Tommy Dukes: Welcome to the Youth Center in Summers, where we're having another one of our Neon Nights! That's right, it's great to take this show out of the studio! A lot of the fans that come weekly don't know what deodorant is. They'd rather spend their allowance on replica belts....AND WE'RE SO GRATEFUL THAT YOU'RE OUR FANS! Yeah!
Apple Kid: Way to dodge a bullet there. We got a big show for you tonight, including Benjamin taking on newcomer Dubroski in a match for the Neon Championship, as well as-
Lady M's: Give me that microphone! I can't stand it! I've spent the last week just kind of wandering around, and getting followed by this hyper kid I finally managed to lose! I want some action! I got my job back, and got Hope's job back. She already capitalized. She beat that bitch Kaie like she owed her money. What about me? Where do I go from here? A lot of people have been wondering. Of course Tess, if you want to keep playing this game, I'm good for it. I need a little recreation in my life, it keeps the blood pressure down. I guess that means we go back to basics. I don't want to destroy your limo, and I don't want to dress up in any S&M gear, or cosplay for a paddling....unless I'm off the clock. No, I want to know Erica on her ass....AGAIN! You all can pretend like it didn't happen, but it did, and it shook Erica's confidence ever sense. She's hiding behind Mommy Tess and it's PATHETIC! *gag* *gag* *gag* It makes me want to PUKE! I need a warm up. I need some ring time. Lacy Wagner, my former student. The Lieutenant. You've let your grip slip, if you know what I mean. That brass ring bullshit. You fell off it. You hit the ground. You're bleeding on the pavement. Maybe I need to teach you how to get fired up again. Ignore that drunk Dad trying to get your attention. He's just looking for a couch to crash on. IGNORE IT! I'm calling you out tonight. I'll take you back to school, cause I need a warm up myself. Killer Queen Tournament. I'm in. Tess, you hear me? I'M IN!
Apple Kid: ....Well there we go. Show sorts itself out.
Apple Kid: Anyone else think that was hot?
Tommy Dukes: ......
Apple Kid: So it was just me? Man, I AM a mess. Wait, what's happening? We're being hacked aga-
DJ Professor K: Yo yo yooooo! We got a Jet Set Radio special announcement for tonight. Throw out that old card, cause The Legion are hitting the scene tonight, so get ready, cause we're looking for a clean sweep!
Grind: Anyone notice our little handiwork with the "Golden Lottery". That's what happens when you do it on computers that have obviously been hacked by "The Legion". We got our egg head extraordinaire handling that part, and we'll do our part in the ring. Check it out, it's happening tonight.
Rude: Hey Bobby Throngold. I hear ya like to roll the dice? Afraid to tell ya, you're botching that roll tonight. Snake eyes. You feel me?
Switchback: And Grind and I got those Lucha Bastards. Hey guys, you're in a very unenviable situation, because we were tearing it up with the acrobatics and the high flying combat before you laced up those boots in Eagleland. You want to bring it back? You want to take it to new heights? Fine by us, we're game, but even the things you do in the ring, we can do better. After all, we're on roller blades the whole time.
Generator: And Poison Jam and I are going to take on the Fruit Salad boys, or Heat Parade, or whatever they want to call themselves. I hear they stunk up the place so badly that not even Arliss Michaels wants piece of them anymore. We'll take care of the scraps tonight.
DJ Professor K: There you have it folks. This jam is brought to you by The Legion, care of Jet Set Radiooooo! Tag it up fellas!
Apple Kid: I just don't get those guys personally.
Tommy Dukes: Ok Boome-
Apple Kid: Oh, don't you go starting that!
EBW: Neon Nights
Summers Youth Center, Summers
1. Singles: Rude beat Bobby Throngold via Convincing the Ref of a 3 Count? -> Pin
-A weird opener, with Throngold on the offense, but he'd stop occasionally to roll the dice and decide what he'd do next. When he failed a roll, he seemed to fail at his moves too, as if his entire move set was indicative of numbers of a piece of paper. Rude came back hard, and hit his version of The Stroke called the Rulebreaker for the nearfall, but then a miracle happened. Rude claimed that it was actually a 3 Count, and the ref changed his mind, giving him the win.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! What?! Whoa! That NEVER happens!
Apple Kid: You mean arguing with the ref paid off?! Never in my years have I ever witnessed this. This is a special day. Mark it down folks. Write about it in the history books. Rude said "that was a 3", and the ref said "yeah alright". Truly memorable!
2. Tag: Generator[o]/Poison Jam beat Chad Salad/Orange[x] via GNR8R Moonsault Legdrop -> Pin
-The Legion continued to make a dominant debut in their take over of Neon Nights. Generator the high flier and Poison Jam the power man, made an odd couple pairing, but they could have been blindfolded and still probably crushed the Heat Parade. Fighter Daron tried to do a run in, but he was attacked by the Forgotten's Dangerous D, and yes, people probably forgot those two were feuding. I know I did. Generator off the top with the GNR8 on low energy Orange, and The Legion went 2-0.
Tommy Dukes: Obvious result, but The Legion are looking great.
Apple Kid: Orange is an idiot! He's an IDIOT! DO SOMETHING! One time he made an invention that would unboil an egg. IDIOT! I'd turn into a slacker too if I wasted my time on crap like that!
Tommy Dukes: ...You miss your buddy don't you?
Apple Kid: Shut up Dukes!
3. Women's Singles: Lady M's beat Lt. Lacy Wagner via Death Dealer DDT -> Pin
-Big match feel, with M's giving it all she had to fire up Wagner, while also literally firing her up with battering elbows, knees, and head butts. Anything to get her mad at her former trainer. Wagner finally came to life, and fired off shots of her own, before lifting M's for an amazing Military Press Slam and a nearfall. M's applauded the effort as she got back to her feet before hitting the Rolling M's, and a Death Dealer DDT for the 1-2-3.
Tommy Dukes: Well shoot, that was a good showing for Wagner, but I had M's pegged to win. She's got that edge to her that some of these women have yet to find.
Apple Kid: I see one person who wants to test that edge. Here comes BeShemoth, but wait, we have some youngster coming in from the crowd! She's trying diving towards M's, but M's side stepped, and the kid hit the ring post!
Lady M's: *sigh* She found me.
Millie: Aw, why'd you dodge me like that?
Lady M's: That's what you do when weirdos come at you like that.
Millie: I was just trying to give my hero and bestie a hug!
Lady M's: Oh boy.
Lady M's: Hit the brakes kid. I've been waiting for this.
BeShemoth: I know you have your sights set on Erica and the Eisenritter, but the beat, the BeShemoth is looking right at you. I'm not going to cause any trouble, and I'm not going to stir up problems. I'm here to let you know that I'm joining in on the Killer Queen Tournament too, no matter what that takes. They're going to make us do the Miss EBW Pageant. I want to see you there, so I can make sure we face each other. I want you to remember who I am.
Lady M's: Oh yeah? Then just follow me around like a psycho. It's working for this kid here named...Molly right?
Millie: Close enough!
4. Tag: Grind[o]/Switchback beat Dorado Mask[x]/Hex No Limit via Rolling SSP -> Pin
-Semi-main saw The Legion's Jet Set Future reunited for a match against the Lucha Bastards. High flying action like the old days with CXJ and Infinity. Something both teams are trying to bring back. JSF had rust as a team, but the experience helped them, Dorado tried a Doradorana, only to be countered by Switchback, who tagged out to Grind, who hit his still amazing Rolling SSP for the pinfall.
Tommy Dukes: Grind is back baby! Was always a big fan. Even if I don't get this Legion thing, I get those moves out there in the ring. Glad that Switchback is finally back to his old self and with his head in the game. Always saw great things in him too.
Apple Kid: Don't want him to be the Orange Kid of the tag team, that's for sure.
Tommy Dukes: ...I can't really dispute that. Sorry Orange.
5. EBW Neon Championship: Benjamin(c) beat Dubroski via DQ -> Title Defense? Nah.
-Main event turned out to be the flop of the night. Benji was ready for a fight, a real title defense, but Lukie fired up a very drunk Dubroski too much, and he got himself quickly DQ'd while screaming "DOOOOOOORK" the entire time.
Tommy Dukes: Huh. A little anti-climactic. Lukie thought he had a real winner here, but without focus, he's going to have trouble advancing up the ranks.
Apple Kid: He failed...just like Orange and-
Tommy Dukes: Alright! I get it! Grudge against Orange! Drop it! Folks, this was Neon Nights, and this next week, you're going to want to watch ALL WEEK, as it is the beginning of my favorite time of the year aside from all the other times I have to say that. IT'S GOLDEN WEEK! YEAH!
Apple Kid: ...Stupid Orange.
Jennings Office
Noah Jennings: Wrestling fans all over, welcome to the start of EBW's Golden Week. I love gold, but my greedy nature aside, we celebrate this week as a tradition that tends to take place around the same time as the Golden Week in Edo, a week long holiday. We tend to take it more literally, with gold, cash, and many other prizes are stake all this week. It's your best bet to go for the gold, both figuratively and lit-
Tess: Out of my way Jennings, excuse me, "boss". We got tons to look forward to sure. All of you will get exactly what you want, because tonight isn't just that "Battlebowl" thing, but we'll also be crowning the first ever "Miss EBW". Now, a lot of women have signed on the dotted line to appear, and are willing to do what it takes to win. At least, I hope they are. I have some fun ways of figuring out how this is going to go down. Winning matter ladies. It truly does. The Eisenritter have been my ideal for the future. Then we have my Muscle Girl Security, and new talent like Eve and BeShemoth. You want to stay relevant? You'd better win. That being said, the crown comes with special "responsibilities". Keep that in mind as we go forward. Oh, I hope you're looking forward to it, because I sure am! You should all be grateful. I grateful.
Noah Jennings: ...Thanks Tess. I also give a sarcastic thanks to The Legion. You scrambled the Golden Lottery results, I don't care for it. We chose not to redo them. We chose to keep it the way it is, because the conflict might be fun. However, do it again, and you won't find yourselves getting a chance to add yourself into this war between EBW and the Forgotten. In fact, you won't even get the chance to take over Neon Nights again. I'm serious. I'm willing to throw my power around....when an angry blonde isn't screaming in my ear.
Hope Mach found Dan sitting at a table sorting out his cards...
Hope Mach: There you are. I should have known.
Bashin Dan: Got to have the perfect deck for a match like I have tonight.
Hope Mach: Alright, so I've been meaning to ask about that. You taught me how to play, but I don't get how sorting your deck helps you in the ring.
Bashin Dan: Mental focus. Reminds me of the challenge in front of me, and what I'm going to have to do to win. I'm never more focused than when I'm sorting my deck and planning my strategy.
Hope Mach: Heh...well alright then.
Bashin Dan: Still don't get it?
Hope Mach: I've learned to just go with the flow with you. You're eccentric, and that's what about you.
Bashin Dan: *blush* I..I love you too.
Hope Mach: I wanted to say I appreciate you being cool with me participating in Miss EBW.
Bashin Dan: It's not my choice to make. That's for you to decide.
Hope Mach: Yeah, but wouldn't you be jealous?
Bashin Dan: Why would I be jealous?
Hope Mach: Do you know what Miss EBW entails?
Bashin Dan: No clue.
Hope Mach: Bikini Contest. In fact, we have to go out there in bikinis immediately.
Bashin Dan: What?! I had no idea!
Hope Mach: Heh, of course you didn't. Is it still my choice?
Bashin Dan: Well....yeah, it is, but I guess that jealousy you were talking about. I mean, I haven't even seen you in-
Hope Mach: Don't worry about it Dan. I changed my mind.
Bashin Dan: Huh?
Hope Mach: I'm not doing it. I'm the Television Champion. My career is secure for now. Still, wish I had a shot at the World Championship. I'm blocked from that chance. They're not letting me into the Killer Queen Tournament. Plus, Tracy is next up at bat, and-you're a good listener, you know that?
Bashin Dan: It's what I do?
Hope Mach: I-
Suddenly, Cade walked up to Dan's table and smacked his cards right off.
Bashin Dan: What are you doing?!
Cade: What are YOU doing?! I'm stuck with you tonight, but let's make it clear. I WANT TO WIN! I want that Battlebowl Ring! We came back to get what belongs to us, and that ring belongs to me! Put your damn cards away, and get with the picture!
Bashin Dan: I get the picture Cade. I get it all too clearly. You've been trying to play me for a fool, and now you want something from me. I give my all for my friends, and those I care about. You don't want to be a part of that circle, and that's your choice, but I won't stop caring, not after what you did for me and Hope. I don't trust you right now, but I blame whoever this Man in Black is that's gotten into your head!
Cade: So because you don't trust me, you're going into his half assed? That doesn't sound like Bashin Dan. You're too much of an ego maniac.
Bashin Dan: Egoma- *sigh* Cade, I never go in with any less than 100%, because luckily for you, I give my all for myself too
Cade: Then prove it. They keep calling you the would be Ace who drops the ball. Don't drop it tonight until that Battle Royale, when I'll personally toss you over the ropes.
Bashin Dan: We'll see.
Tommy Dukes: Dukes here, and it's Golden Week for EBW! You heard it from the Boss...and Tess, we have a big week of events planned! An entire week of them, leading up to the ENN+ Event "The Golden", which will be a title free for all, with the biggest matches we can offer!
Nerma: And good news! I'm back! Apparently they don't want me upstaging Duvalie or something. Heh. She's not near is she? I bet if she was I wouldn't know until it was too late. I think she was an assassin maid or something.
Makoto Angel: I'm back too! They brought the gang back together for this one. I guess it's all hands on deck. Maybe they don't want me to embarrass Troian again. Hey Nerma, you're not Troian in disguise are you?
Nerma: Absolutely not!
Makoto Angel: That sounds like something Troian would say though.
Nerma: *sigh* Angels.
Makoto Angel: Alright, that sounds closer.
Nerma: I was GOING to show you my newest Mike x Amigo Slash fiction, but-
Makoto Angel: *blush* *nose bleed* Alright! Alright! I believe you!
Tommy Dukes: ...That wife of mine huh? So tonight, we have the Golden Lottery Tags, that will select the participants for Battlebowl! The winner will receive the Battlebowl Ring, which is just one of many accolades one could pick up this week. It's insane!
Nerma: Yes, and we've got Miss EBW to crown. Not really sure how to feel about that.
