to survive the challenge. We followed the champ a bit earlier today as he prepared for the big match. This somehow lead to us following Eagleland Champion Kinniku Mike as well...
Sal Paradise: Hey guys! Can I-
Kinniku Mike: Oh yeah?! WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT IT!?
Sal Paradise: I didn't say anything about-
Kinniku Mike: Yeah whatever! Get out of my way!
Sal Paradise: ....Well then!
Amigo: He's still going on about that Sonoko thing.
Maurice: Getting in the way of training. Greed's going to get the upper hand if we don't step it up.
Sal Paradise: You guys need a third? I could use sparring partners.
Amigo: .....Step on in. Let's see what you got.
Sal Paradise: Gladly.
Heather Mach: Sup Chocolate Bear?
Kinniku Mike: Trev? No....Trev doesn't have a pair of ti- I mean hi there. I'm Kinniku Mike.
Heather Mach: Heather Mach! BOOSH! So what's bugging ya big guy?
Kinniku Mike: It's Sonoko Kato! She-
Heather Mach: Cut you off?
Kinniku Mike: HOW DID YOU KNOW?!
Heather Mach: Kind of telling everyone dude. I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, you're the Sex Machine right?
Kinniku Mike: OF COURSE!
Heather Mach: Then I'm sure you would have no trouble finding someone else know.
Kinniku Mike: It's not just about that! She said all I ever thought about was sex.
Heather Mach: ......So?
Kinniku Mike: I know right! Like that's a bad thing. I guess it does sometimes get in the way of my wrestling though.
Heather Mach: So says the Eagleland Champion.
Kinniku Mike: Yeah, but I was Tri-Force Champion too. At one point I was even in line for Global World Championship.
Heather Mach: Well then! Perhaps you should focus like....50% on sex....and 50% on wrestling.
Kinniku Mike: Think it might work?
Heather Mach: Well....make it 49-51....just to be safe.
Kinniku Mike: I think you're right! Thanks...Heather was it? You know, you're kind of hot.
Heather Mach: Not so bad yourself there Mike.
Kinniku Mike: How about you and me-
President Trevor Mach: Don't even think about it Mike. Don't think about it for one damn second.
Heather Mach: Treeeevor! GAH!
Kinniku Mike: He's right. It's time I get back to work!
Announcer: It's now time for the pilot episode of EBW: Alpha! Veterans and rookies come together to form a new promotion for EBW. Can they come together and survive, or will Alpha Pro Wrestling die before it can even begin?
w00t: This is just great. I never volunteered for this sort of thing ya know? I just wanted to do my part against Capcom before making another run at the title. Of course the resident genius had to open his mouth and get saddled with THIS job! *groan*
Picky Minch: Could be worse!
w00t: Do tell Picky. How could this possibly be worse?
Picky Minch: We could not be booked.
w00t: ....touche....
Picky Minch: I'm just wondering what we're supposed to do. I mean all they did was kick us out of the tower and leave us this giant sign! I don't even know how we're going to move it. I know I don't own a crane or anything.
w00t: I would not expect you to own one. We'll figure that out later. Right now we need to get a plan of action going. Picky, we've never really worked together or conversed backstage. I don't know what kind of experience you have in this sort of thing so please enlighten me.
Picky Minch: brother tried to take over the world with Giygas a few times!
w00t: ....That does not help us in the slightest. We need to think about our attributes and experiences to put this thing together. First off, we're going to need a base of operations. Some place that can house our gear and the eventual ring that we're going to have to buy. Did they give us ANY money?
Picky Minch: Not a dime w00t.
w00t: Well then....I have ONE place in mind. If it's still standing of course. Picky, send the troops to meet me at the outskirts of Onett. I have a plan.
Picky Minch: Will do! I hope he knows what he is doing cause I am totally lost.
w00t: Well...this is it.
Fighter Daron: What is this?
Ultimo Tiger: The FTW Tent?! Dear GOD NO! I prayed that I would never have to set foot in here again.
w00t: It's just temporary I hope.
Blue Lightning: L-O-L this place BLOWS!
Picky Minch: See, I thought this tent burned down. How resilient.
Chu Chu: We wrestle where we have to.
w00t: Well said Chu Chu. So yeah, this will be the place. Unfortunately, we don't have any equipment, and we don't have a ring. Therefore, I the Genius shall go and find sponsors! Wish me luck.
Ultimo Tiger: This won't go well.
Fighter Daron: Hey, this is the longest I've gone without going to rookie court. Been a great day for me so far!
Blue Lightning: I will go follow him for the LOLZ!
w00t: So you see Mr. Hint, with our synergy and cohesion, Hint Industries and Alpha Pro Wrestling can become a force to be reckoned with! We pimp your Hint Houses, and you give people hints about how to watch Alpha Pro! It's perfect!
Blue Lightning: Good enthusiasm. Now don't forget to smile.
w00t: I don't smile. Aren't you smiling enough for the both of us?
Blue Lightning: Smiiiiile.
w00t: :D
Blue Lightning: Now lift up your pinky to show that you're a classy gentleman.
w00t: What?! No!
Mr. Hint: Ummm....I don't have any money guys. I only ever made money off some kid named Ness and that was like 15 years ago? Here is a hint on the house....and that hint is get OUT of said house...if you please.
w00t: Dammit. I thought that would work.
Blue Lightning: Told you man, you have to be classy about this. Lift the pinky and wear a gentleman's hat....and a bow tie....and a monocle....and a cane.
w00t: ENOUGH! I'll just have to look for sponsors elsewhere. Until then, we need to find a way to make some money and get our brand name out. Wait, I got an idea! We'll work together with an indy fed. We'll offer our roster, and they will pay us. We get to show who we are, and we make some money while looking for sponsors! I wonder who we could work with though?
Picky Minch: Glad you came to me with this idea w00t! I used to work with Very Bloody Wrestling back when they cross promoted with EBW. They had to close their doors, but Mr. Shifty just got the company back up for a big revival!
w00t: Mr. Shifty is it? Sounds.....I want to say Shifty, but that's the point so I'm going to say "Shady".
Mr. Shifty: Shady? Me? No way man. I'm a legitimate business man!
w00t: How did you get the funding for VBW?
Mr. Shifty: Selling blood and doing favors for the mob.
w00t: Exactly.
Picky Minch: Same ol' Shifty! So what do you say? Do you want to hire us?
Mr. Shifty: Well, it would be good to see my guys go over some EBW guys.
w00t: We're actually forming our own promotion called Alpha Pro.
Mr. Shifty: Right, but I'm going to tell the people EBW cause the brand sells.
w00t: But, we're trying to get our name out and-
Mr. Shifty: EBW or no go!
w00t: *sigh* Fine. What kind of money are we talking here.
Mr. Shifty: $200
w00t: A piece?
Mr. Shifty: No $200 in total for your services at my next show.
w00t: That's ridiculous.
Mr. Shifty: No, that's indy level pay! You want to run an indy fed? You better learn how things work around here! Wrestlers work cheap on this level. I'm not paying individually. I'm saving money and buying by the gross. You understand my language?
w00t: For $200 you get three guys.
Mr. Shifty: Deal. I'll take the Tiger guy, the Stuart kid, and this big specimen right here! What is your name kid?
Chu Chu: Chu Chu.
Mr. Shifty: You have potential my man. How would you like to work for me?
Chu Chu: I'm loyal to my brand sir. No thank you.
Mr. Shifty: Fair enough. You have the charisma of wheat bread anyways. Well then, let's make this official!
-A very bloody debut for the Alpha team in VBW, as Chu Chu, Ultimo Tiger, and Simon Stuart took on CaveBoy!, Bob the Uber Blob, and Tex Slazenger. VBW is known for its hardcore, anything goes environment, and sleazy low budget wrestling. In fact, the wrestlers would have to count their own pin attempts, as VBW could not afford a referee. Chu Chu and CaveBoy! traded chair shots, while UT somehow got Bob the Uber Blob onto a table and splashed onto him from the top rope. Tex Slazenger kept Simon Stuart at bay with his naked slap boxing, and whipped him into the barbed wire ropes, where found himself trapped. Chu Chu smashed his way through CaveBoy! and lifted Tex into a Torture Rack while he was celebrating. Tex had to tap out immediately, giving Alpha Team the win and the $200!
Polestar Elementary School
-Chu Chu/Ultimo Tiger/Simon Stuart beat CaveBoy![VBW]/Bob the Uber Blob[VBW]/Tex Slazenger[VBW] (10:20) via Chu Chu Torture Rack on Slazenger -> Submission
Announcer: Alpha Team has found a new home and $200. Can they continue their momentum? Can they buy an actual ring? Find out next time on Alpha!
Nerma: Nerma here, with big breaking news! The Xperience card has been revealed, and it appears that Lady M's is going to be facing off with the Capcom sympathizer Paula in the main event! Paula as you know sabotaged the return of the Sparkle ladies to EBW, and has since tried to inhibit their rise. Paula has so far overcome a challenge from Tracy, but can she overcome Smash Mouth Justice?
Tess: M's, are you sure about this? We can hold off a showdown like this till Victory Explosion VI. That would be a great women's match to get on the card.
Lady M's: This can't wait. That bitch needs to learn that you don't screw with Sparkle! That's why I'm going to teach her by busting all her teeth out with my elbow, and crushing her throat with my lariat.
Tess: That's still my daughter in law....but go ahead.
Lady M's: I may not like all the ladies in Sparkle, but we all hate Capcom even more, so I think we have some common ground here. Tracy, I don't trust you even a little bit, but you earned a little respect in our last match.
Tracy: That's fine Tali, but I'm not trying to earn your respect or your friendship. Just doing what is right for business.
Lady M's: Wise decision Tracy. I would hate to have to bust up Tess's actual daughter too....well I wouldn't HATE it per say.
Tracy: Well Tali, I know you're looking to dish out some harsh justice on XP, so why don't I join you in your corner. I'll keep an eye on the outside.
Lady M's: Thanks, but no thanks Tracy. I already have someone coming to watch my back. She's an old...."friend", and she wants to show her support.
Tracy: Who?
Lady M's: None of your damn business Tracy.
Tracy: Heh...same ol M's.
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Stage 2: Countdown
1. Singles: Cherub Kid vs. Onisuiken
2. 5 Minute Exhibition Infinity Division: Randy no Kachi vs. Firebrand X
3. 4-Team #1 Contender Match: Hotlanta/Generator vs. Vega[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom] vs. Pretty Tony/Ra vs. Grind/Switchback
4. Invasion Infinity Division Tag: Anwin/Camilo Ortega vs. Dhalsim[Capcom]/Cody Travers[Capcom]
5. Singles: Swift vs. E. Honda[Capcom]
6. EBW vs. Capcom Battle Royale: Tack Angel/Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice/Sal Paradise vs. M. Bison[Capcom]/Sagat[Capcom]/Ryu[Capcom]/Ken[Capcom]/Dante[Capcom]
7. Sparkle Division Singles: Lady M's vs. Paula
Nerma: Late breaking news comes from an EBW Live! event in the outskirts of the Onett, as it appears that Kinniku Mike has been dethroned as the Eagleland Champion! Yes, the..."Sex Machine", who was just planning on refocusing his career has felt the sting of Greed once again. Noah Jennings reclaimed the belt after a cat and mouse game with Kinniku Mike that ended in surprising fashion. Kinniku Mike's friend and protege from TUE5 Mike Ishijima came down to assist Greed, and apparently joined the group that's helping take down EBW for Capcom from within. He was wearing a new outfit and carrying a new swagger as he pretended to fight off Petty Tony and Ra, only to clock Mike and open him up for the Stock Market Crash. Noah Jennings and the rest of New Money are now back in control of the Tri-Force titles and the Eagleland Champion. Greed has a brand new member.