Makoto Angel: I know some of my family are taking part, so I hope it turns out well.
Nerma: ....You know Tess is hosting it right?
Makoto Angel: ....Let's really REALLY hope!
EBW: Xcite Golden Week 2020
Summers Rex Arena, Summers
1. Golden Lottery Tag: Grind[o]/Generator beat Rude/Hotlanta[x] via Rolling SSP -> Pin
-Opening match was set as an easy win for the The Legion. Rude was more than happy to step back and let the Legion work over Hotlanta, but they had their work cut out for them. The massive strength of Hotlanta made it toughed going, but Generator and Grind took him to the mat with a Doomsday Device, using a drop kick instead of a lariat, and Grind got the pin after a Rolling SSP.
Tommy Dukes: Well, even though The Legion stacked that one in their favor, I'm still happy to see Grind back in EBW. Seriously dude, you don't have to hack everyone right?
Nerma: Why are you worried about that?
Tommy Dukes: No reason.
Nerma: Uh huh.
Tommy Dukes: You should be worried about all those stories that you-
Nerma: Alright! I get the point!
Tommy Dukes: You can except this Lottery Tag system to be out of control tonight. I doubt many of these teams will be able to work together.
2. Golden Lottery Tag: Dick Wagner/Jammer[o] beat Dirk Laramire/Magnum PT[x] via Slam Jam -> Pin
-Magnum PT's attempts to outshine newcomer Dirk Laramie failed, when he botched a copy of Dirk's finish on Wagner, and ol' Dick tagged in Jammer to lay him flat and hit the Slam Jam off the top.
Tommy Dukes: Called that one! PT wants to outdo Dirk Laramie, but it's just not happening. He's the new hotness. We always need a hairy 80's guy on the roster, and Dirk is just a better model.
Makoto Angel: Yeah, I don't care much for that PT guy.
Tommy Dukes: Because of Tack?
Makoto Angel: No actually. He keeps trying to look up my skirt.
Tommy Dukes: You should tell Tack. I want to see what he does.
3. Golden Lottery Tag: Benjamin/Subculture beat Firebrand X/Jamie XL via DQ
-Jamie XL was more than happy to listen to the advice of a laughing OD on the outside, who suggested he attack his own partner, while OD attacked Subculture and Benji, a DQ win and advancement to the Battlebowl of a mismatched team that didn't get a chance to see what they could do.
Nerma: Naturally, the Hooligans are going to cause problems. It's what they do. Still, I'm surprised they were willing to lose out on a spot in the Battlebowl just to mess with Firebrand.
Tommy Dukes: Maybe OD wants to make sure he wouldn't be facing the feared Firebrand X in that Battle Royale.
Nerma: ....No I just think he's an ass. Oh excuse me. ARSE!
4. Golden Lottery Tag: Tack Angel[o]/Cadmus beat Trevor Mach/Mav Valentine[x] via Torture Rack -> Referee Stoppage
-Trevor Mach made this one short and sweet. After an argument with Mav, he hit him with the knee and tossed him to Tack, who racked him up. The crowd went wild as Mav pleaded for Cadmus to break the hold, but to no avail. The Referee called for the bell as the Star Prince and Dark Star Emperor advance.
Tommy Dukes: Well, so much for our new 4-Crown King nabbing another ring. He was getting tired of Mav's jaw jacking and threw him to the Star Prince. Love that rack Tack! Not...your rack...or Makoto's rack, but-
Nerma: Are you looking at Makoto's rack? How do you not like it? It's huge!
Makoto Angel: *blush* You guys! Please stop!
Tommy Dukes: I meant the torture tack! The torture rack! He should call it the "Torture Tack".
Makoto Angel: That's what he calls Thursdays with Nani.
Tommy Dukes: ...
Makoto Angel: Did I say too much again?
Tommy Dukes: You said too much again. Yes.
5. Golden Lottery Tag: Bashin Dan/Cade beat Kinniku Mike/Maurice via Count Out
-First truly competitive battle of the whole Lottery Tag, as Mike and Maurice put differences aside to battle it out with former friends in Bashin Dan and Cade. The SURGE Generation were dominant for a reason, with power and strikes on their side. Dan had to show heart and wear them down, while Cade was more than happy to slip an eye gouge or low blow onto Mike, but not Maurice. Eventually, the team fell apart, as Mike complained that Maurice was not backing him up. The two threw fists on the outside, and took too long to get back, as they were counted out. Bashin Dan and Cade advanced.
Tommy Dukes: Our boy advances! Bashin Dan, the Challenge Champion, and Cade I guess. I just didn't expect Mike and Maurice to be able to put it together, but they held out longer than I thought.
Nerma: Mike's not just focused on his Strong Tits or Glute Power anymore. He wants revenge.
Tommy Dukes: I noticed YOU were focused on his Strong Tits and Glute Power though.
Nerma: IT'S FOR MY WRITING! You know you're the only one for me with your....flabby...everything....and balding head. You....have a GREAT....sense of humor.
Tommy Dukes: *sigh* Self esteem shattered.
6. Golden Lottery Tag: Swift[o]/w00t beat Jamie OD[x]/Sal Paradise via POUNCE!
-Another competitive battle, with an unexpected reunion of the LoveKick Connection, though against their will. Sal kept Jamie in check as they took on the equally combustible team of Swift and w00t. Swift's injuries seemed to be healing, but w00t was quick to avoid tags or pretend her had something in his eye, leading to confusion. Jamie in turn made this hell for Sal, never wanting to tag out. At one point, Sal had enough, and forced a tag to Jamie, before tossing him into a waiting Swift for the POUNCE and the pin.
After that match, Tess came out with Muscle Girl Security and a mic in hand.
Tess: Alright you hungry simps and thirsty thots, it's time for the Crowning of Miss EBW! I know you've all been waiting for it. It's going to be a lot of fun, and you should ALL be grateful. Now, let's bring out our lovely ladies!
Tess pointed to the stage, as Faris Angel, Christina Angel, Eve, BeShemoth, Tracy Angel, Duvalie, and Women's World Champion Erica all came out in bikinis.
Tess: Alright! I figured we'd just skip to the good part right? Get a load of these ladies. I see that my dau-Tracy is joining us. A lot of Angels out here. Imagine thinking I wanted that, but here you are. Willing to offer up a pound of flesh to advance? Maybe a couple of you aren't as dim as I though. Eve, the newcomer from Hagen. Look at those muscles right? Duvalie, looking modest and beautiful. There she is! Erica, the best of the best! Looking sexy as only Erica Eisen is capable of. Right fellas? This is what you want, so feast your eyes
Tracy Angel: Mom, can we just cut the crap and get this over with! We're out here because you made threats, not because want to be.
Tess: Not a good attitude Tracy, but don't worry. You'll get a chance to make up for that with the next round of the competition.
Faris Angel: Next round? We didn't do anything yet.
Tess: Having the guts to come out dressed like that was Round 1. You ALL pass! Congratulations. Next, I'm going to need to see something from all of you. Call it the "talent" portion if you will. Judging by the cheers from the boys in the crowd, we're going to see who has the BEST talent, and who has the worst.
Duvalie: Talent? You mean like the chest? *blush* Oh goodness, I will have to forfeit, as I don't stand a chance against Mistress Erica. I'm just here to support her crowning.
Tess: Of course you are, and who could blame you. Loyal to a loyal star and champion. You know, I notice Tali isn't out here. Figured she's give it a shot. Too bad for you BeShemoth. I know you wanted a match with her at Killer Queen, but at this point, it's not happening. Let the judging begin!
Using the crowd's cheers, Tess narrowed down the field to Erica, Eve, Tracy Angel, Faris Angel, and Christina Angel.
BeShemoth: What the hell? You're literally just getting rid of me?!
Tess: You didn't have talent? You've got muscle and power, that's true, but we're looking for someone who has BOTH muscle and beauty. I just....I just don't think you have it. Besides, Eve has the muscles and the talent. You're SO replaceable right don't piss me off. Your job is secure, but leave the ring.
BeShemoth: ....
Tess: Looks like a bunch of Angels made it through. I should NOT be surprised. Tack has a type, and it looks like it spread to his daughter too. I bet Tack and Subbie are loving this right Christina?
Christina Angel: I'm not ashamed of my body, and all the women who came out here to play this game aren't either. We're more than that. We're more than your ideas of what women's wrestling should b-
Tess: And you're out! Sorry Christina, but this was going to be the other kind of talent portion of the event, and your promo is putting me to sleep. Get out of here.
Christina Angel: I'm not even upset. You can take that crown and stick it. I just want my chance to compete.
Tess: And you'll get it I guess, but I wouldn't be too happy about that. You Angels are still a thorn in my side, just like Tali really, but she was too cowardly to participate. Alright, so now, we're going to draw from a hat, what I want the rest of you to do. Random talents, we'll see if you even have them. That beats coming up with your own right? Alright Eve, we'll start with you. I want you to *reaches into hat* oh look at that! It's perfect for you! Flex to the crowd! Show them sexy muscle!
Eve posed with a spotlight on her. Sammy the simp, and a bunch of other kissless losers tossed money towards her in the ring.
Tess: You can't argue with those results! Now Faris, I want you to.....*reaches into hat* shave your hair into a mullet.
Faris Angel: What?! That's not a talent! That can NOT be what that says.
Tess: You calling me a liar? Do it or be eliminated! You want to be Miss EBW right?! You're all taking this WAY too seriously. It's for the fun of the fans! Give them what they want!
Faris Angel: ...But a mullet? I-
Tack Angel: NO! NO! Absolutely not! She quits! She's out!
Faris Angel: Tack?
Tack Angel: Please, I'm begging you. Don't shave your hair into a mullet. It might literally kill me.
Faris Angel: You're rather I keep my hair than win?
Tack Angel: Some things are more important. In this case, everything is more important than mullets. I know it's your choice but-
Faris Angel: No, if it matters to you that much, I'm forfeiting.
Tess: Played you like a drum Tacky Star Boy. I knew he'd do that. Hehe....still no Tali huh?
Tracy Angel: Why don't you focus on us! I am the #1 Contender, or did you forget? Christina was able to pin M's not too long ago, and you just seemed to forget about that too.
Tess: Oh I remember....I remember, but this isn't your talent Tracy. For you to pass you need to....*reaches into hat* sing my praises and the praises of Erica the Women's World Champion. Wow, that's really fitting I think.
Erica: Perfect even.
Tess: I know right?
Tracy Angel: *sigh*
Tess: You better be good with it too. Any back handed comments and you're out.
Tracy Angel: Mom, you are....*sigh* what you do. The things you're capable normal person could ever do. They couldn't hope to be....what you are.'ll make a great opponent, when I take the Women's World Championship the night of the Killer Queen Tournament, and I look forward to what we'll do in the ring. It'll certainly be more befitting of us both....then what we're doing now.
Tess: Judges? Oh wait, I'm the judge. That's.....passable...I guess. Alright, Erica all you have to do is....*reaches into hat* ....oh wow..pose with your Women's World Championship, as only you can.
Erica: Oh that's quite easy, and I'll go one step further. I'll gladly accept the challenge Tracy, but let's just hope that nothing gets in the way of your challenge. I'd REALLY hate to see that.
Tess: Look at those posing. She's glamorous right folks? She's amazing she's-
Lady M's: Alright! Enough of this bullshit!
Lady M's stormed down to the ring in a bikini top, and camo shorts.
Tess: Ha! You actually showed up, but the dress choice is lacking and-
Lady M's: Can it! You wanted bikini? You got it! Choke on it! You wanted a big chest! I got it! So choke on THAT! You want a "talent"? I can kick your ass so hard Ness would feel it! You want hair? Here!
Lady M's cut her hair and threw it at Tess.
Lady M's: You want your pound of flesh? Put me in a match with as many women as you feel safe putting in the ring with me, but you'll always come up short. Want to know why? Because I always ALWAYS do what it takes, and I don't half ass it. So I come down here, and I get into this stupid bullshit, because I'm GOING to be in the Killer Queen Tournament, and I'm GOING to win it AGAIN, and I'm GOING to beat the ass of the Champion if it's Tracy or Erica. It doesn't matter, because if it's Tracy, I beat your daughter down, no offense Tracy *wink*, but then when I'm done, I'll STILL go back and take on Erica! So win? Lose? I don't give a shit. This is garbage.
Tess: ....Well...certainly fired up aren't you? Just like with Captain Sparkle, you have to come out and do what I say. I love it. Well, you're certainly IN the competition, but I wonder who is going to win? Ladies and gentlemen....the first ever Miss EBW is.....TRACY ANGEL!
Tracy Angel: What?!
Lady M's: What?!
Tess: That's right! It's your Tracy! Here's your crown, and scepter. Here she is....Miss EBW!
Tracy Angel: What is your game here?
Tess: What? No game, you win! I feel you "really had it coming to you".
Erica: Congratulations Tracy, it's a real shame about our match though.
Tracy Angel: Huh? What do you mean?
Tess: Well you're Miss EBW now. You're our ambassador, and you'll have your hands SO full with those duties we've got lined up for you, that you won't be able to challenge for the Women's World Championship for a loooong time!
Tracy Angel: Well then I refuse!
Tess: I'm afraid you can't Tracy. You signed on the dotted line. You don't get to do what you want anymore. You get to do what's best for the greater good. It's quite the honor, and you know should....BE....GRATEFUL!
Erica: Darn! Such a shame I lost huh? Only time I'll ever lose to you though. Haha!
Eve: That would have been quite a match I'm sure.
Tracy Angel: M's, help me out here!
Lady M's: ...I'm damn glad you were higher on her shit list this week. That's all I'm saying. Tess, you stick that crown up your ass! Erica, I'll be seeing you soon, and you can count on it!
Tracy Angel: ....DAMMIT!
7. Crowning of Miss EBW: Tracy Angel
8. Battlebowl Battle Royale: Grind vs. Generator vs. Dick Wagner vs. Jammer vs. Benjamin vs. Subculture vs. Tack Angel vs. Cadmus vs. Bashin Dan vs. Cade vs. Swift vs. w00t
-Main event time, as the winners of the Golden Lottery Tags all assembled in the ring for the Battlebowl! The winner would receive the Battlebowl Ring, and recognition as the survivor of all this madness. A hard fought Battle Royale ensued, with Dick Wagner going out almost immediately. The Legion team were hard to remove as they kept grabbing the ropes and flipping back in. Subculture made a move on Tack, almost ate a high kick and thought better of it. One by one they began to be eliminated. Cadmus waited until Tack and Subbie were back at it to eliminate both of them, but Tack returned the favor, by holding down the ropes for Grind to his a rolling Dropkick to send the Dark Star Emperor to the outside. w00t and Swift eliminated themselves in their frenzied brawl, leaving Dan and Cade as the last two in the ring. Cade threw Dan over the top and thought he won it, but Dan held onto the ropes and rolled back into the ring. He grabbed Cade from behind and tossed him over the top to win the match and the Battlebowl Ring.