Hater: In other matches, Onisuiken defeated rookie Cherub Kid in the opener. He used the Gimmick Driver to become Tack Angel's gimmick so he could outwit the protege of Tack. Oni hit the Angel Driver and pinned him cleanly. Mike Ishijima appeared earlier in the night in his original gear and won a surprising victory over Bolshoi. The clowned prince was in control until Mike escaped a Bolshoi Bomb and hit the Wrist–Clutch Fisherman Driver before the pin.
Nerma: Infinity Division #1 Contender Shadow was up next to size up rookie Firebrand X, but before the match could get into full swing, the Infinity Division Champion Randy no Kachi gave his former mentor a taste of his own medicine and got involved in the match. Afterwards, RnK made it clear that he wants to defend the title against Shadow at Victory Explosion VI. Jet Set Future brought their Lucha Blades style against Pretty Tony and Ra of New Money. 2/3 of the Tri-Force Champions were overwhelmed and confused by this new team and their new style, so they left the ring to be counted out, giving Jet Set the victory.
Hater: Amigo came out to take on Hashim Al-Singh with a large Capcom banner that he tore up. He taunted the Capcom World Champion Ryu, and continued to taunt him as he faced off with Hashim in the ring. This one sided match had Amigo dominating. He introduced his new finisher the Fire Thunder Driver, a more tradition pro wrestling move compared to his amaresu style moves. An easy win for Amigo.
Nerma: Speaking of Capcom, Balrog and Vega invaded the tour circuit, and once again challenged the team of Tack Angel and Swift. This time however, their matches were broken up into singles battles. Tack had trouble with Balrog, and couldn't land a kick without taking a vicious punch, so he took things to the mat and submitted Balrog with an Elevated Dusty Dunes Cloverleaf. Swift would not be so lucky, as he dominated his match, but dirty tricks and a claw to the face from Vega lead to the Rolling Crystal Flash and the pin. Swift was less than please and tried to get to Vega as Phoenix Wright and the Capcom Shocktroopers got in his way.
Hater: That ladies of Sparkle took the semi main event, as Erica and Val solidified their spot as the top ladies team by taking down Kumatora and Nanimura. The Princess and the Pure Mu wrestler were mismatched as a team, leading to Erica hitting the Endgame Diamond Cutter on Kumatora and pinning her as Val dealt with Nanimura on the outside. Val and Nani's exchanges were quite heated, and a singles match may come of this brawl.
Nerma: It was a big show in the outskirts of Onett, with some big developments that will impact feuds on television and at Victory Explosion VI. Greed is regaining power and Capcom is poised to attack on all fronts. Things are definitely heating up!
EBW: Live!
Onett Outskirts
1. Singles: Onisuiken beat Cherub Kid (5:14) via Angel Driver -> Pin
2. Infinity Division Singles: Mike Ishijima beat Bolshoi (8:05) via Wrist–Clutch Fisherman Driver -> Pin
3. Infinity Division Singles: Shadow vs. Firebrand X (3:29) No Contest
4. Tag Team: Grind/Switchback beat Ra/Pretty Tony (5:50) via Countout
5. Singles: Amigo beat Hashim Al-Singh (4:57) via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
6. Invasion Singles: Tack Angel beat Balrog[Capcom] (8:44) via Elevated Dusty Dunes Cloverleaf -> Submission
7. Invasion Singles: Vega[Capcom] beat Swift (7:59) via Rolling Crystal Flash -> Pin
8. Sparkle Division Tag: Erica/Val beat Kumatora/Nanimura (6:50) via Erica Endgame Diamond Cutter on Kumatora -> Pin
9: Eagleland Championship: Noah Jennings beat Kinniku Mike(c) (10:09) via Stock Market Crash STO -> Pin -> New Eagleland Champion
Announcer: It's now time for another EBW Network News Update!
Nerma: Nerma here, with more late breaking news for all the EBW viewers out there. This is some big Victory Explosion news, as I can now confirm that this year's Victory Explosion event will take place in the middle of the Dusty Dunes Desert. A huge desert full of wrestling fans. This will be a first for the company, who has toured in the desert before, but never put on a show as big as this. I can also confirm to you that Sal Paradise will indeed be putting the Global World Championship on the line against Akuma. The crazed and vicious Akuma accepted the challenge that Sal made to Capcom, and now the two will do battle in the desert. We caught up with Sal earlier today, and got this comment from him.
Sal Paradise: I guess you get what you ask for sometimes right? Akuma is on a whole other level from Sagat. For example....he's got two eyes...meaning depth perception. I didn't have to deal with depth perception before. Also, this guy knows how to do things other than Tiger this and Tiger that. The point being that Akuma is probably the best that they can throw at me, but the People's Choice won't back down.
Victory Explosion VI: Ultimate EBW vs. Capcom
Dusty Dunes Desert
Pay Per View
1. Capcom World Championship: Ryu[Capcom](c) vs. ?
2. Chaotic Battle: Jamie OD vs. Trevor Mach
3. Global World Championship: Sal Paradise(c) vs. Akuma[Capcom]
Nerma: You can expect more big matches to be booked in the weeks leading up to the big show. Victory Explosion VI is on the way! We now take you to the second installment of Jackie's talk show now called "One Eyed Jack's".
Jackie: Welcome to One Eyed Jack's! See it's a joke because I have one eye? Get it? I didn't think it very funny either, but what are you gonna do? Anyways, I'm here with four very special guests to chat with about this and that. Three of them currently work for EBW, with Lady M's, Dynamic Dougie, and the new rookie Cherub Kid.
Lady M's: Jackie.
Cherub Kid: Ohayou gozaimasu! Let's get along well! *Bows*
Dynamic Dougie: Definitely a Tack student. Heya Jackie. I'd keep an eye on this kid, he's kind of strange.
Jackie: An eye Dougie? I only have one eye Dougie. If I keep an eye on him, then what do I do when you try to pour yourself free drinks.....again.
Dynamic Dougie: I....uh...well you seeeee....
Jackie: Don't worry about it. We have someone else here with us today, isn't that right M's?
Lady M's: Yes, this is my good friend Sarah. We've known each other for years. She's never been much of a wrestling fan, but with the return of Sparkle to EBW she wanted to lend her support.
Sarah: Very nice to meet you Jackie.
Jackie: I see. So the often standoffish Lady M's actually found time in her youth for friends eh?
Lady M's: What's that supposed to mean?!
Jackie: Well let's be honest here. The only two people you don't dish out beatings to on a daily basis are your husband and me, and that's only because I'm the one that gives you drinks!
Lady M's: .....That's true I suppose. You are the only one exempt from Smash Mouth Justice.
Jackie: and your husband....right?
Lady M's: .........
Jackie: Well whatever floats your boat I suppose.
Sarah: Tali and I go way way back. We've been out of touch for years, but I want to show her how I feel by standing by her side against Paula this week.
Jackie: Oh that's right, you're facing Paula this week. That's a pretty big match for the fledgling division isn't it?
Lady M's: Only big because I will be sending Ness a BIG hospital bill when I'm through with his turncoat bitch wife!
Jackie: Confident as always. Now Sarah, if memory serves this isn't your first time in front of an EBW camera is it?
Sarah: *sigh* No, it's not. One time I was....forced on a double date.
Dynamic Dougie: Hey! Was it really that bad?
Jackie: Oh yeah, that was when you went on that date with Dougie here! Imagine that! I totally didn't plan that ahead of time.
Dynamic Dougie: Yeah, sure you didn't. Cyclops asshole.
Sarah: I was hoping to spend some time with Tali, but instead I had this ginger lunatic making a pass at me every other minute.
Dynamic Dougie: Hey, I was a PROPER gentleman!
Sarah: You took off your trunks in the hot tub!
Dynamic Dougie: That's was Trevor and Tali's idea! They said they were all doing it!
Sarah: A likely story! Tali?
Lady M's: Heh, don't look at me. I think the guy is a psycho!
Dynamic Dougie: Hey! We're supposed to be family dammit!
Jackie: That brings up a good point. Sarah, I figured you would have wanted to attend Tali's wedding last year. How come you weren't there?
Lady M's: You sure pay attention to small details Jackie.
Jackie: I have an "eye" for this sort of thing.
Dynamic Dougie: By eye, he means he's got a bunch of talking points written on a piece of paper over there.
Jackie: Quiet you!
Sarah: Right...well I....I was really busy at the time and couldn't make it to Fourside. I....regret....not being there.
Lady M's: Hell, these things happen Jackie. The point is that she's here now, and she's going to have my back when I make Paula pay.
Jackie: Sounds good to me. Now before we go, we haven't gotten to speak with Cherub Kid, so let's take this time to find out a little more about the rookie. Cherub? Where did he go?
Dynamic Dougie: Ha! He slinked away earlier the moment voices were raised. Timid kid is a better name for him!
Jackie: Well great, we scared off the rookie. In that case I'm closing up the bar for today. You don't have to go home, but you cant' stay here. Goodnight!
Lady M's: Sarah, glad to see you finally made it.
Sarah: Sorry Tali, had something...important to do before the show tonight.
Lady M's: Everything alright?
Sarah: No, but it will be later.
Lady M's: Huh?
Sarah: When you beat Paula in the main event of course!
Lady M's: Oh heh! You can count on it. Going to bring her a world of hurt tonight.
Sarah: Looking forward to it.
Dynamic Dougie: Yeah! I'm with you on that Sarah! Haha!
Sarah: Tali, it's that Doug guy again.
Lady M's: I would say ignore him and he'll go away, but that hasn't gotten him to move out yet.
Dynamic Dougie: Haha! You're funny Tali!
Lady M's: Yeah, I'm sure you THINK I'm joking.
Sarah: What do you want?
Dynamic Dougie: Here to do my job of course! Tali, tonight you're getting the main event for the Sparkle Division. You're going up against Paula, in a huge grudge match. Are you ready?
Lady M's: I'm always ready.....always.
Dynamic Dougie: That's great to hear. Now onto real business. Sarah, do you want to maybe possibly kinda sorta wanna go out with-
Sarah: No.
Dynamic Dougie: it because of the "incident".
Sarah: It's a lot of things.
Dynamic Dougie: Well I-
Lady M's: Dougie leave!
Dynamic Dougie: Yes Mam!
Lady M's: What a ginger bitch.
Sarah: Ha!
The countdown for Victory Explosion VI has entered its second stage, as another countdown begins. An ultimatum from Capcom, that full on war is on the horizon. M. Bison is poising for a full on attack with Shadaloo, and Akuma has come to answer the call of Global World Champion Sal Paradise. Meanwhile, EBW continues to find traitors, as Paula has joined the Capcom sympathizers and become public enemy #1 to the Sparkle Division. All the while a new generation is standing up to the threat of Capcom, lead by Global World Champion Sal Paradise. The show opened with Sal leading out SURGE Generation, Tag Team Champion Anwin, and Infinity Division Champion Randy no Kachi. Sal grabbed a mic.
Sal Paradise: Hellooooo EBW! Man, what an exciting night, am I right? I mean we're heading to Victory Explosion! It's that kind of special feeling where you just HAVE to point at a sign! Now where is that sign? I MUST point at a sign so I can show everyone that I really really want to have that title match at Victory Explosion. It's the only way fans will know that a big event is coming up if I point at the sign! No? No sign? Oh well. People, I'll cut to the chase for ya. This IS a big event for a lot of reasons, but the main reason will be me making history by defeating Akuma and defending the Global World Championship! That's not all though, cause we're going to war with Capcom and we've got all the ammo we need. Just look at the guys in this ring right now. SURGE Generation, whenever they aren't getting screwed by Greed they are winning titles and breaking records. Randy no Kachi has become a better Shadow than Shadow ever was! Anwin goes from Infinity Division Champ to Tag Team Champ in the less than a month, and does so in a match that saw EBW get rid of Troy! I mean look at these guys! We're the new generation the best generation, and we'll lead the fight against Capcom!
Little Mac: You're looking at Capcom, when you should be thinking about us.
Sal Paradise: Now just what the hell do you guys want?
Little Mac: The same as we always want. Money....Power....Control. We're the elite of this company, and by siding with Capcom we have assured our survival.
Sal Paradise: No, you've just assured that everyone sees you as the sell out bitches that you are.
Little Mac: Who cares what the people think? We have money! We're the best in wrestling, and we even just added a new member. Everyone say hello to Mike Ishijima! During a live show this week, the former protege of Kinniku Mike served up justice and helped bring the Eagleland Championship back where it belongs.
Mike Ishijima: No offense Mike, but you should have seen this coming. I mean, you knew I wanted to make a name for myself more than anything else and that includes "friendship".
Kinniku Mike: I know that you're a little punk ass traitor that is now another target on my Greed hit list!
Mike Ishijima: Traitor?! How am I the traitor? Look at you! You're the one who abandoned me after TUE 5. The young rookie left to fend for himself and find his own way. You said you had my back, but you were never there! I found my own way alright....with Greed. Now, everyone knows who I am. Now, I'm in the elite and making money. Now-
Kinniku Mike: Now you're in line for a BLUE OCEAN SONOKO BOMB!
Little Mac: Enough. Look, this is not personal, it's only business. That's why I came out here tonight. Next week, we are challenging your "best" to take on our "best" on behalf of Capcom. If we win, you will concede to Capcom's demands and allow them to book Victory Explosion VI as they see fit. If you win I'll-
Amigo: Give Maurice the match he wants at Victory Explosion. You'll finally stand in the middle of the ring like a man and face him. No excuses and no cop outs.
Little Mac: Really? That's what you want for victory? Wouldn't you rather have me talk to Ryu about some Capcom World Championship rematch? Much better bargaining chip than-
Amigo: No! I'll get that rematch on my own. This is what I want.
Maurice: Amigo.
Kinniku Mike: Yeah, give him the damn match already.
Sal Paradise: You'll hear no complaints out of me. Grow some balls and be a man Mac.
Little Mac: Ha! You want it you got it. It's not like you'll be winning anyways. You'll lose to us on Xcite, and you'll lose the control of Victory Explosion VI. Good day Gentlemen.
Sal Paradise: Don't listen to him. Don't anybody listen to that washed up has been. This right here is the best that EBW has ever been, with the best wrestlers that EBW has ever had. Greed and Capcom....don't stand a chance.
-The opening contest saw the rookie Cherub Kid get another shot at getting his foot in the door against Onisuiken. Oni won their first encounter during a Live! show by using his Gimmick Driver to mimic Tack Angel. That plan worked then, but it wouldn't work now, as Cherub had him scouted and out thought Oni before rolling him up for a pin. Cherub Kid gets a win and gets noticed by the EBW fans.
-Firebrand X continues to draw intrigue with his hybrid style and ability to hang in there with the best, so he was booked in a 5-Minute Exhibition match with the champion Randy no Kachi. These two put on a top notch match, but eventually Shadow made his presence felt again, and put the pressure on RnK. The distractions paid off, with Randy not being able to finish the match and the match ending in a Draw. Shadow rushed the ring to get into RnK's face, but Firebrand X nearly took off Shadow's head with a high kick that forced him out of the ring. Firebrand bowed to the champ and rolled out of the ring.
-A big 4-Team #1 Contender Match was held next, with the winning team getting a shot at the EBW Tag Team Championships at Victory Explosion VI. Vega and Balrog invaded to try and get a shot at the belts, Hotlanta and Generator paired off to represent the Infinity Division, Pretty Tony and Ra were looking add more belts to Greed, and finally Jet Set Future were given a huge chance to prove themselves early. This was a big and chaotic match, with Greed obviously working alongside Capcom. Hotlanta and Generator had to work with Grind and Switchback, and it seemingly turned into an 8-Man tag. Jet Set had the fans behind them with their Lucha Blades style, and actually had veterans Vega and Balrog on the ropes. Finally, Capcom played their trump card, as Vega ordered Ra to drop to the mat and quickly take the pin. Capcom's Shadaloo top team were now lined up to take on the champions Anwin and Camilo Ortega. Speaking of the champions, they were scouting the match the entire time while not necessarily being happy to stand next to each other. When Capcom won the match, Camilo Ortega tried to hide the fact that he was less than pleased.
-The champions were up next as they took on Dhalsim and Cody Travers of Capcom. Anwin and Camilo were overwhelmed the last time they tried to fight as a team, but this time they managed to put aside their differences, and the pair was actually quite effective. Camilo used his ground skills to keep Cody down while Dhalsim tried to use his stretching yoga skills to get to Anwin. Anwin had him scouted and grabbed Dhalsim's legs, yanking him onto the top turnbuckle and flooring him with a Static Suplerplex before the pin. A big win for the Tag Team Champions, as even Anwin and Camilo looked surprised by how well they worked together.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here with-
Swift: Quit that shit Dougie! I'm here for business get out of my way!
Dynamic Dougie: Waaa!
Phoenix Wright: Hold it right there Swift! I have a court order here! You can NOT make a move against us unless we're in the ring. This is supposed to be handled with class!
Swift: Class my ass, and I know that rhymed and I'll laugh at it later, but I've got some issues with E. Honda over here!
Phoenix Wright: What seems to be the problem?
Swift: He stole my damn lunchables from the fridge!
E. Honda: I DID NOT!
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION! How do you know it was E. Honda?
Swift: I'm judge, jury, and executioner around here bitch! Capcom may think their shit don't stink, but around here they're as guilty as that damn rookie Fighter Daron! >:C
Zangief: I wrestle bear again?
Phoenix Wright: No Zangief, not right now.
Swift: I'll fight you big man. I'll fight fat man too. Hell, bring on the blood sucking lawyer! You're gonna pay for eating my lunchables!
Dynamic Dougie: And threatening EBW?
Swift: Hmph! >:C
Phoenix Wright: .....I'm not a blood I?
Dynamic Dougie: Don't look at me dude.
-Swift and E. Honda clashed in a big brawl in the next match, though fans were cheated out of what this match could have been. Zangief appeared to try and get Swift's attention, which lead to Swift going outside of the ring to try and brawl with him. Swift got turned around by E. Honda so he fought with him too. He managed to hold off both members of Capcom until the referee had no choice but to declare the match a No Contest.
-The EBW elite came together to battle Capcom, as Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Tack Angel, and SURGE Generation took on M. Bison, Sagat, Capcom World Champion Ryu, Ken, and Dante. The problem was that Sagat was no where to been seen. Phoenix Wright declared that Sagat was injured and had to be replaced, but the replacement was no where to be seen. Team EBW had an early advantage, with SURGE Generation knocking Dante out immediately. The brawl continued for several minutes without an eliminated. Amigo and Ryu continued their feud, with Amigo trying to eliminate the Capcom World Champion to prove he deserves a rematch. Sal and Tack were running over M. Bison until the lights went out and the mood suddenly changed, as Akuma made his way to the ring as the replacement. The difficulty level just got higher, as Akuma immediately elbowed Tack and Maurice out of the ring. Amigo and Mike retaliated by knocking Ken out of the ring, but then Greed came down to turn the tide, helping Ryu, Akuma, and Bison knock them both out of the ring. The rest of Team Capcom took their time with Global World Champion Sal Paradise while SURGE battled Greed outside of the ring. Sal fought back and knocked Bison out of the ring with a high kick, but Akuma quickly unleashed some hard shots that took the wind out of Sal and allowed him to be eliminated. Of course that wasn't all for Akuma, as he dragged Sal back into the ring and Capcom did a number on him until help could arrive. A staggering loss for EBW, and a dominating showing for Akuma.
-The main event would be a big Sparkle Division match, as Lady M's would defend the honor of the ladies against the traitorous turncoat Paula. M's was accompanied by Sarah and wasted no time in going on the attack with hard elbows and punches. M's was in no mood for a technical classic, and had no trouble grabbing Paula by the back of the head and slamming it into the mat. She had Ness's wife on the run, but Paula's trickery was set to turn the tide, as she ran out of the ring and used the ring steps to block an elbow, and it seemed to hurt badly as she held onto to her arm now. Paula targeted the injury and tried to stretch the arm and apply armbars to submit and humiliate M's, but she pulled through and regained control with a hard head butt and a Sexy Strong Stunner that forced Paula to leave the ring again. M's was looking to finish off Paula with Smash Mouth Justice, until suddenly Sarah got into the ring. M's turned to question what she was doing in the ring. That is when Sarah apologized to her and pushed her into the corner, giving he a big kiss. M's was puzzled and didn't notice as Jamie OD ran into the ring with a beer bottle and smashed it over Lady M's head. He laughed manically as the ref tried to get him out of the ring, but Jamie jabbed him in the face with the bottle as well. Sarah clutched M's as she tried to shake off the attack and kissed her again. Jamie helped hold M's down as he appeared fixated on carving M's with the bottle. President Trevor Mach rushed down to the ring and chased away Jamie, with the Red Shirts ripping Sarah off of Lady M's. Jamie grabbed onto Sarah and planted a big kiss on her before laughing at Trevor and running off. A chaotic show with a chaotic and confusing conclusion.
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Stage 2: Countdown
1. Singles: Cherub Kid beat Onisuiken (4:22) via Roll Up -> Pin
2. 5 Minute Exhibition Infinity Division: Randy no Kachi vs. Firebrand X (5:00) Time Limit Draw
3. 4-Team #1 Contender Match: Vega[Capcom]/Balrog[Capcom] beat Hotlanta/Generator, Pretty Tony/Ra, and Grind/Switchback (11:14) via Vega Pin on Ra -> Pin
4. Invasion Infinity Division Tag: Anwin/Camilo Ortega beat Dhalsim[Capcom]/Cody Travers[Capcom] (6:41) via Anwin Static Superplex on Dhalsim -> Pin
5. Singles: Swift vs. E. Honda[Capcom] (2:30) No Contest
6. EBW vs. Capcom Battle Royale: Tack Angel/Amigo/Kinniku Mike/Maurice/Sal Paradise vs. M. Bison[Capcom]/Akuma[Capcom]/Ryu[Capcom]/Ken[Capcom]/Dante[Capcom]
Winner: Akuma[Capcom]
7. Sparkle Division Singles: Lady M's beat Paula (8:28) via DQ
Maelstrom is back! The Hybrid Fighting sensation that changed EBW forever has returned to the air waves via EBW Network. This is the stage for EBW's fighters to step into a whole new kind of fighting environment and prove that they are the best all around fighters period!
A sell out crowd packed the Battle Dome for what would be the "Kickstart" of a new era in Hybrid Fighting. Four bouts would be featured on the first show, with the fighters being all members of EBW, including the Sparkle Division participants Heather Mach and Val. Three of the four matches in an Openweight Grand Prix would set the path to crowning a Champion, but who would make it through round 1?