EBW: One Night Only - Return of CXJ
Tommy Dukes: It all began in 2006. I wasn't here yet obviously, but I was on message boards, complaining that my boy Poo wasn't getting push. That being said, I was witness to the beginning of the Cruiser X Junior Division, otherwise known as CXJ! It was a spotlight for some of the smaller, more high flying guys, to get their shot. In fact, I'm here with one of the first CXJ Champions, who put on some mass, and went on to become the 4-Crown King. He is none other than the War Wolf Trevor Mach.
Trevor Mach: You know, if Tack can do this commentary stuff then why can't I? I mean, it's great to be here. Glad to be a part of the one night return.
Tommy Dukes: Well, it might be more than one night depending on fan feed back. Do they want these guys to have that spotlight again, that unique spot, or do they want them in the thick of it, battling for a shot at titles like yours?
Trevor Mach: Hey, I'm good either way. Whatever the fans want, but I'm always open for a challenge. If these titles were specifically "Heavyweight" then I'd be like "oh no way", because of OCD reasons, but since it's Openweight, I'm cool with it. Besides, I'm not the only CXJ guy to win the big one. Grind won it once before.
Tommy Dukes: Then you beat him....and took his girlfriend.
Trevor Mach: HEY! We don't talk about that year. That was a weird year for me aight brah?
Tommy Dukes: Aight! Aight! We're at Summers Beach again, as Golden Week and Spring Break coincide for the Return of CXJ! We're going to see some old faces, returning names and what not.
Trevor Mach: Don't worry Tack. I'll be happy to remind you of who some of them are later.
Tommy Dukes: Huh?
Trevor Mach: Dementia. Too many hits to the head. I mean we joke, but he should probably get a CT scan...for real. It's worrisome.
Tommy Dukes: Oh right. Well, tonight's main event will see Fray Tiburon, who won the Golden Mask during last year's Golden Week, take on Kiva, his former friend and ally. The last time Kiva turned to the dark side, he helped bring him back. Will we succeed a second time? We're kicking things off with a return match from all the way back to the first EBW show in 2006. It's the precursor to CXJ, with Picky Minch returning to take on Retro Hippie, the man who beat YOU for the CXJ Championship.
Trevor Mach: I'll never be able to live that down will I? It haunts me. You try wrestling in a wizard robe and hat, and somehow never drop the hat in the process, WHILE trying to win. You try that Dukes! Tell me how successful you are it!
EBW: One Night Only - Return of CXJ
Summers Beach, Summers
1. Singles: Picky Minch beat Retro Hippie via Ankle Lock -> Submission
-Good match for two very rusty competitors. Very much a replay of their first match in 2006, with Picky getting behind Hippie to get the Hagen Suplex. The downed Hippie kicked out, but an Ankle Lock later lead to the Submission.
Tommy Dukes: It was like being back in 2006 again! Right Trevor?
Trevor Mach: I was blonde in 2006. I didn't have any grey hair. No linger back or knee problems. No, this isn't 2006 at all Tommy.
Tommy Dukes: I was talking about the match.
Trevor Mach: Huh? Oh yeah, a total blast from the past. Picky will always be in my boy stable. Retro Hippie is still my Agent though.
Tommy Dukes: How does that work out?
Trevor Mach: Surprisingly well.
Tommy Dukes: For a guy that beat you for the-
Trevor Mach: You're not going to finish that zinger Dukes. You're just going to stop.
Tommy Dukes: Right. Right. I'm stopping!
2. Tag: Dorado Mask[o]/Hex No Limit beat Grudge/Anguish[x] via Doradorana -> Pin
-The Lucha Bastards needed a win, and they got one against an established and experienced CXJ team from yesteryear, in the spiked shoulder padded, and face painted Grudge and Anguish. Swift counters and high flying offense, lead to Dorado Mask hitting the Doradorana on Anguish, to score the pinfall victory.
Tommy Dukes: That's how it's done! Our current guys are more than capable of going with some of the CXJ veterans.
Trevor Mach: Grudge and Anguish, I remember those guys. Mini versions of Given and Taken. You know they're related to Tali, which makes family gatherings awkward at times.
Tommy Dukes: ....Oh yeah?
Trevor Mach: I'm just putting that out there.
3. Singles: Generator beat Bakayaro via Electric Chair x GNR8R -> Pin
-The returning Bakayaro challenge The Legion's Generator, who was back in his original yellow and red costume, complete with face mask and cape. Mister High Voltage was back, and the nostalgia must have given him a boost as he pulled off his old favorites against the once competitive CXJ contender. Electric Chair lead to the signature GNR8R, and Generator picked up the win.
Tommy Dukes: Big win there! Love to see it! Generator in top form! Sometimes you just have to embrace what you are, and I think he's getting that. Look at him soaking up the crowd cheers. This is what gets you over for sure.
Trevor Mach: That Bakayaro guy....he and I were once neck and neck in a writing competition. He wanted to get as many views as me. It was close, but when I broke ahead, I stayed ahead.
Tommy Dukes: ....
Trevor Mach: What? That's what I remember about him! I don't think he liked me very much! Big whoop there! Ha! Good for Generator. He's my boy, we're close now. Thought I wasn't expecting The Legion thing. Guess we're not THAT close.
4. Tag: Grind/Switchback[o] beat Rey Dorado/Bullet[x] via Rolling Moonsault -> Pin
-Veteran Rey Dorado teamed with his old P+P buddy Bullet against Jetset Future, in a rematch from years back. Yes, this match actually happened before. I checked! It ended in the same way even, with Switchback rolling up to the ropes for a slick Moonsault onto Bullet for the 1-2-3.
Tommy Dukes: JET SET! So glad they're back together, though they did actually hack my computer, and I hadn't cleared my history yet, so be kind kind.
Trevor Mach: You uh...hiding something Dukes?
Tommy Dukes: You uh....going to go talk to Grind Mach?
Trevor Mach: ...You're got balls Dukes...I respect that....but I might still have to knee you in the face.
Tommy Dukes: ...I accept my fate.
Trevor Mach: Well played....well played.
5. Singles: Kiva beat Fray Tiburon via Kiva Dive -> Pin
-Main event time saw Fray Tiburon taking on Kiva, in a match where Tiburon was more invested in trying to pull Kiva away from the Forgotten, then he was winning the match, and that cost him. During a back and forth hold for hold encounter, Kiva was lifted for the Brainbuster, but escaped, taking Tiburon to the flow when he rushed off the ropes with a handspring back elbow. He went to the top for the Kiva Dive and claimed the win.
Tommy Dukes: Wow, Kiva has really got it, and Fray Tiburon was right there with him, but his heart was holding him ba-
Trevor Mach: Hey! Don't talk down to the Padre. Personal friend of mine, knows all about my...stuff...and he was just trying to beat some sense into Kiva. It happens. He'll get him next time.
Tommy Dukes: ....You know he's a Friar now right?
Trevor Mach: Does it look like I care?
Tommy Dukes: ....Well folks that does it for the CXJ reunion. If you want it back, just let us know. I'm sure we could fit another belt into EBW. What could the harm be? Not like they'd cut one to bring one back right? Right? Would they? I'm asking you, cause I have no idea.
Trevor Mach: Huh? You're still talking to me?
Tommy Dukes: ...Goodnight folks! We'll see you tomorrow for The Golden Tournament! Winner takes on Trevor Mach at The Golden event at the end of the week!
Trevor Mach: You better believe I'll be sitting in for that one too. I want to personally congratulate my upcoming opponent.
Tommy Dukes: Oh...that's good....for me...I guess.
EBW World
Nerma: Nerma here! Hello wrestling fans, it's time for another edition of EBW World! Big stories to talk about today, with some changes happening based on the success of Return of the CXJ. We'll also hear some big news regarding the Presidency of EBW! Yes, going on there. That's the best way to explain it I would think. We start off with a little backstage footage. On Xcite we had the Battlebowl, and in the process of getting to that, we had the Golden Tag Lottery. Thanks to The Legion's hacking, teams like 4-Crown King Trevor Mach and Mav Valentine were created. Mach didn't take to the jaw jacking of his former protege, and threw him to the lions as it were. After the match, we got THIS footage....yes..THIS footage. Play it Steve. PLAY IT!
Summers Rex Arena - Backstage
Trevor Mach walked himself back to the back with a smile on his face, as Mav Valentine rushed up behind him, spun him around, and pushed him back.
Trevor Mach: Whoa! Watch it Mav!
Mav Valentine: You son of a bitch! Why would you do that?!
Trevor Mach: Not obvious enough? Call it payback for Winters then. You left me to die.
Mav Valentine: Because you left me to di-
Trevor Mach: I did not such thing you little shit! I'm tired of you putting that on me! I was already gone when that happened, and I couldn't save you, because you didn't die! You weren't dead Mav. Wherever you ended up, he found you, and brought you here, telling you that you died, but you didn't. That means he has no real power over you, and yet you follow him anyway. He's got you wrapped around his finger.
Mav Valentine: No one has control of me. I do what I choose. I'm not a puppet, and I'm not a slave, and I won't be in your shadow or his.
Trevor Mach: Who is he anyways? You've seen his face under that hat and coat. It's obvious he wants to hide it. So who is he?
Mav Valentine: No chance I'm telling you, and no chance I'm ever being put into this position again by you. I mean it. I am SICK to DEATH of the way things work around here. I was willing to learn from you. I crashed on your couch, I carried your bags. I was willing to learn. A kid with my ego and ambition, that was very difficult, but I found myself enjoying the company over time. I liked being a part of a family. I guess that was all just bullshit. You used me, and discarded me.
Trevor Mach: No, that's not it at all. I was looking for someone to work with because....I didn't think I'd ever see Justice again. I missed my son. You reminded me of myself, but I didn't want to create you in my image. I didn't want to create anything for that matter. I wanted you to get fed up and break out on your own. I just....I did not want it to be like this, with him. You have no idea what he wants to do.
Mav Valentine: He's helping us even the playing field. Now look at me. I'm the Television Champion. This title you used to carry around so much. The one you said meant something, until you found yourself as World Champion again. Then suddenly, it doesn't mean shit right? I don't want it anymore. I want what you've got. I want the Triple Crown.
Trevor Mach: Yeah? Well, I'll make it real simple for you kid. Win The Golden Tournament, and I'll see you at the end of the week?
Mav Valentine: I will win, and don't call me kid. Don't ever call me kid again.
Trevor Mach: Wow, right in my face huh? You know what keeps guys like me at the top around here? We face our fears. You're doing that right now, and you don't even need him or any of the Forgotten behind you. You could be your own man and-
Mav Valentine: Save it. I'll see you soon.
Trevor Mach: *sigh*
Nerma: So yeah, that happened. Not sure about half of what they were talking about, but it sounded personal. Trevor with those #Dadvibes. He's looking younger these days, but he's still 37, and I secretly have a thing for Daddies....but I guess that's not so secret anymore. Damn, what is with the truth just slipping out these days. I'm a professional dammit! We move on from that to get to this. The Television Championship has now been VACATED! Yes, that's right, the price to get into The Golden Tournament for Champions, is to set aside your current championships. Apparently Mav tossed it onto the desk and stormed out, simple as that. Anyways, the title will find a new Champion at The Golden, when it is hoisted up for a Ladder Match between four challengers. Those challengers are Subculture, Kiva, Grind, and Bashin Dan, the Challenge Champion. He didn't want to sacrifice his Challenge Championship for The Golden Tournament, and the Battlebowl Winner is not just looking to add another belt to his collection. He's got a specific goal.
Bashin Dan: I want to seal the Television Championship. The title has prestige and history, but is it really serving its intended purpose? I look at my Challenge Championship as the true successor. The true title to meet the demands of a "Television Championship". You compete every week, and the winner's purse gets bigger as you go. There's the real challenge. There's the real incentive. That's what I believe. That's what I'm going to do.
Nerma: Of course, he's not the only one with plans, because got this from Grind.
Grind: Check it boys and girls, cause it's real simple. The Legion are on a Gold Rush. We'll take what we can get, but we're taking something. He or She who has the gold makes the rules right? That's what's going on with the Women's Division. Kyoko the Love Shocker can barely break in, when you got the Eisenritter controlling everything. So I'm thinking we liberate the Television Championship, and we make it a title for us outcasts, looking for a way back in. That purpose enough for you Danny boy?
Nerma: And of course Kiva had "something" to say, but it was in Lucha. Subculture has been hungry for title success for some time. Coming off of injuries and time spent with his wife, this could be just what it takes to get the fire back into the Green Bomber. Now onto, something a little different. The EBW Owner Noah Jennings, is looking to assign a President to his company. Apparently, he doesn't want to have to deal with Tess? I can't say I blame him.
Jennings Office
Noah Jennings: Today, I hereby declare that the position of EBW President needs to be filled. I'm the owner. I'm the money man. I'm good at business, and I'm good at presenting EBW as the leader of the sport. I'm THAT great. However, not even I can do both at once. It's worked this way in the past, with me working for a predecessor named Wozniak that no one seems to remember existing. However, unlike that situation, this President will have my full support, and he won't be someone that can just be fired. No, they will be elected in by their wrestling peers, and they will have powers that put mine in check. In short, we will both work together to ensure a better future for EBW. Now, who will step up for this job?
Suddenly, w00t stepped into the office.
Noah Jennings: w00t? What the hell? Aren't you with the Forgotten?
w00t: That is true, I am a member of the Forgotten, where we believe it's time to take the power back. Plus, I've been in your shoes before too. I have the experience. If they all elect me, I'll level the playing field once and for all, just like how our Boss wants.
Noah Jennings: That's far too suspicious to actually win you anything, so be my guest. Who else do we ha-
?: That would be.
Noah Jennings: Huh?
Orange walked into the room, but he looked quite different. He was wearing a suit, with his orange bowl cut hair, combed back in an awkward way.