-Maurice and Pretty Tony kicked off this new era with a strike fest. Both are accomplished strikers, and fans of a standing match got what they wanted here. They pulled no punches, and spent the majority of round 1 duking it out in the center of the ring. Round 2 saw Maurice get Tony against the ropes and start landing vicious body blows. Tony missed a big right and opened himself up to a KO Punch from Maurice, knocking Tony out. Maurice advances to the next round of the tournament.
-Hashim Al-Singh and Anwin had a longer and more grueling encounter, as Hashim tried to keep Anwin on the ground and smother him into submission. The "lay and pray" strategy kept Anwin from using his best tools, but he showed skills on the ground by rolling out of every submission attempt from Hashim. Three rounds of this strategy helped Hashim get the points lead, and he won via judge's decision. Anwin mocked the way Hashim had to win the match, and played up to the fans, telling his opponent that the fans wanted to see a more exciting fight. The white noise ninja caused some feedback in the mic and no one actually heard what he had said, but the fans got the jist and sided with Anwin. Hashim proved that the Hybrid stage might be best suited for him, and he's a become a strong contender to win the whole thing.
-The Sparkle Division sent two of their best, and they didn't disappoint, as Heather Mach and Val put on a brutal display. The ladies were aggressive, and out to prove something. Val had the overall power advantage, but Heather had the speed and strikes on her side. A well time Rushing Knee to the Face surprised Val and knocked her out cold. Heather Mach won the match via KO.
-The main event of the night was also the shortest match, as Amaresu Machine Amigo took Camilo Ortega to school. Camilo is well versed in Judo and takedowns, but Amigo overwhelmed him on the mat and locked in choke fairly quickly. Camilo tried to escape, but the hold was locked too tight and he began to pass out. The referee quickly stopped the bout and awarded the win to Amigo. A fantastic showing from Amigo, and Camilo's refusal to tap shows he will be taking this very seriously in the future. Overall a good start to the return of Maelstrom.
Maelstorm: Kickstart
Battle Dome
The EBW Network
1. Openweight Grand Prix Round 1: Maurice beat Pretty Tony (R2 2:31) -> KO -> Punches
2. Openweight Grand Prix Round 1: Hashim Al-Singh beat Anwin (R3 5:00) -> Decision
3. Women's Hybrid Battle: Heather Mach beat Val Dorado (R2 1:17) -> KO -> Rushing Knee to the Face
4. Openweight Grand Prix Round 1: Amigo beat Camilo Ortega (R1 0:52) -> Stoppage -> Choke Hold
President Trevor Mach: So that's when I said "Hey you, get your damn hands off her!"
Tack Angel: Exactly, another Back to the Future quote! That's all you do!
President Trevor Mach: Hey! This time it was appropriate!
Tack Angel: We were playing Smash Brothers!
President Trevor Mach: Right! You had your meat hooks all over Kirby!
Tack Angel: Kirby is a guy!
President Trevor Mach: YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT!
Tack Angel: Yes I can! He's actually been here before!
President Trevor Mach: .....Touche. By the way, you still owe me for the Rumble Pak you broke.
Tack Angel: That was MY N64, and it was MY controller that you tossed into MY television!
President Trevor Mach: I did you a favor! The buttons were stuck and that television sucked! Anyways rookies, I hope you learned a valuable lesson.
Cherub Kid: ......
Fighter Daron: Sir, with all due respect....what was I supposed to be learning?
President Trevor Mach: Huh? I don't know. Didn't you come over here to ask me about how Tack cheats at video games?
Tack Angel: I so do not!
Fighter Daron: No, actually I came over here to ask you politely if we could possibly borrow Cherub Kid for the Alpha brand?
President Trevor Mach: Oh! Why didn't you say so?
Fighter Daron: I did. You just kind of started talking about video games.
President Trevor Mach: Well then....I don't see why not.
Tack Angel: That should be an interesting learning experience. Go for it Cherub.
Cherub Kid: YATTA!
President Trevor Mach: Boy you said it you spunky kid you.
Tack Angel: You have no idea what he's even saying do you?
President Trevor Mach: Something about owning a Yacht?
Fighter Daron: Oh no! Not again!
Swift: Oh yes! Again....again!
Cherub Kid: Ohayo Gozaimasu Swift Sempai!
Tack Angel: Swift? What's up?
Swift: Low down dirty rookie crime Tack. That is what is up!
President Trevor Mach: Silly Swift, Tack's not a rookie! All he did was chuck my N64 out of the window! Not a BIG crime!
Tack Angel: LIES! Lies and slander!
Swift: I'm here for him! Fighter Daron!
Fighter Daron: Please no Mr. Swift! I haven't done anything wrong! I was just here to-
Fighter Daron: What?! NO! I-
Announcer: When rookies go astray, Swift will make them pay! This is Rookie Court!
Swift: This is Rookie Court. Today we will-
President Trevor Mach: Oh by the way Swift, you on for D&D this weekend?
Swift: OF COURSE! >:C
President Trevor Mach: Aight just checking. Proceed.
Swift: Right. Fighter Daron, you have been charged with being a pain in my ass! Also you tried to steal talent from EBW. How do you plead?
Fighter Daron: Like this....I'M INNOCENT! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!
Swift: Hey! Quit that shit! >:C Today's jury consists of EBW President Trevor Mach, former Global World Champion and N64 breaker Tack Angel-
Tack Angel: IT WAS MY N64!
Swift: You know whatchu you did! >:C
Tack Angel: *groan*
Swift: And finally this new kid here....what's his name?
Tack Angel: Cherub Kid Swift...the guy that Daron was "supposedly" "stealing" "airquotes"
Swift: Right....that kid.
Cherub Kid: *bows* Swift Sempai!
Swift: Now that is how a rookie should act....DARON! >:C
Fighter Daron: Mr. President, please help me?
President Trevor Mach: Hold up Daron, I'm playing Pac Man Championship Edition on my PSP. Championship Mode is HARD!
Tack Angel: Trevor, maybe we should focus on the court case? Besides, you should get Championship Edition DX for the console. I got that.
President Trevor Mach: NO ONE LIKES A BRAGGART TACK! You think I can afford that?!
Tack Angel: What? On a President's salary? Yes! Yes I do think that you can afford that.
President Trevor Mach: Suck it Tack.
Tack Angel: What?
President Trevor Mach: Just Suck it and shut up. We're supposed to be paying attention to the case. GEEZ!
Tack Angel: *sigh*
Swift: I have forgotten what this case was about. Either way I'm sure Daron is guilty. Jury? >:C
President Trevor Mach: Huh? Oh yeah sure.
Tack Angel: What?! No! He's Not Guilty!
Cherub Kid: ....Uh....guilty?
Tack Angel: Cherub?!
Cherub Kid: Gomenasai Tacksamasempaikun!
Tack Angel: *sigh* Of course he didn't know the difference.
Swift: Well that's still 2 to 1 and in this court majority rules! That means that Daron is GUILTY! >:C
Fighter Daron: *sigh* What are you going to make me do this time?
President Trevor Mach: Make him watch Blood Fist 9 on VHS!
Swift:'ve got Blood Fist 9?!
President Trevor Mach: Yep! Just got it off E-bay!
Swift: Sweet! That would be more like a reward though. I have a much more suitable punishment!
Swift: You....Me.....CROSSFIRE!
Tack Angel: AH SWEET!
President Trevor Mach: CROSS FIREEEEEEEEEE!!!! HELL YEAH! Love that game!
Fighter Daron: Crossfire? That's my punishment? That's a great game, why is it a punishment.
Tack Angel: You've obviously never played Swift.
President Trevor Mach: I PLAY WINNER!
The episode you have just watched is brought to you by Crossfire. You'll get caught up in it.
The path to Victory Explosion continues, and a collision course with Capcom, and some of the best fighters ever has become inevitable. However, before that big day EBW would have to weed out insurgents from within, as a series with Greed would determine whether Capcom would control Victory Explosion or not. Also, the women of EBW the Sparkle Division, would begin their road to crowning their first Queen with the start of the Queen's Crown Tournament.
The participants stood in the ring at the start of the show. Paula stayed outside of the ring and taunted the other ladies as Tess and Ryan IQ brought out the trophy and the Queen's Crown. The championship will be defended at Victory Explosion VI, but who will be the champion and who will be the challenger?
-The opening match saw Paula take on the Princess Kumatora. The prim and proper Kumatora was easy prey for Paula's dirty tactics, that involved destroying Kumatora's tiara and jewelry just to upset her. Paula dominated a one sided match, and introduced a new Inverted Implant DDT finisher she called the PSI Capcom before getting the pin.
-Tracy and Nanimura duked it out in a much more athletic competition. Interesting match that saw Tracy try to keep it standing while Nanimura' MU style was on full display, with her trying to take Tracy to the ground. Tracy gained the upperhand when she blocked a take down attempt and landed her Tic Tac Reverse Bulldog before getting the pin.
Lady M's:'ve got some nerve coming here and-
Sarah: Hold it right there Tali. If you look behind you you will see that I didn't come alone.
Lady M's: Eh?
Cammy: Lady M's, you must enjoy being beat. If you make one more move towards her I'll remodel your face.
Lady M's: Just try it.
Sarah: Tali Tali had to know this was coming.
Lady M's: What? I had to know that my best friend was going to stab me in the back? And THEN let some ginger bastard stab me in the face with a bottle? I was supposed to know that was coming? Hardly.
Sarah: Hardly? You were always blind about us weren't you?
Lady M's: I have no idea what you're talking about. All I know is that I was blind to what a traitorous bitch you are.
Sarah: Oh I'm the traitor am I?! Tali you have no idea how much you have hurt me with all of this. All of this wrestling crap! Everything with Trevor! You could've had so much more!
Lady M's: What?
Sarah: You could've had me!
Lady M's:'re fucking insane.
Sarah: HAHA! That's what Jamie told me too, and now I'm with him! That's what Capcom said when they hired me as a "consultant"! That's why I'm here tonight Tali, it's strictly business.
Lady M's: Business my ass. You're twisted, and you're gonna pay for screwing me over.
Sarah: As much as I would like to "screw you over", that's not going to be the case tonight. I actually came here because I wanted to let you know that you're going to be giving your spot in the Queen's Crown Tournament to Cammy here.
Lady M's: Now I KNOW that you're crazy. Why in the bluest of blue hells would I do something like that?
Sarah: Because if you don't give up your spot than I'm going to have to give EBW a little history lesson about you Tali. A little history about our past, our times together, and the secret that you once shared with me.
Lady M's: ....You wouldn't.
Sarah: Oh I would Tali. I would burn you just like you burned me and broke my heart.
Lady M's: .....You're a bitch.
Sarah: Yes, I know.
Lady M's: ....Fine. Cammy, I hope you botch a move and break your damn neck.
Cammy: Appreciate it.
Sarah: Thanks Tali. You sure know how to please me sometimes. Guess your secret is safe.....for now.
Lady M's: .....
-Cammy from Capcom invaded EBW in the next match by taking Lady M's place against the vivacious and violent muscle of Sparkle Val. Val was getting cheers for the first time in her career as she dominated Cammy early with hard shots and slams. Nothing technical about the approach. She was hurting Cammy for EBW. However, Cammy like the rest of Capcom was not above cheating and raked Val in the eyes before slamming her with a harsh spinning back kick. She then used her thighs to catch Val in a choke. Val could not escape and was choked out by the lethal legs of Cammy. A Capcom infiltrator advances to round 2.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here with-
Jamie OD: You don't need to introduce me Dougie. By now EVERYONE knows who I am. They know what I do to people. They know what I do to the Mach family. Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now Douglas?