Noah Jennings: Orange?
Orange: That's Orange MAN thank you very much. Yes, I am going to be your President. I'm the best for the job, very much so. I realized wrestling, that my brain power is what EBW needs, and not my already impressive muscles. Look at them, they're the best, very good, very ripped, and very orange.
w00t: Oh, you can no be serious here. You actually think you stand a chance?
Orange Man: I'm going to win w00t, because I'm the best.
w00t: What kind of platform is that?
Orange Man: I'm going to "Make EBW Great Again".
w00t: What?!
Noah Jennings: It''s already great?
Orange Man: Like I said, I'm going to "Keep EBW Great" #OrangeMan2020.
w00t: Grrrr! Orange Man bad!
Noah Jennings: What? You losing words there?
Orange Man: This was bound to happen, when I showed off what a great President I can be. I call it Orange Derangement Syndrome. Very sad, many such cases.
Noah Jennings: it too late to take back my decree? Anyone else want to run for President? Anyone? Please?!
Summers Beach
The the Angel wives sans Iroha, were splashing around in the water, and having a good time. Even Eris seemed to be in on it. Tack stared at them, unblinking as a beach ball hit his face, and he still was unresponsive.
Subculture: Dude, that smacked you right in the face? You alright?
Kinniku Mike: To be fair, I was aiming for him. He looks dead.
Tack Angel: The close to being complete.
Subculture: Eh?
Tack Angel: I need one more, to complete the set.
Kinniku Mike: The hell are you talking about man? You already have 7 wives. Take it from a guy that's been divorced a bunch of times. This is going to blow up in your face eventually.
Tack Angel: Just one more....for perfect symmetry.
Subculture: Why do you need one more?
Tack Angel: I put their pictures on my phone's home screen. See that corner? A missing space. I must fill it.
Subculture: You know...NOT do that. Instead of trying someone down to marriage you the pictures?
Tack Angel: No...this is the only way.
Kinniku Mike: Yeah bro, but is it though? Is it really?
Tack Angel: It must be....and it be could her.
Kinniku Mike: Huh?
Tack pointed to a stacked brunette in a bikini walking by on the beach.
Subculture: You're just picking her cause of tits.
Kinniku Mike: I can't blame you there. She's got. Uuuuuu.
Tack Angel: Yes.....uuuuuuuu. I must approach her.
Tack got up and walked over to the woman. Subculture and Mike stood back and stared.
Subculture: ...I just think you can't leave Tack out in the sun too long or shit like this happens.
Kinniku Mike: Yeah probably.
Tack could be seen talking to the woman, flailing his arms, and making a case for something. Suddenly, the woman started slapping him repeatedly, and chased him off.
Subculture: Didn't go well huh?
Tack Angel: ...a slight miscalculation. We'll get back to this...when it's not so hot out.
Subculture: Yeah, go inside you weirdo.
Kinniku Mike: It's like you care or something?
Subculture: Who me? No, I don't give a shit. His daughter seems to care about his crazy ass though, and I do care about her. That's the dilemma.
Kinniku Mike: Yeah. So....what does Christina look like naked?
Subculture: ...Why am I even hanging out with you?
Last edited by Machismo (4/29/2020 2:56 am)
Legion Feed
A hacked Lakitu followed Tess into her office, where the Man in Black was sitting in her chair.
Tess: Comfortable?
Man in Black: Never. I always ache. I always feels the stinging pain of losing what I once had. It lingers. Always with me. But, I hear that's about to change?
Tess: Indeed it is. Harley and I were helping you out. We were looking for this Doctor Yaggis guy, and we finally found him. It's here, written on this slip of paper.
Man in Black: Is that so?
Tess: And the tip is good, if the money is even better.
Man in Black: Of course it is. Remember who it is you're talking to.
Tess: Wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it for myself. It's funny how this all comes around. When you see this address, you'll laugh too.
Man in Black: ....*looks at note* You're sure about this?
Tess: I didn't believe it either, but then I called over there, and everyone sounded....distracted. Now you go over there, and you get him, but you leave the rest alone.
Man in Black: Those motherly instincts kicking in again?
Tess: I don't want to have to disown both of them, not if I can help it.
Man in Black: ..I'd say that means you have a heart, but I can see inside of you, and, well I'm just not seeing it. A deal is a deal. Congratulations. You and Harley have just made a very financially lucrative decision. Heh....spend it while you can.
Tess: Huh? What did he mean by that? Whatever. Not my problem.
Outside of Summers Hotel
The Legion Feed cut to the Summers Hotel, where Cadmus's goons were thwarted by Eris Angel once again, trying to sneak into the Hotel.
Eris Angel: You idiots! How many times do I have to tell you to take hike! I need to get back to the Sanctum! They replaced me with a flat chested loser, and yes, I know you can hear me! I don't care!
Bartz: We are under the power of the Dark Star. We have to-
Eris Angel: Faris! Faris, come over here please!
Faris Angel: Huh? What can I do for yo- BARTZ?!
Bartz: Faris! I've come to save you! Let's go! Boko!? Boko where are you!?
Faris Angel: What is he doing here?!
Eris Angel: Trying to "save" you apparently. Wish someone would do that for me, but NOOOO.
Faris Angel: Huh? Bartz, I'm not in need of saving! Go home!
Bartz: Never! I'm under the power of the Dark Star, and I have to do whatever it tells me, and it tells me to relentless pursue you and kill Tack Angel, and I-
Faris slapped him really hard across the face. His dark eyes cleared up instantly.
Bartz: OW! Why'd you do that for?!
Faris Angel: You were being an idiot. Probably like the other ones.
Bartz: Other ones?
Bartz turned around to see Danny Leung, Shiozaki, Dave, and Franky suspended above the ground in a net.
Bartz: Those guys? I met them at a bar once. What's going on here?
Faris Angel: Just...just go home Bartz.
Bartz: I came here to bring you back.
Faris Angel: I don't want to go back. This is my home now. You have Krile and Lenna to take care of, and I trusted my sister to you. Can you please go back.
Bartz: *sigh* Fine. I just....I just thought I'd give it a try. I'll leave as soon as-
Faris Angel: did you get here in the first place?
Bartz: A crystal obviously.
Faris Angel: Crystal. Obviously. It's always a crystal over there. Always was. Easy answer to everything. You might need to stick around a bit longer. I have an idea. As for the these other guys. Eris, slap some sense into them and send them packing please?
Eris Angel: Oh I will. You bet I will. You have any idea how much it SUCKS to be trapped on the mortal plane!?
Faris Angel: I-uh....what?
Last edited by Machismo (4/30/2020 1:30 am)
Jennings Office
Noah Jennings: Welcome everyone, to The Golden Tournament. I'm EBW Owner Noah Jennings, here with tonight's host and guest commentator. The first ever Miss EBW, Tracy Angel!
Tracy Angel: ....I'm *sigh* happy to be here.
Noah Jennings: That's a real nice sash they gave you.
Tracy Angel: I hate it.
Noah Jennings: Well, alright then. We'll be seeing you down at ringside along with Tommy Dukes and the 4-Crown King Trevor Mach. Tonight, we're going to see who will be facing Trevor at The Golden, our big event on ENN+! We kick of tonight's show with a 4-Way match for the EBW Television Championship. A lot of guys have a lot of plans with that belt, so we'll see what happens. *sigh* Now, we have the two candidates for EBW President in w00t and "Orange Man" here with me. What do you two think about tonight's show?
Orange Man: Love it. Terrific. Wonderful stuff. It's the best. We have the best wrestlers. The best fans. We're keeping EBW great.
w00t: You done? Why are you talking like that? Unlike this guy, I want to be a President of action, so when you elect me, the genius that I am, I'll be continuing in ring as the Triple Crown World Champion. I'm just that good, and no one else can match up.
Noah Jennings: There's that w00t ego I've been missing. You've been more subservient lately. Why is that?
w00t: Huh? know...I don't even remember anymore to be honest. It's fading, and it's fading fast. All I know is that I-
The screen cut to black, and the Man in Black stepped out of the darkness, speaking with voice modulation.
The Man in Black: Former Forgotten, you have bought the time I needed, and completed your mission successfully. Each of you is remembered. Each of you matters again, which I promised you. Never let it be said that you can't make a deal with me and not get what you wanted. But, as of right now, you are released from our pact. You are Forgotten no more.
The screen cut back to Noah and w00t.
w00t: Uh...yeah...that explains it. Ha! Free to do what I want baby, and taking back EBW is exactly what I'm going to do! Vote for me!
Noah Jennings: Huh....did we....did we win the war? Was it a war? I'm feeling not like it was a distraction? Why Steve? Well because he basically said so!
EBW: Golden Week - The Golden Tournament
Tommy Dukes: Incredible! For those of you just joining us, the mysterious Man in Black, the figure head that rounded up the "Forgotten" wrestlers of EBW, has just released the talent, back into the wild as it were. I guess that means the Forgotten are no more. What do you think Trevor?
Trevor Mach: Uh....this...this is not good. This is not good at all. I have to go.
Tommy Dukes: What? Where are you going?
Trevor Mach: I wasn't expecting him to find him so quickly. I really....I really just have to go.
Tommy Dukes: Huh...and there goes our 4-Crown King ladies and gentlemen. Well, this certainly throws a curve ball into the proceedings tonight. It was going to be all about The Golden Tournament, but this is a major plot development. Let's take it to the back, and see how some of the talent is reacting.
Gold, Lainey Strong, Kimber Blaze, and Lt. Lacy Wagner were seen immediately running up to Sylvie, Lainey Strong, and "3G" Krissy Gale.
Gold: I believe you just heard the announcement yes?
Lainey Strong: It's over Jane. We don't have to fight anymore.
Kimber Blaze: Yeah, ya weirdos. Let's stop fighting and work together again.
Lt. Lacy Wagner: I'm with her, but basically without calling you weirdos.
Sylvie: You think it's over? You still don't remember, and it''s fading from me too all of a sudden, but I won't allow myself to forget.
Calamity Jane: ...I....I don't know what I was thinking. Sylvie, you can hang onto your hate, but my mind is clear now. I don't know what came over me. Of course Lainey, I'm so sorry. We're a team!
Krissy Gale: I just.... I need to think about this for awhile. I need to go.
Gold: Sylvie please. Whatever happened, I want to help you get over it.
Sylvie: I'm not yours to mold anymore. I don't know why I ever let myself think we could be friends. If these ladies don't want to work together anymore, then I know exactly where I can do.
Gold: No. Don't go to Tess Sylvie. Don't sell your soul! Please!
Tommy Dukes: Wow, this is immediately having a consequence in the back. Is this cause to celebrate?
Tack Angel: I wouldn't just yet.
Tommy Dukes: Ah!
Tack Angel: Ah!
Tracy Angel: Tack! What are you doing here?
Tack Angel: I wanted to stand by my wife. They tricked you, and I don't appreciate that. It's the least I could do, to come out here, stand with you, and call this show.
Tommy Dukes: You were too late to sign up for the tournament weren't you?
Tack Angel: ....Those guys are fast alright?
Tommy Dukes: How do you feel about this? The Home Army must be relieved.
Tack Angel: No, I don't think so. This makes them all more dangerous. Some might be looking for a fresh start after this, but some are going to be more dangerous. I'm lucky I have Eris to protect me, because Cadmus and Bellerophon have been at my throat, and that could only ramp up now. It's like letting a bunch of rabid dogs off the leash.
Tommy Dukes: But at least we have the Elite 4 to protect u-
Tack Angel: We're not legally allowed to call ourselves that. Remember, we disbanded because of a stipulation?
Tommy Dukes: I'm surprised you remember that.
Tack Angel: Tracy just wrote it down on a piece of paper for me. Thank you Tracy.
Tommy Dukes: Seriously dude....less hits to the head. Well, we'll see how this plays out going forward. Wait, we've got some more backstage stuff. Let's go!
The Man in Black had just drove away, as Mav Valentine ran after him angrily.
Mav Valentine: You son of a bitch! You're leaving now?!
Maurice: Heh. Don't worry about it. We're free to do what we please now. If Mike and Amigo think this changes anything, they've got another thing coming.
Mav Valentine: Fine! I'll do what I've got to do by myself!
Trevor Mach walked by them, with bat in hand, as he hopped onto his motorcycle.
Mav Valentine: Don't just ignore me! Where the hell are YOU going?
Trevor Mach: Doesn't concern you anymore Mav. Stay out of it.
Mav Valentine: I will. I WILL! I've got my own shit to deal with you know?! I've got a career to correct! I'm going to show everyone that I matter, not just that, but that I'm MORE than worthy of those belts you carry! I'm going to get another shot. I'm coming for you Trevor! DO YOU HEAR ME!?
EBW: Golden Week - The Golden Tournament
Summers Rex Arena, Summers
1. EBW Television Championship: Subculture beat Mav Valentine(c), Bashin Dan, and Kiva[x] via KO Punch -> Pin -> NEW EBW Television Champion!
-The opening match saw Mav Valentine take on Challenge Champion Bashin Dan, Kiva, and Team Champion Subculture, in a 4-Way for the Television Championship. An all over the place brawl, with many clashing styles. Mav and Kiva were quick to turn on each other, with the Forgotten suddenly disbanded, giving Subculture the chance to knock out the high flier with a KO Punch for a surprise roll up and the win.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Subculture, is the NEW Television Champion! I wasn't expecting that! Mav wanted to take the title and combine it with the Triple Crown. Dan wanted it sealed. Kiva wanted something in Lucha, but only Subculture seemed to really covet the title, and now he's got it. With that and the ring, we're finally seeing the return of the Street Dog here.
Tack Angel: *sigh* I mean....I guess that's good...I'm sure Christina will be happy about it, but I'm going to have to hear about it all the time, and I just don't feel like it. You know? Like....why Subculture?
Tracy Angel: Oh come on Tack. I know you don't like the guy, but this IS great news. You love the Television Championship. You wanted it to stick around.
Tack Angel: Right...and NOW....I can challenge for it at some point. As Trevor would say, "something to think about".
Tracy Angel: I didn't mean it like that!
Tack Angel: Too late!
Tracy Angel: Oh no.
2. EBW The Golden Tournament Quarter-Finals: Firebrand X beat Cade via Crash Thunder Buster -> Pin
-The tournament kicked off with a match between Firebrand X and Cade. Cade looked more distraught that the Forgotten had suddenly broken up, and that lost feeling, carried into the match, where he lacked the intensity to keep Firebrand down. The masked man took Cade to the mat with a Crash Thunder Buster, and pinned him to advance.