Dynamic Dougie: Why yes I totally understand.
Jamie OD: ....Well?
Dynamic Dougie: Well what?
Jamie OD: Why aren't you running?
Dynamic Dougie: Huh? Oh....OH.....OOOOOH That's what you meant! OH.....oh....I better leave then.
Jamie OD: Yes.
Dynamic Dougie: I'm out of here!
Jamie OD: Wise choice. Trevor Mach, you finally got what you wanted eh? A chance to get back in the ring to face me? I know you've been salivating for an opportunity for some time. A chance to cast aside your responsibilities to do whatever it is that you want to do. That's the kind of person you are. You're trying to convince these people that you're some righteous protector of this company. That you believe in it, and that's why you took power. We both know that's not the case. You're a chaotic me. We both aren't satisfied unless something is being broken, someone is being hurt, or lives are being ruined. It fuels us deep down in that dark place that you're too afraid to acknowledge, but I see it. Admit it, you are having the time of your life. I turn a crazed woman on your wife and I cut her up myself and you LOVE IT! The thrill of the fight makes you feel ALIVE! See, you and Tali are just like me and Sarah, except you're holding back that destroyer inside. You claim that you're just dispensing justice. That you want to bring normalcy back to EBW, but I call you a liar. I'm ruining your life to remind you that it wasn't a life worth living in the first place. Maybe you'll hate me forever, but maybe it's because I want you to hate me. I'm SICK of your point of view! In fact, I hope you CHOKE on the irony, that you're criticizing me for following the Trevor Mach text book to the letter! Doing it better than you ever could I might add. Trevor Mach, you're just playing the Saint.
-The final first round match of the Queen's Crown Tournament saw the last champion of the Sparkle Brand Heather Mach take on Erica, in a lengthy and athletic match. Erica was all business, and tried to finish the match early with an End of Days, but Heather had all of Erica's big moves scouted and evaded until she was able to land a vicious Macha Ye and roll up the longest former champion for the win.
-Kinniku Mike looked to get a measure of revenge on Eagleland Champion/1/3 Triforce Champion Noah Jennings, in the first match in a series of three between EBW and Greed. Mike was all business, even as his former protege Mike Ishijima taunted him from outside of the ring and tried to get involved. Mike killed two birds with one stone by tossing Noah straight out of the ring onto Ishijima. They smacked together head first, and the brutal collision lead to Noah being too slow to get back into the ring leading to a count out. Kinniku Mike left the ring after the match and tried to chase down Ishijima, but the newest Greed member had a big head start so he changed his target to Noah and floored him with a Blue Ocean Sonoko Bomb on the arena floor.
-Tag Team Champions collided in the next match, as Anwin battled his partner/rival Camilo Ortega in a highly entertaining Infinity Division style scramble. Camilo played it clean for once, and that lead to some great back and forth action between he and Anwin. Unfortunately, Little Mac was not about to play it clean after already suffering a loss in the series, and clocked Anwin hard the first chance he got. Camilo saw the punch and hesitated to roll up Anwin, but did so on Mac's insistence. This tied things up, with Camilo gaining a dirty win he for once didn't look happy to get.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie again with-
President Trevor Mach: Shut up Dougie.
Dynamic Dougie: Shutting up Trevor.
President Trevor Mach: Jamie OD, who the HELL do you think you are to judge anybody else?! You're not exactly innocent yourself you ginger bastard!
Dynamic Dougie: Hey!
President Trevor Mach: NOT YOU!
Dynamic Dougie: Oh.
President Trevor Mach: Have I made some mistakes in the past? Sure. Do I feel pain and regret for the things I've done? Yes. Would I do them again? HELL YES! It's the choices we make and the pain we bring with us that makes us who we are. I'm the kind of guy that has learned to see the value of life after all I've done. That's the important part of my story Jamie OD....the story you're trying to emulate and "perfect". You're missing the part where I learned about responsibility, got married, and tried to open the door for the next generation. All you want to is ruin it for everyone, and that's something I NEVER DID! You want to be that guy who is remembered forever for how much you carved out of EBW, and for how much you carved out of me. Jamie, you're just pretending to be what you could NEVER be! You think you're so dammed perfect right now don't you? You think that THIS somehow makes you the righteous one. I think you're worthless. Truth is I don't CARE what you think of me, cause I'll be better than you'll ever be and that PISSES YOU OFF! Don't believe me? Why don't you take a look in a mirror before you start throwing stones. You're not going to be remembered for breaking Trevor Mach. You'll be remembered as a man that commits violence on women. You'll be remembered as a guy that couldn't beat Sal Paradise in a fair fight. You'll be remembered as the guy that had to kidnap a special needs kid to get my attention. As for me playing the saint? You might as well call me Saint Sinner, cause I don't claim to be perfect. You on the other hand, think that you're justified in everything that you do. You're wrong, and I'm going to prove that to you when you're looking up from the mat to see that I beat you at Victory Explosion VI. Haven't had a match in a year, and I'll STILL bash your teeth in with a Macha Ye! 1-2-3! BOOSH GAGOOSH! IT'S OVER!
-Tack Angel lead Swift and rookie Cherub Kid against a group of Capcom monsters in the next match, Zangief and E. Honda being joined by Blanka, who was making his EBW debut in this invasion 6-man tag. A top notch brawl, with Tack and Swift doing their best to cover up for Cherub Kid and keep him from being the weak link in only his fourth match so far. M. Bison made his way down to the ring late in the encounter, along with Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Vega and Balrog. Just after the ten minute mark, as Tack was landing a hard TaToBa Kick off the top rope, Vega and Balrog stormed the ring and joined the other members of Capcom in a beating on the home team. Red Shirts and EBW wrestlers poured out to break up the brawl, but the damage was done, and Capcom made a statement even in a DQ loss.
Anwin: Go ahead and walk away Camilo! Don't say a word! Pretend like you don't hear me like everyone else!
Camilo Ortega: I head you Anwin, but I don't want to hear what you have to say!
Anwin: You think that was right out there?
Camilo Ortega: When have I cared about what was right? I just care about what's right for ME! Don't you get that by now?
Anwin: Being a Tag Team Champion, I thought that WAS right for you.
Camilo Ortega: And I still am, and I'll continue to be as long as you don't get in my way. The only thing I regret is not being able to pin you cleanly myself.
Anwin: Exactly! No matter what you do or achieve, win a title or host a show, you'll always be Greed's errand boy. You cater to their whims, and their whims are not what is right for you!
Camilo Ortega: What the hell do you care what I do Anwin?
Anwin: I'm not planning on giving up these titles either Camilo, so we have to make this Tag Team work one way or the other. You were there when we teamed together the other day. You saw just how damn good we can be as a team. Keep that in mind.
Camilo Ortega: Look, all I know is that I won't be giving up this belt anytime soon and that's all that-
Little Mac: I wouldn't go that far Camilo.
Camilo Ortega: Eh?
Little Mac: Yeah, our bosses are financial backers are calling in a favor for Victory Explosion VI. They want Vega and Balrog to win the belts. You know what you have to do.
Camilo Ortega: What? Well I.....yeah....I guess so.
Little Mac: Glad to hear it! Remember, this will lead to bigger and better things once Capcom takes over! Glad we have this talk!
Camilo Ortega: .....
-The main event saw Global World Champion Sal Paradise team with Amigo and Maurice against Little Mac, Pretty Tony, and Ra. A big match with a lot at stake, as it serves as the tie breaker between EBW and Greed. A high intensity match, that saw a lot of attempted outside interference, with Kinniku Mike stepping in to chase off Ishijima, Jennings, and Al-Singh. Little Mac bailed on his team after being tagged in with Maurice, and that lead to Amigo and Ra going at it, with Amigo hitting the Fire Thunder Driver before getting the pin and the win. EBW won the series against Greed, and that means that Maurice will finally get his one on one match with Little Mac.
EBW: Xcite
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Stage 3: Queen's Crown
1. Queen's Crown Round 1: Paula beat Kumatora (4:52) via PSI Capcom -> Pin
2. Queen's Crown Round 1: Tracy beat Nanimura (6:59) via Tic Tac Reverse Bulldog -> Pin
3. Queen's Crown Round 1: Cammy[Capcom] beat Val (5:05) via Thigh Choke -> Choke Out
4. Queen's Crown Round 1: Heather Mach beat Erica (9:22) via Macha Ye -> Pin
5. EBW vs. Greed Non-Title Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Noah Jennings (4:11) via Count Out
6. EBW vs. Greed Infinity Division Singles: Camilo Ortega beat Anwin (6:30) via Roll Up -> Pin
7. Invasion 6-Man Tag Team: Tack Angel/Swift/Cherub Kid beat Zangief[Capcom]/E. Honda[Capcom]/Blanka[Capcom] (10:02) via DQ
8. EBW vs. Greed 6-Man Tag: Sal Paradise/Amigo/Maurice beat Little Mac/Pretty Tony/Ra (9:31) via Amigo Fire Thunder Driver on Ra -> Pin
Announcer: BREAKING NEWS! We take you now to the EBW Network news desk with Nerma.
Nerma: Breaking news indeed, as it appears that EBW has launched a counter attack on Capcom! That's right, earlier today during a taped episode of Capcom Vs. Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Tack Angel, Swift, Kinniku Mike, Amigo, and Maurice along with Mega Man and Dan Hibiki stormed the Capcom Arena and cleared the ring during a match between Zangief and Dante. This show of force presented EBW as a united front, willing to fight back and stand up to the Capcom money machine. The scene played out like they were in bizarro world, as the Capcommunists booed EBW's biggest stars as they stood their ground in Capcom territory. Sal Paradise personally called out the Great Leader of Capcom, and he was happy to oblige him.
Great Leader: How dare you set foot in Capcom's hallowed ring!
Sal Paradise: NO! How dare YOU charge for DLC that is already on the disk! How dare you lie about exclusive character content! How dare you plan on re-releasing the same thing for the third time at full price! We've had enough of it! Hi, Global World Champion Sal Paradise by the way. They also call me the People's Choice. I don't know about all that, but I do know that I am fully qualified to be the first to take the fight back to you!
Great Leader: You'll pay for this!
Sal Paradise: Oh I'm sure you'd LOVE for us to "PAY" for this, but it's not gonna happen. In fact, I MIGHT have recently pirated some of your recent content! OOPS! I said that right in front of Phoenix Wright Sell Out Attorney didn't I? That's fine cause I don't care anymore. None of the guys in the ring care anymore. We're sick of your dirty tricks and your oppressive censorship on dissent. What's wrong? Can't handle a little criticism? How is this for criticism? YOUR CHAMPION'S GOT NO BALLS! That's right Ryu, you heard me. See I speak my mind, and I have no problem telling you that I think Amigo's got your number and that scares you. They used to call you the World Warrior. Now they call you a chump paper champion.
Ryu: How bout you worry about yourself, and facing my rival Akuma.
Sal Paradise: Your rival? Trust me, I take him more seriously than you right now. He's not the one up there selling out with M. Bison right now. Capcom, grow some balls and give Amigo the rematch he deserves. Back to Bison, my friend Tack Angel has got a little challenge planned for you.
Tack Angel: I kept thinking of how I could make a big Victory Explosion moment possible this year. I definitely wanted to make sure I got on the card at least. Then it hit me. I knew exactly what I wanted. I want a team of your choosing to face a team of my choosing in a Team Elimination Match. See, I had a streak going at the Collision events of leading teams to victory. I know I can do it again. Oh, and don't expect to guess who I pick for my team. I'm calling in some old friends for this one.