Tommy Dukes: Another win for the Elit-
Tack Angel: Hey! What did I say! We're not called that anymore! We're just a bunch of dudes....who are the 90's sense.
Tracy Angel: Just say Bad Dudes. You know you want to say Bad Dudes.
Tack Angel: Well I'm a Bad Dudes, and Trevor's a Bad Dudes. I don't know about the other two. Possible Firebrand, like I wouldn't tell him no, but I don't know about that Subbie fella.
Tracy Angel: Oh come on!
Mav Valentines was throwing around stage equipment and lighting, He noticed the Lakitu filming and approached, grabbing the camera.
Mav Valentine: Oh, I'm not supposed to do this!? I'm not supposed to touch you?! Fine me! I don't care! This is bullshit! What do I have to do to make my statement?! What do I have to do to get over!? What do I have to do to get to the top! I made a deal with Death, and even Death abandons the mission! I was left to die, and now I'm being left to rot?! NO! I'm going to turn it around! I'm not a puppet! I'm not a protege! I'm not something you can define, and put in a box, and I refuse to be told where my place is on the card! I'm coming for that #1 spot! GAAAH! DAMMIT!
3. EBW The Golden Tournament Quarter-Finals: w00t beat Rude via wKo -> Pin
-The Legion rolled out with Rude, as he took on w00t, who was handing out "Vote for w00t" t-shirts and pennants. Somewhere, Arliss Michaels was seeing dollars signs. The Legion crew somehow hacked the music and lighting, as music played over neon strobe effects, trying to take w00t out of the match. Rude never looked better, as he took down the former 4-Crown King, after several chops and a Rulebreaker, but only got the 2 Count. Rude was looking to set him up again, but wKo out of nowhere, lead to the pin and win for w00t, who again started telling fans to vote for him.
Tommy Dukes: w00t is taking the whole disbanding of the Forgotten in stride.
Tack Angel: Like I said, they're going to be more dangerous than ever. They're going off into different directions now, and-
Tommy Dukes: Here comes Swift! The Brawler is chasing after w00t through the crowd!
Tack Angel: Oh hey buddy! Swift! Oh well, I'll catch him later.
Tommy Dukes: Well, he's coming back right now, cause he's next up to bat as it were. He chased off w00t though, so-
Tack Angel: No he didn't! Look out Swift!
Tommy Dukes: w00t must have grabbed a wrench or something, cause he just bashed something into the back of Swift's head. He's bleeding profusely. Big damage done from one former 4-Crown King to the other. A lot of history there. Swift is being checked on by the referee. Is he actually going to try and compete?
Tack Angel: You can't keep Swift down. He's a beast! My money is on Swift despite the injury!
Tommy Dukes: I'll take that bet.
Tracy Angel: Really?
Tommy Dukes: Yeah Tracy, look at him. He's leaving a trail of blood on the way to the ring. Can someone get a mop? Maybe some disinfectant too?
4. EBW The Golden Tournament Quarter-Finals: Mav Valentine beat Swift via Referee Stoppage
-A disgruntled Mav Valentine looked to recover from his loss at the beginning of the show, and took advantage of w00t's attack, targeting the gash on the back of Swift's head and keeping it open. Swift tried to counter back, using his energy to hit a POUNCE, but wobbly legs kept him from hitting the Blackhammer, and Mav escaped, trapping Swift in a chokehold before bringing him to the mat. Swift passed out from blood loss, and the ref had no choice but to end the match.
Tommy Dukes: Shock of shocks! Mav Valentine just beat Swift! He just stopped the man who is a MULTIPLE TIME 4-Crown King, albeit, with a little help from the would be President.
Tack Angel: *sigh* Alright, you won the bet.
Tommy Dukes: That's right, pay up. What's this? "Angel Dollars"?
Tack Angel: Spend those at the Crystal Heaven Food Court.
5. EBW The Golden Tournament Quarter-Finals: Kinniku Mike beat Maurice via Muscle Buster -> Pin
-A highly athletic grudge match, as Amigo in a neck brace came down to second Kinniku Mike. They started off in a lock up, exchanging leverage, with Mike trying to hit that all important first slam, but Maurice backed away and slapped him in the face, changing the tone of the match, with Maurice using his reach advantage to try and keep Mike at a distance. However, Amigo uncharacteristically tripped up Maurice, leading to a big crowd reaction, as Mike used that moment to hit the Dragon Suplex. He followed it up with a Muscle Buster, carrying Maurice around the ring, before dropping him hard for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Whoa! Amigo, helping out Mike. I'd call that payback for sure. Maurice didn't have any back up here. The effects of this Forgotten disbanding, already being felt. Maurice looks livid.
Tracy Angel: He got what he deserved. He tried to take Amigo out of action permanently. I don't care for Maurice.
Tack Angel: Wife, it's everyone's job to care.
Tracy Angel: ....
Tack Angel: ....No you're right. He sucks. Tracy, your dress is uh....
Tracy Angel: What? I hate dresses. Am I showing off too much cleavage?
Tack Angel: Um....not enough actually. Could you pull it down just a bit?
Tommy Dukes: Yeah, you should do that.
6. EBW The Golden Tournament Semi-Finals: Firebrand X beat w00t via Fireslide -> Pin
-A solid match with w00t having to work hard against Firebrand, with no one to back him up. A wKo took Firebrand to the mat, but he somehow managed to kick out at 2. The fans started to boo and throw the "Vote for w00t" merch back at him. He argued with the crowd, but X, the hybrid fighter, switched things up and pulled him into a Triangle Choke, with a panicking w00t barely making it to the ropes. He circled the ring and clutched at his throat, only for Firebrand to kip up and land a kick to the midsection followed by the Fireslide for the pin.
Tommy Dukes: Yeah! Firebrand X advances to the Finals. That's what I'm talking about! More victories for the Bad Dudes!
Tack Angel: No seriously, that's like a Tag Team thing with me and Trevor. You can't just include them into it. I mean why do you keep bringing this up?
Tommy Dukes: No reason. By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that EBW: The Golden, later this week, will be brought to you by the Bad Dudes Trilogy Blu-Ray Box Set. Remastered Director's Cuts of the thrilling adventures of Tack Striker and Trevor Blade. I also hear a Bad Dudes IV might be in Pre-Production?
Tracy Angel: Oooooh! Marketing. Tack, it's a marketing thing.
7. EBW The Golden Tournament Semi-Finals: Mav Valentine beat Kinniku Mike via Mav Buster x Curb Stomp -> Pin
-High impact action between Mav Valentine and Kinniku Mike was up next. A livid and defiant Mav Valentine refused to be seen as beneath Mike, and disrespected him in the ring. It was like watching a new Mav Valentine emerge over the course of the show. Mav escaped the Dragon Suplex attempt, and tried to go for the Mav Buster, but Mike conversely counter and hit a Belly to Belly for the nearfall. Maurice ran down to ring side, and attacked Amigo, sending him head and neck first into the guard rail. The distraction helped Mav hit the Mav Buster on Mike, followed by a disrespectful Curb Stomp and the pin.
Tack Angel: No! I hope Amigo's alright. I need to-
Tracy Angel: TACK!
Tommy Dukes: Oh no, we've got Cadmus attacking! He just came after Tack through the crowd! I guess all bets are off now. Tracy get back!
Tracy Angel: Like hell I am!
Tommy Dukes: Miss EBW is trying to help Tack, but Bellerophon just clobbered her. Here comes Makoto, Nani, and Christina to help out. They're running them off while helping up Tack and Tracy. This is just an out of control night people. It's crazy! Mav Valentine is in the ring taunting Firebrand X. He's ready. It's time to crown this year's winner of The Golden Tournament. Guess I'm calling this solo. Reminds me of college....forget I said that.
8. EBW The Golden Tournament Finals:
-Main event time, as the defiant Mav Valentine battled Firebrand X, in a rematch of sorts from the match that saw Mav upset Firebrand for the Television Championship. Upset as in win the match, but I'm sure Firebrand was upset that he lost too, so upset in both meanings. Mav went old school by leaving the ring, making X follow him out and back in, where Mav took the advantage stomping him down. A back and forth match from here, with Firebrand kicking it up a notch after a middle finger from Mav. Firebrand switched up his style again, going with power moves, and nearly winning after a discus lariat. Mav survived and low blowed Firebrand X, followed by a Mav Buster and another Curb Stomp to keep X down for the 1-2-3.
Highway 2 between Twoson and Onett
Trevor Mach was barreling down the newly built highway, when he felt his phone ringing. He pulled over, and saw a familiar number.
Trevor Mach: *on phone* I'm really busy here. Do you have anything for me?
Jeff Andonuts: *on phone* We do. I'm with Apple Kid and Mr. Face. Compiling our data, we believe that the Man in Black was using the Forgotten to stall you and us, while he sought out Dr. Yaggis aka-
Trevor Mach: *on phone* Giygas. I know all of this. I can tell you more about than you can probably. The bastard's looking for Yaggis, because Giygas merged with what was left of "Entity V" on Triton in 1992. I watched it happen. I made it happen. Tell me something I don't know.
Mr. Face: *on phone* We know where he's heading. We finally tracked Yaggis's movements, we had help from an unlikely source. One we didn't even know about until now. They said he was going to seek help from an old friend. If that wasn't you, then it's-
Trevor Mach: *on phone* Son of a bitch. That's why Samael is heading to Onett. He's going to Ness's house.
Mr. Face: *on phone* We're coming with backup. You're on the fastest route to-
Trevor Mach: *on phone* I know how to get to that house. I was thrown through a wall. It's how I met the wife. Listen, get there if you can, but one way or another, I think Yaggis needs to be put down, before Samael can extract what he needs to finish V's master plan.
Jeff Andonuts: *on the phone* Wait what? No! Listen, Yaggis has-
Trevor hung up the phone, and continued on his way to Ness's.
Ness's House
A storm was brewing over Onett, as lighting and heavy winds cut the power to the two story house. Paula lit candles, and looked over as Ness put Will in his crib.
Paula: He's coming. I can sense it. I feel it on the back of my neck Ness. The feelings of death.
Ness walked over to the kitchen table, and looked at the disheveled man sitting there.
Dr. Yaggis: helped took me in, and gave me a place to hide. You helped keep them safe. I can't ask you to do anymore. I need to leave now and-
Ness: ......
Paula: Yaggis, we made this decision, he and I, as a family. We don't want our child in danger, but the risks of letting you leave, and letting you fall victim to this...Man in Black, are to big to leave to chance.
Dr. Yaggis: I'm not worth trying to save.
Paula: I don't sense the Giygas entity that once tried to enslave us. I sense...and see....a man desperate to protect others right now. You don't care about what happens to you. Can't hide these emotions from me.'s amazing what exposure to humanity will do right?
Dr. Yaggis: I don't want to cause this family anymore hardship. George and Maria....I-I-
Paula: Shhh...
Ness: ......
Paula: He's here.
Dr. Yaggis: No. No, I-
Paula: Stay back. Please.
Ness grabbed his cracked bat and walked outside. Paula grabbed a nearby frying pan and followed him out. They stood in their front yard, as the Man in Black stepped out of his vehicle, and fixed his hat, as the rain began to fall.
The Man in Black: You....who would have thought, he'd come to you.
Ness: .....
Paula: He had nowhere else to go.
The Man in Black: Nowhere to go. No time left. Do you have any idea what I've had to do to find him? I brought them back. I used what was left of my power to bring them back. It destroyed my physical form, and I had to become imprisoned in this body to finish the job. I had to keep Azrael occupied, so I could walk freely and find him. Ness, you have your Mother to thank by the way. Ironic right? Mother? It's not lost on me.
Paula: What do you intend to do?
The Man in Black: What are you expecting? Are you expecting I tell you the whole plot? I'm going to end everything. That's it. That's the plot. That's the whole reason for all of this. There is a War in Heaven being fought over it. Do they intervene, or do they let humanity live or die by its own merits. Heaven...heh...the metaphysical barrier between us and Heaven...and Hell...the Sanctum....this is all your fault. You as in humanity. You gave us a taste of death, but then we realized we could gorge on it! Now, all that's left is to eat what's left, and embrace oblivion. Stand aside, and you can see it happen, or fight me, and die slowly, and painfully. I'll start with Paula, then Will, and then you Ness. You get to watch them die first.
?: Allow me to assist you.
Man in Black: Huh?
The Man in Black turned to see Degrees beside him.
The Man in Black: I released you. Your mind should be yours again, and yet you still wish to join me?
Degrees: I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be dead, but instead, you turned me into a monster. I can't live with my actions. Better to no longer exist.
The Man in Black: about that? Two-on-two now.
Ness: .....
The Man in Black: You don't have to say a word Ness. I read you loud and clear.
The two sides ran at each other, with The Man in Black trying to get to Paula, while Ness attempted a PK Flash to blind the opposition. Degrees jumped through the light and pulled out a knife to try and stab at Ness, but Ness blocked it with a bat. The Man in Black grabbed Paula by the throat, but she whacked him in the head with the Frying Pan, and used PK Fire to ignite his coat. Hat off and coat burned to cinders, Paula and Ness tried to see who the man was under it all, but he escaped around the house. Degrees stood in their way,
Degrees: I won't let you through. You have to kill me!
Ness: .....
Paula: Get out of the way Doctor!
Degrees: No! KILL ME! PLEASE!
Degrees took a stab at them to provoke an attack, but he was suddenly restrained by a man in a red costume.
Degrees-4: No Doctor....that can't happen. You have a family to get back to.
Degrees: What? WHAT?! Are you insane? I can't. I could never.
Degrees-4: It wasn't you. You weren't in control of yourself. You were brought back by him, and controlled. Mr. Face and Andonuts said they saw you coming here, and I figured it was to die, but I'm here to tell you that you can have your life back.
Degrees: I can't. Sacrificing myself, and my bond to my family, was the hardest thing I've ever done. I can't return from it. You lost your family, but have life. I have a family, but I lost my life. I'm not whole.
Degrees-4: Neither am I. I haven't been, but I've been trying for you, to hold up my end of the bargain.
Degrees: If you gave up the bargain, you'd lose your reason to keep living?
Degrees-4: I...I-
Faris Angel arrived as Time Fire, along with Apple Kid, Jeff Andonuts, Mr. Face, and several other figures.
Mr. Face: You got here ahead of us I see.
Faris Angel: Huh?
Faris looked into her hand, to see a bright shimmering. The crystal she had borrowed from Bartz was suddenly growing brighter and brighter. The light enveloped the two Degrees, and where there were two, only one stood after the fact.
Jeff Andonuts: Hey...uh....what just happened?
Faris Angel: *sigh* Deus Ex Crystallis.
Degrees: I am....what...what just happened?
Mr. Face: Which are you? Are you Degrees or the Degrees of Earth-4?
Degrees: I am....both? Heh...I can remember both things. I remember losing my family, and having my family. Both lives.
Faris Angel: This happens with crystals guys. They're vague and nebulous.
Apple Kid: Uh...don't we have bigger problems right now?
Mr. Face: Right. Ness and Paula, where did he go, and where is Dr. Yaggis?
Yaggis was trying to escape out the back door, when the Man in Black blocked his path, approaching in the darkness.
The Man in Black: You've made this more difficult than it needed to be. We could have shared in the destruction, if only you'd stop pretending to be human and embrace what you truly are.
Dr. Yaggis: I am human....or....I thought I was.
The Man in Black: Well now, you're-
A motorcycle suddenly swoomped in and veered into the Man in Black, sending him flying off the side of the cliff behind Ness's house.
Trevor Mach: Talk about cutting it close.
Dr. Yaggis: Mach?
Trevor Mach: Giygas.
Dr. Yaggis: Yaggis.
Trevor Mach: If you say so. You almost lead to the whole of creation being devoured by Samael. Letting you escape was a mistake I can only make once.
Dr. Yaggis: Wh-what?
Trevor got off the motorcycle, and grabbed his metal bat before approaching Yaggis.
Trevor Mach: Do you remember this bat? I smashed you to bits on Triton, and trapped you in a time loop, but even then I should have known you'd find a way to escape it. You always do. Not this time though. This time, if you truly are a human, you're capable of dying, and it's the only way to ensure that everyone else lives.
Dr. Yaggis: You could try and take the power for yourself, and let me live.
Trevor Mach: Is that even possible? Even if it was, I don't want it. I gave up the chance to be some sort of over powered celestial entity. Deeds are what make you great. The choices you make in your life. Humanity deals with consequences beings like you could hardly understand. It gives weight to the choices we make, like the choice I'm making now, to end you.
Dr. Yaggis: *sigh* I understand. Just please....please watch over them. He's been so lost, and now that I realize why, it's too late.
Trevor Mach: Who are you-you're trying to confuse me. I'm easily confused. You know that. Enough bullshit Giygas. It's time to end this now.
Yaggis closed his eyes, a single tear streamed down his cheek. Mach ignored it as he wound up for the swing, but suddenly-
Jeff Andonuts: Trevor stop!
Trevor Mach: Huh?
?: No! Please don't hurt my Daddy!
Trevor Mach: What?
Cade: Dad, what's going on? What are you doing here?
Trevor Mach: Huh?!
Trevor turned and saw Cade, and a much younger girl standing with Jeff, Faris, Apple Kid, and Mr. Face.
Trevor Mach: Cade? Who is-
Cade: That's my Dad. Why are you doing this?
Trevor Mach: You're Dad?!
Dr. Yaggis: Those are my children. George Caden and Maria kids.
Trevor Mach: I don't...I don't understand.
Jeff Andonuts: He changed Trevor. He really did change. He's had no idea of who he was. He became Dr. Yaggis, and started a family. Since then, he's been nothing but an asset to us, and a Father to them. People can change Trevor. People really can change.
Trevor Mach: .....
Mr. Face: We'll protect him. If the Man in Black comes for him, he'll be safely with us.
A confused and freaked out Trevor lowered the bat, and sat against a tree, while Mr. Face's men helped Dr. Yaggis to his feet. Little Maria Yaggis ran up to her Father and embraced him.
Maria Yaggis: Where have you been Daddy?
Dr. Yaggis: I'm sorry I worried you sweetheart. Daddy was in trouble, but all these nice people helped him out.
Maria Yaggis: Even the crazy man with the bat?
Dr. Yaggis: Yes, even the crazy man with the bat.
Maria walked over to Trevor. He looked up from putting his face into his hands.
Maria Yaggis: Thank you for helping my Daddy.
Trevor Mach: Heh...yeah sure....I guess that's what we're doing now. Happy to help kid. *sigh*
Mr. Face: We need to get you out of here. Do you trust me?
Dr. Yaggis: I don't have much of a choice do I? Lead the way sir. I was beginning to miss my lab. Come on kids.
Cade: I'll uh....I'll be with you in a bit Dad. Ness? Paula? I-I am so confused right now. Would you guys mind filling me in?
Ness: .....
Paula: Heh, it's not all that easy to explain. For us, it started in 199X.
Last edited by Machismo (5/04/2020 1:02 am)
EBW World
Nerma: Time for another EBW World update! Golden Week is progressing nicely. We just saw Mav Valentine become "The Golden" and now we know that he'll be facing 4-Crown Trevor Mach for the Triple Crown World Championship. We'll find out later in the week who will be facing Erica, with the Killer Queen Tournament that's still to come. Speaking of the Killer Queen Tournament. It turns out that Lady M's is going to have to qualify to get into it. I know shock of shocks right. We don't know why she's facing yet, but it'll be the main event of our Xperience for Golden Week. We'll also see intergender action, as Tack Angel teams with wife Tracy Angel to take on Cadmus and Bellerophon. Bashin Dan will have a challenger for the Challenge Championship, Dirk Laramire will be in action against Kinniku Mike, and six of our high fliers will be competing in the opener, for the right to challenge for the Neon Championship. Yes, thanks to the success of the CXJ reunion, the Neon Championship looks to be replacing the title, as the prize for the top ropes enthusiasts. We have The Legion representing on this one, so they may find a title show coming later in the week. Speaking of The Legion, they have been mum on the dissolution of The Forgotten. Message board posts seem to indicate that they still believe themselves as the third party, but now it seems between the "Heel-Face Dynamic". So tweener then. Tweener right? That's what they call that? Tweener? Tweener Steve? Am I right? Yeah, I'm right. They're tweeners. Look forward to all of this, PLUS a sit down interview with 4-Crown King Trevor Mach and Mav Valentine on Xperience, Golden Week edition!
EBW: Golden Week - Xperience
Summers Rex Arena, Summers
1. EBW Neon #1 Contender: Los Tiburon vs. Grind vs. Kiva vs. Generator vs. El Mago vs. Hex No Limit
2. Singles: Kinniku Mike vs. Dirk Laramie
3. EBW Challenge Championship: Bashin Dan vs. TBA
4. Intergender Tag: Tack Angel/Tracy Angel vs. Cadmus/Bellerophon
5. Killer Queen Qualifier: Lady M's vs. TBA
The Legion Feed
The camera cut to a neon painted hang out, where a masked man with goggles and headphones looked to the camera.
?: Welcome to The Legion feed. Nerma hit the nail of the head, we're the space between heel and face. We're free spirits, and we do our own thing. Like for example, hacking the cameras some more, to show everyone what's going on in EBW. Freedom of information, am I right?
Summers Beach Basketball Court
Jammer was taking shots to the hoop, with very little success. The kids all around him were sinking shots, much better than he was.
Jammer: Uh....that's right. I wanted to make you feel better, to boost your confidence. I was only pretending to suck. Haha. I'm....I'm going to go. Keep at it kids. Just....just keep at it. *sigh*
The distraught Jammer walked the boardwalk, feeling listless and unhappy, then he saw someone familiar sitting at a nearby outdoor cafe.
Jackson Kain: *on the phone* You tell them, that if they want me in Bad Dudes IV, they've got me. I haven't gotten to play a villain in an action film before. That script and contract better look good though. I'm not kidding. Count the zeros Goldstein. You know what I want. Alright. Later.
Jammer: Jackson Kain, former EBW star and action movie icon.
Jackson Kain: You want an autograph? Cause I don't have a pen, and- oh, it's the Slam Master. EBW IS in town after all. Guess I should have expected a run in or two. It's a like wrestler second nature.
Jammer: It's just Jammer now. No Slam Master. I'm not really the master of anything.
Jackson Kain: You seem upset. You're not going to talk to me about it are you?
Jammer: No.
Jackson Kain: Oh good.
Jammer: ....It's just that-
Jackson Kain: Oh here we go.
Jammer: I have never been less important in EBW. I'm a member of Dan Club, but lately we haven't been going after anything. Friendship is important, I learned that lesson, but friendship alone is not getting me any close to getting back to the title picture.
Jackson Kain: Uh-huh.
Jammer: Dan is the man, and everyone loves him. He earned that. I can't fault him, and I'm not bitter about it anymore. I do still have that ting of jealousy. I want so badly to reach that place, but after what I did to get my World Championship, I don't know if I ever will.
Jackson Kain: You were World Champion? Oh that's right! You we- sorry....I don't get to watch the product that much.
Jammer: Guess I'm just in a rut.
Jackson Kain: This sounds familiar actually. You know what it is. Secondary Rider Syndrome.
Jammer: What?
Jackson Kain: You're the cool, dark, and brooding secondary rider. You're not the protagonist. That's the part that hurts the most, when you realize you're not the protagonist. I play heroes in a lot of movies, but when it came to EBW, I was secondary to Degrees. Doc was always seen as the hero, the leader, and that bothered me. Then, it hit me.
Jammer: What hit you?
Jackson Kain: A dropkick he landed right to my dome. In my unconscious state, I realized that we're actually really lucky. We are the cool guys. We're the renegades. People on message boards will talk about how we're cooler than the protagonist and deserve the push. You get quite a loyal fan base being the secondary rider. We're always just much more interesting. We're full of sub-text. Sub-text Jammer. All of that sub-text.
Jammer: That all sounds good, but I've been down the renegade route before, it turned me into a dick.
Jackson Kain: You know how many women secretly or not so secretly love the bad boy? I mean, #chokemedaddy trends on twitter if that's any indication. A lot of broken girls with daddy issues, get obsessed with the secondary rider.
Jammer: ....Kaori didn't.
Jackson Kain: ....*sniff*...that was a low blow Jam.
Jammer: Sorry.
Jackson Kain: No, don't be. It was perfect. Embrace being what you are.
Jammer: I don't want to turn my back on my friends again.
Jackson Kain: Who says you have to? Instead of you changing for them, they can accept you for who you are. I mean, I'm still BEST FRIENDS with Doc, and...uh...Jeff? John? John Donuts? I want to say his name is John Donuts. I feel pretty confident about that.
Jammer: You're right're absolutely right!
Jammer grabbed out a pen, signed his basketball, and slammed it onto the table.
Jackson Kain: What's this?
Jammer: MY autograph.
Jackson Kain: Hey hey, now THAT'S the spirit. But seriously, could you take it off the table. I'm still eating.
Jammer: Right. Right. Sorry.
One Eyed Jack's
Tack Angel was sitting at a table by himself, slowly drinking a glass of grape juice. Vape and Benjamin were sitting a ways away, observing.
Vape: Why do you think he looks so down in the dumps?
Benjamin: I don't know. If I were that guy, I'd be happy all the time. A kingdom, wives, pirates, penguins, giant robots, and he's a popular guy.
Vape: I want just one of those things. I could take care of a penguin. Maybe I'll get one. How much do they cost?
Benjamin: It's too hot here Vape.
Vape: Oh right...can you buy pirates?
Benjamin: What would you do with one?
Vape: ....Buy a pirate girl and have her love me.
Benjamin: Oh
Vape: I know....I know. Hey, who is that coming in? That's Tack's brother in law Stuart right?
Benjamin: Yeah it is. Why is covered in bandages?
Vape: Hey Stu! You alright man?
Stuart: Huh? Oh, you guys are in that Dan Club right. Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for the concern.
Benjamin: You're covered in bandages. What happened?
Stuart: Oh, you know how it is. Tack's got this group of guys trying to get the drop on him, and I'm trying to do my part by keeping them out of his business.
Vape: Wow, that's awful nice of you.
Stuart: Least I could do. If you'll excuse me, I really need a drink.
Vape: He seems nice.
Benjamin: We didn't ask him what had Tack down.
Vape: You're right, we could have done that. Man, we're terrible detectives.
Benjamin: Detectives? You think we're detectives?
Vape: ....Are we not?
Benjamin: Are we?
Vape: I had all those cards printed up. See?
Benjamin Vape: "Mystic Vape Detective Agency"?
Vape: Yeah booooy!
Benjamin: Huh, always full of surprises you are.
Vape: Thanks. I try. Now wait, here comes Eris Angel. Let's ask her this the REAL detectives we are.
Benjamin: Right. Excuse us? Mam?
Eris Angel: WHAT?!
Vape and Benjamin: AH!
Eris Angel: Oh...sorry about that. A little busy trying to keep Tack's ass out of the fire! Didn't mean to snap at you Benji.
Benjamin: Benji? Do we know each other?
Eris Angel: Oh, of course you wouldn't remember me. When you died, you asked to be taken somewhere different from your world, and I put you here. It was so long ago though, it's easy to forget.
Benjamin: I DIED?!
Eris Angel: ...Just forget I said all of that.
Benjamin: ...That actually explains a few things tho-
Benjamin: FORGOTTEN!
Vape: Excuse us Mam, but we're detectives, and we've got to ask-
Eris Angel: The best way to lose weight? Diet and exercise, same as always. Seriously Vape, you've got like 2 years left buddy. Your heart's going to explode.
Vape: ...Ominous. Diet Coke it is then. But, back to what I was GOING to ask. Do you know what seems to be wrong with Tack?
Eris Angel: That asshole?! Ha! After nabbing wife number SEVEN! SEVEN! SEVEN WIVES! That man has the GALL to ask the wives if he can add an 8th because, and I quote, he wants to "fill the empty space on his phone home screen". Can you believe that shit!? Especially when his seventh wife is me, and just look at me!
Vape: Oh I am.
Eris Angel: I mean, he can't touch me, but he gets to look at me! That should be enough. Gah! What a maroon! I can't keep guarding this man by myself you know!
Vape: Tack really that sad about not getting an 8th wife? How sad can you get about something like that?