Sal Paradise: Sounds awesome to me. One more thing before we go though. Swift is still pissed about....what was it again?
Swift: Those lousy Capcom sons of bitches raided the fridge in the veteran locker room and stole my capri sun!
Sal Paradise: Despicable....simply despicable. He's challenging your biggest guys and the biggest guys in EBW to something he's calling the "Burly Brawl". Not sure what it entails, but since it's Swift I would be surprised if someone got decapitated.
Swift: >:C
Sal Paradise: Well that about wraps it up for Team EBW! I just wanted to formally introduce myself to you Great Leader. I'm the guy that's gonna crumble your empire. Later!
Nerma: That big moment has shaped the upcoming episode of Xperience. Amigo may in fact get his title rematch against Ryu, if he's able to get through Dante in a Lumberjack Match. Capcom has promised that an enemy within, will be revealed and show the world that Amigo doesn't have what it takes to even make it to Ryu. We'll have to keep an eye open and see. Add in the continuation of the Queen's Crown Tournament, Tack Angel and M. Bison locking horns before their newly announced VE Team Battle, and Kinniku Mike getting a chance to seek revenge on his former protege, and this will be an Xperience you won't want to miss!
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Stage 4: Enemy Within
1. Infinity Division Tag: Hotlanta/Generator vs. Bolshoi/Firebrand X
2. Invasion Non-Title Infinity Division Singles: Randy no Kachi vs. Dhalsim[Capcom]
3. Queen's Crown Round 2: Heather Mach vs. Cammy[Capcom]
4. Queen's Crown Round 2: Tracy vs. Paula
5. Singles: Kinniku Mike vs. Mike Ishijima
6. Invasion 10-Man Tag: Tack Angel/Swift/Cherub Kid/Grind/Switchback vs. M. Bison[Capcom]/E. Honda[Capcom]/Zangief[Capcom]/Blanka[Capcom]/?
7. Invasion Lumberjack: Amigo vs. Dante[Capcom]
Victory Explosion VI: Ultimate EBW vs. Capcom
Dusty Dunes Desert
Pay Per View
1. Singles: Little Mac vs. Maurice
2. EBW Tag Team Championship: Anwin(c)/Camilo Ortega(c) vs. Balrog[Capcom]/Vega[Capcom]
3. Burly Brawl: TBA
4. Team Elimination Battle: Team Tack Angel vs. Team Capcom
5. Queen's Crown Championship: TBA vs. TBA
6. Infinity Division Championship: Randy no Kachi(c) vs. Shadow
7. Capcom World Championship: Ryu[Capcom](c) vs. ?
8. Chaotic Battle: Jamie OD vs. Trevor Mach
9. Global World Championship: Sal Paradise(c) vs. Akuma[Capcom]
Rude: Let me tell you who to blame. Blame the man that will promise great things for you only to bring you down in humiliation when he has nothing for you. Blame him for forcing you to trust him at every word. Blame his fetish for manipulation for having you think that his product is better just because of longevity. Blame the audience for not giving you a chance. Blame that same audience for drinking the kool-aid that he feeds. Blame his favoritism towards giving his friends more chances than others. Blame his hatred for outside ventures and using his brand as a tool to bring that hatred to tuition. Blame the man, Blame the brand, blame the audience, blame his fetish, blame his hatred. Blame anyone but yourself for not giving this one brand a chance despite all the hiatuses. We will NOT be branded.
Giff Meets.....who???
Giff Hoyt: You know, I don't know about you but this hiatus thing that has been happening lately is really good!
Doc Gonzo: What? You must be out of your mind!
Giff Hoyt: Hey! I got snubbed from Happy Fun Circus! The leader of the pack gets snubbed!
Mr. Plain: You are a good leader sir!
Giff Hoyt: Why thank you! As I was saying, think about it. We're getting paid for doing nothing! We can do whatever we want. Doc, you can go check up on how your clinic manages up.
Doc Gonzo: True.
Giff Hoyt: Captain, you can sail off the ocean looking for the Fountain of Youth with...say, where's Lillian?
Captain Leandro: She's sick today!
Giff Hoyt: Oh! And Mr. Plain, you're always so positive and always there as my training partner.
Mr. Plain: I do have a second job as a fitness instructor!
Doc Gonzo: Say, whose that?
??: Yo! Giffy! Long time no see!!
Giff Hoyt: NO WAY!! NOT YOU!!
??: What's wrong buddy?
Giff Hoyt: STAY AWAY!!
Mr. Plain: Who is he?
Giff Hoyt: My annoying cousin, MF.
Captain Leandro: MF?
Doc Gonzo: What does that stand for?
Giff Hoyt: You don't wanna know.
MF: I'll tell ya! Its...
GM Olly: WHAT? He jumpshipped again?? I will not stand for this! Let's go boys!
Toad: Yup, he's been there for awhile. You just now noticed?
GM Olly: That fool has a contract! He's breaching it! GO!! GO!! GO!! We WILL NOT BE BRANDED AND HUMILIATED!
Cyber Troy 45: Affirmative...
Giff Hoyt: -facepalm-
Doc Gonzo: Really? That's your name?
MF: Yup! So how about it, Giffy? Guess who just joined you guys for the fun!
Giff Hoyt: Oh geez!
MF: That's right. ME!!! And together we will be dominate IF this place resumes that is!
Mr. Plain: Oh! This looks like an interesting development.
MF: See! Even Mr. Plain and his ever-so positive attitude approves!
Giff Hoyt: I am not gonna like this.
MF: Oh you will!!
Announcer: The poor hopeless....I mean....young rising stars of the new Alpha Project have a big mountain to climb to establish themselves as a force in the wrestling world, and working in the old remains of FTW can't be helping their cause. Still, w00t and Picky are hoping to forge a new future with determination and enthusiasm.
w00t: This is never going work.
Pinky Minch: What makes you say that?
w00t: We have no money, we have no equipment, we have a small roster, and we have no way of getting our name out there.
Picky Minch: Well we have a working relationship with VBW!
w00t: They won't even let us use our name when we work there! How do we get our name out?
Picky Minch: Do we even want to use that name? I mean Alpha Pro. It sounds so generic!
w00t: I think the point was to make that work right? Overcome the bland name?
Picky Minch: It seems to me that if we are making the promotion we make the name.
w00t: Sounds logical. Alright then, what do we call our doomed to fail venture?
Picky Minch: Picky Pro!
w00t: No! If anything, we call it w00t Pro.
Ultimo Tiger: Tiger Pro?
Blue Lightning: The Blue Lightning Top Hat and Monocle Gentleman's Club.
Fighter Daron: It's a wrestling promotion.
Blue Lightning: Oh yeah....well I got nothing.
Chu Chu: ....The show is about wrestling, why don't we call it....."Wrestling".
Picky Minch: HA! That's silly!
w00t: No wait....he's right. It's so simple and effective. When people watch the show they say "I'm watching "The Wrestling" on TV. It's perfect....dammit Chu're a genius.
Chu Chu: I'm just ready to wrestle sir.
w00t: Well wrestle you will! For the new promotion called: THE WRESTLING! First thing's first however, we need a ring and equipment. I think I know just how to get it.
Vice President Ryan IQ: Stop right there!
Fighter Daron: Uh oh!
Vice President Ryan IQ: What the HELL do you think you're doing?
Ultimo Tiger: Borrowing some stuff obviously.
Vice President Ryan IQ: Borrowing? Looks like you're STEALING TO ME!
Fighter Daron: IT WASN'T MY IDEA!
Vice President Ryan IQ: Of course Swift isn't around when you're ACTUALLY doing something wrong. You two get out of here!
Ultimo Tiger: Gladly!
Vice President Ryan IQ: *sigh* Leave the stuff.
Ultimo Tiger: Dammit!
Fighter Daron: This is bad! I'm supposed to have a match with Cherub Kid soon! What am I gonna do?
Ultimo Tiger: Improvise?
w00t: So this is what my life has culminated in. Being in charge of a backyard wrestling show with no ring. Why me?
The Wrestling
EBW Parking Lot
1. Singles: Cherub Kid beat Fighter Daron (4:02) via Flightless Cherub's Flight -> Pin
President Trevor Mach: Hello EBW! Are you all pumped for tonight?! We're going to have an awesome show, but before we get to that, there is something I have to address. A year ago I left the ring and moved to the office. I retired so I could make sure that EBW would be in better hands....those hands turned out to be mine. Whether my hands are "better" or not is subjective, but I have tried to do my damnedest to turn this place on its head and give you people what you wanted. I thought I was ready to grow up and be the suit and tie kind of guy that I thought EBW needed me to be. That's when Jamie OD got it in his head to try and take my place....try to be the next guy to inject EBW with controversy and chaos. Since then we've been going back and forth, and I decided that I need to get back into the ring to put him in his place. Not because I want to give up the role you elected me into, but because the only way to get through to Jamie OD is in the ring. Wrestling, in this ring right here, matters more than any words or actions outside of it. He went after me, he went after my brother, he went after my cousin, he went after my wife. At Victory Explosion VI, Mr. Machismo comes back to make Jamie OD pay for what he's done.
Lady M's: Jamie OD has been nothing but a pain in our asses, and it's not just because of what he's done but who he's taken from me. Sarah was my best friend, and whatever you did to her....I'll never forgive you for it. I won't forgive you.....I won't forgive Capcom.....I won't forgive. I'll dish out my brand of Smash Mouth Justice, and leave you laying in that ring after Trevor is done with you. Then....I'll turn my attentions to Sarah. I'll beat the hell out of her for stabbing me in the back....for destroying our friendship.
Sarah: FRIENDSHIP?! Tali, you're oblivious and blind! This isn't about our friendship and you know it! It's about so much more. Jamie OD didn't do anything to me. It's more like I did something to Jamie OD. I was the one that convinced him to go after you in the first place! Jamie is my plaything.
Jamie OD: Something else we have in common is women eh Trev? Once again, we're exactly the same, just on opposite sides of the line.
President Trevor Mach: Don't you dare compare me to you again Jamie! I'm nothing like you. I'm better than you because while I blazed a path of destruction in EBW I NEVER hit a woman! I NEVER did the dark and evil things that swim around in your head!
Jamie OD: They are there in your head too and you know it! What makes me the better man is that I don't have the weakness of a conscience. I can do whatever I want, and what I want to do is beat you within an inch of your life at Victory Explosion VI, but I'll leave you alive so you can see what I do to your beloved Tali. You'll see what I will do to your precious EBW.
President Trevor Mach: LIKE HELL JAMIE! You're not going to be fight a suit and tie at Victory Explosion. You're going to be fighting the guy that put Giygas in his place! You're going to be fighting the guy that changed the landscape of EBW with the Bushido movement! You're going to be fighting the guy that sent Pirkle and both Poochyfuds packing! You're going to be fighting the guy who blew up EBW Tower just to prove a point! You're going to be fighting the guy that took beating after beating to win the respect and affection of the baddest chick in EBW Lady M's! I'm Trevor Mach! Don't you DARE forget about who I am.
Sarah: Lady M's.....HER NAME IS TALI AND YOU TOOK HER FROM ME! That changes at Victory Explosion VI though. I'm taking her BACK! You see, I know something that she doesn't want anyone to know.....not even you. A secret that would destroy her if it was revealed. She dropped out of the Queen's Crown Tournament to keep this secret safe, and now she's going to do more. Tali, if you want to keep your secret're going to stab Trevor Mach in his heart and kick him straight in the balls. You're going to betray him. You're going to stand in the corner of Jamie OD at Victory Explosion VI!