Tack Angel: ♫ baka mitai kodomo na no ne
yume wo otte kizu tsuite
uso ga heta na kuse ni
waraenai egao misetaI LOVE YOU mo roku ni iwanai
kuchibeta de honma ni bukiyou
na no ni na no ni doushite
sayonara wa ieta nodame da ne
dame yo dame na no yo
anta ga suki de suki sugite
dore dake tsuyoi osake de mo
yugamanai omoide ga
baka mitai ♫
Benjamin: Apparently pretty sad.
Last edited by Machismo (5/07/2020 2:23 am)
Crystal Heaven
The pirates were enjoying a well deserved break from all the work in the crystal kingdom. The Legion cut to a feed of them all sunbathing near the lake.
Pirate Bill: Yarr, me be needin' dis fer ages.
Pirate Ralph: You ever think how crazy our jobs are? I mean maintaining this place, and that hangar for all those giant robots?
Pirate Bill: Aye, it's madness. Me thinks sometimes I be hallucinatin' from cabin fever, but it's best to just roll with it. Ain't that right Taquito?
Pirate Taquito: You said it Bill! To me, this is the best! We get to travel sometimes, and shark attacks aside, I have a great time! I'm going to go check on the mecha right now!
Pirate Ralph: But we're taking a break!
Pirate Bill: He be always workin' hard. Sweet sweet Taquito.
As they but sun tan lotion on their noses and basked in the sun, the hanger suddenly exploded, destroying all of the mechs in the process.
Pirate Ralph: Whoa! What just happened?! The hanger....the whole hanger just went up in flames!
Pirate Bill: We be under attack! Yarr! Sound the alarm and find the Penguin!
Pirate Taquito was flown into the air from the explosion, and he smashed into the side of the pirate ship.
Summers Beach Dressing Rooms
A livid Tack Angel flanked by his wives approached Cadmus, as Bellerophon was doing his nails.
Tack Angel: YOU!
Cadmus: Me? *sigh* You're angry about something. Getting tired of my boys following you around?
Eris Angel: He might not be, but I sure am!
Amy Angel: Don't play coy. You know what you did!
Cadmus: Today? Nothing really. What are we talking about?
Tack Angel: Fine, you want to play, we'll play. blew up the Angel Megazord! Pirate Bill told me, when I managed to make sense of what he said.
Cadmus: ....Huh...I can't say I'm sad about this, but I had no part in it.
Faris Angel: Do NOT lie!
Makoto Angel: Why would you do this to us, and then lie about it? You have no honor!
Cadmus: Never claimed that I did. You see this woman pawing at me! Literally my sister!
Tracy Angel: *gags* You don't have to remind us. We know.
Tack Angel: You have broken promise after promise, and deal after deal. They mean nothing to you. My mistake was assuming a scumbag would keep his word. Never again.
Cadmus: Again, I'm not responsible for what happened. If I was, I'd brag about it. Gloat all about it. I'd be all up in your face about it. Crystal Heaven would be WIDE OPEN for more monster attacks....if someone hadn't run out of Dark Star Fragments. Don't worry, I'll get my hands on more....I mean THEY will get their hands on more.
Nani Angel: I will kill you. You must be stopped.
Tack Angel: This all needs to be stopped. Maybe no death though. Appreciate the enthusiasm Nani.
Cadmus: I agree. It's time to shift tracks. To beat you, I need to do it here in the ring. Bellerophon needs to show that she is better than your "wives". The Forgotten were fun allies for awhile, but it was always leading to this, just us. However, that being said, I DID NOT attack Crystal Heaven. So tonight, I think we should make another wager for our match, like we're been doing, because I DO keep my word, no matter what loopholes you think I make. We'll keep it simple. Winning team gets to decide the stipulation for a match between the two of us at The Golden. What do you say?
Tack Angel: I'm up for it, but what do you think Tracy ?
Tracy Angel: We can beat them. We want the advantage. Let's do it.
Tack Angel: You're on Cadmus.
Cadmus: Perfect. We'll see you tonight.
Bellerophon: You don't scare us. You might have the numbers Tack, but he has me.
Tack Angel: You're definitely not 8th wife material.
The two walked off, leaving the family confused.
Tack Angel: I trust him ladies. He didn't blow up the hanger. The Forgotten disbanded, so it wouldn't be them either. I wonder who did it?
Vape and Benjamin poked their heads from around the corner.
Vape: I think we have a case Benji.
Benjamin: Right you are. A new adventure and mystery for "Mystic Vape Detective Agency".
Amy Angel: Huh? What are you two doing over there?
Nani Angel: They are eavesdropping. I will kill them.
Vape and Benjamin: AAAAAHHHH!!!
Tommy Dukes: Welcome back wrestling fans, time to level up with more Xperience! We're still in Summers, and it's still Golden Week. You think this is a breather between big events?! Well.....nuh uh!
Apple Kid: Right..."nu-uh". That's the best you can do?
Tommy Dukes: Where have you been?
Apple Kid: Busy. Very busy. You might have to fill me in on what I missed while we go along.
Tommy Dukes: Right. Of course. The wife said the same thing, when she got her job back on Xcite.
Makoto Angel: And it appears that I get to work back on the desk again myself!
Tommy Dukes: Makoto! Great to see you! Why come back to work here though, when you could easily go kick some more Eisenritter ass.
Makoto Angel: I thank you for the vote of confidence, but the truth is, I'm a little out of shape for that. Don't worry though, because I actually DO intend to get ripped for a showdown there.
Apple Kid: You should bottle your ab sweat.
Makoto Angel: Huh?
Tommy Dukes: Speaking of Eisenritter, the entire group is taking the night off. They are up in the VIP Box. Let's go take a look shall we? Why yes....yes we shall.
The camera switched to the inside of the VIP Box, where Tess was sitting with Erica and the Eisenritter, as they laughed over champagne. They had an extra person in tow.
Tess: I do love just taking it easy for once. It's so stressful trying to save an entire company.
Erica: You have done so much for us, and we thank you.
Tess: No no, I thank all of you, for being grateful. I haven't had to humiliate you OR crush your hopes or dreams. You were smart enough to understand. Troian you bared it all to be here. Kaie and Duvalie are more than happy to get their hands dirty. Muscle Girl Security, you look like you're getting bigger every day. Erica, well you're the Queen. You're "Golden" already. Then we have girl. Happy to have you here, but what do you contribute?
Sylvie: I've learned something. Gold and Silver go great together, but I was lumped in with fool's gold. This is where I belong. Glitz and glamour. I will brighten up the room, your lives, and show as much skin as you want me to "Mistress" Tess.
Tess: Heh...I like you. Everyone sit back and relax. We're going to have some fun tonight. Tali's going to have to prove herself if she wants a shot in the Killer Queen Tournament.
EBW: Golden Week - Xperience
Summers Rex Arena, Summers
1. EBW Neon #1 Contender: Grind beat Fray Tiburon, Kiva, Generator, El Mago[x], and Hex No Limit via Rolling SSP -> Pin
-A high flying spectacle, with all men involved having no qualms about flying in and out of the ring. A match that helped bring back that CXJ style that many fans felt has been missing from the mix. The good Friar hit the Brainbuster on his old friend El Mago, but Grind swooped in for the Rolling SSP for a sneak win.
Tommy Dukes: Well look at that. CXJ is back people, but it's Neon now. All of those colors. Such neon. I'm sorry for colorblind people.
Apple Kid: Well the CXJ return was well received, so I guess Neon is the belt for the fliers now? The Triple Crown has the Sky Runner Championship as part of it though, so I still say that's a belt to go for for guys like Grind, Kiva, and Fray Tiburon.
Makoto Angel: Why do they jump out of the ring onto the other guys?
Tommy Dukes: Huh? That's a Tope Suicida.
Makoto Angel: I know, but why do they do it. They injure themselves, to do a move that won't allow you to win. So why do they do it?
Tommy Dukes: .....It's called a Tope Suicida.
2. Singles: Dirk Laramie beat Kinniku Mike via Count Out
-The saga with Maurice continued, with Kinniku Mike leaving the ring early in a match with Dirk Laramie, as Maurice taunted him. Sal Paradise and Amigo tried to also get to Maurice, but they were all suddenly jumped by Jamie OD and Jamie XL. The Hooligans laughed as they helped Maurice attack the Paradise Collection.
Tommy Dukes: Oh no! Someone get security out there! Amigo's neck is still in a brace for a reason!
Apple Kid: Things are getting out of control around here. With the Forgotten disbanded, the members are just finding new ways to cause chaos. Maurice teaming with Jamie OD and Jamie XL could be very bad for EBW.
The Eisenritter continued to live a life of luxury, as "Miss EBW" Tracy Angel entered the room.
Tess: Well, if it isn't the rightful Miss EBW! Here to visit? How gracious of you.
Tracy Angel: *sigh* I hate this sash. I threw it away, and it just came back. I don't know how that happened.
Duvalie: *cough*
Tracy Angel: I want to know why you did this? Why you would let me have the title shot that I earned.
Tess: You just happened to win. It can't be helped. This is a MUCH better position for you. You don't want to face Erica.
Tracy Angel: Oh, but I do. I really do.
Tess: No, we can't have that. We do have to have you and *sigh* Tack teaming up tonight, that's happening one way or the other. But after that, I'd really like to see you "step back" again into the shadows. You've always been really good at that. When things don't go your way, you just sort of give up. This way, you can do it with grave and dignity. You really should be grateful.
Tracy Angel: You're impossible. I'm not going anywhere.
Tess: You are Tracy. You're going out of this room....right now.
Muscle Girl Security stood in Tracy's way, and forced her back.
Tess: Keep that door guarded girls. I don't want anymore interruptions. Tonight, we have Tali in the main event. That means she's in the building. Keep her OUT of here.
Tommy Dukes: Well, they're keeping out any dissenting voices. Cause that's what free speech is all about am I right?
Apple Kid: It's been obvious for years that anyone who claims free speech only means it if they agree with what's being said. Hypocrites, the lot of you!
Tommy Dukes: You seem cranky.
Apple Kid: I am! Do you have any idea how close we are to having this place run by Orange Ki-Man. Excuse me, Orange Man! Orange Man Bad!
Tommy Dukes: Are you saying this based on claims that he's anti-science?
Apple Kid: No, that's bullshit. He's pro-science, he just sucks at it. A machine to un-boil an egg?! I mean really?
Tommy Dukes: That again?
Apple Kid: That forever! I made a phase distorter dammit!
Makoto Angel: Well, it looks like Bashin Dan is coming out for his Challenge Championship match. It's an Open Challenge this time, so anyone can come out and get the opportunity to challenge for the Challenge. So who is it going to be?
Bashin Dan: It's Golden Week, and I'm hungry for a challenge. A REAL challenge. I want the best battle possible. The deck is ready, and the gate is open. Who is coming th-
Jammer came out to a big reaction, and confused look from Dan. Jammer was confidently bouncing a basketball about halfway down to the ring, before he biffed it, and the ball bounced into the crowd.
Bashin Dan: Jammer?
Jammer: This isn't about old grudges Dan. You said you wanted the best, and I'm ready to be the best again, but on my own terms, as the Symbol of Slam. So what do you say? Clash King vs. Slam Master?
Bashin Dan: Heh, I've been waiting for this. Welcome back.
Jammer: Heh. 1 v 1 me bro.
Bashin Dan: You're on.
Jammer: People, you paid for the whole seat, but you're only going to need THE EDGE!
3. EBW Challenge Championship:
-A fun and thrilling match between friends and rivals. Dan hopped into a body lock, then started wrenching the arms. Jammer flipped out of trouble, to the buckle, and then the arm drag by the Slam Master. Dan took his boots to Jammer’s arm, making it obvious what he was targeting on the b-baller. Jammer bailed and Dan hit a senton from the turnbuckle. Back inside, Dan hit a hiptoss, cartwheel, and dropkick sequence. Later, palm strikes in the corner, before Jammer hit a dropkick and suplex with a bridge for two. Dan threw hard kicks but got caught with a neckbreaker by Jammer and bailed. Jammer proved that white men CAN in fact jump, with a leap to the outside that caught Dan hard. Back inside, Jammer was in control, but Dan hit a head butt and kick to the mid-section, lifting Jam for the Brave Clash, but Jammer escaped and ran the ropes. Dan went to meet him for a lariat clash, but Jammer leap frogged him instead, ran the ropes again, and bulldogged him to the mat. Jammer went up top and pumped up his kicks before hitting the high elevation Slam Jam for the 1-2-3!
Inteview Stage
Earlier today...
Tommy Dukes: Tommy Dukes here, ready for something big that's about to go down. To my right I have "The Golden" Mav Valentine. The kid that broke through the barriers to clinch this title shot against Trevor Mach. He had one not too long ago, but things seem a lot different now that the Forgotten are out of the equation. To my right, is EBW Triple Crown World Champion, and World Team Champion, 4-Crown King Trevor Mach. A record setting career so far, and one of the pillars that has held up EBW since 2006. You two are set to go head to head at the end of this week. It's all going down at The Golden ENN+ event at the end of Golden Week. They promised to keep it civil, so let's do just that. Mav, what has changed this week for you?
Mav Valentine: You mean with the Forgotten? That concept might as well be forgotten. It was a plan, a plan to get ourselves back into the fold. Some of those guys needed that Man in Black more than I did. Now that he's gone, they don't even remember why they needed him so badly. To be honest, it begins to get a little hazy. I'm not so sure I know myself. I just know that one moment, I'm looking up to someone who treated me like trash, then I go to find myself, and upon returning, I'm treated the same. I'm looked down on, and treated like trash again. I am not trash. I'm not a jobber. I'm not a mid-carder. I'm not a "good hand". I'm not all ego and no talent. Yes, I have ego, but I have the talent to back it up. Before EBW, I was in VBW, spilling blood in buckets. I came to EBW, and allowed myself to be swept up in the Mach hype, but it was just hype. Nothing changed. I am who I've always been. I just remembered.
Tommy Dukes: Mach? You look like you have something you want to say. Please, keep it civil.
Trevor Mach: Civil is not in my vocabulary. I'm going to respond to this bullshit the only way I know how, by calling it out. You know I didn't treat you like trash because I thought you were trash. I told you. I wanted you to break the mold. I wanted to help someone who reminded me of myself. Maybe I'm not a good teacher or role model or whatever, but I gave it a shot. I put a roof over your head, and gave you place to train. I gave you my knowledge and experience. You were getting somewhere too. When you left to do your own thing, that was the moment I thought you'd break through. You'd become something different, and something better. I can't help what happened after that, but you came back with a massive chip on your shoulder, and that chip is why I beat you before, and it's why I can beat you again.
Tommy Dukes: Mav? Did you grow up watching EBW, and if you did, how do you think you would have fared against the roster in 2006?
Mav Valentine: Honestly? You put me as I am now, with them in 2006, and I would survive. I know I would. I can swim with the sharks, and I'm not talking about the idiots in masks. The waters back then were a lot more treacherous in my opinion. A lot more sharks, and a lot more guys capable of holding me down. Not as many now obviously, cause here I am. Would it have been easy? No, but I don't like things to be easy. I would still be vying for the Championship, and I'd become Champion, rubbing elbows with guys like Ness, Poo, Pokey, Crono from CTW, Black Belt Tack, Brawler Swift, and w00t. The real stars.
Trevor Mach: Yeah, I see what you did there.
Mav Valentine: Even you should be able to.
Tommy Dukes: So, you're confident that you'd not only survive, but thrive in a Hall of Fame laden talent roster?
Mav Valentine: Absolutely.
Tommy Dukes: Trevor, know what you went through, how do you think he would have fared?
Trevor Mach: Well, this shit is pure speculation, cause time machines are a little hard to come by these days, but the cocky prick has the right attitude at least. Saying he'd swim with the sharks and thrive, that's admirable. I wouldn't expect anything else. Do you think I'd expect him to sit there and say "no the competition was way too stiff"? That's the problem these days. Too many people glorifying what we did back then, and what a lot of us are still doing, and not trying to knock us on our asses instead. Good for you Mav. *clapping* You got the right stuff there, but can you back it up in the ring? Are you going to lose it if you can't? See, this whole time, people have looked at guys like me and Tack, Swift, and even Ness like we were larger than life. We're beatable. We get pissed when we lose too. We just have a different attitude about it. That gave us the unbeatable aura. Dan's got it. That kid is Ace material. I didn't pin him for these belts. Did he go off about it? No, he's biding his time, and calling his shots. He's doing what he wants, and he doesn't give a shit if it "gets him over" or not. He's not trying to be anybody but himself, and by doing that, he set the tempo. People are moving at the beat of his drum now. He didn't take a torch, he made his own torch. Do you have that attitude too Mav?
Mav Valentine: You think he's better than me? Yeah, a lot of people do. They've seen what he can do. They've given him his fair shot. I'll get mine, and I'll take it, just like you're saying. Make my own torch. I don't want to be the next Bashin Dan type of guy. The "new hotness". I don't want to be the next Trevor Mach. I am and always will be Mav Valentine. Not only that, I'm "The Golden" Mav Valentine. I'm soon to be EBW World Triple Crown Champion Mav Valentine.
Trevor Mach: I want you to prove that, cause I always thought you'd be the type to scratch and claw your way to the top. Not a lot of these guys have that. They're just happy being on TV. Being on TV is just...being on TV. This sport, and our lives revolve around these belts, or the Team Rings, or World Tag Team Championships, or the E1 Climax, ect. We live and die by it. You could want that, be pretty great, but it doesn't prove you're the best. I'm not going to say I'm the best wrestler on a technical. I'm clumsy on top, and my ideals to push wrestling towards a more MMA inspired direction have hit or miss. I WILL say I'm the best wrestler, because I always believed that I could kick the ass of anyone I got in there with. I didn't just "want to win". I didn't just wnat a spotlight. I didn't just want to prove a point. I wanted to fight. I wanted to rampage. I wanted to be who I am, and do what I was born to do. If the fans love it, that's great. That pays the bills. But to be the best, you need to do what we're doing for yourself, because....well because you feel like it, and it pisses you off that someone or something is telling you no. Can you do all that? I don't know. I'm through giving the pep talk to my opponent. It's simple Mav. I'm going to bare the fangs. I'm going to go wild. I will brawl with you. I'll take you out of the ring and batter you. I will throw you back in and batter you some more. I will NOT do a "high spot" to pop the crowd. I will not be looking for a highlight reel moment. I get angry, really angry in that ring, and I will not hold back when I knee you in the face. What the hell are you going to do to stop me?
Mav Valentine: I feel like I've already won. Sure, you'll do all of that, but you still see me as someone in the same mold as everyone else. You think I won't listen to what you have to say. You think I'll be to egotistical to really hear you. I hear you, and I see you. It's all real clear. I don't mind taking what I need to get better, and some of that diatribe made some sense. It's the most you've ever done for me, right here, and right now. I know what to expect, and I know what you're going to do. If you want a brawl, you'll get a brawl. I'm not going to go in there acting like I'm looking at some monolith. You're a man, just a man, no matter what changes you've been through recently. Through all the years and gimmicks and main events, you've always just been a man, and any man can be beaten. Right? That's what you're trying to say? I'll make you regret the lesson. That's what I'm going to do.
4. Intergender Tag: Cadmus[o]/Bellerophon beat Tack Angel/Tracy Angel[x] via Dark Star Cutter -> Pin
-In the next match, a personal war between the Angels and Cadmus and Bellerphon continued. On the outside, Shiozaki, Franky, Danny Leung, and just some guy named Dave tried to get a drop on Tack, but Eris Angel fought them off.Heated action, with Tracy wanting a piece of Bellerophon more than anything, but Cadmus quickly tagged in and hit the Dark Star Cutter on Tracy, while Bellerophon ran over and low blowed Tack, but held on tight, squeezing, until he fell to the mat. Cadmus pinned Tracy for the 1-2-3.
Makoto Angel: No! Hey! That's cheating! Get off her! Get Tack some ice! I gotta go!
Tommy Dukes: And there she goes. The prospect of Tack having more children is going to be called into question. Meanwhile, at least Tracy is getting back to her feet. That was a sneaky play by the opposition. They were doing man vs. man and woman vs. woman, but the rules didn't specifically dictate that. Tack just assumed, and it cost them.
Cadmus: How did you like Tack? Get used to that feeling, because it's not over yet. You won't have "Miss EBW" helping you next time, but what I want is another Intergender Tag at The Golden. Pick a wife, any wife, and when we beat you, that wife will become my slave.
VIP Room
Tess was continuing to laugh it up with Eisenritter, when suddenly a rope was lowered down in front of them. On the other side of the glass, a figure repelled down the rope and placed her feet on the glass. She jumped off the glass and came back with a big smash, shattering the glass, and rolled into the room.
Tess: Tali!? What the hell are you doing!?
Lady M's: "Dropping in".
Tess: Why?!
Lady M's: Two reasons. One, I want you to know, that you can never get away from me. You tell that to Daddy Dearest too. If you don't want to listen to Master Lu and drop this fight, then I'll play the game till the day I die. Second, I want to know who my opponent is.
Tess: You could have just gone to the ring! You're about to find out!
Lady M's: That's how YOU want to play it. Let me guess, some sort of handicap match with Eisenritter? I don't think so. Pick someone. ANYONE, but make it one. One person, and no bullshit. I want a wrestling match, not a bikini contest, or mud wrestling! No talent show. No striptease! Just a wrestling match!
Erica: Says the psycho that smashes through glass to get in!
Tess: You know what Tali? You were right. I was going to pit you against Muscle Girl Security and Sylvie over there. It was going to be 3-on-1. The whole things was a qualifier for you, and you alone, because I wasn't acknowledging the "effort" you put in to the Miss EBW contest. I said then, that compliance meant advancement. However, you were far from compliant, and I seem to remember someone else being less than compliant as well. You're taking on the woman you couldn't remember. You're taking on BeShemoth.
Lady M's: The hell?! She already advanced! She complied!
Tess: She gave me lip. She spoke up. That's not compliance. That's not being grateful. Now, only one of you will be making it to the Killer Queen Tournament. Get out there, and compete, or leave the building. I don't care which. JUST LEAVE!
Suddenly, a smaller rope dropped beside M's rope, and a young girl with a bowl cut and dress jumped down beside M's.
Millie: Yeah! That's right! Don't mess with Lady M's! She's the best, and she's mean, and she's tough, and she likes to fight, and she has no fear, and she's...she's....SHE'S GONNA GET YA!
Lady M's: ....Does this thing belong to any of you? Anyone? No? Seriously, how'd you follow me?
5. Killer Queen No Rules Qualifier: Lady M's beat BeShemoth via Death Dealer DDT -> Pin
-Main event time, as Lady M's reluctantly took on BeShemoth, in what BeShemoth seemed to regard as a dream match, finally getting to step into the ring with her inspiration for getting into wrestling. Strike exchange opening. M's with a block. Matrix escape by BeShemoth on another attempt and a dropkick by the beast. M's fired up, and peppered BeShemoth with elbows, and begged her to come forward for more, BeShemoth looked around, fired up and obliged her, with another big elbow exchange. Snap mare by M's, who worked the upper body figure four into a headscissors. Kip-up by M's after she allowed BeShemoth up. Chops in the corner. Rope run, sunset flip attempt by the powerful yet astonishingly agile BeShemoth, but M's sat down on her and let more elbows fly. BeShemoth played to her strengths, which was strength itself, overpowering the veteran and slamming her to the mat after working her into the corner. A Powerbomb lead to a nearfall. During the match, Duvalie, Kaie, Troian, and Sylvie circled the ring, with Tess getting on the mic to declare the match was suddenly No Rules. They swarmed the ring, and attacked both women. M's and BeShemoth both fought them off as the crowd went wild, but as BeShemoth tried to celebrate with M's, the vet kicked her in the abs for the Death Dealer DDT and pinned her for the win. A shocked BeShemoth looked on as M's shrugged and looked at her and mouthed "what did you expect"?
Tommy Dukes: That's M's for you. The rules mean nothing, and you always have to be ready. BeShemoth momentarily took her eyes off the prize and it cost her. M's might have felt bad for getting BeShemoth into the mess, but not bad enough to allow her to advance. Lady M's has the chance to become the Killer Queen once again, and get that title match with Erica. History could repeat itself, and that's good for us. We'll see you next time for the Killer Queen Tournament, as Golden Week continues.
Last edited by Machismo (5/07/2020 3:06 am)
Crystal Heaven
Tack Angel popped out of the Angel Family to bus to assess the damage to his Crystal Kingdom, followed by livid wives, and for some reason, Benjamin and Vape.
Tack Angel: It's worse that I thought!
Pirate Bill: Yarr! Me be welcomin' ye home sir. Just wish it were under better circumstances.
Tack Angel: Yarr Bill. Yarr. This is....this is horrible. Are they are destroyed?
Pirate Bill: Aye sir. The hanger be destroyed along with them. That be includin' the sewer system, so a "yellow let it mellow brown flush it down" policy has been put into place.
Tack Angel: This sucks! How am I supposed to go back to Summers and compete at The Golden, when I know my Kingdom is like this, and in possibly more danger now. It's more exposed than ever! Wait...what about Mecha Syldra?
Pirate Ralph: Uh, I can field that one your lordship. See, Taquito was lawn darted right into the side of the ship. Now he someone survived, but he smashed through the transformation servos, so the ship is stuck in the lake as is.
Tack Angel: TAQUITOOOOO! Where is my sweet baby boy? Where is he? Is he suffering? Is Uncle Tack going to have to put him down?
Pirate Ralph: What?! No no, he's fine....ish. The good Doctor Degrees came and got him.
Amy Angel: This is a disaster. The cost of repairs will be enormous.
Tack Angel: I'd ask my Dad for help, but I don't know what wall he's in right now. It could be any wall anywhere for all I know.
Nani Angel: Iroha, and the children, they require security measures. What have you done to protect them?
Pirate Ralph: Well, that's been a little easier said than done. Most of the pirates have been coming up with their own ideas. One of them tried to teach a bat to wield a gun, but now he just have an armed bat roaming the Kingdom.
Tracy Angel: What?!
Faris Angel: *sigh* Pirate Phil....I bet it was Pirate Phil.
Pirate Ralph: Right as always my Queen.
Amy Angel: Well, we all have jobs to do, and we can't sit on the sidelines if we want to raise the money for repairs. That being said, we will have to make another expenditure to ensure our home is safe. We'll need some sort of hired security.
Makoto Angel: Let's go check online, and see what we can find.
Amy Angel: Great idea.
Tack Angel: Yeah, maybe we need another kind of army until I can breed my own.
Faris Angel: What?
Tack Angel: Nothing! Say how is Iroha do-OH NO MY BROWSER HISTORY!
Tack started bolting inside where Amy and Makoto were checking Tack's computer to look up a security group. Time seemed to slow down, as fear and panic built within him. He ran in to find he was too late.
Makoto Angel: "Muscle Girl Doormat"?
Tack Angel: NOOOOOO!!!!
Amy Angel: What is this Tack? What in the world?
Tack Angel: ....You ever like...have a laser sharp fetish that is specifically yours?
Around the corner, Vape and Benjamin popped in.
Benjamin: I didn't need to know about that.
Vape: Me either, but let's investigate the crime scene! Let's go
EBW World
Nerma: Welcome to EBW World, where we catch you up, with what's going on in EBW. Big changes this whole week with the company, and Tess decided to let me call some action again, so that's nice I guess. Still, things could change again in a big way with The Golden. So many titles are on the line, and the non-title matches all have huge stakes! Check a peak at this card for The Golden, the culmination of EBW's Golden Week!
EBW: The Golden
EFL Beach Bums Stadium, Summers
1. EBW Women's World Tag Team Championships: Kaie(c)/Duvalie(c) vs. Calamity Jane/Lainey Strong vs. Kimber Blaze/Lt. Lacy Wagner vs. Christina Angel/Makoto Angel
2. EBW World Tag Team Championships: w00t(c)/Hotlanta(c) vs. Grind/Switchback vs. Kinniku Mike/Amigo
3. EBW Television Championship: Subculture(c) vs. Firebrand X vs. Generator vs. Maurice
4. Loser Leaves EBW: Sal Paradise vs. Jamie OD
5. EBW Women's Television Championship: Hope Mach(c) vs. Troian
6. Singles: Bashin Dan vs. Cadmus
7. Intergender Tag: Tack Angel/Faris Angel vs. Cadmus/Bellerophon
8. EBW Women's World Championship: Erica(c) vs. Winner of Killer Queen
9. EBW Triple Crown World Championship: Trevor Mach(c) vs. "The Golden" Mav Valentine
Nerma: It's on, and it's coming soon, so don't miss it.
Last edited by Machismo (5/08/2020 7:45 am)