Trevor Mach: .....
Lady M's: .....
The path to Ultimate clash between EBW and Capcom is on the horizon. The card for the biggest show of the year is nearly compete, with the Queen's Crown Tournament underway and Amigo getting his last chance at a rematch with Capcom World Champion Ryu. Throughout all of this, the threat of another Capcom sympathizer within EBW looms, and it could spell big trouble for the home team.
-The opening match saw Infinity Division Tag action, as Hotlanta and Generator took on Bolshoi and newcomer Firebrand X. Another tough test for X, as he had to deal with two of the biggest veterans in the division while also enduring the clowning and shenanigans of Bolshoi. A quick match that saw Firebrand hold his own with his signature mix of lucha and MMA, but Hotlanta and Generator still capture the win after HOT landed the Bellerophon Bomb on Bolshoi before the pin.
-Infinity Division Champion Randy no Kachi sent out a big message to his former mentor Shadow by defeating Capcom's Dhalsim in non-title singles action. Dhalsim's yoga was well scouted by RnK, as he pulled the stretched Dhalsim in closed to land a No Kachi Cutter for the finish. Randy dared Shadow to step into the ring after the match, but Shadow simply backed away.
-The Queen's Crown Tournament entered Round 2, as Capcom invader Cammy took on Heather Mach in a heated match. Paula tried to get involved late in the bout, which brought out Tracy to scare her off. The distraction was enough for Cammy though, as she landed a solid Spinning Back Kick to Heather and knocked her out cold. Cammy continued her onslaught until the referee stopped the match, awarding Cammy a slot in the finals for the Queen's Crown.
-Tracy and Paula continued their feud in then next match of the Tournament. Paula had beaten Tracy in a prior encounter, and Tracy was looking for payback. Ness was nowhere to be seen for a match between his sister and his wife, but his presence was felt in the way that Tracy and Paula fought using the PK style. Cammy tried to get involved, but Lady M's of all people rushed down to the scene and dropped her hard with a drop kick followed by Smash Mouth Justice. Karma bit Paula, as the distraction gave Tracy the time she needed to switch to her own style and dropped Paula with a Tik-Tack. She then locked her into a Sharpshooter, forcing the traitor to tap out. Tracy won the slot in the finals, and would soon battle Cammy for the Queen's Crown.
Swift: Dammit Tack! >:C
Tack Angel: Yes Swift?
Swift: You put me in that damn team match at Victory Explosion VI and you do it now! >:C
Tack Angel: Don't you have a match already? The Burly Brawl?
Swift: So?! >:C
Tack Angel: I would think you would want to focus on that.
Tack Angel: Oh see I didn't know about the Reese cup. That's kind of a big deal.
Swift: I KNOW!
Tack Angel: And taking your Capri Sun was just low. I mean at least it wasn't as low as just taking the straw though. I mean then you can't drink the delicious Capri Sun inside the pouch. You have to like cut it open and pour it into the cup, and that's just not the same.
Swift: That's why you need to put me in the damn match! I don't just want to get revenge on these chumps, I want to get revenge inside of revenge!
Tack Angel: Revengeception?
Swift: ...... >:C
Tack Angel: Swift, I think you should focus on the Burly Brawl. I have a plan.
Swift: BAH!
Tack Angel: Now if you'll excuse me I have a delicious Fruit Roll Up to eat before our match tonight and- HEY!
Swift: It's my Fruit Roll Up now bitch! >:C
Tack Angel: ....*sigh*
-Kinniku Mike would battle his former protege for the first time since The Ultimate EBW in singles action. Ishijima has since joined Greed, and his tactics in the match made that obvious, as he did all he could to avoid to Mike in the ring and forced him outside. He did all he could to annoy the bigger veteran until Mike finally caught up with him and slammed him with a hard Release Dragon Suplex. Mike Ishijima rolled back out of the ring and stayed out until the referee counted him out. Mike scoffed at his former protege's cowardly tactics and announced that he would be signing up for the Burly Brawl, and wanted Ishijima to "grow a pair" and sign up as well. Ishijima tried to back out of it saying he didn't meet the "weight requirement", but eventually Kinniku Mike goaded him into accepting.
-Team Tack and Team Bison will do battle at Victory Explosion VI, but tonight they also locked up in a 10-Man Tag Match, with Swift, Cherub Kid, and Jet Set Future joining Tack against Bison's group and a mystery partner. Capcom wasted no time in introducing their newest hire, as Troy rushed out first for his team and plowed through the wrestlers in the ring. Troy had a huge chip on his shoulder as he tossed Jet Set out of the ring and pushed Cherub into Tack before locking up with Swift. The rest of Team Bison rushed the ring for a big brawl that could barely be controlled. Eventually the match got underway properly, with Team Bison fixated on hurting Swift and Tack more than anything. Team Tack had the speed and agility, while Team Bison had the size and brute force strength. Team Bison also had the Alpha Beta, who ran down the green Cherub and Jet Set, setting up Tack for a Punt Kick before tending to Swift. M. Bison gloated over Tack Angel and hit the Psycho Driver before getting the pin. Troy is back and this time he's playing for the other side.
Dynamic Dougie: Dougie here with-
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION!
Dynamic Dougie: Objection to what? I haven't said anything yet!
Phoenix Wright: Objection to Mega Man and Dan Hibiki being utilized without a contract! We still hold the copyright on their likenesses.
Sal Paradise: Relax Wright, they're just here to back me up. They've been telling me all sorts of wonderful stories about Capcom and Akuma. Say, where is that big insane lug anyways?
Phoenix Wright: He refused to comment on the match! He's not in this to gloat or rant and rave. He's in this for the match! He's in this for JUSTICE!
Sal Paradise: Boy, they've got you as brainwashed as the rest of the Capcommunists don't they?
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION!
Dynamic Dougie: There he goes again.
Phoenix Wright: I know that Capcom is the righteous company! They provide jobs and opportunities and never stab their workers in the back!
Mega Man: You're joking right?
Dan Hibiki: LIAR! The Saikyo Style is sorely underutilized in Capcom!
Sal Paradise: Your company is full of money grubbing turn coats. They lie, they steal, and they have no respect for their fans. If you want to hand Capcom your wallet you might as well hand them your balls while you're at it. I could have sworn that the Ace Attorney was all about the truth. You're just another stooge.
Phoenix Wright: That is far from the truth! I only are about doing the right things and protecting those I represent!
Sal Paradise: Wanna do the right thing? Push the "Great" Leader down a flight of stairs. Oh, and make sure that Capcom understands that once you've bought the disc own everything on it. They don't seem to understand that simple concept. As for Akuma, if you don't have anything to say about our match that's fine, but the people want to see a showdown. An amazing main event to an amazing show. That is what I intend to deliver. We're the match that closes the show, and we're fighting over the biggest prize in wrestling. I know they think I'm supposed to be intimidated by your "demonic presence" but that couldn't be farther from the truth. You want to intimidate me? Do it in the ring. Until then, I've got to go support my bud Amigo in his match tonight.
Dynamic Dougie: That's right! The main event is a Lumberjack Match between Amigo and Dante! If Amigo wins then he gets the show against Ryu and the Capcom World Championship! That match is NEXT!
-The main event saw Amigo and Dante clash in a Lumberjack Match to see if Amigo could over come and get one more shot at Ryu and the Capcom World Championship. Global World Champion Sal Paradise, Kinniku Mike, and Maurie served as Lumberjacks for EBW, while Ken, Ra, and Little Mac were the Lumberjacks for Capcom. Amigo rolled over Dante in the early goings until Dante reversed a Suplex and sent Amigo out into the Capcom side. They put the hurt on Amigo until Mike, Maurice, and Sal could intervene and a brawl broke out. Amigo was on the defensive for the majority from there, but turned things around with a hard German Suplex. He controlled Dante on the ground before finally locking in a heel hook. Little Mac got involved and helped Dante get to the ropes. Another brawl broke out, and as the ref tried to gain control Little Mac entered the ring, looking to clock Amigo. That's when Maurice jumped into the ring. He looked ready to attack Mac, but suddenly turned to Amigo. Amigo backed away as Maurice ripped off his SURGE Generation shirt to reveal a Capcom shirt. Little Mac laughed and shook hands with Maurice, as it appeared that Maurice was the Capcom sympathizer. However, things took another turn as Maurice refused to let up on Mac's handshake. His smile turned to a grin as he clocked Little Mac hard and ripped off the Capcom shirt to reveal another SURGE Generation shirt. Amigo picked up Dante and hit the Fire Thunder Driver before rolling him up for the pin. 1-2-3! Amigo won the match and secured his rematch with Ryu. EBW has one upped Capcom tonight. Amigo vs. Ryu is on.
EBW: Xperience
Fourside Expo Center
The EBW Network
Stage 4: Enemy Within
1. Infinity Division Tag: Hotlanta/Generator beat Bolshoi/Firebrand X (5:23) via Hotlanta Bellerophon Bomb on Bolshoi -> Pin
2. Invasion Non-Title Infinity Division Singles: Randy no Kachi beat Dhalsim[Capcom] (4:19) via No Kachi Cutter -> Pin
3. Queen's Crown Round 2: Cammy[Capcom] beat Heather Mach (6:55) via Spinning Back Kick -> Referee Stoppage
4. Queen's Crown Round 2: Tracy beat Paula (8:09) via Sharpshooter -> Submission
5. Singles: Kinniku Mike beat Mike Ishijima (3:44) via Count Out
6. Invasion 10-Man Tag: M. Bison[Capcom]/E. Honda[Capcom]/Zangief[Capcom]/Blanka[Capcom]/Troy[Capcom] beat Tack Angel/Swift/Cherub Kid/Grind/Switchback (10:50) via M. Bison Psycho Driver on Tack Angel -> Pin
7. Invasion Lumberjack: Amigo beat Dante[Capcom] (13:09) via Fire Thunder Driver -> Pin
Announcer: And now it's time for another EBW Network News Update!
Nerma: Nerma here with the news stories you may or may not want to hear depending on your tastes and stuff. Victory Explosion VI is upon us, so we here at the EBW Network news room are working around the clock with Anwin and the army of ninja Jason Hervey clones to get you all of the stories and footage from the wrestlers as they prepare for the big show. We start off with Tack Angel, who was looking to make a request regarding his match against Team Bison at VE6...
Amy Taylor: Are you sure he'll be give you the OK? I work with the man and he's getting very particular about which outsiders to work with.
Tack Angel: When he sees what I have in mind he'll be sure to give me the green light on Team Tack!
Amy Taylor: Are you sure he's going to be home?
Tack Angel: Well it's worth a-
Tack Angel: I would say so yes. Hello Biggs! Sup Wedge!
Biggs: .....
Wedge: .....
Tack Angel: It's me....Tack!
Biggs: You're lying. Tack Angel is always decked out in blue!
Tack Angel: Wha? No, that's an outdated look and-
Wedge: You're not on the list.
Tack Angel: *sigh*
Biggs: Oh sure go right ahead.
Wedge: Be our guests!
Tack Angel: How you do that?
Amy Taylor: They're afraid of me.
Biggs: I would knock first though....something is going on in there.
Tack Angel: Eh?
President Trevor Mach: Oh yeah, do it just like that.
Lady M's: This would be a lot easier if I weren't wearing boots.
President Trevor Mach: Just stretch and bend.
Lady M's: It's hard.....there I got it. Alright then if you're going to try it then make your move.
President Trevor Mach: That's the stuff right there. Wait, what are you doing there?
Lady M's: It's my turn! Now bend!
President Trevor Mach: AH!
Tack Angel: What the hell are they doing in there?!
Amy Taylor: I think you might want to give them a minute to-
*knock knock*
Amy Taylor: Or not!
President Trevor Mach: Yeeeeeesssss?
Tack Angel: Trevor? Everything alright in there? I heard some pounding and yelling!
President Trevor Mach: Oh that....well you see....Tali and I were just....
President Trevor Mach: Playing Twister!
Amy Taylor: Oh THAT is what that was!
Lady M's: guys want in?
Tack Angel: No thank you Tali, I'm here on business.
President Trevor Mach: Well what the hell can I do for ya Tackleton?
Tack Angel: Well Trev, I need to form a team for my match at Victory Explosion VI. I know you've been busy with your own thing, but I still need to get the OK on this team I have put together.
President Trevor Mach: Sure! Let's just take a look and.......wait what?
Tack Angel: Now before you say anything I-
President Trevor Mach: There guys? This would be expensive, and we don't know who we can trust out there anymore!
Tack Angel: You can trust these guys!
President Trevor Mach: Maybe YOU can trust there guys, but I'm not so sure. I mean hell my own wife is gonna be in Jamie's corner at VE!
Lady M's: So that's a no on Twister? I'm getting a beer.
Tack Angel: Yeah, what's up with that by the way? You....alright with this?
President Trevor Mach: No, but we leave work at home and besides.....nothing gets in the way of game night Tack.....nothing.
Tack Angel: Alright then. Back to the subject at hand. You would be a real bro if you could give me the go ahead on this team.
President Trevor Mach: I dunno.....
Tack Angel: You're really going to make me do this aren't you?
President Trevor Mach: Don't do it.
Tack Angel: I'm going to have to play this card aren't I?
President Trevor Mach: Don't you play it!
Tack Angel: You leave me no choice man!
President Trevor Mach: Nooooooo!
Tack Angel: I'm busting out the BFF Necklace.
President Trevor Mach: DAMMIT!
Tack Angel: You got to trust your BFF on this right?
President Trevor Mach: *sigh* FINE! You got em! I just hope it all works out.
Tack Angel: It will. I know it will. Thanks man, you're a real bro.
President Trevor Mach: Get out of my house.
Tack Angel: Fair enough! Later!
President Trevor Mach: *groan*
Lady M's: Back! Oh they left? About damn time. What did he want?
President Trevor Mach: Nothing. Anyways, what do you say we get back to the game. Actually, I have an idea we could try where-
Lady M's: For the last time, suggesting naked oiled up Twister is a bad idea when I'm sober.
President Trevor Mach: Oh right.
Lady M's: But a good idea when I'm bored.
President Trevor Mach: OH RIGHT!
Lady M's: I'm not bored.
President Trevor Mach: Oh right.
Nerma: The action now switches to Capcom. We captured some footage of Capcom action taking place in the EBW parking lot. This will be followed by a video from Capcom World Champion Ryu.
Ness: Get him out of here!
Dante: LET GO OF ME!
Capcommunist #321: KEEEEE!
Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION! What is going on here!?
Ness: Ha! I was given a new job by the Great Leader, to send the failures away for the biggest punishment a franchise can receive.....REBOOT!
Ness: Ha! It's a great thing Mother 3 was never officially released overseas.
Phoenix Wright: What are you talking about?
Ness: Nothing!
Phoenix Wright: I object to this! Dante deserves another chance! He's a loyal follower of Capcom and-
Ness: He failed! Failure is not an option unless you've got something to bargain like me. I'm the EBW OG, just having me on your team is enough to tilt the scale. That's what makes me safe. A lawyer who questions the will of the Great Leader long until he gets "rebooted"?
Phoenix Wright: .....
Dynamic Dougie: Uh....what's going on here?
Ness: Dougie! Just the man I wanted to see! Listen, we've had some good times in the past, and I wanted to talk to you about the future. First things first.......have a free copy of Street Fighter X Tekken!
Dynamic Dougie: SWEET!
Ness: Still gotta pay for the DLC's on the disc but...gotta pay for it anyways.
Ryu: Amigo, you've made a mockery of me and of Capcom. You've questioned the integrity of the World Warrior, and that demands a response. I live to become the greatest fighter in the world. My skills are unparalleled, and my will to win is even stronger. I am the flag bearer of Capcom, a company that has given me all the opportunities to become the best and wear this belt with pride. This is the Capcom World Championship. It's only meant for the most serious of fighters, and I don't think you even have what it takes to challenge for it. I beat you fair and square before, but a deal is a deal. You have earned your rematch, and at Victory Explosion VI I will show you and the world that I am the greatest fighter.
Nerma: Speaking of Amigo, the new #1 Contender for the Capcom World Championship was seen training with Little Mac earlier today. That is until....
Amigo: Alright, Ryu is a striker primarily so I'm going to need you to-
Maurice: Uh Mike? You alright man?
Amigo: Yeah, you're not looking so good.
Kinniku Mike: I....I....
Amigo: Sonoko Kato again?
Kinniku Mike: No...I waxed dat ass earlier the opposite of how awesome that was.
Maurice: I gotta hear about this.
Amigo: Yes do tell.
Kinniku Mike: Well you see, I was going to hit the showers when....
?: Well hello there big boy!
Kinniku Mike: Oooo! It's a lady! Hi there, I'm Kinniku Mike!
?: The name is Poison! I know all about you sex machine!
Kinniku Mike: Poison eh? Why does that sound familiar? Oh well, what are you doing in a place like this....meaning a shower....where guys are supposed to be....and not women. Not that I'm complaining though.
Poison: I came here to see you Mike. I heard that you know show a lady a good time?
Kinniku Mike: HAHA! You heard correctly! Luckily Sonoko doesn't mind if I partake in some white meat now and then soooooo......where do we start?
Poison: You can start by washing my back?
Kinniku Mike: You got it! Man, I swear I've heard that name before....Poison....I think I was warned about you actually. What did Trevor say? Oh yeah "IT'S A TRAP!". I wonder what he meant by that?
Poison: Perhaps he was talking about this!
Kinniku Mike: Eh?
w00t: Well here it is.
Picky Minch: SWEET!
w00t: Really? really think so? It's the FTW set. I just slapped a some paint on the wall.
Picky Minch: It's a roof over our heads at least!
w00t: Look up....holes in the roof....everywhere.
Picky Minch: Don't be such a downer man.
Ultimo Tiger: The horrors I've suffered in this ring. *shudder*
Simon Stuart: The ring is so small. Is it set up on cinder blocks?
Fighter Daron: That smells like....
Ultimo Tiger: Shame.....shame and ass.
Chu Chu: We wrestle where we have to.
Picky Minch: Well said Chu Chu!
w00t: Listen guys, we've got a ring and we've got a name. We need to get that name out there and put a show together so we can make some money. Plus....there is attend to.
Ultimo Tiger: Eh?
Blue Lightning: Splendiferous!
w00t: Yeah that's right, you guys get a Victory Explosion match.....while I don't. Not that I hold a grudge or anything.
Picky Minch: Haha! Relax man, this is great for us! You guys are going to have matches to determine who gets into the offer match for "The Wrestling"! Only three guys can go, so we're going to have three decision matches.
Simon Stuart: That is great news, but we only have five wrestlers. How can we have three matches?
w00t: That's a good question Picky.
Picky Minch: Don't worry man! I know a guy that I'm bringing in. A special guest superstar of epic notoriety! He's going to bring in the people you just watch!
w00t: Great. Who is it?
Picky Minch: It's a secret.
w00t: ....If it's a secret, then how is he going to put butts in the seats?
Picky Minch: It's the allure of the secret. Fans love secrets and swerves!
Ultimo Tiger: You remind me of a guy that used to book things in this tent once upon a time.....he was an evil and stupid man.
w00t: Well, we need to get the word out guys so take these fliers and get to work.
Simon Stuart: What are we doing here Blue?
Blue Lightning: Getting the word out my good man!
Fighter Daron: At Jackie's Bar?
Blue Lightning: Indeed gentlemen! This is where the ladies drink, and if we can get the Sparkle ladies to show up then everyone will show up!
Jackie: That's some logic right there Blue. Nice top hat by the way.
Kumatora: What? You want me to appear in your wrestling show? What is it called?
Simon Stuart: .....The Wrestling.
Kumatora: Oh. Well, is the seating at least worthy of royalty?
Fighter Daron: It's at the old FTW Tent.
Kumatora: EWWWWW! NO!
Erica: *sigh* Grow up you priss! How about this. How about Val and I show up, will that make you get the hell out?
Blue Lightning: Yes.
Erica: Fine. Val, show them the way out please?
Val: .....
Simon Stuart: Let's get out of here.
Fighter Daron: Right behind you!
Blue Lightning: Where you going guys?! This could be kind of fun!
Ultimo Tiger: I don't think this is a good idea.
Picky Minch: Nonsense! Trevor and I made friends with these guys a long time ago when we were a tag team! They LOVE wrestling.
Ultimo Tiger: I think they just love fresh minds to indoctrinate!
Picky Minch: Eh?
Blue Blue Cultist: Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue.
Picky Minch: You don't say! So yeah, we got this wrestling show you might want to see and-
Ultimo Tiger: Anyone else see that Blue Cow?
Chu Chu: ........Yes.
Blue Lightning: So Chu Chu, you hear about that Capcom game Asura's Wrath?
Chu Chu: .....
Blue Lighting: It's actually a really good game. It's Capcom though so there has to be a catch right?
Chu Chu: ......
Blue Lightning: You would be correct! They are releasing a ton of DLC for it. That's not the annoying part. The ANNOYING part is that they are releasing the ACTUAL ENDING as DLC!
Chu Chu: ......
Blue Lightning: And later DLC puts Ryu into the damn game! Hilarious right?
Chu Chu: ......
w00t: BLUE! What the hell are doing?! You're supposed to be handing out fliers!
Blue Lightning: .....Break time?
The Wrestling held its first event inside of an actual ring at the former FTW Tent. A decent turnout appeared all things considered, for three matches that would determine who would be heading to Victory Explosion VI. Also, the promise of a surprise star appearance may or may not have added to the audience depending on if Rince Vusso was actually right about that sort of thing or not.
-Simon Stuart and Fighter Daron started the show off with a very basic match. Simple locks, holds, and slams were used, and both fighters were proficient here, but neither lit up the audience. Stuart finally scored a win after a long slump in EBW by pinning Daron following a German Suplex.
-Ultimo Tiger continued to feel the curse of the FTW Tent, as he had his first match in the ring in a long time against Blue Lightning. Blue has the skills, energy, and charisma to entertain the fans and overwhelm UT. He finished up with a Troller Coaster to get the pin.
-The "main event" saw Chu Chu take on the surprise star who turned out to be.....LOBSTER MAN! Yes, the former FTW Champion was back, and just as incoherent as ever. Chu Chu wasted no time in taking the old veteran down, and one chokeslam later he got the pin.
In the end it looks like Simon Stuart, Blue Lightning, and Chu Chu will all duke it out in the opening match for Victory Explosion VI!
The Wrestling
Old FTW Tent
The EBW Network
1. Victory Explosion Decision: Simon Stuart beat Fighter Daron (5:50) via German Suplex -> Pin
2. Victory Explosion Decision: Blue Lightning beat Ultimo Tiger (4:29) via Troller Coaster -> Pin
3. Victory Explosion Decision: Chu Chu beat Lobster Man (0:12) via Chokeslam -> Pin